#and...i just realized this but he's 2 years older than grant??
cobaltperun · 3 months
Eternal Flame - Runaway Train
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Cover by @ortegalvr
Jenna Ortega x female Reader
Summary: For her it’s a passion, for you it’s an accident. And as she continues shining brighter and brighter with each role you are left mesmerized, drawn to her flame and cherishing every time she lets herself be vulnerable with you.
Masterlist / Next part
Word count: 2k
-You were there like a slow torch burning, I was a key that could use a little turning-
The August heat in Los Angeles wasn’t something you liked experiencing, especially when you were already feeling quite nervous standing in front of the building where Radio Silence Production office was. You had a few roles here and there, never as big as this one though. You did have plans if acting failed, but you didn’t want to fuck it up at this stage of auditioning.
Granted, if you would fuck it up or not would greatly rely on the other actress. So, you took a deep breath and went inside the building. The air conditioning immediately provided you with a much needed relief and a few minutes later you were in front of the office doors. You knocked twice and the door opened, revealing one of the directors of the movie, Matt.
“Come on, come on,” he certainly looked excited as he ushered you inside, you were ten minutes early, but it was clear you were the last one to arrive.
“Damn, should have gotten here earlier,” you rubbed the back of your neck uncomfortably.
“It’s all good, I was just telling Jenna about the scene the two of you will do together,” Matt motioned toward a girl that looked like she was one, maybe two years younger than you, dressed perfectly between casual and professional, and that seemed a bit familiar, but you couldn’t quite remember where you’ve seen her before.
She was sitting next to an older woman, you guessed mid or late forties, that looked a lot like her, so you assumed it was her mother.
“That’s a relief,” you approached the girl and offered your hand to her. “Y/N L/N, nice to meet you,” you smiled, too late realizing the mask hid your smile, as she stood up and accepted the handshake.
“I’m Jenna Ortega, pleasure to meet you too,” her handshake was firm, but even more than that, her voice finally made it click where you knew her from.
You nodded as Jenna sat down and offered your hand to the woman next to her as well. “Y/N,”
“Natalie, nice to meet you,” the woman nodded as well and you turned back to Jenna as you sat down on a chair to her left, with a seat between the two of you.
“You, right? Season 2?” you were about ninety percent sure you got it right.
Her eyes widened and you winced, fearing you made her uncomfortable, but she recovered quickly and nodded. “Yes, thank you, I mean,” she buried her face in her hands.
“No, it’s all good, I was about to say you were great,” you tried, you really did, to salvage the first meeting, but when she still looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her to save her from embarrassment, you were kind of lost and unsure of what to do. Luckily, you were saved by Matt.
He faked a cough and gave you the scene you were meant to do with Jenna. It was one of the two scenes you did for your audition, the first being a bit of the action scene, just so they could be sure you were fit for the physical side of the role. “Jenna, Y/N, please move to the couch and the chair we set up, Jenna, you’re meant to start lying down, the relationship between your characters leans a lot on the touch, so do it as if you were filming the scene. Y/N, you’ve got water right behind you,” he instructed the two of you as you removed your masks and as if in an instant you saw a shift in Jenna, as if she was completely focused on the task, and nothing else mattered.
Matt, the other director Tyler, and several other people observed the two of you as you got into position.
“And action!” Tyler instructed you.
You sat, still, acting as if you were in deep thought, trying to get inside the mind of your character. For her the girl she was in love with just barely survived a vicious attack and she spent the last twelve hours sitting by the girl’s side, waiting for Tara to wake up,
Jenna groaned, and you jumped to your feet, but froze mid-step, your body filled with tension. You continued watching carefully as Jenna opened her eyes and as your eyes met you relaxed your posture.
She blinked a few times before she focused on you. “C/N,” she said your character’s name, prompting you to snap into action and fill a glass of water. You went back to Jenna, and she raised her neck, taking a few sips as you slowly tilted the glass for her.
“Easy, I got you,” you moved once more, kneeling on one knee next to the couch, your hand brushing against the back of Jenna’s right hand. She didn’t flinch away, but you saw the panic and fear in her eyes, and it took your breath away how into character she got. “Tara! Tara you’re safe!” you still moved, quickly reaching up to cradle her cheek. “Okay? You’re safe,” you softened the tone of your voice considerably, and the two of you remained like that, waiting for the slight pause in the scene to play out.
And then Jenna sobbed, with so much emotion you damn near felt the exact need to protect her your character felt for her character. “Please, don’t leave me,” her eyes filled with tears.
“I won’t. I swear I won’t,” you wiped her tears away, though it wasn’t a part of the script, you just felt like that was something your character would do, and much to your surprise Jenna actually leaned into your touch, playing along with your slightly improvisation.
“You promise?” she asked.
“I promise. You’re stuck with me until you tell me to leave,” you smiled back as she smiled slightly.
“Could you help me sit up?” Jenna went on with the scene, and you nodded, helping her sit up with as much care as you could while getting into the position your character needed to be in. Jenna leaned the back of her head onto your left shoulder, and you opened your mouth, your eyes meeting hers. “Let me stay like this for a bit? Please?”
And it was truly an awkward position, but you hugged her from behind, your left arm just beneath her neck. “Is this okay?” you asked, and not just as your character. Sure, your characters were meant to be close, but you just met.
“Yeah,” she relaxed against you for a few moments. “Did they catch him?”
Everything was calm between the two of you. “Not as far as I know.”
Jenna turned, leaning closer and burying her face in the crook of your neck and you nearly flinched, as it wasn’t part of the script, though you couldn’t deny it did fit the description of the relationship between your characters. “I’m so scared C/N,” she whispered.
“I’m here. I won’t let it hurt you again,” you said, hugging her a bit tighter than before.
“Cut!” Matt exclaimed and you watched as Jenna slowly slipped out of character as she moved to sit on the couch with you. And then you both saw the approval on Matt and Tyler’s faces, which was probably a very good sign.
“Great you two! That was wonderful!” Tyler praised you and you turned to Jenna with a grin on your face, the previous embarrassment forgotten as you raised your hand for a high-five, which she accepted, her eyes shining with excitement, and a tiny bit of embarrassment over the praise.
You could see this movie meant a lot to her, and you were really happy you didn’t fuck it up, granted, with how amazing she was, and how much she gave you in such a short scene you, they would be fools not to cast her as Tara Carpenter.
You didn’t want to celebrate too soon, you let a few days pass, funnily enough you were in a similar position your character was in. You’ve been training, practicing various martial arts and you were at a bit of a crossroad, stuck between acting and pursuing a career in MMA. You figured you could remain undecided for another year, see if you could land any role that could turn your acting career into something tangible, and not a couple of minor roles and two main roles still to be released, with one being filmed and now in production hell.
You just came out of the shower, fresh after an average training session, when you phone rang. It was Tim, your agent. “What’s up?” you asked as you walked over to your sofa and grabbed a TV remote. Might as well watch something to pass time.
“You might want to pack your bags,” he certainly sounded happy. “You’re heading to Wilmington, you got the role in Scream 5!” he exclaimed and you just dropped the remote you were holding.
Damn… you got the job!
You arrived at the hotel a day before the shooting began, and you settled in, appreciating that the room had pretty much everything you would need. And though the hotel itself didn’t have a gym there was one nearby in case you felt the need, or more likely, had the time to get a workout in.
You sent Tim a message, letting him know you arrived and that things were going well. There was no one else to contact, the directors knew you arrived, so you just pulled out the script you were given, the final script and began reading through it. The role you got did, in fact, require at least the build of an MMA fighter, preferably with skills to back it up, you certainly had an intense action scene coming up.
What caught your attention was just how physical the relationship between your character and Jenna’s character was. In damn near every scene you read where your character was on screen Tara was also present, and every time there was some touch involved, be it holding hands or Tara leaning on C/N. So, they were absolutely right when they got Jenna and you to do chemistry read in person instead over Zoom or some other platform.
A knock on your doors made you set the script aside, about a third of the way read, and you got up to open the doors. The woman you saw in front of your doors looked absolutely beautiful, even more beautiful in person than in the Zoom meeting the entire cast had not too long ago.
“Hi, Melissa, right?” you still wanted to make sure.
Since her mask was hanging beneath her chin you saw the smile on her face. “Yeah, you’re Y/N?” you nodded at that. “Great, got a few minutes?” she asked and though you were a bit confused you shrugged.
“Of course,” with that you closed the doors behind you and followed Melissa through the halls.
“So, I managed to find something out,” she said and you glanced toward her. “And I’ve been wondering if you’re interested in helping us out?” you still had no idea what she was talking about, but when you came into her room you found most of your costars close to you in age. Jasmin, Mason, Mikey, Jack, Dylan and Sonia were there.
“Hey there,” you raised your hand to greet them, though you definitely noticed Jenna wasn���t there. “So, what’s up?”
“Jenna is turning eighteen on Sunday, so, would you like to help us make a bit of a party for her?” Melissa explained and you grinned.
“Count me in,” there was absolutely no reason for you to refuse.
“Great, what can you do?” Mikey asked, and that got you thinking.
“I can cook,” and that, funnily enough, got your costars laughing, after all that was one of the things your character did for a living. Damn, now it felt a bit like the role was made for you, either way, you sat down and while Jenna was oblivious to what was happening in Melissa’s room all of you began making plans for Sunday.
A/N: I am still very much on the fence about this, but, here you go, the first chapter. Tell me what you think, and I dunno... Taglist? Yes? No?
Masterlist / Next part
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My BFF (Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Word Count: 2071
Warnings: Alcohol mention, mental health mention, death of unnamed characters briefly
Request: Um hi, I love your writing!! 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 could I please request a Kakashi imagine?? One where Kakashi and reader have been best friends forever and think nothing of how couple like they act until something makes them realizes how attracted they are to one another? (Maybe a bit steamy?) Thank you! Again I’m in LOVE with your writing 💕- Anon
A/N: This is my first fic after literal years, sorry if it is a bit rocky! I hope you enjoy Anon, I enjoyed writing it and might even do a Part 2!
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You had been friends with Kakashi for as long as you could remember. In fact, you had been best friends with Kakashi for as long as you could remember. One of your first memories is of the two of you swinging at the park together, both trying to swing high enough that you would flip over the bar. Even though you never quite accomplished that, you think back on those times together fondly.
As the two of you grew older and began your Shinobi training, you remained close as you rose through the ranks to Chunin and later Jonin. However, while Kakashi became a stronger ninja over time, you felt yourself starting to waver. Not that you weren't strong in your own right, but you began to feel as if you no longer wanted to be. Missions began to feel more and more difficult, as those close to you no longer returned with you.
Through all of your struggles, Kakashi remained by your side.
"I just don't think I can keep doing this," you cried into Kakashi's chest. He laid back on your bed, back propped up on the headboard as you relaxed into him. He raised his hand to the back of your head, rubbing your hair comfortingly. "Too many of my friends have been killed, I couldn't save them. I'm not strong enough."
A sob made it's way through your body, Kakashi continuing to comfort you. He didn't need to say anything, you knew he could empathize with your words. Eventually, sleep took over your body and the two of you fell asleep. While most would have looked at your positioning as that of a couple, neither of you paid it any attention. You were best friends after all, and no strangers to a sleepover.
- Moments like that felt so far away now, as you enjoy a life now as a civilian. Seeing your condition years ago, the Hokage granted you leave and you were more than happy to take it. Kakashi supported you the entire time, and it was his support that kept you to your decision even in your weakest moments.
The two of you spent less time together now, as your job no longer kept you close. However, that did not mean you did not make time for each other. As you put on the finishing touches to your outfit for the evening, you heard a knock on your door.
"Kakashi!" You grinned, opening the door to see your friend in his signature outfit.
"Hi Y/n," he replied cheerfully. Although you couldn't see his smile, you saw the light from it reach the eye he didn't cover.
"I'm just about ready." All you had to do was pull on your shoes, and you were ready to join Kakashi as you walked to meet your friends at a nearby restaurant. As you walked, you linked your arm in his. There was not a dull moment as the two of you made your way to the restaurant, Kakashi catching up on his recent missions as you did the same for him on how your own job was going. To onlookers, you were a cute couple giggling on your way through town. That thought never crossed your mind.
"You made it!" Hollered Guy as the two of you joined him and the others in the booth. As you were the last to arrive, there was admittedly little space for the two of you to squeeze in to.
"Let me go find a chair," offered Yamato, beginning to stand to do so.
"It's alright, we'll just snuggle," you said with a joking smile as you scooted in close to Kakashi. Thanks to his face coverings, you were unaware of the blush that crossed the man's face. Come to think of it, there were a lot of things you didn't notice. The way Kakashi looked at you under the moonlight as you walked together, his increased heartrate the moment your arm touched his, how his eyes lingered on you as you finished getting ready earlier that evening.
"Whatever you say," shrugged Yamato. Quickly, the group began laughing and joking as usual. It wasn't long before the drinks became alcoholic, and it wasn't long after that when Guy challenged Kakashi to a drinking contest. The two of them together in one place never ended without a challenge of some kind.
Laughing at their antics, you got up to go to the bathroom.
"Don't you dare get too drunk," you said, pointing your finger at Kakashi. "You promised to walk you home, and I'm not carrying you!"
Kakashi couldn't stop himself from watching you walk away, the slight swing of your hips as you walked was entrancing.
"Yoo hoo," teased Yamato, making Kakashi turn his attention back to the table. "See something you like?"
It seemed as if everyone else had noticed Kakashi's attraction to you, other than yourself. It drove him crazy. He wished it could be easy, and you would pick up on his behavior so you could just tell him off and he could move on. However, things don't usually go easy for Kakashi. He knew if you hadn't figured it out by this point, the only way out of these feelings would be for him to tell you himself. That was not something Kakashi wanted to have to do.
"So, when are you going to grow a pair and ask her out?" Said Guy. Knowing it was a sore spot, he decided to tease him a bit. "If you don't, I might have to ask her out myself."
Kakashi smirked, "she wouldn't say yes after I beat you in our challenge tonight." He threw back his next drink.
Guy turned red in his agitation, but he drank his as well to stay on pace with Kakashi.
"Are you sure you're not already dating?" Said Yamato. "I mean, you picked her up, walked here with her, and you've basically been in each others' laps all night. Not to mention you promised to walk her home, and I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time she invites you in."
"It's not like that," grumbled Kakashi.
"You don't think of her that way?" Prodded Guy, trying to use Kakashi's reaction as a distraction to allow him to drink faster and pull ahead.
"I didn't say that," replied Kakashi. He sighed. "She's clearly happy just being friends, and I can be happy with that."
You stood around the corner from the booth, remaining out of sight. You may not have heard their entire conversation, but you had definitely heard enough. Kakashi... liked you?
A million thoughts ran through your brain, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, the pieces fell together in a way that made sense. The way he always allowed you to be so touchy-feely in a way that nobody else was allowed, and the way he was always there to hold and comfort you. You would be lying if you said you didn't think Kakashi was attractive, but you had never truly opened up your mind to the idea of changing your relationship with him. Despite that, now that the thought has entered your brain, it refuses to leave. Your head was spinning.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back to your seat as if you had heard nothing.
"So, who's winning?"
"I am, of course," said Guy confidently. To your surprise, he was right. More empty glasses set in front of him than Kakashi. Conversation continued to flow, though admittedly you did not hear much of it. Your mind was preoccupied with what you had heard from Kakashi. Your body felt as if it was on fire everywhere where you were touching Kakashi, the proximity inevitable as you had decided to sit so closely in the booth. Every glance in his direction made things worse, as all you could notice was how beautiful he looked in the light. The slight flush to his face told you he was becoming tipsy. While your thoughts used to stop there, you couldn't help yourself from thinking about how he may look the same in other situations, blushed and breathless.
"Kakashi," you said softly, now aware of the quickness when he turned his face towards you, and the spark in his eye. "I'm not feeling well."
Concern graced his features immediately, "are you alright?"
"Do you think you could walk me home now?" As you looked up into his eye, your mind continued racing. It's as if you were trying to catch up on all the romantic thoughts you could have been having this entire time, if you had simply allowed yourself to notice how soft his hair looked, how soft it might feel if you ran your hands through it now...
Kakashi quickly made his way to get up as you did the same, bidding your friends a goodbye and leaving money on the table to pay for both his own orders and your own. You noticed it this time when Guy wiggled his eyebrows at Kakashi, winking at him which result4ed in an eye roll from Kakashi.
Had they always been this obvious?
Stepping out into the cool night air, you couldn't help but shiver. You felt Kakashi's strong arm wrap around your shoulders. Your face flushed, which did not go unnoticed by him. Luckily for you, he assumed it was related to your not feeling well.
You walked home in near silence, which you were grateful for. You were worried that if you opened your mouth to speak, you may say what you were thinking. Thoughts of Kakashi's arms around you, his hands around you.
As you reached your front door, you were relieved. Unlocking it, you weren't surprised when Kakashi followed you inside as usual. However this time, you were surprised when it made you flush again and tingle down your spine.
You sat down, reaching to take off your shoes.
"Let me help you," said Kakashi, bending to his knees as he grabbed your shoe in his hand to take them off himself. While you knew he was doing it thinking you were sick, you couldn't help the images that rushed to your mind seeing him between your legs.
"Kakashi," you whispered, making him look up at you. He noticed how flushed you still were, reaching up to press his hand to your forehead.
"What's wrong?" He said kindly, checking to see if he felt a temperature. When he noticed your forehead was not irregularly warm, he pulled away to look at your face. His breath nearly caught in his throat as he caught your eye, seeing you breathless as he looked down at you.
"How long have you liked me?" You whispered. His eye grew wide.
"What do you-"
"I heard you guys at the restaurant," you said, your voice still quiet. "Why haven't you said anything to me before?"
Kakashi sighed, leaning back as embarrassment washed over him. At least you can finally reject him, he thought.
"I thought it was obvious," he said, "and when I realized it was obvious to you, it had been long enough that I was too embarrassed to say anything."
"I wish you had told me," you said as you sat up further.
"I'm sorry," said Kakashi. "I just thought-"
Before he could finish his thought, he felt your hand on his face, reaching for his mask.
"You didn't let me finish," you said with a sly smile. He thought his heart stopped as he watched your movements, hand pulling down his mask. "I wish you had told me, so we could have done this a whole lot sooner."
You pressed your lips to his softly, and he felt as if he had been possessed by some jutsu, freezing. Your hands made their way to his chest, not helping his frozen state.
You pulled away, worried something was wrong. Your worried eyes searched his, looking for a sign of doubt. All you found was disbelief. Giving him a moment to take everything in, it wasn't long before you felt his hands on your back, pulling you closer again. His lips on yours again, you let yourself relax into his embrace. It felt like forever before you both pulled away, breathless.
"I'm glad you heard me," he said with a lazy smile on his face.
"Me too," you replied before smiling mischievously. "Want to do that again?"
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babybluesays · 4 months
List of headcannons because I feel like it
Chosen is generally a hungry person
In AvA II and III, Chosen really decided to just go munch on almost everything. Settings buttons, whole ass fonts and texts like he's PacMan or smth... so I like to think that this stems from Cho just liking to eat in general
Like, if he gets stressed he gets hungry. You give him comfort food on a bad day, he'd feel a lot better. He likes eating that much. Though I can imagine him having to restrain himself due to the very active lifestyle he lives (and a possible intense fasting and workout regime to sustain his body the best it can so he can fite)
2. The Hollowheads are crybabys
Some more than others, but I like to think that every generation of Hollowheads is in some way or another a crybaby. Vic and Cho have, like, a LOT worth crying over. Stress, anxiety, depression, nostalgia even... but you'll never see them crying in front of anyone. They're hunkering down someplace private, popping out the fine glasses, fixing theyselves a martini or a shot and drinking the night away (#justiceforchoandviclivers)
Meanwhile your two little shits, Dark and Sec are more so on the spoiled side of crying. Dark just seems like the type who would cry easily as a preteen and throw a whole fit over a lot of things. He likely carried this with him into adulthood, though I can picture Cho helping him practice to keep it under wraps.
Second is just very emotional in general, and he's also been somewhat sheltered so he tends to have bigger reactions to new things. He seems like the type who would cry if you put him in enough pressure. Full on sink to the floor, sob in his hands and scream at everyone to get out the room and then just lay down and cry silently. Kinda like the Box episode
3. The Hollowheads and Noogai were a family in the past.. for a little while
This is sort of morphing into an AU, but for the damnest reason I'm so fixated on this... the idea of Dark and Cho locating Noogai's new PC and returning to him after realizing living in the Outernet sucks with no food or shelter. Victim being this gentle but wise ghost who haunts Alan's devices and fulfills his role as Dark and Cho's oldest brother. Dark and Cho would actually have a healthy, non-destructive relationship with each other AND Alan, and they were actually a family
Then Second is drawn, TCO's return, and suddenly Chosen feels more drawn to the baby than he does to his scrawny little brother. As years go by and Second learns to walk and talk and play and learn about life, Dark is now a preteen and grows more bitter to Chosen, feeling as though he's been betrayed an abandoned. Granted, Chosen rarely hung out with him like they used to. Essentially, Noogai was the caring but severely absent father, Chosen was the stressed older sibling trying not to crack for everyone's sake, Dark was the enigmatic, bitter middle child, and Second growing up in the ever increasing hostile environment, with Victim being the peacekeeper and keeping them all glued together.
Dark, psychotic as he is, developed the ViraBlade in the hopes of erasing Second for good. Cho didn't like that, they fite, Vic is powerless, and let's just say a few wrong swings leads to an almost fatal injury onto Second's little body. Pissed beyond belief, Noogai kicks the two out and then they're forced to band together to survive however they can in the Outernet. And after evaluating that they're only good for fighting, they decide there's no other option...
Meanwhile, the impact on Second's body awakened the first spurs of his power within him. And Noogai decides to heal him and use him for animation practice instead, to slowly rebuild and reshape him from the traumatic injury. He just didn't know Second would come alive again... wow that sure dragged on...
4. Chosen is emotionally bound to Second
Since Second is basically the reincarnation of Chosen, I like to think they're more connected than even Noogai realizes. Chosen loves the little guy more than you'd know, and would honestly do anything for him. I'd like to imagine that throughout season 3 of AvA, Chosen's gonna be catching a lot of bullets for his little bro
He probably also does it out of regret of failing to do the same for Dark, and now his trauma is being projected into his actions. He is very overprotective of Second but he tries his hardest to keep himself on the ground, and understands that Second is old enough to keep himself safe. If only he knew, though...
5. Victim and Second are identical in appearance
While Second may be the Chosen One's "Return", I don't think it means his entire appearance has to revolve around that . I actually like to think that he has a frightening resemblance to Victim. If you pulled down their hair, and gave them the same clothes.. he'd look exactly like him. Only littler.
Because realistically, Second is living the life that Victim could've had the chance to live. And there are a lot of parallels in his life compared to Victim's. Second's gang is rainbow colored, Victim's is black and white. Second is a creator, Victim comes off as a distruptor. Second's environment is warm and bright and welcoming, Victim's whole facility is so bland and lacks color, it's almost unfriendly.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
A happy home (realizations pt 2)
Title looks like a Midwest emo song name dude 🙏give me strength
Barbie dolls: Jegulus x reader (James, Regulus, Your punk ass).
Words: 2.4k ish
Summary: Reggie is all like muh I don’t deserve love I’m just a poor peasant boy then he’s all like muh i should ignore all my friends bc I’m just a poor boy from the bourgeoisie and then you and James are like no 🥺 pookie and then hilarity ensues
Warnings: it's kinda angsty but it ends happy trust, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of Remus' dick, Harry Potter possibly mentioned, James has a mustache for about three sentences, regulus is all emo, its alright guys first one waa better ngl
Pt 1
After you and James used the classic kiss & run technique on Regulus, his mind was swamped with questions. Baby Black was having yet another crisis. Barty and Pandora had started a tally board marking up all his catastrophes. He was somewhere around the double digits at this point. Regulus wanted love, as any poor emo poetry loving teenager, but he felt he didn’t deserve love. He wanted. He wanted so much. Regulus wanted a house with a screeching screen door. He wanted a wrap around porch. He wanted beautiful tiles in his bathroom. He wanted nick nacks. A cluttered home is a house full of love and life. He wanted color in his home. Regulus’ parents’ house (attention to house not home) was cold. Regulus wanted a home. He thought of it frequently, planning the decor and colors. He would go to his little home in his head for comfort. After panic attacks he found himself pressed into a rocking chair, sitting on his wrap around porch and staring out at the beautiful garden in the backyard. His book open in his lap, his favorite pen between his fingers, tracing over his initials. Next to his chair was a small table with a mug full of his favorite tea.
With the more time he spent with you and James, he felt his fantasy home adapt. Suddenly when he visited he found your sweater flung over the back of his couch, James’ pictures on the wall. Which he could accept. Friends left their things at each others’ homes all the time. Friends made it onto each other’s walls frequently. He could handle your friendship infiltrating his home. Regulus appreciated you both no matter how much he threatened to kill you. It was his love language.
Regulus seemed to pull away. Suddenly you never saw him in the library, he didn't appear next to you, he didn't even hang out with Sirius and the others. He was actively avoiding you both. You tried to pretend you were wrong and just making things up. You knew it was true after you saw him in the Gryffindor commonroom again. 
But after you both kissed him, granted on the cheek, he malfunctioned. Regulus’ home changed rapidly. He was rocking in chair again, following the vines of the tomato plants with his eyes. His train of thought interrupted by the squeals of a small child. Regulus wondered what on earth was a child doing in his fantasy home. A small boy, no older than three or four, ran around the corner of Regulus’ porch. His little bare feet stomping on the wood. Regulus felt himself smile like nature. The boy was decked in jean overalls, a red shirt underneath. A small truck printed on the shirt was peaking out from under the edge of the overalls. He looked like James, Regulus realized. The boy heard louder footsteps following after him and squealed louder. The boy jumped into Regulus’ arms muttering something about ‘papa’. Regulus looked up from the boy to see James. Though now he had grown out his mustache, and wore matching overalls with the boy. James scooped the boy out of Regulus’ arms. James pecked Regulus’ cheek before dropping the three year old back to his feet. He ran off, zooming around the garden patches. James quickly went after him. James raced after the boy. They both laughed. The boy squealed when James caught him and tickled him. Regulus tore his eyes away when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He found you sitting next to him, in a matching rocking chair. You moved your hand up to his hair. You looked older, like James, not by much but enough for Regulus to know you all had left Hogwarts. You kissed Regulus on the lips gently. He felt warm. You leaned closer and leaned into his ear. You whispered to him that you loved him. Regulus felt his eyes prick with tears and his throat dry. You stood up and took his mug off the table. You walked away muttering about him drinking so much tea people will think you’re dehydrating him like a raisin.
It was change. Regulus didn’t like change and he didn’t like identifying his feelings. He couldn’t like you and he couldn’t like James. You were in a relationship. He can’t. He couldn’t. But he wanted. Regulus knew he wasn’t ever good at controlling his wants. So he avoided you and James. Regulus knew if he made eye contact he’d fall all over again. If he fell his heart home would be crushed. Regulus had to protect his home.
Regulus was sitting with Sirius. They were both talking and laughing comfortably. It was one of the few times you've seen Regulus without his journal in front of him. He caught sight of you standing at the steps of the Gryffindor commonroom. Regulus' smile fell and he quickly stood up. Regulus muttered something to Sirius before swinging his bag over his shoulder. As he breezed past you, you whispered a goodbye. He didn't return it, he didn't make eye contact, he ignored you entirely. Sirius had asked you what that was about but you just left the commonroom as silently as Regulus.
You brought it up with James. He was just as upset as you. The one thing you both feared was making Regulus uncomfortable and that's exactly what you had done. You and James had to have burned your trails into the floors with all your pacing but you decided on what to do. You'd confront him. Even though it seemed all Black relatives hated confrontation it was all you could do. You confront and apologize and beg him to come back to the group. You both missed his insults so much you felt sick. You looked for him everywhere. Days went by before you were finally able to find him. He was hunched over in the library. Regulus was sitting as far away from his regular table as possible. He was scribbling away in his journal, as usual. He glanced up when he noticed people approaching. Regulus quickly shut the journal and went to grab his bag.
"Please." James whispered. James sat in front of Regulus. You sat next to James. Regulus stared at the ceiling before gently letting his bag drop to the floor again. He sat back in his chair and rested his hands on top of his journal. You steeled yourself, clutching James’ hand under the table for support.
“We’re sorry. For everything. We didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. We were just being-“ You paused. You wanted to make everything make sense to Regulus. You needed to explain yourself, you couldn’t live with yourself if you left this thread hanging. “Brainless. We were just trying to harmlessly flirt and we would’ve stopped the second we felt you uncomfortable. We misread you, obviously. We miss you. You’re avoiding us and the rest of our friends. We need you to come back. We’ll leave you alone, we won’t even look at you if that works for you, so long as you come back. So.” You stopped and cleanched your jaw. You felt like you might cry if you kept talking. Though you already seemed to do a lot of that. James dropped your hand to rub your shoulder.
“So, we’re so sorry.” James finished for you. Regulus stayed silent. He looked between you and James. You saw it in his eyes, hatred, disgust, repugnance. You felt sick to your stomach, knowing you’d only see his distaste in his eyes. Never seeing all of Regulus in his eyes again, made your throat close and tears collect in your eyes. You pressed your hand against your mouth, looking away from him. You would not cry in front of him. You would not make Regulus feel like this was his fault. James squeezed your shoulder, moving his soothing hand to your back.
“I’m not good.” Regulus whispered. You quickly looked at him. How could he think that? He was staring down at his journal. Regulus squeezed his own hands, you knew his rings must’ve hurt. Regulus sucked in a sharp breath. “At speaking how I feel. I usually avoid it. I’d rather sit in silence than speak up.” He looked up. His eyes had tears like yours. You hadn’t made eye contact with James since before speaking but you assumed he was probably teary eyed as well. Regulus slid his closed journal to the middle of the table. He stood and pulled his bag over his shoulder. Regulus tapped on the table with his pen twice.
“Just return it.” Regulus whispered before leaving the library. You watched him walk away. You looked to James. Your tears had left leaving behind pure confusion.
“Did we just get told to go fuck our selves in poetry nerd?” You asked James. He looked just as confused as you. He glanced at the journal.
“He did say he’s bad at saying his feelings, maybe he wants us to read his feelings.” You stared down the journal. It was bound in black leather. A small string wrapped around it thrice. It was unsuspecting. You didn’t want to read it though. That felt wrong, going into Regulus’ private brain like that. He was constantly writing. His deepest darkest thoughts, you assumed. You once sneaked a peak at Sirius’ diary and you truly never needed to know in that extreme of detail what Remus’ dick looked like. You looked to James. He stared at you. You pressed your lips together, contemplating. You gently picked up the journal, scared it would shatter under your fingertips. You unwound the string. You pulled the front cover up. You found the first page had Regulus’ initials. You smiled and held it toward James for him to see. He laughed and turned the page. You saw the pages were full of Regulus’ flowing handwriting. Overflowing really. The lines of his poems were pressed up against each other. His letters interning with each other like a lovers hold. If you weren’t already absolutely totally in love with him, you would’ve fallen more looking at his pretty messy letters.
The last poem made you melt entirely. Regulus started speaking of a cold home. All the walls stained with blood and screams. He moved. A nice home with a porch, a reading nook, painted walls, a coat rack, a garden in the back, and you. He moved into a home with his two lovers, their presence sweeping over every inch of the house. There was ding in the doorframe to your shared bedroom, James had pulled a dresser up the stairs and tried to squeeze it through the door. You had painted in small forgotten corners of the house. A sunflower on the side of one of the kitchen drawers, a moon added to the coat rack, a heart on the corner of Regulus’ bedside table. The back door was newer than the rest of the house, James had flung a snowball so hard one winter he shattered the glass. Regulus had started talking of the rocking chairs on the back porch. His sentence fell off, unfinished. You set his journal down, leaning back in your chair. James followed your lead. You both sat in silence for a few minutes. Baby Black liked you both back. Say that 5 times fast. You sighed. You stretched your arms over your head.
“McGonagall did say we needed 20 minutes of reading everyday.” You whispered to James. He nodded and pulled the journal closer between you two. You both held onto it with one hand leaning closer to each other to read Regulus’ writing. You read and read and read and read. Regulus wrote so much he had to get new journals fairly regularly. This journal started a few days before meeting Sirius’ friends. The fast few pages were Regulus stressed with his workload. After that there was the first mention of you. Regulus spent a whole page explaining how gorgeous he found you. He spent another page after talking all about how handsome and beautiful James was. All of which you agreed with.
After that all his pages were dedicated to you two. Slowly as you worked through the pages together, and the candles around you melted, Regulus fell in love. His words were frillier. He spoke of a garden, and tea. Regulus told all about laying in field of flowers. He painted images of you three deep in love and extremely domestic. Regulus wrote of pain. The pain of knowing it could never be reciprocated, you were already with James and James was with you. The pain feeling every touch warm his heart before burning his skin with his own insecurities. He wrote how the kiss situation felt for him. All roses and sunshine until his own sick mind turned it against him, making him think it was all some big joke on him.
“We are really bad at reading people.” James muttered. You gasped and sat forward. Glad somebody said it.
“Right?!? Oh god we just can’t catch a break.” You clicked your tongue. James gently closed Regulus’ journal, wrapping the string around three times. You huffed and stood up. You and James left the Library, it was closing soon anyway. You both decided you had enough time before curfew to go to Regulus.
You returned his journal. Regulus stood in front of you staring and waiting. You and James let it all out. Laughing at your stupidity, apologizing for making him feel like he was some joke even if it was only for a few minutes, and confessing that a wrap around porch and back garden sounded perfect. Regulus was happy. He smiled at you both before telling you curfew was sneaking up behind you. James decided you three would get together and make plans on how to move forward with your relationship on Saturday in the courtyard. Regulus agreed. As you and James were heading off towards your own common rooms, Regulus called your names. He ran over to you from his commonroom door. He quickly kissed your cheek before James’. Regulus skittered off back to his commonroom without a second to spare. You smiled brightly at James. He returned the look. He intertwined your hands, swinging them back and forth. James started skipping down the hall, still holding onto your hand. You joined him. You were both carefree
You didn’t have anything to realize. You already knew you loved them both.
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rascalentertainments · 4 months
Wish Granted 🌟👩🏾🎶 (Wish Reimagined)
Chapter 2: Into the Woods
Chapter 1
As the trees closed behind him, Flazino slowly followed the well worn path into a small community, featuring many homes that were surrounded by nature. No magic was required or allowed here, for everything was built or crafted by hand from the ground up.
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(Look how beautiful these look! They would've looked so good in 2D! I haven't really seen a whole lot of art for the Hamlet concept, so for extra reference, imagine the homes looking similar to Pacha's village)
The abundance and depth of the trees in the Uncharted Forest kept the people of this haven safe from the eyes of Magnifico. Those who realized his true intentions with their wishes fled here, where they could live in peace and save their families from a terrible fate.
Although it was late into the night, the people here were wide awake in preparation for their own ceremony. Which is exactly each month the young apprentice would take his monthly trip here.
He was greeted by an old man who was holding a mandolin and a warm smile on his face. "Young Flazino! You're just in time, the ceremony will be beginning soon."
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No sooner had the boy dismounted from the horse, he was caught in a tight hug by the old man. Though he was smaller than other residents, his heart was as big as the forest itself. Flazino couldn't help but smile back as he returned the hug.
"It's good to see you again too, Sabino." He said with a laugh. He took the bags off his back and started unpacking the supplies from it: Extra clothes, seeds to grow fruits and vegetables, food he was able to sneak away from the day's meals and a few toys for the children there.
"Sorry its not as much as usual. I've been having this strange feeling I'm being watched recently, so I didn't have time to get more..." Flazino sighed.
Sabino shook his head. "That's alright, lad. Every little bit helps. You've done so much for us this past year. We can't ask for a better friend." he patted the boy on the shoulder. "Come now, you can at least stay, have some food and chat for a while before you go."
He called over two other men to gather the supplies. "Alan, Howard, would you mind taking these and passing them to others?" The men did as instructed and Flazino followed Sabino a little further into the woods where right in the center of it, people were gathered around each other while most of them held bright colored ribbons in their hands.
Flazino knew very well what was happening. Just as the rulers of Rosas had a wish ceremony at the end of each month, the people of the Hamlet had an event of their very own. In order to keep their remaining wishes from Magnifico, each resident that turned 18 or older in that month would write their greatest wishes on ribbons and tie them to an old olive tree on top of a hill. In hopes that one day they will come true, without the fear of them being broken by the King.
An older woman announced that it was clear to travel to the tree, that there were no signs of spies or guards of Rosas near. She led the young people up the hill.
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As the two of them began to follow the group, Sabino heard a small, but loud, "Baaa! Baaaa!" 🐐
He looked down and saw a baby goat rubbing his head against his leg and it looked up at the old man with a smile.
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"Oh! Valentino! Nice to see you too!" Sabino said with a laugh as he picked up the goat and rubbed his head. "I bet you're as excited as me, hehe."
"There you are! How many times have I told you not run off like that without me? You could've gotten hurt." A concerned voice came from the distance. It came from a teen girl, with a worried yet annoyed look on her face as she approached. It seems like her pet did this a lot.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic, Asha." He waved a dismissive hand at her. "He's just excited. Just like me. Isn't that that right?" Sabino said as he nuzzled the goat's nose. "Baaa!" Valentino said in agreement.
Asha gently took Valentino in her arms and (finally) greeted Flazino. "Good to see you again, Flaz. I hope that our 'favorite' rulers are treating you well." she said with a hint of sarcasm.
Sabino joined the group, presumably to have a bit of a music session with his musician friends at the top. They all shared a love for music and found kinship with each other through their passions, so it was understood.
Flazino rolled his eyes and smirked at Asha. "Oh yeah. Being a sorcerers' apprentice is great! I run errands, invite some newcomers to their possible doom, Feed a deadly feline that literally wants to bite the hand that feeds him and oh yeah, try to write another song about how great the king is!" He said the last part with fake enthusiasm. "You know he made me a write a part that said: '♬ I let you live here for free, and I don't even charge you rent!♬' ?"
Asha raised an eyebrow hearing this. "Um, isn't that the same thing?" she asked.
"THAT'S WHAT I SAID TO HIM!" Flazino exclaimed and put his arms out in exasperation.
Asha couldn't help but laugh. Given that the guy had to deal with two royal pains and their spoiled exotic pet everyday, he had to vent to somebody, and Asha was always there to listen. He's helped keep the Hamlet safe for two years, he's at least earned it. Not to mention he tries to learn to use some of Amaya's potions in secret.
Asha herself ventured regularly in her dairy. She was completely fed up with hiding from the people that ruined their lives. As a child, she did see the world with wonder, but as she grew older, Asha started to see the world outside the Hamlet a bit more harshly. She just wanted one day see the world again without fearing for her family's safety. Asha had seen the cruelty of Maginifico. When his false sincerity was gone....he was a monster.
While the two of them (and Valentino) chatted and exchanged information on Rosas, Sabino and about ten people made their way up to the hill.
(We see in a faraway shot that Sabino is actually making his way ahead faster than some of his friends in excitement, telling them jokingly to pick up their pace, only for him to have to slow down himself, out of breath.)
It was a little long, but once they saw that tree adorned with ribbons as colorful as their wishes, it was always worth it.
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As each individual tied their ribbon to the tree, they looked to the stars shining brightly above them if only they could hear the wishes in their hearts. There were days that it hurt to even put them out there. It was a high chance that they never get granted, but they had to try, right?
One older man was left in line, but as he looked at tree, he started to have doubts. What if it never came true? Was it even a dream worth keeping? He took a few steps back and apologized to the old woman. "I'm sorry, Germaine. I'm...just not ready." He said, with a touch of sadness in his voice.
The woman shook her head. "No need to apologize, Manuel. You can make your wish whenever you're truly ready." She said as she patted him on the shoulder.
The man nodded and proceeded back down the hill, passing by the other wishers. Sabino quickly gave him a comforting hug. "Don't be ashamed of your wish. Its a beautiful one." He whispered to Manuel.
This gave the man a bit of comfort, but he failed to realize that the ribbon he placed in his pocket earlier was now gone. Once the others had begun to return to the bottom, Sabino stayed back and quickly put the ribbon in his own pocket. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, "Hehehehe! *cough cough cough* ahem..." Luckily no one saw that...
Not long after, the young apprentice knew it was time to leave. He was given the requested mushrooms, said his goodbyes and gave Achilles the signal to depart. The tree entrance once again opened to let Flazino out, he waved goodbye to his Hamlet friends and watched as the trees closed behind him.
The horse took off in a dash once more leaving the Hamlet behind. However, he wasn't quite alone. We then see a closeup on a patch of open bushes, with a pair of glowing green feline eyes peering through, watching the boy leave. A devious smile appeared below it, then the face disappears into the black.
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As some time passes, we see how the people hear take care of each other and live their lives. A few of them are washing clothes in a nearby river, others are making their own flour, and later bread. Both the men and women tend to a large field, where they plant seeds of various fruits and vegetables. Many of these end up producing large harvests for the people.
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(Seriously, these concepts arts are GORGEOUS. And I've read a lot of Art books, but Wish's is on a new level!)
Another scene passes and Asha is seen reading to a group of kids, as they listened in wonder about a magical fairy that loved to help others in need.
"So the fairy used his magic to bring the whole town joy. No need was seen as too big or small to grant. Each and every person was special to him."
One little girl asks "Did the fairy ever find someone he loved?"
Asha chuckled. "Of course he did." She turned the page where the glowing fairy was dancing with a human girl under the moon. "While he was pretty loud and carefree, she was quiet and kept to herself. They were very different from each other, but they fell in love all the same."
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The montage then cuts to the inside of Asha's family cottage, her mother Sakina had just finished making a couple new clothes for their neighbor's young sons. "Asha, I'll be back soon to give Hans these clothes. And Saba...?"
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Sabino was in his chair snoring away, when he was startled by Sakina's question. "Huh? What? Where am I?" He looked around in supposed confusion.
Sakina raised in eyebrow. She loved Sabino, but there were times he tried to be sly, especially with Asha. "Don't get into any foolishness." she warned.
Sabino let out a loud yawn that woke Valentino up, who actually was sleeping by his feet. "Oh, fine. Fine. I'll keep an eye on the girl. "Riiiiight after my nap." he said in a groggy tone. He slowly leaned back in his chair and back to snoring.
Sakina took a moment, sighed and proceeded put the door.
Ten seconds later, Sabino opened one eye and made sure the overbearing mother was gone. Once the coast was clear, he leaped to his feet and grabbed his mandolin. Valentino followed the old man curiously as he proceeded to find Asha.
"Well, goodnight Saba." his granddaughter yawned as she started heading upstairs. She stops once she hears her saba's voice behind her.
"Asha, would you mind coming with me before we turn in for the night? I'd like to show you something important..."
Little did Asha know that her life would soon change forever, thanks to one wish of her own....
Woo-hoo! Chapter 2 is done! I wanted to wait until I finally finish "Kingdom of Wishes", so now with that read though complete, I've gone back to writing this little story/movie! This one was a little shorter, but I was able to find lots of wonderful concept art pictures from not only Wish, but also other Disney films! I even found some perfect horseback scenes added them to Chapter 1, if you'd like to check it out!
The thing I wanted to show here is that while Sabino does have wisdom, he's a cheeky old man. 😆 I actually based him off of the grandmother from Mulan, so he has that extra kick to him. We haven't really had a fun elderly man character in Disney since "UP", and I wanted to bring the fun from past elder characters into this. In the actual film, Sabino did feel like a character and I liked Victor Garber voicing him, but we never get any time towards him. His whole character was done dirty, and he's just nearly cut from the film until the very end. Disney cut out HIS OWN SONG. The ENTIRE reason the plot even started, the reason Asha wanted to get the wishes back, and THEY CUT IT OUT. FOR PETE'S SAKE, MAN—
For this story, Saba's in his 80's but acts like a kid sometimes, and just wants Asha to have that same spirit again, since she lost the fun part of herself after her father died. She can still be kind, but her positive outlook is practically non-existent.
Also, a fun bit I came up with is that everyone else in the Hamlet is named after a Disney music composer, from the past and present. Even better, Lin Manuel's name is mentioned in the deleted scene, so it fit right in!
And for those who are wondering, yes, Star will be appearing soon! In chapter 3 we're gonna go back to our favorite royal pains, see more of Asha and her family so they can be fleshed out some more and then our sparkling boy is going to appear. Plus, I really wanted to start off with only a little humor since the story is more serious at this point. But then when Star comes in, he's gonna bring in a lot more fun and joy to the table. Plus, this is the first time I'm writing a fantasy based story here. I usually write sci-fi and/or superhero stories, so I pray I'm doing this right. 😅
I love to hear your comments, so make as many as you want, and I'll see you guys in chapter 3!
Thanks for reading!
@annymation @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @kenihewa @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden @wings-of-sapphire @emptyblog7 @lazytitans-world @mythartist21 @kstarsart @uva124 @spectator-zee @emillyverse
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terrence-silver · 8 days
Can I be blessed with some CK Terry and college beloved headcanons Bea💚 I just started my freshman year of college recently and I'm already getting stress acne it's only week 2 🫠 (also you’re sticker on my water is helping me get through my criminal justice class half the time lol I'll just stare at it looking at all the beautiful detail keep up the amazing work!)
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― You sure you don't your diploma simply...you know, bought? Because that's the first idea that permeates Terry Silver's mind; just cut to the chase and buying the damn thing for you like he would buy a new race car or a new mansion. Maybe give the college or university in question a tactical 'generous grant' that leaves them indebted to him, as a benefactor, doing so to such a high degree letting you graduate under mysteriously premature circumstances is simply a given. Is it unfair? Yeah. Is it sleazy? Yeah. Does Terry care? No. In fact, the notion that it's morally wrong makes the whole idea more attractive as a prospect to him. Maybe he should simply charmingly threaten the head Dean if the place proves to be incorruptible, which only makes his desire to corrupt all the more ardent; whatever the case, Terry might see the college as an obstacle to himself. All the time beloved's investing focusing on exams, learning, studying and extracurriculars is time not spent with him, which is the way it should be. But, it isn't. And that's a problem. He's a territorial person, you see, and everything could potentially be a threat; even college.
― As a result, he undoubtedly mentions the whole 'lemme buy your graduation credentials for you' plan very, very, very often. On the daily. Tries to practically muscle you into it, not taking 'no' for an answer, having a whole onslaught of reasons why his standpoint is correct and why you're, in his opinion, making this harder for yourself than it really should be; he comes off strangely compelling and logical about it too. Why spend years and years on this when he knows the right people who know the right people. Not that Terry Silver's against education; on, in the public eye he's the patron of all causes noble (supposedly), so clap in awe of him, except, in his own private life he's just too greedy to share those he considers his. Too possessive to be eclipsed. Look at you; your face is breaking out in zits from the stress, oh, beloved; that right there, among many other factors is a tool of manipulation Terry might use to have you capitulate and let him have his ways because these pricks and punks are here stressing his beloved out to the degree the stress is physically manifesting all over their face. There should be hell to pay for that. He wants revenge on your behalf.
― But then again, as an upside Terry Silver does enjoy having a beloved currently in college because for the lack of a better word, it's hot, regardless if this is a very young post-Nam era Twig, 80's Terry Silver or old man Terry, the fact beloved's still in education has major fetishistic qualities for him and not to lie, said fetishistic quality only ripens and gets stronger as he ages. Old man Terry, for example, is fully aware the fact he's with someone who's still in college would raise eyebrows, run into critique and even downright judgement and disgust but he doesn't care and in fact, he relishes in it for that specific reason. It's quite literally a trope as ancient as can be and he realizes this, playing into it majorly; an older man and the student. Just the sound of that makes him gleeful and turned on and while he might be meddlesome and feel jealousy over the actual educational aspect of...you know, getting an education, the sound of it suits him far better than the practical aspects. Suffice to say he's as invested in this as beloved themselves is, if not more. Everything beloved does is something Terry himself is overinvested in more than beloved.
― Means that while he'd might wanna keep beloved away from school, or invent tactical shortcuts to the whole process by pretty much buying everything for them and presenting it on a silver platter (because, why not, if he can?), but he sure likes the sound of beloved being in college and regardless if beloved consents to this or not he will absolutely meddle, one way or another, into all of this. He'll be there making donations to the university, becoming a backer and a sponsor for various projects around campus, he'll be attending opening ceremonies, holding speeches, probably opens a Karate extracurricular headed by Cobra Kai just to drill the point home that this is now his territory through you and if it's at all possible, he'll invest so much into this philanthropic deeds around this college that these people will have no choice put to put up his framed picture in the lobby. It's like Terry Silver's presence infects everything it touches. Beloved's only a freshman and my god, the man they're with is already in everything. People who fight against it or speak up on the subject? Promptly fired. Maybe they get embroidered in a convenient scandal not of their making if Terry decides that's more fun for him.
― It's obsessive, yeah, but Terry loves beloved. Adores them. In his own messed up, dark way, sure. This is how his devotion manifests; this university? Better be honored to have someone his within their walls. That he's allowing beloved to grace this place at all. Better give them a preferential treatment as a result. They better be just as biased as he is. Yeah, they better be afraid on the downlow because he's butter up, shake everyone's hand, lowkey threaten everyone, bribe whoever he feels needs it and weave everyone into their web to ensure this happens. You want this education? You'll have it. And you'll have it however you want on whatever terms. He could've bought it for you and he's infinitely disappointed you didn't accept that route (or...maybe you did) but these people will worship the very ground beloved walks upon because he'll ensure that happens through his power and influence; the long reach he has. Might not be immediately apparent, but when you're loved by someone as influential as Terry Silver, it pays off. When your significant other's picture hangs in the hallway? People tend to notice. Might just make you valedictorian by the end of your educational career because Silver money just lined the halls of that school.
― Nothing's for free, see? Beloved does graduate with exemplary grades and achievements regardless if they actually did or if, uh, the system of said university got a couple of well meaning nudges in the right direction, if you catch my meaning. If Terry made the right people a couple of offers they couldn't refuse. They're their generation's best student. Probably got handled multiple accolades and awards too simply because Terry had the itch to see them happy and beaming. And he'd do it. He'd do anything to make them content and fulfilled. He's undoubtedly with them, right there on that stage once they graduate because he's invited up to hold a speech. An audience of hundreds of students know beloved belongs to him. Heck, they might even know a great many of these achievements are a source of complete and utter nepotism, but Terry doesn't care. He's amused by it. Totally gleeful like a smug snake. He laps it all up. Sees it as feeding fuel. He crapped over the system in effect in the name of devotion. Beloved's all smiles. Terry's won in their name by any means neccessary. So, that's all that matters to him. If they said 'burn down the campus' he'd just as easily do that as well, so everyone should count their blessings all beloved wanted was a diploma and a graduation cap and not blood.
― 'Perfect' Terry would purr looking over beloved's immaculately perfect grades in the back of his limousine he's totally bribed out of the professors for them. All the better if beloved's just naturally that accomplished and talented, but my god, if they aren't, the whole world's gonna be what Terry Silver wants it to be because he'll make it so.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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An introduction to the first note | OHSHC x Male Reader
Prologue time!! Enjoy!! My Wattpad and Quotev!
Description: Of A Melody there once was
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note | (You are here)
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Warning: Any chan is used in a gender neutral way
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(Play this song when I say too)
(Play this song when I say too)
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Y/n was walking up to the new campus he was going to be attending. He was here to show the principal his talent. Sure, Y/n's scholarship was set in stone, but the principal wished to see what kind of person he was admitting into his school. Y/n wore a suit to impress the man he was going to be playing for. He had his ebony violin, case in hand, taking deep breaths.
Y/n was hoping it was only the principal who would be there, but this wish was not granted. As he opened the door gently, Y/n was faced with the principal along with someone else. He seemed to be a year older than Y/n. The boy had bright blonde hair as well as matching violet eyes full of gentle passion. Y/n was startled at his presence. Y/n spoke up in an anxious tone.
“Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt..”
Y/n had a soft blush and the teen in front of him found it cute. This boy didn't realize that this interaction would start an obsession in his heart.
“It's quite alright, L/n-chan. Tamaki, you may leave now.”
The blonde boy refused, insisting that he stay. Only someone like the H/c haired person in front of him had his interest. Looking at the stature of the s/c boy, Tamaki had noticed him holding a case. It was a violin case.
'Was this the boy who had been offered a scholarship on talent alone? Father seems to have high hopes for this boy.'
“You may now play Y/n L/n”
That's when Tamaki learned the boy's name. It was a name he would never forget after witnessing this boy at his best.
(Play the song now)
As Y/n pulled out his ebony violin, and the bow, he rhythmically played the song he had prepared. Sure, it wasn't his own, but it was a song he loved. With each bow of the strings, Y/n had swayed rhythmically. Each note hitting the small audience with a passion of which they had never experienced. They felt the emotions that Y/n was feeling.
They didn't understand the effect that this boy had. The sweet notes seemed to have more of an effect on Tamaki. He felt Y/n's sadness, which he didn't understand.
That's when he looked at Y/n's s/c face. He noticed the crystal tears brimming his closed eyes. Tamaki's interest was peaked even more. Why was this boy crying when he played such a beautiful melody? He was going to ask Y/n after he had finished, that was his goal.
Y/n still played, not bothered by the stares he was receiving. His thoughts drifted to his mother, the time he practiced this song with her. The tears overwhelmed his eyes as they gently fell.
Tamaki had begun to worry, should he have interrupted this beautiful peace to comfort the boy in front of him? He hesitated, but Y/n picked up the pace. His fingers placed themselves on each note beautifully. It was as if flowers were blooming around Y/n as he delicately played the song he loved so dear.
And then came Y/n's least favorite part. The moment when the song would end, and his melody would cease. He found so much comfort in the melodies he created, even if they pained him when he played.
Y/n had started to slow down as the bow came to a stop. The song had ended, and it had left the two in front of him amazed. Suoh-san expected highly of the boy in front of him, but not this much talent entering his school. He clapped for Y/n as Tamaki did the same. Tamaki was amazed, and had to befriend this boy in front of him. And just as if his father read his mind, Suoh-san had spoken up.
“Please escort Y/n out of my office, Tamaki.”
This flustered Y/n a bit, and Tamaki couldn't help but be consumed by cuteness aggression. He took the boy's hand and gently lead him out of his father's office. He then turned to the y/h boy in front of him.
“You played beautifully! But I have to ask if it's alright little prince, why you were tearing up? Were you that enchanted with the song you played, as well?”
This question stung Y/n's heart a bit. Should he have trusted this stranger? It didn't help that Y/n was flustered at Tamaki's nickname for him. Lucky for Y/n, a black haired boy had interrupted this small conversation. Tamaki was a bit disappointed, and Y/n noticed this. Y/n reached for the blonde boy out of intimidation of being stared at by the black haired teen in front of them. Again Tamaki was enveloped in his own world of cuteness aggression from this h/c haired boy. Y/n had recognized the boy in front of him to be Kyoya Ootori. His fame was from his family's multiple facilities in Japan. Kyoya seemed to chuckle at Y/n in the situation he was in.
“Who is that behind you, Tamaki?”
The two boys were here on account of their parents asking them to explore the school to make sure their classes were all memorized. But they only went because they had host business to take care of before they had gone back to school. The two also were intrigued about the new student they were getting from America, and they only knew about it because Tamaki's father would not stop talking about it. And the gossip had gripped the Ootori family as well. Was this the real reason behind the families pushing them out of the house? Who knows, only their parents of course. Tamaki had finally answered the question.
“This is the famous musician Y/n L/n! I just heard him play, and it was magnificent!”
Y/n blushed, trying to hide his face. He hadn't gotten this much praise from many, and when he did, Y/n rarely ever reacted like this. What was wrong with him? Kyoya had looked at the tear stained face behind Tamaki. He was taken aback at how someone so elegantly presenting could be so cute to him. Kyoya wished to address something, however.
“Well, it's no good for this elegant musician to be crying now, is it.”
This startled Y/n even more, making his face even more red. What was going on? He was so confused, and Tamaki looked back at the h/c haired boy behind him.
“I had asked him about that, but Y/n has yet to answer.”
The two looked at Y/n which made him anxious. He was seriously debating telling these two about the reason his tears struck when he played. Then Tamaki created an offer.
“Hey Y/n, why not join us to our clubroom? We do have some duties to attend to, and you could tell us over some tea!”
Y/n did really like the idea of tea. It would calm him and make it easier to tell. He was never one to keep secrets about his past if he was asked about him. Y/n nodded and Tamaki excitedly took Y/n's hand and ran with him to the clubroom, with Kyoya insuite. Once the trio had reached the music room, Y/n's gentle voice perked up, which had startled the two boys.
“Why is the clubroom a music room?”
Tamaki had enveloped Y/n which overwhelmed him, gushing about Y/n's sweet voice and how it matched him. Y/n was struggling against Tamaki suffocating him, but Kyoya had begun to explain.
“This music room is abandoned, so we had asked the principal if we could use it. He had said yes, and now it resides the host club and most of its clubs events.”
Y/n nodded in acknowledgement, which made Tamaki blush even more.
“You are too precious, L/n-chan! Come inside!”
“Please don't call me L/n, you can just use my first name Tamaki-senpai.”
This made Tamaki stop in his tracks, leaving Kyoya the one to open the door for them. As if one cue, an overwhelming scent of roses met the boy's face. He was amazed! The elegance of the clubroom astounded him! He also noticed a piano covered in curtains. He so wanted to play it. Kyoya then spoke up.
“We're back gentlemen.”
Y/n had saw 4 boys that walked up to Kyoya. Two of them were identical and seemed to be Y/n's age. One was really tall and seemed to be a 3rd year. The last one he looked at was short and had blonde hair, and didn't seem to even be in high school. The two twins were the ones who noticed Y/n first.
“Who is this Kyoya senpai?”
Y/n stared at the two with fascination. And it seemed to show, since the two twins were curious about the boy in front of him.
“This is our newest member of the host club, Y/n L/n.”
This shocked Y/n. He didn't agree to join the club, and he was never asked. The two twins noticed the shock in Y/n's eyes. It was clear he was trapped by Kyoya.
“Uhm, I don't think you ever asked me to join.”
Kyoya looked at Y/n with a small smile. He knew everything about Y/n and how he wasn't of a rich family. He also knew the reason Y/n had tears in his eyes when he played.
“My apologies, I did intend to ask, but it slipped my mind.”
No it didn't.
Kyoya knew Y/n would join. All because Tamaki was the leader of the group. Tamaki had perked up from his stunned, flustered shock. He grabbed Y/n's shoulder.
“Let me introduce you to all the hosts here! Kyoya, the cool type. Mori, the wild type. His companion Honey, the boy lolita type. And the twins Hikaru and Koaru, the little devil types. And you know me, the prince type.”
After this statement, he took Y/n's hand, making him even more flustered.
“And if you were to join us, little prince, you would be the musician of our group. What do you say?”
Y/n was shocked. He didn't want to remind himself of being a musician. He was trying to separate himself from it because of all the emotional baggage it had on him. Before Y/n could answer, Honey had jumped on his back.
“Wow Y/n-chan you're a musician? Can you play a song?”
Y/n looked at the doe eyed boy. He couldn't resist him and he nodded.
“Maybe, but not right now.”
Honey looked a little dejected, and walked over to his tall friend Mori. This gave the twins a chance to tease Y/n around.
“Aw, come on, Y/n!” 
Hikaru had started the sentence. 
“Play for us!” 
Kaoru had finished it. Then they both spoke in unison that unsettled Y/n. “Or are you too scared?”
Tamaki had pushed the twins away, enveloping Y/n into another hug.
“Leave Y/n alone! Don't listen to those twins, my little prince, you don't have to play.”
This gave Y/n an odd sense of comfort. Tamaki had reminded him of his mother, and this made his heart hurt more than it did now as the tears well in his eyes. He brought up both his hands to try to push the tears out of his eyes. This had made everyone freeze, and Tamaki went into a panic. Even with the brief time they spent together, Tamaki felt incredibly close and enchanted by Y/n.
Tamaki had thought the twins caused the tears of his little prince, so he chased them, saying things like “You made my little prince cry” and “Go apologize to him.” Honey had gone up to Y/n and gave him a big hug of comfort, and Mori towered over the two comfortingly.
“Please don't cry, Y/n-chan! How about you have some cake with me and Usa-chan! Here! You can hold Usa-chan too!”
Honey handed Usa-chan to Y/n and took his hand as they went to the table Honey and Mori were stationed at. Y/n perked up at all the sweets that were presented elegantly. As Y/n took a bite of the cake Honey put in front of him, he was amazed.
He didn't realize that the three boys that were running around stopped as they stared at Y/n. A blush met all their faces as they all found Y/n so cute when eating the cake with Honey. Kyoya then took this chance to ask Y/n something.
“Why not give us a small presentation of your musical talent? Then you can have your tea.”
Y/n really wanted that tea, especially if it was a rich, fancy kind of tea. He took a deep breath and spoke gently, which had surprised everyone due to the tone. They all found it cute.
“Only one song?”
Kyoya nodded, intending to keep his deal. Y/n then got up and looked at Kyoya which made everyone freeze.
“May I sing instead?”
They were all shocked by this. Tamaki had thought Y/n could only play the violin. But he was wrong, and Y/n proved it. Then Y/n had a request.
“May I borrow a guitar too?”
Kyoya nodded, as he went to look for a guitar. Honey looked super excited. All the hosts did as they gathered around where Y/n was sitting. Even Mori's eyes showed excitement.
“What are you going to sing Y/n-Chan?”
Y/n thought on his answer, not knowing how to respond. He then thought of the answer, and it was perfect.
“A song that reminds me of my mother.”
If Y/n was going to join this club, then he had to get over the tears that fell when he sang. Everyone froze again. From the way Y/n's e/c eyes had looked, they knew it wasn't something of happiness. And this whole scene was why Tamaki wanted Y/n to be a host.
(Play the 2nd song now)
Once handed the guitar, Y/n gently strummed it to make sure to tune it. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Then Y/n plucked the strings of the rough guitar as he placed his fingers on the board. Tamaki was reminded of how Y/n beautifully held his violin and played each note. Then his voice started singing the melody. This caught all the hosts' attention. Each one forming a blush on their faces. Then he started fully singing.
This love it is a distant star Guiding us home wherever we are
The tears started to well, but it was faint. His tone was that of a sad one, but Y/n kept going.
This love, it is a burning sun Shinning light on the things that we've done
Everyone was enchanted by his voice. Y/n had kept singing. Only ever looking at his audience only faintly. The emotion was clear in the playing.
I try to speak to you every day, But each word we spoke The wind blew away
The intensity had grown, then came the chorus. This was when the tears started to threaten to fall. Y/n tried to hold it in. And they all noticed.
Could these walls come crumbling down? I want to feel my feet on the ground And deep behind this prison we share Step into the open air
As the chorus ended, the tears fell. Y/n's gripped the finger board as he pressed harder into the instrument he held. It hurt, but it didn't stop him. The hosts had noticed Y/n's face as it shifted. They all felt sympathy.
How did we let it come to this What we just tasted we somehow still miss
Y/n's voice was still smooth, even when he was crying. The guitar had tears slightly pooling, and it was beautiful in a way. The strumming became faster as more emotion was put into the playing.
How will it feel when this day is done? And can we keep what we've only begun
The hosts had focused so much on Y/n. They noticed his state and all looked at him with sympathy in their eyes. They were all amazed that such a simple song could cause so much emotion in them.
And now these walls come crumbling down And I can feel my feet on the ground Can we carry this love that we shareInto the open air
Here it was, Y/n's least favorite part. The ending of his song. He didn't stop, though. His voice slowed and the strumming of the guitar did too.
Into the open air
There was a slight release of the finger board, and the strumming wasn't as harsh. But even when it was, it was still very delicate. The boys around Y/n were all amazed with the talent Y/n possessed.
To the open air
Y/n's voice softened more as he opened his eyes. He looked at the audience as the final lyric came from his lips. The boys in front of him looked even the more amazed.
This love it is a burning sun
And with that, silence fell as the ringing of the last string being plucked ran through the room. It was only for a moment as the whole host club applauded Y/n. Honey was crying and jumped into Y/n's lap across the table. Y/n held the boy in a very motherly way. This caused everyone's blush to deepen.
“Wahh! Y/n-chan! That was so sad!”
Y/n smiled at the small boy he was holding. He couldn't believe Honey was a 3rd year. He learned about this while Kyoya went to get the guitar for him. Honey looked up at Y/n.
“I'm sorry it had made you sad, Honey-senpai. I'll give you my cake if it'll help you feel better.”
Before he could do anything, Tamaki lunged at Y/n which startled Honey and Y/n both.
“That was beautiful, my little prince! You did wonderful!”
Even if Tamaki had tears in his eyes, it was replaced with a big, bright smile that gave Y/n more comfort. Tamaki was now rubbing his cheek against Y/n's as he brushed his tears away. This made Y/n blush a bit, but everyone around him had this jealous aura. Well except for Kyoya, because he went to get the tea he promised Y/n. The twins were quick to react, however. They pushed Tamaki to the side, which caused him to feel rejected, and put Y/n in the middle of them.
“That was truly amazing, Y/n”
Hikaru spoke, as he took a plate in his hand. Then Kaoru spoke, causing Y/n to look at him cutely.
“Would you like some cake as a reward~?”
The tone was for two things. One was to upset Tamaki, and the other was the pure emotion both twins had felt for Y/n. It was small, and it formed rather quickly, which intrigued both of them. As Tamaki watched in shock.
“Here Y/n, let us feed you!”
Y/n was too flustered to move, and he just accepted them feeding him. Hikaru had gently placed a chunk of the vanilla cake into Y/n's mouth. As Y/n chewed, he was amazed with the flavor. This made Hikaru blush as Y/n chewed slightly.
'His facial expressions are so cute!'
Then Kaoru took a chocolate mousse and a spoon. He gently grabbed Y/n's chin to make him look into his amber eyes. Kaoru placed the spoon to Y/n's lips and fed him the mousse. Y/n was in utter bliss. This helped so much with his feelings directed at his mother. Maybe if he did join the host club, things wouldn't be so bad. Kaoru looked at Y/n's smile.
'That smile is so pretty!'
Both the twins wanted this moment to last forever, but Tamaki didn't. So he pulled the twins by the collars and had a talking to too them. Then came Kyoya with the brewed tea. He poured Y/n a cup and sat down In front of him.
“So, tell me, why were you crying when we first encountered each other?”
Everyone's ears perked up as they once again surrounded Y/n. They all felt panicked that the new boy they all gotten close to was put into tears. They were ready for a fight if anyone had caused it. Y/n froze, and then his story began.
He shared about his mom and his friend, though he didn't mention her name. He shared why he sang and why he stopped. He shared about his father and how they moved to America for a new life. Y/n shared everything and didn't realize everyone looking at him with sad eyes again.
This time Mori was the one who went to comfort him. He stood behind Y/n and pat his head gently. Y/n looked up at Mori and his expression had Mori blushing a bit. Then Y/n spoke again.
“I think.. I'll join your host club.”
Everyone was really happy. Tamaki hugged Y/n tightly, and so did Honey. Both were really happy that this musician would join them. Kyoya smirked, he knew Y/n would join, but it wasn't for the reason he thought. The twins then piped up.
“You'll need the school uniform if you're going to join Y/n”
Y/n giggled at what the twins said. Did they think he didn't have one? This giggle was that of sunshine when everyone around him heard it. They were all stunned.
“I have one, though I didn't plan on wearing it.”
“Why not?”
The twins had questioned him. This boy In front of him had piqued their curiosity in more ways than one.
“Because I quite like this suit better.”
They looked up and down on the figure. It was a f/c suit that fit the boy really well. But it wasn't all that eccentric. It screamed commoner.
 "Nonsense my little prince! I'm sure you will look dazzling!”
Y/n blushed. And from just this interaction, he knew high school would be an experience. But a good one. Y/n decided to wear the uniform and left the room. Tamaki insisted on walking Y/n home, but Y/n gently declined his offer. However, the twins forced themselves on Y/n as to walk him home. 
And Y/n couldn't escape them so he gave up in trying to refuse. They walked Y/n up to the apartment and they said their goodbyes. As Y/n got ready to sleep, he thought about all the boys he met, and how they treated him. Then his mind went to his closest friend, Haruhi. He missed her a bunch, and hoped to see her at school. They were in the same class after all. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
The Dhampirs of the Sword Coast - Chapter 2
Part 2 of Astarion's daughter adventures and consequences of releasing 7000 vampires into the Underdark.
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Alethaine and Theris are rescuing Tara and returning her to Gale. Both dhampirs aren't that smart as they think they are.
Read on AO3
Link for Part 1
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
The List of Chapters
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Alethaine Ancunin looks around the corner and sees the gang of smugglers playing cards. The whole room reeks of vomit, dirt, and cheap rum. The scent makes the young dhampir nauseous - cursed be her sharpened elven-vampiric senses!
“Aren’t you afraid someone will steal our possessions?” Theris whispers.
As they decided to look for the kidnapped cat, the dhampirs had to hide their traveling bags in a safe place. The tiefling didn’t have much stuff, meanwhile Alethaine felt almost naked, leaving her prized things behind.
“My sack is conjured with necrotic magic. If anyone dares touch my stuff, their pathetic hands will fall off!”
Theris gives Alethaine an accusing glance. “You could have warned me!”
Alethaine grabs their right horn.
“Did you touch anything, Theris? My books? My scrolls? The cleric’s ring I stole from the self-righteous bastard?!”
“You told me you hadn’t stolen from him! That you just insulted the poor man and were convicted for four months!”
“Yes! And after I’d been released, I got inside his place and stole the ring as compensation for my sufferings!” Alethaine lets Theris go. “Did you touch my things, devil?”
“Hey! Is someone there?” a bearded smuggler stands up from the table, spilling his bottle of rum.
“Fuck”, Theris drags Alethaine into the corner. “There are too many of them!”
“Eight. I counted.”
“Eight? It’s four times more than us!”
“Congratulations, Theris, you know the basics of math!”
Alethaines sits down behind the huge wooden crates and then checks if Theris’ horns aren’t visible to the smugglers. The room is lit with dim light but thanks to their darkvision, both the elf and the tiefling can see perfectly well.
“It’s a bad idea, Alethaine,” Theris grows serious. “The cat doesn’t cost that much! Well, unless it is a misfortunate friend who was permanently polymorphed. Or this cat owes this Gale guy money. Anyway, no one is paying a fortune for a pet! Besides, I don’t trust wizards.”
“Theris, my parents knew him in the past… He is an honest man!” Alethaine trails off. “Well, at least I was told so!”
“I am sorry, Alethaine, but WHEN did your parents know him?”
Alethaine counts the years, doing mental math. When was the Year of Three Ships Sailing? She has heard about that adventure numerous times. When her mother and father were kidnapped by mind flayers, got parasites in their brains, had to fight against the cultists, monsters, illithids and even a powerful vampire lord, her father’s master. Mother, Tiriel the Barbarian, could talk about those months for hours - recalling every small detail, every person she met back then, including her companions. As for Alethaine’s father, Astarion barely could tell anything coherent as if his mind hadn’t regained the ability to hold memories. The older Alethaine grew, the more often she noticed the dreamy look in her father's eyes when he talked about his first weeks of freedom.
Later she realized Astarion, probably, barely remembers the exact events happening to him because he was too busy falling for Tiriel. And even all those decades later her parents behave like love-struck adolescents. Alethaine used to take it for granted when she was younger but now she thinks her parents are very lucky to have each other. Be it a destiny or just a weird turn of events - doesn’t matter.
Tiriel the Barbarian and Astarion Ancunin are a perfect couple.
“Forty-five years ago”, Alethaine finally replies.
Theris curses.
“For your information, I can speak Infernal.”
“Oh, really? Then I shouldn’t limit myself anymore. Alethaine, fourty-five years may be nothing for a fairy but it’s a hell of an amount of life for a human! I am sure the archwizard doesn’t remember knowing your parents! This cat isn’t worth the effort. I am out!”
A loud thump attracts the dhampirs’ attention.
“I swear! There is someone behind the crates!
“Shit”, Theris curses again.
A drunk bard wobbles to them, hugging his viola as if it was his dearest friend.
It probably is.
“Oh look!” Before the drunk manages to say anything else Alethaine raises her hand and whispers.
The bard falls down, snoring loudly. The other smugglers pay little to no attention, too busy with drinking and playing cards.
“What are you doing?!”
Theris kneels in front of the smuggler and starts loosing the straps around his body.
“Theris, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“A-ha!” Theris releases the viola. “What a beauty, hope this awful drunk man treated you well” He caresses the instrument, then looks at Alethaine. “And what did you think I was doing?”
Alethaine spares Theris the details of her thinking process.
“Forget it.”
“Oh, so you do have a dirty mind, after all!”
“Who said I didn’t? Can you play it?”
Instead of answering, Theris kisses the viola. “Oh, we are going to sing the lewdest and the most scandalous songs together.”
Alethaine takes his response for the yes and looks at the smugglers. Three women, two men, three people who could be both or something else.
And then Alethaine sees the cat.
The brown pet has been locked in a parrot cage in the opposite corner of the room. The cat is fast asleep on her back and for a moment Alethaine thinks the animal is dead but then she hears its heartbeat.
Alethaine doesn’t have any desire to fight the smugglers. She just needs to take the cat - and then run  from this wretched hole of a place.
“Theris, I need you to be the bard.”
“Oh, my cousin, I thought you would never ask.”
“Just … distract them! Do your worst! I'll take the cat and we’ll flee back to the city.”
“Alethaine, let’s be clear. You want me to play something merry or, you know, be the bard?” Theris takes out the viola bow and brushes along their inner thigh.
Alethaine suppresses the urge to shove the bow up to their ass.
“Just distract them! Women, men, I don’t care! Whoever you prefer.”
Theris raises the bow as if it were a sword and settles the viola on his shoulder.
“Aletaine, I am pansexual. Everyone is in danger!” With these words, Theris jumps over the crates and leaps onto the smugglers’ table, making a little dance.
The smugglers stare at him in shock, like being splashed by a bucket of water. They reach out for their weapons but before they manage to attack Theris starts playing.
It’s something cheerful like a pirate song - a strong melody that attracts the attention of all the smugglers. Theris plays the viola with their eyes closed, completely taken away by the act.
Alethaine is struck with the realization that  Theris is truly talented.
Theris’ lips are moving in time with the music. The tiefling taps his feet and his tail violently wags.
And then the dhampir sings.
Their voice is deep and strong, and he masterfully combines couplets in Common with Iluskani rhymes, weaving the song like a spell. He sings of peasants fighting with guardians, of fair maidens casting spells on men. Of the Trackless Sea and its cruel wonders, of blazing Hells and devils, of Feys and Feywild.
Alethaine has to concentrate to distract herself from the music. She is sneaking in the dim light, carefully measuring her every step, approaching the cat locked in the cage.
And the creature is anything but a cat. It opens its eyes feeling Alethaine’s presence, unfolds its bird wings and yawns demonstrating sharp fangs.
“You are a Tressym!” Alethaine gasps.
“I am very well aware of what I am,” the Tressym says. “My name is Tara. And who might you be, etriel?”
“Hm… An unusual name for Tel’Quessira but I can see that you are an elf to the same measure I am a cat. An understatement, am I right, etriel?”
“Your owner… sent us… sort of”
“Owner? Etriel, Gale is not my owner. Tressyms know no masters,” the Tara turns her head. “And I suppose the performer is a companion of yours? He has a talent, I must admit, etriel. But I’d suggest we don’t lose any more time. Do you have something to pick the lock?”
Alethaine takes out her Burglar's Pack from the hidden pocket of her jacket. The first lockpick breaks immediately.
And the second. And the third.
“Hurry up, etriel, I think the power of art is sobering them up.”
“Why do you keep calling me like that? I am not an elven nobility.”
“I am not aware of your social status and preferences,” Tara says.”But I assumed it would be correct to call a woman of your kind etriel.”
“Fuck, I am out of lockpicks!” Alethaine curses. “Damn”
“What is that girl doing there!” a smuggler bellows.
“I am sorry, Tara” Alethaine uses all her dhampir strength to pull the parrot cage. Both the chain and the hook break immediately. The dhampir grabs the small door and breaks it down.
Tara crawls out and settles herself in Alethaine’s arms. The Tressym is so fluffy the dhampir wants to squeeze her.
“We need to go!” Theris yells, snatching a dagger. “Thank you for listening,  my dear audience! I take cash, thank you!”
“Did you fucking see it? She broke the cell like it was made of paper!”
“She probably used some potions”
“Etriel”, Tara asks. “Any chance you know the FLY spell?:”
“Pity. I am afraid I won’t be able to enjoy freedom for very long.”
Alethaine looks up. The wooden ceiling is pretty high, probably ten feet above the ground. Unless there is a troll or a giant on their side…
“Theris, climb up!” Alethaine yells on top of her lungs and steps on the wall, quickly rising up to the ceiling.
The world turns upside down. Her hair brushes along her body as if having its own gravity.
“It’s a vampire! Fuck!” the smugglers scream. Theris pushes one of them aside, jumps up and Alethaine grabs his right hand, pulling the tiefling to her.
“Oh, etriel, you are a dhampir. That’s very convenient.”
The smugglers snatch their daggers and swords.
“Catch her!”
“Bring the fire!”
Alethaine sprints. She hears loud voices and steps behind her but she doesn’t pay much attention to them.
“Oh, that’s the cat!” Theris points at Tara.
“It’s a Tressym!”
An arrow switches right in front of Alethaine’s face. Then another one scratches Theris’ tail.
The elf jumps on the floor and pushes the crates to block the passage. Theris almost bumps into them, failing to predict Alethaine’s action.
The narrow hallway leads outside - Theris breaks out of the old shabby door with his leg, landing on an unfortunate sentry who has been standing right there.
“We need to part!” Alethaine yells, pushing the tiefling sideway.
“Yes, children, I shall meet you in the tower! Worry not, you are very welcome there”, Tara unfolds her bird wings and soars up.
It’s much more difficult to run along the street - the paving stones hurt their feet, she keeps bumping into the crowd, almost steps on a gnome, and has a bruise after an encounter with a half-ork’s elbow.
Cursed be her short height.
As Alethaine gets closer to the center of the city people in the crowd get more civilized and fewer in number. The elf slows down, hoping to play “a maiden in distress” in case the smuggler hasn’t lost her track.
But no one is following.
Alethaine leans on a wall. Her strength quickly recovers and she feels capable enough to run another sprint through the city, but her legs hurt and her head is dizzy.
She needs to find the archwizard. Instead of any coherent address, it simply says “The wizard’s tower” as if that was enough.
Well, the wizard towers must reek with magic.
“Detect magic” is a simple skill, even non-mages can do it. But it requires concentration which has never been Alethaine’s strong side.
And besides, Waterdeep has many magical places.
Alethaine wanders around a bit, trying to sense the presence of magic. Once or twice she catches the trail like a cat looking for food but she quickly loses it.
A strong tap on a shoulder startles her so much she snatches the dagger out of her boot, ready to gouge out an eye of whoever is behind her.
“Fuck!” Theris takes Alethaine by her wrist. “I have only two eyes, you know? And I value them both!”
“Nine hells! Theris, I have weak nerves, but I'm good with daggers! Next time, you'll be left with either no tail or no eye.Or both!”
“And what about asking ‘who is there’? What if it’s your favorite cousin!”
“It’s much safer to slice a throat than ask what they want.”
“You are a dangerous woman.”
“I am!”
Theris contemplates a bit and then asks. “So… What are you waiting for?”
“What do you mean?”
“I am flattered you waited for me but I was sure you would go get your reward”
“I haven’t found the tower”
Theris looks at her dead serious and then bursts out laughing.
“What? I’ve never been to Waterdeep before!”
“Which part of the freaking-highest-wizard-tower-in-the-whole-city part you didn’t understand?” Theris finally blurts out.
Alethaine turns her head where Theris points.
The wizard’s tower is on the other side of the street.
“You are going to die without me, Alethaine,” Theris says.
“I’ve been doing fine. Relatively.”
They cross the road. The wizard’s tower doesn’t look particularly intimidating - just a tower. It could belong to a local guild or a lower nobility.
The Tressym is nowhere to be seen.
“Is it dumb to get there empty-handed? Of course, it is,” Theris contemplates the closed door. He knocks a few times but even their dhampiric hearing doesn’t catch any sound. “I suppose no one is home. We needed to tie that cat up. Now we won’t be able to prove we’ve saved her in the first place!”
Alethaine looks around, hoping no one sees her and steps on the wall using her Spider Climb.
“What are you doing? There are so many protective runes that we could be turned into dust! Feydust, I hope, but still.”
“Come on! I see the open window!”
“Alethaine! I am not feeling comfortable breaking into the wizard’s tower!”
“Good! More money left for me!” Alethaine sits down at the windowsill.
She looks inside and see a huge hall with the floor somewhere far beneath
A library.
She can see thousands of colorful volumes. They stand in neat rows begging to be taken and read.
And there is so much magic in them Alethaine doesn’t need to concentrate to feel it.
The young dhampir has never seen so many books in one place. Moreover, she has never seen so many enchanted folios.
Something inside her stirs. Knowledge. Wisdom.
Alethaine has never truly learned using skills. She was born like this with skills for necromancy and just a bit of fey magic thanks to her ancestry. It all comes to her naturally without needing much thought.
But as with any magic, her potential craves to develop, to grow.
It’s a literal hunger.
Alethaine steps on the walls and goes up to the ceiling. The library is empty but she senses a few protective spells mostly on shelves. Pity. Whatever a person Gale Dekarios is, he will hardly allow her to touch any of his priceless books.
With loud panting, Theris gets inside the library.
“Oh great. The magic library. Every book must be cursed. If this blasted cat doesn’t show up, I am out!”
"It's a Tressym."
"I don't fucking care! I don't want to be turned into a sheep!"
A soft cough from beneath attracts their attention.
An old man in a violet robe goes inside the library with the sleeping tresuum in his hands. The wizard has a short white beard and shoulder length hair. He has neither a wizard hat nor a staff to turn the intruders into sheep.
"Young people, I would terribly appreciate it if you climbed down from my ceiling so we could talk like civilized people. My name is Gale Dekarios” he waves. “And whom do I have the honor of meeting?"
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desultory-novice · 7 months
"Brighter Skies"
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...Ended up drawing this while working on other sketches. Because my brain is just wired for wistful, emotional takes I guess XD
Arguably, White-Haired Noir, the Noir who lived, is the Noir who had the hardest journey learning to love not hate himself. Teenage Noir could have never imagined this kind of life for him, because his whole life, he'd just been waiting to die.
In Darkened Skies, when he makes a soft, restrained plea to Kirby for that blessed mercy kill, some part of him was relieved, calm even, that he'd finally survived to the point where he might at last be set free from the pain of living. An ironic wish...
It's a damn hard thing to learn: to live and live positively for yourself. To trust and move forward even though you're lost and confused and making constant dumb mistakes and there's no one around to reassure you, "Of course you're a good big brother!" (or whatever else one might be) when, hell, you don't FEEL good on the inside, but somehow you still NEED to hear it. And to hear it from someone else, because you've lost the ability to trust your own voice ages ago...
Kirby's "stop" is referring back to asking Dark Matter Swordsman to stop the invasion of Popstar (1) but in a general context can also be read as "I'm glad you learned to stop hurting yourself."
(1) Random Apologies AU AU Lore
As White-Haired Noir grew up, he became aware that he is only alive because he exists in a branch dimension. He was never supposed to survive. Adeleine was. His fate was always to become Dark Matter's Swordsman and be consumed, body and soul. You only have to live on Popstar for a while to pick up on the existence of alternate dimensions/timelines, and Adult Noir knows he is living in one. 
Kirby, through some mysterious power no one can explain, is also aware of this. Furthermore, on occasion, he expresses explicit, true knowledge of the main timeline, while Noir himself only has guesses about how a world without him would have played out.
(These sideways flashes mean that this Kirby does know about and misses playing with Adeleine, same as he would miss the absence of any of his friends, but Apologies AU AU Kirby cares equally about Noir. He could not trade one sibling/one friend for the other.) (2)
Even when he wasn't sure his existence was an anomaly, White-Haired Noir spent most of his later teenage years trying to find a way to "fix things," to either trade his life back for Adeleine's or to bring her back through some other means. It was following the Apologies AU Star Dream incident where Noir finally realized pursuing this path would only end up with him dead and no one happy. He began, at last, to accept his own reality not as an anomaly or a mistake but as something fragile, yes, something unprepared for, yes, but entirely and wholly for him and to start to cherish his own existence.
Now, if you were to wave a wish granting star or magic wand in front of Noir, he would solemnly decline it. And if you dropped a random AU Adeleine in his lap, he would do no more than give his alternate sister the warmest hug (she would be willing to accept XD) and tell her that, whether his words sound like utter nonsense or not, "Your older brother wishes you all the happiness in the world."
Then he'd send her back on her way.
This is ki~nd of meta-textual based on the fact that while Kirby isn't ever really like "Oh man, Meta Knight's not in this game!" we the players are aware of it and put our feelings into Kirby.
...Or something. I thought it was a fun idea at least?! ^^
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justaboot · 1 year
I’ve never been so interested in a HBO au until now 👀
I doth beseech thee to graciously bestow upon me a greater abundance of knowledge pertaining to the subject of HBODT, in the form of an infodump or fanfic
the boys were born early in a pitch black cave system.
infodump incoming a month and a half before the boys were supposed to be born, Donald and Scrooge go deep-diving in an underground city. Apparently a luck demon was wreaking havoc on its citizens, and Scrooge and Donald go down to capture it, but things go south fast. They'd all but padlocked Della to the couch at home with Gladstone as a babysitter, but when they don't come home, she dragged his ass all the way out there and goes after them. They rescue them with great dramatic flair, capture the demon, (Gladstone was very clever about it, and Donald was furious), but in all the mess, della goes into premature labor. They get about halfway out of the caves before they can't go any farther, it's pitch black, they've got half a canteen of water, no supplies, no drugs, a dying oil lamp, and one uncle who paid attention in lamaze class. Multiples are all but impossible to deliver naturally, they get tangled, they can't all turn down, they don't work. They've got nothing to do but try.
Huey's the only one already head-down. It's impossible, it's a miracle, and gladstone's a thousand percent sure its him, but they make it through his birth.
The other two aren't as lucky. They're not coming, there's too much blood, one of them is kicking too hard in the womb, della's losing strength. There's discussion of c-sections. Huey's not breathing right.
Scrooge slips away. He draws out the demon, ready to deal. He'll release her again, on the condition they all make it out of here, safe and healthy.
She's not interested. Grant four lives for the freedom he took from her? No, she wants more. She wants his.
She lays out two dice on the stone. Luck demon. Let him roll for how many years he'll have left. Won't total more than twelve. He rolls, but she won't let him see the result.
Then she's gone. Miraculously, luckily, the boys are born fine, Huey's breath stabilizes, Della's got the best story she'll ever have, Gladstone's on cloud nine because there's no way that wasn't his luck, Donald's suspicious, and no one can believe they actually made it home.
Scrooge tells no one. He has no idea how many years he rolled, but he's got at least two years to find a loophole.
Then the Spear happens. Everyone leaves. His health starts declining, but its slow, and he's retired anyway. He wonders if he even cares anymore. Bentina's the only one who notices, and he tells her to shove it or leave.
Then the kids come back. Donald just thinks he's changed, grown older and bitterer and slightly slower. He takes pills, now, because he's just old. The kids and audience don't realize that some of the adventures are looking for cures to impossible illnesses, curse breaking, loopholes. He's started searching again behind the scenes.
Season 2, the kids and audience figure out somethings wrong when he starts looking for a cure in earnest. It comes to a head, and he comes clean about what happened, and why. It's been eleven years. He rolled two six sided dice. It couldn't have totaled more than twelve.
I don't know how or why, but I think Magica cures it in the end. because that'd be cool. You can figure it out.
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
YAY YAY YAY ITS OPEN AGAIN! Ok so I really really want a part 2 of Vash and his spouse visiting Lina and Sheryl. Maybe they even have a celebration similar to the one Lina suggested? It was so cute and I really want some more! They're such a cute family!
In The End (Part 2)
A/N: Hiiiiii Anon, omg yes! I'm happy to write this for you, I really loved writing the initial fic so here is a part 2! I absolutely love being able to write Vash being granted some peace and surrounded by lots of love :D
Warnings: Potential spoilers for episode 12 of Trigun Stampede, potential spoilers for episode 18 of Trigun, the author taking liberties
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"(Y/N), Eri-I mean, Vash, please tell us everything that's happened since you've both left!"
Grandma Sheryl's movements were much slower than they had been the last time you'd seen her, but the old woman was still as sharp as ever. She sat down in her favourite chair, across from yourself and Vash, over the dinner table where you all had shared many a meal.
You and Vash exchanged glances as you both filled Grandma Sheryl and Lina in on your adventures and everything that had happened in the years since they had seen you last.
"And once it was all over, I finally decided I'd been an idiot for long enough and convinced (Y/N) to marry me," Vash finished with a smile, his loving gaze trained on you.
Despite having been married for some time, you still felt your cheeks redden as you smiled at your husband - you couldn't believe Vash had married you to this day. You might've dreamed of marrying Vash before, but for it to have actually happened amazed and dumbfounded you every day since.
"Didn't take much convincing," You admitted sheepishly as Grandma Sheryl and Lina both cooed over the news of your marriage.
"Oh, dears, that's absolutely wonderful! Lina and I both wondered how long it would take the two of you to see sense and realize you were perfect for one another," Grandma Sheryl exclaimed, smiling knowingly between you and Vash.
Both you and Vash felt your faces turn dark red, and you both realized just how blind the two of you had been for years if even Grandma Sheryl and Lina saw the signs of your feelings for one another.
"I'm just mad the two of you got married and didn't think to invite us! And I can't believe you never told us your real name, Vash!" Lina pouted, glaring at the two of you in turn.
"I had to keep my name secret, Lina, for my own safety. And we didn't invite anybody. We didn't have time. We didn't even have a wedding. It was just (Y/N) and I, the judge who married us and the secretary as a witness," Vash explained, his tone gentle as he spoke to her.
"Well, you'll have your wedding celebration here, then, so Grandma Sheryl and I and other townsfolk can attend!" Lina proclaimed, placing her hands on her hips and grinning widely, "Problem solved, and I might even consider forgiving you both!"
This caused you to burst into laughter. Lina was still as feisty as you remembered her being, if not more so now that she was older.
You could see Vash smiling happily at Lina's suggestion, and as the two of you made eye contact, you came to an unspoken agreement - you would have a celebration that both Lina and Grandma Sheryl could attend. They were the closest thing that you and Vash had to family, and if the two of you could make them happy by letting them celebrate with you, then you were doing it, no questions asked.
"Alright, it's a deal," Vash conceded, pulling Lina into a hug and ruffling her hair playfully, "You better help us plan and set everything up, though!"
Sure enough, Lina was happily involved in preparing your celebration with you and Vash over the next couple days, running around and decorating the house with different coloured streamers and flowers and other beautiful things while Grandma Sheryl cooked food for those coming to celebrate. You did your best to help Grandma Sheryl prepare everything, ensuring the old woman didn't keel over trying to make everything by herself.
Soon, before you knew it, the day of the celebration arrived. You found yourself waking early to the sound of Lina banging on your door, shouting something about how you "had to get ready this instant or you'll be late!". Before you knew it, you were surrounded by familiar people fussing and fiddling with your hair and your clothes and everything, getting you ready for your wedding.
"You guys do know I'm already married, right?" You teased your helpers, and they all laughed but continued their work.
When you looked in the mirror, the creature looking back at you was resplendent - truly, a thing of beauty. It moved when you did, and you couldn't bring yourself to believe that that magnificent creature was you.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" Lina cried, coming up behind you to gaze in the mirror, "You look amazing!"
"Thank you, Lina," You replied, hugging her gently to your side as she embraced you back, "Thank you for all you've done, for celebrating with Vash and I. I love you."
"I love you, too, (Y/N)," Lina answered, burrowing into your arms - despite being more grown up, she seemed so young. "Now, let's go! Or you'll be late!"
Before you could make sense of what was happening, you found yourself outside Grandma Sheryl and Lina's house, walking down a makeshift aisle towards the man who had been your husband for a couple years already.
Vash looked handsome as ever, in a suit that was simple but fit him well regardless. He looked like a demigod among mortals, his blonde hair swept back and his eyes shinning as he looked at you. Vash positively glowed seeing you walk towards him, done up and smiling at him with more love than he'd ever seen. He couldn't stop the tears welling up in his eyes as you approached him, looking like an angel, walking slowly but gracefully.
"Hi," Vash whispered to you, his blue eyes welling with tears of joy. He looked at you as if you hung the stars in the sky, as if you were his everything. Because you were. You were Vash's everything, and he would protect you from all the bad things in the world until the end of his days.
"Hi," You whispered back to him, smiling widely as Vash took your hand in his.
You stood together before the officiant, a kind old man from the town, who asked you both to recite your vows to one another. You and Vash both kept it short and sweet, given you had exchanged your more profound vows the day you'd first gotten married, and sealed your "new" union with a passionate kiss.
You could hear cheering from Lina, Sheryl and other townsfolk as you kissed Vash, and the two of you blushed bright pink as you smiled at the small group of people celebrating with you both.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Vash whispered to you as he kissed the back of your hand, "So, so much."
"I love you, too, Vash," You answered, reaching over to kiss Vash's cheek as the two of you walked back down the makeshift aisle.
The rest of the evening was spent among friends, laughing and drinking and eating, everybody happy to celebrate your and Vash's love for one another. By the end of the evening, you and Vash snuck outside for a moment with each other, just the two of you.
"Well, it seems now, at least by Lina's standards, we are officially married," You spoke softly to your husband, who laughed at your comment, his head resting on your shoulder as he hugged from behind.
"It seems so," Vash agreed, kissing the side of your head gently, "We're now Lina-approved."
"The highest honour," You chuckled, snuggling back into your husband's embrace, "So, what do we do now?"
Vash fell silent as he thought to himself for a couple moments, clearly trying to piece together your next steps.
"We live, (Y/N). You and I, together. We live."
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victoria-rue · 1 year
victoria-rue's Recommendation Masterlist
I was tired of play hide 'n seek with old stories in my likes. So I'm just going to leave them here so I can find them better and so other people can find them easier too ♥︎
Recommendation Masterlist part 1, part 2, part 3, & part 4
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Beth by @farfromharry
Eddie’s trying to navigate adulthood after a baby is dropped on him from a prior hookup. He tries his best for the baby girl and does well, things are made even easier with the help of his friends around him. When he meets you his life flips again, and although it takes a while to admit your feelings, he eventually ends up with a family he never expected he would have.
june baby by @luveline
you're a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors
the pain of letting you go by @strangermarvelss
you've separated from your husband, eddie, but aren't looking to rebound anytime soon. but he is
Penny 'Verse by @queenimmadolla
having found a family in your friends, Hawkins is no longer a sinkhole to you, so when you and Eddie discover you’re expecting, letting all your other plans go in favor of starting a family isn’t all that difficult.
Billy Hargrove
18 by @perpetuelledaydreaming
Billy Hargrove needs a Queen and you need someone to help you get out of the hellhole that you are currently in as you move to Hawkins. It should be an easy and obvious solution, right?
the hurt is good by @bookshelf-dust
Good Neighbors (Steddie X Reader) (Book One) by @justmeinadaze
You move into a new apartment complex with you six year old son while going through a divorce. You meet your sexy neighbors Steve and Eddie who are adorable with your kiddo and both care a lot about you.
We're A Family (Book Two) by @justmeinadaze
Steve, Eddie, reader, and her son are now all under one roof taking things one day at a time with their taboo little family.
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Steve Rogers
the send-off by @earth616variant
Being his best friend and assistant, Howard Stark asked you to be the first one to be tested on his time machine project. After some unexpected errors, you ended up stuck in the modern times of the 21st century. Where you meet the man you thought died years ago: Steve Rogers.
Peter Parker
Infinitely You by @spider-stark
In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right.
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Kenough for you by @frost-queen
This Isn't Barbie Land by @guppydoll
You are working away as a waitress at a night club when the oddest man came up to you after your shift and accidentally swept you off your feet. Yet you don't know if you are ready for another relationship after the disaster that was your last one. You just hope everything goes nice and easy. Ken is your doll and he wants you to teach him how to be human and help you through the pain you've been feeling. 
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Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Pure-Blood Potter by @fanfics4all
Are You With Me? by @sourstilinski
Y/N is a Slytherin muggle born. She’s used to her house ostracizing her due to her blood status and her friendship with the Golden Trio, especially Draco Malfoy. But during their fifth year, they discover they might need each other more than they think
Bill Weasley
long hair & tattoos by @wisteria-blooms
You, (Y/N) Malfoy, despise your family’s views on blood purity. Unlike your little brother Draco, you won’t be roped into marrying for status. However, when your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley? What should’ve been one night of deceit turns to a battle of charades and wits. Just who will crumble first: your family, Bill, or you?
James Potter
𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 by @astonishment
James plans on proposing to Lily. Trying to calm his nerves, he goes for a walk in the woods, then somehow finds himself in the land of the dead, engaged to Y/N, the corpse bride. With his friends and girlfriend looking for him, can James make it back to the land of the living? Does he even want to?
Regulus Black
Manipulating Death: Season One by @morganalatina21
When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Second Son by @cherryslyce
Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
Tom Riddle
Challenging fate by @lovebeinaprincessworld
There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
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Young Sheldon / The Big Bang Theory
Georgie Cooper
Texas Romance by @countrymusiclover
Y/n is Missy's high school friend, even though the Cooper girl is only in elementary school. She spends a lot of time at the Cooper house and learns what living with Sheldon was like. Through her years of high school, she realized that she's crushing on the eldest football playing brother Georgie. He's reckless and does things his mom doesn't approve of so Y/n questions herself of how she is falling for him. The two have to figure out if they can actually be a couple or not and deal with Missy's teasing.
The Texas Tire Family by @countrymusiclover
10 years after George Sr passed away Georgie and Y/n have to adjust to being the adults of the family. But when Sheldon reunites with the pair he needs them to come to his wedding, except Georgie tells him no. Dealing with two ten year olds and a secret they never expected to hear Sheldon was getting married.
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Jake Sully
Si fpom by @fluloa
You're dead to me by @chaethewriter
In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
folklore masterlist ✩ jake sully by @theseuscmander
widowed jake sully tries his hardest to heal from the loss of neytiri and you’re there to pick up the pieces and mend him back together, even if neither of you wanted to or realized.
Hoodie by @midnightsapphire
you thought jake was the one, now you’re grasping straws at what was.. and what could have been
I See You by @heirtothekingdom (now only on Ao3)
You observe the mighty warrior, the famed Toruk Makto, struggling to adjust to his new life in the Metkayina clan. The gentle whisperings of Eywa push you past your comfort to reach out a helping hand, to ease Jake Sully in the only way you can.
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
i want to see mama too by @dreamingofpandora
seven years ago, you had died alongside grace while trying to protect pandora. a few months after your death it was discovered that you were pregnant; leaving tsu'tey to raise your son vu'ran without you. but, things start to get strange when vu'ran is certain he saw you move.
Miles Quaritch
Ma Miles by @mechformers
When your son is taken, left behind by your Toruk Makto, you desperately go on the hunt for your boy. Knowing who took him, knowing that nothing good awaits him, you search high and low through the battlefield of Pandora, praying that Eywa will guide your way.
What Do I Tell My Friends Family by @plzfeedmebread
No More Than a Memory by @chaoticlicense
Miles isn't the same man as his human counterpart. The mistakes of the past are not his own. Neither are the feelings he has for a woman he's never met but remembers as though he has. In another life, you were everything to him. His light, his life, the one who brought a little joy to his dreary world. But you made your choice just as he made his. You both know that neither of you can change the past but maybe, just maybe, you can forge a new future…
Avatar: The New Mission by @milknhonies
After failing his mission to hunt down Jake Sully, Miles Quaritch is given a new mission. Let’s just say you’re not the most co-operative na’vi native and Quaritch loves to put you in your place.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
ONE OF US by @forever--darling
neteyam sully was the next olo'eyktan and for years had been focused on his training and his responsibilities only. he had never accounted for you to become one of them. when you got your avatar body and ended up in the forest alone, being brought to the village and offered to be taught the ways of the people wasn't what you expected. let alone it being neteyam, future olo'eyktan becoming your teacher.
“you make me feel brave//you make me feel safe” by @thesparkisnearlygone
alyara was only six weeks old when she was left behind as the sky people were forced to leave pandora 19 years ago. she was raised by Norm and Max, and she grew up running through the forest of pandora with the sully’s. her love for neteyam had blossomed over the years, but she knew nothing could come of her feelings for him, even after she is surprised with her own avatar. still, she can’t seem to picture herself with anyone else, and she will soon find that her feelings are not unrequited.
Charming Killer by @writing-makes-me-human
You get chased into the wilds of Pandora with a broken communication collar and a bullet wound, but Neteyam finds you. He goes to kill you but an omen from Eywa stops him, and as he approaches you he realizes you are his destined mate.
His Secret Admirer by @teyums
All Of My Love by @kurogxrix
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
Weakened by Eywa by @shkudss
Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Jake & Neytiri
My Heart Never Knows by @star-girl69
In the safety of the Reef, you know no war. You only know your family, the feel of the ocean on your skin, the feel of the wind blowing through your hair. You know only simple things, the barely there shine of the sun, a reprieve from where you are covered by your sister. You are the moon and she is the sun, and you are destined to live like this. You had long since given up any hopes of a mate until the Forest People arrive, on their colorful flying ikrans. Ronal does not like them. Tonowari respects them. Tsireya is entranced, Ao’nung sees them as new market to tease. With your family divided, you do not know how to feel about them. Until you See them, the parents of this family, Jake Sully and Neytiri, and the sun suddenly feels so much brighter. But your heart never know the future. It is in the hands of Eywa, but you cannot give your heart to these strangers knowing it could hurt. But, it seems this strange man and woman have other plans.
Keep Me Ablaze (Book One) by @star-girl69
The only mother you have ever known is the forest. Yes, you have Grace, other women at the base. But they are not quite your mother. It’s hard for your Aunt to talk about her- but how can you blame her? Alone and drifting through the world, a fire burning inside of you that threatens to snuff out, Grace teaches you alongside the Omaticaya at her school. They call her sa’nok, and sometimes you wish you could call her that too. But you feel like you would be betraying your mother. Neytiri is your spark, even while you’re young, shy when Grace pushes you to play with her and even shyer when the two of you form a tentative friendship. But it grows, and she grows into the woman you know now. Life without her is miserable, but at least you have something new to explore in the form of your Avatar. You run through the forests and help Grace, and soon you are 20 years old and looking out onto your life like it is a prison. You could leave. Go to Earth. But you couldn’t leave the forest, your Aunt, the memories of your mother and father. Then, Jake Sully comes, a warrior with no legs, who holds the same spark as Neytiri does. But with the weight of impending war looming on each of you, death everywhere, you don’t know if they can keep you ablaze.
Ember in Your Hands (Book Two) by @star-girl69
Although a part of you had died, you found that you were still full of life. With children running around and healed scars, life is what you dreamed about during those dark nights so long ago. You don’t know betrayal anymore, you don’t know loss or suffering. When you’re forced out of the only home you’ve ever known, you find yourself becoming hateful and bitter. You blame your mates, who have only ever burned for you, for all that has happened. You’ve changed and they’ve changed, and you’re not sure if they can keep you ablaze- not this time. You’re just an ember in your hands.
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. _ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Tonowari & Ronal
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
With her arrival in Awa’atlu, reader seeks to find a sanctuary for her family, one that she may find in two particular individuals
Neteyam & Ao’nung
He's Not So Bad by @biolumilunareclipse
your parents as well as the his had decided that you would be ao’nungs mate and the tsahìk of the metkayina clan. you were to be mated after you had both reached a certain point in your training. naturally, they suggested you help ao’nung and tsireya help teach the forest people your ways in your free time. this allows you to develope a close bond with the eldest son, neteyam, with whom you have plenty in common. as time passes and ao’nung becomes more accepting of them, he realizes they have plenty in common as well.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka
Chocolate Princess by @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
Y/n Ficklegruber can't help but become enamoured with the spectacularly peculiar man stood in the middle of the galleria.
The Candy Man by @kteezy997
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Enola Holmes/Bridgerton
Sherlock Holmes
Upon a nightly walk by @frost-queen
Having snuck out of the house to explore the town at night, you stumble upon a drunken Sherlock. His drunken behavior very silly and adorable to you, you take it upon yourself to escort him home. Once there, you find it hard to leave him alone so you decide to stay. Which comes to a surprise for a waking Sherlock who tends with care for his sweet savior. 
Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether
Love at first encounter by @frost-queen
The moment I knew by @frost-queen
You are very bubbly, sweet and wise. Every since you were a little girl you dreamed of becoming a princess. One day you meet Tewkesbury, completely smitten by him and he by you. You are very certain about your future with him after meeting him once. Later during family diner, you tell your siblings you are to marry him. Leaving them with different reactions to your sudden news.
Benedict Bridgerton
love letters and seconds sons by @jimblejamblewritings
The princess is finally ready to debut in society. But before she does, she decides to disguise herself and see the true faces of the ton.
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The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Six Months by @aestheticaltcow
parenthood angst
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godsgamefreak · 20 days
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After 1354 saves and just over 60 hours, I finally finished my Dragon Age II re-play, the first of its kind since the game came out 13 years ago. I toyed with it for a bit longer, I know I bought the Mark of the Assassin DLC and I think I even finished it, but I barely remembered it. But not a single proper playthrough in 13 years.
In that time DA2 of course got ripped apart by the media for the glaring issues of developing a massive RPG in 16-18 months, like the re-used assets (particularly in dungeons) but I had remembered enjoying it well enough as I played. Though, I also had issues with a lot of the Companions at the time too.
After being quite soured in my playthrough of Inquisition a few years later, I had fully dropped the series, with little to no interest in anything it was doing (granted it wasn't a lot, with Veilguard only just recently being properly announced) outside of the animated series on Netflix which was neat. But with Veilguard around the corner, and over 10 years of life under my belt, I thought... why not give it another try, see what's different?
Turns out both not much and also a fair bit. The not much was how much I enjoyed it - while certain mechanics don't work the way I'd like or aren't communicated as well (I'm very sad I couldn't truly be a proper tank, since enemy threat was constantly all over the place) I still had FUN with it. Since I remembered being meh on a lot of the Companions, I made sure to keep a particular eye on them this time around and I came to realize I understood them all a lot more this time around.
Merrill held a conviction, though a dangerous one, and while commendable to hold to it despite understanding the dangers... was completely blind to so much more. A great comparison to Anders, who was so much WORSE than I remembered, finally coming to a head if you question him during his Act 3 companion quest. I literally had to get up out of my chair in anger when he tries to threaten your friendship over his cause ("trust me even though I lied to you" like fuck off man).
Fenris was still overly grumpy about so much, but the reasoning is still solid, and it was nice to see him loosen up a little here and there. Agreeing to drop the mage freedom topic with Isabela and deflecting with a game of "guess my undergarments colour" was wonderful. Speaking of Isabela, I'm definitely older and care less about her darker side than I did as a "young and pure paladin" of 20 years old. I even romanced her, due in part to a similarity to one of my wife's OC's. Her romance story ends so sweet too, and her story is quite interesting. I wish the game had more time to expand on both Fenris and Isabela's stories and personal growth.
Varric and Aveline are still great, I love how they individually check in on Hawke through the game. They feel like the closest friends you have, in that they check on you just as much as you check on them, with no other major goals taking up their time and attention. Though the Aveline vs Isabela lines feel like they get a little too catty, there was one scene of them laughing over a drink once that made me happy to see they could get along.
My biggest regret is that Bethany is so absent from Act 2 and most of Act 3, not even making an on-screen appearance over your mother's death - the quest of which still hits pretty hard, though I didn't fully realize it until afterwards.
All in all, it was wonderful to re-play it, re-experience it, and play it in its complete form start-to-finish, and did exactly what I hoped: re-ignited my desire to care about this dark fantasy world, and make me excited to play Inquisition again. This time with less faffing about, more paying attention, and spending more time with Companions (and other major characters). I barely remember what happened in the game, so it's almost like finishing a re-play of DA2 before the big new game comes out. I hope I really find something I missed in my first DAI playthrough that makes me love it after hating it for 10 years.
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annymation · 7 months
Alright, now I'm curious. How would, hypothetically, Evangeline's first meeting her "space sister" when wishing for magic go? What would the interaction be like, and what would Aster and Asha think?
Alright so lets say Lin is currently 12 years old, she wishes upon a star, and just how it happened with Aster, a bright light shines on Rosas, and Asha and Aster recognize that means someone made a wish, and Lin is not home because they just had an argument, 2 + 2 = it was her who made that wish and they rush to find her.
The blue fairy, looking differently from how she looks in Pinocchio, having traits that make her look more like both Asha and Aster's daughter, she looks a few years older than Evangeline. As she reaches the ground she says:
"Good Evangeline, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true" She starts with what wishing stars always say when they arrive on earth, but then she gives the little girl a radiant smile and says "Greetings sister, I've been looking forward to meet you."
Lin is looking perplexed at her with a huge smile, but as soon as she hears the word sister she goes "..... W H A T ? !"
Asha and Aster arrive where she is running, and she immediately asks them
"MOM! DAD! I HAVE A STAR SISTER???" The little girl asks in shock
"YOU DO???" They both ask at the same time
Then they see the blue fairy, and look up and see the North Star is no longer in the sky, they realize that's the star that was made thanks to their love.
"*GASP* YOU DO!" They answer at the same time again.
They're overjoyed to meet her too, specially Aster who rushes to give her a hug, and she returns the hug warmly
"Oooooh look at you! You look stunning! Even brighter than you shined up there! OH OH I gotta know, how many wishes have you granted so far?" Aster asks excitedly and already seeing her like a daughter he just never met
"Hmm it's hard to say, but I believe over the years I've granted about... 1.328 give of take." She says gleefully
"THAT MANY?! OH MY- DID YOU HEAR THAT ASHA?! I'M SO PROUD!" He hugs her tightly and spins her in the air
Asha and Lin are just watching, with Asha giggling at how happy Aster is, while Lin has her arms crossed, looking jealous
"Humph... Papa never said he was proud of me" She says irritated
"Yes he has, sweetie. He tells you that every day, in fact, he told you that just this morning when you managed to pour your orange juice in the glass cup without spilling a drop, he even hugged you and everything, remember?" Asha corrects her calmly
"... Okay yeah, but still." Lin says, still annoyed
Aster stops spinning around with the wishing star in his arms
"I just realized, we don't even know your name yet, surely you must have given yourself one by now"
"Oh yes, I'm Chiara" She smiles up to her father, and then she turns to her little sister and says "Although I'd love to catch up, I'm afraid that'll have to wait, me and Evangeline have a long way to go in order to make her wish come true, after all one doesn't acquire magic overnight heheh"
Asha and Aster realize that's what Evangeline wished for... After they just explained to her magic can only be achieved through studying and perseverance. They look at her unamused with the fact she pretty much is trying to cheat her way into having magic, the little girl looks up to her mom nervous
"Heh heh I mean, in my defense, it worked for you didn't it?" The little girl says with a cheeky smile.
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haveafuckingfanfic · 8 months
Yall, I just realized…
Alastor is technically the Boomer of the Hazbin group😭.
Now before you jump me, hear me out! HEAR ME OUT!!!
1. Bro is older than anyone in that group.
2. He refuses to change, insisting that radio is still an up to date media.
3. He’s really not up to date with slang in the slightest, did you see his interaction with Rosie in reference to being an ‘ace in the hole’.
4. This one is completely theoretical, but he turned down being a team with Vox! If not for relationship reasons, it makes sense that it’d be for the fact that Vox was actively changing and keeping up to date with times. He obviously didn’t want that!
Granted I know he had the 7 year absence, so that’s going to add to his lack of knowledge surrounding Hell’s pop culture, but who knows? It’s just a theory yall😉
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stvrryyami · 2 years
Being The Oldest Di Angelo Sibling
>Alec Mores
A/N: I don’t know if I’ll make a part 2, but this was a little rushed. I was just chilling in the living room and had this funny little idea. I hope you enjoy! TITANS CURSE SPOILERS!
Warnings: Major character death (Bianca and Moria), mourning, sibling drama, semi angst, Percy and Reader make bad decisions, happy ending, gender neutral reader, readers age is mentioned but if you don’t like it you can change it no big deal
Word Count: 1k (1,350)
Being the oldest of the Di Angelo siblings, and a child of Hades, AND growing up in the 1930s, you had A LOT of responsibilities.
You often helped your mom with Nico and Bianca, chores around the house and anything that she really needed.
Nico and Bianca always went to you first for help, with homework or fixing something or really anything .
They always looked up to you, like, a ton.
Imagine you were old enough to know who your father was.
You knew he was Hades, god of the underworld, a literal Greek god, but you didn’t tell your siblings in fear that the monsters would come for them.
You tried to hide it from them as long as you could, your mother would watch them as you fought any monsters that would come for you and your siblings.
You cherished your family, besides your father, and loved them more than anything in the world.
That being said, your mothers death struck you the most.
It happened right in front of you, in front of all of you but you tried to hide the scene from your younger siblings.
Zeus, your uncle, had struck her right from the sky while she was with your family, including your father.
As Hades mourned his Maria in his arms, you couldn’t help but stare at the scene as you held the bodies of your sobbing siblings.
You were alone. You had to watch these children, not even in double digits, yourself. Gods know how much “help” Hades would truly grant you.
Age isn’t really too important, but if you want an age I'd say you're two-three years older than Bianca, making you 4-5 years older than Nico.
Your dad put you in the Lotus Casino after the death of your mother, causing decades to fly by while you hardly ever aged.
You were 14-15 when Percy, Grover, Thalia and Annabeth found you at school.
You weren’t aware that a faculty member in your school was a freaking manticore, or that one of your fellow students was literally part animal.
you did notice the peculiar teenagers at the school dance, yk, the ones from camp half-blood, that part you didn’t know.
When the disguised manticore took you and your siblings away, you assumed those kids were dangerous and that everyone was being evacuated.
It was only until you realized no other students were with you is when you started getting worried.
After the giant battle that resulted in the blonde girl being launched off a cliff, you stayed close to your brother as Bianca walked away with the so-called “Hunters of Artemis.”
You didn’t trust them, but you did trust Bianca’s judgement. That didn’t stop you from being insanely worried.
After you found out that Bianca became a Hunter of Artemis, you being livid was an understatement.
You were happy she’d found her place in the world and that she seemed happy, but you believed the decision was too rushed, and she hadn’t even consulted you!
You chose to stay with Nico at camp while the others went on the quest, and you were there for Nico and Percy’s conversation.
As Percy promised Nico your sister would live, you were doubtful. Still, you informed Percy that he would pay the price for her death.
Not because it was his fault, or that he didn’t try hard enough to save her, but because he had the nerve to promise a ten-year-old boy something he couldn't guarantee.
When they returned, you followed Nico as he asked Percy about his sister,but you knew. You felt it. Your sister was dead.
You didn’t cry, you couldn’t. You had to wait to be alone, you had to be strong for your brother. He needed comfort, and you were ready to provide that for him. The consequences for Percy’s selfish promise could wait.
They didn’t wait, however, as Nico’s emotions exploded.
Nico blamed Percy for his sister’s death. He broke his promise. He was to blame.
You tried to calm Nico down, but when he turned to you, face broken and tear stricken, his breath hitched.
“You knew.” He said, almost a whisper, a whisper of betrayal. “You knew and you didn’t tell me.”
You stayed silent, hesitant. You felt when she died. You knew who your father was, and you knew when death greeted your sister in a silent, cold black blanket.
That was Nico’s last straw.
He left behind only painful words and granted Grover, Annabeth and Percy with the very knowledge you tried so hard to keep hidden from everyone all of your life.
You and your siblings are children of Hades.
The trio said they wouldn’t speak on this secret for the time being, you thanked them.
And then, because of your foolishness, you mourned the loss of two siblings, the only people in your family you had left. Your father didn’t count. He wasn’t there, and now they weren’t either.
You wanted to search for Nico, he was only ten. He couldn’t survive alone, cold and scared, but they wouldn’t let you. You had to stay at camp, that was the rule.
So, as much as you hated it, you did. You only just found a permanent home, even if it didn’t feel like it, even if people didn’t like you, that’s what it was. It was home, it had to be, because nothing else was.
Percy constantly tried apologizing to you, you could tell guilt consumed him, and you were glad.
You didn’t punish him like you said you would, you were too tired and could tell the regret he felt for his actions was punishment enough.
You weren’t friends yet, but you weren’t enemies either. You were allies, yeah, that was a safe word, allies.
When Percy ran to you, informing you that he saw your brother, you nearly died. At least, you felt like it, it was as if your breath was caught in the wind.
Your brother? Was he alright? Did he look happy? How was he doing? Did he miss you like you missed him? Where was he? Does he hate you? Millions of questions consumed you, but you never spoke one.
Percy told you most of what he saw, you couldn’t tell if he was holding anything back, but you didn’t care. He saw your brother. Your baby brother.
You wanted more than anything to see him, but Percy talked you into staying at camp. You really didn’t want to, but Percy threatened to tell Chiron who your father was, so you listened resentfully, suddenly not counting him as much of an “ally” anymore.
One day while you were hanging out with Silent Beauregard in the strawberry fields, you sensed another presence of death
At first you thought someone in camp had passed, but it was a different feeling. A feeling of another child of Hades in the woods, and you ran to it while ignoring Silena’s worrisome calls.
Your brother was there, in your sight, in front of you, looking much older than before.
He was thirteen now, his dark eyes observed you with so much emotion, though his face was neutral. But he couldn’t have found much before you engulfed him in a breathtaking hug.
Tears filled your eyes as you felt him stiffen, suddenly remembering your last interaction you were about to retreat when he suddenly relaxed a little and hugged you tighter than you were hugging him.
“Hey, y/n,” he said in a breathy, crackly voice, and you sobbed out a sigh of relief, hugging him impossibly tighter. His voice was so different, he was so different, but it didn’t matter.
Your brother was here, with you, hugging you, talking to you. After almost three years of nothing, no knowledge about him, if he was okay, he was here. He was here and he didn’t hate you, at least he didn’t act like he did.
You knew, in that very moment, you’d do anything for him. You’d follow him anywhere, you’d never let anyone hurt him.
And you, yourself, would never hurt him again.
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