#and you are taken to live in his manor that sits on the grounds of a cold foggy lake
rush-the-stars · 1 year
when i write my gothic romance vampire au fic for kaeya…………………
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bookofbonbon · 8 months
green is not your colour (1) - coriolanus snow.
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x Reader.
Warning: Implied cheating.
Summary: You've been engaged to Coriolanus Snow for a few short weeks and have been living together for even shorter but, the betrothal is put through its first test when Coriolanus's affair makes itself known. Part (1/2).
Wordcount: 1.3k.
A/N: This takes place in the 'You Keep Him There' universe. A couple of months before Christmas Kiss. Please tell me you catch the Yellowstone reference.
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11 months ago.
The stone bench cuts into the skin of your exposed thigh, one leg crossed over the other as your arm rests along the back of the garden seat. Goosebumps cover the length of your body; remnants of last night’s cold snap are still evident as the icy blanket that covers the Manor’s grounds slowly melt away with the slow rising sun. 
Of course, the cold was of no concern. Not when you had your new found habit to keep you warm. 
Taking a drag from the lit cigarette between your fingers, your gaze is unwavering as you stare down the anxious chauffeur who had pulled into the driveway of your new home at the same time that you did - belonging neither to you or Coriolanus.
It had taken you all of 30 seconds to piece together what was going on and who the car belonged to - after all, you weren’t supposed to be home until the afternoon. You aren’t surprised Coriolanus would do this but, it doesn’t make it hurt any less; doesn’t temper the green eyed monster threatening to rear its ugly head.
Sure, you didn’t like him but, the two of you had known each other your entire lives; would marry in less than a year, he belonged to you- you'd hoped those things would at least mean something to him too but, it doesn’t and again, that doesn’t surprise you but, you are disappointed. Disappointed that he would bring this into your home.
The chauffeur fiddles with the cuffs of his sleeves, unsure of where to look as his gaze shifts nervously between you and the front doors until finally, they open and he relaxes slightly, eager to escape the weight of your stare as he wrenches the car door open for his passenger. 
You watch, hidden from their view as she emerges from your home, bidding farewell to your fiance. Crushing the cigarette, you wait until she’s about to enter the car to make your presence known. 
“I always suspected there may be something more between the two of you but, to become his mistress?” You stand, making your way over to her. 
Stopping a metre out, you drag your gaze lazily over her figure until you meet her own surprised one. 
“My, my, Clemensia, I never expected that from you,” you tut. “Although, I won’t lie. After your… stint in the hospital back in our academy days, I didn’t think he’d ever look at you again.” 
She flinches at your words but it doesn’t keep her down for long. The red-eyed, puffy-cheeked beauty straightening her back and puffing her chest with an air of arrogance that you did not appreciate. 
“What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” you repeat, laughing at the nerve of her. “Clemensia, this is my house. I can come and go as I please but, you? Well, we are going to have a problem if I see you around here again.”
"You can't stop me. He was mine first."
You take an intimidating step closer. 
“You want to sleep with Coriolanus? Fine. That’s your choice but, not in my house. Affairs are for hotels not homes, and if you ever step foot in mine again, I will make sure you never take another step again. Got it?”
She swallows thickly but nods her understanding. 
"Good. Now get off of my property before, I have you removed from it."
You don’t wait for her to go, sights immediately set on the fool you were to take as your husband in less than a year.
“Coriolanus,” you yell, throwing the doors open, anger finally revealing itself. “Coriolanus!”
You find him sitting at the head of the dining table, looking equally as surprised as his whore to see you. Unlike her however, he’s quick to hide it. 
“When did you-”
“You keep your whores out of my house, Coriolanus,” you warn him. “You keep your whores out of my house or I will teach you a lesson that I promise you will never forget.”
You spend the rest of the day sleeping, too tired from the morning's events and traveling to do anything else but rest, so it’s dark out by the time you leave your room. 
Padding down the staircase, your tummy makes its hunger known, growling out for anyone awake to hear. Sleepily, you make your way to the kitchen, not noticing the dim light emitting from the space until you're already inside with an unwanted guest. 
You look at him for a moment, thinking about whether to tuck tail and turn away or continue on your journey for food- your stomach makes your decision for you however, when it growls again. 
Coriolanus is the first to speak. “There's a plate in the fridge for you.” 
You don’t acknowledge him, opening the fridge in silence and indeed finding the plate of food inside. You pretend he’s not there as you move around the kitchen to warm your food up. When everything is ready, you take a seat at the kitchen bench- it’s then that Coriolanus decides to speak again.
“I think we should talk about this morning.”
“We have,” you answer him, tone clipped. “And I told you not to bring your whores into my house again.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
You breathe a laugh of disbelief. Was it not enough to discover what you did this morning now, he wanted to discuss it too? Picking up your plate, you make to leave- there were other rooms in this place that you could eat peacefully in. 
“It’s over-” he follows after you, blocking your path. “Me and Clemmie. I ended things with her.”
“Clemmie,” you scoff the name. “How very considerate of you. Does she know that?”
“She does and I didn’t end it because of what happened this morning- I ended things weeks ago. She’s just having a hard time letting go but, I promise it is. I’m with you.”
You pause- pinching the bridge of your nose.
“You should’ve ended it months ago, well before we even got engaged.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” 
You nod but don't forgive him and he uses your silence to keep talking. 
“I want to make this work, I want us to get along, I want-” he hesitates, taking your free hand. “I want you to like me.” 
“What makes you think I don’t?”
“You made it very clear in the Academy that you don’t, I doubt your opinion of me has changed much since.” 
You smile bitterly down at your joined hands. Your dislike for Coriolanus in school differed vastly from why you disliked him now.  
You wonder if it would ever be possible to like Coriolanus Snow now. 
It was hard to see the possibility when your entire being now depended on marrying him. Your grandparents had already loved him, he was Old Guard, cut from the same cloth and as he got older, they saw the future in Coriolanus Snow, future president of Panem. And that was before the proposal was even brought to them. Once it was… they would be damned if you married anyone else. When you attempted to go against it, they had made it known that they were more than willing to reduce you to nothing; taking steps to ensure you couldn’t refuse by hinging your inheritance of the Blizzard Telecommunications and Mass Media Empire and wealth on marrying him. Coriolanus Snow had snatched any freedom or hope for the future you envisioned for yourself away from you and he didn’t even know it. 
Maybe one day you’d move past it or maybe one day he'd accept that you never would but, for now you settle for “maybe you can start with buying me a new house.”
Coriolanus chuckles but you're being serious and he agrees, "soon."
“And Coriolanus?”
“I don't ever want to see you with Clemensia Dovecote again. I don’t take kindly to those who you would threaten to take what is mine. Green is not my colour and, I promise you won’t like seeing me in it either.”
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2024. All rights reserved.
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Brotherly Love. D.W J.T
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Damian Al-Ghul/Wayne × platonic!twin!reader!
Gender Neutral
This is roughly based on the film "Son of Batman", it just includes the other batbros that were not in the film, and the reader does not know Jason.
Brotherly Love Masterlist <- right here
Warnings:mentions of death/assassins/scars/insecurity
Summary: You and your twin brother go to live with your father after your grandfather's death, but time at Wayne Manor brings soon jeopardizes your relationship.
There is probably some grammatical errors.
Tragedy had struck your family, when Deathstroke rained an army upon your home, killing hundreds of your families men, including your uncle, and grandfather. Your mother had hurriedly taken you and your brother Damian away from your home, guiding you to America where you would meet your father for the first time.
A tight feeling had bubbled up in your chest, perhaps it was from you grieving your grandfather, or the sadness from leaving your home, maybe- just maybe it was nervousness from getting to finally meet your father. Your fists tightened as you thought about what was happening, Damian who was sitting next to you took notice immediately, and moved to rest one of his hands upon your own, the contact brought you out of your daze, and you turned to look at Damian who was starting dead ahead.
Damian, your beloved twin brother, whom you loved very deeply. He was your anchor for when the days got too tough, you were a trained assassin you were meant to be cold, but alas you were still a child, and he was too.
Sometimes when the two of you were younger you would sneak out of your respective rooms and get into the other's bed, Talia pretend not to notice, and would never dare to speak a word about it. You and Damian would always read books in his room when you both had time away from training, you'd huddle together as one of you voiced what was happening in the books you read, and eventually whichever one of you was being read to would fall asleep upon the other, the one that was reading doing the same not too long after.
On the nights that Ra's would allow dessert to be served after dinner Damian would give you whatever treat was given to him, he was never one for sweets. Every once and a while the pair of you would venture down to the village or around the Al-Ghul grounds, and talk about anything and everything.
You were brought back out of your thoughts as Talia announced that you had arrived in Gotham, she had told you and Damian to wait whilst she retrieved your father.
Talia had come back with a man, dressed in all black, he had a cape and a mask, he was muscular, not too tall and not too short. You and Damian stood side by side as your mother attempted to flirt with him before breaking the news of Ra's Al-Ghul's death, and how the assassins that killed him would more likely come back. Talia then brought back the curtain that you and Damian hid behind, and finally told him that you were his children.
Bruce had tried to bond with the two of you at first, you and Bruce would go out to eat and go shopping, whilst Damian would spend time in the Batcave and accompany Bruce to work. When you had the time you and Damian would still huddle up in the giant library and read to each other at night.
After some time Bruce eventually had to stop going on your outings together, too busy as Batman and as a businessman. Instead of Bruce, you started going out with Alfred to visit the shops, before you knew it Damian had become Robin and started going out with Bruce into the night and wouldn't arrive back at the Manor until early morning. A downside to being Robin meant that Damian kept sadly turning down your attempts to hang out, instead he spent even more time in the Batcave either training or doing research. You had already attempted to ask Tim to hangout but he was too busy with Wayne enterprises plus keeping up with his own nighly activities as Red Robin, you also knew there would be no reason to call Dick he was all the way in Blüdhaven also to invested in his own police duties and his Nightwing persona, Jason, whom you hadn't met yet was also off of the table, he and Bruce had to many disagreements between the two of them. So instead you settled for either being alone reading one of the thousand books in the library or helping Alfred with household things, and he was more than happy to spend time with you.
After many futile attempts at trying to get Damian to spend time with you he started to get agitated, telling you to just leave him alone for the night, one night he finally had enough and snapped. It was an hour before Batman and Robin would go out for patrol, dinner had finished not to long before, you stayed back to help Alfred clean up, Damian went with Bruce to go set up things for when they leave, it had been weeks since you had some one on one time with Damian so you went down to the batcave to ask him to read, or really to do anything.
You walked down the stairs that led to the batcave, Damian was taking care of his weapons and Bruce was looking at the computer, you creeped up next to Damian and watched as he polished the baterang's. Of course Damian had seen you, he was an assassin he always knew what was happening around him, he let a sigh come out from his nose, and shifted his weight to the foot that was farthest from you as an attempt to distance himself from you.
"What do you want (Y/N)?" He questioned, finally breaking the silence that had been in the batcave. "I just wanted to see if you would like to join me for an activity, we can do whatever you like." You confessed, hopeful that he would say yes.
Damian set down the baterang he was holding and threw his head back in annoyance.
"Damian has to get ready for patrol (Y/N)." Bruce butted in as he sensed Damians change in attitude, turning around in the chair that he sat in he watched as you glanced at him before looking back at Damian, then back to him.
"But that's in and hour, I just wanted to borrow hi-" You tried to reason before being interrupted by an angry looking Damian. "(Y/N) WILL YOU EVER LEAVE ME ALONE, IM BUSY!" He yelled out at you, your eyebrows knit together as you stared at him, never had he ever yelled at you, let alone been angry at you. Bruce had jumped up from his seat and began walking to you guys to make sure nothing else happens between you.
You had started to back away from Damian, still staring at him with shock on your face, Damians still portraying anger as he stared back. You kept backing up until your feet hit the stairs, as they touched the stairs you turned and fled back up to the Manor, running past Alfred who was bringing tea to Bruce and Damian, all the way until you reached your room. You climbed into bed, curling up under the blankets, your mind was going a million miles per hour, Damian had never been mad at you, were you really that annoying? You just wanted to spend time with him like you've done all your life, was that anxious feeling you had before your arrival to Gotham, some sort of prediction?
Apparently sometime during your heartbroken breakdown you must have passed out, cause you awoke to a knock on the door, you sighed as you got up to answer it, hoping that it would be Damian trying to apologize, as you reached the door and opened it you were met with alfred.
"I've brung you some cookies Mx.(Y/N)." He said as he held put a tray, you grabbed them out of his hands and muttered out a "thank you".
"I do not know what happened, but I am here if you need to talk." He told you, hoping that you weren't as emotionally constipated as the rest of this family, you observed the older man's face, looking for any sign to show that he was lying, but his face held sincerity.
"Damian-" you started, but ended up cutting yourself off. "-yelled at me, he's never done that before." You confessed in a whisper, a little embarrassed that this is what has gotten you so worked up. "Would you like me to talk to him?" The brit questioned, ready to stand up for you.
"No, it's okay Alfred." You rushed out, Damian should apologize on his own terms, once he realized what he did.
"Thanks for the cookies, Alfred." You sighed before whispering out a "goodnight" and closing the door.
A week later and Damian has yet still not apologized, you had avoided him the entire week as well, and he didn't seem to care. Tim had come by to talk to Bruce and asked if you wanted to go hangout before he left, you told him no, the insecurity of being annoying clouding your mind. Bruce had even come up to your room, and explained that Damian was just "frustrated from working", Bruce even invited you to go out and eat with him like you did when you first arrived, you soon turned him down. Alfred too made attempts to spend time with you, inviting you to cook or garden with him, but all you wanted was to be with your brother.
This went on for a whole month, you avoiding Damian, and him not even trying to apologize to you. You had eventually left your room to eat with the family again, and would sit in the library or garden reading a book. You had hoped that your mother would come back to you, and take you back home, praying that she had gotten her revenge for Ra's and killed Deathstroke already, you've waited, and waited, and waited, but she still hasn't come back yet, there was no trace of her. You weren't worried that anything had happened to her, she was the child of Ra's Al-Ghul, The Demons Head, he'd been alive for over 500 years, he trained your mother, of course she was fine, you just wished she would come and see you upset, and try to help.
After a month and a half since you last talked to Damian, you walked down the dark stairs of the enormous Wayne Manor, heading towards the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea, upon your arrival you grabbed a mug, then put a kettle on the stove. The kettle whistled to announce that the water was done boiling, you place a tea bag into your mug before pouring the water on top, you grabbed your personal likings of sugar and cream to put in it(im southern i literally only put sugar in mine.) , and grabbed a spoon to stir it all together. Once your tea was done you picked up your mug and made your way to the library, on your way there you passed the dining room and seen Alfred sitting with a man, he had black hair with a white streak in the front, a scar running across the side of his face, he was muscular, and wearing a black leather jacket, and black jeans, you caught sight of his eyes, something in them looked familiar, kind of like that mystical green hugh that the Lazarus pit gave your grandfather. Maybe you were going crazy, you've never seen this man in your life, you would know if he had access to the Lazarus pit, you shook your head to get rid of any curious thoughts you had, before glancing at the mysterious man one last time and heading to the library.
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There will be a part two to this, maybe even a part three, I hope you enjoyed!
(Part two has been posted!)
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BatMom- Tim Drake
Part One
Part Two
Tim Drake, her Genius Bird.
She had not been prepared for her third bird, no, the boy came crashing into her life quite unexpectedly. In fact he had sought her out one night as she was trailing behind a depressed and hurting bat. Marinette had to admit the little bird had some spunk he had practically thrown himself off the building when he saw her.
Ignoring her reprimanding him over dangerous stunts like that, and he just pulled out a picture. 
A picture of her, Dick, and Jason-her sweet babybird-a picture she had never seen before. 
Soon after pulled out another one, this time of Lady Noir, Robin, and the newly named Nightwing, it was his first patrol after finally letting go of Robin. Two things ran though Marinette’s mind as she stared at the pictures.
1-I’ve never seen these before, Alfred would have given me copies.
 2-He knows.
It was after he lowered them, that she recognized him. Tim Drake, the shy little boy that was Bruce’s neighbor. 
'He shouldn’t be in Gotham. Janet and Jack are currently in France. Why isn’t their son with them?’ 
Tim looked up at her before placing the photos in her hand giving her a small smile.
“I knew you wouldn’t let me fall, Miss Marinette, you never let them fall.” This caused her to flinch, she still blamed herself for what happened to Jason. Tim had noticed and knew he had to plead his case before the hurting mother closed in on herself. “Just like how you won’t let Bruce fall completely into the darkness. You can’t do it alone though.” He said softly, grabbing her free hand in his own attempt to be comforting. “Batman needs a Robin, without one he sinks into the darkness.” Marinette turned looking away from the boy, slightly anger burning in her chest. It wasn’t directed at Tim though, no it was at herself.
“Robin is gone kiddo, we can’t keep living in the past.” She said and stood up, ready to summon Kaalki so that she could take Tim back home. 
“Jason wouldn’t want you to blame yourself, and he wouldn’t want Bruce to self-destruct.” Tim said determined, not flinching when Lady Noir turned her neon green eyes on him. “Dickie needs to be his Robin again.” He pulled out another two pictures, this first one older and more worn. 
It was her and Dickie out on his first patrol, Batman stood behind them in the picture. She was Ladybug, a rare sight, Ladybug rarely showed herself in Gotham, and Dick was in his first Robin body armor. They sat on the edge of a building, feet dangling as they ate ice cream. 
She had insisted on it, stating that they had to celebrate and Batman had simply grumbled knowing better than to argue with someone even more stubborn than him. The second picture was Ladybug and Robin again, but this time it was her tough little bird and Nightwing sat on her other side. They all sat eating ice cream, smiling and enjoying their time together. Lady Noir let out a soft ‘oh’, she missed her babybird so much. “You need a Robin too, a Robin to help you.” Lady Noir stared at the picture before sitting down a fake nail carefully rubbing over Jason’s face.
“My baby boy.” She whispered softly a sad smile on her face before she looked up at Tim. “May I keep these?” Tim nodded vigorously, smiling as he moved closer.
“I have more pictures in my room at Drake Manor!” He said, scoffing his foot against the ground and looking down abashedly. Lady Noir nodded looking up at him with a gentle smile.
“I’d, I’d like to see them please, Mister Drake.”
“Just call me Tim”
“Very well, Tim.”
Tim was on the right track, Batman did need Robin, but Dick had already flown. He started making a name all his own, but this time he’d get to help in training their next bird.
The start had been rocky, Bruce hadn’t wanted anything to do with him. He had even snapped at Marinette accusing her of trying to replace Jason. 
That had landed him in a fight he couldn't win, Marinette had thoroughly beaten him for it before snapping at the man verbally. Alfred had taken his anger out in a less violent way but extremely unpleasant way. 
Bruce had to endure burnt food for what felt like months. 
Marinette had taken the boy under her wing from the moment she had found out he was completely alone at Drake manor. She didn’t report the Drakes right away however, instead she took Tim in, giving him his own room. She went through the entire manor, taking pictures of all the rooms absolutely covered in dust. Showing that only three places were taken care of Tim’s room, the kitchen, and the library. She then reached out to all former employees, including the Nanny that had been employed just a year previous. The amount they had to say left Marinette very happy and unhappy. Happy for it was more to add to her case, a case that her lawyer was more than excited to work on. It wasn’t a surprise, Adrien had always loved it when she brought him hard cases that needed a lot of work. Unhappy because of what poor Tim had gone through.
Since taking him in Marinette and him had slowly grown closer, however she still refused to let him go out as Robin. Which annoyed the young boy greatly because it was clear Robin was still needed. Dick was the one that provided him the help he needed. 
For a year Dick would pick Tim up every weekend claiming they were going camping, when in reality they were going to the old Titan’s tower. He had trained Tim for a year and then he had given Tim his own Robin uniform. Telling him to be safe and let him know when to expect his first patrol, already in fear of Marinette’s reaction.
“The woman is scary ya know?”
“But you love her.”
“I do.”
When Lady Noir first saw a new Robin flying she nearly snapped until she noticed her first bird trailing behind. Instead of rushing in and snatching her bird up she decided to follow him. The entertainment of watching the bird drive the big bad bat up the wall made it worth it. It took half an hour for Batman to finally call it quits and call a family meeting, or well, he called it a team meeting but pot meets kettle.
“Did you do this?”
He immediately rounded on Marinette which caused an immediate glare at him as she crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. Dick and Tim were tense watching the two questioning if they should speak up. It took a rather hard hit to Dick’s rib cage by Tim for their eyes to snap to Dick.
“Ya so it may have, possibly been me.”
He said giving them his most charming smile, Bruce’s face didn’t budge but he saw Marinette’s lip twitch just slightly. Which calmed him only a little, the night was long and ended with Bruce agreeing to take Tim as his Robin. He had tried to get the kid to stay at the manor but Marinette refused.
“Not gonna happen Bruce, you can pick him up every night from me, two buildings over from my penthouse. Now come on Dickie, we need to get ice cream.”
Tim Drake, His Parents Return.
Tim had flourished under Marinette’s care; he was only twelve and yet he was one of the smartest people she’d ever met. Everything she decided to teach him he learned in less than a week, and as they progressed he learned even quicker. So much so she couldn’t keep up with him. Her boy was incredibly smart, probably smarter than Bruce as well. 
He had already surpassed her with his knowledge in technology and science. The only thing he could not surpass her in was her talent in fashion. He had attended multiple Galas with her at this point and knew almost everyone in the fashion industry by name. He also knew those to watch out for and those to treat with high regards. For instance, to avoid Lila Rossi at all costs, they had not been able to dig up solid proof of her working with Hawkmoth so she still ran free. He knew could trust Adrien Agreste with his life and that the man would do anything to help him or Marinette, granted. Finally he knew to always give respect to Audrey and Chloe Bourgeois, but if they overstepped a boundary it was imperative for him to stand up for himself. Neither women respected people that allowed themselves to be walked all over, that’s why they held Marinette in such high regards.
But it was his attendance to those Galas that brought his parents attention back to him. The night they arrived at Marinette’s penthouse she had been ready for a fight. She had Adrien there already, having sent Kaalki to get him. Tim sat on the couch finishing his homework glancing up every so often at the two adults whispering together.
“Mari, there is nothing we can do until the police are involved, and you know they can take him. You can't leave him in the dark about this.”
“I don't want them to take him, Rein. There must be something we can do.”
“Not right now, I have pulled up everything I could, but if you refuse to let him go they can charge you with kidnapping. You need to tell him Mari.”
Marinette stood walking over to Tim, she slowly kneeled on the ground by the couch. Tim refused to look at her, he already knew what was coming and didn’t want to acknowledge it.
“Tim.” She said softly calling for his attention, he simply shook his head, burying his face deeper in his textbook. Marinette’s heart broke as she slowly reached up, taking the book from his hands. “Tim, I need to talk to you.”She took his hands in hers, kissing his knuckles softly. “Please look at me TimTim.” He hesitated before looking into her eyes, tears brimming his own. “Tim, you are going to have to go with them.”
“I don’t want to, please don’t make me.”
“I don’t want you to either Birdie, but if I keep you they can charge me with kidnapping and that will hurt our case.” She slowly pulled the bird into her lap cradling him against her chest. “I promise you Tim, you won't stay with them long. I will not stop fighting until you are released into my care. I have Bruce, and Commissioner Gordon on my side, not to mention Adrien who is one of the best lawyers in the world, as well as Bruce’s large list of lawyers. I will get you back TimTim, it will just take me a little time.” Tim wrapped his arms around her waist crying into her shoulder. Marinette stroked his back, rocking slowly as she held back tears, she hated this, all of it. 
“I am moving in with Bruce until this is over, Adrien is coming with me, and Dick is finishing the week off, then taking a Leave of Absence from Bludhaven PD. He will be at the manor too and will be sneaking over to Drake manor to see you.” Tim nodded before pulling back, wiping at his eyes, only stopping when Marinette pulled his hand away. She began softly dabbing under his eyes, a gentle smile on her face. “Let's get your school work together okay?” They put away his work, sending each other teasing little comments and lightening the mood. Adrien watched his best friend with a soft smile, as she completely relaxed. Their peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door. Marinette gave Tim one last tight hug as her housekeeper slowly made her way over. Mrs. Reynolds turned looking at her young employer, her hand hovering over the door knob.
“You can still run. I know the Horse God can take you anywhere Miss. I can say you’re not here.” Marinette smiled at her shaking her head even though she wanted nothing more than to take him and run.
“Non, Mrs. Reynolds, we can not run from everything. The barbarians are at the gates, and I fear it's time to face them.” She gently brushed Tim’s hair down, nodding for the women to open the door. Janet was the first to enter storming past Mrs. Reynolds nearly knocking the women over, Jack following behind her.
“You! Give me my son back! How dare you take him from his home, and make it look like my husband and I are unfit parents!” Janet said, beginning to get in Marinette’s face, expecting the smaller woman to back up, but Marinette stood her ground looking unimpressed.
“Oh no, you did that to yourself Janet. You and your husband are unfit parents, and don’t worry soon everyone will know it. Adrien if you’d please.” Adrien stood up making his way over and held out a neat stack of papers to Jack as he looked at Janet.
“You may be taking young Tim home tonight, but I promise you, he will not be there long.” Adrien smirked, pushing his glasses up; he didn’t need them he just thought they made him look mature. “You see I already had Commissioner Gordon get a search warrant for your mansion. Given you two just arrived back in the states, you were already much too late to have the mansion cleaned up in time.” Jack and Janet’s confident looks slowly dropped as Jack took the papers. “I promise you this, Tim will not be in your care for longer than a week.”
“Enough I am not scared of new money! Give me my son now!” Janet snapped glaring at Marinette who simply stared back at the women. She turned away looking down at Tim with a soft smile.
“Go with them, I promise we will have you back soon TimTim.”
Tim nodded before walking towards Janet and Jack, tensing when Janet gripped his arm dragging him out of the penthouse.
“We’ll get him back Marinette.” Adrien said softly while Mrs. Reynold’s closed the door, Marinette nodded before turning and heading towards the balcony. Plagg slowly floated up resting on his kitten’s shoulder.
“Just let her be for a bit, Adrien. She needs time.”
“I know Plagg”
Marinette walked out and stared down at the entrance to the building watching until Tim and the senior Drakes finally exited. Janet still dragged him as they headed towards their limo, a tear fell as she watched her bird forced in. She pulled out her phone dialing Bruce’s number.
“Brucie, they took him. Ya could you send Alfred please, I-I don’t want to be here right now. Thank you.”
It wasn’t until four days later Marinette saw her TimTim again. Her, Bruce, and Adrien sat with Commissioner Gordon and a Social worker discussing the case. When Dick burst into the room carrying Tim in his arms pure rage clear in his eyes. “I swear to the lord above if you don’t get him out of that house I am going to commit murder.” Dick sat down in Marinette’s lap much to the amusement of everyone in the room. Both boys curled in the smaller woman’s lap as she wrapped her arms around them. “The nerve of that woman! How dare she! How dare she think she could get away with it too!”
“What happened, pretty bird?” She asked softly, running her hand through her eldest’s hair, calming him slightly.
“She slapped him mom! She slapped him and blamed this all on him! I went over to check on him and their housekeeper let me in and immediately rushed me to the living room! The woman was begging me to get him away from them! I entered the room right as she slapped him, while Jack watched drinking bourbon from his arm chair!” Marinette reached up with one hand tilting Tim’s face towards hers showing the bruises.
“Oh baby.” She whispered softly, her eyes tearing up. Bruce frowned, turning to the shocked social worker and determined Commissioner.
“Enough proof?” The social worker nodded, pulling out her phone and typing on it.
“I am giving you and Miss Dupain-Cheng temporary custody of Tim Drake until the trial. At which you will both be given the opportunity to adopt him.”
“Good.” Bruce said, turning to look at his boys and their mother, only wishing that their second bird was there with them. Soon enough Marinette and Tim were splitting their time between the manor and their penthouse.
Tim Drake, The Titans.
Restarting the Titans had been Marinette’s idea, Tim wasn’t so little anymore, in fact he was now taller than her by eight inches and was fifthteen. She knew her little bird needed to spread his wings, much like her first did. However he needed a little push, and she was more than happy to push him, with her eldest’s help of course. 
It was one Saturday morning when the newest Titan’s were called together, Robin the third, Wonder Girl the second, Impulse, and Superboy, of course they had no idea why they were there.
 Nightwing had them under the impression that it would be a temporary teamwork when it happened. You see, Cyborg knew that something was going to happen in Jump City and agreed to see how they worked together. Of course the original Titans and Ladybug along with Chat Noir were watching to make sure nothing happened if the team self-destructed, but they were all pleased that they worked as if they had been together for years. Ladybug slowly lowered herself to land beside Nightwing and Starfire, as the team celebrated their win. Until Robin noticed his mother and brother’s smug looks, putting the pieces together rather quickly.
“So this was your plan? You wanted to test us all together as a team, I knew something was up when Nightwing pulled me out of Gotham for this team up. However I did not think Ladybug was also behind this, along with Chat it seems.” Ladybug waved her hand with a smile, looking up towards the building she had come from where her old partner resided. He grinned waving down at the currently shocked new Titans. “Well he wanted to stretch his legs for a bit and I wanted to see how my bird would do with a team. What do you think, Robin, Wonder Girl, Impulse, Superboy? I have all your mentors' approval, how would you like to be a team together under Nightwing and Starfire’s supervision?” Nightwing startled looking at his mother in shock.
“Hold up, under my-” He paused seeing the look Ladybug was giving him before nodding vigorously much to Starfire’s amusement. “Yes, yes under mine and Star’s supervision.”
Robin gave him a deadpan look before turning back to Ladybug, the two sharing a silent conversation. 
‘Are you trying to get rid of me?’ His eyes glancing down at the ground then back up.
‘Never. You need some time with others, not Bats’ She shifted onto her right leg leaning towards the others, placing her left hand on her hip.
‘And if I say no?” His nose twitched slightly.
‘I will accept it, but be sad.’ Her head tilted to the side, slight frown.
‘Fine, I will try for you.’ He crossed his arms, meeting her eyes.
‘Thank you.’ She smiled at him.
Robin turned towards the others stating that he’d be willing to try if they would, and soon after the new Titans were formed.
“Hold up, no one's gonna comment on their freaky silent communication?” Beast Boy asked, causing laughter to ring out from the old and new Titans.
Soon Tim spent every weekend in Jump City, and while Marinette missed him, she was happy because her bird was finally making real friends.
Time Drake, Joker Jr.
“Three weeks! He has been gone for three fucking weeks!” Marinette snapped, slamming her first against the wall of the cave. “Three weeks and we have no leads to where my boy is!” Tears fell from Marinette’s eyes as Batman removed his cowl and moved over to her. Marinette hugged him, needing someone to stabilize her and bring her back down to earth. “Three weeks...three weeks.” She whispered weakly, cherishing this rare moment of Bruce’s comfort. 
“We’ll find him Marinette, Dick and Barbara are out there now, and we need to be out there too.”
Marinette was silent before nodding and pulling away.
“You are right. Tikki, spots on!....Tikki, Plagg, Unify!!”
Bruce slipped the cowl on and soon they were both in the Batmobile speeding through the streets of Gotham.
Lady Noir was jumping over an alleyway when a familiar high pitched voice called out to her.
“Sweetie! Sweetie! Ah geez, what-a the bird brats call ya again? Oh! Oh! Miss Noir! Or is it Mrs. Noir?” Lady Noir’s eyes narrowed as she dropped into the alleyway taking in Harley Quinn’s beat up appearance. She dropped down ready for a fight when to her surprise Harley threw her hands up. “Wait-wait! I’m not here to fight ya see! I swear it! I need your help Miss Noir and I can help you in return! Mista J has gone too far this time, and it affects your third bird!” Harley was wringing her hands together looking at the ground before back up at the hero. “You know just as most do, I’m not all there there in my old noggin. But I could never-would never hurt kids to the point that my Puddin has, first your second bird boy and now this one. I needed to stop him but I wasn’t strong enough! I thought I wouldn’t be able to do anything! But then! Then I remembered you! Oh geez Miss you gotta hurry before he hurts your boy for good!” Harley pleaded tears in her eyes as she grabbed the shocked heroine’s hands. “Save him before he is too far gone like me.”
“Where is he?”
“Old Arkham, the first one. You need to hurry Miss, you and the rest of you birds and bats. I’ll stay here, I swear it-can’t exactly go far right now anyway.”
Lady Noir nodded before using her yo-yo to get back to the roof. Setting off her com as she went alerting the other three heroes out.
“The Arkham ruins now, and hurry.”
Lady Noir arrived after Batgirl and froze in horror at the sight she saw. Batgirl was currently fighting a miniature Joker while the real Joker stood and laughed. It wasn’t until the tiny Joker pulled a move only four others knew that realization sank in. That was her third bird. Joker had tortured her bird and created this. He took one from her forever and permanently scared the other. Lady Noir launched herself at the Joker landing a solid right hook to his face, sending the insane man stumbling. His laughter never stopped as he faced Lady Noir addressing her as the other two fought.
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t the other cat that prowls Gotham!!” Joker said laughing as he wiped blood from his mouth. “Tell me kitty cat! Have you met my boy yet?” He laughs, dodging a punch from her, leading them both towards stacks of crates. “He is just perfect!! HAHAHA!!! I really did a number on this one!” Lady Noir let out an animalistic growl lashing out and caught Joker’s shoulder. Ripping the clothes and drawing blood. “Ooooh! Kitty does have some claws!” He said stumbling back and leaning against the crate. He stuck his arm behind his back, acting like he was stabilizing himself. His fingers wrapped around the crowbar laughing even louder as his crazed eyes met Lady Noir’s unfocused ones. She advanced on him, lost in her anger and not thinking straight. 
Joker let out a cackle as he swung the crowbar hitting her hard on her right side. She let out a pained scream, jumping back when he raised the crowbar for another swing. Noir gripped her side jumping back again ignoring the pain flaring in her side as she dodged the crazed clown. She kicked her leg up, hitting him square in the jaw before keeling in pain. She took a deep breath as the Joker got back up laughing at her. He stumbled slightly rubbing his jaw as he looked at her. “Oh come on kitty cat! Don’t you just feel like laughing with me! Look, your wannabe bat over there is losing! It’s a great show!! HAHAHA, shame you had to interrupt my show. You know, I have put up with you for a long while now. You’re getting in my way now, YOU AND THOSE STUPID BIRDS! I’VE HAD ENOUGH! It’s time to put you all down! Then you won’t get in the way of me and Batsy! Oh well I suppose one of those birds will get to live, though he’ll live as Joker Jr. First I’ll take care of you oh I’ll have so much fun beating you black and blue. Just like I did to the second boy blunder, except I’m going to beat the life out of your eyes!” He said before laughing and charging at Lady Noir. She continued to dodge him, using her baton to block a few swings. She spun out of the way before gasping at the sudden sharp pain, and dropping her baton. The Joker laughed using her momentary distraction to hit her again. This time hard on her right forearm, bursting out in laughter at the audible crack. She bit her lip holding back her scream, causing her lip to bleed. She jumped back again doing her best not to move her now broken arm. Joker followed her laughing harder until his sight of her was blocked by Batman. “Batsy!! Finally arrived to the party, late as always I see!!” He laughed, swinging the crowbar around with a mad grin. Batman glared at him while Nightwing dropped down next to Lady Noir standing defensively by her side. She grabbed his arm gently looking up at his covered eyes.
“Help your father.” She whispered, ignoring Batman and Joker’s fight, her eyes trained on Batgirl and her baby bird. “I have to help him so make sure your father puts Joker in a full body cast.” She nodded to him before gingerly making her towards the two watching Batgirl hold her own against him. She took a deep breath bracing herself before rushing him from the back. She grinned as he tried to turn to hit her but she already had her arm wrapped around his torso pinning his arms down. He struggled elbowing her and trying to scratch her through the suit, she let out a yelp when he hit her rib. Then bit back a sob when he began hitting it repeatedly, tears gathered in her eyes but she refused to let go. “Smart bird.” She gritted out, tightening her grip pulling them both to the ground. Batgirl took a deep breath watching Lady Noir hold her hurt bird. Joker Jr. froze at the nickname, tears beginning to fill his eyes as he started to elbow her hurt ribs even harder. Lady Noir let out a broken sob as pain erupted and soon began struggling to breathe. Her rib just punctured a lung, if they didn’t wrap this up soon she’d be in danger. “My baby bird.” She whispered softly criss crossing her legs so he sat in her lap. “I’m so sorry, I should’ve found you sooner. I should’ve protected you.” Joker Jr. stopped struggling and broke into uncontrollable laughter before tears began to fall. Soon laughter turned to sobs and he curled over her good arm gripping it tightly. “It’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna get through this together. You,the family, and me, we’re going to get through this baby bird.”
Tim Drake, Youngest CEO of Wayne Enterprises.
They weren’t prepared in the least bit, and Marinette felt lost. Bruce, the Batman, one person she thought would fight till he was old and gray. Now he was gone and left behind his family and his newly introduced son.
 They were struggling, bad, and Marinette barely kept them together. She nearly snapped when Tim told her he was taking over Wayne Enterprises. Her baby bird, seventeen, not done with school taking over an entire company. She stopped herself when Dick stepped in, her boys would be managing Wayne Enterprises together. Tim took over as CEO while Dick took over the publicity side. Together they moved into Marinette’s penthouse bringing Bruce’s birth son with them. Her smart bird was very disgruntled over that, upset because the boy tried to kill him and over how he talked to Marinette. Things weren’t smooth, the family was hurting, Marinette was hiding her bout of depression. Tim was getting no sleep, running the company and finishing school at night. Dick took over as Batman, running himself ragged trying to manage three jobs at once. Marinette finally put her foot down and Dick conceded taking family leave from BPD, and she slept in Tim’s room until he began sleeping curled up against her side. She hid her depression as best she could from a family of detectives and focused and took care of her boys. Alfred helped every step of the way, while also forcing her to talk to him about her own feelings. Alfred knew everything after all, her boys didn’t see the depression but he did. Mrs. Reynolds was at a loss for how to help them all, but did her best to keep them all on schedule.
The only real struggle they had was Tim being convinced that Bruce was alive. God did they want to believe it. Dick was too scared, worried that in the end it wouldn’t be true. Marinette because she didn’t know if this was denial or not. After long family talks including Damian who vehemently denied being a part of the family. They all agreed to support Tim in his search, and search he did even calling in favors from all over. Marinette was surprised by the amount of friends her TimTim had, proud wasn’t even able to describe how she felt. Her boy hadn’t even graduated yet but he was so far in life. She just wished Bruce was there to see him running Wayne Enterprises.
Time Drake, Bruce is Found.
Life was better, much better than it was a year ago. Damian was still rough around the edges but was much closer to them. Especially Dick and Marinette, and he no longer tried to kill Tim. They were slowly healing, Marinette’s depression was gone and she had informed the boys of it half way through the year. They were not prepared to find out Bruce was stuck traveling through time. Marinette joined Superman, Green Lantern, Rip Hunter, and Booster Gold jumping through time in an attempt to get Bruce back. Only for Bruce to find them first and of course have a fight following him. Now, they were locked in a room monitored by Superman and encased in green thanks to Green Lantern. Unable to do anything as they stop Bruce's heart without even telling his family the reason why. She paced back and forth hoping Tikki would make it back in time with Kaalki. 
“Mistress Marinette I must insist you sit down. You have been fighting all morning and you only just got back from jumping through time.” Alfred insisted, causing attention to fall on Marinette, all of them taking in how stressed she was. He led her over to a chair ignoring her protests and getting her to sit down. Tim walked over fidgeting with his computer still trying to get service. He groaned, shutting it with a snap while wiping his eyes.
“I don’t know what to do.” He whispered softly and held back tears. The people he thought they could trust had locked them in this room. Marinette reached out, pulling him down in front of her. Tim rested his head on her leg crying quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair. Dick shuffled over sitting beside him leaning back against Marinette’s leg. Jason moved sitting on the arm of her chair turning to look behind her at Alfred. While Damian took a spot leaning against Dick.
“It’s okay Tim.” She whispered softly a few tears slipping as Alfred laid his hands on her shoulders. “It’s gonna be okay. They’ll slip eventually, we just need to stay calm. Tikki and Kaalki will be here soon.” Tim huffed, leaning his head into her hand.
“But will Bruce still be alive when we get out? All this work, all this time and when we finally get him back his own friends want to kill him!” The family was silent before Tim turned to Dick meeting his eyes. “Dickie, you know them best, why are they doing this? Is this even them?” Dick winced as he wrapped an arm around Damian’s waist pulling him closer.
“I,” he started turning to look at the door. “I don’t know Tim. Clark wouldn’t even say anything to me, he just ignored me.” Marinette ran her fingers through his hair before turning attention back to Tim.
“We’re here Tim, we’re here and together.” Tim nodded, wrapping an arm around her leg turning his head to look at his brothers. He snorted at the mild glare Damian had sent him and the middle finger Jason was failing at hiding.
“Just putting it out there though, this is not what I meant when I said we should spend more time together.” Dick said, causing a few chuckles and a flick to the head from Jason.
“Not the time, Dickhead.”
“Jason! Watch your language!”
“Please the Demon Brat has heard worse.” He mumbled out not looking Marinette in the eye.
“Master Jason, you better apologize to your mother, young man.”
Jason groaned, throwing his head back dramatically at Alfred’s comment. He turns to Marinette, meeting her eyes.
“I am sorry for calling Dickie, Dickhead.” Marinette smiled softly nodding in response ignoring Tim’s snort of amusement.
“Mom?” He asked softly, pulling away and sitting up. He was quiet for a second before seemingly making up his mind. "After we get out, can we take a break? Like can we leave Gotham and the public eye for a while and go to the Temple?” Marinette was surprised at the request and before she could question him, he continued. “Stephanie, and Cass can handle it for a while, especially with Barabra watching over them, and if they need help I’m sure the Titans would be willing to help as well.” Marinette thought it over before looking at Alfred, sharing a silent conversation.
“We’ll go to the Temple once Tikki and Kaalki get here. Alfred deserves a vacation, and I think it’s time I begin training you in using the Miraculous. We’ll have Mr.Fox tell the press that we are going on vacation. The Justice League won’t be able to find us as well.” Her boys smiled, even Damian gave a slight smile at the idea and soon after Tikki flew into the room, Kaalki’s glasses held in her arms and her fellow Kwamii followed. Marinette stood quickly taking the glasses, placing them on. “Kaalki, full gallop!” She called out transforming and grabbing the Horseshoe off her back. “Voyage!” She called, opening a portal to the temple, ushering her boys through as she watched the green disappear. She jumped through as Superman appeared, but he didn’t reach the portal in time. The last of the Batfamily was gone. “Quickly Tim hack the WatchTower, and find Bruce’s status!” Marinette said, waving the Monk’s off as she reached Tim. He sat crisscross typing quickly. His eyes widening and tears beginning to fall giving it all away. “Oh...oh Bruce.” She whispered softly, dropping transformation as she fell to her knees pulling Tim against her chest. Dick, Jason, and Damian joined the hug soon after. Alfred nodded to the Monks asking for a bit of privacy before joining his family in all but blood.
A few months past and they hadn’t left the Temple once, all of them healing from actually losing Bruce. Marinette took her time training her boys with the Miraculous that fit them best. 
Dick and Xuppu take to each other like long lost best friends, learning the ins and outs of their partnership flawlessly. Jason and Trixx took to each other after they caught the other sneaking around the Temple. Damian and Longg bonded over formalities and soon you could not find the two separated from each other. Tim, her smart bird bonded with Nooroo, helping the gentle butterfly Kwamii heal in ways Marinette couldn’t. She couldn’t be prouder of them, especially her little Tim. He opened Nooroo’s heart back up and she finally got to see the Kwamii that existed before Hawkmoth took him. None of them were prepared for when Bruce came to the Temple and refused to believe it was him until blood tests were done. Tim demanded an explanation, glaring at his father figure as he held back tears.
“You were dead! You were dead and they didn’t tell us anything! They-they locked us in a room and didn't even acknowledge us!” Bruce frowned, pulling Tim into a hug, comforting the young man as best he could.
“Bruce.” Marinette called, eyes soft as they met his own. “Tell us what happened.” Bruce nodded letting go of Tim.
“They had to stop my heart in order to dissipate the Omega Energy that remained inside me. I don’t know why Clark didn’t explain this to you all.”
“You’re back then, for good? No more jumping through time? No more wondering if I’m crazy, you're actually back and alive?” Tim questioned looking Bruce in the eye, hands shaking not wanting to believe it was all over. 
“Yes, it's over, Tim. I’m back and I don’t plan on leaving again.”
Tim Drake, Sexuality Crisis.
Marinette sat on the bed purposely not looking at her bird who had buried himself under his blankets. She kept focused on her newest book, waiting for him to pop out. Tim shifted slightly under the blankets and his head slowly moved out from under. Marinette held back a soft laugh as she watched from the corner of her eye. After a few moments his head was fully out and resting on her thigh. She slowly began carding a hand through his hair, scratching his scalp softly.
“Do you want to talk?” She asked softly using her thumb to change the page. Tim was silent as he stared at the wall, he shook his head as he placed a hand on her calf squeezing it. “Okay TimTim, whenever you’re ready.” He smiled softly nodding as he thought to himself, sitting in silence together.
"Mom," he said softly, looking up at her. "I think I like Bernard." Marinette closed her book looking down at him. 
"Okay." She said softly, waiting for him to continue.
"But I also liked Stephanie. I liked both of them...is..is that weird? I mean like both of them like boys and girls??" Marinette brushed his bangs out of his face, shaking her head.
"Tim, this doesn't make you weird at all. It makes you human. Bisexuality is common although unfairly frowned upon. So you like both genders, who cares? It is your life, no one else's."
Tim smiled as he sat up and hugged her tightly.
"I think I'm going to ask Bernard out." Marinette smiled, returning the hug.
"Just be careful, your brothers already have the shovel talk ready."
"Ya we all thought it was going to be Kon but you never cease to surprise us."
"Ya I thought it was gonna be me too." Kon said from outside the window, causing Marinette to let out a bout of laughter.
"Kon!?" Tim jumped out of Marinette’s arms glaring at the window.
"What I thought I finally had my chance, and then this Bernard guy slips in, so unfair Tim-Tam." He says in good-hearted teasing, Marinette waves her hand giving Kon permission to come in.
"Why don't I leave you two to talk this out, I need to go stalk Jaybird and his new team anyway." 
She said as she walked to the door.
"Take pictures!" Tim called, causing Marinette to laugh softly as she walked down the hall.
Tim Drake, Coffee Addiction.
"An intervention.” Batman said finality in his voice as he stared at Lady Noir and Red Robin who were beating the life out of a for once terrified Joker. Matching cackles and a particularly hard hit to Joker’s groin had Nightwing cringing and nodding. Red Hood sat on a crate with a baggie of cookies helmet off as he ate.
“Count me out, this is therapeutic. Kick him in the balls again!” A quick thumbs up was all they got in response as Lady Noir and Red Robin kicked him simultaneously.
“Holy guacamole, how much coffee did they drink??” Nightwing muttered slowly backing away. “Ya know B, Bludhaven is really busy right now I should-”
“Don’t even think about it.”
Lady Noir delivered one last punch to the Joker’s face before dropping him to the ground and Red Robin promptly maced him. She grinned, flipping her braid over her shoulder turning away from the screaming clown and wrapped an arm around Red Robin’s shoulder as they began to walk away.
“Let go after the Penguin next!” She chirped out excited only to be stopped when Batman walked over and picked her up holding her under his arm as he used Red Robin’s cape to make him stumble towards Nightwing. “Hey! B! Put us down! We have work to do!”
“No. Sleep time.”
“Oh you're one to talk hypocrite! If we go to sleep now, everyone goes to sleep now!” Lady Noir said, turning slightly to point a finger up at him.
“Lady Noir.”
“Everyone.” Lady Noir hissed out glaring up at him, Batman was silent before looking away.
“Fine.” He said as he carried her to the Batmobile Nightwing following with Red Robin. Red Hood trailed after them before voicing out the one thought on his mind.
“So are we gonna just ignore that RR, who definitely doesn’t share moms blood, inherited her coffee addiction?”
“Yaaa, we are definitely having an intervention.” Nightwing sighed, already making plans to get Harley Quinn available as the mediator.
Tim Drake, Mom meets the Boyfriend.
Marinette was rushing around the living room straightening pillows, folding blankets, and brushing her boys hair down repeatedly no matter how many times she had passed them. “Ma, you’re gonna give me a bald spot at this point.” Jason complained only receiving a glare in response. He smiled at her cheekily before getting up from the couch and pulling her into a hug. "Come on Ma, if you keep pacing around you're gonna make Alfred think he does a terrible job cleaning." Alfred sniffed from his place besides the living room door.
"As if I could ever Master Jason, do not even insinuate that." Jason shot him a grin nodding in acknowledgment as he moved Marinette to sit in the chair besides the window. Bruce standing behind gazing out the window at the drive watching Tim’s car pull up.
"They're here, now boys remember Bernard is not from the hero community. On top of that he is a theorist of our identities, do not give anything away." Dick rolled his eyes sharing a look with Jason.
"Honesty B, we know this song and dance you don't have to worry." Damian huffed as he walked in with Jerry on a leash.
"Richard, father has every right to worry. Bernard is not one of us, there is no way to know what he could do if he finds out." Dick and Jason stared blankly down at Jerry as Damian walked over to Marinette. Bruce raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching in amusement as he watched Marinette lift Jerry into her lap. Damian gave a small smile as Marinette pulled him closer to her chair and ran her hand through his hair. "Ommii, Jerry wanted to see you." Marinette snorted softly cupping his cheek.
"Yes of course, it's not because Jerry will attack someone as long as you point at them." Damian sniffed, pulling an innocent look.
"Of course Ommii, don't make assumptions, that's beneath you." Marinette nodded, stroking his cheek before removing it, starting to gently run her fingers through Jerry's feathers. Bruce moved over, placing a hand on the back of her chair.
"You two spoil that turkey." He said, earning a reproachful look from Damian.
"Hush now Bruce, they are almost here." Marinette said, smiling softly as her and Damian shared a look.
"The family is this way Master Tim, you know Mistress Marinette is partial to this living room because of the gardens." Alfred's voice was heard approaching the door.
"Ah that's right! Your mom loves the gardens of Wayne manor doesn't she? Or well you said she loves every garden that is well taken care of but the Wayne garden is special." Tim’s familiar laugh rang out as the door opened and Alfred let them in.
"I do hold very fond feelings of the Wayne Gardens. Alfred and Damian take very good care of them." Marinette answered looking over Bernard with a twinkle of amusement in her eyes at his slight embarrassment. "Hello Tim" Tim grinned at her, grabbing Bernard's hand and pulling him over to her.
"Mom! This is Bernard, my boyfriend. Bernard, this is my Mom behind her my adopted father Bruce, my youngest brother Damian and in Mom's lap is his Turkey Jerry. My brother Jason is the one closest to the bookshelf and my brother Dick is the one upside down on the couch." Tim said shooting Dick a blank look that was returned with a grin.
"Yes Mom. Sorry Mom."
Dick was quick to correct himself on the couch but didn't lose his grin. Marinette turned back to Tim and Bernard with a gentle smile.
"Hello Bernard, it's a pleasure to meet you, Tim has told us about you."
"More like bagered on and on about you." Damian said, wincing when Bruce pinched his side.
"Ignore Damian, he likes to be a bratty younger brother." Tim said with a glare directed at Damian. Marinette held back a snort as she glanced between her two youngest.
"Ignore both of them Bernard, I think they like bickering back and forth." Marinette said teasingly as she stood up gently, setting Jerry on the ground. "It really is a pleasure to meet you! Tim has told us about you but getting to know someone in person is always better." Bernard grinned nodding as he walked closer.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss! Tim talks about you a lot!" He announced his smile brightening at the twinkle in Marinette’s eyes. "I'm happy to meet you all and can't wait to get to know the actual people behind Gotham's royalty." Marinette let out a loud laugh, nodding at the comment.
"Oh, we are just as crazy as the media shows, if not a little more! Come, come let's sit down, we still have sometime before dinner is finished. Tim told me you love going over conspiracies with him, I'd love to hear what you have been talking about." Bernard glanced at his boyfriend that was being held apart from Damian by a deadpan Bruce.
"Well, I totally think the Mr. Wayne is secretly Superman." Bernard said after they sat on the same couch as Jason. Marinette grinned brightly as she saw the horror full Bruce’s eyes as he tried to pretend he hadn't heard. Jason snorted, struggling not to laugh as he looked between Bernard and Bruce. 
"Oh kid, you're my new favorite. I gotta introduce you to my partner Roy."
"That Oliver Queen's adopted son right? One of my favorite theories is that Mr. Queen is Green Arrow." Jason and Marinette were silent before Marinette made a face shaking her head.
"No Oliver is definitely too traumatized to pick up a bow and arrow after all that time he was missing. However, I definitely think he might be Batman, it's a great cover you know! Plus I have never seen them in the same place before!" Jason held back a laugh at the look of betrayal Bruce sent Marinette.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—the great potato war
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SUMMARY | nobody cared about potatoes. nobody at all. well, except for you and your neighbor, who's pink hair and pig skull never failed to catch your attention. it was about time you approached him
PAIRING | technoblade x reader
WORD COUNT | 1.8k+
AUTHORS NOTES | some nice healthy platonic fun times with our boy techno. ive been binging his channel as of late
🥔 Masterlist 🥔 Navigation 🥔 Rules 🥔
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Sitting on his knees in an uncomfortable kneeling position, Technoblade felt a trickle of cold sweat work its way down the back of his neck. He could feel the sun beating down from above, its relentless rays doing nothing for his sweaty skin.
Wiping a gloved hand along his forehead line, Techno looked up from his work. The man's fingers and palms were stained with dirt splotches and grass marks. His pink hair had been tied back and tossed in between the back of his shoulder blades with ease, a sturdy hair band keeping it in one bunch.
Technoblade stood up to his full height. He could practically feel his spine elongating already; a few sharp pops even rang out from his tired joints to audibly show how hard he had been working. Although, as he looked out upon the sight in front of him, Techno couldn't help but think that it was all worth it.
Hundreds and hundreds of harvested potato lines laid in front of him with a barren look. Remnants and scraps of the former vegetation littered the scorched ground. Brown spots and dried up greens were what were left of the hybrid's hours of heavy work.
With a haughty grin, Techno walked off his elaborate plot of land. It took a minute too, seeing as he had a ginormous five acres to show for it.
“That’ll put me ahead.” He grinned, taking off the worn leather gloves he had been wearing to garden. In an almost comical manor, he rubbed his hands together like a film villain painted in black and white, smiling.
From the comfort of his secluded property, getting to the hub was easy enough. Just a small stroll on an obscure dirt path and he was in a familiar looking village.
Each time he passed the threshold from lush forest to dusty village, Techno could always feel the strain in his muscles as he tightened them, a feeling of discomfort washing over him in small waves. It wasn't as if he didn't ever like visiting the place. The collection of small wooden houses and abundancy of vendor stands were more than useful in tasks such as expanding his farm and gathering materials. It was the stares he was less than partial to.
Eyes filled with fear and wonder alike followed Techno as he walked stiffly around the place. He should have been used to this by now, more than aware of the titles he had collected over the years. Blood God, the Blade, even the occasional call of potato man was tossed in his direction. The last one made him want to laugh the most, if he was being honest.
The pinkette didn't blame people for staring. He was more or less a myth taken form to them. A pink haired warrior hiding behind a pigs skull, often seen buying the materials needed to reap all kinds of vegetables. In all his years living just a few miles away from the public, the only locals he had ever spoken to were the sellers. Maybe an occasional traveler, interested in what the rest of the world was doing now that he had left it—despite the fact he had vowed he would never return to the life he had been leading before. No. He was much more content growing crops than watering the fields of battle with blood. So yeah, not exactly the type people around here were used to seeing.
"Alright. It was about time I met the asshole that insist on making my life a living hell."
Techno's swift movements stopped in the middle of the sidewalk he had been steadily moving along; an admirable feat from whoever had just caught his attention—something that didn't happen often.
His sharp gaze was hidden behind the bone white skull he insisted on wearing so much, sweeping around until it eventually landed on the source of his brief pause.
It was someone short. Well, at least shorter than him, which was normal for about everyone he had ever met—save for a teenage enderman hybrid he had used to know.
Skimming over the height difference, the second thing that caught his attention were their hands. They were almost as dirty as his, if not dirtier. Even through the grit and grime he could see a few hardened callouses dotting their skin. A detail that almost made Techno tilt his head with mild curiosity. Almost.
Thirdly was their stare. It was scarily memorable of the very same one he saw each time he looked in the mirror. Determined, with layers and layers of vast emotions underneath it.
The stranger approached him, hands in pockets as they bit at the inside of their cheek. Looking far more comfortable than anyone else would have in approaching the infamous piglin hybrid.
"Do I know you." Techno's voice was monotone. Flat. Less than a question, and more of a not so subtle way of getting them to leave him alone. It didn't work.
"Nope! Pretty rude of you, considering we've been neighbors for about half a year now. But I'll let it slide." The carefree tone and amused smile contradicted what should have been the hostility in their words. Their sentences were certainty set up to be directed at him with a different emotion if they so much as pleased. But Techno knew how to read people, be it common folk or kings sitting high above him on a throne as they lied about their sins. And this person before him certainty had no intent to do anything beyond chat.
For some reason that confused him more than anything else.
"I don' have any neighbors." His voice was clear. Slightly raising it for the sake of the people around them doing a poor job of eavesdropping; a silent call to get moving. To which the small crowd immediately did.
"Maybe so you think. But tell that to me and my house I've been living in for six months. If you ever bothered to visit anywhere other than this shithole or your huge ass garden you would know that."
They knew about his garden, along with his traveling habits. If they were telling the truth about being his neighbor, that would be less of a concern to hear. But Techno decided to play it safe, straightening up to his full height and curling his fists as if to insinuate a threat. He didn't feel like scaring off anyone more than he usually did, although this time it would be with intent, but he'd rather continue on his way with a bit of guilt rather than with the possibility that someone from his past had finally caught up with him.
"Oh relax tough guy. I'm just here to talk potatoes."
He stirred at that.
"Potatoes. You know, the thing you spend all your time farming." The person who had still yet to introduce themself carried on with hand motions, blowing out a slight sigh. "I really didn't think the second after I moved some crazy guy would be setting up shop with the same idea as me. I mean come on, how many people in the world have even considered going into potato farming as a hobby. You and your—your incredibly overpowered gardening tools."
It took a second before all of the dots began to connect in Techno's head. The way they had approached him with a competitive tone (albeit it playful), how they only seemed interested in talking about vegetation, the roughness of their hands—
"(Y/n) right?" In spite of himself, Techno found a small quirk in his lips forming. Not quite a smile, but something similar to it all the same. He was rewarded with a joyous nod of confirmation.
So this was the person who had been after his number one potato these past couple months. Why the hub had such a thing as a leaderboard for who could sow the most vegetables, he had no idea. But it proved a successful way to pass his time. A task that included beating out the only other person on that board who was a threat to his number one title—the very same person who was currently standing across from him.
"Technoblade. Nice to metcha." He held out a hand, surely baffling a few of the people who were still staring at him and (Y/n). It was expected later there would be whispers of the interaction between the infamous man towering over an unassuming civilian, but he didn't mind.
"I know who you are." They took his hand with a snort, laughing. "I've been burning holes through your name on that stupid leaderboard ever since last summer. Your mental, you know, for farming a million potatoes a day."
"So I've been told." A brief memory of an old competitor made its way to the front of his mind, the word squid leaving as soon as it had came.
"I suppose asking you to stop farming would be a waste of time?"
He almost laughed.
"I'll take that as a no." (Y/n) tightened the grip on his hand with a fervent determination before letting go. A silent challenge. The first one that had interested Techno in a long time.
"How about we make a game out of this?" His ears perked up, blood red eyes capturing (Y/n)'s as they proceeded. "If we're to continue in this great potato war, how about we settle around a five hundred million goal. First person to it gets bragging rights. As well as, I dunno, something of the others. We can work that part out later."
"You're going down nerd." He grinned, sharp canines showing excitedly.
"Oh please." You rolled your eyes with the same sort of smile. "his'll be a cake walk for me. Or a potato walk for me, you could say."
"Like that one aye? How about, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be mashed potatoes!"
"Anyone else want to be my competitor? Anyone?" Techno pretended to call out to a crowd, scaring the nearby foot traffic as they scurried around the little bubble they had both created in the street.
"Alright fine fine you've made your point. My humors simply too good for the likes of you." (Y/n) returned to stuffing their hands in their pockets now, body weight shifting from foot to foot.
Techno took one more long look at them. Sweeping their figure with a feeling he hadn't encountered in a long time.
He was having fun.
"May th' best farmer win."
"Oh I will."
And with that, he set off in the opposite direction of you, determined to get back to his farm before you did yours.
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It’s still September 1st here! So I wrote this little back-to-school Drarry blurb I’m calling:
New Beginnings
If feels a touch cliché to Draco to think this coming school year brings hope and a fresh start, feels juvenile, even. But feel it he does, despite himself.
It’s impossible not to.
Not when Mother walked with him to the gate at the edge of the grounds, unable to accompany him to King’s Cross due to the terms of her house arrest, and hugged him. A tight, warm, utterly un-Malfoy-like show of affection.
She leaned in, her breath warm against the shell of Draco’s ear, and whispered, “Take this chance to become a man you would be proud of.”
It startled Draco to hear something so unlike the things he’d been told growing up. Being told to conduct himself in a manner befitting of the Malfoy name and heir he was used to. But that was uncharted territory.
Draco pulled away and looked at his mother. Her eyes clear, sharp, and piercing. A summer of purging the Manor of its dark aura had done wonders for both of them, and he didn’t feel as bad leaving her alone. He read her fierce expression, the words still ringing in his ears, for what it was. An order. An apology. A plea. Do the right thing for once. Live for himself. Make a name for himself in a way mother and father would never be able to do again.
They’d never been a family for grand verbal gestures, but when Draco Apparated to London, he did so with an all-encompassing love for his mother burning in his chest.
Now, sitting in a near empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express across from Harry Potter — a smiling Harry Potter, no less — Draco feels sick with optimism.
Draco fiddles with his newly returned wand, the Hawthorn wood humming gently against his skin. “I never thought I’d see this again, to be perfectly honest,” he whispers, mostly to himself.
“Er.” Draco looks up at Potter, his cheeks stained pink, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry about that. I meant to give it to you after your trial, but everything was so hectic after they read your sentence.”
Hectic is putting it kindly. Draco had never seen so many camera flashes all at once.
Draco nods. “Thank you regardless. You didn’t have to return it,” he says softly, gaze dropping to the ten inches of dark wood in his lap.
Always hyper aware of Potter’s presence, Draco feels him lean in, the air between them crackling with energy. But he isn’t prepared for the gentle hand that lands on his knee.
“‘Course I did.” Draco peeks up from under the curtain of his fringe, Potter’s lopsided grin shining, backlit by the sun pouring in through the window. Draco looks away, feeling suddenly flushed.
Potter clears is throat. “Anyways, I er— that’s not all I wanted to say to you.”
Draco looks up to see Potter’s hand outstretched, hovering in the air between them. He’s suddenly taken back seven years, a near identical scenario. He swallows, dearly hoping he’s not misreading the situation. The heavy look he sees in Potter’s green eyes tell him he’s not.
Take this chance to become a man you would be proud of.
When he takes Potter’s hand in his own, he’s surprised by how warm it is. It complements Draco’s own, icy for as long as he’s remembered. But Potter doesn’t so much as shiver. If anything, he holds on tighter.
Breaths turn shallow, shaky with something Draco can’t quite name. Potter seems just as affected as Draco, at least in that he can take comfort. Surely they’ve held on longer than is proper, but he finds he doesn’t care. Potter mustn’t either.
Draco dares to break the silence, but it takes him a few moments to find his voice. “For years I imagined what it might have been like if you’d taken my hand.”
“How does this compare?” Potter asks, a fragile whisper, barely a huff of air. His eyes are focused solely on Draco, the verdant weight just as staggering from behind those bloody round frames.
Dropping Potter’s hand, Draco smiles, and says, “It’s better. Much better.”
Potter doesn’t say anything, but he offers Draco a smile so bright that he has to turn back to the rolling hills outside the window. Potter makes no move to leave, instead turning and leaning back against the wall, drawing up his legs on top of the cushions. Draco smiles to himself. Another chance indeed.
Cliché though it might be, but Draco likes his chances.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 27 - The End
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: the aftermath of everything
Notes: I thought this was going to be 2 chapters, but it fits better as 1 I think, thank you everyone who enjoyed this and liked, replied, reblogged, you're all wonderful
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Jason knew living in Wayne manor wasn’t going to work a few days after that night. YN wandered the halls the day of the funerals for Jocelyn and Aura, still in a stupor. She had been like this for three days. She had stopped talking to any of the Waynes, even Alfred could only get a few words from her. She barely slept, didn’t eat, and Jason knew she was seeing Dr. Thompkins nearly three hours every day, she was struggling but not showing him. He knew now exactly what it was like dealing with him and he didn’t know how anyone could stand him. He just wanted her to open up, to talk to him. Even if she blamed him for everything he still wanted to know, to help her.
“Hey, come on, its time,” he said, gently taking her arm to lead her to the car. She nodded and followed him, gripping his arm tight. He was glad she clung to him; glad she had put the ring back on after getting back that night. She needed time, he knew that, but it still hurt to see her grief. They got in the car, and she looked out the window the whole drive, but she held his hand like if she let him go he would disappear too. He watched her, seeing her taking deep breaths, looking up to keep tears in. She wanted to be strong.
The service was small, the girls’ families only, along with Jason and YN. Bruce, Tim, and Dick were there, but stayed far back. Bruce had taken care of the funeral costs, citing a nonprofit he had to take care of those that were victims of the criminals of the city. Jason hoped he kept it, didn’t just create it for this moment. YN spoke, keeping her composure the whole time, until finally everyone had left, and she watched the coffins lower into the ground. Then she started sobbing, the sound echoing in the quiet cemetery. Jason grabbed onto her, and she clung to him.
“Do you want to stay longer?” he whispered as she calmed down. She shook her head and he led her back to the car.
“I know you’re worried about me,” she said softly as they drove back. He looked at her, feeling relief wash over him. She was talking to him again. “I just needed to get through this without anyone telling me that they were sorry or that it wasn’t my fault. I needed to process life without my best friends. Everyone acts like the only deaths that matter are the romantic ones, a lover dies tragically, but this hurts too. I haven’t felt this much paid since you died.” He kissed her hand softly.
“Why don’t we get away to that cabin?” Jason asked. She nodded. “We’ll pack as soon as we get back. You can keep doing your sessions with Dr Thompkins remotely and anything you need I’ll get for you ok?”
“Thank you, Jason,” she said, leaning into him as the car trudged back towards the manor, which looked less like home and more of a reminder of the pain.
You were finished packing, waiting for Jason to go around the city, closing down safehouses and getting gear to other locations so they wouldn’t be found while he was gone. You could feel Bruce watching you from the doorway of the bedroom. You nodded that he could come in and he did, sitting down at the desk chair.
“Jason killed all of them…” he started but you glared at him.
“If this is you coming in here to wax poetic about his moral failings, I will punch you again and I won’t stop,” you said, in no mood for his Batman bullshit.
“No, that’s not what I was going to talk about. I just wanted to remind you that those people who did this are not coming back. They are gone from this earth, we cremated them so that they couldn’t come back. I know that this house is not a safe place for you anymore, its tainted for both of you now, but you are welcome any time. Jason doesn’t know if he will come back to Gotham after you leave,” he said. You nodded. You weren’t sure you wanted to come back either, but you needed more time to figure that out. “I hate saying this but sometimes Jason is right. I don’t think he has to murder so many, but some people are not able to be saved. This city seems to attract people like that, its cursed I swear.”
“Jason told me about the curse your family put on this place,” you said. “Even if it was something like that you know that you don’t have to stay here paying that penance right?” Bruce was silent. “Either way, if Jason and I come back it won’t be to this house. You will never let Jason really be himself here and I can’t be here, not anymore. I fall asleep and see nothing but my friends’ bodies, that fucking pig mask, that doctor. I’m not sure if I’ll ever stop seeing them.”
“I know, I have nightmares like that too, about…Selina,” he said softly. You looked at him. You had never heard him mention a specific person before.
“Selina?” you asked. He nodded. He got a far away look in his eyes before looking down.
“She was the person who made world burst into color. She was a cat burglar…”
“Catwoman?” you asked, shocked. He nodded. “I’m so sorry.” You had heard that she had been killed by Bane after Bruce’s back had been broken. Nightwing had taken over for a long time and many wondered if Batman was dead.
“She was brave, and beautiful, and I couldn’t protect her. Honestly, when Jason said that you were using yourself as bait I was sent back to that night, Bane attacking, Selina distracting him while I tried to take him down. My back, then watching as he…” he trailed off and you just nodded. “I’m grateful that Jason got you back, that none of my kids have ever had to see their soulmates like that. I want you to get away with him, and if you stay away, just be happy with him. Make him happy.”
“I will,” you said. Bruce nodded, standing and heading to the door. Jason walked in just as he walked out, taking a few minutes to say goodbye, and you looked at him.
“Ready?” he asked. You nodded and headed downstairs. Dick and Tim were in the foyer to see you off, each hugging you tightly and wishing you well. It felt like an ending, like everything was going to change forever. And you knew it would.
Two years later
Bruce stalked the rooftops of North Gotham, doing a patrol that was almost pointless by now. This place was safe, he knew it was. Jason thought he was sneaky, coming back to the city a few months ago, but making sure that he was never seen. Red Hood was a fairytale criminals told each other, a guy from years ago that had vanished. He wasn’t back, couldn’t be back. Then someone would get busted for trafficking in teenage boys and they’d be found floating in the river, a single hole in their head. Bruce still didn’t like it but not even he knew where Jason was to try and stop him. Not that he was putting in a lot of effort honestly. He patrolled like he didn’t believe in the rumors, keeping his eyes out just in case he spotted Jason somewhere.
It was just getting dark tonight, meaning Bruce would need to move to other parts of the city, ones that actually needed patrolling, when he noticed someone walking near a park. He stopped and stared. YN, he would know her face anywhere. She was pushing a stroller, and he heard a cry coming from it. As silently as he could he moved closer, perching on a lamppost above her, watching quietly. She opened the protective covering of the stroller and lifted out a baby, maybe almost a year old, dark white and a streak of white right in the front.
“I know the Batman is there Jocelyn,” she said softly. Bruce froze, seeing YN look up at him. She nodded silently. She kissed the calmed baby, putting her back in the stroller. “You can come down and meet her.” Bruce dropped to the ground, walking over slowly.
“How long…”
“You know how long we’ve been here,” she said, letting him peek in at the now sleeping child. “He knows you know he’s here too; you don’t have to skulk around.”
“I don’t skulk,” Bruce said, and she laughed. It was nice to hear. “Will you ever contact us?”
“Yes, someday,” she said.
“Can you tell him we miss him?” Bruce asked. YN nodded. He took a step back and flew off into the night.
You sat in bed that night, waiting for Jason to get back from his patrol. You heard him go into Jocelyn’s room first, greeting his daughter first in the helmet voice and then with it off. He said it was to make sure she was never scared of Red Hood, she needed to know that he was safe. He got her settled back to sleep again before coming into your bedroom, going into the bathroom as Red Hood and coming out half an hour later as Jason again.
“I talked to Bruce tonight,” you said as he slid into bed next to you, pulling you to him like he did every night.
“He finally decided to show himself?” he asked. You shook your head.
“No he thought he was being sneaky, but I always know when one of you are around,” you said. “Introduced him to Jocelyn, he wanted to know if you would contact him again. They miss you.” You heard him sigh in the darkness, gripping you just a little tighter.
“Are you ready to see them again?” he asked. You looked at him. You hoped he hadn’t kept himself away just because he thought you needed this space. You had told him you were fine, the grief and pain were just a dull ache that you knew would never fully go away, but you could handle things now.
“Yes, I am,” you said. He nodded.
“I promise I’ll call them tomorrow,” he said, “but right now I just want to be here with you.” You smiled and fell asleep with Jason, sometimes the Red Hood, sometimes broken, but always your soulmate.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Carla [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts with Yui entering Carla’s room
Yui: ( Carla-san...Is he asleep? Or perhaps he has already lost consciousness...? )
Carla-san, can you hear me? It’s me, Carla-san...!
Carla: ...That voiceーー Yui, is that you...?
Yui: Yes...!
Carla: ...Why did you come here...?
Yui: Once I heard that this Castle had been taken over by Kino-kun and the Ghouls, I simply could not sit still...
I am so relieved...that you are safe and sound.
Carla: Safe and sound, huh...? I have to disagree with that, considering my current health situation...
Yui: But you are still alive. And once you get cured from your illness, you’ll get to live so much longer!
Let’s go to Rotigenberg together, Carla-san...!
Carla: ...
Yui: I want us to live life together. I want to spend my life with you.
You had plenty of dreams and ambitions, didn’t you?
I am sure you can grant those once you recover!
Carla: Ambitions...Dreams...
However, those...can no longer be fulfilled. 
Yui: Eh...?
Carla: Howeverーー A new ambition just sparked...inside of me.
For that sake, I shall survive one more time...
...Yui. Let us go to Rotigenberg. 
I realized that there is something I must achieve...no matter what...
Yui: Carla-san...!!
( He found his will to life again...! )
Yes, right away. Let’s go together. 
...I shall be with you forever. Please don’t forget that.
Carla: ...Yes. Exactly. Let us go together...Yui...
ー The scene shifts to the Ghouls’ manor
Yui: Welcome back, Carla-san.
Carla: Yes. 
Yui: I’ll get you a cup of tea right away.
( It has been a while since we came here to Rotigenberg and Carla-san actually got better. )
( He still goes on daily walks to expose himself to the gasses emitting from the ground, but it’s honestly barely necessary at this point... )
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: Huh...?
Carla: ...? This is one of the Vampire’s Familiars. 
A letter ーー For me?
Carla: ...!
Yui: Carla-san? What’s wrong?
Carla: ...Kino and the Ghouls were attacked by the Vampire Clan.
And...They were wiped clean.
Yui: ...
Carla: ...Haah.
I suppose my ambition was once again cut short before it could come to fruition. 
Yui: Carla-san...
( I was incredibly shocked as well when I heard that Shin-kun had been murdered by Kino-kun. )
( Carla-san wanted to come cure his disease here at Rotigenberg, so he could avenge Shin-kunーー ) 
( Even if that meant he would have to become a Ghoul in return. )
( He decided to go to Rotigenberg and continue to live, for that sole reason. )
( But now that Kino-kun is dead, he can no longer... )
Carla: Yui. Let us return to Banmaden. 
Yui: Eh? 
Carla: Since they went out of their way to inform me of these happenings, I believe the Vampire Clan does not intend to take over Banmaden. 
I have been cured from Endzeit. It is time for me to return. 
Yui: ...Yes!
( Even if he can no longer avenge Shin-kun. )
( Carla-san has completely regained the power to continue living. )
( He’s back to being the old Carla-san...! )
 ー The scene shifts to the outside of Banmaden
Yui: ( It feels like forever since I last saw Banmaden... )
( Huh? Somebody’s coming our way from up ahead? )
???: Oi���! Nii-san! Yui!
Yui: ...! This voiceーー
Carla: Shin! You were alive...?
Shin: Oh geez, Nii-san! Don’t kill me off that easily!
Carla: However...
Shin: Well, yeah. I guess I can’t blame you for thinking I had kicked the bucket. I got stabbed through the heart multiple times after all.
Carla: ...What on earth happened afterwards? 
Shin: A lot, really. I’ll go in chronological order. 
First, I was thrown into the dungeon. Then after some time had passed, I came back to life.
Carla: ...I find that somewhat hard to believe. 
Shin: Hehe. I get that. I still don’t believe it myself at times. Props to me for recovering from that!
So, everyone was in the middle of the war at that point. So nobody bothered to check up on the guy who had been thrown into the dungeon.
That’s why I waited by myself, recovering my strength and waiting for a chance to strike. 
Carla: However, it would be difficult for you to overthrow a whole army by yourself...
Shin: Yeah. That’s why I contacted the Vampire Clan first. 
Yui: Shuu-san and the others? 
Shin: Yeah.
( Even though he used to despise Vampires so much. )
Carla: So you saying that the Vampire Clan took out Kinoーー?
Shin: Yeah. I guess you could say it was a shared effort between Shuu and I.
I had no other choice but join hands with them to get myself out of that situation. 
I mean, it wasn’t my personal choice to have to work together with those Vampires, but there was no other way. 
Carla: ...And that is why they sent a Familiar to me? 
Shin: There you have it. I could have done it myself as well. But I figured it was a good opportunity to surprise you two.
Yui: Surprise us? Shin-kun...
Shin: Well, I was pretty shocked myself as well. ーー Because you’ve fully recovered from your illness. 
Anyway, I’m super happy about that.
Carla: ...
Shin: We’ve formed an alliance with the Vampire Clan. That’s how we got the Vibora to step back. 
I believe that the power levels in the Demon World are currently stablized. The situation is pretty peaceful. 
Carla: I see...
Shin. You did a truly outstanding job. 
Shin: E-Eeh? Where is this coming from all of a sudden?
Carla: You did a fine job accomplishing something which is usually the task of a King.
Younger brother of mine. I am proud of you.
Shin: Oh come on, lay it off. It’s embarrassing. 
Carla: It is nothing to be embarrassed about, is it? You are more than deserving of the praise. 
Shin: No, it’s just...Kino put the two of you through hell and back as well, didn’t he?
So I just wanted to get back at him for that.
Carla: ...
... Shin. There is something I would like to ask you.
Shin: Hm? Yes?
Carla: Will you inherit the throne in my place?
Yui: ( Eh? ...Carla-san!? )
Shin: ...!? Hold up, Nii-san, what are you saying out of nowhere!?
Carla: It is not sudden at all. This has been on my mind the whole time.
ーー I am no longer qualified to call myself a King.
...I am sure you can tell, but I am no longer a Founder.
Shin: Ugh...
Carla: A Ghoul without powers should not be allowed to be King. Therefore, Shin ーー I am counting on you.
Shin: ...
...I’m afraid I can’t say yes to that, even if you’re the one asking.
Carla: Excuse me...!? 
Shin: I’m not right guy for the job. I mean, I haven’t been taught how to be a fine King at all.
...Kino and his minions told me when they attacked me. 
That I brought the situation upon myself because I was far too strict with them. 
That pissed me off back then...But when I looked back at it, I could sort of understand where they were coming from.
Even if you ask me to behave like a proper King just like you did, I just can’t.
Carla: ...You won’t consider?
Shin: ...Nope. This is the one thing I can’t do, no matter how many times you ask me. 
Carla: ...I see. 
...However, the two of us were the only two living Founders left.
And I am no longer a Founder, so there is no other option but for you to become the new King. Am I wrong? 
Yui: ( ... )
Um...Excuse me. May I?
Carla: Hm?
Yui: ...It might not just be the two of you.
Shin: ...? What do you mean?
Yui: Well...I believe a new Founder might be born into this World very soon...
Shin: Eh!? A new Founder, do you meanーー!?
Yui: ( ...Shin-kun is staring right at my belly. )
E-Exactly. There’s one...inside of here, you know?
Shin: Wow, amazing! For real...!?
Carla: ...! Yui, is that true!?
Yui: ...Yes.
Carla: Why have you stayed quiet about something so important up till now!?
Yui: No, I found out very recently...But we ended up returning to Banmaden before I had a chance to tell you. 
So I figured right now was as good as a time as ever to announce it...
Carla: I see...So that’s how it went.
Shin: Eh? If this is Nii-san’s kid ーー I’m gonna be an uncle!? Right!?
Geezー That’s kinda embarrassing...But not bad, I guess! Haha!
Yui: ( Seems like both of them are overjoyed. I’m glad... )
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room
Yui: Carla-san. It’s already late. You should probably get some rest soon...
Carla: Do not worry about me. I am no longer ill after all. 
Yui: Ah...My bad.
Carla: No, I cannot blame you. I looked death straight into the eyes not too long ago after all. 
I feel relieved to be back here at Banmaden now.
...It is rather odd how it makes me feel that way, considering I was locked up in this Castle for the longest time. 
Yui: ...
Carla: ...Yui. Come closer.
Yui: Sure...
ー She steps closer
Carla: Stand in front of me.
Yui: ...?
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I promise that I shall forever protect you...as well as our child inside your belly, to show my thanks for granting me with such warm feelings.”
“I did not think...I would one day be able to talk about the future like this. It’s all thanks to you.”
Yui: Ah...
Carla: I must convey my gratitude to you. You ensured our bloodline. 
While I may have become a Ghoul, I can now entrust my dreams, ambitions and our future to someone. 
It’s all thanks to you...Yui. 
Yui: Carla-san...
( His touch and voice are so gentle... )
( As if he’s gently embracing meーー and this new life. )
Carla: I thought happiness was something I would never get to experience. 
But I believe that I have finally come to somewhat understand what it means.
Yui: Carla-san...
Ever since...I decided that I would stay with you, I’ve felt this way. That your happiness, also makes me happy.
And it really does...
( Carla-san, I and this little one. )
( At this moment, we have found a new form of happiness right hereーー )
ーー THE END ーー
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lilytii · 1 year
"Welcome home, Darling,"
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Astarion greets you as soon as you enter the large manor he had carved out for himself here in the Underdark. He holds the glass of his crimson drink in his hand, swirling his wrist around as you see the legs of the presumable wine sliding down the glass painfully slow.
There's a warm smile on his face, reminiscent of that well fed expression you've grown to know and love. He extends his free hand out to you, the long nails gently caress the back of your palm and send a brief shudder down your spine.
He leads you effortlessly through the halls, and those who see you two together offer you both a bow of recognition and respect. In the periphery of your vision, you steal a glimpse of the corner of his lip tugging upwards into that smug, shit eating grin. He's pleased.
You are lead down the corridors and long halls till you reach the court hall, and at the end, you can see two ironclad throne chairs at the top of the dais. Rows of vampire bow reverently to the both of you, hands over their undead hearts, owing their lives to the two of you, keeping their gaze onto the ground.
He leads you upwards towards the chair that is sat beside his before taking his seat. You've always sat pleasantly beside him during these court events, but a playful, flirty mood has taken over your senses and you think it would be better to sit upon his lap, leaning into his form. He's surprised for a moment, but thoroughly indulges in your whim, slipping his arm across your back and grabs tightly to your hips, pulling you into him. Now with his lover back at his side, he relaxes and begins.
"What is our first order of business, hm?"
Forgive me! I'm trash! I just really wanted to draw Astarion with long claw like nails. I'm weak!
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babblingbonnie · 1 year
CHAPTER ONE: Peculiar Parcel!
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when a peculiarly shaped package arrives on Scrooge's desk, he takes some time to reminisce about the day he arrived in Louisville to find that dinky steamboat on the Mississippi river and the ducks that took him in. Albeit one seemingly reluctantly...
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hello - I'm very much in love with 2k17 ducktales as well as the older versions! I wanted to try and merge some of the complete life and times of scrooge mcduck by Don Rosa with 2k17 ducktales because for some reason I adore ducks that also happen to be sailors.
There is a major spoiler warning for 2k17 ducktales season 3 finale, though it came out a few years ago I wanted to add this just to be sure you're aware. This is cross published on Quotev -- I also apologize for any inaccuracies, I really hope you enjoy this silly little story! :-)
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CHAPTER ONE: Peculiar Parcel!
A PARCEL HAD FOUND ITS WAY TO SCROOGE'S DESK THAT MORNING. It was long with odd bulges along its surface and seemingly insignificant. It sat, and sat, and sat.....then sat some more.
In fact, the sun was already setting slowly in the foreground behind wide windows by the time Scrooge had actually taken a look at it.  
It had been a busy day full of mundane meetings and even more soul-wrenching interviews for a new Board of Director as his old one turned out to be evil.
Figures, with a name like Bradford it was only a matter of time before something mildly evil became of him.
The children were lively as ever, an occasional scream and the sound of something thumping on the ground could be heard outside his office. Shenanigans afoot.
Della's voice seemed to carry throughout the whole manor, and it was assumed that she was an avid player of whatever game the children were participating in as the duck's battle cries rang across the air with promises of multiple darts to whichever body part was exposed if she caught them.
Scrooge had passed Donald in one of the numerous sitting rooms before he had retreated to his study, sharing a few exchanges of words and his one daily comment about his nephews free-loader status.
By the sounds of furious quacking it seems like the rambunctious group had roped the sailor into their chaos.
Scrooge chuckled into his work, cringing ever so often at the sounds of crashing followed by 'oops!' every time, without fail. Usually he would go out there and wave his cane around like a true old man telling dastardly kids to get off his lawn, threatening them that they would be the ones paying for everything with a crack.
But that afternoon paperwork demanded the McDuck's full attention, he couldn't go on any longer without a Board of Director. Mostly because he had taken up the duty himself and he was very much over it. Just because he was willing and able to put in the hard work, doesn't mean he enjoyed it.
The Scottish duck could only hope with all his heart that Beakly or Duckworth would step in and tell his family to STOP BREAKING EVERYTHING.
Trying to push all that, as well as the nagging thought of how much the damages were going to cost, to the back of his head Scrooge hummed a small tune that sounded vaguely familiar.
But he couldn't put a finger on what exactly while he began to hunker down and start reading through words printed in a font size that shouldn't be legal to use.
Something about racecars...lasers...airplanes maybe? It was all a blur, really.
Sifting through the sea of papers, his hand eventually hit the previously mentioned package after a quite violent display of signing a document for the hundredth time. The hand that held a golden ball tipped pen tightly froze midair, a couple inches from the table while Scrooge blinked out of work mode tiredly.
Glancing at the clock that hung just above the study doors it was no wonder why the brutal festivities had died down, leaving the manor deadly silent. It was almost two in the morning.
Had time really passed so quickly? Bah, of course paper work would keep him beyond the hours he could be sleeping.
Tugging the signature black top hat that had suctioned its place on his head from extensive use off his skull, Scrooge flipped it over and placed it beside him on the table before returning all attention towards the brown package that now sat before him.
A hint of confusion mixed with a healthy dose of suspicion took over the duck, after all the richest duck in the world has many enemies and those enemies try all sorts of tricks and schemes. Perhaps it was Flinty sending him some sort of deformed bomb just to inconvenience the McDuck.
Not that it would be the first time. Probably not the last.
Poking the hazard with his pen, the Scottish duck was able to determine it passed the first test of not exploding immediately.
Closing his eyes with a tired sigh, Scrooge almost left the mysterious item alone for a problem to deal with in the morning....well it's already morning. Fine, that afternoon.
That of course, was the original plan before his eyes caught hold of the particular handwriting scribbled on it's rough surface. It was small, almost as small as that blasted font on the multiple resumes he just read.
Slightly shaky, but with beautiful penmanship nonetheless and a unique lettering for the first initial of his name that only one person had ever done for him.
Despite the excitement (one that he would never tell anyone about) that bubbled up through his webbed feet and to his hands, Scrooge jabbed the package one more time in cautious habit before nodding to himself with a confident smile that this was for sure not a bomb.  
Sitting back in the chair he had stood from in order to glare at the now-safe package properly, Scrooge sat with his back straight and hands folded in front of him in an attempt to regain a dignified appearance despite no one else being in the room.
It didn't matter anyway, as the next moment consisted of the McDuck leaping forward in his chair and ripping open the wrapped item like a duckling on Christmas morning.
Shredded bits of packaging laid about the table and floor, the now uncovered item placed delicately over a thrashed background of brown and torn paper with paper work thrown about.
A fond smile found its way to Scrooge's bill, running a feathered hand over the top with a ghost of distance between it and his hand.
"Well...Bless me bagpipes."
Scrooge laughed quietly, brushing off some loose dust and strands of fabric that no longer clung to it's original place. The quiet moment felt slow, and moonlight poured in around him like a thin blanket. Specks of dust seemed to shine in the light like diamonds, while the item before him looked like it almost glowed like magic under the light.  
The item in question was a vintage parasol -- a white base with beautiful blue lace work over it. Lace that use to be pure white hung along the edges for a couple inches, now a tiny bit darker in coloring due to its age.
Something that Scrooge himself wouldn't have paid more then a few seconds attention to back then, and probably wouldn't now if the duck hadn't happened to know the history behind this specific sun blocker.
A small part of Scrooge couldn't believe that the thing was sitting on his desk right now, he thought it was long forgotten or turned to dust by mere age.
A bigger part of him use to stew in disbelief that his uncle hadn't included the parasol in the inheritance, but he had gotten that years and years ago so this showing up now clued him into the bigger mystery that he was pinning down in his head.
Eyeing the umbrella with a scrutinizing gaze that only an old miser could perfect, Scrooge took mental notes about any rips or snagged lace admonishing the top layers of the parasol with an intention to get it fixed as soon as possible.
During his search of fixable imperfections Scrooge came across a small note on some stiff stock paper that was stuck in one of the folds of the parasol, and the McDuck's interest peaked immediately.
Plucking it from its place, Scrooge took a few moments to adjust his small spectacles that sat snug on his beak and began to scan the card.
'Dear McBrat,
Wasn't sure where to send this to where it would reach you personally. Your mailing system is ridiculous and I want to send a formal complaint but your HR is just as, if not more, preposterous. I'm sure this is by design, but jeez kid it's like you expect bombs in the mail. Ha!
Your aunt wanted this sent to you with Pothole's things, but it got lost due to some sort of events that I couldn't relay to you because I have no idea how it ended up in the Forgotten Brewery Caves. I knew it was hers because of the stitching, I'd recognize that nuisance of a last name anywhere. I'm only sending this because I unfortunately owed one last thing to your uncle.
If you're ever down in Kentucky, come finish that race that old Pothole was too cowardly to finish. You'll win me that Southern mansion.
Porker Hogg.'
The idea that Porker was even still alive shocked Scrooge almost more then anything else described in that letter. He had already finished the race anyway, with the guys nephew.
What's with the information about the parasol being found in the Forgotten Brewery Caves anyway? That was one of the few caves located along the Mississippi, and even then most of it is blocked off.
How was it even lost in the first place, and now that he really thought about it how was it that Porker had found the parasol without packaging as stated in his letter but Scrooge received it in a package with his aunts handwriting?
Immortality for the first problem...maybe time paradox for the second...? Rubbing the bridge of his beak, Scrooge groaned into the open air and let out a deep sigh knowing he would end up checking whatever was happening down there one way or another.
If one thing as important as this was lost, imagine the other heirlooms that could be scattered in some other cave without his knowledge. The idea sent chills down Scrooge's spine.
An almost silent sound of the door being pushed open brought Scrooge out of his deep contemplation, eyes snapping towards the entrance that was now cracked open.
One of the many ducklings that resided in the mansion poked her head through the doorway, curious eyes glinting in the dark while she looked around the room before landing on the older duck.
Scrooge straightened at the title, if the McDuck claimed he was use to being called a 'dad' he would be absolutely lying through his teeth.
He didn't detest it, obviously. The duck was more then overjoyed to learn that the duckling in front of him named Webbigail was of his own flesh and blood, but that didn't make the title any more normal to him.
He'd gone through life without any real thought put towards having kids of his own, he never settled down quite enough for that and by the time it was even a feasible idea, he had all his other free time taken over by nephews and nieces and other family members.
"What're yew doing out of bed, Webby?"
Scrooge pushed on through his slight dilemma of the title that was bestowed upon him only a couple months ago.
"I was just thirsty, but now I'm thirsty for whatever you've got on your desk!"
Webby gasped, having noticed the blue umbrella that her dad placed a hand over. Scrooge smiled in response, lifting the laced parasol with both hands under it, making sure it was secure before shuffling over to Webby who bounced around on her feet.
It was an ongoing mystery to how she had any amount of energy this early in the morning, and Scrooge was sure he'd never truly find out.
"Now...careful dear, this is my Aunt (Y/n)'s beloved parasol. Technically I own it, she never did pay me back."
Scrooge mused, the last bit of the sentence hushed under his breath while he counted up the combined interest of what he should of been paid by now. Not that he ever forgot, every year he counted up what his aunt and others owed him. Like his uncle Jake who owes $8362 of accumulated interest.
"Aunt (Y/n)," Webby repeated quickly, excitedly looking over the parasol "Pothole McDuck's wife! Originally daughter of Blackheart Beagle, but after she married she took the McDuck name! She saved you and Angus during a steamboat race against Blackheart and the Beagles."
"Aye, she did. She jumped into the muddy Mississippi just for me dime too."
Scrooge added onto the list of facts that Webby was enthusiastically reciting from memory. Letting his shoulders relax as the duckling with messy white hair took the parasol from his hands and held it delicately in her own.
Reaching into his coat Scrooge pulled out the familiar dime that hung around his neck 24/7 while talking about the experience.
"Thought she might not come back up after she went headfirst in," Scrooge murmured, the vague feeling of terrified desperation that his younger self had been frozen in was crawling up his neck as he turned the dime over in his feathered hands.
It's face was a bit rough but that would be expected for how long Scrooge has kept it. The fact that it was still shiny and readable was a miracle.
Holding it in front of him the older duck briefly thought over just how much panic he went through when the dime had rolled off the edge of the boat all those years ago.
"Both my uncle Pothole and I couldn't believe it, but she managed to grab it in time and then single handedly stopped 'em from throwing us over!"
"Wow, she sounds so cool! I've been wanting to learn more about aunt (Y/n) and uncle Pothole - I mean I know they lived in Louisville for awhile and Pothole sold his steamboat to you but I couldn't find anything about the actual race itself-- ...."
Webby trailed off, noticing the cane wielding duck was only half-heartedly listening.
Gazing at the shiny silver coin, Scrooge let a fond expression take over his features before moving the dime out of view to focus on his daughters face again, noticing her abrupt silence.
She was watching him closely, hugging the parasol closer in an upright position and probably wondering where Scrooge had just gone to in his memories.
A hopeful grin tugged at the corners of Webby's beak, having recognized the mood that her father was in. A story telling one.
She quickly grabbed his hand, rushing them both back to Scrooge's desk without any warning. Webby always knew when the billionaire was stuck in reminiscing something that had happened years and years ago in his oh-so daring life, a telltale sign being when Scrooge had his eyes glued to his number one dime.
A piercing but glazed over gaze, when ranges of emotion from sadness and happiness and everything in between suddenly became very apparent on his face.
"Tell me everything," Webby all but squealed, a dash of wonder sprinkled her eyes and wide smile.
Almost shoving her father back into his large lounge chair, Webby plopped the parasol down before scrambling after it onto the desk. Completely oblivious to the previously important paperwork that was now rather unimportantly laying on the ground.
Chuckling nervously at just how much joy seeped through Webby's small body at potential McDuck information, Scrooge took a few moments to get comfortable in his chair.
It was moments like these that the small girl loved, moments that were few and far between where she would spot Scrooge staring ahead (usually at his dime,) but in his head he was far away. She would practically corner her dad and lovingly ask (force) him to tell her about whatever memory he was thinking about.
Moments when it was just her and Scrooge.
"Well, what do ye want to know, lassie?" Scrooge asked slowly, stuffing the precious dime down his red coat.
Placing his cane on the ground so it leaned on the chair, the McDuck reached out over the edge of the desk and grabbed Webby by the armpits and dangled her in the air like a wet cat for a few moments before placing her on his knee with an expectant stare.
"Everything! Tell me everything -- oh oh! How'd you meet them? Were they nice-? How about every single detail about the race, how did you guys find the treasure in such muddy water-?! Uhm- also what about the parasol? How'd aunt (Y/n) get it -- what was she like? Why did she jump into perilous waters for your dime? Was uncle Pothole really a writer? Is he as stingy as other McDucks? How did he know the location of the Drennan Whyte? Did he really sell his steam boat to you at a cheap price?!"
Webby rambled on, intense hand motions flaring everywhere while squirming in Scrooge's lap.
"And who's Porker Hogg?!"
Scrooge stared down at the duckling bewildered, not because he was cut off nor was it from all the overwhelming questions. He was far use to that, it was mostly because she mentioned Hogg. He wasn't aware Webby even knew vaguely the name, let alone the guy.
The white feathered duckling in his lap craned her neck slightly to look up at him, blinking a couple times before pointing behind her at the somewhat crumpled letter Scrooge found in the parasol that sure enough had Hogg's dastardly name signed at the bottom.
Forming his beak into a slight 'o' shape, the older duck nodded in understanding.
Clearing his throat after a couple seconds had passed by of more winded questions, Webby stopped short and excitedly began to shake about a bit in her seated position.
She looked like she was going to burst at the seams with more questions if Scrooge didn't start talking now. So he did, placing a comforting hand behind his daughters shoulder as a support while she leaned into his side.
Scrooge let her settle down a little more before he used his other arm to spread out as far as it would go, pointing to a slightly large round oak picture frame that held the image of two white feathered ducks on the wall, just to the left of his parents grand photo.
One duck, the taller and gruffer looking one, had a scruffy white beard under his beak with eyes that looked permanently grumpy, much like his fathers stern face in the aforementioned picture next to this one.
A long wooden tobacco pipe was held between his beak, and a sailor outfit adorned his body. A bright blue sailor's captain hat sat perfectly on his head, tuffs of short feathered hair poked out slightly.
The boatman had an arm in a bent position, having offered it to the other duck in the photo who had her dainty arms wrapped tenderly around his. She had a large giddy smile and kind eyes, long lashes curled a bit above them.
Her hair was short and a little wild, and she wore a short sleeved blue collared dress that was buttoned up on the right. A blue lace parasol was held tight in her hand, casting a shadow above her in protection from the sun that beat down that day.
Both ducks were facing a little tilted from the camera in a candid sort of way as if just having noticed the camera during a normal walk, and despite the gloomy attitude of the sailor, Scrooge knew he absolutely adored the woman next to him more then anyone else.
His uncle Pothole was happiest with (Y/n)…and maybe a little money here and there that he horded. Mainly aunt (Y/n).
Webby followed Scrooge's hand all the way to the photo, beaming as she noticed who it depicted.
"Let's start with meeting my uncle Pothole and aunt (Y/n), eh?" Scrooge began, restating their names as if introducing characters in a book.
A playful tone went along with his words and he leaned forwards slightly again to fondly touch the parasol one last time before diving into retelling the long and daring adventure of childhood memories.
Tilting backwards, the old miser thought for a bit before opening his mouth. Webby sat impatiently by his side, fidgeting with her hands as she anxiously waited.
"It all started when I got a job as a cabin boy on a cattle ship from Glasgow, heading to New Orleans."
Scrooge spoke, and with each word Webby saw her father become more and more sucked into the past. Starting to truly relive past events, and the white feathered duck swore he could smell the ocean salt that wafted in the wind while he stood on the deck of the boat.
He was suddenly there, transported to the stylish streets of New Orleans and feeling the murky river water of the Mississippi that he travelled up. Hearing the constant chatter and buzz of enthusiasm upon reaching the dock in Louisville, Kentucky.
He made sure to tell Webby just how marvelous the gala he had docked on was, how the air tasted of fortunes being made. How exciting the view of this bustling town meant to him.
Scrooge chuckled, recalling his wonderment for the whole event that never really did stop phasing him. Glancing down, the duckling that was stuck between his side and the firm armrest could bearly contain her excitement any longer, and Scrooge knew he should probably get on with the tale.
"Quite a sight for a penniless lad from Glasgow, but I still needed to find my uncle."
END . next chapter: Bet on Drennan Whyte!
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I'm going to be changing around certain aspects of each story to try and fit, so this is very much canon-divergence in both universes. Keep in mind, some parts about reader are already predetermined but other things are customizable!
Thank you so much for reading, I have no idea how to tag things :)
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You know many of these prompt list are haddotin but I think it would be a crime not have drunk dial with them (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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Thank you @dimdiamond for the suggestion! I think you were right, winning the poll or not, Drunk Dial Haddotin definitely needed to be a priority. 😉
Sorry about the delay! I still have 5 from the polls that I want to get through even if I have to bleed into October a bit to get it done!
Drunk Dial: Character A is obsessed with Character B and gets black-out drunk to deal with it. Someone should definitely have taken away their phone.
Remember, I’m utilizing this prompt list. I probably won’t hit all, but I am trying to get to the highest voted ones in my polls. Trying to use different ships, but feel free to shoot me an ask or DM if there’s a specific ship you would like to see for any of the prompts.
Breaking the Rules
Ship: Haddotin
Rating: M (just to be safe, probably T is fine)
Warnings: N/A
Words: 1388
When Nestor’s job revolved around being near his employer almost twenty-four hours a day, he had to make certain ground rules for himself early in his career. One of those being not to get overly involved in his employer’s personal life. It was important to have a cordial, friendly relationship, but beyond that he shouldn’t be the one instructing them on how to live their life. That rule went out the window the moment he met Master Haddock. 
It wasn’t immediate, this meaningful friendship. In fact, Nestor had been the one to offer his services to make up for his horrible error in judgment of his previous employers. Both Haddock and his friend, Tintin, were quick to wave off his apologies not faulting him at all. The guilt still lingered as Nestor went above and beyond his station to make up for his wrongs. Advising Haddock on what was expected of the master of this particular manor. Helping him to pick out fancy clothing, getting him involved in horseback riding, or tickets for performances at the nearest opera house. 
Then Master Tintin came around with another of his mysteries, and any interest Captain Haddock had in fancier living went out the window. Nestor had thought perhaps that was another of his mistakes, getting Haddock to be something he wasn’t when one unexpected night he was invited to drink and smoke with the captain. Captain Haddock had opened up about his drinking problems and how they had been exploited by his treacherous first mate. How he would be either dead or a drunken slob still if it hadn’t been for Tintin, and it was at that moment that Nestor realized two things. 
The first being that despite his hesitation to believe them, Tintin and Haddock had absolutely forgiven Nestor from the first moment the truth about the matter came out. The second realization was a bit harder to absorb because it violated his rule about getting involved in his master’s personal life. However, it was quite obvious to him that Haddock’s regard towards Tintin was quite a bit more than friendly. Dare he say it, Haddock loved the young man. Of course, he kept it closely guarded as it certainly wasn’t his business to get in the middle of it. He noticed little looks, little touches, and hidden smiles that definitely suggested the feeling was mutual. In fact, when Master Tintin let his lease run out so he could move into Marlinspike, Nestor thought for sure that would be the end of the matter. Instead, it somehow got worse.
Nestor wasn’t entirely sure what Master Tintin’s intentions of this arrangement was, but he could see the young man’s frustration mounting every day. There were several times where it danced on the tip of his tongue to tell Haddock that his obliviousness was going to blow up in his face. Still, Nestor stayed in his lane, going back to his rule of not getting involved. Even if these two were starting to make him ever question why that would be a good idea to begin with. Luckily for Nestor, Tintin was too much of a man of action to sit back quietly and watch this go on for too much longer. 
Standing out in the front hall, polishing and dusting the picture frames, Nestor was in the perfect position to hear the tension over the last several months come to a head as shouting carried from the masters’ study.
“Neptune above, Tintin! What exactly is your problem lately?!”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. Certainly nothing you would bother noticing!”
“Thundering typhoons! You could drive a man to drink!” 
“It’s not like it would be the first time.”
Silence settled awkwardly in the manor, even making Nestor wince at Tintin’s words. Rather than make his apologies, the ginger marched out the room and down the stairs. His brows pinched, but his eyes shining brightly.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Haddock demanded from the top of the stairs, his words lacking any kind of bite.
“Drinking.” Tintin answered before slamming the front door.
Nestor and Haddock were both left standing there, stunned by the statement as Tintin hardly ever indulged. Heaving a heavy sigh, Haddock stuffed his hands in his pockets, bending his head so his hat hid his expression. 
“Nestor, I’m retiring for the evening, but…can you stay up and see that he makes it home?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Nestor waited until Haddock had completely disappeared from view before slumping against the wall. He was definitely regretting his rule now. He hadn’t quite realized it, but somewhere along the way Haddock and Tintin had come to be his friends. And he hated seeing his friends in such pain. Perhaps…perhaps he should say something to Tintin once he returned.
Continuing on with his chores, Nestor waited and he waited and he waited. Running out of things to do around the house, he settled in the parlor with a book listening intently for the front door. That was why the phone ringing quite suddenly startled him so bad. Who could possibly be calling this late?
“Haddock residence.” Nestor greeted, stifling a yawn.
“Archieee? I’m sooooo sorry!” A slurred voice sobbed into the receiver.
“M-Master Tintin?” Nestor balked in surprise.
“I never should have brought up your drinking, and why would I? Drink is…FFFUN! I don’t want to fffight! I want to love you and make love to you and you make love to me. I want you to…”
After that, the graphic descriptions of all the sexual encounters Tintin wanted had annoyed and flustered Nestor enough to force his hand. He set the phone down on the table, Tintin none the wiser, as he marched upstairs and woke Haddock from his sleep.
“Blistering barnacles, Nestor! Why in the world would you…?”
Haddock’s protests were cut short as he placed the phone against the captain’s ear. Under other circumstances, Nestor might be amused by the deep vermillion shade Haddock managed to turn listening to the drunken ramblings of his younger friend. However, exhaustion weighed heavily on him, and he couldn’t even muster the energy for it.
“Tell him you’re coming to get him.” Nestor ordered with his arms crossed.
Haddock blinked at him as if forgetting Nestor was even there. Carefully, he cleared his voice and shifted his feet to hide the uncomfortable bulge forming between his legs.
“Tintin, lad, what pub are you at?” Haddock asked softly.
There was a pause on the other end before more rambling came through having Haddock scrub his hand over his face.
“Tintin, Tintin! Listen, I’m going to come pick you up. Just…stay there and for the love of everything good, don’t drink anymore.”
Haddock hung up probably more aggressively than he needed to before running his hands over his face. As soon as he opened his eyes again, Nestor was there, holding out the keys to the car. The captain furrowed his brows, muttering under his breath as he swiped the keys out of Nestor’s hands.
“If I may, Sir?” Nestor stopped him before he could step a foot out the open door. 
Haddock turned his head over his shoulder, indicating he was listening.
“While…evocative, Master Tintin may be right now, I don’t believe his feelings are disingenuous. I just thought you might keep that in mind.”
Haddock hesitated a moment longer before leaving without a word. Well, Nestor couldn’t very well go to bed now. And besides, his last request from Haddock was that he stayed up to make sure Master Tintin returned. So Nestor returned to his book, trying to keep from flinching to the window at every outside noise, wondering if they had returned. FInally, lights appeared in the drive. Abandoning his book, Nestor crept towards the window, trying to remain as discreet as he could. Hushed voices rose from the drive, until the darkened silhouettes pressed together in a sweet kiss. 
Nestor drew the curtains closed with a satisfied smile. If ever he was going to break his rule, he was glad it was this time. He was also rather grateful as he began to shut off lights, that his room was on the opposite end of the house. Just in case Haddock ended up following through with even a tenth of Master Tintin’s suggestions.
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stray-kaz · 2 years
The Flower and The Serpent : a Walt De Ville x reader FF : four
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A bit of 18 and up, y’all.
You had been living at the manor for about two weeks when Mr. Field arrived outside your room to inform you that Walt would be out for business much of the day, so why didn’t you take advantage to explore his home and grounds? His home was yours now also, after all, so nothing was off limits, not even his private library cum study. You smiled upon hearing that; Viktoria and Lucy were not permitted in that room, but it seemed you were. Maybe you really were his favourite.
You pulled on your high tops and went exploring, summer dress whispering around your knees as you paced down the cool hallways, one hand trailing fingertips along the wall. You reached the door to Walt’s private study and pressed the correct wall console, the drawer springing out and presenting the entry key. You unlocked the door and replaced the key, pushing the drawer back into place before you entered.
The dim room felt hushed, an air of secrets to it. The heavy drapes were pulled tight across the tall windows and only a slender ripple of sunlight was allowed to illuminate the swirling shreds of dust in the air.
You gravitated to the bookcase, reaching for the nearest tome. Pulling it out and glancing at its cover, you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself: Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Of all the books in all the world... You set it back, spine facing out, and drifted over to the desk, an open ledger filled with numbers in columns and assorted documents spread out over its oak surface.
One of the files had your name on it, and a photo from your twenty first birthday. You were in the foreground, but Walt was in the background, his eyes fixed on you as the photo was taken. You never knew about this photo. The way he was looking at you made you shiver. You flipped the cover of the file and realised your history was laid out before you in black and white on paper. It looked much simpler like that, instead of the twisted, messy path that led you to where you were now.
You carefully closed the file and went over to the curtains, pulling one aside just an inch to peer outside. A band of trees, and through them, the small building Walt had dubbed “the ice house”. You were fairly sure it was more of an abattoir, but you hadn’t argued.
You let the curtain fall back into position and then wandered back to the door; you felt like an intruder in your fiance’s sacred space, no matter what he had said to Mr. Field regarding you and his privacy. The door closed behind you with a soft click, well oiled hinges silent. You pushed away from it and towards the open front door, across the porch and down the steps to the stony driveway.
The wind billowed your dress and you clutched at it, trying to stop it flying up around your waist as you jogged over the drive to reach the grass and trees on the other side, leaving the stone statues and decorations behind. You found an open stretch of meadow a short distance away from the ice house and lay down, your head pillowed by a thick cluster of wild daisies. You crossed one leg over the other and gazed up at the sky, reeling deep and blue above you, not a cloud in sight.
It was peaceful out here, you realised, a little ways away from the manor, enough distance to clear your head, to think, to feel. At close proximity to Walt and even just to the home he occupied, it was often difficult to understand exactly what it was you felt about him. But out here, peace all around, you still knew that you were jumping off a cliff, unsure whether he would be waiting at the bottom or not. Was he falling for you, too? Did his breath catch and heart slam whenever you walked into a room he was already in?
You shook your head and felt scratchy grass rub against your cheeks. You closed your eyes and let your shoulders relax, sleep blurring all your edges.
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You woke when a cold drop of rain splashed onto your forehead and ran into your hair. Blinking your eyes open and sitting up, you could see the sky had darkened significantly and Walt’s black Cadillac was parked in its usual spot in front of the house. In fact, the man himself was striding towards you, brow creased, gaze moving between the sky and you. When he reached you, he extended a hand and pulled you up, a little too roughly, his arms crowding you against his body, firm and lithe beneath his clothes.
“What are you doing out here?” he demanded. “There’s a storm rolling in.”
You rubbed your eyes.
“Sleeping, apparently” you mumbled in response.
Walt rolled his eyes.
“Mr. Field said you came outside hours ago and he hadn’t seen you since. It’s not always safe for you to be off your guard. Especially when I am not here.”
His wild silvery eyes and frustrated, anxious words made you realise just what he was saying to you. Without him here, there was nothing, really, to stop Viktoria from getting to you.
Hesitating at first, you slowly wrapped your arms around his back, your hands rising to grip at his shoulders, your chest and stomach pressing gently into his. You rested your cheek against his heart and felt it thrumming quickly under his shirt.
“Sorry” you said quietly. “It was a beautiful day and it was peaceful out here. I fell asleep.”
Walt sighed and nodded, his jaw still a little too tense.
“All right” he said tersely. “Please don’t do it again. Not until you’re...until you’re a little less fragile.”
You clamped your lower lip between your teeth and tilted your head to the side, looking up at him.
“About that...”
He raised dark eyebrows and waited, watching you closely.
You sucked in a hard gulp of air, preparing.
“I would like for the first time you make love to me to be while I am still human” you exhaled in a rush, barely coherent.
But Walt grasped your meaning and his lips quirked to the side.
“You want your first time to be while you still feel everything” he said. “Like a human does.”
You nodded and he shrugged, loosening his grip on you as the rain began to fall in earnest.
“That can be arranged” he told you easily. “As long as you wear my ring first.”
You nodded again and eased out of his hold, turning your back as you started to make your way across the grass to the house. Walt’s sharp eyes caught the tattoos on your back, tracing the inside length of each shoulder blade. He reached out and grabbed you, reeling you back to him. Startled, you looked over your shoulder at him, trying to understand, while he just stared at the small black bats on your back, descending in size, each detail perfect.
You finally understood when his fingers rose to trace the matching tattoos, his fingertips sliding down your fast dampening skin, chasing raindrops.
“When did you get these?” he asked, sounding a little winded.
His eyes were wide as they met yours, an immovable stare.
“On my eighteenth birthday” you answered, turning around to face him properly.
“I didn’t see them.”
You shook your head at him.
“They were done after you had gone home.”
“Why? Why not show me before now?”
“I wasn’t sure what you would think, if I was trying too hard, or -”
“You try just the right amount” Walt interrupted, and kissed you.
It was a surprise, his lips on yours, and you weren’t sure if you made a sound or not, but you were sure that he knew exactly what he was doing. His lips were cool from the rain, chasing yours as you lost your footing and took a hasty step backwards. His hair was damp and cold, too, when you shoved your fingers through it, but felt heavenly against your tingling skin.
He wound his arms up your back, one hand gently gripping the back of your neck under your hair, the other splaying wide between your shoulder blades, covering your tattoos. It didn’t matter that you were both soaking wet now, just how you were the night of your birthday two weeks ago. All that mattered was the drag of his hands on your skin and the soft slide of his mouth on yours.
Your fingernails scratched gently, accidentally, across his scalp, and Walt growled suddenly. You could feel the push of his growing canines against his lips as they pressed against yours. You found a gap in his defenses and pressed your tongue inside, licking against one of the delicate points. He moaned, an animal whine working its way out of his throat, and the hand on your nape tightened seconds before he pulled away from your mouth and latched onto the sensitive skin on the side of your neck.
His blown out eyes flickered up to your face, but all he saw were your closed eyes and parted lips, blissed out and he’d hardly touched you. He lifted you onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist, your cloth covered core now centred over his hips, square over his belt buckle.
Walt wasted no more time walking back to the manor, his foot landing the first step up just as he pierced the skin of your neck and tasted the first red rose bloom of your blood on his tongue. He was swelling against you, he knew, and he knew you knew, too, for your body shifted to get closer even as he drank.
He saw Mr. Field watching with concern from the other end of the hall as he made his way towards his own rooms, one thing on his mind. He briefly stopped feeding to raise his head, his lips stained.
“She’s fine” he told the butler, stroking your hair. “I assure you, she is completely safe with me.”
Mr. Field nodded.
“Certainly, sir.”
Walt fought the urge to roll his eyes and sank his teeth back into your neck, his hips twitching slightly.
He reached his door and kicked it shut behind himself, not bothering to lock it; no one would interrupt. He lay you down across his bed, your pink dress stark against the black silk of his sheets. You arched below him, blinking lazily up at the ceiling of his four poster.
“Walt?” you murmured dazedly, your body humming with sensation.
“Hmm?” he replied, concentrating on your taste in his mouth.
“I love you” you whispered, eyes slipping closed again.
He groaned and sucked hard, aware he’d be leaving a bruise noticeable from space. But he didn’t care; with those words in his ear, your warm body pliant under his hands and the intoxicating taste of your blood on his tongue, he knew he would never care about anything else ever again.
He could taste you for a thousand years and it still wouldn’t be enough.
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Tagging: @hellomadamebutterfly​ @sky0401​
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joylinda-hawks · 1 year
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Reasons are just a nicer name for excuses. WOH, Episode 24, Part 3. WKX walks up to the seated ZZS and hands him tea. ZZS sits on a chair and WKX sits on the ground. ZZS drinks tea and says that the disease took the master, but before he died, he entrusted Siji Manor to him. As a young leader of the ZZS, he was unable to defend the sect, which was under attack from many sides. For two years he managed to defend himself, so after that time he ran away. WKX tells him not to blame himself and asks what happened next. ZZS replies that he escaped. To console him, WKX says he must have had reasons. A distraught ZZS replies that reasons are just the name of excuses. ZZS says that his father used to be an assistant to Prince Jin, and the current prince is his cousin. The prince was worried that he had no one he could trust, so he turned to the ZZS for help. Memories come to life in the memory of ZZS. He remembers how he went to see the prince. The prince then told him how the prince's father treated their teacher, who died in prison. The previous prince of Jin did not allow him to be buried, which made the prince's son very worried. ZZS, sympathetic to his cousin, promised to secretly bury the teacher's body. The cousin asks the ZZS to come to Jin and help him. After these memories, ZZS adds that he led all the students of Siji Manor to Jin. ZZS did not suppose that he was deceiving himself. Once they were entangled in the web of great politics, there was no turning back. ZZS saw his brothers die one by one before his eyes. At the end, even Jiu Xiao died. After his death, ZZS had nothing to live for and asks WKX what he did then. With tears in his eyes, ZZS replies that he ran away again. WKX without words, only a gesture tries to comfort him. ZZS says that in the end he had these 7 nails left, the people he wanted to protect, the things he wanted to do, melted into nothingness even though he tried hard. They were like sand slipping through your fingers. ZZS looking at ZCL adds that fate turned out to be kind. He gave him a second chance, ZZS has someone to share his knowledge with. It's not just how much time he has left and whether he'll see ZCL grow into a man. WKX protests that YBY has promised to cure ZZS. ZZS replies that nothing in this world is absolutely certain. However, WKX does not change its mind. ZZS replies that no matter what, he is glad that WKX came back with him to Siji Manor. WKX is touched and tells ZZS to go to sleep, and he wants to get some fresh air. This scene is one big ZZS confession. Finally, the shell around his heart cracked and 2,000 layers of dust fell. A real ZZS stood in front of us. A gentle, sensitive young man with a lot of empathy. ZZS blames himself for his own mistakes, he feels like a coward because when a problem arose, he chose to run away. When his master died, ZZS was only 16 years old, he was still a child who had to become a man overnight. For two years he tried to become one. His innocence and trust were taken advantage of by his cousin. He treated the younger boy as a useful tool to achieve his own goal. Even at this moment, ZZS doesn't know how much Prince Jin manipulated him. Most of the misfortunes he suffered were due to the prince's ambitions. WKX is also unhappy to see the state of ZZS, listening to the words of ZZS remembers his own words that ZZS said when he found out that ZZS is dying. Both men couldn't save the people they loved. It connects them. WKX is afraid of how ZZS will react when its secrets are revealed. He doesn't want ZZS to reject him, he doesn't want ZZS to sink further into despair. This scene hits the viewer hard. You can't watch it without tears in your eyes. The acting of ZZH and GJ is so emotional and so convincing that I cry every time I watch it. It is independent of me. I can't hold back my tears. That says something in my opinion. ZZH and GJ played phenomenal here.
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tk-duveraun · 1 year
Lian and the Capitalist Fuckboy AU 4/?
1. 2. 3. 4 (here) 5.
She will have terrible scars for the rest of her life, but she will have a life to live. 
Once the white mages clear the grounds of the Feng’s Kugane house, the entire family descends on (ascends to?) it. Hancock is made to sit in the dining room and eat until Mingtao is satisfied he’s had enough.
Lian’s mother and twin brothers take her to bathe while her father and twin sisters strip the bed, remake it and thoroughly clean the room. Hancock isn’t really thinking clearly, mind mostly buzzing with the fact that Lian will recover and live and be okay. But even in his distracted state, he has a moment of disjointed confusion. Shouldn’t Lian’s sisters be the ones helping with the bath?
But then he remembers the twin boys are strong white and black mages respectively, which make them much better bath attendants for someone only half-conscious. They were also large enough to carry her and move her around without aggravating the lingering wounds and new scales. It was only his Uldan-Hyur sensibilities that found it strange.
As he mechanically chews a fresh meat bun, Hancock remembers Lian mentioning that gender wasn’t really a concept for her people. Some people were large, others were small and that didn’t particularly affect anything other than procreation and even then, she’d said, there were workarounds. 
Mingtao pushed another bowl of soup at Hancock.
He wasn’t too, too familiar with Lian’s sandi. Mingtao didn’t really care for business and his Hingan was about as broken as Hancock’s Shuiwen. So the two sat quietly in the dining room.
At a stunned kind of distance, Hancock watched the Feng servants bring in more tables and seats to fill the dining room. Despite knowing Lian’s family was large, he’d always taken the size of the manor to be a symbol of the family’s affluence more than a practical purchase. Hancock mentally tallied the rooms against the number of family members and found it a much tighter fit than he’d previously thought.
Hancock remained at the table even once the food was cleared by the servants. He took his cue from Mingtao to stay out of the way. His choice was solidified when Mingyun joined them with a pile of papers and Lian’s assistant.
Mingyun greeted his brother with a clap on the shoulder before sitting next to him. Across the table, he shot Hancock a long-suffering grimace, though his posture was still loose with relief.
“Work’s built up,” Mingyun said in Hingan. “Sakurai-san’s a great asset, of course, but too much of our work requires direct family approval.”
Sakurai Mikana, sat on Mingyun’s side, nodded. “There was only so much I could do communicating everything via linkpearl.”
“The benefit of being, myself, a proxy,” Hancock said.
Mingyun didn’t look up from his papers, “Well, if Nanarito doesn’t appreciate you enough, we’ll take care of that.”
Mingtao asked something in Shuiwen and they had a short back and forth before Mingyun snorted and looked up at Hancock just to roll his eyes.
“A-Tao thinks I’m getting ahead of things, but he hasn’t been subjected to the matchmakers yet.”
Mikana made a comment in Shuiwen that had Mingyun chuckle and pat his brother’s thigh. “See? I know what I’m talking about.”
Mingtao made a sour face, and got up, saying something dismissive with the word kitchen in it.
Before Hancock could parse all of that, Lian’s mother entered the dining room and gestured for Hancock and her son to follow her.
She took them to a different room than Lian had been using before. The bed was visibly larger and made Lian look tiny and fragile. She was wrapped in an orange, silk, sleeping robe to protect the fragile, new scales. The still-healing wounds on Lian’s face were free of bandages, but covered in a green paste. The largest splotch was on her left cheek, which, at least, no longer showed signs of infection.
Lian was asleep, but her skin, though still pale from long illness, had a flush of life that had Hancock’s heart in his throat.
Hancock was ushered into the seat at the head of the bed by Lian’s mother. He wasn’t ignorant of the blessing that was and gave her the most polite thanks he knew in Shuiwen.
“Enough of that,” she replied in Hingan. She had an accent, but was clearly very practiced in the language. She sat on the opposite side of the bed and ran her hand over the crown of Lian’s head. Lian’s hair had been dried and braided after the bath. “That’s your place. We’ve known that for a long time.”
“We’ve known way more than that for a long time,” Minghong chimed in. He was leaned against the wall at the foot of Lian’s bed. Both he and his twin held complimentary staves.
“Be nice,” one of Lian’s twin sisters said. “You don’t want to scare off dage now.”
“If her smothering hasn’t done it by now, nothing will,” Minghong said.
“See? I told you a-Tao was in denial,” Mingyun said.
Hancock smiled helplessly. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“Oh. He doesn’t know,” the second of Lian’s sisters said.
“Sh, sh, no one tell him,” the first sister said.
“You were just telling me not to bully him!” Minghong shot back.
Lian’s parents burst into laughter. Mingyu followed, then the rest of the siblings. It was probably the first time they’d laughed in days. The catharsis of relieved tension hit Hancock like a physical force and he found himself joining in even if he didn’t quite understand what was so funny.
...because it certainly couldn’t be that...
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bradsmindbrain · 2 years
So hear me out - wolves go hunting with/for their pack members right? And I'm assuming Jack views Ted as part of his pack (and the werewolf side of him does too) so... Maybe Jack (as a werewolf) hunting and bringing back food for Ted? (Bonus if its like that thing cats do where they bring you dead mangled animals so Ted can't eat it but he appreciates the gesture nonethless). Thanks and sorry if this is long.
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Summary: Jack brings Ted a gift during the full moon, Ted decides to make it a gift for both of them.
TW: Dead animal (deer) (not explicitly described)
Ted watched as Jack’s hunched form prowled along the ground, the light of the full moon piercing through the mangroves of the Everglades. Ted had come accustomed to nights like these, nights where Jack tended to be more active, less content to stay near the hut. He supposed Jack’s instincts were more active on occasion, more willing to hunt. Jack tended to avoid people when he was like this, only attacking if they had attacked him first, he was far more content to hunt deer and the like. Much like the moon that changed him, Jack’s mental state seemed to wax and wane every time he transformed. Some nights, it was almost entirely him, other nights, like tonight, he was far more like an animal, still other times, it was a mix. Ted had learned to work with it over time, learned to understand what was needed for his boyfriend to be comfortable like this.
He watched Jack scamper off into the underbrush, growling. He made no attempt to follow, as he doubted it was a hunter, it was difficult for them to get into the Everglades to begin with, and Jack was more than capable of handling himself when he was like this. Besides, whatever had caught Jack’s attention seemed to be alone, probably a deer if he had to guess. Ted made his way into the hut, grabbing the acoustic guitar he had taken from the Bloodstone Manor before heading back out and sitting on a log. Slowly, he began to pluck awkwardly at the strings, attempting to create some form of tune. 
It… wasn’t the best, in no small part due to his large, plant-covered digits, but he supposed it was passable. Jack had played it a few times, and he had to admit, he was really good at it, having played a bit for him and Elsa when she had come over. Honestly, it was hard to think of something Jack wasn’t good at. For the most part though, he had to find any form of entertainment he could put here, living so far away from civilization, with only the snakes, gators, bobcats, Jack, and occasionally Elsa for company.
Ted turned his attention back to the underbrush as Jack emerged from it, dragging a deer carcass by the antlers with his jaw. He dragged the carcass in front of Ted, releasing it and sitting by its side, looking at him intently. Ted had long since grown accustomed to his boyfriend’s canine behaviors, Jack even gave him a book about wolf behavior to help better handle him in this state, so he had a fairly good idea of what was going on. The book had said wolves sometimes brought back food for their pack when they went hunting, and he assumed that this was the case. 
He placed the guitar to the side, standing up to inspect the carcass. From the looks of it, it had been killed quickly, and rather cleanly, the only major visible wound being a massive gash on the neck. It was serviceable, at the very least. Jack curled up in a ball next to it, closing his eyes. Ted carefully scooped Jack up, taking him inside. After gently laying Jack on the bed, Ted carefully grabbed some firewood and a few matches, using them to construct a small fire. He was lucky Jack brought him supplies like that from time to time. He went back in, grabbing a few knives to help prepare it, as well as a grill to place the meat over the fire.
The sun began to grace the horizon and the fire blazed as Ted cut off a few manageable chunks off the deer, discarding the rest of the carcass into the swamp water, leaving it for any passing alligators or scavengers to finish off. After removing the fur and most of the fat, he placed the meat on the grill before heading in to quickly and quietly make some coffee for Jack and to grab some plates and silverware.
Ted had flipped the meat over a few times to prevent it from burning by the time Jack came out of the hut, now wearing the button-up shirt he and Ted had taken off before he transformed. Jack sniffed the air as he came closer to Ted, taking the coffee mug from his hands, “Smells good! What is it?”
Ted grunted in response, quite proud of himself.
Jack gave a chuckle, “Deer? Did I bring it to you or something amor?”
Ted nodded, taking one of the pieces of meat and putting it on one of the plates before handing it to Jack. He cut off a piece of the meat as Ted put his own piece on a plate.
Jack took a bite, “Pretty good, gracias Teddy bear.”
Ted gave an affectionate grumble as he took the slab of meat behind his face tendrils and into what constituted as his mouth, devouring it in a single “bite.” He was glad Jack enjoyed his cooking, then again, Jack did help with it in his own way.
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askrivetra · 2 years
Wedding Ceremony
Rosefayre Manor is an idyllic venue for a wedding. The small royal residence sits in the heart of Wall Rose countryside, surrounded by endless green fields and patches of woodland. Under cloudless sky and unveiled sunlight, the river that weaves through the landscape like a blue ribbon sparkles. Birds take off on an easy wind, flying high above the ivory manor and the many trees that gather around the grounds.
From their view, they can watch as a gilded carriage passes through the white painted gates and begins its journey on the long driveway to the front of the estate. They can see the trees that stand like sentinels either side of the road. As the carriage leaves the gate, a bell rings. The sound soars through their air in tinkling, pleasant waves.
A second bell answers in the manor house. The guests, who have gathered on the front lawn, turn towards the double doors where Erwin and Hange are approaching.
“The bride is almost here,” Hange calls to them all, beckoning them forward.
“Please go inside and take your seats;” Erwin adds, gesturing for everyone to go inside.
Everyone is led into a large, well-lit hall at the back of the house, jutting out from the rest of the building. Lights of various colours overflow from the room due to the multiple stained glass windows embedded in three of the four walls. Sweet scented flowers of white, pale blue and purple stand in vases on painted pedestals throughout the room. Down the centre aisle, some of those same flowers hang in strings along the sides of the pews. Miniature holders have been attached to the corner of each pew and hold a small bouquet there too.
Most of the guests are fellow Scouts or family friends of the Rals. Among the Scouts, the members of the 104th are shepherded forward by Eld, Gunther and Oluo. They are taken to the first few rows of the groom’s side of the aisle as the bride’s side is quickly filling up, Eren sits between Mikasa and Armin, as far from Jean as possible. Jean, Sasha and Connie take up seats behind them. Queen Historia arrives last with her small entourage of security. She insists on sitting with the 104th and has her security wait in the back pews. Soon, as all of the guests have showed up promptly, it doesn’t take long for for everybody to be in their seats.
Erwin and Hange stride around the hall, Hange checking off the guest list before handing it off to a member of the manor staff.
Erwin leaves the room while Hange walks to the front and takes a seat on the front pew. A grin is already stretching across their face as they turn in their seat and start chatting to Armin animatedly.
Outside the hall doors, Levi has descended from a great stone stairway. In his all black suit, he stands out a great deal from the lavish red carpet, the white walls and golden light pouring through the doors. His eyes focus on Erwin with a natural question within them.
“Everyone’s ready to go. Petra will arrive in a few minutes,” Erwin advises, walking forward and placing one hand on Levi’s shoulder.
Levi lets the touch linger for only a few seconds before he strides into the hall. “We better be waiting for her then,” he answers quietly.
Erwin follows him, smiling, soon catching up The two men walk together down the aisle and a hush begins to descend over the gathered crowd as they move towards the alter. Levi takes his place at the front of the church, keeping his back to the crowd. Erwin steps up next to him, half-turning so he has one eye on the double doors.
“Look at that garden,” Agatha Ral breatha as the carriage rolls up in front of the steps leading up to the raised lawn. She takes in the trimmed grass surrounded by neatly arranged colourful flower bushes, many of them exotic-looking. “Oh it’s a shame you two couldn’t live here, isn’t it?”
Petra giggles at her mother’s words.
“Now now, Queen Historia has been more than generous as it is.” Rupert Ral chides his wife affectionately.
Her mother shares in the laughter. “Yes, she really has. It’s all so beautiful isn’t it?” Agatha adjusts the long skirt of her spring green gown.
“It’s beyond perfect,” Petra agrees in a quiet voice, her throat filled with nervous anticipation.
Next to Petra’s mother, dressed similarly to Agatha, Nifa grins at Petra. “And the fact that you’re marrying the man of your dreams doesn’t hurt either, eh?”
“He’s such a handsome man,” Agatha muses. “Such good manners and he’s so clean. What a presentable man she’s chosen to marry.”
As Nifa and Agatha share a giggle, Petra bows her head with a smile, her cheeks warming up as she nods, barely taking in their teasing. “No, it really doesn’t hurt,” she agrees. It’s dizzying to think about, the fact that she’s actually about the man she’s been dreaming about for years. That, by the end of the day, no, the end of this hour, she’ll be Mrs Ackerman. She’ll be married. She and Levi will be able to share a room at the base or they could get their own home. They can build their own life together.
Petra Ral will be someone from the past. Petra Ackerman will be leaving Rosefayre Manor today. Her smile, and her blush for that matter, deepens. Her heartbeat is racing ahead, like the build up to a full out sprint and she has to catch her breath for a moment to steady herself.
“Are you okay, darling girl?” Her father asks, reaching across to hold Petra’s hand. He squeezes her fingers.
Petra squeezes back. “I’m really excited, Dad,” she admits.
His warm smile blossoms into a grin. “Enjoy this day. Every second of it.” He looks towards Agatha and Nifa with a playfully firm glare. “If you two are quite done tittering,” he remarked, “how about we get the girl married?”
“Absolutely!” The two women chorus and Rupert winks at his smiling daughter.
Petra is grateful for the simplicity of her dress as her father helps her out of the carriage.
The fabric is silky and comfortable entirely. The style is basic with long-sleeves and no patterns. The material hugs her body but not too tightly. She can walk comfortably enough and she only has to lift the skirt a bit to ascend the stairs to the raised lawn. Even so, her father and mother both place their hands on her lower back as she steps up.
Petra sucks in a deep breath to hold back the emotion from spilling out of her eyes when they did. It’s like she’s being escorted to the beginnings of a journey, one she has to make on her own, as it should be but no less daunting.
They linger in the lawns just long enough for her mother to gaze adoringly around. Nifa takes the opportunity to fuss with Petra’s already straight hair, tucking bits behind others, claiming that they were falling out of line like bad soldiers. Petra had to stifle her giggle.
Once Nifa’s fussing is over, Rupert takes Petra’s arm and begins to lead her up the next set of steps into the manor house itself. Petra stares around in growing awe at the magnificence. Paintings of extraordinary quality hang from the walls. Spread out across the room are pedestals with stone busts and unfamiliar faces peering at the little company as they slow to a stop. Petra squeezes her father’s arm. She’s actually getting married here. Two soldiers marrying in a house once occupied by the royal family.
“Are you ready?” he asks and Petra nods, swallowing down her nerves and letting the joy that’s been fizzing away inside her, swell up.
Her mother and Nifa step up to the double doors first. The two household staff waiting open the door for the pair of them and Petra listens as a gentle melody begins to play. She and her father stand to one side, out of sight for the time being, listening to Agatha and Nifa’s footsteps disappear inside the hall.
Petra exhales, holding onto her father’s arm to try and stem the trembling that’s started. Nervous energy is flowing around her body so fast that she feels like she’s spinning on the inside. She closes her eyes to try and ground herself. It’s just formal vows. You and Levi are saying what you’ve always said. It’s just in front of your friends. It’s just for a certificate. But those thoughts cannot hold much sway against the feelings of anticipation and happiness.
“There’s still time to run away,” he whisper-jokes to her and she leans her giggling face into his arm to muffle herself. When she raises her head, some of her nerves have begun to still. A deeper voice inside of her speaks uip.
Go and become Mrs Ackerman. Be with the man you love. Let the world see that you chose each other.
“No thanks,” Petra smiles up at her father. She holds onto the bouquet of white roses in her hand, the stems wrapped in white cloth. Her fingers dig into the fabric. “I think I’m ready to marry him, Dad.” she admits after another deep breath.
Her father’s free hand covers hers on his arm and he leans down to kiss the top of her head. “I’m so happy to hear you say that, Petra.” He smiles into her hair then pulls back to smile down at her. He takes his own deep breath, emotion weighing heavily in his eyes. “It’s time to take you to your sweetheart then.”
No amount of internal reasoning can chase away this feeling, Levi realizes as he waits at the altar. It’s been sitting with him for so long today that he doesn’t know if it will actually leave him once he sees her, This feeling of unease, of waiting for something to go wrong. It seems almost laughable that the day can be going this well, this smoothly. There has to be some part of this where something falls short. It’s not reasonable for it all to go perfectly, is it?
Hands folded in front of him, Levi’s body has become unbearably tense. His head snaps to the side when Erwin touches his arm.
“Relax,” Erwin whispers although he and Levi both know that this is fruitless advice. Levi remains just as tense.
He hears the approach of footsteps, two sets, as they walk the aisle and step aside to the right. He continues to look forward, however, focusing his eyes on a piece of the stained glass window, a blue segment, diamond-shaped.
The music changes and there’s a murmur of movement behind him. He knows, without looking, that the audience have risen which can only mean that Petra is here. Relief touches at the knot inside his chest, loosening it somewhat. Erwin nudges him as the music builds.
Slowly, Levi turns, lifting his eyes towards the central aisle and the angel carefully strolling down it towards him. His breath catches so quietly that only Erwin may notice.
Petra looks absolutely enchanting. She holds onto her father’s arm as she walks, the simple ivory gown clinging to her lean form in all the right ways. It looks perfect on her. She doesn’t need anything over the top in jewels or patterns or design. She never has. She’d look beautiful in it all but this, right now, is perfect on her. This is his Petra. His lovely, brave, kind, beautiful and perfect Petra. His heart begins to hammer in his chest as he stares at her. She’s opted for a very modest, square neckline and Levi has never been more grateful to see her beautiful body covered up, with the way he’s feeling right now. Even so, his gaze is drawn to the shape of her petite breasts highlighted by the chest-hugging material. The fitted material brings out her slender waist and the hips that Levi loves to hold onto when she’s in his arms.
She’s smiling up at him and it’s a relief to see the nerves in her own eyes. Seeing them wakes something in Levi. He steps forward as her father brings her to him.
Rupert Ral takes his daughter’s hand and places it in Levi’s open, outstretched palm. “Take care of her,” he whispers as Nifa comes to collect Petra’s bouquet.
“I promise,” Levi whispers back.
His hand closes around Petra’s and he brings their hands to his mouth, kissing her fingers tenderly.
“I love you,” Petra mouths to him, her smile growing.
He kisses her hand again. “I love you,” he mouths back.
Once he and Petra have taken their positions, the priest steps forward and greets the congregation.
“Welcome to all who have gathered here this day to share in this marriage ceremony of Levi Ackerman and Petra Ral,” the priest begins. “These words, spoken today between Levi and Petra are indeed important and sacred, but they are not what joins these two together, nor is this marriage ceremony. We are not here to witness the beginning of their relationship, but to acknowledge and celebrate a lasting bond that already exists between them. Levi and Petra have already joined their hearts together and chosen to walk together on life’s journey, and we have come to bear witness to a symbolic union and a public affirmation of the love they share.”
He looks gorgeous, Petra thinks as she gazes up at Levi, her hand squeezing onto his. He rubs his thumb over her fingers and holds her stare with his own. She itches to reach up and stroke his slicked back hair, maybe loosen a couple of strands of it. She fights back a giggle at the thought of his reaction to that. God forbid he should look untidy at his wedding. She brings her other hand to cup his as the priest continues.
“Those of us in attendance today are present to witness a statement of lasting love and commitment between Levi and Petra. The ceremonial union of two people in marriage, in its primordial form, is as ancient as our very humanity and yet is still as fresh as each day’s sunrise. The commitment of love between Levi and Petra speaks of their shared experience together and their dreams for the future, of the importance of each of them as individuals as well as the special bond they share, and of the importance of their community of family and friends.
Everyone gathered here today was invited to this ceremony because you have played a special role in Levi and Petra’s lives. You are present at this ceremony to celebrate their marriage and to witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you, gathered here to witness this union, do all in your power to love and support this couple now, and in the years ahead? If so please respond, “we will.””
“We will,” the chorus behind the couple is loud, especially from Hange’s direction.
Levi glances back at Hange and Petra bites her lip to suppress a laugh.
“Levi and Petra, have you come here today with the intention to be legally joined in marriage? Do you pledge to choose respect, kindness, and compassion toward one another, to listen deeply to one other, and to speak to one another truthfully, today and always?” the priest questions.
Petra nods as she speaks the words alongside Levi. “We do.”
“Levi and Petra, your love is something that you both cherish, so much so that it’s moved you join in the union of marriage and create a home together. Today, you dedicate your lives to giving one another happiness and support. To be certain, entering into the covenant of marriage is an act of deep trust and faith in the strength of your love. It would be a fool’s error to base your marriage on the hope that your partner will change to become something they are not, or do something in the future that they do not already do today. Your marriage must be based on the heartfelt and sincere acceptance of one another, as you are, in each moment.
The pledge you make today expresses your devotion to one another and to the love you share, and the words spoken here will support your marriage if you are able to sustain your commitment through the inevitable hardships you’ll face together. Today, in the presence of your families and friends, you pronounce your love for each other and make a commitment that will define the next phase of your journey. We celebrate it with you, and wish you well.”
Petra steps closer to Levi instinctively. His fingers squeeze her hands and Petra wonders if anyone else could feel the very audible thumping of her heart. She brings their hands up to her lips and kisses Levi’s fingers for several long seconds. When she looks to Levi, he’s watching her with a curious, concerned look. She kisses his fingers again, holding his gaze with a smile.
“Repeat after me,” the priest says, looking at Levi. “I, Levi Ackerman, take you, Petra Ral, to be my wife.”
Levi turns his whole body so that he faces Petra, holding both of her hands in both of his. “I, Levi Ackerman, take you, Petra Ral, to be my wife.” He speaks the words with a solemn firmness to his lips but Petra can hear the dedication in his voice, the care, the love.
“To have and to hold, from this day forward.”
“To have and to hold, from this day forward.” Levi’s thumbs stroke the back of Petra’s hands and her excitable heart flutters with each stroke. She can feel her throat drying up and immediately swallows.
“For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer.”
“For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer.”
“In sickness and in health.”
“In sickness and in health.” Levi’s hands tighten a little on hers and Petra wonders if he’s thinking of his mother, who had no such partner making vows like this. She squeezes his hands in return, her smile softening. I love you. I will always be here for you.
”To love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.”
”To love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.” Levi’s fingers caress hers and Petra takes in a nervous breath as he finishes the vows. She sees him exhale slowly which does not help with her own rising nerves but she smiles anyway.
Her turn.
The priest looks to her and she nods. “Petra, repeat after me. “I, Petra Ral, take you, Levi Ackerman, to be my husband.””
“I, Petra Ral,” Petra begins, trying to hide the shake from her voice and ignore the presence of the crowd of faces behind her “take you, Levi Ackerman, to be my husband.” She’s grateful when Levi seems to read the tension in her hands and strokes them again.
“To have and to hold from this day forward.”
“To have and to hold from this day forward.” The more of the vows she recites, the more confidence she feels. The more she realizes just how much they have to look forward to. What saying these vows really means. Her smile grows as does the happiness in her eyes.
We’re really doing this.
”For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer.”
”For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer.”
”In sickness and in health.”
”In sickness and in health.”
All the way, my love.
“To love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.”
“To love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.” This time Petra says the words alongside the priest and Levi’s mouth curves into a smile.
“May I please have the rings?” the priest calls out and Erwin hands over the two rings to him.
“The ring has long been a symbol of the unbroken circle of love,” the priest explains, smiling around the hall, his voice carrying with an easy grace, “with no beginning and no end. Love given freely has no giver and no receiver, for each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of the freedom and power of this commitment you make here today.”
He hands Levi one of the rings.
“Levi,, placing the ring on Petra’s finger, repeat after me: “Petra, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.””
Carefully, Levi takes Petra’s hand, his thumb nudging her ring finger apart from the others. “Petra,” he tells her, his voice low but heavy with warmth and promis as he slides the ring onto her finger, “I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.”
Petra’s cheeks warm as a smile of pure joy spreads across her face.
“And Petra,” the priest declares, “placing the ring on Levi’s finger, repeat after me: Levi, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.””
Petra accepts the ring from the priest and takes Levi’s hand. He spreads his fingers for her and she rubs her thumb across one of his knuckles in thanks. “Levi, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.” She tells him, trying to fill her voice with everything that she feels for him.
He brings her hands to his lips and kisses both of them. Her stomach flips over itself.
“Levi and Petra,” the priest declares after a short pause, “inasmuch as you have pledged yourselves, each to the other, and have declared the same in the presence of this company by the exchange of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Petra releases a breath and steps forwards, her body flooded with lightness and euphoria. Levi’s hands move up to cup her face even as the priest continues speaking.
“You may kiss the bride.”
Levi’s lips touch hers less than a second later, soft and gentle, chaste and full of love. Petra holds onto his waist as the crowd behind them breaks out into applause.
The noise fades into silence as Petra loses herself into Levi’s kiss. His hands lower to pull her against him. Her arms slide up and around his neck as their kisses continue. It’s like being suspended in a daydream, a feeling of total and utter bliss. Petra clings to the feeling. It would be nice to stay here forever.
Levi pulls back all too soon, both of them flushed and needing to breathe. Levi looks towards the guests, conscious of an audience. He continues to hold Petra close though, his hands rubbing her back as she happily lays her head against his chest.
We’re married. We’re really married.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, the new Mr and Mrs Ackerman!” the priest declares.
As a new round of applause begins, Petra gazes up at her new husband and one of his hands moves to cup her cheek. He kisses her lips briefly, once more.
“I love you,” Petra tells him.
“I love you,” he replies against her mouth, “with all my heart, Mrs Ackerman.”
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