#and yes i call him pino most of the time
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He has a bit too much humanity and papa asked for the heart wah
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 16 - A deep conversation
Summary: Deku’s worries float away with Rody’s surprise visit. Literally.
Izuku’s lips get loose after a few pints. (It was one single pint, but don’t tell him I told you that.)
Warnings: mentions of depression, really brief mention of suicide but I swear it’s a cute, fluffy chapter! 😂 also… alcohol. Drink responsibly. Don’t be a Deku.
First Chapter Master List
“Rody?!” Izuku shrieks, completely dumbfounded.
You can’t help but smile fondly as Rody hugs Izuku and starts muttering death threats into his ears.
“If you ever pull that shit again, I’ll come over on my helicopter and kill you myself, you fucking asshole. You understand, buddy?” Rody mumbles while Pino cries on Izuku’s shoulders, snuggling into his hair. Izuku was right. Rody has the most interesting quirk you’ve ever seen.
“I’m so happy to see you, buddy.” Izuku sniffs because that’s who he is; if an emotion is even a tiny bit stronger than his normal, he cries about it, positive or negative. Rody rolls his eyes, but Pino still cries a river. Honestly, this guy a perfect example of how different humans act in front of of others. It’s mesmerizing. And sad. “I have so much to tell you, oh my god! You know how I got a roommate thanks to Jirou? She’s so pretty and so sweet, Rody, I fell in love with her right away, she’s also a big fan of me and …”
“Izuku, I’m here. I can hear you.” You giggle as Izuku starts to blush aggressively. “Why don’t you have this conversation with him after eating something? You can have a cider or a beer in the garden?”
“What about you?” Izuku gives you his biggest puppy eyes. Rody laughs fondly at your shenanigans.
“Oh boy, you have it bad.”
“Oh boy, he really does.” You giggle to yourself with a slight blush on your face. “I need to finish my commissions, Izu. I’ve been neglecting it in the past few days.” Izuku looks so heartbroken; he’s little libs wobble, his eyes are full of tears and… fuck, you are way too weak against his puppy eyes. “Okay, I’ll leave you two alone for an hour, then I’ll join. But let’s eat first. Rody must be hungry.” You sigh as Izuku attacks you with kisses on your cheeks, because this guy has no shame.
“I guess I don’t need to ask how the rest of the story went.” Rody gives you a knowing smile. Izuku is abssolutely out of it, literally floating around from the happiness. Floating. Like, for real. By the time he makes it into the kitchen he head bumps into the ceiling.
“Wow, are you sure you are not in love with Rody? You haven’t kissed the ceiling before.” You tease your man who only moans, incapable of getting down by himself. “I’ll get the ladder, you keep him away from the window.”
“Yes, sir!” Rody smirks.
You have no idea what’s happening, but one thing is for sure; you haven’t laughed this much in your whole fucking life. You really thought Izuku can not surprise you anymore, but clearly, you have a long way to go before you actually get to know this man. Thank god you have your whole life to get to know him.
“So…” Izuku scratches his head awkwardly as he comes back from the bedroom. He decided to call his doctor, just in case. “Apparently, my floating might be the after effect of my meds. The ones I got for my mood.”
“So you got overexcited like those puppies who pee themselves when they see their owner?” Rody chimes in with a smirk on his face. You swear you heard his tummy rumble, but you decide not to mention it yet.
“Basically, yes. I got some meds to lift my mood but I didn’t really need to take them today but I took it out of habit, then… a lot of good things happened and… yeah.”
“Well, at least you didn’t pee yourself.” You tease, tapping the seat next to you with a fond smile. “Come on puppy, Rody is starving.” You giggle as Izuku puts his pretty little bum down on the seat. Rody is so fucking ready to eat it’s actually quite hilarious; you don’t need Pino’s help to know he will devour whatever you put in front of him, even if it tastes like shit (hopefully, it does not.)
Just as expected, Rody jumps on the food right as you pop the serving in from him; you brought a little bowl over for Pino as well, not entirely sure if she eats human food or not, but you definitely did not want her to feel left out. You also brought over some seeds Izuku kept for the birds in his garden, just in case.
“I hope you payed for your ride this time.” Izuku looks at his friend with suspicion. You have no idea why this is the first question that comes out of your boyfriend’s mouth, but there is probably a story behind it.
“Yes and no.” Rody answers honestly and you can see Izuku’s frown deepen at that. “Wait! Jesus, just because I haven’t payed for a bus ride doesn’t mean I’m going to sneak on a fucking plane! That’s actual crime, Izuku!”
“Not paying for a bus ride is also a crime, Rody!” Izuku retorts. At this point, you are just blinking at the two, utterly confused.
“I haven’t payed for the ride itself, because I was the pilot. Your bestie, Katsuki, was nice enough to let me park at your agency’s helipad.” Rody admits. “Some of my friends wanted to visit Japan anyway and as you know, I work at a private jet charter company, so… they chipped in. Every pilot is allowed to use the planes once a year for personal reasons, I usually use mine to take my siblings away from the city but after I heard what happened from Katsuki, I decided to come over.”
So he was worried. That’s so sweet!
“Why didn’t you bring Roro and Lala over?!” Izuku pouts. Rody only laughs at that.
“They have school. They are big enough now to stay alone for a week but I asked my girlfriend to stay over at our house, just in case. They are probably having the time of their lives without me.”
“Your girlfriend?!” Izuku shrieks, almost choking on his soup. You gave him a proper bowl this time because you didn’t want him to feel like a kid in front of his buddy but he still managed to look like one, so all your efforts were in vain.
“Yeah, uhm…” Rody and Pino’s face reddens. “She’s works at the company. Super cute. I had a crush on her since day one. Then we went out drinking together with the guys and uhm… yeah. It’s not too romantic but we haven’t left each other’s side since. Life is great, you know… and I can only thank you for that. You opened my eyes and made me realize I can live a proper life and get money in a respectful way. I wouldn’t be here without you, you know. So thank you. I will bring my siblings over next year. They also want to thank you.”
Needless to say, Izuku cries again. Then he floats. Everyone screams. Thankfully, you manage to grab him before the whole table flips.
“Life has been hectic. I don’t… I don’t know what’s going to happen, you know. With my career, I mean. I might lose my spot… hell, I probably will.” Izuku mutters, playing with the condensation on his almost empty glass.
Saying that Izuku is okay now is an overstatement. The last few weeks were terrible. Everything felt empty, like he’s only a shell, an empty vessel with needs and desires, but they all felt so distant, so fake, he had to force himself to actually eat and shower. It was a struggle to keep himself alive, especially in the first week. The pain was excruciating, being unable to move was frustrating the hell out of him and not even the hot bubble bath and the massive amount of medicine could soothe his troubled soul and broken body. He hurt the most important person in his life, daily, he made Sweet Pea cry every night; he could hear it sometimes, barely there but loud enough for him to notice during the sleepless nights. He has so much atoning to do, so much to make up for but he also needs to heal so he can save people again and it’s really hard to find the perfect middle ground. He’s so happy but he’s also not… it’s like he’s in the pink clouds, but with weights pulling his legs down and he needs to work hundred times harder with to stay up there while before it was easy as breathing. Izuku wants to be his old self, he really wants to; he misses his old, silly self, or to be exact, he misses when he didn’t feel dread after every laugh, thinking that be should be out on the field, fighting instead of having fun with his girlfriend. Izuku knows this is something every hero needs to go through at least once; All Might himself told him he also felt the same when he had to retire, this constant guilt and dread every time he dared to feel happy about something. It’s normal but it doesn’t make it easier to endure.
“Does she know?” Rody gives Izuku a sad smile.
“Of course. She also knows I’m genuinely happy when I’m with her, I’m glad we can have some time together, to finally talk about our future and get used to each other properly. We didn’t have time to do that you know.” Izuku sighs. “I could barely be home. All she’s done in the past few weeks was waiting for me to come home and see me for a few hours. I couldn’t ruin that time with talking about deep stuff, but now we can actually… talk. It doesn’t make it that much easier though. I can’t lift this glass with my other hand, you know. I’m aware of it and it’s killing me. I would be completely useless if it’s not for black whip. But then she looks at me like I’m the most perfect human being on this whole planet, her pretty eyes shining and… I almost believe it’s true. That this is temporary and I’ll be back to my old self in a heartbeat. It’s not the truth though. I’ll get my heart broken several times before I make my way back to being a hero… and I’m not ready for it. I’m not ready to give up on being the number one. I worked my ass off for it. I cried blood, I sweat blood, yet here I am, on the verge of loosing everything. It makes me question if it was worth it, leaving my mother alone in that house, leaving Sweet Pea alone for days, weeks, breaking her heart over and over because I couldn’t make it home.” Rody is about to say something but Izuku stops him. Rody stays quiet but he slowly moves the glass of cider away from him, even though it’s already almost empty. “I know I’m being stupid. I know this is all in my head. The vestiges tell me that every day. They were talking to me so much when I was in my deepest, darkest phase. Whispering into my ears, telling me I did well, telling me this is not the end. I know that. I know I’m going to work my ass off again and again to get back where I was, it just sucks that I need to.”
“It’s normal to be frustrated when life isn’t going the way you wanted it to.” Rody mutters. “It suck even more when you loose your path thanks to something you can’t control. I know, I’ve been there.” He sighs. “When I lost everything after my father disappeared and I had to take care of two kids when I was supposed to be enjoying my youth, I was really frustrated. It only got worse once I realized I can’t make any money legally thanks to my age. There was a point when I wanted to end it all because I didn’t see the point in fighting. I felt like every step I make just makes the situation worse. But then I thought about my siblings. I thought about their future and about how I can at least make sure they have a good life. Without me, they would’ve been taken away. That kept me going. Then I met you. This is not the end, Deku. Once you fall deep enough, it’s only up from there. That’s what I want you to remember when the hero ratings are out.”
“You are right. I’m being an idiot. I have a roof above my head, enough money in the bank to cover my absence, I have amazing friends, family and an amazing girlfriend.” Izuku admits. “My friends are amazing heroes who can cover for me. It’s not the end of the world.”
“You are an idiot, yes, but I would question your humanity if you wouldn’t have thoughts like that. You are not a robot. You are doing really good compared to your circumstances, but don’t let that stop you from feeling like shit sometimes. Let the frustration out. Don’t bottle it up. This is your one chance to be a real human being without any consequences. Enjoy it. Heal yourself. Let us help, we are here for you.”
Izuku can’t help the tears, and he doesn’t want to; he lets them out, salty streaks trailing down his cheeks as he cuddles into his friend, body shaking like a leaf.
“I’ll be fine, because you guys are with me.” He cries. He feels weirdly dizzy all of a sudden. Hm. Interesting. “I’ll be fine because I want to have fun with everyone. I want to live my life with no regrets. I’ll do my best so I can welcome Roro and Lala with a smile on my face. I’ll do my best, Rody. I will!”
While Rody is clearly laughing at Izuku’s sudden shenanigans, Pino is bawling together with him so Izuku knows he’s not actually being laughed at.
“Okay, sweetheart, you had way too much drink.” Sweet Pea comes into Izuku’s view, giggling with teary eyes. Did she hear him? Was he yelling?
“I’ll make you happy!” Izuku yells into Y/N’s face, because… well… because he can. “I’ll make you really-really happy! And I’ll marry you! We will have five kids! You hear me?”
“Three kids max, Izu. Now let’s put you to bed.”
“But I don’t wanna!!!!”
“Hm.” Rody snickers to himself. “Only two more to go, you clearly have one kid already.”
“Why are you yelling?” Y/N giggles.
“Because I will make you happy! Can we get that dog now? I’ll name him All Bark.” Both of them burst out laughing. Why is he being manhandled right now?! He’s completely fine! He can make his way towards the bedroom himself, thank you very much! Okay, maybe once he started crying the booze went into his head a tiny bit but he’ll get better in no time!
“Okay, sweetie, it’s bed time. Rody’s staying in my room today, you guys can chat some more in the morning! Rody needs to sleep, he had a long ride.”
That’s fair. Izuku can live with that.
Secret Winter Cabin Trip! Sponsored by Rody
Eijirou: Hey everyone! Izuku’s friend from Otheon is in town and would like to invite you all to a special “winter wonderland” trip! It’s a 3 days trip, private plane and private cabins! Make yourselves free if you can!
Shouto: What’s the point if I can’t be the driver?
Eijirou: You can still call names and be in charge!
Amajiki-kun: Why am I here?
Eijirou: Because Izuku likes you and you never come out drinking! You can bring your support animal!
Katsuki: You are here because Eijirou’s been moaning about not seeing you for ages.
Mirio: I’m the support animal! And I’m in!
Iida: Sadly, I can’t make it this time! Send me photos, please!
Mina: Ahh, such a bummer! I also can’t make it 😭
Katsuki: Nah, not coming
Mina: LOL, good joke.
Katsuki: I know
Kyouka: Count me in!
Kaminari: Me and my buddy are coming too!
Shinsou: Well, apparently I’m coming, thanks for asking before you wrote that in the group chat you asshole
Momo: I’m coming! I’ll keep an eye on everyone!
Shouto: Wait… winter cabin? It’s not… winter?
Katsuki: I can’t believe it took 30 minutes for someone to question that part. My friends are fucking idiots.
Kaminari: OMGOMG Bakubro called us friends 😭
Katsuki: That was not the point, second hand Pikachu.
Amajiki-kun: I was too scared to mention that.
Eijirou: Don’t worry about the details. You’ll see! Bring warm clothes!
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Hey guys! I made a Ko-fi page just in case you guys would like to support me! Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop writing if I don’t get any donations nor will I start writing quicker if I do! (I literally can’t. I’m writing every day after work already 😂) I also don’t do prompts for money, so please don’t send me any on that site! I’ll make a proper post about this in the future! My main reason to do this is that I really wanted to start digital drawing this year but I ended spending my iPad money on getting my stupid laptop repaired so… every penny helps 😂
Click here if you want to check my page or donate! Thank you!
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @themultifandomgirl @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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cyanightmars · 2 years
F7 eating habits headcanons!
So after seeing this wall of text, a friend of mine asked if i could make one for their eating habits, and who am i to say no U_U
I humbly apologize for the fact that this one won't be as long as the previous one, there aren't that many eating habits headcanons to get ideas from so about half of this will probably just be what i think some of their favorite foods would be- 😭
Anyways, here we go
- i feel like he'd be a picky eater, but maybe not the most picky eater out of the group - he'd be the type of guy to divide the food on his plate in "food i like more" and "food i like less" and eat the former for last - it'd be pretty funny if he couldn't handle spicy food like at all - i actually don't know what his favorite food could be- - we've seen he likes carrots in the movie but that isn't really a dish i don't think- - carrots are probably one of his favorite vegetables tho - i feel like he'd have a preference for savory foods (not spicy however, just salty) - probably doesn't ask for seconds very often, but he's done it a few times in the past - always leaves some amount of food on his plate (usually not that much however)
- SO picky - refuses to eat bird meat - saves his favorite food for last - has called food bad just because of how it looks at least once - "I don't have a sweet tooth, don't be ridiculous" he says, eating his fifth marron glacé of the day - i honestly don't know what his favorite food would be, something fish based maybe- - eats rather quickly, but not like "scarfs his food down" type of quickly, does that make sense- - hates beans - apples are his favorite fruit (yes, even after all that happened with Regina; he avoids eating them in front of Merlin and Snow for a while after the movie's events) - barely ever asks for seconds, you REALLY need to make something amazing for him to ask for seconds
- the least picky eater on the planet - scarfs his food down, but he doesn't do it too often and even then he doesn't look like a wild animal when eating - you'll be hard pressed to find a food he doesn't like - probably always asks for seconds - has probably asked for thirds a few times - the group trash bin (aka all the food that everyone else leaves he'll gladly eat) - i don't think he's the type of person to not finish all of his food, the few times it's happened he was probably really tired and fell asleep before he could finish everything - his favorite food would probably have meat and vegetables in it, me thinks - i don't think he'd eat vegetables unless paired with something else, like fish or meat
- not picky in the slightest - tries the food before calling it bad - always eats less compared to everyone else (because of... reasons..) - probably doesn't have a favorite food, likes most things he eats honestly - takes his time to savor everything, but doesn't take forever to finish his food - always finishes his food - has a slight preference for sweet food, but only slightly - only ever asks for seconds if he's not the one cooking, and even then he doesn't ask that often
Pino, Noki and Kio
- don't ask them their favorite food, it changes every month - not super picky, but sometimes it is hard to find something they like - favorite vegetables are carrots (onions are close seconds) - usually eat everything that's on their plate (or at least they try) - super fast eaters, they can be done eating in 5 minutes if they want to - don't really have a preference for sweet or savory foods, both are equally good in their eyes - usually ask for seconds - have a bad habit of eating so fast that while they're done eating everyone is still halfway done so they either leave the table or they remain seated and talk a bit, either to each other or with whoever wants to - they really don't like it when fruit or vegetables are really ripe, they don't like how squishy they get
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lopposting · 11 months
yes i think the carlo/giango/main character connection is there!!
there are one or two streamers i've watched who mistake giango for P at the end credits scene, it's a very similar hair length from the back.
But most of all, Carlo (obvs connection to main character) and Giango are played by the same actor (joe pitts). that is some peculiar casting!
i'm just assuming that he also did the sfx for pino as well (i don't know the proper term, i think it should be sfx. i often wonder about this kind of stuff. i wonder if they put the actor in a booth and punched him in the stomach a bunch of times)
Giango calls him a "brother" in his last letter.
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maelovestowrite · 9 months
Would it be okay to see a story about Luna Lovegood having a Pinocchio spell cast on her? Even though it was meant to ridicule her, Luna finds it more useful than problematic. She actually lies on purpose so small animals could perch on her nose
Pinocchio's Gift
Notes: Sorry this took forever. I kept getting side tracked! Nevertheless I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting! Feel free to request more! <3 It’s been forever since I’ve written for HP. I think it’ll be fun though! I'm so sorry if Luna or other characters are OOC and if certain aspects aren't exactly accurate. And my editing skills aren't the best but I do hope you still enjoy!
Requested?: Yes
Wordcount: 1k
Chapters: 1/1
Warning(s): None, but Luna isn't treated the best.
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaws classmates, Albus Dumbledore, and Madame Promfrey (mentioned)
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Luna’s POV
I hummed to myself as I was admiring the flowers and scenery. The Hogwarts gardens were magical. I laughed to myself as I said this of course they were magical. It's Hogwarts after all. I strolled around and gazed at each and everyone of the flowers. But particularly the hydrangea and the African Violet, they were the most intriguing of the bunch. But I’m biased. Those are my favorite flowers after all. But it isn’t because of their looks. It’s what’s on the inside I admire. I admire the meaning. 
The hydrangea flower represents gratitude, honesty, and deep understandment. And the African Violet represents spiritual wisdom, faithfulness, and humidity. I love the meanings or what the representations of them are because it reminds me of myself and my mother. She died when I was very young but I can remember some details and from what my father has told me as well. I remember her kind smile, her jokes, and her creations. She was wonderful, I miss her but she’ll always be with me. 
I sighed as I walked away from the hydrangea and african violet turning towards the blue roses. I decided to bend down and admire them closer but just as I did so I swore I heard some footsteps. I turned quickly around but no one was in sight. Was I imagining things? I grabbed a hold of my wand from my pocket and pointed it forwards.
I positioned myself upwards and I stepped forward, I looked around the garden, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at least I thought so. Everything seemed so… normal. I turned back around heading back to the flowers until I heard a voice of one of my house mates. I whipped my head around to face the trio of them, they were hiding behind a bush. Before I had time to process what was happening I realized her wand was pointed at me and she casted a spell on me. 
“Pino!” One of them yelled.
I heard another say “RUN! Come on run!!” They ushered away, leaving me. Everything felt strange, not right. I fell to the ground in shock, I didn’t know what to do or what was happening. And that was when everything went black.
I felt myself stir awake. When I opened my eyes everything was blurry. I tried to sit up and my surroundings started to get clearer. I realized I was in the hospital wing. What happened? 
“Please lay back down Ms.Lovegood.” Madame Pomfrey ushered me. 
I situated my elbows downwards where I could somewhat sit up. “What happened?” I asked, looking up at her. 
“You were cursed.” A new voice answered. I turned my head to see Headmaster Dumbledore. He was off to the side but he swiftly moved to my bedside. I felt a bit nervous, a curse like one of the unforgivables? That doesn’t seem right. I think it’s something different. I waited patiently. I stayed quiet, giving him some time to explain what happened to me.  
After a minute he explained, “There is a curse called Pinocchio. It’s not one of the unforgivables…it’s something different. Ms. Lovegood, have you heard of the muggle movie or story of Pinocchio?” He asked. I nodded. Where is he going with this? What kind of curse did they cast on me?
He continued to say, “I am sincerely sorry to inform you that is what is happening to you. You have some of the same…characteristics of Pinocchio.” That’s what I felt different from before. I could turn into wood! 
“Sadly, instead of a fairy trying to help you one of your fellow housemates did this to you and if you continue to lie your nose and along with yourself will turn to complete wood.” 
I was in shock. This is a surprising revelation. 
“But there is a cure and the students who did this will be punished.” 
Why? What if this is a good thing? I thought. 
“No.” I finally said aloud. 
“What?” They both asked. 
“I don’t want to get rid of this, I want to prove them wrong.” I felt determined. 
“Ms.Lovegood this is not the way.”
“Please headmaster, I need to do this.” He looked at me pensively for a minute. “Alright Ms.Lovegood you may precede but if anything happens we must give you the cure.” 
“Of course sir,” I smiled. It wasn’t necessarily that I just wanted to prove them wrong. I also thought this was a gift, a blessing if you will. Not a cure, not some evil curse. This could be a good thing. Dumbledore turned and walked away and headed to the door. I saw him open the door, our eyes met. I saw a twinkle in his eyes. He smiled warmly at me and opened the door to leave. 
I turned over and plopped my feet to the stone flooring. “Where do you think you're going?” 
“Back to my common room of course?” 
“B-but you just got hurt.” 
“I don’t see the problem with it, I’m perfectly healthy. I might have a wooden nose but other than that I’m fine.” I smiled warmly at Madame Pomfrey. She sighed and resigned “Off you go…” She paused, pointing a finger at me “But if you hurt in any way you make sure you come back, understood?”
“Of course.” I stepped away from her and skipped to the door. I opened it and gently closed it. I decided it was time to pay the gardens another visit. 
I breathed in the fresh air, it felt good to be outside again. Some may say that I should rest or that I should take a break after all that occured here but I think otherwise. I looked over at the flowers. They were beautiful. I placed my hand over the flowers lightly caressing them as I skipped along. The air tickled as I continued to skip. I let out a laugh, this was truly my happy place. 
But then I heard a different laugh. I turn around and meet the gaze of one of my housemates. It was actually a trio. The leader said, “I heard from Dumbledore that you decided not to let him fix you! You sure need it!” She laughs and her ‘friends’ join in. I felt a tug at my heart. But then I thought, ‘I’m not gonna let them ruin this for me. I made my decision and I don’t regret it.’
“You're a monster!” She says. Honestly this is just childish. Can she not come up with anything better than that?
“I am no monster, you represent all that is bad while I see the beauty in everything. You think that everything is awful. All you see is the bad, I see the good. And you are utterly wrong. Feel free to continue this little…debate but I’m not gonna let you tear me down.” I say as I move past them. I look back for a split second and see she looks dumbfounded. For someone who’s a Ravenclaw she doesn’t do her house well. 
I walk towards a tree and head to sit down. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out. But then I hear a bird chirp. I smile as I open my eyes. It landed on my nose! But it isn’t long enough. I hate to lie but this is an emergency! I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, “I hate trees.” My nose grows just long enough for the bird to perch on it. The bird is a small Bluebird. It looks so soft. I carefully place my hand under its beak. The bird chirps happily and I couldn’t help but giggle. 
Huh, perhaps this wasn’t a curse, I was right this was a gift. Even if it had evil intentions or cruel intentions whatever you would like to call it. It ended up being the greatest gift I could ask for even if some would say…what do the muggles call it? Problematic? Even if it’s problematic I’d say this worked out wonderfully. I know they wanted to ridicule me, but it didn't work.I guess you could say I got my happily ever after just like in the fairy tales. 
The End
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
rody soul x f!reader
a/n: i’m working on requests i AM lookit me i’m,,,, i’m productive, i promise,,,,,,, i just gotta fix this rody brainrot;; plus i haven’t seen any fics for him yet and i gotta jump on it- cos i know for a fact we all love him. Idk what i had planned for this, nor where it went, but you can probably expect some more rody love eventuallllyyyyyy
(the good night elements definitely aren’t cos i wrote this in the little,,, time frame i give myself before bed-)
warnings: spoilers from the whm movie-?? but i think that’s kinda obvious haha
word count: 825
“You’re the biggest idiot I’ve ever met,” You grumbled, forehead leaning against your boyfriend’s shoulder. The shoulder you were using as a rest shook when he laughed, though he never denied that statement.
“What makes me an idiot, babe? I didn’t wake up and choose to get involved in crime- I mean, no crime bigger than the old man-”
“You shouldn’t be getting involved in crime in the first place. We aren’t going there, Rody. I’m saying, how on earth does one- ONE- normal, not training to be a hero, teenage boy manage to get himself involved in a world-endangering situation.”
“How does one- count ‘em, one- normal teenage boy, not training to be a hero, manage to save the world? I dunno, I think I’m as qualified as the other teenage boys there.”
You moved your head only to glare up at him. At that, Rody laughed some more, wrapping an arm around you. “Either way, I’m fine! I heal up pretty quickly,” He stated, chest practically swelling in pride. Well, you didn’t want to kill his ego too much… as if your lighthearted jabs would deal any real damage to begin with.
“Whatever. Maybe a near-death experience will do you good,” You muttered, placing your head back down somewhat harshly- though not hard enough to hurt either of you two.
“Maybe a near-death experience will do you good,” Rody mocked, understanding that you meant the statement as a joke. Despite his mocking and teasing, Pino sat very happily on your shoulder. As always, she reflected exactly how Rody felt. Safe, almost brand new (although Rody’s body wasn’t currently in the most excellent conditions- still, he was better than he had been when he was in the hospital), and more than happy to be with you once again. Yes, truly, Rody knew that nothing could beat spending time with the people he loved most. Especially after, though he was hesitant to admit it once more, being so close to losing them… but, thanks could be given to him for you sitting here in his arms- with that thought in mind, his heart swelled with both pride and love, as he wrapped his other arm around you. Securing you as best as he could in both of his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“But… I’m proud of you, Rody. I tell you, I could have cried when I saw you in the apron- you looked like a bonafide maid-”
“I’m not a maid, genius. I bet you want to see me dressed as one though-”
“Rody, I’m trying so hard to compliment you, and you’re trying so hard to get those compliments taken away.”
Feigning offense, Rody gasped- “you’re the one who called me a maid!”
“Oiiii, watch your volume. Roro and Lala are asleep in bed. Actually, that’s where we should be- asleep.”
Rody huffed, rolling onto his side, but not letting go of you. Thus, you winded up laying face-to-face with him, his arms still secured around you. The couch was just large enough for the both of you to fit, barely any room being left over. Though you insisted time and time again that you’d be fine sleeping alone on the couch, Rody was just as stubborn- resulting in the both of you deciding to sleep there.
“I can’t sleep,” Rody declared after only a few moments.
“You barely shut your eyes.”
“Well you didn’t even wish me a good night.”
You opened your eyes, glaring up into Rody’s eyes. Such a pretty gray… but, it wasn’t the time to admire your boyfriend- “You didn’t wish me a good night either.”
“I never initiate the good nights! It’s not gonna be a good night for me, since my girlfriend didn’t wish me to have a good night- I’m gonna wake up in the morning, you’re going to ask me how my sleep was, and you know what I’m gonna say? Awful. Not good.”
“Good night, Rody. Sleep well, have sweet dreams.”
“Nighty night, (Y/N),” Rody grinned, shutting his eyes, “get good sleep. I love you~.”
“Mhm… I love you too.”
“You hesitated-” Rody gasped, opening his eyes once more, though being cut off rather quickly.
“Go to bed.”
“I didn’t get a good night kiss either.”
“I’ll give you a good night knee to the stomach if you don’t stop complaining,” You grumbled, cuddling further into his chest despite the threat.
“That’s literally not a kiss, (Y/N). If you’ve forgotten what a kiss is, I can teach you until I’m actually ready for bed.”
Your face flushed at his words, as you hit his arm. After hitting him, you moved up just slightly, kissing Rody firmly on the lips. The kiss lasted for a brief moment, before you pulled away and laid back down. “There’s your good night kiss. Now, let’s sleep, Rody.”
“Hm… I guess I can’t argue with that. Good night, (Y/N).”
“Good night, Rody.”
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greeks-life · 3 years
Not The Legacy We Thought (USWNT X Brady Reader)
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓: Tom Brady, the infamous NFL Quarterback has another little sister? Reader is Nineteen and playing for the University of Michigan, when she is called up to play with the USWNT.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ! : Anxiety, Light Swearing, Fluff
𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗳 𝗜 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 :) 𝗜 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗧𝗶𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮 𝗶𝘀 #𝟭𝟮, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗶𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 #𝟭𝟮 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗧𝗼𝗺’𝘀 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮 𝗕𝗮𝘆 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿𝘀 :)
— — —
Four siblings, one a very famous NFL quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You always have looked up to Tom as your hero, your big brother. Playing for University of Michigan for women’s soccer is amazing, but sometimes the comments on how you got accepted just because of who your brother is can be overwhelming.
Tom always has told you that he didn’t have a hand in getting you accepted into UM. Always saying that if he did have a hand into getting you in the University of Michigan you would certainly know it.
You and Tom always got along, from surfing and playing golf, to playing video games and cooking food. It didn’t matter what the two of you did, but somehow you both really clicked together. Not that you didn’t click with Maureen, Julie, or Nancy, but you just had this titanium tight bond with Tom.
When the rumor was going around that you might be getting the call to play with the USWNT for the 2020 Olympics, Tom was the first person that you told. He flew up to Michigan for a few days to see you on his off days, both of you waiting anxiously for the call.
On his third day in Michigan that’s when the call came in. Putting Vlatko on speaker for you both to hear what he had to say. When the USWNT coach told you had made the team, Tom took you out to celebrate. Your older brother got a little out of control, from announcing all over his social media accounts to even throwing a huge party for you.
You had been playing soccer since you were a little kid. Your parents Tom Brady Sr. and Galynn Patricia Brady always made sure you had everything you needed to be the best you could be. Yes, sometimes they could be a little bit much, but they just wanted you to be happy.
When watching the USWNT on the TV you always focused on the midfielders. But, you couldn’t help taking a personal liking to Tobin Heath, Ashlyn Harris, Kelley O’Hara, Ali Krieger, and Christen Press. They intrigued you a lot from their playing styles to their silly demeanor off the pitch.
— — —
Now here you were at the hotel for the first camp before the Send Off Series. You had been assigned to room with Tierna Davidson, but when you got to your room she wasn’t there.
Looking at the clock you saw you had a half an hour before the team meeting. So to pass some of the time you decided to unpack, that is until your phone dinged, signaling you of a new text message.
Putting down your UofM hoodie to pick up your phone, smiling at the text message your brother had sent you.
 “𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐝, 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head as you texted him back. “𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐨𝐦. 𝐁𝐮𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆.𝐎.𝐀.𝐓. ! 🐐🏈”
Tears from laughing so hard filled your eyes at his response.
“𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘/��. 𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐘/𝐍/𝐍. 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐝, 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬. 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐆𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐃 , 𝐆𝐎 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 ! ⚽️Ⓜ️“
You were just in the middle of responding before he texted you again. “𝐁𝐔𝐂 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐔𝐏! 𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐘 #𝟏𝟐 !”
Deciding that things could be left said like that, and only having twenty ministers remaining before the meeting started you decided to head down to the conference room to see who was there.
— — —
Once in the conference room you saw that Head Coach Vlatko Andonovski and the rest of of the staff were in there, you introduced yourself to them.
“Hi my name is Y/N Brady, i’m the new midfielder.” You smiled softly, as you stuck your hand out to Vlatko.
“Of course ! It’s great to finally meet you in person Y/N ! You can get settled wherever you’d like, the others should be arriving shortly.” Vlatko had told you with a soft smile of his own. The staff had introduced themselves, before you had sat down in a chair in the back row of chairs.
A few minutes later your new team members started to file in. Some gave you confused looks and others simply just smiled at you. You were happy that they hadn’t drilled you with questions yet.
Well, that was until a certain blonde defender chose to take the seat next to you. “Hi i’m Emily Sonnett, but you can call me Sonnett or Sonny.” She smiled brightly at you, with her hand held out to shake yours.
“Y/N Brady.” You returned the smile as you shook her hand with a firm shake. Turns out some of the teammates around you, were in fact ease dropping on your introduction.
“Like as in Tom Brady? Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback? Tom Brady?” Turns out the person who had sort of figured you out was USWNT Vet Alex Morgan.
You nodded slightly with a shy smile on your lips. “Yeah he’s my older brother.” You said softly, your anxiety spiking up inside you slightly by the new found attention. You knew you would have the spotlight on you sooner or later, but you didn’t think it would be that soon before someone figured you out.
“That’s so cool!” Sammy Mewis said as she came to sit by you with her sister Kristie. Noticing how shocked you were by the sudden attention, Kristie discreetly told Sammy to calm down a little.
About ten minutes later the rest of the team which included Tierna, Megan, Crystal, and Rose had walked in. Seeing the whole team come in Vlatko started the team meeting.
In the first fifteen minutes of the meeting Vlatko was talking about how excited he was to be coaching this amazing team. Then came the shoe you were waiting to drop had dropped.
“We have a new member on our team as you all see. This is Y/N Brady, make sure to give her a warm welcome.” He nodded your way, which caused everyone to turn to look at you.
“Hi..” You gave a short wave with a small smile. On the pitch your a total monster who strikes fear even into the ones who had a reputation to be a total beast. But off the pitch? You keep your emotions to yourself and only share what you feel with a select group of people (Tom being the number one person you go to).
Vlatko decided to take the spotlight off of you, saving you for only the next half hour to an hour before personal questions would be sprung on you.
— — —
At dinner you were sitting with Sonnett, Rose, Tierna, Sammy, Lindsey, Kristie, and Lynn. You had connected with Sonnett and Tierna the most. You were all laughing at a tiktok of Kevin Hart and Pete Davidson when Kelley, Tobin, Christen and Alex walked over to your guy’s table.
“What are you kids laughing at ?” Alex asked you all with a raised brow and a amused smile on her lips.
“Y/N showed us this tiktok of Kevin Hart and Pete Davidson at someone’s house.” Sammy told the vets when she finally calmed down from laughing so hard.
“Can we see it ?” Kelley asked you with a curious tone. Your head nodded, before handing her your phone so that they could watch also. A minute later Kelley handed you back your phone with a amused grin.
“We just wanted to let you guys know that team bonding is in our room tonight.” Christen said softly, before glancing at you with curiosity in her eyes.
“I’ve convinced Chris to let you guys decide amongst yourselves who gets to pick the movie. Also Chris agreed to let you guys bring snacks this time.” Tobin chuckled as Christen grumbled under breath with a playful eye roll to the older forward.
“Y/N want to pick the movie ?” Lindsey immediately asked you. Everyone around you looked at you waiting for your answer with either curious looks or small smiles.
“Uh yeah sure i’m down for that.” You nodded as you slipped your phone back into the pocket of your joggers. The vets returned back to their seats, as you and the rest of the young ones resumed your conversations.
— — —
You and Tierna walked to Tobin’s and Christens room which was only at the end of the hall by the elevators. Once you both were let in that’s when Crystal and JJ called you over to where some of the Vets were hanging out.
Making your way over to one of the beds, you sat down slowly as Megan made room for you to sit. “So, Brady how do you like the team so far ?” Megan asked you with a tilt of her head.
“Great actually. Everyone I met really has been very welcoming so far. No one’s really pushed the being Tom Brady’s sister subject yet, so that’s nice.” You played with the ring on your left middle finger, it was from your birthday. It didn’t have any gems on it, but you loved it because Tom had gotten it for you not only for your birthday but because you had just received your 20th cap for UofM.
“Glad to hear that, because if they weren’t I would be putting the fear of God in them.” Becky joked with a bright grin on her lips. The statement had caused Pinoe, JJ, Crystal, Carli, and Abby to start laughing.
“Brady’s actually really dope !” Sonnett defended as she heard Becky’s statement. Crystal and Abby laughed while the other three playfully rolled their eyes at the young defender.
Just then Tobin, Christen, Kelley, and Alex walked through the hotel room door. They all came to join the other Vets on the bed. That’s when Christen had decided to be first one to push the subject you hadn’t want to push yet.
“So what’s it like being Tom Brady’s little sister ?” Christen had asked you as she made herself more comfortable on the bed. You had wondered why Tobin and Christen were late to the team bonding meeting when it was in 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 hotel room, but you opted to answer her question.
“It’s great, besides the press following us around nonstop when we hangout. It gets a bit to much for the both of us, especially during our seasons.” You nodded along with your answer, as you continued to play with your ring.
Christen was going to ask you another question, but Tobin had cut her short of it. “So what movie did you pick for us to watch ?” Tobin asked as she smiled at you. She knew by the way you avoided eye contact when the family subject came up made you more anxious. In the future you would have to thank her for being so attentive to detail.
“I was thinking Venom.” You grinned brightly which did not go unnoticed by your older teammates. Oh how they would find out why that movie made you beam up would shock them all to hell.
“Well then let’s get to watching it then !” Kelley beamed, as she made herself comfortable on the bed.
— — —
You ended up on the floor with the rest of your young teammates, occasionally you would peak at your phone to see the score of Tom’s ongoing game.
The movie had just reached the middle, when you started to get sleepy. Your eyes fluttered shut for a few minutes then opened again. Leaning over to you Kristie told you to go to sleep, you argued with her in hush whispers before you had fallen asleep mid retort.
— — —
Waking up around 6 am, you grabbed your phone to look at the text message your brother had sent you when you were sleeping.
“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 ? 𝐎𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐘/𝐍/𝐍 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐬 ! 𝐖𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 🏴‍☠️ 𝐆𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐤𝐢𝐝 , 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 !”
You laughed quietly as you put the back down. That’s when you noticed that you were back in yours and Tierna’s hotel room, which means either Tierna or a Vet had carried you back.
You figured that you had a few hours before breakfast, so you just stayed in bed and thought about your future with this team. Maybe in the near future you would be more open with them, but you were still testing the waters with them. What made you curious was how Christen was acting around you yesterday, it was like she was trying to make you uncomfortable.
You definitely had a lot to learn about them, but you were all in to do so. You thought about how you were starting to feel a little homesick already, Michigan has been your home for two years now and you certainly enjoyed the life there. About ten minutes later you started to drift off, until a soft knock to your hotel door brought you back to being semi awake.
𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 :)
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fluffywings13 · 3 years
Family On The Other Side
@korathefairy It’s a bit different then the prompt but its what came to mind and I desperately needed some Kei and Rody fluff! I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Rody would do anything for his brother and sister, anything, he means anything. Even if it meant crossing onto the wrong side of the law, he’d do it, they were the most important things he has in his other wise miserable life.
Usually he’s able to smooth talk his way out of situations where he could otherwise find himself waiting in a holding cell, but this officer, the one who brought him in, wasn’t like all the others he’s had the misfortune to have met. So now here he sits, in a holding cell, his brother and sister in an office across the room, too far away for him to get to them, contemplating his life choices.
In the back of his mind is a number, a number he’d been forced to memorize by his mother before her untimely disappearance, a cousin she had said, a cousin who’d help if they ever called asking for it. He lived in Japan, he was a hero (Rody wasn’t too fond of that idea but still—), she said his name was Keigo. Takami Keigo (he thought it weird that they referred to themselves with their surname first but who’s he to judge what’s weird and what’s not) and she was his cousin, he’d help, they only had to call.
The teen never considered it, never ever, up until the point he heard them talking about separating him from his brother and sister, that’s when he jumped up from his seat, startling Pino on his shoulder, and raps his knuckles against the bars of his cell. “I get a phone call, don’t I?”
Hearing his cousin’s voice for the first time (maybe second time—the tone of his voice brings back a distant memory from the back of his mind) is a strange experience. Keigo, what he’s been told to call him (“We’re family, squirt, call me Keigo”), has a deep voice. It’s not too deep but it’s deep. And smooth. It’s soothing in a way, just hearing him talk makes the tension he’s been carrying for the last six and a half hours wash off his shoulders (“Everything’s gonna be okay little bird, give the phone to the captain, I’ll make sure you kiddies are taken care of until I get there”).
Watching the Captain talk to their cousin on the phone is an experience, Lala holding his one hand and Roro holding onto his pant leg, watching the grown man wave his hands around animatedly as he disagrees with whatever it is their long distance cousin is instructing him to do.
Rody is sure shit’s gonna hit the fan until the Captain growls and gives a long drawn out affirmation to whatever is said to him, and the phone is slammed down onto it’s base. “Robinson!”
The officer who’d arrested him comes as he’s called for. “Yes sir?”
The Captain looks over at them with so much distaste that Rody can almost taste it, it’s that palpable, his brother and sister squeak and press in closer, he tries to maintain his carefree expression of nonchalance but Pino gives him away once again. “Take them to the Four Seasons.”
“Uh…Sir…” They all blink at the command. “Take them to the Four Seasons?”
“Yes,” he practically growls as he glares into the teen’s soul. “Their cousin set them up a room there for them to stay in until he can get here to take them in.”
“Surely their cousin—”
“Hawks.” The Captain cuts Robinson off harshly. “Their cousin is Hawks. Japan’s second ranked hero. He’s getting the next flight out to come pick them up. He expects to meet them at the Four Seasons. Get moving.”
The bed he sleeps in, Lala and Roro cuddled up against his sides, is the most amazing bed he’s ever slept in in his whole entire life.
Rody will never admit to how nervous he is to meet his hero cousin, not just any hero, no, his cousin was in the top three in Japan, the top five in the United Nations, overall a well known and well liked hero who’s personal life no one knew nothing about (he may or may not have tried to do some light cyber stalking after his brother and sister fell asleep), and this man was his distant cousin on his mom’s side of the family.
Room services delivers their breakfast at ten, after they’ve all woken up, paid for already, leave it to a hero to flaunt his money at them. Rody acknowledges that he may be being a bit harsh against a man he’s never met before, but he has history with heroes, well, more like a lack of history with heroes. The worlds saviors steered clear of their area because of the impossibility to garner the fame they’d need to get themselves established in the hero world, their name and such would flounder faster then a fish out of water.
So, perhaps, he does have every right to have himself set against heroes.
What have heroes ever done for him?
No hero was there when mom—
The teenager shakes himself out of his thoughts when someone knocks on the door, he supposes it’s him, their long distance cousin, the hero cousin from mom’s side of the family. Lala and Roro look away from the cartoon they’re watching as he stands, sparing them both a look that reads to stay where they are, he crosses the medium sized room slowly.
Peeking out of the peep hole, he finds himself watching a blonde man shuffling in the hallway, a backpack strung over one shoulder, and Rody blinks when the man’s head turns and they make eye contact. He has no idea how the other male knew he was watching him, but the way he smiles, he knows he does.
Carefully unlocking the door, Pino chirping nervously on his shoulder despite his silent attempts to get her to contain herself, Rody pulls it open just a crack to peer out at the man closer. “Keigo?”
The feathery haired man smiles at him and nods. “Hey cous, haven’t seen you since you were just a wee little bird, look at you now, so big.”
Rody flounders for a moment as he tilts his head. “You…We’ve met?”
“Yea, three times.” Keigo nods. “Once when you were a baby, still just a hatchling. Again when your brother was born. And the last time when your sister was born. I wasn’t—” The older male brushes his fingers through his locks. “Your mom, my cousin, she disappeared after that and your dad cut off contact.” He shuffles slightly where he stands. “I tried to get in contact a few times but it’s hard to accomplish when you live half way across the globe from who you’re trying to contact.”
“Rody!” The noodle haired teen huffs at the young voice that calls out to him from behind, Keigo grins, and both older males turn to see the owner of the young voice as little Miss Lala Soul standing behind her oldest brother curiously. “Is it him?”
“Yea,” stepping aside, he likes the fact that their older cousin looks to him for permission before entering, and nods at him to do so after a moment. “This is Keigo.”
“Cool! You’re Hawks!” Roro exclaims as he drops down off their bed in excitement. “What happened to your wings!”
“Oh, those old things?” The blonde man drops his backpack. “It’s not pleasant to fly with them via plane, so I put them in my carry on.” Both children, Keigo doesn’t miss the way the teen’s eyes light up in wonder too, watch in awe as his feathers come flying out of his backpack and two large red wings curl over his shoulders. “Never leave home without them.”
“They’re so pretty!” Lala whispers excitedly. “They look so soft.”
“Oh, I keep them all soft and smooth.” The winged hero curls one of his wings around for her. “You can feel it if you want.” He smiles when she giggles and reaches out hesitantly, eyes widening in awe at the softness under her fingers. “Soft, ain’t it?” Roro looks up at him curiously and he nods, feathers ruffling encouragingly. “Go for it kiddo.”
Keigo can feel the distrust.
He feels the distrust from his second cousin, technically his nephew, familial relations and titles were so complicated. The distrust emanates from his nephew, it’s palpable, and as someone who grew up in a part of a city where no hero spent the time to turn them around, he understands. He understands the way the youth hovers in the background, his little companion serving as a direct conjunction to his true emotions sitting upon his shoulder, as he interacts with the baby Souls.
“I worked for them.” Rody starts one night, late into the night, unable to sleep like his brother and sister did in their new home in a new county under the care of a new guardian. “For those—”
“If you think anyone’s going to judge you based on who you worked for, who you did things for, then you’ve come to the wrong place.” Keigo shoots that down real quick. “We all have to do things to survive. I know your dad was involved. I saw his name on the arrest reports. I’d be surprised if you weren’t drawn into it.”
The brunette takes a sip from the hot chocolate his cousin, though, Uncle is the politically correct term, made when he found him sitting alone at the island. “But—”
“Rody.” The blonde cuts him off softly. “My dad is one of the most feared men in Japan. I’m one of the most favored heroes. Our bloodline doesn’t define us. It’s the way we portray ourselves. The reason we do the things we do.” He takes a sip and gold eyes meet brown. “You did everything for your baby birds—”
“Is everything with you going to be a bird pun?”
Keigo snorts and grins. “You know it.” He shakes his head slightly. “I’m not going to hold what you did against you because you did it with pure intentions. Not everyone will be so understanding, but as far as I’m concerned, what’s in the past stays in the past, and we move forward each and every day.”
Rody falls into silence as he contemplates this, that was his out, figuring that the hero wouldn’t want to be associated with someone who tried to— “You said you used to visit when I was little?”
The hero snorts mid sip and coughs as he chokes, making the teen laugh, and the man glare at him mockingly for it. “Yea, I visited quite often, as much as someone who lived as far away as I did could, stopped visiting when you were four after your mom disappeared.”
He hums in contemplation. “Proof?”
“Oh, you want proof?” Keigo grins and the teen feels a sense of dread for his teenage pride. “I got a scrapbook. Wanna see?”
Despite his better judgement, Rody nods, and follows the man to what he aptly (and punfully) called his nest. In which he was told to get and waited a few minutes for his Uncle to follow, a thick old book in his hands, a scrapbook. “This is a big book.”
“Yea,” Keigo sets his half empty mug aside, lifting his left wing invitingly, smiling to himself when the teen slowly scoots in closer, a warm weight against his side. “Your mom liked sending pictures. Got hundreds. This is only book one.”
The flip through a few pages, Rody blushes deeply, grumbling under his breath as Pino tweets on his shoulder sleepily, when they come across a few pictures his mom sent of him as a baby who despised the invention of a diaper and pants and his Uncle pokes at him playfully over them.
Keigo doesn’t say anything, not wanting to disrupt the moment, as he flips through the pages and the weight against his side grows heavier and heavier, a head rests against his shoulder, and his nephew exhales softly as he finally allows himself to truly sleep.
He continues looking through the pictures for a few more minutes before carefully closing the book and setting it aside. His back’s going to kill him in the morning but having his nephew, so closed off and distrusting, trusting him enough to fall asleep against his side, under his wing, was worth it.
The brunette looks up at the sound of his name, standing at his Uncles side, slightly behind him, playing a game on his new phone when he hears the call of his name. A cool lazy smile crosses over his features at the sight of a familiar head of green curls making it’s way through the crowd towards them.
“Hey Deku.”
“It’s so good to see you!” He forgot how tactile the other boy was, but after living with his uncle for a little over two months, he’s become quite accustomed to sneak attack hugs. “What are you doing here!”
Rody squeezes his friend for a moment before they part ways and gestures to the man at his side, Uncle Keigo conversing quietly with Eraserhead. “Uncle Kei had to come see Hobo.”
“Uncle—Uncle Kei--!” He sees the very moment Deku’s mind implodes. “Hawks is your Uncle!”
“Well technically—” the subject of their short conversation turns at his name, both civvie and hero, and slings an arm around his nephew’s shoulders. “We’re cousins, his mom was my cousin, so he’s my first cousin once removed, but it’s more common to refer to him as my nephew, therefore, yes, I’d be referred to as his uncle.” The brunette blushes and turns to glare at the traitorous man when he coos and squeezes him into his side. “Did my precious little baby bird make a friend?”
“Uncle Kei stop!” He can’t help but shove at the man, who merely laughs, and nuzzles his cheek lightly. Rody’s picked up on the avian qualities that came with his Uncles quirk. “You’re so embarrassing.”
“No, little bird, me being embarrassing would be me telling him about all the pics I have of you and your little too—” Rody elbows the man in the side harshly, harsh enough that the hero yelps and wheezes, and smiles slightly when all he gets are small chuckles in response. “Okay okay, I’ll calm down.”
“Little bird,” the hero stands before his steadfast nephew loosely with his arms hanging open. “You sure you don’t want a hug?”
Keigo grins and turns to his nephew’s constant companion. “Pino?” The little bird tweets and hops and he nods. “Thought so too. C’mere.” Rody doesn’t fight it when he’s pulled into his Uncle’s arms, it takes a moment, but he slowly melts into the embrace. “Hugs solve everything.”
“I hate you.”
The hero brushes a kiss to the top of his nephew’s head. “I know you mean love. You love me. And I love you too.”
The first time his nephew breaks down, his wall crumbles and tears cascade down his cheeks, is a momentous occasion, not a good momentous occasion, and both boy and man are happy that it’s done when the youngsters are at school (Rody opted into online schooling), when it’s because news is broadcast about those used as test subjects for the ‘cause’ and a picture of the teen’s mom is flashed across the screen.
Keigo’s quick in changing the channel, but not quick enough, tossing the remote aside in time to catch his nephew, his cousin’s son, may she rest in peace, when his legs give out as a rough sob tears from his chest at what had been a brief but gruesome image of his mother and what she’d been reduced to.
Rody unashamedly sobs into his Uncle’s chest four months after they move in with him after he finds out what happened to his mom and just how she had died.
“Uncle Kei don’t you dare.” Rody challenges to the man curled around him from behind and hovering dangerously close to his neck. “Don’t. I swear to god.”
“Don’t what?”
The teen is not falling for the oldest trick in the book. “You know what.”
The hero hums interestedly as he blows lightly on the side of his neck and it makes him smile and shiver. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. What don’t you want me to do?”
“Uncle Kei.”
“If there’s something you don’t want me to do then you need to tell me so I know not to do it.”
He heaves a sigh, finding himself backed up into the corner of this oldest trick in the book. “Don’t nuzzle into my neck.”
Keigo grins lightly. “Why? You like it when I nuzzle you.”
Rody flushes despite the fact that it’s just the two of them in the man’s office. “Because it tickles.”
“Oh, I see,” the hero hums softly. “So I shouldn’t what?”
He sees no way out so he simply admits defeat. “Nuzzle into my neck.”
“Got it.” Rody’s still getting used to the physical affection from adults, but Keigo’s physically affectionate gestures are gestures he’s come to find he likes, and just succumbs to his fate. “Understood.” And unashamedly shrieks with giggles (for no one’s ears to hear but his Uncle’s) when the man nuzzles into the side of his neck.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
AITA for not saying I'm Gay: Chapter 3
Three months later…
Update: AITA for not saying I’m gay?
Hey so… hi? Been a long time since I posted but life went nuts after the news article and everything.
A lot of deeply personal information got out and a few friendships were destroyed. I thought about this for a long while and asked my PR if they thought this to be a good idea. They agreed, also contacting a few other agencies for permission to. First though: PROOF and an announcement because my PR guys are really feeling bad now so they let me do it here.
[picture of the green haired hero Dekiru with an arm around the brunette Rody Soul. Both look pleased as they hold up their hands where rings rest now. Dekiru wears a white wedding kimono while Rody wears a red one. Both are very fancy looking with their hair done nicely]
So, real talk: yes I am Dekiru. And yes!!! We got married while I took my vacation!!! (Still freaking out!!!)
I tried to be sneaky with the post but unluckily some people know me enough to make guesses. A few hero otakus figured it out along with some of my former hero classmates. Most kept quiet, but as you can see I can’t trust everyone.
The full story of what went on is a long one, so first off- I want to address two things:
Yes, Dynamight is my former bully. As you know due to recent revelations he’s currently been put on probation for his license because of his melt down and trying to attack me due to posting this. I have filed to never be paired with him for work, and our agencies agreed.
Duality was my friend who thought there was something between us. I ask that ANY FANS please leave him alone as he himself takes a leave of absence while he figures out his own issues. As most people know, there’s a lot of trauma in his life. It doesn’t excuse what he did but it does contribute.
I spoke with my former homeroom teacher, and he was very insightful. He told me he personally thought they were all AH because of their reactions, as well as idiots. He knew about my sexuality the entire time because according to him it was ‘logical’ one of his favourite sayings. He spoke with his fellow teacher I am close to, his Queer Platonic partner, who said that while he ‘didn’t know the kid’s gay, I knew she was dating her roommate’ because it was obvious.
My former teacher told me about how he’d been forced to cut contact temporarily with one of his friends when she did not see what the fuss was when a woman kept asking him out and harassing him. His QPP also cut contact. All three eventually reconciled, though it took a while to fully resolve that situation. (For more information, look up the Aizawa Vs. Fukukado case.) I have permission to post about it here.
With his help I arranged for a meeting with all of us. We also called in another teacher to be another voice as my ex-homeroom teacher did admit bias. Sadly the Dynamight incident happened so we needed to postpone it for a week. During this time I filed for vacation and Rody decided to pop the question. I was thrilled. I also might have been petty and asked one of my PR people to use her Quirk to make it super shiny and noticeable for the meeting. Pino, Rody’s Quirk, acted smug all day. It was hilarious. They all stared at it, and I know Rody just grinned at them.
Some people have wondered who sided with me and against.
Those who sided with Dynamight were Red Riot and Alien Queen.
Those who sided with Duality were Creati, Earphone Jack, Invisigirl, Tailman, Cellophane and Uravity.
Those who didn’t side with anyone but thought I was a AH were Tsyukomi, Tentacole, Anima, and Sugarman.
Those who sided with me were Ingenium, Froppy, two underground hero friends, Hatsume of Hatsume Enterprises, Chargebolt and Aoyama. (Yes, he’s still one of us. He has shown he is trustworthy still.)
Tsyukomi, Anima and Tentacole reached out before this due to my post and apologized. None actually said anything to me about this but did give me a cold shoulder. I forgave them. No one else had though.
At the meeting, we asked that NO one say a word until I explained my side of the story. They agreed and I did so. I told them I knew I was gay since I was young, that my mother knew to. That the reason I did turn people down in HS was because I focused on being a hero first and foremost. I had no interest in dating. I could have told them, but as my main thing was: I’m not dating in HS, I didn’t think about it. I told them I do NOT know why people were so angry with me not saying anything, and brought up the fact I bring Rody out to parties with the rest, that we go to work events together when we can, that we cuddle on the couch and so on.
It got really silent then, before Red Riot asked me to my face if I ever told Dynamight we’d be together as kids. I said no- the closest thing I could remember was wanting to be a hero duo together. Alien Queen turned to Dynamight and asked him for the truth.
It turns out a lot of people saying AH to me were fed lies, or delusions if you ask my new wife. Dynamight apparently told people me and him made plans for our future together as kids, and then teenagers. I denied them all and offered to call in a police officer with a lie detection Quirk to prove it if needed. Dynamight instantly brought up promises we made as kids, the fact I let him sit in on my meetings with my mentor and so on. I told him I only let him sit in as I worried he’d release valuable info and I was still somewhat gaslighted into thinking how he treated me as kids was okay.
That’s when someone asked about the articles on the bullying and I had to admit they were ALL true. Dynamight tried to argue but after I asked him if he wanted the detective in he stopped. Red Riot and Alien Queen were very upset and apologetic. Red Riot directly asked me if that’s why I stopped hanging around them and I had to explain I liked them, but after some therapy I just couldn’t be around Dynamight anymore. And they did not respect my boundaries which is why I stopped hanging out with them.
Both apologized, but sadly that bridge was gone when we were 20.
Then I asked Duality about why he thought I led him on. He went on about how he ‘knew’ I meant in HS that I would get with him because I said ‘not right now’. I told him I said: I am not dating in HS right then, not I would date him. He got very upset, insisting on his version. Creati, Earphone Jack, Cellophane, Invisigirl, Uravity and Tailman all got quiet hearing this. They were on his side earlier. I then asked if he thought so, why didn’t he get angry earlier when I started dating Rody. He said ‘I thought you were dating someone to focus on work and not dating me. That he was a deadbeat who you’d leave when you were ready.’ I got MAD at this and yelled at him that I would NEVER do that.
I told him that me and Rody were now engaged, and I did NOT plan on divorcing her. He laughed and said he’d wait. I paused and asked what he meant, and he said that he didn’t believe I was gay or that I had to be bisexual because he knew I had feelings for him.
I stared at him for a good minute before telling him, and I quote: Hi Endeavour.
His eyes went wide, mouth dropped open and looked horrified. Before he could say a word though, Creati stood up. She dropped to her knees and bowed. She formally apologized for her actions in insulting me, and then stood up again. She grabbed Duality and dragged him out of the room.
I then turned to Uravity as she was also a very vocal person. It without a doubt was one of the hardest conversations I needed to start. I asked her why she sided with him. She told me that she felt I lied to them by never telling them, and that I did lead on Duality. I pressed her for more info. It slipped out she had a crush on me in UA, and that she never asked me out because she thought I was into Duality. I asked her honestly if she was more angry she found out she could have had a chance.
Uravity wasn’t sure, but she insisted that as a friend I should have said something, going on about how friends tell each other stuff. Froppy spoke up then, reminding Uravity about her own experience coming out and how bad it was with her parents. Uravity said it was different, because all of us accepted her. That I could have come out in support of her.
Froppy told her that was very horrible to think, and that Uravity isn’t owed secrets due to friendship. Uravity tried to argue and I was done. I
Hey, Rody here. Dekiru can’t write the next bit. She ended up telling Uravity that she is not interested in being her friend after this, and that if she thought Dekiru not telling her something a betrayal, what would you call what she did- the insults and the texts and the cruelty. Uravity left with Earphone Jack dragging her out.
Hey I’m back, sorry. Been a rough few months. We all sort of dissipated after that. The people who supported me comforted me, and I received apologies from the others.
After this, things sort of cooled down. Rody and I planned our wedding, deciding we just wanted to get married but look pretty. Rody decided on a red wedding kimono, I went with white- we’re very happy. Her siblings are to.
As well during this time a lot of other stuff came up- including people confused about why Dynamight got into UA despite everything. The truth is, that as some know, I’m a late bloomer with a specific activation Quirk on TOP of a false negative. So people thought I was Quirkless. The Aldera scandal came about due to my treatment there. For years Dynamight was held up as a shining example of heroism to me and he never got any black marks. When we got to UA, a lot of his actions were brushed off as rivalry. I’ve spoken with my old teachers after this and they also told me (Nezu even gave permission to) that they didn’t expel him in fear of him being a villain. Even after it clicked our ‘rivalry’ wasn’t one, they worried because of his drive and ability. He seemed to ‘calm down’ when we were in our second year, but they kept an eye on him. As someone may know from the articles that dropped- he’s actually a restricted license sidekick due to his attitude. He’s now on probation as mentioned.
As for Duality… that’s a complicated situation. As of right now he and I are going our separate ways. He’s debating about selling me his shares for our agency or for me to sell him mine. We both have potential partners if needed to pick up the slack. He’s currently on his own medical leave.
There’s a lot to unpack with him, and he gave written permission for a bit: the therapist I mentioned who sold info? She was selling it to Endeavour. Turns out that he hired her to try and force Duality to still go along with his plans. Due to me being a false negative, I’m more likely to pass on the ‘donor’s’ Quirk then my own. So the therapist encouraged Duality’s line of thinking about me.
Me calling him out, and also his brothers (both of them, including Dabi) doing the same shook him up. He’s horrified by this but… sadly I’ve made a choice. We’re no longer going to work together and I told him I would prefer we not speak. I’ve told the same to Creati and Earphone Jack as they were the louder voices backing him. They all accept it. Maybe in the future but not now.
I am remaining friends with the majority of my class. The worst of the voices were Dynamight, Red Riot, Alien Queen, Uravity, Duality, Earphone Jack and Creati. InvisiGirl, Tailman and Cellophane I’m cautiously remaining friends with as while they were meaner than the others, they were not as bad as the others.
Thank you for all your support in the past few months! I hope everything is great for you!
This is Dekiru, screaming I’m gay AND IN LOVE WITH MY EPIC WIFE.
Hope you guys enjoyed this!
Yes, Shouto and Izumi here are no longer friends. Momo and Jirou also are no longer her friends, along with Ochako which I added partly because (as people who follow me on Tumblr and my other stuff know) I often get comments and asks where they whine or complain I make characters mean. It's annoying to me, and frustrating at best.
Ochako was also added to this because I was like: I do think she might be a bit pushy. I love her, she’s a fav character but like… I dunno, I have the feeling she’s one of those girls who get upset when friends don’t tell her everything about them. Something that should be resolved as teenagers but wasn't here. The whole situation spiralled because Shouto did think that Izumi and him had mutual feelings, her old crush came to mind which caused some anger and she made a really rash choice to support him. She ended up sticking to it because she got mad that Tsu and the others called her the AH for her actions. Yet now, things are ruined. (I will make it up to you Ocahko!!! I love you!!)
In the future, everyone does makeup somewhat. Ochako’s worked hard to be accepted by her friends again. Momo and Jirou are fully welcomed, though their friendship never really goes back to what it was. Shouto… he ends up leaving heroics because of this, due to while he wants to help people he just can’t after seeing his dad still affecting him. Instead he goes into social work. Izumi buys his part of the agency from him, and Kaminari steps in to be the other main hero there. Shouto and Izumi don't really makeup because Izumi is hurt and because he feels it might give him more false hope or be a set back. They send cards now though.
A little background in this world: Izumi and Rody were penpals for a lot of their teen years and it was through her Izumi had the courage to sort of distance herself from Bakugou while at UA. Without her around him as his ‘rival’ he couldn’t act like he normally did so he had to tone it down because he was getting in a lot of trouble. However it was worrying enough they kept a close eye on him and because he never seemed to change, rather give lip service. Due to this his license is a restricted one. He could work his way to a regular one but he kinda blew it here.
Hawks revealed a lot of information about the Commission after convincing Dabi to turn himself in. Dabi is on parole currently, living with Natsuo. Endeavour is in jail but sadly still has reach.
Izumi did stop being friends with Kirishima and Ashido a few years back because they didn’t listen to her when she told them she did NOT want Bakugou around her. They continued to try and convince her to ‘give him one more chance’ and that ‘she’d like him if she tried’ but she did not put up with it. Somehow he convinced them they did like each other or something- possibly they just were stubborn and didn’t want to admit they were wrong.
Kaminari and Sero both actually no longer hung out with Bakugou due to not putting up with his attitude after their second year. Ashido and Kirishima never saw how nasty he could get cause he recognized he needed to fake stuff better around them. Kaminari ended up part of Izumi’s crew!
Kaminari is actually dating Tokoyami. It was sort of ‘hush hush’ their relationship because Kaminari just got out of a relationship with someone else a few months back. Shinsou and Monoma are Izumi’s underground friends. They’re married. Tsu is a lesbian who is single. Aoyama is bisexual. Iida is straight. Hatsume is Aro/Ace.
All feel very stupid.
I almost added drama about choices with kids but I decided that if I did that I’d do it in a separate ‘AITA’ thing. Because yeah, I think I will do one! I'm going to make a series for it, but probably will just do ONE fic where I do various scenarios, let people comment, write a mock article and do the comments before loading an 'update'.
I hope you guys had as much fun as I did with this!
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
You’re in Wubble Now (Bino x Teen!Reader)
Tumblr media
Request: R is Sue and Megan daughter(14 years old) ? Like what is being at the wubble together?
Authors note: Hey dudes, I really don’t know much about basketball, or its players, but I hope you enjoy this! Hit me up with requests, questions or if you just wanna say hi!
You smiled brightly up at the sky, enjoying the way the sun fell on your face. You had missed the feeling of the sun on your face and cleats on your feet for the past 4 months you had spent in quarantine. You were glad that wubble included an outdoor area where you could practice your juggling in. You didn’t want to lose your edge over your Aunt Tobin.
You glanced down at the ball, flicking it up to balance on your toe-box, before starting to practice the various tricks you knew how to do. All the while moving towards the place that you had designated in your mind as “goal”. As you neared the area, you tapped the ball a little too hard, sending it careening over the small fence and directly onto the outdoor basketball court. You groaned loudly as it collided with one Sami Whitcomb. 
“I’m so sorry,” You tried to cover your giggle with your hand, but failed. 
“Trying to take her out so Chicago Sky has the advantage kid?” Jordin Canada laughed, sapping a hand on your shoulder, and you shot her a cheeky smile. You and your Aunt JJ had a running joke that the Stars were your favorite team, though you were rather partial to Portland, just to annoy your mothers. 
“Hey short stack, you’re good with your feet, but are you any good with your hands?” Sami joined in the banter, spinning the soccer ball on her finger before tossing it back to you. You smiled and caught it on the top of your left foot and began to juggle again. 
“Are you kidding me? She’s got Pino’s height and none of Bird’s skills,” Breanna Stewart joked, resting her elbow on the top of your head. You huffed. Yes, you were short, and the USWNT always liked to remind you of that, but next to your mom’s teammates, you were practically a dwarf and they didn’t mind telling you about it. 
Just because you preferred soccer didn’t mean you weren’t any good at basketball. Hell, you and your mom had done nothing but play pickup games in the driveway since the whole COVID thing started. You weren’t terrible, to begin with, but you had definitely gotten better if you did say so yourself. You had even pulled the basketball version of a nutmeg on your mom. Plus, you never backed down from a challenge. 
“I think I could take you,” You smirked, puffing out your chest. The women laughed at your adorableness. They knew just how competitive you were, they had seen it in your determination to make the U15 soccer team, and in all of the stories about you, Sue had shared with them. 
“Be careful what you ask for kid, just because you’re a Rapino-Bird doesn’t mean we won’t whip your ass,” Jordin said seriously, (gently) bumping your shoulder. You set your jaw in a way that they had come to recognize as your ‘I’m going to win any way I can’ face. 
“Sounds like a challenge to me,” Sami laughed at how cute your determined face was, patting your upper back in a way that reminded you of your mom. 
“Oh, you’re on. 2v2 me a Sami vs you and Breanna” You nodded at Jordin, who flashed Sami a wink. They couldn’t let the soccer players teach you everything, now could they. 
The game was going well for you, as you and Sami were up by 12, and you were about to extend that lead. She crossed you the ball, bouncing it in between Breanna’s legs. You collected it, realizing that if you tried to dribble, you’d most likely fall victim to Jordin’s marking. So you took the shot, Jumping up just outside of the three-point area. Jordin, not expecting the move, bumped into you milliseconds after the ball had left your fingertips, sending you careening into the concrete floor. 
“You alright kid?” Sami asked, watching as you got back to your feet, and gasping when you turned around. 
“Shit, Sue’s going to kill us,” Jordan mumbled when she saw the gash that had formed just above your right eyebrow, and the red substance that was seeping down your face, staining your brand new Re-inc popsicle shirt. 
“Kill you is more like it,” Breanna smirked, shoving Jordin’s shoulder lightly. 
“And I’d be more worried about Megan,” Sami murmured as she took a closer look at your cut. 
“I’m fine guys,” You grumbled, pulling your head out of Sami’s gentle hands and turning to find the basketball. The rapid movement caused even more blood to drip down your covered face, and land unceremoniously on the pavement. 
“Yeah, let’s get you to the medic,” The women rolled their eyes at your insistence, Jordin grabbing one arm, and Breanna grabbing another while Sami placed a hand at the center of your back to get you moving forward. 
The walk to the First aid room had been relatively uneventful, as the women wouldn’t budge on their stance that you needed to get checked by the doctors (though several other players sent you worried looks as you passed them). 
“I’m going to need to call one of your mothers down here for consent to treat you,” The doctor said quietly, handing you a piece of gauge and motioning for you to hold it to the cut that was still freely bleeding. You rolled your eyes at him and nodded for Sami to call your mom. She was always more level headed than Ma when you got hurt. You should have guessed that they would be together and that they would not be happy to find out that you’d been hurt… again. 
“What the fuck happened?” Megan exclaimed, bursting into the first aid room, racing over to you and glaring at the women who were accompanying you. It was kinda funny cause even though she was so much shorter than them, they all shrunk under her gaze. 
“Meg, chill.”Sue interrupted, stepping between her wife and her very afraid teammates. Megan may have been short but she was called your mama bear for a reason.“What happened?” Your mom asked you directly, crouching down so she was eye level with you, and taking the soaked gauze from your grasp. You sighed dramatically. 
“We were playing a game of pickup, and I got bumped. They freaked out,” you scoffed, waving your hand at the three women who were still covering inter you Ma’s gaze. 
“I think our response was well deserved,” Sami grumbled, gesturing towards you. So maybe there had been a lot of blood, but your Aunt Ash had always said that head cuts always bled more. 
“It was just a scratch,” You rolled your eyes, your annoyance leaking into your tone, sure that if it had been any one of your mom’s teammates, you would still be outside on the field, enjoying the sun. 
“Yeah, like Kelley’s nose during the World Cup,” You am sent you a pointed look, and you froze. 
“I don’t stop in the middle of games,” you grumbled, pouting and crossing your arms, pulling off a flying squirrel impersonation that would make the woman proud, “and plus this is nothing compared to the time Aunt Toby took me surfing” You pointed out, shivering just thinking about the experience. The almost drowning part hadn’t been the worst part, the cuts from the coral on the bottom had. 
“You got caught under a wave and almost drowned,” Sue said sternly, forcing you to look her in the eyes, and grabbing another wad of gauze, as you had bled through the first two. 
“See, this is just a baby cut compared to that, or liked the time I went skateboarding with Emily,” You shot her a grin, and she sent you back a grim smile. 
“Yeah, that time you broke your collarbone,” 
You huffed. It had been Lindsey’s idea for you to try and jump the fire hydrant, and Emily’s fault that she hadn’t cleared the sidewalk for you. If you had followed through with the landing, you probably would have creamed the family of 4 just trying to enjoy their day. 
“I’m going to have to put stitches in,” The doctor interrupted, peeling back the gauze and setting up to treat your cut. 
“You’re not allowed by yourself with our teams anymore,” Megan huffed, glaring at the three women who were watching your interaction with their captain in awe. 
“Hey, it’s not our fault the shrimp-“ Jordin started to protest, only to be cut off by a glare from her Captain. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” Sue said, her voice dangerously low, before turning back to you. “You’re benched for the rest of the season kid,” She finished, cupping your cheek. You closed your eyes in frustration. You didn’t want to have to sit on the bench with your ma. 
“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Megan pouted at you, obviously offended by your reaction. You loved your Ma, you did, but you had way too much energy to not be able to play sports, even though you probably had a concussion. 
“No, you're not,” You said back lowly, and Sue laughed at your sad face. She knew that there would be no way to stop you from playing sports, but maybe the promise of cuddling with your Ma would at least give your cut time to heal. 
“Love you, my dear,” Megan whimpered, placing a careful kiss on your cheek, followed by another from Sue.
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wososage · 5 years
I Can’t Believe it: Tierna Davidson x Reader
Request: Hey bud! Whenever you get a chance can you write one where baby R was on the team but went into the Army. R has been gone a long time and they miss her and are worried. but she surprises them at a game and proposes to Tierna too?
Word Count: 957
Warning: None
“Why is Tierna being so clingy?” Pinoe asks. “You guys are cute and whatever but this is on another level.”
“I’m clingy because I’m sad,” my girlfriend says pouting even more than she already is. 
“I need to talk to you guys but Tierna is not happy about what we need to talk about,” I explain to the team. 
“You aren’t pregnant are you?” Kelley asks, clearly still skeptical about Alex’s pregnancy. “Please don’t be pregnant we need you for Olympic Qualifying and She Believes.”
“It would be better if she was pregnant,” Tierna mumbles. “Then I could hold her safely in my arms for 9 months.”
“Hey,” I say to her softly. “I’m going to be okay. I am going to be fine and I will come back to you.”
“What’s going on?” Carli asks, trying to move the team meeting along.
“I am being deployed,” I tell the team. “I leave in a few weeks, this will probably be the last time I see you for a while. I don’t know how long I am going to be gone yet.”
I have never been more nervous in my entire life. I am finally home from my deployment and I am going to surprise the girls. More importantly, I am going to surprise Tierna. 
“And now I would like to welcome the hero of the match, the United States Women’s National Team midfielder, Sergeant (Y/N) (Y/L/N), returning home from a 12-month deployment,” the announcer says.
I walk out of the tunnel onto the field. I salute the flag as the national anthem plays and as soon as it is over, the team runs over and hugs me. After everyone lets go I hug Tierna tightly.
“I can’t believe you are here,” she whispers. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you so much too,” I tell her. “Go out there and win for me. I’ll be here when you are done.”
She goes to the team huddle while I follow a US Soccer personnel to a private box. I watch the game, The first game I have been able to watch live since the last game I played in the victory tour last year. Overall, the US dominates and we are up 2-0 at halftime thanks to Christen and Lindsey.
When the team comes back out there is a new energy and I know for a fact that the team is going to win and nothing is going to stop them. Everyone is playing so happy and they truly look like the best team in the world. When the final whistle blows I make my way back down to the locker room and wait for the team to come in. Vlatko comes in first, so we go to the coach’s office to talk.
“Are you ready to get back into playing?” he asks.
“So ready,” I tell him. “I played a lot of pick up while I was over there. And obviously I have been keeping up on my fitness.”
“We can talk more about your plan to come back later,” he says. “But right now there is a team waiting for you and a particular defender who has seemed to only be happy after receiving a phone call from a special someone.”
I go back out into the locker room and I am tackled by Sonnett.
“You are never allowed to leave again,” She screams into my ear.
“Dog Pile!” Kelley yells while jumping on top of me and Sonnett. More people join in and it takes a few minutes for me to be free from the bottom of the pile.
Tierna comes up to me and we hug for a long time, neither of us really wanting to let the other go. 
“Hey love birds,” Pinoe calls out. “Break it apart so Tierna can shower and then we can all catch up with (Y/N).”
“Promise you will be here when I get back?” Tierna asks.
“Promise,” I tell her.
I let her go and she heads to the showers. I am caught up on everything I have missed in the past year before I start joining the shenanigans. Rose teaches me a new dance and we perform it for the team after everyone has finished cleaning up from the game. 
“What are you most looking forward to about being back in America?” Ash asks me.
I stand up and look at Tierna.
“Well,” I start out. “When I first got over there, I missed everything about being here. But as my time continued on, I realized that I really only missed a couple of things. The first one is a grass field to play soccer on. Playing pick up in the desert was not always the best idea. The other thing I missed is one person in particular. Tierna while I was over there I could not stop thinking about the next time I would be able to hear your voice. Tierna, I love you with all my heart and I can’t imagine where I would be without you in my life. I don’t want to ever know what life is like without you in it.”
I pull the ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee. 
“Tierna Lillis Davidson will you marry me?”
“Yes,” she says, tears already coming to her eyes.
I put the ring on her finger then pull her in for a slow kiss. The entire team is clapping and whistling. After everyone congratulates us and gives us hugs, we head out to the bus. 
“I can’t believe we are going to get married,” I whisper to her later in the night right before we fall asleep.
“I can’t either,” She whispers back.
262 notes · View notes
You’re the One My Heart Wants- Chapter 11
Word Count: 6,568
Warnings: Swearing
Author: Me
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France. It’s beautiful in every way, I don’t know what else I can say about it because I’m still soaking it all in. The culture, the food, even the architecture was fucking amazing. I’ve been here a few times, enough to count on one hand, and it still amazes me each time I visit. Anyways, here we are again in another World Cup tournament placed in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Being here with my team makes my heart fill with happiness and pride because we’ve all worked so hard to be here. Being here with Alex was a whole different story, the emotions I have towards that are hard to put into words. We’re here in Paris, the most romantic city ever, happy together. Although to the public it’s still not shared information, we’re still enjoying our time together. We’re also focused on the task at hand: holding on to our title and proving that we truly are the best in the world.
We got to France a few days early since we wanted to watch the matches going on before our first one in a few days. Today was special though. Today we get to spend time with our families who flew out here to watch us play. While standing in the lobby looking at everyone talking, laughing, and spending time with their families, I just feel out of place. Not having my actual family here to celebrate this accomplishment does hurt a little, but that’s short-lived when Uncle Kyle picks me up and spins me around in a hug. “Hello, my favorite niece in the entire world,” Kyle says as he sets me down, causing me to laugh. He really does treat me like I’m a part of their family just like Ali and Ash do, and that cures my sadness on the spot. “Hey, Uncle Kyle,” I say in response. “Why are you over here all by yourself?” He asks with a sad, concerned look. “Just watching everyone with their families, kind of wishing I had one to celebrate with,” I say as I shrug my shoulders. He looked at me with a shocked expression before pulling me with him towards the Krieger-Harris crowd. “How dare you say you don’t have family here,” he says as we got closer to the group, “You know damn well that you’re a part of this family. We all love you just as much as we would if you were actually Ali and Ash’s kid. Which you and I both know that you really are their kid, blood or not.” Damn, he’s really trying to make me cry. “Y/N!” I hear from the crowd, and it’s no surprise who’s pushing through the group to give me a hug- Ali and Kyle’s mom. “I have missed you so so much. How are you liking Orlando? How’s Luna? Ali tells us that your house isn’t too far from theirs, so they get to see you all the time.” I laugh and answer all of her questions as Ali walks over, “Okay, okay mom. I know you missed Y/N, but you’re gonna suffocate her. So, please let my kid go.” Ol’ Debbers lets me go with a laugh and a small apology as Ali pulls me over to stand with Ash, who throws her arm around my shoulders as we listen to both families talk about where they’re going to take us to eat.
Alex’s POV
As happy as I was to finally see my family after so long, I couldn’t help but feel like I was keeping something from them. I mean, yeah I am. But is now the right time to tell them? “Alex,” my mom says, pulling me out of my thoughts, “Are you okay? You look a little out of it.” Of course, my mom would notice that my mind was elsewhere. Elsewhere would be on my girlfriend. “Yeah, sorry mom. I’m okay,” I say with a smile while I held my niece, Liv. She nods her head and continues to talk to Jeni and Jeri. As they talk, I look around the room trying to find Y/N. When I finally find her, she’s being hugged by Ash’s mom while laughing at Kyle. I was so worried that she’d feel left out today, but when I see her interacting with Ali and Ash’s families my heart swells and I can feel the smile forming on my face. She has a family to call her own, and I was so happy about that.
“So, Alex,” I hear my mom say as I turn around to face her, “Do you want to tell me who’s been making you so happy lately? Don’t think I haven’t noticed, especially since you’re practically glowing right now.” Evidently, my face wasn’t great at hiding things from my family. Fucking great. Here goes nothing. “Can’t get anything past you, can I mom?” I laugh as I glance over at Y/N, “There’s actually someone I want you to meet.” I hand Liv over to Jeni before excusing myself from my family. I walk over toward the group of Harris and Krieger’s and wrap my arms around my girlfriend’s waist. She turned in my arms with a confused look before she relaxes when she sees it’s me, “Hey, Al. What’s up? Is there something wrong?” I shake my head with a smile as I try to work up the nerve to ask my question. “Do you possibly want to meet my family? Like right now?” I ask with a soft smile. It takes her a moment to think everything through before she gives me a bright smile as she nods her head. Thank god. I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding in and give her an even brighter smile as I intertwine our fingers, leading her towards my family. 
“Hey, guys,” I start with a shaky voice, “I want you to meet my girlfriend, Y/N. We’ve been dating for a little over a month now.” We both stand there waiting for their response, Y/N squeezes my hand for support and comfort. After a few moments, my parent’s faces light up with happiness and my sisters start jumping up and down with excitement. My mom pulls Y/N in for a hug and says, “It’s so great to meet the one who makes my daughter so happy. Thank you so much. She really needed someone and I’m so glad she found you.” The rest of my family hugs my girlfriend and say nice things to her before she comes back to stand next to me, intertwining our fingers again. I can’t help but smile at how happy she looked while she’s caught in a conversation with my sisters and when she makes my niece laugh. She looked so beautiful in this moment, I always want to make her this happy because she deserved it. “Y/N!” we hear Ali yell from behind us a few moments later, “Come on! We’re going to eat!” She looks at my family apologetically, “I’m sorry, I have to go eat with my family. It was great to meet all of you, hopefully we can talk again soon.” They accept her apology and she turns to me, pulling me in for a hug. “I love you, babe. I’ll see you later,” she whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek and leaving to catch up with Krashlyn. As I watch her walk away my mom asks, “She makes you really happy doesn’t she, Alex?” I turn my attention back to my family with a big smile plastered across my face, “Yeah, mom. She really does. We love each other, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
The lunch with my family was very eventful and saying that is a hell of an understatement. I was sitting in between my moms and Uncle Kyle was sitting across from me, laughing at something Ol’ Debbers said. “Raise your glasses, everyone,” Kenny K says from the end of the table, “Here’s to the reigning World Cup Champions. We’re all so proud of you three, and we can’t wait to see you hold up another trophy. I love you three beautiful, strong women more than I can put into words. Go kick some ass.” This only causes everyone to laugh loudly because we rarely heard him curse. “We love you too, Dad,” Ali says after she finished laughing. Afterwards, we all fall into our own conversations while we continued to enjoy our food and each other's company. “So,” Ash says to me while nudging my arm, “You met the girlfriend’s family. How’d that go, kiddo?” The question catches Ali and Kyle’s attention. “Ooooo, yes. Tell us how that went,” Uncle Kyle says eagerly, “By the way, thanks for telling me that you’re dating Alex Morgan. Not like I’m your ‘uncle’ or anything.” I roll my eyes at him with a smirk. “Shut up, Kyle,” Ali says while slapping his arm, “She was going to tell you. There’s a lot of things she has to handle first since this isn’t public information yet. Now, let the woman speak.” I let out a small laugh as I feel all three of them stare at me, waiting for my answer. “Yes, I met her family,” I start with a small smile, “It went pretty good. I was nervous at first but after seeing how happy her family was I just kind of relaxed. I was happy knowing that they accepted our relationship, I’m not used to that kind of reaction. So yeah, it went really good.” When I finished, I gained a collective ‘aww’ from the three of them as Ash and Ali give me side hugs. We continue with small conversations as we finished our meal.
When we got back to the hotel an hour later, I get a text from Sonny saying that everyone was out at the pool and that we should go. It doesn’t take much convincing before my moms agree and we’re all changed into our swimsuits and we’re out at the pool with the team. Ali and Ash leave me to talk to Pinoe while I look around for Alex. It doesn’t take too long for me to find her lounging with Allie and Kelley by the pool. I walk up behind her, noticing that she didn’t see me, and I wrap my arms around her shoulders causing her to jump a little. I laugh along with Allie and Kelley before giving her a quick kiss. “Hey, babe,”  I say when I pull away from our kiss. “Hey, baby,” she says with a grin as I sit down next to her, “I missed you. Did you have fun with everyone?” I nod my head with a smirk while I move the hair out of her face. I sit back in the chair and listened to the conversation Allie and Kelley were having with Christen and Tobin as Alex leaned into me, interlacing our fingers. I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her waist, and kiss her softly on the shoulder before resting my chin on the same shoulder. I’m lost in my thoughts of how happy I was in this moment, and honestly I didn’t want to be taken out of them for the time being.
“Y/N! Kelley!” Sonnett yells from the pool a few moments later, “Come on! Get in the pool with us!” Lindsey and Sammy join her in yelling for us to get in the pool with them. I groan and try to wave them off because I wanted to spend time with Alex since I really didn’t get to earlier. Kelley laughs as she gets up, waiting for me to join her and my idiot best friends. “You should go,” Alex whispers to me, “Go have fun with your friends. We can hangout later, baby.” I pout at her before I sigh and nod my head as I go to stand up from the chair to slip off my shorts. “Wait,” Alex says while grabbing my hand as I was walking towards my pestering best friends, “I love you, Y/N.” I give her a soft smile before leaning down to kiss her. “I love you more, Al,” I say after I pull away with a wink as I walk with Kelley towards the pool after I tossed my tank top at her. “Not possible!” I hear her yell from behind us which only causes me to give her a goofy smile right before Kelley pushes me into the pool. Sonny, who begged us to come get in the pool with them, is dancing to the music she put on from the side of the pool while Lindsey and Sammy were sharing a float. “Sonny,” I say to my dancing best friend, “Are you actually going to get in the pool? If not, I was pretty comfortable over there with my girlfriend.” Sonny lets out a laugh and mocks me for a moment before jumping into the pool right next to me, splashing me with water. We spend the rest of the afternoon singing along to Sonny’s playlist and lounging around, enjoying our off day before everything started to get hectic with the tournament.
Alex POV
“So, your family liked Y/N?” Allie asked as we walked back up to our rooms. “They actually loved her,” I say with a smile, “They asked all about her while we were at lunch, and she made Liv laugh uncontrollably when we were in the lobby. You should’ve seen how happy she was, Allie. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” “Awww,” Allie says with a bright smile, “Alex is in love. I support this one hundred percent.” “I second that,” Kelley says from in front of us, “Actually, it’s more like one hundred and one percent from me. Sorry to beat your support, Allie. I have to support my best friends being in love the most.” That causes me to laugh while Allie chases her down the hallway into their room, claiming that she supports my relationship more than Kelley ever could. I’m best friends with children, I swear. Surprisingly, they weren’t the only ones acting like children in the hallway. 
Coming from the other end of the hallway I can hear laughing and people running. When they finally come into view from around the corner, I see Sonnett on Lindsey’s back being chased by Sam with my girlfriend perched on her back. Jesus, Jill is going to kill them if she walks out of her room to see this. “Go, Linessi!” Sonnett yells through her laughter, “They’re catching up!” Right after she said that Lindsey realizes that I’m watching the chaos from the other end of the hallway. She immediately stops in her tracks, causing Sam to run into her and Sonnett. “What the hell, Linds?” Y/N says while she gets off Sam’s back, “Why’d you st-” She realizes that they aren’t alone in the hall anymore when she sees me glaring at them. I can only hold my glare for a few seconds before I smirk at the four shocked idiots in front of me. “Alright, children,” I say while walking towards them, “Go get ready for dinner before Jill catches you being childish in the hallway and makes you run your asses off tomorrow at training.” Lindsey, Sonnett, and Sam rush past me and into their rooms while my girlfriend stands in front of me with an apologetic smile. “Hey, Al,” she says while rubbing the back of her neck. “Done acting like a child?” I ask with a smirk. She nods her head with a goofy laugh. Like I‘ve said before, I’m dating a child.
When we get back in our room, Y/N goes into the bathroom to change while I sprawled out on the bed. “Hey, babe,” she calls from the bathroom. “Yeah?” I answer. “How long do we have until we have to be downstairs for dinner?” she asks. I looked at my phone to see what time it was before answering, “Uhh, it’s 6:00 now. So, like an hour. Why do you ask?” She didn’t answer right away which left me a little confused. “Baby? Did you hear me?” I ask while I sit up in the bed. She came out of the bathroom a few seconds later, still in her tank top and shorts, with a mischievous grin plastered across her face. It was hot, to be honest. “Why do you have that grin on your face right now?” I asked with a laugh. She didn’t answer, just shrugged her shoulders. A moment later she ran over to the bed, tackling me back down onto the mattress. I started giggling while she peppered my face with kisses. “I was just wondering because I was hoping to spend some time with you,” Y/N said while she smiled down at me, “I missed you today, babe.” “I missed you too, baby,” I answered with a bright smile. I leaned up to kiss her while placing my hand on the back of her neck. After we kissed for what seemed like forever, Y/N laid down next to me on the bed and intertwined our fingers. “So,” I start while she rubbed her thumb across my knuckles, “I know I asked you this earlier, but did you have a good time with Ali and Ash’s families? I was a little worried about you today since it was a family day. But I was happy to see you with them in the lobby.” She nodded her head while saying, “I really did. It’s funny actually. This morning, while everyone was with their families, I felt so out of place. Because my real family isn’t here…” She paused for a moment. She looked like she was getting a little upset about the whole thing, so I moved the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead softly to give her some comfort. She gives me a soft smile as she continued, “But then I realized, with some help from Kyle, that I do have a family. It’s Ali and Ash and their families. It’s you. It’s the team. That’s my family. So, with that in mind, today was a pretty good day.” 
She had a bright smile across her face when she finished and her eyes were lit up with happiness. I was glad because like I’ve said before, I always want her to be this happy. After a moment of being stuck in a trace caused by Y/N’s eyes, she said, “Did you have a good time with your family? I felt bad having to leave right after meeting them.” I let out a small sigh while I moved to lay on top of her. “Yeah, I did,” I say while I rested my chin on her chest, “Don’t feel bad for leaving though, baby. You evidently made a great impression on them.” She gave me a puzzled look before I continued, “In that short amount of time that they got to talk to you, they fell in love with you. Which I don’t blame them. They asked all about you while we were at lunch, especially my mom. She’s really happy that I found you and that I’m so happy being with you.” She was smiling at this point while she ran her fingers through my hair. “Well, I’m happy to hear that, babe,” she said, “I want to spend more time with them soon. I really enjoyed getting to meet them and talking to them, especially Liv.” I smiled softly at the mention of my niece, remembering how Y/N was with her earlier. “I’m sure they’d love that,” I say, the smile not leaving my face, “I know Liv would love to see you again. You were so good with her today, baby. She really lit up when you were talking to her, I've never seen her laugh like that before. She doesn’t act like that normally around new people. It’s adorable seeing you interact with kids, Y/N. You’re going to be a great mom someday.” That causes her to laugh loudly before saying, “It’s a little early to be talking about that, babe. I’ve always been good with kids. My sisters have kids and they love me almost as much as I love them. It kinda sucks that I don’t get to be around them. Oh well, something to look forward to in the far future I guess.” She has a small sad look on her face while she continued to stroke my hair. I leaned up and gave her a kiss before saying, “I love you so much, baby.” She moved a stray hair out of my face to behind my ear as she said, with a smile, “I love you more, babe. And I always will. Now, go get changed for dinner so we can spend more time together before we have to go downstairs.” I groaned at her while I got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. 
A few moments later, after I decided to shower, I realized that I had forgotten the clothes I was going to change into. I quickly wrapped myself up in a towel and stepped into our room, walking towards my suitcase. “And you say I’m the tease,” I hear Y/N say from the bed with a laugh. “You are a tease,” I say with a smirk while grabbing my clothes, “This was unintentional... Stop looking at me like that!” She had an eager look across her face as she got up from the bed and walked towards me. “We don’t have time for this,” I say as she placed her hands on my shoulders, causing goosebumps to travel down my skin. She gently started kissing my neck which caused me to let out a small moan. While she made her way down my neck I say, “Wait, stop. We really can’t do this right now.” She looked at me with sad eyes as she stepped back from me, “Oh, okay...” “No, no,” I say quickly, “I’m not saying I don’t want to, because believe me I do. One hundred and ten percent. I just don’t want to rush it because we have to be down at dinner in like 45 minutes. It’s just not the right time right now, okay?” She nodded her head while I leaned up and kissed her nose before going back into the bathroom. “You’re still a tease though,” I heard her say through the bathroom door, causing me to laugh. She talked to me through the bathroom door during my shower and while I got dressed for tonight. When I came out of the bathroom, I see that she had changed her clothes for dinner. She was wearing a plain black v-neck with some khakis and a pair of her Vans. It was simple but it still managed to get me all hot and bothered. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she says with a laugh while putting on her necklaces as she looked at me in the mirror. I blushed, out of reaction to getting caught staring, and at the sight of her in the mirror, “Can you blame me for staring? My girlfriend’s hot.” She laughed as she turned around to face me, “I’m sorry but have you seen yourself? You look beautiful, Al. I’ll be happy if I can come anywhere close to how good you look.” My blushing returned as I smiled at her. She always knew what to say. Y/N finished fixing her hair and then walked up to me, pulling me in for a kiss. “Okay, let's go,” she said when she pulls away, “I left my watch in Ash’s room, so we have to make a stop before we head downstairs.”
While we walked down the hallway, we see Ash come out of her room to meet Ali. “Hey, mom,” Y/N says while jogging down the hallway to meet them. “Damnnnnn,” Ash says when she sees my girlfriend coming down the hall, “You look fucking good, kiddo. It’s simple but I fucking love it. Ali, look at our kid.” Ali laughed while agreeing with Ash. “Thanks, moms,” Y/N says when we stopped in the hallway while she rubbed the back of her neck, “I actually need my watch. Ash, I left it in your room earlier when we changed for the pool.” “Oh, yeah. I was trying to figure out who that belonged to,” Ash said while she pulled out her room key, “Come on. I put it with the rest of my jewelry.” When they go into the room, I’m left in the hallway with Ali. “So,” Ali says a moment later, “Did your family like Y/N?” “Yeah, they really did,” I answer with a bright smile. “Okay, that’s good to hear,” she says with a relief. “Were you two worried they wouldn’t?” I asked with a concerned look. She shook her head before saying, “Oh, no. It’s not that. We figured they would love her, everyone does. She just hasn’t had the best track record with families when she gets in a relationship. We were just a little worried about that.” I stood there for a moment and processed what Ali said. I didn’t know that Y/N had trouble in the past with other families, other than her own. Well now I’m glad my family loves her, otherwise I don’t know what would’ve happened. “You don’t have anything to worry about, Ali,” I say, “My family loves her just as much as I do. I would never put her in a situation where she’d end up hurt. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise.” Ali smiles as she pulled me in for a hug, “Thank you, Alex. She really does need you as much as she needs us, even if she won’t admit it. I may not have supported this fully at the beginning, but now I see how much you love each other and I couldn’t be happier for the both of you.” We heard the door open as we pulled away from our hug, just to see Y/N laughing at something Ash said. “Thanks, Ali,” I whisper to her as they motioned for us to follow them to dinner.
Somehow Jill managed to get a private area of the restaurant blocked off just for us and our families for our dinner. I’m at a table with Ali, Ash, Kelley, Allie, and Alex. And just like the first night of training all those weeks ago, I’m sitting in between Alex and Ali. Only this time, it was less stressful since everyone knew about our relationship. As we all ordered our food and drinks, Jill stood up and gave a small speech, “I want to thank everyone here today for coming and supporting our girls. The road here hasn’t been easy, but we all know what our goal is. Another World Cup win. With that being said, and I’m sure Dawn can agree with me here. Ladies, keep the drinking to a minimum. We have training bright and early in the morning, and I don’t want any excuses about a hangover. Yes, I’m looking at you, O’Hara.” That causes the room to erupt with laughter, especially from Kelley. “Don’t worry, Jill,” Kelley says with a sly grin while holding her glass up, “Only water for me tonight.” Jill laughs and gives her a thumbs-up before taking her seat. 
During dinner, I notice that Ash and Allie are posting stuff to their Instagram stories, like always. I was holding Alex’s hand the whole time we were in the restaurant until Ash turned the camera towards me. “Wait, Ash,” I say quickly before she started recording. I kissed Alex’s hand before letting it go, causing her to give me a sad look before she realized why I let her hand go. “Are you ready now, kiddo?” Ash says with a laugh, “Wait, let's add some others to this… Sonnett, Horan, Mewis! Come over here for a minute.” Ugh, what is she doing? When my idiot best friends come over to our table, Lindsey pulled my chair out so she could sit in my lap. Jesus, here we go. Ash started recording and said, “What’s up, guys? I’m at dinner with my best friends, my wife, and my kid of course.” She turned the camera to face me and my friends, and we all waved at the camera. “Hey, guys,” we all say while Sammy and Sonny hugged me and Lindsey. “See guys!” Sonny says with a grin, “Y/N does love us! We’re the three best best friends she could ever have!” Jesus, she’s obviously been drinking. After a few more videos for Ash and Allie’s stories, Lindsey gives me a hug and kisses my cheek quickly before following Sonny and Sammy back to their table. “We love you, Y/N!” they yell when they get back to their table. My best friends are idiots, literally. I smile at them and tell them I love them too before turning back to my food. As we all continued with our small conversations, I notice that Alex was being pretty quiet. “You okay?” I whisper to her, but she wouldn’t look at me, “Alex, what’s wrong?” When she finally made eye contact with me, her eyes are a dark blue. Almost black. She leaned in and kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear, “Mine.” That one word got me extremely flustered and confused while she took my hand in hers.
The rest of dinner went the same: small conversations, and videos for Instagram. Alex hasn’t really talked to me since she whispered ‘mine’ in my ear, but she wouldn’t let go of my hand. She’s a lot more possessive than I thought, it’s kinda hot but then again I’m a little worried about what she could be thinking. When we all finished eating, I followed Ali and Ash to the table where our family was after Alex let my hand go with a promise that I’d come see her at her family’s table shortly. Ol’ Debbers got my attention first whenever we got to the table, “Are you excited for the first match, Y/N?” I let out a small laugh as I answered, “Yeah I really am, Debbers. I’m just ready to get this started.” She laughed as she pulled me in for a quick hug. “Are things okay with Alex?” she asked softly after she pulled away, “Things looked a little tense during dinner, and she’s giving you a glare right now.” After she said that I looked over my shoulder and confirmed that Alex was glaring at me for some reason. “Everything’s fine, Debbers,” I say with a soft sigh, “Just a misunderstanding, I think.” She nodded her head and told me she loved me before I went to hug Uncle Kyle. “I’ll make this quick since Alex doesn’t look too happy with you right now,” he says whenever I pulled away from the hug, “Good luck in your match, Y/N. I love you so much, kid.” I grinned at him and say, “Thanks, Uncle Kyle. I expect to hear your cheers over everyone else’s. I love you, too.” He gives me a wink and one last hug before I walked over to Alex’s family.
“Y/N!” I hear Alex’s mom yell whenever I got closer to the table. She got up from her seat and gave me a tight hug, which I returned, “It’s so great to see you again. I’m sure Alex told you that we asked all about you at our lunch earlier. I hope you don’t mind, we just wanted to learn about the girl who’s made Alex so happy.” I smiled at her and the rest of my girlfriend’s family, even at Alex who still had a small glare while she looked at me. “I don’t mind at all,” I say, “I’m sure there are a lot of things you could tell me about her. She makes me really happy, too.” That causes Alex’s glare to vanish as she gives me a soft smile. Her mom and sisters let out a collective ‘aww’ as I go stand next to Alex. “Hey…” I whisper to her. She let out a small sigh as she took my hand in hers, much gentler this time, and whispered, “Hi, baby.” Okay, I guess we’re fine now? After a few moments of hearing a few stories about Alex, Jeni catches my attention, “Y/N, someone is very excited to see you again. Here you go.” She lifts up a smiling Liv to me, who’s reaching out for me to hold her. I let go of Alex’s hand and hold Liv, who starts playing with the chains around my neck. “Hey, Liv,” I say with a smile, “Do you like my necklaces? Yeah? Me, too.” I talked to her for a few more moments while rocking her back and forth. She started talking to me in baby-talk which of course I went along with, “Really? Oh, really? Please, tell me all about it.” I walked around the table as she continued talking. After a moment she looked up at me and smiled, “Hey, that’s a pretty smile. Hmm, let’s see if we can get that pretty laugh to come out.” I started tickling her, which caused her to laugh hysterically. I laughed along with her while I felt everyone’s eyes on me. I glanced over at Alex just to see her laughing with everyone else, her eyes never leaving me. When Liv finally stopped laughing she gave me a pretty big hug for a baby, which I returned, causing everyone to let out another collective ‘aww’. “You’re really good with kids, Y/N,” Jeni says as I hand Liv back to her, “And Liv just adores you. Looks like she might have a new favorite soccer player, huh Al?” That caused the whole family to laugh, even Liv, as I walked over to Alex. “Kids just like me I guess,” I say while Alex intertwined our fingers again, “I have a few nieces and nephews that absolutely love me. I adore Liv, she’s adorable and quite the talker. But, I couldn’t take Alex’s place as her favorite.” Alex hits my shoulder before saying, “If anyone’s going to take my place as her favorite soccer player, it’s going to be you. She’s only known you one day, and she absolutely loves you.” I looked at her, seeing nothing but an adoring, loving gaze coming from her. “Fine,” I say with a smirk, “I’m Liv’s favorite soccer player, fair and square.” The group laughed once again before telling us goodnight and that they would see us at the match in two days.
When we got back to our room, Alex was still a little too quiet for comfort. “So,” I say when she came out of the bathroom, wearing my clothes again, “Do you want to talk about what happened at dinner? Why you’ve been so quiet?” She let out a long sigh while she put her hair up in a bun, “Just a lot on my mind, I guess.” “Like what?” I ask while I sit down on the bed. She thinks for a moment before running her hand over her face. “Were you jealous or something?” I ask after she doesn’t say anything. She turns and faces me with an angry glare, “First off, I don’t get jealous.” “Okay, okay,” I say while I lift my hands up in defense, “I just asked a question. Do you want to tell me what’s wrong then?” The anger that was covering her face has softened while she looked at me. “I don’t know,” she says a few seconds later, “You letting go of my hand put me in a weird mood, I guess. I always want to be close to you, but then you let go of my hand and then Lindsey sat in your lap and…” She started rambling while she paced around the room. Okay, she’s not jealous. Maybe just a little hurt and confused I guess. I stood up from the bed and grabbed her shoulders to get her to stop walking and to look at me. “Alex,” I say softly, “You know why I let go of your hand, I didn’t want to but I had to just for a minute. If it were up to me, I’d hold your hand all day, every day. And someday, that’s going to change, okay?” She smiled at me after I finished and placed her hands on my waist. “I know,” she says while she closes her eyes, “Someday… I love you so much, you know that right?” I kissed her forehead, causing her to smile, before saying, “Yes, I do know that. I love you more, babe. And I always will.” She looked up at me with a bright smile before kissing me softly. I pulled her in closer, making the kiss much deeper. After a moment, air is needed. We rest our foreheads together while we catch our breath. “Do you want to watch a movie?” she asked after a few seconds. “Yeah, I do,” I say with a smile, “Let me change real quick.”
After I changed into my pajamas, I got into bed next to Alex while she put on a movie. “So,” she says while intertwining our fingers, “You were really great with Liv again tonight. She really loves you.” I smiled softly at her before saying, “Yeah, she’s super adorable. I love her, too. And I saw the way you were looking at me while I was talking to her. You looked really happy, babe.” Alex smiled softly while she nodded her head at me. “You know who would make a really great mom?” I asked. “Besides you? I don’t know, who?” she answered. I moved a stray hair out of her face to behind her ear before lifting her chin to meet my gaze as I said, “You.” She let out a small laugh before looking down at our hands. “I don’t know,” she said softly, “I never really thought about it before. Soccer has taken up my whole life. I guess I’ve just been waiting for the right person to come along and show me that there’s more than just soccer…” I lifted her chin again and said, “You’d be a great mom, Alex. I know this is really soon to talk about, but you found me. I’ll show you things outside of soccer if you’ll let me…” She looked at me with tears forming in her eyes. She pulled me in for a kiss as a tear fell to her cheek. “I love you, babe,” I say after we pulled away as I wiped the tears from her cheeks, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” She was still crying but it was out of joy as she said, “I love you so much more, baby. I’ll never leave you, no matter what.” She looked like she just found the one thing she’s searched her whole life for…
To Be Continued
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Forgotten Nightmares (3/3)
chapters: 1   2   3 
this is probably one of the most disturbing, interesting stories i’ve written. i hope you guys like it!
“I’ve always been a fan of you, I have to admit.” Audrey’s voice sounded from above. 
“When I was alone I would always sing your song when working.” Gretel continued. 
“Isolation in the woods, part of me had hoped you would have arrived, that’s how desperate I was.” Briar said.
 “You were a nice story I always used to tell my Lost Boys, around a hundred years ago,” Peter spoke. 
“Who. Are. you?” The Headless Horseman questioned. 
“We want you to release the F7!” Goldie yelled, making it all too familiar to the boys who they were. 
“Goldie, remember when we said we were going to let them do the talking?” Snow gently hushed her. 
“Right, sorry!”
 The Headless Horseman huffed, “You want them? Then come get them,” he unsheathed his sword that, admittedly made everyone in the room quiver in fear. 
“Alright then, Briar, shall we?” 
“Let’s go!” Briar and Audrey dropped down from the ceiling platform. Briar devilishly smiled as the horse revved its motor with its hoof. 
“I’ll let you get started first, meet you in a bit.” Audrey told her.
 “Got it!”
 Audrey quickly disappeared as the horse charged at the pair. 
Briar hastily drew her sword and clashed with the Horseman. She was able to jump on the horses head as she fought him. The horse had reared up in panic, causing the Horseman to fall down. “Audrey!” 
The latter quickly dashed forward and gashed deep slits at the Horseman's body with her sharp water swords. He tried to reach for his sword but it was quickly grabbed by Briar who pointed it at him. He grunted in frustration as his head came to attack Audrey with its flames, however it was quickly put out as she blasted gallons of water on it. 
“Your turn!” she yelled as the Headless Horseman started to make a quick recovery.
 Briar and Audrey jumped back up to the ceiling only for three more individuals to drop down. “Peter, why don’t you take the first one, distract him for us.” Gretel said and Goldie smiled as she twisted her axe on her fingers. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Peter flew to his direction and picked his head up, throwing it up and treating it like a volleyball. “You’ve got some major anger management issues, my guy.” 
“Put me down, boy!” he yelled.
Peter looked sideways for a bit and smiled, “If you say so,” he let his head drop and as soon as it reached the ground, the Horseman heard a voice soon after from above. He looked above and saw Goldie yelling a battle cry as she had her axe ready to smash his head. To his luck he rolled away and her axe hit the floor. 
Stuck on the ground for a brief moment, Goldie grunted, “Urgh…” her eyes were dark as she freed her axe and said the following words, “You’re making me work!” and successfully swung his head to the wall.
They were too preoccupied with the head that he didn’t notice that his body was being planted with bombs by Gretel. “We’re out of here, give it thirty seconds! Snow, Gwen, finish it!” she yelled as they jumped back up.
 The mentioned fell down, “Ready?” Snow asked Gwen who nodded and turned into her Werewolf form. 
The Headless Horseman saw the transformation and frowned, “Oh, it’s you. You know the original Werewolf would’ve loved this.” 
Snow grabbed the head and immediately crushed it with her bare hands before he mumbled something soon after. Gwen gashed the body with her claws as much as she could and threw it to the side, far from the F7 as she reverted back to human. 
The rest of the group jumped down once more. Audrey moved her hands forward and created a wall of water around the body. Once she did she nodded at Gretel who pressed a button on her remote, and a violent explosion shook the walls. The Headless Horseman was no more. 
Audrey removed the wall only to see ash left on the floor. The Fearless Seven were finally able to breathe again, as their backs hurt from all the tension and nervousness they felt. Their partners immediately tried to free them. 
“Merlin!” Snow broke his chains with her hands. 
“Snow-ohwoh-I wasshk, and i ashuf.” Merlin started rambling gibberish as Snow comforted him. 
“Are you alright?” Audrey whispered as Jack hugged her, 
“Thank heavens you’re here..” he mumbled gratefully. 
“Told you my tracker was useful,” Gretel told Pino as she freed him.
 “Yeah, you’re right.” he forced a chuckle, still shaken up. 
“Did you see me?! I missed at first but then I hit him like I scored a home run-” 
“Yeah, yeah, I saw...” Noki collapsed on Goldie’s shoulder out of exhaustion. 
Kio was oddly quiet as Peter freed him, which made him feel awkward “Hey..so..are you like, okay? Or-” and Kio threw his arms around him as he lightly sobbed. Just lightly though. 
“You think I should keep this?” Briar referred to the Horseman’s sword as she cut Hans loose with it.
 “No, could be cursed.” he laughed, although like Pino, slightly forced. 
“You alright? You had no trouble transforming?” Arthur worriedly asked Gwen.
“I’m fine! It was easy.” she grinned. 
As the group made their way back home, the F7 was still oddly quiet. 
“Geez, you guys are still that shaken up about it?” Peter frowned.
 “You weren’t there when he first appeared! It was terrifying, like the stories but much worse!” Arthur explained, 
“Yeah have you ever had his head up close to you?” Noki exclaimed.
 “I literally just knocked his head out like he was a golf ball like, thirty minutes ago.” Goldie said. 
“Well, on the bright side, we’re passing by a beautiful sunset now.” Gretel smiled as she looked to her left. 
They were passing by a road that overlooked the sea, to their right was a large field that would’ve been perfect to have a picnic. Gwen made a mental note in her mind that she wanted to come back here. 
“Well, it is beautiful indeed,” Hans noted as he looked at the reflecting ocean. 
“Pretty if we had a camera,” Kio said. 
Briar raised her eyebrows, “Hey, what time is it?”
 “4:13, why?” Pino told her. 
“It’s just, why are the clouds so dark and gloomy? And it’s getting pretty cold..” she shook her arms. 
“Would this be Frost again?” Snow White asked.
Jack shook his head, “He’s in the North Pole with the other Guardians helping for Christmas, right Audrey? 
But Audrey had her head down and didn’t respond as she stood perfectly still.
 “Mon amour?” Jack went up to her and tucked her hair behind her ears. As soon as he did he almost immediately flinched back as he saw the pupils of her eyes were no more. It was as if she went blind again. 
“Audrey?! Can you hear me?” he tried shaking her but she would budge.
“Merlin!” Jack turned around as Snow yelled. He too was in the same state as her. 
“What’s happening to them?!” Briar looked in panic. 
“This is almost scary..” Gwen scrunched her face in worry.
 The clouds became darker and bright light flashed for a second before a loud boom in the sky was heard. After the thunder, rain began pouring down, softy at first, but then the droplets became bigger, and it almost hurt their skin, like needles were falling down from the sky. 
Merlin and Audrey then began to walk in sync, out of the road and into the big field.  “What are they doing?” Arthur yelled out through the raging winds. 
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Merlin took his spells out, and lighting all the way from the clouds reached his hands. Audrey lifted her right arm to the ocean, and gallons of violent water came to her side.
 “No way...are they gonna fight?!” Peter exclaimed. 
Snow suddenly then gasped, she heard the Headless Horseman mumble something just before she crushed his head:
“At the sixteenth hour and thirteenth minute, one of you shall join me in my doom. I will not perish alone.” 
“The Horseman..he cursed them, just before he died. Merlin and Audrey won’t stop fighting until one of them dies.” Snow said fearfully.
 “We have to stop them!” Jack yelled.
 Immediately after he did, Audrey and Merlin disappeared for a moment, before reappearing again and caused the biggest explosion of water with electricity running through it. Trees were burnt and drowned at the same time, and the group had managed to take cover on a slope. 
“How the hell are they this powerful?” Hans grunted as he put his wok out as a shield.
 Merlin and Audrey kept throwing their elements at each other, not stopping as destruction of the ground was far from their minds. Audrey restrained Merlin’s limbs with water chains before he generated electricity, making it run across the water forcing Audrey to drop him. It was at this moment where Snow hit her head against Merlin’s, and Jack punched Audrey’s head with his ring, knocking the two out as their elements died down. 
The storm was clearing up and the group used this as an opportunity to head back to the White Palace, in fear of any other curses that might take place. 
Merlin’s eyes shot open as he sat up on his bed. “What happened-” 
“Merlin!” Snow and Arthur rushed to his side. 
“God, if there’s one thing I know now, it’s to never upset you and Audrey at the same time.” 
“Me and...what happened? We were just at the sunset- “ 
“It’s alright, we’ll tell you everything later.” Snow assured him. 
On the opposite room, Audrey slowly woke up as well. 
Isabella gasped, “Your highness, she’s awake!” she called out.
 Jack hastily came out of the bathroom and ran to his wife and her maid. “Are you alright? Who am I? Who is she?” He quickly asked her. 
“What...Jack..and Isabella...what are you talking about?” 
Jack sighed in relief, “Good, I didn’t hit you too hard.” 
Everyone else was in the parlor, eating dinner as it was quiet all around. “Are we really sure he’s gone?” Goldie asked. 
“Snow made sure of it, he could’ve only brought out one curse by the time she killed him.” Kio nodded. 
“It’s already past the deadline for that curse, so they’ll be a hundred percent okay.” Noki followed up. 
Gretel looked at her brother, “You don’t think there are other old Nightmares that are still out there, are there?” 
Hans shook his head, “We’ll deal with them when we will, if ever.”
Though all of them hoped there would never be an ‘if ever’. 
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Loving Her: Alex Morgan - Chapter 17
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Alex POV:
“No.” I said as I opened the door to see Allie, Kelley, Tobin, and Ash standing there with various upset looks.
Without saying a word, Allie reached forward taking my arm and looking at my hand. The ring that we had just got sat comfortably as they all inspected it.
“Are you engaged?” Tobin asked as they all walked past me into the room. (Y/N) was sat on the bed looking at her phone as Ash grabbed her arm looking at the ring that was on her finger.
“No.” she said snatching her arm back. I walked over and sat next to my wife waiting for them to ask more questions.
“You’re not engaged? Then, explain the rings…”
“We’re married.” I said as they all gave me shocked looks.
“WHAT!?” Kelley yelled looking between us both. I turned to see (Y/N) texting Christen as I waited for her to look up.
“Yeah. We are married.” She said looking up at them. All of them glared at her as I chuckled at how nonchalant she was being.
“Since when?”
“We got married before the final.” I explained as they all then gave us hurt looks. I bit my lip knowing that we were going to have to have this conversation with various people over the next couple of weeks.
“You got married and didn’t tell us?”
There was a knock on the door as I stood up and opened it. Christen gave me a smile as she and Pinoe walked into the room. I went back and sat down throwing my legs over (Y/N)’s lap and resting my arm around her.
“This is such garbage. We are supposed to be you’re friends and you had this major event without us.” Tobin said angrily crossing her arms. I was slightly surprised because usually she is so chill but she genuinely looks very upset with us.
“What happened?”
“They got married in France before the final.” Kelley said with an irritated expression.
“Oh.” Christen said shrugging her shoulders.
“Oh did you send me the videos for that actually?” (Y/N) asked the other forward who nodded her head while pulling her phone out.
“I forgot but I’ll send them right now.” She said as the midfielder nodded her head.
“You knew!?” Tobin asked with a look of hurt on her face.
“I did…” Christen said carefully.
“Don’t be mad at her. I made her promise not to tell anyone. We didn’t exactly want everyone to know at the time.” She said with a defensive look on her face.
“Why not?”
“It wasn’t your business.” She said causing all of them to get hurt looks on their face.
“Okay…” I said as they all looked to me. “It was a last minute decision. We weren’t going to tell anyone but given what was going on that day Becky and Christen were trying to check on (Y/N) which is the only reason that they know.”
“I knew too. So does Servando.” Pinoe said shrugging as they all gave her wide eyed looks.
“Servando knew before I did!” Allie yelled as we all nodded.
“To be fair, he found out when I punched him.” I gave her a look of disapproval as she smiled at me.
“Yeah it was great.” Pinoe commented getting a grin from my wife. I shook my head at her as she gave me a giant grin.
“Look, we plan on having a wedding that you can all help us plan. We didn’t want to wait though.” They all frowned as I smiled and kissed (Y/N) on the cheek.
“I swear to god I will fight all of you….I’m really not in the mood right now.” She continued as most of them gave her a dirt look. No one protested though and for that I was grateful.
“So, what are you guys thinking for date and time?” Kelley asked crossing her arms.
“I don’t know. We still need to tell my family.” I said gaining more wide-eyed looks from everyone.
“Your parents don’t know?” Allie said with a shocked look on her face.
“What part of we didn’t tell anyone do you not get?” (Y/N) asked with an irritated gaze. I chuckled slightly as everyone shrugged.
“How do you think they will react?” Christen asked looking between the both of us.
“I think my family will freak. I know they will probably have concerns considering how everything with Servando happened so…”
“Santiago and Sebastian are definitely going to murder me.” The girl next to me said as everyone shot her amused looks. The team had come to adore the boys in the short time that they had known them. Mostly because of how protective they are over (Y/N), but they are also super entertaining.
“That should be a fun conversation.” Pinoe commented as everyone laughed.
“Yeah…I can’t wait.” She responded sarcastically.
Eventually, they all left as I decided that maybe it was a good idea to let my family know sooner rather than later.
I laid down on the bed pulling my phone out as I called my mom. (Y/N) laid down on my stomach wrapping her arms around my waist giving me a smile as we waited for my mom to answer. I had the phone on speaker phone as I lazily ran my fingers through her hair.
“Hey sweetheart.” I heard my mom as I smiled.
“Hi mom” I said somewhat nervously.
“What are you doing?”
“Just laying here with (Y/N).”
“Hey Pam” she said as my mother said hello back to her. I forget how much my mom adores her. Hopefully, that will make this conversation easier.
“Are you guys enjoying New York?”
“Yeah, its been really hectic but nothing we can’t handle.” I said as (Y/N) smirked at me clearly knowing I was avoiding saying why I called.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“Can’t I just call my mom?” I asked earning a scoff from her as I got a grin from the girl in front of me.
“Alex I’ve never known you to just randomly call me. Your phone calls usually have a purpose.”
“I need to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out.”
“Might as well just tell me what’s going on…”
“Okay…(Y/N) and I are married…we got married while we were in France.” I said quickly as I waited for a response.
“You did not.” There was a ton of disapproval in her voice as I bit my lip. “Alex please don’t tell me you eloped.”
“I did, but I can explain.” I said quickly as she sighed.
“Go ahead.”
“Okay…I love her a lot mom. I know that I am meant to be with her and before you say this is the same situation as before…it’s not. It’s different. I feel different. I don’t have any fears about whether my heart is safe or not. I know that this future I am creating with her is what I am supposed to do. Asking her to marry me was the best decision I could have made. Things aren’t always going to be easy for us, but I don’t want to do this with anyone else.”
(Y/N) had a soft smile on her face as she stared at me. I needed her to know that there was only truth in my words. The only future I want is with her.
“Alex…I just wished we had known about this. I think we all would have loved to have been there.” She said though she didn’t sound mad anymore.
“I know.”
“If I may…we are still planning on having a whole ceremony and stuff and we would love for you to be as involved as possible.” (Y/N) said as I heard my mother let out a gasp.
“Oh my gosh! Of Course. We will have to start planning as soon as possible.” She said as she went on her own tangent of things we would need to do. I just smiled as I listened to her ramble on before she finally decided that she needed to go to do some research on stuff. She suggested letting the rest of my family know as we let her know we had phone calls planned for everyone else.
After we got off the phone, we called other members of my family. Everyone seemed to have similar reactions to my mothers as (Y/N) just smiled at how predictable they all were. We then decided to call Sebastian and Santiago. I could tell she was nervous because they are such a huge part of her life.
“What’s up Bitch?” Santiago’s voice came through the phone as (Y/N) just rolled her eyes.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t” he said immediately causing her to smile.
“Are you with Seb?” she asked as we then heard Sebastian’s voice come through the phone.
“Hey (Y/N)!” she grinned at hearing the boys voice.
“Hey!” I smiled at the excited look on her face.
“What can we do for you?”
“Alex and I got married in France.” My jaw dropped slightly at how blunt she had been as she just smiled at me.
“What?” Both boys sounded shocked as she shook her head in amusement.
“Yeah…we got married.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“No. I am not. We got married and we do plan on having a ceremony and stuff. I want you to know that I have thought it through, and I don’t regret my decision of saying yes when she asked.”
“She asked you?” Santiago asked as (Y/N) sighed clearly knowing what was coming next.
“That’s very bottom of you.” I grinned at her as she rolled her eyes.
“I’m a top thank you very much. The slutty lisa if you will…” I gave her a confused look as she shook her head.
“Does that make Alex the horny puppy?” he asked as I heard Sebastian scold him.
“I don’t know what that means but it doesn’t sound good at all.” I said as (Y/N) burst into laughter.
“Oh. Hey Alex.” He said nervously. “I don’t really know how to properly explain that statement…”
“You know what? I don’t want to know.” I said as my wife gave me a grin.
“Well…I won’t lie. It sucks that we weren’t informed of your wedding, but I am really happy for you guys. Also, dibs on best man.” Sebastian said as the boys then started arguing over who would be the best man for (Y/N).
“Okay we can argue later…I got to go.” She said ignoring them.
“Fine. I loooooove you.” Sebastian said as she smiled at the phone.
“Love you Lisa.” Santiago said as they got off the phone.
“Please explain.” I said immediately as she grinned at me.
“I don’t know even know where to begin.” She said as I rolled my eyes. That was basically code for she wasn’t going to. I know her tricks.
Eventually, we decided that we might as well make a public post about it knowing that it was only a matter of time before everyone found out. We both posted things on our social media accounts before deciding to stay off and just spend time with each other. It wasn’t long before we had to go out for dinner.
Our dinner seemed to pass my very quickly as we enjoyed the company of our teammates. It was nice being able to enjoy our time with everyone. Mostly everyone seemed to take our marriage really well. We were congratulated by everyone after promising invites to the wedding to the whole team.
“Tomorrow is going to be amazing, but like also suck…” she said as we laid in bed later that night. I nodded my head knowing what she meant. It was going to be fun, but also extremely stressful.
“I know what you mean. Some unforgettable memories though.” I commented as she nodded her head.
It didn’t take long for sleep to find us considering how much stress we’ve been under. That seems to be the one thing we are really good at. I don’t know how I will be able to cope when we have to go back to our clubs. It’s been bothering me a lot. I’ve grown used to her being right there and being away from her for even a few hours feels unbearable. It’s something that will definitely take some adjustment for me and I am not thrilled about it.
The next morning seemed to go very quickly as we had to be up and out to head out for the ticker tape parade. I was relieved to find out that I would be on the same float as (Y/N), Ali, Ash, Pinoe, Becky, etc. I know (Y/N) was especially relieved about Becky.
Prior to the parade starting, it was mostly all of us drinking and messing around. I could tell (Y/N) wasn’t drinking from how reserved she remained through the morning. In the times I have done things with her, she has never been a huge drinker. She usually remains pretty sober and takes care of me which I am grateful for.
“This is amazing.” She said looking around as we made our way through the parade. I smiled at the look of awe on her face. Even with all the sights around us, her face still managed to be the best thing I could look at. She looked at me as I grinned at her. I kissed her cheek as Pinoe then offered us more drinks.
We continued through the parade before finally getting to city hall. We went through that whole ordeal and getting our keys. (Y/N) bit her lip in amusement as Carlos got booed. I think we all trust that he will do right by our team, but it doesn’t make it any less funny. I almost lost it seeing the excited look on (Y/N)’s face when she got her key. Kelley and Allie also almost killed me with their whole situation with the keys.
Once it was over, we got a quick lunch before heading to the airport to get head to LA. Mostly everyone was getting ready on the plane or doing their best to do so. I grinned as Kelley and Ash whined at (Y/N) to explain the ‘slutty lisa’ and ‘horny puppy’ conversation from the night before.
“You wouldn’t get it anyway. You don’t know the context.” She said as they both pouted at her.
“Yeah but Alex said that Santiago said she was the horny puppy of the relationship…so like what does that mean?” Kelley asked with a suspicious look on her face.
“It’s like a top-bottom conversation but its more of an inside joke between us. I’m not explaining the context to you.” She said as Ash rolled her eyes before walking away.
“So, like in my relationship….” Kelley said as (Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Who is the slutty lisa?”
“In my opinion?”
“Yes.” Kelley said a little too quickly.
“You would be the slutty Lisa and Chrissy the horny puppy.”
At this point, Sonnett and them were practically on the ground laughing as I chuckled at the smile that had graced Kelley’s face.
“Nice. Okay do preath…” My wife grinned and went to open her mouth when Christen cleared her throat.
“I will punch you so hard.” She said glaring at (Y/N) who bit her lip most likely weighing in her head if it was worth it.
“Okay I won’t….Lisa….” she said before trying to dodge Christen who went to smack her on the arm.
Once we arrived in LA, it was a whirlwind to get to the ESPY’s on time. We were all running around as I made my way out of the hotel room. (Y/N) and I had got dressed separately because I had to do some quick planning with my team, and she hadn’t really wanted to be too involved. Some of the dresses were super nice and I wanted to impress her, so I was pretty grateful that she opted not being there.
As soon as I made sure my hair was good, I walked out of the room to see (Y/N) leaning against the wall outside my room. She was looking down at her phone clearly waiting for me. I took the moment to check her out. She had a black suit on that matched my dress really nicely. I know my team had something to do with her outfit so I would need to thank them later. She glanced up and smiled biting her lip slightly as her eyes roamed my body. I shook my head as she took a step towards me offering me her arm.
“You look really sexy.” She commented causing some of the girls that were with us to smile.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I said leaning over and kissing her cheek. We got in the elevator as she leaned against wall smiling at me. Her eyes went down my body again as something caught her eye. She frowned grabbing my arm and inspecting the bruise that the dutch player had left on me.
“I’ll fight them.” She muttered as I shook my head.
“No, you are not.” I said causing her to frown.
“I thought you dove.” One of my stylist and close friends said.
“So did the rest of the world.” I commented causing (Y/N) to frown.
“You didn’t though. I’m still going to fight.” I rolled my eyes as we exited the elevator and made our way to the car to take us to the show. We were running late already so we needed to hurry. As we got comfortable in the car, I noticed (Y/N) frowning at her phone.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as she looked over at me.
“I agreed to meet with my sister. She wants to meet in like two or three days. She invited me to her house. I’m just really nervous.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked wanting to do as much as I can for her.
“No, you’re going to be so busy the next few days…”
“Hey, you’re more important to me than all of this. If you want me to go, then I will be there.” I said causing her to give me a weak smile.
“I would love for you to go with me then…I don’t want to do it alone.”
“Then, I’ll be there.” I said earning a soft smile from her. She leaned over and gave me a kiss.
Once we arrived too the show, everything happened quickly. I took home the award for best female athlete and the team took home the award for best team. Since we announced that we are married already, I was able to thank (Y/N) in my speech earning a giant smile from her.
We had been invited to a few after parties, but I was way too tired and with everything I still had to do in the coming days I knew it was better to not attend. There were no complaints from (Y/N) who decided to lay down on the couch of our hotel room. I smiled laying on top of her as I rested my head on her chest listening to her heartbeat. It didn’t take long for met to doze as she had been scratching my back lightly.
The next day also seemed to fly by as I was pulled away for more interviews and media. I was bummed cause I couldn’t spend anytime with (Y/N) which was horrible. I know how nervous she is for the meeting with her sister, so it was killing me to be away from her. She had been spending time with my family and her friends. My mom had thrown a ton of stuff for wedding planning at her to which I got some great reaction pictures and videos from my sisters.
“Your mom is trying to kill me I swear to god.” She mumbled as I chuckled at her. I had just got back from a full day of media. I was laying in her arms trying to fight the tiredness so I could spend a little bit of time with her.
“She’s just excited.”
“Still…I don’t really care about the details. I just want to be there with you.” She said as I grinned at her. I gave her a kiss earning a smile from her in return.
“I want you to have what you want though.” She shrugged her shoulders causing me to chuckle slightly.
“Like I said…” she trailed seemingly getting lost in her own thoughts.
“Are you nervous for tomorrow?” I asked earning a nod from her.
“Yeah…I haven’t seen my sister in so long. I don’t know what’s going to happen.” She admitted as I nodded my head.
“You can always change your mind you know…”
“I know. I just…I want it to go well. She sounds super apologetic. If this goes well, I could get my sister back. I don’t think it will ever be the same, but its something…”
“It is.” I agreed as she nodded her head.
“Well, whatever happens tomorrow I will be there by your side.” She nodded her head giving me a kiss. After that, I realized I couldn’t fight the tiredness any longer as I snuggled into her arms and drifted off into sleep.
In the morning, I could tell she was nervous. She was unusually quiet as we got ready. I did my best to offer her some comfort to which she seemed to accept. From what I could gather, she had been texting back and forth with quite a few people most likely getting advice from everyone. Christen and I had talked about it just a little the day prior. I was a little shocked to know she knew but considering they are best friends I really shouldn’t have been so surprised.
The car ride to her sister’s house seemed to go by quickly as we were soon outside. The house was two story house that was quite big. Her sister clearly did well for herself as we got out the car. We made our way up to the front door. (Y/N) seemed to hesitate to knock as I frowned at her.
“We can still leave.” I said softly as she nodded at me.
“I know. I just…I am scared.” She said shaking her body slightly. I took her face in my hands giving her a kiss.
“I am with you the whole time. We can leave whenever you want, and I promise that if this doesn’t go well…Pinoe and Ash will beat her up.” She laughed slightly giving me a soft look. She leaned her forehead against mine.
“Thank you.” She said as she turned back towards the door. She knocked and we waited for the door to open. It felt like an eternity before the door was pulled open. There before us was a woman who seemed not much older than (Y/N). I immediately noticed all the similarities between them as her eyes shined slightly. Her gaze was completely focused on my wife. She had something that seemed like awe and wonder in her eyes as she stared at (Y/N). There was something else in her eyes that I couldn’t place. Maybe something like a silent apology or something….almost like she was pleading with her.
“(Y/N)” she said breathlessly and somewhat stressed.
“Hey…” (Y/N) replied nervously.
“Please come in.” she said as she stepped inside inviting us in. We walked into the house and the inside seemed very cozy. There were family pictures on the wall, and I didn’t miss the hurt look on (Y/N)’s face at seeing them. She wasn’t in any of them. It seemed like her family had gone to great lengths to cut her out of the family. “Now, I need you to let me explain.”
“Explain what?” (Y/N) asked as we made our way through the house following her sister to what seemed like the kitchen.
It felt like watching a car accident as we entered the room. Watching a horrifying moment happen and knowing you can’t stop it. All I could do was stand there as (Y/N) froze completely staring at the people sitting there. The attention seemed to completely turn to my wife as she surveyed the room. They all seemed to keep their focus on her as a man that I had seen once before stood up.
“(Y/N).” he said as she swallowed looking at her sister with betrayal before shifting her gaze back to him.
To Be Continued…
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love
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Hello Love
Part 1
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
a tvd crossover AU story
a/n: well, here is another fluffy fanfiction crossover story. This time all human. Since I am a huge fan of the vampire diaries - kind of always do crossovers with them.
As of recent I really started to like the character of Nick Amaro from Law&Order_svu, played by Danny Pino. I also love him as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC... and so, in this story - paired with Elena Gilbert, of course, my favourite female character.
I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. xoxo
tag @miguelsbrat​
"The conversation ended really bad," Elena said to Caroline, "I can't breathe- I have this pain here"
The brunette put her hand on her chest.
"Elena-now you are exaggerating. You said the same thing when you broke up with Matt." Caroline was blunt with her oldest friend.
"This is different. I thought he was the one." Elena tried to make her point why she was so upset.
"Guys sleep around,you know that. Maybe not all, but -  Damon is such a guy-ok-where is your bag, your keys? Come on we need drinks. Lots of Martinis! "Caroline helped her friend put her jacket on. Elena wiped her tears off.
"Come on, get into the car" The blonde huffed a bit.
Elena could not say no to her and she didn't want to. She needed her friends beside her and she knew that, even though they could not make the heartache magically go away, they will do everything to make her feel a bit better.
They drove off to a place called Liberty Park. Elena put her sunglasses on, to hide her puffed up eyes. She felt a throbbing headache now set in.
"A walk in the park and some air will help", Caroline chatted away, "so tell me- you went to his place and she opened the door"
"Yes - and he was  like - oops, sorry - this  here - Krystal being there - it just a mistake- I love you like crazy, yadda, yadda, yadda-URGH-sure he loves me like crazy- and then sleeps with her?!" Elena inhaled sharply now and Caroline could notice that anger was taking over. It was good. Anger was the first step of starting to deal with the situation. Or maybe not. But, at least she was not crying anymore.
"Anger is good. Let it all out." Caroline said in a supportive kind of a tone, continuing, of course with questions, "And so what did you tell him? Why did you get into the fight in the first place?"
"Well, about her! Whenever she calls, he just goes over to her place. I know that they have a kid,-and now I will sound like a bitch- and I love the boy! You know me. I love kids. I want to have at least three-huh"
"Maybe, she staged everything?!" Caroline then said.
"No, he actually admitted sleeping with her!" Elena said.
"Really?" Elena nodded, "Stefan said they broke up because she wanted time off to herself. She kicked Damon out, right?!"
"I think that he has never really stopped loving her. And they have a five- year old kid - and what was I thinking?!"
"Stop that. You fell for him. And it's not the end of the world. Come on now, you need a Maritni. I know I do!" Caroline now urged her to go to their favourite bar that was not far from the park.
To give Elena much needed girly support, Caroline now called their other three friends to join them. Dialling Rebekah Mikaelson's number first.
"Rebekah?! Yes, if you can-of course we are- will call Bonnie-can you call Yemaya?-Good-Yep-See ya."
"I want pizza and and a big load of Martinis, so I can forget everything!" Elena said as they sat down at a table.
Caroline now told the waiter to keep the Martinis coming.
Elena was a sensitive creature, full of dreams, pure emotion, a sweet soul. Caroline was a very pragmatic one, strong, very opinionated, but with a heart of gold. And she would do anything for her bffs, but also for all those who suffered in any way. No wonder she got a law degree.
"Why me? I loved him" Elena now ventured into the self pity zone.
"You just fall in love- and put all heart out there!" Caroline stated, "and  usually with the wrong guys- just like me! But you will be cured. Bonnie will get the pizza. I'll give her a call."
Whenever there was a heartbreak, problems at work or family problems, the five would meet no matter what it was, they made a pact to be there for one another. But they also found time to get together to have a good time as well.
"Breathe now, Elena!" Rebekah said as she arrived a bit later, hugging her friend. "You will forget him! I promise you! Tomorrow it will be- Damon, who!?"
The waiter now served them another round of cocktails.
"Cocktails and pizza, seriously?" Bonnie said as she finally arrived.
"Elena wanted pizza?!" Caroline explained.
"Nevermind. What did you get?" Rebekah now said and  opened the pizza box.
"Extra cheese and pepperoni" Bonnie replied.
"Perfect! Caroline said taking a slice.
"It's kareoke night!" Bonnie looked at the board near the bar, adding, "Yemaya will be late. She has to finish her  article!"
"I don't know why she won't come and work for me-but I guess she likes to be a serious journalist and not write about fashion." Rebekah remarked taking a sip of her drink.
Rebekah was the editor of a fashion magazine in her family's newspaper empire. She and Caroline met in college and struck a friendship immediately. Bonnie became friends with Elena and Caroline in senior high as she moved from a small town from the north. Yemaya was Bonnie's cousin on her father's side.
The only one of them that had a steady relationship was Bonnie, dating Rebekah's brother Kol. The other women had loads of heartbreaks behind them and knew exactly how Elena felt.
A crazy fun night was starting as finally Yemaya arrived at the bar.
Rebekah, Elena and Caroline entertained everyone with their kareoke night. Letting go was just what everyone needed. Noone cared  about how they actually would feel in the  morning. But who cared about the hangover on a working day, once in a while everything needed to be let loose.
Caroline made sure Elena got home safe and sound, tucking her into bed litterally.
"You are my best bestie" Elena muttered with a drunken cheerful smile.
"Sweet dreams!" Caroline smirked at her friend before she switched off the light.
She exited Elena's tiny apartment.
The morning arrived, or better said, lunch hour was already on for most people, when she woke up and checked at her phone. There  were several missing calls with Damon's name on the display. She tossed the phone away and now tried to get up. Her head still felt woozy and she slightly regretted having way too many Martinis. She walked to the bathroom very slowly. A long shower would help as always.
Rebekah and Caroline already had met for brunch. Unlike Elena, they eased up with their drinks but were revisiting some of the scenes of the previous night.
"You could have chosen singing career. I never understood why you got into Law School." Rebekah remarked.
"My mum and dad - you she is the dective and he is the lawyer. It's good that I can let some steam out once in a while."
"Do you think she will take Damon back?! You know, Elena-she will get soft when he starts talking sweet to her"
"I don't know," Caroline said, "I really didn't get that she got into Damon. I have always thought that it would be his brother Stefan. They could talk, he was always helping her with stuff. After the break up with Matt."
"Wasn't she also going out with Tyler? He was really something.  Can I guy be so full of himself?!" Rebekah said.
"Ah, don't mention Tyler. So  wrong for her"
"Is there any right guy out there?!" Rebekah wondered, as she had a string of unhappy relationships and loads of one-night stands that she wanted to forget.
"Bonnie is the lucky one. I thought that Kol had already proposed. They are now four years together." Caroline changed the subject.
"I think that he is going to ask her to move in together. Well, they practically live together. One weekend they are inhis apartment, the next weekend in hers. Oh, I got news. Big news. Klaus is coming home. He is done building houses in Eastern Europe. Mother is preparing a great welcome party on Saturday. You guys are all invited." Rebekah said.
"Klaus is coming home?! His been like away-what-forever?!" Caroline remarked.
"Ten years. And so is Miguel. My adoptive brother. I guess they both had enough of being away from the family. Actually, Miguel has been back for a month now. Buy he is no party person, you know. His son Cristobal is so amazing."
"Cristobal?" Caroline asked.
“Yeah. I am so glad he is back. He is so much fun. Loves photography. He is so like his mother. And he definitely not going to be a surgeon."
"Oh, yeah -Miguel is a surgeon, right?"
"Yes. He is a cardiologist. Oh, when he and Kol get together, there is always talk of scientific research. Boring if you ask me"
"That Kol is an orthopedic surgeon, kind of still is so totally strange," Caroline stated,"you never talked about Miguel!? How come he went to live in Mexico?"
"It's a long story." Rebekah said with a sad huff.
"You said once that his wife died?"
"Yes. And he- kind of shut down. Thank God he had Cris." Rebekah now told her friend a little bit more about Miguel and how he was adopted by her father and mother when he was five years old.
Elena called her shop just to let her staff know that she would be arriving late that day. Her assistant Nora told her that everything was under control and that she can take the day off.
Her phone rang again and now she swiped her call open.
"Stop calling me, Damon! I so don't want to know-I am done!!! We are done!!!!" Elena pressed the red button on the phone to click the call off.
Inhaling sharply she turned to the mirror as she was about to open the door.
"Looking good girl. You are so going to rip him out of your heart!"  She put the sunglasses on and took her bag, slamming the door shut behind her. 
She had no particular idea where she wanted to go. She just wanted to walk. And so she walked. Shopping was always a good option, hoping the hangover would slowly clear up.
Her phone rang and said, "Hey. I am fine, Bonnie. Just taking a walk. Maybe I will get to the shop later. Need to revise some recipes. Yes, he called. But I slammed the phone down on him. I don't really care. I am done crying. I am done with him. I am done dating. Yeah-ok-I will talk to you later"
She now  put the phone in her bag and being still hangover didn't look where she was going, and as she wanted to open the door to a cafe she nearly bumped into a man who was about to do the same.
"Sorry." Elena apologized immediately. 
"Oh-it's my fault- I - just-my thoughts were somewhere else. Please" the man in his forties then opened the door and let Elena get in first.
"I am usually not so distracted”
"It's fine. " the man said. 
They looked at one another as if time had stopped for a moment, and they didn't know what to do next.
"Where are my manners," he then said, "Can I offer you of coffee as an apology?"
"Yes" Elena muttered. "Shall we?"
"Yeah" Elena slipped and they found a nice available table at the window. "They have great smoothies here"
"They do? You know this place very well, then?"
"Pretty much. It's like my breakfast/lunch place- strawberry is the best" Elena recommended.
"Right. I will have a smoothie then- and coffee with skimmed milk" the dapper looking man said to the shop assistant.
Elena ordered nearly the same, adding blueberry pancakes to the order.
This was something he had not done for ages, namely, inviting a woman for a drink so casually, even if it was just a harmless cup of coffee. It was as if someone or something nudged him to do it, or maybe because he saw  certain saddnes in her eyes, or maybe it was just Cupid doing his job of getting two people together.
"I was at a party last night - and kind of had one too many-and need all this to wake up." Elena explained all the food that arrived.
"It must have been some party" the man he said politely.
"I am not usually doing this in the middle of the week- but-it was something out of the ordinary."
"You don't have to explain."
"No, I know. So-what is it that you do?" Elena now took notice that he was wearing a very expensive business suit and his whole aura gave out that he was a very professional man.
"I am a cardiologist. I work at the University hospital."
"Oh, right. I’m a pastry chef." Elena said.
"Ah, so you are very well versed in the sugar department" the man nooded watching at the brunette in a sweet way.
"Yes. I own a shop called Lena's Cookies in the the Linden street."
They chatted some more about her work until a phone call interupted them. He apologized saying that he had to take a call. But soon, Elena's phone went as well. It was Caroline. Elena now told her friend where she was, but nothing about who she was with.
"I am so sorry." the man  said as he returned to the table. "This was my son. I will have to leave now, but it was very nice meeting you-?" In all that initial confusion they had not introduced themselves to one another.
"Elena!"the brunette said.
"Mike! Nice to meet you, Elena." Miguel said with a little smile, excusing himself.
"Mike." Elena muttered to herself as she sat down at the table again and dreamily sipped down her coffee.
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uswntpoet · 5 years
Love on the brain (Part 16)
Hey guys, I hope you're doing fine. I'm sorry this took so long again. The next update will be faster, I promise :) have fun!
The chapter is also up on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17576201/chapters/45625690
Later that day when the sun already set most of the veterans agreed to meet on the patio after they took a shower. Luckily, they almost got the entire hotel to themselves and when Kelley is the first one to get to the patio, it’s completely empty. She lies down on one of the sun loungers and pulls out her phone, checking her texts. Kelley choose a corner with some sofas and some loungers where a small fire pit table is creating a tranquil atmosphere.
“Excuse me Ms.? Can I get you anything?”
The waiter pulls Kelley out of her thoughts and she quickly looks up from her phone.
“You can bring her a huge glass of whiskey. She is going to sleep in the lobby tonight.” Megan calls as she, Ashlyn, Julie, Becky and Crystal approach the table.
“She is kidding.” Kelley quickly clarifies, looking at the waiter with an apologetic look. The waiter smiles back at her, nodding his head.
“Could you bring me an oat milk latte and an espresso?”
“Of course.”
After the waiter took the other orders as well, the group settles around the table.
“You’re a dick Pinoe.” Kelley grins at Megan.
“I do what I can.” Megan winks. Meanwhile, Allie, Christen and Alex also join them.
“Where is Tobin?” Julie asks Christen when they sit down.
“Fell asleep in the armchair while I showered. She’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Typical Tobey.” Kelley laughs, pulling a standing Alex down into her lap.
“It’s always the same with her.” Christen rolls her eyes, laughing as well.
“Alright, the Espresso was for you, right?” the waiter checks, looking at Kelley.
“Yeah, thanks.” Kelley nods, as he sets the tiny cup down on the table.
“The Cappuccino?” the waiter asks, holding up the cup.
“Yes, thank you.” Becky answers, taking the cup out of his hands. The waiter hands out the rest of the beverages until there is only one left.  
“Uhm, an oat milk latte?”
Alex looks around, wondering who has the same coffee order as her when Kelley’s hand flies up, pointing to her.
“For her. Sorry, I already ordered for you. Do you want something else?”
“No, I would have ordered that anyway. Thanks babe.” Alex says, leaning in and giving Kelley a quick peck. When she pulls back, she winks at Kelley, who smiles at her with a megawatt smile in response.
“You guys are so disgusting.” Megan deadpans.
“Exactly my words.” Allie exclaims.
“Then better close your eyes.” Alex says, before kissing Kelley one more time.
“Touché.” Ashlyn laughs. Kelley grabs her espresso, slides back on the sun lounger and pulls Alex with her, so that she is sitting between her legs. Alex leans back into Kelley, resting her head against her chest, cuddling into her with her coffee in hand. Her free hand rests on Kelley’s bend knee, stroking it tenderly. Kelley’s free hand stays around Alex’s waist, resting on her stomach, while her chin rests on top of Alex’s head.
“Okay Kel, now that the kids are gone, what the fuck did you do to a grown man?”
Alex snorts, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, I see, all of the sudden you find that funny, but a few weeks ago I was treated like a war criminal.” Kelley says, leaning forward to look at Alex from the side.
“That’s not true, babe.”
“Anyway, let’s just say I had a strong disagreement with someone.”
“Yeah right, a DiSaGrEeMeNt.” Allie mocks, letting out a laugh.
“What did you do, Kel?” Crystal cracks up.
“Well…I was drunk and somebody came on to Alex and I-“ Kelley starts hesitantly.
“Oh no.” Julie scrunches up her face, to which Alex just nods with a pained expression.
“What?” Megan asks.
“Do you guys remember when that journalist once tried flirting with Alex and Kelley almost ripped out his vocal cords?” Julie laughs and everybody nods, laughing as well.
“Oh right.” Megan exclaims.
“Or, oh my god, when Alex got the black eye in the game against France and Kelley nearly killed one of the players with her tackle, because they wouldn’t play the ball out of bounds?” Becky goes on.
“Daaaamn right, or that other time when-“
“Alright we get it.” Kelley interrupts annoyed.
“So, what did you do?” Christen asks.
“Ehh I…let’s just say I…I may or may not have-“
“She broke his nose.” Alex lets out dryly.
“What???” Megan, Crystal, Ashlyn, Becky, Christen and Julie all exclaim at the same time.
“Thanks.” Kelley says to Alex just as dryly.
“Guys, she didn’t just break his nose! She nearly killed him after almost getting killed herself and that was the second time that evening.”
“Kel!” everyone exclaims again.
“Pfff. As if I’d let anybody touch my fiancée.” Kelley grumbles.  
“Come on Kel, are you serious? That was really irresponsible.” Becky says.
“THANK YOU, BECKY! Finally someone who agrees with me.” Alex exclaims frustratedly.
“Yeah, no that’s really dangerous Kel.” Julie agrees and Christen nods her head.
“He called her a slut.” Kelley says aggravatedly, the memories making her angry again.
“Oh-oh.” Ashlyn says.
“That guy was in for a treat.” Megan laughs.  
“Such a short temper.” Ashlyn chuckles.
“When it comes to people coming on to Alex yes.” Kelley says matter of factly, which earns her a head shake from Alex.
“Did I miss anything?” Tobin asks when she stops in front of the group, remaining standing and leaning against a table.
“Kel broke some guy’s nose because he called Alex a slut.” Christen informs her with a pained expression.
“Duuuuude, savage.” Tobin chuckles, walking over to Kelley giving her a fist bump.
“Awesome.” Alex huffs.
“What’s the matter with you?” Tobin laughs.
“Don’t encourage her. That was reckless.” Alex frowns.
“Alex, I would have done the same if somebody said that to Christen. It’s pretty badass of her to try to win a fist fight with a dude just for you.” Tobin shrugs.
“You hear that? BADASS.” Kelley wiggles her eyebrows, which makes Alex scoff.
“Dude, did you at least look like you put up a fight or did you look like a pus-” Tobin asks.
“Tobin!” Christen interrupts her and throws her a warning look.
“Dude, I swear it was bad. I looked like I got hit by a car.” Kelley laughs and Alex shifts tensely between Kelley’s legs, clearing her throat and picking up a single strand of her hair that has landed on Kelley’s pants.
“Al, how did YOU think she looked?” Allie teases with an evil grin and Alex looks at her annoyed, blushing hardly.
“Oh come on Allie, shut up.” Kelley defends.
“Worms, I’m doing you a favor here.” Allie says, holding up her pointer finger, shortly looking at Kelley before switching her gaze to Alex again, waiting for an answer. Everybody’s attention is drawn towards Alex and she looks away quickly, muttering something under her breath.
“Huh? What did you say? Sorry, Alexandra I can’t understand you.” Allie provokes, seeking revenge for the morning after Kelley’s fist fight when she got woken up unpleasantly to say the least.
“Pretty sexy. She did look pretty damn hot, okay! Is that what you want me to say?” Alex snaps, while Allie starts bursting into loud laughter, the interaction causing the rest of the group to laugh as well. Alex rolls her eyes and lets out a heavy breath.
“I sometimes hate you.”
“You see I am confused. Do you want me to rip people apart for you or not?” Kelley teases, leaning forward to gauge Alex’s reaction. When Kelley’s head pops up in Alex’s sightline, she pushes Kelley back into the backrest by pushing her flat hand against her forehead.
“Watch your mouth, O’Hara.” Alex huffs. Kelley leans forward again, resting her face in Alex’s neck to kiss it softly while enclosing her in a tight embrace around her hips.
“Aw babe, I’m just kidding.” Kelley mutters into her neck. She leans back in the chair, pulling Alex with her and starts kissing Alex’s ticklish spot repeatedly which puts a smile back onto her face. Alex cuddles back into Kelley, laying her head on her chest again after giving her a quick kiss.
“You guys are so mean. Why me?” Alex pouts.
“We bully Tobin and the kids every day, what if it ever gets boring? We need options.” Allie says dramatically.
“You guys suck.” Tobin says, who is still standing with her hands stuffed in her pockets. When she finally sits down next to Christen, she puts her arm around her shoulder and smiles at her brightly.
“How is the most beautiful person doing?” she grins and Christen smiles at her, meaning to respond, but she is interrupted.
“Alex is doing great, thanks for asking.”
“Fuck you, Kel.” Tobin says annoyed.
Kelley snorts, while everyone is laughing loudly. Only Alex is turning around looking at Kelley sternly, her jaw agape. Unfortunately, Kelley doesn’t notice the look Alex is throwing her.  
“Allie, I can reassure you this is definitely never going to be boring.” Kelley grins and Allie laughs while stretching her arm to high five Kelley.
“Good one, O’Hara.” Pinoe laughs.
“Would you stop acting like a dick?” Alex scolds, hitting Kelley’s shoulder lightly. Alex’s tone catches Kelley’s attention immediately and she looks at her wide eyed, holding up her hands innocently.
“Don’t give me that look. Apologize.” Alex warns.
“Alex it’s okay, it was funny.” Christen giggles.
“No, it wasn’t.” Tobin whines.
Alex looks at Kelley with a steely gaze and Kelley musters her expression closely, contemplating her next move. They look at each other for a few more seconds before Kelley breaks the stare-off to look at Tobin.
“I’m sorry Tobs, that was unnecessary and douchy.” Kelley apologizes.
“It’s okay.” Tobin chuckles.  
“Wow guys, we are all witnesses of the power struggle™.” Allie gasps jokingly.
“We don’t have a power struggle.” Alex and Kelley exclaim at the same time.
“Okay, who is the big spoon and would assemble Ikea furniture?”
“Kelley.” the group answers monotone and in unison.
“But who has the power to change their partners mind about everything and is bossing the other one around while she is assembling the furniture?”
“Alex.” The group answers the same way.
“Power struggle.” Allie whisper yells.
“But-“ Alex tries to defend.
“However, it works, because admit it Alex: Kelley is whipped as fuck and-“
“She is not.” Alex argues.
“I am.” Kelley mumbles, which leaves Alex speechless.
“-and you’re bossy.”
Alex turns around, throwing Kelley a helpless look that tells her Alex is starting to get insecure.
“Bossy as hell.” Allie underlines.
“Hey! I like her bossy.” Kelley defends, kissing Alex’s temple.
“Is there anything you don’t like about her?” Allie deadpans. Kelley looks deeply into Alex’s eyes.
“Nope.” Kelley answers casually, not averting her eyes from Alex. She is glad to see that the answer seems to take away the poignant insecurity that Alex’s eyes displayed just seconds ago. Instead Alex smiles at her brightly now.
“Exactly.” Allie rolls her eyes.
“Thanks professor, are you finished with analyzing my relationship?” Kelley asks sharply, her temper starting to show slightly.  
“I could go on for hours. Who is next?” Allie jokes, not taking note of the change in Kelley’s attitude.
“You’re unbelievable.” Alex laughs, trying to lighten up the mood before Kelley will go for Allie’s throat. However, Kelley isn’t quite finished yet.
“Allie if you’d spend half as much of the time you spend on thinking about our relationship and invest it in analyzing Canada for gameday, you maybe could figure out how get us a win. Or better, if you’d stop analyzing at all, you maybe would sleep at night and perform better.” Kelley teases and loud laughter as well as roaring goes through the group while Allie tries to pick up her jaw from the ground.
“UUUUUHH!” Tobin exclaims.
“Ow, that must hurt Allie.” Becky comments.
“GAMEOVER.” Crystal laughs.
“Shazam!” Pinoe yells.
“Fair enough Wormy, I deserved that.” Allie admits with a chuckle. Alex cuddles back into Kelley and takes her hand into her own, squeezing it twice. She then cranes her neck to look up at her and Kelley winks at her serenely, apparently having cooled down. After that all the teasing quiets down and they spend a calm evening together, knowing that the friendly against Canada is coming up in a few days. Little by little, they start making their way back to their hotel rooms, until only Allie, Crystal, Alex, Julie and Kelley remain. When they exit the elevator, Alex interrupts Allie and Kelley’s conversation.
“Hey babe, I’m quickly going to pick up a body lotion at Crystal and JJ’s, okay?”
“Sure, we’ll wait here. “
“Give me 2 minutes.” Alex says, as she follows Julie and Crystal to their room, which is in another hallway on the same floor.
“So…exhibit A, huh?” Allie smirks.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb now, you know exactly what I mean.”
“It’s like you said yourself, you better don’t mess with her if I’m around.”
“Even if it means embarrassing her best friend in front of a huge group of friends?” Allie pouts.
“Especially, if it means that.”
“That’s evil.”
“No Allie, to be quite honest, you making her insecure was evil.” Kelley counters pissed off.
“Woah, hey. That wasn’t my intention.” Allie answers baffled.
“Sorry, that was harsh. Man, I just-“ Kelley groans, stopping midsentence to get her thoughts straight.
“-I just didn’t like the look she gave me. It bothered her and she was too polite to say so in front of everyone.” Kelley says calmly.
“Kel, If I had seen that, I would have stopped. I was just joking, you know that.” Allie says, clearly worried and rueful.
“Yeah, I know we were joking around and who am I to complain, right? I’m always teasing and joking around and we both know normally Alex is totally fine with it either, but apparently it was too much, or you struck a chord. I really didn’t mean to interfere, but you left me no choice.”
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Allie apologizes.
“I know, but you definitely deserved that.”
“What kind of best friend am I?” Allie groans and Kelley puts her hand on her shoulder.
“The best a best friend can be. Come on, don’t worry, knowing Alex she’ll talk to either you or me in the next 24 hours and everything will be just fine. I’m really sorry I lashed out at you.”
“You know Wormy, don’t be sorry. You always defend her and I think that’s a good thing, she’s lucky.”
“No…I am.” Kelley smiles at Alex who is walking down the hallway with the body lotion and two candy bars in hand.
“Look, Crys and JJ also had candy they didn’t want and knowing you guys this is going to be annihilated in the next 30 seconds.” Alex smiles brightly from afar.
“You’re right, you definitely are lucky. I mean look at you, she’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you.” Allie says to Kelley, referring to what they were talking about before while smiling at an approaching Alex.
“There she is. I thought you hit your head for a second, Allie.” Kelley responds through gritted teeth, also still smiling at Alex.
“Here.” Alex says, stopping in front of them and handing them the bars.
“You’re the best.” Kelley and Allie say at the same time before frowning at each other.
“And you’re weird. What were you guys talking about?” Alex asks suspiciously.
“You.” Kelley cheeses at her. Alex chuckles in response as if Kelley was joking, which makes Kelley and Allie let out a sigh of relieve.
“Of course. Hopefully only good things.” she responds, linking arms with Kelley as they start walking down the hallway.
“Only the best.” Kelley mumbles with her mouth full, while Allie is devouring the bar silently.
“See you tomorrow guys.” Allie waves.
“Night, Al.” Alex waves back.
“Try sleeping for once.” Kelley smirks.
“Don’t push it, Wormy.”
“Love you, Allie.” Kelley says ironically, while winking at her and Allie disappears in her room with a dramatic eyeroll. When Kelley turns around, Alex eyes her warily. Kelley quickly starts walking down the hallway towards their room.
“Hey. Stop!” Alex calls after her.
Alex catches up with her while Kelley unlocks the door and Alex puts her body between her and the door, stopping her from entering. It always amazed Alex how well she can read Kelley’s eyes. For Alex it is like reading a manual that contains every detail you need to know and if you look really closely it will tell you even more than just the necessities. However, the answer her favorite pair of eyes tell her in this moment also makes Alex realize that Kelley can read hers as well and if she didn’t already know before, now would be the time she would have found out.
“You gave her a piece of mind, didn’t you?” Alex asks softly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kelley says calmly, pushing past Alex to enter the room. Kelley walks towards her nightstand, starting to take off her jewelry, standing with her back to Alex.
“You were worried, so you tried to wreck her confidence in front of everyone and then you talked to her in the hallway.” Alex assumes correctly, walking up behind Kelley, who is taking off her watch. Alex hugs her from behind and presses her forehead between Kelley’s shoulder blades.
“Kelley.” Alex sighs out softly.
Kelley stops with the watch in hand, observing it, letting out a deep breath.
“It bothered you.” Kelley says quietly.
“You know, I’m a big girl. I’ll talk to her.” Alex whispers against Kelley’s back, pressing a kiss to it. Kelley turns around at that, looking at Alex.
“Why didn’t you tell her right away?”
“I didn’t want to cause a scene. It was a nice evening.” Alex smiles softly. Kelley only smiles back at her for a split second before she starts to frown.
“What is it?”
“It wasn’t her intention, she told me she didn’t know it bothered you.” Kelley says hastily. Alex heart melts at the cute look on her face. Kelley’s forehead is furrowed and her eyes express worry as she gauges Alex’s reaction. She clearly doesn’t want Alex to be upset about the situation as well as with Allie.
“Yeah Kel, I know.” Alex smiles, lifting her hand to stroke Kelley’s cheek, not able to resist the urge to do so.
“Maybe you should talk to her.” Kelley offers carefully.
“I will.”
“Eh, okay? That was easier than I thought.” Kelley breathes out confused. Alex leans in to kiss Kelley softly.
“As cute as you are when you worry about me, you still worry way too much.”
“I don’t want anyone to make you feel insecure.”
“And I love you for that, but poor Allie probably has a hard time sleeping tonight.”
“Pfff, that was self-inflicted.” Kelley rolls her eyes.
“Probably, but there is no need to go overboard, okay tiger?”
“Got it.”
“Good.” Alex smiles, pecking Kelley’s lips before walking into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After a few minutes Kelley joins her just as Alex starts brushing her teeth, standing at the sink. Kelley reaches for her toothbrush and the toothpaste as well, sitting down on the rim of the bathtub behind Alex. Their gazes meet through the huge bathroom mirror and Kelley winks at Alex cutely, making her smile before Alex redirects her attention to her teeth. For a few seconds the only sound that can be heard is the noise of the toothbrushes, however Kelley being Kelley has something else in mind. Kelley observes Alex’s face closely and when she sees that she is totally preoccupied with brushing her teeth she reaches for Alex’s butt to give it a pinch. Alex shrieks loudly, jumping in surprise and turning around quickly to look at Kelley wide-eyed.
“Mhhh!” Alex warns, slapping Kelley’s hand away, not being able to speak due to the toothbrush in her mouth. Kelley just raises her eyebrows innocently and chuckles when Alex throws her a deadpan look. Kelley resumes brushing her teeth as if nothing happened, grinning at Alex which earns her a headshake. They start pulling faces at each other through the mirror but stop when they laugh too much to continue, both proceeding to focus on the task at hand. A few seconds later Alex looks at Kelley through the bathroom mirror again, catching Kelley shamelessly checking her out.
“Oh my god! Stahp lookin at my butt, perv.” Alex gasps with the toothbrush still in her mouth. Kelley starts bursting into laughter, almost spitting a bit of the foaming toothpaste out. Alex turns around, trying to look at Kelley warningly, but having to laugh as well. Kelley pulls Alex closer by the back of her thighs, resting her hands just under Alex’s butt, looking up at her with a dopey smile.
“You look hot.”
“Straight to the point, babe.”
“No need to beat around the bush, I’m talkin phacts.”
“Kel, you need to chill.”
“What I need is sex.”
Alex pulls the toothbrush out of her mouth, chuckling, “You’re so romantic.”
“Pfuck camp, I feel like a teenager in my parents’ house again and-“ Kelley starts but is interrupted by Alex leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek, spreading toothpaste all over her cheek. Alex starts giggling, struggling to keep the foam in her mouth, while Kelley just looks at her unbothered.  
“You know what’s quite alarming?”
Alex shakes her head, still giggling.
“That actually that wasn’t bad at all.” Kelley mumbles.
“Because basically I’m pretty confident that at least 50% of my body consist of your spit.”
“Sounds plausible.” Alex chuckles.
“No seriously, I think we’ve come to a point where you could spit in my food and I still wouldn’t mind it if the food was good in the first place.”
“Phat’s disgusting!” Alex grimaces.
“Of course, but is it though?” Kelley raises an eyebrow, causing Alex to think about it.
“I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but you’re right, I wouldn’t mind either.”
“That’s alarming, isn’t it? I think that’s quite alarming.”
“God, we are disgusting.”
“Totally, but I kiss you anyway, so why would that change anything? Plus, I feel like on a regular my tongue is between your legs far more often than it’s not.” Kelley reasons drily, causing Alex to choke on the toothpaste, rushing to the sink to spit it out.
“Kelley!” Alex exclaims when she has come down from a light coughing fit.
“What? It’s true.” Kelley chuckles.
“It’s not!”
Kelley gives Alex an unconvinced look, “It kinda is.”
“Shut up and brush your teeth.” Alex says, looking as if she has been caught. She turns around on her heel, meaning to leave the bathroom.
“Hey babe?”
“Please don’t spit in my food anyway.” Kelley laughs, making Alex shake her head with a smile. Alex sits down on the bed, leaning against the headboard. She checks her phone and starts retweeting some things on Twitter. After a few minutes Kelley enters the room. First Alex is too engrossed in her phone, but she quickly starts to wonder why Kelley’s silhouette isn’t moving anymore and when she looks up Kelley is standing at the edge of the bed. She is looking at Alex with a sly grin.
“Am I allowed in bed tonight or do I have to test the couches in the lobby?”
“You’re always allowed if it involves a bed.” Alex smirks, winking at Kelley.
“Oh boy, I’m so lucky.” Kelley grins, letting herself fall into the bed and laying down on her back. She looks up at the ceiling and exhales deeply. Alex, who has been watching her the whole time, climbs on top of her. She straddles Kelley’s hips and holds herself up with her hands placed on either side of Kelley’s head. She leans down to connect their lips for a long and loving kiss which takes Kelley by surprise. During the long-lasting kiss Kelley’s hands move to Alex’s face, holding it gently. When Alex pulls away and sits up slightly, Kelley just lays there with her eyes still closed, Alex’s face still in her hands.
“What was that for?” Kelley whispers with a soft smile on her face.
“It was cute how you didn’t want me to hit the ground when you tackled me earlier.”
Kelley opens her eyes only to be met with Alex’s strikingly beautiful eyes.
“You didn’t think I was going to let you hit the ground, did you?”
“You would let anybody hit the ground.”
“Yeah, but not you.” Kelley cheeses.
“I have marks to proof you wrong.”
“Hey, that was before you became my girlfriend though.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know the trick was to date that crazy brunette rowdy who tackles you every chance she gets.” Alex says sarcastically.
“Beginner’s mistake.” Kelley says with a lopsided smirk.
“Ugh, stop with that smirk.” Alex groans, hitting Kelley in the chest lightly.
“I’m not doing anything.” Kelley chuckles, still wearing the smirk.
“Stop it.”
“Because I can’t bear it.”
Kelley grabs Alex’s chin, pulling her down for a swift kiss.
“At least we’re even then, because I can’t bear you in these shorts either.” Kelley murmurs against Alex’s lips. Alex pulls away an inch so their gazes can meet.
“Sooo…power struggle, huh?” Alex asks, staring deep into Kelley’s eyes with a familiar fire.
“Apparently.” Kelley answers. Her voice sounds relaxed and cool, but her eyes are far from it as they switch between Alex’s eyes and her lips.
“There is one thing they don’t know though.”
“And what is that?”
The tension between them could be cut with a knife and their stare-off resembles the one they had on the patio earlier, however this time the mood has switched.
“There is one occasion where I frequently let you do whatever you want to me.” Alex whispers sultrily.
Kelley holds Alex’s gaze, staying still like a tiger who is waiting for their prey to move just the slightest bit. However, the patience is over when Alex bites her lip.
Like every morning at camp Alex sets down her plate and her smoothie on their designated breakfast table opposite of Allie who is already eating.
“Good morning.” Alex says enthusiastically, wearing a bright smile.
“…Good morning.” Allie answers confused, almost sounding like she is asking.
“You’re late today.” Allie observes slowly. Normally Allie is always the one to arrive after the couple.
“Morning Worms.” Kelley smiles when she also arrives at the table, sitting down next to Allie. Allie turns to look at Kelley, eyeing her up and down, frowning at her when she just smiles at her and takes a sip of her coffee.
“Didn’t hear the alarm.” Alex waves off, taking a bite of her croissant.
“Ah.” Allie says, looking at her plate, picking up a piece of melon. Suddenly, she lifts her head to look at Alex again, laying the piece of melon back down on the plate. Allie eyes Alex closely, who is still wearing a bright smile.
“Babe, could you pass me the salt?” Kelley asks and Alex hands it to her happily. Allie observes the interaction quietly.
“Why are you glowing like that? You look like you got laid.” Allie jokes, looking at Alex while laughing loudly and picking up the piece of melon to put it in her mouth. However, suddenly her laughter quiets down and realization dawns on her.
“Oh my god!” Allie chokes and Kelley starts patting her back while Alex blushes.
“Of course, you totally got banged.” Allie gasps at Alex when she is able to talk again.
“Would you shout your big ass mouth!” Alex says through gritted teeth. Allie turns to look at Kelley again.
“I did get you laid? In camp??? Wow, dude you really have to thank me.”
“God Al, would you stop?!” Alex buries her face in her hands.
“Sorry.” Allie chuckles.
“See, that’s why we don’t do this.” Alex mumbles to Kelley, still hiding behind her hands.
“Chill, nobody heard, at least not from me. However, I’m not rooming next to you.” Allie grins.
“I forgot a fork.” Alex says, quickly standing up and walking over to the buffet.
Kelley and Allie’s gazes meet. Kelley grins at her brightly, pumping her fist, making Allie wiggle her eyebrows.
“Thank you SO much!!” Kelley mouths exaggeratedly, while closing her eyes in pleasure, doing praying hands and throwing her head back.
“I’m glad I could help.” Allie giggles. Kelley holds out her hand for Allie to shake.
“Was it the power struggle comment or the fight?”
“Power struggle. Do you think this was a one-time thing or would you be able to this deliberately? I’ll pay you.” Kelley whispers.
“You know me Wormy, if I knew I was able to do that I would have already made a business out of it.”
“You got lucky Allie, yesterday I wanted to rip your head off, however now I think you’ve redeemed yourself.”
“I think you’re the one who got lucky.” Allie deadpans. Allie and Kelley look at each other for a split second, before they both burst into laughter.
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