#and yes Ive read The Article
threefeline · 3 months
You ever see takes at first about something that you don't like and you're like "yeah I agree with this"
And then the takes just start to get so rabid and the hate so fervent towards actual people who like said media and you're like "wait I thought we were just ragging on a piece of mid media why are you telling people to kill themselves"
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pillowprincessvarric · 2 months
I'm not linking to the video because I don't like how it's presented but the reminder that "ability to infer who the intended audience of a text is" is part of what constitutes "reading comprehension" is making my brain do stuff.
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universalsatan · 2 months
Hey bestie, no need to answer this, but I saw u reblogged something from roach - works, and I just wanna let u know that she's a major terf
oh!!! thank you for this fr. i'm answering this bc i just wanna say that i don't have shinigami eyes and i'm on mobile most of the time, so these pointers are much appreciated <33
#preemptive soury for the rant. guess my meds finally kicked tf in. and im at my computer so keyboard access vvv#caveat i WILL say that i have a sideblog that specifically reblogs terf-specific rhetoric but it is an archival blog for research purposes#archival bc in the past i've been looking at blogs that end up being deactivated or change to a name i dont know#and research bc i've been interested in understanding the sociology/psychology behind it for a while and how other bases of discrimination#(eg acephobia and anti-pornography) tie into their sets of beliefs. as well as having the privilege of a strong foundational academic#background in these topics that i am perfectly capable of disputing each argument point if need be#this also provides me with a set of dogwhistles that may not be as obvious to the larger tumblr population (eg i have a strong suspicion#that 'natal female' is a dogwhistle in the context of academia. yes this comes from reading actually published articles. if that sounds#familiar to anyone. yes this is heavily rooted in that one that tries to propose 'rapid onset' gender dysphoria but used an insanely biased#sampling population for their statistics. which was the basis of the entire paper. i want to ask how some of this shit even gets published.#but then like. there's the AI rat penis so. anyways)#saying this bc i occasionally DO have anxiety that i will accidentally reblog something to the wrong blog. and it's moreso the concern of#not wanting to spread misinformation and bigotry without a critical deconstruction behind its rationale.#that sideblog is there and tucked away for storage purposes only. please let me know if ive accidentally reblogged smth to this blog#ask#Anonymous#edit damn wtf. i dont even follow them whhh. tumblr's GOTTA stop just. randomly putting shit on my dash. god
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lockedtowers · 8 months
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Because, I am one of them.
Ind. Sel. Headcanon based and multi canon influence, WILLIAM AFTON/PURPLE GUY/THE KILLER from Five Nights at Freddy's, featured on mendinggashes, a dual muse blog.. NOT SPOILER FREE. Please read pinned before following. Template Credit.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
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"intergenerational intimacy" im gonna set all of western academia on fire
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hauntedselves · 1 year
Passive-Aggressive / Negativistic (PA/NegPD)
Note: You cannot be diagnosed with this disorder, as it's not in any diagnostic manual; you would be diagnosed with Other Specified Personality Disorder instead.
Criteria from the DSM-IV-TR (2000):
A pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks
complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others
is sullen and argumentative
unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority
expresses envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate
voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune
alternates between hostile defiance and contrition
Millon's subtypes:
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(Millon, ed.).
About PA/NegPD
PA/NegPD is similar to histrionic, dependent, avoidant, depressive, borderline, antisocial, paranoid, masochistic, obsessive-compulsive and narcissistic PDs. It's part of what Millon & Bloom term the "Aggressive Personality Patterns", along with AsPD, NPD, & Sadistic PD.
Renamed Negativistic PD in the DSM-IV; Millon suggested renaming it “oppositional personality disorder” (Lane).
Differential diagnoses include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatic disorders, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Many children who are diagnosed with ODD will develop PA/NegPD (Millon).
The most common PD comorbidities with PA/NegPD are AvPD (22.78%), AsPD (22.64%), & Sadistic PD (15.36%). The least common was OCPD (0.94%). Less than 1 percent (0.81%) had only ("pure") PA/NEGPD [less than those who had comorbid OCPD] (Millon & Bloom).
Millon defines it on a spectrum from sceptical -> negativistic (Millon Personality Group); or alternatively from discontented [personality type] -> resentful [style] -> negativistic [disorder] (Millon).
In the first DSM, it “... consisted of three subtypes - passive-dependent type who are helpless, overly dependent, and indecisive; passive-aggressive type who express their aggressiveness through passive means like pouting, procrastination, and intentional inefficiency; and the aggressive subtype who react to frustration with irritability, temper tantrums, and overt destructive behaviours” (Coolidge & Segal).
In the DSM-II it was described as being “characterized by passivity and aggression through obstinate behavior, procrastination, stubbornness, and intentional inefficiency” (Coolidge & Segal).
The DSM focuses on its overt/external behaviours and therefore miss its "cardinal qualities"; "underlying the behavior characterizing this personality pattern are profound confusion and ambivalence about self", similar to OCPD but with different coping strategies (Millon & Bloom)
It was a Cluster C PD, but in the DSM-IV & IV-TR it was moved to the Conditions for Further Study section “[d]ue to poor reliability and questionable validity and usefulness” (Coolidge & Segal). It wasn't included in any capacity in later editions.
PA/NegPD has a long history of ‘questionable validity’, as it originated in US military documents about reluctant soldiers during WWII, and continued throughout its history in the various DSMs to have criteria that could theoretically apply to anyone (e.g. dissatisfaction with their job or “personal misfortunes”, feeling misunderstood or unappreciated, complaining too much, etc.) (Lane).
However, Millon says “[s]uch thoughts are normal, but they represent what negativists feel most of the time. To them, every request or expectation feels like a willful imposition. Meeting requests or honoring expectations feels like submission, and meeting demands feels like humiliation” (Millon, ed.).
Coolidge, Frederick L., & Segal, Daniel L., ‘Evolution of Personality Disorder Diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’, Clinical Psychology Review, 1998, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 585-599.
Lane, Christopher, ‘The Surprising History of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder’, Theory & Psychology, 2009, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 55-70.
Millon, Theodore, & Bloom, Caryl, The Millon Inventories, 2008.
Millon, Theodore, Disorders of Personality, 2011.
Millon, Theodore, ed., Personality Disorders in Modern Life, 2004.
'Skeptical / Negativistic Personality', Millon Personality Group, 2015, https://www.millonpersonality.com/theory/diagnostic-taxonomy/negativistic.htm.
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barnbridges · 8 months
something autism about bunny's encyclopedic knowledge (as in multiple subject matters but really superficial) and love of encyclopedias and short attention span and
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
omg waking up to 7k notes is usually so scary but this is actually nice the tags are just full of everyone sharing liberating perspectives on gender and also some are like ‘wow i never thought of it this way before’ which is kind of insane to be the person who introduced people to this idea that i didnt think was like at all niche but im glad <333 
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
I literally had a meeting with my professor today about these upcoming assignments where she stressed to me not to get distracted and keep it narrow, right? I sat there and explained that I want to include this and I think this is related but I'm worried that it's not strictly relevant and will lead to me getting distracted which I do not have room for in my word count and she looked at me like 'yeah obviously? like why are you bringing it up if you already know thats whats going to happen?' because the issue isn't that I don't know what the problem is, I'm well aware of my problems, the issue is that knowing isn't enough to prevent it. I need you to tell me that I'm right in this assessment and that I definitely cannot include all of that. I need strict parameters because I cannot be trusted
#Uni shenanigans#ace is a mess#i have two assignments for this class one is a research poster on a topic of my choosing related to my course with a word count of 300-700#words. very limited word count. the other is a reflective essay in which im supposed to reflect on improvements ive been given on my#assignments from first semester identify said issues the research behind them and make a plan for how to improve upon them right?#so im doing comorbidities for the research poster and doing my tendancy to be overly ambitious with my goals which leads to me not being#able to give each point the attention it needs which results in a lack of details cus id rather include a dozen citations than develop two#cus i convince myself theyre all relevant and necessary which isnt entirely accuratre#and despite knowing that this is a reoccurring issue for me that im literally doing an assignment on i cannot stop myself from doing so#we talked through the research poster and the issues im having keeping it focused cus i dont know whats most relevant to include and her#giving me pointers of what to do what to keep and whats too far from the topic to be keepable and then she asked what i was doing my essay#on again? and was like ah yes that okay i can see why youre doing thats definitely relevant to you#she did tell me that my research is always good that thats not one of the issue that i am having that others have and its like yeah because#this is how i am i get distracted and thats with only skimming the article and reading only the abstract in details i am incapable of#staying limited and now im posting on tumblr about it so as to not get sucked down another research rabbit hole cus i dont know how to not
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weirdlizard26 · 1 year
its so funny to me that i figured out one of my symptoms disorders on valentines of all days
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my-chemical-aromance · 9 months
sometimes i discover terms and words that describe the things i do that are associated with autism but whenever i bring them up i always get “you were never like that before!!”. i used to get in trouble at school, at home, at church for talking so much. I’ve always been hyperverbal I just didn’t know there was a word for it back then. even after i knew i was autistic but didnt know being hyperverbal was a thing i told people i stimmed by talking. before i knew echolalia was a thing i chalked it up to just liking how things sounded or it being a form of stimming.
you’re telling me that just because there’s a word for what i do that’s associated with autism, suddenly I’ve never displayed this behavior before?
all that learning these terms has done has made it easier to understand and explain myself. instead of saying “i talk a lot because I’m autistic and it’s a form of stimming which i do to self regulate” i can now say “i’m hyperverbal because i’m autistic.” or instead of saying “i’m not repeating you to be mocking it’s just something i unconsciously do when i like a noise or word or how you said that word.” I can say “I use echolalia because i’m autistic, thats why i repeat things the way i do.” In both these examples not only is the second option more concise it’s clearer and people understand me better.
i’m not going to apologize for wanting to understand myself and wanting others to understand me.
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cerneterydrive · 1 year
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sparklingblu · 2 months
Pt.1 - The Invitation
IVE Rei x Male Reader (ft. Karina)
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"Harder, daddy. Harder!"
The sweet moans of the idol beneath you are music to your ears as you piston into her wet folds rapidly, a hand of yours gripping her throat and another kneading her large plentiful tits as she barely manages to stay on all fours on the bed. Her arched back is dripping with sweat and her breath is ragged. Nevertheless, she takes your pounding without complaint, like a good whore she is.
"You like it, huh? You cock hungry whore"
You ask over her mewls resonating around the room as you grip her throat even tighter, depriving her of oxygen.
"Yes...daddy...pound me"
Karina's voice comes out distorted and inaudible but it's impressive how she still manages to make a sound despite your hold on her vocal cords.
"Good girl"
You praise her and bring your palm over one of her asscheeks, which are jiggling with every one of your thrusts. The slap comes down harder than you expect, leaving a red handprint on that porcelain skin of hers. You repeat the motion again, this time on her other cheek, making it jiggle even more, marking it with your handprints as well. Maybe Karina squeals but it blends into her moans and the sound of her breath which is becoming even more shallow with how long you have been choking her.
You would have never thought you would have the chance to see Karina in real life , left alone fuck her. You have always drooled over the bounce of her huge tits and her curves as you jerk off to her fancams again and again. You would even get hard just from seeing that AI like face of her. However, these days are over as you claim her body as your own with your cock.
Karina's eyes begin to roll into the back of her head as she is cut off from the supply of her life force, oxygen, for too long. That doesn't make you decrease your pace or lessen the hold on her throat either. The only supply she needs to live right now is your cum.
As Karina's body becomes limp like a lifeless doll, you start to feel your high slowly approaching. That sensation in your stomach that travels down to your pelvis and ultimately to your shaft.
"Gonna cum, Karina, don't waste a drop"
You order as your flood gates finally open and Karina open her mouth to let out her final moan, but the sound that comes out is-
"Ring ring ring"
Your eyes flutter open as the alarm clock wakes you from your blissful dream.
"You are an idiot, Michael"
You mutter to yourself as you turn off the alarm. You? Fucking Karina? Yeah, sure, that can happen when pigs fly. You sit up in your bed, only to find yourself rock hard from that wet dream you have been having. That's a matter you should take care of later.
You slowly get off your bed and rub your eyes, the view of your messy room greeting you as usual. The tiny room is stuffed with every single one of your possessions. A shelf against the wall, taking up most of the room and a small wardrobe in the corner which is next to a table and a chair, piled with stationaries and stack of papers.
It's a dump, sure. But it can be considered a luxury for a writer like you. At least you have your own space. You have always dreamed of writing stories and hell, you even have a ten book series planned out in your mind. But in reality, you are barely scrapping by. Going from one publishing house to another to get that novel of yours released that have been sitting on the same table for years. You managed to survive with the money you get from your part time job and sometimes when luck is on your side, some of your articles and poems got featured in some magazines no one read.
"Stop whining" you remind yourself. "You just haven't found your true potential yet" An empty encouragement, yet it gets your mind off the bad stuff. You make your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, staring at the wreckage in the mirror which is your reflection. Your eyes were ringed with dark circles and your head throbs with pain from all the shots you chugged down at the bar yesterday after running into some old friends.
You head to the shower and you are about to turn the water on when you see a bigger problem at hand than smelling like a rat dies in your hair. The boner was still there, stiff and hard as ever. That dream really takes a toll on you.
You grab the phone on the sink and scroll through the collection of hundred videos of female idols you have saved on your phone, choosing the best one to jerk off to. There's so much variety to choose from, ass? tits? face? You once heard someone say "Jerking off is not hard, finding the material to jerk off to is" It seems like the case now.
Finally, you land on the video of Rei from IVE. The busty japanese idol in a white top and a skirt. Her tits bouncing with every move she makes. Not the ideal choice but you will settle for it.
You are about to get your hands on your mamba that's ready to pounce when a notification comes up on your screen.
"Still jerking off to Idols? Why not fuck them instead?"
You are confused. What kind of notification is that? It is like someone is watching you right here, right now. Maybe someone is pulling a prank on you? That's impossible because no one knows about your guilty pleasure.
Reluctantly, you scroll down to see the source of the message. On the left side of the notification is the icon of an app, a dark heart shape and its name on top "Ero". You are pretty sure you have never installed such an app on your phone but curiosity gets the best of you. You click on the notification.
Immediately, your screen light up with a warm neon glow as the loading screen popped up, with the same dark heart shape and the name "Ero" in the centre of the screen. After a minute of waiting, you are about to give up and quit the app when the screen shifts. Now, it displays a text box at the bottom of the screen like in video games and the same black heart rotate slowly like a top above it.
The text in the textbox says,
"Welcome, chosen one. Continue to your first quest?"
Chosen one? What in the Harry Potter is happening here? And what quest? Is this some sort of game? And what does it have to do with you jerking yourself off to idols? Million questions swell in your head but of course your curiosity pushes you to click the 'yes' button under the text.
For a moment, the screen is black. Then it lights up with such a bright white light that you nearly got blinded. The light dims, leaving another text box in the middle of the screen.
"First Quest: Rei's Blowjob
Have Rei sucks you off and endure it for 30 minutes"
Your mind is one complete mess, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. This sound like some sort of porn games you play on your laptop. Main character being chosen and all. But this is very much real though you still doubt this is some kind of scam app that steals the information from your phone. Not like you have any data worth stealing though. Another reason to doubt it even more.
As your brain gets blowtorched with questions, your phone suddenly shuts off. Before your fingers can reach the screen to turn it back on, the whole bathroom goes dark. When you say dark, you are not talking "turn off the light at night" dark. Only darkness exists within your vision as if the whole room have been swallowed by the night. You are about to move forward and try to reach out desperately for something to hold onto when your whole body gets washed over by a sensation like getting dipped in icy water. Your body starts to give out, your knees turning to jelly.
"Am I gonna die?"
You think.
"Oh god, I'm gonna die"
The darkness is the last thing you see before you are greeted by it once again as your eyelids close shut.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
The first thing on your mind when you regain consciousness is
"What the hell happened?"
You slowly open your eyes to see a chandelier on the ceiling above. Its yellow lights sting your eyes after seeing only the dark for so long. You slowly sit up, the fatigue in your body is gone, replaced by the lust earlier before you get dragged into this mess by an app. You are still clothless, your mamba springing up like a missel ready to launch.
You stand up, taking in your surrounding. You are in a vast room made entirely of mahogany. In the center of the room is a canopy bed with draping black curtains, opened to reveal the red bedsheets behind. On the console table in one corner rests a black vase holding a single red rose. Apart from it, the whole room is deprived of furniture, giving it a hollow incomplete feeling. The chandelier is the only light source but it is obviously not enough to illuminate the whole room as dark spots are scattered all around the room. If this is not creepy enough, the room has no doors.
Your first instinct is to try to escape but breaking out of a doorless room is easier said than done. Maybe you are dead and in heaven? Sure, if heaven is one dark ghastly room. But you doubt you will get in to heaven. You go back to the source of this problem. That stupid "Ero" app. And what did it say again? A quest, get a blowjob from Rei. But where is Rei?
A voice utters from one corner of the room as if answering your thoughts. Your eyes adjust to the dark as a girl emerges from the gloomy spot, emerging from the shadows. It can't be, you think. But no doubt, standing before you is Rei, the japanese member of IVE, dressed in a black low cut sweater dress as if there isn't enough darkness in here and a loose belt wrapped around her waist like she has put it on in a rush. Her dreamy eyes beneath her hazel hair trace your body, studying you and you definitely don't want to be studied while you are butt naked. She folds her arms judgmentally, accentuating the shape of her huge tits under the fabric.
"Master, what takes you so long?"
She asks and you are speechless. Master? This have to be another wet dream. You should have response with some sort of snarky remark but all you can say is
You want to bash your head with that vase on the table. A girl is calling you master and that's your first words to her. Stupid as ever.
"Master, I have been waiting for you. What takes you so long?"
This time your response is a bit better.
"Eh, I was busy..."
"I can't wait for that huge cock of yours, I need it so bad"
She whines, gazing at your exposed cock which is hard as ever. This gets you into your mood.
"Then why don't you come and taste it?"
You order, remembering your quest, blowjob. Maybe you can choose other alternatives too but this is a start.
"As you wish master"
Rei kneels, looking up at your cock as if it's something glamorous. The fingers of her left hand close around the base of your shaft, slowly stroking it and fuck, with how smooth her palm feels, you are not sure if you can hold out for 30 minutes for that stupid quest. Her movements are fluid, not too fast or too slow, taking her time just travelling her fingers along your shaft.
"Am I doing well master?"
She asks, looking up at you with her doll eyes.
"Yes, Rei but you have to be better than this"
Rei doesn't answer. Instead, she wraps the rest of her fingers above the space over the first ones and start stroking your cock faster. The friction sending jolts after jolts of pleasure through you body. Her fingers work like magic, with just the right grip and the right motion. Meanwhile, Rei's eyes never leave your cock, focused on it entirely.
"Like this, master?"
"Yes, Rei. Fuck, don't stop"
You groans as pleasure overwhelms you if every stroke of her fingers, bringing you closer and closer to your edge until you remember the time limit. You don't know what will happen if you fail, but you don't want to find out.
You grab Rei's wrist and stop her.
"Master needs you to use that pretty little mouth"
"Mhmm.....yes, master. I want to feel that hard cock stuffed in my throat"
Rei's filthy words leave her mouth no sooner than she impales it on your cock, stuffing your whole length down her throat. Usually, you expect some foreplay. A kiss there, a lick here. But Rei either doesn't know about or care about it as she engulfs your cock in one swift motion. A groan escapes your lips, the sudden warmth and the tightness indulging you with ecstasy. She holds you in her throat, her nose presses against your pelvis.
You have had blowjobs before but Rei's is on a whole different level. Her throat constricts around you, her neck bulging with the foreign object entering it. You are starting to think she's gonna hold you forever when she pulls back, a loud gag escaping her mouth as globes of saliva drop to the ground, the remnants connecting your tip and her lips in silky strings.
You expect her to take a breather but nevertheless she immediately went down on your cock again, taking it back into her warm cavern as she devours it like a hungry beast. Her plump lips sealed around your shaft as she bobs up and down with unyielding speed. Every single movement of hers seem calculated, designed to pleasure you in every way possible. The way her tongue traces the underside of your shaft, the way she moans around your cock, the intentional gagging sounds she makes ever so often. It's like a well organized orchestra with the instruments being her lips, tongue and her throat.
Saliva escapes from the corner of her lips with every bob, dripping down to her thighs and her cleavage, staining her black dress even blacker. You hold a tight grip on her hair, tying it in a lock in your grasp. Finally, she pulls back, leaving only the tip inside her mouth as her fingers envelope you shaft once again, stroking it so fast you think it's gonna start sparking. It might have as well as your body start heating up from her masterclass of a handjob, sweat beads hanging on your temples. You throw your head back, rejoicing in the bliss of Rei's tongue swirling around your head in harmony with her fingers that twist and turn all the way to her lips and back.
You have lost the sense of time, drowned by the euphoric feeling that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime. Has it been thirty minutes? You have no idea. But you are glad you hold out for this long. Time limit or not, you don't want this to end anytime soon.
However, everything have a limit and so do you. As Rei's hand leaves your shaft, only to be swallowed up and deepthroated once again, you start feeling that familiar feeling of the knot in your stomach, unravelling bits by bits. Your cock starts throbbing in the warmth of Rei's throat constricting and relaxing around the tip, as if giving it a massage.
Rei, who's either oblivious to it or doesn't care, suddenly release your pulsing pole from her mouth. She looks up at you and gives you a sly smile, like she knows how desperate you are for release.
"Is Master gonna cum?"
She asks with a smirk and god, you just wants to grab her hair and impale her on your cock again but you don't want to end things sloppily (ironic with how sloppy it already is) but you just nod.
"Cum down my throat master, fill up your slutty whore."
She says opening her mouth, waiting for your move and you instinctively grabs her hair in a makeshift messy ponytail and starts thrusting into her mouth like it's her pussy.
Everytime your cock hits the back of her throat, you get closer and closer to the finale of this rapturous session. Rei holds her gaze to yours, pleading with her eyes to you how badly she needs your cum, how badly she needs to be filled up from the brim.
"Rei....I'm cumming"
You announce as you conclude the act by burying your cock to the hilt into her welcoming throat, unloading spurts after spurts of cum all the way down into her stomach. It seems to go on forever, the flow of cum never ending until it eventually does.
You pulls out your now spent rod from her tight cavern. Rei's mouth was still open, saliva flowing like a waterfall and forming a puddle between the red mahogany floor between her knees, which are trembling nonstop.
"Thanks master"
She mutters, her voice hoarse from being deprived of oxygen.
"Good girl"
You mutter, grinning like a madman. You are pretty sure this definitely isn't a dream. And you just use an idol like a fleshlight. And your quest. Yeah, your quest. The reason you are here. Have you completed it?
As you are reflecting yourself, you are engulfed by darkness once again.
"Shit, not again"
You cursed under your breath. Anymore exposure to darkness today and you won't be able to see colors anymore.
"Worry not, chosen one"
A voice boomed all around you as if the darkness have built in speakers.
"You performed well, I expect more from you in the future"
You are about to protest when the same cold feeling earlier wash over you again and your mind goes blank.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
(My first smut and the start of a series, I hope you enjoy it)
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imaybeabear · 2 years
What the actual fUCK IS THIS?!?
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redeyye · 2 years
(with a wholly negative view of this movie) im not going to post about the whale im not going to post about the whale im not g
#this post is not an invitation for debate. im a fat person venting my frustrations. i don't care what you have to say abt it even if youre#also a fat person. anyway#im not going to watch it + its not good + i dont really care about brendan fraser#i know theres a chorus of brendan fraser fans waiting to cheer him on and one million thin neoliberals who will#pat themselves on the back for pretending to care about fat people for 2 hours#but like. that does not a good movie make. it just seems really disrespectful. ive read the positive articles and the directors defense#and i gotta say i still think its not a step forward in fat liberation. its a sidestep at best.#i like that its about a fat main character with a real personality right#but im not loving the fact that they chose fraser instead of a fat actor. i know there are so many fat actors looking for jobs#who could have been in this movie. but i wonder if it wasnt a 'fat people didnt want to be in this movie because of the gratuitous#voyeuristic objectifying fatshaming shots. thats fine we can do better than fat people anyway!' type thing.#also the people defending the title like 'noooo its not referring to the guy its about moby dick!!!' like sure but you have to understand#that its STILL leaning into the fatshaming nature of the phrase. like. theres a funny literary term called 'ambiguity' you should#look into it sometime. like yes it is about moby dick. AND you're obviously supposed to immediately think 'oh the fat guy is the whale'#and that's still pretty. hm. fucked up and shitty.#these tags are so long AUGH. i could post this on medium and become a world renowned movie critic /j#disclaimer tho im sure brendan fraser is great i just... dont know much about him. i don't really judge him for doing this movie?#but it has definitely influenced me to care abt him less.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Injured VIII
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: There's an emergency
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Alexia comes back into consciousness slowly. It's still dark out and her alarm clock proclaims it to be nearly two in the morning.
Olga is standing over the bed and even in the dim light, Alexia can tell something is wrong. Olga is saying something but Alexia is still waking up and only tunes in at the very end.
"-Already called Jenni. She's going to meet us there."
Alexia sits up, rubbing her eyes. "Meet us there? Jenni? What's going on?"
She flicks on the bedside light. Olga is still in her pyjamas but she's wearing her coat over the top and a pair of shoes. She's got Jaume on her hip.
He's got old little red pinpricks all over his neck and arms.
"Is that chickenpox?"
"No," Olga says, babbling at rapid speed as she shoves the sheets off Alexia's body," I thought it was but I saw some article on my feed about how to make sure it's not anything else and-"
"Olga? What is going on?"
"I think it's meningitis," Olga finally says," And we need to take him to the hospital."
Alexia's up like a shot, hopping around on one foot as she grabs the first set of shoes she can find. "It can't be," She denies," We got him vaccinated. I remember it!"
"That's what I thought!" Olga says back," But the rash doesn't go away when I press a glass to it and you know how he's been lately!"
Alexia nods, pulling on a Barca issued jacket. She pauses as she moves. "Bambi," She murmurs before raising her voice," Shit, Bambi! She was running a bit hot after her ballet class. But I just assumed it was all the movement. My phone...Where's my phone? I need to-"
"I used it to call Jenni," Olga says as they both go running out the door," She's going to meet us there."
She and Olga get there well before you and Jenni do.
Jaume is taken to get a spinal tap but the doctor is confident that it's meningitis so puts him on antibiotics as soon as the procedure is done.
"I don't understand," Alexia says," My kids are vaccinated! Both of them! They're up to date. I took Bambi to all of her boosters! Jaume's scheduled for another one when he hits a year!"
"Sometimes vaccines aren't one hundred percent effective," The doctor says, clearly used to calming enrage parents," What matters is that you saw it and you got him in tonight. The spinal tap should confirm the diagnosis but we've already got him on an IV." The doctor turns to leave before stopping. "You've got another child?"
Alexia's head frantically nods. "Yes. A girl. She's four. She's being brought in now."
The doctor nods, scribbling something on his clipboard. "As soon as she's here, have someone page me. Older children find it harder to stay still for the spinal tap. I'll contact anaesthesia and get someone to bring a mask."
Alexia's head changes from nodding to shaking furiously. "No!" She says it a bit louder than she meant to that even Olga looks shocked.
"It'll be better," Olga tries to explain," If they put her to sleep-"
"No, I mean..." Alexia shakes her head, the words spilling out of her mouth naturally. "She's allergic! To Isoflurane! That's the gas anaesthesia, right? Right?"
She looks around wildly as the doctor's face turns grim.
"I'll get some local," The doctor says," I know we made you wait outside for Jaume but it would be best if you came in for your daughter, if we're only using local, to keep her calm."
It's a waiting game until Jenni arrives with you and Alexia finds herself doom scrolling. She's dived into whatever article she can find on meningitis in children and the more she reads, the worse she feels.
They're yet to be allowed into see Jaume as the staff work to get him a bit more comfortable but Alexia can see him through the window and he's completely passed out asleep.
"I didn't know y/n was allergic to anything," Olga says softly.
Alexia laughs. It's more a nervous chuckle than anything else. "I don't even think Jenni does. My father was allergic. It skipped me and Alba but I wanted to check for Bambi, just in case."
"It's a good thing you did," Olga says.
Alexia looks down at her phone. "Where are they? They should be here by now."
"They'll be here soon. It's going to be okay."
It takes another ten minutes for you and Jenni to arrive.
You look infinitely worse than Jaume. The rash is completely obvious, taking over your whole body and Jenni looks just as distressed.
It takes another ten for the doctor to return.
You don't understand what's going on. Your Ma-Jenni woke you up super early before the sun has come up. She didn't get you dressed or brush your hair how you like it.
She didn't explain much at all...or, anything really. She just put you in the car and didn't say anything.
You'd tried to ask but your throat felt all scratchy and your tummy hurt.
All you know now is that you're at the hospital with Ma-Jenni, Mami and Miss Olga. There's a strange man with cold fingers that takes your shirt from you and makes you curl up on your side.
"Ma-Jenni?" You ask, trembling," What's going on?"
"Ssh, Bambi," Ma-Jenni says. Her tone is harsh, harsher than you've ever heard her speak to you and your tummy ties itself in a knot at her words.
You can hear the strange man talking nonsense to the adults and your eyes go wide at the tray of tools that's wheeled in. They look pointy and sharp, like the tools from that silly doctor show that Tia Alba likes.
You suck in a harsh breath when you feel a pinch at your back. You yelp and instantly try to wiggle away.
"No!" You cry," No! Off! Stop it! I don't want to! I don't want to!"
You force yourself to uncurl. You don't want this strange man touching your back. He makes it hurt and you got want any more of his sharp tools in your skin.
There's a grip on your legs though, forcing them back into position. You turn your head to look at who's got you against your will.
It's Ma-Jenni.
Her grip is firm and hard as she forces your kicking legs still. One of her arms has clamped them together, forcing them to stop moving while her other hand is on your hip, forcing your down onto the table until you're immobile.
You want her hands off you. Ma-Jenni has big hands that are perfect to hold you but not like this, never like this. You don't want her touching you like this.
"Ma-Jenni," You sob," Stop it! Stop it, please! Please!"
She doesn't stop though, merely readjusts her grip and pushes you down further until you well and truly can't move your bottom half.
"Stop it!" You continue to say," Stop it, Mama! Mama, stop!"
Hands curve around your shoulders and these are familiar hands too.
Mami's hands are perfect to hold in yours. They're always warm and they always hold you so gently. But now they've got your arms pinned to your chest and are forcing your shoulders firmly into the examination bed.
"Mami," You cry," Please stop. Mami, please. I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Mami! Stop!"
Mami's lips ghost your hairline. "I'm sorry, Bambi," She says, her voice a whisper that you can barely hear over your panic," I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay. You just need to be still. I'm sorry."
You can't move and the strange man is doing things to your back. You can't feel any pain but you can feel pressure and you can feel when he sticks something beneath your skin where things aren't supposed to go.
The only thing you can do is move your eyes and they focus on Miss Olga, the only adult in the room that's not actively hurting you.
"Miss Olga," You sob," Make them stop."
Her eyes nervously dart to the door like she wants to run away but she doesn't. She steps closer to where the adults are holding you, crouching down until your heads are almost the same height.
"I'm so sorry," She says to you," It's going to be okay, I promise. They're just making sure you're healthy."
"Miss Olga, please," You reply. You try to kick out your legs but Ma-Jenni just grips them more tightly," I'm sorry. I can be good. I can be better!"
"Hey," She says softly when your eyes dart towards your Mami," You are being so good. There's no one being better. Do you know what's going on?"
"You're very sick," Miss Olga speaks gently to you and brushes away a portion of hair that's covering your eyes," And we need to know what's wrong. Do you remember a few months ago when we came here and they put a needle in my arm?"
You do remember that. It was on one of hospital visits that you went on to see baby Jaume in Miss Olga's belly. They took some of her blood that appointment.
"They takin' my blood?" You ask shakily.
"They're taking a little bit of fluid from your back," Miss Olga explains," And they're going to test that for the illness they think you have. Like how they took my blood to make sure I was healthy."
You sniffle.
Mami and Ma-Jenni's hands are like shackles around your limbs, wrapped around your flesh and unwilling to even give you an inch.
"I'm scared," You whisper.
"That's okay," Olga whispers back," It's always okay to be a little scared. But you're doing so well. You're being such a brave girl. I'm sure it won't be much longer now."
You can feel the thing in your back moving and you try to shift with it but Ma-Jenni's hand clamps down on your hip and anchors you to it so you can't move again, not even a little rock back and forth.
"Hey," Olga says, pulling your attention away from what's happening at your back," Your Mami told me that you've moved up in ballet. I'm sure it's so much fun."
"It is."
"That's great! Do you want to tell me about it?"
Actually, you find that you do what to tell Olga about your ballet. Your words come out stilted and stuttered but you force them out of your mouth.
Olga smiles at you. She's got a pretty smile, you think. Mami must really love girls with pretty smiles.
"That sounds so cool," Olga says to you," You must be so talented." She leans a bit closer to you and you don't even feel the man taking the pointy thing out of your back. "Hey, maybe when you're all better, you can show me some moves. Only if you'd like to."
You duck your head down as the hands slowly leave your body. "Yes, please."
You're rolled onto your back but you keep your head tilted to look at Olga.
You don't know much about her apart from the fact that she's marrying your Mami and they had baby Jaume together.
Mami and Ma-Jenni are still talking to the doctor so you can fully focus on Olga.
She and baby Jaume look alike, you think. They've got the same eyes and nose and face shape. You think that baby Jaume might get her pretty smile when he's older too.
Her hand is gently resting on the side of your bed and you very gently move your own until your fingers are touching.
She hasn't got big hands like how Mami and Ma-Jenni's are big but they're still bigger than yours. They're safe too. You know this because she's never once dropped baby Jaume, even when she once tripped over and fell on her butt. She didn't drop Jaume once.
She smiles her pretty smile and you smile too, not even noticing when the nurse hooks you up to an IV.
"Hey, Bambi," Mami says," Everything's going to be okay now. I'm so-"
You stubbornly don't look at her and she frowns.
"Bambi?" Ma-Jenni asks," How's your back?"
You don't even deign her with an answer. It's still early and you're very tired. You don't want to talk to them, not when they pinned you down like that.
"I'm sorry," The nurse says," But I'm going to have ask you all to leave. The legal guardians can sleep over but that's all."
You don't know what legal guardians means but you do know that Ma-Jenni isn't one. She lives in Mexico for most of the year so she can't be your guardian because you don't live there with her.
She looks like she's going to argue but she doesn't. She reaches to give you a kiss on the forehead but you flinch away and she stops before her lips can press against your skin.
"I love you, Bambi," She says," And I'll be back to see you as early as I can."
You don't answer her.
It's just Olga and Mami left.
"I'm going to go sit with Jaume," Olga says and you frown.
"Jaume's sick too? Did I get him sick?" Your bottom lip wobbles.
"No, of course not." Olga says firmly," You and Jaume just got sick at the same time. It's very sad but it does happen."
"Yes." She heads to the door. "I hope you feel much better later. Maybe, if you feel up to it, you can tell me about your trains? Your Mami says that you love them a lot."
You nod. "Yes."
Then, it's just you and Mami left.
The nurse has set up a little bed next to yours for Mami to sleep on.
Mami seems a little nervous with you, pulling at the sleeves of her pyjama shirt. She looks at you.
You look at her.
You only saw her a few days again, when you painted pottery together and you asked her if you were wanted.
Mami doesn't sit in her bed, she pulls up a chair next to yours. She tries to reach for your hand but you pull it away before she can touch you, cradling it against your chest as you stare.
"Bambi," She begins before shaking her head and stopping. She takes a few moments before opening her mouth again. "I'm very, very sorry."
Those weren't the words that you were expecting.
You still don't answer though. If you blink, you can still feel her phantom hands over your body and the iron grip she had on your limbs.
She scoots the chair closer.
"I love you so much and I'm so sorry that you're sick."
She looks like she wants to say more but you don't really want her to keep talking.
"Bambi, I...I have not been a very good Mami to you," Alexia has to force the words out of her throat even if you give no indication that you can hear her," And I'm very, very sorry."
You still don't say anything. You just lie on your back with your eyes wide open.
"I'm sorry for what happened at home and I'm sorry for what a few-"
"I'm tired, Mami," You say, your voice quiet and exhausted.
"Right," Alexia says, scolding herself inwardly at keeping you up. It's still the middle of the night. "You go to sleep, Bambi. I'll be right here if you need me."
The stress of everything tonight seems to knock you out quickly but Alexia doesn't move to her own bed. She doesn't move. She doesn't sleep. She just stays in that seat even as a nurse pops their head in to confirm that both you and Jaume have bacterial meningitis.
A week hospital visit and IV's full of antibiotics is what awaits you both, baring any complications.
Jenni returns as soon as visiting hours begin again, pulling Alba and Eli in tow.
Eli diverts briefly to check on Olga and Jaume while Jenni and Alba come straight to you. You're still asleep when they arrive, lying on your back with a cannula in your hand to administer your medication.
"You look exhausted," Alba says in greeting, handing off a cup of to-go coffee to her sister," Did you sleep at all?"
"No." Alexia continues to stare at you, focussed on the soft rise and fall of your chest as you sleep.
"I'm surprised you're still here," Alba continues and, for once, her tone isn't biting. She seems genuinely surprised. "Haven't you got training?"
"I called off for the week," Alexia replies," And next week. It's more than enough time for them both to recover."
"You're taking time off?" Alba looks even more surprised than before. "Like, actually?"
Alexia doesn't know why that's so confusing. "Of course. My kids are sick. They need to be looked after."
Alba's mouth opens and closes a few times before she settles on something to say," How is Jaume?"
"Good, better. The doctors said that it's good we caught it when we did. The longer the rash is there for, the worse he could have gotten. It came up last night. We caught here as quick as we could."
Alexia's glad for that. She has no idea what could have happened, how much worse Jaume could have gotten if they had left it a few hours, let alone a few days.
Jenni is strangely silent at her words, reaching out to gently brush some of your hair out of your face.
"How long of a hospital stay?" Alba asks.
"About a week for both of them. The doctors said that they're going to do a hearing test with Bambi in a few days and then four weeks after she's recovered."
"And Jaume?"
"The same," Alexia confirms," Olga is with him now."
"Mama's with her," Alba says," We picked her up on the way."
There's a rustle of sheets as you blink awake. A yawn takes over your whole face as you wake up.
Mami, Ma-Jenni and Tia Alba are all looking at you and you pull your blankets up until they're over your nose.
You don't like the fact that Mami and Ma-Jenni are in the same room together. You can still feel their weights on you, pinning you to the bed as you struggled to get free.
You don't want them here. Not within arms length of you, in case they take your top away again and pin you down.
"Tia," You croak out and Alba pushes past Ma-Jenni to take your hand.
"You're not looking too good there, Bambi," Tia Alba says," How are you feeling?"
"Is Jaume still sick too?"
"He's getting a lot better. Your Abuela and Olga are with him now."
"Is Abuela and Olga going to get sick too?"
"No, don't be silly. Adults don't get sick like that." Tia Alba's teasing you. She's putting on a silly voice and it shocks a little giggle out of you. "I'm sure once your Abuela is done with baby Jaume then she'll be right in to see you."
"And Olga too?"
Alexia goes rigid in her seat. "Olga doesn't have to come in if you don't want her to."
You don't even acknowledge she's talking to you.
"No one has to come in that you don't want to," Jenni promises you but you don't give any indication that you heard her either.
"Olga thinks that I'm talented," You say to Tia Alba," She asked me about my ballet and my trains. She wanted to know more. Did you bring any of my trains?"
The bag on Jenni's shoulder is passed off to Alba. She digs through it, pulling out a spare change of clothes as well as a few model trains that had been shoved in there this morning.
"I want to show Olga my trains," You say," When she's done with baby Jaume." You run your trains over the bed, making little chugging noises with your mouth.
"I think that's a great idea, Bambi," Alexia says but you don't answer.
You haven't acknowledged her or Jenni since you woke up and it's put her on edge. Even when you were scared a few days ago, you still acknowledged her.
But your focus is purely on Alba but even that is hit and miss.
Whenever Alba reaches out to play trains with you, you flinch away. You look up at her in shock each time before glancing back down at your arms as if you can't believe you flinched.
"How are you feeling, Bambi?" Eli asks as she comes in.
You shrug and raise your hand. "They put a thing in my hand."
"They put one in your brother's too," Eli says," It's to give you your medicine."
"Did they put the thing in Jaume's back too?"
Eli nods. "They did."
Your eyes are haunted as you stare at her. "Did they pin him down too?"
Whatever bubble that the room was in bursts and Eli notices the way Alexia and Jenni both exchange a wide eyed look, like two little children caught red handed.
Eli has to think over her words carefully. "You're both very sick," She settles on eventually," Do you know why they had to put something in your back?"
You parrot back the words Olga told you and Abuela nods.
"That's right," She says.
"Olga says I was very brave even though I was crying."
"I'm sure you were the bravest little girl in the world," Abuela kisses your forehead but her lips feel too much like Mami and Ma-Jenni's and suddenly you can feel their hands on you again.
You kick your legs out and move your arms to shake the phantom hands off and they're gone as quickly as they appeared.
"Alexia, Jenni," Abuela says," Can I talk to you out in the hall?"
As they all leave, you look through the windows of your room.
Olga is lingering outside, looking into your room every so often before looking away.
"Tia Alba," You say," Can I still show Olga my trains?"
"Should I bring her in here?"
"Yes, please."
Ma-Jenni and Mami stay outside with Abeula for a long time but you don't even notice.
You've never talked with Olga like this before, not really. There had been a few moments when she was pregnant with baby Jaume where you watched things together and you helped her cook but you had never been like this with her before.
You hand her one of your trains and smile when she plays with you, gently moving the trains around your bed together.
"Is Jaume going to be okay?" You ask her because she's Jaume's mami and she knows things like that.
"He's going to be just fine," She promises you," And so are you. Just a few more days."
"I'm going to miss ballet," You say," That's bad. Mami never misses her training so I shouldn't miss mine."
"Your Mami's missing training now," Olga says," And she's missing it until you get healthy again. That's what you should focus on. Getting healthy again so you can go back to ballet."
"Mami is missing training? Why?"
"Because she wants to make sure you're okay," Olga says," Because she loves you."
You don't believe her but Olga looks very serious so you think that she must think that's true.
"Olga," You say," I'm hungry. When's lunch?"
She laughs a little bit about your blatant change of subject. "A few hours still," She says," How about I go to the shop and get you a snack?"
Olga slips out into the hallway where Eli is still lecturing Jenni and Alexia about their treatment of you. Your sobs and begging still rung in Olga's ears, the way that you cried and cried and begged and begged.
"She's hungry," She says, interrupting the lecture," I'm going to get her a snack."
"I'll come with you," Jenni says," I need a coffee."
The trip to the little shop was awkward, made even more awkward when Olga selected a plain chocolate bar only to have it plucked from her hand and replaced with one with caramel.
"She thinks the plain ones are too hard," Jenni says, almost carelessly," She doesn't like how they feel on her teeth. She prefers caramel."
Olga stares down at the chocolate in her hand, noting down another new thing in the column dedicated to you in her mind. It's painfully bare with only a few things - trains, ballet, the allergy she found out yesterday and now your favourite kind of chocolate.
She had told Alexia she wasn't threatened by Jenni and that's still true but that doesn't mean that Olga isn't intimidated.
Jenni just looks a bit intimidating with her tattoos and her height and the stern look on her face when it comes to you.
It's silent for a moment as they both wander through the winding hallways back up to the peds wing.
"No," Jenni says eventually, shaking her head like she had been fighting with herself," I'm sorry, Olga. But I have to know...How could you let this happen? With Bambi, I mean? Stuff like this doesn't happen overnight."
Olga wants to bolt, to run and escape this but she holds herself firm as she scrambles to find something to say, knowing exactly what Jenni is talking about. "I didn't notice," She settles on eventually," It is wrong to say but it is true."
Jenni can't seem to understand though. "But how? Bambi is...How could you just not notice?"
"I just didn't," Olga says," And that was wrong of me. It was wrong of Alexia. We've talked about it...a lot...We're trying to move forward, for y/n."
Jenni looks at her, long and hard and Olga suddenly understands what rival players feel when they see Jenni come onto the pitch.
"Don't let it happen again," Jenni says firmly before taking off again, leaving Olga to scramble to keep up.
You're exactly as they left you, sitting in the middle of your bed. You're making chugging noises with your mouth as you run a train over Eli's arm.
Alexia is back in her seat next to your bed but you've scooched away from her as far as you can get.
"Caramel!" You cheer when Olga presents your food," That's my favourite! Thank you!"
"You're welcome."
You munch happily on your food a little but before you stop to scratch at your rash.
Automatically, like she did a few days ago when she first noticed it, Jenni takes your hand to stop you scratching.
You violently flinch away, tearing your hand away from hers. You scrunch your eyes closed firmly as you suck in air.
You can feel the hands on your legs again, forcing you to go immobile as the strange man pokes and prods at your back.
"No!" You cry out, turning away and curling up under your blanket," Stop it! Stop it, Mama! No bad touches! No more bad touches!" You kick your legs out. "No! Stop it!"
"Out," You can hear your Abuela say.
"Out, Jenni! Alexia, you too! Olga-"
"I'll go and see Jaume. He should be up from his nap by now."
"No! No! No!" You continue to chant as the blanket is pealed back.
It's not Ma-Jenni though. It's Abuela with Tia Alba hovering over her shoulder.
You sniffle if you sit up again.
"What happened, huh, Bambi?" Abuela asks," What was that about?"
"Mama hurt me," You say," When the strange man touched my back. I asked her not to! I asked her to stop!"
"I know," Abuela says," I know, Bambi."
"I didn't know what was happening," You say," It was scary and Mama wouldn't tell me what was going on."
It was very scary. You didn't think Ma-Jenni would do that to you, would pin you down and not explain what was happening. Mami could be harsh sometimes and you know she can be rough on the pitch too. She even said she was sorry while doing it but Ma-Jenni didn't.
Ma-Jenni told you to shh and pinned you down and didn't say sorry. You can still feel her hands on you, constantly pinning your legs down and pushing you further into bed.
She didn't say sorry at all and that's what scares you.
"I'm sorry that scared you," Abuela says," I'm sure Jenni didn't mean to."
"She didn't say sorry," You say," And she hurt me."
"She did! I'm not lying!"
"No one says' you're lying," Tia Alba assures you," I think you're telling the truth but, Bambi, you needed to have that done, so you can get better."
Ma-Jenni comes back when it's dark. There's no lights coming through your windows and the moon is out so you know it's night time.
Mami is meant to be sleeping on the bed next to you but she's not there.
The door to your room opens though and Ma-Jenni steps in.
But she doesn't look like Ma-Jenni though. There's something different about her. Maybe it's her too sharp features or her too pointed teeth. Maybe it's the curve of her nails or the way she's looming over you.
You can't move and Monster-Jenni's sharp claws dig into your legs easily.
You shriek but she's pressing her whole weight down onto the hand that's got your legs while her other one pins you down by your chest. You can't move. You can't stop her no matter how much you plead and beg and sob.
She's still holding you with bad touches and the strange man appears again. He's got too sharp teeth too and a massive needle that looks even scarier than before.
"Mami!" You cry as you jolt awake, gripping your bedsheets and screaming.
Mami's up like a shot, looking around like she thinks someone's hiding in the shadows. You're scared that Monster-Jenni is there too.
"Mami!" You sob, reaching desperately for her, your mind recycling her apologies as she held you down.
This time though, you crawl into her arms and sob, burying your face in her shirt as you cry.
For a moment, Alexia is in shock at your willingness to touch her. Whatever you had dreamt about must have been bad because you've curled your body around hers and Alexia very carefully curls her arms around you.
"It's okay, Bambi," She whispers," It's okay. It wasn't real. None of it was real. I've got you. Mami's got you."
"Mami," You whimper," Mami, it hurts."
"What hurts?"
"I'm so sorry, Bambi," Alexia says and she knows that you know what she means, just like how you know she knows what you mean by everything," It's all going to be okay. I promise, this is all going to be okay. No matter what happens."
"I'm scared, Mami."
"I know, Bambi. I'm going to help make it better."
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