#with my professional sportsman ex boyfriend
barnbridges · 8 months
something autism about bunny's encyclopedic knowledge (as in multiple subject matters but really superficial) and love of encyclopedias and short attention span and
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kookieseyes · 7 years
I hate you │1
All you’ve ever wanted was a peaceful student life, but when a vicious fuckboy gets involved in your business, everything changes.
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member: Jeon Jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, romance, angst
word count: 1740
warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook badboy!Jungkook; 
I hate you Masterlist │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ 7 │ (ongoing)
A/N: This is the very first fic I wrote, I already have the next part planned, so please tell me what you think, what you liked and disliked. I’ll try to take your suggestions into account 
Being a university student was new for you,  exciting but scary at the same time. Having gotten a scholarship and being the straight-A student all your life, you felt pressured. How would the freshmen year ago? What kind of new experiences would it bring? 
You were deep into thoughts when someone loudly opened the door stopping your lecturer from speaking. Your head involuntarily followed the loud click of the door just to be met with the muscular grinning boy in ripped jeans and a white oversized T-shirt. Only when his eyes found yours you realized you’d been staring at him. 
“Not bad for the first day”, you thought to yourself, breaking the stare not to seem rude, but still looking at the guy from the corner of your eyes as he slowly sank into his chair and plugged his earphones in.  What was the point of attending a lecture if he didn’t even listen to the lecturer? He was handsome, you’d give him that, but he definitely was not the guy for you, or so you thought.
 You had recently broken up with your high school boyfriend. You had different paths to follow, going to different universities. Having a long distance relationship was out of the question for him, he would feel pressured, would want to try something new. So you just agreed, there was no point in disagreeing, you desperately needed some changes in life as well. 
It’s been two months since classes started, and you were not losing the reputation of a good student. University was definitely harder than high school, but when it came to working hard it was not a problem for you. You had already adjusted to a new lifestyle, having new friends and new firsts: first all-night party, the first experience of going bankrupt and surviving on noodles for a week straight, first time running like crazy to get to your classes on time, first one-night stand. 
You rewarded yourself with occasional parties after working hard. The boy who got your attention on the first day turned out to be exactly the kind of guy you had anticipated. You’ve heard his name mentioned in multiple conversations and nothing good was ever being told about him. Typical campus fuckboy. Partying and getting wasted. You were so happy the only time you had to see him was once a week in class you both were taking and occasional parties you attended if you had enough time. Every time his name Jungkook was mentioned you couldn’t help yourself but feel disgusted, for the things he did, and for you almost liking his handsome face the first time you saw him.
“Let's go Y/N!  it's time for having fun! Taehyung is having a party, we should celebrate finishing midterms”- Your  new best friend Ava told you-”I'm sure everything's going to be alright,  you know you're getting As anyway right?” She had broken up with her boyfriend before coming to the university just like you had. That's why you felt an instant connection with her and you were inseparable since then. She was the most reliable but stubborn person you've ever known so there was no point in arguing with her.
“Do you think this is too much?”-you asked shyly, trying to show her outfit you had picked from your closet.
“You are kidding me, right? you’re not going to the job interview, you nerd!”-she sighed taking clothes out from her bag-”Thank god you have me”! “What? Did you seriously bring clothes from your dorm for me? You could’ve just helped me pick out something from my clothes!”-you fake pouted and she laughed at your cute expression.
“Hey, if I didn’t know you, I’d say the clothes you own belong to an ex-professional sportsman in her 60s” “First of all, there’s nothing wrong with being comfy, and second of all these kind of clothes act like a red light for fuckboys”-satisfied with your answer you nodded you head as if you were waiting for her to agree. “Hm… more like a red light for every single guy on the campus! Here!, try this on, let’s unleash your inner sex goddess!-Ava said entertained by her inappropriate choice of words while she took out the clothes out of her bag.
Five shots in and you already felt dizzy. Three people were surrounding you, two of them-Ava and some guy she found on a dance floor were already in a heated kiss shamelessly grinding on each other,  while you and a guy from one of your classes, Namjoon were discussing the importance of gender equality. He seemed exactly your type, intelligent and passionate about studying, but still, something was missing. There was no chemistry between you, you came here to take your mind off studying and obviously, it wasn’t happening. He would be a good boyfriend material under different circumstances, but today was not about committing to relationships, it was about being crazy, impulsive and forgetting about responsibilities. 
Bored, you sighed loudly and averted your eyes for a second only to land them on a familiar face from the first day-Jungkook. His hands were embracing some girl’s waist, occasionally sliding down and touching her butt, hungrily kissing her neck. But his eyes were somewhere else, somewhere they shouldn’t have been while kissing another girl. He was staring at you, winking when your eyes met for a second. How impudent could a person be? Flirting with someone else when a girl in front of you is being so loud from the pleasure that she’s ready to drag you to the nearest bedroom. You scrunched your nose with disgust and instead of stopping staring at you he smirked innocently. You couldn’t take neither the speech Namjoon was giving you which you had stopped listening to long ago nor a shameful fuckboy eye-fucking you.
“Excuse me for a sec”-you said and stormed out into the bathroom. You decided it was time for you to go home, nothing much was going to happen anymore. Ava had already left with her guy and you were not up for spending a night with Namjoon. You didn’t want to sound rude, so you decided to at least say goodbye and thank him for keeping you company. 
“Hey, um… my friend already left and it’s quite late, so I need to go now, but thank you for chatting with me”-you said speaking loudly because of the music playing in the background. “What? You’re leaving?-he said with a stern tone, instead of disappointment you heard the anger in his words. You blamed it on the loud music and decided to ignore it. “I’m sorry, I’ll see you in class soon?”-you turned on your heels just to be stopped with a strong arm holding you still. “You can’t leave me hanging now like that, let’s at least have fun before you go”-you know what he was implying with “fun” and you were not up for it, not now, not here, and definitely not with him. You knew you had misjudged him for being the innocent little bookworm and instantly regretted having spoken to him in the first place. “Could you let go of my hand? I’m sorry, I need to go now”-you were angered and annoyed, trying to get out of the situation without creating a scene in front of the whole university. “Look, I know you want this too, okay? why dress up all slutty, if you were not trying to seduce me, I know all of your little tricks so no need to play hard-to-get just give in already”- You cursed Ava for picking that outfit for you and dropped your jaw in surprise from hearing his words. The guy who seemed like he wouldn’t harm even the tiniest fly was forcing you to something you didn’t want. “Stop with this nonsense, let me…”-you felt a strong hand getting your classmate’s grip off of your hand. “Are you deaf? She said she wants to leave!”-you instantly ran your fingers over the reddened skin, previously occupied by now startled guy looking at Jungkook.    “What’s your problem? I was just..”-Jungkook didn’t let him finish “Get the fuck out before I beat the living shit out of you” This was the last thing you wanted happening. As if being embarrassed by Namjoon wasn’t enough, Jeon fucking Jungkook had to be the one playing a role of your savior. Although what he did was completely unnecessary, you still thought maybe, just maybe he wasn’t as big of an asshole as everyone said he was.  “I could’ve done it myself”-you said trying not to sound too rude but still failing. “Oh right, you should’ve told me that after he’d bend you over the table and spread your pretty legs”-and of course, once again you were wrong, he was as big of a jerk as someone could be, his words got your blood boiling. You’d never been spoken to in such an insulting way, how dare he say something like that, you wanted to punch him in the face for being so arrogant “A simple thank you would’ve been..”-you couldn’t take him talking shit about you anymore so you took out your bottled up anger and splashed remaining alcohol in your glass on his face. “Thank you is not something I say to people who degrade me”-you announced proudly and looked up at the soaked and dumbfounded guy, trying to wipe his face “I guess I need to teach you some manners then”-Jungkook said as he lifted you off the floor unexpectedly and threw you on his shoulder going towards the bathroom. “Put me down, now!”-you started screaming, but no one paid attention, thinking you were one of Jungkook ’s toys he was about to play with. “Sure, my pleasure”-he said laying you down not on the floor but in the bathtub “What are you…?-you said not being able to get up “It’s only fair if you get just as wet as I am, don’t you agree?-he said as he turned the tap and let the ice-cold water hit you in the face. You closed your eyes, shivering from the cold water still running through your hair. When you finally opened your eyes you saw him leaving the bathroom with a stupid grin plastered on his face. “See you in class, Y/N”-how did he even know your name? You didn’t think he would since he never seemed to be involved in the class discussions.
“You’re a dead man, Jungkook ”-you screamed at your loudest after hearing a piercing bang of the bathroom door. It was not over, not unless you were the one having the last word.
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