#and working a field trip day means you work at least 8 hours
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this one's only for the people who work on their feet all day
tfw you elevate your legs after work and you feel all the blood drain out 👌🥳💯👍😍💀🫡
#okay so im a summer day camp counselor which is not new for me hOWEVER this is the first time ive done field trips#TWO field trips a week#in a heat wave#cramming 40 kids and 8 adults on a SCHOOL BUSSSSSSSSSSSA#for an hour round trip to and from the field trip location#I'm dying in dhing im dhinggdead#and working a field trip day means you work at least 8 hours#i could go on and on and on and on
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A Shitty Poem
No one slept.
Not even a few minutes.
No you can't check in early.
In fact there's not even a place to sit down. Go on out into a city you don't know with jet lag after being up for 30 straight hours.
That corner smells like urine.
I've been in this same city back home.
Just because you can charge that much for a shitty breakfast for desperate, sleep-deprived people doesn't mean you should.
At the next stop, he was mad at me for not operating the washer-dryer combo model correctly without any instructions. He was mostly angry because I didn't pack for everyone this trip so he was going to run out of underwear and he'd have to carry damp laundry on the plane to the next next stop.
Oh good. Another airplane. Smaller than the last two.
I'm usually walking at the back. Sometimes the boy looks back for me, but the man never does. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even here. I'm invisible. Maybe they wish I was.
When we got to the place we were staying the longest, I cried. Neither of them noticed. I guess to be fair I wasn't loud and immediately in their faces. But I'm fucking tired of needing to be loud and in people's faces for them to notice that I'm not invisible.
If you can't cry when you need to, you're not free.
If you cry and no one notices or cares, it hurts pretty badly.
On day 2 it rained and they were so far ahead of me that when I fell down, not only did they not catch me, they didn't notice, they didn't help me up. I learned without doubt then that despite outward appearances to other people and a lot of self delusion, I'm still alone.
There's broken glass literally everywhere in this city. Not a stray piece here and there; big piles of it all over. Multiple broken bottles on the stairs of one of the most famous churches in the world.
I've been to a lot of big cities in 5 (arguably 8) countries now, and this is the only place I've seen violence and loud anger directed at strangers. They might be known for art and fashion and food but I guess no one ever said they were kind. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I am though. That one guy just threw a couple of stangers' bikes out into the street and no one stopped him or even said anything about it.
I'm having pain in the center of my chest. It's not cardiac. I know this. So he says it's nothing to worry about. I think he's worried but we're still 3 days from home and most of the frustration he shows seems like it's at me for complaining about anything at all.
We got to the train station 4 hours before the departure. There's no security to go through. When we finally got to board the train, my seat didn't exist. Hilarious.
Not even a hint at a subtle metaphor for me not mattering, maybe not even existing.
If I'm not real then you're not real. Strawberry fields. Nothing is real.
I can't wait to be home. At least my dog thinks I'm real. I think. Maybe he forgot me because we've been gone so long. Maybe I wouldn't even blame him.
I'm so excited for you!!!! all of them said before I left. I never felt the excitement. I still don't feel it. Traveling isn't for me clearly.
The three of us are sitting here on our individual phones ignoring each other on this wretched train that sold us a non-existent seat and then had the audacity to check our tickets again after we were 30 minutes into the journey.
Fuck them. Fuck all of this. I just want to be home where at least my fucking phone works all the time even if I'm still alone and invisible.
#still trying to convince myself this was a good thing we did#it's not working and the rude and idiotic French train experience isn't helping#3 more days
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Fanfic asks
Thanks to @mossrose10 for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?.
Only Marvel (so far) and mostly just Irondad.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Emergency Contacts Flash gets a hold of Peter's phone at a party, and can only access the emergency contacts. Parker has a "Dad" listed in there, but Flash knows his dad died. As a joke, in the heat of the moment, he texts a ransom message to that contact. He didn't expect a very angry Iron Man to show up minutes later.
Cutting Remarks Peter Parker's field trip ends up being at Stark Industries, thanks to a little push from Pepper. Peter makes Tony promise to stay out of it, but Tony has never been great at keeping his distance. FRIDAY basically calls him a stalker. Kids are mean. Peter is self-sacrificing. You know, the usual.
Better Than I Was Rhodey makes it down to the Tower for a visit, and to meet the "intern" Tony has been so busy with, and is surprised by what he finds there.
Sick Day Shouldas Tony gets a call from Peter's school, asking him to pick Peter up because of a migraine, which turns out to be a result of his senses being haywire.
Outside Insights Since he had a head injury that prompted observation for 24 hours, Peter ends up having to shadow Tony as he attends to some SI business. It happens to be "Family Day," and lots of people are confused about the relationship between Mr. Stark and the kid he brought with him.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try hard to respond to every comment. But sometimes I get woefully behind! :( (Like right now!)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Do any of my fics have angsty endings? Not really... Maybe Near-Arctic Adventures would count with Rhodey's musings at the end, and looking at the series possibly ending in "Infinity War" happening.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings... I'm going to randomly pick Birthday Breakout.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. A little constructive criticism here and there. :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not. I don't usually read them either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, though we've talked about it a bunch of times, haha. I've co-brainstormed a bunch, and written a few of those!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The platonic Peter Parker & Tony Stark one is probably my favorite, but I've liked lots of them in the past. :) Lois/Clark in Lois & Clark: the New Adventures of Superman, Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Spock/Uhura, (that was cheating, wasn't it...)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any WIPs I don't think I'll finish, unless it's the AU of my soulmates AU that I started. I don't know if I'll ever post it, therefore I'll probably never finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar and spelling, attention to body language, fun dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Rambling about things that aren't that interesting, not great at cutting stuff out after I write it. (I'm crap at "killing my darlings.")
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do some in Italian for Peter and Tony in Hardly Coincidence and the rest of the soulmate universe, but I usually switch to English and just indicate that they're speaking Italian for anything very long. (It has also inspired me to study Italian on Duolingo though, and I have a 225 day streak!)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I tried writing a Pern fanfiction (Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders) at least 20 years ago. It wasn't good. I didn't make it past the first chapter, and didn't try again until I was almost 40...
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
How am I supposed to answer that? If I was cheating I'd pick the whole Strands in the Rope series, but maybe Visiting Hours is my favorite standalone.
No pressure tags: @fotibrit, @spagbol99, @asyouleft, @opal-earrings, @niniblack and @cajun-fangirl (and anyone else who wants to do it!!!)
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Mysteries of the Coast (7/8)
Day 29
Alright, I don’t think I’m going to trip and fall into the lava. Let’s do this.

Phew. That was a lot of work. It felt like I was done for a time or two, but I managed. Even as we close in on 40 hours of me being awake.

The fact that Palina and Iscan both heard that means that I’m not just starting to hallucinate. Though Iscan acts like he didn’t see the old lord on top of the volcano, while I’m pretty sure Palina did. Maybe it’s just a connection thing?

Thanks for a job well done are always appreciated, even if I didn’t sign up for this job. And I like Irida, I’ll at least offer her another friendly ear.

Irida seemed down about not being of more help, but honestly, I barely had room to dodge out there on the lava field; I’m not sure what sort of help she could have offered. Also, did she yell at you and give you a lot to consider before or after you sent me to apply the same pressure? Because either you didn’t start thinking about it until later, or you went to see her after I did and brought it up. I get you’re under immense pressure as Clan Leader, but come on.

Wait, wait. I assumed you were like at LEAST 10 years older than me. Are they so hide bound that establish (young) adult is too young or did I overestimate your age?

Well, seems that crisis of confidence is at least put on hold. Clearly Irida has fun teasing Palina; and I get it: as nice as she is, she’s a bit stuffy and its fun to see her react. Also… I’m wearing a heavy-weight outfit that cover’s everything and you’re wearing a tube-top and short shorts. HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL ON THIS VOLCANO?!?!!?
I think I’ll get back to camp and sleep here. No sense making the long trek back to Jubilife when I’m this exhausted.
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dear slim, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin,
reader is the oldest of many siblings and is in college, eventually drops out of college to help more. readers single parent (can be mom or dad) relies heavily on reader to do things for the younger siblings, pick them up for school, make supper etc. any entertainment for the kids is purely on the readers dime but it all goes unnoticed. She finally decides to do something for herself and is scrutinized by her parent for not being there. Eddie comforts her during all of this and helps in anyway he can. Telling her she is worth more than just being a rely on for her parent.
@trashmouth-richie 🫥💕
Here it is, bb <3 I hope you like it!
Warnings: absent parent, some language
WC: 1.6k
Thank you to @firefly-graphics for the phoenix dividers!
You didn't realize that the day could already feel long at 7:30 AM until you had to raise your younger siblings.
"Let's go! Up and at 'em!" You try to sound chipper as you rouse your 10-year-old sister and 8-year-old brother. "Time for school, you little gremlins!"
Annie squints at you, grimacing at your wake-up call. "Five more minutes," she grumbles, pulling the covers to her chin.
"You said that five minutes ago," you remind her, exasperated. "C'mon, I can't be late for work again or Keith is gonna fire me."
Your sister begrudgingly obeys, and you breathe a sigh of relief before battling the demon that is your little brother. "Wake up, Nicky," you call out, only to be met by a pillow chucked at your head. It narrowly misses your glasses, and you march over to him angrily.
"Get. Up," you hiss, wrenching the blankets off of the pajama-clad boy, "or I will loudly announce to your class that you're late because you wet the bed." The threat works, with Nicky dressed and downstairs in a flash.
Your mom is in the kitchen, talking to Nicky while running around to gather her wallet and keys.
"Ask your sister to make you pancakes," she's saying absently. "I'm sure she won't mind."
You clear your throat. "Actually, today's menu includes cereal or...cereal," you report. There's no time for anything beyond that, anyway.
"But I...want...pancakes!" Nicky cries, stomping his feet on the tile floor.
Your mom rolls her eyes as Annie strolls in. "Oh, and don't forget to pick them up from school today."
"Got it," you reply tersely, pouring some Cheerios into a bowl despite Nicky's wailing protests. She's out the door before you can say anything else.
After school drop-off, which somehow happens on time, you drive yourself to work. Pulling on your ugly Family Video vest, you make your way into the store.
Wednesdays are the worst because you're stuck with Keith for the day. Steve has off today, and Robin doesn't come in until you leave, which means your shift will drag.
"Morning," you mutter. Keith unsurprisingly doesn't even respond. He barely says a word to you until an hour into the day.
"Oh, I need you to cover the first half of Robin's shift," he tells you casually. "She called in sick and Steve can't make it in until 4."
You shake your head. "Sorry, Keith," you say, though you're not the least bit apologetic. "I pick up my siblings from school, remember?"
Your manager gives a little laugh. "Okay, well, how about this," he leans in closer to you with a sneer. "You cover the shift, or you never work another day here again."
"But...I need this job." Your mouth goes dry, and you feel your palms moisten with sweat. Everything the kids needed beyond food, clothes, and shelter--whatever your mom was legally obligated to provide--fell on you. You'd just spent a third of your last paycheck sending Annie on a field trip to the zoo.
Keith just shrugs, heading into the break room to snag a bag of chips from the vending machine.
Fuck. You can't lose your job, but you also can't afford after-school childcare. Your chest tightens, making you feel like you're breathing through a coffee stirrer. Blinking back tears, you run through your options: you can leave work and hope that Keith is in a forgiving mood, you can use the extra cash you make to pay for the childcare, or you could beg your mom to pick up Annie and Nicky. The fact that you'd have to plead with her to take care of her own kids leaves a sour note in your stomach.
"Hey, Y/N!" a familiar voice pulls you away from your thoughts. You glance up to see your best friend, Eddie Munson, burst through the doors. "Sorry it's a little late, but could you waive the--whoa, what's wrong, sweetheart?"
You can't hold back anymore, and the dam bursts. Tears stream down your face and plop onto your shoulders. "It's t-too much," you sob. "I can't k-keep running myself ragged like this." You explain your problem through heaving breaths, Eddie rubbing your back comfortingly.
"Why don't I pick up the little rug rats?" he asks gently. "I can stay with them until you get home."
You shake your head. "No, I couldn't ask you to do that, Eds," you murmur.
"You're not," he replies with a laugh. "Technically, I'm asking you."
You offer him a wry smile. "Are you sure? I don't wanna put you out."
"Positive," Eddie says. "Let me do this for you, okay?"
"Okay," you agree hesitantly. "Pick-up's at 2:30; if you get there later than 2:45, they'll charge for after-school care."
Eddie contorts his face, making you giggle. "Jeez, really? Don't worry, I'll be there at 2:30 sharp." He gives a little salute, and you roll your eyes playfully.
"I owe you," you promise him, taking the VHS from his ringed fingers. You feel a spark of electricity as your hands touch.
"Nah," he smiles, "just waive that late fee for me, will ya?"
After your extended shift, you trudge through the front door. Dinner tonight will probably be something from a can, and as much as you can barely stomach the thought of Spaghetti-os or Chef Boyardee, you're too exhausted for anything more strenuous.
The scent of burgers and fries wafts past your nose. When you walk into the kitchen, you see Eddie sitting at the table with Annie and Nicky. Your siblings have kids' meals, and Eddie's chowing down on a bacon cheeseburger. The three of them are laughing so hard you'll worry they'll choke.
"Y/N!" Eddie calls out excitedly. "You're home!"
"Yup!" You muster up a tired smile. "You're relieved of your babysitting duties, sir."
Nicky speaks up from his seat. "Eddie was just telling us about how he broke his leg trying to crowd surf at one of his concerts." The mention of the story sends him into another fit of giggles.
"I remember that," you say. "What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't," Eddie responds, shaking his frizzy mane. He looks over at the grease-soaked bag on the table. "Oh, here--this one's for you." He pulls out a burger and a side of curly fries. "I specifically asked for curly, because those are your favorite."
Your heart melts at the kind gesture. "Thank you," you murmur. "How much did it cost?" you ask, reaching into your bag for your wallet.
"Um...seven million dollars," Eddie replies cheekily.
"I'm serious!"
"So am I!" But he can't help but chuckle. "I'm tellin' ya, this inflation thing is out of control."
You shelve your response, too tired to argue with him now. Instead, you turn to your siblings. "Did you two finish your homework?" Their silence answers for them. "Go to it; let me know if you need any help." They scamper into the living room, leaving you and Eddie alone.
"You're free to get home, if you want," you mutter, taking a bite of your burger. It's the best thing you've ever tasted. "Or you can stay. I don't wanna keep you..."
"Do you even know how amazing you are?" he blurts out without thinking. "I never met someone who did so much for other people."
"I mean," you stammer, "I-I kinda have to." You gesture to the living room. "My mom doesn't take care of them like she should."
"But that's the thing," Eddie insists. "You shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have had to drop out of college to pick up extra shifts at work so you can pay for their stuff. You shouldn't have to be at your mom's beck and call for free childcare. You shouldn't have to constantly pick up the pieces when she makes mistake after mistake."
You gaze at the ground, unable to meet his big brown eyes. "I guess I just want to be the big sister I wish I had when I was their age," you admit. "I wish there was someone looking out for me the way I do for them."
"I'll take care of you," Eddie says softly. "That's all I've ever wanted, if you'll let me."
"It's not just me, though," you tell him. "It's me and Annie and Nicky. At least until they're old enough to take care of themselves."
"Okay, so then I'll take care of the three of you." He says it without any hesitation, like he's been waiting for you to ask. "I can help out with pick-ups, and dinners, maybe throw together a PB&J sandwich for their lunches..."
"Why?" you utter suddenly. "Why would you do that for me...for us?"
Eddie rests a hand on your thigh. "Because I love you," he confesses. "and it breaks my heart watching you give so much of yourself to others and not getting the same in return."
You're stuck on his initial statement. "You...love me?" you squeak out. Surely he just means as a friend, right?
He nods. "Love you so much; always have, always will." And he leans into you, his plush lips meeting yours for a soft kiss. The hand not on your thigh reaches up to cup your cheek. "Was...was that okay?"
You nod breathlessly. "It was more than okay, Eddie. And...I love you, too." It feels so good to say, and even better when his face splits into a grin.
"Mhm," you say, your smile matching his. "Always have, always will."
#eddie munson#eddie munson fluff#eddie x reader#eddie x you#eddie stranger things#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x f!reader#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson stranger things#stranger things#eddie munson fanfic#stranger things fanfic#fanfic#fluff#requests
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Hi! I really liked really your relationship headcanon piece with Gun, Warren and DG. I was wondering if you could do relationship headcanons for the other characters Goo, Samuel and Jake? Thanks ~
how in the world did I misread Jake as Johan-- Well it just means another character lol
Bro what?? 100+ followers?? Me?? I can’t thank you guys enough for the support! <3333
Headcanons under the cut!

Relationship Headcanons Ft. Goo, Samuel, and Jake, and Johan
Joon Goo Kim
dating Goo... is a trip, to say the least
you guys are definitely that couple covered head to toe in brand deals
he won’t settle with anything but the best for both you and him
which usually leads to him spoiling you no matter how much you tell him you’re fine
you basically have a degree in nursing with how much you patch this man up
he’d come home with at least one new injury
at first, he was reluctant in letting you care for him
let’s be honest
real, genuine kindness is like a foreign language to him
so when you first expressed concern for him, he was definitely confused, if not suspicious
much like Gun, chances are you also work under Charles Choi
he generally doesn’t care whether or not if you work in his particular...field as long as it brings in money
his all time favorite kinds of dates are most probably casino dates
dressing up and having the chance to earn a quick buck?
sign him up!
although, you do have to console him after a few big losses
he gets all pissy and just hugs you closer
speaking of hugs, he seems like the kind if guy to just whisk you away from whatever you were doing and hold you in his arms for a while
and if you want to get out of his hold, good luck...
I hope you have thick skin because this man teases you so much he borderline insults you
however, fret not, for he shall make it up to you with endless amounts of cuddles and kisses
...until he does it again only a few hours later
8/10, it’s off-putting seeing him beat up people for money and how often he gets injured but his hugs are to DIE for
Samuel Seo
he’s obsessed with you, to put it simply
like, borderline yandere obsessed
and we’ve SEEN how he acts with Gun
if you want to avoid him beating the shit out of random people to get your attention
just give him attention from the get-go lmao
he’s like TOUCH STARVED touch starved
so shower him with attention, okay?
loves it when you spend hours tracing the faded scars and prominent tattoos that litter his skin
poor guy’s been ridiculed all of his life for basically everything he does
but not too much, though
because good lord does this guy have a superiority complex
if you’ve been with him since middle school don’t bring up Jake
like ever
no matter how long you’ve been with him he’ll still loathe being interrupted
oh well, small price to pay if you’re talkative, I guess
definitely the kind of guy to buy you something super expensive and when you ask where he got the money because, you know, he’s still technically a teen--
he’ll just be like “Don’t worry about it.”
sketchy, but whatever
did I mention how possessive he is?
always has an arm around you whenever the two of you go out
nearly punched a poor tourist who only asked for directions
bro chillll
7/10 clingy, but he makes up for it in his own ways
Johan Seong
he’s definitely reluctant to let you into his life, much like the other two on this list
but when he does, have fun trying to pry him off in the mornings
Johan sucks with words so he shows his words through his actions
small things, like making you a small breakfast and holding your hand during little walks with Eden and Miro
cute shit, really
that doesn’t make things any less dangerous with him around
similarly to Goo, he’ll pick lots of fights with the sole intention of getting a quick buck
speaking of fighting, though he doesn’t say anything about it, he loves showing off to you (have you SEEN that smirk??)
because he sees you as far more than family, he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
weird guy looking at you weird from across the street?
bam--he just got a taste of the sole of Johan’s shoe
doesn’t really enjoy going shopping, or really anything that doesn’t include playing with his dogs or eating
but won’t complain if you do decide to take him out for shopping
much like Samuel (though not to his extent) he’s clingy
it’s been a very long time since there was someone other than himself he could rely on
even later on in your relationship he has his doubts
they’ll probably always continue to gnaw in his mind, but as long you’re there to comfort him, he’ll learn to just ignore those doubts.<3
because of these doubts and insecurities, it doesn’t take a lot to get him jealous
likes to be coddled, but not to the point where it’s suffocating
8/10, rocky at first, but when you find the right rhythm it’s practically smooth sailing from there
Jake Kim
Jake is, well, Jake
I can’t promise he’ll always have time for you or will clear his schedule at the drop of a hat (he does that in advance lmao)
he’s a busy guy
but that doesn’t change the fact he loves you
he really, truly does love you
he’s got basically everything about you memorized
keeps all important dates highlighted in red on his calendar
and always knows what to get you as a gift, whether it be spending time together or something you spotted from a store
...if it’s in his price range, of course
Jake will always appreciates your cooking and eat it even if it tastes like coal
anything is better than instant noodles for a week straight tbh
touched starved and a little clingy
not like Samuel level
but enough to crave your touch after a long week of nothing but paperwork
even if you’ve been with him for a long time (since, like, middle school) he’d still be apprehensive about business pertaining to Big Deal
it’s not that he’s keeping secrets from you
he just doesn’t want you constantly worrying about him. which could potentially put a target on your back
during the few occasions when his thoughts finally catch up to him, he wonders why you’re still with him
so just hold him for a while to dispel these thoughts
loves doing small, mundane things with you on his rare days off
it makes him feel...free from everything else around him
no gangs
no fighting
no money crisis (debatable)
just you and him living life
9/10, he’s an overall great guy who puts a lot of effort into a relationship

helloo!!! im dum lol, so i present to you the “emotionally constipated” quartet
Sorry for disappearing...
#lookism#lookism x reader#jake kim#jake kim x reader#joon goo kim#joon goo kim x reader#goo kim#goo kim x reader#samuel seo#samuel seo x reader#johan seong#johan seong x reader
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Tagged by: @kuhcra 🙌❤️
Sign: I'm an aquarius, i never really get these things, come on astrology mutuals tell me smth about myselffff, am i gonna die and become a cat? Am i destined to save the world from a catastrophic alien invasion?
Height: I'm 172cm ish!
Last thing I googled:
Believe it or not, the Reading fest ticket, I'm contemplating whether 100 quid is worth it to get smashed to a pumpkin amidst crowds of thousands to watch the Killers play

Number of followers: hmm i dunno around 400ish? Doesn't matter tho, I love. Every. Single. One. Of. My. Mutuals. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i also love that all of you come from different fandoms and come here to be chaotic with me or be introduced to some completely random ships lol. My page is a fandom networking platform n i won't have it any other way!
Amount of sleep: oof I'm an old man. I need my 8 hours beauty sleep. Sometimes 9 hours on weekends lol
Lucky #: I've absolutely no idea what this means, tumblr lingo expert help?
Wearing: A knitted sweater, cozy pajama pants and CHRISTMAS SOCKS! I luv my festive socks 🧦🧦🧦
Dream job: Oooohhhhh this is so difficult. Ok there are 2 things to this (leave it to me to overcomplicate stuffs lol)
Within the unachievable realm I've always wanted to be a musician (Hency my profile background!). I kinda almost did, I taught piano for quite some time, and was in a band for a long time. Hey you never know, might get called to headline glastonbury anytime, hang out with Alex Turner backstage and never have to work a day in my life anymore 😉
Frankly I just dream of playing a rock concert with my band at the royal albert hall and crowdsurfing the dead-est, posh-est crowd ever just cause i thought it'd be hilarious to see their faces 🥲 lol

In the slightly more achievable realm within my field right now, my dream job is to work in the UN peacekeeping or other international conflict orgs to help broker peace deals and help resolve some of the conflict stalemates around the world. I've worked with humanitarian charities before but I get really frustrated seeing so many efforts gone to waste cause the bureaucrats on top just couldn't be bothered to sacrifice their political interests for longlasting peacekeeping efforts. Sorry this is such a geeky answer! It's just that I've seen so many unnecessary sufferings and I just really really want to be in a position where I can at least make my mark to do smth good to change the world for better before I die!
Movies/books that summarise me: prob Orwell's 1984 lol, i'll leave it to you to interpret why
Favourite song: Oh this is so difficult! My current fav is by the Belgian artist Stromae, the one he made as a tribute to Cesária Évora, one of the greatest living singers of all time!
My current fav album and something that you DEF DEF DEF should listen to is the new album by the Canadian indie band Peach Pit called From 2 to 3. It has that old school road trip feel good vibes with your friends during a cross-country, it calms the soul and soothes the mind just uuggghh absolute masterpiece! (My fav track is give up baby go!)

Fav instrument: My bass! Especially my fender jazzmaster bass Rory ❤️ it's been my date for 23 years
Aesthetic: Have you seen the riverside of Thames in autumn?

Fav author: I don't read a lot of non-fictions anymore sadly, but I love poetries and literature. Jeanette Winterson is one of the only I feel that can really capture the essence of our souls and unearth emotions as raw as our hearts. Here's her masterpiece from Lighthousekeeping:
Fav animal noise: 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬
Random: my dear mutuals, I am working on 2 deadass long angsty carraville and fedal fics that might never get finished but I'm committed to see them to the end even if it takes years!
On another note, if somehow our interests overlap again, the last fic I did was on pepmou. It's so sappy, I don't even know how I got through it! But if you're feeling a bit in need of enemies to lovers... ⬇️⬇️
Enjoy the tag my lovelies: @surreality51 @aramblingjay @tam-is-blogging @aliceinqueensland
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Have you ever seen someone in like, head-to-toe (shoulder-to-thigh?) spanx, but without the bra part? It’s like a BYOB (bra) situation? It’s not great.
Anyway, my best friend’s wedding is this Saturday in Chicago and we leave at 6am Thursday. I need 8 more days to be ready for the trip.
It’s been so long since I’ve written over here that I was excited to fill in the “Listening to:” field. That’s … never been a thing here. Livejournal. Twenty (20) years ago. It’s fine. You should listen to this song though.
I don’t care about no hoes, where is your spouse at?
Red text!
(Personally, I truly don’t care about no hoes nor spouses. In fact I’m very actively trying to become a spouse myself, for fuck’s sake.)
So I’m a bridesmaid in my best friend’s wedding this weekend and I love her but she did us all dirty with the color of these dresses. It’s like a smoky lavender - the kind that looks good on no one. We were able to choose our own style at least, but they are all relentless and unforgiving. I am wearing head-to-toe spanx (BYObra) and you can see like, the line of the contour? on the thigh? And it’s not because I have thick legs. I mean, it’s because the material of the dress is almost as though it was stuck to you, but it flows nicely in a breeze. I don’t know. I’ve also lost a bunch of weight since June (thanks, keto!) and that honestly helps me feel better about the dress. I took selfies tonight, even! Maybe I’ll post one.
This has been a hard week. Since Friday, I: organized and attended yet another suicide prevention training at work; unexpectedly found myself needing to support a dear coworker towards the end of that training class because he had been struggling with all the thoughts we’d been talking about for 2 hours and needed to step outside to cry and asked if I would join him (a senior general superintendent); attended a coworker’s wedding with another coworker, got drunk for the first time in a while and lost the latter coworker’s sunglasses before raising my voice at a third coworker who was getting mouthy with me; had what would have been the worst hangover of my life Sunday if it weren’t for Amazon’s party patches*; have been running around with my hair on fire at the office for both 10+ hour days I’ve had today and yesterday.
That whole thing was all about work. I’m working on that, but now’s not a good time for progress.
Seriously though, look up “party patches” on Amazon. Slap 2 of them on you (gonna do 3-4 for this weekend’s festivities, I have to be in proper shape for Nine Inch Nails at Riot Fest on Sunday #priorities) and while they won’t always stop a hangover from happening (I mean honestly how do you stop a speeding train, you know?), they will help you avoid an ambulance at least. Ask me how I know. Look for the blue and orange packages. They’re just vitamins, I don’t know what kind of witchcraft they’re about otherwise but they’re like $30 for I want to say 40-something patches? You really can’t put a price on magic.
(Ok here’s how I know: The last time I got that hungover, it was the morning after Matt and I got into a big argument about something stupid in public and I was crying at the table quietly but also pretty dramatically and the server had just approached with the check that I stubbornly insisted on paying. I could not pick my head up off the pillow the next morning and it took us 3 weeks to finally reach the end of the conversation because I was so embarrassed that I cried at a server as a 37-year-old woman for really the dumbest reason. I’m really fun to date. Fortunately he and I were genuinely fine those 3 weeks, we aren’t about grudges which has probably done a world of good for our 5-year run so far. But I was wearing 0 party patches that night. I currently have 2.7 packs for the bridal party and maybe the groomsmen if they’re acting right.)
Matt is standing up in the wedding too and we’re going to walk down the aisle together. I hope at least a couple people throw shoes at him. Gently, because he is a gem, but he needs a kick in the ass and he knows it.
Hope you and yours are loving your adventures lately. 🖤
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more time with you
a/n: hello everyone! here's some dad!harry for you all :-) i had a lot of fun writing it and am wondering if this family could be a little recurring thing?? lmk what you all think! i hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!
warnings: fluff (super cute dad!harry!!!), oral (female receiving), fingering, dirty talk
word count: 2.5 k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
If you knew that getting your husband to take a break from all the late nights in the studio, the commitment to several different interviews a week, and the daunting possibility of a world tour within the near future, was by telling him you were ready for another baby, you would've done so way sooner.
Your daughter, Allison (or Ally, she reminded you every time you and Harry would get upset with her and call her by her full name), was nearly six years old. You knew that you and Harry wanted a big family, so it was a surprise to everyone that knew the two of you that you didn't have a house full of babies running around yet. Needless to say, you were ecstatic when Harry agreed he was also ready for another child. He immediately pushed back everything he had planned within the current year to the following year.
"Next album can come out a lil' bit later, m' sure everyone will understand." He reassured you when you asked him if he really had to cancel absolutely every single thing he had in the works. "Just wanna take some time off for you, Ally, and our second love bug. Loved the time off I spent with yeh and Ally when she was jus' a baby, 'member that?"
You smile at the memory of you and Harry being new parents, trying to care for a fussy baby that wouldn't sleep through the night for the life of you until she was nearly two years old. After that, Harry decided he was ready to get back to work, admitting that he wouldn't be as guilty leaving you with a baby that sleeps through the night versus one that wakes up every few hours.
"I remember," you sigh contentedly. "I can't wait to do it all over again. Also, can't wait to start trying…" You trail off, trying to slip your hand under Harry's t-shirt that he wore to bed the night before.
Harry tsks, giving you a cheeky look and moves your hand out from under the fabric of his shirt. "Not now, darling. Ally's football game is at ten, so we gotta wake her up soon."
Letting out a soft sigh, you cross your arms, knowing Harry was right. You were just excited by all that talk about expanding your family that you wanted to get started right away. If Ally was late to her football game, though, she'd be furious at the two of you because that would mean sitting out the first quarter. She hated not being able to play as much as she possibly could. "I'll go wake her up, and you can make her a bowl of fruit or something like that? Needs something light, so she doesn't complain about a stomach ache with all that running around she'll be doing."
"Oh yeah, wouldn't be good now, would it? Can't have a repeat of last time," he laughs at the memory of you frantically calling him during half time of your daughter's football game last year while he was at a meeting going over tour logistics to scold him for making her such a heavy, greasy breakfast, while he laughed and told Jeff about Ally's little incident. "I'll go get her breakfast started." He places a kiss on your cheek and swiftly gets out of bed. You get up shortly after him, tie your robe around your body, and head down the hall to your daughter's room.
"Ally," you knock gently on the frame of her door. "Time to get up, bug. It's half past 8, and your coach sent Mumma a message saying he wanted everyone there by 9:15. Up you go, sweetie."
Your daughter groans and pulls the covers up higher over her face. "M' sleepy, Mumma. Don' wanna go today." You smile at her and walk over to her tiny bed, sitting down on the edge.
"I'm sorry you're sleepy, bug. But your teammates need you! 'Member what Mumma and daddy told you about bein' a team player when you told us you wanted to play footie like all your friends in school? They're gonna be missin' you if you're not there with them today, sweetie."
At this, Ally peaks her head out from under her covers, sleep still in her eyes. You continue on. "And besides bug, daddy's gonna be at your game today! He hasn't seen you play very often, has he?" Ally's eyes immediately light up when you remind her that Harry would be in attendance. He was a wonderful husband and dad, but he wasn't perfect. Sometimes he'd forget about her games and practices and already have things scheduled that he just couldn't cancel at the last minute. Although your daughter understood that her daddy was very busy, she hasn't quite grasped the magnitude of exactly how famous Harry actually was. Therefore, she wasn't quite sure why he wasn't able to make it to every single one of her events.
"Daddy's gonna watch? He's gonna see my whole game!" Ally all but squeals, kicking her covers off. "Where's daddy? We can go now!"
You grin at your daughter's enthusiasm, thrilled that she was so excited for her daddy to watch her play. "Slow down, babe. I'll get your uniform out of the dryer, and you can go down and eat breakfast with daddy. How's that sound?"
Ally nods and quickly runs out of her room, ignoring you calling out to her and asking her to please stop running. Shaking your head, you get up from her bed and retrieve her football uniform. You hear her talking a mile a minute downstairs to Harry, telling him how excited she is that he was gonna get to see her play and get to see all her 'cool friends'. Ally was a daddy's girl for sure, and you loved every minute of it. After getting her uniform from the dryer, you lay it out on her bed and go downstairs to join your family.
"...and I can run so fast, Mr. Coach says I run fast like a road-runner! You'll think it's so cool, daddy, I promise!" You walk in on Ally enthusiastically telling Harry what to expect when he's at her game.
"Is that so, bub? Are you the fastest one on your team?" Harry entertains the conversation, setting a bowl of oatmeal in front of your daughter.
"Yeah, daddy! And I don't even trip and stuff over the ball anymore like I used to! Mumma says I'm more 'co-ordinated'!"
You and Harry let out a giggle at your daughter's pronunciation of the word 'coordinated'. Yet, she doesn't notice, hurriedly stuffing her breakfast into her mouth.
"I'm proud of you for being more coordinated, bub," Harry ruffles her hair. "C'mon and let's finish up so Mumma can help you get ready for your game, don't wanna be late, do ya?"
"That's my girl, Ally! Go- oh, wrong way, poppet! Other way!"
You watched amusedly from one of the folding chairs you and Harry brought. He's eagerly yelling to your daughter on the field who was now about to score a goal for the opposing team because she was running in the wrong direction. She kicks the ball to one of her teammates, and Harry claps loudly, causing her to stop and wave at him.
"Nice kick, Ally! Pay attention!"
The other parents are looking amused at Harry, some knowing who he is, you assumed, based on how they had their camera phones out. Harry turns to look at you unbothered, a proud grin on his face.
"My daughter is a football star! Gonna go pro, that one is."
"Our daughter," you jokingly tell him. "And sit down, Harry! You're distracting her. She has looked over this way at you probably a dozen times already!" Harry playfully rolls his eyes at you but sits down anyway, knowing you're right. He settles down for the rest of the game, cheering loudly for her but staying seated so she doesn't get distracted by him.
As soon as the game is over, Ally immediately runs over to her dad and starts talking excitedly. "Did ya see how good I played, daddy? Did ya? I told you I can run fast! Did you see how fast I run? I'm fast, do you think so?"
Harry lets out a loud laugh, hoisting your daughter upon his shoulders. "I saw indeed, poppet. Really startin' to think yeh the fastest lil' bug I've ever seen in my life." Ally's eyes widen at this statement, and you snicker as you fold the chairs you and Harry were sitting in back up. The three of you are getting ready to leave when one of Ally's teammates and her mother comes up to you with smiles on their faces.
"Great game, Ally! You're such a good little striker!" Ally beams at this compliment, as does Harry.
"Whadya say when someone tells yeh something nice, bug?" He gently reminds her. Ally lets out a timid 'thank you,' and Harry gives her a little squeeze on her leg.
"Can Ally come to my house and eat pizza with me? And we can play with my toys, and we can watch a movie!" Ally's friend looks between you and Harry, a pleading look in her eyes. "My Mumma said it's okay with her if it's okay with you!"
"Oh, we wouldn't want to intrude…" you start, but Ally's friend's mother waves her hand.
"S'not a problem at all! I'd love to have Ally over, lil' angel she is. She's always welcome over at mine." She tells you and Harry truthfully. You look at Harry and shrug, non-verbally telling him if he's okay with it, then you are. Ally's been over to her friend's house before and always has a great time, and you had no plans as a family for the remainder of the day.
"Okay yeah, that'll be fun won't it, bub?" He asks your daughter, lifting her off his shoulders and setting her back down. He reaches into his pocket and pulls his wallet out. "Let us at least pay for food and some desserts too, if the girls want. I'm sure they will, though." He winks at Ally and her friend, and they giggle and go to kick the ball back and forth to each other while the adults talk. Her mother thanks him profusely but tells him it isn't necessary, but Harry, being the kind person he is, insists and gives her a few bills to cover the girls' day together. He never liked sending your daughter with someone else's parents without money because he thought it was rude to expect them to pay for his kid. He usually ended up paying for all parties involved as a 'thank you' for having your daughter as company. After telling your daughter to be good and have fun, you and Harry walk hand in hand back towards the car.
"Got the whole rest of tha day to ourselves, don't we?" He asks, rubbing his thumb over yours. You hum in acknowledgment and turn to look at him. He has a cheeky grin on his face, and you immediately know what he's thinking.
"Think we should get started on that baby, then?"
As soon as the two of you are through the front door of your house, Harry has his hands all over you- one on your neck, the other gripping your ass.
"Harry," you moan out breathlessly. "M'not gonna conceive our baby next to the front door."
"Well lucky fo' you, I wasn't plannin' on takin' yeh next to the front door, hmm," he says against your neck, placing a wet kiss on it. "Jump."
You wrap your legs around Harry as he walks you to your couch. "Wasn't really thinkin' 'bout the couch either you goof, but I guess it's better than the floor."
Harry huffs in annoyance and lifts his head to look you in the eyes. "Wan' me to put this baby in yeh or not?"
"Course I do," you retort, reaching in between you to unbutton your jeans. "Been thinkin' about it since this morning."
Harry hums in response and lifts up your shirt, kissing his way down from right below your breasts until he's at your hips. "Gonna let me have a lil' taste first? Make sure you're all nice an' wet fo' me, pet?"
You nod quickly, lifting your hips so Harry could have an easier time getting your bottoms off. He yanks them off and flings them over his shoulder. Harry runs a calloused finger over your underwear, causing you to shudder. "Lets get these off, yeah? That alright with you?" You whimper, bucking your hips up against Harry's hand ghosting over your core.
"Gotta let me hear you say it Y/N, yes or no?" He has the most shit-eating grin on his face, and you know he's just trying to get you all hot and bothered.
"Yes Harry, please get these panties off of me," you all but beg. "Need to feel your tongue on me."
That's all Harry needs to hear before he's hooking your underwear in his fingers, shoving it to the side. He flattens out his tongue and licks slowly up your folds, moaning against you. "Always taste so good, pet. Love havin' my head between yeh thighs like this."
Letting out a rather loud moan, your eyes squeeze shut as you tangle one hand in Harry’s hair, the other gripping the side of the couch. He takes your clit in his mouth and hallows his cheeks, suckly gently. “Feel good, Y/N? Let me know when I’m makin’ yeh feel good, gotta hear it.” You nod, feeling yourself growing close already even though Harry hasn’t been at this for more than three minutes.
“Need your fingers, H,” you breathlessly tell him. “Make me come, please.”
You don’t have to tell Harry again. He sucks on his middle finger and slowly slides it in you, curling it up and searching for that sweet, spongy spot he’s so good at finding. His finger curls against it and you yelp in pleasure, grabbing onto his hair even tighter. “Feels s’good, baby. Fuck, don’t stop please. Whatever you do, don’t fuckin’ stop.” Harry speeds up, sucking even harder on your clit to help you reach your first orgasm of the day.
“Can feel your tight pussy throbbin’ round my finger, know yeh gonna come, Y/N. S’tha feel good?” You move your hands onto your chest, pushing your bra up and rolling your nipples between your fingers. Harry moans at the sight and flicks his tongue on your clit, middle finger moving nimbly inside your cunt. Without warning, your orgasm washes over you, and Harry helps you ride it out, not stopping his licks against your clit. He gradually slows down his movements against your pussy and lifts his head, a big dimpled grin on his glistening face. “Always taste delicious, but I think I wanna feel ya come around m’cock now. I mean, I am on a mission to put another baby in yeh, after all.”
You beam, knowing this was just the start of having Harry to yourself a lot more often.
#harry styles smut#harry styles x reader#dad!harry#harry styles fluff#harry styles x y/n#harry styles imagine#harry styles blurb#harry styes one shot#harry styles fanfiction#fine line#harry styles#thanks for reading!#more time with you
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Memories Are Golden
The prom of ‘85 was just one week away. If you asked Steve how much involvement he would’ve have in the event, not even a month ago he would’ve guessed it to be nothing more than maybe taking a flyer home and immediately throwing it in the trash.
Because he wouldn’t be able to go anyways, him and his date didn’t exactly abide by the administration's rules, or society’s, for that matter, so he didn’t care about the whole thing, until last minute, when Nancy had successfully convinced him to be a part of the prom committee with her.
The conversation had basically been a very lengthy guilt trip, he’s well aware of that, and her whole, ‘best moments of our lives’ speech hadn’t really done much to change his mind either.
In the end, Steve had only decided he was going to do it for three reasons: he’d get extra credit in the teacher in charge of prom, the math teachers, class, he wouldn’t have to go to any of his morning classes, and Robin joined in on Nancy’s bullying him because her and Heather would be apart of the committee too.
So now for the next week leading up to the big day, Steve has to spend his mornings in the gym putting up the decorations for the grand march.
But it isn’t all bad, because their small little task force made up of the other poor souls Nancy had rallied to do this with her is all of his friends, Nancy and Barb and Robin and Heather, with the addition of one very begrudging Billy Hargrove.
The girls were all the type you’d expect to be into this thing, the crafty ones mixed in with popularity, and everyone knew Steve would do anything to show school spirit, especially if Nancy bullied him into it, but nobody actually expected Billy of all people to even show up.
He certainly looked more likely to be the one crashing the prom than hanging up little foil stars on the walls, and anyways, rumor had it he only was on the committee as an alternative to detention for smoking weed under the bleachers.
But Steve knew that had absolutely not happened, for one thing, Billy’s weed stayed tightly locked up in his bedroom, thank you very much, and for another, he was there completely willingly. Steve knew that, because he’d been the one to tell Billy to sign up.
Which, when it really got right down to it, Billy honestly was the only reason Steve was even doing this whole thing. They were used to working in a couple of very limited interactions on the court or in the few classes they shared, but with the prom committee they’d be required to spend at least four hours together every day. It was the golden opportunity, even if that wasn’t the way Nancy intended it.
So maybe Billy does show up a little late every morning on purpose, just to keep up appearances, but he’s got a smile on his face, hidden behind the styrofoam coffee cup he gets from the cafeteria as he seeks out Steve and sits beside him in the bleachers to wait for that days instruction.
“Mornin’ Bill.” Steve mumbles tiredly, used to coming in late every day and getting at least an extra hour of sleep most days.
Billy nods and hums in his throat as his only response, so Steve asks him, “You wake up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin’?”
And of course, in true Billy fashion, he flashes Steve his most shit eating grin, and says all nonchalant, “Always do when I wake up alone.”
It’s so cheesy, and very obviously meant to get to him, but Steve can’t help the blush that creeps up his neck. He’s still trying to think up an equally as flustering comeback, when the teacher in charge finally shows up.
She announces that this year’s theme was ‘under the stars’, which Steve thought sounded incredibly tacky, but there was still no way it would be any worse than the godawful ‘hollywood’ theme from the year before. Hawkins High had a reputation for a lot of things, but creativity was not one of them.
They get split up into groups, Nancy and Barb in charge of the promo, the writing up, designing, and printing of the announcements and tickets, and Robin and Heather got the delicate detail work, blowing up balloons, laying down the artificial grass squares and hanging or putting in place whatever the other groups made them.
Billy and Steve, on the other hand, were stuck with all the dirty work, the manly jobs. They’re the ones who have to paint the banner that’s going to go over the door, and carry anything that’s considered too heavy and hang anything too high (even though Barb really isn’t that much shorter than them), and set up the tents and string the electricity to the lights in the fake lamp posts.
Quite frankly, Steve doesn’t think it’s fair that they have double the workload as the girls, most of the week had been dedicated to their work, but he just can’t bring himself to complain about getting to watch Billy working every morning, still barely awake yet, his hair pulled up so it didn’t get paint or that much glitter in it.
On their last day in the gym, all that’s left is to sort out a few last minute details, the final squares of fake grass are laid out, lights are tested and glitter is spread out on everything. It doesn’t take too awful long, so they end up with just under three hours leftover to kill.
What they’re supposed to do is report back to their morning classes and try to catch up on all the work they’ve been missing out on for the entire week, but Billy isn’t looking to worry about a bunch of school work, so he tries to convince the rest to skip those last few hours with him.
From Barb and Nancy he gets an instant no, which, he was honestly expecting that. They’re responsible girls, and he can’t blame them for giving two shits about their education. The fact of the matter is though, that he doesn’t.
What he isn’t expecting as much is for his best friend to tell him no, but Heather’s too excited about her senior prom to get in trouble the day before it, and he can respect that.
He already knows that if Heather’s not going, Robin’s not either, so he waves her off before she even bothers trying to explain herself.
That just leaves Steve, and lord knows Billy’s been a bad enough influence on him that he doesn’t even have to ask if he’s ditching, so when Mrs Mitchell and the girls leave, they follow behind until they’re out in the hallway, then duck out of the back entrance of the gym.
Most of the time when people skip they just go home considering the lack of literally anything at all to do around Hawkins, but with Steve’s house too far away for it to be worth leaving, and Billy’s stepmom still at home, that sort of wasn’t an option for them.
Usually they don’t skip for those very reasons, but today they have a handwritten excuse to be out of their classes until exactly 12:15, so in a way, it isn’t so much like skipping as it is just using their free time wisely. Or at least, that’s how Steve rationalizes it, earning from Billy, who thought it was sweet that his former bad boy felt it necessary to make excuses for skipping, a chuckle and a warm smile.
They decide to just hang out on the school grounds, nowhere in town to go but the diner and the stores downtown, and they weren’t in the mood for food nor did they have enough money to blow buying stupid shit they didn’t need, so smoking and sneaking kisses by the tree line on the practice field it was.
It’s nice, but Billy doesn’t like the quiet, furrowed brow as he plucks blades of just growing grass trying to think of something to say that would break the silence. Steve just waits patiently with a lit cigarette burning out between his fingers for Billy to speak, listening intently when he finally says, “You know, s’a shame that I can’t take you to the prom after all that work we did for it.”
“Nah, prom’s way overrated.” Steve blows him off, not wanting him to feel bad about it, personally viewing the dance as stupid anyways, in a way sort of glad he doesn’t have to go, “It’s just a way to pay for new football uniforms and make kids who piqued in highschool feel good about themselves.”
But Billy doesn’t even laugh at that, flicking the head off a dandelion to keep his hands busy as he basically mumbles, “Guess you had time to think ‘bout it already.”
“Yeah. I guess I just always thought dances were kind of dumb. Now that I’m not King Steve anymore I just don’t really see a reason to bother with ‘em.” Steve explains, sliding his hand over to Billy’s across the tips of cool blades of grass, linking their pinkies together and leaning his head against his shoulder, soft touches like these the only way Billy could tell the difference between an open conversation and an argument.
“Still, think it’d be nice to be able to show you off. Let ‘em know what they’ve been missing.” Billy admits, a shy crack of a smile, like he was afraid to bring it up, and it makes Steve smile back, looking straight into the vulnerability behind his blue eyes and saying so softly it’s almost a whisper, “S’not necessary, B. I’m all yours.”
Billy pulls his hand away, a flush on his cheeks that wasn’t just from the warmth of the sun, overwhelmed by the affection just a bit, not uncomfortable with it, just not used to it, and bumps his shoulder into Steve’s, telling him, “God, you’re such a sap.”
“Hey, you’re the one that wanted to take me to the prom.” Steve says, barely even defensive, making Billy smile again.
There’s a break in the conversation, both of them flustered and thinking about the other, until Steve interrupts the quiet this time, leaning back on his hands in the grass and suggesting, “We could do our own prom though, you know.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Well, we can’t do the real thing, obviously, but I don’t have any other plans tomorrow. You should drop by.”
“You’re really askin’ me to be your prom date?” Billy smirks, but the vulnerable hope in his eyes gives him away, and makes Steve’s heart flutter, though he replies nonchalant, “Who else? Be there at 8:30?”
“It’s a date. See you then, pretty boy.” Billy says with a smile, leaning in to kiss Steve, but getting interrupted by his watch beeping, their break time almost up already.
Steve chuckles and kisses his nose, and says, “Guess we better get back then.” waiting for Billy to leave first so his boyfriend had a head start to get into the school before him.
Billy throws a wink over his shoulder as he retreats towards the gym doors, and suddenly the weight of what they’d just agreed to settles with Steve.
Maybe this prom thing wasn’t as overrated as he thought, because did he ever feel over the moon right now, blushing like an idiot and just standing there dazedly until he hears the bell ring inside the building.
Apparently it showed too, that butterflies in his stomach feeling he had for the rest of the day, if the fact that Robin pulled him aside in the cafeteria for an emergency meeting about why he couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off his face was any indication.
He told her some lie, something about one of the teachers he got his makeup work off of cutting him some slack, and Robin doesn’t believe that, but she knows it’s none of her business, so she lets him keep smiling.
Still, as much as Steve was looking forward to this, at the end of the day when he waved at Billy from across the parking lot, he got nervous. Like, speeding back home to Loch Nora in under ten minutes on a normally fifteen minute drive nervous.
Because he still has a lot of shit to get done between now and tomorrow night when Billy is supposed to show up.
For one thing, his house is a disaster. He almost never cleans it until it’s too late, half-assing the dishes and overloading the washing machine and hiding things in closets usually the day before his parents were supposed to get back.
Another thing is how should he dress? He had a few fancy suits of his own from outings with his parents and past dances, but he knew Billy wouldn’t. Still, wouldn’t it be rude to underdress just because he assumed Billy would be too poor to clean up?
And what did people even do at prom? Get drunk and have sex? If Billy wanted to do that he would’ve just said so. How was Steve supposed to figure out what else they were going to do? The rest of prom is just bad dancing and even worse food, was that something he was supposed to include?
What if he’d sent the wrong signal in the first place and it wasn’t just going to be them? What if Billy showed up at his door with a bunch of other losers skipping out on prom night and this wasn’t really special at all?
The thing is, he knows he’s being irrational. Billy’s not the type to care about this stuff, and even if he did he wasn’t gonna like, break things off just because their little fake prom in Steve’s living room wasn’t perfect. That’s just ridiculous.
So he tries to redirect that initial panic into productivity. Get at least something planned out and put together before he freaks all the way out and loses his motivation.
He decides to do it in small parts, tonight he’d start with the cleaning and getting everything he already had together, and tomorrow would be for shopping and decorating.
Because he’s got such a scatterbrain, he makes a list of all the things he needed to get done before 8:30 tomorrow night, and already he feels the stress start to dissipate with each thing he gets to check off, the living room cleaned until Ruthie would approve, picking out a nice sweater he’d never worn before, fancy but not too much, and tracking down all the things he already had, a record player, the fancy wine Billy said he liked, and a couple of strings of fairy lights and tinsel.
The next morning he goes straight to Melvald’s, with the rest of his checklist to but candles, more decorations, a boutonnière, just to do it, and maybe something other than takeout to eat for once.
He must look as nervous as he feels, dumping his purchases on the counter, because Joyce smiles that understanding smile of hers, and asks him, “Last minute jitters before prom?”
“You could say that.” He responds breathily, trying to return the smile.
“Jonathan and Nancy decided not to go, but it sounds like it’ll be fun.” Joyce says with a nod, and Steve realizes he’s given her the wrong impression, explaining, “Oh, I’m not going to the real thing either, just hanging out with a friend tonight.”
“Well that sounds nice anyways.” She says, as she rings up his stuff remarking, “You must really like this friend to go all out like this.”
“Yeah he’s-“ Steve physically shakes his head, a reminder to stop talking before he gets himself caught, backpedaling with a shaky excuse, “I-I mean, it’s not like it’s a prom date , it’s just, you know, two guys hanging out.“
Joyce puts her hand on his, that same warm smile still on her face, and tells him, looking him right in the eye as if to say, ‘I know, but it’s okay’, “I’m happy for you, Steve. Have fun tonight.”
Steve nods, a flush to his cheeks as he leaves the store with not another word than, “I… Thank you Mrs. Byers.”
Billy knew absolutely jack and shit about school dances.
The first and only he’d ever been bothered to go to was way back in elementary school, and that didn’t exactly hold a candle to the fucking prom.
It helped some that it wasn’t the real thing, but Steve was talking like it might as well be, and quite frankly, he wanted it to be. This was going to be special goddamnit.
But before he can even think too much about it, he realizes none of that will matter if it turns out he can’t show, so he brings it up with his dad at dinner.
At the table is where he’s least likely to get beat if Neil said no, so that was always the time he chose to ask for things. “I know it’s, uh, kind of last minute ‘cause it’s tomorrow night, but could I go to the prom?”
Neil quirks an eyebrow, seeming mostly uninterested, “With who?”
“Nobody as a date.” Billy explains, using the cover story he’d been coming up with since the minute Steve asked him, or rather in anticipation of, “Heather has a spare ticket ‘cause her actual date ditched her last minute and she asked me if I would go with her.”
Neil nods, seemingly believing him, and asks, “When’s it start?”
“Uh, about 8, I think, so I’ll probably leave at like, 6:30 or so.” Billy throws it out nervously, tapping his fingers against the underside of the table, and freezing when Neil speaks.
But he doesn’t get yelled at, it’s just a simple, calm, “Susan, do we have anything planned that time tomorrow?”
“No, dear. Max is going with her friends at six, but other than that...” Comes her timid response without a hitch, and Billy already knows he’s in the clear before Neil gives his response, still not looking up from the table.
He agrees, but with a few conditions that Billy wouldn’t dare disobey, “If you drop your sister off first, you’ve got yourself a deal. Just don’t come home if you’re drunk, and don’t waste all my damned money on pictures.”
Billy nods, his heart racing in anticipation of something he was pretty sure at this point wasn’t going to happen, though some part of him was still waiting for the slap across the face and a never your mind as he says dutifully, “Yessir. Thank you.”
Billy starts getting ready six hours early for two reasons: for one thing, the sooner he’s ready, the more time he had away from Neil and to psyche himself up to knock on Steve’s door, and for another, his hair on a normal day takes at least an hour if he doesn’t want it frizzing out or losing it’s curl or getting heavy, and this was his prom, he was willing to spend a whole day on his hair for the sake of looking nice, even if there were no pictures of it.
Of course Max, being the little nuisance she is, follows him to his bedroom when he goes to get ready, holding the door open with her foot so he couldn’t slam it in her face, and earning herself a grumbly, “What do you want, Maxine?”
“I thought you told me you weren’t going to the prom.” She says it like she caught him doing something wrong, as if plans couldn’t change, and it pisses Billy off a little bit.
“I’m not-“ He starts to explain, cutting himself off when somewhere in the house Neil pops the tab on a beer can, a tiny sound Max probably hadn’t even picked up on, but if his father was out and about in the house Billy doesn’t want to admit what he’s going to in front of him. He opens his door wider and ushers his step sister in, immediately shutting it behind her and finishing what he was saying, “I’m not going to the prom.”
She quirks an eyebrow, through Billy’s eyes maybe looking a bit too much like her step-dad when she does it, “Why’d you tell Neil you were?”
“Crashing the after party. Thought it’d look better if I said I went.” He just shrugs, half assing the lie, and, picking up on that, Max fires back smugly, “You’re lying.”
Billy snaps, no longer looking at her while he starts lining his shit up on his makeshift vanity, getting ready to get ready, “Yeah, I am. But it’s really none of your business, shitbird.”
“Are you going on a date or something?” She looks at him knowingly, if not a little surprised, and asks as it dawns on her, “Oh my god, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Maxine Nicole!” He hisses through his teeth, turning to glare at her and seeing that she’s holding his hair spray that he literally just put out, probably planning on stealing it, “Jesus, give me that.”
She lets him snatch it out of her hands and puts it back in its spot on the vanity she told him didn’t count as a vanity multiple times, rolling her eyes, “Yeesh. I’ll take that as a yes then.”
“If you’re going to tell on me Max, I swear to god-“ He starts, defensive, more vulnerability in his voice than intended, but Max insists honestly, the most not bratty she’s been since she stepped into his room, “I’m not, I wouldn’t.”
Though it doesn’t last very long, her not being a brat, because she immediately cracks a big smile and asks Billy, “Who is he though?”
“Mind your own, Max, Christ.” Billy blows her off, catching glimpse of himself in the mirror and taking note of the barely there flush to his cheeks, pointing to the door and telling his meddling step sister, “Out.”
“Awww, Billy-“ She tries to whine, but he cuts her off, “ No. Out. Of. My. Room.”
But Max offers quickly, like it’ll change his mind, “I’ll do your hair if you let me stay.”
And maybe it doesn’t immediately change his mind, but it does successfully stump him, because he’s asking her, equal parts genuine curiosity and sarcasm, “Why would I let you touch my hair?”
“No reason.” Max says, looking down at his carpet, definitely overplaying the bashfulness in bringing up her answer to appeal to Billy’s emotions, “I just thought, and maybe it’s stupid but like, most guys have their moms to fuss over them for prom, but, you know, you don’t, so I wanted to, I don’t know, be a good sister and do that for you or, whatever.“
Billy sighs, that had been exactly what he was thinking about all night last night, how his momma would be proud of him for finding a way to do this with the person, the boy he loved, and how she could’ve been there to do exactly what Max said, so he agrees, “Alright shitbird, guilt trip successful. You’re not kicked out.”
Max claps her hands together and sits on her brother's bed, getting all of Billy’s wrinkled button ups tossed at her from where they had been previously shoved, unfolded into a dresser drawer, and a command to, “Help me pick a shirt.”
She asks him while she’s unfolding all of his shirts he’d thrown at her and spreading them all out over Billy’s bed, “Are you going to button it.”
“What do you think?”
“Billy. It’s your prom.”
“Fine. One more button.”
“Two?” She tries to bargain, but he shuts it down again, making her giggle when he jokes, his tone level like it's a real threat, “One or I‘m going shirtless.”
“Then I pick.. this blue one.” Max says and puts her hand on a navy blue, quarter sleeve shirt after careful consideration of holding each button up up to Billy and thinking hard about it, but one more once over and she changes her mind, handing Billy a white shirt with snap buttons instead, “No, no, no, wait, this one with full sleeves is better. Yeah, that one for sure.”
“Sleeves it is.” Billy says taking the shirt and hanging it on the door so he’d remember to iron it, crudely shoving the rest of the button ups back into the drawer, and asking Max, “Will I need to wear like, a coat or something?”
She shrugs asking him smugly, “That depends on who it is.”
“Sensitive information.” Billy says immediately, when she looks like she’s going to argue shutting her down before she can say anything, “Which means I’m not tellin’ you.”
“Can I guess?” Max asks, making her case by reasoning with him sweetly, “Please? You wouldn’t be telling me that way.”
He genuinely considers it for a minute, and decides it’s whatever, in his head assuming there was no way Max would be able to figure it out, so he waves his hand with an eye roll, giving her the go ahead to start guessing.
Her first question is, “Okay, okay. Is it.. someone I know?”
Max furrows her brow, and asks, “Do I like him?” To which Billy shrugs and responds, “Probably.”
“Um, is it…” Max snaps her fingers, an idea coming to her, “Is it Tommy?”
But again she’s shut down, because for somebody she’s supposed to probably like, she sure does a lot of complaining about Tommy, and he calls her on it, “Do you like Tommy?”
Max hums thoughtfully, taking a second guess, “I guess not. Is it Keith?”
Billy shakes his head, giving her the most confused look she’d ever seen on his face as he asks, or basically exclaims, “Who the fuck is Keith ?”
“Well excuuse me for not knowing a lot of guys around here!” Max says, defensive, making Billy roll his eyes again and turn back to digging through his drawers for a decent pair of jeans to wear with a button up, most of them stained and worn.
“Not Tommy, not Keith, who’s left?” She thinks hard then gasps, connecting something in her mind, a devious, knowing little smile on her face, “Is it Steve?”
Billy doesn’t answer her, quite frankly doesn’t know what he should say. It’s his fault, letting her guess between the only three boys his age in town she apparently knew, but now that Max knew who his mystery boyfriend was he wasn’t feeling so hot.
Honestly, some part of him is expecting Neil to come busting through the door any second, like this was some sort of run around way of finding him out, but after a few minutes of her squealing like teenage girls do, he realizes all he has to face is an excited little sister.
He flushes, and asks her over his shoulder, his forcing his tone to sound bored, “Are you done?”
“Yes.” Max says, nodding, but she smiles wide and dissolves into a fit of giggles again, covering her mouth with her hands when Billy crosses his arms, and insists, “Okay, okay, I’m done!”
“Good.” Billy says, but he can’t help cracking a smile. He angles his mirror down towards the floor and sits in front of it, telling his sister lightly to, “Help me with my hair then, shitbird.”
Max sits behind him, and runs her fingers through his hair, “You should’ve put curlers in it or something last night.”
Billy rolls his eyes, realizing as he does so for the dozen things time since Max barged in that she maybe learned that from him, deciding that doesn’t even warrant a response, and hands Max the comb and one of the many cans of hairspray off of his vanity.
She sits up on her knees, and brushes back the hairs just behind his ears that always frizz out and lose their curl, holding them at the back of his hair with a bobby pin, one of the blond ones she bought specifically for him so he could use them without immediately getting caught using ‘girly’ things, but had so far been too scared to anyways.
It looks strange on him, looks more like something Max would wear than him, but honestly he doesn’t hate it, so he lets her keep going, only frowning a little when she adds a pearl adorned hair clip, big enough it looks more like a fancy brooch, to the back of his hair.
She sprays it with so much hairspray it’s tacky, scrunching it up so his curls are tighter, and smoothing the sides so they won’t come unclipped.
When every curl is in its place and approved by Billy, who insists he’s not in the least bit emotional about what Max had said early, that thing about having nobody but her to fuss over him, she hops up, telling him to, “Wait one minute.” while she runs to her room.
She returns with her bulky pink Caboodles box, the one that has all of her mostly unused makeup in it, tapping him on the shoulder and telling him, “Alright, turn towards me.”
Her plan didn’t work though, at least he’s almost positive it was her plan to break down his defenses just so she could use him as her dress up doll anyways, but he isn’t having it, telling her quickly to “Put that shit away, Max.”
“Why? You wear makeup everyday.” Max observes simply, making Billy hiss and tell her to lower her voice, “Yeah, but never the extra strength shit that makes your eyelashes curly and your face pretty. Neil will sniff this out the second I step out of this room.”
Max just shrugs, “Then I’ll make sure he doesn’t see your face. It’s not a big deal.”
“He’ll make it into one.”
“I think your senior prom is an even bigger deal, though.”
Billy sighs, once again losing to her arguing skill, and turning to face her like she told him, “You owe me if I get caught like this.”
Max rolls her eyes and does her magic, each second that passes Billy regretting agreeing to turning the control of his appearance over to his little sister, expecting to come out of this looking like her Diva doll, fidgeting more and more the longer it takes her.
Just before he’s about to panic, Max tells him, “All done.” and lets him look in the mirror.
He blinks repeatedly at his own reflection, surprised to see he didn’t have sparkly eyeshadow up to his eyebrows or rouge on his cheeks, just a tasteful amount of lip gloss and a copper tint to his eyelids, framed by darker than usual eyelashes and the smallest bit of eyeliner.
She gets impatient after a few minutes of Billy not saying anything, and pushes his shoulders to turn him around again to look at her, staring at him until she decides what she thinks is missing.
She hurries to the upright jewelry box in her mother’s room, and brings him back a clip on pearl earring for his right ear, opposite the chain of silver stars she already picked for his left.
“Here, it’ll look better if you have earrings in both ears.” She reaches up, pushing his hair out of the way and clipping the earring on, letting him do the screw on the back himself so she didn’t make it too tight.
Billy lowers his hand and scrunches his nose, leaning in slightly towards the mirror, “They don’t match.”
“It looks nice though. You look really pretty.” She tells him honestly, not realizing the impact the simple compliment, though not so simple for somebody like him, has on her brother until he’s trying to subtly blink away tears behind mascara coated lashes, pretending like that wasn’t the case and telling her, “Whatever, it’s too late to change it now if you want to be on time.”
He does one last once over himself in the mirror, though he knows he’s going to be using his car windows for the same purpose at the last minute, and shoos Max out of his bedroom door, trying to hurry out of the house before Neil can stop him and see him all dolled up.
He’s got one hand around the door knob and his keys through his belt loop when his dad does stop him, his heart just about stopping as Neil calls from the other room, “Do you have flowers for the girl?”
“I have a corsage in the car.” Billy lies, hoping his tone is sure enough for Neil to buy it.
“Good. Just remember what I said, boy.” Neil says, still from the living room, so Billy lets his posture relax a bit and breathes out a quiet sight, saying casually, “Get Max to her friends, don’t spend any money, and don’t come home drunk, I got it, dad.”
“Watch the attitude, William.” Neil says low, the air going still for a minute until he adds, “And have fun tonight.”
“Yessir.” Billy says, ushering Max quickly out the front door, sighing when it closes behind them.
Billy drops Max off at the Wheeler’s, just driving around Hawkins until it’s time to show up at Steve’s, making sure to stop past the Holloway’s place just in case Neil went asking around wanting to know if anybody saw his car in the neighborhood.
At 8, he decides he doesn’t want to show up empty handed, buying Steve some flowers like he’d lied and said he had for Heather from Melvald’s, not understanding the knowing look the cashier lady has in her eye when he brings a dinky bouquet of flowers to the checkout counter.
He rings the doorbell at 8:30 on the dot, checking himself out one last time in Steve’s window while he waits, fifty cent roses held behind his back.
On the other side of the door, Steve stands in the dining room, now adorned with cheap party decorations that would’ve made his mother pitch a fit, waiting a whole thirty seconds before he goes to answer it, trying to collect himself first.
Billy smiles wide, and, as cheesy as it was, seeing him standing there all dressed up taking Steve’s breath away and stealing the words right off his tongue, Billy having to invite himself in because Steve was busy catching flies.
He hands him the flowers, nodding towards the silver tinsel wrapped around the banister, the stars hanging in the archway that lead into the living room that were almost identical to the ones they hung from the basketball hoops at school and saying, “Place looks nice.”
“Oh, uh, thanks.” Steve says, quickly adding, “You know, you look nice too.”
Billy smiles softly, looking at him with that ‘you’re an idiot Steve Harrington’ look he was so used to by now, “C’mon, Stevie, we’ve been dating for four months now, you don’t gotta be all awkward with me still.”
“I’m not, I mean it, you look really good, Billy.” Steve says, smiling now that it’s his turn to fluster Billy.
“Oh by the way, I almost forgot. Got you this just because.” He remembers, handing Billy a box with a floral pin inside, pink roses with lace, and telling him expectantly, “It’s a boutonnière.”
But Billy doesn't open it, just raises an eyebrow and says, “I thought you did corsages for prom?”
“Corsages are for the girls.”
“Ah. Got it.” He says it like he already knew that, like he was hoping maybe Steve didn’t, so Steve offers, not really understanding it, but knowing what he means all the same, “It came as a set, I still have the corsage upstairs, if you want it.”
Billy nods and pins the boutonnière to Steve’s shirt instead, explaining simply, “Just so we match.”
Steve runs upstairs and gets the corsage, giving Billy a minute to actually appreciate just how much went into decorating this place, snickering to himself when he imagines Steve having to stand on a step ladder to put the string lights so high up on the wall.
Steve tosses Billy the box from the top of the steps, letting him open it while he comes back down and ties it around his wrist, having to tie it twice because he put it on the wrong way the first time.
Billy asks him, shaking his wrist to make sure the bow is tight enough, “So what’s our official plan for tonight, Stevie?”
“Honestly I don’t really know. I’m sort of just winging it here, I don’t know what you even do at prom.”
“You never went at all?” Billy asks, surprised miss priss hadn’t dragged him along to their junior prom last year.
“Nope. Like I said, overrated.” Steve confirms, and Billy smiles wide, saying, “I’m sure I got a few ideas in mind then.”
Billy’s idea basically consisted mainly of drinking all that fancy wine Steve had gotten out of the cellar specifically for this, shoving his tongue down Steve’s throat, and complaining about the real prom happening up at the school.
Honestly, Steve suspects things wouldn’t have been so different had they actually gone, but he can tell the fact that they weren’t able to go was still bothering Billy, judging by the sheer number of times he brings it up.
After what must be the tenth time that night Billy brought up Heather and Robin getting to go, Steve asks him, “Do you wish we were there?”
“No, that’s the thing. I couldn’t give a damn less about the whole dance, a thousand times over I’d rather just be here with you.”
“But I wish we had the choice to go, you know? It’s just, bugging me that if we had genuinely wanted to go, we couldn’t’ve.” Billy rants, very obviously having been holding this in, “And I keep thinking about all the other gay kids who don’t have a big empty house or a safe place to do what we’re doin’.”
“Yeah, but it’s really not a big deal. Prom is pretty much all for the parents anyways, and the way I see it we, and all the other people like us, we’re so used to disappointing them, what’s it matter if we don’t go?”
“Just, I don’t care about the event or whatever, but it feels like we’re missing out on something. Like maybe we should’ve just swallowed our pride and went with Hetty and Robin anyways.”
Steve stands up abruptly, picking up their wine glasses and kicking the coffee table all the way over to the far wall to clear the floor, offering Billy his hand, “I know you feel like you’re robbing me of something by us not going, but we don’t need all of that for this to be good. I meant it when I said that’s superficial to me anyways. We can make it mean something to us.”
Billy looks up at him, still bothered deep down, but out of ways to argue about it, and accepts Steve’s hand, wrapping his arms around the back of his neck when he pulls him close by his waist.
It’s not really a slow dance as much as it is an excuse to just be close to one another, to breathe each other in and sneak kisses and be sappy, but that’s was this whole thing was about. They could’ve just hung out tonight if they wanted, and honestly they probably would’ve anyways, but they called it a prom, put that title to it that made both of their hearts pitapat.
Steve had always heard, even felt it a few times before, that when you were with the person you loved, everyone and everything else would melt away around you until it was just you, but somehow, this was different than that.
Because that would mean there were times when his world didn’t revolve around Billy, and that there was ever a moment when he could focus on anything but the boy he loved, and that just wasn’t true.
This wasn’t performative, wasn’t a relationship formed on the status of being able to show off that they were better for being in love either, this was simply Billy and Steve, dancing in their tennis shoes on Ruthie's carpet, snickering when a particularly sappy song came on the radio, barely able to be separated long enough to turn to side B, falling in love all over again under the stars.
When the wine bottles are all empty and the stack of records has been spun through, Steve’s schnockered, and insisting they get a picture, searching the house for an old Polaroid camera and making Billy stand with him in front of the fairy lights strung
They only had three chances to get a good picture, no new packs of film and only a few left in the camera, so Steve took all three.
The first one was upside down and so off center he was hardly in it, Steve being maybe a little more drunk than he thought, and the second Billy closed his eyes because the flash was too bright, but it didn’t matter too much anyways because the film didn’t develop properly and the picture was nothing but reddish-yellow tinted blackness anyways.
The third one by some chance turns out fine, maybe a little blurred because he moved and still not quite centered right, but it’s a picture, something to hold onto the memory of this night forever when the hangover wore off and things got a little blurry, and that was important to the both of them, for different reasons.
As soon as it develops, a little 8 by 10 of Billy kissing his cheek, Steve runs upstairs to hang it on the cork board above his desk before it gets misplaced, dating it and doodling a little heart with a S+B inside it, hiding the picture behind a ribbon for a middle school art contest and a picture of him and his parents.
Billy hooks his chin over his shoulder, his hands traveling a bit lower than Steve’s waist this time as he watches what he’s doing. He hums and asks, when Steve stands up straighter and turns in his arms to face him, “So? What have you got planned for the after prom, Stevie?”
#stranger things fanfiction#harringrove#billy x steve#billy & max#steve harrington#billy hargrove#max mayfield#ej writer#story by ej!#slipped in the teensiest bit of billy w/ ocd because i can#also gnc billy#there’s a lot more characters but they don’t have major enough roles to tag#posted to ao3 yesterday
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Always Will Be - Ch 3
Pairing: Loki x TVA Agent!Reader
Series Warnings (18+ Only): Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Violence, Time Shenanigans, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Chapter Summary: Laufeyson begins to test his boundaries.

You stood in the waiting room and sipped tentatively at your hot coffee. It stung your lips and you frowned, almost a pout at the unfortunate temperature. At least it wasn’t lukewarm. The drinks at the TVA had that unfortunate effect.
Glancing down at your wristwatch, you blew on the scalding liquid and counted down the seconds.
3… 2… 1…
There was a crash and a thud from behind you.
You took a sip of your coffee, pleased to find it was just short of too hot to cause damage to your tongue, and turned around.
The Loki variant was just rising to his knees from where he’d fallen from the TVA portal, which had appeared and vanished 8 feet off the ground.
“There you are. Right on time.”
He dusted himself off, giving you a scowl.
“Do you have any idea what I just went through!” He gestured angrily at the ceiling. “I had to stand in an empty queue that lasted days, I went through a machine that measured every part of me—and I mean every part—and I had to read through a stack of papers and sign for every word I’ve ever spoken!”
You sipped your coffee again.
“Well?” He snapped. “Say something.”
“You weren’t gone for days,” you responded evenly. “You were gone for thirty minutes.”
He blinked rapidly, bared teeth turning into a confused frown.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I just got back from my lunch.” You gave a shrug. “I did tell you, time works differently in the TVA. Would you like to go for a walk?”
His anger was further deflated, his mouth ajar as if he didn’t know what to say.
“Coffee?” you asked, tilting your cup toward him. Laufeyson looked at it like it might be filled with poison.
You shrugged and walked away, sliding open the door to the waiting room.
You felt more than heard him join you by your side. The demigod moved like a cat. Maybe you should hook a bell around his collar.
“Where are we going?” he asked as you led him down a long, narrow hallway, the suspicion back in his voice. Did he really think you’d go through the trouble of killing him at this point?
Looking at his history, yes, there was a good chance that’s what he believed. You could count on one finger the number of people Loki had truly trusted his entire life.
“As I said, on a walk.”
“If you think for one moment that I believe we’re just going to—“
You pushed open the door at the end of the hallway, and Laufeyson stopped speaking, raising a hand to shield his eyes. The light coming through the viewports wasn’t especially bright, but it took a few seconds for one’s eyes to adjust to the grand sight of the space city.
You couldn’t help the small, satisfied smile at Laufeyson’s wide eyes and slack jaw. The view from this side of the station was especially stunning, and even though you had nothing to do with it, you were quite proud of the reaction it garnered from the variant.
“I told you, Mister Laufeyson. I don’t lie.”
You stepped forward, expecting him to follow, and he did, trailing after you as he kept his gaze on the long viewports along the corridors.
“Where are we?” he finally asked. His voice was quiet, soft, and you had to do a double take just to make sure this was the variant who had yelled at you only a half hour ago.
“Nowhere you can chart on a map or reach by starship. That tends to happen when you build between two collapsing stars.”
“The equidistant point between two gravitational singularities,” he said in that same soft voice.
It was so strange to hear him so subdued, almost reverent as he stared out the window, the faded browns and yellows and whites of the city reflecting in his eyes.
You looked away, taking another drink of your coffee. It had gone lukewarm.
You frowned.
Laufeyson stared at you, brows furrowed. You ignored the disappointment of your stale coffee.
“Most variants don’t know what gravitational anomalies are, let alone understand how they work.”
“And how many variants have you spoken to?”
You blinked.
“That’s not important.”
The sly glint was back in his eyes, the toothy grin making a return.
“I’m the first, aren’t I?”
You ignored the unnecessary question and made a beeline for the trashcan at the far side of the room, quite far away on the other side of the open area.
Laufeyson was so close on your heels that his clothing brushed against your jacket.
“This is superb,” he said with a cheeriness that dripped insincerity at every word. “I’m on trial for crimes against the very fabric of reality, and they handed off my case to an intern. How very bureaucratic of them.”
“I’m not an intern.” You resented the accusation and your defensive denial of it. You cleared your throat and walked a little faster. “And nothing was handed to me. I asked for your case.”
“Well, that’s even worse,” he proclaimed, moving up so he was now at your side. “You honestly believe this was all your idea, but I’m sure no one else was jumping at the opportunity to represent me. You know why, don’t you? You seem like a smart woman.”
Ignoring his mockery, you made to throw in your half-empty coffee cup into the bin.
Laufeyson snatched your arm, his fingers curling around your wrist. His voice was low and menacing in your ear, so close it sent an unpleasant jolt up your spine. The sharp sense of unease grew worse when he pressed against your back.
“I’m too dangerous. Too unpredictable to be controlled.” His words were a soft murmur, but razors at the edges. “They decided my fate as soon as I set foot in this place. And who do you think will take the fall for my lack of cooperation?”
His lips brushed against your ear.
“When I’m condemned,” he growled, “you’re condemned with me.”
You dropped the coffee cup, extended your fingers, and the remote dropped from its hidden holster into your palm.
You pressed the button.
The shock of electricity stung your wrist before Laufeyson released you, but it was nothing compared to the voltage that coursed through his body as he hit the ground, convulsing.
You released the button quickly, not realizing you were panting for breath or that your heart was pounding in your ears. You’d never shocked anyone before.
Laufeyson seemed just as surprised as you were, though it curled into anger and bared teeth when a group of five Minutemen flooded the room, batons drawn.
“Stand down,” you snapped. “I have him under control.”
The words felt like a lie. Your fingers trembled as you slipped the remote back up your sleeve, but at least your voice was steady. Deceptively so.
Why were they even here? The point of the Time Twister was for a single person to be able to handle the variant on their own.
“Do you confirm you have the Loki Variant L1130 rendered harmless, Agent?”
You glanced at the demigod in question. He, too, was trying to catch his breath, and remained on the floor even as he propped himself up on his elbows. He raised his brows at you as if to say, Well? Have you rendered me harmless?
“Yes.” You dragged your gaze away from him and addressed the Hunter that had spoken. You vaguely recognized him from Mobius’ field investigations. “You may go now.”
The Minutemen disengaged their weapons and filed out of the room. The other clerks and administrators who had stopped to watch the scene immediately continued on their way, even as they gossiped to each other in whispers.
“Still don’t believe me?”
You took a steadying breath. The humor was back in his voice as he rose to his feet, brushing himself off as if he’d done nothing more than tripped.
“Certainly shows a lack of trust on their part, sending their goons at the slightest sign of trouble. It’s almost as if they don’t think you can do the job.”
Working your jaw for a moment, you approached and came to a stop just in front of the variant, so close his smile faded.
“Never touch me again.”
You said it slowly, clearly, with perfect enunciation.
Laufeyson studied your face and raised an elegant brow.
“Do I have your understanding?” you pressed him. You wanted a verbal answer that grabbing your arm was unacceptable and could never happen again—
“For how long?”
You frowned.
“You said to never touch you again, but for how long?”
“…Do you not know what the word never means?”
“What if I had your permission?”
The question was given seriously, but the light in his eyes said otherwise.
“Permission?” you hissed, followed by a glance around the common area to ensure no one was listening to the conversation. Fortunately, no one was paying either of you any attention. “Why would I ever give you permission to touch me?”
And there was the smile again, returned with full, pearly-white brilliance.
“Stranger things have been known to happen.”
You pointed a finger at his smarmy grin.
“I will shock you again.”
“Ooo.” He winced with playful exaggeration. “Promises.”
Despite the fact you had shocked him moments before, something in the air shifted. The tension vanished, and a more comfortable atmosphere settled between you. Even the smile that lingered on his lips seemed more genuine than the usual fare.
All you did was continue to stare.
“So.” Laufeyson smoothed the ruffled collar of his jumpsuit, breaking the strange moment. “Where off to next?”
You glanced down at your wristwatch, surprised to find the hands had moved farther than you’d thought.
“I suppose we should start walking now,” you said, and did just that, heading in the direction of the appropriate elevator banks. “It’s nearly time.”
His longer legs allowed him to easily catch up to you.
“Time for what?”
You didn’t meet his eye until after you pressed the button to call the elevator. And even then, you did so with reluctance.
“Your trial.”
Next Chapter
#loki x reader#loki x tva!reader#loki fanfiction#loki series#loki#always will be#my writing#my fanfiction
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“Babe, what are you doing?” You finished folding the top you were currently holding and placed it in to your suitcase before turning towards your boyfriend and observing the look of genuine curiosity on his face. Mark had just arrived home after his shift at the hospital; you had a feeling he must have been exhausted and you couldn’t blame him.
Since a few of his colleagues either called in sick or went on vacation this past week, he’s been working overtime and it was obvious the extra hours were taking a toll on his mental and physical health. But he was never one to complain and he sincerely loved being a nurse. Working in the medical field was one of the more tiresome occupations and so you understood that all he probably wanted to do was fall asleep. It was only 8:30 P.M., however, he would always go to bed as soon as he got home from work no matter what time it was.
Seeing you on the ground right outside of your closet, packing multiple pairs of your clothes away probably confused the hell out of him and he was most definitely not tired at all anymore. Sure, he came home wanting nothing more than to take a quick shower and go straight to bed with you wrapped tightly in his embrace, but now he had other plans.
“Packing.” He began to walk closer to where you were sitting and took his place next to you, his dumbfounded expression didn’t falter nor did it waver. You had to stifle back a laugh; you were confident he had an idea as to what you were doing, so you were well aware that your response wasn’t going to amuse him in any way.
“I can see that. Packing for what?”
“Girl’s trip.” Once you admitted your plans and the reason behind your packing, his look of confusion quickly turned in to that of a frown.
“I don’t remember us making plans to go somewhere. With who? Where are we going?”
“Not we Mark. Just Sophia, Riley, Julia and I.”
“Wait, what? Why? When? Where are you going? Why didn’t you tell me?” As much as you wanted to continue your packing, seeing his broken expression as he hesitantly reached for your clothes; as if he wanted to get you to stop tugged all but gently on your heartstrings.
“I told you a couple of days ago. Right after we finished—you know—“
“You mean to tell me, that you told me you planned on going on a trip with your friends after we finished making love? My head was obviously somewhere else—I was too busy in between your pretty thighs to even care about anything else but this beautiful body of yours—you did this on purpose babe. It’s as if you knew I would try to prevent you from going. I mean, you have every right to go and I’m not the kind of boyfriend to hold you back from having your fun and spending time with your friends, but any minute spent away from you feels like a fucking eternity and it’s sucks. I’m happiest whenever I’m with you and I’m sure you know it by now. No matter how shitty my day is at work, I put up with whatever life throws at me because I know I’m coming home to you. Now you’re leaving me all by myself for God knows how long—what am I going to do without you?”
When he first found you folding your clothes and sorting out your luggage, you found his curiosity extremely adorable. You expected this kind of reaction out of him; that’s just who Mark was. For someone who was only a few years away from reaching thirty, he could be such a big baby sometimes. However, that was a trait of your boyfriend’s that you admired the most about him. He was very sensitive; but that’s because he had one of the biggest hearts that anyone could own and he had a small amount of separation anxiety when it came to you.
It never bothered you though, it just showed that he loved and cared about you with his entire being. That information alone never failed to pull on your heartstrings. Seeing him so fragile right now; probably exhausted beyond belief after a long day yet on the verge of tears at the idea of being alone for a little while made you feel terrible. In the three years of your relationship, you never spent more than three days without each other. Wherever you went, Mark followed and vice versa. If you went to visit your family back home, he was right there next to you. If he went with his friends to an arcade, you would tag along even if gaming wasn’t your forte. A lot of your friends would jokingly refer to you and your boyfriend as magnets. The two of you stuck together like glue. You were never not together other than when either of you were at work.
Out of instinct and guilt for not informing him more about your plans, you crawled over to him and sat on his lap; wrapping your arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. He placed his face in the valley of your breasts and released a soft sigh. Mark was a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words. He would shower you with his love on a daily basis—he did almost every single thing for you. He loved being able to help you and support you in any way he possibly could. If you were tired from taking on more hours at your job; he would cook dinner of the both of you. He would also wash the dishes, do the laundry, sweep and mop your apartment and sometimes he would even prepare breakfast for you and pack your lunches.
Your boyfriend was just a very thoughtful and considerate human being. He was the definition of a gentleman and even if he would remind you that he loved you at least five times a day, you could tell by his many sacrifices; you were his entire world. Hearing him confess how bothered the news of the trip made him only caused you to regret not putting more thought in to your decision. What started off as a joke just to see what kind of reaction you would illicit out of him was now something so much bigger; something that could have been prevented.
“It’s only a week Mark—“
“A week? An entire week? Seriously y/n? How long have you been planning this for and why do you seem so okay with the thought of being away from me?”
“Well, I was actually the last one to know. The girls didn’t tell me until the same night I told you. They just assumed I wasn’t going to go because they all know I don’t want to go anywhere you aren’t. God, we sound so pathetic. Sophia is joining the peace core in July, so she wants to spend as much time with us before she has to go away for two years. I wouldn’t go if that wasn’t the reason why they planned this entire trip. Jackson and Jinyoung seemed to take the news perfectly fine and I’ve heard that they are planning a trip of their own. I’m surprised that they didn’t reach out to you—“
“That’s because unlike them, I’m so far up your ass that I probably wouldn’t have any fun at all and it would be a waste of time and money if I were just moping the entire vacation. Plus, I don’t think I’d want to go with them anyway. The last time we went somewhere together, we almost got kicked out of a karaoke bar because Jackson’s dumb ass was being too loud. Humph, I’m really going to miss you. Damnit, what did you do to me? I never used to be this sappy before but here I am acting like it’s the end of the world since my girlfriend is going somewhere; probably going to have the time of her life with her friends while I do nothing but sit here like a loser until she gets back.”
You giggled softly at his words and beamed up at him; cupping his cheek with your palm before placing a few sweet kisses on his lips.
“We’re driving to Vegas—and luckily they already decided that it’s Riley whose in charge of getting us there so I will make sure to call you and text you whenever I get the chance. Trust me, I already tried to hint towards inviting you but they were quick to disagree. No boys on this trip—“
He pouted frustratingly once you said those words and wrapped his arms even tired around your sides. “Why not? I’m the best boyfriend out of our friend group let’s be honest here baby. The girls like me the most. Jackson talks too much and Jinyoung’s a petty asshole. I’m the quiet, mysterious and lighthearted boyfriend. I promise, you won’t even know that I’m there.”
You grazed your thumb against his cheek; trying your best to stifle back a laugh at his attempts to get you to reconsider. You were confident in the love your boyfriend had for you, but you weren’t sure how far he was willing to go in order to be with you at all times.
“Fine, fine whatever. Go have your fun, you deserve it for all the hard work you had to suffer through in the last few weeks. But once you’re done putting away all your necessities, I want you on all fours. I need to fuck you tonight—no love making. I’m not going easy on you at all. I’m going to make sure your pussy is numb and your legs are jello once I’m done with you. Remember, five photos a day—make it ten. Two of the scenery, three of your gorgeous face I can never seem to take my eyes off of and five nudes. Oh, and I expect gifts. I want one of those five keychains and maybe a shirt that says I left my poor boyfriend home alone so that I could lose all my money playing slot machines—“
A breathy groan fell from his pretty lips as you elbowed him in his rib cage as your way to get him to stop talking. He was guilt tripping you and you’ve been with Mark long enough to know why he would do all that he did. You were also now very horny. It never failed to make you smile at an idiot knowing how soft spoken he was and how everyone around Mark assumed he must have been such a sweet, introverted guy. If only everyone knew just how much of a dominant, rough, animalistic and forceful man he was in the bedroom.
“That sounds like a great plan. Trust me my love, I’m going to miss you just as much as you’ll miss me. Before we do anything though, what are you going to do while I’m gone?”
“Wish I was a girl. Now, take off your clothes and let me hit it from the back. Maybe I can fuck you so hard you won’t be able to move and I’ll have to nurse you back to health. Preferably with my dick.”
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Then Again, Part 26 (Peter Parker x Reader)
Masterlist (with AO3 links)
Total word count: 50,293
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25,
Summary: After an intense argument and a forced-to-share-the-bed situation during their junior year decathlon trip, Peter and the Reader examine their faults and failings. As they attempt to fix their mistakes and improve their friendship, that friendship quickly begins to evolve into something else.
Slow burn fic in which all characters are included and their dynamics explored; multiple character POVs.
Betas: @girl-tips-from-satan and @fanboyswhereare-you
A/N: This isn’t my favorite chapter, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for over a year and I figured if I don’t post it now, I’ll never move on to the next. Additionally, as always, I live for feedback. 😉
Without further ado,
Then Again Part 26:
(Words: 2,825)
The bus ride will probably get boring soon, or at least as long as the girls stay asleep, but even as quiet as it is, it’s almost a perfect morning. Being early (around 6:00, I think?), there’s barely any light except street lamps and car lights, but some of the clouds on the right have caught a pretty bluish purple tinge. It reminds me of that Rainbow Fish book Aunt May used to read to me as a kid. To make it better, the morning air is chilly enough that the driver turned the heaters on low so it’s wrapped-in-a-blanket-while-it-snows warm in here. Although that also might be why, apart from general dirt and old gum, the strongest smell on the bus is salty grease— since the nearest heater is under the seat Flash spilled french fries and chicken nuggets in yesterday. It could be worse, though. I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad smell and the traffic isn’t horrible. It’s not the best, but it could definitely be louder and a lot slower. The field of flowing red tail lights ahead of us is oddly comforting, like a snail-slow pasture of mechanical color.
All in all, it’s a pretty cozy start for a dreaded five hour bus ride. It’s giving me quiet time to think. So that’s where I’m at. Or should be. I got some stuff organized in my head last night even if I keep getting distracted now. Well, it was more like a couple hours ago, since I wasn’t able to get to sleep for so long after we said goodnight. But anyway, I’m trying to focus. It’s just hard, even with both of them sleeping.
From my and Ned’s spot behind them, watching the girls’ heads gently shake and bump against each other as the bus shudders through potholes is kind of calming. They seem so peaceful from this angle, like two people who’ve never pranked me and Ned to the point we were nearly suspended, or kept us awake and annoyed by asking paradoxical hypothetical questions because they know how Ned and I will argue for days if we don’t agree on an answer, or anything else like that. It’s like finding two mischievous cats sleeping, curled up on a chair. It’s easier to appreciate them when they aren’t causing chaos. But it’s not that hard to appreciate them when they are anyway.
Though Ned and I won’t admit it when they’re fully awake, seeing their heads smack into the seat in front of them each time the bus lurched to a halt at stoplights (during the first ten minutes after they’d fallen asleep) was funnier than it should’ve been. Even knowing then that we wouldn’t mention it later didn’t stop us from exchanging silent laughs when they leaned back up, muttering unintelligible complaints before settling their heads back onto one another. For the last couple stoplights before the highway, at least, we decided to be better friends. We both stood up with one leg on the floor and one knee on our own seat so we could easily hold their foreheads back each time it happened. Again, I wouldn’t admit this out loud, even to Ned, but it’s a little bit funny that Ned was a split second slower than me, so while I kept catching MJ’s head before the stop, he half-smacked Y/N’s forehead, like a really-close-to-the-floor basketball dribble, and made a wincing face each time. A lot of times. But it did stop her from colliding with the seat, and she didn’t wake up or complain.
As nice as it is with them and almost everyone else sleeping through the dark, quiet first hour of the bus trek back to New York, I am excited for her and MJ to wake up. Whenever that is. I’ve missed them.
But anyway, I really need to focus. God. I’m not doing a great job of that this morning. Apparently. So I’m focusing now. It’s like Ned said. I need to be honest with myself.
No distractions.
I’m going to set myself straight now, before we get back, so I can make a game plan and be more decisive and make less mistakes. Fewer? Yeah, fewer mistakes. She’s told me that half a dozen times this since she read that grammar book last summer. But that’s not important.
If I’m being honest... I think I’ve avoided the real possibility that things could work out between us because it felt too risky. And I make some dumb, impulsive choices. So that’s saying a lot. If she said no, what’s the worst that could happen? May and Ned have been asking me that for months, and it’s been so frustrating. The answer should be obvious. The worst thing wouldn’t be the rejection, it’d be if it made her uncomfortable and she broke off our friendship. Or, even if she stuck around, if our friendship changed and I had to watch her get more and more distant, knowing it was my fault and nothing would ever go back to normal.
Those were the worst — and, I thought, most probable — possibilities. For months I’ve been certain that if anything changed, everything would, and it’d all go to shit. So I kept dodging it. And dodging her before the trip. But, then, things did change this weekend. Things are changing. We fought, and it was super shitty and awful and a total nightmare fiasco, but we made up. And she seemed almost as relieved as me when we did. Now we even have this pact about spending more time together. I know it’s officially only in the name of friendship, but something’s… different. I feel it, and I think she does too. And it doesn’t seem bad. That’s the craziest part. I mean, she even kissed me last night. On the cheek, but still. “Keep it.” Maybe May’s not ridiculous: she really might feel the same way.
I’ve been texting her this morning, actually. Aunt May. I had to admit that I’m happy she forced me to do the forehead kiss thing last night. As annoyed as I was that she and Ned ganged up on me like that, I can’t dispute the results. She kissed me! Kind of. (To be fair, she did hit my mouth a little bit even if it was an accident.) At first it made me wonder if she heard any of Ned’s shout-comments before I could turn the t.v. up to cover what he was saying. But I doubt it. Even if she felt the same way, I know her too well to think she wouldn’t freak out more and enough that it’d be noticable. Yeah, no, I’d definitely have been able to tell if she’d heard him saying things like, “Nobody’s saying you have to tell her that you googled the probability of high school sweethearts getting married that time she saved your ass on that Bronte essay, but yeah, Aunt May’s right! Just ask her to come over and either talk to her or do the hair/forehead thing!” Anyway, May’s on board with her coming over a lot this week and next week and giving us some space. So are Ned and MJ. Ned said they agreed on giving us two weeks (starting tomorrow) without them hanging out after school. And who knows, if the dance goes really well, maybe it’ll be normal for us to hang out, just us, without the whole group. Because… well, I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself.
I’ll admit, they’re the best friends I could ever have. All three of them.
And it’s nice to have them all here now, Ned to my left and the girls in front of us. It’s even nicer to be outside of class or the city or crazy study sessions and have had a short breather from all that (despite the shitshow before we smoothed things over and could enjoy it). To be somewhere chill together. Yesterday and today probably feel even better because the last few days, or even weeks… no— months, if I’m being honest— have had me in a kind of less than happy place. But that’s over now. We’re all here and things are finally good. I just wish the girls would wake up, especially since Ned’s back on his phone. Again.
Yesterday, everybody hung out for most of the afternoon, but being in the whole decathlon group isn’t the same as just being the four of us. Or two.
Speaking of two— Ned being away during this next week or two is going to make everything so… unfiltered. New. Without his interference and being able to talk to him as often as normal, it’ll mostly just be her and me. Nobody to distract attention or blame stuff on or help me out when I’m doing something dumb (which is often). Like, for example, last night when I maybe let my excitement get the better of me and I might’ve jumped on the bed and thrown a pillow that accidentally broke the lamp on the nightstand. While I don’t really think writing that “Bill Mr. Harrington” note with the school’s address was Ned’s best idea, it helped me not care too much, enough that I didn’t do something dumber like actually tell Mr. Harrington. It might come back to bite us, though. Still, he was genuinely helpful this morning when Flash showed up too.
While we were hanging out in the girls’ room waiting for them to finish packing, there was a knock on the door. I figured it was Mr. Harrington about to yell at me and Ned for the broken lamp, so I motioned to Ned to shut up and move closer to the head of the bed we were already sitting on where, courtesy of the wall between the bedroom and bathroom, he wouldn’t be able to see us as long as he stayed by the doorway. MJ gave us an odd glance before she got up to answer it. Her annoyed, “What are you doing here?” didn’t immediately disqualify Mr. Harrington, but the sound of Flash’s voice saying, “I, uh, brought you guys some muffins,” made me tense at the first syllable.
“The free muffins they give us for breakfast?”
MJ’s dripping sarcasm nearly made me laugh even though I couldn’t see her, but Y/N turning from her suitcase and walking over to join them killed it still in my throat.
“Nope,” he said. “They’re fancy muffins from a bakery a few miles away.”
I wanted to roll my eyes out of my skull.
She may not like him, but that doesn’t mean I was wrong about him being into her. What a dumb way to impress someone. “Fancy muffins.”
“Expensive?” MJ asked. Even without seeing her face, I could tell she was giving him the squint death stare. It’s scary to have to respond to that face if you don’t know what the right answer is.
“Yes, especially with the delivery fee,” he said, sounding prepared for the question, “but they’re from a small local place, not a chain, which I figured you guys would appreciate. Actually, I think you’d like the woman who owns it, she was super grouchy and hard to convince.”
“They don’t normally deliver at 5 in the morning.”
“Oh, so you thought you could just—”
“What kind did you get?”
That’s one of the things I like about Y/N. She knows how to manage tempers and when to jump in; she has Flash and MJ down to a science. In that moment, though, I wanted MJ to fire her most confrontational questions at him with no mercy.
“Well, they’re all apology muffins—” I heard MJ scoff. Exactly. She gets it. “But I got blueberry, chocolate, obviously, coffee, cranberry orange, maple, I think that one has chicken in it or something, and banana nut.”
Ned and I turned towards each other with silent smirks at the last one. It’s a dumb joke, but under normal circumstances we’d never resist—
“Cool. Since you’ve brought so many, you can come in.”
Sometimes MJ drives me up the wall. This was one of those times.
I mentally took back my agreement with her scoff.
The three of them came into the room, and for a couple seconds, Flash didn’t see us. The girls were closer to the window than they were to the wall and the bed Ned and I were sitting on, and he didn’t look behind him. Until MJ pointed us out directly.
“You can give them some too,” she said, her expression bordering on smug. “Apology muffins, right?”
Flash froze for a second. I straightened my back. Neither Ned or I said anything.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded. “Of course.”
Surprisingly, he shook his shoulders like a bug just buzzed by his head and walked over, opening a giant rectangle of a box up to us.
“Take however many you guys want.”
I stared at him, not moving. Nobody flinched. Then I realized he was tapping the side of the box with his thumb. Not in an asshole come on, hurry up way, but in an anxious way. Just as I started to reach toward the box, Y/N asked:
“Why’d you get so many of the coffee ones?”
Flash looked away at just the right second.
Did I technically cave first by reaching into the box? Yes. But did anyone see? No.
Although, I guess he technically caved by offering us the muffins in the first place. Ha. All the same, I took a blueberry one.
“They’re my dad’s favorite. I wanted to surprise him, you know? But I can’t even get a hold of.... Um, are your guys’ parents going to pick you up when we get there, or are you actually staying for school?”
“All of you?”
He looked around to ask all of us, even me and Ned. We all nodded. When he looked at me, though, his eyes twitched. It’s a face I’ve gotten a lot before. He realized he said parents.
“You said these are orange cranberry?” Ned asked, pointing.
Flash nodded.
“They’re solid, though the banana nut ones are probably the best.”
As I said, under normal circumstances, like if one of the girls had said it, I would’ve laughed right then, but I’m not used to laughing around Flash. Ned, who usually follows that same rule, shook his head and grinned, if a little bit... nervously?
“Hell no!” he said, pretending to be mildly outraged. “I’m not eating banana-bust-a-nut muffins.”
A second surprise: Flash tilted his head and paused, clearly as stunned to be told a joke by Ned as the rest of us were to witness it— and laughed. So did everyone else. It was only for a few seconds, like literally three quick seconds, but for the first time for as long as I can remember, all of us were laughing with Flash. It stopped almost as soon as it started.
Tension crept back in soon so he left pretty quickly after that with an awkward, “See you guys in a few.” Thank god.
The girls finished tidying their room and going over the homework that’s due today (which we did last week since we knew we’d never get it done on the trip), before forcing me and Ned into the hallway so Mr. Harrington wouldn’t need to check our room for us and potentially find the broken lamp.
And then, pretty soon, we ended up on the warm bus, loaded in with everyone else. It seemed like everybody but Ned and I were too quiet and sleepy and squinty to be able to talk much before dozing off or staring blankly out the window or scrolling social media on their phones, the latter two options leading to the first in most cases. At this point, I think Ned, Flash, and I are the only ones still awake.
I’m going to work at tolerating him. As long as he doesn’t cross any lines with anybody from now on, I won’t bait him either. (Admittedly, I’ve been guilty of that, especially recently.) I mean, his comment about his dad was hard to miss. And even when he said it, it wasn’t a shock. Everyone in our grade at some point has had to listen to Flash’s rambling excuses for his parents ignoring or forgetting to show up for school events. Maybe being a dick is just hereditary for him. Or a family tradition.
I don’t remember how I got so off track. Where was I before? Oh yeah. Risk. Possibilities. The almost-worst case scenario that turned out not so bad. It’s been a messy weekend with plenty of re-evaluating, but the point is simple: I think I’ve got to give a few new things a try, and I’m excited to have a chance over the next couple weeks.
Next update: God only knows.
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#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#peter parker x you#marvel imagine#tom holland x reader#tom holland imagine#tom holland x you#spiderman x reader#spiderman imagine#spiderman x you#peter parker#tom holland
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Wait for me on the other side 4/8
Chapter summary :
Where we learn more about the past of Mobius and Loki... Where Croki is uncontrollable... And where everything ends in surprise...

2021 - Loki's apartment
Loki steadied himself with a pounding heart and picked up, "Hello?"
-It's Sigyn.
It took Loki a moment to realize who it was and let the slight disappointment fade away.
-Yes, I'm in New York. I came for a conference but it got canceled, so I figured I'd call you. To see if you were free.
An hour later, Loki and Sigyn were walking around in awkward silence. Loki hadn't wanted Sigyn to get any ideas, so he'd preferred to meet her on neutral ground.
"Thanks for coming."
"Sure, no problem." replied Loki.
"It's been too long."
Loki didn't answer, he didn't want to start a sensitive discussion. Actually, he didn't want to be here at all.
"How is Croki?" continued Sigyn.
"He's fine."
"Is he adjusting to life in the city?"
"Yeah, he's doing well."
"Good. I miss him."
Here we go... get out your handkerchief...
Exactly the kind of discussion Loki didn't want to start. Again he preferred not to point out, and again let the awkward silence settle.
"Have you eaten, by any chance?" asked Sigyn.
"No, but..."
"Me neither." replied Sigyn, not even letting Loki speak. "I just realized I'm starving. Maybe we can get a quick bite somewhere."
Loki reluctantly nodded. They passed a small, elegant restaurant, "Freya's restaurant".
"What do you think of this? It looks good." raved Sigyn.
Loki protested, "Oh, no, Sigyn, this place is way too...".
But Sigyn was already heading inside and Loki had no choice but to follow her. The place was small, elegant and serene. And it was completely crowded. Sigyn approached the hostess.
"Good evening, table for two, please."
The hostess looked taken aback and asked her, "For tonight?"
"Yes, please."
The young woman replied with an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, Miss. We are completely booked for tonight."
She looked at the reservation book before continuing, "But in three... no, I'm sorry, four months from now we have an opening for dinner if you want to make a reservation. Five-thirty or eleven-thirty?"
Sygin, turned on her heel, clearly disappointed and Loki followed her.
A little later, they were eating in a pizzeria on the corner.
Seeing Sigyn's dejected look, Loki took pity on her and said gently, "Don't feel bad. This is one of the best restaurants in town. It's okay that there's no table, that's what I was going to tell you."
Sigyn sighed, "It's not that..." she paused and then resumed, "I didn't do it right."
Loki realized she had lied to him, "You didn't have a conference, did you?"
She shook her head and Loki waited for her to continue.
"I thought you'd see me if it didn't seem like a big deal, a surprise, a quick coffee... But coffee could turn into dinner. And dinner could turn into..."
"What?" asked Loki dryly.
" Anything." replied Sigyn sheepishly.
"So it was an ambush."
"Yes..." sighed Sigyn again.
Loki exasperated, said, " Another one."
Sigyn, on the defensive, asked him, "What do you mean?"
Loki replied wearily, "Sigyn. You were always jumping ten steps ahead. A week after we met, you were already planning our entire lives. When I was still in college, you were picking out real estate. I'd come visit you for the weekend and you'd invited all your high school friends, the whole town to your house to meet me."
Sigyn replied defiantly, "At least I didn't go out with anyone else."
Loki surprised her by asking, "What do you mean?"
"At the party..."
"Oh my God Sigyn. I didn't go out with him! I kissed him once, and he was just a random guy and it was years ago.... I can't believe you remember that."
"Okay. You're right. I don't want to fight. It's just... part of me wonders... if I had moved to New York when you wanted me to..."
Loki replied firmly, "You didn't and leaving was the hardest decision I've ever made. I hope you know that. But that's water under the bridge and it's time to move on."
Sigyn looked disappointed but nodded, "I'm sorry. I never should have called. I just... miss you."
Loki didn't answer. He didn't want to, because if he was honest he would have to tell her that he didn't miss her anymore.
He couldn't stop his thoughts from slipping to his mysterious pen pal and the connection he had with him.
They finished their meal in a heavy silence. Loki was eager to get back to his apartment.
2019 - In front of the TK building
Mobius got out of his pickup, let out a big sigh and entered the imposing building.
When he reached the third floor, he knocked on the door.
The familiar voice answered, "Come in."
Mobius paused in the doorway, waiting for Ravonna to look up.
"What a surprise, the prodigal son has returned," the woman said by way of greeting.
"I was in the neighborhood..." he paused, uncomfortable, then continued, "How are you?"
"I'm fine." replied Ravonna who said nothing more.
Mobius entered the room with an uncertain step.
"Why don't you get to the point, Mobius."
Mobius stepped forward and placed an envelope on Ravonna's desk.
Ravonna took it and pulled out a check.
"What's this?"
Mobius replied calmly, "It's what I owe you."
Ravonna looked puzzled, "I beg your pardon?"
"It's about the same amount of money I would have made for TK if I had stayed on for the duration of my contract. So there you go, we're even."
"So you wasted your money," Ravonna replied, "You didn't owe me anything."
Mobius replied firmly, "I feel better. We were both in on this project originally and I feel like I let you down, so we've come full circle."
"If it makes you feel better. Good for you. Is that all?"
"I bought the house on the cliff."
"I heard about it. Finally, despite your high principles, it seems you don't mind making money right?"
Ravonna looked briefly at the check and pocketed it.
Mobius, annoyed by her coldness and what she had just said, said, "You know it's not the same thing... but you know what? Let's just forget it, we'll never agree. Everything is perfect the way it is! Have a nice life!"
Mobius stared at her for a moment. Then he stormed out, slamming the door behind him.
Ravonna jumped at the sound of the door slamming and pulled out the check again. She looked at it, then slowly tore it in half and threw it in the wastepaper basket. Then she opened a desk drawer and took out a photograph.
It was a picture of the House on the Cliff under construction. Ravonna and Mobius looked about 7 or 8 years old and were holding hands. Mobius was pointing at the house and smiling. She remembered that day, the orphanage had taken them on a field trip to the New Asgard forest and as usual, Mobius and Ravonna had slipped away and stumbled upon the house under construction.
At the time the picture was taken, Mobius was telling her that one day he would move back here. This is where they had decided that they would work together one day, that they would make plenty of money to come back and live in this house. Stupid childhood dream. An utopia.
Ravonna looked at the picture for a moment, started to throw it in the wastebasket, then decided not to and put it back in the drawer.
An Autumn Afternoon - 2019
Mobius had taken Croki to the veterinarian for a regular check-up and had taken the opportunity to pass by Sylvie's store, to see if she had any old daggers. Maybe he would find something to send to Loki. Although offering a blade seemed a little weird for him. But after all, their relationship itself was weird.
They were going through some daggers that Sylvie had selected, the young woman a little too close for his liking.
He had well noticed that she often tried to attract his attention, but Mobius was not interested at all. He just didn't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings.
"Yes Sylvie."
"You told me you were here with Croki, your alligator, didn't you?"
"Uh yes, he's in his crate, in the trailer of the pickup."
"So that can't be him I just saw running past the store then?"
"What?" Mobius ran over and said as he drove away, "How many people do you think are driving around with an alligator in their car?!"
He looked to the right and then to the left, and saw Croki disappear around the corner.
Mobius shouted but the alligator didn't stop, Mobius ran after him, vaguely aware that he was being followed by Sylvie.
He chased Croki into a nearby residential street. Croki was really fast. Mobius swore and speeded up his pace.
Croki snuck through someone's garden and Mobius was still chasing him. They arrived at a house where Croki seemed to have stopped. Finally.
In front of it, a woman was unloading the trunk of her car and was watching Croki with a slightly frightened eye. Mobius managed to walk up and grab Croki.
"There you are, you rascal. What's gotten into you?" Then turning to the woman who looked familiar but whom he didn't think he knew, he added, "I'm sorry, this is the first time he's run away like this. He's never done this before. But he's harmless, don't worry."
The woman asked him with a curious look, "What's his name?"
She walked over and bent down to Croki, "Hi, Croki. I should get one like you for my boyfriend.He loves animals and especially anything reptilian."
Mobius noticed how much the young woman had to unload, there were many cases of wine and offered, "Do you want help with that? To apologize for the inconvenience caused by Croki."
She shook her head, "Oh no, I have time. Besides, you're already loaded" she replied, pointing to Croki in Mobius' arms before continuing, "in case you're wondering, I don't intend to drink all this alone."
The young woman is very talkative and Mobius listens politely.
"I'm a real estate agent, and you, do you live around here?"
"I have a house on the cliff above the lake in New Asgard."
They were joined by Sylvie, out of breath.
"Thank God! You've found him!"
The young woman greeted Sylvie with a nod.
"Hi, I'm Sigyn."
Then she continued, turning to Mobius, "Concerning the wine cases, I'm having some high school friends and neighbors over tonight. You're both welcome to come if you feel like it. It's always nice to have new faces."
Mobius and Sylvie exchanged a look.
Sylvie replied, "Thanks. We have plans."
Mobius wondered what plan they were supposed to have, and what was sure was that he had only one plan, to go home, see if Loki had written to him and write to him. Alone.
Sigyn shrugged and replied, "No problem. It was nice to meet you anyway. See you later maybe, Croki. Oh, hey, Mobius..."
Sigyn reached into her pocket. "Here's my business card, I could look into renting a place on the lake myself. If you hear of anything, let me know."
"Will do."
"Thank you. That would be very helpful. I love this house, but my boyfriend doesn't. You know how it is."
"No worries." replied Mobius starting to leave, he inwardly ranted, wondering how he managed to stumble upon the chattiest women on earth, when Sigyn added, "I promised him a view of the lake if he moved in with me after art college."
Mobius paused.
"He's in art college?"
"Yes in Brooklyn, he wants to be a professor of literature and is majoring in Norse mythology. He visits here on weekends."
Mobius froze and realized that Sigyn was the one he had seen with Loki on the station platform and that Loki had kissed.
Sigyn continued, not noticing Mobius's confusion, "He's coming tonight, a little later, actually. That's why I'm having this little party."
Under Sylvie's exasperated gaze, Mobius inquired, "What time does it start?"
The same evening - 2021
Loki went out after work, tired, and started to head home. When suddenly he changed his mind and stopped to turn around. After a few detours, he found himself where he wanted to go, "THE BIFROST", the bar where the other professors had wanted to take him on his first day.
The place was almost empty. Loki went to the bar and sat down, looking gloomy and ordered a glass of white wine.
At the same time - 2019
When Mobius and Sylvia arrived at Sigyn's house, the party was already well advanced inside and there were many cars parked in the driveway and on the street.
As they entered, Sylvia turned to Mobius with a pouty face, "This better be good. I had something else planned for us."
Mobius rolled his eyes, because he had never intended to spend the evening with her in the first place anyway.
In the hallway, Sigyn was among her friends and neighbors, talking and laughing.
She came over to Mobius and Sylvie as soon as she saw them, "Hey! Glad you could make it. The bar..." she emphasized the word with quotes in the air, "is in the kitchen..."
They moved around greeting people here and there, Mobius looking for Loki with his eyes, Sylvie then gave him a look and asked in an acid tone, "Why are we here?".
Mobius pretended not to have heard her, the noisy discussions around them giving him a good excuse.
They ended up sitting on the couch next to a couple in their thirties. They exchanged greetings and chatted, Mobius half-listening, wondering again where Loki was.
Same time - 2021
When Loki was halfway through his drink, someone came and sat next to him. Surprised, he saw that it was Thor who ordered a drink before turning to him and saying with the smile that was his, "According to most social norms, a person shouldn't drink alone after 10 p.m. unless they have a good excuse. What's yours?"
Loki shrugged.
"I don't have one."
"I do. My fiancée just left for six months for her research. She's an astrophysicist, and we won't be able to see each other for that long."
"Tough." replied Loki, "And your relationship will put up with that?"
"Of course!" replied Thor, "It's not the first time, and luckily there's facetime and stuff." He pointed to Loki's glass before adding, "I see your glass is empty, do you want another one? My treat."
Loki nodded, "Yeah."
Thor ordered and two minutes later their drinks arrived.
After a moment of silence, Loki said quietly, "Actually, I have an excuse to drink alone after 10pm."
Same time - 2019
Mobius and Sylvie were still on the couch with the thirty-something couple. Mobius was honestly getting bored and apparently so was Sylvie, because she turned slightly to Mobius and whispered from the corner of her mouth, "Go get our coats."
Mobius stood up and excused himself, before going in search of the coats.
Just as he was about to reach the coat racks, he saw Sigyn, who was looking out the window, suddenly turning around and saying rather loudly, "Okay, everyone! It's time!"
She switched off all the lights in the room and everyone fell silent.
Mobius saw a figure appear behind the glass door. The door slowly opened and he heard Loki's voice for the first time, "Hello?"
Sigyn abruptly turned on the lights and everyone started shouting "Surprise!" and "Happy Birthday!"
Someone brought in a cake with lit candles on it.
Loki looked stunned as Sigyn threw herself into his arms and kissed him full on the lips while Mobius could do nothing but watch.
Will Loki and Mobius finally meet?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
#lokius fic#alternative ending#no powers au#loki#mobius m mobius#loki series#lokius#loki x mobius#time husbands#timefrost#developing relationship#penpal
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keep whatever it is (that's compelling you on)
HERE IT IS, my matrix resurrections spec fic, completed and in under the wire before the trailer! i think i'm ready to quit fussing over this, and i'm really excited to get it out into the world!
also here on ao3!
Every single morning, Thomas A. Anderson is jolted awake at approximately 8:15 AM by the shrill of the same alarm, shovels in the same shitty cereal before stumbling into one of the same five shitty suits that he has to remember to get dry-cleaned, takes the same seat on the subway on the way to work — where he sits in the same chair for eight hours straight with minimal breaks, staring at his computer screen (or, more often, out into nothing) until it’s time to take the same subway back to his shitty apartment, order from the same rotation of shitty takeout, and find some mindless, banal distraction while he ignores texts that don’t even matter anyway before he falls asleep to eventually wake up and do it all over again.
It’s nothing special — just the average life of an average mid-grade programmer at the average tech conglomerate. Comfortable, sure, and a dream many would kill to achieve; he knows this, knows this every time he passes the poor old woman who’s feeding pigeons in her ratty coat from the battered metal bench on the sidewalk in front of his apartment building. He slips her whatever spare change he has on him — a $20 bill, on the days he’s lucky, but often less than that — and, without fail, she always accepts, with a warm smile and kind eyes that seem to stare right into his soul, seeing the deepest parts of it.
Like she knows him. And that’s what’s weird.
He tries not to put too much thought into it, because, honestly, he tries not to put too much thought into anything at all; he’s found that to be the most effective way to navigate the machine that systematically runs his rhythmic, mundane life.
But even so, there are things that he knows he can’t shake.
One afternoon in late February, when the cut of the wind had not remotely suggested that spring would just be a month away, he’d passed the woman on the bench as always, but he could’ve sworn that the whole flock of pigeons scattered on the sidewalk at her feet had frozen for a split second. Like they’d been… glitching. In a blink, everything had returned to normal, and he’d spent about three days (and three sleepless nights) trying to convince himself he’d been seeing things, that he’d just been spending too much time actually working on his assigned program for once and that maybe he should take some of his accumulated vacation days? And the following week, he had, but….
No time off to try to clear his head would ever change the fact that this hadn’t been an isolated incident.
Because sometimes — he swears he sees pieces of code fall through his field of vision; a blink and then they’re gone, but it happens too often not to be a pattern, and no matter how much he might want to for the sake of his own sanity, he can’t just brush that aside. Sometimes, flashes come to his mind like barely-remembered dreams, in idle moments and just on the edge of the line that separates sleep from waking consciousness, so real that he knows they’re memories. Dark tunnels that haven’t seen the sun for centuries. Cold, so cold that no amount of warmth, human or otherwise, can really combat. Running, desperately bounding up the fire escape to the third floor of a rundown motel, three men in sunglasses and perfectly-tailored suits in close pursuit, his heart pounding in his ears so loudly he can barely hear the phone ring from Room 303, the place he has to get to, because everything depends on it. A barrage of bullets in his chest, one right after the other, back slumping against the wall as his heart gives out, vision fading to grey and then to black, but a voice, reaching through it all to call him, tether him….
There are things that he knows he can’t shake, and sometimes, he thinks he had another life. Another name.
Another purpose.
He’s haunted by the ghost of it.
It’s the second of April — at least, that’s what the screen of his phone tells him, because otherwise he wouldn’t know, or care to know. A Friday, and all the faceless commuters are packed like sardines into this subway car, headed home for weekends that are sure to be as inconsequential as his own. Today, he has to stand holding the rail for the ride home; a woman trying to juggle both a baby and two bags of groceries had just barely managed to stumble onto the train before the doors had closed, and he’d sprung up, more than glad to give up his seat to someone in greater need.
She tries to thank him, profusely and repeatedly, but with where he’s standing, he would have to twist to keep facing her, so, with a nod and the barest hint of a smile, he turns away to spend the trip the way he always does: in solitude.
The route back to the station just down the block from his apartment building is never smooth, by any stretch of the imagination, but today, it’s bumpier than usual; the train car jerks and jostles, until, eventually, it sends him colliding into back of the passenger standing next to him.
He’s just about to stammer out some automatic, awkward apology, but then —
Blue eyes meet his, clear, crisp blue, and a jolt strikes him right to the core.
He thinks — no, he knows, he knows — he’s seen these eyes.
Neo. In the darkest corners of his mind, the voice whispers again.
Time freezes, glitches, around him, around him and this stranger with familiar blue eyes. He sees the light leave them, and then come right back. He sees warmth, what something is telling him had once been the only thing able to keep the cold of the real away; that warmth spreads through now, to the tips of him, and he has a sense, one he doesn’t entirely understand, that something has just clicked into place.
Behind sunglasses, another pair of eyes watches them from across the car.
“You all right?” Neo.
He sees brows knit in concern, and for the first time, he pays attention to the face that the eyes belong to. Probably the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen in… more than one life, he’d have to guess, is now in front of him; he isn’t so detached and disconnected that he doesn’t notice that. Her short dark hair is cut into a severe bob, and she’s dressed in black from head to toe — from her coat and gloves, to her boots. It suits her, somehow.
After a beat, he finally remembers to speak. “Yeah. I — sorry.” The subway jerks to a halt; he glances up, and adds quickly, after clearing his throat, “This is… my stop. Excuse me. Sorry.”
Pushing past her, pushing past everyone in his way, he disembarks to the station, and when his feet touch solid pavement, he takes off at a sprint. Up the stairs (third floor… Room 303….), down the sidewalk (agents, just behind… he can beat them, if he just runs faster than he ever has…), not stopping until the mundane certainty of his shitty apartment building is within his sights.
Just before he makes it safely inside, he catches a glimpse of the old woman on the bench watching him, her smile wider than he’s ever seen it. Maybe, even, almost inhumanly wide.
Her name is Natalie.
That’s what he learns about a week later, when he bumps into her again in front of the grocery store on the corner down from the subway station, the one he always chooses out of convenience. Quite literally; he’s distracted, disconnected, and before he even knows what’s happening, he’s collided with another body, contents of the two bags under his arms spilling out onto the sidewalk. His apologies are hurried and stammered, but her hands are gentle as she moves to help, brushing his more than once. Her smile is soft when their eyes meet.
Over the next several months, he learns a lot of other things, too.
He learns that she takes her coffee with cream and no sugar, and that she always leaves the barista a generous tip. He learns that she’s a genius with tech, better than him and his two computer science degrees and half-cushy corporate job could ever hope to be, and has his whole apartment practically rewired in an hour one day. He learns that if he’s quiet and still, her black cat has no qualms with being his friend. He learns that her lips curve up in just a certain way and her eyes crinkle when she’s just about to laugh.
And he learns that kissing her feels like coming home, as familiar and peaceful as it is new and strange. He learns that with her, coming together, becoming one with another person, is like nothing else.
For the first time in what he can remember, he knows what it feels like to be alive.
(Only it isn’t… is it? The first time. Somehow, just like he knows that he sees the same person walk past him twice, like he knows that those glitches start happening on a near-daily basis, like he knows that the old woman on the bench is smiling at him more broadly than ever….
Their lives have collided, and given each other meaning, purpose, before.)
In his dreams, he sees a city entirely built from light. Spires touch the sky like fireworks, blindingly bright, and with every step, flames ripple out from his feet, making the next one all too clear.
This is where his path had always led.
In his dreams, he can’t see her face. He can only hear struggling gasps for breath, and a voice that only grows shakier. He can only feel the metal that pierces her stomach, the blood that pools on her shirt. The faint heartbeat he can do nothing to restart.
(You were right, Smith. You are always right.)
He wakes with a start, drenched in a cold sweat (as cold as their last kiss), gasping for breath. Next to him on the bed, Natalie stirs and shifts closer; when he reaches out a tentative hand, lets his fingers graze over her stomach, she’s warm.
His eyes scrunch tightly shut. Code falls behind his lids like the rain that patters against the windows outside.
There’s nothing out of the ordinary on this day in early fall. A breeze rustles the trees as they walk hand in hand through the park, and provides the first hint that cooler weather is on the way. Children’s laughter from the nearby playground fills the air. Dogs chase each other on the grass. Natalie sips her coffee, cream with no sugar; they enjoy the contented silence that falls between them, only punctuated by her soft smile.
There’s nothing out of the ordinary — except for everything that is.
They meet each other’s eyes, her blue to his brown, and in an instant, everything changes.
It’s hard to tell who sees it first, but — the flash of recognition envelops both of them. Vague memories, the ones that have floated over him like a constant cloud, just out of reach, are in his hands, in his brain, in his heart. He’d had another life once, another name. And it’d been —
She whispers it on an awed breath, tears forming in her eyes. The coffee cup slips from her grasp, long since forgotten; she lifts that hand to his face, fingers tracing the rise of his cheekbone.
Tears swim in his vision, too, tears and strands of code, falling. Falling. Nothing makes sense and yet everything makes sense, no more so than when the name falls out of his mouth, the last piece of a particularly jumbled puzzle: “Trinity.”
But a thousand words he doesn’t know how to say don’t even begin to get a chance to form. He feels the eyes watching them more than he sees them; both hands drop to his sides, and he tenses, ready to fight.
He’s barely aware that the old woman who’s usually on the bench near his apartment building approaches on the sidewalk. She looks between them, nods, and:
“They’re coming, kiddo,” she tells him, voice severe, with none of her usual warmth, as she grips his arm. “You need to run.”
At sunset, a man in a white suit, tall and imposing, joins the old woman on a park bench near the playground, but says nothing; from all appearances, it looks as though he barely acknowledges her at all. They remain, just like this, as people filter out one by one under the steadily darkening sky, returning to their lives.
They always remain through every iteration, the Mother and Father of the Matrix.
Preoccupied with purpose and the inefficiency of wasting time, as is his programming, the Father is the first to break the silence.
"I informed you it was a dangerous game.”
The Oracle says nothing in response.
She merely smiles.
#neo x trinity#the matrix#the matrix resurrections#neo#trinity#* fic#song title is from cascades by metric#which for some reason just feels like a ship song for them#anyway i'm so hyped for tomorrow!
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Thank you so much for the wonderfully sweet andromaquynh story! 🥰💖 if I may request more since I saw the Touch sheet and uh I’m in love:
24. Whispering in their ear, lips touching their skin, either pairing
Thank you for this ask Shatters!!! And for encouraging me along the way<3 I know it took forever but I hope you enjoy this!
Read on AO3
The door of Dr. Shukla’s office rattled. Inside, Joe took a sharp breath. Nicky threaded their hands together beneath the table, murmuring reassuringly.
A second later, the doctor walked in, large yellow folder in hand and a stethoscope slung across her neck. Joe and Nicky stood to greet her.
“Please, be seated. It’s alright,” she said, voice low and steady. “I’m Dr. Shukla, a neurologist. I have some CTs and MRIs here of Mr. Yusuf Al-Kaysani’s brain that we’ll be discussing today.”
Joe exhaled shakily as they all sat down. Next to him, Nicky cleared his throat.
“How bad is it, doctor?”
“Good and bad aren’t diagnoses, Mr.…”
“Al-Kaysani. I’m his husband. But call me Nicky, please.”
“Of course, Nicky.” She extracted the prints from the folder. “There is no easy way to put this. The truth is, the symptoms Yusuf is presenting with, and these images from his scans, make it very likely that what we’re dealing with here is early-onset dementia. Possibly Alzheimer’s.”
In the silence that followed, Joe sighed in relief. Finally, someone had said the words. It wasn’t a vague suspicion hanging over his head anymore. It was reality. They could work with reality.
Next to him, Nicky was arguing with the doctor.
“…but how can you be sure? Scans are inconclusive when it comes to diagnosing-”
“I would not have brought this diagnosis to the table if there was any better explanation for what Yusuf is experiencing. Any at all.”
“Nicolò.” Joe moved his hand to Nicky’s thigh. He looked at the doctor. “So where do we go from here?”
Dr. Shukla leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. “I will not mislead you, Yusuf. There is no cure. But there are treatments - therapies, medications, management strategies - that can slow the progression of the disease. You can still live a long and meaningful life.”
“Of course he’ll live a long and meaningful life!” Nicky exclaimed.
“Tesoro, please-”
“Look,” Dr. Shukla said. “I know this is extremely hard. For both of you. But what’s important in this moment is that you take your time to process this news and adapt to it. Be there for each other, and be patient with each other.” She stood and walked over to her computer. “I’m going to put in a prescription for something called Razelon; it’s a cholinesterase inhibitor that will reduce early behavioral symptoms and boost cognitive function.”
“Do we need to pick it up today?” Nicky asked.
“Yes. Yusuf, I’m starting you off on half a pill. We’ll see how you react to it. If it works for you, we can modify the dose as necessary going forward.”
As they stepped out of the clinic into the stinging wind, Joe pulled his coat tighter against his body. At his side, Nicky fumbled with his phone, pulling up the prescription.
“Razelon,” he muttered to himself, typing it into Google. “Look, Joe, it seems to be a fairly common and effective treatment. Actually, it’s good the doctors caught this early. I’m sure we can-”
“-make this work until something more effective comes out. Alzheimer’s research is at a revolutionary place right now and-”
“-there’s definitely going to be some new, highly effective treatments on the market in a few-”
Nicky froze where he was reaching for his car keys, lips pressed into a thin line. “What?”
“My love, we’ve had over one thousand years together.” Joe stepped forward, gently taking his hands. “Haven’t you had enough of me yet?”
Nicky shoved him away lightly. “Stop it, Joe. That’s nothing to joke about.”
“No, you listen. I don’t care if it’s been a millennium. If you don’t think I’m going to fight tooth and nail for every second - every single second - we can possibly have together, then you’re wrong. You’re wrong.”
“I will fight with you, my love, I swear. But-”
“But what?”
“But I cannot watch you mourn me while I am still here. Promise me this changes nothing between us, Nicky. I don’t want you to treat me like I’m suddenly made of glass.”
“Says the person who tried to wrap me in literal bubble wrap when we discovered we were mortal.”
Joe snorted. “Touché.”
Nicky stared at him for a second. Then, he leaned forward and kissed him, slow and sweet. “Get in the car. I’ll buy you a caramel frappucino by the pharmacy, yeah?”
“Joe, don’t forget, Nile’s coming over at 8 tonight for dinner, so we’ll have to be back at least an hour before that.”
“I don’t know, tesoro, forgetting is kind of what I do best now,” Joe quipped from the couch.
Nicky stuck his head out of the kitchen testily. “Still not funny, you asshole.”
It has been several months since that fateful day at the clinic, and Joe could tell he was getting worse. He didn’t feel it, exactly; the Razelon was helping, and Dr. Shukla had added an antidepressant to his prescription to ward off the vague sense of dread and loss that sometimes settled in his chest.
No, Joe could tell he was getting worse because of Nicky. The way Nicky never let him make the same mistake twice. Joe had forgotten to take his medication one night, and ever since, Nicky made a ritual of bringing it to him with a glass of water after they brushed their teeth. A few mornings ago, Nicky had seen Joe walk away from the coffee machine without turning it on, and ever since, there would be a freshly brewed pot of coffee on the table before Joe woke up.
It was as if by covering for Joe enough, Nicky could pretend this wasn’t happening at all. Joe frowned deeply at the thought.
“Hey,” Nicky said, coming to sit next to Joe. “What’s wrong, hayati? Would you rather stay in today than go to the beach? I won’t mind, you know.”
Joe shook his head. “No, it’s not that, it’s…” He furrowed his brow, then sighed in defeat. “Nevermind. Let’s just go to… the place. What you said.”
“The beach?”
“Mhm. Let’s go to the beach.”
“Alright. I’ll get us a bag.” Nicky kissed Joe’s forehead gently and got up to leave.
“Nicky, wait.”
“Yes, love?”
“Is it- Am I getting a lot worse, do you think?” Joe blurted.
Nicky frowned. “Why would you say that?”
“It’s just- You didn’t let me pay rent this month. Usually you remind me, but you did it yourself last week, didn’t you?”
“So what if I did? I don’t want to make things any harder for you than they already are. Let me be there for you in these little ways, ya qalbi.”
“You are. You’re always there for me. But you’re doing so much now, too much, and I feel like I’m not pulling my weight anymore. I don’t want to become a- a…”
“A burden?”
Joe was already shaking his head, having clocked the disappointment in Nicky’s eyes. “No! No, Nicky, that’s not what I-”
“Joe. I think we should move back to Malta.”
Joe paused, a little taken aback. “Back to Malta? Like, for good?”
“For good.”
“We’ll be far away from Nile and Booker, though.”
“They can come visit whenever they want. They’re still immortal, Joe. We’re not. I want to spend the time we have left in the place I married you one thousand years ago.”
Joe stood up and looped his arms around Nicky’s neck. He grinned as Nicky’s arms circled his waist, pulling him closer. “And you say I’m an incurable romantic.”
Nicky laughed. “So you’re okay with that, then?” he asked, hopeful eyes searching Joe’s.
“More than okay. I can’t wait, amore.”
Dinner with Nile was a lovely time, as always.
“How is Booker doing, sorellina?” Nicky asked as he dished second helpings of lasagne onto everyone’s plates.
“Fine,” Nile said with her mouth full. “His therapy group is taking a field trip to the Met tonight, so he couldn’t come. But he said to bring him back some food.”
Joe laughed, turning to Nicky with delight. “Sir, be sure to pack this young lady your restaurant’s finest lasagne, to-go.”
Nicky rolled his eyes. “If Booker wants food, he can come get some himself,” he grumbled, nevertheless grabbing a clean tupperware from the counter. “It’s been ages since he’s shown his face around here.”
“He wants to come all the time, I promise,” Nile reassured him. “It’s just so busy now, between jobs and therapy-”
“I keep telling Nicky we can still work the jobs,” Joe cut in. “Just because we’re mortal doesn’t mean we can’t help with intel and stuff. Or Nicky can, at least.”
“And I keep telling you it’s not necessary,” Nile countered, gentle but firm. “It’s important that you two spend this time with each other. And anyway, Booker and I are managing just fine.”
“It can’t be easy, though.” Nicky popped open a bottle of wine. “Do you mind non-alcoholic, Nile? If so, I can pull up another-”
“No, no, non-alcoholic is great. And to tell you the truth, we are taking on less now. Choosing our battles more carefully. But the ones we choose, we’re fighting them better, I think.”
Joe sat back, smiling fondly. “Good. Good. I think we’ve all been prioritizing doing a better job of living. But the offer always stands, Nile. If you two ever need some extra hands, we’re here.”
Over lasagne and wine, the conversation ebbed and flowed late into the night. It was nearly 2AM when Joe stood up, yawning.
“Bed, habibi?” Nicky asked.
“Hmm. I think I’ll call it a night.”
“Let me get you your medicine. Nile, would you mind moving the dishes to the sink? I’ll be back in a minute to wash them.”
Nile stood up, piling the dishes together. Joe and Nicky walked towards the bedroom.
As Joe settled into bed, Nicky puttered around to arrange his pills and a glass of water.
“Nicky, we forgot to tell Nile about the plan. That we’re going to move back to, uh…” Joe’s eyes widened in mild horror as he struggled to remember. “Malta! Malta. We’re moving back to Malta.”
Nicky walked over to him and sat down on the edge of the bed. He lovingly cupped Joe’s face, leaning in to rest their foreheads together.
“I’ll tell her. Here. You take this medicine and rest. I should go-”
“Do you want to see what I drew at the beach?” Joe cut in. He didn’t want Nicky to leave just yet.
“Ya amar, of course I do. Where is your sketchbook, still in the bag? I’ll get it.”
Nicky handed him the book, and Joe flipped through it until he found what he was looking for.
“It would have been better if I had colors, but…”
He held out the book to Nicky, who promptly forgot how to breathe. Done in nothing but ordinary pencil graphite was his own profile, set against the background of a stunning black and white sunset. The fading rays of light gleamed on the ocean’s surface, and the waves looked, magically, like they could move.
“Do you like it?” Joe asked. Nicky realized he’d been staring in silence. He set the book on the nightstand and wrapped a hand behind Joe’s head, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I love it,” he said, kissing him again. “I love you. It’s beautiful. Everything you make is beautiful, but this one especially so. And you’re beautiful.”
Joe giggled beneath the onslaught of kisses and praise. “You’re a sap. Now go, Nile is waiting for you.”
“Alright, alright. I’m going.”
“Come back soon.”
Nicky grinned. “It’s almost 3AM. I won’t be long; Nile is probably exhausted, too.”
“Tell her to stay the night,” Joe mumbled, already half asleep. “Too late to drive.”
“I’ll tell her, love. Sleep well.”
“Tell me what?” Nile asked as Nicky returned to the living room.
“To stay the night, it’s late.” He looked towards the kitchen. “Where are the dishes?”
“I washed them, they’re on the drying rack.”
“Sorellina! You are a guest!”
“I’m family. I can help with the dishes,” Nile argued, rolling her eyes.
Nicky smiled, settling down next to her on the couch. Nile shifted, curling up close to his side and resting her head on his shoulder.
“How are you doing?” she asked after a beat.
“Fine, Joe’s been-”
“I said you, Nicky.”
Nicky hesitated. “I’m alright, I think. Life is not harder now, not really. It’s nice to spend our days enjoying each other’s company, without having to worry about jobs and stuff. But…”
“I can’t shake this sense of… loss? Our every interaction is tinged with it. He is the one diagnosed, but sometimes it feels like I’m the one who’s losing my sense of reality. I feel untethered.” Nicky broke off with a dry chuckle. “He gets upset if I’m too sad around him, so I try not to show it.”
“Is it terribly greedy of me, Nile?”
“That we’ve had over a thousand years together, more than anyone else in human history, and all I can think of is that it’s not enough. That I’m not ready. That I want more.”
“Love always wants more, Nicky. And no one is ever ready, no matter how much or how little time we have. Like, Andy and Quynh, right? You knew them for centuries, I knew them for a few years. But neither of us were ready to lose them.”
“I can’t do that again, Nile,” Nicky said wearily, feeling the full weight of his years. “I can’t mourn anyone else. I can’t mourn Joe.”
“You already are.”
Nicky’s eyes snapped to hers. “Wha- what do you mean by that? He said something like that, too.”
“You’re mourning the parts of him he’s already forgotten. You’re mourning the Joe who remembered his sisters’ names. The Joe who could differentiate San Paolo ‘34 from Berlin ‘27. The Joe who-”
“Stop.” Nicky squeezed his eyes shut. “He’s still here. My Joe is still here.”
“That’s exactly my point,” Nile said. “Think about the Joe you fell in love with outside of Jerusalem, Nicky. Now think of Joe sleeping inside. Everything has changed, but you still love him. What was it you fell in love with, the one thing that’s remained constant? His body? His mind?”
“His soul.”
“And can Alzheimer’s touch that? Can death?”
Nicky sniffled. He kissed the top of Nile’s head. “You’re far too wise for your age, you know.”
“I’ve had practice,” she mumbled.
“Yeah. Let’s get you to bed, alright? Will you stay the night?”
Nile ended up finding out about Malta the next morning, when Joe mentioned moving plans to Nicky over breakfast.
“You didn’t tell her last night, tesoro?”
“I meant to. But I guess we were all really tired.”
“I think it’s a great idea. When are you two planning to move?” Nile asked.
“As soon as possible. Joe and I were looking at flights for this weekend.”
Nile nodded. “Booker and I can help you pack. How’s tonight?”
“Fine, if a bit early. We don’t have that much stuff,” Joe said between sips of coffee. “At least not here. There are some things in the safehouses…”
“Sure. You and Nicky make a list whenever you’re free, and I’ll make a few trips with Booker and ship everything to the Malta address.”
“You’re an angel, sorellina,” Nicky said.
In the comfortable silence that followed, Joe looked back and forth between them, trying to memorize this moment. Nicolò di Genova is reading the paper, he thought. Nile Freeman is eating toast. Nile is married to Sebastien Le Livre, whom we call Booker. Booker isn’t here because he was- he had-
“Did Booker send you any pictures from the Met?” Nicky asked Nile.
Ah. He’d gone to the Met with his therapy group.
Nile shook her head. “A few cute ones they took outside, but I think the exhibit they went to see didn’t allow photography. He’ll probably have some brochure pictures to talk our ears off about later, though.” She smiled fondly. “It’s our turn to bring something over for dinner tonight, okay?”
“Absolutely not,” Nicky argued. “I love cooking for you guys. Let me make dinner. You’ll be stuck with your own cooking once we leave for Malta, anyway.”
Nile gasped in mock offense. “Well, someone has an inflated sense of their own abilities.”
“Habibi, listen, she’s disparaging my cooking,” Nicky complained.
“You insulted her first, my love. If you can dish it, you’d better take it.”
Nile laughed at the look of utter betrayal on Nicky’s face as she walked her empty plate to the sink.
“I’m gonna head out,” she said. “I’ll be back with Booker around 7. And fine, looks like dinner’s on you, Nicky.”
“I’m making poisoned mushroom risotto.”
“Suit yourself, I’m not the one who’s mortal.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Nicky muttered around a grin as Nile and Joe high-fived. “See you later, Nile.”
Midnights were Nicky’s favorite part of Malta. The sky hung heavy like a black velvet blanket, and the sparkle of the stars reminded him of Joe’s eyes.
In the months since they’d arrived, Joe’s health had taken an undeniable turn for the worse. They’d talked to Dr. Shukla and doubled his dose of Razelon. Soon after, they’d doubled it again. But the disease progressed with a vengeance of lifetimes, as if it was trying to recompense Joe’s immortality by cutting his mortal life short.
Nowadays, Nicky almost never left Joe’s side, from waking him up in the morning, to bathing him, to feeding him, to taking him on long walks to visit their favorite places.
And truly, there was nowhere he’d rather be. But Nicky was wracked with guilt over the terrifying intensity with which he missed Joe. He found himself clinging fervently to Joe’s few and far-between moments of lucidity, dreading the day when Joe would look at him and no longer remember his name.
A tear startled Nicky as it slipped down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, leaning over the balcony railing and breathing in the sleeping city.
Nicky whirled around. “Joe? You’re not asleep?”
“I woke up. I- I missed you.”
“Oh, my love, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’d wake up. Come on, let’s go back to bed.”
As they settled back under the covers together, Joe reached for Nicky’s hand and squeezed gently.
“What is it, hayati?”
“Nicky, I need to tell you something.”
Nicky turned to face him. “I’m listening.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
There was a tense pause. Then-
“Do you know how much I look forward to this, Joe? These brief minutes when you’re present, fully alert and oriented? Tell me, have I waited for this moment only to hear you say those words?”
“I just- I want you to know that you can leave. This is only going to get worse, Nicky. You didn’t sign up to change my diapers.”
“I didn’t sign up for immortality, either. But I embraced over a thousand years of it, Joe. Because I was in it with you.”
Joe rolled onto his back, staring at the ceiling and blinking back tears.
Nicky groaned, propping himself up on an elbow. “Listen here, you idiot. I know I can leave. I could’ve left when you offered me your hand outside of Jerusalem. I could’ve left when we had our first fight. I could’ve left when we lost Quynh. I could’ve left after WWII, when we became so depressed that we could hardly stand the sight of each other.”
“But you didn’t.”
“Of course I didn’t. I love you, Joe. I don’t ever want to leave you.” He paused. “Unless you want me to.”
“And if I say I do want you to?”
“I’d tell you not to be a martyr.” Nicky sighed in frustration. “What would you do if it were me, Joe? Would you walk away?”
Joe’s breath hitched. He immediately shook his head.
“Why?” Nicky barrelled on. “Because of some twisted sense of morality? Because of some obligation-”
“Because I love you, amore. I would suffer a hundred deaths to spend just one hour more in your arms.”
Nicky slowly lay back down. He cupped Joe’s tear-stained cheek, tenderly guiding their lips together in a warm kiss.
“See? Can we drop this, now?”
Joe nodded. “If you’re sure.”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, ya qalbi.”
They drifted to sleep in each other’s arms, exchanging quiet kisses and hums of contentment. The next morning, Nicky realized he’d made a terrible, terrible mistake.
It was their wedding anniversary. Their original wedding anniversary, the approximate date they’d gotten married in Malta over a thousand years ago.
Nicky had meant to be absolutely insufferable about it, to go on and on about it from at least three days prior. That way, Joe would remember. He wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt of forgetting, or the reality that his dementia no longer afforded him keeping track of the date.
Instead, Nicky had all but forgotten as well, only to be jarringly reminded by the date flashing on his phone.
He cursed as he fiddled with the coffee machine, analyzing his options. First option, he could simply remind Joe that today was their anniversary. Slip it into casual conversation or something.
But then he imagined Joe’s eyes going wide with shock and sadness as it sunk in that this is where they were at, now. He imagined Joe apologizing profusely for not planning anything special for Nicky. He imagined the guilt that any further attempts to celebrate would be tinged with, and that just wouldn’t do.
Second option, Nicky decided. He would simply not say anything. They’d treat this just like any other day, and what Joe didn’t remember wouldn’t hurt him. Something ugly twisted in Nicky’s gut at the thought that this could be their last anniversary together, but he stubbornly shoved it down. He could do this for Joe.
“Nicky?” Joe’s voice echoed down the hall. Nicky quickly switched on the coffee machine and returned to their bedroom.
“You’re awake already, love. Did you sleep well?”
Joe nodded, looking a little dazed. Slowly, his eyes focused on Nicky. He smiled. “Can we go brush my teeth? I want to kiss you.”
Nicky laughed, coming to sit at the edge of the bed. “How about a kiss first, beautiful?”
Joe’s smile went soft, his gaze drifting languidly to Nicky’s lips. “Okay.”
Nicky reached for Joe’s hand as they kissed, threading their fingers together. Joe made a small noise of happiness, draping his other arm over Nicky’s shoulder and pressing closer.
This is enough, Nicky realized with startling clarity. This is more than enough for celebrating today. If he’s happy, I’m happy.
Awareness was strange for Joe, these days. Dr. Shukla had told him that no two people experience Alzheimer’s the same way; it was better to observe what happens than to expect a specific process.
These days, life often felt like working on the corner of a painting, some zoomed-in fragment for his mind to get lost in. He would zone out and zone back in, switching between his immediate reality and some dark, floaty place deep inside his consciousness. Any concept of the “bigger picture” seemed uncannily absent.
It would be terrifying, he knew, if not for Nicky. My husband, Joe thought fondly. That, at least, he had not forgotten yet.
Joe’s body still remembered perfectly well what his mind could no longer articulate. Nicky’s hand in his hand, Nicky’s lips on his lips. The instinctive way he’d reach out for comfort and find Nicky there, calm eyes and steady arms and gentle smile.
With tremendous effort, Joe pulled himself out of his thoughts, trying to focus on the voice. “Hmm?”
“Hey, it’s okay, don’t strain yourself.” Nicky rested a hand on Joe’s shoulder, and he immediately relaxed. “I’m making pastizzi. You remember pastizzi?”
Joe furrowed his brow. He doubted the word alone would have meant anything to him, but combined with the savory smell wafting from the kitchen, a fuzzy memory clicked into place.
Nicky chuckled softly. “That’s right. It’s your favorite.”
“Special. It’s for special days. Is today something special?”
Nicky startled like a deer in headlights. “Uh, wha- Yes! Of course it is.” He leaned down to kiss Joe’s curls. “Every day with you is so, so special, my love. It goes without saying, does it not?”
Joe grinned guilelessly, taking Nicky’s hand and kissing his knuckles. “Is Andromache coming?”
“Andromache is not here, sweetheart.” Nicky wrapped his arms around Joe, swaying gently from side to side. “It’s just us, for now.”
“That sounds nice, too.”
“What do you want to do after breakfast today?”
“Draw. I want to draw you. But can we take a nap first?”
“Of course.” Nicky unwound his arms from Joe and walked into the kitchen. “You got up too early today, habibi. I told you, you should rest more. You’ll be tired all day, otherwise.”
“I only like to sleep with you, tesoro.”
Nicky barked out a laugh. “You don’t need to tell me twice. Here, let’s eat. Then we’ll nap together.”
Joe enjoyed breakfast, taking comfort in the familiar, grounding taste of Nicky’s homemade pastizzi. And he definitely enjoyed falling asleep in his husband’s arms, head pillowed on Nicky’s chest, bathed in the late morning sunlight.
When Joe woke up, it was in one of those increasingly rare and precious moments of clarity. Nicky lay beside him, still fast asleep. Joe stared unabashedly, marveling at how Nicky managed to look even more soft and peaceful than usual in his sleep. He reached for his sketchbook and began drawing.
As the hours passed, portraits turned into poetry, and poetry into letters. Joe wondered, for a moment, if he should wake Nicky up for lunch, but he was loath to disrupt the little rest that Nicky managed to get these days.
Instead, Joe sat quietly by his side, taking advantage of his own lucidity to write a letter to Nile and Booker. He vaguely recalled Nicky mentioning that they would visit at some point, and he wanted to make sure he could convey what he wanted to say to them.
Just as Joe was wrapping up, Nicky stirred beside him.
“Joe?” he said, voice rough with sleep.
“Sono qui.”
Nicky glanced at the bedside clock. He scrambled to sit up, gently taking Joe’s face in his hands.
“Hayati, why didn’t you wake me? It’s three in the afternoon! Oh my love, aren’t you hungry? Did you drink water today?”
Joe smiled, kissing Nicky softly. “I went and drank water. I accidentally dropped a glass, though-”
“That’s alright.”
“-and don’t worry, I’m not hungry yet. Breakfast was very filling. You looked so relaxed sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you for no reason.”
“I’m so sorry, Joe, I didn’t mean to crash like that. How long have you been up?”
“Since noon. But please, amore, don’t apologize. You deserve to rest.” Nicky opened his mouth, presumably to protest, but Joe pushed on. “Do you want to see what I drew? And I wrote you a poem, can I read it to you?”
Nicky’s expression softened, the tension visibly draining from his shoulders. “Absolutely, Joe. Show me everything you’ve sketched and written. Then we can go out for a late lunch, okay?”
To Joe’s immense satisfaction, the mental fog largely stayed away for the rest of the day. There were moments, of course, when all he could do was hold Nicky’s hand and follow his footsteps, mind eerily blank except for the buzz of physical sensation right beneath the surface.
But for the most part, Joe was present. He recognized by name the café they stopped by for lunch and the restaurant they went to for dinner. In between, when they visited il-Moskea, Joe was able to pray properly for the first time in weeks. Nicky had prayed alongside him, and as Joe listened to the quiet recitation of Quran verses from his lips, peace had seemed so easy. So reachable.
“Lean forward, hayati,” Nicky murmured. The moment they’d come home, Nicky had started a hot bath for Joe. Joe complied, leaning forward until the lightly scented bubbles tickled his beard. “Feels good?” Nicky asked, swiping a washcloth over his back.
“So good. Ti amo, Nicky.”
“Ti amo tanto. Now lean back, let’s rinse.”
“Did we- did we used to do this before?”
“What, bathing?” Nicky teased.
“Shut up. I mean, bathing each other. It feels familiar. An ancient ritual from way before I got sick.”
“But I can’t remember, Nicky. I visit the place in my heart where I stored those memories, and it’s empty. Like they’ve been stolen.”
Joe heard the distress creep into his tone, and he was sure Nicky could hear it, too. Sure enough, Nicky set the washcloth down and cupped Joe’s face.
“Hey, shhh. Just breathe, my love. It’s okay. We’re okay.”
“I feel like I keep hurting you when I forget important things about us. I don’t want to make you sad. But I can’t help it, Nicky, I don’t know-”
“Joe, ya amar, this isn’t your fault. You never make me sad, do you hear me? And it’s okay if you can’t remember. Getting to be here with you, in this moment, is so much more important to me than anything that came before.”
Joe lowered his eyes, unconvinced.
Nicky sighed. “Hey. The water is getting cold. Let me get your towel from the dryer, I’ll just be a moment.”
Seconds after Nicky left, his phone buzzed, sliding from the toilet lid to the floor. Joe frowned, extending a shaky arm out of the tub to put it back.
But as he picked up the phone, Joe caught sight of the date. June 18th. His frown deepened. June 18th, June 18th, June 18th…
Joe had no idea how he did it, but somehow, he managed to put two and two together. The pastizzi for breakfast. Their favorite restaurants. The trip to the mosque. The way Nicky’s hands had been impossibly gentler today, the way his eyes shined even softer with love.
“Why didn’t you tell me it’s our anniversary?” Joe demanded as soon as Nicky set foot in the bathroom.
Nicky froze. “Joe. How in God’s name did you remember that?”
“I figured it out.”
Nicky set the freshly washed towel on the toilet lid and knelt by the tub. “Joe-”
“You were celebrating it without telling me.” Joe sniffled, mortified to feel tears pooling in his eyes. Of all the things dementia had taken from him, this had to be the worst. He hadn’t even bought Nicky a present.
“Yusuf, please. Please let me explain?” Nicky begged, reaching into the tepid water to hold Joe’s hands.
Joe shook his head, feeling the tears slip loose. Nicky drew a shaky breath, leaning forward to kiss them away. He was crying, too, Joe realized with a start.
“Perdonami, my heart. Perdonami. I didn’t think you’d remember. I didn’t say anything because you would have been devastated that- that it’s gotten this bad. I couldn’t bear you blaming yourself for something so utterly out of your control.”
Joe didn’t reply.
“Joe, listen to me. It’s just a date on the calendar, my love.”
“I don’t want to forget you,” Joe whispered.
A sob caught in Nicky’s throat. He pulled off his shirt and stepped into the tub, wrapping Joe in his arms. Joe tucked his face into Nicky’s neck and cried like a baby.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay,” Nicky croaked, rocking them back and forth. “Everything will be okay.”
It was late by the time they dried off and made it to bed, not bothering with clothes. Joe watched as Nicky put a second comforter at the foot of their bed, in case it got cold during the night. When they were finally snuggled together beneath the covers, Joe spoke.
“If- when I forget you, will you forgive me?”
Nicky pulled him closer, inhaling deeply as he tangled a hand in Joe’s hair. “There will be nothing to forgive, hayati.”
“I’m not doing it on purpose-”
“I know, Yusuf. I know. You never need to explain yourself to me.”
“Nicolò, promise me that- promise me that you won’t forget. Please don’t forget me.” Joe muffled a whimper, pressing closer until he could feel Nicky’s heart beating against his chest.
There was a long silence. When Nicky spoke, his voice was the steadiest Joe had ever heard.
“My beloved, I promise you that I will not forget. Whether or not you remember, whether or not you can even tell I’m there, I will be at your side for as long as we have together. I will take care of you in every way I know how. And when there is nothing left to do, I will honor your memory until my dying breath. I promise.”
Joe couldn’t reply, couldn’t breathe, as he felt his eyes well up again. His husband rubbed a soothing hand up and down his back, and gradually, the moment of terror passed. Joe relaxed into the sensation, falling asleep to the rhythm of Nicky’s heart and the echo of his magnanimous words.
“He doesn’t speak much, now,” Nicky briefed Nile and Booker as he helped carry their overnight bags in. “You’ll have to introduce yourselves.”
Months had passed since their anniversary, and Nicky was adjusting to this new life right alongside Joe. Their dynamic had changed, but their love had not.
Joe no longer walked up behind Nicky and hugged him while he cooked. Nicky no longer woke up at 2AM to find Joe hunched over his sketchbook, struck by some untimely inspiration. They’d never had much need for words, but now, verbal conversation was even rarer.
Instead, they spoke the well-loved language of gentle touches, of midday naps wrapped in each other’s arms. A spontaneous kiss never failed to make Joe smile, and Joe’s smile was enough to make Nicky’s entire day. Their interactions fell back on a bedrock of trust one thousand years in the making. Of course there were bad days - days colored with grief and sickness and loneliness - but far more often, Nicky found his heart flooded with quiet gratitude.
“Hello, Joe,” Nile said, kneeling in front of Joe’s chair and taking his hand. “I’m Nile. It’s lovely to see you.”
Joe said nothing, but his lips curved up in a tentative smile. Booker came forward and knelt next to Nile.
“Hey, buddy. It’s Booker. Long time no see. I don’t know how much of this you understand, Joe, but I hope you know that we love you. So, so much.”
“Hmm,” Joe grunted softly. He turned his other palm over in his lap, as if in invitation. Booker wrapped his hands around Joe’s, eyes shining as he brought it to his lips with reverence.
“I think he knows, Booker,” Nicky smiled fondly. “Come on, I made rice. You two must be hungry from the long plane ride.”
It was later that night, after everyone had eaten and napped, that Nicky remembered about the letters. Joe sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket, watching with interest as Nicky, Nile, and Booker played Snakes & Ladders on the coffee table.
“Oh! I almost forgot,” Nicky exclaimed.
“What?” Nile asked.
“No, no, no - stop trying to distract us,” Booker said shrewdly. “You’re about to land on that snake and you know it. No cheating.”
Nile laughed. “He’s right. Take the fall, old man. You’re back to square five. Come on.”
Nicky scowled, sliding his piece all the way down the board. He’d been so close to winning.
From the couch, Joe snickered. Nile and Booker looked at him in surprise.
“He understands what’s going on?” Booker asked incredulously.
“Just enough to know when to laugh at me.” Nicky rolled his eyes, stopping to kiss Joe’s forehead as he walked away. A soft smile melted across Joe’s face, and he snuggled deeper into his blanket.
“I didn’t think he could get any more adorable, but here we are,” Nile commented. “Joe, you’re a sap, you know that?”
“You’re one to talk,” Nicky countered as he returned with the envelopes. “Remind me again what you gave Booker for your last anniversary?”
“A five-page poem comparing our love to the heavens from five different religious traditions,” Booker bragged. “It was the best thing I’ve ever read.”
Nile blushed furiously. “Alright, alright. Point taken. Hey, what are those?”
Nicky held up the envelopes. “Joe wrote us letters a few months back. One is for you two, and the other one is for me. But he said I couldn’t open mine until I gave you guys yours.”
Nicky handed Nile one of the envelopes and slipped the other into the pocket of his hoodie. Joe watched with mild curiosity, clearly not recognizing the letters.
“Should we call it a night?” Booker asked. “It’s nearly 1AM.”
“Quitting while you’re in the lead, Book?” Nicky teased. “But no, I think that’s a great idea. Joe would normally have slept hours ago.”
“He doesn’t look tired,” Nile observed.
“That’s because he’s entertained. He loves when people visit.”
The four of them walked towards the bedrooms. Nile and Booker waved goodbye to Joe as Nicky guided him into their room, before continuing down the hallway to the guest room.
“Nicky’s set everything up for us,” Nile appreciated. “These sheets are so soft.”
“That man works too hard. I worry about him.” Booker ran a hand through his hair fretfully. “I don’t know, Nile, I feel like we should hang around here more. Help Nicky out, spend more time with Joe.”
Nile stepped out of her clothes and curled up under the covers. Booker followed suit.
“We could,” she agreed. “I would appreciate the change of pace. And of course, having the family together will be nice.”
“But you would get restless.”
“Me and you both, Book.” Nile turned to face him, reaching out to caress his cheek. “I know, I know the point of immortality isn’t to fight all the time. But when we’re not fighting, I feel like we’re wasting this gift.”
“Yeah. I’ve had centuries longer to get used to immortality, and I still feel that way.”
“Maybe we could visit more often?”
“Hmm,” Booker smiled. “That would be nice.”
“Hey. Should we open Joe’s letter?”
“Oh, yeah! Definitely.” Booker propped himself up against the headboard, holding out an arm to Nile. She snuggled up next to him, carefully opening the envelope.
“Here we go.”
There were good days, and there were bad days. Nicky had spent centuries caring for the world, and now, he savored the years he’d been given to care for his world.
Nile and Booker visited more now, and Nicky sensed, deep down, that something had changed. Late-stage Alzheimer’s had not been easy on Joe - the darkness that came with cognitive decline was an extremely unpleasant experience for someone who preferred putting their emotions into words. And then, as Joe’s motor skills wore down, he’d found himself increasingly cut off from his art. Nicky had ached for him, helpless to provide much relief.
But these days, there was a calmness about Joe that hadn’t been there before. The anxiety gave way to an aura of peace, especially when Joe could see or hear Nicky nearby. Often, Nicky would stop whatever he was doing to just come sit with Joe, trying to absorb some of his serenity. It was like being in the presence of someone deep in meditation.
One night, Nicky returned to their bedroom after doing the dishes to find Joe sitting up against the headboard.
“Still awake, hayati?” He shook out the sheets as he undressed for bed, not expecting a response.
Nicky froze. Surely he’d hallucinated that; it had been over a year since Joe was able to recognize him by name. He didn’t dare look up.
“Nicolò, my beloved,” Joe repeated, voice hoarse with disuse. Nicky closed his eyes, clamping down on a sob. He tossed the sheets aside and crawled into bed, reaching for Joe.
“What is it?” Nicky asked as he took Joe’s hands in his own, kissing his cold knuckles. “Tell me.”
“It’s time.”
“No,” Nicky shook his head, wrapping his arms around Joe. He was utterly unprepared for this. “No, no, please God, please, no…”
Nicky clung to Joe, sobbing unrestrainedly into his shoulder. This couldn’t be happening. This was madness. A nightmare, Nicky decided - a particularly torturous nightmare that he would soon wake up from. And Joe would be next to him, perfectly fine, their lives untouched by this ugly monster of a disease.
When he finally calmed down enough to pull back, Nicky found Joe watching him, eyes round with unshed tears. The moment of lucidity had passed, Nicky realized. All Joe could see now was his seemingly causeless distress.
Joe tightened his grip on Nicky’s arm minutely in a silent question, and Nicky almost wanted to laugh. Even now, Joe was still checking in with him.
“It’s nothing, love.” Nicky wiped his eyes quickly. “Let’s sleep, yeah? You must be tired.”
Nicky helped Joe lie down on his back before lying down next to him. He pulled Joe closer, gently kissing the shell of his ear.
“I love you,” Nicky murmured, the words feeling like too much and not enough. “I’m going to tell you a story tonight, okay?”
Joe grunted his assent, already half asleep. Nicky closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to ground himself. He thought back to Joe’s letter, to the words he’d memorized the very night he read them.
When the time comes, amore mio, I ask that you hold me close. And speak to me, please. I want to hear everything - how we met in Jerusalem, our adventures with Andy and Quynh, all the bets you lost to Booker, the delight on Nile’s face when you let her use the paints you’d preserved from the 1500s. I want to hear about all the times we got married, and all the anniversaries we celebrated. Most of all, Nicky, I want to hear your voice. I want to move on from this world surrounded by you, your beautiful voice, your loving hands.
And in case I can’t tell you then, I love you. Deep down, I think I’ve always loved you, even before we made peace. And I know I will always love you, be it in this world or the next. Please never doubt this, my all. I love you so much.
Nicky struggled for a moment to regain control, overwhelmed at the memory. Then, lips touching Joe’s ear, he began to speak. He held Joe in his arms as he whispered their story into the silence of the night. Joe sighed deeply in his sleep, pliant in Nicky’s embrace.
Nicky had no idea how long he continued on - hours, at least. There was so much to say. He talked and talked until he fell asleep next to Joe, right where he belonged.
“Abort mission,” Nile hissed into the comms. “Code Red. Meet me at the checkpoint ASAP.”
Minutes later, Booker jogged up to the checkpoint. “What happened? Are you okay? I’d almost gotten through-” Booker stopped, noticing Nile’s tear-streaked face. His tone softened immediately. “Mon amour, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Nile sniffled. “Joe’s gone, Book. He’s gone.”
Booker staggered backwards like he’d been slapped. “Gone?! What the fuck do you mean, gone?”
Nile pressed a fist to her mouth to stifle a sob. “Voicemail.” She held out her phone.
Booker put the phone to his ear and listened. He heard Nicky’s voice, quiet and anguished, but felt oddly removed from the whole situation. What language was Nicky speaking? It sounded like Italian, so why wasn’t it making sense?
“Hey, Book? Talk to me, love. Hey.”
Nile’s voice, Booker thought. It sounded like she was talking to him through a very long cardboard tube. His vision swam. Everything seemed so distorted.
The next thing he knew, Booker was blinking up at Nile from the ground, head half in her lap.
“Do not pass out on me,” Nile muttered through gritted teeth. “Get up, Book, please. I can’t do this. Not alone. Please.”
Booker felt an itch on his cheek, but when he reached up to scratch it, his hand came away wet with tears. Nicky’s words, tinny and wrecked with sorrow, floated back into his head.
It suddenly struck him that Nicky was an ocean away, alone with his grief. Booker pushed himself to his feet, holding out a hand to Nile.
“Come on. We have to go to Malta.”
They fought on the trip, during a two-hour layover in Spain. Exhausted, hungry, and grieving, it was no surprise their tempers ran unusually short.
“What do you mean, let him be?” Nile assuredly did not yell. She was simply disagreeing loudly. “He’s lost his life partner of a thousand years, Book! He needs support - he needs family.”
“And what makes you think we can be that for him? What makes you think we can even start to fill the void left by Joe’s absence?!”
“It’s not about filling the damn void-”
“You don’t know what it’s like! When I lost my mortal wife, I felt like I’d lost everything! Even though I had Andy, and Joe, and Nicky, and- and you.”
“You were entitled to your grief, Book. So is Nicky. But I lost people too, so don’t you dare tell me I don’t know what it’s like. I’m immortal, too. I’ve lost my parents. It’s not just you.”
“No, that’s not- Listen! It took me centuries, centuries, to overcome that grief. I didn’t want to. I wouldn’t have done it if I had a choice. All I’m saying is… Nicky has a choice, Nile. He’s mortal.”
Nile’s eyes went wide. “So you’re saying we just- let him take his own life?!”
“I’m saying it’s not our decision to make! And it’s not… morally wrong or something if he chooses that. Look, chronic pain is real, Nile, whether it’s physical or emotional. Everyone who can has a right to opt out.”
“This isn’t the same thing as euthenasia, Book.”
“It’s not so different either, is it?”
There was a minute of silence as they stared daggers at each other across the terminal bench. Then Booker sighed.
“They’re closer than we could ever imagine, Nile. They’re one soul, two bodies. If he wants to go, we have to let him go.”
Nile sat down, running a hand down her face in devastation. “What about the letter?”
“What letter?”
“You know what letter. Joe’s letter. He asked us for one thing, Booker. One thing only. And that was that we don’t let Nicky die of a broken heart.”
“It doesn’t matter. Joe’s not here. Nicky is.”
“How could you dismiss his last wishes like that?”
“Nile, look at me. What do you think Joe wants above all else? What’s the only thing he’s ever really wanted?”
“For Nicky to be happy,” Nile whispered after a beat. “Love, can’t we at least try? Can’t we just… be there for him?”
“Of course,” Booker said, sitting down next to her and taking her hand. “Of course. But we cannot choose for him, amour. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Okay,” Nile sniffled, not entirely convinced. “Okay. I’m sorry I shouted at you.”
“I’m sorry, too. I’m just really…” Booker waved a hand in the air, trying to find the words. “Broken. I feel broken. Like I’m not myself.”
“I understand. I feel like that, too.”
“Hey. We don’t board for another 20 minutes. Can I get you a coffee?”
Nile managed a tired half-smile. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
In the end, it took four days of sleeping on Nicky’s couch for them to convince Nicky to drink water. It was another two days before he could keep down any food.
On the ninth day, Nicky broke down in front of them for the first time, crying his heart out as Booker and Nile just held him, murmuring gentle nothings and waiting out the tears.
They decided, at length, to take the year off from missions. They stayed with Nicky in the large house, trying to make it feel less empty. The grief would hit each of them at different times, and when it did, the other two would be there, always ready to lend a shoulder to cry on.
Within a year, the depression was slowly starting to lift. None of them had quite moved on, but they were very deliberately trying to make peace with this new reality.
Nicky fell back on simple rituals. Across from his bed, where he could see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, he pinned up one of Joe’s charcoal self-portraits. Nicky loved it for how raw and alive it was in its beauty; not simply an image of Joe, but one that still carried traces of his fingertips in the sweeping strokes, the perspective of his eyes in the lighting.
Every morning, Nicky would kiss the tips of his fingers and press them to the bottom of the portrait in benediction. Then, he would close his eyes, letting the love and sorrow flow freely in his chest for a few minutes.
“I will see you again, hayati,” he would say. “Wait for me by the gates of Heaven, just as you did by the gates of Jerusalem. I will be with you again soon.”
It was a ritual that Nile and Booker supported wholeheartedly.
“Tell Joe to say hi to Andy for me,” Booker would add.
“Tell Joe I miss him. No one else will geek out with me over the Impressionist Movement,” Nile would grumble.
Sometimes, Nicky thought, it was like Joe was simply away on a mission. Like he would walk back through the door at any moment.
“Maybe he never left,” Nile mused once when Nicky voiced this thought. The three of them were sitting on the veranda, sipping hot tea and watching people mull about on the street.
Nicky frowned. “I want his soul to be at peace, Nile. Not wandering around like a ghost.”
“You know what they say. Not all who wander are lost.”
“I do feel like he’s here, sometimes,” Nicky confessed. “People say that your loved ones never truly leave you, that they stay alive in your heart, but I always figured it was a metaphor. I never imagined it could feel so real.”
“Can I ask you something, Nicky?” Booker’s voice shook slightly with hesitation.
“Hmm, go ahead.”
“How- how did you survive?”
Nicky rubbed his eyes. “Joe would never forgive me if I didn’t. That was the main reason. But I also believe that this is my penance.”
“For what?”
“For how we met. For what I did to him, to his people, his family. All this pain - being without him, mourning him - this is what finally cleanses me of my actions. It hurts, every day it hurts, but I can’t bring myself to run from it.” He stared down into his tea for a long moment. “I will continue on until it is my time, because it’s what my Joe would have wanted.”
Three years after Joe’s passing, Nicky finally gathered the courage to sort through his things. As he carried a stack of notebooks from the closet to the bed, one slipped to the ground and fell open.
Nicky set the others down and picked it up, running his fingertips over the page. It was a poem, written in Joe’s familiar cursive.
Empires rise and fall In a blink of God’s eye, The laws of nature bend As what’s mortal becomes divine. And the realization dawns When I see I’m left behind, Humankind’s greatest inheritance Is losing something to time.
As Nicky contemplated this, his cell phone blared to life on the nightstand. He reached for it distractedly.
“Nicky,” Nile gasped on the other end.
“Nile? Dio, isn’t it like 3AM there?”
“Yeah, I woke up. How fast can you get to Medina?”
“Uh… I could book a flight for a few hours out?”
“Great, do that. Booker and I are already on the way to the airport.”
“Wha- Nile, slow down. What’s going on?”
There was a brief pause. Then-
“We had this dream. There’s a new one.”
#the old guard#joe x nicky#kaysanova#book of nile#yusuf al kaysani#nicolo di genova#nile freeman#booker#fluff#angst#tw: major character death#alzheimer's#tw: dementia#coping with loss#resolution/hopeful ending#growing old together#kavi writes#fanfiction#tog fanfic#demonicneonfishy#userhegel#(lmk if you want to be tagged in fics <3)
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