#and with this i bid yall goodnight!!
xofemeraldstars · 5 days
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bucktommy harbor scene 🫶
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rodolfoparras · 1 year
What about old man reader?? Idk maybe with price or other CoD characters
Can I just say before I wrote this I was profusely apologizing bc no matter how much I loved the concept of old man reader I couldn’t conjure up a piece for it and as I was apologizing I went “but I’d love for someone to write old man reader with price…” and I kept talking until it actually turned into a Drabble I cannot 😭
Now this isn’t like my old man price drabbles bc I feel like if I were try to recreate? The idea you’d just get the same Drabble but in a different form so yeah 🏃🏻‍♂️
Thinking about price meeting a Captain from another squad which is you, and whatever he feels in your presence he chalks up to admiration.
You’ve had a long and successful career in the army it’s no wonder he would admire a man like you at least that’s what he says to soap when the Scotsman teases him about his little crush on you
However no matter how much he wants it to be just admiration he can’t help but think how attractive you look taking charge whether it be in a debriefing, out on the filed or even during a training session with your team
And sure while he can say that he’s just honored that such a busy man like you wants to spend your free time with him, he cant help but also feel something akin to butterflies in his stomach when you peak your head into his office offering to take him to wherever his heart may desire to go that day
And sure while it’s your job to care for everyone in your squad he can’t help but feel his neck and cheeks burn when you have a protective arm around his waist, or when you press your chest flush against his back to cover for him, or when your eyes intensely follow his form while the two of you are out on a mission
Eventually it all bubbles over one late night in his office, when he’s pushing his chair away from the pile of paper work the two of you had been doing, fingers rubbing at his temple to ease the headache that’s making itself known and rolling his shoulders in an attempt to ease up the knots.
You see this and immediately offer to massage him but he vehemently denies your offer, feeling his neck ears and cheeks burn at the sheer thought of it. However you beg him to let you help telling him that you know how things can ache when you get to that age while rolling your chair over to him.
When he turns his head to meet your gaze, ready to explain how you’re not that old, he realizes just how close you are now, a hair, if not less than that, away from your lips.
And before you know of it, the two of you kiss and kiss and kiss. You easily scoop him up in your arms and carry him over to the couch that he keeps in his office and god if he doesn’t preen at how easily you pick him up, almost like he weights nothing before you put him down gently like he’s made of glass, like he didn’t kill men with his bare hands
And before you even think of seeing him naked you touch and press every sensitive spot on his body leaving him shaking in the sheets like you’ve already wrecked him.
Spitball w/ me?
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spookiifi · 3 months
What do they smell like?
I was bored and decided to post this. And no, I'm not including minors because that's fucking weird
Six/Intruder: Cigarette smoke, sweat, just unpleasant odors all around
Alternate Gabriel: Lavender and sandalwood incense, some decay if his true form shows
Thatcher: Again, a trace of cigarettes. Old spice to cover it up /j. Musk.
Preacher: Various herbs and incense, smoke/burnt matches
And for my toonbriel fans: Flowers, fresh bread, rosewater, strawberries
That's all I've got. Sorry if this is weird.
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
how tf is it midnight it was barely half nine half an hour ago
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grey-sides · 2 years
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starlightkun · 11 months
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bountycancelled · 1 year
rating how SEVENTEEN would react if you wore revealing clothes in front of the members (maknae line edition)
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hyung line version here
genre: rating-headcanon hybrid, suggestive ig, gn reader
requested: nope, but reqs are open (just look at my masterlist to see who I write for♡)
warnings: suggestive stuff and delusionality (seriously, this is the most delusional piece of work I have ever written)
a/n: after going ghost for like half a year, I'm back! I'll be sure to be more active this time around, so pls request if you want me to write about something 🙏
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(desperately trying to fight the urge to give him an 8/10) 6.8/10. thinks he's calm but really isn't.
takes great pride in being the only one to get to see you in more risqué attire, so is a little (a lot) jealous when he sees you walk down the stairs to greet the members.
his lips press together in that middle aged white man frown i hope yall know what the fuck im talking about CAHSSVH but he knows the members arent going to try anything with you so its all good
except its not all good because now hes distracted
teases you throughout the whole night, neck kisses, whispering what hes gonna do to you when the members leave, smirking at you BLOOD OF JESUS so that YOU end game night early instead of him (he has an image of peace and serenity to keep up and being needy for you in front of everyone would destroy it lol)
-100009999000000/10. please do not even attempt to wear anything even remotely revealing in front of him unless you want a certain reaction.
sees what you're wearing before anybody shows up and begs you to cancel so that he can cough cough hold hands in bed with you for the whole night.
when the members walk in and see him on his knees, hugging your legs and damn near crying, they think nothing of it cause its mingyu and game night ensues.
cue mingyu glaring at everyone who touches you, doesn't matter if its accidental or if its just to give you the dice when it's ur turn to roll, they're getting stared DOWN.
also cue mingyu staring at you with his eyes glossed over and his mouth open like a squirrel staring at an accorn, and practically needing to be punched in the gut to pay attention to anything but how sexy you are.
also also cue mingyu ending game night like an hour and a half earlier and throwing you over his shoulder, barely having enough self-control to make it up the stairs (good luck soldier, it's gonna be a long night)
a solid 7.8/10. bless this mans heart, he would not do anything even remotely territorial or jealous after seeing what your wearing. it actually warms his heart that you feel comfortable around the members because they're truly like a 2nd family to him.
ever the charmer he is, he'll make sure to compliment you with a hand on your waist and a kiss to your cheek as you greet the members coming through the door (idk about you but imagining seokmins hand across my waist WHEW-)
since dokyeom is usually touchy with you, it serves as no surprise that he would be even more so with more revealing clothes, but he can still find it in himself to focus on the game.
but now YOU'RE distracted by his soft touches, barely even able to contain yourself or focus on anything but his hand trailing up and down your side.
neither of you end game night early, and when the time comes, everyone bids you two goodnight and does the separate ways. cue you jumping on dokyeom and him gladly carrying you to your shared bedroom. (what you don't know is that he was PURPOSEFULLY distracting you the entire time, and he is definetly dawning a self-satisfied smirk as he closes your bedroom door)
-666/10. you have chosen the wrong boyfriend to try something like this with, and he will make it very known.
gives you the meanest stank eye known to mankind, seething with jealousy as you make your way downstairs. (this man is literally grinding his teeth, you have created a monster-)
dedicates the entire game night to making your experience as lackluster as possible. I'm talking he'll make you lose every. single. game. every. single. round. without fail. doesn't matter if he's on your team or not, he's just that petty.
the members obviously aren't oblivious to seungkwan's sudden beef with you, but be it them thinking its funny or them not wanting to be another one of his targets, you're on your own soldier.
the only thought in his mind right is how DARE you look this good in front of anyone on the planet earth but him? where is duty? where is honour?? where is sacrifice??? (you and him just binged House of the Dragon, hence his dramatic mood)
game night ends early on account of the rest of the group feeling as though you and seungkwan need some alone time to solve this one-sided conflict. as soon as they leave, seungkwan acts all coy, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes when you say you know just how to make it up to him. as if this isn't what he wanted the whole time lol.
2/10. this guy won't even bat an eye at your choice of clothing for game night, whatever makes you comfortable is always going to be okay with him. you don't need his approval and he's aware and is perfectly fine with that.
and that's all good and well, except this time you were purposefully trying to make him jealous, so seeing his reaction (or lack there of) kind of bums you out.
don't get him wrong, it's not like he doesn't think you're attractive (you're the most beautiful human he's ever laid his eyes on) but he does not even register your outfit as you walk down the stairs, let alone get jealous in any capacity.
game night starts and finishes exactly how it always does, and when it's all over, as the members are saying their goodbyes to you two, jeonghan makes a slightly suggestive comment on your outfit, which you brush off with a wave of your hand.
it is only at that moment, after jeonghans comment, that vernon realises that your clothing is more revealing that what you usually wear in front of the members. (when I say this man is oblivious, I mean that shit)
"you look good." is all you get from him, as he walks past you and walks up the stairs and turns back to you, confused as to why you aren't following him.
all I'm saying is, if you want... attention from this man, you have to tell him upfront. because trust me, once he knows exactly what you want, he'll have no problem giving it you ;)
–infinity/10. you don't wanna mess with him, cuz he's a jealous, jealous, jealous boy. if he- lemme cool with the lana lyrics but you catch my drift.
as soon as he sees your outfit, he pulls out his phone and texts on the groupchat that game night is cancelled because of "unforseen circumstances." whatever the hell that means.
he will shower you in compliments, his eyes filled with admiration for you. cue you getting kisses all over your face, and when you ask him when the boys are coming for game night, he'll simply trail his kisses a little lower, aiming at your neck to distract you and it works
at some point during your, ahem, devil's tango with Dino in your shared bedroom (he carried you there because in his words, "someone who looks as good as you should not need to lift a finger, let alone walk up a flight of stairs." okay chivalry!) you both hear a knock on the door.
it's the members, worried that one of you had gotten hurt or something which is why game night was cancelled. Dino is as red as tomato when he sees them, stating that you had hurt your ankle and that you weren't really up for game night tonight. the story would be believable if Dino wasn't sweating like he just ran a marathon, and if you weren't wearing such a sexy outfit.
but hey, you're limping as you walk down the stairs to greet the members, so maybe that'll make it all the more believable. (news flash, it makes it less believable, but Dino shoos them out effectively anyways, carrying you back to your room with a quickness, he's not done with you just yet LORD HAVE MERTHY)
thats it, i hope you enjoyed and redoing my permanent taglist, so I'll add you if you send an ask♡
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witchybitchy222 · 8 months
Azriel x Reader
Renewal | Chapter 5
Azriel x Female Reader
The LONG anticipated chapter 5 of Renewal! This is a big one y'all! I hope you like it! I took it in a different direction than I originally planned so I apologize for any inconsistencies! LOVE YALL
Azriel had flown for hours, cursing himself for getting so worked up over nothing. He never lost it like this. In his centuries of life he’d perfected controlling his emotions and he’d be damned if he lost it over a human girl. A beautiful, kind, extraordinary human girl, but a human girl nonetheless. He was a powerful fae warrior, he couldn’t lose his cool over a little unjustified jealousy. He just needed a distraction. 
Azriel dropped down along the Sidra, planning to find somewhere to drink his troubles away without the distraction of said human girl. He walked to one of Velaris’s more popular bars, not as famous as Rita’s by any means, but busy nonetheless, and immediately downed two drinks. 
He was ordering a third when a pretty strawberry blonde female dropped down in the seat next to him. She was pretty enough, but not like Y/N. She was petite where you were curvy, blonde where you were dark, and she lacked all the little details that made you, you. 
But, he was determined to distract himself, so he conversed with the female all while downing more and more drinks. 
Before Azriel knew it, the female had him by the hand and was leading him to her apartment across the street. Getting into bed was a blur, and he couldn’t remember taking off his shirt, or whether she had starting kissing him, or he had started kissing her. 
She was undeniably sexy, and her hands were all over him, but despite his best efforts to remain in the moment, he couldn’t help but feel that this was wrong. 
Azriel gently placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her off his mouth. She looked down at him, a small frown marring her pretty face. 
“I’m sorry,” he began, “I can’t do this.” 
Her face twisted in confusion before looking down at his decidedly un-excited groin, her lips parting in a soft “oh.” 
She slid off him and he sat up on the bed next to her, feeling extremely awkward. 
“Do you… prefer males?” She asked as she stared at him, her head slightly tilted to the side. 
Azriel huffed a laugh, “no”, he said with a slight grin, though it’d probably be nicer if he did. He could’ve just married Cassian and been done with it. 
“I’m definitely attracted to females, and you’re very beautiful, it’s just…” He trailed off, the female looking at him expectantly and he suddenly felt very sober. “I have someone else on my mind.”
“Oh!” she breathed, “I understand.” and she gave him a sweet smile. 
“Really?” he asked, brows furrowed in confusion, he thought she’d have protested more, or maybe try to kiss him again, not give up in understanding.  
She let out a laugh at his confusion. “Of course I am! It’s not like I was expecting a love match from this.” She smirked at him, causing a blush to rise to his cheeks. 
“It’s actually good to know you’re in love with someone, I was starting to worry you thought I was gross.” Azriel’s face flushed even further at her use of the word “love,” but he was relieved she understood. 
“No,” he began to reassure her, “you’re a lovely female, I just….I can’t sleep with you.” 
“Honestly?” she said, “It’s kind of nice to know there are males out there like you, devoted enough to turn down a half naked and willing female in their bed.” He huffed another laugh before grabbing his shirt and bidding the female goodnight. 
Azriel flew home feeling a bit lighter, with the word “love” bouncing around in his mind. 
“Get up” a harsh voice called as the curtains were ripped open. Unforgiving sunlight burst into the room, assaulting your half-asleep mind. You blinked, holding your head as you sat up from under the covers, you knew shots with Cassian were a bad idea. 
“Amren?” The petite female was standing in front of the window, arms crossed, her usual look of boredom in place. 
“I’ve made a potential breakthrough and I’m not letting your overconsumption stop me from testing my theory.” She tossed a small bottle at you with a smirk. 
“What’s this?” you picked up the bottle, inspecting the odd green liquid inside. 
“Hangover cure.” The female stated, as if it were obvious.
“Be down in ten minutes or I’ll come up and douse you in ice water.” And with that she walked out, shutting the door behind her. 
You glanced at the window, trying to discern the time by the sun’s position, but winced as soon as the light hit your eyes. You have Amren’s green liquid one last look before popping the cork and downing it in one gulp. Almost immediately your headache was gone and most of your energy restored. “Fuck, I love magic.” You smiled. 
You dressed quickly, less worried about your appearance and more worried about getting downstairs before Amren’s ten minutes were up. 
You opened the library door to find Amren sitting in a circle of books, some so old the looked like they’d crumple at your touch. Rhysand sat in a chair by the lit fire, looking as bleary eyed as you felt when Amren awoke you minutes ago. 
“Good, you’re here. I have a spell I’d like to try.” Amren looked up from the tome in her lap, looking almost giddy. You worriedly glanced at the High Lord, he merely shrugged. 
“I’m here for moral support.” Rhysand gave you a tired grin, and you sat across from Amren on the floor. 
“I need you to stay calm during this. Drop your shields and Rhys will help.” 
“What’s going to happen?” You asked, eyeing the small knife Amren had procured seemingly out of thin air. 
“I’m just going to cut your arm, nothing deep. Just a bit of blood for the magic.” She looked almost annoyed at your hesitancy. “Then hopefully the spell I read will work and we’ll finally have some answers.” 
You nodded at the female and dropped your flimsy shields, allowing Rhysand into your mind. 
The blade stung as it cut your skin, but Amren was honest, the cut wasn’t deep, just enough to make you bleed. You watched as she took your blood, telling you to close your eyes and focus on her voice. 
You felt Rhysand in your mind, slithering through your thoughts.  
Amren spoke in an odd language, the sounds flowing and light, but something about it seemed familiar to you. That prickling feeling in the back of your head started again, and you started to feel a pull in your gut, weak at first, but rapidly growing stronger, like the feeling of freefalling, gravity tugging at your body as you plummeted toward the earth.
 Amren grabbed your hands, stinging the cut on your palm. Your eyes flew open, the pain intensifying at her touch, the once gentle pulling in your stomach growing into a ripping pain, and the room blurred around you. You distantly heard Rhysand’s voice, his prying at your unshielded mind, but all you felt was pain, searing, intense, pain. 
You felt your mouth open but couldn’t hear your scream over the ringing in your ears. Images flooded your mind, so fast you couldn’t comprehend any of them, and soon your mind was so full of thoughts, images, and feelings, you were certain it’d burst. The swirling thoughts continued, spinning and spinning and trapping  you in a vortex of pain, mania, and confusion. Rhysand was in the background of your mind, witnessing your physical and mental pain but helpless to stop it.  Just when you couldn’t take it anymore, when the pain was so intense you could only see white and you were sure you’d die, the spinning in your vision stopped and the room came into view. You took a breath and felt it catch in your throat, you tried to cough and immediately turned to the side and vomited. Thick black sludge expelled from your mouth, choking you as it came out. You vaguely felt someone come behind you and hold back your hair. You felt cold and hot at the same time, like your body was ripping itself from the inside and reforming into something new. You felt different, sharper, clearer, and somehow more like yourself than you’d felt in a long time. 
When the vomiting ceased, and the pain in your stomach dulled to an ache, you finally looked up at the room and fae surrounding you. You were still on the floor, covered in sweat and remnants of blood and your strange vomit. Azriel sat beside you, his hands still in your hair, his hazel eyes filled with concern. Amren stood across from you, a stern look on her face, the ancient book she’d smeared your blood on torn to shreds. Feyre and Cassian stood to the side, and for the first time since you’d awoken, you could feel the faint trace of magic emanating from them, as if they’d pulled it to the surface in case they needed to strike. You knew they were staring at you, noting the changes that had been made when the curse broke. They’d have questions, so many questions. 
Finally your eyes found Rhysand, and the look on his face cut you much deeper than the shallow knife wound. Your vision was sharper now, and you could see the flecks of stars in his violet eyes, reflecting your own. 
It was as if time was frozen, no one knew what to say. You could feel the confusion seeping off every fae in the room, its orangish tint flooding your senses. 
Rhysand spoke, breaking the incessant silence, “Where’s Nyx.” he demanded, never removing his eyes from you. 
“Mor and Nesta have him at the townhouse.” Feyre replied, her voice soft in the quietness of the room. 
Rhysand nodded. “Everyone out except Y/N.” You held his gaze as everyone filed out. When the door shut, he let out a shuddering breath and tore his gaze from your own. He sat down heavily in the plush velvet chair by the fire. He remained silent as you pulled yourself up from the ground, aching and dirty, and gently lowered yourself into the seat across from him. The High Lord let out a deep sigh, “Do you remember who you are?” he asked as he stared into the dying fire before him. “I remember everything, brother.”
@strawbwebbie @judig92 @bankerfrog @amdiriel @kristalhi
@meritxellao @everyonehatescarmen @reareaikea @nothxney
@toothhurtyam @goldentournesol
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Being Funny In A Foreign Language
Chapter 10- When We Are Together
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A/N: the VERY LAST FINAL CHAPTER is here. I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated and encouraged. Thank you so much to everyone who has read and provided feedback on the chapters of this fic. It was fun to write. Yall made it fun.
Warnings: kink. Smut. A single mention of ADHD. A single mention of addiction recovery.
Even though she knew that it was physically impossible, Amelia swore she’d developed superhuman hearing to be able to hear Matty’s conversation with the tall, beautiful blonde woman across the bar. Even over the ambient chatter of the place, it was obvious that the two were flirting. That much she didn’t need to hear. She knew, from experience, how smooth and charming Matty could be when he really wanted to. Not that he had to try, really. Looking the way he does, in the all black outfit, especially that leather jacket he had on, anyone with a pulse would want him.
After what felt like an inappropriately long time, Matty finally meandered back over to the table, his refilled drink in hand, sliding back into the conversation with George that they’d put on hold earlier. Amelia couldn’t believe that he didn’t even bother to look her way of explain his delayed return. She tried to let it go. And she would’ve succeeded, if it weren’t for the fact that the fabulous blonde suddenly approached their table, leaning into Matty’s seat to whisper something into his ear. Amelia tried to employ her super hearing abilities but all she could hear was Matty’s giggle as the woman touched his arm. She almost walked away, but then she looked at Matty again, smiling,
“Do you have a girlfriend, Matty?”
Matty’s smile slowly faded as the question set in. He turned to Amelia, shooting her an apprehensive look. Her eyes darting away, she stirred her drink with its straw, pretending that she hadn’t just been eavesdropping with every fiber of her being.
“Erm….no.” Matty looked up at his new blonde friend, “ I don’t have a girlfriend….it seems.”
The woman said something about how shocking it is that a man like him wasn’t already in a relationship. “Guess it must be my lucky day.” She grabbed his phone off the table, putting her number in. “You should text me sometime.”
Underneath the table, Amelia’s hands itched to get a hold of Matty’s body. His admirer was hardly gone before she had the idea to get back at him by running the tip of her shoe along his leg. He jolted at the surprise sensation at first, confused, assuming she’d accidentally bumped her leg into his, he brushed it off. But as Amelia got bolder, her leg moved further up his body, stopping at the knee a few times. She could see him glancing over at her out of the corner of his eye. He was beginning to catch on. Spurred on by his continued composure, she hiked her foot up higher, first onto his thigh, then, finally, onto his groin. It was a subtle maneuver. Risky. She had to lean forwards, resting her arms on the table to scoot forwards and reach him. Any abrupt motions and it would be obvious that something was going on with her legs. So it required finesse. A level of calm that she had no idea she could muster. Jealousy really is a powerful thing.
She was entertained by the way that Matty’s hands gripped the edges of table until his knuckles had turned white. The coy smile of acknowledgement he’d flashed her earlier had disappeared. He sipped on his drink to distract himself, but the more she rubbed him, the harder it got for him. In more ways than one.
“Night Mark! See you in the morning!” She bid him goodnight sweetly. The wholesome smile dropped from her face as soon as Mark’s door clicked shut. She pushed Matty up against the wall, in the middle of the hallway, her hands, at long last, all over him.
Matty willingly allowed himself to be handled by her in whichever way she liked, his body moving in sync with hers. He rested his back against the wall, eagerly parted his lips, let her bite and nip at them, moaning and whining into the kiss. Vying for more control, she brought her hands up to his face, fixing him in place as the kiss grew longer, needier. When she pulled away from him, it was aggressive, like tearing flesh away, the suddenness left Matty breathing audibly, hungry for more, reeling at the loss of her body overpowering his. He felt lighter without her chest pressing into his, constricting the air in his lungs, and he didn’t enjoy the newfound lightness. He found it overwhelming. Like a piece of paper without a paperweight, blowing in the wind, his knees bent slightly before he regained balance.
They barely made it a few steps down the hallway before Matty found himself pinned against the wall again. This time, Amelia’s hands were around his neck, her hips pushing against his, a knee dangerously close to his groin.
Shamelessly, Matty pushed his hips into hers, rubbing against the edge of her knee for some friction.
She gasped when she noticed what he was up to, stopping her kissing and backing off of him. “Tsk tsk tsk. Matty! Are you already- Jesus Christ, you impatient little- what do you think you’re doing here, hmm?”
Matty smiled, a wide, toothy smile.
“Oh, you better believe I’m about to wipe that smug look off your face in a few moments. Room
He pulled the key out of his pocket, grabbing her hand and rushing them both towards the room.
“On your hands and knees, c’mon.” Amelia pointed with the cane to the spot where she wanted Matty positioned.
“Okay, but- but- erm before you- hit me, can I just say I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would bother you.” Matty proceeded to kneel and get on all fours, in nothing but his underwear, as he spoke.
“What?! How dumb to you think I am? You’re going with that as an excuse???”
“Genuine! I- didn’t want to be presumptuous. You didn’t seem particularly bothered by-“
“You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me.” Amelia laughed in disbelief.
“I’m not kidding-“
“Enough out of you! Lose the underwear. I want nothing separating between you and this cane.”
“Fuck.” He shivered, “this is going to hurt.” He mumbled under his breath. But Amelia heard it.
“Would you rather I use the belt? Flogger? What hurts most?”
“Cane hurts most.”
“Cane it is, then.”
Amelia raised the cane in the air, but before she could swing it back down over him, Matty interrupted.
“Erm- I am- to count out each hit?”
“Right. Yes.”
“Okay.” His head dropped.
“You know the rules, yes?”
“Mhm. Count them out. Say thank you after each time, and tap out if I need it.”
He glanced over his shoulder “I really am sorry.”
Which prompt her to sling the cane and hit him instantly. The surprise of it made the pain even worse she literally heard the moment that the pain knocked the wind out of his lungs, muting his scream.
He took a moment to breathe, and then with a shaky voice. He started to count. “One. Thank you. Please- m- May I have another?”
“Straighten your back, Matty.” She demanded.
“Right. S-sorry.”
“Quit saying that!” She brought the cane down on him again. Tears quickly pooled in the corners of his eyes.
By the tenth strike, Matty was crying. By the twentieth, she’d had asked, “who do you belong to? That woman at the bar? Any random girl that pays you any attention?”
He shook his head, unable to stop the tears long enough to answer.
By the thirtieth hit, Matty was out of it, deep in subspace, head full of pain and pleasure, he’d long lost count. Instead, he had, for some inexplicable reason, taken to repeatedly whimpering “I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours.” Over and over again.
When her own arm began to hurt, Amelia dropped the cane, her anger disappearing with it, she hurried over to Matty’s body, which had collapsed into a mess on the floor as soon as she’d stopped.
“Hey, hey, Matty? Eyes on me, babe.”
Relieved to see him attempting a smile, she kissed his forehead gently, then helped him sit up. “You good to keep going?”
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good. Cuz I’m going to fuck you into submission.”
“Open up for me.” The dildo strapped to Amelia’s waist rested against his lips. Hesitantly, Matty opened his mouth and took it in. Bit by bit, at first, adjusting to its size, then, when Amelia felt comfortable that he was ready, she held him by the back of the head, and thrusted completely into his mouth, getting closer and closer, with each push, to reaching the back of his throat.
Matty moved his head, sucking in, his cheeks hollowed, his tongue moving around the you in his mouth. His breathing shortened but Amelia wouldn’t allow him any relief, even as he was gagging, drool dripping down his chin, eyes watering, she kept him there, admiring the dazed look in his eyes as he stared up at her, unflinchingly, as if to show her with his gaze, how good he was being.
Matty coughed and heaved as Amelia pulled away gently patting his back? Urging him to get into position. He wiped his own saliva off his face with the back of his arm before crawling on his knees to the top of the bed, lying on his stomach.
“Hold on. Need a pillow or something under your waist.” She slid a pillow under him to prop him up and protect his back from any extra pressure and Matty, in his subservient state, thought the gesture was the kindest thing in the world. Smiling and melting into the bed, he whispered “thank you. So much.”
He felt the cold sensation of the bit of lube that Amelia had applied to his skin, pushing a finger into his hole to make sure he was relaxed and ready, then an immense pressure. He moaned as she pushed into him, the feeling overwhelming. Slowly and carefully, Amelia slid all the way in and began to thrust, listening to him mumble unintelligibly.
“Oh- my- fuck…so. Fuckin. Tight.” He winced every time that anything came into contact with the fresh cane welts on his ass, pain mixing with pleasure. Just what he needed to overwhelm and shut down his brain.
“Tell me, Matty, who do you belong to?”
“You. Oh. My. God. I- I belong to- to you. I’m all yours. No one else’s” he rambled on.
“Who owns this ass?”
“Fuck!!! Ah- feels so good…”
Realizing that he was a bit too lost in pleasure, she slapped his injured ass causing him to scream. “I asked you a question. Who owns this ass? Who owns your pleasure, hmm? Tell me.”
“Oh godddd. You do! You. Always you. Nobody else makes me feel like you do. I- ahhhh…don’t care how many girls try…how may women I see around me- it’s always been you. I’ve belonged to you even before I knew it.”
His broken answer satisfied her, putting out the fire within. She smiled down at his supple body, her heart warming at the sight.
“That’s right. It’s just you and me. No one else.” She stated, more for herself than for Matty who had already surrendered his whole being to her.
“A- Amelia? It feels - too good. I- am so close.”
Hearing that, she became determined to take him over the edge. “Oh yeah? Better brace yourself then baby.”
She thrusted into him, harder and faster. His moaning turned to crying, and then screaming.
“Cum for me, Matty. Let go. You’ve earned it.”
She tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, looking into his eyes. “What is it?” She whispered, kissing him.
“You look like you wanna say something. What’s on your mind?”
Matty’s eyes darted away. “Well, I just- I want to apologize about the girl in the bar.”
“You don’t have to. It’s over now. You’ve redeemed yourself.”
“No, I know. And- don’t get me wrong, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Genuinely. But-“
Amelia’s brows furrowed. “But what?”
“be fair, we never actually said anything about- I mean…a- are we in a relationship? Are we going out? Like, dating?”
Amelia stuttered, finding herself speechless. She couldn’t believe that he even had to ask. Though, strictly speaking, he was right. There was never a conversation. But only because she’d assumed that there didn’t need to be one. That it was obvious.
“Am I your boyfriend, Amelia?” He smiled, hopeful, at the sound of his own words. “Is that what I am? Cuz I quite like the sound of that.” He giggled.
“Yes, Matty.” she rolled her eyes, faking annoyance. “You are my boyfriend.”
“Hold on! If I’m your boyfriend….that makes you…??”
She shook her head, “that makes me your girlfriend, yes.”
Matty couldn’t help the smile that lit up his whole face. “How cool is that? Hello, yes, this is my girlfriend, Amelia.” He laughed “everybody give it up for my girlfriend.”
“My girlfriend is here tonight. There she is, shout out to her what a beautiful-“
“Are you…practicing for live shows? Right now? In the middle of-“
“She’s looking beautiful tonight don’t you guys think? Look at her- oh wow. I’d you’ll excuse me. Think I’m gonna kiss her now.” He leaned in, locking their lips together.
Matty heard her spring to her feet, as soon as he walked through the door even before he could see her.
“Hi. You’re back.” She rushed over to him. “So? What’d the doctors say? Do they know what’s wrong?”
“Did they write you a prescription for anything? Do they think you’ll feel better soon?”
Matty squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his temples. He could feel the onset of a throbbing headache.
“Amelia, please. Calm down. You’re suffocating me.”
Seeing the way that her face dropped in response made him instantly regret his words.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it.” He said softly, extending his hand out for her to take it and pulling her to the bed with him. He throw himself onto it, with Amelia standing in the space between his legs, still holding hands.
“So…” he sighed loudly. “They said it’s definitely the mental illness.”
“Good! That’s good right!” She caught herself being her enthusiastic and tried to hold back.
“Yeah, I mean, the upside of that is- soon as I get that shit under control, everything else goes back to normal. Well, you know. As normal as can be for someone who’s a little bit fucked up.”
This time, Amelia managed to hold her tongue. Smiling and nodding along.
“The thing is, finding the right medicine can be a while.”
“Yeah! I looked into it and I read that- sorry. Sorry. You talk. I’ll listen.”
“No; it’s just….on top of that being a general challenge for everyone, well, recovering addicts like myself are generally advised to steer away from certain pills. And then there’s the ADHD….and finding the right dose or whatever. It’s a whole fuckin thing. Gives me a headache if I’m being honest with you.” He was ready to change the subject. “Just…whatever. Can we do the kissing now?”
“Matty! This is good. You’re doing the responsible thing.”
He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, “I know.” They kissed. “And I have you to thank for that.” Matty paused again for another quick kiss. “You- make me a better person. You make it feel like there’s a version of life where maybe I get to feel better.” This time, it was Amelia who leaned in for a kiss. “But I really don’t wanna talk about this boring shit. Makes me feel unsexy and old and broken. Let’s…be young and alive. Let’s fuck! Over and over again.”
Louis looked at his brother, incredulous. “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.” He pulled out the ring box from his pocket placing it, carefully, into Matty’s open palm.
Matty’s heart skipped a beat at the feeling over the velvet container in his hand. He popped it open, hardly believing his eyes. “It’s just like I remember it. Only smaller.”
“I know. Always looked bigger on nana’s finger.”
Matty tore his eyes away from the ring to look at his brother. “Louis, I think it’s us who were smaller.” Cautiously, he snapped the box shut.
“I can’t believe you’re marrying Amelia!” Louis nudged him with his elbow, giggling uncontrollably.
“Well, I haven’t asked her yet. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Right! Have you decided about how you’re gonna do it?”
“Yeah, the boys are helping. I think-“ Matty smiled as the realization hit him. He was talking about proposing. To Amelia. Changing both of their lives. He blushed, giggling softly.
“Well??! Go on! What’s the plan?” His brother stared at him, impatient.
“Right. Yes. I’m taking her on our first official, like, ‘date.’ Her favorite restaurant. And, while we’re out of the house,” Matty’s heartbeat pounded stronger as he spoke. Visualizing the moment in his mind with a smile
On his face. “The guys are going to get in there and arrange the flowers and candles. Hand picked by mum of course. Then I’ll let them know to get the fuck out of there before we get back. And I’ll just…do it as soon as we walk in.”
“Sir?” The waiter raised a single eyebrow, hoping the heavy pause was enough to nudge Matty into politeness.
“Sorry, mate. Just 10 more minutes? She’ll be here! Any second now.”
“Apologies sir, but- we’ve got reservations…”
“Look, look! She’s texted!” Matty pulled out his his phone. He did, indeed, just receive a text from Amelia.
Please don’t hate me. I’m so sorry. I can’t come. Working all night. They hated all the designs I showed them and the deadline is Thursday.
We’ll have our first date someday….soon. Dont wait up for me, I’ve got my own keys. Love you.
Matty felt his heart shatter in his chest. He stood up from his chair. “Well. I guess you get your fuckin table - sorry. Shouldn’t swear in this fine dining establishment….im goin home. Tables free.”
As he walked to the train station, he texted the boys to undo their work, recollect everything, and leave.
“Well, so, what’s the plan now?” George asked, handing Matty a drink.
“He chooses another day and we start over, obviously.” Adam chimed in; he received a supporting nod from Louis.
“I don’t know…this feels…wrong.”
“What does?” Ross muted the tv that had been murmuring in the background, and leaned closer.
“It feels like bad luck to just….re-light the candles and re-scatter flower petals.”
“So?? Buy new ONES MATTY!” Louis had clearly gotten slightly too invested in this proposal plan, the thrill of being the ring delivery man getting to his head.
“What if I just picked a new plan? An island getaway. Like over the weekend or something. After this- this design she’s working on is finished, she’s going to need a break anyway. A beach proposal would be nice?”
“Shall I find some options? Islands and hotels?” Louis pulled out his phone, and without waiting for confirmation from Matty, began digging.
“So….what’re we going to do with the several million tons of flowers that you’ve ordered?” George asked, pointing to the giant pile of flowers in the middle of the room.
“Well you obviously can’t leave them here. I can’t let Amelia see them. Take them home. You each give some to your partners or something. Take them to DH. or find a grandmothers grave or something. I don’t fuckin know. Just- get them outta here.”
“Thank you, honey.” Amelia whispered as Matty brought her some coffee in bed, kissing her forehead before climbing back under the duvet to sit next to her.
“Thanks for letting me sleep in” she spoke into her mug, taking the first sip. “I’m so looking forward to work slowing down a bit. This week was mental!”
Matty couldn’t help the involuntary smile that always took over his face whenever he heard her voice, saw her face, or was in her presence. Even disheveled and tired, morning breath and all, she was the most perfect woman he’d ever seen.
“Speaking of rest. What do you say to a quick trip somewhere. Maybe the weekend? We could extend our stay if you fancied. But just a few days off the grid. Reckon it’d do you some good. No work. No email. No indecisive clients changing their minds at worst possible time?”
Amelia squealed excitedly, setting her coffee down on the nightstand to avoid spilling it. “Ooo what’d you have in mind?”
“I was thinking…somewhere warm? A beach maybe?”
Her lackluster response confused Matty.
“What? You don’t like the idea?”
“It’s- just….beaches need warm weather. It’s the dead of winter.”
“I’m sure we could find someplace warm. We’re not limited by geography. We could go anywhere!”
She bit her lower lip, avoiding his eyes.
“You don’t look enthused.”
She cocked her head, somewhat embarrassed. “I appreciate the idea. I really do. You’re so sweet to think of this. But- well- international travel- you’re always on tour and I- it’s just stressful !”
A strange sense of doom began to set in Matty’s heart. But he was careful not to let any of it seep out to Amelia, keeping a smile on his face.
“Alright. That’s okay. We’ll find something else to do-“
“I’m sorry! You were trying to be sweet and romantic and I’m such a downer!” Amelia leaned into him, clinging to his chest guilty and desperate.
“Don’t be sorry. This- this was meant to be for you. So, if going somewhere far away stresses you out, then what’s the point of doing it. We’ll just do something else. It’s fine.” He kissed her head, throwing his arm around her. “Whatever you like. Where would you like to go?”
“Honestly? Nowhere. Just wanna be here. With you. Our bed is perfect.”
“Well, then, there’s no place else I’d rather be.”
Matty sighed, making a mental note to inform Louis that Plan B was a no-go as well.
“We should get a puppy.” Matty said from the other side of the couch, a joint between his fingers.
“Pardon?” She giggled, setting her book down and crossing her legs.
“Puppy. You and me. It’d be great, don’t you think?”
“Matty, need I remind you of the dogs you’ve attempted to own? And how they’ve all ended up in other people’s homes? You’re basically an illegal dog fostering operation. You just get dogs and then place them with people who never signed up to be dog owners in the first place.”
Matty laughed, that long drawn out laugh he always did when he was just a tiny bit stoned.
“Yeah, I do that quite a bit. don’t I?”
He brought the joint to his lips, taking a drag. “Well, usually it’s cuz I’m on tour so much. But if we adopted the dog together that wouldn’t be a problem. You’d be here.”
“Hmmm” Amelia considered the idea for a moment. Picturing a sweet fur baby in the middle, between the two of them, snoozing on this couch made her heart flutter. “That would be cute, actually.”
“Unless, of course, I decide to hire you again. To come on tour with me.” Matty mused.
“You assume I’d just drop everything and do it.”
“Yeah but maybe we could bring the dog with us? Reckon we could sort it out….”
“I don’t know. Two people sharing a pet is always dangerous….” Amelia said, second-guessing the idea.
“There’d be vaccines and shit. And we’d have to get it a passport. Do dogs need passports?”
They were clearly branching off into two separate conversations by now.
“Matty, seriously. Isn’t it too soon? I mean, what if we broke up? It’s like…like having. Child. I couldn’t handle separating it from one of us. Having to see it on certain days. It’ll pee everywhere. Even potty-trained pets can start shitting everywhere when their routine is uprooted. We can’t do that to a dog!”
Matty let her words hang in the air for a moment, a smile on his face.
“Fine. Then marry me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Easy enough solution. Marry me.”
Amelia’s mouth fell open. She stared at Matty, stunned. Unclear on how serious he was being. Even if it was a joke, no immediate retort was coming to her mind at the moment.
Matty took another drag of his blunt and then sat up straight to be able to slip his hand into the pocket of his joggers, pulling out the ring box.
Amelia’s eyes tracked his movements, widening in shock at the sight of the box.
“Hold on, sorry” matty whispered, setting his joint down. “Right, then.” He cleared his throat, got off the couch getting down on one knee.
“Amelia, my love, will you marry me?”
“M- matty!”
“I love you. You make me a better man. You’re my best friend. You’re my soul. My muse and my critic and my everything. I wanna be with you forever. Do you wanna be with me forever?”
“You’re insane! Matty! We’ve never even been on a real fuckin date. ‘What happened to- to- get dinner with me sometime.’ ‘See you on Tuesday.’ What the fuck?” She laughed, running out of breath, her face felt hot like fire.
“I think we can both agree we’re way past that.” Matty said, perfectly calm. “You…you know me. You know what I’m like when I’m at my very best and when I’m at rock bottom. In fact, you’ve seen me at some dark and pretty fuckin pathetic moments. And you never turned your back on me. You- make me feel like I might get better. Anytime that I’m with you. Around you. Any time that we’re together. It feels like maybe there’s a version of me that gets better. You make me wanna be a man. As for me? I know you.” His smile widened as he prepared his next words,
“I know how you like your coffee; I know that you like it when people notice your makeup. Even though you try not to draw too much attention to the effort you put into it. . I know that you love your little sister more than anything. But you’re insecure about not being there for her as much cuz she lives so far away, so….sometimes you overcompensate by being a bit overbearing. I know what you like in bed. I know cuz I fuckin taught you. I know that you like when I kiss your forehead and talk to you after sex. I know your favorite tattoo of mine is the WE ARE KINGS one just above my hip. You always give it extra kisses when you can.”
She nodded, welling up with tears.
“The way I know you and feel known by you….its different. treating it like any ordinary relationship just…” he took a deep breath. “Maybe I’m just a traditionalist deep down underneath all that other shit. but….i can’t think of a better way to honor our intimacy than marriage. Let’s get a dog together and never have to split custody. Will you marry me?”
Amelia burst into tears, and a fit of laughter. In between giggles, and wiping at her cheeks with her hands, she attempted to say “yes” but her laughter got worse every time that she tried.
“Sorry, sorry. One- second.” She took a deep breath. “Fuck I can’t believe we’re doing this. But…yeah. Yes! Yes I’ll marry you, Matty.”
Matty panted hotly as his body jerked and his hips bucked up, off the bed. He stroked himself inside his boxers, swiping at his sensitive tip, and whining against the pillow as he drew closer to the edges of bliss.
“Fuck, fuck, fu-oh…”
His mind played, on a loop, a distant memory of her hands all over her body, her silvery voice echoing through his mind, cooing sweetly.
“Oh, sweet angel, you’re doing so well.”
“You look so pretty like that. Did you know that? Did you know that you’re the most perfect person on this planet?”
“Good boy, Matty. Taking it so well.”
His toes curled, digging into the mattress, with a strangled moan, he let go, the rush of release overpowering him, ropes of cum spurting onto his lower abdomen, dripping from his body.
“Hi darlin,’ it’s me. Again. I know I’m probably fillin’ up your voicemail at this point, but - ermmm- I miss you, Amelia. I’m sorry. All that shit I said the other week- I didn’t mean it. Just…so, so sorry. I’m - come home, please. Come back to me. I- can’t live without you. and honestly? I shouldn’t have to. You’re my-“ the monotonous voice of the machine interrupted him to let him know that he’d reached maximum recording capacity and that his message was sent. His finger hovered over her name on the screen as he considered calling back, maybe leaving another message. But he’d run out of ways to apologize and to beg. He’d try again tomorrow. He set his phone down on to the bedside table and reached for the lamp, flicking it off, he laid his head down on his pillow in the pitch black room. Another sleepless night.
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barbiecrocs · 9 months
The blonde bastard
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Laurent Thierry
tags! teasing, begging, switching, oral(male receiving), blow job, hand job, edging, sex so good it got Laurent speaking French, alcohol consumption, low key sadistic reader, "I wanna break him"
WC. 3450
Barbie's note... Hey yall🧍‍♀️... So I know I haven't posted in a while and that yall are fed up with not having material, but I've been going through the craziest writer's block ever. Then this idea came to mind after I watched Great Pretender and everything just came out because this show has been my personality for a while😭😭. Anyway, that's all, enjoy the new year!!
You gulp as you turn your back on the consequence of making a deal with a confidence man. “The clock started ten minutes ago, mon amour. Time is ticking.” You look over your shoulder to where the voice is coming from, only to be met with Laurent entirely at your mercy, his wrists tied together behind the chair, ankles tied to the legs, and his long, heated length standing proudly by itself. A sigh leaves your mouth as you think, ‘How did I get here?’
“Cynthia, stop laughing! We’re being serious!” You and Edamura pout as you stop drinking the half-full glass of wine he poured for you. “Oh, I know, and I feel you. Wouldn’t we all like to make the blonde bastard fall to his knees one day? But I just can’t stop myself from laughing. Your plan is too simple. Don’t you think he’ll see right through it?” Your mouth opens to combat her, but Edamura takes the words from your mouth. “How is it simple? We’d turn on him mid-heist, take the money for ourselves, get paid by his enemies to rat out his location, and turn on them by sending them to a location with fake police and get paid off there because they don’t want to go to jail. If that doesn’t scream intricate and complicated, then I don’t know what does.” He slams on the table with each sentence to emphasize the deceitfulness of your scheme as you nod along, but none of it phases Cynthia as she sighs. “I’m only going to tell you guys this once because I don’t even like the idea, but the only plausible way to get him on his knees is sexually. Which will already be hard to do, but I don’t see him swallowing his pride otherwise.” Your breath hitches with her response, and your hands fly to hide the hot blush creeping onto your cheeks. The way that she says it without blushing or getting shy has you feeling like such a dork compared to her.
 “This is where I leave the conversation, but mark my words, we’ll get him.” Edamura finishes his drink and sets it back on the table, leaving the cleaning to you. You don’t notice it, but Cynthia watches you like a hawk as you bid Edamura goodnight and down the rest of your wine. “Would you like another one?” She asks, and you nod yes, “Don’t think I could have this conversation any other way. So another glass it is.” You smile, already feeling the buzzing and heat flutter to your face. When she’s finished pouring, your lips immediately make contact with the rim of the glass as an inquiry floats into your head. Feeling bold off of liquid courage, you pop the question. “Why would you know that about him anyway?” She’s halfway through refilling her glass when you catch her by surprise. She tilts her head in confusion, still not catching on before her eyes go wide with realization, “Oh god! If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, then you’d be wrong. Trust me, we haven’t done anything like that. You have him all to yourself, hun.” You’re unsure if the heat dusting your cheeks is a blush or a drunk buzz, but you cover your face in embarrassment. “I mean, you do want him, yes?” A warm silence passes through as you think long and hard about what you really want from him. “I want to break him, his pride, wipe that playful smirk off his face, and make him genuinely beg for something. Show him that he’s not so high and mighty and knows everything just because he always acts like it. I just want to knock him down a couple of notches. The satisfaction I would have if I could do that.” You snap out of your trance when your rambling stops, only to see Cynthia looking at you as if she saw a ghost. Her mouth’s agape, her eyes wide open, and her brows almost touching her forehead. “Oh… Never in a million years would I have imagined that somebody like you would go into so much detail about something like that.” You immediately cover your mouth and begin to sink into your seat on the couch, scared that you overshared or said something completely out of pocket for even a cons man. Just then, she eagerly leans in like a nosey little kid, hands on her knees to keep herself from falling forward. “How do you plan on doing that, though?” As if to save you from the question, the man in consideration walks in unbeknownst to your attention. Cynthia begins to chug the rest of her drink before leaving the glass for you to clean up and gracefully gets up from her seat on the other side of the glass coffee table. Before you can ask where she’s going, the voice least you expected to hear at the moment makes itself known.
 “A little get-together, and I wasn’t invited. How cruel. Let me guess. Edamame was here, huh? I can understand why he wouldn’t tell me, but you? I thought we were closer than that, bavarde.” He scans the area, seeing only two empty glasses before sitting half a foot away from you and pouring some wine into the glass that Edamura used. A stiff calmness passes through the air as you watch him take a refreshing swig of the expensive wine Cynthia bought. You don’t notice it, but you end up staring so hard that he catches on, watching your eyes drink in the sight of him piece by piece. Staring at his lips as they turn a slight shade of the deep red wine, his fingers as they firmly but delicately hold the glass to his mouth, and lastly, his eyes, which you only just now noticed were watching you back, causing him to smirk. The glass clinks onto the table as he turns his body towards you, laying an arm around the back of the couch. “So, you want to break me, huh?” You choke on your wine before finally finding your grounding, “I- I’m going to hit the hay-” You shoot up from your seat, but he grabs onto your wrist and pulls you down on his lap, “Oh no, don’t do that because I’d actually like to take you up on your interest.” He slides an arm around your waist, and a hand comes under your thigh to spread your legs. “I’d love to see what you can do, but I have one condition.”
If you can’t make me completely submit in thirty minutes, then I get to show you what I can do.
Of course, you pushed for forty minutes since you said it was unfair that he was way more experienced than you. So you might have just fucked yourself before he could with this deal. Still, you fight the urge to leave him tied up and run so you don’t go down without a fight.
 After briefly giving it some thought, you finally make your move by slowly stripping everything but your underwear and straddling a very bored Laurent’s hips. You make sure not to slide his length inside but leave its aching self behind your butt. “Finally, something is happening. You know, you’ve wasted a mighty fine ten minutes sitting there-” You interrupt him, wasting no more time on thoughts and words, and begin leaving kisses along his jawline. “Oooooh. Spicy first move.”
 “Shut up.” You say and begin putting your hands to work. One squeezes his cheeks together to prevent him from speaking, and the other sneaks behind you and gently rubs circles on his tip. He jerks up into your hand, and you nip his jaw as punishment, which isn’t the last time that happens. Precum begins to bead on his tip, and you gather some on your finger before putting it in your mouth while maintaining the finest eye contact. Laurent’s head falls back before you feel him buck under you. “Mhm!” You hear him bite back in his most tranquil voice. You smirk and pause your actions, “Hm? What was that?” He looks at you in muted shock from the way that you almost don’t sound like yourself. Then he sees the cloudiness in your eyes and puts two and two together that you’re tipsy. “Who are you?” You snicker at the genuineness in his voice, “The person who is going to break you.” With that answer, you slide off his lap, leaving a wet spot on one of his thighs, before dropping to your knees in front of him. You gulp before looking up at him, wondering if this is a good idea, only for him to give you a smug smile that boosts your confidence. Taking his dick into your hands, you spit on the tip as both of you watch the thin stream of warm liquid slide down to his balls, “That tickles!” You ignore his complaint and start stroking at a slow pace after spitting a couple more times regarding his pleasing length. You hum in arousal as your mouth entertains itself with his inner thighs, pressing soft kisses onto them before surprising him with a couple of nips.
 “Nice try, but easing your way into this at snail speed isn’t going to break me how you want it to.” You refuse to look his way, already knowing the expression he’ll be wearing if you do, the same shit-eating grin he always has. Viewing what he said, you have no problem brewing another idea.
 Feeling bolder than the last time, you don’t hesitate to start phase two of your plan. You stop nipping Laurent’s thigh and begin kissing your way to the tip of his shaft. Only then do you tease the tip gently with your teeth before finally taking it between your lips. And your lips are the only thing it touches. You focus on not bobbing your head and strictly kitten-licking the tip. He jerks up into you only to run into your teeth like a brick wall preventing him access. “If you want my mouth so bad, ask for it.” You glance at him and see his head tilted back as if the decision put his life on the line. But in reality, he was just trying to give himself time to cool down and let time fly by with his pride still intact. 
The knee-jerk reaction to look at you when you lick a line up his shaft for his attention wins, and he almost gives you a facial immediately. ‘What a sight for sore eyes.’ He thinks to himself. His eyes start at the bottom, where your legs are gathered neatly under you, then your ass which you poked out for him so generously before finally moving up to your lips that glistened with spit and precum. ‘Fuuuuuck!’ He thought to himself. He wasn’t sure if it was the liquid courage in your veins or if you were just a different person when you were horny, but he was confident that you were not the same shy tsundere he was talking to in the hotel’s living room. That shy person would never touch him like this. That tsundere wouldn’t have even admitted to wanting to break him. But he’s here now, so there is something that he undoubtedly doesn’t know or have right about you. 
You grab his attention by tapping his thigh since the licking wasn’t making him decide any faster. He redirects his eye line from your lips to your eyes, only to be met with the beautiful stare that captured him the first time you met him in a casino where you single-handedly scammed some rich guy for all he was worth. He clears his throat, trying to sound like he wasn’t about to pop if you breathed on him too hard. “Please, Y/n.” He asks. You frown, knowing you should be satisfied with what he gave you, but deep down, it feels like it’s not enough. Sure, he said please, but he still has that damn smug smile on his face, and he couldn’t even throw in the extra neediness you wanted. You want him to beg like it’s going to save his life, like if you don’t touch him, he’s going to die of yearning and blue balls. You need to rip that smile off his face and fast.
“I know you can do better than that, Laurent. Otherwise, I’d have to leave you high and dry. And you wouldn’t want that, would you?” You egg him on by sucking his tip harder than usual as you watch his stomach dip and do flips. He pushes out a heavy sigh of relief before you put his pleasure on hold once again and start kissing around where he needs you the most. Just when you start kissing up his length again, “Fuck, please don’t leave me hanging, bavarde.” You freeze from hearing the genuineness in his voice, and your head snaps up at him, expecting to see Laurent torn to shreds with his hair sticking to his forehead and panting faster than his ability to get a word out. But you’re met with a slightly different-looking smile. His brows furrow together while his lips shake up a tiny storm, and his teeth that you can barely see through his almost closed mouth grind together, ‘This is the hottest he’s ever looked.’
You smile at him and spit on his tip before gulping him down inch by inch until your nose reaches his pubic area. Trying your best not to gag, you move slowly while your fingers work magic that you didn’t even know you had on his balls, smiling when you hear his nails claw on the end of the armrest. “Thaf fewl gud?” You tease. Only to feel another heartbeat deep inside once you see his chest rise and fall quickly with his teeth encasing his bottom lip to suppress his heavy, serene groans, “C'est tellement bon, bébé.” He pants out, finding himself physically incapable of breaking eye contact with you even though he knows that’ll only make him finish faster. It’s just the euphoric way his cock slides down your warm, wet, and tight throat with ease that makes him want to explode a thousand times.
 ‘Not experienced my ass!’ He complains, regretting that he chose to go easy on you and allow you extra time. Now, he’s dangerously close to cumming down your throat as you suck all his pride away. And him cumming isn’t even the problem. It’s the matter that he held his head up so high, thinking that you wouldn’t even know what to do if you got near his dick. Then he was going to make you scream all night long once your little forty minutes were up, and you’d just keep on coming back to him when you were sexually frustrated because, in his head, there’s no way or anyone that can fuck better than him. And he was the best of all the girls he's fucked, but that other part. Oh, he is so wrong. And you’re only going to make it harder for him.
You start bobbing faster once you get comfortable with his size, even going as far as to take the opportunity to try out some stuff that you heard makes it more pleasurable for guys. You try moaning around him to produce vibrations, give him the salt and pepper to create friction when your mouth gets tired, and even ever so slightly rake your teeth along his shaft, which he wasn’t a big fan of, so you go back to the first two. “Are you close?” You ask after feeling his leg tense multiple times. “Je suis si proche.” He nods with his answer, knowing that you still aren’t as fluent as Cynthia in French, only to regret being so kind when you pull off of him. “Beg me to cum. You can’t cum otherwise.” You say, laying your head on his thigh while letting your fingers ghost up and down his very sensitive shaft. His head tilts back for the first time in a while, but you already know he’s trying to stall and let time run out. So you take it a step further and give your sore knees a rest by sitting on the end of his legs so his dick is in front of you. “No stalling. I need an answer now.” He takes no shame in staring when you start rubbing your panty-clad cunt against his erection, listening to each moan you throw in when the friction against your bundle of nerves becomes too much. “Come on, Laurent.” Words that sound like a siren’s song when said in this scenario, and he’s praying to god that he doesn’t give in when you move your panties to the side, exposing your glistening clit to the cold air. You lean forward, laying your head on his shoulder while gently grinding into and stroking his length, letting any shlick that oozes from your pussy melt onto him. “I’m waiting, Laurent.” You hear his breath hitch, and thinking you are getting a response out of him, you pop up. Only to realize that it was just him shying away from you with his eyes shut tight. Frustration begins to cloud your mind, and you grab him by his jaw, forcefully turning his head back over to you. “Laurent, you’re cheating. Honestly, I should win by default-”
 “Fuck!” He stiffly shoots out. “My… My answer is no!” Your teeth begin to grind until you feel his cock twitch with need in your hand. Realization and confidence paint a smile across your face, “Are you sure? Because your mind is trying desperately to resist my touch, but your body is falling victim to it so hard.” He shakes out of your grip and looks away once more, “I am sure.” You groan, “Then you leave me no choice.” You stroke him a couple of times before lining his dick up at your entrance, taking three fingers to transfer your shlick to the tip of his cock for easier access. The sensation is mythical in he has to clench every muscle in his body to not jerk into you, knowing that he’s going to explode during penetration. “Say goodbye to your pride. There is no way in hell you can come back after cumming on the first up and down.” You probe him at the entrance a few times, getting ready to sink onto him, but before you can. ‘Bloob, bloob, bloob, bloob, bloob.’ rings three times on the Apple watch Laurent is wearing. A heavy sigh is exiled from his mouth as all you can think is how close you were while untying him.
 But it’s hard to feel bummed when you catch a hot glimpse of Laurent greedily finishing himself off. His head lolling back onto the back of the chair with his bangs sticking to his forehead due to the sweat. Both of his hands double-fisted his length as fast but gently as possible before deciding that one was enough and started tweaking his nipples with the free hand. Then, his long legs stretch out, taking up more room than needed as they twitch with each jerk. And lastly, the string of curses that you swore you’ve heard your name floating around once or twice, which you certainly did. 
He delivers his last thrusts into his hand before cumming and collapsing back into the chair with a more fucked out expression than before. You roll your eyes and start gathering your clothes, “What are you doing?” He asks, immediately hopping out of his chair as if he didn’t just have the most insane and unhinged-looking orgasm ever. “I’m getting dressed to head back to my room, obviously. Why else would I be getting dressed? To sit around here? No.” You retort, prepping your shirt to put it on.“You must not remember the other half of the deal.” 
“Nope, I remember it just fine. I just figured that since you orgasmed right now, you’d be all done for the night.” You’d think he saw you as a clown or comedian because before you got the last word out, he was hysterical while rolling on the floor laughing. “No, no, no, no, no. That isn’t how this is going to play out because I have stamina and libido for days, and I haven’t had sex for a while, but I do have you here. Ready to play. And I'd be the dumbest man alive to watch you walk out of here after the torture you just put me through. So I think it’s time that I show you what I can do.”
Should I post part two?😵‍💫😋
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ilostyou · 2 years
okay with that i bid you all goodnight love yall
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I am resisting every temptation to continue sharing WIP progress so for now I bid yall adieu and goodnight~
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useramor · 3 years
i appreciate ravi throwing in “that’s a lot for a ten year old to handle” in 5x10 because me? me and the fat bastard of a hamster running on a squeaky wheel in my brain? we have NO concept of time or aging. you could tell me they aged backwards and we’re in 2004 now and the hamster would just. roll over in sleep. no care in the world abt whether or not that makes any fucking sense. so. thank u ravi panikkar i owe u for that one.
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texasbama · 4 years
As far as I’m concerned the episode ended after Beth stormed out of the bar
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transphormers · 4 years
I don't mean this in a mean way & idk if i care to elaborate but before I got into tf (and after too why lie) it struck me as a very "so misogynist it turns into homoeroticism" kind of franchise and fandom
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starlightkun · 1 year
Crying cus I don’t wAnnA wAit hingggg Q_Q
ahh we're almost there! 14 hrs to pupsick yall!!
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