#and will take no criticism for her poor taste in jokes
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would-they-listen-to-that · 3 months ago
Would Isabela Madrigal from Encanto listen to Little Miss Perfect by Write Out Loud?
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micro-wav · 1 month ago
The common Regretevator elevator cast when they get sick ☆
[I've been sick for the last couple of weeks, this is me projecting :( ]
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Suppresses her sneezes when in the elevator, not out of courtesy to the other elevator users but literally because she doesn't want to attract attention or even worse, pity
Repurposes one of her fine dust mask, wouldn't be caught dead with a "medicinal paper bag over her mouth"
Won't accept someone elses tissues, she has her own, stop blessing her!
Rarely gets sick, but if she does, she's knocked out
Her fur is all over the place, her glasses always a little crooked and she can't seem to have one clear thought thanks to all the coughing
If Split finds out, you will find neither in the elevator until Bive feels better
It's strict bed resting and drinking green tea, two of Bives least favorite things, but if it's being ordered by her most favorite Person it might not be as unbearable.
When Split gets sick, Splitsville! is put on hold.
as the main writer of the jokes she's a critical part of the show and without her it just wouldn't be the same.
As someone who usually cares for others, she's not used to having others care for her so she sits her sickness out alone :(
She does however like to listen to Bives radio frequency as she sips tea and eats peanut butter crackers in bed.
Another follower of the "I'll keep working until I can't stand anymore" rule
That, of course, is even more dangerous than just waiting to get better, but Pest would never acknowledge the truth like this
Hides it actually pretty well, it's due to a slip up in his facade, the one time he didn't check if anyone was around to cough, that someone notices
And of course it's Poob
Who then immediately starts hovering and telling everyone and by everyone I mean DrRetro
Thus begins a long, strenuous manhunt filled with 100% physical activities which could've been avoided and 0% actual rest
Poor Pest.
I'm a firm believer of the fact that Folly feels under the weather if she fails to meet her daily quota of despair and agony which she leeches off of Unassuming elevator users
It's not your average sneeze and cough kind of sickness, it's the Victorian, starving kid kind of sickness
Looks and sounds lifeless, there's no chuckling and no pestering, making everyone feel on edge that she's planning something
but unless that something is getting done whatever she needs to do and then hide for the rest fo the day, then no, she's not.
The poor thing, asked Mozelle for help and was taken to the Vet
Unfortunately DrRetro can only treat her lower half, it's unclear and questionable why Melanies head is affected by this weird disease and also how is she even sneezing, it's a screen?
So, Mozelle calls over some Friends with Mechanical experience to help figure out what to do!
STAT came for the treats and left with "do I look like I have a head for a screen?", Pest was invited but never showed up and Mach politely declined and referred to the Doctor so they were back to step one
On coincidence as Mozelle and Melanie were defeatedly using the elevator to get back home, they ended up in the Floppy Shoppy where Prototype and Scag were currently playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Once they explained the problem, Scag rolled over to Melanie, told her to turn around and plugged out the HDMI cable, making her head black out. She then held the end of the cable towards Prototype who blew into the bit using their fans and the cable was plugged back in.
It worked, the problem was dust in the cable head which in return made Melanie sneeze... anyways
The agony, the horror!
Her imminence is sick, call for the doctor post haste!
DrRetro prescribes strangely oval, white candies and something called "fishy oil" to take for 5 days.
Preposterous, it tastes nothing like candy! But alas, Mozelle shan't let her kingdom down by being sickly so she will take the disgusting, bitter stuff and get well soon!
It's actually quite common for Poob to get sick!
It's almost always bound to happen too, multiple parties a day with a bunch of diffrent people is the perfect place for germs to spread like wildfire :/
If they slowly feel under the weather as the day goes on, they make it their personal goal to call every last host of the parties they were going to attend to decline the invitation as to not spread their sickness to others.
If they wake up sick however, there's no guarantee for anything as they barely leave their bed all day, opting to just sleep it off so they can get better quick and continue as usual once more!
Contrary to popular belief, constantly washing your hands, cleaning your surroundings, disinfecting everything and wearing masks around other who you can't say for sure are healthy isn't enough for you to never get sick.
The more you shelter your body, the more your immune system shuts down, thinking it's safe, but that's when the bacteria gets you!!
You'll not see Lampert for at least two weeks, one to get better and an additional one sulking in Rokea for being so careless and getting sick in the first place...
Whenever the bug gets the sickbug (I'm not sorry), they are not permitted to enter the elevator and put on strict bedrest unless supervised until they feel better
Mach is pretty busy most days, but whenever Pilby feels unwell she makes it her personal goal to go outside and walk with them at least once a day. if they're cooped up inside, they're just breathing in the same sick air all day and never get better, that's not an option.
They don't like to lie, but once Pilby does feel better they like to keep the facade up for a few more days so they can hang out with Mach some more.
And Mach is fully aware that Pilby is better, her sensors telling her so, but she doesn't call them out, indulging in the lie herself. it's nice to take a break and just hang out once in a while :]
The exceptions:
What do you do when you're a doctor and get sick? No idea, DrRetro won't tell me.
One could argue that Fleshcousin is never healthy, but I'm not prepared to have this argument at this time, so I won't.
Gnarpy is an alien. Perhaps there is some sort of alien virus out there, but if there is we'd never know, that's for sure.
Infected is unfortunately doomed to never be healthy, poor dude.
Unpleasant is always sick and nasty and ugh.
Reddy is a robot, HOWEVER sometimes when Scag and Prototype are in the elevator with it, they like to upload a virus that makes it sing and dance to Tyler, the Creator songs.
Scag and Prototype have both been robots for a loooong time so they usually know how to take care of themselves, just like they do with Reddy however, they like to upload funpilled stuff onto themselves for funmaxxing on a Friday.
Wallter can't get sick, i don't think there's bacteria strong or persistent enough to get through all that concrete...
Mark is another lucky dude to just never get sick in the usual sense, unless you count getting sick of certain cement-drinking individuals
You'd think after having their entire body scrambled, their immune system would be all out of whack as well, but no, Spud actually doesn't get sick! You could even argue all the experiments made it stronger, a small comfort in a sea full of sadness.
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changingplumbob · 7 months ago
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CW: Low level sim spice & Language - Guide to Content Warnings
Coleman: Was he making fun of my name or was that an old person joke
Jackson: Fucked if I know. Hey Glenn, Glenn, did you get a prize for second place
Coleman: Don't worry if you didn't because we know just what to get you
Glenn: And what would that be...
Jackson: We'll... throw you a pity party!
The twins burst out laughing but Glenn finds it easier to shrug off than he thought he would. Hey if their taunting was going to help him move on, bring it!
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Glenn: Wow, did it take you all day to think of that? Or did you need to workshop it the entire time I was busy
Jackson: *laughing* A pity party! Watcher I'm hilarious
Coleman: I'll play you a moving ballad on my violin so everyone can cry as much as you
Jackson: And I can write a special poem on the death of your relationship, it'll be all poignant and stuff
Glenn: Because you know all about relationship death right
Coleman: Oh, want some ice for that burn bro
Jackson: At least I get laid. You went for how long and didn't get any tail? Embarrassing
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Glenn: Not really. Some of us are looking for more than just physical connection
Coleman: Unlike those guys that got it on in Grayson's bed
Jackson: *chuckling* Dude that was so funny
Glenn: Actually that was beyond a violation of privacy and trust
Coleman: What do you think? Glenn's mad because he wasn't invited to join them for a threesome
Jackson: Like he'd even know what to do with a dick other than faint. First or second loser probably still has his cherry
Coleman: If you're nice to us Glenn maybe we'll let you practice on us. But one at a time because we're queer not incesty
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Glenn: Thanks but infant is not my type. Neither are people who make up words like incesty. A real vocabulary is attractive, you should think about investing in one sometime
Jackson: You're just mad we're young and fresh faced
Coleman: And depressed you're going to be single forever
Glenn: I survived far worse than your taunting when I was growing up you know
The twins smirked and stood up. For a moment Glenn thought through what shielding spells he knew but it turned out that they were just refilling the food bowls for their dogs who were coming in. Thrash was white with a blue harness, and Throttle was black with a red collar.
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Jackson: Thrash! Throttle! Food!
Coleman: Oh hey Glenn, why didn't you pet Olive? The challenge for that day was literally interact with Olive. Did the producers not tell you
Jackson: Are you like anti dog or something
Coleman: Even idiots know if you want in with the owners you spoil the pets
Jackson: But not so much that you're stealing their affections. One time I tried befriending this girls cat and she said she'd rather I sleep with her sister so I did
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Glenn: Look, I'm not actually here to talk to you two
Coleman: Oh no, we've been slighted. I'm gonna die from that blow
Jackson: How will my social life ever recover if Glenn the first or second loser won't talk to me
Glenn: Phoebus said Henri would be here
Coleman: He'll get back from the bakery in a bit unless he's shagging another customer
Jackson: He can't stand to be without us for long
Coleman: We're his favourite people
Glenn rather doubted it but it seemed in poor taste to criticize legal orphans for claiming to be beloved so he let them carry on.
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ivoryratdoggerythethird · 5 months ago
finally watched the playthrough for class of '09 flipside and i'm going to pretend none of that happened, thanks. idec enough about the nicole suicide ending where i should've been emotional but i was blank and dry as cardboard because everything preceding it was complete garbage.
that trafficking ending was fucking disgusting. call me sensitive but, hot goddamn take, making jokes about people being actively oppressed over 75 years and recently, being brutally genocided for all to see, running a sex slave ring where they specifically love to rape white girls - yeah, i think it's just a little bit in poor fucking taste.
i love dark humour, i still laugh at the re-up audio clips, but this is utter vomit-inducing bullshit trying to pass itself off as edgy. haha look at the brown guys aren't they horrifying loll all they wanna do is assault american women hahaha. because fuck making actual commentary on anything right? what the hell even was that spy warehouse shit??? half the damn game was nonsensical trash.
i'm so mad i wanted to like this game so bad but sbn3 hates actually having fans so i'm the idiot for trying i guess
these characters weren't even characters anymore, just cardboard cutouts spewing garbage right from the devs' mouths and trying to get themselves clipped for zingers and one-liners, except they forget the part where they're supposed to make it memorable or funny. these girls are reduced to exactly what nicole kept saying society saw them as - tools for misery porn and abuse and projecting sexual fetishes on
also that last inbox calling anyone who criticizes the game pedos? yeah. you're really fucking funny sbn3, you really are. so funny i hope every girl or woman you meet treats you like nicole treats the disgusting creeps in her own world. so figure the weirdos in the game are so effectively gross, they learned from the best
edit: if i've still got anyone's attention here please check this page out and see if you can spare a donation, or at least like and reblog or share to someone who might
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verloonati · 4 months ago
The thing with a lot of dropout criticism is that like. Y'all had placed them on a pedestal of moral virtue. And it's comprehensible, their business model demands that they cater to their audience's parasocial relationships with their cast and products and that they manufacture it. It also made them develop a "progressive brand" whilst they remain a company. In a capitalist society. In Wich we live. The "epics anti-capitalist Brennan moments" have no worth as they became a meme that is part of an improv comedian's persona rather than an actual political agenda. Everybody can say "capitalism sucks" it is something else entirely to do something about it. And doing something about it that goes beyond the vapid "join an union and stop there, the more union you join the more militantism you're doing" American liberals love saying. They joked in one of their promotional videos about selling a "capitalism is the bad guy" shirt. But like. I've seen people asking if it was actually for sale. Once again they are a for profit company. No company is your friend, no matter how progressive their brand is.
A lot of people are disappointed when they do shit that can be criticized, wether it's some jokes that are in poor taste, the very small numbers of trans women on their content (especially paired with their enthusiasm about drag Wich makes a very icky combo) and the platforming of some Zionists and people that at the very least do not condemn zionism. And the Harry Potter d20 season Wich, my hot take is that the first season was cringy, the second was divorced enough from that vibe and universe that you know what. It's a fine enough deconstruction of that shit. Still feels hella weird when they self congratulate on saying fuck terfs with like. One trans woman ever appearing on that show. And her story was about transness. And I mean yeah that shit is disappointing but also. Because they have set up expectations by claiming to be more progressive that they can possibly be they created backlash from people that believed them. And I mean yeah. Look at what happened when they addressed the platforming of Zionists and promised to be more wary of it, they got threatened of being sued and violent threats got delivered to their staff and they had to retract that statement. What I mean is that I don't believe they are misguided or have bad intentions, the industry simply does not allow the standards they are aiming for.
And you know what, it's okay. I know for a fact all of you consume regularly media that don't claim to be progressive or claim it way less and fucks up way more and way bigger. And you still consume it and it's okay because there is no ethical consumption, you can't find something 100% ethical, that is produced in total accordance with your values and politics both onscreen and behind the scenes. It may be more frustrating because the parasocial relationships pushes this notion that they are reachable and that you almost know them but they aren't and you don't. People proposing a boycott for the Zionists platforming was bonkers, on Palestine alone there are way more urgent shit to take care of that the comedy website platforming two people (and there are way more urgent shit that trying to help by consuming "better" but that's it's own can of worms).
At the end of the day this criticism comes a lot from a feeling of being betrayed by a company y'all placed trust into. But you deserve better than to trust a company who puts its CEO into funnyman clown no matter how funny the little man clown is. And you can still enjoy their content. It's fine. It's whatever. They're not what they pretend to be but hey there's shows and platforms with terrible goals and themes that are still fun to watch or read. It's still okay to enjoy things with all their problems and shortcomings
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theerurishipper · 1 year ago
So, as a child abuse survivor and someone who has been sexually assaulted by men who think they're entitled to take what they want Adrien is canonically a god damned dick.
He sexually harrasses Ladybug. When told NO he once let 2.161 million people drown because he was busy throwing a tantrum
Being a victim of abuse does not excuse the abuse of others.
He might not mean any harm but you know who else doesn't mean any harm? Gabriel. My goddamned mother.
Not meaning harm- lacking malice- does not mean harm is not caused.
People are going on about him being a rich white guy because anyone else acting like that in public would be considered an antagonist (in fiction), in jail, or have an active warrant for their arrest. And that's assuming they aren't killed for it.
First off, I am truly very sorry for your experience. No one should have to go through that.
But I still do disagree.
Adrien's pushiness when it comes to expressing his affections for Ladybug are in the same boat as Marinette being a stalker or Chloe being pushy with Adrien: it's a joke. You may find it to be a poor one, certainly, but it's a joke nonetheless. Miraculous relies on this kind of humor, it's not meant to be taken seriously. You can have issues with it, but imho acting like it's any kind of legitimate criticism of his character probably makes people like me less inclined to listen to any actual criticisms you may have.
I don't say this to trivialize your experiences, and if the joke is hurtful to you, you are well within your rights to dislike it or talk about how it's in poor taste to make jokes about these things, but that's all it is, a joke. It's absurdist humor. It's not meant to be taken at face value. It would be creepy if Marinette seriously had Adrien's schedule mapped out, tried to break into his house, or stole his personal items, but it's not supposed to be that way because it's a joke.
And as for your complaint about Adrien leaving people to drown, you can go ahead and blame Master Fu for that one. It's stated quite clearly in the show that the heroes couldn't do anything because everything is underwater. And he's staying there because he's waiting for Ladybug. Making up imaginary civilians who are drowning now isn't a good criticism. Ladybug spends a good amount of time underwater, but there's no-one there. There's no civilian begging for Chat Noir's help as they drown while he ignores them, so suffice to say that we're supposed to assume everyone is safe and sound. This is a kids show, so unless we're shown that people are in danger, we aren't supposed to assume they are.
And then let's talk about Adrien almost quitting.
I'll say it straight: he has every right to quit. He's a 14-year-old kid. This isn't his job. He's well within his rights to quit if he feels like this is detrimental to him. And it isn't about Ladybug not returning his feelings like you seem to be implying. This is about Ladybug keeping secrets from him and leaving him in the dark even though he's supposedly her partner. It took a situation like this for Master Fu to pull his head out of his ass and come give Adrien the tools he needed to do the damn job you're accusing him of not doing. How is he supposed to do anything if he isn't given then necessary tools and knowledge to do it? Should he just accept that he's being ignored and left in the dark? Accept his new role as Ladybug's unquestioning lapdog?
This is not Ladybug salt btw, this is Master Fu salt only, in this house we don't like Master Fu.
Literally look at why he tries to quit.
Adrien:(grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done! Plagg: You can't do that! Adrien:(bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care!
He doesn't think he's needed. He doesn't think anyone would care if he quits.
This isn't because of any entitlement. It's because he's being cast aside and left in the dark. It's because his partner (it's not her fault either, to be clear, it's Master Fu's fault) is keeping secrets from him even in this time, so he assumes he isn't needed and decides to quit because he feels like he's unnecessary and unwanted, and that no one will care if he quits. Adrien already has very low self-worth, and this is just adding onto all that already. If it is detrimental to his mental health, then he definitely has the right to step aside and quit.
So yeah. If this ask was to get me to change my mind, I'm sorry, but it didn't. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but I think I've made my opinion on the matter clear.
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
tried watching that vid about s2 and had to give up when they claimed it wasn't that much worse than s1 and that they didn't think it rewrote/retconned Stella
here's the thing. The common response to criticisms of S2 is that S1 Stella was also as bad. the evidence is usually 'she didn't want to get up to Via, she hogs the blankets, she's a rich classist jerk who hates Stolas slept with an imp not that he cheated, she hired a hit on him'
Going point by point, ep2 Stella is a jerk at worst. She's not necessarily a bad mother for not wanting to get up to Via (couples argue about domestic responsibilities all the time) and the blanket thing suggests she's selfish at worst (it's also a bad shorthand to use for her being a bad wife, 'who hogs the blankets' is a thing couples argue about in a lot of shows and it's sometimes treated as a cutesy joke about how well they know one another if they tease each other about it - it's too small stakes, in other words). her other scenes she does ignore Via, but it's not enough to suggest she doesn't care for her daughter at all because Via came into the kitchen when she was angry that Stolas cheated - which she had every right to be.
the 'just because it was an imp' thing is more complex - for one thing she says 'our bed', not 'my bed', so they were still making the effort by not sleeping in separate beds despite it being a literal palace. for another the worldbuilding is so poor we don't know at this stage in s2 if it's just because she views imps as beneath them both or if she's also worried about reputational damage. after all, in situations where the husband cheats the wife also tends to be equally pilloried, and you could easily imagine a scenario where people talk about Stella as 'such a bad wife her husband cheated with an imp'. not to mention that this argument completely falls apart as making Stella worse than Stolas because Stolas also is classist and looks down on imps; that he fetishizes them enough to sleep with them doesn't make him any better than Stella here
in ep5 Stella escalates to ordering a hit, but we don't know how common this is in Hell. Blitzo mentions he used to take hits on targets in Hell itself, and there is a mafia, but again the worldbuilding is so poor we don't know if 'trying to murder your cheating spouse' is a normal thing in this setting or not. the show has already dialled it up to 11 and left itself nowhere to go. What's worse is if this moment is supposed to get it across to the audience that Stella is Evil then they completely messed it up, because ep5 plays the reveal that Stella was the one who ordered the hit as a black comedy joke. You can't joke to the audience that her taking out a hit on him is meant to be funny and then turn around in s2 and have a dead serious domestic violence storyline; it's complete tonal whiplash and in pretty bad taste imo.
Stolas is usually the focal point for the show's lack of planning but Stella is almost as bad imo. She wasn't so much rewritten as she was flattened and shoved into whatever mould necessary for s2
It's completely head-banging, but not surprising, that the Viv fandom considers "steals the blankets from Stolas" as egregious as "orders a hit on Stolas."
It's all so very poorly planned, and in very poor taste.
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rrhiannonss · 23 days ago
Anora 2/5
“In analyzing the sex-class system, feminists are accused of inventing or perpetuating it. Calling attention to it, we are told, insults women by suggesting that they are victims, stupid enough to allow themselves to be victimized. Feminists are accused of being the agents of degradation by postulation that such degradation exists.”
Andrea Dworkin
Anora directed by Sean Baker is now an oscar-winning movie. Nominated in 6 categories, it won 5 of them, including Best Picture. Sadly, I think it will hold the title of the worst Best Picture winner I’ve seen since my first Oscars. For a movie, where the titular character is a woman, it cares about her very little. That in combination with many other issues this film has (such as the lack of intimacy coordinator) makes me wonder what made Academy voters vote for this film. Although, sadly I think I know the answer why. 
Any criticism about this movie I’ve seen is about the portrayal of sex workers. The main character - Anora (Mikey Madison) at the beginning is portrayed as this strong, independent woman - she works in a strip club, makes a lot of money, is liked by her colleagues (except for one of them), men adore her, she even has a place to live. She’s “strong” and “independent” until a young Russian guy named Vanya (Mark Eydelshteyn) shows up at her work. She starts meeting up with him, offering services for money, eventually he proposes a deal, where she has to pretend to be his girlfriend for a week. Which also leads to them getting married. 
This whole first part of the movie leads to the major “twist”. Vanya’s godfather finds out about the marriage and sends two guys to make them annul the marriage. Vanya escapes, meanwhile Anora fails to do so, which leads us to listening and watching a series of poor jokes, half of them revolving around rape. This brings me to the first issue I have with this movie. One thing is not liking one type of humour, but the other thing is making bad tasting jokes. One of the men pins down Anora and when, yes it is acknowledged later in the movie, it is still played off as a joke. In one of the last scenes Anora brings up this moment, saying that Igor (Jurij Borisow) was going to rape her, which he denies and all of that dialogue leads to another joke, where Anora calls him a f-word. 
The movie fails to explain why Anora that badly wants to stay married instead of agreeing to taking 10k dollars and divorcing Vanya. She insists even after learning that the mansion or anything in particular doesn’t belong to him. Anora is introduced as a clever woman, so her not considering that she could only get in trouble by agreeing to marry Vanya is absurd. The whole movie also fails to address any problem the sex workers are facing in real life, but also claims to be a movie that represents them. Which shouldn’t be a surprise considering that it was purely written, directed and edited by Sean Baker who is famous for his weird attitude towards women and their sexuality. 
When looking at a movie like this it is impossible to not consider the politics around them. The whole film is soft Russian propaganda. The only stupid characters are Armenian which also considering the ongoing war between Armenia and Azerbaijan feels very tone-deaf. Igor on the other hand is portrayed as a very cool, almost sweet guy. Not to mention that both - Jurij Borisow (who was nominated for an oscar for this role!!) and Mark Eydelshteyn are both russian actors who are endorsing the ukrainian war. I am not saying that people of certain nationalities should be portrayed only in one way, but considering the politics of the director only one conclusion comes to mind. 
In short: Anora is not only problematic movie, but also a badly written one and it shouldn’t get any Oscar award.
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 2 years ago
Just Favoritism!Marc and Lila being snarky friends
Lila: Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. I thought I might find you here, tied to the stair rails… Again.
Marc: Lila, if you don't untie me right now, I will murder you.
Lila: If you're trying to get me to help you, you're doing a terrible job.
So long, my fellow outcast
Bad Malice Anciel
Who everyone avoids
Like Salmonella
You're a demon
By the way, your hairdo is alarming
Marc: You're a vixen
Your personality must come with a warning
Lila: So I hear. Good day
Marc: Oh, God.
Lila: I'll be on my way. Goodbye
Marc: No, please
Lila: I tease
Marc: Remember when we met here?
You kept showing up
Lila: And when I met you
I felt like throwing up
Marc: Wow, aren’t you so snarky?
I never saw that coming
Being around Her Majesty
Made you lose your taste for slumming
Lila: As you say. So long
Marc: Ta-ta
Lila: I really must go
Marc: Then au revoir, although
How about the school fair?
What a frenzy there
Lila: You made her class lose the prize
Nice handiwork
Marc: Thank you
Lila: She’s in such distress
You've caused quite a mess
Marc: Literature can traumatize
People here are all too messed up
Can nobody take a joke?
Lila: Let's just say that Mari, guess what
Got everyone to wish you’d choke
Marc: Everyone’s a critic.
Lila: School is a living hell
Oh, lightning, strike me!
Guys and girls beg for her hand
And torment girls like you and me
Marc: What a nightmare
And every day, there is me to spoil it
I either have to cause mayhem
Or breathe until she throws a fit
Lila: You know, you use humor as a defense mechanism to stop people getting too close to you
Marc: Ugh, you know, you use your hair as a defense mechanism to stop people from getting too close to you
Lila: Hey!
Marc: … Well, I'd better get home. Thanks for getting me down…
Lila: … How’s your mom and mamá?
Marc: They live to goad me
While dreaming of a world
Where they gave birth to Mari
Lila: Or the day you’re married off
To some reptillian villain
Marc: So far every local loathsome villain is unwilling
Lila: Lucky you
You can hold on for love to take wing
Oh, right
Love's not your thing
Marc: Love is just for fools
Lila: Idiots and tools
And the criminally insane
Yes, I know your speech
That you love to preach
That you've drummed into my brain
Marc: Love alone destroyed poor Carter
Gerard died when she sought his heart
Ezekiel found love a bother
So she ripped his heart apart…
I think I’d better go
I've overstayed here
Lila: I’d rather hang with you
This normal one here
Marc/Lila: Still I’ve lovely memories
Of all the times we've been here
Marc: I must say, adieu, to you
Lila: So long. Toodle-loo
Marc: I've no excuse
I've got to vamoose
Marc/Lila: Cheerio
Ciao ciao
For now…
Marc: Fuck it. Let’s get ice cream.
Lila: That’s my guy!
*But as they leave, neither of them notice a certain redhead watching from behind a corner*
Nathaniel: … God, I love Marc Anciel, that's a total surprise
Not at all what I expected
If I kissed Marc Anciel, he might blacken my eyes
On this Earth there's no one like him…
And I like him…
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homestuckconfession · 1 year ago
i think it was in pretty poor taste to take gamzee, who was already criticized as an antiblack and ableist caricature while the main comic was running, and depict him the way they did in the epilogues. it is already bad enough that meenah, another arguably black-coded character, was written into a relationship with pre-retcon vriska, a kid 6 years younger than her
like obviously they do not have to be devoid of flaws, but these are characters who are often read as black, who were in a comic that lacked definite black representation among its cast of humans, created by a non-black author with a prior history of making racist jokes
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Uh, yeah....
Like, Viv...?
My precious Baby Girl?
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I love you, and while I can look past a little bit of jokey tackiness in the announcement trailer (even though it's still a major eye roll ...🙄)
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If that little, um ...typo? Was in anyway meant to be an intentional pun, or if the entire last part of that paragraph and wording about "visuals" with *that* spelling was meant to invoke some sort of unneeded innuendo and complete tonal whiplash in the minds of your audience after just releasing such an emotional song for this kind of character with your brand new voice actor that you supposedly handpicked debuting for him, I'll be the first to admit that this wasn't it and this is not how you promote the new material, especially after Roman just proved himself more than capable of providing Angel Dust as a character with more respect, dignity, and pathos than I honestly believe Kovach had ever intended to or could. And this tweet shows a lack of respect for both Roman and Angel Dust as a character, which was already there, at in the fanon and fandom, mind you, but should've been dealt with and forgotten once... certain people involved in the original pilot moved on.
Like, everyone's talking about how Blake's voice braking immediately gave them chills and how beautifully serious he seems to be taking this character when it counts, in the way I still believe Kovach never could and wasn't prepared for. And then you go back to social media and where are we? Right back to making jokes about cum.
Which I'm certainly no prude and don't mind when the mood calls for it, but right now it very obviously didn't and I love this series but I'm sick of how it's constantly killing it's own vibe and and mood through it's own marketing by caving to it's "cringe" reputation every. single time. something actually good happens for it. 💀
I'm aware that they were never gonna hire a sensitivity consultant for writing Angel Dust specifically because it's a cartoon, but maybe the people involved could let their only Sex Working character have the same amount dignity from his shows (outside of all the cringe ass marketing) that he's allowed to have within the actual canon? For five seconds?! 💀
I don't like using the term "brainrot" at the best of times, but the leftover hunicast brainrot feels so real right now and I can't believe that little mouth covering emoji ether. Like she's aware of exactly how she's making things sound, she has to be, and in this case it's the sheer tonal dissonance of it all that's really quite tactless of her and actually unfunny. It's in poor taste, even. This shows marketing is constantly eating itself and ruined everything for everyone trying to promote this show to any actual adults outside of fandom spaces and I'm starting to agree about our little emo girlypop needing a social media manager. This is legit the most cringe, most unprofessional thing I've ever seen her do now regarding her own staff remembers outside of expecting her own fans and supporters to act as her personal therapists on her patreon and tumblr, which is something she should've especially kept nuked and never reopened, considering she (rightfully so) doesn't seem to particularly care for it, since she hasn't actually updated it, as far as aesthetically speaking, in years.
And again, if any Antis or ~"criticals"~ attempt interaction with this post, I will shoot you in the foot, just like this shows shitty marketing keeps doing to poor Angel outside of his actual canon. So no wonder why he doesn't like his feet then, l o l! 🤭
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sangrefae · 9 months ago
mithrun! for the ask game
rubbing my little hands together
How I feel about this character: this guy was specially crafted in a lab to hit all of my favorite character tropes i think. i mean, you've got the tragic backstory, you've got the fixation on revenge, you've got the dubious morals, you've got the "asshole but, like, in a funny way", PLUS when i saw his tallman form i was like GERARD WAY????? which i think solidified my enjoyment of him. hes so interesting and complicated and every time i reread the manga i notice something else about him that i didn't before. i love how Messy he is and how unapologetic he is about his whole deal, he works fantastically well for an antagonist who we want to stop but we don't hate. also the end of his arc is definitely one of the highlights of the manga's ending, i can't wait to see how his VA does for the scraps scene ouuuuuuu
All the people I ship romantically with this character: teehee 😚 cithis.... cithrun..... i can write an entire post about them and ive already written half of a fic, but my tl;dr is that i was hooked as soon as i read the extra that explained how mithrun is one of the few people cithis actually respects. i think their dynamic is so interesting, mithrun seems to actually appreciate cithis for her role and actively seeks out her help and advice beyond what she's useful for, and we always see her show care for him. yes, she's his primary caretaker, but she also genuinely likes + respects him, i'm always thinking about the fact that her character profile in the adventurer's bible said that when he became her guard she "settled down"..... im adding this panel bc its really cute
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i DO also enjoy him and lycion to an extent, i think lycion's little crush on him is so cute, but i have worms for brains irt cithrun so that's the primary one
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him and pattadol!!! that girl is determined to stay alive as his partner and i think he grows to appreciate her. the post-canon extra where he tells marcille that they're lucky to have people who love them, and pattadol is the one shown.... plus they stay in melini together as ambassador and monster-hunter guy so im sure they become besties
My unpopular opinion about this character: .....im sure ive made my dislike of his most popular ship known so i'll avoid that for now, i made a post about it but i maintain that i think people use his disability as a shield to fend off criticisms of his character and his actions + how they affect other characters. hell, they p much use it as a defense against anything they don't like, whether it be jokes in poor taste or people not enjoying his character/his ships, which just.... really takes away from him bc he's so much more than his disability.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: confirm he fucked his snake wife honestly i think everything we see of him in canon is perfect, and any additions might have thrown off the entire story, but i DO wish we could have seen more interactions with him and other characters, particularly him and laios + him and falin
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shrimpmandan · 1 year ago
no malice meant here but like. hey. sometimes when someone makes a joke about something publicly, it is actually not about you/the person you're imagining is the victim of the joke. when trans girls talk about eggs, they're not talking about "men who are feminine" or "men who should identify as women actually" or "men we want to pressure". like that's why people get upset or laugh at you when you equivalate the two. it's seeing someone talk about their own life experience and assuming they are talking about someone else entirely, and then getting mad at them for being so mean to that someone else. and more importantly (the motive for my call) the reason trans women are so bothered by the modern condemnation of "egg jokes" is because people condemning them (like you) are equating a joke about lived experience to an active malicious effort. like yeah are some people gonna make a joke of this genre that's in poor taste? maybe. but people attack trans women for these jokes way harder than they would anyone else for making a bad joke. it's making a mountain out of a molehill and frames all trans women as malicious, just for talking about their own experiences (as so-called eggs) in a way that may be relatable to others. a woman saying "haha liking X thing is so eggy/doing X things means you're trans!!" is simply NOT pressure to transition. it is NOT saying that men can't be feminine. it is NOT telling the reader of the joke to /do/ anything. when you see a woman making an egg joke and respond with "umm don't pressure men to transition!" you are, frankly, accusing that woman of something she is not doing, whether you meant to or not, and quieting her when she attempted to talk to a group of likeminded people about herself. It discourages other women to talk about their own lives and makes a lot of the transfemme community feel as if they must walk on egg shells if they dare crack a joke in public. even if you believe the joke was in poor taste or implies something you disagree with about gender, there is a need to meter your response according to the severity of the situation. is an egg joke, made by trans people for trans people to see, actually worth a public negative response? particularly a response that implies that trans women are manipulating, sinister people who want to convert you and laugh about it? even if someone thinks the jokes or one specific egg joke was bad, you can see how the severity of backlash to it (ie current egg discourse) might be disproportionate to the offense. how trans women might feel that they're being punished too much for something that was very obviously not meant to be taken that way. if you think egg jokes are "the same as conversion therapy" in any way at all, youre asserting that trans women have ***any*** realistic intent to "forcibly convert" men to transition. you know that's not true right? like, think about what you imply by interpreting so MANY women like this. would you assert this about trans men who make jokes about seeing signs of their transness in their past? or men who wishfully entertain the idea of an afab celebrity being trans masc? that's what these jokes are, it's really not malicious, I promise. Again sorry for dropping in here I'm not trying to be mean or angry or anything at you, just informative bc I think a lot of people really don't understand how shitty it feels to be on the other end of this. Have a good day!
Holy mother of text wall batman, but I'll try to parse this.
My biggest thing is I did not read the OP as being ABOUT jokes, or as being a joke in and of itself. Whatsoever. I was taking it as a criticism of anti-egg culture as a whole. There is a non-insignificant amount of people who do genuinely attempt to pressure GNC people into identifying in a way that they simple do not, in either direction. The long and the short of it really is just that I was not taking it as being referring to jokes or memes. I was taking the post at face value, especially since it was also directly comparing "men can be feminine" to 1-to-1 conversion therapy rhetoric, when that is extremely contextual.
Also, any trans person can participate in the harmful side of egg culture. The friend I was talking about was a cis dude being badgered by a trans man. He was outright harassed by that person actually simply for asserting that he himself did not identify as trans just for being a crossdresser. I think it's fucked up to pressure people to identify in a way that they do not, no matter who's doing it and for what ends. I don't want cis people telling me, a tranny, how to identify. We shouldn't tell cis people how to identify either. I do not think of shitty Reddit memes or trans people talking about their childhoods when I think of egg culture. I think of people I know personally who have been harassed by people who take it upon themselves to 'crack eggs', so to speak.
TL;DR: I did not interpret the post as being about what it was later (albeit rudely, not by you) clarified to be about. People seem to be taking my response (which said that it is bad to say "but men can be feminine!!!" to trans women/amab NBs) as me having an issue with Reddit trans memes about personal discovery, when that's just not what I equate egg culture with. It's also extremely condescending to act like this is coming out of a place of "oh, the evil trans women are going to convert the cissies into trannies!" when I, 1) am trans, and 2) do not associate egg culture exclusively with trans women by a landslide.
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funkylittlelurker · 1 month ago
For you fish, for you
Hamburgers. Probably the most well known American dish. A beef patty, two buns, probably ketchup and mustard on there, lettuce of you're fancy. Usually there tomatoes on there too, perhaps pickles. Basically, you could put whatever you wanted on a hamburger and you probably get someone agreeing with you. There was a reason America was known for its hamburgers.
Which was why Scarlett plopped a tray with two burgers and a large basket of fries down in front of her friends (family?), Lionel close behind her. They had planned this.
Minerva looked up from her computer. 'What is this?'
Her Irish accent had been getting thicker and thicker, which Scarlett was assured was a good thing. All it meant for Scarlett was it got harder for her to understand the redhead. Not that it had ever been easy.
Myles, from his seat beside his twin, grinned. 'Score! Food!' he said as he made to grab one of the burgers. Scarlett smacked his hand away.
'Not for you,' she scolded. 'For Vera. And Anna,' Lionel added. Myles harrumphed, but didn't complain.
It was Annastasiya's turn to look up. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Scarlett grinned at the blonde. 'Figured you two would be hungry, what, with all that studying you are doing,'
Myles gasped in mock offence. 'And you didn't get me anything?' he asked, feigning outrage.
'Here. ' Lionel threw a granola bar at him. Myles sarcastically bowed at the witch. 'Thank you,' he said, and tore into the snack. Lionel snorted.
Minerva tapped her fingers against the tray. 'You did not answer me. What is this?'
'That,' Scarlett said, pointing at the burgers, 'is a critical part of your rehabilitation.'
The rehabilitation she had learned about less than seventy two hours ago. When they had been cut off from their families for.... Reasons. They were back now, so there wa no reason to worry.
Minerva frowned. 'What do you mean?'
'Burgers are a great American pastime. Hot summer days, charcoal grills, the works. I figured you'd want to try.'
Was Scarlett bullying Minerva and Anna into trying these? Yes. Did she feel bad? Only a little bit.
Minerva frowned down at the burgers. Anna looked curious. 'Go on,' Lionel prompted. 'Try' em,'
Anna shrugged, and grabbed one. Huh. Not the one she thought would bite first.
Minerva followed suit, albeit more cautiously. She took a bite.
'That right there? That's what real food tastes like,' Lionel said. Scarlett shot a waring look at him. 'Better than nutrition drips, yeah?'
Scarlett kicked him. He yelped. 'Hey! I can joke about that! I was on one too!' Scarlett glowered at him. 'Not. Appropriate,' she hissed. Joking about his own stuff? Fine. Vera and Anna's? Not fine.
Annastasiya pointed at Lionel. 'I thought it was funny,' she said. Dimly, Scarlett wondered at her accent. Sometimes it was American, sometimes it was Russian, sometimes it was, oddly, Australian. Really, Scarlett had heard many accents coming from the girl. Only for a few words, before it went back to a slight Russian, but still. Odd. Knowing what she knew now, Scarlett thought that Minerva would be the one having accent trouble.
Lionel playfully shoved Scarlett at the shoulder. 'Ha! See! She thinks it's funny! I'm cleared!' he crowed. Scarlett sighed. Her friends and their dark humor.
Pretty soon, Annastasiya was finished with her burger, and had started on the fries. Minerva had made it halfway though hers.
Scarlett decided to take pity on the poor redhead. 'Not your cup of tea, huh?'
Vera set the burger down carefully. With a barely disguised grimace, she shook her head. 'Нет, it's not,'
Again, there it was. Incongrous enough on its own, but damning knowing what she knew now. Oh well.
Scarlett laughed. 'Now how did I see that coming?' She had, actually. Though she had also though Anna would have the same reaction. Still, half was better than none.
'So does that mean I can finish it?' Myles asked hopefully. Scarlett snorted. 'With the way Anna is eyeing it? I don't think so man,'
Myles had the nerve to look disappointed, but he let the matter go quickly. 'Yeah, Anna, you can have it,'
Anna grabbed it almost immediately. 'I can't believe this is a common American meal. This is so...' she trailed off.
Let her come up with her own words first. The advice drifted through Scarlett's head. It helped the two of them get comfortable choosing their own thoughts. At least, that's what Ms. Renault had said.
Anna muttered under her breath. 'Weighty,' she eventually declared. 'Heavy?' Vera offered. Anna pointed at the redhead. 'Да, that,' the blonde confirmed.
Scarlett shrugged. 'Yeah. But then again, you complain about that for every dish,'
Minerva and Annastasiya scowled as Myles snorted. 'You do do that guys. Kinda funny,'
Vera snapped her teeth at her twin. 'Shut,' she hissed at him. Myles threw his hands up in mock surrender.
Scarlett laughed. 'Well, at least we got that out of the way.' Lionel nodded alongside her. An idea popped in her head.
'Next up, the holy food that is boneless wings,'
Even Lionel groaned at that one.
how would one of your OCs react to a HUGE burger and delicious seasoned french fries?
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cheswirls · 1 year ago
a:tla la thoughts 1.2
so i guess instead of a bucket list, aang's leaving it to zuko's notebook of info to guide their journey which really is different from the original and i'm not sure i like it. it seems more like a typical american drama plot segway instead of everything atla is. like uhhhh
atla was so meticulously crafted and everything had a thousand different meanings. it's why there's so many analysis videos nowadays on every possible angle in the show and why they're so long every time. the writing has been praised so highly and for good reason. changing elements just to change it and having them be less intentional and less meaningful than the original is not great and it reflects. like, using the notebook isn't a big deal, but at the same time, why couldn't they just have gone the bucket-list route? especially if it took up the same amount of time? now there's most definitely gonna be a long scene of zuko getting the notebook back instead of, like, something they could've fit in that they didn't.
the water scroll is fine. but if they're cutting the pirate episode, it makes me wonder how they'll handle certain things. the pirates come back later bc zhao hires them to blow zuko's ship up before heading to the north pole. iroh's white lotus tile is given attention in a way that's not in-your-face abt it's later importance. there are little things in each episode that come back later.
sokka saying momo would taste like chicken i get is a joke but it rly took me out of the moment. is there poultry in your ice village???? are there regular chickens like anywhere in your world???? afaik the only non-combined animal is bosco the bear and the main cast thought that was weird. the joke still could've been made while actually using an animal sokka would've eaten before and, y'know, exists in the atla universe. like why was that necessary. that line was really approved? no one questioned it all the way thru post? what?
okay after watching the whole thing :) it's ten minutes shorter than the first and i didn't like the writing but the acting was noticeably better. the director in charge of this one is clearly different bc no one is reading lines like they're reading lines. that being said, a lot of the dialogue itself is... not great. through the episode.
i think what i said abt episode 1 applies here too: i don't mind the changes, but i hate the additions. zhao being at kyoshi island is fine. maria zhang is super pretty and i love her as suki. but i don't like what they did with suki's character in this episode. the village being closed off and her mother being in charge and such like yeah it's a change but it's not bad?
what was bad was all the stuff with kyoshi herself. aang is only able to connect with past avatars at their shrines???? o.k. i didn't like any of kyoshi's dialogue. i really really hope that wasn't the spirit world her and aang were talking in bc 1) no explanation to a critical aspect of the atla universe and 2) it looks awful. the purple filter would be fine without the strange blur lighting effect that makes everything hard to look at. not to mention that if that rly was their attempt at the spirit world, it just looked bad bc i could tell that it was a plain regular forest they were standing in. it didn't look otherworldly at all, it jus looked like a poor attempt at a filter. when hei bai was introduced, the spirit world aang enters into is still the village, but we know it's not exactly because he's outside his body and he can't interact with anything in the physical world, which sets it apart even if it looks the same. i'll give it another chance but uh. not liking it rn.
also i rly don't like the direction they're taking the show in. so they're going to the north not to find aang a waterbending teacher but to stop some impending conflict he was given cryptic flashes of. getting a teacher is only a pro of going in the first place. which means it'll be a race to get there in time to stop whatever's coming instead of a journey, which imo sucks all the life out of the show. atla is supposed to be an adventure travel too, not just cut-and-dry solving the 100 year war.
i said earlier cutting the pirate episode is fine, but i did forget a key detail that they didn't add back in at all when showing katara practicing the forms in the scroll: she doesn't have her jealousy spat with aang. katara hasn't been immature at all so far, and i hope that changes bc it's such a key part of her character that she has to overcome and it rly shows how much she's grown through their journey around the world. aang's holdups abt practicing bending makes me think they're gonna cut out jeong jeong and aang being impatient to learn firebending which causes a world of conflict for him later on but is also a host of other things of importance that first get addressed - the first renegade firebender, katara's healing qualities, zhao's stubborn and head-first tendencies that cause problems later, and our first look at fire being not only destructive but an element that is full of life.
side nitpick but i liked sokka's outfit this episode (under his coat) but not katara's. idk if it's the pants on sokka's that sets his apart, but katara's looks too new. it's not worn at all, it's a lot more complicated than her outfit in the original show (which i get cartoons are simplified, but realistically, it rly does separate the two later on from the prestige of the north and the northern water tribe's people) and it looks out of place in some parts bc it doesn't seem authentic. like, it looks like fake material. if that makes sense? it needs to be rougher.
i hope they show roku at some point bc it seems like we're hauling it to the north so i wonder if they'll do the winter solstice stuff at all.
speaking of the writing tho! i finally know what's off about iroh. it's not paul and it's not his look or his voice or his mannerisms. it's all his speaking lines. some of them are not good. most of them are passable, i guess? none of them are iroh, though. it doesn't feel like things iroh would say. two full episodes in, and iroh hasn't said anything thought-provoking or even that would be deemed wise at all.
the sets are stunning still and the choreography is good, so again, it's really the writing direction that i have the biggest problem with. like, it's so easy to tell that bryke left early into production and that the letflix adaptation doesn't have the writer's room that the original atla did. the changes (mostly) would be fine on their own, but i feel like it's people getting in over their heads and deciding they want to add so much content that is ruining this adaptation for me.
also for a whole entire episode spent on kyoshi island, they sure didn't meld any other stuff into it as much as i thought they should've. and idk that i like the direction they're going with zhao.
omashu and haru's village are supposed to be stops before the winter solstice stuff, so i'm hoping they're done right if done in the same episode (hopefully not concurrently but they can share run time perhaps?)
real quick list of things i hope are given focus and not written out
katara's mother's necklace
the structure of omashu not being a flat city
katara getting haru caught by trying to help someone and this coming back to bite them in the ass
^ despite this, katara again trying to help someone to make up for her mistake (in a way that shows her resilience and compassion)
some nod to momo earthbending would be cool bc to me that is one of the funniest moments in atla s1
i want bumi to be silly goofy and trap katara an sokka in rock candy bc that was visually cool in the cartoon and i'd love to see it in live action cgi
bumi having aang guess his name and figure out for himself who the king really is :)
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daisiesonafield-blog · 3 years ago
daisie do u feel like this whole holivia mess is jeopardizing your feelings towards harry? Cause i feel like it is for me a little bit :/
Hi dear,
In a sense yes. But not in a 'I don't like or support him anymore' way. I understand his position in the industry as a closeted queer person inherently limits his choices and options.
But besides that, I am very angry that his team is more than happy to use us when it's convenient for promo, to sell stadiums and overcharge tickets. To sell shitty merch to. But then in the same breath use as scapegoats and throw us under the bus as hysterical Harry Styles fangirls who are jealous of his girlfriend. And then to have Harry in print on Rolling Stone allude to the same. THAT was a massive slap in the face. Especially because he had, up until that point, fervently DEFENDED not only his fans, but fans who are women. Fangirls who are brushed off as the butt of the joke and ridiculed at every turn. He had defended us. But then comes Olivia Wilde with her made up sob story of 'poor me, his unkind jealous fans bullied me online for no reason wah wah', and he allegedly commented in support of it, going against fans? Brushing off actual criticism as 'ridiculous jealous fangirls'.
Angel Sue, H, Harold, Harry....It's a complicated relationship. I absolutely hate that Harry is pissing me off. But he is. I still love him. I'm not gonna stop loving him. I still love his music and Fine Line is forever my lifetime favorite album. BUT I am allowed to love him and be super fucking pissed with him and call him out on his bullshit. If you truly love someone this is what you do. You're not a yes person. You actually give your input and true feelings.
And I will say that his approach and his team's approach of staying quiet thru this and "standing by" Olivia is really putting a terrible taste in my mouth. Their standard approach is always to not comment or say anything, then drop some cute pics/videos of H being his adorable self and expect fans to bend over, take it and forget why they were angry. But this isn't going away.
I mean they literally called us hysterical and in the same breath said that it doesn't matter what they do to our faces, we'll still buy movie tickets and line around the block, and drop our whole month salaries on LOT. That is incredibly insulting.
The nerve to shit on us but in the same breath tell us to buy movie tickets and drop thousands for love on tour tickets. THEY'RE BLATANTLY BOASTING ABOUT USING US TO OUR FACES!!! IT'S SO INSULTING.
So naturally, yeah I'm annoyed at him right now. But I am also aware that feelings are transient and I won't feel like this forever.
I just wish him and his team were a bit less afraid to stand their ground publicly on some instances.
In this case, Olivia and DWD have absolutely harmed his image. He's now a bit of an asshole. Even for people who don't care or just vaguely read a headline or watch some gossip on the news. He went from showbiz's sweetheart to another Hollywood dickhead celeb who's always in some drama.
And FOR WHAT???? An ill advised PR stunt. A movie that has given him no leverage in Hollywood so far. And a leech of a beard who found her golden goose ticket to stardom she had only ever dreamed of. And she's full of it thinking she's the shit now. A narcissist thru and thru. Bringing everyone and herself down in her selfish quest for fame and money via a movie that should have died in pre-production. And would have, if not for Harry Styles and his legion of 'pathetic, jealous fangirls' who still buy any ticket he's selling.
Truly, this is this woman's level of narcissism:
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Alright this is PURE rant. Can you tell I'm pissed? lol
Oh and btw, don't give this woman money. Don't pay to go see her movie, don't stream it on HBO. You can watch it for free on *other sites*, I'll share all the links. We're a huge fandom, we can do anything. If you *must* see it in theaters then buy a ticket to something else and sneak into dwd. Don't support her or validate her pitch for the stunt saving this movie via PR. Bc that's what it'd be doing too in addition to giving her millions $$ now and in future projects.
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