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Paul's reaction to being played on GDR radio
This quote is from the book "Wir wollen immer artig sein...Punk, New-Wave, Hip-hop und Independent-szene in der DDR von 1980-1990", pages 559 and 565.
The quote is from a chapter that has an interview with Lutz Schramm, presenter of the show 'Parocktikum' that was broadcast by the official GDR radio station, initially as part of the youth-program 'DT 64'. For more information on Parocktikum see wiki (de) and the website of Lutz Schramm at parocktikum.de which also contains a wiki to people and places from the era.
Interesting tidbit on the page for Flake which a.o. mentions the many collabs that Flake did like "Flake & Piet (mit ... Piet? Mancherorts wird behauptet, auch "Piet" wäre Paul Landers)" translated "Flake & Piet (with ... Piet? In some places it is claimed that "Piet" is also Paul Landers)". And announced recently was that on 7 feb 2025 Flake and Piet's release will be re-released 🌺 but back to the quote.. 😊
Lutz Schramm is asked which music he played (what he liked himself), if he was hindered a lot by officials (not very much, although he took care not to play too political songs like 'Anti-Armia' by 'Die Frirma'), how people and fans sent him cassettetapes to play (because there wasn't much else for bands to distribute their music), and what the artists in the 'scene' thought about being played on state radio.
Hat es denn Fälle von Distanzierungen von seiten der Szene zu deiner Sendung 'Parocktikum' gegeben?
Schramm: "Ja, zum Beispiel hat mich Paul Landers von Feeling B angerufen und mir mitgeteilt: 'Die Magdalene Keibel Combo hat in deiner Sendung nichts zu suchen, spiel die nicht!'. Ich hab dann am Telefon ein bißchen mit ihm rumdiskuttiert, er meinte: 'Die Leute kommen bei Konzerten zu uns und erzählen, ihr lauft da im Ost-Radio, das ist nicht so toll!' Ich erklärte ihm, ich spiel das, weil mir die Musik gefällt und nicht wegen irgendwelchen politischen Geschichten, aber er erwiderte, letztendlich geht es haptsächlich um die politischen Geschichten. Ich sagte ihm dann: 'Okay, wahrscheinlich hast du recht, dan lassen wir es eben'. Ich hab's dann einmal gespielt und sonst kein Verbot dafür bekommen. Solche Geschichten sind eben vor allem gelaufen, da gab es auch noch einige andere. Verhältnismäßig oft ist es passiert, daß Musiker gesagt oder geschrieben haben: 'Spiel uns nicht, weil das möglicherweise unsere Street-Credibility beschädigt'."
Um sich selbst vor staatlichem Zugriff zu schützen oder um ihre Fans nicht zu enttäuschen?
Schramm:"Eher das."
Have there been any cases of distancing from the scene towards your show 'Parocktikum'?
Schramm: "Yes, for example, Paul Landers from Feeling B called me and told me: 'The Magdalene Keibel Combo has no place in your show, don't play it!'. I then argued a bit with him on the phone, he said : 'People come to us at concerts and say you're on East radio, that's not that great!' I explained to him that I was playing it because I liked the music and not because of any politics, but he replied that in the end it is mainly about politics. I then told him: 'Okay, you're probably right, so we'll leave it at this '. I played it once and didn't get bother for it. Stories like that happened, and there were quite a few others. What happened relatively a lot was musicians said or wrote: 'Don't play us, because of that possibly damages our Street credibility'."
To protect themselves from government access or not to disappoint your fans?
Schramm: "More the latter."
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Lutz is also asked if all GDR bands were originals or just copies of english or american bands
Schramm:"Feeling B ist, glaube ich, das Authentischte, was du finden kannst, weil die auch nicht Musik im eigentlichen Sinne gemacht haben, die haben eben irgendwie nur irgendwas gemacht, das war so: plopp!
Schramm: "Feeling B is, I think, the most authentic thing you can find, because they didn't make music in the actual sense, they just somehow did something, it was like: plop!
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gongyussy · 2 months ago
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quick translation: おかえり: welcome home あ 終わった 終わった: ahhh, it's over! it's done! コーヒー? お茶?: coffee? tea? コ~ヒ~ ありがと: coffee, thank you~ ネクタイレア★★ ネクタイ取るレア★★★★: seeing him with a tie on, rarity level ★★, seeing him take a tie off, rarity level ★★★★ にあうな~: it suits him~
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also please do follow: AraigumaSha: sensei's twitter account marureviere: maru, who does such valuable work highlighting bl manga for an international audience
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bamsara · 4 months ago
I love blocking people I've never interacted with based off their replies on some random popular post. Wow random user on a post with 50k notes with the worst take ever, I hope I never meet you and will make sure we never do
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yeehawgeek · 2 months ago
i need everyone to see these panels from the monster high howilday haunt comic
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edit: for everyone asking if this is real/where you can get it, yes it is real! i got mine at my local comic store
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lazylittledragon · 1 year ago
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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wildemoth · 1 year ago
Gender is a performance and it’s time to play the music it’s time to light the lights it’s time to meet the muppets on the muppets show tonight
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homunculus-argument · 1 day ago
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This counts as vent art.
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onefey · 10 months ago
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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greykolla-art · 1 year ago
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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otto-doctavius · 7 months ago
Logan and Mary Puppins are so “dad and the dog he said he didn’t want” coded. He was acting disgusted by that dog for 90% of the movie, then when they were going to fight the Deadpools that almost baby-talk “You won’t wanna see this, bub.” slipped out. Then ofc there’s the bit at the end when they’re all at the table and he’s just sitting there playing with her ears and laughing as he makes her high-five Laura. I see you, mr “she is NOT coming with us”. You like that nasty little dog
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limitedseries · 29 days ago
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What month is it? Don't you mean "quarter"?
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months ago
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He truly did.
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