#and whatever this temper tantrum type shit is
lynxgirlpaws · 10 months
Hey er. Avie Rant time. I. Just . sorry preemptively lol
I am . having a rather hard night. Which I feel isn't even fair to say based on the circumstances but like. Whatever. So, Im chilling right? Chit Catting with people, maybe helping someone way out of my league cum, normal me behavior for the middle of the day. Anyways, my dad comes home. He. Is apparently not in a good mood, which I will discover later. First, he basically bursts into my room and demands I keep the door open bc apparently he dislikes the smell. Also I need to clean right now. Also I need to get out of bed, I don't deserve to lay in bed since I don't really work. I. Haven't put it together yet, but sure I do it whatever - I leave the door open a crack. Whatevs. Then he inquires about the food his girlfriend gave me. Which.. Was half things that I struggle to eat, but besides the point. He presses about "was that dinner?" You know. If you're here you know his obsession with me losing weight. Anyways I tell him "you said she'd bring me a snack at some point, this is what she brought. It was two hours before you allow me to eat dinner, so I assumed it wasn't" or whatever. Good enough answer for him, whatever. Sorry for all the filler, mostly dealing with him is these little things he does to remind you everything ought be how he want it, such as reminding me that I shouldn't expect dinner (although he informed me I could make a chicken patty or smth if I got hungry which, yippeee)
Anyways, a few minutes pass and. He starts his bullshit. He demands I shower now. And I only shower in the morning from now on. See, I shower at night because I like to see myself with hair I don't hate and feel clean as I sleep. However when I told him I prefer night showers, he got pissed. Angry, about why every time he asks something I have to "buck against" him . I, stupidly, ask some shit about why he doesn't let me make decisions to make me happy. He... Goes on a yelling rant about how the way I know to do things is wrong, I don't have a job or classes so I don't deserve to lay down, goes on about how there are 'rules' aka whatever he tells you... And informed me of his unwillingness to pay for college or anything unless I show initiative (fair, although he told me there was money in his mother's account or whatever that can only be used for college) and talked about how he'll kick anyone who breaks his rules out (using his girlfriend as an example)
I... I dunno. Something kinda went fucky wucky in my head and I. Maybe cut for the first time in a few months. I just. Really? All this shit because I asked if I could shower at night instead of the morning? Anyways I. I dunno, I've been . doing less than good pretty much consistently for. A long while, but not enough to really justify complaining to y'all about it . I usually just kinda brush it off but. I dunno. It was bad...der tonight. Best part is that when I get out of the shower, he tells me to come up to the door... And open it. No like, gn or whatever no happy thanksgiving, he just tells me to open the door (because he doesn't like that my room doesn't ventilate much... Despite the open window) and leaves before I can even see his face.
I. Grow weary.
tl;dr - despite no thanksgiving dinner/gathering, my family still fucked me up today lol
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st4rpiece · 11 days
secret attraction
characters: eustass kid x fem! reader summary: to stop killer and heat from teasing you about your crush on kid, you deflect by telling them that he was like a "brother" to you. CW: fluff, mutual pining, usage of nicknames (flower and baby), hopeless romantic kid, other: lowercase intended, not proofread, and pictures from pinterest
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you were currently in the kitchen of the Victoria Punk watching killer prepare tonight's dinner, while simultaneously listening to heat retell another one of their failed situationship's.
"i'll say it since you won't," you said pointing at killer, who is ironically avoiding your eyes "no sane person would fall for those words," you say this time pointing to heat.
"still that was 1000x better than kid’s," killer said. triggering a memory loop of all of kidd's many failed attempts at courting you, with the worst one ending in a cold war that surprisingly lasted two days.
"why are you saying it like you're surprised?" you said jokingly earning a chuckle from heat. “that's cause we are.”
"on a more serious note, flower, what do you think of kid?," killer asked "casually." he was aware of you and kidd's mutual attraction for each other. after listening to yet another one of kidd's rants about how dense you were he decided to help his captain out.
"of the captain? what about him?" you managed to ask calmly as if the question didn’t cause your heart to skip a heartbeat.
"what killer means is, do you like the captain?" heat asked bluntly. him and killer both analyzing your face for any sort of reaction.
"i mean, yeah i-i like him," you said with a slight nervousness in your tone.
“not as a captain, flower” killer reiterates “do you like him romantically?”
“w-what? no. no,” you were lying and with the way they were both looking at you, you knew they thought so too.
"really?" they asked simultaneously.
"yes, really. kid is like the cool older brother to me." you instantly regretted those words as they left your mouth.
he’s like a cool brother?!? who the hell says shit that about their crush?!?
at the same time, kid was making his way to his workshop when he happened to catch killer's words as he passed by the kitchen. his heart pounding against his chest as he stood still waiting for your answer.
cool older brother?
those were words kid never thought he'd hear, especially not out your mouth. he stood right by the door, unable to move. a wave of anger and frustration washed over him, cracking his usual confident demeanor. kid was never one to hide his emotions, so with a clenched fist, and a flared-up temper, he entered the kitchen.
"like a cool older brother?” he scoffed, “fuck! are you serious, flower?" kid’s voice was laced with irritation as his sudden presence shocked everyone in the room. "do i look like the fucking brotherly type to you?"
you had the quickest reaction time to his sudden appearance as you subconsciously tried to appease his anger by explaining yourself. "i didn't mean it like that, captain, it's just...”
kid scoffed. "whatever. if that's how you see me, then fine." he said, cutting you off before leaving the room.
the once light and comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen turned to a silent and dense one.
the following days after that, kdd was not hiding the foul mood that he was in, as he made it everyone's problem. with killer even pointing out that his already short temper, shortened (if that was even possible). kid was even more reckless now, throwing himself into constant battles, purposefully as he was trying to drown out the confusion and hurt that he felt.
he couldn't understand why you would say something like that, especially when he had been nothing but clear (as clear as kid could be) about his feelings. and yet you saw him as a “brother?" the word alone was enough to get him riled up. making whoever on the receiving end of his anger wish they weren’t.
one the fourth day of his tantrum (as killer called it), you approached him as he was working in his shop. you were expecting him to tell you to leave but no matter how upset he was at you, kid didn’t have it in him to turn you away. sulking or not, he would fulfill any request you had.
"what do you want?" he asked gruffly.
"we need to talk," you said firmly as you made your way to his workbench. "about what i said the other day."
kid motions you to sit on the chair not far from his bench. "whenever you’re ready flower." he says giving you his undivided attention.
despite his words, he was in a guarded stance (arm crossed with limited expression) causing your confidence to falter a bit. so instead of making eye contact like you had planned, you ended up staring at his coat while you spoke.
"when i said you were like a "cool older brother" to me, i wanted you to know that i just said that to get the boys off my back.” hearing this kid’s defensive stance loosened a bit.
which you took as a positive sign to continue, “i was also scared that you didn't feel the same way i did."
kid’s eyes widened, his previous anger no longer present as he made sense of your words. "wait, what? you mean...?"
"yes," you interrupted, your voice trembling ever so slightly. "i like you, captain. a lot actually. i just didn't want to take any chances in case you saw me as nothing more than just another subordinate."
kid felt a mixture of relief and disbelief at your words.
"just another subordinate?? oh baby, you are much more than that," his voice was so uncharacteristically low you almost missed his words.
he took a deep breath, his intense eyes locking onto yours. "flower, you make me feel things i didn't think were possible. i can't even go a day without thinking about you, and fuck! it drives me crazy."
stepping closer, he reaches out to grab your hand, his grip firm yet tender. "baby, i want to be yours in the same way i want you to be mine," he confesses, letting go of your hand and instead reaching out for your face with the same tenderness.
"i want to be the one who puts that sweet smile on your face." his calloused thumb brushing over your lips, with a softness in his touch. "i know i can be hot-headed, loud, and reckless so i hope you'd bear with me as i learn to make you feel as special as you make me feel."
the unexpected gentleness in his voice, the sincerity in his eyes, and the tenderness from his hands. the rough, fierce exterior you had always known seemed to melt away, revealing a vulnerable side of kid that you had never seen before.
as his words sank in, you felt a wave of emotions crash over you. tears swelled up in your eyes as you felt an overwhelming sense of relief from hearing his heartfelt confession.
his hands, still on your face, wiped away your tears as they fell. "these are happy tears," you manage to tell him in between your sobbing, earning a light chuckle.
"i hope so," he says, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
kid named his ship after the girl he loved, taking a part of her along with him on his journey. you can't convince me that he isn't the "gentle but only to my partner" kind of person. you just can't.
with that being said i hope you guys, gals, and pals enjoyed!!
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Modern!peaky boys and a reader who won them in a monopoly. It seems to me that Thomas would be a little irritated, because he has a huge business and he lost this game.
Hahaha this is such a good one <3
🌿 He isn't going to get mad, its just a game (at least thats what he's telling himself anyway)
🌿It would be a slow painful loss because he's good at the game... He'd keep pulling himself back from bankruptcy over and over until he finally lost
🌿 At which point he would in fact be very embarrassed but trying not to show it. He'd sit there with that emotionless stare like "alright well, that was fun, what're we doing next?" trying to move on as quickly as possible.
🌿 Youd definitely gloat a bit because hes the owner of a huge business and you just managed to beat him.
🌿 And your gloating would embarrass him more but also irritate him so he'd be dismissive like "oh well love its only a game, doesnt work like real business does it,"
🌿 Would end up telling you to run the company for a week, "then we'll see how good you are eh?"
🌿 Basically hes sulking.
🐻 Acts like he cares when he loses
🐻 Doesnt really care at all..
🐻 He just knows that you want him to have a temper tantrum, so he's acting up for you, to entertain you
🐻 Lots of grumbling and groaning and rolling his eyes but its all for show, he actually likes doing anything that means spending time with you.
🐻 Although he can think of much better things to be doing with you than playing monopoly...and he will tell you that.
🐻 Will dramatically get in a huff when he loses, explain why he shouldn't lose, accuse you of cheating... Anything to make you laugh and tease him more.
🐻 Will pretend to sulk until you come sit in his lap, give him a kiss and say sorry for making him play the game.
🍂 Gets confused by the game, he'd lose pretty quickly
🍂 But honestly i think hes throwing the board away before he loses just out of sheer frustration with the whole thing.
🍂 Youre just constantly trying to explain the rules, and when he has to pay tax and stuff he just point blank refuses, "Nah thats not how that works darlin, i dont pay tax..."
🍂 Wants to know why the street names are all in London, "what about the rest of the country eh?"
🍂 Theres honestly nothing you can do to get this man to play properly or understand the game and in the end he really does just tip the table.
🍂 "Next time I'm choosing what we play!"
🌼 Doesnt know why you've got to play board games when theres better things you could be doing like watching the godfather or something...
🌼 (look right, if we had modern peaky boys they'd be the type to make you watch all the mafia movies and the sopranos and stuff just so they could sit and mansplain how "look at this bullshit, that aint what its really like at all... Where the fuck do they get these ideas...")
🌼 But anyway, when you're playing monopoly hes grumbling away, bored games are for people who can't entertain themselves blah blah
🌼 Its all just a front because he knows hes going to lose... And he doesnt want to lose
🌼 He doesnt mind losing as much as his brothers do but he doesnt like to lose... So hes setting his excuses up now and you dont hesitate to let him know you know what hes doing...
🌼 "Just cause you're scared of losing..."
🌼 In the end though john is playing this stupid game with you because he knows it'll make you happy.
🌼 And when he loses he sits there and takes it with a smirk on his face, shaking his head rolling his eyes at you all "Ahh well whatever makes you happy love."
🍀 Bonnies probably quietly quite anti capitalist in the 2020s, and he definitely isnt the indoorsy type that could concentrate on monopoly for as long as it takes to actually play monopoly
🍀 For that reason this games been going on for several days with lots of pauses in between
🍀 And youve heard multiple times "dont know why you like this so much y/n, you know the toffs would never let people like us do any of this shit in real life..."
🍀 But just like john, bonnies playing it with you for your sake, cause he wants to make you happy. Doesnt mean he isnt going to keeo playing it "unseriously" to try and make you laugh
🍀 To end the game he cheekily announces that the economy has just tanked due to a revolution, the means of production have been siezed and all the money in the worlds just gone up in smoke, you're skint, hes skint and now everybody has to go back to bartering and trade like "the good old days"
🍀 "Oh and nobody owns the land anymore dove so me and you, we can go wherever we like... Stop wasting time playing board games eh?"
🐀Acts like he doesnt care but actually does care
🐀He's even more annoyed when he loses because he was cheating!! How can you lose when youre cheating?
🐀Will sulk, will say hes not playing anymore. Will throw the money at you when he lands on your space.
🐀He'll even admit to cheating when he tries to accuse you of cheating (spoiler alert youre both cheating)
🐀 Definitely shoves the board away and messes it all up. Its not even that he thinks he should be good at the game, its that he just doesnt want to lose.
☘️ Won't be able to hide how much he cares about winning
☘️ He played the game as a kid and claims to have never lost. You can believe this if you like, I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth.
☘️ When he senses hes losing he will start to cheat, he'll feel bad about it but he'll try anyway.
☘️ If he gets sent to jail he'll claim he should still be able to take the money for passing go, he would in real life...
☘️ He'll definitely accuse you of cheating when you win... (you're actually not cheating)
☘️ He won't tip the board or be dramatic but he will grumble about how stupid the game is, how its nothing like real business
☘️ He'll tell you hes not playing it with you again, he will reallyyyy sulk about it.
☘️ So much sulking.
☘️ The sulk could last several days
☘️ You'll have to be really sweet to him to heal that wounded ego
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smaller-comfort · 4 months
⭐! Loser Takes All!
You know, I think if someone else had already written the filthy Aephorul/Resh'an tentacle smut I was craving back when I first finished the game, I might not have felt the need to write my own. I hadn't done any serious creative writing in years at that point, but the idea kept rolling around in my head and wouldn't go away. I wrote the first 2500 words of it in a draft tumblr post because typing anything in my notes app or google docs felt too real, and I had to trick my brain into thinking I wasn't actually writing anything in order to get any writing done.
It was always going to start with Aephorul's temper tantrum in the Archives, but at one point Aephorul's violence was going to take the sex in a much darker direction. That got scrapped pretty quickly, and instead there's that whole interlude where Aephorul is insistent on Resh'an's consent. I actually do think that's an important bit of characterization now, but I recognize that it might be a little immersion-breaking in some ways. And it's really in there because otherwise I was going to run up against a bunch of my own weirdly specific squicks around sex and violence. (Maybe I'll unpack that in an essay about content warnings at some point, idk. I'm not always sure where the lines are myself, honestly.)
I didn't end up cutting much from the final story- I think I deleted most of what I didn't use, unfortunately. (Fun fact, I had originally scrapped the sounding because I was getting self conscious about it; this was my first time writing...pretty much all of the kinks in there, actually. It's @kyoukhi's fault the sounding got written back in.)
You can see the tiny handful of bits I did cut here (nsfw-ish):
(This bit is actually in my notes on the tumblr post where I link to the story. Their stupid bickering is 99% of the appeal for me, honestly.)
“An eye for an eye, isn't it? You fucked my plans in two worlds. Now I get to fuck you."
It's too much. He breaks one hand free of Aephorul's grasp, so he can cover his face with it.  “That sounded better in your head, didn't it.”
“...oh, shut up.”
His mouth is dry. He feels too hot, as if Aephorul's hand on his bare skin has lit a fever in him. It has been countless thousands of years since he has felt anything like this, and it is awful.
He knows that he can, actually, come from this- endless, merciless teasing- he's done it before. But it had taken weeks to get to that point, and he is not going to think about the stupid sexy games they used to play with each other before everything went to shit.
(I think this was actually the first bit of the sex that I wrote.)
"You're such. A. Hypocrite. Play by the rules until you can't be bothered, and then you agree so readily to whatever forfeit I want- it's almost like you enjoy this."
"Should I not?" He asks, drily. It takes quite a lot of self control to keep his voice even, while Aephorul's cock- or whatever it is- twitches. "Probably should have mentioned that at the start then- ah!"
(the gist of this bit is actually getting reused in Save Scum, but this is what it originally looked like):
“Do you remember-”
“No.” The word comes out in a sudden, vehement snarl.
Everything stops, which is agonizing in its own way.  His feet touch the ground, and the bindings on his arms recede. Aephorul holds him in a carefully controlled collapse to the floor.
“No,” he repeats. His eyes are still sealed shut.  “Not- not to this." He trails one hand down the nearest piece of flesh he can reach. "This is fine.”
“Is it?” Hands- tentacles, whatever- wrap around Resh'an's shoulders, massaging the aching muscles there. 
“Yes,” slightly exasperated. “Just don't- don't bring up- the way things were. Don't ask me to remember.”
“Very well.” Aephorul's voice is flat and emotionless.
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djevelbl · 2 months
Storytime bc I can NOT keep this shit to just myself oh my god this is HILARIOUS
Ok so me my mum & dad we're talking about how children are different regardless of where they came from, right? and so my mum launches into a story (you know it's good when my mum, the beacon of memory in our household [seriously that woman forgets NOTHING] launches into a story):
She says as a set-up that my brother had one (1) temper-tantrum when he was preschool age and my father spanked him twice — he never had one ever again.
Then, it was my turn.
One day in preschool I, apparently, didn't wanna go home for whatever reason preschool-aged me thought was adequate for the occasion, and so I proceeded to have a temper-tantrum.
Quick context, I have a shitty ass memory and all I remember from things like preschool are like. two things and everything else I've been told — for example, I've been told many many times how I apparently had a deep seated hatred for this one little plasticy backpack/suitcase type combo that every time I had a temper-tantrum and I happened to bring it to school, bitch wouldn't leave the classroom without being banged against a couple walls at least.
So anyway, it's time to leave and I'm probably making my best impression of a radiation nuke alert going off; my dad's not having it tho — he tells me we're going home. I just wail harder.
Ofc, because he's himself and raised on a different mentality (not an excuse, just an explanation; don't lay harming hands on your kids ppl) he spanks me.
My answer?? I ran beneath the fucking school bus.
NOBODY could get me from beneath that bitch — my dad moved around that thing and I just scurried to the other side like an overzealous lizard, or maybe a rabid and feral raccoon; my grandma didn't even dare intervene, she knew this was a hopeless endeavor.
It took my mom noticing from her at-the-time job — which was close-by so she could sort-of see what was happening — to start leaving and think huh, the school bus ain't going home yet. wonder what's happening to get my havoc-wrecking ass hauled back home.
As my mom oh-so-eloquently put it: "she didn't even wanna go home with (dad), she had a murderous look every time the idea was brought up."
I was apparently basically UNINTELLIGIBLE when explaining the situation STILL FROM BENEATH THE FUCKING SCHOOL BUS, so the convo was something like:
Mom: what happened? Why are you beneath the school bus sweety??
Me: little child rabid noises, crying and screeching, it vaguely sounds like a velociraptor screaming actually
Mom: ok, and what did daddy do?
Me: even more unintelligible screeching oh my god is that even a language???
So yea, I was a rabid little preschooler huh
#me & my brother always brought problems back home#the difference is that my brother was the victim and i was most likely the perpetrator of said problems---#have i told ya that I've always had a nagging for completely senseless and irrational stealing???#but like. petty theft#I USED TO STEAL CRAYONS AND PENCILS FROM THE PENCIL HOLDERS BY THE CLASSROOM DOOR BY THE F I S T F U L S#yes. the FISTFULS#i was a rabid little gremlin child#i guess i identified a lot with [REDACTED] for a reason huh#both fucking menaces to society#the difference between us is that i would NEVER make fucking bomb jokes in the air port OR ACCIDENTALLY SHOW MY PASSPORT ON STREAM ????#babygirl you almost gave a heary attack to THE SAME OLD MAN#anyway#demon rambles™#demon storytimes™#<- new tag!#for when i go on irl tangents about when i was a little piece of shit#one day my brother will be famous. he'll tell The Dog™ story#and then I'll be able to make the fucking BEST. JOKE I've ever made at his expense#AND IT'LL BE OKAY BC HE SHARED THE STORY FIRST#wishing i get to see the day that joke is just too funny not to share. it's CRIMINAL to keep but it's his tale to tell#i am living proof that hitting your children is bad#who know#your child might wanna kill you later for it idk#i SERIOUSLY did NOT like that my dad hit me huh#like. he NEVER did it again relatively shortly after that#not even kidding#anywya so give a round of applause everyone. for my father being pathetic!!#also whoever guesses who i basically lokey kinnie'd gets a virtual cookie. a drawing as well why not#it'll be fun
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opinated-user · 1 year
How much responsibility, if any, do you think that people like Mikaila and Ginger have for enabling Lily/being active participants in the extremely abuse tantrums and harassment that she throws at other people? I say this because earlier today (as of the sending of this ask) I was scrolling through her most recent posts and saw that Ginger just absolutely lost her fucking SHIT at another person for defending the Gravity Falls show’s finale. In a VERY abusive and DEEPLY toxic fucking rant that is extremely similar to the types of rants that LO would CONSTANTLY go on, whenever she received asks or came across people who disagreed with her own cartoon opinions.
Its just very worrying to me that, rather than let go of and fight AGAINST the type of constant verbal abuse that Lily frequently subjected them to, both her fans and (in this case) friends are starting to become a LOT more active in the PERPETUATING of the exact same type of toxic about that LO has subjected them to over the years. I don’t want to jump the shark here or anything so don’t hesitate to say that I’m being too hyperbolic here. But I think that with both Lily’s fans and friends, we are starting to see the cycle of abuse play out in real time right before our fucking eyes. And it is as horrific/sad to watch as I ever could’ve IMAGINED it to be!
i think you could be understimating how much of an unpleasant person LO is completely on her own, without any need for enabling from anyone. she was a horrible and short tempered person before meeting Ginger or MO, and she'll continue to be after she divorces MO or Ginger moves on.
the people around LO do tend to absorb her worst traits in a misguided attempt to try to advocate for themselves, even in situations where it wasn't really called for, i have noticed. even fans who didn't really have a personal relationship with her tend to speak about how they became noticeably less toxic when they stopped watching her content.
unfortunately Ginger has been a follower of LO since they were underaged and they're still pretty young even now, so it's no wonder at all that they could have been influenced by LO that much.
it's still rather uncomfortable. i remember hearing their podcast discussing season two of TOH and i was frankly shocked at how much almost everything Ginger said was word by word something i could see coming from LO's mouth, down to denigrating teenage girls for liking a fictional teenage boy.
i had some hope that Ginger would leave LO behind after the break up and the numerous attempts at baiting that LO did, but i guess they still want to stick around for whatever reason.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Bro, tbh, how do you deal with the trolls on AO3 when posting clexa?
It doesn't seem to matter what kind of story I post, there's always a rabid hater. Trans Lexa is a fedish, Trans Clarke is erasing Lexa's lesbianism, Clarke having past relationships, is her being a whore, Lexa having a abusive father is taking away from her being a strong character.
It honestly takes away from the joy of writing when the only type of comment I can depend on, is one saying I'm a shitty person for writing such a story.
Oof, sorry you're dealing with the trolls buddy 😞
My advice for troll/hate comments will forever be to not respond and delete them. They do not want to try and see the other side or even understand the basis of dont like dont read and let people write whatever the fuck they want. Misery loves company and truth be told the trolls going around are a bunch of pathetic transphobes and biphobes, they seem to get off on pissing off writers, they want attention, and they want to try and get you mad enough to delete the things you worked hard on. I know its very much easier said than done, but when i get hate comments i see them as a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Its funny, in a pathetic way. Like those poor things really can't rub 2 braincells together and make a coherent argument that isn't "bi woman whore, lesbian strong and never suffers, dick is man vagina is woman". I wouldn't take valid writing criticism from a toddler so i sure as hell aint taking it from trolls with no reading interpretation skills.
I can totally understand how its absolutely unmotivating to get those comments. Ive seen a lot of recent fics be deleted because of them and its disheartening seeing how not only are people commenting less but how at this point posting a fic in the fandom needs to come with a warning of how you might get hate comments from a puritan shithead who believes themselves some sort of savior of the shit when in reality they are just helping kill a fandom. Im sorry that i dont really have any other advice for you, but if there is something i recommend is the no engage/delete comments. They might get tired, they might not. But the truth is that getting a response will always, always make them come back because they now know they can hit a nerve.
But please, dont let them stop you from writing what you like and makes you excited to create. If all they want is sanitized fics where characters are nothing but a one-layered piece of paper with family friendly romance and no conflict then perhaps they should not be in a grown-up space that isn't 100% tailored to them.
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What most people don't like about me is, I always tell the truth. Even if it might make me look bad or at the very least, questionable. I always tell the truth and give the FACTS. Everyone who's wronged me would rather only air THEIR side of the story, their own specially made version of "truth," omitting their own actions that would make them look bad or questionable. They'd rather play as the complete "victim" while knowing full well they are not as innocent as they try to portray themselves. I have no issue telling the facts of the entire story because unlike many others, I was raised on solid morals and values. Many people who are being gangstalked are T.I.'s simply because they pissed off the wrong person with a God-Complex. These type of people refuse to admit or even acknowledge their wrongdoing or the fact that they are wrong period. Instead, they believe they are absolutely justified in having you stalked and harassed and they want everyone to feel about you as they feel about you. They want and fight to keep everyone on their side. When I first came out with my story on a particular social media page, I was met with a plethora of responses. In no time at all, I also found myself being criticized, judged and attacked by trolls who I highly suspect were gangstalkers in disguise and clearly on Brinley's team. I purposely made it clear: "Hey, you can believe whatever you want to believe and judge me as much as you want. Unlike Brinley, I'm not a control freak. I'm not here to gain sympathizers nor enemies, I am simply giving the facts of our fallout and how I believe without a doubt it's the reason I'm being gangstalked." Some seemed shocked by my response; I suppose they were expecting me to go into temper-tantrum mode or trolling mode. Too bad they were left disappointed. Unlike others, I do not try to play as God in anyone's life. My only stance has always been, NO ONE deserves to be abused for any reason. Regardless of what you may have done or may not have done, if you are not an actual terrorist, your name should NOT be on the list. If you believe anyone has committed a crime against you or someone else, that's your move to involve the courts, isn't that what the court system is for? But what people with connections to gangstalking do is the complete opposite because they know they are full of shit! The only "crime" committed against them was the instant death to their ego by someone they believed as below them. And this is their revenge in turn, to have you stalked, harassed and tortured for the rest of your life. Ironically, there are still some out there who want me to give Brinley a chance and be with him as he wants. This always earns an uproarious cackle from me. Never gonna happen. What kind of fool do you take me for to believe for an instant I'd be with ANYONE, much less him, who WANTED these evil things to happen to me as a result of being gangstalked? Just how desperate and stupid do you think I am? Smh. What he intended for my absolute demise has made me into the hardest, fearless soldier of justice and freedom that I would've never been in the past. Unlike the masses, I don't stand with nor encourage bullies, abusers and predators. I stand against them on behalf of all survivors. But thank you, for sharpening my focus and mission. Regardless of who believes in me and who doesn't, I am taking this ALL the way. You chose the wrong woman to throw into your little hidden system of torment and oppression.
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
Also totally random but at the same time not 👀
Of ataraxia who is the most overbearing/overprotective spouse when pups/guppies/mini-creatures/spawns are on the way. I feel like all of them would be EXTRA in all caps when it comes to pregnancy.
Also, are their distinct monster pregnancies different in length in which the mate carries to term (cause bruh when I found out other mammals don’t carry their babies for nine months in their stomach I felt the world crumbling cause I was just like 🫨🫨🫨🫨 like that didn’t even fathom in my mind that it was possible)
All of this comes to mind because of the idea of daddy dragon mingi… makes me feral
Mingi is at the top, absolutely (its more the dragon thing than anything else, those eggs are harder than diamonds you could try and run them over with a truck and it would probably destroy the truck before it did shit to them but those are HIS (and your-) BABIES-), then Yunho (he'd probably set you on fire and use you as a chew toy if you tried to bring harm on his little ones or his partner), Seonghwa (siren eggs are very much not indestructible. They're not like your average egg where they'll split if the wind blows wrong, its all over, but its still not something he'd even chance if his Guppies to be were in danger), San & Hongjoong being tied after him and Yeo, Woo, and Jongho being the least bothered by it.
Wooyoung can literally tear holes in reality, he'd be able to detect malicious intent long before whoever wanted to deal it was even in the same area code as him and his. It makes completely rending someone into nothing rather easy.
For Jongho and Yeo, Incubi/Succubi spirits and Fae spirits kind of...come into being in this verse as a manifestation of their "parent's" power. So there's really less of a worry of protecting a defenseless little one like the others because Jongho’s kids wouldn't even be kids, they're just. Ready to be off on their own, fully grown, and depending on the type of Fae they are, Yeosang’s little ones would be either the same branch or they'd be stubbornly independent anyway and actually more dangerous because of them having so much unchecked power and such a bite of mischievousness to them.
That being said, for the ones who DO have little bapis no matter what, they all do have different periods of growth/coming into being, with the longest being between Mingi’s Eggs and whatever cosmic shit I decide to come into being if i choose to have Eldrich Woo actually be some kind of dad while spawning a mini world ender into being.
Maybe not, idk if yall want the added anxiety of a child who can tear the world apart while throwing one(1) temper tantrum
Also yes dragon dad mingi is very much a feral fangs and claws bared sight to behold
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cakejerry · 1 year
Listen whatever is the deal with jungkook right now I just know that something seems very sinister. Like there is something very wrong happening here. Doesn’t he have any real friends to tell him to maybe not broadcast his quarter life crisis to everyone to see? And mingyu and eunwoo aren’t real friends by the slightest😭😭😭 where is his family? His brother? Anyone? JIMIN?? Like whatever road he is going on won’t end well. Trying so hard to succeed in Hollywood which is known to be the most toxic industry on earth and the people in control are willing to take everything away from you just so they can get their money. And he is with scooter Braun out of all people. Literally the worst. Like he is literally throwing temper tantrums. Boy this is the industry you chose. Like I understand you had to give up a lot but like he needs someone genuine in his life. Someone to guide him before he throws himself in some serious shit just because he can’t control his phases and wants to seek “cool”. Like bro we get it many people think your cool and have been thinking that since you debuted. Koreans and international fans alike.
I don’t know what his current relationship with jimin is and if they were even ever more than friends because he just seems like a very lonely person. I think ms will be a very big change for him. He needs to step off the limelight for a good while and reassess what he wants and who he is. Because it feels like he has been in a constant battle for quite a while now lol.
anon ily 😭😭 you're literally putting into words everything I'm too scared to because I don't want people to call me a hypocrite for judging JK but... it is, truly, 'sinister'.
I'm not expecting jimin to parent him or anything but do they even talk about the big things atp or do they just fuck? because how did jk not learn anything from him? has that man not conquered his public image perfectly? jk was literally in the studio working on face, was that not what that album was about? finding yourself???
I feel like his 'friends' and family all tell him 'what's there to complain about you're literally bts' and management only sees the media buzz of 'loving idol who meets fans frequently' and no one cares that he's obviously going through something in these lives? pointing a camera at himself saying "I'm just doing all of this naturally with no thoughts" but his brain is so scrambled up with thoughts that he can't go a second without contradicting himself. trying to make a coherent sentence but failing. doesn't know what to do with fans, doesn't know what to do with fame. he doesn't even know what he wants except MORE. just deep deep in some type of denial or just plain immaturity
he needs to be humbled, and quickly. looking at the average idol lifespan since literally the start of kpop, when jungkook debuted he should have been expecting nothing else but to be RETIRED by now. it was only through sheer luck that bts did what they did and are still even active a decade later I don't think he understands how close he was to being a failed solo singer turned gym instructor by now. all he ever knew was steadily going UP and now he's moved the goalpost so far for himself he can't see how ridiculous he's being. fucking scooter brown...
he himself is the sole argument we need against debuting idols underage because bro has internalized the panopticon and is struggling to grow up in every sense of the word and I feel bad for even being one of the eyes on him. he's a person for real but most people (including himself) only see him as our entertainment.
no matter how we look at it, the military will be a much needed reset...
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
I find TVD stans who started watching the show during the pandemic (as many did) or ones who were too young to watch the show when it came out generally have the worst takes and be really aggressive and holier than thou when it comes to stanning and opinions that I sometimes think to myself it's 2024, let the fandom die out. I find the Reddit side of the fandom really toxic where someone could get criticized for merely shipping Delena and saying if you ship Delena that means you're immature and care more about tropes than a functional relationship. Outside of the Delena fandom (and some Pickmeishas in the Delena fandom) say our fandom is the most toxic and that toxic couple=toxic fandom and if you try to refute that they use self defense as an example of toxicity which is pure gaslighting. They've gaslight Delena fans into shutting up to the point where Delena fans are quiet or they try to make an extra effort to appease them while they can say and do whatever tf the want without getting harassed. They can think Stefan and Klaus are innocent cupcakes but if a Damon stan think he's not as bad as many in the fandom makes him out to be they let go of all civility. I disagree that our fandom is more toxic. Stelena fans toxicity is unmatched. There was a Delena hate blog (many similar ones, but this was the most notorious one) that ran for years that would not only post hate regularly against the ship and the characters in it but attack the shippers that a Delena fan made a counter one against it that was very short lived and never attacked the shippers themselves and would politely interact with Stelena fans that would start shit on their blog. People use examples like "You have an opinion on a character/ship that I find objectionable against my values." as Delena fans being toxic. Klaroline fans have done many toxic things like threatening Leah Pipes and her family to the point she quit TO, bullied the TO producers multiple times (one of them even apologized because they couldn't take a joke. She even said she's made a similar joke about Delena in the past without getting heat), bullied Daniel and Phoebe for their comments on Klaus's ships, threatened Julie to the point she said their relationship almost didnt get serviced, etc. Stelena fans did things like send death threats to Kevin and Julie after Delena's 3x10 kiss, and made sexist/homophobic comments against Julie and Kevin, but Julie gets much more hate even though Kevin is just as if not more responsible for the things they find problematic about the show. They neglect that fact since even though Kevin wrote many of the things they consider most objectionable in the show all is well if Stelena was endgame instead.
I think every fandom has that one toxic person in the bunch. I find most toxicity in the Stelena fandom. Hate for Delena shippers, hate for Delena, hate for their characters, hate for the actors who play their characters. Generalizations, slut-shaming, temper tantrums, all caps screaming. Whatever makes them feel better about the show because half their ship died and the other half married Damon, Some of them ship Stelena even though they hate Elena, which makes no damn sense to me. That's not to say that I hate all Stelena shippers. I may hate the Stelena romance, but I love the Stelena friendship. More often than not, I come across Stelena shippers going out of their way to hate on Delena posts when they can easily stick to their corner of the fandom. Seeking out Delena shippers in public threads for the sake of spreading their toxicity when they could easily scroll past things they don't like.
I get along with most Delena shippers. I say "most" because I find it hard to lie about the Delena ship when I refuse to lie about Damon. So while it is rare, I could find myself in a Delena debate. I'm the type that sticks to the Delena corner of the fandom. That's not to say that I won't respond to Stelena fans when they seek me out, when they refuse to scroll past my comment because they don't like what I have to say on public threads. But they should know that I'm not someone they can bully via keyboard. I'm older than the average fan, have a great deal of life experience, and I'm a very open minded person. I don't think in boxes because I love my mind far too much for that. I'm not old, but I feel old because I've experienced a great deal in my life. I don't have a problem understanding or relating to certain things, and I'm very outspoken about what I think and feel. Honestly, I'm a loudmouthed bitch that doesn't give a shit. When I argue with fans, I'm less about insulting and more about offering in-show evidence. However, I will insult if I see reason to.
I'm not self righteous. My beliefs are so open that it's hard for me to hate. When I do hate, that says more about what I hate. I value challenges and confrontations because people should never stop learning and growing. There are some things I hate about the show. Things I feel they could've done differently or better. But it's a great piece of work overall. I won't attack an actor or a writer. That's not to say that I won't insult an actor or a writer, but it won't be over a ship. My insults will come off more like constructive criticism relating to what I feel they could've done differently or better. I will insult anyone who believes the show should've had a Stelena endgame because I consider them one of the worst written romances in tv. I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of their fans continued watching past the pilot episode because they introduced Damon at the end. He's the only reason I did. Stelena is the kind of ship that I never would've liked no matter my age, that's how horribly written they are.
I'm not someone fans want to debate certain topics with. When fans debate me about age issues, they have no idea that my ex is old enough to be my father. Fact is, I've always dated older men. At 17, I'd have no problem dating a 24/25 year old man, and it would've been consensual. That's not to say that my parents would've liked it, but at 17, my parents had no say in anything I did.
I'm the type of fan shippers hate and debate while hiding anon, and I have like 50 anons that I still haven't answered. Whether I respond depends on my current mood. I always take requests for my analysis, gifs, or simply my opinion on something. Fans should know what they're hitting when they come to my page because they may not like my response to it. I'll always be a loudmouthed bitch that doesn't give a shit. I say what i say without regard, and I'm like this in every tv show fandom. Delena is my ship and Damon is my character. Fans should take that as a warning lol
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petitexmagician · 2 years
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Though I am feeling ship happy at the moment, I’m also pretty mad and it’s not anyone here but this person I use to Rp with on another site decided to get out of whatever corner they were in and just press the annoy button on me and my best friend. 
Mind this is the same person that gaslit and temper tantrum whenever they didn’t their way in a RP and while I cut off any type of contact my best friend and bless their soul keeps contact just so this one doesn’t talk shit talking about me, them or my highschool bud. This person was practically the reason why I didn’t feel okay rping an OC because they see any OC my best friend made as a free romance card and I’m, and you can say yes to this, a co parent to the OC since we both came up with the story ideas and they took lead. 
I still feel pissed because of the BS they would pull for a canon muse and how if they didn’t get their way the muse would get fucking fridged with this guilt trip vibe and I was not having none of that mess, and neither was my best friend. Not only that but they are a drama balloon waiting to pop and it’s not the fun kind either.
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ourburningbridges · 2 years
👛 Makeover Lovers 💋
a short story inspired by my muse <3
Being in the same room as my lover while he experimented with makeup is one of the most dismal experiences I’ve ever endured.
“Fuck sake!”
I’m sitting on the opposite side of our shared hotel bed, proofreading the poetry we had composed together, trying hard to ignore his various outbursts.
Looking up from the pages of endless romance, I find him with his face mere inches away from a handheld mirror making lousy attempts at fixing his smudged eyeliner. He always was a true goth. Wiping the liner while it was still fresh, he creates more of a blotchy mess onto his pale eyeshadow.
“Fucking cunt!”
“Alright, that’s enough.” I declare, setting the pile of papers down onto the sheets. He looks up at me with messy eyes, nearly eliciting a chuckle from me. I stifle it, knowing it would only frustrate him further. I get up to stride around the bed in order to sit next to him.
“What’s the problem?” I ask. His stubbornness is crystal clear as he looks up at me with a scoff.
“Problem? There’s no problem.” He mutters, ducking his face down as if to hide his makeup from me. I hum and tuck his hair behind his ears as he snaps the cap to the eyeliner back on in defeat.
“You’re normally great with your makeup, there’s obviously a problem.” I explain softly. This much was true. We loved spending mornings in front of the mirror, doing our makeup together. He normally stuck to the simplistic, boyish, glam-punk look, though I could tell he was wanting to experiment more. I enjoyed colored eyeliner and matching my outfits with eyeshadow, so when I sat down to find he was trying to do the same, I found it adorable. And somewhat flattering.
“It’s too hard.” he sulks, snatching the makeup remover. “I can’t pull this shit off, it’s too complex!”
“Oh, hush. You’re being dramatic.” I tease, taking the bottle of makeup remover and cotton balls from his hands. After pouring the liquid into one of the swabs, I lift his chin and begin gently wiping away his makeup. Once he’s cleaned up and dry, I bring the pile of our conjoined makeup products closer to me.
“What are you trying to go for?” I ask, pulling him closer so I’m sitting in his lap. He keeps his eyes on me, lowering his chin to examine me through his eyelashes.
“I like what you have on.” He whispers in deep consideration. “You know, the dark under eyes… red liner… whatever that is on your nose.” He says poking the tip of my nose playfully. I giggle, lowering his hand. (It was just blush.)
“Let me help you.” I offer, grabbing all the things I needed to replicate my makeup from this morning. Soon enough, I find myself with my legs wrapped around his waist and my free hand holding his face still. I’ve gotten to his eyeliner, the same step that had thrown him into his tantrum.
“It’s important to blend it out in one direction.” I explain quietly. “That way, it’s not going to smear and make it too dark.” He’s calmer now, whispering a small “okay” or “cool” every so often. Each step I take into the routine, I pull back and stare at his fresh makeup look and smile at my work. Next, I’m working on his eyeshadow, taking my time as if he were some exquisite Van Gogh painting. To me, he’s always looked like some beautiful artwork.
“Don’t pay any attention to the makeup tutorials you read in all those magazines.” I nearly scolded him. I had found out earlier he was following some cheap makeup instructions from an old magazine, causing his furious temper. Clearly, it wasn’t working out. He lets out a sigh through his nose, though I can tell he’s trying hard to not make a big deal out of it. He never liked when I corrected him, but his sweetness to listen to my advice overruled him.
“Makeup is not a ‘one size fits all’ type of style.” I elaborate. “Contour is going to be done differently on your nose since it’s a different shape. You have that kind of polish, catholic boy nose.” I joke, running my finger down the bridge of his nose like he did with me. He pulls away and chuckles before making a frisky attempt at biting my finger. Finishing up, I set everything aside and rummage through the compact makeup bag to retrieve more products.
“You’re turning me into one of those dolls you practice eyeshadow on.” he says, blinking hard, as if some powder had gotten into his eyes.
“That’s what pretty faces like you are for.” I roll my eyes and smile sarcastically. “Okay, I need to put chapstick on you.”
“Sure.” He complies, signaling to me he was completely tranquil once again. Opening the chapstick, I flip my hair from my face (accidentally hitting him with it) and begin applying the moisturizer on myself. I rub my lips together before taking his face into my hands and kissing him deeply, feeling him smile against me. He pulls me impossibly closer as we connect, his arms snaking around my lower back as his hands grab my sides. We pull away with a greatly pronounced smack of our lips and giggle like toddlers.
“What’s next?” He purrs almost provocatively, rubbing his hands up and down my back. I smile at him, taking one final gaze at his makeup before unwrapping my legs from him and hoisting myself up from his lap. He groans in a pout from our detachment as I stand on the floor next to the bed. I reach and quickly dig through the makeup bag to retrieve two bottles of mascara and an eyelash curler. Handing them to him, I give his cheek one last peck.
“You’re a big boy, you know how to put on your own mascara.”
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dailyrandomwriter · 2 years
Day 75
I vibrated with anger in my seat as I pulled up the spreadsheet to figure out how many people were seen in the past two quarters. Whatever damn to hell agency responsible for this has asked for the number of people seen by their age bracket.
In the back of my head, B from HR (and who has long since left) is screaming about how I shouldn’t be using external programs like Excel to keep track of data like this.
Shut up B, this spreadsheet wouldn’t exist of our current database was capable telling us how fucking old someone was when they were assessed. Nevermind their gender, how long they’ve been waiting (in weeks), what quarter they were seen in and whether or not they got a fucking diagnosis.
Apparently, the database also couldn’t tell me how many males and females are currently on the waitlist and what the average age was for each gender.
I stared at the question the reporting form wanted me to fill out and wished for death. Quickly I pulled up the in-work messenger, and typed a message to the manager involved. In it, I complained bitterly how I didn’t realize the amount of number crunching there was and why didn’t someone tell me my spreadsheet wasn’t giving them all the data they needed? Where did they get the numbers from?
A small anxiety gremlin made me feel bad for doing this to J the manager, she doesn’t deserve my complaints. She took on this team recently as a stopgap, it isn’t even her job technically to deal with the stupidity that is reporting to… whichever agency this shit belongs to. But I was getting angrier with every passing minute.
I had calls to make! One of the therapists sent me no less than seven, seven people who require reviews to be done. There are about three emails from different interpreting agencies who have confirmed appointments. One of them is asking for a virtual link so they could join online.
Another gremlin reminded me that I promised to send out questionnaire packages this week, it needs to be done. Speaking of done, what about the assessments for next month? Mentally I tell the gremlin to shove it, I don’t know who my second therapist is for next month, nothing is going to be booked until Thursday at the latest I’m sure. My brain paused as another question on the form came up.
Did anyone write down the waitlist numbers from last quarter? Do I need to be on site tomorrow?
No, no one wrote down the waitlist numbers from last quarter, and yes, I have to be on site tomorrow. A part of me considered throwing a temper tantrum right then and there, I’m home I could have done it.
But it won’t get these numbers done, instead I pulled up old waitlists and tried to extrapolate what the numbers were last quarter. I have resolved myself to either a) tell Manager J that I should not be doing this number crunching, or b) tell Manager N that I don’t feel productive at work. Maybe both, both sound good to me.
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
trou·vaille -
katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
a lucky find.
summary; y/n is a minimum wage worker at a second rate coffee shop. they want nothing more then to close up and head home for the day. but when a particularly attractive blond customer and his bumbling friends visit at the last minute, what will they do?
this is a choose your own adventure!! halfway through, you’ll be given a choice!! each will give you a different ending!! 🌸🦋✨
warnings; food and drink, people being mean, customer service, swearing
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
“I’m never returning back to this establishment! Talk of false advertising! Have you no sense of pride?!”
25 minutes of listening to this grown ass lady have a full adult temper tantrum has you out of it 😔✋🏻
Finally watching this clown storm out the cafe was satisfying as hell
Listen bro, you’ve got 15 minutes left of this shift! It’s like 8pm, no way more customers can-
ding ding!!
Trudging your way to the register, you tighten the straps on your cheap, company issued apron
You’re still tying it as you speak,
“Hi, what can I get you today-“
Looking up, you meet a pair of eyes
Redder than the god damn cherry syrup, they’re staring back at you
Cold, entrancing eyes-
Oh wait nope there he goes
Shoved out of the way by his friend, the blond grumbles, dusting off imaginary dirt that his friend plagued him with
Taking a step back you realize
shitttt there’s like five of these mother fuckers
They begin to ramble off their orders, having committed them to memory.
All the drinks are normal enough, mostly the sweet novelty drinks used to drag in customers, nothing too shocking
You finally turn back to the blond, your face feeling like it’s going to full melt off under his gaze. He’s studying you, your own personal, little math equation in his head
he ruffles his hair, the fluff now laying just over his brows, sighing into his words,
“Whatever the fuck is gonna be easiest. These losers are high maintenance as all hell.”
You blinked, trying to comprehend his words, “Wait are you sure because-?”
“I said what I said,” He cut you off, crossing his arms in defiance to any protest you had.
So you make a latte for him
While finishing up the drinks, you get an idea.
… Do you want to leave your number on his cup?
If you choose to leave your number…
»»————- yes ————-««
you decide, what the hell!
you may never see this guy again and he’s MEGA FINE
so, you scribble it down, adding a little smiley face at the end!!
you hand them their drinks and wish them all a nice day, almost shitting yourself as the boy walks out the door without looking
he’ll see it right??
buzz buzz, a message from an unknown number?
This that person from the coffee shop?
I hope so because damn, you make a good latte
Unknown is typing…
And your face is cute too i guess
If you choose not to leave your number…
»»————- no ————-««
idk y’all it’s looking like someone pissed in his cheerios this morning, it’s not worth it
you’ve already been yelled at enough for one fuckin day
as you watch his group leave, you’re sure that’s the last time you’ll ever seen him
and then he came back, the next day
and the day after that, he becomes a regular, always ordering the same latte you made for him
until finally,
“Oi, dumbass, lets come back here.”
“I mean duh? I have a shift tomorrow.”
“No, I mean, shit fuck- like as a date.”
“Oh, alright! Got time now? I’m off in 14 minutes.”
“Yeah, I’ll wait for you.”
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artificialcaracal · 2 years
Finally watched that American Psycho movie everyone keeps talking about
and I don’t see what all the hubbub is about with this Patrick Bateman guy.  He’s a complete fuckin loser this dude, an absolute nobody.  Everyone keeps talking about “Aw fuck this dude is a psychopath  and nobody can even tell because society is so shallow and vapid” like shut the fuck up nobody cares about your armchair psychology 101 diagnosis of the least interesting man on the planet.  Congrats, you picked up the DSM-5 and can read we’re all so impressed good for you.  The reason nobody knows that Patrick Bateman is a psychotic serial killer is because nobody is interested in Bateman in the goddamn slightest.  Any idea that Bateman is interesting, significant, or in any way notable comes only from his own internal narration.  The guy is a generic Wall Street failson with delusions of grandeur, that’s it, that’s the character, that’s the American Psycho.  People will really watch a movie where the protagonist is a fragile man who’s routinely mocked, looked down upon, and called a spineless twit and come away thinking “Wow he’s so cool, he’s an edgelord that nobody likes, what a guy.”.  The horror of American Psycho isn’t about the socially stunted serial killer dude that no one respects.  It’s the existential dread that comes from crying out kicking and screaming into a world that just doesn’t care.  It’s the absolute lack of consequence and catharsis that arises when after confessing to all of his various murders in the midst of a mental breakdown, Bateman’s lawyer thinks that it’s a joke, because Patrick Bateman as he sees it, is a guy who has and will never do anything worthy of mention, let alone kill 20 to 40 people.  The horrific climax of the film is Bateman sitting down at a table, and finally realizing that absolutely nothing he has done means anything to anyone.  That he’s completely incapable of changing his own circumstances.  That nothing about how he lives has affected the world at large in any significant way.  Do you think Bateman is cool?  Do you think he’s clever or suave?  Do you think he’s some sort of social chameleon, whatever the hell that means?  Well you’re wrong.  Bateman is none of these things.  Bateman literal tells a drunk coworker, Paul Allen, to his face that he dissects women and is a fucked up dude.  The man is a literal manchild crying out for attention, for someone to give a shit about what he does, and it goes completely unacknowledged as Allen can only think of to ask about his tan, because Allen cares a lot about tanning, so much so that he has a tanning bed at home.  As a matter of fact, the only reason he and Allen are talking is because Allen mistook Bateman for another person because they both wear the same type of suit and go to the same barber.  There is nothing that distinguishes Bateman from any other guy in his office, so much so that not even his own lawyer recognizes him.  Bateman is so petty, unremarkable, shallow, and pathetic that he kills Allen in a jealous rage because he had a better looking business card and could get a reservation at a restaurant that Bateman couldn’t.  His murder of Allen is little more than a violent temper tantrum with “It’s Hip to Be Square” playing in the background.  Bateman doesn’t register that Allen’s prestige might come from doing something people deem important (getting the opportunity to work on the ever elusive Fischer account), and instead spends the film pissing and shitting himself over the fact that Allen can get seats at a restaurant he can’t, Allen has a nicer business card than he does, Allen has a more expensive looking apartment.  Allen has nicer things than Bateman and that just doesn’t gel with his worldview that he’s an important special boy that people should care about simply because he exists. Do you think that Bateman is cool?  Do you think he’s some sort cutthroat businessman who clawed his way to the top through being cunning, savvy, and not caring about who gets in his way?  Is that the impression you get of him as he walks into his office listening to the 80′s hit “Walking on Sunshine”?  Because Bateman isn’t the product of his own abilities.  He’s the Vice President of a company his father owns.  He’s a wealthy guy born into wealth like most other wealthy guys, completely insulated from failure thanks to the power of corporate nepotism.  Bateman never had to try to accomplish anything, so what if he graduated from Harvard Business school?  That’s not a measure of personal merit for him, he has a rich dad who could easily use his vast resources to get him into an ivy league through any number of ways, donations, legacy, straight up paying someone to get good enough test scores for him to get in, and considering that we never, and I mean never, hear about Bateman working on anything, leads me to believe he legitimately does no work ever.  The most we learn about Bateman is his needlessly convoluted morning routine, how many crunches he can do, and whenever he prompts someone to ask him about what he does, and they actually humor him, all he can think to mention is how he kills people.  The only two topics he gives a shit about are geeking out about serial killers and droning on about the music he likes.  There is no more to his personality than that, and he has nothing of value to say.  Everyone will wax lyrical about how the world of American Psycho is shallow, but Bateman is just as, if not more. You can’t possibly think that Bateman is a deep guy can you?  That he’s got some intriguing and engaging view on the world, and isn’t simply a thoroughly detached bozo who cares more about displays of power and dominance than actually engaging with people and the world around him, can you?  Bateman likes the arbitrary social hierarchy that exists, and he wants to be on top of it so bad.  He wants the prestige, the admiration, for other people to submit to his will, but not even the restaurant Dorsia’s will take him seriously, laughing him off the moment he tries to make a reservation, and that upsets him, because he’s Patrick Bateman!  He’s a cool Wall Street guy!  He has lots of money!  He’s the vice president of Perkins & Perkins!  Turns out, none of his other rich pals give a damn, nor do they find him particularly impressive.  In the world of rich socialites, he’s at the absolute bottom.  Bateman is simply a dude who’s obsessed with the attainment and wielding of status.  Violently cutting down anyone he perceives to be above him, and callously stomping on those below.  Yeah he killed a homeless man in an alley.  Was that shocking to you?  Did it make you think “Wow Bateman is a fucked up guy for doing that.  He must be a real psycho™ to be brutalizing the poor.  He’s nothing like the other wealthy characters in the film.  Surely, Bateman must be intrinsically different from them in some way!”?  Yeah sure uh huh, Patrick Bateman is the only rich guy who has ever shown disdain towards the poor and the homeless.  Patrick Bateman is a real outlier of a person for abusing his vast economic power to routinely cause harm to working class people for his own selfish gain.  Patrick Bateman is the American Psycho and thank god every other obscenely rich person is normal and not at all like him.  Bateman is shown to routinely maim and kill sex workers just to get off, and film makes it pretty clear that there are no consequences for him doing this.  Not even when he openly shoots a woman on the street.  The only murder of his that gets investigated is the death of Allen, another rich guy.  Surely this not-at-all subtle imagery has zero subtext relating to the real world in any capacity.   By the way, Bateman’s alibi that lets him get away with Allen’s murder?  A bunch of guys not realizing that he wasn’t actually at a restaurant with them on the night Allen died. I think there’s something to be said about mocking people who idolize Bateman.  Not that they’re in reality nothing like he is, but that chances are, they are just like him.  An aimless edgelord who’s only qualm with the status quo is that he isn’t at the tippity-top of it, and that they, just like him, lack the self-awareness to realize how absurdly idiotic and empty a sentiment like that is.  The sort of person who would come away from watching Bateman’s deluded view of himself come crashing down around as he wishes nothing but pain and suffering on the people around him as state of mind to aspire to.  That somehow his perpetually unfulfilled state is really cool and interesting actually and not at all a product of his wanton inability to grow, engage in introspection, or achieve any level of depth and intimacy.  I’d say I hate the guy, but what is there to hate?  He’s a nothing man living a nothing life where he achieves nothing and gets nothing from the experience.  Watching American Psycho took me on a dizzyingly meandering ride before ending on pure unadulterated emptiness as it explores just what it means to have absolutely nothing going on behind the eyes.  It’s a good movie I refuse to talk to anyone else about because anyone who wants to talk about American Psycho above literally any other film isn’t a person worth talking to.  This movie taught me hatred and caused me to dissociate after I went to bed.  It is excellently executed total depravity and I have no idea what movie everybody else was watching because it’s not that fucking deep.  It’s a movie about a rich guy who has nothing better do with his life killing people, and just how insanely boring that guy would be.
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