#and vinn too i guess......
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sallymew4 · 6 months ago
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presidential debate doodles with Vinnfriend again
does that give these historical value.......
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ebitenpura · 2 years ago
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Eight + Light Armor Pt. 2
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sallymew4 · 11 months ago
last song i listened to: atomic karate by twrp !! i love funk synth and older period styled music (not even just music, i love time-based culture…), but i also like ridiculous and satirical concepts so them and their sister(?) band nsp are pretty enjoyable to me !!!!!! listen to atomic karate rite now or exp lod e .actually listen to all of their songs and nsp
currently watching: for first time watches, community (idk why its disappearing off of so many streaming platforms !!!! down with the machine !!!!!!!) and hellsing :999 and a few others on and off cuz im really bad about starting things while already doing other things lol. and then mob psycho of course ive got that show playing on repeat in my brain twenty four SEVEN
currently reading: like a buuuunch of mangas. at the same time. im a dirty procrastinator !!!!! but some of the more prominent ones im reading — im halfway through death note, working on volume eight of soul eater, and trying to get ahold of volume four of mobsai !! im also just about finished with one of junji ito’s story collections, i love his works sooo much :) hes totally inspirational 2 me….arghh theres too many hehe all it takes are cool visuals and a somewhat interesting plot and i pick it up. i wanna read more non-fictional stuff too so i can learn stuff,,, but im sooo lazy
currently obsessed with: i need to get obsessed with more stuff tbh… some things i WANT to be obsessed with would be bird knowledge and getting really good at drawing rando weapons for funsies… ig you could say im obsessed with learning new stuff ? i find retronet culture super intriguing and i like references to it in media, and i like incorporating it into my art and things i make. i like making fun of four chan its super fun, favorite hobby [kinda joke] lol. idk if drawing would count as an obsession but i do draw a lot as well lul. OH i like gross stuff !!!!!!! everything i make must have an undertone of gross or else i am not satisfied !!!!!!!! the feeling of disgust !!!!!!!! icky feelings everywhere. and nostalgia but more the empty feeling it brings than actual nostalgia. so liek an abandoned internet forum yk
favorite color: green ! all kinds really. one day when i was younger i was like “there arent enough green lovers out there.” so i made it my favorite color €:
tagged by: this guy !!!!! @mtndw-whteout so cool awsum… . .. .
tagging ermm uhhh
@vampirepherom0ans yeah i see you
u dont haf 2 do this if u dont want 2 ofcors :)
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Last Song I listened to: Spirits by The Strumbellas
Currently watching: Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Yeah people weren’t kidding when they said this was a good series! I love TOS with all my heart but this thing is GOOD! I already had some thoughts on some of the episodes but as I make my way through the second season now, you can very well expect more rants! ;D
Currently Reading: “Identifying Children's Fidget Object Preferences: Toward Exploring the Impacts of Fidgeting and Fidget-Friendly Tangibles” a research paper on different types of fidget toy preferences because I’m wiring a research paper….
No okay… for real this time, I’m reading the amazing “when in paradise” by flipthebits on AO3! A wonderful AOS mission fic with cults, trauma and mountains upon mountains of pining. Seriously, everyone go read it, a new chapter released a few days back!!
Currently obsessed with: Embroidery! I got into it through learning book binding and finding out that I really liked the sowing part of all things but it’s so fun! Here! I made the TOS command badge and am now making the Engineering one! I am quite proud of these :D
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Favourite color: Ourple!!
Tagged by: the lovely @flippyspoon
Tagging: (no pressure to respond any of y’all! I just think this could be fun!) @threefandomsinatrenchcoat @pirateshauntedbydadjokes @1031-discovery @gay-mooshrooms @frogayyyy @purpleenma
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god-damnit-vinne · 3 months ago
intro post or something i guess????
heya!! my name is vinne (short for vincent)
my pronouns are he/him, i’m transmasc
i’m a minor, and with that i also ask to please not send me donation asks as i cannot currently help and they stress me out a lot
shuichi gender poll
i have diagnosed adhd and anxiety
im into a biiiiiig mess of media that quite literally ranges from a kid’s book series to a graphically violent trial game
with that being said i can now admit my current hyperfixation is danganronpa (and im not even a unique fan really, my favorite characters are the antags dkcjsocjeiciej)
other stuff i like includes tbhk, wof, alnst and tpn (but i watched the anime like a loser)
uhh i do art sometimes when im motivated and my art blog is @vinnewhenhecandraw (my other extra blog is @vinnes-reblogblog + @evil-parallel-universe-vinne )
the stuff i post almost never makes sense due to classic tumblr lack of context so if my stuff is too vague to understand yep thats the point
well i think that’s it for now uh if you have any questions that i didnt cover above then you can reply to this post with your question and i’ll answer it :]
personal character tags
#wet cat looking guy - shuichi
#grape (derogatory) - kokichi
#luminary of sick bars - kaito
#the girl ever (1) - kaede
#the girl ever (2) - maki
#the girl ever (derogatory) - miu
^^ i dont use these lol
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loganslowdown4 · 10 months ago
Roleslaying With Roman Podcast Continues!
We got this announcement and a message about the team won’t be collaborating with Gabe James Games going forward.
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Here’s a link to the podcast!
I love these little polls and questions he asks—
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And I’ve decided to do my Rewatch/Recap here too!
Spoilers for the episode below if you haven’t seen/heard it yet!
Frogtown, Baby! Chapter 4 Episode 10 Recap!
- The image of Roman and Youngblood in the backseat of such a modern vehicle is just so funny to me
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- They’re launched out of the cab, YB lands on his feet, Roman lands on his butt lol
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- YB hating potions class bc they all tasted like booty LMAO
- YB and Roman pushing each other over makes me so stupidly happy lmao
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- YB throwing the pasta at the children and Roman chiding him ahahhah
- ‘And then we have that rock. It’s a rock’ I don’t know why that line is so funny to me
- Both together: ‘Ohhh OHHHH’ Roman and Youngblood everyone 😂👏
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- Snare slapping Roman omggggg he was being to cheeky lol
- The ‘montage’ of Croakman hopping over the bridge with Froggerson on his back ‘top that Youngribbit!’ And then Henderson throws up lmao
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- Roman and YB both roll Nat 20s and save Henderson from falling, landing perfectly ‘YAY WE’RE GOOD PARENTS’ I love him lol
- ‘You want to bring Henderson into this battle?’ They go hide in the house ‘well f**k us I guess’ oh Roman lol
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- Orzo hits Roman with mud ‘ahhh it smells like farts and lost hope!’
- ‘Orzo tosses Manicotti?? OH MY GOTTI!’
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- Melle Vinne thumbs up ‘You got this!’ Gives them the finger ahahaha
- ‘Youngblood your moves are so funky fresh’ yessss
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I love this show to pieces ❤️💜⚔️
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physicxal · 3 years ago
to being friends - vinnie hacker
hope you enjoy this! a new series im thinking of starting. btw, still taking requests! <3 but yh, enjoy. I may make this into a series, if I find inspiration.
tags: swearing, angst, brief mentions of sex.
summary: the glorified friends with benefits trope always ends with someone getting hurt. or does it?
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credits to @/ vinniexhoney on insta for the pic!
“so what, it’s over then?” vinnie exclaims, running a hand over his stressed face.
“it was never something to begin with vinnie and you know that! how many times did i have to remind you, send you hints, huh?! don’t put this on me!” y/n says, her hands flying in the air as she defended herself.
the two had been fighting after she ended their little… agreement of each other. vinnie had started to get too attached and she just didn’t like that.
“you were leading me on this whole time! you say that you gave me hints but all you did was just endlessly flirt with me, touch me. you were just using me for my body? nice to know your just like the others…”
“i’m not! i’m done with this” she says, walking towards her bag and packing her stuff. she had plans on staying with him for the night, but i guess things change.
“where the fuck are you going? you’re just gonna walk out in the middle of this?”
“theres nothing left to say, you’ve said your part and i’ve said mine. i’m sorry that i was a bit affectionate, but me fucking you doesn’t mean that i want to fucking be with you!”
her words were harsh. too harsh. and as soon as she said it, she regretted it. vinnie’s face dropped at her words, disappointment filling the atmosphere.
“just go y/n, shut the door on your way out” he mumbles, walking into his bathroom and slamming the door shut.
the girl went to protest against it, but sighed in response. she felt bad. really really bad. partly because she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing at all. i mean, she wants vinnie but the thought of their relationship growing at that speed made her anxious. she simply wasn’t ready for it and she didn’t know when either.
y/n reached into her pocket, attempting to call her friend, stella. her tear filled eyes made things hard to see but she was able to do it.
“hey girl-“
“stell, please pick me up. i’m at hype house”
“i know you didn’t just mistake me as an uber driver…”
“stella please! no jokes, shit just went down”
“alright alright i’ll be there in 10!” she shouts and ends the call.
y/n chuckled at her friends behaviour, before reaching for her bag and leaving vinnie’s room.
on the other hand, vinnie had his head leant up against the door, listening to every move she made. would she follow him? call for him to call back?
his heart dropped when he heard her pleas for a ride. she didn’t care, he should have known. he wiped his face clear of all the fallen tears, and shook his head.
“you alright?” stella said as she saw the nervous look on her bestfriend face.
“i just broke up, well, ended things with vinnie…” y/n whispered, looking out the window as she tried to hold her emotions.
“no shit! why? i thought he was getting it good”
“he was but he caught feelings. taking me out on dates, romantic presents it was getting to much! i don’t want to hurt him but i also knew that if we kept it up it would have gotten worse” she fiddled with her fingers.
“i get that… so you didn’t like him like that?”
“i liked him but it’s not like i’m ready to be his girlfriend”
“really? i would think that vinnie would be the best boyfriend material. i mean the looks, the personality. what was it that put you off?”
y/n’s heart sank. she wasn’t ready to fully except her past, now wasn’t the time,” honestly i don’t know, it’s just… y’know…”
“hey well look on the bright side! city girls up 100 points!” stella laughed, as the two approached their apartment.
“yeah…” y/n chuckled. it wasn’t funny. none of this was. but she had to keep it up otherwise her true self would come out.
she looked out the window as she felt tears well up in her eyes. vinnie was everything she wanted, but she wasn’t ready.
and she doesn’t have to be. right?
downfall. y/n was slowly spiralling and everyone could see it. she stopped texting her mother, started to go to the clubs more and even bailed on work a couple of times, due to the intense headache that came the next morning. hell, it was so bad that stella was even concerned, and that girl was the definition of a hot girl.
y/n even started having more one night stands and sex. she wasn’t getting it from vinnie anymore, so she decided to compromise. not that it was a bad thing, but it was slowly starting to bring her down. it wasn’t ever liberating. being used and forgotten the next day only worsened her mental health.
“you tryna hit this spot?” stella said as she jumped onto the brown leather couch y/n was spawned upon.
“spot?” y/n groaned as she put a shaky hand to her forehead, hoping to somewhat massage the pounding sensation away.
“this new restaurant down in beverly, it’s meant to be really good” stella said, shoving her phone in her sick friends face.
“ugh… idk i still feel ill…”
“just come! i’m hungry and it’s meant to have hot guys there!”
“wait really?”
“yeah friend… come on… for me?” stella pouted, as y/n rolled her eyes.
“well… if your paying like the lovely gentleman you are….”
“hush! go get dressed!”
giggling, the sick girl stood up and held her hands up in defence, “okay okay!”
“girl, this place is hella boujee. thought this was a bar?”
“yeah, a rich bar. i’m not sure about you but i’m looking for a husband so-“
“whatever, i just want to eat” y/n said, feeling a little insecure in her crop top and jeans. too casual dumbass.
“table for two?” the waiter came round, looking y/n up and down for her outfit.
“ehh, no we’ll just be at the bar” stella answered rather quickly. y/n furrowed her eyebrows, following her friends eye line to see what got her so excited. her eyes widened at the sight.
vinnie. and a couple of their friends of course.
“oh my gosh! fancy seeing you guys here!” stella giggled at she pulled y/n towards the group. jett started laughing, almost like he made the plan. it was working out well.
“hey! come join us!” jett says, waving his hand to the convenient two empty seats. stella would not hear the end of this.
y/n cleared her throat as she tried to look anywhere but at vinnie. she could feel his stare burn into her figure, making her nervous and thus resulting in her biting her fingernail. wasn’t hygienic but she was so deep into the habit that she couldn’t stop herself.
she couldn’t take vinnie’s insane stare any longer, otherwise she’d end up biting the whole skin off her arm. so the girl stood straighter and looked at him with faux confidence admiring his “new look”.
he looked… different. a haircut. a little healthier. y/n couldn’t help but feel upset that he was doing so well without her, whilst she needed sex to make her get up in the morning. was it selfish of her to want to see him, not happy? who knows, maybe he was doing the same thing?
“y/n, hi!!” liza said, stepping towards you. her hands spread and she engulfed her in a tight hug.
y/n groaned from the pressure of the hugs, wrapping her hands round the girl in response. the two hadn’t seen each other for a while, nearly a month to be exact.
“hi babe how ar-“
“you have to try this cocktail! it was literally made for you” liza and her hyper self said, grabbing y/n by the hand and bringing her to the bar. she was trapped now, and every little piece of confidence she pretend to have left like a spirit.
she was now sandwiched in between vinnie and liza, the girl looking up at stella who was giving a sympathetic smile. y/n rolled her eyes, obviously angry with her best friend and the whole situation.
“the cocktail is over there, vinnie could you pass it?” liza said, as y/n gave her a look of craze. it’s either this bitch is just oblivious to the awkwardness or she’s doing it on purpose.
“uh, yeah” vinnie said, his voice smooth. it was nice to know that someone was calm. he reached over to grab the pink drink, turning to y/n to pass it on.
“i-uh, gotta go to the restroom-“ she said quickly, looking down at her fingers. it was almost pathetic. just a few weeks ago, she was in control of her situation with vinnie, but now it seems like the tables have turned.
“wait y/n! hey..” he said, grabbing onto her hand softly. what was with everyone grabbing her today? 
“you wanna talk outside?” he said, an anxious look on his face. okay, maybe he does still care?
“i- um” she said, her words stumbling at the unexpected question. it was too soon, she didn’t even know what to say to him.
“i… don’t think that’s a very good idea vinnie”
“why not?”
she shrugged in response, hopefully giving him the answer that he needed.
“please…” he said again, his eyes showing desperation. the way he was looking at her… she couldn’t say no.
“how have you been?” y/n asked she sits on the cold seat on the balcony. small talk to start, right?
“honestly…a wreck” he responded, leaning back against his chair. y/n nodded her head, but inside she felt warm.
he gulped, trying to find a good way of saying how he felt. vinnie knew the pressure was too much, but that’s because he was slowly falling for her. he sat up resting his hand in her thigh. the girl tensed at the feeling.
“i’m sorry i put all that pressure on you. it wasn’t fair. you did warn me that it was just sex and i let my emotions get in the way, but i need you back in my life. we can just be friends… if that makes you comfortable of course bu-“
“i would love that vinnie” she smiled. it was honestly the worst weeks without him, and she couldn’t imagine going through it for any longer. her hand rested upon his as she squeezed it a little, earning a smile from vinnie.
“okay… to being friends?”
“to being friends”
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habit-and-evan · 2 years ago
One of the most strangest yet unnerving yet hilarious dream I ever slept. At first, I frequently visit Evan if he's good(obviously he's not) then I ended up hanging out with Jay from Marble Hornets as he's my friend and some random stranger. We were about to visit back to Evan's place, it ended up into a maze which I'm guessing it's your doing fucking with us. We finally got to the door and see Evan(?) sitting down facing away from us.
"Evan? You good?" I nervously asked. When he turned around with a wide grin, I suddenly realized it was you, Habit himself. You said with your eyes pierced at me and a slight snarl, "Welcome back, rabbit! You brought guests! Sacrifices..."
Confused and nervous, the stranger ended up being hanged by a noose by you. Jay was reasonably horrified while my reaction is mild compared to his, just shocked. Guess I was used to your killings, I'm dead inside. "It's okay Jay, I'm sorry I brought you here-" I got cut off by your tight grip on my arm and pulled away(could've sworn you gonna break my arm). Forcefully sit on a chair next to my brother(?) and mumble to myself, "Oh no..."
"So, who's gonna go first dealing with me?" You said with a hint of glee and homicide. Jay sigh and bravely walk to you, "I will."
I'll never forget his sacrifice and distraction for my brother to escape. I told my bro to cut off our contact and never see me again for his safety from you and God knows what other entity will get involved. He sadly understood and left immediately.
Time skip, after whatever happened to Jay, the house is eerily silent. Just you cleaning the living room. I silently decided to help you for some reason (oh I'm so brave) and see cocoa puffs everywhere. "Why is it everywhere and so many cereal boxes? Is it you feeding Vinny?" I asked. You answered "mhm" without looking.
"Would've been more hilarious if it's Trix cereal. 'Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!'" I weezed. "Wait wait, I did hung out with my two friends recently." I laughed like a maniac and felt like you're gonna kill me for these dumb jokes.
"You really gonna joke around while your friends are dead..."
I swiftly look back and Evan came back with a disappointed look. I choked, "Fuck, I'm sorry! I guess I'm coping and slowly losing my sanity. I swear I heard audience laugh at my jokes in my head. Plus, you came back. Did Habit got sick of me? Well sorry, it's a bad habit.(lmao wtf)"
Evan rolled his eyes, "Look, at least I have you and Vinn-" He suddenly trip and accidentally bump onto me. We both fell into a void.
Sorry if it's long. It's something. Lmao
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creepytoes88 · 4 years ago
The first time you see Vinnie’s penis.
More fluffy and funny then usual but daddy kink as always lol
Vinnie and I have been seeing each other for awhile it's been 3 months since we started dating. I told him I wanted to take things slow so we just told are friends last week, we're not planning on going public anytime soon. However, when I said I wanted to take things slow I didn't mean this. Fucking. Slow. We have yet to do more then open-mouth kissing. I know Vinnie wants to go further he grabs my body so tight when we kiss I can feel him stiffen and then he pulls away. I wanna tell him I want to go further but I'm too nervous I haven't even spent the night at his house yet. However, My best friend told me that enough was enough and I need to put my big girl pants on and ask Vinnie to spend the night at my house. She then proceeded to tell me I need to grow up and suck his dick and stop being a little bitch.
This may sound unfair because we all go at are own pace but honestly, she's not wrong Vinnie is my first boyfriend so I'm just scared to fuck up and embarrass myself I haven't told him that I just figured he can tell. I very obviously didn't know how to kiss, I was so stiff and awkward the first time, Vinnie had to place my hands that we're stuck to my sides on his waist making my hands and knees shake with anxiety. Vinnie never complained or teased me about it and after a few minutes I got the hang of it and stopped being so nervous. I suppose I kiss alright now Vinnie never complains but he never complains about anything sometimes it bothers me. I just wanna know what he's thinking and feeling. I take a deep breath and pull up his contract I press facetime hoping it's not bad time. ”Hey pretty girl” I giggle at him ”Vinnie, do you wanna spend the night at my house tonight?” I ask. I know if I waited any longer I would Chicken out ”I-ye- yea I would love too!” Vinnie says shocked ”um do you want me to come over now?” I look around my apartment and decided to clean up a bit and shower.
”Actually can you come over about 7 or 8 I wanna shower and make dinner?” I ask as I walk into the kitchen to pull out some Hamburger to become room temp. ”Yea of course do you want me to get anything or bring anything? He asked me ”no I'm good, so I'll see you later then.” ”Yes see you then haha,” Vinnie says awkwardly ”alright bye baby” I hang up and tidy up the living room and my bedroom before hopping in the shower. I put on cute lingerie just in case before putting on a big t-shirt and shorts. I walk downstairs and turn on some music then I head into the kitchen and start cooking the tocos I'm making for dinner.
I'm almost down with the tocos when I hear a knock on the door I whip my hands with a towel as I walk to the door. I look out of the peephole to see it's Vinnie and Immediately open the door giving him a hug and a quick kiss. ”mmm did you miss me or something?” Vinnie says with a chuckle kissing me again
”Yea I'm excited for our sleepover! Come on the tocos are done!” I grab his hand as pull him into the kitchen with I hand Vinnie a plate and grab my own both of us filling them with tocos sitting down and eating watching some anime Vinnie likes. When we're done I grab are dishes, and walk the kitchen Vinnie following close behind ”Let me do that, you cooked dinner” I kiss him lightly standing on my tippy toes ”no I got it I'm just gonna put them in the dishwasher you can get ready for bed or take a shower if want I'll be up there soon.”
After I put the dishes up I turn off the lights and double-check the door to make sure its locked up. I then head upstairs and I see my bathroom door closed and no Vinnie so I lay in the bed and think about how I'm gonna bring up in conversation that I wanna speed things up a little. I'm spaced out in my own little world I didn't even hear Vinnie get out of the shower
”baby I didn't bring pajamas but if you want I can put my sweats back on?” Vinnie asks as he towel drys his hair my eyes glued to his skin-tight black boxers, His happy trail and v lines making my mind numb to everything around me. ”I guess it's not a problem then huh” Vinnie says snapping me out of my dirty thoughts I feel a blush bloom on my face. ”Its ok baby, look all you want it's all yours” Vinnie says as puts his towel back in the bathroom. That sentence went straight to my core I would never admit it, but what he said made me feel encouraged me to do what I did next.
I hurry and take off my shirt and shorts before sitting back on the bed Vinnie steps out of the bathroom and looks at my half-naked body in my skimpy dark purple lingering and just walks around the bed before sitting down so are looking at opposite sides of the room. I let out a puff in frustration he didn't even look embarrassed to see me like this, maybe he doesn't think I'm pretty my bottom lip quivers but I refused to cry. I stand up as I fast walk to my drawers grabbing pajamas and running to the bathroom I pull off my expensive lingerie I bought just for tonight and toss on an old sweatshirt and leggings tossing my perfectly curled hair into a messy bun I bend over picking up my undergarments. Stepping out of the bathroom I see Vinnie sitting in the bed he then looks up but I look away before throwing my new underwear in the garage next to the door silently as I turn off the lights I hear Vinnie gasp.
”Baby-” Vinnie starts to say ”just go to sleep Vinnie.” I say coldly as I turn my back to him and close my eyes ”I- Baby I'm sorr-” Vinnie tries again to speak ”stop Vinnie I get it, it's over with and it won't happen again just go to bed.” I say with attitude ”what do you get exactly? because I feel like I'm just on the page you were on a few seconds ago and now you're on a whole other page.” I sniff and look at him ”You don't think I'm attractive it's fine just honestly I wish you would ha-” I mumbled, ”WHAT! WHO SAID THAT!” I jumped at the raise in his tone ”DON'T YELL AT ME!” I sit up and yell back ”You said it yourself when you came out of the bathroom to find me in skimpy ass underwear and just ignored me and sat looking away from me.” I say angrily as tears start to fall from frustration.
”NO I THINK YOUR THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMAN I HAVE SEEN-I-I-I” he stops and takes a deep breath ”baby I didn't want to make you uncomfortable you said you wanted things to go slow and I was amazed you asked me to sleepover tonight I didn't want to risk you being uncomfortable if I mentioned how sexy you looked in case that's just what you like to sleep in” Vinne looks down and sighs ” I know how fucking dumb that was now looking back... I'm sorry baby” he grabs my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze back and turn towards him kissing him on the lips ”all is forgotten, love,” I say as I rub his cheek lovingly ”If you're still down for it..... I would love to see you in it up close and personal...only if you want too yo-” Vinnie starts to ramble. ”Give me one second to change” I then grab them out of the trash and run to the bathroom putting them back on pulling my hair out of the bun it's still pretty curly.
I walk out and see the lights are back on and Vinnie’s sitting on the side of the bed that is closer to the bathroom. He looks up and locks eyes with me before slowly dragging his eyes down my body ”Can you turn for me pretty?” I blush and I slowly turn doing a full 360 ”Oh shit baby your perfect” Vinnie moans out standing
Up as he takes my hand pulling me a little closer ”Do you want to take it off?” I ask with a sudden burst of confidence. ”I-I yea... Am-am...ya know-” I interpret him ” Yes please touch me, Vinnie.” I moan slightly as he pulls my bra off before I turn around and bend over so Vinnie will get a good view of my ass and pull my underwear down my legs before stepping out of them and slowly walking the short distance to the bed with Vinnie.
He reaches his hand out to me, before turning me twirling me in a circle twice ”God baby you're so fucking sexy” I grab his face and kiss his lips ”touch me please” I whimper out
”anything you want baby girl just say the word and it's done I don't want you to feel like that ever again, you're the most beautiful girl in the world.” Vinnie says as he pulls my hips towards him pulling me on his lap my clothed core resting on top of his semi-hard dick I blush as I grab ahold of his shoulders balancing myself on his lap. ”First you need to tell me something” Vinnie says ”is this your first time with..... Yea know anything” I giggle
”everything is a first for me” I answer honestly
”I'm not dense I know what a penis looks like I just have never done anything before, I've never had a boyfriend so everything is new and I mean everything” I laugh and blush.
Vinnie takes a deep breath pulling me into a hug ”have you ever touched yourself before” I suck in a breath too late now for personal questions ”um... No” I confessed face bright red at this point. ”Don’t be embarrassed baby I'll teach you” I groan as I throw my head into Vinnie's neck but as I did I grinded into his lap making us both moan. Vinnie crashes his lips against mine grabbing my hips and making me grind against his hard dick, his mouth biting and licking at my bottom lip, I wanna kiss Vinnie like that I bet his lips are soft I take a leap of faith and nibble on his bottom lip this time. Vinnie lets out a groan bucking his hips against my grinding core I have never felt this feeling in my tummy it's kinda distracting I feel Vinnie lick my teeth I open my mouth for him and his warm tongue caressing mine in a warm embrace. My hips snap against his growing bulge the pressure in my tummy starting to feel really good as I let out a small moan gripping Vinnie’s shoulder as our tongues slid in each others mouths.
He tastes like mint and cherry chapstick making me release more moans as I run my hands through his hair tugging and grinding at the same time ”Oh Vinnie we have to stop somethings wrong with my stomach-" Vinnie just moans and kisses my neck grabbing my hips making me grind even harder against him ”Vinnie what are you doing-” Vinnie bucks and grinds against my core ”Gonna make you cum baby” I can feel my stomach drop this is
”but-” I let out a loud moan ”Vinnie- stop-OP UGH DON'T STOP PLEASE VINNIE!” my hips stuttering against his ”that's right baby... Let it out” Vinnie says as he rubs my ass in between his hands. ”OOOOH VINNIE” I feel my soul leave my body as I go limp against him I can feel my arousal on his boxers.
I feel Vinnie lay me down on the bed rubbing my thighs as he kisses my quivering stomach
”gosh vinnie... That was-Vinnie what are you do-” I let out a loud moan as vinnie sucks Hickeys on my inner thighs as he rubs my clit in circles softly ”do you trust me Princess?” I sigh and try to control my breathing. ”Yes Vin I trust yo-U AGH... Please touch me” Vinnie leans his head down blowing cool air on my area ”can I taste you baby” my eyes fly open ”can you what?” I look down at him with a questioning gaze. Vinnie just chuckle before licking a thick stripe slowly up from my dripping hole to my sensitive clit making me released profanity
”AGH VINNIE FUCK..MORE” I thrust my hips on his face as he swirls his tongue around my clit before dipping it inside of me. His mouth makes slurping sounds as whines and moans come out of mine.
I grab his head pushing him down so I am humping his face I feel the vibrations from him groans ”VINNIE ITS HAPPENING AGAIN.” I warn him ”let it out baby I wanna taste your sweetness all over my tongue baby.” I grab fists full of his hair as I moan and grind against his tongue driving me crazy. ”DADDY YESSSS FUCK!” I moan out as I release my hold on his soft hair his tongue still slurping up my wetness. Vinnie pulls away as he licks his lips breathing heavily ”you taste so good baby you think I could have another taste?” he says as his head tilts looking at me ”yes but I want to taste you first.” I say as I eye his large cock in his boxers begging to be released ”you might have to help a little.” I drop to my knees in front of Vinnie ”Oh baby you don't have to do that I-” I look up at him with a pouty face ”I want to.” I say with my bottom lip hanging out out
”Don’t you want me to make you feel good daddy?” I bat my long lashes up at him ”I wanna taste you sooo bad daddy” I bite my lip as I trace the band on his boxers ”I- ok baby what ever you want” Vinnie says with a moan.
I lean in close to him as I pull down his tight boxers I see something flash by at the same time as I feel something hit me on the tip of my nose making me jump back and gasp. Vinnie lets out a loud laugh and a blush spreads across his face ” I guess I should have told you to back up a bit huh” Vinnie says with a nervous laugh my eyes wide as i’m face level with the biggest dick I have ever seen IN MY LIFE. ”Holy shit Vinnie it's-it’s HUGE!” I move my head to the side to see it better, the width and length of his cock kind of scared me honestly ”Vinnie..... I don't think it's gonna fit....anywhere.” His red mushroom tip leaking pre-cum, I trail my eyes along the Vain in his cock leading my eyes to his massive balls.
( I hate myself 😁) ”you don't have to if you don't want to baby-” I tear my eyes from his beautiful cock to look into his own eyes ”Oh I want to...it just might take a second.” I lick my lips before licking his big angry tip he tastes kinda good ”mmm daddy you taste so good” I kitten lick his tip while I grab a hole of his thick base rubbing my thumb over his balls. I giggle to myself ”W-What baby?” Vinnie asks as he runs his hands through his hair ”your balls are soft... I was kinda expecting then to be hard”
I say with a laugh Vinnie chuckles down at me ”you really don’t ha-” before he could finish his sentence I take his cock as far into my mouth as I could licking and sucking not really knowing what to do I just sit there sucking on his cock. ”Oh fuck baby move” I pull back confused as Vinnie whines at the loss of contact ”move what?” Vinnie throws his head back moaning ”Jesus you really have no clue what your doing do you?” I shake my head no as I look up at him ”you just want to move your head back and forth-”my eyes widening ”like your fucking my mouth!” I say excited and grab ahold of his hips and look up so we are looking into the eyes of each other ”fuck my mouth baby show me how you like it.” My mouth watering at the thought of his taste making my mouth fall open as my hands hold on tight to his hips
”fuck baby are you sure” ”yes daddy please I wanna taste you.” I whine as my mouth falls open again immediately his hot tip is pushed in my mouth. Vinnie takes a deep breath as he slowly pushes back into my throat I moan slightly as his taste floods my mouth latches around his thick cock. I moan and rub his thighs, laughing to myself at his harry legs, His cock hits the back of my throat making me open my eyes he's only a quarter of the way covered by my mouth I push against him making is tip go further down my throat I choke a little bit keep pushing ”Oh fuck baby th-that feels so good” he runs his hand through my hair about half of his cock is in my mouth. Now it's a challenge to fit the whole thing in my mouth I know I can do it so I push further down his cock looking up at him for help. ”fuck baby are you sure?” I nod my head as I breathe heavily through my nose Vinnie grabs my hair into a makeshift ponytail and pushes my head down slowly I can feel his cock go deeper down my throat making be moan around him.
”Baby I won't last long if you keep doing that your throat is so tight.” Vinnie moans out before pushing the rest down my throat I choke around him making him moan I pull my head back so I could get a breath through my nose before taking him back into my mouth I began sucking and licking his base best I could with his cock down my throat. ”fuck baby just like that” Vinnie groans out I play with his balls in one hand as I pull back to catch a breath I lean forward to suck on his balls making him throw his head back and grab onto the wall behind me. ”I’m not gonna la-last long pretty” Vinnie moans out ”cum down my throat with your pretty cock daddy” I put his cock back in my mouth sucking as I move my head back and forth before putting him down my throat again I feel his tip twitch ”Baby I'm cumming! I'm cumming!” Vinnie thrust his hips against my face his balls slapped my spit-covered chin I feel his warm cum flood down my throat, swallowing all of it.
”mmm daddy you taste so good” I stand up and hug Vinnie as he leans into me making me laugh ”come on handsome let's go to bed.” I lay Vinnie down before covering him with the blanket and kissing his lips ”I'm the one that's supposed to be taking care of you.” Vinnie says with a pouty face making me laugh ”gonna brush my teeth real quick baby” when I get back Vinnie is barely awake waiting for me ”I was gonna go to sleep but I want kisses and cuddles.” Vinnie says with a yawn I walk over to him and get in bed giving him a big kiss before turning so his naked chest against my naked back we fall asleep to the sound of each others breathing.
Tags: @vinnie-hacker1 
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just-asks-and-answers · 4 years ago
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I had originally planned on Just Asks being a comic! Independent of an askblog. I wasn't confident that I would get enough attention. Dynamics arc from the original FEAR Event was the only main arc I had thought of for the post-game.
As for the designs shown here, yes Rhythms original name was Beat HGFNGN- I had intended for each of their outfits to have a dangly piece of their clothing that would flow in a weightless kind of manner when they flew. Tempos was his scarf, Pitch I wasn't too sure if I wanted it to be his cape or like??? Ribbons??? Around his wrists??? Yeah I still don't know. Dynamics was the end of her jacket and Rhythms was the tails of her bandanna!
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I had some basic character notes for them too! For the most part these concepts still do apply to the characters nowadays! Tempo is the confident leader, Pitch is chill, Dynamic is loud and rowdy and Rhythm is a sweetie! Of course, much has still changed.
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Gijinkas!! Old ones at that! Rhythm had a couple names before settling on Rhythm clearly ehehe! Her name was Bass after it was Beat! Tempo and Rhythm have mostly been unchanged in terms of gijinka design. I think Blixers was really adorable to be honest EHEHE- Also o hey Isos.
From this point on these are all largely unseen doodles from after I started the blog! So this is where it gets a bit more familiar!
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An ask was sent to Blixer and I was like AWW SHIT!! So for the school day that day I wanted to make a final version of his design. It's pretty close to the design I ended up going for. Torn leather jacket and jeans, leather boots and headphones. But I ended up removing the shoulder spikes, and adding one VERY important and iconic detail.
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His head bandages! By this point I had been lurking around the Tumblr community on JSAB and seeing everyones different versions of the boss. Azzies really cute take with Beam. Roses bad boy take with Phae. Bigbys chilled out casual but still specific style by Astral. They'd have headphones or the little fragments around their heads but, I always wondered.. there was no sign or trace of annihilate alot of the time! Some would have massive scars on their head but I wanted to show mine a little differently! As well as also portray Blixer as someone who had been washed up. A defeated villain. The leather jacket he wore as New Game being torn up, having lost all of his flair.. and with the bandages to boot? I wanted to convey that even if he's this big, spikey monster, he's also.. defeated and miserable and pitiable.
Blixer was clearly bothered by it, but after making that promise to Dy, the guilt kinda came in strong. He did wish he could have that power again, but he promised Dy didn't he?
WELP. Guess Dy was right to be scared of him.
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Man.. F to Pitch... and Dy.. and everyone for that matter! Yeah Blixer was supposed to go apeshit and take over again. The eventual method he did this in was teaming up with the tower shapes, Into The Zone, Try This and Vindicate Me, since they still supported Blixer being the Ruler of Paradise. They had a HUGE concert in a nearby city, that the Quartet attended. Pitch played with them, completely unaware of his friends plans. When the signal was given, Zedd, Vinn and Ty completely shut the show down tight! Trapping the Quartet and the rest of the attendants while Blixer booked it for the Tree again. Pitch broke out and tried to stop him but.. alas.. it was too late :).
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pepurika · 4 years ago
Will we get to know more about how different Kartana and Lucentia as cities? The different cultures, religious views, ethnic groups, lore etc? 👉👈
I have a lot of lore written out but i don’t know how much i have time to tell everything! I try my best not to make the story get too swollen, because there’s a lot of things on the table already and the focus is on the relationships.
I can tell that lucentia and kartana, the largest and most influential city-states in this part of the world have been at war when ludo’s and remy’s grandparents were young, and after the both cities realized it was only harming them equally they called a truce and started building their future together instead. Which meant; marrying the noble families back and forth! Varna is from kartana (the bonnaire mom) (also this is why dad bonnaire had been reluctant in marrying ludo for any kartanian man because it would mean her having to move there, far far away but......... . .let’s say the engagement of ludo and jamis has a special agreement where they both stay in lucentia, and jamis would have continued sailing on the gallant (he’s a bit under ludo in status, so for him it was a step up, even if he continues to be ’only’ the first mate of bonnaire family ship. Also it was suggested by jamis who has no desire to return back to his family and feels more at home with the bonnaires lol)
So most of the lucentian and kartanian nobles these days have roots in both cities, and commoner families have more or less followed the tradition. and also when a noble woman moves to either city she brings with her her own small army of servants, who also might marry with someone local at some point (it’s not uncommon in this world for servants to marry, most of them don’t tho because it’s a respected, hard-earned position where you can earn a lot of money and a way to provide for the rest of your family also. marrying and getting kids makes it more difficult to keep your job where you have to be present 247, but some noble families are eccentric and non-traditional in a way that they don’t mind there being servant kids in their houses (you can take a wild guess which family i’m talking about lololol) Kartana is located in more unforgiving place than lucentia, their summers are hot and burning, and their winters cold and windy. the river vinn goes through the city, and is considered the “vein” of the city that keeps it alive. the people are generally thought being more resilient, stocky built and tall, and “more hard workers than those soft lucentians”. lucentia is located in the calm waters of the inner sea, protected by the island their city is on. lucentians are generally thought being shorter and having softer features. lucentians think of themselves sometimes more better than the rest of the world because of their “superior love for all things culture, art and music”.
in kartana they believe in a dualistic god, that has two faces on the same being, the sun and the moon. they are brother and sister, and sometimes it’s presented with both sexes at the same time. they gave birth to all living beings, and “also to a man perfect in every way, but it was tainted by the sin of people, turned against its parents and drove the people away from the house of god”. the similarities in lucentian and kartanian religions have made it easier for the two cities to connect, both having two main deities (in a way) and some antagonist that cut the ties between man and god. there are people who believe in both religions, and see them just different sides of the same coin. it’s also more common in kartana to not to be as spiritual as lucentians tend to be. like jamis is more or less “eh” when it comes to gods in oppose to, for example honeyfoot, who strongly believes in the gods and has even gone as far as to claim that he has seen an ancient divine beast, a being that was made by the god of the sea in time when he was trying to get the attention of the wind.
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vinndicate · 8 years ago
anon who just sent me that message about my crushes:
my answer is yes.
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keldae · 4 years ago
Theron might not have been a Jedi, or able to use the Force, but that didn't mean he hadn't learned to listen to his instincts. His gut intuition had gotten him both into and out of trouble countless times during his career in espionage.
And right now, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him.
You're paranoid, he thought, shaking his head sternly, shivering involuntarily as the cool breeze tickled his exposed scalp. You know it's Gemini stalking you as per usual. He turned a corner into an alley -- a shortcut to his current bolthole. Or Atrius is watching. Keep your cover, don't let them know you're onto them…
He habitually turned his head, scanning the few seedy characters of the underworld of Mek-Sha as they passed the front of the alley. Nobody giving him a second look, nobody looking like they were hunting the Alliance's Most Wanted. Just criminals and gangsters and refugees, trodding along the planks, all but invisible in the dim, soggy lighting.
Theron shook his head again as a hooded figure walked past the alley. Probably one of the creepy slaver cult that operated here. If he survived this, he would have to tell Sorand about this so the former Sith could deal with the slavers that he despised so -- no, don't think ahead. Sorand is more likely to kill you himself. He sighed and stepped back into the alley. He was pretty sure Xaja's youngest brother, essentially the Acting Commander from what he heard, had no idea about this plot. And the idea of being on the shitlist of a Dark Lord of the Sith and former member of the Dark Council was almost as terrifying as an idea as being on the shitlist of Imperial Intelligence’s most notorious field agent.
She wouldn't send her father after me, right? Lana would veto that. Theron shuddered, refusing to admit how much the prospect of being hunted by Cipher Nine scared him. It was bad enough that Shara was hunting him -- rumour had it the Champion of the Great Hunt had taken on the contract for him for free, as a favour to her sister-in-law (with much angry snarling about honour and cowardice and how Theron had plenty of one and not nearly enough of the other, according to Korin’s updates). As long as she doesn't get a trace on you, you'll be fine. Right?
The lights in the alley surged with brightness for a second before falling dark, leaving Theron momentarily blinded. He was already ducking and moving, relying on his memory to navigate the cluttered alley, every instinct screaming at him to run. The power surge was too targeted to be a fluke, and the sound of a ventilation shaft falling open with a deafening hiss was too coincidental. He was--
A hand roughly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. Theron grunted in discomfort and drove his heel down, barely catching the side of his assailant's boot, and not throwing off his attacker’s stride in the least, by the feel of it. He felt himself being yanked backward, deeper into the alley shadows; he threw his body weight back, for a second surprising his attacker. It bought him enough time to yank his arm free and turn around, but before he could reach for a blaster or bring his bracer up to fire a toxin dart, he grunted again as he felt his attacker -- humanoid male, he guessed -- land a solid off-hand punch to his midsection, winding him and throwing him off balance. The sharp edge of a crate dug into Theron's back as he was shoved backward by his attacker, his wrist caught in a durasteel grip that prevented him from fighting back. He heard the soft shhhk of a knife being quickly drawn, and was forced to stop trying to fight his way free when he felt the sharp edge against his throat, his heart pounding with barely suppressed fear. Weren't spies supposed to be better at managing their fear and ambushes than this?
His stomach turned to lead when he heard his attacker's low, furious growl. "You have thirty seconds to convince me to not skin you alive, kid." Cipher Nine apparently had decided to track the rogue spy himself, and Theron's mind decided now was a good moment to helpfully remind him of the old man's reputation as a sociopath with a vicious streak a parsec wide. And he was pretty sure the fact that he was the old spy's son-in-law was negated by the fact that he had publicly tried to kill his precious daughter.
Theron grunted in discomfort as he felt Reanden press the knife tighter against his throat. "It was necessary," he whispered, inwardly cringing at how lame his excuse sounded. "Can't say more. Ears."
"One of which you're about to lose," Reanden snarled. Theron could just see the glint of rage in the old man's eyes under his hood. Shit, he’d really overdone it if the older spy was this furious. "Surveillance systems are knocked out for another minute. That's more than enough time for me to make you unidentifiable."
Theron had no doubt the Imperial legend could make him disappear with ease, and tried to not think about the sharp edge of the knife scraping his throat. Wait, if the surveillance systems were disabled… He could only hope Gemini was blind right now. "... How disabled?" he lowly whispered.
"Dead silence for anyone trying to listen." There was definitely a bit of unnecessary emphasis on 'dead', in Theron's opinion.
But he didn't exactly have room or time to voice that opinion. And if Reanden hadn't killed him yet… "Order of Zildrog," he quickly whispered. “They’re working on a plan to kill her, I don't know the details yet. Ask Arcann what he remembers about Vinn Atrius."
"Vinn Atrius…" Reanden lowly muttered the name as he seemed to mentally file the name away. "You've kept your ear, not sure about your hide yet--"
"Say nothing in front of Gemini Prime," Theron urgently hissed. "They know everything." From how Reanden tensed, he guessed that wasn't a threat the old man had considered. "They're tracking her."
"That so?" For a second, Reanden seemed to think about this new information before Theron heard his low growl again. "Thirty seconds are up, kid."
The knife moved from Theron's throat as the hand holding his wrist immobile loosened a smidge. Theron took immediate advantage and twisted his arm sharply, freeing himself to punch the older spy in the side even while ducking away from the sharp blade. He heard Reanden grunt as the old man was knocked off-balance, and felt the prick of the knife on his temple, but didn't pause long enough to hope this blade wasn't poisoned. His only priority was slipping out of the old man's hold and fleeing down the alley, finally drawing his blaster and blindly firing a warning shot behind him. 
He flinched at a return shot whizzing past his ear and hitting the corner of an abandoned storage bay, sparks flying from the impact. But, when he finally made it back to his safehouse, breathing hard and paranoidly looking over his shoulder, there was no sign of Cipher Nine pursuing him. For a second, Theron let himself hope he'd given the old man the slip, and the former Imperial asset hadn't just flipped on his stealth generator to stalk him from the shadows.
Either way, the situation was more perilous. Mek-Sha was compromised. Theron couldn't linger here -- even if the old man didn't come after him directly, it wouldn't be hard for him to get Shara on the asteroid for the hunt, or an Alliance strike team, or even Xaja herself. And Theron knew he couldn't make himself walk away from Xaja again, not after that glimpse of her on Copero. He had to keep moving.
Hope Nine didn't manage to plant a tracker, he grumbled to himself as he swept everything connected to him out of the cramped room he had called a safehouse and made his escape to the docks. The sooner he was in his shuttle and fleeing into the Unknown Regions, the better.
He had to have believed you, he tried to reassure himself as he slipped away into the shadows, flinching at every little noise that he could hear over the sound of his racing heart. Otherwise he wouldn't have missed with that shot, or let you escape. Right?...
From the shadow cast by a hanging tarp, Reanden watched as his target hurried toward the shuttles, looking terrified despite his best efforts. For a moment, the old spy allowed himself a little smirk: still got it. That reputation he'd built of being a sociopath had taken years to establish -- be a pity to have it wasted on this asshole.
The smirk vanished as he thought about Theron's whispered message. Assuming it was all truth from the younger man, this was some good intel -- and Reanden figured he’d been in the spy business long enough to identify lies and truth. The Order of Zildrog… yes, he'd heard that before. Hylo had managed to intercept a transmission, from Theron himself, mentioning that group. A cult, if he was going to be accurate -- the little bits of intel he'd managed to pull up on them had indicated fanaticism, both in the idolatry of Valkorion's shadow, and a fierce hatred of Xaja and the Alliance. This was confirmation that they were enough to be a serious threat, if Theron was this deeply involved. Infiltration? Investigation? Reanden wasn't sure yet what his son-in-law was up to. But now he had a name to look into -- maybe one of the ringleaders. From the sounds of it, Vinn Atrius had to be Zakuulan -- a former guard for Arcann or Vaylin, or Valkorion himself? Were they behind all the anti-Alliance uprisings that had occurred over the past year or so?
The warning about Gemini Prime made him frown. The droid template had been nonresponsive for months now; it had been assumed that she might have been entirely dead. Reanden felt like kicking himself -- why hadn’t he considered sooner that the droid was a security risk? Had the Order managed to slice into the Gemini systems and pick up intel from there? But how would they have gotten access, with all of the Eternal Fleet currently stationed around Odessen? Maybe they had found something on Iokath? Or maybe there were still ships unaccounted for?
This was giving him a headache. He scowled as Theron's nondescript shuttle fled the docks, hoping the younger spy didn't find the tracker he'd hidden on the vessel earlier; rubbing the bruise over his ribs, he slunk away into the shadows again, mind racing. First order of business was messaging both Korin and Shara to tell them to drop the hunt on this little asteroid, now that their target had escaped. After that, he needed to get back to Odessen and give Xaja this information… and hope his daughter forgave him for not dragging her wayward husband back. If he is infiltrating, capture will get him killed by the cult. Watch and listen. He'll come back up again. His gut instinct was insistent that Theron wasn't legitimately seeking Xaja's death, and so far, his instincts hadn't been wrong before. 
He only hoped he wasn’t going to be proven wrong this time.
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kangaracharacha · 4 years ago
Imogen and all the OC asks
What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about? ‘sparrow’, because she turned up with hawkeye and a sparrow is a little shitty hawk and tony stark thinks he’s funny
What is the color of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin? blue, blonde, white.
How tall is your OC? not very tall. very short. probably like 5′-ish.
What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC? there’s a long, ugly scar on the inside of her collarbone. otherwise, the general bad attitude mixed with the height is. amusing.
What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night? comfortable, practical clothing. dull colours, generic brands, doesn’t mind much what she looks like. for a special occasion, she’d dress down, but appropriate to the occasion.
What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances? angry
Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar? scar on her collarbone.
How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like? I’m honestly struggling here. It’s just normal. Just a normal voice. Good at shouting. Very loud. Usually angry.
What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area? kind of messy but like, organised chaos. she’s not really a chore-doer, yknow, she’s busy doing other stuff and she mostly lives alone so it doesn’t bother her or anyone else. it’s not really out of control or anything. apart from her clothes and stuff, she doesn’t really have her own space; in new york, she lives in clint’s apartment, an old, small space in an outdated building with second-hand furniture and a bunch of clint’s crap still sitting around, and if she has a place in sokovia it’s temporary housing and doubles as an office, so in the grand scheme of things she doesn’t really have a huge impact on the spaces she occupies while she’s there.
What does your OC keep in a special drawer? as sad as it is, nothing, she doesn’t really have a lot of possessions, definitely not special ones; the only things she brought with her from SHIELD were a bag of clothes, a knife, a gun, and a toothbrush, and since then she hasn’t quite settled enough to start collecting things - and living most of her life so far without a lot of stuff is just a hard habit to break.
What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother? the evil scientist? she’s not a huge fan. kind of resents her like, a lot. imogen doesn’t remember anything about her except what other people have told her and the things she’s found out about herself, so she’s kind of just a stranger that set her up for a lifetime of frustrations.
What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father? nevr knew him, has like one vague memory of him being kind of nice, but in the end he was evil so she’s not really searching for any way to keep his memory alive.
How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them? hah. she has one brother. having cut herself loose of that tie, she’s recently realised that that relationship was some kinda toxic and also he wasn’t afraid to kill her when ordered to so. you could say she’s not really interested in seeing him again either.
Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life? she’s a bit over parental figures and a bit too old for that kind of bond at this point in her life, but she does have a couple of ‘mentors’, people that she can rely on to point her in the right direction. clint barton is one, of course, you always have to have a good friend who can knock you out and tell you ‘hey maybe being on team hydra isn’t like, the most morally sound decision you could make’. pepper potts is a professional rolemodel she’s found she can look up to. she lowkey thinks she could be like pepper someday but she’ll never admit that ‘CEO’ sounds like a good job to her.  and shoutout to Agent Donoghue, whose name i had to look up because he’s in sparrow for a whole five seconds but. she feels really bad about this one. Donoghue was her last chance at SHIELD, he gave her every chance to be successful in that line of work and he really was a good mentor, she just wasn’t ready to change when they knew each other. she looks back on a lot of the things he said these days and regrets not listening sooner, just like she regrets how it ended...but things had to happen the way they did for her to want to grow and become a better person.
What was your OC’s childhood like? crap, mostly. well, it was fine in a way, but. her parents died when she was five and she almost died too but that wiped most of the memory out of her head at least. she was adopted by a neighbour who was actually just a hydra agent on a longcon mission to keep an eye on her, more because she was possibly useful for information on her parents than out of any concern. this didn’t really lead to a loving household to grow up in, and her brother, who is five (or maybe seven?) years older than her didn’t spend much time around the place, and got himself admitted to the SHIELD academy as soon as he could. she didn’t really deal with this whole situation very well, so she grew up struggling in school, getting into fights, constantly grounded and yet impossible to control. eventually, her brother managed to get her an admission into the academy as well, where she found some structure at least but wasn’t particularly well liked and was typically bottom of the class, problem student, one step away from being thrown out.
What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her? she sort of remembers the murder of her parents, sort of, but it doesn’t really hit her the way she thinks it probably should? it’s just there in the back of her brain, blurry and disjointed and she’s not sure how much of it she’s made up and how much she’s actually remembering, and it doesn’t really impact her all that much although it probably did as a young child.  otherwise, the day that her brother, will, left for the academy. she has a whole lifetime of memories of people failing her, but that was the first time that he failed her, and though she didn’t realise it at the time, it was the final straw for her as a kid; she only closed off after that, gave up on people and on school and whatever else she was dreaming about. looking back now, she realises that she should have held on to that betrayal instead of eventually forgiving him, because that was her first red flag that he wasn’t as focused on her wellbeing as she thought he was.
What is your OC’s imagination like? not very good, she’s a very impulsive and in-the-moment kind of person, and a pragmatic and logical thinker who doesn’t leave much room for fanciful dreaming or thinking very far outside the box.
How many times did your OC move as a child?  Which area was his/her favorite? she spent most of her childhood in new york, shifting house a couple of times but otherwise in the same area, attending the same school, etc. they all sucked, honestly; her favourite place was her parent’s house. or it would be if she could remember it.
What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them? she used to have no tolerance for kids but she’s warming up to them slowly, the further she gets from being a loudmouthed, hotheaded teenager. she would have kids one day, but not for a while yet, but more because she’s just too busy and not settled in one place at all than because she doesn’t like them.
What kind of mother/father would your OC be? she’d be dedicated to being a good mother, and to settling down and living a life that is right for her kids. she wouldn’t be the perfect parent, she knows nothing about parenting and has never had one of her own in her life, but she would try her best. she might even learn patience.
Who are your OC’s closest relatives? none of her relatives are close. she doesn’t know any of her distant family, most of them are dead anyway, and her brother is the worst person ever, so she’d just like them all to stay very far away, thankyou.
Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)? she has a couple of good friends in sokovia, katja and sofia and vinn (but they are all ocs and so you’ll have to send me another ask to know more about them). clint and the maximoffs are her closest friends in the avengers circle of people, and i guess ruby (radford, hacker extraordinaire and Legally Dead) also counts as a close friend, if grudgingly.
Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with? people that challenge her, and people that have earned her respect, which she doesn’t give away freely. she likes to be pushed, whether in her skills or her wit or just as a person, and she has an acute sense of when people don’t really like her company - which is fine, she knows she has a personality that is grating to some people, but she would prefer that they just didn’t come near her if that’s the case. 
Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates? people that she feels are working against what she thinks is right. usually, this is groups of people - hydra, intel, certain rebel groups and militias in sokovia. otherwise, there are plenty of people that rub her the wrong way day to day, but she doesn’t really spend time actively hating them, she’ll just either get into a fight with them or avoid them as much as she can.
If your OC has a soulmate, who is it? (pietro, but don’t tell her)
Why does your OC and his/her soulmate work so well together? they’re both people that grew up lost and overlooked and angry at the world, and they were both manipulated by hydra and used and tossed aside by them, so they find common ground in that, even if it was on very different scales. they also tend to run in the same sort of circles as well - they find friends in the same people, their goals often align - but their personalities are different enough that they don’t just piss each other off. they share the same humour and the same brutal honesty and strong sense of right and wrong - they’re not afraid to call each other out, or argue, and they’re learning to apologise and forgive together. most importantly, they make the choice to be there for each other and to live new lives, and they stick to it. they both have an idea of who they want to be in the future, and both have the other in that vision.
What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate? she admires his commitment to his cause, how much he cares about his country and his friends and family and the responsibility he puts on himself to fix it. also, that he could put up with her for so long, without complaint; she’s always been used to people getting tired of her or taking off (or trying to kill her but we’re not going to talk about that), and she wasn’t really sure anyone could stand to be around her and still care about her for so long.
How did your OC and his/her soulmate meet? auntie stark playing matchmaker at a party because he was bored and he’s a meddler and they both annoy him in the same way.
What is your OC’s level of education? high school dropout and SHIELD academy dropout with no formal education, but she’s competent enough to get by in basic skills like maths and SHIELD related things like fighting and espionage.
Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they? is detention considered an extracurricular activity
What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he? school was a very negative experience. she hated every minute of it. she was that really annoying, disruptive kid that would physically square up to anyone who even looked at her funny and regularly punched people and things, yknow? bad grades, bad attitude, no friends, given up on a long time ago.
What subjects did your OC excel at? sports weren’t terrible, as long as they weren’t team sports. once she got to the academy, hand to hand combat was her best subject, except that she was used to fighting dirty and already too set against the system to sit down and learn proper technique.
What subjects interested your OC? nothing at school really interested her; all of her interests have really come to her in her 20s, when she’s free to discover them on her own.
What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession? throughout the three fics about her, she’s a shield/hydra agent, a security officer at Stark Industries, and the director of the SRF camp in Nova Grad, Sokovia. she’s still figuring out where this is leading her, but the last two jobs have been perfect for her at that stage in her life.
How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession? she’s been lucky enough to fall into each of her professions so far, which she is all too aware of and works hard to prove that she deserves it. her brother got her a place in SHIELD training, Clint helped organise the job at Stark Industries and called in a few favours so that she would get it, and she took over the SRF camp temporarily after an incident with the former director. she’s most proud of her work at the latter, and she’ll try to continue in that role until something else pulls her away.
What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession? she enjoyed working at SI well enough, the job was within her skill level, the people were okay, she was comfortable. she could have easily stayed there for a lot longer if other opportunities hadn’t presented themselves. she loves running the SRF camp, it’s just the right amount of challenging and a little bit dangerous but not too dangerous, and even if it’s a lot of paperwork there’s also something new and crazy happening every day to keep it fresh.
What is your OC’s biggest dream? to find a place to fit into and live a life where she’s making her own decisions, outside of the control of other people.
How does your OC react to and handle stress? she gets short and snappy with people, doesn’t have time for stupid or time wasting, can get pretty heated but doesn’t often get overwhelmed, she’s still got a handle on the situation.
How does your OC handle anger? loudly. she will physically fight people, if she’s riled up enough, but she’s trying to curb that habit.
How does your OC handle grief? processes inwardly, and puts on a brave face outwardly. very few people would see her express grief, and it would take a few weeks for it to really hit her like that.
What is your OC’s greatest fear? losing everything she’s worked hard to get in the last few years.
What makes your OC happy? uninterrupted downtime, when she can just do what she wants. it’s a simple life. oh, and people getting what they deserve. it’s satisfying.
What kind of sense of humor does your OC have? sarcastic, dry remarks, and finding humour in other people’s misfortune.
What are some things that greatly upset your OC? being disregarded as stupid or useless or annoying, situations in which she’s helpless or too far out of her depth to catch up
What are some things that annoy your OC? people that can’t keep up with her or say dumb shit, people in general, irritating noises 
If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has? she regrets not trying harder in school or the academy, she feels like those years were mostly wasted and wishes they hadn’t been even though she knows it’s not something to blame herself for. she regrets killing donoghue too; in the moment, it was all she could do, and what she had to do to survive, but it goes so against her morals that she’ll always feel guilty about it.
How easily does your OC forgive? not very. she’s been let down a lot in the past, and she’s cutthroat about removing people from her life when she thinks that they’re dragging her down. 
What are some of your OC’s vices? pride, wrath, anger, impatience, unkindness, spite
If your OC experienced trauma, what was it? the death of her parents. during flicker, she struggles with the knowledge that she has killed and seriously injured people before, and with knowing that she’s done these things while trying to learn how to live a normal life. in swift, sokovia offers her a very immediate and major seachange; she has to live through bombings, violent riots, shootings, etc. I think the most rattling out of these for her is having to play dead on a street filled with the dead, not knowing if her friends are alive or if she is going to live through this. up until swift, she doesn’t really see the worst that groups like hydra can do; she sees the blood and the death and the injustice of soldiers running blindly in to die, but this incident really hits home for her that she’s putting herself in the way of bad, terrifying people, and the things they are capable of are scary.
What secrets does your OC have? she used to be a hydra agent. she’s open about it if she has to be, if someone finds this information out themselves she’s very upfront and will tell them the whole story and let them make their own decision, but she’ll keep it secret until that time, she’ll never be the one they hear it from.
What are some of your OC’s morals? usually her choices come down to just basic human decency, sadly; she believes people should be free to make their own choices and to live their own lives, safe and in peace. in the scope of swift, she wants the people of sokovia to be able to retain their country under their own control, she doesn’t believe that the invaders and the rising militia should be involved, and that they should be free to choose their own government, but she doesn’t really think that riots and bombs are the way to go about it.
What are some of your OC’s motivations? her own drive to be better than she has been in the past, to make up for the time she’d spent with hydra (even if the things she’d actively done for them were minimal), to find her way in the world and the place she’s meant to occupy.
What is the health of your OC? it’s good. lots of scars, the regular kind of aches and pains from living a very active lifestyle. as of swift, she has restricted movement in her shoulder from a bullet wound - not enough to really bother her day-to-day, but she’s given up archery since recovering.
Does your OC think with his/her head or heart? with her head
What are your OC’s thoughts on death? she hasn’t really come to terms with death yet - it’s a scary concept, and she’s young. mostly, she just tries not to think about it at all, even when it’s staring her right in the face. she could probably find peace with it when it happens, if it’s for the right cause.
What are some of your OC’s strengths? she’s willful, determined, brave, she can speak her mind when she needs to and she’s not afraid to tell people what she thinks or to fight for a change. she’s open to change herself, and she’s willing to learn, where she wasn’t in the past.
What are some of your OC’s weaknesses? she’s quick to anger and slow to forgive, she often picks a fight that she should refrain from and can easily hurt the ones she loves. she’s closed off and that turns away many people and loses her many opportunities. she has a negative mindset and low self-worth; she makes life harder for herself often.
How does your OC take criticism? not well. she’ll get angry and start an argument or storm off, and take a few hours or days to process. it depends who is offering her criticism as to whether she’ll come crawling back to apologise or if her pride will be too much to allow her to do that.
What does your OC think of him/herself? she doesn’t think very highly of herself. she’s acutely aware of her faults - that she’s too angry and hardheaded, that she doesn’t listen enough and isn’t particularly talented at anything. 
If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be? some days, she would say that she would change her whole personality, take out the anger or whatever it is that makes it so hard for her to sit down and listen, or forget her whole past. other days, she wouldn’t want to change anything at all, even though she’s a whole mess. she really wants the latter to be her answer, but she’s still learning to be okay with herself.
What is the general impression your OC gives other people? standoffish, strong personality bordering on rude, takes no shit, short-tempered, unfriendly.
How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people? on a scale of zero to ten, i’d give her a solid one. she’s closed off, pragmatic, and thinks she has to do everything alone. close friends might get more out of her, and she’s learning to be softer and more open, and to work with other people, but for the most part she isn’t giving anything away.
How does your OC display love? sarcasm, mostly. she doesn’t outwardly express it, really, especially in public, but she’s always there as support or to listen or offer advice, if she can. and she’s always trying to do better and to commit herself to the relationship, even if she doesn’t make a big show of it.
What are some habits your OC has picked up? clint’s coffee addiction has rubbed off on her. 
What is your OC’s favorite drink? it’s quickly becoming coffee
What is your OC’s favorite food? doritos
What is your OC’s favorite sweet? chocolate
What is your OC’s favorite season? autumn
What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather? sunny, but not too sunny
What is your OC’s favorite book? she doesn’t really read
What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show? dog cops, she used to hate it but now she’s too invested to quit, shrek is her like, go-to movie when there’s nothing else which is weird and she’ll never admit it. but true.
What is your OC’s favorite kind of music (and song if there is one)? she listens to a whole bunch of different music, but her main genres would be pop, rock, rnb
What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment? TV/movies
What is your OC’s favorite color? blue
What is your OC’s favorite scent? salty sea air on a strong breeze. it’s just so crisp.
What is your OC’s favorite animal? she wasn’t a dog person until she met clint’s dogs. now she’s totally a dog person.
What is your OC’s favorite sound? s i l e n c e on a sunday morning.
What is your OC’s favorite time of day? morning, once she’s awake.
What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream? chocolate
What is your OC’s favorite dinosaur? pterodactyl
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the-smallest-star · 2 years ago
Clem has parental figures in her life like Vinn, but I feel bad for Gritt. He doesn't have that comfort.
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"Honestly? I kind of feel the same. I have Vinn, and when Tinker shows up I'll have them back too. They're rough around the edges but they're a good example of what I strive to be like."
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"Gritt doesn't have that, he's having to figure this out himself and with the few friends he has around him. But with his actual parents still being around I can tell he second guesses himself. He might outwardly reject them but internally? Their words still have an effect."
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ilusionis · 5 years ago
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: vinn (or ila, for close friends)     Age: 22       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: aizen sosuke on here, askin nakk ke vaar (@ levaer) and lille barro (@ firstritter, sideblog) Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): all of them actually. Current Fandom(s): bleach. Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  none. i’ve been debating about making a modern au but i wouldn’t be sure what to explore in it. within the context of bleach, though, i’m very interested in developing a bunch of AUs. My language(s): i’m only confident in writing in italian or english.  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: none.
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  if you want to plot, it would be best to send me an IM and ask me, then we can definitely move to discord if you’d rather. it’s possible to approach me for rp without plotting first, best way would be to send me a meme when i reblog them or simply an ic ask, which i will answer, while memes might get lost. ic asks are good ice-breakers, we can continue plotting from there.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  i need my partners to be as interested in our plot as i am. it would be great if you already have an idea, but it’s still good if you don’t, i get that coming up with ideas can be hard sometimes; mostly, i require honesty. you can definitely tell me that you got no ideas and i will do my best to help, ask questions, try to spark something. i do require the feeling of having that commitment reciprocated.
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  i tend to straight up drop the conversation lmao. no hard feelings, but if i get the feeling you’re not interested, i will take my distance - i won’t waste my energy on a plot if my partner doesn’t share my enthusiasm. still, you can always approach me again, if you’re feeling up to it / have new ideas / whatever. nice thing of online convos is that they don’t have an expiration date lol.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  i always ask if they got any ideas to begin with. if my partner already knows, more or less, what kind of dynamic they wanna build with my character(s), that makes it infinitely easier to build something meaningful. it’s still fine if they don’t, i will usually ask a lot of questions regarding their muse’s opinions / feelings / etc., and try to navigate from there. a question i usually ask is: is there any aspect of your muse you’d like to explore? i think that’s a pivotal point in any interaction. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if they feel like telling me, why not. but usually, i don’t warn when i drop a thread, so it’s not expected of my partners ever. - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  nothing in particular tbh. they can tell me or approach me to start a new thread if they wish to, but it’s not required.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  i might lose interest in a thread, especially if i feel like it’s going nowhere or if the inspiration for it simply doesn’t come. it’s never happened so far that i had to drop a thread because it was making me uncomfortable, but that could still be a reason for me to. in general, though, i would approach my partner in that case. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  absolutely. i’d rather avoid awkward situations or misunderstandings of any kind; if something’s up, tell me. i also like to communicate with my writing partners (be it in the tags of our threads or in IMs), makes me feel like the enthusiasm is not one-sided and i find it generally pleasant.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  sure. we gotta stay polite, but honest. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  to have fun, to cultivate my writing skills and my english, and to explore my favorite characters. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  i want to develop aizen’s wandenreich verse, because i’m deep in quincy hell and i think his dynamics with quincy muses could be super interesting. anything involving the intricacies of bleach politics is super interesting to me, be it with aizen or with my two quincy muses - who, btw, are also good to explore dynamics between quincies / their culture / relationships etc.
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  i won’t write anything pertaining to sexual assault. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: it’s gotten difficult to work with starters such as “you summoned me / do you need anything / did you call for me” etc. i used to receive that kind of starters all the time with aizen, and i can’t come up with something new every damn time. i also have a hard time working with starters / replies that already feel like a closed conversation and don’t give me anything to reply to.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  i’m not sure i have a type. aizen is pretty much an exception, the only example of an already well-built character i write, since i tend to gravitate around minor ones that don’t have much material and that i can work on and expand without being affected by the fandom’s opinion or whatever. somehow i always tend to rp tall guys-
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  children and teenagers don’t interest me for the most part. characters who don’t have a shred of an opinion or can’t offer any interesting conflicts. overly friendly, mushy, affectionate and flowery characters are really not my cup of tea either. 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  oh god i have no idea. i’m very laid-back, i guess. i’ll never pressure my partners for replies, i don’t think i’m owed a reply in the first place because we all have lives offline,  so i’ll never take it to heart if a partner drops a thread. if i really feel like our roleplaying styles don’t mesh, it will be at my own discretion to do something about it. another strong aspect i have ....... i think i have a decent grasp on all my muses? especially aizen. of course ur free to disagree lol. also, lately i’ve been p active, so that’s it. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m really slow. i might speed up for my closest friends, with whom i plot / rp regularly, but usually i take quite some time to reply to random unplotted threads. i probably have a thousand other flaws as a rper, but this is the biggest one that comes to my mind rn. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  i don’t write detailed sex scenes. sorry lmao they’re just not interesting to me. however, i’m super-ok with writing anything around it, like intimate scenes etc. in fact i find it somewhat soothing.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  the nitty-gritty part is already a no, but i guess also sexual violence and shit like that. it’s a no.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  all my ships are with snow 8′) and ur never bored with her. in general, i love being able to explore the muses’ relationships, their conflicts and their peaceful moments, especially in relation to canon events! - What is your smut tag?: nsfw / ........ my n*sfw posts are rare anyway.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: to an extent, i prefer pre-est relationships to first meetings - which they can get a bit dull after some time. i’m ok with mostly anything, and only more selective when it comes to relationships that might severely alter my muse’s canon / past / overall character. 
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  not to stroke my own feathers but aizen offers a perfect chance at character development to any and all bleach characters. he’s the main villain, he holds some wild opinions, and whether you agree or disagree with him, he leaves no one indifferent. aizen is the main cornerstone of bleach, and if you want your muse to questions themselves and the system / world around them, interacting with him is the best way to start. also, aizen interacted with a fuckton of people, knows practically everything there is to know, is responsible for significant amount of canon events, so you see ... whatever character you write, aizen has the full potential to be extremely relevant in the course of their development.
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   children, ordinary low-ranked shinigami (i find it hard when it’s out of the blue, even in aizen’s captain and lieutenant verses ... because interactions would likely be only work-related, and won’t go far), characters whose personalities really have nothing to do with aizen. unfortunately, he’s not my easiest muse, and i don’t want to force interactions with him.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who have opinions, some political involvement, in general characters with whom aizen had a dynamic in canon. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  reading, calligraphy, philosophy (especially in-world philosophy), science (again, mostly related to the specificity of the bleach universe), the very careful crafting of his plan- - What do they desire, is their goal?:  kill the soul king and take its place, destroy the institutions of soul society, subdue them. and then rule, as the soul king never did before. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  the idiosyncracies in their behavior, the particularities, their possible weaknesses.  - What do they value in a person?:    very little, usually. he may appreciate a resolute personality, strength, and intelligence. - What themes do they like talking about?:  speaking mostly of mundane talks, he likes conversing about his interests. it takes a lot for him to share any personal information, though. - Which themes bore them?:  anything about the greater good, friendship, love, very human topics.
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  seeing the soul king, in all things like a ghost stalking his dreams, and well ... spending his early life in rukongai as a whole. being forced to consume other souls in order to survive. the first times his reiatsu killed anyone who tried to get near him.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  it’s rare that he will outwardly show signs of distress, i’d say almost impossible. the few times the soul king still appears in his mind, greatly upsets him though. - What could set them off, enrage them?:  the soul king gets him particularly heated. urahara, as we witnessed. after his defeat, ichigo, to an extent. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  kubo was a coward who didn’t dare let him kill any relevant character, but actually aizen kills very liberally.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  the soul king, urahara. he has a strong disdain for yamamoto, and that joke of C46. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:    himself. tousen
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  he’s only really easy to approach for bleach characters, who, depending on who they are, have different eligible verses to further facilitate the interaction. humans / powerless bleach characters can’t really interact with him tho. - Where are they usually to find?:  soul society or hueco mundo. i have a verse set in the wandenreich.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  aizen is not a particularly easy muse, but it’s part of his overall mosaic to be somewhat unapproachable and distant. i’m not out to make him someone he is not, so forgive me in advance if plotting with me turns out to be difficult in a way or another. he’s very dear to me, and i try my best to do him justice! while my main headcanons may not affect our interactions specifically, i still ask my partners to look them up (they’re linked in my about page) because they’re essential to my portrayal and it makes me happy to have them acknowledged. i think that’s all lmao. come visit me over at my quincy boys too.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ I DID IT AT LAST. Tagging:  i don’t know who has been tagged so, you know what to do.
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greyias · 6 years ago
This is not fair of me to ask, I'm sure you have plenty to do, but there is this post on reddit titled, "Is there an enjoyable way to read about SWTOR plot? I have fallen ill right after playing Umbara and I would very much like to know why certain someone did what he did, but I am unable to play and wookiepedia is quite a dry read. " He explains he has seizures from playing video games. I was wondering if you had something written that would help him out, or maybe you could write something?
Oh no, that poor guy! That really sucks to be invested in a story and then not be able to see how it turns out!  I’m going to guess videos/playback of them have a similar issue  🙁 
I totally will agree with him that Wookieepedia is definitely dry, but I’m going to boldly put this statement out here: it’s also incorrect.
At least the articles on Fractured Alliances were (and a few other TOR era articles I came across), to the point where I actually got really angry reading them because the assumptions were just so... blatantly wrong. And not well sourced. (This is a strange hill for me choose to die on, but I will go defend it nonetheless.) Granted I haven’t looked at them in several months, so it’s possible they’ve been updated since then? 🤷‍♀️
I haven’t written a full write-up on what happened in Fractured Alliances, but honestly I’ve been meaning to? Because the Wookiepedia articles irked me that much, I feel like someone needs to rant at length and correct them. I’ve just, erm, got a bit lazy and distracted and haven’t done so. Mostly because there’s actually a lot to cover, and a lot of misconceptions to correct, and sourcing is hard yo.
BUT! I can do a cliff’s notes version really quick to get him some answers. Although if it’s possible... maybe just link him this post in private if possible? Mostly because there’s some pretty big edgelords over on Reddit, and they make me tired (which is why I stopped even going over there to look at things).
Also I still haven’t quite lived down Gravedrog yet. I still can’t believe that blew up to the degree it did.
BUT! I can talk about Theron Shan, and his motivations all the live long day. Probably too long if we’re being honest. And I’ve definitely invested far more thought and energy into understanding what happened in this storyline (and why everyone did what they did) than is probably rational. But hey, we all have to have a hobby? And apparently mine is dissecting rushed/truncated video game storylines and their implications on characterization.
The TL;DR: Theron does what he does in Fractured Alliances to protect both the Outlander and the Alliance. And eventually by extension of the plot, everyone in the galaxy
(Whether or not a player or Outlander agrees with his methods for going about it is another debate entirely, but Theron definitely had his reasons, which were noble in intent, as all roads to hell are said to be paved with)
(Sorta) Cliff’s Notes Version of Fractured Alliances:
(okay this isn’t that short, but I promise it’s a lot shorter than it could be)
Once upon a time, we find a junky old spaceship in the swamp. We ignore it whispering creepily to us and a bunch of warning signs and decide to adopt it anyway
Sometime later, the entire cast of KOTET takes a reluctant field trip (see: KIDNAPPING) to Iokath. 
While there, some stupid droid turns to Vaylin and says “Hey, you want to erase all of these Gemini droids free will?”
Because the entire expansion of KOTET got cut down by literally half, a lot of characterization shortcuts are taken and Vaylin’s like “HELL YEH”
All of the Gemini units are mindwiped save for one, a creepy little scarfed explorer who was off exploring Hoth or something. We get one e-mail from Hylo about this droid at the end of KotFE Chapter 16. 
This lone Gemini unit, named Gemini 16, is traumatized by this and she’s like “Fuck having sisters! I want to be an only child!” and decides she wants to murder her entire droid family. Apparently it’s the only way to be sure this never happens again???
We defeat Vaylin, Valkorion, and take ownership of a shiny new fleet! Neat! Also, we install the Fleet’s control console with a known security flaw that we ourselves tried to exploit in KotFE (see: The Gemini Frequency) into the heart of our operations on Odessen. I’m sure no traumatized, misanthropic lone Gemini droids or crazy Zakuulans will use this to their advantage.
Oh wait.
Some guy we never met hates us because two kids were arguing over a piece of bread in the street. 
This genius is named Vinn Atrius. He’s our villain.
He says “THANKS OUTLANDER-BAMA” and “We always had plenty of bread before YOU showed up!” and “Zakuul can’t just conquer and force everyone to bend to our will anymore :( :( :( :(” and “Won’t someone think of the children????” and decides he’s going to murderize him an Outlander. And the Alliance. 
He decides to become a terrorist and frame us for his terrorist acts. 
When he’s not starting whisper campaigns about how the Outlander is this horrible tyrant that must be stopped
Theron gets wind of Vinn’s plans, and decides to pretend he wants to be a cultist too! -- Vinn wisely slams the door in his face. This is the only wise thing Vinn ever does.
Vinn’s not a very good mastermind, so scary droid lady (GEMINI 16) says “Here honey, let me help you find a giant apocalypse machine”, although she doesn’t say honey because she hates everyone who’s not her
I actually skipped Iokath but I swear to god that’s an entire post unto itself, but someone tries to murderize the Outlander. Theron’s strangely calm about this. We’re supposed to think that’s because the TR8R WAS HIM ALL ALONG
This is stupid and goes against every characterization of Theron Shan up to this point in canon. I literally need an entire post to go into this, and am trying to keep things short.
TL;DR: This lady tried to murder the Outlander because ?????
I’m pretty sure the person behind the mask is the Scion, Oramis, and this part of the story/explanation got cut when they condensed everything.
Oramis and the Scions are also another post/explanation entirely
Gemini 16 lured everyone to Iokath
the full explanation is a post unto itself
but it’s the only thing that makes sense (with her motivation, Vinn’s motivation, their entire dialogue on their first meeting -- again, I’m trying to keep this “short”)
Sixteen literally has recordings of Team Outlander talking about who could have lured everyone there -- implying she was in the Iokath mainframe the entire time they were there on Iokath Fieldtrip #2
also, Vinn Atrius is as dumb as toast
Theron is actually pretty pissed about someone trying to murder his boss/best friend/girlfriend/boyfriend. And he’s pretty sure he knows who it is. So he goes into ultra THERON LOGIC mode -- which is to say, he becomes an overly paranoid loner -- and decides to infiltrate a death cult.  (again). As you do.
Because via intelligence reports that are for some stupid reason hidden behind group content, he already knows that some conspiracy against the Alliance is afoot. And that they’re being watched. Apparently Lana forgot to read all of her Intelligence dossiers???? 
Since he knows we’re being watched, but can’t figure out how, logically the only thing to do is without any backup whatsoever, try and infiltrate the Death Cult that slammed the door in his face once already. 
Luckily for Theron, Vinn Atrius is a dumbass and says “IDK... you’re pretty close to the Commander”
Theron says “Would a face like this lie to you?” while making this face in the cutscene: 😡  
Vinn’s like “When you’re right, you’re right! Blow up a train for me?” 
Theron, Mentally: ...well, crap. I guess I could tell the Commander about this. BUT THE WALLS HAVE EARS--WAIT I HAVE A BRILLIANT PLAN
Theron proceeds to concoct the most elaborate stage play known to man, which includes:
Leading everyone to the front of the train
Where he can lure both the Outlander and Lana into the front compartment
And shoots Lana with a stun blast, something he has never done before to someone he’s trying to supposedly kill
Then he shoots at the Commander--but not really, because he was shooting out the window on the front of the train
Then he shoots again at the Commander--but not really, because he was shooting at the controls to bring up a shield that prevents the Outlander from following him
And oh no! Now there’s a shield between them, what a tragedy, I guess he can’t pretend to shoot at the Commander and miss for a third time. Guess it’s time to monologue like a Bond villain. What can ya do? It’s not like he has cybernetic implants that help him be an expert marksman. God, that’d be embarrassing.
Since he knows that he’s being recorded by some unseen person, he really hams it up for the camera. He makes this face again, because he’s decided it’s part of his tr8rsona: 😡
The Outlander can react in a variety of ways, but if one of those ways is “UM WTF???? WHY DIDN’T YOU TALK TO ME???” he suddenly breaks tr8r character and goes “I thought about it... but then you might have talked me out of it--AND WE CAN’T HAVE THAT!” 
if you romanced him and say you still love him he makes this face: 😭
And then literally tells the Outlander how to escape from the train before like going “I’m really gonna blow up this train -- in thirty seconds -- gosh it would be a shame if you were still on this train in thirty seconds. When it blows up. When I pull the trigger. That I’m about to do.”
The Outlander leaps off the train, out of the convenient exit point Theron made, with Lana. They’re respectively like “?????” and “🤬🤬🤬🤬”
Vinn thinks this all very convincing. Sixteen is facepalming in the background. Vinn doesn’t listen to her. We don’t see any of this, but it’s kind of implied in future dialogue.
If you’re dating Theron and didn’t try to Force choke him, he sends you a letter going “I STILL LOVE YOU -- CAN’T EXPLAIN WHY I DID THIS BUT ILU PLZ DON’T FORGET ILU oh yeah and the alliance sucks and stuff i guess -- ps. ♥︎♥︎♥︎”
This is apparently something a tr8r would do, because Theron is Vinn’s go-to guy now. And decides to give Theron the task of retrieving a map to this place called Nathema so they can find a giant death machine to kill the Alliance.
Oh wait. That place called Nathema. That Theron has been to before. And knows the exact coordinates too because he was the pilot that flew them there. The place that Valkorion sucked the entire life out of and made a giant wound in the Force. THAT NATHEMA.
This is the part where normal people might think “Maybe I should reconsider my plans”, but they are not Theron Shan. Who shaves his head, throws away a jacket he’s been wearing since he was like fifteen, and heads over to Chiss space, to steal/blow up a map to the Ancient Death Machine.
Actually it’s revealed/hinted at on Iokath, on Copero, and then clarified once again in Nathema Conspiracy, that this machine is literally the Apocalypse
It wipes out entire worlds’ populations in an instant
Background lore indicates that its hunger is endless and has been waiting to rise again and there’s like prophecies about this
If activated and not stopped, this machine will literally annihilate all life in the galaxy
Theron blows up some more things at a resort, runs bravely away away, and then OOPS OH SO ACCIDENTALLY broadcasts his call with the Death Cult, who say their name on camera.
Shockingly, the Alliance intercepts the accidental-on-purpose broadcast and now know the name of Theron’s new cult: The Order of Zildrog
Then like forever and a day passes in real life, but who knows how long in game time, but I guess it’s like, six months or less according to a line of dialogue -- and finally Lana and the Outlander mysteriously get coordinates to a myyyyysterious abandoned outpost. 
And by mysterious, I mean that Lana is the only one who can decode said coordinates because she and Theron came up with the encryption together on Rishi
It’s almost like he’s working from the inside or something
But if you tell Lana that she’s like “NO HE’S A TR8R GRRR THIS A TRAP”
It is not a trap
Lana and the Outlander wander around, and find a bunch of recordings someone conveniently forgot to erase detailing a bunch of infodumps that’s way too long for the Cliff’s Notes version, but boil down to showing and implying an entire novel’s worth of backstory:
Vinn’s manifesto
Theron unconvincingly pretending he really likes death cults
Vinn staring at numbers from data he got from Iokath and zomg Zildrog is reallllll -- the legends of his mighty hunger and DEATH DEALING are true! Squee! Just what he needs to get rid of that pesky Outlander!
Vinn recruiting people who really don’t like you into his death cult
Gemini telling Vinn he really sucks at this masterminding thing, but she needs someone who’s good with people so hey let’s team up!
Oh and she knows where Zildrog is
The Outlander and Lana escape before the space station blows up
Over on the Shuttle of Zildrog, Theron’s like “It’s all up to you now, Commander” and apparently Vinn hears that and is like “Hey Theron, did you remember to erase all of our super sekrit recordings and blow up the space station?"
Theron: 👌
Vinn: 👍
Sixteen: 😒
Back on Odessen Lana’s like “I KILL DA TR8R” regardless of your feelings on the matter as an Outlander. If Arcann’s still alive he’s like “Hey Commander, maybe go easy on Theron? I know the value of forgiveness. Maybe he had his reasons?”
You get corroborating information of literally everything we just learned on the Space Station OF DOOM and Lana’s still like “Nope, still gonna shank me a tr8r! No one tazes Lana Beniko and lives!”
I assume it’s a fun ride to Nathema
Okay I joke. She’s just being protective and "logical”, but honestly if you select literally every single dialogue option supporting Theron throughout this story, illogically Angry Lana can really start to grate after a while
On Nathema, we follow a myyyysterious signal -- to Theron. To the surprise of no one except Lana who’s like “JERKFACE STAY AWAY FROM THE COMMANDER”
Theron proceeds to tell an extremely abbreviated, and slightly more straightforward version of everything above. 
If you’ve romanced him, he reminds you that he promised to do anything to protect you. 
This includes shaving his head, updating his wardrobe, blowing up a train, and putting up with Vinn Atrius’s shit for months on end
The things he does for love
Lana still doesn’t believe him. At this point if you want to, you can be like “Lana plz” and she’s like “OKAY FINE--BUT I’M WATCHING YOU TR8R”
Gemini 16 was watching the entire exchange. Looks like SOMEONE’S cover is blown. Oh well, Theron was done with it anyway.
Sixteen is just like “whatever let’s go activate Zildrog”
Vinn: Is this why he kept insulting our Lord and Savior Valkorion?????
Team Outlander fights their way to the site of the Ancient Apocalypse Machine. They meet Shroedinger’s Cultist along the way via holo. 
He/she/they says “hi/plz die”.
There’s sixteen candidates for this spot (two for each class) -- but all sixteen are not death cultists at the same time
This is another thing that requires an entire post to delve into, so another time on that
Team Outlander arrives at the site where Zildrog was installed on Nathema -- coincidentally right at the same spot Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorion initiated his first death ritual to grant him semi-immortality. Fancy that.
Vinn has convinced everyone he’s recruited into his death cult to climb into these really dangerous looking pods; not surprising but they’re all basically dead -- because Zildrog required a human sacrifice to be reactivated
A human sacrifice???
In my ancient death machine?
It’s more likely than you think!
Theron shoots Vinn because he’s tired of his shit
Gemini 16 reveals that the Zildrog machine is one half of a larger death device built on Iokath. Where’s the other half?
OH BACK ON ODESSEN. Because it’s the Gravestone. Yes, I know everyone forgot about it at this point, which is kind of easy since we haven’t seen it since KOTET.
The Gravestone blows up the Eternal Fleet. Like, all of it. At once. Also the control console for the Fleet blows up too. This kind of detonates several things on base.
For some reason edgelords on Reddit think this is all Theron’s fault
As if the writers were really going to let us keep that Deus Ex Machina that would literally prevent them from going back to these same whiner’s precious Pub vs Imp conflict
And ignoring the fact that this would have been the end result even if Theron hadn’t gone undercover
I digress
Team Outlander fights Sixteen and defeats her. 
Theron goes to try and finish shutting Zildrog down and Vinn Atrius is like
Tumblr media
And stabs Theron in the back with a lightsaber pike
The Outlander can be like 
 or “OH NOES” 
Vinn’s like “DRAGGONNNNNNNNN” as if he was recreating a scene from Dragonball Z, and the holo-Zildrog is like “Here, let me make you go Super Saiyan!” -- and gives Vinn a boss buff
Outlander and Lana fight Vinn and kick his ass. Then kick Zildrog’s ass. Yes, Zildrog is literally just a computer console in the center of the room, and if the Outlander more or less pulls a Kylo Ren on it
The Gravestone blows up -- everyone on Odessen is really confused
Lana tells the Outlander that “WAIT! Theron’s still alive!” -- she’s backed off her murderous rampage at this point and says we have to bring him back to Odessen to save his life
The Outlander can act like any sane person to their boyfriend/best friend/person-who-risked-their-entire-life/reputation-to-save-us/etc and go “Let’s take him home and save his life”
Or can be a dick and literally make Theron live out his worst fear of being abandoned by the people he cares about -- because despite the mountain of evidence that illustrates he literally did all of this to save your life, you can just walk away going “tr8rs never prosper”
This option shows what looks like him dying offscreen
I’m pretty sure he actually survives
Satele sends you a nastygram if you do this, where she directly contradicts a previous letter she sent (to Theron) if you tried to kill her in KotFE Chapter 12
Lana also is not happy with you if you do this, but not like, enough to actually leave or anything
Back on Odessen it’s revealed half of the members of the Alliance are fair weather friends and have abandoned you since you don’t own any super cool space ships anymore
If you brought Theron back with you, he limps up while you and Lana are shooting the breeze and asks if he can stay
You can say yes or no
If you’re romancing Lana you can propose to her around this point
If you’ve romanced Theron (and didn’t tell him to hit the road), you take an ill-advised walk as he’s still limping like crazy, where he reveals that he’s been having nightmares ever since Umbara about you walking away from him and he can never catch up
He says he knows he doesn’t deserve your trust or forgiveness, but still asks if you can give “your idiot spy boyfriend” a second chance 
You can say no, of course, but if you say yes, there’s a dialogue path that leads to an adorably awkward proposal
And he promises that he and Lana will stay by your side no matter what
(of that story arc)
Sorry, I know that’s rather disjointed and rushed (despite being as long as it was)! But for such a rushed ending/conclusion, there’s actually a lot of moving parts to the storyline as whole. 
At some point in the future I’ll try to actually expand upon some of those tangent points of “I need more time to explain this properly” -- because there’s a lot of them, and a lot to them. Also cross-referencing the pieces of canon takes time -- but I promise there’s actual canonical evidence and logic trains that make sense for all of that.
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