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sallymew4 · 6 months ago
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presidential debate doodles with Vinnfriend again
does that give these historical value.......
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v3rm1nn · 10 months ago
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oldish doodles trying to figure out how i want to draw him
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jadagul · 11 months ago
Anyone have a good example of a proof that looks kind of like a poem when it's written out? I'm sure I've seen these before but none are especially occurring to me.
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bebopbonko · 1 year ago
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Edit: omfg I forgot Bleg’s hat in the last one…
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faefrosting · 7 months ago
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Some traditional Comet doodles
He cries stars yeah sure
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ikeas-gayest-table · 2 months ago
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have some silly mountain siblings as aventurine and gallagher LMAO
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sebastians-asks · 4 months ago
do you care about anything?
Why should anyone care about anything? We’re all going to die anyways.
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It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter you want or need to be. Eventually, you’ll fossilize and return to the Earth.
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There’s no point. None of this matters.
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nocturnalsleuth · 11 months ago
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work doodles ft. an old meme
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dingbatnix · 1 year ago
How tf do you write heartfelt reassurances???
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mamamittens · 4 months ago
Glad I scaled down my event, already looking at Sunday-Friday next week with an extra hour Monday-Friday. And it's not even Black Friday yet. Or Cyber Monday...
Got in two asks so far, finished uploading the Spooktober fics to AO3, and am already in bed an hour early. Not that I'm going to sleep yet, never works like that when I want it to lol
So! Rambling time!
I had more thoughts about the Omega verse/yandere au with Nikia, Thatch, and Izou!
So, I was thinking about some of the cultural whiplash Nikia experiences in this new world. She has zero context for all these new instincts, nor the assumed instincts people have adopted.
Like, how much contact is appropriate with a stranger and where. Luckily for her, the scent glands are in pretty intimate places already. How often do you touch the base of someone's neck/shoulder? A total stranger at that? So she doesn't usually step on any toes--not that any of the WBP would hold it against her or think too hard about it since they know she's not from their world and is very new to the ABO stuff.
And Nikia has a few unconscious biases about assumed behavior, usually centered around wings, so she's confused a lot by accident. Like, a lot of the time, she doesn't register flirting because she's used to it being accompanied by deliberate displays of the other person's wings. Typically slight flutters, extensions to show off well groomed edges of their feathers, or a hidden display of colors. Or if they're bold, wing contact as soft brushes and puffed up feathers to briefly interlock with the other person's wings. Like grabbing someone's hand and kissing their knuckles--its so intimate and viewed as romantic in her world, but also stupid bold for strangers.
She's even naturally capable odd vocalizations and her pupils act... Very odd sometimes. (Briefly debated how bird like she should be and tbh, I'm giving her more bird eyes than human eyes... She still needs glasses but instead of very close vision like normal, it's because she's got REALLY GOOD distance vision but it's... Really really far distance. Not practical day to day indoors). She pins her eyes a lot without meaning to, so she constantly looks startled and scared, when it's actually the opposite and she's curious or invested! She can coo, chirp, and screech very loudly but hates being so noisy and has learned restraint over the years. Combined with her new Omega instincts, her growls and snarls are... Very piercing and give anyone that hears them pause.
Though only Marco knows about it at first, Nikia's body is also a lot hardier than expected. Meant to handle at least basic flight with modest covering, her skin is pretty durable and doesn't bruise or get pierced easily. Compared to them, where certain parts of their body has thinner skin but they heal up very well with minimal scarring.
Anyway! Social shit!
This divide is made pretty clear when they stop at an island for restocking and there's the obligatory 'threat but not a real threat just a test to the relationship' scene. Fueled by Izou and Thatch being... Well, handsome, famous, Pirate Commanders. They usually have a few hopefuls flirting with them, either hoping for a eventful night or an easy in with the crew. Having a very well scented, new mate does not deter some of them.
A few ladies trying their best to scent their interest and test compatibility by brushing their scent glands (the light ones on the wrists) across theirs. Izou and Thatch ain't having it, concerned that Nikia would flip since she's struggled with territory issues for a while now.
But Nikia is just lost in thought like
Ah, they're pretty confident to get so close to pirates -- I mean, they're great, obviously, but I'm pretty sure pirate still means criminal here. Oh, but they are famous, maybe Whitebeard has a good reputation so this isn't as risky as it seems. They're kinda touchy as fuck though, is everyone this bold or is this desperation? Wait, Izou and Thatch look uncomfortable, should I say something? Do I need to? They don't seem too bothered but they keep looking at me... Weird.
The ladies in question are smug as shit at first, certain that Nikia is threatened by them. But as the 'testing' goes on, they get weirded out by her intense stare and how... Detached she smells. Her scent not communicating anything but polite interest and then mild concern. The boys are equally thrown.
Turns out, being super snappy when other people do light scenting in a social context is a learned behavior. Not ingrained. Marco takes very interested note of that.
But when an alpha tries to flirt with her, doing more or less the same thing as earlier, her literal everything is just looking at him like
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She's leaning away from them, nose wrinkling as the outdoor space no longer diffuses their purposefully flexed scent. Wings snapping close to her back, eyes wide as they try and press harder for a positive response.
Her body language a tad confusing in this context. Pupils flashing rapidly. Her scent potent in confused inquiry.
She seems to be very loudly, without words, asking "What the fuck do you want?" But her body is screaming "You have the sex appeal of a manure farm in summer rain". Very startling.
Luckily, Izou and Thatch are quick to (literally) soothe her feathers and shoo away the stranger. It takes a bit for her to relax again.
Oh! Speaking of wings! It takes a while for her to start instinctively attempting to 'bond' with people. But they have no idea that's what she's doing and she's too thrown by the lack of reciprocation or denial to explain properly.
Mainly, when she starts to feel for them, she instinctively tries to lace her feathers with Izou and Thatch's non existent wings. Only to meet only air. When they're debating someone else, she hovers an open wing behind their back, just shy of touching and is disappointed when she doesn't feel the light push back and settling of wings. When she's startled or anxious, feathers quivering and shuddering out of place, no one idly preens her.
She wasn't the most social, but she's close enough to several people that, had this been her home dimension, they would have done any number of these gestures. But she knows they can't, so she just tried to curb her expectations and disappointment. Much to the bafflement of everyone in scent range cause she's smelling increasingly like a kicked puppy and no one knows why.
Until one day she happens to be taking to Ace when he passes out mid conversation. And she knows the game by now, so she just settled down and waits patiently. Her wing draped over his back as she idly braids his hair. Finally, her original instincts are being soothed, though still not reciprocated. Izou and Thatch both being invested in their personal appearance enough she hadn't gotten the courage to ask.
Ace ends up sleeping for a while and hard at that, feeling oddly settled when he wakes to several braids in his hair and soft feathers over his shoulders. He definitely blushes when she smiles and asks if he rested well.
He did.
Very much so.
Thatch seethes in the background with jealousy and Izou is no better when he hears. Still, they barely manage to control themselves and ask wtf that was about and why she smells so content.
She's embarrassed but is eventually able to explain how big mutual grooming is back home. Even strangers would settle ruffled feathers if someone was having a breakdown.
Thatch immediately offers to preen her feathers and she goes bright red. (Doing it is one thing, but asking is equally romantic and intimate, because usually it implies something more than just sorting out feathers). She caves and they cuddle in her bed (Thatch is so fucking smug to be covered in her scent and leave his own in her space). Thatch encouraging her to lay on his chest while he handles the rest. It's not ideal, which is why she protests, but he reaches a good bit of it all.
Taking the time to play with her hair as she falls asleep absolutely boneless. Later, he stared in the mirror. Izou confused until he breaks down.
"....I want her to play with my hair too~! But--but my style--it cant--i want...." Sad baby hours while Izou rolls his eyes.
"Then do it before bed, dumbass."
Suddenly all is well.
Had the fun idea Nikia was pulled mostly by her hand or maybe soul mates are indicated by glowing bite marks depicting their future mates' teeth and shes yanked by that. And she fights it. Really hard. Izou and Thatch having to physically assist in pulling her through where she fights it the entire way. Luckily for them, she's super out of it once she's pulled through and starting to get hit with Super Puberty. Also really good ears, not that she's in a state to notice anything being said at the time.
Thatch ends up with her hair ribbon and is super normal about it while she recovers. Izou stealing it every other day impatiently.
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sunnys-aesthetic · 1 year ago
right wrist feels uncomfortable today ough :(
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bigboobshaunt · 3 months ago
I haven't heard that name in years...
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gwen-hemoxia · 4 months ago
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jadagul · 3 months ago
I have a dumb problem with my climate control that the internet isn't helping with.
I have wall-mounted units in each room, each with its own thermostat. (They're not window AC units; it's a whole-building system that has a separate fan unit and control panel in each room.) And the thermostat temperatures tend to be wildly off from the room temperatures.
But the thermostats aren't broken! I have an infrared thermometer to double-check, and the thermostats are (more or less) correctly reporting their own temperatures. There's just a steep temperature gradient from the thermostat to, like, a foot away from the thermostat.
The thermostat reads 83; my IR reports the thermostat around 78; the temperature of most of the objects in the room is like 71.
I can exert some manual control but the point of having a thermostat is to, you know, not have to exert manual control. Anyone have ideas on how to improve this? (Would pointing a fan at the thermostat help?)
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iasips8 · 1 year ago
who wants 2 be artfight moots :3
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laulo821 · 1 year ago
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Baxter Bautista & Tally Magritte belong to @zapsoda
aweee long awaited update ... they gettin on each other's nerves! although it makes klaus more sad than really angry ): he just want fwends. no peace and love on shuttle andromeda this time
<- part eight / part ten ->
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