#and tries to destroy the game
unidentifiedfroggy · 2 years
there's just something about kanaya "it is my duty and hatchright as a jadeblood and as a person to nurture and resurrect trollkind" maryam and rose "i chafe against any and all authority and i will make my own path to victory if it kills me" lalonde finding love in one another that makes me go !!
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mollysunder · 4 months
I've been combing over the RiotxArcane light novel again to prep for some longer meta and I realised something. Viktor knew Jinx robbed him and Jayce the whole time.
Nearly everytime he mentions anything about Zaun or Zaunites he has to pause, like he needs to adjust his answer.
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At the start of the game he literally almost tells you it was Jinx, but he pauses and chooses to be vague.
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And then when you, the player, finally connect the dots and tell him who you think it is, he tells you it's Jinx. The funny part is we can choose, not to say Jinx's name, we can call her names like "the Loose Cannon" or even "Powder " and Viktor's the one to reveal her current name.
There's also a weird dynamic between how he treats Jinx and Silco. When Viktor finally explains to us who Jinx is, he's hesitant to associate her with Silco.
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Viktor treats Silco as a genuinely dangerous figure for the player to encounter, and he's even vocally critical of Silco as a kingpin/leader in Zaun.
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But Viktor is also aware how dangerous the device Jinx stole is in the wrong hands. He knows it could tear apart realities, that the magic would corrupt the user to something inhuman, and... he just chooses not to lead you to Jinx.
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He could tell you find Silco and Jinx would show up eventually, or ask Vi, who's already an enforcer and sick of Jinx's schtick. Maybe even ask Sevika who's thoroughly done with Jinx too.
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And Viktor just doesn't tell the player. Even the way he describes what the thief, who he knows is Jinx could get up to, downplays the threat. He uses the word "mischief", which feels almost like a cute way to describe the pretty high stakes situation Jayce and Heimerdinger were just talking about.
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Then Viktor spends his last lines lowkey defending Jinx, or at least asking the player to be understanding and maybe understanding.
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This is all despite the fact he's fully aware Jinx not only works for a man he's deeply critical of, and is at the minimum complicit in Zaun's suffering, but she's pretty close to ripping realities apart at any moment.
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I wonder what flavor codependent this kind of relationship will be next season.
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Let Gregory be I don't care what he did he's innocent
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cordycepsbian · 3 months
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we don't even care about the horrible crunchy outline anymore trying to find a good website to make this image transparent broke something inside of us. we dont know where the dot on the scarf came from. get her out of our sight
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mtvjedi · 10 months
okay not to hunger games post on main AGAIN but. i just know snow was shitting his pants every single day of the 74th hunger games and that’s what makes the theories that prim was preselected or the capitol was watching katniss so dumb because snow spent 60 years literally gaslighting himself into believing that he killed lucy gray and no one remembered her. and in those 60 years only one (1) tribute from district 12 won the hunger games. so of course he’d gotten comfortable and really believed that even though he still didn’t know what happened to lucy gray, even in district 12 they don’t know or care about her. but then some random 12 year old gets reaped in district 12 and her sister volunteers for her. and her sister’s name is katniss, which of course he knows is kind of a desperate, starving person’s sort of plant in district 12, because lucy gray told him about it, but that’s just a coincidence. she DOES kind of remind him of her, but that’s probably just because they both have dark hair and they’re both from district 12 and she really made an impact at the reaping. but then she allies herself with the little girl from district 11 who has no chance of winning, so she’s not just using rue as a means to an end, she really cares about her. and then when rue dies, she sings the meadow song as she covers her body with flowers. and the meadow song, well, that was one of lucy gray’s songs, and he didn’t think anyone still knew any of lucy gray’s songs. and then she fucking WINS, and everyone in the capitol loves her and peeta and prim, and at the crowning ceremony she’s wearing a mockingjay pin, and of course she couldn’t possibly know what it means to him, and when he compliments it she says “thank you. it’s from my district.” and that’s just in the hunger games! not even to mention that the symbol of the districts’ revolution is a mockingjay, and katniss becomes that symbol, and eventually it is lucy gray’s mockingjay that takes him down.
like lucy gray’s impact fr. he DID succeed in erasing her, no one in district 12 remembers her, but they do remember the songs and the birds, and snow realizes that he could never fully erase her. probably anyone in district 12 could tell you about the mockingjays.
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lunarharp · 10 months
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for "ocean" prompt
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eveningshowhost · 7 months
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Pepper angel steak
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tomurakii · 8 days
Urgh boothill is truly the only good HSR character the new event quest is so annoying. STOP MAKING ME TALK TO IPC SHILLS THOSE MFS NUKE PLANETS
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sharpsuite · 3 months
♢  — What color does your love feel like?
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Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
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Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you... You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
tagged by: i stole it from my other blog <3 tagging: @cartelheir ; @kezoire ; @xinxiins ; @crue11 ; @signetied ; & whoever else would like!
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mithrilwren · 6 months
Submitted the last assignment of my degree. You know what that means?
I can finally, finally download Baldur's Gate 3.
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randomnameless · 10 months
Something that really bothers me about the rose coloured glasses vis a vis tellius and fe fans (ESPECIALLY from 3h fans who learned about tellius later) is that many like soren purely because of his main ship (i mean i like ikesoren too but come the fuck on) and jokingly characterise soren as a stereotypical nasty mean limp wristed sarcastic gay man instead of a deeply flawed branded angry at the world and definitely trauma bonded to ike, but micaiah is still absolutely getting raked over the coals over the blood pact and not being ike’s fangirl
Jokes often involve flanderisation, so Soren being flanderised to oblivion when people joke about him isn't something I really care about, but maybe that's because I'm not really fond of Soren to begin with lol
What annoys me more is when some people try to rationalise Soren's anger and backstory by either pointing at Almedha or Deghinsea being responsible for everything, and I'm like, what.the.fuck?
Almedha's just, idk, I won't call it sexism, but damn - that woman loves her son who is the only reason why she hasn't completely lost her mind over 1/losing her powers 2/being casted away like trash by her "BF" 3/being rejected by her dad 4/thinking her brother was tortured and abused to death because of her actions 5/being separated from her beloved child.
Deghinsea being "uwu bad bcs he's the reason why brandeds are rejected by both beorcs and laguz" is another take I really am not fond of, and iirc I wrote a post earlier this year about it? But to some people who buy the "Crusts BaD" as the reason why Fodlan sucks, I guess they need to have someone to name and pill all of the world's nonsense rather than, well, in Tellius' case, realise that the worldbulding and the lore really sucks, to the point where the duology touted as the most "against racism" of the franchise, is pretty much way more racist than anything Tru Piss can throw us (yes, because in Tru Piss we have characters rejecting coexistence, in Tellius, it's the world mechanics - whenever a Beorc and a Laguz coexist too much, the Laguz dies...).
As for Miccy,
Just like, imo, Soren gains some "new" attention and "uwu excuses for why he's being a snarky jerk at times", Miccy used to be bashed when FE10 was released (with all the Mary Sue accusation being thrown around!) because she was written to be a sort of foil/antagonist to Ike, and when the party reunited, she was demoted to a "soul-jar" role, let it be regarding the greater plot, or, even, her own backstory!
TBH, for people who didn't play FE10, if Ike is the bestest thing since melted cheese, Miccy, who opposes him, must be BaD and so you can pile everything you don't like on her, hoping to see it stick.
Or even worse, I've seen posts here and there comparing Miccy to Supreme Leader and how misunderstood uwu she is, which is the worst insult poor Miccy ever received since FE10 came out rofl
#2goldensnitches#do you want to kill me friend lol#once upon a time discussions about soren and miccy were very animated lol#anyways i still don't like how some part of the fandom tries to uwu him#he is a character with flaws that sure are never called out in the game and by the main character but#they exist#and to uwu them away is imo a disservice and not a good reading on him#'but his backstory sad uwus' Sephiran also has a crapton of sad uwus for his backstory#and yet the game chews him out about his plans to destroy the world because hey fuck off#it's not fair to condemn the world and everyone who lives in it for your suffering#It's sort of hilarious because sometimes I wonder if Miccy wasn't also written as a Soren foil#Miccy is the one who doesn't like when Beorc call Laguz names#she lives in racist land and knows she has to hide else she'll die too#but she still came to care about the people who live here#she gets to talk to Vika who feels weirded out by her being a branded and yet they agree to continue talking/being friends despite it#Miccy never insults Rafiel calling him a half beast#Soren follows Ike and his lead but Miccy has to take the lead despite wanting to follow Pelleas at first#tfw we know more about Soren's backstory even after being kicked away from Daein than Miccy's lol#granted I loved what FE10 with Almedha when you see that some of his worst traits/flaws are actually shared by his mom lol#tl;dr : a Soren raised by his mom would have been even more of a jerk than the one we got#i have a lot of feelings about how Miccy was treated in FE10 which in turn sort of explains the vitriol she received from the fandom#but that's for another post lol else it'll be too long#basically FE10 is more Ike v.2 than a game where Miccy is the Lord
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I haven't played spm, and I only know what I've seen and read of them, but IIIIIIIIIII like em :]
More doodles below the cut
These 2 doodles are were me trying to figure out how to draw them, and the rest are just silly
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And these last two are of a self indulgent au of Dimentio being in another Mario Universe bc they're silly and I can do what I want. But also please don't judge me, I'll die.
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synthaphone · 13 days
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i'm almost done... 3 more times...
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senseofharmony · 5 months
raghhh sometimes i wish the villains in mlp were more explored along with their relationships with others. i was thinking about starlight and chrysalis and how them being enemies could’ve been built up so much more before their final fight at the end of s9 or how cozy glow could’ve been explored more as a character,, we could’ve had it all
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character sheet template just asked me about emotional stability. i laughed. this little bastard (affectionate) seems put together but oh boy
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Remember the "Last line Challenge?"
Tagging @banterismylovelanguage , @isnt-it-pretty and @canonical-transformation because I'm about to ramble about the story.
So, imagine if, in a future installment of Star Rail, we face off against another one of the Lord Ravagers (Irontomb in this case).
However, this time they're targeting Nous and all of the cyberspace, after all, is there anything more destructive than erasing all manner of communication and data between worlds? Everything would plunge into chaos.
Let's say that their choice of attack is using the denizens of propagation (Tanzzyroth), as literal bugs in the system, similar to how Phantylia used the Abundance to destroy the Luofu.
This would happen in Hertha Space Station (or anywhere that's related to the Genius Society). And, although we would have Hertha and Screwllum on our side, only the Trailblazer would actually be able to enter.
The bossfight has 5 stages, one for each firewall we have to bypass (the bugs ate most of the wall but we have to get to Nous).
The first is a 2d platformer where we have to avoid the bugs and find the first entrance, then the second is a simulated universe themed encounter with plenty of riddles, the third one is to literally "surf the internet" (think of a mix between Elysia's Herrscher music video and the first half of Dvalin fight).
During each of the stages, we can see Silver Wolf's chibis hiding in the background, sometimes even giving tips on how to proceed.
The last two stages are the actual bossfight, the first round is basically the Traiblazer and Silver Wolf, who joins the fight, against the Lord Ravager, with the two of them being the last line of defense between him and Nous. (The other character slots are locked).
It's just us, the Emanator of Destruction and everyone that is watching because the whole thing is being livestreamed to the entire Galaxy. (Something something let me crush all your remaining hopes by defeating the resistance in front of your eyes.)
The first round ends with everyone almost dying, only to be saved by Nous (and Silver Wolf usung her chibi friends as a respawn feature). The background changes to the Simulated Universe, Screwllum's disembodied voice is giving us directions, and we can now choose the last two party members from the ranks of the Nameless and Stellaron Hunters (you can only choose one from each faction, though).
Turns out that our friends in the Astral Express and the Stellaron Hunters have been trying to hack their way into the fight as soon as the livestream started, Welt was doing his best while the Mara got the best of Blade and he decided to headbutt the monitors to see if they were portals, Kafka wasn't fast enough, though Elio prophesised that the devices had to go, so no harm done.
Anyway, Nous noticed their efforts and decided to help out, by giving them gsme controllers and letting them pick a fighter. Notice that Blade is awful at any games so his character acts erratically, think Donald from Kingdom Hearts. He is playing on a Wii remote. Help him.
Nous summons all of the Genius Society, represented as shooting stars, as an extra attack, similar to the Engine of Creation or Inhibitor Lunae. Sometimes we get a different effect based on the Genius Society member, like a freeze reaction for Hertha.
We manage to beat the Lord Ravager and return to the real world for some much needed rest (the Stellaron Hunters don't have to worry about their bounties for a bit because they did help save an Aeon so they've been temporarily pardoned).
And that's how Silver Wolf returns home to see all of the monitors destroyed, leading to Kafka's line: "Sorry sweetie, Bladie destroyed all of the monitors!"
The funny thing is that I had all of this thought out before the 1.3 trailer. And now we're getting Tanzzyroth bugs in Simulated Universe!
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