#and thought about that but with reg and ev
swag696942069 · 1 day
Hear me out, ftm Regulus who was promised to Evan when they were kids, and so because of that, they became super close as kids, and like, bestie for life level. But then, Reggie realizes hes trans and comes out, so he and Evan are no longer allowed to get married and stuff. And they're both actually upset about it even though they were never even really romantically attracted to each other, they were just besties who thought it was the best option for them to get married, after seeing some of the other people their parents would've approved of. And then blah blah blah, jegulus, and blah blah blah, rosekiller and they stay besties for life, and live happily ever after with their respective partners but they always make jokes about each other being each other's husband and stuff like that ahahhahaha
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
My Wife
A (slightly) jegulus microfic - Muggle AU - trans!reg - Based on an anonymous request
"So, shall we get drinks tonight?" Pandora asked casually, curled up in Lily's lap on the couch.
"Ooo, yes! We haven't been out in ages!" Marlene agreed, nodding and grinning broadly. "James, you'll get the boys to go?"
James, who was playing a game on his phone, looked up. "Sure, we're down! Let me just ask the wife," he said with a wink, standing up and tapping at his screen before pressing the phone to his ear.
Nobody seemed phased by the comment, but Barty was livid. "Wife?" He hissed to Evan, who was next to him on the floor. "Is he really calling Reg his wife? Fuck, I'm gonna punch him, Ev, I thought he was understanding about that whole thing!" He clenched his hands into fists, resisting the urge to hit James then and there.
But before Evan could reply, James's voice trailed down the hall. "...Yes, Sirius, of course you're my best friend. Yes, I'll dance with you tonight. Alright, I love you more! Bye!"
And, blinking, Barty unclenched his fists. Alright, then.
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Summer camp AU, part 4!!
July 4th <3
Wings - @jegulus-microfic - words: 901
TW: Referenced drug use
First part Previous part
“Are you lot supposed to be doing that?” Regulus snorted as he took a seat next to Barty under a tree near his cabin, Pandora sat with her legs in the water, splashing someone every now and again.
Regulus had a long day, he and James woke up early and took the kids for a tour around the camp. They visited some of the animals, planned some activities, and he nearly got pushed over by a thirteen year old when James convinced him to play tag with everyone. It’s a miracle no one got hurt, it was pure chaos.
Barty had a blunt between his fingers, holding it to his mouth and moving it to Evans.
“Me and Ev have never been caught before.” Pandora spoke slightly dreamily, smiling to the sky. “Plus it’s night, all the kids are asleep
Dorcas shortly followed from the direction Regulus had came from, throwing herself half into Regulus’ lap and half onto Barty.
“Want a hit Dory?” Barty asked, giggling, yes giggling, slightly as Evan stroked his hair.
“I will hit you if you call me that again.” She hissed, swiping the blunt from her friends hand and holding it up to her mouth, releasing a sigh.
Regulus made grabby hands to Dorcas, she passed him the blunt with a smirk as he blew smoke into the air.
“How was your day?” Pandora asked as she skimmed a stone on the river, it going shockingly far with a cheer from Evan.
“Potter was a piss take, as per usual.” Regulus spoke with a shrug. “The kids are decent enough.”
Pandora hummed, waiting a few moments before speaking. “My day was amazing, thanks for asking!” She smiled. “Lily Evans was so-“
“Hot?” Barty and Dorcas asked at the same time.
“Beautiful?” Regulus queried.
“Sweet?” Evan added.
“All three!” She squealed with heart eyes. “Let me finish though.” Her face dropped into a face of curiosity and soft thoughts as she spoke.
The group groaned in unison, there goes the rest of the night.
Regulus wasn’t entirely sure what time it was now, but it had to be late… or early morning. God knows.
The group seemed to get louder and louder as the night went along, Regulus just prayed they didn’t wake any of the kids up or this would be his first and last summer working at the camp.
“Where would you fly if you had wings?” Pandora spoke drearily, now on her back on the grass, her blonde hair splayed everywhere.
“Mars.” Dorcas replied.
“I’d scoop my dad up and drop him into the ocean.” Barty snorted.
Regulus pointed at Barty and nodded vigorously. “Yes, that one, but with both of them.” He spat.
The group talked and laughed, joked and splashed, complained and smoked, until the sound of rustling leaves broke Regulus out of his current trance.
“What the fuck are you lot doing?” The groggy voice of James Potter spoke as Regulus turned around, smiling innocently.
“Oh- hi Reg.” James’ face lit up, something unreadable taking place in his eyes before disappearing quickly.
“What does it look like, Potter?” Barty snapped.
James gave Barty a wary look, his eyes still slightly sleepy and his morning voice cracking as he spoke. Regulus will not be addressing how endearing he finds him right now. “How do you even know my last name?“ He snorted. “You don’t even know me.”
“Oh I know plenty about you, James Potter.” With a threatening tone to his voice, Barty scowled. Taking a step forward into the light, James’ brown skin reflected the slowly dispersing moonlight, that was the main thing that Regulus took high notice to due to his total lack of shirt.
Regulus sat in silence and tore his eyes away from the addictive sight, sipping at one of the cans of beer that Evan brought, despite the fact that his can had been empty of liquid for the past half hour.
“Barty stop being a prick.” Regulus mumbled into the can.
“I actually don’t think it’s physically possible for him to stop, it’s who he is.” Dorcas spoke with a dramatic sigh and a hand to her chest.
Pandora pouted and reached over to give Barty a forehead kiss. “Poor baby.” She tutted.
“Do you know what time it is?” James asked with a twitch of his lips, looking Regulus directly in his slightly bloodshot eyes.
“No.” The five of them spoke.
“Well.” James started. “It’s four in the morning and you lot are obnoxiously loud.”
Regulus scoffed, attempting to stand up but failing and resorted to sitting back down on a tree stump. “Says you.”
“And we,” James pointed to Regulus. “Need to be up early for first aid training tomorrow- well, today.”
Groaning into his hands, Regulus attempted to stand up again, James now rushing towards him and offering him a hand. Normally, Regulus would scowl and hit it away, but his slightly drunken brain just took it and registered how soft it felt.
He really likes holding James Potter’s hand, he thought to himself.
Stumbling forward into James, the brunette caught him and laughed, pushing him back towards the nearby cabin.
He swore he heard his friends laughs and whispers as he held onto James on the way back, but he really didn’t have the energy to question anything right now.
The questioning would come tomorrow, his brain is already fried enough.
Next part
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
Jerseys vs. Hoodies - Part 5
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 971 | Part 4 is here |
Evan breathes in deeply. “Bee…” he says slowly, “I should probably tell you something first.”
Barty looks confused at the shift in tone, but he sits up straighter in order to listen anyways.
“Okay,” he says, and Evan’s never been more terrified in his life.
His next words come out shaky. “We’ll always be friends, right? No matter what happens?”
Barty frowns. “Of course. But Evs, what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
His concern is enough to cause Evan to close his eyes as if he can block out all the bad by the performing the simple gesture. But when he opens them again, the fear and apprehension is still there.
“No,” he says, and it’s the most truthful thing he’s said in a while. “Bee, d’you know when you came to me that first night, and you kissed me, and I kissed you back without hesitation? Do you remember that?”
“…yeah?” Barty says slowly.
“Do you ever wonder why I didn’t question it, never even took a second to ask you why you were doing it?”
He doesn’t give Barty a chance to answer, staring at the table instead of looking at Barty as he continues, “It was because I didn’t want you to stop. I just wanted you to keep kissing me, no matter the cost, no matter your reasons behind it. For that minute I let myself enjoy kissing you, the feeling of having you kiss me, because I had wanted it for so long. And yeah, it hurt afterwards when you said that it didn’t mean anything. But I said “fine” and “okay” because that’s more than I ever thought I would get from you, and I was thankful for that tiny little scrap even if it “didn’t mean anything.” And then you came back, and again I took the scraps. And again, and again, until we had this little arrangement and I wasn’t worried anymore that every time we ever did something, it would be the last time.”
Tears are starting to blur his vision, and he refuses to look over at Barty, who remains silent.
He chokes out the next sentence. “But it hurt every time you reminded me it meant nothing, until eventually I couldn’t keep all of this to myself. So I told Pandora about it. And that helped a little, but soon after Reg started to get suspicious and confronted me about it, and I was so incredibly tired and I told him just about everything. So yeah, he knows, and yeah, that’s what he meant when he said “everything going on” between us. Which I guess makes it a low blow, but,” he laughs humorlessly, “nothing lower than I’ve been dealing with recently.”
He doesn’t look at Barty. He can’t look at Barty, can’t bear to see his expression as silence fills the space in between them.
“Evan,” Barty says, and that’s when Evan knows it’s going to be bad. Not “Evs” or “Evie” or even “Rosie.” Just “Evan.”
He tries not to let the tears fall, but it’s a struggle as he simultaneously tries to keep Barty from noticing his watery eyes.
“Evan,” Barty says again, “look at me.”
“Evs,” Barty pleads.
Evs, Evan thinks. He said “Evs.” Not “Evan.”
So Evan turns towards Barty. He wipes his eyes in an effort to get rid of any traces of his tears, but it’s evident that he didn’t do a good enough job as Barty’s face softens as soon as he takes him in.
“I’m so sorry, Evie,” Barty says, reaching out a hand and pulling Evan into his chest.
It’s a nice gesture, so sweet that Evan can’t stop himself from collapsing into Barty, despite the fact that he knows Barty’s just trying to soften the blow that’s bound to come.
Here comes the rejection, Evan thinks, but still clutches on all the tighter to Barty’s sweatshirt. Maybe if he can hold on tight enough, Barty won’t go.
“I’m so, so sorry I made you feel that way,” Barty whispers, and his hand makes its way to Evan’s head and winds into his hair. Evan closes his eyes tightly, wanting to stay here in this moment before everything comes crashing down around him.
“I never meant to do that to you,” Barty continues. “That was never my intention at all.”
He pauses, as if contemplating whether or not to say something.
“Do you know why I kissed you in the first place?” he asks. Unlike Evan, he waits for a response.
“No,” Evan mumbles against Barty’s torso.
“Well, I don’t know if you remember, but I was slightly tipsy.”
Evan remembers. Of course he does.
“I saw you sitting there on your bed, and thought, “Merlin, he’s so beautiful.” And you wanna know something? It wasn’t the first time that I had had that thought. Not even close. I just hadn’t acted on it, because… well, you’re my best friend, and I didn’t want to mess that up. But I guess the alcohol had gone straight to my brain, because I couldn’t stop myself from walking up to you and simply kissing you.”
“And I’m not proud of what I did afterwards, when I finally started thinking clearly again and panicked about you hating me because of what I had done. I told you that it didn’t have to mean anything. And if I could somehow go back in time and take that back, I’d do it in a heartbeat, consequences be damned. Because I really had wanted it to mean something. I still want it to mean something. I just didn’t think that you would want the same thing, so I never said anything.”
“But,” he says softly, his hand sliding out of Evan’s hair to cup his face and turn his gaze upward, “I’m saying something now.”
(The sixth and final part will come out sometime this week) (Hopefully)
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lexithwrites · 4 months
marauder men k!nks:
giving, receiving
- james -> mirror, oral fixation, multiple o's, praise, daddy
- sirius -> orals, daddy, marking, degradation, bondage
- remus -> marking, edging, pet play, vibes, daddy / sir,
- reg -> marking, nipple play, edging, humiliation, pet play, overstim
- barty -> overstim, humiliation, degradation, daddy, knives, wounds, blood
- ev -> blood, medical, knives, masks, humiliation, degradation
thoughts, additions?
(hope i got the colors right, was very very confusing)
Amen anon, and thank god people are giving in to pet play Remus let my boy get called puppy in bed I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS OKAY
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lulublack90 · 8 months
Prompt 19 - Pathetic
@jegulus-microfic January 19 Word count 903
“Prongs, it’s only two weeks. I'm pretty sure you can survive two weeks without my brother.” James knew that Sirius was right. It was only two weeks. But it was two weeks knowing that Regulus was in Grimmauld Place and would be having a very lonely Christmas with only his parents and Kreacher. James on the other hand was never lonely. He had Sirius and Remus staying with him and Peter came over nearly every day. Plus he also had two very loving parents. It was hard for him to have so much love and know Regulus had none.
A week went by and it was Christmas Eve. James knew he was annoying Sirius and Remus. He had been mopping about, not finding any interest in anything. Even his mother had commented on it. He’d been trying so hard since then to put on a brave face and make an effort. 
They were all sitting around the Christmas tree, putting the finishing touches on it and drinking huge mugs of hot chocolate — Remus was already on his second — when the wards alerted them to someone trying to get in. 
Monty slipped his wand out of his pocket, closely flanked by Euphemia.
“Stay back, boys. I mean it.” He commanded when he saw all three of them inching forward. Monty pulled the front door open, revealing a skinny young man wrapped tightly in a thick, expensive-looking travel cloak. He had the hood pulled up, hiding his face from view. But James would know him anywhere. Regulus Black was stood on his doorstep. 
“Let him in, Dad.” He heard himself saying as he walked forward. 
“Who is it?” Monty asked, looking confused. Sirius squinted, peering at the visitor. 
“Oh, for crying out loud. You’re both as pathetic as each other, you know. It’s only two weeks!” He shook his head and grabbed Remus’s hand, taking him back into the living room. “Hi, Reg. Merry Christmas.” He called over his shoulder. Understanding shot across Monty and Effie’s faces. 
“Come in, come in.” Effie waved Regulus forward.
“Thank you,” Regulus said politely once the door was firmly shut behind him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Potter. I hope my arrival isn’t an inconvenience.” 
“The pleasure is all mine, I’m sure, and it’s Effie, not Mrs Potter. And this is Monty. Say hello, Monty.”
“Hello, Monty,” Monty answered, deftly dodging Effie’s swotting hand.  
“Please ignore him, dear. Will you be staying for Christmas?” She asked as she gestured for his cloak.
“If that is alright, Mrs—Effie.” Regulus swallowed awkwardly.
“Of course it is. Does your Mother know you’re here?” Effie asked kindly. 
“If that bitch turns up here…” Sirius yelled through from the living room. 
“Sirius, language.” Effie cut him off before he could finish whatever it had been he was going to say. 
“Not exactly. She thinks I went back to Hogwarts to study for my O.W.L’s. I am going to go back to Hogwarts to study, but I thought I could make a detour on the way.” He gave her a sheepish crooked smile that James knew Sirius used on her all the time. As much as the Black brothers liked to argue that they were entirely different from each other, they both used the same tricks regularly. 
“Hmm, I’m not overly happy with that, dear. Especially after the last time with Sirius,”
“You love me!” Sirius yelled through again. 
“Stop shouting in my house, Sirius.” Effie chastised him, barely lifting her vice but very clearly heard. 
“Sorry, Effie,” Sirius called out more quietly. James could hear Remus giggling and Sirius swotting at him with a cushion.
“Sorry,” Regulus fidgeted with the cuffs of his jumper, “I’ll go.” He held out his hand for his travel cloak still in Effie’s hands. James turned to his mother pleadingly. 
“Don’t be silly, Regulus dear. It takes a lot more than Walburga Black to scare me.” She said with a very toothy smile. Regulus took a step back. Shock flashing in his eyes. 
“Come along, Monty. I need help setting up a room for Regulus.” She winked at Regulus and squeezed James’s arm as she headed to the stairs. 
“What’s the point? He’s just going to end up in James’s bed anyway.” Sirius cackled from the living room, clearly enjoying himself. 
“Sirius, behave,” Effie told him in her best mum voice. 
“Sorry, Mum.” Sirius apologised, his voice very subdued. 
Effie and Monty left James and Regulus alone in the hallway. 
“Hi,” James finally got to say once his parents had disappeared. 
“Hi,” Regulus smiled back. He rushed forward into James’s waiting arms and tilted his head up to look at him. James leant down and kissed him.
“Ooooooo.” Remus's cat called from the doorway. 
“Godric, Moony, don’t encourage them.” Sirius wasn’t as gung-ho now. 
James ignored them both, only having eyes for Regulus. He dipped his head again, kissing him gently before dragging him into the living room. 
“Want to annoy Sirius?” He whispered in Regulus’s ear. 
“Always,” Regulus murmured back, eyes flashing with mischief, not unlike his brothers did. James sat down and pulled Regulus onto his lap and continued kissing him and smiling when Sirius started protesting wildly to their, in his words, disgusting public display of affection. 
James could feel Regulus’s chest shaking as he tried to keep his laughter contained. James was now quite happy to be home for Christmas.   
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raziels-bloodline · 5 months
@rosekillermicrofic Prompt 6 - 'Eyes' 4/5/24
word count 329
My first attempt at a micro fic and Rosekiller
Barty couldn’t help but look up as the sound rang out again, sweeter than any music. Evan was across the common room sitting with Dorcas trying to get the hang of the charm Flitwick had taught them earlier in the week. Poor Dorcas had been roped into helping Evan, who while excelling at most things always struggled with charms. 
A smile pulled at his lips as he watched the two try and get the wand movement correct. It was almost impossible for Barty to stop his eyes from wandering anytime the blond was around recently. It was starting to become an issue.  
Shaking his head Barty looked back down at his essay. It wasn't due until Monday but tomorrow was the quidditch match and he didn't want to have to worry about the essay when he could be enjoying the after-party. Just as he refound his place Evan let out another laugh causing him to look up again. 
If Evan was a siren Barty knew he would jump into the waters without a second thought. He would do anything just to hear that noise. 
He looked up again only to be met by a smirking Regulus. 
‘Something distracting you there, Junior?’ Reg said with a knowing glint in his eyes. 
‘Shut it, Black.’ he grunted back, peering over the boy's shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of Evan. 
‘For the way you can't take your eyes off of Ev, one would think you would realise he likes you too.’ Regulus said with a sigh.
Barty looked at his best friend with a sad look and took a deep breath. Reg had mentioned this a few times now but there's no way that Evan could feel the same but there was no way. Evan had never shown an interest in boys, never mind Barty. He wasn't going to get his hopes up like that.
No, for now, he was happy to listen to the siren song that is Evan’s laughter.
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marauders-bs · 1 month
dorcas's pov - pt 2 of 2 unless i am struck my divine powers - more rheeve delulu
“Effie? Monty? Can we talk to you?”
Both of the Potters looked up, and for the life of her, Cassie couldn't keep her hands from shaking. She knew in her heart that the Potters were good people, unlike her parents, but the fear was still there.
“Of course, dears,” Effie said. “Go kick Sirius and James out of the sitting room, would you? That's more comfortable than the kitchen.”
Cassie nodded, feeling through the blood oath that the five of them had taken that Dora and Reg were as scared as she was. She didn't want to think about Ev and Bee, though. That was never a good idea.
Kicking out James and Sirius was surprisingly easy. Maybe they could tell, could recognize it.
“What's up, you three?” Monty asked, taking off his dragon-hide gloves.
Cassie fidgeted. She didn't want to go first. She reached out to Dora through their connection.
Dora, can you go first? Please?
She felt Dora sigh.
Of course, Cas.
“I’m seeing someone,” Dora said. She used bluntness like a shield. It was something Cassie loved about her.
“Oh! That's great, honey! Who is it?” Effie asked, kindness in her warm brown eyes.
Dora reached out and grabbed Cassie's hand. “It's Lily. Lily Evans.”
Monty’s whole posture softened. It was like with one sentence Dora had told him what was going on.
“That's great!” Effie said. “Do you want to have her over for dinner, does she need a place to stay…?”
Tears came involuntarily to Cassie's eyes, and she knew that Reg and Dora were the same.
“That’d be great,” Dora mumbled.
“And you two?” Monty asked, a humorous glint in his eyes. “Anybody for you, Cassie? Reg?”
Cassie felt herself smile. “Marlene McKinnon.”
Reg didn't say anything, and Cassie reached over Dora’s lap to grab his hand. He looked terrified, Salazar bless him.
“Reg?” Effie asked.
“Cassie,” Regulus muttered. Both Effie and Monty looked confused, but Cassie and Dora knew what he meant. Dora stood up and scooped him into her arms, carrying him away. Probably to his boy, Cassie thought with a smile.
“It's James,” Cassie said. “That's why he’s so scared. He's dating James.”
Monty sighed, but Effie grinned. It was obvious why when Monty handed Effie ten Galleons.
“We bet on it,” Effie said. She stood, patting Cassie on the shoulder as she made to leave the room. “Don't tell James.”
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hidden-for-reg · 2 months
july 4: wings | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 728
*surgeon x patient au*
previous part, part one
Regulus stirred slightly in his sleep. Yesterday had been an emotionally taxing day. What with him discovering he fancied his own doctor and then said doctor flirting right back at him. So, of course Regulus was a bit tired. After James had finished giving Regulus a rundown of everything to expect from getting surgery, he stuck around for another hour, claiming that if anyone needed him, they could just page him. After spending more time with James, Regulus realized that underneath James' outer layer of charisma, was a dumb, funny, sweet, and overall annoying man. Regulus couldn’t help but be intrigued.
Regulus stirred again in his sleep. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he yelped when he saw a face staring down at him.
“Barty!” Regulus cried, jumping back as his friend grinned in his face. “I thought I told you to stop waking me up like that!”
“Hello, past lover,” Barty crooned, clutching Regulus’ face tightly and smacking a dramatic smooch on his forehead.
Regulus groaned, a small smile on his lips. He glanced to the side and made eye contact with Evan. “Mate, how many times have I told you to put a leash on him?” he asked as Evan peeled Barty off Regulus and deposited him in a chair on the side.
Barty smirked evilly up at Evan. “He has.” He bit his lip, eyes dark.
Evan snorted, smirking back down at Barty.
“Christ, Barty, you’re in public,” Pandora chimed in from where she was standing on the opposite side of Regulus’ bed. “Hey, Reg,” she purred, giving him a quick hug.
“How has my favorite past lover been feeling?” Barty sat his head on his fist. 
Regulus rolled his eyes.
Barty shot up from his chair at the sound of his friend’s silence. “You’re not all of a sudden dying now, are you?”
Regulus raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
“Oh, Reggie, tell me you haven’t sprouted angel wings and plan on flying to heaven!” Barty wailed, jumping into Regulus’ lap.
The other man looked up from where he had been hugging Regulus’ waist and smiled at him mischievously. Regulus couldn’t help but grin back and respond with a deadpanned, “Oh, yes, actually, I’ve already died and I am a ghost.”
“Reg, but seriously, how are you?” Pandora asked quietly.
“The painkillers they gave me have got the pain down to almost nothing,” he shrugged. He didn’t feel anything, just a twinge every now and then. The power of the medicine honestly impressed him more than anything. He squeezed Pandora’s hand reassuringly to let her know he really was okay.
Barty snapped his fingers in his face to get his attention. “Dollface, you think you might be able to slide me some of whatever they’ve got you on?” Barty quirked an eyebrow up then scowled when Evan hit him on the shoulder.
“No,” Evan reprimanded. “You’ve just gone clean 2 weeks ago.” His eyebrows were furrowed together. “Please, love, you’re doing so good this time,” Evan pleaded, face gone softer.
Barty’s face also softened. “I know,” he murmured, “was just trying to poke a little fun at our boy all hopped up on the hospital’s meds.” Barty pouted innocently at his boyfriend. “I didn’t mean it, Ev.”
Evan nodded stiffly, gripped Barty’s shoulder affectionately, then turned to dig in the bag he had thrown over his own shoulder. “Regulus, I’ve brought you that book we were texting about yesterday,” he said handing him a book with a smooth black cover.
Barty, still sitting in Regulus’ lap, snatched the book first and flipped to the cover page inside. “Ooh, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio,” he read aloud. He gingerly set the book on Regulus’ nightstand. He moved his hands to Regulus’ cheeks and patted them while saying, “I admire you, babycakes, I wouldn’t have the patience to put up with a single—“
He got cut off by James Potter entering the room. All heads turned in sync to look at James questioningly. Meanwhile, James blushed a deep shade of red, some form alarm and chagrin flashing in his eyes. Regulus couldn’t possibly figure out what reason James would have to be chagrined in this moment though.
“Woah, who’s the Adonis that just walked through the door?” Barty exclaimed from where he was still in Regulus’ lap and clutching at Regulus’ face.
next part
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ros3kill3r · 2 months
angsty & regulus’ death || the letter dorcas received from her first ever friend || part 5 of 8
~*Dorcas Meadows*~
Dorcas never thought that she would live a life without her friends. Those boys. Those boys who always accompanied her everywhere, those boys who never dared to disappoint her, those boys who pranked with her, who danced with her, who shared the best memories with her. The boys who betrayed her, and broke their promise.
But it was fine! It was absolutely fine, because she still had Pandora, and those boys were bad people. They will kill, they will murder, and they will commit crimes. Dorcas is better off without them.
In all honesty, Cas isn’t so sure about that.
It’s been so lonely without them, so depressing. Dorcas doesn’t feel like herself. She feels hollow, in despair, in heartbreak. She misses the comforting laughter of her friends during dark nights in the common room, watching the giant squid glide by the windows. She misses the feeling of rare and meaningful hugs. She misses her boys. Her precious siblings, destined for doom at the end.
Regulus, cold complexion but a warm heart, harsh glares but soft smiles, heated words accompanied by the warmest hands. Regulus, who would find asking for help embarrassing. Regulus, who scolded all of them but laughed behind the scenes. Regulus, who nearly cried alongside the tears of one of his fellow friends. Regulus, who acted so tough, when he was not–just in case Sirius was watching.
Barty, big smiles and small ounces of shame, cold hands but warm greetings, annoying snores with comforting touches. Clingy, but shameless. Loving, but secretive. Dorcas wishes more people could’ve gotten to know him. The best side of him. She wishes they could just understand where they came from, their backgrounds. But no, they judge. They judge without reading the words in the book. They judge by the printed cover.
Remembering the way Barty’s gaze would change whenever Evan stepped into the room was bittersweet. Their soft smiles, soft slide of skin-on-skin, warm hugs and softly spoken words. It filled Dorcas up with love, this new thing between them. She wasn’t used to it, but she knew they needed it. She wonders if they’re still alive. She shouldn’t think about them too much, but she can’t help herself.
And there was Evan. Soft chuckles and loud gazes, quiet nods and hums yet his presence was so there, she didn’t know how to explain him. He was different, carried a different aura, a different energy. All she knew for sure was that if they were straight, she would’ve fallen for him. Flawless skin, perfect teeth, pale glowy skin, slim figure, thin hands, soft locks, deep voices and fragile giggles. She knew why Barty loved him. How couldn’t you?
Dorcas cocooned into the corner of the room, gazing out the window and at Regulus’ star. I miss him the most, I think. She thought to herself. I love them all the same, but I miss him. She didn’t know why, well–she did, but she didn’t know why this sudden feeling of want took over her heart. She closed her eyes, the bright blinking of the star flashing behind her lids.
There came a soft clacking noise from nearby and she cracked open an eye, leaning off the wall in surprise when seeing Regulus’ owl. She stood, walking towards the bird and peering into its wet eyes. She shouldn’t grab the letter. She shouldn’t read it, it’s for the best. She’s gotten enough letters from Barty and enough letters from Evan (a handful, which is quite much coming from Ev), and one single letter from Reg, including this one. Normally, she would’ve ignored the owl like any sane person, but before she could process, the letter was in her hand and the owl long gone over the horizon. She looked up, and Regulus’ star was dim. She furrowed her brows, fiddling with the bent corners of the thick envelope. The star should be the brightest today.
Gulping, she pulled herself away from the window, sitting back down in her tiny corner and glaring unblinkingly at the letter. Laughter at Barty’s jokes, smiles when sharing a knowing glance, hugs when upset, cheering at quidditch, giggles when Potter would stare at him, drama about Lupin being a supposed ‘werewolf’, books being traded between them both, reading quietly in the library while Barty and Evan disrupted peace across the room accompanied with Pandora’s lectures, teasing with crude and dark jokes, memories. Many of them.
She plucked open the poorly stamped wax, her fingers shaking like petals in wind. She tugged out the thickly folded letter delicately, brows scrunched when a separate sheet of paper slipped from between the cracks of the hastendly written letter. She placed that aside, and began to unfold the scrunched up message.
She cleared her throat, blinking with dry eyes, and she read.
Dear older sister,
If you have received this letter, I am dead. I have told Kreacher to send out all of my letters if I don’t make it back. In all honesty, I always knew I wouldn’t make it back, but I foolishly kept my hopes up. I kept my hopes up that if I went on just a day longer, things would change. But they didn’t. To make sure you read this letter, I have sent an owl to accompany it and bring it to the receiver.
I’m sorry to surprise you like this, especially when we aren’t close like we used to be anymore. I wanted to leave this world knowing the latest memories you have of me are good ones. I know you knew something was wrong with me, and you were right. You always know when something is wrong, and I love you for it.
I hope you never forget me and who I was. I hope when you hear anyone (my brother) speak badly about me you will roll your eyes and defend me. I know you would either way, but it is my wish for you.
Actually, I have a different wish for you when I die. Whenever you stumble upon Barty, Evan, even James, Remus, Lily, and Sirius, show them respect. I want the people I love showcasing love for each other. Even if you must force it.
I promise you, I will be waiting for you all after death. I promise I’ll be here. There is no point anyway in denying everything, I already know I’ll be dead. Don’t ask how, or why I know.
Do not tell anyone what I am about to tell you, but I know how Evan and Barty will die. Someone has told me, but I won’t say names. Spend as much time with them as you can, or at least see them as much as you can. Be strong, nothing will end easy.
I wrote another letter alongside this one. You and Pandora are the only ones who’ve got one. It’s a plan for both of you, just know there is a risk of death.
Maybe in another life we’ll all be able to grow old together as a close group of friends. Inseparable. Maybe in another life things won’t end this way and we could’ve gotten to know each other as much as we could. I face death with the hope that you will all live long and healthy lives, and if not, I fill myself with yet another foolish hope that when we all die, we’ll be reunited.
Remember our friendship, and control your anger.
Dorcas shut her eyes tightly, hot tears racing down her chocolate cheeks. She rose up from the floor, knees weak, and she stared upon the star once more. It was dimmer. Fading. But it was still flickering with its remaining energy. He’s not dead, she thought, feeling her heart sink lower down into the trenches of her gut, he’s dying.
She didn’t allow herself to cry. She picked up the other letter, quickly reading the words, Horcrux, spell, potion, death, the dark lord being the only things she understood.
“Panda.” She gasped, clutching both letters and storming out of the room and down the hallway, rapidly clasping onto her bag and rushing to the fireplace. She picked up the floo, and threw it down with an exasperated call of her best friend's location.
Hogsmeade with her friends, Regulus’ swatting hands, Barty’s hyena cackles, Evan’s twinkling eyes, Pandora’s flower crown. Christmas break, Regulus’ eyes filled with dread, Barty pacing the room, Evan sobbing with the mark on his arm, and Pandora nowhere to be seen.
Year 4, Regulus’ transition, Barty’s intrigued stares, Evan’s proud eyes, and Pandora’s knowing smirk. Sirius running away, Regulus’ desperate wails for his brother, Barty’s screaming in fury, Evan’s throbbing headache and pacing, and Pandora’s comforting back rubs.
She landed, nausea stars clouding the corners of her vision. “Panda,” She wailed, collapsing her weight against the door. “Pandora!” she wailed with a scream, scratching the wooden door of the Lovegood residence. Finally, the door opened. And there she was, eyebags and chapped lips.
2 years later, Dorcas Meadows didn’t control her anger after Marlene’s death.
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t1oui · 4 days
can I please get your thoughts on rosekiller raising Luna?? I've been obsessed with it lately and you've mentioned it before I want to know more about your headcannons!!!
AAAAAA OKAY im obsessed with them too but i think this has been established. just
first of all think canon luna but 10x more unhinged bc rosekiller are not doing her any favors in the "having morals" and "acting normal" departments (we love that for them)
BARTY CALLS LUNA PRINCESS. i am so... no i cant even lie and say im normal about this it's just a fact of life. he calls her princess and he treats her like one too.
they probably commit crimes or something (if you want more info on this search "criminal au" on my blog bc i have so many thoughts... there's also like 3 things under the tag "criminal au 2 electric boogaloo" lol)
this tag on one of my posts. it says a lot
Tumblr media
back to what i said about luna being treated like a princess: does she dress weird? yes. but her clothes and necklaces and the radishes she makes earrings out of are TOP TIER QUALITY bc their girl deserves that.
the three of them wear friendship bracelets
what luna calls them depends on how she's feeling - sometimes she calls them uncle barty and uncle evan, sometimes papa and dad, sometimes just barty and evan
luna gets her offputting gaze from evan and it shows
somehow she's actually such a well-rounded child?? absolutely nobody expects this
rosekiller encourage luna's interests!!!
the three of them cuddle a lot, especially luna and barty.
luna gets all the hogwarts gossip and reports it back to barty via owl
barty 100% teaches luna to drive at age 10 (evan is sitting in the backseat hanging on for dear life)
barty teaches luna how to pickpocket and evan teaches her potions (he doesn't talk about pandora and reg that often, but he makes sure she's got their skill sets)
autistic luna getting a new pair of noise-cancelling headphones. barty and evan helping her cover them in stickers. barty asking to try them out. luna and evan getting him his own pair and covering them in stickers for him :))
(barty cries)
(he actually cries a lot bc "hey, it's okay to cry, luna. no, i'm not crying because of that card you just gave me, but the drawing was really nice and i'm going to cherish it forever")
(she sees right through him but she doesn't say so)
whoever luna ends up with gets a very serious shovel talk from barty and evan (evan does most of the talking, barty just sits there glaring at luna's partner).
ginny finds it funny as hell. anybody else is scared shitless. (this gets ginny a good rep with barty and evan.)
they're soooo soft for each other.
i'm a personal fan of luna and cho being friends and i have a feeling evan and barty would, inexplicably, love her.
barty and evan hate sirius. sirius hates them back. the order of the phoenix has an unspoken rule that the three of them are not allowed in a room together.
barty is italian and luna & ev both know italian for him, so they speak italian with each other a lot.
muggle au rosekiller raising luna!! they hold a special place in my heart. barty and evan run an italian restaurant together and luna is a waitress there. (so is harry.)
yk how snape treats harry like shit bc he hated james? yeah, barty and evan treat harry well bc regulus loved james. (also bc they don't take out their anger on children but mostly bc being mean to someone who reminds them of regulus would hurt too much.)
i swear i have more thoughts about them but i'm totally blanking right now so uhh... feel free to send more asks and i will reply when i have thoughts !! thanks for the ask :)
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Hi, a while ago I send a request for something along the lines of James calling Sirius his wife jokingly, Barty (I think?) assumes he misgenders Reg and the rest is misunderstandings (or sthg like this). It was in the requests but now it is not? Have you posted it? If yes can you tell me the name? Thanks in advance!
I did, here's a copy!
My Wife
A (slightly) jegulus microfic - Muggle AU - trans!reg - Based on an anonymous request
“So, shall we get drinks tonight?” Pandora asked casually, curled up in Lily’s lap on the couch.
“Ooo, yes! We haven’t been out in ages!” Marlene agreed, nodding and grinning broadly. “James, you’ll get the boys to go?”
James, who was playing a game on his phone, looked up. “Sure, we’re down! Let me just ask the wife,” he said with a wink, standing up and tapping at his screen before pressing the phone to his ear.
Nobody seemed phased by the comment, but Barty was livid. “Wife?” He hissed to Evan, who was next to him on the floor. “Is he really calling Reg his wife? Fuck, I’m gonna punch him, Ev, I thought he was understanding about that whole thing!” He clenched his hands into fists, resisting the urge to hit James then and there.
But before Evan could reply, James’s voice trailed down the hall. “…Yes, Sirius, of course you’re my best friend. Yes, I’ll dance with you tonight. Alright, I love you more! Bye!”
And, blinking, Barty unclenched his fists. Alright, then.
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vixzstarz · 3 months
Regulus hated love. Ever since he was little the only love he knew was toxic. He believed he could never love someone.
Then he met Pandora on the train his first year. Immediately she declared they were best friends. Even if it wasn’t romantic love it was still the most love he’d ever felt.
Then when he got sorted he met Barty. At first he thought he’d hate Barty. He talked too much, he was loud, and most of all he knew Reg’s family. And anyone who knew his family couldn’t be good. But then he got to know him and Barty was everything he ever wanted in a friend.
In the dorms he met Evan. He wasn’t sure what to think of Evan. He was quiet like him but still, he was a part of the Blacks inner circle. Then again he got to know Evan and everything clicked. Evan wasn’t quiet like he first thought but still Regulus considered him one of his best friends.
In his second year he met Dorcas. She was a year older yet she hung around him instead. She was intimidating at first. But then Regulis got to know her and although she was cold to most, in quiet she was kind and cared for him so much. She was in their dorm more than her own and she was like the older sister regulus never had.
When Regulus was 14 he finally got to be close with Sirius again. He met Remus and Lily who seemed to be the most similar people to him he’d ever met. Then he met James.
When Regulus first heard of James Potter be absolutely dispised him. Potter took his brother away. Once he was older he realized James saved Sirius. James seemed determined to be Regulus’ friend. He was successful to, soon they met up all the time. Regulus could feel there was something different about this. It wasn’t the same love he felt for everyone else.
Then James kissed him in 5th year and he understood. It wasn’t the first time he ever felt romantic love but it was the first time he felt it could last forever.
Over the years, Pandora, the weird girl no one liked turned to Dora his absolute best friend. Crouch the boy his family forced him to know turned to Barty, who he knew would kill for him. Rosier, the other boy his family needed him to be friends with turned to Ev who he knew would take a bullet for him. Dorcas Meadows, the weird third year who showed up in his second year turned to Cas who was like his sister. Lupin and Evans, Sirius’ friends turned to Lils and Remus who seemed to always understand him. And lastly Potter, the boy who stole his brother turned to James, his boyfriend who he loved unconditionally and would for the rest of his life.
Somehow between 1st and 7th year Regulus found himself, and although everything in his life changed Regulus had never been happier.
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siriuslygay1981 · 9 months
Marauders during New years/new years eve
James- chomping down his grapes, told everyone to leave him alone till he was done cuz he had to concentrate. Took shots with padfoot at around 8-9 pm. Has been sipping on some alcohol beverage while socializing. Is the one hosting. Wearing red underwear. Cleaned the whole house, has cash in random places.
Padfoot- Took a shower at 7, got ready, took shots with James, has been taking shots with the girls and sipping on a drink while getting ready. Is ready at 8:30-9. Is forced by James to do the grapes, acts like it's ridiculous, all his wishes are very thought out, takes longer than all of them though.
Remus- smoked a joint with Peter, Evan, barty and Pandora. Took shots with Pete , Mary and lily. Ate when they got there and watched pads get ready. Talked with the girls with pads in his lap. Eats grapes, only says a few wishes with his grapes, mostly just eats them. Hated on the music a bit, took a handful of songs out and added some when lily looked away.
Peter- brought some alcohol, brought funny lil hats. Nibbled on food while socializing. Wore green underwear. Has done the grape thing since he went to a new Year's party at James. Flirts with some girl he meets, one of Mary's friends.
Lily- is wearing a headband thing with happy new year! On it. She is helping padfoot get ready and gossiping with the girls. She helps make some food and takes care of the playlist. She ends up getting Pandora's glasses.
Pandora and reg are on the couch passing the left over joint, reg was forced to wear a party hat by Pandora. Pandora is wearing those silly glasses that says the new year. Pandora is in this silver dress that looks like tinsels. Reg Helped James and Sirius set the party up. Oh uh reg secretly does wish for a bunch of stuff with his grapes but acts like he didn't. Pandora just wishes for all her friends to be happy.
Mary- gossiping with lily, pads and marlene. Helped make jello shots. Helps fix makeup on anyone who needs it. Brought her boyfriend to kiss at 12. Has added a few songs to the playlist when lily got distracted. Doesn't like grapes!??
Marlene- brought jello shots with Mary. Chilling with Sirius, mostly quiet but compliments everyone's outfit. Eats the grapes, forgets to make wishes until the last two. She dances with Sirius most the night. Comes out to the living room and chills on the couch with everyone. Definitely argued about the music with lily and Remus.
Dorcas- brought some dessert from the store. Takes a few shots for the fun but mostly stays sober. Hangs with reg and Pandora for a bit before hanging out with marlene outside. The first time she does the grape thing, isn't sure what to wish for exactly. Also questions if the wishes happen in order. Overthinks it a bit.
Evan and barty don't leave each other's side. Literally go to the bathroom together. Probably took something BFR the party. Drink a bit and eat a bit while dancing and socializing. Brought some substances if anyone wanted any. Chomped on the grapes under the table together. Barty ate any fallen grapes while Evan wrinkled his nose in disgust.
The prewett twins brought alcohol and invited a lot of people. (After midnight!)
These are all the characters I could think of at the moment, if u have another character lemme know who and I'll do them as well!! :)
Also quick explanation! Wearing certain colored underwear is this new Year's Eve/new year thing. Ex; if you wear red underwear you are trying to bring love into your life. And the grape thing, you get twelve grapes, twelve wishes. You eat them as soon as it turns twelve and try to finish it BFR 12:01. Oh and cleaning the house and stashing money everywhere is supposed to bring you wealth and good things or whatever.
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bloodbruise · 6 months
Give me horny rosestarkiller thoughts pls I’m in desperate need of them
alright i just cant stop thinking about barty being blindfolded and tied up. arms above his head and torso exposed. reg has his knives and evan is pulling barty's head back by his hair and biting across barty's jaw while he tells reg to hurt him. reg is dragging the knife down his rib bone and pressing down just enough for it to sting. and well barty is a little scared but he's so turned on. it takes a while for him to get there but i think ev could get him begging for them to hurt him more.
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vajazzly · 1 year
mlm (and not in the gay way) reg, as a treat
Around the age of 21, Sirius gave up all hope that Regulus would ever pull his head out of his ass.
Twenty, they figured, was an age at which one was expected to start thinking for oneself, and though Regulus had always been a bit of a late bloomer, holding onto the false hope that Regulus would ever be the brother they wanted was starting to become more of a burden than anything else. And at 21 Sirius had acquired several things - a lovely boyfriend, a prescription for HRT, a therapist, and a bit of perspective, most notably - that softened the blow of their brother’s rejection. At 26, though they never thought it would be possible, Sirius barely thinks of Regulus anymore, more of a passing thought during the holidays or around his birthday, the lump of resentment and grief smaller each year, something they can sit with and then dismiss with a firm hand.
So when, on the eve of Sirius and Remus’s second wedding anniversary, Sirius receives a follow request on their very private instagram from regulusablack, it comes as rather a shock, enough to make them sit up straight from where they were lounging with their husband on the couch, half-asleep with Keeping Up With the Kardashians on in the background.
“The fuck?”
Sirius tilts their phone screen so Remus can see, and he makes another soft, confused sound. “Weird.”
“Isn’t it?”
“You gonna accept?”
Sirius pauses, for just a moment. A voice in their head, small but mighty, tells them no. They’ve worked hard over the years to scrub any trace of themselves that their family could track from the internet, only using their private instagram under a vague username, and they like it that way, like the anonymity and the disconnect and the sense of safety that comes with it, even now, when their family can’t really touch them. It’s the control more than anything else, probably, or the need for the freedom to be themself without the constant second thoughts, the anxiety, knowing their family will see. 
They click on Regulus’s profile, which is public - scroll through his posts, all awkwardly posed photos of him in suits with a rotating cast of other formally dressed people, some outside of their old church, others at what must be an office or business conferences of some sort. It’s all horribly generic, expected. Sort of soulless. Still, it makes Sirius smile, seeing him grown out of his awkward boyhood into a man, sends a spark of something through his gut. 
“Dear god,” Remus says, with a note of amusement in his voice, and Sirius chuckles, scrolling back up to the top and pausing with their finger over the accept follow request button, considering. Everything about this is more than a little suspicious - Regulus seems to have settled into the life that was expected of the both of them, and they were never very close, even as children - Regulus has no real reason to contact them, unless…
Sirius presses accept follow request firmly and sets the phone down next to them, turning to peck Remus on the lips, reveling in his contented hum. A few years ago something like this might have sent them spiraling, but now, with a family of their own with Remus and their dogs, Lily and James and Harry just down the street, the sting of their family’s rejection has faded into a dull ache, a bruise - painful when pressed, but easily soothed.
Sirius hasn’t even gotten Remus’s fly all the way down when their phone lets out a soft ping, and despite themselves they pause to check it, curiosity briefly winning. It’s a DM from Regulus’s account, and they open it.
Hey bro! Hope you’re doing well. Recently I’ve been working towards a promotion, and I’ve got an incredible business opportunity…
Sirius tries to read through the rest of the message, but once they see the phrase more freedom than a 9-5 they break - at first into giggles, then full-on stomach-cramping fist-pounding laughter, dropping their phone onto Remus’s chest so he can read it - which he does, chuckling incredulously.
“Is this - is he trying to recruit you for a pyramid scheme?”
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