#and they're highly energetic live
mondscheinprinzessin · 9 months
Get into Plume with me
First of: pictures
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They definitely passed the make up check.
musical influences:
Linkin Park
Bring Me The Horizon
The Cure
Style: Electric Post-Rock
They bandmates have known each other since school. Are probably around the beginnings of their 20's because they're studying or getting a different education, but they also would like to do this band business full time.
Now to the songs:
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alienzil · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt/notion # 4
So Danny has the classic reveal gone bad scenario and the Fentons try to capture him to "tear him apart molecule by molecule".
Danny escapes into the ghost zone with the help of Sam, Tucker and Jazz but he's in bad shape.
What Danny had never been told is that newly formed ghosts like himself are considered babies until they're at least a century old. Baby ghosts generally either have parents if they're born in the realms or get adoptive parents shortly after forming and are highly dependent on their guardians until their core is fully matured. Every ghost can sense a baby and has the instinctual urge to protect them (especially if they haven't been adopted yet). Every baby ghost has the instinctual urge to find a compatible parent or parents. A baby won't imprint on just anyone and will hide or run from most ghosts until they find one that they can imprint on. The majority of the ghosts that have met Danny never knew he was a baby, both because he already had his living parents and his emotional connection with them was close enough to satisfy his ghostly need for a parental bond and because, with his abnormally high power level, it never would have occurred to them to think he might be an infant. A newborn ancient is exceptionally rare and your average denizen of the realms will have never seen one. Basically, to your average ghost, Danny feels like he's eons old and any hint of "baby" they get from him mostly just ticks them off because they think he's mocking them and pretending to be less powerful than they know he is. The other ancients knew of course, but they also knew that Danny's human guardians were satisfying his needs for now and most assumed he would be adopted once they passed. Half a century or so isn't very long to wait after all and the new baby is half human so it's probably best to let these things happen naturally.
Knowing none of this, when Jack and Maddie rejected Danny it severed their connection and the backlash of losing that bond caused his Phantom self to naturally revert to a smaller form that more closely matched his actual age as a ghost. Still in shock and operating almost entirely on instinct and emotion, Danny started to search the Realms for what he had lost. He needed to find his parents.
Meanwhile, John Constantine had a problem with an upstart cult that had summoned an interdimensional...something. He really didn't care. Whatever it was, was behind a barrier they'd thrown up that he couldn't breach. He'd be perfectly willing to leave them to their own mess except their whole damn town was behind the barrier so now it was his problem to fix.
Interdimensional problems call for interdimensional solutions so he'd called Bob. Bob wasn't really his name (nor was he really a he) but he hadn't objected to the moniker or the pronouns John had given him so Bob it was. Bob was an eldritch nightmare of a creature who kept the bulk of his true form politely out of this dimension and only just barely inched in for a quick visit every 20 years or so. Constantine had worked with him before, he was a pretty nice bloke for an unknowable monstrosity.
Bob fed on energy and his usual diet consisted largely of the background energy of the cosmos but he liked a special treat now and then (who doesn't?). So John made a deal with him. Bob took care of his little cult problem and John spent a very... ahem... "energetic" evening with Bob in exchange. Not really a hardship on John's part, Bob wanted more energy, not less, and knew a thing or two about how to get it.
The creature known as Bob was preparing to withdraw the small portion of his presence that was currently on Earth with the human called John Constantine when another part of him noticed something. Bob smiled to himself (as much as Bob could smile that is). What a wonderful coincidence that the Constantine human's energy would be so perfectly matched to this other beings and that Bob was here at the exact right moment to assist with their meeting!
"I thank you again for sharing your energy John Constantine. It was delicious as always."
"Don't mention it mate. Look me up next you're in town and feeling a bit peckish. Always happy to oblige." John replied with a smirk.
"I will heed your words John Constantine and seek your presence upon my return. As a token of my affection for you, a small gift that you might enjoy until we meet again." Bob briefly opened a portal between the Infinite Realms and the House of Mystery as he left. He hoped his human friend would enjoy the gift. Bob had never spawned himself but he'd heard parenthood was one of life's great joys.
"Gift?" John had just enough time to say as he was hit in the face by a chirping, wriggling, excited creature.
"Oi!" John stumbled back a step as he reached up to try and pry the thing off his face. He managed to grab ahold of the damn beast and held it out at an arms length to get a look at it. Deprived of his face, it wrapped its body tightly around his arm and nuzzled its head into the palm of his hand.
John stared at the creature. It was the roughly the length of his arm, mostly black with white markings and white floating hair on a human shaped head and face, complete with glowing green eyes. It was vaguely snake shaped...or... one might say...tentacle shaped...
John gulped and pictured Bob. Bob's appearance, or what little bit of his appearance John was able to perceive, was a writhing mass of black tentacles that glowed a bright, luminous green.
So, the "gift" Bob had left him mostly had Bob's coloring and was kinda Bob shaped. Except it had small human arms and hands and a tiny mostly human head and face and... was that his nose?!
"Oh bollocks, I'm a dad!"
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botanicalsword · 9 months
Moon signs ✧ how they behave
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>> Part II
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Moon in Aries
They respond quickly and passionately to situations and want instant satisfaction. They like being the first to get involved in a situation. When they’re close to someone, they tend to be harsh and easily lose their temper with family members. Their impatience also shows up when it comes to money matters.
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Moon in Taurus
They are steady, practical, and don't get easily angry. They don't like change, need financial security, and can attract a lot of money and a comfortable life. They really enjoy living in a comfortable home, but they can become lazy once they're there. They don't often experience poor lifestyle. They know how to handle resources carefully and practically, therefore they can keep wealth for a long time.
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Moon in Gemini
They go through different emotions and feelings, can easily adapt and feel restless. They are curious about what others think and feel, and they can be easily influenced by things happening around them. They are always mentally and physically occupied.
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Moon in Cancer
They strongly and naturally desire comfort, closeness, and a feeling of safety and protection from the outside world and the people around them. They enjoy old furniture and antiques, and they have a sentimental connection to various old items. Their sense of security is tied to nostalgia, and they have a deep emotional attachment to old objects that cannot be easily broken.
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Moon in Leo
These individuals often have a high opinion of themselves and enjoy receiving attention and admiration from others. They strongly desire recognition, acknowledgment, and gratitude. They enjoy spending money to bring themselves happiness, rather than seeking praise from others. They have a strong sense of self-confidence and make bold and assertive investments.
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Moon in Virgo
People with this placement tend to be humble, gentle, and attentive to the needs of others, offering help when necessary. They are highly sensitive to criticism and have been suppressing their emotions for a long time. This makes it challenging for them to express their true feelings, as they try to conceal their inner vulnerability. Consequently, this can create emotional barriers in intimate relationships.
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Moon in Libra
They have a distaste for rough and impulsive behaviors. When the Moon is in this position, it signifies grace, social abilities, and a charismatic personality. They strongly dislike any kind of discord or disharmony. They are highly fearful of arguments and conflicts. They excel in finding compromises and setting aside their ego, but once a limit is crossed, there is no going back.
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Moon in Scorpio
They have a strong inclination to actively engage in current affairs and relationships. They approach life with enthusiasm and focus. They have experienced a childhood filled with intense emotions, which has led to the development of a heightened sixth sense. This allows them to directly perceive the thoughts of others. They possess a sense of ownership when it comes to emotions, although they do not seek to control others' actions. They possess the ability to sense whether or not someone is being deceptive towards them.
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Moon in Sagittarius
They are energetic, proactive, and open-minded individuals with a free-spirited nature. They genuinely interact with others, without hidden agendas, and strive to explore a wider world. Their priority is to find meaning and purpose in everything they undertake. While they may not have overly gentle, delicate, or empathetic personalities, they are also not socially awkward. They are very lucky and hold a strong belief that tomorrow will bring improvement, even when faced with setbacks.
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Moon in Capricorn
They highly regard rationality, desire respect, and exemplify self-discipline as role models. They find comfort in having a sense of control. During their youth, they lacked maternal affection, which has made them very conservative in managing their finances. They frequently felt that they didn't have enough money, so they are extremely cautious when it comes to spending. Their sense of security is derived from tangible savings and real estate.
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Moon in Aquarius
They are amiable and enjoy socializing, but they exhibit a sense of emotional detachment. They are emotionally independent, composed, and inclined to seek truth and make rational decisions. They can come across as emotionally cold and distant, which allows them to be self-reliant in their emotions. However, they may struggle to form deep emotional bonds with others naturally.
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Moon in Pisces
They are highly susceptible to external influences and may tend to see the world in an overly positive light. They possess a vivid imagination and a profound yearning for spirituality and romance. They dislike being confined or constrained. They have a strong sense of empathy and can be easily moved by emotions. They might also make impulsive investment decisions driven by their emotions. While they may not excel in practical service, they frequently offer emotional support and willingly lend an ear to others' worries.
>> qualities of partner that they are in search of
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youremyheaven · 1 year
The 8h in Astrology💀🦇✨
(this can apply to both tropical and vedic placement of 8th house because regardless of the system employed, the energy felt and experienced is the same :-)
The 8h is perhaps the most mysterious house in astrology and is most commonly associated with sex, death and unexpected events. Its also related to one's longevity, wealth, debts, transformation etc
It is a very misunderstood house, so I thought I'd make a post analysing it and shedding light on its nature<3
8h is connected to finances, occult, revenge, taboos and fears.
Sex, death and transformation form the core of 8h (scorpio). These are very Scorpionic themes and we must understand why. I had already explained how sex and death are interrelated and kind of go hand in hand. Sex and death are similar in the sense that they both offer release from life; the former temporarily and the latter permanently 💀 and when there's talk of sex and death, there is bound to be talk of transformation because both of these are deeply transformative activities.
It is interesting that a water house, like the 8h rules over sex because water is an element that absorbs things quickly. Sex can be best understood as a transfer of energy between two people; this is why sometimes with certain people, sex can feel very draining and post-coitus, many people describe feeling melancholic. Water is the most emotional element because, unlike other elements, it's in the nature of water to merge itself, like rivers merging with the sea; union is essential because water by design flows from itself to eventually reach the ocean.
Each water sign expresses this emotional depth differently but it is at its height in Scorpio which is generally understood as a very "intense sign".
Scorpio is known for its highly sexual nature but it's very rare to see a Scorpio enjoy casual sex (unless they have other placements that encourage it). This is because they deeply crave emotional connection and emotional intimacy.
It is why it's advised to be selective about one's sexual partners; because sex can have a profound impact on one's spiritual energy and cannot be considered a purely physical activity. it's possible for one to be disconnected from their emotions but being intimate with someone is not an un-emotional act by nature since sex is ruled by the water sign of Scorpio/8h.
In French, an orgasm is called "le petit mort" or "little death" and its safe to say that sex & death are closely associated in many cultures.
there is a reason why sex, fears, trauma, taboos are all 8h topics. if you've ever come across someone who naturally exhibits a very potent, magnetic sexual energy and aura, 8/10 times they've lived very messed up lives or come from a home that was less than ideal. this is because sexuality is inherently dark and shadow-y; someone who has a very potent sexual aura can easily intimidate others; they're bound to have a very unsettling effect on others; this is because we unconsciously pick up on the fact that they've been through things we can't imagine. they project things we fear. historically sex symbols have always come from really abusive families, have terrible relationships with their father, usually had to bear their mother's emotional burdens, they've most likely had a string of bad relationships and likely suffered abuse. why is this? whatever we project on the outside is a reflection of what goes on within us.
There is a reason why most people say Old Hollywood actresses were so much more unique and better than the current lot. Not only did they have a distinct persona but they each reflected it energetically. True raw sexuality always points to darkness lurking underneath; this is what makes us curious about them, what draws us in and what makes their presence so intense; like they suck up the air around them.
Most celebs today are beautiful on the outside and possess every feature it takes to be "sexy" but they do not have sex appeal. They lack presence.
(I went off on a tangent lmao, anywayyyyys)
8h is connected to transformation. Birth and death are two of the most fundamentally transformative experiences, not just for the people undergoing it but also for everyone in their lives. In our lives, we also experience ego deaths and spiritual re-births, so we live and die many times before we actually die. Sex too is an activity that is supercharged with transformative potential. There is a reason why sex is performed ritualistically in many occult initiation ceremonies and why Tantra is so heavily associated with sex that it is practically only known as some kind of crazy yogic sex thing. Sex opens up an energetic channel, a doorway so to speak, that allows for new energy to be invited in. There is a reason why many creatives consider their partners to be their muses (although its not necessary for a muse to be their sexual partner; i will get into this in more depth in a future post).
the 8h is connected to unexpected events because by nature we cannot predict either birth or death. we can come up with a tentative time frame but it's not possible to conclusively say someone will die/be born at this specific time. 8h governs all matters that are unexpected; positive and negative. life can turn on a dime. you can go from rags to riches over night but you can also lose your empire in minutes. 8h transits bring about crazy transformative experiences and depending on your placements and aspects, create a lot of emotional turbulence as well.
I have noticed that many 8h natives tend to be heavy sleepers whereas 12h natives often struggle with insomnia.
8h is connected to both wealth/finances as well as debts. This comes down to the fact that the 8h is connected to transformation. Our resources/money is a significator of our karma (in spirituality karma means actions) and therefore they are always undergoing change. There are certain aspects of our life we cannot change (where we are born, who we are born to etc) but our finances are up to us to change and transform. Its interesting that the 8h is linked to loans, debts etc. and not just accumulating wealth. An afflicted 8h can show someone who has a lot of debts or an inability to keep hold of money.
8h is also related to what is kept hidden or secret and finances/debts are usually the things that people are extremely private about (so are other 8h activities like sex and death).
Wherever you have your 8h, you're probably better off keeping those matters very low-key and private because its easy to attract evil eye.
the reason 8h is also associated with revenge is because it represents our shadow side, its the 8th house from the 1st house of self/ego, so it represents what we keep hidden/our shadow. The reason why we feel so triggered by certain people is because they project our shadow (in the Jungian sense of the term). If we ever hate some people for no reason, there is a HIGH chance that our 8h placements are present in their chart.
8h synastry can create some of the most toxic relationships and lead to a lot of purging and projecting on to each other. This is never good for long term relationships.
This is also why 8h is connected to fears. Our fears are usually subconscious and hidden from others and even from our conscious selves. This is again why its also connected to taboos. The 8h essentially covers all that lies underneath the surface.
"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."- Albert Einstein (Jyeshta Moon) 8h
its very common for 8h natives to feel trapped or stuck in their circumstances. being "caged in" is a very definitive 8h experience.
In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of "Bardo" is present. It is the intermediate, transitional or liminal state between death and re-birth. This need not refer to literal death and re-birth of course.
The experience of Bardo is transcendental, allowing an individual to experience reality in the clearest way possible but it can also be terrifying. It is an opportunity for liberation but it can also prove to be dangerous as one experiences hallucinations based on their karma.
Bardo can be experienced during times when the usual way of life is interrupted, such as during the course of illness, during meditation etc. Such times can prove fruitful for spiritual progress because external constraints diminish. However, they can also present challenges because it can also make us impulsive.
8h transits can often feel this way and having 8h placements itself can feel this way; you're capable of immense spiritual depth but also of causing so much trouble and sometimes its impossible to separate the two.
8h natives could be heavy sleepers or struggle with insomnia (this is more 12h imo)
8h transits are often connected to death 💀 and the 8h placement can provide significant clues about one's lifespan, nature of death etc
“Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have , so to speak pawned a part of their narcissism.”― Sigmund Freud (Moon in 8h)
8h natives experience a riptide of emotions but are unable to channel it effectively. They are not the best at expressing how they feel verbally. The reason why Moon is debilitated in Scorpio is because these natives are unable to express how they feel and unable to receive energy in the same way as Cancerian natives (Moon rules Cancer) this is not due to any other reason but that these natives have such a vast reservoir of emotions and such depth that it's almost too much for them to process and grasp emotions in a nonchalant way.
“The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.”― Stephen King (Jyeshta Moon/Moon in Scorpio)
8h in an earth sign could signify dying of old age, 8h aspecting neptune/uranus/pluto could signify unnatural death, 8h in fire signs could point to violence/accidents.
since the 8h is connected to the subconscious realm, its also linked to psychology, magic and secrets. magic involves tricking the mind into believing something is real when it's not, it's a very 8h activity.
the subconscious also stores our secrets which is why its connected to hate and revenge.
the natural ruling planet of 8h is Saturn and Saturn stands for discipline, justice, karma and time. in life we get what we give (this is also a sexual principle) and this explains the connection between 8h and sex, as well as 8h and saturn.
ultimately scorpio's waters represent that which we hide, be it desire, fear, traumas or taboos.
in vedic astrology, scorpio is exalted in ketu whereas rahu is exalted in taurus (the opposite sign of scorpio is taurus). the fact that ketu is the tail of the dragon with no physical form of its own and that its exalted in a water sign is very telling.
"Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialisation to the spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet simultaneously turns the individual to God. In other words, it causes material loss to force a more spiritual outlook in the person." (this is from wiki)
I would say Scorpio/8h can be described very similarly. experiencing loss is a big theme in the life of an 8h native. its very easy for 8h natives to give into drugs, other substances and live a very hardened life. its through experiencing loss and heartbreak that an 8h native can break through the cycle and seek spirituality because the 8h is innately connected to the spiritual realm.
these natives can veer between either extremes, i.e, they can be alcoholics/addicts, never experiencing true love/meaningful relationships but through pain, a divine channel opens up and many reform their ways for the better. because an evolved 8h native is capable of profoundly deep intimacy and are the most loyal and protective of companions/partners/friends.
its hard for these natives to find stability and most 8h natives are naturally guarded people, suspicious of others and their intentions which makes them true blue introverts.
🌹true romantics deep down, these natives desire love profoundly but feel unable to express it adequately. if your partner is an 8h native, they'll remember all your likes and dislikes, every little thing about you, pick up on your habits and preferences but they'll seldom verbally gas you up or be affectionate. they're more covert with their love.
being extremely mysterious, many 8h natives could have a not so good reputation. people perceive them in ways that are far removed from who they are. they could also have many secret admirers.
symbolised by the scorpion, a fiercely guarded creature that is intelligent, defensive, dangerous and ruthless to its enemies, 8h natives imbibe quite a few of these traits. they are so defensive because they feel like they have to protect themselves. being a water sign, they absorb things easily and this pollutes their energy.
they're the kindest people underneath it all<33
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princeloww · 9 months
(Different roles, where to find them and what they're like!!!) (+ more that I didn't go into included at the end)
*disclaimer: this is sort of UK orientated, 'cos I don't know any American streaming services or where stuff is available in other countries, so PLEASE comment other places you can watch things!!!!
- Takin' Over the Asylum (CAMPBELL BAIN)
Follows a DJ and a group of patients trying to keep a radio station going in a mental hospital. David plays one of the main characters, Campbell Bain, a mostly upbeat and energetic young boy with lots of enthusiasm and spirit. Some angst!
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Blackpool (PETER CARLISLE)
A body is found in an arcade run by Ripley Holden, and him and his entire family are pulled into the murder investigation surrounding it. DI Peter Carlisle is working on the case, and highly suspicious of Ripley. He's a pretty major character and has a romantic plot - as well as a few funny musical numbers. Includes sex scenes.
The (mostly sexual) adventures of Giacomo Casanova, a charming and fraudulent man who falls in love very quickly and very dramatically with a lot of people, all while essentially bullshitting through life and jumping on every opportunity to make money. Includes sex scenes but also angst, such as illness, injuries, some violence, and general suffering.
- Recovery (ALAN HAMILTON)
A man and his family coping with the recovery and rehabilitation process after he (Alan, David Tennant) suffers from brain damage. Angsty. Lots of crying, suicide references, head injury stuff.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (BARTY CROUCH JR)
I recommend pirating this one so you're not supporting JK Rowling. DT plays Barty Crouch JR, an antagonist and the son of Barty Crouch. He's kind of a minor character, as he's not actually in a lot of scenes.
☆ Probably on most pirating sites (my go to is MYFLIXERX.TO)
- Learners (CHRISTOPHER ??)
Lighthearted movie about a woman trying to pass her driving test. David plays Chris, her driving instructor. He's a bit of a dork, very sweet and kind. Has a love plot, briefly fights a guy. No major angst.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Hamlet (HAMLET)
Hamlet. Prince of Denmark wants vengeance after his father's death. I haven't actually watched this one yet but I assume it's got the same amount of angst and drama as Hamlet typically does.
- Single Father (DAVE TYLER)
After a fatal car accident, Dave Tyler (DT) is left to parent four children on his own. Still struggling through grief, Dave falls in love again and attempts to hide it. Has LOTS of crying, lots of kissing, sex scenes, DT being miserable and sobbing, etc.
- Rex Is Not Your Lawyer (REX ALEXANDER)
Unaired pilot. Only 40 minutes. Show wasn't picked up, but it is very good. Rex is a successful and skilled lawyer who is forced to stop practising when he starts having panic attacks every time he speaks in court. He decides instead to coach people who want to represent themselves. Lots of DT in very tight suits. American accent. Not MAJOR angst but he does has daddy issues and a panic disorder, so.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Fright Night (PETER VINCENT)
A kid discovers that his neighbour is a vampire, and he seeks out a famous vampire slayer to help him. Peter Vincent (DT) does not live up to his name, and turns out to actually be sort of pathetic. No major angst, not a lot of clothes, no romance, but lots of eyeliner. He's very bisexual. Violence, vampire horror, creepy neighbour.
- The Decoy Bride (JAMES ARBER)
Celebrity Lara Tyler tries to get married to her author fiancé James Arber, but the paparazzi interrupts the wedding. Desperate to keep it private, she takes James to the island that he based his book on. Somehow, the paparazzi still find them, and they hire a decoy bride to pretend to be Lara. Romance, kissing, light hearted, minimal angst. David in a funny outfit. Fake dating trope?
- Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger (Donald and Roderick Peterson)
Sequel to Nativity, but you don't need to watch the first one. Primary school teacher Donald Peterson (DT) is forced to take his class to Wales to participate in A Song For Christmas, a festive singing competition. Here he is put against his twin brother, who is a successful composer and with whom he has a strained relationship. Light angst - lots of daddy issues, but generally sweet.
☆ AMAZON, I think its on NOW TV???
- The Escape Artist (WILL BURTON)
A defence lawyer, Will Burton, gets a murderer off free, and very quickly grows to regret it, when his client comes after his family next. Lots of murder. Like three murders I think. Hot lawyer DT.
☆ AMAZON (I can't believe I forgot this one)
- What We Did On Our Holiday (DOUG MCLEOD)
A family go to Scotland for their grandfather's 70th birthday. Doug (DT) and his wife (Rosamund Pike) are getting a divorce, but are hiding it from the rest of the family. Movie is mostly focused on the kids and their grandad, but David has a few moments, and he's generally present throughout. Funny, slightly shocking at times, family film. No major angst. Character death.
- Richard II (RICHARD II)
Shakespeare's Richard II. David plays the titular character, the extravagant, heartless and cold King of England, Richard II. We see his fall from grace as he is stripped of everything he owns and knows. Quite angsty. Long hair, androgynous David. Queer kiss scene (although they are cousins, soo...)
☆ you can find a link in a REDDIT comment if you search for it, AMAZON PRIME
- Broadchurch (ALEC HARDY)
An eleven-year-old boy is murdered in a small town, sending shock-waves through the community. Story follows both the family and communities response to the crime, as well as the investigation done by DI Alec Hardy (DT) and DS Ellie Miller (Olivia Coleman). Lots of angst from Alec. He is sick and hiding it. Injury, dizziness, panic attacks, that sort of thing - as well as a heart attack. He has a lot of trauma and daddy issues. Season three touches on topics of rape (warning).
- Mad To Be Normal (RD LIANG)
Biopic about RD Liang, a Scottish psychiatrist. Sex, misogyny, mental health topics, some self-harm (done by another character)
☆ AMAZON (sensing a pattern)
- Good Omens (CROWLEY)
An angel (Michael Sheen) and a demon work together to stop the end of the world. Queer romance (canon), some angst. Drama, comedy, LGBTQ+. David plays Crowley, the demon (who "sauntered vaguely downwards" rather than fell from heaven)
A COVID lockdown comedy about David Tennant and Michael Sheen talking via Zoom during the lockdown. Actually quite sad at times? Mostly silly, though. Features Georgia Tennant and Anna Lundberg.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Around The World in 80 Days (PHILEAS FOGG)
Phileas Fogg, a quiet and reserved man, decides to travel around the world in 80 days, after he receives an anonymous postcard calling him a coward. Cute found family, drama, angst (ex-lover stuff, internalised cowardice, illness, near death experience), some violence. There's a scene where Phileas gets flogged (whipped, essentially) quite violently, and it's somewhat graphic. Touches on themes of racism. Phileas is 100% neurodivergent.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Inside Man (HARRY WATLING)
DT plays a vicar, Harry, who is involved in a murder after trying to protect his son - who was accused of having CP. Suicide themes, murder, self-harm - explores the idea that any person can murder, if they're pushed the right way. Includes topics to do with CP and pedophilia.
- Litvinenko (LITVINENKO)
Biopic about Alexander Litvinenko. A group of detectives investigate the poisoning of Litvinenko. David is bald in this show. (Scary)
☆ ITVX (UK) (or VPN)
- Doctor who (10TH AND 14TH DOCTORS)
Do I need to explain Doctor Who???? David Tennant plays the tenth and fourteenth regenerations of The Doctor, a Time Lord from outerspace. He travels around in the TARDIS with human companions.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK)
I think I'm gonna leave it there, but there are a LOT that I have not touched on. This post is a very accurate and long list of everything on DT's filmography, so i recommend you check that out.
Other things I didn't mention (off the top of my head):
There She Goes, Bad Samaritan, Einstein and Eddington, Rab. C Nesbitt, Bright Young Things, LA Without a Map, Much Ado About Nothing, Duck Patrol, True Love, Gracepoint, Camping (US), Nan's Christmas Carol, Mary Queen of Scots, (You, Me and Him), Secret Smile, Deadwater Fell, Jessica Jones, Dramarama, Spies of Warsaw, AND A LOT MORE. (+ voice acting roles, and also his narrating work on Spy In The Wild (2017)
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Don't mind me having a brain rot of Ghost visiting the orphanage where Jade volunteered in and having one of the fluffiest day of his life.
Ghost during his off-duty time because he was injured. Bored Ghost contacting Jade to relieve his boredom, then her inviting him to visit the orphanage she used to be a part of. Ghost being reluctant saying that he's never dealt with so many kids at once and that he's bad with kids. Jade saying to him that kids have this magical effect on people so Ghost obliged.
Jade telling the kids, "We have a new friend today. Meet Mister Simon!" Only for the kids to call him "MISTER SALMON???" instead. Jade trying to stand up straight as she died laughing inside while Ghost just 🧍
The younger kids asking for piggy back rides on Ghost's back and shoulders. Jade telling them to take turns but Ghost found out that he could lift 5 children on his shoulders and arms, proceeding with giving them the ride of their lives like they're flying in the air because of Mister Salmon's height.
One of the kids crying because Ghost ran too fast and became too afraid. Ghost putting them down but the kid kept crying. Ghost not knowing what to do, panicking inside, only for Jade gesturing to him to give the kid a hug and rub the kid's back.
Ghost who was hesitant at first, but deciding to hug the crying child, having a realization of how big his body actually is compared to a kid, that he hasn't hugged such a vulnerable, fragile kid in a such a long time (or never, even), rubbing the child's back in a soothing manner, whispering, "it's okay, you're okay now. Shhh."
Ghost not knowing what to do when other kids started to hug him as he hugged the crying child. Jade secretely taking a photo of him being surrounded by kids.
Ghost seeing two kids fighting for toys and somehow he ended up making it a push-up and sit-up competition. Ghost having to stick a band-aid on one kid as they were too excited and scraped his knee.
One kid being prideful and saying to him that he could give Mister Salmon a piggyback ride. Mister Salmon squat-walking as he followed the kid from behind.
Them playing London Bridge Is Falling Down with Jade and an older kid as the bridge. Ghost having to crawl on his four to fit the kids' heights and somehow gets caught on the bridge. The kids laughing as he looked absolutely ridiculous crawling in all fours as they pointed at Mister Salmon and Miss Chacha being the bridge. Ghost and Jade blushing profusely as they hold hands.
Afternoon nap time, Ghost having to soothe a crying kid, eventually sleeping on his arm and Jade helping him tuck the kid to bed.
Ghost looking at Jade as she softly sings a lullaby to one of the kids whilst thinking that she used to be one of the kids. Ghost thinking of how she could still keep the softness when she's the exact opposite during missions.
Ghost and Jade having a downtime together drinking tea while being tired af because he didn't remember dealing with kids was this draining.
Dinner time as Ghost helps Jade and the other caretakers prepare food. Mister Salmon spoon-feeding a younger child because they were very highly energetic. Ghost having a kid throw up on his hoodie as Jade scrambles to clean his hoodie, only for Ghost to tell her it's literally nothing compared to what he's witnessed during his deployments.
Ghost unexpectedly feeling happy that day as he dropped Jade off in front of her house. Jade saying that he's not bad with kids at all, in fact, he was so good with them. Him thanking her and saying he wouldn't mind coming along for the next time.
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seahagart · 8 months
What are Drifa's first opinions of the companions before she gets to know them?
Lae'zel: First companion she would meet, immediately understands she's very brave and 'knows what she's doing', respects. As time goes on, I think Drífa's indifference towards her comments/insults would wane, she would ignore it/not understand what she's saying, or would just think she's making a comment like 'you have an ugly large nose' and drifa is like 'you have no nose, see drífa have eyes', then would probably get tired of it, poking the bear, but remain stoic which i think would bother lae'zel more than getting a reaction lolol. Lae'zel hates Drífa... or does she.... :)
Shadowheart: Second companion, small elf girl, anytime shadowheart is like 'i don't wanna talk about it' drífa's like 'aight' and leaves, which is why shadowheart likes her now. Drífa is concerned, a small elf all alone. Feels shes quite small and fragile to be into the things shes talking about, but whatever. literally has no idea who shar is so is like 'cool goddess, i respect your faith' because drifa also follows a rather fierce goddess. Drifa prefers to listen over talking, so they get along well. shadowheart is desperately trying to smash rn
Gale: Pulled this weirdo out of a rock, a malnourished human, appears sickly. Drífa is confused by most of what he says, but he is rather poetic so she enjoys the 'nonsense' he talks about. Now she has 3 main landers to take care of. Gale talks way too much, but it is entertaining to her. She does not like that he believes he could compete with a goddess.... the gods are gods for a reason, to think you could understand their meaning, or be equal to one is conceited to her. She understands it's because of 'love', but she is weary. Gale is trying to smash now in my play through.
Astarion: weird little malnourished elf man. He also talks to much. Drífa has two talkative dramatic tiny boys and two ladies that hate each other so she's kinda remembering why she lived in isolation for 35 years. Astarion she probably views like a cat, like seeks attention when he wants it, eats what he wants, believes he's the best one here. She is not afraid of him being a vampire because she simply would never let an elf fell her, that would be a true dishonor. he's mildly offended. She doesn't tolerate his dislike of children, but typically doesn't really care what he does.
Wyll: Another little guy with sad eyes. Another human. Drifa likes him, he's polite, seems to know what he's doing, seems 'the most normal' plus has seen his share of battle (like lae'zel) so she's glad to have him along. Obviously when things go down she's like 'wow... yet another guy with baggage with a blue lady...' side eying gale. She likes his stories, listens intently to his deeds of good and protecting the sword coast, overall likes him but is still like 'here is another small human- oops small devil for my collection'
Karlach: Finally someone who looks like they're a warrior. Likes her, feels like she doesn't need to protect/take care of, which is good so she can focus her energies on the softies of the party. Drífa would like Karlach, she's a bit blunt and a bit more energetic than Drífa is used to, but probably likes that. Karlach's dancing, lust for life, and fire would be highly approved. I think Drífa wouldn't really get why she's sad about not being touched
Halsin: another gd ELF, but this ones big and can turn into a bear so thats ok. I think they'd have a lot in common but Drífa views him more as a tree hugger. She appreciates nature, so i think they could get along well.... though she finds him confusing... she doesn't feel like she needs to worry about him, and he's pretty forward and upfront so it works out well.
There are all first impressions. Drífa was raised to take care of herself and herself only, keep to her own, and that strength = power, because her lifestyle is very physically demanding. Being big and strong is important, being fat and strong is more important to survive frozen winters etc. She is a loner suddenly surrounded by people for the first time in her life, and is doing her best to keep them alive because obviously they need her help and this is a mission given to her by her goddess, why else would she have sent the ship to take her, to bring her to these people...
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
Hi Can I ask for Itachi, Naruto, Hinata, Marinette, Adrien, Felix, Luka, Kyoko With a S/O Kekkei Genkai/ Miraculous that has Powers Related to Plot Manipulation.
Basically Breaks the Fourth Wall and Knows They're Fictional Characters.
How would they react to the S/O communicating with viewers, writers and the general public?
How would they deal with knowing that they are An Anime/Cartoon and that their entire destiny is in the Hand of Writers and Spectators.
This Link Will Explain It Better
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• Itachi, a stoic and introspective character, would experience a whirlwind of emotions upon discovering that his significant other possesses a Kekkei Genkai related to plot manipulation and an awareness of their fictional existence. At first, he might find it difficult to process the idea that their lives are shaped by the whims of viewers and writers, questioning the nature of his own existence and the choices he has made. As a highly responsible and dutiful person, Itachi may feel conflicted about the idea of having his destiny controlled by external forces.
• However, being the analytical and perceptive individual that he is, Itachi would likely approach this revelation with a calm and curious demeanor. He would seek to understand the full extent of his S/O's Kekkei Genkai and its implications. The prospect of his S/O communicating with viewers, writers, and the general public might initially unnerve him, as he is a private person by nature. He would value his privacy and the integrity of his world, but over time, he would come to appreciate the unique connection his S/O shares with the outside world.
• Itachi's journey of acceptance would be marked by moments of introspection and contemplation. He may question the nature of reality, existence, and free will, delving into philosophical discussions with his S/O to gain a deeper understanding of their abilities and what it means for their lives. His desire to protect those he cares about, including his S/O, would drive him to support them in harnessing their powers responsibly and ethically.
• As he becomes more comfortable with the idea of his S/O possessing a Kekkei Genkai related to plot manipulation, Itachi would likely use this newfound knowledge to explore the possibilities of influencing his world positively. He might find solace in knowing that even as a fictional character, his actions and choices have an impact on viewers and fans. This realization could instill a sense of purpose and motivation in him, empowering him to continue on his path of protecting and guiding his loved ones.
• In the face of the uncertainties brought about by the Kekkei Genkai, Itachi's composed and level-headed nature would help him maintain his sense of self and stability. He would strive to navigate the boundaries between his fictional existence and the reality of his emotions, relationships, and experiences. His journey would be one of self-discovery, as he learns to embrace the complexities of being a character with a unique ability while still finding meaning in the connections he forges with his loved ones and the viewers.
• Overall, Itachi's reaction to his S/O's Kekkei Genkai would be a mix of intrigue, contemplation, and acceptance. He would undoubtedly face challenges in understanding and coming to terms with the nature of his existence, but his resilience and devotion to those he cares about would guide him through this extraordinary journey. With his S/O by his side, he would find strength in the knowledge that even with their unique abilities, they can impact and inspire others in meaningful ways.
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• Naruto, the ever-optimistic and energetic ninja, couldn't believe what he had just discovered about his S/O, his Kekkei GenkaiOverall, Naruto's reaction to his S/O's Kekkei Genkai would be a roller coaster of emotions, mixing emotion with introspection and struggling with the realities of his existence. The drama and weight of this revelation would test his indomitable spirit, but ultimately empower him to face his vulnerabilities and find strength in loving and supporting those who matter most, granted them the ability to perceive and manipulate the very fabric of their world, transcending the boundaries of reality itself.
• However, as the weight of this revelation settles in, Naruto's emotions would take a more dramatic turn. He'd start to grapple with the implications of knowing that his destiny and the fates of his loved ones are in the hands of writers and spectators. The thought of having no control over his own life might create a sense of helplessness, stirring up deeply buried insecurities from his past.
• Naruto's belief in himself and his friends would be put to the test as he confronts the idea that they are mere fictional creations, subjected to the whims of an external force. He might feel a mixture of anger, sadness, and confusion, questioning the fairness of a world where their fates are determined by others. This internal conflict would be a stark contrast to his usual optimism, revealing a vulnerable side of Naruto that few have witnessed.
• As Naruto's relationship with his S/O evolves, he would find solace and support in their connection. Their understanding of the fictional nature of their world would bond them in a profound way, and Naruto would lean on his S/O for emotional strength and guidance. Together, they would navigate the complexities of this newfound knowledge, sharing their hopes and fears about the future.
• In the process, Naruto would learn that even though their destinies might be shaped by writers and spectators, their emotions, experiences, and relationships are real and meaningful. He'd recognize that his impact on the viewers and the bonds he shares with his friends are authentic expressions of his character, transcending the boundaries of fiction.
• With his S/O by his side, Naruto's journey of self-discovery would take on a deeper significance. He'd embrace the idea of influencing the hearts of viewers and fans, hoping to inspire them with his unwavering determination and belief in never giving up. This newfound understanding of his role as a fictional character would fuel his resolve to create a brighter future for his world and the people he cares about.
• Overall, Naruto's reaction to his S/O's Kekkei Genkai would be a roller coaster of emotions, mixing emotion with introspection and struggling with the realities of his existence. The drama and weight of this revelation would test his indomitable spirit, but ultimately empower him to face his vulnerabilities and find strength in loving and supporting those who matter most.
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• Hinata Hyuga couldn't believe her eyes and ears as her S/O revealed their incredible Kekkei Genkai, granting them the ability to communicate with viewers, writers, and the general public. As someone who had grown up with a sense of shyness and reservation, this revelation was almost overwhelming for her. She couldn't fathom the idea of people from beyond her world watching her every move, knowing her deepest thoughts and feelings.
• At first, Hinata might feel a bit insecure about this newfound knowledge. Her past experiences with her Hyuga clan's expectations and her struggle to find her own voice made her hesitant about exposing herself to an even wider audience. The fear of judgment gnawed at her, wondering if the viewers would scrutinize her every action, criticizing her for her mistakes and weaknesses.
• Yet, as she began to process everything, Hinata's compassionate and caring nature took over. She understood that her S/O didn't mean any harm by sharing this revelation and that it was just a part of who they were. She realized that the fact her destiny was in the hands of writers and spectators wasn't something she could change, but she could control how she responded to it.
• Drawing strength from her experiences with Naruto and her friends, Hinata resolved to face this reality with a newfound determination. She decided to view it as an opportunity to connect with the viewers on a personal level, to let them see the growth she had undergone and the strength she had found within herself. She hoped that her journey from a timid and hesitant girl to a confident and strong ninja could inspire others who might be struggling with their own insecurities.
• The weight of her past experiences with the Hyuga clan and her cousin Neji, who once resented her, gave her a profound emotional charge. The pain she had endured and the battles she had fought to prove herself were etched into her heart. But now, she saw the chance to turn that pain into hope, to show others that even in the darkest of times, one could rise above and find their place in the world.
• As Hinata continued her adventures with her S/O, she took small steps to interact with the viewers. It was challenging for her at first, but with their unwavering support and encouragement, she grew more confident. She began to address the viewers directly, expressing her gratitude for their belief in her and Naruto's journey. Her shy smile and heartfelt words endeared her to even more fans, and she started to understand the impact her story had on others.
• Through her interactions with the audience, Hinata discovered that her struggles and triumphs resonated with many. People admired her resilience and empathized with her vulnerabilities. Knowing that she had the power to bring hope and positivity to others through her story filled her heart with a sense of purpose she had never experienced before.
• With each passing day, Hinata embraced her role as a character in an anime/cartoon and as a beacon of hope for those who followed her journey. She no longer feared the gaze of the spectators or the hands of the writers shaping her destiny. Instead, she welcomed it as a chance to touch the lives of others, to show them that even in a world beyond their own, the power of kindness, determination, and self-belief could transcend all boundaries. And with her S/O by her side, supporting her every step of the way, Hinata Hyuga's story became a shining testament to the strength of the human spirit, inspiring generations to come.
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• Marinette's initial reaction to her S/O's revelation would be a mixture of awe and disbelief. As a creative and resourceful individual herself, she would find the concept of her S/O's powers related to plot manipulation utterly fascinating. The idea that their actions and decisions could influence the very narrative of their world would both excite and overwhelm her.
• At first, she might struggle to grasp the full implications of this knowledge. The weight of responsibility on her shoulders would feel immense. Knowing that her every move, decision, and emotion could potentially alter the course of her story and the lives of those around her would be a tremendous mental load to bear.
• Marinette would undoubtedly feel a deep sense of anxiety about making the "right" choices. She might second-guess herself at every turn, worrying that one misstep could lead to disastrous consequences for her friends, family, and the world she cherished. The fear of the unknown and the unpredictability of her own destiny would create moments of doubt and hesitation.
• However, being the strong-willed and determined hero she was, Marinette wouldn't let these feelings of uncertainty consume her. She would channel her emotions into becoming an even more proactive and strategic individual. She would seek ways to use her awareness of the audience and writers to her advantage, leveraging their interest and support to rally even more people to her cause.
• As she began to communicate with the viewers, writers, and the general public, Marinette's shyness might initially get the better of her. But with time, she would grow more comfortable, understanding that her genuine and heartfelt interactions endeared her to the audience. She would take this opportunity to express her gratitude, not just for their support but also for their belief in her as a hero.
• The burden of being a fictional character would still weigh on her, but she would transform it into a source of strength. Instead of feeling powerless, she would find empowerment in the fact that her story could inspire, bring joy, and teach valuable life lessons to people beyond her world.
• Marinette's mental load would be realistic, not just a cute reaction. She would have sleepless nights, pondering the outcomes of her choices, and struggling to find the balance between staying true to herself and appeasing the audience. She might confide in her S/O about her fears, seeking comfort and reassurance that she was doing her best.
• Throughout her journey, Marinette would grow as a character, learning to trust in her instincts and beliefs. She would become an advocate for staying true to oneself, not just for the sake of her story but also for the message she wanted to convey to the viewers. She would encourage others to be authentic, to embrace their flaws and strengths, and to face challenges with resilience and creativity.
• As the story progressed, Marinette's surprise and bewilderment would gradually transform into acceptance and determination. She would embrace her role as a fictional character, recognizing that her story had a purpose beyond entertainment. It was a tale of growth, of overcoming obstacles, and of forging deep connections with others.
Ultimately, Marinette would understand that she might not have control over every aspect of her destiny, but she could control how she faced the challenges thrown her way. She would use her awareness of being an anime/cartoon character to become an even greater symbol of hope and inspiration, both within her world and in the hearts of the viewers. And as she continued to write her story alongside her S/O, Marinette's journey would exemplify the strength of the human spirit and the power of storytelling to touch lives in unimaginable ways.
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• Adrien Agreste's heart skipped a beat as he listened to his S/O explain their extraordinary powers related to plot manipulation. He was no stranger to the fantastical, being a Miraculous holder himself, but this revelation was on a whole different level. The idea that he was part of an anime/cartoon and that his entire destiny lay in the hands of writers and spectators was almost too much to comprehend.
• As a kind-hearted and caring individual, Adrien had always tried to live up to the expectations placed upon him by society and his father. He carried the weight of his past experiences, the loss of his mother, and the pain of never truly feeling like he belonged. The mental burden he carried was heavy, and the thought of being a fictional character added a new layer of complexity to his struggles.
• At first, Adrien might find it difficult to come to terms with this revelation. The notion that his every action and decision was being observed and scrutinized by people beyond his world was overwhelming. He questioned whether his feelings were truly his own or if they were merely a product of the writers' imagination.
• The pressure to be a perfect hero, to make the right choices, and to follow a predetermined path would weigh heavily on him. He might retreat into moments of self-doubt, wondering if he had any control over his life at all or if he was merely a puppet dancing to the whims of the spectators.
• In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Adrien's S/O would be his pillar of support. Their understanding and empathy would help him navigate this new reality. They would remind him that, despite being a fictional character, his emotions and experiences were real and valid. They would encourage him to embrace his uniqueness and use his insight into his own narrative to grow as a person and hero.
• Adrien's friends, too, would play a crucial role in helping him cope with this revelation. Marinette's unwavering belief in him and her determination to stand by his side would provide him with strength. Cat Noir's wit and humor would lift his spirits when he felt weighed down by the gravity of his existence.
• As he ventured into communicating with the viewers, writers, and the general public, Adrien would find solace in connecting with the audience on a personal level. He would be genuinely touched by the support and love he received from fans, realizing that his journey resonated with many who had faced their own hardships and challenges.
• Amidst the chaos of his newfound awareness, Adrien would seek a sense of purpose and identity beyond his fictional nature. He would decide to use his story as a platform to address issues of self-discovery, acceptance, and overcoming adversity. By sharing his vulnerabilities, he hoped to show others that even in a world that seemed beyond their control, there was still room for personal growth and transformation.
• Though Adrien's journey to accepting his role as a fictional character might be filled with ups and downs, he would ultimately find a sense of peace and understanding. He would embrace the fact that, while some aspects of his life were predetermined by writers, he still had agency over his emotions, friendships, and the love he shared with his S/O and friends.
• With the weight of his past and the knowledge of his fictional nature, Adrien's character arc would become even more profound. He would strive to be true to himself, to break free from the constraints of expectations, and to carve a path that he could call his own. And as he continued his adventures as Cat Noir, he would inspire not only the citizens of Paris but also the viewers beyond the screen, proving that even in a scripted world, the power of the human spirit could shine through.
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• Felix, with his reserved and aloof demeanor, couldn't help but be intrigued by the revelation of his fictional nature. The concept of being a character in an anime/cartoon opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for him. His analytical mind immediately delved into the narrative structure of his story and how it influenced his character development.
• As a sentinel, Felix had always carried the weight of his family's legacy and the expectations placed upon him by his father. The mental burden of feeling like he had to uphold the Vanily name and be the perfect heir was immense. The constant pressure to meet these expectations and conform to a predetermined role made him feel trapped and restrained.
• However, learning that he was a fictional character allowed Felix to view his situation from a different perspective. He realized that his character arc, though influenced by the writers and spectators, still had room for growth and self-discovery. This revelation granted him a sense of agency he had never experienced before.
• While Felix might not actively engage with viewers like some other characters, he appreciated the idea of having some level of control over certain aspects of his story. This newfound knowledge gave him a sense of empowerment and allowed him to explore his character's depth beyond the confines of his scripted persona.
• The relationship with his father weighed heavily on Felix's mind. Their strained bond and his father's expectations had left deep emotional scars. The knowledge of being a fictional character amplified the complexity of their relationship. Felix began to question whether his father's actions were merely products of the narrative or if there was genuine love and care behind them.
• In his quieter moments, Felix would contemplate the nature of his existence. He wrestled with the idea of being a character whose destiny was ultimately in the hands of writers and spectators. The thought of not having full control over his own life made him feel vulnerable and exposed.
• Yet, as Felix continued to explore this revelation alongside his S/O, he found solace in their unwavering support. Their understanding and willingness to listen allowed him to express the emotional turmoil he felt. Together, they navigated the complexities of his identity, helping him to understand that even as a fictional character, he still possessed real emotions and experiences.
• Through self-reflection and introspection, Felix started to embrace the idea that being a character in an anime/cartoon didn't invalidate his journey or emotions. It merely provided a unique framework for growth and development. He sought to break free from the expectations imposed on him and forge his own path, one that wasn't solely defined by his role in the narrative.
• As Felix's character arc progressed, he found ways to subtly influence his story, taking control over the choices that defined him. This newfound agency allowed him to grow as a person and hero, showing him that he could be more than just a one-dimensional character on the screen.
• In the end, Felix's realization of being fictional didn't change who he was at his core. It merely added depth and complexity to his character, enabling him to confront his past and redefine his future. He would use this newfound insight to become an even stronger and more multifaceted individual, embracing the unique journey that lay ahead of him. And in doing so, Felix would demonstrate that even in a scripted world, the human spirit could transcend the boundaries of fiction and touch the hearts of those who followed his tale.
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• Luka, with his calm and understanding nature, absorbed the revelation of his fictional nature with surprising ease. The idea of being a character in an anime/cartoon didn't faze him as much as it might have others. Instead, he saw it as an opportunity to create something truly meaningful with his S/O and use his unique perspective to connect with viewers in a way that was both captivating and heartfelt.
• His introspective nature allowed Luka to embrace the concept of being a fictional character with a sense of wonder rather than fear. He found himself pondering the intricacies of his narrative and how it shaped his experiences and relationships. This newfound understanding added a layer of depth to his personality, and he sought to explore the different facets of his character within the boundaries of his scripted existence.
• As a musician, Luka viewed his role in the story as a chance to share his emotions and experiences through his music. He saw his songs as a bridge between the fictional world and the hearts of the viewers. Through his music, he could convey the range of emotions he experienced, allowing the audience to connect with his story on a profoundly personal level.
• Luka's reaction to being fictional wasn't one of apathy or resignation, but rather a realization that he held a unique power within his grasp. He understood that being aware of his scripted nature gave him the ability to make choices and decisions that would not only influence the narrative but also resonate with those who followed his journey.
• His calm demeanor didn't mean he lacked complexity or depth. In fact, Luka's understanding nature allowed him to empathize with the struggles of the other characters around him. He became a supportive presence, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence for his friends and fellow heroes who might be grappling with the weight of their own fictional existence.
• As he deepened his connection with his S/O, Luka appreciated the bond they shared, knowing that it extended beyond the confines of their animated world. Their love and understanding transcended the screen, making their relationship feel tangible and real despite the fictional constraints.
• In quiet moments, Luka might reflect on the significance of his life as a character. He might question the role of fate and free will in shaping his journey, grappling with the notion that some aspects of his life were predetermined by the writers. Yet, he found peace in knowing that he had the power to influence how he responded to the challenges and opportunities that came his way.
• With his newfound awareness, Luka took small but meaningful steps to connect with viewers in innovative ways. He started live-streaming musical performances, taking song requests from fans, and even engaging in heartfelt conversations with the audience during Q&A sessions. His genuine and open-hearted approach endeared him to viewers, making him not just a fictional character but a beloved presence in their lives.
• As Luka continued his adventures as a hero, he embraced the understanding that being fictional didn't diminish the impact he could have on the world around him. His music, his personality, and his connections with others were genuine expressions of the human spirit, reaching far beyond the boundaries of fiction.
• In this journey of self-discovery and growth, Luka found himself not only creating a meaningful story alongside his S/O but also inspiring others to embrace their own uniqueness and find beauty in the moments that made life extraordinary. And in doing so, he proved that even in a scripted world, the power of love, empathy, and authenticity could resonate with the hearts of those who experienced his tale.
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• Kyoko found herself in awe and intrigue as her S/O revealed their extraordinary powers related to plot manipulation and breaking the fourth wall. As a wielder of the Dragon Miraculous, she was no stranger to the fantastical, but this revelation was beyond anything she had ever encountered. Initially, she might be taken aback, unsure of how to react to the idea of her S/O communicating with viewers, writers, and the general public.
• Kyoko's character was characterized by her strong-willed and determined nature, but even so, the concept of being a fictional character in an anime/cartoon would challenge her understanding of reality. The thought of her entire destiny being in the hands of writers and spectators would evoke a mixture of emotions - curiosity, uncertainty, and perhaps even a tinge of fear.
• At first, Kyoko might be skeptical about the idea of breaking the fourth wall and interacting with the outside world. She would question the implications of this ability and the potential consequences of altering the narrative beyond her animated world. The weight of this newfound knowledge could leave her feeling vulnerable and exposed.
• However, as she delved deeper into the concept and discussed it with her S/O, Kyoko's pragmatic nature would kick in. She would realize that while this revelation brought an entirely new set of challenges, it also presented unique opportunities to shape her own story and protect the people she cared about.
• Kyoko would likely approach the situation with a level-headed and strategic mindset. She would see the chance to communicate with viewers, writers, and the general public as a way to garner support and forge connections with those who followed her adventures. She would appreciate the value of their feedback and use it to adapt her actions and choices, making her a more relatable and endearing character.
• Dealing with the knowledge of being a fictional character would be a journey for Kyoko. It would require her to confront her sense of identity and the idea that some aspects of her life were beyond her control. She might struggle with the realization that her emotions and experiences were predetermined to an extent.
• Yet, as a powerful and heroic figure, Kyoko wouldn't let this revelation hinder her determination to be the best version of herself. She would seek ways to assert her agency, using her plot manipulation abilities to influence her own narrative. She would strive to protect her loved ones and stand strong in the face of challenges, knowing that even though her destiny might be influenced by writers and spectators, she could still make a difference through her choices and actions.
• Through her journey, Kyoko would come to embrace the fact that being a fictional character didn't make her emotions any less real. She would treasure her connections with her S/O and friends, cherishing the love and support they offered both within the animated world and beyond.
• In the end, Kyoko's character would evolve and grow as she navigated the complexities of her existence as a fictional character. She would learn to accept the duality of her nature - existing as both a character in an anime/cartoon and a cherished presence in the hearts of viewers. And with her S/O's plot manipulation abilities by her side, Kyoko Tsurugi would continue to write her story, leaving an indelible mark on the world of miraculous Ladybug and beyond.
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince: Prince Chromia and Prince Pearl.
THEY'RE HERE! The two prominent princes, the rest are a kept secret. They've been redesigned to fit their human forms. Closeups and lore under the cut. I hope you love these designs as much as I do, and I hope you enjoy the lore tucked away ;)
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GOD. THESE TWO. They were so much fun to redesign and live up to their names now. If you're new, I think you can notice who these two resemble, and I'm just making it obvious hehe!
Let's talk a bit about the princes before we get started. These guys are embedded deep in the hunters' myths and stories. Gigantic, powerful beasts made by the sea gods to reign over the oceans. They say they bleed gold and silver, and they rule over the watery graves, leading hunters to their demise. Due to how much fear is built into these beings over the years, people chalk it up to stories to scare children with; making current generations of humans fear the oceans and its beasts.
In this world, rain is dangerous. Rain is a sign of the sea gods, calling upon their monsters to come on land and wreak havoc. Hunters claim they hear unknown wailing during thunderstorms, and fleets of ships disappearing in minutes with no survivors. This couldn't come from any beast, they had to be from the Sea Princes.
But they weren't real. They can't be. They can't be that good at hiding. They're massive creatures, they had to be spotted at some point, right?
Something those stories have never told the humans was the hidden ability all princes have; the ability to shift into a human form.
Who knows if there was a prince listening to those stories, even adding to them to strike more fear? What if this was all one big game to them?
It doesn't look like the princes see the humans as anything other than pests, so they could be acting out of pure boredom. No one knows for sure, as no one knows anything about the princes other than their brute force and being larger than any other sea monster there ever was.
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Prince Chromia.
The second out of his generation to ascend to the throne, Chromia feels a great weight on his shoulders. He balances his duties as a prince and his identity as 'Scott Major' and is interested in the life of humans, studying them and observing them closely. When his eyes are set on a specific hunter, he starts to question everything around him. Much like other princes, he doesn't think highly of humans. They're small, fragile, and annoying. His conflicting feelings for the blonde shake his stance on things, and he must learn what comes from it.
Both his human and his true form retain his playful, sassy nature. He likes toying with his food and gets quite upset if he gets hungry.
He's currently distant from the other princes, but if anyone were to be close to him, it would be his best friend, Pearl. Though, they aren't in the most... amicable relationship as of now.
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Prince Pearl.
An outgoing, boastful prince. She loves to stir chaos and wrecks any ship that passes her domain. She doesn't care for human attention, using her true name as her human one instead of picking something different. She gets odd looks as she introduces herself as 'Pearl Moone', but that's a perfectly viable name. A specific hunter group catches her attention as Chromia seems to be interested in them. What was so interesting about them? All she saw were nuisances. It would be a fun chase, she was sure of it.
Her human and true form has her energetic personality, but her human form has the ability to talk down on hunters with a smirk on her face. It was better to scare them, but it didn't hurt to talk back. It's not like they'd hurt an 'innocent human' for speaking her mind.
She sees other princes, but she's closest to Chromia. She wants to reconnect with him again. There seems to be a problem there, but she'll fix it. It shouldn't be that bad.
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Aaand there they are! absolutely wonderful designs all touched up and ready for the story. I took a lot of inspiration from their skins to make it work, and I think I nailed it. Both of them have similar traits to their human designs and with each other! I wanted them to remain connected in a way as their relationship is very important for the storyline.
What do you guys think about these new designs? Are you excited to see where this all goes? I sure am!
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gofishygo · 4 months
i had a thought about marine life cod something something sighhhh and now i wanna draw them. all of them.
the first thing i thought of was vampire squid!konig.... you get what i see right, or like, he could be some other (massive) squid
gaz reminds me of a nurse shark.. number one, they're cute and look sweet, number two they look awfully boopable🎀🎀 there's no number three but just look at pictures of them that's literally gaz
soap would be a ray maybe?? specifically a spotted eagle ray. he could be a narwhal too because they're silly <3
phantom jellyfish!ghost obviously!!!
i'm thinking price could be a whale, but i'm not sure what yet? i;m so indecisive... beluga!price or humpback whale!price, perhaps?
and nikolai is a pilot whale like are you joking
i have no ideas for the others yet sadly because i have a little pea brain, but ill probably come up with some things soon...
fellow anon, DRAW THEM . I LOVE MARINE LIFE COD AUS SO MUCH RRHHRHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHRHRHHRHRHRHHRHRHRHH !!!!!!!!! please pleasep lease dra them if u have time ....... they give me brain juices... .. . .. .
yayaya !!!! konig could definetly be a vampire squid !! tbh ive always seen him as maybe under the octopoda order (mostly due to the insane amounts of cthulu nd octo konig in this fandom) but i can certainly see him as a vampire squid !!! he gives the vibes- generally trying to contain the power he has and not get unnecessary blood on his hands (vampire squids are detritivore) nd a lot less menacing than it seems . more of an avoidant personality as well !!
and YAYAYYYAYAYYA gas is definitely some type of less aggressive shark !!! honestly nurse shark matches him the best but i occasionally believe he is a catshark or epaulette , they're easygoing and docile (IF UNPROVOKED) and so so cutie patootie i project my fav sharks on him bc he is my fav character
and soap does give ray vibes, but hear me out : eel soap >!?!! especially variants that hunt via electricity (like him !! but he uses bombs that arent necessarily IEDs but SAME THING) and r super duper energetic a lot , but oh em gee,,,,,,, he would make such a good spotted eagle ray .....
ok we all agree on phantom jelly ghost its cannon guys he is literally the big mysterious jelly
and price , although i like to think of him as a great white (better dynamics w/ other characters), he honestly would match a lot of species of whale much better . i forgot the name of this species specifically , but i do believe it was some type of bleaked whale ?? they scar white from injuries over time, and have a long lifespan . most of them will turn white over their lifespan due to the injuries that they get, and i think that does go after price's military career and how his scars the events he's lived through have sort of become part of him (ghost could definitely be this species too now i think about it), and how he's lived past points where his allies have fallen .
i would like to think that laswell would be some form of species of whale , maybe one that is intelligent and capable of many forms of mutalism relationships due to her being ... yknow .... insanely based ....
makarov would be an orca. highly intelligent, only realised to be extremely dangerous once studied. ganging up on every fucking fish in the world. capable of competing with other apex predators like great whites.
graves.... unpopular opinion, but he is a stonefish . sneaky bastard and incredibly fucking dangerous . but stupid looking and a silly skrumkle very much so .
nyways i am too tired to think but i will go to sleep dreaming of the 141 eating salmon tonight ......... thank u very mysterious but very lovely fishy anon ...........
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getvalentined · 3 months
may i ask about the very specific vincent headcanon :D from the baby onesie post LOL
This is pretty long, so I'm gonna put it under a cut because it's all headcanon stuff so I don't wanna clutter up the dash or tags for anyone who isn't interested. I explained this in a discord server the same day as that post, so a lot of this is just copypasted from there and thus isn't written in the same tone as my usual explanations, so my apologies for that.
First, some establishing context: my Vincent's mother was named Sayoko (Sayo to her friends) and she was a Summoner out of Wutai. Her family is particularly important to the culture, to the point that they still head up the one remaining summoner temple in the world, because they're the only family that presents with what's colloquially referred to as "aeon matching." This means that sometimes when one of them is born, an aeon is born with them, connected to the summoner in question at birth. The summoner sort of serves as a living materia, and at the point of their death the juvenile aeon disconnects and joins the rest of their kind in the ether between the Lifestream and the Void.
This is referred to as a personal aeon—most summoners even in Sayo's family don't have them, but those that do are almost terrifyingly gifted, and also highly at risk of things like…brain aneurysms. They're also at risk of uncontrolled incarnate summoning, where the aeon takes control of the summoner's body and uses it without their permission, so it's super important that summoners with personal aeons be heavily trained starting quite young, usually around 5-7 years old. (This is around the age it's possible to even tell if the kid has the gift in the first place.) Personal aeons are occasionally picked up on sooner, but it's pretty rare due to the inability for small children to understand the individuality of the mind. Little kids assume everyone knows what they know until they're about 4-5, and it's within a couple years of this that summoning and/or personal aeons present.
Sayo was very rebellious and ran away from the temple when she was 17, crossed the ocean, got an education, got married, and left that whole life behind her—and she had a personal aeon, but because she was fully trained it didn't impact her life very much. It's very very rare for a summoner with a personal aeon to have children who also possess personal aeons, because while summoning is genetic, the binding of an aeon is strictly based on the flow of energy through the planet at the time. Vincent is biracial, since my Grimoire is Junonese, so Sayoko wasn't worried about him at all—the gene responsible for summoning presents equally among different ethnicities, but it's recessive, so the likelihood of it presenting in Vincent at all was slim to none.
Sayo died when Vincent was seven years old, and his personal aeon (a particularly unpleasant creature going by the name of Hellmasker) fronted for the first time when Vincent was eight.
It was just a juvenile, and Vincent was a skinny, bookish, untrained child, so it couldn't do much. But it could essentially "take the wheel" and put Vincent's personality into temporary stasis while causing all kinds of trouble because it's like an untrained and overly energetic dog that's been locked inside for its entire life. This…basically set the stage for the rest of Vincent's life in some way or another.
Vincent being a summoner from a line with the issue of incarnate summoning is where the transformations come from. He has the ability to channel an aeon through his body, and as an adult he could have done it physically rather than just via personality, but doing that is always fatal. The process of reshaping the body to house the energy of what is essentially a demigod, regardless of age, will always kill the host at the point that the demigod withdraws.
…Vincent can't die. Meaning he can just do that. And he will survive. He's untrained so he can't control it, and he doesn't actually have any clue that that's what it is, but that's why it presented that way in Hojo's experimentation.
That's why the personalities of his monsters are so different from his own, while the only other character who had anything close to this ability (Azul) was still in line with himself when transformed. One of the other characters turned into the vessel of a Weapon (Weiss) also doesn't lose himself in the process. This is because they didn't perform incarnate summoning, they utilized controlled mutation.
Hellmasker is a whole aeon to himself, and Chaos is a bigger fish even than that, but neither of them are Vincent.
The other two are. Technically. Sort of.
Galian Beast and Death Gigas are mentally mostly just Vincent with bits of his personality sliced off, because they're not actually aeons so much as…the possibility of eventual aeons? They latched onto Vincent automatically due to a combination of what he is and what was done to him, but they're concepts that were still "cooking" in the Lifestream and are thus neither complete nor unique.
Unlike Hellmasker and Chaos, Vincent's first two monsters are physically based on creatures that already exist in the world, and mentally based on Vincent's experiences under Hojo. Galian Beast is desperation to escape and a thirst for revenge, the feelings of being treated like an animal, and presents similarly to a scary creature that actually exists and Vincent had fought in the past—a behemoth. Death Gigas is pain and trauma and frustration, the feeling of being defeated and defiled, and presents similarly to a scary creature that Vincent had only ever heard stories about—a gigas, which you can find near the Northern Crater in the OG. Galian Beast is too small to be a real behemoth, because Vincent was too weak to get out; Death Gigas is all piecemeal and broken, because Vincent had been taken apart and put back together and he knew it.
Galian is Vincent if Vincent were a wild animal that was backed into a corner, and Death Gigas is Vincent if Vincent were as undead and monstrous as he thinks he is. Both were very much shaped by Hojo's treatment of Vincent in the experiments.
Like...you know how you can use human stem cells and specific stimuli on a rat to grow human ears and noses and stuff? Vincent is the rat, the proto-aeons were stem cells and Hojo provided the stimuli.
And that's what I meant when I say that Vincent looks like his father but inherited his mothers insane powers.
(This is also why Sephiroth was able to fuse with Jenova instead of being consumed by her entirely. In this regard, he takes after his sire more than any of his other parents.)
Also I feel like I gotta explain that in headcanon-land, "aeon" is a term that's rarely used outside Wutai—the common term is "eidolon," but that actually means something different! An aeon is literally anything that can be summoned from the ether (this term is not appropriate to use in describing Weapons, which have physical, tangible forms on the human plane of existence; aeons are energy capable of manifesting physically), while an eidolon is an aeon with a functional summoning materia. Odin is an eidolon, Hellmasker is not, but they're both aeons.
As a note, Fuhito technically performed incarnate summoning, but it was a unique variation because Zirconiade had a semi-functional materia—Fuhito would have died when Zirconiade withdrew regardless, but because it was a Weapon rather than an aeon, the withdrawal process would have taken significantly longer without intervention. Likewise, the materia helped to prime Fuhito to receive Zirconiade by turning it into a summoning process rather than a hosting process as seen in Vincent and Weiss. His whole situation is just a very different animal.
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dballzposting · 8 months
If you watch DBZ then you see that like...
We See Ttunks and Goten separately before we see them interact.
TRUNKS: He is a lively kid. He is excited to see Gohan, and thinks very highly of him. He did think that the Saiyaman outfit was cringe however. He trains with his dad. He seems to have fun being himself. He seems happy and confident.
GOTEN: ough god hes sofunny. He is VERY energetic and very loving. Partly due to age and partly due to who his father is, he is pretty thick-skulled. Definitely naive. Not a pushover, holds his own, but he does defer to Gohan's direction, trusting dearly.
GOTEN & TFUNKS INTEEACTING: immediatly we see something change in Trunks. Goten is the same but Trunks changes. I think it's becasue the expectation of the tournament changes him, hes in public, hes wearing a certain face, etc - but when he was informed that he had to fight in the Junior Division, his voice dropped an octave and he says to Goten smth to the effect of "you hear that Goten? What a load of barnicals."
It makes sense given who Trunks's parents are that he knows how to trash talk in a fight. It also makes sense that Goten didn't know what he was hearing when Trunks was spitting shit with that blond-mullet kid.
Trunks isnt even that particularly arrogant, but hes defintiely a kid who is behaving how he thinks he ought to, I.E. doing the best with what has been modeled for him.
Bless his heart - he didnt even know enough to know to go easy on Mr Satan. No one fucking tells this kid anything.
Goten has no tact or finesse. His father is a genius when it comes to battle, though he had his sloppy moments as a youth - but even accounting for that, Goten isnt the prodigy that Goku was. Unlike Goku, Goten has genuine hobbies and interests other than fighting, so he just cant dedicate all of his soul to that.
And he just lacks tact and finesse. It's becasue he's 7 but to be honest he is 100% DEFINITELY EXACTLY LIKE THAT in DBGT as well.
Goten shoots that kamehame-ha and destroys a bit of the building. Meanwhile Trunks has the foresight to Not blow up the audience with his ki blast. He also had the good sense to suggest that they stop using ki blasts. Trunks has received good training. Meanwhile Goten is out here just going for it
Trunks has a set of inner rules that hes following: he has guardrails: he has a sense of order, he understands where he is in a hierarchy, his spirit is being tamed.
His inner rules are things like: keep it cool, dont let them see you sweat, listen to your parents, have discipline and control in battle, stay resilient, stay prideful, WIN HARD, keep it cool, do what you're supposed to do; the rules for the regular folk dont apply to you becasue you're cooler; do well by yourself, earn your keep, earn your pride, be sneaky and dont get caught.
Meanwhile Goten's inner rules are more like: BE POLITE, mind your manners, always stand back up, be fair, listen to what Gohan says, live and let live, be nice to everyone unless they're mean to you, dont hesitate to defend yourself when you feel slighted.
Goten's rules foster more self-direction and intuition, whereas I feel like Trunks's rules get him all shaken up in the long run. They're less in-the-present-reality based.
When Goten walked out into the arena, he was amazed at how many people there were. Every time he won, he was bashful, and gave a bow.
When Trunks entered the tournament grounds, he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked like his father. He kept his arms crossed against all the other contestants, feeling slighted at having been placed in the junior division to begin with.
Trunks really felt that he deserved better than the Junior Division, and he wasnt wrong at all; but the fact that he saw that, felt that way, and acted on it says a lot about the sorts of values that hes growing up with.
I feel like if it was just Goten, he would have accepted that and had fun.
When Trunks gets to be with just Goten, he becomes a lot more spontaneous, eager, and happy. But he changes when the eyes are on him. At the same time, hes used to people, living in the city and being rich and all. I guess that's why he knows how to behave around them. Or maybe hes just shy like his dad.
Goten didnt know how to act in front of all those people, so he just acted like himself..
But also, Trunks isnt perfectly natural around Goten, becasue he does like to be better than him. Becasue he expects it. Becasue he ought to be. Becasue his dad tells him so. Or, rather, implies it.
BUT when Gohan asked Goten how strong Trunks was, Goten sang his praises and said that he won Every Time. But when Vegeta asked Trunks how strong Goten was, Trunks gave a modest answer, and said that they were pretty well-matched, and he explains their discrepancy likely being due to just age.
IDK. These details fascinated me two years ago when I first saw it and I still like it. It's a good show....
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megpricephotography · 10 months
So I'm thinking about a dog in 2024 and I am absolutely in love with border collies.. I know thier energy is insane.. This is my question, do you walk everyday, of course you do, how far do you walk? What would I be in for? Do they bark often? I also enjoy black Labradors.. Your blog is quite amazing.. 🙏🐕
That’s wonderful you might be getting a dog next year! Whichever breed you decide on, I hope you find yourself a fantastic companion & enjoy many happy years of adventures together :) Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoy my blog!
I’ll answer your 2nd question 1st: barking. Yes!! Some are louder than others... but most border collies like the sound of their own voice. They'll likely be more vocal than a labrador!
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Now... exercising. Border collies are energetic. They need to run regularly & are always eager for a walk! Like most breeds, BCs are happiest (& easiest to live with!) when they're able to combine using their brains, with getting physical excise.
Many pet dogs, even "high energy" breeds, are able to fulfil a lot of their need for mental/physical exercise by going on regular walks... Walks where the dog is most left to its own devices but has the opportunity to run & fully engage its senses, exploring & interacting with the environment. If the owner wants to get more involved & play with the dog too, then great! However, if the owner is tired after a stressful day, then they can mostly mentally switch-off & relax in nature, while their pet has fun & tires itself out!
Unfortunately (& I think it's part of why they have a rep for making hyper/crazy pets), border collies are often pretty terrible at exercising themselves on this sort of walk - where they have to occupy themselves independently!
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BCs want owner participation!! They want YOU mentally switched-on & involved in their activities - exploring the wider world is only as interesting as you make it! If they aren't kept busy herding livestock for you, or doing sports like agility, then a BC needs you to come up with other forms of entertainment/exercise, which you can do together. It doesn't need to be complicated, or involve you doing lots of hard physical exertion - but keeping a pet BC well-exercised & contented will take some mental effort, on your part.
They'll often benefit far more from a slightly shorter outing, where your focus is on them & making a real effort to engage & interact - rather than a much longer walk, where you're present but disengaged & expecting the dog to exercise itself.
For some people, the prospect of a pet who demands lots of engagement & interaction, could be more work than an active dog who "just" needs regular long hikes! However, if you like the idea of having a HIGHLY interactive dog - who thrives on doing stuff with you, then BCs can make wonderful, engaging, fun companions.
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This got way too long... below are examples of how I keep Flynn "busy" & help him burn off mental/physical energy outdoors! My health isn't very good - I can't go very far & never go fast but Flynn doesn't mind... as long as we're interacting.
All pics below were taken a couple of days ago, in 2 adjacent fields.
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Left to occupy himself, Flynn could spend hours out in these wide-open spaces & he'd still be bouncy/bored later. Not because he's insanely energetic - no, the daft dog simply wouldn’t DO anything tiring! If I ignore Flynn, he accepts it & potters along the path... & that’s the problem! He's an athletic, intense dog & he just potters! He's happy but barely using up any energy!! If I want Flynn tired, I have to give him reasons to use his body & - more importantly - his mind!
I take the part of shepherd & sheep & get Flynn herding me across the fields. We play hide-&-seek in the woods. He does tricks & balances on things. I take photos as it's another chance to interact. We might play search games too - I make him wait, go hide a toy/treats, then send him out to find them.  
A "game"(?) that's developed over time, is that Flynn loves to find & show me interesting stuff in the environment. Stuff he will not play with alone, but massively enjoys if I join in: piles of leaves, mole hills, tree stumps, good ground for digging! The more animated I am in reacting, the more enthused Flynn gets & the more he’ll exercise - racing way ahead to find the next fun thing & the next! He enjoys it if I show him stuff too!
Anyway, here he is in the 1st field, lying motionless but focused, as he waited for me to arrive & investigate the puddle he’d "discovered". It IS an excellent puddle.
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Here he is, extremely excited at the prospect of supervising me stepping into the puddle & making a splash: 
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Flynn's holding a nasty soggy chunk of grass because this was such a thrilling moment, he felt he needed to have something to bite on, or he might be tempted to nip my boot!!
Here he is in the 2nd field, intent on stalking closer, because I’d crouched down & just me doing that is EXCITING: 
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I crouched to look for fossils. Didn’t spot any, so I grabbed random pebbles. Flynn finds it genuinely fascinating to watch me choose, pick up, examine & toss small rocks away… He'll eagerly "help" me do this, for as long as I'll let him. He darts after each stone, as I chuck it away, then quickly rush back to watch me choose another. Here he is, concentrating very hard indeed, on a vital Pebble Examination:  
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Despite not going far, Flynn was mentally (& physically) tired out by the time we got home! Clearly, he'd done important work: herding, hiding, puddle-finding & pebble-inspecting ;-) Once Flynn's exercised, he'll happily sleep for hours on end.
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etoile-filante222 · 1 year
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ sun in the signs ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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✧ the sun shows your indivduality, personality and life purpose.
☼ sun in aries
aries sun lives in the moment - an energetic and active sign. they are always on the lookout for the quickest (and most efficient) route for the things they want. people with their sun in aries are straightforward and independence is highly valued. with all the things mentioned also comes this almost childlike quality, which makes an aries sun quite charming and exciting.
☼ sun in taurus
taurus sun strives for security and sensuality. they seek pleasure in various things. when a taurus sun wants something, they work hard for it. people with sun in taurus manage to separate work and relaxation well, to some that may appear as being 'lazy' - which is not the case. they do have a certain stubbornness to them, their traditions make them feel secure.
☼ sun in gemini
gemini sun has a strong urge for self-expression, they are intellectual individuals. new situations and managing to navigate through them is not a difficulty for them, since they're quite adaptable. but these things also come with a certain restlessness, geminis need mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored.
☼ sun in cancer
cancer suns are very protective of their loved ones, but also themselves. they value safety and security, that sometimes leads to them being guided by their feelings - which isn't always a negative thing. love and loyalty run deep in people with sun in cancer, they are quite dependable. but also cancers need emotional space.
☼ sun in leo
leo suns source of motivation is the affection of others. they know what they want and are attracted by the good things in life - and they know they have to work intensely for those things. but even leos have their lazy days and sometimes enjoy doing little. people with sun in leo appear to be overly confident and conceited, but they are actually humble and self-aware souls.
☼ sun in virgo
virgo suns are hard-working and responsible people, while also being very sensitive to their surroundings. there is a fear of not performing well enough (to their standards). they are perfectionists, compliments will be brushed off quickly. nevertheless, virgos want to feel appreciated and useful. they find purpose in being recognized for their skills.
☼ sun in libra
libra suns are peace-loving, sociable individuals. they value balance in their life and they may make use of some untruths to avoid conflict, while also avoiding blame. sun in libra makes a person civilized and sophisticated. libras are eager to maintain equality, fairness and harmony. they are, however, not capable of living 'in the moment', since libra suns may avoid making big (and small) decisions.
☼ sun in scorpio
scorpio suns are known to be intense and have willpower. they know what they want and know when it's the right time to get it. intimidating a scorpio is an almost impossible task. contrary to libra suns, scorpios are not afraid of confrontation (when necessary). once people with sun in scorpio learn to shed their pessimism, they'll find out they have the amazing gift to heal and transform.
☼ sun in sagittarius
sagittarius suns are cheerful and friendly. they are generally easygoing and carry a certain optimism with them. getting along with other people comes rather effortlessly for these individuals. with sun in sagittarius, there is a need for escape and freedom, which makes them seem a little irresponsible from time to time.
☼ sun in capricorn
capricorn suns are realistic, grounded people. they take pleasure in the simple things in life. however, some may also seem to be attracted to (hard-earned) luxuries. capricorns are capable and dependable people, who value tradition and stability. people with sun in capricorn are rather witty and have mastered the art of sarcasm.
☼ sun in aquarius
aquarius suns might oppose social conditioning and aim to fight outdated ways of thinking. their idealism runs rather strong and due to their slight stubbornness, they're very fixated on preserving their own opinions. people with sun in aquarius are witty and intellectual individuals. they defy being put in a box since their individuality is highly cherished.
☼ sun in pisces
pisces suns are very open-minded and understanding, even though they themselves are often misunderstood. this placement comes with a deep feeling for humanity and compassion. their dreams ascend 'traditional' goals. people with sun in pisces are sensitive, not only regarding themselves but also other people's feelings.
thank you so much for reading! let me know if you're interested in diving further into a placement, i would love to elaborate. i just didn't want the post to get too long ✧
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spaceorphan18 · 11 months
Glee Musical Retrospective: 4 Minutes (The Power of Madonna)
Sung by: Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones Original Artist(s): Madonna feat. Justin Timberlake and Timbaland
Baby penguin my ass.
I sometimes go back and read 'of the day' reviews, and one of them stated that this episode featured too much music. And I got to thinking, while I clearly don't agree, this is the one that would probably end up on the chopping block. I'm very glad it didn't though, because I think it has more to say than you may think.
And it's only one of two duets we get between Kurt and Mercedes.
Story Anaylsis
It's really nice to be talking about Kurt again... when is the last time???
So, here's the fascinating thing about this one. Kurt and Mercedes both often feel like they're playing second fiddle - especially to Rachel Berry. And here they get to showcase their amazing talents together. But the thing is - they got this huge performance as a thank you from Sue for making her over in Vogue. (Also - Sue is doing this as an FU to Will, but Sue is savvy enough to know talent when she sees it - and Kurt will remain one of her favorites for the rest of the series.)
The song itself is a little random story wise -- and most likely chosen because it was a highly energetic, more modern hit. It's a song about going out and saving the world in 4 minutes? Honestly - the lyrics are supposed to be about saving the planet, and having the urgency to do so. But I can finagle a few things...
I think one of the things both Kurt and Mercedes are doing here are latching onto the urgency in their own lives. Sue's giving them a chance to shine and they're both going to take it. Neither of them is willing to wait around for Will to give them a chance. So, they'll make their own chances. Which speaks to both their characters, really.
But if I die tonight At least I can say I did what I wanted to do Tell me, how bout you?
I think the lyrics are mostly not the point in this one. But I like this little stanza. It speaks to the two of them briming with their own confidence and jumping at the chance to show, at least the school, what they can do.
I'm going to quote myself from my Kurt meta:
One of the things I really love is how confident both Kurt and Mercedes are in this dance number–with the whole school watching.  Before, both of them were looked down upon, and thrown in dumpsters, and slushied, but now that they’re with the Cheerios and singing Madonna, they really latch on to a growing self-confidence.  Sure, they aren’t there yet, and they have many more obstacles to go over, but just the fact that they’re up there performing, uncaring really what anyone else thinks, is a step in the right direction.
I will say - one of the things that I've often had a hard time buying on this show is that people continually think that these kids are losers. I'd have been so amazed if I saw a performance like this in high school. There's no reason any of these kids get the hate they get except for the fact that the plot needs them to be.
Technical Thoughts
First of all - I love that they arranged this as a marching band song. Not only is it a great interpretation to the heavy sound of the original song, but it's nice to see a marching band used well on screen.
Secondly, they sound pretty good! I love Kurt in his lower register. And Mercedes just owns this song. It's not surprising that they had them switch parts because Amber is much more comfortable with kind of song than Chris and it does show a little bit in the vocal track.
The on screen charisma, though, they both have it. The fact that both Mercedes and Kurt feel so comfortable in their bodies is fantastic. Neither of them are what mainstream society would label as sexy or hot but I love, love, love that this speaks to that -- that these two are both sexy and hot in this number as they play off each other. The choreography on this is the best, and I love that they allow these characters to be in control and confident in their bodies.
Also - sometimes I don't think Chris gets enough credit. Yes, he can be clumsy and fall of a piano (oh we will get there) but sometimes he just owns his physicality in a way that is never commented on is just remarkable.
This performance also has some great reaction shots. I love that Will looks annoyed and almost disappointed. Rachel's 'no comment' was perfect. And I love that Quinn genuinely seems to be enjoying herself. (I love when Quinn gets to be a human.)
Also - super technical thing - but notice all the quick cuts and camera whips? I'm sure that was done purposely to enhance the urgency the song is trying to create.
Fun fact: Apparently, this is the last time Kurt does a duet with anyone else besides Blaine and Rachel until Adam Lambert shows up. Crazy right? Shame that the show doesn't try out varying combinations more often.
vs. The Studio Version: It's the full song! Or more so it feels like they just repeat the chorus a few more times. I do like the second half, though, because they both get into the song just a bit more and it feels even more powerful than the show version.
vs. The Original Song: I love that this song is actually 4 minutes long. It is slightly slower than Glee's version - which makes sense, because that's Glee's trend - to make everything just a little bit faster (I assume to fit into time limit of being on a tv show). As I said earlier, I think Glee's marching band interpretation is really cool - because it's a great in world adaptation of the instrumentation the original song uses. That all said, what is going on in this video? I don't get how this reflects saving the world. *shrugs*
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littlewestern · 5 months
okokok this is really vague but i simply must know more about jenny and texaco
excellent character design
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Of course! Thanks for your patience with this ask, I wanted to draw them special for it.
Jenny and Texaco are two more of the little planes that live in the Transportation Hall, the JN-4D Curtiss (nicknamed Jenny, though all models of this plane carry the nickname) and the Travel Air Model R Mystery Ship (nicknamed Texaco 13).
the Curtiss JN was the first mass-produced airplane, originally made to train pilots during WWI. After the war, the surplus planes made their way to the civilian market where they were used in everything from mail service to stunt shows. We talk about how the Zephyr service tried to make rail travel accessible to the average person, the Jennies functioned in a similar way, being abundant and simple to train in on account of their original built purpose. Jenny at the MSI was used for aerial stunts, $5 rides, and barnstorming displays. She was flown at the 1933 World's Fair and was then donated to the museum, so she was hanging around when Pioneer and 999 were too, although they wouldn't have interacted back then.
As a stunt plane and strictly commercial engine, Jenny is competitive, shrewd, and occasionally very blunt. She comes from a background and a time period where mincing your words was a waste of precious seconds and good airtime. While retirement has sanded down her more daredevil tendencies, she's not above challenging the other planes to handstand contests or merely just calling them out when she thinks they're acting cowardly. She likes the warplanes well enough, but thinks they're a bit dim for not simply settling their differences with tests of skill rather than might. In a perfect world, 727 would like to confer her powers of delegation to 40B for when she can't be everywhere at once, but given that no one listens to him, that responsibility usually falls to Jenny, whose commanding presence simply cannot be ignored.
In contrast Texaco (affectionately "Tex" to 2903) is a streamlined racing plane. One of only 5 ever built (in secrecy, hence the name of the class being Mystery Ship), the goal of the Travel Air company was to build a civilian plane that could match or surpass the speed of military aircraft and win the National Air Races. In this they succeeded wildly, Texaco broke more than 200 speed and distance records around the world during her time in service for the Texaco oil company.
As you might expect of a former racing plane, Texaco is energetic, relentlessly positive, and highly driven. A fellow student of the school of streamlined construction, she has a great deal of respect and admiration for Pioneer and loves challenging him to race with her, which he graciously bows out of every time. She does show up "racing" alongside him on the big exhibit screens, which they both find highly amusing. In contrast to Jenny's straightforwardness, Texaco sometimes lets her mouth run ahead of her and might take a few tries to get to the point if she doesn't lose track of it entirely. The other planes don't mind though, and in-fact love her for it (Jenny especially).
Glad to be able to talk about these two. They're great additions to the cast and a treat to draw. Thanks for the ask!
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