#and they mean that grandma deserves THREE grandsons!
respectthepetty · 2 months
Grandma deserves three grandsons!
I caught up on the last three episodes of The Rebound before the finale, because I'm excited to see how this ends (the court is in Ryu and Zen's colors, so they will at least advance to the finals)
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But all's I really know is each one of these color-coded boys deserves TWO color-coded boyfriends.
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They all have two hands!
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I know this is the love story between a "Nobody Cares" Blue Boy and a "Be Kind" Yellow/Orange Oddity.
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But my Green Guy with yellow over his heart is the perfect middleman because he is sad and pushy but respectful and kind.
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And he clearly likes Zen so much since Zen's yellow pops up around him often.
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But so does Ryu's blue!
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For heaven's sake, he is wearing (and riding) Ryu's blue!
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And when Ryu and Zen are having their cute couple's moment outside the store, there is a green bike just chillin' next to them!
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When Ryu and Zen are having the longest heart-to-heart during what should be a standard thirty second timeout, they are standing on green!
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Atom is in this relationship with them. HE IS LITERALLY IN THAT BED RIGHT NEXT TO ZEN!
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Grandma deserves three grandsons, each boy deserves two boyfriends. AND ZEN IS THE CENTER OF EVERYONE'S WORLD!
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Once again this is a story about Ryu and Zen which is why their colors show up everywhere like the locker room shelves.
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And their colors are the light poles on the dunk tanks, BUT Atom literally showed up too to help them!
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The lanyard Zen wears at work is his and Ryu's colors, yet somehow looks like it morphs into Atom's green in the middle.
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Ryu has picked up Zen's color.
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And Ryu has gladly given Zen his color.
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But even when Ryu goes to see his blue (bitch) mother [I wrote what I wrote]
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And that giant red X appears
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Yellow and GREEN back him up with the division between them!
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Because Zen and Grandma have done so much to make Atom and Ryu happy and in response, Ryu and Atom would do anything and everything to make sure Zen and Grandma are happy!
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They rush to the hospital to take care of Zen and Grandma (note that Atom has on a BLUE jacket!)
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And even with the barriers between them, they both openly acknowledge the other one is a good partner FOR EACH OTHER! They were talking about how they are good partners on the basketball court FOR EACH OTHER!
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And it's true! At the 3-on-3 tournament, the court is lit by their colors: yellow on the bottom left, blue on the middle top, and green on the bottom right.
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Even when they they are actually playing as R.A.Z on the court sponsored by RAIN|BOW and ALL THIS, there is blue and yellow, and green is peeking out in the bottom right corner.
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Because normally everything about basketball is only Ryu and Zen's colors.
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But Atom is part of their story now because all of their colors are there!
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And even though the first game of the 3-on-3 tournament started by focusing on Zen's situation and Zen's color.
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They won the final game with all three of their colors on that scoreboard.
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So I am praying that the final acknowledges the special bond these three boys have! If Atom rescues Ryu to make Zen happy, great! If Ryu and Atom finally hug, great! If they all go off to college together, AMAZING!
But as far as I'm concerned,
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
grandparent thruple with respect women grandpa drake, ballerina will break you grandma drake, and void and stardust "oh, that's pretty!" grandy start with the bio grandkids, cass, dick, and tim, and then expand their grandparenting to their bio grandchildren's other siblings and their grandchildren's partners as grandchildren in law, they love having a huge pack of grandchildren and are so proud of all of them, when they expand to roy they almost combust because not just grandson but also great granddaughter! They revel in having people to love and care for though they're very careful to respect any boundaries a grandchild sets and try very hard to respect an adult grandchild's ability to take care of themselves. They will do their best to make sure their grandbabies have all the information they can provide and will try very hard to respect their grandbabies' choices even if they don't agree as long as it is an informed choice with no coercion. Coerced agreement is still one of Grandpa Drake's red flags that will cause him to throw hands. Lack of information to make a decision is one of the things that irks Grandma Drake. Grandy, in the meantime, is having talks with all the grandchildren about speaking respectfully to and about one another if they cannot speak kindly.
Jarro is one of their grandchildren in their eyes, yes. Bruce has adopted all three of their bio grandbabies which means, to the Drake thruple, all of Bruce's children are their grandchildren. It's a rediscover three get 12+ deal! Too good to pass up!
There might be some clashing between grandparent thruple and alfred in terms of how to treat the grandbabies and absolutely some plotting to just take all the kids to grandy's home planet and present them as grandy's collective heirs to their domain. The plot was first put forward by Grandy. So far it's only gone as far as plotting out of deference to Ma and Pa Kent since the Kents have some claim to Kon and Ma and Pa have made it clear they want to stay on Earth.
After some research to catch up on what happened on Earth while they were gone, the only reason they haven't either killed the joker themselves or hired someone to kill the joker is because the drake thruple has always believed that death is a mercy and the joker deserves no such thing. They have plans for both the joker and for the Court of Owls. The tricky part for them will be keeping the grandbabies out of the plans.
Absolutely vibing with the respect and boundaries of the thruple. I get so annoyed when fics, AUs, etc. have one of the Bats making decisions for other Bats for their "own good" despite the other Bat stating they do not want that action. Then the fics typically resolve it by having the second Bat admit the course of action was for the best (I won't throw my phone but gods do I wish to).
I am a firm believer in letting people make "mistakes" or "poor choices." As long as they aren't hurting other people, fuck off.
Rant over (though feel free to send an ask if you want to hear more about it). I especially vibe with informed non-coerced consent and promoting healthy communication. Let's go grand thruple ^^
The automatic "all of Bruce's kids are our grandkids" is fucking hilarious. Do they thus claim Bruce as their kid as well? If so, I wonder if they coparent with Alfred (and maybe Alfred has a somewhat on again off again relationship with the thruple or maybe a qpr with them. They can just be good friends too).
I would kill to see some fanart of grand thruple kicking Joker's ass. Let the clown suffer :)
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trollsedits · 5 months
Brozone + Dance moms references
-I been watching dance moms and I really love it and some of the quotes are so funny and iconic so I made it look like Brozone was in a reality tv show and put them in a confession setting haha well for some and I change some of the quote to fits with the trolls theme but is still dance moms if you watch dances mom you know what I’m talking about haha.-
“Everyone is replaceable!” John Dory said looking at his little brothers cause John Dory knew that they would mess up the routine
“This is gonna cost me a lots of money in therapy.” Spruce said looking at clay “I feel you bro.” Clay reply
“I don’t want to go on broadway, I just want to say home and eat chips.” Branch told John “I don’t care you are gonna be in broadway weather you like it or not now go out there and make me proud or I’ll replace you!” John said
“I don’t get along with John Dory unless he’s stop being bossy.” Clay said looking at his fish head brother who is literally bossing everyone around
“John Dory doesn’t look like a model to me.” Floyd said in a confession room which made spruce and clay crack up laughing
“John Dory said we’re going to blow the perfect family harmony away I really hope he doesn’t mean that literally cause we could get disqualified.” Floyd also added in giving a shy smile 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
“I don’t even like being fun boy Clay I’m just here because John Dory said he will buy me books.” Clay said looking at John Dory who was mumbling to himself
“I cut my finger on John dory’s goggles I hope I can still sing.” Branch said showing his boo boo “Floyd kiss my boo boo.” He said giving Floyd a puppy eye
“If clay comes to me and says he wants to be in a sad book club I’ll probably slit my wrists.” John Dory said
“FLOYD YOU DESERVE NOTHING!” John Dory scream at him “Well if you yell at me I’m gonna cry.” Floyd said “GET OUT!” John said as Floyd walked out crying to his grandma
You know John Dory made spruce go on a strict diet to keep his abs well spruce wanted some cookies and John Dory caught him all spruce wanted was just one cookie it won’t hurt him “SPRUCE HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING!” John Dory scream
“We’re all gonna have FUN!” John Dory snap at his brothers complaining about hitting the perfect family harmony
“Everyone’s replaceable but me.” John Dory said which made his little brothers even his grandma shake theirs heads
“Sometimes I don’t think John Dory knows what’s he’s talking about.” Spruce said
As the brothers were fighting over who should do a solo for their upcoming concert grandma Rosiepuff had enough so she slam the chair in the middle of them “EMPTY CHAIR, DO A SOLO!” She snap angrily which shut her grandsons
As the perfect family harmony failed so badly John Dory was having a meltdown “John Dory yelling and throwing a fit and all I can think is I can’t take him seriously with that squared face.” Spruce said rolling his eyes at John Dory who is literally having a tantrum
As Clay and John Dory was fighting after the family harmony failed “At least I’m one bitch! You’re like three bitches!” Clay said as everyone was laughing “Ooh he just got diagnosed” grandma Rosiepuff said sipping on her drink “Will the real one stand up.” Spruce said which made John Dory walked out of the pod that’s how’s John Dory was the first one to leave….
“I bark when I see John Dory too!” Clay said
“It doesn’t matter about the perfect family harmony, I’m emotional.” Floyd said sobbing while looking at John Dory
“My little bitty B.” John Dory said looking over at branch clueless
“Does my little bitty B get a solo too?” John Dory said
“Bitty B is like a Breath of fresh air.” John Dory said Hugging bitty B too tightly
When ever John Dory was being to harsh on his brother during practice Floyd ended up crying at almost every practice that they do as Floyd ran up to grandma and cry on her chest which made John Dory stupidly said this “why was he crying?! Floyd should cry when his arm is broken and it’s hanging off or when somebody die.” John Dory said as John came over to Floyd “Suck it up I don’t want to see those tears save your tears for the pillows Floyd.” John said which made grandma give John the death stare
John prep talks for his brother before a shows dose not help them at all because the fact they are force to be perfect “I could make or I could break you now let’s go out there and hit the perfect family harmony.” He said
As Clay was having some anxiety attack as spruce and Floyd was calming him down John Dory said to clay “Clay you need to stop the whiny teenager crap. Do me a favor and just smile.” John said
Bitty B was still a literal baby he needs his nap time and play time but his bossy brother made him practice just like the others brothers “John Dory I need my nappy can I please have my nap time?.” Branch asked nicely as John looked at branch and said “I don’t care what’s going on bitty B, get your butt down to this studio.” John said demanding branch
As the brothers were fighting on their way to go save Floyd Bruce finally said something that he should have said years before straight to John Dory face “you are a monstrosity of evil.” Bruce said straight to his square ass face
Back in their bands days spruce would tell his little brother everything except for John Dory “Bruce told us that we’re not supposed to tell John Dory anything he’s a blabbermouth.” Branch said cutely
Okay John Dory said some pretty mean stuff to Bruce when he saw how much Bruce change like his weight change John can’t accept the fact that Bruce gain on some weight so John Dory again said this stupid shit “I would get Bruce a three-month trial membership to weight watchers if I were to give him a gift.” John said and you all know Bruce beat the shit out of him later that same day when John said it
~side note: I’m not making fun of Bruce weight or anything I genuinely think he is much happier putting on that weight and it makes me happy to see how happy he is after leaving the band I know being skinny is hard because you are expected to look perfect every way possible so I can relate to Bruce a lot as I am struggling too anyways ; I’m just simply quoting it off dance moms and making it seems like they were in dance moms or some sort of reality TV show I’m just letting you all know that I wasn’t trying to body shame Bruce or anything hope you understand is never my intention to body shame anyone if it comes off as a misunderstanding I am terribly sorry for that and I will be more clear on it next time <3~
As none of the other brothers wanted solo John Dory saw an opportunity for bitty B to have the spotlight
“This is a perfect opportunity for my little bitty B.” John said stroking branches hair
John Dory admits a deepest secret ever told in trolls history “I just cry sometimes it’s no big deal.” He said sipping on his coffee
Anyways I hope you guys liked that references and if you haven’t watch dance mom yet I suggest you go watch it; super funny and iconic that why I thought of Brozone haha <3
Anyways I’ll make a part 2 if I find any more funny quotes that matches w the rest of the brothers beside John Dory <3
-also I know is not a lot of Floyd,Bruce,Clay and branch and more focus on John Dory but I will definitely try to find some quote that is  relatable to the other brothers in the future..-
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piercethelenn · 2 years
💫The Occult Club.
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Chapter 24: The Lovers (Final!)
Warnings: None! || Word count: 1,46k.
一And what does this one mean?一 Y/N asked, pointing at a card that showed a group of three women wearing fluffy-looking dresses and holding cups with rejoice, while they talked to each other 一They look happy一. She picked it up and gave it to her boyfriend, who was too busy admiring her face to pay attention to the tarot deck messily sprawled between them on his bed, where they both laid facing each other.
          Jungwon took a peek at the card and placed it with the rest 一It means it’s time to celebrate, the three of them are having a party一. The girl slowly nodded her head in understanding, fixing her gaze back on the cards to look for a different one that caught her eye. 一Just like you and me today一 He continued, reaching out to caress her cheek in an attempt to win back her attention.
          Y/N shyly leaned her head to the side as if following the warmth of his touch and smiled lovingly at him, Jungwon could not help but immediately mirror her expression, a light blush making its way to his face. The pair just stayed there, immersed in a comfortable silence that made both of them feel safe, as the sun started to set outside.
          Today was very meaningful for the happy, young couple, because three months ago, Jungwon and Y/N had become the moon and the stars of the same night sky. It might sound cliche for outsiders, and their friends could perceive the analogy as some cheesy reference to the magician’s respective birth cards; for them though, it meant so much more than that.
          Long before their paths had crossed, both the tarotist and the medium used to be immersed in an oppressive darkness, with seemingly no way out. However, after meeting each other, they both learned what is possibly the most valuable lesson anyone could have ever teached them: to never feel afraid of the night; It doesn’t matter if things get difficult for them, because as long as they have each other’s light to shine in the darkness, they don’t need the sun to arise.
          They were the solutions to the other’s biggest challenge all along, and whether they were meant to be, or if all this was just a lucky coincidence, Jungwon was sure that Y/N was made for him just as much as he was made to cherish her dearly, for as long as time would allow him.
          Many things had changed in the past three months, especially for the Occult Club members. Business was thriving and the magicians were busier than ever, and of course, many upgrades had been done to the cabin in the forest, thanks to the financial income shared by everyone. Most of the funds were used to make the basement more comfortable and less creepy, since Y/N kept rejecting the idea of moving out. 
          Speaking of the medium, it had become a thing for her to visit Jungwon’s grandma to help her with dinner and garden duties every Saturday. Both of them were really close now, and sometimes they would gang up on the poor boy to make him wash the dishes, which was only fair considering how he never stepped foot into the kitchen, not wanting to ruin the food. The senior tarotist was really fond of the girl and was thankful for her, for making her grandson happier than she had ever seen him be.
          Not everyone could reach a happy ending, though. Not even a week after Heeseung and Jay’s families had moved out of the city, plenty of articles started to spread in social media, mostly about the atrocities caused by the duo. Some could have thought that it was well deserved, but to Jungwon it felt like karma was being a little too unfair with them. Some of the articles he saw went a bit overboard, exaggerating the issue and accusing the duo of magicians of things they never did. Reading the comments of random people on the internet about the matter just made the tarotist feel worse, since he saw many people that accused Occultism of being evil, satanic even, and a bad influence. Luckily for him and his friends, those comments did not have a direct effect on the club, since their clients always made sure to spread the voice of how good their services were, giving a significant boost to their reputation.
          Sunghoon liked to joke about how everything was thanks to him and his infamous poster that was now hanging on the wall, with a cute frame and everything, as some kind of a good-luck token. Still, even if the geomancer had assured that his alleged “work of art” could attract great fortune to the cabin, his life outside the club was not doing so great; as time passed, his grades kept dropping lower and lower, to a point where no rune nor tarot card could save his agonizing GPA. Sunghoon couldn't care less though, as he had found a new purpose in life: to teach geomancy. It all started when a kid got fascinated by the divination tecniche and asked the magician to teach him, which later led to the beginning of a geomancy course imparted by none other than the notorious Master of Soil, Park Sunghoon, who really liked the idea of a younger generation of divinators looking up to him. The feeling of this newfound responsibility was way more gratifying to him than getting a good grade on a physics test.
          Unlike some members who now spent extra hours at the cabin, the resident alchemist, Riki, had opted to take a short break from his club activities to spend more time with his mother, at least until they had catched up on everything she missed while she was still in the hospital. Of course the rest of the members were super understanding of his decision and promised him that he was welcome to come back as soon as he felt like doing so. Jungwon was once invited to the Nishimura residence, since Riki’s mother had felt something familiar about him and wanted to have a casual chat, which ended up in her admitting how much the young tarotist resembled Ms. Yang, from the cute dimple to how committed he was to all the people important to him. Jungwon decided to treasure her words deep in his heart, as he somehow felt healed and comforted by them.
          The second member that had acquired a brand-new role in the club was Sunoo, who now implemented numerology in a new matchmaking project. Everyone thought that playing Cupid was very fitting for him, as he had already demonstrated his abilities long ago when he explained how compatible Jungwon and Y/N were; The numerologist considered the pair to be the first success in his new career. Adding to that, Sunoo was very popular among students, and he knew every single rumor or gossip that circulated through the school hallways, so he made use of his vast knowledge to supplement the final product.
          Of course Jake could not be left out when it came to updating on the club’s status; him getting into a relationship had everyone shocked, since the crystalogist had never told anyone, not even Sunghoon (As you can guess, the geomancer was quite offended by the whole thing), that he spent about half a year trying to win the heart of one of his classmates, and could finally do it barely two days before Jungwon and Y/N’s one month anniversary. The girl had no interest in magic, but she showed up at the cabin from time to time to help Jake organize his monstrous collection of shiny, colorful rocks.
          Jungwon could not be happier about the fact that all his friends had now found a new purpose in life and were doing great in their own thing, even if they were still a team. Getting Y/N, the girl of his dreams, to finally be her girlfriend had been one wild ride, but just by looking at her, lying on his bed while scanning yet another tarot card, made him feel like it was all worth it as long as she was the final stop.
          一“The Lovers”一 She read the description at the base of the card out loud, analyzing the tiny drawing of a man and a woman holding hands under the shade of an oak tree. Her gleaming eyes then shifted to gaze into his 一Like you and me!一.
          He chuckled at her cute reaction, reaching once more to peck each one of her cheeks; he couldn’t help it, she was just too pretty 一Yeah, like you and me一.
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Taglist: @boowoowho @sxndmemes @cloudcutter @lilactangerine
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simgrump · 2 years
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❦ Founder Household, Day Thirty-One ❦
“So, are you excited about being in second grade this fall?” Robyn asked. Dax had come to visit, as was an often occurrence these days. Not only was Charlie here to help babysit, and he was Dax’s favorite person on the planet, but he got to see Grandma and Grandpa, too. 
“Eh,” Dax said, like he really wasn’t sure about it. He gave a shrug. “I’m going to be in Mrs. Conchel’s class.” 
Johnny tipped his head. “Is that a bad thing?” He didn’t speak second grader, or third grader, for that matter and he wasn’t sure who the teachers were that Dax was talking about. 
“I don’t like her very much,” Dax admitted. “And I don’t think she likes me, either.” 
Robyn bristled. As a former teacher, it was an awful thing to hear a kid, even Dax, say that he didn’t think a teacher liked him. It wasn’t for teachers to like or dislike kids, it was their responsibility to teach them. “What makes you say that, sweetie?” Robyn asked, not letting any of those thoughts color her conversation with her grandson. 
“She put me in timeout four times last year,” he complained. “And one time I didn’t even do anything.” Despite it all, Robyn tried not to smile at Dax. Because he’d just inadvertently admitted that he’d done something to deserve a time out the other three times. 
“That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you,” Robyn tried to console him. 
“Just means she’s got an eye on you,” Johnny joked and Robyn scoffed, swatting his arm when Dax looked even more forlorn. 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
SYX MOTO MT-7 40cc 4 Stroke Mini Cruiser Motorcycle Dirt Bike
This will be a nice bike to modify and our son wants to do it here and basically nobody can get them in here but we could help and foreigners would help too, conversely the max would have it done to make it look like the foreigners are here just like with the eBike
The length is good the tire size is good and we wouldn't go any smaller but they're good sized total is about 14 in and as scooters go it's fairly functional most scooters are terrible they fall over and stuff. It looks dirty that's why it has a decent seat needs a new tank no they don't feel about a gallon you do take the oil tank off but you can keep it there as a spare and it's not a bad idea there's a safe way to do it you have about 1.3 gallons with what we're going to do it but it will go about 70 miles average for a scooter it's average the brakes are okay they meet Dot the tires or Dot and wheels and rims you need socks in the back but it won't sell that will raise it up the 3 in and yeah you need to modify the frame has to be done by real welders. Can ask people to do that is losing his business can't seem to grab our son in any way it's kind of a space shot Airhead. There's a few more things that would make it right but the whole package looks great and his grandma-in-law helped picked it out she said she's playing a scam and she said it before it's actually true she misses her husband greatly and you can tell and she's lonely and has a reaction to our son that makes her excited because it's fear she's also after him secretly but once your husband back that's what it looks like but really people are threatening their living s*** out of her and it's very mean and they are not for Jewish people they're grabbing them and doing things with them today some people disappeared and they're the ones doing it some of them know that whole lot of trump and they're really mean to them and they deserve what they're getting but it is the clones and the clones are out to destroy everybody what these people are pigs
1 we change out the motor it's far too weak it's hardly three horsepower like the dirt bikes used to be and doesn't even move it you have to push we put a five or an eight and five horsepower lawn mower engine is about 30 cc's eight is about 48 cc's and you have to check some of them are over and what a pain that would be but at eight horsepower which is a lot for a small motor and son says that thing would get up and boogie it's true it weighs about the same as his 100 lb and with him on it to go 50 miles an hour with his grandma-in-law they go about 70 the way it is and she wants it she wants it bad she's a very pretty woman and she doesn't miss her husband and she wants him back and she sees this guy her grandson-in-law doing massive amounts of work she also knows the scooter would help her people avoid capture and he says they're famous for being Gypsies and circus people and it sure as hell would look like that. Internet to his Grandpa's collection he has electric big wheels and she's disappointed and he says we're from the other side and she says I know that that's the problem you're not related to him I don't know where the other one is and he says she's still around and shut the hell up you idiot and stop trying to find someone else who's Russian she does plenty of Russians and wants him back well that could be a problem I'll talk to her and she said there might be a problem I keep hearing stupid s*** and your Saturn thing might be the truth and I think it is well that's good to know and informative and other people can think about it so I get that it's not his problem and really you have two minutes then you're done and you might not even they have fully autonomous shielded so she says I'm aware that's very difficult and these people are stupid so you have to calm down.
2. You need a light package battery and electric start those some big items and he says you can skip the electric start and I'll explain how cheap it is the battery though you need to charge off something and you need to put a PTO in and I'd rather not do it off the chain or a hub then to do that you need a gearbox and the gearbox is going to add cost the people don't care you already changing the motor out and you're selling the motor those things go for a hundred bucks on the street they're hard to get and you can get a lawn mower engine with a gearbox attached for about 200 bucks it almost be able to trade it and it would work better and it'll go about 90 miles an hour or 100 miles an hour with your grandma-in-law from Russia on it she says that's perfect.
2. The bike only weighs about 80 lb I would be changing out the motor putting the gears in and shocks and bring it up to about and most women can lift it you put the back end in you lift the front end and slide it in it's only like 50 lb and something with the whole thing up but a lot of women have trouble with that it's really easy you put like four in an SUV it's really easy to put them right in the back standing up and put stick some foam between and that's it most people don't even time up and people use them for all sorts of stuff delivering messages they're in packages they're used in the city for work these would be great the scooters suck you're too slow they don't have power they get run into all the time cuz you can't get the hell out of the way they're actually smaller than this and lighter and it's not an advantage and usually they're like 70 80 lb and you hit the plastic and cause everywhere and everybody gets pissed off for like 5 days at scooters these ones are great they have small tires they pull the front end up you can go right up over a curb you're going fast and they're made to and the curves these days are not huge and the sun was walking around the curbs were like 9 in solid granite in Boston and they're not nowadays they should be but these things would be great for every city on earth she wants him in California she's a very pretty woman she's very attractive she's a very pretty woman you don't find that very often she's like a bird in the cage he says a gilded cage. And she has style and more and unfortunately it's seductive but that sun can resist cuz he's in California
3. Addition to those changes a couple more things the brakes are adequate but not for 100 miles an hour they're not hydraulic but they are decent brakes and you have to cram them on and it says so what most people weigh more than she does and it's not true you could offer hydraulics and you can sell the old parts and it's coming to your pain it's almost easier to buy the parts then you don't have to modify it so much and the frame would not would be clear you can do that and it's much cheaper but not for what my son was thinking and maybe can of modifying them but if you get the hydraulic kit it's only like 10 bucks and you put it in it works once again you need a PTO and a battery for all these changes like $300 plus the 500 so $800 and you have try and make a profit and you're trying to sell them for $12 or $1,500 and people will buy them if you have the dot papers and Ken knows how to do that and he'd start buying a bulk and he would probably save 300 bucks or 250 bucks and still sell them at like 1,200 or 1100 and people would see that they're faster than the Chinese bikes so we are going to check it out
Thor Freya
I do thank you and I do have a name and I'm famous and you see me on TV and for some reason I look different to you and you can't remember what show I do see what you're saying I was in westborough and you liked what I looked like I got to tell you that carry hand got in the way and she's your grandma but she got sick and you stayed away from me I was mad about that and you voted most of eligible bachelor like 15 years in a row and people didn't know about this giant stuff and they still don't and you say why it's concealed if I have a baby he says to me it would be revealing my secret identity these women are saying they kidnap you and the idiots are and they say no you're not we are and really they're stupid and the women don't know and Claudia knew and I'm saying this and she's missing which means that Tommy f knows
Chris's grandma-in-law
That's my grandma leave her alone she's attractive but she puts men down and I mean all the way
I know you mean to do nothing she's playing a game she tries to do stuff with you but really she's in a different state in the country and you know chances are very very slim that you might even go near her but she's doing it anyways but she's smart and I get it she's pretty she's pretty smart and these people are sick and it's horrible foreigners and really she has to put some words on the mean stuff somehow encrypted he says and you know it's ways to do it but he's right there's a lot happening here and these masks are out of control and that's their plan it's to have an it's right there in writing I think you got one of them to do it it's a Truman Capote show and she knows about it but really it's a heartache I don't want you messing with her but boy she miss her husband I think that's what it is she's a he says that you're a real person that's what he says and he doesn't want to do the hanky panky and doesn't seem like you do which is good he wants to go to the mall and buy things and take it to dinner and a show and trying to set you up and guys he can watch would probably make it better for you no no this guy seems like s*** you get away from me boy so she's laughing cuz it does sound right but it's very rare but he says it's real cold in Russia
There's a lot of bars there there's a lot of bars here I'm not in a great area it's not really bad but it's not great so I wish you the best day and I hope I get one of these and I see how it works but my in-law your granddaddy can build some and he does this kind of thing and he can work with China and get him over here but I do see what you're saying this is the last place can you resisting didn't really get done this is a great idea and I want one so he's going to work on it yeah he knows I'm pretty yeah it was pretty in westborough actually pretty s***** I understand that
And it was it was cheese I know you remember the name it's right on the tip of your tongue
My grandma that's what it is Hera
0 notes
olivyh · 3 years
TWST FAMILY HCS PT2) Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Feel free to tack on your own Hc’s too!!! I love reading what other people think and how their view of the characters and of Twisted Wonderland in general change from person to person!!!
-Farena: We already know Leona describes his brother as being carefree and relaxed, but deep under that I think he’s a deeply intelligent man (how can you run a kingdom and be stupid?). He tries his best to make time in his schedule for his wife and child, and even try to get bonding tike with his younger brother (which never works out well). He tries to teach Cheka as much as he can, often giving him little life lessons while they play games. He’s a very kind and straightforward man, often being blunt when he doesn’t mean to. He stands a little taller than Leona, with Orange hair similar to Chekas. He keeps his hair tied out of his face as much as he can.
-Sister-in-law Kingscholar: A strong and confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind when she wants to. She’s blunt and she’d let you know about it. She’s also very kind in her own way, often dragging Leona off and trying to have serious talks with him, which he appreciates but doesn’t show. She adores Cheka and often spoils him without meaning to, and will spoil Leona too (but indirectly in a way similar to Ace’s father’s). Also very intelligent and good at reading people. I think she stands a little shorter than Leona, but she holds herself higher, and he slouches, so it looks as if they’re the same height. She has long yellow hair (again, similar to the ends of Cheka’s) that she often ties back as well.
-Cheka: We already know him, so heres a few Hcs!: He sometimes asks his mother to do his hair the same way as Leona’s, and tries to do everything like him (such as standing like him, trying to deepen his voice to sound like him, throwing sand at various objects in the castle yelling “King’s Roar!!”)
-Grandma Bucchi: As he said himself, a stern and prideful woman. I think she’d be on the stricter side, having to teach Ruggie how to survive rather than him having to face those hard truths alone. She likely stands a lot shorter, likely 5’0 (sorry to anyone whos that height), than most other beastwomen. She’s a lot physically stronger than she looks, often still trying to pick Ruggie up at his age. She tries to spoil him when she can, trying to make him relax after working and taking over the household chores (which he declines, still cleaning up when she’s not looking- which earns him a smack to the head with a broom). She’s also a prankster, quietly jumping out from corners and scaring Ruggie or one of the other children. I think she feels a lot of regret over seeing Ruggie grow up so fast in the environment that he had, but she’s the proudest grandma ever. Whenever he sends pictures back she boasts to everyone at home (“See that! That’s my grandson’s school! See that there! He plays magift and is one of the best on the team! Look there! He’s got those nice ceremony robes!”), and even boasts about him with what little baby pictures they have (“See him walking at such a young age? Isn’t he so strong?”) Will never stop talking about her grandson, ever.
-Neighborhood kids: I think they’re like little siblings to Ruggie, so I’m adding them. They try to tale over what Ruggie did when he was at home, helping people fix up their houses or entertaining the baby hyenas when their mothers have other things to do. They also leave gifts to Ruggie when he comes back, between little dolls they made, bracelets they thought he’d like, charms, or pretty rocks and leaves. He keeps all of the gifts, no matter how small.
-His mom (bc the poor woman deserves a spot)(Poor meaning unfortunate)(The more i think abt it, both. It means both. Bad time?): I think she looked a lot like him, but with brighter blue eyes than his. She was definitely a prankster at heart, leaving clever traps behind for any poor soul to get stuck in. She was a very hardworker much like her son, taking on any task she could find to help out her mother. I think she’d try to leave as much behind for Ruggie as she could, which would include little notes and scribbles about how she was feeling throughout her pregnancy and how excited she was for him. Ruggie also kept all of those safe and sound, in a small box he keeps in the corner of his room.
(Can you guess who my fav chara is?)
-Grandma & Grandpa Howl: A very loving couple, who always make time out of their schedule for their grandchildren, whether it be for school events, emergencies, or if any one of them want to come by and talk. They met when Grandpa Howl got lost and wandered by Grandma Howl’s family’s cabin (which happens to be the one they, and the rest of the family, still live in to this day) and he spent the night. I think they fell in love at first sight :’)
-Mama Howl: A very soft and loving beastwoman who is willing to sacrifice anything for her children. She is often strict, and sometimes a chatterbox, but she always reminds her children to stay safe and that she loves them. She always pats their head or cheek when she walks by, even if she has to reach a little to plant a kiss on Jack’s forehead. I think her hair would be a little darker grey, and she’d definitely be a little more muscular and taller, reaching six ft one when standing straight up. She’d have the same yellow eyes as Jack, and her hair would be cropped shorter due to her still moving around a lot.
-Papa Howl: Very similar to Jack personality and appearance wise. He stands an inch or two shorter than Jack, but is still very muscular due to working around the house and in the woods (chopping wood for the campfire, dragging around tools, carrying three wolf pups at a time in his younger days (only one now wants to be carried, which hurts the poor man’s heart a bit)
-Baby brother Howl: Huffy and a little moody, but a hard worker even if he complains while doing it most of the time. That’s often with his parents, but when he does something with Jack he doesn’t complain a bit. He’s very attached to his older brother, looking up to him for his strength and strong morals. He often compares him to superheroes and star athletes in his mind, but sometimes it slips out, resulting in one very embarrassed wolf boy and another very flattered wolf boy, ignore their wagging tails, it means nothing. I think he stands pretty tall for a preteen, around 5’7-5’8 and growing taller by the day. Same hair and eye color as Jack. Acts like he doesn’t like to play games with his younger sister but will never turn down a game of tag.
-Baby sister Howl: An absolute sweetheart. She just wants the best for her family and will do whatever she can to make what they want happen. Jack is hungry? Good thing she made her special dessert (it’s a poptart with whipped cream messily piled on top with sprinkles and literal sugar cubed wedged in it, but don’t tell her you don’t like it, please she’d actually bawl). Her other older brother is tired? She can get him extra blankets! Mama needs help cleaning? She can mop (she really just throws water on the floor and praises herself for a job well done). Papa need to cut wood? She can- no, she can’t. Please don’t give her an axe. She’ll cheer him from the sidelines with a song she made up just for him instead! She has their mother’s grey hair and father’s dark brown eyes, and loves to do her hair like the princesses she sees on Tv! (Yes, Jack will wear a too-small dress and Tiara if his sister wants to play princess. No, he will not let anyone take pictures.)
-Mama Leech: At first glance, a very kind woman with soft eyes. Willing to open her arms to anyone who might need help. Then, a terrifying grin similar to Floyd’s as that poor unfortunate soul realizes the trap they’d been thrown in. She’s very kind and patient towards both her boys and husband, as well as their friends (even of she is on guard near their friends, throwing a few hollow threats to see if it’d scare them away)(She doesn’t like to share her babies). She dotes on the tweels as much as possible, indulging im whatever curiosity they may have. Floyd wants to know what going through riptide is like? They leave tomorrow to find one. Jade wants to know more about life on land? She’ll find as many books as possible and ask (threaten) people for their land belongings. She knows when too far is too far though, and is very skilled at reeling the boys back in if they get to that point. Will always call them her little guppies, no matter how big they get. I think she’d have a teal bob on top, with the underside of her hair being black (which makes her hair look color changing when she swims). Im her human form shes only a few inches shorter than her boys, ranging around the same as Jack’s mother.
-Papa Leech: The definition of old Hollywood New York mob boss. Strict and blunt about his interests and problems, and not afraid to cause any problems if provoked. When the tweels were younger and they’d wrestle and bite at him, he’d throw them off him easily, telling them they need to work to beat him, even if he was impressed by their teamwork at first. Will die to protect his family, and was likely put in that position many times in the past due to his uh… business. He values his wife and children more than anything, and has done everything in his power in the past to protect them from harm. When they went to NRC at first, he felt defeated and almost wanted to beg them to stay safe with him (not that his pride would allow it).(Both the tweels can see through his facade easily)
-Grandma ‘grotto: A very stern and prim octomermaid. What she says goes in the Ashengrotto house, and she often catches herself making unnecessary comments. She does apologize. Also a very loving grandmother towards Azul, often babying him whenever possible (doing the classic “you’re not eating enough here take some more” grandma move)(She will smooch his face whenever possible when there are no business clients nearby). Tries to boost his confidence since she knew about what was happening to him (Chances are she went through the same thing- being an octomer as well) and dod her best to protect him and make him happy. She taught him how to write with his tentacles and encouraged him to do his best in everything he does.
-Mama ‘grotto: Another businesslady in the front absolute softie in the back situation. Adores her son and is incredibly proud of how far he’s come.I think she looks identical to Azul, but more heavyset and, of course, female. She coddled Azul as much as possible, which worked out well with baby Azul’s clingy nature. She had no shame in walking around with the little guy stuck to her (unless he smacked a tentacle to her face when she was working on her restaurant), and made sure everyone knew what a good boy he was. She would show pictures to everyone (similar to Ruggie’s grandma), but respects his wishes in wanting to hide pictures of his past. She still shows anyone who asks pictures of him at NRC (compliments to the twins, who send her updates when her son is busy), and will tell everyone how smart he is and how much he’s grown.
-Step-Papa grotto: A very professional man in every aspect of his life, which stretches to his relationship with his stepson. When he learns about the contracts and Azuls UM, he’s over the moon with how happy he is. He swam around with a little more pep than usual, flicking his tail and flaring out his fins the more and more Azul told him. He helps him reword and format his contracts to his advantage, and is always willing to talk with him about Mostro Lounge or (on rare occasion) some memories before Step papa Ashengrotto met Mama Ashengrotto (which always make him happy that Azul trusts him enough). I think he’d be a pretty generic looking Mer, with an average looking tail and such
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Teen Tracys
Muse is on a roll today, it seems (and I even managed to get some uni work done!).  From a conversation with @janetm74 that started over a discussion about punk!teen Virgil with a green mohawk and Eco-Warrior!teen Gordon and snowballed into, well, something a bit like this.
Random, has not been particularly polished, and I threw in a time skip rather than deal with the serious conversation.  Might write that later.
For ages, we’ve got Scott at 21, John’s 19, Virgil’s 17, Gordon’s 13 and Alan’s 9.  Three teenagers in the house; uh oh.
Scott loved his brothers. Really, he did.  But sometimes, they were just too much.  Big brother just didn’t hold the same weight as parent, no matter that he’d helped to raise all of them, and every so often his little brothers remembered that.
“Gordon, no.”
The thirteen-year-old, decked out in nothing but recycled greens, glared up at him with all the self-proclaimed righteousness a teenager could summon.  It was a lot.
“Do you know how much pollution is still being pumped into the oceans?” he demanded, not at all cowed by the fact he barely reached Scott’s chest.  “They finally stopped all the fossil fuel in the 2020s, and plastic was entirely phased out by 2030, and then the world gave itself a nice pat on the back as though that fixed everything!”
Scott had heard this tirade before.  Many, many, times before.
“Yes, Gordon, I know. Preservation of the oceans is important and that’s why this family – and Tracy Industries – does its bit to make sure nothing goes in there that shouldn’t, and is why you take part in charity events to continue to spread awareness.  I know.”  He didn’t have a problem with any of that, either.  No, what he had a problem with were the rallies.
Charity work?  Fine.  More than fine.
The rallies?  Not for an unaccompanied thirteen-year-old boy, and Scott knew they often involved illegally sabotaging places that still produced pollution.  No matter how well-meaning Gordon was, it was Scott’s duty as big brother and guardian not to let him get tangled up in that.
“Clearly you don’t know if you think that’s enough!” Gordon retorted, and Scott sighed.
“Gordon, I know more needs to be done, but it needs to be done legally, and not result in you getting thrown in a lockup, okay?  You’ve got that charity dinner with Lady Penelope next weekend, remember?”
“I can do both!” Gordon protested.  “Scott, I have to go!  It’s important for the planet!”
“Well it’s important to me that you don’t end up-”
Bright green in his periphery killed the rest of the sentence as he turned his head to see his normally sensible, reliable brother looking anything but.
“Virgil, you are not going out looking like that.”
“I can go out looking however I want, Scott.”  Seventeen years old and the teenage attitude Gordon was showing seemed to have infected his next oldest brother at last.  Virgil had been such a quiet, low-effort teenager – even more so than John, whose rebellion had been entirely digital and Scott was quite frankly afraid of what he might have done – until now.
Now, the punk phase had hit, and apparently the colour of the day was green.  Vibrant, radioactive touch-me-and-die green.  In a mohawk.
Scott tried to be the supportive big brother, he really did, but there were lines and the all-leather ensemble complete with mohawk and numerous piercings were pushing it.  Worst of all was the noise-maker he called a trike that he’d gone and bought last week despite being explicitly told not to. That had crossed the line.  There had been much shouting.  Virgil refused to return it, and spent more time in the garage tinkering with it than with his family now.
Gordon considered it an affront, and Scott wasn’t entirely certain it wasn’t going to be a target for the so-called rally if Gordon managed to join it.
“Virgil, please.”
“I want green hair!”
They’d caught Alan’s attention.  Great.
“No, Alan.  You are not dyeing your hair green.”
Realising both green-themed brothers – if for two very different reasons – were both trying to slip out while Alan played distraction, Scott backed up to the front door and blocked it with his body.
“Virgil did!”
“And if his hair dye ends up in your hair, his entire new ensemble is heading straight for the recycler,” Scott growled.  Three little brothers, all at once.  It was enough to give him a headache.  Gordon shifted, a shift that meant trouble, and he remembered the current household feud. “Gordon, if Virgil’s hair dye ends up in Alan’s hair, no more charity events until you’re eighteen.”
“But Scott!”
He didn’t even care which of the three said it.  It could have been all of them.  Why couldn’t they go through teenage rebellion from the sanctity of their bedrooms, like John did?
“I wouldn’t say green’s your colour anyway, Allie.”  As though summoned by Scott’s thoughts, the fourth little brother materialised.  Finally, some sanity- “how about we try black, or a dark blue, to match space?  Maybe Virgil can help make it a galaxy?”
Betrayal.  Betrayal of the highest order, but Scott refused to get dramatic about it because he had three drama queens in the house already and that would only encourage them.  Even if the smirk John sent his way made him want to throw something.  Or scream.
Or both.
With four brothers ganging up on him – two because they’d hit the rebellion phase, one because his brothers were, and one just because he could – Scott knew he wasn’t going to win this with his sanity intact.
“Alan, no, you are not dyeing your hair any colour.  Gordon, you are not going to that rally.  Virgil, you are not going out like that.  John, if you’re not going to be helpful, scat.”
“But Scott!”
That was all four of them. In chorus.  If half of them weren’t feuding he’d think the whole thing was choreographed.  Looking at John, he still wasn’t convinced the ginger genius hadn’t managed to orchestrate it.  He was still smirking.
Scott needed to pull out the big guns.
“If you four won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to Grandma.”
The woman was in the garden, taking a well-deserved nap away from five grandsons.  Scott didn’t want to disturb her, but he knew when he was beaten. Two brothers, he could handle. Three, tough but doable.  Four, when one was deliberately stirring the pot? Even Scott had limits.
Any hopes he might have had that the mere threat would be enough died when three defiant – and one amused, damn you, John – faces stared at him.
He pulled out his phone, gave them one more moment to change their minds of their own accord, before making the call.
“Sorry to interrupt you, Grandma, but can you come back inside?”
“On my way.  What have the trouble-makers done this time?”
Scott gave her a brief rundown, interspersed with varying levels of protest from each brother as it reached their turn.  By the time he was done, the woman was inside the house, regarding all five of them.
Three faces were starting to quail.  Alan in particular looked on the verge of tears, but no teenage rebellion was stopping Virgil being a Grandma’s boy and even Gordon had a healthy respect for her tongue.  John continued to look far too smug, and Scott’s internal alarm bells were ringing.
Still, Grandma was here now. Grandma would sort his brothers out and Scott could get a blissful half hour – maybe even an hour, if he was lucky – without some sort of sibling drama.
“Well, I’m not seeing any problems here.”
Grandma walked straight up to Virgil and started plucking at his jacket, deftly dodging the metallic spikes as she adjusted it on his shoulders.  “When I was your age, it was all pink.  Pink leather, pink hotpants.”  She winked in Scott’s direction and the urge to scream bubbled up in his chest.  “I dyed my hair to match.”
At least his brothers seemed to be as dumbstruck as him about that, even if Scott was watching his last bastion of support crumble before his eyes.
“Your Grandpa had the most amazing Harley,” she continued.  “Ooh, what a beauty.  Such a smooth ride.  He really knew how to treat a girl, your Grandpa.”
Nope.  Absolutely nope.  Scott needed brain bleach, and an escape from the madhouse, preferably before he screamed.
With a hoarse yell that was only a yell, and not a scream at all, he yanked the front door open, all but ran through it, and slammed it so hard a shingle slid from the roof.
He stared at it for a moment before surging into a run, past the garage and that damn trike, over the front gate, and headed straight for… who cared, as long as it was away. Right then, the house could collapse or burn to the ground for all he really cared.
Scott tried to be tolerant, he tried to be fair to all of his brothers, but sometimes it was just too much to handle.
He’d ended up sitting in a tree after running all through the woodland until his legs burned.  Apparently, that wasn’t enough to stop his grandmother finding him when she wanted to.
“Are you ready to come home, dear?” she called up.  He sighed and let his head thud against the trunk.
“Am I going to be ganged up on by my brothers over stupid things if I do?” he asked.  “Because I think I’ve had enough of that.”
“Your brothers and I had a nice long chat, and we’ve put some new house rules in place,” she told him. “Gordon has agreed no more rallies and Alan no longer wants his hair dyed.”
“And Virgil and John?” he asked warily.
“Virgil has agreed not to provoke Gordon any more, but you two need to talk about policing each other’s clothes, young man.”  Scott winced. “As for John, he knows he went too far, but just like with Virgil, you are going to have to talk to each other like the reasonable young men you are.”  There was no reproach in her tone, but Scott felt scolded all the same.
He didn’t want to go home, but if Grandma was promising no more carnage…  Scott could never bring himself to leave his brothers for too long.  Reluctantly, he eased himself out of the tree, swinging from the last branch to the ground below.
“I know you don’t like what Virgil’s done to his hair,” Grandma said, looping her arm through his. “But remember it’s his hair, not yours.”
“It’s not that,” Scott admitted.  “He can do what he wants with it; it’s that trike.  He can’t wear a helmet with his hair all spiked up like that!”
“Then you should tell him that’s why you disapprove.”  Grandma was, as always, full of logic.  “None of you boys can read minds, you know.  You have to talk to each other.”
“I know,” Scott sighed. “Sorry, Grandma, I messed up.”
“You’re just worried about them.”  She squeezed his arm fondly.  “They’ll appreciate it when they’re older.”
“Will they?”
“They’re not the first teenage boys I’ve raised,” she reminded him.  “There’s nothing you and your brothers have done that your father and uncle Lee didn’t do already.”
“…Even the punk mohawk?”
“I still have the photos.”
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tagsecretsanta · 4 years
From @willow-salix
to @fallenfurther
Secret Santa does not own this work, full credit to the author above!
Grandma Tracy might portray herself as a hip, cool, down with the kids granny to anyone that would listen but even she had to admit that she was a traditionalist at heart. Not in the way that many might expect, not in the boring way of not moving with the times when needed, she could work the holoprojector almost as well as John when it came to coordinating a rescue, she just subscribed to the ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ school of thought.
She knew that old fashioned things still had a place in the world, they still had a use, even when people thought they were antiquated and fit for nothing but a museum or a rubbish pile. She’d proven that to Virgil when they had been stuck in London with no technology whatsoever and since then Virgil had had more of an appreciation for the older things in life.
Traditions were important in her eyes, although rarely were they the common ones that everyone in the world did. Mostly because Sally Tracy did not follow the pack, she never had. She refused to do what everyone else did, to her traditions began at home. They should invoke memories of a time long ago and remind you of the things that were important. Family traditions, now they were the way to go.
She could vividly remember her mother singing along to the radio as they decorated the Christmas tree. They would drink hot chocolate and have a lovely time as they decorated, dressing up in the tinsel and talking, catching up on the things they might not have had time to talk about before. Always on the 1st of December, always with Christmas songs playing and always as a family. And Sally had made sure that she'd done exactly the same with her boys.
Now it was Christmas Eve, the gifts had been purchased and wrapped, the tree had been decorated and the family had just about escaped with their sanity after a month of non stop christmas songs on the stereo courtesy of Grandma. Jeff had been the only one brave enough to suggest that maybe they listen to something else but he had quickly backed down when she had speared him with a glare that could have stripped the paint off Thunderbird Two’s hull if she had been close enough to it.
It’s tradition, she said, one of the only ones she could count on since moving to Tracy Island. Beautiful as the island was, it was far too tropical to feel in any way christmassy and the only way she could get in the mood (or so she claimed) was by listening to festive music.
She missed feeling the days grow colder as summer lost its grip on the world and the crisp, chilly days of fall took over. Once fall was firmly there and you couldn’t leave the house without a sweater it was only a matter of time before the smell of burning leaves and woodsmoke filled the air and winter came nipping at its heels. The cold of winter, the first flurries of snow, brought with it the sound of carols, bells and the smell of baking gingerbread. She loved being wrapped up in warm clothes and feeling the icy blast of wind that stole her breath and she missed it when temperatures on the island rarely changed at all.
Rescues often made regular meals and time off difficult, they often interrupted family time and special occasions. The Tracys were used to it, but it did make getting into any kind of routine difficult and often meant that such things as birthdays and christmas felt unimportant. But not to Grandma, to her it was of vital importance and no one had better argue with her. Jeff, wise man that he was, had given up and retreated to his office, his almost soundproof door and peace.
Gordon was in London spending the day with Penelope for her birthday before they returned to the island that evening for Christmas. John was in Five as usual, finishing up preparations for a few well deserved days off (although he would probably be regretting his decision by dinner time Christmas Day), Kayo was visiting Kyrano for Christmas Eve and would return in the morning and Brains was wishing he had never walked into the lounge.
“Snow is falling, all around me, children playing, having fun,” Grandma sang, joining in with the video playing out on the holoprojector as she attempted to crochet a scarf figuring it was as traditional a pass time as any to indulge in, maybe it would be ready by next Christmas if she was lucky. “Come on, Brains, you know the words, join in.”
“B-but it’s not accurate for our climate,” he argued, never having been one to enjoy a sing-along like some members of the family. “There is never snow on T-T-Tracy Island.”
“That’s not the point, Brains,” she sighed, trying to untangle the yarn that insisted on knotting on her lap rather than in the carefully ordered way it should.
“It’s not?”
“No!” She tossed the scarf, all four wonky rows of it, onto the table, giving up for now before she was tempted to lob it up Thunderbird Two's tail pipe.
“I d-don’t understand,” Brains admitted, something that was very hard for him to do. He was used to being one of the smartest people in the room, if not the smartest, and now, here he was, not understanding a simple thing like this. Maybe he’d been working too hard?
“It’s not about the song, it’s about the meaning behind it,” Grandma explained patiently for what felt like the millionth time that December. “It’s traditional.”
“A song is traditional?”
“Well, yes, but not just the song, it’s the image it portrays. Christmas in my day meant snow, cold weather clothes, wrapping up warm, skating on a frozen lake, then coming inside to drink hot chocolate around a crackling fire and listening to carols on the radio with my mother as we waited for my father to get home. We knew that once he was home the holidays could really start. He worked hard and had very little time off in a year, only every other sunday, two days for Easter and Christmas Day.”
“Kinda like us then,” Alan muttered from his spot on the couch where he had been relaxing before breakfast, playing a handheld game.
“Yes, and because we have none of the weather here or the time off, not that I would want to be anywhere else, but the only thing that really makes it feel like Christmas is the songs. So we’re going to keep the music and you’re all going to like it.”
A new song came on and Grandma sighed happily as Alan groaned as if in pain.
“I love this song, it was one of my favourites,” she stared dreamily at the screen. “Oh, it’s Christmas time, mistletoe and wine. Children singing Christian rhyme. Isn’t he handsome? I wouldn’t kick him out for eating cookies.”
“Grandma!” Alan gasped, shocked to the core, his tone showing his disgust.
“What? Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I can’t look and do a little window shopping. I’ve got all his albums, including his live concerts, it’s just not Christmas without seeing him on the TV. Here, I’ll show you. Just listen to him some more and I’m sure you’ll learn to love him.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes, it’s Christmas.”
“That’s your answer to everything,” Alan grumbled but he put down his game and prepared to do his duty as a grandson.
“I’ll start you off easy with Little Town,” Grandma told him, pressing play.
“This comes to pass, when a child is born. When a child is born… oh, oh, o-” Grandma sang along to the fifth song of her playlist when, to Alan’s intense relief, John’s hologram popped up, replacing the music video that had been playing.
“International Rescue, we have a situation,” he started, then paused looking around the room, frowning when he saw only Grandma, Brains and Alan in attendance.
“A situation? Yes! I’ll get Scott and Virg,” Alan cheered, jumping up.
"That's not the reaction I usually get," John observed, wondering what could have brought about that sort of excitement so early in the morning from the brother who liked his sleep the most.
“Never mind that. What have you got?” Grandma asked, all business now, her Christmas spirit in song form now forgotten.
“Guests trapped in an ice hotel in Sweden.”
“Scott! Virgil! It’s safe to come up, the music’s off and John needs us to go to Sweden,” Alan yelled as he clattered down the stairs to the kitchen where the older two were no doubt hiding.
“A what now?” Grandma asked, ignoring Alan.
“An ice hotel,” John repeated. “The hotel was first built in 1990 in the small village of Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, now they rebuild it every year and add to it with a different architect for each room. I’m sure it looks very beautiful when you can actually see it and a freak snow storm hasn't covered the entrance then frozen.”  He pulled up a feed to show what must have been the hotel but all that was visible was two large piles of snow.
“What are we looking at, John?” Scott demanded to know, jogging up the stairs with Virgil hot on his heels, Alan bringing up the rear.
John brought up a picture of the ice hotel in its normal glory.
“This is the Winter Heart Hotel in Sweden,” he began. The picture showed a beautiful backdrop of a frosty night with the northern lights visible dancing in the sky behind two pure white domes of snow which were obviously the hotel. They looked like elaborate igloos, connected by covered tunnels and slopes that had formed on the sides with big, wooden looking doors on the front of the domes. The snow sparkled in the moonlight and even though it was clearly freezing cold the whole place looked very welcoming. Little cabins were scattered here and there around the hotel itself, giving the whole scene a picture postcard feel.
“Looks great,” Virgil commented.
“That was it three months ago,” John answered before flicking aside the picture to replace it with the previous image. “This is it as of four hours ago.”
“Woah,” Scott breathed, his eyes tracking over the large mounds of snow that covered the domes so effectively they looked to be nothing but snowy hills. “What happened?”
“Freak snow storm blew in from the arctic circle and dumped around seven feet of snow on the hotel overnight. By the time morning came the fresh snow had frozen solid, trapping a number of high profile guests inside.”
“High profile?”
“The Winter Wonder charity concert happens there every year, people from all over the world pay big money to stay there and not just for the music,” John answered. "It's reported to be an amazing experience but not for the faint hearted. They keep the inside at a constant -5 degrees centigrade, although they do have warm rooms of the hotel such as bathrooms and some bedrooms. They should be fine in there for now, but we obviously need to get them out. The hotel itself has been trying to dig their way through for the past hour. They had a snow plow of their own but it broke a week or so ago and as no snow was forecast they hadn't rushed to replace it.”
“Any casualties?” Virgil asked, already walking across the lounge to his launch chute.
“None reported, apparently they have placated the guests with numerous free drinks and dinner, but unfortunately they are now reported to be getting a little rowdy.”
“Rowdy? Well it won’t do to keep them waiting much longer, will it?  I guess we had better hit the skies,” Scott grinned, crossing over to stand in front of the wall where his launch chute was hidden, reaching up to grasp the light fittings that triggered the revolving door. “See you out there!”
“Alan, you're with me,” Virgil called, much to Alan’s delight. He dropped down in one of the bucket seats that would take him or a passenger to Thunderbird Three so he could suit up, grinning like a mad man, happy to be off the island for a few hours.
“I’ll send the coordinates and brief you when you’re airborne,” John told them as they all vanished, his hologram blinking out a moment later.
“Well,” Grandma sighed, turning back to the holoprojector. “Now that they have gone I guess it’s just you and me, Brains.” With a quick flick of her wrist she had turned the music video on, the sound drowning out Brains’ pitiful groan.
“Bulldozer Pod is go!”
“Alan, be careful with it!” John warned, his voice echoing around the pod cabin, as the bulldozer shot forward at a much faster speed than was sensible. His hologram popped back into existence to give their littlest brother one of his patented death stares when Alan dared to roll his eyes at him.
“I think I know what I’m doing, it’s just a little snow.”
“No, it’s not just a little snow, if you go too deep or too far you’ll risk taking out one of the walls of the hotel itself. It’ll register as snow, exactly as the rest of it does. Here,” John paused to send through the holographic map overlay he had just finished creating. The overlay settled on top of the map already in front of Alan from the pods scans, then sank down over the snowy mounds, now showing the outline of the buildings.
“Avoid the ice walls, I got it,” Alan assured him.
“Just make sure you pay full attention,” John ordered.
“I’ll be fine, go bug Scott, he’s the one you can’t trust.”
“Unfortunately there isn't just one, I can’t trust any of you,” John sighed and, against his better judgement, left Alan to his own devices.
Alan trundled forward a little slower than before, heeding the warning. He might be excitable but he wasn’t stupid and now that he had a better idea of what he was looking at and supposed to do he could see that he would have to be a little more careful.
As John had said, scans from their equipment were registering nothing but ice and snow, there was no clear definition between what was fresh snow and what had been there before and was part of the building. He could detect life signs deep inside the snow piles, as expected, but they seemed calm enough, their heart rates slow and easy, showing them to be totally relaxed.
He moved the pod closer to the huge wall of snow and maneuvered it into place, his plan being to work in a square, side to side, front to back, moving in closer and closer until the majority of the snow had been removed, allowing Virgil and Scott access to come in with a modified Sherpa Pod. The idea being to use the heat bank element to create what amounted to a high powered hair dryer to defrost the ice that had the guests trapped.
With his first run he plowed a wide path in front of the hotel a good twelve meters away. He checked the map overlay, calculating that he could manage two more full sweeps, working back and forth before he’d be risking getting too close and would have to hand over to his brothers.
Scott and Virgil were configuring the modifications to the Sherpa Pod when John called in to give them an update.
“Alan has removed the snow down to quarter of a meter from the doors, now it’s down to you guys.”
“FAB Thunderbird Five,” Scott answered, swinging up into the passenger seat of the pod. He’d finally grown out of his desire to drive every single vehicle he got into and had learnt that Virgil was, in general, a much more capable pod pilot than he was, although he’d never admit that out loud.
Virgil gave him that look that said he knew exactly what he was doing but, being the more peace loving Tracy, he declined to comment. Instead he climbed effortlessly into the driver's seat and settled in. He carefully guided the vehicle down the module ramp and out onto the snow, ignoring Scott’s impatient huff in response to his sedate pace.
“Slow and steady,” he quoted, knowing that snow was tricky terrain to navigate at the best of times and this wasn’t the time or the place in which to push their luck.
“The danger here is with the hotel itself,” John told them as Virgil made his way across the snow.
“How so?” Scott asked. “I thought the reports said that the hotel was stable.”
“It’s made of the very thing we’re going to be melting,” Virgil answered, checking his instrument readouts as he navigated up and over the snow into the ditch that Alan had excavated.
“Oh, yeah, good point,” Scott conceded. “So what’s the plan?”
“The snow fall isn’t the real problem here, the hotel can take the weight of it easily having been subjected to weight tests to ensure it could retain its structural integrity for these exact reasons,"John answered. "In this case all we need to do is concentrate on freeing the doors, the rest, as long as they take precautions, should be fine to leave in situ.”
“Got it, just the doors,” Scott confirmed.
“You’re going to have to go steady,” John warned. “There’s not a lot of clearance there, Alan has done his best but it’s going to be a delicate operation.”
“Steady is my middle name,” Virgil assured him. “I’ve got it under control. You just concentrate on keeping the hotel employees in the loop.”
“FAB,” John answered, blinking out as quickly as he had come.
Heat bank raised, Virgil worked the controls expertly, taking his time to melt away the snow that was left, being careful to keep it moving and only work on the front of the hotel where the doors should be, following the same map overlay that John had provided for Alan.
Alan, they saw, had done a thorough job, moving the snow far out of the way and was now using the loader and the pod’s caterpillar tracks to tramp down and spread out the snow he’d plowed, eliminating the possibility of the new snow piles posing a danger to anyone.
After only a few minutes of careful work the doors to the main entrance of the hotel began to appear through the snow as it melted away, sliding down the wood. Virgil checked the map one more time, realising that there was little more he could do without risking the ice of the hotel itself.
“I’m gonna have to get my exo-suit and do the rest by hand,” he decided, sounding like he was talking to himself, almost like he had forgotten that Scott was even there. Scott declined to comment, busy watching Alan work, pleased to see that, although the youngest Tracy sometimes had the same kind of offbeat humour as Gordon, he was as competent and sure as ever in his work.
Virgil turned the pod back to the module, not wanting to walk the entire way and, leaving Scott to reconfigure the pod to something a little more manageable for travelling across snow, he got himself into the mechanical suit.
Twenty minutes later a stream of grateful employees and guests came pouring out of the freed doors, all talking at once, jabbering away in excitement at seeing the mighty Thunderbird vehicles up close.
“Please, please come inside,” one waiter gushed, grabbing Scott by the arm and hauling him into the hotel. Virgil glanced at Alan who shrugged, it wasn’t like they couldn't be spared for a little longer. "My name is Felix, please, anything I can do, just tell me."
"It's OK, Felix," Scott started. "We don't need you to do anything…" he trailed off as they stepped inside, their attention instantly taken by their first look at the hotel.
“Woah,” they all breathed in unison, their eyes feasting on the beauty in front of them. They were surrounded on all sides by sparkling, crystal like slabs of ice that formed a lobby area that immediately opened up into an ice bar, a warmly wrapped up waiter behind the bar ready to take their orders. Several guests sat on fur covered ice chairs, sipping from thick glasses that looked to be crystal but were obviously made of ice too.
“This is just...wow,” Virgil’s eyes darted here and there, trying to take in everything at once. He slipped his arms out of the exo-suit and allowed the mechanical limbs to fold down alongside the suit against his back. Reaching out a hand he stroked the delicately carved face of an ice maiden, one of the many sculptures that were dotted here and there. “Can I have a look around?”
“Of course,” the waiter, Felix, who had invited them in nodded eagerly, clearly happy to be of service. “Come, I give you a tour.”
Virgil knew that he must have looked a sight, stomping down the icy walkway with his suit on so, with Scott’s help, he shed it and left his brothers to guard it while he followed the man who had already darted ahead.
Now that he was free of the cumbersome machinery he was able to navigate the icy corridors and smaller walkways with ease. He descended a staircase, again completely made of ice, something he found hard to get his head around as it all looked like crystal, and stepped into a high ceilinged room that sported the most magnificent chandelier he had ever seen.
The ice shards hung down in elegant lines that culminated in three perfectly formed circles. The artist in him was in awe of the work that had gone into creating something that was not only visually stunning but practical at the same time.
Walking through the rooms he saw more exquisite sculptures, fur draped beds in bedrooms that each had a different theme such as under the sea with giant ice jellyfish hanging from the ceiling, clowns, dancers, and solar systems. On the way to the beautiful chapel with its ice shard altar and fur covered pews, he saw a magnificent unicorn that dominated a large part of a hallway. Here and there he saw leaves, animals, birds, faces and flowers, all carved from the ice and snow that made up the hotel. It was, simply put, stunning.
He returned to find Scott and Alan, who had taken up residence in one of the warm rooms with cups of hot chocolate, surrounded by guests. Many of them seemed a little worse for wear after their extended stays in the bar areas where the drinks had been flowing freely in an effort to keep them unaware as to the predicament they had been in.
It seemed that the guests were also fans, their voices carrying that slightly raised, mildly slurred tone that drunk people got, as they peppered the boys with questions.
“We really can’t reveal any of our secrets,” Scott told them, sounding as if he were repeating himself for maybe the twentieth time.
“You eat?” someone popped up behind them and offered a delicious looking burger on a plate.
“Oh, don’t mind if I do,” Scott grinned, reaching to take it. “Thank you.”
Alan and Virgil happily accepted their own plates, diving in to take large bites, eager for some food that hadn’t been cremated by Grandma. Decent food was hit or miss on the island, but everything dished up was met with a general sense of trepidation until the first bite determined its edibility.
“Damn, this is good,” Alan mumbled, his mouth full.
“I’ll say it is,” Virgil agreed, his cheeks resembling hamster pouches as he answered with his mouth full.
"I am glad you like,” Felix smiled, looking rather proud of himself. “They are our speciality, made from our own reindeer.”
Alan choked, his eyes growing wide as he stopped chewing and stared at the burger. Reaching for a napkin he, as politely as possible, spat out the food in his mouth.
Virgil looked a little horrified while Scott just shrugged and kept right on eating. Scott counted himself as a foodie, he would try anything once, or even twice if he was undecided the first time. He had eaten in top restaurants around the world, in little cafes, from carts on the side of the road, anywhere and everywhere that there was food, there was Scott, willing and ready to try it.
“What?” he asked when Alan stared at him in disgust. “It’s a burger, plus it’s good.”
Virgil was obviously fighting some internal war between his stomach and his brain. On the one hand he was hungry and Scott was right, the burger was damn good, but on the other his brain was insisting on conjuring up visions of Santa and his sleigh. In the end his stomach won and he took another bite.
“Virgil!” Alan gasped, making Virgil wince guiltily.
“There’s nothing wrong with the burger, Al. They were good enough to feed us, it would be rude not to.”
Alan, clearly torn between his desire to not be seen as impolite and his desire to not eat Rudolph, was spared from making a decision by a sudden burst of music coming from deeper in the hotel. All three Tracy brothers groaned in unison.
“Is there a problem?” Felix asked, concern etched on his face. Had he given them a bad burger? Food poisoning? Insulted their ancestors? “Anything I can do to thank you, please do say.”
“No,” Virgil assured him. “We just recognised the music, that’s all.”
“Ah,” Felix smiled, clearly relieved. “That is the band beginning a last minute rehearsal and sound check before the concert.”
Felix pointed to a holographic poster on the wall.
Alan’s eyes widened in recognition and he leant over to whisper to Scott. Scott listened, his eyes widening too as he realised what his little brother meant.
Clearing his throat he made his request. “Maybe there is something you can do for us, if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course! Anything!” Felix gushed, pleased that the high profile Tracy brothers weren’t mad at him.
“Can you get us their autographs?”
Felix grinned, looking even more proud of himself than he had before.
“I can do better than that.”
Grandma hadn’t known what to think when Virgil had called home and told her that Scott was on his way back to collect her, telling her only to wear as many warm clothes as she could, but she had done as she was told.
Digging deep into the back of her wardrobe where she kept the clothes that had languished there for more years than she cared to remember, she had dragged out a thick winter coat and a warm top to wear under her customary onesie, along with wooly socks, gloves, scarf and hat.
She was waiting impatiently in the launch bay before Scott had even made it home and was soon comfortably installed in a passenger seat as her eldest grandson whisked her away into the unknown.
Virgil and Alan were there to greet them as they landed, a pair of ice skates in hand and identically proud grins on their faces.
They had spent a pleasant hour or so sliding around on the custom built ice rink. The ice, as with the hotel, had been imported from the nearby Torne River. Grandma was pleased to find that, although slightly rusty at first, she was able to take to the ice with a reasonable degree of competency, much better than that of her grandsons.
Scott was all long limbs and over enthusiasm, trying to go fast straight off the bat and failing spectacularly until he slowed down and figured out how to walk before he ran. Virgil was a little better, adopting the tactic of trying to place his feet carefully, as he would while walking, getting his footing before doing a slow first lap around the outer edge of the rink, gaining confidence the longer he was on there.
Alan it seemed, much to their surprise, had inherited her grace on the ice and took to it easily, executing an almost perfect first lap before streaking off across the ice like a bullet.
Skating gave way to an impromptu snowball fight started by Scott aiming at Alan and finished by Grandma who pelted the troublemakers with snow while Virgil held them in place.
“How about we head inside and grab a warm drink before heading home?” Virgil suggested, shaking the snow off his shoulders, thankful that their uniforms protected them from such a wide range of weather conditions.
“That would be wonderful,” Grandma sighed happily as they walked towards the hotel.
“I want to thank you boys for such a lovely surprise. Much as I love our home it’s been nice to feel snow again and experience an old fashioned Christmas eve again after so long of endless summer.”
“You deserve it,” Scott assured her, draping an arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, it was our pleasure,” Alan agreed, holding the still freely swinging door open for her.
Grandma experienced much the same wonder as they had as she enjoyed a tour of the hotel at the hands of the ever accommodating Felix, who had been more than happy to be her guide, showing her all the hotel had to offer.
It was beautiful, a true once in a lifetime winter wonderland of crystalline ice and exquisite sculpture that reminded her of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, her favourite book as a child, when the White Witch had frozen all of Narnia in an endless winter.
Felix was happy to let her wander at her own pace, never trying to hurry her as she explored, her eyes taking in all there was to see. But, eventually, she grew tired and needed to rest, not being as young as her mind would have her believe. She was more than happy to be delivered back to her waiting grandsons with the promise of a hot chocolate in one of the warm rooms.
The function room was beautiful in its simplicity, decorated in a cozy cabin style with insulated fireplaces here and there which gave off no heat but looked perfect in the wood panelled room. There were comfy couches and wooden tables with rings of chairs dotted here and there, all arranged in a semi circle that faced towards the raised platform that was acting as a stage if the instruments there were any indication.
The room was still empty apart from five men sitting around a table, enjoying a quiet drink before the show started. They looked up expectantly when the door opened and the three Tracy boys led their special guest into the room.
Grandma had never been one to be lost for words before but there was a first time for everything and this appeared to be that time. She froze in the doorway, requiring a gentle nudge from Virgil to get her moving again. Her eyes were firmly fixed on one man as he put down his drink and moved towards them, a bright smile of welcome on his face.
“Hi there,” he started, holding out his hand, “I’m Cli-”
“Cliff Richard Jr!” Grandma shrieked, coming out of her starstruck daze to grab his hand between both of hers, yanking it closer, reeling him in for a smothering hug.
“Woah, easy there, Grandma!” Scott laughed as the singer’s arms flailed in shock. “Let the man breathe.”
Alan gently untangled Grandma’s arms from around Cliff, allowing him to back up and regain his freedom.
“So,” Cliff wheezed, straightening his tie and clearing his throat, regaining his composure before he bestowed upon her another dazzling smile. “Am I right in assuming you’ll be staying for the show?”
“You bet your ass I am.”
“Grandma!” all three boys yelped in shock but, thankfully, Cliff just laughed.
The music might not be to their tastes, in fact for Alan it was akin to torture, but seeing the look of joy on their Grandmother's face made it all worth it.
And wasn't that the true spirit of the season? Taking the time to think about others before you thought of yourself, spreading joy and happiness whenever you could.
Grandma was the heart of International Rescue, the heart of the house and the loving center of their family. She had always gone out of her way to look after them, now it was their turn to give something back to her. Something that she would never, ever forget.
16 notes · View notes
hopscotchandlemon · 4 years
A Knight in Sneakers (Collide)
The silence of the car ride back to the Navy Yard was interrupted by the ringing of Jethro’s phone. He answered without checking the caller ID, expecting it to be McGee telling him he they had another lead.
‘Gibbs,’ he spoke as he held the phone to his ear.
‘Hi, are you able to talk?’
‘Mary? Yeah sure just give me a minute,’
He pulled into a parking lot. Not wanting to intrude, Jack leapt out the car and went for a walk. Jethro held the phone to his ear again.
‘Hey, I’m here.’
‘I need you. I’m at the school. Jenson has been suspended for punching another kid. He’s currently crying hysterically in the principal’s office. Eilidh has locked herself in a cupboard and is refusing to come out. I’m not getting anything out of either of them and the school are not being very helpful and threatening all sorts unless something is sorted out soon.’
‘Jenson*punched* someone?’ Jethro said in disbelief, signalling to Jack to get back in the car.
‘Apparently so. I can’t get any sense out of him. Honestly, you’d think he was the one who was punched. Something isn’t adding up.’
Jack leapt back in the car, trying to read Gibbs’ furrowed brow.
‘Me and Jack are about twenty minutes away. We’ll be with you soon.’
With the call ended, Jethro pulled out the parking lot and towards the school. As he did, he regaled Jack with the situation.
‘Well both kids going off on the same day is a bit suspicious don’t you think? And Jenson punching someone? Really?’
‘Yeah I know. It’s all a bit…’
‘Hinky!’ Jack retorted.
Gibbs smiled. Abby’s favourite word had made it into everyone’s lexicons. He drove quickly towards the school, not liking the idea of not being there. Usually if one of the kids was upset, the other would help calm them down. Mary was more than capable of coping with them both so for her to call and directly ask for help meant the situation was serious.
‘Do you want me to come with you?’ Jack asked as the car stopped.
‘Yeah, might need you,’
Both agents got out the car and headed into reception. Even from the desk, they could hear Jenson wailing. After confirming who they were there for, Jethro found Mary who was trying to coax Eilidh out of the cupboard. The school were threatening to take the door off with an electric drill. Jack took the principal to one side and warned her of the repercussions of using something loud near a child who had watch her parents die by gunfire.
The situation was chaotic, it was hard to know which child to try and tackle first. Amongst the three of them, they decided that Jethro was probably going to have more success with Jenson and Jack and Mary were going to stay with Eilidh and hopefully convince her to leave the cupboard. Jethro went to the office where an exhausted Jenson was sobbing in the corner of the room. It was hard not to feel a bit broken at the sight of the boy sat  trembling on the floor with his face wet from the constant stream of tears. Crouching down next to him, Gibbs smiled at his adopted Grandson and the child threw himself into his arms. Standing up, Jethro carried the boy outside, cradling him close to him. Gradually the cries subsided which Jethro felt was more likely exhaustion. Walking round the playground, Jethro sat on a bench, placing Jenson on his lap and gently stroking his hair. He noted the red marks on the child’s left knuckles. He’d certainly hit something. Eventually, light snores could be heard indicating that Jenson had fallen asleep.
‘Is Jenson ok?’ a little voice asked.
Gibbs looked around so see a little girl who looked about the same age as his Grandson, stood beside him.
‘He will be, he just got himself a little upset.’
The girl nodded.
‘I wish I had a brother like Jenson. He was so brave looking after his sister,’
‘Yeah? What did he do?’
‘Cassandra, get here right now young lady!’ An annoyed teacher yelled from the otherside of the yard.
‘I gotta go,’ the girl whispered solemnly as she walked towards the teacher.
Something had definitely gone off here. Fumbling in his pocket, while trying to keep Jenson still, Gibbs pulled out his phone and called Abby.
‘Abby? I want you to check CCTV from Elmvale Elementary for Jenson and Eilidh in the last two hours.’
‘Sure thing Gibbs, are they ok?’
‘Well, Jenson’s cried himself to sleep on my shoulder and Eilidh has locked herself in a cupboard.’
‘Hmmm hinky. I’ll let you know what I find.’
Putting the phone back in his pocket, Gibbs rose from the bench and went back inside to see if Mary and Jack were having better luck extracting Eilidh from the cupboard. He found them both sat on the floor outside the door.
‘Eilidh, Grandpa is here and Jenson is fast asleep on his shoulder, like when we went to the zoo for your birthday, do you remember?’ Mary spoke quietly to the door.
‘Yeah,’ came a timid reply.
Both women’s eyes widened, it was the first response they’d had from the girl.
‘Aww I’ve not been to the zoo in ages!,’ Jack mused. ‘I love the meercats.’
‘They’re definitely Jenson’s favourite,’ Mary added.
‘What about you, Eilidh, what’s your favourite animal.
‘Giraffe,’ came the small reply.
Gibbs’ phone started to trill. He got it out of his pocket and held it to his ear.
‘Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs!’
‘Hey Abs. What ya got.’
‘Well I was right. Definite hinky stuff going on. Are you still holding Jenson?’
‘Well, you need to hug him a bit tighter because he’s a little legend. I’m sending the video to Jack. And Gibbs?’
‘Yes Abby,’
‘He has a mean left hook.’
Jack’s phone pinged, both women stood up and they crowded around Jethro so they could see the clip from the CCTV. It showed Eilidh being picked on by a group of older boys. They grabbed her bag and threw it amongst themselves before emptying in on the ground. The ringleader walks up to the clearly terrified child and starts undoing her hair clips. Out of the corner of the screen, they saw Jenson come in to view. He tries to lead Eilidh away from the bullies, but these older boys have other ideas and try to goad Jenson into a fight. He continues to hold on to Eilidh, putting himself between her and them, an action that elicited a cooing sound from Jack. The ringleader stabbed his finger into the boy’s chest, getting in his face and attempting to get a reaction. Jenson did not budge so the older boy reframed his attention on to Eilidh and pulled at her hair. Jenson once again puts himself in between them. The bully leans in and tries to pull Eilidh away and in that moment, Jenson snaps, landing a punch squarely on the jaw of the older kid who falls backwards. Once he is on the floor, Jenson grabs Eilidh and the pair take off.
Without thinking about it, Jethro helds his young charge a little tighter. He looked to Mary, her face reflecting the pure anger she was feeling.
‘Can I borrow that please Jack?’ Mary held her hand out.
‘Sure,’ Jack handed the phone to Mary who immediately marched off towards the principal’s office.
Jack walked back up to the cupboard door, putting her mouth near to the wood
‘Eilidh, we know what happened. Jenson is not in any trouble and neither are you. Grandma has gone to sort it all out.’
Behind her, Jack was aware of movement. Looking around she see’s that Jenson was starting to stir. Gibbs gently stroked his hair, easing him back into consciousness.
Eilidh remained silent and Jack decided to leave her for a moment. She looked to Gibbs who is still holding on to the young boy.
‘I thought you were scary when you were angry. Remind me never to mess with Mary,’
With a wry smile on his lips, Gibbs looked at Jack.
‘Never cross her in Grandma-bear mode. She takes no prisoners.
‘Hey Grandpa,’ Jenson uttered, his voice full of sleep.
‘Hey Buddy, you ok?’
‘Yeah, I fell asleep. Where’s Eilidh?’
‘She’s in the cupboard. Do you want to talk to her?’
He nodded his head and his Grandpa let him down. He put his hands and the side of his face up against the door.
‘Are you Ok Eilidh? We’re ok now, Grandma and Grandad are here. We can go home.’
After a short pause, the door was unlocked, and out came a dishevelled looking Eilidh. Jenson took her hand and lead her out.
‘You two are just too cute you know?’ Jack sighed smiling at the sight of Jenson fussing over his friend.
They walked back towards reception where Mary was emerging from the principal’s office. The anger from before had dissipated (all over the Principal, Jethro reckoned) and she beamed a smile at seeing both children walking hand in hand.
‘Thanks for that,’ Mary handed the phone back to Jack.
‘Can we go home now Grandma?’ Jenson asked, his eyes still sleepy from the events of the day.
‘We can.’
‘Why don’t you go home too, Gibbs? Everything is ticking over at work. Think those kids deserve a treat after today.’ Jack suggested. To her surprise, he handed her the keys to the work car so she could get back home.
Both kids were relieved to get back home. Mary took one look at Eilidh’s knotted and dishevelled hair and suggested they get it washed and spend a bit of time making it look nice again. Jethro took Jenson to the basement, where they did some work on the jewellry boxes they were making for his Grandma and Eilidh.
‘So, I’m not in trouble for punching that boy?’ Jenson asked.
‘No. Not at all,’
‘He was being horrible to Eilidh and I didn’t like it.’
Jethro glanced at the boy who was sporting a serious look on his face. He clearly needed to talk about today’s events.
‘Has he been horrible to Eilidh before?’
Jenson nodded his head while slowly sanding the top of the box he was working on.
‘I didn’t know what to do. He’s horrible to me too but I just ignore him.’
Gibbs gently put his tools down and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
‘You did everything right Jenson. We saw the video from the CCTV. I think when I was your age, I’d have hit that boy long before you did. He kept trying to make you fight and you kept ignoring him. When you did hit him, you only did it to get Eilidh out of the way.’
‘He was making Eilidh sad. I don’t like it when Eilidh is sad,’ he replied quietly.
They spend an hour in the basement before returning to the ground floor. Mary was sat on the couch, plaiting Eilidh’s hair. As soon as she finished, Eilidh leapt up and ran off to play with Jenson. Jethro sat down next to Mary, putting his arm around her shoulder.
‘We need to find another school for the kids,’ she sighed, resting her head against his shoulder.
‘I guessed so. What did the Principal say?’
‘She tried to say I had the footage illegally which I told her was beside the point when it clearly showed she had wilfully punished the wrong child despite evidence that two children were being harassed. I asked if she thought the school board would agree with the decision she’d made after viewing the footage. She refused to answer.’
‘We’ll start looking next week. They deserve somewhere better. That Prinicpal should have been commending Jenson, not punishing him. I told him I’d have hit that boy long before he did when I was his age.’
‘All he wanted to do was protect Eilidh. His Mom would have been so proud of him. I’m proud of him too. Proud of them both.’
‘I guess they deserve to choose where we have dinner then?’ Jethro asked.
‘Sure, go ask them. But we both know it will be pizza.
Jethro got up and chuckled as we went to ask the kids. He knew it would be pizza again but after today, he didn’t give a damn.
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Yeah yeah yeah. Good for Ryu and Zen getting hit with the blinding light of love
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And for having a soft color exchange (blue curtains, orange bed)
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It's obvious they love each other while Zen wears both of their colors
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Atom obviously wants Zen
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Like, carnally (scenes like this are such a blessing)
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Blue jacket! Blue shirt! Blue shorts!
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Golf, you can't be doing this shit to me!
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Atom cares about both of the boys because he was concerned where they went and even checked in on Grandma in their absence
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Atom is in the blue light wearing a green shirt and green and orange shorts
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This color-coded boy is tracking down his boyfriends
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Scorpius Getta → Jake Gyllenhaal → Vampire
→ Basic Information 
Age: 1378
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Birthday: December 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
Religion: Satanism
→ His Personality Getta is practical and down to earth with strong ideas about how vampires should be in this new age. He is orderly, organized, systematic and controlled, and once committed there is no stopping him. Getta has a great capacity for loyalty and affection, considering vampire nature. Being a calm and methodical individual, Getta is mostly in control of his emotions. He rarely loses his temper, but has a great capacity for violence when pushed. Getta is courageous and a true survivor, he is the builder and the foundation of the Underground, and his hard work and values paid off; the Underground is booming and he has one of the largest seethes in America. It's also his ‘fuck you’ attitude that links up with his sucess. Getta is unconcerned about being viewed as ‘the bad guy’ and sees his actions as a means to an end. He is often secretive and can be somewhat of a trickster, but is honest and direct. He is headstrong, persistent and passionate. Getta downright refuses to accept authority and has a stubborn belief in himself and his dreams. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Master of Chicago Seethe 
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Blood with Pepper and Business
Two Dislikes: Vampire Movies and Bananas 
Two Fears: Being Forced to Feed Off of Himself and Naked Zombie Grandmas 
Two Hobbies: Enhancing the Underground and Inventing 
Three Positive Traits: Innovative, Lively, Extremely Confident  
Three Negative Traits: Sassy, Maniacal, Disconnect 
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Ulfrik Göransson (Father): Getta enjoyed his father and if he had been given the chance he would have changed him into a vampire.
Bon’Ginnever (Mother): Getta doesn’t remember much about his mother beside the fact that she had blonde hair and an unusual eye color. Bon’Ginnever died from an infection. He was sure it was over the loss of Aleigha, his little sister. She was never the same after and death took her months later.
Emmalee (Step-Mother): Getta didn’t approve of his father remarrying. Since Emmalee was around his age, Getta tried his best to ignore her to keep from showing her any disrespect and disappointing his father.
Sibling Names:
Eirikur Ulfrikson (Brother): Eirikur was born several years after Getta. Getta doesn’t remember much about Eirikur as a child but he remembers his little brother all grown up and being a ladies man. Eirikus died mysteriously in his sleep. Getta is now sure he must have caught an STD or something. 
Aleigha Ulfrikdotter (Sister): Just like Eirikur, Aleigha was born several years after her brothers. Getta was nearing his late teens when she was born. Sadly, Aleigha was sold off to pay their debts and Getta still has no idea what faith laid out for her.
Bryleigh Ulfrikson (Half-Brother): Getta was out of the castle when Bryleigh was born. Getta never had the chance to meet Bryleigh. He only knew his name and the random updates his father would send him.
Children Names:
Ulfric Scorpiusson (Son): Ulfric was named after Getta’s father, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Ulfric grew to be a spitting image of Getta’s father with the same attitude to follow it. That’s probably why they get along so well. Getta turned Ulfric, on his request, into a vampire on his 20th birthday. He is still alive and married with his own seethe in Sweden.
Bjorn Scorpiusson (Son): Bjorn was named after Solveig’s father, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Getta doesn’t know where Bjon got it from but he is absolutely unpredictable. He was well on his way to become a shadow vampire when Getta stepped in and killed him. Bjon was always Solveig favorite and Getta still mourns the both of them.
Kjersti Getta née Scorpiusdotter (Daughter): Kjersti was named after Solveig’s mother, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Kjersti was unexpected but wanted. Getta made sure she didn’t follow the same fate as Aleigha and kept her close. She was the 3rd person Getta changed and he doesn’t regret it. She now holds rank in his seethe.
Romantic Connections:
Solveig Pelledotter (Wife): Getta wasn’t in love with Solveig but at the time it was his duty to marry and continue his bloodline. After marriage, they became close friends. If given the chance, Getta was sure they would have eventually fallen in love. Solveig had taken her own life after Getta was changed.
Platonic Connections:
Alva Ebba Getta nee Garbo (Daughter-In-Law): Alva married Getta’s son Ulfric over a thousand years ago. At first he did not approve of her but thought a wedding would be good for overall morale. Over time Getta learned to love her as one of his own. Getta especially likes it when she puts his son in his place.
Geralt Getta (Son-In-Law/Progeny): Geralt was an orphan on the streets Getta fed from. Getta adopted Geralt and he was Getta's first vampiric progeny. Getta sees him more like a brother and best friend than a son, especially after Geralt married his daughter, Kjersti. 
Winona Fili (Progeny): Getta had originally turned Winona into a vampire for his son Bjon. He should have known better because the two hated each other. Frankly, after the way his son reacted Getta knew Winona deserved better. Getta still cannot accept that Winona is gone and is trying his hardest not to fall into a depression. Losing Winona was worse than losing a limb or death itself. Getta still expects her to be there when he turns around or wherever he gets a brilliant idea.  
Aleksander Mazur (Progeny): Getta found Aleksander when Aleksander was at his lowest on the streets of London. Aleksander tried to rob Getta and failed. Instead of killing him or turning him to the authorities, Getta fed him, gave him fresh clothes and offered him a new life as a vampire. They have a well built relationship that is not exactly a father and son type but close enough. 
Raphael Caron (Progeny): Getta saved Raphael's life. Raphael was dying from Leukemia when Getta gave his parents the terms and conditions of vampirism. Their relationship is stronger than ever nearly two centuries later. Getta enjoys Raphael’s creative side and allows him to use him as a test subject.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Progeny): Getta does not like sharing the story of how he found Fi but she has been with him since she was a 6 years old human. Getta held out on changing her into a vampire until she was mature enough. After living and dealing with Fi for centuries, nearly a millennium, Getta has turned from an overbearing father to a cool understanding brother and to a best friend. Getta can switch to whichever role she needs from him at the time without making it awkward.
Dan Prior (Vampire Son-In-Law): Getta couldn’t hate Dan if he tried nor can he blame Dan for Winona’s death. Dan's first few years were tough on Getta, he was the new master of his seethe, lost his closest companion and progeny, and had a suicidal baby vampire to watch over. Getta feels like Dan and Fili are the only things he has left of Winona. He has been better about separating them from her but something in him always feels like it's snapping when he does.  
Richard Fili (Vampire Grandson): Fili was changed by Winona many years ago. Getta has always been accepting of Fili and even fatherly at times. Getta puts up with Fili’s bullshit, only getting pissed if Fili messes up big time, and he knows that is enough to make Fili grateful and undeniably loyal. Fili seems to be the only one that has taken notice of Getta keeping himself busy and staring off into space since Winona’s death; Fili is worried for him but Getta isn’t ready to talk yet.
Audrey Ann Wallace (Vampire Granddaughter): Audrey was turned into a vampire by Garelt when Kjersti started mourning the loss of ever being a mother. Audrey reminds him a lot of Kjersti and can be mistaken as their biological child.
Petra Chak (Best Friend): Petra and Getta have an unlikely friendship. She had originally come to Chicago to take over Getta’s seethe for her own master but somehow Getta had won her over. Over the years they formed an unbreakable bond and Getta trusts Petra with his life and the lives of their entire seethe. 
Sadie McCoy (Good Friend): Sadie randomly showed up one day… Or at least Getta finally noticed her and was too ashamed to ask anyone who she was or where she came from. Sadie hung out with Winona and by default hung out with Getta. It didn’t take long for him to grow fond of her and to constantly want her around. She became his muse and little soldier girl. She took Winona’s death as hard as Fili, Dan and Getta’s other progeny.  
Morana ‘Ana’ Vickors (Old Friend): Ana was a part of Getta’s seethe before he became the seethe master. She saw the destruction their old seethe master caused and quickly jumped on his support train when he took over. Getta considers her a trusted and loyal friend. Getta is also close to Ana’s husband and daughter. 
Sven (Old Friend): Getta met Sven a few times in Europe and again in the New World. Sven was always a loner and some considered him to be a feared shadow vampire. It took Getta a while but he convinced Sven to join the seethe he was apart nearly 300 years ago. Sven came and went as he pleased but Getta is happy to see that lately Sven has been making a permanent home for himself in Chicago. 
Chiara Ricci (Friend): Getta knew Chiara’s adopted vampiric parents. When he asked them to come teach for them, he was aware that they had changed a woman to be their child but never figured it would be someone with Chiara’s personality. She makes Getta laugh and can retell stories about himself better than he can. 
Hostile Connections:
Nick and Ray Hamelin (Hate): Getta doesn’t hate easily nor does he have a vindictive streak but the Hamelin brothers live to test his restraint. Vampires are not widely liked among the mortal supernaturals and Getta understands that. What Getta doesn’t understand is why the rats are constantly trying to enter the closed section of the Underground or why the rats cannot leave them in peace. After the poisonous gas accident Nick and Ray attacked the Underground killing multiple orphaned and neonate vampires. Getta was tempted to retaliate but put the entire seethe needs ahead of his own. He and Petra have tried to explain that the closed section of the Underground is semi poisonous but their pleads have gone unheard. 
→ History Scorpius Getta was born Göran-Skorpionen Ulfirkson. He changed his name to Scorpius Getta after he was changed into a vampire and a widower. He no longer wanted to associate with his human past and this was especially so after changing all of his biological children to vampires also. Getta travelled the world, finding those he bonded with or those he thought deserved another life and changing them. → The Present Getta plans on expanding the Undergrounds and opening an above ground full service Hotel made especially for vampires. The only thing holding him back are key features and trusted human or supernatural construction workers. The key features are shutters and windows that completely block out the sun which are currently out of reach. Getta has already begun employing witches and warlocks to help, and his dreams seem closer to reality. Getta plans on naming it Hotel Winona. 
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lovelylogans · 5 years
where you lead, i will follow
previous chapter / chapter four / next chapter
start from the beginning!
ao3 | read my other fics | coffee?
warnings: food mentions, complicated parental relationships, mentions of transphobia and homophobia, verbal fighting, top surgery mention, classism, off-screen physical altercation (someone gets punched)
pairings: moxiety, logince
words: 4,557
notes: i’m back in the country now and hoo boy jet lag does NOT mess around
logan's reviewing study materials on the bus monday morning. it's fine. the weekend has been fine. he's fine. he should focus on getting into an ivy. that's the priority. he doesn't care about roman getting kissed, roman getting asked out on a date, roman spending the night with—
logan forcibly relaxes his hand before he snaps a highlighter in half.
anyway. he's fine. he has to focus on school. he has to focus on the consultation with the faculty supervisor of the franklin that all journalistically-inclined sophomores are having today. he has to focus on his midterms. 
he's focusing on that plan until he walks into the franklin meeting, sits down, and they're in the midst of talking about some journalism Hot Topics when dee starts loudly proclaiming about how lack of attribution isn't a bad thing.
(your friendly neighborhood journalism student here! as according to the lawyer for the publication i worked for: lack of attribution can often be the sticking point for a libel suit or not. plus, it's just generally good rule of thumb to show readers where i got that information—like how i told you just now i heard it from the lawyer for a publication. that's attribution, though of course in a published article i would include that lawyer's name/title/why they have the professionalism to say that. it's often answering the well why should i believe THAT?! question before it can ever get asked, or at least showing where i got the information, like citing a source in a paper.)
logan, as you know, hasn't had the best week. a nice, bloodless debate about journalism is exactly what he needs.
(when he says bloodless—)
cut to logan sitting in the nurse's office, pinching the bridge of his nose, as dee's getting chewed out in charleston's office. technically, louise punched him, but everyone saw dee goading her into it, so. louise has already been sent packing for suspension, which is apparently a rarity at chilton, and brings him right back into the frame of gossip. just when he'd shaken the matthew nickname.
"well," the advisor for the franklin ("god, please, it's mel or doc or kram, don't say dr. kramschissel, you're wasting time you could be using to tell me about a new story idea") comments. "can't say that i've ever seen someone get hit for saying lack of attribution was comparable to plagiarism before."
"i hope this doesn't sour your opinion of me," logan says, but with all the blood it sounds more like bi hob dis doesn' dour your obinion o be.
"honestly," mel admits, "i've had my eye on you since charleston brought up that you wrote your first byline at seven, sanders."
"oh," logan says, then, "good."
"i don't think this will be a blip on the radar when it comes to admitting you," she says. "honestly, it's points in your favor."
"good," logan repeats, and removes the handful of tissues he's been holding to his nose for the past five minutes, sniffing experimentally. 
"shame about grant," she tuts. "journalists are facing a rough enough time without in-fighting going into it."
logan nods, and she continues.
"your opinion didn't endear you to grant, i'll have you know, but keep it quiet. she got in trouble for plagiarism last year and it's a near thing that she wasn't expelled."
"ah," logan says. 
"not going to ask how i know that?"
"you're a teacher, and a journalism one, at that," logan says. "i'd think you'd want to stay informed."
she smiles. "good guesses are the basis of interesting journalism," she says.
"basis, not journalism in full," logan says. 
"of course, research and interviews and so on, but a good guess can set you down the path," she says, and logan nods.
"so," she says, "you want to be an investigative journalist?"
"yes," logan says simply. he hopes she won't come back with the why? question most adults tend to ask. how does he explain the adrenaline high of a hard deadline, the way he floats after a good interview, the inherent justice of it all, the way that when journalism, done well, changes lives? how does he explain the deeply understood ethics, the sharply defended principles, the roles each journalist is preached to hold—of watchdog, to call on things gone wrong, of marketplace, for people to discuss ideas, of mirror, to reflect society back at itself? how does he explain how do no harm is something he follows not only in journalism but in life? how does he explain the way he felt the first time he published a story that mattered? how can he explain the admiration he feels when he reads the work of others? how can he explain the duty of keeping everyone informed, of reporting on the stories that would otherwise go unheard? how can explain that responsibility? how can he explain that?
but mel smiles at him, and oh, logan realizes. she knows. she has a doctorate in journalism and a pulitzer nomination under her belt and three books to boot. of course she knows.
his phone buzzes. logan glances at it, and then at mel, who says, "oh, go on," and logan picks up.
"logan!" his dad gasps, and logan tucks the phone up under his ear. "the headmaster just called—"
"i'm fine, dad," logan says. "it's just a bloody nose."
"just," his father huffs. "there is no just about my son getting punched in the face! i have half a mind to send your grandmother in there, see if i don't."
"maybe you should," logan says.
"i mean, she's closer," logan says. "plus, i mean. what's the use of grandma being grandma if we can't use it once in a while?"
"fair," patton says. "but i'm coming right up, i'm on my way now. should you call her or should i?"
"oh, dad," logan says. "obviously headmaster charleston should call her."
"i have no idea where you got this evil gene from," patton says admiringly, as if logan has not seen patton play innocent to get the upper hand a million times at the diner alone. "all right, i'll call back. how huffy should i get?"
"maximum levels of huffy. your son did get assaulted, after all."
"i can't believe you've been confronted by more delinquents there than you have at sideshire, i'm totally bragging about that at brunch slash our next dinner slash for the rest of time," patton says. "all right. i'll be there soon. i love you so much."
"you too," logan says, and then realizes that mel was listening, and god, that was hardly the language of a proper upstanding journalist—
she laughs like she's heard his thoughts, and she says, "we're journalists, not robots. honestly, seeing you act a bit like a normal teenager doesn't discredit your work."
logan offers a tentative smile, and then, "i thought your pulitzer article was riveting."
"aw, shucks."
"can i ask about—?"
"go for it."
"how did you get the correctional officer to talk to you? korinth, i mean," logan asks, fascinated, leaning forward. 
"well," she begins, and begins weaving a tale about how she'd unveiled a story about suspicious prison deaths across the county, and then across the nation, and logan listens and does not bother resisting the urge to take notes in his notepad, juggling another handful of tissues for his still-bleeding nose with a pen (which she nods at approvingly.)
he doesn't notice the aggravated clacking of heels down the marble hallway getting increasingly noisy until the voice comes with it.
"—incredibly displeased that my grandson got punched by some hooligan, hanlin!"
logan scowls—mel was just getting to the part where she'd finally gotten into the office of a prison superintendent. 
"is that someone of yours?"
"my grandmother, yes."
mel nods, and stands, wiping her hands off on her slacks, and the door flies open.
"logan," emily frets, and logan blinks accusingly at charleston. 
"hi, grandma," he says, possibly overemphasizing the way the bloody nose transfigured his speech. 
"is it broken?" she asks, and snaps at the nurse when she doesn't answer in 0.05 seconds, "well?!"
"it's not broken," the nurse says. "it might hurt for a couple days, but it's not broken."
"small mercies," emily huffs. "what even happened?"
"sanders and a couple other students got into a spirited discussion about attribution in journalism," mel says. "slange was urging grant on—"
"not dee slange?"
"—but grant got rather heated when sanders said that a lack of attribution was close to plagiarism—a view i share, i might add—and her temper rather got the better of her," mel finishes. "and yes, the same." 
"emily, i assure you, the student in question has been suspended," charleston says.
"oh i should hope so!" she hisses. "someone hit my grandson, i will ensure those consequences are enforced!"
logan, internally, is kicking back to watch the show, seeing how charleston shrinks and shrinks in front of his grandmother that reminds him a little of his dad, but in a much less blood-boiling way because charleston actually deserves it. externally, he is sure to look as mournful and as much like a kicked puppy as he possibly can.
"here, here, here!" a much more familiar voice pants, and patton stumbles into the nurse's office, wheezing, clutching a stitch in his side.
"dad," logan starts.
"logan," patton says, "my son," and he sounds upset, immediately crossing over to frame logan's face in his hands.
"how is it still bleeding?! it's not broken, is it?!" he asks the nurse frantically.
"no, it's not broken," the nurse says. 
patton swivels to stare at charleston, and he's genuinely teary-eyed. "you said you'd take care of my son."
"well, now—"
"you did," emily confirms. "you said you'd do your best to take care of my grandson."
"how on earth is this taking care of him?!" patton demands. 
"emily—mr. sanders—"
"how could this possibly be the best school in the state if he gets punched during a scholarly debate?!" patton nearly shrieks. 
"mr. sanders, if you would calm—"
"no, i will not calm down!" he shouts. "how can i possibly trust this school to take care of him if he gets beaten up within its walls?!"
"emily, surely you can—"
"my son's making a valid point," emily says coolly. "i sent one child here, and did you see what happened to him? you said that children would be children. you said you were trying your best to control the bullying. i found my son crying in his bed and hiding any possible sign and refusing to talk to me because it had gotten so bad. my son. when i brought up concerns about my grandson, you said that it had gotten better, and he's been attending for barely two months when i get a call that he's been assaulted?"
oh shit, logan thinks, they're pissed. they're pissed and they're teaming up.
"we should sue," emily says, and patton jabs a finger at her in agreement. "i should have sued when patton was here!"
"well, now, a lawsuit is—" charleston says, sweating very nervously indeed.
"my son's nose is still bleeding," patton says, "and you're telling me that a lawsuit would be overreacting?!"
"dad, grandma," logan says, finally cutting in, because patton might start angry-crying at any second. "maybe not a lawsuit, though i am going to have to protest to dee slange just getting a stern talking-to and nothing else."
"he's not even getting detention?!" patton snarls. "i got detention for politely telling people to respect my name and pronouns, and someone who prodded someone into hitting my son is getting nothing but a talking to?!"
"i agree with sanders," mel says. "the role of instigator is not a small one, and from where i was standing, grant may not have been so incensed without slange's commentary. mr. sanders—patton, isn't it?—i'll personally ensure that slange gets some form of detention, which i'm sure headmaster charleston will agree with, won't you?"
"i do!" charleston says hastily. "or, he will get detention. yes."
"oh, he'd better," emily says. "hanlin, why don't we continue this in your office, and you can outline exactly what your plans for discipline are moving forward. i won't be making the same mistake twice."
"yes," he says hastily. "yes, of course, and an excused absence for mr. sanders, if you'd like to take him home—"
"i will," patton says hotly. 
"emily, if you'd—?"
and they make their retreat.
mel lets out a low whistle. "god, sanders, i hope you can grill a source like that."
"i have good examples," logan admits.
"sorry," mel adds hastily. "dr. melissa kramschissel, but i insist on mel or kram. i'm the faculty advisor for the franklin."
"oh!" patton says, and tries for his best meeting-new-people smile, shaking her hand. "of course, logan's told me all about you. he's very excited to work on the franklin."
"oh, we'll have a place for him, but if you'll excuse me, i think the bell's about to ring," mel says, and nods to him. "sanders."
"mel," he says with a nod, trying not to outwardly celebrate too much at we'll have a place for him. 
"okay, give me your face," patton demands, digging wet wipes out of his pocket. "does it still hurt?"
"a little," logan admits. "i'll probably ice it later."
"i'll be gentle," patton promises, and begins swiping the dried blood off his face. 
"so," logan says, "you and grandma might have terrified charleston into giving me preferential treatment until i graduate."
patton snorts, but his tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth in concentration as he attempts to scrub off a stubborn bit of blood without pressing down too hard. "yeah, well. one of us should have it."
"i didn't realize grandma wanted to sue. when you were here."
"that makes two of us," patton says. "dinner this week is gonna be interesting."
"i suppose it will," logan agrees, and patton sets aside the wet wipe. he frowns, tilting logan's face side to side.
"you're going to bruise up something terrible."
"i'll ice it," logan repeats. "louise grant apparently has a hell of a right hook."
"that she does," a voice drawls, and logan instinctively stiffens as both sanders look toward the door.
"she's a black belt, you know," dee continues. 
"i didn't, but you certainly did," logan grits out. 
"hm, innocent until proven guilty," dee says, with a little bow. "good job on getting your grandmother to solve your problems, logan."
"are you upset i marred your otherwise perfect record, or something?" logan sneers. 
"or something," dee says lightly. "now if you'll excuse me, i have an appointment with charleston to attend. and this," he says, face breaking out into a grin, "why, this has only just ended."
he sweeps off.
"jesus, i've never seen a high schooler so clearly destined to become a marvel supervillain," patton says with a shudder. "that's him?"
"that's him," logan confirms dryly. 
patton pats him on the shoulder, and says, "well, on that slightly unnerving note, you wanna come home?"
logan hops to his feet, and follows patton out of chilton, to the car. they're on the highway by the time patton talks again.
"this has been a rough week, huh?"
"i can't say i've ever been punched at school, no," logan says, sidestepping the other part of his week.
patton scowls, briefly, before he says, "not just that."
logan jerks up a shoulder in a shrug, looking out of a window. "i should be focusing on school anyway. getting into an ivy. they start really focusing on how i'm doing now, so—"
"it's okay to feel sad."
"i'm not sad."
"it would be okay if you were, though," patton says.
"right," logan says. "anyway. we really need to get a new soap dish for the upstairs bathroom, it's been broken for months."
"and i'm here to listen if you wanna talk about it, okay?"
"...we're going to need to call the heating company, too, you remember how it got so odd last year. we might need to replace the unit."
"okay, okay," patton says, and they talk about the house and nothing but the house until they get to sideshire. the length of the drive makes it so that—logan checks—both chilton and sideshire high will have just gotten out of classes.
"you wanna jam tart, or something?" patton offers. "my treat."
"i was," logan says, and licks his lips. "i was actually thinking of going to lucy's and dropping by the studio."
"oh!" patton says, startled. "oh, i mean, of course, but i thought you might be—"
"why should i have opinions on the situation?" logan says. "he's just my friend. it's not like it's my place to say anything about it."
"logan," patton begins, but sighs and puts up his hands. "okay, okay, fine. let me at least drive you to lucy's, i want a double-chocolate shake."
logan gets their regulars, withstands some fussing from patton and lucy, and walks down the street to the studio.
ms. prince has taken over that class, but roman's sitting in the furthest corner from the door, head bent, working on homework. he looks up when the bell rings.
logan holds up the milkshakes in answer, and roman beams at him, waving him eagerly down the hall.
as soon as logan gets close, though, the smile slides right off, immediately replaced by a look of concern.
"oh, my god, what happened to your face?!" roman hisses.
"journalism gets heated at chilton," logan says, and hands over the chocolate-covered cherry shake. 
"someone hit you?!" roman demands, setting aside the shake immediately and taking hold of logan's face (logan's growth spurt means that he's a little bit taller than roman, now. no telling if it'll stay that way, but for now, logan has to get used to the new angle.)
"grandma and dad both came to yell at the headmaster," logan tells him. "now grandma knows that dee slange is... well, the way he is."
"he hit you?!"
"louise grant did, actually, but everyone knows dee goaded her into it."
roman shakes his head in disbelief, cracks open the top of logan's milkshake to steal his maraschino cherry. "you go to school without me for, what, two months? and you got punched. in the face."
"the nose, more precisely," logan says, starting to spoon through the whipped cream. "apparently, she's a black belt."
"your dad yelled?"
"a little, yeah," logan says. "i mean, he looked pretty close to angry-crying, but my grandma definitely yelled. apparently she nearly sued chilton for the way he got treated when he was there. hearing i got punched in the face has kickstarted that desire right back up again."
roman lets out a low whistle, and takes a long slurp of his shake, smiling at it. "um. thanks, by the way."
"i owed you for last time. and technically my dad bought—"
"no! um, not the shakes, but thanks for those too, i guess," roman says. "i just—i didn't know if things would be weird now. with jess and everything."
logan blinks at him. "why would it be weird?" he says, in a carefully normal tone. "we're friends. why should i care if you went on a date?"
roman freezes, lets out an absolutely false laugh, and looks down at his lap. "right," he says, quietly. "right, why should you care."
"how was it, anyway?" logan says, as if an odd and painful thing wasn't clenching in his chest.
"oh," roman says. "it was—nice."
"nice," logan repeats.
"yes. nice."
"roman. i once heard you describe yourself as talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, and when it comes to your first date, you just say that it's nice?"
"okay, first of all, i can't believe you cannot recognize that i was referencing lady gaga," roman says, "second of all, i was just starting to describe it, calm down."
logan rolls his eyes, and keeps his face frozen in polite interest as he hears roman start to gush about jess, and thinks this hurts worse than his bloody nose.
meanwhile, patton walks into virgil's, shake in hand.
"no outside beverages," virgil says.
"you know what would go great with this one, though?" patton says. "a hot cocoa/coffee."
"you had three cups at breakfast."
"no, virgil, you don't understand, i need another one," patton says. "i actually was in agreement with my mom today—"
virgil opens his mouth.
"but patton, it's monday, you're about to say? well, i got called up to school because logan got passionate about journalism, like he always does, and some—some girl punched him in the nose!"
"wh—is he okay?!"
"he's fine," patton says, "he seemed to think that i was making too big a deal out of everything, he went to get shakes for him and roman. i'm hoping that's a good sign, but i'm just—he got hit, virgil!"
"he's okay, though?"
"bloody nose, nothing broken," patton says. "please can i get a hot cocoa/coffee?"
"i'm sending you home with a dozen jam tarts," virgil decides, and fishes out a mug. "oh, wait, you said your mom—?"
"my mom might have actually killed a man today, i don't know, she made him take her back to his office," patton says. "she was yelling for a solid fifteen minutes before i got there, i think."
"well, if your mom has to be who she is..."
"logan said the same thing," patton says. "he actually said that i should make charleston call, which." his lip twitches. "makes up a little for the time i got a month's worth of detention because i kept correcting teachers on my name and pronouns and ignoring them if they called out my deadname."
virgil high-fives him, face hardened. 
"also it turns out my mom wanted to sue when i was there," patton adds, distracted. "like she started yelling at him about me. i didn't know she was so..."
"upset," patton says softly. "i didn't know she was that upset about it."
"i just—i dunno. i always felt so alone back then, and i can't help but wonder..." patton shakes himself, murmurs a thanks when virgil sets the mug in front of him. "it is what is now, i guess. can't change the past."
"i mean, if i could change the past," virgil says, an attempt at a joke, "i'd change the way we met."
patton smiles. "you weren't that bad."
virgil gives him a Look.
"okay, you were a little bad," patton amends, "but to be fair, i was on the verge of a breakdown for days and you fed me basically immediately after, that made up for it."
"well, i'd change it," virgil insists. 
"i wouldn't," patton says, smiling. "i wouldn't change a thing in the world about us."
except for one thing, they both think, except for one thing—
but they don't want to risk it, changing this silent, maybe-unrequited love into something said aloud. not yet.
logan keeps going to the studio after school. he did that a lot, really, did his homework in the pews, or read the courant, or compiled research for an article, but he'd stopped doing it as often after he transferred to chilton.
it makes sense that his date (boyfriend?) would come to visit him one day.
it's the wednesday after he brought roman a shake, and logan's busy perfecting his outline for his english essay that's due in two weeks when the door to the dance studio opens. logan blinks, looking up, and—oh.
the boy—jess, logan thinks snidely—hovers near the door.
"hell of a shiner," jess says, and he sounds impressed. "what happened?"
jess blinks at him in utter confusion, and roman bounces around the corner, beaming. the dancers (mostly around the age of ten) filter toward their bags. one of them is giving logan a pitying look. logan refuses the urge to bury his face back into his book.
"jess, what are you doing here?! my mom might kill you!"
"i brought you something," he says, bringing a bag out from behind his back, and logan barely suppresses his smirk.
roman hates al's pancake world. 
"oh, hey," roman says, rallying from the briefly disappointed look that flashes almost too quick to catch across his face. "thanks, jess, that's really sweet. oh, i didn't even—jess, this is logan. he's my best friend, he goes to chilton now."
"chilton?" jess echoes.
"it's thirty minutes away," logan says, and jess' eyes drop to the uniform.
"private school kid, then."
"fairly recent, but yes," logan says, trying not to get riled up. "i just transferred in this year."
"logan's going to be a journalist," roman says brightly, "and he—"
"yeah, he mentioned," jess says, cutting roman off. logan tries not to inflate too obviously, because sure, he might cut roman off, but roman always gives him that Look, the 'i'll-get-you-for-that-later' Look, not the way he's scuffing his ballet shoes over the carpeted floor of the hallway right now. but roman rallies, because roman always does.
"he's going to get a pulitzer one day," roman says. 
logan smiles at roman. just a little. "well, i'm not just focusing on journalism for that."
"yeah, but you're so good at it you're gonna get one," roman says. "maybe two. who's the record-holder for pulitzers?"
"carol guzy and david barstow are tied at four."
"amateurs!" roman declares, and logan laughs.
"as interesting as all that is," jess drawls. "should i...?"
"roman has class until six, then an hour's break, and classes again," logan says. "schedule varies depending on his mother, of course, but considering..."
"you could skip," jess offers, and roman actually laughs, before he blinks.
"oh. you're serious?"
"yeah, why not?"
because roman loves teaching the kids. you would have been better off asking if he could skip the sunrise yoga for the over-55s.
"because my mom might actually bludgeon you to death with a pointe shoe," roman says. 
that too.
"what else can she do?" jess says, with an eyeroll.
"oh, you're definitely new to town," logan murmurs, unable to help himself.
"what?" he scowls, swiveling to face logan. 
"you're definitely new to town, for two reasons," logan says, neatly shutting his book as roman slips back into the studio and a shadow looms behind an unsuspecting jess. "one, because ms. prince is rightfully the most feared person in town. and two, you haven't yet learned that she can be lurking around any corner."
jess rolls his eyes. "what, like she's the boogeyman? i think i'll take my chances."
"boo," ms. prince says coldly, and logan doesn't even try not to smile when jess jumps about a foot in the air.
"ms. prince," logan says, slipping his book into his bag and nodding at her respectfully. 
"logan," she says, without taking her eyes off her latest prey. "you have some nerve showing up here without so much as an apology."
logan steps out of the doorway, even as he's loathe to miss a ms. prince lecture directed at someone who's not him or roman, and quashes the urge to do something foolish, like skip his way to virgil's.
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doves-wing · 5 years
Warriors Song Post
what up here’s a bunch of songs that i connect to warriors in some fuckin way. this took way too long and i’ll add more later because i couldn’t everyone in the tags lol
People in my Head by Oceans on Mars: Goosefeather - If the title wasn’t obvious enough as to why it fits him, the song is about hearing voices and going mad because of it. If that doesn’t fit Goosefeather, what does?
Twisted by MISSIO: Darktail - The whole song is about a bad guy with fucked up thoughts and how his dad was a shit but had a good mom. 
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO: Bluestar - The song is about addiction and depression. And well, Bluestar has depression so there we go already but it uses the specific metaphor of drowining which is strongly connected to Bluestar’s character, so it fits even better! 
Everybody Gets High by MISSIO: Sol - It’s his tragic backstory. I mean if this was a human AU this would just be his backstory. Sol is an evil gay, makes sense if he had a homophobic upbringing which led him to drugs and eventually running away. Makes sense to me at least.
Kamikazee by MISSIO: Sol - This is a song about greed, desire, and dark hearts. Who has all three? That’s right, it’s Sol baby! The boy desires all the nice things in life and will not stop at anything to get them.
Best Friends by Grandson: The Kin - So I’m kinda cheating with this one as it isn’t a singular characer but my post, my rules. I feel as if this fits best when Needletail and the other apprentices joined The Kin. Thinking they’re so cool and shit.
Kiss Bang by Grandson: Leafpool/Crowfeather/Nightcloud - Okay again not a singular character but my post, my rules. Basically this song represents Crowfeather’s relationship with the two of them. In short: a fucking mess
Things Change by Grandson: Crowfeather - I’d say this is specifically about Leafpool soon after the badger attack, but could still work for him and Feathertail. Either way, this guy is dumb angst monster lmao
Saint Bernard by Lincoln: Mapleshade - This is a song about one-sided love and how the singer won’t be going to heaven. Also it’s fucking scary so Mapleshade :)
Hellbent by Mystery Skulls: Ashfur - It’s him about Squirrelflight. He does not care that she is in a relationship. All he cares is that the relationship she’s in, isn’t with him. All he wants is her and he truly won’t stop at anything to have her.
The Wolf by SIAMES: Tigerclaw - This is another song that’s about addiction but it has a strong theme about being out of your mind, and well, if you kill people I don’t think your sane. And in a way, Tigerclaw could’ve been addicted to killing. Either way many of this song’s lyrics (and especially the chorus) remind me of him so he gets this masterpiece of a song to himself.
Same Old Forest by Nathan Sharp: Firestar - This fits Firepaw/Rusty specifically but hey I prefer using the most recent names of a character in the title. Anyway though, this song is all about beginnings and wanting to be something (while also being a protaganist) and who could fit better than Firepaw? I mean one of the lyrics is literally: “Because compared to every child you know, you’re something else”. Tell me it isn’t about Firepaw.
Far Away by Nathan Sharp: Spottedleaf - This is a song sung by a female about the character from the previous song on this list, who knows that the character is destined for greatness. Tell me it isn’t sung by Spottedleaf. 
Time to Go by Nathan Sharp: Yellowfang - Yellowfang is the grumpy grandma we all know and love. If you know her and then listen to this song and say she didn’t sing it you’re so wrong it’s unbelievable. Did her savior just wake up? Yes. Is she going to push him out and force him to save the world now? Yes.
Drowning by Nathan Sharp: Bluestar - Look at the title. Okay but the song is about losing everything in your life and well, the water metaphors :}
Shell by Nathan Sharp: Bluestar (w/ Firestar) - I think this fits really well for Bluestar and Firestar’s relationship. Bluestar after having been almost murdered by her trusted deputy, Tigerclaw, has lost faith in everything. Fireheart is desperately trying to keep her what remains of her, alive. The chorus speaks for itself, she is a shell, almost entirely withered away. Just, it’s mostly Bluestar but the way the lyrics go it sounds as if someone is speaking to another character about Bluestar, which in this case is probably Tigerclaw and Firestar.
The Evil King by Nathan Sharp: Tigerclaw & Firestar - This is their final battle in song form. At the end it becomes a duet, but for the majority it’s Tigerclaw monologuing about why he should and deserves to win. How Firestar should’ve never come to the forest, as he was meant to rule the forest as his father did before him, unfortuneately this is a YA novel which means that evil can never win. 
Unaligned by Nathan Sharp: Ivypool - I imagine this is when she’s starting to realize that the Dark Forest isn’t good. That it’s full of evil cats, but because she’s only started to realize this their abusive teachings are still in her head, thus “You took me in, showed me love when I had nowhere to run” is a lyric. She’s done bad things by joining them, she doesn’t know if she can be good but she knows she doesn’t want to be bad.
Dead Silence by Nathan Sharp: Mothwing - Mothwing can’t get it out of her head that she is the daughter of Tigerclaw. The worst cat in the history of the Clans yet she chose to be a medicine cat, a peaceful cat who does no harm. Her intrusive thoughts won’t stop reminding her of how brutal her family as been. Her father first and then her brother, Hawkfrost, second. Maybe she is destined to be a violent monster, she knows it isn’t true but those evil thoughts say otherwise, and she can’t ignore them any longer.
Epcoh (TLT Remix) by Salvonic: Hollyleaf - After she ran away from the gathering, she had a lot of time to think about everything. She had time to regret her actions and came back to apologize, and hope that she would be accepeted. Just about everything in this song fits her and someone needs to make a map for her with this song because it fits her so fucking well it’s insane.
Terrible Things by Brick + Mortar: Ivypool - She sees no difference between her and her sister, Dovewing, yet her sister is consistently praised more than her and gets more attention. Ivypool then joins the Dark Forest as they claimed to have seen in her, what her Clanmates saw in Dovewing. Instead of dreaming, she fought hard to get the attention and mild praise of a few dead cats. She murdered cats for them and all she got in return was a free t-shirt.
Burn The House Down by AJR: Squirrelflight - Honestly this just gives me some lighthearted Squirrelflight vibes. More so when she was still an apprentice and wanted to be treated with the same amount as respect as a warrior but she tried to gain their respect in ridiculous ways, such as joining Brambleclaw on the journey to the Sundrown place, for instance.
G-G-Ghost by Steven Universe: Fallen Leaves - He’s just a ghost boy who wants someone to notice him!
Noticed by MandoPony: Sol - This theatre gay just wants someone to pay attention to him! And if you do look away, he might have to kill you. M i g h t
Nothing Personal by Night Riots: Darktail - He came to erase the Clans. He will wash away their history, he will make himself the leader of his own group and lead them with an iron fist, his ideology is correct. To the members of his group he is a shining star, a beacon of light and truth.
Contagious by Night Riots: Shadowpaw - This is more speculative but it seems to me that he could definitely start to think that he is bad, wrong. Because of the voice in his head. He is plagued with lies, just by existing he has broken the code. He has to remind himself, it isn’t his fault that he is shunned, looked down upon. But everything is wearing him down. Reminding yourself that it isn’t wrong to exist is tiring.
On the Line by Night Riots: Tawnypelt - Tawnypelt is the type to give all she has for her Clan. Sometimes she gets nervous but she fights through it because her Clan is what matters most. 
She Wants Me Dead by CAZZETTE: Crowfeather - This is just every female in Crowfeather’s life at him.
Bet on You by The Man Who: Mistystar - Back when Mistystar was known as Mistyfoot, she crtiticized her leader, Leaopardstar harshly. The latter did let her brother be murdered. Though Leopardstar would’ve risked her own life, among everyone in her clan’s life, had she tried to stop it from happening. Leopardstar made many mistakes throughout her life but Mistyfoot always came back to her, in the end she knew Leopardstar was only doing the best she could. 
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Darktail - Only he would say the most fucked up things while having a genuine smile on his face and making it sound nice. He only cares for himself, and a distorted love for his mother, painting her as this perfect being who was ruined by his father. I have no doubt that he would do all the things in this songs, given he were able to of course.
Crossing a Line by Mike Shinoda: Leafpool & Squirrelflight - This is all about the truth of Holly/Jay/Lion and how they want to tell them, but don’t know how, and just that whole mess is this song. 
Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz: Brokenstar - He is one of the most evil characters in the series, using child soldiers will do that though. He takes pleasure from seeing cats die, especially kits. He enjoys watching others suffer, especially if he can gain something by it. He forced WindClan out of the Clan territories because he wanted the extra hunting land.
Monster (Under my Bed) by Call Me Karizma: Tigerclaw - After his father left, Tigerkit felt alone. His sisters were dead, and his mother was heartbroken. He looked for friends in the shadows, hoping that they’d take form and want to play. It took some time but they took form in the shape of a cat. She was a transparent tortoiseshell, claiming to be of ThunderClan’s past. It didn’t matter to Tigerkit though, she promised to make him the strongest cat in the forest, in all of the Clan’s history even. That’s what mattered to Tigerkit. He wanted to be strong enough to take down any of his enemies and most importantly, his father.
Wolves (You Got Me) by DREAMERS: Fire/Raven - Firepaw is the new apprentice and oh no there’s a cute anxious boy. “Guess we’ll fall in love” they said, and then they did. Firepaw learned how to hunt, and fight. Though it was a bit harder because he was absolutely smitten with Ravenpaw.
Our Song by Vinyl Theatre: Sandstar (w/ Clan) -  (Med-Cat!Fire AU) This happens before the battle with BloodClan, when they’re still preparing. 
High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco: Hollyleaf - (Wind!Holly AU) - This is her coming home after leaving the tunnels and rescuing Dovewing, and Ivypool. She is welcomed back warmly by her mother, brother, and best friend (Heathertail)
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Detour in Life - Connor McDavid
Notes: This was not a requested story, just one that popped in my head one day while I was at work. Hope you enjoy! I didn’t have a chance to edit it, so I hope there aren’t too many typos.
I heard the crunch of metal on metal that pulled me out of my daydream. I was busy thinking about how to make the team better, I couldn’t take another season with the same results. I must have been so busy trying to think of new ways to get the team to have success for the season that I didn’t realize the lack of space between my car and the car in front of me so I rear ended them as I was coming to a stop for a red light. “Shit, just what I don’t need.” The car in front of me pulled off to the side, so I did the same and grabbed the baseball cap I kept in the car before going out to see the damage I had caused.  I there wasn’t much damage on my truck but the back of the SUV I had hit was all crunched in. I watched as the driver stepped out and I froze, I would recognize that red hair anywhere. “Teagan.” It came out in almost a whisper but she must have heard it because her stunning blue eyes locked with mine. I could have gotten lost in her eyes if she didn’t look away as soon she could looking down at the damage I did to her car. 
“I am so sorry, I didn’t realize how close I was when I applied the breaks. Let’s exchange insurance and I can call a tow truck for you.”
“It’s just cosmetic damage and I have to get going.” 
“Are you sure?” We were starting to gather a crowd and I didn’t need a story going around that I hit someone’s car and then did nothing about it so I was also trying to keep my head down while trying to looking into Teagan’s eyes.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I just really have to go. It was good seeing you Connor.” She was in her car before I could say another word. Knowing that there was nothing else I could do, I got back in my car and drove home. I hadn’t seen or even thought of Teagan in years but now that she was in my mind, she was all I could think about. We had met my first in Edmonton and we had fallen for each other quickly, but I realized that I needed to focus on hockey so I broke it off before I went home for the off season. 
The decision to end our relationship was one that I regretted but I knew it was the best for my hockey career and my team. My mom was devastated when I told her we had ended it, I didn’t have the guts to tell her it was my idea to end it. Getting home I couldn’t stop thinking about Teagan, I needed to see her again and I needed to apologize for how I acted all those years ago. 
As I laid in bed and still couldn’t think of anything else but her. I decided that I would stop by her house the next day, if only to convince her to exchange insurance information. I was hoping she was still living at the same place she was when we were dating, but it was decided I would go see her tomorrow after practice.
Pulling into the driveway of a large two story house in suburban Edmonton, it was Teagan’s grandparents house but she had lived there when we were dating so I was really hoping that she still lived there. I smiled as I saw the car I had smashed into yesterday was in the driveway in front of my car, I had the right place. I did frown a little at seeing another car parked next to it, maybe it was just a friend. Knocking on the front door, I heard music playing inside and I smiled while l remembered how much Teagan loved music. When the door opened and Teagan was standing there, looking shocked to see me. “What are you doing here?”
“I felt bad about yesterday, I think we should exchange insurance for the crash yesterday.”
“I told you it was fine, really.” I was about to say something when I heard small footprints running towards us and then a small body running into the back of Teagan legs. 
“Momma! Up! Up!” Teagan smiled down to the young boy and picked him up, allowing me to get a clear look at his face. Shit. I must have said it aloud because the little boy’s eyes widened and he ‘whispered’ to his mom. “He said a bad word.”
More thundering footsteps came towards us and I spotted Teagan’s best friend running towards us, freezing when she spotted me. “Teagan, I can take him. If you two need to talk.” Jessica didn’t acknowledge me after her initial shock of seeing me. I watched as she took the small boy, whispering to him and causing him to giggle as they walked away before Teagan stepped out on the porch with me.
“I have a son.”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“I came over the night you broke up with me to tell you.”
“And yet you didn’t.”
“No, because you would have stuck around when you didn’t want to be there. We might have lasted until he was born and then you would have resented me and him, I only wanted people who wanted to be there. You didn’t. You told me I was a distraction and a child would be a big distraction.”
“I deserve to know that I have a son! I missed out on part of his life already, I’m not missing out on more.” I watched as her featured hardened, any light leaving her eyes. 
“No you are not. He is my son and you are just some guy to him. You don’t get to make demands. Your name is not on his birth certificate.”  
“I’ll get a lawyer, I’ll sue for custody.” Teagan let out a cold laugh and shook her head at me.
“And what judge would agree that you are a good fit to be his parent when you are always on the road? You don’t share a home with anyone who could care for him when you are on the road.”
“I’ll figure it out.” I didn’t care that she had a point, I was mad and wanted my way.
“Get off my property.” I froze, staring at Teagan. “I said get off my property. Now. Before I call the police.” I knew she was serious, she would call the police and I couldn’t have a story like that getting out. I just walked away, getting in my car and driving home. This day went completely differently than I expected, I had a son. I was a dad. As soon as I got home I dialed the number of someone I knew I would be able to help.
“Mom, I need your help. I messed up.” I spent the next 20 minutes telling my mom everything that happened, from breaking up with her to her kicking me off her deck. As I talked to my mom I was pulling at my hair and pacing my apartment, I was upset with myself with how I handled things. By the time I was done speaking I was exhausted and collapsed onto my sofa, if anyone could fix this it was my mom.
“Oh hun, I’ll be on the first flight out tomorrow. We can figure this all out together.” We get all the details worked out and I hung up with my mom feeling a little bit better. If anyone could fix this, it was her.
Teagan’s pov
Seeing Connor two days in a row shocked me and threw me off of my normal routine. Luckily Wyatt didn’t seem disturbed by his appearance yesterday, he went down for his afternoon nap easily. I was going over some work emails in my office when the doorbell rang. I hurried to the door, hoping that Wyatt slept through the noise. In my rush to get to the door before they rang the doorbell again and woke Wyatt, I forgot to look at who was there. Opening the door, I froze when I saw Connor’s mom standing there. “Kelly, come in.”
“Thank you. And I’m sorry about my idiot son.” I let out a little laugh as I closed the door behind her bluntness about Connor.
“I should be used to it by now. Would you some coffee or tea?”
“Tea would be great.” Nodding I guided us to the kitchen, putting a kettle on the heat before grabbing out two mugs and some tea to choose from. “So, you have a son. I have a grandson?”
“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I did try to tell Connor again a few months into the pregnancy.”
“What happened hun?” The kettle started whistling so I pulled it off and got our tea ready before sitting across the table from her. I didn’t realize how much I missed Connor’s mom in my life until she showed up today. My parents had died in a car accident when I was young,  my grandparents taking me in. My grandmother had then passed away when I was a teenager so it was just myself and my grandfather for the longest time.
“When I was three months pregnant my grandfather passed since that was the last of my family was gone. I didn’t want Wyatt to not have any family so I called Connor, several times and he never answered. I took it as a sign to just focus on what I could control.” I shrugged and took a sip of my tea. “I should have called you if nothing else, just because things with Connor didn’t work out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to know about your grandson. I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, you did what you felt was best for you and your son.” We were quiet for a minute before Kelly spoke again. “Can I meet him?”
“He is napping right now, he usually sleeps for an hour in the afternoon. But I can show you a picture of him.” She nodded and I moved to a seat closer to her so I could show her pictures on my phone. 
“He looks just like Connor at that age. How old is he?”
“2, he will be three in December. He reminds me of Connor sometimes with his facial expressions, and he is drawn to the ice.”
“Just like Connor.” I gave a small smile, knowing that she was here for a reason. 
“I am assuming he dropped you off?”
“Yes, he was hoping I could convince you to speak to him again.”
“Call him, I am willing to try again.” As she was calling him, I went upstairs to get Wyatt up from his nap. He woke up with a smile on his face and I knew I needed to move past my anger with Connor so that Wyatt could meet that part of his family. “Wyatt, there is someone I want you to meet downstairs.”
“Who momma?”
“Your grandma.” That perked him up, I caught him as he jumped on me. Walking downstairs I answered all of his questions about his grandmother so by the time we walked into the kitchen where I left her. I watched as she introduced herself to Wyatt who immediately took to her, hugging her and climbing from my lap to hers. A knock on my door that I knew it was Connor made me look at Kelly. 
“Wyatt, do you want to help me make some cookies?” I thanked Kelly quickly before going to the door, seeing Connor standing outside looking cozy in his sweatshirt.
“I’m sorry for being an ass yesterday.”
“I should have tried harder to tell you about Wyatt.”
“His name is Wyatt?”
“Wyatt Frederick Allen.” Connor’s smile was warm, not the harsh look he had yesterday. “I should have tried harder to tell you I was pregnant, that you were going to be a father.” 
“I should have never broken up with you, I thought that things would go better than they did that year. I was supposed to come in and win a Cup for this city and we didn’t even make it to the playoffs.”
“For being such a hockey head you really are an idiot. This team was garbage for years before you, it was the reason they got you. And they had so many first overall picks before you and yet they were still able to get you, that means they have more issues than just talent. I know all of this and I barely follow hockey.”
“I know, just at the time I felt like I couldn’t control anything in my life and I freaked out. Then I realized that the one thing I could control was my relationship with you, so I panicked and broke up with you. Because I am an idiot.”
“I will not argue with that.” He laughed at that, sitting next to me on the porch swing. We talked for a while, catching each other up on what had happened in the few years since we were dating. I mainly talked about Wyatt, catching him up on how Wyatt was basically a carbon copy of him.
“Could you ever find it in you to forgive me? Maybe even date me?”
“Wyatt is my first priority.” I needed to think with my head and not my heart, that was screaming for me to say yes and just kiss him. I hadn’t dated since him and honestly I wasn’t sure I ever would.
“Mine too, I want to be apart of your lives. Both of your lives. I get that you are a package deal, and I am all in if you are.” I really wanted to jump in with both feet but I knew that I couldn’t I had to think about what was best for my son.
“Let’s start with you getting to know Wyatt, if that goes well we can go from there. I want to say yes, I really do. But I need to take everything between us really slow. I haven’t seen anyone in a romantic manner since you and I need to take it slow. But I also need you to know that I will protect Wyatt with my everything, from anyone in your life if I have to.”
“I agree with everything you say. I will take all of this at whatever speed you and Wyatt want, I just want to do it with the two of you.” 
“Ok, I’m willing to try.” His smile made me smile and I knew that we could do this. And we did, over the next couple of months Connor and Wyatt got closer and we grew as a family. Then we started to date and a year later, Wyatt and I found Connor at home down on one knee with an engagement ring. The wedding was a year after that and just after Connor’s 5th birthday we found out we would be having a little girl joining our family. So it wasn’t the ideal growth path but it was ours and it was perfect for us. 
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Thirty
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
August 25th, 2000
Emile gave both his parents one last hug. “Thanks Mom, Dad. I promise I’ll call soon,” he said.
His mom and dad just smiled as they packed the last of his things in his car together. “You’ll do fine, Emile. Don’t feel pressured to call us if you can’t do it every week,” his mom advised. “Of course, I won’t object to you calling every week, but...”
Emile laughed. His dad gave him a hug. “I’m so proud of you, son. Go out and get that degree, so you can be the world’s best therapist, like you’ve been wanting to do since you were twelve.”
“I will,” Emile promised. “And I’ll call when I can, and write when I can’t, and I love you both.”
The three of them hugged, before Emile drove all the way to his college, teary-eyed. This was it. He was on his own, figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. It was nerve-wracking, but also incredibly freeing.
He already knew he was going to miss his parents, though.
July 13th, 2019
Logan was fiddling with his hair in his room, pulling faces in the mirror he was holding up to mess with it. “You doing okay, Logan?” Emile asked.
“Fine,” Logan said, voice only cracking a little. “Just want to look presentable to your parents.”
Emile shook his head fondly and walked over, fixing Logan’s cowlicks with a little hair gel. “You’ll do fine, Logan. You look your best when you’re relaxed. Don’t stress so much. My parents are going to love you and your brothers.”
“I hope so,” Logan said softly.
“I know so,” Emile asserted. “They fell in love with Remy the second they met him, and immediately asked me when I planned to pop the question. In front of him. They’re just like me, in that sense. So just treat them with the same respect you give me, and you’ll do fine.”
Logan nodded. “Would a tie be too much, then?”
Emile smiled. “I would say no, but only because I know you love wearing ties anyway. There’s no need for your Sunday best around my parents. They’ve seen some silly pictures of you anyway, from your brothers’ escapades and your reactions. They’re not going to expect you to be poised all the time, or even want that from you.”
“I’m not used to grandparents being understanding,” Logan muttered.
“I know,” Emile said, helping Logan with his tie. “But you’re going to do great, understand me?”
Logan nodded as a car door closed outside. “That must be them,” Emile said with a smile. “Let’s go greet them, shall we?”
Vanellope was waiting at the door, tail wagging as she watched Emile’s parents through the screen door. She squirmed excitedly as Logan put her leash on and walked out of the house with her to greet Emile’s parents. Emile followed Logan out, keeping a steady hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Hey Mom, Dad! It’s been a little while!” he laughed.
“I know it has, you missed Christmas!” his mother scolded, but she was smiling. “You never missed Christmas with us before!”
“We didn’t want to shock Roman quite that soon,” Emile said, walking over and giving his mom a hug. “Dad, how are you?”
“Still stunned that I get to meet five grandchildren. I wasn’t even expecting one, let alone five!” his dad exclaimed.
Emile laughed and he hugged his dad, as he heard the front door open more behind him, and he could hear Roman chatting with Virgil and Patton. The three of them grew quiet as Emile stepped back, and they looked decidedly uncertain. “Mom, Dad, you can see Logan, holding Vanellope; he’s sixteen. Roman is the second oldest and second tallest; he’s twelve for one more week. The twins are Patton and Virgil, Patton is the one who looks like me, and Virgil is the blond; they’re both eight. And...where’s Dee?”
“Inside,” Roman said. “He’s attached himself to Ami’s leg and refused to let go.”
Emile laughed. “Well, then, you’ll see Dee when you go inside and Remy finds a way to walk around without hurting him. He’s six.”
His dad shook his head. “How do you accidentally adopt five kids, Emile?”
“Well, I told you I was a sperm donor in college, right?” Emile asked.
His dad stared at him blankly for one, two, three seconds. Then, he started to laugh. “Wait a second...all these kids...are yours? Biologically?!”
“Uh...yeah,” Emile said, scratching the back of his neck. “Whoops?”
His dad only laughed harder. His mother shook her head fondly. “Well, I always knew you were destined for chaos, Emile, but this isn’t quite what I was expecting.”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “Shall we go inside, though? I can grab your bags.”
“Nonsense, we can carry our own bags, Emile,” his dad said. “You get that lovely husband of yours and our youngest grandson.”
“Will do,” Emile said with a laugh. He walked back inside and could hear faint murmuring as he entered the house, no doubt Logan introducing himself. “Hey, Rem, Mom and Dad are here!”
He could hear quiet murmuring from the kitchen and he followed the noise to find Remy hugging Dee, who was shaking like a leaf. “Rem?” he asked.
“Dee’s worried about the new people,” Remy said softly. “Apparently new people usually weren’t good in the past.”
“Aw, don’t worry, Dee, Mom and Dad will love you,” Emile said. “They’re your grandparents, how could they not like you?”
Dee looked at Emile uncertainly and signed, “What if they want me to talk?”
“They know that you prefer signing to speaking, Dee, and they’ve been trying to re-learn sign to talk to you in your preferred language,” Emile explained. “My parents want to accommodate you as much as possible. I got it from somewhere, I didn’t just spring out from the ground wanting to help everyone I saw.”
Dee still looked uncertain.
“Look, you can stay with Ami if you want, or you can come with me, both of us are going to wind up in the living room with your grandma and granddad. And if you get overwhelmed, you’re always free to leave,” Emile said softly.
Dee nodded and signed, “I’ll stay with Ami.”
“Okay. If you want, you can help him with drinks, but don’t cling to his leg so that he can’t move, okay? He likes seeing my parents too,” Emile said.
Dee nodded and Emile moved back through the house to the living room, where Logan was sitting with Vanellope in his lap on the floor, and Roman, Patton, and Virgil were playing together on one of the couches, while his parents were on the other. “Dee and Remy should be in shortly,” he informed them.
“That’s good,” his mom said. “Logan was just telling us about his transition, and how much you and Remy have helped him.”
Logan turned a bit pink. “I mean, I wouldn’t have started my transition at all without Dad and Ami by my side,” he said. “It’s only fair to thank them, and give them the recognition they deserve.”
Emile smiled. “I’m happy that you feel more comfortable in your skin, Logan. Everyone deserves to feel like themselves.”
“Seconded!” Roman exclaimed.
“Thirded!” Patton and Virgil said at the same time. “Same hat!” they said, pointing at each other.
Logan laughed.
Remy walked in, and Dee wasn’t quite clinging to Remy’s legs, but he was hiding behind them. Emile’s parents were the picture perfect definition of surprised. “Oh, I think I see one more grandchild!” his dad exclaimed. “Is this Dee?”
Dee poked his head out from behind Remy and offered a wave.
“Hi, Dee,” Emile’s mother signed. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Dee offered a shy smile in return as he signed back, “Likewise.”
Both of Emile’s parents smiled as Remy gave them both glasses of water. “Here you guys go. I know you must be tired after the long drive.”
“Thank you, Remy,” Emile’s mother said, standing up and kissing Remy on the cheek.
Dee looked shocked, as did Patton and Virgil. “What, have you guys never seen positive familial affection before?” Roman asked.
“My mother would sometimes to that to me,” Logan offered. “Even if she wasn’t the greatest person in the world.”
Dee just shook his head. “Mama didn’t do that for me in ages,” he signed.
Emile just sighed. “I really wish she would have,” he said, “Because you deserve it.”
Dee came over and hugged Emile and Emile hugged him back. “I know, it’s still hard,” he murmured.
“It’s always hard,” Dee signed as he pulled back.
“I know,” Emile said softly. “But you’ll get through it. You’re one tough cookie.”
“I was overbaked?” Dee asked.
Emile laughed. “You know what I mean,” he said.
“Yeah,” Dee agreed. “But taking things literally is what I do.”
“I know it is,” Emile said. “That’s one of the symptoms of being autistic, actually.”
Dee furrowed his eyebrows. “Really?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Emile said. “It’s really interesting, actually. There’s many different symptoms, and people rarely have all of them, because it’s such a varied spectrum! But that’s a fairly common one!”
Dee made an interested noise in the back of his throat and grinned, his tongue pushing against his bottom teeth, making one of them shake. He jumped and felt at it in surprise.
“Ohhhh,” Patton said. “Dee, you’re starting to lose your baby teeth!”
“What?!” Dee asked in clear alarm.
“No, it’s okay, that’s normal!” Patton exclaimed, jumping off the couch and baring his teeth. “You see how some of my teeth are way bigger and some of them have gaps?”
Dee nodded.
“That’s because I lost a few of my teeth, and my adult teeth have started to grow in! It’s normal! Don’t worry, it just means you’re growing up!”
Dee’s face was shocked. He felt at his tooth. “It’s not very loose,” he signed.
“It gets looser the more your adult teeth grow in,” Patton explained. “Until eventually you can just pull it out with no pain!”
“Pull it out?” Dee asked.
“Well, yeah,” Virgil chimed in. “That’s how you make room for the adult teeth. But it’s okay! Because the Tooth Fairy comes at night and gives you money when you lose a tooth if you leave it for her!”
Dee’s eyes got really wide. “Really?!” he asked.
“Yeah!” Virgil said. “It’s been a while since I’ve lost a tooth, actually. Some of mine have to be getting loose soon.”
Emile watched the exchange fondly. His father cleared his throat. “So,” he paused for a minute, before he grinned. “Have you kids ever played a good game of badminton?”
“Dad!” Emile exclaimed with a laugh. “Are you seriously trying to convert them to sports already?!”
“Badminton can be fun,” Logan said. “It was one of the games I played to get my gym credit fulfilled in school, and I found it to be entertaining, and easy on the body.”
Emile’s dad pointed at Logan. “You. I like your style,” he said with a grin. “I brought a badminton net that we could set up in the backyard. Does that sound good? We could play a round or two.”
“Sure!” Logan agreed. “I’d have to change out of my binder, but I’d be game.”
Patton squealed and Logan cringed. “Pun not intended!” he exclaimed, pointing at Patton.
“Patton figured out what puns were in a joke book the other day, and he’s been trying to come up with them ever since,” Remy explained to Emile’s very confused parents.
“Puns are fun!” Patton exclaimed. “They’re like the kinds of jokes my friends dads would say when we’d go over to their houses to play!”
“Well, they are often called ‘Dad jokes,’” Roman said.
Patton stared at Roman in shock. “Really?!” he asked excitedly.
“Really,” Roman said with a laugh.
They all slowly moved outside, and the second Logan came out in a tank top and sports bra, Emile knew that Logan was not intent on losing against his grandfather in the game. “Logan, sunscreen!��� Emile advised before Logan could get off the deck.
Logan looked at him in exasperation but obligingly sprayed sunscreen on his arms and legs, and smeared some on his face and neck. He pulled a face as he rubbed the excess sunscreen off on a napkin. “That stuff feels disgusting,” he said.
“I know, but it will help,” Emile said. “Now go on and play the one sport you find enjoyable.”
Logan gave him a smile and ran into the yard to help put up the net and grab a racket. Roman grabbed one as well, and Emile’s father did too. Remy laughed and called, “I’ll join for doubles!” taking off his jacket and donning his sunglasses, grabbing the fourth and final racket they had.
Emile’s dad teamed up with Roman and as he hit the birdie over the net, the game began. There was running and shouting and a lot of laughter, and Emile watched them with a smile on his face from the safety of the deck. Dee was playing with Vanellope, and Patton and Virgil were refereeing, which left Emile and his mom with some much needed time to catch up.
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