#and then we go on our long-awaited trip
tekaihau · 2 years
E and I are both flat out with some respiratory situation and I have so much work to do this week Christ almighty
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karinab00bs · 6 months
Karina x named reader
tags: smut, first crush, swearing, pool sex, rough sex, blow jobs, teasing, flirting, dirty talks, dirty jokes, dirty thoughts, hair-pulling, biting, begging
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Karina hadn’t anticipated the long journey to visit her parents, who lived quite a distance away from her current work and living situation. However, seizing the opportunity of a rare two-week break, she arrived at their doorstep, suitcase in hand, greeted by the warm sun above. The familiarity of her childhood home flooded back as she climbed out of the taxi.
Deciding against informing her parents of her arrival, Karina didn’t want to inconvenience them if her holiday plans fell through last minute.
Her father's joyful face upon opening the door made the trip instantly worth it, enveloping her in a bear hug and leading her inside.
"Why didn’t you tell us you were coming!?" he exclaimed happily, guiding her to the kitchen where her mother was busy cooking.
Their much-awaited reunion was interrupted by a knock at the door just as they settled down for dinner.
“I’ll get it,” her mother insisted, giving Karina a quick squeeze before heading to the door.
“So pumpkin,” her father started, looking a bit disappointed, unable to resist using the old nickname.
“Your mother and I had booked to go away tomorrow, for our anniversary. But if you want us to cancel, we will,” he offered, but Karina quickly stopped him, not wanting them to change their plans for her.
“Don’t you dare cancel that! We can celebrate when you guys get back. I do have two weeks off,” she reassured her dad, who visibly relaxed.
Before he could respond, her mother returned with a man Karina didn't recognize at first. Then it hit her, that is her childhood friend.
“Karina, honey, you remember Ethan,” her mother smiled, introducing Ethan as he stepped forward, all charm and green eyes.
Suppressing her smile, Karina shook his hand, noticing the size of his hands with a silent observation. “Ethan Lee, right?”
“Right,” he confirmed, maintaining his hold on her hand. She watched as his tongue swiped across his lips, unable to look away.
Finally releasing her hand, Ethan cleared his throat and turned his attention to her father. “I was just coming over to ask if you wouldn’t mind me doing the pool tomorrow, rather than next week,” he asked respectfully. As Karina’s mother handed him a drink, he thanked her before returning his gaze to her father.
“Of course. Is everything okay?” her father inquired, still engrossed in his meal as Karina resumed her seat, observing the exchange.
“Yes, sir. Just made some plans for Sammy’s birthday; he’s back in town for the next few months,” Ethan explained proudly, giving her a subtle wink as he caught her watching him.
“Yes, all fine with me, but we won’t be here so you’ll be dealing with Karina here,” her dad remarked with a roll of his eyes. Karina playfully slapped his arm when he chuckled, unable to suppress the nostalgic smile that crept onto her lips. His deep chuckle reminded her of her childhood.
“I’m sure I can handle her,” Ethan grinned directly at her, while her mother distracted her father.
“We’ll see, Lee,” Karina smirked, swiftly changing the subject to avoid losing her composure.
”So, how is Sam anyway?” Karina inquired, turning in her seat to look up at him where he stood.
“He’s good, not so little anymore. Got a fiance and he’s a lawyer,” Ethan informed her proudly as she stood by the kitchen counter, refilling her drink.
“Always thought the two of you would end up together,” Ethan revealed, completely confusing her.
Hearing her mother laugh, Karina's eyes widened. “Oh no, this one here had a thing for his b-” her mother stopped abruptly, noticing Karina's flushed face and the way she was looking at her.
Before her mother could say anything else that Karina would regret ever telling her, she led Ethan to the front door, he laughed, willingly following her. That is until they reached the door frame; he stopped, turning to look down at her.
“So best friend, or big brother?” he smirked, his green eyes practically sparkling. Karina thought to herself, cocky son of a bitch.
“See you tomorrow, pool boy.”
“Are you gonna come keep me company, while I do a favor for your parents?” he asked cheekily, throwing an arm above his head to lean against the door frame.
“I might,” Karina shrugged off her answer, wishing that he didn’t still have this insane effect on her after all of these years, but she tried not to let him get to her.
“Wait, you mean that’s not your only job?” Karina asked mockingly. Ethan smirked when she stepped closer, shaking his head at her.
“Nope,” he winked, popping the 'p'.
“My job, my real job, involves me getting a lot dirtier,” he revealed, licking his lips when he noticed her staring. She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling the heat of his chest against hers.
“I’m a mechanic, sweetheart,” he added at her confused expression, and okay god, it got worse.
“R-Right, yeah. Makes sense,” she stuttered, and there were the nerves she remembered so well.
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow then, sugar.”
“Yeah, sure,” Karina replied quietly, watching him walk away. He headed over to the car parked in the drive, the one that used to be his dad's.
Closing the door, Karina turned to find her mother behind her, quickly noticing just how sheepish she looked.
“I’m so sorry, baby! I completely forgot!” her mother rushed to explain, and all Karina could do was laugh it off.
“Stop it! I swear, it’s all fine! A little embarrassing admittedly, but still, it’s okay,” she assured her, pulling her into a hug. Her mother quickly relaxed against her, wrapping her in her arms.
She pulled back with a watery smile.
“I’m so glad you’re back, baby, we really missed you,” smiling, she cupped Karina's cheeks, like she was trying to memorize her face.
“I know, mom, let’s go eat.”
The night passed quickly, talk of the old days and how Karina was considering coming back home. Before she knew it, she was waving them away, watching the taxi disappear.
She looked at the time, swearing under her breath. Her dad had told her Ethan would be over in the next hour, and she really wanted a bath before he got here.
Taking a longer bath than she meant to, Karina left herself only ten minutes to slip into her new red bikini and shorts.
It was so hot outside, and she was determined to drive him crazy. He wanted to be all sexy; two could play at that game. She’d put up with it enough when she was younger, having a somewhat filthy crush on her best friend’s big brother was definitely not ideal.
She just about heard the knock at the door, which was quickly followed by the unmistakable noise of the doorbell. Heading downstairs after a quick glance in the mirror, taking a deep breath, she opened the door.
“Mornin’ Karina,” he winked, giving her an appreciative once over before walking past her into the house.
Closing the door behind him, Karina frowned.
“Really, Ethan, jeans? You are cleaning the pool, right? So why not wear shorts?” she questioned as she followed him into the back garden.
“I don’t do shorts, sweetheart. Why? Do you wanna see some more skin or somethin’?” he asked suggestively, unlocking the shed to get the things he needed. She didn’t see his face, but she was sure he was smirking to himself.
She scoffed at him, moving aside as he began pulling things out of the shed.
“No. I just wondered, it’s so damn hot today. Seems kinda odd weather for that,” she stated, nodding at his attire, brushing it off as easily as she could.
“Well, something is definitely hot” he grins, eyeing her shamelessly as he pulls off his shirt, hanging it on the back of the chair. “There, better?” he asks knowingly, a smug look on his face when Karina choke back a moan, almost swallowing her own tongue.
He doesn’t wait for an answer as he locks the shed door, leaving her to stare at his back.
The sunlight bounces off his tanned skin as he walks over to the pool with the equipment, and Karina realise that she never seen someone with so many muscles in their back. She can just imagine dragging your nails down it as he–
Karina manage to stop that train of thought before it gets out of hand. But she can’t stop herself from watching the very slight swing of his hips, how those jeans fit so snugly against his toned ass and legs, sitting perfectly on his hips.
All she can do is watch him walk away. Safe to say he gives as good as he gets.
Slightly bewildered, Karina follow him after a moment longer of staring, taking her seat on the sun lounger by the pool. She watch him work closely, seeing those muscles visibly rolling under his skin. He seems to be biting on his tongue as he concentrates on the job at hand. Something particularly stubborn makes his jaw tense.
Karina slip out of your shorts easily, letting them fall to the floor, she lay back, deciding to at least try and relax while Ethan works.
It wasn’t like she could stare at him all day, right?
A little while passes, the sun beating down on her is much needed. However, Karina’s sunbathing is interrupted by a large shadow, which completely blankets her body. Shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand you open them, quickly meeting Ethan’s.
“You should probably put this on sweetheart.” He instructs firmly, holding out the sun cream to her.
Karina can’t help but notice the sweat that coats his skin, glistening in the sun, she pause reaching for the bottle with an idea in mind.
“Is that an offer, Lee?” Karina question sweetly as possible, crossing her legs at the knees as she run her fingers from the top of her thigh to her knee, acutely aware of the way his eyes are taking in her body.
He shrugs with a smug look on his face, “Sure, we can’t have you burning can we,”
Karina hum in approval rolling onto her front, she rest her head on her folded arms. Turning her head to watch as Ethan's kneels beside you.
“Such a gentleman.” Karina reply sarcastically, smiling against her arm when he chuckles.
The second his cream covered warm hands touch her skin goosebumps cover her body, she bite back a moan, a little unsuccessfully when his thumbs press into the muscles of her shoulders and around her shoulder blades. Pushing under the strap of Karina’s bikini top, where he’s so close to brushing the sides of her breasts.
Ethan's hands are so big, as they rub the cream into Karina’s skin it doesn’t take him long to reach the bottom of her spine.
Karina arch back into his touch even more, when his thumbs push just under the top of her swimming bottoms, fingers curling around the front of her hips, digging in but not quite the same way. After a few minutes he continues down her body, his touch remaining firm as he quickly does just under Karina’s ass cheeks. Spreading her legs a little as his hands move down her thighs, the perfect amount of pressure against every muscle.
Karina knows that she’s wet, this is without doubt the best massage she’s ever had and very unexpected, god she hope he can’t see it.
“Fuck.” Karina hear him grit out quietly, as his hands move down her calves.
Gently he taps Karina's ankle and clears his throat.
“Turn over, I’ll do the front.” Ethan rasps out, voice breaking a little with each word.
Swallowing hard, Karina as nervous as hell, but there is no way she's backing out now. He’d started this, she's weren’t about to stop him if he wanted to finish it.
Closing her eyes she turn onto her back, shielding her eyes with her arm.
Ethan starts on Karina's legs, the higher his hands get, the more her muscles tense and her pussy starts to flutter. His hands run along the line of her swimming pants, right in the crease of her groin.
The moan that slips past Karina's lips couldn’t have been stopped if she'd tried, she feel the wood creak beneath her as Ethan climbs between her legs on the sun lounger. His calloused hands rubbing cream into Karina’s stomach, fingertips slipping beneath the cups of her bikini top, running along the underside of her breasts.
Ethan leans over her further, and Karina feel his hard cock brush against her thigh as he takes her arms, rubbing the cream in. Karina finally dare to blink open her eyes, the wild beating of her heart and the blood rushing in her ears are unbearable.
Biting into her lip when her eyes meet his again, Karina watch him squirt more cream onto his palms, before placing the bottle on the table.
Ethan's hands move over Karina's chest slowly, pushing the straps down her shoulders, she tilt her head back when he rubs the cream into her neck, his hand resting on her throat as he leans in closer.
“Ain’t even been swimmin’ yet and your panties are soaked.” Ethan groans, moving in closer still, but she stop him before he gets too close, resting her hand on his bare chest.
Pushing him back gently, watching the way he sits back on his feet, eyes completely focused on her as she sit up. Karina slip out from beneath him, smiling at the look on his face.
“Better make sure you’ve done your job properly.” Karina smile seductively, loving the way he watches her as she make her way over to the pool.
When Karina reach the steps she turn to find him standing from the sun lounger. Clearing his throat he rearranges himself in his jeans, but the thick line of his cock is still clearly visible, he quickly focuses those green eyes back on her.
“You coming, pool boy?” Karina ask cheekily, as she lower yourself into the cool water, watching the smirk that appears on his plump lips.
“You remember that I’m older than you, right? More like the pool man,” Ethan quips, undoing his belt and leather slaps against leather. Leaning against the pool’s edge as Karina's chin resting on her arms and she look up at him.
Just in time to watch him pop the button of his jeans and pull down the zipper.
“Guess you’ve got me there. So, since you don’t like shorts, are you wearing boxers?” Karina ask curiously, trying but failing to hide her smile.
Ethan laughs at that, dropping his jeans and pulling them off his legs, “Normally you would’ve been right, but on this occasion” he leaves the reply hanging in the air. Letting Karina's eyes drop with his jeans, she couldn’t even be disappointed that he was still wearing boxers. Not since the sizeable bulge was still very much present and accounted for, even more visible in the thin fabric.
Sitting down on the side of the pool Ethan's legs dangle in the water, his ass right on the very edge. Karina swimming over to him and stand between his open legs. Looking up at his face as she rest her hands on his thick thighs.
“So what’s the verdict sweetheart, did I do a good enough job?” Ethan questions leaning back on his hands, grunting in surprise when Karina’s breasts brush against the bulge in Ethan pants.
“Not too bad, for a part timer.” Karina giggle watching the comical eye roll he gives her. The image of him in overalls and covered in grease hits her. Karina almost certain he would look even better dirty than he does clean, which is saying something.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing just how good you are at your real job though, see how dirty you get.” Karina reveal, chewing on her bottom lip as her hands slip into the legs of Ethan boxers. Ethan hisses at the sting of the pain, when her nails sink into the tops of his thighs, his rock hard length laying untouched between them.
“You should come down the garage some time, I’ll show you just how dirty I get” Ethan grunts through gritted teeth.
Licking her lips, Karina hum appreciatively, “I’d really like that.” She admit, dragging her nails back down Ethan's thighs, feeling his muscles tense beneath her touch. Leaning up against the pool’s side on her elbows, Karina tuck her fingers into the sides of his boxer shorts.
Ethan seems to be nervous as he looks around the garden, like he’s expecting someone to pop out.
“Everything okay, Ethan? You look nervous.” Karina acknowledge cheekily, as he debates lifting his ass for literally a second, seeming to ignore any doubts he has he finally lets her tug the boxers down, over his ass and down those strong bow legs.
Karina watch Ethan's Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he glances around one more time. Then he focuses back on her, as her small hand wraps around his cock. That perfect green of his eyes has almost completely been swallowed by the black of his pupils when his eyes meet hers again.
Ethan shifts where he sits, trying to wiggle closer to Karina when she start to move her hand up and down his thick length. Karina other hand rests on his strong thigh, helping her keep her balance. Karina lean forward, licking her lips, hearing Ethan swear under his breath when her lips wrap around the swollen head of his cock. Running her tongue over his slit, moaning when the taste of his pre-come hits her tongue for the first time.
“Fuck, sweetheart that’s it,” Ethan groans, tossing his head back, hand fisting in Karina's hair as she take him further into her mouth, Karina's tongue pressing to the underside of his cock.
Karina love the way his hand tightens in her hair, short nails that dig into her scalp.
Karina's hands are now resting on both his thighs, as his cock bumps against the back of her throat. Ethan thrusts his hips, letting himself go a little, she watch him, almost positive there has never been a sexier sight in the world. The speed in which he snaps his hips causes her to gag a little. But even after his surprised gasp, Karina continue when his hips stop moving, letting her take the control back.
Karina continue to take him as deep as she can, saliva leaking from the corners of her lips. Nails sinking into his thighs when she swallow around his cock. Then it slips into her throat briefly and Ethan can’t stop the choked out whine that slips past his perfect lips at her actions.
Ethan's tugging on Karina's hair becomes more insistent, she finally relent, gasping for air when his cock is popped from between her lips, smacking back against his stomach.
Karina's pussy is still throbbing almost painfully, she look up at him and lick her lips, with her most seductive smile she step back, further into the pool, beckoning him towards her with a single finger.
Taking a moment to catch his breath he watches her, reminding her somewhat of a tiger ready to pounce on their meal.
Then all the air gets stuck in Karina's throat and she have to fight not to choke on it, when Ethan slips into the pool, skin still slick with sweat and he looks like a male model. He’s fucking stunning, slipping beneath the water briefly, he reemerges, running a hand through his now dripping wet hair as he walks towards her slowly, Karina suddenly not sure if she even remember how to speak.
The confidence from before is slipping and she sure that he can see it, which is made clearer when the corner of his mouth curves into a half smirk. Clearly someone catching the two of them was the last thing he was worried about now.
Crowding Karina back against the pool’s edge, Ethan presses himself close to her, resting a hand on the edge behind her, while his other hand tucks some wayward hair behind her ear.
Leaning in closer his nose nudges hers, hot breath fanning across Karina's lips, and she finally manage to swallow the lump in her throat.
“How’re you still so nervous about kissing me, sweetheart? With what this perfect little mouth just did, felt fuckin’ incredible wrapped around my cock”
Ethan pauses to let his thumb brush over Karina's parted lips, she lick her lips as his hand moves down slowly and he captures her chin. “I still remember that time at that end of year house party, the one which you and Sammy snuck into” he smirks, causing her to suck in a breath when his free hand grips her ass roughly, pulling her closer to him.
Karina blushed like crazy at the mention of that night, “You were drunk off your ass Ethan, I didn’t b-” Karina cut off by Ethan plump lips pressing against hers in a demanding kiss, his big hand cups her neck, thumb pressing into her jaw as he angles her head right were he wants it.
It takes her mind a moment to catch up with her body but she finally breathe, relaxing into the kiss. Ethan's free hand moves behind Karina's back, tugging the ties of her bikini top until it falls loose and Ethan tosses it away. Moving those big warm hands down Karina's body Ethan cups her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples with his rough fingers and thumbs.
Karina's lips part at the same time as Ethan's, her tongues effortlessly moving together. As Ethan pulls back she capture his bottom lip between her teeth, delighting in the groan that bubbles up in his throat. He doesn’t stop there, kissing and nipping his way down her neck, sucking marks into her soft skin.
“You believe me now?” He all but growls against her ear, she nod quickly, tugging at the strings of her bikini bottoms, pulling them loose.
Ethan pulls away from Karina's neck, finally meeting her eyes again, his wet hair spiked up in all sorts of directions from the pair of her carding her hands through it. Water still clings to his eyelashes, dropping from the tip of his nose, water droplets rolling down his chest distracting her a little.
“Yes Ethan, I believe you.” Karina answer obediently, taking his hand and positioning it between her own thighs.
Ethan looks down the very small gap remaining between the two of them, sliding two fingers between Karina's folds, she grab at his shoulders when those fingers push inside her. Karina's walls stretch around his fingers, one of her hands falls from his shoulder, dropping beneath the water she wrap her small fingers around his thick cock.
Karina's forehead drops against his, panting breaths begin to mix together. Hitching a leg over his hip Karina rock against his fingers, feeling his cock pressing into her thigh.
“You want my cock in your pretty pussy baby? You wanna fuck the pool guy, like a dirty little girl?”
“Jesus Ethan,” Karina moan as his filthy words wash over her. No guy had ever spoken to Karina like this before and there was no denying that she were loving it, but she don’t have a clue about how to respond to him. “Not so worried about the neighbours seeing us now then?” Karina question breathlessly, as Ethan carefully pulls his fingers out with a final tap against her clit.
“Fuck it, let ‘em watch.” Ethan grits out when Karina release his cock. Karina running her hands up his chest then grip his broad shoulders, using them to balance when he roughly grabs her ass and squeezes, she jump a little, hooking her other leg over his free hip.
As Karina rocking her hips, Ethan’s thick cock easily slides against her slick pussy, nudging between her folds he repeatedly taps against her clit, she can’t help but whimper, clinging to his broad shoulders.
Pausing for a moment Ethan lifts Karina higher, “You ready sweetheart. C’mon talk to me? You want my cock baby?” Ethan questions huskily smirking when Karina bite her lip, his thighs shaking trying to resist the urge to just snap his hips forward.
Karina moan pushing her ass harder into his hands, hoping that he’ll give her what she need. Ethan lines up with her entrance, so that the head of his cock nudges teasingly against her opening and she meet his darkened green eyes.
“C’mon pool boy, show me what you’ve got.”
A long drawn out moan leaves Karina lips when Ethan finally breaks, slowly lowering her onto his hard cock. Clenching his jaw, veins becoming more visible in his neck as he enters her slowly inch by tortuous inch.
“So fuckin’ tight.” Ethn groans dropping his head forward, so that he can suck and bite marks into Karina's neck. Karina cling to him, curses and whimpered plea’s leaving her lips.
Tugging on Ethan’s hair harshly Karina force him to look up at her.
“Fuck! I need it Ethan, please!” Karina begging but she don’t care, because the words are barely out of her mouth before Ethan gives her what she need, snapping his hips forward, filling her in one blissfully hard thrust.
Ethan's fingers are digging into Karina's ass when he starts thrusting, the movements slow and rough but precise, hitting her g-spot on every movement. Karina's feet dig into his ass, water splashing around them with every powerful movement.
“You feel so good baby, shit.” Ethan pants breathlessly, pulling his head away from Karina's neck and his gorgeous green eyes lock onto hers. Karina pushing her hands into the back of his hair as she kiss him, tongue meeting his and messy uncontrolled kiss, angling her hips just right she start to rise and fall on his cock.
Breaking apart only when she feel her pussy beginning to clamp down around his thick length.
“Ethan.. please I’m g-gonna come..” Karina gasp out as she begin to lose her rhythm.
“Fuck, C’mon baby give it to me. Come all over my fucking cock!” Ethan practically snarls low in his chest.
Karina hooking legs over his arms a squeak of surprise leaving her lips when Ethan starts fucking up into her more faster. He’s so deep, it’s like a fire is building in her stomach.
Karina cling to him, his rough movements cause the water to create waves around her. Ethan feels so fucking good that Karina barely notice, she drop her face into the crook of his neck, hot breath fanning against his skin. Sucking and biting marks everywhere she can reach, then out of nowhere Karina orgasm hits her full force, causing her eyes to roll almost painfully, she have to sink her teeth into his shoulder to stop herself from screaming his name.
Ethan hisses as the pain throbs against his skin, carefully he lowers her legs letting her feet touch the floor again. Feeling a little dazed, Karina run her fingers along the bite mark on Ethan's skin, she can’t help but wince a little.
“I’m sorry pool boy, got you all marked up.” Karina giggle lightly, biting into her bottom lip when those eyes turn on her again.
A growl bubbles up in Ethan's throat, he spins her in his hold; roughly pressing Karina into the side of the pool, his chest pressed tightly against her back. Karina spread her legs as his lips press against her ear.
“Oh you wanna see marked up sweetheart, I’ll show you.” Ethan snaps harshly, causing Karina skin to practically buzz as he drags his teeth over her earlobe, those big hands spread her ass cheeks and his cock nudges at her slick entrance again.
“I’ll give you fuckin’ pool boy.” Ethan grunts as he pushes inside Karina in one thrust and bottoms out, muffling her screaming moan with his hand.
Karina fall over the side of the pool with a whimper when Ethan releases her mouth, grip tight and unyielding on her hips. His thrusts are nothing like they’d been before and she can’t get enough, the water sloshes over the edge of the pool as Ethan’s hips bounce off her ass with every brutal thrust he delivers.
“You’re so deep.. Fuck! Feels so good Ethan,” Karina cry out loudly, completely giving up on keeping her voice down, Karina push her ass back meeting his thrusts the best that she can.
“Shit, Karina! I’m gonna come.” Ethan grits out as his hips begin to stutter. His big hands move further over the curves of Karina body, wrapping those talented fingers around her ribs, and she sure that bruises will form there the same way they were beginning to on her hips.
Ethan shifts so that his knees are resting on the ledge between Karina legs, leaning over her so his body is almost draped on top of hers.
“Give it to me Ethan! Please, I need it! Don’t stop.” The words leave Karina lips without her really thinking, nobody has ever had her this wound up and ready to snap, not this fast and definitely not for a second time.
Pushing a hand between her legs Ethan rubs rough circles around Karina clit, forcing her orgasm forward, It’s practically bubbling in the pit of her stomach. Squeezing her eyes shut Karina feel her thighs start to shake. Ethan stills behind her, a broken moan leaving his plump lips when he finally comes, her pussy clamps down on his cock as he spills inside her.
His fingers and hips keep moving, his hands feel like they’re everywhere. Karina can’t take it anymore, she gasp his name and with a final rough thrust of his hips pushing her into the side of the pool, she fall apart around him all over again.
Karina shivering as her body collapses against the cold stone in front of her, Ethan's sweaty forehead drops to the bottom of her back, his soft lips pressing kisses into her skin waiting for her to come down.
Karina breathing finally slows down and Ethan helps you down, back into the water, he turns Karina in his arms. “Fuck that was the sexiest thing that’s ever happened.” Ethan grins happily, pulling her body against his as he kisses her, she melt against his lips.
Smiling when she pull away, she push the wet hair from his forehead.
“Think we’ll be remembering this for a few weeks.” Karina giggle, running her fingers gently over the marks on his skin, as his fingers skim across the bruises he’d left behind on her body.
Biting his lip his eyes move across Karina body, still standing so close to his own.
“Oh yeah sweetheart, I’d say so.”
“Trouble is Mr pool man, you’ve definitely got more work to do.”
Ethan rolls his eyes, but she can see the smile that’s curling at the corners of his lips, when he dangles her bikini bottoms from his finger, right in front of her face.
“Oh you ain’t gettin’ out of this one young lady.”
Karina squeal as he tosses the bottoms aside and throws her backwards, she land in the water with a splash. Karina re-emerge from the water, gasping for breath and glare right at Ethan.
“Oh you’re so fucking dead, Lee!”
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seungkwansphd · 1 year
contusion confusion
pairing: seungcheol x afab reader word count: 4K synopsis: your clumsy lab partner left a bruise on you. seungcheol seems disproportionately upset by it, but it makes way more sense once you understand why. themes: college au, best friend seungcheol, double sided repressed feelings, possessive and jealous seungcheol. warnings: smut, mentions of bruising/marking, mention of reader being smaller than seungcheol.
a/n: i started this literally one year ago and lost steam. and then blonde.fucking.scoups comes along and truly does a number on me. anyways, bon appetit, LOL
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“What the hell happened to you?” Seungcheol’s eyes widened as you stretched your legs across his lap on the sofa.
“What?” you blinked at him, taking your eyes off of the television momentarily.
“What’s this bruise from?” he asked, resisting the strong urge to touch the bluish purple mark just above your elbow.
“Ah, that!” you shrugged, “I almost tripped the other day in lab. Mingyu grabbed me, but he might as well have let me fall! Who knew someone could bruise you just from grabbing you! Like how strong is that dude even?” you rolled your eyes. Grumbling, you returned your attention to the screen.
Seungcheol stewed next to you. While he had no real claim or reason to be upset at your lab partner, every time you brought him up, it made him want to strangle someone.
Mingyu was so tall that you had to readjust the titration burette between replicates. Mingyu was all sweaty because he had come to lab right after the gym. Mingyu didn’t cover his face while sneezing.
Seungcheol eagerly awaited next semester when he wouldn’t have to hear about this man anymore.
Swallowing, your eyes flitted nervously to your best friend’s hands, which were stroking your calves absentmindedly as he watched the show. While just a mindless gesture on his part, you were struggling silently with the way it made your insides turn just slightly into jelly.
“Cheol, that tickles!” you finally pulled your legs away, curling into a ball against the armrest of the sofa.
“Oh, sorry,” he smiled sheepishly at you, seeming distracted. It almost seemed like your friend was sulking, but you couldn’t understand why. You were watching a sitcom!
“There you are!”
You looked up to see your lab partner standing over your table, clutching the straps of his backpack.
“Oh, hey Mingyu,” you furrowed your brows at him, “Did you need something?”
“I thought we were supposed to be working on our lab report today?” he cocked his head at you, wondering if he had gotten the time wrong.
“Oh shit!” you cursed, “I’m so sorry Gyu, I totally lost track of time!”
“That’s okay,” he laughed, “It’s not that big of a deal. You want to work on it now?”
“Sure!” you nodded, glancing at Seungcheol and Jeonghan, who were immersed in their computer programming assignments. “Do you mind if Mingyu joins us? We have a lab report.”
“Yes, we heard,” Jeonghan rolls his eyes at you, “Sure that’s fine.”
“Thanks,” Mingyu nods before taking the seat next to you.
“Did you start anything for it yet?” you asked, pulling your lab notebook out of your backpack.
“Whoa, did I really grab you that hard that day?” Mingyu exclaimed, seeing the purple bruise on your arm.
“Yes, it fuckin’ hurts too!” you squinted at him, annoyed.
“I didn’t think you could bruise someone just by grabbing them. I guess I’m just super strong, huh?” Mingyu preened.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you threatened to punch him.
Jeonghan observed Seungcheol’s shift in mood with mild interest as you and Mingyu muddled your way through your lab report.
“I need some coffee or I’m going to rip my eyeballs out,” you announced after calculating mole fractions for far too long. You stood from the table to move towards the cafe in the library. You tapped your fingertips on your wallet mindlessly as you calculated how many shots of espresso you could consume without your heart bursting out of your chest.
“YN!” a familiar voice greeted you as they tapped your shoulder.
“Ah, hey!” you smiled at Bina, your lab partner from last year. “Ugh, I’m working on a lab report and it is giving me flashbacks to last semester!”
“Oh my god, please don’t remind me!” she rolled her eyes. You two had barely managed to scrape through that class. Unlike you, it had been her only chem requirement, so she was free of the horror of lab reports now. “Who’s your lab partner this semester?”
“Mingyu Kim,” you scrunched up your nose slightly, “God bless him, but he is such a klutz.”
“Wait, no. Mingyu? The Kim Mingyu?” Bina paled slightly.
“Why? Do you know him? Is there tea?” you looked at her with wide eyes.
“No, god I wish. He’s just so hot to me! I’m jealous, I would slog through another semester of chem to be his lab partner.”
“Would you?!” you gaped at her, thoroughly alarmed. “You’re sick in the head over this man,” you laughed heartily.
“No, probably not,” Bina chuckled after giving it some more serious consideration. “But I’d think long and hard about it.”
“We’re sitting over there if you wanna stop by and say hi. I’ll introduce y’all,” you offered before placing your order with the cashier.
“I might do that,” she craned her head to see exactly where your table was. “You’re sitting with Seungcheol too? My friend is infatuated with that man. They’re in Comp Sci together. Can she come say hi too?”
“S-sure,” you answered blankly. You had no stake or claim, but something in you wanted to scream ‘NO!’ when you heard Bina ask that question.
“You’re the best, we’ll be over in a bit,” Bina smiled brightly at you, giving you a squeeze.
“Okay, I’m ready to resume crying,” you announced when you returned to the table with your beverage.
“Okay, good, cause I’m ready to take a break from crying,” Mingyu looked up at you pitifully. “I think I figured out 4. So then if we can figure out 5, then we just need to pull together some nonsense for the discussion.”
“Okay, okay,” you nodded determinedly. By some miracle, question 5 was just some simple dilution practice, so before long you and Mingyu were typing furiously, chipping away at the remainder of the lab report.
“Hey YN!” Bina’s voice pulled you out of a sentence about how (DUH) important it was to switch pipettes between samples.
“Oh, hey Bina! What’s up?” you waved excitedly at your friend, eager to do some meddling for her.
“Not much, how are you? Long time no see!”
“Yes, luckily you’re done with your chem requirements, otherwise you’d be here crying with us,” you laughed as Mingyu and Seungcheol looked on at you with interest. Jeonghan had long ago put on a pair of noise canceling headphones and was ignoring everybody. “Mingyu, Bina was my lab partner last semester. And she was a lot better than you are,” you couldn’t help but tease.
“Hey!” Mingyu pouted.
“I mean at the very least she’s my height, so I didn’t have to readjust the biuret every time we titrated,” you rolled your eyes playfully at Bina.
“It’s not my fault you’re both short,” Mingyu protested, eyes flickering to Bina for some support.
“If it makes you feel better, I was terrible in lab too,” she offered up sympathetically, “YN is my patron saint of chemistry. Did she ever tell you about how I exploded two crucibles one time?”
“No!” Mingyu looked at her with interest, “Was YN also very mean to you and made you finish your work way ahead of time?”
“Yes!” Bina giggled excitedly, “Like why can’t we pull all nighters like normal people?”
“Hell no, I’m not disrupting my sleep schedule for y’all. No thanks,” you shook your head stalwartly. “Anyways, you two should exchange numbers so you can complain about me on your own time,” you chuckled. Bina and Mingyu seemed to agree and set about that task enthusiastically.
“Ah, sorry I’m being rude, this is my friend Hayoung! We’re in a writing foundations class together so we were working on that.”
“Hi,” she waved at everyone shyly.
“Hayoung, what’s your major?” you asked.
“Computer science, focusing on human & computer interactions.”
“Ooh?! Love me a girly in STEM! These two are comp sci as well! Do you all know each other?” you asked, mostly Seungcheol as Jeonghan was still intent on ignoring you.
“Maybe? You look kind of familiar, but I don’t talk to many people in class,” he chuckled honestly.
“I think we might have a class together?” Hayoung smiled.
“Oh wonderful! You two should exchange numbers too! Maybe you can work on comp sci stuff together,” you suggested. They weren’t really giving you too much to work with, if you were being honest.
“I’d actually love that,” Hayoung’s eyes creased into a smile, “I don’t know that many people in the major.”
“Is it because they’re being sexist?” your eyes widened and you raised a fist theatrically, “I’ll fight them all for you. Cheol, you will too, right? Jeonghan’s not much use in a fight, if I’m being honest,” you commented quietly, glancing at the target of your teasing.
“Sure,” Seungcheol’s face creased into a real smile as he watched you whisper about Jeonghan animatedly.
Hayoung and Seungcheol exchanged phone numbers as you watched on excitedly. Hayoung was clearly pleased, but Seungcheol was making a face as if he had tasted something odd, but was too polite to say anything about it.
“Bina is so cute!” Mingyu remarked happily after they both left, “Lucky you with your cute lab partners!”
“Yeah,” you rolled your eyes at him, “I love doing unpaid babysitting in the lab.”
“Cheol, can I crash on your couch?” you spoke after he picked up your call.
“Yeah, of course! Are you okay?” Seungcheol’s brow furrowed, worried.
“Yeah, I’ve just been sexiled,” you grumbled, starting your walk towards Seungcheol’s apartment. He met you about halfway and the two of you caught up on the walk back.
“How are things with Hayoung?” you asked, not quite making eye contact.
“What?” his hand slipped as he was moving to turn the doorknob.
“Hayoung, did you guys ever meet up to work on comp sci together?” you asked, lips pursed as you followed him into his apartment.
“Oh, no, she texted me but I forgot to text her back,” Seungcheol shrugged.
“Text her back, you jerk!” you poked Seungcheol insistently, “Hayoung’s cute! And she likes you.”
“That’s good for her,” Seungcheol grumbled, irritated at your attempt to push him towards someone else. Maybe his cause was truly hopeless.
“You’re acting weird,” you glanced at him oddly before flopping down on the couch.
“No, you take the bed,” Seungcheol ignored your statement and plopped down near your feet, tapping your legs lightly.
“No! I’m not gonna kick you out of your bed!” you protested.
“No, seriously, sleep on the bed. I always wake up before you anyways. I’ll end up waking you up if you sleep out here.”
“I-,” you tried to think of another excuse, but he wasn’t your best friend for no reason. He knew you just as well as you knew yourself. “Okay,” you acquiesced, hopping up from the couch to walk into his room, “Do you need anything from here before bed?” you turned to ask him, hand on the doorframe.
“Nope, I don’t think so.”
“Okay, thanks again for letting me crash,” you smiled at him before pulling the door not quite closed behind you.
Once inside, you dropped your bag and helped yourself to a t-shirt and pair of shorts from Seungcheol’s drawers. You laughed at the way you were swimming in the shirt.
“I look ridiculous,” you laughed, walking back out into the living room. “Cheol, look,” you spread your arms out to your sides, showing Seungcheol the way that his t-shirt just swallowed you.
“I-,” his brain stopped for a few moments. He wouldn’t say anything, but he could in fact see your nipples as you tried to show him whatever you were showing him. “What?”
“Your shirt is too big on me,” you folded your arms over your chest, irritated that he had been listening.
“Oh yeah, well I’m bigger than you,” he replied curtly.
“Well, yeah,” you glanced away from him. He was in such an odd mood today! You grumbled just a little bit before flopping down on the bed. You were tired.
Tossing and turning, you fought for a long time to push down the arousal that was building in your gut. Being enveloped by Seungcheol’s scent was making your brain go haywire. You could feel yourself throbbing and you bit down on your fist in an effort to try and distract yourself, but that hadn’t worked. Glancing nervously at the door, you contemplated seeking some relief, but the idea of doing it in Seungcheol’s bed while he was just outside the door inspired guilt, worry, and worst of all, excitement. 
You managed to ignore yourself for about ten minutes before your left hand snuck down between your thighs, stroking them softly. Sinking deeper into Seungcheol’s pillows, you closed your eyes and imagined your best friend’s hands softly caressing and spreading your legs apart. You were embarrassed to hear the wet sounds of yourself opening up, but not embarrassed enough to stop. Your right hand came to tease the sensitive undersides of your breasts as your fingertips stroked languidly through your folds.
In the living room, Cheol wrestled with whether to disturb you or not. Several minutes ago, he had noticed that one of his textbooks was still in his room. He’d been planning to get ahead on a problem set, so it wasn’t as if he needed to disturb you, but he also didn’t see himself falling asleep anytime soon. Chewing his lip, he noticed that the door was still slightly ajar and decided to retrieve the book as you must not have gone to bed just yet.
When his eyes first landed on your face, your brows were knit up in utter concentration as your hands worked feverishly under the covers. Your front teeth had your lower lip pinned down as you bit back the loudest of your desperate noises. Seungcheol’s pupils dilated as he registered what was happening. Frantically, he tried to back out of the room, but his sweater caught the edge of a pamphlet that had been hanging off the bookshelf, sending a handful of items clattering to the floor.
“Fuck!” your eyes shot open, panicked as you met Cheol’s gaze, “I’m, you-, help!” you squeaked, pulling the covers over your face as you wished to vanish off the face of the earth.
Seungcheol’s mind went blank as he walked towards you, placing his hands over yours to pull down the covers. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, so overcome with embarrassment that you failed to register the look of hunger in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry Cheol, I didn’t, I shouldn’t have done that here!”
“What?” he cocked his head to the side, brain not really functioning.
“It’s your bed!” you looked at him as if he was crazy, “I just-, you smell so good,” you spoke without thinking.
“I…,” he looked you up and down, “You’re telling me I inspired this?”
“Shit, I shouldn’t have said that, oh my god!” you groaned, trying to shrug under the covers again. Seungcheol’s large hands held you still and you watched in disbelief as he brought your left hand up to inspect it. The shine of moisture on your fingers was mortifyingly telling, but he surprised you to your core when he brought your hand to his mouth and sucked your wet fingers inside.
“Huh?!” you choked out, eyes fluttering shut as he tongue stroked between your digits, tasting you thoroughly.
“You should’ve told me about this sooner,” he told you, voice gravely with desire, “I’ve been torturing myself trying to ignore how much I think about you.”
“Oh?” you blinked at him in disbelief.
“Yes, oh,”  Seungcheol rolled his eyes at you, “Now let me help, as you requested.”
His fingers wandered. His eyes widened slightly when he felt just how wet you were. The rumble that emitted from his chest almost sounded like a purr and you found yourself quickly breathless at his ministrations.
“Cheol,” you moaned, melting slightly as his substantially larger fingers swirled dizzyingly through your folds. He smirked down at you, more than pleased to hear your saying his name in that manner.
“So needy,” he chuckled, eyes flicking over you.
“Well I was halfway there when you walked in,” you teased him and his eyes flashed at you, a subtle warning.
He raised one eyebrow at you before sliding his fingers inside of you. You choked on your breath at the intrusion, though your legs parted asking for more.
“You-, your fingers!”
“Mm, how do they feel?” he smirked at you, confident.
“I knew they’d stretch me out, bigger than mine,” you panted and his eyes widened at the realization that this wasn’t the first time you’d imagined this.
“You think about me a lot?” he raised an eyebrow at you, now cocky.
“No,” you lied, glancing away to avoid his eyes.
“My thick fingers spreading you open,” he continued anyways, smirking when he felt the way you reacted around him.
“Seung-,” you whined, overwhelmed at the way he teased you.
“God I like hearing you say my name like that,” Seungcheol shook his head, as if in disbelief. “Can I see you?” he asked, other hand itching to peel back the comforter.
You nodded wordlessly. You were slightly mortified to reveal yourself to him in this way, but his other hand quickly distracted you. You watched his eyes rove across you appreciatively until they trained in on your bruise, his jaw clenching.
“I’ve been thinking about this all week,” he exhaled sharply.
“Why? It wasn’t on purpose!”
“No, it’s not-,” Seungcheol paused. “That’s not why. I was annoyed because the idea of getting to be the one to leave marks on you has rendered me…basically unable to produce coherent thought.”
“Oh? OH,” your eyes widened, gears in your brain turning. “I mean…all yours, Cheol,” you smiled sheepishly at him.
“Really?” he groaned, looking at you appreciatively as he thought about exactly where and how he’d like to mar your skin.
“Seungcheol!” you snapped at him as he continued to mumble to himself.
“Maybe a handprint here?” he grazed your upper thigh with his palm, eyes dancing mischievously at you. “Or a necklace of hickeys,” he growled as he nipped at the base of your neck. He had decided to seize the opportunity to tease you, and as much as you liked it, you only had so much patience.
“Cheol, please,” you pouted, grabbing at his collar, “I can’t take anymore of this.”
“Yes princess,” he pulled an old nickname out of the vault. You melted.
“Mmmpf!” he smothered your next protest with a kiss.
“Seung. Cheol!” you moaned desperately as his hand grabbed your thigh, hard.
The strength in his grip set your nerves alight and your head fell back against the bed, arching your chest up towards him. His mouth took the opportunity to latch onto the underside of your breast, biting down firmly. Your hand fisted itself in his hair.
It was so much sensation. It was so good.
“Hn,” he pulled back with a breathless smile. His eyes flicked down to the spots where his mouth and hand had been and his lips curled into a cocky grin at the bright red marks. With any luck those would be bruised nicely tomorrow.
“That was…a lot,” you murmured as you caught your breath.
“In a bad way?” Seungcheol’s brow furrowed with sudden worry.
“No,” you smiled at him, slightly fuzzy, “In a good way. A really good way.”
“Really?” his eyebrows raised back up with delight. “So you won’t mind if you bruise a little?”
“I don’t think I’ll mind even if you bruise me a lot,” you answered after some thought.
Your best friend’s eyes darkened. The way you had rearranged his words hit the possessive button in his brain like crazy. His lips nibbled and nipped their way down your torso while his hand came to cup your breast. His grip was on the hard side of firm as his lips latched onto a spot on your inner thigh. His tongue stroked across the sensitive skin as he sucked firmly.
Your thighs parted of their own accord as you squirmed at this building onslaught. As you shifted, you could hear the wet sounds of yourself spreading. Open and inviting.
“Cheol, please,” you tried to pull him towards you. “Please,” you panted.
Seungcheol, the bastard, increased the intensity of his sucking before releasing his lips with a loud ‘pop!’. The jolt of the disconnection sent a shiver through you and the spot where his mouth had been now felt woefully cool.
“Pretty,” he looked at the red mark appreciatively. The thought that you would be reminded of this encounter over the next weeks sent a streak of pride through him that was unexpected.
“Seungcheol!” you grabbed his face by his cheeks, directing his attention to you. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to kick you out and take care of it myself!”
His eyes widened and he chuckled sheepishly before reaching over you to pull a condom out of the nightstand. You watched, almost painfully aroused, as he undressed and unrolled the condom over himself. His cock bobbed proudly as he pulled his sturdy torso over you, slotting himself between your thighs.
You sighed when his cock came to rest against your core. You could already tell it was going to be good.
“Seungcheol, please,” you placed your hands around his jaw. “Need you.”
He nodded, reaching down to slip himself inside of you. A soft gasp escaped you as his head pushed in and you couldn’t help but relish in the stretch. Seungcheol took his time sinking into you. The whines and gasps that you made were way too good to be rushed.
“Cheol,” your hands clutched at the back of his thick neck until he was pressed flush against you. “Fuck,” you exhaled into his ear.
Seungcheol’s hand was gripping your hip so hard as he struggled to keep control of himself. Of all the things that he found overwhelming, the way you pulsed and squeezed around him, the little sounds you made as he had pressed into you…the worst of all was the way you smelled. His hand fisted itself further in your hip as he inhaled you, a most intoxicating scent.
You clenched around him as his hand tightened. He was sure to bruise you there, too, and you couldn’t wait. Knowing that you’d be able to see these marks as evidence that this wasn’t another crush induced dream made you feel crazed in a different way.
“You feel perfect,” Seungcheol groaned against your skin as his hips started to move. “I just knew it.”
You hooked your legs around his hips as he pumped into you deeply. Each thick stroke pushed you dangerously closer to the precipice and you were ready to fall off the edge.
“Cheol,” you pulled back slightly to meet his blown out gaze. “I’m there.”
“Go ahead,” he encouraged you, aching to feel you come apart around him. “Be good and come for me.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as you let go. Your hands clutched desperately at his shoulders as your pussy fluttered around him. You didn’t even know what kinds of sounds you made as you simply didn’t have the presence of mind.
“So good,” he smiled, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. “So good,” he grunted before his hips shuddered and he emptied himself inside of you.
You wrapped your arms around his torso as he slumped down on top of you. He smiled when you gave him a squeeze with your entire body.
“So you’re kind of possessive, huh?” you chuckled softly after you’d regained your sanity.
Seungcheol squeezed his eyes shut with a laugh. He hadn’t realized it, or maybe it was just because it was you, but yes. Yes he was.
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doritochoi · 5 months
Fashion trip | K.H
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pairing: fem!reader x kim hongjoong!founder of Balmain
warnings: dom!hongjoong, teasing, rough sex, unprotected sex, pet names, eating pussy, + much more
word count: 4.5k
a/n: Hi friends <3 It took me an extremely long time to post this :(( I had it in draft for a while because i had some exams, so i couldn't finish it, but now it's ready. Leave me suggestions for any story ideas in the comments. Love you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
You were a young designer looking for a chance to make your name known in the fashion world. With each creation, you poured your heart into the hope that someone would notice your talent and passion for design. Every morning, you woke up with the same thought: "that long-awaited invitation would soon arrive, opening the door to greater opportunities."
On a normal day, as you lay in your small, cushy bed, you twisted in the covers, trying to push away your thoughts of doubt. Eyes bleary from sleep and heart full of hope, you picked up your phone and started scrolling through your messages and notifications. A new message appeared on the screen, feeling a wave of excitement run through your entire body. You hit the message icon and read with wide eyes and a hopeful heart:
"Hi! We are from the Balmain fashion house! We noticed some of your creations and would like you to work with us. To discuss more, we invite you to "Glamour Lounge" restaurant, next Saturday at 19:00pm"
With your heart pounding in your chest and a mix of emotions, you felt the need to make sure you weren't dreaming. You blinked several times, still looking at your phone screen, but the message remained there, confirming the reality of that incredible invitation to work together. Your smile was hard to erase, immersed in a state of deep awe and gratitude. But beneath this excitement of realizing your professional dream, hides an intimate secret: your adoration for Kim Hongjoong, the founder of Balmain. Handsome and charismatic, he was not only a talented designer but also the subject of your secret adoration. You admire him not only for his amazing creations, but also for his captivating aura and the way he exudes confidence and power in every appearance.
While others are captivated by his glittering creations, you were especially fascinated by every detail of his person- from his charming smile to his penetrating gaze. Even in this moment of professional triumph, you couldn't help but think about him and how collaborating with Balmain might somehow bring you closer to him. You always had a special connection with his creations, especially the "Balmain Uma Sandals", a pair of shoes that you considered not just a piece of footwear, but a work of art in itself. Every step you took in those sandals, you felt like you were entering Kim Hongjoong's world, at least for a while. With each passing second, your emotions were between excitement and anxiety. The big day of the Balmain collaboration was approaching, and you were extremely excited about the opportunity to showcase your creativity and passion face-to-face with the fashion house's prestigious team. However, you dreamed of meeting him, even for a moment, to express your gratitude for his influence in your life and to share your passion for his creations.
You prepared for the meeting, and chose your outfit carefully. A velvet dress that undulated your body in a delicate dance, hugging your shape and accentuating your grace in a subtle yet charming way. Step by step, you walked towards the door, and every eye that fell on you was captivated by your elegance and sophistication. A lovely lady approaches you with a warm smile and says politely: "Please follow me, this is our reserved table. Mr. Kim will be right there, he had a problem, but I assure you he will be here soon.", What did she say? Kim Hongjoong it will be there..? What are you going to do? What are you going to say?Questions invade your mind, leaving you without answers and without direction. You try to regain your composure, taking deep breaths and trying to remember that this is the moment you've been waiting for.
As you awaited on the chair, a figure loomed in the distance, entering through the restaurant's massive door. It was him, Kim Hongjoong in all his glory, dressed in a flawless black suit. You couldn't help but notice how perfectly it matched your outfit, almost like you were a couple. His blond hair, styled with care and precision, added an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to his already impressive appearance. Your expert eye for detail couldn't help but notice the fragrance that seemed to accompany it, giving off a subtle and irresistible aroma. The same lady also led him to the table, this time sitting across from you. He looked charming in his impeccable suit. After the lady leaved, he got up from the table and came over to you, gracefully bending down and kissing your hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you", he had told you in such a charming voice that it was as if all worries and uncertainties melted away in front of that warm and comforting presence. You were extremely shy, unable to say anything or look at him, but he was noticing the way you were acting and how you were making efforts to maintain eye contact. He liked the way you were sitting and with a warm smile, he began to cough, breaking the silence. "Do you want anything to drink?" His question broke the interruption and brought a touch of normalcy to the atmosphere. “Something refreshing would be perfect, thanks”, you managed to reply, your voice a little shaky, but still full of gratitude. Even in this moment of anxiety, you couldn't help but notice how polite and kind he was. After getting the drinks, the atmosphere became more relaxed. “Hmm, I'd be curious to see some of your creations,” he said, looking at you with interest. With a shaky voice and heart pounding in your chest, you pulled some sketches and photos of your latest designs out of your bag. You could feel your hands shaking as you held them out for him. Hongjoong took each creation in his hands, examining them carefully. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at you and smiled. "I have never seen anyone with such remarkable talent as yours," he said sincerely. "Your creativity and passion can be found in every detail. You are truly remarkable.”. "It would be very nice to work for us,” he said with a warm smile. You were speechless, unable to believe what you were hearing. What? Working for Balmain? This was far beyond any dream you could have had. Your eyes were shining with gratitude and happiness, you managed to regain some control over your emotions and express your gratitude: "It is an incredible honor. I am extremely excited and honored to be part of the Balmain team. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.”
As the conversations flowed naturally, you couldn't help but notice the subtle details that caught your attention. The veins on Hongjoong's hand, outlined under the skin, looked so sexy… You could imagine how his fingers could do much more than just hold that glass in his hand. Time was passing and the evening was getting longer. Just as you decided it was time to leave, you realized a heavy storm had broken out outside. The rain prevented any attempt to get outside, and if you did, you would have been completely drenched. Walking out of the restaurant and facing the rain, you let out a disappointed sigh and started looking for a taxi on your phone. But before you could do anything, you felt a hand on your tiny waist and then someone placed an umbrella over your head. It was him..Kim Hongjoong was holding your waist and staying so close to you. "Would you like me to drive you? It would be more comfortable for you, especially in this storm.”, with your heart pounding and a slightly shy smile, you replied, “Yes, I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Hongjoong.” Looking at him, you were overwhelmed by his gallant gesture and the care he showed towards you on this unpredictable evening. As you sat comfortably in his car, eyes fixed on the wet and cloudy road, you couldn't help but feel a bit excited, the fact that you were there with Hongjoong, watching him drive. It was like a dream come true. But in the midst of these thoughts, you realized that your home was quite far away, and taking you there in this storm didn't seem very reasonable. In a moment of hesitation, you started to tell him that he shouldn't bother you so much, but he quickly intervened. "You can come to my house," he proposed with a gentle smile. "It's much closer and wouldn't be a problem at all." You were speechless at his suggestion. To stay at Hongjoong's house? This idea seemed unreal, almost too good to be true. However, you tried to push yourself away from the bold thought, politely declining. “I can't bother you like this,” you said quickly, trying to justify your refusal. "I'm sure it's not a good idea." But he gently insisted: "It's not a problem for me at all. I would be honored to have you as a guest. Please accept.”, you were looking down and fiddling with your fingers, still feeling unsure about this unexpected situation. He took your hand in his, making you look up at him slightly. His eyes bore into you with a comforting warmth, admiring every feature of your face. “Everything will be fine,” he said gently, with a warm smile that brought you peace and confidence. Feeling the warmth of his hand and looking into his eyes, you felt like you could put your fears to rest and let yourself be carried away. You confidently accepted that everything was going to be fine.
When you got to his house and looked out the window, you were amazed at the beauty of his house. It was an imposing residence with elegant architecture and huge garden. You couldn't help but notice the luxury and wealth that emanated from every detail of his home. You felt like you had invaded his personal space, and the thought made you feel uncomfortable and insecure. You managed to erase the negative thoughts from your mind and entered his house. It was perfect in every aspect, every detail of the furniture seemed to be chosen especially for him. You admired with awe and slight envy the elegance and sophistication, wondering what it would be like to live in such a luxurious environment every day. With a gentle gesture, Hongjoong took your hand and gave you a warm smile. "You can stay in the guest room. Call me if you need anything!", he said kindly, pointing the way to it. You replied with a grateful smile and a slight tilt of your head, "Thank you, Hongjoong."
You entered in the guest room and flopped onto the bed, closing your eyes. You silently let out all the joy and excitement you were feeling, squealing slightly in happiness as a smile crept up your face. It was an incredible experience to be there in Hongjoong's house but you knew you had to keep a certain distance. You wanted to be close to him, get to know him better and spend time together, but you knew you had to be reserved and not reveal too much of your feelings. Even though you were trying to fall asleep, your thoughts were still captured by Hongjoong's figure. You couldn't get the image of him standing there in that perfect suit with irresistible elegance out of your mind. You wanted so badly to take off his tie and kiss the soft skin of his neck, leaving small tender marks. In the morning, you woke up with a big smile on your face. Thinking about what you dreamed last night, its making you blushing. You were in Hongjoong's bed and he was fucking you, making you to scream his name louder. His every touch, every kiss, every gesture seemed to be filled with tenderness and love, and your desire to be real was overwhelming.
You got out of bed, attracted by an inviting smell that filled the house. Without thinking too much, you followed that delicious aroma into the kitchen. When you got there, you discovered some freshly made pancakes on the table. You looked at the pancakes and bent down slightly to examine them better, noting their perfectly round shape and matching color. You were impressed with the way they looked. Returning to your starting position, you suddenly felt something hard hit your back. You immediately turned around to see Hongjoong in front of you, dressed only in a robe. Drops of water dripped down his well-sculpted chest, a sign that he had just stepped out of the shower. His wet hair accentuated his beauty, giving him a cool and vibrant air. You were trying not to look down, to stay calm, but you weren't doing very well, and he could tell that. Your expression betrayed a slight uneasiness and he noticed every detail. He leaned in, noticing that you were a little agitated, which showed in your eyes."Did I scare you?", you felt that he was very close to you and the desire to touch him and get closer to him was strong. You wanted to push him down on the table and get closer, kiss him all over to show him how much you wanted him. Still, you knew you had to keep distance.He wasn't just anyone, and you had to respect the boundaries.
You nodded that you weren't scared, but he didn't seem pleased with your answer. “Words, princess,” he said in a firm tone, making you blush at the nickname. He loved teasing you and you could see it on his face. His subtle smile and twinkle in his eye showed that he was having fun teasing you and enjoying your reactions. It was obvious that he was comfortable around you and enjoying your company. His provocation accentuated the butterflies in your stomach and amplified the erotic tension between you.​ "N-no you didnt scare me... actually i wanted to thank you for everything..." ,you said awkwardly, looking down and avoiding his beautiful eyes that captivated you. He showed his determination, smiling slightly as he spoke, “I already told you not to thank me… there's no need. Eat something so I can take you home.” You hesitated to accept the offer to take you home again, not wanting to seem too rude. "Okay, then be ready tomorrow. We're going to Paris for a fashion show,” he added, looking at you with a determined expression and anticipating the next day full of excitement and opportunity.
Leaving his house, you thought about what will happen tomorrow. It will be a long day and full of many surprises. You were going to a fashion show with your fucking crush and no you weren't dreaming. You didn't even get to ask him how long you were staying there or how you should dress...You felt terrible, feeling like you weren't ready for this important moment. You arrived home and eagerly waited for the time to pass faster until tomorrow.
You woke up in the morning and carefully went to do your usual routine. Then, you started choosing what to wear for this special day. You chose a cute pink mini dress with delicate flowers that accentuated your beautiful smile and positive energy. You put on light make-up, emphasizing the sparkle of your eyes and the fresh look of your skin. After you finished getting ready, you took a cab and headed to the airport. There, you spotted Hongjoong, waiting for you with a bright smile. Your gaze lit up when you saw his familiar figure and the emotions within you rose in a pleasant way.Each step towards him, you could feel the excitement and impatience growing. You had in front of you a day you had been waiting for a long time, with the person you admire so much. The flight was quite normal. You have arrived in Paris and went to the hotel. It was an extremely elegant and luxurious location, which was no surprise considering Hongjoong's financial status. He had chosen one of the most popular and exclusive hotels in town. The hotel was impressive, with a sophisticated atmosphere and great design. It was equipped with a huge swimming pool and other luxurious facilities, giving you a memorable and relaxing experience.
As you arrived at the fancy hotel, reality was starting to hit you. You found out that the fashion show you were going to attend, was taking place there. Even though it was an incredible opportunity, you felt a slight anxiety. You weren't used to being in the middle of large crowds of people and the thought of attending such an important event made you feel a little scared. The crowd began to gather and the guests took their seats to wait for the fashion show to begin. You were there but with your mind elsewhere, only thinking about Hongjoong. Feeling bored and wanting to have some fun, you headed to the nearby bar. You chose the most popular drink there, an exotic cocktail called "Parisian Dream", an elegant drink that was a favorite of many in that select location. Returning to your seat, your eyes were drawn to the immense beauty of the pool nearby. It was an impressive pool with matching colors of red and gold that exuded elegance and luxury. You really wanted to relax and cool off, so without thinking too much, you decided to get into the pool. Luck was on your side as you were wearing a bathing suit under your gorgeous dress just in case. You took off your delicate dress and walked down the steps to the crystal clear water, feeling how the water envelops your body. As you let yourself be carried away by the relaxing sensations of the water, you felt a slight movement nearby. At first you didn't give it any importance, but you became aware that someone was now in front of you. You slowly opened your eyes and were shocked, standing frozen there. It was Hongjoong, standing extremely close to you. It was so close that your bodies were a step away from touching. Looking at him, you were mesmerized by his flawless appearance. The drops of water were sliding down the chest that you admired for a long time. The whole scene seemed unreal but fascinating at the same time. With a light movement, Hongjoong moved his hand to your cheek and began to caress you gently. His palms ran over your skin with a soft and tender touch. "If you wanted to relax you could tell me…" ,he said in a warm deep voice. “N-no… I was just drawn to the way the pool looks…” ,you started to stutter, heart pounding in your chest. You could easily read the amused smile on Hongjoong's face and that made you feel even more embarrassed. "Are you sure only the pool?", he pulled you even closer as his hands settled on your hips. His breath was warm as he murmurs into your ear "Stop lying, princess". His grip was firm yet gentle. The mixture of emotions made your head spin as he gently turned your body around, leaving your back exposed to him. "I know that you want me" ,he moves his hand down slowly, letting his finger lightly brush against your panties and gently rubbing in, causing you to feel things you have never felt before. Your body trembles and shivers with excitement as he continues, slowly teasing you. His touch is light but firm, creating a mixture of sensations that leave you breathlessly helpless in his grip. His voice is breathy and full of desire as he slowly starts roaming his hands all over your body, gently exploring every inch of you. He gently kisses your neck, sending a shivers through your spine. "We should go somewhere else..." he breaths again, this time slightly louder. "Let's continue this in a different place...somewhere more private..."
He slowly takes you into his room at the hotel. There is a slight hint of excitement in his eyes as he closes the door with his leg, slowly sliding you onto the bed "Fuck, you feel so good," he muttered, lips finding their way to your exposed neck and placing wet kisses onto your sensitive flesh. You moaned involuntarily as a wave of pleasure washed over you, igniting a fire deep within. He continued to caress your body, his hands roaming over your bra and down around your waist, squeezing your firm ass and pulling you closer still. You could feel the hardness of his cock straining against his pants, pressing against your stomach. With a flick of his fingers, he unclipped your bra and let it slide off, allowing your heavy breasts to spill free. He took one nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, causing you to gasp and moan with pleasure. His hands continued to wander, one coming up to squeeze your other breast while the other slid down your body, finding its way to the aching wetness between your thighs. You let out a low moan as his fingers grazed your clit through the wet fabric of your panties. He continued to tease your clit with his fingers until you were panting with need, begging for more. With a wicked grin, he slipped his fingers beneath your panties and plunged them deep inside your wet, aching core. You cried out in pleasure, arching your back as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of you. "You like that, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and husky with lust. "Yes, fuck yes," you panted, your hips grinding against his fingers as he plunged them deep inside of you. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, the tension building in your core, until you thought you might explode from the pleasure. But just as you were about to reach your climax, Hongjoong pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you panting and whining in frustration. "Not yet, my little slut," he smirked, standing up and towering over you. His eyes were dark and filled with desire as he took in the sight of your naked and aching body. "You don't get to come until I'm inside you.", you whimpered in frustration, watching as he slowly unbuttoned his pants and let them drop to the floor. His hard cock sprang free, already slick with pre-cum. You licked your lips at the sight, eager to taste him. "Beg for it," he commanded in a low and commanding voice. You looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Hongjoong. I need you inside me. I can't wait any longer.", he smirked, his eyes glinting with satisfaction at your desperation. "Beg for it," he repeated, emphasizing each word. "Please, fuck me. I need you so badly, I'll do anything. Just please, give me your cock," you moaned, spreading your legs wider in invitation. With a growl, he stepped closer, positioning his cock at your entrance. You whimpered in anticipation, your hips bucking up in a desperate attempt to take him inside of you. But he had other plans. Instead of plunging into you, he teased your entrance, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit and causing you to gasp with pleasure. "You want it that badly?" he taunted, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he continued to torment you. Finally, Hongjoong couldn't resist your pleading any longer.
With one thrust, he buried his cock deep inside of you, filling you completely. You both let out a low moan as he began to move, his hips thrusting against you with a primal force. The sound of your bodies slapping together echoed through the room, punctuated by your moans and swear words, as he fucked you senseless. The headboard banged against the wall, adding a rhythmic pulse to the room. Hongjoong's thrusts became more forceful, his hips snapping against yours as he took you with wild abandon. You clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders. "Fuck, you feel so goddamn good," he muttered, his dirty words setting off a fire of dirty thoughts in your mind. He quickened his pace, slamming into you over and over again. You threw your head back and let out a loud moan, your body trembling with pleasure. The feeling of him deep inside of you was almost too much to bear, but you didn't want it to end. As you moved together in perfect rhythm, your bodies slick with sweat, you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. You could tell he was too - his thrusts became more ragged, his breath hot and heavy against your neck. "Come for me, Y/n," he whispers in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. You let out a loud moan as you come, your body shaking with pleasure. Hongjoong follows shortly after, emptying himself inside you with a loud groan. He collapses on top of you, his breathing heavy. He kisses you softly, his lips lingering on yours. "That was amazing, princess" ,you smile, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over you. "It was, Joong," you reply, your fingers tracing patterns on his back. He begins to clean you up, his fingers gentle as they trace your folds. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear. He pulls you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you. "I don't want this moment to end," he says, his voice filled with love and care. "Neither do I, " you reply, your head resting on his chest. And as you drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, you can't help but feel like this is the start of something beautiful.
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ginkgooou · 18 days
family trip | alexia putellas
summary: alexia joins you and your family on a new year's trip to cortina d'ampezzo. on the first day, you go skiing, but alexia forgot to mention something important: she's never skied before.
6,736 words
my first alexia fic...i struggled a lot writing it and i'm still not completely happy. it ended up being quite long. anyway, i hope you like it. english is not my first language.
alexia relished these quiet moments - a stark contrast to the whirlwind of her life. the past few months had been intense – gruelling training sessions and back-to-back football matches had taken their toll on her, while you were equally buried under tight deadlines and new projects at work.
in early december, barcelona was bathed in the soft glow of christmas lights, casting a warm shimmer over the streets. you and alexia wandered through the city, hand in hand, your breaths mingling in the crisp night air. you were on your way home from dinner, admiring the display of lights around you. conversation had long since faded into comfortable silence, simply basking in the rare calm of the usually bustling city.
as you got closer to home, a piercing wind picked up, causing alexia to shiver. you, seemingly unfazed by the cold, noticed her shivering and instinctively pulled her closer. your girlfriend immediately pressed herself against you, seeking your warmth and letting it shield her from the biting chill.
it wasn’t long before you were finally back at the apartment, the awaiting warmth a welcome change to the chill outside. alexia headed straight to your bedroom to change into a hoodie and pants, while you moved into the kitchen to prepare two cups of hot cocoa, the sweet aroma soon beginning to fill your home.
as alexia came down the stairs, she could hear the clinking of mugs and the faint sound of movement from the kitchen. following the noise, she came to a halt in the doorway, watching you with a soft smile as you busied yourself, completely unaware of her presence. you finished making the hot cocoa, taking a cup in each hand and turning around - startling when you saw your girlfriend standing there, nearly spilling the drinks.
“ale…”, you whined. “stop doing that. I nearly spilled our drinks.”
she chuckled, eyes twinkling in amusement. “lo siento.” with a quick, affectionate kiss, she took the mugs from your hands. “i’ll take these and find us something to watch. you go change.”
with that, she turned away, and you watched her carry the drinks to the living room before making your way up to change into one of alexia’s shirts and a pair of pants. when you came back down, you saw alexia already settled on the sofa, a thick blanket draped across her lap, and a steaming mug in her hands. on the tv, an episode of your favourite show was lined up, ready to play.
walking over to the couch, you picked up your drink from the table and sat down next to alexia. she immediately lifted her blanket and looked at you expectantly. being mindful of your drink, you carefully slid under the blanket, your body pressing against hers. your girlfriend’s arm naturally wrapped around your shoulder, and she placed a gentle kiss on the side of your head. taking the remote from her lap, you pressed play, and the familiar intro of the show began to fill the room.
throughout the episode, you quietly sipped the hot cocoa. once you had finished, alexia put the mugs back on the table and laid back down next to you. you adjusted your position, resting your head on her chest as her fingers carded through your hair. as the show came to an end, your thoughts began to wander.
suddenly, you remembered the conversation you had with your mother earlier in the day.
feeling you tense beside her, alexia gently nudged you. looking up at her, you could see the concern in her eyes. “what’s wrong?”, she asked softly.
sitting up to get a better look at her, you said, “i called my parents today. we were talking about the new year’s trip. i think i’ve mentioned it before - maybe you remember?” alexia thought for a moment before nodding. “yes, i remember. you spend new year’s in italy, right?” “yes. and…welll, my mom wanted me to ask if you’d like to join us this year.” you added, carefully watching her reaction.
this trip had long since become a family tradition. ever since you could remember, your family would go to italy around new year’s and spend a week in the dolomites. you would stay in your grandpa’s chalet in cortina d’ampezzo, escaping the hustle of daily life.
as you got older and eventually started to build a life of your own, your mom insisted on keeping this tradition alive. over time, the trip had become a much-needed escape from your hectic work life and you cherished the time you got to spend with your family.
the prospect of sharing this experience with alexia filled you with excitement. you’ve been together for nearly a year now, and inviting her had been on your mind for a while. however, knowing that she liked to spend this time with her own family made you hesitant to ask.
it was your mother who gave you the final push. after meeting alexia a few months into your relationship, your parents had quickly come to adore her. when your mother called you today, she spent the majority of the time trying to convince you to ask your girlfriend to join you. her persistence paid off, as you eventually agreed.
now, as you sat on the couch and the silence stretched between you, your anxiety grew. you became restless the longer alexia remained silent, your hands fidgeting nervously. alexia, on the other hand, was simply stunned, taken aback by the unexpected invitation.
feeling you pull away snapped her out of her daze. she quickly reached for your hand, pulling you back toward her. “wait!”, she quickly said. “i’d love to come,” your girlfriend continued, her thumb tracing circles on your hand. after hesitating for a moment she added, “but i don’t want to intrude.”
hearing the uncertainty in her voice, you immediately tried to reassure her. “you wouldn’t be intruding.” with your free hand you reached up and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “you’re part of my family and i want you there.” you paused, letting the words linger in the air. then, you added, “lucy and her family will be there, too. they'll be so excited if you come.”
your sister, lucy, was a few years older than you. the two of you had always been incredibly close, talking nearly every day. she and her family – her husband, joseph, and the kids, jacob and toby - often came to visit you in barcelona.
alexia had met them during one of their visits, a few weeks into your relationship. she liked lucy. her warm and open nature made it easy to get along with her. from the very first meeting, lucy and alexia had clicked, a friendship forming quickly.
it was clear that your whole family adored alexia, her natural charm winning them over almost instantly. she put in a genuine effort to make sure they liked her, knowing how important family was to you.
and you could see how hard she was trying, even though it wasn't necessary - your family would have loved her no matter what. they saw what you saw in her: someone kind, thoughtful and loyal.
they could see how happy the spanish woman made you, could see in her actions and in the way alexia looked at you how much she loved you. they welcomed your girlfriend into the family, treating her like she had always been a part of it.
you could see the wheels turning in your girlfriend's head. understanding that she needed a moment to think to herself, you kept silent, patiently waiting for her to talk.
after a while, alexia looked into your eyes, her hand tightening around yours. “if you're sure it's okay, i will come.”
an excited grin spread across your face. you leaned into her and pressed a series of quick kisses to her lips, murmuring between each one, “i love you.” alexia's lips curled into a soft smile at the affection.
wanting you closer, she gripped your hips and pulled you onto her lap, your knees on either side of her. you let out a surprised squeak, your hands instinctively moving to rest on her shoulders as you looked at her with wide eyes. one of your girlfriend's hands moved up to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, your lips nearly touching.
as you tried to lean in, alexia stopped you. “tell me more about the trip, amor. i want to know what to expect.”
you looked at her incredulously, completely caught off guard with the sudden shift. leaning back slightly, you asked, “that's what you're thinking about right now?”
alexia gazed up at you. “well, i need to prepare.” you shook your head in disbelief, but a smile started to form on your lips despite yourself. “we can talk about that tomorrow.” before she could answer, you cupped her cheeks and kissed her.
the next day at breakfast you started telling her everything about the trip.
“we'll be staying in cortina from the 27th to the 2nd.”, you said. “my grandpa owns a chalet there. it's very old, but still beautiful. it's situated on a hill just outside town and the view is amazing.” your voice was full of excitement. “the whole week is pretty much about spending time together and catching up. and now with the kids, there's always something fun going on...”
alexia listened intently, her eyes fixed on you, feeling the sheer excitement coming from you.
with sparkling eyes, you continued, “we take them sledding and build snowmen and go hiking. but, the best part of this trip is the skiing. it's just a short drive to the lift station…”
alexia had been listening to you with a soft smile on her face, but as soon as the word ‘skiing’ left your lips, that smile faltered. her expression shifted, the warmth in her eyes replaced by a flicker of unease.
you didn't notice, too caught up in your own excitement. “it's so much fun, especially now that jacob can join us. we spend hours on the slopes together.”, you gushed.
alexia's heart raced. skiing. she had never done it before. not once. her stomach twisted at the thought, but she didn't want to ruin the moment or disappoint you by admitting it. the footballer stayed silent, forcing a smile back onto her face.
“that sounds fun.”, she managed, voice a little too tight. you were still oblivious to her inner turmoil. “you'll love it.”
with just a few days to go, you started packing. however, alexia was unsure what to bring, not being used to the cold weather. she simply resorted to tossing every warm piece of clothing she owned into the suitcase - hats, scarves, gloves and many, many sweaters.
meanwhile, you were already finished with packing and had carried your suitcase downstairs. now, you were leaning against the doorframe, watching her in amusement. “you do know we're not going to the north pole, right?”, you teased, a grin tugging at your lips.
alexia shot you a defensive look, grabbing yet another sweater and tossing it in her suitcase. “i just don't like being cold, okay?”, she threw back, picking up a scarf next.
shaking your head with a smile, you walked over and gently took the scarf from her hands, placing it back in the wardrobe. “i know”, you said softly, “but trust me, you don't need all of this. the most important things are ski jackets and ski pants and we have those in the chalet already.”
right. skiing. alexia had already pushed that to the back of her mind. the footballer hated not being good at something and the idea of fumbling her way down a slope in front of you - and your family - made her stomach twist. should she just tell you? admitting it felt embarrassing, but pretending she knew what she was doing might be even worse.
no, she decided, she wouldn't tell you. how hard could it be?
maybe it was her competitive mindset, but alexia figured she'd just learn on the go and hope for the best.
pushing the thought aside, alexia sighed, glancing at the mountain of clothes in her suitcase before reluctantly starting to take out some sweaters and scarves. “fine.”
with a much emptier suitcase now, you turned to leave her. pausing at the doorway, you glanced back with a playful smile. “if you're really worried about the cold, just remember - i'm pretty great at keeping you warm.”
alexia laughed softly, looking over to you. “i'll keep that in mind.”
after you left the room, your girlfriend went back to packing. she quickly finished up, zipping up her suitcase and carrying it downstairs to place it next to yours.
a few days later, you and alexia boarded the plane to italy. the flight was smooth and passed by quickly, and soon you found yourselves stepping into the airport, relatively quiet due to the late hour. while waiting for your luggage at the baggage claim, you turned to alexia and said, “joseph will be picking us up. he should be out front. from there, it's about an hour's drive to cortina.”
after collecting your suitcases, you made your way through the terminal and stepped out into the cold night air. you quickly spotted your brother-in-law, leaning casually against his car, eyes fixed on his phone. "joe!”, you called out, your voice cutting through the night. joseph looked up, his face spreading into a wide smile as he tucked his phone into his jacket pocket.
“hey, you two.”, he grinned, pushing off the car. you quickly made your way over, engulfing him in a big hug. “long time no see.”, he laughed, patting your back before pulling away.
next, he turned to alexia, enveloping her in a quick hug. “good to see you again, alexia.” “likewise.”, your girlfriend replied.
then, joseph moved to help you load your suitcases in the car. “you ready for the cold?”, he asked playfully, glancing over at alexia, knowing full well she was more used to the warm climate of spain. she chuckled, wrapping her coat tighter around herself.
“i'll survive.”, the footballer joked.
as you all settled in the car, the engine purred to life, and soon you were off, the lights of the airport fading into the distance as the quiet roads of the italian countryside took over.
the drive was peaceful, the soft hum of the engine and quiet conversation filling the car. along the way, the scenery changed, the ground becoming covered in more snow. by the time cortina came into view, the landscape had transformed into a white winter wonderland - snow-covered trees lining the road and snowflakes falling from the sky. the dolomites loomed in the distance, their peaks hidden in the night, adding to the magical view.
soon, you spotted the familiar silhouette of your family's chalet, its wooden structure and the light coming from the windows standing out amidst the white blanket pf snow.
when the car came to a stop in front of the house, you couldn't help but smile, feeling a wave of happiness wash over you. you stepped out of the car, snow crunching under your feet, your breath visible in the air. you closed your eyes, taking it all in. alexia, having followed you out, stood next to you, shivering slightly in the cold.
with a contented sigh, you opened your eyes and looked over at your girlfriend, seeing the shivers run through her body. taking her hand in yours, you were just about to turn around when you heard joseph shout from behind you. “well, i don't know about you, but i'm heading inside. i don't really fancy freezing to death.”
you quickly turned around and threw him the finger, making him laugh as he carried your suitcases into the chalet. eager to escape the cold, alexia interlaced her fingers with yours and pulled you toward the house.
inside, you quickly slipped out of your jackets and took off your shoes. hearing laughter coming from the living room, you turned to alexia with a soft smile, holding out your hand, and asked, “ready?” your girlfriend nodded, taking your hand and pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. together, you made your way toward the noise, stepping around the suitcases that joseph had left in the middle of the entrance.
in the living room, you found your brother-in-law chatting with your parents. as soon as they saw you enter, your mother jumped up from the couch and hurried over. she enveloped alexia in a warm hug. “i'm so happy you could join us.”, she said, her voice full of warmth. alexia smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the sentiment. “i'm happy to be here.”, she responded.
you smiled brightly at the exchange, but couldn't help and tease your mom a little. “i'm here, too, you know?” your father and joseph laughed at your remark while your mother just gave you a stern look. “yes, i know.”, she replied, her tone softened by affection as she pulled you into a long hug. “i missed you, darling.”
after your mother released you, your father stepped forward, greeting you both with a short hug. as you looked around the room, you wondered aloud, “where's lucy?”
“she's upstairs, getting the kids to sleep. she'll be down later.”, joseph chimed in from his place on the couch.
your mother turned to you and suggested, “how about you go up into your room and unpack?”
nodding at your mother's words, you looked to alexia and gestured toward the stairs. “come on, let's head up.” you went back out to the entrance, alexia picking up both of your suitcases and following you up to your room.
as you reached your room, you and alexia began unpacking. you quickly finished putting everything into the closet and were now looking for something to change into. as you were sorting through the clothes, you felt alexia's arms wrap around you from behind, pressing close. “you're so warm.”, she breathed into your neck, making you shiver. “are you still cold?”, you asked, turning around and putting your arms around her shoulders. she hummed, her eyes falling to your lips and leaning in. “you said you'd keep me warm.”, alexia whispered against your lips before closing the gap and kissing you deeply.
you melted into her embrace, the kiss chasing away any lingering cold. as she pulled away, you remained with your eyes closed, a contented smile on your lips. she smirked, resting her forehead against yours as she admired the flush of warmth on your face. “thank you for warming me up, mi amor.”, she said softly, her voice full of affection. you spent a few more moments in her embrace before reluctantly letting go of her and turning back toward the closet.
you pulled out a sweater and joggers to give to alexia. for yourself, you chose one of alexia's hoodies and a pair of your sweatpants.
after getting changed, you made your way back downstairs into the living room. as you entered, you noticed your sister had joined the rest of the family on the couch. when she saw the two of you, lucy immediately hurried over to the both of you, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“hello, little sis! oh, i missed you.”, she said, peppering your face in kisses. “luce, stop!”, you exclaimed, trying to push her away from you. she looked at you with an offended look. “you know, when you were little, you liked that.” you just rolled your eyes, finally getting out of your sister's grasp. unbothered, she turned to alexia, hugging her tightly. “ale, it's good to see you again. toby hasn't stopped talking about you.”, lucy told your girlfriend, laughing softly. “he wanted to stay up until you arrived, but he fell asleep. he's so excited to see you tomorrow.”
alexia blushed, the color creeping up her cheeks as she smiled softly. “i'm excited to see him, too.”
lucy grabbed your hands and pulled you over to sit on the couch. grabbing a blanket, you draped it over both your and alexia's laps, cuddling close to her.
with everyone settled, you easily fell into conversation, catching up and enjoying the evening together. soon, the conversation shifted to plans for the next day. joseph leaned forward with a grin. “tomorrow should be quite sunny - no snow and not too much wind. so, how about skiing?”
you immediately nodded in agreement, as did your dad. “sounds like a plan.”, you said eagerly.
your mom and sister exchanged a look, shaking their heads with a smile. “we'll pass on skiing.”, lucy said, “but we might head into town instead, maybe do some shopping.”
not having said anything yet, you turned to alexia, asking, “what about you? want to join us on the slopes?”
alexia hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “of course.”, she said trying to sound confident. her mind ran a mile a minute. ‘oh god’, she thought, ‘this will not end well.’ you were unaware of her inner turmoil and just smiled excitedly at her, squeezing her knee.
turning to your mom, you asked, “we still have extra gear in the basement, right?” your mom smiled warmly at you and nodded. “yes, of course. tomorrow, you can look for something that fits.”
with the plans settled, you all decided to head to bed. climbing up the stairs, joseph said, “let's head out around 8, that okay for everyone?” you and your father nodded in agreement. saying your goodnights, you parted and went into your rooms.
after quickly getting ready for bed and setting an alarm for tomorrow, you slipped under the covers, waiting for alexia to finish up in the bathroom. a moment later, you felt the bed dip behind you as alexia joined you in bed. she wrapped her arm around your waist and pulled you close to her, leaving a gentle kiss on the nape of your neck.
“good night, mi amor.”, she whispered. “good night.”, you replied, her gentle breath against your skin and the warmth of alexia’s embrace quickly lulling you into sleep.
the next morning, alexia stirred awake, the early morning light just barely peeking through the curtains. she reached for her phone on the nightstand and saw it was only 6 - half an hour before the alarm. turning her head, she glanced at you, still fast asleep beside her. a soft smile spread across her face as she watched you, your features relaxed and peaceful. she couldn't help but think of how adorable you looked, curled up beneath the blanket.
unable to resist, alexia leaned in and began peppering your face with kisses - forehead, cheeks, nose - until you stirred slightly, blinking your eyes open in confusion.
“what time is it?”, you mumbled, still half asleep.
“it's six.”, she whispered, brushing a loose strand of her from your face. groaning, you looked up at the ceiling, muttering something about it being too early.
your girlfriend chuckled softly, rolling on top of you and nuzzling into your neck. her lips found your skin again, kissing your neck softly, sending shivers down your spine. “come on, cariño.”, she murmured between kisses. “it's time to wake up.”
you let out a sleepy sigh as she moved up to your lips, pressing a kiss there. now, more awake, you blinked up at her, half-smiling. “i haven’t brushed my teeth, yet.”
alexia grinned, eyes sparkling as she leaned in again. “i don't care.”, she whispered against your lips. with a small laugh, you gave in, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her closer.
after that early wake-up, the two of you spent the next half hour nestled under the covers, enjoying the warmth and quiet before the day began. when the alarm went off, you reached over to silence it, letting out a groggy sigh as you sat up and stretched, trying to shake the last bits of sleep from your body.
meanwhile, alexia got out of bed and padded across the room toward the bathroom. you watched her disappear behind the door, the sound of running water soon filling the silence. with a yawn, you pushed yourself up and walked over to the window, pulling the curtains open to let in the early morning light. looking out the window, you saw the snow glistening under the soft glow of the rising sun.
stretching once more, you made your way toward the bathroom to join alexia, both of you getting ready to head down for breakfast.
as you made your way downstairs, the smell of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee greeted you. walking into the kitchen, you saw your mother stood at the stove, flipping pancakes, while the others were sitting around the table, eating breakfast and chatting.
“good morning.”, you and alexia greeted everyone.
toby, who was halfway through his breakfast looked up and his eyes lit up instantly when he saw your girlfriend. he let out a high-pitched squeal and jumped up from his seat. “tia ale! i missed you sooo much!”, he shouted, running over and leaping into her arms. alexia caught him effortlessly, her face breaking out into a bright smile as she hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his cheek. “i missed you, too.”, she told him.
you stood there watching them, a soft smile creeping onto your face. “not even a hello for me, huh?”, you teased, though the sight of alexia and toby warmed your heart. your nephew glanced at you, resting his head on your girlfriend’s shoulder. “hello, auntie.”
suddenly, you felt small arms wrap around you. turning around, you saw jacob, his face beaming up at you. “good morning, auntie. i missed you.”
you laughed softly, ruffling his hair and hugging him back. “at least someone still likes me.”, you joked, pressing a kiss on the top of his head. soon, jacob let go of you and went back to breakfast.
with toby still in her arms, alexia made her way to the table. your eyes fell to her toned arms, admiring the way her muscles flexed as she carried your nephew. the sound of your mother calling your name brought you out of your thoughts. “honey, come get your pancakes.” you walked over to her and took the two plates she held in her hands, thanking her with a kiss to the cheek.
meanwhile, alexia sat toby down in front of his breakfast before taking the seat beside him. in between bites, he excitedly told her everything about his latest football practice.
with the two plates in hand, you walked over to your girlfriend, setting one down in front of her. she glanced up, her eyes soft as she quietly thanked you. you smiled in return, placing your own plate on the table and sitting beside her. as soon as you settled into the chair, alexia's hand found its familiar spot on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. then, she grabbed the coffee pot and poured two cups of coffee, handing one of the cups to you, her fingers brushing yours briefly.
as the two of you dug into breakfast, alexia's attention shifted back to toby. the boy was still talking animatedly, his words spilling out in a rush as he continued recounting his practice. alexia nodded along, her face lighting up at his excitement, while you glanced over at them every so often.
after finishing breakfast, you put the plates in the dishwasher and headed upstairs into your room to get ready.
the both of you changed into warm leggings and a long shirt. you then pulled out a ski jacket and ski pants for alexia, turning around and handing them to her with a smile. “these should fit you.” she accepted them with a smile and began changing.
moving back to the closet, you grabbed your own ski gear and changed quickly. you also pulled out a pair of gloves, tucking them into your pocket, then turned to see alexia doing the same.
“ready?”, you asked, a small smile on your lips.
“sì.”, she replied, walking over to the door and holding it open for you. “lead the way.”
as you walked past her, you placed a quick kiss on her cheek. she smiled and followed you down to the basement.
you flicked on the lights, revealing an array of ski gear. first, you headed toward the helmets, scanning through them before taking one out. “try this one.”, you said, handing it to her.
after putting it on, she said, “it fits.” you couldn't help but chuckle as you took in the sight of her, looking both endearing and slightly awkward in the bulky gear.
“why are you laughing?”, alexia asked, shooting you an offended look.
“it's just…you look adorable.”, you replied with a grin.
alexia frowned. “i'm not adorable.”, she said, trying to sound serious but failing to hide the smile on her lips.
you laughed. “ok, not adorable. but pretty cute.”
she shook her head with a smile. “don't we need to…?” she trailed off, gesturing toward the ski boots.
“oh, right!”, you said, moving toward the boots.
you sifted through the various sizes until you found a pair that seemed right. pulling them out, you handed them to alexia. “try these on.”
your girlfriend sat down on the bench along the wall and began to put on the boots. she struggled a little, her movements clumsy. but finally, she managed to get both of them on. “stand up.”, you instructed as she looked up at you.
she wobbled a little, but quickly caught herself, giving you a thumbs-up with a dorky smile on her face. “they fit, too.”
you smiled at her adorableness. “great.”, you said, giving her a pat on the back. as alexia continued to walk around a little, getting used to the boots, you quickly slipped into your own, followed by your helmet.
once you were ready, you grabbed your girlfriend's skis and ski poles, turning around to see her now sitting on the bench, watching you. giving her a smile, you approached her and said, “here are your skis and poles. i'm going to grab mine and then we can go and put everything into the van.”
alexia nodded and took the ski gear. after you retrieved your own, you made your way outside. your dad was already at the trunk, loading the equipment. as you approached, he looked up and said, “just put your stuff here. i'll load it in.”
with a quick thank you, you and alexia set all your gear down and walked back to the chalet. your mother was standing by the door, chatting with joseph and jacob. when you saw jacob in his ski gear, you ruffled his hair.
“you joining us, bud?”, you asked with a smile.
jacob's face lit up with an excited grin as he nodded vigorously. “yeah!”
after saying bye to your mother, the four of of you walked back to the van. your father had already finished putting everything into the back and was now sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for you.
with everyone in the car and buckled up, he started the engine and began the drive to the ski lift. the conversation flowed easily, filled with jokes and excited chatter about today. but as the slopes came into view, you noticed alexia growing quieter, her gaze fixed on the towering mountains outside the window.
when you arrived at the lift station, everyone piled out of the van, your dad and joseph heading to the back to grab the gear. you and alexia joined them, getting your skis and poles.
as alexia stood by the car and looked at the mountain, her heart started racing. it loomed over her, and the reality of what she was about to face hit her like a wave. she clutched her poles tightly, trying to keep her anxiety at bay.
when you offered to grab everyone's passes, alexia quietly followed you. she walked alongside you, her mind racing. every step closer to the ticket booth made her stomach churn more. the mountain seemed to get bigger, steeper, more intimidating with every glance.
while you bought the tickets, your girlfriend's eyes darted nervously around. she watched people clipping into their skis, moving effortlessly across the snow. she couldn't back out now, could she?
when you came back over, you handed her the ticket with a smile. you looked at her and could immediately see the fear in her eyes.
“what's wrong?”, you asked her, your voice concerned.
alexia immediately looked down, face burning with embarrassment. “nothing.”, she muttered, hoping that would be enough, but she knew it wouldn't.
“alexia.”, you said, your tone more serious this time, urging her to talk.
she swallowed hard, feeling the knot in her chest tighten. it took everything in her to finally look up at you, her voice barely above a whisper as she confessed, “i don't really know how to ski.”
the words hung in the air between you and as she looked at you, the shock was clear on your face.
you hadn't asked her, and she hadn't told you. now here you were, standing at the base of a mountain she didn't know how to conquer.
“why didn't you tell me?”, you asked softly.
she couldn't explain it. maybe it was pride, maybe it was fear. she shrugged. “i don't know.”, she said, frustration creeping into her voice.
you didn't push, but the question still lingered in the air. “then…why did you agree to come today?”
“i don't know.”, she repeated.
you sighed softly, trying to think of ways to help your girlfriend. “it's okay. i can drive you back if you want. you don't have to do this.”
no. she couldn't leave, not after coming this far. alexia wanted to be with you, wanted to experience this trip with you. no matter how scared she was, leaving wasn't an option. “no, i'll stay.”
you looked at her carefully, stepping closer to her and placing your hand on her shoulder. “are you sure?”, you asked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t pushing herself just for your sake.
“yes.”, alexia said, trying to sound more confident. “i want to stay.”
you nodded, your expression softening and squeezing her hand. “okay, but we'll go on our own.”
you looked over alexia's shoulder, seeing the others approaching. when they reached you, you reluctantly stepped away from your girlfriend to give them their ski passes.
“so, where should we go first?”, joe asked, looking over toward the lifts.
you glanced over at alexia, then spoke, “actually, would it be okay if alexia and i went alone? i think we'll take it easy today. you go and have your fun.”
joe and your dad nodded in agreement. albeit your brother-in-law couldn't help but tease you. “want to spend time alone with your girlfriend, i see.” you just rolled your eyes at him, making him chuckle. “no, but really, it’s okay.”, he said. “we'll meet back here at noon?”
after you agreed, the three of them made their way toward the lifts while you stayed behind with alexia. she took a deep breath as you turned to her with a reassuring smile.
“we'll take it slow.”, you said softly. “just you and me.”
looking away from your girlfriend and over to the slopes, you said, “let's head to the children's area. it's the easiest place to learn.”
alexia immediately frowned. “i'm not a kid.”
you chuckled and glanced back at her. “i know that. but we need to start somewhere.” with that, you led her toward a small hill, where the slope was really flat. your girlfriend followed behind you, grumbling under her breath.
when you reached the slope, you turned to her. “alright, put your skis down.”
alexia did as you instructed. you then demonstrated how to clip into the skis, encouraging her to do the same. she managed that without any trouble. “good job. ready for more?”, you asked while adjusting her poles to the right size.
she huffed. “sì, but i'm still not a kid.”
“noted.”, you replied with a grin. “okay, so…when you're skiing, you have to bend your knees slightly for stability. like this.” you showed her, flexing your knees.
she mimicked you, bending her knees awkwardly. “this feels really weird.”
“i know, but you'll get used to it.”, you reassured her. “and now, push with the poles and try to stay upright.”
alexia began to push off, wobbling slightly on the skis. “whoa.”, she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she began to move.
after a few more pushes, your girlfriend became more comfortable. as she looked back to you, you smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. “you're doing great.”
skiing after her, you said, “ now we'll try the plough. it's the simplest way to slow down. you just have to make a v-shape with your skis.” you demonstrated, going up a small incline and slowly coming back down. “just like that.”
alexia watched you, her brows furrowed in concentration. “ok.”, she said, determined, trying to copy your movements and gingerly making her way down the slope.
when she reached you, she looked at you with an excited smile. “i did it.”
you grinned back at her. “you did! great job.”
agter she tried it a few more times and became more comfortable, you gestured toward the carpet lift. “come on, we'll take the lift and ski down from further up.”
when you reached the top, your girlfriend's nerves returned. she stared down at the hill, which looked much steeper than before. “i can't do it.”, she muttered, shaking her head.
“you can.”, you said, moving in front of her. “i'll ski ahead. you just have to follow, okay?”
alexia looked unsure, but gave you a nod. “okay.”
you began to ski down, stopping after a few turns and turning back, checking on her. “don't forget to bend your knees.”, you reminded her as your girlfriend pushed forward.
when alexia started to move, the nerves got the better of her. she leaned back instead of forward, making it hard to control the skis. losing balance, she let out a scream and toppled forward, landing on the snow with a grunt.
you had to suppress a laugh as you moved toward her. she sat up, glaring at you as you fought to hold in your amusement. “are you laughing?”
“no.”, you denied, trying to school your features, as you extended your hands toward her. “come on, i'll help you get back up.”
alexia groaned, clearly frustrated, but allowed you to help her stand. after she brushed off the snow from her clothes, you set off down the slope again and this time, your girlfriend was able to stay on the skis. you skied beside her, encouraging her, and soon you were safely back at the bottom.
looking at alexia with a proud smile on your face, you said, “you did really good.” your girlfriend blushed at your words, smiling shyly. “thank you.”
time flew by as you skied down the hill again and again and again. with each run, alexia grew more confident.
when you took a break, you smiled up at her. “you're doing really great. i'm really proud of you.” alexia smiled back, clearly proud of her progress. “maybe skiing isn't so bad. it's quite fun, actually.”, she told you, making you smile even wider.
when you glanced at your phone, you noticed it was nearly noon. turning to your girlfriend, you said, “i think whe sould head back. it's nearly 12:00.”
alexia looked up in surprise. “already?”, she said, glancing around. you nodded, “yeah, it didn't really feel that long.”
you got out of your skis and headed toward the van. the others were already there, loading up their gear. after you and alexia put your own gear in the trunk and with everyone in the car, you began the journey back to the chalet.
as you were driving, you asked the others, “so, what did you three get up to?” the car filled with lively chatter as they told you about everything they did.
when they turned the question to you and your girlfriend, you glanced at alexia, smiling and relaxed.
“eventful.”, you replied with a grin, your eyes meeting hers.
i've got a few more ideas for this fic. let me know if you'd like to see more :)
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zoropookie · 23 days
♡ chapter one — spork (🍎)
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There was no lie as prominent, and obviously desperate, as yours. You were waiting up.
You sat on the edge of the steps that led up to your house, enjoying the cool breeze of the trees that gave you the benison. Your knees were drawn to your chest, reminiscing all of your retentiveness with this home. The home you couldn’t even part with when you were on tour for a streamer’s comedy shows with Hu Tao. You wrapped yourself loosely around your knees as if you were trying to hold something together. The quiet sunlight sinking into the community of homes in front of you.
It bathed the silent street in a fuzzy and soft, amber glow, but its warmth became eternally distant from you. You weren’t able to reach the sun enough to ebb the chilly ache nestling in your chest. Your eyes dull, fixed on the empty road ahead, awaiting patiently for at least the feeling that his presence was there.
You replayed the entire conversation — at wits end with yourself, you squeezed your eyes shut and put your head in your hands. Was it really for validation?
Your thoughts mixed with fragments of what the two of you said to each other, sharp words and sentences that didn’t dare to go further for the sake of their relationship. You didn’t care much anymore, the hollow bitterness overshadowing any remnants of anger you felt.
Dusk deepened and the sky meshed with its former and a bistered violet. It was coming on hours of you sitting in the same spot as you were, adamant with the complacency. You let out a shaky breath, the chill of the air enveloping on your breath and skin. Your fingers pressed softly into your knees, ruminating in the coolness of the air seep deeper. There was still that tightness in your chest from when you started, so stay here didn't really do much.
Was he even coming?
A slow crunch of the gravel called for your thoughts to halt, snapping your head up towards the familiar vehicle swinging into the driveway. Kuni got out of the car, walking towards the trunk and opening it to reveal Shimi...and a basket of sweets.
Your eyebrows furrowed, scoping the scene in confusion and he hesitated once he looked at you as well. Like he wasn't sure if he should come closer than where he was, and then made the decision. His face was never readable in situations like these, but where his face fails him, his body doesn't. There was mild tension in his shoulders.
"Um," You cleared your throat, speaking for the first time in a while. "I figured that you wouldn't have the key, so I ended up waiting for you. Not that long! Not that long. Just like, 10 minutes."
He sized you up, eyebrows raising in mild amusement. "Okay." He said, his voice low. "Am I still allowed in?"
"Depends on if we keep our conversation going or not," Your voice was tight, stammering on every sentence your mind sputters. "I would much rather find significant joy in...other conversation, but if you're still pissed off, ya know, I can match energy—"
It wasn't talking to him that was the problem right now, it was the fact that he was staring at you. Staring for a long while as you tripped over words. His expression that was once hardened was now loosening with a lazy smile, less tense than before. It was hard to stay angry at you, and it was hard for you to stay angry when he was standing there, with Shimi purring and nuzzling his head onto your boyfriend's clothes.
"I wasn't mad," He said after closing the distance between the two of you, his voice quiet and fragile. "Not at you. Not like that."
He set the basket down next to him, his eyes never prying away from yours. Kuni looked guarded, but as that unraveled, he looked at you like it would kill him to turn away. Your heart clenched firmly once you were able to say anything else, he leaned in and touched his lips with yours, his hand seeking its way to your cheek and brushing his ringed thumb featherlight. It was gentle at first, provisional, like both of you were kind of afraid of crossing each other's boundaries.
The difference of the cool evening air and your entire face warming up was stark. You didn't move, anyway, and only melted more into his touches once his free hand met with the small of your back. Breath mixing in with yours in the space, his kiss deepened tangibly, slow and deliberate and pouring everything he left unsaid into it. He let out a sigh against your lips once he pulled away, staying in the close proximity for a little longer.
"You're cold." He whispered.
"I was out here longer than ten minutes." You whispered back after getting your mojo back, the both of your cracking a smile once you end up jutting out a snicker.
"I figured."
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prev ♡ masterlist ♡ next
YOU WERE under scrutiny of the one and only justsofamous for years and years before finding out who he is. constantly having to question your self-worth was a bigger downhill slope than the time you were begging your friends, crying and pleading, for them to go to a concert with you of an artist they all hated except you. but now that you're pretty much going through the motions of retracing your self esteem and your (extremely ironic) relationship with this guy who harassed you and then picked enough apples to win your heart, you started to consider moving in with him after he offered it enough times. only that, once you actually did...things started falling apart again for the two of you.
taglist ♡ @eutopiastar @je11ykat @danhenglovebot @sketcheeee @justpeachyteastea
@auroratumbles @whoooismkeee @lightyagamifan @justkira-143 @kinvasions
@xionri @alatusorrow @littlesliceofcheese @mostlymoth @mercy-not-merci
@scaraenthusiast1 @kunikuzushiit @elizshade @simpingismygame @suniika
@trulyylee @slu7 @bananasquash @kazumiku @hwngti
@lalalaloveallmydays @adepticiaoo @practicoi @sayakaskokofish @rvoulte
@cclxvd @featuredtofu @kookiibun @meigalaxy @kuromixheartzzz
@dxrling-xing @pwushizz @skyoverkill1 @animeobsessed56 @kissingkzuha
@kyon-cherri @sunphish @liuaneee @ilyuan @fleeting3ssance
@mtndewbajablasted @st4r4ngel @lovelypadisarah @jayzioxx @kwnikuzushi
@tiredslepz @mellowberrie @ririkamomobamiswife @ulqiorraswife
@keiiqq @scarawiki @musings-of-miss-j @kidsnipe @levianamor
@marivaudages @mywillt0live @lxkeeeee @illu-fu @heusalettle
@vaxmpi @kamiboo @franaby @ashveil @anqelkoz
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Happy birthday - Jude Bellingham x reader
Summary: through the years, Jude (a famous football player) and Maia (a famous tik toker) always wish each other a happy birthday on social media A/N: my first smau in honor of jude's birthday! Reader's name is Maia. Also, I wanted to do a little "crossover" with the TikTok world because I'm just missing old days. English is not my first language, sorry if there are grammar mistakes!!!
Inspo: @i-care-4u
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liked by itsmemaia, jobebellingham and 100.300 others
judebellingham happy birthday dear Mama! You are already one step away from 18! But today you turn 17, you are not old yet…. I want to thank you for all the advice you have given me. And I promise you that in the future we will live in Madrid!
view all 300 comments
itsmemaia thanks juju, you will always be my best friend!! (did you have to post these pics?)
judebellingham itsmemaia sorry mama. I don't have good pictures of you
itsmemaia judebellingham i hate you
jobebellingham lil sisssss
judebellingham jobebellingham she's my lil sis not yours
user1 isn't that the new TikTok girl?
user4 user1 yeah! she met charli a week ago
user2 Jude's prime is going to be released because of this girl. Save this comment
user3 is Jude's girlfriend?
user5 she's the new girl on the hype house
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, charlidamelio and 87.909 others
itsmemaia Happy Birthday Juju!!!! I hope that we can celebrate many more birthdays together. I still remember the first day we met, from that day I knew that we would be ass and shit as our parents say.
view all 250 comments
judebellingham thank you little one! I'm obviously the ass, and you're the little shit
itsmemaia judebellingham no, you're the shit
jobebellingham that hair.....
judebellingham jobebellingham shut up Jobe
user1 we love jude
user2 friendship goals
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liked by itsmemaia, erlinghaaland, gioreyna and 150.00 others
judebellingham Mama, one more year by your side, your long-awaited 18th, I know how much it means to have me by your side although this year it couldn't be, but I swear that I will repay you when I return home. You are the best friend a person could ask for! And yeah, I continue to keep my promise to live in Madrid in the future, but there is someone (and I won't say who) who has moved to Los Angeles, and we are further away.
view all 600 comments
itsmemaia juju, you're the most important person in my world, thank you for always being by my side. You know I love Dortmund ;)
judebellingham itsmemaia i'm not going to pay you a trip to come see me in Dortmund, you can pay it with your TikTok money
itsmemaia judebellingham fine, I'll stay with Jobe, he's nicer
jobebellingham itsmemaia thank you!
erlinghaaland gioreyna ready for our birthday post on jude's instagram?
gioreyna erlinghaaland yessss
judebellingham gioreyna erlinghaaland i only do this with her, I don't even do it to my brother
jobebellingham judebellingham true :(
user1 is she the hype house girl?
user2 happy birthday Maia!!! (only the true fans know her)
user3 I wish they could be a couple, they're so cute!!!
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liked by judebellingham, erlinghaaland, vinniehacker and 500.000 others
itsmemaia Juju, even though we are far away, I hope your 18th birthday is the best of all. You are the best friend one can have, and I want to be by your side in every achievement you make. I am so happy to know that you are in a wonderful club. I love you, Juju.
view all 700 comments
judebellingham I'm glad that I have you by my side Mama, I love you too. Remember that we'll we always in each other's paths no matter what.
itsmemaia judebellingham that means that i can meet Reus? :)
judebellingham itsmemaia no ;)
larray is he your boyfriend?
itsmemaia larray NO. STOP
larray itsmemaia shut up, you love him
petroutv I think I already know what the next video will be about….. spoiler: your room full of photos of Jude
itsmemaia petroutv DON'T DO IT
user1 i love the fact that they always congratulate each other on their birthday
user2 i hope they date
user3 user2 no, i think she's with vinnie hacker
user4 i want a friendship like this :(
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liked by itsmemaia, erlinghaaland, vinniehacker and 800.000 others
judebellingham congratulations to the girl who has been putting up with me for so long, I sincerely hope you are happy doing what you do, I am very proud of what you have achieved in such a short time. I just hope you don't forget me, even though we are thousands and thousands of kilometers away. I love you Mama (yeah, the promise of going to Madrid is still there)
view all 2.654 comments
itsmemaia Juju, i love you. You're my favorite person ever <33
user1 i'm glad she left the hype house
user2 these two are going to marry
user3 happy birthday maia!!! all Jude fans love you!
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, charlidamelio and 977.900 others
itsmemaia Dear Jude, there are no words in this post to thank you for everything you have put up with and loved me. You are the best person I have in my life and I swear that our dream of going to Madrid will come true because you are a very hard-working boy and I know that you will achieve everything you set your mind to.
view all 2.040 comments
judebellingham the best person ever! i miss you Maia!
user1 i swear to god if these two don't start dating i will die
user2 i love how they support each other
user3 next WAG?
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liked by itsmemaia, vinijr, erlinghaaland and 4.000.000 others
judebellingham Dear Maia, congratulations, you don't know how happy I am to know that I can celebrate another year of your life by my side. I hope you liked the flowers! And I can't wait for you to see some excellent news in the next few weeks.
view all 10.090 comments
itsmemaia the flowers were beautiful Judie, thank you, you're the best! And as always, you will tell me the news the night before…
judebellingham itsmemaia hehe
jobebellingham sister-in-law?
judebellingham jobebellingham shut up!
user1 please tell me that you're both moving to Madrid
user2 everyone loves their friendship
user3 he's so in love. i can tell
user4 WAG?
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liked by judebellingham, vinijr, charlidamelio and 2.903.000 others
itsmemaia Dear Jude, I cannot express in words everything I feel for you, you are the best friend I can have, and I hope that in all possible universes our paths will always meet. I'm so proud of you, Judie.
view all 3.000 comments
judebellingham you have always been there for me, thank you for everything Maia
itsmemaia larray don't
jobebellingham lil sis-in-law
itsmemaia jobebellingham what?...
judebellingham jobebellingham itsmemaia jobe i swear to god
user1 they're definitely moving together
user2 new WAG at Real Madrid
user3 this is their annual custom
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liked by itsmemaia, vinijr, realmadrid and 8.000.450 others
judebellingham Maia, you're the love of my life, since we were kids I knew that one day we would be together, it has always been you, no one else makes me feel what you make me feel, happy 21 my love I hope we spend our whole lives celebrating our birthdays next to each other. Above all, I am happy to know that I kept my promise to go to Madrid, together, with the club and the woman of my life.
view all 200.030 comments
itsmemaia I love you in every universe Judie.
vinijr vamoooos hermano
realmadrid our golden boy with his biggest trophy
jobebellingham it took you years
user1 I KNEW IT
user4 ugh
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liked by judebellingham, minabonino, mishelgerzig and 7.980.098 others
itsmemaia my champion, your first champions and la liga in the club of our lives, I swear that I have no more pride in my body to see you fulfill all your dreams. I love you, Jude Bellingham, I love you so much it hurts. Our next promise is to stay together until death separates us.
view all 199.890 comments
judebellingham I promise you Maia, forever the ass and the shit
minabonino que lindo Maia!
realmadrid new wag on the ship! welcome, Maia!
user1 In the end, they kept the promise
user2 they're so cute
user3 take him to the moon for us
153 notes · View notes
sc0tters · 6 months
Guest Room | Trevor Zegras
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summary: sometimes all you need is a trip away to an old friend.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, oral (m receiving), use of a sex toy, swearing.
word count: 4.62k
authors note: this is acc for a Trevor I have never written for in pre ducks debut so this takes place in 2021! I wanted to change things up for our f1 x hockey playlist so here we have one who is a rookie! I think it should be a given by now but we need to thank @sweetestdesire for letting me pick her Trevor smut brain to help write this one out!
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You needed a break. 
Life had been on this weird high after you won the Formula Two championship and were now moving up into the McLaren F1 team as a reserve driver. You hated how out of place you felt yet that somehow you still hadn’t done enough to be where you deserved to be. 
You had settled into your apartment in London now and after spending Christmas with your family you got an offer you couldn’t resist. Trevor had just returned home from the World Junior Championships and he was in need of some company in his apartment. He was back in San Diego awaiting his debut for the Gulls but that didn’t matter for him as he craved seeing the one person who was ready to be honest with him. You craved that attention too as you were at your wits end with everyone in your parents lives wanting to know about your career “you stay safe okay?” Ellen sighed as she pulled you into her arms. 
It made Jim smile as you rolled your eyes “Z might be irresponsible but at least you know who killed me if I go missing.” You joked seeing your mom grow unimpressed “you should get going before you are late kid.” Jim pointed out as he kissed your head before he ushered you off. 
Even as you went off in the world before each race your parents were watching as you left to the airport. Hockey fans were all around with most in redwings gear, making your bluejays cap blend you in as though you were meant to be a mere fly on the wall. You watched your brothers do well in both Vancouver and New Jersey when they seemed to have everything under control like they knew what they were doing was right for them. 
You used to love racing, it was your everything. But spending a season forcing every free moment you had into training only to be beaten to a seat, it killed you. It threw this spanner into the works that fried your brain leaving you unsure about everything as you lacked the simple clarity that was once your comfort. 
That was part of the reason you couldn’t say no to joining Trevor. He might have always been Jacks friend first but that boy knew how to react to whatever it was you seemed to feel. So in that moment you just needed someone to be honest with you. 
San Diego was warmer than Michigan as you were now getting ready to discard your coat as there was no snow in sight“speedy!” As ironic as your nickname was, Trevor didn’t give it to your for your speed on a track in your car. He gave it to you because he has never seen someone run away from a group of teenager boys after a work out as fast as you do. 
You whipped your head around with a soft smile on your face as you locked eyes with the older boy “it’s good to see you.” He mumbled pushing himself off of his car as he made his way over to you “wish I could say the same mr MVP.” You teased barely being able to contain your smile as you let out a laugh at the feeling of his arms around you. 
It was one place that you always seemed to feel comfortable no matter where you two were “don’t start with me ms world champion.” It didn’t take him long to see that is joke didn’t land in the way that he wanted it to “think you’ve been on a long flight.” He announced taking your suitcase from behind you letting his one arm stay wrapped around your waist. 
Being back around him already was having an impact on you as you felt like you were melting into his touch “thank you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, one you swore he couldn’t hear. But instead he smiled as he nodded opting to keep his newfound joy to himself. 
In all honesty you were surprised when you saw his apartment, the ride to the building was just enough time that you were both able to catch up on life. But now you were stood in an apartment that had not one but two properly decorated rooms “when did you decide to get a bed?” You cocked your head remembering to the time where he had only an air mattress on the floor for weeks.
It made him pull his eyes into a sharp line “ha ha very funny.” He placed his keys in the bowl before his eyes shot to the grey couch in front of him “but my mom came and decorated the place.” His confession made your lips form into an o shape.
You clasped your hands together “I knew it!” A laugh left your lips as you were happy to hear that you were right “yes now would you like to come sit and tell me why you picked San Diego over New Jersey?” Jack had let it slip to Trevor how irritated he was that you didn’t want to see your brother but instead his best friend. 
Trevor tapped the cushion next to him motioning to you to join him on the couch “I needed to get away.” You confessed as you shrugged “Jack means well but he thinks reserve is such a great position for me.” Your scoff wasn’t missed as you shook your head. 
The boy felt bad as he knew your brother hadn’t shut up about your achievements “you deserve to be on a team.” Trevor disagreed with your opinion “and I will always let you come back here to avoid your brothers.” His words made you smile. 
He watched you pull your feet on the cushion “be careful because soon you won’t get rid of me.” You joked as you let out a giggle “hey at least you know how to cook.” Trevor shrugged making you scoff. 
You threw the pillow behind you at him resulting in his laugh echoing off of the walls of his apartment “I would not cook for you!” You shook your head “you wouldn’t have to do it every day.” The boy countered as he smiled. 
The two of you got the chance to just sit there in this peaceful silence “but on a real note could you cook tomorrow night?” He began as he scratched the back of his head “I have practice late and I don’t think either of us can be doing restaurants two nights in a row.” He explained as your stomach growled on cue “you want dinner now?” Trevor teased as he smiled running his fingers over your knee.
You wanted to act like you were but as the last thing you had was the cut up fruit you had for breakfast and the overpriced bottle of water from the airport “let me get dressed.” You were in dire need of a proper change out of your winter clothing for the warmer weather that the west coast sported “and y/n.” Trevor called out as he watched you walk to the guest bedrooms door. 
You cocked your head as you nodded “I’m glad that you’re here.” His confession was so sweet that if any of the other boys heard him, Trevor would have been chirped at forever “me too.” You smiled ad you walked into the guest bedroom letting the door shut behind you. 
When Trevor left for practice you found yourself at a mall. The boy said he was going to be gone for hours with a game prep session right after which gave you both ample time to shop for groceries and window shop. Part of you had been left irritated as there was a new headline that again called into question your abilities as a driver if all you were getting was a reserve role. 
It was just another tap at your sanity that was only left feeling worse after last night. You had woken up in the middle of the night needing a glass of water when you heard Trevor. He clearly had a video open of some sort as you could hear both foreign female and male voices. But what got to you about it was that it was porn. 
Trevor let whimpers and moans fall from his lips that were enough to make you squirm as you had been feeling sexual frustrated. The last time you had sex was well over six months ago and your fingers and brush handle could only do so much for you and it wasn’t enough. 
So when you walked by Lotions and Lace it was as though your thoughts had been answered. You had never made the jump to sex toys before but with your only other current option being your brother’s best friend it seemed like the better of the two. Your eyes settled on the first vibrator you found as it was hot pink and on some massive display case. 
Before you knew it you were back at his place with dinner in the oven as you stared at the bag in front of you. The box that held the vibrator peeked out from the corner, with some over exaggerated message about pleasure on it that made your cheeks grow warm.
Your foot tapped against the floor as you looked to your watch and then back to the box, before your eyes settled on the door to Trevor’s room. He had shut it before he left but you could still hear the faint moans from last night as you let your hand form a fist as your thighs pressed against each other “fuck it.” You grumbled grabbing the bag from the table as you headed to your own room. 
You didn’t bother with shutting the door behind you. Since you could feel the wet patch forming on your panties, and you swore you were going to have at least twenty minutes before Trevor came home. Your leggings were stripped from your legs as you pulled your panties down with them making sure to kick both items of clothing away. 
The buzzing noise echoed in your ears as you trailed the head of the vibrator over your clit as your thighs spread “fuck.” You whimpered feeling your thighs begin to squirm. 
The picture of Trevor’s moans played in your mind as you caught your lower lip between your teeth. Your eyes screwed shut as you began to tease yourself enjoying the feeling of pleasure that you hadn’t felt in years “please Z.” The whimper fell for your lips as you began to picture him on top of you. 
Trevor smiled as he walked back into the apartment as the smell of chicken in the oven invaded his nostrils “y’know the offer to come live as my chef is still on the table.” He joked thinking you were sat in the living room “god.” You moaned feeling your eyes roll back into your head. 
It was enough to make the boy freeze as he realised what was going on. He felt wrong letting his eyes trail to your room but somehow he couldn’t find a way to stop himself. Your moans echoed in his ears and as his cock grew harder in his shorts. 
He let his bag drop to the floor as he cleared his throat “I’m so close Z.” The whimper made him walk closer to your room as he wondered if he heard you right “feel so good Trev.” Now he knew you were talking about him. 
The boy took more steps to your door until he finally let his eyes stick in the opening of the door. You were a heavenly sight as you were in a strappy top and nothing on your bottom half was bare as you continued to tease your clit with your new toy. 
Trevor couldn’t help but grunt as you moaned letting your body squirm against the sheets. The sudden noise made your eyes shoot open to the door where the boy stood “hey pretty girl.” You continued what you were doing as you watched him stare at you. 
He smirked watching your free hand travel up to your breast “need more.” You moaned again starting to feel like you were getting close “you think I’d just let you get to come that fast?” Trevor sucked at his teeth as he crossed his arms. 
Your face dropped as he laughed “c’mon you’d have to beg if you want anything more.” The boy explained walking closer to you “want you to make me feel so full.” You begged feeling tears form in your eyes as he smirked.
The boy stood his ground “so is that why you decided to act like a little slut and fuck yourself on my guest bed?” His words made your cheeks turn red as you nodded “needed it so bad.” You confessed as you watched him hover over you. 
His hand dropped to yours as he helped control your hand wanting to get you to come “be a good girl and let go then.” He took control of your vibrator as he tilted it closer to your clit “fuck!” You groaned arching your back as you drove your hips closer to the toy.
Trevor watched in awe as pleasure shot through you reached the high “god right there!” You whimpered feeling your thighs shake as they began to clamp together. 
He didn’t let it stop as he watched he’d you continue to fuck yourself through your orgasm “please Z enough.” You shook your head trying to pull away from him “you think you have been a good girl?” He asked seeing tears stream down your cheeks from the overstimulation as your cunt burned.
As you stayed quiet the boy finally listened pulling it away from you “holy shit.” Your chest heaved as you pushed your hands through your hair “you still with me pretty girl?” Trevor toyed the toy off as he helped you sit up straight “felt so good.” Your confession was quiet as you stared at the ground. 
It made him smile as he ran his fingers under your chin “c’mere doll.” He muttered as he cupped your cheeks pulling you closer to him “think it’s about time I get to taste you.” Trevor dropped his head to kiss you.
The kiss was needy as his tongue grazed across your lower lip “mhm.” The hockey player let out a grunt as you straddled his lap given yourself the upper hand. 
You propped yourself up by your knees as the taste of his kiss had remnant’s of the Gatorade you assumed he drank after practice “fuck baby.” Trevor let out a grunt as he watched you grind your hips into his. 
He let his hands travel down to your hips trying to stop you “I’m gonna need you to behave before I come in my fucking pants.” He warned shaking his head as he looked down to the new wet patch that was forming on his pants “you’re no fun.” You let your lips form a pout as you kissed him once more before you slid onto the floor letting your knees rest on the cool wooden floor. 
The boy swore he was dreaming as he watched you sit there “think it’s time I make you feel so good.” You cooed sending him a smile as you ran your hands up his sweatpants “fuck please baby.” He begged propping himself up as he placed his hands behind him.
You tugged at his sweatpants pulling them down with his boxers. His cock sprung out as it hit his torso “you look so pretty.” You mumbled licking your lips as you felt your mouth water “it’s all for you doll.” He confessed biting at the inside of his cheek when your hand wrapped around his cock.
You pumped them up and down a few times before you watched his precum ooze out of the swollen head “fuck don’t tease me.” Trevor groaned watching your head drop to the point where you were mere millimetres away from him “ask me nicely.” You let out a dry laugh looking up at him. 
Your hand began to speed up leaving him quiet  “not so brave are you know big boy?” You cocked your head as you grazed your thumb over his head picking up the precum leaving Trevor to watch as you brought your hand up to your mouth wrapping your lips around the finger. 
Your tongue swirled around it letting out a moan as you could taste the saltiness on your tongue “please.” Trevor found himself jealous of your finger and he couldn’t believe that he was willing to admit that too “since you asked so nicely.” You nodded smiling to yourself as you slipped your thumb from your lips watching the trail of spit break from your mouth. 
The hockey player didn’t need to say anything more as you wrapped your lips around his cock “fuck you’re perfect.” Trevor let out a grunt as his hands went to your hair. 
You hollowed your cheeks out as your nose hit his pelvic bone trying to take as much of him as you could. The boy watched you look up at him through hooded eyes “keep sucking that cock f’me.” He mumbled as you fell into this steady rhythm.
He was in awe as the sound of you gagging echoed in his ears as you tried to take more of him each time you let your mouth take more of him as you tilted your head trying to open your throat. Trevor swore it was pure heaven as he began to bring his hips up to meet your face trying to get himself closer to that high. 
Last nights efforts felt like a distant thought as Trevor had spent it picturing that you were instead around his cock, rather than his own hand “I’m gonna.” The hockey player let out a grunt as your hand replaced your mouth once more “go make a mess for me Z.” You cooed kissing his lips again. 
The taste was addictive as he tried to stop himself “just want to make you feel so good.” You mumbled locking your eyes with his as he nodded “want to taste you before you fuck me so good.” Was the last thing that left your lips before you dropped your head again. 
Your pace was brutal practically sucking his cock like it was a lollipop “Jesus y/n.” Trevor grunted as his head fell back when he came letting his release coat the back of your throat “you’re a fucking god.” He mumbled blissfully unaware as you let his limp cock fall from your lips. 
You felt some of his release ooze from the side of your mouth “taste so good.” You mumbled bringing your hand to pot it back into your mouth. He swore that if he wasn’t still coming down from his first orgasm he would have come again. 
Trevor cleared his throat when you crawled back into his lap “wanna be a good girl and swallow f’me?” He asked as he cocked his head letting his hand wrap around your throat when you nodded. 
His hand caught the feeling of the release going down your throat “fuck you’re a pretty girl.” He muttered running his finger over your lower lip “I need you Z.” You pleaded letting out a whimper as you felt his cock beneath you. 
As you clenched your cunt the sensation made you both squirm “what do you want baby?” He asked cocking his head as he began to grind your hips against his. 
It made you hiss “your cock.” You got straight to the point as you felt your eyes flutter “ask nicely.” He taunted reminding you of the antics you played earlier on. 
You swallowed back a moan “I wanna feel so full of your cock.” You whined biting at your lower lip “want you to fuck me like you mean it.” You pleaded letting a shaken breath leave your lips.  
That was all he needed as he picked you up “Trevor!” You squealed wrapping your arms around his neck “just want to fuck you properly doll.” He explained with a smile laying you down on your sheet. 
He pulled his top off of his torso  before he was left with the sight of you already naked as you stripped out of your vest “think you already knew you were gonna get fucked real good tonight.” Trevor smirked kicking his sweatpants off as he found himself crawling to get closer to you “gonna let me fuck you raw?” The question came more so because he didn’t have any condoms on hand or in his room and he knew he wasn’t going to risk going to the store to get more, letting this opportunity slip past him.
You nodded running your fingers over your breasts “wanted you.” You whined making the boy smirk as pumped his cock ensuring that it was hard again “and now my pretty little girl is gonna get me all that easy huh?” The boy let out a grunt before he situated himself back between your legs “if you won’t Z I am sure that the little toy down there could do me just fine.” You snapped as your eyes pulled into a sharp line.
It made him laugh how he could get under your skin so fast even as your nipples peaked due to the cool air that the fan in your room created “no need to get all angry on me now doll.” Trevor clicked his tongue as he ran his cock over your clit resulting in a whimper leaving your lips.
He repeated the action twice more watching as his tongue darted out of his lips from pure concentration “just fu-ck god!” You practically jumped out of your skin as you felt him thrust his cock into your cunt letting his hips meet yours as he gave you no time to adjust. 
The boy smirked letting his head come closer to yours as he halted his movements taking in the sight properly “it’s just me.” He smirked running his fingers up your torso letting his hands cup your breasts ‘fuck off.” You grumbled as his head dipped to your shoulder.
His lips nipped at your tender skin “now that is no way to talk to me when you’re currently full of my dick.” The boy sucked at his teeth as he shook his head enjoying how he could hear just how much his actions left you stagnating your breath “please move.” You pleaded feeling your cunt throb as your walls hugged his cock.
It made him smile as he let his arms go on either side of you trapping you where you were “fuck baby.” He moaned driving his hips away before he pushed them back towards you setting up a painfully slow rhythm, like he wanted to torture you.
Your hands found themselves on either side of his cheeks “and here I was thinking that this mouth was good.” His chain lay flat against your neck as his forehead rested against yours “bout to get me stuck on this cunt.” The possessiveness in his voice made your cunt clench around him as your legs wrapped around his waist resulting in him reaching a deeper part of your core.
His lips grazed yours in a lousy effort to muffle his moan ‘but maybe you would like that?” When you didn’t answer his question immediately he began to increase his pace treating you like you were all of a sudden the last girl he was going to sleep with on this planet “want to be here forever.” You cried out as your breasts began to jolt against his skin with each thrust.
The desperation to come all over again hit you both as if this wouldn’t have been your second orgasms of the night “wanna make you never leave this apartment.” Trevor confessed letting his teeth tug at your lower lip making you whine in pleasure “just fucking make me cum first.” You grumbled letting your mouth form an o shape as he hit your thigh with a soft slap.
Trevor shook his head growing irritated at this new found attitude  of yours as he was trying too give you everything that you should have wanted “you want to be a brat and I’ll leave you without that fucking toy.” He warned honestly in half the mind to break it as you clearly weren’t going to need it whilst you were still with him.
His pelvic area grazed your clit making your eyes flutter as you drove your hips up desperate to feel that all over again “thought you liked this cunt too much?” You quipped back through gritted teeth trying your best to ignore how your legs began to shake “didn’t say I needed you to cum first though doll.” The warning was in genuine as you both knew he was going to make sure he fucked you through your own orgasm before he even thought about his own.
The sound of skin slapping was enough for you to break “please let me cum and I’ll let you fuck me whenever you want.” If the boy wasn’t currently the closest thing he has felt to pussy drunk he might have actually laughed at the offer “even on the boat?” In a drunk game of confessing things to the boy, you had let it slip that you had some fantasies about a guy fucking you on the family boat if you two took it for a night cruise. But of course it would only be someone who you liked enough to meet your brothers.
You nodded feeling his hand slide between your two sweaty bodies “anywhere you want.” You mumbled writhing your back against the sheet when his fingers came into contact with your clit “you like that don’t ya pretty girl?” Trevor teased feeling your cunt clench around him once more.
A whimper left your lips as he arched his back allowing his lips to latch onto your left nipple with his tongue swirling around the sensitive bead “please let me cum Z.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as he nodded “go make a mess on my cock.” His order came as he moved his attention to your other breast topping you over the edge when he locked his eyes with you.
It made you screw your eyes so tight that you swore you could see stars “fuck fuck fuck!” You chanted writhing your body against your sheet and him as he continued his actions of rubbing his fingers against your clit until your cunt began to clamp down on him in these random bursts trying to milk his cock.
As much as he enjoyed getting to fuck you raw he didn’t want to have to deal with the consequences as he pulled his cock out of your cunt letting his release spray across your lower stomach when his hand began to pump at his cock “god.” He let out a grunt watching the damage he had done like it was an art piece.
You looked up at him through hooded eyes as you smiled “it’s just me.” You mumbled making him laugh as he ran his fingers through your hair to push it out of your face “think I should get you in the shower before we get some dinner.” The smell of the chicken came back to you as you heard the smoke alarm go off “The chicken!”
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lvis44 · 1 year
Sweet Escape - Epilogue // LH44
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Lewis Hamilton x Y/N
Warnings: Smut 18+ MINORS DNI, Alcohol Consumption, Swearing, Light Angst, Not Edited
Word Count: 9.4k+
Summary: Paradise is supposed to be fun and relaxing... a Sweet Escape, but when unspoken feelings and jealousy rise to the surface, everything can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye.
Notes: Alas, here is the long awaited Epilogue. Thank you everyone for being patient with me, this became a bit of its own story and I had to stop myself from continuing (read my note at the end and let me know your opinions, I won't ask here as to not spoil anything.) I have loved writing this and I can't wait to continue this little journey with all of you wonderful babes. Thank you so much for all the love on this story, I'm glad you all seem to love it as much as I do!
I am not a professional writer and all of this is a work of fiction and is strictly for fun. Enjoy! xxx
Previous Sections: Prologue - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
Colorado was one of your favorite places to be with Lewis, especially when it was just the two of you. You spent so much of your relationship flying around the world and stealing moments to be alone together. It could be difficult at times, especially race weekends. Lewis had a tendency to become a different version of himself from the first step into the paddock on Thursday to the second he left on Sunday evening, there was a hard shell around him most of the time, determined and focused. It was never a bad thing, simply something to navigate. He always found ways to make sure you knew how grateful for you he was, even in the simplest ways. When you would both arrive in Colorado, tucked away in the mountains, every guard he had built would come down, it’s when you got the utmost access to the love of your life. That's why you were shocked when he had sent you your travel plans for the week. You had talked with him multiple times about meeting him in Colorado for his time off, spending time just the two of you after too long being apart. Without consulting you he had changed your plans, scheduling another family trip, another trip to the Caribbean. You hadn’t been back to the island since the beginning of your relationship, almost exactly a year ago. Your anniversary would be coming up in the next week and you wanted to spend it with him, however life and work got in the way, forcing you to be apart from him for an already two week stretch. That is why Colorado had been the perfect plan, just the two of you only a few days after your anniversary, now you would be with all your friends in a place you had many mixed emotions about. You understood that he didn’t have the same opportunities to see everyone, rarely being in town for parties and dinners, but selfishly you truly didn’t want to share him. 
The second you received the surprise email with your travel itinerary you were on the phone. It only rang once before he picked up.
“Hey baby, I’ve only got a second. What's up?” He sounded out of breath through the line and you wondered if you had interrupted his training, not that you cared at the moment.
“We’re going to the island?” You got straight to the point.
“Yeah, I mean I bought the house, we might as well use it.” He chuckled, ignoring the fact that your plans had been drastically changed. 
“I know that, but I thought we had plans.” Your voice came out whinier than you had meant it to, unable to hide your disappointment.
“Yeah, shit, I’m sorry babe. I meant to talk to you about it but Charlotte and Miles were on my ass about another family trip and I just scheduled everything for the next second I had off.” He tried to reason, not helping your disappointment. It was strange for him to not consult you about plans he was making, more often than not he would check in with you more than necessary. 
“I know you want to see everybody but I wanted to spend time with you, celebrate our anniversary together.” You knew you were fighting a losing battle, everything was set in stone and he wouldn't disappoint your friends.
“We’ll still be together sweetie, we’ll have more than enough time to celebrate our anniversary, I promise.” His words were soft and you could tell he was trying to end the conversation. There was no point in continuing the argument.
“I know, I know, I just miss you.” You conceded.
“I miss you too, more than you know, but in just over a week I’m all yours. Gonna give you the biggest fucking hug.” He sighed, also feeling the effects of not being together.
‘You’re not going to be all mine, that's the problem’ you thought to yourself, deciding not to say anything, it wouldn’t help the situation in any way.
Before you could respond he was already saying his goodbyes, “I gotta go, m’sorry, but I’ll call you later and I’ll see you soon. I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you Lew.” You said solemnly, wishing for just a few more moments with him, even if over the phone.
The next week and a half dragged on for what felt like a year, communication from him was slim, even on your anniversary. He had messaged you a picture of the two of you from a few months ago, it was a selfie taken in some random hotel overseas, you were pressed up against him with your face in his neck, a massive smile across both of your faces. His message had been simple and cheeky “Thank you for giving me a chance and putting up with me for a whole ass year, I love you more than I could ever let you know xx.” When you messaged him back it had gone unanswered. You couldn’t understand what was going on with him, his lack of communication was incredibly out of character and it was starting to irritate you.
By the time that you arrived at the large vacation house, your mood was sour. Your flight was long and lonely, your friends flying out at different times and from different places. When you arrived everyone was already there. You were irritated with Lewis and his lack of communication and care for the wrench in your plans. Seeing the house again as you pulled into the driveway brought very mixed emotions, on one hand it was the place you finally found the love of your life, on the other it was the place where you spent a week fighting with your best friend and thinking that you had lost him. When you stepped out of the car, Lewis was already there waiting for you, a big smile on his face and open arms ready for you.
“Well hello there pretty lady.” He said, engulfing you in a hug before you even had the chance to close the car door.
It was hard to stay mad at him as he wrapped himself around you, his embrace feeling like coming home. He buried his face into your neck as he squeezed you so hard you thought you were going to burst.
“Hi.” You answered softly, taking in his familiar scent.
When he finally pulled away he didn’t go far, his large palms coming up to cradle your cheeks. His smile was so big it looked like his face would split in two.
“God I fucking missed you.” He sighed before pulling you in for a heavy kiss. It was like he was trying to pour every kiss you would have received in the last few weeks into one.
You're not sure how long you stood there kissing him, enjoying being with your partner after way too long. It wasn’t until you heard a gagging sound from behind you that you pulled away from him.
“Jesus, I’m all for you two being in love and shit but damn, I don’t need to see all that.” Miles complained from behind you while grabbing your bags.
“Oh fuck off, I haven’t seen my girl in two weeks, I’ve got shit to make up for.” Lewis laughed, his hand coming down to firmly grab your ass.
“Two weeks? I ain’t seen you in two months, where the hell is my kiss?” Miles continued in a jokingly distraught voice.
“Come and get it.” Lewis teased him, puckering his lips like a child, still not letting go of you.
“I’d rather kiss a frog,” Miles deadpanned, “now let go of Y/N so I can give her a hug.”
Lewis very reluctantly parted from you, not going far as Miles wrapped his broad frame around you, squeezing you tight with a kiss to your head that made you giggle. The second Miles let you go, Lewis was already grabbing your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and giving it a squeeze. When you turned to look at him he was already staring at you, a soft smile on his face and a look in his eyes you couldn’t quite place. You gave him a questioning look but all he did was shake his head and lean down to peck your lips quickly before ushering you into the house after Miles.
‘Well look who’s finally here!” Charlotte's voice came through the kitchen loudly the moment she saw you.
It only took a few seconds before you were wrapped in yet another tight hug, as if you hadn’t seen her only a week ago. You two had gotten lunch shortly after Lewis had changed your plans, and while you didn’t want to complain to her, you did try to get any information possible as to why Lewis had been acting so strange. She hadn’t said much, simply brushing it off by saying he must be busier than usual, but you could tell she knew something else and it had been eating away at you.
After saying your hellos to everyone you found a moment to quietly excuse yourself from the kitchen, heading down the hall to the room Lewis had stayed in last time, the room you had ended up moving into the night you finally got together. When you got to the doorway you paused, seeing unfamiliar luggage in the room. You had traveled with Lewis enough at this point to pick his luggage out from the most packed carousel in the world, and his was nowhere to be seen, neither was yours. As you stood there confused, a pair of strong arms came around your waist, pulling you back against a firm, warm body. You turned in his arms, his chocolate brown eyes coming into view.
“Sorry, I forgot to mention we’re not staying in here, Miles and his girlfriend are.” Lewis said softly.
You had met Miles’ girlfriend a few times now and you had to say she was one of the sweetest people he could have ever found. You were very happy for him but at this moment you were slightly irked at that concept.
“Not to sound like a bitch, but really?” You said with a huff, making Lewis chuckle.
“Babe, it’ll-” He started but you cut him off.
“No, Lew, I mean, it’s your house and we’re supposed to be celebrating our anniversary. I don’t even want to be here, I wanted to be in Colorado with you and just you but I didn’t want to sound ungrateful or anything. I know you don’t get to see everybody all that often but I feel like you don’t even care that it’s our first anniversary together, it seems like it’s an after thought for you, if it’s even a thought at all.” You rambled your emotions to him quietly, not wanting to offend anyone.
Lewis frowned, his brows furrowed in concern, “Hun, I absolutely care, and I’m sorry for changing our plans like that,” He paused, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “but if you’d let me show you something I think you might change your mind about being here, just a little bit.”
You let out a sigh, shrugging, still not fully feeling like your anniversary was a priority to him.
“Hey, look at me, we’re going to have an incredible anniversary week together, in the place we first admitted we were in love with each other. There’s a part of the property I didn’t get to show you last time we were here, come with me and then you can decide if you still hate the idea of celebrating here.” He didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing your hands and urging you to follow him.
“Are we gonna see you two again tonight?” Charlotte called out teasingly as Lewis pulled you through the back doors.
“Maybe, maybe not, don’t count on it.” Lewis yelled back over his shoulder with a laugh.
You gave him another questioning look but he just told you to hurry up and pulled you quicker behind him. He took you to the forest, near the path you’d always taken down to the beach but this time veered off on a different small path that you had never really noticed the last time you were here. You were now walking next to him, his hand firmly grasping yours as you started to see a trail of sparkling lights illuminating the small path as the sun was going down.
“Watch your step love, there’s a few steps down right here.” Lewis’ voice pulled you out of the trance you had fallen into while admiring the pretty lights.
He held your hand while you took the few steps down before he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you under his arm, making your walk slightly clumsy.
“I know you would rather we were in Colorado, just the two of us, and I’m sorry, I really am. I wasn’t thinking when I booked this trip in all honesty, and I know that sounds bad, Charlotte yelled at me as soon as she saw the dates. Just, I wasn’t really thinking about the fact that it was our anniversary, it doesn’t feel like it could possibly be our one year because I feel like we’ve been together forever. So I know I fucked up, but I’ve also had this plan for bringing you back here for quite a while and I’ll be honest when Miles mentioned coming here for vacation I jumped on the opportunity, I needed to. And I know this isn’t exactly what you envisioned or what I promised and I’m sorry for that but I was hoping that maybe this could be our little sanctuary, make us forget that anyone else even exists.” Lewis’ apology is sweet but leaves you with more questions, wanting to know what his need to be back here so badly was.
You round the corner with him, walking out onto a part of the beach you hadn’t seen before, nestled into an alcove you hadn’t previously explored. That's when you see a small bridge, leading to the most beautiful bungalow sitting atop the water. You gasp, seeing it lit up with beautiful lights, making it sparkle.
“It’s technically supposed to be the guest house,” Lewis begins quietly, “but I figured it could be our little vacation from the group vacation. Somewhere it can be just us.”
You turn toward him, your eyes glassy, “It’s beautiful Lew, thank you.” You lean up to press your lips against his softly.
“Another bonus is you can be as loud as you want down here.” He whispers cheekily against your lips, pecking them once more.
“Lewis!” You laugh, swatting at his chest as you blush.
He catches your wrist with a big smile, pressing a kiss to your pulse point before grabbing your hand and pulling you along down to the bungalow.
“God, do we have to hike it all the way back up there to get our luggage?” You groan, realizing you have nothing with you.
“Nope,” Lewis laughs, “Miles decided to be helpful and already lugged it all down here, I unfortunately owe him.”
When he opened the door, you found yourself speechless. There was a small kitchen directly through the front door, nothing fancy but enough that you would never have to leave if you didn’t want to. As you walked past the kitchen and down the short hallway the room opened up. There was a bathroom with a large shower and a large soaker tub to your right and a lush king size bed to your left. Large windows lined the whole left side of the bungalow, a small seating area just below them. Straight ahead of you were large sliding doors that Lewis was already moving to open, once he did, the whole front wall was open.
“There’s a screen we can shut if it gets too buggy but I want you to see it like this first.” Lewis explained, already knowing you would be worried about strange bugs in your bed.
He outstretched his hand to you once again, pulling you out onto the patio. What you were met with amazed you even more than the inside. There was a hot tub off to the side, already bubbling away, more sparkling fairy lights lining the pergola that covered part of the patio. There were two large chaise lounges overlooking the endless view of the sea. He was already guiding you down another small set of stairs where you were met with a small infinity pool, just beside the pool was an outdoor shower. You spotted another set of steps that appeared to go off directly into the sea.
“Babe, it’s-” You were at a loss for words as you turned to him, not quite knowing how to sum up how incredible everything was.
He smiled, stepping in front of you and placing his large hands on your waist, “I know it’s not exactly what you envisioned, but I do want this to be special. I’m so sorry I fucked up our first anniversary, I promise I’ll do better with every single one to come.”
“It’s not what I envisioned, and I am still annoyed you forgot our anniversary,” You tease before becoming more serious, “but Lew, this is perfect, it’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“Hey, I didn’t actually forget, it was a momentary lapse in judgment.” He playfully defends himself, pulling you closer to him.
“Whatever you say mister,” You laugh, “but I love it. I love you.”
He wastes no time in pressing his lips to yours, mumbling “I love you too, so much more than words could ever explain.”
“As much as I want to stay right here and kiss you forever, I really want to take a shower, I feel disgusting from all the flying.” You say when you finally separate from him.
“How about I run us a bath and we cuddle up and start to enjoy our belated anniversary celebrations.” He suggests, having you immediately nodding.
“Okay, you stay here and enjoy the view, I’ll come get you in a minute.” He says, squeezing your hip as he presses a kiss to your temple.
As he makes his way back up to the bungalow you settle into one of the comfy chairs overlooking the beautiful view. There’s still a slight annoyance in the back of your head at his admission of not even thinking of your anniversary when he planned this trip but you can’t help but be grateful that you will at least have him to yourself in some way this week. It may not be exactly what you had envisioned but you’re just happy that you will get to spend time with him. You understand what he was saying earlier, it doesn’t seem like it should be your one year anniversary, you truly feel like you’ve been with him forever. You practically live together, the most you possibly can with his ridiculous schedule. You’ve loved him far longer than you’ve been with him, and you’ve had the support and care of a partner from him since the day you met him. You know you’re going to be with him forever, nothing else would make sense, you could never fathom the idea of not being his now that you have him. You get lost in your thoughts as you wait for him, staring out over the beautiful ocean as you play through memories of your relationship like a highlight reel in your head. The first time he took you on a romantic getaway, the first time he introduced you as his girlfriend to his family, your first christmas together, your birthdays. Everything about him has felt like a fairytale.
“Hey baby, the bath is ready.” His soft voice startles you with its close proximity, you hadn’t even noticed him sit down on the arm of the chair next to you.
He chuckles when you jump, soothing his palm over your back, “Off in your own little world, were ya?”
“Oh shush, I was just enjoying the view.” You laugh along with him, moving to get up and follow him to the bathroom.
When you step into the bathroom you find yourself speechless yet again. The tub is up against a large window you hadn’t noticed earlier, giving you a spectacular view. He’s opened the window to let the warm breeze in, making the flames of the candles he’s placed around the room flicker in the wind. He has soft music playing and the tub is full to the brim with bubbles that smell like heaven. The lights are off except for a small light giving off hues of sunset, dimly illuminating the room. His hands are on your hips from behind, hiking up your shirt as he places soft kisses along your shoulder. He crouches down ever so slightly, kissing your spine as he pulls down your shorts and panties all at once. He places the softest of kisses to the back of your thighs before standing once more. When you turn to undress him, he’s already taken his shirt off, leaving you to push his shorts down his toned thighs, chuckling when you see he’s gone commando. He just shrugs, giving you a cheeky smirk before pulling you in to kiss him tenderly. For a moment you wonder if you will even make it to the bath as his hands roam your body, taking handfuls of the flesh that he loves to knead in his large palms. He eventually parts from you, leaving soft pecks all over your face before stepping around you and sinking down into the tub with a soft sigh. He simply stares at you for a moment, his face showing nothing but love and adoration, finally he outstretches his hand to help you in.
You lean back against his chest, reveling in the feeling of the firm muscles under his soft skin. His chin hooks over your shoulder, placing a kiss to your cheek as his arms snake around your waist to pull you in closer to him.
“Happy anniversary my love.” He whispers against your skin before he’s reaching over the edge of the tub to grab two glasses of champagne you hadn’t noticed before. He hands you one, clinking his glass against yours before rubbing his nose along your jaw up to your ear, “This has been one of the worst seasons of my career, yet one of the best years of my life, only thanks to you. You have made me happier than I ever knew possible and I hope that I have been able to reciprocate that for you. I plan on spending every day trying to make you the happiest, most loved woman on the face of this earth, because that is all that you deserve in life. You are the most remarkable human I have ever had the honor of meeting, Y/N. Thank you for letting me love you, and thank you for loving me the way that you do.”
By the end of his speech there are tears in your eyes. Looking at him you see the same glassiness mirrored in his own, knowing just how much he meant each and every word he whispered into your ear.
“I love you more than life itself Lewis, and I will never stop loving you. I’m sorry I was moody earlier, I was being petty. All I need to be happy is you, as long as you’re around, I am the happiest I can ever be. I’m already the happiest woman on earth simply because I get to say that I am loved by you, it’s truly something I don’t think I could ever explain to anyone. Thank you for all of this, it’s perfect, truly.” You tell him sincerely, your voice thick with emotion.
“Don’t apologize sweetheart, you had every reason to be annoyed with me. I hope you know it wasn’t remotely intentional, and I should have talked to you about it, even if it was after I’d made the plans. I’m sorry I’ve been a bit MIA this past week.” He further apologizes, holding your eyes with his to show just how serious he is.
You can see the remorse written across his face, never one that was good at hiding his emotions once he’s let them be seen for the first time. It’s as if once the floodgates that are Lewis’ emotions are opened to you, there is no closing it, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. He wears his heart on his sleeve.
“Have you been okay?” You ask him, adjusting in his lap so you can look at him better, bringing your hand up to stroke the short stubble at the side of his jaw.
He furrows his brows in question, “Yeah, I’ve been fine. I’ve just been really busy these last few weeks, been planning something that I need to get perfect.”
“Oh? And what exactly have you been planning Sir Hamilton?” You ask him jokingly, yet always wanting to know what he’s working on, always interested in the amazing things he does.
He looks down, averting his eyes from you, looking suddenly shy, “You’ll see when the time’s right, soon, I promise.”
“Mm’kay.” You hum out, taking a sip of your champagne before nuzzling into his chest, resting your head on his shoulder.
He just chuckles, the sound vibrating through your body, tightens his arm around you to rest his cheek on the top of your head.
“I love you, happy one year.” He whispers to you.
“I love you, happy one year.” You repeat as you grin into the skin on his neck, placing a chaste kiss there.
If anyone had asked you how you thought you would be spending your one year anniversary with the love of your life, this would have never been your answer. The two of you cuddled in the warm bath, listening to the sound of the waves crashing, hidden away from your friends in your own private Caribbean bungalow. You had expected him to make a move while you were in the tub, but he didn’t, leaving you slightly shocked but not entirely disappointed. You hadn’t seen him in nearly three weeks and you could feel him pressed against your leg, hard and begging to be touched, it was unlike the two of you to not immediately pounce on one and other the second you were alone. Yet something about the moment with him in the tub felt more intimate than sex ever could, the two of you just enjoying being in each other's arms, each other’s presence, knowing you had more than enough time to reunite later on.
“Where do you want to be in five years?” Lewis asked quietly, breaking the comfortable silence as his hand traced slow circles on your hip.
“Five years?” You asked, lifting your head to look at him.
“Yeah.” He shrugged like he was trying to play it off as a casual question, his face giving him away.
“Well,” You start, pausing to think a bit, “I want to be with you-”
“Well obviously.” He cut you off with a playful smirk.
“Hey, you didn’t let me finish.” You laugh.
“Sorry, I’m usually good about that,” He winks, “continue.”
“Idiot,” You mumble through a laugh before continuing, “I want to be happy, surrounded by people I love. I’d like to be in a different job, I think, something where I have more flexibility. I just want to be someone that me now would be proud of.”
He smiles fondly at you, evidently content with your answer.
“What about you?” You prompt him, genuinely curious.
“I think I want to be done with racing, moving on to a new chapter of my life, with you by my side obviously.” He says quietly.
“You really think you’ll be done in five years? I know you’ve mentioned it before but, do you really think so?” You ask.
“Yeah, we’ve been going over my contract a lot these last few weeks and I think my mind is finally set. I obviously want to get the eighth title, but if that doesn’t happen in the next five years, maybe it was never meant to.” He explains.
“It’s always been meant to, if anyone can it’s you Lew.” You argue.
“I don’t mean that in a way of me giving up, I’m gonna fight like hell until the last possible second. I just mean that maybe now there are more important things for me to start focusing on, other purposes out there for me where my attention and time will be more valuable.” The way he says his words sounds like he’s talking about much more than a career change and it makes your stomach flip in anticipation, imagining your future with him.
“Whatever you end up doing, I’m positive it will be incredible, everything you do is tremendous. And I will be right there supporting you the entire way.” You tell him sincerely, leaning in to press your lips to his.
The kiss is slow and savoring, it mutes everything in your head, making the world revolve around him and only him.
“The water’s starting to get a bit cold, why don’t we get out. I’ve got some ways I can warm you up.” He murmurs against your lips.
“There he is.” You laugh, pulling away.
“What do you mean?” He giggles.
“You’ve been rock hard against my leg for the last thirty minutes and haven’t made a single move on me, I was starting to get worried about you.” You tease him.
“Oh, believe me, I’m well aware of how hard I’ve been.” He playfully rolls his eyes, “I was trying to be romantic.”
“Mmmm, I see.” You hum.
“Genuinely though, I was just enjoying cuddling with you, didn’t want to ruin the moment. But I need you. Now.” His voice gets lower as he finishes his statement, picking you up and standing abruptly.
His quick movement makes water slosh over the edge of the tub, causing you to squeal. He grabs a towel, not using it to dry either of you off but throws it down on the bed before dropping you on top of it.
“You know we could have done this exactly where we were?” You laugh at him as he crowds up against you, already placing hungry kisses down your jaw.
“Maybe, yeah, but it would be a bit hard to pin you down in the tub, I don't really want to drown the woman that I love.” He chuckles against you, grabbing your wrists to bring them above your head.
This is one of the things you’ve always loved with Lewis. You can be in the middle of something so erotic and intimate, yet still be laughing and making jokes with him. He truly is your best friend in the form of a lover.
His lips are trailing down your bare skin, causing your laughter to halt and goosebumps to erupt over your whole body. He doesn’t take even a moment to tease you, immediately diving into your core, licking a hot stripe from your opening all the way to your nerves. You gasp as you arch into him, a throaty groan coming from deep inside him. He always wears you out when you’ve been apart for some time, as if he’s making up for lost time.
“Always taste so fucking good. God I missed you.” He mumbles against your heat, the sound vibrating through your body.
He works his tongue in the way only he knows how, circling your clit perfectly before sucking it into his mouth, nibbling just enough to have your toes curling. You feel one of his fingers slip into you, already soaking wet from just being so close to him. His finger curls, expertly finding the spongy spot inside of you that he knows so well.
“Fuck, Lewis, yes, right there.” You breathe out, your head tilting back into the towel underneath you.
He slips a second finger in, scissoring them to get you ready for him, before returning to a steady ‘come hither’ motion inside of you. He knows he needs you to come at least once before he finally takes you, it’s been too long and he never wants you to be uncomfortable, and he’s doing everything in his power to get you there. Fast.
“That feel good babygirl? You missed me making you feel good?” He asks, already knowing the answer from your flushed cheeks and mouth hung open.
All you can do to respond is moan and buck your hips up toward him, your ability to speak already gone from the moment he put his lips on you.
“Yeah pretty girl? You been trying to make yourself feel good while I’ve been gone?” He continues with his questions, evidently enjoying how difficult it is for you to respond as his thumb finds your clit, flicking quickly.
You nod, turning your head to the side as you let out a loud moan when a third finger slips inside of you.
“Poor baby, it doesn’t feel this good does it? Doesn’t feel as good as me inside of you, can’t make yourself cum the way I can?” He’s moved up so he’s hovering above you, his fingers still working overtime to get you to your peak.
You feel your stomach tighten at his words, knowing he’s right, and then your orgasm rips through your body, soaking his hand. He barely lets up with his movements as he works you through it, kissing your throat, your cheek, your forehead, anywhere his lips can land to work you down from your high.
“You know how I know it’s not the same?” He asks, his voice deep and filled with lust.
You hum, barely able to keep your eyes open.
“Because it’s never the same for me either. No matter how many times I wrap my hand around my cock, it will never come close to the feeling of being inside you. Nothing makes me feel the way you do, nothing will ever come close. I always need you, nothing but you.” His words are mumbled against your skin as he draws his lips up your neck before finally attaching them to your own.
You don’t know where you find the strength but you manage to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly close as you open your mouth for him. He licks into your mouth, his tongue toying with your own as he rests most of his weight on you, something that you have grown to love. You find yourself bringing one of your hands down in between the two of you, grasping his hard cock. He groans into your mouth at the simple touch, evidently pent up from the time in the tub. You work him in slow strokes, savoring the feeling of his silky, hot skin. Your thumb swiping over his swollen tip to collect the leaking precum. He whimpers at the feeling, his head falling into the crook of your neck before he's grabbing your wrist.
“Y/N, baby, I’m gonna need you to stop or I’m gonna cum before I even get the chance to be inside of you.” His voice sounds pained as he pins your wrist up next to your head.
Within seconds he’s readjusting and you feel the fat head of his cock pressed against your opening. He stares deep into your eyes as he pushes in slowly, both of your mouths falling open in pure ecstasy at the feeling of finally being connected. It’s truly a feeling like no other, it feels like coming home after a long stressful week, it feels like falling into the comfiest bed, like being wrapped in a hug by someone you love. It completes you. His forehead falls to rest against your own as he stills inside of you, finally bottomed out.
“Please.” You whimper, bringing your legs up around his hips.
He lowers himself down onto you, bracing himself on his forearms on either side of your head, “I’ve got you baby, I know.”
Slowly he starts to pull out before thrusting back in with a certain force that quenches every need in your body. You grasp his bicep next to your head, your hand not able to reach all the way around it. He’s crowded over you, making you feel small and fragile, his strong broad frame engulfing you entirely. With every thrust he has your head spinning more and more. His eyes are trained on your face, always obsessed with seeing how you fall apart underneath him. His calculated, practiced moves make sure you will do just that. You can see the veins starting to pop out in his strong neck, using all his restraint to not cum before you, his whimpers becoming more frequent. You aren’t prepared, unaware you were so close to your orgasm, when it shoots through your body, even more violent than the first.
“Fuck, squeezing me so tight Y/N, I’m gonna-” His words are cut off with a guttural moan, his thrusts becoming sloppy before he’s spilling into you. Hot spurts of cum lacing your walls as you feel him twitch inside of you, a feeling you’ve become obsessed with.
He’s still pulsing inside of you as he relaxes down onto your body, momentarily crushing you but you welcome it, finding some semblance of strength to rub your fingers up and down his back. He peppers kisses along your neck, mumbling sweet nothings that you can’t hear through the ringing in your ears. The first thing you hear as you come back into yourself is a mumbled “I love you”. You lay there together, his weight bearing down on you as he stays deep inside of you, a frequent occurrence after time away, never ready to part from each other. Finally after some time he raises up to slip out of you, making you wince.
“I know baby, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He’s whispering, pressing light kisses to your cheek.
“I’ve really missed you these last few weeks.” You confess to him, your post orgasm brain feeling more open than usual.
“I know sweetie, I’ve missed you like crazy too. I’m sorry it was so long this time.” He says, kneeling in front of you, massaging your thighs.
You take a moment to admire him. A few of his braids have fallen from their usual bun, framing his beautiful face. The moon is shining in through the open window behind him, making him glow as though he truly is an angel placed on earth. His tattoos are dark against his tan skin, swirling black that you’ve spent hours tracing as you fall asleep or wait for him to wake up. He is your person and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Look, I know we just took a bath, but what if we hop in the shower really quick and get properly cleaned up and then I can make us a snack.” He offers, pulling at your ankle.
You just nod, letting him maneuver you up and out of the bed and into the shower. While this may not be the anniversary you had expected with him, you are more than content in this moment, just happy to be with the man that you love, and that loves you so much.
. . .
The moment you arrived back up at the main house you had been teased endlessly for not coming back up the night before. You had blushed like a highschooler but Lewis seemed proud, not having a care in the world that all of your friends were well aware how you two had spent the night.
“Ya know what? It’s our anniversary week, let us fuck in peace.” He had said pointedly at Charlotte when she had finally gotten on his nerves.
You felt bad for Miles' girlfriend, Cleo. She hadn’t spent much time with the group before, much less Lewis, and was evidently unprepared for just how little filter there was with everyone. She sat at the island with wide eyes as Lewis and Charlotte bantered about your sex life. You had shot her an apologetic smile as you tried to redirect your boyfriend onto a new topic. After that the day went smoothly. You ended up laying around the pool, everyone occasionally going for a swim or throwing around a football, just enjoying finally being away from their hectic lives.
You ended up sitting with Cleo for a little while, hoping to get to know her a little bit better. You already quite liked her, finding her to be a great fit for Miles. If she was dating your boyfriend's bestfriend you only found it fitting that you learn a little bit about her. You ended up chatting for quite some time, noticing that both Lewis and Miles would glance at you both from time to time, content smiles on their faces that their girls were getting along so well.
“Miles really likes you, ya know?’ Cleo had said, surprising you.
“I hope so, he’s one of my best friends.” You laughed.
“Well yeah,” She laughed with you, “but I mean for Lewis, if that makes sense.”
You gave her a questioning look, urging her to continue.
“He talks a lot about how glad he is that you two are together, that he’s never seen Lewis this happy.” She continued, “I don’t really know Lewis that well, I’ve only met him like twice, but from what I can see he really loves you. Nobody looks at somebody like that unless they’re head over heels.”
Her words made you blush, not expecting her to say something like that, “I really love him too.”
“I can tell.” Cleo responded with a smile.
“Alright, who’s ready to go out and get drunk?” Steph yelled from behind you, ending your conversation with Cleo.
Your mind immediately flashed back to the last time you had all been at the islands club together. You couldn’t help but wonder if Miles and Lewis would even be allowed back in. Your eyes flicked over to Lewis who was rolling his eyes and already making his way over to you.
“I’m gonna steal her if you don’t mind.” He said politely to Cleo as he was already pulling you up out of your seat.
“As much as I would love to go just to see Mariana-” You start.
“We’ll go see Mariana while we’re here, but some other time. They can all go out and get drunk, I have other plans for us tonight, if that’s okay of course.” He easily cuts you off.
You let out a sigh of relief, immediately nodding.
“Good, now I’m gonna go figure out how to let Steph down easily.” He laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead before stepping around you and making his way over to your friend.
“Come on Lewis, it’s been forever since we all went out.” You hear Steph argue with whatever he says to her.
“First off, do you remember the last time we all went out here? Didn’t go too well. Second-” Before he can continue his rebuttal he’s being cut off by Charlotte who is shockingly on his side.
“It’s their anniversary week, tonight is very important Steph. Remember?” You can tell Charlotte is alluding to something that you are clearly out of the loop on.
You watch as Stephs eyes go wide before nodding quickly while Lewis mutters to Charlotte “Real subtle Char’.”
You look at Cleo who just shrugs her shoulders, obviously not aware of what's going on either.
Everyone eventually calms down and starts getting ready, heading inside to pregame as you and Lewis say goodnight. He is promptly pulling you back down to your private bungalow for whatever he has in store for you tonight. When you get inside, he is pulling the shades closed on the windows that overlook the beach. You give him a look, knowing it’s not for your own privacy.
“Okay, I want you to take a nice long shower or bath or get in the pool or something for a little while. I’m gonna go take care of some things and then I’ll come join you and we can get ready.” He explains vaguely.
“What exactly are you taking care of?” You question him, still rather confused.
“Don’t worry about it, you’ll see soon enough. Just trust me, alright?” He shakes his head.
“Okay weirdo. Why’d you close the blinds?” You continue to question.
He lets out a small huff as he shakes his head with a smile, “You never stop with the questions, do you? Just trust me. Off you go.” He says as he turns you around, patting your butt, making you giggle.
You decide to spend some time in the pool, hearing him leave the small bungalow as you change into a different suit. When you slip into the pool you can feel the water cooling your toasted skin. You let yourself look out at the beautiful view, taking in the sounds and the scents that envelope you as you bask in your real life fairytale. You never thought that you would have this kind of life, being in beautiful places with an even more beautiful man who loves you so unashamedly, so wholeheartedly. You let yourself day dream about your future with him, how many kids you might have one day, where the two of you will inevitably settle down, what your wedding day will be like. You stay in the pool for what feels like a solid hour, still no sign of Lewis. You end up getting out, heading to take a shower when you hear other people's voices outside. Everything inside of you wants to run over to the window and peek at what might be going on outside but you restrain yourself, not wanting to ruin whatever it is that Lewis has planned for you. You end up staying in the shower much longer than usual, just enjoying the feeling of the water cascading through your hair and down your spine. A pair of broad arms wrapping around your waist surprises you, you hadn’t even heard him come in. He giggles at your shock, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek. Wordlessly you step out from under the water, letting him shower, letting yourself admire him as you so frequently do before stepping out and wrapping yourself in a towel.
“Hey, I wanted some company.” He complains from under the shower head.
“If I stay in any longer I may turn into an actual prune.” You say, making him laugh
He’s much quicker with his shower than you had been. Coming into the bedroom as you stare at your suitcase.
“You know, it tends to be easier if you actually put the clothes on rather than just try to will them onto your body.” He teases you, pinching your hip.
“Well if I knew what I was getting dressed for it would be a hell of a lot easier.” You say to him, suddenly feeling stressed.
“Hey,” He says, sensing your unease, “wear whatever you're comfortable in, it’s just you and me.”
“But this seems special, I don’t want to mess it up.” You say, rummaging through your suitcase.
“It’s special because it’s us, doesn’t matter what you wear. There’s very little you could do to screw this up, I promise.” He says. 
You feel a small weight lift from your shoulders when you look up to see him slipping a t-shirt over his head. Part of you wonders if he did it just to make you feel better. You give him a soft smile, finally deciding on a sundress that is the perfect combination of cute and casual.
“Ready?” He asks, his hand outstretched, waiting for yours.
“Always.” You smile, taking his hand.
As he leads you out of the bungalow you feel your breath catch in your throat. If you thought the beach was beautiful before, you’re not sure quite what word you would describe it as now. He has had the beach lined with lights and candles, torches lining their way up to a beautifully set yet simple table. You can see that there’s a meal already waiting for the two of you on the table.
“Still trust me?” He asks quietly.
You just nod, looking around at the beautiful scenery, amazed that he made all of this happen. When you finally reach the table in the sand he is pulling your chair out for you.
“Madame.” He says playfully, gesturing for you to take a seat.
You giggle as he places a kiss to your cheek, moving around to his side of the table. He grabs the corkscrew off the table, taking the bottle of wine that was already waiting for the two of you.
“I wanted tonight to be special, and I wanted to be able to surprise you somehow. Sorry I locked you away for a bit.” He chuckles toward the end.
“Ah, how dare you lock me away in literal paradise.” You tease him, making him smile.
“You like it?” He asks and you can tell he’s nervous, not meeting your eyes as he pours you both a glass of wine.
“I love it Lew, it’s beautiful, thank you.” You tell him, reaching across the table to take his hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I wasn’t sure how to exactly pull off making you dinner without you noticing so I kind of cheated and hired someone, well I actually hired Mariana, she’s quite the cook. She was upset she couldn’t come in and see you, I promised we’d come see her later this week. I did the lights though.” You can tell he’s still nervous, rambling things quickly.
“Well I have to say the lights are incredible, and I’d love to go see them.” You say with a light tone but absolutely meaning it, you feel like you're in some sort of wonderland.
He finally pulls the cover off of your meals, making your mouth immediately water, it looks incredible. Lewis has taken you on endless incredible dates, but this one has to take the cake, the effort alone making you swoon. 
Once he is convinced that you are just as happy as you say you are, you can see him visibly relax. His whole demeanor shifting back to the light hearted, loving man that you know so well. Dinner carries on as usual, your conversations seamlessly going from joking banter to important life topics, the flow that you’ve always found yourself so comfortable in with him, even before you started dating. Once you’ve finished eating he’s bringing his seat closer to yours so he can wrap his arm around the back of your chair, pulling you into his warm side.
“You know last night when I asked where you wanted to be in five years?” He asks you quietly.
You hum, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“Well, I left something out of my answer.” He says, confusing you. “I know I said I wanted you by my side, obviously, but I didn’t really elaborate enough.” He’s only confused you further.
Before you can question him, he’s standing from his seat and moving his chair back. You swear your heart stops when you look at him. He’s down on one knee in front of you, reaching into his pocket.
“Lew.” You croak out, not sure what else to say.
“I know, I know that to every other person on the earth, this probably seems insane. It probably seems so fucking quick, and hell it is, but Y/N, I know what I want, and what I want is you, forever. I have loved you far longer than I’ve ever let you know and I think the same goes for you. Since the day I met you I knew that you were going to be monumental in my life somehow, I just didn’t realize exactly how or quite how much. I love you more than I have ever loved anything before, I love you in a way I didn’t know was possible, in a way I didn’t even know I was capable of.” He pauses for a moment, finally opening the small box in his hand to reveal the most beautiful ring you have ever seen in your life, “I’m not asking you to marry me tomorrow, we can still take our time, we have so much ahead of us. All I’m asking is that tonight you make me a promise, that one day you will be my wife. You’re my forever Y/N Y/L/N, let me be yours.”
There are tears streaming steadily down your face, not sure how to process everything he’s saying. You want to nod your head, you want to say yes, but you’re frozen, until those words finally slip through his lips.
“Y/N, baby, will you marry me?” His own voice catches in his throat as he asks the question, obviously nervous and overwhelmed.
“Yes,” you finally choke out, “oh my god of course, yes, fuck of course.”
Your cries are now turning into almost laughter, overjoyed and overrun with emotion.
“Yeah?” He asks, sounding as if he doesn’t truly believe what he’s hearing.
“Oh my god, yes.” You cry through your smile as he stays frozen on his knee, his face breaking into a smile. “Kiss me you idiot.” You laugh.
Within seconds his lips are on yours, pulling you up out of your chair to hold you as close as humanly possible. You can taste the salt of your combined tears as you both laugh into the kiss, giddy with excitement.
“I know it’s so quick but I feel like we’ve been together so much longer than we really have. We can wait as long as you want, there’s absolutely no rush. I just need to know that one day you’ll be my wife, and I want the world to know that too.” He rambles when he finally pulls away.
“I know, I know, of course,” you laugh, kissing him again, “now give me my ring!”
He laughs at you, fumbling with the box slightly through shaky hands before finally sliding the ring onto your finger. It fits perfectly and you can’t help but wonder if Charlotte helped him. The diamonds twinkle in the fairy lights surrounding your table as you admire the look of your engagement ring sitting on your finger.
“So do I have to wait to become Mrs. Hamilton?” You ask.
“Y/N, I would marry you tomorrow if you let me.” He says, kissing you again, your teeth clashing through your smiles.
“What were you going to do if I said no?” You ask him with a teasing tone.
“Honestly? I have no idea, but I was pretty confident you’d say yes.” He says, smirking.
“Is this why you needed to bring me back here?” You ask him, staring at your new ring.
“Yeah, it only felt right. Full circle.” He whispers, “This is also why I’ve been so awol recently. I was making last minute changes to the ring because it needed to be perfect and I was trying to plan this. I’ve been so excited and I know myself well enough to know that I would have let it slip if I was talking to you too much. I’ve never been able to lie to you.”
You can’t help but laugh at the fact that not only is that true, but the reason you had been so annoyed with him the last few weeks was actually a side effect of him planning the most beautiful, loving thing you could think of.
“Everybody knows, don’t they?” You giggle, knowing he wouldn’t have been able to keep it from at least Charlotte and Miles.
“Yeah, they’ve known for a while, longer than I’ve even had the ring.” He blushes.
“Lewis, I love you so much. Thank you, I can’t wait to marry you, I’m so glad you’re the man that will be by my side for the rest of my life.” You tell him sincerely, feeling yourself get emotional again at the thought.
“I love you too my darling, I wouldn’t dream of going through life with anyone else.”
Final Note: I had to stop myself from continuing on with this and adding a time jump and their wedding day, it was so tempting. Let me know, does anyone want a one shot of their wedding day at some point? Some cute pre-wedding jitters, vows, wedding night, etc?
I hope you all enjoyed!
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cal-flakes · 1 year
hi lovey <33 i admire your work so much and hope life is treating you well <3
not to bug you but i was wondering if you could write this thought for me? the thought being drunk rafe and he's so touchy and sweet with you. he's like, "i'm gonna marry you one day" all saccharine sweet and you're like, "baby u have to sleep" and he's like, "okay but what flowers should be have at our wedding?" ahhhh it’s just so cute!
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╰┈➤ drunk rafe gets a little emotional
warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing.
summary: barry delivers y/n a very early birthday present, a very loved up, drunk rafe.
“incoming!” barry called from the front of the house, causing y/n to rush from the kitchen. she wasn’t too surprised, barry had called her not too long ago, warning her he was bringing rafe home, yet failed to mention the state he was in.
pulling the door open in a flash, she ran out hurriedly, expecting some sort of crime scene, as usual. yet was pleasantly surprised to find her boyfriend stumbling up the drive way, an arm slung around barry’s shoulder.
“bare! look! that’s my girlfriend, have you met her? awh man, she’s great!” he gushed, pointing towards her frantically. chuckling, barry shot y/n an apologetic glance, knowing she was in for a long night with this one.
“yes, rafe. i’ve met her plenty of times..” he sighed, pushing his friend through the front door, accidentally sending him crashing onto the floor.
ignoring the drunken mess behind her, she turned to barry, thanking him for bringing rafe home safely, for once.
closing the door behind her, she turned to her boyfriend, humming and harring about what to do with him. “okay, come on” she huffed, ushering him up the stairs. “where are we going?” he beamed excitedly, turning to face her, grinning ear to ear. “we’re going to bed baby”
“bed? no, i want to spend time with you angel..” he cooed, tripping over the last step, distracted by her sheer beauty. “you can, in bed” she stated, attempting to be stern with the intoxicated, six foot two giant now holding onto the wooden railing for dear life.
“fine, fineee…” he slurred, following her into the bedroom like a kicked puppy.
once she’d convinced him to get under the covers, she did the same, kicking her slippers to the side.
after a moments silence, she internally cursed at his sudden need to ramble on.
“you know, i love you so much. like, you are just so amazing, and-and so beautiful it like, honestly? it makes me want to throw up..” he gushed, turning around to face her, pressing a wet kiss to the tip of her nose.
she lay silent as he continued, talking him to herself about her as if she wasn’t there.
“when we get married, can we have a big cake? i love cake..” he sighed, his mind drifting to all types of baked goods.
“yes of course, if..you go to sleep, now” she suggested, awaiting a drunken refusal.
“yes ma’am!” he cheered, saluting her before turning back over, too far gone to go on his usual rant about her hair is always in his face.
taking the win, she rested her head on his back, appreciating the heat radiating from him. just as her mind fogged over, her ears perked up once more.
“we should get a dog…”
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feyhunter78 · 2 months
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Chapter Sixteen - The first move has been made, and the Stark boys take what is theirs. Ch 17
My darling Lord Robb,
First, I must thank you for my gifts, they are quite lovely and as you requested, I wore them on my nameday this night past. Many paid me compliments, even Tommen which I must admit was quite humorous. Oh, my love, I long for the day when we are united, I grow tired of waiting. I know it is harsh, but today I was forced to spend three hours listening to Tommen describe his blossoming sword skills. I know he is a child, but the desire within me to tell him that he is nothing compared to my true husband, the Young Wolf, was quite strong.
Y/N reminds me that I must be patient, but I think that is hypocritical considering she has been in such a foul mood since Jon has decided he must act proper as to not get them in trouble. She believes I do not know of their affections, of their dalliance, which I find both insulting and amusing. Only a blind man would be unable to see what is between them, and even a blind man would be able to hear in their voices the affections they have for one another, even now as Jon pretends he is nothing more than a guard.
I am hoping they shall resolve this little spat before you come to save me from this lion’s den. I would like there to be no conflicts within our family, so rest assured I will do all I can to assist either y/n or Jon so that our ascension to power is a peaceful one—at least within our own houses. There will be nothing to distract us upon meeting.
I anxiously await your next letter and the day when we may finally cease writing and speak face to face.
-          Yours in earnest, Margaery
Robb presses his lips to her signature before folding the letter and slipping it into his pocket, earning a snort from Theon.
“Will you be this unbearable when you finally get your hands on the girl, or can I expect a reprieve from these disgusting displays of undying affection?” Theon asks, pressing his hand to his forehead pantomiming a swooning figure.
It looks ridiculous as Theon is fully cloaked, his armor hidden by the black fabric, his voice low as they wait for the signal.
They had been lying in wait ever since word had gotten out that the royal family was soon to pass by on their return trip to King’s Landing. The snail’s pace they had taken down to Riverrun to meet with Stannis then here to Highgarden had nearly driven him mad with boredom, but they could not risk alerting the Lannisters further than they already had. Now a mere week after Margaery’s nameday they have set the trap along the Roseroad.
Robb can hardly contain his excitement, soon he will be able to see her, speak with her, take her hands in his own. She will be angry, yes, that she will no longer be queen, that he had deceived her, but she would be queen of his heart. When he thought about such a line, the back of his head still stung from where Sansa had smacked him for it. It will be no replacement for Queen of the Seven Kingdoms , she said, but Robb hoped Margaery would forgive his deception.
It was not even truly a deception born of his own mind; it had been her grandmother's. The North did not want the Iron Throne, would not fight to put one of their own upon it, and his father was far too honorable a man to go against Stannis. There was no other suitable option. Stannis himself was married, had only a daughter, Margaery could not climb any higher, and she would not be safe if she remained married. Not with the truth of Tommen’s birth spreading farther and farther each day.
“You want me to scare her a bit, make you seem more the hero? Might ease her anger.” Theon offers an easy smile spreading across his face.
“Is that what you did to win over my sister?” Robb drawls, scanning the dimly lit road, they should hear the wheelhouses any moment now.
Theon chuckles quietly. “It was I who carried her through the streets of King’s Landing, who kept her safe from the ruffians and murders among the crowd that day.”
“Funny, Sansa said you held onto her sleeve and my father’s tunic as you ran, that you swore you would never visit a brothel again if you survived to the edge of the city.”
Theon scoffs but shifts in his crouched stance. “I have not visited a brothel since then, this is true, but I did not hold onto your father.”
“Just Sansa then?”
“Fuck you Stark.” Theon snarls, but there’s no bite to his words, only the playful ribbing that Robb has grown accustomed to since they were children.
“Will you two shut up?” Dacey Mormont hisses, her eyes like will o’wisps shining in the dark.
Then he feels it, the slight tremor in the ground, Grey Wind's ears perking up. The rush of adrenaline as the carts and wheelhouses begin to appear flanked by guards, guards who are either on their side or far too tired to expect an ambush on a road as well guarded as the Roseroad.
Robb counts the wheelhouses and carts as they pass, he will know hers on sight, Lady Olenna Tyrell had sent him a letter describing it down to the spokes on its wheels. She would not have any other man kidnap her granddaughter. Finally, finally, he spots it, gold trimmed, a rose embossed on each door, the curtains, a red crushed velvet pulled closed, and a freshly repaired third spoke on the second wheel.
Glass shatters up ahead, flames leaping into the air, horses rearing up, and it is time.
Jon guides his horse away from your wheelhouse, towards Robb and Theon. This has been the plan, it has always been the plan, though he had not known it until his father appeared.
“Brother.” Robb says, leaning forward to clasp Jon in a one-arm hug. He is smiling, joyful as if the sky was not filled with smoke, and the road alight with flames, as if the sounds of battle did not rage around them.
“I thought you were told?” Jon asks, confusion adding to the heavy stone of guilt in his stomach.
“I was, nothing has changed, we were raised together, you are my brother as Theon is.” Robb shrugs, nodding towards the Ironborn who had gone to fetch you and Margaery.
Jon squeezes his brother tightly. “Thank you.”
Robb pulls back with a smile. “Do not thank me, not until the anger of our wives dies down.”
Wives. Robb has no fear, he calls Margaery his wife, caring not that she is married to another, but Jon does not share that courage. He cannot shake off the lingering aches of being labeled a bastard all his life so easily. There is still fear someone better will steal you away, that you will resent him for the stigma that followed him for so long.
“Fucking hells.” Theon curses loudly, stumbling back as you and Margaery bust out of the wheelhouse, pushing past him, a blade clutched in Margaery’s hand.
“What a woman.” Robb whistles lowly, kicking his horse into a gallop after you both.
Jon follows, tugging the hood of his cloak further down.
Robb sweeps Maragery from her feet, but your hand is still in hers, and you cry out her name, as she cries out yours. Raw fear and desperation are clear in your eyes, and you dig your heels into the ground, pulling Margaery from Robb’s grasp, the two of you tumbling to the dirt.
You quickly help her up, just in time for Robb to round his horse and ride towards you both. Jon grabs you as he passes by, his arm an iron band around your waist keeping you locked against his chest.
You struggle against him, screaming when Robb sweeps Margaery onto his horse. “The Queen, save the Queen!”
Your cries draw the attention of some Lannister guards who are fighting against men Jon remembers from Winterfell, arrows fly and take advantage of their distraction, the Lannister men crumbling to the ground.
You scream again, terrified, and it guts him to realize you are screaming his name, begging him to save you.
Why has he not spoken? Why has he let you believe he was a stranger? It is the adrenaline, the rush of battle that has paralyzed his tongue, dried out his mouth and he finally forces it to work, unsticking it from the roof of his mouth. “Y/N, y/n, it is me, my starlight, you are safe.”
You twist in his hold, terrified eyes meeting his. “Thank the gods, Jon, we must turn back, we must rescue Margaery.”
“She is well, all is well, I promise.” Jon says, kicking his horse into a gallop.
Robb cannot say if he is upset or overjoyed at Margaery’s reaction to the news. It had been a few hours now, the moonlit fading, the sun soon to rise. First, she was frightened, then apologetic when she saw the cut she had given Theon with her dagger, then she was smiling, and it is a smile he would gladly give his life for. But now, now she is angry, her words calm, her voice even, and soft, but he can see it in her eyes.
“You deceived me, My Lord, you said I would be queen.” She says, fixing him with a look that he knows he will see much more of in their shared years to come. “Now you tell me Stannis’ dour wife will sit in my place instead. That you have organized a kidnapping to lure the remaining Lannisters here, that way Stannis and your father will have no trouble taking King’s Landing.”
“My Lady, it was your grandmother’s idea, Stannis would not hesitate to lock you away or marry you off to an old, fat bannerman of his if you had attempted to keep your position as queen. He might have even ordered you killed if an agreement had not struck for your safety.” He explains, taking her hands in his and pressing them to his lips, they are as soft as he imagined.
Margaery cannot hide the smile tugging at the corners of her lips, not from him, even though her eyes still flash dangerously. “So, you thought to make that choice for me? What if I wished to marry an old, fat lord?”
He chuckles, and presses her hand to his chest, allowing her to feel not only his steady heartbeat but the hardened muscle. Y/N had written to him of Margaery’s likes and dislikes, what caught her eye, what displeased her. “If you truly want that, I am sure there is a Frey somewhere you could marry.”
He slides her hand down slowly, taking a step closer, his voice low. “But I have waited a very long time to finally set my eyes upon you, to feel your hand in mine, and if I am to send you to a Frey, at least allow me the honor of hearing my name fall from your lips.”
Her eyes flicker to his, then to his lips, then back again, a smirk curling on her own as her lashes flutter. “Like this, Robb? ”
She says his name so sweetly he nearly groans, but he stands firm, “not quite.”
Margaery pouts up at him, then tangles her fingers in the laces of his tunic and pulls him forward, going up on her toes, her lips parted so invitingly. “Do not be mean to me, Robb, I am to be your wife.”
Old gods take him, he is not Jon, he does not possess the strength his cousin does. He cups her cheek and kisses her, crushing her to him, walking her backwards until she falls onto his bed, him hovering above her, refusing to relinquish her lips.
Margaery sighs beneath him, carding her fingers through his hair. “Was that better?”
“Much better.” He laughs breathily, pressing a kiss to the corner of her lips.
“I am queen Robb; I wish to still be queen.” She says softly, looking up at him with those doe eyes, she is so beautiful, a goddess of spring.
Robb caresses her cheek, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of her nose. “I wished to keep you as queen, but it would not be safe. I offer you myself instead, and the whole of the North, I shall remake it to your desires.”
She ponders his words, and for a moment cold fear strikes through him.
“I guess that will be enough. I shall draw up plans quickly, and present them to you for your input, you know the capabilities of your people far better than I do.” She says, giving him that radiant smile, her hair splayed out, her lips kiss swollen, her eyes lowered demurely.
“Do not look at me like that, I know you are much too spirited to play such a meek part.” He says, flipping them over and running his hand through her hair, the silky tresses falling through his fingers like water.
Margaery plants her hands on his chest, smiling coyly. “You do not wish me to play your good little wife?”
He chuckles. “You may pretend with all others, but not with me. I have seen you Margaery, the core of you, we have spent too long writing each other for me not to know who you truly are.” He sits up, brushing the hair from her neck, his fingers trailing down the pure, unblemished skin. “And I quite like you without the mask, will you allow me to see more?”
Her breath catches in her throat, and he takes that as a yes.
Jon sees you bite your lip and glance at him, the sounds from within Robb and Margaery’s tent are soft, but not soft enough to spare you both the embarrassment. “Do you think they know we are here?”
He knows his ears are bright red, he can feel them burning, and he shakes his head. “I doubt it, Robb is bold, but…not that bold.”
“Perhaps we should come back at a later time?” You suggest shuffling your feet in the dirt.
The sounds grow louder, and Jon takes your arm, walking briskly away. “I think that would be best.”
You both wait until you are far enough from the tent and dissolve into peals of laughter, doubling over.
“I cannot believe—oh I must tease her for that later.” You get out through your laughter, the moonlight giving you an ethereal glow.
Jon wipes tears of mirth from his eyes. “I knew he was eager to meet her, but I thought his honor would hold till her marriage was annulled, at the very least.”
You look at him, laughter dying down, a smile on your beautiful face. “I guess I cannot blame them, I do not know what I would do if we were separated for such a long time.”
Jon reaches for your hand, caressing the soft skin, admiring the silver ring gracing your hand. His father had brought it from Starfell, it was his mother’s, a starburst amethyst that shined when the light hit it. “I do not think I would bed you where anyone could hear, even if we had spent years apart.”
You give him a mischievous smile, taking a step closer, your free hand on his chest, your lips mere inches from his. “Even if I asked?”
He presses your hand in his to his lips instead of responding, and you giggle.
“Let us pray we shall never be parted then.” You say, rising up on your toes to press your lips to his in a quick kiss.
His cheeks burn, and he ducks his head. “Y/N, someone could see.”
“We are to be married remember, and we are among your cousin’s men, I am sure they will not begrudge us one small kiss.” You tease, ghosting your lips over his as you speak, your fingers sliding between the laces of his tunic.
“You are a temptress, a vile, vile temptress.” Jon groans softly, his eyes fluttering shut as you begin to draw circles on his chest with your nails. He bridges the gap between you two, even the scent of smoke that lingers on your clothing can smother the smell of your jasmine perfume. He nearly groans again when you part your lips for him so readily, desperate to further intertwine yourself with him.
A familiar sharp cough breaks the two of you apart, and Jon swears beneath his breath. “Theon.”
“Jon.” Theon smirks.
“Lord Greyjoy.” You say, brushing the hair back from your face in an attempt to look put together.
“Lady Lannister.” Theon nods his head towards you, still smirking. “We have been called to gather. Tyrion Lannister has sent his response.”
TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz, @idohknow, @bdudette, @pluraldoggo, @legolastheleafyelf, @faerie-film, @wifiatthetrainstation, @duskypinki, @tartine-de-pain
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 11 months
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10:30 ー NANAMI KENTO. and the dark awaits us all around the corner; but here in our place, we have for the day, can we stay a while and listen for heaven?
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“I can feel you looking at me.”
“How do you know? Your eyes are closed.”
A brown eye opens to see you, unsurprisingly, resting your chin on your palm. Guilty as charged, you’ve been watching him. “I can’t truly enjoy our joint day off if I don’t look at you lovingly before you wake up,” you grin and despite your boyfriend’s best efforts, he chuckles lightly. “It’s Sunday,” you remind him unnecessarily with a giggle. “The world works differently on Sundays even if you’re a big bad jujutsu sorcerer with a world record of black flashes.”
“I regret letting you and Gojou meet,” Kento’s tired sigh only makes even more laughter bubble from your lips. You don’t know many people from the sorcerer life Kento told you about, but Satoru is a riot. Any choice of confections and the white-haired man will quickly divulge all the stories he has about Kento’s teenage years. Part of you is certain he’d do that even if sweet treats weren’t on the table though. “Have you been up long?”
You shake your head before falling back onto your side, “not too long." It's rare Kento has time to himself from his work as a sorcerer. It's complicated but you can understand the gist of it. Curses don't stop and thus, neither can he. You'll treasure the time he does have, at least.
You have been ever since he told you the truth about his job. What being with him would entail. He said it wouldn't be fair to keep it from you began getting serious.
It's only a matter of time before Kento retires and he can rest as much as he deserves. Malaysia. We should go on a trip soon. He's always wanted to go.
A comfortable silence falls over your room as you look at each other with a pair of matching smiles.
"Good morning," the blond's voice rumbles with a tired but satisfied hum. He reaches out a hand and you meet it halfway.
You kiss the back of his knuckles before pressing your lips to the tips of his fingers. "Morning," you whisper before holding his hand to your chest and twining your fingers.
You close your eyes and lean into his warmth. I never knew I could love somebody this much. The world is cold and cruel but Nanami Kento is proof that, despite that fact, there is still warmth and beauty to be found in it. "Let's just stay in bed today."
"And abandon our plans for brunch?"
"Yes," you say resolutely. There's no where you'd rather be than at home with your boyfriend.
Kento's thumb brushes the side of your fingers, "I normally wouldn't fight against staying in but it would be rude to the employees if we didn't go in for the reservation."
"Okay, okay," you groan. This is what happens when you make reservations and you're not selfish enough to inconvenience restaurant staff. "You take your shower fir-"
When you open your eyes, Kento is gone and the vibrant color and warmth of your room went with him.
The bed feels too large for one person.
Your hand isn't covered by another a few sizes larger than your own; it isn't engulfed in a palm that is a strange dichotomy of rough and soft. Instead your hand is in the open and bare, save for the ring gracing one of your fingers.
Finding it was an accident during a manic cleaning episode a few days prior. Kento had it hidden away neatly in a cupboard you almost always forgot you had.
Reality sets in and your giddy smile drops.
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1 WEEK AGO. OCTOBER 31, 2018 ; 23:15 ーThat's the time Itadori Yuuji tells you three words that destroy the center of your universe.
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“Nanami is dead.”
Yuuji can’t look you in the eye when he tells you this, he can't bring himself to look. His fists shake at his side, but he forces himself to stay still awaiting your reaction. You're quietー too quiet. He closes his eyes to brace himself for whatever your reaction will be.
"It's my fault. I'm sorry. I couldn't..."
Will you yell at him?
Will you rightfully bring your hands down to strike him?
Or will you merely sob and have it haunt him for the rest of his days?
Nanami's gone and there's nothing of him to bring back for you.
"You've got it from here."
The least Yuuji can do is tell you what happened to the man that would never return home to you. Not even in pieces. There are so many bodies that can't be identified. So many people who will never go home to their families. Families that will never see their loved ones again.
He can't tell all of themー but Yuuji can at least tell you.
There's movement in front of him and Yuuji welcomes however your emotions have chosen to manifest. Yet when he feels your arms wrap around him, his eyes jolt wide open. "He saved you, didn't he?" Your voice is soft, melancholic. Sadness clings to your tone but he can't mistake the blithe and relief mixed in it.
"He saved you, didn't he?"
"I-" Yuuji's cracked lips feel even drier. "But I-"
"Don't ever apologize to me for living," it's the angriest you've sound since he stepped foot in your house and even then it's a delicate anger. "Kento saved you because he believed in you, I believe in you too. There's nothing for me to forgive."
The warm tones of the apartment you once shared with one of the greatest individuals Yuuji's ever known is beginning to blur. "I don't know what I'm fighting for anymore. I can't ever protect anyone that I want to save. Nanami should be here-"
At those words, you hug him even tighter. "I know that man better than anyone," you tell him firmly with that knowing tone all adults possess. "Kento didn't regret anything and I know he would do it all over again. I'm happy and blessed that I was able to fall in love with someone with such a big heart. So trust me when I tell you that Kento adored you and he would happy you're alive. I'm happy your alive. It's the job of us adults to worry about you troublemakers. So please, don't blame yourself. Kento would want you to hear that."
When the tears spill and the sobs rack his body, Yuuji feels resentment more than grief. All the while you hugged him tightly, rubbing circles into his back. You who should be crying right now if anything. You who should be angry at him.
He wants you to be angry at him.
"Why can't you just be mad at me?" Yuuji whimpers into the crook of your neck.
You kiss the side of his head despite how undoubtedly gross it must be from the sweat and blood and dirt its collected over the night. "Because I love you, you silly boy. Me and Kento."
That's what breaks him the most.
“Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" Your expression is one of concern as you both stand at the door. "I can whip up something while you're in the bath. I'm sure I can find something of Kento's that you can fit."
Yuuji's grin is weak but he shakes his head, "it's okay. I've got a ride back to the school. They're probably sick of waiting for me."
With a smile and a final exchange of farewells, you close the door with a sigh. Yuuji is a strong kid, you know that much. Still that doesn’t stop you from worrying about him. I hope he takes everything I said to heart. Even just a little, bit by bit, until the boy is able to believe your words fully. You know the man you love, Kento wouldn’t have regretted anything.
I should have tried a little harder to convince him to stay for at least a shower and dinner. That driver could have waited a few more minutes. Or I could have invited them in to eat as well. You press your forehead against the door, welcoming the coolness on your skin. You’ll check on Yuuji tomorrow you think as silence truly settles over your apartment.
It's in that silence that you finally notice the shaking of your hands. No they've been shaking the entire time. You're thankful Yuuji was too distraught to notice.
He's gone, that's all that had been racing through your mind when those three words left Yuuji's lips.
I can’t let this poor boy see me cry.
It wouldn't have been fair to him. He blamed himself enough, you could see the self-hatred all over his face.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
It’s simultaneously a relief you can’t hear Yuuji’s footsteps anymore as much as it fills you with further dread.
Kento isn’t coming home.
Your chest heaves dryly as quiet gasps slip from your lips and your knees buckle.
He's gone.
He's gone.
Your throat clenches as a sob finally escapes your throat.
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writingstoraes · 1 year
begin again 🌷 (split pt. 3)
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: the long awaited part 3! this took so long only cause i had no idea how i want it to go lol anyway i hope u guys love this one :D lmk what u think!
about: almost a year after your split with charles, fans take a trip down memory lane and wondering why the two of you seemed to have watered things down after soft launching other people months ago. a bunch of rumors also set twt crazy along with speculations at your paddock appearance where you apparently support ferrari.
read: part 1, part 2 (can read on its own, but the parts provide context hehe)
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liked by isahernaez, lilymhe, landonorris, and 231,298 others
yourusername back at the happiest place on earth ❤️
lilymhe Have fun, love xo
yourbff Looking that good just to watch a race????
charliez1655 miss mam twt is on fire we all miss you 😪
leclercsluv wdym shes almost always at every race ricciardoshooey no they meant w charles lol
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yourusername recently added to her instagram story!
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Now playing: Charles Leclerc, 2023 Austrian GP, Post-Sprint Shootout Interviews
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liked by yourbff, lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 210,593 others
yourusername on a wednesday, in a cafe, i watched it begin again
lecslover looking GOOD AS HELL QUEEN
sainzplaylist god shes back to the man shes been soft launching i think i am going to be: sick
1655lecs that might be charles, we don't know 🙏 sainzplaylist yeah i think its time we let that go lol
wagsqueens mam im sorry wym by begin again???
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liked by pierregasly, finemidnights, carlossainz55, and 982,221 others
charles_leclerc It's nice to have a friend 🌅
tyreexpert u cant tell me thats not y/n 😪 she's his friend after all...
joris__trouche Looking sharp!
lecssainz16 war is over you guys theyre back at it i am in my acceptance stage now
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Some months later...
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, lilymhe, and 756,293 others
yourusername i am and willl always be your number one fan. words cannot encapsulate how proud i am of you; truly, you deserve all of this and so much more. congratulations, my love ❤️
it's nice to see you running towards me again :)
ps. yes we've been soft-launching each other the past months hahaha
livwatchraces i screamed when i saw you guys on the screen!!!
carlossainz55 Aaand they're back 🎉
charles_leclerc Thanks, number one shipper
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen, arthurleclerc, and 1,982,384 others
charles_leclerc Sunshine in human form.
A few months ago, I started hanging on to the fact that in good faith and in good time, things will eventually work its way out. Almost a year ago, it seems as if we have closed a chapter but today, we are living proof people who are made for each other can begin again.
Ce sera toujours toi 🤍 It will always be you.
scuderiaferrari We missed you tons, Y/N! ❤️
wagsf1 the queen of all queens is back we love to see it
lecslover it's years later and he still talks about her the same way he always have 🥹
sainzchamp The way theyve been soft launching each other all this time and that one rumor of Charles being with another girl was still Y/N 😭
yourusername sold our apartment already? too bad 😆
charles_leclerc I never actually sold it, if I did, I'd probably buy it back
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy, @mehrmonga, @mess-in-side, @leclerc16s, @thelovehypothesis, @dakotali, @aldene-styles
notes: eeee and its finally done! cant believe it took so much time before i finished all three parts lol anyway thank you so much for those who waited for the part three (i see all the asks on my inbox and the comments ehehe) i really just didn't know how i wanted it to go so! i hope you guys love this and lmk what you think <3
934 notes · View notes
gingiesworld · 11 months
Meet Me In The Meadow
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Pairings : Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers
Warnings: Infidelity. Smut. Amab! Reader. No happy ending.
Word Count: 4.6k
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @belatrixdragon
Wanda Maximoff, the only living daughter of Oleg and Iryna Maximoff, well respected entrepreneurs in Westview. However, they needed a means to stabilize their business, so they decided to marry off their 18 year old daughter to the son of Mr James Rogers, Steve. She was to move into the Rogers' estate at the announcement of the engagement. Of course, Steve was immediately taken by her beauty, Wanda remained unhappy with the situation. Soon, transforming into the role of the housewife, making sure that meals were prepared and ready on time for the men returning from a hard day at the office. She had still yet to meet her now husband's sibling.
"Y/N will be home soon." Mrs Rogers beamed as she prepared the house, making sure their room was clean and dust free upon awaiting their arrival.
"Y/N?" Wanda questioned.
"They are my mother's pride and joy." Steve scoffed as he cleaned his hunting rifle, Wanda suddenly became uneasy with his posture. "I followed father into the business while they followed our grandfather, mother's father into the confederate."
"So they are a soldier?" Wanda questioned as Steve grunted a yes. "That's amazing isn't it?"
"No!" He yelled as he looked up at her, disgust on her face. "They only did that to appease their mother's family and her roots. Their actions were completely selfish."
Wanda just nodded and left it at that, opting to help her mother in law with the household chores. What had made Steve more angry was to not be able to father a child. The couple's failed attempts at fertility played a role in his daily disappointments. Leading him to visit the local doctor, afraid of the outcome. He was told that he was either infertile or his wife was barren. Of course a woman's inability to reproduce was always frowned upon, but the inability for a man, a well respected man to reproduce was downright an embarrassment to the family name.
"When do you think we will be graced with small feet running around here?" Mrs Rogers asked as Wanda helped knead the dough.
"I don't know." Wanda sighed, although she was afraid of the inevitable, she was also relieved of the lack of pregnancy.
"Well, keep trying dear." She smiled. "It isn't likely that Y/N will pass down the gene to any children as they are in battle most of the time." Wanda only nodded as she put the dough in the oven to bake as she cleaned up her workspace before working on the stew, using the last of the game meat as Steve and Mr Rogers were going on a hunting trip.
As the hours passed, a sound of a carriage being pulled by horses filled the house. Mrs Rogers was excited to see her child after so many months apart.
"My darling child." She beamed as she practically ran down the stairs, cupping their face as she wore a smile on her face. "I missed you." They kissed her forehead before pulling her in for a hug.
"I got your letters." They informed her. "The news of home kept me from going insane." Their eyes moved to the brunette stood beside her husband. "You must be Wanda." They held their hand out for her to shake, which she did.
"Hello." She spoke shyly as they gave her a tender smile.
"I hope my brother treats you well." They spoke endearingly, earning a scoff from the man in question.
"My marriage does not regard you." He snarled before he disappeared inside as Y/N received a quick hug from their father. He cupped their face to get a better look at them.
"That is a new one." He gestured to the 2 inch long scar on their cheek.
"Another one to my collection." They spoke with pride as Mr Rogers patted their cheek, a proud smile on his face before he retreated inside. "I must bathe before we sit for dinner, mother." Y/N spoke up as she glanced at Wanda.
"Wanda will fill the tub dear." Wanda nodded and retreated to the bathroom, heating up water on the fire before filling the metal tub.
"Thank you." Y/N smiled as they entered the room. Wanda nodded shyly as she finished filling the tub.
"You're welcome." She whispered as she retrieved the fresh towels from the shelf and placed them on the stool. "Do you need my help to wash your back?" She asked as they smiled at her.
"You don't have to." They told her, grabbing the bar of soap and washing their arms. "I understand how being here must be uncomfortable, especially with being forced to marry someone whom you have no real feelings for."
"What makes you think I don't have feelings for Steve?" Wanda asked them as she tilted her head.
"I know very well that it was an arrangement between our fathers." They spoke with certainty as Wanda moved to sit on the stool. "I know they both prefer to put their business first, children second. That is why I joined the Confederacy."
"So you didn't want anything to do with the family business." Wanda noted as Y/N nodded.
"I hated the idea of my life being set out for me, so as soon as I turned 18, I signed my name." They told her. "I was sent on my first battle around the time of the engagement." They leaned forward slightly, giving Wanda a shy smile. "May I have your help?"
"Of course." Wanda never hesitated to help them, washing their back tenderly, taking in the scars that litter their body. "So you and I are the same age?" She questioned as they nodded.
"I am also surprised that you and my brother haven't birthed any children." They pointed out. "It usually occurs within the first year of marriage."
"Well, we aren't for a lack of trying." Wanda stated. "I guess that it is just not meant to be."
"I don't think that is the case." Y/N pointed out. "I think one of you may be unable to inherit an heir."
"You speak like you know." She chuckled as she massaged their shoulders subconsciously.
"I have been around many medical professionals and even some of the men I have come to call my family have had similar troubles." They told her.
"If I'm barren then." She whispered as her hands stopped moving, but remained on their shoulders. "I can't be shunned." She had tears in her eyes.
"You won't be." They told her, rising to their feet and stepping out of the now cold bath. "I'm sure it may happen soon." They turned to her as they picked up the towel from her lap. "Just relax. Maybe take a small getaway with Steve."
"I can't." She whispered as she looked up into their tender gaze. "I just." With that, she left the room as Y/N watched the door close, wondering if they may have overstepped.
The passing days, Wanda had avoided Y/N, although she would steal glances as they helped their mother around the house, doing the manly chores that both Steve and Mr Rogers would neglect. As Wanda was out feeding the chickens, Y/N had approached with the tools, heading over to fix the chicken coop.
"May I apologise Wanda." They spoke tenderly as they stood beside her.
"You haven't anything to apologise for." She told them as she looked up into their eyes. "I just had a lot to think about."
"Well, I still apologise." They spoke sincerely before moving to repair the coop.
"Why doesn't your father or Steve do any of the repairs around here?" Wanda questioned as she followed them.
"I guess having their business in town running smoothly is more important than a stable home." They informed her as they started to remove the old rotted planks of wood. "But, grandfather taught me all I know how to maintain a home." Wanda remained by their side and helped them as they spoke. "He was a respectable man. More respectable than father, although father is indeed a hypocrite."
"Why is that?" She questioned as they hammered the new plank on the coop.
"My mother's family was a military family. My Grandfather had no real business talents, so marrying my mother had no real benefits to the business." They told her. "My father fell in love with my mother, he went against everything his father taught him and married her."
"But he decided to change that with Steve." Wanda spoke bitterly.
"Exactly." Y/N nodded. "Steve was in love with the Carter girl. Margaret I think her name was."
"I think he still might be." Wanda admitted. "Neither of us have spoken those three words to each other." She admitted sadly. "That's because neither of us feel that way. I don't love your brother, I don't love this life." Y/N was quick to wipe away her tears, caressing her cheek softly as they looked into her eyes.
"Isn't there a way for you to escape this life?" They whispered as Wanda shook her head.
"Only death." She whispered as she sighed, relishing in the warm touch of their hands. "But I don't want to die."
"You won't die." They told her firmly. "Come to me, whenever you feel like you need someone to talk to. I will be here for you Wanda. Anyway, you need me."
That was the moment Wanda thought more about her feelings, how she never felt any true emotion for Steve, how she hated her life and it was only really her mother in law and now Y/N who made her feel at home.
"We have a party, a business party and I need you and Wanda to accompany your mother and I." Mr Rogers informed Steve as they sat in the drawing room while having a nightcap.
"Of course father." Steve smiled as he sipped on his whiskey, the two talking about the party that was coming up. "Is Y/N invited?" He questioned as his father shook his head no.
"They never wanted anything to do with the business." He spoke hastily. "They wanted to follow your mother's father into the confederacy. A disappointment to the family name really." Wanda's heart broke at hearing those words. Y/N was the kindest soul she had ever met, considering the horrors they have experienced on the battlefield.
The evening of the party arrived, Wanda walked down the stairs from her shared quarters with her husband. He just hummed before heading out to the awaiting carriage, sighing in disappointment until her eyes met Y/N's tender gaze.
"You look stunning Wanda." They told her softly, a blush soon coated her cheeks as her stomach filled with dancing butterflies.
"Thank you." She whispered before she headed out to the carriage. Joining her husband and his parents in the carriage. She could sense a bitter atmosphere between Mr and Mrs Rogers, especially as Mr Rogers and Steve spoke enthusiastically about the guests of tonight's party.
"Your parents will be joining us in tonight's festivities." Mr Rogers informed her, she only smiled with a nod of acknowledgement before she looked outside of the window, watching as the new brick buildings lined up on the road.
"I miss them." She whispered as the carriage came to a halt.
"Maybe we can invite them over when we have some news." Steve suggested as Wanda just nodded her head, an unsure smile gracing her lips as she took Steve's hand as she stepped out of the carriage, looking up at the building she has only been a handful of times, the first was upon meeting her husband.
She followed her husband and his parents inside, seeing as the party was already in full swing. Many men and women enjoyed the spread that was placed on the tables with fine wine and whiskey.
"Wanda darling." Wanda heard her mother's voice before she turned around to face her. Her arms opened as she welcomed her daughter into a loving embrace.
"I've missed you mama." Wanda whispered as Iryna cupped her daughter's cheeks.
"I've missed you too dear." Iryna told her honestly, placing a tender kiss to her forehead before she greeted her son in law and his parents. "Don't they have a second child?" Iryna asked as she remained beside her daughter.
"They do." Wanda confirmed. "But they are different mama, they are kind, caring and selfless. The complete opposite to Mr Rogers and Steve."
"How are things going with him?" She asked in a hushed tone, ushering Wanda out onto the empty porch.
"Fine." She answered curtly. "We don't click mama."
"I know dear." Iryna gave her an apologetic look. "If it were up to me, I would have had you marry the person who you loved wholeheartedly, and not this arrangement your father had wanted."
The party went on with Wanda remaining near her mother as Steve remained with Mr Rogers, talking with investors and business partners, while Y/N remained home alone, taking the opportunity to fix the barn in the moonlight.
They had always enjoyed the simplicity of the little things. The crickets singing into the quiet night. The moon and stars illuminating the horizon in a soft and gentle light. The silence though seemed almost deafening. Their ears soon picked up the sound of the carriage pulling in, the neighing of the horses and the sound of hooves filled the silent air.
"Y/N is in the barn." Mrs Rogers observed as she heard the sound of the hammer. "Wanda dear, may you go and check on them?"
"She doesn't need to, mother." Steve tried as she just gave him a stern glare.
"I don't care for your evening trists, Steve. I want to know if my child is ok." She told him firmly. "You can help me with warming the house." He looked to his father who only remained silent. Mr Rogers knew better than to go against his wife, so Steve was left alone. Of course Wanda had to fight the smile growing as she felt such relief. She was the first out of the carriage, heading straight to the barn as Steve watched her.
"I don't like their relationship father." He stated with anger in his tone.
"It is nothing son. She is your wife and she will give birth to your children." Mr Rogers assured him.
"I don't think so, father." Steve spoke sadly. "We have tried, every night we have tried and nothing. Maybe one of us is unable to bear a child."
"Well, you know what the outcome of that is, my son." He told him firmly. "You need to father a child, preferably with your wife or you will be shunned from society." Steve just nodded before helping his mother light the fires, a warm amber soon lit up the rooms as he continued his mother's request.
"Y/N, your mother asked me to check on you." Wanda spoke as she spotted Y/N up on a ladder.
"Wanda!" They smiled as they sooned climbed down. "It seems I may have gotten carried away with the time."
"That's quite alright." She smiled at them, her eyes soon catching their sweaty form. "Your mother was just concerned."
"How was the party?" They asked her as she sighed.
"It was ok." She told them. "It was nice seeing my family again but being called Steve Rogers' little wife is just."
"Not what you want." They observed as the two sat on a hay bail.
"No." She whispered. "I always dreamed I would find my better half one day, fall in love and start a family." Y/N listened as she spoke, never daring to interrupt her spoken thoughts. "What about you?" She asked them as they gazed into her eyes, love and adoration was all she saw.
"I'm afraid that my happiness and future is short lived." They told her honestly. "I have fallen for someone."
"Who?" She asked them.
"It doesn't matter anyway." They told her. "She is married."
"She must be amazing." Wanda spoke as Y/N nodded.
"You are." They whispered, eyes widening as Wanda's cheeks coated red. "I'm sorry. That was out of line." Wanda watched as they stood up, soon following them and turning them to face her.
"Kiss me." She whispered as she cupped their cheek, Y/N searched for any signs of doubt but found none, leaning in and lips meeting in a tender kiss. Wanda sighed as the feeling, her entire being electrified at this simple act. As the kiss deepened, their hearts beat together in unison. That was the moment Wanda realised what it felt like to be in love. To truly be in love but unable to be with that person.
Since that first kiss, the two would have stolen moments together, she had also opted to help Y/N with repairs around the estate as Steve and Mr Rogers were in the village, tending to work and important meetings.
"I am just heading out into town." Mrs Rogers informed the two of them.
"Ok mother, be safe." Y/N spoke with a smile before kissing her head. "I am going to show Wanda more of the land, where Steve and I used to roam."
"Ok dear." She smiled between the two before bidding a final farewell. Once the two were alone, Wanda was quick to kiss them passionately, her arms around their neck as their tongues danced together.
"We need to be more careful." Y/N told her, their tender eyes meeting hers.
"I want you Y/N." She whispered as they soon led her outside. Walking along the dirt road until they came up on the meadow surrounding a lake.
"But you are married to my brother." They whispered as Wanda pulled them towards her. "And I hate that he has you first."
"You have my heart." Wanda confessed as she pulled away from them, her hands started to remove her dress as they watched her movements. "Since our first kiss, Steve and I haven't been intimate, because I don't want him."
"But this is forbidden." They whispered as they watched the fabric fall away from her, her milky skin glowing beautifully in the sunlight. "And I." They stepped closer as she removed her undergarments, standing before them, completely nude. "You're taking my breath away."
"Make love to me." She whispered. "Here, in the wildflowers." They never spoke another word, fulfilling her request by kissing her hard, their hands gripping her ass as she moaned at their hardened member. Soon helping them remove their own clothes, the two soon lay down in the wildflowers.
"You are absolutely breathtaking." They whispered as they hovered above her, taking in her natural beauty as their hand softly grazed her skin, goosebumps rising at the touch. Wanda caressed their face before they leaned down and captured her lips once more, a kiss so tender and passionate, their feelings were being poured into each movement. Each touch ignited something within, even as they reached between her thighs, causing a gasp to leave her lips at the sensations.
Y/N's fingers thrust deep inside her as she held onto their shoulders, keeping their body close and touching hers.
Once she had come, she was quick to kiss them sloppily, their hips pressed together as they kissed. The friction between the two, sweat building up as they thrust their hardened member deep inside, their head in the crook of her neck as they continued their movements. Her legs wrapped around them as her hands scratched down their back, soon feeling them cum within her aching core as she soon followed. Once they had both calmed down, Y/N brushed her hair from her face, taking in her flushed state.
"That was how it was always supposed to be." She whispered as they nodded.
"An act so intimate should only feel as amazing as the first time with someone you love deeply." They spoke as she smiled, whimpering once they pulled out. "We should clean up." They whispered as she nodded, watching as they grabbed their clothes, helping Wanda into hers before getting dressed themselves. That was the start of their intimate moments, finding themselves alone as much as they could, to relish in sins of the flesh.
"Run away with me." They whispered as they lay naked in the meadow, Wanda's head on their chest as their fingers danced over her skin.
"What?" She questioned.
"Let's run away together." They told her. "You and I, get away from this place, away from Steve."
"We can't do that." She scrambled to her feet. "I am married to your brother!"
"We are in love, Wanda." They told her confidently, watching as she put her own clothes on. "You don't love Steve."
"He is my husband. Your brother." She told them firmly.
"I know but." They tried as she shook her head no.
"We can't." She whispered as tears fell down her cheeks, her lips pursed to hold in the sobs that were begging to escape. "We can't." With that she walked away, heading back towards the Rogers estate, back to her husband.
As the days past, Y/N tried to have even a small conversation with Wanda, but she always left the room. So they decided to write a note for her, leaving it in her favorite book on her bedside before they packed enough clothes for the two of them.
But what they never expected was Steve to find the note, searching for his own poetry book, he came across the note.
Meet me in the meadow my love. Tonight at sundown, we can be free. And wild like the wildflowers.
I love you with all of my heart and soul Wanda.
Y/N Rogers.
Anger coursing through his veins as he reread the note, over and over again. It wasn't that he was upset by the possible infidelity, although it answered many questions. He felt more betrayed, especially by someone who he used to hold so dear growing up.
"Mother is requesting us for dinner." Wanda informed him as he looked up at her, glaring at the woman he called his wife. "What is that?" He never spoke a word but pushed it into her chest before walking away, grabbing his hunting rifle from beside the door before leaving the house.
Y/N sat in the grass as they looked over the lake, a smile on their face as they felt the evening air surrounding them and filling their lungs.
"I can't believe you." Steve uttered as he stood behind them. "You and my wife!"
"I can explain." They scrambled to their feet, hands in the air as the rifle was aimed at their chest. "I love her." They spoke sincerely. "I can't apologise for it nor can I change it."
"She's mine!" He yelled as he looked at them, tears stinging his eyes as he took a deep breath. "We were so close. What happened to us." He whispered as Y/N shook their head, unsure of how to answer. "We used to play here when we were little. Swim in the lake. We were best friends. It was you and me!"
"Steve." Y/N tried as they stepped closer. "You and I grew up, went our separate ways. You hated me before you found the note about Wanda and I." Steve shook his head as Y/N spoke. "We are two different people, we have both joined different paths. You followed father into his business. The family business which I am not a part of because I chose to go down a different path. That's what happened to you and I, we just aren't those same careless children anymore."
"I loved you." Steve snarled. "I was so fucking proud to call you my sibling, but this." He shook his head as Wanda raced against time to get to the meadow. "I fucking hate you. I have never hated anyone as much as I do you."
"I know." They nodded with a sad smile. "And I know you want to kill me, otherwise you would have just punched me and been done with this."
"I do." He admitted. "I want to kill you. Kill her too, but I can't kill her, especially since she is carrying your child."
"What?" Y/N whispered as he nodded with tears streaming down his face.
"Yes, it seems that I am the infertile one out of the two of us. I am the reason we weren't getting pregnant." He told them. "And I figured that out because we haven't been intimate in months. She keeps giving me excuses and now I know why."
"I." Y/N tried as they started to realise the effects of the whole situation. "You never loved her." They pointed out which just made Steve angrier.
"I don't care! She was my wife!! Mine!! And you betrayed me!!! Your own brother!!!" He yelled as Wanda soon caught sight of the two of them, trying to run faster as she noticed the rifle in Steve's hand. Before she even got close, she heard the gunshot, soon watching as Y/N fell to the ground, clutching their chest.
"NO!!!" She yelled as Steve turned around, reloading the rifle before aiming it at himself.
"I'm sorry Wanda." He whispered as he pulled the trigger, laying lifeless just inches away from a dying Y/N.
"My love." Wanda got onto her knees, trying to help them stop the bleeding. "Please stay with me."
"Meet me in the meadow." They whispered as she nodded, tears streaming down her face.
"I'll meet you in the meadow, at sundown." She whispered as they smiled up at her.
"Please look after our child." They croaked as they started to choke on their own blood. "Please make sure they live the life we wanted for them, a life of their own choosing."
"I will." She nodded as Y/N smiled up at her.
"I love you." They whispered as she kissed their lips one last time.
"I love you more." She sobbed as they took their last breath.
"No." She heard Mr and Mrs Rogers from behind her. Mr Rogers instantly went to his son as Mrs Rogers gripped Y/N's shirt, crying for her children.
As the family mourned, Wanda moved back home to be with her mother. Although everything seemed bleak, she had her baby to think of, her's and Y/N's child. She was free to raise it as the two had intended, letting them choose their own destiny, find the love that Wanda found in Y/N freely.
She would visit the meadow frequently, speaking with Y/N as she felt at peace within the wildflowers. Always telling their child stories of the fleeting moments she shared with Y/N.
"Goodnight mama." Their child spoke as she tucked them in, placing a gentle kiss upon their forehead.
"Goodnight sweetheart." She whispered as she closed the door. Everyday their child grew, every day she saw Y/N more and more with their child. From their caring eyes to their mischievous smile.
Heading straight to the porch, looking up at the starry night sky, her thoughts filled with the thoughts of the love she shared with Y/N. Although it was brief, it was unbreakable, flowing through the wildflowers freely.
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emeraldenha · 1 year
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pairing: sporty bf!jaehyun x gn!reader | genre: established relationship, fluff | wc: +1.3k words | warnings: just jaehyun being cheesy
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“Haven’t played it a day in my life.”
“What about golf?” Jaehyun attempts once again, turning his head to look your way as the two of you take an afternoon stroll through his neighborhood park.
Unable to return home for the holidays this year, your lovely boyfriend, Jaehyun, was ecstatic to use it as an opportunity to invite you to his hometown over break. And besides the stressful meet-the-parents dinner that awaited you the first night of your arrival, it’s all been smooth sailing from there as Jaehyun avidly showed you all his favorite places from his childhood. It’s a rush of both old and new memories overlapping simultaneously that you’re somehow able to sense despite not experiencing the former, but Jaehyun knows just how to paint the perfect picture for your mind to envision his little stories from photo album to reality.
Earlier during your walk to the park, you passed by some kids playing a seemingly competitive game of basketball on the basketball court and it washed Jaehyun with a wave of nostalgia, prompting him to reminisce on his flourishing sports life growing up.
Now, he was trying to get you to play a sport with him. Any sport. He was desperate for you to know how to play anything, badgering you with a list from off the top of his head.
“Yes, if mini golfing counts,” you answer with a chuckle, mindlessly swaying your intertwined hands back and forth. “I’ve only gone once though.”
It’s almost as if Jaehyun perfectly times stepping out into the sunlight after having walked through the shade casted by a line of towering trees, the glow on his face you can feel from him internally as much as externally.
“Perfect! Then we should go mini golfing for our next date,” he cutely declares, letting go of your hand for a second to bring you into a suffocating bear hug. “This is going to be so much fun!”
“You’re so dramatic!” you whine, but secretly, you love this side of him. When he loosens his grip on your waist, you’re greeted with his giddy, contagious smile. “You’re acting like I don’t already go out with you to games and stuff.”
His lips transform his blinding smile into a playful pout. “But you always make me explain what’s going on. Every. Single. Time.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love it when I do that. You always have this sort of golden flex in your eyes when you get to talk about the things you’re passionate about.”
He then goes from a pout to a smirk.
“What was that you said? A golden flex in my eyes?”
The next day, he talks your ear off about how excited he is all morning from the moment he wakes you up to get ready up until you’re in the passenger seat of his car. He’s definitely dressed in his golf attire for the occasion too—collared pollo shirt tucked into khaki pants in all their glory.
“Are you sure you want to drive?” you ask while buckling your seatbelt, frankly a little concerned.
You were the more comfortable one with driving in the relationship and that was a well-known fact. His car was practically your car. You even drove the entire road trip to his parent’s house, no prior discussion or agreement required.
“I can do it!” Jaehyun insists, starting the engine and carefully pulling out into the street. Not too long after, he almost swerves out of the lane he was in while trying to avoid a bird flying across the windshield. You don’t understand why he was so taken aback when it’s not like the car was going fast enough to hit the bird anyways.
“It still baffles me you have a license. Was the examiner watching you while half asleep? We’re going the speed of a turtle right now,” you tease, leaning your head back against the headrest as the music from Jaehyun’s playlist only adds to the rather calm atmosphere.
Suddenly, the car speeds up causing your body to lunge forward.
“Jae, you can’t just do that either! You have to ease into it!”
You would have smacked his arm if you weren’t so petrified that it’d cause the both of you to crash.
Amused by your reaction, his laugher rings through the air as you keep your eyes peeled on the road for the remainder of the drive.
When you get to the mini golf course and start playing, you learn that you feel like a loser standing next to Jaehyun for two reasons. One, your previous mini golfing experience was essentially good for nothing. Two, because of reason number one, Jaehyun was going easy on you and was still winning by a mile.
“I suck,” you complain like a child, as much as you hate to admit.
“Come on, you’re not half bad,” he attempts to convince you, but you don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.
He had to say that. He’s your boyfriend, and he’s too kind. You could wack the golf ball all the way into the parking lot somehow and he’d still try to say you weren’t ‘half bad.’
“Says the guy who’s barely even trying. How do you make it look so easy?”
Grabbing your wrist to drag you to the next course without a word, he meticulously adjusts your stance, making you feel like your limbs were being possessed by a mannequin.
“Myung Jaehyun,” you warn, though it can only be followed by empty threats. You can already sense what he’s about to do, your heartbeat picking up its pace, because even though close proximity is an obviously familiar concept between the two of you, it still gets you each and every time.
Circling him arms around you from behind and drawing you into his back, his hands rest over yours on the golf club as he swings, nearly achieving a hole-in-one. You’re secretly glad that’s not the case though so he can hold onto you a little longer, but unfortunately, the ball makes it in by the next shot. You still cheer as if you had done all the heavy lifting, feigning an unaffectedness for his touch and choosing to tease him instead.
“Pulling that move? You’re so cheesy, you know that?”
“But you like my cheesiness!” he retorts, cheekily stealing a kiss on your forehead.
A flurry of laughs erupt from both your throats as you feel a buzz through your jean pocket. You take a step away from Jaehyun for a moment to check your messages while he’s filling out the scorecard for you.
“What are you on your phone for?” He asks once he notices, and while a normal and innocent question, you notice the slump in his shoulders and his big puppy dog eyes all in a quick glance.
He wants your attention.
“Nothing. It’s Sungho. He’s just asking me how to do something,” you say and promise it won’t take long in order to console him, tongue slightly sticking out of your mouth as you draft a response to your mutual friend.
You only make it halfway through what you’re trying to say before you feel a weight on your shoulder. Jaehyun’s head has found its way there as the tip of his nose tickles the side of your neck.
“I love Sungho and everything, but can we worry about him later?” he mumbles into your skin, face probably flushed red if you were to guess. He continues, “I wanted to come here to spend time with you. No interruptions. Just for today, please.”
‘I can’t say no to him, can I?’ you think, the temptation to cave in hitting you quickly.
Rushing to finish whatever sentence you were on, you press send and write a quick follow up text to Sungho that you’ll get back to him later before shutting your phone off.
“I’m all yours,” you say, craning your head until your noses are touching. You press a lingering kiss to his lips and the blissful feeling is enough to erase the world around you. “For today, tomorrow, and every day after that, I’ll be yours.”
“My cheesiness is starting to rub off on you.”
You only shrug. “I don’t know, I think you were right. I do kind of like it after all.”
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permanent taglist: @icysungho
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seyaryminamoto · 6 months
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Fic-to-Art #39: Gladiator's ELEVENTH Anniversary! (+ BONUS: Fic-to-Art #36...)
And here we are! March 26th arrived and I did not forget about it, but I paid for my ambitious madness with my wrist and forearm. Somehow, I finished my intended pieces on time, but I do not advise that you ever try to make 9 artworks in 3 days. No, sir. Bad life decisions, that's what that was... but this fic, as anyone knows, moves me to do things I never thought possible, starting with writing the fic itself!
It's really crazy every time it hits me that I've been doing this for as long as I have. It's been a complicated, chaotic journey, with its many ups and downs, but ultimately, it has been our journey. For some people, this is just one more fic in the pile: for me, it's been the best adventure of my life so far. Everyone who has ever been touched by Gladiator, who has ever cherished this story, who's looking forward to the big conclusion, who wants to see how the chaotic war is going to end... you're all part of this crazy adventure along with me, and I can only thank you for joining me.
This year, I had no time to make as big a project as I usually go for. Thus, I did a sort of free-for-all edition of Fic-to-Art over at Patreon and challenged myself to draw as many scenes as I could, out of their suggestions. I even sprinkled in a few scenes I impulsively wanted to draw because I loved writing them or because I look forward to writing them... and this is the result!
In order, the scenes are as follow:
Sokka combing Azula's hair, a common occurrence throughout the story.
Azula watching over a convalescing Sokka in the Chase of Jeong Jeong arc.
The outcome of Sokka's final battle in the Superior Gladiator League, namely a moment where Sokka and Azula more or less gave away their relationship's true nature to the public by raising their hands towards each other...
And now, spoiler territory! Some were by my choice, some by Patreon requests:
An important moment shortly after Sokka and Azula reunite.
Azula confronting her father, with a LOT of backup.
Xin Long's long-awaited freedom.
The aftermath of the final battle.
The full-blown confirmation of their relationship to the general Fire Nation populace.
Sokka, Azula and Hotaru's first night together
And the big final one is ACTUALLY Fic-to-Art #36 but hahaha woops I didn't post it here on time because it was super hard to finish since I had a LOT of things going on... but here it is now! :'D it's a glimpse VERY far into the future of this fic's timeline!
Alright, that should be enough talking and explaining. Some things are vague, some things aren't, but ultimately I really hope you guys will be looking forward to the scenes you haven't seen yet, and to Gladiator's eventual outcome.
So now... with all this being said and done, I'm gonna go take a trip down memory lane and watch my Tenth Anniversary video once more! Feel free to do the same thing if you'd like to commemorate the fic, I think it's a good way to experience Gladiator all over again, hahaha.
Thank you if you read all this, and if you read all THAT: 5 million word landmark, here we come! Thanks for hanging out with me across ELEVEN years of Gladiator!
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