#and then redacted started to complain about that (other people saying that about them) and going about smt but I didn't catch that anymore
misskamelie · 1 day
Head in my hands, I'm doomed, this can't be going on for this long good grief. What the hell does my subconscious want to tell me. Hate the pms hormonal storm
#Guess who had a dream involving the redacted situation :))#basically we were out to eat (friend group outing. Sitting in front of each other because of course) and#1. It was them but it was not them. This person did not have their eyes but it was them I interacted w them w that awareness#2. It was the most confusing thing ever because it was like.#We interacted in the way I'm used to. But there was too much noise (I couldn't hear them. Nor others for that matter) so I had to lean#Across the table so naturally you get rather close. And at one point I got somehow frustrated by smt (I wanted to tie up my hair?#But it wouldn't come out as I wanted) so I just stood leaning there for a moment with my hair fallen in front of my face to talk (lol) and#they had? Rested their chin almost atop my head but like. You know when you actually rest your lips somehow against a person forehead?#That kinda thing. And of course I was not moving out of the position because it was very comforting 💀 only did so when I heard smt#from the others (it started the topic of like 'oh it's strange that redacted agreed to join. They usually don't'#The implication being that they agreed to it because there'd be involved people they hadn't seen in a while?)#and then redacted started to complain about that (other people saying that about them) and going about smt but I didn't catch that anymore#So this would all be like. Fine okay whatever. But the confusing thing is that before that (+other smaller related tender moments of sort)#they were telling me (this part I could hear even from across the table lol) about this person they like but apparently aren't pursuing#(Mind you. I was like. Oh they sound interesting. I would love to talk w them. The vibe of the conversation was pretty comfortable)#The dream ended while the group was discussing smt about how to pay and what to do afterwards (visiting some monument/church I think?)#I remember the time being 1.45pm (the time we were planning to get out. When I checked my watch -different from what I own- it was 1.30pm)#And even during that discussion! Redacted tried to tell me smt (I made them the gesture to wait while we were discussing) and when I asked#What it was about. They didn't feel like bringing it up (+looked like a sad puppy?(?)) and at that point I got close and held their cheek#To comfort them?? Like bro what the hell?? Most ambiguous relationship award?#In front of others apparently nonetheless?? And no one mentioned anything about it?#my post
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aimedis · 2 months
redacted asmr headcanons pt. 6
-angel definitely has one of those shirts that says ‘angel’ on it
-asher calls baabe sexy on a regular basis
-lasko has a super bad fear of horror films and games (will start crying)
-the pack played fnaf once and all you could hear was screaming from milo, tank, and asher and laughter from angel, sam and sweetheart (david and baabe literally almost fell asleep on each other) 
-lovely makes vincent tea and reads to him when he’s sad (*being pouty) 
-angel used to have an eating disorder (still reverts to old habits sometimes but is recovered) ((when they struggle with eating, david holds their hand and talks them through it))
-freelancer speaks french and makes fun of damien (in french) for being so poor at it all the time ((damien: "bro shut up?" freelancer: "do you know how to say that in french, huh?")) -(damien and freelancer are so siblings coded)
-darlin’ and sam slow dance around the house all the time (in the kitchen when sam’s cooking, in their bedroom right before they go to sleep, after they wake up, in the hallways etc.)
-freelancer is really good at acting like they’re sad when the boys tease them so they (huxley and dear) feel bad ((they just have to pout once and curl into themselves before huxley is hugging them and making the others apologize)) -(they're the youngest in the group so they get teased a lot) 
-sweetheart isn’t particularly known for taking care of themselves and whenever they complain about any health issue they’re having, david is quick to point that out (sweetheart: “my stomach hurts” david: “your stomach hurts because you don’t eat properly at the proper times or-“ sweetheart: “shut the actual fuck up david, I didn’t ask”)
-damien is such a shithead to everyone, even huxley and sometimes he forgets that huxley is shameless when talking back or “returning the energy” to people. damien will poke fun at him and act surprised when huxley starts attacking (tickling) him
-asher has a fear of needles but he got a tattoo in memory of gabe
-sam cried in darlin’s arms for hours after the inversion
-after the inversion, david flat out refused to let asher out of his sight until he was at home safe with his mate (drove him home when they couldn't pick him up, even when asher insisted he could drive himself home)
bonus +
-darlin’ is the only one who calls sam “samuel” 
-I just know kody reeks
-at random moments angel and asher would just be like “i can’t wait to get married” with little smitten smiles on their faces even before they got engaged (it’s too cute for anyone to give them shit for it) 
-asher's big sister was his favorite person for years (she's tied with david for second favourite after baabe) ((david sees her as the sister he never had)) -(think of asher and madelyn as the "i'm a big dog, i do big dog shit" older/younger sibling audio on tiktok)
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vcaart · 3 months
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ive been thinking about him soooo
I've never liked the idea of him being a yandere or whatever, but i do like the idea that he's not any of those things he's just trying to be cool 😭😭
Especially based of the audition tape, I used to say stuff like that to seem cool but I was NOT lol
I made him a college students because if they had to audition for Danganronpa, there is NO WAY in HELL they'd let people under 18 audition. There may be a few exceptions, if they had parental consent, but I don't think most parents would allow their kids to do that. They think they're high schoolers in the simulation though.
I also headcanon that the whole killing game was a simulation, similar to the Neo World in Chapter 4. But they are pulled from the simulation before they die so their body doesn't die of shock. Most of the other killings games had paid actors, and because of the 53rd anniversary they decided to allow audience participation in another way, rather than through Kiibo. The chance to audition and be able to be *in* the show.
[REDACTED], on the other hand, did not actually read through everything. He was like "Oh! It's a simulation, I'll be fine!" and out of excitement auditioned as soon as possible, unaware of what would actually go down until later.
(Triggering topics for this next part, it's safe after the ~~~~)
Said events in highschool I haven't really fleshed out, but I have the general idea. He used to have lots of online friends, but he was one of those people that'd make everything about them, always played the victim, would make his friends do things they didn't want to (like roleplaying stuff they didn't want to or doing art "collabs" they didn't want to), and would guilt them into doing it or complain about that they don't care about him. And the "If you leave me I'll hurt/kill myself!" or use his issues to make them stay friends and do things for him. He didn't really realize how bad this was until his junior year of highschool, but the damage had been done. After he graduated he really started trying to improve, and feels immense guilt, regret, and shame over his behavior. (Of course, that doesn't make it okay. But people can change, even if they cant change their past actions.)
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sdvshanewife · 2 months
Gonna be honest and say that I don’t even think shane is rude he’s just not very nice. (Obviously all early on) first meeting he says the thing why are you talking to me I don’t know you. Which is a) true and b) not that bad he’s just like bruh who are you man. Okay woah not very friendly like most of the town but just how it is sometimes
And I feel like no one ever considers the actual situation afterwards. If you keep talking to him despite him very obviously wanting to be left alone and have somewhat made it clear the first time that’s on you?? He SAID leave him alone. The player isn’t respecting that and keeps talking to him. Obviously in stardew valley it all works out happy ending they get married yeah yeah everything’s okay but. In the real world if you keep bothering a guy who tells you to Leave Him Alone and he starts saying stuff like “what do you want” “go away” that is literally entirely on the person who doesn’t listen to him and you know, leave him alone?? It is so insane to me that people act like he’s the worst, acting like you said hi and he went “fuck you and your entire family I hope you die in a [redacted]”. Okay, I’ll agree that he’s not nice. But It is genuinely crazy to me that people agree that he’s apparently such a huge jerk. I think we’re all used to the town being really welcoming and warm and friendly so when he’s like that it’s unexpected and a bit of a shock, and I also understand being sensitive to stuff like this (no hate to that at all)
But I do not understand people who think others actually own them conversation just because…? and when someone doesn’t want to be bothered they are somehow lacking in personal morality. That is wild to me. Is it weird? Yeah maybe depends on where you’re from. Does it say something about who they are as a person? Probably not. At least less than they think.
I guess the fact that Stardew is expected to be a wholesome warm fuzzy game also plays into it. Like why are you like this it’s stinking up my cozy little game etc etc. And I get that but I don’t think it’s fair because Shane’s thing is not the only heavy topic in this game. Alex dealing with a parental loss and iirc also past abuse from his father!! Pam’s alcoholism and as a result putting Penny through so much bullshit and responsibility she shouldn’t have had to shoulder!! Kent is a former pow with ptsd!! And more that’s “milder” but still not all sunshines and rainbows. I know Stardew has the reputation of being cozy and warm and it’s true but that is mostly due to the players saying it themselves. There was no promise that there would not be heavier topics in the game at all. And it’s also handled well (not like uhh sudden horror twists or stuff) and is not otherwise very “out of place” so yeah it’s not fair to expect that from the game or him.
Um honestly by this point I’m not that mad anymore so
Live laugh shane our mantra yeah
the reason people make out shane to be ruder than he actually is is because they compare him to the other villagers that say hi and are friendly blah blah blah. it's also just expected for people to be friendly or atleast be "decent" (for a lack of a better word?) when you talk to them (or when they talk to you). when someone doesnt want to talk, theyre expected to not be so blunt and be like "oh sorry, i dont really wanna talk right now" and not be as direct as shane is.
i dont really agree with the "stardew valley is made out to be a cozy game". while i understand where you're coming from, most people don't mind the heavy topics, what they do care about is the way shane acts. ive never seen people complaining about penny's, alex's, or kent's stories which contain heavy topics. they're easier to sympathize with because the characters are nice.
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slushiepizza · 9 months
hi slushie (my redacted blog is cashandprizes in case this helps)! saw your post about work stuff and idk if any of this will help but just some ideas. for context i will say I'm also in school and working part time at an office job and can definitely struggle somedays to stay on task!
Category 1: skills/techniques
Organize your stuff - but not how other people tell you, in a way that works for your brain. So many people will tell you to get a planner and if regular journaling/writing doesn't work for you, this probably won't. I will say I make a google calendar for each class and put assignments and reminders in before the semester starts from the syllabus. As for work stuff, honestly I have my basic tasks that I'm always doing and the rest I get five million messages about in the work group chat. But this might not work for your brain! Maybe you're a sticky note person, or maybe you like phone reminders. Maybe you need fun notepads like this. You know your brain best.
Figure out the optimal background noise configuration to make your brain work. Some people put on music, others put on podcasts, some people listen to nature sounds, some people need complete silence (noise-canceling headphones are great for this). If you know you've been most productive in school libraries or coffee shops, find that ambience and play it. I always recommend mynoise because it really helped me during the pandemic and there's so many noise machines (nature sounds, public spaces where people "talk", ambiance, music, etc.) - I find the brain "hacking" (binural beats) are adjustable enough to keep me focused without being too anxious and can be hidden under music. But there's always youtube asmr or lofigirl or any number of other things - again, you're your own best expert
Timing. I'm a major pomodoro fan, because I find the work-break-work-break-work-long break system really helpful for not just keeping me on task but reminding me to get up and stretch. pomfocus allows you to modify the timers and I like it a lot, but you can also use a phone timer. what's useful for me is knowing that there's a set time limit - all things end, and I can keep trying and being unsuccessful but at least i did it for that whole time. idk, works for me, maybe it will work for you. or not, that's okay too!
Reward system. the rewards might be the most important part (might just be me). sometimes motivation is getting to the reward, sometimes it's being done, and if it's getting to the reward you gotta have a fun reward. I have set things to be my rewards that I enjoy (playing five minutes of a phone game, watching a video, scrolling down tumblr) like I made a playlist of shorts and short videos on youtube to watch during breaks. That and stretching out my body helps a lot and reminds me to stay focused when I am working.
Good snacks. I had a professor in undergrad tell me "if you're going to have a meeting with yourself you need a good snack" and she was wrong about a lot of things but not that. sometimes having an easy and yummy snack food and a yummy drink makes the difference when you're working.
Figure out what distracts you and plan for it. the thing is you can't eliminate every distraction, right? but if you plan for how to handle them, that can help. so first figure out what gets you distracted (silent enough to hear your thoughts, hearing other conversations, being cold/hot, uncomfortable chair, etc.) and see if you can manage that or plan for it. for example my office is freezing in the summer and sweltering in the winter, so I dress in layers and keep a snuggie in my desk when I'm on campus because if I don't i will spend all day complaining about the temperature and not working. do i look ridiculous in the snuggie, sure, but i wasn't shivering and got my stuff done.
Category 2: support systems
accountability buddies. if you have friends or coworkers or whoever that you can be like "ok. i am going to do this. if you see me on discord/tumblr please fist fight me" that is so helpful. sometimes when I'm working remotely I will sit in discord vcs to parallel play because I know it keeps me accountable for doing my work. if you can find or make something like that happen, it might help you stay on task or keep you motivated?
friends/supports in general. sometimes it's really nice to just talk about how you're struggling. they can't always fix it, but it can be nice to just be heard and validated. also, if you have coworkers, they might have had similar experiences or you might all be struggling, which could be an indicator that you are not The Drama
talking with supervisors/advisors/etc. definitely daunting, but sometimes talking to supervisors can be helpful - or it can suck. try to figure out their vibes and ask other coworkers first. you might also be able to get resources from your advisor, trusted professors, campus resources, etc. that are worth investigating.
i'll keep it short, but i always feel obligated to ask if you've considered therapy - it's because i'm in therapy school and this is my life sorry. it's not for everyone, but some people find it useful.
wow jesus sorry this was so long. i hope maybe any of this was helpful??? i am sorry you are struggling and i hope you have some good outlets to work through it and some solid friends. i hope things improve!!! wishing you the best (also i love your art not totally related but we praise your art constantly in the discord)
Hi, Lexi. Thank you so much for giving such a detailed explanation omg :")) it definitely helps a lot and it gives me peace of mind to have actionable steps like you've given me, I will try to apply them and hopefully they can help me get back on my feet again. And thank you for the kind words, and for always supporting my art; your kindness gives me the strength to keep doing what I do ^^ To everyone else, I hope these tips can be of use to you too!!
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wordgirl-asks · 24 days
Introducing the Muse
Goood timezone, my darlings! You can call me Randy, but I also answer to other names — I keep all of them in a box; you could honestly just call me Wordgirl and I wouldn’t complain /lh
I figured I’d introduce not just myself but the blog’s own muse, Wordgirl! Now, let’s get right to business!
Guidelines and Rules
🌟 Please be civil on this blog. Disrespect and being a jerk will not be tolerated here! If you’re concerned about crossing a line with an ask, just ask me! I promise I don’t bite!
🌟 The mun does not equal muse. Mun is a fancy way of saying the mod/roleplayer — keep in mind that while I, the mun, am an adult; Wordgirl is only fourteen years old in this! Don’t make it weird.
🌟 Asks can be vaguely innuendos, but if this becomes a habit - I will start ignoring you.
🌟 This blog is post-canon. This takes place after the series has ended. There are some canon divergent themes but everything is happening after Rhyme and Reason, and Wordgirl’s in high school as a freshman!
🌟 Do keep in mind I am merely one person running a character blog. And that I have a life outside of the blog. Please don’t hound me for responses and I will get to them as fast as possible!
🌟 There is no DNI. Do not bother me on who did what without the proof to back it up — or I will not take you seriously. Also this is a character blog. I do check out people who follow me and whatnot but I just want to have fun here!
🌟 If there’s an active roleplay thread, please do not interact with it! I don’t know if this will even happen — but if it does, it’s mainly to avoid confusion!
Other Character Blogs are welcome to follow me and interact! Please, please I beg of you!
And now without much further ado, let’s get right to business!
Our Dear Muse
Name: [REDACTED], Wordgirl
Nicknames: Kid/Kiddo (by several villains), dear/my dear (by Granny May), TBD
Age: 14
Birthday: [REDACTED]
Home Planet: Lexicon, currently resides on earth
Allies/Acquaintances: Captain Huggyface, [REDACTED], Todd "Scoops" Ming, among others
Enemies: Fair City villains
Abilities: Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Vocabulary, Ice Breath (because yes, it is being acknowledged-), Invulnerability (to a certain extent)
Wordgirl was from the planet Lexicon, known for their knowledge on words and vocabulary. Due to unknown circumstances, she arrived on earth and became its renowned super-heroine within Fair City; though it quickly became apparent Wordgirl began her hero career from a young age and while she was still a child (and no one thought it was weird but shhh-).
Several years have passed since her original debut and is now rumored to at least be in high school, though whether she attends it is anyone's best guess. Wordgirl fights alongside her sidekick Captain Huggyface. The duo continue dealing with the city's crime activity, though perhaps... Wordgirl is starting to face new feelings in her life - among other things.
Keep in mind this blog is post-canon as I mentioned previously and is part of a future AU of my own design. I've made changes to her costume, but I do not have the art skills to do so - and well, we'll see what can be managed.
I'll see about creating a board or something where I can display her new costume change, but for now this is the best I'll be able to do!
Account Tags;
⭐️ - in-character tag for Wordgirl
🐉 - out of character tag / randy’s yaps (alternate tag name!)
🌩️ - in-character vent tag
🪐 - tag for an active roleplay thread!
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cansortofdraw · 2 years
Watchmen Headcannon
(Long post warning) 
 The true reason Rorschach and Nite Owl worked so well together and made such a good team was because both of them were Batshit crazy. 
Nite Owl might have been more subtle about it, but (when they first met) he was just as chaotic and insane as Rorschach.
On top of that, they were team undiagnosed neurodivergents.
Most fans agree that (intentionally written to be or not) Rorschach is an autistic coded character. What I have seen less commented on is Dan’s coding*. As said by @goawaypleasecryingemoji, there is “no way in HELL this boy [Dan] is neurotypical,” (https://www.tumblr.com/goawaypleasecryingemoji/706785898072866816/no-way-in-hell-this-boy-is-neurotypical?source=share). This got me thinking and eventually my mind decided that Dan has ADHD.
I headcannon this, partially, because I also have ADHD.
Dan Dreiberg may have been nicer than Rorschach but but, in the long run, he was not that much easier to get along with. Young Dan was someone to be taken in small doses.
He would initially be relatively quiet and focused for most team-ups, then someone would casually ask about the owl theme and Dan would spend the next 6 hours info-dumping. (He did his best to not overwhelm people and managed it during missions, but once he got started he had a really hard time stopping.) There was no getting a word in edgewise, no stopping him, and no escape. Other heroes learned to be very careful around the O-word... and B-word (bird), W-word (wings), F-word (feathers), etc. An official handbook on working with Nite Owl was developed.
Rule #1: no bird terminology around him unless absolutely necessary.
He would get distracted by cats in trees and kids who dropped their ice-creams. To most, it was very endearing but not when they were the middle of a mission (especially stealth missions). This was easier to pull him back from... if the person caught it in time.
Rule #8: Be aware of children and helpless animals. If any are found in close proximity of Nite Owl (≈20ft) keep an eye on him. He may get distracted and bolt. Amendment #8a: Rule amended to include elderly ladies. #8b: and elderly men... #8m: Just keep an eye on him period. Please.
Although a great hero and an amazing human being, he was also an adrenaline junkie. He had fun punching badies and dramatically swooping down from roof tops. This lead to some less than pleasant experiences, especially in his early years. Sometimes he got in over his head, other times he miscalculated the height/slipperiness of buildings, and then he often just tripped over his cape (no matter what he refused to give up the design choice).
Rule #15: When going over plans before hand, remind Nite Owl to be cautious before jumping into situations. If he complains, bring up incident #3. Amendment #15a: We must continue our efforts to convince Nite Owl to remove the cape from his costume at least until after he finalizes the design. #15a: I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but the cape looks cool and you can pry it from my cold, dead corpse. Besides, Adrian wears also wears a cape and you don’t complain about his fashion sense. -NO🦉 #15b: That is because his has never cause him to trip and *redacted* (see incident #3). -SS🚬 #15c: Please do not amend the guide book unless is to add agreed upon additions. Do not use it to complain or argue. Dan, you should not be allowed to amend at all.
Rule #16: Dan is forbidden from amending this guide book. Amendment #16a: Rorschach is also forbidden from adding amendments.
Then there are his gadgets. Don’t forget that he was the one who decided to make a giant, wingless owl ship that breaths fire. This was certainly not the end of his creations. Daniel and Rorschach would be working late on a case and Dan would suddenly shoot up and be like, “Hey! What if I weaponized silly string” and Rorschach would basically say “do it” hyping him up (Rory discovered the usefulness of Dan’s crazier sounding inventions long ago). They were both very... enthusiastic about testing Dan’s creations. If it wasn’t for their morals and strict “no kill rule,” they probably would have blown up New York several times over.
Rule #2: Remember, “Archie” does not have a cigarette lighter, but it does have a flame thrower. Do not forget incident #5.
Rule #33: Do not try to stop Nite Owl from creating testing new inventions. Amendment #33a: If one truly becomes a problem, tell Rorschach. He might be difficult, but he is currently the only one Nite Owl will listen to. #33b: Ignore amendment #33a. Nite Owl has somehow indoctrinated Rorschach and the latter will no longer see reason. All we can do now is pray. #33c: An intervention has been hosted and Nite Owl has agreed to the agreed upon terms. #33d: Cowards -R📔
Daniel was generally more level headed but, depending on the case, he could be just as obsessive a Rorschach. One minute Dan would be holding his partner back and the next the two would be like this:
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Rule #62: If Rorschach comes to you obsessing over a case, feel free to take his words with a grain of salt and make sure to consult with Nite Owl. If Nite Owl is also obsessing over it, listen. Forget that Rorschach is an asshole. Obey every word he says. This is not a drill. (Remember they that shall not be named.)
Young Nite Owl had many other odd traits and caused experienced many wacky hijinks. He did bird mating dances to annoy people (link). He would make funny faces behind Rorschach’s back during interrogations. He once went out on patrol dressed as a turkey for Thanksgiving to “mix things up”. The list goes on.
Nite Owl may have been the only one willing to put up with Rorschach, but Rorschach was the only one willing to put up with him, who let him ramble in between missions, kept him focused on stakeouts, hyped up his (more useful) gadgets, and shared Dan’s crime hyper-fixation.
They were still very different people who balanced each other out. Rorschach’s paranoia with Nite Owl’s naivety. Nite Owl’s “softness” with Rorschach’s ruthlessness. Etc. But they also were just the right amount of crazy in all the right places. It allowed them to get along and work together for at least a decade.
Over the years, Nite Owl mellowed out quite bit. Perhaps he finally got diagnosed, found better methods to help himself focus, gained more experience, and move on to new hyper-fixations. Sadly, trauma attributed to this more so. Years of hero work took a toll on him and the excitable attitude he once had became harder to maintain. Meanwhile, Rorschach grew more unstable. He went from eccentrically crazy to genuinely insane. He became more and more unreasonable, stopped seeing the good in people, and leaned further into his more toxic beliefs.
With the decay of what was once Dan’s best friend, the two changed in drastically different directions with Dan (metaphorically) running from the crazy and Rorschach completely giving into it.
Traits that brought them together were also the ones to tear them apart.
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Could I ask for some StingxLaxus or StingxCobra sfw/nsfw headcanons?
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You absolutely can.
We're gonna start with Sting x Laxus but just know the exact point where these two ships are identical is that Sting could be talking, rambling on about something holy this, holy that about his powers, and Laxus or Cobra--interchangeably--would interrupt with "have you ever fucked in a church?" deliberately to just throw him off his rhythm. They're pests like that.
Actually I lied, there's one other area in which Laxus and Cobra have identical reactions:
Sting: [telling about how he Literally Killed A Man i.e. that time he put a hole in Jiemma's chest] Laxus/Cobra: [thinking 'that's hot' to themselves]
Sting encourages the worst of Laxus' dress sense. All of the sensible clothes he's been wearing since Fantasia? Gone. Suddenly leopard print is back in style and everyone groans when they realize why.
Laxus' ascension as guild master comes after someone (Makarov) notices him and Sting chatting about problems Sting is having in that position, and Laxus unexpectedly having good advice to give him.
Sting is a respected patron at all the best gay clubs. Laxus is actually kind of impressed at the places he's got access to.
Sting is technically a part of Sabertooth's S-Class, and frequently takes jobs as such. Laxus' protective mode kicks in when he learns of this and he often has to be deterred from interfering.
Sting often introduces Cobra with a variety of adjectives that are painfully on the nose. "This is my venomous boyfriend, he bites." "This is my ex-felon boyfriend, he's aggressive."
Sting is unused to loving someone like Cobra, who shuns affection. Even Laxus and Gajeel, by comparison, are easier to show affection to and have it well-received, whereas Cobra will actively deter it if he can. It's a difficult time, because when Sting is in a romantic relationship, he channels [BOYFRIEND]ness and he emphatically wants the world to know he is that person's boyfriend.
He learns very quickly how to recognize a specific kind of smile on Cobra's face when the latter is about to cause trouble, and is often torn about whether to assist him with it or stop him.
Sting is a subject of (gentle) bullying by his snek boyfriend constantly. It's just how Cobra is.
Also, let's just get it out of the way for all future NS/FW sting-related endeavors: yes, he can power up by eating [REDACTED]. He does not, but he can.
Sting x Laxus:
The first thing you need to understand is that Sting and Natsu are very alike in that they are 50/50 verse until in close proximity to Laxus and then their bottom brain is like:
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Which is not to say that Laxus won't bottom for them, just that he's very good at topping in general. He has this effect on people.
Here's the song that plays in my head conceptualizing them.
Unlike other potential romantic options for Laxus, Sting is a bit of an attention whore, and will instigate public makeout sessions with Laxus. What's Laxus gonna do, rebuff him? No. Bystanders can deal or gtfo.
Their phones are a constant back and forth of horny selfies sent to one another. Sting will casually look at nudes in guildmaster's meetings. Even Makarov (who is horrified) has more shame than him.
Very enthusiastic about 69ing.
Sting x Cobra:
This is where a lot of the tension actually comes from because Cobra is Mistrusting and Doesn't Like Being Touched whereas Sting is used to dating people he probably had sex with before asking them out, he's very sexually active. Sting finally complains one day only for Cobra to drag him to a bedroom or other secluded area and literally fuck the stupid out of him. Sting got enrolled in college that day, he was dicked so thoroughly.
Cobra, breathing raggedly and still annoyed: so, still wanna fuck me after all that? Sting, dreamily: Y e s Cobra: ???????
Cobra is a very very very jealous kind of boyfriend (actually more than a little insecure) but it just doesn't work with Sting, because Sting's too obvious about trying to rile him up. Tries using his "face card" to pay for drinks at the gay club and Cobra's just barely paying him attention. He knows Sting ain't interested in other dick.
Cobra was not actually kidding. He fucks Sting in a church at least once.
Speaking of, Cobra's and Sting's sex life doesn't really start to take off until Sting starts embracing his kinkier side. Cobra's not into bloodplay on a regular day, but it looks really good on Sting, so Sting occasionally gets treated to a good romp in the sheets if he comes home bloody from a fight.
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mario8th · 9 months
This Is Not A New Years Resolution Post
I don't believe in the concept Anyway
My last video of the year is coming out tomorrow. This video is my 56th one about video games. The Game Awards was numbered 66 (although number 64 isn't out yet either). Which is to say the numbers really got away from me, lol.
That doesn't matter though, what does matter is that I Did It! I put out a video Every Other Week for the Entire Year. And that's not even counting how I posted weekly in the final weeks of Mario Bros Bonanza (previously/still named In Review) (I wanted to change the branding since In Review is very much a Kinda Funny thing, from now on everything else will be solely my own) (There was also my failed podcast in there, we don't need to talk about that)
(more after the break)
Afterwards things got a bit hectic on my part. I started (and will hopefully continue) my Zelda Diary series, but the whole concept was basically a stop gap where I ran out of games to even talk about. Which was Zelda's fault in the first place!
And while I'm mostly happy with the work I put into Luigi's Mansion Mania, I'm still thinking about how I want to grow. I'm currently working on a yet unannounced series in addition to (well, actually before) my Super Mario RPG series (I'm thinking Mario RPG Rewind as the name). And I'm really excited to do this series, I'm expanding on the first impressions in a way I've had a fun time with! (Of which I'm very nervous about its reception) But one thing I've definitely been thinking about is how I want to write the reviews themselves. I think I've been too rigid. I initially sorted my scripts into parts due to a comment that was very rude but somewhat correct from my Deathloop review where they complained the review didn't start until x minutes into the video. I think they're wrong, first of all, but there was a nugget in there that made me realize it's probably better to segment the videos a bit. The thing I want to be less rigid on is the content in relation to previous games. This is a series! Each Video should Build on the previous one! I know some people (or maybe even many) won't watch every part, but I shouldn't let that hold me back. For instance, I should have said less about what each Luigi's Mansion game did, and said more about what they did In Relation to the previous game. Right now my retrospectives/series's are technically that in the way they discuss and analyze every game in a series, but I want them to be able to converse with each other just a tad bit more. Which is a long way of saying that I'm going to try to do that with [redacted] Replay and Mario RPG Rewind. The [redacted] is a hint, btw. (So is looking at my [redacted] page, but what's the fun in that)
And before any of that anyway I'm gonna go back to Mario Bros Bonanza to look at the "Remakes" with Mario All-Stars, Advance, and 64 DS, which'll lead into Mario Bros Wonder. Excited to replay these versions, which I will do closely after I finish playing the last game for [redacted] Replay.
And Before Any Of That Still, it's game of the year season! This year I'm doing two things, my official top 10 list, as well as a year long retrospective of the games industry as a whole. And the latter of these (which I hope to get out first) I'm really trying to do something with too. The goal is to have it more in tone with my Game Awards video, but I also pulled so many articles about industry layoffs that going through them all is making me the joker. I've got one more idea for a bigger video like this, but that'll have to be on the back burner until the company I want to write about finally goes under. Oh wait, I've got another idea too! But that's like a Big big project, don't know how I want to focus on that
All of this is to say, I don't actually know what I'm going to do. Yes, I want to keep going with this! Yes, I think about how I haven't done any game dev in months and really want to start that up again, but I've also been focusing a lot of attention on trying to "find employment." And I'll be honest, my last gig was pretty cushy in terms of being able to work around the clock. I have a feeling whatever my next one is will be more restrictive. I feel like I'm going to have to make some affordances. I'm really happy I was able to successfully release a new video every other week for the full year. In mid February I'll have managed to do it for two years in a row. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that running a youtube channel is not making me any money, and at this pace, will not make me any. (plus I refuse to run adds so like it'd have to be through other means). And in the case where I have to prioritize earning a living or making crummy videos, I need to choose the money one.
So where should I put my focus? I don't know. I really want to cover more indie games. But I also really want to continue with these long series retrospectives. But I also want to grow into more long form stuff too. And in many ways I Really Need to make some games to get my thoughts out in an artistic way. Who knows how much time I'll have to do any of it, though?
Anyway, I made a lot. Some of it was viewed far beyond my expectations too! If you haven't please watch Mario Bros Bonanza, and stay tuned for my next things too. Goodbye
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thisgoldendream · 2 years
This will be a difficult post. I never was a “big” blog by any means, and following my hiatus for nearly two years, the number of people who will see this is limited. My blog was highly niche after all. I also never wanted pity or to stir the pot. And I’ve always been scared of what kind of attention it’d draw.
But I feel this might be… necessary catharsis. There was a main reason, and some others I decided to do this.  I need to say why.
Apologies in advance for incoherence, and just how stupid it sounds... I do not profess myself a writer nor the best with words. It will be rambling. But I’ll try to explain the best I can because I finally need to.
I’ve had drafts about a particular vile situation sitting by that I hesitated to say anything on, since I’ve found keeping silent and pretending everything is okay and remaining unperturbed is what is typically the best course of action when dealing with trolls. And I’d rather settle things privately. Which I tried. Several times to no avail. But … silence only benefits abusers.
The primary reason is a situation that has been, mindbogglingly, having gone on for six years. All identifying information will be redacted. Many of the blogs do not exist anymore. I’ve also archived quite a bit so if this individual does cause me more strife, I will no longer have any mercy.
Many years ago there was an acquaintance—all they deserve to be called--I encountered on this site who’d message me. They’d be active on tumblr all day, and get a lot of anons flooding the dash, and once I saw them getting harassed by one and defended them. Thing is, after that I started to receive such messages from a mysterious anon and they’d complain about getting them on discord -right after- I’d get the message so it was obvious they were the perpetrator. Easy solution was to block the anon. (Those messages...somehow led to some other individual dogpiling me, but I’ll focus on the primary can of worms). Their dms were… odd and sent a lot of unsolicited fics and bragging about real life milestones that they’d end up contradicting months later. I and others who were exposed to it chalked it up to them being harmless and maybe lonely. Some of it was a bit amusing.
Eventually their many lies and penchant for drama led them to be banned from a discord and I blocked them on this site. One would hope most people take a hint at that and leave well enough alone and move on.
Not this person. Despite seemingly moving onto other things, they… keep coming back. With sock puppet after sock puppet after sock puppet.
In 2018 I noticed a blog re-blogging one of my gifs with a name that sounded vaguely familiar; it was one of this person’s many, many RP blogs. A musical-focused one. This was after I had translated Toma’s route in Library Cross and they were doing their typical talk to themselves on anon thing—having apparently watched my translation they acted like they played it, and apparently didn’t get the actual gist of what happened in the route or what the game was even like, which frustrated me. I messaged them correcting them and asked them to stop and they deleted the post and left a guilt trip message about “going through a hard time,” a pattern they always continue with when caught. To illicit pity and make the victim feel bad for them.
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But what really sickened me was an “OC” of theirs I saw, using the same name I go by—Erika--that looked horrifically just like the picture I once foolishly posted in a discord they had been in, and well. It made me sick. I don’t know what to call it except pseudo skin walking and obscenely creepy.
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Needless to say it greatly demotivated me from posting translations, scans, and other such things I really enjoyed sharing.
Now I confided in only two people who knew full extent of what this person’s about. But this was beyond that. I blocked just about any adjacent account of theirs I could find – discovering just how many sock puppets and fake identities they had – their disturbing preoccupation with pregnancy often a tell and hoped that’d be the end of it after privately calling them out.
For my own peace of mind I started using analytics on my blog to try to identify when this particular person and this person alone might show up; observe a pattern. I once again naively thought they’d get the hint and that all the blocks would work. In time, I pretty much narrowed down who they were. And they weren’t from the country they say they’re from, surprise to no one.
A good opportunity came about in 2020 when I was encouraged to join an otome translation group … something I’d thought about but was too timid to do, and just worried because of the previous treatment and attitudes towards characters I like on here; the more “problematic” ones lol. The rules were to work on the project you were once a week and I could be involved with Otome and enjoy playing Amnesia World alongside while translating lines. It was a win-win in a way, even if I wasn’t active on my blog.
In 2021 I saw suspicious IPs once again on my blog… and lo and behold saw some blank blog follow me which I sadly grew dubious of because of that person’s endless sock puppets. I snapped and messaged them to leave me alone once again and they denied it and once again said “they were going through a hard time,” and rambled about how they were “healing,” and said they wouldn’t bother me again.
Natural a lying liar lies, and they came back in the summer as the analytics warned me. I set my blog to login only and hid it from search engines and blocked any blank blogs that tried to follow.
I rarely logged back in on tumblr until fall of 2022, and I saw much to my happiness … some people still were liking some of my old stuff so I thought of keeping it around as a warehouse of sorts or if I ever felt like posting again.
But in early February… the same documented IPs from 2021 were on my page. Again. I blocked a blank blog, set it to private, and the next day a new one followed me again. With a similar title to my own this time? Yeah, I’ve had enough.
I’m not this person’s only victim. They infect and repeatedly act like this in just about every fandom they’ve moved onto. But I only feel comfortable telling my story.
I wised up and have kept many, many receipts and archives beyond what I have here. You’ve hurt a lot of people. And to that individual, now that I have nothing to lose and you can’t steal my content any more. If you do interact with this, you will be revealing yourself--because I will dump all I have. I was kind enough to not post identifying info but I will not be any longer. None of this is tagged with anything identifying or relevant to fandoms, either. So if you interact or come back, I will no longer have lenience...you deserve none.
My final say on this is, since it’s obvious there’s mental illness involved, I feel it’s imperative I state that I have much empathy for people struggling with mental illness. I have my own turbulent struggles with anxiety and depression. It isn’t fun. There are probably very few who DON’T struggle.
However, I draw the line malignant people who use it as a shield to excuse their harmful actions, then try to manipulate their victims.
In the sincerest way possible, go outside and get actual help.
I’ve gone to therapy to try to overcome my struggles and social anxiety. The most powerful thing I was told that my past of bullying haunted me like a shadow and to go forth with my head held high and be myself. But this affair...sadly taught me some people are out to get you.
Also... to anyone who read this, this is very, very abnormal behavior and not likely to happen to you.
Typing all this, trying to explain it...hurt my brain. I can’t even make sense of it.
Beyond… freeing myself from the aforementioned situation, there were other reasons I just don’t feel like continuing anymore.
Fall of 2020 and into 2021 was an incredibly hard time personally for me. I went through three really difficult losses. I haven’t really felt like the same person since. Despite therapy and grief groups...it really doesn’t feel like something you can talk about. Because from my experience, confiding in people about the trauma... reminded them of their own personal struggles. It’s been a very lonely road.
And fandom now… I just feel I don’t belong in it. At least, in the west… since I was young I always found solace in my nerdy hobbies and chiefly viewed it as entertainment. Not something to strive for in reality. When I was a kid, “don’t do what you see on TV” was common sense. “Videogames make people violent” was baseless fear-mongering. Articles in gaming magazines about Christians decrying Pokémon as satanic and churches in the south destroying merch. Ridiculous. But it seems now—especially born from this site, it seems we’ve come full circle. “If you like villains you support it IRL,” this sort of sentiment seems so widespread… and the same meme and meme format posted over, and over again, recycled and reused, from fandom to fandom, same premise. And the energy people put onto things they dislike versus what they actually love is something I’ll never understand.
This platform is very good for hosting all forms of media, much better than twitter for longhand writers and translations. But ...I despise it, how its staff ignores countless abuse reports, lets malefactors do whatever they want, and get away with it. Twitter has its own massive host of problems, but at least the phone number authentication and account lockouts slow it some.
In the past, I loved fandom for transformative works. People creating beautiful arts, writings, and ideas.  The more ideas and diverse, the better. Not the same opinion ...or headcanon spread as fact to the point it’s accepted as canon, over and over again. And when people are afraid to create things for fear of being harassed or having something other than the “popular” fandom opinion, it becomes a stagnant echo chamber.
And although I found translating for the otome group was nice…I noticed from the spreadsheet I was the only one signing in and working on it for over a year when I was on the project. And once the related project ended up being canceled due to localization, I asked what about the one I was working on… and received no reply. From anyone. I gave it two weeks. Nothing. Being ignored like that… stung. I never felt like I was terribly welcome and that confirmed it.
I’m tired. I’ll probably always enjoy otome, but I think from now on… I’ll do it quietly and on my own. Without judgment for liking the “wrong” fictional pixel men. Because that’s what it is. I just find it so...trite. I’m tired of being walked all over, I’m tired of being afraid what to say, and I know every time an empty blog followed being yet another one of that person’s alts was no way to go. That’s on me. I feel guilty for any innocents I blocked in the process suspecting it was that person... but it messed me up.
If there wasn’t a space for what I liked, I wanted to carve out one—but I don’t have that energy anymore. Provide something for other fans if they liked it. share what I love and have fun. Have some camaraderie…I truly enjoyed that. And especially to those I could call friends sand ramble with in dms without fear, gush about, really you’re the MVPS. It was a lot of fun. I will cherish it… but I could not continue. And I never wanted to burden anyone. Because none of this makes any sense to me. Sorry…
I’ve always wanted to lift others up and encourage others. Even if someone likes a character I don’t, or pairing if they’re nice—there must be something to it I can’t see, whatever floats their boat. These things...really shouldn't be a big deal. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. And others who give someone grief for it… and haunt tags, or belittle you for your hobbies aren’t worth your time. It reeks of insecurity. After all, nobody on tumblr dot com or twitter are an “educator” or superior for having an opinion on videogames. And numbers don’t matter; sure the validation can provide a buzz, but at the end of the day, it’s social media. ...What you enjoy that does.
So to end on a positive note… because I don’t want my optimism to die completely.
Find whatever you like and people who like the same thing, and make them your people. May your creativity flow ever freely. Nothing is more powerful than your own interpretation of the canon, than your own experience with it.
To roughly quote one of my favorite games of all times, “as long as you’re not doing anything wrong and nobody is getting hurt, you should just live proudly in the open.”
Edit: The only reason I’m leaving this and my one past blog title up as placeholders is because honestly. Since tumblr does nothing to limit someone from creating endless blogs and dodging blocks/reports/bans, I wouldn’t have put it past them to well, try to get the blog names. This person since then has tried to add me on Discord twice (which I didn’t... give out) in the previous year a month apart. I just want to move on.
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dykefever · 1 year
ello laura i do not usually open blocked tags but i did out of curiosity n stumbled across ur post abt the apparent height disk horse that is happening rn (<-blissfully unaware). also this is the ghost of marxismlupinism btw sending as an anon cause on my main blog idk what a semus and ririus is never heard of them cunts.
anyway I wanted to say that yeah basically it's like such a non issue if people are casting r&s into gendered roles, like even if people were genderbending rs into a literal cishet couple I could not care less who gives a shit it's harry potter fanfiction.
that being said I think it's very telling abt the hp fandom that the whole like "writing s as 'feminine' and a bottom comes with him being short" (which btw... i mean I'm sure there's some fanfic like that but I can't say I've really read more than like 5 fics that fit that description? and I've unfortunately read a lot of rs fic lmao... it's literally not hard to avoid. skill issue if you can't filter the fanfic you read to not have it) is portrayed as homophobia against [cis] gay men instead of the obvious transmisogyny it is—ie setting smallness & youth as standards of femininity. that's why so many closeted trans women/trans women who can't access hrt dread growing older, that's why so much emphasis is put on age of transition in transfem spaces, and that's why even gay man spaces have concepts of "twink death", because femininity is understood to be hairless and pretty and dainty and youthful and small and all these standards that are difficult to achieve if you've been through androgenic puberty and/or if you have testes that continue to produce testosterone that continues to masculinise your body as you grow older. portraying s (or any given character ime when it comes to tme fans in fandom spaces) as feminine is seen as going hand in hand with physically feminising him—bc femininity that's not on a feminised body is obviously met with disgust, it's unattractive, it's horrifying, etc. and the obvious source of the tendency to portray feminine male characters this way is that there's only one acceptable form of camab femininity (or "acceptable", even that is very conditional). and yes it does affect cis gays like I said above w how gay men talk about eg "twink death" but that doesn't mean it's not a primarily transmisogynistic impulse to show that, for most of us, femininity is a hopeless cause, it's not allowed, we'll never pass or be beautiful or whatever.
and ftr I'm just complaining, I definitely don't think the solution is to produce More Harry Potter Fanfictions where s is like, tall and hairy and feminine or whatever, knowing the hp fandom I'm sure they'll also turn that into transmisogynistic caricatures too. the only real solution would be for all these ppl to stop reading hp fanfic and start reading transfeminist theory but if ur a harry potter fan in 2023 you're obviously never gonna do that. so. yeah just complaining for the sake of complaining lol not expecting transfeminism to catch on among harry potter fans of all people anytime soon
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hi (redacted)!! actually made sure to tag that post so u and all my other normal followers could avoid it but i respect the curiosity x im sure you've probably seen the height discourse many times over in your time in the fandom and it's the same absolute bullshit every time. i appreciate your additions to this post as a transwoman because i obviously don't have that perspective and you've kind of deepened my understanding of the issues around it n how transmisogyny comes into play here!!
in my prev posts i was kind of addressing, albeit likely not clearly, how people often say they dislike 'short s' as a kind of shorthand for saying they dislike 'fem s', which is really saying (as people dig themselves deeper in their explanations) that they don't like certain aspects of 'femininity' in a man and then spin it to say that it's because they're writing a heteronormative relationship onto a gay couple. i appreciate what you're saying here as well of the issues of the only way to write s as feminine is like small, dainty, hairless etc. and how that is an issue of transmisogyny rather than like homophobia. (correct me if i've misunderstood tho!!)
at the end of the day it definitely like, doesn't matter how people are writing hp characters like no great and impressive change is happening and the fandom is full of too many transphobes for that to be the case. i just don't understand why people are so pressed by these certain characterisations they appear to dislike so bad when i genuinely barely come across these s characterisations they apparently can't escape. like i don't see anything i don't want to because i just unfollow and block people ....it is not that hard like...
anyway thank u for ur contributions ghost of marxismlupinism, i appreciate it xx godspeed xx
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
17, 19, 21 for the writing asks :)
I save yours for last because I wanted to see what else I had done already before I picked for 21!
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
I have so many WIPs :) The main one is the oft-discussed Ghost AU. I've probably explained it enough, but just in case: Hawkeye is killed at battalion aid under circumstances that are roughly "what if Where There's a Will, There's a War happened in season 8?" and becomes a ghost, following the example of the ghost in Follies of the Living--Concerns of the Dead. Unable to move on, he haunts the 4077th, and watches everyone grieve for him and slowly move on with their lives. It features a lot of material from episodes but repurposed as well a some totally original events. It covers multiple perspectives; both Hawkeye and everyone else reacting to his death and the consequences. In theory this is my main project right now but I'm bad at actually getting writing done so it's taking a long time. It's outlined at 13 chapters. I've never finished a multi-chapter that's more than 6 (you won't find that one AO3, it's older), so this is quite an undertaking. Ghost AU has a working title but I'm not allowed to use it until I get more writing done. A couple other WIPs I'm excited about: The supposedly quick oneshot I started two and a half weeks ago as a quick exercise to get some momentum before I went back to Ghost AU, lol. Expect to see this one pretty soon! I'm not sure what exactly to say about it, except the document title is "sailing accident." GFA time loop! Hawkeye relives July 4th, 1953 over and over again, trying to make things come out right. I'm not sure how much I should say about this one at this time, but I'll take questions (can't promise I'll answer them satisfactorily) if anyone is interested. This is going to be a long single chapter and since it' more manageable than ghost AU, if I start really feeling it there is a chance it could show up first. I've had some bumps envisioning the prose on this one, but I can picture it and I'm in love with the concept. The BJ/Peg/Hawkeye fic. Yes, I don't normally ship it, but this story ate my brain. I can't say a whole lot about it without really giving it away, and I don't know when I'll get around to writing it, because it would also be multi-chapter. BJ, accompanied by 12-year-old Erin, drives to Maine hoping he will get there in time to bring Hawkeye back with them. Along the way, they visit other people from the 4077th and BJ tells Erin stories about all of them, also cluing the reader into what the last ten years have looked like for BJ, Peg, and Hawkeye. The plot is inspired by [redacted].
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
Ugh I used so many of these up.... In the WIP I wrote most of during psych class in college, I had Josh complain that his throat hurt after being intubated. This is because no one warned me about this when I was thirteen and it hurt like a bitch and I was cranky about it.
21) Writers choice - pick any of these questions that you want to answer.
I choose:
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
I do, and I try to transform it beyond recognition. That's the fun, for me! Chianti was based on real life. I was carrying a bottle of chianti and it was icy, and I had this thought of what would happen if I slipped. (I didn't.) The scene where Josh and Toby clean up the glass is also based on a time I held a flashlight while someone swept up a shattered bottle in a parking lot, but it was unrelated to the chianti. There are other examples but that's what came to mind first!
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analtyranny · 1 year
let’s play gore screaming show, part 9: saito from class 3
anyway, it's another totally normal morning at kyoji's--
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......aaand here's our pantsless cousin
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(this was before the days of pro-rice propaganda, you see)
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hey look, it's our old pal The Red One she's got some kind of handouts from school and needs yamiko's, our guardian's, signature. weird that a legal adult like kyoji would need that, huh? does he even need a guardian? how peculiar!
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yamiko to the rescue, as always...oh shit, right, she was wanting to meet akane
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HIMEKO ONEE-CHAN... kyoji tries to warn akane that yamiko hates that name but she does not listen and keeps saying it. repeatedly.
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doesn't catch on quick, does she
so yeah she FINALLY gets the name right, eventually, and explains why she's here. yamiko assumed akane was here to wake kyoji up
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but not anymore... not since...that day...
then they start going on about embarrassing shit kyoji did as a kid, like "god remember when he was still half-asleep and called you mom" "omggg i do, that was cringe af lolol"
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at least akane's acting more like her old self again
anyway, back to school
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...oh, this might be the same street office lady was going down kyoji gets the sense there's more people around than usual, but it's probably nothing. not like there's a CRIME SCENE nearby or anything
he complains about them talking about his childhood, because "it wasn’t all good memories" (briefly shows a zoomed in, greyscale, grainy version of the [REDACTED] cg)
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not exactly something he can just ask her
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anyway now she’s mad about him complaining and she’s all “FINE maybe i’ll just NEVER come over EVER AGAIN”
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Don't Be An Asshole is always a great choice. shockingly this gets us a point with akane
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i've yet to see any green hearts from our choices but maybe we'll unlock that later (this IS one of those games where certain routes aren't available on your first run) shinta's all "omg you came to school with kazuyagi, is she your giiirlfriiiiend"
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and then this happens.
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so then the srs bsns bgm starts playing and we find out there's no homeroom today and there's a staff meeting during first period. i wonder why that could be.......
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so saito from class 3's older sister has gone missing. presumably the office lady. i swear, this family has the worst luck
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oh yeah, he got interrupted again yesterday by anime girl three stooges. it sure is taking a long time for him to finish this story. it reminds me of whenever i try to tell dad some funny anecdote but it takes 10 minutes because he keeps interrupting/changing the subject "so i was hanging out with the cat the other day--" who the fuck thinks that's a full story? my dad, that's who
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that's either clown boy or the gun ossan from the OP, the latter of whom we WILL fuck so we talk about it a bit and shinta's finally about to continue where he left off. apparently there was something particularly strange about how the elementary schooler disappeared?
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......oh, they gave mai different bread. i'd say that's a nice detail but mostly i wish these three would fuck off
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so a "deputy teacher" comes in and yells at us for not doing study hall. we are NEVER gonna hear the rest of shinta's story, are we
(update from The Future: almost done w/ kiika’s route and no, we are not)
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shinta route 😳
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findom route 😳
shinta's like No Fucking Thanks and gets back to work. kyoji is bored, bringing us to our next choice:
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daemosghost · 2 years
It's genuinely crazy how the high school I went to was just successfully able to just cover shit without the press questioning them cause why did I come across a news article that essentially says high school students were "allegedly" brutalized by cops in 2007 with mace and batons for trying to break up a fight and there were no further updates also I looked into the article for the lockdown we were under in 2018, its damn near bare bones
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To preface, I redacted some stuff cause I know for a fact that they didn't like people talking about incidents whether it was recent or old and I have a feeling that they'd find some way to get this deleted lmao.
[ID: [REDACTED], AL (WTVM) - A [REDACTED] high school has been placed on lockdown after officers received an "unconfirmed report" of a firearm on campus.
[REDACTED] Sheriff [*] Jones has confirmed that a school resource officer at [REDACTED] High School received an unconfirmed report that a student may have brought a firearm to school.
Sheriff Jones says there has been no incident indicating an attempt to do harm.
Deputy sheriffs and resource officers are currently at the school attempting to confirm whether or not a firearm is on campus.
Sheriff Jones says that despite social media concern that other schools are involved, on [REDACTED] High school is involved in the situation. /End of ID]
Like why is there NOTHING here? Like I can literally confirm what happened pre-lockdown and also confirm there was 100% malicious intent behind this, while they were out here claiming that whoever had the weapon intended no harm. Here's what happened.
Passed 6:30 in the morning on the school bus, I sat in the wrong seat because sometimes the guy who sat in front of me on the bus changed where he sat and that would get my already muddled brain confused that early in the morning. That same morning, the guy who was a senior at the time that rarely every got on the bus in the morning, got on the bus that morning and was mad because I "took his seat". Later on when we got to the elementary school, we usually sat there until 7:15 because the kids who rode the bus couldn't be released until that time hit, the guy started talking about shit, and it switch to violence real quick. He said if he'd bring a gun on the bus, shoot me first, everyone in the back of the bus, the bus driver and the literal children. Later on that day it was lunch time, while eating, me and my friend literally witnessed two football players standing next to our table, "discreetly" dealing a bag of weed to the other. One of them left to go to their car and came back saying something about some stolen guns, and went to the principal and resource officer. Me and my friend watched them discuss something and a few other teachers had got up whispering about something after whatever was said being spread to them, and next thing we knew, lunch was abruptly cut short. Teachers kept rushing all of us to hurry up and get to class, we knew something was up then, but not exactly what. I got to my math class, she got to hers, I sat in my desk, my math teacher didn't know what happened yet and was confused at what was happening. She checked her email and then called the office, and also ushering us inside. Someone asked what happened and she said we were under lockdown and it was not a drill. After everyone got inside, blinds were closed, lights were shut off, some people went behind her desk, doors were locked and the window of the door was covered over. We were all just on our phones the whole time and still talking, then we saw one of the journalists go live on facebook standing outside the school, many concerned parents in the chat and also students complaining about being hungry and/or needing to piss. At some point we heard footsteps in the hall which made everyone dive under stuff and hide behind the teacher's desk, the teacher had still been at the door so she flattened herself against the wall hoping not to be seen like Shaq hiding behind a pole. It was nearly 3pm or was 3pm before we could leave the school, they had us leaving in chronological order like "if you're a car rider/or car rider whose last name starts with A to G, you can leave now" and that took a while. Some of the guns were found in a bathroom stall, but some were still missing. The guy that stole them had booked it into the woods hid out there for a while before going home and being found there. It was the same guy who threatened to kill me and all these other people on my bus earlier on the day of the lockdown. He ended up being expelled, yet this article doesn't say shit at all, not even a name released since he was literally an adult and had already failed senior year once already.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
What do you think of this interpretation that Adrien is the show's punching bag?
I know I have a rule of redacting links if I haven't read the post, but I read the first one so I'll make an exception since it's basically the same thing but summarized (the second post just spends too long complaining about Adrien salters rather than actually answering the ask, as if to hype things up when the answer is extremely predictable; there are also some blatant falsehoods like saying that Adrien wasn't allowed to socialize with other kids his age when he had Chloe, or saying that he has to fight "his father" weekly when we've been shown that he can just not show up and receive no consequences or quit at any time).
I've talked about how the narrative presents things and I could go into detail by using other media as example (like how they compare him to Sleeping Beauty and then say that nothing is really about him when... Sleeping Beauty's main character is Sleeping Beauty?), but basically--I don't think the post understands where we're coming from when we say that Marinette is the punching bag rather than him.
From the show's standpoint, it's Adrien, obviously. He gets all the sympathy, everyone complains or talks about how unfair things are when Gabriel goes all strict on him, most people drop everything when he starts putting on the sads, and things always circle back to him.
I was talking about it with some friends, but the world essentially revolves around Adrien. If Adrien sits and does nothing, the plot will cycle around until things are, even if it's just mentioning him over and over again in plots that aren't about him. When he rebels, it's either for Chat's screen time ("Startrain"; note the weirdness of the train respawning back at the station so he can be kicked out, again for more sympathy), so the episode can stop Marinette - who is secretly Ladybug, his crush - from having fun with another boy ("Desperada"), or both.
Contrary to the belief of Adrien stans, we're not heartless people oblivious to the suffering of victims of this-and-that. It's that we're unaffected by this fictional character because all of his angst has been shoved in our faces to the point where we do not care.
To be "a punching bag" does not mean that all the sympathy in the show is given to them. Like, yes, Chat Noir got akumatized after he saw his mother's "corpse" and his father hit him around, but who's the one that has any memory of any of that? Marinette, who saw the timeline itself and had to deal with every single consequence.
Who saved him when he lost the grimoire due to carelessness? Marinette did by covering for him. That's not how being a punching bag works.
Being a punching bag means that the writers delight in making the character suffer and find it funny. Being a punching bag means that all the karma, mistake-making, and criticism falls on the character, even if things aren't even their fault. Being a punching bag means that the character is screwed no matter what because they're going to be punched (see: every single "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation Marinette goes through).
Suggesting that he's the punching bag because Marinette will come and save him is illustrating the exact issue; punching bags don't get saved. They have to do anything and everything to get the ending they want, and Marinette has been forced into being Adrien's ending because he wants her.
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
Popular character, case, ship whatever that you just dont like but not enough to actively complain about it. Like 'I really dont get why you're all so into this but I'm glad you're having fun I guess'
thanks for giving me permission to complain I've been wanting to do that. right now the main thing on my mind is van zieks. I just can't get into him. I know he might not be "popular" according to certain circles but idk I see people talk about him favorably a lot.
I recognize he has a critical role in the story and themes, and I also recognize that he has his moments where he can be funny, but definitely not to the degree that he stands out for me among the rest of the tgaa cast and definitely not to the degree where he's at all high on my list of prosecutors, and sometimes I see him ranked like, first, and am shaking my head. it's like these people forget what miles edgeworth has done for them. (speaking of which I see so many "vampire edgeworth" comparisons and like outside of some basic traits (grey hair, archaic clothing) I can't see that at all.)
it's like. for me it is absolutely largely the racism. I find it very hard to like a character when every time they speak I have to prepare myself to hear some sort of comment. and when people say "he's not racist because he has a ~reason~" or whatever that's extremely annoying though admittedly I don't see that opinion much. I don't want to get into a bunch of spoilers here but I don't love how the narrative handled that whole aspect either. I couldn't ever see myself rooting for him. Even when the narrative was trying to push me to be on his side and against [redacted] I was the whole time going "okay but I really like [redacted] and don't like bvz so I can't do this". The parts where he's actually somewhat appealing to me only happen halfway through the second game which for me is quite a bit of sitting through "you japanese blah blah blah" that I just can't really get over. and then of course around the time he starts getting interesting there's ~someone else~ I like more. bad (and long) first impression and not enough to make up for it imo.
which is not to say that I'm like... accusing people who do like him of anything I don't think you're a bad person if you like his character and stuff. (unless you're one of the aforementioned "he's not racist he has a reason" people then I'm just not interested in talking to you ever.) Like you said anon, "I really don't get why you're all so into this but have fun I guess."
Basically, his role in the story is acknowledged and I do think cutting him out of the story would hurt it quite a bit, I just don't love how the game handled his racism which got very tiresome for me and stopped me from getting attached to him, and even outside of that there are so many other tgaa characters I find more appealing that picking out bvz as the favorite is a bit baffling to me. again my own two cents on the matter.
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