#Guess who had a dream involving the redacted situation :))
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misskamelie · 5 months ago
Head in my hands, I'm doomed, this can't be going on for this long good grief. What the hell does my subconscious want to tell me. Hate the pms hormonal storm
#Guess who had a dream involving the redacted situation :))#basically we were out to eat (friend group outing. Sitting in front of each other because of course) and#1. It was them but it was not them. This person did not have their eyes but it was them I interacted w them w that awareness#2. It was the most confusing thing ever because it was like.#We interacted in the way I'm used to. But there was too much noise (I couldn't hear them. Nor others for that matter) so I had to lean#Across the table so naturally you get rather close. And at one point I got somehow frustrated by smt (I wanted to tie up my hair?#But it wouldn't come out as I wanted) so I just stood leaning there for a moment with my hair fallen in front of my face to talk (lol) and#they had? Rested their chin almost atop my head but like. You know when you actually rest your lips somehow against a person forehead?#That kinda thing. And of course I was not moving out of the position because it was very comforting 💀 only did so when I heard smt#from the others (it started the topic of like 'oh it's strange that redacted agreed to join. They usually don't'#The implication being that they agreed to it because there'd be involved people they hadn't seen in a while?)#and then redacted started to complain about that (other people saying that about them) and going about smt but I didn't catch that anymore#So this would all be like. Fine okay whatever. But the confusing thing is that before that (+other smaller related tender moments of sort)#they were telling me (this part I could hear even from across the table lol) about this person they like but apparently aren't pursuing#(Mind you. I was like. Oh they sound interesting. I would love to talk w them. The vibe of the conversation was pretty comfortable)#The dream ended while the group was discussing smt about how to pay and what to do afterwards (visiting some monument/church I think?)#I remember the time being 1.45pm (the time we were planning to get out. When I checked my watch -different from what I own- it was 1.30pm)#And even during that discussion! Redacted tried to tell me smt (I made them the gesture to wait while we were discussing) and when I asked#What it was about. They didn't feel like bringing it up (+looked like a sad puppy?(?)) and at that point I got close and held their cheek#To comfort them?? Like bro what the hell?? Most ambiguous relationship award?#In front of others apparently nonetheless?? And no one mentioned anything about it?#my post
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playchoices · 6 years ago
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Inside Choices: The Elementalists
Boo! Halloween's almost here, and at Pixelberry, we're celebrating with new spooky and spellbinding stories. On Wednesday, The Elementalists launched with its first chapter. Now that Chapter 2 is out as well, let's chat with The Elementalists writers... But make sure you've played Chapter 2 first!
I know you can't spell out everything that happens in The Elementalists, but can you tell us a little bit about it?
Chelsa: This project has been a dream of mine ever since I started working at Pixelberry two years ago, and it's still hard to believe they actually let me take the reins on this one. I won't spoil anything, but I can tell you that the whole team - writers, art, QA, everyone involved - put many, MANY long hours and their blood, sweat, and tears into this project. So basically, if you don't like it, I'll cry.
Maya: Well, if you've ever dreamed of being sucked through a portal and spit out at a magickal university, your dreams are about to come true! Essentially, you're pulled into a world you don't believe you can be a part of at first, but it doesn't take long for your powers to start revealing themselves. But if you didn't know you could do magick, what other mysteries about you have been hiding just beneath the surface?
The Elementalists is our newest fantasy story. What about this fantastical world are you most excited for players to encounter?
Chelsa: We've got a lot of new features and art in this book that I'm very excited to show off to players! The cool spell graphics and amazing new backgrounds are just the tip of the iceberg. And of course, learning spells...
Maya: Magick! Magick in The Elementalists feels so welcoming to me. The friends you meet are so excited to introduce you to the world, and there's something wonderfully intuitive about the magickal system we've created...
Emi: Honestly, I think I'm most excited for readers to meet the main cast and watch them grow. Every good fantasy has a core group of friends fighting for what they believe in, and I hope players fall in love with ours as much as we have.
How did you tackle worldbuilding for The Elementalists? What was the inspiration for the element attunement system?
Chelsa: This is definitely something I've spent a loooong time thinking about (see question 1). I wanted to create something familiar, with all of the elements that fantasy fans love about a fantasy school book, while also creating something that feels entirely new. This book is a frankenstein of things that I love, things that got the team excited while we were brainstorming, and things that we thought the fans would go crazy over. One of the first things that I decided was that Penderghast would be set in our world, current day, but hidden. The Attuned understand technology, are involved in Attuneless politics, and live alongside the Attuneless -- though of course, they still have to keep magick a secret to maintain the status quo. It's the very best of both worlds!
Maya: We wanted to create something familiar and accessible, but not wholly done before, so we talked a lot about things we've seen in fantasy that we enjoy, as well as things we wished to see. I think this world is so dear to us because it's an amalgam of so many things we cherish, imbued with our own magickal spark.
Jessica: So when I was a wee child attending Chinese school (shoutout to all the Asian American kids who had to go to Saturday school!), I learned that Chinese words all have core components called 'bushou' -- wood, heart, power, etc. During Elementalists brainstorms, we riffed on the premise of having a core something as the base for creating meaning, or in our case, magick. We settled on the classical elements as the foundation, and threw a few of our own into the mix as well. To perform magick, you have to channel the elements, and of course, everyone has an affinity to one or two -- kind of like having a college major, but also general education requirements!
Emi: While building the Attunement quiz, I spent a lot of time delving into the history and uses of elements in different cultures... You should see the number of research docs I made! I wanted the Attunements to feel linked to the classical elements, but to also have their own unique spin. We spent a couple brainstorms figuring out the quiz answers and how they related to their elements. We tried to create a quiz that players could answer honestly, without necessarily guessing which answer is linked to which Attunement.
And of course, what's your attunement?
Chelsa: Air-Att 4 life!! (I am also a libra, so it's very fitting.)
Emi: I'm a Metal-Att! Let me make a detailed and organized plan to tackle any challenge!
Maya: I was expecting to be an Earth-Att, but was pleasantly surprised to find out I'm a Wood-Att instead!
Jessica: Earth, which is weirdly fitting for me. I feel called out.
Do you have a favorite character in The Elementalists? Which character do you relate to the most?
Chelsa: My absolute favorite character to write is... one that I can't talk about yet! But aside from CHARACTER NAME REDACTED, it's definitely Beckett. He's just such a pain, and I love writing people who are difficult to get along with.
Emi: Aster is my girl! I love how excited and eager she is to learn about the world. I just want to give her a big hug. As for character I relate to the most, probably Beckett. I was 100% that over-achiever in school who was always showing off.
Maya: My favorites to write are hands down Zeph and Beckett. They seem so different, but neither are as put together as they'd like you to believe (#relatable). Though there's also something about REDACTED'S personality that speaks to my soul...
Jessica: I can't stick with one fave, so I'll say Shreya and Griffin. Shreya's just a whole lot of fun, and someone I would want to date IRL. And I love seeing Griffin, this chill Sophomore, thrown into the trials and tribulations of all these hapless Freshmen.
Any final tips for readers about to embark on their Penderghast adventure?
Chelsa: You'll have many opportunities to gain new spells throughout the book. My tip is to try to learn them all. You'll never know what a situation will call for...
Emi: Your Attunement will play a role in how you use magick and how you react to the events of the story! I recommend playing to your strengths.
Maya: Watch your back... Danger lurks in the shadows.
Bring on the magick! What's your elemental attunement? Let us know! And follow along online for sneak peeks of what's next in Choices... a journey back in ancient history!
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dogcunt · 7 years ago
1-75 answer them all bc I'm curious
wow fuck u uhhWhat tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?the latterYour 5 favorite spots to be stimulated.idk i only really get my dique touchtHave you ever had your prostate stimulated?who hasnt??Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?nope!Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?uhh no?Are handjobs boring, or underrated?really depends on the situation like if ur only gettin a handy and theres nothin else 2 it its mad dumDo you like having your balls touched?yaDo you like having your nipples touched?yaDo you like having your anus touched?ehhhhhhhhh not reallyHave you ever been fisted?hell nopeDo you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)?Yes!Do you have any kinks?mmmmhmAre you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?yuhDo you pee in the shower?not all the time but when u gotta go u gotta goDo you ever masturbate in the shower?nopeHave you had sex in the shower?ive tried but its really dum and awkwardDo you like being naked?sometimesDo you sleep partially/fully naked?partiallyHave you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity?hell nopeAre you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?hell Yea im comfortable w any1 seein me nakedHave you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)?yaDo you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom?nah if u care abt that ur a childDo you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? u kno itIf yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online?yes & yesHow many sexual partners have you had?1 lolHow often do you masturbate?Every Dam DayWhat position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)?on my backDescribe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.step 1: Jack ItWhat do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)?ya i usually jack it 2 my nsfw blog or my imagination 😬Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore?yea when i was like 13 i jacked it for 6 hours straight and it felt like my dick diedYour thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals?"im luv it"What kind of underwear do you normally wear?boxa briefs or panties (a very bad word there needs 2 b a new 1)Do you ever go commando?noHave you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep?lol noHow big is your penis?idk??Does your penis curve at all?yaAre you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it?yes and yesAre you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?i am Not A FanDo you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way?i think theyre attractive tbhDo you like the way your genitals look?yaWould you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup?totallyDo you like your butt?fuck nopeWhat do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)?trimDo you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair?not reallyDo you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed?leftDo you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people?itd b cool 2 have genital piercings but they wouldnt look good on me and i dont want that Pain but i do really like em on other ppl 👀What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm?idrDo you ever “edge” (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating?edging is wat makes cummin funWhat’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session?6 hours ov jackin it and 4 hours fuckinWhat’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)?3 Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric?really depends but usually crotch-centricSpit or swallow?swallaWhen you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble?shoot Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on?v hotHave you ever had sex in a public place?yea read my descriptionHave you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you?uhhh... yea..Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? once again.. read my descriptionHow about masturbated?i dont really think ive jacked it outside iv my houseHave you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross?nahAre you particularly “vocal” when masturbating/having sex?when im home alone im kinda vocal but i hate my voice 2 much 2 b vocal during sexHave you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?yea lolHave you had or do you want to have a threesome (or foursome, or more)?no but id luv 2 honestlyHave you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy?nope!Can a dildo feel as good as a penis?idk i havent had eitherWhat are your favorite positions?they all taste great i cannot decideYour most embarrassing sexual experience?🤷🏻‍♀️Have you ever had any genital injuries?noHave you ever had a sexually transmitted infection?nopeDo you think you’re “good” at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement?idk u cant tell if a place is Truly good if it only has 1 review yknowIf you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.1. jack it2. jack it3. wear good underwear4. wear Very tight pants5. party?What’s something you like about your body?[redacted]What’s something you dislike about your body?mine AssWhat body parts do you find the sexiest?Ass and i guess gut?? idk how 2 describe it but seein ppls midriffs instantly makes me fall in luv w themWhat was your most recent sexual thought?🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️Do you ever just play with your balls, penis, hole?sure?When was the last time you touched your genitals?when i peed a couple ov hours agoDo you often imagine people naked?not really
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