#and then my brother walked in
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solplease · 5 months ago
i just finished playing the homicipher demo... oh that was fun.... def drawing them...
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courfee · 8 months ago
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17 December 1975 / 15 May 1976
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l33n1s · 10 months ago
No but Shen Twins AU where Shen Yuan is technically a member of Cang Qiong Mt sect but he's almost never there cause he's too busy traveling and studying/documenting all of the cool plants and animals.
But when he Does spend time at the sect it's Qing Jing Peak's emotional equivalent to Christmas, cause Shen Jiu is actually in a good mood (as good as his moods get at least) and Shen Yuan has picked up a habit of bringing sweets for the disciples. He just shows up and suddenly the bamboo house doesn't seem so empty, Shen Jiu actually seems comfortable for once, and the whole peak's atmosphere seems to shift.
And, it's always a very jaring experience for new disciples the first time they meet Shen Yuan. Cause there's this guy who looks exactly like their teacher but is so much less severe. His posture is a little more relaxed, he Actually smiles at them every once in a while, he doesn't get annoyed when they ask about his adventures and is instead very willing to share his stories (if he dresses them up a little who's to blame him). For many of them it stuns them to see Anyone be so casual with their teacher and be left alive after; to see him argue with someone in a way that is actually harmless rather than scathing.
It doesn't help though that noone actually knows When Shen Yuan will ever show up or how long he'll actually stay. It definitely varies, sometimes he'll just be passing through the area on his way to some other cool place, sometimes he stays for a few months in order to teach a couple classes on useful plants and dangerous animals.
Often during his visits, he visits the other peaks too. He talks with Mu Qingfang about about medicinal plants while he's treated for any injuries he has (it's not his fault he's accident prone, and if he fell of that cliff while trying to follow a very cool bird-thing no one needs to know). He has tea with Yue Qingyuan (who met him for the first time and said "our younger brother"); Shen Jiu is decidedly not happy about this but "oh well he'll live"
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almondcroissantsandink · 6 months ago
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watching gravity falls for the first time at the request of my little sister and i just watched a tale of two stans and CRIED
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wolfythewitch · 5 months ago
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vyzz-undercover · 3 months ago
[Squad Damocles/f!serf]
•intercourse [M/M/M/F]
•oral sex (m & f receiving)
•discussions on the codex
•discussions on reproduction
•essentially a bukkake
•vaginal fingering
•dubcon (via power imbalance)
•definitely size kink
•mild fear elements
i live despite god, cato chapter 6 will be coming soonish ANYWAYS PSPSPSPSPSP heeeeere kitties kitties!!!! @moodymisty, @mothiir, @sinistermojo, @kit-williams, @primarisly-marooned, @thevoidscreams, @the-raven-lady, @lemon-russ, @blasphemme, @grimdark-raccoon, @pluvio-tea, @cosmic-cryptid-from-beyond, @ma1dmer, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @scriberye, @sinistermojo, @undeaddream, @historitor-bookshelf, @vivacious-hyena, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan. If you want on or off lmk!! I HAVE BAD MEMORY ILY!! ALSO SPECIAL FUCK YOU TO MY DEAR @triassicnautilus WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS FIC!!
It is by no means an offhanded consideration.
Your familial line and ancestors have served the highest echelons of the great Angels for hundreds of years, and yet—of all of your far more worthy, servile kin—you're the first in generations to be sequestered to a new voidship.
It's terrifying.
You're not even sure if you're being demoted in status, because you drift between duties like they hadn't really planned to have you just yet.
When the head serf of the Barge finally has you delegated to a Primaris—it is to Lieutenant Demetrian Titus, of Second Company.
It has been less than a week, now. To say nothing of the fact he hadn't even acknowledge you in his dormitory, at first.
He has made no comment of your presence besides a huff. It's to be expected, as is his right. Your duty is to serve with or without order. But it's certainly not entirely unpleasant being freed of demands —pointedly, he appears to be largely self sufficient. Your new Lord sets his rest attire aside for you, folds sheets to be washed; and, once, brought his cot down from the wall when he saw you struggling at the task.
It takes three days of this for you to notice stern green eyes lingering.
Like most of the Adeptus Astartes who are more often called to active service, there's scant bric-a-brac to be organised in his lodgings.
Perhaps due to the fact that none of the souvenirs of his long service are small in any way.
Much rather, everything your Lord owns is each a hulking testament to his might in war. Like the intricate pauldron hung on the side wall that is the size of your ribcage, and the length of fine red fabric fitted within that which is almost the height of you.
Nonetheless, your Lord begins to try snag your gaze; despite the fact you most often keep your head bowed.
It begins first as you rise to your tippy-toes to dust off the chainsword upon a small outcrop.
It's a tap on his chest armour, that you turn to catch the sound of. Then, when you return with a small crate to stand upon to better reach the shelf, it's a rapt of gauntlet'd fingers on his hip-plating; and a curious focus in his eyes as you spin around to heed the noise.
Lots of little things to coax you to glance at him.
His strange plans pay off, more often than not. It's very difficult to ignore the out of place song of ceramite and steel being drummed against.
This all entertains your Lord, apparently. He doesn't go so far as to laugh or anything, Throne forbid; but he does huff a little from his nose while keeping a neutral, unchanged face. And to that ends, it's difficult to believe a great being as he would stoop to such.
But the Astartes aren't as stalwart every waking hour as the average individual would believe.
Your Lord included, it seems.
On the fourth day, he starts speaking to you.
Nothing more than, 'Good, serf.' when you neatly fold his sheets under the thin mattress and press the wrinkles flat. His voice is a steady lilt, stoic and rugged, and all you can do is nod doltishly.
Then it worsens. It worsens into fully fledged questions, that you shudder and hesitate to answer. At first, it's a stray comment of asking why you have hair still, and that too is a surprise—the serf's on this Battle Barge appear to be clean-shaven on their heads, and yet nothing has been asked of you to undertake such yet.
Then the situation nosedives.
"Where were you stationed, prior to this?" He asks as he's unclad, seated on his cot in a loincloth as you mop.
You haven't dared look at anything more than the skin below his knees as you labour. Even his calves dwarf you, they may as well be one of your thighs.
"I–" you begin, stammering. "I was previously assigned upon the Primarch's Flagship, my Lord."
"Truly? To whom?"
"My mother is indentured to the Chapter Master, as were her parents," you say softly, and clutch the handle tightly.
His brows furrow before asking, "And you were bade sent here? By Lord Calgar, of all people?"
You cock your head, and you aren't sure why his tone is accusative; nor can you parse out the confusion in it. The fact remains your family served on the flagship, the point of who matters not more than simple competence pedigree.
"Nevermind," he sighs, and tips his head down.
You realise you're actively looking at him a bit too late.
He is very handsome, ruggedly so. It is a fact you've viciously tried to repress acknowledging since your assignment to his service—he is as all of his kind is—tall, mighty statue given flesh, built for warring on a million worlds and excelling at such a leviathan task; yet there's a softness to your Lord in the warm, yellow-red candlelight not afforded to him under the harsh hallways lumens.
His chin is darkened with light stubble, and his usually sternly knitted brows are steadily becoming calm and flat. The harsh lines on his face aren't at all as unnerving when they're countered by the thoughtful expression he now wears.
"I believe you may be a sort of gift from him," he supplies dryly.
"A gift, m-my Lord?" You stutter, unseated by the hulking, unclad form of the Primaris Lieutenant so close.
"Titus," he corrects softly, leaning in; and the room is a little less frigid with him practically breathing on you.
"My Lord T-Titus," you adjust, and he snorts good-humouredly.
"Close, but not quite," he tuts, "You may call me Titus."
You lower your head nervously, keeping your gaze down; ultimately receiving an eyeful of his large chest and navel. The scars littering his flesh are a hodgepodge of livid cicatrix, old tissue, and the healed over pitted marks of bullet holes. He has a light dusting of hair across the span of his pectorals, patchy with the aforementioned damage.
Then it deepens to a darker, coarser shade down his dense abdomen, arrowing lower, and lower and—
"Calgar's privy to much," he chuffs, then reaches a large hand up and you're greeted to the sound of a palm scrubbing against stubble. "My predilections, too... worryingly."
You hesitate, completely bemused by the admission—you have no clue what your Lord is talking about. Point of fact, there's a need to reply hanging in your heart; but you stifle it down.
He seems to recognise this, and sighs.
There's a fey, strangled sort of anchor in his voice as he says, "Is it a stretch to say you've been with an Astartes before?"
You cock your head again, "I have served my whole life, my Lord Titus, I assure you that I am—"
He snorts, "Not that kind of service."
"I–I don't understand," you stutter.
"Have you bedded another?"
You hesitate, and feel very real fear seize your mind as you speak, "I-I—If you mean intercourse, such has not been sanctioned for me, m-my Lord."
He stares at you with a deep contemplation, and you can feel your heart thundering in your chest at the lie of omission.
"You can answer truthfully," he says.
Swallowing around the dryness in your throat once more you mumble, "Once, m-my Lord."
"We are evenly matched in that contest, then."
Eyeing the Lieutenant in place of further responding offers you little respite from the heat and panic boiling in your veins.
"If it's to your liking," he starts, "I could indulge you?"
You blink, "My Lord?"
"I'm not going to see you punished should you decline me," he says with that same terribly earnest tone, "I'd only ask you not to speak of this proposition occurring with any others."
There is something in the way the he speaks, the way his voice slips lower, into rougher and barer territories that vaguely resemble what you imagine your Lord might've-been propositioning you as a mortal man that is utterly staggering. It isn't even about what he is saying—it's more about how he is saying it.
The naked urgency is strange, and you're terrified and entranced all in one.
He pats what little space on the side of the cot his bulk doesn't consume and you take a half step before freezing on instinct.
He repeats the gesture and you drag your feet, cautiously approaching before perching yourself beside him and being swallowed by his seated form in the candle-light's shade.
His hand raises, and you shrink slightly.
Your Lord seems to recognise the worry and lowers it a little, only to leave it hovering over your tunic'd leg.
You imagine the great Angel sees you as some shivering wet animal at his mercy, somewhat. You eye his huge hand nervously but ultimately sigh out your nerves and relax a little.
If this was a test of some sort, surely the guillotine would have fallen by now—not that the thought eases you in any way.
His hand tentatively settles on your thigh, and you're shocked at the sheer heaviness of the thing. It's a pressure all it's own, and so heated that you're hyperaware of the warmth suffusing through your garb onto your skin.
It drags up, ever so slowly, and you inhale shakily—stunned by the strength in just one hand most definitely being more than you have in your entire body.
You feel like you should be squirming with the thrill of the gesture, moving against that huge limb; but are too frozen by the gravity of the situation to act.
"I will need an actual answer, however," he remarks belatedly, smoothing his calloused palm back down your thigh.
A cold, wild animal horror sinks in beside something wretchedly simmering as you dither, finally replying with, "I-I would, should you wish it, my Lord."
"Titus," He raises a dark, scarred eyebrow lazily, correcting you once again with a light sigh, "Calgar has schooled you on your manners a bit too well, it seems."
You frown, at shameful odds with maintaining discipline despite your Lord's repeated protest, and avert your eyes again. Trying to play off the shiver his voice so close inspires in your spine.
A choked grunt escapes him not long after and you meet his gaze haphazardly.
Only to be met by an uncanny sight, and heavy, clogged-engine laughter.
Your Lord's lips have skinned back over his teeth at you in a large grin. Charming as the gesture should be, it is certainly not something a fellow baseline would call a particularly friendly expression—maybe due to the fact it felt strange seeing so much emotion at once from him. It looks more akin to a beast in human skin baring it's fangs, and just as animalistic. The back of your brain screams there's a threat of being mauled.
It is a somewhat fey thing to witness, despite the fact it appears to be a genuine display of mirth. And when it falls away to a closed smile, it's much better to behold—the age lines on his face crinkle just right to make him just that little bit more attractive.
"We'll get there," he chuckles. "But first, you will need to be stretched."
That sounds painfully ominous.
You scowl a little in confusion and parrot the word, "...stretched?" back at him in an almost unconsciously quiet voice.
He hears it, and his brow raises a tad.
"You can't fit me ordinarily."
The breath you take in is almost choked with hind-brain panic, mind crafting a series of impossible sizes—crushing and rending, turning your insides to paste. Worse than the time you'd seen a servitor veer into the pulleys of the lift platforms.
"Move further up on the cot," he huffs,
You oblige, and slide back a little; ruining your earlier efforts of fussing with his sheets.
He lifts himself off the cot, kneeling, and breathes in solemnly; his face pinched a tad.
"Settle," comes the Lieutenant's affirmation, "I'll make sure you're unharmed... now, if you allow me see what I'm to be working with?"
You nod shakily, and the massive hand previously upon your thigh splays you out. His other joins it on the converse and mimics the gesture, spreading you.
He shuffles closer to the cot's edge on his knees and chuffs, "Lean back, and put your legs up on me."
Stuffily, you obey, resting your calves on his broad back as you sidle astride his head.
"Very good," your Lord hums; and Holy Terra, you can hardly believe that you're feeling his warm breath dance across your skin. You have a feeling of what he's planning to do, it's unfathomable—nor can you bear to watch one of the great Angels do this.
One of his huge hands cups your hip as he hikes up your tunic's hem to keep you still, nudging it up, and up, until you realise he's trying to coax you into disrobing—to which you oblige with a flustered timidity.
Emperor have mercy, you can't fathom the looming act, and it's consequence—so with scant preamble, you quickly cover your face with both palms.
What a wretched day to've forsaken briefs in favour of a longer garb. Now, you're stuck stark naked on the Angel's bed, and you can feel he's—he's kneading your waist, then squeezing your hip—you're so beyond forsaken it's laughable. You're doomed. But your insides are twitching at the contact, and the feeling of his worn palm taking a moment to grope your thigh has your nerves aflame with anticipation. What a great shame to have brought an Astartes so low, to have him disgrace himself in—oh, no.
A wide band of slick muscle drags upward, and the sensation is nigh ecstasy. The heat of his mouth is divine, and���and rolling against your clit.
Your Lord rumbles contentedly when your legs jump and you almost choke trying to hold back a ragged, stunned moan.
His huge tongue worms into you, big nose jammed against your clit; his mouth several times larger than your own forced to practically eat at your cunt—going at you with an almost desperate eagerness before raking up again and humming against your tender little nub.
"Are you aware you're in season?" He says, still smothering himself to your sex, and it is so offhanded it's jarring; like a finger stuck in a door hinge.
A flabbergasted whine is all you can offer in answer.
He steals another greedy lick of your entrance, "I already knew by how you smelt—but I can taste it too," he notes smoothly, and laps at you again.
Your Lord pulls away and you grow enough backbone to glance between your fingers. He has a blank look on his stern face, pupils blown out, rolling his tongue around his mouth before he apparently frees himself from whatever haze overtook him.
His chin and chops are wetted with clear, slimy lubricant—your slick—and he takes a deep breath.
It's a little mind boggling seeing his other hand rise up from beyond your view. Why is it already glistening slightly? Had he been...? Surely not, surely...
"Your turn with this, I suppose," comes the straightforward, depraved confirmation of your suspicions.
The hold already on your side turns into a vice; and then there's massive digits tracing your entrance.
"It's alright," he rasps, "It's only two."
—then you're crammed full of a Primaris' ring and middle finger.
The sheer size of just that alone is insane, but most of all, it's brilliant. And yet, somehow everything gets even better.
Your Lord's mouth claims its' place back on your clit and sucks.
A garbled whine, and the bliss has you shaking like a leaf.
His fingers stretch your walls as he scissors them out, only to curl in sharp, precise motions; as if your cunt is some weapon he's searching for the trigger mechanism inside of.
Wound too tight, it all comes to an embarrassingly quick end with you letting out a ragged sob, bucking sharply in surprise. Absolutely stunned into orgasm as your core muscles cinch up, keening.
Unfortunately, set on his goal, your Lord does not let up immediately—holding fast and unmoving—and is only disengaged when, cotton-mouthed to words by overstimulation, you blindly flail, stamping your heels into the massive span of his upper back.
He looks a little confused as he releases you, as if he'd been in some sort of trance again.
Blinking a few times and righting himself, he clears his throat, "We should... learn to coordinate that better," he admits, his voice a little rougher, "Tap three times to stop. Two to slow. Once to continue."
There's a short lapse of speaking after that as you ogle his face lingering between your thighs; until you abruptly realise he's waiting for your answer.
"Y-Yes, my Lord."
A big, dark brow raises, "I believe you're simply misbehaving, now."
Your stomach leadens as panic sinks its' claws into you and with a blubbering whine you stammer, "N-No, no... please, my Lord—I mean, my Lord Titus, I-I am not, I swear—"
"It's only a joke," he huffs, and his dark brows arch down a hint in a somewhat sympathetic manner. "Do... do I really frighten you that much?"
You swallow harshly and stutter, "I-I-I—I am a serf, my duty is humility."
It's not the right answer, that much is obvious. It's strange to say that some sort of childish disappointment passes over his features.
"You'll settle in time," he says softly, more like a prayer than anything.
His hands manoeuvre you onto your belly, so your ass is poised high at the edge of the cot for easy access.
Your Lord is tall enough to mount you on his knees like this, and it's clear that's his intent when a thick cock slides experimentally between your thighs.
You try to look behind you to see just how big a thing is to be rammed into you—but he clicks his tongue like you're some unruly little creature, and that's all the discipline you need to be dissuaded.
"You'll only spook yourself," he sighs lowly.
A fat, rounded tip prods at your entrance, wet and hot.
"I'll be gentle as I can," he continues.
You strain to fit even that, and then the burning starts.
Your Lord groans, his hips hitching forward in little motions as you shake, fighting to keep yourself presented on steady knees for him as he presses deeper.
The pain is incandescent, and you cry out—
"Breath," your Lor—Titus urges, sounding strained himself, "Breath."
You squirm, and there's a burning at your rim as he pushes a little deeper; it's a painful reminder of your own lacking size compared to him.
"Almost there," he all but growls, then you hear him raggedly ask, "How... how are you faring?" but you're nowhere near up to the task of responding.
Still, attempting to be dutiful, you try—and all that comes out is a seizing gasp.
You are far too preoccupied with twitching on the scalding slab of Primaris currently giving your insides a stern word to manage a sentence.
In your panic, you manage to smack some part of him twice, even if you have no idea what you're hitting—dragging your hand across wall-sturdy muscle.
Titus stills.
You freeze in fear, waiting for a reprimanding that never comes.
He takes a deep breath in and grits out, "It's alright, it's a difficult fit," to which you whine dumbly, and Titus continues, "I am... larger, than I once was," he says softly, pausing to groan when a shudder sends you squeezing on him, "You're still taking me very well."
He is large, that is true; but he's also warm. So terribly warm, he's almost fever-hot inside of you.
The pain abates in the interim as the pleasure of you steadily acclimatising replaces it, and slowly, you ever so carefully tap him once to continue.
Titus shimmies and you squeal at the burr of electric sensation that makes your mind melt for a half-second, only for your ass to coincidentally scud backwards into his hips with a sticky plap.
You're struck daft when a sudden shrill of lightning sparks up your spine as you feel him bottom out at last, hitting your cervix, blinding you for a heartbeat.
You whine loudly at the sensation.
"All in," he rasps, breathing harshly as he rocks his hips to keep you pliant. "You've done it, hush... it's all inside, little one."
Your cunt's tingling around every inch of him, clenching down—trying desperately to decide wether to buck back against him or scramble off and run for your life. You doubt you could manage the latter. Despite his strange insistence on altruism, there's no way you'd have the nerve to deny the great Angel, lest the Emperor Himself punishes you for it. But you're surely not about to complain about the situation when you're enjoying it so thoroughly.
It's dazzling having him so deep, it feels more akin to being impaled than simply filled.
His balls sit snug against your vulva, heavy against your clit; and you moan—rolling your hips back against his in a moment of delirious bliss.
Titus groans appreciatively, and you strain to tip your head into the big hand petting you while your chin is tucked into the crease of his elbow.
"You're tough for such a small thing," he begins with an airy huff of satisfaction, "I was stunned the last time I managed to fit in a baseline..." he hums, then apparently something seizes his humours and he grumbles, "...let alone now after crossing the Rubicon."
His voice rumbles in his chest where it's pressed to your back, like the purring, hardworking systems of some mighty machine spirit. But the strain behind his cadence plays havoc with your mind, and the sinking realisation you've got him hilted inside your truly takes root.
Your thighs shake, and the room feels stuffier—he feels impossibly closer, and your body is boiling despite the cold press of armour interface ports against your skin as he thrusts back and forth; to say nothing of the fingers fussing your hair out of your face—he's–he's so agonisingly tender.
"Are you finishing on me?" You hear him say, but you honestly cannot even tell if you're cumming because everything is a buzzing lurch of cramping electricity. "Good, that's... very good. Throne, you're—"
You're barely cognisant of him straining forward to a stop; but your body judders with satisfaction, and the rest of his words melt together in your ears into an insensible baritone as you struggle through dazzling ecstasy. It steals the air out of you, nigh agonising bliss sharp and rising from your belly—scrambling at the huge forearms now keeping you in place while he continues fucking into you, weakly crying.
When you return to having a functioning body, you're hyperventilating; and leaving a smear of drool across the interior of Titus' elbow.
Slowly becoming audibly cognisant beyond just the ringing in your head to the wet slapping sound of him chasing his own end in your cunt.
"You'll... you'll have to forgive me for being a little quick, on the first... round," he rumbles against your ear, panting as he nails you right through your afterglow. "It's been... so long, since..."
Titus doesn't even manage to finish his sentence. Instead, he snarls out a low, subharmonic sound and his hips slam forward into you. He's bending you up underneath him; forcing you to let him stuff himself to the base. You feel his balls sandwich against you, and you hear the sopping wet squish of him bottoming out.
His cock throbs inside you, and you're left warbling a dazed whine rife with pleasure addled pain at the sudden roughness.
Hot spend fills you and you keen, acutely aware of it spilling over and dripping out between.
The sensation of having it so deep and yet still too much to contain is playing havoc with your hindbrain, and in that fucked-out state you exhaustedly rock your hips.
A soft grunt is your reward for the effort.
"Careful, careful..." He grits out, panting as his hand draws a smooth, comforting line down the side of your leg before he manages, "You'll get more, just... give me a moment. I promise you, there's plenty where—"
You hear the sound of steel parting, and the white lights of the corridor near blind you.
"Brother," Titus says sharply.
You sober nigh instantly as your stomach proverbially drops to the floor, and your head snaps to the doorway shutting behind the form of a tall, darker Primaris.
"Brother," he receives in answer, "What are you doing?"
"Entertaining... a guest," Titus clears his throat against your ear and tips his head back a little, leaving you clearly shaking in mortification.
He still graciously keeps his body covering yours, and you try to hide under the mass of it.
"I was not aware this sort of entertainment was sanctioned," the other Primaris says, taking a deep inhale and making a strange face—hold on, you–you know this Astartes. You had served in his arming staff temporarily for a day while your judicator had been shuffling positions to keep you busy on the Barge prior to your Lord's arrival and your assignment. You remember the first letter. It was a C—perhaps Cato? No, it began with a digraph—like the end of the word stomach. Chrysion? No, no—it's Chairon—his name is Chairon.
"I ask only that you don't involve the Chaplain," Lord Titus groans, seemingly exasperated. "Just petition the Chapter Master and be done with—"
"No," Chairon interjects flatly as he exhales.
Titus' breath catches, "...no?"
"I want to understand why," he receives in answer, snorting a bit before taking another gulp of air and making the same strange face.
A long, tense silence—and you ought to be terrified and flee, but you can't do much more than squirm weakly on the fat cock stock stiff against your cervix. He still hasn't gone soft, why hasn't he gone soft? Is–Is this what he meant by first round? The frightening stamina of an Astartes in battle is one thing, but it extends even to this? How many rounds have you signed yourself up for?
Chairon harrumphs, "I've never heard of this sort of thing happening, so I want to understand."
Titus huffs hard through his nose like a sort of equine and regards his battle-brother with a knowing tone, "You want a turn then, I assume?"
"If you're willing to allow it," Chairon answers, then looks to you. "And if she's up to the task of two."
You hear Titus hum lowly, and then he gently—ever so gently—cups your chin and tips your head up to see his face.
"Are you?" He rasps, "We'll be mindful not to harm you, should you... accept, such a task."
It's painfully difficult to even think about denying Titus when his big, pupil-blown green eyes meet your own. Your insides ache where he's still buried, but nonetheless some brainless, whorish urgency sends you swallowing harshly and nodding, "Y-Yes, my Lord."
"Go on," Titus chuffs, clicking his tongue at Chairon as a gesture to sit.
Chairon lowers himself down on the thin mattress with one leg off the side of the cot and the other tented up on it, thighs spread.
"I ought to pull out, now."
"No," Chairon huffs, "Not yet, I have an idea."
"Very well," is Titus' answer.
You blanch, and the urge to curl up and simply die nearly overcomes you. You're still—you're still full of your Lord, in every sense of the word, what more can you fit?
Chairon slides himself a little closer until you're practically nosing at his loincloth.
A big hand tilts your chin up and stuffs a thumb between your surprise-parted maw, depressing your tongue.
"You have very pretty lips," Chairon hums as his metal hand pulls his garments away for you.
With a little pressure, you're being guided close to his mostly flaccid cock like a fish by the hook. Then his thumb leaves your mouth and you glare at the length presented to you.
You look up at Chairon's face next, and he raises a brow. So, in turn, you press a soft kiss to the side of his shaft; watching intently when he inhales sharply at the act, pursing his lips for a second.
Then he smiles.
He has a smile that makes you want to melt despite the fact he's an Astartes. It's warm, and suits his fuller cheeks—it's more personable in appearance than you would ever admit aloud out of shame.
You fluster and glance down, taking the head of him into your mouth. He's still huge, regardless of the fact he's mostly half-soft.
Your reward is a thoughtful hum, and a big hand petting your head.
"Lieutenant, do you wish to continue...?"
Titus apparently needs no further invitation.
You're being driven into anew, whining around the steadily hardening member in your mouth and time, for a moment, loses it's bearing. All your mind can bother to focus on is red hot pleasure and heat on your tongue, your own airy, cock-stifled sounds and two syncopated sets of groans and grunts.
"Her mouth's nice and warm," you hear Chairon moan above you.
There's no stall to Titus' pace of thrust as he pants, "I wouldn't know."
"Care to try?"
You have no idea how long you've simply been content in having them both sink in you, but you suddenly return to awareness when you hear Titus' curt, "Gladly."
Then you're suddenly being manhandled like a doll, the cock in you slips out with a pop—as does the one in your mouth—and the room spins as they lift you and change.
You groan in confusion, and paw for the familiar figure now afore you, glancing up.
Titus' hand combs through your hair softly and he chuffs that strange subvocal sound that makes you entranced for a moment.
"Deep breath," your Lord says, and then to your surprise—Chairon's cock presses into you.
It's actually largely easy to take, after having had Titus in you for so long. Chairon's is not as thick as to send you aching, yes, he's big of course, but it's a perfect, pleasurable size inside—and judging by Titus' length now a few inches from your face, it makes sense why he needed to stretch you.
It's practically a bottle of wine, how on Terra did you manage to—
Your thoughts wither as you're forced to moan heartily; namely due to Chairon bottoming out and settling against your cervix.
He moans back, and a huge, warm hand strokes down your spine, heat thudding in your face at the sheer show that he's enjoying you.
Then you're yelping, and something bitterly chilled is on your flesh, sending goosebumps arcing up your back as you flinch.
"Are you alright?" Chairon starts abruptly, and you groan at the freezing steel now pawing at your side.
Titus scowls as he finds the issue before you can voice it, "I think it's your augmentic."
"Really?" Chairon tuts, and leans down to ask, "Is there something the matter with my hand?"
It's clearly a lighthearted accusation, but you haven't been properly subjected to this sort of teasing by a Primaris until today, and you whine.
"It's—it's c-cold," You stutter, and nose against Titus' thigh for comfort; a little uneasy by the confrontation.
Chairon pouts, "I'll keep it's use to a minimum, then."
You swoon at the meagre kindness, and feel your already scalding face boil over as excitement rises.
Titus simpers down at you and remarks, "Is that to your liking?"
You nod and seek a closer hold on his leg for leverage, squirming a little before settling. Your cheek rests against the high point of Titus' thick leg—every so often able to sneak a lick of him.
Titus tuts, "She's very sweet."
The cock in you jerks when the hulking Primaris inside you laughs.
"She smells it, too," Chairon coos, "Don't you, sweet little thing? You smell like you're practically sugared."
You whine needily at the words, Titus' huge cock plastered against your cheek as you leer forward desperately and lap pre-cum from the tip.
"Because she's currently mid-cycle," Titus says flatly. "Her hormones are trying to convince you to breed with her."
Chairon hums thoughtfully, "Fortunate for her that we are, then—still, I'm glad to know that's what that is."
Titus pets you as you continue licking him, one hand carefully managing your hair as the other holds his length to better allow you getting it in your mouth.
Chairon bottoms out again and your body shakes, a trying whine escaping around the cock on your tongue as you relish the sensation.
"You're doing well," Titus rasps out at you, hips making small circles that let him dip into your mouth in short pumps.
Your reaction is wantonly pathetic, if you're completely honest with yourself.
It's a desperate, nasally whimper and a sudden eagerness to please that sends you letting his cock-head bump your epiglottis. Holding for a second despite the ache of your jaw and swallowing before inching yourself away; sputtering a little and moving the heavy swell of his member to warm your tongue instead, sucking on him.
Titus groans in approval, and his hand pets just that much more; earning a sigh when you try stuffing more of him in your mouth again.
Chairon's thrusts steady as he simply takes his time, pacing himself; it's all the better to give your Lord Titus a nice, wanting hole to fuck at his own pace.
"I completely understand... why you were doing this, now," Chairon hums, his pelvis skewing with a slight jerk.
All pretence of steadiness are banished as he starts grinding downward into you, causing a wave of hypersensitivity to stagger you daft.
You clench down hard with a flinch of surprise. Pleasure swelling out of the blue to a crescendo, tipping you over the edge only moments later. The roll of your orgasm ripping through you has your legs locking stiff for a moment, your internal muscles tensing on the intrusion.
Chairon inhales sharply, holding himself perfectly still as your insides cinch down hard around him erratically.
It's certainly not the only finishing happening though, because the cock in your mouth is suddenly painting the inside of your mouth and gullet as you hastily try swallow it down.
Your hear Titus hiss, and the hand in your hair tightens when his thighs start shuddering through heavy throbs of spend.
It feels for a moment as if it's going to come out of your nose there's so much. What doesn't go down your throat definitely tastes wholly unpleasant, but the resumed affections nullify any complaints you have.
You cough and carry on a little at the rapid succession of events and hide your face in Titus's lap again; half-consciously licking your spend stained chops where hopefully neither of them can see.
"My... apologies," Titus is still panting as he says, "I... I should have warned you."
A soft whine is all you can offer.
"Are you well?" Titus asks, tone a little ragged.
You practically shiver around Chairon's cock, and the sound you let out is long-suffering, but not enough.
His voice turns serious, "I need an answer."
A moan flees your throat, "Less—less than before, m-my Lord," you whimper, breathing hard, "But, I'm okay, I'm—n-ngh... not injured."
The grunt he makes in return is an amicable noise, and Chairon seizes your hips with his flesh hand. Lifting you to line up better with his rutting, trying valiantly to ease the pressure.
Oh, that's so much better on your internal walls—the pressure is bliss, and everything is warm and fuzzy and soft; you shut your eyes, moaning—and then you hear the familiar thunk-thunk-click-vshhh of the door opening.
"Titus, you've returned! I'm so glad to hear of your—" a voice starts, then rightly hesitates.
The silence is deafening.
"Chairon?" the blonde Primaris barks suddenly, "What... what are you... what is the serf...?"
You hear Chairon blubber for a moment before laughing in astonished horror, "I'm not even going to try explaining this."
"Gadriel, this is perhaps not a good time," Titus sighs.
The blonde Pri—Gadriel, looks at what little he can of you past your Lord's form and sneers.
The expression only deepens as he scowls, "What are you both doing?"
Chairon lets out a long, trying breath and you feel him lean back a little, yet still remaining inside you as he says, "At least let the door shut before you set about interrogating us, Sergeant."
Gadriel blinks and takes a step in, and promptly sets about putting himself in the furthest corner from the spectacle as possible.
"It reeks of molasses in here," the Sergeant huffs.
Chairon harrumphs, a little strained, "We have been at her a while..." then the attention turns on you, "...she's enjoying herself."
"And that's what the stink is?"
"That," Titus answers, "And seminal fluids."
"To what ends?" Gadriel grumbles and crosses his arms over his chest. "Procreation?"
"There's no restrictions on it in the Codex, believe me."
The look on the Sergeant's face is somewhere between intrigue and confusion, "I've never even heard of it happening."
"It does," Titus offers.
"Really?" Gadriel says.
"I wouldn't have guessed before either," Chairon scoffs.
"From time to time the odd one of us engages in it," your Lord digresses over them both, "But it's under absolute discretion."
"Interesting," the blonde hums.
"Sit," Titus says this time.
Gadriel pouts, "I think I'll stand by, for a while, Lieutenant."
"Suit yourself," Chairon scoffs.
It's distantly amusing watching the trio of great Angels bicker like baseline teenagers.
You might've even dared to laugh at the sheer absurdity, if not for the fact the instant you're about to start you're promptly being fucked stupid again—a heady plap, plap, plap of balls against your vulva and pelvis against your rear.
You try to hide your face in Titus's warm lap, but you're still visible to them all and it's mortifying. Squirming on the heated drag of a cock in you with nothing to shield the fact you're loving every second of it, you toss your gaze aside and accidentally meet the Sergeant's.
He's—he's definitely standing by, and he's certainly watching.
There's a growing redness on his patrician face that proves he's aware of the lewdness of the situation.
"How does it..." Gadriel starts, only to hesitate; failing to feign only vague interest. "How does it feel?"
"Warm and wet... and tight," Chairon rasps, and strokes a huge hand down your back.
Titus hums in agreement, "Very tight."
"Especially when you..." Chairon bucks forward, bottoming out and stealing a gasp from you as your cunt shivers around the sudden effort.
Gadriel's gaze half-lids with the distraction of the sound.
He shifts his weight between his feet irritably, and you can—on some strange level—tell you've got yourself into a looming predicament.
Three. You're to take three Primaris, sooner or later.
Evidently all the so-called inhuman warriors need to return to baser wants and lusts is an example and free reign.
"Where did you even get her?" Gadriel asks, and takes a step closer, keenly looking at your face as you drool on Titus' lap.
Too many eyes on you at your most vulnerable sends flustering, even if your cheeks blaze at the thought.
"I second that," Charion huffs out a wry, short laugh and pets you again, "Where, Lieutenant?"
You whine in embarrassment, insides clenching—there's an infinite torment to the moniker that sends your heart into your throat with lust so wanton you can hardly bare it.
"Lord Calgar apparently knows my tastes all too well," he says lowly above you.
His hand outstretches and cups the whole side of your head including your cheek in one huge palm.
You can't bring yourself to stifle the urge to moan at that, and lean into your Lord Titus' touch like a lovesick dog. "I'll make sure you're not hurt, hm?" Titus rasps, then, to your dismay, decides he's to extricate himself for the time being and starts to scud off the cot.
"Your turn, Gadriel," Chairon huffs at the Sergeant.
You can't really say how quickly he sets about swapping himself in place of your Lord Titus in front of you, because for some reason you blink and the Sergeant is there.
Quite frankly, you weren't sure how long you'd even blinked for. You might have dozed off for a few seconds as far as you're aware.
The cock in front of you is long, smooth, and pretty; with a thatch of dirty blonde hair. Which seems to match it's owner to a fair sum, and it's also already hard. Which is somewhat surprising, given the fact you'd had to mouth at—
"Get on with it, serf," Gadriel says with a stiff jaw; and sits a little more forward, thighs spreading, presenting himself. Big, sturdy quads that would surely be a perfect temporary cushion to rest against.
His cock's heavy with blood and leaning leftward, and you lap at the side—dragging your lips from the base lined by dark blonde hair to the flushed, leaking tip.
You slowly start pumping him with a small hand in a steady jerking motion as you keep the tip of his cock on your tongue.
"Not so bad, then?" Chairon ruts forward, and the push coaxes you to take the Sergeant into your maw.
"Not so bad," Gadriel groans, and a large hand cards across your scalp to fist rudimentary reins out of your hair.
He lets out a choked noise, hips jerking forward in shallow movements in time with the bobbing of your mouth.
It's too large of a thing to even manage more than a few inches, and when the Primaris currently hilted in your cunt decides he's simply got to start grinding himself against your cervix, you're nigh slack jawed on the cock in your mouth.
Big thighs judder beneath you as you let too much too far in all at once, and Gadriel makes a sound you only have a split second of sensibility to associate as an Astartes whining. Then you're gagging around him, tears in your eyes—before he rears back a little and angles himself against your soft palate, a hot flush thudding on your face when he sighs appreciatively.
You moan, and then you're being filled again; only this time it's from the back as nigh molten hot spend spills into your cunt.
Chairon makes an almost inaudible groan, subvocal and menacing; and then smoothes a war-calloused palm down your back.
A shiver races up your spine, innately aware of the feeling as Chairon lets his balls drain as deep as he can.
You're dazed and sensitive as he slackens against you, chuffing softly, "That... that was good."
"Let me have a turn," Gadriel huffs at him, to which he's obliged.
Without complaint, Chairon tentatively withdraws, moving you on top of the Sergeant as he settles on his back.
You swallow the excess drool pooling in your mouth, focus fixated on the sheen of sweat on his scarred face; raising yourself a little with a splayed hand resting between his large pectorals.
"Up, serf—" he rushes, and sneaks a hand between you both to hold himself straight, trying to quicken you sliding down onto his cock.
You can't entirely reign in the shrill whine that escapes your throat.
He's—he's a lot.
You slump against his chest and groan impotently into his large pectorals.
He's too long, and gravity is damning you.
It feels as if he's slamming into your diaphragm instead of your uterus.
Then you're being treated to a ride.
And Throne of Terra, the Primaris Sergeant is rough.
Rabid, even.
A particularly poorly executed thrust jams into your cervix so hard it makes you yelp, blindly clawing at the Sergeant's forearm twice.
He does not heed it, nor feel it, apparently; and continues rutting, head thrown back, heaving in great gulps of air—using you like a toy.
"Gadriel," you hear Titus interject, "Slow down, she's much smaller than you."
Titus' words sends heady attention rushing south despite yourself, and your insides squeeze around the Sergeant, matching the well-fucked ache that thrums through you.
"Can't, feels... ngh—" He bites out in answer, snorting harshly as the grip on your thighs grows bruising.
It hurts, but your mind is suddenly screaming harder, harder, harder—namely thanks to the fact your clit slams into his huge pelvis on the downstroke.
You slap his deltoid and claw down the skin pointlessly.
He sits himself up in reaction, with you in tow.
Your vision smears to colours and shapes for a moment and then you're limbless, being made to bounce on his lap.
He's heaving into against your small shoulder, using you to satisfy himself like a free hole to fuck to completion—and by Terra, he's dragging you along to the same place.
It all happens absurdly fast.
Your insides feel swollen and electric, then they're suddenly jerking, finishing with a quick, wet splash—and everything's stickier where the cock inside you sits.
For a second you can't breathe, it's torment.
But fuck, if it's not amazing.
There's a heavy moan afore you, laden with rumbling subvocals—then finally an airy, pitched keen—and you're pressed flush to the Sergeant despite the fact he can hardly fit all in.
He bucks, and tucks his head against you; and you feel a big slick tongue drag across your shoulder as his cock knocks into where your cunt ends again—sending you sobbing against the huge, scarred span of his chest.
Boiling, overfilling spend leaks out between, adding to your Lord's and Chairon's earlier expenditures in your cunt.
"T-Throne... that's—good," Gadriel strains momentarily, shivering as he grits his teeth and rides out his fulfilment.
Tears have blurred your vision again as your mind reels to understand that you've just been fucked to apparent incontinence. You've just had your insides over-screwed and bullied into squirting on a Primaris, Emperor help you.
Apparently, despite your horror—none of them seem to care.
A few droplets stray from your cheeks and land on the Sergeant's skin. He makes a strange, confused chuff before he realises what's happening.
"W-Why...?" Gadriel pants, attempting to gather himself before he adds, "Why are you... crying, serf?"
You sob weakly, face buried against the hulking swell of one of his pectorals.
"...are you hurt?"
You shake your head.
He inhales harshly, lifting you off him weightlessly with a wet, slick sound of you both disconnecting.
Gadriel's eyes glue to the cum sloughing out of you. It's mostly his, currently—and there's a foreboding look of rabid hunger on his face that almost makes you want to shut your legs.
Suddenly, another set of huge hands join the Sergeant's, holding you aloft as Gadriel moves to stand.
The metal of the right is frigid, and the pressure mechanisms are a tad too stiff to be considered gentle; but the other is warm and tender.
You glance up, and find Chairon softly looking down at you; his big brown eyes crinkled at the edges in a muted smile as he says, "He's too rough with you, isn't he, sweet thing?"
Chairon's lovely smile makes you dopey with sudden charm. It's an infectious sort of look, full of doting that makes you ogle him dumbly; trying to reciprocate with a tired, cock-drunk flutter of your lashes.
"You need to be more careful with her," Chairon glances at Gadriel and clicks his tongue before turning back down at you. The discipline seems purely theatrical, though—and that fact is wildly apparent when you hear the Sergeant scoff.
Then, Chairon is tilting his chin down to fuss over you; his wide jaw nudging your temple, nuzzling into you. Your heart jumps, and it's–it's painfully gratifying having a great Angel do such a thing. Even if you're being buttered up before finally being asked; "Do you still want more?"
You strain up to nose against the large Primaris' jaw, panting as you mumble in agreement.
"I believe that's a yes," Titus hums somewhere to the right, and your vision swims as it tries to find him.
Lo and behold, he's leaning against the wall of the small habitation, glaring low on your body over the rim of a water cup.
Chairon makes a similar sound and adjusts his handhold on you to your legs; splaying your thighs, presenting you.
"We've made a mess," he huffs amusedly.
Peering down yourself if absolutely lurid. Given how you're folded slightly, you can see the sticky lines of leaking semi-opaque white smeared down your thighs, and feel seed leak from you.
You can only imagine how egregious it looks from your Lord's perspective.
Strangely, Gadriel groans at the sight.
"Can..." he starts abruptly, "Can I have her again?"
Chairon laughs, "You've only just finished, she needs a break."
Gadriel grumbles, but gets distracted when you squirm a little and he says, "I... I could give her a break—" but abruptly hesitates and looks over his shoulder, "—unless you want her now, Lieutenant?"
Titus harrumphs, "I'll have her afterwards."
The Sergeant nods, and looks back at Chairon before asking, "Can you keep her up like this?"
"Only if I get her tongue next," he counters.
Gadriel huffs, "Haven't you already?"
"You're to be in her cunt twice," he claps back rather swiftly, "Why can't I do the same with her maw?"
Gadriel snorts sourly, "I'm not going to be just yet, I..." he hesitates, "I have a plan."
Chairon hums, "What sort of plan?"
"Just be careful with her," You hear Titus grunt from the sideline, and then—then you're being lifted a little higher, spread a little wider—and the blonde Primaris gets to his knees.
Two big thumbs spread your labia and you squeal, dithering at the fact he's fondling you in your current dishevelled state.
"If her mouth on us is pleasurable, then the converse must be the same..." he mumbles.
A loud, dry humoured, sarcastic huff from Titus is quickly followed by, "Impressive deduction, Gadriel, you've discovered cunnilingus."
Gadriel shoots a petulant pout over his shoulder at his Lieutenant, before your wriggling drags his attention back.
"You want to...?" Chairon hums.
Gadriel nods, "I just like the sounds."
"Fair enough," says Chairon.
"Now, where do I..." the blonde starts almost inaudibly, seemingly more to himself than anything.
Titus takes a ling sip of water before clearing his throat, "There should be a nub at her upper flesh, that's the female equivalent to our glans."
The Sergeant nods, then turns his big blue eyes up to yours.
"Can you show me, serf?"
You whine and chew your bottom lip, "L-Lord?"
"You'll show me, won't you?"
Your mind can't even begin to think to decline nor argue with him. Swallowing your useless shame, you tentatively move your hand and spread your own folds to give him a target.
Your skin is slippery with slick and cum and hard to properly get a hold on, but you manage and he grins.
It's not as vaguely friendly as Chairon's, nor as strangely brutish as your Lord Titus'... but it's still a little unsettling. Even if it's eager.
"Good, serf..." is the last thing he says before wet warmth is practically locked on your clit.
An airy whimper leaves you, and your body jackknifes pointlessly at the sudden acute pleasure.
You shudder bonelessly in Charion's arms, and you're only vaguely aware you're tugging two-handed at Gadriel's hair while you squirm.
His tongue curls against it, rolling in nigh tidal attenuation; making your hamstrings pull taut and shudder lax. He's not as precise in his torments as Titus, but the enthusiasm makes up for it.
Both Chairon's organic hand and mechanised one grip under your thighs, while Gadriel's firmly keep your hips still.
Throne of Terra, you can feel your own heartbeat reverberating through you against his tongue.
Your fingers dig into his scalp but it just makes him lap just that little bit faster, only for him to discover that sucking makes you cry out. Your abdominal muscles start to hurt at the strain of your body being tormented while reaching down to tug, as do your hips from being so wide.
Your left's fingers find cold metal instead of hair in a mindless haze and you hiss, and try to find a hold.
Gadriel's suddenly open-mouthed against your cunt, keening with a groan.
His scarred chin is saturated with cum and slick, and he's bright red across the belt of his cheeks and sloping nose; he looks dazed periodically, like a slavering hound going at it's cut of meat.
One hand moves from your hips, and a finger prods at your perineum—then jabs you in the arse entirely on accident.
To your surprise, there's enough of his semen coating you that half of it slides in with lubricated ease; still, you yelp loudly.
It burns almost as much as it stings and the stretch of just his finger is maddening, but it starts to disappear in an instant when he licks your clit again.
Chairon grumbles, "What did you do?"
"I..." Gadriel pants, huffing in bemusement as he licks his lips and pulls away from your cunt. "I only put a finger in?"
Titus groans and claps a palm to his own forehead, "In the wrong hole, Gadriel."
The blonde pouts, looking up to Chairon with open confusion, "Should... should I pull it out?"
Even squirming with a Primaris' ring finger up your ass, it's surreal to be treated to the spectacle of them bickering once again.
"It's not my rear," Chairon laughs a little and looks down at you, straining and thudding hot in the face.
Gadriel blinks and realises himself, then meets your gaze.
"Is this painful for you?"
You manage a quick, "F-Fuh—feels a lil w-weird, m'lord."
"How's this?"
His finger curls inside your guts and by sheer blind luck pokes right into the back of your uterus. There's only a membrane and a thin bit of muscle between the two channels, afterall; and the shiver of surprised bliss that assails you doesn't go unnoticed.
Gadriel's breathing quickens, "Is that better?"
You nod shakily as he repeats the gesture, and then ogles up at you from between your spread legs.
His middle finger suddenly crooks to fit into the hole he intended, and you're overwhelmed at the feeling.
It's a combination you can't even begin to explain, new and odd, but addictive and then you're crying out something—something you're barely even cognisant of saying, a high pitched; "P-Please, please—"
Gadriel all but groans at the words, drawing his fingers out and rearing up to lick your abdomen; trailing his mouth up to one of your breasts and dragging a wide band over one with his tongue before groaning.
Before you can even moan, Gadriel's crowded himself against you and his cock is sloppily pressing back into you.
A sob rackets out of your throat, and your eyes swim in their sockets for an instant. Head thrown back against Chairon's clavicle as you heave in desperate gulps of air.
You're hyper-aware of the two sets of massive hands now holding you in place, and the huge cock sawing in and out of you; kissing your cervix on every thrust. This position is easier on your insides, but not by much. Gadriel is still a fraction too long to manage sheathing himself without your mild discomfort.
Both their eyes are locked upon your face, one pair of brown and one pair of blue—both half-lidded and focused on the surely fucked-out expression you're wearing.
It's pure, utter debauchery; and you paw mindlessly at the Sergeant's pectoral, gasping as he grows more and more frantic.
"She's... she's s-still so tight," he groans.
Chairon laughs lowly, "Never thought you'd be brought so low by something so tiny."
Gadriel's too preoccupied to meaningfully argue beyond curling his lip derisively.
Time blurs into delirious moments of aching and bliss, and Gadriel is much less feral in his pace than the last time—every thrust is easier, as your body begins to learn to take it. Or at least, you're certainly getting there—even if there is probably another agonising orgasm on the dusty blonde's cock.
You're only cognisant of being spoken about when Chairon's smooth voice offers, "Put your thumb on it—"
Gadriel snarls, "I... I know."
You blink, and glance downward, confused—and then you're fighting uselessly against the massive vices holding you open.
A reedy, straining shriek tears from your throat as the Sergeant's finger depresses your clit.
Your struggles make the overwhelming sensation so, so much more intense; and you may as well be getting electrocuted for the abrupt sensation you experience. It's as if you're being doused in ice and steam and promethium in one fell swoop.
They're beasts scenting weakness like blood on the gale in that moment, for all intents and purposes.
Chairon rocks you forward into Gadriel's hips and you're overfull of cock and shaking—dragged insensibly into your finish with another scream.
Every nerve in your body is a live wire as you try to fight the severity of it, mindless to the fact you're clawing at skin that's too invulnerable to even hope to mark.
They force your crest higher and higher, Charon still fucking you into the Sergeant's animalistic rutting, even as you cramp and squeeze helplessly.
Lungs several times larger than your own gust out a rapid series of breaths, and abruptly there's a long moan reaching your ear—and fresh heat in your cunt.
A weak, exhausted moan leaves you as you're carefully relieved of the massive cock inside you and deposited on the cot, on your back—only for Chairon to take his place near your head like he had to begin with.
Except this time you're on your back, and his cock is already at your cheek.
Meanwhile, Titus moves your thighs to bracket his hips as he kneels; sliding himself in place, seating balls-deep.
A whimper tears from you at the heavy sensation of being filled so soon again, and you moan when he slowly pulls out, only to slide back in. The pace is tender but firm, keeping you alert to the stretch but not suffering from it. Your body has had what feels like—and what very well may have been—hours to get used to having an Astarte in it.
You mouth at the side of Chairon's length with a daft sort of hunger; drooling across the blood-fat shaft before tilting your head to let him angle the swollen tip of himself in.
"That's it," he huffs, and pets your cheek.
You can taste your own slick, plus he and Titus' cum, and it's still not an entirely pleasant of a tang on your palate—but the big hand raking soft strokes through your hair riles you to continue.
It's clear he's high-strung after having to help Gadriel with you to no service to himself, and it's all the better to give him that attention.
You're getting tired, but regardless, you offer your tongue to Chairon and try heartily to let him take what he can; and he's more than happy to apparently just use your mouth to keep the head of him nice and warm while he strokes the base of himself.
His breathing starts to stutter as Titus gains pace, and you're actively tipping your head forward into his thrusts to let him stuff more of himself into your mouth.
The thrill of having the two of them panting like beasts is sending you spiralling, bucking your hips up against your Lord's pelvis in time with his thrusts in a sloppy, uncoordinated desperation that he rewards with a moan each time.
You hear Chairon keen, heaving through his nose as his hips jerk forward; groaning heavily as he finally finds his end.
A fat, heated spill of cum on your tongue makes you whine and double down your efforts, swallowing the Primaris' load.
"Hah, there... you go," he grind, teeth gritted and sneering a little.
Chairon pets you again before he runs a thumb across your lips to wipe away the few ropes of his spend that you hadn't managed to wolf down. He promptly sits himself back and continues carefully patting you while Titus manhandles you closer beneath his frame.
You glance down to watch your Lord's cock disappear inside you, pulling free and then sinking back in before repeating the action; eyeing big sturdy hips made for supporting a huge cock.
The Emperor surely is all knowing given his proportioning of His Angels.
But you aren't given a chance to think further on the matter as you're suddenly being folded under Titus.
Squirming, you're deaf to the sounds being driven out of you as you're locked in place by a body infinitely stronger than your own.
You paw at his chest, whimpering nonsense and he groans—and you're all but stunned daft and pliant by what he says in answer.
"That's it, one more... good, very... very good," he pants, fucking just that little bit harder.
You're helpless to your own orgasm, crying openly when it's claws sink into you. It's too much, it's far, far too much and this is as far as you can go—anymore and you feel like you'll dissolve into the cot. And you can't even stop yourself from sobbing your Lord's name as the tide of it nigh smothers you.
"Finally..." He groans loudly and his rhythm deteriorates almost immediately to choppy little bucks—and with a last bit of effort, he keeps you pinned and held down despite your overstimulated squirming and his load is emptied right into your womb like it's always meant to've been there.
Titus keeps you like that for a moment as you barely scrape your sense off the proverbial floor. Legs twitching where hooked over his hips, all the while you cunt's milking him for every drop he's got.
"I think... I think you've had... enough, hm?"
Titus lifts himself away and pops loose of your sore, puffy hole with an audible wet slide and a frothing mix of cum layered on his cock.
A soft groan escapes you as the weight and toll of exhaustion sets in, drowsy and well-fucked almost to the point of limpness.
"Up," you hear Gadriel harrumph.
Despite the fact you feel like you're about to pass out, you try valiantly—and get about a forth of the way there, leaning forward while resting back on your elbows as Gadriel takes a seat beside you, with a mug of water precariously filled a bit too high in his huge hand.
Gadriel thrusts the cup close to your face, sending a few drops over the cusp and onto your chest, trailing down a cum splattered chest.
You and he both ogle the water dumbly for a moment in surprise, flickering your gaze between him and it a few times for good measure.
He pouts and his cheeks redden a little as he mumbles, "Drink, serf."
You lap at the side for a second and manage to gulp down a mouthful, swishing it about for a second before swallowing.
You get three more sips as he steadily tilts the cup into your mouth, before he decides you've had enough kindness for the time being and pulls it away.
Titus hums, "Up you get, little one."
You fuss, and try to rise once again.
"There we go," Chairon tuts as he lifts you by the arm as you struggle to stand, supporting you effortlessly.
The care is flattering, even moreso seeing as they've apparently drawn a line in the sand for your apparent usefulness as a seminal dump.
Titus has long since settled back into a kneel again at the side of the cot, petting your thigh like he's trying to calm a skittish stray animal.
He reaches sidelong for the discarded fabric of his loincloth, before promptly deciding it unfit; and reaches for a stray corner of the half sloughed off bedsheet, tearing a large piece away.
You start at the sudden display, half in belated surprise and half in concern for the state of his bed—it's your duty to make sure it's in good keeping foremost, and—
"Hush," your Lord says with a small chuff, "Don't worry about that, just stay still."
Gadriel lowers the cup towards Titus and he dips the edge of it in the water before carefully dragging it across your cheek.
The three of them are very much ogling you, and it's very hard not to dither and fluster at the attention as you're methodically wiped clean. Especially when the cloth dips between your thighs and drags over your abused, sensitive sex, making you whine.
Titus chuffs, "Sore?"
You nod sheepishly as your insides cramp, and rub your legs together, accidentally making a show of liquid leaking out of you.
"Poor sweet thing, look at you drip..." Chairon interjects.
You dare a soft, impish smile which your Lord mirrors.
But the comment makes Gadriel almost instantly tilt his head to watch your overfilled cunt weep their combined slurry of cum; to which he decides the best thing to say is, "Shouldn't have bent over for us so easily."
In your weary, near fucked-to-delusion state, the urge to frown sourly like a petulant child supersedes any decorum, and you're met by a husky snort of amusement from your Lord.
"Some of that's yours, Sergeant," Titus remarks dryly.
Chairon begins laughing as Gadriel's face colours a pretty, endearing pink.
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rystiel · 5 months ago
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stanford has beef with his 17 year old self (he just got over his 40 year grudge this year)
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formthethird · 6 months ago
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number1abbasupporter · 1 year ago
Sirius: *puking in the toilet*
Peter: ah is it a hangover?
Remus: no he walked in on James and Regulus shagging this morning
Peter: oh
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queenlucythevaliant · 9 months ago
clean your sword
i. Peter had thought many times about dying for his brother, killing for his sisters, as all oldest children do.
ii. He'd imagined it a hundred times: how if his mother and father were ever killed, he'd get some low-skill job and make sure Lucy's clothes still fit her as she grew. How he'd make fists and fight dirty if Susan was ever threatened. What he'd do if Edmund ever had to flee the country on a dark, windswept night.
iii. Yet when he heard Susan's horn that day, he still froze. Only for an instant, he thought, "this can't be my job, right?"
iv. The blood on his sword shone red when it was all over. When he wiped it on the grass, the stain it left was almost black.
v. They'd put Susan in his arms when he was two years old. Peter didn't remember it, but he knew he'd been waiting for her till then. He wasn't a real person until he was a brother.
vi. And when they walked back to the pavilion, Rhindon bumping Peter's hip, all he could say to his sisters was, "I'm sorry I didn't come faster."
vii. The High King was almost obsessive in the way he cared for Rhindon. When he grew older and required weapons larger than those made for a child, he obsessed over them too.
viii. He told the others, in no uncertain terms, that if it ever came to it in battle, they were to leave him and live. As their brother and high king, he commanded it.
ix. The first time Edmund risked himself for Peter's sake, Peter didn't speak to him for a week.
x. He was oiling his sword when Edmund found him. "See, the thing is, Peter, being brothers goes both ways. If you can love me enough to die for me, than I get to love you just the same."
xi. Peter agreed with him then, to avoid the argument. He was sick of not talking to his brother. Yet privately, he knew that Edmund was wrong. That sacrifice was Peter's special prerogative, as the first-born.
xii. Back in England, his mother noticed that Peter had become more fastidious. She didn't notice that his protective streak has grown - and maybe it hadn't, really.
xiii. It was uncanny, how Peter would always show up just when his siblings needed him. He'd round a corner, and there was Lucy stamping her feet and scowling at a bully. There was Susan, crying, and now his knuckles were bloody.
xiv. He cleaned the blood off in the sink so carefully. The water ran red for a second, and it almost seemed black.
xv. When Caspian asked for the High King's advice, looking so very young, Peter jerked his chin towards the sword a Caspian's hip. "Be ready to use that," he said. "Keep it clean, and close."
xvi. Susan forgot Narnia and she forgot Aslan. Yet selfishly, Peter still hoped that she would never forget how quickly he came when she called.
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egophiliac · 2 years ago
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oh no, I love them
(super quick doodles done between other stuff, there will be better things later I promise :')
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slavhew · 2 months ago
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4h lecture every day
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deiiamorte · 2 months ago
After Rook comes back from the fade, I need him and Viago to have a single moment together in which their walls are completely down.
They're too goddamn tired to snark and bicker; too relieved to imply anything other than, "I thought I'd never see you again." I need them to hug. I need Viago's fingers to dig into his fledgeling's shoulder and ribs so tightly that one might think he's trying to crush Rook's body into his own. Meanwhile, I need Rook to cling onto his brother's Talon's body with his face hidden in Viago's shoulder as if he's still the broken and bloody child Viago found all those years ago.
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rememberwhouare · 1 month ago
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Daryl Dixon, in his wise man era.
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the-meme-monarch · 11 months ago
shirt that says “tick magnet” instead of chick magnet but the font is still styled flirtatiously like in cursive with like maybe heart graphics or something
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staliamazing · 1 month ago
luck - @into-the-jeggyverse - wc: 427
It had started out alright, considering. The topic of James and Regulus' relationship was still uncharted territory for the two best friends, both of them stubborn and fiercely protective of each other.
"Regulus is kind, he's thoughtful-" James pleads.
"Ha! You're lucky my little brother so much as looks in your direction, the self-absorbed prat!" Sirius retaliates, poison in his words.
"Lucky? It wasn't luck, Sirius. What me and Reg have has been years in the making, you're just too busy with your own soppy love story you haven't thought to take your head out of your arse and notice." Ouch.
Remus watches from a seat in the corner, occasionally looking up from his book to make sure that neither had the other in a headlock. He knows better than to take James' comment personally. Peter has resigned himself to doing homework silently in the corner, also understanding how pointless it would be to try get between them.
"What the fuck is going on in here?" A cold voice covers the room. Regulus, the man of the hour, clearly unimpressed.
"They're arguing about you. Again." Peter offers.
James and Sirius stand across from each other, glaring silently, arms crossed. Regulus groans, still standing in the doorway.
"Merlin's beard, you fight like little girls. I've seen first years with more maturity. Sirius, me and James are together. Deal with it. And you," he whips his head to look at his boyfriend who's sulking like a toddler.
"You were supposed to meet me in the astronomy tower ten minutes ago." James eyes go wide. He's been so caught up in proving the validity of his relationship he must have lost track of time. "So if we're quite done..."
James rushes forward to give a quick hug to Sirius, whispering something that sounds like an apology, slightly jogging to trail behind Regulus who has already began to depart back to the astronomy tower.
Sirius looks bewildered, half-stepping towards the door to follow them out, not satisfied with the outcome of the argument.
"Come on, Pads, leave it alone. Poor Prongs is obviously head-over-heels, he didn't start dating your brother just to piss you off." Remus stands and joins Sirius where he stands stuck to the floor in disbelief. He softens when Remus puts a slender arm around his shoulder and plants a kiss to his temple. Fine, Sirius thinks to himself. He really had never seen James so happy.
"They're actually quite lovely together, if you ask me," Peter sighs dreamily. Sirius shoots him a withering look.
Okay, too soon.
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