#and then like i said he does sneeze a few times a day but i feel like that's somewhat normal
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nobodybetterlookatme · 2 months ago
Im loving the stories about your partner so much its been my fave soap opera xD
also just out of curiosity... would you be willing to describe what his sneeze is like 👀
Honestly thank god y'all like hearing about it bc I really don't shut up about it 😭
Anyway his sneezes are like kinda throaty and a little harsh. Not super loud but it's definitely not quiet. And his normal sneezes are super different from his sick sneezes, like it's crazy that there's such a noticeable difference. Idk if I've heard him sneeze enough to give a completely accurate spelling, but it's kinda like a hk'eRRshuu normally, but when he was sick it was more of a hngh'uTSCHOO, and they're both distinctly him so it doesn't feel as different as the spelling makes it seem, but it's still wild to me lmao
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theclowningbusiness · 2 months ago
A Necessary Conversation
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Pairing: Logan Howlett (X2) x Reader 
Tropes: Shy girl, flirty guy
Warnings: Kissing
Other tags: Logan being hot, reader is a mutant but there are no details about what her mutation is/does, nobody good dies bc I said so, fuck Stryker tho, mention of reader almost falling off the Statue of Liberty in X1, mention of reader shaving her legs (is that even something I need to add HELP LMAO), Logan being vulnerable
Background: You’re a mutant living at the x-mansion and you’ve had eyes on Logan ever since he first arrived.
Description: Logan returns from his solo trip to Alkali Lake and you greet him at the door. You manage to embarrass yourself, but thankfully you get interrupted by Marie. Later, you run into Logan again, but before the conversation can go too far, you’re interrupted by Stryker showing up at the mansion. When the dust finally settles, you and Logan finally get the chance to talk.
    You’d been waiting for Logan to come back since the day he left. He’d given you his dog tags the day he left, asking you to keep them safe for him. Since then, you've carried them with you everywhere.
    While you were in your room working on something that Charles wanted you to take a look at, you swore you could hear the sound of Scott’s motorcycle outside. That couldn’t be, Logan had taken it for his trip. There was no way.
   Getting up from where you’d been sitting in your bed, you made your way over to the window and peeked out. When you saw Logan climbing off of the motorcycle, your eyes lit up. Unable to help yourself, you rushed out of your room and down the hall. As you reached the steps, you went down two at a time.
    By the time you made it to the front door, Logan was standing there, his bag still slung over his shoulder. He looked just the same as he had when he left, which was really no surprise. When he spotted you, he gave you a small smile.
    You ran towards him, nearly tackling him in a bear hug. Your arms wrapped over his shoulders, while his responded by wrapping around your waist. Not wanting to be clingy, you let go before too much time could pass.
    “You miss me?” He asked with a smile, which, knowing Logan, was really more of a smirk.
    “We all did,” you replied, not wanting to make it seem like you had missed him any more than anyone else, even if you had.
    “How have things been here?” He hummed, tilting his head as he waited for your answer.
    “Same as always, chaotic,” you joked. “Last week, a kid blew a hole through the wall in the kitchen by accident when he sneezed. How was your trip? You find what you were looking for?” You asked curiously.
    “Kinda,” he shrugged, “I’ve gotta talk to Chuck about it. How have you been?” He questioned.
    “I’ve been alright,” you replied. “I’ve been working on something Charles wanted me to take a look at. So far, I haven’t been able to get too far with it, but I’ve got a few more ideas to try before I give up.”
    Logan nodded as you spoke, seemingly interested in what you were saying.
    “Oh, before I forget,” you hummed, “I have something for you.” Before he could ask what it was, you raised your arm and smacked him on the chest. You tried not to let your thoughts linger on how much muscle was there. “That’s for being gone so long.”
    “That your way of saying you missed me?” He teased.
    “Okay, maybe I did miss you, just a little,” you relented, crossing your arms.
    “Just a little?” He raised a brow. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.”
    “Fine, maybe more than a little,” you huffed. “I even started missing those little tufts of hair that look like cat ears,” you joked.
    “I’ve been here for less than ten minutes and you’re already insulting me,” Logan sighed, feigning offense.
    “I’m just messing with you. Your hair is fine, Logan. It’s honestly more than fine, it’s good, it suits you,” you began to ramble, as if you couldn’t stop yourself from letting the words come out of your mouth. “You look good, too, not just your hair. I mean, you’re a good looking guy-” Before you could continue, Logan cut you off by clearing his throat.
    “Are you flirting with me right now?” He grinned, exposing the sharp points of his canine. That just shouldn’t be allowed when you’re already flustered. Not when his smile looked like a smirk and it basically invited you to kiss him.
    “What?” You asked, trying to seem nonchalant. You could feel your cheeks heating up from his question. “Psh, no,” you shook your head. “Me? Flirt? No, not at all.”
    “Maybe you should,” he shrugged, once again tilting his head.
    You didn’t even have time to process his words- nevermind reply- when Marie made her way over, greeting Logan. You took that as your opportunity to excuse yourself, running off to your room to try and sort out what Logan must’ve meant.
    For the rest of the day, you hadn’t seen Logan again. But he had said he needed to talk to Charles, so you were sure he was busy with that, along with unpacking and being greeted by everyone.
    That led you to now. You sat in the kitchen eating some Doritos when Logan walked in. He wore a tank top and some jeans, and you decided that there really should be a law against his arms being exposed.
    “Hey,” you greeted, nodding your head at him as he took a few more steps into the kitchen. 
    He gave you a grunt in reply, which wasn’t all that unusual. He certainly wasn’t the most talkative man. You watched as he started looking around in the fridge.
    “If you’re looking for a beer, there isn’t any,” you chuckled. “This is a school,” you reminded him. “There’s some Dr.Pepper in there, though.”
    Logan sighed, but grabbed a bottle of the soda and closed the fridge. He turned towards you and leaned against the counter, popping the bottle open.
    “What’re you doing down here so late?” He spoke before taking a sip from his soda.
    “Didn’t feel like sleeping,” you hummed, then nodded to your laptop that lay on the counter next to you. “Plus, I was still working on that project Charles gave me until about ten minutes ago. I realized I was too tired to make sense of anything. What’s your excuse?” You joked.
    “Couldn’t sleep,” he answered, reaching over to take a chip from your bowl and eat it.
    “Can I ask you something?” You started, leaning your head on one hand.
    “Shoot,” he replied with a small nod.
    “What did you mean earlier?” Your voice was small, nervous. “When you said I should flirt with you?”
    Instead of replying, Logan held a hand up at you. He furrowed his brows and you could see his ears perking up. You’d seen him do it before, and you knew he must hear something that he was concerned about.
    Next thing you knew, you were ducking behind the counter while a gun went off overhead.
    You were relieved that things were over. You’d found out a lot, about Logan and Alkali lake, about Stryker. It was just a weight being lifted when the dust settled. Now, you took the chance to relax a little. You’d found a nice tree outside the mansion and laid a blanket down to sit on. It was peaceful, and that was what you really needed right now.
    As you sat with your back against the tree, you caught movement out of the corner of your eyes and turned your head to see what it was. It was Logan, walking towards you with his hands tucked in his pockets.
    “How’d you know where I was?” You asked curiously once he was close enough to talk to without shouting.
    Instead of replying with words, he just pointed to his nose.
    “Right,” you nodded with a smile, “Can’t hide from the guy with the nose of a bloodhound.”
    “That, and Scott told me when I asked if he’d seen you,” he smiled, sitting down next to you on your blanket and leaning back against the tree.. “What’re you doing out here alone?”
    “Trying to decompress from all that shit we went through,” you answered honestly.
    “How’re the cuts healing?” He asked, leaning in to get a better look. 
    During the fighting, you’d managed to cut open your forehead and the bridge of your nose. Luckily, that was the worst of your injuries. 
    “I’m fine. They’re just superficial,” you shrugged.
    “I should’ve killed Stryker years ago, then none of this would’ve happened,” he sighed, blaming himself for the entire situation, along with the cuts on your face.
    “Lo, really, I’m fine,” you assured. “Everyone is fine, this isn’t your fault.”
    Logan nodded and leaned back again, looking out in the distance in front of the two of you. You did the same, smiling. It was a beautiful day, perfect for relaxing.
    “Y’know, we never got the chance to finish our conversation,” Logan stated.
    “Yeah, we kinda got interrupted,” you chuckled, trying to ignore the pit of nerves growing in your stomach. “We have time to talk now.”
    “You asked me what I meant when I told you that you should flirt with me,” Logan began, turning his head to look at you. “I meant exactly what I said. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to flirt with me. I’m into you.”
    “Oh.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Logan ‘emotionally stunted’ Howlett was confessing his feelings for you, even if he didn’t use so many words to say it. You turned your body so you could fully give him your attention.“I feel the same,” you admitted, your cheeks warming, “I was just too nervous to say anything.”
    “I know,” Logan smiled at you, “That’s why I decided to make the first move, even if it did end up making you get a little flustered and run away.”
    “In my defense, I didn’t know if you were serious or not. Didn’t know if I should think anything of it, or if I should just brush it off as you teasing me,” you reasoned.
    “C’mere,” Logan hummed, gesturing for you to scoot closer to him.
    You did as he wanted, and his hand reached up to hold the side of your neck, his fingertips resting in the hair on your nape. His thumb ran over the hinge of your jaw slowly. Using his gentle grip on your neck, he carefully led your face closer to his. His grip was light enough that you could pull away if you wanted to, but there was no way you wanted to.
    You weren’t sure how long it took for him to pull you in, but then his lips hit yours. The taste of his cigars was still on his lips as they moved smoothly with yours. He was surprisingly gentle, as if he was trying not to spook you.
    One of your hands lifted to hold the side of his face. You smiled softly, feeling the hair that covered his jaw under your fingers and palm.
    It was too soon when he pulled back just enough to speak, but he had no chance to get a word out before your lips were once again covering his. Now that you’d had a taste, you couldn’t get enough. He was surprised, but chuckled. He kept his lips moving with yours as he grabbed your hips and led you to straddle his lap.
    When you were comfortable on his lap, you slowly pulled your lips away from his.
    “Someone’s eager,” he teased, letting out a content hum when both of your hands settled against his chest.
    “I’ve waited long enough for this,” you defended with a small smile. “I’ve had eyes for you since you first came here. Then you left, and I had to pine after you the whole time you were gone,” you sighed dramatically, but the smile never left your face.
    “You poor thing,” he gave you an overdramatic pout.
    “But, that does remind me, I do have something for you,” you hummed.
    “If you’re about to hit me again, can I get a warning?” He deadpanned.
    “No, I’m serious this time,” you laughed, reaching into your pocket and pulling out Logan’s dog tags. You grabbed one of his hands and placed the chain and tags on his palm. “I believe these belong to you.” You closed his hand and placed a soft kiss on his knuckles.
    “Knew they’d be safe with you,” he smiled, not his usual, teasing, grin. It was soft, warm. It felt like the smile came straight from his heart.
    He opened his hand and looked at the dog tags. Then, he seemed to make a decision and grabbed them, removing the dog tag attached to the shorter chain. He clasped the shorter chain back together and held it out to you.
    You took it, confused on why he was giving it back.
    Logan picked up on your confusion- of course he did, the man didn’t miss anything- and spoke.
    “If you’re gonna be my girl, I want you to have it,” he answered your confusion as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Want you to keep it safe for me for a while longer.”
    “I’ll keep it with me all the time, I promise,” you grinned, unable to resist leaning in for another soft kiss. “I’ll keep it safe.”
    “And I’ll keep you safe,” Logan replied, pecking your lips. He then placed a gentle kiss to each of the cuts on your face.
    “You always have. You did kinda keep me from falling off the Statue of Liberty once,” you joked.
    “But I didn’t this time,” he cringed as he looked at the cuts on your face.
    “Logan, I’ve had worse injuries from shaving my legs,” you laughed softly. “I promise you, I am absolutely fine.”
    “Okay,” he nodded, relaxing as you pressed your forehead to his. “I trust you.”
    Logan’s hands on your hips lifted you off his lap and sat you on the blanket next to you. He laid down fully on the blanket, using one arm to prop his head up. You had no time to question it before he opened his other arm for you.
    You smiled and laid down on the blanket next to him, tucking your face into his shoulder. In response, he wrapped his arm around you to hold you close.
    “I’m glad we talked,” you said softly, tracing random patterns over his chest with your fingers.
    “Me too,” he agreed, giving you a squeeze with the arm that was around you.
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reallyromealone · 9 months ago
Title: little god
Fandom: jjk
Characters: Gojo, Geto
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: -/-
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, dragon reader, child reader, fluff, god reader
Notes: uwuwuwuwu
(Name) Stretched his bones as he sunbathed in a garden he found, the dragon stretched out and his scales glimmered in the sunlight.
The lawn was soft, fancy grass that felt wonderful against his scales as he huffed sleepily, eyes blinking lazily and without a worry in the world as the ribbons in his little horns swished in the gentle breeze, the gold accessories on his head and horns jingling slightly with the wind chimes in the engawa a few feet away.
Dragons couldn't be seen by normal humans so (name) often made his way into gardens or sleeping on couches or chairs... Basically the little mythical reptile did as he pleased as he scratched his little whiskered face and sneezed a little and a flower bloomed where the golden dust hit, a single orchid grew up.
"Well you aren't a cursed spirit" a voice broke out and (name) looked up to see blue eyes and immediately the small cat sized dragon jumped up startled and ran behind a decorative rock "I take it you're the little one leaving tiny paw prints in my sand garden" the man was crouched as he smiled at the dragon who glared and grumbled at him, a little baby hiss.
Who was this?
Why was he seeing him?
(Name) Was only a toddler in human years, running on instinct as he got ready for a fight.
But the human seemed unphased.
Gojo cooed at the little guy, he knew there was something living in his garden but he never thought it would be a fortune god or a baby one at that "where's your mama little one" he asked sweetly and sat down as he grabbed the pieces of chicken he grabbed when he saw the little one lounging "want some chicken?" That got the little guys attention as he chirped, the sound of little chimes could be heard as he carefully walked towards the good smelling food and before Gojo could even blink the dragon took it and ran back behind the tree.
(Name) Sniffed the chicken he took and deemed it safe and began munching on the chicken, glancing at the human periodically to make sure he didn't take it.
"You're the one whose been sneaking around eating birds, probably the one eating my koi" he teased as he watched the dragon eat the chicken happily before coming back for more, batting his snoot against his hand "I got plenty of chicken and even some salmon inside if you want some" he offered the dragon who let himself be lifted up as he ate more chicken from the white haired human, very food driven indeed.
Gojo noticed a gold charm on the dragons forehead, (name), inscribed on it and the man hummed as they got more food for the little guy.
He loved watching (name), he was absolutely hilarious and precious!
(Name) Liked to do his own little thing, mainly fight his own shadow and chase bugs but he did his own thing regardless.
He had to show Geto!
"So you found a dragon..." Geto said as they watched (name) eat his new balanced diet, little face messy "you know he won't be a dragon fully forever right?" He said and Gojo shrugged "I'm his dad now, currently he eats raw chicken hearts and salmon but when he's bigger he can have tempura and rice" he said simply as (name) blinked up at them before trotting off "he does his own thing" Gojo said simply and Geto worried for Gojos... Could it even be seen as parenting?
He definitely had to keep an eye on this situation.
The following days went daily smooth as Gojo took time off to be with his new son, (name) having morning zoomies in the yard before breakfast and a nap, the sorcerer doing some work from home as the dragon slept in his lap, imprinting hard on him.
But the dragon would often wonder off, vanishing for periods of time before eventually returning and Gojo decided to follow him.
(Name) Was weirdly interested in under Gojos bed, the man had no clue why though until he looked under to find things from his jewelry to coins to soft blankets, all on top of the fluffy dog bed Gojo got his little buddy "there's my Rolex..." Gojo grumbled but let the little guy keep it, clearly he was very happy with it all.
Something Gojo noticed as well was he would have random coins in his pockets in pants, better hair days and he was feeling better and it wasn't until he saw his little... Son? Yeah son! Drop coins in his shoes and pockets and golden dust sprinkled on his mask after the dragon finished cuddling it "do you do have a bit of magic in ya" gojo lifted the dragon up whose hind legs curled up and his long tail curled between his legs, little head tilt before sneezing gold dust on his face.
Setting (name) down he checked his phone to see that meeting he was planning on being late too was cancelled "why thank you, son" Gojo pet the dragons little head and chuckled when he aggressively kicked his leg and leaned in to the touch.
Gojo did his research, Jujutsu sorcerer's kept documentation on God's and such, wasn't the first time they saw one and won't be the last and realized he would need to be ready for when he stopped being a little dragon full time and quickly grabbed his laptop and ordered away.
Gojo set up a bedroom for his adoptive dragon son, a toddler bed and toys that the little one played with kind of.
The room had everything he could need and even got pull-ups in case the kid couldn't figure out toilets.
Should he get a nanny?
Maybe he should look into that... And a tutor... His kid was not cut for public education.
It wasn't until four months in that he got woken to a tiny little hand, eyes snapping open to see a tiny face with big (color) eyes and scales that framed bits of his cheeks and forehead "papa, breakfast!" He said impatiently and gojo realized that this random child was the dragon he took in, the tiny tail swishing at the boy wore traditional clothes lined with gold "yeah? And what does my son want today?" He teased as he got up and lifted the boy into his arms, blessed energy radiating off him like an eclipse "hot dog!"
"A hot dog for breakfast? Thats not breakfast!" It was weird how easy he fell into the role of dad, making his son eggs and hot dogs as compromise and the boy devoured it happily.
Gojo was thankful he had the forethought to get the boy more clothes though the tot leaned towards more traditional robes than anything and Gojo assumed it had something to do with being a god.
"Fancy clothes for my fancy son" he said as he had the seamstress he typically went to put together a bunch of robes for the boy, his little one was so cute!
Geto came by frequently, (name) plenty used to him as the boy ate fancy chicken nuggets as his tail swished lazily "why is he dressed like royalty?"
"Why do you dress like a monk?"
"You know you can't hide him from the elders forever right?" Geto worried for the boy, the elders were assholes who would exploit the fact that the little one was the literal god of fortune, having done some research to find that (name) goes through "rebirth" periods, once he gets too old he just reverses his age and starts new, he wondered if he retained his memories....
"I would love for them to try" Gojo said coldly, a smile on his face as he pat his sons head fondly, the boy grinning at his dad and offering him some of his half eaten nugget "papas full, little man" he rejected kindly and (name) resumed eating as the adults spoke.
(Name) Was just happy to have more meat, Gojo always having the best food especially for the literal only other Gojo family member (if you try to tell him (name) wasn't you would be turned to a fine mist by the blue eyed man) who looked at him like he hung the stars and painted the moon.
"Oh? What's up?" Gojo asked and Geto looked confused as (name) suddenly handed him a few coins "he just has those" Gojo shrugged and Geto raised an eyebrow "he keeps using his magic to summon coins, he keeps giving them to the fridge though..." (Name) Practically worshipped the fridge, the tiny god hugging it often and mumbling "chicken..." Happily as Gojo took pictures of the little goober.
"Though he has granted a wish" Gojo said softly as Geto looked shocked, looking back at the tot who was full and sleepy, a soggy nugget in his hand "what did he grant?" He asked curiously and Gojo sipped his tea "he saw something on tv, I was watching the news and there was a report on a missing dog and the man looked distressed" setting his cup down and taking off his glasses as he continued '(name) touched the tv and poof, the dog was running to his owner" Geto still couldn't grasp the fact that he was sitting before a literal god, the god of fortune no less.
A being that could completely alter reality but all he wanted was chicken and getting to chase birds.
Eventually Geto left and Gojo brought his son for his afternoon nap, a stuffed lucky cat in his arms as he snoozed.
It was weird for Gojo to sit and think about the fact he was a dad... To a fucking dragon god!
But it was worth it because (name) was odd yes, but he looked at Gojo like he was his dad.
It's why he used his standing to put together papers so (name) would be a Gojo legally.
Now he just had to make sure the Zenin clan didn't go near him.
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scatter-snz · 14 days ago
Best Laid Plans - Part 1
Details: 9k, Male sneezes, no pairing (yet..)
Summary: A secret agent is going undercover for a few days, and his target has a sneeze fetish. The agency’s best engineer has constructed something to give him an edge.
My first original piece I've posted here!
This is VERY self-indulgent so you’ll have to excuse me lol. It’s like.. lizard brain horny. Seriously lol. Slapping NSFW on here for good measure. It’s rare I get embarrassed about my kink nowadays but I feel a little embarrassed about this one. Still, I had fun writing it! I hope someone else can enjoy it too! 
These are original characters, all in their mid twenties to early thirties! This story was inspired by @testingtwns writing. She has such captivating descriptions, spectacular characterizations, and fascinating world lore. This snippet can’t hold a candle to her amazing stories, but I was moved to try writing it after reading hers. (If you would prefer I remove this shoutout, Red, please let me know! Your stuff is just so great!)
(Warnings: Unrealistic science, my cringe attempt at sneeze characterization, Mess Lite™, questionable workplace dynamics, general horny undertones and overtones, accidental boners and feeling pleasure from sneezing).
It was never a great morning when Agent Omicron found himself in Dr. Anita Voster’s lab. She was a little eccentric, he thought, and liked to make mischief. Not a good combination for a scientist. Still, she was the best in the force and the one assigned to his case by the powers that be. He knew why he was reporting to Dr. Voster’s lab and he knew what his bosses would say - The sooner you report to Dr. Voster, the sooner you can begin your work.
Omicron reported to her lab sharply at 0800, shrugged off his suit jacket at her behest, and sat himself down in her vaguely threatening patient chair for the administration of her invention. Dr. Voster was far too giddy in handing over a small container of nasal spray. It looked harmless, but Omicron knew better.
“This,” he said, inspecting the bottle, “will make me sick?”
“Something like that,” Dr. Voster replied. She fetched the bottle from his hand as she spoke, and rolled a plush stool over to sit as they talked. “This virus was engineered specifically to make you sneeze, so think of it like a cold in your nose.”
“Similar to allergies?”
“Yes, if you were allergic to air.”
Omicron sighed. He wasn’t in the business of complaining, but this was going to be challenging. He crossed his arms, trying not to fidget. “How long does it last?”
“Just long enough to see you through the mission. Your symptoms should abate by Thursday.”
So he’d be sick the entire time, essentially. Great. His leg started to bounce.
“Will this slow me down?” he asked. Dr. Voster arched a look over her safety glasses. He clarified himself. “Am I going to feel like shit?”
She smirked at him. “Are you one of those man-cold types?”
Heat swept over his ears and burned the back of his neck, and her smile only widened. He crunched his brows with a glare. “No, I’m just being thorough. If this will compromise my performance in any way, I want to know about it.”
“It won’t,” she chuckled, and he tried not to get defensive at the amusement in her voice. “Like I said, the primary function of this virus is to make you sneeze. You’ll be contending with some nasal congestion, but aside from that you’ll be fine.”
That was easy for her to say. She wasn’t going undercover into enemy territory. He tensed as she snapped on a pair of gloves and looped on a face mask. When she uncapped the bottle, he cleared his throat. “The paperwork said something about me being more ‘suggestible?’ What does that mean?”
She huffed at his air quotes and yanked down her mask. “It means you’ll be vulnerable to psychosomatic triggers. In other words, if you think hard enough about sneezing, you’ll prompt one.”
“That sounds unlikely.”
“We have testing data to support it,” she chastised, and yanked her mask back up. “It was a goal for the formula. We thought you might find it handy to take matters into your own hands if a sneeze wasn’t forthcoming.”
“For.. what? Tactical measures?”
“Yes, strategic options. Now, tilt your head and relax.”
He reluctantly settled back into the cushioned chair, sniffing in preparation. One of her latex hands moved to cradle his jaw and keep him still as she nudged the applicator up the right side. It was wide enough to graze the sides of his nostrils, and he felt them flare in response.
“Okay, deep breath..”
Swallowing, he breathed slowly, deeply through his nose. A fffssh from the bottle yielded a mist of curiously warm aerosol that instantly coated the skin. He flinched a wrist up to his mouth to cough in response. It felt suddenly like his nose was running, so he sniffed, sniffed, and sniffed again. A strong flavor coated the back of his throat.
“Why is it salty?”
“Well, we didn’t intentionally flavor it,” she said, already moving to his left nostril. “Probably the saline. We used it as a base. Now, give me another big breath.”
He did as he was told, and again a warm puff of wetness invaded his nose. And another. And another. They performed this three times for each nostril, alternating sides, and the last one rubbed him wrong. A tiny tickle ignited. Omicron warded Dr. Voster back with one cautious hand as the other routed to his nose. He anchored his forefinger beneath his nostrils, pressing deliberately against his septum as he parted his lips to breathe. Voster snorted at him as she set the bottle aside.
“I thought that only worked in cartoons.”
“And on me,” he mumbled in a heady voice. 
It took a moment of concentrated effort, but the urge passed. He sniffed, a little wetter this time as he blinked away tears. Agent Omicron was an old hand at holding back sneezes. Sudden, uncontrolled outbursts weren’t great for business when he was out in the field. That, and he generally didn’t like to draw attention to himself even in civilian life. He caught Dr. Voster smiling at him and his brows trenched.
“What now?”
“I’m not into sneezing,” she told him as she capped the bottle, “but that was pretty cute. Your target won’t stand a chance, Mr. Honey Pot.”
He replied with a scowl and one more see-sawing rub beneath his nose. “When does this kick in?”
“Give it twenty-four hours,” she said, and snapped off her gloves. “I’ll check on you then to make sure it took.”
He stood and slipped back into his jacket, straightened his tie. “Isn’t this cutting it a little close? I’m flying out tomorrow.”
“Maybe, but we didn’t want your poor nose suffering anymore than it has to,” she cooed, and punctuated this with a little tap of her knuckle to his septum. He swatted her away.
“Oohhh,” she pouted, leaning a hip against her workstation. “Always so serious, Agent O.”
Omicron lurked a warning glare her way as he adjusted his sleeve cuffs and shirt collar. “I’ll be back in 2400.”
And he was, though he dragged his feet most of the way.
Omicron believed Dr. Voster when she said this nasal spray contained a virus that would cause his nose some hell, but he didn’t quite understand just how.. intense the experience would be. 
He sniffled, a necessary indignity since he woke up this morning, and the slow, deliberate flare of that ever-present irritation beckoned him toward an unavoidable conclusion. Still, Omicron shoved the hard edge of his finger beneath his nose and tilted his head back for another whip-crack sniff. It flared the tickle dangerously, but the steady breakwater against his septum kept him in the clear. His nostrils twitched and he pinched them, rubbing rubbing rubbing until he heard the embarrassing squelch of something wet in his nose.
Another strong sniff, and a weak huhh on his exhale. Shit. He wiped his hand on the side of his pants with a grimace. He’d have to start carrying tissues.
“There he is!” Dr. Voster greeted him with a disarming smile, but he could see the hawklike way she zeroed in on his nose. He tried not to sniffle. “How’s my magnum opus treating you?”
It’s bullying me, Omicron thought, but as he laced his hands properly behind his back, what he said instead was, “It’s working.”
“Oh, is it?” she said. She wasn’t even trying to mask the delight in her voice now as she crowded him back into her exam chair. “Let me take a look.”
He stared hard at the ceiling as she slipped on gloves and wheeled forward on her stool, leaning over him like a dentist. He hated the dentist. A warm trickle of wetness prompted an automatic sniff, and a huffing exhale when that far-back tickle teased him.
“Runny nose?” she chirped, using her thumb to gently coax his nostril open. She held an otoscope with her other hand, using the little light to peer up his nose. Omicron tried not to shrivel in embarrassment as she crooned with sympathy. “Oooh, poor thing. You’re so inflamed..”
“Wasn’t that the idea?” he sighed, and sniffled again. A spark somewhere in his sinuses caused him a hard blink.
“Yes, but it must tickle so much..”
In response to her words, another spark snapped inside him. Like striking flint to burn kindling. Another reflexive sniffle. His eyes began to water. 
“It must feel like something fuzzy is stuck up there,” she was saying, rubbing her thumb softly against the quivering edge of his nostril. “Every time you breathe, this fluffy thing, lodged in place and too far for you to reach..”
The frantic efforts of the virus continued, tenacious now in its purpose. The fuse caught, as did Omicron’s next inhale. His chest hitched with a stutter. He tried to reach up, finger extended and ready, but Voster caught his wrist and pinned it back down to the chair arm.
“It must be new for you, to be so out of control. This thing inside you, tickling so sweetly, growing unbearable, and there’s nothing you can do but submit.”
That tantalizing feeling got worse. The line of gunpowder trailing through his pulsing nostrils lit up with an unstoppable blaze. It raced through him, and Omicron couldn’t do anything but give it fuel. He gasped hugely, his chest straining against the buttons of his shirt. The exhale crashed out of him clumsily, unrelieved.
Dr. Voster leaned away, but set her otoscope aside to pin his other wrist when he reflexively raised it to ward off what was coming. “Don’t fight it, Omicron. That tickle nestled in your nose was built for this. Listen to it. You two are a team, remember?”
Omicron couldn’t even open his eyes, the sensation held him so powerfully. It felt alive, calculated, somehow vying for control. He snatched in another soft breath, breathed it out on a moan, and then gasped again. His lungs strained to accommodate as that demanding tickle wanted more.. more..
He huffed out another helpless groan. “HHUHhhh..”
His hands flinched toward his face, but met resistance. A tear surfed down his cheek and dripped off his chin. He gasped- gasped-! “.. hH-hiIHH-!”
The sensation crested, and finally, overcame him.
The force of it threw him forward. It was the loudest, strongest sneeze he’d ever sneezed, but somehow it didn’t feel big enough. Cool, tingling aftermath quickly gathered a second storm. This time, Omicron didn’t do anything but breathe into it.
Another uncharacteristically enormous sneeze. His wrists were free, but he didn’t even bother to cover his mouth or muffle into his elbow. Usually he’d rather disintegrate than sneeze freely even in his own home, but.. this tickle.. he just wanted to let it.. let it do.. 
.. do whatever it wanted. And what it wanted was complete and utter domination. Omicron sniffled helplessly, half-aware he was leaking out of more than one orifice but too punch-drunk to do much about it. His breath caught fitfully in his throat and he-.. 
“-idzhih.. HID’ISSsshoo!.. huhh..”
Omicron leaned over to press hands over his eyes, his palms coming away wet. He was normally a one-and-done guy, with fairly normal-sized sneezes; this many at this size had him light-headed. His breath hitched again, quick like the strike of a viper, before he let it go on a sigh. And another, just the same. It felt like hiccups. He didn’t dare touch his nose, too wary of setting off the wrath of this thing deep inside him. Instead he just sniffled pitifully, catching his breath.
There was a tap on his shoulder. He glanced askance to a sheepish looking Dr. Voster who was offering a box of tissues. He snatched several, still too dazed to be properly embarrassed as he blew a wet, crackling sound into the wad of them. It took a few rounds, but when he finished he cleared his throat and blinked at her with teary eyes.
“What the fuck, Anita.”
“Sorry,” she winced, and she actually did seem sorry. “I wanted to test the ‘suggestible’ variable and you reacted more strongly than I anticipated. Also, um.. bless you, by the way.”
He sat back against the seat with a stuffy sniffle, arms crossed, and now that he was more aware of himself, valiantly fighting down the urge to blush. “Yes, well. You were just doing your job, so I can’t be mad.”
She hedged a nervous smile. “Can’t be, or shouldn’t be?”
He gusted a long sigh, reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose when somehow even the rumble of his own voice stirred the residual dust of another sinus-deep tickle. “Do you need to test anything else, or can I go?”
His voice had lost most of its resonance from the sneeze attack as the congestion set in -- not yet enough to blunt his consonants but enough to dull the overall sound. Moisture skated down the side of his nose and Omicron wrinkled it with another snuffle that moved nothing at all. How could his nose be both dripping and completely blocked? He indulged a rub this time, soothing his nostrils to stillness with the tempering back-and-forth of his index finger.
The doctor’s voice broke the quiet. “How does it feel?”
Omicron peered up at her, finger still held to his upper lip. “Pardon?”
“Your nose,” she clarified, but not by much. “How does it feel?” He scoffed and stood to leave. She stood to stop him, holding both hands out as if to placate him. “I’m not teasing you. I really do need to know. Are you in pain?”
“No,” he said, chest lifting with another short sniff. He pressed harder against his septum, rubbing in earnest now as the tickle began gathering momentum. It stalled against the wrangling touch, but didn’t back down. “No pain.”
“But it does tickle?”
“I believe we’ve estahh..hkrrrm!” He cleared his throat to steady his voice. “.. established that, yes.”
She eyed him, her gaze trailing down to the finger glued beneath his nose. “You shouldn’t try to hold them off, Omicron. It might be why your sneezing earlier was so extreme.”
All this talk of sneezing was just emboldening the tickle. It’s like the sensation was surging forward, eager to answer to the call of its name. His eyes fluttered closed and he pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth to try and waylay another gasping breath. His nostrils pulsed against his finger, prompting him to pinch them instead, but still they tried to flare against his grip. He heard Dr. Voster sigh.
“I don’t know why they picked you for this mission,” she muttered, just loud enough to be heard. “If you’re too shy to sneeze, you’re going to lose your target pretty much instantly.”
His eyes sliced open, as defiant as his nose still squirming between his fingers. His voice was bottled back in his throat completely. “I’b dnot shy, I’b.. I’b jhhss.. hooh..”
The tickle hijacked his voice, tremoring it on a snatchy inhale. It prickled ominously behind his eyes, insistent, and Omicron stayed perfectly still in an effort to tame it. Even with his nose plugged and his fervent attempts to rub the sensation away, the tickle persisted. It dragged another breath in on a soft gasp, out on another dreading utterance.
“.. H-Ihih!.. ohh..”
“You’re so stubborn,” said Dr. Voster, and he could hear her rolling her eyes. He’d known her for years, and while he tried to rise above her goading taunts, there always came a point when she got to him.
Omicron let go of his nose and took as long and deep of a breath as he could through his trembling nostrils. The tickle welcomed it, greedily advancing, and rather than prolong the fight Omicron simply braced his hands on his knees to keep his balance as the sensation built inside him. As Dr. Voster so strangely asserted during his last volley, he and this virus were a team. He wouldn’t see the success of this mission without it.
It was this thought that compelled him to breathe again, a sniff that coasted directly into a gasp. He waited, hovering on the edge of it, but the sneeze backed away just before he could snatch it. Omicron squinted up at Dr. Voster, who was watching him with bald interest.
“Iihhff… hoo..” He sniffled, abandoning all dignity as he snubbed the wet edges of his nostrils against the sleeve of his suit. “If I let this tiH.. tiihckle ha..uuHUhh.. have its way ev..” 
His eyes fluttered closed, and he snatched in a series of chuffing breaths. Each was a shrill gasp followed by a bleating exhale, utterly beyond his power to stop. The crescendo carried him into increasingly higher and faster octaves, before the sneeze ripped out of him with gusto.
“HAH’CHIZSHOO!-ohhhh..” He swayed on his feet, panting at the ground, and was shocked to find in the tingling aftermath how good that felt. It made it easier to let the next one swell and crash out of him. “..HIH’SSschoo!- fuck mbe..”
Omicron rarely swore aloud, but the power and sheer abandon of these sneezes were so unlike his usual that he couldn’t help it. Through the haze of another rising tickle, he tried to hurry through the rest of his thoughts before he completely forgot what he was saying.
“If I let it have.. hahve it’s wayiiiiee..ig’GIZZSCHue!!-hah... I’ll be sdnee.. sdiizz.. HIZZSSSHOO!!..ughh, sdeezig for..fuh! UH!hhh.. for days.” He finished on a sigh, unrelieved, one hand now holding desperately onto the chair so he didn’t end up on his knees.
Dr. Voster didn’t immediately speak and when he finally blinked away blurry tears, he found her biting her lip with a worried crease between her eyes. “.. Do you always sneeze like this when you catch a cold?”
Even the very word caused his nose to buzz. His willpower was all but shredded, so he clamped onto the chair with his other hand and threw his head down with a body-shaking, “IID’DZZSSSSSTTH!!”
It was an unfortunate sneeze, one that painted his tie and the seat of the chair with its aftermath. Omicron didn’t have the energy to blush about it; honestly, this was all Anita’s fault so if he happened to catch her furniture in the crossfire of his helpless sneezing fit he.. heeeeeeee-
“HEEZZZSHOOO!!” He stumbled forward into a suspended tray of implements that crashed to the ground in a tremendous clatter. Omicron paid it no mind, tilting his head back to the fluorescent lights in an effort to keep his running nose at bay. “Bloody hell, won’t it st.. uh.. ohh.. hH!”
A bridge of pressure appeared beneath his septum, pressing firmly against it. He cracked his eyes open to find Dr. Voster beside him, her finger fearlessly anchored beneath his flaring nostrils. They threatened another revolt, under the tickle’s full command. That enduring, swelling force inside Omicron begged again for release and he gasped loudly against Dr. Voster.
“Nope, nope, nope,” she muttered, pressing even harder against his nose. “Work with me here..”
Omicron had no idea if she was talking to him, or the virus, but both struggled to comply. The maddening prickle became tortuous. His nose cried out for relief, as the tickle played his sinuses like a fine instrument. Holding it back now seemed impossible. And to be frank, he was still a bit irked with Anita. He flicked his gaze up to the lights, sensitive enough that the bright flash of them set alight the simmering fuse inside him.
And, because he was a gentleman, he did try to warn her. “.. caahh.. cahhdd..”
“O, don’t you dare. I know you have more control than this, just-”
He heaved his way through an ominous buildup, letting the tickle dictate the pace of his breath until it brought him to the brink. His chest inflated, pressing against Dr. Voster as she fought to the end to keep him together. She pressed hard enough that he half-wondered if his nose would bruise, but no amount of pressure could tide it back. He threw both of them forward with a sneeze scraped up from the depths of his lungs.
His knees felt a bit weak after that one, but for the first time since he’d woken up that morning, his nose tingled with welcome relief. It would be brief, he was certain, but he’d take the reprieve while he had it. The satisfaction of the fit filled his head with a pleased emptiness as he teetered his way around the edge of the chair and dropped to sit there. He tried to catch his breath.
“Agent Omicron, I swear to god,” groused Dr. Voster. He cracked his eyes open to see her ripping out more than a dozen tissues to throw at him. “You did that on purpose.”
He gathered them up and groaned wetly into the white bouquet. His voice was an achy croak. “I had no control over that, I promise you..”
Dr. Voster washed her hands at the sink and joined him on her stool when she finished. By that time, he’d managed to make himself somewhat presentable. His suit was a bit of a lost cause, but with luck the stains would dry into something less noticeable before his flight.
“You didn’t answer my question,” she said, and there was a serious quality to her question. “Do you always sneeze like this when you catch cold?”
Omicron shook his head, bringing another bunch of tissues to his face to blow. ‘Sore throat’ may not have been an intended symptom, but it soon would be if he kept shouting sneezes on the hour. He massaged his sinuses through the thin paper, already hopelessly stuffed up as he tried to suck in a sniffle. It just made him cough.
Dr. Voster was muttering beside him. “.. may have hit you harder than intended..”
“Whad was that?” he asked. He didn’t bother masking the reproach in his tone. She sighed and adjusted her glasses.
“I said, I may have underestimated how reactive you’d be,” she admitted. “You rarely sneeze, so I thought your sinuses weren’t sensitive.”
“I have to sdneeze all the time,” Omicron admitted in turn with a sawing rub beneath his nostrils. “I’b just good at holding themb back.”
Dr. Voster stared at him a moment, then bent over her knees with a sound of pure frustration. “Omicron. You should have TOLD me that in the INTAKE INTERVIEW.”
Omicron startled in his seat, sputtering with insult. “Are you tryi’g to make this mby fault? I answered all your questions honestly!”
“I asked you if you sneeze a lot when you’re sick and you said no!!”
“Thad’s because I DON’D!” 
His throat didn’t take kindly to the treatment and he turned away to cough. He yanked out more tissues, determined to free his consonants with a noseblow. Nothing moved, and all he got was another threatening jab from the tickle for his trouble. Oh, please not again, he thought, blinking at the sensation.
“Then what do you call this, O? Are you sneezing for fun?”
Anita’s voice called him briefly back to his ire. “I almost never sneeze this much when I’m sick! In fact I sdneeze more when I’m well, I-..”
He stopped, and Dr. Voster watched him with bare worry as he wrestled with what could be another punishing sneezing fit. Omicron learned his lesson from before, and he didn’t try to fight it at all. Just gave himself over to the feverish tickling until it snagged his breath in one fell swoop.
“H-ih.. TZSshoo!” 
He waited briefly for another, but none came and Omicron could have wept with relief. That was far closer to what he’d expected at the start of this experiment. He wiped his nose with a tissue and was unsurprised to find the skin was already getting sore. His skin was prone to chafing with too much friction, which was just as inconvenient as it sounded.
Dr. Voster frowned at him. “Was that..?”
“My usual, yes,” Omicron verified with a sigh. He was numb to the embarrassment of discussing this by now.
“Okay.” Dr. Voster folded her hands in her lap and with a deep breath, marshaled herself. “Okay, okay. This.. is salvageable. I just have to create an antidote, or maybe a diluting agent, and then maybe I can administer a weaker dose before..” She glanced at her watch and hung her head in defeat. “.. you leave in less than an hour.”
Omicron gave her a half-lidded stare over his tissues. “You didn’t create an antidote?”
Dr. Voster threw her arms up and shot up from her chair to pace. “No, Omicron! No, I didn’t. It’s a cold. It’s a harmless, nose-oriented cold at that. Barely a case of the sniffles. But apparently you have the most delicate sinuses of all mankind because my dose was too strong and now you’re-”
She glanced over at Omicron to find him in a state of sneezy limbo, no longer listening as his nostrils twitched their way to a consuming finale. He stuttered a few breaths, each exhale a sound of unwitting surprise when the sneeze didn’t come. It took longer than Omicron wanted, but he finally got it.
“DZSSSH!” Another pitchy gasp, the corners of his mouth flinching upward in the barest hint of a relieved smile as he vented one down on his lap. “TSSschoo!! ahhh, tha’g you..”
Omicron wasn’t even sure who he was talking to, the tickle or his nose, but each succinct release felt wonderful and left him spent in a way that relaxed him. It seemed if he didn’t try to stop them, they would come in much more manageable waves. Hmm.. maybe that meant if he held them off, he could get another one of those punishing volleys when he needed one. It would depend on the target’s preferences.
“Omicron, are you listening?”
He glanced up to find a fretful Dr. Voster, her hair loose from her ponytail and lab coat a little askew. He sniffed. “No, sorry. What did you say?”
“I’m going to recommend we ground you,” she said. Omicron froze, uncertain if he heard right, but jumped to his feet when she snatched up her phone. “We can’t risk this compromising you.”
He tried to grab her phone from her, but she dodged. “What are you talking about? I thought that was the point.”
“The point was to give you a reliable way to sneeze,” she clarified, quickly typing something out with her thumbs. “Not make you a liabilit-HEY!”
Omicron managed to liberate her phone and held it high above to keep it out of reach as he tried to reason with her. He sniffed again when he felt his nose begin to run, and blinked against the throbbing reply of his nose-tickle. “Listen, Anita, I’ve been training for this mission for months. It’s our only chance t.. to..”
Her eyes narrowed as his fluttered. “You have to sneeze right now, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, but I’m telling you I’m hh!UHhh..” He sniffled again, fighting for composure. “.. I’m learning to work with it, alright?”
“If you can go thirty seconds without sneezing, I’ll believe you.”
Omicron swallowed. Thirty seconds yesterday would have been nothing, but today? His nostrils flared at even the suggestion. If he wasn’t certain viruses had no capacity for thought, let alone emotion, he would claim this tickle had a mind of its own and a chip on its shoulder. It was always simmering somewhere in the recesses of his sinuses, but the moment he committed to staving it off, it surged forward with pure intention.
Somehow, he could tell he’d be in for another seismic sneezing fit if he tried any tricks to keep it back, so he let his eyes fold shut. Rather than increments of jumping breaths, this sneeze was a smooth slide into fruition. He drew in a dreamy breath and felt his nostrils ease wide. Then-
“HETZChuu!” It was cleansing, a reset that cleared his mind. He welcomed another. “h-hHEH!h.. ohhH!hh..” 
The urge abandoned him, and of course the moment he wanted to sneeze, he couldn’t. Clearing his throat, he realized with a measure of chagrin that when he sneezed, he hadn’t done more than turn his head. Where had his manners gone? The urges were so immediate, he could scarcely think of anything else.
Dr. Voster snatched the phone from his hand. “That wasn’t even fifteen seconds! I’m calling HQ.”
“Anita!” he growled, and darted forward. The two of them ended up in a spontaneous spar. While Dr. Voster was rarely on the field, she was trained in hand-to-hand as well as he was. They exchanged a series of blocks, strikes, kicks, dodges, and by the time Omicron wrestled her into a hold on the linoleum, they were both breathless. Splayed out on her back, he huffed heavy breaths into her hair. The silken strands ruffled in the gusts.
She threw him a dirty look from the corner of her eye. “Let me go, Omicron.”
“Not until you let go of this notion that I’m incapable of fulfilling this mission, Anita,” he leveled back at her. “It’s unlike you to worry like this.”
Her glare darkened; she didn’t like his choice of words, but didn’t deny it. “I oversensitized you. It will be my fault if you collapse in an uncontrollable sneezing fit and get captured by the enemy.”
He scoffed. “Is that all? I didn’t sneeze once during our spar and, in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve got you in a lock on the ground. Not to mention the mission is information extraction. If I attract unwanted attention, that would be my own mistake.”
She said nothing in return, which prompted Omicron to slide off of her. Together they sat up, still sitting on the floor together. She tucked hair behind her ear, refusing to look at him. He sighed. “Anita..”
She shot him a side glance. “.. are you seriously going through with it?”
“Of course,” he replied, twitching his nose to one side. The tickle rippled, and he sniffled in response. Out of habit he reached up to rest his finger beneath. “If the target enjoys this as much as sources claim, th-h!.. then it’ll beeeeh-”
He tucked his finger more tightly to his septum, only realizing his mistake after the tickle churned restlessly against the tender, tortured edges of his sinuses. “Oh, fuck mHH-.. HIH!hh.. uhh… UH..”
Dr. Voster made a noise of exasperation and he caught the sound of tissues getting snatched from the box. As he gasped and groaned his way through another incredible buildup, a flurry of softness enveloped his squirming nose. He cupped his hand over hers as he flinched forward into their shared grip.
“iiiIHH’GGZSSCHOO!..oohhh, uhduther-..” He caught his breath in a desperate gasp, straight from the bottom of his belly. When he crunched forward, he heard a couple seams rip in his shirt. “AAHHDZZSCHOO!!”
“I guess I should said bless you,” grumbled Dr. Voster. She wiggled the tissues around his nose, which remained twitchy. He had yet to open his eyes. “Are you done?”
He shook his head.
“One more?”
He paused to consider, then nodded. And after another terrific gasp, the force of his doubling-over wrenched their hands down toward his lap. “EEHTTZZSSSCHOOO!!.. ohhh, wow..” 
Omicron nearly shivered at the pleasant, tingling aftermath. Why did they always feel so good? The bigger the better, even if they winded him. Dr. Voster left him with the tissues as he muzzily blew his nose. He kept his head down for a moment to let the dizziness ease, so he was still facing his lap when he opened his eyes.
Oh. That was new. Side effect of the virus, perhaps..? 
Omicron darted his eyes to the doctor, but she was already up on her feet and brushing off her coat. She hadn’t seen - his first and only stroke of luck today. Because if she thought his violent sneezing was grounds for calling off the mission, his sudden sneeze-induced half-chub would definitely warrant a mortifying and career-destroying advisory call to HQ. He rushed to adjust himself as she turned away, and then both of them jumped when the door opened.
“ - yes, yes, just tell them to fax it,” Agent Delta was saying, attention still focused on someone else in the hall. Omicron scrambled to his feet, standing at attention as Dr. Voster filed beside him, just as Delta turned to them both. He clapped his hands together. “Ah, there they are! Case 28947!”
That was the case number to which they were assigned, and the very case that would see Omicron leaving for the airport in the next.. his eyes flew to the clock on the wall.. twelve minutes. That’s probably why Delta was here. 
“How’s our experiment? A success?” He strolled over to Omicron, over whom he held a few inches. Omicron stood his ground, resolving not to drop his eyes when Delta jovially scanned his features. His gaze lingered on Omicron’s nose. “Looks like it was.”
“It was.” Dr. Voster and Omicron briefly locked eyes before she continued. “It’s.. functioning as intended.”
“Really?” asked Delta, impressed. Dr. Foster preened under that look, in spite of the circumstances. The senior agent looked between the two of them with a polite smile. “I suppose you wouldn’t mind me testing it as well?”
Again Omicron and Anita met eyes. This time, Omicron cleared his throat and nodded his reply. “If you wish, sir.”
Delta scratched his cheek thoughtfully, studying Omicron in silence until the shorter agent couldn’t help but sniff. He also couldn’t help the need to briefly wrinkle his nose afterward. Delta grinned.
“From how it was described, it must tickle pretty bad in there, huh?” he said, nodding to Omicron’s nose. It must be blushed pink by now, if not darker. He waited for Delta to continue, and then realized that his superior was waiting for an answer.
Much as it humiliated him to say it, he replied, “It does, sir.”
“Mmm,” Delta hummed thoughtfully, and to the man’s credit he sounded a little sympathetic. “It must feel like.. hm, how did your poetic literature put it, Doctor? What was it?.. Liiike..”
Dr. Voster, who was busy putting her hair back up into its customary ponytail, darted an apologetic glance toward Omicron. Well, it wasn’t her fault. Omicron knew what literature Delta referenced and it was only part of protocol for her to write something thorough for their records.
“Like feathers.”
“That’s right, like feathers,” Delta continued, shifting on his feet in front of Omicron. His eyes never left his subordinate’s face. “Constantly and tirelessly petting the inside of one’s nose.”
The words seemed hypnotic to Omicron because he could feel it. He could feel those feathers, stroking so gently and repeatedly against the far depths of his sinuses. Somewhere deep, somewhere too far to scratch. They were careful with the fragile nerves there, but dauntless in their purpose. To make him sneeze. And sneeze.. And sneeze…
Omicron’s eyes fluttered shut, his breath deepening as his nostrils flared softly to the siren call of those thoughts. His hands remained firmly clasped behind him.
Delta continued as if he didn’t notice. “Yes. An ever-present irritation in the most sensitive depths, coaxed to greater and greater strength by your breath. Isn’t that ironic? That you yourself are the catalyst to this growing fire inside you, cursed to fan the flames even in sleep.”
Did it start while I was asleep last night? Omicron wondered. Because when he woke, it was to an itchy nose. So itchy in fact he snorted, sniffed, and rubbed it with such single-mindedness he nearly forgot he was due to Dr. Voster’s lab today. He breathed now, a slow and reverent inhale that squeaked around his blocked sinuses and added speed to the stroking sensation of those silken feathers.
His lips parted, his chest jumping with a sudden breath. He sighed it out, the ghost of a moan carried on his exhale.
“And once it starts, it is nigh impossible to stop. That tickle won’t let you. No matter how badly you might want a reprieve, those feathers are mindless. You can’t reason with them. They’ll just keep at their work, teasing and teasing that aching flesh until..”
The tickle buoyed him through a catching gasp. Omicron sighed again, his voice carrying, wanting. Another cresting gasp, the wave of something reachable, and then he fell short again. His nostrils pulsed plaintively, begging what dwelled inside to give him relief. But Omicron didn’t mind this limbo, this torture. He knew what came after would be well worth the wait.
“.. agitating.. working you over.. beckoning you with a relentless tickle.. until you can take it no longer.”
His chest swelled, and what he thought might be another forsaken gasp turned into the exclamation of climax. “HAH-.. BBZSSSSCHHUUHH!”
The first one came, because of course there would be more, and he snatched an arm around his middle when there was a strong, delicious undulation of pleasure deep in his gut. He groaned, his voice deep and gravelly and unfamiliar to his ears.
“Whoa!” came Delta’s exclamation. He sounded shocked. “That sure was something. Omicron, bless-”
“HEH-.. BBZSSSHHOO!.. nnnnghh.” 
These were smooth as butter - one big, long, scooping breath and then a knee-shaking release. He sniffled thickly, wetly, with his eyes shut in concentration. Omicron wanted another, and this time the tickle delivered. Those invisible feathers rustled like wheat in a windstorm, and he caught himself grinning as he gasped another huge breath. 
He swayed forward as another cramp of ecstasy swirled in his gut, and Omicron felt a strong hand brace his shoulder to keep him from tipping over.
“Is he okay?” was one faint voice.
“Yes, just-” came another.
Omicron sneezed.
That one was particularly wet, fired haphazardly at the floor like the rest. It also contracted in a burst of stars behind his groin so intense that Omicron became instantly and fearfully aware that he would actually come in his pants if he kept this up. And holy shit he didn’t want that to happen. Not here. Not now. 
He jerked his free hand out, holding it expectantly toward the voices. With tremendous effort, he tried to be understood. “Tiih.. Tiizzusss.. HUH-”
“One second, one second!!” he heard Anita’s tempering assurances over the rush of blood in his ears. 
And the rush of ticklish sensation through his nose. He couldn’t get the visual of feathers out of his head. Delta, damn him. All Omicron could see behind the dark of his wet eyelids was a field of pristine, white, downy feathers positioned diabolically against every inch of his nasal walls. The tips of them wavered each time he hitched a stuttery inhale, and huffed a helpless exhale. They were devoid of life beyond that which he gave it, breathing intent into them as they swayed against swollen, irritated flesh. He could picture his nasal membranes flinching helplessly against the onslaught, crying out to him for relief. And he would give it-
The feathers fluttered wildly and his nose calmed with a prickling balm, sated. Until he sniffled against the slogging block of congestion in his nose and what little air there was eeked through and-.. the feathers trembled, dragging their soft tips gingerly against his quivering flesh, an endless torment, so subtle yet compounding in its simplicity because he could feel the echoes of that tantalizing sensation all through his nose and as he snuffled against the feeling, the feathers trembled again as if in eagerness, excitement, their tendrils tracing long worn paths on fraught nerves as the aching pressure built and built in his nose, deep inside, and oh-.. ohh-
“Oh no you don’t.” 
The sudden presence of a hand over his nose surprised him, frightened the sneeze away, and Omicron felt an irrational pang of frustration when his gasp escaped from him with a gutteral hhuhh unrelieved. He realized in retrospect that the voice was Dr. Voster, and the hand belonged to her too. He also realized, in a wash of cold sweat, that he was achingly hard where his prick was tucked into his belt.
“Blow your nose, Omicron.”
He struggled to comply. A hitching breath got out of his control, only emboldening the tickle, and again he thought of the feathers. They were everywhere, impossible to blow out, and they’d just keep… keep-
It tore out of him with a passion, and the pleasure washed over him so fiercely he would have gone to his knees had Delta not stepped in to catch him. Omicron panicked, bursting into motion to put distance between himself and the others. They let him go, only for him to stumble backwards onto his ass. The impact shook an impending sneeze out the queue, and Omicron had a moment to collect his bearings.
He quickly got to his hands and knees, trying to keep his crotch pointed to the floor. He was still painfully hard, but thankfully he hadn’t managed to sneeze himself into orgasm. Now that he had his wits, he realized he still had the wad of tissues in his hand. He brought them to his face and blew as hard as he could, concentrating only on the act of getting something out rather than thinking too hard about what was happening inside.
Adrenaline and humiliation were quick and quiet boner killers; any residual arousal swirling in his thoughts extinguished as he assessed his situation. He was somewhat sweaty, stained with a few of his own sneezes, and his damn nose still tickled. Omicron threw caution to the wind and rubbed it with fast, punishing pressure against his septum, as if to admonish it. Rather than chance a sniffle, he breathed only through his mouth as he climbed to his feet.
Both Dr. Voster and Agent Delta regarded him warily. Omicron straightened his vest, his jacket, and smoothed back his hair where it had fallen into his eyes. 
“Pardod be,” he rasped, still breathless. He coughed into his fist to clear his throat.
Delta’s features eased into genuine concern. The man’s flippant nature notwithstanding, he did care about his people. “Agent, are you alright?”
“Of course,” insisted Omicron. He cleared his throat again. “Just fine. Why?”
“Well, that just..” Delta looked over to Dr. Voster, who was refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. “.. it seemed very intense, don’t you think? Doctor?”
The doctor startled at her name, then reached to adjust her glasses. She looked now at Omicron, her expression as hard and firm as her voice. “Yes, I agree. And I would recommend..”
Here, Omicron bit his tongue. If Anita really did want to rat him out, he’d only dig his own grave if he tried to deflect. But then her eyes softened.
“.. that Agent Omicron desist from triggering the suggestion impulse until this initial sensitivity wears off.”
Tension left his shoulders. He closed his eyes briefly in relief.
Delta rubbed the back of his neck, contrite. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was an issue. You should have told me!”
“I wasn’t aware it was a pattern until you tried it, sir,” said Dr. Voster. She crossed her arms and nodded toward Omicron. “And with all due respect, sir, you should really apologize to Agent O.”
Delta turned to him with dewy puppy-dog eyes and Omicron wanted to evaporate out of embarrassment. He didn’t do well with anything sentimental and at times his superior was pure sentimentality. “Forgive me, Omicron. I hope I didn’t cause you any distress. I’m sure that wasn’t comfortable.”
On the contrary, thought Omicron, but admitting anything even close to the truth made his tongue wither. His cheeks burned, and to add further indignity, he sniffled. The brief, tickling swell prompted him to thumb the end of his nose to encourage good behavior. 
“Not at all, sir. Please don’t trouble yourself over it.”
Delta clapped him companionably on the shoulder, and when he turned toward Dr. Voster, Omicron leaned around him to throw a scathing look her way. She only smiled. That prompted apology was likely just her getting some revenge. To be frank, the new complication of sneeze-induced arousal would absolutely complicate the mission, but Omicron begged to be given a case like this for months. More than a year, even. He’d take the risk rather than give this up.
Besides, it wasn’t his fault his nose couldn’t calm down. He didn’t conduct a half-baked intake interview and design an overpowered tickle virus, so why should he be the one to suffer the consequences? Beyond those he was already suffering, he supposed.
Once again, thinking too much about it summoned the tickle forth. Omicron refused to get stuck in another self-perpetuated sneeze-cycle, so he focused only on the wall as the urge lapped at the edges of his sinuses. Oh, the ones that made him wait were the worst.
“.. to it that we grab your luggage on the way to the jet,” Delta was saying. He still had his hand on Omicron’s shoulder and squeezed when he got no response. “You already packed right?”
Omicron took a breath to reply, but it hitched in his throat. Then rushed out with a soft uhh that he couldn’t suppress. Gone were the days when he could quietly build up to a sneeze; it seemed this virus wanted everybody to know as soon as his nose started to tickle. He fought to keep his eyes open, and his ears from flushing red.
“.. yeh..hssirr..”
Delta’s smile tilted back into concerned territory, and he rubbed Omicron’s shoulder. “Looking a little sneezy, Agent. Try not to knock yourself down this time.”
Omicron huffed a laugh that trembled into a gasping inhale, a fitful exhale, an even more urgent inhale-.. “-uUHH!” and then left him on a frustrated sigh. He rubbed his face with both hands. “Fuck,” he mumbled. Then his head shot up in alarm. “Oh-.. ah, sir-...”
Agent Delta only laughed, booming and cheerful as he slid his arm further across Omicron’s shoulders to give him a jostling side-hug. “Don’t worry, Agent. These are extenuating circumstances, I’ll let that it slide.”
Omicron nodded as he was jerked around by Delta’s strength, reaching up to push his hair back when it fell out of style again. His nose was still tingling, unrelieved, and he scrunched it with exasperation. Sneeze or don’t sneeze, won’t you? 
“Off we go!” crowed Delta, escorting Omicron toward the door while still under his arm. He looked back to Dr. Voster. “I’ll be with him on the flight, so we’ll let you know if there are any case developments.”
He tightened his hold when he said this, and Omicron fought down a flash of annoyance that Delta probably meant any developments with Agent Omicron’s nose. Speaking of which… 
Omicron let his eyes roll shut as Delta led him into the hall, their footsteps echoing down the corridor. He was saying something, probably about the jet, but Omicron let the words wash over him just as he let the tickle wash through his nose. Wary of what might happen, he strayed away from thinking too much about feathers. Instead, he thought of dust motes. A dandelion seed. Something small and irritating and hopelessly stuck somewhere deep inside him. Whatever it was, this thing wanted to escape. It squirmed and twisted, fluttered its wings or flicked its tail. The throbbing urgency of Omicron’s tender pink membranes wouldn’t deter it, neither would the gradual unsteadiness of his breath. He exhaled, yearning.
The invader redoubled its efforts, writhing against his most sensitive places. He couldn’t-.. he..
“.. huhh-..”
If only he could reason with it, but on a baser level, Omicron didn’t want to. He wanted it to flap and struggle, tickle and itch, uncontrollable and impossible to satiate. Fan the flames of this urge so feverish that he couldn’t do anything but-
Omicron found himself smiling again, delirious as he breathed into this unstoppable force. He was completely helpless to its thrall. This thing in him, nuzzling and ruffling and bothering his nose so fervently, dotingly, sweeping him up with its caress. He.. oh-.. oh-!
“S’combi’g-” He gasped out, if only just to himself. The breathy word preceded an absolutely euphoric sneeze. “WRIZZSSSSHUUU’uoohhhh…”
Omicron stayed as he was, one hand cupped to his nose and the other bracing his middle. Another dagger of pleasure had stabbed him through, but it was fast to dissipate as he sniffled into his palm. The way his nose tingled signaled a temporary relief. Omicron couldn’t decide if he was disappointed by this or not.
“Goodness, bless you!” Omicron jumped. Delta stood beside him, both hands in his pockets now, looking amused. Omicron had forgotten he was there. “That was a big one! Sounds like you worked your way up to it.”
Why was Omicron cursed with the chattiest superior Agent in the force? He snuffled again behind his hand, by habit searching his pockets for a handkerchief or a restaurant napkin, anything. He paused when Delta extended a travel pack of tissues. 
“Thought you might need these, so I brought a few packs along.”
“.. Tha’g you.” 
Omicron took it with grace, turning around so he could use both hands. He blew his nose yet again, dismayed with the sheer amount of moisture he was capable of producing. At this rate he’d need to stay hydrated. Once he finished up, he turned back to Delta to find him extending a small bottle of hand sanitizer. He eyed the other man.
“You can’t actually catch this, sir.”
“I know, Agent, but the public won’t know that,” he said, as carefree as ever. “And even if you’re not actually sick, better to keep your hands clean, mm? And maybe try the vampire trick too.” Here he demonstrated by lifting his elbow and tucking his nose in. 
Omicron burned with the embarrassment of having his lackadaisical sneezing addressed in such an obvious way. Normally he was very thorough with his hygiene practices. He sneezed into his elbow or better, a handkerchief if he had one. He washed his hands frequently and properly. Something about this tickle just emptied his head of all sense when it came over him. It was a miracle he’d managed to even cup a hand to his mouth just now. He didn’t remember doing that.
So he could only nod, his cheeks burning, as he took the bottle and copiously applied. The stringent scent bloomed in the air. Delta could probably tell he was upset because he gave the shorter agent a lighthearted slap on the back. “You’re usually very conscientious. Just a gentle reminder, agent.”
Omicron nodded again, this time with a yip of surprise as his eyes slammed closed. Suddenly his nose was frenzied, filled to the brim with that strong, alcoholic smell. It burned, so sharp it brought tears to his eyes as he rushed his elbow to his face. Unlike the other sneezes of this morning, this itch wasn’t indulgent. It was almost brutal. 
“Chssh-! Tschh!” Even without muffling into his jacket, they would have been small. Smaller than his normal sneezes, even. They were fittish, barely letting him up for air. “Itschh! HHtschh!.. uh-.. TSSH’hee!!.. fucking hell..”
It only lasted seconds, over as suddenly as it began, and Omicron picked his head up blearily. He sniffled, coughing again at the remaining scent on his hands as he fished out another tissue and nursed his nose. Stupid thing was so needy now, he couldn’t even use hand sanitizer without a complaint. Belatedly he realized he’d cursed in front of his superior again.
When he looked at Delta, the man was regarding him thoughtfully. Not his usual fond musing sort of look either. The kind of discerning expression that awarded him the rank he currently held. Omicron’s blinked at him, wide eyed over the edge of his tissues.
“S-Sorry for sweari’g, sir..”
Delta stirred from wherever he’d been, and dropped into a polite smile. It didn’t quite reach his eyes. “That’s alright, Omicron, I honestly don’t mind. But, I’ll ask this again: are you alright?”
Omicron blinked at him again, owlish. “Me, sir?”
Delta chuffed an airy chuckle. “Yes, agent, you. You’re sure this..” He warred over his words, trying to pick the best ones. “I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this opportunity, but are you sure? About this?”
Omicron bristled, and he was certain Delta could tell. He finished up with his nose, balling up the tissue and foregoing hand sanitizer this time. “Respectfully, why wouldn’t I be sure, sir?”
“This science isn’t exact,” Delta told him. His voice was lower now, the proper tone of a superior officer. “Dr. Voster is a genius, but this is the first time we’ve tried something like this. There’s bound to be a margin of error. So I’m asking you again, Agent Omicron..” Here he fixed his subordinate with a firm stare. “.. are you sure about doing this right now, as you are, in this state?”
Omicron didn’t have to think about it. He merely drew himself up to a force-standard posture and looked Delta in the eyes without flinching. “Yes, sir. Very sure.”
Delta held his stare, but when Omicron didn’t buckle, he sagged where he stood. With a long sigh, he once again patted Omicron’s shoulder. “Alright, agent. But if you change your mind or if you become compromised, you must be honest and tell me immediately. Am I understood?”
Omicron just barely managed to resist twitching his nose; he could feel it wanting attention, but didn’t want to give Delta any reason to doubt him. “Of course, sir.”
Delta gave him a jaunty thumbs up, back to his usual lofty cheer. “Grand! I’ll take you at your word.” He turned away, beginning to stride down the corridor with expectation Omicron would follow. “Now, we ought to get a move on. They’ve got the jet idling and you know how they are about the fuel budget..”
Agent Delta carried on, blind to his subordinate keeping step behind him. Omicron absently, then more purposefully, rubbed his nose. The skin was starting to sting, no doubt ready to peel by tomorrow like sunburn. The tickle stretched languidly, lazily working Omicron up to another toe-curling sneeze. The hedonist in him wanted to welcome it.
However, he had nearly twelve hours on a jet to contend with, surrounded by other personnel. And he was certain now after that little conversation with Delta that the man would be watching Omicron carefully from here on out. If he noticed anything suspicious, he’d ground the mission and take Omicron off the case without remorse. He couldn’t let it happen, not after how hard he’d fought for this.
His nostrils flared against his finger, a premature warning to what was brewing. But Omicron knew, and he was prepared for the impending battle. It wouldn’t be easy, but he fully intended to negotiate with his nose and keep sneezing to nil on the flight. Almost nil, if he couldn’t hold out. Again his nostrils flared, as if playfully chiding him. You’re not in control, his nose seemed to say. I am.
Well, thought Omicron as he stepped out of the jet bay and into the sunshine. The jet sat waiting on the tarmac, a flurry of activity around it. We’ll just see about that.
I’m not sure if I’ll continue it, but I hope you had fun reading!! Part 2 is in the works!
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leniisreallycool · 6 days ago
The Silent Game
MC gets sick of the brothers' constant bullshit and demands that they play the silent game
They challenge the brothers to see who can last the longest without speaking
The rules: speaking, no burping, passing gas, scraping chairs or any other furniture, chewing too loud, breathing too loud, clapping, punching/slapping/any other form of hitting that causes noise, grunting, etc
Coughing or sneezing is fine, as long as it's involuntary
Texting is only acceptable in situations where they would already use text or if they have to talk to Diavolo or Barbatos
Satan and Belphie immediately tries to piss Lucifer off enough to break and scold him but it doesn't work
Beel doesn't even have to put effort into it except to keep his chewing noises to a minimum
And he can't go on a rampage when Mammon takes advantage of the situation to steal his yogurt
Belphie would have just slept through the challenge but MC said sleep talking or communication through dream walking is also forbidden
Lucifer is pissed off when Diavolo talks to him and he has to text him in response
Diavolo finds the situation delightful and bugs Lucifer to try to break him
Barbatos does too but more subtly
*insert brief joke about making Solomon play too*
Asmo is in tears when he realizes he can't speak to his fans or make videos or go on quote unquote dates
Levi just sits in his room the whole time except for meals
No one knows if he's following the challenge or not but they can't hear anything from his room so it's safe to assume he is
The challenge has been going for three days and it's starting to creep MC out
They've never had a round of the silent game go on this long
It's eerily silent and they almost want to call off the challenge
But it's so nice to not have to worry about anyone slamming doors and screaming at each other
So they let it go on
Mammon steals Lucifer's credit card and gets strung up
To his credit he doesn't yell for help
Belphie is the first to break 5 days in
He's half asleep when he demands MC cuddle him, forgetting that he's not supposed to speak
He acts like he doesn't care but he wishes he wasn't the first to break
He takes advantage of the fact that because he lost, he can be as loud as he wants
MC is so done immediately
Asmo and Levi are next, 2 days later, a1 week in
He had a livestream scheduled with someone cool and awesome and he just can't miss it
It makes him cry to lose but he gets over it pretty quick
It means he can whisper sweet nothings to MC while the others watch in jealousy
Levi tells him to fuck off and stops, realizing his mistake too late
Beel is next 2 days later
Mammon took too many of his desserts and absolutely lost it
He was ashamed afterwards but he lost
That leaves Mammon, Satan, and Lucifer
Another whole week goes by without anyone dropping out
Surprisingly it's Satan next
He's bugging Lucifer again as he has been for the last 2 & 1/2 weeks with no result
He drops a chair on Lucifer in the hopes that he'll noisily crack it in half
But Lucifer sidesteps and the chair smacks the floor
Satan loses
Now it's only the oldest two left and the rest have started taking bets
Barbatos already knows who's going to win so they make him monitor the bets so no one cheats
No one expected Mammon to last this long because he's normally so obnoxiously loud (I love him anyway hush)
Then one day
Three weeks into the challenge
Lucifer walks up behind Mammon to tell him something
Mammon didn't know he was there
And squawked
Lucifer didn't even intend to startle him
It was a complete accident
Everyone is disappointed with the anticlimactic ending
But hey! MC got a few weeks of relatively less chaos
And for a while afterwards the brothers automatically stay silent when they walk into a room with MC before remembering that the game is over
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bluexiao · 2 years ago
#“is this… a love bite, darling?”
—you have a hickey… or is it really?
CHARACTERS. Al-Haitham, Ayato, Childe, Kaeya, Kazuha, Tighnari, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Xiao
THEMES. mostly crack, slightly suggestive, fluff (mentions of scenting on Tighnari’s but it’s for the laughs anyway); has a few curses here and there
NOTES. I’M BACK !!! haven’t written this much for… weeks? i think it’s been a month or two. i hope i did not rusted out but hey enjoy~ also, happy birthday ayato yay
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XIAO knew very well that he had mostly been absent these days–actually, for most of the days. It is true, but he did try to give you as much time as he could whilst not overlooking his duty to Liyue.
This time, you tried to play a prank on him (well, you did miss him a lot), and it was a suggestion from your friend… yep, it is certainly not the boss of your Yaksha’s god who is probably now awaiting for the news of how your lover will react on that small mark on your neck.
“What is the meaning of this?” his voice looms over all of a sudden.
“Xiao!” You jump for a second, surprised at how fast he had gotten in the room when you had just barely uttered his name aloud. Your surprise strengthens even more as his spear falls to the side and he steps forward to your form, eyes trained on your neck, with a hand raising carefully-
“What… happened to your…” he trails off, raising his eyes to meet yours, “why are you hurt? Did… did someone do this to you?”
You could tell that he was this close to speed off to try and find anyone who could have possibly caused such a mark in your (delicate) skin—ah!
“N-no, I mean… I just…” you bit your lip, I just scratched it… a bit too much, I suppose,” you then took his raised hand (that was too fearful to even touch you), and smiled gently his way. “Don’t worry about it too much, love.”
The tension on his shoulders ease up, but you could tell he was still worried with the frown on his lips and the concern in his eyes.
“I see… should I ask for an ointment? Yes, I probably should… I’ll be back in a moment.”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
The WANDERER’s eyes immediately zero into your neck.
Was he forgetting something?
Did something happen last night??
Did he perhaps accidentally do something that-
“Hey, what’s on your mind, love?” you’d try to get him to spit it out-but nope, he wouldn’t say a single thing about it.
You’d probably think he was all jealous and shit, but this prick actually misunderstood it!
“No, it’s nothing,” he hurriedly dismisses you, looking away with a small blush on his cheeks, “it’s just… do you not have a scarf?! It’s cold nowadays. Can’t have you sneezing right in front of my face.”
He immediately tries to get a hold of a scarf—no matter whose it is.
“But it’s not cold in Sumeru at all!”
“Oh, is it? Then still wear it. The sun might damage your skin, can't have you complaining about it.”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
TIGHNARI, for one, is naturally someone who does not shy away when words need to be said. A very straightforward one, you need not be told as you already knew very much. So when the time came that you suddenly had a mark on your neck (that you did not know where it came from) and it looks very much like a love bite that someone would give to a person they like, he was already by your side in a heartbeat.
“Hm, I do not think I quite recall giving such a mark on you, darling,” he’d whisper next to your ear as he so nonchalantly brushes away the piece of clothing that tried to hide the mark—but it wasn’t enough, it appears… or so you made it to be.
“Nari, I-”
“Huh? What was that?” He’d cut you off purposefully, an arm around your waist. And all of a sudden, he was all over you, probably scenting you like a madman until he realizes it was all fake and he’d pretend nothing happened in the past few minutes when everyone and you saw how he reacted not too long ago.
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAZUHA is a sly little piece of shit. He does not ask you anything about it until he gets close enough to examine them. Would very much know what you would think before you could even think about it (sometimes he has his friend, the wind, tell him about it, what a weirdo right), and he would call you out in a way that would not be too direct, sometimes, it would even take you a while to realize that he was trying to communicate to you something and he would just be very patient about it.
“Dove, I think you have something on your neck,” he’d probably say, and you’d stiffen as you thought he caught on to your act… but he’d just flash you a sweet smile as he raises… a leaf.
A fucking leaf.
Where in Teyvat did that even come from?!
“I suppose even nature loves the feeling of your skin, my love.”
Nope! He definitely has you all figured out and is just trying to make your skin crawl… well, two can play the game, right?
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAEYA would know what a love bite would look like, especially when it’s from him and on you.
And this one on you? Well, it doesn’t even look like a hickey.
Ah, he would think, he gets it now.
One look was all it took for him to find out, and one look was all it took for you to find out what was in his mind as well. With this, you would begin to think of ways to try and not let him get you alone, but you soon realized that even if you two were with friends or in a public setting, this man would not stop at anything… to tease you back.
“What is it, dear? Don’t tell me… you’re giving up now, are you? Come on, you have my whole attention. What is it that you want from me?”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
CHILDE would also very much know what his hickey looks like—and this one is definitely not his!
Actually, he did not even notice just how much you botched this fake hickey because he was already marching his way toward you.
“Babe, you’re coming with me,” he thought he was smooth as he ushered you out of the Bank, his subordinates following your forms before whispering about the mark on your neck once you two were out of reach.
Oh, how many people you fooled that day.
“What is the meaning of thi—” he immediately stops on his tracks as he finally realizes once he was this close to you and once he had focused on how it doesn’t really look like a love bite at all and how idiotic he probably looks and sounds right now.
Your laugh suddenly resonates through the walls of his office, even playfully slapping his shoulder as he purses his lips into a pout and narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I won this time, babe, sorry not sorry,” you flash him a grin and he could not help but melt at how angelic you look right now despite the looming defeat he had.
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
AYATO was quite certain of his absence. It cannot be blamed on the nature of his position and his work, however, it was still irresponsible of him to neglect his lover. And thus, he was actually in the middle of a plan for his surprise for you a few days from now–to at least make it up for the lost time due to the work he had taken over these past few days.
At first, he thought his eyes were deceiving him. Surely that mark on your neck, just a few inches below your jaw is not a love bite… right? He was fairly sure that he had been away for the past nights prior to tonight, so…
“My dear, do you not feel like your neck feels lonely these days?” he’d ask in a smooth voice, then pulling out a box behind him, revealing a gift that encased a gorgeous necklace that you were pretty sure cost a lot.
You failed to answer or say anything at all, baffled at how easily he had gotten you speechless and to forget about the prank you had set up for him–wait, has he not seen it yet? You’d question yourself, surely, he could have, right?
“So, would you like to explain to me why there is a fake love bite on your skin? Darling? Perhaps you’d like to see what a real one looks like.”
┌───────── · · · · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
AL-HAITHAM is another self-aware man, at least, that’s what he thinks he is. If you had been with him for a long time or at the very least knew him as much, you would know just how much of a lie that is. After all, Al-Haitham is a very dense guy. He may be aware that he had been busy the past few days, but his thoughts do not wander toward how you might feel because of this.
“Is there… something I am missing?”
He asks with a tilt of his head to the side, probably looking at you up and down and… something just seems… odd.
“What?” You raised a brow as you felt your face heat up—did he see it? Questions rose to your mind as you can’t help but also feel embarrassed with what you’re doing right now.
He doesn’t notice it!?!
“Ugh, never mind!” You walk out of the room, and unbeknownst to you, he is mumbling on his own before he settles his eyes on his book once more.
“That mark… did I make that?”
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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writing-fanics · 2 years ago
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not once
Sebastian Michaelis x F!Reader
Not even once did Sebastian think he’d end up falling in love with a human. Why, would be an immortal being a demon in fact want to fool around with such human emotions.
Toying with them for his own entertainment and manipulating them at their most vulnerable was quite enjoyable. But actually, falling in love developing feelings that made his immortal heart skip a beat?
and yet, here she was his beautiful wife fast asleep on the bed in one of the many rooms in the Phantomhive manor. that the young master so graciously gave her when went into labor only twelve hours ago.
He walked over towards the bassinet, peered over and smiled seeing the tiny half-demon offspring. Tiny whimpers, escaped the babies mouth as it squirmed. He smirked, picking up the child and cradling them in his arms.
“My child, you’re just as beautiful as your mother.” He cooed, over the infant who opened his eyes and had a faint smile on his face.
“My little, Arioch.” He cooed, he looked over towards his wife who was fast asleep. Young master, had already given him a few days off to be with his child and wife.
Arioch babbled, looking up at his father his tiny hands reaching up to touch his raven black hair. Sebastian smiled, “Already, growing up before my very eyes.” He said, and the infant giggled continuing to make nonsenseical babbles.
Arioch has taken the place of the most adorable being, on the entire planet. Step out of the way cats Sebastian’s son has taken your place.
Arioch giggled, and his eyes for a moment flash red and Sebastian smiled planting a kiss on his sons forehead. His son, looked just like his mother. Sebastian found absolutely adorable.
“He’s beautiful isn’t he?” A voice said, and he turned around seeing his wife awake and reaching out her arms to see her child.
Sebastian walked towards her leaning down kissing her on the lips, “He is,” He whispered, into her ear causing her to smile. As she looked at the infant, cooing over how cute he was and how much he looked like the two of them combined.
Arioch sneezed, causing [Y/n] to squeal at how cute their baby is. Sebastian looked between his wife and child, and didn’t know what he would do without them. Yes, he’d continue to serve the young master until their contract was over and he’d devour his soul.
Yet, during that time the demon had fallen in love with a human and made a child. Demons usually takes lives not create them and here he was holding the life he’d created in his arms. And it honestly felt surreal to him, he was a demon and yet was experiencing something so heavenly especially for someone who’s been damned to hell.
He knew that one day his wife would pass, his son he doesn’t know exactly. Arioch might live longer than a human but not be an immortal. “My love,” Sebastian said, his wife turned to look at him.
“Thank you, for sharing this experience with me,” He said, and she smiled planting a kiss on his cheek before placing one hand on his cheek.
“No, thank you. I love you so much Sebastian demon or not that doesn’t change how I feel.” She said, and he just grinned.
“Also, I think Grell found out that we have a child now and she’s not happy.” She said, and Sebastian frowned in annoyance seeing the angry grim reaper outside the window.
‘Bassy! It’s no fair!’
‘How does she get you and I don’t!’
“I’ll be right back my love.” He said, and she nodded before looking back at her baby smiling.
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dorotheataylor · 5 months ago
Sneezes with kisses
Pairing- Nanami Kento x Reader
Summary- What’s better than to have your husband take care of you once in a while? Especially when you’re sick.
Warnings- FLUFF OMG, domestic vibes, Kento is such a husband material (omg i love him sm), reader annoys nanami but he’s whipped for her, please I need Nanami in my life😭, my poor english as always :p
Word count- 750+
A/N- OMG I LOVE NANAMI SO MUCH I CANT DESCRIBE IT IN WORDS. Also here’s the fic for Nanami Kento as it got the most votes from the poll I posted monthsss ago (im late as alwayssss). I’m so sorry this is shorttt but I promise to make it up. I got lazy :p. Enjoy the domestic bliss y’all! This is totally not a self-insert fic.
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“Love, you need to lay down-”
“You need to rest-”
“I’m fine, Ken-” Sneeze!
“See? Listen to me for once in your life and lie down.” Nanami sighed, shaking his head at your stubbornness.
“Fine.” You huffed and laid down on the bed, while Kento arranged the pillows beneath you for you to feel comfortable.
Nanami looked at you for a few moments. You were really stubborn and reckless when it came to your health. After watching you sneezing and almost losing your consciousness because of your fever, he had to practically force you to lie down and get rest. You tended to overwork yourself almost every time, much to his dismay.
“What?” Sneeze. Damn, you really needed to get better soon.
“Nothing, just watching how stubborn you are.” Nanami sighed, his expressions turning soft. “Love, you need to start taking care of yourself.”
“I’m fine, Ken. It’s just a little cold.” You shrugged, before sneezing again.
At this point, Kento Nanami was so done with you downplaying your sickness every time. Kento loved you, he really did, but sometimes your habits and actions made him want to pull out his hair.
Nanami first met you when he was still a grade lower than his current. You had just joined the Jujutsu Society and were paired up with him for your first ever mission. And when you had gotten injured, Nanami was the one who took care of you because he held himself responsible for your injuries. And ever since then, you became good friends and eventually lovers.
You were always the type to get excited over little things and had a loud personality, just like one of your colleagues Satoru Gojo and totally contrast to Nanami's personality. But still somehow you two got along and here you were.
You sneezed again, your face turning a bit red from the cold. "Ugh I hate being sick!"
Nanami sighed again. "That's why you're going to take a few days off and rest. Your body needs it, love. You can't overwork yourself."
You sighed and looked up at him, your expressions softening. "But Ken, I can't just sit at home in the bed while you are out fighting those damn curses." You whined.
Kento rolled his eyes. "Love, sitting at home in the bed for a few days isn't the end of the world."
"No buts. You're staying at home for a few days. End of discussion." Nanami said a bit sternly, leaving no space for arguments.
You pouted and Kento could feel himself melting a bit seeing your expressions. He sighed. "Would it make you feel better if I took a day off too? I'll prepare you a nice ginger honey tea and warm bath. How does it sound?"
Your eyes lit up at his words and you immediately smiled, your pouty expressions no longer seen. "I'd love that, Ken. It's been a while since we spent some quality time together."
Kento smiled, something he did only with you around, and leaned down to kiss on your forehead. "Rest. I'll bring you something warm."
As he was about to stand up, you pulled him back down with his arm and kissed him softly, smiling against it. Kento didn't hesitate to kiss back, another one of his favourite things to do with you.
He didn't know how he got so lucky, having such a wonderful woman as his wife, loving him through everything. He didn't deserve you, really.
You pulled away and grinned, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Now we're both sick. Meaning another two days off. And more cuddles! So lay down with me."
Nanami rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile at you, your cheekiness being one of the many things he loved about you.
He got under the covers beside you, wrapping his arms around you as you rested your head on his chest. He kissed your head before whispering, "I love you."
You smiled, these three words coming from his mouth never failing to make your heart flutter. You looked up at him with that adoring gaze you always had for him and whispered back, "I love you too," before burying your face back into his chest.
And as they lay together, Nanami couldn't help but sigh in contentment. He loved such moments, having the love of his life in his arms and her saying she loved him. He'd do anything just to have this domestic bliss with you.
Maybe you falling sick wasn't so bad after all.
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belovedcloud · 10 months ago
Sick Days | Roommate! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Notes: Been pretty bedbound recently and thought about how Leon would be if he was sick and had his roommate help him out. This is literally just Leon and you being lovestruck by each other but you both are too scared to say it until he does.
WC: 1.9K
CW: Talks of Ada leading Leon on, nervous Leon but cute outcome. He loves you a lot and just can't convey it well. Fluff, maybe a Part 2?
Lazing around in bed was nice every now and again, but that's when you haven't got a tissue shoved up your nose and the highest temperature possible. Leon never meant to get sick in the first place - but when you magically find yourself in a sewer and get stuck in shit-rotting clothes for a good few hours in the cold, it tends to happen. So here he was, trying to breathe properly whilst you tended to him every hour and so. If he wasn't sick he would've thanked you properly by getting you a gift but being bedbound was difficult enough. So his forms of gifts to you were sneezes and coughs as he tried to stomach the pills and cough syrup you gave him.
"Maybe try and not sneeze on my arm..." You jokingly said as he grumbled in bed, wrapping himself in his sheets. "Shut up.." He coughed out as he tried to hide his smile from you, it was impossible to not smile around you. The feelings you gave him were indescribable at the very least. It was like he was a teenager again, fumbling over his words sometimes and not being able to make sense of himself as you would smile at him. Your soft hands swat away the hairs that fell in front of his face as he sniffled, groaning in pain as his head ached continuously. "When can I have my pills again?" Leon asked as his teary eyes travelled up your face, taking in your beauty as you placed down another hot chocolate on the nightstand for him to gulp down any minute by now. "Uhh.. give another 30 minutes, I don't want you feeling even worse because you took your pills too early." You chuckled out as you saw his disheveled state, he really could be dramatic at times. "Fuck.. as if I could be in anymore pain." He muttered, taking the hot chocolate into his hands as he painfully sipped at it, the hot liquid seeping into the cracks of his lips. The lack of hydration causing his skin to dry out.
"Hold on let me get you some chapstick." Seeing you walk out Leon couldn't help but sigh. You were too kind to him, too kind to a man who killed monsters for a living. Yet you wouldn't mind hearing him sob out his monstrous nightmarish stories, you wouldn't mind helping him when he needed help. You would always be there, and that's why he fell in love with you. It took him a while to understand the concepts of love after being lead on by Ada back in Raccoon City. But he got there in the end and he was content with having a crush on you. Even though he thought you would never get with a man like him. Your smile and friendship was enough for him. For now. Your love for Leon was no different. The way he carried himself and his strength mentally was always something you looked up to. He was courageous, no normal person could be like him if they put up with what he was put through a few years ago. His kindness still resided within him - something that you longed for.
Moments later, Leon sees you coming in with a stick of chapstick. The pop of the lid makes him shuffle up from his homemade pillow and blanket mess, his groans apparent as he sat up. "Remind me to not lay down like that again.." He moaned out in pain as he saw you level up the chapstick. "Even when you're sick, you're still funny." You laughed out. "Finally admitting I'm funny now, when I'm on my deathbed?" He playfully rolled his eyes as he put his hand to his head, reenacting how someone would faint. "You are so dramatic Leon." The flick of your finger on his forehead made him yelp. "What the fuck?" Leon chuckled, turning his eyes back on the chapstick. "Red chapstick... really?" He looked at you with tired eyes as he saw your hands approach his head. "It's either this or you can have chapped lips, which one will it be grumpy?" You retorted out jokingly as your left hand tilted his chin up towards you. His face couldn't help but feel warmer... How the hell could it feel warmer when he was ill? A sense of embarrassment overwhelmed Leon as he pursed his lips, a sigh eliciting out his throat. "Fine, chapstick it is."
His gaze wondered over you as the feeling of chapstick replenished the moisture in his lips, slowly rubbing his lips together as you stopped applying it. "Looks like you have lipstick on." He heard you snicker out as your remark slowly made you burst out in a fit of laughter. "Shut uppp.." Leon couldn't help but laugh with you - your giggling made him smile. It was harmonic as he saw tears of joy appear in the creases of your eyes. Laughter slowly died down as you put the chapstick in your pocket - sitting down on Leon's bed. "Does princess Leon need anything else now?" You joked at him as he snuggled back into his fort of blankets. Leon rolled his eyes and averted them towards the side of the room. "You're so kind to me when I'm ill." He grumbled out, a small smile appearing on his lips. "You're welcome." You quipped back as you ruffled his pillows, fluffing them back up to their original shape.
"Thank you..." He hushed out, nervous as it escaped his mouth. Fuck, was that too obvious? "Huh? For fluffing your pillows?" Your head tilted in confusion as your eyes gazed back onto Leon's face. Even when ill, he was so handsome. "No, I mean yeah but.. Thanks for looking after me these past few days. When you could've been having fun with your friends." Leon stuttered out. His heartbeat felt rushed all of a sudden, scared of what you would say back. "You don't have to thank me Leon, it's nice being able to help you out." A soft smile appeared on your lips, he couldn't help but give a weak smile back. "And anyways, you would've done the same thing for me right?" Your hand slid to caress his. Aiding him in some sort of comfort as he mumbled out what he said next. "Yeah.. of course. I would help you with anything."
Leon felt himself get too hot as he hushed out his words. You couldn't help but feel nervous in this situation. His raspy voice hit spots in your heart where you thought it could never be reached. The way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you. Were you both really just friends? "I uh.. Sorry if that came out weird." He broke the silence between you two, feeling scared if he had made things awkward. "No, don't worry. It was really sweet of you to say that." You stumbled over your own words trying to make him think otherwise. The way your soft lips moved as your hand kept caressing his hand made Leon crazy. All he wanted to do was kiss you, hold you in his arms. Make you his. "Leon?" You nudged at him. Oops. He forgot he was mid-conversation with you.
"Sorry." He chuckled out. Fuck it. "You're really pretty." He whispered out meekly. It had felt like you short-circuited. Did Leon just call you pretty? "Huh?" Was all that managed to come out of your mouth as you stared at Leon in bewilderment. "Pretty?" You asked him, as if you were begging him to say it again. A soft chuckle erupted out of Leon's throat as his gaze wondered all over you. "Yeah, really pretty." He made it clear to you his thoughts. "Inside and out, and I'm sorry if I made this awkward I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore." He groaned out as he plopped his head back on his pillow. A subtle smile emerged on your face, looking at the man who just confessed to you. "It's okay, I just didn't think you thought of me that way." A mellow laugh elicited out your throat. "What? Of course I do, I mean look at you... You're beautiful and oh my God.. you treat me so well. I can't help but be in love with you." Leon rambled out, hushing himself as he realized the last part. "Shit..." He mumbled out, knowing he had fully confessed his love to you. He anticipated a rejection, instead he felt a soft kiss press on his forehead.
"I'm in love with you too Leon." She couldn't help but have a wide grin as she relapsed his confession in her mind. Leon on the other hand couldn't believe what just happened. It soon sent him into a coughing fit, with you patting his back and laughing. "Agh.. fuck." His voice rasped out of his throat. "How about you get some rest?" You stroked his face, getting the stray hairs out of his eyes. "Uh.. so we're going to just forget that you kissed my forehead?" He joked as he looked at you with teary eyes, still struggling to breathe from him coughing fit before. "Well I can't kiss you on the lips can I?" You snickered as you pinched his cheek, a small whine escaping his lips. "Yeah.. okay. I'll make it up to you when I'm not dying." Leon groaned out as he melted into your touch. "How are you gonna do that?" Confusion laced in your voice as you asked him that question. "Well if I tell you that'll ruin the surprise." He laughed as he looked into your eyes. Feeling your body leave his made him whine. "Where are you going?" He held onto your hand.
Your lips pressed against his forehead again as you stood up. "It's time for your pills." Leon yanked you back down to him as he rolled his eyes, a yelp leaving your lips. "They can wait." He grumbled out, his arms slowly wrapping around you. "Weren't you just crying about not having your meds?" You snickered out as you melted into his touch. "Hush, I don't need them now." He murmured as he lifted up the blankets, covering the both of you. Leon couldn't care less about the medication if it meant having you in his arms, at least for a bit. "Leon.." You whined out, "You're going to get me sick." You tried to escape his embrace, but to no avail. "We can be sick together." He joked as he kissed your neck, feeling content in his sick body. "Shut up, I'm getting your medicine." Getting up from his tight embrace was hard, but it was possible in the end when he felt you kick his kneecap. "You're really going to leave me when I'm like this?" He huffed out, a small pout forming on his lips. "I'll be back soon with your medicine, it's not like I'm leaving forever." You flicked his forehead as you walked out the door.
He was so in love with you.
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! thank u for reading :)
-> masterlist
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siriuslysmoking · 3 months ago
Herbology Final
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Synopsis: you get assigned to your final Herbology project with the worst man known to man. Not for the project, he's smart (but you're not gonna tell him that), just not for you, he's irritating, self-obsessed, and egotistical. It just so happens that when your flower exploded on you he's the only person you want to be by.
Content Warnings: Sex pollen..., smut, PIV, oral, name calling, unprotected penetration (wrap it before you tap it)
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: Blaise Zabini x reader
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"let's just get this over with" You huff, standing over the counter, feeding the plant so it doesn't eat you.
"My thoughts exactly." Blaise whispers, standing next to you.
This is so painstakingly annoying, it's not the assignment, it's him. You barely talk and Professor Sprout said this assignment was about communication. But the only times you talk is to argue, other than that you just glare at each other's direction.
Your plant seems to be doing fine so far, you've both taken turns watering it and feeding it when it needs certain ingredients, just to avoid each other.
Today is one of the last days of the assignment so you both are taking notes and finishing your assessment. "Does it look ill to you?"
Blaise just rolls his eyes, "Did you forget to feed it?"
"No did you?" You raise your eyebrows accusingly.
"I never forget, anything." He crosses his arms, taking a closer look, leaning into the plant.
Suddenly the plant seemingly sneezes at Blaise and silver dust flies in his face making him sneeze.
You start laughing at him as he wipes the dust off his face and onto his clothes. You double over, getting closer to the plant and then it sprays the dust over you as well.
You cough. trying swipe the silver dust off your face, Blaise mumbles "Karma, bitch."
"Did you just call me a bitch?"
"No, I said, 'Karma's a bitch'." You both know he didn't. You just roll your eyes and continue to wipe your face. "Oh shit, I need to sit down."
Blaise sits on the greenhouse floor, resting against a table leg. You start to feel as if you are burning on the inside, you start to pace as you speak, "What the hell is that?"
"Nothing good." Blaise huffs, seemingly running out of breath. You're starting to sweat so much you need to take your sweater off that is over your button down, loosening your tie. You sit down the row on tables, against your own table leg. You pull your skirt up, almost around your hips, to give you more air, in the corner of your eye you see Blaise unbuttoning his button down, already has discarding his tie, and wrapped it around his hand. "What are you feeling?"
"Hot." Blaise nods at you, staring at you from a few feet away.
"Me too." He pants, He raises his head, looking up to the roof, and you can't help but stare at his adam's apple bob. He has sweat dripping down his neck, following his vein, god how you just want to lick it-
You pause, suddenly assessing yourself... What is wrong with you?
"Can- Can you come here?" Blaise speaks lowly, staring at you with heavy eyes.
"I don't think I can." You unbutton your shirt more, your bra popping out, but at this point you don't even care.
"I think-" He is having trouble getting out what he wants to say. "I need you... to come over here."
You try to stand up but you can't, so you pathetically end up crawling to the man.
"Fuck." He stares at you as you make your way over to him.
"Are you okay?" You try to asses him, make sure he's not hurt and he's just feeling what you're feeling.
"Fuck, no." He looks down to his lap and you can't help but help your eyes following his. You also can't help but stare at it, It's kinda staring at you. Blaise is now watching your face, he makes a desperate noise from his throat. " I think, I want- need you to... help me."
You're not even thinking when you're hands fall to his zipper, "Help like this? Or help like help you get to the hospital wing."
He didn't even speak, just desperately lifting his hips into your hand. You take that he wants the first one. You slowly pull his zipper down with one hand while unbuttoning his trousers with the other. With every touch it feels as if you are feeling one hundred percent more that you did an hour ago.
His hands move to your thighs and they take their time moving up your hip, under your skirt. You don't even notice when your hips buck into his hand. You make quick work with pulling his underwear down, and releasing his pulsing cock into your awaiting hand. You bend down before you can even process what you're doing, you lick his tip, sucking it into your mouth.
Blaise lets out a pathetic noise and moves his hand to cup your cunt over your underwear, you rock into his touch trying to feel any relief.
"No." He mumbles and you quickly retract your mouth from his cock.
"Sorry, I thought-" You don't understand his hand is on you but he doesn't want it? You just sit back on your heels.
"Shut up, stop thinking and sit on my cock." He breathes heavy, pulling your skirt, you shuffle so you're straddling his hips, he moves his hand down to move your underwear to the side, but then he pauses, and looks to you. "Please?"
You nod and sink down onto him, you gasp as you feel every inch of him in you. You rest your head against his and he moves his hand up to your ass to guide your movements and his other hand works quickly on pulling down your button down. He seems frustrated with your buttons so he promptly rips your shirt and the buttons go flying around the greenhouse.
His mouth quickly attaches to your breasts while his unpreoccupied hand moves down to your clit, rubbing in circles.
You rock into him, releasing a desperate sound from the back of your throat. He pulls down your bra to attach his mouth to your perked nipple, then his hand moves back to rub your clit, giving you just what you want.
You grip the back of his head, scratching with your nails. Your hand grabs his throat, making him look up, giving you access to his neck, you make bruising kisses to his throat. His hand moves up to the small of you back, pushing you back and forth on him. "I can't..."
"Cum in me, please, need it." When you feel his release inside of you you can't help but let it overcome you as well. A feeling of ecstasy covers you as Blaise circles your clit lazily.
"Do it, soak my cock, I know you want to." That was all you needed to cross over the line. You gasp into his throat, his hands still guiding you through your orgasim. You can't help but find his lips, finally meeting in a kiss, his tongue licks inside of your mouth, exploring each other. You still sit on his lap with him buried inside of you.
You both catch your breaths, covered in sweat, your foreheads meeting each others, just staring at the other for a moment.
"What the fuck was that?" You ask, panting, out of breath.
"A failed assignment most definitely." Blaise mumbles with heavy eyes.
"God." You can't seem to catch your breath.
"Starved." He pulls your off of his lap, and tugs your sweater over your head, you adjust your clothing while he buttons up his shirt. Once he's done, he pulls himself up and helps you stand. When he notices you struggling to keep yourself standing, so he picks you up, seemingly effortlessly.
He carries you up to the kitchen, neither of you speak, you just breathe him in with your head resting on his neck, once you reach the kitchen door he sets you down. He wraps his arms around your waist, guiding you to the counter.
"What the hell happened to you two?"
You turn to see Enzo Berkshire, holding a cup of hot cocoa in his hands.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated <3
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feyascorner · 1 year ago
Food is not something he's indulged in since he was turned.
He must've enjoyed it once, as every other undead being he's surrounded by. But when he lifts a wine glass to his lips or sips at a broth, all he can do is scrunch his nose, disgusted by the way it tastes. The only thing that satiates him now is blood. He's gotten used to it by now.
So why in the hells he'd thought he could make you soup to soothe your aching throat, he has no idea.
Surely, it can't be terribly difficult? Just a few vegetables, broth, and a pretty bowl to put it in. It would make you feel better if you didn't have to get up and cook for yourself, and he'd get to sit by your side, teasing the way you seem to sneeze every few minutes.
Unfortunately, he's finding that he was horribly wrong.
"You can't feed them this!" Gale exclaims with a groan. "It really is a simple recipe, surely you can make this much."
Astarion glares at him, then back down at the pot of soup sitting pathetically on the stove. He sees Gale testing it one more time with a spoon and shuddering, flinching at the taste. He would taste it himself if it weren't for the fact that it would taste terrible regardless of the culinary quality, but alas, all he can do is narrow his eyes at the deceiving concoction in the pot.
The wizard sets down his testing spoon and sighs. "Look, we can try again tomorrow. We should really feed them soon, anyway."
Astarion frowns. He's killed people and defeated dozens of monsters, and he's brought down by this? A bloody soup? All while getting scolded by Gale, of all people?
He hasn't even tried the soup, but he feels a bit sick.
"Oh, did you guys already cook?"
His ears perk at the sound of your voice, and you pace into the kitchen, wrapped in one of his many blankets. His chest swells at this, but hells if he'd ever show that on his face. "You should be resting, darling."
"I will. I'm just hungry," you sniffle, reaching for the pot of soup. And before Gale can stop you, you're already pouring yourself a serving, and you slowly lift the bowl to your lips, taking a long sip while the said wizard gawks.
Astarion's eyes never leave your expression as you bring the half-empty bowl down to the counter, swiping at the excess in your mouth. You seem in thought, raising a brow before turning to Gale. "Are you experimenting with recipes?"
"It's certainly not one of my makings!" he recoils, almost offended. "I'm afraid I have to give this honor to my friend, here."
Astarion rolls his eyes, readying himself for your criticism of his cooking. He knows you wouldn't be as inelegant as Gale when speaking your concerns about the damned soup, but he thinks it might have more of an impact on him anyway, simply because it's you.
Getting his feelings hurt over a bowl of soup would certainly be a new low for him.
You stare at him for a moment in a painful silence before lifting the rest of the bowl to down the rest. Even Astarion blinks this time, watching in utter disbelief as you drink the soup like the finest wine in Faerun.
And when you set the bowl down, you shrug. "It's good."
Gale's jaw drops, but all Astarion does is stare at you with wide eyes. You yawn, trudging back to your room without another word, his blanket trailing behind your heels. He only snaps out of his trance when he hears Gale sigh obnoxiously loud at his side.
"It's your lucky day. It seems the sickness has rendered her tastebuds malfunctioning."
Despite the embarrassing way, he feels the tips of his pointed ears flush, Astarion cracks a triumphant smile.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months ago
Eddie noticed things. Well, not always right away, but he noticed things. He noticed that Steve liked to be affectionate with the people he cared about: Robin, Dustin, Nancy, and so on. He tried not to read into it when Steve immediately started doing it with him in the Upside Down. He could still feel the tingles from when Steve had placed his hand on his lower back for the first time. The shock that shot through Eddie and the realization that it might not be just women for him nearly sent him crashing to the ground. Worst time to have a sexuality crisis. It had made him realize that he had been checking out Steve on that boat, though. They hadn't gotten together for a long time, though, with them both still healing and Eddie dealing with the aftermath of everything, still dealing with the weight of Chrissy's death. Not until after the kids had gone back to school again.
"I'm just worried, you know! Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, and Vickie graduated. Who's going to look after the kids? Plus, becoming a basketball coach is something I would definitely enjoy doing. Is that stupid?" Steve asked.
Eddie was leaning back against the counter, watching Steve restock the shelves in Family Video. It was empty except for them. He loved the way that Steve’s eyes lit up all protective-like when he talked about the kids. It made Eddie's insides all fuzzy.
"Fucking marry me," Eddie had blurted out.
"Buy me dinner first," Steve said, blushing.
"Okay," Eddie said. "It's a date."
Steve looked at him for a moment, trying to decide if he's serious or not. His face split into a grin, and he put the wrong video on the shelf. He was ridiculously goofy-looking with the way that he grinned, the way his hazel eyes got bigger, and his prince charming hair just looking even better today. Eddie couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh. That was that. Being with Steve was an adjustment because he had to change his entire view of jocks. He could no longer look at them all as the enemy. It was just a game, just like his own game. The real assholes were the ones that hunted him down, who accused him of murder, and bullied him and his group of misfits. No, the real enemy were the people like Higgins who thought there needed to be division and hatred because they had different interests. Eddie couldn't prove it, but he was pretty sure that Higgins had encouraged their behavior and, because of that, had given Eddie a skewed view of jocks. So, it's all Higgins' fault, really.
Over the last few months of being with Steve, he had come to accept a few things: that jocks weren't all bad, that he was actually starting to like sports, and that he was absolutely in love with Steve. Though he wished Wayne would stop cackling at him. Yeah, yeah, all the shit he gave Wayne about liking sports, and Eddie had to go fall for a jock. The one thing he really loved about Steve was how much he would do for the people, but he hated that he would sacrifice taking care of himself to do it. Although, Eddie was guilty for taking the opportunity to swoop in like a brave knight to help take care of the former king of Hawkins High.
"Where do you think you're going?" Eddie asked from the doorway of Steve’s bedroom.
"Dustin needs a ride," Steve groaned as he rolled out of bed.
"How are you going to do that when you're sick?" Eddie asked.
"I'm not sick," Steve scowled. "I do not get sick."
Steve sneezed so hard that he fell back onto the bed. He groaned, a snot bubble coming out of his nose.
"Sexy," Eddie grinned.
"Fuck off," Steve groaned.
"You say such sweet things to me," Eddie said.
Steve got up off the bed, stuffed his feet into two different pairs of shoes, and tried to move past Eddie. He grabbed Steve’s shoulders.
"I got to give Dustin a ride," Steve said. "I promised."
"Hm, okay, what day of the week is it?" Eddie asked his very stubborn boyfriend.
"It's Tuesday," he scoffed.
"Yeah, try again, big boy. It's Thursday," Eddie said.
"If it's Thursday, does that mean I already gave him a ride?" Steve asked.
"I gave him a ride, and I'm here now. You don't have to be a single mom anymore, Stevie," he teased, flashing his dimples. "Daddy's here."
Eddie picked Steve up and laid him on the bed.
"You're just trying to get into my pants. I'm not sick," Steve said and coughed up phlegm.
"And what's that?" Eddie said.
"I forgot to swallow again," Steve said. "I'll do better. I just need practice."
Eddie had stayed all week to take care of Steve and another week for Steve to take care of him when he got sick. Supposedly, he had been worse than Steve, but he was pretty sure that Steve was lying. Steve hadn't complained about it, though. Apparently, he had gotten used to it when he had to take of Eddie when he gotten bit by the bats. Eddie really didn't remember how needy he had been, but apparently, he had been. It was amazing how easy it had been to slip into the role of caring boyfriend, considering that he had never really been one. The first girl he had been with had been a dare for her, and the second had been Paige. He had epically screwed that up. He wasn't perfect, and neither was Steve. Oddly enough, he liked that about their relationship. They didn't have to try so very hard to be perfect. There's always a little give and take in every relationship, though.
"Steve, honey, what are you wearing?" Eddie asked him one day when they were hanging out at Steve's house.
He was dressed all in black. Okay, the black pants were a good fit, but there was something off about everything else. There was something missing.
"You don't like it?" Steve pouted.
"I mean, I do, and I don't," Eddie said, shaking his head. "Where the fuck is your polo?"
"I just thought a change might be good," Steve said.
"No! Nope! No way!" Eddie exclaimed. "If I wanted to date myself, I would take my hand out for a nice little dinner!"
"Robin said - "
"Robin also believes that there are little demobat eggs waiting to burst out of us like in Alien," Eddie said. "So, what she says might not be so trustworthy especially since there's the possibility that she's fucking with you."
"So, you really don't like it?" Steve asked.
"Steve, baby, I love your sweet little sexy numbers," Eddie said. "Do you know why I love seeing you in them?"
"Why?" Steve asked.
Eddie sighed and pulled Steve into his lap.
"Because you like wearing them," Eddie said. "I don't want you to be me or anyone else. I fell in love with Steve Harrington, and Steve Harrington is what I'm going to get. I love everything about you, from your pastel colors to your polos to you playing basketball. Everything. So, if you don't want to wear these clothes, you shouldn't."
"I love you, too," Steve said. "I mean, I kind of like the black pants with the polo, but other than that, I'll change back."
"Yeah, I figured," Eddie grinned. "I mean, there's nothing about me that you want to change?"
"No! I love everything about you," Steve said. "I mean, I wish you wouldn't leave the wet towels on our bathroom floor. I totally busted my ass on them the other day."
"I think I can work on that," Eddie said and caressed his butt. "Wouldn't want to do anything to damage this sweet thing. But seriously, Stevie, don't change a thing. I'd rather you butt ass naked than try to be me."
"I think I can work on that too," Steve grinned and kissed him. "Let me go change."
Eddie sighed and watched him walk out of the room. When Steve came back in, he wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing, and his hands were firmly on his hips.
"Well, I was going to put on my polo, but I got a little hot and bothered," Steve said.
"Goddamn, darlin," Eddie whistled, stood up, slapping Steve’s ass. "I guess I have to go put up those towels. It's not fair if only you make the effort."
"I love you!"
"I love you more!"
"More than Dungeons and Dragons?!"
"Don't push it!"
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dingodoodles · 6 months ago
Sorry if something like this has already been asked but I'm curious. I can barely remember what I had for dinner a week ago, how do you remember all the details for Fools Gold from a campaign you did years ago? Does Felix still have his DM notes that you can use to cross reference?
I weirdly have a pretty good memory for campaigns. Sometimes things are missed. But I remember the over all story and beats we hit. I also have expanded on what we had. The dialog is not exactly what was said at the table simply cause I can't remember that detailed. HOWEVER There are some lines and jokes that are straight from the campaign simply because they were so good I couldn't forget them. Examples of this would be: Ep. 6 = hitting Sneeze's dead body onto the big crystal. Ep. 17= Vicky asking what Sips name was and him saying "NOPE TOO PERSONAL" Ep. 31 = Elowen saying "Ok now take this sledge hammer and give him a good smash!" I could name so many more but these are just a few. Fool's Gold is a retelling so it's not 100% accurate. I tried my best but a lot I've had to change or expand on, simply cause at the time we weren't thinking "Ok how does Sips curse work again???" We just kinda went with whatever Felix threw at us. If I ever change something I talk to Felix and make sure he's cool with it. This was how the other side of the portal was created. As the original version was just a bigger and more dangerous jungle. But I wanted to make it unique and special to reflect the story. There is sometimes I have to ask Felix about a characters name ect. He does have his notes from the campaign still but they are REAL sparse. He wasn't thinking about taking detailed notes at the beginning. His notes have gotten better now. Maybe one day we'll do a live stream and read through them haha Anyway, that's my long winded answer lol
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obvithe-bestsoph · 1 month ago
please can you do pau cubarsi prompt 97 🙏🙏 and more pau cubarsi imagines pleasee
thank you
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No. 93 | "You've taken good care of me, now let me take care of you." PC2 masterlist requests
prompt list (if you request a prompt, please request a player for it as well!) warnings: sickness (flu/cold), mentions of vomit, mentions of hickeys
First, Pau caught it. For him, yes, it was the flu, but it had been more of a mild cold. Even still, he’s an absolute mopey, clingy baby when he’s sick, which is perfectly fine by you. However, because you spent days cuddling with him in bed, cooking for him, and curled up on the couch watching movies together, you then contracted said flu.
And you got it far worse than he did.
For you, it was some kind of vomiting, sneezing, coughing, snotty, insomnia-type illness, instead of Pau’s stuffy-nosed, itchy-throated cold. Having spent the first few days on the bathroom floor, next to the toilet, you had refused Pau from visiting, not wanting him to see you in such a state, to which he had said, “No siguis idiota, vinc (don’t be an idiot, i’m coming over).” And he held your hair back as you threw up. Pau hated vomit, and you did too, so no one was having a particularly great time at the moment, but he was pushing through, for you. After the vomiting stage ended, it was cuddling in bed more or less 24/7. You were sleepy and cold all the time, but even still, at every mealtime, you would get up to go and cook, only to be pushed back down onto the bed, kissed on the forehead, and told that he would do it for you. Would you end up with some kind of weird lunch, like an apple and some leftover paella rice? Yeah, probably. But it’s the thought that counts, right?
And each time you tried to protest his help, he’d just say;
“You’ve taken good care of me, now let me take care of you.”
So eventually, too tired to argue, you agree. For the few days left of your sickness, you are spoiled with all your favourite things. Pau learnt how to cook your favourite meal, did a facemask or two with you, brushed your hair, braided it too, watched your silly romance movies with you, gave you all the kisses you wanted, and even brought you your favourite flowers after a supermarket run for snacks. It was days like these when you realised just how amazing your boyfriend is.
You two were lying in bed, currently on opposite sides of the mattress, because you were slightly irritated today as you had a temperature, sending him and his body heat to the other side. It didn’t help at all that you were ovulating, so on top of this awful sickness, you had cramps and were horny and had awful baby fever. It sounds stereotypical, yes, but it’s just what happened. So, your uterus was killing you, as well as your throat, nose and chest. You were starting to get a sore neck and back from laying around in bed so much too.
All in all, you’re feeling pretty miserable. But Boyfriend Pau is here to save the day. He gets a cold flannel for your head, massages your neck and back in the shower, so the steam can clear out your nose at the same time, washes your hair and stands with you, hugging, under the warm water. When you guys get out and head back to bed, he lays his head against your stomach, the weight and warmth of it soothing your cramps slightly, and lets you yap about babies all you want, although he does still let you down gently when you yet again ask him if he’s sure we’re too young to have one. He helps (or actually slightly fuels) the horniness with a few make-outs here and there before you fall asleep against him. “T'estimo (i love you).” he would murmur as you drifted off, eyeing the fresh red, and occasionally purple, depending on his mood at the time, lovebites and hickeys across your neck. Unaware of his slightly proud smirk and staring, you would reply with a, “Jo també t'estimo. Cap a les estrelles i tornada (i love you too. to the stars and back).”
So, while this week had been a pretty shitty one, it had also been great, because you got to spend hours simply having that perfect teenage romance with the boy you got to call yours.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 year ago
Nagging II
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You come back from national duty sick
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In all honesty, you blamed Selma.
It was all her fault. She came down with something just minutes after your match against Portugal. You were ninety percent sure she had sneezed all over your things but with no way to prove it, you blamed her from a distance.
The day you got back to Barcelona was spent hovering over your toilet bowl and throwing up all of the crappy plane food you ate earlier.
Your head pounded and you wished you had blackout blinds because even the faintest sliver of sunlight made it worse.
You sent Jona a text as soon as you could deal with the light from your phone, saying that you would be taking the next few days off.
He replied with a thumbs up and you left it at that as another wave of nausea coursed through you and you crouched over your toilet bowl.
You didn't even think about texting any of your teammates, more focussed on keeping down anything you ate.
You dimmed your lights and closed your blinds when the nausea disappeared enough for you to move before retreating back to your bathroom floor.
You don't know when you fell back asleep but the cold tiles against your cheeks were soothing and the silence felt nice in your blocked ears.
You only woke up when you felt someone nudging at your shoulder. You groaned, your eyelids feeling like they were glued together so you blindly batted at whoever was touching you
"Come on, kiddo." You recognised Lucy's voice but still refused to open your eyes, more than content to lay limp on your bathroom floor. "Up you get."
Lucy didn't seem to be taking no for an answer so you cracked open your eyelids. It was the wrong move though because as soon as you opened them, it was like your stomach realised that it was feeling sick because you had to launch yourself at the toilet as you dry heaved over the bowl.
"Or, on second thought, you can stay there," She said, nose wrinkling in disgust as you collapsed on top of your toilet," How long have you been feeling like this?"
You could barely make sense of her words as you moved to rest back against the tiled walls. Your chest rose and fell erratically as you tried to regain your breath.
"Have you eaten?"
"Jesus," You groaned," How many of there are you?"
Alexia stood in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. She was looking at you with disapproval but you couldn't find it in yourself to care. "Have you eaten?"
You gestured to your toilet. "Does it look like I can keep anything down?"
"Have you taken some medicine, at least?"
This time, it was Lucy who answered," Does it look like she can even walk?"
Alexia sighed, bringing her fingers up to massage her temple. "How long has this been going on? Why did we have to hear about it from Jona?"
You groaned, your head pounding. "If you're going to ask me so many questions can you at least slow them down?"
A head popped around the doorway. "Is she still alive?"
"Yes, Mapi," Alexia said," She's still alive."
"Good," Mapi replied," Because Ingrid's making soup and I don't want her to waste the effort if it turns out that the kid is dead."
"God," You groaned, finally sitting upright again," It's nice to know how I rank on your list of priorities, Mapi."
Mapi scrunched her nose up at you. "You look like death warmed up. Have we got to go to the hospital?"
When Lucy and Alexia began to look like they were contemplating it, you fought back against the swirling of your stomach.
"No, no hospital," You said, getting up shakily and sagging against Lucy when she moved to help you," It's just a little sickness. Selma's already let it run its course on her. I'll be fine in a few days."
"We'll be the judge of that," Lucy said as she guided you out of your bathroom and onto the sofa.
Ingrid was at your stove, mixing up a pot of soup while Frido seemed to flutter around your entire apartment, doing all of the chores you had put off since coming back from France.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you come back here," Lucy muttered as she forced you to drink an electrolyte drink," I should have just made you come home with me."
Most of the time, you lived with Lucy while playing at Barcelona but the club still paid for an apartment for you. Your flight in last night was late and you just told Lucy you would crash at your own place and go back with her after training.
"We can deal with that later," Alexia said dismissively as she shoved a thermometer into your mouth," Leave that there!"
"I don't even own one of these," You complained around it.
"I bought one with me," Frido said as she brought over Ingrid's soup," You need to stock up on medicine too. You've got nothing."
"I don't need to stock up on anything if I've never bought any. Wh-" You were cut off by Mapi shoving a spoonful of soup into your mouth.
The older girls all talked over the top of your head.
"I can take her home with me," Lucy said," We just need to pack her a bag."
"No," Alexia said," She's sick. She shouldn't move anywhere until she's better."
"Mapi and I can stay with her tonight," Ingrid said," One of us can make sure she's okay and the other can stock up on medicine."
"She said it's a short bug," Alexia nodded," So hopefully it won't be too bad."
"I don't know..." Frido looked over at the way you pushed away Mapi and her spoon in favour of hunching over and squeezing at your head. "She's only a kid. I think at least a week."
"A week..." Alexia fell silent for a moment. "Ingrid, if you and Mapi are okay with watching over her tonight then I'll take over for tomorrow and the day after. Frido can have the next two and then Lucy..."
"If she's alright after Frido's shift I'll take her back to my place," Lucy said," And if she's not, I'll hang out here until she's well enough."
"Good," Alexia said. She grabbed one of your blankets from the dryer and threw it around your shoulders. "Does anyone have Renard's number? It would probably be best if someone told her that her protege's down for the count."
"I've got it," Lucy said before wincing," God, I'm screwed. She's going to have my head."
"Just blame Selma," You said, having enough of the girls talking about you like you weren't in the room with them," It's her fault anyway."
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drawing-prompt-s · 1 year ago
GoFundMe: Getting the kitten to the vet...
for a rabies shot, FIV testing, and a possible upper respiratory infection!
So someone sent in the last $305 I needed while I was asleep. I'm transferring it to my account now which means I'm a) shutting off the GFM as soon as the transfers process and b) taking in the kitten as soon as the money becomes available to me - so likely by Friday I'll take her in, or Saturday or Monday (they do half days Saturday, and are closed Monday).
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GoFundMe Link Paypal Link
Venmo Link Cashapp Link
Multiple payment options available because I am typically asked for alternatives to GFM and PP.
$350 / $350
From the GoFundMe description:
So, unplanned, there is a new kitten in the house as of Feb. 22, 2024. (Not Jolene's, she is fixed). When at my friend's house - where I will be moving in a few months - we found out that a cat that comes to visit often is not only owned, but a mom. However, the neighbor doesn't want the kittens, so he always puts them outside and leaves them there. I could no, in my right mind, leave the kitten outside by a trashcan and under a tire in February of all months, so I brought her home.
So far I have treated her for hookworms, given her the vaccines I can do myself, and looked into getting a spay voucher from one of the local shelters. The kitten is roughly 3 months old.
However, current concerns are that she may have an upper respiratory infection (and there is always the concern that she could be FIV+). She has an inflamed eye with a regular and concerning amount of discharge and has for a few days. I have also caught her sneezing and she has started coughing on more than a few occasions. She also has a few other signs of sickness - anemia, the runs, and some blood spotted in it. If it is a URI, I need to catch it as fast as possible because I also have Jolene, my 3 year old cat. She absolutely also needs FIV testing and a rabies shot because of that, and because where we are moving there are other cats.
Jolene and the kitten have both been getting along well. The kitten loves to follow her around and Jolene acts more like the disgruntled big sister (don't let her fool you, I have caught them playing regularly - she just needs her alone adult time too).
I have already altered a bit of my projected finances and removed money from my savings to care for the kitten and help her. But there is only so far that can go as I also need to be able to afford gas, food, and furniture for the upcoming move (I'm going to start buying things soon so I can put it together and move my stuff prior to the official move date). I was trying to put off a full vet visit until sending the kitten in for a spay, but with her eye and the possibility of infection spreading to other cats, it can no longer wait.
I am shutting off this GFM as soon as I reach the goal. The vet said to budget for a little more than $300, between the base cost of a visit, FIV testing, rabies, and potential treatment for an Upper Respiratory Infection- assuming it's nothing too major. And I added a little more to what I am expecting because GFM does take a fee from donations.
If the kitten does end up being FIV+ we do have rehoming options available or I will find someone better suited to handle an FIV+ cat (either already having one of their own or a home with no pets).
I tried to take a video of the eye, but as you can imagine, a 3 month old kitten isn't the most keen on staying still, haha.
Let me add in the breakdown as well, now that I think about it:
Base cost for my vet to see a new cat (even as a pre-established client with other cats treated there): $100
FIV testing: $40
Rabies (and other vaccines I may be missing I was unable to do myself): $35 - $45
And the vet recommended budgeting about $100 for medications depending on what they find (if she still has worms, if she has other parasites due to being outside untreated, if she has a URI like the current concern is): $100
The rest is tax, the % upcharge for using a card, and to negate the fees that GFM with-drawls from each donation.
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