#and then her brother tries to overthrow her for it
clonerightsagenda · 9 months
Dianda and Patrick are like that Gimli and Legolas post about Gimli marrying a shit tier ugly ass elf except all of Dianda's contemporaries are going "wow really letting down the cause here by marrying some prep who can't rip out a shark's throat with his teeth" and Dianda's like "I know... but I love him".
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Danny laid across his throne, legs planted across the left arm of the ornate chair and back pressed uncomfortably against the right.
"Listen," Danny started, letting his head flop to the side as he glared at a hovering Observant. "This meeting has wasted enough of my time. You all have been arguing for hours and that's without Clockwork slowing things down."
"Your Majesty, this is a matter of great importance. Belial means to overthrow and rule my-our world!"
"I am distinctly aware aware of that," Ancients, Danny couldn't wait to go home and rid himself of the formal speech he'd had to adopt in order to be taken seriously. Well, as seriously as he cared to be taken when sprawled across his throne instead of sitting on it intimidatingly or something. He slowly placed his gaze on the suddenly still demon sitting across from him. "Yet you've proposed fifteen different plans that were all unviable for whatever reasons you've cooked up. Your conclusion is that I must step in. Does your world not have heroes to take care of it?"
The demon- another lord of hell from this Belial’s universe- fell silent.
“Ah. But if they do, they would also take care of you.”
“No- no, that’s not-”
Danny allowed his voice to drop to the artic freeze he knew his core was capable of. "I opened these these doors to allow all of you to present me with reasonable concerns regarding your own universes and realms. What is not on the table for discussion is your petty politics. Do you think I am unaware of your intentions in tattling to me? That I do not know you are trying to use me to further your own position?"
"Your Majesty, I-" The demon growled out, fear slowly coating its expression.
"It no longer amuses me. You think that I am young and easy to manipulate." Danny froze the demon to its chair. It tried to break free, but Danny isn't the High King of the Infinite Realms for nothing. "Bring to me a miserable problem like this ever again, one that could be easily solved if you used even a smidgen of your intelligence, and you will find exactly how I tore Pariah Dark from his throne."
Not that Danny knew how he did it either, he just did it.
"Yes, Your Majesty. My-my apologies."
The room is dead (Danny patted himself on the back for the pun) silent. Some of the Ancients looked bored, like Clockwork who knew Danny would never hurt them, but everyone else looked close to crying. He held eye contact with the demon until it looked away.
When Danny settled back into the throne and allowed his ice to dissipate, the room let out a collective sigh of relief.
"The next item on the agenda is another demon, by the name of Trigon." Clockwork announced, the large piece of paper comically huge next to his currently toddler-like body.
He flicked an amused look at the previous demon, who kept his trap firmly shut.
"He is attempting to take over multiple worlds in an attempt to conquer the universe. I had thought you would be interested in this one, Your Majesty, as he plans to begin with Earth 135."
Danny stilled. That was his Earth. His haunt.
"Does he know of the Realms?"
"Vaguely, I believe."
"Then he should know the rules. I will wait to see if my Earth's heroes are capable to step to the task."
Danny would be a hypocrite if he doesn’t let the heroes of his Earth try first, even if he is one of those heroes.
"Of course," Clockwork grinned at him, fully aware of the shit Danny's about to stir back home. Ah, the wonders of being able to influence the time stream. Perhaps the young Ghost King will finally get some friends, and maybe get those pesky speedsters to stop making his jobs so hard. Cujo yipped at Danny as the King begrudgingly moved onto the next topic.
Raven shuddered as she watched the footage of her "brothers" laughing while steering their human "meatbags" around. She turned back to the giant circle of donated blood and herb filled candles.
“This is a nuclear option, don’t you think?” Green Arrow mumbled, clearly not against it by the half hearted way he’d said it. The Star City billionaire nursed his cracked ribs.
“No,” she floated over to where Zatanna and Constantine kneeled, trying to see if they needed help with the inscriptions. “Trigon is coming soon, and my brothers will no doubt find their way here in a moment. We are out of time.”
“Yeah. Plus, we don’t want Raven to be turned into a portal.” Garfield piped up, switching animal forms rapidly.
“No one dies.” Red Robin muttered. His wrist computer was open, monitoring the surroundings of the open field they found themselves uneasily occupying. Batman grunted in affirmation, eyeing the tree line. Every hero except the magical ones were on look out, preparing themselves for one more battle against the two demons that were trying to take Raven and force her into becoming a portal.
“Hey guys, we might want to hurrythisupbecausethey’re kind of close!” Impulse slammed into the room.
“Done.” Zatanna got up, motioning for everyone to step back. In Superman’s case, he floated back.
“Too bad you won’t get to use it,” a voice drawled, dripping with malice and the screams of a thousand souls.
“Come now, little sister. Why fight fate? Be grateful father has deigned to spare you. If not for your dirty blood being useful, you would be dead, little sister. Give up, before our patience runs out alongside the lives of your little pets.” Another, mocking, voice gleefully rumbled.
Raven would rather gouge out her own heart than to claim these two as any type of family.
“You won’t touch them.” Raven snarled, powers rising even as the marks on her body burned a painful red.
“Buy us some time!”
With that, the group of beaten and battered heroes rose to clash against just two demons, for a chance to save their world.
The Circle crackled. Danny felt a tug on his core. He followed the thread of the summoning. Oh. It was his haunt. Earth 135. Hm. It tasted of blood. Desperation? A hint of anticipation. Oh, an overload of fear. Could use some more hope, but Danny understood that it was rather hard to season these kinds of summonings with hope.
“Stop.” Danny commanded, straightening in his chair.
“Sire, we have more-”
“There is an issue with my haunt,” with that, he followed the summons.
“Ugh,” was the first thing everybody on the frozen battlefield heard. The demons had smacked away many of the heroes, but they all turned as one when the circle lit up a bright green. “Why do you people always use blood? I’m dead, I don’t need any more iron!”
A boy
Raven’s eldest brother let out a hideous rumble. “You fools tried to summon the king, and you got a dead boy. And now, you’ve doomed another.”
Constantine looked resigned, and regretful. “I am so, so sorry,” he whispered. It was just a kid. John might be a lot of things, but even he found summoning dead kids for demons to devour was just a step too far. “Shite, we got the wrong fucking-”
“Hey, man, that’s rude,” the boy snapped back, waving John off.
“Brother, kill the whelp.”
“I vote on not killing the whelp. Not killing at all, really,” the boy stepped out of the massive blood circle, wrinkling his nose at the drying stains.
“This is not one of your pesky democracies, fool.”
In response, the demons lunged at him, ignoring the screams of the surrounding heroes as they shoved their human arms through the boy’s stomach.
“So,” the boy continues, “I heard your dad was after my haunt?”
“Your haunt, whelp? This earth shall be his! And through him, ours!” Raven slammed against the demons with her power, shadows enlarging and tossing them away from the unharmed… ghost boy?
“Is it?”
Wow, these demons are so rude. Normally, it’d be a breath of fresh air compared to the stuffy halls of his throne room. But since they’re attacking his haunt…
“Thanks. You’re… Raven, right?”
Raven nodded, arms outstretched in concentration as she held her brothers back.
“You have to go. We’re- we’re sorry you got pulled into this, but it’s not safe here.”
“Eh. It’s cool. You don’t have to do that anymore, by the way.” Danny stepped forward once more, green skin shifting and gliding as everything about him sharpened. He flew at the demons piloting the human shells, catching them around the necks and dragging the demons out of their stolen bodies. The threw them even further away as he floated in the air, a beacon of green and white. Raven thought it looked like hope.
“My name is Phantom, the High King of the Infinite Realms,” let it be known that Danny always had an eye for dramatic entrances. He shifted into something more off, more eldritch, more kingly. The crown flared to life above his head. “You have invaded my haunt. You have challenged me. What do you plead?”
“You’re not-” they said.
“Wrong answer,” Danny flew at them once more, body contorting into something undeniably terrorizing, his maw unhinging and crunching down on the demons with a sound that made the present heroes cringe.
“Ugh,” Danny grunted, turning back and floating peacefully to the group of heroes- Tucker and Sam would be so stoked he met Wonder Woman and Batman!- and chewed rapidly. He shifted back into his normal form. “Eating demons always leaves me with indigestion. And their bones get everywhere up in my teeth!” Danny pulled out a giant femur looking bone from his mouth, despite it not logically fitting in there.
“Right. No eating demons, solid life advice.” Red Robin said.
“Right? So, you’re Raven! It’s nice to meet you! Think you can summon your dear ol’ dad for me?”
“But we summoned you to stop Trigon, not help him come here.” Superman said, frowning.
“One! That summoning circle is wack. Those things you piled up as offerings? Mid. Also, if you thought you could control me with those terribly written spells, you’re dead wrong. And yes, I am making puns about death.” Danny jabs an aggressive finger towards the shabby circle.
“Have you considered that maybe not every being that can be summoned wants a shit ton of useless blood? Like what if I wanted food? And two, how am I supposed to beat up Trigon if he’s still stuck in the prison realm?”
“I have a cup of coffee,” Nightwing offered. “Kid Flash could probably get you food, right?”
“Yep, surethinganythingyouwantyourMajesty.”
“You wouldn’t catch me alive accepting food from a speedster. You people fuck up the timelines so much,” Danny grumbled, crunching on the last of Raven’s brothers. Raven thought she should probably sit down.
“But you’re dead.” Batman said, something about his voice catching the sharp attention of his protégés who all started making cutting motions at him.
“Fair,” Danny pointed at him, grinning. “I’ll take two pizza and Nightwing’s coffee as payment for taking care of your little demon overlord problem. Raven, summon your dad.”
Didn’t much like the characterization of this piece but it’s been in my drafts for a while and I needed it out
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Hello I saw your event and got interested! I was wondering if you could do #24 with Idia (romantic, fluff, and suggestive if possible) with fem!reader?
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idia shroud x f!reader [tags] – romantic, fluff, suggestive [wc} – 3, 241 prompt 24: “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” notes - the only way to write idia is kind pathetic like a wet cat. i love pathetic men a floral inconvenience
According to legend, a Japanese emperor gave blue hydrangeas to the girl he loved, to apologize for neglecting her and to show how much he really cared for her. Their petal shape resembles a beating heart. 
Idia thinks that he was cursed in a past life for doing something awful. Maybe he kidnapped someone’s kid and tried to kill them. Maybe he tried to overthrow the gods and take over himself, but failed miserably. Or maybe, worst of all: broke someone’s limited-edition, vintage Tokyo Mew Mew Ichigo figurine. 
He sure as the underworld that he did something, why else would he be puking up hanahaki flowers like some cringey Canon x Reader fanfic? 
“Big Bro! You really should go to the school infirmary, the petals and stems can cause irritation and damage to the trachea and nasopharynx if not treated properly!”
Ortho was currently hovering over him, fretting like a mother hen over her chick. How ironic, Idia thought as he picked at the petals still in his teeth, it was for the little brother to be caring for the elder. 
“Why do that when I can just have the school delivery bots bring me medicine. Then I won’t have to interact with anyone, I’d literally DIE if anyone saw me like this…”
Especially if the Prefect saw him. The image of her sweet face, and beaming smile…like a scene from a shoujo manga, flooded his mind. He could practically hear her voice, full of concern, asking, “Are you okay, Idia?”
Idia fell into a sneezing fit, petals flying from his mouth and nose as his sneezes continued, one after the other, until he was also thrown into a hoarse, wet-sounding cough. 
“Big Bro! That’s it, you’re going to the nurse!” Ortho, despite being quite small, grabbed Idia by the back of his striped pajama shirt, much like one grabs a wet cat by the scruff of its neck. 
“UUuuuuuuuuuughghuguguguhidonwannaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHh!” Idia cried out in a whiney, high-pitched tone. 
His brother, perhaps taking pity on his brother, took the shortcut to the infirmary, cutting directly pass the buildings and fields as Idia’s arms and legs loosely flew like cooked spaghetti noodles. Flying through the window that Nurse Goethel often kept open for fresh air, Ortho plopped Idia into a spare bed, who collapsed like a ragdoll into the thin mattress. 
“I’ll go check you in with the Nurse, I’ll be right back, please make yourself comfortable Idia!”
Idia gave a muffled grumble as a response, shoving his face further into the hard surface of the bed with a sense of dread. He could hear Ortho speak with Goethel at her desk. 
Well, he thought, at least she won’t see me looking all gross and lovesick like some normie—
“Idia, oh my god, are you sick?” 
A shrill, ear-splitting shriek left his mouth as the flames of his hair blew up into a blazing hot pink. Idia bolted him, a sharp pain hitting the top of his head as he heard you yelp. As he rubbed the pained spot, Idia noticed that you too were rubbing your chin. Oh Sevens, he hit your chin with his big, stupid head. 
“Ooowwwww, damn Idia, you hit hard…” you hissed, though you gave him a sweet smile in reassurance. 
“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have scared you…though why are you covered in flowers?”
Idia froze, debating on whether or not he should open his mouth and potentially say something damning, or just stay quiet and hope you’d just get weirded out and leave. 
“Because he’s an idiot who didn’t come to immediately see me at the first petal cough!” 
The nurse came up to Idia with a disapproving glare, handing you a clipboard and pen before slipping on a clean pair of gloves. 
“Prefect, please check the boxes for every symptom I find. I believe I know what it is, but we need to check all our bases.” 
Idia peeked at you from the corner of his eye as you smiled at him, waving your fingers as the nurse whispered a spell to turn her magic pen into a makeshift flashlight. 
“Now, open up and say ‘ah’ so I can see what those flowers are doing to you.” 
Following her instructions, Idia tried his best to be a cooperative and willing patient, if just to get out of here faster. Unfortunately, your presence only seemed to make it harder to do so, as hydrangea flowers bloomed from the pores of his skin, focusing particularly around his hands and neck. 
The nurse, he’s sure, could also see the magic sparkles forming as a new bouquet formed through his throat and shot up his mouth. She tsked, leaning back to allow Idia to hack out the now decent sized hydrangea bouquet. They were a vibrant blue, much like his hair. 
“Ah, go, go on and let it out.” The nurse waved a hand at Ortho. “Dear, please fetch your brother a cup of the tea I have brewing at my desk. Prefect? Please note that the patient has no evidence of root growth in his throat.”
“Root growth!? Is my brother going to be okay?” Ortho worriedly rushed over, the tea spilling over the rim of the foam cup. “Is it a curse or disease? Is my brother growing a plant in his lungs!?”
“Ortho, you scanned me earlier this week, remember?” Idia hoarsely replied, taking the tea to gingerly sip at it. “Nothing in ‘em, or my stomach ‘cept ramen noods.”
“A WEEK?!” The three of you flinched at the shrill gasp of Goethel, who was glaring daggers at Idia. “Mr. Shroud, you’ve been sick with an unknown flora disease and you didn’t even bother to let the staff know? What if you were contagious!!”
Idia shrank into himself as he whispered, “It’s not like I leave my room…” 
“Bateria or the pollen could’ve gotten into the air vents and infected the rest of your dorm, ugh.” The nurse sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose before addressing you. “Miss Y/N, if you mark down the lack of root growth, fever, and magical origin of the flowers, what do you get?”
He watched as you flipped through the clipboard, smile slightly faltering as you read one of the papers. You cleared your face briefly, before smiling politely back at the nurse and Idia.
“Based on everything, it seems that Idia most likely has the flower sickness, also known as the love sickness, petal fever, or, most commonly, hanahaki.”
Idia cringed at the cold, monotone sound of your voice. Now he’d done it. You knew, somehow you knew that he had the biggest, fattest, most twitterpated-full crush on you. No, crush was understated. He had dreams of you, the cringiest, domestic fantasy-based shit where he’d imagine you, waking up in bed with him back at the Island of Woe. You had given him a sleepy smile as you curled into side, naked. With a smile and a kiss to his lips, dream you turned over to hover over him, trailing small kisses and love bites down his body, further and further as you whispered to him, over and over, “I love you, Idia—”
A queasy, dizzying feeling fell over Idia as a particularly painful croup caused him to double over and vomit last night's dinner alongside blue, heart-shaped petals. 
“Big Brother!”
“Shroud—Prefect, hold his hair back! Ortho, grab the trashcan, I’ll go get some cleaning supplies and new sheets.”
Nurse Goethel barked orders to the other two, who quickly jumped into action. Idia could feel a shiver as he felt your hands softly grasp his flaming hair, fingers grazing his cheek as you tucked his bangs behind his ears. He could barely make out your coos, no doubt comforting him. You must be disgusted seeing him like this, having to care for a sopping wet cat of a man. Ortho was holding the trash can, right on time for Idia to hurl some more flowers and stomach acid. 
“Oh, Idia…you poor thing.” You whispered into his ear, unintentionally causing his body to warm up and a chill go down his spine to settle in his abdomen. He was very aware that if he turned his head to look at you, he’d get a faceful of your chest like some harem isekai protag, the thought making him warm further and his tips pink again. 
“I didn’t realize you were feeling this bad, Idia…” Ortho murmured, guilt in his voice. “I should’ve brought you sooner…”
“N-no…” Idia gravelly replied, wiping his mouth clean. “It’s not your fault Ortho, don’t beat yourself over it.”
Ortho still looked guilty, but nodded in affirmation, glancing at briefly at the Prefect. His gaze flitted between the two, and Idia could briefly see Ortho’s eyes go blank, as they did when searching through his knowledge database.
“Miss Prefect!” Ortho chirped, voice now perky much to Idia’s concern. “May I ask for a spare infirmary shirt for my brother? He must be very uncomfortable in his soiled one!”
Idia was now firmly and acutely aware of your hands still on him, thumb rubbing soothingly into his temple. 
“Oh, of course Ortho.” You moved away, hands hovering for just a moment, as you replied, “They’re in the storage, I’ll be right back!”
Idia watched as you walked away into the infirmary storage. Ortho did as well, waiting until you were out of earshot to excitedly whisper, “Idia! I know it’ll be an easy fix!”
“Huh?” Idia rose an eyebrow at his brother, confusion setting in.
“It’s a love sickness, and you love the Prefect—Idia stop looking at me like that—so if you confess to them, the flowers will go away!”
Idia was still giving Ortho a horrified look, as he continued. 
“Based on the timing of your reactions in correlation with close proximity within the Prefect, along with your increased heart rate at their touch, speech, and glances, and the fact that the Prefect stated on December 15th at 11:18:53 pm that she likes hydrangeas, she is the cause of the sickness. Right?”
“Ortho!’ Idia hissed, grabbing at his brother to shut him up despite Ortho not technically having a mouth. 
“Quiet down, this isn’t some otome game where I can cheat and look online for the right responses. Did you see how she reacted earlier when she found out it was hanahaki, how disappointed she looked? There’s no way Y/N—I mean the Prefect, didn’t connect the dots. 
“But, Big Brother!” Ortho whined, “Based on her heart rate and increased body temperature—”
“No is no, Ortho! It’s not going to be such an easy fix, I’ll just get rejected!”
“Technically speaking—” Idia and Ortho both jumped at the nurse’s voice, who was coming back from storage with clean linens. The Prefect followed with a new shirt.
“—you don’t need your beloved to accept your feelings, just confess them. Though it’s quite rare that it’s not reciprocated.”
The nurse motioned for Idia to get up as the Prefect handed him the shirt. She began taking the sheets off as the nurse addressed the two brothers. 
“Mr. Shroud, if you are insisting on keeping this sickness intact for fear of rejection, then I will have to ask Professor Crewel for some more potent ingredients for your prescription. Little Shroud?”
“Oh, yes Nurse Goethel?” 
“I could use your assistance, please come with me, Miss Y/N will tend to your brother,” She had a smug tone and smirk as she said this, motioning for Ortho to follow. “Mr. Shroud, please have no worry, she makes an excellent student nurse!” 
Idia let out a defeated, low, whiney groan as he moped over behind one of the privacy screens. You remained quiet as you collected the dirty sheets. He could hear Goethel’s footsteps and Ortho’s fans fade away as they left further and further down the hall. Idia yanked his shirt off, slipping the clean one over his head, noting it was a tad bit too small. He grumbled in annoyance as he pulled the shirt down to cover his stomach. 
“Eeep!” Idia yelped, your voice coming from right behind the screen. “Y-yes?”
“Are you done changing? I can take your shirt to the hamper.”
He hummed in response, peeking his hand from behind the screen with the shirt in hand. As you took the shirt and walked away, Idia slowly moved to look at you. Once he was sure your eyes were firmly ahead (and briefly taking a look at your ass), he launched himself back into bed, the smell of clean linen filling his nose. 
Idia sighed, a faux exhaustion settling into his bones as he sunk into the bed. He tensed as he felt you sit on the edge to this right. 
“Idia?” you hummed as he closed his eyes to focus on the darkness behind them, instead of you worried expression. 
He hummed in response. 
“Nurse Goethel said that the remedy is actually quick and easy, right?”
He hummed again.  
“You’ll just keep coughing hydrangeas until you do something, right?”
“...Yea.” Idia replied in a monotone voice. 
You sighed, a bit in frustration he thinks. “So?”
“Why don’t you?” You stretched out the last vowel with a questioning sound.
“Why don’t I?” Idia mimicked you. 
"Why don't you just confess?"
“Wha?” He yelped, looking at you like you’d grown heads like a hydra. “W-what do y-you mean, confess!? Are you crazy?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, “It would help, wouldn’t it? And Nurse Goethel said it’s rare for it to not be reciprocated, so what do you have to lose?”
“First of all, what’s left of my dignity. Second, I’m not some ML in a romance manhwa. And, third!” Idia straightened up to look you in the eyes, a burst of confidence filling his veins in pure frustration and annoyance. “There’s no way that anyone would be interested in some loser like me, so what’s the point—”
“But I like you!”
Silence fell between you two as the realization of your words settled into both your minds. You, with a growing blush and look of embarrassment, and Idia gaping at you like a fish out of water.”
“I said,” You murmured, twiddling with the ends of your hair. “That I like you. A lot. I think you’re really fun to be around, you’re even though you're shy and kinda geeky, you’re really passionate about the stuff you like. Idia.”
Your hand reached for his, hesitantly like you were afraid you’d burn him. As you laced your fingers together, Idia felt a lump form in his throat. He kept silent though, watching as you smiled shyly. 
“You’re sweet to your brother, and I notice, to me sometimes too. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you coming out to class more often so we could hang? I missed you this week…it was really lonely without you, even with all my friends.”
Still holding his hand, you leaned in closer to his face, looking at him earnestly. Was this real? Did he unlock a secret route with you without noticing? Why did you keep looking at his lips? OMG WAS THIS REAL—
“Idia,” You snapped him out of his thoughts as the distance between you two kept closing. “If the person you like doesn’t return your feelings, then they didn’t deserve you in the first place. I’ll be there to support you, even if you don’t like me the same way, I’ll always care for you as your friend—”
“But it is you.” Idia blurted out. Whether it was due to a mysterious burst of energy or just a slip of the tongue, he didn’t know. 
“W-what! Idia, you don’t have to try and make me feel—” you tried to stutter an excuse, cheeks pink like the fiery tips of his hair. 
“It’s you! I got this cause of you, cause I knew—I thought,” Idia started to ramble, getting up to grab you by the shoulders and shake. “I thought that you couldn’t like some weirdo like me. Are you telling me I could’ve snatched an SSR level kiss scene with you at any time??!!”
It was your turn to be shocked, a bewildered look in your eyes and Idia rapidly spoke, taking little breaths between sentences.
“Do you know what you do to me?? The thoughts, the dreams I have about you? I see you and get all hot and bothered and you’re telling me that I didn’t have to be some maidenless normie this entire time? I could’ve been lockin’ lips and getting my dick we—”
A sharp shriek leaving Idia’s mouth was muffled as you shoved your lips into his, effectively shutting up his rant. He whimpered as you swiped your tongue along his lips, deepening the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Idia, perhaps in the throes of passion, or not wanting to miss out on this once in a lifetime pull, reciprocated, albeit with a nervous hesitation. 
You seemed to approve, pressing your chest against his as your mouth moved against his, tongues dancing and moans being shared between half taken breaths. His hands hovered over you until you let go of his neck to guide his hands and place them over your hips. An arousing moan left your lips as your hands gently pushed his chest. 
Idia’s world slightly shifted as he fell back first into the bed, your hair creating a curtain as you separated from him. A line of shiny spit followed you, breaking as he gasped for breath while you leaned back down to press kisses against his neck, flowering the disappearing hydrangeas. 
He yelped as your teeth scraped a particularly sensitive spot, opening his mouth to blurt out, “I'm so happy that you confessed first.” 
You let out a breathless giggle, turning your head and resting your chin on his neck to look up at him with, he swears on the Star Rouge sequel, hearts in your eyes. “Why?” 
“If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.” Idia chuckled, “I’m sorry you have to deal with such a coward like me.”
“Idia.” You firmly responded, “Don’t. I like you as you are. We’re both young, we have time to grow. I’ll grow with you, if you’ll have me?
Looking down at you, practically on top of him, Idia opened his mouth to tease your softness, and suddenly froze. The mortifying, though wonderful he had to admit, scene was dawning on him as his entire body heated up and turned red. 
You effectively shut him up with another kiss to his lips, smiling as Idia was shocked into silence with a dopy, wobbly smile forming on his lips.
“Relax, Idia, I’ll take the lead on all the romance stuff until you get the hang of it. For now you can be my player two!”
Idia snorted, smirking at you as he teased, “That’s such a cringey thing to say~”
“You say things like that all the time!” 
The two of you shared a soft laugh, unaware of the audience of two at the door watching. Ortho recorded the memory for the wedding he was already planning in his head, while the nurse muttered to herself about wasting time gathering ingredients for a prescription potion she no longer needed. Despite this, she smiled, happy that her little words of encouragement to the Prefect earlier worked. 
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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MK and Mei’s Friendship
Wukong and Macaque’s Fallout
Mei isn’t the next “warrior”, and she would 100% beat your ass for implying she’s like Macaque
I’m going to preface this for anyone who might want to leave early- I personally dislike this theory!
Because to me, it isn’t a theory- it’s just wrong.
And usually it’s so wrong that it shatters the reality of MK’s and Mei’s character for the sake of forcing them into little “Sun Wukong” and “Macaque” shaped balls.
And so often it starts with demonizing MK/Wukong.
I see, so often, this portrayed in two ways:
1. MK loses his mind and becomes a vicious monster that must be collared and restrained for the good of all around him.
2. MK becomes obsessed with power and fighting, thus driving Mei away.
And both of these are done in an attempt to “link” the kids with the monkeys.
MK-Wukong and Mei-Macaque
We don’t really need to talk about the first two- most of the show is about MK interacting with the Monkey King and learned to handle his legacy and foes- we’d be here all day.
But, what sort of interactions do Mei and Macaque share? Well, for Mei, it’s:
1. Being a victim of his violent and murderous actions
2. Being extremely close to his other frequent victims
3. Bafflingly having no negative opinions on the man who led an assault on her people’s palace, tried to murder her friends, and forced Tang to unleash the Samadhi Fire, nearly killing her in the process.
4. Being a weaker character for her lack of hostile dynamic with someone who has hurt her again and again and again
5. Having a worthless “team-up” with Macaque without the show ever having her address what he’s done to her and her loved ones
6. Weaken her character by taking away characteristics like “willing to call people out” and “gets violent when people try to hurt the ones she loves” for the sake of a boring and short “team-up”.
…yeah, thats not a great list.
Already, Mei’s non-violent interactions with Macaque leave a lot to be desired- and don’t hint to anything even close to her being a “successor��� to his story like MK is to Wukong.
Back to those two first bullet points, now, right under the read more.
Sun Wukong and MK are not; and never have been, “mindless monsters”, in spite of MK’s destructiveness in his monkey form- it is explicitly made clear that he’s in control of himself.
“There’s nothing “mindless” about this.”
And he was right. MK is completely awake and aware in his monkey form, with full mental faculties. He’s verbally capable of shredding Azure and decrying his crimes in an efficient fashion, all while kicking him around.
MK wasn’t “going insane”- he was having fun.
(That’s a rant for another day, though)
Nor did Sun Wukong solely drive Macaque away.
The crux of Wukong and Macaque’s fallout is clearly displayed in the show, in the fourth season of Monkie Kid- it started from a single fucking argument.
Now, I’d like to preface again: this is the first point that I see many, oh so many theorizers, artists, writers, etc- get wrong.
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Sun Wukong is trapped. For attempting to overthrow the Jade Emperor, he is sentenced to FIVE HUNDRED YEARS trapped under a mountain.
Let me elaborate for anyone who doesn’t sympathize.
For the next five hundred years, Sun Wukong will be 75% immobile and alone under a nearly lightless mountain. There will be no noise, no stimulation, and no company. He will suffer in silence, and he will suffer alone.
But you know who ISN’T being punished for an attempt to overthrow the Jade Emperor?
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Now, this is funny. Wukong leads a six strong band of brothers against the forces of the Celestial Realm, but only ONE of them faces consequences for the rebellion- himself.
Even five hundred years later when Wukong is set free and traveling with his fellow pilgrims…
No one else has faced consequences for the rebellion. All five of Wukong’s “brothers” (Azure Lion, Peng, Demon Bull King, Yellowtusk, and yes, Macaque) get away scot-free to continue their plans and schemes.
I would be pissed. You would be pissed. There is not ONE SINGLE PERSON in this world that would NOT be pissed about how blatantly unfair this is.
Especially not after spending five hundred years nearly immobile under a dark and lonely mountain.
So, even before all, here and now, under that mountain, before five long and lonely centuries have passed, faced with the current injustice of his predicament-
Wukong lashes out and blames Macaque.
No. Fucking. Shit.
All of us (none of us are saints, do not try to say otherwise) would have snapped in anger.
All of us would have been angry. Each and every last one.
Mostly immobile and imprisoned alone to take the blame of six guilty men, Wukong lashes out at the nearest person.
And what does Macaque do, when blamed one single time for something that is mutually the fault of six men, including himself?
He lies and runs away.
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No the fuck you didn’t.
Macaque nudges the idea. He implies the idea. He hints, quietly and softly.
“You’re really going through with this?” Is not him shutting down the idea of fighting the Celestial Realm.
It’s him being a coward and trying to dance around the issue without a direct confrontation.
Not even once does Macaque say: “We shouldn’t fight the Jade Emperor.”
Macaque directly LIES to present himself as being the better person during this fight.
(But because it’s their ‘pewfect pwecious Maccy’, the fandom blindly ate this blatant dogshit lie up and took it at face value. Y’all don’t deserve unreliable narrators and mature themes go watch cocomelon/s)
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The moment something goes wrong, what do these two do?
Blame each other to absolve themselves of sin, and then one runs away and chooses to never come back.
This was fucked up and toxic from the start- Macaque was a cowardly little bitch, and Wukong was a power-hungry idiot.
And both of these dumbasses have ZERO communication skills.
You know who doesn’t fall into those categories? OUR KIDDOS.
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Mei and MK fight too- as soon as the first season.
And what does Mei do when her best friend accidentally wrecks her bike and nearly costs her a race that was EXTREMELY important to her?
She forgives him almost the moment he apologizes, and he immediately works on making it up to her.
Well, hold on a minute! That doesn’t sound like, I don’t know…
Lying to make yourself look better, throwing the blame around instead of accepting it, and running away for five entire centuries?
Huh. It’s almost like, maybe, instead of being built on one-sided adoration and tenuous “brotherhood”, Mei and MK see each other as, of all things-!
Equals. Friends. Partners.
Mei will NEVER abandon her best friend. Nothing could make her. Even when facing down lethal odds, her first response will ALWAYS be to run to him.
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Even if she has to be forcibly dragged away, screaming and in tears, Mei will always fight to stay by MK’s side.
Nothing in the world could tear them apart. Not a petty fight. Not a presumed death. Not demons or celestials. Not an inky scroll of eternity inscribed with the past.
There is ONE circumstance in which she runs away from him-
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When she’s overwhelmed by the Samadhi Fire and terrified of hurting the person she loves most with a
then, and only then… does Mei run.
That is what it takes to drive her and MK apart. Not an argument. Not a game of flinging blame. Not a mishap or a tumble.
But fear for his life.
She runs away because, even if she wants to stay- Mei loves him.
And she loves him too much to think of putting her own life and desires before his.
Mei and MK are not the “hero and the warrior”.
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This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
This is Macaque and Wukong, two people driven apart by boldness that was brashness and cleverness that was cowardice. This is a tale of adoration and anger and heartbreak and betrayal.
This is not MK and Mei. And it never will be.
Because they love each other too much to ever be “the hero and the warrior”.
And they’re all the better for it.
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poisonpercy · 2 years
I (22M) had known this girl (16F), let’s call her A, since I was 14. I had run away from home when I was 9 years old, and later came across another runway named T (15/20F) who was 12 years old at the time. Together, T and I came across A, and the three of us stuck together as we attempted to find somewhere safe for us to live. The three of us made our way to a camp for kids like us with the help another person named G (16/33M). T unfortunately died before we made it to safety within the camp and was turned into a pine tree by her father.
After 5 years of living at this camp, I grew mad at our neglectful parents and decided to join my great grandfather K (∞M) in his crusade to overthrow them. Around that same time, P (16M) joined camp. P was prophesied to either help or beat K on his 16th birthday, so I was tasked with trying to stop P before then. A became very good friends with P and also tried to stop K and me. The summer before P’s 16th birthday, I joined bodies with K since he was previously cut up to bits and thrown into a pit that served as his jail.
I was very dedicated to my cause and helping K because I thought us kids deserved better. However, on P’s 16th birthday I realized that I may have been the “bad guy”. While my intentions came from a good place, my actions were not. The only way to stop K was for me to die, so I stabbed myself in my armpit with A’s knife that I had given to her when she was 7. While I was bleeding out and waiting to die, I asked A if she loved me. A told me that there was a time in which she thought she did, but ultimately she saw me as a brother and did not love me.
I did end up dying and when awaiting my judgment in the underworld, I was told that asking A if she loved me was one the the many bad things I did in life, and that it made me an asshole. However, I personally don’t think I was an asshole for asking A that question since I was dying and wanted to know for my peace of mind.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
headcanons of the genz!driver
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pairing: the genz!driver
summary: some cute and chaotic headcanons of the genz!driver
warnings: none :)
note: we love ourselves a chaotic queen
masterlist / taglist
we all know that a 18/19 year old will cause chaos on the grid, much more even if she is allowed to be there and not get evicted
like there was this one time, where she snook into the drivers conference, she was late, as usual, and instead of being silent and unnoticed, she let the door fall shut loudly and announced her great entry with: „welcome my fellow drivers, the best one has arrived and will grace your presence from now on. please, do not stop the meeting on my behalf, i am just here to look pretty.“
or there was a time when the FIA announced that no bikes on the track were allowed anymore and what do you think, at the next race, she arrived with her super fancy bike, blasting bicycle from queen singing the lyrics and riding her bike around the track, obviously
we love ourselves a confident queen
and she is so relatable
like, she posts vlogs on youtube of her life, stuff with a day at the paddock or a day outside the paddock and look, even though she is famous, her life is so relatable
she can’t drive, (seb learned it with her though), she struggles with her hair, almost every day, doing normal stuff is really hard because of mental health problems, her anxiety sparks in situations she doesn’t know, her jokes are weird and dark and almost no one understands them. it’s like she is almost a normal teenager
young fans, female ones especially, look up to her so much, just because she is honest, shares her struggles and is so supportive about it. depression and anxiety are valid and is not something to hide, it’s okay to struggle and she talks so openly about it. fans absolutely adore her and because of her, some find inspiration to do stuff they wouldn’t have done normally
so many young girls started karting because of her, she believes in everyone of them and is sure that they can make it big
lewis and seb are so proud of her, seeing her inspire so many people, makes them feel so so proud. seb has seen her grow up and has helped all the way from karting to formula 1
we all know that seb is the worrying one and always urges her to be careful. but lewis, oh lewis does stuff with her, that if seb actually knew what it was, he would die of a heart attack
he took her to go skydiving once, having her swear not to tell seb or lando, because he would so tell everyone else and seb would instantly know
or the one time let her have a drink with him when she was still underage, psst don’t tell seb
lewis is the cool grid dad, that lets her do stuff that she shouldn’t, always supervised though
because if you let her unsupervised, she is pure chaos
the one time her and lando got left alone, they had to get rescued by george
lando‘s car broke down
and not broke down like it just stopped working
no, his fiat jolly fell down, it laid on its side, on her side to be specific. lando and you were doing stupid stuff, putting all the weight on one side to see how much it would take to overthrow the car
it didn’t take much…
when seb found out, he didn’t let her out if his sight, always making sure she wasn’t doing something stupid that could get her injured
when seb retired, she cried like a baby. she was not sure what to do without him on the paddock, who would make sure she wouldn’t die? who made sure she was drinking enough and eating probably (it was a bit dramatic, because her personal trainer was doing that aspect of her life and not seb).
but still, she would miss seb, she would miss him a lot
that’s where danny comes, seeing her so lost and struggling, he kind of swept into her life as an older grid brother
helping her with stuff and being protective
he was not as great as seb or lewis, who is still the fun grid dad, but danny did his best
she is so happy to have all those people around her
and she is forever grateful and tries to let them know how grateful she is, but sometimes it backfires a bit
like the time she tried to gift all of them something for christmas
oh that was chaos
what do you gift 19 drivers, all at least 4 years older than her, something for christmas that is personal for them and her?
lance got alcohol, he was happy about it
she got lando some socks, he wasn’t sure why
alex got hair dye, made sense
she gifted max a stuffed lion, which he was actually happy about
but george got a shirt with a naked torso on it… she found it hilarious, he not so much
charles got a ‚sorry that your team is shit‘ bracelet
carlos got a chilli tree and a hard copy of smooth operator
zhou got a book of all of lewis‘ paddock looks
lewis got a whole gift basket with vegan stuff and toys for roscoe and a day with her
and many other weird gifts, but it shows that she is so grateful of all the people around her
we know that she always gives her best and that’s the most she can do
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23
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genderless-crimes · 2 months
a few Lords in Black headcanons that have been buzzing around in my head
As far as siblings go, the Lords in Black actually get along really well. There's lots of playful banter and fighting, but it's all in good fun
Blinky likes to wear mascara and eye liner. Depending on the form he's in, it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 7 hours to apply it
Nibbly and Blinky are aromatic, Tinky is ace, Wiggly is pan and Pokey is a butch he/him lesbian (this is bc I showed my gf a picture of Pokey and she called him a butch he/him lesbian and her word is law)
Pokey is constantly trying to overthrow Wiggly as the leader, and every time he does Wiggly absolutely beats his ass, then they just pretend like nothing happened until he tries again
Tinky is trans. Don't ask in which direction bc idk
Nibbly has a habit of eating his brother's favorite humans just to get a reaction from them (he is not immune to younger sibling syndrome)
Speaking of which, the order their names are said in The Summoning is their order of "birth"
Wiggly will just... turn into his doll form sometimes for seemingly no reason
Might add more to this later
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It’s Alastor and Charlie’s wedding day and the groom is arguing with his future father in-law in the dressing room.
Alastor: (Annoyed) Why don’t you just face it?! I am marrying Charlie today and there is nothing you can do about it!
Lucifer: You face it! You’ll never be good enough for my daughter!
Michael: (Enters dressing room) That didn’t stop you from marrying a woman you weren’t good enough for.
Lucifer: (Looks upon his brother in horror) Oh God no!
Michael: Well look at you! All in white, you are so predictable.
Lucifer: Oh Michael, I didn’t know you were coming.
Michael: You didn’t? Wonder why? (Angry) Oh I know! You didn’t send me an invitation!
Lucifer: I thought you were dead. But I forgot that perfectionists don’t die so easily.
Michael: Heard you got sacked and thrown into a looney bin. My congratulations by the way.
Lucifer glares at him.
Micheal: Now then, where is this young man my niece is marrying? (He starts to look at Alastor) Holy Heaven, well you’re just the whole package aren’t ya? My niece definitely has a good head on her shoulders. Look what she did, she went out and found herself a responsible and self-made man who can take care of her.
Alastor smiles, slightly touched.
Michael: Too bad my brother couldn’t follow your example.
Lucifer: (Rolls his eyes) Here we go again.
Michael: What? You tried to overthrow God, you introduced sin to the human race, you influenced psychos like Hitler, you blamed the whole world for all your problems, and you drank red wine from a box!
Lucifer scoffs.
Angel: Classy.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 5 months
Choose Your Own Destiny
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader x Sam Winchester (NO Wincest)
Word Count: ~300
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a hcs where the reader is a archangel created by the grace of Michael and Lucifer basically her daughter and Dean and Sam fell in loved with her? 
Summary: Dean is so much more different than his brother but you love both of them equally.
Square Filled: college!au (2019) for @heavenandhellbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Lucifer and Michael have always wanted more power, no secret about that
They loved God so much that when they found out he didn’t love them as much as they did, they ran off and created a little plot point of their own
With both their graces and a touch of a human soul, they created you, another archangel that’s more powerful than all of them combined
You were the one thing they needed to get a bunch of angels on their side to overthrow God
If God isn’t in power anymore, then Michael and Lucifer can take over and do things their way
They never expected you to want to go your own way and live your life the way you wanted to
The first time you saw Sam and Dean, your entire life changed. You finally saw that there is more to life than creating armies and taking over Heaven
There is something about Sam and Dean that attracts you, that calls you to them. You’re not sure if it’s their auras or their personality, but you didn't want to be without them
Due to being so powerful, you were able to hide from Michael and Lucifer who tried everything they could to find you
All you’ve ever known is Heaven and fighting ars you have no business being in, and Sam and Dean showed you there is more to life than that
Despite their objections, you got yourself into college just so you can learn and become a better person
It was obvious their feelings for you, as they did almost everything for you, but it was hard to choose between them
So you didn’t
They both taught you how to date which means they were your firsts--first kiss, first time you had sex-first date, first time you held hands, etc.
Dean is more romantic than Sam since he likes to take you on long car rides, often gives you flowers, and usually stays the night with you after having sex
Sam likes his own space so after he fucks you, he’ll go back to his room, he likes taking you on jogs in the morning, and you two like to have reading dates in peaceful silence
Two very different men who love and treat you like a princess, something your dads will never do
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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separatist-apologist · 6 months
Take Me Back To The Night We Met
Summary: Gwyneth Berdara wants nothing more than to return home and exact revenge on the courtiers who hurt her and killed her sister. Exiled to a distant temple, Gwyn finds herself at the mercy of a mysterious stranger offering to escort her home on orders from her eldest brother and king of the realm.
Unraveling the secrets of the strange soldier will prove more deadly than Gwyn could ever have imagined, setting into motion events that began nearly five hundred years before.
Happy @gwynrielweeksofficial!
TW for mentions of past sexual assault
Read on Ao3
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Five hundred years before:
“No more,” Azriel breathed, spiked boot pressed to the neck of his would-be adversary. “It’s over.”
Heavy chains curled from the loamy ground made of thick roots. It took no effort to bind him given he was dying, bleeding from the sword still protruding in his stomach. Somewhere in the distance he could hear the mighty roar of Rhys and knew he and Cassain were likely suffering similar fates. They’d tried to take the world, to leave the underplane they ruled, to overthrow the high god Koschei.
Where was Lucien, he wondered? Was he dead too? Was this failed cosmic coup over so easily? Azriel wanted to struggle but his body was pinned in place, sinking slowly toward an earthy grave. 
“You give up easier than expected,” Koschei murmured, sharpened teeth dripping with some dripping, black substance. “Like a coward.”
Azriel snarled furiously, pulling at the bindings dragging him further down. Could Koschei see the promise of retribution in his gaze? Did he not realize no prison could hold him forever? Azriel would find his way out eventually. He had nothing but eternity to plot and creatures like Koschei grew complacent in the end. 
Crouching so he could speak better with Azriel, Koschei flashed another foul smile. “I hear your thoughts, little god. You think you can usurp me with time. Consider your undoing.” With a snap of his fingers, a body fell from the sky, falling with a sickening crunch inches from Azriel. He recognized the red hair, splayed out over a too pale, lifeless face. Knew the body of the woman now crumpled in a heap, the sword broken off in her midriff—he’d given it to her. 
A once white ribbon, now stained rust red, was still tied around her forehead. Azriel wanted to reach for it, to blow life into the lifeless body of the only woman he’d ever truly loved.
It had been a mistake to bring humans into this mess. To think he could raise her into godhood—that she wouldn’t get hurt in the end. Azriel had sworn he’d keep her safe.
His Gwyn.
“Pretty little thing,” Koschei murmured, running clawed hands through Gwyn’s tangled hair. “Didn’t you warn her to stay away from monsters?”
“I’ll kill you,” Azriel swore, thrashing again. It only made him sink faster. 
“Oh, you’ll try. And every time you raise yourself against me, your little human will find herself reborn and thrust back in your path. You can try and save her, of course—but you have to give up your designs on godhood, shadowsinger. Or you can kill me and watch her die all over again. Something to think about.”
Azriel shouted, but dirt filled his mouth before darkening his vision. With his eyes closed, all he could see was Gwyn’s helpless body left to rot while he was buried beneath her. Azriel forced himself to calm down, just enough to keep his mind clear.
Koschei thought he had him.
But he didn’t know Azriel at all. And the ancient god had only given Azriel time think.
Time to plot. 
-    - 
Gwyneth Berdara woke just before dawn, like she always did. Some internal clock inside her mind refused to let her sleep in—to sleep well—especially now that she’d come to the temple in Sangravagh. She wasn’t supposed to be here. She should have been in the palace with her brothers, should have been mourning her sister's death with the rest of them.
She’d had one minor outburst. One room had exploded into flame before her brother—the king—had extinguished it. Nothing of consequence had been harmed and yet she’d seen that steely look in Eris’s eyes. 
“It’s been a year, Gwyneth,” he’d said without humor. “How much longer am I expected to tolerate this?”
“How long would it take you to mourn the death of your other half?” she’d snapped back. That had been a mistake. His patience was already thin—there was conflict at the border, the first in five centuries, and swirling rumors the dark princes were rising from the slumber.
Eris, who lived in the shadow of Lucien Spell-Cleaver—a god, truly, more legend than he’d ever been a living man—was uneasy. Devoid of smiles, same as their late father. As if Beron Vanserra could have any relation to the great Sun King. 
So Gwyn was here with the priestesses to learn humility, and to vent her rage somewhere none of the courtiers could see. She wondered what he’d told the court. What had he told Nesta Archeron, Gwyn’s dearest friend? Did he admit the truth? That she was an embarrassment he couldn’t stand any longer? That Eris didn’t want to deal with the messiness of loss, that Catrin’s death didn’t bother him as much because he’d never been close to either of them? They were the youngest by nine years, an accident their father hadn’t wanted and their mother was too exhausted to deal with.
Eris had five brothers, but Gwyn had only Catrin. They’d had governesses, of course, and the usual training given to princesses, but they were merely more players on their father’s board, turning the Vanserra siblings from five to seven in the blink of an eye. They’d run wild, managed more by Eris than their parents, who’d done a better job keeping Catrin’s moods in check.
She was gone now. 
And so was Beron. 
That left Gwyn to pick up her sister's mantle and give Eris hell when it suited her, and left Eris to exile her until she was ready to stop being a pain in his ass. Or to find her a suitable husband, some minor lord with money and men that Eris could exploit while cleanly wiping his hands of her. 
Gwyn resented him for it. 
There were secrets, too—things she couldn’t tell Eris, that he’d never guessed. Things she’d confessed only to Catrin, curled up in a bed they’d never been meant to share as she sobbed softly. Of men at court who took far too many liberties and her brothers who were too busy with their own lives to notice their sisters. 
Catrin had nearly convinced Gwyn to tell Eris the truth.
And now she was dead. 
Unlike the other priestesses, Gwyn was given her own room at the top of one of the dark spires in the temple. It wasn’t nice, nor was it spacious, but it was private and that was all that mattered. She didn’t have her own bathing chamber which annoyed her given Gwyn had to trek down circling stairs and make her way through the drafty temple for the one bathing room they all shared. 
She didn’t like the way they stared at her, how their laughter and conversations died when she stepped into the room. Maybe that was why she’d begun getting up early. Better to bathe alone than to endure their quiet judgment. They didn’t want her here, either. They loathed having to teach her to work in the garden (a task Gwyn hated), and embroider, (Gwyn stuck her finger almost as often as her cloth), and work the stables (the horses were nice, but their stalls were foul). Gwyn didn’t mind midwifery so much, though the first time she’d watched a woman bleed out while the other priestess called it Lady Death’s will, Gwyn had found she liked it a little less. Everything was left in the hands of the gods and no one had to take any responsibility for their actions. The gods ordained every act of cruelty and mortals were helpless to resist. Gwyn loathed that more than anything. 
The only place that felt like solace was the library. It was a special privilege to work there, earned after years of dedication and Gwyn knew the other priestesses resented seeing her working for Merril. The books kept the score, besides—villains always got what they deserved, the heroes always came out triumphant. Even outside of the novels she loved, history was written in the blood of victors and lacked the meddling hands of the gods. Gwyn was allowed to help transcribe these histories which was clearly her brother's influence. Everyone knew it. 
They didn’t know the alternative was her constant attempts at escaping. They didn’t understand that Clotho had watched as Gwyn was dragged back, at first kicking and screaming, before she’d become compliant, though still defiant. She would rather die than sit in the temple, complacent and meek, awaiting Eris’s decision on what to do with her. So she ran, and she was caught, and she ran again. Over and over and over until Clotho finally had enough.
Signing silently, Clotho had said, If you stay, you can work among the books. 
It was a bribe more than anything. Gwyn imagined Clotho loathed having to write her brother all those letters about how difficult she was. And Gwyn was certain Eris had demanded they find a way to make her complacent, along with a hefty sum of gold.
And hated even more that it had worked. 
She’d loved the library at home, and she loved it here in Sangravagh even more. Here they had books that went back to the reign of Lucien Spell-Cleaver. That told the story of the epic battle between him and the legendary Dark Lord—The Shadowsinger. Defeated at the very last moment, when all hope was lost, by the Sun King’s unassuming, beautiful wife. Her mother had told her and Catrin that story more often than any other. It was said his body had been cut into five pieces, scattered to the four corners of the globe while his head was buried beneath the floors of the Forest House. It was said that Lucien himself had buried him that way to ensure he never returned. 
Catrin used to sympathize with the Shadowsinger—likely the only person in the world who could. Gwyn had been mesmerized, proud to be part of that legacy. Curious, too, as she’d become older. How much of it was actually true, and how much was merely legend. Gwyn suspected Lucien Spell-Cleaver had been mythologized, melded with other, older legends until he became a god-like figure.
And the Shadowsinger much the same. 
In the library, Gwyn found records from the time, recording births and deaths, and endless expenses for building palaces and roads and walls. She found records of ship inventories carrying the goods from Velaris and Illryia to Avalon, which meant the legends of the Lord of Bloodshed and his equally terrifying brother known only as Death Incarnate, couldn’t be real, either. They were said to rule Velaris and Illyria proper, and the Shadowsinger oversaw what was now Avalon. 
Likely they had just been regular men, too, whose regimes were toppled and they, too, were made more fearsome by legend trying to immortalize an Empire, and terrifying those that would defy it. Bedtime stories for children, real lives made into parables to teach lessons. 
She couldn’t stop herself from translating the books, though. From painstakingly working by candle, until it had burned to nothing and she was half asleep against the hardwood surface. Merrill allowed her to do so, likely because it kept her busy and out of everyone's way.  
Gwyn rushed through her morning bath, well aware that the stipulations to being in the library required her to spend three mornings a week shoveling horse shit from the stables.
Gwyn always chose the first three days to get it out of the way. Begrudgingly, she could admit to herself that the hard labor did calm her mind a little. She’d never say that out loud, but Gwyn liked the horses, too. 
She dressed quickly, slipping on the standard blue of her robes that all priestesses wore. She had some old gowns from court but Eris had ordered she be treated no different than anyone else. What good was chiffon and lace in a place like this? Once, Gwyn had cherished those things. She and her sister had giggled over new gowns made of silk, had spent hours at the dressmakers ordering everything that caught their eye and then some. Catrin, especially, had more dresses than anyone could ever have worn and had taken such care with her appearance. She’d been so beautiful, so lively—the living embodiment of the flame that wound its way through their family bloodline. 
Gwyn couldn’t prove she’d been murdered to keep silence but rumor had been spreading that something had happened. Catrin couldn’t hide her rage, had snapped at the men responsible, had messed around in their policies and in one particularly cut-throat move, interfered in an impending marriage that would have enriched one of the families beyond their wildest dreams. 
It’s my quiet revenge until you’re ready to get loud, Catrin had told her. 
Gwyn had always been afraid to be angry, to take up space.
Not anymore.
The air was cooler than usual, salty without the tang of fish that it usually had. Gwyn could hear the ocean churning in the distance and knew if she continued walking toward the cliffside she’d find the brutal gray waves rising and falling against the rock, battering away. She wasn’t allowed to go that far—everyone thought she might fling herself off the edge.
Some days it was tempting. 
Some days her anger burned so hot Gwyn thought she might explode from it. Today was one of those days. It itched beneath her skin, expanding until she felt like she couldn’t contain her feelings. Her sister wasn’t just dead. She’d been murdered. Eris swore he was looking for the killer, had promised Gwyn there would be justice but there wasn’t, and there hadn’t been. Did her brother suspect the truth? That nobles in his own court were responsible and condemning them to death was likely to cause an exodus and, even worse, an attempted coup? Or was he too busy with things he deemed more important to see what felt so obvious to Gwyn. Maybe she could have pieced Catrin’s final night alive together—all she had were her suspicions.
Now she had nothing at all. 
Gwyn looked up at the moody sky wishing she had the Spell-Cleaver’s affinity for magic. All she had was flame, and it was fairly pathetic in comparison to her brothers. Perhaps that was for the best—Gwyn might have raised the whole world in her grief and anger. 
Instead she put on mucking shoes and made her way to the horse stalls. The first stall was easy enough. Pancakes was a sweet, older gelding who didn’t mind getting out of Gwyn’s way so she could take a pitchfork to the manure and replace the soiled hay with something fresh. Gwyn replaced the water in the bucket and fed her before she was rewarded with a sweet nudge from a soft, gray nose.
The next stall was more of the same, and by the time Gwyn reached the third, she was coated in sweat and already thinking about her books. She wouldn’t be done before lunch and already regretted not having breakfast. Still, the quiet company of the animals soothed some of her rage and the work kept her mind mostly quiet. 
Pulling open the wooden stall, Gwyn paused. Buttercream was waiting for breakfast with impatient eyes, nearly trampling the limp body in his stall. Gwyn blinked, certain she was seeing it wrong—but that was a man lying there.
Dried blood stuck to his midnight black hair, to the golden brown of his cheeks, to the white of his torn shirt. Gwyn took a step forward, thinking this wasn’t the first dead body she’d seen. Buttercream stepped out of the stall entirely which was going to get Gwyn in trouble. She considered going back for the horse before deciding that Clotho would understand. 
Gwyn knelt beside the body, roughly turning him to this back. More dried blood caked over his neck and his bare chest, though she couldn’t tell where he’d been wounded. An old scar screamed white against his neck, like someone had tried to cut it and failed. Gwyn swallowed hard, fingers trembling as she pressed them against the pulsepoint.
He gasped, eyes flying open to look at her. His bloodless lips parted, hazel eyes dilating with fear. Gwyn tried to skitter back but he grabbed both her arms with a surprisingly strong grip, sitting up just enough to put them at eye level.
His were the most intoxicating mix of brown and green, dotted gold around his iris. “You,” he breathed before releasing her arms to hold her face in callused hands. “You—get help.”
She might have done exactly as he demanded had he not crushed his mouth against hers. Gwyn yelped, held in place by this stranger who, despite the blood coating his skin, tasted like warm smoke curling against icy snow. Gwyn kept her eyes open and so did he before those thick, dark lashes fluttered and he felt back with a loud thud. 
Gwyn exhaled, fingers flying to her lips. It should have enraged her, this kiss from a stranger who hadn’t even asked if he could touch her. Yet another man taking what he wanted without bothering to ask, to consider if she wanted what he was offering. And yet…Gwyn’s fingers found her lips, eyes still on his unconscious body pillowed by straw. It hadn’t felt like conquest the way it had before. This felt like desperation—like he needed help and could think of no other way to convince her. 
It was her first, proper kiss. She’d imagined something different. Someone different. 
Not a vagrant half dead in a barn.
Gwyn rose to her feet, hating how her knees were wobbling. “CLOTHO!” she screamed, stepping back out into the cool world.
Overhead, thunder clapped a warning.
And the skies began pouring rain.
 -    - 
Gwyn was in the library, hidden far in the back when she heard the voices of other priestesses. “He can’t stay,” someone whispered. “I told Merrill as much.” “Where did he even come from?” asked another. Gwyn paused from her scroll, grateful for an excuse to rest her aching hand. 
“This isn’t the first time a man has tried to infiltrate.”
“I heard his throat was cut—”
“He was stabbed, supposedly. I told Clotho we ought to leave him to die—”
“That’s terrible.”
The priestesses had been forbidden from visiting the stranger, but Gwyn wasn’t a priestess. And she was curious given he’d kissed her right before passing out. Surely she deserved to see how he was progressing before he was kicked out of the temple? That man was the first interesting thing that had happened since she’d arrived six months before.
She waited until the voices floated away before putting her things away and blowing out her candle. No one paid her any mind as she walked the familiar stone halls, guided only by the silvery moonlight overhead. 
Gwyn knew exactly where he’d be, assuming he was still alive. He’d be closer to her tower where they kept people who’d committed egregious offenses. Gwyn had never seen that happen but she’d heard of a priestess who’d been stealing coins for a lover in a nearby village. The punishment was typically just long enough to cool whatever ardor existed between the lovers—men were fickle things. A week of no contact and they slunk off, moving on with a new, warmer body while the woman was left to pine. Gwyn pitied them both. Was that all love was? Close proximity ignited with physical touch? 
She wasn’t interested. 
Gwyn turned down the sharp corridor, ignoring the door that would take her up to her tower for the one at the far end of the hall. Pushing it open, she saw him lying on a cot, his shirt cut from his body and his chest wrapped in pristine white bandages. The blood had been washed from his body, leaving him utterly bare from the waist up. Gwyn thought there was something odd about him—something missing, though she couldn’t explain what, exactly. 
She was distracted by a trail of dark hair starting just beneath his navel, vanishing in the band of his pants. Cocking her head, she examined the hard muscle of him, made softer in sleep but still visible through his skin. Who was he, she wondered?
She didn’t realize he was awake until she glanced back at his face, meaning to leave. “You again,” he murmured in a midnight dark voice. “I thought I imagined you.”
Gwyn’s heart began thudding in her chest. “You passed out in the stables,” she told him. 
“Seemed like a safe option at the time,” he replied, groaning a little as he tried to sit up. 
“What happened to you?”
He glanced down at the bandage wrapped around his body. “A knife.”
“Did you rob someone?”
A smile tugged at his lips and Gwyn was struck by how beautiful he was. She was used to beautiful men—all her brothers had the good Vanserra genes, after all, passed down from the Sun King himself. And the lords at court were often quite handsome with the annoying quality of knowing it. This man, though, was different. Otherworldly in his beauty and radiating strength—strong jaw, high cheekbones, an aquiline nose and a full mouth. Those dark lashes didn’t hurt him, either, nor did how nicely his body was arranged.
“I’m a soldier, not a thief.”
“You’re a long way from the border,” Gwyn said, arms crossed over her chest. The man watched her for a moment, his amusement plain.
“What do you know about conflict in Avalon?”
Not much, admittedly. She’d never cared to, and it wasn’t like Eris shared with her. She was his obnoxious baby sister and not a trusted advisor. “What are you doing so far up north?”
“I’m looking for a princess,” he admitted, head cocked as he took her in. “The king sent me to retrieve her.”
Of fucking course he did. Gwyn blew out a breath. “He’s too good to come himself?”
He snorted a small laugh. “I suppose he’s quite busy with his soon-to-be-wife.”
“Wife?” she spluttered. “What woman in her right mind would marry Eris?”
The soldier laughed then, head tipping back as the throaty sound filled the small chamber. “I won’t tell him you said so,” he replied, wincing a little as he tried to draw a breath. “Princess.”
Gwyn only frowned. So Eris was getting married, and she was freed temporarily from exile. How very like him to send a messenger rather than fetch her himself. Gwyn swallowed the hurt, not wanting this man to see her anger. 
“I’ll tell him myself when we arrive. She must be out of options.”
“I hear she’s incredibly beautiful,” he countered, those eyes practically glowing feline in the dark. “And that he’s in love with her.”
“You must not know him well.” Eris wasn’t capable of love save for, perhaps, their mother. A wife, though? No, that was something political, an alliance that benefitted Eris so greatly he’d tie himself to the terms legally. Gwyn imagined she was likely beautiful and meek, the sort of woman that would stay out of his way. A woman he could discard without concern only to pick back up when she became necessary.
“Better than you think, princess,” the soldier countered. But Gwyn very much doubted that. This didn’t look like one of Eris’s personal guards, one of his most trusted. This looked like someone who could get stabbed on the side of the road without Eris caring too terribly much. Maybe he was hoping so he could snub Gwyn only to inform her he had sent someone, and how tragic that they’d never made it. Gwyn had enough of the entire thing.
“You should rest, then. It’s a long journey back to the palace.”
“Clotho was very kind, offering me this room. I offered to sleep in the stables.”
Gwyn didn’t care. She turned her back to him, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she went. She was too busy seething at Eris to fall on niceties. This was merely more proof that her family only ever saw her as a burden. It was only when she reached the door and heard the man groan again, settling back against that threadbare cot, that she wondered who he was.
“What’s your name, soldier?” she asked. 
There was a beat, and then— “Azriel,” he told her. Something in the air hummed for a moment before the world stilled again, some magic Gwyn didn’t recognize. Only the royals and the gods commanded magic—no simple soldier could have evoked such a response. It was merely a manifestation of her own anger or some desire to be more important than she was. The gods had long turned their gazes from her—had abandoned her entirely. 
“Sleep well, then, Az—” Gwyn choked on the name, unsure why she couldn’t say it. 
And maybe he knew it, because his mouth quirked to the side, even as he settled back to the bed, one hand on his bare stomach. Something about him seemed off—he didn’t look like Eris’s usual type. Though, to be fair, what did she really know about Eris anymore? Ever since their father died and he’d taken over, Eris was different. 
Maybe his soldiers were, too. 
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2024 Preliminaries — The Adventure Zone — Round 2
he is literally bigfoot
Indrid Cold:
he is literally mothman. in his human!sona he wears a wifebeater and red tinted glasses. he lives in a shitty trailer and drinks exclusively eggnog. he can see the future. he is literally mothman (it bears repeating).
He’s the grim reaper AND he’s gay AND he’s a nerd
he's the grim reaper, he puts on a fake cockney accent while he's on the job because he's a fucking nerd, he tried to convince Merle he was his god and almost managed it, his first date with his future husband was a wine and pottery night at the "chug and squeeze" and he thought it was a business meeting
she is a lich she is an umbrella she is a pyromaniac. she is trans and she becomes a servant to the Raven Queen. she sees her brother for the first time in a decade and she makes fun of him for dating the grim reaper. she plays the violin and she adores her family and she loves her husband
Amber Gris:
she has extra ghost arms and punches teleporting sharks i love her
She could win tumblr sexy woman if more people knew her I stg she’s crazy she’s a lesbian she fights blinksharks with her bare hands she’s perfect
Fitzroy Maplecourt:
Introduced as quote “very sexy, very sexual” and later was confirmed as asexual so just like peak character I love him
he is a knight, he is the face of a fashion magazine modeling cloaks, he grows like a foot(??) in a magical accident, one time he accidentally turns himself into a plant in the middle of a fight. he decides to overthrow a corrupt government in his first semester of university and he fucking does it.
Montrose Pretty:
he wears a mask constantly obscuring his features and wears full-piece suits. in his free time he likes to talk to mechanical animatronics and pretend they're his family. he is a thief and a great liar. he repeatedly managed to convince multiple people that he's their long lost father to get out of trouble. he absolutely could be a deadbeat dad but isn't!
She’s an absolute shitbird. She doesn’t like potatoe chips and she hates movies. She’s a taurus, but not one of those types of tauruses. She once caught a wile fox and fed it poison! She terrible but shes also the best
Lady Elizabeth Godwin:
She’s an old Victorian lady who Dracula hit with a car so hard her body exploded and she got frankensteined to have the body of a body builder but her old Victorian lady head and she’s on a mission to kill Dracula
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respectthepetty · 5 months
do you happen to have any other bls with toxic kings up your sleeve? i’m as giddy as you when it comes to ming! i’m newer to bls, so there’s a good chance i haven’t seen whatever you suggest.
Anon, I have an entire roster of toxic characters because
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Like 2 Chainz rapped on one of my favorite songs, "I love bad bitches, that's my fuckin' problem" which is why I HATE when a story won't allow characters to be toxic. Like we all know the character IS toxic, but the story keeps telling us he isn't that bad or he is only that bad because reasons. Regardless of the reasons, the character is a bad bitch so why not just let him fucking own it, which is truly the reason Only Friends pissed me off so much.
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Case and point, my favorite characters were Ray and Nick. Ray was calling Sand a whore every two seconds and throwing money at him, while Nick was recording non-consexual sex tapes, yet the narrative wanted me to think they were just sad dudes who were slightly problematic.
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NAH! Nick straight up said he was trash! THEY WERE TOXIC just like everyone else in that damn show!
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Which is why I liked Kang in Dangerous Romance because I don't feel like the narrative eased up on his toxicity. In fact, I feel like the story said Sailom was into it with that master/servant scene at the very end.
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So in order for me to love a toxic character, they must 1) be considered toxic by the story, and 2) stay toxic, so I'm going to give you a list of ten of my favorites, but know that spoilers are coming your way too. Also know that I do not recommend anything, ever, so these are not recommendations. These are merely my favorite toxicitos.
Mis tóxicos favoritos
presented in no particular order
Todd - Not Me
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This man had his lover (it's canon to me) beat into a coma. Then, he went and grabbed that man's twin brother and made him take on his lover's persona all so he could overthrow his competition and be the number one evil capitalist. And then, AND THEN, he was excited to see his lover, Black, return even though he knew that meant he was probably going to die. Honestly, his entire relationship with Black was toxic, and I desperately need more of it. Not Me 2: Blackout when? WHEN, GMMTV?!
Rio & Kido - The Novelist Series
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Rio blew Kido in front of an old man in broad daylight, so they could get a book deal. That's just one of the many fucked up things these two did together, but they were even worse apart. Rio lied to a college student for months about his arm being injured and writing pornographic novels just to turn on the college student and fuck him because . . . he was bored? It's deeper than that, but it kinda ain't. Rio and Kido did toxic shit to feel alive and that's my special brand of toxic. I will never make excuses for them. I like them this way.
Yai - Big Dragon
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The very beginning of this show, as in the very first scene, is Yai and Mangkorn having sex AFTER Yai drugged Mangkorn in hopes of sexually assaulting him and recording it. AND MANGKORN IS INTO IT! Yai tries to steal Mangkorn's phone and ruin his life too, but Mangkorn is so in love with Yai, that he is willing to play along with whatever Yai does including fighting Yai. This is one of my favorite BLs for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest is because instead of trying to tame Yai, Mangkorn just decided to match his toxic energy! I love that for them.
Songpol - Club Friday
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Bank plays toxic very well, which is why he has two characters on this list, even though this show isn't technically a BL. Club Friday is already a hot mess express, so to be the most toxic character in a show filled with toxic characters means that Songpol was TOK-SICK! He cheated on his boyfriend with multiple men. When his boyfriend left him for a woman, he showed up outside of that woman's house calling her a whore. He then went to their wedding just so he could fuck his ex in a bathroom (on his wedding day). He continued to hook up with his ex, and sent a video to his ex's wife of them having sex, only for her to tell him to move into the house and continue having sex with her husband! AND THAT'S ONLY THE SECOND EPISODE! He was serving telenovela villain, and I want him back.
Vegas - KinnPorsche
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The scene: Vegas' beloved hedgehog has just died and he has carried out a tiny funeral for him while the bodyguard he has been holding hostage AND TORTURING comforts him, but instead of sitting in that grief, Vegas tells the bodyguard that the bodyguard is probably turned on by seeing Vegas weak, then proceeds to fuck him. Skipping over the fact that Vegas drugged Porsche, killed Tawan, got Big and Ken murdered by extension, and a plethora of other horrible shit, Vegas was a HUGE red flag from the very beginning, and I wanted him to choke me so badly. *bites knuckles*
Charn - Laws of Attraction
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He had his reasons, but the story and his husband didn't let that be an excuse for his toxic behavior. He tried burning down Tinn's house, with Tinn and his grandmother in it, and Tinn was very upset about it. Not enough to not sleep with Charn, but enough to get his point across that if Charn wanted to burn something down, he needed to focus on burning down the oppressive heteronormative government, so we could all have basic human rights. Toxic, but for the cause.
Chalothon - The Sign
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I knew he was a problem because the way he handled his patients, but he truly proved how toxic he was when he told Phaya he would kill Tharn before letting Phaya have him. I'm mad that the show made him good in the last episode, with most of if being off-screen, but I'll always remember how he committed psychological warfare on Phaya for eleven episodes in hopes of making Phaya seem crazy, and actually made Tharn, Phaya's soulmate, question Phaya's sanity.
Mol - 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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The only woman on this list and she isn't even queer. That's how toxic this chick was that she made it on a this list being a heterosexual, which was a major part of her toxicity. She is a top-tier gaslighter to her son. She doesn't actually consider Inn her friend. She uses feminist rhetoric to be homophobic. She manipulates every situation in her favor by using tears. I could write a list just about her being lead paint toxic, but the most fucked up part is that she got to ride off into the sunset with her son in the passenger seat being miserable, which is what she wanted. No other BL parent could reach her level. Korn and Gun from KinnPorsche exist, yet this woman would eat them alive without hesitation, then go throw a party for herself. She really is that bitch.
Yong Jie - HIStory 4: Close to You
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I'm not going to bullshit around him being a whole ass problem. This motherfucker is the most controversial pick on this list, and I am well aware of why he is hated by the people, but the story told us he was the devil. The show treated everything he did like stalking, physical assault, and sexual assault as horrible, and he got knocked out for it. HIStory 4 is my favorite BL, ever, and part of it is because the story let this toxic motherfucker BE toxic. I love how much I hate him, and I love how much the story allows me to hate him.
So - House of Stars
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This show was a mess, so I was not expecting this man to come out as THE toxic king to rule over every other toxic character. What made him so toxic is that I had no idea just how toxic he was until the exact moment I realized it, and that's why he is one of my favorites. He was sneaky. He was playing everyone against each other. He was letting the bodies stack up. He was Tan from Dead Friend Forever without anyone figuring out he was Tan. One person realized part of his plan, but even then, that person was not aware of how committed to the bit So was. This smile was the very last scene of the show, and it really proved that this boy ruined everyone's lives only to walk out of it completely unbothered. You know, king shit.
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crystaljellie · 6 months
I’m doing it I’m yapping.
Okay so my life series fantasy AU
Basically Joel and Jimmy were isekai’d into this fantasy world. Everyone else is already part of the world. Jimmy basically wake up with Grian standing over him (Grian is a parrot Avian in this as per usual) and Jimmy totally freaks out.
And all I know from there is that Jimmy and Grian overthrow Ren and Joel heads to the feywilds and meets Lizzie. Oh and flower husbands meet and kiss by a lake, I’m sure there will be angst I’m getting there
So now actually about the guys
Moss spirit
He lives in the forest and loves to cause chaos
But also he helps people get in an out of his forest because it’s dangerous at night
Being a moss spirit Bdubs body is basically just made up of moss
Bdubs and Grian have issues, and when I say issues Grian causes problems and Bdubs has to deal with the aftermath
BigB is a fae who lives outside of the fae wilds
He has a bakery in the main city of the kingdom Ren and Martyn rule
He frequently speaks to the royal order something something maybe suspicious things
He’s best friends with Tango who he met through Skizz
He’s an Arctic fox
He lives in the ice realms which are relatively near the southern realms which is where the kingdom is
Jimmy breaks into his house by accident at some point and Etho just is like
‘This guy is my kid now’
Jimmy has no idea how to escape forcibly assigned son
A desert elf (desert duo ref)
Scar used to live in the kingdom before moving to the desert realms with Grian (they’re boyfriends)
Scar is a falcon tamer, usually he just tames regular falcons but was called into the city square to deal with a particularly pesky boy which is how he meet Grian
He also still has a wheelchair but it has like magic powers, Scar used his desert elf powers to make it so his wheelchair can drive across sand.
A Parrot Avian
He has little bird legs and he likes to fly onto Scars falcon brace
And he takes shiny things from shops in the kingdom
He’s the one who recommended Scar go back to the desert
A Sun Imp
There are lots of different types of Imp’s
Depends which realm they were born it
Impulse was born in the sun realm
He’s a wood elf
And he and Ren have issues
Ren and Martyn learn to stop tyrannic ruling
I’m gonna get the watchers involved somehow
He’s being given instructions and visions
He tries to follow them but it only leads to dead ends
Or death
She’s a Fae
And the High Queen of the fae
So she lives in the feywilds
Do her people lowkey kidnap Joel?
Yes but that’s a separate issue
He’s a vampire :3
But instead of drinking your blood he’s more like
And can’t enter a building without permission
Sometimes you’ll just see Mumbo walking around with an umbrella
Everyone knows he’s a vampire
Sometimes they offer him blood he always says no though he thinks it’s rude of him
Skizz is an angel
But he’s also the most unlucky person in the world
He was the first person to buy from Tangos shop and they became good friends because of that
Skizz is aware of the watchers due to his angel origins
Scott is actually a star born
But he disguises himself as a Sea elf
He lives in solitude behind a waterfall in a flower meadow
He has long elf ears and coral in his hair that looks like it’s arranged slightly like a flower crown
Starborns have the ability to take the magical abilities of their surroundings or their friends, so Scott has magical powers relating to water and flowers, but this can change based on his surroundings in which he can gain additional powers (Water and Flower related powers will not change because he’s lived in the meadow for so long)
Something with him and Acho (his brother) having an argument, causing them to split from each other and adorn disguises heading down to the over realm
Scott has spoken to the royal counsel before but they do not like each other which is why he did not choose to live in the city, He is courteous with them but only really visits the city to speak with Impulse who he made friends with while living in the city.
Starborns being a rarer and more hunted but also very powerful species and kept track of by the royal order so he was mainly there to fill out paperwork
Tango is a fireborn
Fireborn do not have parents they spawn from fire and are only found in the Nether realms (Not to be confused for the Nether World) At the age of 16 Fireborn creatures will leave the Nether realms to find a home for themselves. The only fireborn who reside pass the age of sixteen are those who are unable to leave or caretakers of fireborn young.
So when Tango was 16 he left to the southern arms to set up a mechanics shop
When Tango gets angry his fire hair goes blue
Tango also had a mechanical arm :3
Pearl is a lunar moth
She and Grian are siblings
They cause problems together I love them
I sadly don’t have much for anyone else right now :(
I’m working on it, but they’re my sillies and I can’t wait to make this a fic it’ll be so fun
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harkonnin · 3 months
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* The heart is not meant to rule *
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader
Tag list: @wo-ming-bai
Slow burn, knife kink, blood kink, strangers to lovers, softer!Feyd-Rautha, CONSENT, 18+, arranged marriage, assassination, poison, murder, etc
Previous Chapter - Blood for Blood Current Chapter - Herald of the Change
“I will not accept this outcome, you obviously cheated!”
The Baron, fuming with anger and disbelief, had no choice but to step down. His plan had failed, and now he faced his own demise.
“The people have spoken, uncle. And you tried to poison me.”, Feyd outright smirked.
The servants behind him making defiant glances at the Baron. For whatever time he had left, they had to admit they were glad to see him go. Most had already seen the influence you had on Feyd, knowing that being under your rule would be a better life than the miserable one they had now. And they would gladly fight for it.
“And yet you’re still standing, how?” the Baron questioned.
Feyd looked away and laughed, twisting the dagger in his hands.
“Let’s just say lady Harkonnen’s blood is more twisted than you can imagine.”
Fully exposing himself to the Baron, eluding to the blood transfusion and immunity to the poison, it took him a few seconds to understand what Feyd was implying.
“…Heresy! I told you she is a witch! YOU WILL DIE BY HER HAND!” He screamed at him. "Your time is over," Feyd stoicly declared, drawing his blade.
The Baron barely had time to react before Feyd's strike was true, his dagger twisted in his neck, causing him to choke up blood, ending his reign with swift finality.
A new Baron arises.
On Caladan, Paul Atreides sat cross-legged, his eyes distant as another vision engulfed him. He saw Feyd, triumphant, ascending the throne of House Harkonnen. He saw battles, alliances, and an unexpected bond forming with you. It was all a blur and nothing clear, which it never was. The implications building up to both the houses having a strong rule in the galaxy, is what it seemed like.
He emerged from the vision, breathing heavily. Without hesitation, he sought you out, finding you outside, watching the sunset in the damp grass. The pendant twirling in your hand as you watch the setting sun glimmering on the ocean nearby.
"I had a vision," Paul said, his voice urgent and out of breath.
You turn on the grass to look at him, his face flush red from the running. He didn’t seem scared however, more so excited.
“What is it Paul?” you question him.
Now that he came to you he had no idea how to properly phrase it. The implications of his words and if they were true or not looming heavily on his shoulders.
"I saw Feyd conquering House Harkonnen” he sort of burst out, laughing kind of.
This felt like an uninformed prank, cruel even for your brother. Did he get a vision or was he just annoying you at this point, because you couldn’t tell the difference. You frowned, unaware if you were walking into his trap or not.
"What does that even mean Paul?" you sounded annoyed and turned your face back to the ocean, the frown not leaving your face. “I’m not sure, but it felt good at least,” he tried to calm himself down a bit.
You stayed quiet after that, not knowing what it all meant and not willing to speculate. There was no way Feyd would be able to overthrow his own house without multiple people wanting to kill him for it. Nor would the Baron consider making him Baron before his own death, the man craved power, well both of them did in different ways. But Feyd promised to not take any risks. He promised.
The next morning, Duke Leto summoned you to his study, his expression grave. He held a formal invitation in his hand, sealed with the Harkonnen crest. The vision Paul told you about made your throat close up and you didn’t get much sleep, but this was worse. Before saying anything you speculated it might be a letter to tell you about the death of Feyd, the Baron must have seen the letters you wrote to each other or figured out how you two stayed in contact. Not that it was illegal, but he pretty much hated your guts.
"This arrived today," Leto said, handing it to you.
Somehow shaking you took the letter from his hands, staring at it for a long time before looking back up at your father. He nodded at you to find the strength to open it, as he also didn’t think it would be a fun read. You break the seal and read the letter aloud:
"To the esteemed House Atreides, It is with great honor and sincere intentions that I extend a formal invitation to the noble members of House Atreides. Recent events have led to significant changes within our house, and it is time to forge new alliances and strengthen old bonds. I invite you to Giedi Prime to discuss matters of mutual interest, to explore opportunities for collaboration, and to foster a relationship built on respect and shared goals. The political landscape is ever-changing, and it is crucial that we stand united in the face of forthcoming challenges. This invitation is extended not only as a gesture of goodwill but as a testament to the respect and admiration I hold for your house and, more personally, for my wife, Lady Atreides. Our destinies have long been intertwined, and it is my sincere hope that we can build a future together, stronger and more resilient. Please consider this invitation with the gravity it deserves. I eagerly await your response and hope that you will honor us with your presence. With highest regards, Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen."
Your hands trembled slightly as you finished reading the letter. As you look up at your father, you can feel your heart pounding.
"He did it," you whisper. "This is a significant step," Leto said, his voice gentle but firm. "You must be certain of your decision. Being the wife of a Baron, especially of House Harkonnen, is fraught with complexities and dangers. It is a life that demands strength and resilience."
He paused, his expression softening.
"But if this is truly what you want, if your heart is set on Feyd, then you have my blessing. The choice is yours, and yours alone."
She took a deep breath, her thoughts racing back to Feyd and their shared moments.
"Yes, Father. I do."
You go to bed pondering what it would be like to see him again. As you drift to sleep a smile spreads on your face.
The sleek Atreides ship descended onto the landing pad of Giedi Prime, its engines humming softly. You step out, heart pounding with anticipation and a mix of apprehension and excitement.
Feyd awaited you, in full on Baronesque clothing. His stance confident yet his eyes revealing a depth of emotion. As you approach he breaks character and moves forward to meet you halfway, his body moving on its own, fueled by the need to feel you again.
"I knew you would come," he says as he bends down on one knee. “My lady”.
He takes your hand into his and kisses your knuckles like before. He looks handsome as ever, the title of Baron suiting him well. As he comes back up to face you, you take his face in your hands, eliciting a huffed gasp from the people nearby, watching you.
You smiled at him, happy to see him alive, happy to feel his heat again in your hands. It had been months of touch-starved letters only to be able to feel him again in real life now. Feyd didn’t await any more words from you and instead just decided to kiss you. He wanted to make it clear that the both of you were equals in this marriage, also for Giedi Prime to see that they should respect you as an extension of himself.
“My lady! MY LADY!-“ you shoot up from your bed, confused at the voice shouting you awake. “You should be getting ready now, my lady,” a member of staff waking you up.
Great, this had been a dream.
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kindasleepywriter · 8 months
Bird of Prey - Chapter 10: Cold as Ice
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Bird of Prey masterlist. Azriel x Reader.
Chapter summary: An unexpected provocation reveals a hidden part of you.
Story rating: Mature - Minors DNI
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1.7k
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You were honestly starting to wonder what kind of magic was infused into the city’s water supply. Couldn’t there be a single day where nothing happened, where you got to just live without another unprecedented event taking place?
Velaris didn’t follow the rules of statistical probabilities and it upset you to no end. The impossible amount of mating bonds, the general number of all-powerful magic wielders, and now the appearance of your apparently hidden gifts… Maybe that’s why the rest of the world was so bleak, it all had to be balanced out somehow.
A break was all you wanted. Some sleep, maybe. Time to read a book.
Instead, immediately after realizing you had summoned your own shadows, Azriel had brought you to a small house that bordered the city, explaining along the way the Night court’s tentative alliance with Eris. The Vansera hadn’t exactly been kind to you during your stay in Autumn, a high contender for the title of the brother you hated most, but you knew he wasn’t completely on board with the way Beron handled his court… despite following his every order. Except for Jesminda, of course. Even he had found it unnecessarily cruel. What happened to her… you still had nightmares about her death, about your screams and Lucien’s broken pleas for mercy.
Now that you knew Eris wanted to overthrow Beron… Well, you couldn’t help but wonder how long he’d been planning for this. He’d alerted Tamlin of the hunt three of his brothers had embarked on after you and Lucien fled, saving both of your lives, but he’d never shown any ounce of concern for either of you before then.
You didn’t know what to think, and you found comfort in the fact that he was still under tight surveillance in the city.
As for your powers, you’d spent the afternoon trying to summon shadows with Azriel’s help, but you were faced with the same absence of power inside you. The frustration you’d felt had only multiplied, feeling like you did during your childhood training, just an utter disappointment to others. You’d gone to bed with an empty stomach, unable to choke down food while stewing in your self-hatred. This was just another thing you were bad at, another proof of your worthlessness. None of Az’s encouragements had even made a dent in the storm cloud that seemed to follow you around.
With your tentative approval, Azriel had asked Nesta to come help the day after, explaining that perhaps the way she summoned her powers would be more useful. Apart from Cassian, she was the only one who you’d interacted with, without too many problems. Your time together in the House of Wind had mostly consisted of silence, but you preferred that over her mate’s incessant chatter.
You hadn’t made any more progress with her .
You sat crossed legged on the living room floor across from the Valkyrie, who mirrored your position. You were exhausted from the mental strain, body tensed so tight that your muscles ached, not to mention the headache gradually turning into a full-blown migraine. This felt useless.
“It’s like trying to bucket water from a dry well.” you gritted through clenched teeth, your frown a permanent fixture since the day before. “I’ve tried every manner known to man to access my supposed powers. They’re not there.”
Nesta tutted. “You need to stop thinking about it as some pocket inside you that you need to reach. It’s a part of your very being and you don’t need to ‘find it’, you need to find the way to wield yourself as a weapon.”
Your fists clenched so hard you felt the familiar burn of your fingernails digging into your palms, a hint of metal hanging in the air. You had all the theoretical knowledge about having magical abilities, you’d heard it a million times before from too many people. The only thing you felt was exasperation simmering into anger.
“I know that Nesta,” you muttered, “but this is useless. I’m not one of you guys, I’m no more useful than a well-trained hound could be. That fact has been shoved in my face my entire life and it’s all I’ve ever been, you’re both wasting your time trying to make me come up with abilities I don’t truly have.”
“Okay, this pity party stops here.” she hissed, done with your self-hatred. You opened your eyes in shock when you felt her moving towards you rapidly. You didn’t even have time to react before she forcibly opened your hands, revealing the drops of blood that slowly dripped from your palms, and shoved you backwards to the ground. You tried to fight against her grip, but she held you in a position of weakness, your legs pinned in their crossed position.
“Nesta, what-” you heard Azriel call, unable to complete his sentence.
“You are going to take the stick out of your ass and stop acting like a child!” she snapped close to your face. “Do you think I care about your daddy issues? Get over yourself and listen.”
“Let go, Nesta.” you warned, your anger fully taking flame as you tried to roll over her. How dare she try to make light of what happened to you? You carried your past like you carried your wings, every second of your life was shadowed by it. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” you yelled.
The way Azriel was watching this unfold so casually didn’t go unnoticed and only fueled the flames inside you. A little help would’ve been appreciated, but you both knew you’d never be able to ask for it. Maybe that was exactly why he didn’t help, you thought.
“You think you’re the only who’s had a difficult life?” Nesta continued, “That we all lived in grand castles and mansions drinking tea until you arrived? We’ve starved, died, sacrificed it all for Prythian, for our own. Some of us died fighting Amarantha and Hybern while you hid in your little caves. You can hate the Inner Circle all you want, but your excuses don’t mean a thing to me when you’ve been sitting on your ass for centuries whining about your life.”
Blood pounded in your ears, drowning out all other sounds, and you saw red. You finally managed to kick your legs free with a hiss and hooked one around her hips, using the force of your wings to propel your movement forward as you flipped her under you. You twisted your hands out of her grip, all pretense of niceness long gone, and pinned her wrists above her while your knees held her legs down.
“You think I wanted to stand by?” you shouted, so close to her face your noses almost touched. “You think I reveled in the fact that the entirety of Prythian was under siege? Every day I saw people die, every day I wanted to skin Amarantha and Hybern alive, but no one wanted me. Autumn would’ve sold me out in a minute, the Illyrians wanted me dead, and Dawn had already kicked me out! Any place I went, I would’ve been a big red target for people to attack, and I couldn’t take Amarantha and Hybern down alone with my little dagger, don’t you get that? I couldn’t. do. SHIT.”
Your grip on her tightened when she grinned at your words, the picture of satisfaction as you heaved in fury over her. This wasn’t a joke! You couldn’t believe the audacity she’d shown, the disrespect. Did she think making an enemy of you would fix this shitshow? If aggression is what she wanted, she’d get it.
“No abilities, huh?” she said, sarcasm dripping from her every word as your hold on her tightened even more. Any tighter and you knew you’d feel her delicate wrists snap under your fingers, and you were tempted to do so. She looked up to where you clutched her wrists. “Could’ve fooled me.”
You glanced up and gasped. Your hold on her was burning, an icy dance of white flames travelling over her skin and yours, the wood underneath charring from the cold. Her skin remained untouched, as did yours, but the feeling of warmth in your fingers was rapidly leaching away, the circulation of your hands clearly taking a hit.
You jumped back in shock, the flames ceasing the instant you let go of her and scrambled away from her on your ass so fast your wings and head crashed against the wall behind you. A sharp pain shot through your skull and back, echoes of past pains resonating within you again.  
“What the hell was that?” you cried, shaking off your disorientation and flexing your hands as you tried to get blood running through them again. It was like you’d dunked them in icy water, and the floor was even worse off. When you’d released her, the movement against the iced surface had caused it to break into chips of wood, frozen pieces of the blackened floor scattered everywhere.
Azriel rushed over to you, taking your icy hands in his own, trying to bring back some warmth in them.
You barely even noticed; your now watery eyes still fixed on the destruction before you.
“That, my dear, is power,” Nesta snickered and brushed herself off, “more specifically, my power.”
You didn’t understand, your mind grasping at straws trying to comprehend what had just happened. “Was that you?”, you asked shakily.
“Oh no, that was all you.”
If you thought you were confused before, you were absolutely lost now. “But how could I, how did I… What?” you stuttered. You’d been the cause of the floor’s damage, the frozen wood still emitting a cold smoke.
Azriel, who was still holding and rubbing your hands softly as feeling gradually returned to them, turned to you. “I think we’ve been approaching it all wrong.” he said, realization clear in his voice. He laughed slightly. “This must be why you couldn’t produce abilities of your own, Dove. You don’t have your own source of power, because you’re able to bend someone else’s to your will.”
“But what does that mean?” you pleaded, still unable to grasp the implications of it. Was that why you’d been able to summon the shadows, to create that barrier of storm, to burn a door handle, but how could you, without touching the person who provided their magic? Azriel, Feyre, Lucien… they’d all been in your proximity when you’d wielded their powers.
Azriel chuckled more at your question. “It means Rhysand is going to have an aneurysm.”
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nothing says "relaxing" quite like your roomate taunting you in a blind rage
Banner created by the amazing @saradika!
Taglist: @sapphenaa @minnieoo @weasleyreidstyles
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kitkats-and-kittens · 7 months
Spoilers for Pjo now I guess. Never thought I’d have to type that out.
I have a feral urge to write a fanfic from the perspective of Olympus while all the events of Pjo where going down.
Like what were the political standings like when it was Zeus vs Posiden and it looked like another war was about to break out?
What were the Gods relations with one another and what were their relationships like with the other nymphs and Saytrs and Minor Gods that live on that mountain?
I know Hades isn’t really close with anyone on Olympus but do Zeus and Posiden have any sort of relationship with their sisters?
What about Hephaestus and Ares. They weren’t on good terms in the myths but Aphrodites story is presented a lot differently in the books from traditional Greek hyms.
How is Ares and Zeus’ relationship. It must be pretty strong if Zeus doesn’t punish him for switching over to Kronos side just for the sake of starting a war when Apollo interacting with one of his descendants to give Octavian his blessings was punished as badly as him killing the cyclopses or killing Python, and overthrowing Zeus.
What about the girls? Do Athena and Artemis get along? They’ve both taken vows of chastity and are both adept in weapons and fighting (plus they both piss of Aphrodite, if that’s not something to bond over then what is)
Like I need to know how they all interact with each over, who they like and dislike and why?
I also would love to see how trauma affects their view of the world.
I mean Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, Posiden and Zeus’ father tried to murder them when they were born so I imagine their judgment on healthy household relations is understandably skewed.
And then there’s the next generation.
Athena, Aries, Hephaestus, Artemis and Apollo.
Athena is canonically the golden child in the myths so how does that affect her?
She tried to overthrow Zeus in the myths so there’s clearly some tension there. Does she like being his favourite child or does she despise the pressure constantly placed on her to conform to an unreachable standard of perfection?
And What about Ares and Hephaestus? Hera considered them both embarrassments in different ways. Of course the infamous story of Hephaestus’ birth and how ugly he was, but then there’s Ares who is constantly in his sisters shadow despite them both being Gods of war.
It would’ve shamed Hera in those times to have a son who looses out to the bastard child of one of Zeus flings, but to have two sons both be subpar compared to the kids Zeus had with other woman?
That’s gotta create some rivalry for daddy’s favourite, and maybe a silent understanding between Ares and his brother.
And then we have the twins. Apollo who looking at all his attributes is definitely suffering from some sort of burnout as well as his father constantly punishing him with lightning probably some resentment there and maybe even some towards Artemis.
As far as we know she’s never been in trouble with Zeus despite ‘meddling in mortal affairs’ by helping Leo and Piper. Again maybe something to do with favouritism Zeus seems very partial to the woman in his family. Plus she doesn’t spend a lot of time on Olympus, maybe she’s as silently resentful as Apollo.
Though we see her worrying for him in blood of Olympus and he breaks the ancient ‘no meddling’ laws in Titans curse in order to help save her. So they’re clearly close, but I don’t think she knows about the lightning thing. I’m not sure if Zeus punishes just Apollo with it, though we hear no mention of any of the other gods experiencing physical abuse from their father.
Then we have the youngest and most recent generation (I’m splitting them into their own category cause they’re the only major gods to be birthed by humans)
Dionysus and Hermes.
We see in sea of monsters that Hermes doesn’t seem to really find joy in his position as a god anymore, maybe the stuff he did used to be fun but it’s gotten monotonous, even stressful with how much stuff he has to do and with no one to help.
Honestly maybe that’s a bonding experience? Him and Apollo silently lamenting about how exhausted they are by all their jobs?
And Dionysus. He seems to be seen as some sort of perpetual joke by Zeus, at least in the books. I mean why else give such a long winded and honestly disproportional response for such a minor action.
I mean even Apollos punishment (though being a lot worse) only lasted a couple months.
And the thing I haven’t even touched on with Hermes and Dionysus being from human descent. Do they miss their old lives?
Hermes had only been born a couple days before he was sent to Olympus, but still, it wasn’t as though he could bring his mother with him. Does he miss her? Or see her as some stranger he left behind. Did he mourn her death? Did Dionysus mourn his own mother. Was he angry with Zeus when he learnt his own father was the reason for her death? If he did what could he do about it?
And Dionysus spent years in the human realm (depending on which myths you look at) did he have friends? Lovers? How did he feel when they died and he continued to live on?
The Gods are left relatively untouched despite being such a large part of the series and it’s events, even ToA doesn’t give us a lot more than what audience already knew from myths and reading previous books.
They’re so intriguing to me because there’s something so human about their actions despite how vehemently they’d probably claim against it. In some ways they’re almost identical to people and it makes me slightly insane that we’ll never get to know everything about them all and the lives they led before the events of the series in modern New York.
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