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20 yr old artist, she/her, sometimes I write
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siolixz · 3 months ago
Would you write for Vic?
Vic is cute, but I am unfortunately not attracted to him that way so therefore I won’t be able to give y’all something good. 🫶
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siolixz · 3 months ago
Pairings: Oz 'The Penguin' Cobb x reader
You and Oz settle down in a big penthouse and kids arrive. Very self indulging fanfic. This is quite short but I tried my best to give y'all something- I miss him. ( ˘︹˘ )
Enjoy and give feedback if you want :)
Contents: fluff
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Your heart was beating out of your chest as you waited for your husband to come home.
Was he going to be happy? 
What a silly question, of course he was going to be happy. He’s been telling you non-stop how excited he was to start a family with you. 
So why are you nervous? 
You paced around the master bedroom you two shared- pregnancy test in hand.
Why is he taking so long? 
You sat on the couch in the living room on your phone while the maids were getting the table ready for tonight’s dinner- you made them cook that cake Oz loved.
He has no idea what’s waiting for him.
Between high society meetings and the usual business your husband has to attend to- he was a very busy man. But he never, ever brought any bad moods he had at work back home to you. 
“There she is” 
You turned around to look at him- dressed in a tuxedo, he looked every bit the rich man he was.
You said hi to him and got up to kiss him:
“You smell nice..” you whispered.
You two talked as he undressed his dress jacket and took off his suspenders, leaving him only in the shirt and black pants he had on- he unbuttoned it a little and got it up to his elbows. 
As you two ate, you tried your best not to interrupt him- to break the news and wait for his face to light up- make his whole night.
As the cake was brought on the table and he got the first bite- you couldn’t help yourself. You just couldn’t.
”I gotta ask you something” you started- your stomach full of butterflies 
He raised an eyebrow at you- mouth full of cake. 
“Do you have any plans 9 months from now?” 
He shook his head no. 
You took a deep breath-
“Well, in nine months from now- you’re gonna be a dad.”
You smiled at him as you saw him raise his eyebrows in shock. 
“You serious?” 
You nodded- your heart was so full as you saw him break out in a smile as well
“Are you happy?” You whispered at him as he reached across the table to pull you in his arms. 
“I’m the happiest man alive.” 
He kissed you gently as he held your face.
Remembering the day you told your husband about your bundle of joy brought tears in your eyes, must’ve a mix of the hormones and the nostalgia you felt as you waited to arrive at the doctor’s appointment. 
He held your hand in the backseat as your driver rounded the corner. 
Oswald and you already picked out names for him or her. Either way, whatever they were- all that mattered is that they were yours and perfect. 
You tried to calm your nerves as you laid on the table- whatever was to come, whatever the doctor told you, you will be there for them. 
She placed the cold gel on your belly as your husband held your hand next to you. He was nervous too- you could tell, even if he pretended not to be. He smiled gently at you when you glanced in his direction.
She told you everything was ok, the babies were in the right position and their bodies were alright.
”What babies?” Your husband interrupted the doctor “We thought it was just one?” 
You couldn’t form any words at that moment, your gaze was fixated on the screen as she turned it around to show you. 
She smiled at you- pointing excitedly at the precious lives you carried inside- “You two are going to have your hands full- you’re expecting two girls, see?”
You squeezed Oz’s hand while it was holding your own- chuckling in disbelief as you looked at his shocked expression.
The months went by quickly and your body changed in ways you couldn’t have imagined- by the seventh month, you could barely walk and much to Oswald’s enjoyment, you had an attitude too: 
He stared at you as you got naked in the bathroom.
You felt uncomfortable after a long day of trying to busy yourself with various things around the penthouse- his gaze on you only irritated you further.
Was he thinking you looked ugly?
He made you this way! 
You turned around at him, angry “What the fuck are you looking at?” 
He started laughing “You look beautiful- can’t I look at my wife?”  
Now not only did you walk like him, you started acting like him as well. 
Oz became way more protective of you than usual as your due date was coming up, you had the most expensive doctors on call and the most experienced nannies ready to help you out once you gave birth, he watched over you like a hawk- you could barely do anything and even if you loved him as much as you possibly could, sometimes you wanted to be left alone too.
 You two renovated the nursery where your daughters will be once they came and you already decided on the names- you picked ‘Aurora’ and your husband picked ‘Frances’ for her sister. 
Aurora and Frances- how loved they are and they weren’t even here yet. 
You talked to them as you massaged your belly at night, told them stories of their grandmothers and their grandfather, you talked to them about their aunt and uncles too- how happy they would all be to see them. 
The birth was a hard one- even with the best doctors, midwives and nurses money could buy. 
Aurora came first and then Frances, pink and gorgeous- perfect. 
Both of them.
The babies cried, you cried- Oz cried. It was all tears in the delivery room. Happy tears.
As they placed your daughters on each side of you Oz kissed your forehead “thank you” he muttered. 
Your life changed for the better in the last years. Sure, it is way more chaotic and raising two children wasn’t easy- the nannies helped.
But you were so happy- so happy and so fulfilled
By the 20th month- Aurora was already running around the house and Frances seemed to think she was a storyteller who had to be listened to at all times .
When you would calm Frances down- her sister would start running, as you would grab the more rambunctious one- her sister would start crying and so on and so forth.
Sometimes they would sync together when crying prompting your husband to announce that they were going to be great singers one day- a duet.
Aurora had your husband's eyes and his smile- the same wild twinkle in her eyes just before she was about to do something naughty. She enjoyed watching you two run around the house after her or when Oz would throw her in the air and play with her.
Frances on the other hand- she observed everything with wide eyes, trying to grab a hold of anything close to her- to find out what it was, she was the more inquisitive one for sure. She still enjoyed playing with her sister but she preferred to stick to the sidelines.
They were both well behaved, you thaught them to say 'sorry', 'please' and 'thank you'. No matter how much their father or you spoiled them, they had to know their manners and you were very pleased with their learning abilities.
God, you loved them so much.
Of course you carried them both in your belly so they could look exactly the same as their dad.
They would start screaming whenever they heard his voice or hear him walk and not only that- but they took his accent too. 
No matter how hard you tried to teach them how to say things the ‘right’ way- prepare them for school next to the other rich kids in their social circle, they preferred their father’s way of saying things- sometimes it felt like he carried them to full term. 
As they grew their father became more and more paranoid- telling you that if he can’t protect you three, then he failed as a father and husband.
I mean, you knew he had enemies, knew he was a dangerous man who shouldn’t be crossed- but having a car full of armed men trailing behind you as you would run errands into town or take the girls somewhere was a bit much. 
Oz loved them so much- they were the light of his life, everything he did, he did it for them and for you.
Every night after he came home he would kiss both girls on their your bedroom, of course depending on when he came home.
Tonight was no different as he climbed in the king sized bed to start the TV- watch the news and get his glasses from the nightstand.
He mumbled something under his breath about the politician talking on the news and turned around to look at you as you joined him.
He smiled and wrapped his arm around you as you cuddled close to him. 
"They were fast asleep weren't they?"
"Yeah- Frances almost woke up but 'Rory was out like a log." He chuckled. "What do you say we try again, huh?"
You looked up at him
“Maybe try for a boy this time? “
Author's note: Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!
This was an anon request- I don't think I am that good at writing family fics but hey i tried and therefore no one should judge me. I also have another one-shot in the works, something I am quite proud of so far about an up and coming singer who gets a one in a lifetime opportunity to sing at 'Monroe's', the hottest jazz club who was just renovated- there she meets a very wealthy man and owner of said club. Her friends tell her 'no' and 'are you fck insane?' she sais 'me likey old dangerous gangster'- stuff happens in the Rolls Royce after. (͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)
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siolixz · 3 months ago
I’m in the middle of writing the family fic with Oz and reader- I’m probably going to finish it this week and post it most likely friday but we will see 🥰🐧 I am currently battling several midterms and my meds BUT Im still standing ✊
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siolixz · 4 months ago
~Veils Of Crimson~
Chapter 5: part 2
<chapter 1> <chapter 2> <chapter 3><chapter 5: part 1>
The truth is here and so is the ending of the story. I'm glad to be over with it and maybe start another project like a one-shot or something. It was so much fun to write it and if you read all of it- you have my deepest thanks and gratitude. This story takes a darker turn and you can decide to just ignore that it exists if that's not your cup of tea.
This is a work of fiction and all the characters are 18+.
I took my inspo from Driving Miss Falcone by ( here on tumblr), check out the story if you can.
Enjoy, give feeback if u want ily xoxo.
Warnings: mature language, violence towards the reader, angst, smut (a bit of non-consenual too- so just be aware of that)
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Your driver was still your husband's employee, so his loyalty remained with his boss- if you wanted to leave, you had to do it when Oswald wasn’t at home. But today, luck was on your side. 
Oz left promptly at noon, buried in business you hoped would keep him occupied for hours and you slipped out, a quiet rebellion that had your heart pounding in your chest.
The one thing that irked Oz the most was when he didn’t know where you were or how long you would be staying, he only allowed you to visit certain places at certain times and you usually had a bodyguard with you or two but this time you had none, just you and your driver.
If everything goes according to plan, you would be back before he knew it.
As you sat down in front of the glass window separating you and your sister, you anxiously turned the letter in your hands. What were you even going to say to her?
Sofia looked so different, her eyes were empty and her voice was almost a whisper.
“Why are you here?” she asked, her tone devoid of emotion.
“Sofia, I—” Your voice wavered as the nerves coiled tighter around your throat. “I received a letter.” You held up the envelope, fingers trembling. “It’s from a woman named Selina Kyle. She says she’s our half-sister. She could help us. Help me get you out of here.”
A moment passed in suffocating silence as she stared at you- studying your face.
“I got one too,” she said finally.
Relief surged through you, a wave so strong you nearly sighed out loud. But Sofia’s expression remained stone-cold. The relief curdled into confusion.
“I’m so glad, Sofia. I—”
“How do you sleep next to him?” she interrupted, her voice sharpening like a knife. “Knowing what he did? To me. To Alberto.”
Your breath caught. “Excuse me?”
Sofia’s eyes narrowed, the hollowness flickering into something darker. She leaned closer, the harsh overhead lights casting shadows across her face.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know?” she squinted her eyes at you. You took a deep breath- your heart was beating out of your chest- what the hell was she talking about?
“He killed him. He killed Alberto and stuffed his body in the back of a car.. like a piece of trash; he lied and manipulated us. Just so he can play king.” 
“No,” you whispered, but it came out weaker than you intended, sounding more like a plea than a denial. You shook your head- no. No. No, this can’t be. 
“You’re lying-”
“Why would I lie? I don’t have anything to lose now.” 
“What?” you were too shocked to say anything more- ask more questions
“He got what he wanted in the end. He’s got the girl and the power.” her voice was sharp- judging you “You ate right out of his hand. He spun his web of lies and you listened.” She gave a deep breath. 
You placed your elbows on the table, hands on your mouth- God, you wanted to throw up right now.
“You know—” she started, her tone taking on an almost mocking edge. “I visited his friend, Eve. She was his alibi—she told me all about him.”
You closed your eyes, trying to get yourself away from this place mentally 
“He would make her dress up like you. Y’know that?” Sofia’s voice broke, the brief flash of amusement mingling with pain. “Make her walk and talk like you—then he’d fuck her.”
“From your dresses to your purses- she had almost exact replicas. Sick fuck.”  She shook her head in denial. 
Your phone dinged in your purse but you were too caught up in what she was saying to pay attention to it. 
It must’ve been hours- Hours, since you arrived though it felt like seconds. This was the longest conversation you’d had with your sister in what felt like a lifetime, and it peeled back every lie you had clung to. 
The guards, bribed into silence, loomed in your periphery, but they were irrelevant now.
Sofia recounted everything—how Oz orchestrated the club, the arrest, every meticulously planned step. He’d severed your contact with her, veiled you in a life built on manipulation, and ensured you were too blinded by his charm to see the truth.
You felt the anxiety wash away and be replaced with something stronger, anger.
Anger at him and what a monster he was. Anger like you’d never known gripped your chest, tightening until you could barely breathe. Anger at yourself for believing him.
How could you?
As you said your goodbyes, you made sure to swear on your life you were going to get her out of there. 
You left in a hurry and as you checked your phone in the car you finally bursted out crying. He called you- multiple times but you were in no mood to talk. You knew you were going to get berated back home but that was pushed to the back of your head. You had to think- you replayed all your past memories with him in your head.
Oz called your driver too- who told him he was with you. You tuned out most of the conversation after declining to speak to him in the car. 
The ride home was a blur- you didn’t wait for the driver to open the door for you so you jumped out of the car and got in the elevator as soon as you could. 
As you climbed up the levels and it finally dinged you heard a voice that made your body feel filled with- fear?
“Fuck have you been?” he yelled.
The anger almost toppled you over as you saw him.
No, this isn’t wise you thought. If you were to tell him what you know now, it would probably end badly for you. He probably drank something as he came home and he was capable of anything. 
“I- I-” you started, averting his gaze. You weren’t that good at lying, especially not in moments like this “I visited my brother and dad.” you whispered and tried to walk by him.
He grabbed your arm and forcefully pulled your face up towards his. 
“Don’t fucking lie to me” his breath- laced with whiskey and tobacco was hot in your face “Where were you?”
The anger started bubbling up inside of you. You knew the house staff could hear you two and the Gazette would go mad with gossip if they heard of this confrontation.
“Lower your voice” you whispered back in his face
“Don’t tell me how to speak in my own fucking house!” His voice was a shout now, ricocheting off the walls. If he wanted a scene, you would give him one.
You studied his face, from the big scar on it to his furrowed eyebrows and almost black eyes in this light. 
“I went to Arkham- to speak to Sofia.” your words were precise. A glimmer of something went through your husband's eyes- was it uncertainty? 
His eyes narrowed as his voice got deeper and quieter.
“You listened to her lies- she ain’t right in the head.” He was lying.
“She told me I have the devil in my house and I believe her. You lied to me Oswald- you manipulated me and you have me right where you want me.” You looked up at him- staring in his eyes. You were afraid, yes- but you were also very angry.
His eyes darkened, the mask slipping. You saw the raw, dangerous man beneath- your husband was not the kind of man to be crossed. But you pushed on, refusing to cower.
“Watch your words-”
“Or what are you going to do Oswald?!” you screamed at him- your eyes stung with the memory of your brother and sister and of you.
How gullible you were.
No more.
You heard the sound of footsteps as one of your maids scurried off.
“Are you going to kill me?” you whispered.
His eyes grew wider, nostrils flaring and but you continued.
“Like you killed my brother?” you whispered to him. “Like you killed Vi-Victor too probably?”
The impact of the slap almost sent you toppling over if he didn’t have a close grip on you and you gasped as his heavy hand made impact with your cheek.
You blinked- trying to stop your world from spinning.
You looked at him again and he looked like a complete fucking monster. That’s who he was. A monster.
“Fuck you.” you told him. God your cheek was stinging, you felt tears in your eyes but you didn’t let them fall. 
“Everything I do, everything I did, was for you—for us!” He tightened his grip on your arm, gesturing wildly around the room. “All of this!”
“You don’t have power over me anymore- I’m not that little girl you used to lie to-”
Wrenching free from his grasp, you stumbled into the living room, heart pounding as you sought refuge in one of the spare rooms. The sting of his slap lingered on your cheek, you let your tears stream down your face hot with fury and shame.
You had to leave him.
Screw all these expensive clothes and this fucking life- you don’t want it. Not anymore. Not if it was alongside a man that did that.
He was worse than Maroni or Carmine- he didn’t feel anything as he lied to you. Did he feel love for you? Was it real? Or was it all a game he played? To have you all to himself because of his sick obsession.
You got him in all those high circles, your friends remained the same. All now women who married into power- you got them to talk to their husbands.
To meet you two at your gorgeous penthouse ‘to do business’- you helped him. Bastard. You hated him. You will get Sofia out and you will leave him. You have to.
In the back of your mind you knew it was impossible, but you had to try.
Late that night, dressed in your pajamas, while standing near the bed. The door creaked open, and your heart raced, dread pooling in your stomach.
You didn’t need to look to know it was him. 
The way he shut the door and took a deep breath told you everything- his presence filled the room.
He was dressed in the same black suit he had downstairs but his jacket was gone and his top buttons undone. Oz’s cologne filled any room he was in and you wanted to throw up just smelling it.
He stared at you, eyes unreadable, as though you were the one who had wronged him.
He said your name but you ignored him, the pain of everything almost hitting you again and you tried not to cry.
Your head was hurting from all the crying. 
He called out your name again and you ignored him, the tears were coming back and you hated it- hated to make him see you cry. 
He came closer to you, grabbed you from behind- wrapping his arms around you and shushing you.
You tried to break free from his grip, but he only pressed you harder against him. Wrapping his arms against you to the point of it being uncomfortable- his fingers dug into your skin.
“Let- let me go.” you cried
“I love you.” he whispered in your hair “I love you.” as you struggled against him again.
You cried against his chest- you wanted to hit him, slap him across his dumb face just like he did you- you wanted him to feel lost and sad as you felt.
“You can’t leave me” he whispered “i won’t let you” 
Your sobs were louder now, how could you have been so naive. You actually thought you could leave him- that you could get Sofia out of Arkham; you were a fool. 
He grabbed hold of your face with his big hand, squeezing your cheeks together and bringing them closer to his face in a painful hold. 
He kissed you, pressing his lips together and it felt like an eternity before he let you breathe.
God you wanted to bury your head in the ground with shame.
He kissed you again; harder this time and you felt him groan in your mouth. Fighting against him was useless; he was three times your size and much- much stronger.
You felt him press himself against your ass- was he? Was he hard? 
“I hate you.” you said as he let your lips go. He smiled and you saw his gold teeth. You hated him.
Sick man was getting turned on by you saying you hated him.
“There’s nothing you can do about it.” he leaned down to be at your level- stare you in the eyes as he told you that.
You narrowed your eyes at him in disgust. He was like a giddy schoolboy- knowing you were hopeless. 
“You’re sick-”
As he turned you around to face him he grabbed both of your ass cheeks in his hands.
You pressed your palms against his chest- trying to push him off.
 He chuckled as he pressed your bodies together and tried to kiss you again but you looked to the side.
You didn’t want this- you pressed again- harder this time against his broad chest until you had some distance between you two.
“No Oswald- No.” you pleaded.
You weren’t in the mood for him right now- especially right now.
He grabbed the hem of your pants and pulled them down in one swift motion. 
“Oswald!” you repeated, louder this time. You looked at his pants and his boner- this fucking bastard. 
He pushed you down the bed and you tried to sit up, really you did. 
He got on the bed and removed your pants fully. You started to go back on the bed and he only leaned down on you- palming your pussy with his hand. 
The fucking cheek on him- to try to fuck you after he slapped you and you said no. Fuck him. 
You brought your hand up- before you could think about it. Before you could think about what you were doing or the consequences of your action. 
His face barely moved when you slapped him and you shocked yourself in your boldness. 
He grabbed your throat and pushed you down the bed. Your anger came back- harder this time. 
“I hate you.” He only smiled at you. 
Your body didn’t move on the bed as he pulled your legs up on either side of you. “Stay” you weren’t sure if you felt this much embarrassment in your whole life. 
“You were always such a fucking brat” he pulled his suspenders off of him 
“I fucking hate you.” you muttered as you put your legs on his chest- pushing yourself out from beneath him.
He grabbed them and forcefully spread them to the point of pain “You’re hurting me!” you yelled out- truth is, the pain wasn’t that great and it certainly wasn’t the only time he got you in this position- you wanted to embarrass him, yell as loud as you could “Get off of me!”
 Either way no one was coming to save you.
“Shhh.” he readjusted himself between your legs as he unzipped his pants
“Always giving me orders- like I was your dog.” he shook his head as he relieved the memories. Were you always giving him orders? Well that was his fucking job!
“You were my fucking dog.” you spat at him and saw his brows furrow again- rage flashed across his eyes and you thought he was going to hit you again- let him try you said.
Your hand was itching too.
“So fucking ungrateful” he ripped open your blouse sending the buttons flying everywhere
“You would come home and drag me around with you everywhere-”
“Yeah? I dragged you around?” you asked as he pulled his cock out and palmed himself- you almost laughed before you said
“Don’t fucking kid yourself Oz- I know about your whore and I know you made her dress up as me. You fucking creep” you giggled, maybe in desperation to feel something else; anything but fear- maybe because you thought it was actually funny, you couldn’t say.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and your stomach was in knots at your predicament right now.
This really- really wasn’t the moment to laugh at him, but you just couldn’t help yourself ! 
Always so nice, always so devoted because he wanted you to be his girl- he asked about you, countless times- when he saw you his eyes went all over your body. Did he get hard then too? Did he get hard in the car as he drove you around- trying to sneak glances under your skirt? Oz was like a dog, devoted to you. Obsessed. 
He smiled back at you- the mask came off and now there were no more lies between you two.
He didn’t even try to hide the fact that he DID make her dress up as you.
In this moment of absolute terror- where you should be afraid of him, you both laughed. He grabbed on of your legs with his free hand- making sure you weren’t about to escape again.
Oz was laughing like a kid that was just found with his hands in the cookie jar and you more at the absurdity of the situation. What has your life come to?
“He saw the way you looked at me- like a prize to be won.” you sneered at him
“-Really?” his eyes widened- like he just found this out. Shocking. 
 “Bet you fucked your hand to the thought of me beneath you whenever my dad or brother yelled at you.” He pressed himself on top of you- his hand almost touching your body as he rubbed himself. 
“You’re sick- fucking disgusting. Forcing yourself on top of me- did you fantasize about this too? I hate you-
“Oh baby- the way I’m about to fuck yo-” 
“Fuck off” He chuckled as he saw you struggle. You tried to pry yourself off from under him- to no avail. But you tried; his much larger body was holding you down and the more you struggled the more he pressed himself into you.
Now it was actually becoming painful. 
He placed a pillow under your ass and grabbed both of your arms and pressed them against your chest as he positioned himself- having finally had enough and as he entered you- you almost let out a yelp of pain. 
The size of him was uncomfortable and this position only made you take him deeper- you felt your eyes get teary.
“You gonna cry, sweetheart ? Lemme see them.” He sounded like he was talking to a toddler- No. He will not see them- think about something else besides the feeling of having him shove himself inside you like you were a prostitute. 
“You’re always goi-going to be just a driver-” you muttered loud enough for him to hear 
He grabbed one of your legs from besides him- throwing it on his shoulder as he fucked you. Now you really were in pain. You removed your hand out of his grasp and slapped him again. 
“Ooo- take it easy sweetheart.” he grabbed it again and you knew he wanted to hit you too- his eyes changed
“You’re so beautiful.” He smirked before it was replaced with another expression of pleasure as he fucked you. This man- this beast, he looked like a bear on top of you. You hated him and you hated how wet you were getting- you knew he felt it too.
“I wanted you for so long” he grabbed your thigh as he held your leg on top of his body. “Fuck the real you…you’re so wet and tight doll” 
“EAT SHIT Oswald.” 
He lowered himself on you and it felt like he split you in two; combined with the weight of a 250 pound man too busy with burying himself balls deep time and time again to not press himself too hard down on top was also your poor leg up on his shoulder. 
His breath was on your face as he stared into your eyes. “You’re hurting me- you’re too heavy” you exhaled- trying to catch your breath -your voice was breaking and now you were sure you were about to cry again.
He kissed your forehead and pressed his cheek against yours.  From this position- he could easily brush against your g-spot time and time again.
You felt a familiar sensation built in your lower stomach- threatening to wash over you. No. Not like this. 
He placed his hand under your head, holding you in place- his pace became rhythmic and you began to actually moan- like really hard this time.
"You gonna cum baby? You’re gonna cum on your driver’s cock?”he chuckled mocking you- he always won in the end. You could barely talk- your chest was in pain, but it felt so good.
“S-stop…please.” You didn’t want him to stop. Your leg was almost shaking from its place near his head.
Oz kissed your neck- near your ear, softly nibbling on it. Your moans right near his ear only encouraged him to keep going, keeping the same pace and wanting you to come undone.
He looked at you again as you squeezed your free leg near his body- he knew you too well, knew you were close.
Always ever observant. 
You closed your eyes as you came- not wanting to give him the satisfaction of watching you like this. You felt yourself grip his cock time and time again until you felt spent. You stomach was aching.
You stopped feeling the pain- there was only tiredness and the same headache as before. He removed himself from on top of you and you could finally breathe.
God you were sweaty. 
He unbuttoned his shirt all the way before he manhandled you on your hands and knees.
You were too tired to fight- partly because of your orgasm and partly because you knew, you knew you had no chance against him. 
He placed another pillow beneath you- raise you up to his level so it won’t be too uncomfortable for him.
He was breathing so heavy- god this place all smells like him; a mix of cologne and tobacco. 
He brought your shirt up towards your neck- to see your back and ass better as it arched on his bed. You almost closed your eyes- maybe you could- 
The sting of the smack across your ass made you yell
“Ow!-” he smacked you again harder this time- on the other cheek. You wanted to look back at him, curse him again- but you won’t give him the satisfaction. You bundled up the comforter beneath your face- hiding your cries of pain in it. 
“I should’ve done this a long time ago-” He grabbed hold of your ass as he spread you apart- you heard him spit before he entered you again- you moaned in the comforter. 
The familiar feeling of having his penis inside you was very welcomed by your body- unfortunately. 
He gripped your waist as he fucked you, probably checking how you took him in the meantime too.
The sound that your bodies made as they colided was incredibly shameful, you felt your cheeks burn.
A few minutes ago you were cursing him out and slapping him now you were fucked like a bitch. How shameful.
“You fucking brat-” he sneered from on top of you and slapped you across your ass again “I should’ve bended you over back then too.” 
He heard your muffled “Fuck you” in the comforter set and pulled your hair back 
“Fuck did you say?” he switched the hands he was holding your hair with- conveniently smacking you again over the other ass cheek
“Look at me.” he let go of your hair and you pressed your face down again- cheek on the bed and closed your eyes. 
“Look at me I said!” 
You moved your head and looked forward again. 
“You little shit- I'm gonna take the belt and give you a real beating if you don’t- “ 
Alright, you looked at him.
Only the thought of getting your ass smacked with one of those heavy leather belts accompanied with gold buckles sent a very unpleasant shiver down your spine- you knew he wasn’t kidding either.
“There you go-” he gave you a smile- those gold teeth glinting at you
“You look so sweet- with those gorgeous eyes of yours.” His grip on your hips was becoming very forceful and his strokes erratic
“Tell me.” His mouth opened in pleasure- pleasure in anticipation of what you were going to say
“Say it.”
This was so embarrassing- you hated having to look him in the eyes and tell him this. This monster enjoyed you so much- enjoyed your pain and embarrassment. 
“SAY IT.” He bellowed out “Tell me.” You knew what he was referring to.
“I love you.” you were so exhausted- your legs and back were hurting from the position he had you in and your stomach was hurting even more from the way he pressed himself inside.
He started to fuck you even harder- the death grip on your waist almost made you cry out in pain.
He groaned as he came and pushed your smaller frame down even harder on the bed. 
Oz groaned as he removed himself from you and you could finally stretch out your poor legs- the relief you got was immeasurable.
You almost forgot what you were talking about before. 
He sat on the bed- breathing heavily. You sat up and got in his face again.
“I hate you-”
“It’s gonna pass-”
“Fuck you” you went to the bathroom.
Your legs felt like jello and you could barely walk but you didn’t let him see that.
He thinks he can take everything from you and win- you’ll show him. You will. 
He couldn’t know about Selina or Sofia. You had to wait- like he did. Wait until it was the right moment and then press on. 
He went to the bathroom too- to start the shower. 
“Got a fuckin’ headache because of you.” He looked at his cheek in the mirror and started to undress himself. “You better stay put from now on.” 
You stared at him. Your brother didn’t die for nothing, your sister wasn’t in the looney bin for nothing- you had to do something. 
You'll show him.
Author's note: From the moment I saw what sort of shit he did in the finale I knew it was going to end this way.
Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day.
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siolixz · 4 months ago
~Veils Of Crimson~
Chapter 5: part 1
Pairings: oz cobb x reader (Carmine Falcone's daughter)
<chapter 1> <chapter 2> <chapter 3><chapter 5: part 2>
Oz got what he wanted. As he always does. Reader slowly begins peeling back the veil around her- the truth will come to light soon.
I decided to split this chapter in 2 parts because in part 2 there is a scene in which something not that nice happens and that's all I'm gonna say.
I took my inspo from Driving Miss Falcone by ( here on tumblr), check out the story if you can.
Enjoy, give feeback if u want ily xoxo.
Warnings: mature language, Oz is a manipulative bastard, smexy stuff happening at the end.
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Apparently Sofia and Oz have got themselves a partnership. One based on mutual suspicion and distrust, you thought. When you guys left that night, you were in the backseat, Sofia and Oz in the front-with Oz driving. “Just like old times” she said, like old times my ass- you guys didn’t talk to each other at all during the drive, except Oz glancing at you in the back every so often-everything was quiet. 
You finally saw what your brother and sister were up to, it was…different, to say the least.
If they wanted to get their product on the market and somehow overthrow the Falcone operation, they needed manpower and connections, lots and lots of connections.
 Sofia was really going forward with this mad plan. She knew virtually nothing about how this world works and yet she found herself a kingpin. Great. 
Talking to the second in command of the triads wasn't easy but Oz’s smooth talking pulled them through- as he told you.
You talked to Sofia as well, that night, she stopped the car outside and you had the chance to talk to your sister, that didn’t go as smoothly:
“I heard you two are gonna sell ‘Bliss’ tomorrow- at Oz’s club. I wanna be there too, ya know? Not be put on the side lines like today at the meeting.”
“That can’t happen.” Sofia lit herself up a cigarette while she had that poker face she always carried since coming back from Arkham- her words were cold.
“Why is that?” you asked
She took a deep breath and continued “I thought about it and I think the best course of action is if you stay put- at Oz’s place if you like, until we come back. We don’t know how Zao will react.”
There was a prolonged silence as you tried to process what she just told you. The street light that was illuminating your sister's face only further accentuated the harshness in her eyes.
“Stay put- like a dog, ok, got it.” you looked around, looking for anyone who might've been walking by and hearing.
“That is not what I wanted to say, If it makes you feel better- Viti told me to leave as well.” 
“Ok so why don’t you?” you shot back- angry at her orders.
Sofia took a step closer, the scent of smoke and expensive perfume infiltrated your nostrils while she looked at you like you just cussed her out “Are you fucking kidding me? Not you too” She probably felt betrayed- but in that moment you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Sofia, this shit you got in your head, about taking over- this ain’t our game to play. We don’t even know the rules.” Your voice almost broke in desperation. Desperation that your sister might still listen to reason- might still turn back from this crazy plan that might get her killed. How could she know anything about being a kingpin?
“No. This is my birthright and I am taking it, this shit you’re talking about- all those snakes back at home, they said the same as you-” The memory of the people you knew very well from back home ignited her need for revenge even more you were well aware of that.
“This path you’re going down on, it’s dark and littered with blood and death, after escaping from that hellhole, I thought you had enough.”Your voice broke at the last word.
That place already took so much from her, why is she so stubborn?
For a moment, something flickered in her eyes—a shadow of doubt, perhaps—but it was gone as quickly as it came.
Her jaw clenched, and she shook her head. “No, it seems I haven’t.” The finality of her words made your heart clench. You knew the pain inside of her was way greater than any need for power, you knew it ate her alive every day.
Sofia took another drag of her cigarette “Seems like you already got yourself nice and comfy next to another murderer and schemer,”she said, her voice sharp and cutting, each word a deliberate slice.
A smirk played at the corner of her lips, taunting. "Or perhaps 'under him' would be more accurate."
Your jaw clenched, a hot flash of anger surging up your neck. You balled your fists by your sides, nails digging into your palms. “Oh, shut up, Sofia!” The words came out more forcefully than you intended, vibrating with the pent-up frustration that had been simmering inside, both of you bound by the unspoken truth of who you were and what you had become.
You took a shaky breath, feeling your chest tighten as the rush of emotions threatened to spill over. “You’ve been cold and distant ever since I saw you again,” you said, your voice wavering between anger and hurt. “What did you want me to do?” Your eyes searched hers, hoping to find some flicker of the sister you once knew.
“I lost my dad and my brother in the span of one week,” you continued, your throat constricting. The memory sent a sharp ache through your chest, but you pressed on, keeping your chin up despite the burning behind your eyes. “And it seems like my sister has forgotten my entire existence.”
You swallowed hard, shifting your weight as the vulnerability made you feel exposed. “I am—we are—women in this world,” you said, the words quivering with the raw truth of it. “All we have been taught is that we need to be protected and that we need to be subservient.” Your gaze hardened, eyes narrowing slightly as you looked at her. “I am sorry I can’t change the game. I would love to, but I can’t—and neither can you.”
She looked at the ground before lifting her head and responding, her eyes didn’t look remorseful. “I know and that is ok… I’ll make new rules.”
“Yeah, good fucking luck with that.” you turned and left after that comment. 
Whatever the fuck was she thinking? Let’s change 100 years of tradition and indoctrination because I am back from a mental asylum and need to be respected as the head of the Falcone mob.
Back at his place, after the meal- you and Oz retreated to the bedroom. He was sitting on the couch, whiskey in hand, eyes narrowing as you spoke, letting you say your piece.
“Say something” you commanded of him, Oswald barely kept his mouth shut and now he was as quiet as a mouse
“Listen, sweetheart, there’s a lot of things I can say but one is pretty darn clear” he sipped the last bit of whiskey he had left.
“your sister…she ain’t right in the head no more. I know this might seem hard to understand, but I saw it with my own eyes I mean, she shot two people point blank and ever since coming home-” you couldn’t believe what he was telling you “ she ain’t the woman you used to know.” he said softly- like that time in the restaurant when he told you about Alberto.
You looked down at your feet “I guess” He came next to you on the bed “Look at me” he said- your eyes stayed on the ground
“Look at me. Don’t go crying now.” you lifted your head from the floor and looked into his brown eyes
 “Your sister is ambitious, yes, but without me doll, she ain’t got much going for her- I mean yeah she’s the daughter of Carmine and ambitious as hell since coming back but that’s about it.”
“She also has the drug-”
“-Yes yes and that, but that’s about it. We need a bigger fish to pull these ones out of the water. Viti is gonna help us with that.” He looked at you with a small smile and a twinkle in his eyes- like before he said a joke.
“Viti doesn’t even like you guys-” you were confused, your mind racing as you watched Oz rise from the couch and walk toward one of the lockers on the wall, you couldn’t help but wonder what kind of secrets he kept hidden.
What else could he be hiding?
He opened a dossier and sat back down beside you, flipping through it like he had all the time in the world. When you saw the photos—Viti with Luca’s wife—you couldn’t hold back a surprised laugh.
Now that you didn’t expect.
Oz leaned back, smirking, his eyes cold as he glanced at you. “See, they all got secrets.”
You turned to face him, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach, but you still had to ask. “Yeah- what’s yours?”
Oz’s gaze locked on you, and for a split second, you saw something flicker—was it a warning? Maybe a little too sharp, a little too calculating.
He smiled slowly, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I ain’t got none.”
The club mission was a failure, clearly.
The wreckage of the car outside was enough proof of that. As Oz slammed the door open with a force that made the hinges groan, you could feel the tension in the air—the kind that felt like the world itself was about to come undone.
“Where the hell are you!?” he bellowed, his voice sharp, panic mixing with anger. When he saw you, his face twisted into something hard, something you hadn’t seen before. Without another word, he grabbed you by the arm, yanking you toward him.
“Did you talk to your sister?” 
“N-no, why?”
His words came in a rush: “Sofia—she made a deal with the Maronis. As soon as the deal was done, they tried fuckin’ kill me.”
You froze, the weight of his words crashing over you like a tidal wave.
How could she?
The question burned through your mind, but before you could respond, Oz was already on you again.
“Give me your phone. Now.”
He was forceful, more so than ever before. His hand darted into your pocket before you could even think, his fingers wrapping around your phone. There was no hesitation. No gentleness. He ripped it out and, before you could react, crushed it beneath the cold barrel of his gun, the sound of the phone shattering filling the room.
“What the hell are you doing?” The words left your mouth before you could even stop them, the confusion and disbelief clear in your voice.
Oz didn’t flinch, his eyes cold as ice. “We can't stay here. Come on, we have to go.”
When Oz came back home and told you the news, you knew who did it.
How could she?
Gone was the sister you once knew and loved and she was replaced with a psychopath who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, a monster.
The police came and questioned you- they asked you where you were and you told them you wanted nothing to do with your sister, for you- she died 10 years ago. 
Things changed so much over the course of a few weeks- Oz had his own operation after stealing it from the Maronis, you thought he had what he wanted now, but no.
Sofia and Sal were after him and he was a man emboldened by the flame of ambition and power.
 His behavior changed, he started acting differently towards you- sure, he was still the same passionate man you knew but he was different- whenever he would visit you he would look at you differently, a certain gleam in his eyes. Like a guy that just won the lottery. 
You felt numb, your whole life has been destroyed and he was the last thing you had- maybe you should’ve been more careful.
Victor visited you often “to check up on you”- you would often talk to the young man about different subjects, about family and how things can change. You found a friend in Vic soon enough and you knew he felt the same towards you. 
When you guys would eat dinner together- after a hard day at work for both of them you would smile at each when you placed their food on the plates.
You would joke with BOTH of them at the table- you would share stories; you would also say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ to BOTH of them. So why on earth did Oz send glares Vic’s way whenever you would look at him? Like he wanted to yell.
Whenever you would talk to Victor, he would always interrupt you two- with something HE had to say.
Oz acted like a spoiled brat- wanting all of your attention. 
You mostly ignored his ugly looks and snarky remarks towards the young man; he must’ve had a hard day at work.
Sometimes after dinner- he would send Victor away and as he came back to the room you shared he would turn you around on the bed and fuck you until you were sore. Your sweet Oz was gone those nights- replaced with a brute of a man. His grip so hard on you it would leave bruises. 
This ‘relationship’ you two had- it turned more into an ownership of you and he relished in that fact. He would whisper to you at night how you two couldn't leave each other- Sofia would kill you both. 
He was all you had left.
You would lie awake, longing for your old home, where butlers moved gracefully through the halls and your siblings waited to hear your stories- where you’ve been; what you bought lately and all the gossip you would share with them over dinner.
You cried at night more than once, quietly, longing for the laughter and innocence you had left behind.
There had always been hints, moments when you glimpsed the truth: Oz was always two steps ahead.
His charm was his greatest weapon, wielded with precision until he claimed everything he desired.
Now, as he kissed your forehead, a triumphant smile playing on his lips, he said, “I did it. I showed them all.” His voice brimmed with pride. “I’m the king now.”
His power outstripped even that of your father’ and his influence spread across the underworld of Gotham City like dark tendrils- nothing moved without him knowing or having a say in it, he ruled with an iron fist all the unseen acts that plagued this city.
He was richer than your father ever was; he rebuilt Crown Point- he made the people believe that someone was looking out for them and he reveled in his victories.
When he would turn to you and ask, “Are you proud of me?” you would nod, a hesitant ‘yes’ slipping from your lips—whether out of fear, habit, or the last remnants of genuine admiration, you couldn’t say.
When he told you that you would become “Mrs. Cobb,” dread took root in your chest. The proposal wasn’t accompanied by the rush of joy you once dreamed about.
Instead, it was a heavy proclamation, laced with inevitability. 
Oz’s love, though real, was cold and calculating, much like your father’s had been and his passion, though fierce, masked an unnatural need to control.
The friendly man who once drove you around and helped you with the smallest of tasks had faded, replaced by a king in his castle, imperious and unyielding, his word was law in this tower he built for you.
 “It’s all for you-all of it.” he would say
He presented the ring—a dazzling 9.7-carat oval diamond that seemed to mock your lack of freedom. He had you right where he wanted. The dutiful wife, the future mother of his children—a living doll.
You played your part, mostly.
The penthouse’s grandeur became a gilded cage, its wealth unable to fill the void left by days spent alone.
The designer clothes and generous allowances he handed you no longer brought excitement, just a hollow echo of the life you once knew.
You didn’t know what you felt for him anymore, was it love? You knew him very well and you cared for his well being, he was your husband after all.
But this love you carried for him, it twisted and turned when you would ask yourself “was this necessary?” you would’ve loved him even as a driver and as a club owner. You never asked him to do all this for you. 
The penthouse you lived in was a masterpiece of modern opulence mixed with the old grandeur of the Falcone villa.
High ceilings stretched above great windows that overlooked Gotham’s skyline, capturing the sprawling city in all its moody grandeur. Sunlight poured through the windows during the golden hours, casting long, warm shadows across the polished marble floors. Despite the luxury, an eerie silence lingered, interrupted only by the soft ticking of an antique clock and the quiet whispers of the house staff—a stark contrast to the bustle that once filled your childhood home.
Everything spoke of power: the leather-bound books you never touched, the marbled flooring and opulent pieces of furniture; the grand piano that hadn’t played a note since it was installed, and the chandelier that sparkled overhead like a captive constellation. 
One late afternoon, as the sun dipped and painted the city in hues of gold and amber, you sat in the living room scrolling through your phone, disconnected from everything around you. The soft sound of footsteps pulled you from your trance. A maid stood beside you, her hands clasped, eyes wide with nervousness.
“Ma’am, a letter arrived for you.” 
“Who is it from?” your eyes didn’t leave the phone you had in your hand.
“A woman- her name is Selina Kyle.” the maid answered
As you opened the black envelope and read the context of the letter your jaw dropped. This woman- she was your half sister, she wanted to know you- to meet you. She said she was scared to write this letter in case you didn’t want anything to do with her, but she had to get in contact with you; she had a plan to get-
“Good evening, sir.” you heard the maid that gave you the envelope greet the master of the house. 
  His footsteps echoed on the marble floor, each one a drumbeat against your chest.
He knew every corner, every inch of this house, and you dreaded that he might have seen you hide something.
“There she is,” he exclaimed, “how are you doll?” he came over and kissed you. After the quick peck he went over to the bar he had near one of the windows to pour himself some whiskey. 
“I’m good, you?” you tried your best to not look suspicious- he was too perceptive, always watching and always knowing.
“Good, good- I met up with a bunch of congressmen tonight- bunch of ass kissers.” he chuckled in his glass and poured you some wine as well.
“Oh- I don’t want anything to drink Oz.” 
“Why? Something the matter- " he raised an eyebrow at you as he turned around" -don’t tell me you’re gonna make me the happiest man alive tonight.” he proudly announced
“No- I'm just… very tired, ya know? I was going to head to bed.” you stepped away from the couch and went towards the older man “Maybe you can join me.”
Distract him.
He smiled at you “Can never say no to you, can I?” He asked “I have to give some phone calls and I’ll join you.” 
You smiled at turned around to leave.
“Why don’t you put on one of the dresses I got you. Show them to me- just like old times.” 
Oz loved reminiscing, he loved telling you stories of the things you used to do back then- how you acted. You were kinda spoiled but oh well. You were now too. 
He would encourage you to buy whatever you wanted, whatever you needed and desired– it was yours. He was happy to see you spoiled and enjoying the sort of things this life- your life together brought you.
Sometimes after he would come home you would play dress up for him and show him all the things you got yourself as he sipped some cognac on the couch and compliment you, saying how most of the things you got for yourself reminded him of when you were younger– still the same tastes.
Oswald waited patiently until all that was left would’ve been the lingerie section- that was his favorite, after all the anticipation he was more than ready to pull you on the couch on top of him or under him. Completely not caring if one of your maids or butlers would walk past or hear.
You promised him you will and got your phone and the book from the table; climbing the steps until you got upstairs in the master bedroom you two shared.
A big and gorgeous room filled with the opulence Oswald was so keen on sharing to the world. You shoved the letter in your purse and went into the closet to change.
After dressing up, you laid on the bed and at one point you must’ve fallen asleep because the feeling of having your dress pulled up with the familiar weight of your husband's body next to you as he was grabbing your ass woke you up.
“Are you tired sweetheart?” he whispered in your ear as his hands went to your pussy, softly rubbing circles on top of your panties.
You nodded, knowing it won’t make a difference for him. He pulled your leg over his body as he laid next to you. 
You turned the upper part of your body to kiss him, he grabbed your breast as well “You look beautiful baby.” He whispered next to your ear.
 You loved this man and you hated what he had to do to get here- you loved his ambition and calculating nature; you hated that he placed your sister in a mental asylum and that he got rid of everything that reminded you of any sort of normality- he wanted you all to himself. 
What did he do to Victor? Where was he? He was your friend. 
As he grabbed your lips between his you tried to forget. You had a lead now- something you could be doing, you had to read the letter once again but you were sure now that maybe this woman could help you two. 
You had to see your sister.
Author's note: I already wrote part 2- I just need to edit it and add some things. The story will end here with them 2. I hope that I could showcase Oz's nature well enough.
I don't want to say a lot about the next part but it will be- something, to say the least. I wanted to really tune it up but I think AO3 might be a better place for that lol still have one story left to write with Oz, about him and his daughters, I can't wait to show you guys.
Also, If you have any sort of ideas or something about one-shots, pls tell me- give me some inspo. Thank you for reading :))))))))))))
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siolixz · 4 months ago
How Oz looks at you when you say he’s like family:
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186 notes · View notes
siolixz · 4 months ago
“We’re this fucking close and you wanna bail on me like that, for what? Some fucking guy who doesn’t care about you.”
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Drew “reader” how I see her from “Love and Loyalty”—- next piece I’ll do on the actual drawing tablet bcs I’m doneee with procreate
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siolixz · 4 months ago
But a little kid or a toddler not a teenager if that's okay with you
Of course
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0 notes
siolixz · 4 months ago
Of Love And Loyalty ending is canon now, i need to make myself as delusional as Oz to cope. I'm so glad Oz was still shown as a selfish bastard prick and not just softened completely, that jagged edge is what i like about him so much i think. I enjoyed it so much the whole way through and it ended perfectly. I always enjoy seeing your posts and I hope your'e doing well 🥰 Have an Oz cuddle you deserve it
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also imagine Oz fucking you in the rolls royce
you didn't hear that from me though
Im so glad you enjoyed it- thank you. It can be improved in some ways but other than that i think it’s a decent end- i wanted to write that smut scene in the rolls but i decided otherwise- now that you mentioned it and since I will write an epilogue because i’m nothing if not a people pleaser lmaoo maybe you’ll see it
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siolixz · 4 months ago
Please please please can you do an epilogue to "Of Love and Loyalty"? Oz is a bastard but he's such air of dad girl's I'd love to see him interact with a daughter if he and reader have a daughter <3
Btw the both stories are amazing <3
Shiii I might. Now that u mention it-
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Thank you 🫶🫶🫶
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siolixz · 4 months ago
♔Of Love and Loyalty♔
Part 3: the end.
<Part 2><Part 1>
Pairings: Oz "The Penguin" Cobb x Reader
Reader takes Victor's place in this story. She has already been through enough by now and Oz's ruthless ambition finally meets the satisfaction of power. Hope you guys like it- I spent most of my day writing this and I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I'll fix them when I wake up. Please, remember that MY Oz has been changed a bit from the show Oz- in order to make a "x reader story" I gotta humanize him, while also keeping him at least half true to the masterpiece Lauren created. I have enjoyed writing this story sooo much. Everyone is 18+ and consenting.
Words: 6.2k
Enjoy and give feedback If you want :)
Warnings: mentions of violence, vulgar language, age-gap relationship, smut ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )
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You don’t remember how you got here. 
First you remember talking to Oz about something on the phone early in the morning after a delivery- then you remember going home to sleep and when you arrived- there was nothing. 
What the fuck happened? There was a guy- he came towards you. Then you looked at him- then he; he punched you? So that’s why you have a splitting headache. Everything felt like a dream- were you dreaming right now?
Are you sleeping? Why is everything so dark? 
You could hear voices, faint voices but they were there. Someone grabbed you by your arm and forced you upright. Now there was light everywhere and your eyes felt like they were on fire. Why is everything so fucking bright?
You blinked a few times and looked around the room; wow, how fancy. Where were you? The walls looked like they were carved and you only saw furniture like this when you looked at the TV. You saw a man there, a big guy; an enforcer, you thought, and in your dazed state you asked him “Where am I?” he looked at you and remained quiet. Great.
Your head was killing you. Jesus. Your hands and feet weren’t tied however- how odd.
You rapidly lifted your head when you heard the sharp sound of a pair of heels on the expensive floor, the door opened and- Oh, it’s her. 
“Look who’s awake.” Sofia softly smiled at you, she’s gonna kill you probably. Why does she have a plate of food?
“I brought you breakfast- you’ve been gone quite a while you see.” She walked across from you and placed the plate down on the table. 
“I bet you’re wondering what you are doing here.” she came over and sat next to you- crossing her legs and leaning back “You and I have a lot to talk about.”
She looked you up and down. You looked like the complete opposite of her, in your jeans and t-shirt, you were sure your face was smeared with blood too- where you got punched.
“Are you nervous?” she asked- her eyes were examining every inch of your face, trying to search for any signs of anxiety or sadness. You shook your head- “No.” you said. 
She said your full name and gave a long description of your family- what they did, what jobs they had, she mentioned your sister too, your poor sweet sister- how dare she speak their names. 
“When I saw you at Oz’s apartment or at the club, I didn’t get a good look at you. But I did see the way he looked at you.” a small smile danced on her lips “ like he would look away and you would be gone, like in a dream. How fascinating I thought. Some girls spend their whole lives wishing someone would look at them like that.” You listened to her and she came closer to you.
“You know, I really never noticed at the time- how young you are.” She once again looked you up and down, her voice became quieter
“Guess this is the same old tragic story, ‘orphaned street kid falls prey to some maniacs silver tongue’ . Yours won’t be any different, I can assure you. Maybe you believe it will- but it won’t.” She got up again and walked towards the table. She picked up a piece of toast and sat back down next to you.  
“W-why am I here?” you asked her, your throat was sore and that stupid headache was still there. 
“Why?” she looked surprised “Didn’t you figure it out by now? You’re our bargaining chip- you’re gonna help us. Greatly. Sal already has Oz, now all we need is to find a way to kill him.”  There was an indescribable emptiness in your stomach at her words
“Of course after I make sure he feels the same sort of sadness he inflicted on me-that’s where you come into play. ”
You looked down at your feet, trying to find words to pronounce. This is what this sort of life brings you, death. Only death and pain.
“What ma-makes you think he’s gonna su-suffer as much as you?” you muttered- more to yourself really. 
“The way he looks at you and sure- looks ain't enough, but the way he talked to me about you.” She exhaled loudly, like a schoolgirl talking about a crush, mocking you.
“Some people could only dream about that. You know, he talked about you at my brother’s funeral and the way he would compliment you before the deal at the club; but besides that-” her face got serious.
“-you’re the closest person to him. The only person who knows the in’s and out’s of the massive drug operation he built; his second in command, you have his ear and loyalty. You’re the last thing he has got left in this world, without you, he’s all alone.” she leaned back again.
“I almost feel sorry for you.”
You blinked, trying to make sense of her words- she continued, disgust laced in her words “You’re just a fucking kid.” 
There was a silence that followed that only made the gravity of her words more apparent.
“He put this on you. It seems to me- like you had a pretty good life- before all this. You studied well, you had a lot of friends- it seemed like your life couldn’t get better. Then the floods came and you turned into a street rat. Now you think him saving you was what you needed- but no. He’s a manipulator and a liar and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.” She took another deep breath and squinted her eyes at you in judgment.
“I mean, don’t you ever think what your parents would say? Seeing you with a man like that?”
“Don’t talk about my parents-” she was pressing your buttons and you knew that lashing out at her was at the cost of your own life right now.
“What would your mother say? Huh? I bet she wanted her little girl to find herself a good man, with a nice job, but no.. she found herself a drug lord.” Sofia snickered, half in disgust and half in pity. 
“You kn-know… Oz-“  you started and she cocked her head to the side
“He’s gonna kill Sal, just like-like he did his wife and son and th-then he’s coming straight for you.”  
“You have a lot of faith in him.”
“Yes I do.” Yes you did. If there was one thing you knew about him is that he was unstoppable, one way or another- he was going to get his way and he was going to win in the end. He had to. 
You lowered your tone and leaned closer to her “He’s always-always two steps ahead. He will come for you.” There was a twinge of something on her face, was it- was it fear? 
She got up and left afterwards. Thank god. You didn’t want to see her again.
Some time passed; your stomach was rumbling but you didn’t eat the food she prepared, you had time to think- think about what she said. 
What would your mom say? It almost brought tears to your eyes thinking about them. 
Late at night before you would go to sleep, since you were young she would always come in and kiss your forehead. That was your ritual. 
You smiled before it was quickly wiped from your face when you remembered what sort of life you had now. What would she think?
“My little girl” she would say “so brave” she’d probably be disappointed, so disappointed. Her and your dad too. They despised people like Oz, people shouldn’t murder and cheat their way to the top. He was the complete opposite of the man they were hoping you'd be with. 
They loved Robert, always inviting him at home to eat together, he was a good boy, he listened and he studied well, it’s better he left Gotham.
They would probably be frightened by Oswald, afraid to even look at him. This man couldn’t look acceptable to the parents of a young girl like you in a million years, from the big scar on his face to his gold teeth and manner of talking. 
They would rather hope for him to be your sugar daddy than you loving- loving him?
You knew at this point there was no going back, you loved him- you did. However wrong this was. You loved all of him and you were disgusting, both of you. 
You blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall. 
Was he gonna be sad you were nowhere to be seen or heard? Was he turning the place upside down when he saw you were gone? Was he for a split moment thinking you tried to leave, and this time, you were successful? Was he thinking all those nights and days spent by his side, next to him- over him and under him were all a facade when you stopped responding to his texts?
Someone called out your name.
 “I’m doctor Julian Rush... I am a psychiatrist” He looked at Sofia who was also next to him then back at you “I’m here to help you.”
Dr. Julian Rush weirded you out, severely. He put you down on a sofa and started asking you things, about your family, about how you felt- he had this ginormous light that would flash red that only worsened your state of defiance. It induced this sort of feeling in you- seeing it. 
It toyed with your emotions and feelings; it made you remember. You remembered everything.  
You told them everything.
From your earliest memories in Gotham, to your latest. Riding your bike down the street as a kid, running with your friends to your favorite diner before it closed, family nights, the happiness you felt when walking in your home, even if your parents or sister sometimes annoyed you- you were so rich in their love and warmth- so happy.
 You told them how you saw your apartment get swallowed up by the waves- how you tried to call; warn them, but to no avail.
At this point you were definitely crying your eyes out- holding yourself and trying to find some comfort.
Living in a FEMA camp was a nightmare, a nightmare that was never ending and it seemed to only become more like reality every damn day. You scraped by, you had to eat and live not just survive. So you joined some of the local boys there when they said they were going to find something to sell.
You never thought you would be stealing; you knew it was wrong and evil, but you did what you had to do. Life is cruel. 
You tried to remember everything. Not wanting to lose even a bit of detail. 
You had to be quick. Until he comes back. The first look at the Maserati waiting out there was like a piece of pie ready to be eaten- one of the boys went “wow” when he saw it and you were next to it like some hyenas soon enough.
At the first shot, you saw everyone scream and pick themselves up to run. You acted too slow that night, too busy with doing a good job to notice you were the one closest to him. 
The first time you looked at Oswald, you thought he was the scariest man you’ve ever seen in your whole life- especially because it was night time and because he just tried to fucking kill you. 
You told them how he made you do all those things. How lonely he was- how he touched you and looked at you sometimes. You told them you found kinship in one another, how you weren’t that lonely anymore and how utterly frightened he made you feel. Every.Damn.Day.
How you cried yourself to sleep all those nights, how you wanted to be better- be something more and this was the only way. This or death.
You told them about Robert too- how you hoped he had a better life, find someone who will love him and treasure him. How he tried to make you go with him and you tried to. By God you did, until he came back that night at the club. How he pushed a gun in your face and-and-
You blinked yourself out of it slowly, you knew you wanted out. This sick piece of shit was toying with you. With your emotions.
She brought you back in, reminded you about how he looked that night- what he said about you “you can remember, just tell us” the Doctor said.
His smell and all of him. A sick man, he was sick.
He wanted you all to himself and would kill you if that’s what it takes. 
You remembered your mother’s words to you at every family gathering or dinner “She’ll find a good man, one who takes care of her. I know it. Maybe a doctor, let’s hope.” You heard everyone laugh; so clearly- like they were there with you.
It seemed like they were taunting you now.  They expected so much more from you. 
You felt better whenever he was around you, how he would talk and walk to his jokes and smile. He was everything to you now. Late at night you would talk about all the things you wanted to do or have. You told him about your biggest dream in the whole world:
“A pen-penthouse” you whispered next to him as you were looking down at your fingers from your place on the couch. Maybe he thought it was stupid, how could someone like you ever achieve that?
“Yeah?” he turned to you “That what you want?” he asked, a small smile was gracing his lips.
“Yes. No one is above you or beside you; the c-city skyline.” If you closed your eyes, you could picture it—clear as day.
“With b-big windows so I can look outside and great big rooms with high ceilings- like in the movies.”
Julian told you Oz took all of that from you. Your old life- if he cared, if he truly cared he would’ve let you go that night. The bastard.
Sofia told you he manipulated you, he molded you into the woman he wanted you to be, you’re just a kid. You should have no part in this. 
It must’ve been hours since you haven’t eaten or drank anything.
You wanted to go back to Crown Point, have him tell you it’s all a bad dream “Let’s cook something, I’m starving-” he’d say and you two would chat until late at night. You slept the best with him in bed with you, even if he snored and it was hard to get him to turn over on the other side. You missed that. 
They grabbed you again- taped your mouth shut and stabbed you with something tiny, like a needle; it felt like a pinch. You proceeded to drive into the city and they shoved you through the back door- and then you saw him.
Tied down to a chair with tape, a towel shoved in his mouth, he started yelling and struggling when he saw you- making a gesture towards Sofia- like he wanted to strangle her.
This felt like a movie, like something you weren’t experiencing yourself- more like something you were watching from afar. Was this it?
The last moments of your life; they got you two and now everything has gone to shit again. 
Well you couldn’t say you weren’t close to getting what you wanted. 
You looked at him as they sat you down on a chair, trying to remember everything you could about him. You felt like crying but no tears came out.
“So, now that everyone is gathered here-” Sofia started “-I wanted to bring some stuff to the surface. Shine some light regarding some things.” She walked around you and back towards Oz.
He looked at you then back at her; confused. 
“Oz, while you were getting blown up- me and your ‘Bonnie’ had a talk. It was a real eye opener, I would say.” she glanced back at you
“Do you wanna tell us why you decided to spare her life that night? Let’s have your side of the story.” Sofia took the towel out of his mouth-
“What the fuck is this shit? You’re a sicko- ya know that? Jesus Christ” He yelled while looking at you and her.
“-Oz, you wanna tell us, huh?-”
“Fuck you!” 
“Alright. Well I already know everything. Your little girl here sang like a bird-”
“-Fuck did you do to her?!”
“Nothing. We just had a conversation, girl to girl.” she gave him a smile “She told me everything.” 
Oz looked at you, confusion clearly written on his face. You couldn’t even shake your head no- something was wrong. You could barely lift it. Did they give you something?
“You think she’s in love with you-” Sofia cocked her head to the side “-I’m here to tell you, she’s not. This whole thing that you two have- fear, fear ties her to you. It was all a lie. All of it.”
Oz looked at you again. Fuck you could barely lift your head, it looked like you were staring at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with him, your vision became blurry too.
You tried to blink away the feeling of falling asleep, what was happening?
Oswald called out your name and you heard him yelling at you that he was going to get you out of here. 
“You’ve ruined her life. Because you’re selfish and greedy and lonely. That night at the club- she wanted to leave- to escape, and you brought her back. You held a gun to her face and told her she’s not going anywhere-”
“Fuck you-”
“You know what Oswald? I think she would like an apology. Right here and now. An apology for the life she could’ve had.” 
You don’t know how but you managed to lift your head and look him in the eyes. You tried to move your legs- tried to wake the fuck up. 
“She wanted this.” He said. 
Julian grabbed your hand and placed it on the table. “From which hand was the finger that you cut? The left or the right- It was the left.” Sofia said.
It must’ve been the pain that woke you up halfway from the episode you must’ve been having because your eyes fully opened when you realized that they were cutting your finger. Shit, shit, shi-
You heard Oz call out your name and throw profanities towards Sofia. “All you gotta do is apologize, Oswald.-”
“-She knew what she was getting herself into I-”
“-Say you’re sorry-”
“-I told you I ain't got-”
“-Just say you’re fucking sorry!” 
The pain almost made your ears ring and you screamed into the tape that was on your mouth, trying your best to get away from the pain you were feeling. 
“This is fucking insane!” 
The pain stopped and you grabbed your hand, trying to get some relief. 
“You would’ve let me cut it.” Sofia’s voice was filled with disgust “Rather than admit you made her life worse, you would’ve let me cut it…you’re fucking despicable.”
You saw Julian grabbing something from his suitcase and bringing it closer to your arm. It looked like- like a needle. 
“I never realized it till now but this is almost like a high for you, isn’t it?” Sofia's voice was almost a whisper “Having someone so utterly dependent on you, her sole reason for existing is because you let her. You have her whole life in your hands… you’re a fucking bastard. What were you thinking huh? One day you were gonna make her Mrs Cobb and you two would live happily ever after?” 
Julian managed to get the needle in your skin and you felt a warmth spread across your whole body. You looked at Oz and saw how hard he was struggling against his restraints and the look of fear on Sophia's face when he actually freed himself.
What was she thinking- binding a 250 pound man with duct tape on a chair as old as this restaurant? You heard the commotion and you tried to stand up but black dots started to appear in your vision-
“She fell and hit her head- “ you felt like you were dreaming but you could hear and feel certain things. Like when he put you in the back of the car or when he placed you on the hospital bed. Maybe you died. 
“She’s gonna be alright, yeah?” 
“We’ll do anything we can, sir.” 
You thought you died and instead of the devils in hell torturing you for all the injustice you have done- there was nothing. Nothing. Just the sound of something beeping and the sound of voices sometimes, you could also smell- was this a hospital? 
There was also yelling and a voice. You knew that voice. 
“C’mon doll, open those big eyes for me. Please.” a hand brushing your hair back and one touching your hand.
“I did it. I’m the fucking king- all this shit ain’t gonna mean anything if you don’t wake up.” you heard him whisper.
“Please open your eyes, sweetheart. Please” 
When you finally woke up, it must’ve been late in the afternoon. The sound of rain softly touching the window and the beeping of the monitor was the only sound in the sterile room.
You swallowed, trying to wet your throat.
Your eyes felt like they were opened for the first time or like when you want to take a short nap in the evening and you wake up at 12am, they felt like they were sewed shut and only now you could open them.
You looked around the room and saw that your hand was being held- There he is, you thought to yourself. 
He was sitting on a chair, his head uncomfortably placed on his shoulder- ouch- that's gonna hurt later. You raised your right hand; placing it on your stomach and squeezed his with your left.
Once and then twice. 
“O-oz, Oz.” your voice was hoarse like you yelled all night long, you squeezed his hand again- harder this time. 
He finally lifted his head and looked at you. His eyes were so red and bloodshot; he must’ve been crying. 
Oswald looked shocked and then relief flooded his face- his eyes lit up- “Hey-” he said, then kissed your forehead.
“-you’re finally awake.” He hugged you and you placed your arms around his neck, slowly- but you did. 
“I did it.” his voice was muffled by the pillow and your neck “I showed all those sons of bitches.” You rubbed his back- not knowing what exactly he meant by that.
“I thought you weren’t gonna wake up.” he lifted his head and looked at you “They gave you something, pento- something. I thought-” He was getting choked up. This big strong bull of a man.
“Ye-yeah well, I was halfway to hell when I remembered I forg-forgot you here so…” you whispered.
He started laughing at that- touching your foreheads together; gold teeth gleaming.
After you left the hospital you told him you just wanted to sit and talk. So he drove you to a park, it was very secluded- you two sat on a bench overlooking the river.
 He explained to you everything he had done, from throwing Sofia in Arkham to getting all the crime bosses murdered by their second in command and now having something to hold over a congressman- Oswald would be running in the upper circles as one of them, not a lieutenant or a cripple- one of them.
 “What a smart man” you said while hugging the jacket you had on closer to you. Winter was already here. The city lights softly illuminating his face, he had the expression of a man who won it all- he was on top of the world. 
“Fuck- ya' know, I couldn’t have done it without you.” He looked at you softly and with admiration
“You are really something special kid.” he smirked at you, leaning back a little- trying to take all of you in. 
“Oz, you’re like fam-family to me.” You told him and saw as his expression shifted- something laid beneath his eyes- you couldn’t place a finger on what.
“You see - “ he grabbed your body and pulled you closer to him, his face mere inches from yours “You showed me, doll- you can be my greatest strength. But the thing about family is… they make you fight harder than you ever thought you could. They show you what you’re really capable of- even when you’re not seeing it.” he grabbed the side of your neck, gently brushing his thumb over your face. 
He was hesitant, a man so full of words and phrases was left without any in this moment. 
“It weakens you too and I think- I think all of this would not mean as much if you weren’t by my side.” He kissed you. 
You never in a million years thought you were ever gonna drive a Maserati- now you were in a Rolls Royce.
 A gorgeous purple color, something that once only showed his flamboyance now signals his power and influence over everything that moves in the underworld of Gotham, he was “the king” and you couldn’t be more proud of him and you. When the car rolled down the street people stopped and stared at it, talking among themselves and taking pictures. 
He told you that night, after a very expensive dinner- he had a surprise for you “Somethin’ real special” he got. 
You entered a very fancy apartment complex, the opulence of the place immediately striking you as the elevator whisked you up.
In the mirrored walls of the lift, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, catching a glimpse of the two of you.
 “You two look like a match”, you remembered Roxy’s words from the club. You were both dressed in black—the most expensive dress you owned, a gift from him- and Oz, who looked as if he had stepped out of a Fred Astaire movie. So poised, so polished. People with your kind of money didn't even open their own car doors.
You’d asked him where you were going, and he only replied, "It's a surprise," with that familiar glinted smile of his.
Oz was a man who relished in the influence his newly acquired power gave him. He’d been rapidly reconstructing Crown Point, making a name for himself not just among Gotham's underground elite but also rubbing shoulders with the high society.
It wasn’t a stretch to imagine that one day he’d run for mayor- and you’d be right by his side.
The elevator doors slid open, and you stepped out into the apartment, breath catching in your throat.
It was... breathtaking.
The entire space was so grand, it felt almost unreal, as though the world had bent its will to cater to him. To you. You almost couldn’t take it all in at once.
The high ceilings stretched above you, the living room expansive and bathed in the soft glow of a fireplace, the crackling warmth spreading throughout the room. But it was the view that stole your breath. The floor-to-ceiling windows revealed all of Gotham, its lights twinkling below like a blanket of stars.
You moved toward the window, your feet almost moving on their own as you absorbed the beauty. The city spread out endlessly, like a maze of lights and possibilities, and here you were—at the top of it all.
The heat from the fireplace surrounded you, making the space feel so warm, so alive, and for a moment, everything outside of this apartment, faded away. This was your world now. You could hardly believe it, after everything that had happened.
After everything he’d done to get here.
Oz stood behind you, his presence so steady and unwavering. You could feel his eyes on your back, his gaze warm, yet calculating, as if he was still analyzing the moment.
"Ya' like it?" His voice was soft but full of that familiar edge- he wasn’t just asking about the apartment.
You could tell there was something deeper in his question, an unspoken desire to know if you truly liked the life he had built for you, for the two of you.
You turned to face him, the firelight catching his features, casting soft shadows across his face. His eyes were dark, intense, as though he was trying to read your every emotion.
You met his gaze, the warmth of the room matching the heat you felt in your chest.
This is it, you thought. The beginning of everything, everything you’d ever wanted. And somehow, it felt like the end of something else.
You took a step closer to him, and for a moment, you simply stood there, breathing in the air between you. You could feel the tension in the air, thick and heady. 
“Of course” you proudly announced. You loved it- every inch of it.
Oz stepped forward, closing the distance with one smooth movement. His hand reached out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, the simple touch sending a shiver down your spine.
His voice was low, only for you to hear, “I made it happen for you... for us. All of it. Tell me, doll... you proud of me?” He came closer to you, grabbing your face. 
“Of course,” you said. Excitement gripped you and you knew him asking that sort of question meant he was in need of some love and appreciation. 
“You know-” you got out of his grip.
“-I actually want to see the master bedroom- maybe the sheets are purple too.” You laughed- the adrenaline you felt when his face changed to one of excitement as well turned you on and you left your shoes near the staircase that went upstairs- to the second floor of the massive penthouse. 
The icy cold feel of the floor didn’t matter to you as you almost sprinted to one of the doors upstairs - you heard him climb the steps and your heart started pumping. 
Even after all this time of making love to Oz, the electric rush that shot up your spine every time you saw that wild spark in his eyes- made you crazy.  You quickly took your panties off and got on the gorgeous bed. The bedding was so comfortable- like a cloud.
The door opened and you saw him. 
“You got some nerve, runnin’ away like that.” he said as he came close to the left side of the bed and grabbed the upper part of the dress, almost testing how easy it was to pull it off, you simply giggled at him. 
How were you ever afraid of this man? 
You rubbed your hand on his hard on and he gave you a shaky breath- still crazy about you. 
"Wouldn't be the first time you tried to disappear." He paused, eyeing you intently, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips "Turn around."
He unzipped your dress and undressed you- gasping when he saw you weren’t wearing anything underneath. You got on your knees and helped get him undressed too- before he would always leave his clothes on, always preferring to have only you naked when you were with him. Things change.
He climbed on top of you and you welcomed him between your legs. This man- all of him, you loved him so much. He gave you the whole world. You both groaned when he entered you and set a very gentle pace while kissing your neck. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. 
“Tell me you’re proud of me.” He whispered in your ear
“I’m so proud of you- “ you gasped as he pressed himself even harder inside you “You’ve done so much for us-” he did it again, harder this time “And I love you” he started fucking you even harder, the feel of his greater thighs touching the underside of yours and the sound coming from your pussy were louder than your soft moans and his groans of pleasure. You squeezed his body with your legs.
“There’s-there’s-” the feeling of having him in you, while he pressed himself deeper and deeper, his body over yours as he was holding himself up on his forearms next to you- you’ll never get tired of it “There’s nothing-nothing standing in your way.” 
He kissed you, putting his tongue in your mouth “You’re so beautiful, doll” He kissed all over your face as he said that and squeezed your breasts as he pounded into you. “So fucking beautiful” his eyebrows were furrowed and eyes closed, deep in thought about how you felt around him. 
“Fuck- com’ here” he pulled himself out and got on his back, slowly touching the side of your body as you lowered down on his penis with your lips. 
Oz wasn’t the sort of guy that enjoyed small kisses near his manhood and soft touches, if he wanted you to suck him- he wanted you to get to business. 
He grabbed hold of your hair- not for dragging you up and down him but to help you. You climbed on his leg- to pleasure yourself while you’re at it, no? 
Your lips enclosed around his head and as you bobbed your head up and down him you tried to breathe through your nose and help yourself with your hands. One cradling his balls and one on his penis, up and down. 
His moans were like music to your ears as you pleasured him, whenever you would stop at his head and lick the underside of it, he would press himself even higher in your mouth.
“I love you, doll. I love you-” he would chant as you took him. 
You rubbed yourself on his thigh as you sucked him, your legs were almost shaking.
“You take me so good- you’re such a good girl- my good girl.” This man and his words. 
When you would get off of him to breathe, he would push your head down to lick his balls and then make you get up to suck him again. His grip on your hair was becoming even tighter, bringing you down on him until you almost choked and then back up again.
 He would thrust up into your mouth as he got closer to his peak, chanting your name and how much he wanted to fuck you.
“I wanna fuck you so bad-” He pulled you on top of him and you gave him a giggle as you sat on top of his cock- only exciting him more.
“You wanna ride daddy baby?” it was a new nickname he enjoyed to give himself, you don’t know what changed in him, maybe the way people in society looked at you two, Oswald Cobb and his much younger woman. You nodded excitedly and grabbed his length from down below.
Fucking such a powerful man- he was the king, you should be proud of yourself.
He ran the Gotham underworld with an iron fist, everyone was afraid and respected him while also loving him too- he gave them jobs, he gave them a place to sleep- he took care of people. 
“Oh, baby..” he pulled you out of your daydream as he grabbed your waist and dragged you up and down him “I wanna get you pregnant doll” 
Your stomach twisted when you heard that-in a good way. You felt butterflies in your stomach and your pussy only got wetter. His eyebrows were furrowed and his groans were becoming even louder- you loved how loud he would get when he got close to cumming.
 He grabbed your breast in his hand while the other held your waist- fingers gripping into the skin there and you grabbed his chest to steady yourself as you rocked yourself on him. 
His fingers readjusted themselves on your body, gripping even harder this time- he would push himself into and his movements became erratic when near his climax. You smiled at Oz as you saw him gasp and hold you still. 
As he held you in his big arms that night, you had a clear view of the city from the bedroom window- you couldn’t believe you were here.
After everything you had to go through- finally, maybe your parents wouldn’t be disgusted with you. 
You had everything you ever needed here, with him, he was gonna keep you safe from now on.
 Maybe your mom, dad and little sister were happy- their girl found herself a man who fought tooth and nail to get where he was now; his ambition never ending and his resilience like iron, he loved you, he was going to give you children and give you a life you only ever imagined in your wildest dreams. 
Was he a bad man? Mayhaps, for some. His profession required him to be- but he was also sweet and kind and good. People weren’t black and white. 
Your eyes were slowly closing with the soft snores of your soon to be husband lulling you to sleep.
Gotham winked at you from down below- reminding you it took you right where she wanted.
Author's note: AHHHHH its been so much fun writing this- thank u for reading and I hope it was good. Thank you to @fat-bottom-demons because I don't think I would've been this quick in writing this big ass chapter without her nice words.
The Finale made me feel like I got punched in the throat lol. I hated Oz, like I didn't even look at the scene in order to reproduce it here in this chapter- something I usually do and poor Sofia, hope she wrecks his shit in the movie.
I wanted to keep Oz's nature of a manipulative and horrible man in this story as well- it's just that he CAN love and he can make himself vurnelable enough to love someone like he loves the reader- which he is also kinda obsessed with.
Maybe I will revisit this story- once we see what he's up to in the movie ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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siolixz · 4 months ago
Sneak peak for chapter 3 of Love and Loyalty ⊹₊ ⋆ 🐧 ྀི ⊹₊ ⋆
It's gonna be an interesting one so buckle up
You don’t remember how you got here. 
First you remember talking to Oz about something on the phone early in the morning after a delivery- then you remember going home to sleep and when you arrived- there was nothing. 
What the fuck happened? There was a guy- he came towards you. Then you looked at him- then he; he punched you? So that’s why you have a splitting headache. Everything felt like a dream- were you dreaming right now?
Are you sleeping? Why is everything so dark? 
You could hear voices, faint voices but they were there. Someone grabbed you by your arm and forced you upright. Now there was light everywhere and your eyes felt like they were on fire. Why is everything so fucking bright?
You blinked a few times and looked around the room; wow, how fancy. Where were you? The walls looked like they were carved and you only saw furniture like this when you looked at the TV. You saw a man there, a big guy; an enforcer, you thought, and in your dazed state you asked him “Where am I?” he looked at you and remained quiet. Great.
Your head was killing you. Jesus. Your hands and feet weren’t tied however- how odd. You rapidly lifted your head when you heard the sharp sound of a pair of heels on the expensive floor, the door opened and- Oh, it’s her. 
“Look who’s awake.” Sofia softly smiled at you, she’s gonna kill you probably. Why does she have a plate of food? “I brought you breakfast- you’ve been gone quite a while you see.” She walked across from you and placed the plate down on the table. 
“I bet you’re wondering what you are doing here.” she came over and sat next to you- crossing her legs and leaning back “You and I have a lot to talk about.”
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siolixz · 4 months ago
The Finale got me like
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siolixz · 4 months ago
unfortunately, I will write this fic and I am writing this fic are two very different things
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siolixz · 4 months ago
"use chatgpt" that's the devil talking. buy four caffeinated drinks and pull an all nighter. this is the way.
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siolixz · 4 months ago
Reading the second part to Of Love And Loyalty laying on my bed, twirling my hair and kicking my legs while giggling teehee
Absolutely dying for the final because something awful is probably going to happen to Oz but he'll look good while it happens.
I'm so sorry you've been having health issues :( I really hope things get better soon. I know im a complete stranger but please reach out if you need anything or want to vent or whatever. Hope you're having a great day/night <3
You’re so nice, thank u 🙏 I think I actually got spoiled the finale by someone but I’m not sure lol.
I felt soo bad these past months but writing really helps me; the day goes by quicker 🤩
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siolixz · 4 months ago
ღ Of Love and Loyaltyღ
Part 2
<Part 1> <Part 3: final>
Pairings: Oz "The Penguin" Cobb x Reader
Reader takes Victor's place in this story. She and Oz have developed a relationship of sorts and she changed based on everything around her.
Reader is a young girl infatuated with a man decades older than her- who is also very dangerous and powerful (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌 pls take everything with a grain of salt. Oz's mom is actually dead in this story. I will write a third and final part to this after the last episode. Everyone in this story is 18+ and consenting 100%.
Enjoy, give some feedback if you want. (>‿◠)✌
Warnings: violence, age-gap relationship, smut(¬‿¬)
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You finally made something of yourself. Sure it was all blood money, but you did- you did what you had to do to survive and not only that, to thrive. 
Before leaving he told you to get in the car while he talked to Sofia outside, when you got back he was on his knees- a gun pointed at his face. You acted on impulse and drove the car into one of the guys there; best thing you could’ve done at the moment he told you.
 You would think that planning to escape would distance you from him but it did the opposite- even after wrecking his car, that poor gorgeous car; you’ve never been in one as fancy before- let alone drive it.  
“I’m so-sorry about your car.” you said as you stared at it in flames. 
“Yeah- what're ya gonna do 'bout it- only the good die young.” he came closer to you and grabbed the back of your head- forcing you to look at him. “Don’t be sad about it- you’re worth a thousand more to me.” 
He told you that you two were “really in it now”- and he couldn’t have been more right about that.
He got the Bliss operation back from the Maroni family by burning the mother and the heir apparent to their family- together. His brutality frightened you but If he wanted to rule the mob- he had to be brutal and unwavering in his choices, at least that’s what you told yourself to justify what he had done. Now not only Sofia Gigante was after you, but also Sal Maroni.
In the weeks following you had your own operation- underground, in a sewer system that connected you to all of Gotham, you became Oz’s eyes and ears above ground, traveling on your motorcycle- giving him news about the world above and delivering his money directly in his hands. He had given you your own gun—"just in case someone messes with you"—though you never ended up using it.
 Oz trusted you, even after your attempt at an escape- he moved you two to an apartment on the East Side, one that reminded you of your old one; without electricity but it did its job. In the apartment you got very close to him, you got to know him much better and you changed too in the meantime, you were more confident- more sure of yourself next to him. 
He was all you had, the one person who made you feel like you were the center of his world. One night- he came "home" late, as he often did. You were already in bed, curled up and trying to stay warm when you felt the familiar weight of his body sinking into the mattress. He slid under the covers and pulled you close, and you sighed, finally feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace.
"The people in charge really don’t give a fuck about us," you murmured, exhaustion lacing your voice. It was a tired frustration—being cold at work and now being cold at home. Winter was coming, and your mind drifted to families with children who needed warmth.
He took a deep breath. The long days weighed heavily on him; managing his people and the constant stress left him drained. Most nights, he would grab a bite, and as soon as his head hit the pillow, cold or not, he’d fall into a deep sleep. You’d take advantage of those moments, cuddling close and pulling his heavy arm over you. Oswald slept like a rock.
"I’ll do something about it," he said, his deep voice vibrating through you. In the weeks you’d been together, you’d learned how to speak to him, how to make him feel powerful—your man, your only one. He was the only man who had ever made you feel this way, and you couldn’t deny the rush you felt watching him command respect when he barked out orders to his men, a cigar perched between his lips. God, he was handsome. Your stomach would flutter every time you caught a glimpse of him, even if only for a second.
He was a towering presence, terrifying when he loomed over you, and seeing him angry was enough to scare you senseless. But it also sets your heart racing for other reasons too.
Before the club, his gaze never strayed from you; now, it was his hands that constantly sought you. He couldn't help himself when you were close, sometimes grabbing you in public like an eager kid in a candy shop. You learned that when he called you into his "office," it meant he was either seething with anger or burning with desire—either way, you knew he’d end up taking it out on you. 
He’d told you more than once that he hadn’t felt this alive in years, and you could sense the shift in everything he did—from the way he spoke to the intensity in the way he fucked you. He had changed.
You told him about Squid- about how he came up to you today- asking you where you got your clothes- “what shit you got cooking” - Oz asked you if it was going to be a problem, you told him no; he could count on you- you won’t let him down.
“You know, I think you’re the only thing keeping me good, doll.” he traced circles on your arm. If you were keeping him good, what was Oz like when bad? The thought sent a shiver down your spine.
You felt his hands traveling under the blanket and beneath the sweater and t-shirt you had on and you proceeded to hiss once they made contact with your skin “your hands are so cold” you said and he chuckled.
The next day, you made true to your promise and met up with Squid- you had a plan, of course you did, you would give him some money and hope he would leave you alone.
Of course the dumb bastard declined the money- of course he tried to intimidate you to “bring him to the big man” or else he was gonna go to the Maronis or Falcones- maybe they would help him; the fuck was he thinking?  That a small-time asshole like him could make a deal with Oz? 
So many thoughts were running through your head, what if you did bring him to Oz? You didn’t want to bother him, he had enough stuff he had to worry about- plus the things Oz would do to him were too graphic to think about. What if you ran? No, he would catch you- probably beat the shit out of you too. Shit.
“Ok, I’ll take you to him.” you said as you were going down the steps, him following. Fuck-fuck you had to shoot him, this motherfucker was going to ruin whatever you had going on.
You had to shoot him, no other time better than now- your pistol was in the front of your jeans. Do it now.  You grabbed your gun from your pants and before you knew it, you turned around and pulled the trigger. 
When you opened your eyes, Squid was gripping his throat- blood was coming out in buckets- he stared at you and your shocked face. Neither of you believing what you just did. Your breathing was becoming heavier and heavier- almost gasping for breath- you just shot someone- he was going to die. 
Oh god, he was dying. You watched as the light drained from his eyes and you didn’t want to stick around to see him pass so you ran- you ran to your motorcycle and then you drove above the speed limit, probably breaking a few laws too until you got underground.
 He was probably dead by now- you just killed him. You never realized that you were crying as well; you ran to his office and thanked the lord that no one was around to see you. 
You opened the door and there he was, wearing a well tailored shirt and a vest- writing something down- money next to him. He quickly looked up as he heard you come in and then dropped his head down to continue what he was writting “Well look who decided to pay me a visit”,  he muttered with a smirk; you tried to control your sobs and when he heard the shallow breath you took to steady yourself- he looked up again “The fuck happened?” he immediately got up and went towards you.
You told him what happened between sobs as he held you on his lap, seated in his chair.  You told him everything; about Squid- how he threatened to go to the Falcones or the Maronis- how you knew you had no choice and while leaning back he told you that it will get easier, this isn’t the end of the world.
“You wanna know something?” He grabbed your face and made you look at him “You did what was right, you protected yourself, what you have. No one can take that from you- I’m proud of you.” Your sad demeanor was gone by now and replaced with the familiar warmth you had whenever he said something like this.
 He kissed you and brought your body and embraced you “You’ve grown so much in these weeks, you’re no longer the kid that used to sneak around buildings-” you kissed him, bringing his lower lip between your lips. You wanted to forget- forget what happened and what you did- he always made you forget all your worries, you only ever thought about him when you were in his presence. He put his arm beneath both of your legs as you were sitting and you almost yelped when he got you on his desk.
“Oz-” Ok, maybe getting him started wasn’t the best idea, whenever you got him going he would forget about the windows in his office or the fact that someone might hear you.
You tried to bring one of your legs between the two of you, trying to stop him “-Oz, when we are home” you tried to reason with the man, even if getting fucked in his office would turn you on in the worst ways and you would be lying if you said that you weren’t getting wet already.
 He loved the power he would hold over you- whenever he would manhandle you in any position he would like or whenever he would order you to do something- you couldn’t lie, you liked it too; sometimes he would have you suck his cock as he solved the men's pay, sometimes he would have you on all fours on his bed- Oz was a man that loved to be in control, to be number one- the best. You knew that. 
He was already getting your jacket off, “Oz-” he grabbed the money from the table and placed it away from you two, before getting back to kissing and groping you.
He grabbed hold of your clothed pussy and from the feeling of his hand there- you raised your butt slightly up and pushed back into him.
 This relationship that you two had, it made you feel like a woman- it was so different than the one you had with Robert, where it was just light touches on your face and small kisses- Oswald was a man, whenever he wanted you, he would have you and it made you feel as if you were wanted and desired- it made you feel alive.
He stopped and you knew someone was probably at the door. Shit- this is so embarrassing, you looked down and without making eye contact, went into the small room connecting to his office- he had a bed there, a small one; not big enough for two people to sleep comfortably but it was something. It was also way more warm in here than outside where everyone else was working. 
You took your sweater off and sat on the bed, while listening to what he was saying to the guy that came in, something about the meeting he had and a surprise. You had to ask him about that, but after he was done with you.
 Your heart was beating out of your ches- the door opened. 
He looked at you and made small steps towards the bed, you were smiling while scooting back- with butterflies dancing in your stomach; wondering what he was gonna do next when he grabbed both of your legs and placed them on either side of him before joining you on the bed- on top of you.
One of his hands immediately went to your ass, giving him easier access to rubbing himself over you and the other one was supporting him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer as your lips met his. Despite the darkness and heaviness of the moment, he still radiated a magnetic presence—full of charisma as ever, his scent enveloping you in a way that made everything else fade. From the sharpness of his aftershave to the depth of his cologne, he had it all. He started pushing himself even harder against you, where it was almost painful; you moaned in his mouth and against his tongue. 
He raised himself on his knees on the bed, casting a shadow over you and ordered you to take your jeans off and get on all fours while he was taking his vest off and unbuttoning his dress shirt. Your hands were shaking a little bit as you unbuttoned your pants and took them off.
After you obeyed him and raised your butt in the air, he grabbed hold of it- to angle you how he wanted; excitement so palpable you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, almost laughing. You felt him slowly enter you, giving you a few small moments to adjust to his size- you closed your eyes and moaned, you don’t think you’re ever gonna get enough of this man; all of him.
“Oh baby-” he was always so vocal during sex. 
The feeling of him stretching you out and the feeling of him pushing himself in you in and out- whenever he would press himself back in, he brushed up against your g-spot- the sound of his body when it connected to yours was so loud- it made your cheeks burn- you were so wet and he didn’t even touch you all that much, like that night at the club. He had a gun under your chin and you were so wet, who even were you anymore?
You arched your back, consciously making yourself as pleasing as possible for him. The act itself sent a thrill through you, but it also made your cheeks flush with a mix of desire and shy uncertainty- the usual girlhood embarrassment that flushed your cheeks overtaking your body whenever he had you like this. 
When he found his rhythm- while grabbing your waist and pushing you back into him, he’d shower you with praise. “You take me so well… you’re such a good girl—my good girl.” He knew exactly how to make your stomach flip with words like that—this old dog. 
He pulled you back against him time and time again before you felt like it was almost painful, your moans of pleasure mixing with those of pain.
He pulled himself out and got on his back next to you, ”Come ‘ere” you giggled in excitement- he loved whenever you rode him.
You squatted over him- your legs on either side of his body and with one of your hands- you brought his cock between your legs and you watched closely as his stupid grin was wiped from his face when you lowered down on him, mouth open- you gave him a quick peck on his lips. Your legs were almost shaking and a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. 
From this position you could feel him so deep inside- you started to grind yourself on him- it felt so good; you almost started crying again. 
Oz grabbed your tits from underneath your shirt and was slowly pushing himself deeper in you “You’re my girl- I’m so proud-” he groaned as he said that, this mountain of a man- beneath you, between your thighs; you felt like you held the power “-I’m so proud of you.” 
From this position you could feel him brushing against your clit, the feeling only making you go faster, the thrill of reaching your peak on him taking over “easy…easy” he repeated- obviously, you didn't listen. 
You shifted the tempo, lifting yourself up before sliding back down, causing him to grimace. Without missing a beat, he pulled your upper body down, pressing you flush against him- you pressed your face against his shoulder and he grabbed it- holding it there; the cold feeling of his rings compared to how hot your face was giving you goosebumps.
You felt him adjust his legs and from this position he started to fuck you how he wanted to. He thrived on being in charge, practically reveled in the power it gave him. God, your throat was dry- you were sure you would be sore down there after you two were done.
 You knew anyone walking by could 100% hear you at this point, you tried to be quiet but to no avail with this man. Oz seemed to like whenever people would stare at the two of you and it excited him to think anyone would be listening in.
You brought your face up when he slowed down and kissed him, putting your tongue in his mouth. This felt so amazing but you knew he probably had places he had to be. “Do I make you feel good baby?” you nodded, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to the right side of his face, right on the thick scar that ran from his mouth to his cheekbone.
He was a strikingly intimidating man, his features hardened by a life of danger. You slowly brought yourself down and up- trying to match his movements. 
“You get so tight around me-” he placed his arm over you, bringing you as tight as he could on him. 
One of your hands went under the pillow he had under his head and the other was gripping the side of the bed. His rhythm was becoming sloopy- switching between fucking you and kissing you, on your cheeks or on your mouth; he grabbed your ass in both of his hands, squeezing and pushing you down on him while he fucked you. 
You looked in his eyes, the light from above casting a shadow over them that only added to his allure.  “-I’m gonna cum” you nodded again- words escaping you “Tell me where-tell me” he closed his eyes- you knew he would start with that, the only way he finished was inside you. 
Whether it was your mouth or your pussy. Oz loved when you would describe how he felt in you, how you loved when he would fuck you- how you wanted him to cum in you. It turned him on. It turned him on how embarrassed you would feel most of the time he made you say those things.
You told him you wanted it inside and It wasn’t long before he started his fast pace again and you closed your eyes, trying not to moan as loud as you would like- fuck he felt so good. It mustn't have been long before you felt him slow down and the familiar feeling of his cock pulsing inside of you. You had to drink some water- your throat was hurting. Oz hugged you close to him and while one of his hands was rubbing your back he kissed your forehead- “You feeling better?”.
Author's note: Bro you just fucked him AGAIN?
Finished there the story because I KNEW i would start writing a lot and I wanna finish part 2 in time for the finale. I'm sososos excited for it and sad it will end ugh. Anyways hope you enjoyed and thank you to all the people that wrote nice things to me regarding my writing, I've been having some health problems lately and your messages made me feel so much better, truly. Have a nice day :))))))
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