#and then he was also in a gay TV show
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 month ago
"straight and neurotypical actors shouldn't be in queer and neurodivergent projects" oh so you want Joseph Chang to lose his job???
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laniidae-passerine · 8 months ago
positively obsessed with how Rockstar Lestat is the exact kind of guy one of my friends would show me a picture of and swear he’s really sexy and cool and brilliant. Whole time I’m thinking “oh dear GOD” staring at a trainwreck weirdo and wondering what’s happened to everybody else that is absolutely missing me. jesus christ he’s blond
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gayofthefae · 9 months ago
You become possessed by a monster from an alternate dimension. You have no control over your mind or body. You are sedated as to not be a harm to others. You come to in an unknown place to your crush telling you you're the best thing to ever happen to him. You get knocked out again. When you wake up, he has a girlfriend.
You are Will Byers.
tags that were too good:
#obsessed with being will byers #you have a gay situationship of 7 years #get kidnapped for a week and come back to find he kissed some girl who then immediately died #but you spend the next year still having your gay situationship anyways #he tells you you're amazing #you pass out #when you wake up he has once again kissed some girl #you can never leave him alone ever in his life ig #no getting kidnapped for you or your man gets stolen (2x) lesson learned
You are Mike Wheeler
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mikesbasementbeets · 1 month ago
when will people stop being homophobic in the name of bi mike
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mouthstatickinard · 5 months ago
just watched through 7x06 and i can officially say that i truly do not understand the Tommy hate
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cybergothvox · 8 months ago
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extraaa-30 · 1 year ago
are you telling me at 12 years old you, greek mythology gay on tumblr, would NOT have clocked every monster??? are you REALLY DEFINITELY SURE ABOUT THAT???
bc bestie I'm sorry but 12yo me was WAITING for opportunities like percys. i'd be like hmm who wants the bolt if it's not hades EXCESSIVE & UNNECESSARY KNOWLEDGE IT'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE dw y'all I've been training for this
Except literally Sally was training Percy for this.
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v88sy · 5 months ago
Which one of us gonna get that high def screen grab of all the things on Buck's fridge now?
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rpfofficial · 1 year ago
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paul mescal in rust cohle true detective cosplay. making me feel some typa way. by indiamullen for w magazine
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aroaessidhe · 8 months ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
Bury Your Gays
a scriptwriter in hollywood who’s getting attention & an Oscar nom after working in the industry for years, but is being pressured by algorithm-obsessed producers to kill off the queer characters in the season finale of the show he writes
and when he starts getting stalked by the monsters he wrote (based on traumas of his past) he has to figure out how to survive, along with his best friend and boyfriend
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light-wrath-paradise · 7 days ago
Completely normal pins for my completely normal friends and me. Btw.
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nethnad · 1 year ago
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good morning everybody this is your daily reminder to read empire of glass by andy lane. right now actually. stop everything you're doing. look at these clowns. case studies in the cain instinct. prime examples in fact
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microraptorreactor · 11 months ago
I'll be having a normal time and then I think about the bench scene from His Dark Materials and immediately take 10000 psychic damage (/positive)
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ironworked · 5 months ago
Eddie's journey
Eddie is the 10 year old whose father told him he needed to be the man of the house. He's the teenager whose girlfriend got pregnant and who felt pressured to marry partly because of the Church. He's a Mexican-American man, and culturally/lapsed Catholic. He's the young man who enlisted to provide for his family, even though he never wanted to be like his father. He's the husband who thinks they could've done better, who feels guilt for his wife leaving. He's the man who proposed again but got asked for a divorce, and who feels he wasn't enough. He's the widower who didn't get to fix things with his wife, whom he still thinks of as 'the love of [his] life'. He's the man who thinks he needs to be in control, who doesn't want to appear weak, who 'doesn't panic'. He's the son who's recently been patching things up with his father. He's the father who's recently let his kid down and misses him terribly.
Non-exhaustive list of quotes pulled from the show, with links to videos when youtube allows (full 'playlist'), arranged by broad themes:
It's under control. Don't worry. S: Every time we talk about money, you tell me not to worry. Guess what, I worry. (2.15) / Bobby: I just wanna make sure you don't think you have to lose everything before you can allow yourself to feel anything. E: No, Christopher needs me to be in control. [...] I wasn't there when he was a baby. Stayed away too long, and it broke his mother. Shannon ran away, and I couldn't stop her. I couldn't bring her back home. (3.08) / S: We'll just sell the house and the cars and I'll go back to work. Maybe only part-time but - E: No, no. Christopher is the priority right now. You should stay home with him. [...] I'm trying to provide for this family. That's the reason I enlisted in the first place. S: I don't need a provider. I need a partner. (3.15) / I don't remember you being around much when I was his age. Ramón: I was working. E: So was I. / Frank: You're a man who spends all of his time managing other people's pain [...] but not a lot of time facing your own. Can't put all your feelings in a box, Eddie. You might think if you're strong enough that it'll hold. But at some point, that box is gonna blow open. E: And take me with it. F: You and anyone else around you. (5.13) / [R] spent his whole life driving across the state. Living everywhere but under his own roof with his own family. ... Oh, uh, why don't you tell them about the time you pulled your ten-year-old son aside and told him it was time to step up? Be the man of the house? [...] R: I was providing for the family. E: Providing? Providing what money? - Okay R: Exactly. I had to do what I had to do. E: A family needs more than money. (6.17)
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Turns out, I'm a Manchurian Catholic. I've just got a reservoir of Catholic guilt just lying dormant, waiting to be activated [...] What, you think I should go to confession? You think a priest is going to make me feel better about all this? [...] Bobby: Lapsed Catholic, still a Catholic. [...] That was a lot of the reason why we got married. The Church. She got pregnant and I think we both felt pressured into it. But I never regretted it, and even when things got really bad, there was always a part of me that I loved being married to her. (7.05) / Bobby: Eddie, I was going through some things, and I found this [prayer book]. Made me think of you. Just hang onto it, It might come in handy.
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He loves having you around.[...] We both do. [...] I want this. Want to have a nice day on the beach with my son and his mother. ... Bobby: Were you ready the first time? Eddie: No. I knew I loved her, but I didn't think I was ready to get married. [...] I guess the question is, can I be a good husband? ... I knew Christopher missed you, but I I don't think I realized just how much I did, too. [...] We could have done better, we could have tried, I want us to be a family again. (2.17) / I loved your mom and I miss her, probably always will. (3.04) / I'm angry at a dead person and at myself because I forgave her for everything, and and it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. (3.08) / I just want what I had when I met Shannon. It just happened. It was magic. Hen: Oh, so you believe in magic. E: I believe in chemistry. ... Bobby: Eddie, I know how hard this is. One thing you can't do is compare what you had with what you think you're gonna have. You just have to be open to whatever comes. (6.17)
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(7.09 deleted scene)
E: Christopher. Is this Mom? Hey. Is that who you've been dreaming about? (3.04) / I wish I could forget. People go away. Not just Mom. Abuelita, Carla, my friends. They leave and then I miss them. I don't want to miss anyone else. (4.08) / Ravi: You must be Eddie's wife? C: Not yet. (5.02) / They just end up leaving anyway. Buck: Uh, why would you say that? C: My mom did. B: Uh, Chris, your mom died. C: Before that. She left us. We loved her, and she left anyway. I can't remember her voice anymore. (7.01)
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(5.03) (6.18)
Dad, do you think she can hear us when we talk to her? E: Absolutely. That's why we come here. C: I wish I could hear her talk back. E: Me, too, bud. Me, too. ...
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I'm sorry. I was thinking maybe we could watch it together in El Paso next weekend. I know. Yeah, I know. I know, it's last-minute, but I miss you guys, and I know Christopher does, too. Exactly. Why wait? Well, there's no better time than now. (6.15) / Chris, he's excited to see everyone, he misses them. (5.17)
I tried to talk about it with him and he ignored me the whole drive back. R: That part, that part sounds like us. The old Díaz family cold shoulder. Your Abuela originated it, but as I recall, you perfected it. [...] You had to grow up a lot faster than you should have. But that doesn't mean you can keep Christopher a kid forever. (6.04)
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It just pisses me off. I mean, here's a kid who actually wants his dad in his life, and he doesn't even bother to show up? I miss him so much, Cap. I'm trying to respect his wishes, but we zoom a couple times a week, barely says a word to me. ... Sometimes a son just needs his father. Hell, a father needs his son. I speak from experience. ... But you're missing out on watching him grow up, on who he's becoming. ... I'm a dad who doesn't live under the same roof as his son. And it's my fault. And I hate it. (8.04) / Christopher doesn't want anything to do with Halloween, turns out. [...] Not like I was gonna be able to do it with him anyway. I just wish I knew last year was his last. (8.05)
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That's the path behind him, so I don't think it's outrageous to expect that his future storyline(s) at least in short and mid term will involve unpacking at least some of that as well as whatever moves/decisions made to actively heal his relationship with Christopher and get him back.
Also, this is why Christopher felt the need for some space; it's not out of nowhere, and he isn't throwing a tantrum.
Some interesting posts: Eddie Díaz's tragic timeline; 2.17 vs 8.05 comparison gifset; about Ryan Guzmán's references in interviews (x, x, x); about Eddie's background/potential SLs based on it (x, x).
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lavender-bastet · 1 year ago
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My Parents on why KT wears two halves of a necklace: Dad: It's because she's bisexual, one half means she likes men and the other means she likes women Mom: The other half belonged to her grandpa and she got it back when he died, so now she wears both
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devilsskettle · 5 months ago
actually it does kind of bother me that people don’t want to talk about how margot verger is a poorly written/poorly adapted lesbian character because we want to like her so bad given her sympathetic circumstances and tentatively happy ending/happy marriage. also because it’s hard to parse if she’s a more or less offensive depiction of a lesbian in the book because she’s a “stereotype” (butch) and it’s implied that she’s only a lesbian because of abuse at the hands of her brother (not an implication they reverse in the show necessarily) and because the writing is both a product of its time (the 90s) by a writer who has previously written transphobic/homophobic tropes (see: the silence of the lambs, which the show does not adapt, which i think was a smart move tbh). but low key wouldn’t it have been cool to have a butch lesbian get a (tentatively!) happy ending in a mainstream horror tv series
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