#and then format + print in august
mazekingdom · 1 year
aaaahhh gravitational pull
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deathsmallcaps · 1 month
GUYS. My Win a Commission project is finished!!!!! I still have four months of posting left to do but I wrote, edited, drew and explained EVERYTHING!!!!!
SEVEN YEARS. I started in August 2017 (I was sixteen!) and in August 2024 I motherfucking finished!
The next time I start a long project, it better fucking be a fetus or some shit because I don’t feel like doing something like this everfucking again.
(If you’re interested in winning my next couple, look under the readmore for some hints. The majority are just reference drawings for the story, not the actual illustrations)
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The two main characters for West of the Sun, East of the Moon, a modern retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon set in Alaska. Trans Sapphic love story
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The main character Chantha Rasphone, for my gay ‘sequel’ to Childe Rowland. If you like Labyrinth, chances are you’ll like this. It’s the longest story I have ever written, at over 40 printer pages without the explanation, pictures or glass art. It’s even longer with those things.
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Gii, the Tatterhood from my Yamana retelling. She has dwarfism and slays a leopard seal with a spear.
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Billi, an intersex man and star of the Acacia Tree, my adaptation of The Juniper Tree set in modern Australia. (The picture here is based on Alan Scott’s 1970s picture ‘Face of an Aboriginal* Man, Alice Springs Area’, as shown below)
*Respectful term is the full ‘Aboriginal Australian person’, but I am just quoting the title.
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These are not in release order! Next contest starts on September 10th!
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elumish · 3 months
My Experience With Digital-First Royalty-Only Publishing (Part 2)
Disclaimer: just my experience, may not reflect other people's
Part 1 (What is this sort of publishing; how did I get published; what does the submission, contract, and editing process look like)
Book Release:
My [redacted] book came out in April 2024. It is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the publisher's own website, where it is listed for a couple dollars less than on Amazon/B&N. It's available both digitally (in multiple different file formats) and for print (paperback).
I can't speak for whether this is standard across these sorts of publishers, but it probably isn't unusual. This does mean that the book can't be available on Kindle Unlimited, given how Kindle Unlimited's requirements work.
The timing for this sort of publishing is extremely fast compared to traditional or even small-press print publishing. I signed the contract in late August 2023 and sent in the final draft to my editor in late October 2023, and the book was released in late April 2024.
Book cover:
For designing my book cover, they pointed me towards where they pull stock images from and asked me to describe the sort of cover I would want, including possible stock images. They also asked for physical characteristics of my characters, which is when I realized that I had no clue what my characters look like.
The stock image website included AI art, as well as regular non-AI stock images. I specifically requested no AI art, including no AI-generated stock images. As far as I am aware, they respected that request.
Once they created one, they sent me a mock-up and asked about minor changes (typography, etc., from what I remember). I didn't have any changes. Overall, my cover looks like what I described to them, and I'm really happy with it.
My marketing experience with my publisher has been decidedly underwhelming. They seem to have started to revamp their marketing process right around when my book came out, so my book didn't receive/hasn't received a huge amount of marketing support from them.
What they gave me marketing-wise: a few marketing images for pre-release/post-release, including Twitter and FB header images, etc.; general marketing guidance for what I could/should be doing; a couple of mentions on their publisher Instagram post-release and a mention in their weekly newsletter
What they didn't give me marketing-wise: connection to reviewers, including sending an ARC or providing a list of reviewers that might be good to work with; marketing materials for sites like TikTok or Instragram; a meaningful amount of airtime/mention on their accounts; a large following of their own
Overall, the marketing is what is probably most like self-publishing--a huge amount of it is on me (and I am terrible at it). It will be interesting to see what their revamp brings, but they are starting from a minimal following and not a lot of previous activity on their accounts, and so they also need to build their reach to make their marketing on their accounts more effective.
I get paid on a monthly basis through PayPal. I also receive a royalty statement that lists days, amount/type sold, etc. so I can reconcile with what they have paid me. From what I have seen this royalty statement is pretty standard.
So far, they've been prompt and haven't had issues with payments.
However, because of (among other things) their general lack of marketing, my royalty statements have been fairly low. So far (and, granted, the book came out less than 2 months ago) I have made very little money on this.
My Path Forward:
I've thought a lot about whether I will continue to do this sort of publishing. I am currently querying my "main" books, and I don't plan to publish them through this sort of publishing, even if the publisher would likely accept them.
My contract stipulates that my publisher has right of first refusal for the rest of the books in this series. I am currently writing book two, and I plan to also write a third, as I had initially discussed with them. Beyond that, I'm not sure. I don't mind working with them as a company, but I don't know if they have the processes in place for me to make money publishing with them.
One thing I will likely do is explore other romance publishers that accept unagented submissions. They have a much lower barrier of entry and they are often willing to accept books that trad publishers might not want to spend money/reputational risk on.
As such, I would likely submit to these publishers stories that I don't think traditional publishers/agents would likely to be willing to publish, including more niche subgenres and less standard lengths that are easier to publish digitally.
Why do I redact the name of my book?
Honestly because I'm a coward and because people are weird about romance, especially certain subgenres of romance. I also plan to use this account for my main agented publishing, if I ever reach that point, and I don't necessarily want those two pen names associated.
Any other questions about this sort of publishing?
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Timeline: Bullying Allegations, Rumors, Investigations, and Leaks
Unless cited, all links from the Daily Mail. Apologies, but all links are "active" webpages. There's just too many. I specifically chose the DM because they always TL;DR their articles, which I'm including here so y'all don't have to go click these links.
This is going to be a little bit of a differently-formatted timeline.
These items in bold red are critical rota stories that sort of blew things open, if you will. These ones will have excerpts.
These items in bold purple are Tumblr gossip.
Let's jump in! One quick disclaimer first: This isn't an exhaustive list. this is only what I've been able to dig up today.
10/28/2018: The real Charles revealed: William’s wild mood swings, Harry’s pre-wedding meltdown and how the Prince of Wales finally earned his boys’ respect, as revealed by his biographer ROBERT JOBSON
The weeks leading up to the wedding had been far more tense for both Harry and Meghan than most people realised. In fact, they’d both felt so stressed that they’d booked a series of appointments with Ross Barr, known as ‘the acupuncturist to the stars’. Whether these treatments had much impact on Harry is debatable. In the build-up to the wedding, says an inside source, he was ‘petulant and short-tempered’ with members of staff. Raising his voice on occasion, Harry would insist: ‘What Meghan wants, she gets.’
11/8/2018: ‘Meghan cannot have whatever she wants’: The Queen ‘had words’ with Harry over his ‘difficult’ bride-to-be’s choice of wedding tiara, royal insider claims
Meghan Markle reportedly wanted a tiara with emeralds for her wedding day 
But stones may have been Russian so she had to choose another, it was claimed
Prince Harry allegedly 'hit the roof' when told the headpiece was off-limits
Queen 'had words' with Prince Harry about Meghan, a royal insider claims
Source said Her Majesty said: 'She gets what tiara she's given by me' 
11/9/2018: MAJ RAPPED MEG The Queen warned Prince Harry over Meghan Markle’s ‘difficult’ behavior after row over bride’s tiara for royal wedding by Dan Wootton of The Sun
11/10/2018: CDAN Blind. This came out a couple of weeks after tumblr (the old TCD blog) got a massive dose of Aussie tea. Scroll down to August 2019 for those stories.
Apparently the diva behavior on a recent trip was nothing compared to the verbally abusive thrashing the employee took on that trip when things were not perfect. The employee threatened to sue because of how bad the abuse was which would have become public. The employee instead was given a check and an apology by the in-laws of the former actress turned abuser.
11/15/2018: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge join youngsters on The One Show sofa to speak about new anti-bullying app (with Kate in another recycled dress by Emilia Wickstead). This event was the day after Charles’s 70th birthday bash at BP, to which Meghan wore the blood earrings again and the gossip leaked that the Sussexes left early.
11/15/2018: Prince William accuses Facebook of putting ‘profits before values’ as he slams social media giants for being ‘on the back foot’ in fight against fake news, privacy and cyber bullying
11/17/2018: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle change plans to move into Kensington Palace apartment as resident Royal ‘doesn’t want to leave’ by The Sun. This was the first time that rumors of a rift between the Cambridges and the Sussexes over behavior/attitude were published by the printed press.
Kensington Palace isn’t short of luxury accommodation, with Prince William and Kate Middleton living in a lavish 20-room apartment in the grounds. And it is also the residence of The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, The Duke and Duchess of Kent and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. The Queen’s cousin, The Duke of Gloucester, 74, and his wife Birgitte, 72, live next door to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in their grand 21-room apartment. Prince Harry is said to have been eyeing up the property as the perfect place to raise a family. But a source claims Danish-born Brigitte is refusing to move. The Mail quoted a friend of Duchess of Gloucester saying: “Birgitte doesn’t want to leave. “And why should she? She and her husband are still full-time working members of The Firm and they were given their apartment by Her Majesty.”
Many blogs read the bolded section above as Harry and Meghan were pushing the Gloucesters hard to move out of KP #1. Not necessarily bullying them, but...not being nice about it either.
11/25/2018: MEGGING A MOVE Prince Harry told staff ‘What Meghan wants, Meghan gets’ as it’s claimed couple are moving away from Wills and Kate to flee ‘goldfish bowl’ Royal life by The Sun
11/26/2018: Is Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton’s rift causing tension between Harry and William and behind Windsor move?
11/28/2018: Meghan Markle ‘left Kate Middleton in tears’ over her strict demands for Princess Charlotte’s bridesmaid’s dress by Jack Royston, The Sun.
This is one of the earliest "admissions" that Meghan sends the staff emails out of business hours.
Rumours of a rift between the duchesses swirled after royal sources revealed emotional Kate, 36, ended up weeping. An insider claimed the incident followed a “stressful” dress fitting — just weeks before Meghan, 37, married Prince Harry. Royal aides did not deny the incident had taken place, amid claims that the duchesses are “very ­different people”. Princess Charlotte, three, had been trying on her outfit just weeks before Meghan’s wedding to Prince Harry. Meghan, 37, is understood to have insisted on “the very best” for her big day — but the fitting did not go according to her demands. Royal sources said the pressure of the “stressful” fitting became too much for her now sister-in-law, and that Duchess of Cambridge Kate was left shaken and in tears. An insider told the Daily Telegraph: “Kate had only just given birth to her third child, Prince Louis, and was feeling quite ­emotional.” The reported incident sparked rumours of a rift between Kate and the Duchess of Sussex. The duchesses are understood to have put the incident behind them.
Concerns have surfaced that American actress Meghan has at times struggled to fit into royal circles. Sources claimed she regularly “bombarded” staff with early morning calls and emails.
12/11/2018: How royal staff are calling Meghan Duchess Difficult as 2nd aide exits by The Daily Express. This is the first recording of "Duchess Difficult" in the printed press and the first hints that Harry may have confronted William about Meghan's red carpet welcome into the BRF.
The Duchess let slip recently that she's not sleeping well and has resorted to 4.30am yoga sessions to help her relax. However, her early starts, also said to involve firing off emails, aren't to everyone's taste and Meghan will soon have to find an aide more in tune with her lifestyle.
Kate was reported to have become upset by the manner in which Meghan speaks to staff and although this has been denied by Kensington Palace it has not stopped the chatter that all is not harmonious.
According to one insider, Harry, who is notoriously protective when it comes to his new wife and is desperate for her to enjoy her official duties, is said to be unimpressed with the welcome William has given Meghan. He feels his older brother could have done more, including ensuring that Kate took the American under her wing. Harry, 34, is said to be mindful of how isolated and miserable his mother, Diana, became. In a TV appearance in February, involving the so-called Fab Four of William, Harry, Kate and Meghan, there was an awkward moment when the group was asked about whether they had disagreements. “Oh yes," said William, while Harry tried to make light of the issue by joking that they came "thick and fast". But the insider says: "Harry won't take any criticism of Meghan and he is so sensitive that he often sees criticism or negativity when there isn't any."
12/18/2018: Meghan’s supposedly banned Harry from a traditional shoot, staff are leaving, and it’s claimed courtiers were aghast when this starry picture was (briefly) online. Now, RICHARD KAY asks…Duchess Difficult - or just defiantly different?
Meghan's appearances seem more flashy than other members of Royal Family 
Two days after Fashion Awards show, Duchess of Cornwall posed with donkey
Photo from night was posted on Fashion Council's Instagram but quickly deleted
The Queen is said to be determined to 'not allow Meghan to feel unwelcome' 
2/6/2019: Meghan Markle’s Best Friends Break Their Silence: ‘We Want to Speak the Truth’ (People 5 Friends article)
2/6/2019: ‘Please stop victimizing me, Dad’: Meghan sent her estranged father a letter after her wedding begging him to stop attacking her in the media - and he responded by asking for a photo shoot
Meghan wrote the letter to her dad, Thomas Markle, shortly after her wedding to Prince Harry 
'I have one father. Please stop victimizing me through the media,' she wrote
Friends say Thomas Markle responded by asking Meghan for a photo shoot
'I think she'll always feel genuinely devastated by what he has done,' friends said
Those friends who spoke out said they are concerned about how the 'emotional trauma' of dealing with her father might be affecting Meghan's unborn baby
The five anonymous friends  also rejected rumors she was feuding with her sister-in-law Kate Middleton
'There is nothing behind the feud with Kate,' they said. 'It's completely untrue'
2/6/2019: Samantha Markle calls out sister Meghan for ‘bulsshit’ story in which ‘imaginary’ pals praised the pregnant princess saying she is nothing but a ‘wealthy narcissist’ with ‘lie-abetes’
2/7/2019: ‘Harry will be the BEST dad!’ Meghan praises her husband - amid claims she is suffering ‘emotional trauma’ over feud with her own father - as royal couple dazzle at the Endeavour Fund Awards in London. (This is Meghan's cater waiter outfit.)
4/12/2019: The Meghan Markle ‘Duchess Difficult’ Rumors Just Won’t Stop - and This One is Bizarre by Glamour Magazine. I'm including this one because it cites a few Sun articles that are no longer accessible.
According to The Sun, staff members at Frogmore Cottage, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new home, have been "banned" from using the parking lot closest to the residence and instead must use the one a mile away. The sources who spoke to The Sun seem to confirm a change in parking permits is happening, but here's the kicker: It was reportedly the superintendent of the castle's decision, not Markle's. And yet all the tabloids reporting this story are making it seem as though Markle woke up and randomly decreed, "You know what would be fun? Forcing all the staff members to walk a mile to work each day." The headline in one article starts with "Not in Meg Back Yard," which is apparently the acronym insiders are using to describe this change. That makes it sound like Markle is the one behind the choice.
8/18/2019: Massive Aussie tea and bullying/rude behavior compilation thread posted on Tumblr by The Charlatan Duchess. Original Aussie tea was first published in October 2018 but I can’t find any of the original posts to verify a specific date - all those blogs seem to have been deactivated. Includes gossip/tea about:
Admiralty House/Australia tour
Rumors from Toronto days
Behavior towards customer service staff/industry
“Use and abuse” treatment of entertainment industry staffers
Morocco tour
Birmingham UK visit
Cliveden House/Royal Wedding Eve
Wimbledon 2019 clearout
Vogue and Met Gala
Michelle Obama’s book-reading
South Africa
Attitude towards nannies
10/2/2019: Instagram will roll out its anti-bullying ‘Restrict’ tool to all users so they can avoid nasty commenters without being caught reporting or blocking people
10/28/2019: Author Matt Haig whose poem Meghan Markle included in her Vogue issue defends Duchess against ‘bullies’ - saying ‘you can be famous and struggle’
6/14/2020: Meghan Markle’s painful dilemma: They’re as close as sisters but will she now ditch her best friend Jessica Mulroney after ‘racist bully shame’?
3/2/2021: Royal aides reveal bullying claim before Meghan’s Oprah interview by Valentine Low for The Times - Archived link
(go ahead and give the whole thing a read)
3/2/2021: Buckingham Palace insists it DIDN’T smear Meghan after she accused aides of a ‘calculated campaign’ against her - after ex-staff claim she ‘bullied two PAs’ and ‘drove them out’ of Kensington Palace, four days before explosive Oprah interview will be aired
The Times reported a spokesman for the Sussexes vehemently denying the claims, saying they were 'the victims of a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation'
A bullying complaint was lodged against the Duchess of Sussex by a senior member of Kensington Palace staff before she and Prince Harry quit as working royals
The Times reported it was made in October 2018 by Jason Knauf, who worked as communications secretary to Harry and Meghan
He is said to have claimed the duchess 'drove two personal assistants out of the household and was undermining the confidence of a third staff member' 
Sensationally, the couple's lawyers told the newspaper it was 'being used by Buckingham Palace to peddle a wholly false narrative' before this weekend's interview with Oprah Winfrey 
3/2/2021: Meghan Markle ‘Saddened’ by ‘Attack on Her Character’ amid Bullying Allegations from Palace Staffers by People Magazine
"The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma," a spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. "She is determined to continue her work building compassion around the world and will keep striving to set an example for doing what is right and doing what is good."
3/3/2021: Buckingham Palaces releases a statement concerning the bullying allegations reported by The Times
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3/3/2021: Royals’ Meghan ‘bully’ crisis: As Buckingham Palace launches an unprecedented investigation into sensational bullying claims against Meghan, make no mistake this is a crisis that echoes the Abdication, writes Richard Kay
Meghan Markle is the subject of bullying complaints from her former royal aides in a leaked email 
Jason Knauf alleged she forced two assistants out of the household amid claims of 'emotional cruelty' 
Buckingham Palace is launching an unprecedented investigation into the allegations, deepening the crisis
3/3/2021: Meghan makes jaw-dropping claim the Royal Family has ‘perpetuated falsehoods’ about her and Harry in Oprah interview teaser released just hours after Palace launched sensational probe into allegations she bullied staff
CBS has released a second clip previewing Sunday night's Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan and Harry
In the clip, the Duchess of Sussex is seen sitting alone talking to the talk show host
She is asked by Winfrey whether she had worried about the consequences of speaking out
Markle replies that she felt she had no choice, because the Royal Family were 'perpetuating falsehoods'
She said that, despite the risk of 'losing things', she felt that 'there is a lot that has been lost already'
The clip, recorded several weeks ago, aired on the day Buckingham Palace announced a bullying inquiry
The inquiry was launched after The Times on Tuesday reported allegations of bullying by the duchess's staff 
3/3/2021: ‘I can’t ever see those two back on the balcony’: Palace launches probe into Meghan bullying claims - leaving past and present Royal staff ‘shaken’ by ‘unhappy memories’ being brought up about a particularly ‘toxic period.’
Meghan allegedly inflicted 'emotional cruelty' on aides and 'drove them out' 
Harry and his wife were both also labelled 'outrageous bullies' in allegations 
'Broken' aides told of feeling humiliated, 'sick', 'terrified', left 'shaking' with fear 
Buckingham Palace announced a formal probe into the allegations in statement 
3/3/2021: Revenge of the Sussex survivors’ club: The extraordinary inside story of how a fairytale turned into a nightmare of ‘traumatised’ staff - by Royal Editor REBECCA ENGLISH, who saw so much of it herself
Members of 'Sussex Survivors' Club' worked for couple and lived to tell the tale 
Include US spin doctor Jason Knauf & Aussie private secretary Samantha Cohen
Some even believe they may have form of post-traumatic stress from experience 
But I have personally witnessed more than one member of staff driven to tears by the treatment they were subjected to by the duke and duchess before the couple acrimoniously quit as working royals. One person sobbed down the phone to me after a particularly harrowing day. They clearly felt emotionally broken and could no longer cope with the pressure they were being subjected to. Others have indicated to me they were being asked to behave in a manner they did not feel professionally comfortable with, particularly in their dealings with the media. Several aides have also told me that Meghan in particular was very good at 'drawing' staff into her confidence, flattering them as if they were the only person in the world she could trust and asking them to help her with various duties.
Toxic, hostile, distrustful, poisonous: all words I have heard regularly used over the past few years to describe people's experiences working in the Sussexes' household.
But I have since been told that this popular aide was deeply unhappy about her experience working for the duchess and had been 'desperate' to get out as long as she could professionally put a brave face on it. Likewise a third member of staff. Mr Knauf makes clear in his email, as reported by The Times, that he was also concerned about the couple's hugely experienced deputy private secretary, Samantha Cohen. She had worked for the Queen for more than 20 years and was personally persuaded by the monarch to stay on and help the couple navigate their first few years of royal life. He indicated that she was experiencing extreme stress and said: 'I questioned if the Household policy on bullying and harassment applies to principals [the term used to refer to a member of the royal family].' One source tells me wryly, with an eye to Meghan's much-hyped championing of female empowerment: 'Note that everyone concerned was a woman.' Another adds: 'Sam always made clear that it was like working for a couple of teenagers. They were impossible and pushed her to the limit. She was miserable.'
The Times also makes reference to an incident during the couple's tour to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga in 2018, which was a particularly difficult one for all concerned, Meghan included. She was, of course, pregnant at the time. The newspaper reports how Meghan cut short a visit to a market in Fiji because she was concerned about the presence of a UN organisation promoting women, with which she had worked before and made clear she no longer wished to have anything to do with. At the time officials had suggested that it was because it was humid and the crowd was oppressive in the market. I was there at the time and witnessed Meghan turn and 'hiss' at a member of her entourage, clearly incandescent with rage about something, and demand to leave. I later saw that same – female – highly distressed member of staff sitting in an official car, with tears running down her face. Our eyes met and she lowered hers, humiliation etched on her features. At the time I was unable to document anything as I couldn't conclusively link the two incidents together, despite my suspicions. I have subsequently found out from other sources that my instincts were right.
3/4/2021: Duchesses at war: Meghan ‘blamed Kate and Camilla for leaking stories about her’, claims aide amid raging royal war - as at least TEN palace staff say they will cooperate with ‘bullying’ probe
Meghan and Harry felt stories were briefed by Kate, Camilla or Charles' households, the Palace insider said
Claimed couple 'assumed men in grey suits were obsessed with destroying them' during in Kensington Palace
Revelations came after Meghan was accused of 'driving out' two PAs and shattering the confidence of another
One former aide branded  Prince Harry and his wife 'outrageous bullies' in The Times earlier this week
Meghan said newspaper was 'being used by Buckingham Palace to peddle a wholly false narrative' about her
Comes ahead of Meghan and Harry's bombshell tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey to be aired in the UK
3/4/2021: Meghan Markle’s ‘furious rows’ with aides over designer freebies: Staff warned Duchess it breached royal protocol to keep free clothes at time of bullying allegations, sources claim
Meghan Markle, 39, clashed with royal aides over freebie designer clothes 
Sources revealed designer outfits were sent to Kensington Palace for Duchess 
Insider said she 'had to be told it was not the done thing when you are a royal'  
Duchess has been accused of 'driving out' two PAs and acting like 'a bully'
Said to shatter confidence of another member of Kensington Palace staff 
Lawyers for the Sussexes have vehemently denied they have bullied or mistreated staff 
3/4/2021: ‘We can FINALLY tell the truth’: Former Royal aide who claims she was ‘bullied by Meghan Markle’ welcomes Palace probe and hopes it will put pressure on her and Harry to provide evidence
Meghan allegedly inflicted 'emotional cruelty' on aides and 'drove them out' 
Harry and his wife were both also labelled 'outrageous bullies' in allegations 
'Broken' aides told of feeling humiliated, 'sick', 'terrified', left 'shaking' with fear 
Buckingham Palace announced a formal probe into the allegations in statement
One alleged victim: 'We'll finally be able to tell the truth. It's not going to be easy' 
3/5/2021: EXCLUSIVE: ‘What’s done is done!’ Friends of Meghan say she would never postpone tell-all Oprah interview and clam palace is using Prince Philip’s health as an ‘excuse to keep her muzzled’
Mounting pressure has been put on Meghan and Harry to push back the much-anticipated interview special out of respect for Prince Philip's health 
'Even if Meghan had the choice to postpone the Oprah special she said she wouldn't,' a friend of the Sussexes tells DailyMail.com
The Duke of Edinburgh, 99, underwent heart surgery this week 
According to the well-placed  source,  the interview 'has absolutely nothing to do with Prince Philip and that this is just an excuse by the palace to keep her muzzled'
'Meghan said now the whole world can see what she had to endure for months on end,' they added
On Wednesday Buckingham Palace announced an inquiry into Meghan's behavior after The Times reported allegations of bullying by the duchess's staff 
'[Meghan] said these outrageous allegations confirm why she and Harry had to part ways and make it their mission to be a voice for the underdog,' they said 
3/5/2021: CBS releases new clip from bombshell interview: Meghan claims she was stopped by Palace aides from talking to Oprah ‘personally’ when host tried to set up interview with her before her wedding and says that she’s now ‘ready to talk’
Fourth clip from Oprah interview airs on CBS This Morning ahead of premiere on US network on Sunday night
Duchess of Sussex claims royal aides blocked her from having a personal conversation with Oprah Winfrey
Meghan says she remembers chat with Oprah 'very well' and there had to be other people in the same room
She adds that it's 'really liberating to be able to have the right and the privilege' to say 'Yes, I'm ready to talk'
Two-hour interview which also features Prince Harry will have its UK premiere on ITV next Monday at 9pm 
3/5/2021: Meghan Markle’s make-up artist BFF Daniel Martin shares a defiant poem claiming ‘the world cannot overcome her’ as he speaks out amid bombshell claims she bullied staff at Kensington Palace
Daniel, from New York, joined army of Meghan's pals who leapt to her defence
This week allegations were made that the Duchess of Sussex bullied former aides, 'driving out' two PAs and shattering confidence of another staff member 
Daniel shared a poem by Lao Tzu, a 4th century Taoist author and thinker
He accompanied candid snap of him applying blusher to the Duchess's cheeks
3/5/2021: Meghan’s best friend from college Lindsay Roth defends her from bombshell claims she bullied staff and claims that ‘goodwill runs in her bones’
Lindsay Jill Roth, Meghan Markle's best friend from college, rushed to her defense on Thursday amid bullying claims
The producer said in an Instagram post that 'goodwill runs in her bones'
She also branded the Duchess an 'altruistic, magnanimous friend'
The pair met while they were at Northwestern University 17 years ago 
Roth shared pictures from their graduation and her wedding day
Her comments came amid allegations Meghan bullied former aides, 'driving out' two PAs and shattering the confidence of another staff member
And ahead of Meghan and Harry's tell-all Oprah interview to be aired Sunday
3/11/2021: ‘Perhaps they can finally set the record state about me’: Meghan Markle’s biographer Omid Scobie quotes email he claims she sent to Kensington Palace over flower girl row with Kate - so who showed him the message?
Author of Finding Freedom claims Meghan emailed royal aide over the claims 
She allegedly asked if Kensington Palace could 'finally set the record straight' 
Meghan claimed this week it was Kate who made her cry in reported dress feud 
3/17/2021: Givenchy Anon
Meghan made Kate cry.
Bullied Charlotte, mocked and made fun of her voice
Screamed at the staff
Slapped one of the staff who was fitting her
Meghan encouraged Ivy to pick on Charlotte, to the point where Charlotte was pulled out of the fittings and her dress was made based on Florence van Cutsem’s measurements
Flower crowns for bridesmaids was given at the last minute
9/25/2021: The Meghan Paradox: Royal author ANDREW MORTON explores how she preaches compassion, yet cast her own father into outer darkness and claims she’s the victim of uncaring Royals, yet in truth was welcomed with open arms
11/29/2021: Meghan’s lawyer denies the Duchess of Sussex ever bullied staff in bombshell BBC documentary - saying she didn’t ‘repeatedly and deliberately hurt someone’ but adds she ‘wouldn’t want to negate anyone’s personal experiences’
Meghan allegedly inflicted 'emotional cruelty' on aides and 'drove them out'
Harry and his wife were both also labelled 'outrageous bullies' in allegations 
'Broken' aides told of feeling humiliated, 'sick', 'terrified', left 'shaking' with fear
Tonight her lawyer told BBC programme she did not carry out any bullying
But she added:  'She wouldn’t want to negate anyone’s personal experiences’
12/3/2021: Duchess of Cambridge was left in tears after confronting Meghan Markle over ‘bullying of Palace staff’ just days before the royal wedding, Camilla pal Kirstie Allsopp claims
Duchess of Cambridge was reportedly left in tears after row with Meghan Markle
The infamous argument came days before Meghan and Harry's wedding in 2018
Kirstie Allsopp has claimed the row was about claims Meghan had bullied staff
It has previously been claimed that the argument was over flower girl dresses
In her Oprah interview, Meghan had claimed that she was the one who had cried 
12/10/2021: Is Meghan ‘bullying’ probe being kicked into long grass? Buckingham Palace inquiry into allegations the Duchess of Sussex bullied staff only interviews ‘a tiny handful’ of people who worked for her
Revelation prompted fears the investigation is being 'kicked into the long grass'
Palace aides announced in March that they were launching an internal inquiry 
Staff were said to have been left in tears and feeling 'traumatised' 
1/6/2022: Damaging bullying claims are used ‘very casually’ over allegations Meghan Markle mistreated palace staff, duchess’s lawyer tells BBC’s Amol Rajan
Meghan Markle's lawyer Jenny Afia of Schillings claims allegations of bullying are used 'very casually'  
Miss Afia tells BBC that the word 'bullying' is a 'very, very damaging term... particularly for career women'
She spoke to Amol Rajan in podcast based on controversial royal documentary which aired last November
1/22/2022: Prince Andrew should be subject of bullying probe over ‘12 complaints’ made by Palace staff over ‘overbearing and verbally abusive’ behavior, according to a formal royal protection officer
Paul Page worked in the Royal Protection Command from 1998 until 2004
He has claimed he personally made three separate complaints to the Palace
Speaking to The Sunday Mirror, he said he is aware of 'at least a dozen' others
He alleged his complaints during his time working for the Palace were ignored 
Mr Page has now called on the palace to launch an investigation into Andrew
6/29/2022: Meghan ‘bullying’ inquiry buried: Findings of Palace probe into claims duchess drove out two ‘traumatised’ assistants will NEVER be made public…and even those who took part ‘haven’t been told the outcome’
Meghan is alleged to have ‘belittled’ two female assistants out of Royal service
Royal aides admitted for the first time that findings will never be made public  
Those who took part in the inquiry are said to not be told what the outcome is
Palace confirms that it's concluded and ‘recommendations' will be taken forward
6/30/2022: Palace aides’ refusal to publish findings of Meghan ‘bullying’ probe is an ‘olive branch’ to the Sussexes as royals face the prospect of release of Prince Harry’s memoir, say experts
Meghan is alleged to have ‘belittled’ two female assistants out of Royal service in claims that emerged in 2021
Royal aides who gave evidence have admitted for the first time that findings will never be made public 
Palace confirms that it's concluded and ‘recommendations' will be taken forward but will not publish report
6/30/2022: Buckingham Palace faces questions over Meghan ‘bullying’ probe as it ‘revises’ its HR policies in wake of inquiry but keeps its findings a SECRET…with even those who took part ‘not aware of the outcome’
Meghan is alleged to have ‘belittled’ two female assistants out of Royal service in claims that emerged in 2021
Royal aides who gave evidence have admitted for the first time that findings will never be made public 
Palace confirms that it's concluded and ‘recommendations' will be taken forward but will not publish report
6/30/2022: What do the Palace fear revealing about ‘Duchess Difficult’? Staff say they were ‘traumatised’ by Meghan’s behavior. But her defenders say she just had high standards. As a report into the episode is buried, RICHARD KAY examines the history of the saga.
9/21/2022: Ben Goldsmith claims Meghan Markle is disliked in Britain NOT because of racism but ‘because she is a manipulative bully who got found out’
Ben is a non-executive board member for the Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs; brother to government minister Zac Goldsmith
9/24/2022: Palace aides take revenge on the ‘Difficult Duchess’: Insiders claim Meghan ‘moaned she wasn’t getting PAID for royal tours, agreed to Oprah interview SIX months before Megxit and reduced staff to tears with bullying and tantrums’ - in bombshell new book
Explosive extracts of Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low were published today   
Meghan did not understand why she had to shake people's hands during a tour of Australia, they revealed 
Sources claim Meghan bullied her staff who were 'terrified', 'broken' and 'destroyed' by her treatment of them
The book details a meeting where Meghan allegedly criticised a young female member in front of colleagues
9/24/2022: Meghan’s aides branded her a ‘narcissistic sociopath’ over her demanding behavior - and gave themselves the name ‘Sussex Survivors Club’, new book claims
New book claims that Meghan Markle's aides, the 'Sussex Survivors' Club', called her a 'narcissistic sociopath'
Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind The Crown describes Sussexes' deteriorating relationship with staff
Book also claims that staff became convinced the Duchess wanted to show how the institution failed her
Some of Ms Markle's staff suspected that she left her Royal duties behind because she wanted to make money
10/25/2022: Meghan says ‘Duchess Difficult’ label was racist, connects it to the ‘Angry Black Woman’ archetype during a very special episode of her podcast
1/8/2023: Harry and Meghan’s 25-page rebuttal of bullying claims: Prince rails against royal staff ‘lies’ about his wife in book - and reveals couple filed hefty report ‘full of evidence’ to challenge claims
In his book Prince Harry says claims his wife Meghan Markle bullied staff are a lie
The Duke says he and Meghan produced a 25-page report to clear her name
She was accused of screaming and reducing royal household staff to tears
4/15/2024: Royal aide Samantha ‘the Panther’ Cohen confirms she was one of 10 courtiers interviewed over claims Meghan Markle ‘bullied’ Palace staff - as she reveals the late Queen ‘loved it’ when things went wrong
4/16/2024: Ex-Harry and Meghan aide Samantha ‘the Panther’ Cohen says palace staff struggled to find her successor as private secretary - and would-be replacement quit while ‘being shown the ropes’ on tour to Africa
4/24/2024: Buckingham Palace must release ruling over Meghan Markle staff bullying allegations, royal expert tells latest episode of YouTube talk show The Reaction
8/15/2024: RICHARD EDEN: The real reason Harry and Meghan have just lost their 18th staff member…according to my source
My first inkling that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex may have trouble holding onto staff came back in 2018 when I received a tip that Meghan’s personal assistant, Melissa Toubati, had quit suddenly, just six months after the American actress had married into the Royal Family. ‘It’s a real shock,’ a source told me at the time. ‘Why would she want to leave such a prestigious job so soon?’ Officials usually decline to discuss staffing matters, so it took me aback when a senior Palace source chose to pay tribute to her publicly. ‘Melissa is a hugely talented person,’ the source said. ‘She played a pivotal role in the success of the royal wedding and will be missed by everyone in the Royal Household.’ For someone to go out of their way to pay such fulsome tribute suggested Melissa’s colleagues were not happy with her departure. The fact she left so soon raised questions over the reasons for her exit. 
8/26/2024 - Kensington Palace insider brutal first reaction to Meghan Markle amid bullying claims, by The Mirror.
Allegations of bullying were behind Prince William's decision to split his household from Prince Harry's in 2019, according to a royal expert. William was made aware of claims that Meghan Markle had 'bullied' palace members of staff, which both the Duchess of Sussex and her husband Prince Harry have always denied. After an unsuccessful phone call to discuss matters with his brother, William decided to 'throw Harry out', Robert Lacey revealed in his book, Battle of the Brothers. Lacey further quotes a Kensington Palace courtier as saying: "Meghan portrayed herself as the victim, but she was the bully. People felt run over by her. They thought she was a complete narcissist and sociopath — basically unhinged."
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llyfrenfys · 22 days
Project Update
Bore da! Coming to you today with a little update
As explained in my September Update, I have been focusing on my mental health these past few months due to various life events I've been dealing with, namely;
In mid-March my long-term relationship came to an end and I had to make an emergency move into a new flat due to no longer being able to afford the rent. I was then in hospital due to ketoacidosis (a buildup of ketones in the body which causes the body to be too acidic, which can be life threatening). In April I lost my job due to whistleblowing health and safety concerns (and also experienced direct disability discrimination. I will be taking my former boss to tribunal over this). In July I briefly had a new job, however, due to poor mental health I could not carry on in the role. And in July I was informed that a family member has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Despite all these major life changes, I'm still determined to keep on doing what I love (my research) and sharing it with you all. These events have taken their toll, however, and I'm struggling to make ends meet without a job (I have enough in savings for three months of rent, excluding bills and food). I have applied to many jobs in and around Aberystwyth and I hope to hear from one soon.
August was exhausting, after the events of the past few months. But I'm finally feeling well enough to write and create again. I had struggled for months to format my undergraduate dissertation but as of last week I was finally able to finish making edits. I'm happy to announce that I have made it available on a pay-as-you feel basis (you can pay as little as £1!) to help support me in the interim. The link to get a copy is here:
Researchers are welcome to email me at [email protected] for a free copy.
In addition to this, I'm going to be launching some Welsh-language/Welsh themed LGBTQ+ prints! If you enjoyed my queer Welsh county pride flags, my Welsh Gilbert Baker flag design or my Cardiff pride flag mashups, I will be making these into physical prints (UK, EU and US shipping available) very soon, so do please keep an eye out for that!
Hwyl a diolch yn fawr am darllen,
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renstrapp · 1 year
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Zine alert!! Paw Prints from @novaandmali
New riso zine that I helped format~
It's a 36 page zine with 50+ artists' pets, which will be printed in blue and bubblegum pink. Above is work from @mayticks-art @rosefinchie @bondibee and @catskullery
Proceeds will go to animal shelters in Nova and Mali's hometown; the pre-order ends August 31.
Digital || Print || Bonus stickers
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n7punk · 5 months
Adventures in unlicensed buffoonary! Recently this SPOP "Trivia book" got listed on Ebay, which was baffling to me both because I had never seen it before and because it was listed for two hundred fucking dollars
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My gut instinct was "this isn't real" because again, I'm a freak who knows all these things, and yeah I can confirm this is bullshit.
Clayton Gallagher makes himself scarce online (probably to hide out from the lawyers), so I couldn't find any social media or a website for him - not to mention it's the name of a character from one of the Shameless shows to fuzz the radar - but he seems to exclusively create "trivia" and activity books based on random popular... things. Mostly shows (Trollhunters, the Amazing World of Gumball, etc) but also some... other things (Dolly Parton for some reason??).
He has created not one, but FOUR trvia books for She-ra, all using stolen/promotional art but that carefully never include any official endorsement or mention of Dreamworks, Netflix, Mattel, or Filmation. I'm highly convinced these things were written with AI, mostly due to things like the below excerpt from the first book's summary:
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Like. Jesus christ. Maybe it's just a second language thing but the lack of spaces screams machine bullshit and we'll look at the insides later.
Okay so the first book came out on August 19th 2021 (another reason I lean towards AI) and features the debut season art. All the others came out on August 20th 2021 (literally a day later) and feature the season two art, stolen licensed book cover art (from Island of the Magical Creatures), and the season four teaser art (Rebellion variant).
I can only find these things available as e-books but apparently, supposedly, this one eBay seller has a rare physical paperback, which surely must make it worth 270$. I fully don't believe this is a real paperback unless it was self-printed. I think you either get a shitty slapped-together print out or a puff of smoke if you order this.
Now lets get into the stunning content. They all start with the cover art and then the same incredibly generic header
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After about two seconds of investigation I see this is a pattern with all his trivia books across franchises. They all start like this and have identical copyright pages as well. Instead of taking four screenshots to show content is identical, just trust me from here on out everything is exactly the same across the She-ra books, including chapter headings, formatting, and trivia questions. These are just cover swaps.
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The final chapters cut off here are "Chapter 6" and "See you later", neither of which has a page number. Again, this awkward phrasing is either written by AI or the author is ESL and I'm pretty 50/50 split on which. Let's get into the "trivia" and see if it solves it, shall we?
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So. A couple things.
Yes, it DOES have a fill-in the blank for you to write your name even though this was clearly intended to be primarily, if not exclusively, an e-book. That's bold innovation!
They start off strong with a misspelling of quiz in the fucking header.
The formatting is godawful (point to AI for inconsistency, any human would see the obvious problems here as they work - or if they cared enough to glance at the output, which they clearly don't. Why is there a random A. out of nowhere?).
The trivia questions are awful (is She-ra an America streaming show? You think this counts as trivia that a kid - the obvious target demographic - wants to know? Second, I KNOW you're saying streaming because you're so scared of the word Netflix but somehow you're not worried about using the show logo and literally stealing the promotional art for the cover?).
The trivia answers are awful. Mama? Really? Maria is the only kind of good option because it's close to Mara to trip kids up or whatever, but also none of these are "other names" for She-ra! Adora and Mara are people who bear the title of She-ra, but you can't say "Genocide Joe" is another name for president, that's not how titles work! If you wanted to use this question, the answer would be "Princess of Power".
(Also lol at the answer key for question 2 now being wrong. Shit that might have been wrong at the time, when did Nate choose a new name? 2021? 2022? All those years blur together).
Okay I know you've all been on the edge of your seat about that last question cut off at the bottom of the page and yes, it is as factually wrong as you're expecting, and only gets worse as we settle firmly into the "AI" territory.
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More lists because jesus christ.
Everyone knows Adora is She-ra. This is not a secret. The answer is every member of the Rebellion and most random citizens. 5 is equally stupid given yes, they never existin the same space at the same time, but people always watch Adora transform before their eyes. The grammar is also bad, but whatever, this does segue into the next questions.
Question six is when it becomes obvious what happened: the writer fed prompts into an AI without fact-checking anything and the AI gave back answers related both to the reboot and to the original. He-man canonically does not exist - he isn't just not mentioned for legal reasons, Mattel said he straight up could not exist or ever be hinted at (due to not existing) - in SPOP. 7 is once again completely untrue in the reboot. Adora came through a portal - not necessarily kidnapped, not from Eternia, and again, no Adam
Why is only Sunna's name in black for question 9. Mostly shocked they spelled her name right.
Things somehow manage to fall apart even more in the final remaining questions available in the Kindle preview sample!
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Genuinely have no idea what the answer to 15 is supposed to be. "What is the original country of SPOP have?" isn't a sentence. All I can figure is you're supposed to pick America as it's the country of origin, but I don't trust this book to even have an answer key at the end, so who knows. All that said, Earth was canon in the original, so this might be (intended to be) related to the 80s series.
The Cure took me out.
Okay but Adora isn't leading the "Great" Rebellion!! She's definitely a major leader on the field, but the answer is Angella! There is no correct option here! If they said "the Princess Alliance" I would let that go because you could argue she is the leader of the Princesses, but the rebellion? No, that's the whole military and Angella/Glimmer lead that.
17. THE ANSWER IS ANGELLA. I fully do not believe you're supposed to pick false here, this is not a trick question, they're just wrong (see question above for evidence they're stupid)
They don't even call it the Great Rebellion in the reboot....
The sample ran out and I'm not paying money to feed this AI bullshit but I don't expect it to improve from here.
Anyway this was an interesting display of Bullshit and fuck AI generated books fr
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12 Months of Whump Submissions Close August 31!
We'll be closing submissions for our novella series 12 Months of Whump at the end of the day on August 31.
For this project, we'll be publishing one whump novella every month in 2025. That’s 12 whole whump books! 
Each novella will be published in both ebook and print format, and at the end of the year all 12 novellas will be published as an anthology. 
Novellas must be between 17,500 and 30,000 words. Your story should clearly fall into the whump genre (i.e. a character needs to be hurt). We’re looking for strong stories with a balance between whump and plot. We are especially fond of sci-fi/fantasy settings, but will consider any story as long as it gives us whumperflies!   
Authors will be paid $50 USD up front and will receive 50% of all royalties. All submissions must be received by August 31, 2024. 
Submit your novella!
All responses will go out to authors by September 30 at the latest.
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint John Eudes 1601-1680 Feast day: August 19 Patronage: fallen women and prostitutes, Diocese of Quebec and Baie-Comeau
Saint John Eudes was born in Normandy, France to a farming family. He was ordained a priest in 1625 and was an eloquent preacher and confessor. Seeing a need to improve seminarian formation, he founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary (the Eudist). Also realizing that Christian care for prostitutes was lacking, he founded the Sisters of Charity of the Refuge. Both he and St. Mary Margaret Alacoque spread devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He authored the Mass of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary before he died.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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radiostaticzine · 2 months
What is a digital zine?
Just a zine in digital format :) This means there is no limit on length and will be distributed for free as a PDF. It gives more freedom in terms of content and allows many more people to participate both in production and reception!
Why is it free/will participants be paid?
It’s free because fandom is fundamentally about community and shared appreciation of a show/ship. The original property doesn’t belong to us, and I want this to be an endeavour done purely out of love. It’s entirely for fun, and no one involved will receive any monetary compensation.
Will there be print copies and/or merch?
No. Of course, you’ll be free to print the PDF file for yourself.
What SocMed do you have?
A tumblr, a twitter account, and a discord. If possible, please do join the discord as it will be most convenient for announcements, immediate questions/feedback, and also should be a nice place to interact with other radiostatic fans. :)
Discord: https://discord.gg/uwFz8NjjGG
Twt: https://x.com/RadiostaticZine
What dates will it run?
The plan is for sign-ups to begin July 28th and end August 18th, with final submissions by December 15th with check ins along the way. Release will be planned for mid-late January depending upon staff’s availability and workload.
Is there a limit on the number of participants?
Nope! No one will be judged on whether their work is “good” enough to be included. All works are welcomed.
Can I participate if I’m under 18?
Sorry, no. All participants must be over 18. If you sign up and are later found to be (or heavily suspected to be) under 18, you will be removed from the project.
Will I be able to post my fic/art to other sites?
Yes, although we ask that you wait at least one week after the zine’s release :)
Is there a length requirement for fics?
Please aim for anywhere between 1-5k. It’s not a hard and fast rule, but we’d like to keep each fic a manageable length for practicality.
Will the zine have a theme?
Given survey feedback and my own initial feelings, not this time! If this general zine goes well, perhaps subsequent zines might explore different themes. If you would like to participate but want specific inspiration, feel free to sign up and then chat with others in the discord to discuss fun prompts or ideas.
What kind of content is allowed?
Pretty much anything as long as it's about Vox and Alastor’s relationship! All fics and art will be required to submit a rating and appropriate tags/warnings. If you have any particular concerns or questions about something you might want to write/draw, please shoot me a message. But rest assured darker themes like unhealthy relationships, gore, vore, dub/noncon etc are all fine as long as appropriately and fully warned for. Of course, cute fluff is wonderful too! The zine will most likely be divided into sfw and nsfw sections.
Is one-sided/complicated/requited radiostatic okay? What about Alastor’s asexuality?
All forms of radiostatic are welcome! One of the best things about this ship is how much variation there is in the portrayals of their relationship, and you’re welcome to explore it as you like. Similarly, asexuality is a wide spectrum and I don’t feel that it’s our place to dictate how anyone explores that with Alastor in their own work. Aroace Alastor is also loved and welcomed :)
What about sideships and VoxVal?
Sideships are fine mentioned in passing, but please remember that the focus is radiostatic. This goes for VoxVal too - as they are canonically involved at least to some degree, it’s understandable if it is relevant in fic or affects the narrative. But again, the overwhelming focus should be the radiostatic interaction and relationship.
Can I contribute both art and fic?
Yes! However, each participant will be limited to one piece per medium.
Can I help out as a mod/staff?
Yes, we will be looking for volunteers to help out! Particularly for formatting, proofreading, and cover graphics/art. Please let us know if you’re interested in your submission form :)
If you have any other questions, please reach out at any time!
Thanks for your interest <3
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rammingthestein · 1 month
🎈 Happy 25th birthday to the Live Aus Berlin album, released on this day in 1999 (30/08/1999) 🎂
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Recording took place on 22 and 23 August 1998. Later that year, Motor Music invited 200 fans to a choir singing session in Berlin to create more crowd noise for Live aus Berlin's post-production.
It contains a live performance of nearly every song from the band's debut album, Herzeleid (9 out of 11 songs, excluding"Der Meister" and "Das Alte Leid", and most of the songs from their second album, Sehnsucht, excluding "Alter Mann", "Eifersucht", and "Küss Mich (Fellfrosch)".
The CD was released in three different formats: The standard version included one CD with 15 songs on it, missing the songs Herzeleid, Klavier, and Tier. The special edition includes 2 CDs with the full recording. The special edition was also released at German WOM (World Of Music) stores with printed signatures on the case. On 29 October 2021, the standard CD was re-released in a digipak.
The original DVD from 1999 includes a quiz, which you can only play when you insert the DVD into your computer. The quiz contains 140 questions with three possible answers. The quiz is divided into two levels. When finishing the first level, the user gets told on how to enter the hidden music video for Stripped. After finishing the second level, the DVD shared a link and a password to download a Rammstein screensaver from the website.
In September 1999, the complete uncensored live video (with Bück Dich) was presented in eight German cities.
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jmadorran · 1 year
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So this month’s Twisted Fairy Tale theme is…..
Rapunzel + Viking + Air + The Tower (Tarot Card) = Twisted Rapunzel
…and this is the illustration created based off this theme 😁. This will join my Inprnt.com print line up at the end of this month. 
August Patreon Moon Tier - Will receive a coloring page png of the line work of this piece at the end of this month.
August Patreon Sun Tier - Will receive a double sided mini art print (the other side will be the line art in tarot card format) of this illustration in the mail along with this month’s sticker reward (design has not been revealed yet). And will also be receiving a coloring page png of the line work of this piece at the end of this month too.
To lend your support and/or see behind the scene process work and/or get this month’s Patreon rewards join my Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/jmadorran
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corbiecomic · 16 days
"Corinne Morgan, Corbie" remastered #1 - now available in print!
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It's been a long time coming, but you can now enjoy the first ever issue of Corinne Morgan, Corbie as an old school, high quality, real-world comic book! Read on to learn all about how you can secure a copy from the extremely limited initial print run - and to discover the extra treats in store if you order the deluxe package!
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Corinne Morgan has always gone out of her way to stay out of trouble. All she wants is to graduate from the notoriously brutal Anna Dale Academy in one piece. Unfortunately, her headmistress seems out to get her – and a vicious trio of students known as the I.C. are too! All this would be enough for anyone to handle, but things get a million times crazier when Corinne acquires a crystal ball that revives her ancestor, an Irish war goddess with her own plans for revenge and in need of a new body. These events will lead to the teen inventor adopting a new-alter ego - the battling bird gal, Corbie!
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of its original release, "The Power" has been given a major makeover for this new edition, with each page recreated from the original pencil materials. But that's not all! Five pages of never-before-seen comic material appear here for the first time ever, as well as an exclusive article looking back on the making of both the original and new editions. Colorful, breezy and engaging, this reimagined version of the first Corbie adventure will enthrall seasoned fans as well as new members of her flock!
Corbie #1 was released digitally in 2023 as a remastered and expanded reimagining of the 2018 version, commemorating its fifth anniversary. Further improvements and enhancements have been made beyond those found in the current digital edition for the print release, and two extra pages of pin-up art are now included. Both cover variants are available - cover "A" (Corbie and Morrigan in front of Stonydawn, the Morgan family home) or cover "B" (Corbie in close-up). Only 50 copies are available for each variant!
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Each print copy of “Corinne Morgan, Corbie” #1 (deluxe and standard) comes with a numbered certificate confirming it originates from the initial August 2024 print run. The deluxe edition also includes the following extra items:
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CORINNE STICKER: An exclusive sticker of the star of the series, Corinne Morgan - but selected issues instead include an even rarer holofoil variant! Which type will you get?
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CORBIE MINI-PRINT: Readers will receive a special laminated mini-print of Corbie, with the CMC logo on the reverse side!
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UNIQUE HAND-DRAWN PEN ART: Every purchase of the deluxe edition of Corinne Morgan, Corbie #1 comes with its own hand-drawn pen illustration of a member of the cast - no two are alike! Will you get Corinne in her daytime attire, or art of her as her superhero alter-ego, Corbie? Will you be the lucky recipient of the art depicting her pal Sadie Byrd, or her schoolyard nemesis Maxine Glass? The only way to find out is to order your copy!
Corinne Morgan, Corbie #1 is available for order now via Ko-Fi as a 32-page print comic, with international shipping available. Don't forget that you can also get issues 1, 2 and 3 in PDF and CBZ formats from the same store!
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theoutcastrogue · 2 months
by Mike Shea on 5 August 2024:
Hasbro may be hurling D&D towards a digital future but we already have everything we need to enjoy this game for the rest of our lives. Hasbro is super-excited for a digital D&D future. They're tired of selling us, as Penny Arcade perfectly describes, a single hamburger we can share with our friends every week for thirty years. Hasbro wants subscription revenue from every player every month – not just the single purchase of a book you can keep, share, and use for the rest of your life. Hasbro doesn't want to sell you D&D. They want you to pay rent. Chris Cocks, Hasbro's president and former president of Wizards of the Coast, is pushing hard for a digital future. He already said they're running experiments with artificial intelligence saying "D&D has 50 years of content that we can mine". The new head of Wizards of the Coast, the subsidiary of Hasbro in charge of D&D, is a former Blizzard executive who replaced a former Amazon and Microsoft executive. They posted a new D&D product architect job with a clear focus on digital gaming and a new "monetization designer" which is as close to "professional enshittifier" as I've heard of in a job description. So yeah, Hasbro is really excited to charge monthly fees and microtransactions for D&D and ensure you never stop paying for it. But I have good news for you. It doesn't matter. Here are four reasons why: 1. The three D&D core books are the only D&D books that really matter and they're going to be physical books. 2. With rulesets released into the Creative Commons, anyone can build digital tools, adventures, supplements, and even entire RPGs – all fully compatible with D&D. 3. We have 50 years of previous versions of D&D we can play, multiple competing and compatible 5e variants from other publishers, and hundreds of other RPGs we can enjoy. 4. We have several independent digital platforms we can use to run our games online.
[keep reading]
So Mike Shea's argument here is that no matter what Hasbro does, D&D is enshittification-proof. Personally, I agree that tabletop games (all of them, not just D&D) are to a large extent resistant to that, due to the nature of the game, but digital platforms are another matter. Then again, I have zero interest in digital platforms, so I don't know how they work. Can you incorporate non-SRD material in an independent VTT, for example? Does it matter? No idea!
For traditional D&D, I think it's always had (in its entire history, all editions!) two distinct modes of attracting people:
here is an Official Book of Rules! I should buy it (or borrow it, or pirate it) and use it, because it's an official and authoritative publication
here is a Good Rule! I should incorporate it in my D&D game because I like it, and I don't care where it came from and in what format, official book, third party, homebrew, DMs Guild, hardcover book, piece of paper, pdf, a reddit post, my own noggin.
But last year, they tried an new thing and released a set of 25 monsters for $6 only on D&D Beyond. No physical print, and no pdf. (Previously there had been digital-only releases, mostly short adventures, but in pdf form.) And although I have no way of knowing how sales went, I strongly suspect this will NEVER work. It's just a bunch of "assets", it doesn't register as an Official Publication, there's no incentive to get it as such. So we're left with "is it a good rule?", and there it competes with a million other rules published for fun and/or profit by other people. Why "buy" that one? (You're not quite buying it: if D&D Beyond goes down, poof go the monsters!)
So yeah, I think they'll try to enshittify tabletop D&D, but they'll go about it half-heartedly (to go full in, they'd have to drop the printed books, and there's NO WAY they'll do that), and simply no one will care, D&D doesn't work like that.
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hotguycomiczine · 6 months
For the record I’d REEAAALLY LOVE IT if you made a physical version. (I don’t have the ability to print such a thing for myself atm)
Hi, thank you so much for the ask! At this time, we’re still thinking over the possibility of physical prints. Depending on how things go once the zine’s digital release is out, we’re considering posting a physical copy interest check for HOTGUY COMICS Zine.
We really appreciate you showing interest in our project! The zine won’t be released until August 25th, but rest assured the zine will still be pre-formatted for self-printing.
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💋 Hello, I'm so pleased to write to you with this August Newsletter. Thank you so much for all the likes and welcome to the new followers. The-male-synthographer page has seen an impressive evolution this past month, with so many new followers. I'm glad that this page is encountering such success. Regarding the upcoming issue No. 04 of the printed magazine "The Male Synthographer," I've rendered almost all the synthographies, totaling more than 150 pictures. The magazine will keep the 104-page format. The most difficult part was infusing emotions into the renders. It's not always easy since they are AI-generated, but I'm quite satisfied with the results. Now, I just need to write the narratives, and I still plan to deliver issue 04 by the end of September or October. Aside the magazine that i will continue, I have another project I'm thinking about for this autumn or next winter. It is to open a Patreon page where I will place exclusive content in, ultra high 4k definition, suitable for wallpapers or screensavers. Currently, I'm rendering only square pictures, I need to finalize and normalize the way to deliver 16:9 panorama pictures that meet my posting high quality standards. There will be no porn, as I prefer that people dream and imagine, but it will definitely feature sexy dudes. Well, I have tons of ideas but so little time. (I have a full-time job on the side.) By the way, I will be on holiday for 3 weeks this month. Long awaited holiday. I won't post new content during this time. I'll be back at the very end of August. See you, 💋 For those who want to support me and discover exclusive creations, you can check out the offers of my first three issues here (Same magazines but different shops depending the countries) World -> blurb.com/user/Synthograph (USD) USA -> blurb.com/user/Synthograph (USD) UK -> blurb.co.uk/user/Synthograph (GBP) DE -> blurb.de/user/Synthograph (EUR) FR -> blurb.fr/user/Synthograph (EUR) IT -> it.blurb.com/user/Synthograph (EUR) ES -> blurb.es/user/Synthograph (EUR) AU -> au.blurb.com/user/Synthograph (AUD)
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