#and then for the one i’d like she was like ‘i have two answers’
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anime-potato-san · 3 days ago
This is for you, @spoicyjuiceKing
Hector paced around his courtroom, his stressful aura affecting everyone. His little girl, Alice, has been gone for two weeks. Two weeks too long. She was only sixteen. His advisors couldn’t calm his nerves with their empty reassurances. “She’ll be fine, your highness.” They would say. “We’re doing our best.”
Lies, he thought. 
The king couldn’t help with his own guilt. He always told her that a princess shouldn’t do things unbecoming of them, things like sword fighting, strategy, she didn’t have any need for it. And look where it got her babygirl. Captured by a goddamn dragon. He sobbed that night. Alice was all he had, and she was captured. If he had knights train her, encourage her more masculine hobbies, would this have even happened?
Just then, the doors burst open, chaos erupting in the halls, servants dashing around, medics rushing in. Then, a knight, covered in soot, scratches, and blood, carrying the princess in his arms. His precious Alice. Cut, bruised, but alive.
King Hector ran towards the knight, then took his daughter into his arms, crying. No one has ever seen the king cry before, it was shocking. Humanizing, too.
“Alice… Oh sweetheart, you’re okay… You’re okay…” He said repeatedly, holding his daughter protectively.
“...I-I was scared, father…” Alice whispered, letting a few tears fall. No matter how physically hurt she was, she was mostly relieved to be alive. Plus, seeing the knight slay the dragon was something. Alice had never seen anything like that, and the knight impressed her, along with saving her.
After everything had settled down, as Alice was treated for her injuries, the king cleared his throat and turned to the brave knight. "As a reward for rescuing my daughter from that terrible, disgusting dragon, I would like to offer you her hand in—"
"Excuse me?" The King questioned with an eyebrow raised. A little rude of that knight to interrupt him as he was speaking. The nerve. 
"No offense, your majesty… But your daughter is sixteen; she's way too young to be married. I don’t have interest in her that way, and I find it disgusting to be wed to someone so young." The Knight said firmly, their tone unwavering.
Marriage. The knight thought King Hector would offer his daughter to someone she doesn’t know. He could almost laugh at that. It took him a moment to respond to their statement.
“…I was going to say hand in training.” Hector corrected. “My daughter should learn self defense to prevent this from ever happening again. She should have learned this years ago.”
The knight blinked in surprise. That wasn’t what they were expecting. “Train her, your majesty?” They repeated.
“I wasn’t expecting that.
“Do you accept?” The king asked, hiding his annoyance. He understood it was a rather abrupt “Reward,” but if the knight could slay a dragon and rescue his daughter, who better fit to train Alice? She’s already wanted to fight, and the king was ready to allow her.
The knight paused for a moment, thinking of their answer. They’ve never mentored anyone before in fighting, they were self-taught. They didn’t save Alice for a stupid reward.
…But seeing Alice so scared, yet in awe of their skills… It reminded the knight of their own childhood. The feeling of helplessness… Well, how hard could it really be to teach, especially to someone so willing?
“...I’ll do it. Once she’s healed, let me know when she should start training.”
“I will. Thank you for saving my dear Alice, knight.” 
The knight nodded and started to head out, exhausted. They really need to sleep and recover. Then the king’s voice rang out.
“Oh, one more thing.”
“Yes, your majesty?”
“My daughter isn’t a prize. I’d never send her off to marry an older man. Don’t even think about it.”
"As a reward for rescuing my daughter from that terrible dragon, I would like to offer you her hand in—" "No." "Excuse me?" "No offense, your majesty...your daughter is sixteen; she's way too young for my taste."
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littlefanficprincess · 3 days ago
Stop the wedding!
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D-16 x Fem cybertronian reader
Word count: 5.3k
Song: This Day Aria (Cover by jSyndeo Music)
Synopsis: You're a simple miner bot forced to get married to the Sentinel Prime, so D-16 decides to crash the wedding and get his girl.
(A/n): It is a cheesy premise, which makes it good (holy moly this became way longer than I expected.
 “All right, all clear” D-16 mentions. He stands in the metro, leaning against the cart full of drills and other metal objects.
Orion pops out of the cart, catching the drill he almost knocked out of the cart. “Okay, D-16, I may be a little rusty, but “corroded”? That is too far” He says, referring to what his friend called him when talking to the two guards that were chasing the blue bot.
“Let me guess. Chased out of the archives?” D-16 questions, brushing off Orion’s response. He was already all too familiar with Orion’s routine of breaking the rules.
“Yeah. I had to jump out of a window this time. Almost died” Orion laughs, climbing out of the cart. “It was wild”
“And digging through ancient data is worth dying for?”
“Yes, it is”
“I need a new best friend” D-16 rolls his eyes, unamused.
Orion tells how he wanted to help Sentinel Prime find the Matrix of Leadership, his realist friend proceeded to call him delusional. The conversation switches over their lack of cogs.
“Hey, if we did have cogs…” Orion trails off.
“I’d transform into a shovel and beat you” D-16 jokes, answering quite quickly.
“That’s one way to talk to your friend” A sweet voice chimes from behind Orion. The two mechs turn to see who it was. Standing there was (Y/n), a smile on her face. “Hi guys!”
D-16 tenses up as his vents pick up speed. “Oh (Y/n), didn’t notice you there” He says, awkwardly. It was a sudden change from the cocky demeanor he had a second ago.
“Yeah, I know I’m not very eye-catching” The (f/c) femme bot chuckles, placing a servo on the back of her helm.
In his mind, D-16 argued that she was anything but that. Probably the most beautiful miner, the prettiest cybertronian in Iacon. A diamond in the rough, as they say.
Trailing her (e/c) optics trial down, noticing something shiny in Orion’s servo. She leans slightly down, eyeing the unknown object. “What do you have there?” She questions, raising an optical ridge.
Orion raises his hand, showing what it was. A shiny decal of Megatronus’ face. “Just a mint-condition Megatronus Prime decal, first edition. But he probably doesn't want it, so if you want it…” He holds it out for her to grab.
“Wait, hold on. Let me see” D-16 slightly panics, while also feeling excited. He reaches for the decal, but Orion pulls his arm back out of reach.
“Wait. Don’t grab. You’re gonna crease it” Orion grins. He places it carefully onto the other miner’s shoulder plate, smoothing it out.
D-16 looks at it with amazement, tracing over it with his middle and index digit. “You know, Sentinel says Megatronus was the…”
“The strongest Prime to ever live” (Y/n) and Orion say in unison, knowing the saying like the back of their servo’s. The two share a chuckle at how they knew him so well.
“It fits you” (Y/n) compliments, looking at the decal before turning her gaze up to his face. It makes D-16 feel flustered, he slightly turns away. He mutters a “Thank you”, just loud enough to be heard.
Turning to the smaller bot, Orion asks her “What have you been up to, I haven’t seen you for a good bit”.
“Sorry about that” (Y/n) apologizes, grinning sheepishly. “I was getting my metal clean, it was covered in dust. Then I ran right into Spark Hope and everything went downhill from there” She explains, remembering all the chaos.
The metro comes to a stop, its doors opening. D-16 pushes the cart out, placing it next to other carts filled with equipment. The three friends were following behind the other miners, when they were stopped by a guard.
Their first assumption was that he was there for Orion, the mentioned bot getting nervous. But to their surprise, he turns to the (f/c) femme next to him. “(Y/n)?” He calls out, making sure he has the right cybertronian.
Confused, (Y/n) answered with “Yeah? That’s me”. She wondered what he could want, hoping it was not related to her crash she had not too long ago.
“Sentinel Prime has requested your presence, I am here to escort you” The guard tells her, with a straight posture.
Looking back at her friends, who looked just as surprised of her, (Y/n) shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I'll see you guys later” She says, before following the guard to Sentinel’s palace.
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(Y/n) could only stare anxiously at the ground as she walks behind the guard, fiddling with her own digits. THE Sentinel Prime knew she existed and wanted to see her, for who knows what. The guard leads her inside the palace, its walls were made of gold and bronze, matching that of Sentinel’s armor. She felt so small compared to it all, so insignificant. 
She didn’t even notice the guard stopped walking, making her bump into his back. He steps back, spewing out a quick apology. He seems to ignore it and knocks on the big doors in front of him, he clears his throat. “My prime, I have brought the bot you’ve requested for” He announces.
There was a pause, before they heard an answer. “Great, let her in,” Sentinel’s voice chimes from the other side of the door.
The guard nods and opens the doors, motioning for her to enter. Hesitantly, (Y/n) walks in, she flinches as the door is slammed close. She looks up, finding Sentinel looking towards the window with his hands behind his back.
The Prime turns around with a big smile, towering over the poor femme. “Ah, the cybertronian I was looking for. I’m happy I was able to catch you, you’re running all over the place” He chuckles, using some interesting words.
Bowing down, (Y/n) lowers her head. “It’s an honor, My Prime. It truly is” She claims, preferring to not look her in the eye.
“No need to get formal, (Y/n)” Sentinel says, gesturing to her to stand up. She does so, shivering slightly at hearing him say her name. “I called you here for one simple thing” He mentions, a mischievous glint in his bright blue optics.
“What is that, Sentinel Prime?” The (f/c) being slightly tilts her head, the taller bot finding the action charming. 
“I want you to be my Conjunx Endura”
His statement makes (Y/n) halt, staring at him with wide optics. “I beg your pardon?” She coughs, making sure she didn’t hear him wrong.
“Even after fifty cycles of ruling Iacon, no femme or mech ever caught my eye. Then I saw you, bumping right into Spark Hope. You are the most beautiful bot I’ve ever seen” Sentinel kneels down, grabbing her chin. “And so, I want to marry you”
So many things were going through (Y/n)’s head. Not only did he notice her, he found her pretty and he was asking her to marry him. It all happened too fast for her to process, she had to think of her next words.
She had no idea that the proposal was shallow, not a trace of love in Sentinel’s motives. He did find her beautiful, there is no denying it. What was better to improve his image than having a Conjunx Endura, the story of that he fell in love with a miner. That he didn't care about her status, only her personality and beauty. Lies, all lies.
It was a huge honor to be asked by a prime to marry them. But yet, (Y/n) can’t help but feel empty. It was like something was holding her back, then her mind flickered to Orion and D-16. She wanted to say no, but she thinks of what would happen if she did.
“I would love to” (Y/n) answers, forcing a smile. She looks up at his menacingly stature. She hoped that he didn't notice her lying through her teeth.
“Great!” Sentinel exclaims, grinning. He didn't notice. Or he did, but didn't seem to care.
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No one saw her that day after that, it was noticed by many. Elita interrogated the idiotic duo, suspecting one of them had to do something with it. But she backed off once they told her a guard took her away for something.
Then cave in happens with Jazz almost getting crushed if it wasn't for Orion and D-16. The reckless action had gotten Elita-1 demoted by Darkwing, the mech brushing her arguments off as she lacked a cog unlike him.
The next day, Orion dragged his friend to the stadium where the Iacon 5000 was held. But instead of going into the main entrance, the blue miner drags the other through a side door. D-16 finds himself and Orion behind orange glass with a clear view of everything that was happening.
“And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The icon of Iacon! The savior of Cybertron! Quintessons fear him, but we love him! Our leader, the one and only… Sentinel Prime!” The announcer proclaims, hyping up the audience.
Flying down and across the crowd was their remaining prime. He almost looked like an angel soaring across the sky. Bots scream his name as he passes by. He lands on a floating platform in the middle of an arena. 
“Yes! It feels so good to be here with you all today. My friends. My Cybertronian family. It has been precisely 50 cycles since the Quintessons attacked our home. Fifty cycles since we lost the Matrix of Leadership and our Energon supply dried up. Fifty cycles since the battle that killed the other Primes, my brothers and sisters in arms” He tells the crowd, placing his servo on his chassis.
Behind the racers down below appear holograms of the thirteen fallen primes. “Today we honor the Primes who gave their lives for ours and we show them that the strength of Cybertron will never be diminished” His bright blue optics scan the crowd, stopping at the femme he was looking for. 
“Before we start the race, I have one more thing to announce. Not too long ago, I met the most loveliest bot I’ve ever seen. I want you all to meet (Y/n), my soon to be Conjunx Endura” He reaches his hand towards her direction, making those near her look at (f/c) femme.
Three platforms float up as makeshift stairs. Hesitantly, (Y/n) steps on the first platform. She climbs onto the second, before stopping on the third. Right next to Sentinel, their difference in height was very noticeable.
Sentinel prime grabs her hand, smiling warmly. He glances towards the crowd, watching their reactions. (Y/n) looked to the crowd as well, but instead she was looking for her two friends. She was disappointed to see neither of them.
Little did she know that they were behind her, caged by metal and glass. With a conflicted expression on his face, D-16 looks up at the two. He felt his spark crackling, getting heavy in his chassis. He knew Orion was looking at him, but he didn't meet his gaze. 
“Racers, on your marks!”
D-16 feels Orion putting something on his back, looking behind he finds his jetpack. “Why’d you bring jetpacks?” He questions.
“It’s time to show them we are more than meets the eye” Orion answers, sounding cocky.
“Oh no”
“And they’re off!” The announcer yells.
The glass in front of them turns green, the floor underneath them opens up. Orion turns on his jetpack and catches D-16 before he hits the ground. They stood out from the big group of racers.
The first to notice them was (Y/n), leaning towards their direction. “It’s them” She gasps, not expecting to find them in the race of all places.
Sentinel notices her moving away from him, making him look over what was happening. He squints his eyes at the two off figures in between the racers. “I’m sorry, are those miners in the race?” He says, confused. He looks at the big screen to get a better view of it.
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing here! Miners trying to run in the Iacon 5000!” The announcer exclaimed in surprise. The miners in the crowd cheer, happy to see one of their own racing besides those with cogs.
Glancing back at his future Conjunx Endura, Sentinel finds her looking in awe at the two miners. Most likely that she was familiar with them as she was a miner herself after all. But he cannot help but feel bitter that she was far more interested in them than him.
Even with just their jetpacks, Orion and D-16 had gotten far. Using their wits, they somehow take down Darkwing in the process. They were about to cross the finish line first, but an engine from another player shoots out and hits D-16. Orion drags his friend further, only to be tackled as a racer rides through them and crosses the finish line. To add salt to their wounds, the rest of the racers finish before the two miners could even get up.
(Y/n) moves away, about to get off the floating platform. But she was stopped by Sentinel grabbing her arms, “Where are you going?” He asks in a light tone. But the way he said it, it felt possessive.
“I’m going to check on them, I want to see if they're alright. They’re my friends” (Y/n) explains, ignoring his grip. She also wanted to tell them what happened during the time they didn’t see each other.
The prime couldn't let her out his sight, he can’t let her slip out of his grasp. “Don’t worry, I will check on them for you. I will get a guard to escort you to your room” Sentinel ‘assures’ her, his servo travels from her arm to her shoulder plate.
Finding no point in arguing with him, (Y/n) lowers her head. “I understand, thank you” She says, defeated. 
Without even being inside the palace, she felt trapped in Sentinel's presence. She was escorted away by two guards, one of each side of her. Their height hid her from others and hid the world for her.
They left her once she was brought to her room. She sits down next to the window, leaning against the wall. She wondered what Sentinel said to her friends, did they ask about her? She felt so far away from them, like they were in different worlds. She felt so small.
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After that, she was kept in her room like a caged animal. The clock was ticking down until the wedding, Sentinel seemed to be working hard to plan it all. (Y/n) hoped that once the wedding happened, she would have more freedom.
From time to time, she would ask guards on updates of her two friends. The first few times, she was told that they weren’t able to find the two. But after that, they stopped listening to her requests.
She perks when she hears someone knocking on the door. She wasn't able to say anything before it opened. Walking in was Sentinel, with his servos behind his back. 
(Y/n) gets up and walks over to him, greeting him with a smile. “You came to visit!” She calls out. She can’t help but feel joy that she finally had company again.
“I can’t just leave my bride to be all alone, someone has to appreciate your pretty face plate. I brought you something, to celebrate our love” Pulling from behind his back, Sentinel reveals a present wrapped in blue paper with a golden ribbon tied around it. He holds it out for her to grab.
She takes it from him, carefully untying the ribbon. She removes the lid of the medium sized box, peeking inside of it. What she found inside was a cog, giving a soft (f/c) light. Her intake opens in shock, her spark swells in gratefulness. 
“I…I–” She was at a loss of words, not sure what to say. She hugs Sentinel's waist, as she is too small to wrap her arms any higher. “Thank you!” She squeals with joy.
Sentinel tenses up at the touch, stopping himself from pushing her off. He pats her head, trying to keep a smile on his face. “It’s no problem, of course. It’s the least I can do. Now come on, put it in” He advises.
Letting go of him, (Y/n) takes the cog out of the box. She places the cog in her chest, feeling warmth emanating from it. Her form began to change, she grew taller and her armor became more complex. She gazes upon her new look, tracing on the edges of her plates in fascination. 
The cog felt so right in her previous empty chassis, it was like it was a part of her that was missing. It made her wonder how Sentinel got one and why her and other miners weren’t made with them. But she decides to keep those questions to herself. 
“You look divine, sweetspark” Sentinel mentions, cupping (Y/n)’s chin. It made the femme realize she had grown twice her original size, Sentinel now being only (almost) two heads bigger than her.
“Thank you” (Y/n) responds, but this time she was completely sincere. Her feelings of being trapped being pushed to the back of her mind.
“As much as I want to stay, I have to go on an expedition to find the matrix of leadership. See you at the altar, darling” Sentinel spoke in a loving voice. He turns away, his smile faltering. He walks out the room and closes the door behind him.
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Orion, D-16, Elita-1 and B-127 return to the cave where Alpha Trion was waiting for them after they witness Sentinel Prime working for their worst enemy: the Quintessons. He was also the one to backstab the primes and killed them off one by one.
“That really was something, huh” B-127 awkwardly utters, feeling the thick tension in the cave. “I’d really hate being married to that guy” He remarks, trying to lighten the mood.
It makes Orion and D-16 freeze in place, remembering something that slipped their mind. They exchange looks before looking at Elita-1, who seem to realise as well.
B-127 notices the reactions, confusing him. “Did I say something wrong?” He asks.
“The wedding!” D-16 paces back and forth, beginning to panic. “(Y/n), our (Y/n) is marrying that tyrant and we have to stand around” He exclaims, frustrated. He was starting to think that his friend didn’t have a choice in becoming Sentinel Conjunx Endura.
“Okay, okay, that is another thing to add to the list of reasons to stop Sentinel. We can do this, stop the wedding and expose Sentinel. Do you know when it’s being held?” Orion asks Elita-1, placing his servo on his chin.
The femme thinks, trying to remember. “After the race, he made a second announcement. The wedding is going to be held in the middle of Iacon over…ten groons if I remember correctly” Elita-1 explains, making sure she remembered correctly.
“Ten groons!? There is no way we can make it back to Iacon in that time AND stop Sentinel!” D-16 yells, throwing his arms in the air.
B-127 stands next to Alpha Trion, both equally confused on what was going on. The prime pieces together that the traitor was marrying a friend of theirs. Meanwhile the yellow bot thinks about how he has never been to a wedding. ding.
The cave that they were residing in began to shake, telling that they were found out. Alpha Trion points the four bots towards a hidden tunnel to escape, while he buys them time. The clock kept moving, so did they.
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(Y/n) gazes into the tall mirror in front of her, not sure of what she thought of her reflection. Draped from her chest, around her arms and ending on her back with a bow was a delicate gold fabric. It reminded her of the present Sentinel gave her not so long ago. Her digits trace it carefully, scared to rip it. She pauses, thinking she heard yelling above her. But a knock at the door makes her ignore the noise. “Yes?” She answers, curious on who it was. 
“The wedding is about to commence, it’s time to bring you to the altar” A guard from the other side of the door, the femme had grown quite familiar with him already. Not long after that, the door opens to reveal (Y/n). She kept quiet as she was escorted away.
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Right at that moment, above her room was the High guard, along with her friend (and B-127) were held. Sentinel walks past the rows of captured rebels. “ Look at this rowdy bunch! The High Guard! You know, you guys have been tough to find. Every trip to the surface, I’ve been searching for you” He looked down on the ones who escaped him for too long, feeling victorious.
“Tracking the bots in the cave led me right to them,” Airachnid adds, smugly.
Sentinel reaches the two front rows, spotting the leader of the High guard. “Oh-ho-ho! You captured Starscream!” He says in surprise, getting a distorted high pitched voice yelling angry things in return. He laughs at the hilarious sound “You sound ridiculous. It’s weird”.
He turns to his other side, finding D-16 kneeled down. His black helm and armor being replaced with silver, now having a cog given by Alpha Trion. Other changes being his height and a cannon on his right arm. “what a tragic story you’ll be. Atop the leaderboard in your sector and secretly a traitor” The fake prime taunts him, mockingly, “Getting close to the future queen of Iacon so you can give her right over to the Quintessons”.
“Keep her out of your mouth” D-16 mutters, bitterly. He glares up at the taller bot with hatred. His love for his friend was pure, his lie infuriated him. If he wasn’t handcuffed, he would’ve pulled out glossa out his intake.
“All of you are traitors. You’ve been working with the Quintessons to sabotage my expeditions. You’re the reason why I haven’t found the Matrix of Leadership yet” Sentinel makes up the fake truth, the story that he will tell citizens of Iacon.
“None of that is true!” B-127 argues, sitting right next to D-16. “The people are going to find out one way or another”.
“About what? That I plucked the cogs from your newborn chests? Forced you to mine so that I could pay off the Quintessons and live like a king? None of that matters. Because the truth is what I make it” Sentinel declares, leaning down towards the yellow bot. “I was originally going to execute you all right now. But since I’m such a great leader, I’ll let you watch the wedding. An execution is not something you do right before such a beautiful moment”.
In the corner of his eye, Sentinel notices D-16 getting up onto his feet. The blue and gold bot straightens his back, standing in front of the ex-miner. “Well, well. What’s this about?”
“I’m not kneeling in front of you” D-16 declares, not having a single drop of respect for the horrible boy in front of him.
“Feeling confident, are we?”
“You don’t scare me. You want to know why?” D-16 states, standing his ground.
“please” Sentinel smirks, telling him to elaborate. He was curious about what the ex-miner was going to tell him.
“Because I don’t have anything left to lose. You took it all” The silver bot answered. His best friend is ‘dead’, his crush is getting forced to get married to a monster and everything he believed in was a lie.
“I sure did,” Sentinel replies. Before punching the mech, watching him fall onto the ground. His blue optics latch onto the slightly damaged Megatronus prime decal on D-16’s shoulder, he snatches it off. “Ah, Megatronus Prime. Of course you were a fan.  Megatronus was the coolest Prime! The biggest! The baddest! The toughest!”
He opens his chassis to reveal a purple cog in his slot. “That’s why, after I killed him, I took his cog for myself” He says, looking proud as talk about the horrible things he has done.
“He was greater than you’ll ever be!” D-16 yells at him from the floor.
“I don’t know. I’m pretty great. But I can understand why you’d want to wear his face over mine. Here. Let’s make sure it doesn’t come off” Sentinel drops the decal onto D-16’s chassis. Airachnid hands him a blowtorch, which he gladly takes. D-16 grunts in pain as he feels the blowtorch digging through his metal. B-127 looks on in horror, helpless to do anything. 
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(Y/n) stood at the beginning of the long carpet, anxiously fiddling with her golden accessory. She felt everyone staring at her, making her not feel any better. She began walking down the aisle, passing by rows of cybertronians. She turns her gaze forward to see Sentinel standing at the altar, waiting for her. Next to him stood the officiant, a red mech called Knockout. She reaches the altar, climbing onto it. She stood on the opposite side of Sentinel, hesitantly looking him in the eye.
“Alright, let’s begin this” Knockout clears his throat, looking at the tablet he was holding. “Welcome mechs and femmes to the spark bonding of Sentinel prime and (Y/n). For almost fifty cycles, there hasn’t been a wedding ‘cause of the hard times Cybertron has been through ever since the death of thirteen primes and the disappearance of the Matrix Of Leadership. But once more we are able to witness such a beautiful occa—”.
 He was cut off by the ground beginning to slightly shake as a loud crash sound was heard. Sentinel looks to his left, seeing a metro crashing into the tour where the High guard was being held. The crowd gasps in shock and worry, thinking it was an accident. All the screens turn on, playing the same video. “
“About what? That I plucked the cogs from your newborn chests? Forced you to mine so that I could pay off the Quintessons and live like a king? None of that matters. Because the truth is what I make it” Sentinel’s voice echoes throughout Iacon. Footage of Sentinel kneeling in front of quintessons, giving over energon to the. Citizens gasp at what they were seeing, the one they trusted was sabotaging them all along.
(Y/n) steps back with an expression of horror and disgust. Sentinel reaches for her, trying to make up an excuse to cover his tracks. He sees as everything he built began falling down, in a blink of an optic.
A voice yells from above. Knockout was just fast enough to pull (Y/n) away to a safer distance. A bot comes crashing in, tackling Sentinel to the ground. Sentinel tries to fly away, but the cybertronian grabs him by the leg and pulls him back down. The mysterious bot raises their arm, shooting Sentinel’s wing with it. The blast carries through and hits one of the tall buildings.
(Y/n) squints her optics, trying to get a good look at Sentinel’s attacker. Their helm shape seemed familiar, along with the silver color of their armor. But she recognises who it was once they turn around to look at her. “D..!?” She yells out in surprise, she realises how much he changed since last she saw him. It has been like 3 cycles, what has happened since then.
Letting go, D-16 turns around to face the femme. She also changed in the time he was gone. She was just as beautiful as he remembered, if not more. His attention was brought to the golden fabric draped over her form, most likely given by Sentinel. Dressed like was an object that he claimed. It disgusted him.
He turns back to the traitor lying pathetically on the ground. He raises his arm cannon, pointing at him. He was about to shoot, when he was pushed aside. “What are you doing?!” He yells, realising it was Orion who pushed him.
“It’s over, D. Everyone in Iacon knows the truth” Orion argues, standing in front of his friend. 
The two go back and forth, tussling with each other. D-16 raises his canon, firing at Sentinel. Orion jumps in front of him, not thinking his friend would actually shoot. It goes straight through it, creating a giant gaping hole in Orion’s shoulder. He falls backwards, almost into a seemingly endless pit. D-16 catches his hand, laying down on the edge.
“Orion!’ (Y/n) calls out, gasping. She tries to rush over to them to help pull the injured mech up. But she was held back by Knockout, she slightly thrashed in his grip. “Hey, let go! I have to help them”.
“No uh, no way” Knockout shook his head, seeming a bit afraid. “No idea who that mech is, but he is way too dangerous” He said, eyeing the view.
Thinking of all that has happened since he met Orion, D-16’s view started to change. He was always the one to get the reckless bot out of trouble, risking his own metal to help him. If Orion was out of the picture, he could finally get rid of Sentinel for once and all. “I’m done saving you” His optics flicker from orange to a fiery red, finally crossing the line. He lets go, letting go of Orion.
“No!” (Y/n) yells, jerking forward. She could only watch as one of her dearest friends fell into oblivion. Then her attention was turned to D-16 fighting the guards that appeared to protect Sentinel. The silver bot easily finishes them off and puts his attention on the crawling bot. 
Grabbing him, D-16 pulls him up into the air. With one strong pull, he tears Sentinel in two, leaving the broken bot to lay on the ground like scrap metal. There was a weird satisfied feeling coursing through her circuits. She didn't notice Knockout had disappeared, probably scared off by his former leader getting ripped apart.
D-16 reaches into Sentinel's chest, ripping Megatronus’ cog out of it. He walks to the edge of the stage, facing the giant crowd of cybertronians. He raises the cog in the air, yelling to those down below “The Age of Primes has ended! No more false prophets! Follow me and you will never again be deceived. RISE UP!”.
The High guard chants “Rise up”, eating every word D-16 yelled. The tall mech continued his speech, “I will lead us all into the future!”. He opens his chassis, removing Onyx prime’s cog and replacing it with Megatronus’. His frame became even larger than before, along with his blasters becoming more stronger. “I…am…Megatron!” He announces, naming himself after his fallen idol.
Chaos erupts as D-16, now known as Megatron and the High guard begin destroying buildings surrounding them. B-127 and Elita-1 tried stopping him but with little success. Like a phoenix coming up from the ashes, Orion Pax or more correctly Optimus prime emerges from the depths of Cybertron’s core. In his chassis was the Matrix of Leadership l, given to him by Primus himself. It enraged Megatron.
The two tumble off the podium, fighting with their new found abilities. From friends to foes, how much can change overnight. It all comes to a stop when Optimus slices Megatron’s cannon with his newly obtained axe. With a heavy spark, Optimus banishes his old friend.
Pushing past him, Megatron limps off. He stops in place, he turns around. He holds his servo out towards…(Y/n). His red optics soften, a stark difference from how he looked at Optimus.
(Y/n) gazes at him, then towards Optimus and finally to Megatron’s servo. Now she had to make a decision, one that would change her life forever.
Take Megatron’s hand or stay by Optimus' side
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morgana-larkin · 2 days ago
Alright, here's the next part of Just Tired and of course it ends on a big cliffhanger. Also I know what you're thinking, did I get distracted by the gif for 5 minutes? The answer is yes. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I posted the first chapter of Worth It exactly a year ago, today and made a little thank you message that you can read here.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 29
Just Tired - Part 28
Warnings: Manipulative Relationship (Mentioned), Smut, cliffhanger
Words: 4.5k
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Melissa ends up directing you to a deli where she orders two Italian hoagies for you both where Barb and Gerald also join. You’re all sitting on a picnic bench outside at a park that was near all eating your hoagies.
“So Melissa, now you’re gonna have the house back, getting some money from him and he can’t ever go near you unless he wants to get arrested. How does that feel?” You ask her and she smiles.
“It feels really good. I never thought how fast my life can change in two months but I’ve honestly never been happier. I mean 2 months ago I was in a manipulative relationship, unhappy without knowing why, didn���t know I could be into women, haven’t had much fun, as well as the sex was terrible.” She says and Barb chokes a bit on her drink at the last part.
“Oh come on Barb, don’t tell me you’re a prude.” You tell her.
“I’m not a prude, I’m a woman of god.” Barb tells you proudly.
“Isn’t that the same thing?” You ask and Melissa starts laughing.
“Melissa is religious as well.” Barb points out.
“Melissa doesn’t consider herself a woman of god. Also she’s Sicilian so I don’t think anything phases her anymore.” You counter.
“That’s a good point.” Melissa says and then she continues eating her hoagie.
“How was last night at the karaoke place?” Gerald asks you both.
“Melissa made out with a psycho.” You tell them and Melissa looks at you with an amused expression as she tries not to laugh.
“Well I guess that’s one way to describe it.” Melissa says. 
“That’s the only way to describe it.” You counter and Melissa chuckles.
“I didn’t know she was a psycho until Y/n told me as she got warned by the bartender who you’re also going out with next weekend.” Melissa explains.
“She came onto me after we crushed that ABBA song.” You say. “And yes she warned me about Wendy.”
“So is everyone excited about Halloween tomorrow?” Barb asks and you shake your head.
“I don’t know if I’ll survive Melissa’s costume.” You confess and Melissa is smiling.
“You won’t.” Melissa simply says and takes a proud bite of her hoagie.
“Well I don’t see how anyone would survive a hot redhead dressing up as Mera.” You tell her and Melissa just shrugs.
“You’ll have to see me from across the hall all day.” Melissa teases you and you groan. “And I’ll make sure to keep my door open all day.”
“What if I close my door?”
“Be real, for whatever odd reason you never close your door.”
“I want to be welcoming to anyone.” You say.
“Hon, if people at school don’t already know that then they haven’t been paying attention to you.” Melissa tells you and you shrug.
“Unlike you, most teachers haven’t been paying attention to me and the 20 other newbies that started this year.”
“I normally don’t pay attention to newbies but you just didn’t care and kept trying. How many of you newbies are left anyway?” She asks and you count.
“Well about 8 left already.” You say and she hums.
“Not surprising.” She says.
“Is that why you didn’t want to talk to me? Thought I’d leave?” You ask her and she nods.
“You seem too positive to last here but I could be wrong.” She tells you.
“I’m not as positive as Janine though, she’s more positive than I am.” 
“Thank god you’re not that annoying.” She says and then takes the last bit of her hoagie. “I don’t know how you stand, not just Janine, but Jacob as well.” She tells you as she cleans her hands with a napkin.
“They actually have pretty interesting conversations.” You tell her and she hums.
“If you say so.” She tells you and you roll your eyes before you finish your hoagie.
Half an hour later Barb and Gerald take Melissa home so everyone can get ready for the work week. When you’re getting into bed, your phone gets a notification and you look at it to see Melissa texted you.
Melissa: I really want to thank you as you helped me win 
You: It’s not a problem, I love that you got your freedom
You text her that before you put your head on your pillow and you’re out like a light. 
The next morning Melissa wakes up with a big smile on her face. She’s breaking free from her manipulative husband, she’s getting the house, and money from him and she has you to thank for it. She then frowns when she remembers that she’s fallen for you and she does want to be with you but the idea of being in a relationship already terrifies her.
“Hey everyone.” You say as you walk in the break room. Melissa then walks in the break room and your mouth goes dry. There she is in the green bodysuit and her hair has looser curls then it usually has with the little crown on. She also did her makeup the same way as they did for Amber Heard and your eyes trail up and down her body. 
“Hey hon.” She tells you.
“Wow.” You say and she smiles.
“Shamelessly checking me out, hon?” She whispers to you and you nod. “Check me out all you want.” She tells you and your eyes trail down to her chest where they’re only half covered.
“And you were worried my costume was going to be too sexy.” You tell her and she gives you a wink.
“I like your sexy police uniform, officer. If we were still having sex then I’d definitely act naughty just so you’d tie me up and punish me.” She tells you with a seductive whisper and your mind blanks.
“Ya the timing is unfortunate.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Soak it all up. And I might masturbate with you in my mind tonight.” She says quietly as she passes you and goes to sit down. You go and sit down with Janine and Jacob and they compliment your outfit.
“It was my costume from last year but I didn’t have enough money to get a new one this year, but I’ll definitely get a new one next year.” You tell them.
“Well we didn’t see this was your outfit last year so technically it’s new here.” Jacob tells you and you smile and nod.
“Thanks Jacob.” You tell him and he smiles before you all jump into conversations.
You watch as she greets her students from across the hall and how some of the parents are checking her out, as well as some of the seventh and eighth grade boys. You start the class by going over the homework you assigned to them to do over the weekend and you cast a glance at Melissa who’s bending over slightly to grab some papers at her desk. She catches you checking her out and she smiles at you. At lunch you drop your kids off at the caf and when you walk out, Melissa grabs your hand and drags you to her classroom.
“What are you doing?” You ask her as you reach her classroom and you see she brought both of your lunches with her.
“I want us to have lunch together, just the two of us.” She tells you and you smile. “So you think I look sexy?” She asks you as she takes a seat and you nod. She passes you your lunchbox and you take your lunch out and start eating.
“I mean have you seen yourself? Your tits are practically out and I can’t help but stare at them, especially when I know how they look without anything on them.” You say and she chuckles. “And this tight bodysuit on you is showing off all your curves and green is definitely your colour. Like jesus christ is it ever your colour.” You tell her and she smiles. “Why did you want to have lunch with me, like just me?” You ask her.
“I wanted to thank you for how much you’ve helped me in these past 2 months. And I know it hasn’t been easy for you.” She tells you. You go to speak but she stops you. “And don’t you dare start saying that it hasn’t been easy on me since I’m the one that escaped the bastard.” She says and you immediately close your mouth as that’s exactly what you were gonna say. “I know I’m the one who escaped but you’ve helped me so much and I really appreciate it.” She adds and you smile.
“Well, you’re welcome.” You say. 
“I do have to say that the sexy police skirt is working for you.” She tells you and you blush.
“Are you trying to make it harder to concentrate today?” You ask her and she smirks as she takes a bite of her salad.
“No idea what you’re talking about.” She says innocently.
“It seems like you’re trying to make it as hard for me as possible. It seemed like you were flirting with me this morning and your outfit keeps making my mind go places.” You say and she giggles.
“Well first of all, I was flirting with you this morning, and secondly, what if I want your attention on my body?” She asks you and you stare at her, mind blank. “Also Barb and I are going out to this bar who’s having a Halloween party and wanted to know if you want to tag along. The other 2 youngsters are being invited by Barb right now.” She tells you. 
“Of course I’ll come.” You immediately say and she smiles.
At the end of the day you’re saying goodbye to your kiddos and you see the aunt from the dyslexic kid go up to Melissa and you watch.
“Hi Melissa, I have to say that you look amazing in this costume.” She says to Melissa and Melissa smiles at her.
“Thank you, once I saw Aquaman then I was pretty sure I could pull up being Mera.” Melissa tells her.
“Oh you pull it off better than her. Do you have any plans tonight? I was wondering if you didn’t then maybe we can do something together.” She asks.
“I’m going out with some coworkers and I don’t want to miss it.” Melissa says and you smile.
“Oh, well maybe another time.” The aunt says before taking her niece and leaving.
“You know if you really wanted to go out with her then we’d understand.” You say as you walk up to her after all your students leave.
“I know, but like I told her, I don’t want to miss this.” She says as she goes to grab her things and then locks her door. “I’ll meet you there, we’re meeting for about 6, I’ll send the address. And feel free to ditch the leggings.” She says as she walks off with a smile.
You get home not long after and you immediately take the leggings off. You get something ready to eat and have a meal before you go upstairs and apply some makeup. As you’re applying some mascara, Melissa’s words from lunch hits you, she was purposefully flirting with you this morning and you don’t know why. You then get the toy handcuffs that came with the costume and attach them to the belt. You then get a text from Melissa with the address and you see it’ll take about 20 minutes to get there and you look at the time, 5:20. You then decide to go there now as there might be traffic since it’s Halloween. You arrive about half an hour later and you see it’s starting to pile up in here. 
“Hey Y/n!” You hear and turn around to see Janine and Jacob there.
“Hey guys.” You tell them.
“Isn’t it amazing that Barb and Melissa invited all of us out with them? And to think I thought they didn’t like us, but if you keep trying then-”
“I’ll stop you right there.” You tell Janine and she immediately closes her mouth. “How about we get some drinks?” You suggest and you all make your way to the bar and order some drinks. 
“Hey hon.” You hear and turn to see Melissa and Barb there as they walk towards all of you. 
“Hey Melissa.” You say as you get your drink and thank the bartender before you pay. 
“What drink did you get?” Melissa asks you.
“Just a daiquiri, thought of starting small.” You tell her and she nods before she orders a beer.
Half an hour later you’re all on your second drink and sitting and talking at a table with booths. You and Melissa on one side, while the other 3 are on the other side. You’re following the story that Barb is telling about all the costumes of her students, when you feel a hand touch your leg and you look to see Melissa’s hand there. You glance over at her and she’s looking at Barb and pretending that she’s not touching you. You then feel her hand go further up your leg and you widen your eyes as you wonder if she’s going to do what you think she’s going to do. You then lean in towards her near her ear.
“What are you doing?” You whisper to her and she turns to look at you.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks.
“We agreed no sex.” You tell her, a little breathlessly.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks again and you go to take a sip of your drink, giving her permission to keep going. 
Her hand trails up your thigh, closer and closer to your centre. Your breathing deepens as she gets closer and you can hear Janine is telling everyone all the costumes of her students. You then feel her hand right over your centre, hand buried under your skirt. You unconsciously spread your legs to give her more access and you see her smile from the corner of your eye. You feel her hand go up and down your clothed pussy and you let out a gasp and everyone looks at you. You widen your eyes and you’re sure your cheeks are tinged pink with embarrassment. Even with everyone looking at you, Melissa doesn’t stop. In fact she pushes your underwear to the side and trails her index finger up your centre and clit. You let out a big breath and realise everyone is still looking at you.
“Are you alright dear?” Barb asks and you nod.
“Just think…the drinks, the alcohol, is starting to…hit me.” You say through breaths as Melissa is still teasing you. You then notice everyone’s attention is on Melissa and you hear her say something about a Halloween costume and realise they're still talking about their students. 
Melissa is talking about how cute her students are to get the attention off of you and sees you starting to struggle to keep your composure. She realises she can make it harder for you or take pity on you. She immediately decides to make it harder for you and slips her middle finger in your entrance as you’re taking a sip. She’s lucky that you decided to sit near the wall so nobody in the bar suspects anything as her body is blocking it. She begins pumping inside of you and sees you’re doing your best not to give anything away but you keep slipping by keeping your mouth open. She decides right there that you’ll give it away if she continues and she takes her finger out and you let out a tiny whimper that no one hears except her. 
A few seconds after she takes her finger out is when everyone turns their attention onto you and asks your favourite costumes from your students were. Melissa doesn’t make it easier for you though as she keeps trailing her hand up and down your upper thigh and it’s making it hard for you to even think about anything except where her hand is. Melissa decides to take pity and speaks up.
“I think we both need some more drinks.” She says before she grabs your hand and leads you into the crowd. You get confused as you pass right by the bar and she leads you to the other side of the place to the bathrooms. 
“Melissa, why are we-” You get silenced as she leads you into a stall and pushes you up against the door and kisses you.
“I couldn’t wait any longer, all I thought about all day was running my hands up these legs.” She tells you as she trails her hand up your left thigh, underneath your skirt. “And unzipping this shirt and see your amazing tits.” She continues as she unzips your shirt, unclips your bra and pulls it up to see your breasts. “I know we agreed on no sex but would you say no if we have sex one more time?” She asks and it takes a few seconds for your brain to catch up with the situation. Once it does and you think over her question, you put your hand on the back of her head and pull her in for a kiss. Melissa responds immediately and kisses you back as she’s had a hard time staying away from you all week, let alone not being able to touch your body or kiss you all weekend or even today. 
You feel her hands move your skirt up before she goes down on her knees and dives right to your clit. You immediately put your hand over your mouth and bite your lip to keep you from making any noises as she does everything she can to get noises out of you. She then frowns as she would like to hear you and pulls away. You look at her in confusion but help her up.
“This isn’t working, I want to hear you.” She says and you look at her.
“My car is right outside.” You suggest and she smiles before she makes you presentable again and then she grabs your hand and leads you out of the bar and to your car. She opens the passenger side before pushing the seat as far back as it can go before getting you to sit down. You bring the seat down a bit so you’re on a slightly comfortable angle as Melissa gets on the floor and closes the door. 
“Now, don’t conceal your noises.” She tells you and you nod before she bunches up your skirt and goes back to your clit again. You let out a gasp and arch your back as she does a hard suck right away. She then focuses on bringing you as much pleasure as possible as she already knows your body incredibly well. It isn’t long before you feel your orgasm starting to build and that’s when Melissa slips a finger in your centre and you see stars as she knows how to make you feel so good. She slides a second finger in you and you reach behind you and grab the headrest of the seat as she quickly pumps in and out of you. You start squirming as you’re right at your peak and Melissa lets you as she’s enjoying the sight. You then let out a high pitched gasp as you come and Melissa slows down inside of you before carefully removing her fingers and she licks your juices from her fingers. You catch your breath as Melissa watches you with a smile. You then get her to climb up on top of you and you kiss her as you calm down from your orgasm. You then reach behind her and unzip her costume before taking it off of her and leaving it piled at her knees. You then flip the both of you so that she’s underneath you and you unclip her bra and push it up before you slip a nipple in your mouth and she moans. “You’re obsessed with them.” She says breathlessly.
“When you have tits this big? Yes.” You say as you switch to her other nipple and she giggles.
“Oh god, I missed your touch so much.” Melissa moans out as you suck on her nipple while trailing your hands up and down her legs.
“Ya?” You ask as you pull away from her nipple and touch near her centre and clit.
“Yes.” She says before you touch her clit and she gasps. You start circling her clit and she pulls you in for a kiss. She has an arm wrapped around your neck as her other hand is gripping onto the carseat. “Oh god, please I need you inside of me.” She says and you do one last circle on her clit before you do as she asks and insert one finger inside of her and you feel her dig her nails into your back. You a couple pumps inside of her before you insert a second finger and you feel like adding a third finger, so you add a third and she gasps out as she grips the carseat even tighter. “YES! YES! YES!” She says in a pitched voice. “Don’t stop!” She tells you and you pump faster. “Oh god, I’m so close, so close.” She tells you and you feel her clench around your fingers and she arches her back. You kiss her neck seconds before she comes around your fingers. You pull away from her neck right as she comes and rest your forehead against hers. “I love you.” She says softly, the second after she comes and you widen your eyes and pull away from her slightly. 
You’ve heard her admit it before but it was one she was delirious and didn’t know she was talking to you. This time she knows damn well that you’re here with her and she’s not sick. A couple seconds after she says it, it’s like her brain catches up with her mouth and she snaps her eyes open and looks at you with wide eyes. You pull out of her and lick your fingers as she tries to steady her breathing.
“Oh god, I wasn’t- you weren’t… forget I said the last few words.” She tells you and you shake your head.
“I’m not going to pretend that I just didn’t hear you admit it a second time.” You tell her and she furrows her eyebrows.
“Se-second time?” She asks and you nod.
“You might have admitted it to me without knowing it was me when you were delirious when you had a fever.” You admit and she puts a hand on her forehead. “But it’s ok, I know you’re not ready for anything yet and-”
“But that’s the thing Y/n! I was never going to admit it as I don’t know when I’ll be ready and I don’t want to string your feelings along.” She confesses and you look at her. “Yes I love you, I found that out 3 weeks ago but it scares me. The last person I loved was Joe and I’m getting a divorce from him as he manipulated me for 25 years.” She tells you.
“Melissa, I’m not Joe. I know you know that but I think you need to hear it. I have no interest in manipulating you or anyone else as I have actual compassion and empathy. You know I love you and I know I’ll continue dating and being friends with you. If you ever decide you’re ready then just let me know. But until then, I’ll wait willingly for you, however long that takes.” You say to her and you wipe away the tear that falls down her cheek and you smile at her.
“I don’t deserve you.” She says as she looks down.
“You deserve everything you want.” You tell her before you kiss her forehead and she looks up at you with a smile. 
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met.” She tells you as she strokes your cheek and you lean into her touch. 
“As much as I’m enjoying this, we should probably go back to everyone before they think we’ve died or something.” You joke and she chuckles before you both get dressed and fix your makeup before you stumble out and walk back into the bar. You head to the bar and order 2 drinks as Melissa goes back to the table. You get the drinks and join back at the table and hand the second drink to Melissa.
“Y/n, I was just saying we ran into a friend of yours.” Melissa tells them and everyone looks at you.
“Yep, talked for a little bit.” You tell them as casually as possible as you sit down. 
You all then talk for an hour before you decide to call it a night as you all have to go to work tomorrow. You say goodbye to everyone and they all walk to their cars as you hug Melissa.
“I meant what I said, I’ll willingly wait for you.” You tell her and she kisses you and smiles.
“I know, and if the situation was reversed, I’d wait for you as well.” She tells you as you grab her hand. “I have to go, Barb is my ride home and I’m pretty excited to get out of this even though I look stunning.” She says and you giggle.
“You always look stunning.” You tell her and she smiles before she lets go of your hand.
“Text me when you get home.” She says and you nod. She then watches as you walk to your car before she hears a honk and sees Barb and Gerald are ready to go. She then walks to their car and gets in.
That night she didn’t receive a text from you but she figured you forgot or fell asleep right away. She sees that it’s 10:03pm and decides to go to sleep as she’s getting up in 7 hours. She then falls asleep with a smile on her face as she thinks of you
Melissa opens her eyes as she hears her phone going off and she reaches over and sees you’re calling her. She furrows her eyebrows as she’s wondering why you’re calling her so late. She then picks up and brings it to her ear.
“Y/n, what’s up, hon?” She asks.
“Excuse me, are you Melissa Schemmenti?” A voice asks her and she sits up in bed.
“Depends, who’s this?” She asks them.
“My name is Emily Brown, I’m a doctor at the hospital and you’re listed as the emergency contact on Y/n’s phone.” Emily tells her and her heart sinks.
“Is-is she ok?” Melissa asks.
“I’m afraid there’s been a car accident and I'm going to need you to come right away.”
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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toasttt11 · 2 days ago
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July 9, 2023
Ophelia was brushing out her hair in the mirror in her guest room at the Hughes’s lake house when she heard a soft knock on her door, “Come in.”
Quinn opened the door slowly and blinked surprised to see Ophelia completely awake and ready for the day, she was a morning person he realized like him, “Morning.”
“Morning.” Ophelia mumbled back setting her brush back down on the dresser.
“We’re gonna go the rink in a little bit if you’re up for it?” Quinn asked her and his eyes saw a little penguin stuff animal on her bed and he smiled softly, it’s adorable.
“Okay.” Ophelia quickly nodded never going to turn down going skating.
“Mom is making breakfast and we will probably head out once Luke and Jack finish waking up and eat too.” Quinn told her.
Ophelia nodded and she grabbed her phone and slipped her slides on and started following Quinn out of her room.
“So i’m assuming you’re a morning person?” Quinn asked her as they walked down the hallway together.
“Yeah i rarely can sleep in.” Ophelia told Quinn making him a smile and nod.
“Me too. There’s some really good running trails here if you want to join me in the mornings?” Quinn offered as they walked down the stairs, he always runs alone so it would be nice to run with Ophelia.
“I’d like that.” Ophelia nodded softly giving him a small smile. She’s use to running alone and it would be nice to run with someone else.
“Morning Ophelia!” Ellen looked up from the stove and beamed at Ophelia, she was so happy to have another girl around the house.
Ophelia mumbled a soft morning back and followed Quinn to the barstools and sat down next to him seeing Jack laying his head on counter looking half asleep.
“You’re okay with a omelette?” Ellen asked Ophelia as she plated Quinn’s omelette.
“Yeah, thank you.” Ophelia softly thanked Ellen, it’s been awhile someone has cooked for her outside of the hockey chefs.
Ellen smiled at Ophelia and she stared pointing and asking about the vegetables and which one Ophelia was fine with in her omelette.
“Want coffee?” Quinn leaned over asking Ophelia. Ophelia softly nodded back, “How do you like yours?” Quinn asked he stood up and grabbed a light blue mug that no one ever touches and started brewing a pot of coffee.
“Uh i’m fine with whatever.” Ophelia shrugged, she wasn’t picky about how her coffee is and liked it most ways.
Quinn hummed in response and grabbed milk and a chocolate creamer and held them up to Ophelia, “Which one do want?
Ophelia pointed at the chocolate one making Quinn smiled satisfied and he poured three cups of coffee and poured the chocolate creamer in all three and carried the mugs back to the counter and at the light blue in front of Ophelia, the red Devils one in front to Jack making Jack glance up and immediately took a sip of his coffee and a dark blue one for Quinn.
Ophelia thanked Quinn and Ellen as Ellen set a plate in front of Ophelia.
Jack mumbled a soft morning to Ophelia after waking up a bit from his coffee and he waited for his mom to make his breakfast.
Ophelia was half way through eating her breakfast when Luke finally stumbled into the kitchen his curls going everywhere as he plopped down next to Jack and immediately started inhaling his breakfast.
“Oh Ophelia i’m going shopping today so is there anything you like in particular or have any allergies?” Ellen asked her as she pulled out her shopping list.
“I’m allergic to shellfish and kiwis.” Ophelia told Ellen and all four of them sitting there made that mental note to remember that, Ellen would also make sure to tell Jim. Good thing none of the Hughes care for those two things so they won’t get them again anyways.
“Besides that i’m not picky.” Ophelia shrugged softly, she’s not the biggest eater.
“Okay, what about something you like to snack on?” Ellen asked wanting to make sure Ophelia was completely comfortable here.
“Uh hummus and vegetables.” Ophelia answered.
“Dude that’s my favorite too.” Jack perked up giving her a silly smile making her lips quirk up.
Jim walked in from the backyard and said good morning to the four kids as he walked into the kitchen.
Ophelia helped Quinn clean up form breakfasts as Jack and Luke both got dressed to head to the rink.
Ophelia followed Quinn to the car outside and he grabbed her hockey bag from the garage where they put it last night and he put it in the back of the car, “Sit wherever you want.” Quinn told Ophelia as he unlocked the car.
Ophelia nodded and she climbed into the car and headed back to the third row and sat down.
Jack got in next sitting in the seat in front of Ophelia and Quinn in the drivers seat and Jim in the passenger.
“See Ophelia thinks the third row is better too!” Luke teased Jack as he climbed into the car and went back to the third row sitting down next to Ophelia, Luke liked the third row because the second row only had two chairs and from the third row he had a lot of room to spread out his legs.
“Not everyone has very long legs Lukey boy.” Jack teased back making Quinn shake his head didn’t as he pulled out of the driveway.
Ophelia watched amused as Luke and Jack sassed each other for most of the drive, she’s never felt comfortable to do that with anyone before.
Quinn parked the car and they all got out do the car.
Jack grinned at Ophelia as he grabbed her bag before she could take it and he just started walking into the rink with her bag.
Ophelia softly shook her head and stayed at Quinn’s heels as they walked into the rink, she’s been here at the US rink couple of times.
Jack set her bag right at the stall in between his and Quinn’s and Luke’s is next to Quinn’s.
Ophelia started unpacking her bag into the stall and looked up seeing Luke putting her name in the stall just as the three Hughes have their names in their stall.
Ophelia follows the three boys on to the ice and saw a few other players skating already and she followed Quinn over to Jim.
Quinn had told her that Jim works with them the most during the summer and told her that the rink was gonna be emptier than usually for the next week as most players are on trips right now.
Ophelia nodded listening to what Jim was telling them to do for the drill. She was going again Luke and Jack against Quinn.
Ophelia narrowed her eyes and took off with Luke trying to defended her and she was quick with changing directions and managed to spin around Luke and tap the puck into the net.
Quinn and Jack shared an impressed look with Jim. Obviously they have seen her clips and she had to be pretty great to go first overall but seeing her skill in person is a bit different.
They went through this drill a couple times before Jim switched them up and had Jack going against Luke and Ophelia against Quinn.
Ophelia laughed a bit seeing how competitive Luke and Jack are with one another.
Ophelia got ready for her turn and knew Quinn was gonna be even harder.
Quinn watched intently as Ophelia started skating and he quickly shifted covering her. Ophelia couldn’t get away from Quinn but she could move her stick so she just flicked the puck randomly backwards and hit the post.
“That was smart.” Quinn praised looking at her proudly once they stopped the drill, she couldn’t get away from him defending him so she took the shot even at a bad angle.
Ophelia wiped her face and she smiled up at Quinn.
Quinn started telling her something else she could try and she giving him her full attention as she listened to his instructions.
Jim raised a eyebrow noticing how Quinn was talking to her and seemed to be explaining something to her and noticed the way Quinn had her full attention and had a feeling Quinn will be teaching her a lot on and off the ice.
Quinn smiled proudly as they went through the drill once more and she did exactly what he suggested and she did it perfect, he gave her a high five and patted her head softly, “Good job.” He gave her a proud smile making her perk up a bit and smile back.
Eventually they finished their practice and Ophelia followed the boys off the ice and back to the locker room.
“You were great.” Jack nudged her elbow softly as they sat down in their stalls.
“Awesome.” Luke added agreeing with Jack.
Ophelia shyly smiled back and saw Quinn nodding in agreement.
She had a lot of fun practicing with the boys and Jim coaching, Hockey hasn’t felt fun like that since her Dad would coach her or skate with her, she’s missed hockey being fun.
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zalder · 12 hours ago
“You could but deep down I bet you know the answer.” Zarah felt like most people knew the hard answers even when they didn’t want to answer them. Sometimes, it was a matter of simply not wanting to really give something that much thought and other times there was a bit of denial involved. When push came to shove, a person’s inability to verbalize answer had little to do with a lack of knowing and more to do with what the answer was. There were very few stakes with this one though. “Two bad choices are still choices and even with that we have preferences. I mean, ask me if I’d rather stub my tow or get a paper cut and I definitely know which one, I’d want.” She laughed though. “A shot will fix most things.” There was definitely something about a strong flavor overpowering a bad one but it could also help with so many other things. That was the beauty in it. She smiled, savoring another spoon of her gelato. “It is. I mean, plus people don’t really want to hang around haters. Why say no when you can say yes?”
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"Can I just plead the fifth on that one?" Nari asked, pulling a face, "I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to that one, since they're both pretty gross." Maybe Nari just wanted the sweet, good-tasting stuff without having to worry about nasty, gross flavors. That didn't seem like too bad of a deal. "But I think the shot -- regardless of which option you choose -- is probably a good idea." After all, if you couldn't stand the taste of something, there was nothing wrong with chasing it with some good old fashioned alcohol. "Yeah, I try to be, too," there were too many people who wanted to find the bad in anything. Everything, even. The food they ate, the drinks they drank, the places that they lived. Nari was a little too much sunshine for that sort of attitude, though. "Life's just too short to spend your time being a hater."
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aryomengrande · 1 month ago
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#fromaryg: rara#asked one of my oldest closest friends last night which one she thought was most popular + the one she thinks she’d like#+ the one she thinks id like in lads#she never played and js saw ads#she picked sylus as the most popular (i think so too amd my sister thought so too when she was asked)#she thought she’d like xavier (js like my sister)#and then for the one i’d like she was like ‘i have two answers’#and i was like ‘well one should transcend the other’#and she was like quiet and then she pointed to rafayel and said ‘dont tell me it’s this one?’#HAHAHAHHAA#(there’s no correct answer btw i was js tryna see sumn HAHAHA)#she was like ‘i picked xavier bc he kinda looks like luhan (exo)’#and bro was her first love in kpop (and most ppl’s like luhan was that idol)#i was like holy shit…lowkey…he do resemble luhan#i was like ‘whyd u pick rafayel then’#she was like ‘i thought he looked like baekhyun and well he has purple hair and thats your favorite color…’#i was like…baekhyun??? my man crush everyday since 2012?????? HAHAHAHA I WAS LIKE NO WAY#she was like YES WAY!!! IM AN EXOL TOO HE LOOKS LIKE BAEKHYUN#damn bro spend like half an hour showing me pics of baekhyun and i was like no#but now im looking through my solo albums of baekhyun#and all it did was make me miss him HAHAAHAHAHAH 😭#i stalked his IG and the old posts were no longer there like I MISS THE OLD POSTS AND ACTIVE BAEKHYUN#AND IK WE GOT THAT GOOFY AHH CHRISTMAS LIVE BUT STILL AHHAHAHAHUHUHU#how did 1:45 pm become missing baekhyun hours#HAHAHAH
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cuteniaarts · 7 months ago
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Digitalised + coloured + redesigned version of my Suiren and Vaatu sketch from two days ago, as promised!!
Coming up with Suiren’s design was a very long process of trying and failing because after you’ve drawn 9+ different versions of one character, the creativity starts to run a little dry, but I’m actually really proud of this one, she looks absolutely adorable <3
(Also yeah I did mostly just scribble Vaatu’s pattern because who has the energy to draw the all out accurately. Not me, that’s who, I’m chronically tired. People who draw him on the regular have my utmost respect. He’s still a funky little guy though :D)
Bonus, Raava incessantly screaming inside Suiren (and being completely ignored because Suiren is tired of her) while all this is happening:
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#and yeah I did say I’d do a fuckass background but all my energy went to figuring out Suiren’s design#plus I suck at backgrounds so.. woe. LoK screenshot be upon ye#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#avatar suiren au#original character#sotrl suiren#vaatu#I don’t really know what to say in these tags lmao#usually I reach the tag limit really really easily but between my previous post and answering that ask I’ve ran out of things to say#someone please indulge me in this au I have Way Too Many Thoughts about it#hmm…#you know. I think people often make different avatar aus because they dislike Korra or think she’s a bad avatar#I don’t. I love Korra. I would kill and die for her#(says the red lotus stan. yes I’m well aware. no need to call me out)#and I think she’s a good avatar who was dealt a shitty hand both in universe and by the show’s production team#I’m making this au BECAUSE I love Korra. if Suiren is the avatar Korra gets to be a normal SWT girl#she’ll get to grow up with her parents. not isolated and degraded all the time for not being perfect. maybe she’d have a sibling or two#and Suiren gets spared her sotrl trauma too. win win for everyone!!#(I return Suiren gets the weight of the world on her shoulders lmao. but it’s fine. 1. she isn’t alone in it. she has her family#2. three quarters of the LoK threats are basically automatically eliminated for her. the RL are her parents. she fuses with Vaatu#and all she has to do to defeat Kuvira is to take her dress off 😁 /hj. basically. she’ll be okay. better than in sotrl at least)#also look. I love Suiren. she’s my dear child who’s been with me since I was 12. of course I wanna make her the main character in everything#and dark avatar Korra AUs have been done countless times before me. Kat’s doing one right now!! I just wanna do something that’s my own#and also I wanna focus less on pain and trauma for once and more on the sheer hilarity of the shenanigans that will occur post-fusion#cause this isn’t Adumbration where Korra lets Raava go and fuses with Vaatu instead. here Suiren’s got both of them at the same time#and they have 10000 years’ worth of grievances to air out. it’s like living with your divorced parents#trust me I would know. except mine aren’t divorced. they’re Worse and everyone wishes they’d just separate#anyway. that aside. Suiren’s not getting any sleep any time soon while those two duke it out
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queenangella · 2 years ago
#putting this in the tags bc I need to get this out but also feel kinda guilty about it so I don’t wanna scream it in a post#but I feel soo irrationally pissed at my friend#bc she’s one of my best friends and I love her but I haven’t heard from her all summer except for the like four times she answered my#messages only to immediately ask me something in return#it took her two weeks to reply to a meme I send her only to immediately follow up with ‘het remember how you said your parents wanted to#hire my band’#‘ahaha summer is so busy I’ve read all my books anyway you told me I could borrow this one book?’#last was ‘heyy sorry for not replying haha anyway im bored next week wanna go on a trip’#to which I replied ‘yeah I would love to but I have my internship starting next week remember’#and its like I don’t mind that she doesn’t answer my texts like god knows I hate texting#but its really starting to feel like our relationship is fully based on her needing me for something#which I have felt before but I kinda dismissed it as me thinking it was always me who had to take initiative which was disproved when she#asked me to meet up a few times but thinking back it was always like ‘hey let’s meet up for coffee’ and then when I arrive having literally#left the library where I’d been studying for only ten minutes bc otherwise i wouldn’t see her.#she’s like ‘oh I don’t want coffee anymore but I need to go to the supermarket wanna join me?’#which I always did bc I wanna spend time together and it’s cheaper for me than getting overpriced coffee but!!!!#anyway I’m feeling this now bc while she hadn’t answered my ‘sorry can’t go on a trip’ text I did just see that she’s currently in portugal#with another friend#which is like??? so she just found someone else to relieve her of her boredom and so she didn’t need me anymore so why answer me right??#anyway it’s probably not that bad and I will talk to her about it when I see her again which will probably be in a month I guess but for now#I don’t wanna ruin her trip
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maaarine · 4 months ago
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Why are British teenage girls so unhappy? Here’s the answer (Caitlin Moran, The Times, Sep 13 2024)
"The report, by the Children’s Society, found that British 15-year-old girls are the most unhappy in Europe.
British girls aged 10-15 are “significantly less happy” with their life, appearance, family and school than the average boy — and their happiness is still declining.
Boys’ life satisfaction, meanwhile, remains broadly stable. (…)
But I still didn’t have an “aha!” moment about why this so disproportionately affects girls until… I talked to some teenage girls.
It was at a party, and I went to vape with them on the patio. Because I take my nicotine like children do.
“Duh — it’s the boys,” one said when I brought it up, as all the others agreed.
“The boys?” I asked.
My last book, What About Men?, had been all about how much boys struggle these days: their loneliness; their suicide rates. I’d spent the past year feeling very sympathetic towards boys.
“Yeah, well, who do you think they’re taking out their unhappiness on? It’s us,” another girl said.
“One boy at school used to draw a picture every day of how ugly I was,” a third girl said. “Every day for two years.”
“They’ve all got ‘Rate The Girls’ polls on their WhatsApps,” the first said. “They mark you down for weight gain, haircuts, what you say.”
“But then, if you’re hot, it’s just as bad, in a different way, because they’ll be talking about how they want to f*** you.”
The girls discussed coping techniques. Bad news: none of them worked.
“The only way you can stop them is if you become ‘one of the boys’ and hang out with them. But then,” the second girl said with a sigh, “all the other girls call you a slut. Because you’ve gone over to the boys’ side.”
“Surely it’s not all the boys?” I said. “There must be some nice boys?”
“Oh, yeah,” one girl said. “But they keep their heads down. Because… well, look.”
She showed me the Instagram account of her friend. Under every picture she posted of herself — smiling in a new dress; with her dog — dozens of anonymous accounts had replied with the most rank abuse.
“Fat.” “Slut.” “You gonna try and kill yourself again, for attention?”
“They’re all boys from her school,” she said. “And look, this one boy tried to defend her.”
I saw a series of messages from a brave teenage boy, posting things like, “You’re all big men, leaving these replies under anonymous accounts.”
As I could see, this boy immediately became a target too. Mainly accusations that he was “white knighting” this girl: “You wanna f*** her, bro?”
“So,” I asked, “you don’t think it’s social media pressure to be beautiful, or the economy, that’s making girls so sad?”
“Well, yeah, them too,” the first girl said. “But, Monday-Friday, 9-3, I’m not on social media. I’m not… in the economy. I’m just with these boys. And no one talks about how horrible they are.”
I thought about another recent report, showing a 30 per cent ideological gap between Gen Z men, who are increasingly conservative, and Gen Z women, who are increasingly progressive.
I thought about Andrew Tate, who has nine million mostly young male followers — and faces human trafficking charges, which he denies.
And I thought: maybe these girls are on to something. Maybe more people need to vape with teenage girls and ask them for the school gossip."
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partiallysame · 1 month ago
Ghost gets no bitches and he reminds me of whatever that TikTok audio is that’s like “how’d you get her?” And the other person is like “get her? No she grabbed me by the throat and told me I was hers”.
Word count: 800
Warnings: none (ghost being immediately whipped)
So hear me out you’re at the grocery store and while walking down the aisles you see this behemoth of a man. Big muscle sexy, surgical mask covering his face. You want. What to say? How should you approach? Ah yes you need help getting something from the top shelf. Stepping so you’re in his line of sight
“Could you come here?” You ask him and he just gives you a blank stare. Raising your eyebrows clearly waiting for a response he turns around looking for who you could be talking to and who is clearly not listening to you. When he sees no one else in the aisle he slowly points at himself, questioning you. “Yes you.” You smile trying to hold in a laugh. Quickly adding a “please” in the sweetest little voice and he is scurrying over to you.
“Could you please reach that box for me?” Ghost raises his arm up and points to a box when you nod confirming that’s the one you want he hands it to you. “That one too please” he obeys. You have him hand you two more boxes (not needing any of them). Then you try to push your luck a little. “Wait not this one” you hand him a box back and he returns it to the shelf. Before you know it you’ve had this man put all the boxes back just to hand them to you again. A smirk plastered on your face. Not once did the large man question you, not when you were looking up at him with those pretty eyes.
“Ok done with this aisle. Come on.” You start walking and his feet are following you. He hasn’t said a word to you but is following you around the store like a puppy. Down the next aisle you pointed at something (well within your reach) and he handed it you.
“Are you always this obedient?” You watched his eyes go wide but he found himself nodding. He’d probably say yes to anything you ask when you’re looking at him like that, like you want to eat him whole. His answer brought a smile to your face and he swore his knees were gonna buckle. You held out your hand, “phone.” It was a statement not a question and he quickly (fumbling) pulled his phone from his pocket and handed it to you. When you saw it was locked you looked up at him moving the phone ever so slightly towards him. You had meant for him to take the phone and unlock it but instead he mumbled out “0000” a small but dramatic gasp left your lips “oh so he does speak.” You typed in the 4 digits and the phone opened. You looked up at him when the basic passcode worked. “Simple and obedient. Just how I like ‘em” ghost swallowed hard. No one has ever treated him like this. Spoke to him like this. Not even Price. He should be offended? Insulted? Definitely not turned on. Right? (mark him down and scared AND horny). You handed his phone back to him, your number and name resting on his screen. He reached to take the phone from you, but you didn’t let go. Fingers touching you looked up at him “you better call me. I’ll be real sad if you dont.” He swore he was gonna pass out. Before you let go of his phone, hands still touching, heavy steps made their way into your aisle.
“Aye lieutenant there ye are. Been wandering round lookin fer ya.” Soap called down the aisle.
Ghost refused to acknowledge his friend calling for him, keeping eye contact with you. Your smile got bigger as you let go of the phone.
“Lieutenant huh? That mean you know how to give orders too?” He nodded again. “Then I’m definitely going to need you to call me. I’d like to see that.” Your eyes shamelessly raked down his figure. Fuck he needs to hold on to something.
Once you finally walked away, Soap approached quickly asking who you were and when ghosted shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know.” (But he’s gonna that’s for sure)
“She’s a fine looking lass I’m gonna go talk to her.” Ghost’s hand moved fast, grabbing the back of Soap’s neck guiding (pushing) him in the opposite direction of you. He was thanking god you saw him first and not Soap. If you had talked to Soap like that, ghost knew you’d have him walking on a leash (who’s he kidding if you had asked ghost would’ve barked)
Part 2 Part 2.5 part 3
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psychoticfemmm · 1 month ago
Prove It
Pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!reader
Summary: Some Kook girl spreads a rumor that she hooked up with Rafe—just to piss you off. When you confront him, it turns into an argument where you start to doubt him. But Rafe? He refuses to let you walk away.
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You weren’t even looking for drama tonight.
You just wanted a chill night at the party—have a drink, dance a little, maybe even get Rafe to actually behave himself for once. But no. Instead, you had to hear some random girl tell everyone that she hooked up with your boyfriend.
At first, you laughed it off.
Because really? Rafe Cameron? Cheating on you? Not a chance.
But then you saw her—smirking, flicking her eyes in your direction, looking entirely too pleased with herself. And suddenly, you weren’t so sure.
So now here you were, arms crossed, standing in front of Rafe, daring him to explain.
“She’s saying you hooked up,” you snapped, voice sharper than intended. “Are you gonna deny it, or just stand there looking like an asshole?”
Rafe, leaning against the counter with his beer, just sighed—like this was a mild inconvenience rather than a full-on crisis.
“Babe, really?” He raised a brow. “You actually believe her?”
You hesitated.
And that hesitation? Oh, Rafe did not like that.
His jaw ticked, and suddenly, he was pushing off the counter, closing the space between you in two slow steps.
“Let me get this straight,” he murmured, towering over you now. “You think I’d let some desperate, pathetic Kook girl anywhere near me—when I have you?”
You hated that he said it like that—like it was the most ridiculous accusation ever. Like you should’ve just known better.
You huffed, looking away. “I don’t know, Rafe. You weren’t exactly shutting her down.”
His fingers tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at him.
“I don’t even know her name,” he scoffed, shaking his head. “You really think I’d fuck around on you? You think I’d risk losing you for some nobody?”
Your stomach flipped at how serious he looked—blue eyes dark, lips pressed into a firm line.
You swallowed. “…I don’t know.”
That was the wrong answer.
Rafe’s gaze hardened. “Bullshit.” He stepped closer, voice dropping lower. “You know damn well, no matter how mad you get at me, we’re always gonna work it out.”
You blinked up at him, heart hammering. “Rafe—”
“No, listen to me.” His voice was firm now, like he was making a point you weren’t allowed to argue. “You don’t get to walk away over this. Not from me.”
You sucked in a breath, nails digging into your palms. “You act like I don’t have a choice.”
Rafe grinned. “You don’t.”
His fingers curled around your jaw, holding you in place. “Because I love you. And I don’t give a shit how upset you are, you’re still mine.”
Your breath hitched. Your body was betraying you, leaning into him even as your brain told you to stay mad.
Rafe’s smirk turned smug. He could feel you giving in.
“You wanna be mad at me?” His fingers traced your jaw, down to your neck. “Fine. But don’t ever doubt that I’m yours.”
Then, just to make his point, he turned his head slightly—locking eyes with that girl across the room. The one who started all this.
And then?
He kissed you.
His hand gripped your waist, pulling you so close there wasn’t a single inch of space between you. His other hand slid into your hair, tilting your head back, deepening the kiss.
He made a point to make it slow. Intense. Unapologetic.
By the time he pulled back, you were breathless, fingers curled into his shirt.
Rafe leaned in, lips brushing against your ear, voice low and smug.
“Nice try, though.”
Across the room, the girl’s expression was pure embarrassment.
And Rafe? Rafe just grinned—like he had just won the best game he’d ever played.
You sighed. “You’re such an asshole.”
Rafe just laughed, squeezing your hip. “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”
And honestly?
Yeah, he was.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
hope you liked it <3
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months ago
My take on the neglected spouse trope, but with a little spice. Short and to the point
Yandere Batman Shorts: Adorned In Pearls
Yandere Bruce Wayne x Neglected Wife Fem Reader x Yandere Batboys (platonic)
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Tw: obsession, unhealthy relationship dynamic, power imbalance, time rewind, imprisonment (implied), death (beginning), and themes that should not be romanticized
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“Put the jewels in the bag!” (Your name) didn’t even flinch when the intruder crudely held up his gun to her while she was in the kitchen. It seems her end was finally near at last. “Did you hear me?! Put your jewels in the bag!”
(Your name) calmly turned off the stove top while the intruder kept his voice raised. She had been working on breakfast for her ungrateful husband and her adopted children since they’d be back from patrol in a few hours. Alfred was in the Batcave which left her up here and vulnerable… not that they’d care.
“Let me turn off the stove so you don’t blow the place up if you shoot.” (Your name) calmly told him. She knew this would be a tragic end… and she looked forward to her suffering to end at last.
(Your name) unclasped the pearls from her neck and placed them in the burlap sack the burglar thrusted toward her with one hand. She then made her way to take off each piece of jewelry that was an empty gift from her husband. Even his mother’s ring he gave her for their opulent wedding.
“Code. Safe. Now.” The burglar demanded as he thrusted the gun in her chest.
“0219.” (Your name) calmly stated despite how terrifying the situation was. “It’s in the third room to the right.”
She could not get another word in before a searing pain filled her chest as a loud gunshot rung throughout the house. She glanced down at her chest at the bullet hole that was now through her chest cavity.
The burglar walked off while she sank to the floor in a heap. Her hands went to her phone to make a final call but… she knew no one from this house would answer. (Your name) was always an afterthought, and she believed she would be even in death.
So she dialed 911 and waited for the operator to answer. Her right hand was stained crimson as the viscous blood pooled around her like a grotesque blanket.
Once she heard the operated answer, (your name) cut them off, “There’s been a robber and murder at the Wayne manor.”
(Your name) then hung up and turned her gaze to the ceiling. If there was another life, she would be selfish and live for herself. She wouldn’t rot away like lettuce in the back of a fridge in this manor. No… she would have more respect for herself.
Breathe in… breathe out. She smiled in peace for the first time in years. She was finally free from this lonely nightmare she had been trapped in for nearly two decades. Maybe, she would finally deserve her chance to be loved as much as she loved back.
How was she to know the nightmare only just began?
(Your name) jolted awake, her wine glass nearly slipped from her hand from the sudden movement. A myriad of voices chattered in the opulent restaurant has her eyes glanced around the almost surreal scene.
This was the restaurant she had begged Bruce and the boys to come to for her birthday with her six years ago…
“ Mrs. Wayne, would you like another glass of water?” The familiar waiter came over with a pitiful expression that she had seared into her memory from all those years ago. The look almost every waiter gave her at any venue she went to.
“Actually, I’d like to order.” (Your name) smiled. “It’s my birthday… and I want to celebrate it for once.”
The waiter seemed surprised but happily took her order. This was the first time she had ordered rather than wait for hours for a family that wouldn’t come.
(Your name) smiled to herself, her gaze focused on the complementary wine glass that was brought to her by the wait staff. How sad was it that the stranger showed her more love than her own family?
She had a second chance… and she’d be damned if she wasted it.
After she had long left and enjoyed her meal, a dashing family of five hurriedly arrived to the restaurant.
Bruce Wayne looked slightly disheveled, but that didn’t take away from his charming good looks. The billionaire and his adopted sons hurriedly glanced around the restaurant for any sign of his wife and their mother. He knew she would be here… just like she always was that she waited for them.
They had all been given a second chance when they came home and found her small, lifeless body on the kitchen floor after patrol.
Never had they all cried so much as they cradled her cold, bloody form as they desperately tried to revive her. Each of them begged for another chance to love her properly.
Each of them had spent so much time finding the perfect gift to make up all the lost time up to her and to finally celebrate her birthday like a family… just like she always dreamed.
They had always kept their distance to keep her safe from their enemies. Yet they had instead created a giant misunderstanding. One that they all desperately needed to make up for.
“Do you think mother is still here? I hope she didn’t wait too long…” Damian muttered, his green eyes nervously searched for (your name)’s delicate form.
“She always waits for us. She loves us.” Dick reassured the others, yet they all knew it was more of a self reassurance. “She will be so happy…”
The wait staff seemed surprised but they did give the boys some glares.
“Jeez, what’s their problem?” Jason huffed as he put his hands in his pockets. He didn’t see her anywhere… he had gotten her a wonderful gift for once.
“I can look up her location.” Tim chimed in as he pulled out his phone. “She’s around, I’m sure.
It was Bruce who seemed to search the hardest for her. A bouquet of roses were clenched so hard in his fists that his knuckles turned white. He would make this all right again.
(Your name) was alive once more… and he would make sure she would never die or be hurt by anyone again. She’d be protected and cherished like she deserved.
“I’m sorry, but Mrs. Wayne left hours ago.”
The men all instantly deflated. She left? But she would always be here for hours for them… was there a possibility she returned in time too?
They all went back to the manor in haste. They wanted to celebrate her birthday with her… they wanted to celebrate so much with her. They wouldn’t let her be alone ever again.
(Your name) dipped her feet in the hot tub at the manor with a content sigh. Her lungs deeply inhaled the crisp night air with a dreamy sigh. This felt so peaceful. Why had she never celebrated her birthday like this before?
(Your name) didn’t even flinch when she heard the boys come home. Perhaps patrol ended early? It’s been so many years of being ignored that she hardly knew what went on in their lives.
She slipped the robe off and slid her swimsuit clad body into the comfortably hot water. Another sigh spilled through her lips, her muscles relaxed. This felt like heaven.
(Your name) jumped when Bruce suddenly slid the sliding door open with a loud whack. She was quick to cover her cleavage with her hands despite how this man was her legal husband.
“ Mr. Wayne? What are you doing here-“ Bruce was quick to close the distance and pull her into a hug. The muscular man shook like a leaf as he held her to him. His heart beats so fast, she swore it was about to burst.
“You’re alive… you’re okay…” (Your name) did a double take at his words. When did he ever care about her well-being?
“Yes? Why wouldn’t I be?” There was no way he came back to the past too, right? Her original, neglectful husband would never hold her and bury his nose in her hair like this…
Yet here Bruce Wayne, her infamous billionaire, Playboy husband, was with his face borrowed into her skin. His nose deeply inhaled her scent like she was his favorite flower. He held her as if she was something precious, something he has never done in their two decades of marriage.
“What are you doing?” She asked, but he only held her tighter.
Bruce pulled back to study her face, is blue eyes were dark like a sea storm. His brows were furrowed in worry.
“Hugging my wife.”
A humorless chuckle bubbled from her chest. So now she was his wife? Since when has he treated her as such.
“Is this a joke?” She asked him despite how serious he looked. “I’m just a decorated house pet-“
Her eyes almost popped out of her head when he planted a searing kiss on her lips. A gasp escaped her as his tongue thrust its way into the cavern of her mouth and tasted every inch of it. His hands greedily grasped at her body.
“Wife… my wife.” Bruce whispered against her lips. “My beautiful wife.”
“Mister Wayne-“
“It’s Bruce.” His voice was authoritative as he cut her formalities off.
“…Bruce.” She sighed. “I’m not sure what you want from me.”
“I want you. I want my wife.” (Your name) squealed when h got into the hot tub with her to hair with her. “It’s your birthday today…”
He… he knew her birthday?
“I didn’t think you ever noticed...” She muttered, but he pressed his forehead to hers.
“All these years, we thought we were keeping you safe by keeping a distance. How foolish I was.” Bruce sighed. “You’re safer in our arms, in my arms.”
(Your name) was speechless when he pulled a gift box from his breast pocket and opened it to reveal an exquisite pearl necklace.
“You deserve to be adorned in pearls and jewels. To be pampered by me.” Bruce didn’t give her the chance to move away as he clasped the necklace around her.
Despite its elegance, (your name) couldn’t help the dread that pulled in her stomach. She could not stop the feeling that this pearl necklace was nothing more than a magnificent collar.
“You look so beautiful in those pearls… they were my mother’s, you know.” Bruce hummed as he picked her up and placed her on the edge of the hot tub.
Bruce placed her robe back over her form.
“Let’s get changed and go celebrate your birthday properly with the boys. They really want to see their mother.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “and after that, I think you and I can finally make up for all the lost time.”
(Your name) felt a tear roll down her face that Bruce took as a tear of joy. Yet only she knew the truth.
She had believed she would escape and find her own happiness, now she realize she would never escape this gilded cage.
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certifiedyapperx · 11 months ago
imagine you’re dating ghost and no one knows. the two of you have kept it a secret on your end and his just for your protection— because ghost knows what could happen if someone finds out, how someone might try and target you to get to him, or worse, given his line of work.
but then imagine that he’s on a mission, interrogating some piece of filth ready to decorate the fucking wall with his brain matter when the guy says “you know what, simon, killing me would be the biggest mistake of your life.”
immediately ghost would pause, eyes narrowed, though his hardened demeanour wouldn’t fade much, he’d just blankly stare at the prick like “oh yea? n’ why don’ you tell m’ why.”
the shit-eating grin that would crawl across that fuckers lips would have ghost ready to kill him right then and there, but then he’d say “reach in my pocket. pull out my phone.”
id like to think ghost would have absolutely none of this assholes bullshit, not at all entertained by his theatrics. i’d like to think he’d just press the muzzle of his gun to the fuckers temple within an instant, all teeth barred and ready to get it over with when the guy would add,
“your girlfriend is a fucking beauty, isn’t she?”
everything would pause. ghost, time, the world, air, the universe itself—the life that would drain from ghosts face would almost be enough to make his alias a reality. his heart pounding in his throat, his fingers fucking trembling as he immediately reached into the assholes pocket to find his phone—a picture of a woman tied up (face not in view however) lighting up on the home screen. there’d be no thinking rationally, no thoughts in ghosts head except for making sure you were fucking okay. he’d do whatever he’d have to do, kill the guy, leave him strapped there, whatever—he’d be out of that room in two seconds flat and personally flying the helicopter back to your house calling you nonstop every fucking second until you answered.
“hello? si?”
he’d wait a second before answering. taking everything in. background noises, the inflection of your voice. it sounds calm, maybe too calm? he’s grasping his phone so fucking hard it’s a miracle it hasn’t shattered between his fingers.
“princess,” he breathes, fighting with everything in him to keep his voice steady. “see any birds today?”
though it was a genuine question, it also was an established one. ghost had set up a series of questions for a situation precisely like this. if you said blue jay, it meant you were fine, at home, as usual. if you said crows, it meant you weren’t.
“oh just the usual blue jays, si.” he could almost hear the smile on your lips. “everything okay? i miss you.”
ghost would exhale a shattered breath. “i’m coming home.”
and then he’d show up, not all but a few hours later, hands still trembling slightly, heart rate still struggling to regulate. it was too much, reminding him too much of his past traumas, he knew he needed to find better protection for you, but that was a conversation for another time.
he’d come in the house, barely even taking the time to shut the door behind him, almost frenzied again, relentless, unable to relax until he could finally lay eyes on you. and then, the second he did, he’d just pause and look at you, all messy hair and pyjamas still on, in the kitchen cooking breakfast for you both since you knew he was on his way.
and he wouldn’t say a goddamn word, he’d just come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, hugging you so tight you’d hardly be able to breathe, his face buried in your hair and his heart thumping at your back. you’d feel the pain the fear the anxiety radiating off him and you wouldn’t try to say anything because you knew he needed this, you knew he needed to see you, hold you, feel your pulse stable and alive. you knew he just needed a moment to breathe.
and so the two of you would stand there like that for a while, and then he’d take a big inhale and spin you around to face him, pulling up his mask to plant soft kisses on your jaw.
“i love you so fuckin’ much.”
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crushpunky · 4 months ago
drew and actress!readers on hot ones
masterlist | actress!reader masterlist
this is based partially off of the new hot ones interview with the obx cast. just imagine drew and actress!reader are on opposite teams rather than drew being the question person lol. yall really seemed to like the last interview-fic i did so voila <3
“I’m already sweating.” Madison said, fanning herself as they filed into the studio. Lights and a white backdrop surrounded a table covered with wings, four chairs on each side. They’d already been briefed on how things were going to go, the eight of them divided into two teams and answering questions, their answers deciding whether or not they’d be subjected to one of the very hot wings laid out in front of them.
Drew came up behind y/n, pulling out her chair for her before heading to his own seat opposite her. She smiled at him, soothing her dress down as the rest of the cast sat down. Madelyn, Rudy, and Carlacia took seats on her team whereas Drew sat with Chase, Madison, and JD opposite them.
“You better not be expecting me to go easy on you, Starkey.” Y/n grinned, resting her chin in her hands as she looked at the man across from her, his eyes crinkling as a smile crept across his face.
“You better not be expecting me to go easy on you, my love.” Drew raised his eyebrows teasingly.
“Ok, are we ready?” One of the producers asked, to which the cast responded with excited (or perhaps anxious) cheers. The camera focused in on Chase, who reached and spun the bottle of hot sauce sitting in front of them, the ultimate decider of which team would go first. It spun for a moment before landing on Madelyn, her teammates erupting with hollers as Chases picked up one of the cards.
“Alright, Mr. Rudy,” Chase smiled cheekily. “Outer Banks has hooked viewers with its countless twists and turns, however, name one storyline you think should’ve never made it out of the writers room.”
Everyone let out some groans and giggles as Rudy began to lose himself in thought… and continued and continued to think.
“Is there a time limit on these?” JD quipped, causing Rudy to roll his eyes, stroking his chin in playful contemplation.
“This is off to a great start.” Y/n said, elbowing Rudy lightly.
“Ok, ok!” Rudy said. “I’d say… I wish they didn’t switch to the second treasure so fast. They should’ve stuck at the first treasure longer.”
“That sounds like an answer to me!” Carlacia clapped as the team opposite them picked up their wings with a groan. They each took a bite, chewing for a second before they all reached for the drinks in front of them.
“Shit.” Drew swore as he took a long sip of milk, his cheeks already beginning to flush a bright red.
“Don’t worry there’s more where that came from.” Y/n grinned as Drew shook his head. Y/n reached in front of her, grabbing another one of the question cards.
“Oh, JD,” Y/n read in a sing-song voice, “Outer Banks centers around a group of teenagers, but our cast ranges from 24 to 33 years old. Which of your costars is the least convincing teenager?”
The table erupted into “oohs” as JD surveyed his co-stars, a nervous grin on his face before his gaze landed on Chase.
“I think I have to say Mr Chase Stokes.” JD chuckled.
“Is it because of the beard?” Chase teased as y/n and her team picked up the wings in front of them. With a deep breath, y/n took a bite, her mouth immediately bursting with heat. With a groan, she reached for the ice water in front of her, hoping to soothe the fire in her throat as her eyes began to water.
“No more jokes, baby?” Drew asked as y/n fanned herself off with her hand. Y/n rolled her eyes, tossing the old question card at him. Drew picked the next card, his gaze locking onto the girl in front of him.
“Oh, perfect. Y/n,” Drew began, “part of Outer Banks’ charm is the chemistry between the cast. That being said, who here is the worst scene partner?”
“Oh no!” Y/n groaned, putting her face in her hands as the table broke out in gasps and laughter. She stole a glance at the second wing in front of her, royally coated in fiery hot sauce before thinking of an answer.
“Ok, ok! I’m going to answer, but,” y/n said with an anxious giggle, “you have to let me explain!”
Her co-stars leaned in, each of them with looks of anticipation covering their faces as y/n sat up straighter in her seat.
“My answer is…” y/n paused for dramatic affect, chewing at her bottom lip nervously, “Drew, but—”
Everyone erupted into shrieks and laughter, Drew’s jaw dropping at his girlfriend’s answer. Madelyn covered her mouth, locking eyes with Carlacia before they both turned to y/n.
“No, no, no! You have to let me explain!” Y/n reached across the table, grabbing Drew’s hand, his mouth still agape.
“This is going to be good.” Rudy chuckled.
“He’s not a bad scene partner, he is just so different from Rafe and always makes me laugh, so it takes us a million takes to get a scene done!” Y/n clarified, Drew’s shocked expression melting into a small smile.
“See, you’re just such a funny guy and I love you so much that it makes it hard to do scenes with you. It’s a compliment, really, baby.” Y/n finished with a quirk of her eyebrows, her costars swooning as the couple gazed at each other softly.
“Good save, good save.” JD teased as he and his team reached for another hot wing. The game continued for several more rounds, various questions, and, of course, lots of spicy wings, until they finally made it to the finale.
The table was moved out, their seats being arranged in a circle for a cutthroat game of musical chairs that would ultimately determine the winner of the game. Round after round, the numbers dwindled until one chair and two players remained: y/n and Drew.
“No mercy, y/n!” Madelyn shouted from the side as y/n and Drew rounded the chair slowly.
“C’mon Starkey boy!” Chase cheered. Y/n looked up for a moment, her eyes meeting with Drew’s as the music suddenly stopped. Before she knew it, Drew’s arms wrapped around her torso, lifting her off her feet with a shriek. He quickly sat down in the chair, pulling her down with him, and winning the game.
“Sorry baby,” Drew smirked, pressing a kiss to y/n’s cheek. Y/n groaned playfully, tossing her head back to rest on Drew’s shoulder as the two of them laughed in the chair.
“You’re lucky I love you, Starkey.” Y/n grinned, kissing Drew’s jaw.
“Do you? Do you really?” Drew teased, nuzzling his nose into the crook of y/n’s neck, causing her to squeal with laughter. In all her life, y/n would’ve never expected that she in all her competitive nature would be ok with losing a competition, but here she was, happy as ever.
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noisilyscreechingsong · 3 months ago
Dp x Dc short idea
Jason is Danny’s dad
Warning: Language
Jason had just returned to the family publicly about two weeks ago. It hadn’t even been that long for him to settle before something happened. The press weren’t even off his ass and he has Alfred requesting he return home for an urgent matter immediately, which is butler speak for get your ass here right now!
The family was happy but adjusting to everything. They had mandatory family dinners at least twice a month and voluntarily got together more frequently, mostly just the siblings, but every once in a while Bruce would sneak in for a movie in the family room.
Alfred was pleased with the progress the family has made over the course of many years. It finally felt like everything was coming together and maybe settling down. He knew he thought that too soon when he answered the buzzer at the front gate. They weren’t expecting any visitors and looking at the video feed it was a young woman with hands on her hips glaring back at the camera. There were two large bags with her and surprisingly enough a young child playing in the grass just a short distance behind her.
“Wayne Residence, Alfred Pennyworth speaking, how may I assist you, ma’am?”
“Lettin’ me in for starters,” she says back with venom on her tongue.
“My apologies, but you do not have an appointment.”
She snorts, “Nah, but ya see, I saw that bastard on the news and thought I’d drop off what he gave me.”
To get her point across, she turns and looks back at the little boy not paying her any attention.
“Danny!” She snaps and he jerks his head to look at, who Alfred is assuming is, his mother. “Come here.”
He hops up at his own pace and dusts off the grass on his knees before trotting over. She leans down to angle the young boy away from the camera and pushing back his hair.
He couldn’t see it well before by the way the boy was positioned before, but Alfred could clearly see a prominent patch of white hair on the left lower section by his neck. Just like the white batch on Jason.
“You gonna let us in now?” She asks rudely.
Alfred has already determined he did not like this woman. He still buzzes them in. He contacts Jason immediately followed closely with Bruce.
Alfred then helps the two carry in the bags, while subtly checking for any weapons or explosives. Instead he finds things meant for a child.
He really didn’t like this woman.
Bruce is the first one to arrive down the stairs, pausing towards the bottom. He glances at Alfred and can see the displeasure in the butler’s eyes.
“Hello, ma’am. I’m Bruce Wayne, nice to meet you.”
“Fuckin’ everyone knows who you are, Brucie Wayne,” she huffs with a roll of her eyes.
Bruce glances down at the very young child who is hearing the foul language. He couldn’t be more than five, and completely oblivious as the little boy runs a hand along the wall and looks around at everything. He particularly keeps going back to the shiny chandelier above their heads.
“Who might you be?” He asks the woman, coming back to her as she almost touches the vase on the entry table. She draws her hand back to fold her arms across her chest.
The name seems ironic compared to her behavior.
“And how can I help you, Miss Grace?”
“Your thought-to-be-dead son left something of his. I’m here to return it.”
It took no detective to determine she was talking about the boy currently using the door frame to the sitting room as leverage to rock back and forth, holding on with his tiny hands. Bruce could see the splash of white among the dark hair from this angle.
Bruce hums.
“Is that so?”
“I’ve already contacted Master Jason. He should be arriving soon. Shall I prepare some refreshments in the drawing room?” Alfred informs.
“Thank you, Alfred. Right this way,” he says to Grace, directing her toward the left while pulling out his phone to ask Tim to prepare the proper equipment downstairs.
“Danny!” The woman calls with impatience. She glares at the little boy who calmly turns to look at her, then skips behind them.
Grace huffs but doesn’t say anything else as they enter the room. She sits herself in the middle of the love seat and Bruce takes one of the chairs across from her. The boy, Danny, explores the room thoroughly, walking around without pattern and investigating every nook and cabinet to keep himself entertained. Very curious little child.
Bruce tries to engage her in conversation to dig up more information, but she firmly wanted to wait for Jason before divulging anything. He did however find out that Danny is four and needs to be enrolled in kindergarten next turn. Grace works night shift but wouldn’t say where.
Alfred came with three waters, one in a smaller plastic cup for Danny, and a plate of crackers and cut up fruit.
Grace eyes the butler with a raised brow. However, the first words Danny has spoken in their presence is a cute, “Thank you, mister,” before munching on a cracker and sipping from his cup. His curious eyes flick over the fruit and wanders over to his mother who picks at a rip in her jeans. He taps her knee and she sighs.
“What is it?”
“What’s that?”
Danny points to the fruit.
“What’s what?”
He creeps forward to point directly at the blackberries mixed in with the blueberries and strawberries.
“Blackberry,” she answers shortly.
“What’s it taste like?”
“Why don’t you try it and find out?”
He must have approved of that suggestion and reaches in to clumsily wrap a tiny hand around one of the dark berries. He flips it over in his hand for a minute, observing it at all angles, feeling the texture of the little bumps, before shoving it in his mouth. Danny leans his body over the coffee table to drag the bowl closer and rummage through it for more goodies.
Really looking at him, Bruce could see Jason’s freckles and the few other similarities like his square jaw and lip shape. He hasn’t seen it yet but Bruce bets Danny has the same crooked grin as his son.
He has the woman’s pale complexion and nose shape. His hair was straight like hers instead of Jason’s curls, but Danny took his dark coloring compared to her light brunette.
The boy was an adorable mix of both his son and this woman. He almost felt the test was unnecessary, but he didn’t stop Alfred from replacing the plastic cup and take it back to the kitchen where he knew it would be handed off to Tim.
Thankfully it was a day where there weren’t any meetings for either of them to attend.
Surprisingly, it isn’t Jason that enters the room first, it’s Damian coming home from school. The fourteen year old, almost fifteen, holds a leash in one hand with Titus standing patiently next to him, ready for his after school walk.
“Father, I heard we have guests.”
The teen stops in the doorway and Danny turns with interest until he spots the animal, then his eyes bug with excitement.
“Mommy, doggie,” he whisper shouts.
She just hums in affirmative, looking the new arrival up and down.
Danny grabs a blackberry from the bowl and trots over to Damian. He holds out the piece of fruit.
“This is a blackberry,” he states proudly.
Damian blinks down at the small child. Titus tilts his head, his nose working hard.
“I’m aware.”
“You can have it, if you let me pet your doggie,” he negotiates like he needed to give something in order to receive permission.
Damian looks up to his father for answers.
“Jason will be here soon,” is what he gets instead, his father’s lips twitch.
Damian looks back down in sudden realization when he sees the similarities between the man and this boy. He sighs tiredly.
“Pennyworth. A wet washcloth if you please.”
“Right away, Master Damian.”
“Next time, you only need to ask to pet Titus, you do not need to give me anything in return,” he tells the child.
Danny looks down at the berry sitting in his stained hands.
“So you don’t want it?”
“…Maybe later.”
Danny skips back to carefully set the berry off the side on the tray, as if to save it for Damian for later like he said. He jogs the short distance back to them.
“Can I pet your doggie now, please?”
Damian takes the washcloth Alfred hands him with a nod and crouches down to get level with the boy.
“We must wipe our hands first. We don’t want anything sticky in his fur,” he explains as he holds out the washcloth for Danny’s hands.
The four year old looks down at the stains to see what he means and then places his hands on the washcloth for Damian to get the juices off.
The teen then calmly explains how to properly approach a dog he does not know by letting Titus smell the back of his hand first and then to always stay calm and confident.
Titus, the gentle giant that he is, had no problems letting the tiny child pat him and run small fingers through his short fur. It was endearing to hear the giggles when Titus used his big nose to sniff at the child’s face and neck. Sitting down, Titus was taller than the child standing up, which would have been scary to some kids, but Danny seemed to love Titus instantly. The little boy easily telling the dog what a good boy he is even with the dog sitting there doing nothing.
“Titus needs his afternoon walk now,” Damian informs.
Titus stands at the word walk, clearly ready to go.
“Oh, okay.” Danny turns to the big dog to reach up and pat his head twice. “Bye-bye, Titus. Have a good walk.”
The two leave and Danny skips back over to hang over the arm of the love seat his mother sits in, typing on her phone.
“Mommy, did you see the doggie? His name is Titus. He’s a good dog.”
“Uh-huh,” she comments without really listening.
“Do you like dogs, Danny?” Bruce asks with a smile.
Danny looks at him like he forgot the man was there, tilts his head as he studies him for a moment. Bruce waits patiently until Danny deems him okay and perks back up with bright eyes.
“Uh-huh! I love dogs! Mommy says we can’t get one ‘cuz our ‘partment is too small and they’re dirty. You’s guys are lucky,” the boy rambles as he wanders around the coffee table to get closer to Bruce and away from his distracted mother.
“How do you feel about cats? Damian has a black and white one around here somewhere.”
Danny shrugs and they continue to have a rather pleasant conversation about different animals and foods and each of their houses. It takes up the amount of time for Jason to walk through the door, seemingly already informed of the situation from Alfred.
Jason was… flabbergasted. Bewildered. Caught unprepared. He was a lot of words. Mostly he was scared.
Did he really have a child? A son? If that was true then he missed so much. He missed all of his firsts. First words, first steps, first laugh, first everything.
Would the boy even like him? What if he saw all his scars and was scared of him? What if he didn’t want anything to do with Jason after not being in his life this whole time?
But the boy might not be his. There’s that. That could be… Jason didn’t like the disappointment that thought brought.
Grace was the first one he noticed. Her ripped jeans and low cut top being out of place among the antique furniture and Persian rug. She scowls at him, putting her phone down.
“Finally decided to show up?”
He bites back a comment. He broke several traffic laws to get here, it wasn’t his fault he was fourty minutes away at the time he got the call.
He glances over at Bruce and instead his eyes zero in on the child standing by the armchair Bruce was sitting in.
Just one look and he knew the boy was his.
He looks to Bruce anyway for confirmation, since he has no doubt he sent off a sample to Tim hiding like the troll he is in the basement. The man nods. Jason sucks in a deep breath and suddenly needs to sit down.
He sinks heavily in the matching armchair next to Bruce’s, separated only by a round end table. Jason can’t stop staring at those big, blue eyes that are filled with such curiosity and innocence he almost breaks down right then. But he can’t. He has to be strong. He can’t just walk away to get a handle on his emotions. He’s a dad now.
“You’re a hard man to find,” Grace folds her arms over her chest.
“I’ve been busy,” he answers lamely.
She humphs and looks away with a shake of her head.
The boy, Danny Alfred said his name was, creeps around Bruce’s legs to get closer, obviously seeing something in Jason enough to investigate. The room is quiet as they wait to see how Danny will react.
Coming to a stop right before his knees, Danny stares up at the large man with lots of scars and muscles from what he can see. He wasn’t scared. There was just something familiar that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He looks… he looks like… and he also feels almost like…
Furrowing his brows in a pout, he knows his Mommy doesn’t like it when he does it, but he still makes his eyes burn with green.
The man gasps and his eyes also swirl into an angry green.
“Daddy?” Danny asks with hope and joy.
Daddy swallows and then nods.
“Yea, buddy, I’m your dad.”
“Daddy!” The boy cheers, jumping in place with a wide smile. “Daddy! Mommy, look! It’s Daddy!”
Danny wastes no time climbing into the man’s lap and wrapping his arms around him as far as they’ll go (not very far) to press his ear to Jason’s chest over his heart. He’s practically vibrating with excitement and Jason makes sure to set a large hand on his back to hold him close.
“I fuckin’ knew it,” Grace hisses, her eyes wide at the display earlier. Both of their eyes had returned to their calmer blue and teal color, but everyone in the room saw it. “I knew he got it from you.”
His eyes narrow in warning, pulling the boy closer to his chest. He sets a hand over Danny’s exposed ear to protect him from the harsh words he’s probably already heard before.
“Do you have any idea how creepy it is to deal with a tantrum when your kid has fucking glowing green eyes?”
“Did you hit him?” Jason growls, the vibrations seeming to settle Danny even more.
“Please, I’m not my mother,” she dismisses with a sneer.
Could have fooled him.
“Everything was fine until he started doing freaky shit. I don’t know how to raise a meta kid, alright?”
“What are you talking about?”
Now he was just confused. What stuff was Danny doing that Grace thought he was a meta?
“Don’t try to pretend you don’t have powers too,” she points viciously.
“I’m not pretending. I don’t have powers. I don’t have the meta gene. What can he do?” He demands while being transparently clear.
She just glares back at him, obviously not believing him. That didn’t exactly matter at the moment.
“What can he do?” He repeats with emphasis.
She puckers her lips like she’s tasted something sour and then lifts her chin.
“Why doesn’t he just show you, huh? Danny- Would you stop babying him? Danny, show him the things you can do.”
After Jason takes the hand off the boy’s head, Danny turns to his mother warily.
“But you don’t like it,” he reminds, like she forgot.
“He wants to see it, so show him,” she waves a hand at Jason like he just asked for something he would regret.
Danny leans back to look up at his dad.
“You won’t get mad? Or scared?”
He sounds so unsure and scared. As if Jason could ever hate him. Jason really wants to punch something. Preferably something with her face on it.
“I promise I won’t.”
Another parent might have something more profound to say to reassure their child, but Jason was just starting out and honestly, it was more than Bruce would ever say.
Danny thinks for a second before wiggling to get down. He looks back once more at his mother who gives him a ‘get on with it’ motion.
The boy fidgets a little before covering his face with two hands like he’s playing hide and seek, then- disappears. Jason jerks at watching his son blink out of sight like a Martian.
“Boo!” Danny pops back into view, exactly where he was standing before with his hands out like any child on Halloween.
Jason blinks and then starts laughing. This was karma. Danny could literally become invisible, something the Bats train to do for years.
“That was good, buddy,” Jason chuckles, ruffling the kid’s hair.
Danny hesitantly smiles back, a bit of hope and pride in those eyes.
“There’s more,” Grace interrupts, seemingly uneasy with how well Jason reacted.
“Yea?” Jason directs to Danny, his focus on his son.
Danny gives a shaky nod, glancing over worriedly at Bruce who is just silently watching. Jason could see the tension in his shoulders but also the intrigue.
The boy places a hand on the coffee table and focuses on his hand. It took a few minutes of concentration before Danny’s hand went through the table like he was just dunking his hand in a pool instead of through a solid object.
He pulls his hand out and they could see it be slightly translucent.
“That one’s harder to do when I want to,” Danny mumbles.
“You mean it mostly happens on accident?”
Danny nods.
“I drop a lot. And get stuck sometimes.”
Yea, Jason can see how that could be a problem. He can’t imagine how terrified Danny was the first time a body part got stuck in an immovable object. He really wishes he could have been there for him in his panic.
“The last thing is hard too. But I’ve been practicing. Watch!”
Danny jumps once, twice, and on the third time he lingers in the air, coming down slowly like someone in water or astronauts on the moon. Danny pushes off the ground a fourth time, this time floating steadily higher like gravity meant nothing to him.
Despite the kid obviously have done this before and enjoying it with his giggles, Jason stands under him in case he falls. And falls he does. Suddenly, like the strings being cut and gravity taking hold of him again, Danny plummets into Jason waiting arms. The boy grunts on impact and then smiled sheepishly up at his dad.
“Sorry, Daddy. I promise I’m doing better.”
“That’s okay, squirt. I’m glad I was here to catch you.”
Jason plops back into the chair with his child in his lap.
“Anything else up that sleeve of yours?” He teases but is equally as serious.
Danny shakes his head enough to make his hair fluff. Jason looks to Grace for confirmation and sees she is still recovering from Danny’s fall out of the air. How many times has she had to catch him? Or wasn’t able to catch him?
She clears her throat.
“I don’t know if it’s part of it, but he never gets sick. Never even had a cough.”
Children always get sick, that’s how they build immune systems. For Danny to have never gotten even a cold, Jason doesn’t know if it’s worrying or a good thing.
“Any allergies?” Is the first thing on his mind, thinking of what Alfred will need to know.
She shakes her head with a negative hum.
“In one of the bags is a folder with all of his documents. Birth certificate, immunizations, doctor visits. I also made a list of some favorite things and things he hates. It has foods on there too.”
That was… honestly more than he was expecting from her. But it also cements the fact that she intended to drop him off with him and then never see them again. She raised him for four years and she doesn’t even want visitation? Does she not understand there are legal documents she needs to sign to transfer custody properly?
“There are some things you need to sign, but it will take some time to get it sorted,” Bruce chimes in all business.
Long nails swipe through the air like signing her rights away was trivial.
“My phone number and address are on one of the documents. Just tell me when and where.”
She stands to leave and Jason can feel Danny tense up.
“Are we leaving?” He asks worriedly, climbing down from his seat on his dad’s lap. He didn’t want to go.
“You’re staying here. With your dad,” Grace says shortly, not once looking at the boy.
“Are you going home to get the rest of our stuff?”
“No. I’m going home. You’re staying here. End of story.”
Danny visibly thinks on that for a second then scampers after his mother as she leaves the room.
“Is it like Robbie where his mom lives in one ‘partment and his dad lives in a different one?”
Grace sighs and runs a hand through her hair. She’s clearly flustered and is showing it as irritation, but Jason can’t help but trail behind in case she says something that she shouldn’t.
“No, Danny, it’s not like Robbie. I- I am leaving you here and I’m not coming back, okay?”
Jason takes a step forward to draw her attention and send her a look that says ‘choose your words carefully, this is a conversation he will remember for a long time’.
“But- but why? Is it ‘cuz of my things? I’m sorry I scared you, Mommy. I didn’t mean to. I won’t do them again, promise.”
Jason grits his teeth at how desperate his son sounds, trying to keep his mother with him. Even making a promise he can’t keep.
Grace finally looks at her baby. Sees the turmoil and tears in his baby blue eyes. She gets down on her knees to get level and places her hands on his tiny shoulders.
“You will do them again and that’s not a bad thing. Your things are part of you. That’s okay. You’re not in any trouble. I just- I’m in over my head here, Danny. I can’t take care of you the way you should be taken care of, okay? But your dad can, I hope. So I’m leaving you here. With him.”
Danny’s lip wobbles and she has to restrain herself from not hugging him like she always does when he’s upset.
“Then- then you’ll visit, right? Like Chase’s grandma visits him?”
Why is this so hard?
“I don’t think so, baby. I don’t think you’re gonna see me again. I’m sorry.”
Danny is silent for a while. He wipes his eyes and sniffs.
“Are you goin’ ‘way like Jamal’s dad?”
The ten year old in the same building as them lost his dad in a wrong place wrong time type situation. Jamal had told Danny his dad went away forever so he couldn’t see him again. Grace had told him that when people go away forever, they get put among the stars he loves so much to be remembered.
Grace wears such a pained expression Jason half thought she was about to burst into tears.
“Kinda,” she nods. “So give me a big hug, okay?”
Danny was in her arms before she finished speaking. Jason didn’t exactly know why she wanted to stop all contact, but he had a theory that if Danny really was a meta (and with his powers he was leaning toward believing it) then Grace would want to distance herself as much as possible to protect them both. He met her in Crime Alley, he knew they didn’t live in a good spot. If any one of those crooks saw Danny use any of his powers, they could steal him easily from his single mother. She didn’t want to give those kind of people leverage to get Danny and sell him off. She wasn’t trying to be cruel, she was just trying to do what was best for her kid, even if that meant cutting her out of his life.
He had a strange new respect for her he didn’t want to acknowledge.
Grace takes a heavy breath and pulls away showing Danny’s tear stained cheeks. She wipes them like it would do anything.
“I gotta go now, Danny.”
“No,” he cries and Jason’s heart breaks a little more.
“We gotta say goodbye now. Please.”
Grace is just barely hanging on. Jason knows as soon as she walks out that door she’ll break down.
“I don’t want to. Don’t want you to leave,” Danny whines, trying to keep a strong grip on his mother.
She holds his hands in hers and gives him a serious look.
“You’re going to be fine. You’re gonna be just fine with your dad.” She leans in and whispers, “You’re not alone, Danny. You are never alone. Just look up. Look at the stars, baby, and you’ll be okay.”
Danny pouts, but thinks about those words.
“I like the stars,” he mumbles.
She smiles, probably the first one in a while.
“I know you do.”
She kisses his forehead one last time and stands. Danny whines. She steps away.
“Bye-bye, Danny. I- I love you.”
“Mommy,” he cries, tears and snot coming full force now.
Jason can’t take anymore and picks up his son to hold on his hip.
“It’s okay, buddy. I got you,” he assures. He turns to Grace who is having the internal battle of her life in the foyer. “I got him.”
It’s an assurance to her too, that he will take care of Danny, that he would be there for him. It was a promise.
Grace sees it for what it is and leaves out the front door without another word.
Danny screams and cries and struggles, but Jason holds on tight, scared he’ll fall or use his powers to get away and disappear. The man walks back to the drawing room so his son wasn’t staring at the door longingly.
As soon as Jason sits down, Danny struggles harder since they stopped moving. So Jason stands again, adjusting the boy in his arms and starts pacing a path around the room.
Bruce has already disappeared, not knowing what to do with a heartbroken child crying his eyes out. Alfred has cleared away the tray of snacks, leaving two waters on the table, one in a small, plastic cup. Jason spies Damian poke his head in for a second to see what the matter was, and upon seeing no immediate threat went off wherever. Other than that, father and son were alone to figure themselves out.
Danny was going through a lot for a toddler and Jason didn’t exactly know how to handle what happened either. He tried his best with speaking reassurances into the boy’s hair, but he didn’t know if Danny even heard him over his own crying.
It was a rough first meeting to be frank, but after a while (what felt like ages) Danny cried himself to sleep and Jason felt it safe to finally sprawl out on the loveseat with the boy laying on his chest. Compared to a grueling patrol, that was definitely worse. He never wanted to have to go through that again, but knew as a dad it was part of the job description.
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starkwlkr · 7 months ago
happy life, happy wife | hugh jackman
an: “you attract what you fear” GUYS IM SO SCARED OF A 55 YEAR OLD AUSTRALIAN 😭 definitely thinking about making marvel actress!reader x hugh an actual series… i have ideas
marvel actress!reader
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Deadpool & Wolverine Press tour - Hot Ones
Hugh felt like he was going to die. Each wing was getting hotter and hotter, but immediately when he heard his wife’s name he forgot all about the spice.
“Hugh, your wife is part of the Avengers, how does it feel having your wife be part of such a huge franchise? Have you two talked about a potential team up with the X-men and the Avengers?” Sean asked.
“My wife . . . Oh god, I think I’m crying-”
“I can’t tell if you’re legitimately dying or completely in love with your wife.” Ryan told Hugh.
“Wait . . I am completely in love with my wife and I would legitimately die for her.” Hugh gasped as he rearranged Ryan’s words.
“Is that in the contract she made you sign when you married her? ‘I vow to die for you’. My contract said I had to give all my money to my kids and wife.” Ryan said.
“No, she’s amazing, um, if I start talking about her I think I might go on for hours,” he laughed. “Our kids do want to see their parents fighting the bad guys together. We would love to team up, maybe it could happen.” Hugh smiled.
“The entire movie would be them making out and her beating the shit out of you. I’d pay to see that.” Ryan added.
Comic Con 2024
Like RDJ, your last Marvel movie had been Avengers: Endgame. After being in ten mcu films, it was time to say goodbye to your character.
But that was in 2019.
At this years comic con, you were back. The cast of Deadpool & Wolverine had taken the stage and showed their appreciation for the fans. After their panel, it was time to announce Marvel’s upcoming projects. Kevin Feige announced the Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, Captain America 4, and finally the new Avengers movies, which everyone was extremely excited about.
After showing the title card for the upcoming Avengers film, Kevin turned to the audience.
“Something people have been asking, as of late, is who the heck is going to direct these two movies?” The audience clapped.
From the side of the stage, you were nervous. What if the fans didn’t like the idea of you directing the next two Avengers films? Your worrying caused Hugh to come to your rescue.
“Hey, they loved you as an Avenger, they will love you even more.” Hugh kissed your forehead. “If anyone says anything about this decision, they have me to deal with.”
You laughed at his words. “I really love you so much.”
“Love you too, bub.” Hugh was about to kiss you when Ryan cut in.
“I really love us too. I convinced half of the people here that we’re a throuple.” He said in the most serious tone ever.
Kevin announced you as the director. Your doubt of the fans not liking the announcement was proven wrong when you walked the stairs to the stage and stood next to Kevin. They cheered when they saw you were back.
As you said a few words, thanking Marvel, Kevin and the fans, you were being recorded by Hugh, who was being recorded by Ryan.
“That’s my wife!” Hugh cheered from backstage, holding his phone in his hand.
“She’s Marvel Jesus now, holy shit!”
WIRED autocomplete interview
“Is Hugh Jackman married?”
“Yes, to me, Y/n, probably to half the population,” Ryan answered. “He’s Australia’s biggest slut.”
“All the times, I proposed.” Hugh laughed. “But yes, I am married and I love my wife very much. She’s stuck with me forever.” He lifted his hand to show off the wedding band.
“Funny, because she texted me right now. Her and Blake are in the courthouse getting married. So Deadpool three was actually made so our wives could divorce us and marry each other.”
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