#i stalked his IG and the old posts were no longer there like I MISS THE OLD POSTS AND ACTIVE BAEKHYUN
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#fromaryg: rara#asked one of my oldest closest friends last night which one she thought was most popular + the one she thinks she’d like#+ the one she thinks id like in lads#she never played and js saw ads#she picked sylus as the most popular (i think so too amd my sister thought so too when she was asked)#she thought she’d like xavier (js like my sister)#and then for the one i’d like she was like ‘i have two answers’#and i was like ‘well one should transcend the other’#and she was like quiet and then she pointed to rafayel and said ‘dont tell me it’s this one?’#HAHAHAHHAA#(there’s no correct answer btw i was js tryna see sumn HAHAHA)#she was like ‘i picked xavier bc he kinda looks like luhan (exo)’#and bro was her first love in kpop (and most ppl’s like luhan was that idol)#i was like holy shit…lowkey…he do resemble luhan#i was like ‘whyd u pick rafayel then’#she was like ‘i thought he looked like baekhyun and well he has purple hair and thats your favorite color…’#i was like…baekhyun??? my man crush everyday since 2012?????? HAHAHAHA I WAS LIKE NO WAY#she was like YES WAY!!! IM AN EXOL TOO HE LOOKS LIKE BAEKHYUN#damn bro spend like half an hour showing me pics of baekhyun and i was like no#but now im looking through my solo albums of baekhyun#and all it did was make me miss him HAHAAHAHAHAH 😭#i stalked his IG and the old posts were no longer there like I MISS THE OLD POSTS AND ACTIVE BAEKHYUN#AND IK WE GOT THAT GOOFY AHH CHRISTMAS LIVE BUT STILL AHHAHAHAHUHUHU#how did 1:45 pm become missing baekhyun hours#HAHAHAH
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Hope you don't mind me too much but I was doing my daily scrolling through your page and noticed your tags mentioning fresh meat in the cannibalism post,, sooo as someone who has been obsessed with both hannibal and gallavich for far longer than what is probably considered healthy and also as someone who had a mini happy freak out when I came across fresh meat on ao3 (once more when I read it cause that fic is literally is a gift from above), I would like to express my deepest gratitudes to you for being the spokesperson of my feelings towards this little cluster of hannibal/gallavich/romantic cannibalism 🙇🙇. A cluster that apparently consists of you, me and yeah that's it ig.
But fun aside, finding you through your gallavich tags and stalking a bit to find out there's someone else who shares my feelings about hannibal has been one of the highlights of my year so far so thank you for your tagging system (and everything else) truly.
Oh and lastly, wishing you a happy pride ❤️
fr i didnt even realize i was viewing cannibalism as a metaphor for love until i reluctantly read Fresh Meat and was like 🤨wait a min...this shit slaps! turns out that being obsessed with vampires as a young child + reading the hunger games at 12 + watching Hannibal during puberty does thing to a persons psyche. it only took a mfing post apocalyptic cannibalism fic for me to realize that. like this part???:
‘I read this article once,’ Ian says in a dreamy voice. ‘About dogs who eat their owners when they die. They get shut indoors, and they need to survive, so they eat the person they love most in the world.’
He stops talking while Mickey makes him drink some water from an old beer bottle, tipping it against Ian’s lips with his dirty, bloodstained hands, with all the gentle care of a farmer bottle-feeding a newborn lamb.
and then the quote from an article about the culture-bound syndrome W*ndigo Psychosis???
People who want to eat human flesh are generally pursuing one of three outcomes. The three outcomes are (1) "preserving" a relationship with some loved one who has been "lost," (2) "solving" ambivalent feelings towards some one, or (3) acquiring some property, such as vitality or courage.
like...... idk! i dont control what my brain enjoys! but it includes this! leave me alone!
actually im still writing my interpretation of 4x11 which i plan on posting eventually, and uhhhh idk what happened the plot was lost the math stopped mathing but i let the poetic rizz take over and. yeah that is what i messaged my friend about it
anyway i cant stop fucking responding to asks with a million paragraphs so im gonna stop now. im glad someone appreciates my thorough tagging system! im always nervous about missing something on someones blacklist that i never realized how convenient it is for people to look at stuff they enjoy on my blog! glad my microscopic corner of the internet brings someone joy! HAPPY PRIDE!

#this meme of mads agshajkdiwndnsksj#s/o to cam tolerating my constant stream of stupid gallavich discord dms despite the fact that they dont even go here anymore!#also anon donut be afraid to come off anon ily#asks#anonymous#anon#a.txt#gallavich#shameless#hannibal#violence ref .#cannibalism ref . OBVIOUSLY
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Druck episode 3 reaction
thirteen minutes is UNACCEPTABLE
Episode 3
Clip 1 - Returning home
I love the look of the show. That shot of them coming up from what I assume is a train station is so simple but effective, with the group breaking into two and Hanna and Jonas being left on their own to work through what happened on the trip. Us having some distance from the situation, being able to see Hanna turn away first away from Jonas.
I think the cinematography is adding a lot to my enjoyment of Druck. I just find it so calming and gently pretty, and the lighting is bright and there’s plenty of soft colors.
Matteo and Carlos left together, which might not mean anything except they’re going the same way, or maybe they’re legit friends, or maybe Matteo doesn’t really like him but he puts up with him because they have Jonas in common or because Carlos is their weed hookup.
Jonas saying that it’s just been the two of them (Jonas and Hanna) together lately. Interesting, implies that it’s not so much Hanna-Jonas-Matteo as we might have guessed. Or just that he’s feeling stifled by being around his girlfriend so much. Orrrrr that he has a secret that he wants to keep from her and it’s hard when she’s nearby?
Man I really really am wondering if the changes in these character dynamics are going to build up to something, I really hope!
This Jonas is earnest as hell and it’s going to suck if he has some big horrible secret. He’s my favorite of the remake Jonases so far; he’s flawed but he seems vulnerable and he’s got great chemistry with both Hanna and Matteo. We haven’t seen him at his worst yet, it should be said.
I legit laughed out loud at Hanna’s texting of Mia, especially Mia’s text bubble disappearing. I mean, that wasn’t a bad joke on Hanna’s part, except you usually don’t talk about STDs with people you just met.
I mentioned in some other posts that I find the credits/title cards on each clip of Druck and Skam France distracting, but I like that Druck has been putting things like casual banter and (as in this clip) Hanna’s heavy sighing over them. They can easily be cut from the scene when the whole episode is put together, but it keeps the atmosphere going a little longer and adds some small details of characterization or mood. I prefer it to having music always close the scene and play over the credits.
Clip 2 - Hero Party meeting
Awww, Kiki turns out to be cute! She turned it around fast. Also props to her for acknowledging that it was sweet of Hanna to try to find her a Sam. And she clearly did not make the decision to not be on the organizing committee on her own, and Sam knows she’s fibbing.
An explanation for the hero party! So from what I can tell from German viewers, this isn’t a usual German tradition or anything, it’s specifically for the show? IDK how realistic it is but making it a tradition specific to this school makes it a little less contrived. I don’t really get how throwing an amazing party for the graduating class will make the party for this class even better, since it’ll be a whole new class throwing the party for them, unless it’s in the sense of “we raised the quality level so far that they’re going to have to try to top us.”
This isn’t a bad way to adapt russ. I’ve been waiting for a version where the five girls all got assigned together on some project/event rather than coming together voluntarily. Plus Hanna met all the girls separately prior to this meeting, so there’s an established connection between her and all the girls.
Nice way to show Hanna being a follower with her just joining Kiki/Sam at this meeting and raising her hand after everyone else does. She does feel a very insecure version of this character.
This setup makes Leonie directly reject Hanna, Kiki, and Sam based on prior beefs, and her shunning Amira to the end is not a great look. IDK what she has against Mia except she’s a new girl who had the audacity not to know what the party was, so I guess that’s enough? They really are Los Losers.
Let’s talk about what a glorious nickname Blondus Maximus is and how there was a missed opportunity to call the Penetrator Chris character some variant of that (Brunettus Maximus?) Max can be a girl’s name too! Not sure how popular it is in Germany, though.
Shout-out to Amira’s brothers!
They also did something that I hoped they would do, instead of explaining Alexander to Hanna, they explained to Mia, who is the new girl, which makes sense. And we got her initial reaction to him.
German William/Alexander looks old as hell, even older than French William/Charles, lmao. No disrespect to the actor, I’m just not sure why the remakes are casting older-looking dudes in this role. Like Charles looks older than a teenager but almost everyone on Skam France does. Druck’s characters look like teenagers for the most part, so IDK why the William character has to be the one who looks like a teacher. Thomas Hayes was the right age.
I’m laughing at his socks. And him getting out of his car just isn’t the same without being flanked by several nameless members of his posse.
Some of the slow-motion effect is kinda strange and doesn’t look right. I noticed it in the first clip with Leonie’s walk, too.
I really liked Kiki after being somewhat underwhelmed by her first appearance (the same with Daphne, tbh). Sam and Amira remain great. Mia is the only one I’m not 100% sold on, though I think she could turn out OK.
Clip 3 - Mia and Hanna in Spanish class
OK I was wayyyy too excited that Mia mentioned her roommate using her IG to stalk guys. GERMAN ESKILD WHERE ARE YOU.
I did find it kind of weird why were they weren’t sitting together in the first place, because they walked into the room together and if Mia can just get up and move it’s not like they have assigned seats.
I felt kinda bad for the teacher in this one even if she shouldn’t be making mistakes. Her wardrobe looks like that of every enthused language teacher I’ve ever had.
Ahhh, still not sure how I feel about Mia so far? She’s cute but seems kinda stilted, and she looks a little older than the other girls (she’s 21 IRL). I do think she was better in this clip than in prior ones. Her character was more polite to the guy who’s talking to her than Noora or Manon was. She’s so far a far sweeter version of the character.
Also this clip amped up the Mia/Hanna. Mia was very, very eager to talk to Hanna at the start.
Clip 4 - Friend
You know what? I’m kinda with Jonas on this one. Why should you actually treat a bunch of assholes that you don’t like? Like this dude who apparently puts Nazi symbols on a teacher’s car? Fuck that guy, I wouldn’t throw him a party.
Obviously I don’t think he should make fun of Hanna wanting to participate, and Hanna is right, not all grade 12 students are going to be assholes. But Jonas’ reaction at least makes sense, rather than being like “this is wrong because I hate capitalism and this ties in for some reason.” (To be fair, Jonas’ opening monologue isn’t about capitalism this time around. He does mention Nazis in it, though!)
“Netflix and chili con carne” is the German version of Fresh Prince and nachos, eh?
Awww, Hanna made a friend! This Jonas seems very happy that Hanna made a friend, too.
General Comments:
Thirteen minutes?? THIRTEEN MINUTES??
no i’m not bitter
I cannot believe they teased that Hanna/Mia hangout and didn’t deliver. We didn’t even get any IG posts from whatever they were doing.
ok yeah i’m a little bitter. a smidge
Is it normal to be back at school the week following Easter? They weren’t there on Monday but I’ve seen people say they should be off the full week, I think?
Kinda wish we were going full on with the Hanna and Amira friendship but I can see how that scene was mostly there to establish her as a character through Hanna before the Hero Party, and I guess it’s possible that they will bond as a duo at some point. Maybe. I’m not thinking this is gonna be a total overhaul of S1.
Jonas and Hanna being all “it’s about being friends AND being in love” in the texts - goddamn they’re so sweet.
Also from the texts, it sounds like German Eskild is into bears. Man bears, to be clear.
This week’s episode better be at least 20 minutes, you can’t do me like that, Germany. I actually like your take on Norwegian teenagers.
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