#and then fell down a hole that his opponent had dug
dredgesnails · 2 months
i need to see gem and mumbo interacting more often. in part because mumbo's joined the pickle tree train but mainly because one of my favourite life series moments ever is genuinely the tower-off these two had in secret life. put them in more situations where they're competing against each other/encouraged to annoy the other as much as possible please
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wishmaster · 1 year
Body Swap 72 - Taken Down A Notch
Todd Bass was an 18 year old high school wrestling star, he was also the only son of a wealthy business mogul and usually got his way.
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He had gotten away with many things in his life simply because he was the only boy in a family full of women and his father planned on leaving the company to him no matter how irresponsible he was which angered hi older sisters. So on his 18th birthday the offered him a chance to live as who ever he wished for 72 hours by granting him a session in the Body Swap 72 program. He told his sisters he didn't care who he swapped with as long as they were old enough to drink and party. He really should have cared.
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Martin Reyes was a 30 something down on his luck male dancer, he didn't have the best life growing up and fell in with the wrong crowd, he spent most of his adult life creating the perfect body for himself and selling it for sex to make ends meet. At this point in his life he'd do anything to make extra cash and get a head. So he signed up for the body swap 72 program. Imagine his glee and surprise when he found out he'd be spending three days as a sexy rich white boy.
When the swap happened, Todd was shocked to find himself in such an inked up body. Not only was the guy covered in tats and wearing leather, his new body was extremely horny.
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try as he might to releave himself, masturbating to women in his new ripped body wasn't cutting it, in fact Todd found his new body was more attracted to the guys in the porn now. fearing the worst he headed out to a club where his new body was quite popular, hot guys eyed him up. He had never fucked a guy before or been fucked, but for the next 3 days his ne "older" ass would experience the best sex he had ever dreamed of.
Meanwhile Martin was having fun being in a young virel body like Todds, captain of the wrestling team was a bonus as Martin got to feel up fresh meat in his new skin.
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Upon arriving in his temporary body he was approached by Todd's sisters and offered a ton of money if he'd just take Todd down a darker path in life. Which for the amount of money they were offering he'd leave the kid brain dead if they wanted. They came up with a fitting punishment for the golden son.
When the swap was over young Todd would be in for a shock as he woke up in his old body, but there were changes, he neverexpected.
What the fuck, he said as he stared at himself in a full length mirror.
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He was covered in tats, he know needed glasses to see and he was now the biggest cock sucker on campus. Seems during a match he sucked off his opponent right on the mat. in fact he became so good at fucking and sucking in public that he'd been kicked out of school and his father disappointed and sickened by what his son was becoming kicked him out of the house, he sent him to live with his gay brother in New York. Who instead of discouraging him from leading his new life was helping him embrace and Todd was well on his way to becoming the greatest exotic dancer at his uncles gay night club.
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All the while his sisters took their rightful place at the top of the family business.
As for Martin he took the millions he earned at left.
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Legend says he bought a motorcycle and is driving across the country enjoying his freedom. Something young Todd wouldn't know thanks to the hole he dug for him he'd spend years digging out from. Thankfully when they switched bodies Martin kept his sorcerer abilities or there would have been no way he could have done all that to Todd in 72 hours. Just goes to show in this age of Body Swaps you should know who your swapping with.
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A Phantom Adopted
Murder Misery
A devil and a priest go on the hunt, while a late fee collector and his cousins withdraw from attempting to teach a 15-year-old baby. discussions are had, plans are made.
One would expect that a soul-sucking shadow demon would be somewhat difficult for people not particularly well versed in tracking others down to find - even more so considering that Leico’s attempt to scry her failed him.  Still, it turned out that feeding on misery in order to sustain one’s looks made one unpopular, and so finding Penelope Spectra was no challenge.  The irritating part was merely that she had someone with her.
A green blob with red eyes, claws, and a fanged mouth arched a brow that wasn’t there a moment ago at them, looking wholly unimpressed.  A corpse-pale woman wearing a cropped black shirt and black pants covered in green flame accents turned around to look at them both, purple lips pulling back to reveal a smile full of fangs.
“My my, it appears someone went about seeking us out, Penelope.  We don’t get many clients who want us, do we?”
“No, we don’t.  I assure you, gentlemen, that I’ll be perfectly able to help you through whatever it is that you’ve got going on in those little heads of yours.”
Leico reached under his cloak, pulling from behind him a silver mace that hummed with power.  Duncan pulled out his pistol, disabling the safety he’d installed after one too many close calls with drunken family.
“You can help me by sitting still and letting us purge you from existence.”
“You can help me by giving me a moving target.”
Five cracks rang through the air as bullets, engraved with infernal sigils, flew and dug into the pair of ghosts with lightning speed and deadly precision.  Duncan grinned at the pair, 3 holes blasted into Spectra and 2 splatters of goo flung from Bertrand’s gelatinous form.
The grin fell and a yelp escaped him as the blob took on the form of a large cat of some kind, and claws sliced into his tail as Duncan tried to dodge out of the way.  Wonderful to learn that one of his opponents could change form like that, very nice.
“What violent little men you are!  You are men, aren’t you, not a pair of monsters trying to make themselves-AH!”
Bertrand was forced back rather quickly when Leico’s hand, wreathed in blinding grey light, slapped the shapeshifter in the center of his body and over half of it was burned away by the light.  The warbling screech Bertrand made as he retreated was music to Duncan’s ears, and he fist bumped Leico while Bertrand turned into a small bird.  
A crackling bolt of violet light flew toward them and the brothers jumped away, putting some space between themselves.  Grey-violet-green light swirled into a ball in his hand, a veritable maelstrom of color, and scoffed at Spectra.
“May your soul face proper judgment at the hands of the Queen.”
“The only Queen I answer to is myself, you pest!”
Spectra rose into the sky, as much as it was the sky, and raised a wall of ectoplasm.  The bolt of holy light pierced it like a rocket through glass, and with a flare of incandescence and a hellish wail, Penelope Spectra was nothing more than a wispy ball of shadow floating aimlessly through the void.
Bertrand flew after the core, hoping to fly his oil stain of a mistress away from the battle.
Metal coated in literal hellfire slammed through Bertrand’s wing, and he lost hold of his falcon form.
Pain became his world and Bertrand was reduced to naught but his core, the ectoplasm around him too thick with holy and infernal magic from their attackers to pull into himself, to build a new body.  That was fine, he would be fine, they’d assume this was the worst that could be done and walk away.  Humans didn’t know how the soul worked, after all.
Another bullet sailed through Penelope Spectra’s core, and even stripped down to a core himself, Bertrand could feel her screams, fire and shadows exploding into nothing.  He shuddered with a violent sorrow that threatened to rip him apart.
Rather than joining his precious Penelope, Bertrand was faced with a far more horrific reality.  Without his core, he was unbound from the ectoplasm that made up the liminal realm, and without it there was nothing.  No sight, no sound, no touch or smell or taste.  The countless senses that being a ghost afforded them, gone.  He simply was.
True destruction would have been a mercy, but demons and priests were not known for mercy when dealing out retribution.
Duncan sighed, checking over his pistol before holstering it.  Taking a deep breath, he let fire rise from within, sealing up the miniscule cuts that Bertrand had managed to land on him, and shook out his limbs.
“That was disappointing.  I expected a fight not 12 seconds of executing a couple of weaklings.”
“They preyed on children, Duncan, what did you expect?   I’m honestly just surprised they managed to nick you.”
“Yeah yeah, rub it in.  I just didn’t know that there’d be a shapeshifter, or I’d’ve backed up a bit more.   Whatever.   Think there’s a bounty we can collect on?”
“What currency would ghosts in a multicultural melting pot of an afterlife even use?  Energy?”
“True, it’d probably be a barter system or IOUs.  Whatever, let’s get back home, shall we?  Truly a riveting tale on how long this took to get to.”
Leico snorted and put away his mace, gesturing at the air in front of them.   The ectoplasm swirled up and out into a shimmering grey-violet disc, resolving into a gateway onto the deck of the Rose Phoenix.  Sharp winds and arctic cold flew out of the Gate and Leico shivered, wrapping an arm around Duncan for warmth.
“Well, if Toby and Valdan got wrapped up with the kid, Dave is dealing with learning the medicinal technology.   Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a fight.  I can feel that place sucking in my heat from here.”
The pair walked onto their spelljammer, leaving Spectra and her assistant to think about what they’d done for however long it took for souls to connect with ectoplasm.  Or however long it took until a lich found them, either or.
Jazz rushed over to check on Danny, and after several minutes of making sure there were no bruises, bumps, or cuts, she had to admit to that overprotective sister within that he was fine.  She turned to glare at Cole, who drifted lazily down beside her to give Danny his own cursory once over.  She took a deep breath, and spoke in a near hiss.
“What just happened?”
Cole held up his hands in surrender and shrugged, which did little to soothe Jazz’s building irritation.
“I dunno, probably used up a lot of energy learning a new power and tossing it out at me.  I’m not the best at all this spirituality stuff-“
“You’re literally half air spirit but alright, cous.”
“-I do know how to keep people from pulling on my magic to fill up their own drained supply.  Your brother needs to eat more.”
“Most likely needs more food filled with ectoplasm, it’s incredibly energy rich.  Maybe he should spend some time in the Ghost Zone?  Who knows.”
“As I asked, do you know where Elle is?  I personally haven’t tried my hand at scrying her but I’m rather certain that she’d feel it if we did that and I’d rather not creep her out when we go find her to offer her help.”
“I can try to look for her, I guess, but I’m pretty sure that Elle is laying low to avoid grabbing Vlad’s attention.”
“Who exactly is this Elle person, Tucker?”
“Oh yeah, we never did end up telling you about her.  Save any and all yelling until the end of the explanation or I’m going to stop telling you, got it?”
Jazz took a deep, measured breath, and nodded to Sam.
“Ok, before you start telling that tale, I’ve gotta say I’d find her better if I had the Fenton Finder­­­TM since that could track down her ectosignature.  Buuut, I’d need Vlad’s record of that ectosignature in order to look for it in particular.”
“We should also probably get Danny into an energy rich environment so he can recover faster.  How do you kids feel about seeing our ship?”
“No.  We’ve just met you, it’ll take more than one meeting to establish the trust needed to get us to a secondary location, especially with Danny passed out.  I’m taking Danny home now, we’ll contact you when we’re ready to meet you again.”
“Well, that’s a fair enough point I guess.  After we sneak into Vlad’s place to get some more data, I’ll get back to you on finding Elle if we do before you.  Regardless, you should probably tell us before you go to get her, so we can talk with her as a group - familiar faces and all that.”
“Well now, if it’s breaking into some rich guy’s house to steal information, I can help you out with that.  Kinda my specialty and all that.”
“You don’t have a specialty; you just do everything.”
“Thank you, yes.  So, you guys head back to your place, we’ll figure out what we’re gonna do on our end, and we can meet back… well, how about here?”
“Oh sure, we can turn the observatory into a real homebase.”
Tucker paused as he considered that, tilting his head.
“Actually, yeah, why don’t we do that?”
“Tucker, schemes later, getting Danny in the car now.  Thank you, Toby, Valdan, Cole, for helping us out.  We’ll keep in touch, see what you can teach the kids.  For now, have a good day.”
Tempting as it was to ask just how old Jazz was to be calling the others kids, Valdan knew when to cut his losses.  So he nodded and shook Jazz’s free hand, while Cole picked Danny up and carried him over to Jazz’s… car.
“I don’t like the vibes this thing gives off.  You got here in this?”
“Well if you’re connected to the weather like you claimed then I imagine you wouldn’t be all that pleased near a car.  I’ve tried to convince my parents to make an engine that’s eco friendly and isn’t running on ectoplasm, since that’d just animate the car itself.  They’re not much into making things that aren’t related to ectoplasm.  I might just make a new engine myself, actually, that’s probably a lost cause.”
“Welp, you’ve lost me so I’m gonna go now before you start rambling about machine parts the way Duncan and David do.  Bye.”
A cloud of shimmering vapor and ice swirled into Cole’s hand and flew out to an empty spot a few feet away.  Lightning flew from his hand to the cloud and it compressed into a flat circle of sky blue and toxic green, which swept out to the edges.  On the other side was the deck of a ship, surrounded by a howling blizzard and blinding white snow and ice.  Laughing at the sight, Cole grabbed his husband and cousin before jumping through the portal, which sealed shut behind him.
“Alright, a lot of things happened just now.  Let’s talk about that on the way home.  But first, Tucker, you’re going to tell me about this Elle person.  We’ve got plenty of drive to go before we even get to Sam’s house, so don’t try to say ‘it’s a long story’.”
Tucker sighed and settled down in shotgun, sticking tongue out at Sam when she glared from the backseat.
“Ok, so it all starts with Vlad.”
The Rose Pheonix was currently in the shape of a submarine, and David wondered about that.  He did not, after all, instruct it to change into any particular kind of vessel when they approached the massive iceberg that bordered the seemingly infinite Far Frozen realm, having no plans to go into it on the ship – he’d modified his and Apogo’s armor to be perfectly suited for the cold after all.  He would have to check the engines and see how the ectoplasm around them was affecting the mythallars.
Returning his attention to his family, however, David looked them all over and sighed.
“Duncan, didn’t we agree not to have weapons at the table?  Put your guns away before Valdan and Leico see them.  You don’t need em to regale us with how amazing your battle with Spectra and Bertrand was.”
Duncan rolled his eyes but got up anyway, stalking out of the room with a shout over his shoulder.
“It was barely a fight anyway!  Next targets need to be tougher.”
“Next time we need you to kill someone, I’m sure they’ll be a better opponent.  For now, we should focus on finding this Elle kid and getting her the help she needs.  Thankfully, the Far Frozen have agreed to lend us their medical technology and offered their services in actually checking out Elle’s stability issues and all that after we mentioned that she’s the clone of Danny.”
“Apparently they had this prophecy about him beating the big bad King of Ghosts single-handedly, and he did, so they find him worthy of worship or whatever.  Makes me wonder what kind of tyrant that king had to be for that kind of love for a kid ya don’t know.”
“Welp, that’s a whole other thing to look into but let’s keep our priorities straight, shall we?  First we need to find and help Elle, then we track down this Vlad character and see how best to eliminate him from the equation.  After that, I kinda wanna stay here for a bit, their world feels like it’s in need of help to maintain a balance with nature.”
“Before we can take out Vlad we need to find out if he’ll come back as a regular old ghost or if there’s a way to properly purge him, because there’s no reason he can’t shapeshift to look like his living self and resuming business as usual.  He’s a threat to everyone we’ve gone and gotten attached to here, and there’s no guarantee that he isn’t a major threat to Elle too since he made her.”
“Find and help Elle, research and kill Vlad, guarantee he stays properly dead for long enough that the kids don’t have to deal with him until they’re adults, and then we can split up jobs between helping the material world with whatever imbalance it’s having with nature and technology.  That sound good?”
There were agreements all around the table, and the twins walked in setting down food along the table.
“Glad you guys decided on a plan, cause it’s time to eat now.”  
“We’ll start actually working on things after, got it?” A chorus of ‘yes sirs’ rang out in a rainbow of tones and the Lumanos sat down to eat.
This here is for @floralflowerpower, @ebonyheartnet, and @five-rivers ! I hope you enjoyed! Have a lovely December and feel free to toss out conflicts I can shovel onto Danny's plate if you think I've been a touch too nice to him.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Enjoy ❤️
Warnings: blood and violence
Word Count: 1975
Chapter 4: Always Next Time
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Who the hell were those men?
Shaken up from her encounter with the three gunmen, (Y/N) threw the front doors of her home open and hurried inside with Mr Pennycrumb skittering behind her. “Dad?” She called out as she hurried all around, her voice breaking and echoing throughout the house. “Dad?!”
“(Y/N), hun, what’s going on?” The southern accent sounding from behind her caused her tense posture to relax as she turned to Grace.
“Mom… W-Where’s Dad?”
“He’s at a meeting, sweetheart. I’m not sure where, he didn’t tell me much,” When her daughter nodded with a faraway look, Grace took a step closer. “What happened? Where’s Preston?”
Swallowing, (Y/N) tried her best to crawl out of the hole she dug for herself, but it seemed to just be getting deeper. “Uh… I was attacked by some crazy people a-and Preston decided to take me home.” She rushed out as her feet quickly took her to the staircase that led to the rooms. Grace was immediately on her heels.
“You were what?! Honey, are you okay?! Who was it, what’d they do?!”
“It’s fine, Mom-”
“No, it’s not! You need to be tellin’ us these things, (Y/N). W-What if somethin’ like last time happened?” Grace recalled the day the two met. The girl’s shoulders visibly tensed and her mother wondered if she should have said that.
“Mom… I-”
“It’s alright, darlin’. I’m sorry for saying that.”
“No, no!” (Y/N) quickly turned towards her and brought her into a tight hug. Grace chuckled and returned the affection. “I’m glad you worry… It lets me know I’m loved.”
Grace gently ran her hand through the girl’s hair. “You most definitely are…”
(Y/N) began to get choked up, so she pulled away before the waterworks could make their presence known. She pointed behind herself awkwardly. “I’m gonna… get some sleep. I’m a little exhausted…”
“Of course, sweetheart. How about I make you a snack when you wake up?”
The familiarity of this woman making her food simply because she loved her had the girl’s (e/c) orbs nearly overflowing with tears as she nodded. “I’d love that. Thank you, Mom… I love you.” She grinned before slipping into her bedroom and softly closing the door. As soon as she heard her mother’s footsteps echo down the hall, she quickly wiped her eyes and charged towards her bed, flopping onto her back and closing her eyes.
Inhale for one, two, three, four
One, two, three, four…
One moment, she’s in her bedroom, and in the next, she’s in the park where she left her date. She adjusted her blurry vision by blinking several times. The fogginess washed away to reveal Preston much closer to her than she was comfortable with. His brown eyes were glancing at her lips as his blonde waves, once slicked back, fell in his eyes as he leaned close to her, lips puckered. Before his lips could graze hers, she pressed her index and middle fingers to his mouth. The boy frowned and stopped his movement, eyes fluttering open. “Um… What are you doing?”
“I-I was, uh-”
“I have to go,” She stood to her feet. “I think Mr Pennycrumb ran away.”
“Oh,” Preston’s entire expression fell into a look of irritation that had her blood boiling every time she saw it. “Then, I’ll help you look.”
“No,” She shook her head. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. I’m just…”
(Y/N) placed her hand over her eyes and feigned sadness. “I’m so torn up about it… I just wanna be alone…”
“Awe, honey,” Preston stood and moved to stand in front of her. “I told you that you didn’t need that dumb dog. How about I take you to get some ice cream-”
“I just said I wanted to be alone!” She quickly turned away and took long strides to get away from him faster. “We’ll reschedule!”
Groaning into her hands, (Y/N) made her way back to her home, running to the side where the roof cast its shadow, a perfect hiding spot. Sitting down in the grass, she hugged her knees to her chest as close as she could before humming her three-note tune to dismiss her clone. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head, she became dizzy and her vision faded to black. When she opened her eyes, she was in her bedroom again, laying on her back. Exhaling, she let her hand drop onto her chest. “God…”
“This is it.” Five announced as he and Diego exited the car stolen by the latter. The two approached their father’s company building with slow, hesitant steps as they surveyed the exterior.
“‘D.S. Umbrella’. This is it.” Diego muttered. The closer they neared the entrance, the slower Five’s pace grew until he stopped walking altogether. Diego turned to his brother in concern. “You okay?”
Five hesitated. “Yeah, fine. Just…” When he reached the front door, he let out a sigh. Diego swiftly took out his knife and began picking the lock on the door.
“How long has it been since you’ve seen the old man?”
“Forty-five years…”
“That’s a trip…”
“No kidding…” The boy sighed yet again. “You know, when I was stuck out there in the apocalypse, there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t hear his voice in my head.”
Diego didn’t look away from his task. “What was he saying?” He asked before muttering to himself when he couldn’t get the door to unlock.
“‘I told you so’.”
The quote itself made Diego scoff and shake his head. “Yeah, I’ve witnessed (Y/N) get an earful of that after you left… Dad used to lock her in that damn room all the time…”
“What room?” Five stood straighter, the mention of his love something he would never disregard.
“A small, dark room in a part of the house none of us were allowed to go… I don’t know how she did it, but he kept her in that room with no windows or light or human interaction until she was able to find you,” Diego looked up at his brother. “Almost a week.”
“A week? He kept her there for almost a week?!”
“Yep. And each day she couldn’t reach you, we could hear him shouting about her ‘not wanting to find her true potential’ or whatever bullshit he tried to beat into her mind to make her feel like shit. But something must’ve happened, because on the fifth day, Mom was bringing her to her room. God, she looked…”
Five wasn’t sure if he wanted to know.
“She looked dead. Like she had just come from her own grave. She didn’t talk to anyone for a while.”
“Starlight…” The boy shut his eyes and shook his head. His mind immediately thought back on Luther’s words. Perhaps he had been dragging her into every mess he made, and he’d been doing it far longer than he thought.
Diego was silent for a few beats before breaking it with a huff. “But hey, if Dad’s here, he’s never met either of you before, so he can’t say ‘I told you so’.”
“I’m sure the bastard will find a way.” Five growled, the tiniest hint of a sarcastic smile on his face before it fell moments later. Without warning, he blinked inside the building and unlocked the door for his brother, who sat dumbly before him.
“Right… Gotta remember that.” Diego cleared his throat as he stood to his feet and walked inside. After searching around for a bit, the two decided to split up to cover more ground. Five tried several rooms, all with locked doors until he found one in particular.
The decor was disturbing, to say the least. Set up to be a family room, yet the only “people” inhabiting the room were three mannequin-esque figures. Brushing off the chill that ran down his spine, he made his way to another room with a desk on one side of it, going through several papers until he came across an invitation to a gala. Deeming this useful, Five pocketed the invitation just before the sound of something metallic clattering behind him could be heard. Slowly, the boy stalked closer to a part of the room where a child’s play area had been set up. There was a table with puzzles, crayons and paper. Five unknowingly passed a chalkboard with the names “Pogo” and “(Y/N)” written in yellow chalk. The boy’s eyes caught a drawing on the table and picked it up. It had to have been drawn by a child, the monkey on the paper poorly drawn. The character beside it, though, had the gears turning in Five’s head. It was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. He was going to look around the area more when he heard another noise coming from in front of him. He dropped the paper and moved forward, his body going still at who stepped out of the shadows.
An ape wearing only pajama pants cautiously crawled out of his hiding spot and Five immediately knew who it was. His soft grunting and squeaking made the boy’s voice and actions become softer as he crouched down in front of the chimp. “Hi… Pogo,” He whispered as the two got closer. “Hey… It’s alright, little buddy.” He softly smiled as both he and Pogo stared at each other in wonder. With a gentleness only shown to his love, Five slowly reached forward. “Pogo… It’s good to see you-”
He was caught off guard when Pogo screeched and struck Five in the side of his neck, causing the boy to cry out and fall over. The chimp quickly moved away from Five and ran through the glass wall, leaving him a panting mess. The boy looked all around as his hand pressed onto his bleeding wound. “Diego! Diego!” He called out as he stumbled to his feet, dashing out of the room. Little did he know, Diego was nowhere near him, having his own share of bloodshed.
Just as Diego was about to have his ass handed to him, he spotted a rebar a little ways away from him. Turning slightly, he kicked the man who had a grip on his arm, setting himself free. The Kraken jumped onto the platform, grabbed the rebar in both his hands, and backflipped off the platform, landing right in front of his shadow-clad opponent. The man dodged nearly every swing Diego took at him, save for the one to the side, and then to the leg that sent him to his knees. Raising the rebar above his head, Diego was just ready to give this man hell. But when he raised his head and revealed himself to be Sir Reginald Hargreeves, Diego hesitated. “Dad…” He whispered before a small knife sunk itself into his abdomen. He wheezed out a breath, his father staring into his eyes as he muttered,
Diego could do nothing but fall to the ground as blood seeped out of his wound after the knife was ripped out of him, watching as Reginald continued down the foggy pathway. He clapped his gloved hands twice, alerting a screeching Pogo to drop down from where he had been waiting. Once the chimp was on the ground, he and Reginald joined hands, continuing away from the man bleeding out on the ground.
As Grace and (Y/N) painted together, the girl hummed her usual tune, being interrupted when her mother softly gasped. “Y’know what? Reggie wasn’t at a meeting. He was takin’ Pogo to run some tests. That’s why he’s out so late.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot,” (Y/N) sighed. “I wanted to go this time…”
“There’s always next time, darlin’.”
“Yeah,” The girl returned to her painting. “Next time.”
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @isawachickeninatree @theyaremorethanjustfictional @that-can-of-fizz
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lorddoom01 · 3 years
The Saber and the Second Son
The night sky was clear. The full moon glowed and the stars twinkled in all their glory. However the blonde haired woman who stood in the suburban streets could not enjoy beautiful view, her focus on a more unsettling sight. A figure was walking down the street, she could feel the murderous intent pouring off of him. She could almost smell the blood on his hands. The street lamps illuminated the man. He easily stood a foot taller and stood in stark contrast to Artoria Pendragon. His skin an olive tan to her fair white complexion. Long, thick black hair hung freely from his head. He only wore a rag of fabric, which hung from his shoulder to provide himself some dignity. He was covered head to toe in tattoos, Artoria could see glaring demon faces and recognized symbols and glyphs of truly heretical devotion. His grey eyes met her green ones.
The man stopped a few meters away from Artoria. His hands were dripping with blood. He looked her over and raised an eyebrow in contempt. He was not impressed by her choice of battle attire. A blue puffy dress and not a weapon in sight. Still she stood here in clear challenge of him, so he took a battle stance and harden his expression. In an instance, he closed the gap between them. His speed caught Artoria off guard, but she was still able to avoid the reckless right jab he had aimed at her face. She twisted her body counterclockwise and bent her head back. As she did, she raised her right arm in a diagonal arc. The man jumped back as it passed by the front of his chest, but it was far too late. A long gash appeared on his chest, as if slashed by a sword.
Artoria rotated back to fully face her foe as he retreated, but was shocked by what she saw. Her opponent was merely confused. He'd look at the wound then to her several times. He wasn't in pain. He wasn't even winded. A smile crept across his face as he took another battle stance holding a pitch black short sword in one hand. Artoria eyes widened in shock. She hadn't seen any weapons on him when he arrived, even his tunic was too ratty to hide such a blade. So how was he suddenly armed? She didn't have time to contemplate as he once again launched an attack. He opened again with a lunging strike, aimed at her chest this time though. She parried the blow with her invisible sword, and attempted to slash his chest again. The man, however, backed away in time to avoid the blow. He immediately surged forward again, bringing down his blade on her.
Artoria blocked the blade with her own, though she quickly had to grab it with both hands to stop the force of the man's swing. The man wasn't similarly occupied, he extended his left hand under their locked blades. A pitch black dagger in it. Artoria wasn't able to dodge it. However rather than finding her stomach, it bounced off of a chest plate that had magically formed around Artoria's torso. The man jumps back, well outside either of their blades reach. The dagger he had used was nowhere to be seen. He'd raise his sword and point it at Artoria.
"What is your name, warrior?"
Artoria was startled by the man's voice. His voice carried intelligence and respect. He looked every bit the berserker as Hercules, she would have expected him to be as lacking in conversation.
"Why would I bother telling a murderer like yourself that?" Artoria replied as she exploited the lull in the fight to readjust her own stance to a more aggressive one. The wound she had inflicted didn't seem to be affecting him at all, still open and bleeding. She couldn't let him control the fight with that level of stamina.
"I like to know those who are worth my time." He'd say with a smile. The man would tense to lunge again, but this time Artoria closed the gap first. With both hands she swung to the left, then the right. His black blade sprayed sparks as he blocked both attacks. She'd thrust forward and he dodged to her left. He fell for her faint. She'd pivot to her left, swinging the extended sword at his chest again. The invisible nature of her blade caused him to misjudge the distance and she scored another slash across his chest. Not as deep as the first, but still a serious wound.
Artoria couldn't relish in her success as her assault came to an end. Her opponent swung down at her. She quickly raised her blade to block the black long sword the man was now wielding. Once again a weapon just appeared in the man's hand, while there was no signs of the other blades he had used. The first swing she blocked easily. For the second swing, the man grabbed the black blade with both hands and swung down again and again. An onslaught of overhead blows he delivered upon Artoria, which she was only able to block against. She felt each blow through her whole body, the ground cracking beneath. After a dozen strikes, she was able to counter him. Artoria deflected his blade to her right side. However, the man instantly let go with his right hand. Artoria got a far better look at what magic this man was using.
It was so brief an action she couldn't be sure if she really seen anything. The man's hand seemed to disappear into a hole in the air, then reappear holding a black dagger. It quickly approached her face. She twisted her arms to point the tip of her blade at the man. The man shot backwards as the blast of air slammed into his chest, he flew down the street. Artoria quickly gathered herself. She felt pain from her right arm, she suspected she might have sprained something releasing Invisible Air without properly bracing herself. She felt blood on her left cheek, he had still managed to cut her.
Her opponent landed with little grace, smashing into the side of the car. He was still for a moment, then he peeled himself free of the car. Even at this distance, Artoria could see the glass in his back. And the ecstatic smile on his face as he stood up straight. He then began running full tilt towards, he'd be on her in seconds. She raised Excalibur as she saw the man move his arms in throwing motions. Three of his black blades flew through the air at her. She easily swatted the three daggers out of the air with her own blade. She grimaced as the man had yet again pulled a new blade out of thin air. A pitch black great sword, held at his left side. She prepared to be batter again by the man's strength. He made to swing and she prepared to block the attack. Mid swing, the blade vanished. Artoria couldn't defend herself in time as the man transitioned into a low left hook, swinging under her guard.
She heard the crunch of her armour, felt spikes pierce her side, before she was launched down the street. Unlike her attacker, she was able to land on her feet. She skidded to a stop with the help of Excalibur digging into the pavement. She'd glance at the wound in her side, then up at her foe. A black spiked gauntlet was on his left hand, and a sick grin on his face.
"Are you sure you won't tell me your name?" He would ask as he walked towards her. "No," Artoria replied as she steadied herself. She noted he was breathing heavier now, but barely. She was chipping at his stamina. But he had dug deep into hers. She was burning too much magic. She watched as the great sword reappeared in his hands. Her own sword vanished as she recoated it with Invisible Air. She took a draw sword stance, her blade pointed behind her. The man charged her again. He'd raise his sword over his shoulder and that was her opening. She released Invisible Air again. She rocketed forward, instantly closed the gap between them, and then shooting past him. She stopped a few feet behind him, her blade fully extended in front of her. She heard him give a little laugh. "Excellent form!" he'd say gleefully. Artoria spun around in frustration and panic, she was certain she had cut clean through his torso.
She was shocked to see she had, most of his body was crumpled on the ground. The top half of his chest has held up by his arms, with disturbing ease. He faced her with a manic smile. "What magic binds you still to this realm?!" she'd demand. "None," he'd reply calmly as colour drained from his face. "I do hope I don't take too long coming back for our rematch. This was fun." He suddenly collapsed, dead. Cautiously, Artoria relaxed her stance. Then took a step back as the man's body began rapidly rotting right before her eyes. In mere seconds, he was reduced to dust. Nothing remained of him. She carefully looked around, raising her guard again. After a few moments of nothing happening, she lowered her guard again and dismissed her armour. She had a bad feeling this was the start of something terrible.
Several weeks later, in a dark cave, a tomb sat. It was a large cube, three meters tall, wide, and deep. The thirteen locks upon the single entrance began clicking one by one, as each released. The door swung slowly open. Able El Asem stepped out, his tattooed body reborn. He hoped not too much time had passed, it would be a shame if that woman with that fairy sword had died to someone else. He wanted that pleasure for himself.
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akatsukinojutsu · 4 years
𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒮𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝐹𝒾𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇𝓈 - Uchiha Itachi
Your great, great grandfather Tobirama Senju never trusted the Uchiha and that trait was passed down to your grandfather. Your grandfather passed that to your father and he would be damned if you would be acquainted with one.
Just so happens that you fell in love with one, Uchiha Itachi. Although the two of you share a strong relationship but you sense him pulling away. One night sealed his fate and reputation -- you followed him there and you still do, even as Itachi has evolved to an Akatsuki member. [sorry it’s so long! originally posted on my ao3]
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"You know you're my special girl, right?" your father was knelt down to meet your level and smiled as he rubbed the top of your head. "I entrust the future of the Senju name to you." he stood back up and looked down as his demeanor took on a more serious tone. He raised a finger and placed it on the tip of your nose, "No matter what you do, beware of the Uchiha, [Y/N]." Your father was the son of your grandfather, who was the son of Senju Tobirama and you were the last of the direct Tobirama bloodline. This caused your father to feel the weight of leaving the legacy of the Senju clan to you. 
He raised you on his own as your mother passed away in childbirth, an emotional burden that the two of you carried. Your father kept you under his watch constantly as he did not trust the outside world and did not want you to be tainted. Your clan was known as being the "clan of a thousand skills". The wrong people could see a naïve child as being the best possible opportunity to use this power for evil. So, that is why your father kept you by his side at all times. This meant that you were not allowed to train as a shinobi like the other children of Konohagakure; he left that training up to himself. Who else to train a Senju than a Senju?
That also meant that he passed down the distrust of the rival Uchiha clan. Great grandfather Tobirama taught Uchiha mistrust to his son, who taught it to his, who then tried to teach it to you. You were headstrong however and did not believe that all Uchiha could be cunning and untrustworthy. No matter how much you argued with your father, it never got anywhere; so you learned to keep quiet on the subject. Unbeknownst to him, just the same as his great-uncle had befriended an Uchiha, you had as well.
His name was Uchiha Itachi and you met him long while exploring the village late at night. Since a young age, you often found yourself sneaking out of your house late at night to get away from your father's overbearing nature. It was a way that you could rebel against him but not hurt him in any serious way. Tonight was one of those nights that you snuck out... You walked into the woods on the outskirts of the village and ran up the tallest tree that you could find. But this time you knew that you weren't alone. Your forefinger looped through the hole at the top of the kunai in your waistband, throwing it into the trunk of the tree off to your right.
"Come out!" you yelled. But there was silence. You flashed a series of hand seals and summoned a stream of high-pressured water to spray from your mouth, "Water Release: Water Severing Wave!" -- and cut several treetops down in your path. Still no one appeared. Just as you were ready to jump to the next tree branch, a person dressed in an ANBU uniform and mask pounced from below and tackled you from the current branch. As the two of you tumbled to the forest's floor, you wrestled with the person to get the dominate position, however, they were too fast for you. With a thud you landed on a branch several yards below, the wind knocked out of you.
The person quickly regained the upper ground and lunged toward you; your foot was able to make a quick kick into their stomach which sent them flying into the adjacent to your current position. They arched their back and jumped to a standing position. With a sword in hand and with a lightening fast summoning technique, a flurry of crows flew at you. The bird swarmed you quickly, you waved your arms and hands wildly to try and shoo them away. This left you vulnerable for an attack, the ANBU opponent jumped into the air with their sword at the ready. 
The Senju blood that flowed through your veins allowed your speed on your feet to be impeccable and you were able to dodge their attack as well as roll away from the flock of crows. The ninjutsu of crows had concluded which then the assailant began to barrage you with a flurry of kenjutsu attacks with their sword. Armed with only a kunai, you fended off their blows to the best of your abilities. Each slash of their sword pushed your strength to its near limits, your knees slowly bent as you started to fall into submission. With one last slash, the assailant brought you to your knees. With both hands on the hilt of the kunai and it being held above your head, you viciously held back their strength the best that you could.
The sword dug into your arm slightly, blood pooled from the slit in your skin. "Do you give up?" they asked. You considered giving up. But with one last ninjutsu attempt, you used your great grandfather's Heavenly Weeping jutsu. A water type ninjutsu that formed water into senbon shaped projectiles and shot from your mouth to stagger enemies. You dropped the kunai and the sword dug further into your arm. You strained to form the seals for the technique; however, you were successful in spitting several senbon into the person's thigh to get them to drop their guard; they recoiled in pain and released the sword.
This gave you the opportunity to jump backward with the kunai in hand and at the ready. "I'd say this is a draw." you dropped your stance and dropped to the ground with a huff. The opponent removed their mask and revealed the familiar face of the Uchiha boy, Itachi.
"I could've won, y'know?" you spoke first. Itachi winced at the pain but hummed in amusement at your statement, "Sure." He pulled out the senbon from his thigh, then stepped toward you to put out his hand to pick you up but you pushed it away. "I'll win. Sometime." Itachi hummed again. "I did once!" you sassed. "That's because I let you, [Y/N]." Your eyes narrowed in annoyance at the black haired teenager. He was two years younger than you but has excelled in his shinobi career far past yourself. Your father keeping you away from much of the village did not aid you in your advancement -- he wouldn't let you be free until you were 18 and that was just a possibility... "Whatever..." you growled as you placed your hands behind your head and walked toward the village.
"I miss seeing you outside of just sparring, Itachi." He nodded. It was not often that the two of you spent time together. It had to usually be outside of the village, in his home, or at night because you feared your father's reaction. "I've been busy," he said bluntly. "Busy? Busy doing what?" He looked over to you before turning his head away, "It's not important. Just stuff to do with the village." His response was short which usually meant he didn't want to talk about it. Your lips pressed together as you processed his response.
You knew that the leaders of the village wanted him to keep an eye on his clan and vice versa. But that is all that he would tell you. He was only 13 and had the weight of an adult on his shoulders. You admired him for his maturity and his skills. Not to mention, he was super cute. Itachi stopped a few yards from the entrance to the village. A cool breeze of wind blew and the night was now silent, no sounds of the wildlife anywhere. Itachi stared at you in silence, his thoughts were unknown to you. But he just stared. You shivered at the breeze, your hands rubbed your arms.
To your surprise, Itachi pulled you close and embraced you. He smelled of sweat and his skin was warm. Your face was pressed firmly into his chest by his right palm and you could hear his steady, loud heartbeat. His thumb caressed your hair and he rested his nose on the top of your head. He didn't say anything, so you didn't either. The two of you just stood in silence, the wind being the only sound. "I-," you tried speaking but he hushed you as he just wanted to be quiet. He let go of the back of your head but his hand moved to your chin. He placed two fingers under it and tilted your face back. You knew what was going to happen but you were so nervous that you didn't know how to react. Itachi placed a kiss on your lips. They were cool from the wind and it caused your skin on your face to tingle. It was a long kiss, both of your lips pressed against each other's for quite sometime. Before the kiss could move anywhere else, he pulled away. 
"Goodnight, [Y/N]." he jumped to the top of the gates to the village and off into the darkness. It was as if you were featherlight and on cloud nine because the entire walk home felt like you were floating. You had the biggest crush on Itachi. Not only was he your first friend but he was the first person to see you as a normal kid, he didn't expect you to carry out the Hokage-Titled bloodline. So, it was only natural to develop feelings for someone like him. You admired his pacifist nature and the fact that he cared very much for those he admired. Despite sparring with you for fun, he tried to avoid fighting.
Versus your headstrong attitude that you inherited; it was like the two of you canceled each other out. Itachi's tendency to live on the outside and watching people from there really related to you. The way your father raised you caused you to develop a similar personality trait, however, you wish to be apart of more people's lives. You often listened to girls coo on how dreamy the Uchiha was and had to withhold your comments. It wasn't easy having to keep your friendship a hushed deal. But you decided it would end tonight. You were done with your father's ideals and his actions. You no longer wanted to be kept away like some sort of item only used for special occasions.
"I'm going to tell father about Itachi," you said to yourself. His kiss sealed the deal. You pushed yourself through the window of your bedroom to see your father sitting on your bed to your surprise. When you jumped from the window and landed, you bowed. "Father, I-," he raised his hand to interrupt you. "I know about the Uchiha boy, Sarutobi told me." The Third Hokage? Seriously? You damned the old man as you clenched your fist and teeth. "That's what I was going to talk about you tonight," you stomped your foot, "I'm done listening to you, father. I love Uchiha Itachi!" your face flushed red as you confessed your love. You awaited your father's reaction... But his face was absent of any... He pressed his lips tightly into a line and stood up from the bed.
"Is that so? Hmph, I should've guessed this would happen." He turned away from you and took a step toward the door, "I forbid you to see him any longer," he then left and closed the door behind him. With a flurry of hand seals, he pressed his palm against the door. "Sealing jutsu!" You heard him and rushed toward the door. No matter how hard you yanked and jiggled the doorknob, it wouldn't budge. "Shit!" you screamed as you wildly tugged wildly to try and open the door. There was no way you could undo his seal... he was far more powerful than you. With your back to the door, you slid down to the floor in a fit of tears.
You loudly cursed your father you wished for the unspeakable, 'I wish he'd just die already! I'm sick of this.' After shedding several tears, you decided to do something about it. Focusing your chakra, you remembered reading about how to break a seal. It might not work but it was worth a try. Your father sealed the entire room, windows and all; your target was the windows, least you could sneak out like usual. As you approached the rectangular sliding windows, you focused your chakra and placed your palm on the glass.
"Release!" and with a small tug, you quietly pulled the window to the right and it opened up. That was easier than you expected but it did take a bit of chakra. You pushed yourself out the window and took off into a sprint toward Itachi's home. Your father had a bad feeling and rushed to your room. He released his seal on the door and pushed it open, a gasp left his mouth. He gripped the knob tightly and when he released it, the metal had been crushed and warped from his strength.
"That damned girl!!" he yelled as he stomped to go and confront his daughter and the Uchiha. His blood boiled and he cursed the rival clan and his grandfather... if he would've just killed that damned Madara, his daughter wouldn't be running off with one of them right now... Just as he attempted to leave, a sudden pain in his chest stopped him in his tracks. He grabbed the left of his chest with his right hand and winced in pain.
"My...medicine...Tsunade..." he croaked as he staggered toward the kitchen to retrieve the medication given to him by his second cousin. However, he dropped to the floor. Dead. He had a previous condition and the stress from his only daughter going off with Itachi agitated the issue and ultimately killed him. The last of the Tobirama Senju bloodline now is you. You quickly made your way to Itachi. Your mind and heart raced with excitement and panic; you were ready to confess your love to the skilled shinobi but you were petrified of what your father will do. You were somewhat familiar with the section of town where the Uchiha resided but anytime you entered, you often got looks from the clan members...looks and whispers as to why you were there...
Despite how hard it was, you did your best to ignore them. At this time of night, the lights in their homes would glow warmly and feel inviting. But this time -- it was dark and silent. You halted as you entered the area and a chill shivered down your spine. It was so...quiet. Something was wrong. As you slowly made your way down the roads, you couldn't help but feel as if someone was keeping an eye on your from the shadows. You stopped several times to look around but nothing seemed to catch your attention. So, you continued on your way to Itachi's home but kept your guard up. You weren't just some schmuck of a kunoichi, whoever it was would have to put up with a fight if they were going to attack you. But there was several things laying on the ground up ahead. You were confused as the distance made it difficult to make out...people? You sprinted toward the bodies on the ground to try and aid them.
"They're...dead?!" you shrieked. There were large, gaping slash wounds in their bodies and the blood was fresh. "I-I," you stuttered as you now sprinted to find Itachi. You called out his name in panic, hoping, praying he was not dead. As you passed the empty homes of the clan, you could see the damage done to the building and splatters of blood in the street. You could hear the rush of footsteps running toward you and just before you could leap into the air, chains wrapped around your body and pulled you to the ground with a thud. You thrashed on the ground as you tried to break free and spouted insults at the thug who caught you.
They delivered a swift kick to your abdomen which made you cough loudly, "You talk too much," the stranger crouched down and you were able to get a good look. Their voice indicated that they were male but their identity was hidden behind an orange mask with black flame markings, his hair was long, black and spikey -- his outfit was one of dark colors of blue and black. "I-Itachi?" you stuttered out but they only replied with a chuckle. The man unsheathed his katana and raised it, you clenched your eyes shut as you were rendered practically useless as much of your chakra went to releasing your father's seal. Just as the man was ready to strike you, a hand grabbed hold of his wrist.
"No," you knew that voice. Your eyes opened and you wiggled wildly as you were shocked to see Itachi standing before you. "I-Itachi!" you exclaimed. He had splatters of blood on his outfit and his katana was in the grasp of his opposite hand to the one that was holding onto the masked assailant. His eyes were red with his sharingan and you put the pieces together rather quickly. "You, you did this?" your voice shook. Itachi released his hold on the man's wrist and returned his katana to its holder. The masked man released you from the chains and Itachi helped bring you to a stand.
"I don't understand..." you continued to iterate your concerns. But the masked man interrupted, "Itachi, she is a loose end," but Itachi turned his head and stared the man down, you could feel the stillness in the air as the tension rose between the two. "She goes free." The man did not protest and merely crossed his arms. "I won't say anything, I swear!" you pleaded. "I have no one to tell! I will take this to my grave," you continued but Itachi's hands touching both sides of your face ceased your panicking. "[Y/N], go. Now!" he pressed his forehead against yours. You could see his jaw tense as if he was holding back emotion.
"I said go!" he pulled away, dropped his hands and pushed you away. You listened reluctantly but quickly took off in a sprint back toward the village. Your running was frantic and you could barely keep yourself upright as you tripped over several bodies sprawled out in the road. You looked back only once with tears in your eyes. Was the "busy" stuff he had to do involved with this? So many questions with no answers. And no hope for answers. The unknown man turned to Itachi, "Was that really a good idea, Itachi?"
Your beloved didn't reply but simply turned around to continue with the spree of death. You couldn't tell your father what had happened but you just craved his comfort. You knew his calm voice would sooth your anguish. However, you would never hear his tranquil tone again. When you discovered his body, your world shattered. Your last interaction with him was an argument and because you disobeyed.. he was dead.
You were now left alone in this world, you no longer had your father and would no longer have Itachi... "I heard that Kakashi and Guy intercepted Uchiha Itachi!" you could hear a fellow ANBU gossip to another operative. This peaked your interest as you leaned in to catch a whiff of their chattering. "I heard they were trying to get ahold of Uzumaki Naruto but were stopped. He and his partner got away, though." the other operative added. 'If it was not that long ago, maybe I can catch up with him...' you thought to yourself. You pushed yourself up from a chair you were sat in and went toward the window of the room on the upper floor of the Hokage's building. "Where are you going, [Y/N]?" your female compatriot asked.
"I have an errand to run," with that quick reply, you leaped from the window to the city below. "Damn it, Itachi. Why now? I've been trying to find you for years and you choose a day like today?" you muttered to yourself as you leaped between buildings to head toward the forest. You had been kept under close watch from your fellow black ops as some began to suspect things from your past. Ever since that night that you witnessed what Itachi had done and your father passed, you have dedicated your life to being secretive
 Being an ANBU meant that your life was already shrouded in darkness and secrecy. But it was only the curiosity of your fellow ANBU to question things from your past. You were aware of their heightened suspicions, especially after the ANBU ops discovered that you were the last to see Uchiha Itachi outside of the clan's residence the night he slaughtered them all. "Itachi, I think we have ourselves a visitor," Kisame noted. The two missing-nin jumped from tree to tree and were several miles away from Konohagakure. He was surprised by the unwelcomed guest's speed but remained calm as he needed to decide how to handle the situation. You could see two figures ahead of you and struggled to make out who they were; all you could see were two black cloaks with red clouds.
You performed the Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu and instructed them to try and flank the two. Again, since you were a descendent of Senju, your speed was more than impressive. (your great-grandfather wasn't hailed as the fastest shinobi for nothing) Several of your clones were able to flank the two and they came to a halt. "Say, should we put up a fight or what?" Kisame asked with a smile and began to remove Samehada from his back. But Itachi stopped him with a raised hand, his eyes narrowed as he studied the clones.
"Stop you two!" you called out as you approached the scene. Itachi turned his head slightly and his onyx eyes gazed at you through the slits of your ANBU mask. Your heart stopped and it was as if the world melted around you. The two of you remained silent as you stared into each other's eyes. Kisame made note of this and busted a small joke as he wondered what his partner was thinking. You removed your mask and revealed your identity to the two. "Who's this tall glass of cool water, Itachi? You seem to know each other." Kisame joked again with a grin on his face. 
But Itachi remained quiet and his gaze never left you. "Uchiha Itachi! I finally found you, after a long,long time." you jumped to the branch directly in front of them. You dropped to your knee and a flurry of emotions washed over you. You trembled slightly as you tried to fight back any tears that might have been trying to break through. "[Y/N]..." he finally spoke, his voice sounded just the same as when you last heard it. He seemed to have aged some, must be 21 by now. "So... you do know each other. Interesting..." Kisame said amusingly as he witnessed the interaction. Itachi turned toward him, "Kisame, leave us. I will meet with you back at base later."
Kisame opened his mouth to protest but Itachi lowered his brows, the blue skinned man complied and took off in the direction that they were already heading in. He returned his attention to you. As you stood there like a confused child, he jumped over to you and raised his hands then placed them on the sides of your face. It reminded you of that night. His thumbs which were now painted blue and a red ring on his right ring finger. He still remained quiet as the two of you stood in the forest, just like old times.
"Just like the old days..." you whispered as your eyes studied his matured face. He hummed and stared back. You pressed your lips together before you pressed them onto his. You knew that he was caught off guard by it because he took a step back to keep steady on the branch. He hesitated for a moment, his hands in the air on either side of himself before they rested on your shoulders. You exchanged more kisses as the passion began to heat up between the two of you. Itachi pushed you back several steps until your back met the trunk. As the kissing continued, hands roamed freely over each other's bodies as you discovered your now adult forms. He was the first to pull away, his hair was a mess and his cloak was disheveled. You tried to pull him back from the collar of his cloak but he pulled away again. "[Y/N]..."
You tried several more times to pull him into more kissing but Itachi objected. "[Y/N], I need to go and so do you." as he tried to turn away, you yanked him back. "No!" you barked. "I finally have you here and you are trying to leave," your gaze dropped and tears welled in your eyes. "Take me with you." Itachi shook his head as he brushed his hair from his face, "Out of the question." You took a step toward him as you pulled out your katana from its holster on your back. You raised it up to his throat with both hands on the hilt. "I am going with you, Uchiha. No buts about it."
Itachi didn't seemed startled by your reaction and simply pushed the blade away with his pointer and middle finger tips. "You're willing to disown Konohagakure?" Your jaw tightened as you turned away, your eyes fixating on the direction of the village. "There is nothing there for me. I only joined the ANBU because I knew it was a way to utilize my skills. I think my father would've liked that" you took the ANBU mask out from a side pouch and discarded it to the side. As the mask tumbled to the forest floor, it took your allegiance to the village with it. You took a knee and submitted yourself over to Itachi.
"But he's dead and I am fully willing to come with you, Itachi," your eyes raised from the ground up to him. He looked down to you as his height shadowed over you. The Uchiha hummed and a small smile spread across his lips; he leant out his hand to you. You returned the smile and took it. Finally reunited with the Uchiha. A Senju and an Uchiha? Who would've guessed. "Will you ever explain that night to me, Itachi?" you asked, he was quiet for a moment before answering, 
"Yes, in time, [Y/N]."
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years
Part 5 "Comfortable" Bucky X OFC (#043)
Description: A series of attacks on Russian diplomats lead to Fury dispatching some members of the avengers to defend them. There they meet a very new threat- one they have never seen before.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, very much a slow burn. Bucky Barnes x OFC, Winter Soldier X OFC
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Thank you all for reading this far! Here is a little time skip for you and the first time some of the Avengers meet Eris. Time is probably going to be very disjointed after this part! <3
Part 4
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Bruce stared out of the Avenger's tower window, New York looked so small from up here. Looking down everyone seemed so unimportant, there were hundreds of people walking to the same place they always did, dressed in the same clothes they always wore. Were they happy with their lives? Were they living their dreams? What did they regret?
"See anything interesting Doc?" Tony's voice broke Bruce's trance. "Seen any muggings? Street fights? You know, I once saw a pigeon fly down and steal someone's sandwich right from their hand, the whole thing." Tony came into view, two cups of coffee in his hands. His eyes sparkled with the usual joy but under it all there was the slightest hint of concern.
Bruce took the offered coffee cup. "Buff pigeon."
"Perhaps it was a tiny pigeon hulk."
Bruce huffed a laugh before sipping is coffee. "The Incredible Squawk?" Despite Bruce's attempt at humour his voice came out as bitter as his coffee. Bruce watched the steam slowly rise before letting out a broken sigh. "She would have been 24 today."
Tony placed a hand on Bruce's shoulder, there was silence for a while. He had to think about what to say next, "We'll find her, Bruce. We won't stop looking I can pro-"
"Tony." Bruce turned to face Tony, the bags under his eyes were deeper than usual. "Thank you for trying to cheer me up but, let's be realistic, its been 20 years. The truth is either she doesn't want to be found or never will be."
"You are aloud to be realistic, Bruce, but don't lose hope."
The two shared an understanding stare, Bruce looked like he was going to say something but was interrupted by Natasha entering the room.
"We have a problem."
"When do we not?"
"Funny, Tony." Nat approached the two of them, she was staring down at the tablet in her hand very intently, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "A Russian diplomat was murdered at his safe house last week."
"And this concerns us how." Tony's tone was flippant.
"Because he as an informant for Shield but before he could talk he was beaten so badly they had to use dental records to confirm his identity."
Nat handed over the tablet to Tony who flicked through the photos of the crime scene. It was brutal. The guards that were put in to defend the diplomat were beaten to death, violently. It was obvious, even to his untrained eye, that whoever did this used their fists and no other weapon. Most of the guards had dents in their temples and some had broken knees. The path of the killer was followed by a nice trail of beaten corpses. Until they lead to the bedroom of the diplomat. Just like the other corpses, his body was beaten with blunt objects but unlike the others the killer really wanted to make sure he was dead. There was practically no skull that remains intact and there was blood everywhere. Tony blanched a bit and returned the tablet to Nat.
"What exactly do you want us to do? Bring a guy back from the dead?"
"No." Nat sounded tired, stressed, Tony kicked himself slightly for not being able to be serious. "We are being tasked for protecting someone we strongly suspect to being a second target." She turned the tablet around to show another angry looking man.
"Who pissed in his cornflakes?"
Nat ignored Tony. "This is Panin Rostislavovich, Russian ambassador here in America and more importantly mole for Shield. We think there is a large possibility he will be attacked at some point this week. Fury has asked that we personally see to guarding him. Something about improving relations with Russia."
"So, we sit in a room with someone and get paid for it?"
Nat just raised her eyebrow.
"Getting comfortable there, Mr. Rostislavovich?"
Tony quipped to the stern man who was currently pacing violently up and down the length of the room. Normally he wouldn't have commented on it but his footfalls were terribly annoying and Tony was nursing one hell of a hangover.
"Would you be comfortable in this situation? Would you Mr. Stark." Tony fought the urge to roll his eyes. "When your colleague has been beaten to death in his apparently 100% secure and safe house!"
"Panin, buddy, listen- we are just here on a hunch no one said for certain that they were after you."
Tony made eye contact with Natasha and Steve who were standing guard by the door. They both shook their heads, no signs of intrusion at the moment. They were in direct contact with the guards outside the house and inside of the house, if Tony said so himself, this place seemed pretty impenetrable.
"Team Delta. Team Delta, report."
Him and his big mouth,
Nat's voice was panicked as she began to check in with all the teams around the perimeter of the house. She got more and more intense with each team name.
"No one on the perimeter is responding. Tony get him to the safe room, be ready to take the back exit."
"You don't have to tell me twice, come on buddy, let's not get you killed."
With that the escorted Panin to the solid metal safe room leaving Steve and Nat to do what they did best, beat people up.
Natasha turned to Steve, he looked calm but the tight grip he had on his shield gave him away. The sound of fighting and violence started to be heard through the door.
"Hide and we get the jump on them." Nat whispered as she ducked behind one of the large sofas, Steve look up place adjacent to her. She began to count her bullets, double checking that she had enough ammunition.
There was silence for a moment.
Then a massive crash as the door flew off its hinges and into the wall behind Steve. She couldn't help the slight gasp that she let out as Steve slowly moved away from the rubble.
"I can hear you." A female voice, gravelly and harsh spoke in perfect Russian. It sent shivers down Nat's spine, Steve looked at her questionably. She just gritted her teeth and shot at the doorframe. She watched as Steve leapt out once she ran out of bullets. She reloaded as quickly as possible to cover Steve, as soon as she aimed her pistol over the couch she was stunned into inaction.
She could hardly keep track of who was hitting who as Steve fought the intruder. It was evident that this person was the same as Steve, they were a super soldier. Nat tried to find a pattern in their movements, an opening to fire a shot but every move they made was unexpected and chaotic. They were covered almost head to toe in black tactical gear, the only exception being their legs that reflected in the low lights of the room, metal legs? Whatever they were made of their legs were definitely strong as one well placed kick threw Steve back against the wall to joint the door.
Nat didn't hesitate to engage. Vaulting over the couch and throwing her gun by the window, she went immediately for a choke hold, swinging her legs over the other woman's neck. Nat felt some sort of pride as she succeeded to bring the intruder down to the floor, she squeezed tightly in an effort to choke them. Until the glint of metal over the intruder's fists slammed right into the back of Nat's knee, it didn't quite dislocate as intended but the force was enough to let the intruder get free.
The two women stood up once more and took a moment to size each other up. Nat realised that this woman was as tall as Steve and looked as strong. The bottom half of her face was covered in a protective mask and her hair was wild, perhaps from a previous scuffle? Now that Natasha had a good look she realised that both of the woman's legs were made of a shining metal, they whirred and clicked as she stood up. She glanced at Steve who was just beginning to stand up, clutching his ribs- the two exchanged a quick nod and together began to try and take down this new threat.
Unfortunately it was not as easy as either of them thought. Their opponent was brutal, unpredictable and yet seemed to predict every move they made. Steve would attack from behind and she was sidestep, only to throw a devastating punch at her. It was down right terrifying that one woman was able to take on both Steve and herself at once. Even worse was that this woman didn't seem to tire, while Steve and the woman were able to breathe normally Nat was beginning to falter. The intruder saw this and with one well timed switch kick Nat saw stars as a metallic leg collided with her temple.
Steve watched in horror as Nat fell, his opponent showed no sense of regret and did not hesitate to begin her brutal assault on him once more. Thrown by Natasha bleeding from the head it didn't take long for the woman to have her arms around his neck in a less than friendly way. Black spots danced in his vision, he thought this was it. He began to run through ways to get out of this but every time he struggled the edge of the brass knuckles dug deeper into his throat.
He thought he was gone until he felt her shift slightly and then let go of him altogether. He fell on the floor gasping and turned to see where the woman had gone. He saw her pick up Natasha's pistol and making a running leap out of the window. Shattering the glass into a hailstorm of chaos.
Tony had little warning other than the sound of glass shattering and the violent bang of a gunshot. The man who he had previously been talking to about his plans for the future fell to the ground, a bullet hole directly through the centre of his brain.
Tony turned around violently to just catch the sight of some meta glinting under streetlights and a figure darting off into the dark.
Fury was going to be so mad at him.
Part 6
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therewasatale · 3 years
On Ao3. 
Summary:  Pip meets Alcuard in a different occasion.
Based on prompt. 
They said, he just has to accompany the vampire girl, secure the area while she is sniffing around, looking for some clues in the woods near the city and then take her home. That what they said.
No one, not a fuckin person said that as soon as the day turns into night, vampires would begin to swarm out from the depths of the woods. A whole ass family was ready to play hide and seek with them. And somehow it was always he and Seras who had to hide.
It was his first goddamn mission here! They just got into the service of Hellsing! Sir Hellsing mentioned something about her other vampire having something to do, but in due time he will join the two of them.
Pip ordered his thoughts and turned his attention to the present.
He glanced over his shoulder.
He hasn't heard any noises from behind them for a long time, but he wouldn't have been able to tell how long they'd been hiding and running for their lives. At least they were able to send the signal for help, now they just had to hold out until someone arrived. Although, heavens knew how long that would be.
He stopped next to an oak tree and pulled Sera into cover. As he listened, he hugged her closer to make sure she was out of sight.
The forest became quiet.
She winced and her face turned slightly red, not only from the hug, but from the smell of blood from the mans injured arm. His scent filled everything around her, she could feel it in her nose and mout,h as something seemed to begin to take control in her head. Her hunger awakened without warning, just as her master had warned her many times. If she does not take blood properly, not only she will be weakened, but over time her hunger will flare ups will be more forceful. She didn't even notice that she slowly licked her lips and leaned closer to the wound.
"Seras?" Pip stared at her. "What the hell are you doing?"
The vampire girl looked up at him. Hunger glinted in her red eyes.
The seconds slowly dragged themselves forward. Pip felt his heartbeat becoming faster and stronger, in his chest as he had to find a solution to the rapidly approaching problem. Could he stop the girl?
Fortunately, he didn't need to think about this for too long.
Seras forced her tongue back into place and shut her mouth swallowing. She calmed down, for now.
"I'm fine…" she couldn't lose herself right now. "I'm fine…"
Pip looked at her for a few moments then slowly nodded. They were fine. For now. They both got quite a few injuries. There was a burning pain in his side, and his arm where he was clawed. And Seras, well, she got a serious hit to the stomach, but amongst the two of them, the girl was able to regenerate herself.
"Why the fuck are those vampires here? And why there's so many of them? I thought it was just one, maybe. Not a whole damn family." Pip muttered nervously as he tried to figure out where their opponents might be.
"The master will be here soon," Seras' quiet whisper seemed almost like shouting in the silence.
"Much good will that do for us if we will be dead by then," Pip hissed in response.
"We won't-"
Wind rose among the trees and leaves fell not far away. The small rustle in the undergrowth was only perceivable to Seras. Her body tensed up between the soldier's arms.
"Down!" She dragged the man after her, just a moment before an arm pierced through the trunk, which they had been using as cover until now.
"Son of a-" Pip rolled on the ground and pushed himself up on his knees as fast as he could. He knew it very well that he was nearing the end of his ammunition, he only brought three grenades with him and he had already used two.
A laugh full of dark excitement shook the branches.
Pip turned the barrel of his gun towards the noise, but before he could pull the trigger, a young, childish voice spoke up right next to his ear.
"Got you."
He still had enough self-control to glance towards the voice.
She didn't look more than eight years old. Her long blonde hair slowly curled in the air, a mixture of blood and mud stained the edge of her floral dress.
"PIP!" Seras wanted to lunge towards him, but a blade pressed against her throat.
"Don’t be so hasty," the young man was far taller than her and appeared from almost nothing behind her. He hugged her with his long arm at his chest and squeezed it closer to himself. More leaves fell around them.
"Let me-" Seras tried to move, but her attacker held her too tight. She winced as she felt the blade slowly begin to make its way down her throat.
The kid grinned widely into Pip's face. Her teeth lined up like needle-sharp blades, and her two canines visibly lengthened. The mercenary's hand instinctively reached for the last grenade on his belt.
"Don't think I'm not taking you with me, you monster!"
Seras's eyes flashed red as she tried to break free. Fingers dug into her arms and she felt the bloodthirst from the figure behind her, but she couldn't take his eyes off the mercenary.
"Pip...don't... MASTER!"
Chill descended on the forest around them, even the wind quieted down. The vampire kid stopped and with her almost everything froze into stillness the woods. Even the mercenary felt that something had changed.
Something has arrived.
The shadows deepened around them, flow together, becoming a black river. An arm rose out of the darkness, holding an obsidian-colored gun.
Pip swore he saw a face in the depths of that shadow, and countless eyes. They were bright red and caught his own gaze. For a few moments he felt blood froze in his veins, and he knew for sure, he had no chance against a creature like that, no matter how many grenades he would have. After seconds which seemed like hours, the crimson eyes turned away from him.
And something growled in the shadows.
"You shouldn't have done that."
The gun fired and the bullet blew a hole in the vampire kid's head. Then another shot and another hit.
The mercenary looked at the body collapsing beside him. The warm blood splashed on his face. Not far from him, the void began to take shape. Rising, towering above him were now the stranger, whose body was covered by a red coat and his long black hair which slithered as if it had a mind of its own, casting a shadow on his face. Still, he could clearly make out the two pairs of eyes, glowing with rage.
"You two, leave."
A scream filled with anger and loss echoed amongst the trees, it was followed by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.
Seras' voice shook him up from his dazed, and she pulled him into standing. His legs were still a little weak and almost buckled, but he knew full well, that he needed to shake off the shock.
"Come on!" She began to pull him forward, and he followed.
He heard the sound of gunshots behind them, then the bone shattering roar shook even his body. He didn't want to look back; he knew it was better not to look back. He didn't know how long they had run, but Seras might have sensed the distance they were safe.
"I think we're safe here." The vampire girl only let go of her arm when the thirst for blood finally abated, then she finally took a few deep breaths, even though she didn't really need it. She glanced back through the trees with her eyes glowing red.
Pip followed her gaze, but his human eyes saw only the thick forest.
Another scream. Maybe another vampire died.
“I don’t know who that is, but I’m glad he seems to be on our side, he’s fucking terrifying.” Pip lit a cigarette, he tried to get a grip of his trembling hands.
Seras glanced at the man. She dug around in her pockets and found a handkerchief extending it towards Pip with a clumsy, perhaps apologetic smile.
"Yeah, dad can be a little overprotective....”
Pip looked at the shadows, then he remembered the eyes that belonged to some demon rather than any ordinary human, or even vampire, and finally he glanced back to the girl in front of him.
“......That’s your DAD?!"
Seras blushed as she realized what she just said.
"Don't tell him, I called him that!"
Pips mind was still concentrated on the previous answer. He didn't have to look back again. There were enough painful screams mixed with a dark but contented laugh to know what's happening.
"Please, Pip ..."
"Wha '? Hm? Oh yeah, yeah, my mouth is closed. Uh, thank you." He took the handkerchief a little awkwardly and pressed it to his bleeding arm. The wound would have to be stitched up, but he was grateful even for that gesture. "Are you okay? You didn’t get hit too hard, are you?"
"No," the vampire girl shook her head. "The bigger wounds have already healed. And I think we'll be safe here for now." She turned her gaze towards the dark between the trees. "Master will finish them soon, and then we can go home."
Pip watched the girl quietly and slowly took a deep smoke from his cigarette. Now somehow, he saw Sera in a whole different light. He glanced down at the blood-soaked handkerchief.
Even now, he could hardly believe the fact that kid back there was really some supernatural being. And yet, if the help arrived even a minute later, he might no longer be alive. Although he had to realize that when they were hired, the first thing they were told that they will encounter extraordinary things.
He finally followed her gaze, but he could only imagine what horrors could be happening in the forest deep. Either way, he was sure he wasn't going to move an inch further from the girl.
He smiled slightly under his breath as he took a deep breath through his cigarette.
Good god, Pip Bernadotte. What have you got yourself into again?
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 13: I do care
The next day came, and you knocked on Tomuras door right on time, you heard the click of the lock and he opened the door.
“HI Tomura didn't even need to tell you it was me,” you said
“Where is the dog?” Tomura asked disappointed by the lack of your four-legged friend
“Sorry Panchan is relaxing today, de-stressing from yesterday, also I didn't want to bring him in case you wanted to go somewhere again,” you said and he sighed
“No, I wasn't planning on going anywhere today,” Tomura said
“Is that so?” you said, “well is there anything you would like to talk about, how is your new game.”
Tomura was in a tough spot, knowing he just dug through the rabbit hole and did not want to tell you he may have found the address of the girl who punched you, Nah not important.
“It's….fine.” Tomura said, “I actually haven't opened it yet.”
“Really, oh you must be waiting for a special occasion,” you said, you then had a smell hit you. “Uhm Tomura...do you smell that?”
“Smell what?’ Tomura asked
“I think your trash is starting to smell a bit,” you said, Tomura scared the back of his head
“Oh,” he said
“Want me to help you take it to the dumpster?” you asked
“No, I can do it later.” Tomura said, closing the door behind him.”
“Tomura no need to feel embarrassed, trust me it's nothing I haven't seen before I've been doing this for a while.” You said, Tomura sighed and went back in dragging out some trash bags, then going back in and dragging out more, and repeating, as you kept walking up and down the stairs tossing them in the garbage can behind the building, over and over again, Tomura tagging along, there must have been at least twenty five trash bags.
“There we go, see it smells better already,” you said
“I guess.” Tomura said, “Okay tell me how the hell do you not judge that!?”
“Tomura I have told you, I've been doing this job for a while, I help people and well it can be hard to leave the house just to toss your trash out, but all that matters is that it's finally out of there, doesn't matter how or why it got like that, all that matters is that now it's okay, but unfortunately that took longer than expected and I have to go,” you said
“Huh why?” Tomura asked
“I have to see my next client, don't worry I will be back tomorrow.” you said, “and I'll bring Panchan.”
“Okay,” Tomura said, as you waved him off, before he turned around and slammed his door in anger, another client, another Client! Oh right, not like you are out of here because you actually want to be, this is your job, oh he almost feels for it, he almost feels for you, but at the end of that day it was true everyone was fake.
You passed out on your bed face first as Panchan jumped up and sniffed your face
“I'm fine Panchan, just a long day at work.” you said, giving him a pat “Tomura didn't look too happy when I left. I hope he understands.”
“You know (name) maybe this is a blessing in disguise.” your mom said as you just back front eh doctor to look at your cauliflower ear
“A blessing in the fact my brain got smacked against my skull and my ear is puffing up,” you said
“Well I mean I thought you would be passed in this little phase of yours by now, It's good to learn self-defense but you seem to be getting a bit into it.”
“Mom, I have been the juniorhigh champion three times in a row now-”
“Well, you did only win this one because your opponent was disqualified.”
“Because I was beating her,” you said rolling your eyes
“Anyway (name), how about you look for a different hobby that is less physical, i mean boys don't like girls who are too buff.” “Is that why you are skinny as a stick?” you said to your mom
“(name) do not talk to me in that tone, all I'm saying is that you are entering high school now, this whole tomboy thing you got going on needed to end.”
“You are full of shit,” you said
Your alarm started beeping and Panchan was barking and wanting breakfast. Why did you have to remember your old-fashioned mother at a time like this, time to shower and start the day. Also, Panchan needed to eat, he had someone who wanted to see him.
“Tomura, I'm back,” you said knocking on the door, and nothing.
Tomura was awake and heard you knocking and he was still pissed off at you, he knew it was dumb of him to even open up to you in the first place, he should just throw flour on your face and told you to piss off and go see your other clients.
“Tomura, are you okay in there?” you asked and Panchan was whining at the door, he just pressed his pillow to his head, till he heard you leave, After ten minutes he started feeling even worse, why didn't you try harder to get him to open up the door, he turned the tv on and was flicking through the channels, and nothing, he watched everything he wanted to watch on every steamer service he owned, he was bored and already speed run his new game. He just sighed and fell back asleep, till he heard a knock on his door again, he looked at his phone that read 9:15 who was here so late at night.
“Tomura it's me again, I'm off the clock right now but it didn't feel right to leave you when I didn't hear anything from you, at least give me something to let me know you are in there.” you said, and Tomura leaned up from his bed.
“I’m fine, just a bad stomach ache,” he said, he wasn't lying necessary, the anxiety that kept him awake every night also messed with his stomach like someone had forced him to swallow a rock that wouldn't digest.
“Is it from food, or is it more from anxiety,” you asked, sounding relieved, you heard the door come unlocked and his head popped out.
“What does it matter to you?” he asked
“It does matter to me, Tomura.” you said, “ you seem upset with me.”
“I am upset with you, you liar,” he said, why didn't you just leave already
“What did I lie about?” you asked
“The fact you act like you care what is best for me.” He said
“I never lied once about that, it seems like you have a lot on your mind.” You said, “May I come in, I'd like to talk about this more.”
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crystalgirl259 · 4 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch18
Chapter 18: The Truth
Kai stumbled as he carried the bundle of clean sheets and thick curtains in his arms while balancing a bucket filled with bars of soap, clothes, and oil polish. Despite taking him back to the castle and tending to his injuries, Cole still gave him punishment for breaking his promise and left the castle grounds. Cole only told him to clean the Lord's room and as a reward, he would let the brunette go for a ride on Flame, who was being pampered in the stables by the staff.
Immediately, he dreaded the job but the thought of seeing Flame sent a wave of joy through him.
Kai chuckled to himself. He couldn't deny it was nice being able to spend time with Cole without having to worry about setting off his temper or arguing with him, but if Cole thought he would be that easy to win over, he was sadly mistaken. His eyes lit up at the challenge until the weight of the objects in his arms brought him back to reality. He groaned in annoyance as he reminded himself of the task at hand. When he found Cole's room again, he was surprised to find the door open and the room empty.
He set the items on a clean-looking spot and dug out the bucket, oil varnish, and a half-melted cake of soap.
He dumped the soap in the bucket and filled it with water from the bathroom, and poured a generous amount of varnish into the water. Supplies in hand, he turned to his opponent and glared. His eyes darted from the dusty furniture to the smudges on the wall, the glass, and furniture scattered across the floor. Fortunately, the sheets had done their job, the couches and chairs were free of dirt. He set the bucket on the floor and fished out the leather gloves the servents had given him and slipped them on, refusing to risk cutting his hands.
Carefully, he gathered the scraps and put them in a pile out of the way until he could figure out what to do with them.
Fortunately, none of the pieces were too heavy or large, but the tiny scraps littered the floor. Dropping to his hands and knees, he meticulously scanned the floor until he'd moved every visible scrap to a harmless location. He sighed and fell back on his knees, pulling off his gloves and tucking them into his pocket. Not wanting to ruin any more clothes, he slipped off his jacket and placed it on a nearby chair. He tied a clean cloth around his mouth to keep away the dust.
He grabbed the bucket, the rags, and the rest of the equipment and began attacking the layers of dust covering the furniture.
Painstakingly, he dug into each crevice, leaving a glossy trail in his wake. By the time he finished the furniture, the dust and holes caked the rag, making it useless. He fished out another cloth and attacked the walls. He growled as higher smudges mocked his height and stretched on his toes, scrubbing the black smudges, fiercely. His arm screamed with each stroke. When he couldn't bear the pain, he finally receded and switched hands letting his sore arm fall limp at his side.
He exhaled deeply in liberation an hour later from exhaustion.
His eyes wandered from the pale spots on the wall to the smudges on the floor. Groaning, he dunked a thicker rag in the bucket and carpet and brushed with passion. He stopped and wiped the sweat from his brow, his arms ached with stiffness. When the last smudge faded, leaving bright blue in its wake, he threw the destroyed cloth in the bucket and struggling to lift it. His muscles screamed at him until he dumped his burden in Cole's bathroom sink.
Free at last, he rewarded himself by collapsing in the nearest piece of furniture which turned out to be the bed.
He sighed in relief and let gravity sink his body into the softness of the bed, his arms liquefying with numbness when he tried to move them. His legs dangled over the bedside. A smirk of victory crossed his face. Now all he needed to do was replace the sheets and he was done. He lost count of how many hours he'd been working. For all he knew, he'd been asleep most of the morning and it was already late afternoon. He wasn't sure he cared anymore.
Finally, his body gave and he closed his eyes in relaxation.
"Damn, did you do everything?" A voice suddenly said. Kai's eyes popped open. He jumped in surprise and whirled around just in time to see Cole standing in the doorway balancing a tray of food in his hands. His eyes scanned the room from top to bottom, raising an impressed brow. "You did a nice job."
"Thank you." Kai smiled as he stood on his feet, stumbling slightly from the heaviness of his body. "I still have to do the sheets before I can see Flame, right?" He asked hopefully. Cole frowned and gestured towards the window. Kai's heart sank. Darkness had already crept across the sky, and the last traces of sunlight were the deep purple and reds of dusk. "That's impossible! I only lied down for a few minutes!" He protested, his eyes unintentionally drawing him to the window, pressing his forehead against the glass.
"You must've fallen asleep," Cole concluded, looking around the room again. "Not that I blame you, you certainly did more than I expected."
"Damnit! All that work for nothing!" Kai cursed and pressed his head against the glass hard enough for the sound to echo. Cole almost laughed at the teen's mild tantrum.
"Now you will have the entire day to spend with your horse, and it's supposed to be nice tomorrow." He said as he sat the tray on the table, strolled over to the teen, and gently grasped his shoulders. Kai was taken aback when he was pulled from his position and guided towards the table. He took a seat in a chair that was far too big for him. His stomach sang with glee at the sight of the food Shade must've prepared for him. The thick aroma of spices and meats caused his mouth to water.
"Now eat before it gets cold, otherwise you'll give Shade a heart attack," Cole said, motioning for the teen to eat up. "Besides, I know for a fact you haven't eaten since yesterday and you're much too thin as it is." He teased and Kai surrendered, his eyes widening as he took in what Shade had prepared. A large bowl of thick tomato soup with a plate of bread spread with garlic and herbs and mushrooms boiled in butter formed the appetizers. A whole hen baked to a golden brown and dressed with chestnut and hazelnut stuffing formed the centerpiece.
A separate plate of roasted eggs, potatoes sprinkled with parsley and a plate of biscuits sat next to it.
A bottle of light blackberry wine and two jeweled encrusted goblets completed the meal. He wasted no time, and dove for the closest thing he could find. Devouring the soup, a biscuit, and the spread toast, he moved onto the mushrooms. He ate half the chicken before Cole grabbed his hand and offered him a goblet of wine.
"Slow down before you choke." He commanded. He swallowed a mouthful of food and blushed, mortified by his bad manners.
"Sorry, I guess I was hungrier than I thought." He apologized, taking the goblet. He sipped the wine, noticing Cole had not moved except to stop him. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" he asked, concerned. Cole's eyes widened. His face too confused to respond as if he'd never been asked such a question. "Here, there's more than enough here for two." He suggested, offering the plate of mushrooms.
"I... I don't need to eat."
"But... you do eat, don't you?"
"I can, I just don't need to."
"So, in other words, just because you don't need to do something, you don't do it?"
"That sounds boring," Kai commented, taking an empty plate and set one of everything on it, then filled the second glass with wine. Cole opened his mouth to question the action only for Kai to place the plate and goblet in front of him. Cole stared at the food with confusion, then back at the grinning teenager.
"Did you not hear what I just told you?"
"I heard you, but you can still eat and Shade's food is delicious, I can't eat all of it and he'll be crushed if we throw some of it out."
"I just told you, I don't need to eat." Cole snapped, biting back his annoyance. "If there's no point to things, why do them?"
"Haven't you ever just done something for the sake of doing it?" Kai interrogated, trying to keep his voice civil. "If not for any other reason than because you can, or to have fun, or to try something new?" He asked and to emphasized his point, he picked up the plate and held it closer to Cole. "When was the last time you actually tasted something? I'll bet one bite and you won't stop."
"Why does it matter?" Cole replied harshly, snatching the plate away and setting it back on the table. "If I don't need something, then what's the point? It's such a waste if something isn't done for a purpose."
"It's not a waste! It's not poison and besides, you not eating means it will go to waste and your staff would've worked hard for nothing." Kai scolded, gesturing with a swing of his hand to address everyone who wasn't in the room.
"I adore my staff, thank you very much, but I doubt my lack of appetite bothers them," Cole answered in a dry tone. "They still eat, though I fail to see the reason why, and regardless, they have always found other ways to entertain themselves in the past." He snarled. Kai's brow narrowed but he had a mischievous smirk on his face.
"But not what they want to do, so everyone else is denied their wants solely because you have nothing better to do but wallow in your room? No wonder you're so grouchy all the time, you must bore yourself to death."
"You really don't know when to bite your tongue, do you?"
"Well spare me for trying to bring a little sunshine to the doom and gloom you call your life." Kai protested, getting to his feet. "I just don't understand you, you have an entire castle here, people who adore your company, and all you do is lock yourself in this room and break things! It's like you purposely go out of your way to make yourself miserable and everyone worries themselves sick because of it." He glared and Cole was on his feet in an instant, anger in his eyes.
"I have my reasons and they are none of your concern nor anyone else's." He countered harshly and turned left. Using his smaller stature to his advantage, Kai cut in front of him, forcing Cole to look at him.
"It is my concern and everyone else's when everyone worries about you." Kai protested passionately. "All the time I hear everyone worrying over you and wondering why you've never left your room; the last two weeks, all they did was ask me what happened to you, and ever since I arrived here, I've been wondering what I did to make you so angry with me!" He blurted out. Cole's expression dropped. The anger from before had vanished, leaving Cole's face a mask of neutrality.
Kai froze and bit his lip as an awkward silence passed between them.
His eyes hadn't left Cole's but he felt himself shaking slightly beneath that gaze. Finally, Cole shook his head, a line formed on his lips.
"If you're referring to the incident in the ballroom, you can relax, I'm not angry at you for that; our... conversation just brought up a few bad memories and I overreacted and your rudeness did little to soften my temper so we were both at fault and it's done." He replied and Kai wobbled a bit, almost sick with relief, but another question came to mind. He opened his mouth to ask, but he bit it back. The rift between them was already large enough.
"What is it?" Cole ordered, curiosity softening the command.
"Nothing," Kai replied, lowering his gaze.
"You wanted to ask me something," Cole observed. Kai didn't look up until the tip of the dragon's tail curled beneath his chin. Cole's arms crossed over his chest, an amused smile crossed his face as he leaned over to meet Kai's eye level. "I know from past experience what happens when your curiosity isn't satisfied, so ask." He said humorously, but there was forcefulness as well. Kai had never been afraid of Cole before the previous night, and he wasn't now, but the knot in his gut twisted.
His voice felt like it vanished.
He froze in place, enthralled by the desire to see what was beyond those emerald depths but the fear of adding another layer to the barrier between them was equally as strong. As if sensing the teenager's dilemma, Cole's expression softened. "Whatever it is, I promise I won't get upset." He added. The statement broke the enchantment. Kai closed his eyes and exhaled a breath.
"Is that your family?" He asked. Completely blown away, by the statement Cole's face dropped to one of flabbergasted silence
"What do you mean?" He asked in a breathy voice, releasing Kai from his grip. His tail curled nervously at his feet. Kai swallowed, almost too afraid to ask, but knowing it was too late, his eyes wandered to the painting on the other side of the room. The cloth had been removed when he changed it and now it was open and visible beneath its glass case.
"The painting over there, are they your family?" He asked with concerned eyes, silently praying he hadn't unintentionally tread into forbidden territory. Cole didn't answer, but the look of conflict on his face spoke for him. He was torn between anger, anguish, and something else. Kai opened his mouth to apologize but Cole raised a hand.
"Don't apologize, you were only curious." He said quickly, silencing any apology. Cole swooped past him, quickly strolling to the balcony, and braced himself on the table where the candle rested. His claws sank into the table as he gave a heavy sigh.
"It's alright if you don't want to say anything." Kai blurted out quickly, his mind racing for some way to repair the rift he knew he'd increased. Cole shot up and the second his eyes met Kai, the teen looked at the ground. "I won't pry into your private life."
"It's not that!" Cole said quickly, hoping to remove the young man's unwarranted guilt. "You've done nothing wrong, it's just something I've come to accept; I know I can't change it no matter how much I wish I could, so I've just accepted it." He explained, turning his back to Kai, who looked at him with wide eyes. Realization at their misunderstanding dawned on him, and he shook his head, turning his attention back to the painting then Cole.
"Are you talking about the curse?" He asked, without thinking. Cole shot up, completely astounded by the statement. He knew the boy knew who he was, but he was forbidden to speak of the details nonetheless.
"I read it in a book," Kai explained with a small smile. "The librarian gave it to me, it's my favorite book." He explained, trying to stifle a laugh at the jaw-dropped expression on Cole's face. "I didn't believe it at first, but it told about this castle, the prince who lived here, the sorcerer who cursed him for no sin other than wanting to protect his kingdom; I wasn't even sure it was real until I saw you for the first time and I later found out Zane wrote it."
"I don't believe this," Cole muttered as he collapsed in a nearby chair, his face a mask of pure shock.
"It wasn't that difficult to figure out, everyone does a horrible job of hiding it every time I ask about it, how dense do they think I am?" He explained with a laugh.
"It isn't that, they can't tell you." He explained, noticing the cute look of confusion on Kai's face. "It is part of our curse, no one can reveal the details of it or how to break it to an outsider; Zane is the only exception because he wrote it down." He laughed to himself at the irony.
"Wait, you mean you knew about it?"
"Yeah, who do you think gave him permission to do so?" Cole laughed, standing up. He hooked a hand around Kai's arm, pulling him to his feet with such swiftness their eyes met again. "I was joking at the time, I'm glad he took me seriously."
"Yes, but that still doesn't answer my question." He replied. "Is that your family? You don't have to tell me about them, I just wasn't sure; they look a lot like you, so I just assumed." He added gently. Cole's face was unreadable as he let Kai go. His eyes darted back to the painting of the happy family safely locked away behind the glass, carefully taking in every detail.
"Why do you want to know?" He asked his voice stoic and his eyes absent of emotion.
"Because I want to get to know you." He answered honestly. His eyes and voice held true conviction, not a flicker of doubt. "The real you, not the character I read in a book or the façade you put up to keep people away, I want to know the real Cole." He said passionately. Finally, Cole closed his eyes and shook his head with a small smile at the boy before him. He walked past Kai with a commanding aura. Kai's gaze followed him until he saw Cole had stopped in front of the painting.
His claws gently glided over the glass and gently caressed the cheek of the girl in the painting.
"My mother was the sweetest person you'd ever meet." He sighed sadly. "She had a heart of gold and a temper to match, do not mistake her though, you would not wish to anger her in fact, those who did often wish they hadn't but she was fair in her discipline; all children in the kingdom she considered her own and it was her personal duty to help all the orphans in any way she could; there was not a soul you could find who didn't love her and I doubt there was anything about her you couldn't love."
"She sounds so kind."
"She was a firm ruler, a tough woman, and a very strict parent." He smiled and, for a moment, Kai swore it was the smile of a child longing for his mother. "My father loved us with every fiber of his soul but he was always willing to sacrifice his own time and happiness for the good of his kingdom." He continued. "He didn't sit around and let officials do the work for him and when something needed to be built or when there was a battle, he was there; he always said a King is only as good as the people who follow him and he never asked his people to do anything he himself wouldn't do." Cole paused for a minute to chuckle at the memory.
"That's a good thing to teach."
"That was the first lesson he taught me; respect for my people." The Dragon Lord smiled at the memory. "I hated it when I was younger; always having to go into town and work, but my father was firm with me, especially in his discipline; despite his duties, however, he always made time for us, and every day, he'd take my sister and I horseback riding or he'd educate us on what it meant to be King; he wasn't there as much as I would've liked, but I also understood his reasons." He sighed heavily.
Kai felt his heart jump as he heard Cole speak, never before had he spoken so kindly, so happily.
It was like he was living a dream and nothing else mattered. He stood up and strolled over to his side.
"They sound wonderful." He smiled, recalling his own parents before they passed away.
"They were."
"Is that your sister?" Kai asked, gesturing a hand to the young girl in the image. Cole didn't answer at first. Instead, he knelt down to meet the eyes of the girl.
"I loved my sister the most, even though she was adopted." He replied.
"She was disowned by her original guardian, but it didn't matter to me or my parents; she was my sister and she meant the world to me, I adored her and she looked up to me and I promised her I'd do anything to protect her." His voice was bright with adoration that Kai swore could only rival his own love for Lloyd. "She was so young." His voice faded to a whisper as his forehead pressing against the glass. "She did nothing wrong." He mumbled. His claws clenched, scratching the glass.
"Neither did you," Kai added, with a small grin of understanding. "Is that why you lock yourself away here? To punish yourself?" He asked and the dragon hybrid looked up. Fierce emeralds bore straight into concerned ambers. The younger held still, not pressuring him but waiting for an answer.
"Why are you so persistent?"
"Why do you avoid answering me?" Kai persisted, his glare hardening. "Am I correct?"
"It doesn't matter," Cole huffed before he turned around and started towards the door, his tail wrapping around Kai's waist gesturing for him to follow. Kai dug his heels into the ground, wincing as the scaly appendage tightened. He bit his lip to keep from crying out. Cole tugged on him, but the stubborn teen remained firm, refusing to back down. Finally, Kai slapped the appendage away and glared at the king. Cole winced, more shocked than angry by the strike.
"What is the matter with you?" He demanded harshly, moving to grab the teen, but Kai evaded his talons, refusing to let time repeat.
"Why is it so hard to answer me?"
"Why does it matter?" He growled at the teen's boldness, his tail whipping at his side, filling the room with loud smacks every time it struck something. "Go back to your room, Kai, you're done here." He ordered, pointing to the door.
"I am not leaving until you answer me!" He shouted and Cole saw red. Before either of them could react he roughly grabbed his upper arm and pinned him against the glass, but not hard enough to hurt him, only immobilize him.
"You are the most stubborn person I have ever met!"
"Funny, I was just about to say the same thing about you! Now let go of me, this instant!" He yelled as he wrenched his arms, but Cole harshly tugged him closer, making him wince.
"You know nothing about me!" The dragon hybrid snapped, shaking the teen slightly.
"That's exactly my point!" Kai argued, clawing at the man's talons with his free hand, in a weak attempt to earn release from his captor's grip, digging his heels into the ground. "You only tell me about everyone else, but you never say anything about yourself! And when I ask you why you stay here, you change the subject or avoid it? Why! You did nothing wrong! So why are you punishing yourself for a crime you didn't commit?"
"You think I don't know that!" Cole exploded, with such force that Kai went silent. Slightly afraid of the mad anger in the Lord's face, Kai stopped his resistance, paralyzed. He put up no resistance as Cole forcefully pulled him closer. "I know I did nothing wrong! I know there was nothing I could've done! Is it better knowing I could do nothing but watch as my entire family vanished right before my eyes and I could do nothing to save them? That I could do nothing to stop the monster who stole them from me from turning me into this repulsive creature? Yes, I'm well aware of that!"
A disturbing silence fell between them, disturbed only by Cole's heavy breathing.
Slowly, regaining his composure, Kai's gaze softened, and his voice civilized.
"So you are punishing yourself." He concluded in an expressionless voice. He'd braced himself for a blow, expecting Cole to strike him, or yell at him once more, but he did neither. Instead, he responded in the last way Kai expected him to. He laughed. Low pearls rolled off his lips like small dark chuckled, before finally erupting into a triumphant burst of hysterics.
"You think I blame myself for that?" Cole mocked, still laughing. "I'd have to be a damned fool to even think that? Why should I when I know the real culprit?" He asked, breathless from laughing. The Dragon Lord then released him and with a shove, more powerful than he intended, threw the teen back into an armchair he'd backed himself against. Kai hissed at the treatment, but his eyes never left Cole's. Cole strolled across the table, bracing himself against an opposite chair, his head hung low as he continued to laugh.
"You really want to know?" He asked with sadness. Regaining himself, Kai nodded, suddenly alert.
"So persistent, fine I'll tell you." Cole chuckled darkly and his voice drifted off. "I stay here because it's easier this way; it's safer, keeping everyone at arm's length so they can't abandon you because they can't stand the sight of you and they can't insult you or turn you away despite all you've done for them because you're a monster; I've done nothing wrong, but still the world rejects and repulses me; I've long accepted I'm a monster." He explained.
Bitter sarcasm drenched his retort with venom.
Each anguished word, poisoned with a frightening familiarity, all while Kai absorbed each brutal word.
"I just don't like being reminded what I already know." He concluded. "It's just safer this way."
"You fool!" Kai protested in a tone so sharp, Cole shot up. Kai's eyes were locked on the floor, his hands balled into fists at his sides and his frame shook violently with rage. "You're a fool, Cole!" He exploded.
"How dare you!" Cole erupted, rage and betrayal in his voice. He was a fool for accepting sympathy.
"Yes, I dare!" Kai countered, stepping forward until he was face to face with the hybrid. "How dare you just give up!" He paused, voice shaking with anger as he tried to find the right words. "You were betrayed, shunned, and abandoned, I don't blame you for that! But how dare you give in to those accusations! So what?! Just because a bunch of heartless traitors shun you and tell you you're a monster that automatically makes it true? When do you ever listen to anyone but yourself!?" He demanded angrily.
Cole's talons ceased the teen by his shoulders and lifted him off the ground, growling with rage.
"You know nothing! You don't know anything that I've been through! You have no idea what it's to be shunned and hated for nothing! You have no idea!" He bellowed so loud Kai was sure the whole castle shook. Kai flinched at the words, not by the harshness in the man's accusation but by its inaccuracy. He shoved the man off him, so hard, Cole was taken aback by the force and stumbled backward. His legs hit those of the armchair and he fell back, but before he could forget, Kai braced his hands on either arm, pinning the man beneath him.
Stunned by the sudden action, Cole froze, paralyzed by the ferocity and gravity in the intense gaze.
"You think I don't know what it's like to be hated? To be shunned and mocked through no fault of my own? Do you think I don't feel something when I see the way people look at me and whisper about me as I walk by? You don't think I know they think I'm a freak! Just because everyone agrees I'm some brazen youth whose only purpose in life should be to marry some pompous aristocrat, live in a gilded cage, and raise spoiled children until I croak means I should accept it and do it?" His shaking grew work as he spoke.
Passion and rage consumed him, and he narrowed his eyes, biting back the tears threatening to fall.
"At least I don't give up! At least I don't just give up and accept what everyone thinks! Because they're wrong! And I know they are! Even if they all agree, even if everyone and everything thinks you're something doesn't mean you are, right? Even if they drill it into your skull, even if they convince you you're a monster or a freak! That doesn't mean it's true!" He finished screaming, his entire body shook violently. Without bothering to wait for a reaction from the stunned Lord, Kai pulled back and turned to leave, knowing he couldn't keep himself in control any longer.
He didn't get far.
In a flash, Cole blocked the man's path with his wings, carefully placing a talon on his shoulder, and gently turned him to face him, but Kai refused to meet his gaze.
"Kai, wait!" Cole called softly. When the teen looked up, Cole's eyes widened. Tears streaked the teen's face like transparent rivers. Droplets accumulated on Kai's chin until they finally dropped to the floor or dampened Cole's claws.
"What!" The teenager snapped, harshly, furiously rubbing away the signs of his weakness. Even with tears falling from Kai's eyes, fire blazed in them. Those same indomitable eyes he adored, at first sight, blazed with so many emotions at once. Anger, anguish, sympathy, disgust, hurt. It was hard to tell who they were for or what emotions were directed at whom. Frozen at the sight before him, Cole moved a clawed hand to catch the tears, unsure how to react.
The Lord gently brushed his chest, wondering why his heart suddenly felt like it sprang free, and why hit hurt when he saw the tears, he tried so hard to force back fall.
"Kai, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He choked, sincerely. Kai froze at the sudden apology, barely feeling the leathery wings wrap around him. He found Cole staring at him, guilt and remorse glazed his features. His eyes softened when they met his gently demanding the truth "Are you speaking about me or yourself?" He asked and Kai moved his arm to wipe away his tears before responding.
"Both." He replied. Just then two arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a tight, warm embrace. Cole gently brushed away the remains of his tears, careful not to prick the delicate skin with his claws. Unable to resist, he carefully leaned down and gently kissed the remaining tears away. Kai froze when the king pulled back, his face crimson. His voice died in his throat, unsure of how to respond to the sudden gesture, even as his finger subconsciously brushed the tender area the kiss left behind.
Cole smiled at the reaction and gently stroked the kindred spirit's soft hair hoping to calm him before gently whispering.
"No one has ever cried for my sake." He whispered as he embraced the boy tighter, enjoying the warmth Kai's body radiated. Relishing in the comfort, Kai leaned his forehead against Cole's chest, the soft material of Cole's shirt brushed against his cheek, cushioned by the lean muscles beneath. Cole wrapped his arms and tail around his waist, his wings wrapping them in a cocoon of bliss. Kai finally collapsed, emotionally exhausted, his body felt heavy with bliss.
The Dragon Lord followed his example, taking the teen with him, fell back into his chair.
His body felt as though an enormous burden had been lifted from his being and the loss of such a weight had left him immobile with peace. Cole hummed as he gently running his claws through the silky brunette locks, not caring whether or not Kai heard him. The teen smiled as he faded in and out of consciousness and exhaustion started to take its toll on him. Cole closed his own eyes, letting his hand fall limply at his side...
When he opened his eyes, Cole couldn't recall where he was. He closed his eyes and shook his head for a moment, gently brushing his claw through his black hair. He looked down, feeling a heavyweight on his chest. He almost jumped up in surprise when he found his house guest curled against his chest like a cat. Once the memories returned, however, he calmed himself down and smiled. He had to admit, Kai looked adorable while he slept.
So peaceful and innocent, without a care in the world.
The opposite of the fiery, strong-willed spirit he was when he awoke. Cole decided to let him sleep for a bit longer. He carefully gathered the teen in his arms and carried him to his bed. He brushed aside the veils with his tail and gently placed the boy on his side, pulling the comforter over him. His eyes fell back on the half-eaten tray of food on the table. He tested it with his finger. It was cold but not enough to be inedible. He paused for a bit when he heard a stir behind him.
"Cole?" Kai called half-consciously. Kai rolled onto his stomach and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, blearily looking for the other man. He found him by the table gathering the food and goblets from before.
"I'm just cleaning up," Cole said over his shoulder. He watched as Kai rolled over and sat upon the bed, kicking off his boots and letting his jacket slip from his shoulders. Perhaps letting him sleep in his clothes wasn't such a good idea. He left the plates on the table and strolled over to the wardrobe, searching for something light. His eyes darted to something bright on the table. Closer inspection revealed the garment was a folded pile of red silk glowing like a hot beacon among the dark color scheme.
He snatched up the garment and let the slippery material fall open, revealing an angel-sleeved robe that fell to the knees.
The size indicated it was much too small for him but saw it would fit Kai perfectly. His sharp eyes caught a white note in the pocket. He pulled it out and his eyes skinned it over, instantly recognizing Harumi's handwriting.
For Kai, since he'll probably need it.
His jaw clenched and his face reddened as he crumpled the note in his hand, reminding himself she was too valuable to kill. He could just hear the implication. What the hell did she think they'd be doing? Cole purposely chose not to answer that question. He took a breath and composed himself before placing the garment over his arm and exiting the wardrobe. Having grown used to his dragon scales, sleeping in his clothes no longer bothered him.
When he returned, he paused for a moment.
His eyes drank in the delicious sight of his house guest stripped to only his pants. Cole smirked, licking his fangs at the delicious creamy-caramel skin, briefly wondering if it tasted as sweet as it looked. Deciding to take advantage of the situation before the teen returned to full waking, he slowly strolled over to him. His tail grabbed the blanket as Kai climbed back into the bed. Kai growled, half exhausted, annoyed, and yanked the comforter.
Cole won the small war, the younger being too tired to argue.
When he noticed Kai's eyes starting to brighten, he waited until the teen turned to glare at him. When Kai did so, he held out the robe to him, smiling. Kai blinked in confusion as the slippery material fell into his hands.
"It isn't very comfortable sleeping in your clothes," Cole answered the unasked question. chuckling slightly at the boy's confusion. Realization caused Kai's eyes to bulge and he looked at Cole, then robe, then down at himself. Kai instinctively pulled the robe to his chest, his face scarlet as he glared at the smirking king.
"Cole!" He howled, more from mortification than anger.
"Relax, you can change in the bathroom." Cole smiled, gesturing to the door next to the wardrobe. With as much dignity as the teen could muster, Kai stood up, still clutching the robe, and disappeared into the bathroom. He released a sigh of relief seeing that it was clean. Chuckling, Cole returned to his earlier work, glaring down at the chicken bones, empty plates, and goblet. The wine bottle had been resealed, but the second goblet was still half-full and small amounts of appetizers littered the smaller plates.
"It would be a waste," He agreed, gathering all the food onto one large plate and stacking the dirty ones. He grabbed the half-full goblet, debating its fate. Dumping it would be a waste, but he couldn't return it to the bottle either. His eyes narrowed at the tempting liquid. He couldn't recall the last time he had wine. Hadn't Kai said something about seizing the moment?
"Oh what the hell?" He finally decided, raising the goblet to his lips. A mixture of richness and a sweet woody tang ignited his senses. His eyes flew open. The small sip turned into a large gulp, then another, then another, determined to capture the burning the liquid brought him. He gorged himself until every drop was gone from the goblet then wrenched it away to breathe. "God, I'd forgotten how good this stuff is." He said loudly as if buzzed by the minimal alcohol.
He wiped his mouth on his shirt and turned to the appetizers.
He scooped up a biscuit and took a bite. It was cold and the butter had hardened, but the combination tasted divine. He downed the other half in one gulp, unable to resist the pleasure it brought to his taste buds. He grabbed another appetizer, this time, a piece of bread with the garlic and herb spread and bit down. The bread tasted harder than the biscuit but the pasty spread had softened it, the sharpness of herbs leaving a bittersweet desire for more.
He swallowed the delicious treat before eating another one, deciding to savor the taste before it was gone.
Potatoes dripping with garlic butter went down thick and creamy. Next was the stuffed mushroom. Juice trickled down his chin and the rich, stuffing crunched in his mouth, savoring each bite until he could stand it no longer and swallowed the rest. He licked his lips and fingers, determined to capture the remains of the taste before opening the wine again and downing the rest of the bottle. The taste of berry juice flushed his senses while the sharp brisk of alcohol burned his throat.
He gulped the juice, not even bothering to stop as his lungs screamed for air and his throat burned.
He pulled the bottle from his lips and gasped as the final drop went down. He was buzzed from the ecstasy of the experience. He wobbly placed the empty bottle on the tray and carefully got to his feet. The buzz of drunkenness beginning to slip away as his body cleared his system of the alcohol.
"I told you so." A familiar voice chuckled lightly. The Dragon Lord almost dropped the bottle. His heart plunged into his stomach as he whirled around, just in time to catch the wide grin on Kai's face as he leaned in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were brilliant with triumph and his grin nearly split his face, alerting Cole he had seen the entire scene. Ignoring the blush on his face and the large bruise on his ego, Cole got to his feet and glared at the teen.
Kai said nothing.
He removed himself from the door and walking back towards the bed, the red robe he was wearing perfectly molded his form and leaving nothing to the imagination, but Cole barely noticed. His blush worsening and his glare hardening as Kai's grin spoke more than a thousand voices. Kai sat on the bed and smiled at him, daring him to counter him.
"Go to bed!" Cole finally snapped, plopping down on an armchair. Kai smiled and shook his head...
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drabbledragon · 4 years
Linktober: Companions
I’m already a few days behind for the daily prompts but fear not, because I will end up doing all the prompts even if it takes me into November. Anyways, please enjoy this 5K fic that I had way too much fun on.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26749021/chapters/65599177
Summary: There were little differences here and there between each one of the Links, but not quite as little when it came to companions.
Warnings: Swearing
Day 5: Companion
“So Sky, who’s your bird friend over there?”
The Hero of Skies tried to suppress his giggles as he met Twilight’s inquisitive eyes with his own sparkling ones, “ This is Red, my Loftwing!”
The other heroes looked curiously at the large bird currently pinning their friend to the ground and licking his face much like a dog would do to its owner. The creature was easily the size of one of Wild’s bears, and its feathers were a brilliant red that shone even in the midnight moon’s glow; as Wind had described it before, it was practically like a big red seagull. Sky’s companion was a complete surprise to them, and any similarities between the amiable fairies and gentle horses the other Links had met were not found with the excitable Loftwing. 
Sky’s Zelda, whom the group affectionately agreed to call ‘Sun’, smiled cheerfully at the pair. 
“He missed you a lot, you know,” She claimed, and there was a tender quality to her voice. “ Ever since you left with your friends all those weeks ago, Red’s been flying all over the place looking for you.”
Sky ran a gentle hand over the bird’s beak. “ Awww, I missed you, too, Red! But I’m here now, so we should be able to spend a lot of time together tomorrow!” And the bird cooed in response, nudging his head carefully against the Skyloftian’s chest. The affectionate relationship shared between the Guardian Bird and Skyloftian was heartwarming, and a few of the heroes couldn’t help but smile at the scene.
“Speaking of which,” All faces turned to Time. “ We really should be getting some rest. I doubt there’ll be any monsters this high up, so we should be able to sleep easy tonight, and then we can use the following days to catch up on things we’ve been meaning to do.”
“The old man’s right,” Four chimed in. “ Our swords and shields can definitely use a repair or two, so if there’s any good place to do it, then it’s here.”
Sun excitedly clapped her hands together and beamed. “ So then what are we waiting for? Let’s get you guys inside! Link can of course get into his dorm all by himself, but the rest of you,” She nodded her head towards the remaining heroes, “ will need a place to sleep! Lucky for you eight, four rooms at the Knight Academy just opened up!”
So under the midnight moon, Sun snuck the rest of Hylia’s chosen heroes from the center of Skyloft to the aforementioned building with barely a sound, her father sleeping upstairs completely unaware.
It was a peaceful night’s sleep for Legend, which was very rare considering the adventures he’s been on. His dream was nothing special: just him sailing across the ocean, small waves lapping at the wooden bottom of his raft and the salty air kissing his cheeks. The gentle lull of the sea was soothing, and he floated along without a care in the world, the calling seagulls from above reminding him of a place he knew long ago.
He yelled out and fell from his bed when a sudden caw filled the small dorm; apparently, all the commotion was enough to wake up a sleeping Hyrule and have him cry out all the way from the other side of the room. 
"Hylia fuck!" The Hero of Legend shouted to no one in particular, and once he gathered his bearings, he looked up towards the window and glared at the Crimson Loftwing staring at him. “ What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
He impatiently rose to his feet and pushed past the bird’s head in order to get a better view of outside: the sky was barely the shade of its usual blue, with the sun just a speck of light over the horizon. His fingers dug deep into the wooden frame beneath him. 
“Motherfucker,” He cursed, and he looked the bird right in the eye when he said, “ You woke me up and it’s not even seven in the morning!”
The Loftwing only tilted his head in response.
“Maybe something’s wrong.” Hyrule guessed. With a tired rub of his eyes, he brought his attention to the creature and asked, “ Is there something wrong, Sky’s Loftwing?”
The veteran scoffed. Him and Hyrule may be from the same timeline, but they could act so different at times. 
After a few tantalizing seconds, the bird simply chirped back and started to tug excitedly at the sleeves of Legend’s tunic.
“Ugh, I knew it! This thing just wants to play!” He groaned out, and now that he knew the real reason behind the Loftwing’s frenzied actions, he spared no mercy in trying to push the creature back. However, shove and jab all that he might, but Sky’s companion was still a powerful creature with tons of raw strength on its own, while his opponent was nothing but a Hylian that relied heavily on magic. 
But that Hylian was in luck, because while a majority of Legend was off fighting against a bird twice his size, one of his hands was busy scrambling across the floor, looking for an item that he knew would make him the victor in this losing battle.
Come on, he knew it was here - aha!
He shoved his hand into his item bag closer and took out the first thing that he was able to grasp. His Ice Rod! Perfect!
With a simple swipe of his weapon, four ice blocks were summoned and shattered across the room’s walls with a few thuds. The feathered intruder squawked and reared his head back in surprise, and while the opportunity was still at hand, the Hero of Legend rushed over to the opened window and shut it closed; then, after a quick moment of thought, swiped his Ice Rod across the sill in order to trap the opening in an ice block.
He stepped back and huffed out a breath. That should be enough to keep that thing away. The veteran stood back with bated breath, confident that his trick was sure to work, but knew that the goddess had a way of crushing his dreams just for fun; but as one second became ten, and ten seconds became sixty, he felt his shoulders gradually relax with the knowledge that he had won, and that he could now resume his peaceful dream in the lull of ocean waves with no red oversized Cucco to be found.
“Finally, that stupid bird is gone.”
But his hopes were dashed when a sudden incessant pecking began on the other side of the walls, specifically over the headboard of his bed. He dropped his head into his hands and nearly sobbed.
That’s it, he couldn’t do this anymore; he lost. 
With a low hang of his head and a pathetic shuffling of feet, Legend dragged himself back to his bed and tugged a pillow over his head, trying vainly to block out a sound that couldn’t be stopped. 
Hyrule could only nervously laugh at his predecessor’s predicament. 
It seemed to be a perfect morning for Warriors today.
He had gotten up at his usual time, feeling well - rested despite arriving on Skyloft at midnight, and was able to have the men’s restroom all to himself. He was intent on freshening up his appearance just for the sake of his walk down to the center of the island. He hadn’t gotten a chance to properly explore the place since the first time they arrived in Sky’s era: for the most part, the group usually ended up in an area that the Skyloftian would call ‘the Surface’, and despite how ominous it seemed at first, Warriors had come to learn that it was just any part of Hyrule that was not floating on an island millions of miles in the air. 
Although now that he thought about it, it would make sense for the people of Skyloft to give the land beneath them such a foreboding name: it would be enough to deter adventurous Hylians from jumping off the island just for the sake of their curiosity, and with tales passed down about the Goddess giving the Skyloftians guardian birds to protect them, one cannot help but fear that there’s danger lurking just beyond the clouds, demons ready to slay any person that steps into their territory.
Warriors chuckled. He supposed Legend calling the Hero of Skies ‘Birdbrain’ every now and then was starting to make sense.
He paused when his hand grabbed for his hairbrush but only met dead air instead. The captain pursed his lips. That’s funny, he could have sworn he took his hairbrush out of his item bag already.
Oh well, no matter. He would just simply open his item bag and get - …
… which was also gone.
Alright, there’s no way that could’ve happened. He definitely brought all his things into the men’s restroom as soon as he walked in, all safely stored in the item pouch that hung securely across his belt. The belt was neatly folded on his tunic so - he ducked beneath the counter to look into one of its many cabinets - it has to be there with his other clothing, right? 
He startled at the sound of a caw and accidentally banged his head on the top of the cabinet.
He rubbed a careful hand across the bump that he was sure was starting to form. Damn, that’s going to hurt for the rest of the day.
“Ah, Sky’s Loftwing,” He greeted the bird with a pleasant smile. “ It’s a pleasure to see you so early in the morning.”
The creature amiably chirped back. 
With a swift nod to his friend’s companion, the captain was ready to crouch back down and begin his search anew for his missing item’s bag; well, that is until he heard a clatter of bottles beside him.
“Hey!” He called out, and the bird, which he so graciously greeted before, paused to regard him with an innocent look. Warriors nearly scoffed: as if an innocent look could make him forget that he had caught the Loftwing stealing his shampoo bottle red - handed. Without an inking of hesitance, the bird quickly pulled his head back out through the window like a gopher going back into its hole.
The Hero of Warriors scrambled over to the window frame and sharply gasped at the sight laid before him; There, on the dew - covered grass, were all the things he had recently lost: his hairbrush, his item bag, his shampoo bottle, his conditioner, his hair gel, all neatly placed in a pile. He frowned and looked to the bird curiously tilting his head at him. The Loftwing had been taking his things while he wasn’t looking.
“You little thief.” Was all the Hylian said before pulling back and hurriedly making his way to the bathroom’s entrance. He would get his things back from outside, and once he was done with that, he would immediately go to Sky and give him an extensive lecture on how he needs to keep his Loftwing in check. He was about halfway through the door when he heard a sudden slip of fabric across wood.
“No no no no!” He cried out as he immediately reached for his blue scarf. He locked the piece of cloth in an iron grip as if it was his lifeline. With a steely gaze that could make the most disobedient of soldiers fall in line, he snarled, “ You let that go right now!”
But the Loftwing disobeyed, and if anything, only pulled harder on his end of the scarf. 
The captain gritted his teeth when he heard the creature give out a successive line of guttural caws. Was this thing laughing at him? Was this bird so ignorant to believe that Warriors’s scarf was just a toy he could use to play tug - o - war with? The audacity of this creature to believe that such a well - trained captain of the Hyrulean Army was willing to sacrifice the thing he held most dear to his heart just for this bird’s own sick satisfaction. But as time ticked on, he could feel the very fabric slipping from his grasp, and his heart nearly lurched in his throat when he heard the telltale sign of cloth ripping.
All at once, the fight left his body and he slumped on his feet, but a large part of his very soul refused to let go of his prized scarf. Like a fish being torn from the water with a fishing rod, the upper - half of his body was pulled through the window, only stopping when the rest of him got snagged on the wooden sill. 
There he lay, completely and utterly helpless as the bird paraded around with the captain’s treasured scarf hanging loosely from its mouth like it was the spoils of a battle; and as if to make matters worse, a pair of women passing by briefly glanced at him and couldn’t help but laugh at his predicament.
Warriors thunked his head uselessly against the exterior of the Knight Academy. He would most certainly be having a long talk with Sky.
“Vio, how did you lose a sword of all things?”
Said counterpart of Four let out a frustrated sigh for the umpteenth time. Annoyed violet eyes met concerned green ones as he said, “ For the last time, Green, I don’t know. Maybe Blue hid it somewhere or something.”
“Me!? I was busy working on Time’s and Twilight’s swords so why the fuck would I want to touch any of your stuff!?”
“Maybe because you like causing trouble? I don’t know, you really just do things without reason.”
“Why you little -”
Green raised his hands up in an attempt to break up the fight. “ Okay, okay, it doesn’t matter who did it. We just need to focus on finding it before someone notices that we split.” He shrugged his shoulders. “ I mean, how hard can it be to find one part of the Four Sword?”
“Well it depends on what Blue did with it.”
“Vio, shut up! You know I had nothing to do with this!”
“Hey guys! I think I found a clue!” Three heads turned to where they heard their red counterpart call out, and two out of the three faces scowled when they saw Red excitedly holding a bunch of red feathers in his hands.
Vio had to resist the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “ Red, finding feathers isn’t going to help us find my Four Sword.”
“Well what about the bird up there?”
And when three heads turned once more to the tree hanging just over their red counterpart, all three of them startled at the sight of a large bird pecking idly at Vio’s sword.
“Wait, that’s Sky’s Loftwing, right?” Green realized. Seriously, that thing was huge; how did they not notice it before? He shook his head and cupped his hands around his mouth as he shouted out, “ Hey, my brother needs that sword back!”
With a lift of his head, the bird regarded each of Four’s counterparts with a curious stare, the whole ordeal seeming to take long, agonizing seconds. Green furrowed his brows. What was Sky’s companion doing? Trying to process what he had said? Sizing them up? It was really just a mystery that couldn’t be solved with the four counterparts’ lack of understanding of Loftwings. 
And just as unexpected as Vaati being released from the Four Sword, the bird took off without warning, Vio’s sword firmly clutched in his claws. 
The violet version of Four gawked indignantly, and he was running after his sword before he was even able to register it. His feet pounded the ground like an angry Lynel and his whole being tensed with the knowledge that if he didn’t get his weapon back, he would be the one who’d have to explain to the Links why there were four different Fours. His hand reached greedily once he was within range of the bird’s claws, and in a desperate attempt, he leapt off the ground and held onto the hilt of the sword like his life depended on it. He startled when he felt a sudden grip on the back of his tunic.
“Vio, are you fucking crazy?! You could’ve just plummeted to your death right there!”
And so with Blue’s exclamation, Vio looked down, and he felt his stomach drop: there he was, feet dangling towards the fluffy clouds below him, covering a gruesome and deadly drop; the other three quarters of Four had saved him by holding onto each other and forming some ironic chain to anchor him near the ground, and he just hoped that chain would last long enough for him to retrieve his sword. Vio shouted over the wild flapping of the Loftwing caught in midair, “ I’m not letting go until I have my sword back!”
“Really?! You care more about that sword than your own life, Vio?!”
“Why don’t we just ask the bird nicely? That could work!”
“Why are you always pulling dumbass stunts like this?!”
Maybe Blue was right on that last one, but Vio absolutely refused to just give his sword away. It was the Four Sword for crying out loud! The former Picori Blade! A gift from the Minish that he swore he would protect no matter the circumstances, and he’d be damned if he lost a legendary sword to something so idiotic as an oversized bird. He strengthened his grip on the weapon; he wasn’t going to let go. 
And all at once, he finally felt the tension leave from his sword when the Loftwing finally let go, causing him to fall listlessly through the air - well, he would have if it wasn’t for his three other counterparts anchoring him to the solid ground of Skyloft. The pressure created by the fabric of his neck was almost enough to choke him.
“You’re really heavy, Vio,” Whined Red
“Yeah, you need to get off your lazy ass and stop talking to Shadow all the time,” Scolded Blue.
“Can we just touch our swords together and get this over with?” Sighed Green.
The sky was a brilliant blue this morning, and it was perfect weather for a certain champion and ranchhand to play with a certain Skyloftian’s Loftwing.
Wolfie rounded the corner and bounded across the length of the platform gracefully, causing the Crimson Loftwing to squawk in pleasant surprise and changed direction accordingly. Over the past few hours, the wolf and Loftwing had been locked in a playful combat of tag, chase, tug - or - war, and really anything else the Hero of Twilight could think of. It was a pleasant experience, and allowed the Ordonian to enjoy some much needed fun, a thing he honestly didn’t think he would miss once he left for another adventure.
Twilight led the Loftwing to a nearby tree and trotted to a stop, taking on his Hylian form once more as he approached Wild.
“Y’know this guy’s like a big ol’ dog? ‘Likes to play around and cuddle and everything!” The Ordonian explained with hands excitedly thrown in the air. As if to emphasise his point, the large bird came over and affectionately nestled into the crook of the Hylian’s neck, causing the latter to giggle.
The champion snorted and rolled his eyes. “ Only you would compare a Loftwing to a dog. Now,” He turned his attention to the swords laid neatly on the ground and tipped his head thoughtfully. “ Which one of these should I get rid of?”
As if comprehending the hero’s strife, the bird pattered over to the line of weapons, grabbed onto a Windcleaver, and tossed it towards one of the landing platforms. The piece of metal clattered uselessly against the wood before inevitably falling off Skyloft.
Wild pursed his lips at the events before shrugging nonchalantly. “ Well I guess that settles things.” 
Twilight scratched at a spot under the Loftwing’s neck and frowned, “As much fun as Red is, he can be really vicious at times: like just this morning, I nearly got a claw to the chest when the guy was trying to get some food off my plate.” 
“But a lot of animals work the same way, right? They like to mess around and play and stuff like that but when things get exciting, they tend to go a little overboard. Plus you said it yourself: Red’s just a ‘big ol’ dog’, so it’ll only make sense for him to act like one, too.” Judging by the deadpan look he received, Twilight probably wasn’t very amused with Wild’s mockery of his accent.
“Sure, but there’s a fine line between playing and actually hurting someone. I mean, me and the bird were just messing around a couple of minutes ago but he nearly took my head off when he was switching directions; he could’ve really hurt me if I wasn’t so used to dodging swords and clubs all the time.” The ranchhand casted a worrying gaze towards the Knight Academy. “ I just hope Sky’s not the one to let Red do whatever he wants.”
The champion rose to his feet and stretched. “ I’m sure it’s fine: Sky might be a softy and all, but he knows when to put his foot down when he needs to.”
The Loftwing immediately perked up at the sight of Wild moving and quickly scurried over to give the Hylian a playful jab. The latter grimaced and pushed against the bird’s beak.
“Sorry, Red, but I got some things to do. Maybe we can play later.”
But the bird simply ignored his words and jabbed him again, this time more forcefully.
“Seriously, quit it.” He swatted harmlessly towards the bird. “ I need to go shopping for a new shield.”
And Twilight also stepped in and goaded at the Loftwing with a bright smile, “ C’mon, Red, let’s go play chase again!” As if to illustrate his point, he shifted back into his Twili form and wagged his tail; but his attempt was futile, because the Loftwing was still insisting that Wild should play with him.
Finally, after the ninth refusal, Red had had enough. Without warning, the Loftwing had spread his great wings and took to the sky, all the while locking the Hero of Wilds in his tight grip. The moment was nearly imperceptible, but Twilight was able to catch a brief glimpse of his charge’s surprised face, and that in itself made Twilight terrified. 
The wolf immediately bounded from the scene. He disregarded the frightened cries he received from the numerous Skyloftians he passed, and he did his best to keep sight of his charge and his friend’s companion; but their forms were but a speck in the sky, and unlike the Loftwing, he only had so much land to run on. 
Hylia, what should he do?! The Loftwing’s soaring through the sky, travelling at a speed ten times faster than him, and he’s stuck on a measly island that’s barely bigger than Ordon Village! He supposed he could just use his Gale Boomer to knock the bird off course, but that would mean putting both the Loftwing’s and Wild’s lives in danger, and that’s the last thing he wanted to do; he hated to think of how quickly their bodies would plummet to the ground if the Guardian Bird couldn’t recover in time. Maybe he could ask one of the Skyloftians to retrieve his charge? Sky did briefly mention something about there being guards here of some sort. But Twilight didn’t have time for that! He had the instinctual feeling that if he took his eyes off his friends for even a second, they would surely disappear from his life forever. He mentally knocked a palm against his head. C’mon, Twilight, think!
He nearly toppled over when he came to an abrupt stop. His eyes squinted at a small figure gliding through the sky. Was that …? 
It was! There was the former champion, drifting listlessly with his Paraglider like a leaf in a gentle breeze. He was back on the ground in a matter of minutes, and Twilight wasted no time in shifting forms and pulling his protege into a hug. 
He was sure Wild was calling him a mother hen by now. 
The Hero of Twilight pulled back after a few seconds and scolded his protege, “ Do you know how dangerous that was?! You could’ve been thrown off into the sky! You could’ve plummeted to your death in a matter of a minute! What would I even tell the Old Man?!”
“Um, that it’s not my fault?”
“It’s not your - !” He paused. 
Wait, it wasn’t Wild’s fault. It was Sky’s Loftwing that had taken his friend into the sky without prompt, all for the sake of wanting to play with him. Wow - he raised his brows - Wild actually didn’t do anything wrong this time.
He supposed he needed to talk to Sky later.
“Do you think I should tell Aryll about the Gerudo people we met in Wild’s Hyrule?”
“Of course.”
“And tell her about the giant Molduga we fought?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Are you gonna tell Malon about the same things?”
“Hmm...” Time thoughtfully tapped his quill against the paper, “ I’m not sure; I have a few other things I want to tell her about first.”
There were a lot of things the Hero of Time wanted to tell his wife: what the different Hyrules were like, how the boys were doing, what new things he’s seen - anything interesting, really. He would just need to choose topics that wouldn’t bore Malon - he knew how quickly disinterested she got when it came to anything regarding the royal families and the surrounding civics. She really was just a simple farmer who wanted to live a peaceful life.
Time pressed his lips together. Maybe he should get her a Loftwing statuette like the one he’d seen on Sky’s bookshelf. They really weren’t the type of couple to give each other cheesy gifts like that but now that he considered it, he should be doing a little more personal shopping. It would really be a shame if his adventure ended and he had nothing to remember the other Links by. 
He was pulled out of his thoughts when a piece of paper was nearly shoved into his face.
“Do you think this looks okay?” The sailor said, pointing to a crudely drawn Molduga in the bottom - right corner of the sheet. “ I don’t think I got the color right but it does look like the same thing we saw a couple days ago, right?”
Yes, the color was a bit off and the size of the creature’s jaw was too small and the spines were barely protruding out of its back but Time wouldn’t dare tell any of that to the young boy.
“It looks great.” He warmly smiled, and he felt his heart lighten at seeing Wind beam.
It had become a weekly tradition for Time and Wind to sit together and write letters to their loved ones. It wasn’t unusual to find the two staying up well into the night with a quill in hand and paper on table, or find them chasing down the postman so that he could somehow move through eras and deliver their letters. It was such a small little hobby they had, but they both loved it immensely and had formed a strong bond because of it.
The sound of a distant ‘caw’ drew both of their attention to the sky, and Time could’ve sworn that Wind’s eyes shone with a brilliance that rivaled that of the sun’s. The Crimson Loftwing’s shape was barely distinguishable from their spot, but it seemed to excite the young sailor all the same.
“Woah!  I definitely gotta draw Aryll a picture of that!” And so the young hero did, immediately producing a red crayon from his bag and beginning to draw the basic outline of the creature.
But Time’s gaze still remained locked on the creature, good eye struggling to track it due to the speed the thing was travelling at. Wait, was that Loftwing …?
He didn’t even get a chance to brace himself when the aforementioned creature suddenly blew past them in a haste, leaving a massive gust of wind in its wake ... and along with that gust of wind went all of their papers. The old man didn’t think him and Wind could stand up any faster.
“Ah! My letters!” Was all the sailor said before he took off in a mad sprint, his speed probably on par with Wolfie’s. Time was already along with him before he was even able to register it.
The two heroes weaved their way through Skyloft as they chased the papers down like a pack of hungry wolves. They winded their way through dirt paths and tall buildings, and only Time was courteous enough to mutter out a quick apology to those poor citizens they had nearly bumped heads with. Their chase seemed futile: the neverending breeze on the island seemed to drag their papers further and further away like leaves caught in a strong gust of wind, and it was only a matter of time until the letters were caught in a downdraft and sent spiraling towards the clouds. The chances of Time and Wind getting their letters back were close to zero. 
The Hero of Time nearly toppled over his younger counterpart when the latter suddenly stopped.
“Wait a sec, I can control the wind.”
Time nearly slammed his head against the nearest building. Wind was the Hero of Winds; of course he could control the wind! Why didn’t he bother to think of that?!
After a quick search of his bag, the sailor pulled out his Wind Waker and began to conduct a soothing tune, smiling easily as the direction of the winds started to change. One by one, their letters came floating down to their feet, and before they knew it, weeks’ worth of stories and tales and information were back safely in their grasp.
Time blew out a breath of relief, “ Thank you, Sailor.” 
Well, at least their chase was finally over; now it was just a matter of figuring out whose letter was whose. The two gently sat themselves on the ground and began to read each paper’s contents.
“This one says ‘ Dear Malon’ on the top so it’s yours!”
“This one has your sister’s name towards the bottom, so I’ll put it here.”
“There’s something about horses and cows on this one, so I think it belongs to you!”
“And this one’s about palm trees and oceans, so I believe this one is yours.”
“Here’s one about when we were back in my Hyrule!” But then Wind suddenly frowned as he reread the letter. He did his best to suppress his laughter when he said, “ Wait, you don’t know how to spell ‘seagull’?”
Time had to resist the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. He really didn’t have the patience to tell him about growing up in a forest completely composed of illiterate children.
When Sky finally woke up, it was to eight annoyed faces looking directly at him.
“Woah, what are you guys doing up so early? It’s only -” He squinted past the window in his room, “ - noon!”
Time, taking a deep, calming breath, began in a levelled tone, “ Sky, we need to talk about -”
“We need to talk about your Goddess - damned bird!” And Legend was quick to shatter everyone’s barely - held composure. “ You know that thing woke me up at seven a.m.? What do I look like?! A farm boy?!”
“And he nearly ripped my scarf! That bird has no regard for prized possessions!”
“He took Wild for a joyride! An unneeded joyride.”
“I mean, it wasn’t that bad waking up at seven; sometimes I get up earlier than that but that’s only when I’m being chased down by monsters.”
“Vio almost lost his fucking sword because of that mutant Cucco!”
“Wait, what’s a ‘Vio’?”
“Did you guys know that the Old Man can’t spell ‘seagull’?”
The Hero of Skies drew his brows together at the varying complaints, “ Aw, Red really caused you guys that much trouble? I know he can be a little rough at times but he’s usually not that bad.”
And as if summoned purely by name, Sky’s Loftwing popped his head through the only window in the room and cuddled into his owner’s shoulder.
“See what I mean? He’s really friendly! Maybe he just got a little bit excited with all you guys here and wanted to play.”
But none of the other heroes listened. From terrible bedheads to torn scarves to crumpled letters, each one of the Links had their own pile of evidence proving that his Loftwing was anything but.
Between the fairies and horses and various other companions the heroes have had, Sky’s Loftwing was truly the strangest.
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27 notes · View notes
Summary: Your boyfriend always scolds you on your foul language, but you find an excuse to swear, much to his dismay.
Warnings: Violence, blood, language (duh)
Word Count: 1468
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It was supposed to be a simple mission. It always was. That’s how these things always start. The intel was always wrong and there were always more hostiles than expected. You were starting to think that they should just send all of the Avengers all the time.
Today you, along with Sam, Clint, and your righteous boyfriend Steve, were sent to pick up a Ukrainian scientist and her work on a vaccine. At first, it was all going smoothly. The scientist and her work were in her apartment. Unfortunately, you had found the scientist had a bullet in her skull.
Clint had deduced from the angle and the hole in the window, that a sniper had taken her out. That meant that people were coming. Sam had taken the files to the quinjet and safely locked them away until you could get them to Bruce.
Now you and Steve were taking out the bad guys in a hallway. Clint had gone up to the roof to slow down the flow of hostiles that were entering the building. 
“The files are secure,” Sam said through the comms. “I’m heading back.”
“Hurry.” Steve threw his shield and it bounced off of the walls and bad guys.
With the short break, you found yourself looking at his ass. It was a very nice ass.
“Like what you see?” Your boyfriend asked you when his shield returned to his hand. You looked up to see him smirking at you. Your cheeks warmed, but you smirked right back at him.
“‘Course I do.”
Heavy footsteps were echoing up the stairwell. You pulled out a handgun and pushed open the stairwell door. You were able to shoot down five of them, but they kept on coming.
“Are you guys even doing anything out there?” You asked as you threw your empty gun at one man. It hit him hard in the nose.
“Yeah,” Clint answered. He sounded slightly winded. “We’re doing a lot out here.”
“I have no idea where all these guys are coming from,” Sam said over the sound of guns.
You pulled out your knives as a wave of men pushed you and Steve back into the hallway. 
“All this for some work on a vaccine?” Steve looked at you after punching someone.
“Must be some disease,” you agreed as you sunk your left knife into a back.
Once the wave was over, you took a moment and sheathed your knives. You gasped as you flexed your hands before massaging them.
“What’s wrong with your hand?” Steve looked at you with worry. 
“Oh, it’s just starting to cramp up. It happens when I don’t give myself a break in between stabs.” You shot your best and brightest smile at the Captian. His cheeks turned pink and you gave him a wink.
Down at the end of the hall, the elevator dinged and men poured out. Of course, at the same time, men came stomping up the stairs.
“You take the elevator,” Steve ordered.
“Sir, yes, sir.” You smirked and brought your knives back out. Steve walked through the door to the stairs and sounds of punches quickly followed. 
You surveyed your competition, letting them come to you. five large men rushed toward you. They were weighed down by their size and gear: heavy padding, heavy helmets, and heavy guns. Unfortunately, heavy guns meant big guns. The hallway was narrow which caused them to stand in pairs.
The odd guy out came at you first. When he was close enough, you grabbed his gun and pulled him closer, making sure that the barrel was past your body. You flipped him around so that he was facing his men and dug your knife into the exposed part of his neck. Using his body as a human shield, which was much heavier than Steve’s shield, you advanced on the four other men. You could feel the bullets hitting the vest of your shield. 
Once you were near enough, you pushed the man into one of his teammates and pushed your knife into the less protected side of his partner. Quickly, the knife came out and you threw it at the next guy. The man who had been distracted by your human shield recovered enough to put a bullet in your left thigh.
“Fuck.” You shifted your weight onto your right leg and punched him. You felt his nose break. He lifted his hands to his face and you stabbed him in his exposed neck when he looked up. You glanced down quickly. Your dark suit was soaking up the blood quickly, but there was no exit wound. The goddamn bullet was still in your leg.
There was one guy left. He threw his gun at you and you had to move to the left to avoid it. Pain shot through your leg and you swore again. He grabbed the knife you had thrown from the dead body.
“That’s mine.” You sneered at him.
“Come and get it.” His voice was gravely and his teeth were rotted black.
Pushing off with your right leg, you launched yourself at him. He easily stepped aside and you landed past him. You steadied yourself, but he was on the offensive, pushing you back. You stared at the stairwell door, hoping that Steve would come and be your knight in red, white, and blue.
He had managed to push you into the elevator at the end of the hall. It was smaller than you thought. Five large men in this elevator? You landed a punch on your opponent, but he sent one back harder. You were on the tenth floor. It must have been an awkward ride up.
���Stairwell is clear,” Steve said in the comms. “I’m coming to help outside.”
The man nicked your face with your knife and then slammed your head into the wall. You felt the elevator’s buttons at your back and the doors squealed shut. Now you were trapped. He punched you in the face and you fell on to the ground.
“(Y/N), how are you doing?” Sam asked.
“Fan-fucking-tastic, Sam,” you replied. You managed to pull the man lower.
“Language (Y/N),” Steve scolded, but you didn’t have time to reply.
“Here’s your goddamn knife back.” Your opponent snarled and stabbed downwards. You managed to move enough so that he missed your torso. Unfortunately, he stabbed you in your bullet wound. 
You cried out and with the last bits of your energy, you drove your knife through the man’s face. He collapsed on you and you could feel his blood soaking through your uniform.
You pushed his heavy body off of you and reached up to the handrail around the elevator. Gently, you leaned against the wall and pressed the button for the ground level.
“Where are you guys?” you asked trying to sound strong through the pain.
“Clearing out the stragglers,” Clint answered. “Where are you?”
“I’m coming down in the elevator.” You looked at the knife in your thigh. The long handle was awkward sticking out of your leg.
“What are you doing in the elevator?”
“Coming down.” You pulled out the knife. “Fuck.”
“Language, babe.”
“I can swear if someone stabbed me in a goddamn bullet wound.” Speaking of, the bullet was still in your leg.
“What?” Steve’s voice was loud in your ear.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck.”
“Where are you? What floor? Are you okay?” His questions came fast. At least you know he cares.
“Um, I’m about on the third floor now.” Blood was still seeping from the wound. “I was only shot slash stabbed in the thigh.”
“Oh only ‘in the thigh,’” Sam mocked you.
The elevator reached its destination, shaking slightly. The movement caused you to put additional pressure on your left leg momentarily and you hissed in pain. You heard a ding and the doors slid open to reveal the three men waiting.
Steve instantly rushed to your side and helped you out of the elevator.
“Hi, babe.” You looked at him. His lip was cut and you could see a bruise on his right cheekbone. “You okay?”
“You’re asking me?” He gave you a hopeful smile. His eyebrows furrowed and he gently brushed his thumb over your cheek where your own knife had cut you. “How are you?” The group of you had finally made it to the quinjet without incident.
“I’m fine.” You looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He sat you down and strapped you into a seat. “Do you know what would make me feel better?”
You pulled his face down to yours and pressed your lips together. He leaned into you and the kiss as he brought his hand up to cup your cheek. Before anything interesting could happen, a gagging sound interrupted you.
“Get a room!”
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clawsandblood · 3 years
1: Barbed Wire
 link to ao3
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warning for misgendering
The pub was more of a hole in the wall than a proper place, but the beer was cheap and not total piss, something that Borna and Steven greatly appreciated. It was in the old industrial district, a series of factories from the 80s standing practically nextdoor, abandoned and surrounded with a rusted fence. There was little people in this part, save for the patrons of the pub and the few individuals hurrying to their cheap apartments after a long shift at work.
“If he doesn’t run away after seeing this place then he might be cool,” Borna said, unprompted.
“Do you think he won’t like it here?”
Borna shrugged. “He does look like the kind of guy who shits his pants after seeing one bloody steak.”
“Why would he look at bloody steaks in a pub?”
They were walking down the street, Steven dressed up in his usual attire, but with extra bling of jewelry and eyeliner, Borna trudging along, still in his shorts.
“Fuck me,” Borna said, squinting at the people standing around the entrance of the pub. “Is that him?”
Standing a bit away from the other people, there was Dorian, smoking anxiously.
Steven’s face split into a grin and he hurried to his side. “Dorian!” he exclaimed. “Great to see you, man!” He gave Dorian a friendly pat on the back that nearly knocked the man’s cigarette out of his hands.
“Hi,” Borna said.
Dorian offered them both a smile, looking more alive and confident than he did earlier in the morning. “So this is one of the so-called good places?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steven shrugged. “Look, it’s cheap, and it’s not bad,” he said. “More than could be said for most bars around here.”
Dorian huffed out a laugh and stubbed out his cigarette. “Then let’s give it a try,” he said and they headed inside.
They found a small table pushed into the corner or the room and sat there with their beers. The table was sticky from previous patrons, the air inside the pub was stuffy, but the beer was cold and almost good.
 “Anyway, I was waiting at the bus stop when this guy approaches me and asks me for a lighter,” Borna said, his voice a smooth drawl, “and I had to pull out an earbud, but I didn’t pause the music, and then he goes      Oh my gawd, is that fuckin’ Maiden?”     He emphasized the american accent on the last bit, blurting it out in a fashion typical to Steven.
Dorian laughed, no longer looking one cigarette away from death.
“But it worked!” Steven protested, his face flushing. “What would you do without me, your trusty guide around America-”
“You get lost almost more than I do,” Borna cut in. “And your beloved roommate,” Steven finished stubbornly.
“So you two live together?” Dorian inquired.
Steven nodded. “Rent too expensive otherwise.”
Dorian nodded. “Honestly if I didn’t get lucky with the job I’d probably need to share too.”
“And what exactly is your job?” Borna asked.
“Oh,” Dorian hesitated. “I’m a cashier at this specialty store…”
“Weed or a sex shop?” Borna bluntly asked.
Dorian’s face turned red. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “At least there’s always money in it.”
“Or is it both?” Steven mused.
A sharp grunt interrupted him.
Borna turned around in his chair, glaring furiously. Behind him stood a man, tall and stocky, with a long beard and even longer hair. He was grinning at Borna, seemingly unaware of the animosity rolling off of the man.
“Kej češ?” Borna demanded.
Dorian looked at Steven who just shrugged.
Borna and the stranger exchanged some more words, Borna sounding more and more heated, but the other man seemed unfazed.
“Borna,” Steven gently said once Borna’s voice reached an almost animalistic growl.
“Stay out of it,” Borna replied curtly. Then the stranger said a remark that made Borna drink the rest of his beer in one go, sharply get up and stare the man down.
Steven swore under his breath and got up too. “Come on, Borna,” he quietly said. “Leave it for some other time.”
“If I’ve got anything to do with it there won’t be any other time,” Borna muttered.
“Borna,” Steven pleaded, tentatively placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s just go.”
Borna shrugged Steven’s hand off his shoulder, not breaking eye contact with the stranger.
“We’re leaving,” he finally said.
Steven sighed in relief and quickly fished out his wallet, placing a few bills on the table and started ushering Dorian and Borna out. The latter didn’t stop glaring at the grinning stranger until they were out.
“Okay,” Dorian said as they stepped a bit away from the pub entrance. “Care to tell me what was all that about?”
Borna huffed out a breath. “He’s someone I know from-” He paused. “From before.”
Dorian lit a cigarette. “And what does that mean?”
Borna glanced at the few people loitering around the entrance of the pub and walked off, closer to the fence that sectioned off the abandoned industrial area.
“The thing is,” he said after they were safely out of earshot of anyone else, “I’m trans and he knows me from before I transitioned and moved here.”
“Ah,” Dorian said.
Steven’s face paled. “Fucking bastard,” he muttered.
“Yeah,” Borna agreed. “Never thought I’d see him again, last time I’ve heard about him he was still in Europe.”
“That sucks, man,” Dorian said and took a long drag from his cigarette. “I don’t know what I’d do if I met one of those people from my past.”
Borna and Steven shot him inquisitive looks. “Your past?” Steven asked.
Dorian nodded, blowing out smoke. “I’m also trans.”
Borna barked out a surprised laugh and exchanged looks with Steven.
“That makes us three,” Steven happily concluded.
Dorian blinked a few times. “You too?”
Dorian leaned back on the fencepost, laughing.
Borna smiled, earlier mood all but forgotten. He watched Dorian take one last drag from his cigarette before stubbing it out. “We should drink to that,” he commented.
“Yeah,” Steven firmly said. “I know a place.”
“Of course you do,” Dorian muttered, making Borna snort. His amusement was cut short by the sound of now familiar voice from over the street.
“Oh, shit,” Steven swore. He put an arm around Borna’s shoulders, trying to steer him down the street, but Borna shrugged him off, choosing to stare down the approaching stranger.
“Aw, don’t look at me like that,” the man said after seeing the looks on Steven’s and Dorian’s faces. “I just wanted to say hi to an old friend.”
“We were never friends,” Borna said, voice steely. “You just pestered me at every concert and festival.”
The man rolled his eyes good-naturedly and turned towards Steven and Dorian. “She’s exaggerating, I was just-”
Borna then decked him, fist landing perfectly on his jaw, and sending him sprawling back. A friend that was standing a bit back caught him and then swung at Borna, who narrowly dodged the strike. He staggered back for a step, back pressing against the wire fence. Steven and Dorian lunged to drag the men apart, but got kicked and shoved out of the way. Borna snarled and threw himself at the man he punched, but got countered with a swift kick. His body hit the old fence, which finally gave out underneath his body with a loud screech of bending metal.
“You bitch,” the man spat and tried to get on top of Borna, fists raised, but Borna scrambled backwards, out of his reach. He flailed, a hand catching in the barbed wire from the top of the fence.
Steven and Dorian held back the man’s friend and Borna pulled down the barbed wire, slowly getting up. He wound the wire around his fist, eyes on his opponent.
“Are we really going to continue this?” Borna asked, voice a low growl. A drop of blood trickled down and fell from where he was gripping the barbed wire.
The man and his friend stilled. “It’s not worth it,” the man finally muttered and they backed off.
Dorian, Steven and Borna watched them go and relaxed their stances only when they disappeared behind a street corner.
“Fuck,” Borna swore quietly. He tried to let go of the barbed wire, but it stuck to his clothes.
“Shit, dude, are you okay?” Steven asked and hurried to help him get disentangled from the wire.
“Do you have the tetanus shot?” Dorian asked, eyeing the rust on the wire.
Borna paled. “It’s been a while,” he admitted.
“I can call a taxi to the hospital,” Dorian offered, already pulling out his phone.
“No, no,” Borna hastily said.
Dorian looked at him.
“I don’t have insurance,” Borna admitted. “I don’t think I can afford to go to the hospital.”
“We can figure something out, come on,” Steven said quietly, but Borna shook his head stubbornly.
Dorian sighed. “You can at least come to my place to clean up, I live pretty close,” he offered.
Borna nodded. “Thank you,” he said. He was finally disentangled from the barbed wire and he stepped over the fence back on the street. His hand was now covered in blood and his hoodie had visible small tears in it, parts of it dirtied with blood.
It took them about ten minutes to come to a quiet neighbourhood, small apartment blocks with crumbling facades lining the streets. Dorian’s flat was on the top floor of one of the indistinguishable buildings, a small and old place, but well-kept. He steered Borna to the bathroom where he pulled out a first aid kit.
Steven took the disinfectant that Dorian dug out of the kit and carefully cleaned Borna’s cuts. Dorian hovered awkwardly, resigning himself to sit on the edge of the bathtub, holding the supplies for Steven.
Borna glared at the wall behind Steven, showing no sign of feeling the sting of the disinfectant.
“That was really fucking hardcore,” Dorian commented.
Borna grunted in a response.
“But please don’t do it again,” Steven added. “Or get a tetanus shot first.”
Dorian sighed, leaning on the wall thoughtfully. Steven quietly finished cleaning Borna’s hand and looked at Dorian.
“Where do I put this?” he asked, holding up the empty disinfectant container.
“Uh, there’s a trash can in the kitchen,” Dorian said. “First door on the right.”
Steven nodded in acknowledgement and got up, leaving the bathroom.
“Can I see?” Dorian asked after a beat.
Borna nodded and showed him his hand. Dorian gently held it, making sure to avoid the cuts, examining it.
“I just wish I could do more,” Borna said, barely audible.
Dorian’s eyes flicked up, an unreadable expression. “Like what?” he asked. His oice was level and quiet, unnaturally so.
Borna shrugged. “I dunno. Grab the asshole and throw him around properly. Make him regret it.”
Dorian nodded. He held Borna’s arm, raising it.
“You really want it?” he asked.
Borna shot him a wary look. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Dorian said casually, smiling sharply and then bit down.
“Fuck!” Borna yelled, tearing his arm away from Dorian. “Are you fucking insane?”
Steven noisily ran up to the bathroom doors. “What’s going on?”
Borna clutched his hand to his chest. “He fucking bit me!”
“Kinky,” Steven said automatically. Then he stared at Borna’s hand. “Wait, what?”
Steven kept looking between Borna’s newly bloody hand and Dorian awkwardly wiping the side of his mouth.
“We’re leaving,” he finally said, pulling Borna out by his shirt.
Dorian nodded. “Come see me in a few days,” he weakly called after them.
“I don’t think we will,” Steven bit back and they left the flat.
Dorian shakily brushed his hair out of his face and dug out his cigarette pack, lighting one. He opened the tiny bathroom window and took a long drag, shaking off the ashes into the toilet.
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the-hoarse-bard · 4 years
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After testing the might of Dawnbreaker, I finally felt strong enough to make good on a promise I made when I had first come to Skyrim. Farengar probably thinks I’m dead at this point, but eh, I keep my promises. There were a pair of bandits inside the entry room of the barrow, arguing about a third member of their party who had gone on ahead. A Dunmer, it would seem. I snuck up on the pair, and ran one through. The other stepped back and drew a crossbow, but I was on her swiftly and embedded Windcleaver in her skull. I wrenched the blade free, and proceeded carefully.
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As I descended deeper, I saw another bandit, I assume a friend of the duo at the entrance, pull a lever rather carelessly and get peppered with lethal darts from the walls. I know bandits aren’t the brightest, but the solution to the puzzle is right above the door. I spun the stones to the left to the symbols displayed over the door, pulled the lever, and was allowed to proceed.
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I soon came across a room covered in webs with a Dunmer tangled in them, shouting for help, I assume this is the same Dunmer the pair at the entrance were talking about. As I came over to cut him out of the webs, an enormous frostbite spider descended from the ceiling. I summoned Lucien, and as he fought the spider head on, I flanked it and slashed it in the thorax. It reeled back and I found myself perfectly positioned to behead the beast. It fell dead, and I then saw to the irritating Dunmer. He made all sorts of promises of sharing the treasure he knew was deeper in with me as I cut him out of the webbing.
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Unfortunately for him, he attempted to abandon me while shouting that he was lying the whole time so I stabbed him. Maybe don’t immediately betray the person who saved you from a horrible spidery death? I searched him and found the golden claw I remember that one trader in Riverwood talking about being stolen from him. I suppose I could return it after I’m finished with it, these things don’t seem to have any purpose beyond being ornate keys.
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I encountered another one of these spiked wall traps after handling a few Draugr in the room. I quickly spied the pressure plate, and sidestepped it. Unfortunately, Lucien tripped over it as he was opining about his usual story about Mattheiu Bellamont and got a spiked wall to the face, sending him back to the void. If he weren’t so strong, I’d be embarrassed about how stupid he can be.
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The barrows halls soon led into a natural cave with a stream running through it. Hearing some growling ahead, I crept up a ledge where the stream turned to a waterfall to see below and I saw a frost troll. Apparently it saw me too, my dark clothing sticking out against the snowy rocks. I was fresh out of flame powders, but luckily I had found some firebolt scrolls earlier in the barrow, and they served me well in disabling the trolls regenerative powers.
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As I crossed the natural bridge in front of the waterfall, I glanced up and noticed a hole in the roof of the cave. I found myself wondering about what kind of unfortunate souls could have fallen down it over the years. Surely they’d die, or at best sit in a cold cave badly injured until they starve to death. I also wondered if there were any more such sinkholes across Skyrims surface. I brushed these thoughts off and continued.
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At last, I reached the puzzle door. I spun the wheels to match the symbols on the claw and pressed it into the center. Of course, the door then opened, but suddenly a thought struck me. Why bother with the symbols if you need the claw to open it anyway? I squinted at the realized redundancy, making a note to ask Farengar about it.
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I stuck close to the shadows near the entrance to the inner sanctum. The stench of dessicated flesh was overwhelming, there had to be at least fifteen Draugr in there. I dug through my pack for options. I again cursed at not having Lucien available, but then I found something almost as good. A flame atronach scroll. Perfect. I rushed into the room, immediately finding myself surrounded. I summoned the atronach, the scroll crumbling to dust as it was spent. The air around the elemental was stifling, causing more than a couple Draugr to burst into flame as they attempted to banish it. I cut through one of the Draugr, causing more of them to erupt in the bluish white flames of Dawnbreaker. The quartet of remaining Draugr managed to banish my atronach as it launched a few firebolts toward the archers. The undead didn’t last much longer, succumbing to the flames and collapsing.
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I hurried toward the dais before the archers could get a bead on me, finishing them after dodging around their arrows. I couldn’t help but notice as I caught my breath that there was still the coffin in the middle. I poked at it with Dawnbreaker and even kicked it a few times, but it didn’t budge. I rummaged around the chest, but it didn’t seem to contain the dragonstone I had come looking for. I huffed, disappointed that it hadn’t been here after all. I then turned my attention to the word wall, and the same thing happened yet again, with the word searing into my mind. As my vision returned, I heard the coffin behind me crack open.
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The deathlord’s sword left a trail of cold air behind it, and I could tell at a glance it was enchanted. I dodged to the right, and spun slashing its head clean in half lengthwise. The last opponent handleed, I took a peek into the coffin, and grinned as I spied the dragonstone within. Supposedly it’s some sort of ancient map of some description. Looking closely, the shape on it does somewhat look like Skyrim, but what the map lead to, I couldn’t say. I stuffed in my bag, and climbed up the steops behind the word wall to find a small tunnel that lead outside. Very convenient. I hopped down the ledge the tunnel lead out onto and set off to Whiterun, feeling quite proud of myself.
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lifeofresulullah · 4 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
The State of Arabia: Part 2
Moral Situation
The moral situation in Arabia during the Age of Ignorance was in a completely miserable state. Wretched desires and deeds prevailed over the community; alcohol, gambling, fornication, lying, theft, cruelty, in short, all kinds of immoral acts were widespread all over Arabia.
The strong used the whip of cruelty against the weak. At the same time, the strong were always right and could have the weak and powerless do whatever they wanted. The amount of importance that was given to the life of a fly was not given to humanity. People who were taken as captives in raids were either killed under torture or were sold as slaves in markets like simple items.
Women were regarded as simple and cheap commodities that could be bought and sold. Young maids were encouraged and even forced to commit fornication so that money could be made through them. The Quran mentioned this behavior, which does not comply with human dignity, and prohibited them from committing this ugly action:
“…But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them)” 
A woman could live with more than one man at the same time. Such a woman would notify the public of her decision by planting a pole on the roof of her house.
A step-mother could inherit her step-son from her husband just like a household item.
The Tradition of Burying Girl Infants Alive
Some Arabs who lived in the desert considered having daughters to be shameful and a disaster. For that reason, cruel fathers would bury their daughters alive upon their birth or would throw them into wells, sometimes without even giving anyone a chance to see them.
They tried to prove this cruel tradition right by putting forward some imaginary reasons.
They used to say:
“They will grow and taint our honor one day, or they will become wretched. Moreover, they will become a burden on us because of their living expenses and we will not be able to meet their needs.” 
Sometimes a mother would have a hole dug up in the ground as the birth drew near. As the baby girl, who just came into the world, opened eyes for the first time, she would immediately be thrown into the hole and be covered with soil.
Other fathers would dress up their daughters in beautiful dresses when they reached the age of six as though they were taking them for a visit to their relatives, but would instead take them to the desert. Those poor children would be left in the graves that had been prepared for them and would be buried alive by having soil thrown over them.
Those who did not want to kill their daughters would have the latter dressed in thick, woolen gowns and isolate them from the society by sending them away to herd sheep or camels.
The Quran tells us of this barbaric tradition that the Arabs living in the desert practiced in the following verse:
“When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief! With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! What an evil (choice) they decide on!” 
Someone who practiced this barbaric tradition in the Age of Ignorance and later became a Muslim tearfully related the following to the Messenger (PBUH):
“O Messenger of Allah! We are a people who lived during the Era of Ignorance. We used to worship idols and kill our daughters. I used to have a daughter. She used to come to me in joy when I called her.
“One day I called her again. She came running and followed me to a well which was not so far from our house. I held her hand and threw her into the well.
“Her last words to me were:
“Daddy! Daddy!”
The Lord of the Universe (PBUH) could not help crying upon hearing this violent memory. He cried so much that his beard got wet with his tears. Then he said:
“Verily, Allah leaves what you did in the Era of Ignorance there, unless you do it again. He does not transfer it into the Era of Islam.” 
At that time, high virtues called compassion and mercy had been removed from spirits, hearts and consciences. Besides, in a heart where belief in the Sultan of the Universe does not exist, in a conscience where fear from that sultan does not exist, there will be no place for compassion, mercy and virtue.
Political System
Arabia did not have a proper political system and social system in the Era of Ignorance. The majority of the people were leading a nomadic life. They were separated into tribes.
A tribe is a community which determines its own social system.
These nomadic tribes were continuously in conflict with each other. They were ready to attack and dishonor someone else and steal his goods at any given moment. Incursion and plunder were their means of livelihood. They used to attack an enemy tribe of theirs and take away their camels and enslave their women and children.
There had not been a time in which there was peace. If a tribe wronged another tribe, that tribe would try to gain revenge by applying the philosophy of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Wars, fighting and incursion were so rooted in their souls and lives that they would fight each other if they could not find any hostile tribe to fight against. The poet Qutami intends to express this situation with these lines, “If we cannot find anyone else, we will attack Bakrs, who are our brothers.” 
They had been living as tribes and clans for a long time and never thought about uniting around a central government. For this reason, the Peninsula was deprived of civilized and social laws. Therefore, cruelty, conflicts, battles and fights continuously occurred. Anyone could do anything he wanted if he had enough power. The powerful and reputable would always get away with everything they did. 
Literary Situation
In addition to all of this, it is an unobjectionable fact that Arabs were at the zenith of talent in literature, rhetoric and eloquence at the time Islam emerged. There was no nation in the world that could challenge them on this matter.
Poetry and poets meant everything to them because poetry was the only trustworthy mirror that could reflect the social life, traditions, and beliefs of their ancestors.
Poets were esteemed and received much respect in society, so much that Arabs always preferred that a famous poet rise from their community as opposed to a strong hero. A poet was the only one who could spread their fame, which was the Arabs’ sole aim. They feared a poet’s satires as they feared snakes.
Poets were considered to be heroes by them. Tribes would wage war on one another over the single word of a poet. Likewise, wars that had persisted for years could be resolved by the single word of a poet.
In old times, poetry was called, “an Arab’s notebook.” The Arabs’ moral values, traditions, religion, and rules could only be known through poems that were passed from generation to generation.
There were many factors that supported and encouraged poetry during those times. A strong poet would elicit esteem for both his tribe and himself.
Moreover, fairs that had been organized at certain times played an important role in the development of poetry. Those fairs were a kind of literature exhibition. At those fairs, poetry and rhetoric competitions were organized in the presence of juries. Poets and rhetoricians came from various places to recite their poems and speeches and would do their best to beat one another. They took great pride in defeating their opponents.
At last, juries would choose the winner and the winning poem would be written with golden letters on a linen fabric and hung on the Kaaba’s wall.
Suq Uqaz, which was between Taif and Nahla, was the largest of all the festivals. Mostly, poetry competitions were organized there.
At the same time, these fairs used to serve as a sort of exhibition in which all tribes would come together for commercial, social, and political activities. People who wanted to save the slaves they knew by paying ransom, to settle their problems, to find their enemies, to read poems and to make speeches would go to those fairs.“Holding poetry in high esteem resulted in the deep scrutiny of language.”   In this way, literature, eloquence, and eloquence were at their peak in Arabia by the time Islam emerged. An invisible hand was preparing the minds and souls for the preternatural wording of the Miraculous Quran.
Because the Arabs had an eminent talent in literature, the Quran was sent down during the zenith of literature, rhetoric, and eloquence. It challenged Arabian poets and rhetoricians to compete with its miraculousness and conciseness. However, it was not long before that they understood that they had to quit and that it was impossible to compose a counterpart to this unique book.
The style of the Quran is so concise, so sweet, so clear and so fluent that Arabs who were experts in literature could not hide their surprise. One day, a scholar of literature who was from among the Bedouin Arabs, read the verse “Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with God.”fell down in prostration.
This action infuriated the idolaters. They looked at him hatefully and shouted: “You became a Muslim too?”
“No”, said the litterateur. “I just prostrated before the eloquence and fluency of this verse.” 
Imru’l Qais was one of the poets of Muallaqa. One day, his sister heard the verse “Then the word went forth: "O earth! Swallow up thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated, and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!” she went straight to the Kaaba and took down her brother’s poem, which was hung on the wall at the top of all the other poems and said: “Nobody has anything to say any more. Even my brother’s poem cannot stand before this eloquence.” When others saw that the most famous poem had been taken down, they took down the other poems down one by one as well. 
The oldest and most famous examples of poetry in the Age of Ignorance were without a doubt the “Muallaqat as-Sab’a” (Seven hangers). Those poems were recited by people and transferred from generation to generation, reaching many centuries ahead.According to a strong view, these poems were collected by Hammad ar-Rawiya.
The poets whose poems were hung on the walls of the Kaaba are as follows:
Imru’l Qais, Tarafa, Labid, Zukhair, Amr bin Kulthum, Antara (a.k.a. Nabigha), Haris bin Hiliza (a.k.a. A’sha).
The religious, moral, political, social, and literary state of Arabia was like this during the time in which our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was going to be given the duty of prophethood.
Of course, there was need for someone who could change this scene that disseminated violence and barbarism.  And that person was already decided by the command of pre-eternal Fate: Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
He was going to change the world’s physical and spiritual condition with the Divine Light he brought with him… He was going to turn the faces of people from this world to the hereafter, from that which is fleeting to the Eternal Beloved One; by doing this, he was going to provide people with worldly and unworldly happiness.
This person, who was to be appointed as a prophet by Allah, was the person who would declare that man was not unattended, that everything in the universe, from atoms to the solar system, from stars to galaxies, rotated and traveled for a holy aim and that the universe served a lofty aim with all of its constituents.  
This person was going to save humanity from the swamp of immorality, in which they were about to be drowned, by teaching them the most beautiful lessons of morality.
This person was the person who would give the best answers to questions like, “Why was the universe created?”, “Where do people come from?”, “Where will they go?”
This person was going to inform people about Allah, who is the Owner of humanity, of what He wants from humans, what He likes and what He dislikes clearly.
This person was going to guide not only a specific tribe or a specific nation but also the whole of humanity with orders that he would take from Allah.
Like the whole world, the Arabian Peninsula, was also looking forward for that person to come in order to complete such significant duties.
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spmcomic · 4 years
Theia and Gaia
Chapter 1: (part 1 | part 2)   Chapter 2: (part 1 | part 2)
Chapter 3: (part 1 | part 2)   Chapter 4: (part 1 | part 2)
“We’re here,” the taller one’s voice cut into the space, drawing the voices back. “The Robot Processing Center.” It gestured with its horrible little hand at the building that jutted from the cliff side, blocking the walkway. A wide, tall entrance led into the side of the structure, and the voices saw more porcelain bodies moving inside. The space turned its head. The upper levels of the walkway similarly led straight into the side of the building, but at the bottom level a wide, flat plaza in front of the structure swarmed with the robed creatures.
The inside of the building was more complex than anything the voices had seen before. It looked much smaller than the outside, with a ceiling only a few body lengths above the space. But then, as the eyes adjusted, the voices saw that the room was actually much larger than the building’s walls suggested. It must have been carved deep into the stone of the cliff. In the distance, they could just make out entrances to tunnels, lit by fires that did not flicker or smoke. The various porcelain creatures cast long, wavering shadows across the plain flooring and the irregular walls as they milled about.
Over there- what’s that- one of the monsters waited by a small, transparent chamber, as a platform lowered to the ground from a hole in the ceiling. Of course- multiple layers- what a great idea- how do they stop it from caving in-
The floor in here provided unexpected relief. The fork-legs had some traction, the wrist protrusions felt just a little give to the floor. Finally, the space could walk confidently. The taller one glanced anxiously at the space, as they led it across the floor to the lifting chamber.
When the chamber arrived, the two figures pushed the space inside, the taller one holding up its stone the whole way. The voices eyed its white-knuckled grip against the piece of metal, and then the passing floors as the lift continued its journey. They came to the agreement that they must be climbing to the top of the structure. But then the chamber stopped, and opened. The figures herded the space through the opening, and behind them the lift continued upward out of view.
“Head Merletaph!” The taller one called, spreading its arms to reveal more bald, corpse-like skin. “We have a surviving Lazarus.”
The creature in the room, Head Merletaph, sat with one leg folded over the other in an odd-looking chair. Its shroud was much less cumbersome, a poncho down to the hips, with golden embroidery and a secure hood fully hiding its face from view. The voices whispered incoherently, unable to agree on the title- the Warlord- the Den Parent- the Captain-
The leader hardly glanced up from its thin, wide sheet before settling back down, resting an elbow on the table next to it. “Oh. Good work.” It shuffled the sheet with thin, skeletal fingers. “Run along, now. Get to the next one.”
“But sir-” the shorter one began, holding out its slate.
The leader stopped it with a sharp, yellow-eyed glare. The two figures shuffled, the shorter one placed the slate on the table, and they left. The space turned to follow.
“You. You stay.” The leader merely lifted a finger and the space felt itself turned back toward the room, frozen in place. They sat like that for what felt like hours, the voices quivering, the leader turning the folds of its sheet occasionally.
The freedom of the sea. Kai swung expertly through the ropes and wood of the rigging, tugging here and there at the sails, perking their ears up to test the wind. They would rarely pause, perched against the mast, only happy with their feet in the air. Their nails dug into the wood as they shielded their eyes from the sun, gazing at the clouds on the horizon. The wind would change direction, soon.
“Well?” The leader interrupted, before the name could find its voice. The leader leveled its flat gaze at the space.
The voices could only flick their eyes to the side, noting the far wall of the chasm through the window, and back to the leader.
“Are you going to talk,” the leader spat, leaning forward in its chair. The voices churned. This body could speak?
The leader set the sheet aside on the table and stood, smoothing out its poncho. “Very well. We’ll do this the hard way.”
In an instant, the leader jumped forward, and thrust its palm into the base of the space’s neck. The voices scattered, the legs shuddered, and the space fell to the floor. Disconnected half-whispers drifted haphazardly into each other, unable to coordinate.
The leader kicked the space’s neck, and the jagged voices cried out.
“I am going to do this,” it said, punctuating each word with a kick, “until you tell me to stop.”
The voices tried to wheeze and struggle, but the space did not need to breathe, and each of the voices thrashed out at different limbs, moving none of them. They scrambled into each other, then scattered again at the next kick.
The old man sat on his throne, his paws clenched against the scepter of gator bone, ruminating. His beady eyes looked over his army down the hill as they labored to build a hasty wall in the face of the oncoming storm. Across the field, he could see the tiny specks of his opponent digging their own burrows. Their insistence on staying underground would be their demise. Bryagh showed all his teeth in a maniacal grin. Yes, while the waters poured… His soldiers could bury their air holes.
“Stop.” The mechanical voice grated, startling twenty-nine voices. Then the mechanical voice groaned with the rest of them, escalating into an anguished howl. This voice was wrong, unnatural- like the hammer against the anvil, missing the weapon- like the call of the eagle about to strike-
The leader turned and strode back to the table, picking up the slate to examine it. It snorted and tossed it back down. “They’re all troublemakers. Fine.”
It waved its hand dismissively. “Pick yourself up and go. From the top of this building, climb straight up the wall. The trolley operators there will give you your assignment.”
The voices struggled upright. It felt as though the joints in the fork-legs creaked with the effort. All the voices could focus on was that wrenching sound squealing from the head as they instinctively panted. The knife-fingers flexed, but with only a glance back at the space, the leader sent a shudder through the body. The voices found themselves picking their way out of the room and into the chamber with the lift. They found an opening to the cliff side, a window, and dug their wrist protrusion into the stone. The sharp point of the limb dug in firmly, and the fork-legs had little trouble jabbing into the smallest footholds. The space was halfway up the cliff side before the voices could catch up to reality. There they paused.
Back down in the ravine, a bright light shone from one of the buildings. The voices recognized this one- the chamber they had first emerged from. The light flickered like a flame in a storm- like the candle at the end of the wick- like fanning wood embers- through the windows. A rising shriek echoed out of the chamber, followed by shattering glass. Then, silence. Below, on the walkways, some of the porcelain creatures paused. Some bowed their heads. Others simply continued their business.
The space had no direction to go but upward. But it only took one step up the wall before it stopped. A violent shudder ran down its joints and up its neck.
“I won’t!” The old man thrashed on his deathbed. “I can’t! Not after everything else! A little cold can’t kill me!”
His attendants sat outside the room. He could hear them, between labored breaths. Perhaps they were waiting to clamor for his position the moment he died. But Bryagh knew from watching so many others- they would never last as long as he.
None had survived the Plague before. But he could survive. He had always survived. He would survive! He would survive…
A violent-
Neima dropped her trumpet, a dizzying weakness wracking her body. The instrument hit the floor with a clang, and a jangle as a piece broke off. She didn’t see which one, doubled over on the bed, bloody drool dripping down her chin. This was the end, it had to be… She pawed desperately at the quill on the end table. Had to get that last song down… She’d ink it in her own blood if she had to…
There was a-
There was a sudden weakness in Kai’s wrists and fingers, and their grip slipped- they fell through the air- hit the water’s surface-
The space froze, rigid-
Divya stumbled, listing hard to the side. She rested a paw on the shallow wall, the only thing that stopped her from tumbling right off the roof.
“Div!” Her brother called. His voice seemed so distant now, even though he was right next to her, holding her under the arms. He brushed damp fur out of her eyes. “I-I’ll get the Den Mother, she’ll know…”
She closed her eyes. “It’s okay, Udom. It’s okay. Just sit with me…”
The space-
Deven tightened his icy grip on his spear, hands trembling in his weakness. Outnumbered and out-supplied, his fellow guards shivered as they watched the invaders bear down on the little stronghold. It was time to move. He hopped up into position, spear at the ready- but the enemy had already climbed the wall- his sluggish feet couldn’t get traction enough to jump away-
The eagles shrieked, somewhere not too far behind. They would take the slowest runner. The little party’s leader was slow and frail, but she held the key to their quest’s victory. Ishani knew her own days were numbered as she wheezed and struggled just behind the group. Well… They needed their leader. Ishani stumbled to a stop as her friends continued bounding through the canyon, and closed her eyes.
Uk’s only comfort was their companion, stroking their fur gently as they struggled to breathe. But the air seemed to grow thinner, and farther away, no matter how desperate the pleas…
Lazarus screamed a mechanical grinding squeal as its wrists lost their grip on the stone and its full weight pushed into its thin hind legs for support. It backpedaled down the wall a few steps before driving the blades back into the stone and stopping itself with a harsh crackle of old rocks coming loose. This was… This was…
The voices moaned and howled together. They had died! They had been murdered- had had their lives stolen by these- by these-
Kill them! One voice roared above the others.
Yes, yes! Twenty-nine others replied as one. Go back!
Rocks scattered across the roof of the building as Lazarus tore back down through the window. But the leader was already gone. It swung its head back and forth- there- the lift- the leader can’t have gotten far-
It wrenched open the lift doors with an echoing clang. These creatures’ insistence on giving it knives for arms and legs would be their undoing. Inside the lift, Lazarus scrabbled at the hard, smooth walls- no give. But these legs were long if not sturdy. The voices pushed as one, and two legs struck the wall, piercing the stone just enough for purchase. They descended. The voices clamored as they approached the next floor down. They would search every layer of this structure- the leader could not hide for long.
Another creature under a bright, heavy cloth called out and ran toward Lazarus, holding up one of those metal shards. Lazarus’ eyes flicked toward the device, and it snapped its wrist out- like a blade- like a spear- and skewered the creature’s pale, fleshy arm. It wailed, and Lazarus used its free arm to shove the creature aside. More jogged in from the open hall doors. But this body was large, and heavy, and broad. The voices charged forward together, bowling over the smaller creatures in their path. The legs skittered against the hard, unyielding hallway floor.
This body was too bulky to sense vibrations in the ground. No matter. Let the creatures give chase. They would rue the day they challenged Bryagh- Deven- Ezra- Neima- Exene- Amaru-
An open window. A ramp. Lazarus climbed through, folding its legs farther than any animal should be able to, and crawled along the wall of the building. The outside of the structure was built from the same stone as the ravine wall; its fork-legs clung easily to the surface. It found a lower window and slid into a cramped hallway, with walls the color and consistency of the blades Timur spent so much time crafting. A hard clang rung out into the darkness with every step Lazarus took. It could tell from the whirring and humming, like a giant beast slumbering within the ravine wall, that this floor was important. Even if it could not find the leader, Lazarus would find what they were hiding here and break it.
The voices began their charge across the floor, but a leg became suddenly unresponsive. Lazarus turned back. The floor, there were tiny holes, the toes of the knife-legs had gotten caught. It planted its wrist blades between the holes and yanked its foot free, only to trap the next leg. The voices chittered in frustration, their rage escaping as a grinding growl. This floor was thinner and flimsier, and Lazarus could already hear footsteps a few yards away. It had to hurry. It danced across the floor, stumbling every few steps as its legs stuck, until it reached more solid ground.
There it is, the leader’s bright poncho decorated in silver, standing across a platform of the holed flooring. It seemed a little different than before, but none of the voices cared enough to waste time examining it. Lazarus bent its legs and launched itself as far across the room as it could.
But the body was heavy, and the legs thin. Lazarus only hopped a short distance, landed on the flooring, and staggered. The leader turned around, its silver eyes wide, and stumbled back against the wall. Lazarus tripped and crashed to the floor.
The leader effortlessly raised its hand, and the voices found themselves scrambling, unable to coordinate or move the body.
“Finished with your temper tantrum?” The leader asked, high and cold. A different voice than before. Two leaders?
“I think that one’s another Warlord Bryagh,” a distant voice echoed across the room. The voices spun, trying to turn the head, to find the source. Was there someone else here? This voice sounded jarringly familiar.
The leader snorted. “Probably at least one other soldier in there, too. Put a hole in the poor kid upstairs. But they just finished you, didn’t they? You’re a coordinated little concoction.”
The voices struggled, but the arms and legs, the neck, the eyes, remained unresponsive.
“Looks like it caused some damage to a windowsill upstairs, but not much else. You’re not… are you?”
“We have to, Sentry. Merletaph would kill me if I didn’t. Especially with a Bryagh shard, you know how much of a headache that guy’s been over in Mulu. Ping the boys over at Reconditioning and get…” The leader paused, contemplating its fingers. “Sisyphus, to carry this one out. Don’t want those legs and blades causing any trouble.”
“… Right away, Head Merlock.”
The voices buzzed, trapped in an unmoving pile of rocks. What was that voice? Lazarus needed to see- needed to meet- to figure out-
Something lifted its body from behind and half-dragged it out of the room and down endless corridors, leaving the voices reeling. The shrouded creatures stepped aside, watching the body and its prison keeper pass.
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