#and then dropped us a 20 which was ridiculous
starry-teacup · 4 months
went busking with some friends today. we were only out for about an hour but we somehow made $47????
As it turns out old men and punk rockers are the best tippers.
0 notes
lilianade-comics · 3 months
some thoughts on a College Trio led series
-A somewhat more adult tone, not to the point of obscenity or gross shock humor but the stories, situations, and comedy are "edgier" than what would have been acceptable in DP. Mild innuendos no one comments on, ghost enemies committing crimes that are more serious, the presence of alcohol, etc.
-Mild swearing, but only for Maddie. Jack doesn't swear at all and Vlad is still trapped in food-curse-word purgatory. There is one obligatory joke in the series where Vlad might have been about to drop a real expletive, but Jack cuts him off by blaring the RV's horn at that exact moment.
-No favoritism is shown to any member of the trio. They all get equal chances to be badass and equal chances to be the butt of jokes, of which there are many.
-In my own mind, this series takes place in an "everyone knows" continuity that could possibly be post Phantom Planet or simply follows an AU reveal scenario. This applies to Danny as well, who will occasionally cameo where appropriate. You'd think this level of understanding would make Jack, Maddie, and Vlad more functional as a team, but it does not.
-Vlad is an exasperated & petty tsundere asshole and his helpfullness varies wildly, but he is helping.
-I can't stress this one enough, but a large percentage of Jack and Vlad's interactions involve Jack referencing insane things that happened to them 20 years ago, and Vlad consistently losing his absolute crap because Jack is apparently leaving out key details that make these past events worse and/or Jack's fault.
-Similarly, Jack keeps trying to bring back 20 year old inside jokes and Vlad is not having it, except for one time he actually cracks a smile at Jack's timing, and another time when Jack uses one of these old jokes to discreetly communicate what ridiculous action he's about to take while all their enemies are listening. Vlad pauses to recollect the context of that particular joke and then visibly panics because Jack is probably about to explode the room they're all standing in.
-Vlad's biggest enemy in this series (in his mind) is the correlation between the timing wherein he decides to go ghost and Jack decides to activate the anti ghost shield. Cringefail, thy name is Vlad Masters.
-Identity Crisis, but it's Vlad.
-There's a bizarre filler episode where a bunch of cultists think Plasmius is their feline god incarnate and Vlad is doing absolutely nothing to correct them on that.
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callmeagardengnome · 20 days
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✉︎ lesson plans ✉︎ | JEONG YUNHO
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pairings ᝰ professor!yunho x teaching assistant! fem! reader
genre ᝰ college/teacher au, romance, SLOWW BURNNN
synopsis ᝰ yunho has been a professor for a decade, known to be strict towards his students. but when you got assigned to him, his professional world is turned upside down, making him break the rules that he set for himself.. maybe he’s getting more attached to you than he thought.
w.c ᝰ 8.7k
c.w ᝰ reader is in her early 20s and yunho is in his 30s, no smut but theres a pretty graphic kissing scene at the end so read at your own discretion
author’s note: idk why but yunho gives me history teacher vibez so don’t question my choices 😭 also make sure to repost!!
not proofread!
other fics
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yunho settled into his usual spot at the desk in his lecture hall, dropping the stack of papers and files to the side. he was early, as always, and he was savouring the peaceful silence before his first class began.
yunho enjoyed his mornings alone. they were quiet, calm, and with the gentle sounds of rain hitting the window, it just tied everything together.
so imagine the shock on his face when he saw you enter.
at first, he thought you were just a random student that was ridiculously early for an 8 a.m. class. but then, he realised that you were way too happy to be a college student.
yunho’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at you: two cups of coffee in hand, one iced, one hot, and you also had a lanyard hanging around your neck.
you weren’t a student, you were a staff - and you were heading towards him instead of the rows of empty seats across the room.
“good morning!” you chirped, your voice more joyful than anything he’s ever heard in his years working at the college. “professor jeong, right? i’m your new teaching assistant.”
yunho blinked, your words catching him off guard. “teaching assistant?” he repeated in disbelief.
“mhm,” you replied, still smiling widely. “i’m ‘____’, the dean assigned me to you. i’m here to help you with whatever you need.”
yunho stared at you in confusion. hongjoong didn’t mention anything about this to him - and yunho knew that hongjoong didn’t easily forget things, especially when it involved a seasoned teacher like himself.
“i brought you coffee,” you said, holding out the cups in your hand. “the dean told me what you liked, but i wasn’t sure if you wanted it iced or hot.”
yunho stared at the cups, hesitating. “you don’t need to do that,” he sighed, accepting the hot coffee anyway.
“i know,” you shrugged, taking a sip from the iced drink. “but i want to make a good impression.”
yunho chugged the coffee, ignoring the way it burned his tongue. this was definitely going to change things. he wasn’t used to working with others - and certainly not with someone so… cheery.
this was not how he imagined the semester starting.
he tossed the cup into the bin under his table before picking up his papers. “let’s see how this works out. the students will arrive soon.”
you nodded eagerly, stepping back to give him space but staying close enough to observe him.
you graduated college early, earning your degree in education. you wanted to become a teacher, but before you could lead a classroom of your own, you needed experience - which is how you ended up here, assigned to the famously strict professor jeong.
the students began to walk in, their whispers filling the hall as they glanced in your direction. you offered a polite smile to those you made eye contact with, trying to calm both their nerves and yours. you had heard stories about yunho’s ‘no-nonsense’ approach to teaching, and now, you were about to witness it first hand.
once the room was nearly full, he cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the students.
“morning,” yunho began, his deep voice echoing through the hall. “before we start today’s lecture, meet miss ‘____’, our new teaching assistant.”
you stepped forward, giving a small wave. “hi everyone,” you greeted, trying to sound confident. “i’m here to assist professor jeong. if any of you have questions or need help, feel free to come to me-“
“-during office hours,” yunho emphasised, interrupting you. “treat her with the same respect you would show me.”
his words made a few students sit up straighter. you couldn’t help but feel impressed with how he managed the class. it was clear that many students respected him, and yunho knew that.
but as the lecture progressed, something.. unusual happened. normally, he would be the only one speaking in the hall. however, an unfamiliar voice spoke up, stopping yunho’s lecture.
“excuse me,” a student hesitantly raised their hand, catching the attention of both you and yunho.
he paused - this has never happened before.
“uh- miss ‘____’, could you clarify what professor jeong meant by that last point…?”
without thinking, you smiled and responded, “he’s referring to the impact that the treaty of versailles had. it actually led to-“
“-that’s enough,” yunho’s voice cutting your explanation short like a knife.
rule number one: only allow questions during office hours.
yunho had rules that he set for himself, one that he followed to a tee. he didn’t like it when people disrespected or judged his rules, he saw that behaviour as was ‘uncivilised’ and ‘caveman-like’. and yet, the student completely ignored this, addressing the question to you instead of their own professor.
you felt your heart beating rapidly as he glared at you, his eyes darkening with irritation. “class,” he continued, turning to his students with a face filled with frustration. “i’m the one teaching. if you have questions, direct them to me during office hours instead of disrupting the lecture.”
the room fell silent in a way you didn’t think was possible. yunho’s stern gaze swept across the room, ensuring that his point was made. when no one dared to challenge him, he returned back to his lecture as if nothing happened.
you tried to fade into the background, mentally kicking yourself for overstepping. you decided to keep your head down for the rest of the lecture, trying to focus on what he was teaching. the last thing you wanted was for yunho to be even more angry at you. so you waited patiently, glancing at the clock every few minutes to see when class would end.
when it finally did, the students quickly gathered their things and dashed out of the room as yunho stayed behind at his desk, organising his notes.
“miss ‘____’,” yunho spoke up. “a word.”
you took in a deep breath before walking over to his desk, your words falling out of your mouth. “professor jeong, i’m so sorry about earlier-”
“-you’re here to assist me, not take over my lecture,” yunho responded, keeping his eyes on the papers. “there’s a reason why i ask students to save questions for office hours. it keeps the class on track and ensures that everyone receives the same information.”
“i understand,” you said quickly. “it won’t happen again.”
yunho sighed, picking up his bag. he didn’t say anything else. he simply walked out of the hall, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
“hongjoong better have a good explanation for this,” he muttered under his breath.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“what do you mean, ‘i need help’?” yunho scoffed, arms crossed as he sat in the dean’s office.
hongjoong leaned back in his chair. “yunho, your classes may have the highest grades, but they also have the highest dropout rate.”
“so? i have standards,” yunho shot back, feeling defensive. “my classes are not for the weak.”
“it’s the first day and four students already requested to drop your class,” hongjoong replied, sighing as he fidgeted with a pen. “you’re a brilliant man, yunho. but sometimes encouragement works better than a plain lecture. maybe your TA can help with that.”
rule number two: always be self-sufficient. never accept help from anyone, for anything.
“i work alone,” yunho retorted, his pride irked by the suggestion. “i have a system that works fine- you said it yourself, my students get good grades.”
hongjoong leaned forward, looming over yunho slightly as his voice became more serious. “this isn’t about you. this is about the students and teaching them. you’re not supposed to drain their love for the course because of your ego.”
hongjoong sighed, sitting back down on his chair. “‘____’ has a degree. she likes teaching and loves history as much as you do. all she needs is experience- which i hope she can get as long as you give her a chance.”
yunho remained silent, his jaw clenched as he processed hongjoong’s words. he wasn’t used to being criticised, especially on his teaching methods. though, deep down, he knew that there was some truths to what hongjoong was saying.
but admitting that was another thing.
“look,” hongjoong continued. “see what she brings to the table. if it doesn’t work out, we’ll assign her to someone else.”
yunho let out a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly. as much as he didn’t want someone invading his space, he knew better than to argue with his boss. “fine,” he said through his teeth.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
the next day, you arrived at the lecture hall early. yunho was there, as you expected, and he was seated at his desk with his usual stack of papers.
“good morning, professor jeong,” you greeted him with a smile, placing a cup of hot coffee on his desk.
you noticed that his posture stiffened slightly before relaxing once he saw that you weren’t a student. “morning,” he said, clearing his throat as he drank the cup of coffee you got for him.
you took a seat near him, watching as he continued to shuffle through his papers, completely focused on his work. the sounds of paper crinkling and pen scribbling filled the room as you tried to gather your thoughts.
you knew that yunho was a phenomenal teacher, but when you talked to his students, they didn’t have the same opinion. initially, it shocked you - but after you sat in on his classes, you could see why.
sure, his lectures were informative, but they were also robotic. his classes felt more like a chore than something to look forward to.
both you and hongjoong wanted to change that, to make students more excited to attend his lectures. so, you decided to go for it, bracing yourself for any reaction he might have.
“professor jeong,” you spoke up, making him pause, his pen hovering over the paper.
“i’ve been thinking about ways to make the lectures more.. engaging for students,” you said slowly, trying to read his thoughts.
he scoffed, returning back to what he was doing before. “my lectures are fine.”
“they are,” you shifted closer to him. “but many students aren’t.. motivated to go for them. if we introduced group discussions or case studies.. they might be more interested in the class.”
yunho’s looked at you, his gaze sharp as the room growing quieter as you waited for his response. finally, he set his pen down and crossed his arms. “you think it’s helpful?”
you took a deep breath as you nodded. “it would make students more involved.”
yunho’s glare remained on you, and you could see the cogs turning in his head. he was skeptical, but at least he was listening to your words.
“we can start small,” you added on quickly, sensing his hesitation.
he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. he turned back to his desk, gathering the notes and stationary scattered across the table. “one lecture,” he agreed reluctantly. “but if it doesn’t go well, we drop it immediately. understood?”
in the next class, you could see students warming up to the discussions - with some that were usually asleep becoming more awake to contribute to the conversation. to your relief, they were more engaged, asking questions and even debating amongst themselves.
yunho, however, reacted rather.. weirdly. his eyes darted around the room and his foot began to tap against the floor repeatedly during discussion time. you could tell that he was uncomfortable with the change, even if the students were enjoyed it.
after the lecture ended, the students were still excitedly chatting about the lecture, sharing notes as they walked out. you stayed behind, packing your things when yunho finally spoke.
“the students were more.. lively today,” he said stiffly.
you nodded, trying to gauge his reaction. “yeah, i think the discussion helped them understand the material..”
yunho’s eyes narrowed slightly. “let’s see how long it lasts,” he muttered, clearly not pleased by the outcome.
days passed, and you made it a point to arrive early each morning with a hot cup of coffee for yunho. it became a small routine between the two of you - something that you hoped made him less upset than he already was.
the students were noticeably more attentive during the lectures, and you could see some students taking down notes with more focus.
but after a week, yunho’s reaction was far from what you expected. instead of feeling pleased with the student’s progress, he was irritated by it. he dismissed the class with a sharp tone as he slumped onto his seat, sighing deeply.
you approached him carefully. “professor jeong, are you okay? the students were very attentive..”
yunho didn’t look up, and you could see his jaw clenching tightly. “they were,” he said, voice low. “more than they’ve ever been before.”
you frowned, confused by his strange reaction. “isn’t that a good thing-“
“-it is,” yunho’s eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made you step back. “but it shouldn’t have taken a change in my methods to get them there.”
for years, yunho’s approach had produced many excellent students. but after a while, his approach was seen as more ‘dictator-ish’ and it made students stray away from his classes as a whole.
your methods made yunho frustrated - it was basically an insult to his entire career. the fact that his teaching methods weren’t enough anymore left a weird feeling in his stomach.
“you’re a good professor,” you said, taking a seat next to him. “and your teaching style has worked for many students..”
you took a deep breath, trying to think of how to continue your sentence. “but education is evolving, and so are the ways students learn.”
he sighed, “i’m not changing.”
“you don’t have to, but your students are,” you said. “they need something different, not because your teaching is bad- but because they’re different.”
yunho’s fingers drummed on the desk in an unorganised beat. when he finally spoke, his voice was quieter, “we’ll continue with your methods.”
“…really?” you exclaimed, unable to hide the excitement and surprise you felt hearing his words.
“i’ll be open to considering some of your other ideas,” he said, packing up the notes on his desk. “but this is their final year. anything drastic is out of the picture.”
you stood up, jumping with joy. “of course, i understand. we can make small adjustments, nothing crazy.”
yunho pushed his chair back, keeping a firm grip on the files in his hands. “if things go wrong, our students grades are at risk.”
you shook your head, smiling uncontrollably, “don’t worry, i wouldn’t dream of that happening.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“so? who’s the hottie in your class?” wooyoung asked as he popped another chip into his mouth with a wide grin.
yunho looked at his fellow professor in disgust, trying to forget that he even asked the question.
at that point, you had been working with yunho for about a month, making tiny improvements to each lecture. because of how new you were, you didn’t know any other staff member, making your interactions limited to yunho and hongjoong.
so now, yunho found himself trapped in an awkward conversation with his other professors during his lunch break, and it was about you of all people.
“yeah.. i was wondering that too,” mingi said, his voice muffled by the mouthful of food he was chewing. “how’d you get a pretty girl to get you coffee every morning?”
“she’s my TA,” yunho sighed heavily, poking his lunch with a fork. “hongjoong assigned her to me because of my dropout rate.”
“i would say ‘that’s tough’, but i’m actually jealous,” wooyoung chuckled before he took a large chug from his soda. “he’s basically giving you a girlfriend.”
“knock it off, she’s young enough to be a student,” yunho warned, pointing the fork at his two friends.
mingi swallowed a large bite in his mouth, leaning back with a satisfied sigh. “so she’s in her twenties, right? that’s not far from us.”
“exactly, we’re not ancient like you, yunho.” wooyoung added.
yunho rolled his eyes, brushing off the ‘you’re old’ comment from wooyoung. “she’s here to do a job, not date.”
mingi raised an eyebrow. “i thought you were looking for someone?”
“someone that doesn’t work in my workplace,” yunho snapped before finally taking a bite out of his food.
“aren’t you at the very least interested?” wooyoung pressed with a hint of teasing in his voice. yunho shot him an immediate glare, the grip on his fork tightening ever so slightly.
“come on,” wooyoung continued, unbothered by yunho’s reaction. “she’s smart, she’s pretty and she’s friendly. i always see your students always hanging around her.”
yunho paused. “what do you mean, ‘hanging around her’?”
“oh yeahh i saw that,” mingi added with a nod. “they were all approaching her with notes and stuff.. they seem to like her- especially the guy students.”
“they’re just asking questions, even though it isn’t office hours yet,” yunho grumbled out the last part of his sentence.
“maybe,” wooyoung shrugged with a smirk. “but i’ve seen the way they look at her. can’t blame them though- hell, i might shoot my shot.”
yunho set his fork back down on the table, no longer interested in his food. how were you already more likeable than him?
in your one month working here, you already caught the attention of his friends and students alike. the thought of his own students paying more attention to you than his lectures worried him, greatly.
he spent years, many years, building a reputation of a strict but effective professor. and now, it felt like all the control he had was slipping away, one lecture at a time.
“dude- don’t you have a girlfriend?” mingi turned to wooyoung in concern.
“we’re on our tenth break up right now,” wooyoung snorted. “it’s barely a relationship.”
wooyoung reached for another chip. “but this isn’t about me,” he continued as he chewed. “it’s about the fossil over there who needs to get laid.”
yunho shot wooyoung a sharp look. “don’t joke about things like that,” he said. “she’s my TA.. that my students like more for some reason.”
mingi and wooyoung exchanged glances, realising that they may have hit a nerve. “sorry about that, we’re just messing with you..” wooyoung cleared his throat.
“but seriously yunho, you might be overthinking this,” mingi said as he shifted in his chair. “she’s new, and people are curious. it’s natural that they’re more interested in her.”
“interested?” yunho repeated, sounding more frustrated. “i’ve been teaching these kids for months, and suddenly they’re more interested in what she has to say?”
“it makes sense,” wooyoung shrugged as he dug through the potato chip bag for crumbs. “don’t get me wrong, you’re a great professor- but maybe they want something new.”
yunho sighed, twirling the plastic fork in his hand. “i’ve spent years perfecting my lectures, they don’t need anything else.”
“you know how students are- they’re always looking for the next shiny thing. but i’m sure they still respect you,” mingi said, wiping his hands on his pants.
wooyoung nodded, crumpling the empty chip bag. “she’s bringing more attention to your classes- for free. you’re getting more benefits than she is.”
yunho stayed silent. the idea of his students being more intrigued by someone younger and less experienced ate him alive. it wasn’t just about the lectures anymore, it was about his pride.
mingi leaned forward, his face more serious than before. “you’re still the one in charge, yunho. she’s just helping out. and so far, you’re students are doing better right?”
yunho sighed, picking up his fork again. “they are,” he nodded reluctantly. “but i feel like it’s because of her instead of anything i’ve ever done.”
“maybe it’s both,” wooyoung reassured him with a pat on the back. “she’s good at what she does and so are you.“
mingi stood up, picking up the trash that was left on the table. “you guys work well together. just accept it.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
another month went by and the lectures yunho held felt more lively than usual. he simply watched the discussions from the sidelines, not participating in them, feeling uncomfortable yet satisfied with the change.
he wouldn’t consider you as a ‘friend’, but he had to admit that your presence was welcoming - especially with all the coffees that you bought for him.
yunho’s last lecture wrapped up later than usual. he was supposed to carpool with mingi and wooyoung, but they left after their classes ended hours ago, assuming that he had other ways to get home. so now, he stood outside the eerily quiet college building, trying to find an uber.
when he looked around, he saw you, walking briskly towards the motorcycle rack nearby. your helmet dangled freely from your hand and your face was still energised despite it being a long day.
you noticed him standing alone, and you made your way over to him, your face lighting up with a smile. “waiting for someone?” you asked as you fastened your helmet.
yunho pocketed his phone, sighing. “was supposed to carpool with my friends but they left. i’m calling for an uber.”
you nodded slowly, looking around at the building. you tilted your head towards your motorcycle. “i can give you a ride, you know?”
yunho blinked. he eyed the bike that was parked a few metres away from you.
rule number three: never get involved with anyone at your workplace.
“that’s.. not necessary.”
you shrugged. “i’ve got an extra helmet. it’s not a problem, really.”
yunho hesitated - he wasn’t sure he felt about going with you, let alone riding a motorcycle. he’s never done it before, but then again, when would he ever?
“alright,” yunho eventually gave in, nodding. “but only because i don’t feel like waiting for an uber.”
you grinned, walking him to your bike. “you’re going to love it.”
yunho clung awkwardly to the back of the motorcycle, his hands gripping the edge of the seats as you rode through the streets. the cool breeze rushed against his face, a feeling that he’s never experienced before.
he didn’t know how to feel about being this close to you, but there was something about the moment that felt oddly.. right.
while yunho was locked on maintaining a professional distance with you, he also had to acknowledge how patient you were with him.
from week one, you didn’t falter when he scolded you or when he seemed dismissive of his ideas. most people would have been upset, or even offended by his attitude - but you only took his critiques with a smile, eager to learn and eager to help.
he wasn’t used to that.
it didn’t make sense how someone like you could exist. how can you, knowing his personality, make an effort to get him coffee day after day, and willingly sit in on his classes lecture after lecture? he never asked for any of this, but he certainly wouldn’t ask you to stop.
you slowed as you reached a stoplight, glancing over your shoulder briefly. “doing alright back there, professor?”
yunho coughed, startled as your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “yeah, i’m fine,” he replied, his voice rougher than usual.
“mind if we stop by a gas station? i need to fill up my bike,” you asked.
“go ahead.”
after a few minutes, you pulled into a gas station, parking the bike by the pump.
you hopped off first, smoothly removing your helmet as you shook your hair. yunho remained seated, not fully trusting himself to get off the bike yet.
as you began to fill up the tank, yunho’s mind was running in circles. you had every right to be angry at him, to ignore him, to complain about his behaviour and yet - you still decided to treat him with kindness. why?
“i’m going to grab a drink,” you said as you pointed towards the convenience store. “you want anything?”
yunho shook his head, not wanting to burden you. you finally finished topping up the gas and made your way over to the store, allowing yunho to let out a small sigh. this was all so new to him. not just the motorcycle, but the way you handled everything with grace, including him.
a few minutes later, you returned, holding a small bag of potato chips and a drink. “sorry for the wait,” you said, smiling as you handed him the chips. “here, i got you these- they’re my favourite.”
yunho blinked at the gesture, looking down at the bag of chips you handed him. to his surprise, they were one of his favourites too. he hadn’t had them in a long time and he was way too busy to get them, but seeing them now felt somewhat nostalgic.
“you didn’t have too..” he said softly.
“i wanted to,” you replied with a grin. “i figured you’d be hungry after a long day.”
yunho opened the bag, reaching in and chewed on the chips slowly, savouring the familiar taste. it was something he never realised he missed, and there you were, sipping on your drink, oblivious to the impact your actions had on him.
“thanks,” yunho said as he glanced down at the snack.
“no problem,” you said, wiping your hands on your pants before hopping back onto your bike. “ready to go?”
yunho nodded, and this time, he held on a little less awkwardly. instead of keeping his eyes on the street, he found himself staring at you, unable to look away.
little did he know, that wouldn’t be the last time.
when you pulled up in front of his building, yunho reluctantly let go of the seat, feeling somewhat strange. you pulled back your visor and smiled at him.
“thanks for the ride,” yunho said as he stood next to the bike. “and the snack.”
“no problem at all,” you said with a wink. “see you on monday, professor jeong!” and with that, you sped off into the night, leaving yunho alone, watching you disappear down the street.
as yunho entered his apartment, he couldn’t help but think that things were about to change a lot more than he realised.
and he didn’t mind it as much as he thought.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
monday morning arrived sooner than he expected. the lecture hall was filling up with students, their voices and footsteps bouncing of the walls. but something was off.
you’ve never been late.
yunho tapped his pen against the stack of papers in front of him, trying to focus on the lesson plan, but his mind kept wandering back to your lack of presence. where were you?
he didn’t know why it bothered him so much. after all, you were an adult - independent and responsible. you didn’t need to be early every single day, but still, it left a weird feeling in his stomach.
when the lecture hall was nearly full, the door creaked open. yunho looked up, relief washing over him once he saw that you were okay - but then he realised who you were with.
you walked in, laughing, with wooyoung to your side, who was just as amused by whatever you two were talking about. the sight of wooyoung standing so close to you with that cocky grin on his face made yunho’s chest tighten.
you hurried over to yunho’s desk, handing him his usual coffee. “sorry i’m late, professor,” you said, still laughing from your conversation with wooyoung. “i just met professor jung at the coffee shop, we ended up talking longer than we thought.”
wooyoung leaned casually against the wall, raising an eyebrow. “hey, yunho. we were having such a great time that i decided to walk her here.”
yunho forced a smile, accepting the coffee from you. “i see,” he replied, turning to you. “thank you for the coffee.”
you shook your head. “you should be thanking him,” you said as you pointed at wooyoung. “he paid for both of our drinks.”
“that’s..” yunho’s eyes shifted to the other professor, who seemed to be enjoying the interaction a little too much. “that’s very generous, wooyoung.”
wooyoung shrugged. “what can i say, i’m a nice guy,” he winked at you, making yunho fight the urge to roll his eyes.
yunho placed his coffee cup on his desk, shifting his items so that you could organise yours. “you know,” he began, trying to sound casual. “if you like getting coffee in the morning, we can go together. that way, you wouldn’t have to go alone.”
wooyoung’s eyes widened, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. he said nothing, but yunho knew that he was holding in a teasing remark.
you, however, looked pleasantly surprised. “oh- that’s really sweet,” you said with a smile on your face. “i’d like that, i didn’t realise how fun it was to talk to someone in the morning.”
yunho nodded. “yes, and it’d also be more convenient for the both of us.”
“convenient?” wooyoung raised an eyebrow, trying to hold in a laugh. “you’re just full of surprises, professor jeong.”
yunho glared at him, but before he could say anything, he noticed that most of his students were settling down, signalling the start of class.
“i guess i should go,” wooyoung said before leaning closer to yunho, whispering into his ear. “have fun on your coffee date.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
mornings now started with you and yunho meeting at the campus cafe before heading to class together. at first, it felt odd - after all, he was technically your boss. but as the days passed, you found yourself looking forward to the moments you shared while waiting for your coffee.
you smiled to yourself as you stood next to yunho, the scent of coffee wafting in the air. you genuinely liked his company - he was always listening to you, focused on what you had to say, no matter how small it was.
“so, have you finished grading last week’s paper?” you asked, glancing at him as you waited for your order.
yunho shook his head. “almost. some of the essays were good, but a few of them were..” he trailed off, letting out a sigh. “not up to standard.”
you laughed softly. “maybe i can help you get through the rest. i’ve been getting better at grading, right?”
he turned to you, a small smile tugging at his lips. “you’ve been doing well,” he said. “but you’re a little generous with marks.”
the barista called out your order, and you instinctively reached for your bag, ready to pay - but yunho beat you to it, handing over his card before you could say anything.
“hey,” you raised an eyebrow. “i was supposed to pay this time.”
“not today,” he replied, tapping his card on the card reader, waiting for it to process.
you crossed your arms as you leaned against the counter. “you don’t have to keep paying every morning.”
“it’s only fair, you used to pay for most of my drinks,” yunho glanced at you, holding out your coffee cup. “and you’re assigned to me. just consider it a part of my duties.”
“mhm, sure,” you muttered as you took a sip from your drink. “but i’m paying next time.”
much to yunho’s embarrassment, wooyoung or mingi would ‘accidentally’ bump into the two of you during some of your coffee runs. they would usually just tag along for the free coffee, but not without making fun of you and yunho’s ‘coffee dates’.
the both of you brushed off their comments, though, you could see yunho’s subtle discomfort whenever they dropped the word ‘date’ - and it didn’t help that wooyoung always had a grin on his face whenever he showed up at the cafe.
one morning, you and yunho were on your usual coffee run when wooyoung strolled in, a big smile on his face.
“it’s my favourite power couple,” he teased as he slid next to you at the counter. “don’t mind if i join.”
yunho sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “you need to stop taking the coffees that i pay for.”
“but i want to hang out with you guys,” wooyoung grinned, ignoring what yunho said. wooyoung then leaned into the professor, whispering loud enough for yunho to hear.
“and i also can’t help but notice that you’ve been glowing nowadays. is it the coffee or the company?”
rule number four: never go for someone out of your league.
there was a significant gap between the two of you. not just in age, but in life experience.
you were in your twenties, full of energy and still figuring things out. meanwhile, yunho was well into his thirties, in a career he’d basically dedicated his life to.
you had so much life ahead of you, and yunho couldn’t be the one to hold you back.
he was constantly thinking about this, even though you didn’t seem to care. you never once treated him differently because of his age - you talked to him normally, laughing at his lame, dry jokes and sometimes, you leaned in a little closer than one would when you asked him questions about a paper.
while he knew he shouldn’t let it get to him, every glance and moment between the two of you only reminded him of how easy you were to be around.
was it even professional anymore? yunho was starting to painfully realise of how much he enjoyed your company, in and outside of classes. gosh.. how lonely is he?
“you’ve got really good handwriting,” you spoke, breaking him out of his thoughts. “it’s neat and precise, i bet your students are glad when they see your comments.”
yunho blinked, remembering where he was. you and yunho were in his office, grading mock papers like you had been for the past few weeks. yunho sat at his desk as you occupied the chair in front of him, glancing over the essays.
“really?” yunho cleared his throat. “most students think i’m too harsh.”
you grinned, leaning forward slightly as you picked up another stack of papers. “that’s because they don’t know how much worse it could be,” you said, your eyes briefly meeting his. “you’re more lenient than they think.”
“can’t have them dropping out, can i?” yunho replied with a sigh. “but you seem to be getting the hang of it.”
you shrugged, picking up your pen as you scanned the paper. “i try, but working with you made me realise how much more i need to work on. you’re really good at this.”
yunho’s grip on his pen loosened as he took in your words. he’s heard countless of praises from his friends, coworkers and even his boss - but hearing it from you felt…different.
“thanks..” he muttered, pretending to focus on the next paper.
to be completely honest, yunho was starting to get distracted by you, noticing the random things you did - how you sat, how you tucked your hair behind your ear whenever you read an essay that was poorly done, and how your fingers tapped the edge of the table after you finished marking a paper.
and how could he forget the most important thing - your smile. yunho hated how he liked it, and how such a simple action made his day ten times better.
you soon realised that he was watching you, but you didn’t say anything, trying to stop yourself from smiling. you may not have known it yet, but you were slowly finding the one and only professor jeong attractive - and not just physically.
for most of your life, you were always the one carrying the conversation, always the one asking questions just so that things wouldn’t be awkward. but with yunho? he actually made an effort.
every morning, he’d ask about your day, how the other professors have been treating you and what movies you’ve been watching recently. and when you talked, he listened - really listened.
“how’s your bike? didn’t you pop a tire recently?” yunho asked, flipping through an essay.
you blinked, caught off guard. “oh- you remembered that?”
yunho twirled the pen in his fingers, looking slightly confused. “of course, you were stressed about it.”
“i was,” you chuckled softly, shifting in your seat. “but i’m getting it fixed now. thanks for asking.”
yunho nodded, his attention returning to the paper in front of him. as the evening went on, the two of you continued to mark papers, the office filled with the sounds of writing and the occasional talk about a student’s essay. it wasn’t until you glanced out of the window that you realised how late it got.
“oh shoot- it’s already dark,” you muttered, gathering your things. “i should probably head out.”
“do you need a ride?” yunho asked as he looked at the clock. “your bike is in the shop, right? you shouldn’t be going home alone at this time.”
you hesitated for a moment. your bike had been stuck in the repair shop for longer than you’d like, and you had gotten used to going home by yourself. but the thought of taking the bus home alone this late made yunho’s offer pretty appealing.
“actually- that would be really helpful,” you said, giving him a grateful smile. “thanks.”
the ride home started like any other - with you settling into the plush seats and yunho giving you free reign of the music. he glanced over at you, looking at how you watched the streets pass by.
“how long has your bike been repairing?” yunho asked as he pulled up to a red light.
you sighed heavily, running your fingers through your hair. “for about a week. i don’t know what’s taking them so long.”
“you’ve been taking the bus for a week?” yunho looked at you with wide eyes. “you should have asked me for help..”
“i didn’t want to wait for your office hours,” you smirked, tilting your head. “plus, taking the bus isn’t bad, it’s just less convenient than having my own bike.”
“you know what i meant,” yunho gave you a look before flicking the turn signal. “next time, don’t be shy to ask for help. my door is always open for you.”
you ignored the butterflies in your stomach when you heard the words ‘for you’, choosing to focus on the music playing instead of being delusional.
“good to know..” you mumbled as you started to pick at the fabric of your pants.
as the car drove to the front of your building, you took a deep breath, glad to be home. yunho parked the car, passing you your bag from the back seat.
“good night, professor jeong,” you said with a warm smile as you stepped out of the car. “thanks for driving me back.”
“no problem,” he replied, though, his face looked like he wanted to say more. he paused, giving you a final wave before finally saying, “call me yunho.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“alright, is everyone here?” hongjoong asked as he looked around the room, clipboard in hand.
it had been almost a year since you’ve joined, and in that time, you’ve become somewhat of a staff favourite, with everyone wanting to include you in everything - from staff hangouts to work dinners.
and now, you’ve been involved in important staff meetings such as the one you were waiting for. yunho entered the room, sitting down next to you as he flipped through his notebook.
“there’s a big event coming up,” hongjoong began once he saw that everyone had settled down. “the annual college fundraiser. as always, your presence is encouraged. this is a great opportunity to bring students and faculty together while supporting a cause.”
there were a few groans from around the room, and you noticed yunho sighing quietly beside you. he leaned over, his voice low so only you could hear, “i don’t see the point of these events. they never change anything.”
you looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “you don’t want to go?”
yunho shook his head. “it’s the same thing every year. students show up and we awkwardly talk as if we don’t want to go home. the only thing it does is take up a saturday.”
“i don’t know..” you said, leaning back into the chair. “i think it sounds fun. it’s a nice break from the lectures we’ve been having.”
yunho gave you a glance, a small smile pulling on his lips. “of course you would say that. you’re always so optimistic.”
“and you’re always so negative,” you chuckled softly. “besides, it’s a good cause, i’m sure some students enjoy it. maybe this year is different.”
yunho scoffed. “i’ve been to plenty of these, they’re all the same.”
you looked around the room, seeing how the other professors and staff were talking about the fundraiser, some more excited than others. “well, i’m definitely going,” you said, crossing your arms.
yunho paused, his eyes meeting yours. he really wanted to skip this year’s fundraiser - he’s been attending way too many times, and with the chance of mingi and wooyoung not attending, he would have no one to talk to. but now that you were going, you were seriously making him reconsider his opinion on participating.
“if you’re really want to go,” yunho muttered, turning away. “i guess i’ll give it another shot.”
hongjoong continued to talk about the fundraiser details, but your attention was now focused on yunho, who had shifted closer to you.
maybe the event wouldn’t be so bad after all.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
you rummaged through your closet, trying to find something that was ‘formal’ for the fundraiser, but nothing felt right.
sure, you wanted to look nice for the fundraiser, but you also wanted to feel confident, making you more picky than you usually were. you tossed aside a few dresses that weren’t cutting it, which eventually started to pile up in the corner of your room.
but then, a miracle happened. you pulled out a silk black gown, one that you completely forgot about. the dress was simple, but incredibly flattering - hugging your curves in all the right places. as you slipped into it, you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring how it showed your figure, the neckline highlighting your collarbone.
this could work. you twirled, the fabric waving and shining under the light. it fit perfect.
you decided to pair it with subtle accessories, not wanting to overwhelm the dress. you put on makeup that brought out your eyes and a perfume that made you smell heavenly. once you were ready, you glanced at the clock, rushing out of the house when you realised that the fundraiser was starting soon.
by the time you arrived at the venue, the room was filled with soft classical music. students, professors and staff were spread across the room, everyone dressed in their best. the hall was beautifully decorated, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
you stepped inside, your heels clicking softly against the marble floor as you looked around the room for a familiar face.
and then, you spotted yunho.
he was standing alone near a pillar, looking ridiculously handsome as he wore a black tuxedo that fit him like a glove. his hair was neatly styled, and his usual glasses that sat on his face tied the whole outfit together. for a moment, you couldn’t help but stare. he looked good, really good.
yunho put his phone away, glancing around. when his eyes finally landed on you, his breath got caught in his throat. the dress you wore was stunning, accentuating your figure in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
you looked drop-dead gorgeous, and yunho found himself at a loss of words. he always knew that you were beautiful, but seeing you in that dress made it impossible for him to focus on anything else.
when you approached him, yunho cleared his throat, feeling a little dazed. “you..” he coughed out, his eyes studying you, taking in every detail. “you look incredible.”
you chuckled, feeling your cheeks turning pink as you heard his compliment. “thank you,” you replied, feeling a flutter in your chest as your eyes traced the sharp lines of his tux. “you look handsome yourself.”
the fundraiser carried on. small groups of people talked and laughed by the elegant tables that were draped with white linen. student volunteers went between tables, offering food and drinks to guests.
as the night grew, you mingled with other professors and students, talking about event and other things that happened around campus - with yunho sticking to you the entire time.
of course, he wasn’t in the mood for small talk, so he remained silent for most of the night, but not without sneaking many glances at you.
eventually, the event came to an end. guests started to leave, the sounds of music playing turned into sounds of people gathering their things and heading out.
yunho exhaled deeply, checking his watch. “finally, it’s over,” he said, clearly ready to go home. “we should get moving.”
you shook your head, looking around at the volunteers that were beginning to clean up. “actually, i was thinking of staying to help clean up a bit. they could use an extra hand.”
yunho paused, then frowned slightly. “really..?”
“mhm, it’ll only take a while,” you replied. “you don’t have to stay though. i know you’re tired.”
yunho hesitated, his eyes softening as he looked at you. he let out a short sigh then shrugged. “no, i’ll stay.”
your eyes widened in surprise as you shook your head. “don’t push yourself.. you shouldn’t do something you don’t want to do. you can go home, i won’t be mad.”
“i want to help,” yunho reassured you, picking up a few plates. “and you said that it’ll only take a while. it wouldn’t hurt to help out.”
you blinked a couple of times before moving to help him. “thanks..” you said softly.
together, you helped the volunteers stack chairs and clear tables. it didn’t take long, and soon enough, the large hall was nearly empty, with a few guests and staff left behind.
as you carried the last of the chairs to the side of the room, you noticed a small, secluded garden area just beyond the glass doors of the hall. the moonlight shined gently on the flowers and vines that framed a cozy bench.
you nudged yunho, tilting your head towards the doors. “want to check it out before we leave?”
yunho looked through the doors, just as interested as you. “sure,” he nodded.
the two of you stepped outside, the cool evening air wrapping you as you strolled around the garden. you sat down on the bench, yunho joining you a second later, and the two of you took in the smell of flowers.
it was quiet out here - the gentle sounds of leaves rustling and distant cars driving made it feel like the world slowed down for the two of you.
for a while, neither of you spoke. yunho leaned back, resting his arm along the back of the bench.
“thanks for staying,” you said softly as you turned to look at him. “i know that these events aren’t your thing.”
“it’s wasn’t so bad,” yunho gave a small smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “it got better with you.”
a wide smile spread across your face, a feeling of warmth creeping up from your neck.
yunho’s hand, slowly moved closer to you, his fingers grazing the back of your shoulder. he hesitated for a moment, his eyes shifting to your lips as he debated the thoughts in his head.
“are you okay, professor?” you asked, tilting your head.
rule number five: if you ever encounter a dilemma, run away; never face it.
yunho nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. “…i’m alright.”
you turned your body to face him completely. “are you sure?”
yunho took a deep breath, unable to look away from you. “i don’t know if i should tell you,” he said quietly.
“…if it’s bothering you so much, i think you should tell me.”
“i..” yunho ran a hand through his hair. he started to fidget with the sleeves of his tux, trying his best to arrange his words.
“..i like you, a lot. for a while now, actually,” he paused, his gaze moving to the ground. “but i didn’t want to tell you because.. you deserve someone better- someone younger.”
your heart clenched as you heard his words. you placed your hand on his. “you don’t really think that, do you..?”
“why wouldn’t i?” yunho asked, his voice rougher than usual. “i’m a lot older than you, ‘____’. you shouldn’t settle for me- you deserve to live out your twenties and date whoever you want.”
you blinked, leaning closer to him. “but what if i want you?” you asked. “i don’t care about things like that.”
his eyes widened, clearly taken aback by your words. “are.. are you serious?” he stuttered in surprise, the scent of your perfume taking over his senses.
“of course,” you nodded firmly, leaning in a little closer. “i’m very serious,” you reached up and grabbed his tie, gently pulling him towards you. “i want you, and you shouldn’t think otherwise.”
yunho’s eyes stayed on your lips as you closed the distance, the space between the two of you disappearing until your lips met in a soft, tender kiss.
it was careful at first, with the both of you testing the waters. but when he felt your lips respond to his - something snapped.
yunho’s hand slid to the back of your neck with his other hand finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. his grip on you tightened, his lips becoming rougher as if he had been holding himself back for far too long.
your fingers tangled in his tie, loosening it as the kiss becoming more and more desperate. the world around you began to disappear as you lost yourselves in each other.
“yunho-“ you whimpered as he cupped the side of your face.
yunho’s breath hitched as the sound of his name fell from your lips. his thumb brushed against your cheek, and you felt his body pressing closer, the kiss turning into something hungrier and urgent.
“tell me to stop,” he whispered against your lips, his voice filled with desire but you could hear something else - concern for your comfort.
but stopping was the last thing you wanted.
you shook your head, your hand sliding up his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm. “i don’t want you to,” you muttered back.
and that was all yunho needed.
in a swift motion, his lips crashed into yours. his hands roamed your body, one slipping down your back as the other remained on your jaw, guiding your head as his lips devoured yours.
your fingers gripped onto his tie tighter as his lips left yours, leaving small kisses down your neck, his warm breath against your skin.
the world around you continued to fade, nothing existing except for the two of you. your heart pounded in your chest, your head dizzy with how quickly things escalated.
you gasped softly, his name leaving your lips again in a whisper as he pressed kisses near your ear, sending chills down your spine.
slowly, he pulled away, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “sorry, i got a little carried away,” yunho admitted quietly, afraid to break the silence that was surrounding you.
you smiled softly, your heart racing. “don’t apologise,” you chucked as you fixed his collar. “i liked it.”
yunho leaned forward, brushing your hair away from your face as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. his touch was warm and safe, something that you really needed after all of that.
yunho sat back down, his hand resting against yours. you looked up at him, smirking. “so does this mean you’re stuck with me now?”
yunho chuckled, squeezing your hand gently. “i think you’re stuck with me,” he said before pausing for a moment, his eyes turning more genuine. “but seriously.. i need you to be sure. about me- about this.”
without hesitation, you nodded. “i’m sure, yunho. i don’t want anything else.”
he sighed softly, relief written on his face. “alright,” he smiled, getting up as he reached his hand out. “now let’s get you home before i break any more of my own rules.”
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any and all feedback appreciated <3
yunho was picked for this theme!
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heavenlyvision · 10 months
Just Friends
Word count: 13.7k
Pairing: Johnny Cage x F!Reader
A/N: Wowee, I am pretty proud of this one ngl! I hope you all enjoy it!!! This idea has been rotating in my brain for a couple weeks now, so I’m pretty stoked to have finished it <33
Summary: When your one-year anniversary raises red flags about your boyfriend you missed, Johnny helps you deal with the fall out in a delicious way, and then he ghosts you. When you find out why, you think his reason sucks but he makes it up to you… kind of.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst (only little bit), virgin!Reader, age gap, reader is in her 20s, fingering, grinding, cum eating, spit swallowing (once), stalking (not by Johnny or reader), minor violence, name calling (not by Johnny or reader), no use of y/n
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This isn’t where you would ideally be spending your time, in general you don’t club often but especially not for special occasions, which you classify this as one. You’re meant to be celebrating your one-year anniversary with your boyfriend, he had promised you a romantic evening but instead he surprised you with clubbing. Which, naturally you had no idea was happening, so not only are you not dressed for clubbing but you also are not in the mood to be here.
He's gone off to the dance floor and you’re just sat here by the bar watching him dance and get drunk. It’s uncomfortable for you, you’re dressed up in a nicer dress than what this place warrants and it’s getting the attention of the men around you, attention you really don’t want.
Unfortunately, it looks like your boyfriend is enjoying the attention of the other girls around him, he’s just now engaged in a bump and grind with a girl you both don’t know. This is ridiculous, he knows you can see him right? You’re getting huffy, but when he leans down and whispers in her ear is when you get pissed.
Getting up, you stomp over to him and grab him to get his attention, when he looks at you, he’s none too pleased. Like you weren’t the one watching him flirt with another girl on your one-year anniversary. A whole year with this man and he can’t give you the courtesy of paying you attention and not flirting with other girls. Ridiculous.
Your expression is twisted in anger, “What the hell are you doing?”
“What’s your problem?” He asks, his own expression irritated.
Your eyes become large, shaking your head at him, “My problem is you; you’re flirting with other girls right in front of me! On our anniversary!”
He blows you off and deflects the blame back on you, “Like you care, you have that weird relationship with that old actor dude!”
Of course, he brings up Johnny right now, you roll your eyes at him, “Johnny is just a friend! You know that.”
And he does, you’ve known Johnny for years, or at least your family has, you got closer to him a few years ago when you moved to California. He’s been really kind to you and was the only friend you had here for a while, even though he’s all famous and busy.
He gets in your face and yells at you, “Yeah right, you’re probably fucking him! You won’t fuck me but you’ll fuck him! Is that it?! GOD you are such a whore!” You can smell the alcohol on his breath with how close he is.
This is the first time he’s explicitly said what he’s been implying for months, he’s been so weird about this for a long time, you haven’t had sex with him, or anyone for that matter. And it upsets you when he implies otherwise. His blunt accusation has your eyes welling up with tears.
His shoulders drop and his eyes roll, groaning as he says, “Oh, don’t start that! You are such a gaslighter!”
“We are over, don’t call me, don’t come to my apartment, we are broken up,” you spit it out with as much venom as you can muster.
Turning from him, you get out of there as quickly as possible, hearing him continue to berate you faintly as you leave. The tears from earlier start to fall down your cheeks as you hail a cab, tonight is not what you wanted it to be at all.
This has been an awful experience, and if you were honest with yourself, you’d recognise your relationship had red flags the whole time. You had mostly overlooked it because you wanted it to work so badly but he was mean, pushy, didn’t respect you or your boundaries, he was even prone to violent outbursts, he never hit you but you have a sizable hole in your bedroom wall from the one time he got especially annoyed at you.
These are all things you had kept from Johnny and even then, Johnny had expressed concerns about your now ex-boyfriend, he never overstepped but he very gently told you that he thought he was a freak.
You won’t deny that you like Johnny, you’re attracted to him but it’s not like it’s something you could actively pursue or have even thought about pursuing. He’s older than you and probably wouldn’t look at you the same way you look at him. And even if he did, you can’t think of anything worse than a cheater, you would never want to be cheated on, so you would never cheat on someone. Even if they suck.
Sitting in the cab, you’re forced to reflect on all of this. You wish you’d had a few drinks; a buzz would probably make it easier to sleep tonight. The shock of it all has you most upset because when you search deep down you aren’t even sad about losing him, you’re sad about all the time you wasted on him. All the time you spent trying to make it work with a man who, frankly, didn’t and doesn’t deserve you.  
When you get back home, you’re immediately showering the club off of your skin and crawling into bed. What you want most right now is for this awful night to be over, so you curl up in a little ball and hug your pillow to your chest for comfort.
✰ ✰ ✰
A heavy-handed banging at your door frightens you awake; you shoot up in your spot. It’s your ex banging on your door and yelling at you, grabbing your phone you quickly look at the time. It’s currently nine in the morning, he cannot be sober yet.
You walk through your apartment and drop your phone on your kitchen counter before tentatively walking towards the door. His loud banging stops and he knocks again gently, calling your name softly. You don’t want to open the door but you’re worried about your neighbours, one thing about him is that he is as stubborn as a mule.
Opening the door only a bit, you ask him, “What do you want?”
“Fucking finally, let me in,” his voice is angry and he’s pushing the door open more.
You try to keep him back, “You can’t come in.”
He keeps pushing at the door, eventually swinging it open the whole way, “I can do what I want,” his voice raises.
He goes to move inside your apartment and you push him back, his eyes glower at you, he’s scaring you.
“We are broken up, and I don’t want you in my house,” you say, standing your ground.
“We are not broken up; I didn’t agree to that!” he argues, voice getting louder in his anger.
His demeanour is scaring you, the last time he looked like this was when he punched that hole in your wall.
But you are not caving on this, “That isn’t how it works, we are over!”
He puts his hands on you and his grip digs into your skin, hurting you, but you move automatically and punch him square in the nose. His head flies back, he’s groaning out in pain and grabbing his nose. You take advantage of his balance being thrown off and push him out of the threshold of your apartment, he stumbles back and you’re slamming the door shut, locking it again.
“What the fuck! You stupid bitch! Let ME IN!!” His banging gets more forceful, it sounds like he might be kicking the door too.
You’re shaking at what just happened, you’ve never had to punch someone before. Sadly, it didn’t do enough damage to have him leaving, he’s still there and you have a feeling he isn’t going away.
There’s a sudden ringing from behind you, it makes you jump on the spot. Your heart racing as you realise it’s just your phone from the kitchen, you walk over to it, behind you the banging has slowed a bit but you can tell he’s still out there.
Checking your phone screen, you see it’s Johnny is calling, just your luck. If you don’t pick up now, he’ll just keep calling you. He knows you were meant to go on your date last night and you didn’t message him when you got home. He’s always checking in on you, making sure you’re safe but you don’t really want him hearing what’s happening, so you walk into the hallway and answer. Thankful for the moment of quiet outside your door.
“Hello?” You ask.
“Good morning, doll,” he sounds chipper.
“…Good morning,” your voice is wavering despite your efforts to sound normal.
You can practically feel his frown through the phone, “Are you okay?”
“Yup,” you’re trying to keep your answers short.
The banging on your door picks up again, he’s getting louder and yelling, because of course he is.
“What is that?” Johnny questions.
He pauses, you imagine listening to the background noises, “It sounds like someone’s trying to break in.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you deny.
The banging continues at your door, your exes voice yelling, “Let me the fuck in!! God you’re such a fucking bit–”
“–I’m coming over.” He states, hanging up hastily, leaving no room for arguments.
Great, now you have to face the embarrassment of telling Johnny how awful your ex is and is apparently unwilling to let go of you even though he was flirting with and grinding into another girl right in front of you. You’d rather deal with the cops. Sighing, you grab your bat by the front door and crouch next to it, waiting for Johnny to get here. At least your ex will go away when he gets here.
It doesn’t take Johnny long to arrive at all, which is suspicious, he probably sped. You only know he’s here because you can hear the way your ex gets angry at him.
“Cage, Of course she called you,” he says to Johnny, disdain clear in his voice.
It’s the last thing you hear clearly, whatever Johnny says to him is low but apparently threatening enough to have your ex leaving, not before he yells at you one last time though.
“THIS ISNT OVER!” He yells out for you to hear.
“Yes it is, get the fuck outta here,” you hear Johnny clearer this time, he’d raised his voice at him slightly.
Johnny doesn’t knock, instead using the key you gave him to unlock your door. When he walks inside, he looks around quickly for you, not seeing you until he turns around to lock the door. His eyes widen at your small, crouched form in the corner by the front door, holding a bat with a sock on it.
“Jesus, sugar, what are you doing there?” His hand lands on his chest in mild shock.
“In case he got the door down,” you murmur at him.
He locks the door properly before giving you his hand, helping you up.
His brow raises, “What’s the sock for?”
“In case he tried grabbing it, he’d pull the sock off and I’d still have a bat,” you move the sock up and down the bat, demonstrating the slide.
He reaches out and you hand the bat to him, “Sit over there.” He points at your breakfast barstools.
You do as he says and shuffle over to the stool, sitting down on it. He puts the bat in your umbrella stand by the front door. Walking back over to you, he stands between your legs and holds either side of your face, checking you over.
“You okay?” He asks very softly; concern clear on his face.
You nod at him, “Yeah, Mm okay.”
His eyes are still looking you over, “I saw his nose was bleeding, you hit him?”
You nod again and he smiles at you, “Nice, you square your shoulders?”
“I think so,” you’re not sure, it happened pretty quick, the reaction more of a survival thing than a planned attack.
He hums and looks to your upper arms, “He grabbed you?” His hands gently run down your arms.
“Yeah, then I hit him,” you tell him, looking at your arms where he was looking. The skin where your ex had grabbed is irritated, it might bruise.
Johnny’s face is pulled into a scowl, “I should’ve hit him too, fucken dick.”
You shake your head at him, “I just wanted him gone.”
“I never liked him,” he continues.
“I know.”
“If he shows up again, I am hitting him,” his face still scowling.
You shake your head at him again, “Don’t do that.”
“Why not?” He looks into your eyes again; his hands leave you.
“Johnny, you’re not just some guy, you’re famous, if it got out that you hit someone it’d be a whole thing. It could ruin your reputation.”
He rolls his eyes at your concern, “Don’t really care about all that, doll.”
Your expression is doubtful, “Yes you do.”
“It’d be worth it, that guy sucks,” he maintains.
He hums at you in response.
“Can you… stay for a bit?” You ask softly, cringing at how pathetic you sound.
“Of course, you aren’t getting rid of me that quickly,” his smile is soft and you give him your own in return.
Getting up off the stool, you walk around into the kitchen, grabbing two mugs out for some coffee.
“You can go sit on the couch while I make some coffee,” you tell him with your back facing him.
He hums a little mindlessly before wandering over to your living room and getting comfortable.
After the coffee is made, you carefully walk to him, you’re watching the mugs and your feet as you walk. Carrying full cups has always stressed you out, you always manage to spill and you’d really rather not have to clean up a mess right now.
Thankfully, you successfully make it to Johnny without spilling anything, “Here you go,” you smile and hand him his mug.
“Thanks, sugar,” he takes it from you, sips at it and places it on the coffee table in front of him.
You sit beside him and silently sip at your coffee, enjoying the warmth of it, the flavour. You think a good cup of coffee could fix just about anything for you.
Johnny watches you sip at your mug, “What exactly happened, doll and why didn’t you call me?”
Yeah, you were expecting him to ask sooner or later, you were just hoping it’d be later.
Sighing, you place your mug next to his, “I didn’t call you because it’s embarrassing, you were right about him and I wanted to handle it on my own, I don’t need everything fixed for me.” You don’t look at him as you speak.
“I know that, you’re an adult but this was an angry, grown man, trying to beat down your door. And sometimes you might not need my help but you can always have me next to you, if it makes it easier.” His words are spoken soothingly, he’s always so gentle with you.
You can’t lie, you did have a crush on him for a long time, but then you met your ex and you didn’t let those feelings cloud your mind, you pushed them away. But just like how you push them away, Johnny’s actions and words push them back. He’s a difficult man to dislike.
“Thank you,” you mumble.
He asks again, “What exactly happened, it was supposed to be your anniversary wasn’t it?”
“He ‘surprised’ me by taking me out clubbing, which was already bad but I was uncomfortable and left at the bar alone while he danced and flirted with other girls.” You recount.
“What the fuck?” His voice is filled with displeasure.
“Mhm and then he was whispering to this one girl and I got annoyed, so I went over to confront him but he brought up y– … he said some mean things to me and about me… he – he made me cry and I broke up with him on the spot.” You leave out what he brought up about Johnny, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
“How’d you get home?” He asks.
“Took a cab.” You state simply.
“And he just let you? Let you leave and get in a cab, crying, by yourself, in the middle of the night?” He clarifies.
You nod your head at him.
Groaning as he says, “I really should’ve hit him.” He pauses, “Why didn’t you call me?”
You look back to him again, “It was late and I didn’t want to bother you, or explain what happened, I just wanted to get home and get into bed.”
“You never bother me, sugar,” his eyes are compassionate as he looks at you.
Looking at him is intense for you, like if you look at him for too long, you’ll get hypnotised by him. So, you look away, back to your mug on the table.
He moves closer to you and puts a hand on your cheek, pulling your face to look at him, “If anything happens to upset you, and I mean anything, call me, okay?” He stresses on the anything, making sure you understand.
You avert his gaze, “I will call you, if something bad happens.”
He moves his face so he can catch your eyes with his, making you look at him again, “Say again.”
“I will call you, next time.” You reconfirm.
“Very good,” his praise does things to you that you wish it didn’t.
He still holds your face, looking at you, his thumb strokes your cheekbone softly. As his hand slips away from your face, his thumb pulls your lip down with it, before he pulls his hand away completely. His eyes locked onto your lips, gaze seemingly far away.
He hums, coming back to himself and looking you in the eyes, “Your pjs are very cute.” He changes the topic.
You grow bashful, you’re wearing a matching set, they’re frilly and have bows, and you like them because not only are they really cute, they’re also comfy. Johnny mentioning them throws you off, you completely forgot you were wearing pyjamas.
His smile is cheeky as he watches you grow shy, “What’s wrong?” He asks, taunting.
“You know what you did,” you pout.
He enjoys flirting with you because of how nervous it makes you. He finds it endearing but you find it annoying, which is another reason as to why he keeps doing it.
He hums happily, pleased with himself, “Cute.” It’s all he says in response.
You scowl at him.
He pinches your cheek, pulling at it.
You slap his hand away, “Stop it, that hurts.”
He smiles innocently at you; he goes to say something but his phone rings in his pocket. He pulls it out and looks at it, and then he rolls his eyes, he doesn’t pick it up though.
“Aren’t you gonna answer?” You ask.
“Nah, gonna let it ring out, I do have to go though, I’m late,” his reply nonchalant.
Expression concerned you say, “Johnny! Leave if you’re late, you didn’t need to be wasting time here.”
“I didn’t waste my time, you’re important.” His face firm as he speaks.
You huff at him, “Get out, right now.” Your tone is urgent.
“You’re pretty when you’re bossy,” he teases.
Eyes widening at him, “Johnny!” You exasperate.
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” he placates.
You walk him over to the door. Both of you standing there, you’re waiting for him to open it and leave but he turns around to look at you and pulls you in for a hug. You return it, appreciating the familiarity of him, you nuzzle your face into the fabric of his shirt and he holds you firmly.
His mouth rests against the crown of your head and speaks into your hair, “If he comes back, call me, okay?”
“Okay,” you mumble into his chest.
He pulls you away by your shoulders and then he leans down to kiss your cheek affectionately. The action makes your skin warm; he doesn’t pull away though, lips skating across your face and ghosting your lips, the minimal contact makes you gasp and your heart skip a beat.
He pulls away suddenly, “I’ll talk to you later.” He says hurriedly, opening your door.
“Have a good day,” you manage to say, almost normally.
He hums a noise of agreeance and then he’s gone.
After he leaves, you lock the door, and then your fingers skate over your lips, thinking about how he almost kissed you. The thought makes your heartbeat faster, he’s never showed interest in you before, at least, you don’t think he has.
Why did he do that? Did it mean anything? Was it an accident? You have so many questions that will undoubtably linger in the back of your head for the whole day, if not life.
✰ ✰ ✰
The rest of your day is spent cleaning up your messes made during the week, tomorrow you have a shift at work so today is really the only day you have to be able to pick up after yourself properly. It feels so incredibly mundane compared to what you went through last night and this morning. The fear of you ex coming back loiters in the back of your head the whole time you’re shuffling around your apartment.
It's earlier in the evening when you finally get to sit down, having completed your list of chores, along with showering and eating dinner. You feel quite proud of yourself for doing so much, you didn’t go grocery shopping like you had planned but you think for now, what you have done is more than enough. Leaving your apartment right now is a scary thought, he could be waiting for you outside the building, or around the street corner. You’re overthinking it but it is also very possible, he was terrifying this morning. It shocks you thinking about how he was in your life for so long and you hadn’t noticed anything bad enough to break up with him sooner.
A knock on your door brings you back from your thoughts, you’re apprehensive about answering the door, you aren’t expecting anyone. The person knocks again and your stomach drops, it’s him.
“Go away,” you call out.
“Just let me in, Jesus – talk to me,” your ex is irritable.
You get up and move closer to the door before saying, “You lost your right to talk to me last night.”
“You’re being such a bitch,” he says.
“I’ll call Johnny,” you try threatening.
“Oooo, I’m so scared of some old guy,” he feigns fear, but you know better, he is scared of Johnny.
You walk into the lounge room and pick up your phone, calling him.
His phone only rings a couple times before he picks up, “Hey, doll. You okay?”
From the door you can hear your ex call out to you, “Are you actually calling him?”
Johnny hears him too, “Is he back already?”
“Yeah… Sorry,” you feel bad calling him again so soon.
“Don’t apologise, I told you to call if he came back, you did good by calling me,” he says, his praise making you feel some type of way.
“I’ll be there soon, don’t talk to him,” he directs.
“I’ll see you soon,” you tell him before hanging up.
You grab your bat and hang out in the kitchen, hiding below the counters and watching the front door. Your ex doesn’t speak again, he doesn’t even knock and you briefly wonder if he left.
The wait doesn’t take long, and you know it’s Johnny when you hear the key turn in the lock. He enters the apartment and you pop up from behind the kitchen counters, still holding your bat. He shakes his head at you, amused at the sight of you appearing from nowhere.
Turning around he makes sure to lock the door and walks to you in the kitchen, “You okay, sugar?”
“You’re always asking me that,” you comment.
“I always want you to be okay,” he retorts.
You smile at him, “I’m okay.”
“Good,” he nods his head to the door, “He wasn’t out there.”
“I thought so, I think he heard me on the phone to you.” Your ex must’ve been too scared to face Johnny again, whatever threat he gave working, for now.
“Pussy,” Johnny insults him, it has you laughing lightly. “He really doesn’t like me, do you know why, doll? He ever tell you?” He’s curious.
You hum and look away from him, “No idea.”
“You’re lying.”
“How insulting, I have never lied to you,” you’re looking back at him, trying your best to look innocent.
Both his brows raise at you, “Not from lack of trying.”
You squint your eyes at him, “I am a good girl, I don’t lie, smoke, drink, party… so on and so forth,” you’re being facetious.
“Yes, you are a very good girl, so tell me the truth, mmm?” He practically purrs at you, with the way he spoke to you and how he’s looking at you right now, you’d tell him anything he wanted to know.
“Okay, so maybe I do know why he dislikes you,” you cave but can you be blamed?
He raises a single brow at you, encouraging you to continue.
Fiddling with your hands, you’re hesitant to tell him, “Mmm, so maybe he thinks that we’ve been… hooking up.”
“What?” His eyes are wide.
“He accused me of sleeping with you… which I assured him was not the case and that we’re just friends… but he didn’t believe me, and maybe he called me a whore for sleeping with you and not him…” you can’t look him in the eyes right now.
“I don’t even know where to start,” his expression is confused. “I want to injure him… badly, for calling you a whore,” he starts, his eyes burning.
“I just want him to leave me alone,” you murmur.
“If I break his legs he’ll have to leave you alone for three… to six months, depending on where I break him,” he remarks.
You shake your head at him, sighing.
He continues, “He’s a dumbass for accusing you of sleeping with me,” he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Are you done?” You ask.
“I have one more question, and since you’re such a good girl, you’re going to answer it without tip toeing around it,” his tone only a little bit teasing.
You look sceptical, trying to save face you say, “Maybe.”
“Why would he think you’re sleeping with me and not him,” he asks.
You avert his gaze quickly, “Well… you see, that’s a bit more complicated.”
“How?” He’s direct.
“So…” You trail off.
“No, don’t do that, don’t skirt around your answer… and look at me,” his tone absolute.
You look back to him, your eyes worried, “I’ve not slept with him… or anyone for that matter… as for why he thinks I’m sleeping with you, probably insecurity,” you shrug your shoulders at him.
Johnny looks surprised by your confession, whatever he was expecting you to say, it wasn’t that.
“You’re a virgin?” He clarifies.
You nod your head at him, “Yes…”
“Well shit, sugar, I didn’t mean to make you tell me something that private.” He feels bad.
“It’s not private, I’m not ashamed or anything, I just haven’t wanted to sleep with the men I’ve dated.” Which is true, you’ve been attracted to them, you just haven’t desired them enough to let them have you completely.
“I just feel like whoever I do sleep with, I should crave their touch, and I haven’t… felt that way about the men I’ve dated,” you’ve only wanted one person that way and he’s standing in front of you. Much to your dismay.
“So, your idiot little ex, has somehow got it in his head that you want me?” He asks, big smile on his face.
Frowning, you say, “Don’t look so proud of yourself.”
“Sorry doll, trying not to be but it’s a bit of an ego boost,” he chuckles.
“Like you need one,” you quip. Undeniably though, his confidence is something that makes you feel hot and bothered.
He smiles at you devilishly, going to say something before there’s a knock on your door.
Johnny groans, “Does he not give up or what?”
Another, harsher knock.
“That’s it, I’m kicking his ass,” he starts walking to the front door.
You jog to get in front of him, “No, Johnny, you can’t.”
“I’m fairly certain I can,” he huffs but he stops walking.
You give him a pointed look, “your career?”
“Didn’t I tell you earlier today that I don’t care?”
“I care,” you give him your softest eyes, begging with him not to resort to violence.
He groans in annoyance at how well it works on him, “Arghh, fine.”
“–But, you should moan so he thinks we’re fucking,” he says, smiling like he’s come up with some master plan.
It’s embarrassing to admit to him but, “I don’t… know what I’d sound like.”
“Never even touched yourself, doll?” His question makes your face feel hot. His bluntness a lot for you, it makes you feel fuzzy.
“I have… I just never really made any noises,” you answer him hesitantly.
Looking at Johnny, he has a very serious look on his face, eyes dark. You only see it for a second before he’s smiling sweetly at you, “Bet you make the cutest sounds,” he teases.
He stalks towards you and you walk backwards, you end up with your back against the wall by the door. Johnny has caged you in against it, one of his hands resting on the wall beside your head.
His voice is low, “Wanna find out?”
You look up at him, “Find out what?”
More loud knocking comes out from beside you, your ex still there, still refusing to leave, “I am not going anywhere!” He calls out.
You turn your head to look at the door, but Johnny’s hand pulls your face back to his, “Keep your eyes on me and answer my question, sugar.”
“What was your question?” You don’t remember.
His fingers play with the strap of your pyjama shirt, “Wanna find out how you sound?”
He tuts, “Simple yes or no, sweetness.”
The skin of his fingers brushing against your shoulder has a shudder threatening to run down your spine, he’s arousing you and you don’t feel sure in a lot of things but you feel pretty damn sure in yourself as you say.
He grins, pleased with your answer, “Can’t hold back, gotta let yourself make noise, okay?”
Nodding your head, you agree.
His hand that was playing with your shirt slips down to your hip, holding you there before asking, “Are you wet?”
Your thighs involuntarily clench at his question, “Yeah.”
“What from,” he presses you for more answers.
His hand slips under your sleep shorts but not into your panties, his two middle fingers massage your pussy over your underwear, he can feel the wet patch on the front of them that had formed. Your mind drifts, losing yourself in his light touch.
“Gotta answer, sugar.” He reminds you.
You bring your focus back to his words, “From you…”
“What about me?” His pointer and ring fingers spread your folds through your panties, wet noises resulting from the action, “Fffuck, listen to how wet you are.”
You want to shrink in on yourself, his brazen words embarrassingly hot. His middle finger pets at your clit gently, the stimulation makes you gasp and one of your hands grabs at the wrist of the hand he has on the wall beside your head, the other resting flat against the wall.
“C’mon doll, pay attention,” he chastises.
“The way you – ngh – talk to me,” you confess maybe a little too easily.
“What specifically?” He’s too curious for someone touching you in a way that makes it difficult for coherent thought.
His middle finger is still gently grazing your clit, never straying, the stimulation making you so wet. Your panties no doubt ruined under his ministrations.
“Your voice, your praise, nicknames – hah, jus like the way you talk to me,” you feel breathless.
“Mmm, like being praised? Told what to do?” He asks in a mocking manner.
You’re lacking any critical thinking skills right now though, because you normally wouldn’t feed his ego so much, “By you, yes.”
“Fuck sugar,” he curses, your honesty getting to him.
His finger still stroking you over your underwear, your hips twitching in response to it. He hums at you, enjoying how much you’re squirming below him.
“Johnny,” you call to him, his name coming out whiny.
His response is far away, “Mmm?” he doesn’t look up to you, instead he pulls your shorts all the way down, wanting to watch the way he plays with your clit over your panties.
He adds more pressure to the finger stroking you, the feeling making you gasp, an almost moan slipping from you. Without realising, you hold it back and it comes out strangled.
“Not supposed to hold back, doll.” He reminds you quickly.
But you’re still conscious of your ex lingering in your hallway, something that Johnny is also aware of, which is why he wants you to be louder. He decides to pulls your panties down, removing his fingers from your pussy to do so.
The loss of contact has a whimper exiting you and Johnny chuckles at the sound.
“Needy aren’t ya?” He hums at you, amused.
You huff at him, not really appreciating the teasing.
His fingers move back to your pussy, sliding through your very wet cunt, spreading your slick around, his chest rumbling with a growl at how wet you are. Your thighs are wet and your whole lower half is slippery. The teasing he’s put you through too much, you’re beyond horny and you really just need him to touch you.
You look up at him, eyes big and wet, pleading with him to touch you properly without asking aloud.
The hand by your head moves to cup the side of your face, his smile is large as he looks at you. Enjoying the way you’re falling apart in the palm of his hand. He shows you pity though, and his finger slips to your pussy hole, gently pushing into you. Your cunt spasms lightly around it and he sighs a groan at the feeling.   
“Damn sugar, you’re… fucken soaked,” he comments.
You don’t reply to him, you can’t, too lost in the feeling of his large finger carefully pushing into you. The hand he has on your face still holding you, making you look at him. His thumb pulls your bottom lip down, his eyes mesmerised by your expression. You have a soft and needy look on your face, eyelids low, your breaths whiny. He’s enamoured by you, getting lost for a moment.
But he remembers himself and removes his hand from your face, instead holding your hip, your back arching off the wall slightly. He pushes his finger in the rest of the way, stroking against your walls, his thumb rubbing circles into your clit.
Your breaths turn into whimpers and as he pulls his finger in and out, you moan in response, the feeling overwhelming. Your hips are writhing in his grip, and your head is thrown back on the wall, moans growing louder.
He holds your hips steady, gaze flicking between the way your cunt is sucking his finger in and the fucked-out expression you’re wearing on your face. Your chest rising and falling quickly with your breaths.
For the first time in a while, he’s lost for words, he doesn’t even want to say anything. Just wants to push you over the edge, have you moaning and writhing against the wall for him. He’s painfully hard and ignoring it, but his dick twitches every time your cunt tightens or moans get louder.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Your ex pounds on the door, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
You had forgotten about him, too lost in your own pleasure. You squeak at his yelling and bite your lip.
“Don’t you fucken dare, need you to keep making those noises, sugar,” Johnny’s thumb tugs your lip free of your teeth.
The pounding beside your head gets louder, your ex yelling belligerently at the two of you, cursing Johnny out.
“She has the tightest little cunt!” Johnny calls out to your ex, just to piss him off further.
“Johnny,” you try admonishing him but his name borders on a whimper. The feeling of his finger moving in and out of you affecting you. Your moans are barely contained.
Your ex smacks the door harshly once before yelling at the two of you, “I FUCKING KNEW IT!”
He murmurs curses, calling you names and yelling about how he was right the whole time, before you hear his stomping feet walk away. Seemingly leaving.
Briefly you wonder if Johnny will stop touching you now that your ex has left but if anything, his pace increases, his finger fucking into you quickly, thumb circling your clit firmly. Your moans spill from you, breaking off into whimpers. Johnny has a feral look on his face as he watches his finger fuck into you.
The wet sounds of your pussy getting louder with his increase in speed. His hand on your hip again, keeping you still. His forehead leans forward and rests against yours, you can’t help but watch his lips, wanting him to kiss you.
He’s busy watching your cunt, “Fuck, sugar, really do have the tightest pussy.” You shudder at his words and he continues talking, “Fucken, messy too.”
Your hands claw at the wall behind you, trying to brace yourself against something sturdy.
“Can I add another?” He asks, wanting to stuff you full of his fingers.
“Please,” it’s a desperate sound that escapes you.
His middle finger pulls out to add his ring finger alongside it, both pressing into you gently, not getting far with how tight you are. The width of them stretching you open, burning slightly. His thumb keeps rubbing at your clit, trying to ease the stretch.
“Relax, doll,” he directs.
Taking a deep breath in, you relax slightly and Johnny takes advantage of it, slipping his fingers into you completely.
A keening whine pulls from you at being full of his large fingers.
“Thas it, such a good girl for me,” he groans out at you.
Your pussy clenches down on his fingers at his praise and a soft moan escapes from him, his composure slipping for a moment. If you had your wits about you, you’d notice how his own eyes look a little fucked out, that he’s worked himself up so much just from finger fucking you.
His hand on your hip grips you tighter, grounding himself. Both his fingers fucking into you in earnest, determined to have you cumming on them. His pace picking up to what it was previously, your walls clinging to him desperately. His own breathing is coming quick.
You’re teetering on the edge of something beautiful, “Feels like too much,” you whine at him.
“It’s meant to feel like that,” he coos at you, pity in his voice.
His fingers are persistent and so big and your cunt is fluttering around him with how close you are. Your eyes close, eyebrows knitting together against the pleasure. You feel something brush against your lips, so softly, that you think you imagine it.
Johnny removes his hand on your hip, grabbing your face again. Thumb coming up to your mouth and pushing inside it, you take it, wrapping your lips around it and sucking. He groans at the sight and feel of your warm, wet mouth. He pushes his thumb down onto your tongue, you’re salivating against it, drooling slightly.
The pleasure he’s giving you is so much, from never being touched by someone like this to being touched by someone whose touch feels like he’s attempting to pull you apart from the very depths of your being, is an insane jump. His presence alone crushes you; this is a completely new experience.
Your cunt pulses around his fingers, your moans muffled around his thumb. Johnny’s eyes drop from your face and look down between you both, watching your pussy, again. Infatuated with how you’re taking his fingers.
“C’mon doll, can feel you, you’re so fucken close,” his voice is strained as he talks.
But his voice is devastating to you, the gruffness of it sends you over the edge, your hands paw at his chest, needing something to hold onto. His thumb removes itself from your mouth, grabbing one of your hands instead and interlocking fingers with you.
Your hips grind down into his hand, riding out your high, moans tumbling from your lips as you throw your head back, his name mixed in with your moans. Distantly, you can hear Johnny moan at your orgasm, delighted by the state of you. Your breathing is harsh, chest moving quickly, you feel far away from your body. Hearing poor with how the blood is rushing through your head.
Johnny pulls his fingers from you carefully, you’re watching him through dazed eyes, slumped against the wall. His own eyes looking at his fingers and the way they’re soaked in your slick and cum. He shocks you when he licks them clean before putting them in his mouth, sucking you off them. He hums around his own fingers at the taste of you.
The display is obscene and has a small whimper being pulled from your chest. He pulls his fingers out of his mouth, keeping eye contact with you. His heated look making you squirm a bit.
He shoots you a charming smile, “I was right, you do make cute sounds.”
You cover your face with your hands, wanting to escape his penetrating gaze.
Johnny locates your shorts and helps put them back on you, he kisses the top of your head, “I got carried away, doll. I’m sorry.”
Pulling your hands away, you look at him. He’s wearing a troubled expression, disappointed in himself, seemingly, out of nowhere.
“It’s okay.” You assure him.
He shakes his head, “No it’s not, I should’ve known better, I’m older than you. Shouldn’t have done this.”
You’re getting a bit annoyed, you’re an adult and you told him yes when he asked, “Johnny, I agreed.” You try reminding him.
“Doesn’t matter, should’ve controlled myself.” He’s getting hung up on his morals, frustrated in his actions tonight.
“I could’ve stopped you if I didn’t want it,” you push.
He looks at you dubiously, something telling you that his internal struggle is deeper than what he’s sharing with you.
“I should go, doll. I am so sorry.” He apologises again, but there isn’t anything he needs to apologise for.
He doesn’t touch you as he leaves, he looks like he wants to, but he doesn’t. Instead, he rushes out the door, not letting you argue with him any further. You hear him lock the door with his key as he leaves.
You’re left leaning against the wall, shell shocked as to what the hell just happened. He gave you your first and best orgasm and then left suddenly. Acting like he’s committed some kind of crime.
Calling him doesn’t work, he won’t pick up and he hasn’t replied to any of your texts. You don’t think he realises that he hadn’t fucked up before but he certainly has now, because what the fuck???
✰ ✰ ✰
By the next morning, Johnny still hasn’t replied and you have to go to work. You’re extra cautious as you leave your apartment, anxious about your ex possibly approaching you. Luckily he isn’t anywhere to be seen and you make it to work with no issues. Though, you did feel like somebody was watching you for a bit, you chalk it up to your nerves. The past few days not really doing great things for your psyche.
Your shift is a long one, gruelling. The whole day you’re thinking about your ex harassing you all day yesterday and when you finally think about something else, it’s about how Johnny is ghosting you.
On your break you try messaging him again, telling him it’s fine and if he regrets it that much to just forget about it. You aren’t going to be clingy and make him marry you or something now, if you knew how this would end, you wouldn’t have said yes. You don’t regret what happened but you will if you lose him as a friend over it. You want to convey that to him but you aren’t the best at communicating your feelings, things come out wrong and weird in your desperation to explain your thoughts.
So, you settle for sending him a text that boils down to ‘if you regret it, we can just forget it. I’m not mad at you’. Though, you feel like that might bite you in the ass later.
When your shift is finally over, you don’t want to go home. A bad feeling consuming your whole body, worried about what you might come face to face with. Worried you might run into your ex on the way back. You’d appreciate having one of your work friends walk you back but you don’t know any of them well enough to ask, and you don’t wanna call Johnny right now, not that he’d pick up anyways.  
The walk back is tense, you’re on edge and when you get to your apartment, you realise you were right to be so. Your apartment door has a hole in it where it’s been kicked in, picking up your phone, you call Johnny but of course he’s still avoiding you. So, you leave a message for him and instead call the cops.
You wait for them to arrive; it doesn’t take them long but they weren’t quick about it either. They check it out for you, making sure it’s empty and when they confirm that it is, they tell you so. You walk into your apartment and they ask you a few questions.
You tell them, “I know who did it, it was my ex, he harassed me all day yesterday.”
“Did you report him?” One of them asks.
“Not at the time, but I didn’t think he’d do this,” you raise your hands, gesturing to your ransacked apartment.
“We can’t do much without actual proof, next time you’ll just have to hope to catch him in the act.” The other says.
“We will keep record of this, but yeah, unless you get actual evidence, we can’t do anything about him,” The first one adds.
You could definitely question him, you think.
This is why you didn’t want to deal with the cops in the first place, they never give a shit about things like this until someone is dead.
“Yeah thanks, I’ll be sure to prioritise that next time,” you tone is facetious but you can’t help it, your home has been broken into and possibly robbed and they couldn’t give less of a fuck.
They ignore your attitude, “If you find that some of your items are missing, report it, we’ve got another call to go on, stay safe.” And then they’re both leaving you there, in your messed up apartment.
The place you’re meant to feel safe has been broken into by someone you had dated for a year, someone you used to trust and now you’re just left here. Knowing that he’s still out there and could come back whenever he wants, they didn’t even ask for his name. What are you meant to do? Where are you meant to go? Cause there is no way in hell that you’re staying here.
You’ll have to look for hotels in the area, you’ve only made a few friends here and most of them are campus living. Also, you’d prefer people didn’t know about this. You’re feeling incredibly vulnerable and alone at the moment.
Looking around the room, you see that heaps of your breakables have been chucked around, he broke your tv, some of your favourite mugs, a framed picture of you and Johnny. He’s made holes in some of the walls and flipped over furniture.
Sighing, you go to check your room, and sadly, it didn’t fare any better, it looks like he cut open your mattress and tore up some of your clothes. A lamp broken and on the floor. Right after you just cleaned up the day before too, ironic.
You hear the sound of shuffling in the entryway, stuff being walked into, it makes you freeze in your spot. The footsteps become frantic, walking quickly around your apartment before heading towards where you are at the end of the hall in your bedroom. There isn’t anything you can grab as self-defence, but it’s okay because you see when he enters the room that it’s just Johnny. He was the one stomping around quickly, worried about you.
“Oh my God, why didn’t you pick up the phone, been calling you.” He stresses as he walks up to you, pulling you into his embrace.
You don’t hug him back, annoyed at him, but he doesn’t stop hugging you anyways.
“I put my phone down in the lounge room, didn’t think you were gonna call.” You weren’t expecting him to come, you weren’t even expecting him to check his texts from you, let alone a voicemail.
He huffs, agitated with himself, because yeah this is on him, “I’m sorry, I’ll always come when you call.”
“I called you first,” your voice shakes, tears threatening to fall.
“I’m sorry,” he repeats.
A tear slips down your cheek, “Don’t want you to be sorry, wanted you to be here.”
“I know, doll, I–” You think he was going to apologise again but cuts himself off, “What happened?” He still hasn’t let you go, and you still won’t hug him back.
“Came home from work, saw my door had been kicked in so I called you, you didn’t answer, so I called the cops.” You detail.
He asks, “What did they say?”
“They can’t do anything to him without proof,” you’re crying now, remembering just how unhelpful they were.
He pulls back to look at you, his thumb wiping away your tears, his hands holding your face gently, “What do you mean?”
“That’s what they said, they can’t do anything without evidence. This will be kept on record but because I have no proof, they can’t do anything about him.” You sigh out.
Johnny looks unbelievably pissed.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do, he broke so many of my things, I don’t know where to go,” you’re almost sobbing now, working yourself up.
“Calm down,” he shushes you, “You’ll be staying with me.” Your expression is doubtful, “What’s that look for?” He questions.
“You literally just ghosted me out of nowhere, over an imaginary problem that you created,” you remind him.
His hands let go of your face and land on your shoulders, “That was me being stupid about me being stupid, I fucked up, but I am here for you and you will stay with me.” He cements, not really leaving you any room to disagree.
Tears are still falling down your cheeks, you wipe at them with the back of your hand, “Okay.”
“Good, now pack a bag,” he lets go of your shoulders.
Locating one of your suitcases, you pack as many clothes as you think you’ll need, as quickly as you need, not wanting to stay here any longer than necessary. You also grab some of your basic necessities and memorabilia.
On your way to the front door Johnny carries your bag, “Wait a sec,” you call out to him.
He stops where he is and you walk over to the lounge room, picking through the glass on the floor.
“Be careful,” he warns.
Humming at him in response, mostly ignoring him, you fish out the photo of the two of you. It’s one of your favourites and you’d hate to lose it.
Johnny’s expression is curious, “What is it?”
“Us,” you turn the photo around to show him, “It’s my favourite.”
He smiles at the photo before he frowns, “What a freak, real insecure guy,” he says in reference to your ex.
You smile a bit, because yeah your ex is very insecure and a huge freak but, “You literally fingered me within earshot of him.”
Johnny pouts and looks away, “Still…”
“Let’s leave,” you save him from whatever he was going to say in protest.
He nods at you, “Sounds good, sugar.”
✰ ✰ ✰
Walking through the lobby of Johnny’s apartment is always a bit of a shock, his apartment is nicer and has actual front desk security. You can already tell that you’ll feel safer here, even if you were left alone. You can’t help but feel a little bad for him though, he loved his mansion and he had to sell it.
The ride up the elevator is quiet, which you’re thankful for right now, you’re not really in a conversational mood. Just wanting to shower and get out of your work clothes, wash off the day in general.
Inside his apartment, he shows you to the guest room and drops your bag onto the bed.
Turning to him, you ask, “Can I have a shower?”
“I dunno, can you?”
You scowl at him, “May I have a shower?”
“You may,” he smiles cheekily.
He shows you to the bathroom, you’ve been here before but he’s a thorough man, double checking that you’re comfortable and know where everything is. When you affirm that you will be okay and have everything under control, he’s leaving you to your own devices, wandering off into the living area.
Grabbing your toiletries first before you’re immediately getting inside the shower. All too ready for the comfort the warm water will give you. You let the water run over you, allowing yourself a moment to lose your composure, letting yourself cry under the water. Things could be worse but they could also be better and in this private moment in the shower, you let yourself feel like the world is ending.
After you’ve finished in the shower, you towel yourself off quickly, walking to the guest room with the towel wrapped around you, having left your clothes in there. But as you shuffle the clothes around in your suitcase, you notice you’ve not packed any pyjamas, and now you want to cry again. Because how are you so stupid as to forget pyjamas.
Stopping yourself from spiralling, you take a few deep breaths and go looking for Johnny, you’ll just have to borrow a shirt of his. You find him in the kitchen, sipping on a drink.
“Johnny?” You call out to him; his back is facing you.
He hums as he turns around, eyes growing wide as he realises you’re only wearing a towel.
“What’s up, sugar?” He’s straining himself to keep looking into your eyes and not anywhere else.
Rocking on the balls of your feet a bit, you tell him, “I forgot pjs, do you have a shirt I can borrow or something?”
His gaze is distant for a second, you walk closer to him and wave a hand in front of his face. He catches you by the wrist, “Sure I do, gimmie a sec,” he smiles at you, his eye twitching the slightest bit as he talks.
He wanders away for a few moments, when he reappears, he’s holding a shirt of his. It’s long sleeved and has different coloured sleeves to the rest of the shirt, you gratefully accept it.
“Thank you,” you say, walking away hastily to change.
You hear him hum out a response to you as you waddle away quickly.
When you slip it over your head, you first note how soft and warm it is, and second you note how large it is on you. It covers your lower half fairly well, but you didn’t ask for bottoms and he didn’t give you any so you pick out a pair of boy short underwear, they aren’t anything special but they do have little stars all over them.
Anyways, they’ll do as more conservative bottoms for the night, you’ll go to get some of your pyjamas tomorrow. For now, these will pass as shorts, kind of, it’s unlikely they’ll even be seen anyways. Are you overthinking this? You feel like you’re overthinking this.
Exiting the room, you go back to the kitchen and notice that Johnny isn’t there anymore, nor is he in the lounge room. Shuffling around his kitchen, you look at his ingredients, wanting to cook him something as a thank you for taking you in temporarily.
He hasn’t got heaps but you can make a carbonara, he has the basics for it, pasta, cream, bacon, etc. You think this will do nicely, though mostly you’ve just talked yourself into wanting pasta.
When Johnny comes back into the kitchen, you’re standing by the stove making the cream. Quickly glancing to him, you realise he’s also showered. He looks good, domestic. In a casual t shirt and sweatpants, your eyes linger for a bit longer than what’s appropriate. Swiftly snapping your head back to the stove when you notice you’re staring for too long.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’,” he sing songs to you, coming up to stand by your side.
You can’t help but roll your eyes at him, “Creamy carbonara.”
“Smells good,” he comments.
“That would be the bacon,” you nod your head to the bacon bits you had previously cooked.
When you look up to him, he’s already looking down at you. His eyes are filled with a kind of affection for you that you’ve never taken any notice of. His eyes flit from your eyes to your lips, his hand coming up and grabbing the side of your face, thumb stroking high on your cheek bone.
You lean into his hand and he’s dipping down to you, “You look good in my shirt,” he whispers to you, lips almost touching.
Just as he’s about to take your lips in his, there’s a bubbling sounds coming from the stove.
“Ah, the pasta!” You move out of his grasp quickly, lowering the heat on the stove. It had almost boiled over in your distraction, “Go away! You’ll make me ruin something!”
“Wanna ruin you,” he mutters as he walks away, though you don’t hear him.
“What?” You ask him as he walks away.
He calls out, “Nothing!”
His restraint is wearing thin around you and he wonders briefly, if having you here is going to end well. He almost folded just from you wearing his shirt and cooking for him, he has to find a grip and hold it.
Seemingly, you are completely unaware of his own internal conflict, happily humming to yourself in his kitchen, cooking a meal for the both of you. Johnny watches you from the breakfast bar, enjoying the sight of you flitting around his kitchen.
“Where are your plates?” You ask him.
“Bottom cupboards, by the stove,” he answers.
Bending down you open the cupboards but there’s only baking trays and other miscellaneous oven trays in here. He watches as you bend over, enjoying the sight of his t shirt riding up, seeing your small ‘shorts’ as it does.
You huff, standing up, “No they aren’t.” You turn around to look at him.
“I know, I lied,” he smiles innocently at you.
Scowling at him you ask, “Why?”
He avoids the question, “Just cause,” he shrugs at you, “they’re actually in the bottom cupboards on the other side.”
You look at him sceptically, walking closer to him and looking in the cupboards again, and this time he told you the truth. Grabbing two plates, you place them on the bench top.
Choosing to ignore him, you continue humming a mindless tune as you dish out the pasta. When you’re finished, you slide the plate over to him. Walking yourself around the counter so you’re next to him, you sit beside him and reach forward, dragging your plate to yourself, ready to feast.
“Thanks, doll,” he says.
“Mmm, thank me when you’ve tried it,” you remark.
You both sit in a comfortable silence whilst you eat, which you are grateful for. You’re hungry and want to eat without having to stop to talk. The food tastes good, probably one of the better ones you’ve made, it’s an easy recipe, one of your go to’s and it never fails to fill a hole in your heart where pasta lives.
After you’ve finished, you get up to clean up but Johnny stops you, “Ah, you cooked, I’ll clean.”
“But I’m the one that made the mess,” you contend.
He looks at you with a brow raised, expression reading as ‘really?’ You sigh and allow him to take your plate. As he bends over your shoulder to take it, he kisses your cheek, “It was very good, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” your face feels hot all of a sudden.
He stands at the sink, rinsing the plates off before putting them in the dishwasher, “What made you cook?”
“A thank you, for letting me stay,” you smile watching him clean up, “I’m being a good house guest.”
“Ah, can I expect a cooked meal every night then?” He teases.
Your face pulls up in a joking scowl, “Absolutely not! You can cook tomorrow… and the day after and the day after.”
“I see, so it was a one-time deal,” he nods in understanding.
“Can’t give it away for free, you gotta want it,” you joke.
A quiet falls over the both of you for a moment, neither of you sure what to say next.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” You ask him.
He’s moved away from the sink and is back at the bench, arms holding himself up on it as he looks at you deviously, “What movie?”
You know what he wants, “Not one of yours.”
“That’s not very nice, doll,” he groans out in complaint.
Arguing with him, you say, “I have already seen all of your films, we are not watching one tonight.”
“Whoever gets the remote picks the movie,” he states quickly before making a run for the lounge room.
You aren’t as quick as him, scrabbling out of your chair to chase after him, “Johnny, not fair!” You don’t even know where his tv remote is.
When you make it into the lounge, he’s already holding the remote, wiggling it back and forth, taunting you. Groaning, you trudge up to him.
“That was not fair,” you complain.
He has a large victorious smile on his face, “Wasn’t trying to be fair, sugar. I was trying to win.”
Trying to be sneaky, you move closer to him, but he holds a hand up as you approach, “Ah ah, stay where you are, I won,” he informs.
“I’m not doing anything,” you shrug.
He keeps moving away from you, you’ve successfully rounded him so that his back is facing the couch now. Moving closer to him, he has no where else to go. It doesn’t bother him though, he squares his posture, holding his ground.
“I wouldn’t recommend whatever you’re about to do, doll.” He warns you.
You repeat again, “I’m not doing anything.”
Standing right up against him now, you go to quickly grab the remote but he moves it up and away hurriedly. You grab onto his forearm and try to pull it down as you jump for it, he’s laughing at you. His evasion of your attempts at grabbing the remote are effortless, you’re still trying to pull his arm down to you but you think he’d sooner be able to hold all your weight on one of his arms, than you bringing it down to you.
This isn’t working, you need a new plan. Pulling back, you look up at him.
“That won’t work on me,” he says.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” comes your reply.
“That,” he gestures towards your face, “Looking at me all cute like, won’t work, not tonight.”
You smile sweetly at him, “But another night, it would work?”
He squints at you, unsure of what you’re planning, “Maybe…”
Your plan wasn’t anything along these lines, but it’s fun to know that apparently you could get him to bend to your will in different circumstances with just a sweet look.
Stretching up, you go for the remote again, he steadily holds it out of reach, “C’mon sugar, you know this isn’t working–”
You take the chance while he’s talking to jump up on him, legs wrapping around his hips, your hands making a move for the remote. He’s shocked, his free arm automatically coming to rest under you to hold you steady. The only thing he can think to do, is drop the remote onto the floor and kick it across the room, away from the both of you.
“No!” You protest, moving to unwrap yourself from him and go after the remote.
Johnny holds you to him though, before using his grip on you to chuck you down onto the couch, you’re laughing and struggling against him, still protesting. You don’t stop wiggling, even though he’s straddled you and is holding your wrists down to the couch.
“Stop squirming so much,” he chuckles at you. The shirt you’re wearing has ridden up your hips, exposing your underwear completely to him, “Those are really cute, doll,” he teases you.
“You can’t distract me, we are not watching one of your movies,” your wrists struggle against his grasp.
“I can hold you here all night, sweetness,” his smile devilish.
You scowl at him, “If it means we don’t watch your movie, then go right ahead.”
His threat isn’t much of a threat to you, in this moment you feel yourself growing wet at his harsh hold on you. The way he effortlessly overpowered you making you feel some kind of way, you find yourself wishing he’d fuck you into the couch. You’re working yourself up the longer he holds you here. Your thighs lightly clenching at the thought of being opened up on his cock, the first man you’d ever be with.
“What are you thinking bout, sugar?” He asks, catching the faraway look in your eyes.
You blink once and shake the thoughts out of your head, “thinking about how much I don’t wanna watch your movie,” you retort.
“Aww you’re hurting my feelings here, doll.” His expression faux sadness.
Both of you looking into each other’s eyes, neither of you planning to cave, at least not anytime soon. Johnny has enough of it and decides to play dirty, his hands leaving your wrists and instead come up to tickle at your sides and ribcage.
Laughs fall from your lips, along with pleas trying to ask him to stop. The feeling making it harder to breathe, you’re taking in big breaths in between gasping laughs. Your body tries wiggling away from him, you manage to flip onto your stomach and try to crawl away from him but his thighs keep you locked in place, if anything you’re more immobile now. His tickling is unrelenting and you feel like you might pass out.
Tapping the couch as you say, “Okay, okay! I concede, just please stop!”
He hums and leans down from above you, whispering into your ear, “Good girl.”
You hide your face in the couch, skin hot and pussy aching, he isn’t being very nice to you tonight. Working you up, leaving you high and dry. He hops off you and grabs the remote, lifting your legs and sitting back down, resting them in his lap.
He slaps your leg lightly, “C’mon, you have to watch it now.”
Grumbling to yourself as you move up in a sitting position next to him, expression none too pleased. He’s smiling brilliantly at you though, overjoyed with his victory.
Sighing as you sink back into the couch, “I dislike you right now.”
“Well, I like you a whole lot right now,” He counters.
He flicks the movie on and you get about a third of the way into it when your eyelids start slipping shut, tired from the very difficult last couple days.
Thankfully, your dreams are pleasant, though they are filled with Johnny, mostly memories of last night, when you were stuffed full of his fingers, the sounds he was making, the words he spoke to you.
Your mind conjures images of him fucking you, how he would look above you, grabbing your hips as he rocked his dick in and out of you. The dream is pleasant, the feelings it offers you divine.
Suddenly, you’re being pulled back to your body, you awaken with a jolt.
“You fell asleep! That’s really rude of you, y’know. Hurting my feelings here, doll,” he criticizes you.
Based on the last scene you remember watching and where you are now, he either let you sleep for a while, or didn’t realise you were asleep.
You wipe at your eyes, “Mm sorry,” you mumble, stretching out a little.
He’s got an evil smile on his face when you look him in the eyes, “You were moaning.”
“Was not!” You don’t believe him.
“You definitely were, and I’d know,” his smile large as he teases you, “It was cute, what were you dreaming about, mmm?” he hums in delight.
You wonder for a moment what his end goal is here, he teases you but never follows through, aside from the other night but then he seemingly regretted that right after it happened. You decide to try something outside of your comfort zone.
You look at him, “And if I told you I was dreaming of you?”
He goes to shut you down, “I don’t–”
“–If I told you how wet I am right now, from thinking of you?”
“Why not?” You press.
“You know damn well ‘why not’,” He argues, “I’m older than you, and you’re a virgin!” He tells you these things like you don’t already know.
“…I want you, making my panties all wet,” you’re squirming in your seat lightly.
He groans out at your words, “Doll…” his expression is pained.
Feeling insecure you ask, “Do you not want me?”
“Are you kidding?” Dubious expression on his face, “You get me so hard, doll.”
“Then why won’t you even kiss me?”
“I want to, all the time,” he confesses.
You crawl across the couch and straddle his lap, his hands come up to your hips straight away. Grip digging into your skin, restraining his desire, wanting nothing more than to fuck into you how he wants.
“Why don’t you,” you press him for answers.
“Don’t trust myself around you, can’t help but tease you, touch you,” his grip on your hips tightens for a second, “The last thing I wanna do is take advantage of you.”
“I want you to take advantage of me,” the statement is true, you’ve never wanted to be with a man more than you do him.
He’s using every fibre of his being to control himself right now, refusing to do any more than hold you, his hands are holding you away from his lap. Knowing if he feels the warmth of your cunt through your panties, he’s going to lose his mind and all self-control.
Bringing your hands up, you place them on his shoulders, and then you lean forwards. Pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, moving to the other and placing a kiss there, his breaths become laboured. Your lips travel across his cheek, pecking him as you go, kissing the corner of his mouth, and then a light kiss to his full lips, he sighs against you and kisses you back.
It’s quick, because you’re continuing to peck kisses on his face, a kiss to the other corner of his mouth, and his other cheek again. As you travel back, kiss on the corner of his mouth again, and as you kiss him lightly on his lips, he kisses you back harshly, hands coming up and grabbing your face. He angles you and deepens the kiss, his kiss is desperate for you, fuelled by need.
Without his hands on your hips, you can drop to his lap properly, you sigh at the hardness of his dick against you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into the kiss. You moan against his mouth in response and he groans.
Tentatively, you grind down into him lightly, needing some kind of friction. He distracts himself with kissing you, trying not to lose himself in the feel of your pussy grinding into his very hard dick. You’re so horny and this isn’t nearly enough for you.
Pulling away from his mouth you complain, “Want more.”
“You really are needy, aren’t ya, doll?” He teases.
But you roll your hips into his and he grunts in response, his hands gripping your hips again, without your lips on his, he’s hyper focused on the way you rut into his dick. You pull his sweats down, his cock bare, he’s not wearing anything under his pants and it has you moaning.
You sit down again; your panties are soaked and the feel of the slippery fabric rubbing up and down his cock has Johnny whimpering. You keep grinding into him, groaning in frustration, wanting more.
His hand grabs onto your panties and rips them from you, just straight up tearing them off your body, the display of strength makes you whimper.
“You gotta do this my way, sugar.” He tells you.
You nod your head at him, you’d probably agree to arson right about now.
“God, so fucken eager.” He chuckles at you, sliding you against him again.
The bare contact has you keening, rutting down onto him with more urgency. Wet squelching noises are filling the room as you slide against his cock, you want him inside you so badly. The thought of having him inside you making your cunt drool on his dick.
“You’re so fucken wet, ffffuck,” Johnny is groaning out, his control of the situation hanging on by a thread.
“I want you inside,” you tell him.
“No,” his voice is stern, it’s a line he refuses to cross.
You huff at him, “Johnny please–”
“ – You can plead all you want, Mm not fucking you, your first time isn’t –nghff– going to be on my damn couch,” his voice is strained.
“Want it,” you tell him, eyes teary with how needy you feel.
“And you think I don’t?” He snaps at you. His reaction makes your heart flutter and your pussy throb, “God, you are sooo –ngh– feel so good, sugar.”
His grip is guiding you now, taking control of the pace, of the pressure. He holds you tightly to him, slipping his cock through your slick folds, the head of his cock bumping your clit. Lewd wet sounds are coming from you and if you weren’t so horny you might’ve been embarrassed at how aroused you are.
The head of his cock catches on your pussy hole and you flutter around the very tip of him, a loud grunt coming from Johnny, his chest rumbling with the force of it.
“Please?” You try again, while he’s weak.
He shakes his head at you, his own expression dazed, “No…” he grits out, cock twitching against you.
You push down a bit on him, his eyes shoot to yours, a restrained kind of anger residing inside them, “I said no.” He scolds.
His chastising makes your cunt flutter against him again and his eyes roll back, he pulls you away from him. He manhandles you onto your back so you’re laying against the couch, he pulls off his shirt before spreading your legs open for him, his hips fitting between them.
Resting his cock between your folds again, slipping against you, “You take what I give you, or you get nothing, doll.”
You hum out a moan, letting him do whatever he wants to you. He tugs his shirt up your chest, exposing your upper half to him, mouth immediately going for one of your nipples, sucking and licking at it. The feeling making you whine, chest rising up into him, hips chasing his.
When he pulls away, he nips at you a bit, a shudder running down your spine. As he looks you in your eyes again he says, “Jesus, you have no idea how fucked out you look right now, pretty little girl, so fucken wet, so goddamn needy.”
He grinds down into you, leaning his body against yours, his weight resting on his forearms beside your head. Your hands grip his bare back, his head rests beside your ear, lips whispering filth to you.
“Want me to fuck you so badly hmm? Won’t fuck any of your little boyfriends –ngh– but you’re beggin’ me for my cock,” his words are disrupted by the moans he lets out at the feeling of your slippery cunt.
“Mhmm,” you agree because, yeah pretty much, “I’d let you do almost –hah–  anything to me,” you tell him.
He curses, “Fucken filthy, you’re making me lose my goddamn mind, doll.”
You wrap your legs around his hips, locking them behind him, his movements grow more urgent, desperately humping into you. He pulls his head from your ear to kiss you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth, it has you moaning into him.
Pulling back, he checks, “Let me do anything?”
You nod your head at him in confirmation.
“Open your mouth,” his thumb tugs your lip down.
You open your mouth for him and he spits into your mouth, onto your tongue, the action makes you gasp, face hot.
“Swallow,” he says, eyelids low.
His voice makes you shudder and you swallow his spit down, the sight of it makes him curse. He kisses you again, taking your breath away. Your fingernails dig into his back.
His hips are rutting into you, pace growing quicker, the wet noises sounding slicker, the way he glides over your clit has your eyes crossing behind closed lids. Your moans turn into whimpers, right on the precipice of cumming.
Johnny pulls his lips back, forehead resting against yours, his brows knit together, moans falling from his lips. His tongue flicks over his lip quickly, you’re gasping under him.
“Look so fucken perfect, doll. Should I keep you like this under me? Play with you how I like, mmm?”
His words and deep voice are what send you over the edge, the idea of him teasing you how he pleases has you cumming. You’re sputtering out nonsensical words, whimpers ruining any words you try to create.
Johnny groans at the sight of you cumming, he looks down between the two of you, enamoured by how he’s sliding through your folds. His cock wet and shiny from your slick and cum, it has a shudder running down his spine.
“Wan you to – nghfffuck me nex time, wan – hah – na be fill with you, –mm–  with your – ngh – cum,” you’re babbling to him, barely making sense to yourself, you aren’t even convinced you’re talking right now.
But Johnny knows you are, your words have him cumming violently, dick jerking against your cunt, his cum spilling all over your pussy and lower stomach. His groans turn into moans, and then he’s whimpering as he keeps rutting against you.
He looks at your lower half and the way his cum has gotten all over you, he uses two fingers to scoop it up and shoves them in your mouth. The taste bitter but you suck his fingers clean, swallowing around them. His gaze is captivated by you, groaning at you eating his cum.
Johnny gets up from you and tugs on his sweats, walking away momentarily and coming back not long later with a washcloth, wiping the rest of his cum off of you. When he’s cleaned it off you, he tugs your shirt back down, giving you back some of your modesty. Wandering off again, he disposes of the cloth and comes back with a glass of water.
“Drink this, sweetness,” he instructs, handing the cup to you.
Sitting up on the couch, you accept the cup and drink it down, appreciating the kindness. He sits beside you and strokes his hands up and down your thighs.
He takes the cup from you and places it out of the way, you’re a little dazed still, lost for words at what just happened.
“This can’t happen again,” he tells you gently.
Your expression is confused, “Why not?”
“I won’t be able to control myself next time.”
“I didn’t want you to this time,” you retort.
“Sugar, it’s not just a couple years between us, it’s a decade,” he stresses, “This is inappropriate.”
“Johnny, I appreciate your concern but I am an adult and I can choose who I sleep with.”
“I don’t want to defile you,” he’s terrified of ruining you somehow, of taking advantage.
“If you don’t want to ‘defile’ me, I’ll go fuck someone else and then it won’t be like I lost my virginity to you.” You’re just teasing him.
“Do not fuck someone else,” the look he gives you is even and serious, not even considering the idea of you having sex with someone else. He doesn’t find your comment funny.
You ask him eagerly, “Does that mean you will have sex with me?”
The look on his face is one of a good man trying so hard to stick to his morals. You smile at him sweetly and he practically melts for you, he grabs you and pulls you to him for a hug. Laying back on the couch with you resting on top of him.
He sighs, “Maybe one day.”
You can work with that for now, you smile to yourself, proud of your small win.
✰ ✰ ✰
A/N: Thank you for reading it all!!! I hope you enjoyed it; I wrote a 1k outline for this fic and I wasn’t expecting it to get this long but I’m not mad about it :)) Hopefully you aren’t either! I have a part two planned for this, I’ll probably only write it if people ask for it just cause this one took me a few days to write heheh. As always, requests are open, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about me, my blog, or specific fics, I love interacting with everyone and answering questions <33 I LITERALLY LOVE YOU ALL
˗ˏˋPart twoˎˊ˗
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mischiefmaker615 · 19 days
Loki request prompt:
2.3) “I've been busy marrying you, I haven't had time to piss anyone off!”
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Rating: PG13
Note: Not sure why my brain wasn't cooperating on this promp so i wish to give a shout out to the amazing lokilaufeysondiaries for the inspiration of this one shot!! give a follow! :D
‘’stand aside-‘’ Loki barked, stepping from side to side to get around your best friend while she did her very best to block his path.
‘’it’s tradition!’’ she insisted, spreading her arms out wide as Loki gave her a look of pity how she thought that would help.
‘’we’ve already been intimate in every way thought possible mortal bf/n, your ceremonial traditions of staying separated will not change what I have not seen already-‘’ he fussed and took a deep inhale, tensing his muscles before he moved forward, disappearing before his foot could touch the ground before he suddenly reappeared behind her with a hand on the door knob.
‘’hey!’’ she exclaimed but he had already entered, causing her to ram into his solid back when he had stopped dead in his tracks.
You stood there on the wide stool in front of the mirror, your elegant, white wedding dress hugged your body like a dream while you looked yourself over. Upon hearing the door open, you turned to see your soon-to-be husband gawking at the doorway with your friend jumping and moving about to try to find a way around him.
‘’I tried to stop him Y/N but he quite insisted-‘’
Loki, without so much as turning, reached behind him and shut the door in her face, not once blinking as his eyes traveled and took you in. ‘’darling.. you look.. you look-‘’
‘’yes, wait- no! I mean.. well yes but I was going to say you look beautiful..’’ Loki recovered, giving a sheepish smile at your indeed scolding expression while he stepped closer to take your hands in his, tilting his chin up so he could- for once- gaze up at you from your mount.
‘’thank you Loki..’’ you blushed, squeezing his hands tight as you smiled down at him. ‘’but this is Midgard- as ridiculous as the traditions may seem, it’s how things are done.’’ You encouraged and placed your hands onto his shoulders gently. ‘’have a little patience..’’
‘’but darling, it has nearly been a week since we’ve both-‘’ he began to whine but you shook your head and kissed his forehead gently.
‘’traditions darling, did you not read them when I showed you how to use the computer? I left the link open and-‘’
‘’I did in fact indeed read them darling.’’ He smiled proudly and rested his hands against your hips, his thumbs rubbing the soft fabric as he chuckled. ‘’but I still indeed find some ridiculous. In fact, even you are breaking some of your own traditions.’’
‘’wha- which one?” you exclaimed.
‘’virgins wear white.’’ He smirked and stepped back to dodge a swat from you as you placed your hands upon your hips.
‘’we have about 20 minutes, you better get-‘’
‘’that’s more than enough time to-‘’
Loki sighed in mild frustration, slumping his shoulders before his eyes began gazing over your body in the elegant wedding dress again, his smile returning as if that alone lifted his spirits. ‘’Alright darling, I will see you s-‘’
‘’Loki!!” a loud yell came from down the halls, loud enough to be heard from where they were. By the familiar voice, you recognized it as Thor’s voice as immediately gave your betrothed the look of death.
‘’what did you do to piss him off this time?”
Loki threw his hands up in a surrender position and a hidden smirk. ‘’I’ve been busy marrying you, I haven’t had time to piss anyone off-‘’
Loki sighed and dropped his hands. ‘’I might have.. left Thor tied up in the car to prolong his appearance at our wedding..’’ he said with a guilty look. ‘’and by the sound of it, it would seem he had gotten loose.’’
‘’Loki, you need to die down on your mischief for at least today, he’s my soon to be brother in law after all, we all need to get along.’’ You say gently, a hand stroking his cheek in which he immediately leans into your touch with a soft sigh.
‘’I was merely tying the knot darling.’’
You merely blinked at his serious face, knowing how he had trouble fully understanding Midgardian terms and sayings but.. he couldn’t be serious right?
You couldn’t help but laugh and gently pushed against his chest so he could head towards to door. ‘’we’ll have to talk about that one later. And go easy on my Maid of Honor Loki, or I’ll extend the week.’’
Loki’s eyes widened as he nodded quickly and took hold of the door handle. With a pause, he looked over and smirked, earning a small nervous look from you as you played with the fabric at your sides.
‘’I was just thinking about one tradition I am quite looking forward to darling.’’ He grinned.
‘’the honeymoon?” you smile shyly and earned a smirk from him.
‘’that to darling, but that is quite a given. I’m talking about..’’
You squeezed your legs together as his eyes began to travel down while he opened to the door to leave.
‘’retrieving the garter..’’
Tag List: @foxherder  @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
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coltishcaterpillar · 6 months
Unmasked / Platonic!Father Alastor x Teen!Daughter Reader
Chapter I: Introduction
Two days after the Extermination, a bored Emily reads through private records of Heavenly residents and sinners alike.
During her mindless scrolling, she comes across a vintage diary smelling of old paper, from the late 20s-early 30s. It details the life of the teenage adopted daughter of the Radio Demon; up until her death at aged 16 on January 11th, 1934.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Racism
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April 4th, 1932
Have you ever seen a top hat, what one really looks like on a person?
Neither have I, until today. At the end of Merritt Street, there’s a small accessories store that sells jewellery and clothing alike.
I used to frequent there, but I’ve never been a fashionable girl. I’m a larger fan of browsing; just admiring the beauty of art from afar, rather than acquiring it.
I never realized how much I missed the little establishment until I saw my favourite businessperson; Anne Brewster. A short, tout woman she was. Her skin had a grey tinge to it, a pointy nose that popped out her features; bright brown eyes and hair as white as pearls, short and thin as straw.
I greeted her with my usual demeanour. Quiet and curt, a straight wave and a superficial smile. The woman has a tendency to chatter; most of the time I don’t have time to interject, so I just listen.
I went in the shop with Elbert Graves; a fellow classmate of mine in mathematics. He’s not my ideal source of company, I’ll admit. I get along much better with other girls, but this helpless boy is always on my tail, and I can’t bare to tell him to get lost.
We came across a jet-black top hat with a golden ribbon wrapped around its rim. It was on display, but there was no glass so we assumed we could sample it. Elbert looked utterly ridiculous in it; far too flashy, and way too gigantic for his pea-sized head.
I managed a small laugh, as that’s the reaction he would’ve wanted from me. Ever the jokester…
I took a seat on the cushioned chair in front of the store’s entrance. Whilst Elbert was fooling around with other gadgets, Anne took to speaking with me.
She spoke a great deal about her grandchildren, and then inquired me about Papa.
Pa doesn’t usually wander about these places, but he knows Anne from university; they attended the same one in Shreveport, in September of 1908. Pa wanted to become a broadcaster post-secondary (to which he achieved) and Anne wanted to edit the local newspaper part-time; she was getting old, but didn’t want to stop working. She didn’t end up pursuing it, however, she dropped out her third year to take care of Rachel (her eldest grandchild who was 5 at the time.) Then, she inherited this business when Mr. Brewster, her father, died. He owned the shop.
She asked about his job was working out for him. Pa never speaks about work when he arrives home; usually he’s more interested in my daily activities. I don’t listen to Pa’s radio channel anyways, because the subjects he covers doesn’t appeal to me.
I just told her he was thriving; because in a way, he was. Pa was rarely in a sour mood. Of course, he gets moody when I do something out of line from time to time, but his attitude is always uplifting.
Elbert excused himself to the restroom at the back of the desk; that’s when she started talking about adolescent things. Boys…..
“Elbert is a such a handsome boy, don’t you agree?”
“Not particularly.”
“Oh? Why do you say that?”
“His chin is too long, and his head is too small for his broad shoulders. Not to mention his personality isn’t to my tastes. He’s far too extroverted and cheeky.”
“Oh, come now, my lovely. Surely, we can’t all be picky! What ever will you do when you grow into a young woman? Who will be around to take care of you?”
“Pa will, no doubt.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Your father will be far too senile to care for you when you’re in your prime! You need a strong man!”
“Too senile?! Surely, you jest. Pa may be lanky, but he’s very capable. He was only twenty-five when he adopted me, he’ll only be middle-aged by the time I’m an adult.”
“You say Elbert is cheeky, but I see a lot more cockiness coming from you than I ever have with him.”
“Only an outside observer can properly assess my personality. Perhaps you just see my persona differently than I.”
“Is that so?”
The bell hanging from the door rang; in came a man, dressed in a business suit, a large briefcase held in his right hand. He had been more wrinkly than I had last seen him: Anne’s partner, Mr. Devereaux.
He has a very thick Yorkshire accent; Anne and him met while she was on vacation in London; Mr. Devereaux was studying photography. When they first met in late 1864, they weren’t sure whether or not they could ever be together. Anne is a very brown woman, you see. Very. Mr. Devereaux is about as white as a sheet. People often look down on….colourful couples…? More harshly. They aren’t allowed to be married, so they had to improvise.
Forgive me for not mentioning this sooner, but Anne is actually good friends with my Grandma. Pa is half-Creole, you see, and my Grandma’s roots come from there. So, the Brewsters are actually well-acquainted with my family.
Mr. Devereaux sat his briefcase beside the door, across from where I was seated. He flashed me a toothless smile; quite literally, since they all rotted out of his mouth due to age.
I gave him a curious look back.
“Back from business, old man?” I tease.
He chuckled; giving me an affectionate pat on the head.
“Oh, well, look at you! Already at it with the nosy interrogation, I see! I’ve missed you, sweet girl.” He smiled.
I narrowed my eyes. He didn’t answer the question….
He turned his attention to Anne quite quickly. Leaning over the desk, he planted a kiss on her forehead.
“The trip went smoothly,” He told Anne, “Janice sent you a letter. It should be in the mail soon, my darling.”
Janice was their daughter.
He turned his entire body so it faced me, with an inquisitive look on his face. He then turned and whispered to Anne,
“Al is out late again?”
“I don’t know, my sweet. I’ve seen her out and about all day with Elbert, he must be. It’s nearly nine.”
“I thought his radio shows were done by four?”
“Perhaps the schedule’s changed, dearest. Let’s not be nosy, it’s not our business.”
I let out a deep breath through my nose, standing up. Pa likes to hang around a few stores after work, so I tried my best not to let their observations get to me. Perhaps he was already home!
Anne leaned over from behind Mr. Devereaux.
“Could you go check on Elbert, hun? He’s been in the restroom for quite a while.”
I sigh. Without a response, I head toward the back desk, into the small hallway that had the restrooms.
I knocked on the door, firmly.
“El?” I addressed him by nickname.
“Mhm?” His hun echoed off the door.
I raised an eyebrow. “What have you been doing in there these past fifteen minutes? It was eight-forty when you went in, it’s five to nine already!”
Within seconds, he came out of the door, an awkward smile plastered on his face. A blush dusted his cheeks as well; I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he have the runs?
“Finished?” I asked him without judgment.
“Yes.” He said, curt.
I lead him back to the entrance of the store, passing Anne a smile. I turn my gaze back to Elbert.
“I’m going to be leaving now. I hadn’t realize how late it was. Will you be alright on your own?” I asked, a tint of concern in my voice.
“Of course. See you later?” His tone was hopeful.
Without a pause, I said, “Yes, I’ll see you later.”
I said my goodbyes to Anne and Mr. Devereaux, and sent my regards to Janice.
When I exited the store, it wasn’t as dark and drab as I thought it would be; I still heard birds chirping, and I could see my way almost perfectly. Just another perk of springtime, I suppose.
When I arrived home, Pa was indeed on the couch, his legs crossed, with a newspaper in hand; black coffee was situated on the side table.
“Home at long last, my dear!” He put his newspaper down; and I ran over, kissing him on the cheek.
“Sorry, Papa. How long did you have to wait?”
“Oh, not long at all!” He chuckled heartily.
I turn over to the rounded wooden table in the dining room; a large cloth bag sat on it; my eyes lit up in curiosity.
“Now, now,” Pa waved his finger, “I know that dangerous gaze. Don’t go peeking around my things, dear.”
I put on a thinned-lipped smile, leaning on the armrest.
“What, do you have something to hide, Papa~?” I leaned in, teasingly.
It was meant to be a joke. A rhetorical question. Yet, I couldn’t help but notice his fist clench up, if only for a moment. His body language was saying something different than what his mouth was.
“Is it really too much to ask to keep yourself out of my business?” He bit his lower lip.
When Pa took that tone with me, I knew it was time to pipe down. I decided to change the subject, sitting next to him on the couch.
“Elbert and I took a stroll around the avenue.” I said, tracing along the armrest.
I could FEEL Pa’s eye roll without even looking.
“Out with that wretched boy again, are we?” He took a casual tone as he sipped his coffee, but I knew the mere thought of Elbert irked him.
Pa has never interacted much with my friends, so I thought El would be another drop in the ocean. I think his hatred of him has something to do with that one time he came over here.
Everything was alright until dinner time.
The few hours earlier, Grandma treated us with a generous amount of Jambalaya. She always makes the best, after all.
Elbert made an….observation? While we were eating and it made Pa freeze.
“This is some slave food! Who made it, a peasant?”
All I remember was Pa’s grip tightening so much on the fork. I leaned over to where he was sitting and rubbed his arm a little.
I disliked the comment too. That was my Grandma he was speaking about….
After El left, I noticed Pa staring at the wooden spoon on the shelf. I know that blasted piece of cutlery all too well….
Pa is good at discipline. Even when my other friends came over, he’d always make an effort to chastise them if they didn’t say please or thank you.
Long story short, I think Pa wanted to beat El. That’s probably why he was showing such immaculate restraint at the table. I can’t imagine another person disciplining somebody else’s child would go…smoothly, anyway.
He had valid reason to hate him, I suppose. I’m not fond of Elbert either, but…how do you find it in your heart to say no? I suppose I’ve never really had a backbone, but…it seems that he’s really fond of me.
“How was work?” I asked with a smile.
“It held all of its classic theatrics! You should find it in your soul to listen to my shows, my dear.” He beamed.
I was deep in thought.
“Don’t I hear enough of your voice already?”
Pa chuckled his little chuckle that always made my chest warm.
“You can never have too much of your father!”
Time went on as usual; a few moments later I decided to pack up for bed; Pa went upstairs to get his radio ready to listen to. He always does before he sleeps.
I took that as an opportunity to ponder; I turned my gaze back to the bag on the table. Pa notoriously hunts, but it was far too late for food, so it made me wonder.
I slid toward it with my socks against the hardwood. I breathed in deeply; perhaps there was a certain scent? All I could smell was the dusty fabric; nothing more.
With a sigh, I decided to leave it for now. Maybe it’s….best that I don’t.
Emily blinked once. She recognized the background; that this child of one of the hotel staff in Hell.
Taking the historical piece of literature to St. Peter, she inquired,
“St. Peter, hi! I was just wondering if there is a girl here in Heaven named Y/N L/N?”
St. Peter smiled in delight, getting out his holy book, scanning through all the people with your name; going roughly by last name. His face fell as they came to an end.
“Unfortunately not, Em! It’s…strange, considering the circumstances. Sixteen is very young for a person to end up in Hell…but she isn’t in Heaven.”
Emily frowned, eyeing the diary in her hands. Perhaps she’d find the answer in there….
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
OH can you please do "What do you need?" "A hug." for jily <333
from this prompt list
She’s been going for 20 minutes.
“It’s fucking ridiculous!”
James nods dutifully from his place on the couch. “Absolutely.”
“And it’s not as if Slughorn has the bollocks to actually say anything. Not beyond his usual rubbish anyway which is the whole reason Mulciber has the audacity to spout his blood supremacy nonsense at the bloody dinner table.” 
“I hate that guy.”
Lily wheels around from where she’s been pacing by the fireplace. “Right? And I swear, James, he was pissed when he got to the dinner and Sluggy’s mead just made it worse. I was just sitting there, having to listen to him, as he…as he stares at me, over pudding. Because he doesn’t care that everyone knows exactly who he’s talking about. He makes my skin crawl, James.”
James takes a steadying breath and forces himself to continue to track Lily as she paces about the room, his face neutral and attentive. She’s made it clear enough times before that she won’t allow herself to go on these rants around him if she has to worry that he’ll just take them as permission to go hex the Slytherins. It’s a test of his self-control every time.
“I just wish that someone else would say something. For once! That it wouldn’t be me against the entire—”
James scoffs, his practised patience wearing thin. “I’ve told you—”
“You hate the Slug Club, James,” she interrupts with a sigh. “Don’t you remember the last time?”
Does he ever. Things had spiralled out of control at dinner, and the tension had spilled over into the corridors right after the party. Fortunately, Lily had the presence of mind to fetch Slughorn before anyone ended up needing a trip to the hospital wing. The Potions professor had quickly sent James and the Slytherins to their respective dorms, deducting only a few points from each house.
Of course, James and his friends had settled the score later that week, far from Slughorn’s watchful eye—but Lily didn’t need to know everything.
“And besides,” she continues, “I already know how you feel and it…it means everything to me, to have you on my side. But Jesus, James, you’d think at least one of the posh twats Sluggy invites week after week could at least have some sympathy.”
“Speaking on behalf of the posh twats of the world,” James begins, clearing his throat.
Lily cracks a smile, the first real win of the evening for James. “Oh, stop that,” she says, shaking her head. “We’re far too good of friends for you to fool me with that anymore.”
Friends. Good friends. Great friends!
James gives her a practised smile as she settles beside him on the couch, turning sideways to face him, knees drawn up to her chin.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I really did mean for us to study. I—”
He shakes his head. “I’m happy to be a listening ear, Evans.”
She smiles softly, resting her chin on her knees as she watches him. The firelight dances across her face and hair, casting a warm glow that makes her look radiant. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Rot of boredom, probably,” he quips.
“You just…” She purses her lips. “You always know exactly what to do. What to say. It’s like…it’s like you’ve read the Lily Evans Manual.”
James forces himself not to drop his gaze, not to give up and openly confess how he’s studied her so closely for the past six and a half years that he could write a Lily Evans Manual.
“You make me sound way cooler than I am,” he says, leaning on one crooked arm against the back of the couch. “Do go on.”
She laughs, the sound muffled as she buries her face behind her knees, eyes squeezed shut.  James's gaze lingers on her, absorbing every detail, as he commits the sight and sound of her to memory.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with them,” he says quietly, resisting the urge to reach across and lift her chin to meet his eyes. “It’s not fair.”
“No,” she sighs, “it’s not.”
“What do you need?” he asks. “I know hexing Mulciber is regrettably off the table for me,” (she laughs again) “but we could go get some ice cream from the kitchens or if you’d rather go ahead and start studying—”
“A hug,” she interrupts him.
His eyes widen. “From…me?”
“I mean,” she hesitates, her voice softening with uncertainty, “not if…not if it’s an inconvenience. I don’t—”
Before she can finish—before she can change her mind—he swiftly crosses the space between them on the couch and wraps his arms around her. Her knees collapse at once, falling off the couch between them, so she can press herself more fully against the solidness of his chest, her arms threading tight around his shoulders.
And they’re just friends. Good friends. Great friends! But he wouldn’t trade it for the world—not really.
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ponett · 5 months
ive seen you post about doctor robotnik's ring racers occasionally on twitter and would like to hear your overall thoughts on the game
I'm enjoying it a lot! It plays well, has a ridiculous number of unlockable characters and tracks, and is generally just really polished. This would be impressive even for a paid indie kart racer that cost like $20-$30, but for a freeware fangame that's somehow built off of Doom? It's nuts. So much love and care went into this. I've been having a lot of fun playing through all the Grand Prix cups and clearing out the challenge board, which I've only completed 47% of it even with over 15 hours of playtime logged.
It's absolutely one of the most hardcore kart racers I've ever played, though, and that's gonna turn some people off. While playing solo even easy mode can be difficult, especially thanks to the rival system that gives one CPU buffs over the others. Anything below 150cc is a complete joke for me in Mario Kart, but even playing on the "normal" difficulty in Ring Racers (now renamed "intense" in the 2.2 patch) kicks my ass, and if you place poorly in a Grand Prix race it gives you a game over and makes you redo the race. I can't even imagine touching the higher difficulties at my current skill level.
This is compounded by how technical the game is and how many options are at your disposal. Spin dashing, tricks, fast drops, collecting and spending rings, an item roulette that can be manually stopped, a high risk high reward chargeable melee attack when you have negative rings, the ability to harass and be harassed by other racers while positioning yourself before the start of the race, gates that can only be passed through when you have a high level of boost, lots of items with different quirks that reward skilled play. And of course, perhaps most daunting of all to new players, there's the game's unique slope physics designed to mimic how they work in the 2D Sonic games, which will often require you to either spend rings for a small boost or stop and charge up a spin dash to get up a steep hill.
All of these add a lot of complexity to the game that can be pretty daunting early on, which is why it has an infamously long story-driven tutorial to introduce all of these mechanics. I'm not sure said tutorial actually does the best job introducing how those mechanics will actually be put to use in races, but I can't blame them for thinking the game needed it. (I do have to admit I am annoyed by the game's insistence upon framing everything via Sega Saturn inputs, though. I had to open the settings screen to figure out what buttons the tutorial actually wanted me to press.)
Some of these things have already been addressed in the first couple patches, of course. You can now exit the tutorial way earlier, some unlock requirements have been relaxed, there's an option to let the game automatically use your rings for you, easy mode has been made easier, a handful of problematic courses have been tweaked, etc. And I'm sure they'll continue to refine the game based on player feedback. But it's probably always going to be a fairly hardcore game. It's hard and has a high skill ceiling by design. Nintendo's never gonna make a super technical new Mario Kart for sickos - not on purpose, at least. They need it to be a pick-up-and-play party game that sells 70 million copies. But a freeware fangame not beholden to shareholders can experiment more and try to cater to that more hardcore crowd. Say what you will about Ring Racers, but it absolutely has a specific creative vision of its own beyond "Sonic Mario Kart," and I respect that even if the game sometimes frustrates me
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garpond · 11 months
happy birthday to neil young here are some of my favorite things about him
-by the age of 20 he had owned 3 different used hearses, all of which experienced some form of extreme mechanical failure that caused him to have to get rid of them
-in buffalo springfield whenever he had to go out on a date with a girl he'd tell his friends about it beforehand so that they could interrupt the date to tell him he needed to be somewhere and was late so that he could be allowed to leave
-hated going in grocery stores because he would get overstimulated and have to leave
-didn't like how the first pressing of Comes A Time sounded so he bought 200,000 of the first copies of it and used them as shingles for a barn roof
-when one of his tour buses was destroyed (i forget how) he had it brought to his ranch and buried on the property like a beloved family pet
-his early ambition before music was to be a chicken farmer
-when he and carrie snodgress where dating she'd have a ton of people over sometimes and it gave him anxiety so one evening he decided to open the living room window and crawl out of it to get away from people instead of walking through the room to get to the door because apparently he couldn't wait that long and everyone saw it
-another time he randomly showed up at a neighbors' house and they didn't really know why he dropped in all of the sudden because he wasn't very social and it turns out it was because his manager had set up a meeting for him with the band America and he didn't want to do it so he was hiding
-during buffalo springfield he would hide in peoples closets a lot
-once he was guitar shopping with stephen stills and when he was offering on a guitar stephen offered more money on it to try and get it and it pissed him off so he started bidding higher to kick off a bidding war between then and once it was up to a ridiculous amount of money he just dropped it and was like ok you win lol ! and stephen had to pay an insane amount of money for it
-during one filmed interview with MTV or something he decided to fuck with them by adjusting the position of his hat super slightly every couple seconds so that when they cut the footage together and shifted things out of order it would look confusingly different every time
-during the recording of deja vu he lived by himself in a motel but he brought his 2 pet bush babies (named Harriet and Speedy) and they scared the shit out of Graham Nash
-gave a stranger he met like a week ago unrestricted access to his finances because the guy claimed he was going to help him buy a boat and the guy ended up stealing a couple thousand dollars
-during last buffalo springfield concert he was the only person who was not even remotely sad and on the way home jim messina was literally crying and neil was just like :] the whole way
-one year on his birthday at the ranch there was going to be a party and it was a tradition to have a bonfire at it so he went out into the woods to get sticks for it but somehow managed to grab a bunch of poison oak and it was used at the fire and after that he was not allowed to gather bonfire sticks anymore
-while filming the lincvolt documentary he met a trans woman and when he was interviewing her to ask for her opinion about the car she told him that what he was doing with it was a big change and he should probably ask for the car's permission to do it and he actually did do this later
-"everybodys rockin" originated as an r/maliciouscompliance type of project because while he was on geffen records Old Ways was rejected and the label asked for a "rock and roll album" and this was his response to that
-the infamous Eat A Peach incident
-there is much more but this is all i can come up with rn
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peachjagiya · 5 days
Maybe tae and jk were hanging out in '23 bcs they were both free and none of the other members were? Atleast this year is proving this jikook theory right. Tae is still a social butterfly but he has not once been spotted with jk in the past 9 months. Everything else is still like solo era except for the never ending taekook hang outs 😕
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I have to admit my jaw dropped at this. They're in the military. How is this anything like solo era?
We don't know what their leave arrangements are like or what the approval system is. Tae was awarded this leave for completing a gruelling physical thing. We know nothing of when JK has been on leave other than assuming he had leave for Chuseok. How are they going to have as many hang outs?!
Did you truly expect we'd get pictures of the two of them seeing each other? I went into this MS period believing that enlistment would be the last time we'd see them individually together until June.
Quite aside from the fact that they have actually spent time together in previous years, let's put this dumb jimkooker theory to bed:
👉 Here is a post from @5and3nevermind detailing all the times Jimin and Yoongi found time to hang out, 9 times minimum in person, though it's likely more because he was "working out with Yoongi a lot" implying more than once. That doesn't factor in phone calls.
That's two members who weren't too busy.
👉 Here's Namjoon hanging with Jimin:
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A third member not too busy.
👉 Here's a bonus of Namjoon walking into Jimin's live without audibly complaining about being asked to:
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But actually that's beyond the point because Taekook did see other members over 2023, didn't they? So where does this idea that Taekook's time spent together was because other members weren't around come from?
👉 Here is Taehyung with Namjoon:
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👉 JK also managed to organise his schedule to see Yoongi before enlistment.
The other members clearly weren't too busy to organise things with. They all found time to do stuff with other people.
It's a dumb argument that seems to exist just to diminish their relationship, romantic or platonic. Fact is that Taekook didn't just see each other occasionally. They saw each other a lot by comparison to other members. By my count just under 20 confirmed together days, including Hawaii, and up to 30 if you include plausible speculation where we just don't have a confirmation. This doesn't include facetiming whilst apart which seems to be a common thing for them. And that's just what we know about.
(Amusingly, 30 is just under ten percent of the year. Like 8% or something. How much of ITS got edited out, according to Yoongi? 90%? I'm not saying the maths is precise or reliable or that Yoongi's estimate is on the dot but those numbers did make me laugh.)
With that much time together, we might just have to admit they chose each other a lot and let this ridiculous demeaning narrative die.
Edit to add: they don't owe us pictures or hints. They don't even owe us being a couple. Maybe some tkkrs need to remember that instead of keeping a log of selcas and treating two humans as only as good as the last way you perceived them.
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sunnasweet · 4 months
i haven't written anything new :( so here's an old literotica post
Literotica summary: Griffin meets a ghost who wants to suck him dry.
4.3k , F!ghost x m!human, bad ending, nonconish at the end
Griffin was half-near exhausted by the time he finished his studies in the library. His friends had gone back to the dorms long ago yet Griffin was still determined to get in another chapter or two.
His eyes blurred words together. He tried to justify another hour to himself. Standing up, cracking his knuckles and neck. He let out an obnoxious yawn. The library was dead inside, even the librarian had gone home.
He patted his pocket making sure his keycard was still there, swallowed the last bit of his now cold bitter coffee then dove back into the aisle of books.
Griffin was studying folklore for his occult science elective class. It seemed like an easy grade and would weave in nicely with his creative writing degree. At least that was his line of thinking when he signed up for the class.
Unfortunately for Griffin, occult science was well--a science. There were plenty of dense historical articles he had to sift through if he wanted to pass this class. His teacher was a hippy but also a real bitch, she seemed to be spiritually inclined to Griffin's life as hard as possible. Also, her classroom always smelled like patchouli and that was enough reason to hate her. The amount of sneezing Griffin did in his class was actually ridiculous.
Barely lucid, Griffin aimlessly searched through the shelves for relevant books for his essay that he planned on starting tomorrow. 'Fact vs Fable' was his topic. Fact: Griffin wanted to pass this class. Fable: Griffin wanted to spend his free time looking up make-believe creatures when he should be catching up on sleep this weekend.
Griffin flinched. What the hell was that? He turned around to find nothing. When he lifted his foot he noticed an errant pencil someone must have dropped. He stared at it for a long while before inevitably deciding it wasn't his job to clean up this mess. He kicked it under the gap of a bookcase like you would an ice cube under the fridge. When he looked back up he paused with furrowed brows.
Occultism, read the sign on the door. He raised a brow.
No fucking way was there a room full of exactly what he needed. He swore he had been through this aisle at least 4 times already and he never noticed the door. He looked around. Then shrugged and grabbed the knob.
At first, it refused to open but with a little brute force, the door let out a long whine and Griffin managed to get inside. He switched the light on and it flickered.
"Nice," he murmured.
In front of him was a whole room filled with folklore. Why his professor hadn't told the class about this room was beyond him. Not everyone bothered with the library but this was an invaluable resource.
Griffin's hands traced over the spines of some pretty dust-looking books. He pulled one out and grimaced. Okay, so some of them were moldy. Gross. He pushed the rotten book back in its slot.
After about 20 minutes of poking and prodding at books he found several that seemed to be in decent condition--albeit slightly falling apart--and would be great to use for his essay. "Ghost Land Or Researches Into the Mysteries of Occultism" was one in particular he had an interest in. He pulled the book free from the shelf and the lights once again flickered.
He looked up, this time, however, the lights did not go back on.
Griffin cursed under his breath, it was pitch black. He could barely see his own hand in front of him.
He tucked the book under his arm and then pulled out his phone, which would be entirely useless as it was dead. He sighed. Putting the phone back in his slacks he blindly tried to make his way back to the door. Patting on shelves and nearly tripping over the pile of books he had set aside for himself earlier on the floor.
He found the exit.
Turning the knob, it clicked--locked.
Frowning he tried to press his knee against the door but that didn't work either. It wasn't stuck. It was locked, the knob wouldn't turn.
Had someone decided to make a 3 am trip to the library? "Hello?" he called out, "Is someone out there? This isn't funny!" he called.
No one answered. Which he had been half expecting considering the time but then that didn't explain how the door was locked from the outside.
A chill breeze licked at his ankles. He looked up and around confused, had the AC just been turned on? He couldn't hear the familiar hum but the room became noticeably chillier. A janitor maybe?
"Hello?" he called again, knocking his palm against the door.
Griffin was stumped. What the hell was he supposed to do?
He sat down against the door. Knees bent, legs spread. His head rested against the door and he felt that same draft from before.
Suddenly, a fog had begun to appear. His eyes widened, "what the hell..." he muttered. It was overtaking the room and the temperature decreased so dramatically that when he breathed out he could see the frost.
He squinted, trying to find the source but instead came face to face with a pair of glowing white eyes rising from beneath the carpet. He shouted, jolting up from his sitting position.
The figure continued to rise, revealing a feminine head and long black hair that fluttered around her, she was wearing a ragged white dress and her face was gaunt. She looked frail, however, the most disturbing feature of the woman was the fact that he could see through her.
Griffin didn't want to turn his back towards the specter but that's exactly what he did as he began to pound on the door, "Hey! Someone let me out of here!" was this some shitty prank? Was he really seeing a fucking ghost?
"Sss..." the ghost hissed from behind him and he flinched. He turned back around.
The woman moved her long spindly finger towards him, so close she could trail the tip over his chin. Griffin's entire body shook in both fear and chill. He could feel her icy touch.
He tried to push the ghost away but his hands went straight through her, causing him to gasp. Her fingers trailed over his jaw bending her knuckles to trace them against his stubble. Griffin watched the specter with terror and confusion.
Was he hallucinating? Was the exhaustion finally getting to him?
No. This touch was unmistakably real.
He should've known this was some sort of setup. He'd been baited like a fish. How likely was it really for a room to be entirely dedicated to the topic he'd been searching for? His stupid ass walked into this without a second thought and now he was being molested by some creepy ghost.
He stared at her glowing body, swallowing when she began to caress his cheek.
"Hey...there..." he murmured nervously, "let's just keep our hands to ourselves yeah?"
Her eyes flickered towards his, creamy and white in a way a blind person's was. The woman's petting halted at Griffin's command and he breathed out, slightly relieved.
He was squished flat between this ghost woman and the door. He merely stood there staring at her with wide eyes in bewildered silence until she spoke.
"Ssstay.." the ghost finally rasped and Griffin's heart dropped to his stomach. This couldn't be real. This had to be some joke. "Stay," she whispered again.
"No." he said sternly." Stay with her where? In this room? For how long? She was a ghost! He tried to put a palm to her chest but once again was met with air. He looked wildly at his arm poking out of her chest on the other side.
Her hands gripped his shoulders and he brought his arm back. She could obviously touch him, so why couldn't he touch her? How was that fair?
She began to smooth out his shoulders, rubbing them. He groaned as her skinny fingers began to dig right between his shoulder blades. She kept going, pressing deeper, taking his sign of discomfort for pleasure.
The ghost pulled back and ran her fingers down his chest, he shivered. "Listen," he spoke--she grabbed him by the nape of the neck. Pulling him down to her level.
"Sshhh." she hissed before pressing her lips against his. His eyes went wide open, she felt...cold but also soft. Her hands cupped his face and her fingers gently stroked his cheeks on either side.
He breathed out his nose and made a noise against her mouth, one of...protest? He wasn't so sure. She took advantage of his open mouth to stick her tongue inside, meeting his warm one. They tangled together, briefly touching before she explored the roof of his mouth. She tasted behind his teeth and he didn't know if he was full of desire or disgust.
Griffin could feel his body warming up to the girl. Despite her emaciated state, she felt amazing against him. He tried to reach out to touch her in reciprocation but remembered he could not. The only thing he could do was let her invade his mouth and use her hands on him.
Which she did.
Her hands slipped down from his cheeks to the sides of his neck and back to his shoulders, rubbing them gentler than before, she rubbed down his arms then felt for his waist--the buckle of his slacks.
He pulled away, "Okay, woah--" he interrupted, "hold on for a moment."
She paused, looking back up at him, her head tilting as if she were a dog that didn't understand their master's command. She looked down below the waist and then back to his face. Griffin took a glance down as well and his cheeks felt warm when he was faced with the noticeable bulge.
The was all kinds of fucked up.
"Sss.." she began to hiss again and he realized she clearly couldn't speak well. No way was he turned on by this.
When he didn't explain himself or move to stop her, the specter's hands moved back to his belt. He swallowed, watching her fingers fiddle with the buckle. Her eyes kept flitting between his bulge and his eyes.
Griffin couldn't move. The only thing he could do was watch this woman remove his belt then unzipper his slacks and slide her bony, cold hand into his boxers. He hissed when she went straight to fisting him, giving a perfunctory stroke.
"Just..." he was about to tell her to back the fuck off once and for all but her body began to recede into the floorboards. She stopped just short of her knees and then began to pull down his slacks. "Oh god, hold on."
She didn't wait this time, instead, she pulled his already hard cock from his boxers. Her eyes flitted up to his with a raised brow as if to ask him why she should stop when he was in this state.
"Jesus." he hissed, he knocked the back of his head against the door, "Fine. Go ahead."
She began to stroke him from root to tip, using both of her hands in a twisting motion that hugged his cock completely. He groaned. Despite her cold touch, the sensation was just fine. Better than fine, great.
The specter leaned her head forward, her black hair dropping to curtain around her face as she licked her tongue in between the slit of his cock. He grunted, bucking his hips forward, slipping more of himself inside her mouth.
"Hmm.." she hummed around him as a bit of pre-cum slid over her tongue and her mouth seemed to warm around his. She removed one hand, using it to cup his balls instead as she took more of him into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down and slid her long--almost unnaturally so--tongue around him.
Griffin didn't know what to do with himself, he couldn't touch her. So he just watched while fisting his hands at his side. He still didn't understand how she could touch him all he wanted but he couldn't touch her at all.
Another grunt came from his mouth as she began to gag down on him, feeling her throat convulse around his dick. He wondered if her pussy would be as warm as her mouth then snapped back into reality.
Was he really considering fucking her? Could he even do that? Well. It seemed he couldn't do anything but she certainly could. Would this ghost woman try? How long had she been in this room for to accost some random college student? Not that he minded anymore...
He sighed, closing his eyes and hovering his hand over where he'd normally rest on his lover's head. He swore he could feel some sort of heat emanating from her now but it was probably just his imagination.
She squeezed his balls and he nearly keeled over.
"Careful!" he hissed.
She looked up at him, mouth full and he was done for. Her big eyes batted up at him while her cheeks were sucked in around him. He erupted inside her mouth with no warning.
The woman's eyes widened and she moaned in delight, redoubling her efforts. He gripped her hair...gripped her hair? He looked down at her head and noticed his fingers were now threaded between black silky locks.
He could touch her now?
She bobbed her head once more and he moaned, his back bowing as she pulled every bit of his orgasm out of his cock.
When she pulled back he watched her swallow and she seemed to materialize right in front of him. Just barely opaque, he could still slightly see through her. She smiled up at him brightly, her eyes now clear and grey. Twinkling up at him.
Not only that but she looked...healthier. Plumper, her cheeks looked rounder and Griffin couldn't only just see her collarbone now instead of how it was jutting out before. He reached out a hand to touch her cheek and she leaned into the touch, closing her eyes and all but purring as she rubbed her face against his palm.
"Warm..." she sighed softly, his eyes widened at the sound of her voice. "You feel so warm." she could speak complete sentences now. What changed?
"You can speak now." he pointed out dumbly.
She laughed and nodded, "I can."
"I can feel you."
She smiles, "Do I feel good?"
"I guess..." he murmured, still confused and frankly drained as hell from her little performance there. "How is this possible? Just a few seconds ago I could walk right through you."
"It's thanks to you," she says brightly, as if genuinely excited. "You saved me."
"Saved you."
She nods, "uh huh, your cum..." she says dreamily, "it makes me better."
Griffin snorts.
"What do you mean, makes you feel better?"
"I mean, you can touch me now can't you?" she presses her palm against the floor, "and I can't float through things anymore." she shrugs, "It makes me corporeal"
"I see that." He mutters. She was noticeably different. Her hair no longer levitated around her and that faint glow had gone away. "Why me? Why'd you pick me out of anyone who could've randomly walked in here."
She shook her head, "I didn't choose you, you're the first person to see me in nearly a decade." pressing herself up against him. Her small chest rubbed against his. "Don't you get it? You've given me new life," she says. "And I can't thank you enough..." she purred flirtatiously, her hand reaching for him once again. Her finger gently trailed against his flaccid cock.
"How long until you can go again?" she asked.
"Uh," he looks away awkwardly, "I don't know..."
She smiles, "Well...then maybe you can help me out until you're ready?"
"Help you out?"
"Mhmmm..." She was still kneeling in front of him and now was grabbing for his hands and shuffling back to give him space to kneel on the ground too, once he did she laid further back, leaning on her elbows and spreading her legs open.
He took an indrawn breath, beneath her ratty dress was nothing but skin. He reached for her but then she snapped her thighs closed with a laugh. His eyes flitted up towards hers confused.
"Aren't you going to undress me first?" she asks.
"Oh." Right. He nods, then pulls her dress upwards and over her head, tossing the rags to the side. She laid down on her back, her hair fanning out all around her. "So...now, I can just...?"
She nods with a soft sigh, "Yes..."
He spread her legs back open, kneeling between them and she didn't resist... Griffin looked over the ghost's entire body. Her breasts were small, less than a handful. She was completely hairless save for the small bush between her thighs. He ran his fingers over the hair, it wasn't course--instead, she felt soft and silky. Her skin was pale and milky.
He started at her face, tracing over her now rounded cheeks. "What's your name?" he murmured."
"I have a lot of names...." she expresses in a slightly impatient tone, "why don't you just call me Gwen?"
"Gwen." he nods. He caressed her face, much like she had done to him. Then leaned forward, kissing at her neck. She sighed once more and he took that as a good sign so he did it again, this time using his tongue slightly.
One of his hands moved down to grope her right breast, rolling the small dark brown nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She moaned softly, arching her back--presenting her tiny breasts to him. She must've been barely a B cup. His other hand reached behind her to thread his fingers through her hair.
Griffin could feel himself beginning to wake again, he ground slightly against her teasingly, just barely stimulating himself but Gwen moaned and he knew he had rubbed her clit with his half-soft cock. She was already wet.
Gwen's legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of her feet pushing down Griffin's slacks and he couldn't help but help her by pulling down his boxers along with her. She kept her legs locked around his waist and rocked with him.
He bent his head down to catch her other nipple in his mouth. She gasped and pressed herself against him harder. He was fully hard now but he wanted to wait a minute before just sticking himself in.
He continued to slide his cock in between her wet open pussy, the tip of his cock hitting her clit over and over as he sucked and rubbed her nipples in tandem.
"Griffin!" she gasped again, and he groaned in response. Her skin tasted sweet.
She moved against him, her fingers tangling into his hair as she pushed his face closer to her breast.
He stopped rubbing her nipple and shuffled his hips away, before rubbing her clit back and forth quickly. She yelped, her body jolting upwards and further into his mouth. He continued to stimulate her clit as she squirmed and writhed underneath him.
She was gasping, and he was rubbing himself against her thigh which was probably a bad idea considering how turned on he was in the situation.
It didn't take long before her grip on his hair tightened, she let out a high-pitched whine before her hips bucked forward and she began to hump his hand as she cried out.
"Fuck!" she cried, "Yes, yes!"
He couldn't wait, the moment she seemed to finish with her own orgasm, he thrust inside her with no preamble, she was wet enough for him to just slide in. She groaned, and he felt her stretching around him.
Their hips rocked together, he pulled out halfway before burying himself back into her to the hilt. The two of them gasping and groaning in pleasure.
Her pussy hugged his cock so well that he felt he was going to cum again already, he tried to slow himself, thinking of not her but it was impossible when she was beneath him.
He pumped inside her once, twice--three times before letting out a grunt, spurting ropes of cum inside her.
"Yes!" she encouraged and he fucked his cum into her until he couldn't anymore. Could ghosts get pregnant?
He practically collapsed on top of her, she giggled and slightly pushed him off onto his back.
He was beat. Exhausted. Bone tired. Staying up this late was finally catching up to him. Instead of cuddling up to him, she was already touching his dick again, he moved to catch her wrist but she slapped his hand away.
Something was wrong.
He felt...sluggish.
"Listen I don't feel right..." he said with a groan. He scrubbed at his face before looking down at his hand with a squint. They were wrinkly.
She laughed at him, "oh don't worry about that." she said, noticing him looking down at his aged hands.
"What does that mean?" he asked, clearing his throat. It sounded frailer.
"I said don't worry about it," she repeated, this time more sternly. She took him into her hand and squeezed. Gwen bent her head down and licked the last of his cum off his cock and Griffin hissed in pleasure and sensitivity. She began to stroke him.
"Gwen." he grunted, "Seriously, I'm tired." he tried to reason, "Just let me rest and then we can go okay."
She looked down at him and then shook her head, "Hmm.." she hummed, "No. No, I don't think so.
What the fuck?
"Mmm..just relax Griffin, everything's going to be okay," he recalled at that moment that he never told Gwen his name, he'd only asked for hers.
She grinned seductively down at him, throwing a leg over his body and straddling him. She began to grind herself down on him. Rolling her hips. seemingly waking up his overworked cock. "There you are..." she crooned.
He noticed she seemed to have changed as well, her small breasts had grown, and she looked far more lush on top of him than before. Her ass was actually substantial now, if he wanted to he'd have something to grab onto. Which if he was being truthful, his hands were twitching to do just that. He could feel it on his thighs while she moved back and forth on top of him before lifting and grabbing his cock with her hand, stroking up and down before positioning the traitorous thing--it was already hard again--with her hole.
"Alright." he conceded. Dazed and slightly hypnotized by the enticing woman on top of him. "But after this, I do need to rest."
She smiled, "After this, I'll leave you alone, I promise." she leans forward, "I just really need you right now."
She sunk onto his dick and he felt slightly dizzy as her pussy tightened around him. Already squeezing and milking him for his cum.
He didn't know what was going on but he felt noticeably weaker as she fucked him.
Griffin tiredly gripped onto her waist but she was doing all the work, rocking back and forth on top of him before she started to bounce slightly which had him groaning. She let herself go loose when she sunk on him then clenched around his cock on her way up. His vision was going hazy and he watched as she seemed to grow on top of him, her breasts getting even heavier than before, her belly turning soft and slightly protruding against her now chubby mound. She moaned, digging her nails into his chest.
The more she seemed to grow, the weaker he felt and he realized how much of an idiot he was.
She was going to kill him.
Literally and figuratively.
"Ohhh," she moaned, "I haven't fed in ages Griffin, you feel so good."
He thought back to how she told him that his cum had made her corporeal. What she failed to mention until now was that she was feeding off him. Whatever the hell that meant. His eyelids were falling heavy but he was trying to push her off.
She didn't budge, in fact, Gwen seemed to ride Griffen with more enthusiasm the harder he fought, he watched in exhaustion and horror as her once emaciated body had now turned lush and soft.
He could feel the familiar build-up of his orgasm and he knew for sure if he let that happen, he was going to die. He tried to think of things that would turn him off. Old women, his father--anything.
But she had a hold on him, he couldn't deny his attraction towards the woman bouncing on top of him. The wet sounds they were making as her now fat ass slapped against his thighs.
"Gwen.." he groaned, "don't."
She paid him no mind at all.
His baser instincts kept him hard, he had a naked woman on top of him, squeezing his cock in a vice grip while she went on and on about how good he felt and how deep his cock was.
"Fuck..." he groaned, he could feel it, he was going to cum--die.
His balls were tightening, and his stomach was clenching as his nails dug deep into her plush hips. She seemed to get even more excited by that, moving from bouncing on her knees to placing her feet flat on the floor.
Pure euphoria filled Griffin as he felt his soul slipping away. He could feel the ropes of cum filling her warm pussy. She cried out atop him, her back arching.
He was as good as gone.
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nycbaby21 · 6 months
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I haven't post in a really long time I had a lot going on but I am back now. Hopefully you like this :)
"I really don’t like you" + "so you don’t hate me anymore? Progress"
word count: 1,915
“I really just wish the two of you could learn to get along,” Luke sighed holding open the front door of the lakehouse for me. I easily walked under his arm and turned back to look at him. “I’m sorry Lukey, I really am. It’s just he makes it so damn hard to be nice to him,” I groan rolling my eyes throwing my bags on the floor near the door. “Believe me I know how hard it can be, but he is my brother,” he started as he put up the food we had just got up while I leaned again the counter watching himr. “And you are one of my favorite people in the entire world. So if the two of you could be in the same room for more than 20 minutes without arguing, it would be great.”
I thought about the younger boys words as I followed him in dropping my bags by the door. When I was six my family moved into the house next door to the Hughes’. While I am the closest to Quinn in age, Luke is the one I am actually closest with. You could always find Quinn and Jack of practing hockey in some way, but Luke would sit and have a tea party with me or play house with me. He was the absolute sweetest. Ever since the day I met Jack he had became a pain in my ass. He is a very confident guy, which he has every right to be. He is ridiculously talented in hockey, one of the most caring and passionate people I have ever met, and as much as I hate to admit it he is insanly attractive.
The problem with all of that is that he knows all of this too. He always had attention of the girls wherever we went. He always assumes every one is gonna drop at his feet. He constantly makes flirty remarks or calls me princess, and in all honesty I would fall at his feet if his attitude was a little better. Jack reminds me of a peacock so proud to show off his colors, while I would much rather sit on the sidelines and not be noticed. “I’m sorry Luke. I know the constant bickering between the two of us is annoying. I’ll try my very hardest to not let him push me to the point of wanting to smack him,” I say wholeheartedly looking up at my curly haired best friend. He smiles and opens his arms which I quickly walk into.
“Thank you. It means a lot to me,” he says into my hair as we stand in the kitchen holding each other. “Get a room,” I hear behind us and roll my eyes smiling. The voice is unmistakable and I turn locking eyes with Trevor for the first time this summer. "Jealous Zegras,” I smirk walking over and throwing my arms around his neck. His laugh vibrates my chest as he reaches around me and picks me up. He spins us around and I throw my head back laughing. Finally he set me down and I looked up at him. “Always jealous when someone else has their arms around my girl,” he winks and i lightly hit his chest. “Your girl,” I ask raising an eyebrow at the ducks player. “Yeah if she is anyone’s girl, she is mine,” Cole laughs stepping forward and throwing an arm around my shoulders. I laugh and lean into him rest my head on his chest. “I really did miss you dorks,” I laugh looking at the other two boys who just walked into the kitchen. Alex and Jack make their way to the fridge stocking it with the drinks they brought. Afterwards Alex moves over to greet me.
“Hey Lex,” I smile hugging him. “Shortstack,” he laughs ruffling the hair on top of my head. Conversation starts to flow and I feel eyes on me. “What no welcome hug for me princess,” Jack ask blue eyes staring into mine. As I open my mouth to make a smartass remark I look over to Luke who has pleading eyes. I take a deep breath and sigh looking at the older devils player. I walk over to him and give him a side hug trying to not think about how he smells amazing or how I can feel his abs under his shirt. “Nice to see you J,” I smile and walk over to the counter where Alex was standing and hop onto it. Everyone gives me a weird look, besides Luke who mouths “thank you.”
The conversation quickly picked back up and I yawned into my arm, tired from the ride to Michigan from UCLA where I was going to school. Alex noticed and stepped closer and leaned back against me so I could rest my head on his shoulder. “Hey we are finally the same height,” he jokes turning his head as far as he could to see me. His eyes squint with his infectious smile. I stick my tongue out and flick his forehead. He turns back and resumes the debate over whether a hotdog was a sandwich or not. I zone out the conversation and let my eyes wander around the room. They stop on a pair of eyes already looking my way.
Jack is looking intensely at me like he is deep in thought. I raise an eyebrow at him and he snaps out of it and looks away. Later on that night we are all sitting by the firepit drinking or roasting marshmallows. The spot next to me was open and Jack plops down right next to me close enough for our thighs to touch. He throws an arm around the back of the couch and looks over at me. “How’s it going at school princess,” he ask voice filled with cockiness. I resist the urge to smack him for the tired nickname and smile. “It’s okay, ya know just trying to get by. Finished this semester with a decent gpa,” I respond normally and he looks so confused, almost like he wants me to fight back. “I don’t know why you are worried about your gpa when all you do is study. I swear I have to drag her out of the dorm to actually make her see the sunlight,” Alex jokes. I roll my eyes and throw a marshmallow at him. “Dude remember that night we literally had to pick her up and drag her to that party,” Trevor laughed looking at Alex. “Drag is not the word I would use to describe that. You bardged into my room and threw me over your shoulder and made me go out to that stupid party,” I laugh leaning back which meant i was now leaning on Jack’s arm. “When did you guys go to a party,” he asked looking down at me. His eyes hold so much emotion and I go to ask why but I’m cut off. “Trevor wanted to hook up with this girl who was in a sorority at the college and dragged us to the party. He ditched us pretty early on and the of us ending up sitting in the corner making fun of drunk people,” Alex laughed looking my way. “And I scored didn’t I. That doesn’t compare to the wild night Caufiled had last week,” Z laughed turning the attention to the shorter boy.
As the guys went around the circle telling stories about all the girls they hit on Jack remained silent. “ What about you Jacky? How is the night life in Jersey,” Cole asked. I feel him shrug and say,” I wound’t know,” He got up after that to go get another drink and everyone looked to Luke. “He is telling the truth. He hasn’t gone out or on a date for that matter in a while,” he responds and I start to let my mind wander. The thought of him going out and getting girls has always made me a little jealous. That is a small part of why I give him such a hard time because I know he is a hot commodity and I have the smallest thing for him. I think that is why the constant picking and nicknames gets to me so much.
I tell all the guys goodnight hours later and head up to the house. As I was getting ready for bed I hear a faint knock on the door. “It’s open,” I call out running a brush through my tangled hair. Jack peaks his head in through the partly open door and hesitantly walks in. “ What’s up J,” i ask looking at the boy. “ I didn’t realzie you and the guys hung out during the year,” his voice lacks the normal confidence that it always has. I turn and look at him sitting on the bed and smile.  “Yeah every know and then. I see Lex way more than Z but we try and atleast get dinner every once in a while. Why you jealous Jacky boy,” I joke sitting down next to him on the bed.
He looks into my eyes and sighs. “Why haven’t we hung out or had dinner,” he ask forehead crinkled. His question shocks me for a second. “Because you live on the other side of the country,” I laugh not knowing what to say. Even when you are in town visiting you and Luke always go off and do your own thing. Why don’t we,” he asks looking around the room avoiding eye contact. He reminds me of a sad kid and it breaks my heart. “Jack anytime I have stayed in Jersey with you there is never a chance for the two of us to hang out. You are always surround by the team or the dozens of girls,” I say trying not to sound jealous but failing. 
He quickly looks up at me and a smirk slowly makes it way onto his face. “Kinda sounds like you are the jealous one now princess,” he says slowly leaning closer to me and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Why do you call me that,” I whisper all the sudden aware of the closeness between the two of us. He laughs and smiles really big. “When I first saw you playing dress up with Luke one day I thought you were the prettiest girl in the whole world. You were so sweet and deserved to be protected at all times like a princess,” he says meaning every word.
“All this time i thought you were doing it to get under my skin,” I say confused. “The only way I can guarantee you to talk to me is to annoy you,” he laughs looking from my eyes to my lips and back up. I laugh and roll my eyes. “You are such a boy. I swear I really don’t like you,” I laugh wondering where our relationship would be if either one of us would have spoken up. “So you don’t hate me anymore? Progress,” he jokes his laugh filling the room. I lean forward towards him and he thinks I am going in for a kiss but I grab a pillow and smack him with it. That leads to a pillow fight and the two of us spend the rest of the night finally getting along and maybe opening the door to the possibility of more.
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lixiebokie · 24 days
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we can’t be friends
idol: ni-ki x idol
authors note: things are starting to get interesting..
warnings: mentions of not eating, ni-ki and sunoo are both abit mean
chapter 4
“god weres ni-ki he’s not picking up.” jay said staring at his phone after niki had ignored his call for the 7th time.
“ik if he doesn’t hurry we’re leaving.”
“who?” y/n asked playing dumb even though she’d been sitting there the whloe time listening to their conversation.
“oh did he not tell you? his bike is broken he’s fixing it.”
“i mean he could of asked for me to fix it.”
jay said picking up his bag.
“wait, why’d he tell you and not us?” sunoo asked stopping jay from walking out.
“idk but at school he seemed pretty upset about it.”
“ni-ki showing emotion? you sure you two don’t have a thing?” jake asked snickering lightly.
“we can be friends you know.”
“whatever we’ll stop off at his house to help him-“
“no! i’m actually going to help him.”
heeseung stepped forward grabbing his keys. “oh well we can drop you off then.” he smiled wrapping arm around her shoulder.
“no it’s fine i’ll walk-“
“walk? his house is like 20 minutes from here no way.”
“what are you doing here?” ni-ki pulled her inside before heeseung, who walked her to the door, could ask any questions.
“well my lie must have seemed abit realistic.” she shrugged. “i just told them you had to fix your bike and i was helping and heeseung insisted he drop me off sooo.”
“ugh.” ni-ki sighed. “well you can go now.”
“or i can help you with we’re ever your going?”
“no.” he grabbed his bike about to ride off.
“you can’t go on that what if they see you it will show it was a lie and they already think we like each other.”
“what?” ni-ki scoffed.
“doesn’t matter but i have nothing better to do just let me come.”
“ugh! you better be quiet.”
y/n still had no idea about why they going or where they were going.
“so.. why are we going exactly?”
ni-ki groaned. “i thought you were gonna be quiet.”
y/n looked down. she couldn’t stop thinking about how heeseung basically hugged her earlier when he wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
he smelt so sweet, and his car had somewhat of the same smell. (with a mix of old cigarette smoke coming from sunghoons jacket)
she was pretty annoyed at jay for pushing her to the backseats to sit in the front. she wanted to sit in the front with heeseung but no she was stuck in the back with jake and sunghoon laughing about something ridiculous. she wasn’t going to lie she didn’t mind that much actually.. it gave her a better view of heeseungs side profile. which thinking back to it gave her a question to ask. but she needed someone who wouldn’t go twisting her words.
“hey ni-ki ik we aren’t friends but can i ask you something?”
niki rolled his eyes. “what?”
“does heeseung have a girlfriend?”
“what?” he laughed sarcastically. “why you like him?”
“what! no!”
“omg you like heeseung hyung!”
“well he doesn’t but considering he’s 19 i don’t think you’ve got a chance.”
y/n kicked at the stones under her feet.
“well could you help me?”
“help.. you?”
“idk like help him notice me.. idk.”
“depends, maybe if your quiet.”
ni-ki fished into his pocket for his phone shining the touch in the pitch black warehouse.
it looked the same as he left in years ago. before the police found him and kicked him out his little hideout.
he walked over spotting a small signature scribbled on the wall.
nishimura riki 2k18~
written in cursive.
he knelt down looking at the old piles of paperwork left on the metal shelves. he pushed them out the way finding a small box labelled rikis possessions. he grabbed it brushing the dust off tossing the lid on the ground.he pulled out his old slingshot. ni-ki smirked remembering the damage he did with it.
“what you got?” y/n peered over his shoulder.
ni-ki stood showing her shoving the box into her hands before stretching his slingshot.
“okay bart simpson so we came to play with your old toys?” ni-ki shot her a cold look grabbing his box and throwing it back on the shelve walking around the storage unit.
he spotted a small envelope similar to the one on his bike. he took out his key tearing it like he did with the other note.a small ring fell out. ni-ki crouched examining it, he felt a small ping in his chest.
“nice ring, was that in the letter?” y/n asked.
“it’s my fathers.”
“omg well you better return it he’s probably worried sick.” she looked at him with big eyes.
“yeah i can’t really do that.” niki sighed opening the letter.
he games just beginning ni-ki..
the lock tree tuesday.
“look ni-ki i’m really sorry-“
y/n looked at the note.
ni-ki looked up to her. “this is a sick game?” he scoffed.
“the lock tree what’s that?”
“it’s the big tree in the woolands forest.”
y/n frowned. “why’s it called the lock tree?”
ni-ki rolled his eyes. “you don’t nothing about this town do you? it’s the tree people have their first kiss under.” he grabbed back the note.
“woolands forest is by school youre skipping on tuesday and going with me.”
y/n’s eyes widened. “sorry ni-ki but i’m flattered but-“
“shut up you’re involved in this shit now i don’t want to kiss you.”
y/n was going to answer but nikis phone in her hand beat her to it.
lee heeseung
ni-ki turned to find some more stuff the crazy person had left for him.
y/n eyes flickered from him to his phone before answering and raising it to her ear.
“ni-ki we’re at your house we’re are you?”
“y/n why have you got ni-ki phone? where are you his mum said she didn’t even know you two had left the house!”
y/n laughed causing niki to look at her before snatching his phone.
heeseung repeated his question. y/n stared at niki trying to hear what heeseung was saying through the phone.
“yeah alright no well be back now, yeah meet you there hyung.” niki hung up rolling his eyes.
“what he say?”
“there at my house, going to mcdonald’s and thought they’d pick us up so we better hurry so they don’t think anything werid.” ni-ki rushed out y/n trying to keep up with him.
“riki are you still hungry?” ni-ki shook his head at his mother leaving the kitchen were he’d just placed down his cereal bowl.
“did you eat lunch at school? i got a call off your head of year saying you haven’t been buying anything for a couple of months?”
niki hummed. “i had some of y/n’s sushi today im fine school food is shit.”
he tried to leave the kitchen but his mum took his shoulder.
“who’s y/n?”
“sunoos cousin, she’s been hanging with us until she gets some friends.”
his mother ‘ahh’ “would you prefer to have a pack lunch then?” ni-ki shook his head which caused his mother to sigh and grab his hand.
she felt a ring which she’d never noticed him where before.
“where did you get this?” she asked with a sense of shock in her voice staring down at the expensive jewellery.
ni-ki would never have enough money to have one like this so her first conclusion was niki has stolen it but when she took a closer look she had noticed it right away.
“i found it at the warehouse earlier.” he shrugged. his mothers eyes were now watery. she slipped the ring off taking it away.
“i thought he took this with him. oh my gosh! riki! you are not to touch this! i told you to stay away from the warehouse you don’t want anymore trouble than you have!” she placed a hand over her heart and began to sob.
ni-ki was confused, he wasn’t one to hug or show physical effection so he turned on his heels and walked out while his mother was whaling. he felt bad he always did but he also felt angry. he found the ring so he should keep it. and he’s the only other man in the house so why should his mother keep it? his older sister rushed past knocking him out the way to tender the poor mother.
when tuesday has rolled around y/n had felt sick that morning.
she’d never skipped school or even a lesson before.
the days prior jay and sunoo had been teasing her and ni-ki for ‘wandering off’ together on thursday and she knew if they found out today it would just add to the suspicion they had.
she had tried to tell niki about how suspicious they looked but he just brushed it off.
“this is bad what if they call my aunt?”
“god youre so paranoid about everything.”
ni-ki rolled his eyes opening his phone and dialing a number.
y/n watched him wait for an answer in confusion.
“hi this is y/n’s father she won’t be in today she’s got terrible diarrhoea and vomiting everywhere, yeah okay. thank you bye.” he hung up looking at her.
“that’s disgusting.”
he smirked at her embarrassment.
“so how are we gonna get there?” ni-ki frowned to say ‘are you stupid’ as she looked down at the bike in his hands.
“yeah well last time i checked there’s only one bike.” she scoffed back at him.
“so?” he climbed over sitting on it before patting the tiny part of the seat still left.
“what want me to carry you on?”
“no, i’m not fitting on there.”
“im not going without you! you could go back and snitch the sunoo for all i know.”
she was quite offended but instead sighed hoping on the bike.
“hold on sweetheart.” ni-ki started peddling soon speeding up causing y/n to grab onto his waist.
ni-ki has a tiny waist y/n noticed. come to think of it she’d never seen him eat before. but she wasn’t going to question it how disrespectful would that be!
once the two had arrived y/n felt more sick than that morning.
“since you don’t know the trail follow me.”
ni-ki began walking off.
“oh yeah and you’ve been here loads have you?”
ni-ki scoffed. “you don’t need to know about my love life i could have been here a million times for all you know.”
nikis phone ringed. he opened his phone to see who it was.
“jungwon. what? yeah i’m with her why?” y/n slapped his shoulder he gave her a werid look before turning his phone on speaker.
“are you going to the lock tree?”
niki furrowed his eyebrows. looking up at y/n to say ‘what have you said!’
“no why?”
“everyone at school is talking about your both ditching and you’re taking y/n to the lock tree.” ni-ki groaned holding his forehead.
“where not going! make sure everyone at school knows that! and i’ll have their heads on sticks tomorrow.” niki hung up walking off.
“let’s get this over with.” he grabbed her arm walking off.
“someone must have heard us talking about it yesterday in the canteen.” that was true niki did pull her aside at lunch to talk about where he’d meet her, someone must have heard while walking past.
“well next time i know not to interact with you near another human life.” niki same making y/n laughing slightly.
“so does like everyone have their first kiss here?” she asked trying to make conversation even though she knew speaking to niki it would end in some sarcastic remark.
“i guess, it’s a big deal. there’s a myth if you kiss under the tree you’re suppose to stay together forever.” niki explained waving his hands to mock his words.
“do you believe it?”
“no it’s a load of bullshit obviously. but jay and his girlfriend had their first kiss here four years ago so who am i to judge?”
y/n looked at him. “did heeseung have his first kiss here?”
ni-ki groaned. “why does all our conversations end with you asking about heeseung? yes he did.”
y/n frowned. “with who?”
“idk, it was around 5 or so years ago with some girl named jiha i think i don’t really keep up with my friends ex’s especially since i was 12 at the time.”
y/n wanted to tease niki and ask if he’s ever been with a girl but she knew she’d be scolded and never hear the end of how annoying she is.
“where are they?” jake asked as jungwon put his phone back in his pocket.
“he hung up before i could ask.” jungwon sighed and sunoo walked back to the boys.
“y/n’s dad rang the school apparently she’s i’ll.”
“did he?” jake asked confused.
“she lives with my family!” sunoo groaned pulling his hair.
“what’s got sunny in a mood?” heeseung asked ruffling sunoos hair.
“y/ns skipped school with ni-ki-“
“shit really? soo what’s wrong with that?”
sunoo groaned again. “she’s got a reputation she’s got a future and niki is gonna ruin that! gosh why couldn’t she have just liked you or something?” sunoo motioned to heeseung.
“woah this is ni-ki we’re talking about, sunoo remember that.”
“yeah sunoo it’s just one day you need to calm.”
reaching the tree ni-ki began searching.
the ground was covered in leaves and the trees were tall except one stuck very much out.
it was wider than the rest and was covered in carved initials and hearts of people who probably don’t even talk to each other anymore.
y/n scanned her finger over a few reaching a familiar name.
“sunoo and sichae? sunoos been here?”
y/n stood in shock she didn’t think her older cousin would do such things.
“yeah like our whloe group has?”
“so where’s yours?” she asked. ni-ki stood straight taking a break from looking.
“why do you need to know?”
“we should put our names.” y/n joked scratching the wood with her nail.
“what? why would we do that? we aren’t together.”
“omg ni-ki your a genuis!” y/n gasped with an idea popping into her head.
niki looked unimpressed and slightly confused at her sudden outburst.
“let’s date.”
“no i mean not really but act like it, i get heeseung attention you get a reason to drag me along this little treasure hunt.” niki scrunched up his face giving her a disgusted face.
y/n frowned.
ni-ki sighed at her upset face, he was wondering why he’d even brought her along it’s not like she was any help. “look y/n, this is harsh but heeseung won’t care he’d be happy if anything he’s been trying to get me to go out with someone for like two years now, and i can’t act lovey so it wouldn’t be realistic anyway.”
she bent down carving a small Y+H surrounded by a heart.
“you’re delusional.” ni-ki scoffed before picking up a piece of string.
he pulled it noticing it led up the large tree.
he tugged it harder causing it to drop and hit y/n.
“ow wtf.”
“maybe if you weren’t in the way.” ni-ki shoved her slightly to get past and grabbed it off her opening it.
it was another small note with a pen.
ni-ki, you’re good at this. is your little partner helpful?
moonstruck park friday 9pm.
“what? how do they know youre with me?” y/n’s heart skipped a beat. where they being watched? did they hear about heeseung?
“we’re going moonstruck park friday after school.”
“i don’t want to, ni-ki i don’t want to do this anymore.”
“i don’t care you fucking dork. you will go snitch im not letting you get out of this.”
y/n felt hurt. why does everyone thinks she’s a snitch?
“fine, you date me i’ll come.”
“you are so annoying. why are you so persistent on going out with me!”
“i’m not. but your the only boy i am friends with.”
“woah, we aren’t friends first and second heeseung won’t care.” he groaned walking off.
“fine i’m not going then.”
“if you don’t go i’ll just tell heeseung how you feel.” ni-ki shrugged not looking back.
taglist: [ @yangjungwonnie @yjwxfxr @b3tt7boop @clampclover @cherrynh @larnieboox88 @heekiyapp9r ] purple means i’m unable to tag you
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dullgecko · 1 month
I have this personal headcanons that there is a dialect of Infernal which sounds RIDICULOUSLY close to Goblin. Think like American English vs British English.
It's from a point in history when Goblin culture separated into two groups which eventually became Imps and Goblins. (Eventually there was another split leading to Goblins and Hobgoblins but that's not relevant right now)
Fig hears a couple Imps talking and has to take a second to process when it sounds exactly like Riz speaking with his mom in Goblin. She immediately demands answers from them and quickly decides to learn Goblin/Imp. She doesn't tell anybody about it, and eventually becomes perfectly fluent.
Cue a moment of fantastic hilarity when Riz is speaking Goblin to himself (he tends to do that when working on a Board) and the rest of the party witness Fig drop into a (to them) perfect Goblin and say something to Riz, who responds automatically before clocking that something is off and blue screening when he figures it out. The party freaks out for all of the 20 seconds before Fig explains and Riz nearly bites a lot of them in joy.
Not many people take the time to learn Goblin. Especially with other races still viewing them as savages (sometimes), most of Goblin culture is participated in by Goblins alone.
So after Fig explains, Riz bursts into tears and has to explain to a very worried party that they're happy tears because he didn't think that anybody would ever take the effort.
Fig begins hosting lessons in private, and though none of them mention it to Riz, every single one of them becomes fluent in Imp/Goblin by the end of the month. Riz is once again blue screened by them all dropping into Goblin in the middle of a conversation which they carry with near-perfect accents (apart from Fig, whose vocal chords are literally made to speak it as a dialect of Infernal). It becomes their secret language to converse in since very very VERY few humanoid races take the time to learn it.
I like to think that the ancient ancestor to goblins actually came from the fey-wild, where they were a sort of mischevious brownie creature, before emmigrating to either the material plane or the infernal plane. Part of the reason why you can have half-orcs and half-elves but there are no half-goblins running around. They're humanoid, but they 100% do not have a common ancestor with elves/orcs/humans so you can't have half-breeds. There are still brownies in the fey wild, they're just very hard to find (serving under the fey queen of darkness and shadows) and are more or less the goblin races equivilent of humans and elves.
All of the emigrating groups somehow managed to keep hold of their language, for the most part, so you'll sometimes come across a creature that (if you dig backwards on the evolutionary tree far enough) is goblin-related and you kindof still understand.
Imp is still pretty close to the original fey version of the language, so to Riz's ears it sounds ridiculously posh, but honestly it kindof suits Fig so he never tries to critique her accent. He never even THOUGHT any of the other kids would try to learn goblin, especially not after that moment in their first year where it was suggested that they all use one language so they can communicate secretly and they just.... ignored him when he mentioned he spoke goblin. Goblin as a secret code language makes SENSE, the amount of people in solace who speak elvish/orcish/gnomish/halfling/dwarven is ridiculous and EVERY SINGLE ONE of their enemies has spoken at least one of those.
Gorgug has very little trouble picking up the language once he starts learning, but Kristen, Adaine and Fabian are physically not built to speak it. They do their best, and its passable, but they havent really mastered growling, and purrs are completely off the table ("nono its gotta be in your chest" "Fig we LITERALLY do not have the anatomy to make that noise.").
The unfortunate side effect of everyone knowing goblin is that they can understand Riz when he's being bitchy in another language though. Fig nearly gets downed when, on one particular occasion, she overhears Riz's muttering and he's using THE most foul and insulting language to describe someones parantage, their face, their general life choices and their fashion sense mid-fight and bursts into laughter. She only understood about half the swears he was using, and he ends up getting goaded into giving her supplemental lessons later.
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wordslostforever · 1 year
Couples Therapy | Final chapter
Final Chapter "This might just work for us this time"
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/fem!reader
Summary: When your marriage with Wanda starts to fall apart, you both decide to have a last chance by going to a professional, for your son's sake, and your own.
Warnings: 16+! Fluff, minor angst, suggestives jokes and sexual implications, kissing, flirting.
bold are your text messages.
A/N: Thank you for all the likes, reblogs and comments, I really thought nobody was going to read what I wrote out boredom (Just an excuse, I actually just love Wanda), so thank you so much.
Ch. 4 "I never stopped loving you"
Word count: 4.8k
“Who are you sleeping with?”
Natasha’s voice made you frown, taking your attention off your phone to immediately give her a weird look.
“What?” You tried to play it off, but you weren't going to be able to, not with Natasha.
“I’m pretty sure you are not looking at cat pictures and smiling like an idiot for no reason.” Natasha explained easily, adding, “Besides, you are glowing. Like when you got marrie- Oh my god! You got back together with Wanda, didn’t you?”
“Of course not. You are so ridiculous sometimes, Nat.” You rolled your eyes, feeling your phone vibrate in your hand, biting your lip to try and not smile. “Can I just be glowing without a reason? Maybe I’m just happy that Billy got the main role in a play or that Tommy’s soccer team won.”
“Sure, you can be. I still don’t believe you though, but I’ll let it go just this time.” Natasha said, dropping herself beside you on the couch and changing the channel on your tv.
She was wrong, you and Wanda didn’t get back together. Not really. After that conversation that you both had after Tony’s party five month ago, you decided to give it a chance, but you both didn’t want to rush anything, less affect your kids with the idea either. You tried to keep it a secret from everyone, so there wasn’t pressure, nor judgment thrown at both of you.
“Who is Scarlet… witch?” Natasha frowned confused, peering at your phone notification that lightened your phone screen. You chuckled. “And why did she send a kneeling girl emoji…?”
“Nobody.” You answered, turning off your phone. “And stop reading my texts.”
“Maybe you should turn your text notification off.” Natasha said, before she raised her eyebrows with a smirk, pointing at your phone with her head. “Well, whoever that is, good for you.”
‘My knees still hurt from kneeling yesterday…’
You rolled your eyes at Natasha, opening the chat a second later to answer, reading the chat completely.
‘What are you doing?’
Scarlet witch: ‘kneeling emoji’ 
Scarlet witch: My knees still hurt from kneeling yesterday from trying to screw the water tube under the sink.
Scarlet witch: And now it is still flooding the kitchen with water.
Scarlet witch: I’m five seconds away from breaking the sink in half.
‘Do you need a hand?’
Scarlet witch: Please, I need your magic hands.
‘Be there in 20’
You looked at your side to see Natasha glancing, very blatantly, at your phone again. You groaned, turning it off. Natasha laughed at you, rolling her eyes with a small shake of her head. You stood from the couch, annoyed.
“Magic hands?” Natasha said teasingly before watching you scoff and blush. “Is it Wanda, perhaps, the scarlet witch?”
“No, and stop asking.”
Hearing Natasha’s laugh, you stepped out of the apartment. In the drive to Wanda’s house you thought about how you two started talking more often, even daily. Taking things slow was something you both needed and for some reason it was working really well.
Wanda had taken you on dates, and you had taken her on them. The silly dates at the coffee shop, the cinema and fancy restaurants. It was weird to think that every time you went out with her, you felt like you were in college, which was a surprise for both of you.
Things with you and Wanda were working again, and it felt really nice.
When you stepped out of the car, and walked to the door, you didn’t have time to knock before it opened, the twins coming out and hugging you.
“Mom!” Billy smiled at you, and Tommy grabbed your hand pulling you inside, while his twin closed the door behind your back. 
“Look! We finished the costumes.” 
You tilted your head confused, before Tommy and Billy stood in front of you, Billy had a foam shield in his hand and Tommy a sword. You chuckled looking at their hand-made jedi looking clothes.
“Wow, you two made those?” You asked, smiling at them and Billy shook his head. Tommy at his side swinging his sword. 
“No, mom did!” Billy nodded, putting his hood on. “We don’t know how to sew yet.”
“Are we going out today?” Tommy asked you, placing his sword in his belt with dramatism.
“No, not today.” You answered them, looking at the frame door of the kitchen where Wanda was looking at you, hands on her hips. “A little bird told me that the kitchen was broken.”
“Oh, yeah, mom couldn’t fix it. And my socks got wet.” Tommy answered, and you were about to comment something but the sound of Billy's voice distracted you. 
“I will bring you down, Thomas.” With a sound effect made by himself, he took the sword off his belt and pointed it at Tommy, who immediately followed his action, ready to fight.
“Not today, William.”  
You laughed when they started fighting with their swords, making a sound effect on their own as they swung their swords at each other. 
You walked to Wanda, trying to not step inside their battle zone. Wanda tilted her head at you, standing straight when you stood in front of her with a smile.
“They've been doing that all day.” Wanda said, turning around for you to follow inside the kitchen.
“Driving you crazy again?” You asked, looking at the sink and the floor covered in wet towels, meeting Wanda’s gaze.
“What’s driving me crazy is the f- the sink.” Wanda stopped the word coming out of her mouth, and you smiled at her. 
“Are you sure it's just the sink?” You raised your eyebrows playfully. “Maybe I'm driving you crazy.”
“Just get on your knees.” Wanda pushed your shoulder down, and you fell on one knee in front of the sink and in front of her. She smiled with mischief before pointing at the sink with her head. “Please, detka, fix the damn sink for me, will you?” 
“Always so demanding, aren’t you?” You rolled your eyes, falling completely on your knees on top of one of the wet towels, and facing the pipe under the sink. She kneeled to your side, looking at the dripping tube behind the pipe while you grabbed the wrench and placed it on the screw. 
You tried to force the screw, with the strength that you had, but you didn’t feel it move, and tried to force it the other way. Wanda abruptly stopped you with her hand, shaking her head.
“You are going to open it and flood the kitchen with water.”
“It’s just a little so I can screw it close again. It’s stuck, that’s why it’s not screwing right.” You told her, and she dropped her hand from your arm nodding. “Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”
You weren’t lying, no, but you miscalculated how much you unscrewed, because one second to another, you had unscrewed it too much, and the tube popped off and the water started to fall everywhere.
“Y/n!” Wanda tried to stop the water from coming out from the sink with her hands, but she couldn't do much, and you went further under the sink, looking for the valve of the water. You found it, and turned it close, stopping the water.
You laughed when you moved outside the sink feeling your back completely drenched. 
“What happened?” You heard the steps of your sons coming closer, and the question being asked at your back. 
“Nothing, mom just made a tiny mistake.” You said, smiling sideways apologetically at Wanda, who looked at you scondingly with her head tilted. “Would you mind bringing more towels, boys?
You heard the positive response of your kids before their steps were out of your reach to hear. That’s when Wanda’s hand punched your shoulder softly, looking at you with a frown.
“Couldn’t you have closed the water before screwing the tube!?” Wanda asked you and you winced, biting your tongue. “You said you knew what you were doing.”
 “I could have, I just didn’t think of it until it happened.” You excused yourself, “And besides, having you by my side it’s really distracting.”
“Flirting won’t take you out of it.” 
“No,” Wanda stood up, not even trying to hide the smile that formed in her lips at your comment. She offered her hand to you, and you took it, pulling yourself up with her help. “you have to help me clean now.”
“I think the tube was broken.” Wanda looked at you, after you said as you mindlessly touched your wet back.
“So, you unscrewed it for no reason?” She asked, and you nodded, stopping yourself when you saw Wanda’s expression. “Are you kidding me!?”
“Sorry!” You laughed when she grabbed the kitchen towel and softly punched you on your side, laughing with you after. “Do you mind if I borrow one of your shirts? I think mine got a little bit wet.”
That was the first time in months that you all ate dinner together at the same table. And it made you feel at home again, watching your kids chat happily while you and Wanda heard them talk about anything.
You left when night settled deeper in the sky, and the sleep time for the twins was just ticking in the clock. You helped Wanda put them to bed before you went to the entry of the house, Wanda following behind and standing under the frame door as you watched her from the porch.
“Thanks for coming here to help me with the sink,” Wanda said, crossing her arm over her chest, trying to stop the cold breeze of the night. “Even if you made it kind of worse.” 
 “True, but you know, I had to try and impress you.” You said chessely and Wanda wrinkled her nose at the statement, cringing softly. “How else am I supposed to get the girl of my dreams?”
“You are so dumb,” She answered with a playful roll of her eyes, giving at step toward you. “You are my wife, you got me already.”
“Putting a ring on my finger already, Maximoff? What about a kiss first?” You said, raising your eyebrows at her, watching as a smile grew on her lips. She grabbed your waist softly, and you gasped when she pulled you closer.
When you saw her face get closer, and her hands squeeze your hips, you closed your eyes expecting for her lips to find yours. You were startled when she kissed your cheek, and then pulled you even closer in a hug.
“Would it be wrong of me to say ‘I love you’ this soon?” Wanda whispered in your ear, and you grabbed her shirt in her stomach softly and smiled.
“You said ‘I love you’ two months after we started dating. I don’t think thirteen years later is considered too soon.” You said, and Wanda buried her head into you even more. “I love you, Wanda”
“I love you too, Y/n” 
Last year was really hard to handle, the idea of holidays and the birthdays for the twins were discussed between you and Wanda many times before they happened, and it also dropped the question whether it was healthy and okay for your kids to spend their holidays in separated homes, or if it was better to be together.
Co-parenting with Wanda wasn’t a hard thing to do, just because you two never resented nor hated each other to make it impossible for you to be in the same room together. 
That’s why you decided to spend the holidays together last year, and the twins' birthday too. It was solely focused on them, and any problem between you two was out of the window the moment you were all together. And it seemed to work for you kids.
Now that Christmas was coming soon enough, and both of your families and friends wanted to spend the holiday together, there was no problem whatsoever with you nor Wanda. The problem was that you and Wanda were trying to date for a while now, and the idea of pretending not to be in front of everyone was a challenge.
Why you kept it a secret was simple, because if it didn’t work out, no one else but you and Wanda could get hurt by it, even less your children. Was it healthy to lie to your friend about it? Maybe not, but you didn’t make the best choices anyway.
Christmas eve was chaotic, it was celebrated at Wanda's place and the moment you stepped inside, chaos ensued. Pietro and Monica’s daughter, Luna, and Tony’s and Pepper’s daughter, Morgan, were already playing outside in the yard with the twins. 
You and Wanda helped in the kitchen and everyone helped to make the dinner and fix the table. The evening was full of chatter between friends. 
Nobody suspected a thing, or you hoped, because taking your eyes off your “Ex-wife'' was a challenge, and the way Wanda playfully scolded you with a look every time she caught you staring made it even harder. You really hoped that you didn’t look suspicious, because it was impossible for you to stop seeking the touch of the other when you casually met alone in the kitchen, or on your way to the bathroom.
Maybe you were being too obvious, but the idea of enjoying a day like this with Wanda, your family and children, made it so unimportantly. Maybe too much.
Most of the people left after midnight, letting themselves out of the house with goodbyes. Pietro and Monica went to bed soon after most people left, taking Luna with them into the spare room. You and Wanda sent the twins to sleep as soon as you saw Tommy drowsing off in one of the chairs in the backyard.
Natasha and Maria were the last ones to leave, not before making a complete disaster of your perfect facade with Wanda.
Wanda accidentally left her messages chat open after showing Natasha one of the photos Carol sent her from New York, where she was showing a selfie of the New York Gran Christmas decorated three. Wanda opened the sink to fill herself a glass of water.
“Magic hands?” Natasha frowned, and you swallowed harshly before you saw realization hit her. “Oh my god! You did get back together.”
You hushed her before she screamed letting the whole house know. You heard Wanda choking on her water and Maria smirked as she swallowed the last sip of her drink.
“You freaking liar.” Natasha fake hurt putting her hand on her chest, and then pointed at Wanda. “You too. How could you do this to me?”
“Nobody knows, don’t feel special.” You said jokingly and Natasha huffed.
“I’ll make you feel special when I put my feet on your ass.” Natasha said, and Maria grabbed her hand, smiling at the two of you.
“I’m glad you worked it out.” Maria said, and before Natasha could butt in, she gave her a kiss on the mouth before looking at you two again. “I couldn’t believe after all those years, you wouldn’t end up together.”
“Me either.” You looked at Wanda, and she smiled.
“You know, if I didn’t love you so much, I could have punched both of you for lying.”
“Natasha Romanoff loves me? Oh my god, it's full of surprises tonight.” You teased at the redhead, who tried to not smile at the teasing, failing miserably. "A Christmas miracle."
“I’m happy for both of you, really.” Natasha said, standing up the chair, followed by Maria who intertwined their hands together. “I would really love to stay to tease you about this, but I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep in the chair.”
“Thanks for the dinner, Wanda.”
“See you later, love birds.” 
They both left after, leaving you and Wanda alone in the kitchen. You were about to leave too, but Wanda stopped you by the hand, her lip caught between her teeth. 
You got closer, taking her lip off her teeth with your thumb before caressing her cheek shortly.
“Why don’t you stay?” Wanda asked, intertwining her hand with yours. “For the night?”
“Do you think I should stay? I mean, wouldn’t that be screaming to them that we are getting back together?” You asked unsure and Wanda thought about it for a second. “Are we ready to tell them about us? Completely sure? I don’t want them to get confused.”
“We got back together, but maybe… maybe we should wait a few days after christmas.” Wanda nodded and you nodded back. “You can still stay, and leave before they wake up.”
“So, I can enter again like I left?” You asked. “That sounds… I don’t know, Wanda, I mean, we are not teenagers to be hiding like that.”
Wanda pouted, raising her eyebrows in disappointment,“I want to fall asleep in your arms.” and with the statement, you smiled nodding.
You’d do anything she asked, just to see her smile the way she did at your words.
“You do like skipping steps don’t you, Maximoff?” Teasingly, you said making Wanda frown before you grabbed her by the waist, gently pulling her toward you. “Would you mind kissing me first?”
Wanda smiled before putting her hands on your neck, pulling you slowly until your faces were inches apart. Her nose bumped into yours before you moved just enough to let your lips join together. You weren’t sure why this kiss felt different than the others you had so long ago, why Wanda’s hands squeezing softly your neck and pulling you even closer made you feel drugged, made your heart race even harder when her tongue touched your bottom lip asking for permission. And when you gave her free pass and your tongues finally met, your senses blurred.
When you separated, your chest heavily falling by the lack of air, her green eyes showed nothing else but pure adoration and love. And you knew why it felt different.
It felt different because this time, you were feeling exactly like the first time you noticed that you were in love with her. 
The exact same way when you said I love you for the first time.
The exact same way when you looked at her at your wedding, when you had said yes.
The exact same way when she held your new born child while you held the other.
The exact same way you had felt for her since the moment you met.
“I’m not going down the roof.” You said, shaking your head when Wanda pointed at the window with her head. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, why not?” Wanda said simply, throwing at you your shoe. “How difficult can it be?”
Putting your shoe on and tying the laces, you asked, “What if I break my leg?” 
“Then you get a leave, and I take care of you.” Your wife smiled at you, raising her eyebrows in complicity. “Come on, Billy and Tommy are already up and downstairs.”
“Jesus, the things I do for you.” You opened the window, slowly stepping outside on the roof giving a short look at Wanda before turning to jump down. You heard her soft chuckle, before slowly getting on the edge.
It wasn’t so high, but you still hesitated before jumping down, landing on your feet and stumbling forward and falling on your knees with a groan.
“Mom, why is aunt Y/n jumping from the roof?” 
The question made you raise your gaze from the grass to the couple in front of you, Pietro held a box in his hand, his expression was formed into surprise. Monica at his side, smiled knowingly, shaking her head in amusement before answering to her daughter.
“She is trying to hide the fact that she stayed last night.”
“But why?” Luna frowned, confused, before Pietro laughed at your embarrassed features.
“Because she and aunt Wanda are back together.” Monica said watching you get up on your feet with an embarrassed smile. “But they haven’t told anyone yet.”
“Are you going to tell Tommy and Billy, aunt Y/n?” 
“I- Yes.” Nodding, you cleared your throat feeling your cheek heat up, before trying to change the subject. “Why did you get there, Pietro?”
“Donuts.” He said, rolling his eyes noticing your flustered state. “Don’t worry, there’s enough for you too, подросток-подражатель.”
He walked to the door, after letting go of the nickname, and you frowned following them three.
“What does that mean?”
“It means ‘teeneger wannabe’” He said, knocking on the door. “You know, since you like to sneak out like a teenager.”
You groaned at his teasing, hearing Monica's chuckle. Before you could say anything, the door opened, Wanda smiled at the other side letting you in. She stopped you by the arm when you stepped inside after her twin, his daughter and wife, and the second that your eyes met, you saw the amusement behind her serious features.
“You knew they were there, didn’t you?”
“Sorry,” Wanda chuckled, biting her lip to stop a smile from forming when you frowned, shaking your head at her. “I couldn’t miss the opportunity.”
“You do like to see me suffer.” Saying jokingly, you smiled, watching Wanda’s smile form in her features. “I love you.”
“I lov-”
“Mom!” Tommy cutted her off, running to grab your hand and pull you over to the other side of the room to see the present under the three. “Look what Santa brought! He ate all of the cookies we left too!”
“Wow, that’s a lot, maybe you've been a good boy this year.” You said, with a smile gently shaking his hair. “Where’s Billy?”
“In the kitchen.” Tommy answered, dragging you along with him to the kitchen where Billy sat on the stool, eating a donut. 
You all ate breakfast together before opening the gifts. Everything was fine, you and Wanda felt the burn off your shoulders knowing that Pietro and Monica knew about the two of you, and when they left with their daughter, you stood at the kitchen frame, watching your sons play with their toys, feeling your chest fill with contempt.
“Hey…” Wanda’s hand hugged you from behind, her lips leaving a short kiss on your shoulder. You grabbed her hand on your waist before she moved to hug you from your side instead, to watch your kids too. “Today was nice.”
“Yeah, ignoring all the teasing from your brother.” You scoffed, and Wanda smiled at you, squeezing your waist. “I’m blaming you for that.”
“Huh, that hurts, подросток-подражатель.”
“Oh my god, not you too.” Groaning, you separated from her, crunching your nose at her teasing before narrowing your eyes at her cocky smile. “You better make it up to me or I’m leaving you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Wanda said, challenging you with her eyebrows. “You love me too much.”
“Try me, Maximoff.” 
There was a second where her hands fell to her sides, her eyes filled with determination to get closer and kiss you like she wanted to, but the sound of plastic falling to the ground from the living room stopped her. You two looked at your kids, which now were looking at both of you, a frown in their features, and your smile faded. You forgot how clever they were, and how fast they picked up the words that left Wanda’s mouth or how the dynamic changed from last year.
“Hey, kiddos, what’s up?” You asked, forcing a smile when Tommy tilted his head, looking at Billy in question. You saw Billy shake his head, grabbing his toy and ignoring his twin. “What’s wrong?”
Wanda and you two shared a look before getting closer to your sons. Tommy picked his toy too, ignoring your question.
“Boys,” Crouching down to their level, Wanda called their attention, but they kept playing with the toys. “Mom asked a question.”
Tommy sighed, before looking up at Wanda, “Luna said you two were back together, but we didn’t believe her.” He looked at you then, a serious expression. “We didn’t want to believe her.”
His words froze you in place, and Wanda blinked a few times to process his words, before Billy added, fidgeting with his toy, “We don’t want you two together again.”
You swallowed hard, Wanda’s stunned eyes met yours, and you saw the hurt in her features as you crouched down beside her. Clearing your throat, trying to erase the bitter taste of your son's wish, you stopped Billy’s anxious movement of his hands and smiled reassuringly.
“That’s okay.” You said, and Billy looked up at you, surprised. “It’s okay to not want to see us together anymore, I understand that.”
Wanda seemed speechless at your words, confused as to why you were agreeing to it, but she nodded, following you. She grabbed Tommy's hand to comfort him as you grabbed Billy's.
“I know how hard it was for you two when we broke up.” You stated, feeling your heart press softly in your chest. “We changed a lot of things and I know that us getting back together is going to be complicated and is not what you want-”
“No, it’s not that.” Tommy interrupted you, shaking his head. “We want you together, it’s always what we wanted, to have you here with us, but what if you break up again?”
“Or fight?” Billy added, letting go of your hand. “We don’t want to see you sad anymore and leave again. I don’t want that, and if you are together, it will happen again.”
You felt your heart pressing at his words, the concern and fear behind your son’s voice, made Wanda shake her head and explain, “No, it won’t.” There was certainty in her voice that reassured you and the twins. “I know you are afraid of that happening again, but we needed time apart from each other to figure out how we really felt, to fix the problems that were getting in the way.”
Wanda sighed, trying to hide the tears forming in her eyes at the way her son’s looked at her, expectant of her words, understanding, “We always loved each other, a lot, but sometimes, other things get in the way of that love and they need to be worked out.”
“Did you work it out?” Billy asked, and you nodded.
“Yes, we did.” Wanda answered, now grabbing your hand, looking back at the twins with a smile. “I’m sorry you had to be in the middle of it while we did, but I promise, for the love that I have for you two and your mom, that it will never happen again.”
“Okay,” Tommy answered as Billy nodded, both of them grabbing their toys again. “Could you put the tv on, please? I want to watch Sponge bob.”
“So, is mom staying here again?” Billy asked and you frowned at him, in question, but he shrugged, “I saw your jacket in the morning.” He said, nonchalantly. “You never leave without your jacket.”
“How are you so clever?” You asked, surprised, and he smiled proudly placing his legos on the table.
Wanda chuckled, turning the tv on with the controller, “They've got my genes, of course they are clever.”
You rolled your eyes at her, before standing up and walking towards her with a smile. Taking the control from her hand, you left a short kiss on her cheek before taking out a box from your pocket and placing it on her hand. 
“I forgot about this.” You said, watching her open it with curiosity, two rings faced her and she smiled, taking one off and moving her fingers for you to give her your empty hand. “I thought we might need an upgrade from the old ones.”  
“Sure,” Wanda said, placing the ring on your index finger, smirking before letting the words leave her mouth knowingly. “You lost the other ring, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” You answered, pouting when Wanda chuckled. “It took me thirteen years to lose it.”
“You know, and after thirteen years you still can remember, can you?”
“That you leave the ring in the bathroom and it always falls behind the sink.”
“Oh, of course I knew.” You said, smiling dumbly, “I definitely knew that.”
“Sure.” Wanda said sarcastically before pulling you towards her, skimming her nose over yours, whispering on top of your lips softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too, my love.” You kissed her after the words left your mouth, her hand grabbing your cheek to feel you closer as her lips found yours naturally, moving along with yours in a knowing rhythm. 
That was the new start of your old love, a new beginning that you hoped would be the last one because your heart belonged to her, and only her.
And her heart belonged to you, and only you.
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empirearchives · 5 months
Hi! I was wondering is there an actual source stating that calling Napoléon "Buonaparte" was meant as derogatory? I've read here (https://mrodenberg.com/2012/09/13/bonaparte-or-buonaparte/) that on Saint-Helena, the British addressed him as that to undermine his legitimacy as French ruler. Also, I know of another historical figure, Prieur de la Côte-d'Or, who not being very fond of him used the same appellation when talking about Napoleon
Hey! Yes, it was definitely used in a derogatory way to delegitimize Napoleon’s rule by denying his frenchness. Napoleon’s brother, Louis, commented on this in his A Reply to Sir Walter Scott’s History of Napoleon in 1829:
Another visible object is, that of desiring to make Napoleon pass as a foreigner in France. In fact, if such were not the intentions of the author, why this obstinacy in writing the family name of Napoleon, Buonaparte, instead of Bonaparte, consecrated as it is by long habit? Certainly the letter O is not more or less noble or French than the letter U, but it is done to impress a foreign character upon Napoleon, and divide his glory from that of France.
The Italian nation is sufficiently glorious for one to be proud of belonging to it, especially of deriving one’s origin from this beautiful country; but when one has been born under the laws of France, grown up on its soil, with no other knowledge of foreign countries, even of beautiful Italy, than that gained with the victorious legions of France, it is rather too ridiculous to receive from an English author the certificate of a foreigner.
The name Buonaparte was being used by the coalitions before the St. Helena years, especially by the British, so there are quite a lot of examples.
To be clear, Buonaparte was Napoleon’s birth name and the name he preferred to go by for over 20 years. He changed his name during the French Revolution during a wave of name changes across France to more revolutionary and patriotic names. That being said, Bonaparte is already listed as his name on his baptism certificate* in 1771 (“Neapoleone Bonaparte”) when he was nearly 2 years old, which is 3 years into French rule of Corsica. On the same document, his father’s name is spelled as Buonaparte.
It’s a little complicated. The spelling of names weren’t very standardized and were subject to a lot of variation. But the usage of the name Buonaparte was definitely intentional among Napoleon’s enemies. You can tell pretty easily when someone is saying it in a bad faith manner.
From the historian Andrew Roberts (Napoleon: A Life):
For decades thereafter, British and Bourbon propagandists re-inserted the ‘u’ in order to emphasize Napoleon’s foreignness, such as in François-René de Chateaubriand’s snappily titled 1814 pamphlet Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons and the Necessity of Rallying Round our Legitimate Princes for the Happiness of France and that of Europe, in which he wrote: ‘No hope was left of finding among Frenchmen a man bold enough to dare to wear the crown of Louis XVI. A foreigner offered himself, and was accepted’ (Chateaubriand, Of Buonaparte p. 5). Even after the British royal family changed the name of their dynasty from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor in 1917, some British historians still ridiculed Napoleon for dropping the ‘u’ from his surname.
It becomes obvious when people change how they refer to Napoleon depending on their current stance or relationship with him. For example, when France and Russia were allies, Tsar Alexander I calls him Napoleon or even the Emperor Napoleon. But when the alliances change and Napoleon is removed from power, Alexander referred to him as Buonaparte.
From the historian Marie-Pierre Rey (Alexander I):
Alexander’s use of the Corsican family name of Buonaparte is interesting, implying that for Alexander Napoléon was no longer emperor of the French — and not even French by nationality!
So there were two purposes to calling him Buonaparte: to accentuate his commoner origins as well as his foreignness in order to delegitimize his authority as head of state.
Thanks for the interesting question!
* (The baptism document can be found on Archives de la Corse-du-Sud -> Etat Civil -> Ajaccio -> 1771 -> Baptemes -> 6 MI 4/21)
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