#and then I come back for a limp noodle of show finale
you say the whole world's ending (honey, it already did) (Trobed)
"It has to be okay for it to get on a boat with Lavar Burton and never come back."
This wasn't supposed to be a tragedy. This wasn't supposed to end like this.
He was supposed to end up with Britta. Or Annie. Anyone, really, it didn't matter, as long as he stayed. As long as the Dreamatorium still functioned.
(As long as you got to love him through movie nights and pillow fights and butter noodles and Armageddon.)
You don't know when you began to lose Him. It wasn't to the Air Conditioner Repair School. It wasn't to the Great Pillows-And-Blankets war.
It wasn't Pierce. Not truly. Pierce was never important enough to sever that tie.
He needed to be his own man. He needed to go on his own adventure.
And you?
You are floating. Drifting. You cannot find your plot. You cannot thread together the character arcs that once guided you. You are pulled and pushed and the world falls apart. He turns and hugs you and the one person who you counted on to always understand you, all of the tangled film reels making up your brain, gets on a boat with Lavar Burton and never comes back.
The color seeps from the world. The color grading fades to a grayish, sickly shade. The wide shots disappear in favor of mid-range shots centered around one location, the study table, but it's not a bottle episode in the fun way. It's not. The apocalypse has arrived, not in fire and nuclear war, but instead The Road style, all depressing grays and cold blues.
The shenanigans continue, sure. Of course they do. The show is barreling towards something- or, perhaps, it's limping. So many parts of it have been chewed away, stolen by other networks. First Pierce, a wound to the arm you could sustain and sew up with a few stitches and then move on.
But then Him. Then the other half of yourself, the part you clung to throughout so many potential apocalypses before, gets on a boat, stepping into freedom and his own spin-off, and you are handcuffed to a filing cabinet for the crime of being strange. Of your senses being too sensitive. Of you being finally understood and- not loved, not appreciated, but shown kindness.
It's wrong for others to show you kindness. It's wrong for others to accommodate you.
You are not made to be accommodated. You are made to mocked and shoved and forced into the cookie-cutter hole that society has forced upon you.
You stop getting up to adventures. You stop searching out whimsy. Your delight got on a boat and abandoned you.
You retreat behind your camera. You enter your corner and you never leave. You lock away the corner of your mind that contains the Dreamatorium.
You are still handcuffed to the wall of that locker, aren't you? He found you at Inspecticon, but he lost you in the lava. A clone emerged, a perfected copy, who is bound by metal and lava and zombie bites and the knowledge that you were a whole person before Him but a jagged wound after Him.
You stop reaching out. You leave him at an unanswered "I love you." You cannot bear to seek and not find, to be rebuffed in person once again by the one person you once gave your bleeding heart to.
He doesn't come back. He is never coming back.
Pierce is gone. Shirley is gone. He is gone. Frankie and Elroy are here, and they're nice, but it's not the same.
You wish the lava had cauterized the wound in your heart. You wish that the world had allowed you to move on without a constant pain tearing itself into your chest.
There is only one answer you can give yourself now. There is only one way your story can end.
You leave the study room for the final time and you look back and the table has so many empty seats. So many holes that need to be filled.
You close your eyes, tears burning the backs but refusing to fall, and you lay his name behind you. You will not take it with you. You cannot bear to take it with you. You cannot carry this weight alone. You must leave this hurt behind, even if it means abandoning your heart in Greendale just like He once abandoned you.
The door falls shut. The curtain falls. The credits play.
The show is over. The tragedy has run its course, you at the center, you the fool, you the crushed body, you the director who packs everything up and ends the story.
No one is interested in seeing your heart anymore, if they ever were in the first place.
(Years later, a man will step foot off of a boat. He is late. Far too late. He should have returned ages ago. He has a beard and a few new scars and he is wiser and more worn but his eyes shine like they always did.
He stops in Greendale and is told that you left years ago. That he has missed his chance. That he is better off returning to Air Conditioner Repair and not wondering where you went.
You have drifted. You have left. You have turned your back on a world that turned its back on you.
But He is far more stubborn than you give him credit for. He turned the world over for himself, but also for you. For the spin-off you always begged for.
He picks up your heart from beneath the study table, cradles it close, and resolves to return it to you. He will bring you the keys to the handcuffs. He will bring you understanding. He will bring you butter noodles and a smile that never wavers. Not for you.
It will take time to reestablish trust, to unravel trauma and an ache as deep and old as the life you have survived, but he will do it. He would follow you anywhere, you know? He was delayed, detoured, but you were always the end goal.
He will eventually return his hands to repair. He likes helping people, and likes fidgeting with his hands, so why not?
But right now, he turns on his heel and heads straight for the airport. He has a plane to L.A. to catch.)
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Applin Of My Eye Ch1 The Apple Shaped Heart Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree (plus story summary)
Part 5 of the Galar Soulmate Series spin off of Love Doesn't Do Encores/A Champion Time For The Heart and side parody of Dragon's Treasure/Diamond In The Rough (This story will be much shorter than the others but I didn't want to leave out the last guy. This will also be the final installment of the Galar Soulmate Series.) Everything was fine now. Eternatus was defeated. The bad guys caught. No more things to worry about...Or at least for Y/n. A small encounter with a certain farmer has made him realize that he never apologized for bowling her over with a wooloo. So when the woman who helped save Galar shows up on his doorstep with an injured wooloo he may realize that maybe he had some secret feelings he never expressed to her in the beginning.
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(Before we begin keep in mind that I do not know the actual name of Milo's little brother so his name is only cannon for this story, and his backstory is also not cannon and just for the story.)
It was a funny thing how crushes often worked you see.
You couldn't really control when cupid would shoot you with his arsenal of arrows through your heart and piercing your brain with that fuzzy feeling that made you all warm inside. However he felt as if he might've been hit with a whole sledgehammer. He still remembered the first time he saw her there. Last year pretty early in the year too actually. It was when he was getting his wooloo ready for the Gym Challenge but unfortunately one of the little rascals had slipped out and started running all over the gym with him chasing right after. Eventually it was able to escape right out of the gym and rolled faster than a tumble weed in a tornado out of his gym and right up the dirt road leading right out of town. Well he went chasing right after it one hand holding his sun hat. To his horror the pokemon was heading right towards two women walking their way down the dirt road chatting oblivious to the danger. Unfortunately speed was never his strong point, he was more of a strength guy himself.
Gloria smiled and pointed to it as the two of you walked down hill on the path. "Look! See? I told ya it was a good idea to take the short cut."
You looked down at her deadpanned, the baaing becoming louder the farther you two walked. "Uh huh. And those people chasing us in the beginning was part of the 'good idea'?"
You two didn't see the thing coming towards you from down the path or the man giving chase to it. "Oh come on! It wasn't that bad. We got here faster and now we can rest up and see 'bout that gym.
"Oh yes. And battling someone inside a mine is a good idea too-"
"Nonono! Miss! Watch out-''
Something hard rammed into your legs and they went flying back, sending your front shooting forward and in an instant you faceplanted the dirt road hard. A resounding 'THUMP!' sound echoing out as whatever rammed into you just as suddenly disappeared. It was like a your legs were pins and you just got ran over by a bowling ball. Stunned your body just sat there face first on the ground with your sobble thrown from your shoulder a couple feet away. You didn't move even as a gasp reached your ears, along with baaing and running footsteps. Your sobble chirping in annoyance upon being flung sat itself up and shook itself off, but scurried away and burried itself under your limp noodle of an arm when someone bigger nearly ran it over. Still you laid there stunned.
"OH NO! OH NO!!" A man's worried voice reached your ears just as your brain finally started to register you had been knocked over. "I AM SO SORRY!! MISS!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?"
"Y/N!!" Gloria shouted and you felt her shake you frantically. "NO! This can't be how you die! Bowled over by a wooloo isn't a good way to die so please get up!!"
....You coughed. And groaned. Your vision blurry as your now dirty face slowly lifted itself from the ground and looked up. Blinking at the two faces before you. Gloria who was obviously concerned, but the other was a man one hand clutching a hat on his head as he looked you over with worry. "What was-"
"I am SO sorry, Ma'am!" The man you assumed kneeled down letting you get a better look at his freckled face. "My...Are you ok!? You took that tackle head on!"
"What happened?," you mumbled and your answer was being easily lifted by the man by strong hands grabbing your shoulders.
"One of my wooloo! I'm so very, very sorry! She keeps running away everytime someone leaves a door open and I need her for the gym so I keep having to chase her down and bring her back!," the man quickly stated holding you up on wobbly legs as you shook your head as your poor sobble refused to let go of your arm. Hanging onto it like a koala bear would. Hands dusted you off. "Oh no. You're all a mess because of me. I hope you're not hurt, Ma'am."
You waved him off. "It's fine. Wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with troublesome wooloo," you grumbled remembering the Slumbering Weild incident. "I feel fine. Just a few dirt stains aren't gonna hurt."
The man sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness. I was really worried when you fell so suddenly." His face quickly snapped with a frown to the wooloo who baaed at him. "And you! What did I tell you about running off like that!? This time you did hurt someone!" It baaed louder at him. "Don't you talk back to me! You're in big trouble young lady!......Hm?" He looked to Gloria who was currently staring at him in surprise before he suddenly smiled at her. "Oh. You must be one of the Gym Challengers, right?"
"I- W-Who me!?" She sputtered before nodding quickly. "Y-Yes, Sir! I am!"
"Ah! I thought so." His polite smile widened. "I saw you at the Opening Ceremony earlier this week! My name's Milo. It's nice to meet you."
"I know! AH! I mean!" Gloria sputtered holding up her hands. "I s-saw you too with everyone else! I'm so sorry!"
held up his hands. "Oh no. If anything I should be the one apologizing to you and your friend here for the trouble I put you through."
"Milo?," you asked confused gaining his attention.
He nodded. "I'm a Gym leader here and partial to Grass Type pokemon. And if I'm not mistaken your friend here is one of the ones Leon keeps going on about. I've been itching to see just how good the Champion endorsed Gym Challengers are..." he sighed moving his hands to his hips. "But I'm afraid you might have to wait your turn."
"Huh?" Gloria blinked.
"I know usually my gym's the first one trainers pass by on their trip, but I didn't expect so so many to come here right after the ceremony. I've been completely swamped and I still have three trainers waiting for their turns with me right now. And it doesn't help this one keeps running off the first chance she gets."
You mean I gotta wait until you have more time off just to fight me?" She groaned with a pout. "Maybe we should've taken the train to get here faster after all."
"Hey. The man's busy" You patted her back with a frown. "And obviously he's having a hard time right now. You said we had what?....A whole year until those finals come up? It hasn't even been a whole week yet. We can wait a lil bit longer and let Mr. Milo here sort himself out."
Milo gave you a surprised look and Gloria sighed before nodding. "You're right. We're here and that's the most important thing! I can wait a few more days if I have too."
You smiled. "That's the spirit!"
Even Milo eventually smiled. "Well then. Let me find out at the Gym Stadium when you're ready." He pointed behind him. "Just head on down this route and you'll run right into my stadium. See you there!" He then turned to the wooloo. "Come on now. Back to the stadium with you too. We can't keep the Gym Challengers waiting." It baaed at him in protest but didn't give too much of a fight when it started to follow him as he turned and gave one wave back to you two. "Again sorry for the trouble! Hope to see you soon!"
With a sigh you brought your arm up and your sobble blinked at you...before grabbing your cheek with a questioning chirp. "I'm fine. Just a little sore."
He thought that would've been it. You see he wasn't expecting to see her again. He thought he saw her the next day when he battled her friend in the stadium, but that was that. He lost, congratulated the young girl who looked about the same age as his little brother and off she went. He thought that would be it until he saw the next challenger. But he was surprised when night fell and he stepped out for a few moments to himself.
The night was peaceful. The night was quiet. It was one of the times he could actually get a bit of breathing room to himself and he always gave one last look around anyways. The wooloo were all snug back in their barn. The gym was cleaned up and closed. And most of the farm's chores were already done. All that was left was to do one last look around before bed. The night was pretty. The sun had just started going down over the horizon leaving sn assortment of yellows and oranges and pinks to be chased away by a dark blanket of black filled with millions of tiny stars. It was beautiful among the silent fields. Although he was never expecting to run into another person. Quite literally. He was just walking around the side of his barn when he almost ran face first into a woman. A woman with a sobble clinging to her shoulder. The sudden face to face encounter had her jumping back with a yelp jumping back and the sobble terrified ducking behind her head with a chirp. He himself took a step or two back from the sight as the two of them just...blinked at one another for a good second. Who was-
"Milo?," The woman asked with a blink. "What are you doing out here?"
He blinked. Why did she look familiar? "I...I own this farm? And who are you?"
"I'm Y/n." He still stared. "Your wooloo bowled me over the other day."
It all clicked in an instant. "Oh! You're that woman!" He remembered now. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"Camping." She gestured behind her towards the back fields and when looked over her, he noticed there was two tents set up right in the middle of one of his fields. "My friends and I are camping out here before we leave tomorrow morning, but we had no idea this place belonged to you. I heard someone walking around out here so I came to check it out." It was then she held up her hands and apologized. "But we don't want to cause any trouble. If it's a bother, I'll have them move our tents somewhere else. I'm sorry."
"Oh no. It's no trouble at all," he insisted with a smile. "As long as you all don't litter, I don't mind at all. "
"Oh. That's actually really nice of you. Thank you so much. That battle you had with Gloria today was great!"
He paused all of a sudden caught off guard by what she had said. "Pardon me?"
She smiled at him. "I said your battle with Gloria was really fun to watch. You put up a good fight out there today. No wonder you're a gym leader!"
And in that moment he paused. She was complimenting him? HIM?! He had to look around real quick to make sure that there wasn't anyone else there for her to speak too even though he knew there really. He then looked back to her with that perplexed took. By now the small sobble had timidly poked his head from behind hers.
He pointed at himself. "You mean me?"
"Of course I mean you! You're the only gym leader in Turrffield. Who else would I be talking to?" She rose a brow.
"Oh. I-I meant no offense, Ma'am. It's just...well I'm not used to compliments actually." A hand reached up as an embarrassed smile graced his features. "I don't get a whole lot of them outside my friends and little brother."
"Really? I'm surprised. You put up such a good fight against Gloria." Ah. That must be her friend's name. The young girl who he battled today in fact. "You're also the first official gym leader I've met so far."
He blinked in surprise. "Really?"
She nodded. "You see. I'm uh... Visiting Galar. It's my first time ever being in this region. So today was my first time ever seeing a live gym battle and you're the first ever gym leader I've spoken too....Ever actually."
"Huh? You mean you've literally never met another gym leader before me? Like ever?" 
"Nope! First time ever today. Or night as it happens to be now." ...She smiled again. "But I'm glad it was you. You're really kind, I could tell by how you treated your Pokemon during the battle." She then turned and waved a hand good bye. "Well it was nice meeting you Mr. Milo. Sorry again for the trespassing. Have a good night."
"Uh...Good night."
That was it. He didn't see the strange woman again when he went to inspect the fields the next morning. The tents and people were gone, if he didn't find the small holes in the ground from the tent spikes, he would've believed he'd just dreamt up the whole thing. Oh well. She was kind though! It made him happy to be complimented for once but he soon forgotten about the whole thing when he just got on with his life. A lot of wool was harvested from him wooloo and so many crops were harvested from the fields this year! In fact this might've been the most plentiful harvest Turrffield has ever had. 
His little brother was making his way through the gym challenge as well! He was so proud of him! He really grew from a bud to a giant blossom this year. He was so proud watching Felix battle his way through the gym leaders one after another and make his way through the gym challenge. He always knew Felix was a much more stronger and capable trainer than he ever was. He'd grown so much than he'd ever could, one day when he was older he'd make an even better gym leader! If Ma and Pa could see him now, they'd think the same thing he was sure of it! So it came to no surprise when months passed and he saw Felix again sometime in August. The biggest smile on his face when he busted through the door of their home, almost scaring Milo into dropping the giant sake of potatoes he was handling,  and with a confident smile presented his full badge circle with all eight badges. 
"Milo! I'm competing in the semifinals this year!"
He  was then given the biggest hug and welcome Milo could ever give. His own little brother was going to be in the semifinals this December.  And it was then that he saw her again. When he and his brother traveled down to Wyndon city near Christmas time. Felix was getting ready to battle the other three finalists and he was patiently waiting for it all to start from the V.I.P lounge with most of the other gym leaders. But they couldn't until Leon showed back up, which was sooner than he expected when the door opened and the smiling Champion came walking in-
With one mighty push, Leon pushed the door open and walked right in. "Hey, Everyone." He called back into the room. "Sorry I'm late!"
"Leon. Don't tell me you got lost again! I thought one of us were gonna have to rescue you like last time.," came a woman's voice that sounded familiar from the inside, "I swear sometimes you're more confusing than a spinda."
You both slowly shuffled in as Leon chuckled a bit embarrassed. "C'mon, Nessa. That's a bit harsh." Shaking his head he smiled behind him as you brought up the rear. "I got a bit distracted on the way here and invited some friends over."
You stepped in and blinked at what you saw. The room you were all in was almost as big as Gloria's hotel room but less fancy. Warm thankfully, with some couches, a table with a few chairs, a big flat screen TV, and over in one corner was some kitchen stuff. By kitchen stuff there was a counter with a few cabinets, a sink, full sized fridge, microwave, and a coffee maker. And within the room around you was all ten gym leaders!! Ms. Opal was sitting at the table with a cup of presumed tea with Kabu who seemed to be meditating or asleep by the way he was just sitting there eyes closed and arms crossed. Gordie had been standing by the fridge leaning against the wall, but looked up from his drink when the door opened. Melony standing with him. Nessa sitting on the couch next to Bea, and across from them on the other couch was Raihan glancing at you with a surprised look with Alister sitting next to him on the opposite side of the couch. Milo was the closest one standing to you all looking to have been in the middle of eating some kind of doughnut in his hand when you walked in, and last but not least there was Piers. He had been the only one visibly standing and looking out the window as the stadium was filling up with people, but had side glanced over his shoulder just seeing Leon before turning back to the window before he could see you walk in behind him. Disinterested in whoever Leon brought with him. Oh if only he knew. And...HEY! It was the three trainers of Raihans. Sebastian, Camilla, and Aria. The triplets were encircled around the fridge most likely getting something to eat also.
Good morning," Victor greeted politely and a bit more confidently than you as he waved. "It's really nice to meet all of you."
You were going to say hi as well. Most probably to Nessa since you've spoken to her before or maybe Ms. Opal and ask how Bede was doing. Or....maybe Raihan if you were feeling a bit more brave. But it was one soft voice that interrupted all thoughts.
A lot of everyone around you (you included-) looked surprised as ALLISTER of all people spoke out and you watched in surprise as he slowly scooted himself off the couch until his feet hit the floor. With a turn of his head towards you he slowly walked towards you...and you smiled. 'y/n. Milo instantly paused, His emerald green eyes going wide all of sudden, and the doughnut he was holding nearly dropped. And his brows instantly shot up upon seeing YOU of all people standing there next to Leon.....YOU!? HERE!? WHAT WERE YOU DOING BACK HERE?! WITH LEON!? HUH-
"Hey, Allister." You greeted and to everyone's surprise you instantly lowered yourself to sit on your knees finally placing Silver down to your side to be eye to eye with Allister. This seemed to make him more comfortable to talk with you as he slowly walked up to you now being closer to his height. "Wow. You look great! Did you grow taller from the last time I saw you?"
He instantly nodded his hands into fists in front of his chest. "Uh huh. L-Leon s-s-said I grew three inches this year!"
You gave a small gasp. "No! That's so cool! You're growing up fast. Soon you're going to be even taller than him."
"Y-You think so?"
You nodded again smiling wide. "Oh yeah. A big strong person like you? I bet you'll be the tallest person I know!"
That seemed to make him happy as he smiled from behind his mask at you before reaching around to his pokeballs. You watched patiently as he fumbled before holding up a pokeball. "I-I made a new f-f-f-friend! W-Would you like to meet him?"
Still smiling you nodded. "I would love to meet your friend, Allister." You gestured to Silver next to you who chirped when you acknowledged him. "I want you to meet my friend too. Allister this is Silver. He's been with me for a while now. Say hello, Sil."
In response Silver have off some kind of noise towards Allister who stared for a moment. "H-Hello..." Before turning back excitedly to you. "H-Here! Y-You're gonna really like him!" You knew that you would either way. Everyone was now staring at you two in surprise. Even Kabu had opened his eyes to peer over at what was going on. A flash of bright light from Allister gave way to something white, floating, and very pretty. And you smiled wider realizing what exactly what it was. Floating there by Allister in all it's white glory, was a Froslass. "I m-m-met him w-w-when it snowed by the stadium. He really likes playing hide and s-seek with us."
"Ooh. He's absolutely beautiful." You turned to the pokemon, and as if he was another human, you greeted him. "How do you do? It's very nice to meet you, Sir."
The pokemon blinked at you seeming to be taken a back a bit but made some noises while smiling proudly at itself. Allister slowly pointed at him. "H-He s-says you're v-very polite and i-it's n-nice to see s-s-someone recognize h-h-his looks."
You chuckled. "Well thank you! I'm glad he thinks so." Slowly you stood back up to stretch your legs still smiling. "I'm glad to see you're making new friends to play with. Are you here to watch the semifinals too?"
Allister nodded again before pointing over to the couch. "B-Bea's going to take me to the h-h-haunted houses in the c-c-city for Christmas."
You glanced from him to her and smiled. "Well doesn't that sound great!" You waved to her. "Hi. I don't think we've met. Or seen each other really."
Bea seemed to still be staring at you totally bewildered but it was nessa who spoke up next. "Oh yeah. I remember you." More surprised glances were sent between her and you as she gestured towards you. "You were Sonia's friend with the sobble! Er.." She glanced between you and Silver who shook off snowflakes. "Well, it looks like he's not too much of a sobble anymore."
You gave couple laughs before reaching over to pat Silver's head. "Nope. My lil guy's practically all grown up now. Takes a lot of love and care and food, but Silver's worth it." You waved a hand to her. "But it's good to see you too Nessa. Hope things been well. My friend showed me your new line in the ads." You added remembering Gloria showing you a magazine with an article of her. "I really like the 'Sea Emerald Delight' dress."
She smiled your way before turning her gaze to Raihan who blinked at her. "I told you. Green dresses will look good on anyone all year round." the Dragon Gym leader rolled his eyes in response and stood up.
You also shook your head...but paused feelings eyes on you. And it wasn't just the others around the room. Your head turned over towards the windows and you paused seeing Milo staring right back at you cheeks stuffed with a doughnut , brows raised at you. You both stared at one another for a moment before you went back to smiling, crossed your arms, and rose a brow back.
"Hello there Milo! It's nice to see you again too!" Finally a familiar friendly face besides Lee. "You're here to cheer on your brother right? I believe he's going to be competing against my friends."
He still stared at you as you smiled back patiently before swallowing down the food in his mouth and forcing a smile. "Y-Yeah! Felix is going to be fighting out there an-and I don't want to miss it when it happens."
Ah." You nodded. "I'd expect nothing less from you all. It's real sweet of you to be here to support him!" You smiled wider. That just makes you a good big brother! I knew you were sweet !"
He nearly choked on his doughnut as his face blossomed a bright pink.
You chuckled and you would've said something back if a voice didn't startle you. "Nice to see you too.~" You jumped with a yelp and backed away from the taller guy that walked up to you two. Raihan smiled that fanged grin of his as you blinked at him. "You didn't even say hi to me.~ I'm wounded.~" His gaze shifted from Milo to you as you blinked. "Hey there, Sassy.~ Wasn't expecting you to come rolling up here with Lee! You have a knack for hanging out with famous people?"
You blinked a moment before raising a brow. "Not really. Leon just offered to be nice and I didn't want my water type out in the freezing weather."
"Aw. And here I thought you came all the way to see me.~" He faked sadness making you roll your eyes. Milo glancing between you both. "Y'know if you're free sometime that dinner date's still up for the taking!"
"No thanks."
You never really gave it a thought? Really?" Raihan asked blinking surprised for a moment as you shook your head no before he smiled and leaned down closer to you making you lean back. "Well that's a first I've heard. Usually I'm something people can't get off their minds.~ You've certainly been on my mind for a while.~"
.......You reached for a nearby magazine. "Uh huh. I'm ....flattered I guess but dude. You might as well be flirting with a rock."
Behind you all Nessa gave a small snort which Bea slapped her shoulder. "Aw. I guess you're right. But you are cute.~" He gave that smirk that could've made anyone swoon. You raised your magazine. "You're like a short cute firecracker making my heart explo-HMPH!?"
Milo yelped when you all of a sudden you grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of you. With you now half hiding behind him now, you brandished your rolled up magazine like a sword....A harmless sword but something to ward him off non the less. Raiham blinked having been bonked harmlessly by you. You scowled using your Milo-Shield and Magazine-Sword to swing at him a couple times. Piers blinked wide eyed at you not sure what was going on. The doughnut all but forgotten about, what was left of the poor food dropping to the floor as his face blossomed an even thicker red.
"Bad Gym Leader! Down!,'' you firmly said scowling swinging at him, "Go to h0rny jail!"
"Wha- Jail??" He asked but held up his arms from your harmless magazine attack. "H-Hey! I was joking, Sassy! Seize fire there!"
"Silver help!!"
Raihan's eyes suddenly went wide before snapping his head when he heard a loud chirp and stumbled back when Silver eye narrowed starting walking towards you. "Hold it hold it hold it!!" Raihan held up his hands to Silver and ended up having to literally jump over the couch he was previously sitting on and stood in front of the lady gym leaders to avoid Silver who now stood between you and Milo and the couch. He narrowed his eyes at Raihan and gave a loud chirp. "Geez. You weren't kidding when you said he was protective."
Piers ended up giving a loud bout of rare laughter at the sight of the display and Leon was able to pry her off of him to let him recover from the sudden jolt. If he wasn't so flustered by the sudden action. Oh well. They parted ways and he soon forgot about it when the semifinals actually started. Felix sadly lost first round but that was ok. He was proud of him and he came farther than so many other people in the gym challenge. He didn't really think he'd see her again after that but again he was sadly mistaken when Christmas came around. It was that wonderful time of year when the spirits were high and the laughter was everywhere. And after all what better way to spend time with his little brother on Christmas than to take him to the Festival? Milo wasn't expecting to see her yet again but here he was, just waiting for his little brother to get off a ride when she just walked right up to him.
The park was actually beautiful this time of year. A slightly frosty patch mostly cleared went through the quiet parts of the park lit up by the faint lights of the festival and a perfect full moon above you. It was starting to snow again now, not too much, only enough for it to look really pretty and fluffy falling from the otherwise clear skies. The smells of the parks pine trees filled the air with the faint scents of foods from the festival, giving it a balanced mixture of nature and dinner time. The snow on the ground shined reflecting the moon light from the darkened sky making it look like a forest of glitter against the cold. 
He shivered from the cold, rubbing his hands together from the cold and sinking further into his coat. It was always chilly out this season. He'd be glad when he was able to get back to their hotel room. It would just be after the parade after all. The gym leader was so wrapped up in his own worlds he didn't notice the woman walk up to him or the footsteps crunching through the snow until they were right next to him.
"Gah!" He practically jumped out of his skin and whirled around to the woman next to him who blinked and held a few objects in her hands. "Wha-...Oh. I -Its you. *Sigh* Please don't do that."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you...Again. That's just another thing I need to apologize to you for while I'm here."
Her answer was to just hold up the objects in her hands. Which was two small bags and a cardboard cup holder holding two cups of hot chocolate, he could tell from how they smelt. "Seeing you the other day made me realize that I didn't apologize for all the inconveniences I gave you. So I'm sorry we trespassed on your farm. And I'm sorry for scaring you..Twice. And I'm sorry for using you to get away from Raihan. And I'm also sorry for making you drop your food. Here." You held out the food at him. "I got you and your little brother some replacement food as an apology gift." He opened stared at her, before looking at the food, then back to her, then opening his mouth- "Take it. My drizzlie would only eat it if I took it with me. And I have no place for it anyways."
....He slowly took the objects handed over to him with an unsure expression on his face...before giving a small smile. "I-...Thank you. Wow. Doughnuts and hot coco. Heh. Not a bad Christmas gift."
"Oh. That reminds me. I do have something for you." He again looked surprised when she dug into her coat pocket and pulled out two small metal keychains shaped like wooloo. They shined in the light as she held them out with a smile. "Here. Merry Christmas."
He could only stare at them. "A...gift? For me?"
"And your little brother. I got all my friends some and I figured you'd guys like one too."
...He took a moment longer to stare at them more before shifting the food into one arm to reach a free hand over to take them from her. A... Christmas gift? For him? But...he never got any Christmas gifts except from his few friends and little brother. He certainly didn't have that many fans so all the unexpected kindness was...So sudden. But...not unpleasant. In fact..the gesture struck something in his which made his heart pick up a beat and his face turned a darker pink than his hair.
"Well I'll see you later. Good luck in the Champion Cup tomorrow,  Milo. Merry Christmas."
And then she turned and left, leaving him to look on after her red faced as her eyes glittered in the Christmas lights, the snow gathering prettily on her f/c hair, and the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen on her face.
He nearly crushed the cups of coco as he felt his heart place a beat and his face burnt.
"O-O sweet wooloo knitted sweaters."
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silverryu25 · 10 months
I know this prompt isn't exactly on the list, but would you consider doing a lamia AU with the confession under sakura/cherry tree prompt? I think it would be really cool. -Mystery
This one is so freaking good hun!! QwQ I loved writing this one~! Hope you enjoy it @mystery-fic-anon ❤
DAY 6 - Absolute Randomness: Anime/manga (Love confession under Sakura trees) + Lamia AU
It's a beautiful day outside, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and the Sakura are blooming.
Finally, spring was here. The forest was starting to come alive again. Small creatures waking from their winter slumber, birds coming home from their long travels south and the trees donning their finest gowns of gentle greens, whites and pinks. The Sakura trees, unusually abundant in this part of the forest, stood out even amongst all the other beauty of the early spring forest.
Their flowers sparkled in the gentle sunshine, petals slowly falling and covering the mossy forest ground. It was almost like another winter came, but this one filled everything with gentle scents and sights. It almost looked magical. Unreal. Beautiful beyond the reality of the world.
But none of that interested Red as he sat between the roots of an old Sakura tree, probably the biggest and oldest one in the forest. He knew the sights were something many would give a lot to see, but he had something a lot more beautiful in mind. Something that had mesmerized him for a few seasons already. Something he held close to his soul and wanted to see after the long, arduous winter.
His crimson eyelights flitted around, catching even the slightest motion. He could feel his nerves slowly fraying at the edges as his mind raced, panic slowly but mercilessly building up as the object of his quarry failed to show up.
The winter had been unusually harsh, and he wasn't sure that the one he was waiting for endured it. Every moment that passed made him hate himself a bit more.
If only he had offered his house as shelter.
If only he persisted in finding a better and safer place to wait the winter out.
If only he tried harder to say what he felt.
If only he confessed before.
As his mind spiraled inwards, he failed to notice the slight rustling of petals as something big approached him. He would have completely missed the behind the sound if he wasn't their intended target. The sound kept coming closer and closer, the rustling seeming to get even less noticeable as it approached.
Red sat there, frown deepening as a shadow loomed over him, and just as he noticed the change in the gentle light that passed between the flowers, it was too late! A pounce and he was buried under something huge! His breath forced out both from the new weight and surprise.
But before he could panic and call his bones or blasters, he noticed a flash of blue and went limp, relaxing as all his worries and shock melted away.
'sans,' the thought ran through his mind, making his soul skip from pure joy at finally seeing his friend. It was hard to express his delight at seeing him again, so outloud he said "wha' da heck are ya doin' ya overgrown noodle?"
The pressure eased from him as Sans pulled back enough so they could look at each other. The big lamia, his blue tail slowly wrapping under Red as he lifted him into a more comfortable position, grinned smugly at Red. They both knew Sans had caught Red by complete surprise and that he was very much enjoying Red being flustered about it.
The lamia had been playing tricks on Red since they met. Mostly by hiding when Red came to see him and then spooking him in many different ways. Or using some strange combination of flora and magic to make whoopee cushion sounds. Or when he made Red trip up and caught him before he fell and hurt himself on the uneven forest floor. Sans was a lamia of many pranks and Red was sure he tried them all on him.
But he had something important to say today and he wasn't going to let Sans prank him and make him laugh and forget.
"yea, yea. be smug ya noodle but i ain't gonna laugh at yer pranks today." Red mumbled out as he straightened his ruffled clothes, trying to get some confidence before speaking about what he had been mulling over the whole winter.
"what wrong? hurt?" Sans asked, trying to move Red's clothes away to check if he hurt him accidentally, only to get his phalanges slapped away by the small flustered bundle of bones sitting in his coils.
His speech was still a bit choppy and sometimes hard to follow, but he was learning pretty fast. When they met Sans could only use a simple kind of sign language, and even that only to describe simple concepts of where to hunt or sleep. It wasn't that Sans wasn't smart enough to learn spoken language, it was just that he never had a chance since he lived alone with only one clutch sibling since they were very little. And even that didn't last long since lamia were mostly solitary beings, at least until they mated.
Since they met, Red has been teaching Sans how to talk, but the winter was long and some progress was bound to be lost. Still, Red understood what Sans was asking, and he could feel a pang in his soul over the thought of making Sans worry after they hadn't seen each other in so long.
"nwa, ain't hurt just wanna say somethin' 'mportant..." Red quickly reassured Sans, grabbing his hands both to stop them from fretting and to help him ground himself. "i've been worried fer ya, sans. da winter was... bad an' i didn' know if ya were ok or not. and i couldn' find ya cause th're was too much sno' and i-"
Suddenly, Sans arms snapped up and around Red, cutting the panicking words from overflowing even more. Red froze for a moment, surprised by the sudden movement, but he quickly melted into the embrace and hugged back, phalanges tangling into the bigger monsters ribs. He hid his face into the wide ribs in front of him, trying to breathe slowly, so he wouldn't cry do something stupid.
"sssssssssssshhh, am ok. no hurt. red no hurt. me no hurt." Sans' gentle words, a little hiss following each sentence as he shushed him, helped Red calm down after a fem more moments of clinging to Sans.
When he was sure he had complete control over himself, Red untangled his phalanges from Sans' ribs and pushed on his chest to get Sans to let him lean back enough to see him.
"i was worried."
"yesss. know."
"... i missed ya."
"missssssed red too."
Sans tried leaning forward for a nuzzle, but Red's hand in his face stopped him. Confused, Sans pulled back, head tilted to one side. Red understood his confusion, he never stopped Sans from showing affection. But he still needed to say the most important thing and didn't want to risk chickening out missing out on the opportunity.
"wait, i need ta tell ya somethin' first," Red said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was now or never. He had to do it. He had to say it now. He couldn't leave Sans alone again, not after the horror this winter was. Even if the next winter was a long way away, he couldn't risk the time slipping through his phalanges and losing Sans to the next winter.
Sans, as patient as his magic coulour hinted, sat still and watched Red collect himself. Only the tip of his tail twitching showed that he wasn't as calm as he appeared, but Sans paid it no mind, all his focus on the small skeleton in his lap.
"sans...," Red started, taking one more deep breath, then he opened his sockets, expression full of determination as he looked Sans directly into his eyelights. "i love ya."
Red could feel his cheeks warming up as he stared at Sans. The lamia's sockets widened for a moment, the words slowly processing as his barely awake brain trying to understand the words he had only learned about once.
They stared at each other for a few soulbeats, Red already starting to worry the other would reject him when, suddenly, Sans started leaning down, eyelights fixated on Red's. Sans slowly tilted his head, never breaking eye contact, as he leaned closer and closer. At first, Red was confused about the other's actions, but as their teeth almost touched and Sans paused, Red's brain caught up with the situation. He could feel his blush intensify, his magic travelling down his cheeks and his neck, even his joints started glowing slightly. But Sans didn't move an inch more... he was waiting. Waiting for Red to cross that last barrier between them.
Without missing another soulbeat, Red leaned forward, their teeth touching and magic sparking, both of their sockets closed as they could finally enjoy the closeness their souls had been longing for, even if their words and minds wouldn't admit it.
They both sat there, under the oldest Sakura tree in the forest, legs and coils tangled up as they indulged in each other. Pink Sakura petals gently falling, almost as if they wanted to help hide the two from the world, so they could enjoy each other to their souls content.
No more words were said.
None were needed.
They finally had each other and that was their everything.
.... does anyone have a leash that works on plot bunnies? A short one? Like 500 words max? I'm asking for a friend ._.
I promise this was supposed to be short like it was yesterday... like max 500 words short... why am I like this?!?!? Someone help me!!! I need an intervention!! QAQ!!!
Sans spent the winter hibernating in a cave somewhere, but Red didn't know exactly where since usually Sans was the one that found him when they met up. The winter was bad (frick global warming DX) so Red was super worried it would be too cold for Sans to survive. But Sans is a very smart snek and took good care of himself :3
Btw, wanna know how Sans, a forest living lamia, knew about whoopee cushions? Weeeeell... Red brought one to prank him and let's just say Sans is a quick learner and Red has many regrets XD
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y4wnjunz · 2 years
BEFORE : The Fallout
‘cold sweats, pupils shrinking
don’t know what i was thinking
just felt like i was sinking
this is the fallout.’
summary: a virus is spreading in seoul, making people feast of those who are normal while a group of friends are on their annual spring break trip in the mountains. what are these friends going to do while they watch their friends and family face these inhumane and deadly creatures?
genre: horror, sci-fi, angst, smut, apocalyptic, and humor
warnings: mentions of blood, virus, blood eating, probably more to come
pairing: y/n x ???
characters: all of enhypen & txt
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alarms blaring in the vision medical creations facility, doctors and nurses screaming in agony and fear as their creations have gone wrong.
“we’ve need to find a way out!” inguk whispers to his colleagues. they whimper in fear as they hear one of the nurses scream in pain as her artery gets ripped out of her neck. blood splatters the wall and blood start to stream down the hall where others fall victim to the monsters eating at their necks.
the people hiding roll their eyes at the voice recording over the intercom, “as if that’ll help us,” some murmur.
hours after the outbreak, the monsters make their way out of the facility, smiling and rubbing their bellies after their feast.
“we’re finally out of that hell hole! you guys should be thankful i seduced that nurse,” yujin smiles. the men roll their eyes and make their way to the gates where the security guard was asleep with a book covering his face.
“check this idiot guys,” the group chuckles and stalk their way to the guard and tapping his shoulder. as the man wakes up, he looks at the person who tapped him. yunho smiles at him with his teeth showing, “good morning~” he says. the guard trembles in fear as yunho’s teeth come in contact with his neck, biting him, and draining him of his blood. yunho sighs in satisfaction as he watches the guard sit lifelessly in his chair, with a tear running down his face.
they walk for what seemed hours before approaching a small house in the woods, the house seemed to be owned by an old couple who were gardening in their front yard. the monsters look at each other and smile, “this ought to be fun,” seojun says smiling. seojun makes his way up to the couple who smile at him.
“excuse me, my friends and i are a bit lost, do you know how we can get back to the city?” seojun says in an innocent voice. the woman smiles and her husband speaks up, “of course, i could offer you a ride to the nearest gas station that’s right outside the city!” seojun looks behind him before they give him a thumbs up and nods.
they arrive at the gas station where young couples sat at the window enjoying their cup of noodles and laughing at their phones. mark makes his friends hop out the car first when he offers the man some extra cash for the road, the man shakes his head and denies the cash, “just a simple thank you will do, son,” the man says. seojun grins before shaking his hand, the man shakes his head and leans in for a hug.
“well thank you sir, and thank you for being my first meal into the city,” seojun says as his grip becomes tighter and tighter until the man is yelling at mark to let go of him. “such a shame you’re struggling, you’ll see your wife soon enough,” seojun says before biting into his right artery and ripping it out, blood splatters against the windshield as the man screamed in agony. seojun continues to drink the blood until the man falls limp. seojun hops out of the car, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his jacket.
“how was it jun?” yujin asks, wrapping her arm around seojun’s waist.
“honestly not too good, he tasted nasty as hell,” seojun sighs.
“well we have a whole city to us, maybe we can turn some people into us and make our group a bit bigger?” yunho says. the two nod their heads excitedly.
“i can’t wait!” yujin smiles.
the trio walk into the convenience store and lock the doors before feasting on the innocent people inside the store, blood rubbing against the windows, and bodies lay lifelessly on the ground, drowning in pools of blood.
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hours away from the infected city, changwon, sat yn, mindlessly scrolling through twitter when she comes across a tweet. immediately standing up she rushes to heeseung to show him the thread.
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“aish sometimes i question our friends,” heeseung grumbles out and rests his head on your shoulder to watch you pull for a new character on genshin, unfortunately pulling doubles. yn slams her phone on the table out of frustration and crosses her arms.
“bro $50 and not a single new five star,” yn mumbles.
“where the hell and why the hell spend $50 on a game??” heeseung questions.
“well.. jay gave me $100 for helping him in english,” yn says. heeseung looks at her dumbfounded.
“MY DUDE HE IS FLUENT IN ENGLISH,” heeseung yells at the girl who sat with wide eyes.
that little fucker
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author note: please reblog to help with the algorithm! much love and i hope you enjoyed!
i am a bit rusty when it comes to writing fanfics as its been years since i’ve taken a fanfic seriously. so please leave a dm or comment on what i could better myself at!
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Applin Of My Eye Ch1 The Apple Shaped Heart Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree
Everything was fine now. Eternatus was defeated. The bad guys caught. No more things to worry about...Or at least for Y/n. A small encounter with a certain farmer has made him realize that he never apologized for bowling her over with a wooloo. So when the woman who helped save Galar shows up on his doorstep with an injured wooloo he may realize that maybe he had some secret feelings he never expressed to her in the beginning.
(Before we begin keep in mind that I do not know the actual name of Milo's little brother so his name is only cannon for this story, and his backstory is also not cannon and just for the story.)
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It was a funny thing how crushes often worked you see.
You couldn't really control when cupid would shoot you with his arsenal of arrows through your heart and piercing your brain with that fuzzy feeling that made you all warm inside. However he felt as if he might've been hit with a whole sledgehammer. He still remembered the first time he saw her there. Last year pretty early in the year too actually. It was when he was getting his wooloo ready for the Gym Challenge but unfortunately one of the little rascals had slipped out and started running all over the gym with him chasing right after. Eventually it was able to escape right out of the gym and rolled faster than a tumble weed in a tornado out of his gym and right up the dirt road leading right out of town. Well he went chasing right after it one hand holding his sun hat. To his horror the pokemon was heading right towards two women walking their way down the dirt road chatting oblivious to the danger. Unfortunately speed was never his strong point, he was more of a strength guy himself.
Gloria smiled and pointed to it as the two of you walked down hill on the path. "Look! See? I told ya it was a good idea to take the short cut."
You looked down at her deadpanned, the baaing becoming louder the farther you two walked. "Uh huh. And those people chasing us in the beginning was part of the 'good idea'?"
You two didn't see the thing coming towards you from down the path or the man giving chase to it. "Oh come on! It wasn't that bad. We got here faster and now we can rest up and see 'bout that gym.
"Oh yes. And battling someone inside a mine is a good idea too-"
"Nonono! Miss! Watch out-''
Something hard rammed into your legs and they went flying back, sending your front shooting forward and in an instant you faceplanted the dirt road hard. A resounding 'THUMP!' sound echoing out as whatever rammed into you just as suddenly disappeared. It was like a your legs were pins and you just got ran over by a bowling ball. Stunned your body just sat there face first on the ground with your sobble thrown from your shoulder a couple feet away. You didn't move even as a gasp reached your ears, along with baaing and running footsteps. Your sobble chirping in annoyance upon being flung sat itself up and shook itself off, but scurried away and burried itself under your limp noodle of an arm when someone bigger nearly ran it over. Still you laid there stunned.
"OH NO! OH NO!!" A man's worried voice reached your ears just as your brain finally started to register you had been knocked over. "I AM SO SORRY!! MISS!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?"
"Y/N!!" Gloria shouted and you felt her shake you frantically. "NO! This can't be how you die! Bowled over by a wooloo isn't a good way to die so please get up!!"
....You coughed. And groaned. Your vision blurry as your now dirty face slowly lifted itself from the ground and looked up. Blinking at the two faces before you. Gloria who was obviously concerned, but the other was a man one hand clutching a hat on his head as he looked you over with worry. "What was-"
"I am SO sorry, Ma'am!" The man you assumed kneeled down letting you get a better look at his freckled face. "My...Are you ok!? You took that tackle head on!"
"What happened?," you mumbled and your answer was being easily lifted by the man by strong hands grabbing your shoulders.
"One of my wooloo! I'm so very, very sorry! She keeps running away everytime someone leaves a door open and I need her for the gym so I keep having to chase her down and bring her back!," the man quickly stated holding you up on wobbly legs as you shook your head as your poor sobble refused to let go of your arm. Hanging onto it like a koala bear would. Hands dusted you off. "Oh no. You're all a mess because of me. I hope you're not hurt, Ma'am."
You waved him off. "It's fine. Wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with troublesome wooloo," you grumbled remembering the Slumbering Weild incident. "I feel fine. Just a few dirt stains aren't gonna hurt."
The man sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness. I was really worried when you fell so suddenly." His face quickly snapped with a frown to the wooloo who baaed at him. "And you! What did I tell you about running off like that!? This time you did hurt someone!" It baaed louder at him. "Don't you talk back to me! You're in big trouble young lady!......Hm?" He looked to Gloria who was currently staring at him in surprise before he suddenly smiled at her. "Oh. You must be one of the Gym Challengers, right?"
"I- W-Who me!?" She sputtered before nodding quickly. "Y-Yes, Sir! I am!"
"Ah! I thought so." His polite smile widened. "I saw you at the Opening Ceremony earlier this week! My name's Milo. It's nice to meet you."
"I know! AH! I mean!" Gloria sputtered holding up her hands. "I s-saw you too with everyone else! I'm so sorry!"
held up his hands. "Oh no. If anything I should be the one apologizing to you and your friend here for the trouble I put you through."
"Milo?," you asked confused gaining his attention.
He nodded. "I'm a Gym leader here and partial to Grass Type pokemon. And if I'm not mistaken your friend here is one of the ones Leon keeps going on about. I've been itching to see just how good the Champion endorsed Gym Challengers are..." he sighed moving his hands to his hips. "But I'm afraid you might have to wait your turn."
"Huh?" Gloria blinked.
"I know usually my gym's the first one trainers pass by on their trip, but I didn't expect so so many to come here right after the ceremony. I've been completely swamped and I still have three trainers waiting for their turns with me right now. And it doesn't help this one keeps running off the first chance she gets."
You mean I gotta wait until you have more time off just to fight me?" She groaned with a pout. "Maybe we should've taken the train to get here faster after all."
"Hey. The man's busy" You patted her back with a frown. "And obviously he's having a hard time right now. You said we had what?....A whole year until those finals come up? It hasn't even been a whole week yet. We can wait a lil bit longer and let Mr. Milo here sort himself out."
Milo gave you a surprised look and Gloria sighed before nodding. "You're right. We're here and that's the most important thing! I can wait a few more days if I have too."
You smiled. "That's the spirit!"
Even Milo eventually smiled. "Well then. Let me find out at the Gym Stadium when you're ready." He pointed behind him. "Just head on down this route and you'll run right into my stadium. See you there!" He then turned to the wooloo. "Come on now. Back to the stadium with you too. We can't keep the Gym Challengers waiting." It baaed at him in protest but didn't give too much of a fight when it started to follow him as he turned and gave one wave back to you two. "Again sorry for the trouble! Hope to see you soon!"
With a sigh you brought your arm up and your sobble blinked at you...before grabbing your cheek with a questioning chirp. "I'm fine. Just a little sore."
He thought that would've been it. You see he wasn't expecting to see her again. He thought he saw her the next day when he battled her friend in the stadium, but that was that. He lost, congratulated the young girl who looked about the same age as his little brother and off she went. He thought that would be it until he saw the next challenger. But he was surprised when night fell and he stepped out for a few moments to himself.
The night was peaceful. The night was quiet. It was one of the times he could actually get a bit of breathing room to himself and he always gave one last look around anyways. The wooloo were all snug back in their barn. The gym was cleaned up and closed. And most of the farm's chores were already done. All that was left was to do one last look around before bed. The night was pretty. The sun had just started going down over the horizon leaving sn assortment of yellows and oranges and pinks to be chased away by a dark blanket of black filled with millions of tiny stars. It was beautiful among the silent fields. Although he was never expecting to run into another person. Quite literally. He was just walking around the side of his barn when he almost ran face first into a woman. A woman with a sobble clinging to her shoulder. The sudden face to face encounter had her jumping back with a yelp jumping back and the sobble terrified ducking behind her head with a chirp. He himself took a step or two back from the sight as the two of them just...blinked at one another for a good second. Who was-
"Milo?," The woman asked with a blink. "What are you doing out here?"
He blinked. Why did she look familiar? "I...I own this farm? And who are you?"
"I'm Y/n." He still stared. "Your wooloo bowled me over the other day."
It all clicked in an instant. "Oh! You're that woman!" He remembered now. "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"
"Camping." She gestured behind her towards the back fields and when looked over her, he noticed there was two tents set up right in the middle of one of his fields. "My friends and I are camping out here before we leave tomorrow morning, but we had no idea this place belonged to you. I heard someone walking around out here so I came to check it out." It was then she held up her hands and apologized. "But we don't want to cause any trouble. If it's a bother, I'll have them move our tents somewhere else. I'm sorry."
"Oh no. It's no trouble at all," he insisted with a smile. "As long as you all don't litter, I don't mind at all. "
"Oh. That's actually really nice of you. Thank you so much. That battle you had with Gloria today was great!"
He paused all of a sudden caught off guard by what she had said. "Pardon me?"
She smiled at him. "I said your battle with Gloria was really fun to watch. You put up a good fight out there today. No wonder you're a gym leader!"
And in that moment he paused. She was complimenting him? HIM?! He had to look around real quick to make sure that there wasn't anyone else there for her to speak too even though he knew there really. He then looked back to her with that perplexed took. By now the small sobble had timidly poked his head from behind hers.
He pointed at himself. "You mean me?"
"Of course I mean you! You're the only gym leader in Turrffield. Who else would I be talking to?" She rose a brow.
"Oh. I-I meant no offense, Ma'am. It's just...well I'm not used to compliments actually." A hand reached up as an embarrassed smile graced his features. "I don't get a whole lot of them outside my friends and little brother."
"Really? I'm surprised. You put up such a good fight against Gloria." Ah. That must be her friend's name. The young girl who he battled today in fact. "You're also the first official gym leader I've met so far."
He blinked in surprise. "Really?"
She nodded. "You see. I'm uh... Visiting Galar. It's my first time ever being in this region. So today was my first time ever seeing a live gym battle and you're the first ever gym leader I've spoken too....Ever actually."
"Huh? You mean you've literally never met another gym leader before me? Like ever?" 
"Nope! First time ever today. Or night as it happens to be now." ...She smiled again. "But I'm glad it was you. You're really kind, I could tell by how you treated your Pokemon during the battle." She then turned and waved a hand good bye. "Well it was nice meeting you Mr. Milo. Sorry again for the trespassing. Have a good night."
"Uh...Good night."
That was it. He didn't see the strange woman again when he went to inspect the fields the next morning. The tents and people were gone, if he didn't find the small holes in the ground from the tent spikes, he would've believed he'd just dreamt up the whole thing. Oh well. She was kind though! It made him happy to be complimented for once but he soon forgotten about the whole thing when he just got on with his life. A lot of wool was harvested from him wooloo and so many crops were harvested from the fields this year! In fact this might've been the most plentiful harvest Turrffield has ever had. 
His little brother was making his way through the gym challenge as well! He was so proud of him! He really grew from a bud to a giant blossom this year. He was so proud watching Felix battle his way through the gym leaders one after another and make his way through the gym challenge. He always knew Felix was a much more stronger and capable trainer than he ever was. He'd grown so much than he'd ever could, one day when he was older he'd make an even better gym leader! If Ma and Pa could see him now, they'd think the same thing he was sure of it! So it came to no surprise when months passed and he saw Felix again sometime in August. The biggest smile on his face when he busted through the door of their home, almost scaring Milo into dropping the giant sake of potatoes he was handling,  and with a confident smile presented his full badge circle with all eight badges. 
"Milo! I'm competing in the semifinals this year!"
He  was then given the biggest hug and welcome Milo could ever give. His own little brother was going to be in the semifinals this December.  And it was then that he saw her again. When he and his brother traveled down to Wyndon city near Christmas time. Felix was getting ready to battle the other three finalists and he was patiently waiting for it all to start from the V.I.P lounge with most of the other gym leaders. But they couldn't until Leon showed back up, which was sooner than he expected when the door opened and the smiling Champion came walking in-
With one mighty push, Leon pushed the door open and walked right in. "Hey, Everyone." He called back into the room. "Sorry I'm late!"
"Leon. Don't tell me you got lost again! I thought one of us were gonna have to rescue you like last time.," came a woman's voice that sounded familiar from the inside, "I swear sometimes you're more confusing than a spinda."
You both slowly shuffled in as Leon chuckled a bit embarrassed. "C'mon, Nessa. That's a bit harsh." Shaking his head he smiled behind him as you brought up the rear. "I got a bit distracted on the way here and invited some friends over."
You stepped in and blinked at what you saw. The room you were all in was almost as big as Gloria's hotel room but less fancy. Warm thankfully, with some couches, a table with a few chairs, a big flat screen TV, and over in one corner was some kitchen stuff. By kitchen stuff there was a counter with a few cabinets, a sink, full sized fridge, microwave, and a coffee maker. And within the room around you was all ten gym leaders!! Ms. Opal was sitting at the table with a cup of presumed tea with Kabu who seemed to be meditating or asleep by the way he was just sitting there eyes closed and arms crossed. Gordie had been standing by the fridge leaning against the wall, but looked up from his drink when the door opened. Melony standing with him. Nessa sitting on the couch next to Bea, and across from them on the other couch was Raihan glancing at you with a surprised look with Alister sitting next to him on the opposite side of the couch. Milo was the closest one standing to you all looking to have been in the middle of eating some kind of doughnut in his hand when you walked in, and last but not least there was Piers. He had been the only one visibly standing and looking out the window as the stadium was filling up with people, but had side glanced over his shoulder just seeing Leon before turning back to the window before he could see you walk in behind him. Disinterested in whoever Leon brought with him. Oh if only he knew. And...HEY! It was the three trainers of Raihans. Sebastian, Camilla, and Aria. The triplets were encircled around the fridge most likely getting something to eat also.
Good morning," Victor greeted politely and a bit more confidently than you as he waved. "It's really nice to meet all of you."
You were going to say hi as well. Most probably to Nessa since you've spoken to her before or maybe Ms. Opal and ask how Bede was doing. Or....maybe Raihan if you were feeling a bit more brave. But it was one soft voice that interrupted all thoughts.
A lot of everyone around you (you included-) looked surprised as ALLISTER of all people spoke out and you watched in surprise as he slowly scooted himself off the couch until his feet hit the floor. With a turn of his head towards you he slowly walked towards you...and you smiled. 'y/n. Milo instantly paused, His emerald green eyes going wide all of sudden, and the doughnut he was holding nearly dropped. And his brows instantly shot up upon seeing YOU of all people standing there next to Leon.....YOU!? HERE!? WHAT WERE YOU DOING BACK HERE?! WITH LEON!? HUH-
"Hey, Allister." You greeted and to everyone's surprise you instantly lowered yourself to sit on your knees finally placing Silver down to your side to be eye to eye with Allister. This seemed to make him more comfortable to talk with you as he slowly walked up to you now being closer to his height. "Wow. You look great! Did you grow taller from the last time I saw you?"
He instantly nodded his hands into fists in front of his chest. "Uh huh. L-Leon s-s-said I grew three inches this year!"
You gave a small gasp. "No! That's so cool! You're growing up fast. Soon you're going to be even taller than him."
"Y-You think so?"
You nodded again smiling wide. "Oh yeah. A big strong person like you? I bet you'll be the tallest person I know!"
That seemed to make him happy as he smiled from behind his mask at you before reaching around to his pokeballs. You watched patiently as he fumbled before holding up a pokeball. "I-I made a new f-f-f-friend! W-Would you like to meet him?"
Still smiling you nodded. "I would love to meet your friend, Allister." You gestured to Silver next to you who chirped when you acknowledged him. "I want you to meet my friend too. Allister this is Silver. He's been with me for a while now. Say hello, Sil."
In response Silver have off some kind of noise towards Allister who stared for a moment. "H-Hello..." Before turning back excitedly to you. "H-Here! Y-You're gonna really like him!" You knew that you would either way. Everyone was now staring at you two in surprise. Even Kabu had opened his eyes to peer over at what was going on. A flash of bright light from Allister gave way to something white, floating, and very pretty. And you smiled wider realizing what exactly what it was. Floating there by Allister in all it's white glory, was a Froslass. "I m-m-met him w-w-when it snowed by the stadium. He really likes playing hide and s-seek with us."
"Ooh. He's absolutely beautiful." You turned to the pokemon, and as if he was another human, you greeted him. "How do you do? It's very nice to meet you, Sir."
The pokemon blinked at you seeming to be taken a back a bit but made some noises while smiling proudly at itself. Allister slowly pointed at him. "H-He s-says you're v-very polite and i-it's n-nice to see s-s-someone recognize h-h-his looks."
You chuckled. "Well thank you! I'm glad he thinks so." Slowly you stood back up to stretch your legs still smiling. "I'm glad to see you're making new friends to play with. Are you here to watch the semifinals too?"
Allister nodded again before pointing over to the couch. "B-Bea's going to take me to the h-h-haunted houses in the c-c-city for Christmas."
You glanced from him to her and smiled. "Well doesn't that sound great!" You waved to her. "Hi. I don't think we've met. Or seen each other really."
Bea seemed to still be staring at you totally bewildered but it was nessa who spoke up next. "Oh yeah. I remember you." More surprised glances were sent between her and you as she gestured towards you. "You were Sonia's friend with the sobble! Er.." She glanced between you and Silver who shook off snowflakes. "Well, it looks like he's not too much of a sobble anymore."
You gave couple laughs before reaching over to pat Silver's head. "Nope. My lil guy's practically all grown up now. Takes a lot of love and care and food, but Silver's worth it." You waved a hand to her. "But it's good to see you too Nessa. Hope things been well. My friend showed me your new line in the ads." You added remembering Gloria showing you a magazine with an article of her. "I really like the 'Sea Emerald Delight' dress."
She smiled your way before turning her gaze to Raihan who blinked at her. "I told you. Green dresses will look good on anyone all year round." the Dragon Gym leader rolled his eyes in response and stood up.
You also shook your head...but paused feelings eyes on you. And it wasn't just the others around the room. Your head turned over towards the windows and you paused seeing Milo staring right back at you cheeks stuffed with a doughnut , brows raised at you. You both stared at one another for a moment before you went back to smiling, crossed your arms, and rose a brow back.
"Hello there Milo! It's nice to see you again too!" Finally a familiar friendly face besides Lee. "You're here to cheer on your brother right? I believe he's going to be competing against my friends."
He still stared at you as you smiled back patiently before swallowing down the food in his mouth and forcing a smile. "Y-Yeah! Felix is going to be fighting out there an-and I don't want to miss it when it happens."
Ah." You nodded. "I'd expect nothing less from you all. It's real sweet of you to be here to support him!" You smiled wider. That just makes you a good big brother! I knew you were sweet !"
He nearly choked on his doughnut as his face blossomed a bright pink.
You chuckled and you would've said something back if a voice didn't startle you. "Nice to see you too.~" You jumped with a yelp and backed away from the taller guy that walked up to you two. Raihan smiled that fanged grin of his as you blinked at him. "You didn't even say hi to me.~ I'm wounded.~" His gaze shifted from Milo to you as you blinked. "Hey there, Sassy.~ Wasn't expecting you to come rolling up here with Lee! You have a knack for hanging out with famous people?"
You blinked a moment before raising a brow. "Not really. Leon just offered to be nice and I didn't want my water type out in the freezing weather."
"Aw. And here I thought you came all the way to see me.~" He faked sadness making you roll your eyes. Milo glancing between you both. "Y'know if you're free sometime that dinner date's still up for the taking!"
"No thanks."
You never really gave it a thought? Really?" Raihan asked blinking surprised for a moment as you shook your head no before he smiled and leaned down closer to you making you lean back. "Well that's a first I've heard. Usually I'm something people can't get off their minds.~ You've certainly been on my mind for a while.~"
.......You reached for a nearby magazine. "Uh huh. I'm ....flattered I guess but dude. You might as well be flirting with a rock."
Behind you all Nessa gave a small snort which Bea slapped her shoulder. "Aw. I guess you're right. But you are cute.~" He gave that smirk that could've made anyone swoon. You raised your magazine. "You're like a short cute firecracker making my heart explo-HMPH!?"
Milo yelped when you all of a sudden you grabbed his arm and pulled him in front of you. With you now half hiding behind him now, you brandished your rolled up magazine like a sword....A harmless sword but something to ward him off non the less. Raiham blinked having been bonked harmlessly by you. You scowled using your Milo-Shield and Magazine-Sword to swing at him a couple times. Piers blinked wide eyed at you not sure what was going on. The doughnut all but forgotten about, what was left of the poor food dropping to the floor as his face blossomed an even thicker red.
"Bad Gym Leader! Down!,'' you firmly said scowling swinging at him, "Go to h0rny jail!"
"Wha- Jail??" He asked but held up his arms from your harmless magazine attack. "H-Hey! I was joking, Sassy! Seize fire there!"
"Silver help!!"
Raihan's eyes suddenly went wide before snapping his head when he heard a loud chirp and stumbled back when Silver eye narrowed starting walking towards you. "Hold it hold it hold it!!" Raihan held up his hands to Silver and ended up having to literally jump over the couch he was previously sitting on and stood in front of the lady gym leaders to avoid Silver who now stood between you and Milo and the couch. He narrowed his eyes at Raihan and gave a loud chirp. "Geez. You weren't kidding when you said he was protective."
Piers ended up giving a loud bout of rare laughter at the sight of the display and Leon was able to pry her off of him to let him recover from the sudden jolt. If he wasn't so flustered by the sudden action. Oh well. They parted ways and he soon forgot about it when the semifinals actually started. Felix sadly lost first round but that was ok. He was proud of him and he came farther than so many other people in the gym challenge. He didn't really think he'd see her again after that but again he was sadly mistaken when Christmas came around. It was that wonderful time of year when the spirits were high and the laughter was everywhere. And after all what better way to spend time with his little brother on Christmas than to take him to the Festival? Milo wasn't expecting to see her yet again but here he was, just waiting for his little brother to get off a ride when she just walked right up to him.
The park was actually beautiful this time of year. A slightly frosty patch mostly cleared went through the quiet parts of the park lit up by the faint lights of the festival and a perfect full moon above you. It was starting to snow again now, not too much, only enough for it to look really pretty and fluffy falling from the otherwise clear skies. The smells of the parks pine trees filled the air with the faint scents of foods from the festival, giving it a balanced mixture of nature and dinner time. The snow on the ground shined reflecting the moon light from the darkened sky making it look like a forest of glitter against the cold. 
He shivered from the cold, rubbing his hands together from the cold and sinking further into his coat. It was always chilly out this season. He'd be glad when he was able to get back to their hotel room. It would just be after the parade after all. The gym leader was so wrapped up in his own worlds he didn't notice the woman walk up to him or the footsteps crunching through the snow until they were right next to him.
"Gah!" He practically jumped out of his skin and whirled around to the woman next to him who blinked and held a few objects in her hands. "Wha-...Oh. I -Its you. *Sigh* Please don't do that."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you...Again. That's just another thing I need to apologize to you for while I'm here."
Her answer was to just hold up the objects in her hands. Which was two small bags and a cardboard cup holder holding two cups of hot chocolate, he could tell from how they smelt. "Seeing you the other day made me realize that I didn't apologize for all the inconveniences I gave you. So I'm sorry we trespassed on your farm. And I'm sorry for scaring you..Twice. And I'm sorry for using you to get away from Raihan. And I'm also sorry for making you drop your food. Here." You held out the food at him. "I got you and your little brother some replacement food as an apology gift." He opened stared at her, before looking at the food, then back to her, then opening his mouth- "Take it. My drizzlie would only eat it if I took it with me. And I have no place for it anyways."
....He slowly took the objects handed over to him with an unsure expression on his face...before giving a small smile. "I-...Thank you. Wow. Doughnuts and hot coco. Heh. Not a bad Christmas gift."
"Oh. That reminds me. I do have something for you." He again looked surprised when she dug into her coat pocket and pulled out two small metal keychains shaped like wooloo. They shined in the light as she held them out with a smile. "Here. Merry Christmas."
He could only stare at them. "A...gift? For me?"
"And your little brother. I got all my friends some and I figured you'd guys like one too."
...He took a moment longer to stare at them more before shifting the food into one arm to reach a free hand over to take them from her. A... Christmas gift? For him? But...he never got any Christmas gifts except from his few friends and little brother. He certainly didn't have that many fans so all the unexpected kindness was...So sudden. But...not unpleasant. In fact..the gesture struck something in his which made his heart pick up a beat and his face turned a darker pink than his hair.
"Well I'll see you later. Good luck in the Champion Cup tomorrow,  Milo. Merry Christmas."
And then she turned and left, leaving him to look on after her red faced as her eyes glittered in the Christmas lights, the snow gathering prettily on her f/c hair, and the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen on her face.
He nearly crushed the cups of coco as he felt his heart place a beat and his face burnt.
"O-O sweet wooloo knitted sweaters."
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livingwithhorrors · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are doing well with everything!
I just wanted to say I recently read your fanfic (Welcome back Bobby) and it's one of, or my favorite fanfictions I have read! You write each character well and detailed, I do love Linda a lot. I love your take on Robert and Pennywise, I took their 'relationship' as a version of Venom and Eddie from the 2018 movie. You are a great writer, it's like I was watching a tv show and in some parts I was nervous for the outcome like I was in the situation myself.
If you need a break, take it you deserve it! I wish you everything well with your life and everything else, have a wonderful day/night!
Thank you so much Anon it means a lot.
I do plan to finish and possibly make a sequel.
But sadly at the moment I needed to take a step away that’s been keeping me from finishing the story for a long time.
The reason being around the start of Covid my dog, that was gifted to me by my late grandfather (who passed in 2019) and I had raised since a puppy (born 2016) began to suffer from seizures.
He’d be fine and then suddenly he would be shaking.
We began trying to find the proper meds and dosages and it would never be right.
It began to look worse and be longer and several more times in an amount of days.
Then finally we thought we’d found the right dosage. He went for 3 months without a seizure.
Then in December he suffered another suddenly and continued to have them the following days.
Sadly the last round he suffered were constant and he could no longer fight his way out of them.
He had only turned 6 when my family had to say goodbye.
It’s been a hard following months as he was not only an amazing dog, he was also a very sweet loving boy. He gave hugs and kisses when I needed them most.
Though I’m still processing it, I’ve been busy as well as exactly a month after his passing we ended up adopting a rescue.
It had not been planned and happened suddenly. We also have a Cat and another Dog that I’ve looked after since we adopted each.
Our other dog I had hoped to get a new friend as he was best buds with our late dog, but had dent thought it would be so soon.
But it’s been a wonderful thing for him and I think even the cat enjoys having her.
She was a rescues from something similar to a puppy mill and was not used to humans or being a normal dog.
She’s been slowly getting past her fears and coming out of her shell thanks to working with her and our other dog.
She looks just like my late boy just a bit smaller. She’s a part of a different breed then he was as well. He was a mini Goldendoodle and her papers say she’s a mini Labradoodle.
I plan to try and write more hopefully after I’m sure she comfortable and acclimated to her new home.
She’s no longer skidding, but still isn’t sure how to communicate with us when she just wants to run, when she has to potty and how to react to being held and loved.
She loves to zoom, but if she doesn’t want to go in yet she’ll cower and crawl. She would a similar action when we met and got her but she was afraid and would pee and submit. Thankfully she no longer pees when doing this, but kind reassuring words are needed to sooth her into knowing we’re not upset if she wants to keep playing.
She’s gotten better with potty as well. At first she’s pee just being approached or even excited. Thankfully no longer, but she has a few accidents when she doesn’t know how to get our attention. That thankfully is improving as she has begun to understand the bells on the door that we ring going in and out and say potty. She now will hit those, though sometimes too lightly. She’ll stand by the door and stare out and at us. She’ll even bark at us if she’s not in a play mood to let us know. So far it’s been days since the last accident.
She’s starting to understand commands as well. Though the the holding and loving is still an on going thing.
I pick her up and give her affection and she used to be a limp noodle with a dead stare, but thankfully she’s starting to understand that it affection.
She’ll still be limp and look dazed, but she now gives kisses and will move when she’s done with being held which I’ll let her down gently and praise her on both kisses and letting me know she’s done.
Tonight was the first night I actually got her to let me hold her and she was relaxed enough while I did that she fell asleep. I was so happy and excited.
She enjoys laying in my lap after a period of not doing so. She still checks rooms before going into them, but will rush in more. She calls our other dog who is a Pomeranian we rescued to go in a room first if she’s too scared to go first.
He looks annoyed at times but he still does it for her and then she’ll come bonding in happily.
When we first got him he was skittish as well and was sacred of men. But our late boy helped him out of that and they became inseparable.
Now it’s our poms turn to be the guide and help.
She follows him around and mimics him in many ways, though he does get overlay times and needs time away from her. Usually that’s when my mom takes him into my parents room, when he gets to lay in my lap as I watch tv or play video games. Sometimes he has to share the charge with his sister, but not always and that’s when he gets belly rubs and love. He also gets to sleep in my bed at night. It’ll be some time still before his sister can do that.
She does get to sleep in the bed in the morning when my parents get up before me and let them out. She likes to sleep in my bed with me like my late boy. He loved joining me in bed and would start at my feet curled up before splaying out and taking over the entire bottom of the bed.
When she no longer has accidents it’s more likely she’ll get to be in bed too. Until then it’s my Pom and cat only and they love cuddling up on my, lol.
We’re guessing she’s around a year and a half. It’s hard to say as she is very puppy like right now. Part being how she loved til now and her age.
So hopefully soon I’ll start again with writing. Sorry for the long reply. Felt only right to explain since you were so kind.
Thank you so much.
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aetherrose · 4 years
I had coffee before bed and ended up doing a Script Doctor based on the given premise. Not sure if anyone else has done this but here you go anyway:
Proper SPN Ending
(probs closer to what the showrunners wanted)
Penultimate Episode:
--v similar
--except: once Jack nerfs Chuck's powers, he disappears in a blaze of light
--Chuck looks through the book and gets a paper cut, then bleeds
--He's absolutely done for
--Sam and Dean give a similar spiel as in the show and let him live
--They drive off and stop to get food at a diner
--Oops, Dean is bleeding real bad
--Again, similar scene as the final episode but with more bite to it now
Final Episode: ((Airs IMMEDIATELY after the penultimate ep))
Sam Ending- (intercut with Dean's)
--Has funeral scene with Eileen and Miracle
--Go back to the bunker and look through things Dean has collected
--Many momentos from people and hunts
--Sam cries it out
--They end by looking at his dad's old hunting journal
--They leave the Bunker for good
--They go on various hunts, both on their own and with other people
--They go to different bars and meet a variety of hunters, including some old faces
--They also continue to befriend some “monsters”, including those who are also hunters
--This goes on for years until Sam gets into an accident and is unable to hunt anymore
--He instead goes to bars and tells young hunters about Dean and their adventures, detailing specific hunts for the fans
--Sam and Eileen either have a kid they name Dean or some kid named Dean shows up in a bar
--Sam begins mentoring this kid and maybe a few others, encouraging them to have each other's backs
--Sam eventually gets stuck in a deathbed surrounded by friends and family
--Young Dean lets him go
--Gets to heaven and sees Bobby outside an old Roadhouse
--Bobby gives Dean a similar explanation as in the show
--Dean asks if he's seen Jack recently
--Bobby says "No, but someone else IS here"
--"Hey there, Dean." Cas is stand right behind him as per usual
--The two hug and discuss what happened with the Empty
--Dean confesses his feelings for Cas
--The two kiss!
--They then spot the Impala and head out
--They first meet with Dean's parents and have a lovely time
--They go on to meet more friends nearby
--They head out to explore this New Heaven
--They find old places they've seen and discover new ones unique to this New Heaven
--They talk with new people and old, some hunters and others regular folk
--They listen to the stories of their lives on earth
--Some hunters are like: "Hey, so you're that Dean Sam has been talking about"
--Dean and Cas continue their travels, asking about Jack from time to time, getting pointed toward one direction or another
--Finally, they find Jack and confront him
--Jack gives a similar spiel as in the show, adding in that one he nerfed Chuck's powers, he was highly overwhelmed and had to go away for a little bit. This is where he decided to be hands-off with humanity and just wanders around heaven and the universe now
--Dean and Cas make one final on-screen drive to that bridge
--Sam shows up and that's the end
--Final shot of cast, crew, etc on the bridge
The End
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r0-boat · 2 years
After adopting and taking him in catboy Ingo sees you as mates in an unconventional bond, you work and bring him home food and shower him with love, while he stays at the den (your house) making sure the nest is in perfect order for you! Everything must be perfect for his mate! He teaches himself while you’re away at work how to make food appropriate for humans, and is very excited to show you his meals he has prepared for you.
And while he is excited to have a new brother, his brother doesn’t seem exactly happy about this, to catboy Emmet you’re HIS mate! Not this homewreckers mate! How dare he try to steal you away from him, he was here first! The hiss and occasionally fight (it’s one sided, Ingo just wants to be family) but after realizing Ingo isn’t a threat but a useful ally, and they actually get along very well! So bonus.
For you however you now have two very needy very clingy cat hybrids at home that loathe the smell of others on you, Emmet and his puffy tail and sharp eyes that glare at you once he smells and hears that you dare pet another hybrid on your way home! Bad mate! Jail for 1,000 years!
Ingo’s reaction was more heartbreaking the first time he smelt another on you, his ears lowered and his tail went limp as he looked on the verge of tears, it took extra time to make him feel better, you love your catboys but they are a handful, especially working together, when their heats hit you thought you’d have to lock them in separate parts of the house, and you did for a while, you’d check on them hourly to see if they needed any water or wanted some food, but that’s how you ended up on Ingo’s bed, cunt exposed and Ingo smothering himself between your legs, you were trying so hard to not be loud but it felt so good! His constant whimpers and moans vibrate against your skin, but he had been licking you clean for almost two hours now and he still hadn’t came up for air, eventually you stopped, hyperventilating and still groaning, which you learned he has been cumming with you the whole time untouched, your scent and taste alone got him off.
When you finally got him all clean and put to nap, you shakily cleaned yourself and made your way to check on Emmet, it had been far too long anyways you hope he is okay, you felt such darkness before opening the door, you poked your head in only to be fully yanked in by a very angry kitty, his ears laid back and tail flicking as his flared down at you, mumbling angry promises of ‘showing that bastard who’s the best mate.’
After that you lost track of everything, face down, ass in the air as your arms gave out long ago, biting the pillow beneath you to muffle your cries as Emmet pumps load after load into your overtly sensitive pussy, you’re so full but he just keeps going, all you can do is scream and babble nonsense as Emmet keeps plunging his cock further into you, snarling and growling that you’re his mate, no one else can have you like this, only him! How dare that bastard rub his scent all over you that’s his job!
But heats now a days? You have to call off work for the next week as you have two loud catboys primed and ready to breed you.
- noodle (I hope this makes you feel a little better, I saw your post about the glass and stuff, I hope you feel better soon! You’re one of my favorite people and writers, gotta keep you around lol)
Aa! Thank you I'm fine now. you don't have to worry about me.
This is the ultimate cat boy submas!
Imagine walking with your two boys and they're just walking on either side of you as a protecting you.
I think after a while you start letting them go out on their own and run errands.
Emmet is taking his morning stroll until he smells it that's familiar irritating smell. You always come home reeking with that scent if he follows the scent he will find the perpetrator who has been trying to seduce you.
You have warned him before about starting fights with other cats but this is different this is not a mere fight does the turf war. Scenting something that's clearly his.
The stench led him to the source. And there he was a blond-haired stray leaning up against the tree an orange tabby Catboy.
God his smug aura mocks him. But no, mate told him many times do not fight with other cats and he doesn't feel like getting scolded again.
The tabby notices him " hey! I know you! You're the one who keeps scenting my human weren't you"
...ok he's dead
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purrincesskittens · 3 years
Some pure indulgent fluff in my dragons atla universe slightly inspired by @muffinlance Scaled Over writing out how Bato comes into the possession of a little scaly Zuko still but I just had to get this fluff out first. Sorry for tagging you so often muffin you have inspired me to write again and actually finish something for once.
Zuko's scar isn't as bad over his eye it's larger though it covers more of the left side of his face and down his neck and across his shoulder. It's not as bad though it's second to third degree and will scar but not nearly as bad as it looks in canon like this but on a small child
Bato was drifting between wakefulness and sleep wanting to go back to sleep unsure as to what woke him. His hammock rocked with the ship he was comfortable under his furs and blankets. They were almost home and just in time to beat the late season storm coming their way. He was almost asleep again when the baby in his arms sat up on his chest. After a moment of squirming little hands patted his face gently and cautiously to wake him. Giving a yawn and stretch Bato opened his eyes to look at the little one he held.
"Sorry." The 3 year old little boy whispers so softly Bato wouldn't have heard if he hadn't been holding the little one so close. "What's wrong buddy?" Bato asks as the kid squirmed again. "Umm." The little one grabbed at his front as he squirms in a matter Bato recognizes from Sokka who had just started potty training. "Need to go?" Bato sat up holding the boy to his chest as he did before unburrying them so he could swing his legs out of the hammock and set the boy down.
He knew what woke him now. The boy had been squirming for a while before waking Bato. The child was still very cautious about everything he did which angered Bato. The boy was barely 3 and was surprisingly very good about potty breaks although he did have accidents that caused him to break down in tears. Bato would love to murder the child's father. Not only was the man responsible for the large burn that covered the left side of the child's face and down his neck and shoulder but the man didn't seem to understand children. Didn't want the child to make loud noises and apparently yelled at every little thing the boy did.
Bato wasn't even a father but he was a damn proud uncle to Hakoda's kids and understood children were noisy and messy. He didn't have a high opinion of any servants hired to care for the boy either. None seemed to have had the patience for a young child struggling to be more mature then their age while still being a toddler. Standing up he guided the kid to use the bathroom yawning as he did. The boy finished with only a slight mishap at first not a big deal, he watched Sokka for Hakoda and Kya before he knew this could happen.
The boy looked at him like he expected to be hit or yelled at. "I missed." The boy whispered looking down at his bare feet. "Sorry." Bato had to close his eyes and count to ten silently so as not to show he was upset. Not at the little one but at the man the boy calls father. Kneeling he hugs the tiny thing to him before murmuring reassuringly. "It's okay accidents happen. You'll get better with time." He stood cleaning up the mess and then cleaned the child and himself up, using a clean wet cloth to whipe the boys face after to remove snot and tears.
Scooping him up he nuzzled the child's soft black hair with his nose. "Let's get a snack and then back to bed okay?" He got a nod in response as the little one tucked his head against his neck. Hakoda intercepted them after they had grabbed a few sea prunes yawning as he ruffled the child's hair causing the boy to squeak and hide his face against Bato's skin. "Midnight snack?" He questions his friend nodding to the half eaten prune in the toddlers hand. "Bathrrom visit first then snack as a reward for doing so good now back to bed." Bato explains bouncing the child in his arms gently to reassure him.
"I missed." Came the response from the half asleep bundle in the tribesman's arms. "That's okay Sokka, my son, misses alot too. It happens." The chief reassures the tiny thing who peaks at him with sleepy gold eyes. They eventually got back to bed with Bato settling the toddler in his arms under the furs and blankets.
The next day brought them into colder waters and icebergs appeared. The child stared with wide eyes from his place at the railing of the ship under the watchful eyes of the crew. As they traveled further south the more the ice grew bigger. It was early spring so the waters were barely safe enough to traverse meaning they had to slow down and take it easy. This also meant the icebergs appeared to be closer to the ship. Almost within touching distance it would seem. Or at least it seemed so to a tiny tot who had never seen icebergs before. One second he was standing by the railing, the next he's climbed up on the railing, and the second after that a little black dragon is launching himself across the distance little wings incapable of true flight, beating the air in an attempt at keeping him alight.
The ship lurched and a large blue dragon is grabbing the baby dragon in his teeth scuffing them and hauling them back on board the ship ignoring their whines of protest despite being a limp noodle hanging from Bato's jaws as he settles back in the middle of the deck depositing the little creature in front of them caging him with his claws so the little one can't scamper off.
The rest of the day is spent with a shaky noodle hiding in Bato's parka half because he got scolded for trying to jump off the ship to touch an iceberg half because he was cold. Aake's mutter suggestion about wing breaking had been overheard and the little one was terrified of him now. Bato hadn't liked that suggestion even if Aake wasn't completely serious.
"You need a name boy." Kustaa informs the child as he changes the bandages that cover half the boys face, neck and shoulder. "He has a name." Bato comments as he holds the boy still. "But he hasn't said what it is yet now has he? If he is staying he needs a name. We can't keep calling him boy now can we?" Cool salve is applied to the burn with gentle steady hands. Bato hums in response but thinks on what the healer said.
"If you don't want to tell me your name that's fine but since your starting a new life with us how about a proper water tribe name?" Bato asks the child as he carefully runs a brush through the boys hair. The little one practically purred in his lap as he pulled the brush through his thick black hair. "What do you think of Kanut? It means white polar bear goose." The boy scrunched up his nose and shook his head. "Yeah polar bear goose doesn’t suit you does it? Hmm how about Nanook?"
A little sneeze greeted this suggestion drawing a chuckle from the man. "No? Let's see then something that would suit you." Bato ran the brush once more through the toddlers hair before tying it up in a warriors wolf tail. "I know how about Tulugaq? For your raven hair." This last name earned a bright eye look. "Tulugaq it is then." Bato chuckles wrapping his arms around the newly dubbed Tulugaq giving him a hug.
Kustaa held Tulugaq in his arms as the crew ran around getting the ship ready as they drew closer to the South Pole and their village. Once they docked the ships would be unloaded and sleds packed up with supplies to be distributed among the various tribes and villages that made up the Southern Water Tribe enough to last the tribes to the summer when the traders came. Tulugaq only liked Kustaa and Bato primarily although he was growing used to the chief. Hakoda had been spending time with Bato while the little one hide under Bato's clothes or clung to him.
Bato had been named the boys guardian and new dad in everything but name. It had been agreed upon that if his mother came looking for him and proved to be trust worthy she would be welcomed by the tribe or allowed to take her son, the boys father would never get him back and would never lay another hand on the boy. Finally Bato came over scooping his new son up into his arms. "Welcome to the Southern Water Tribe, Tulugaq."
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pixelwisp · 3 years
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“So,” Makki says, tossing an apple between his hands, “I’ve been thinking.”
You hum in response, observing the various vegetables that were laid out in front of you. Ever since Makki got his own apartment, he’s been, well, adjusting, to the say the least. The first few weeks after he had moved in, he barely survived off of microwave noodles and take out, and after some griping, he gave in and promised you he would finally go to the store and stock up his kitchen with more than just ramen and an old bottle of soy sauce. When you checked the next time you were over, however, you only found energy drinks, some mayo, the same soy sauce from before, and ingredients to make milk bread (”For Iwaizumi’s birthday,” he said. You explained to him that it was Oikawa that liked milk bread, not Iwa, but he just kind of shrugged and said “then he’ll like it because it’ll remind him of Oikawa”). It only took a week after that for him to beg you to take him to the store and show him how to properly stock up on food that typically had more nutritional value than Redbull and honey butter chips.
“Do you like artichokes?” He blinks.
“Are you even listening to me?” 
“I am, you said you’ve been thinking about something. Artichokes?” He grumbled, but nodded anyway, and you plopped two artichokes into the basket with a satisfied smirk. 
“Anyway, like I said, I’ve been thinking-” 
“That must be shocking, thinking for the first time,” you tease, and he huffs in defiance, arms coming up to cross in front of his chest. 
“Are you gonna let me finish?” You laugh, nudging him with your hip in reassurance.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m done, I swear,” you say, as you plop a few selections of fruit into the basket. He watches you with seemingly mock interest.
“I was thinking that maybe we could, uh, move in together.” You froze, the mango you currently had in your grasp slipping from your grip and falling into the basket. He shuffles softly beside you, maintaining an intense focus on the assortment of berries that were displayed in front of him while your eyes refused to move from the various kinds of apples that were in front of you. 
“Just cause you’re - uh - really good, you know, at food shopping.” 
“You want me to move in with you because I’m good at food shopping?”
“...among other reasons.” 
Your lips twitch up. 
“Pick an apple,” you say, reaching for two different kinds and holding them out to him. He cocks an eyebrow.
“Right now?” You nod. 
“Guess correctly, and I’ll move in with you.” He gapes at you, pointing a limp finger toward the apples settled in your hands.
“You’re gonna put the future of our relationship on the line for apples?” You nod again, and after the shock settles in, he laughs. 
“Okay, I’ll bite - which is which?” You bite your lip to hide the smile, trying your best to maintain an air of mock seriousness. 
“Left is Tsuguru. Right is Fuji.” You stifle a laugh as he squints at both of them, deep concentration on his face. He strokes his chin as if deep in thought, angling himself to get a better look at each fruit. Eventually he reels back.
“I’ve made a decision.” 
“But is it the right one, I wonder?” He grins, and proceeds to take a huge bite out of the apple that he still happened to be holding. You gasp and pry the apple away from him. “What the hell are you doing? We haven’t paid for these, Taka!” Makki laughs, reaching over and plucking the apple back with ease.
“I’m sure it’s fine, we’ll just buy a bunch to make up for it.” He takes another bite, and you huff as you placed the other two apples back to their rightful places. He leans over to rest his weight on you, another crunch sounding throughout the market. You grumble about getting kicked out and he chuckles in response. 
“You never told me if I won or not,” he says, and pokes your cheek. You jerk your head back with a roll of your eyes, and reach your leg out to kick his own as he laughs.
“You never picked an apple.”
“Yes I did! I picked mine! Orins’ are superior in every way.” You didn’t respond immediately, seemingly too engrossed in the label you were reading, but you knew he’d recognize the playful smile you let settle on your face.
“Do you have a rice cooker?” Makki groaned.
“Baby, you’re killing me here.” You laugh, throwing the bag of rice into the basket.
“I’m asking because I already own one, and we don’t need two.” 
“No, Y/n, I don’t have a rice cooker, but can you take me seriously for a moment? I’m trying to ask you something big here, and you’re kinda making me nervous, I-” His voice stops abruptly as his brain caught up. He meets your playful gaze, and his lips twitch upward. He looked hopeful. “We...don’t need two rice cookers.”
“That’s right.”
“So this is you saying yes then?” Your eyes trailed to his feet, and you giggled as they continue to anxiously shuffle. 
“Well, you did pick the right apple, and I always keep to my word.” A smile almost too bright breaks out on his face as his arms snake around you and he rests his head in your shoulder, planting a small kiss over the fabric of your shirt. 
“Thank god, I thought I was gonna have to shop alone next time.” You laugh and feel him grin into your shoulder as his breath tickles your neck. He pulls back just enough to look at you, and the amount of pure love that you can feel in his gaze makes you melt into his grip. He leans in, capturing your lips for just a moment, and pulls back with a beaming smile. 
“I guess you could say we’re on our way to our...apple-y ever after, huh?”
“Taka, you literally couldn’t have chosen a worse moment.”
“There are no bad moments for these excellent pun powers, babe. Its the very core of my being.”
“I take it back, I’m going home.”
“Our home, you mean, right?” Silence. “Babe?” Nothing. “Shit, wait, Y/n, come back please, I’ll stop with the apple puns I promise, you’re still moving in with me right? Right? Baby?”
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request: going off of the apple discourse what about going grocery shopping with makki or idk something domestic?
a/n: I wish I came up with a better ending but I was lowkey terrified of making him OOC so I just kind flailed through the whole thing. 
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mazuwii · 3 years
Zeke SFW Alphabet
Flying monke
Hey bestie, I see you like Mr Monke😏
No shame! No shame!😤 I am writing the chapters everyone has requested but I got asked to do a Zeke alphabet first so here it is
—A (Affection. How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
•Not very physically affectionate in public, he tends to give you stares that gives you the same warm feeling you get from being hugged tightly.
•When you crash into him for a hug, he's so shocked and confused, his heart is dancing at the feeling of your warm little body right against his, affectionately rubbing his back. Before he knows it, he's silently crying, holding your face to his chest so that you don't see.
•Zeke never knew hugs felt so nice and now whenever he's feeling down or whenever you both have nothing to do, he randomly opens his arms up and waits for you to run into them. If you take too long all he does is twitch his hands slightly, which is funny and cute.
•I can see him being way more affectionate in the nighttime, where you're sleeping on him and you mumble under your breath, he kisses your head and strokes your cheek, lovingly gazing at you.
—B (Bestfriend, how would he be like as a best friend, how would the friendship start?)
•Zeke would be the bestest friend ever, sure he isn't the most affectionate or upfront friend but he is incredibly reliable!
•Always defending you behind your back. He insults you but then compliments and uplifts you behind your back to other people. Basically your lawyer.
•I will never stop saying this, Zeke Jaegar is intelligent as fuck and hates small talk so his conversations are so delicious, so full of flavour. His intelligence turns you on so hard, he is so fun to talk to because A, he makes fair points and teaches you things, B, he has a good sense of humour, C, he genuinely listens. He wants your opinion and understands your point of view on the subject.
—C (Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
•Before getting into a relationship, he always thought hugs would be stiff and horrible, especially in bed but he discovered that he was wrong.
•When you were spooning him, he couldn't nearly think straight from the appreciation he felt. Your arm was so secure around his waist and your body was warm against him, it was a feeling that made him wish he was immortal and experience this FOREVER!
•He likes it when you bring yourself to him, automatically. He finds it cute and always compliments you when you do. It isn't a full-of-shit-flattery compliment, he means it.
•"Why- on this gruesome green earth, are you so cute?" He kisses your head as you nestle yourself on his chest. "Mind telling me? Hm?" He pecks your head again and tightens his arm around you.
•One thing he will die to protect is you, he wants to hide you away from all the horrors of the world and treasures you so much and one way to do it is to tightly hold you right against him, melting at the sound of your giggle.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•Zeke wants to live in a cottage with you, secluded from other humans. All the serenity of it relaxes him, it's one thing he'd never stop thinking about.
•Sure he wants to settle down but he'd never want to have kids. He sees himself as a failure to all and can see his little ones hating his guts, having to hear them exclaim how much they hate their papa (even if it's just his imagination) terrifies him.
•He felt like everyone hated him, but you and his grandparents and Mr Ksaver. Children would be too much stress
•As for cooking and cleaning, I don't think he's good with cooking or cleaning. He doesn't really make a mess so it's okay that he isn't good at cleaning
•However he isn't bothered with cooking actual food, he'd always just have fruit or instant noodles when he's hungry. So you'd have to be a good cook because my mans has no motivation for that stuff
—F (Fiance(e) How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Like I said before, Zeke isn't good on relationships so if you both last more than a year and he realises you've helped him as a person and he has helped you, he secures it.
•But proposing would be difficult, he's shy, scared, worried you may laugh and blow him off.
•Eventually he gives in and asks, a heavyweight washing off his shoulders when you said yes, even getting butterflies when he realised you were crying.
—G (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•His inner child is bruised, you can see a little boy in him anytime he smiles properly, it makes your heart shatter to know that he never experienced his childhood properly and is currently a little boy in an old man's body
•He is gentle, he tries so hard to be soft with you and touches you like you're made of glass. H o w e v e r, my man does not hold back when it comes to baseball.
•Zeke is so happy when he's playing baseball with you that he doesn't realise he may have thrown too hard and only realises it when you grunt at the impact it made with your collarbone, dropping everything and running to check on you.
—H (Hugs. Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•He hesitates at first when your smaller body collides with his, he had let out a small yelp but couldn't help smiling when your arms get tighter in desperation.
•Slowly and gently, he'd embrace you back and smell your hair.
•Zeke's hugs are warm, secure and surprisingly cuddly. He's too shy to hug you first, you'd have to hug him first and he'd not hesitate anymore. Sometimes, when he's missed you so much, he'd hug so tight that your legs float off the floor, completely powerless in his embrace.
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word)
•Zeke thinks a lot so admitting that he loves you would be an epiphany, even years into the relationship. He genuinely can't believe someone loves him and stayed with him.
•He'd say it with a kiss to your forehead, small freckles of tears glistening in his eyes when he stares longingly at you.
—J (Jealousy. How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
•Very jealous but he keeps it to himself. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. He realises anytime a man talks to you and you smile around them, he can feel himself shrink. He's all dramatic in his head, wondering if he'd ever been enough for you or if you finally realised you deserved a better guy than him.
•All of those thoughts would disappear when you take his hand or talk to him with the tone you always use with him, a cheerful and appreciative one.
—K (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?)
•Zeke's kisses are hesitant and full of pauses. Sometimes you do most of the work, bringing him closer and all that while he's questioning if he deserves you.
•When Zeke tries to be affectionate, he likes to kiss your forehead, crown of your head, cheek, lips in private. It's reassuring and he loves his little lady more than anything. This small kiss passes on so much serotonin through your skull.
•Zeke doesn't have a specific preference but when you pepper his face with kisses it makes him so happy and fireworks go off in his tummy. With your hands gently cupping his face and your lips pressing every area on his face he softly holds onto you with a flustered smile.
—L (Little ones. How are they around children)
•Lol, he's like their older bro but a lil more distant
Let's move on...
—M (Morning. How are mornings spent with them?)
•Zeke's life is full of duties and priorities but he wishes with his full heart that he could spend the rest of his life lazily holding you with you peacefully laying by his side
•To his dismay, he must leave you to sleep. He has to get up earlier and doesn't bother waking up his sleeping angel, getting ready for work and leaving- not without kissing your cheek. Even if you're fast asleep, Zeke tucks you in and pecks your cheek, admiring you for a few seconds before heading on with his day.
•I'd say on good days, you make an effort to wake up with him and make breakfast so that he doesn't go to work and smoke ciggerates on an empty stomach. Fucking idiot, sorry but don't do that 🙄 even to my readers, don't smoke bestie💜
—N (Night. How are nights spent with them?)
•He does sleep at a reasonable time, sometimes at ten PM, sometimes at eight PM..
•Before bed he'd watch a documentary with you while having dinner and probably tire himself out by sucking in all that knowledge (the TV voice makes him sleepy, so you can see his eyelids drooping when he lies about how he isn't tired... it's cute)
•When it's time for bed he does the usual routine and gets into bed after smoking... which is pretty painful for you to watch but you won't scold him, you'll bring him closer to you and kiss his nose, massaging his scalp and becoming limp when his hand is soft at your waist, caressing patterns with his slender fingers until you fall asleep.
—O (Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Zeke thinks he is the scum of the Earth and wouldn't be surprised if you thought so too. It'd be difficult for him to mention any of his trauma so it all comes out through his humour.
•Daddy issues jokes, mommy issues jokes, self-deprecating jokes and you go through so many until you realise the man is traumatised. I can say with full confidence that he once tried making a joke for the millionth time and ended up crying instead of laughing. Of course, you were reassuring and comforted him in every way he needed.
—P (Patience. How easily angered are they?)
•Very patient when it comes to his S/O, he doesn't force anything out of you and slowly, gently speaks.
•Zeke doesn't become angry easily, honestly, he's so smart and open-minded that it becomes a problem because he understands so many things, unable to use his emotions to his advantage.
•Again, emotions pass and are useless to him, they just come and go so he doesn't like feeling too vividly. Especially anger, he thinks there's no use in it.
—Q (Quizzes. How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
•Like I keep saying, Zeke is a smart, attentive person even when he doesn't mean to be. He pays attention to small details by accident and remembers subconsciously. He memorises a lot of your habits, bad and good and makes notes of when and where they mostly happen, adapting to your lifestyle without realising.
•Someone is asking what to get for your birthday and tries to get a type of chocolate flavour he remembers you despise and he gives away your full interests and a list of what you like, dumping an essay of your public info to one of your best friends and they're just like °_°...?
•It's cute, he just doesn't know his brain sucks everything about you in
—R (Remember. What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
•When you took him out to dance and the music suddenly switched from formal dancing to just 'go crazy' and he watched you GO OFF. You were shaking your hip and hopping around energetically, glaring at him for laughing his ass off over the loud music.
•You forced him to dance with you, both of you whipping your hair back and forth, your movements less stiff but nonetheless, in sync. He's never had so much fun. No one he knew was there, it was all strangers but he felt like only you and he were there, dancing freely to the music, he'd just follow your lead confidently
—S (Security. How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
•Zeke is so protective, paranoid but never expressing it, knowing he'd sound insane:
-"Angel, I have to go out with you because what'll happen if you suddenly get run over?!"
-"No you can't use the phone while it's in charge, what if it explodes in your face?!"
-"Cookie dough, don't try handstanding, you could snap your neck!"
-"No, I won't let you go up these faulty escalators, they could suddenly break open and swallow you, here let me hold your hand up the normal stairs."
-"Don't lean against the balcony, you could fall over!"
•So instead he does it sneakily. Like small solutions, in order, he'd: offering to help you shop when you go out, making you put your phone down to massage him, scaring you into stopping your handstands, holding your waist securely when you're both on the balcony.
•To feel protected, Zeke needs constant reassurance from you. Physically and emotionally. A small kiss on his cheek and a little "Don't overthink, I'm here, let it all out, I'll listen to your thoughts."
—T (Try. How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•I think Zeke is more of a private person but his dates can be fun too. For anniversaries, you'd both have turns. For his half of the day, it would be spent playing baseball, going to the arcade, taking you out to dinner and then he'd warmly hold your hands in his, asking you what you want to do now.
•His gifts are so thoughtful but he tries to be cool when he gives it to you, lips straight and eyes avoiding you like a shy schoolboy. He can't keep his cool since you have to attack his face with kisses🙄 Jees Y/n stop it, he totally doesn't go insane when you do that to him, totally isn't in love
—U (Ugly. What are some bad habits of theirs?)
•I'd say the damn smoking. Zeke chose an unhealthy coping mechanism and needs guidance out of it, so you do just that.
•Taking his cigarettes and helping him get the nicotine out of his body through skipping rope, taking him to the sauna and even massaging his scalp when he has a headache.
•If course it'd be such a shock to him when he realises how nice he feels after his addiction is over, it's amazing what getting rid of one bad habit can do to your life.
—V (Vanity. How concerned are they with their looks?)
•Zeke trimmed his beard shorter and did his hair when he realised he had seemed to be ageing faster but... for the sake of my selfishness this is a modern au
•Surprisingly, he actually has good skin, a nice beard and a good haircut. Zeke is beautiful.
•Only once, has he ever shaved fully and my guy looked 10 years younger and was lowkey getting cocky but he rathered the beard and let it grow out... not too long though
—W (Whole. Would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Zeke is like the moon, it's a bit dark but it's still useful, however, it needs the sun to give it a boost? So what I'm trying to say is you're the sun to him, life wouldn't feel the same now that you've made your mark
—X (Xtra. A random headcanon for them.)
•I don't care what you say, he can do the entire dance for boy with luv by BTS. He doesn't know why he knows it so well, he's only seen the dance rehearsal once (yes he memorizes pretty fast)
•extra but, by the way, Monke man can figure out a Rubix cube faster than a War breaking out in AOT so... haha very fast👁👁
—Y (Yuck. What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
•He doesn't like a controlling partner, not everything has to go your way babe, life is always going to steer you in a different direction and it sometimes is in a better direction than the one you had first intended.
•So there's that
—Z (Zzz. What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
•This is funny to me for some reason? But once he lets go of your cuddle, he subconsciously sprawls his body out, and he does it for the entire night even when you're on top of him, his clothes are somehow half-off. The pillows are everywhere, the blanket is under his heavy thighs so you're freezing on him :")
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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kujakumai · 3 years
cleaned up old WIP, 2800 words, AU where Yami Bakura succeeds in switching hosts in DK and Mokuba makes friends with an evil ghost. Not going to be continued but it literally would not leave my brain alone until I finished it.
Things were not going according to plan.
The plan was to take control of a soulless puppet, an easy vessel incapable of interfering with his ends. He had the vessel, had accomplished that much, but he was not expecting the pharaoh and his little friends to succeed and convince Pegasus to give everyone their souls back. So now not only was there a second person in this body he had to keep suppressed, but now he was stuck impersonating a child, smiling through an awkward reunion and then placed onto a helicopter next to a gangly high school student who was watching him like a hawk.
The spirit-that-was-no-longer-Yami-Bakura knew that he was supposed to be Mokuba, but he did not remember the tall one's name. K-something. He had a stupid jacket and hardly took his eyes off him the entire ride, as if he thought his little brother was going to disappear in a puff of smoke when he wasn't looking. Annoying. Infuriating. Luckily it did not seem he wanted to talk, or at least accepted silence. No one expects recent kidnapping victims to say much, which was a boon. A little dazed, a little quiet, a little off, and no one really found it unusual.
They dropped off the pharaoh and his friends, and finally landed at a gaudy and ostentatious house so large it took him a second to realize it was a home at all, an absurd monument to decadence with grounds full of ugly topiaries. Wealth, then. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. He could work with this. The rich kid in the stupid coat quietly held his hand the entire walk up the driveway, until they entered a foyer just as gilded and obscene as the outside had been.
No, things were not going to plan, and playing grade-schooler was awkward and an insult to his dignity, and he was farther away from the other millennium items as he ever had been. He would have to grit his teeth through it until he could figure out the next step. In the meantime, perhaps, enjoy some amenities.
Richie rich sighed, relaxed his shoulders the moment they got inside. He looked at who he thought was his little brother and gave him a small, exhausted but genuine smile. He struggled with what to say next.
"Mokuba," he said, "I have to check on a few things in my office. See what kind of damage they did. Do you want to come with me?"
"No." Finally, a chance to be out of this idiot's sight.
This answer seemed to surprise him, a twitch of skepticism. "Will you be okay by yourself?"
He nodded. Keep answers short, when you're impersonating.
His face betrayed more skepticism, concern, and the tiniest hint of disappointment. As if rich kid himself was the one who was scared to be alone in his own house. He accepted the answer, though, to the spirit's relief.
Rich kid bent down and pulled him into a tight hug and ruffled his hair. "We'll get something special for dinner, okay? And ice cream."
"I do like ice cream." This was true. Ryou Bakura almost never bought ice cream, and when he did it was the stupid healthy kind that everyone knew shouldn't even really qualify as ice cream, which was another reason he was a terrible host. That and the fact that he was startlingly pale and had the upper body strength of a limp noodle and the personality of skim milk. This would be better, even if he had to deal with the abrupt drop in height.
Rich kid headed off towards the staircase with another tired but trying-to-be-reassuring smile, and it was then that the spirit of the ring felt an annoyance in the back of his brain. A presence. A scratching, biting, flailing presence, screeching mad, which he had been suppressing for a while now but finally broke through.
get out get out get out get out give it back its MINE get out
The host, awake. What a bother. More rambunctious than Bakura, then? No matter. He could handle a child.
that was MY hug and MY headpat and MY big brother and you can't have them he's been gone for ages and they're mine not yours get out get out get out
The spirit pushed back, ignored him. Shush. He had planned to hold this body alone, and he did not intend to go back to sharing. If you're good, I might let you have it back for a little while later.
shut up go away go away go away go AWAY
And then Mokuba Kaiba did something, something the spirit was not accustomed to or expecting at all, something which Ryou Bakura had never been willing or able to do. He shoved, violently, and the spirit of the ring was ripped out of control with some amount of panic.
Why you insolent little--
Seto Kaiba was not aware of the mental turf war happening over his little brothers body. What he did see was his brother scream his name and fall down, and the whole room echoed with a metal clatter as his briefcase fell on the floor and he ran towards him.
The ring had been discarded unceremoniously to a side table, and not-Bakura-and-not-Mokuba-either had no choice but to wait and observe, as a pediatrician on a sudden housecall shined lights in the boy's eyes and rich kid, who the spirit had since gleaned was named Seto Kaiba, looked on in worry.
"You said you heard a voice?" The doctor asked.
"Uh-huh. I think it lives in the necklace."
"You got that thing at Pegasus's house?" Kaiba asked, in disbelief.
"I don't remember. I was just wearing it when I woke up."
"What did the voice say?" the doctor continued, professionally ignoring any talk about magic necklaces.
"Not a lot. It was kind of mean."
"I see." She turned to Kaiba. "He's fine, physically. You might want a psychologist." and Seto Kaiba made what could politely be referred to as A Face. This was not what he wanted to hear, this was news that worried and annoyed him in equal measure, and to some degree was news he had half-expected.
"He's had a rough few months. I'll look into it." and she was dismissed, and Mokuba hopped down from the counter.
"Can we order pizza?" he asked, with big pleading eyes.
Kaiba watched him with dry amusement. "Mokuba, you can have anything you want from any restaurant in a forty mile radius."
"And I want pizza. Real pizza, from somewhere that doesn't also serve caviar."
"Cheap pizza?"
He nodded very seriously. "The grossest greasiest cheapest."
"I can do that. Anything else you want?"
Mokuba's eyes lit up, and soon he was dragging Kaiba by the hand towards somewhere else in the house. "I got to this really hard level in my game I can't get past and I wanted to see if you could beat it, and I found this really cool video I wanted to show you, and I got a really good report card you never saw, and--" and months worth of pent up requests were tumbling out rapid fire, and Kaiba was smiling with affection and some amount of relief.
Loud and clingy, then, was the normal and expected behavior. The spirit of the ring made note of this, as he lie abandoned.
The ring was still sitting on a side table, in Mokuba's bedroom, apparently because no one knew what to with it or thought it mattered much. This was a problem. The spirit couldn't do anything without a host, and now everyone was suspicious, these stupid rich people worried too much and paid too much attention.
He was forced to sit there all night, pondering about how he was going to get out of this mess, when at one or two in the morning he observed Mokuba wake up, and rub his eyes, and hop out of bed. He did not turn the light on, but he did check the time, and reach under his bed to retrieve what appeared to be a small backpack. He took it with him as he moved quietly towards the door, and the spirit saw his chance.
Hey, kid. He was near enough to speak into his head. Maybe this wasn't a dead end.
"You!" Mokuba stopped in his tracks and looked right at the ring.
Yes, me. This could be salvaged, he thought, concocting a plan. This was a child. Play friendly ghost and imaginary friend. Surely it would not be hard to weasel himself into the good graces of a sixth grader.
Mokuba glared at the ring with suspicion. "I don't think Seto believed me when I said you could talk, but I knew it." He picked it up delicately by the string to examine.
Where on earth are you going at this time of night?
Mokuba was the current host, technically, so there was a connection, and 11 year olds are not particularly used to or adept at hiding their own thoughts, especially inside their own heads. The answer, if not in words but in abstract concept, was provided instantly as it bubbled to mind. He was going to the kitchen, as he did once or twice a week, not their personal kitchen but the house staff kitchen, where he would move a chair to stand on the counter to reach the very back of the highest shelf of the third cupboard to the left, which was where one of the cleaning staff kept a pile of chocolate so he could cheat on his diet without his wife knowing, a fact Mokuba knew through surreptitious eavesdropping. Mokuba's end was to steal just enough of it that he wouldn't be noticed, and add it to a stash of snacks and other shiny trinkets currently hidden in the bottom of a pile of legos in his closet.
...You steal food to hide in your closet? Why would a child who lived in a three-story mansion need to steal?
Mokuba was only mildly perturbed by the fact that someone had just read his mind. He was mainly curious, now. "Our dad didn't like junk food, so I always took stuff to keep around." he explained, "I guess I don't really have to anymore, 'cuz Seto will let me have whatever I want, but--" he faltered, unable to finish or give a reason.
There wasn't a reason, and Mokuba knew that. There was no need to sneak or stash or steal anymore, but he kept doing it, irrationally, for reasons that confused him, a complicated swirl of things a child could not name or understand but were very easy for the spirit to read. Fear; compulsion; habit; the illusion of safety; the sense that your life was precarious, unstable; a need to exert control over your surroundings. It was not the food or the stealing that mattered, but of the hiding, of having something they could not take away from him.
Mokuba didn't understand any of that, because he was 11 and 11 year olds don't understand why they do anything. He just knew he liked sweets and hated people telling him what to do and that having bags of chips and other people’s lost jewelry at the bottom of an old toybox made him feel better.
Can I come with you?
"No! You tried to take control of me!"
Yes, but you kicked me out, and you'd probably be able to do it again, so I would be stupid to try. I also like chocolate, you see, and it's very boring to be stuck here on your desk.
"Can you even eat? You're a necklace."
I can when I borrow a body.
"You tried to take over me so you could eat chocolate? I'm not stupid enough to believe that."
That and other things. I can't do very much at all, while stuck in the ring. No food, no sunshine, no running around. It's no fun to be without a body, which is why I am occasionally driven to steal one. Terribly sorry about that. he added, in his most pathetic-sounding tone, Please? I don't have anyone else to talk to.
Mokuba was hesitant, but clearly found the fact of his existence too interesting to ignore. "Fine." He picked up the ring and dropped it unceremoniously into his backpack, which had a dragon on it.
Not trust yet, but tolerance and curiosity. One step at a time.
You shouldn't go barefoot, you know. Socks will be quieter if you're trying not to get caught.
"I didn't ask you."
So Mokuba descended down the stairwell, in the dead quiet and dark of the Kaiba Mansion, with no flashlight because he knew it well enough to navigate blindfolded. The place was decadent in the ugly way rich people's houses were, luxury but without taste, soft carpets and gilded banisters.
Mokuba had not quite realized yet how to think at the ring, so he spoke in a low whisper. "What are you, anyway?"
A ghost. So much more complicated than that, but simple words were suitable for children.
"How'd you end up a ghost in a necklace?"
I died, and then someone put me in a necklace.
"That's not an answer." he followed up, "Do all dead people become ghosts?"
No. Just sometimes, maybe, if the way they died was especially violent or gruesome or terrible.
Mokuba frowned. He had caught on remarkably quickly to guarding his own head, but the spirit could tell he didn't like this answer.
This was delicate, but he risked a push. Was there someone you had in mind?
Mokuba said nothing. He reached the staff kitchen on the lowest floor, and opened the door, slow and careful. He was deciding whether to say anything, as he climbed up as quietly as he could and reached far into the back of the cupboard, scrabbling.
"Our dad killed himself last year. Jumped out a window." He finally said, hopping down with his spoils. He said this the same way one might dolefully report the milk had gone bad. Unfortunate but boring.
You don't sound very sad.
"Nah, he sucked. And he never liked me." he said, "Seto was really really upset though. He was pretending not to be, but I could tell." Now there were feelings there, big and weird and sad and clinging ones. For reasons the spirit could not discern, the simple phrase ‘Seto was upset’ carried with it more weight, a thousand million times more weight, than news of a father's tragic death by defenestration. "I hope he's not a ghost. I don't wanna see him again."
Probably not.
Mokuba sat down cross-legged on the kitchen floor, unwrapped candy in silver foil. "You really can't do anything from in the necklace? Like, ghost stuff? Make things float or anything?"
No. It is a bit like being trapped in a very small box.
Mokuba mulled this over for a little while. "If you wanted to borrow a body to do fun stuff, you could have just asked."
He nodded. "Not being able to eat chocolate sounds lame. It'd be mean to just leave you like that." He put one chocolate into his mouth and dumped the rest in the backpack, where they covered the ring unceremoniously. More indignities. "Not in front of my brother, though. And you have to give it back whenever I say so."
...I could agree to such a compromise. Your candy haul is impressive, by the way.
"Thanks!" He grinned, emanating genuine pride. No one had ever complimented him for stealing before.
Tragic, the work of great thieves. How the very best of it can never be bragged about, the most impressive of skills gone unnoticed by nature, how the very success of a perfect crime relies on keeping your mouth shut about it. An unappreciated art, where even mastery gains you no respect.
You don't care that this poor man has to go out and buy twice as much food to make up for what you steal?
"No, he's a jerk. One time when I was six they confiscated my gameboy, so I went to steal it back and he caught me and told my dad and I got in huge trouble. So every day for a week I snuck down here and moved his keys to a different place so he couldn't find them. They were all so mad at him for losing them all the time, and he thought he was crazy."
Why was your gameboy confiscated?
"Don't remember. I think I bit someone at school." he shrugged, "They probably deserved it, though."
Mokuba Kaiba. he said, I think you and I are going to be excellent friends.
"Okay. Do ghosts watch cartoons?"
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So, since you murdered me yesterday, its only fair that I try to get a little something back from you. I want you to give me something good - I need a good ol' bath -preferably with either Frankie "Oral King" Morales or Marcus "Pants Python" Pike. Your choice, but know that my life (or afterlife) depends on it. Meaning - the sooner the better, love.
You know what? It's a Friday night, I'm feeling generous (and still a little bad about murdering you) - you get BOTH!!!
Bedtime Stories by JHFTM
Rating: Explicit, 18+ ONLY Warnings: oral sex/F receiving; fingering/F receiving; mentions of anal sex; mentions of food; shameless fantasizing about Marcus "Trouser Snake" Pike's surprisingly filthy mouth
Frankie “She Comes First” Morales…
You come home from work on a Friday night just absolutely shattered. Frankie knows what you need, baby. He’s going to draw you the hottest bath you can stand, fill it with your favorite bath salts, and make you sink into it - no arguments, sweetheart. While you’re soaking up the warmth, he’s going to bring you a big glass of Southern sweet tea (homemade with sugar, none of that fast food shit), and sit on the edge of the tub to give you the world’s best foot massage.
What that? You didn’t know that the King of Cunnilingus also gives excellent foot massages? Well, now you do! And he’s not going to stop until you are putty in his hands. While he’s doing that, he’s going to ask you about your day. That low, calm voice of his, the little circles he’s rubbing into your skin, and the heat of the water almost put you to sleep. But Frankie’s not done yet, far from it...
When the water gets cold, he’s going to drain the tub and refill it extra-hot. Then he’s going to scrub your back, getting aaallll the spots you can’t reach. When you’re a limp, happy noodle, he’s going to rinse you off, wrap you in a big fluffy towel, and then lay you out on the bed. You’re honestly so happy and relaxed that you could fall asleep right there, laid out naked and air-drying gently under the ceiling fan. Just as you’re about to drift off with a smile on your face, you feel Frankie’s big hand on your ankle, shifting you into position so that one leg is bent with your foot flat on the bed. Then he does the same with your other ankle, and you realize exactly what he’s about to do…
“Ohhh… Frankie baby.” You’re so relaxed you can’t even open your eyes. “You don’t have to do that, love. I’m so relaxed already.”
“But I want to, sweet thing. I love doing this for you.” His voice is low and even, and he’s kneeling between your legs, rubbing circles on the inside of your knee with his broad thumb. You’re so blissed out that you almost can’t respond. The moment hangs there, and he’s starting to think you’ve fallen asleep. But it’s just that your brain is slowly processing what he wants to do, and how good he is at it, and how many times he’s made you come so hard before just from eating you. And you start to get aroused, despite your drowsiness. So you try to speak, and when you do, your breath hitches: “Okay.”
And that’s all the assurance he needs. Frankie knows you love this, he just always needs to hear it; he makes sure that you give your consent. And when you do he’s off like a shot, leaning down immediately because he’s already got both you and himself into position. All he needed was a yes.
You feel him take the first lick, separating your folds, and he loves the way you taste. You’re still warm and damp and clean and relaxed, and Frankie likes to start you off relaxed, because he knows it won’t be long. He knows how good he is at this, how to push your buttons and in what order and when to flex his fingers and when to hold them still. He knows when to lick with a broad, flat tongue and when to flick your nub with the hard tip of it, and he works every angle you have until you’re arching your back and moaning his name. Your hands can’t find a resting spot and they’re moving on their own almost; tangling in his hair and then palming flat on your abdomen and then gripping the bedspread and then squeezing your own breasts. Frankie loves it when you start to thrash around, making little squeals like you’re about to sneeze. He knows you’re close.
He feels your pelvic muscles start to tense and he does that thing with his tongue one last time and you are suddenly off in space, arching your back so hard you’re practically bent in half and squeezing his head between your thighs. He works his fingers slowly, massaging that sweet spot of sensitive tissue behind your pubic mound with one broad finger and laying a long, sucking kiss to your clit. A few tears leak out of your eyes from the release, and you can’t remember your own name for a moment. There’s only you, and Frankie, and that mouth of his, now laying soft little kisses to your mound and your inner thighs as he pulls his fingers out gently.
“Was that good?”
Marcus “Anaconda” Pike…
You knew that Marcus had something special planned for your anniversary. There was no way he would tell you what it was, exactly. But from the little secret smiles and hurried phone calls in the past few weeks, you knew he was pleased with his clandestine planning.
The big weekend came, and you started off on your lovely trip to the beach. A nice relaxing weekend to get away from it all, to disconnect your phones and reconnect with each other. The drive was easy, the sightseeing was fun, and the hotel he had picked was beautiful. When you checked in, Marcus made you wait at the bar. And when you got off the elevator and opened the door to the suite, you saw why.
He didn’t want you to overhear that he had rented the Presidential Suite. An enormous extravagance (you would have been happy with a regular room), but for Marcus it was perfect. He wanted to show you a good time, and let you live it up in luxury for 48 hours. When you saw the bathroom you gasped: not only was it bigger than your whole bedroom back at your D.C. apartment, but it had the largest bathtub you had ever seen.
When you finally closed your jaw and turned to look at Marcus, he had an enormous grin on his face. He knew that you were tired of the tiny shower and shallow tub in your apartment, and he had made sure to ask for the suite with the best soaking tub. You wanted to live in it.
Marcus turned the faucet on and tested the water, then told you that you could spend the entire evening in the tub if you wanted, no need to get dressed up and go out to a fancy dinner. You squealed and kissed him and made him promise to get in with you. Then you had the best idea ever.
“Ice cream in the tub? Whatever my girl wants,” Marcus had grinned. He ordered up room service and then rubbed your shoulders as you sat on the edge with your feet in the warm bubbles. When the food arrived, Marcus set it up within easy reach on a little table tray. He had ordered french fries and your favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough.
“God, Marcus. I could die happy right now.” You sat shoulder-deep in the warm water and teased his toes with yours, swirling your feet in the water to try to reach him. Marcus wiped his mouth off with a napkin and tossed it on the tray.
“I hope you don’t die. I was kind of looking forward to a nice weekend.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. “I had plans for later.”
You crooked your finger at him and he shifted to come over to your side of the tub. “What plans did you have in mind, Mr. Pike?”
“Oh, you know…” Marcus moved you away from the wall of the tub gently and then spread his legs open, sitting you down in the V and wrapping his arms around your torso.
He continued. “I thought we could start with a nice bath, maybe take this into the bedroom, see where the weekend goes.” He nuzzled your neck and your nipples popped to attention.
“Mm-hmm. Go on.”
“Well, I thought maybe after this I could rail you into the mattress. Make you come so hard and scream so loud that someone calls security.”
You giggled. “And then what?”
“Well,” Marcus kissed your neck and scraped his teeth gently over your ticklish spot, palming both of your breasts in his huge hands. “Once you’re nice and relaxed from two or three orgasms, I was going to break out the industrial lube and see if you wanted me to go in through the back door. Give you one of those nights you won’t ever forget.”
You gasped theatrically and he nuzzled your ear with his nose. “Because the last time we did that, sweet girl, you ended up being such a filthy little cum slut that I nearly had to tie you down. You were wiggling so hard I thought you were going to pop right off my cock.”
You moaned, somewhere between a hum and a wail. Marcus nipped your earlobe and continued his dirty monologue. “So if you want to get fucked into next week, baby girl, you’re going to have to be good for me this time. Don’t make me work so hard that it turns into a struggle fuck.”
Your eyes closed and you bit your lip as Marcus continued to run his hands up your sides, down your breasts, and finally, finally down to your sweet spot. He used two of his thick fingers to spread your outer lips open and then massaged your clit slowly. Your breathing stuttered as your mind started to ooze away into bliss.
Marcus’s next words were spoken in his normal, sweet, even tone, and it contrasted gorgeously with the depraved words. “Are we good, baby girl? Are you going to be a good little fuckdoll for me? Or do I have to tie you down?”
~The End~
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
CW: Whump, torture implied, captivity, reluctant whumpee when rescue arrives, stern caretakers 
Whumpee hid under the little bed attached to the wall. They were locked in a dark, dirty, tiny, cold grey room. They curled in on themselves on the floor, trying to create some kind of warmth, letting a whimper escape their lips every time they heard footsteps running past their door, or loud crashing noises.
Something was happening today, they didn’t know what, but Whumper usually never had this many people over, most was two or three. But this sounded like dozens of people, panicked running, shouting at each other, making loud noises like they were trashing the place. 
If they were this aggressive, what would they do to them? Whumper was bad enough, but dozens of angry people, all looking to take out their frustration? They wondered if this would be their last night alive.
Their worst suspicions came true, as they heard someone rattling the lock to their door, fumbling with it. Clearly they didn’t know how to open it... Odd. Whumpee pressed themselves in the corner further, trying to look as small as possible. They jumped when they heard the door clang open, light seeping into the room as they felt a figure looming behind them. 
“Hey there...” A calm voice whispered at them, they sounded like they were crouching down to their level. Whumpee let out a squeak; of course they were spotted instantly, the room was practically empty. Whumpee stuck out like a sore thumb despite their best efforts. They refused to turn around to face them, as they stuck their nose in the corner. 
“I’m not going to hurt you. Can you come on out?” The voice asked. 
No, absolutely not. Why on earth would Whumpee go by choice? They never did, if they wanted them, they were going to have to drag them out like they always did.
They jolted when they felt a hand resting on their arm, trying to coax them out. 
“We’re here to rescue you. No one is going to hurt you anymore.” The voice said. Whumpee’s heart was beating out of their chest, the realization hit them that the door was still open, jostling their instincts. Whumper always closed the door so Whumpee couldn’t bolt again, but this one left it open. 
Whumpee uncurled themselves, glancing back behind them to confirm, but got even more scared by the person crouching just a few inches away. Whumpee scampered to their feet, running for the door, jumping over the persons attempt to grab them when they realized what was happening. 
They ran out into the hall, the lights burning their eyes as they kept their head down. They had been here before, they knew where all the closets were, side doors, torture rooms, but most importantly, they knew were the exit was. 
“Hey! We got a runner!” They heard a voice shout behind them, but they kept on going. They slowed down when they reached a point where there were multiple people standing in the hall, stopping to turn and look at them. 
“Woah! Take it easy! We’re here to rescue you!” One called. Whumpee immediately redirected their path, slamming open a side door. They had already tried to escape many times before, knowing the exact path they needed to take. 
There was the exit finally, this was the closest they had ever made it as they grabbed hold of the handle, using whatever strength left to slowly pull it open. As soon as it was just wide enough, Whumpee slipped out, the grass and rocks cutting at their bare feet as they struggled to make it down a hill. The cold air burned their skin as they were already out of breath till they tripped and fell, skidding the rest of the way down the hill. 
They gasped, pushing themselves back to their feet, they glanced up at the stars glistening in the sky, the moon shining down making enough light to show the endless woods in front of them. They tried not to get distracted, but before they could take another step, an arm wrapped around their waist, the weight causing Whumpee’s determination to bolt forward only making them to swing off their feet as they were left being held in someone’s arms trying to keep them steady. 
“No! No... Not like this! Please! I was... I was so close!” Whumpee cried out, sobbing as they wrested the arms holding them from behind. 
“Calm down! Take it easy, we’re here to get you out! We’re on your side!” Caretaker tried to explain. Whumpee had heard it all and didn’t believe their lies. They knew this was a trick, it always was! But quickly Caretaker gave up trying to reason with them, turning them around and bending them over to hoist them over their shoulder. Whumpee let out a sobbing scream as Caretaker’s arms were wrapped securely around the back of their knees to hold their legs still as Whumpee hammered their fists pitifully into their back.
They had the strength of a noodle by this point, as they went limp in their arms in defeat as Caretaker carried them to a waiting ambulance.
 Tag list: @grizzlie70  @alien-octopus @lave-whump @amethysts-sideblog @pyromilka @thingsthatgowhumpinthenight @yet-another-heathen @princessofonward
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
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moxfirefly · 4 years
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Ok I accidentally deleted it but thankfully didn’t loose the important bits!
Rated Explicit (18+ Only)
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Tonight held a different energy.
Leonardo had shown up with a bag and a grin that alluded to what the night might bring.
Which is how you found yourself sat on a chair, arms expertly tied behind your back in intricate patterns.
The small hitch was that Leo had placed one of your most hated but favorite of toys right upon your sex. The toy was snug against your sensitive nub and a very amused Leo sat in front of you. “I gotta say when I got here I had a few things in mind” His thumb hovered over the button.
He moved it upwards increasing the speed.
You squeaked, toes curling as you tried to keep your focus on making a mess so soon in the evening.
And well, Leo had stated that if you came without his permission that would be all you got for the night.
Which meant no him.
You swallowed and bit the inside of your cheek.
“I wish this had a better range, would take it with me all the time” He sat back on the couch, cool as a damn cucumber over your rapidly increasing shakey form. “When you’re at work” He decreased the speed. “When you’re with friends” He increased it once more. “Maybe when you’re with that annoying co-worker of yours who thinks he has a shot” He pressed down fully, the jolt making you tremble as your mouth opened in a soundless moan.
He smiled before setting it back down to a low hum. He scooted closer, hands coming to rest on your trembling knees. “If I were you I’d control my breathing, darling” He cupped your chin, blue eyes assessing you for any discomfort, you nodded understanding his worries but egged him on when you snuck a tongue out.
Leo shook his head with a smile, getting up in all his imposing glory. “I don’t think you’re truly aware of how I go through with my threats” You bit down on the tip of your tongue, eyes so coy. “As if you would miss on the opportunity to show me that angry side you like meditating away so much” You kissed the pad of his thumb, eyes glued to his.
Seamlessly he slid that digit into your mouth, the softness of your plump lips around his thumb.
He leaned down, pressing his lips towards your ear.
“Does somebody want to have a ruined orgasm?” You stopped immediately, mouth slipping away slowly.
Leo reveled in it, he knew how much you despised it and you had already been on the nasty end of it a few times.
“Sorry Sensei...” Your voice was hushed. Leo kissed your forehead before sitting himself back down on the couch in front of you. He toyed with the remote, each teasing flick of his thumb over the button making you tense up. The low continuous hum was making a mess out of you, wetness pooling beneath you.
A breeze hit you and your naked skin pebbled.
The leader admired you, taking stock of the perspiration on your skin, the hardening of your nipples. Your innate need to try and grind down on the toy. “You’re beautiful Y/n, I could just keep you like this on my bed everyday if it were up to me” You saw a hand run down his muscular thigh. You followed that hand, trying to muster your focus on it instead of your slow building release.
That strong hand went to the front of his pants. “How about a game?” Your shoulders slumped, there was no way you were going to win whatever diabolical game he decided to cook up.
He lifted himself enough to slide down his pants. Your eyes went straight to his thickening member. He gripped it lightly, a teasing touch that made him sigh out. “I’m going to sit here and do this, I’m going to time you and if in the next ten minutes you haven’t cum, you get a reward” Leo gripped himself for emphasis, oh you wanted that reward.
Fair enough, you could do this. The slow vibrations surely would drive you mad but you could defenatly go ten minutes.
“Oh, forgot to mention...” Leo pressed down on the buttons of the remote several times, each increasing hum jolting you. “I’m putting that in it’s highest setting” He smirked enjoying how your body was squirming, trying your best to swallow your moans.
Leo lazily pumped himself, fingers toying with the head of his cock as you tried to reduce the pressure by not trying to sit on the toy so much. “Oh come on, I’m sure you can make ten little minutes like that” He spread out his legs, eyes darting to your engorged sex. “L-Lee, Jesus p-please” Your voice was strained, body flushed . “Please what?” He set the control aside and made for a bottle of lube in the bag.
You watched him with all the patience he possessed squirt out a bit onto his hand to cover over his member. The sound of his fist engulfing his thick member as he worked him had you biting your lip hard. “Please what?” He repeated himself, stroking with a much firmer grip. You hunched over, feet firmly planted on the floor with an orgasm quickly approaching. Your eyes watered as you thrashed.
“Darling that isn’t good posture, sit up straight” Leo dragged his tight fist to the tip and teased, gaze so tantalizing you wanted to scream. Nevertheless you did as told. He looked over towards the timer. “Hey five minutes to go, you’re doing so good.”
You whined a pathetic noise and stomped your feet. “Please! I-I won’t-shit! Sensei please, please I’ve been so good!” Your words were muddled. Each passing second felt like an hour passing by. You breaths came in quick successions and each one felt like it would give way to your impending finale.
Your eyes rolled back as you shook, willing every nerve in your body to halt. The tensions in your legs, your fist clenched and unclenched. “Leonardo please f-for god sake I’ll do-do anything you want me to” When you dared to focus your vision on him again a small section of your pride swelled. He was quickly stroking himself, a fine sheen of perspiration had broken out of him. He was fully atune to your shaking body.
The groan melted into a low churr and just when you felt your battle was lost you felt the offending toy shut off.
You slumped forward breathing so hard you were sure you would pass out. With some energy you were able to return your gaze to Leo who smirked.
He beckoned you.
You gulped.
Your legs felt like those of a newborn deer as you stood. The small step too much as you fell against him, knees at either side of his. The tension in your tied arms rivaled those of your shaking thighs. Leo ran a hand through your sweaty locks, lips kissing yours tenderly. “Good girl, you get rewarded”
When he entered you a long breathless mewl escaped you.
Two thrust in you came with a vicious tremble of your body and a noise that maybe resembled his name.
By the time Leo was showing signs of nearing his own release your body had shocked you with at least four more climaxes. Each one so strong and dizzying, each one perfectly gripping Leo’s cock within you. That sensation would never stop being his favorite. Your sweaty disheveled self would never stop being his favorite.
“C’mon, one more” His voice was a growl, strong arms holding you upright. “For me, hm? Do it for me” He bit down on your shoulder, eyes shutting tightly when he registered yet another orgasm leave you. A pathetic whine was all you could muster as you felt Leo thrust upwards and empty himself in you. The warmth of your slick coupled with his own release making him groan.
You felt like a limp noodle against him even as he peppered loving kisses to the harsh bite on your shoulder. “Easy, untying these” He undid the knot, strong hands massaging your arms to bring them back to a comfortable position. “Everything good? Was I too rough?” He kneaded the flesh and you shook your head. “M’fine, just beat” You mumbled against his neck.
“Bed it is then, on three ok?” He hooked his arms under your bottom and lifted himself and you in one easy fluid move. You were already out by the time he made it to the bedroom, but nevertheless you felt secured and blissed out.
Sometime around dawn you stirred enough to feel him behind you, arm secured around your waist.
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