#then the last ep I heard of was the season 14 finale
wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Best QL of 2023: Favorite Lines
Okay so I am slightly over my one year mark in the BL Fandom, and have watched over the past like...12-14 months a little under 100 shows, so I am forcing myself to stick to the shows that aired in 2023 or else I would never be able to finish this. But I saw @abstractelysium do this so I had to climb aboard:
Top Five Lines that Lived Rent-Free In My Brain This Year:
"Have you been well? Without me?" - Shin Ki Tae, Our Dating Sim, Ep 4
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Y'ALL THIS FUCKING LINE. KNIFE. CHEST. EVERY TIME! This line sits on the same level of absolute and total emotional devastation for me as the "I just want things to be nice for him" link in Big Eden.
"Are you tired, Uncle Jim?" - Li Ming, Moonlight Chicken, Ep 8
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Jim and Li Ming's relationship just makes me absolutely so fucking emotional. I love them individually, I love them together, and I love how much Jim does for his community. But no one ever asks him this. And it is so striking to me that Li Ming is finally the one to demonstrate how much he understands and appreciates everything Jim does not only for him but for the entire community when he ass him that question.
"My family is old fashioned. I kept everything in my heart and didn't want to tell anyone until I was 15. My family went to Europe with Wa's family. We saw two women kissing on the street. I saw her and wanted to talk to her. I want to know how she did it. I want to release it like them. But Wa's mother and I...You can probably imagine. A pair of old-fashioned women who think same-sex love is wrong...That's when I realized I wasn't the only one feeling terrible. When we got back that night she broke down and cried. No one knew why. I asked her if it was about the afternoon incident. She asked me if a kiss between two women was wrong. I said no. It's just like two men kissing. It's not wrong. On that night a 15 year old boy and a 13 year old girl held each other and cried." -Sailom, Wedding Plan, Ep. 6
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Okay this isn't a line, it's a monologue but holy fucking shit this was such a beautiful speech, and I will quote @bengiyo here and say "I CAN'T BELIEVE PEOPLE HATED THIS MAN." He has spent so much of his life in the closet protecting not only himself but especially Yiwa. Sailom was going to go through with the wedding just to ensure that Yiwa and Marine could be together without anyone prying.
"This is as tender as I can be. Someone like me." -Mhok, Last Twilight, Ep. 4
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Honestly you could replace the first sentence with whatever you want, the part that sticks in my brain the most is "someone like me" because I know that Mhok must have heard shit like that his entire life, and Day is here saying it in a way that I don't think Mhok takes as an actual insult or passing of judgement. I like that the line is used whenever Mhok does show who he truly is and how much tenderness or warmth he is actually capable of in a subversion of the expectations placed upon him.
"But you know, I already knew your preferences so well. When I go shopping with Kakei-san, he talks about you all the time...He says it with a smile" -Kayoko, What Did You Eat Yesterday?, Season 2 Episode 11
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THE WEEP I WEPT WHEN KAYOKO TOLD KENJI HOW MUCH SHIRO TALKS ABOUT HIM. This entire second season of WDYEY Shiro has just continuously shown so much beautiful beautiful growth and my heart twists with pride every single time I see him looking more relaxed and smiley. WDYEY is the most perfect show to ever exist.
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charmac · 1 year
I really liked your answer to that last anon! I just got into this fandom (and macden) and it's the first one I've been in many years. I was still a teen when I was kinda obsessed with shows like spn and bbc sherlock, and after those I just can't help but think that I'm once again just reading too much into the choices of the writers etc :/ like I want to believe my own eyes but I'm afraid to lol
What you have to try to remember (and constantly remind yourself) is that Sunny isn't like any other show, it's not Supernatural relying solely on Network demos to stay alive, and thus constantly feeding into bait to draw views, it's not a writers room completely removed from the actors.
The heart and soul of the show is completely, from the ground up, Rob, Charlie, and Glenn, in almost complete control. So when you see things the actors do in the show and you think "ugh I'm reading into this just like Destiel, those looks mean nothing, this is just the actors playing it up for..." For what? They've been renewed through 18, they don't even really rely on bringing in a large audience, it's FXX. They make this show for themselves, the audience is just a bonus.
Shows like Supernatural have teams that are often separate, so when something is written it might not be acted as the writers intended, which might not be edited as the actors and writers intended, which is all overseen by the Creator(s) and Producer(s), who have different visions and intentions for their show, which is heavily guided by what The Network allows/approved and believes will bring in views. So what you see in Credits is like any 'normal' show: Created by X, Produced by Y, Written by Z, Top billed cast: A, B, C. What happens with long-running shows like Supernatural, is that all the players develop different ideas and attachments over time, so you'll end up seeing the actors play their characters (and thus relationships) in a way that's a little different from the writers writing it and what the creator(s) want and what ends up in post is some conglomeration of all of these ideas, then pushed out a certain way by The Network to hold their demo and draw views. So you "read into" what you're seeing, it's very much there in many forms, but it's being chopped at the throat and comes out disjointed. Because XYZ ABC all have different ideas and attachments and visions from each other and they have enough sway based on long-standing to (kinda) have their voice heard. You're not reading into something that doesn't exist, you're reading into something that exists but is being butchered and warped by conflicting visions and power. (Just Misha Collins opening his mouth post-SPN Finale is perfect proof of this, lol)
Now look at Sunny, it's not that. Episodes like Bowling are really great examples: you look at the credits and it's: Produced by Rob, Charlie, Glenn; Developed by Rob and Glenn; Created by Rob; Written by Rob, Charlie, Glenn; Top billed actors: Rob, Charlie, and Glenn. So what you're immediately affirmed is that there's very little disjoint even possible. And, not even credited, we know Charlie and Rob were heavily involved in editing and post production (per TASP, Glenn was in Hawaii when they did post on Bowling). So what you're seeing is ALL deliberate, as intended. They are acting out the script exactly as it was written because, they wrote it. And then it's edited exactly how they want it to be because, it's their show and they sat there in the editing room. The final product isn't some conglomeration of different teams with different intentions, it's RCG from breaking the idea in a writers room to approving the final cut of the episode. There's no conflict, your eyes are telling you exactly what the intention of every moment is.
(And per the Meg Ganz Argument: she was quite literally a fan of the show, hardcore Macdennis shipper when they brought her on in 12. Post filming Season 14, she was still tweeting about shipping them. You don't work as an EP, in the writers room, and as a director for a show for three full seasons (ONE BEING TWELVE) and walk away from S14 still hardcore pushing your ship if there wasn't way more going on behind the scenes than we even know.)
Welcome to Sunnyblr! Believe your eyes, trust the structure, appreciate the hints, knowing it's all very deliberate, and be certain RCG(M) know what they're doing, and definitely enjoy driving us mad with it all. We're in it for the long haul, there's just always so much preamble :)
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vyla-and-the-pods · 10 months
Vyla's Sunday wrap-up!
Hello lovely people on my screen! I've been getting really into podcasts these last few weeks since finishing Wolf 359 and I am DYING to talk about them! This is my way to talk about what I've been listening to this week and dumping my thoughts since I do not have friends that listen to podcasts lol
Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later (ep 14) (minor spoilers)
I'm a die-hard Cry Havoc! fan. It's one of the few podcasts I've caught within the first few episodes and it is quickly one I will jump to every time a new episode comes out. Who would've thought a workplace comedy set in ancient Rome would be so good! The humor is dry and mostly situational and works so well.
This episode had a bit more heart than Cry Havoc! has had before and it worked so well! Listening to Octavia and Charmian have a serious discussion that helped further their relationship beyond "ooh haha sexy morally grey lesbians" was really refreshing and nice to see such character growth within just a few episodes.
And the entire plague plot with Gaius and Mark was a great way to balance it out. I love Cry Havoc!'s style of humor. My only qualm is I couldn't find a transcript for this episode but I might've been looking in the wrong place.
Arden (eps 1-4)
This is also a Shakespeare inspired piece! Season 1 is inspired by Romeo and Juliet, which I realized embarrassingly late in, and the little R&J easter eggs I have been picking up are really cool and make me feel like I remembered something from 9th grade English haha.
I used to looove true crime podcasts but I got uncomfortable by how the hosts would discuss the killers and victims so Arden, as a fake true crime podcast, is a great middle ground! I heard season 3 is coming out soon so hopefully I can catch up in time! I love Bea and Brenda's banter and honestly the two just need to kiss or something, but I digress. The writers make this a really compelling story and even though only one aspect of the cold case is examined per episode I am hooked and not at all bored or frustrated when we divert to Bea and Brenda's side convos. I have listened to this when going to bed and gotten scared once or twice, and for a fake true crime podcast I consider that a win!
Wolf 359 (finale)
I don't have the word count to say everything I want to say about Wolf 359. If you know me you might have seen the post I made about finishing Wolf 359 this week and how it was just so world alterting for me because I've been listening to it on and off for about 8 years. It really is the end of an era. It didn't go down the way I thought it would and it was a very bittersweet ending. I feel like everything was tied up well but I do have some questions about Bob. I am going to miss Lovelace, and Eiffel and...everybody! Maybe not Kepler. Truly is an end of an era for me. I was podcast-hungover the whole day.
Stellar Firma (ep 1)
I gave the first episode of Stellar Frima a try, I'm a big Rusty Quill fan so I had high hopes but guys, I don't think this is for me. The pilot episode didn't click for me the way I thought it would and it just didn't seem my speed. What do you guys think about Stellar Firma? Should I give it another shot?
Malevolent (ep 6)
Malevolent is another show I'm trying to get into since everybody loves it but the pace just feels so slow to me right now. I know more overarching plot points develop later on so I'm willing to stick this one out. I like malevolent but it just feels like all the places and things they're doing right now are building toward something I'm not at yet and that's just frustrating.
Time:bombs (1 -3)
What better way to get me out of my Wolf 359 hangover than a podcast made by the Wolf 359 folks? This one came recommended to me by anon so thank you whoever you are! I listened to the entire podcast (3 episodes) in one day and loved it! I miss you Radio Bob. I hope you're doing well. Humor was elite but what else should I have expected from Gabriel Urbina? I loved the character development they were capable of in 3 episodes. I can see myself relistening to this soon!
The Kingmaker Histories (prologue....ep 0?)
another podcast I heard had a new season coming out soon. I don't know how I feel; about fantasy podcasts but I liked season 1 of The Two Princes so I have high hopes. I only listened to the prologue so far and haven't even met the MC so I don't have many opinions yet.
Liminal Criminals (ep 1)
I listened to the first episode twice. It was so funny. Few podcast make me actually laugh out loud. I interrupted my roommate making dinner to tell her about this because I kept laughing. The dry voice the narrator has while he explains the most ABSURD FAKE TRUE CRIME sold this for me. "Mr. Breadsticks stays. Mr. Breadsticks stays. I will kill you with a fork. Mr. Breadsticks stays." is my discord status and no one understands me. I hope the rest of these episodes are as funny.
Alright well that's my week! Thanks for dealing with my ramblings folks! Tell me your thoughts on these shows, what's worth it what's not? I'll be shitposting about some of these shows throughout the week, but we'll see what the Pod Gods hold. Til next week lovely people!
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OI! I want to know what your favourite episode(s) of criminal minds are and why. Please and thank you.
this ended up being longer than i meant but could have been so so so much longer because i am insufferable. it also lowkey began as just eps where emily looks smashin but then i thought of more things
right, so all time fave ep is probs s15 ep4 because it's FUNNY, it's nice, it's lovely and i love it. also:
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wine drunk emily, emily and her doughnuts and her breath mints and the temily content etc also spencer is almost bearable in this ep
another is s3 episode 14 - the one where it's about that old case of rossi's (even though i don't like him) - i just seem to like when there's proper content on the characters outside of just them at work. ALSO, it is probably one of my favourite emily lewks that exists - the OUTFIT, the HAIR, absolutely top notch:
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i also really like 'minimal loss' which is s4 ep 3 because it's just good and she gets beaten up so it's sad but like she has a lot of screen time
and then OBVIOUSLY every single episode including any content of the doyle arc because drama and emilycentric
honourable mention is season 3 ep 7 because she wears such a lesbian outfit like-
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the episode 'demonology' - sad emily and her religious trauma, also the quote from 'the dead' by james joyce "i think he died for me" - two worlds collide bro bc i love that story and also her obvi AND:
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another episode (idk which it is) that i like for the case and also for the line that the woman says to emily about her monster being dead "your monster's dead, i have to live with mine" because like emily is my baby and i love her and she's a trauma queen and it wasn't acknowledged.
i actually also really like the season 7 finale but especially the last line that emily speaks as the outro quote. it's when she leaves to go to london which obvs is sad but yknow 'i always heard every ending is also a new beginning, we just don't know it at the time, i like to believe that's true."
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ucatty2-blog · 5 months
Hello sorry to bother you with this all of sudden ,and this might be coming out of nowhere, and I’m not trying to force you or be pushy but I m trying to get more people into this show with great potential. If your not interested it’s fine but Have you heard of or watched moon girl and devil dinosaur? Season 2 premier happened
The main character i love she gives me autistic vibes I’m autistic. The show has interesting characters, action ,great music, and animation ,good themes and representation, Anime references, plenty of Sailor Moon references too it even has an eyecatch season 2 is going to be more story driven if you find that interesting. It also shares the same animation studio as rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
It be good if you watch the season 2 episodes when they air so the ratings will be higher. 
I think Disney might be trying to sabotage the show with them probably dropping 14 episodes on Disney + on February 3 which has passed. We have a week to binge it.They did similar with season 1 and the ratings where low ,please watch season 2 episodes when they air on. But more importantly also watch it on Disney + in feb and when they air it on YouTube. Unfortunately they are dropping 14 episodes on Disney + so watch them all in one day but also when they air the first time.
I’m not just saying only cable just also. I’m saying please support this show. Despite that it still won 5 Emmys. Also if it’s no trouble could if it alright with you spread the word about this show to others you know like either online or irl. Time is limited!
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Oh so I'm not the only one who noticed the 14 episode drop and heard the bells of grief ringing ominously in the background. I only watched the first 2 eps 0f season 2 (yes I watched all of season 1). Honestly, they should have just kept it as 2 episodes out for the public, and then drop the rest 1 ep a week for the rest until a finale.
Spoilers below
I enjoyed beyonder antics, and them getting beaten up by those they wronged. I enjoyed seeing the beyonder learn how to tiptoe to victory. Devil girl would probably have been more than happy to help moon girl under different circumstances. Molecule Man is a bastard for attempting to murder a (I think she's like thirteen) child. Bruh that kid got dragged here by the huy you don't like, why are you trying to murk her? She just wants to go home, man.
He gave Lunella PTSD from that bs he pulled. Episode 2 deals with that. We see OMG's girl crew from her university days: the hot tomatoes. I hate the fungal covered books, thise poor books. Reminds me of the last arc of Clinic of Horrors. Brr.
Anyway, they make several versions of new moon girl suits. Each version becoming the vibranium equivalent of moon girl wearing a bunch of poofy layers to look like one of those marshmallow tots that are stuck in the "A" pose. Mimi asks the mini moon girl if she is okay, Lunella lies. Mimi then tells her granddaughter that she should not underestimate herself, and that her brain is her strongest weapon. Then a scorpion gets supersized into the size of a bus. Moon Girl realizes her suit is over armored to the point of her being incapable of saving others, and goes zero suit Lunella Mode to stop the scorpion with cacti, her goggles, and a well placed kick in the tail.
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very informative tweets from tptb
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Episode 4x7 Adrian Shaw Conclusion - #RedvsKirk and various tweets from the writers.
Adrian Shaw Conclusion Air date Nov 10, 2016. tweets from Daniel Cerone "This Katarina dialogue between Red and Kirk, crucial. Remember for the future." "We won't hear "what he said" but the truth of what Red said to Kirk will be def be revealed." "Red never lying to Liz remains true for anything Red says tonight." "The information is all there. You just have to think of it as a puzzle. Red has never lied to Liz."
"I know what you're thinking. Red NEVER lies. He said he wasn't her father. But it will all make sense in the end."
"Bam! And yes he's telling the truth."
"Wait for it. Wait for it."
"For the super fan, this is not a retcon. nor will one be required. You just have to commit to the end. We know our destination.
"Red is not Liz's dad. Red says so. He doesn't lie." Q: Fan: Red is not father's Lizzie. A: Daniel Cerone: This is true. "The pieces will fit, but it's a series journey with twists and turns. We know the end game."
Q: Fan: Yeah… and Red doesn't lie to Liz, yet he said with no uncertainty, her father died in the fire… lol. A: What Red said about that is absolutely true. Keep watching.
"To clear any questions, Reddington is not Ilya Koslov. That is the reveal. But if you stick with the journey ahead, you will find out who Reddington is to Liz. That's a guarantee. " Fan: But he's not the real Raymond Reddington because the real Raymond Reddington is dead correct? Daniel Cerone: Yes that is correct. "Best part of joining the staff this season: I asked about every show secret and they HAD to answer."
from John Eisendrath:
"That last moment w/ RedvsKirk is a testament to the importance of words. Be careful with them, they're powerful." from Zee Hatley: Fan: Red is Elizabeth's father. I have thought it since ep 1 and until they tell us otherwise, I will continue to think that. Zee Hatley: You're not listening… Red told Liz. "It's been repeatedly said on screen _ else is people reading into it and __ despite evidence." (this above tweet cut off on the parts where the lines are but the rest of the words are accurate. Re: S5 Finale: "My favorite line from the pilot paid off last night. Follow the breadcrumbs… " #TheBlacklistReveal
from Daniel Knauf: Cape May 1 and 2:
"Lots was revealed. You just don't know it yet.'
"It's really all right there."
"We've already answered the Dad question. Several times. Out loud." "Seriously. The question's been answered definitevly about 50X. Everyone on the show just shrugs and figures what's the point? from Brandon Sonnier Q: You guys said Red had not lied in 118 - the golden rule: Red never lies to liz, still stands? A: Raymond Reddington is a man of his word. As are we.
Joe Carnahan Re: Ep. Rassvet "If they do the twist, that I've heard about, OOOOOHHH BUDDY, this is a good one!!!
from Nicole Phillips Apr 14, 2016 "Thanks for live tweeting, everyone! Next week written by @daniel_knauf and it's a side of Red you've never seen before.
from Blacklist Writers "He has it. And so do you. Finally the truth. But what does it mean?"
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 months
May 14: The Expanse 1x10 (!!!)
I didn’t stop watching The Expanse because of anything to do with The Expanse, more because of the struggling to be a human thing. But here I am, back, finishing off S1.
First of all, this show needs a previously on. Even when I was watching one episode a week pretty consistently, I still felt like I needed a neat little summary going in. Take a couple weeks off and I’ve given up on anything other than Cool Vibes and Look, Action!!
I do still really like Eros station and just the set design in general. The bit in the arcade-space reminded me of the fsociety headquarters in Mr. Robot, possibly because I found my old notes on it recently and I kind of want to rewatch it, I think. But I also loved the whole ‘coins falling on a dead body after a death-match’ shot—very metal. I thought the episode did a good job of having finale-worthy character moments, like Holden choosing not to save Kenzo (do I entirely remember who Kenzo is? No. I mean I remember who he is but not when he was last seen. But that’s okay because I get, like, the meta of what they’re trying to do, I read the moment in its context, sort of like knowing what part of speech a word in a foreign language is, but not what it means). Or Naomi and the little girl—portentous.
I sort of wanted there to be more explanation, both since this was the season finale and because I thought the end of the last episode set up a possible Exposition-Heavy next installment, but it did lean heavier on the action sequences/movement-based plot and less on actually giving context to anything or providing answers. So I have mixed feelings about that. Like I do think tantalizing clues, like whatever they were doing with Julie’s body, or whatever the blue human shape attacking Kenzo was at the end, are appropriate for a finale ep, but I needed some MORE. Is Julie still ‘alive’ somehow? Is the blue light indicative of this substance being more than just a weapon? That’s what I’d like, honestly. The explanation Holden and Miller outline in this episode—it’s just a really big, really bad weapon, and Bad Guys are using Eros as a testing ground for it, hoping to pit all three major players against each other over their suspicions of it—is certainly, like, a plot. A plot I’ve heard before. But understandable, digestible, solid. Classic, one might say.
But what if… something else. What if it’s not just a weapon? What if its ability to brutally kill is just the first thing it does? What if it can also reform or reconstitute? What if it’s absorbing rather than killing? What if the resultant bodies have some sort of unique use or value? That would certainly take the show’s themes of The Machine literally chewing up and spitting out the bodies of the underclass for the benefit of the upper class to a new level. I thought there were some indications of this—not this specifically but an unknown additional level—in the finale. Whatever they were doing with Julie’s body, and the line about saving us all. That Holden and Miller’s explanation, despite its plausibility, is left hanging as not quite complete or not quite accounting for all the facts. The human figure in the blue light at the end. That we have so little exposition and so much of an air of mystery around the whole episode, as if we’d really learned almost nothing here, despite all the action.
I’m not saying I’m necessarily getting my hopes up for any of this because it’s so purely speculative and I could easily see the show moving off in some totally different direction.
A few other random thoughts: the Julie-hallucination turning into Amos made me legitimately laugh. Like this episode is not funny and the show is pretty overall serious but I laughed for real. The funniest character for it to actually be. Also, love guard dog Amos making a return. I think Holden and Naomi are bros. Alex has grown on me a lot. I like when he takes out the country twang voice. Usually the Roci looks like a bullet but today it sort of looked like some kind of bug, while it was still attached to the dock.
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aetherrose · 4 years
I had coffee before bed and ended up doing a Script Doctor based on the given premise. Not sure if anyone else has done this but here you go anyway:
Proper SPN Ending
(probs closer to what the showrunners wanted)
Penultimate Episode:
--v similar
--except: once Jack nerfs Chuck's powers, he disappears in a blaze of light
--Chuck looks through the book and gets a paper cut, then bleeds
--He's absolutely done for
--Sam and Dean give a similar spiel as in the show and let him live
--They drive off and stop to get food at a diner
--Oops, Dean is bleeding real bad
--Again, similar scene as the final episode but with more bite to it now
Final Episode: ((Airs IMMEDIATELY after the penultimate ep))
Sam Ending- (intercut with Dean's)
--Has funeral scene with Eileen and Miracle
--Go back to the bunker and look through things Dean has collected
--Many momentos from people and hunts
--Sam cries it out
--They end by looking at his dad's old hunting journal
--They leave the Bunker for good
--They go on various hunts, both on their own and with other people
--They go to different bars and meet a variety of hunters, including some old faces
--They also continue to befriend some “monsters”, including those who are also hunters
--This goes on for years until Sam gets into an accident and is unable to hunt anymore
--He instead goes to bars and tells young hunters about Dean and their adventures, detailing specific hunts for the fans
--Sam and Eileen either have a kid they name Dean or some kid named Dean shows up in a bar
--Sam begins mentoring this kid and maybe a few others, encouraging them to have each other's backs
--Sam eventually gets stuck in a deathbed surrounded by friends and family
--Young Dean lets him go
--Gets to heaven and sees Bobby outside an old Roadhouse
--Bobby gives Dean a similar explanation as in the show
--Dean asks if he's seen Jack recently
--Bobby says "No, but someone else IS here"
--"Hey there, Dean." Cas is stand right behind him as per usual
--The two hug and discuss what happened with the Empty
--Dean confesses his feelings for Cas
--The two kiss!
--They then spot the Impala and head out
--They first meet with Dean's parents and have a lovely time
--They go on to meet more friends nearby
--They head out to explore this New Heaven
--They find old places they've seen and discover new ones unique to this New Heaven
--They talk with new people and old, some hunters and others regular folk
--They listen to the stories of their lives on earth
--Some hunters are like: "Hey, so you're that Dean Sam has been talking about"
--Dean and Cas continue their travels, asking about Jack from time to time, getting pointed toward one direction or another
--Finally, they find Jack and confront him
--Jack gives a similar spiel as in the show, adding in that one he nerfed Chuck's powers, he was highly overwhelmed and had to go away for a little bit. This is where he decided to be hands-off with humanity and just wanders around heaven and the universe now
--Dean and Cas make one final on-screen drive to that bridge
--Sam shows up and that's the end
--Final shot of cast, crew, etc on the bridge
The End
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to-come-alive · 3 years
The Dizi Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people you want to participate! (Also tag it #The Dizi Tag Game so we can see everyone’s lists)
Tagged by: @thescorpioracer thank you!!
1. Your first dizi and how you discovered turkish dramas
Medcezir. It was back in 2014, I encountered this gif of yamira on the internet. After that I searched for other gifs and watched random scenes without subs (I didn't understand anything). Only in 2015 I decided to look for the show to watch with subs, and finally watched it.
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2. Shows you're currently watching
I'm not watching anything right now. I'm giving a break from dizis, but I'll come back.
3. Your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.)
Romcom. I love comedy and I love romance, so that's the perfect genre for me. But a show that has a cute pairing and a story that revolves around them it catches me. Drama is not my favorite genre bc I always lose excitement for the show after some time, but I tend to give it a try. I haven't tried any other genre, and I don't intend to.
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4. The show you rewatched (parts of) the most
Medcezir. It's the first one, so it's the one I'm always coming back bc it's special. But Love 101 comes right after, it was the first dizi I watched after a long time, and it was in the beginning of the pandemic so it's kinda special to me too. It was like an awakening.
5. Favorite turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples)
Serenay Sarıkaya, Çağatay Ulusoy, Hazar Ergüçlü, Demet Özdemir, Engin Öztürk, İpek Filiz Yazıcı, Kubilay Aka, Alperen Duymaz (although I haven't watched anything from him, every gif and video I see from his latest shows he's just funny and cute, maybe one day I'll watch something from him).
6. A show you quit before finishing
Kara Para Aşk, İçerde, Arıza (I tried but I have a problem with mafia shows). And Erkenci Kuş and Sen Çal Kapımı. One day I'll come back to EK, but SÇK I just can't anymore.
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7. Favorite songs you have discovered in dizis
Bana Öyle Bakma from Teoman I discovered in Bana Sevmeyi Anlat; Kanatlarım var Ruhumda from Nil Karaibrahimgil, Isyan from Halil Sezai and Aşk Kırıntıları by Teoman I heard in Medcezir; Resmen Aşığım from Nil I know from SÇK.
8. The show whose plot disappointed you the most
Sen Çal Kapımı, after Serkan's memory loss I just couldn't continue. And Her Yerde Sen, everyone says they love this show but the way Demir handled their relationship problems by simply locking her up until she accepted listening to him was just toxic for me, and I just don't understand how nobody sees it. I just finished bc when I couldn't stand anymore it was the second to last ep already.
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9. A show that was cancelled too soon/ran too long
Fortunately for me I never watched a dizi that was cancelled abruptly. As for the ones that ran too long, EK and SÇK. SÇK should have ended before all the memory loss thing.
10. Favorite characters
Mira (Medcezir); Sanem (EK); Sinan, Osman and Işık (Love 101).
11. Your favorite romantic pairings
Yamira (Medcezir), they don't do romantic scenes like theirs anymore, it's amazing the amount of times they make out in this dizi. Seriously. And they're so cute and good with each other, I love them; DicBar (Menajerimi Ara, I never watched this dizi but every gif and scene I see they're just perfect); Sinan and Işık (Love 101)
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12. Favorite side characters
CeyCey (EK); Melo (SÇK); Mert and Eylül (Medcezir); Mühtar and Turan, only when he was with Mühtar (50m2)
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13. Best kiss
It's Yamira's of course. It was hard to pick just one bc, like I said before, it's just too much making out. But after thinking about it, it has to be this one. They were both mad at each other so I was not expecting that kiss.
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But there's another kiss I can't forget. Sinan and Işık are simply beautiful together.
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14. An underrated show more people should watch
Love 101. I just feel that this show deserves more love than it has.
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15. A show everyone loves that you aren't interested
Her Yerde Sen. I've already said my reasons, basically Demir was toxic and didn't respected Selin's choices. He treated her like a child at times, locking her up and not giving her time to digest the way he lied to her, and it bothered me, although she really behaved like a baby sometimes (which bothered me same). I couldn't ship them and sometimes I just watched bc of the side characters. Burak and Eylül were waaaay better together.
Other than that, I don't feel like watching Çukur, Hercai, Kiralık Aşk and many others. I have a friend who's watching KA and she's loving it, but I just don't feel it, you know.
16. A show you want to recomend right now
Medcezir. Just watch it if you like drama and romance. The first season is good but the second manages to make it better, especially the second half of it. Mira and Yaman's relationship just evolves to a new level, they trust each other and take care of each other, it's just beautiful (and most importantly, through most of the series they are together, they broke up twice in 77 eps, and the second time they spent like idk 10 ep apart, but when they get back together they don't separate anymore). And Serenay and Çağatay are just amazing in this dizi, they're great actors. And I recomend Love 101 too. It's funny, dramatic, romantic. The pace of the story is great, the relationships in this show evolve beautifully and we really get to root for the characters.
17. The next show on your list
The summer dizis: Cam Tavanlar, Baht Oyunu and Kazara Aşk. And I'm still waiting for Ada Masalı's teaser, but I'm planning on watching it.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it! C'mon guys, it's fun!!
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bludemons · 3 years
Hi! Could I request a Emily x fem (she/her) reader blurb? Basically it takes the evernts from season 14 ep:7. After the case Emily and the reader go visit Andrew in the hospital and Andrew try’s to hit on Emily and the reader gets all jealous. Just major fluff! Ty:)
27 minutes of jealousy (Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Y/N is jealous and Emily surprises her (don't wanna give to much away)
Warnings: case talk (s14 e7), a bit of angst, jealousy, fluff
Word count: 1770
A/N: This was requested by an anon and I tried my best. I guess it's a bit longer than it's supposed to be and a lil bit different but I really hope that you like it anon and thank again for requesting
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This case was a hometown one. A pair of brothers, which you and the team had already profiled, were on a manslaughter spree, harming people with a machete. Dave, Penelope, Tara, Luke and you were stuck in the bareau as Luke was still in desk duty after what happened previously and you because your girlfriend, also known as Emily Prentiss, the Unit Chief of the BAU, said that she didn't need you out in the field. But was that really the reason why you were stuck at the office?
You thought about that a lot even though you tried to focus on the case. Emily and another FBI agent, called Andrew Mendoza, delivered the profile and of course you and your colleagues watched it live. You couldn't take your eyes off of your girlfriend but you also noticed how dangerously close she was standing besides Andrew. His eyes looked over to her every now and then, basically just checking her out, which of course made you angry but you couldn't do anything about it.
But when Emily actually called Luke, Luke who was still on desk duty, while you definitely weren't, to go out in the field to investigate with Spencer and JJ, you couldn't control your anger anymore. You slammed the file you were currently holding onto the desk in the conference room which caused Tara and Dave to look at you. "I can't believe her. I actually can't. He's still on fucking desk duty and she calls him to go out in the field. What's her problem? Am I not good enough or does she not want me to see her and Mendoza together?", you said as you started to breathe faster and more exaggerated.
Tara stood up and carefully put her hand on your upper arm, in a manner to calm you down, which didn't help at all. "Why don't we two go and grab some coffee?", she suggested and you agreed, maybe a cup of coffee would help your nerves to calm down.
About 45 minutes later, when Luke was already back at the office, he and Tara were called to go back into the field, together with Emily, Matt and Andrew. You knew you were acting against Emily's orders when you decided to drive with Luke and Tara. And to say that your girlfriend wasn't pleased with the situation was an understatement, she was mad, like really mad. She ordered you to stay behind at the cars with some other officers and the medics. You weren't happy with that decision but you also knew that it wouldn't end well if you didn't follow her orders again.
You were talking to one of the officers when you heard the screams of students but you still didn't move and waited for your Unit Chief to give you the permission. You didn't hear her say anything until she checked in with everyone else, trying to figure out what happened and then your earpiece went silent again. A few minutes later you heard her call for medics and you didn't hesitate to run with them, you just needed to know that Emily was alright. As soon as you arrived you saw her talking with Tara but you didn't hesitate running into her arms, almost tackling her down to the ground. She steadied you both and put her arms around you while you kept repeating that she's okay.
But Emily only held you for a few seconds before she removed her arms and went over to Andrew who was already laying on a gurney, talking to him. She didn't even say a single word to you, just leaving you standing there and talking to someone she just met. After the medics told both, Andrew and Emily, that he needs to go to the hospital now, she went back to you. "C'mon let's go with them. I wanna see how he's doing and he wanted to talk to me", she said as she walked towards the car. You stood there, in total disbelief, looking at her before you started to love towards the car too.
You settled down on the passenger seat, watching the landscape pass by, not saying a single word. Emily noticed that something was wrong with you but she decided to talk about that when you were back home. The moment your girlfriend parked the car, you went out and straight into the hospital, keeping as much distance to her as possible. Emily was fast to walk after you, keeping her tracks close behind you. Andrew had already texted her in which room he was. She walked there straight and again, not saying a single word. You heard a quiet 'yes' after Emily knocked, she opened the door and you both walked into the room. Andrew laid in the bed, shirt open and with a bandage around his lower abdomen.
"Hey you, how are you holding up in here?", Emily asked him while you just stood beside her, awkwardly staring at your feet. You felt utterly uncomfortable because you felt the tension between the other two people in the room. "I'm okay, the meds are pretty strong", Andrew laughed as he carefully held this stomach. "Well that's good. When do you get out of here? Cause I think you owe me a drink since I saved your life", Emily laughed as well, but you froze beside her.
Did she really just say that? You weren't sure if you heard the right thing, but as soon as Andrew answered her, you knew you heard it right. "Oh yeah, of course. Maybe even more than just a drink, maybe dinner too", he spoke more to himself than to Emily. That was enough for you, you lifted your head, shot Emily a glare and left the room without a word, maybe closing the door a bit too loud.
You had this feeling the entire day and now you knew that you weren't overreacting. Maybe you really weren't enough for her. Maybe she wanted a man and not you in her life. And maybe that man way Andrew. You slid down one of the walls with your eyes closed, burying your head in your hands. You entirely drowned out your surroundings until you felt a hand on your shoulder. It made you look up at the person standing in front of you, being surprised when you saw your girlfriend.
"Wanna tell me what's up with you?", she asked as she bent down to be at the same height as you. "It's nothing, it's stupid", you whispered, your gaze shifting back to your feet. Emily's hand reached for your chin, softly lifting your head causing you to look at her. "Something's bothering you, I know that and I've noticed that for some time now and whatever it is I wanna make it better. Did I do something wrong?", Emily sat down beside you, her hand now on your knee.
"Do you wanna go out with him? Do you wanna be with him and not me?", your voice was so quiet that she had trouble understanding what you were saying, but she still did. "Of course not, how could you think that? Yes, I did think about going out on a drink but not without you. You're my girlfriend and the love of my life, so please tell me how you could think that I want to go out with him", her words were genuine, she said the truth. A few tears found their way down on your cheeks. "You…", you sighed, "you didn't want me in the field today, even called Luke out to investigate while he's still on desk duty. And you delivered the profile with Andrew while he was basically checking you out in front of the whole city. Plus you barely talked to me and when Matt arrested the unsub and I was clinging in your arms, glad that nothing happened to you, all you cared about was him."
Emily's eyes softened immediately."Baby", her voice was the softest it's been all day, "I didn't want you out in the field because I know how you are, you do everything to keep everyone safe except yourself, and there were two unsubs with machetes on the streets. I just didn't want you to get hurt. And I know that this is not a reason to keep you out of the field, I really do know that but I especially didn't want you to get hurt today." You were barely able to make out what her last sentence was saying but you still could. "Why today? What is so special about this day?", you asked her.
"Because…", it was her time to sigh, "because I wanted to make today, the temporary, best day of your life. Well, not only yours but mine too", she grinned slightly. "Emily, what are you talking about? I really don't get it", you looked at her, noticeably confused. She looked at you for a second before she roomed around in her bag, getting out a small box.
No, no, no, no, no. This couldn't be true. This couldn't be happening. You had closed your eyes but when your girlfriend asked you to open them, you did what she asked you to. You opened your eyes, looking into hers, not daring to look down to the box in her hand. "I planned something completely different, a bath, dinner and a long speech but I think I can pass that now", she laughed. "I thought about this for a while, well more than just a while now, and I was waiting for the perfect moment to ask you but I guess there will never be this specific moment. So I'm just gonna do it here, in a hospital, on the floor. But, Y/N, you're the love of my life, my soul mate, you're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you. So I'm just gonna ask you now", she chuckled nervously, "do you wanna marry me? Do you wanna become another Mrs. Prentiss?"
You looked at her, tears brimming in your eyes again, finally looking down into her hands, seeing the most perfect ring you've ever seen. You looked back up to her, the tears falling down on your cheeks while you nodded. "Yes, yes, yes, of course I want to", you tried to keep your voice as quiet as possible, still sitting on the hospital floor. She grinned, placing a quick kiss onto your lips before she literally put the ring on your finger.
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praguues · 2 years
Hi!! it's your annoying kinnporsche anon again. I am finally up to date, life has been kicking my butt so I haven't had time to watch. Anyway, how have you been enjoying the last few episodes? Is it true that there are only 2 more episodes until season 1 has finished? I am hoping it is renewed for season 2!! I heard the kinnporsche cast are going on tour?? are you planning to see them??
What do you think of Pete and Vegas's dynamic?? Hope you have been well, take care!! We'll speak again soon, you can't get rid of me so soon. I'm like Vegas I just keep coming back lol
Kp anon, never say you're annoying again, I get so excited when I see a message from you!! It is true, there are only 14 episodes in total, so we have 2 more to go before the wait for s2 starts. I'm speaking s2 into existence, I refuse to accept otherwise.
There is a kp world tour apparently yes! But I think they haven't officially announced which countries they'll be visiting yet? So it all depends on that, if I'll be able to go or not. However, I think if I see Mile or Apo in real like I WILL pass out, so I have to think about this carefully LOL
I'm very intrigued by Pete and Vegas, what they have is so different from what Kinn and Porsche have. I'm really curious to see how its going to go from here- Will Vegas let Pete go? And if he does does Pete return to the main family now? Does he want to? Does he want to stay with Vegas and the minor family? And the main question- will Kinn/Porsche/anyone-at-all-from-the-main-family come to their senses and realise just how long Pete's been missing for???! Like, I know Kinn thinks Pete's with his grandma, but, what was the time limit on that leave, how long has it Been really. So many questions anon, so many, and so little time left to have them answered. Fingers crossed the last 2 eps are at LEAST an hour long each hahahaha
Also- I don't want to get rid of you!! Come talk to me more kp anon! ❤️ 
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neocatharsis · 3 years
NCT Dream Is All Grown Up and Ready to Show What They Can Do
On a warm, late summer evening of 2016 in Seoul, South Korea, seven boys hoverboarded right into the most defining experience of their youth. Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung, then aged 17 to 14 years old, were making their debut as NCT Dream — a subunit focused on the youngest forces of SM Entertainment’s mega-group NCT. Their first title track, “Chewing Gum,” was as bubbly as its name, with choreography that required nimble maneuvers on the two-wheeled vehicle.
Fast forward nearly five years, and the Dreamies — as they are commonly known — are ready to cross another major threshold in their lives. Their highly-anticipated, 1.7 million-seller first studio album, Hot Sauce, is out today (May 10).
A few days before that, the members huddled together for a conversation with Teen Vogue via Zoom. Clad in black hoodies, face masks, and a few bucket hats, the initial impression is a striking contrast to the vivid atmosphere of their bright, cartoonish teasers for this promo cycle. Rather, this is NCT Dream in the blue hour, right at that moment of transition between the haze of preparations and the awakened reality of their most prominent comeback so far.
“We haven’t even started the actual promotions yet, but just from receiving this much love and support from our fans, we feel very touched, very, very inspired and supported,” says leader and eldest member Mark. Today, he’s wearing a pair of round glasses that complement his laidback, chill nature, while his expressive hands ruffle through his ocean blue hair, settling across his chest in an embrace. “We’re just focusing on how we can return the love that we received from them through our music.”
To say NCT Dream have grown — in all competencies — is not only obvious, but a meager understatement. Through their four EPs, the hoverboards became cardboard cars, then bikes, then motorcycles. Voices deepened, limbs grew longer, jawlines became sharper. And with all that, a number of accolades and records followed. Hot Sauce is currently the best-selling album among all releases from SM Entertainment. And out of all four current NCT units, the Dreamies were the first to receive a music show win, for 2017’s single “My First and Last,” and the first no. 1 on Korea’s largest music chart, Melon, with 2020’s “Ridin.” They received numerous prizes in Korean award shows, collaborated with English singer HRVY, released a single with American boy band Prettymuch, and also became global ambassadors of the World Scout Foundation in 2019 (an experience that culminated in viral mosh pits during the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia).
“When we debuted as teens, a lot of our music was very bright and cheerful, and that went with our age,” says the lavender-haired Jisung, who is the youngest of the group at 19. Although they are still the same endearing rascals off stage — the most chaotic footvolley game ever comes to mind — they have now “transitioned through all these phases, and with each of them we were able to show a higher level of maturity,” he adds.
In that way, Hot Sauce is their most seasoned effort yet. “We wanted to show NCT Dream’s charms through this ‘hot sauce’ vibe,” says the suave Jaemin, whose attentive eyes remain locked on the screen for most of the interview. “We have a showcase coming up where we plan to show a lot of our b-side tracks for the fans, so we’re very excited for that.” According to Haechan, the resident ray-of-sunshine of the group and owner of one of the most unique vocal colors of K-pop, they prepared a long time for this moment, and want to “show off that spicy side.”
Show off might be the best word choice indeed, as NCT Dream has dabbled with fire plenty of times before in their discography. Think of the rubbery, sticky synths of 2018’s “Drippin’” and its lyrics about a soaking wet love, or the dangerous atmosphere in 2019’s “119,” where they call themselves “twisted” and say “I like it like that.” In Hot Sauce, what was once un condimento is now a full course meal.
The album stimulates the eyes through the psychedelic TV ad-meets-taquería of the “Hot Sauce” music video, the nostalgic ‘90s photography of the teasers, the zany illustrations of the album packaging. For the ears, a 10-track collection of scorching pop with Latin and Afrobeat-inspired sounds (“Hot Sauce,” “Rocket”) and trap and hip hop — “Diggity”, “Countdown (3, 2, 1)”, “ANL” — but also soothing balms like the soft rock of “Dive Into You” and the crystalline vocals of “Rainbow,” a track co-written by Mark, Jeno, Jaemin, and Jisung, where they express “words we want to tell our fans,” according to Shanghai-born star Chenle.
That is because the Dreamies have a special reverence for Dreamzens, their fans. If it wasn’t for their support, the group’s fate could look much different now. Although it might seem counterintuitive in hindsight, the original concept for NCT Dream was to be a rotational unit. Members would “graduate” once they reached 20 years old in Korea (19 internationally), and younger, fresher faces would be added to the ensemble. It can be said that NCT Dream embodied the core concept of NCT as a whole: they held the promise of youth, its shifting nature, and the willingness to dream. But to come of age on screen and experience such foundational moments of life together begets a lingering bond — a transformation that can’t be nullified so easily.
In December 2018, Mark was the first to leave — and the last.
Dreamzens knew how special the original lineup (dubbed 7DREAM until today) was, and stood by his return and the establishment of a fixed unit. In 2020, they rejoiced as SM Entertainment finally decided to scrap the graduation concept altogether and announce Mark’s return. Hot Sauce is their first comeback since this news. “When I heard that I was coming back, I realized how big of an opportunity this could be,” says Mark. “And not only that, but to be able to be part of our first full-length album, I felt like I was lucking [out]. It all comes with the timing and everything, so, from all angles, I felt like the world helped out on this, and that our fans helped out a lot too.”
The members are thankful for his return, too. “I like the members the most!” exclaims Chenle when asked about his favorite part of the comeback. At one point in the conversation, Haechan grabs Mark’s hand and dramatically declares, in English: “Mark, you are very special. NCT Dream means Mark.” He looks at the screen to make sure this moment is being registered. Flustered, Mark quickly pulls away and laughs it off as Jisung chimes in. “All the members have their own uniqueness, their own specialties, that’s the charm of NCT Dream.”
Soft-spoken Renjun, whose half-platinum, half-black locks are hidden underneath a beige cap, explains that he and his bandmates didn’t think much about the impending graduation when they debuted. “Especially because it was the [original] system for NCT groups, we just accepted that fact,” Renjun says. “But now that NCT Dream is fixed, there’s a lot of enthusiasm to come up with new concepts and ideas, and we’re very excited to show them.”
Jeno, whose sweet-eyed smile contrasts with his commanding rap and dance skills, says that they went through a lot of lessons and experiences since debut, but that the greatest one was “learning what we’re able to do and show in our stages, and through that, finding ways to connect with our fans and make sure they enjoy it.” After all, as Chenle adds, NCT Dream means “being able to dream the same dreams with our members and our fans.”
For now, they are ready to bask in the flavorful glory of this era, and all the outcomes it will bring. “One of our goals when we debuted was to bring happiness and healing to people’s lives, and we do feel like we were able to achieve that,” says Renjun.
“Our fans witnessed it all from the start. We grew together, so now it’s time to show what it is like with NCT Dream being adults,” adds Mark. “We can be a perfect example of what growth and development look like.”
© Teen Vogue
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londonrih · 3 years
I took the way everyone found out to mean that the relationship is still early/casual. Enough to say he's seeing someone (especially since he really only mentioned it to prove his sister wrong), but not anything more than that. Still early days but official enough. Tim's a big relationship guy so I think even for casual dates he'd still say he isn't single.
I like how he didn’t say that he was dating anyone, he just said he isn’t single.
Tim and Ashley went on one date, if not more since it was offscreen. Episode 6 was the ep he asked her out, but that was it, that’s the last thing we heard regarding their relationship.
Its been two episodes, like you said, he only said that he wasn’t single to prove his sister wrong. Even though we do see Ashley again, who knows when, but what if they’re not dating? What if they are but Tim breaks up with her?
I just really hope that at the end of this season there’s a realization of some sort. I’ve seen comments says that Alexi is big on season 4 finales. I lost all of my faith in Alexi. I kind of don’t believe anything that man says at this point. Maybe there will be something big with Chenford by the end of the season.
Who knows what’ll happen next? We have 14 episodes left, in some of those episodes we won’t even see them working together. It’ll basically be like 3x12 or 3x13 all over again, they’re not talking to each other. In 3x12, they were in the exact same building, they didn’t even bump into each other on accident, not a single chenford scene. I’m just hoping for the best.
Since there are relationship statuses, I’d definitely says that Tim and Ashley would be a budding romance, or talking.. something along those lines..
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lumiereandcogsworth · 3 years
Hey there Lyd 💖 Hope you're doing well! I know you have impeccable taste (your favorite movie is BATB 2017 after all 😊) and it seems we also have the same taste in TV shows (Anne with an E, The Queen's Gambit) I'm looking for a new show to watch during my lunch break, something soft and not too dark and preferably short. Any suggestions?
oh ho ho!!! i’m honored you’d come to me!! i’ve watched a plethora of shows. i’ll do my best to remember all of them and i hope you find something that sticks!!! i don’t watch any dark stuff, and as far as length goes, i’ll just list it out for ya ! + i’ll put a 🌸 by my personal faves. like yeah sure i recommend any of these but, beloveds, you know?
sit-coms/20 min eps:
that 70s show (8 seasons) 🌸
new girl (7 seasons)
schitt’s creek (6 seasons) 🌸
frasier (12 seasons)
friends (10 seasons) 🌸
parks and recreation (7 seasons) 🌸
the office (9 seasons)
community (6 seasons, but honestly. i only really enjoyed the first four...)
the good place (4 seasons. i actually haven’t finished 4 yet, but i’ve heard amazing things about the finale)
bob’s burgers (11 seasons, still going! i actually haven’t seen it all the way through, but literally 15/10 always a pleasure) 🌸
fresh off the boat (6 seasons. actually also haven’t finished this show but i still recommend!! very funny)
we bare bears (4 seasons & only 10 minute eps!! also haven’t finished but literally such a soft and cute time. you will not be disappointed it’s just a delight)
period dramas - 40 min-1 hr eps:
call the midwife (10 seasons (11 coming!) i love this show so much it’s my current comfort show!!) 🌸
anne with an e (3 seasons) 🌸
the queen’s gambit (1 season)
the great (1 season (2 coming out!))
poldark (5 seasons) (my beloved) 🌸
downton abbey (6 seasons + movie)
the crown (4 seasons (5+6 planned))
bridgerton (1 season (2 coming??) i loved this show, the aesthetic was impeccable, but personally could’ve majorly done without the sexual content!! that’s just me though! and it’s not terribly explicit until ep 5 i think? anyway)
dramas/shows that prove that i actually lied to you and i do watch some “dark” stuff - 40 min-1 hr eps:
law & order: svu (22?? seasons??? i started at 13. it’s not that plot important, start wherever you want. i just watched it for barba, my fictional husband, who’s in 14-19. but don’t watch his last episode because it doesn’t exist<3)
supernatural (15 seasons. yes yes i know there’s a whole bunch of things about spn but i am literally rewatching it right now so it goes on the list!)
hannibal (3 seasons. definitely the darkest of the shows. i watched it with my friend jess, as it is one of her faves. it’s. i mean. you can see who it’s about. but cinematically? it is stunning.)
bojack horseman (6 seasons. this show is actually funny, too! it just has major dark themes and tones. it’s a really good show but it handles serious topics so it’s definitely not a light-hearted show)
legion (3 seasons. i watched this for our boy dan stevens!!! he’s the lead!! but also it’s one of my best friend’s favorite shows and i probably wouldn’t have watched it on my own, ya know? i didn’t love it, but still a good time! but i can talk on it more if you’re interested lmao.)
and last, i won’t go on a youtube tangent but my favorite channel there is watcher and my favorite show on that channel is puppet history!! generally 30 minute eps (i think around 20 episodes currently?? season 3 just finished) and always a good time. but they have other great shows too!! watcher is just 10/10 🌸🌸🌸
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theorajones · 3 years
I present to you, the Michael Knight Manwhore Index! 
This was shamelessly ripped off from inspired by Sara_merry’s Michael Knight Sex Project on LJ, which tragically appears to have been abandoned after the first 14 episodes. But having a) a ton of spare time on my hands due to the ongoing Coronapocalypse, b) a steadfast dedication to sitting around in my pajamas watching Knight Rider instead of cleaning the gutters or replacing my car’s valve cover gaskets and c) a burning need to know how accurate my estimate of Michael’s conquests was in my last trashy fanfic, I persevered.
Methodology: I assigned each prominent female guest character (and the occasional male and/or regular character) a probability of having gotten it on with Michael, based on my subjective interpretation of how much they flirted/made out/made plans for a romantic getaway/actually went on a romantic getaway. Episodes in which at least one character had a 50% or greater probability (including with characters who were talked about but not seen onscreen) were assigned a value of 1. Episodes with a 49% or lower probability were assigned a value of 0. Values were totaled to calculate each season’s MKMI number.
TL;DR results:
 (# denotes probable sexytimes with someone who wasn’t seen onscreen, * denotes Michael’s participation was most likely non-consensual)
Season 1 MKMI number: 13
04 - Good Day at White Rock 05 - Slammin’ Sammy’s Stunt Show  Spectacular 06 - Just My Bill # 07 - Not a Drop to Drink 08 - No Big Thing # 09 - Trust Doesn’t Rust # 10 - Inside Out 11 - The Final Verdict 13 - Forget Me Not 15 - Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Death 16 - The Topaz Connection 17 - A Nice, Indecent Little Town 20 - Knight Moves
Season 2 MKMI number: 6
06 - Return to Cadiz 07 - KITT the Cat 08 - Custom KITT 14 - Diamonds Aren’t a Girl’s Best Friend 18/19 - Goliath Returns * 23 - Let It Be Me
Season 3 MKMI number: 7
09 - Dead of Knight 12 - Custom Made Killer # 13 - Knight by A Nose 14 - Junk Yard Dog 15 - Buy Out 17 - The Nineteenth Hole 22 - Circus Knights
Season 4 MKMI number: 5
03 - KITTnap 08 - Many Happy Returns 12 - The Scent of Roses 16 - Redemption of a Champion 22 - Voo Doo Knight
Conclusion: Michael is not nearly as much of a manwhore as people think, at least based on what we see onscreen. Although he clearly does have a social life outside of what we’re shown in every episode, so there’s still a world of possibilities...
Detailed episode analysis below the cut:
s1e01/02 - Knight of the Phoenix
Lonnie - Don't seem to know each other very well, no signs of other than professional interest. Probability: 0%
Tanya - Some kind of working relationship as Michael Long, but she doesn't seem to recognize his voice as MK. Plus he was possibly still engaged to Stevie as ML.
T: "I can promise you a very rewarding... *partnership*." M: "Not this time."
Probability: 5% (as ML)     0% (as MK)
Maggie - She expresses regret at not going for him at the end, but also seems more interested in finding a father figure for her son. It's implied that Michael left town before anything could happen. He did say he'd come back and visit. Did he ever? Would Maggie be up for a fling even though she knows he can't settle down? Potentially but not necessarily.
Probability - 30%
s1e03 - Deadly Maneuvers
Robin - They keep things mostly professional during the investigation. Michael goes to his own hotel room. At the end, it looks like he and Devon are leaving together. Michael is wearing a different shirt in the last scene than in the one where he rescues Robin from the munitions range so it's unclear how much time has passed. Theoretically sexytimes could have transpired but there aren't really any strong suggestions that they have.
Probability: 10%
s1e04 - Good Day at White Rock
Sherry - "Keep driving." "For how long?" "Until one of us runs out of gas."
Probability: 95%
s1e05 - Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular
Lisa - She's definitely interested. And he's sticking around for another 3 weeks, so definitely some opportunity. He doesn't seem as flirtatious with her as he was with Sherry but it's definitely a possibility.
Probability: 70%
s1e06 - Just My Bill
Sabrina (offscreen) - Devon breaks Michael's date with her. Not enough info to draw any conclusions about whether it's a first and/or last date. A definite possibility.
Probability: 50%
Senator Maggie - That would have been subversive af, but alas, no.
Probability: 0%
Jane - Doesn't seem that into him at their first meeting. At their breakfast date he asks her how she slept, which presumably he'd know if he'd been there. She does go out to lunch with him and Devon at the end. Possible but not conclusive.
Probability: 25%
s1e07 - Not A Drop to Drink
Francesca - They have kind of a "channel the sexual tension into arguments" thing, but like Maggie in the pilot, she's probably looking more for somebody who can settle down. Another one where he talks at the end about coming back to visit but we don't know if he ever does. Maybe?
Probability: 50%
S1e08 - No Big Thing
The Unnamed 200-Mile Diversion Girl (offscreen) - I doubt he drove 200 miles out of his way just for coffee and friendly conversation.
Probability: 90%
Carol Reston - They have dinner together but seem to be keeping things strictly business. No apparent indication that they're romantically interested, no "Come back and visit sometime."
Probability: 0%
s1e09 - Trust Doesn't Rust
Rosalyn and/or Rosalie (offscreen) - "What's wrong with a little 'companionship'?"
Probability: 90%
Bonnie - They almost kiss after defeating KARR, but mutually think better of it. Presumably the moment passes and stays passed for another few seasons of UST.
Probability: 0%
s1e10 - Inside Out
(This ep has a higher than average amount of sexual innuendo, including KITT's breathless response to Bonnie adjusting his components, Michael commenting that Bonnie knows how to turn KITT on, KITT straight-facedly giving Michael an accounting of Bonnie's measurements after Michael wonders whether there's a real woman under her jumpsuit, and Michael & KITT's "Maybe I can get something from the girl"/ "I wouldn't touch that line with a 10 foot driveshaft" conversation. "Don't worry, I'll distract her."/"I'll bet." "What was that all about?"/"Biology.")
Linda - WTF was up with him grabbing her in the woods like a skeezoid rapist when he just wanted to give her dinner? She doesn't kick him in the balls so I guess that counts for something. They hug after a conversation in her room later, hold hands and smooch before she goes off to do... something mission related. She saves his ass and helps him drop off the bad guys at the prison. Do they celebrate later? Maybe.
Probability: 70%
s1e11 - The Final Verdict
Cheryl - They're pretty touchy-feely when he visits her in jail, and she gives him a pretty good kiss at the end. Odds are good that they had/will have a romantic relationship at some point.
Probability: 90%
s1e12- A Plush Ride
M: I wanna search Margo's room. K: I've heard that one before. M: It'll give you something to brood about during the night.
Margo - (spoiler alert) She's a terrorist. They get physical when she catches him searching her room but it doesn't turn into anything more than fighting. He kisses her (in front of everybody, wtf) after she (supposedly) saves him from being murdered by Jacobs. But the next time we see the two of them together, she's taking him prisoner. She's pretty touchy-feely with him while he's tied up but there's no time for her to do anything (and presumably he wouldn't be into it if she did, what with her being a terrorist and all).
Probability: 0%
Bonnie - Uncharacteristically flirtatious, appears to be a bit tipsy. No real implication that anything happened, though.
Probability: 0%
s1e13 - Forget Me Not
Maria Elena - They're flirting up a storm in their first scene. And their third one. And fourth one. Also she's frequently scantily clad around him. Michael to KITT in the last scene: "See you in two days, buddy." Oh yeah, he was planning something.
Probability: 95%
Micki - She's a little flirtatious too before she loses her memory (although he starts it by fake-flirting with her). And also feels comfortable enough to just run around in Michael's shirt and little else after she loses her memory, although she says she doesn't just meet guys at parties and go home with them (she thinks). He tells her she's a nice lady but doesn't seem that romantically interested in her.
Probability: 10% Until...
Maria Elena & Micki - They've become fast friends by the last scene and both kiss him on the cheek at the same time after he brings them both flowers (at KITT's instigation). Why do I get the feeling "Anybody wanna cruise a hamburger joint?" was as close as they could get to implying a threesome on 80s family hour tv?
Probability: 60%
s1e14 - Hearts of Stone
M: KITT, don't fall in love with one of these beautiful cars and run off on me, huh?
K: I wouldn't dream of it.
Angie - She's with Roberto. Also (spoiler alert) a scam artist criminal.
Probability - 0%
The blonde lady at the bar - They flirt and she tells him she hopes to see him later, but no indication that she ever does.
Probability: 5%
Devon - Oh man, the way he's eyeing Michael up in his hotel room. And if we're still in the pilot universe, Michael is a dead ringer for a young Wilton, whom I will never be unconvinced Devon wasn't either secretly in love with or a relationship with, s2 Devon Miles Heterosexuality Minutes be damned. We never really get any indication that Michael swings that way, though (at least with non-automotive males, *wink*).
Probability: 0%
The nurse - In the novelization she flirts with him and kisses him, but no indication of romantic interest in the actual episode.
Probability: 0%
s1e15 - Give Me Liberty... Or Give Me Death
Bonnie - He tries to ask her out, but she's busy spending the night with KITT. :D She also doesn't seem very impressed with his Liberty drama.
Probability: 0%
Liberty Cox - When she shows up in his room, he seems a lot less interested in her than she is in him, but he doesn't exactly fight her off when she starts kissing him. He tells KITT he went to bed and she went back to her room, but she's sure more pissed about not getting to ride along with him the next day than you'd think she'd be if all they'd done was smooch. Also she's back at FLAG HQ at the end so maybe she's spending some time in town.
Probability: 90%
Dorothy Ackridge - He tries to be flirtatious but she has no time for his shenanigans. she's grateful when he saves her life but doesn't express any romantic interest in him.
Probability: 0%
s1e16 - The Topaz Connection
Lauren Royce - She takes half the episode to warm up to him but they have fun in Vegas. "You do the cake, I'll do the champagne, and we'll see what else comes to mind." "Deal." Things look like they might be headed in a steamy direction as evidenced by the romantic music playing but they get cockblocked by Bob. They smooch before she gets on the bogus plane. In the last scene they kiss some more and she tells him they have some unfinished business.
Probability: 95%
s1e17 - A Nice, Indecent Little Town
KITT: Michael is... indisposed. Devon: Oh. That means he's either with a young lady or in jail.
Jobina - He's definitely turning on the charm. She helps Michael escape from jail (with KITT's assistance). "Is there anything this car can't do?" "I think a woman would be a better judge of that." "I beg your pardon?" I don't even know what that's supposed to mean but I want to believe it's something saucy. Not actually much indication onscreen that anything happened but in the last scene Michael says he hopes Jobina will stay in town and Bonnie asks if that's so he'll know where to find her. Michael responds, "Yeah, that's a thought." Possibilities here.
Probability: 50%
s1e18 - Chariot of Gold
Dr. Charlene Litton - He chats her up at the party, but it's in the line of duty. She's kind of condescending to him. She does break away from the creepy IQ cult and help Michael foil their plans, but isn't seen again.
Probability: 0%
Bonnie - They do their usual UST thing, and dance at the party until Devon cuts in. He's extremely protective of her. He talks her out of her brainwashing by telling her "We're a team, we love each other." He makes her breakfast and brings her a rose at the end. Still, no overt indication that anything beyond camaraderie happens.
Probability: 0%
s1e19 - White Bird
Stevie - Presumably they've gotten it on in the past but there was too much going on in this episode for anything to happen. Also presumably Wilton didn't do any renovations below Michael's neck so if they'd gotten it on she would have known with 100% certainty who he was.
Probability: 95% (as ML)     5% (as MK)
s1e20 - Knight Moves
Terri - He asks her to go dancing. She turns him down but finds him likable/trustworthy enough to let him give her a lift home. They seem to be bonding but when he goes in for a kiss she says goodnight and goes in the house (alone). His little smile afterwards suggests he's up for the challenge. After he saves her life and her other driver threatens to quit she tells him she really likes him and hugs her but doesn't push it further than that. She tells him the next day that it was the first time she ever wanted to kiss a man (but that she had before anyway D: ). At the end they do go dancing (and she puts on a dress because heaven forbid a tough woman should ever fail to embrace conventional femininity immediately upon being found attractive by any halfway decent dude) and it's a reasonable assumption that they did more than just *dance* until dawn. I kind of want to roast Michael a little for not being more aghast about the fact that she's kissed dudes she didn't really want to and for encouraging her to give up her Tomboy Terri persona but it was a less enlightened era and at least he didn't hit on her when she was vulnerable which is more than a lot of dudes of his time (or this one, for that matter)  would have done so I'll cut him some slack.
Probability: 90%
s1e21 - Nobody Does It Better
Connie - He's checking her out on the tennis court but (spoiler alert) she gets murdered.
Probability: 0%
Flannery Roe - Things are off to a rocky start. She seems to take his "do you like to play?" at the club as a come on, pulls a gun on him (not entirely unjustifiably) when he corners her in the cul-de-sac and has him arrested on suspicion of being a stalker and/or rapist. She warms up to him a bit after he provides a comforting hug when she finds Connie's body but still gets a little shirty with him at the restaurant and turns down his offer of a ride home. She's antagonistic toward him when they meet again at the club. He saves her from the bad guys and for some reason she's back at the Foundation HQ at the end but they don't do any huggy-kissy stuff so odds are minimal.
Probability: 1%
s1e22 - Short Notice
K: Since you haven't asked, I'll tell you. It was demoralizing, demeaning. M: What? K: Police impound. M: Oh. You had me worried there for a minute.
Nicole - She keeps him at arm's length initially (understandably since she's hitching). Turns out she's another single mom, so her main preoccupation is getting her kid back, and she doesn't really care if she dicks Michael over in the process. He does get along well with her kid when they find her so that probably gets him a few points in her eyes. They hold hands after he beats all the bad guys in the western town and hug at the end but don't kiss. She's probably looking for a new dad for Natalie. He tells Natalie he hopes they'll see him again but nothing conclusive.
Probability: 10%
s2e01/02 - Goliath
Rita Wilcox - Another one where there was possible interest but probably wasn't time for anything to happen. She spends half the episode either pissed off at him or faking a relationship with Garthe, and then they're busy trying to take out Goliath. They hug after Garthe and Goliath are out of commission but don't kiss. At the end she's on her way out of town. It's unclear how much time has passed between that and the last scene but when she implies he should look her up if he's in LA, he doesn't mention that the Foundation's home base is in SoCal (or so it appears)? I don't think he's the type who wouldn't go for a woman he was interested in just because she'd hooked up with his evil twin (even if he was a little judgy when he found out she was shacking up with Garthe again), so maybe he's just not that into her.
Probability: 25%
s2e03 - Brother's Keeper
Lisa - Things aren't exactly off to a great start when he kidnaps her. She warms up to him a little by the end and they give each other a fairly chaste goodbye smooch. He says they'll see each other again and she says she hopes so. Maybe?
Probability: 30%
April: He's on a kidnapping spree and drags her to the beach at the end. Still, no real indicator that anything romantic is going to ensue.
Probability: 5%
s2e04 - Merchants of Death
Camela - They seem to keep it professional except for a goodbye kiss. Not even a "We'll see each other again." Odds are minimal.
Probability: 5%
s2e05 - Blind Spot
Julie - She's in some kind of platonic lifemate relationship with John, which may end up being more than platonic thanks to Michael's yenta-ing.
Probability: 0%
s2e06 - Return to Cadiz
Jennifer Shell - They have dinner together and she seems to open up to him but it isn't overtly romantic. They have a spat but hug and make up when he finds the secret treasure cave. She kisses him after he rescues her from the bad guys. An undisclosed amount of time has passed before they have dinner and he heads out but they do the "Will I see you again?/count on it" thing before she kisses him goodbye. It's possible, maybe even likely.
Probability: 50%
s2e07 - KITT the Cat
Grace - She's definitely flirting with him when she invites him to the party. And then tries to convince him she's not the burglar by making out with him. At the end he kisses her goodbye pretty interestedly while promising to keep a closer eye on her. Odds are good.
Probability: 85%
s2e08 - Custom KITT
Suzanne Weston - She's pretty overt about her interest in him, but when she shows up in his room he seems relieved when KITT beeps him on the comlink. She tells him he knows where to find her if he's ever in the mood for something other than "good, clean" fun, so by implication he hasn't been.
Probability: 0%
Carrie - She's into him enough to get jealous when she thinks he hooked up with Suzanne. "If our plan works and the thief tries to steal KITT tonight, you can thank me." She kisses him first, but then he kisses her and tells her that's "very close" to his way of wanting to be thanked. The implications aren't particularly subtle. They enthusiastically hug after catching the bad guys. When she wins the car show, they smooch with more "I don't know how to thank you... but I'm sure I'll think of a way" innuendo. He tells her he'll see her later, and I think it's a strong possibility that he will.
Probability: 90%
s2e09 - Soul Survivor
M: Devon, I felt something in here... I don't know, a presence... KITT's presence.
K: Oh Michael, do I look just dreadful? Be honest. M: KITT, what matters to me is who you are, not what you look like. Sure we don't have the car. So we can't turbo boost. So we can't go over 200 miles an hour. It was all icing on the cake anyway. It wasn't you. K: It wasn't? M: No, the car was fantastic but if you break it down it was steel, rubber and glass. We can always make another one. But you, you are a lot more than silicon chips and fancy circuitry, You're my buddy. You're my partner. KITT, you're one of a kind. K: Thank you, Michael. The feeling's mutual.
K: What was it like, Michael? M: What, KITT? K: Seeing my body functioning without me? Or you? M: A little spooky, let me tell ya. K: Did it seem like me? M: Yeah, it did and it didn't. It looked like you, but somehow it just wasn't the same. K: I don't understand. M: It didn't have your soul, KITT. Without that, it could never be the same. K: Thank you, Michael.
Adrianne - She techno-roofies him and the way Randy sticks his head in the door and then guiltily ducks back out as she's leaning over him on the couch kind of suggests he's walking in on something he knows he shouldn't see. Still, Michael appears to be fully clothed when he wakes up in a ditch. Adrianne is totally a creepy douchebag and/or rapist (as we will see more of in Goliath Returns) but she was probably too preoccupied with stealing KITT to do anything in this ep.
Probability: 20%
s2e10 - Ring of Fire
(This is one of two eps where Michael utters the phrase "come on, baby" to KITT while trying to get out of a jam. Obviously NBC's censors had to ruin our fun because it never happens again after this season.)
Layla - She's still married. Doesn't really express romantic interest in Michael and the hero of an 80s family hour tv series probably wouldn't have gotten it on with a married woman no matter how much of an abusive dick her husband was. They do kiss goodbye at the end and he tells her if she ever decides to leave the bayou, she knows where he'll be. If anything ever happens, it's probably in the distant future.
Probability: 5%
s2e11 - Knightmares
M: Whoa, you are hot! K: Quite true, Michael.
Cara - She tries to look out for him after he gets amnesia, but not a lot of indication that she's romantically interested in him, and he's too busy trying to figure out wtf is going on to hit on her. They hug after he rescues her from drowning but we don't see any more of them together.
Probability: 5%
s2e12 - Silent Knight
Marta - No real indication of romantic interest on either side. We  don't see what they're doing as Tino is saying goodbye to KITT but considering he offered her a handshake and not a kiss or even a hug, it's probably safe to say nothing happened.
Probability: 0%
s2e13 - A Knight in Shining Armor
Katherine - She's a little young for him (Michael tells her the treasure was supposed to be her 21st birthday present so presumably she's legal but the fact that she's still in prep school makes her seem younger). Also this is another episode where he begins their acquaintance by first rescuing, then kidnapping the female lead. They don't particularly like each other at first, but hug after his "if nobody can hurt you, then nobody can love you" chat with her, again after he rescues her from the bad guy (again) and after escaping the cave collapse. It seems more friendly than romantic, though.He takes her hand in the cave but it comes off more as sharing a moment than a romantic overture. They kiss at the end but he tells her goodbye and leaves. No indication that they're going to see each other again.
Probability: 5%
s2e14 - Diamonds Aren't A Girl's Best Friend
Lauren - She makes out with him when he first shows up as part of her cover story and he clearly doesn't mind. He's pretty committed to maintaining their cover in subsequent scenes. In the last scene she tells him she'd like "to do it for real" but she's pretty clearly referring to kissing, not *it*. By implication they haven't done more than kiss at this point but when she asks if she'll see him again, he tells her "unless you change her name and move to Okinawa." Future potential.
Probability: 50%
Lauren's boss - She's kind of flirtatious with him when they first meet but no indicator that anything happens.
Probability: 0%
s2e15 - White Line Warriors
Cindy - She's with Ron, who is apparently pretty understanding since he doesn't seem to object to her giving Michael a thank-you kiss at the end.
Probability: 0%
s2e16 - Race For Life
April - He's emotionally supportive and her niece has been introduced to Michael and KITT but no significant indications of anything romantic.
Probability: 0%
s2e17 - Speed Demons
Sabrina - He comes to her rescue when Wade is harassing her at the party, They hug after she talks to him about Kelly. They give each other a chaste goodbye kiss but no real indication of romantic interest.
Probability: 0%
s2318/19 - Goliath Returns
Adrianne - This one gets an asterisk, because whatever happened in Garthe's creepy dungeon after the cutaway to a scandalized KITT didn't look consensual on Michael's side. She pretty obviously went down to there to sleep with him, and the way she staggers out in her bathrobe the next morning while Garthe bitches about how she slept in pretty strongly implies that she actually did, but Michael really seems the opposite of into her and her basically telling him "please me [in bed] and maybe I'll make sure my psycho boyfriend doesn't murder you" is rape by coercion if not by force. Did he grit his teeth and do it just to hedge his bets? Maybe.
Probability: 80%*
s20 - A Good Knight's Work
Gina - He's obviously interested and kisses her before he goes to MMM, but (spoiler alert) she's playing him. Except maybe she's not so bad because she lets him talk her out of shooting him and then they hug. They kiss goodbye at the end but she's going into witness protection and there isn't really any indication that they'll see each other again or that anything romantic transpired.
Probability: 10%
s2e21/22 - Mouth of the Snake
Joanna - She was more interested in Dalton. I deeply want to believe Dalton's invitation to Michael to hang out with them at the end was really an invitation to join them for a threesome because it's the only thing that would make this episode interesting, but Michael takes a rain check and heads out of town.
Probability: 0%
s2e23 - Let It Be Me
Stevie - She's still pretty broken up about her boyfriend's death. He kisses her when they go back to her apartment and she tells him she still dreams about him. The next scene they're wearing different clothes and seemingly some time has passed so maybe something happened after the cutaway?
Probability: 50%
s2e24 - Big Iron
Lucy - She was the woman who was coming out of the hotel room at the beginning. He seemed to be checking her out in that scene but obviously he's not going for a married woman even if she didn't have some other drama going on.
Probability: 0%
s3e01/02 - Knight of the Drones
Bonnie - They hug when he shows up at the university and he makes the "You can sail with me anytime" comment to her at the marina at the end and they link arms to walk to the boat, but not really anything more romantic than that.
Probability: 0%
Margo - She fakes romantic interest in him and he plays along, but (spoiler alert) she's setting him up to be murdered.
Probability: 0%
s3e03 - The Ice Bandits
Bonnie - They walk arm-in-arm into the diamond place, but Michael was making innuendoes about other women when she was sitting right next to him in the car 30 seconds previously so probably nothing really going on.
Probability: 5%
Jody - She's engaged to Charlie. Michael tells Charlie "She's not the one I'm interested in, it's *you*," with his standard flirtatious grin and god, that's hot. Spoiler alert: Charlie is a crook. Even after she finds out the truth she doesn't really express romantic interest in Michael although she does paint his portrait.
Probability: 5%
s3e04 - Knights of the Fast Lane
Diane - He's too preoccupied with Stacy's case to flirt. She hugs him after he rescues her but we don't see them together again.
Probability: 5%
The random cheerleader - She seems interested, but we don't see them together again either.
Probability: 5%
s3e05 - Halloween Knight
Bonnie - He's very protective. Tinhats would probably make something of the fact that her costume is Scarlett O'Hara and his is Rhett Butler. Still, nothing too overtly romantic.
Probability: 5%
Esmerelda - She'd probably put a love spell on him in a hot minute but I think he finds her a little terrifying.
Probability: 5%
Denise - She's friendly but not overly flirtatious. Also she gets murdered before anything can happen.
Probability: 0%
s3e06 - KITT vs. KARR
Mandy - She's with John. No indicators that they're interested in a threesome.
Probability: 0%
s3e07 - The Rotten Apples
Marilyn - They're hardcore flirting and she says she hopes to see him again. They kiss after he wins the mechanical bull contest, but then she catches a bus out of town. She kisses him goodbye and he does this "oh yeah, I still got it" move but we don't get any strong evidence that anything else happened.
Probability: 10%
Rebecca - Not a lot of flirtation, and the kids are always around cockblocking.
Probability: 10%
s3e08 - Knight in Disgrace
(I was almost too distracted by KITT and Michael in this ep to pay attention to the GOTW, lol. KITT's hurt confusion when Michael leaves and him being a total bitch to Michael's would-be replacement and the way he goes with Michael even when he thinks he's on the wrong side of the law, I'm *dying* here...)
Linda - She comes onto him and roofies him at the bar and he wakes up with his shirt undone, but she's Boyd's girlfriend and (spoiler alert) another hapless single mom so she probably didn't do anything untoward, assuming he was even conscious enough by the time she got him home. After she gets to know and trust him she doesn't make any moves on him and they don't smooch or anything at the end.  
Probability: 5%
s3e09 - Dead of Knight
Cindy - It's not entirely clear what their relationship is. At the beginning it looks more like he's trying to pick up on her than they're actually dating. He's obviously really invested in helping her but he'd undoubtedly do the same for anybody who was in mortal peril because of him. At the end in the ambulance he calls her "baby" and says they have a date. In the last scene Cindy is leaving for Broadway soon but they're all together at the Foundation and it's unclear how much time has elapsed. Not conclusive but suggestive.
Probability: 50%
Renard's girlfriend -  She's putting the moves on him while he's feverish and loopy and somehow his shirt has gotten unbuttoned but there's a guard in the room so probably nothing happened.
Probability: 10%
s3e10 - Lost Knight
"If I may be so bold, what on earth were you *doing* down there?"
(LBR, Michael is too busy angsting about KITT to try and get laid in this ep.)
Doug's mom  - In a relationship, although at the end she decides to break things off with her boyfriend so she can focus more on her son. She and Michael kiss goodbye but it's improbable that there's anything more than that since she just said she doesn't need another man around right now.
Probability: 0%
s3e11 - Knight of the Chameleon
Tonie Baxter - They seem to know each other from a previous case. He kisses her on the forehead at the end of their first scene. They don't really seem to interact romantically during this episode. Michael gets distracted by KITT's contest winnings before they have a chance for a goodbye kiss.
Probability: 10%
s3e12 - Custom Made Killer
Unnamed Dancer (offscreen) - Devon: "You've been rather difficult to reach lately. Particularly last night." Michael: "I got a weakness for dancers." HIs protest that they're "innocent girls working their way through college" leaves little doubt about what kind of dancer this was.
Probability: 95%
Joan - No evidence of romantic interest. Also (spoiler alert) she's collaborating with the bad guys.
Probability: 0%
Debra - He flirts at the end and she kisses him goodbye. Lewis says "He'll be back" and she gives a suggestive eyebrow raise. Possible but not conclusive.
Probability: 25%
s3e13 - Knight By A Nose
M: KITT, how close are you? It's getting stuffy in here. K: Any closer and I'll have to marry this limo.
Maxine - They hug and he calls her "sweetheart" when he shows up. Devon accuses Michael of being biased because Max is attractive but he describes her as "a very, very close friend." Yet we never actually see them kiss. Maybe they really are just friends?
Probability: 25%
s3e14 - Junkyard Dog
Fran - He's too preoccupied with KITT to do much flirting for most of the episode, but they're having a picnic/makeout session together in the semi, seemingly alone, at the end. It's a reasonable assumption that things escalated at some point, even if they didn't want a scandalized KITT watching and commenting at that particular moment.
Probability: 80%
s3e15 - Buy Out
Mel - They keep it professional for most of the ep but after he catches the bad guy he tells her she's attractive without her welding mask and they kiss. We don't see them together again but it's possible that more happened.
Probability: 50%
s3e16 - Knightlines
Janet Morgan - She's recently widowed and not in the market yet. No romantic interaction.
Probability: 0%
s3e17 - The Nineteenth Hole
Daisy: Is that thing blown? KITT: I beg your pardon?
Jamie - After they fake being married at the hotel she kisses him before the race. Not a lot of other romantic interaction but he and Bonnie and Devon do seem to be sticking around to watch the race so something could happen.
Probability: 50%
Daisy - He flirts with her a little at the meetup but no indication that it goes beyond that.
Probability: 0%
s3e18 - Knight and Knerd
Allie - She rides off into the sunset with Elliot.
Probability: 0%
Receptionist at Gifford's - He flirts but no indication that it goes anywhere.
Probability: 0%
Vanessa Sutton - Apparently he gives a really good massage but she's (understandably) pissed off that he wasn't who she was expecting the massage from. Also she's a villain and is too busy setting him up to get murdered for anything to happen.
Probability: 0%
s3e19 - Ten Wheel Trouble
M: Hey, are you hungry back there, partner? K: Perhaps a little lonely, Michael. But rather enjoying my independence.
Sally - He turns on the charm when they first meet but things go south rapidly when he talks her brother into going to jail. By the end he's back in her good graces and she likes him enough to steal a kiss from him before he says goodbye. You know her hormonal teenage brain is thinking about it but for reasons that should be obvious, he isn't going there.
Probability: 0%
s3e20 - Knight In Retreat
KITT: Of course, there is one other possibility. Devon: What is that? KITT: The lady of the retreat. She's quite attractive. Of course, knowing Michael the way I do, it would strictly be in the line of duty.
Bianca - She seems to find him physically attractive, and maybe if she hadn't been so busy torturing him she would have tried to have a little fun with him. But considering what he suspects her of, he probably wouldn't have gone too far unless he absolutely had to.
Probability: 0%
Monica - She flirts with him at the bar and comments on what a waste it is to kill him, but nothing is likely to have happened due to both time constraints and her being Bianca's henchwoman.
Probability: 0%
s3e21 - Knight Strike
Sheila - She acts jealous when he makes the date with Tyler but he seems more exasperated than romantically interested in her. They kiss before he goes into the warehouse but it's fairly short and chaste. At the end, she goes off with O'Malley.
Probability: 0%
Tyler - She makes a date with him at the gun range but it's just a distraction. He flirts with her but it's all in the line of duty.
Probability: 0%
s3e22 - Circus Knights
Bonnie: I have to admit, Devon, he looks fantastic. Devon: Yes, in spite of that ridiculous costume he's wearing. Bonnie: No, I'm talking about KITT!
Terri - They keep things professional at first, although when they're in the car together she asks if circus-folk camaraderie is the only reason he's interested in helping her. He says he's be lying if he said yes and presumably she reads it as him being interested romantically. After his near-murder in the ring they have a heart-to-heart talk and kiss. At the end he tells her to call him if she needs anything. *Anything?* Hmmm...
Probability: 50%
Tiger - She hits on him but he's not into it.
Probability: 0%
s4e01/02 - Knight of the Juggernaut
K: I'm asking you how I look. M: You look great, same as always!
Marta - They have some chemistry in their first meeting. He asks her out when they get back to her apartment. But (spoiler alert) she's part of the conspiracy to steal the cernium and sets him up to get murdered (twice). He cools it on the flirting after the first incident (understandably, since if he takes her story at face value she was assaulted and possibly worse) although he still acts protective of her. After she helps them get the bad guys she's hanging out with the Foundation crew at the end but we don't see any more romantic interaction.
Probability: 25%
Jennifer - No overtly romantic interaction. They're antagonistic for most of the episode although they make up at the end.
Probability: 0%
s4e03 - KITTnap
Karen - She's doing her doctoral thesis on KITT and spending a lot of time with Michael in the progress. Judging by the way they're holding hands in their first scene and then making out at her apartment, there's obvious romantic interest. And she clearly has more than academic interest even after (spoiler alert) she gets held hostage by the bad guys so it's a reasonable assumption that if they weren't already banging they're going to at some point.
Probability: 95%
s4e04 - Sky Knight
Bonnie - He's pretty touchy-feely at the airport and they hug after saving the day but no overt romance.
Probability: 5%
s4e05 - Burial Ground
Susan - They keep it professional for most of the episode. He tries to hit on her at the end but she's in a relationship with Eagle. That doesn't stop her from giving him a goodbye kiss but no indicator that it goes any further than that.
Probability: 0%
s4e06 - The Wrong Crowd
Ann - She spends most of the episode being menaced and/or held hostage by the bikers and we don't really see them interact with each other in a non-case-related way.
Probability: 0%
RC - Michael is very tenderly concerned when he finds him knocked out by the side of the road. But probably neither of them swing that way.
Probability: 0%
s4e07 - Knight Sting
Gaye - She seems young. And also kind of annoying. He hugs her in the hospital but it doesn't look particularly romantic. No evidence of interest on either side.
Probability: 0%
Bonnie - He flirts with her when they're planning the operation and she shows him her dress. The rest of the episode they're too busy with the mission for any shenanigans.
Probability: 0%
RC - He's clearly been raiding Michael's closet for that sweater. But Michael is cool with it. No overt indication that they're more than bros, though.
Probability: 0%
s4e08 - Many Happy Returns
Amy - He's flirting up a storm but whoops, Devon is cockblocking and she's actually there with a mission for him. However, it's not all business and she surprises him with a birthday cupcake and some birthday smoochin', until duty calls again. She makes some innuendo about "getting to adolescence and maturity later" as he's leaving so she's obviously willing to take a rain check. She's back in the semi with them at the end and Michael invites her on vacation with him. We don't see her answer but it's a safe bet it's a yes.
Probability: 95%
s4e09 - Knight Racer
Elena - At first it's all business but they seem to be having fun dancing at the reception. They have a heart-to-heart talk in the parking lot until the hit man shows up. They hug after the big reveal about Elena's dad and the fight with Wayne's partner but don't kiss. Maybe Michael would think twice about getting involved with a friend of Bonnie's.
Probability: 10%
Unnamed track bunnies - Michael says it wasn't easy ignoring all those trophy queens and their phone numbers, implying that he did indeed ignore them (maybe more because he had to get back to the office than out of disinterest).
Probability: 0%
s4e10 - Knight Behind Bars
Julie - He agrees with KITT that she's cute, but they don't really express romantic interest to each other beyond a hug after he tosses Nelson into the ocean. Also at 20 she's a little young for him.
Probability: 0%
Gymnastics instructor - She flirtatiously tells him she's free the rest of the day, but he isn't. No indication that they see each other again.
Probability: 0%
s4e11 - Knight Song
Bonnie and/or RC - They're all playing hookie together and conspiring to keep it from Devon. Shenanigans?
Probability: 5%
Sanford - No indication of romantic interest, also she's a villain.
Probability: 0%
s4e12 - The Scent of Roses
K: I'm sorry, they don't allow cars in hospitals. I would have been closer. M: I know you would.
Stevie - They appear to have been staying at the beach house together so it's a safe bet, even if (spoiler alert) they never got to consummate their marriage.
Probability: 95%
s4e13 - Killer KITT
"Not now, Michael. I have a headache."
Bronwen - She and Michael barely interact, plus she's probably Berio's girlfriend.
Probability: 0%
s4e14 - Out of the Woods
Sam - He's flirtatious when they first get reacquainted but too busy working on the case for anything to happen before it's revealed that (spoiler alert) she's a villain. He does hug her when she surrenders at the end but I assume that trying to murder him is a dealbreaker.
Probability: 0%
Ellen - No real evidence of romantic interest and she says goodbye with a handshake rather than a kiss.
Probability: 0%
s4e15 - Deadly Knightshade
Bonnie - She's more preoccupied with Templeton. He does give her a swan in his magic act at the end.
Probability: 0%
Nancy - He's too busy with the investigation to even do much flirting.
Probability: 0%
s4e16 - Redemption of a Champion
Miss Cooper - Michael obviously has a hot date that most likely would have ended with some lovin' if he hadn't once again been cockblocked by KITT and Devon. At the end, Michael is dressed up for Date Night, Take 2, but gets called back to the semi again. Does she give him a third chance? I mean, *I* would...
Probability: 50%
Nurse Tremount - He flirts with her to get info and comforts her after she breaks down and confesses to the scam but no indication that it goes further than that. Plus she’s in an adulterous relationship with the villainous doctor.
Probability: 0%
s4e17 - Knight of A Thousand Devils
Claudia Terrell - She's a villain. When she makes a pseudo-date with him it's just to set him up.
Probability: 0%
Agent Jonas - They bet dinner on the arrest and Michael seems to be taking his death extremely personally. Juggernaut slash ships have been built on less. If he were a chick I'd say "extremely probable" except for the fact that Jonas was married with kids. Not that it stops some people, but it would most likely stop Michael.
Probability: 0%
"Ana-Lucia" - She keeps him up all night working on her car and he says he's going to come back after the race is over and demand equal time. Her response: "You won't have to demand." Plot twist: She's actually a Federale. We don't see her again after they apprehend the bad guy so it's questionable whether their flirtation was still valid for her real identity.
Probability: 10%
s4e18 - Hills of Fire
Sandra Rusk - Barely any interaction and also she's a villain.
Probability: 0%
Tess Hubbard: No significant romantic interaction. Probably too busy with her charitable work to go chasing after pretty-boys.
Probability: 0%
s4e19 - Knight Flight to Freedom
Lisa - Too busy dealing with a revolution for any shenanigans.
Probability: 0%
s4e20 - Fright Night
Karen - They keep things mostly professional but she buys him lunch at the end. No real indicator that it ends in anything romantic, though.
Probability: 5%
Liz - They flirt a little when he interviews her ("I appreciate your interest." "I'm interested!") but it doesn't really go anywhere.
Probability: 5%
s4e21 - Knight of the Rising Sun
N/A - No female guest characters and nothing particularly shippy with Bonnie.
Probability: 0%
s4e22 - Voo Doo Knight
Harana - She's a little flirtatious at the party. When she puts one of her zombifying earrings on him, she gets a little touchy-feely and tells him they could have had a future together but there are two of her goons in the room and she's sending him to the soon-to-be-demolished building so she probably doesn't have time to take advantage of him even if she wanted to do it with an audience.
Probability: 0%
Elizabeth - Michael nudges Devon into letting her stay an extra few days, and she seems pretty good with that. We don't see them kiss but they're engaged in a pretty intense hug at the end.
Probability: 90%
...at least he got to go out with a bang?
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katybirdy95 · 4 years
The Spanish Princess (Season 2, Ep 1): My Thoughts.
Hello Everyone!
I guess it’s that time of year were we all collectively come together to roast another PG production. I know that a few others have already written their thoughts, but I have stayed away from them for the moment, until I have written my own opinions just so my perspective of the episode is more original.
I will try and write some things I liked and obviously things I did not and would love to hear everyone else’s opinions as well.
Right! Here we go!
1) We start the episode off in 1511 - three years after the final of season 1. I guess they didn’t want to show Henry and Katherine’s wedding night (I can’t quite remember if it was shown in season 1), so we don’t see Henry’s reaction to Katherine not being a virgin. Although, it seems to me that throughout the episode, it’s hinted that Henry already knows that Katherine consummated her marriage to Arthur, but out of love for her, he’s keeping his mouth shut.
2) I think Mary Tudor is the first character in this universe that actually resembles her younger self. I feel like EF just casts any child actress and then the adult version looks vastly different.
3) I like that they have shown Mary to be an intelligent woman with a good knowledge for languages.
4) The costumes have been upgraded and some are actually really pretty, but they are a few decades too early - more Elizabethan and Katherine is sporting some Lucrezia Borgia inspired hair.
5) When Ursula Pole states that Charles V has very expensive clothes, I nearly laughed. His clothes are very plain in comparison to what Mary Tudor or some of the background extras are wearing.
6) I do like that the women in this season seem a lot more friendlier with each other, instead of seeing each other as enemies and trying to rip each other apart - I hope this continues.
7) King James has entered the building and poor Margaret looks like she’s about to jump out a window. Ray Stevenson’s accent is actually quite good and I don’t think I cringed once and being Glaswegian that’s good coming from me, but why did they make him so old. Although, I will say that the term “hen” is more what a father would say to his daughter, but given the age difference, I suppose it makes sense.
8) They are really trying to ham up that Scotland is full of uncouth barbarians, almost like the producers don’t know that Scotland is filled with varies accents, we don’t all have that gruff harshness to our voices and every city has its own accent.
9) Why would you bring a newborn to a jousting tournament, the noise alone would distress the poor thing and why is the baby the size of a six month old?
10) Oh God! Edward Stafford just tore his eyeball off, I don’t believe the real Buckingham lost an eye, I know that Sir Francis Bryan lost an eye, but not Buckingham, but I might be wrong.
11) I wish I was as calm as Buckingham when I burnt the skin of my left hand (don’t worry It healed), I mean this guy pulls his eyeball out and still has time to flirt with Katherine.
12) I guess the producers are of the opinion that eye patches are the fashion in Tudor England, although I would have been partial to a glass eye or a jeweled one.
13) Well, I guess my redheads are gone. Henry and Margaret are sporting their actors natural hair colours and Katherine’s seems to be a lot darker this season too. Why go to the trouble of dyeing their hair in the first season if they weren’t going to bother their arses for the second season and that’s directed towards the hair department and whoever made the decision to make Henry a brunette than the actors themselves.
14) Looks like not only was Isabella of Castile abusive towards Joanna, but Ferdinand of Aragon was abusive to Catherine. Can’t we just have loving, supportive parents like Jacquetta from TWQ.
15) The abuse is just lazy story telling because it has just now occurred, yet in season one, Catherine was shocked that Joanna had been abused, surely she would have been more sympathetic to Joanna given their shared experience, but they probably didn’t know they were getting a second season to develop that.
16) Katherine is breastfeeding her own baby, but I don’t know if there is a source that said she actually did this. I have heard that Anne Boleyn thought to feed Elizabeth and was told not to and after that decided it was for the best so that she could produce a new baby quicker. I wonder if we will see Elizabeth in this and see the contrast between Katherine and Anne as mothers and given how awkward the cast has been about Anne Boleyn, I’m guessing she won’t be shown in a good light, but who knows.
17) I do like that they are showing Thomas Boleyn as an adviser and friend to the king, usually Thomas only appears when Anne Boleyn is about to be introduced, but in reality Thomas was actually good friends with Henry and Henry trusted Thomas a great deal before Anne came onto the scene.
18) I actually liked the Scots scene when they are slagging off the English, it’s pretty accurate to how even Scots today feel haha. Although, I don’t like that they have reduced Margaret to a governess, but Georgie seems to have some chemistry with Ray Stevenson, but I doubt Margaret would have slapped James IV in front of his courtiers. 
19) Why do productions always use the tool of having one part of the couple refuse to have sex with the other to show that they’re struggling, like most couples don’t have sex every night and it’s a sign of a healthy relationship that if one person wants sex and the other doesn’t - for numerous reasons - then the one that doesn’t, shouldn’t have to feel guilty for saying “not tonight love”.
20) I did think that Bessie Blount was going to appear from the shadows when Katherine left the room though.
21) Why would you put a newborn on a cold, dirty chapel floor. I mean what do you expect to happen.
Okay, I will say that I actually enjoyed this episode for what it was there was some good things and some not so good, but still it has potential. There seems to be more extras as well, instead of like eight to a room like the last productions have been and I liked that the actors had more than one costume change. Also, the couples are all in matching outfits, will we see the same happen for Henry and Anne when she comes on the scene.
The strongest actors in this episode would have to be Stephanie Levi John, Ray Stevenson (mainly for the accent) and Sai Bennett. I think that’s it, the other actors were good like Ruairi and Georgie, but didn’t stand out as much to me yet.
Sorry it’s not as funny, I was uninspired.
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