aetherrose · 4 years
Leaked original Supernatural finale ending
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aetherrose · 4 years
Alright. They didn't even have to show Cas. Or hear his voice.
Yeah I even get all this stuff about "it just had to be the two brothers yada yada" or the problem with Covid and flying everyone in.
At the very LEAST!!
It easily could have been like that:
Bobby: Cas helped as well, you know.
Dean: where is that son of a bitch anyway??
Bobby: *over there* *he stops by every few days* anything like that!
Dean: good. He and I really need to talk. We haven't had he time when we were still alive..
There!! I did it!!! Not even talking about feelings in general, but a promise that they will at least DO it!!
Was it really that hard??????
I never wrote a FRICKIN thing in my life and English isn't even my first language but I dare say that this would have been a hell of a lot more satisfying than what... this crap is.
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aetherrose · 4 years
i wanna try to explain what im feeling just so ppl can have a lil bit of hope or light or what have u.
so like it sucked. it genuinely fucking sucked. it was so poorly written and executed and was like laughably bad at certain points. it didn’t follow through on a ton of shit thematically character-wise and plot-wise and left so many loose threads. dean deserved to have a happy life and grow old with his family. i could go on about all the ways it was bad and how it is extremely valid to be angry and hurt and we didn’t deserve it at all. it’s correct to talk about that and to hold the people responsible accountable.
for my own sanity and in order to not have the rest of the show ruined. i’m just simply not focusing on all the ways it was bad.
here is where my head is: i am glad that dean got to have peace in heaven and retain his personality, basically just being exactly how he was on earth but surrounded by his family and friends (offscreen). i am glad that heaven was rebuilt to be wonderful and not creepy and fake. i am glad that jack pulled cas out of the empty and they worked on rebuilding heaven together and got to see each other again. i am glad cas is a part of dean’s heaven and the implication is that they will be together (confirmed by a writer of the show, no matter your opinion on her). i am glad sam ended up with eileen (not confirmed but hopefully will be) and got out of hunting. i am glad they ended the codependency by having sam accept dean’s death and dean accept leaving sam. i am glad everyone gets to just chill in heaven being happy at the end.
it could have been SO much better. but i know this is hard to believe, it also really could have been so much worse. like if we DIDN’T get the above stuff that would have been so so fucking awful. but we did! and no im not trying to say it was in ANY way good or defend the writing. this is for if you want to focus on things that can help you cope with the ending and feel like you weren’t robbed <3
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aetherrose · 4 years
“Carry On” and...Yikes.
Well clowns, looks like the clown calls were coming from inside the house this entire time.
I so desperately wish I wasn’t writing this right now.  I so wish that I could be writing something better, something joyful, something happy about this fifteen year journey with these characters.  It seems as though the show had other ideas, so in we go.
So…the dog was cool.  Also interesting that Dean was back to his breakup/grieving coping mechanisms: not making his bed, messy room, beer all over the place, Sam making breakfast, etc.
So I guess I better just start off with how…off this episode felt in regards to Dean specifically. Idk why he suddenly wanted a dog and Sam had no real interest in one, since the opposite has been true for, idk, fifteen years, but whatever, I was willing to let it go.
I thought the pie thing was a sweet scene, it was funny and nice and a good button on Dean’s pie thing.
Weird to, you know, bring up Cas and not mention his tragic ass deal and why he got got, but whatever.
I cannot physically believe that this MOTW aspect was, quite literally, so much of the plot.  Like…we figured that it was going to be an aspect, but for it to be SO MUCH?  Bruh.  I am such a fucking fool lmfao.
Again, cool to see Cas’ coat in the back.  Too bad it wasn’t addressed.
Jenny.  Bitch.  Come on.  Of ALL the villains in the FIFTEEN YEARS of Supernatural.  Jenny.  Who was in….one….episode.  Ok.
I mean that line about the high school thing was funny, I did laugh at that moment.  Fuck I love Dean Winchester.
I cannot believe I specced so much about the barn scene.  Are y’all telling me that “The Night We Met” is being claimed by……Sam and Dean.  Fuck off.
I mean, I thought Dean was going to die, and the scene actually did play out pretty similarly to how I thought.  It was probably the most powerful moment in the episode.  I am very glad that it was Dean’s choice, his choice and his peace to let go. 
“Let me look at you.  There he is.  I am so proud of you, Sam.”
I do love this, I love this because Dean is able to look at his work, the man that he raised, and tell him these things.  He was Sam’s parent, he raised Sam into the man he is today, and he should be damn proud of that.
I do love this most of scene, I really do, I love my boys, these brothers so damn much, and at least, at the very least, I have this scene of them.
Forehead touch was weird, I’m just gonna say it.
I feel like most of this episode was montages lol.  I mean I always hate sad Sam but at this point I still fully felt like we were going to get closure and we just…didn’t.
The Austin number was a cool detail, I liked that bc I picked up on it right away (since, you know, my phone is a 512 number lmao).
What a lackluster goodbye to the Bunker.  I had no clue that was going to be the last time we saw it ever.
The scene with Bobby was nice, it was good to see him.  We did get our remade Heaven, that’s also nice to know.
“It ain’t just Heaven, Dean.  It’s the Heaven you deserve.”
He does deserve this.  An open Heaven, the people he loves, finally some peace, he deserves that, and I am glad that he got it.
Our second Cas mention.  Great.  Thanks guys.
I mean thanks Jim and Jensen for the microexpressions I guess lmao.
So I am supposed to believe.  That Dean.  Whose entire arc has been speaking his truth, specifically speaking his truth to Cas.  Where he has been stopped twice before this season.  Is going to just drive around in circles for forty years until Sam gets there?  Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
And Sam gets married and has a kid that he names Dean, and the unspecified dark haired woman in the back of the ten minute montage is supposed to be enough for me to buy that it’s Eileen?  Bruh.
Sam’s age makeup????  Hello????  AT FIRST THEY DIDN’T EVEN AGE HIM THEY JUST PUT HIM IN A WIG?????
That cover of Wayward Son did slap but was it enough?  No.
Even that bridge moment didn’t hit right because Sam didn’t cross it?  He was just suddenly there.
It just fucking sucks.  It sucks that their reunion doesn’t land right because they…didn’t do anything when they were apart.  Sam had his kid sure but Dean literally just drove around.  No mention of Cas or of Eileen.  Nothing.  So the last moment of this show I love feels tainted and hollow and just wrong.
It sucks.  I’m not going to lie.  But the worst thing about it?  Is that it doesn’t make any sense.  I have not spent two years of my life picking apart the writing rooms in Supernatural, lauding this current team for what they’ve accomplished for it to end like this.  I know many of you will regard me as a complete tinhat freak right now, but this, to me, does not feel like an episode that Andrew Dabb wrote.  Hell, it doesn’t feel like an episode of Supernatural.
None of the arcs were completed: Dean didn’t get to speak his truth to Cas, Sam never got to become the leader, the legacy hunter he was meant to.  We don’t see them with Cas or Eileen, we don’t even hear about them.
Listen, there’s a lot that…simply doesn’t add up to me.  First of all, the episode was SHORT, and most of it was montages. They had four montages AND the episode was only 38 minutes.  The series finale of the show was shorter than any other episode and had four multiple minute montages.  Okay.  Make it make sense.  Newsflash: it doesn’t, there is simply no way I can believe that there weren’t massive cuts and reworks done to this episode on an executive level.
I know there are people who will tell me that the writers are just bad and I need to accept that they gave me a shitty ending, but after all this time with this story, especially with Dabb’s arc, he just…doesn’t do shit like this.  His arcs are always complete, always tied up well, always have a button.  But this mess?  This confusing episode that left everything hanging with a cover of Wayward Son hanging in the air?  It just doesn’t add up to me.
This wasn’t the story they were telling, this hasn’t been the story they were telling all season, and I stand by that.
So, I sure do wish I could give you a better post. I wish that we had gotten something better.  I still, after everything, love this show, and will still be here in the morning.
Thanks guys.  Love y’all.
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aetherrose · 4 years
Thinking about her (The version of the finale with the brothers trying to hunt like the old days, realizing that it's not the same because they've changed and grown and want new things out of life now with their free will, and therefore make the CHOICE to live their own separate lives, while still being in each other's lives of course, just no longer codependent. Sam goes to be with Eileen. Dean pulls Cas out of the empty by making him human, paralleling Cas pulling Dean out of hell, and then they get together. If they wanted they could show a montage of them ALL growing old together and eventually dying and ending up in heaven together.)
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aetherrose · 4 years
I had coffee before bed and ended up doing a Script Doctor based on the given premise. Not sure if anyone else has done this but here you go anyway:
Proper SPN Ending
(probs closer to what the showrunners wanted)
Penultimate Episode:
--v similar
--except: once Jack nerfs Chuck's powers, he disappears in a blaze of light
--Chuck looks through the book and gets a paper cut, then bleeds
--He's absolutely done for
--Sam and Dean give a similar spiel as in the show and let him live
--They drive off and stop to get food at a diner
--Oops, Dean is bleeding real bad
--Again, similar scene as the final episode but with more bite to it now
Final Episode: ((Airs IMMEDIATELY after the penultimate ep))
Sam Ending- (intercut with Dean's)
--Has funeral scene with Eileen and Miracle
--Go back to the bunker and look through things Dean has collected
--Many momentos from people and hunts
--Sam cries it out
--They end by looking at his dad's old hunting journal
--They leave the Bunker for good
--They go on various hunts, both on their own and with other people
--They go to different bars and meet a variety of hunters, including some old faces
--They also continue to befriend some “monsters”, including those who are also hunters
--This goes on for years until Sam gets into an accident and is unable to hunt anymore
--He instead goes to bars and tells young hunters about Dean and their adventures, detailing specific hunts for the fans
--Sam and Eileen either have a kid they name Dean or some kid named Dean shows up in a bar
--Sam begins mentoring this kid and maybe a few others, encouraging them to have each other's backs
--Sam eventually gets stuck in a deathbed surrounded by friends and family
--Young Dean lets him go
--Gets to heaven and sees Bobby outside an old Roadhouse
--Bobby gives Dean a similar explanation as in the show
--Dean asks if he's seen Jack recently
--Bobby says "No, but someone else IS here"
--"Hey there, Dean." Cas is stand right behind him as per usual
--The two hug and discuss what happened with the Empty
--Dean confesses his feelings for Cas
--The two kiss!
--They then spot the Impala and head out
--They first meet with Dean's parents and have a lovely time
--They go on to meet more friends nearby
--They head out to explore this New Heaven
--They find old places they've seen and discover new ones unique to this New Heaven
--They talk with new people and old, some hunters and others regular folk
--They listen to the stories of their lives on earth
--Some hunters are like: "Hey, so you're that Dean Sam has been talking about"
--Dean and Cas continue their travels, asking about Jack from time to time, getting pointed toward one direction or another
--Finally, they find Jack and confront him
--Jack gives a similar spiel as in the show, adding in that one he nerfed Chuck's powers, he was highly overwhelmed and had to go away for a little bit. This is where he decided to be hands-off with humanity and just wanders around heaven and the universe now
--Dean and Cas make one final on-screen drive to that bridge
--Sam shows up and that's the end
--Final shot of cast, crew, etc on the bridge
The End
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