#and their estrangement is now more of a will-they-won't-they situation
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Originally posted October 25, 2016
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro invites you to be his plus one for the night but his attention is caught by another woman and leaves you with a broken heart
Warnings: fluff, like, a lot of fluff, implied age gap, mentions of death, and descriptions of a catholic wedding (I just wrote down how they go in my country, but no, it's not *the* wedding you're thinking about) and mentions of smut
A/N: Just one more chapter and we wrap up this story!!! I hope you guys enjoy this one because I know my heart melted while I wrote it!!!
A/N part 2: still can't manually tag people on the works because I use the app and it won't let me do it, that's why I don't have a tag list at all!
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One year later
You stood at the altar feeling excitedly but also a little anxious. A bunch of familiar faces stared at you taking in all the details of the ceremony that was about to begin.
You could even spot Pedro among the guests, he looked handsome, as he always did, his hair was a little longer now, making it wilder in a way it made him sexier than before. He noticed your eyes on him and winked, as if he encouraged you in that situation
And that's why being a bridesmaid was so fun. While the focus wasn't necessarily you and your group of bridesmaids, you were all in the spotlight while the bride took long to arrive.
You could practically hear all the thoughts crossing people's minds, how they judged the dresses, the makeups and the hairstyles. It always happened and you wouldn't be any exception, but not that you cared very much about it, as you were so happy for your best friend Nat tying the knot with her dream guy, nothing would bother you at all.
As you felt Pedro's gaze on you, burning your skin, you thought of everything that happened this past year. It didn't even feel real, after you left his home that morning, you never returned. And he kept his word of not coming after you, which was all you needed in order to get your life back on track.
The first thing you did when you got home was to change all the locks to prevent anyone from breaking into your house. It didn't matter if it was Liev, a burglar or Pedro himself. You never wanted to walk into your home, a place you assumed safe and find someone uninvited there. Then, your second part of your action plan was to look for another gym, so you could train without having to change your schedule every single time you didn't want to run into someone in there. You wanted to exercise, to see people, to feel the endorphins flood your body and not step on eggshells all the time. Needless to say, it was a good decision.
Then, you just focused on yourself.
You finally finished your studies, you found a job that made you happier and paid well too. You took short trips here and there, getting to know new places and you also looked at yourself in the mirror and realized you were more beautiful than ever, and that was why you were loving yourself, you took care of yourself and you put yourself in the first place, just like it should've been from the beginning.
You still had feelings for Pedro, of course, but the distance helped manage it, some days you were able to go by without even thinking of him, and others you missed him deeply. You didn't know if his feelings for you changed, but you weren't as close as you once were. However, you weren't estranged either. It was just that your lifestyles got simply too different and your lives took different paths, making it so hard to be around each other.
After Pedro's career took off he became almost impossible to reach - physically at least.
He was already well-known when you two had all that story going on, of course, but now it had reached stratospherical levels. He was a big deal, he was a big celebrity, all your social media was flooded by videos, his interviews and his pictures. You began following his career, from afar, admiring him, how far he'd come, feeling your chest burst with pride every time he was nominated for an award or you saw him walking down a red carpet. It was still disturbing to you to see how much he was harassed by the media, how he couldn't walk down the street without being photographed and how they picked on the whole daddy thing. Sometimes it was a little funny though, seeing him blush and her visibly embarrassed at that. You often chuckled to yourself when you eventually saw his fans writing the sweetest things about him, how they called him their boyfriend or future husband, if only they knew your story, they'd call you crazy for turning him down. Because to them, Pedro was perfect, a prince charming. And to you, he was just a human being, with flaws and qualities, like everyone else.
You two didn't go the whole year without speaking, quite the opposite, your phone would buzz eventually, receiving a text or two from him. And you would often text him as well. Just simple things: birthday messages, wishing each other happy holidays or checking up on each other. Nothing too intimate, but enough to show you still cared and worried about each other.
He watched your stories and liked your pictures, and you did the same. Being there, even if you weren't there anymore. It was confusing, but it worked for a while.
When you realized you were able to see his pictures with fans, co-stars and women you had no idea who they were and your whole body didn't heat up in anxiety and jealousy and your heart didn't drop at your toes, at the mere thought crossing your mind of them being his lay for the night, you knew you were ready to let him in.
Not exactly let him in, you didn't know if he still cared about you like that, or if you would still have anything in common, or if he would even bother becoming your friend again now that he had met some many different people. But you still decided to text him, best case scenario he would reply and you would have a conversation, worst case scenario he would leave you on 'seen' and you would move on with your life, because you lived for yourself now, and not for Pedro.
Of course he replied to your message right away. He smiled big when he read it and couldn't even believe after all that time you were the one engaging in a conversation with him. God knows how many times it took all of his willpower to erase the gigantic texts he wrote you and just drop a 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Birthday, mariposa' he'd promised you he would let you live your life, and just like a butterfly, he let you be free but now you were flying to him again - maybe, that was what he hoped at least, so he allowed himself to daydream.
You'd sent a simple text telling him how much you enjoyed his new series, and if he had time next time he was in town, maybe you could go for drinks. He replied almost immediately, saying he couldn't wait.
And your conversation began.
Slowly, you would text through the day about many things, while he was away and lonely, he told you all about his shooting routine and what he did for fun so far away from home.
You updated him on everything knew in your life, seeing how proud of you and happy he really got. You briefly mentioned you were thinking of learning a second language, to which he quickly suggested Spanish.
But when your uncle died you didn't get a text from him. Instead, Pedro managed to get a short break from filming and hopped on a plane. He wanted to be there for you, it didn't matter to him if he was going to be there as a friend or as a possible boyfriend, he just wanted to hold you while you cried because he knew how important family was to you. He wanted to attend the funeral by your side, to dry your tears and tell you comforting words. And that was exactly what he did.
You couldn't believe your eyes when he showed up there, in black and pulling you into his embrace, which reminded you it used to be your favorite place in the world and at that moment, it became your favorite again.
You had no strength to discuss feelings with him, and he wasn't after that either. He just wanted to try and make that moment a little less miserable for you.
But the moment the funeral service was over, Pedro would have to come back to his work again. He apologized a hundred times for not being able to stay longer with you, but you assured him it was alright, not forgetting to thank him for coming all the way just to be with you.
He said goodbye with one of his warm hugs and a peck on the cheek, that landed way too close to your lips, it didn't matter if it was on purpose or not. The damage had already been done.
From the moment you realized he had left his job - the thing you assumed he loved the most in life - for you without expecting anything in return. That familiar warmth in your chest appeared after months and months of it being dormant. It was hard to deny how much you loved Pedro.
You had always heard horrible stories about women who agreed to becoming bridesmaids and had to deal with the infamous bridezilla. You were sure it wouldn't be Nat's case, but those women were not exaggerating when they said you would have to put a lot of effort, energy and even money to a moment that wasn't even yours.
While all the guests were comfortably sitting down, you along with the other girls and the bestmen had to stand up the whole ceremony. You knew the priest was probably saying beautiful words about love and stuff, as you could see the emotion in some people's eyes and how some of them even sniffed and shed one or two tears, but you were just not paying attention. Church services weren't really your thing, you tried really hard not to get bored, but it was too late, you were already bored.
That's why your eyes scanned the whole place, not really focusing on anything in particular, you just hoped time would go by faster and you wished you would all skip to the reception, because there were other things you wanted to do and mostly other people you wanted to talk to. You looked all over the church decoration and though it looked very beautiful and elegant you thought about how you would never have a wedding in a place like that. Then you watched Nat's wedding dress closely. Of course you'd seen it a couple of times already since the early stages of planning and preparing the wedding, but at that moment it looked different and you couldn't stop yourself from wondering if you'd ever get married at all and wear a pretty dress like that. You shook those thoughts away from your mine and looked at the guests absent-mindedly, not watching anything in particular until your eyes locked with Pedro's.
He didn't even blink and sustained your look, he was completely oblivious to a wedding happening just a few feet away from you, as you were really the only thing that mattered to him.
After flying to you for your uncle's funeral, you weren't able to meet again, as he was more and more caught up at work and you also had your own life. So when he got the invitation to the wedding, he didn't think twice before confirming his attendance, though he didn't really care that much about the bride and groom, he was still thankful to them.
You blushed softly and smiled big at him, he wasn't too distant, just a few rows away from the altar, close enough for you to see when he mouthed 'hermosa' making you look down in shyness. You knew Nat and Pedro had seen each other maybe five or six times and the only times she talked to him was to tell him how much her boyfriend - and now husband - loved Mandalorian. So you knew she had only invited him because of you and Pedro had only showed up to the wedding because of you as well. It felt quite good, you had to admit and for that, you even forced yourself to pay attention to the ceremony again.
Once the reception started you thought the fun would start as well, but you were wrong. Now, the bridesmaids duty kept you busy each passing second. First you had to follow the bride and groom to the photo session, then you had to assist the bride to make her big entrance, and after it you had to help her go to the restroom, which was the most chaotic part: four girls helping another lift up layers and layers of cloth in order to be able to pee.
And when you realized, it was already dinner time. As the food was served people stayed at their tables, usually guests were starving after the whole marathon of sitting through a long and tedious ceremony, then endless waiting until the bride and groom showed up.
The whole time you and Pedro exchanged looks and smiles, he even texted you in hopes to talk to you, but you were way too busy to check your phone, at the same time as soon as some guests recognized Pedro, he was bombarded with requests for selfies, autographs and girls throwing themselves at him. And he was way too nice to decline those requests even if it bothered him - though he declined the girls right away.
You thanked the heavens when dinner was finished, you knew the dance floor would be finally open to the guests until you remembered a very tacky wedding custom.
The bride was going to throw the bouquet. You pinched the bridge of your nose in embarrassment, you've always hated that moment, ever since you were a kid and your parents dragged you to relative's weddings.
Just a bunch of women going all savage over a couple of flowers made you cringe to the core, so you stepped aside and waited for the small crowd to gather. You tried to brush it off at the insistence of some people, but when Nat cleared her throat and gave you accusatory eyes, you even tried to argue. But she motioned her head towards Pedro and you saw him waiting for you to get in the small commotion. He had his hands inside his pocket and a dirty smirk, he couldn't wait to see you pick the bouquet, he was sure you'd look gorgeous.
You on the other hand felt embarrassed and awkward to stand there, Nat got in position and showed all the single ladies the bouquet, making them all shout in excitement. She looked at you and winked softly, and you gulped. Oh no, there was only one thing worse than fighting over a bouquet of flowers in front of a crowd of people, and that was definitely receiving the bouquet out of pity.
So when she threw it towards you, you stood still, making absolutely no move and watched it as it flew right past you.
You turned around and saw when two women were almost on the floor, struggling to get the bouquet. Nat frowned at you, confused as to why you didn't get it, you just shrugged at her. You didn't want to get married, there was only one thing you wanted to do, and when you thought you were finally able to do it, the DJ announced it was time for the waltz.
You rolled your eyes, as annoyance spread through your body. It had been hours all you were trying to do was to exchange a couple of words with Pedro, but that seemed impossible.
The guests all gathered around the bride and groom as they showed their rehearsed steps, some people swooning over them but you just looked around, trying to find Pedro, needing to see him and talk to him. But he wasn't there anymore.
Had he gone home? You knew he enjoyed parties, but you weren't sure about wedding parties, especially the ones where he was harassed every five minutes by people who insistently wanted pictures or just goof around a movie star.
But he wouldn't just leave you without saying goodbye, would he? Over the months your relationship became stronger even if you weren't physically close.
You were deep in thought as you felt someone touching your wrist, making you jump a little at the sudden touch and turned around, seeing Pedro standing there.
And he looked good. Very good.
He was wearing a dark suit, all in black. It hung tight to the right places as he looked absolutely like sin. His hair was messy like always and you caught a few gray streaks on his beard and that made you weak at the knees.
You smiled big and held his hand "Pedro! I thought you'd left!"
He raised his eyebrow and chuckled "do you really think I'd sit through a whole wedding and then leave before talking to the only reason why I'm here in the first place?" He held your hand and eyed you up and down, not even hiding how much he appreciated your looks "I don't mean to be one of those bitchy people who come to the party and trash talk it, but when we get married we'll have a lot less church and a lot more party"
Pedro's words stirred something inside of you, even if it was a joke, you felt yourself blushing.
"Too bad it won't happen, I mean, I didn't catch the bouquet so…" you replied in a shy way and made him laugh as well
"Yeah, well, we can figure this out later, right now I'd like to have a dance with the most beautiful girl at the party?" He offered his hand to you, and you hesitated at first
"It depends, Pedro" you saw his confusion, finding it quite amusing
"It depends on what, hermosa?" He questioned curiously
"Where's your plus one?" You saw how he frowned not really getting where you were going
"What plus one, Y/N? I came alone…"
You laughed softly and nodded, taking a step closer and accepting his invitation.
"I was just making sure, you know, I was friends with a guy once and he pulled such a jerk move, where he invited a plus one to a party and ditched her to dance with another girl and ended up taking this other girl home and left his plus one really heartbroken"
A deep shade of crimson spread through his face as he was at a loss of words for a while. He cleared his throat and swallowed hard.
"H-he sounds like a real dick" he replied a little self conscious, not sure if you were joking or playing games
"He really was, but I heard he managed to change into a better person and his plus one even forgave him after all"
His smile was wide and the relief in his eyes was visible as he wrapped his arms around your waist and glued your body to his. It was a slow ballad and you wrapped your arms around his neck at the same time you swayed your hips together.
"Thank you for forgiving me, I really missed you" he whispered against your ear, your faces were inches apart and you closed your eyes, his cologne lingering on your skin. You took your hand to the back of his neck, stroking his hair and feeling it softly between your fingers.
"We needed this, Pedro… I guess now we could start things over" you said and welcomed his lips against yours, as they crashed in a needy contact. You moaned lowly at the feel of his tongue against yours. His hands squeezed your waist and if you could get any closer to him, you would have, because you could swear that was not enough.
His kiss was intense and unlike the other times, he wasn't trying to overpower you and make you accept him playing dirty with your hormones, he was kissing you, feeling you and taking you as his. And you wanted it as much as he did.
When you broke the kiss, he nibbled your bottom lip, caressing your cheek and not giving a care in the world if someone filmed or photographed you.
You danced as if there was no tomorrow, as the ballad was over, you danced with Pedro to any kind of songs that came in the playlist, you had fun and when sexier songs came up, you dance even more, loving how you rubbed your body against his and Pedro never spared any neck kiss or groping your body.
By the time you could feel a tent against your ass, you turned to him, kissing his lips again.
"I guess it's time to get out of here, princesa" he whispered into your ear and squeezed your ass. You moaned against his lips as you couldn't agree more.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, it was just so easy to write I was really into it. I loved it so much and I can't believe this series is almost over 😞 also, if y'all don't go soft on Pedro now I don't know what to do, LMAO
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moonshine-009 · 2 months
This fandom though smh all the people wanting to stick up and support Ryan while being an anti Eddie this or a pro Eddie that, but hate getting called out for being a hypocrite... I'm tired of seeing them "separate the actor from the character," when they're more than willing to bash every other transphobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, misogynistic, ableist, fascist, anti vax, etc, remark or topic, but still have positive post about Ryan Guzman. They aren't "protecting their peace." That's not how it works. They're choosing to ignore what he's doing because it'll disrupt their fantasy of the show. Seriously, why are they posting about current anti transphobic topics and then the next post it's "Ryan's dumb mustache 😍🥵🫠" as if he didn't just get exposed AGAIN for having transphobic ties this past week????
They don't want to hear that Ryan is the problem. Everybody, fan or anti, still calls out Lou, and everytime they admit and drill that he is at fault, but Ryan ALWAYS gets a pass, and we should move on because he gave a disingenuous apology all the non bpocs accepted on our behave or it was "so long ago???" Make that make sense... Also, no one wants to bring up anything else he's done either! But even so they're not advocating for anything in the fandom with only "Lou is racist," when they won't even accept that what Ryan did wasn't just as bad, it was worse than what Lou did, they both were wrong but let's be real Ryan has more to make up for than Lou but yet Lou isn't unforgivable???
How can people still say, "It's his upbringing, and he was taught that way" only for Ryan? They really want to compare Ryan and Lou's family situations? Seriously? Which one of them is estranged from their abusive bigot father, and which one is still surrounded by his ignorant friends/family who he proudly stuck up and admitted were all racist like him? (Also, which one of them did people have to fake and edit hate material because there wasn't anything new? 👀)
And they need to stop saying everyone who calls out Ryan is racist. I'm very familiar with all the excuses he made, and just as I've said to my White/Latinx family and friends, all of what was said IS absolutely racist. He doesn't get a pass because of where he lived, and everyone around him said it, and the more they deny it, the worse it is. Everyone who accepted his apology should understand he was willingly stating his ignorance.
These stans though... They're just as phony wanting to play both sides and have no consequences. They can't stand by what they're voicing. Saying "anti *** BUT I don't tolerate any hate towards (actor)" when that actor is still problematic as of today...
Nearly everyone has said/done something awful in the past, but there's only a few that still are choosing to continue that behavior. Many of the 9-1-1/LS cast/crew/company "should've been canceled" for things they've done. Most acknowledged their wrongs, sincerely apologized, stopped and grew up and changed their views and redeemed themselves. That's the difference. Ryan is still the same Ryan. Fans forgave after one forced apology, and now they ignore that he's still actively messed up because what he's attractive or he's a part of their favorite ship or his hate doesn't personally affect them???
*But yes, let's only call out Lou's issues and keep posting about how wonderful Ryan is and talk about wanting to bring back Ronda, Cocoa, Edy, Rockmond, etc. back because they were also soooo unproblematic* 🙃
Yes, call it as we see it, Lou did some messed up shit. But for them to say Lou is worse for 10+ year old post, but stay quite when Ryan continuously talks/posts/likes disgusting views to this very day 😒 That's the thing, Lou's past caught up with him, his PAST. Ryan gets exposed every week because he's still updating his accounts with that stuff.
(and you don't have to post/reply to this if it might get backlash but 👏🏾 big sigh)
me being a white person I don't get to say if I expect Ryan's "apology " or not. Some other white people in the fandom on Twitter really had the audacity to say why people still hating on Ryan and he apparently has changed?!! It's not our place to say !!
And saying he has changed after what he is sharing on Instagram is honestly really laughable.
And they also say Oliver would hate Lou for things he was posting a decade ago this is why he doesn't want to work with him. So they basically saying that he is totally fine working with Ryan ???
When a ship is more important than having morals.
They always protect Oliver and Ryan and don't call them out.
It just makes me so mad seeing Ryan posting all that shit. And people posting him all over Instagram even the cast is hanging out with him.
People are so comfortable being openly transphobic and homophobic, racists these days without any consequences.
They said when the actress who plays Marisol was posting that transphobic shit, why would they want a cast member in a show with LGBTQIA+ storylines. These same people are really quiet right now about Ryan.
So they totally fine with what he shares on Instagram? ???
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake Episode 5 & 6
Holy shit, y'all. This drama continues to blow my mind and be so smart about its world building and narrative structure. With each episode drop the show has been very smartly toggling back and forth between relationship development within the game and lore drops about what is happening outside the game, and these two episodes are no exception.
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So we begin this week with relationship development, which was so fucking sweet. I love how honest Cha Yeowoon is about how he feels and what he wants. This boy has no ability to hide himself whatsoever, he wears his heart on his sleeve and his vulnerability on his face for anyone to see, and he's had a hard life with a lot of pain (who wants to join my murder squad to take out his dad?). It's no wonder he has kept his distance from people until he found someone he believed he could trust with it.
I love, too, that Tae Myungha's hangups have nothing to do with queerness--we probably won't ever know his dating history in the real world, but I think it's safe to say Yeowoon is not the first boy he has been in a relationship with. Instead, as suspected, his hesitation is all rooted in the fact that he's an adult in a game world he can't control, and he has no idea whether he can stay with Yeowoon. He is trying to be responsible, but the pull of those puppy eyes and pouty lips is simply too strong to resist (you're so valid for that, Myungha). I love that part of the game is also forcing Myungha to reckon with his own hurts, with his grandma and now his estranged mother challenging him to face his own trauma.
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Which is why seeing these two bruised boys fall in love is oh so sweet. I love that even amongst the impending doom of the game malfunctions, we got to see them strengthen their bond, confirm how they feel, and grow comfortable with physical affection (though I would have liked to see more of that kissing lesson, show!). The kisses (complete with my beloved Gay Feelings sparkle effect), the hand holding, the flirting and public displays, it was all adorable.
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And we needed that to hang onto when the game started experiencing server errors and Myungha became unmoored and unable to navigate the game universe effectively. It seems that his "friend" who trapped him in the game is indeed the one sending the anonymous mentions, and he's now messing with the game to change the conditions after Myungha has successfully altered Yeowoon's life. I like that this was rooted in another reveal about them discussing fate--Myungha is determined in his belief that our choices matter and we can always change our destiny, and it's clear his "friend" resents that stance and wants to show him he doesn't have control after all. And he is really not playing fair! Forcing Myungha to choose between his grandmother and Yeowoon is straight up cruel (our murder squad will also be taking this man out, we will be busy, besties).
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Poor Myungha. I am so excited, so scared to see the big conclusion tomorrow, I trust that Myungha will find a way out of this situation. All I know is they need to find a way for our boys to get their happy ending or murder squad will be making another stop.
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morganski-19 · 8 months
I cannot stop myself from thinking of more fic ideas or making more wips. But, I had an idea for a bunch of short little ficlets that would all be in the same universe, and could be compiled into longer chapters to post on ao3, but probably won't.
I just need someone to tell me that it's worth it or it's stupid so I won't do it.
So here's the idea.:
Friends-style apartment shenanigans with the spicy six.
Like Steve and Robin as Joey and Chandler, best friends who's apartment is pure chaos.
Eddie and Nancy would be estranged high school friends (aka Monica and Rachel) who now live with each other across the way.
And of course, Steddie and Ronance would spawn from that.
Jonathan and Argyle are best friends who live with each other across the street. It's always a question of whether or not they are dating yet because they sure act like it and already live together. (They aren't but that's not the point (they will be eventually)).
Argyle gives Pheobe vibes, so he fits that part perfectly. Jonathan would be Ross because I ran out of people but be significantly better of a person than Ross. (Ignore that Ross slander, I hate that man)
But anyway, it would just be a bunch of weird situations that they all get into just living in the city, so real story arc or anything other than the couples getting together in the end. But it could be something like, Steve buys something weird and they talk about it for a while, or one of them gets a promotion and the celebrate. The last person Steve slept with (cause he's the Joey in this situation if that wasn't clear) had a weird belly button.
Just weird shit that doesn't really have a point for a whole fic but is fun to read/write. Like a sitcom.
Would anyone read this?
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002yb · 9 months
I cried during your whole reply to the late ask. But please consider: Dick can't stand to look at Jaybin bc he feels too guilty and sad and he still thinks its his fault. And little jaybin is sad bc nothing has changed Dick still haces him no matter how much he loves him and Jason goes full mother on him bc a) he gets it, those are his feelings b) its a kid and Jason cant stand to look at a kid sad and c) if no one is looking out for him he might as well do. Damian is very !!!! Bc his position as jasons baby is in danger but also thats Jason as a *baby*. And Jason is just mothering two kids and Dick is taken out at the knees bc Jasons so perfect and protective and omG he wants to cry everytime he sees them. (Bruce is crying ln the corner and staring holes onto them) (Jason confronts Dick about making Jaybin sad and Dick cries)
Im so sorry this is so long but i got thoughts that i wanted to share bc your posts always make me happy<33 hope youre doing good and take it slow and one step at a time<3 love u<3
The angst potential from this angle of the double-Jay!AU, oh dear. It hurts in a different way from this post. But yes, let's explore:
Where Jaybin is so excited to see what's become of the future. He's eager to see how his small family is doing and if it's grown, what all Batman & Robin have achieved - what Jason has accomplished. More than anything, he wants to know that all their efforts have made a difference for Gotham.
Needless to say, Jaybin is left...unmoored, for lack of better words.
Because everything is wrong.
Bruce won't look at him. Dick still avoids him. Gotham is still fucked up. And just - Jaybin is welcome in the mansion, but it doesn't take a detective to realize that future Jason is estranged because everyone hates him, too
And ughhh, Jaybin trying to mend those burned bridges because he's alone and without proper support, but it's like he's a ghost
So, because Jaybin knows that it must be his fault, he singles out Jason. Without really understanding what happened, Jaybin blames himself and tells Jason to fix it.
Because Jaybin wants his dad back. He wants his family.
Jason being blindsided by 'his' upset feelings although they're nothing new. He's sat with them for years. No one understands more than him how fucking bad this grief hurts.
But Jason is Jason and while he feels a compulsion to help, the subject matter strikes him dumb temporarily
So Jaybin grieves because he can't understand what went wrong. Something something, he lashes out and says some cruel things about how they should just die
And that's what Damian overhears and like. This boy does not take kindly to the cruelty.
There's a Damian/Jaybin throwdown that finally snaps Jason back into action. He separates them and sends Damian off with a promise to tend to him later, but for now - Jaybin
With Jason patching Jaybin up. And them having a bit of a heart to heart.
Where Jason hears out everything that's bothering Jaybin and answering as patiently/kindly as he can. Things with Bruce? Can't fix that. Gotham? Work in progress. Bat methods are a joke, so he's trying his own thing.
And Dick?
What about him?
Jaybin kicking out his leg and grumbling about how Dick still hates them. He avoids Jaybin like the plague.
Jason being surprised at that. While it made sense back in Jaybin's timeline (something Jason has begrudgingly come to understand), Dick seems the sort to capitalize on a situation like this. Jaybin is, objectively, darling. And easily teased.
Jason grumbling about how Jaybin must have that crush by this point in time, huh?
Jaybin flustering because what? No. Shut up.
Jason snickering, then getting melancholic and soft. He shrugs and admits nothing comes of it. Better to give it up.
Have you?
It's the biggest call out.
It's not something Jason is dealing with, so he slaps a bandage on Jaybin's face and goes to tend to Damian
Which leads to sleepovers at Jason's flat. Where Damian bristles like a territorial cat because Jaybin is encroaching on Damian's Jason/space/etc. The only reason Damian behaves himself and begrudgingly looks after Jaybin is because Jason requests it of him. Damian definitely isn't happy about it though.
Which leads to a whole other side plot of Damian learning about who Jason was before he grew to be what he is. And Damian recognizing qualities he really loves about Jason in Jaybin, but also the differences. Like how all Jason's jagged edges aren't yet so piercing. Jaded, but not yet wrecked.
And of course Damian falls in love with Jason all over again contemplates his discoveries to Dick. Who is fondly reminiscent because he remembers well and sees it all, too. ;U;
But what's more? Dick recounting stories of the sparse times Jason and he were together. Damian noticing how Dick is so soft and melancholic and regretful.
Which, like - just hang out with him? Jaybin is here. Now's the time to make things right.
Which Dick is adamantly against because he's of the mindset that he'll make things worse. He always does with Jason. And Damian is fully just l: because really, Grayson? Pathetic. He wasn't there before; be there now. If Damian knows anything with any certainty, it's that Dick is unashamedly relentless. Is Damian wrong? )<
More than anyone, Damian knows the importance of Dick just…showing up. So.
Which leads to Dick asking Jaybin to go on patrol with him.
Needless to say, Jaybin, Jason, and Damian are dumbstruck because what
Jason and Damian? Jealous af (though Jason bites his tongue while Damian spits and sputters because he's Robin, damn it). Jaybin though? Starry eyed with the most brilliant of smiles
Commence a lot of Dick and Jaybin bonding as Dick steps up in the way he couldn't before. All while Jason and Damian get all huffy and petulant in the background.
But it's cool because Jaybin invites Dick over for dinner at Jason's one night. Which forces Dick and Jason to spend time together in a domestic capacity. But before that:
Dick being let inside the flat by Jaybin. And Jason peers around the corner to the kitchen because who the fuck?
His eyes going wide because wtf is Dick doing here?
'Whatever it is - it wasn't me.'
Which makes Dick grimace because he's not here on a case, Jaybin invited him
Jason being all wary because that's just how things are at this point. Still, he lets Jaybin have his company. It's fine. It's whatever. Jason was cooking extra anyway.
And yeah, something something Dick watching Jason be a caretaker
Dick minding his own business before Damian kicks him beneath the table and glowers at him because: 'don't get any ideas, Grayson.'
To which Dick is !! because what? No! No, no.
It's just surprising/disarming/sweet, is all. Dick's never seen Jason in this capacity. //3///
And yes. More dinners. Family patrols. Dick being brought more into the loop and Jason begrudgingly allowing Dick into their family unit space. Something something, Dick running errands after work or bringing home food. Everyone going out for some outings. Joint patrols. Just strong family vibes that heal all of them, tbh. ;U;
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platinumrosetail · 11 months
Yandere Seth x fem reader.
Warning: Same context as the fem reader, older sister of Anubis and Horus. She has a crush on Seth, but despite spending time with him, they even kiss and... you know what hehe? Seth has become estranged and even spends more time with his younger brother Horus than with her. fem Reader despite being hurt and clearly jealous. She never wants to force Seth to love her, she doesn't want to be like his father. But it also hurts her that Seth doesn't love her or so she thinks. Ra takes advantage of this situation. Then, Ra offers the fem reader a reality in which she can be happy with Seth, in exchange she wants his body. Fem Reader accepts since she hates her reality, and even though she will be with a fake Seth, at least she won't force him to love her. Ra possesses the fem reader's body and at first pretends to be her, then Horus and Seth discover that Ra took over the fem reader's body. The goddess, upon being discovered, admits it and without problems tells them what happened to the reader and that she will never return. Obviously Ra threatens to completely not even his real body.
What will Seth do, even if his beloved does not want to return, since she finally has her happy ending with Seth or so she is made to believe.
All this taken from an episode of a fantasy kdrama that I see. Thank you very much for responding to my request.
Ooooh interesting, honestly reminds me of a ending of a Otome game I played once before.
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere romantic character, and others
Character: Seth.
You had thought that Seth had loved you after all the times you two spent together but it seems like he doesn’t as he spends most of his time with Horus.
You like that your brother and Seth got along but Seth hasn’t even said a simple hello even when you two pass each other so you were the only one saying hello when you two pass each other, it makes you think that maybe you did something wrong.
You thought it was because you were related to Osiris but considering how Seth spends time with Horus and with Horus being your brother whose also related to Osiris you dismissed that thought and guessed it was something else that made him want to avoid you like the plague to mortals.
You decided to stay quiet about it since you don’t want him to think you’re just like your father by forcing him to do something he’s uncomfortable with.
Seth didn’t want to avoid you but he had something planned for the both of you and wanted it all to be perfect so he was always thinking about what could be perfect for it that he accidentally ignored and avoided while going through ideas with Horus so he knows that you’re going to love it when he surprises you with it.
Ra had came to you one day unexpectedly with a strange but appealing offer, the offer is that you give up your body to her and she’ll give you a reality where Seth loves you and this Seth won’t ignore and avoid you like the real Seth. You almost said no but had flashes of memories go through your head of all of the attempts to get Seth to finally stop avoiding and ignoring you like before all of this started.
You agreed and the next thing you knew you were in the arms of a Seth from another reality created by ra, while in the real world ra had take over your body, ra at first tried acting like you but her acting like you was easily seen through by Seth and Horus, she didn’t really care if she was caught so she admitted that she took over your body but instead like the two thought was by force she informed them that you gave up your real body and that your soul now resides in a reality that has that Seth not ignoring and avoiding her like the real Seth did.
Seth was shocked and couldn’t believe what ra had said and informed him before quickly asking how can he break you free of that reality so that he could make it up to you for having you go through that.
Even if that Seth is basically him but from another reality you’re still his love and he will do anything he can to get you back and make sure you know that he loves you, by making you his wife for eternity once he gets you out of that stupid reality as it’s better you have the real thing than a faker.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! 😁 this honestly does remind me of a Otome game I play a while back so that helps with this request so yay! Anyway I believe that’s all I have to say for now, hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Saudade (Yandere!Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Reader)
A/n: it has been 500 years since I turned off my brain and wrote something out of pure passion lmao dimitri my beloved &lt;333
Unreliable Synopsis: Circumstances won't allow you to be around the crown prince of Faerghus' side, and it wasn't as if you want to be near him either after allying with House Gloucester. Besides, if there was one person you want from your past back, who else would it be other than your old womanizer best friend? (Cw: yandere themes, violence, war)
commissioned by: @poptartsthings (holy sht thank you for making my first commission to be dimitri fic aaAAHHHHH--)
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“You should just send them your letter– say that you’re sorry.”
"Uhuh, but what if he doesn't remember me anymore, Raph?"
"Well," Raphael placed both his hands behind his head, lolling back as he reeled a fish in. "There’s just no way. Based on your stories, I think he’s in love with you, (Y/n). You can't just ignore him forever, ya know?"
You raised an eyebrow, "yes, I can. It's not like there are tons of situations where I need to interact with the crown prince."
"Okay, true... But maaaaaybe you can try eating lunch with him!" Raphael brushed against your shoulder "There's nothing that can get people to open up like a good meal together. Maybe you can steal a seat– oh, and sneak in his favorites on his plate too."
You chuckled softly, "I think that method only works on you, Raph."
"Nonsense!" He said, shaking his head earnestly. "It also works on my baby sister!"
You snorted.
Your housemates are endearing. Truthfully, you never would have expected that it's comfortable in the Golden Deer. Your heart desired to become a Blue Lions graduate like your parents, but familial circumstances or lack-there-of forbade any opportunity. Had life been easier on you, your dorm wall would've sported your family’s blue flag.
And not Gloucester’s.
Since your parents perished in what is now known as the “Tragedy of Duscur”, Count Gloucester assumed responsibility of being your legal guardian. Your parents had always thought of Lorenz’s father as a close ally. Plus, this arrangement was better than living up the frigid north with estranged minor noble relatives who gave you an even more colder shoulder.
However, thread any less carefully around the Alliance, and you might find yourself under his conservatorship forever. You just have to thank the Blue Sea Star that you didn’t bore a crest lest you’d be engaged to Lorenz. Uncle Erwin is a wonderful father to him and he doesn’t treat you with malice either— but of course, he keeps an eye open to morally gray opportunities to exploit your title.
And that includes listing your name amongst the Golden Deers.
At first, you were hesitant in showing that you're an “outlier” in class, but it seems you fit the mold quite easily. Too easily. Not because you had been accustomed to their social norms, it is more like the fawns are oddballs themselves. The youngest was an enchantment waiting to explode, your largest was a total muscle-head, the house leader has a screw loose when it comes to strategic retreat and poisoning, and the rest are just as eccentric.
No one cares if you told them you have an affinity for theater here, and spoilers: they really did not give a damn. Except for maybe when Ignatz genuinely went "oh, that sounds wonderful, (Y/n)!" before the conversation digressed about Leonie's mismatched socks she bought on the market.
Oh, but Raphael and Claude did care when they found out that you might've had a long but faded friendship with at least four of the Blue Lions. Compared to Claude, you trust that Raphael comes from a good place whenever he brings them up. Since he and Ignatz were childhood friends who slowly grew apart, he has your best intentions whenever he suggests something that could reignite your relationship with either Sylvain, Felix, Ingrid, or Prince Dimitri.
Claude, on the other hand…
The house leader first emerged as a shadow, then he sat down and squeezed between you and Raphael, with his arm encircled around your waist. Claude's apparent lack of etiquette went unmentioned by either of you (you suspect Claude is part-Almyran), but you do intend to ignore him later like your "foster brother" does.
"Trading secrets about Prince Dimitri, are we? Won't ya invite poor me along in your little secret meeting?”
You sighed tiredly, "Claude–"
"I was just kidding. No need to give me that face," Claude raised his arms defensively. “My lips are sealed— I never heard a single word between you two, promise.”
The deers were a little leery of your prior association with the crown prince of Faerghus. Claude, who frequently pries into everyone's private affairs, persistently diverted your focus to the Lions. In fact, he once burned your favorite book to forcibly draw your attention to the library so that you'll share the same room with Dimitri. Talk about extremes, really.
But you did notice that there's something off about Claude this time.
“So what brings you here? There’s no way you’ve come here to fish.”
“Yeah, no…” He cringed. “I’d rather do the eating part.”
“Haha, you get it, Claude!” Raphael said before the two men shared a crisp high-five.
Ah, these fawns…
You sighed, “can we skip to the part where you explain why you’re sitting beside me right now?”
“Sure. Leonie wanted me to tell you that Lysithea told her that Lorenz was told by Prof—”
“Do you not know the meaning of “skip”, Riegan?”
“Nah, course I do,” Claude smirked. “It’s just fun to tease people who live in House Gloucester.”
“Sothis, have mercy.”
“As I was saying, Lorenz was told by Professor Byleth to tell you that Sylvain is now part of the Golden Deer.”
“… What?”
There was no dramatic gasp. Nothing sensational or derogatory comment was elicited from impetuous lips. You simply blinked and said the words "what? as if it were a simple joke. Claude needn’t explain that those were facts. Based on how he approached with worry written on his face that he failed to hide from you, he wasn't jesting.
You're reluctant to speak with Sylvain. You last spoke to him in earnest four years ago. Don't get it twisted, you do want to get back in touch with that philanderer's good graces, but where would you even start?
Dear Sylvain, I’m sorry for ignoring your letters? Dear Sylvain, I’ll reimburse you for all the theater tickets you gifted before without my consent? Dear Sylvain, I’m a garbage best friend?
… Knowing him, he’d likely frame that letter with careful preservation while the ink from his heaps of love letters faded inside his shelf collection. If you were to send similar letters to the other two, Felix would train to become a mortal savant and burn the letter out of spite, and Ingrid would have simply torn them up.
Raphael's chest caught your attention for a brief moment, and you quickly avoided him, concerned that those wooden buttons will suddenly protrude into your eyes. Your housemate captured the fish without even feeling his buttons tear apart from his outfit.
Goddess Messenger.
That’s quite an expensive catch right there.
But it felt like an omen for something.
“… I’m heading back to my dorm room.”
“Want us to go with you?” Raphael offered, but he reeked of fish.
“No, I’ll head there alone.”
Claude tilted his head, “Sylvain is probably there, you know.”
“I know,” you nodded. “But I’m tired.”
“I just can’t run away from the lions anymore.”
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You should’ve taken your words literally.
Instead, the phrase "I need to get over this, fast" resonated in your thoughts, and you bolted as soon as the impulse to settle everything fueled your anxiety. You should have cared if someone got in your way, but you didn't.
“Ngh—” you flinched, bumping into someone’s back. “Whoops— sorry about that—”
You froze as you looked up.
Great. Just your luck.
“… What is there to be forgiven, (Y/n)?”
And of course, he called you by your first name. Your arguments against Raphael were demonstrably false. A futile hoax. Why even try to imagine that he might have forgotten about you?
Dimitri smiled softly, his eyes crinkling in delight. You gulped shakily.
After all, how can the crown prince ever forget his first love?
Now that you took a good look, his hair was much shorter than how it used to be and he grew positively taller. It’s a haircut you took a while to get used to, especially since you recalled how his hair used to hover near his shoulder. Not that you didn’t know about any of this information already. It’s just that you had to reassess those facts after seeing him up close. Perhaps a bit too close for comfort.
If only your last memories with him were as pleasant as his face.
He wanted you as his consort, but you had nothing to offer him. No land, no worthy title befitting for a king’s spouse, and no true inheritance in your arsenal at age 15. But when one has less to lose, they become more introspective. While clinging to Sothis' statue and pleading for life, they gain wisdom. Unlike the prince, you were not naive to what could befall the kingdom if you were to marry him. Instead, you sought asylum by knocking on Uncle Erwin’s door with the few loyal servants to House (L/n) left, and he accepted your offer after days of consideration.
His name will be tarnished as a young traumatized prince who copes by spoiling a love unrequited. But most of all? The loss of his friends and family would’ve developed his separation anxiety towards you more if you stayed.
The prince was something of a doormat teenager. He begged and nearly cried when you had accidentally slipped out that you’ll be allying with House Gloucester– but stopped his outburst the moment you chewed him out with hurtful phrases. Dimitri clung onto you like an affectionate pup and if his childhood self could latch on for the rest of his life, he would in a heartbeat. Perhaps it was the side-effect of being his first friend. He had always been a genuinely kind person, but he was always so caught up in whatever happened in the past.
Was it rational or heartless to leave him and the rest of your companions behind? Likely both, if you were to ask El.
That doesn't mean you don't occasionally catch a glimpse of him at the officer's academy. It's hilarious how, after Dedue performed his duties as a vassal, Dimitri now had to cope with a situation that was identical to yours. A "protector" so dependent… it was as though you were watching the prince try on your shoes. Your “you don’t have to shield me every time we go to the training grounds” line became His Highness’ catchphrase towards his retainer. And you’re not sure what to feel about that.
Was it comedy or plain karma? Likely both, if you were to ask Claude.
“Good evening, Your Highness,” you bowed. There would’ve been more eyes on you inside the cafeteria if you hadn’t. Gossips of lese-majeste would’ve stirred even Lindhart awake. “Do you require something from me?”
Too formal for him, but not formal enough for you.
Dimitri's brows wrinkled, and you briefly saw his lip tremble. His hands were behind his back, and one of them was discreetly and firmly gripping his wrist. That man had a pained, speechless expression on his face, and you don't hold him responsible when words fall short.
But when words do fail, you wished he could just stop talking whenever he feels overwhelmed.
I miss you. So much.
You didn’t need to hear it to know what he wanted to say.
Princess Edelgard was right, Dimitri is wholly predictable.
He cleared his throat, ears turning red.
“It had been so long since we had last spoken, has it not?”
“It has.”
“Around 4 years, so I'd say.”
“Hmm. So it has,” you doubt he noticed how your words were curt and redundant, since he's too busy trying not to melt. “So it has.”
“Are you enjoying the Golden Deer house, s-so far?” Dimitri manufactured a smile. “I’ve heard you and Lorenz made for a wonderful tag team at the last House Tournament.”
He didn’t just “hear” about it.
You saw him cheer for you giddily in that tournament.
There is nothing he can conceal from you. If he were as cunning as Claude, it might take you some time to discover who was responsible for leaving sloppy, "anonymous" love letters inside your dorm. There were also petals tucked inside. Pink camellias, a sign of longing.
“It’s a feat not worthy of your praise, your Highness.”
Seriously, you don’t want to hear him flatter you anymore.
“Simply untrue,” he shook his head earnestly. “I’ve also heard that—… Y… You are fond of Raphael. As a friend— of course. It’s relieving to know that you have many companions from different walks of life— which is to say, I approve of whoever you talk to, but—”
You’re not deaf. You noticed how much his words were about your relations with others. There’s no other interpretation to this other than jealousy.
Still, his face was red. He must be too caught up in the joy of talking to you that he didn’t care for how envious his words sounded. You laughed curtly. You want to remind him the reason why you left, but you can’t explain a thing despite desperately wanting to, just like him.  
Dimitri wants you back, so much so that he's stuttering in every sentence.
But you didn’t reply to his ramblings. Save for the cafeteria hall’s chatter, it was silent. You’ve long accepted in your heart that your family is dead and you ought to coast forward. 
And there’s no future where you will cut through a path beside Dimitri. 
Besides, House (L/n) had histories of trading tactics with Leicester, and you cannot discount how people refer to your blood as sheeple with its loyalty. It’s a double-edged sword, one you’d utilize well if you close your eyes right now and ignored the heartbreak and yearning in his eyes.
And so, you closed your eyes.
“My apologies, I’m in a hurry so I’m afraid I have to get going. Farewell, Your Highness.”
Dimitri's eyes widened, trying to reach for your arm.
“(Y/n), please wait–”
But you were already gone.
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“Hey there, (N/n)!”
It was only when you heard a familiar voice did you open your eyes again.
An attractive and familiar young man lazily leaned on one hand on your door, completely blocking your dorm room. “Are you gonna talk to me now, or are you just going to ignore me for the rest of the school year?”
He’s here.
You steeled yourself.
“Gautier…” You exhaled.
“Oof, “Gautier”, they said,” he frowned. “Not a single “I miss you, Sylvain”? No “gosh, sorry I didn’t talk to you for so long, I was just too shy to admit that I was wrong!”?”
You chuckled nervously.
“Perceptive as ever, I see.” But you weren’t wrong. Becoming a Golden Deer was the right path for you.
“Not perceptive, but hopeful really,” Sylvain shrugged. “Based on that reply, I’m glad my wishful thinking was spot on. You do miss me.”
“I do, but I now just realized I’m not prepared for this conversation,” you said, surprised by your upfront and composed anxiety. That talk with Dimitri seriously drained all the energy you garnered earlier. “Can we do this later?”
“No can do. I shall allow you passage if thee speaks from the heart,” he teased with his signature ladykiller grin. “Go on, say it~”
You sighed, burlesquely exasperated.
The two of you adore theater, so talks like these were commonplace. He’d mask his flaws when confessing sins in this manner, but you prefer to hear his real justifications. In any case, this is just another conquest for him to gad off and hunt some girls in another house— and your new professor is undoubtedly a sight to behold.
“Oh, Sylvain, mine dear friend, thou art missed for nearly half a decade, but mine fear did not condone myself to reach out.”
Like two birds of a feather, you also similarly mask your sentimentality.
Funny how you can easily say you miss Sylvain, but not Dimitri.
Sylvain smiled. Genuinely, this time.
The resolution was surprisingly fast. You were willing to bet you both anticipated a serious confrontation– a meeting that feels like a long-awaited class reunion after a war or so. But no.
The two of you are still flawed yet perceptive idiots after 4 years of not talking.
You both laughed in unison.
What were you worrying about anyway? You knew that at this point if Sylvain was angry at you for leaving, he should have grown tired of that emotion.
His primary grudge had always been the crest system, not you.
You should've had this talk earlier, he's the only one in the Blue Lions you were sure won't blame a crestless noble like you for those circumstances.
“Now move, Gautier.”
He stepped aside smugly.
You opened your mouth in surprised indignation.
“Why does my room look clean?”
“I had Mercedes help me clean it up the moment I took a look inside. Seriously, I can’t believe you managed to live in a complete pigsty—”
“It’s like you want to sour our reestablished friendship in under 5 minutes, Sylvie.”
“What? Too old to be called Sylvie nowadays?”
“No, keep calling me that,”
Sylvain never stopped smiling.
“Oh, and by the way? I miss you too, (N/n).”
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“… There you are.”
As soon as Sylvain left the hall to your dorm, he was greeted by the sight of the crown prince lingering in front of the stairways. Unlike Sylvain, he was not leaning on anything while waiting. The prince stood straight, dignified.
Then again, Sylvain knew his royal motivations lie in jealousy— and that’s far from “dignified.”
Sylvain can tell from his stiff stance that Claude was particularly touchy-feely earlier, which was exactly why he requested Lorenz to relay the message instead rather than the house leader. His Highness must’ve seen how close you sat beside Raphael and then Claude. The Golden Deer's leader knew Dimitri was obsessed with you— he probably intended to provoke him for the upcoming Battle of Eagle and Lion. It didn't help that Dimitri had his eyes on you, always. If not him, then Dedue.
Not that Claude's scheme will work. Dimitri was satisfied just to see you smile, even when it pains him to acknowledge that it wasn’t for him or because of him.
Sylvain is an exception to that rule.
Dimitri had a cold glint in his azure eyes, but his gaze all but glared at Sylvain. He had a smidgen of control, for now. But it’s not long until what Sylvain had prophesied about the crown prince quipping a remark or two about staying away from you will occur.
“Waiting for me to explain my random decision, I’m guessing?”
“Oh, I simply liked standing here but sure, Sylvain! I’d dearly love to know the rational thought behind switching houses out of the blue. It is not as if Felix and Ingrid were worried about you,” Dimitri generously gave his princely smile.
Sometimes, Sylvain forgets it was physically possible for someone so austere with himself like Dimitri to say something laced with malicious sarcasm. But Sylvain knew Dimitri stood there because he was still worried about his friend, even when he pretends to be unbothered.
Like bread and butter, Dimitri and forced positivism complement each other disastrously well. The Blue Lions often caught him murmuring things like "I'm delighted (Y/n) is making new friends" or "I hope Claude continues to treat them well" despite having a glum expression on his face, obviously bottling up his envy. Felix finds it as easy as breathing to call him out on this behavior: "Why bother stalking them when you can't handle the envy you feel when they hugged Lorenz or held hands with Marianne? ”
His Highness never answered that question. He thinks had kept his feral thoughts at bay most of the time and will continue to do so.
Still… Raphael, Claude, and then Sylvain… Dimitri can’t catch a break.
Why do all these men keep approaching you?
Will you never recognize the perpetual anguish that befall him the moment you didn't reach for his hand and took Count Gloucester's that day? Have you no sympathy for the man that promised your protection— for the boy you trained and sneaked out when you thought the king wasn't looking? Whenever he wakes up the following morning without you, do you not experience the same emptiness and loneliness that he does?
Was it because he is a "troubled prince" nowadays?
Was it because he couldn't taste anything anymore?
Why did you eat saghert and cream with Ignatz instead of him at the cafeteria?
Why did these men have to ruin the one taste he can recall?
He lies awake every night to the sound of phantom screams from fallen soldiers, friends, and family against his hand-covered ears.
But you were his solace. His “God/dess”.
And just like with the Goddess Sothis, he lacked the means to grasp your hand...
If only his cold hands could wring those men's necks as well...
“... Do you really want to know, Your Highness?”
It took Dimitri a while before he snapped out of his trance. His voice dipped low, his breathing uneasy, and his eyes lacked focus.
Sylvain looked at him with pity Dimitri wished you spared him instead.
“Yes,” he exhaled. “It shall help our friends put their minds at ease.”
“Well, well, you're sure it's not because you'll miss me?”
“Okay, fine, I’ll tell you,” Sylvain dreamily gazed up at the sky and boldly proclaimed:
“The new professor was hot.”
“Calm down, Your Highness! That was just a joke.”
“I joined because (Y/n) is there.”
Dimitri froze.
The meaning behind those words could either be tolerable or impermissible enough to make the prince push Sylvain to the training grounds without remorse.
Sylvain’s not going to try and suddenly woo you now, will he?
You did grow more gorgeous after four years after all…
But Sylvain can't have you— Dimitri might just lose it. Out of everyone on campus, he refuses to let an adamant skirt-chaser take you.
“… Elaborate.”
“Elaborate? What’s there to elaborate?” Sylvain crossed his arms behind his back, now back to his laissez-faire attitude in life. He cackled to himself, absolutely unrepentant. “Is it bad that I want to reunite with an old friend? You know, before they were your friend, they were mine. Don’t forget that we’re both older than you, Dimitri.”
Multiple considerations led to why Sylvain chose to frolic with the deers rather than squander the school year at the lion’s den. One of these includes avoiding Ingrid’s nagging— he can’t be bothered having a pegasus pecking around while he galavants with (unfortunate) women.
But most of it boiled down to reunite with the one platonic relationship he missed.
Sylvain became Dimitri’s ally through you. Had you not approached Sylvain and Dimitri during one of King Lambert’s birthday celebrations, they wouldn’t have initiated a friendship through a children’s version of a bergamot tea party away from drunken nobility. More opportunities to befriend the prince would’ve likely presented themselves through Ingrid and Felix, but that memory of tiny cups and tea-stained shoes was special because it had you.
Because you were smart and kind enough to drag Sylvain out of his older brother’s schemes of public humiliation under the guise of being “invited” to an audience with royalty.
You were more of a sibling than Miklan ever was.
“By two years,” Dimitri stressed. “You’re only older than me by two years.”
“Your point? Doesn’t change the fact that compared to most students this year, we’re one of the older ones.”
He bit his bottom lip.
Age was one of Dimitri’s insecurities. It cannot be helped— if he were only older, people would’ve listened to his testimony for the people of Duscur more seriously— if he were only older, he would’ve had control over his uncle—
Dimitri’s knuckles grew white underneath his gloves.
If he were only older, then maybe you would’ve stayed by his side.
“What a lark. Are you attempting to compete on who had a better relationship with (Y/n)?”
“No, Your Highness, YOU are.”
Dimitri’s eyes widened. He hadn’t realized that those pointed words he spoke aimed towards himself like a misthrown javelin.
"Let’s be honest, Your Highness. I’m saying this as a friend, but you could be a bit tone-deaf and insufferable around them,” Sylvain deadpanned. “You had some serious attachment issues and you never listen when they tell you to stop with all those creepy comments about protecting them forever.”
“Is… Is that so?”
Dimitri muttered to himself while looking at his shoes, sounding almost broken. He had doubts, but Sylvain’s words practically cemented that you’d be unwilling to spend time with him again.
“Besides, if this were a competition, you lost the moment I waited at their dorm.”
The prince’s head snapped back up like a confused puppy.
“Why is that?”
What a horrible thing to ask.
“Because (Y/n) just told me that they missed me,” Sylvain smirked.
“And if you were there, you could’ve heard them call me Sylvie too, just like the good old days.”
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Since that talk with Sylvain, Dimitri wanted to make you as lonely as him.
Oh, how he badly wanted to whisk you away from that house– oh just how much he wished he could force you to wear his cape– to wear the color of the lions.
But none of that matters now.
You look prettier when doused in splattered red.
The soil sipped the blood that drained from Ignatz's head. It reminded you of the time you asked the painter if he could use blood as a dye. If he were to watch this scene, he would've waxed poetic about how he will be simply returning his life to the earth, but the beauty of death is lost on you. The gravity of war weighed far more than the theatrics of what-he-would've-spoken.
It’s been five years since the war started.
You had lost your voice two years ago the moment Dimitri kidnapped you on your expedition to Garreg Mach— you’ve mistaken him for a bandit and in a blind rage, he dealt a massive blow to your neck. Dimitri didn’t mind that you had lost your ability to speak he seemed to relish that you’re similarly deformed. He romanticized both your disabilities often. A “God/dess” who couldn’t speak and a “boar” who couldn’t quite see. What a royal pair indeed…
You can’t say your prayers now, but you hoped thinking about praying for Ignatz was enough…
Ignatz should've turned 22 this year. Based on the way he last behaved, he didn't seem prepared for this war and had been misplaced by Professor Byleth.
You’ll never be able to eat saghert and cream with him again.
You can't remember what tactic you used in this battle. Was it Felix who was assigned to stick ten feet away from you who had slain Ignatz? Or was it Ingrid who rode her pegasus to stab the sniper in a suicidal fashion?
This entire battle is a blur. You can no longer stand straight and aim your sword reluctantly toward anyone.
Why can't everything go back to how it was before? Why can't you just fish at the Great Bridge of Myrddin with Uncle Erwin again?
You wobbled down the grass as a wyvern obstructed your view with its proud albino scales cruising the sky. Claude sits atop, his face stony through a nearly unrecognizable expression of placid anger. His emerald eyes inevitably met yours.
You didn't stand with your sword supporting you, and he didn't draw his bow either. Instead, before leaving to find the bright red target everyone called an "Emperor", Claude mouthed words that only you two could understand. You uttered nothing in response. Even if Claude were to succeed, his scheme would be futile.
Sylvain can’t save you from Dimitri.
Like a fairytale, it begins and ends with the crown prince. It always had.
But if Dimitri was the protagonist of this story, then pray tell, what does that make you?
A damsel in distress?
The king's court jester?
All you ever wanted was for House (L/n) to survive, to preserve your family name and dwindling territory against House Charon. You desired the opportunity to emulate your father. A fearless front-liner and a skilled tactician.
However, you have not taken any real action to end this war. You moved like a weak infantry, unable to maintain balance on one leg or call out for upcoming danger.
You just can’t run away from the lions anymore.
"Get up."
You couldn't move, mortified.
His Highness is back.
"I said GET UP!!!"
His iron-like hands yanked your hair up, and you felt some of it weeded out by his sheer brute force. You wept immediately but held back tears. Despite your commitment to keeping your composure, he had torn away what little hold you had left on what you call "stability." Your knees shook as his tall figure began to drag you away. Each step felt more jagged than the last. Your heart beat erratically as you worried about toppling down– and when you inevitably did, he was there to pick you up.
For Dimitri, this situation was advantageous. Most Golden Deers are here, which meant he had opportunities to route them all. He had already stabbed Ignatz, incessantly. Each draw of his lance— each crack of the artist’s glasses and bones— rejuvenated whatever youth war had stolen from him. The future king of lions couldn’t stop grinning maniacally as his eyes lay upon a deer’s corpse. It was as if his sense of taste was coming back. All of his soldiers and classmates were too terrified to stop his senseless slaughter. If Gustave did not scold him about the oncoming army, he would’ve continued damaging the corpse senselessly.
But it’s only a matter of time until he shoots for the leader of the herd as well.
He still hasn’t forgiven him for using his beloved against him back at the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. This was the perfect opportunity for revenge. Once they’re out of the picture, then it’s only Edelgard left who he had to worry about— but until then, he’ll have to take the deers’ lives for stealing his beloved away.
Shame that Lorenz had yet to be found.
"Tch. Fool."
He cradled you like a bride but gripped your jaw like a hostage. Dimitri's current appearance is much too different from what he used to be. Sweat and blood had greased up his unruly hair, and the blue cloak that was slung over his shoulders was much dirtier.
"I command you to eat."
It was almost sweet. Almost kind when his voice softened for just a millisecond. Almost touching how his one eye gazed upon your sunken features with disdain.
But your appreciation for it all vanished the moment he robbed something from Ignatz's corpse.
He shoved onto you Ignatz's last bloody loaf of bread. It was hard, yet soaked.
Your throat couldn't express how terrified you were upon holding it.
"Gone deaf as well, have we?"
He pushed the bread closer to your chest, effectively crushing it against you. Dimitri breathed against your ear.
Your tears and Ignatz's blood salted your food.
The bread tasted just like the ones Raphael's family had in their inn.
Ignatz… He probably got this from Raphael… Which means he's in Gronder as well…
You sobbed as you took a feeble bite.
Please… Please be safe, Raphael.
Dimitri saw your struggle. He saw your continued concern for those who were after his life and yours. Why do you spare sympathy for the bodies that got in the way between you and him? They did not warrant those tears. The weak must fall— even he too will join them someday.
And so, Dimitri closed his eye.
You’ve gone fragile in his arms, and that was not spoken in a romantic sense. He had fractured your right leg enough to make you use your sword as a cane, yet he insists on dragging you in combat. Time and time again, he forces you to witness what he is capable of and more till you’re unable to write complaints.
Dimitri wanted to reassure you that you’re on the right side of history.
That you can cut a path beside him— you just weren’t trying hard enough before.
And it was a challenge the prince can’t easily scale. You never showed your appreciation for longer than a minute. When he learned how to dance begrudgingly with El after she had poisoned him with thoughts that he could use her teachings someday to dance with you— you dared to ask Sylvain out during the White Heron Cup. When he tried to give you a more fancy dagger as well during El’s parting, you admired Sylvain’s coincidental parcel of theater tickets and tea leaves instead.
Sylvain, Sylvain, Sylvain—
It was always Sylvain.
His entire body shook from laughter. You shriveled in fear as his voice echoed throughout the battlefield.
The beast put you down underneath a tree's shade that he deemed as safe.
… and kissed your forehead.
“I can see him approaching us.”
Dimitri cooed mockingly.
“Shall I decapitate and mount that filthy rat's head on a silver plate?”
You didn’t need to hear him utter his name to know he was referring to Sylvain. It was tempting to challenge him on how he could say such a thing about someone who had once been a friend, but that inquiry wouldn't help. Dimitri cupped your face and wiped your tears away with his rough and heavy hands. You flinch so easily nowadays.
How adorable.
Five years ago, you won't move a muscle whenever he kissed your forehead good night.
Five years ago, he worried about accidentally waking you up and exposing himself for breaking into your dorm so often just to drop his unhinged love letters.
Five years ago, watching you rest allowed moments of respite.
However, it didn’t invigorate him as much as your tears did now.
“Fret not, my fellow monster, I shall fetch it for you,”
He tightened his grip on his areadbhar, scanning the right field. The lance's crest stone glowed, and there was no looking back after that.
You’re here now, and he will NEVER let you leave. He won’t have a repeat of what had occurred when Count Gloucester was present around nine years ago or so. He’ll protect you this time, and it no longer mattered to him if he were a corpse or a monster in your eyes. It mattered not that he no longer slept. He intends to keep you alive and by his side, just like what he had promised in his childhood.
You can't even begin to imagine how much being away from you ruined him.
He had reached the point where he will kill everyone that tried to touch you, and he won’t have someone else do it, too.
Was this love or obsession? Likely both, if you were to ask Lady Rhea.
But what does Rhea know about Dimitri’s mental state anyways? She’s been missing for years now, she might as well be dead to you.
Without thinking, you grabbed his cloak. He patted your head but his eyes were locked on the cavalry unit from afar, and the dark and sinister smirk on his face solidified your fears.
Sylvain approached faster, and you did your best not to cry.
If he dares to fight Dimitri in the state he is now, then he might as well be a dead man walking too.
You wished you didn’t have to join the Golden Deer house— you wished Sylvain didn’t follow suit— and you wish you didn’t leave Sylvain behind. You did not doubt that if it hadn’t been for you, Dimitri would have concentrated only on Edelgard and joined forces with Claude to eliminate her. It would have given this historical period a more coordinated scheme. History won’t have to remember you as the catalyst that made things worse.
You heard Sylvain yell from behind Dimitri, which only made your heart ache more.
It's been years since you last heard his voice again.
Dimitri took your warm hands and brushed his cheek against it, no matter how obvious it was that your eyes yearned for someone else’s touch.
He looked at you with such a soft gaze that you nearly forgot the monster he had become.
“Once we hang his head on our bedroom wall, you have no right to complain about missing “Sylvie” ever again, my beloved.”
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psychiccent · 2 months
Kogami not calling but VISITING Akane in S3
I think Ko visiting Akane in S3 was a powerful and symbolic gesture, and not just in the obvious ways. Consider the fact that the last phone call they had with one another ended w/ Akane hanging up on Ko. Of course, being present in a "real" sense remains consistent with his character/personality, and we have seen Kogami be more grounded/old fashioned in his approach to life and its obstacles throughout the series. Like his preference for traditional books as opposed to digital renditions or like in the manga extras, where we see Ko and the other new MFA agents all assuming their meeting w/ the CID would be physical. They even strategize on how best to infiltrate the building (I mean, what even guys? LOL Are you not INVITED and expected at this meeting or what? I CAN'T with these dorks xD). So we could assume his natural inclination in most situations is to simply show up. It could also be remnants from his life during his travels, when such luxuries like virtualized meetings were not readily available. It totally makes sense. Now, let me put on my shipper goggles.
Ko is still feeling the aftershocks of the second reunion with Akane and their subsequent separation and it is hinted at in the exchange between Mika and Gino at the beginning of the season. During this conversation, Gino states (quite confidently) that he does NOT need to go see Akane. Gino is aware that there are elements at play here and is adamant in his support for Akane, as well as his faith in their bond. They have had years to foster their relationship with one another and it shows. Ko...not so much.
Ko and Akane's relationship has been through quite a few dynamic shifts as the series has progressed and it's been wonderful to watch it all unfold. At this point in the story, Ko may not feel as confident in his standing with Akane as the others. Their last exchange saw him being unapologetic in saving her life (Thus discarding the mission objective) and then subsequently devastated by Akane's letter to him while Ko served his time. It's safe to assume that Ko has spent the entirety of Akane's incarceration running back the events of Providence and how it all led them to this.
A mere phone call is not enough for Ko at this stage in their relationship. Throughout the series, we have seen that Kogami draws comfort from Akane, primarily by sight and sound. Hearing her voice reminded Ko of the heavy toll he'd paid in his pursuit of Makishima. Seeing her sleeping face after waking up in the hospital room set him at ease as he took a moment to simply WATCH her. This is all before Providence. After the years have gone by, and he has finally made his way back onto home turf, the only thing really stopping Ko from seeing Akane is Kogami himself and a few security clearances. If that's all there really is to it, then it comes as no suprise to anyone when the visitation scene opens up with Ko leaning up against Akane's cell door.
Ko cannot face Akane during most of their exchange in this scene, another indicator that Ko is unsure in his position in Akane's world. It won't be the first time the subject has crossed Ko's mind either. Providence's novel gave us some insight, as we see Ko think about what he is to Akane and what Akane is to him. This is just before he bites the bullet and makes that infamous call on the balcony. He is aware that there is SOMETHING between them, but I believe Ko is not ready to dive too deeply into the origins/aspects of these feelings at that time.
The ghost of the conversation Ko had with Saiga in Providence is still haunting him too, years later... So much so, that one of the first things out of his mouth once he is finally standing face to face with Akane is an apology. The atmosphere between the two is both awkward and sweet and it feels a bit like, and I'll take a moment to adjust my shipping goggles here... it feels more like an exchange between a previously estranged couple finally coming to an understanding with one another rather than two friends burying the hatchet. That's just my take on it at least.
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we need to have an honest conversation about hostile attribution bias, honesty, and bullying.
@deliciouskeys i've had enough of this shit. you wanted to piss me off. now i'm pissed the fuck off.
hey, hiiii. friends of hers? critics? whoever you are reading this and willing to hear me out, i just wanna start by saying don't hate on her or anyone for this. don't send harassment, don't send anon hate, don't even unfollow her if you do read this all the way and find yourself upset with the topics discussed or her actions.
or maybe you wouldn't anyway, and you've already decided i'm insane, fine. but if you are friends of hers, don't barrage her with verbal abuse of any kind even if you are disappointed or disgusted, i'm not about that. and good friends won't just coddle and take your side to enable the bullshit, but they won't try to hurt you when you're down either
and to clarify what this is? it is a harsh criticism of ongoing behavior i have faced from her behind the scenes. or out in the open i suppose but mostly unseen or dismissed.
yes, i have the motherfucking receipts. i've tried to condense them to what i found most relevant to the topics at hand without clipping the interactions so much that they would give a biased misrepresentation, but all conversations as of this moment and to the best of my knowledge are still available to view in full context. mine certainly won't be deleted.
i may have some bad takes sometimes cause i'm as perfect as anyone, which is to say NOT AT ALL. but i'll readily admit that and the fact that i work on it, CONSTANTLY. and before anyone decides to dig through my shit to see if they can find dirt on me IRRELEVANT to this situation to DISTRACT from what's being called out?
all i ask is a fair chance and moment of your time to show you what i've been through, because it's something she never gave me from day one. and bear in mind please, that i am pissed off because it's gone on long enough and now she's trying to drag my friends into it while CONTINUING TO LIE BEHIND MY BACK and feign fucking ignorance.
no more.
deliciouskeys? you. yes you, i am addressing you directly this time. i gave you a peace offering with the mike sully meme, and you just kept going.
since i poked my head into the boys fandom, you have been hostile to me, LIED about me, put words in my mouth, accused me of hostility towards you, assumed my intent while not only withholding the benefit of a doubt, but consistently. consistently putting me down and insulting me as some sort of estranged fandom villain who only exists or popped up to oppose you or ruin everything.
i'm not a fucking cartoon character, i am a person. i do not exist to supplant you or whatever weird shit you keep imagining me to be that makes you act like this.
almost every single thing i say to you, instead of actually LISTENING or i dunno, READING IT AT FACE VALUE, you take. hyperanalyze. and immediately give it the WORST interpretation you can. and that's if i'm lucky.
i'm not here for fandom wars and shipping bullshit. i'm not here for your false dichotomy fantasy. i'm here to be a bullshit shipper and have fun and try to get others to be more open and have fun too. maybe throw in a psa here and there for the things i find important.
i'm not here to get fucking bullied either or to watch others get bullied. you can take your assumed hostility and narcissistic PROJECTION and shove it straight up your ass if you think i'm going to tolerate it.
and what is 'hostile attribution bias'? it's this shit.
oh, and you don't have to assume it anymore. i'm fucking hostile. why am i hostile? oh... at this point, i KNOW you KNOW. but not everyone else does, so let's just lay it all out and let others draw their own conclusions. hm?
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this was what set you off, right? the automatic assumption that this was someone i knew, looking out for me? i suppose that's possible but that doesn't mean i know exactly who it was or that i put them up to it.
and y'know, i might have even said that anon was a bit harsh and still given you the benefit of a doubt. anon was ANGRY and that's clear, but plausible deniability is so wonderful, isn't it?
but you've gone beyond that point. it wouldn't be the first time someone's noticed your behavior, and i can guarantee that. our first conversation was on my post about the comics and what they meant to me, sparked from an interaction i had with another fan of the show who refused to read the comics but still insulted them directly to me.
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the bottom piece is from the post, the top would be the snippet of conversation with the other person prior. all of these are highlighted with slightly adjusted coloring for ease of understanding who's who. and granted, you could argue that i jumped the gun in my first response to you, but then you accused me of being hostile towards people who allegedly read and disliked them. and i had done no such thing, i literally was not addressing those people at all.
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that was the first time you put words in my mouth, lied about what i said, and 'villainized' me for 'attacking people' made of straw i might add, when the post itself SPECIFICALLY STATED:
so not the people, but the IDEA. an actually legitimately incorrect idea given context. i could go into a rant about how the comics cover one of the single most important and detrimental concepts to humanity (the war machine) and how american media is so piss watered down, propagandized and censored for babies and pearl clutching old people (and before you clutch your pearls over me 'attacking' babies and the elderly, i am not. i am criticizing AMERICAN MEDIA and PURITAN MENTALITY) that the comic itself was relatively tame outside of the american world view bubble, but that's not the point here, is it.
the 'many many' actually refers to people off of tumblr too, though i'm sure there's a fair share here of that mindset as it's found everywhere with everything. even then, i don't condemn the people. minds can be changed for ideas, that was what i was trying to do. maybe i need better methods and i can admit that.
still you chose to lie to my face or what, attempt to gaslight me?? whatever it was, it was enough for someone ELSE to step in and literally ask if you were BULLYING me.
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and me, being the naive fucking moron that i am and thinking we ended on a nice punny note and the conversation wasn't so bad STILL gave YOU the benefit of a doubt.
did you extend the same courtesy to me later on? well, let's see.
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no. no you did not. snippets of a convo from an anon ask you got on a proposed canon butchlander from when i tried to join in, you immediately accused me of things i have never said or done or even implied. and when i called you out on it, you immediately apologized (good on you, not included here but i DO acknowledge it and DID appreciate it) and i thought, "oh cool! we must be explaining ourselves to try and better understand each other so this doesn't happen again."
only for you to then backtrack and jump back on that ASSUMED HOSTILITY shit you seem to just LOVE huffing. but just for me i gather. maybe a couple others that i haven't seen or don't know about.
considering this is just the stuff i DO know about.
moving on.
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you have questions? oh, what a cowinkydink, i have answers. if only you had just ASKED ME DIRECTLY INSTEAD OF PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH AND LYING.
but to give some clarification to the numbered ones.
love the framing here. OF COURSE, WE are ONLY here to be a NUISANCE. must be nice being a real human who can interact with others instead of solely "bother" them. if you'd actually read the post, you might have seen it was about the BULLYING itself, not the bullshit that apparently makes you rabid enough to be a bully. great use of being obtuse.
stop putting words in my mouth. stop fucking lying about me. stop assuming my intentions. stop painting me for your weird ass personal agenda or vendetta. stop making up bullshit about me when you haven't taken two seconds to get to know me. i did no such thing as 'slur the cishets'. proof is in the fucking pudding.
ahhh... i understand why you don't block people. and i think i'm understanding the insidious behavior and bullying too. you're disgusting to people who you don't want to see the content of so that they'll block you while you get to pretend you're still on your little high horse of being the "less petty" or "bigger" person. and that way you don't have to see their content anymore, right? having your cake, and eating it too. it's smart. it looks good on you as long as people don't see the behavior, like you might actually want to solve problems.
although, if i'm to understand all this correctly, you don't want to given the continued hostility towards me regardless of what i do or say. am i getting this, more of that delectable plausible deniability? or am i giving you too much credit? do you even want the benefit of a doubt at this point? because you stated before you'd rather be considered evil than stupid.
oh, my mistake, "disgusting" than "ignorant". let me not do what you do and put words in your mouth. clarify for me, if you want to.
personally, i think ignorance is more forgivable than malice because at least the uninformed can learn better, while those with ill intent will seek to harm again, but to each their own i guess.
and if you actually have brain damage over a nonsensical but ultimately harmless shit joke online, i'd suggest seeking actual help from a doctor because that isn't normal. but i'm going to be generous and say maybe it was a bit much or gave you a recurring nightmare or something, i don't know you, in which case yeah, get help if you need it. i take mental health very seriously so i'm not joking or being sarcastic here. happy healing and sorry for the trouble if that's the case on this specific thing.
but oh! you just don't want to see it, right? TOO BAD BITCH, I GOT MORE TO GIVE AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!
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and i don't have a problem with you writing your personal views about a pairing, any pairing. if that were all you had done, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation or, if you don't care i suppose i wouldn't be screaming into the void.
but you explicitly stated your point of view was "pretty common", that defaults my view as "uncommon" or in other words, "others" me and those who like bottom billy. don't you dare deny that when you know for a fact it's true.
then citing reasons for why you believed your view was more "accurate". you then went on to claim you were "baffled" when if that were true and you were actually interested in TRYING to UNDERSTAND? YOU WOULD HAVE JUST FUCKING ASKED ME DIRECTLY.
not that i would owe you an explanation or apology, or anything. but i'd have been NICE enough to try and answer anyway to the best of my ability. here, i'll do it now.
i'm not a big fan of bottom homie for the same reasons i'm not at all a fan of (show) homewell. apart from the whole superdick/compressing anus thing, narcissistic abuse/grooming and exploiting someone's trauma for a toxic kink is not only a huge turn off for me, it's super fucking triggering based on my experiences and what i have been through. i've had enough people looking down on me and telling me they "know what's best for me" while trying to rob me of my humanity and use me for their gain.
the funny thing is that i relate to homie in that sense but consider myself a total bottom who also LOVES the 'dom mommy' in certain context, but i also share a lot of similarities with butcher as well and know they both have a lot of very intense differences from me. and homie has a fucking vibrator for a dick. you CANNOT make me want to miss a chance for that, it's just not going to happen. and if i ever want to explore any form of 'grooming' kink from a personal place? i'll stick to thanos and mistress death, thanks.
i also don't find toxic masculinity sexy, that's a red fucking flag for me more glaring than the entirety of homelander, i find POSITIVE masculinity far sexier and true 'top' like. MM has the most of that in my opinion and is the sexiest man on the show, besides the guy who plays black noir under the mask.
i also fully understand the kink on the other end, y'all wanna baby him cause he's never had a mommy and longs for some kind of nurturing parental love, and y'all also wanna fuck him cause he's hot. so ya smash the two together and embrace the infantilization kink (which is seriously not my thing)
and listen, more power to ya. if that's what you like, enjoy it. i'm not judging. i just don't have the same fucking taste and i'm entitled to that. i don't understand why you have to comment on it or be "baffled" by the idea that people can be different from you.
for the record, i don't want to smash the two ideas together, i want to help homie SEPARATE and DEMUDDLE the legitimate problems and confusion in his brain that makes him so vulnurable to women's manipulations, and help him grow the fuck up without wanting to fuck his own mother (if he hasn't already) or keep him baby minded forever. i want to untap his potential and see the man he can/would become depending on circumstance.
because i like redemption and character growth and am a sucker for second chances regardless of liking dark media, and there's a huge difference between "i like you" and " i like that you like me".
that requires a more careful handling than anything suface level, but regardless i don't enjoy exploiting trauma kinks or reinforcing toxic masculinity any more than i would enjoy yiff or snuff. i wouldn't judge someone for having the taste as long as no one real got hurt. but that doesn't mean i have to have their taste.
stop kink shaming me or being "confused" by my preference, i haven't done the same to you. and before you pretend you haven't or that i have.
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if you were "seriously trying to understand" you would again, ASK ME DIRECTLY instead of this roundabout bullshit where you talk about it and 'how confused or tired' you are, but can't be bothered to take two fucking seconds to JUST ASK for a more serious answer beyond willem dafoe.
if i wanted to shame you for having a kink, i wouldn't be subtle about it. but i wouldn't anyway because i wouldn't even shame those who have a rape fantasy because i have one and have written and read plenty of it. i file it under 'horror pr0n' with a number of other things, and not every form or 'flavor' of horror pr0n that exists is going to be for everyone, much the same as fucking regular horror. but if it's FICTION, it shouldn't matter.
i understand that and if i judged others for having different tastes or acted... well like YOU, that would make me a hypocrite.
and your friend got it PERFECTLY on the first note. and then decided to enable the bullshit yet again by subscribing to the bane of human unity, tribalism. thanks for reinforcing the idea that this HAS to be a dichotomy WHEN IT'S NOT.
a little healthy teasing and competition? i'm game. it's too bad that's not what this was.
i am not your fucking enemy just because YOU decided i was, YOU do not get to decide that for me. but i'll give them the benefit of a doubt and say they were 'just joking', right?
that's ALL it ever is. "just jokes". but JUST when you or "your side" do it. it's not like you've ever been derogatory and petty about "your side" being the "good side" of fandom.
if you have to constantly reinforce and self assure how "good" you are compared to "others" specifically not part of your niche bubble?
you're an asshole who's not actually "good", full stop. if you have to measure your self worth based on what others do or comparing yourself to them, actually seek help because that's not healthy. just my two cents
but if you want to get technical, NO ONE IS RIGHT AND NEITHER BILLY NOR HOMELANDER IS TOP OR BOTTOM IN A TRADITIONAL SENSE, not just because opinions and preferences can't be right or wrong. because butchlander isn't fucking canon, isn't going to become canon, and as far as we know, both characters are confirmed 100% STRAIGHT within the show with toxic masculinity issues a mile long and would never wanna touch each other like that with a 10 foot pole, and homelander's shown exactly ZERO interest in actually being pegged thus far, so that idea's a headcanon.
even herogasm showed us that 3 on fucking 1 STILL wasn't enough to take him down and homie freaking out over a bruise from an unfair challenge of 3 on 1 because it had logically been a very long time since he'd been hurt makes reasonable sense on a basic surface level. he's then over it by the time maeve makes him bleed and carries on bleeding, and now butcher's dying and is the most vulnurable and literally weak because he's sick of the bunch, so... headcanons? headcanons are fine but let's not forget reality and then laugh at the people who remember it.
and if you had just asked me why i even brought up lovely amazing beautiful cishet women (not at all sarcastic, see above purple posts), instead of YET AGAIN. ASSUMING MY INTENT AND PUTTING A LOAD OF CRAP IN MY MOUTH. you can have that back by the way, what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
or for clarification on why i brought it up? i could have TOLD YOU MYSELF. because unlike SOME PEOPLE, when someone just ASKS a question or gives a neutral or even heated response? I DON'T ASSUME HOSTILITY OR TAKE IT PERSONALLY FROM THEM LIKE IT'S A FUCKING SPORT.
fact (and correct me if i'm wrong): majority of people participating in shipping fandom are cishet women.
this is a simple fact, it doesn't mean anything beyond that, i specifically said both times there's nothing wrong with this.
a majority of people are cishet, so this is to be expected. it still doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the people.
fact: society has issues, ideas, and expectations that affect and harm us all. cishet, or queer. and these issues will and do present themselves in fandom and fan fictions whether we realize that or not. heteronormativity would be one of those. misogyny is another.
and one of my kinks is challenging that, or at least the way i see to challenge that while dunking on redpill idealogy and toxic masculinity because i fucking can.
and i just LOVE how you tout about having the "pReTtY cOmMoN" perception which newsflash, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO HETERONORMATIVE IDEAOLOGY IF YOU THINK TOXIC MASCULINITY IS A REASON A MAN WOULD NEVER BOTTOM. you'd be surprised what people could get up to behind closed doors. but then you turn around and not only put more words in my mouth, enable anon to put words in my mouth, discourage getting a direct answer from me, accuse me and my friends of being the type to randomly accuse someone else of doxxing??? wtf even is that.
and of course. given your 'pretty common' perception being the total opposite of heteronormativity, it MUST mean that society has resolved all of its issues and come to accept queer people exactly as they are in all forms with no expectations or interference whatsoever, oh yeah. places like florida or uganda just totally don't exist. the u.s. isn't on the verge of becoming an actual fascist hellhole for us, and it is TOTALLY just... no one oppresses us. no one.
ESPECIALLY not the cishets.
and despite all the evidence to the contrary, you especially have done nothing wrong here and its all in my head. is that right? can you clarify for me? do you think that my situations have put zero pressure on me in my day to day life? on my friends' lives? do you think you didn't add to that? do you think you and company are the only ones that feel or react like humans?
imagine being so far up your own ass you tell the queer HOW to queer. or at least be a GOOD queer, right?
oh, i'm sorry let me not put words in your mouth. you were of course only laughing at me behind my back for the 'anti-cishet' things i never said.
and no. OBVIOUSLY i wasn't saying any of the shit you accused. i was saying i prefer SUBVERSIVE themes when i do my tops and bottoms and a more detailed look at that can be found in my purple all over responses or just the posts themselves, but if you still want to ask me anyway, i'll answer to the best of my ability.
and what a coincidence that despite you understanding top/bottom not just being related to penetration and some people will feel certain dynamics may be reductive, how ironic that you couldn't possibly fathom that as one of my main complaints.
you don't WANT to actually understand. you just wanted a circle jerk of confirmation bias.
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this anon hit the nail on the fucking head. and you wanted to fight them?? i could have overlooked this but i wanted to touch on something really important because i don't know what anon may have seen but i once saw you answer an ask about homelander's redeemability and you cited "tough love" as a means to get there.
and as a former addict and narcissistic abuse survivor (specifying for context), i can tell you first hand "tough love" is not a real thing, and it's not discipline either because that requires teaching and providing tools for rehabilitation. but don't just take my word for it.
from a psychological perspective and to hear actual professionals go over the concept? "tough love" not only DOESN'T work. it is an excuse to be nasty and abusive to someone under the guise that you are only doing it to help them, when all it really does is make you an abusive fuck.
this would be why the SHOW had HOMELANDER of all people saying it, why what billy did to ryan is presented the way it was with HUGHIE of all people, the guy who was at the time dealing with a huge wad of toxic masculinity issues up his ass, 'got it'. and even BUTCHER'S DAD is presented as the piece of shit that he is who gladly passed on his curse to butcher like it was a 'gift'.
even the comics got this when they present butcher doing his scumlord over 9000 move to hughie and annie saying "cruel to be kind" about his own bullshit. no. no no no. he did NOT do that for hughie's well being. he did it for himself because he was a selfish prick.
and i want to be clear. i am being an asshole here and i fully recognize that. that's for ME to feel better because i am fed up with your bullshit. because you have spent your time poking and prodding me for a hostile reaction. well congrats motherfucker. you got it.
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and there ain't NO fucking love there.
i won't be your enemy. but i am NOT your friend either. clearly YOU wouldn't want that anyway.
but because i always have to add in that disclaimer for basic human decency? EVEN WITH HOW I FEEL and what the actual science says about "tough love", i would still never tell someone they can't use it in fiction, presented as a toxic kink or whatever the fuck else. even if it triggers me. even if i have a thousand different reasons to criticize it and voice that in a separate space.
people can do whatever the fuck they want and i can't control that. neither can you.
but i don't have to engage with the content or speak positively on it or keep my mouth shut, and i'm not gonna harrass people or pull the kind of insidious bullshit you do either.
at the end of the day, this is fiction. and if you feel the need to run an entire fucking smear campaign about me over fiction and preferences??
stop lying about me
stop putting words in my mouth
stop talking about me behind my back
stop predetermining who i am for me
stop assuming hostility when i will flat out tell you my intent and you can just ask, that doesn't just go for me.
stop fucking gatekeeping and gaslighting.
and fuck you.
neither me nor any of my friends or these anons are crazy and i will not sit around while you try to fucking gaslight me or anyone else. try it again, i fucking dare you.
bottom billy lovers existing is not an attack on you. it never was. you don't own the tags. FUCKING DEAL.
this behavior? is UNNACCEPTABLE.
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as for fandom? a few more things i want to cover. i couldn't have said it better than a friend of mine who while a little hectic and crazy sometimes, has been nothing but a sweetheart<3 that i just want to encourage and motivate to art or post pictures of her billy butcher kitty babygirl incarnate but unfortunately due to circumstances may be regressing back into her shell.
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a message i will never stop promoting, whatever iteration it comes in, whenever it comes up.
i may disagree with what you are saying or doing, but as long as you are not harming anyone, i will fight wholeheartedly for your right to say or do so.
that is the philosphy of true freedom, THAT is what i subscribe to. and it pisses me the fuck off when i see people trying to punish or hurt people for things that hurt no one. we don't get to decide how other people want to live their lives. we can only navigate and hope we might find a friend along the way.
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and THAT is the single greatest picture of captain america ever fucking created. no i will take dissenting opinions.
in regards to assumed hostility or hostile attribution bias, a more lighthearted and easily digestable demonstration is below.
gais... just don't do it. don't automatically assume that someone means you harm or pain simply because they disagree with you. this is what leads to more problems. this is what leads to human tribalism. this is what divides us. this is what destroys us. this is what leads to wars. fandom shipping bullshit or otherwise.
the fucking stupidest invention of humanity, fought over goddamn unholy wads of paper and scribbles of ink because people couldn't accept that their ideas weren't accepted by everyone else, and anyone who didn't fall in line got the axe. or alienated. or excommunicated. or accused of being a witch. or whatever.
but this is the kinda shit we need to nip in the bud at the most basic level we can, every time we can.
it's called intolerance of the intolerant. and it's how we stop hatred from fostering and the intolerance being tolerated and eventually taking over.
because assumed hostility? it IS intolerance.
people are not made from ideas, it's the people who make or break the ideas, not the other way around. and ideas can change.
that should never be seen as a bad thing because it's necessary for positive changes and better understanding as time goes on.
challenge yourselves and the way you think, listen to newcomers and welcome them, have healthy discussions, learn to agree to disagree. it's not that hard.
and i know, i get it. it's not easy, not that simple either. everyone's on edge, people are sickly addicted to hatred and anger because they are EASY. giving in to them doesn't require self control or any form of discipline, it is as simple as instinct. it IS instinct. but if humanity has ANY hope of moving forward?
we HAVE to learn to give people the benefit of a doubt. we HAVE to learn to listen to each other, *actually* listen and hear *exactly* what others are saying. HAVE to learn to identify the difference between a differing *non-hostile* opinion and actual *intolerance*
because the world has already seen what happens when we FAIL and eventually we WILL run out of chances to get it right.
please at least TRY to give the benefit of the doubt in an appropriate situation.
i'll lead by example.
keys? even you. even now, i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt DESPITE how you've treated me AND my friends now. because MAYBE you were actually key in the sketch and just having a bad day each time we interacted or MAYBE you have some sort of trauma getting triggered whenever you see my shit or we interact or whatever the fuck it could be, MAYBE you are feeling the pressures of a self discovery coming out journey and it's manifesting badly (yes i did notice that and if this is the case i would still wish you nothing but good will and luck with that, not sarcastic), or some combination, there's a million reasons and i don't know you, so i'm not going to assume or say anything for certain.
unlike some people.
but i don't think you're stupid. on the contrary, looking at your posts, my first 'assumption' was that you are actually very well educated and were just enjoying having fun and being silly. later and based on some things i saw, it occured to me that your education/upbringing may put you at odds or at a disadvantage with connecting with people online or having them understand you, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or them, it just means you're speaking different languages.
even the "tough love" thing could be a miscommunication/malapropism. it could also be internal denial because you had a loved one do that to you and still haven't come to terms with the actual abuse you were experiencing because "they knew best"
i've been there. but maybe i'm the one who's projecting just to give you the benefit of a doubt. is it fair for me to take out my own frustrations on random people? fuck to the NO. which is why i TRY regularly to keep that shit in line and my life private.
so i absolutely will not excuse you for being so blatantly dishonest about me either behind my back or to my face because even if you do think i'm being hostile (when i'm not), there's no excuse for that. no, i wouldn't excuse myself either.
that needs to stop in a general sense, and i know you KNOW you are doing that because you'd have to *actually* be the biggest fucking illiterate moron on the planet to not know at this point.
especially when i reached out to you before to try and resolve this calmly and you ignored me and then continued lying about me, yucking it up with anons and buddies like high school mean girls. officially. unironically. instead of doing an ounce of self reflecting.
and i didn't include those messages, but the continued disingenuity and callous misrepresentation is there. and especially the carving into my character to define me however you want without giving me a voice to speak for myself.
stop it. you know it. i know it. maybe you think i'm some country bumpkin cousin hick fucker who happens to conveniently be queer but is remarkably stupid or an easy target.
and maybe i am stupid for ever giving you the benefit of a doubt, but you don't get to rob me of my humanity or basic courtesy.
because YOU'RE human too. and you have a right to your thoughts and feelings and opinions, and i get that, and i support it
even if by some fucking bizarre coocoo for cocoa puffs alternate reality, butchlander were to become canon the way I saw it? i wouldn't gloat or celebrate or try to rub it in your face.
I would encourage you to keep liking what you like and keep being yourself, maybe even harder than before.
even knowing you wouldn't do the same for me. at least from personal experience. see any of the above. and if you think i'm a self righteous prick for it, so fucking be it.
but if you're going to be an asshole? at least own the fuck up to it.
oh, and by the way? i now headcanon that billy butcher once a month puts on a full body gimp suit and with ball gag to do some strange kinda unholy shit with fruit OR veggies (never both), and it HAS to be a waning crecent moon, because i fucking can. and you can't stop me. ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
gais... don't immediately assume hostility. please. i know tone can be hard to interpret through writing or typic and emojis help, and yeah, i know i can jump the gun too. but i try to take things told to me at face/basic value or read them in a neutral tone and i think it helps too.
but we should never be judging anyone before we know them.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for not telling my estranged son I'm his father on his deathbed?
I know that sounds bad but hear me out. I (classified) work a very dangerous job that could put my son(27m) at risk if I was too close to them. So I bailed when he was a baby to protect him and his mother. It was all going fine until he got a job at the same place I work?? Which. fine. I can deal with that keeping secrets is literally my day job. BUT it turns out in my absence my idiot son decided that this random musician is ACTUALLY his father, got a tattoo of the guys face on his chest and everything. I now have to deal with the fact that my son is a massive looser on top of everything else. Whatever. I'm more upset that the tattoo is misspelled than anything else.
anyways it was all going pretty fine until we all got fired and then sucked back into a sort of blood feud with our former boss's weird brother who hired a team of people to kill us and we all have to join up to try and stop them or whatever. And that's going about as well as it sounds when I find my idiot son shot in the chest and bleeding out. Disguise myself as the musician, confirm that I'm actually his father and tell him I'm proud of him behind a mask in his final moments.
Which would be all fine and good except he came back to life?? And now my idiot son won't stop bragging to our coworkers about his cool musician dad and the rest of our coworkers are getting pretty annoyed at me for it. I don't see how it's my fault, I literally thought he was going to die and there's no way I'm telling him I'm actually his father outside of a life or death situation. Our coworkers are threatening to put him into another life or death situation to force me to tell him so he finally shuts up about how cool his "dad" is, so AITA here??
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mollysunder · 1 year
I'm still stuck on the Ekko-Jinx-Viktor dynamic. At first I was thinking about how Ekko and Viktor's dynamic established in League media has put them in an antagonistic relationship and how Jinx and Viktor's future partnership will further estrange her from Ekko. At first I was thinking about how Ekko would react seeing her once again work with another shady character that could jeopardize lives in Zaun. But now I'm thinking about how Jinx will react to the way Ekko judges Viktor.
In whatever situation that happens in the next season that forces Ekko and Jinx to work together, it's gonna be tense. There's going to be so much distrust and hurt between the two of them that it'll be a win if they say anything constructive to eachother. Now that i think about it, I don't think Ekko has ever talked to Jinx directly in the show, even in Act 1. Does that time he yelled to to distract her on the bridge count?
Anyway, the past and present is heavy for them and here's Viktor. This guy Ekko can't stand because Viktor's actions have killed people, his work has only further endangered Zaun in his eyes. And I can't see Ekko be subtle with his irritation which would likely only deepen as Heimerdinger expresses his disappointment with Viktor's choices that led to his fall from grace. All the while Jinx is just there observing how this one man gets all this ire for crimes that are miniscule compared to what she's done. It just makes her all the more certain of where she and Ekko stand.
When she inevitably meets Viktor would it be like looking at her worst case scenario, friendless and despised by the few that were once called family (which is kind of her reality)? I'm sure she would be able to see that Viktor's reputation is mostly hype. Jinx spent most of her life running with smugglers, crime lords, killers and just criminals of a wide variety. She'd clock him as just some guy massively out of his depth in Zaun. At worst it's all in the middle of his violent depression brought on by his ostracization from Piltover. Jinx has has met plenty of people that embrace a new persona to cope, Silco literally taught her to do that. So it won't matter what stage to becoming the Herald he's on, she still figures him out and sees some dude that fucked up so hard he ruined his own life. Boy doesn't that sound familiar.
It would all just simultaneously alienate her further from Ekko's side and endear Viktor to her (if they haven't already started collaborating), because that's where things fell apart for her too. Jinx stayed by Silco's side because she didn't feel like she could be accepted after what she did on ACCIDENT. She didn't need to be forgiven in that moment, she just wanted to be assured that Vi wouldn't abandon her. And now she's met someone in nearly the exact same position she was in. Their circumstances may not have been 1-to-1, but they share the same emotional truth.
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"I have some opinions on his childrens' reactions but I won't get into that." I'm begging you....please get into it 🙏
Haha, you don't have to beg. I just didn't wanna get into it because that ask was turning out to be super long.
For post-canon Linzin, obviously, Tenzin's kids will be involved and they all have very different ways of processing it. To start off though, I don't see Lin as trying too hard to have a relationship with her boyfriend's kids because it's already awkward enough but she'll basically mirror the way in which each of them are with her.
a) Jinora: Being older, wiser (and tattooed), I'm certain she displays the most maturity in the situation. Her opinions are often reflected in her younger siblings, and sometimes it's not for the best. She understands why her father married his mother and not the person he was in love with, to begin with, but she faults her father for not making better decisions back then because now she (and her siblings) are left feeling some kind of fulfillment of duty. She likes to meditate over it- of course, Tenzin is very apologetic about the whole situation and while she wants to be supportive of her father she has a hard time processing these unique feelings. Jinora also has a lot of regard and respect for Lin and it's very clear between them that Lin's not trying to take on the role of her mother in any way- and somewhere while that's a great understanding to have between them, it often gets in the way of them bonding in their new relationship. She is happy that her father is happy but she is upset on both Pema and Lin's (from the pre-canon Linzin) behalf. He didn't treat either of these women justly and naturally, she has a soft spot for her mother who did dearly love Tenzin. All in all, I'd say for these reasons, Jinora is mostly estranged or indifferent to post canon Linzin for the most part. She'd rather not have anything to do with their relationship. She gets along very well with Lin and for her family's sake, forges a more personal relationship. However, over time, as Lin becomes her confidant, Jinora learns to cope with her feelings and winds up with a healthy relationship with all three of them.
b) Ikki: Ikki likes to stand out- and she's volatile. She hates being her sister's shadow. And like any quintessential child of divorce, starts acting out. If Jinora is going to be mature about it, she sure as hell is not going to be like her. She gives both her parents a bit of hard time- blames her father for their "broken family", blames her mother to have had better morals about breaking up a relationship pointing out how poorly her advice worked out for Korra and that now she has to pay for it. It's mostly all superficial. She has an understanding of the situation but she refuses to accept it. She doesn't want all that much to do with Lin even though she does actually admire the woman. She'll mostly just storm off in the other direction (or her room) whenever Lin shows up and Lin shrugging in response doesn't help. It isn't until Lin finally relents and gives the kid the attention she wants that Ikki starts to realize it's not all that bad. Ultimately, she forgives her dad and remains very close to Pema. She develops a soft spot for Lin but deep down, her sorrow for her mother keeps their relationship from getting too intimate.
c) Meelo: MEELO IS OUT OF THE WORLD THRILLED! Sure he exhibits about 10% of the understanding that Jinora has but he can't help it BECAUSE THE HERO LADY HE LOVES SO MUCH IS GOING OT BE LIVING WITH HIM IN THE NEXT ROOM!!!! He takes the divorce really well and keeps in touch with his mother from time to time. As a boy, he really isn't the kind to build and maintain relationships so he is a little out of touch with his mother in an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kinda way but as he matures, he makes sure to check up on his mother from time to time. Did I mention he absolutely loves Lin? It's the best gift Tenzin could've ever given him and he loves his dad for it. Ikki and Meelo often clash on their opposing views but that's where Jinora and Tenzin come in (cue: more resentment from Ikki). He often idolizes Lin and the day he gets married, he thanks Lin for being the best mentor he could've ever had and that he is the man he is because of her.
d) Rohan: Rohan straight up doesn't understand anything. I went a little back and forth on this because he's too young to have a stance of his own. I could see him moving to Ba Sing Se with Pema since he's definitely more attached to her but at the same time, that would be separating him from his siblings as well as his airbending/air nation training with Tenzin- which wouldn't be fair. He ends up spending most of his weekends at Ba Sing Se though and also starts seeing more and more of Lin at the Air Temple. He's mostly just giggly around her and tries to cuddle her- something she wasn't very receptive to, to begin with. To him, it's just becomes new normal and adjusts to it pretty smoothly. He misses having his parents together, but Tenzin is sure to comfort him when need be. Lin becomes a second maternal figure to him and they end up having a sweet relationship.
Let me know if you guys have any specific questions! I feel like I've given this wayyy too much thought now lol.
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polyhexian · 1 year
Ah okay I have an idea for Jasper's mental health journey in Eventually.
I've got two meta reasons for why Jasper should be mostly-mentally-stable. The first is Hunter, obviously; the kid's going through it, and he needs this new parental figure in his life to be, like, okay. As delightful as Jasper's breakdown in MH has been, it would be super bad for everyone involved if his mental health was anywhere near that point in Eventually. The second reason is CAMILA, who just became a mother of 6 and absolutely does not deserve to also be shoehorned into playing therapist for a grown man. I love the idea of Camila and Jasper being friends, and Camila deserves to have a friend who, while definitely traumatized, is also mostly on top of his shit. Once he's no longer unconscious on her couch I think Jasper would be a huge help around the house and with the kids and he and Camila should be the responsible adults supporting EACH OTHER, so we don't want him to be a hidden wreck or a ticking time bomb.
So the first few years after his "death" Jasper reads parenting books as a coping mechanism. It helps him visualize where Hunter's at in his development. Every so often he thinks "he's probably taking his first steps right now" or "he should be speaking with a few words per sentence by now" and it's sad but it helps.
But eventually the baby books run out (is there really much of a market for them past, like, age 5?), and also Jasper is well aware of the fact that he left his child in an extremely bad situation. He knows what Belos is capable of, and while he has hope his kid PROBABLY won't ever see his own spinal cord, he's not stupid enough to think that being called "nephew" will actually protect Hunter from all of it. Child abuse is a thing, and it's a thing that's usually perpetrated by, y'know, family members.
There aren't any books entitled How To Unindoctrinate Your Estranged Child Soldier, but that doesn't stop him. He reads everything he can find on the subject and learns about allllll the things. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, gaslightning, manipulation, CSA. (He hopes to the Titan he won't need to know about that last one, but then he wonders if it'd be preferable to, like, being beaten to the edge of death and dragged back from the brink with healing magic multiple times, and then he just feels awful that he's even trying to decide what the "better" sort of abuse to endure would be.)
And pretty regularly he happens upon a paragraph that is, like, scarily relevant to his own lived experience and he needs to reevaluate some things. Maybe he tries to brush it off, but the more he interacts with Hunter, the less he's able to do that.
Book: Believing that love is transactional is, in fact, a sign of trauma, and not good or healthy.
Jasper: …haha, right, okay.
Hunter, at their next fight: I am LOYAL to Emperor Belos, I OWE him, and I HAVE to keep working hard so he'll LOVE me!
Jasper: Oh my Titan okay yeah this is really upsetting to hear and deal with, actually.
Sometimes after their fights Jasper has to just…go lay down and stare at the ceiling for a while before re-reading his self-help books and grumbling while he takes notes like ugh, FINE, they were RIGHT. He and Hunter end up working on their issues after their reunion because they see themselves reflected in each other and they HATE it.
Jasper: Look, I'M not important. YOU'RE the one who's important here and I WILL sacrifice myself for you.
Hunter: Dear Titan this is infuriating.
Luz: Now YOU know how it feels.
Hunter: Maybe it'd be better if I'd just died, that way I'd stop causing problems for everyone I love.
Jasper: *deep breath*
At some point in the Human Realm Hunter has a bad mental health day and locks himself in the basement, and Camila finds Jasper sitting at the kitchen table and she's like, you okay? And he's like, I've read a lot about this, but all my books and notes are back in the Demon Realm and I feel like I'm flying blind and have no idea what I'm doing. And she's like, actually that's pretty par for the course when it comes to being a parent. And he's like, oh really? That's kinda reassuring, thanks. I'll just wait and see if he wants to talk about it later.
omg.... eventually!jasper is like... he's so isolated, he doesnt have anyone he trusts and he doesnt have a single person he'd call a friend. he's fallen back on the same thing he did under belos in a way- there is one single driving motivation in his life and absolutely nothing else matters. whether it was serving the emperor or saving hunter, he HAS dedicated everything inside of him to one single person at a time. probably not great, but! he could be doing worse. also, MH jasper is having a lot of breakdowns, but its also been less than two years for him lmfao. for eventually!jasper its been sixteen!! hes had a lot of time to gather his shit together
im actually imagining the isolation is less like. immediately of a problem because hes fairly used to it. he only ever had one friend before and he didnt much trust him either, not with his secrets. so being alone is... well, just what hes used to. hes also probably like. deeply in hiding wherever he is. he doesnt have magic and his face is all fucked up and if word got back to belos about it, he would totally suspect if not outright know.
ive kind of got this mental image of- you know at the end of the time travel episode when belos goes into his little cave house and its. like. hes got normal house stuff in there. like he has shirts hanging to dry on the cave walls. sure theres like evil grimwalker stuff in there too but its the domestic items i find hysterical. so like. im imagining jasper has found himself a nice secluded cave to bunker down in but also hes had sixteen years to straight of domesticate that place. there are definitely couches in there. hes got a CB. hes probably got running water and hes stealing electricity from the neighbors. and cable. and then just books fucking everywhere. jesus christ. theyre everywhere. what else would he fucking do with his time; hunter isnt allowed out of the castle on weekdays. that is. so much time to just Do Nothing.
he probably does hang out with the CATTs on non hunter missions too, if only because some of them will fuck over belos which he actively wants, or has no impact on the hunter situation either way, but improving his relationship with the CATTs before he inevitably pisses them off again is always a good idea. also, its something to fucking do.
god yeah just. camila with this bizarre man in her house. hes not having breakdowns, he doesnt like not understand that other people have feelings, hes mostyl together, hes just fucking weird. he hasnt been around people for this long in basically his entire life. hes not wearing a mask and hes never spent so much time without a mask in his entire life. hunter is here???? hes spent 16 years trying to save hunter and uhhhh shit i did it. i am not entirely sure what to do now. turns out you can spend sixteen years planning out this reunion and then it all go out the window immediately. also hes been living in a cave and hes forgotten basic rules of being in a house sometimes. hes very POLITE and gracious to camila especially like, i imagine both him and hunter frequently thank her and offer To Do Anything She Needs and its like. so fucking funny to see them both just Like That.
omg hunter gets to actually meet hawk hunter. "haha yeah he saved my life. hes like three hundred years old and he cant talk. look at this gnarly scar hes got. he bites me a lot"
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foxydivaxx · 11 months
Chronicles of King Nasty Chapter 3
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This will mark the beginning of Heartsteel. You will also learn more about Ezreal.
Ezreal heaves a sigh of relief as he returns to his apartment. He bought himself a brand new apartment, a downgrade from the swanky villa he once lived in. He had cut off all contact with his parents and is now trying to start afresh. He had spent about 3 years in rehab and is now a lot better. Truth be told, he had been going in and out of rehab for the past couple years no thanks to the world triggering him in a variety of ways.
Yes, he is a recovering addict. But truth be told, his parents caused all this shit. You see, his old folks are a part of the industry. His father is a record label exec and his mother is a popstar so the talent is in him. Despite that, he was still a nepo baby that many loved to hate.
The moment his mother discovered his talent, she got in contact with his dad despite their estranged relationship. The two of them then hatched a plan to get Ezreal to debut as a popstar. The plan was simple; get Ezreal to train from a young age and when they felt he was mature enough, then he would debut. Just like his idol, he debuted at the age of 13 with a certain hit single that went platinum within weeks.
Using the momentum of that single, they began working on his debut album. What could possibly have gone wrong? A lot. Firstly, his parents were not that present in his life. Secondly mother dearest decided to not only be a bully but she was also a control freak and had sexually abused him on more than one occassion. Just like Sanji’s situation with his father. Thirdly, that single was not what Ezreal wanted. He wanted to do something as edgy as what Sanji would do but of course his parents vetoed that. Not helping was his toxic ex at the time.
Sure, thee song kind of grew on him. But still. Lastly, the album was a mess and did not reflect who Ezreal truly was a person. Rather it was a disjointed project. As if that wasn’t enough, Ezreal started developing a cocaine addiction at the time to cope with the pain and loneliness that he felt. To cover up, his mother thought it was a good idea to employ some random ghost singer with a similar voice as his to sing a lot of the tracks, living him dazed and confused when he heard the album.
Ezreal was renowed as a powerful dancer back then but the drug use caused him to a rather poor and sluggish performance, causing his parents to disown and boot him out of the company. He remembers that day vividly. The cameras flashing. Reporters screaming his namea nd throwing all sorts of questions at him. Around that same time, Sanji was going through his own nightmare experience that caused him to go into hiatus. Five years have passed since then. 
He is starting on a brand new leaf. Sett, his former labelmate who also got booted out on that exact same day has been keeping in touch with him. They became friends since that day. Right now, he was not in the mood to do anything. All he wants is to properly relax and chill. Good thing he was not in that villa otherwise the pain would have been more unbearable. 
He proceeds to go take a shower, playing one of Sanji’s songs in the background via his phone. 
Hush, just stop
There's nothing you can do or say, baby
I've had enough
I'm not your property as from today, baby
You might think that I won't make it on my own
Ezreal finds himself singing along to the song. He remembers this song because it so happens to be his favorite Sanji song. Rumour has it that this is a reference to his father and judging from what he read in the book so far, the song hits a lot more different.
Now I'm stronger than yesterday
Now it's nothing but my way
My loneliness ain't killing me no more
I, I'm stronger
He keeps on singing along, letting the music take control of him. Without realizing it, he even tries to do some dance moves whilst in the shower.Once he was out of the shower, he reaches for a towel and uses it to dry his hair whilst wrapping another one around his waist. 
Once he is comfortably settled down, he climbs intohis bed and lies down, reaching for the book again. He managed to get this apartment thanks to his dear Uncle who greatly disapproved of his parents’ actions. He is the reason he even decided to go to rehab in the first place.
“Now where was I?” He notices the page that he folded and starts from there.
I remember my audition for Popstars vividly. That day was a warm Thursday. Auditions were meant to begin by 11. I got there by 8 o’clock. Ichiji dropped me off and the rest of the family waited outside for me. 
I remembered being intimidated as there was a long ass queue. About 2000 kids auditioned for the show. I had butterflies in my tummy, constantly told myself that I did not stand a chance. Considering my previous lacklustre debut, it should not come as a surprise.
Ezreal knows the show in question as they continue to air re-reruns of it every year. Considering Aogiri’s success and legacy, that does not come as a surprise. Still, hearing him say that is quite funny and Ezreal then remembered those talent shows he was chaperoned to as a kid. He also felt nervous before every single performance so he could relate though Sanji’s case is more large-scale. We are talking live television here.
Either way, I was nervous and got in line and anxiously waited my turn. I did not register my name as Sanji Vinsmoke or Sanji Bernard which had been my legal name since my parents’ divorce. No. I simply wrote Sanji Griffins, Griffins being a reference to Zeff’s rockstar days. Yup. The old man used to be an ace rocker. Still is. Griffins was his stage name.
“So he did not use the names of his parents.” Pretty understandable, given his history. Last thing he would want is for his father to come harass him on set.
Whilst I was waiting in line, I saw a tall brunette guy in front of me wearing a simply blue jumper and a pair of jeans. That guy was my future bandmate Eren Jaeger. Eren was like 2 spots ahead of him. 
I did not think too much about it until the auditions began. They split everyone into groups and we were give dance choreography to learn quickly and we all had to do it on the spot. Imagine having to learn a dance routine within like an hour or 30 minutes and you then had to re-produce that exact dance move on the spot.
Eren and I were placed in the same group. I took the time to quietly observe him and man he was amazing. Those of you that dare to talk down on Eren, let me use this opportunity to give him his flowers.
That boy is a natural talent and has always been. Watching him dance the way he did that day inspired me to be the best that I could be. I was already taking dance classes since I was 3 so dancing came natural to me.
One easily forgets that Eren and Sanji started off on this show. It is great to see him acknowledge his bandmates here.
When it was my turn, I took in a deep breath. Never had I been this nervous in my life. Yet, I somehow managed to open my mouth and began to sing Purple Rain by Prince. Everyone’s jaws dropped once I began to sing. I was soon told that I had made the cut. I remember screaming with joy at this and hugging my family.
Eren came over to me and congratulated me thus beginning our friendship that still endures till this day.
“Great song choice and aww Eren is so sweet.”
The show’s concept was to create a super group out of all of us. Now none of us knew the amount of members that would make it into the group which alone gave all of us enough motivation to want to succeed.
We were trained every single week, day in day out for several hours non-stop. We were taught about singing, dancing, you name it. Every skill that was necessary to be a successful popstar was learned. Basically some sort of training bootcamp, similar to what k-pop idols do.
“Similar to my experience.” It is getting hilarious now just how similar he and Sanji are at this point.
As time went on, word soon gets out about my parents. That naturally got me some attention. The downside? I was looked down upon as a nepo baby who is untalented and only got in because of my looks, a typical notion that continues to follow me all the days of my life.
There are some things  that you cannot control and other people’s opinions of you is one of such things. Unfortunately, the criticism will worsen overtime as we progress with this book.
As the show progressed, I got quite a massive fanbase. I guess all that press did the trick. My performance skills began to manifest here much to the delight of everyone. My Sexy-Dol image showed up in here as I began to do some of erotic hip thrusts and crotch grabs during this time. My song choices were erotic as well.
 That caused a lot of controversy because I was still a minor then.Regardless everyone agreed that I was the best contestant overall. Now special note here kids: Do not let all that early praise get to your head. Why? You will understand why later in this chapter. Also a little controversy here and there does not hurt. So go for it. More on that part later.
“So this was where it all started huh?” He falls over laughing. No wonder his parents reacted the way they did. Sanji was good at what he did. “Might as well start taking notes now.” A lot of young boys wanted to be like Sanji because of his natural swag. Like the whole “I don’t give a fuck” attitude had a lot of appeal to it. Plus he had natural charisma.
Lelouch joined the show halfway, obviously as a ploy by the producers to shake things up. The poor guy was so lost and I do not blame him because why shoehorn a kid like that? He had so much catching up to do that it shocked the rest of us when he did not get eliminated earlier on.
Now don’t get me wrong. Lelouch is talented but at the same time, they put the guy through so much stress. Like the dude got bullied by some of the others backstage. Got so bad that Eren and I came to his defence on more than one occasion.
Ouch. Poor Lelouch. Now he understands why Lelouch often hid in the background. It took him a while to heal from that trauma.
Eventually the day came for the news we were all anticipating, the final lineup. There were ten of us left. The others that got eliminated either created groups of their own or went solo.
Since I was the top contestant with the highest grades, everyone expected me to be in the final group. Unfortunately, that is not often how life works. You guessed right. I got cut. And not just me. Light, Eren and Natsu hit the chopping block as well.
I remember how devastated we all felt that day. All four of us went to my crib, dazed and confused. It was at that moment that mother suggested that the four of us create a band of our own and go head to head with the winning team.
Ezreal remembered watching that scene. The producers fucked up. Clearly there was some form of cheating involved because Sanji had the highest marks and points of all contestants. Heck, some even thought he would go solo instead. Instead, it was those other kids that they gave it to.
Reading the part about the band made him pause. Wait….that’s it!! He grabs his phone and quickly dials up Sett’s number. 
“Yo Ez. Wassup?”
“I’m good. Remember when you asked me what my Plan B was?”
“Yeah. So what’s your plan?”
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m00n-beamz · 3 months
Support a struggling, estranged queer artist on ko-fi
Hi there : ) My names Meg (they/them), a 21 y/o artist living in Canada. I've been living on my own for over a year now. I am estranged from my abusive family and I am struggling to get by. I lost my job in March due to me being tracked down by my said abusive parents and have been applying for retail jobs and artist jobs (anything that'll hire me), but have not been hearing back from anyone. In the meantime while I'm looking for a job, I am worried I won't be able to get by on my savings for much longer.
Any amount of support will be greatly appreciated (I'd literally love you). If you can't give support financially, reblogging and sharing this around does just as good < 3
In addition to the living situation, I am dealing with cptsd, depression, anxiety, and I am not able to afford diagnosis and treatment for other mental illnesses that I am struggling with. A more stable income would help me afford these things too. I am not even able to start thinking about gender-affirming surgeries because it's way out of my budget (my budget only includes rent and groceries atm).
I am currently working on a graphic novel project, writing for the story and designing characters. The story is a fantasy, about searching for joy and rediscovering life. I'm taking lots of inspo from greek mythology- especially with Artimis.
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Also, I'm creating a painting series that involves A LOT of nymph and elf smut. If you'd be interested in seeing updates on that, I'm going to be posting my process on ko-fi, along with excerpts from the story that I'm writing. I will do a commission for $10 as well if you'd like too.
Please support me if you can, even sharing helps a ton < 3 Any support is sooooo appreciated.
I also have a shop selling the cutest little crochet stars and stickers- http://moonbeamsart.bigcartel.com
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