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Originally posted October 25, 2016
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stnaf-vn · 1 year
Every single yan blog that shows up here, I will follow; so continue showing them Yan Mers, please UwU
(Q u Q) I’m so glad everyone is having just as much fun seeing all the merderes as we are making them
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thetinyshiloh · 2 years
what if teldryn offered you a blunt what then huh
i'd take it lmao
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
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eightyuh · 1 year
Ive been quiet long enough!!
I pick Glen up and kith his head. He can't complain because I already left, and he's too short to chase me.
Peace! 🏃‍♀️💨💨
(Your art style is among one of my absolute favorites, it scratches my brain in a good way <3 )
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(Goodness haha... thank you so much! I can't fathom my art being anybody's anything — it's very inconsistent. Thank you for telling me so <3)
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ashesonmars · 10 months
Why i kin chris skelton :D i just want an excuse to ramble about him instead of doing college work
●• Chris is a people pleaser and he mirrors the behaviours of those around him. (E.g. he mirrors sam when he wishes for his co workers to respect Annie and going to The Blitz with Shaz despute it being way out of his comfort zone)
●•Gets words mixed up a lot (Alicante and Flagrante)
●• Loves making people laugh and if they dont it upsets him
●• Struggling with social cues and misunderstands people a lot (hands sam the tea and bourbons instead of the files, dw mate i assumed that he wanted them too)
●•cant take things seriously for shit (its ok chris, i wouldve laughed at the curtain not closing at Vivs funeral too, could also link to not getting social cues)
●• Frickin easily distracted (Cant believe Alex took his Rubiks cube and gave it away, Justice for the Rubik!) He will just start talking about some random shit like the mirror at the dentist thing though and i do the same.
●•Clumsy bugger, can relate, walked into plenty of walls, fallen down many stairs and i got my foot stuck in a goal net in football club once. Me profile picture is so relatable :'] i havent skated over anyones thumbs though, but thats because i canr even stand up in skates.
●• Will randomly just be a nerd (references star wars and other media he enjoys quite often)
●•Bet he doesbt procrastinate putting his F**CKING SHOES ON THOUGH (Its a current issue dont judge me)
●• Struggles with fitting in and is often mocked, he mostly fits in when he mirrors behaviours of those around him and this can cause issues (The blitz episode where he tells Shaz he enjoyed the Blitz but tells Ray a completely different thing. People.pleasing. to. A. TEE. T? TE? How tf do you spell it.
●•Were both from manchester (im really not)
●•running out of ideas oh shit
●• So i have the Life on mars and ashes to ashes handbooks and each belong to chris and he has a tendency to doodle in the corner of the page with some little patterns. THIS MAN JUST IS ME ISTG
●•Hes frickin neurodivergent (Its never said in the show but fuck you Ashley and Matthew im making the rules now heeheeheeeee)
●•This is a headcanon but he would drink excessive amounts of monster for the caffeine go brrrr thing. Istg caffeine unlocks the rest of my brain i dont use even if it means i dont shut my gob
Yeah i think thats it, anyway i ended up putting my shoes on FINALLY and ive got lime 10 mins until i need to leave and i havent had breakfast. Its fine ill grab a monster omw to college :D
Anyway byeee and thanks for reading this chaotic ass post
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heeheeheeeee i'm so normalllll :3
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franticmelody · 2 months
Ooh, I'll bite for that ask game. 2, 3, and 7 for Shadow?
Shadow... the edgelord himself.... oh no...
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Oh man. Does it count if they actively don't let him do it anymore? Cause I was gonna say his strong bond with the rest of Team Dark, and how they let them just trust each other. But if we're looking exclusively at Shadow as he's portrayed now (PRE-Sonadow Gens), I do definitely still appreciate his... uh... how he... um... hm. Y'know what? I like that they let him be friends with Tails and Amy. These are coming from TailsTube/Murder of Sonic, so I don't know how canon you take those but to me they're canon, and he really does just. Get along with them! Even if he is loathe to admit it. And that's nice.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Oh, immediately the other side of the coin. I could name a few, here- His impulsiveness, his letting his competitiveness and superiority get the better of him and actively putting him in dangerous situations. The Amnesia. Though I don't like to be too negative, and it does look like they're trying to make efforts to improve upon all of those things! Except the amnesia. But they can't really improve on that. It's less of a character trait and more of a plot point. But with Doom returning they might even do something interesting there!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Oh gosh, Shadow in the fandom. That's an interesting one. I like that they let him express himself. Whether it's fluff, backstory fics on the ARK, or even just having him be an open and communicative strategist. Letting the guy talk! Sit in more casual and low-stress situations. It seems like Sonic Team is allergic to that. And when they do do it, he's mostly silent! Let Shadow talk!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the questions Mint heeheeheeeee
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theclearblue · 2 months
Being able to go back to my old high school activities is so fun I'm actually like excited about returning to them heeheeheeeee
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coral-nerd · 2 months
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righthandmanblr · 1 year
Heeheeheeeee I'm so ready to give an elaborate speech abt how cool my boss is and then get punted into oblivion by some hero
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digifag · 1 year
Heeheeheeeee you chimkin nuggie
this counts as cyberbullying i think
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fatexbound · 2 years
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@tres-fidelis​ said: "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey fuckfaaaaaace~" Shadow Rin must have free time on her hand if she's bothering Jiraiya in his store. She's hooked her arms around his back, slightly tugging him away from whatever took his attention. "You'll be glad to know that I'm here now, heeheeheeeee~. So whatever you're doing's gonna have to wait a liiiiiiittle longer, heehee~"
Chaos Wednesday | Accepting
He was always occupied with something. Most of his time was taken up by some of his employees messing things up and yelling at them. None of his ‘products’ were truly for sale, but he still took the time to ensure everything was in order. Taking inventory in the produce section, his attention was grabbed by a voice echoing through the halls. Arms wrapped around his back and Jiraiya found himself grinning, setting his notebook down.
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“Missed me, did ya, racer girl~? Took you long enough. I was about to come visit you as soon as I was done here...” Turning his head, he captured her lips in a long kiss, pulling away. “’Course I didn’t ask for you, but... whatever. Sit down.”
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MARKS COMING BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEHEEHEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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