#and the world you have sworn to protect together is the world that indefinitely keeps you apart!!!!!!
the end is where we start from
Finally finished my post-season two Lokius reunion fic. Huge thank you to @lgwilt for beta reading. This fic had been languishing in my drafts folder for near six months and would have remained forever abandoned without our conversations, your encouragement, and your brilliant beta read of course. Thank you! 💖
Summary: Loki loses himself to the stories of Yggdrasil. Luckily, Mobius and Sylvie are there to bring him back.
Rating: G
Words: 6,027
Pairing: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Loki Needs a Hug, Loki Gets a Hug, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon Fix-It, Reunions, Romantic Confession, Feelings Realization, Protective Mobius M. Mobius (over both Loki and Sylvie because of course he cares for them both), POV Loki, Author waxes on about the meaning of hope and life again and no one is surprised
It’s cold at the end of time. Not technically. It’s not technically anything at the end of time. It’s not warm, not cold. There’s no day and no night, no changing of seasons. But it feels cold. Loki can’t quite explain why.
It’s a cold that seeps into every fiber of his being until eventually… he’s numb. Which is easier, he supposes, in a way.
Loki sits at the base of Yggdrasil. He’s long since lost sight of his black and gold throne as the timelines have grown. They’re wrapped around his legs, his arms, and are embedded so deep into his palms Loki isn’t sure he can let go of them if he tries. They stem from somewhere deep below—not even Loki knows where—and weave themselves together around him in a tapestry of stories, illuminating the darkness in an ethereal green, humming with life. They’re beautiful. He understands now why Sylvie fought so hard to free them—each thread shimmers with infinite potential. Loki’s heart swells with pride. They did it. Together he, Sylvie, and Mobius unleashed the multiverse and now everyone is free to write their own stories.
Protecting the timelines is a burden as much as it is a glorious purpose. While Loki can step into the timelines, he’s condemned to only ever observe the stories he’s sworn to protect. He can see the ocean but can’t feel the mist in his hair, see the birds floating in the air but can’t feel the wind on his face, see the sun… but he can’t feel its warmth. He will never feel warmth again—never feel anything again except for this bone-chilling numbness that follows him like a shadow in this sunless place. It hurts. More than he can bear. So he resists.
For a time.
Loki isn’t sure how long he lasts—time has simultaneously stretched on without end and stopped indefinitely—before he succumbs to temptation.
And he drifts.
Loki’s mind scatters across the timelines. He sees Thor with his adopted daughter. They make quite the pair. They’re both stubborn and too quick to action, but they’re brave, unrelenting in their fight to protect what matters most in the world: love. He sees his mother thriving in a world where the Dark Elves never rose back to power, a world where she continues her story long beyond that fateful day. He sees a flourishing Asgard. A Nine Realms united in peace. A Nine Realms consumed by war. A Ragnarök averted. A Ragnarök that destroys an entire timeline.
The multiverse is full of so many wondrous, magical, and horrendous things. The timelines grow, branching more and more offshoots until Loki is unable to keep up with the pace.
Until the stories in his mind become so jumbled, he can’t tell which memories are his and which are stories he’s only watched.
Until eventually he forgets his own name.
And then…
Continue reading on AO3.
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carpisuns · 2 years
ladynoir............[starts violently sobbing and melts into a pile of goo like the wicked witch of the whichever direction it was. west probably]
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no-error · 4 years
Fantasy Klance Ficrec
Finally new list for fic recs. Hope ya all enjoy these awesome fics. :)
Remember check out tags!
Of Wolves and Wisps
Lance knows not to seek with his mind in the woods. The fae have a habit of twisting the desires sought by those who chase after the wisps. But when given no other choice, Lance makes the decision to alter his path. To change his fate.
He should have known, really, how things would turn out.
Never call out to wolves. One may just answer.
Words: 145,585 AO3
The Criminal Witch and His Knight of a Husband
Under the rule of an unjust king, witches not employed by the crown had become illegal in the kingdom of Altea. Not wanting to work for a filthy murderer of a man, Lance spitefully refused to get his certification at the normal age of sixteen. But that was over half a decade ago. Altea is now ruled by the beautiful and reasonable Queen Allura, and Lance finds himself happily married to her head knight, despite his fugitive status.
Lance struggles with helping hot headed, prone to danger Keith stay alive, while simultaneously keeping his ability to cast spells a secret. He can't have him figuring anything out. After all, the last thing he wants is for his own husband to arrest him.
Words: 80,309 AO3
Star Cursed
A Dragon familiar is the last thing Lance expects to summon when he graduates lowest in the class at the Magerium. All he wants to do is summon a toad or a cat and get to work, but summoning a High Magic creature like a Dragon is something no one has done in hundreds of years. The Dragon, named Keith (why, WHY is he named Keith), is trained to be a familiar for the most powerful of mages.
Unluckily for him, Lance is assigned the task of lesser potions master. Lance has to navigate a precarious balance of grumpy-Dragon-with-nothing-to-do on top of his workload of boring tasks. That’s when he isn’t enduring the ridicule of the other students, who believe him to be “Star Cursed.” To make matters worse, discontent in the Magerium is brewing and it might mean danger for all High Magic creatures, which currently includes one Dragon named Keith
Words: 152,239 AO3
fit the crown to my head
“What’s the fun in a masquerade if you don’t flirt outrageously with the prettiest person in the room?” the young man says flippantly, and then winks at Keith. Keith huffs a laugh, amused.
“You keep saying things like that, but you haven’t seen my face,” he says, gesturing to his mask. “I could have warts under here. I could have spots, or scars.”
“You’d be lovely even with all of those,” the young man says, and he suddenly sounds serious. It takes Keith by surprise, makes his heart twist along with his stomach. “Your eyes,” he continues, tilting his head. “I’ve never seen eyes like yours before.”
Words: 75,705 AO3
Magic Bound & Unbound
Set in a world where familiars and witches are paired to perform magic together, Lance is an aspiring witch who is desperate to find his bondmate. He's dreamed of the day when he would be able to perform bonded magic, but hides a dark secret that could ruin everything. Keith is a familiar who's seen a little too much of the world. He's been paired with witches multiple times and each one has forced and broken a bond on him, so now he swears off ever letting himself be paired again.
When they meet, though, Lance triggers something in Keith and it scares the hell out of him. A part of him desperately wants to be paired, but he's not sure he can take rejection one more time.
Words: 56,345 AO3
Regarding Park Benches and Demon Bites
Lance forces his eyes open, all the way this time. It takes them a second to adjust, and when they do, his stomach plummets to the center of the earth. The man is in a black shirt, the sleeves rolled up on his forearms to reveal the runes inked across his pale skin. There’s a sword strapped across his back, a big one.
“You’re a Shadowhunter,” Lance blurts. Lance’s mother had warned him about getting mixed up with these bloodthirsty maniacs, and here he is, half conscious next to the very people he’d worked so hard to avoid the last two years. He’s fucked. Royally screwed. He isn’t sure what kind of punishment is handed out to warlocks for public intoxication but his mind races through options like indefinite imprisonment, dismemberment, death?
Words: 8,999 AO3
you build your tower (but call me home)
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
Words: 63,041 AO3
Wild Magic
The Vastaya are an ancient and proud race, born of magic and man, and they are dying. The spread of humans makes the magic of their homelands run thin. What is left is preyed upon and corrupted by the rising galra influence.
After losing their home, what remains of the Marmora tribe scatters, fighting the spread of corruption where they can. For the last few centuries, this is the only life Keith has known. And with Shiro’s disappearance, he’s more alone than ever. But he keeps going, even if it means losing himself. For the fight. For his people. For their future. For his homelands. For magic.
The last thing he expected to find is another feathered vastaya, one with wings that shine like the sky and move like waves when he dances. He never asked for company, never wanted it. But as Keith finds himself growing fond of Lance’s flippant attitude and determined blue eyes, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to fight alone anymore.
Words: 151,776 AO3
A Touch of Magic
"Keith—" He feels his heart lurch as Keith squats down next to him. One hand on his wolf's head, scratching behind his ear. His eyes, however, remain fixed on Lance, and he had really hoped that the whole dry-mouth-lump-in-the-throat-heart-skipping-a-beat thing would've stopped happening when he turned, but here he is. Vampiric and still the flustered mess he was when he was human. "Buddy, I can't breathe—"
"You don't have to breathe," He says, that ghost of a smile still fixed and the whisper of amusement in his voice.
It sends chills down his spine.
Lance huffs as much as he can when there's a large wolf crushing his chest. "That doesn't mean it's not uncomfortable."
"You'll survive." He pats his wolf one last time before pushing to his feet. "Better luck next time, Lance."
"I'll get you one day, Keithy boy." He calls out as Keith walks away, disappearing from his vision and continuing down the path. "Just you wait."
Words: 19,953 AO3
For Fox Sake
Foxtail series
Photography has always been an passion of Keith's. Being able to capture that perfect moment - grant it immortality and unleash it to the world so that the people may decide what stories they tell - is what he lives for.
So when given the opportunity to expand his horizons, Keith finds himself on a month long excursion in the middle of nowhere, with only his camera and his own thoughts to keep him company.
And this forest - this mountainous landscape seemingly untouched by human hands - holds more than just a vast array of scenic landscapes and wondrous wildlife worthy of being captured in film.
It holds a secret. One Keith hadn't anticipated discovering, much less believing. And though they say "take only pictures, leave only footprints", Keith worries that when he finally has to return to his mundane world, he'll be leaving more than just tracks on the ground.
But his heart has always belonged to the woods, and he knows the fox will guard it well.
Words: 80,888 AO3
Ghost on the Shore
After moving into an desolated house in a swamp, Keith finds that the area's not as abandoned as he anticipated. He soon meets Lance, a mysterious boy that apparently lives out in the marsh, and who seems to possess magical powers to a certain degree.
Words: 37,055 AO3
It Never Rains on Saturday
Rain or Shine Series
In the magical kingdom of Altea lies an ominous tower filled with monsters. Every day, adventurers battle through the tower’s levels in a never-ending quest to slay the Demon King who lives at the very top.
Lance, a talented archer, is one such adventurer. However, Lance doesn’t want to kill the Demon King.
Lance wants to marry him.
Words: 22,726 AO3
Lance McClain was not pale. He enjoyed the sun as much as any other, and though he was often run down or fatigued, this was due to his steadily amounting college work, not his need to sleep upside down. He was everything a vampire wasn't. Oh, except for his constant cravings for blood, and the name in cursive permanently scrawled over his wrist.
Since the name had appeared on Lance's thirteenth birthday, he'd been desperately waiting for the day he'd finally meet his soulmate. And it finally comes, the first day of his second year of college, delivering a boy that causes everything Lance had fantasized to come crashing down around him. Not only is his mate a human, but he's the kind of human that despises vampires. A hunter named Keith.
But matters of the heart aren't the only thing standing in Lance's way, for a much greater enemy is on the horizon, posing a threat not only to Lance and his family, but to Keith, too. The nameless are coming for them, and soon.
Words: 102,409 AO3
Living off the grid is one thing. Keith had been doing it his whole life. However, now that the mountain he has lived on his whole live is slowly being developed thanks to a ski resort it's getting harder and harder for Keith to keep to himself. Especially when he happens to catch the eye of a rather cute looking townie.
Words: 133,954 AO3
An Eternal Flame
“Do you have a deathwish?” The phoenix answers him with a question this time, apparently intent on dodging the question about its name. Maybe it’s for the best, Lance’s mama always warned him that he tended to get attached to things once he’d named them. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath.
He isn’t going to get attached this time.
Making sure that he’s still holding the phoenix’s attention, he reaches down and pushes his cloak aside, then lifts his shirt. There, bright red and ugly against his hip, are three long slashes. They aren’t scars, they aren’t healed in the slightest, they’re still red and open wounds. They don’t hurt, not in the physical sense, but Lance can’t help the repulsion he feels whenever he looks at them.
“Not a deathwish, a death sentence.”
Words: 63,692 AO3
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aeyaverseproject · 5 years
The Fear of Yesterday Interview Questions
these are my answers to the questions from @alexprompts WIP weekly event. thanks for featuring my wip!
Three main settings are mentioned in your post, being Soma, the Facility, and Purgatory. Can you give us a description of all three and the relevance to the story?
the majority of the story takes place on Soma. it’s a tropical island where travel is heavily restricted. whoever is running the show has done a good job of keeping the “zombie” thing a secret, so even most of the people who have gone there have been sworn to secrecy. Soma is part of Vafria, the country the story is set in. the only people that actually live on the island are scientists; military personnel can be seen all over the island as well. Soma is where the next two areas are located.
the Facility is an underground bunker/shelter. due to it being so unnecessarily extravagant, it is thought to be owned by someone rich and powerful. in the Facility are quite a few hallways. these lead to different rooms, including the ones the cast resides in while they are held there. there is also an upper level, which is where the two masterminds behind the deadly game are hanging out.
the most notable areas within the Facility are the Lobby, a circular room with a tall domed ceiling that mimics a skylight, and the Library, which is by far the most spacious room in the Facility.
Purgatory is another underground building. Purgatory is where Robin and the others are sent after they lose the game. it is crawling with the zombies (referred to as Infected in the story). Robin is initially under the impression that only children are down here, but that’s not quite the case.
even though it’s much larger than the Facility, most of the people sent there remain on the bottom floor indefinitely. while down there everyone is required to team up in groups to protect each other from the Infected and survive. there seems to be a way to get to the second floor, but going down that path is frowned upon.
every floor is like a labyrinth, consisting of many twists and turns. the people of Purgatory know their way around the first floor and have no problem teaching outsiders. the rest of the floors, however…yeah. they’ll have to learn as they go.
Purgatory has its own civilization that is hidden from the outside world. Robin can never really get used to the way things work down there.
Are there any other relevant settings?
one other relevant setting is Greenworth, Robin’s hometown. we won’t get to see much of it though, as it only appears briefly. there’s another location that’ll be shown near the very end, but i’m keeping that one a secret for now. :)
What do you draw your settings from? Your reality, imagination, a combination?
the Facility was inspired by some of the locations in the Zero Escape games and the whole tropical island idea was kind of inspired by Danganronpa 2.
Purgatory is mostly just drawn from my imagination. however, i watched a movie a few years ago (can’t remember the name) where a character mentioned an underground labyrinth that no one could escape and that really, really freaked me out. so that’s how that happened haha
How does the main character, Robin, get caught up in the story you’re telling?
someone he trusts is about to start working on the island. this guy knew Robin and Marina’s parents when they were younger, and he also knows that they’re on Soma, as well. he never tells them how or why, but he is allowed to bring people with him. he already has the trust of Robin and Marina’s respective guardians, so they just kinda. let him do that. the people in Greenworth don’t know what’s going on on Soma, but they definitely didn’t expect it to be something like this.
after a tragic turn of events, Robin has no way to get home. things just go downhill from there.
What is the most important piece of character development you have written or planned so far?
so far, the most important piece of character development i have planned for the story has to do with some shared knowledge between Daphnis and Tiffiny. right now all i have is an overheard conversation between them, but it adds to the overall mystery of the story. without spoiling anything, i can say that they just know way too much. but they do use their knowledge to help their team out when they can.
Where do you choose your names from?
the character names so far have been mostly random. even One was random, to be honest. i don’t usually name the characters after anything or anyone in particular, and there’s no theme when it comes to names or anything. usually i’ll think of common names i’ve heard in the past, then if none of those work, i’ll think of japanese names i’ve heard.
however, Daphnis is an exception, here. i’m sure you’ve noticed his name is much different than the others’. i purposely named him after one of saturn’s moons, and i wasn’t sure why at first. but after looking through the plot in detail i’ve noticed that it fits very well. like eerily so. but that was a total coincidence.
How do you plan?
when i first started this story, i didn’t have any plans, actually. over time i would type up any idea that came to mind and copy it to my notes later. eventually i had enough of those entries to start creating an outline. it’s not organized or anything, but it helps me keep the story in order.
Where did the inspiration for your story come from?
the Zero Escape series inspired this story, for sure. after i finished the trilogy, i decided i wanted to put my own spin on the whole deadly game thing.
Do you plan sequels? If so, how many, and what will their connections/places in the universe be?
The Fear of Yesterday is part of a four-book series called Tomorrow’s Message! there is no direct sequel, but some of the characters in this book show up in the other entries. the other books are from the pov’s of two other characters in the series.
book two, The Door to Tomorrow, is the first half of book one told from Chuck’s perspective. it shows what really was going on in his head as well as his motives.
book three, Today and Forever, is about Joseph’s life (from his pov). it’ll reveal more of his involvement with this whole mess and how he feels about it. it’ll also showcase what’s really happening and why. as such, this book will answer a lot of the questions brought up in The Fear of Yesterday. there will be a detailed intrigue plot, a group of childhood friends, and lots more of that conspiracy stuff.
book four, New Century Endeavor, is told from Chuck’s pov once again. this focuses on his life after he’s come to terms with what he learned about himself in the Facility. this has almost nothing to do with the intrigue/conspiracy and is mostly about how his life gets totally derailed shortly after meeting a certain someone.
i’m currently trying to write the whole series at once. so far ive completed book two, which is actually quite short. this method is challenging and i’m not sure if i can recommend this kind of approach, but it’s fun connecting the stories together while they’re simultaneously being written.
Do you plan to publish? If so, what is your biggest goal in relation?
i plan to self-publish this series eventually. i’m not really sure what the goal is yet i just want a lot of people to enjoy my work.
If your story were to be turned into a movie, who would you want to play your main characters ideally?
well, i’d imagine it to be an anime-style movie. when i think of The Fear of Yesterday as a movie, i think of those netflix anime titles. so, i’d prefer for it to be a netflix movie, but a theatrical release would be cool, too. as for the cast, i… actually have no idea haha. but they’d be anime voice actors for sure.
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jinniesxlamp · 6 years
The Tables Have Turned - Chapter 9
LIST OF CHAPTERS –> Masterlist
Jimin’s POV
I watched carefully as Jin-hyung pushed aside his bowl, barely touching a quarter of it as he left to go practice more. Hoseok-hyung shook his head in dismay, taking a look at the almost untouched lunchbox.
“It’s been a week, hyung” said Jungkook, turning to Namjoon with a troubled look on his face.
We stayed quiet knowing the reason why he hasn’t been eating all week. Yoongi and Hoseok had shared to us what happened in the hospital. Jin-hyung himself surprisingly told us too about the things that happened once he got home with Y/N. Although she didn’t leave him physically, the way he described their conversation and the noticeable sadness in his eyes made it clear--he lost her.
Everyone was starting to worry with the amount of pressure he was putting on himself. He barely made it out the studio these days, practicing non-stop if not over exhausting himself at the gym. What made it worse was that he barely touched his meals. The managers tried buying all his favorites, even going as far as asking his mom to make him home cooked meals which he loved. But it was all the same. This had to stop.
“We need to do something about this, Namjoon. Look at him.” Hoseok-hyung continued to shake his head, folding his arms as he stood beside Namjoon-hyung.
“Hoseok is right. His skin has become dry from dehydration and his eyebags are only getting darker by the days. I’m surprised he hasn’t lost weight from the amount of exercise he’s been doing” Yoongi continued.
All six of us started to brainstorm on ways to make him eat at least. 
“I think I have an idea...” we turned to Taehyung, hoping he had found a proper solution to the problem.
I entered the clinic as I got back from my lunch break which I spent with Mark. For the first time in such a long time--I learned how to smile genuinely again. Somehow, ever since he told me how he felt, I started to see things more clearly. Plus, the words G-Dragon left me with kept repeating inside my head. GD was right about passion and purpose. The answer to my questions had been there all along, it was I who refused to see it. That same night, I taught myself to understand the reality of what Jin and I were and in that same night I finally gathered enough courage to embrace the truth and simply let go.
We couldn’t divorce each other even if we wanted to, not unless it was absolutely the last resort. I still had to protect him, so did he. 
I shook my head not wanting to remember anymore of the sad encounters I had lately. Not long after, my phone rang.
“Noooonaaaa” I pulled my phone away from my ear at the sound of Taehyung’s shrieking voice.
“Taetae?” It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the boys and vice versa. Hearing him speak only reminded me of how much I missed him them.
“Noona, we were just wondering if you had time tomorrow?” My eyes blinked, not finding anything suspicious with his question--though I could have sworn I heard him mutter ‘ssshh, be quiet’ in the background.
“It’s my day off tomorrow, actually”
Taehyung’s POV
The six of us gathered around, making sure everything runs smoothly with the plan.
“Be quiet you fools, I can hear you from here!” Even our choreographer, Sung Deuk-hyung gestured to smack us in the head as he mouthed those words, afraid that Jin-hyung might have heard us.
We managed to orient each and everyone of the staff about today. Everyone was careful not to say anything to Jin--not really sure if this was a good idea or a bad one. Regardless of which, it was worth a try if it meant pulling Jin-hyung together. 
Manager Hobeom was sweating profusely, making all of us nervous while he was trying to ‘explain the tour schedule to Jin’ just to distract him for awhile. Luckily, he didn’t notice.
Yesterday, we figured out an indefinite way to resolve Jin-hyung’s troublesome behaviors--starting with the biggest one. His lack of appetite. No one thought that was even possible for Jin-hyung. It still remains a mystery how he didn’t even touch his mom’s delicious cooking the other day.
The plan was intimidating in the beginning for several reasons. One, we weren’t sure if you had anytime to get involved at all. Two, we weren’t exactly sure if this was going to alleviate the problem or make it worse.
When you told us you had the day off tomorrow, it gave all six of us so much relief and motivation to push through with the plan. We asked you to come over and prepare lunch for us today, making all kinds of excuses which were half true and the other half made up.
“Noona I want spicy beef stew”
“I want kimchi friedrice”
“Egg rolls”
“Japchae or Jjajangmyeon!!!”
An entire list of what we wanted you to bring went on and on since you kept saying ‘what else,’ not declining any of our orders and just plainly giggling.
I hope this works. 
Jin’s POV
I felt so lifeless, as in without feelings while I continued to practice the choreography with Hobi.
“Good. That’s it hyung!” A weak smile was the only response I could give to one of the compliments I usually loved to hear. Every thing else seemed meaningless to me these days. I also started ignoring Irene’s texts, not having the slightest interest to see her at all.
“Good job, hyung!” said Jhope, giving me two pats on the shoulder while we both tried to catch our breaths.
“Let’s go take an hour break for lunch” he said, dragging me back to the meeting room completely ignoring my constant refusal.
I gave up trying to free myself from him until we stopped in front of the right door.
He slowly pushed the door open as I wiped the beads of sweat dripping on my temples, entering without looking.
A whirlwind of emotions came fast. My heart started to pound vigorously at the sight right in front of me. I felt the world slow down while I watched her beautiful lips move gently as she laughed, the way her silky hair bounced with every movement. She was so beautiful in her yellow sundress. How her soft, milky skin that revealed by her chest hypnotized me in such a way I couldn’t describe. And when her eyes captured mine, I suddenly remembered how to feel.
A weak smile formed on her precious face.
The air of awkwardness wasn’t something unnoticeable. Everyone started putting food on their plates while I sat stiff on my chair, something she noticed rather quickly.
I saw her stand up from the seat beside me, taking another plate and putting a little bit of everything on it before giving it to me.
She cleared her throat before speaking.
“So errrr--how has everyone been?” She asked.
“Good, everything has been great! Ha ha ha” answered Taehyung with a nervous laugh. 
“Jin-hyung has been doing great, noona! He learned the new choreography in less that three hours”
“Oh. That’s nice to hear” she replied to Hoseok, forcing an unnatural smile.
“It’s even better now that he’s eating”
Silence stretched across the room at Jimin’s comment with Y/N giving him a confused look. The sound of Namjoon kicking him from under the table wasn’t helping at all.
“I-I mean, not that he hasn’t been eating or anything” everyone watched him shove his food in his mouth, avoiding eye contact with everyone especially Y/N who was now observing me finish the last piece of meat on my plate.
For the rest of the time, everyone had become more careful with the things they were saying, making jokes and gossip instead of engaging in serious conversations.
“Noona, we should have barbecue at your house tonight. We haven’t been there in a long time” Taehyung pouted like a whining child.
“A-ah. About that....well I-I’m seeing a friend for dinner” I couldn’t help but notice the uncomfortable smile on her face at the mention of the word friend. I knew she meant him.
“Ehem..” Yoongi took the liberty of erasing off the unpleasant silence which transpired after
“Hurry up and finish your food, Taehyung-a” he said with authority.
Once everyone had finished their meals, they started to disappear one by one leaving me and Y/N alone in the room. We both knew what they were trying to do although we pretended to ignore it.
“Thank you for bringing us lunch” I said almost tongue-tied.
“You’re welcome” the way she smiled serenely and the stain of care in her voice gave me hope--that maybe she would turn back and see how miserable I am without her.
She was quick to keep everything, cutting our conversation short as she started walking out the room with me following her from behind. Bidding farewell to everyone, she bowed before making her way to the elevator. I offered to send her off which she insisted was unnecessary. 
Even after her shadow disappeared from the hallway, I continued to watch hoping she would come back so I can look into those eyes again.
“She still cares about you” my moment in deep trance was interrupted by Yoongi who was staring into the same direction. I wanted to believe him, but he could still be wrong.
“That’s enough reason for you to try harder. Get her back, hyung” 
“You make it sound so easy” I grunted, rolling my eyes in mild despair.
“Of course it’s easy--
He paused facing his back, ready to walk towards the studio room.
--She was yours to begin with. And she still is. You just need to show what she truly means to you
--And oh, stop being an in-denial, arrogant fuck.”
Mark’s POV
I gripped on my glass, not having taken a single sip off the alcohol I ordered while I waited. Drinking in a high-end bar with barely any lighting in the middle of the day was something I didn’t really enjoy. Usually, Y/N and I would have lunch in a nice restaurant along the streets of Seoul but today she had some people to meet. 
Earlier this day, I received a phone call, one which I didn’t expect and didn’t like to say the least. I sighed wondering why I came in the first place, fairly convinced I was wasting my time. My eyes studied the place, finding very familiar faces in the form of politicians and famous actors meeting people in secret. This must be one of those places. As I continued to observe, a woman sat down beside me, giving her order to the bartender. She waited for her drink and took a sip as I watched her with judgement.
“Let’s go straight to the point” she said, making me raise an eyebrow.
“Help me and I’ll help you” the conceit in her voice surprised me. She is something alright.
“I don’t think there’s anything I would want your help with” I answered back with the same amount of pride. 
A sarcastic smirk appeared on her pale face as she took another sip from her glass.
“Ask yourself then, why are you here if you’re not interested in what I have to say?”
I stayed quiet having no definite answer to her question.
“I need Y/N out of Jin’s life and you need him out of hers”
Her statement was something that surprised me, but I can’t say it’s something I didn’t expect.
“This is ridiculous” I stood up from my chair, ready to leave but she spoke again.
“He hasn’t been answering my calls and messages and every time we’re together he’s always thinking about something, or maybe someone else”
Hearing her just made me think of what a crazy woman she was.
“That’s your problem. Not mine” I said, attempting to move another step
“You do know that their marriage was out of an agreement right?”
Out of all the surprising things Irene had said, this was something that actually caught my attention.
Did I hear that right?
“She was asked to marry Jin to overlap mine and Jin’s dating scandal. Why do you think he’s been seeing me this whole time even when he’s married to her?”
A second ago I wanted to leave hearing her sick intentions. But now I only wanted to hear what else she had to say about Jin, about Y/N--about them.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I think he’s actually affected with Y/N seeing you. They can keep their marriage. I don’t care about that. But I want Jin for myself and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way about Y/N.”
Something in me wanted to give in, wanting her to tell me things I didn’t know. 
“I’m sorry but this is ridiculous” I turned my back towards her, ready to take my leave this time.
“If he decides to get Y/N back, he’s only going to hurt her. I know Jin, he’s just not comfortable seeing Y/N give her attention to another man but that doesn’t mean he cares about her. That’s just Jin--unreasonably jealous, possessive of the things he never thought he would lose.”
I gave her enough time to finish her speech, after which I continued my way towards the door.
“When you do change your mind--you have my number” the way she said it sounded so certain, as if she knew I was going to consider her offer soon enough.
The rest of the day was spent trying to shrug off thoughts of Irene from the bar earlier. I couldn’t help but be bothered with all the senseless things she said.
Their marriage was just an agreement.
I sat inside my car, watching as other vehicles passed by while waiting for you to come out of the coffee shop you were staying at the whole afternoon. My thoughts were so lost into a half-conscious state that I barely noticed you get inside the car.
“Hello” your sweet voice took all the frustrating thoughts that lingered inside my head. The ever so gentle smile on your face sent flutters around my stomach.
“Is everything okay? You asked in concern.
The blush on your cheeks had become more obvious the longer I stared at you.
“Is there something on my face?” suddenly, you cupped your cheeks, blushing even more. I couldn’t help but giggle biting my lip. You were so cute.
“You’re just really beautiful.” I said, giving you one last look before driving out the parking lot.
We had dinner at a spaghetti place where we spent talking about our first experiences here in Korea, how learning the language was a tough challenge and all that. You started sharing about your family, how you became to be a nurse and learning it was because you ‘almost’ grew up in the hospital with your mother being a doctor and having her bring you to work all the time.
The longer we talked, the more I pictured you in all my days. Holding my hand, walking through parks and museums which you loved more than anything. I was finally conviced--I want to keep you.
Later as the night grew, we decided to go to a nearby park for some fresh air before we head back home. Somewhere along the road, you found an ice cream place by the corner. You grabbed my hand in excitement, asking me to sit on one of the benches as you got one for each of us. I was going to get it but you insisted saying it was only fair since I paid for dinner.
In about five minutes you came back with two chocolate ice creams on each hand.
“Thank you” I smiled, taking the one on your left hand.
“So....is it safe to assume your favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate?” I asked in almost a teasing way.
“Hm? What are you talking about? It’s our favorite.”
My body froze at your statement which I found to be odd--my favorite was strawberry.
Upon realizing what you had just said, the way your eyes widened so suddenly and how your tongue released itself from the ice cream gave you off.
You were thinking of someone else.
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