#honestly theyre the side i can only think about for short periods at a time
carpisuns · 2 years
ladynoir............[starts violently sobbing and melts into a pile of goo like the wicked witch of the whichever direction it was. west probably]
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haifengg · 4 years
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A = Affection (How do they show their affection?) The kinship type of guy. A lot of holding hands and smiling forehead kisses. Almost everywhere does he wrap his arm around his s/o’s shoulder. At a basketball game or something he will pack an extra blanket or jacket to give to them if they’re cold. He is very thoughtful about the little things in a relationship.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?) Their smile. Seeing their whole face light up when they are happy or amazed. How their eyes sparkle and maybe their dimples show? It’s his favorite thing in the world. His s/o’s smile makes his aches go away and his day clear up. It clears his mental acne really.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?) Huge cuddler. All the time. (See more at H)
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?) He would want to take his s/o to Chicago and show them where he grew up. Introduce his parents and show his partner around. Make them taste his favourite pizza, maybe a road trip? The open road (the highway to heaven....), sunsets and gas stations. Have midnight pancakes and black coffee at a diner!
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?) This I am not sure about. I would say he puts in a normal level of effort. Pretty much the same amount as his s/o. He shows them they are precious and his most valuable thing in life but he won’t go full bonkers on valentines day or something like that.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?) Johnny handles it very well. He is very educated and cautious about mental health in general so he would take every fear seriously. If his s/o is anxious about anything he will do his best to make a situation more comfortable for them or try to avoid the situation as a whole. G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?) Accessories. Johnny strikes me as a men who gets his s/o small things likes designer bracelets or card holders. Things they wouldn’t buy themselves because it’s unnecessary and expensive but if he knows they will accept and like it and most importantly use it - he will get it to them. And if they say they can’t accept he would say something like “It’s alright, don’t worry. I got a discount on it because I worked with them earlier this year.” Even if it’s a lie.
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?) Johnny is tall and he has long arms. Perfect to wrap around someone and should them from cold wind at a busstop or pull them in after a long walk in the rain. He knows how much his s/o craves those hugs and how protected they are feeling when he holds them tightly.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?) Has this man issues with intimacy? No?? Have you seen him??? I would be just as confident if I was him. J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?) Jealous boyfriend right here. Johnny might act chill about his s/o hanging out with other men on days he is also available or seeing them walk out of lecture together on a day he wanted to surprise them by picking them up. He won’t let it show because it would hurt his reputation as LBBY (Laid Back Boyfriend of the Year) but his s/o will notice. Maybe by how short his answers are or because of all the questions he asks about that friend. Or maybe by the way he kisses them later that night. Maybe he also dislikes this side about himself because he knows he can trust them. K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) Johnny’s kisses are to melt for. Just the perfect mix of soft pecks and slightly rough ... idk how to describe it. He would randomly bite his s/o’s lips to catch them off guard and if they blush he will laugh about it and pull them into a long lingering and smily kiss ... 
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?) Constantly. He will say it. He will text it. He will moan it. He will ask you “You love me right?” There won’t be a day his s/o won’t hear or read it or both.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?) In a committed relationship Johnny would think about marriage 100% but he doesn’t have to get married right away. Maybe ever. He strikes me as the kind of guy who is happy just being with his s/o. Maybe he will think different if they’re ever thinking about having a kid. But in that case time will tell.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) Goofy dates! Game nights! Haunted houses where his s/o clings on to him! Arcades and hours of dance dance revolution! O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?) I don’t think he would go to fancy restaurants. Not even for an anniversary. It’s just not his thing and this casual red wine at the river or beach is more his thing than make dinner reservations and letting waiters tell him what wine he’s having. I am not saying that he doesn’t do it at all - maybe he enjoys it on some occasions (when he has to impress parents for example) but overall with his s/o ... I think a chill open air wine tasting might rather be his thing. P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?) He messes around all the time. He will make himself a bra out of lather when he’s in the shower try to seduce his s/o, he will mock the radio moderator and make up an semi-interesting newsflash about their breakfast. Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?) Loves to ask their s/o for their opinion so he does it a lot. Sometimes he even changes his decision if his s/o has some really good points or perhaps even better ideas. R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?) This man is so goofy how is he not random. He will wake his s/o up in the middle of the night just to go see the stars. He would make last minute dinner reservations and trick them into a dinner date by asking them if they come pick him up. He is so random and I love it. Though it would drive me insane. S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?) A lot of cuddles and soft temple kisses during the early state of the night or the going-to-bed/settling in but once everyone is comfy and tired they slew butt to butt. He jokes about that constantly. T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?) He lives off and thrives on trust. A relationship in which he wouldn’t fully trust his s/o is no relationship to him.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?) Johnny radiates positive vibes, which makes him insanely attractive. He is so comfortable with himself and empowering towards literally everyone it’s as if you would have your very own personal cheerleader. With him on their side his s/o could literally accomplish everything. V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) He is pretty open about his feelings and concerns so I don’t think it would take a long time for him to talk to theyr s/o about everything. He shares his worries with a lot of friends/close friends but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s less significant when he tells his s/o. He might talk to a lot of people about things but he might only take advice from a few. W = Weather (What would he do during a cloudy and rainy day?) Coffee and galleries. A day with rolling thunder or just light annoying rain for him is the most welcome excuse to take his s/o for a classy museum tour. It doesn’t matter if it’s modern art or some good old fashioned photography. He would love to spend hours there and not missing out of anything in the outside world. X = Xylophon (What does he think about their s/o’s taste in music? Is it different?) If you they like the same music as he does - he would love it. But honestly he is such an open-minded man we would listen to anything at least once and even though he doesn’t like it would say something like ‘It’s interesting.’ On a car ride or something they would agree on something they both enjoy or put on a shared playlist and he would peacefully endure the songs he doesn’t like or enjoying them just as much because they make his s/o visibly happy. Y = Yuck (Is there anything that might bother their s/o about him? Any flaws?) So... we all know how much he enjoys coffee. Sometimes maybe a little too much. And we also hopefully all know the rules of basic hygiene and how you shouldn’t overdo it. What I am trying to say it that boy has coffee breath. He has so much coffee during the day that he can’t possibly brush his teeth every time. Not saying that he is dirty or anything. Just ... take a hint - pop a mint.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?) This man breathes passion. I honestly don’t think he could be with someone less passionate than him. More reserved? Yes. Someone who doesn’t take the lead? Yes. But someone lacking in passion is a no-no. I’m not even talking solemnly about passion in a sexual way. It also applies to interests or hobbies. Being passionate about a certain topic or sport, music, politics, ... you name it. He is the utmost passion able person and we all know it. Period.
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@kpopsnowball​ @starrdustville @jeonghanmoon
@himitsu-luna  @pocky-otp
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beatcroc · 3 years
12, 24, 36 for the oc ask post!!
> Are they an overall healthy person? Do they make for a good patient or a terror? OH MAN. amaranth: yes, in an actually genuine sense. motions again at her being the god damned princess; she just kind of has her needs really well taken care of :v eats well, has good medical care, etc. also likes to stay in shape so she can keep being a scrappy little bastard and win every fight she picks. if she winds up in the hospital it's probably because she broke a bone from getting too rowdy with a fucking bear or something. she WILL be irritated at this but she'll do her best to just chill and Deal With It bc she knows it's important to let it heal properly. but also she is going to be so mad about it.
ezekiel: yes....though not for,,,,,,good reasons. i will be real with you they're definitely some kind of internally fucked up simply by virtue of having been alive 750+ years which human bodies are definitely absolutely not designed to do, but also theyre like, Fine. theyre juiced on god energy and dont have to worry about things like physical injury or natural biological deterioration. they havent been to a doctor in centuries. its fine
lily: ALSO has some some kind of wildly unnatural 700-year life preservation thing going on. i don't think this one's done much to her physically though, it just prevents her from growing/aging at all. i do like the idea that there can be weird side-effects for mortals that stay in nk's domain for so long, but i haven't really landed on anything specific it would do to you. as far as medical Care goes, honestly she probably does a lot of stuff herself. she's got a good few people checking in on her periodically out there otherwise, and if something was Really wrong one of her animal buddies [most likely helix] would run for help.
spurlocke: aside from the whole terminal god parasite thing, yeah he's pretty average. the toxinvein does make it harder for tech in general to interact with him, but as far as medical treatment goes it's probably still Workable at least. technically under the same life-stasis thing as lily, but he's only been like that for a few years and is still well within his natural lifespan
What are your character’s special skills?
amaranth: quick thinking and adaptability. does really well under pressure. besides being ridiculously strong-willed where it's practically impossible to change her mind on something once it's made up, it's also practically impossible to stop her from actually doing something she's set her mind to. you can try but she's very analytical and she Will find something to exploit; some way to get the upper hand or a way to slip away, and she damn well isn't afraid to take risks or make sacrifices for her goal.
ezekiel: playing the long con and raw perseverance. even though they're absolutely abysmal at fruitful reactions in the short-term, they're exceptional at laying low and biding their time [they're immortal, they've got more of it than anyone], and given the chance to figure out what they want for the end stat of something and plan their next moves, there's pretty much no way to stop things from going their way. and yes, ezekiel and amaranth are ABSOLUTELY a frequent case of unstoppable force meets immovable object.
lily: insanely skilled technician and really good with animals! not a whole lot to elaborate on here, she just likes mechanics and has had 700 years to get good at it lol. she's also weirdly emotionally clairvoyant at times, which i wouldn't entirely call a skill because it's not something she does deliberately, but i like to have her say really out of pocket shit to other characters about stuff they're maybe not ready to confront about themselves yet. it's so funny.
spurlocke: genuinely very charismatic, which is not something that can be said for the others. only one with real emotional intelligence, and he kinda just knows how to talk to people and be friends with whoever/get them on his side.
> Tell us something about your OC that doesn’t make it onto the page?
amaranth: thankfully it doesnt really come up in ss' plot at all but she is verifiably A Horny Person. listen. she fucks. enough that it's a character trait.
ezekiel: honestly i think p much everything about them gets covered but a thing i kind of downplay/dont bring up unless i have to, is that they're from an abusive background. this was part of the catalyst for them...becoming a godslayer, and also why they're Like That in general. they havent done the best at letting it go.
lily: honestly i do not know. lily's really a bit lacking in the general characterization department and is more important for her various connections to other characters/ plot stuff so,,,
spurlocke: considers himself a poet. it's not that this DOESN'T come up, since his band is pretty front and center to his whole deal and he does the songwriting for HALO BREΔK-- like it's There, i just don't really directly call him that. but that's what he considers it.
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yuzenji-archive · 4 years
Please bless us with more idol s/o hcs pleaaaaase 🥺🥺🥺 with kageyama bokuto and oikawa I'm begging it's so good
he thinks ur so strong that ur even able to get thru ur training period and now ur doing what u love on stages and singing/rapping/dancing like holy shit !! hes super proud of u
always listens to ur albums whenever it comes out and he buys ur albums too <33 on da lowkey tho bc he probably hasnt told his teammates that his partner is an idol
lets be real his pc pulls are probably so lucky bc theyre always ur pcs LMAO
wishes to attend ur group’s fansigns but hes honestly super busy wit his professional games plus he aint got da money to buy 100+ albums to get into ur fansign but
sike he actually ended up doing just that and the fucker got in ur fansign and i swear this blueberry headass is a blushing tomato
tbh the fans who got in the fansign are probably whisperin and gossipin about him bc hes handsome <333
i swear the second he sits in front of u HE SHORT CIRCUITS!!! like wtf ur so pretty how are u so pretty i mean u have always been so so attractive to him but like wtf u look so good
he stuttered a lot and he was just losing his damn mind over it ngl
i wanna say he probably has concert merch but u didnt hear that from me <33
hes CONSTANTLY making his friends listen to ur music and he shows u off like non stop OMG
sometimes he gets a little out of control especially in public when he sees u in like a kpop store and ur mv is playing on tv he just yells “AKAASHI LOOK MY BABY IS ON TV!!”
the people in the store looks at him like ohhh yeah haha ur partner ur delusional and he just forgets that not a lot of people know ur dating him, only his friends, ur family and his family knows
an avid collector i just know he collects ur shit all the time
has the worst pc luck ngl 😗 (he doesnt hate the other members i swear he just loves u aight)
whenever u visit u give him like a very special polaroid that no one has ever seen before snd that holds EXTREMRLT special value to him like he displays that shit and just admires it
hes extremrly proud of what u do and just supports u nonstop i swear he never shuts up about ur career and hes just so so whipped for u its actually insane
kōtarō = ur biggest fan
he tried to participate in events that ur in but he cant so he watches available streams on it
his fave event is always isac (only if ur group is participating in it bc some groups dont/only a few members participate!!) bc u get to play sports or whateva
he gets sulky when he sees things like “omg y/n and x are so cute pls date” and that ruins his mood so keiji has to remind him that kōtarō is ur boyfriend and u wont leave him for another idol
hes passionate and always always ALWAYS streaming ur stuff and he watches ur vlives too
as u can see, ur biggest fan
i can see him as the lowkey kind of guy but really ur everywhere in his room
only hajime has seen this side of him tbh and tōru is not ashamed that he has his fanboy moments
super busy so he cant really do much but watch ur shows a bit later than the release
knows the fanchant and chants them i just know he does this shit i swear
if he were to collect stuff ,, it’d probably be shit like signed albums, polaroids and stuff idk hes an expensive man ik he can afford $100-$300 polaroids
collects albums and streams ur entire discography on a DAILY
but this doesnt reflect his actions outside his room LMFAODMWKKSKS
this one time he actually got lucky and got in the fansign and ur fans were talking about how handsome he is omg he probably trended on twitter as good looking boy in [ur group]’s fansign
has had rumors about u and him and the second ur company confirms ur in a relationship with tōru everyone was celebrating ohoho
he doesnt ever tolerate negative comments about u and has no problem calling these bitches out 😚
probably has said shit like “aight i’ll see u in court”
he has better and faster legal actions than ur company yes im calling ur company shit bc they all are (except kq i love kq)
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madeintimeland · 3 years
im oversharing this got long sorry. just reminscing on shit ive thought about a million times over again
theres so much art i want to create and so little motivation. i should start smoking weed again bc every time im high i get my best ideas or at least like, it takes away the layer of film over my brain that stops me from being able to come up with creative ideas, but also im scared its going to send me into mental hell again. like i need to be in a perfect state for it lest i fear im going to invoke my months long existential crisis again and i Cannot be doing that shit rn. but also i wonder if its going to be worth it anyways if i can create something to leave on this earth again. like ive been so bad at creativity lately like i want to draw and produce things and im bubbling over with energy and i feel the ideas fermenting in the deep recesses of my brain like theyre nestled into the grooves and folds but i cant access them yet. and i know i can if im stoned. i might turn into a hermit hunched over my tablet all hours of the day just making shit tbh. i absorb so much of the things around me and i know if i try to make something now its going to basically be direct copies of the things i saw but if im high im sure i can actually create something new and beautiful. im scared of being intoxicated again but i was scared to drink again too and i got drunk and proceeded to love it and want to drink every single day because surprise surprise i have alcoholism coded into my dna and consequentially have an addictive personality in general. which is why i felt like my life was useless without weed. all up until i was finally able to get my hands on a stash that would let me smoke whenever i want versus when i would get a small amount every couple of months and completely and utterly fail at ratioing it out and binge it all and then have ridiculously introspective trips where id start to go a little crazy at the end (i have a distinct memory of looking at a meme that had a woman on it and thinking ‘jesus christ... what the fuck is that’ and then spiraled into thinking about how life is pointless but i didnt have enough weed to continue with that train of thought and if i did i may have had my crisis a lot earlier, it was just inevitable) i just felt like being high was the only time i could actually get in touch with my inner self again. like i used to before the thick clouds of depression and psychosis settled in. but then i finally was able to get high for longer than short bursts of time and it all came to a head where my brain broke and i have existential terror now that i feel im going to not be able to deal with confronting again. but every time i say that it never ends up staying permanently, it comes in waves, it all comes in waves. back and forth. i feel beauty in life and then i feel fear. i feel like its all worth it and then i cant stop thinking about the inevitable heat death of the universe and the pointlessness of it all. and then i get a hug or listen to a really good song and i feel like its worth it again. i wonder if this is just a period in my life im not a total stoner or if its actually permanent. anyways point is i want to make so much stuff that my hands ache and my brain rots when i think about how many things inspire me. thats why my aesthetic tag is #inspiration, its been like that for many years now, its stuff that inspires me. but at what point am i going to turn that inspiration into reality? im bad at initiative. my initiative is going to be when i pick up the pot again because im too lethargic and procrastinatey to create the things i want any other time. but when will that be? i cant see a therapist or anything rn and working it out on my own has been mildly successful, not bad, im not spending every single day in terror like i was at this point last year. it started all going away around august after starting in march. march 30th in fact. from then on its been a constant battle with dissociation. funny because just earlier in march was some of the best experiences of my life. i think if lockdown never happened this never would have happened either but at the same time im left wondering how anybody can go through their life without wondering about the meaning of it all and coming out the other side with purpose and resolve. mine was to enjoy myself and find as much beauty and love in life as i can before i die and enhance the lives of the people around me while i can because i feel too small to do anything on a grander scale. and im fine with that, for the most part, but i still get attacked by these waves of thought where i wonder what the purpose of reality is . i always have to smack myself and remind myself no dumbass you already went over this a million times, just enjoy yousrelf while youre here. but when im high its a million times worse cuz the only time i can get my mind off it is when im replacing it with horny thoughts and thats not the only thing i wanna do when im high ofc i want to experience and create and listen to music. but i mean i havent smoked since june. i think the 15th ? i could go back and read my journals to tell exactly when it was but yeah its been almost a year now and i feel like i might have it in me again. i used to love getting high and working on shit so much. some of my best works and most  creative projects and honestly just most enjoyable periods of my life were when i was high. going back to what i was saying about early march 2020 being the best time of my life, idk what it was about me but i was just having a grand old time experiencing absolute beauty playing ark with my friends, feeling so creative and developing new ideas and experiences, and using the freedom and motivation i felt ingame to also want to explore the world irl. i seriously was close to actually finally reading my survival manual and start camping and shit and i wanted to visit my relatives in their hella secluded farmhouse in the middle of fuck nowhere kansas, cuz i did visit there during that time period and i loved it to death, i felt so free. two different relatives actually and they both had that same aesthetic about them. of course they were horribly racist but i mean, thats rural kansas for you. i just wanted to camp in their woods. its funny because that month was simultaneously the best and worst of my life. all because of weed! if i never started smoking or rather never found a reliable source at that point in my life i wonder how i wouldve turned out? id like to chalk this up to fate that im like this, maybe its for the best, maybe smoking again wont help me but maybe it will. i have a way to ease myself back into it i just need that leap of faith and  bravery like i felt when i was drinking again. its funny because i used to be such a fucking druggie and i wanted to get high all the time and then after my existential crisis that all just. stopped. i feell ike everyone i know is sick of me talking about it but it really fundamentally changed me on the inside even if it doesnt seem like it much on the outside so i feel its right of me to talk about it sometimes. it makes me feel better at least. like this is jsut a thing t hat happened, not a fated break from the universe i cant come back from yknow? i dunno. ive rambled on way too fucking long and idk if anyones gonna read this. tldr i want to draw and create so many things and i have too many ideas to deal with but i only feel ill be able to unlock my creativity and motivation if im high but due to bad past experiences im terrified to get high again. i mean ive done and made some pretty cool stuff since then but the motivation and ideas are much fewer and far between compared to the absolute deluge i get when im stoned , whether any of my ideas are actually any good or if they were just high ramblings is up to debate but i think it gave me a really good way of looking at things and i made some pretty cool stuff and i miss it a lot but i dont know if going back to it is going to be a mistake or not and im not brave enough to find out if itll hurt me again or if im ready. yyyyaaaayyyyy hahahaha ✌
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Yandere alphabet for Syo and Cecil? Ó3Ò
Yes 😏 I'll do Syo in another post so for now, im sorry for messing Cecil up ~
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He worships them. Literally has a shrine in his room dedicated to them and prays in front of it every day, asking the Gods to grant him his wish of being with them forever. He's very clingy and always has to be around his darling; never lets them go anywhere alone. He even went as far as to bring them to Agnapolis and put the castle in lockdown for a while. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He, personally, doesnt let himself get messy. He has servants do his dirty work so his darling never has the chance of thinking less of him because how can they hold him accountable for actions he never did? Just don't go into the lower parts of the castle.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No mocking here, surprisingly. He quite honestly treats them like a Queen/King, well, at least, if you can ignore the golden chain that connects them to him at all times. All their wishes are fulfilled, as long as they're reasonable and don't include the fact that they want to escape him 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He'll get their affection one way or another, even if it means drugging them just so he can hold them without them squirming around. Almost grooms them to be like a cat; soft, independent, and loyal
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He's actually quite secretive. Like he shows affection and the love he wants from them, but he doesnt open up his thoughts and most certainly never lets them in on his plans or next steps. They might be a Queen/King to him but a King can rule without one.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Laughs at their attempt. First of all, even if they did manage to hurt him in any way, the guards would restrain them. No one is to touch the future King of Agnapolis, not even the future Queen/King that rules alongside him. Second of all, he'll just tell himself its the heat and the new environment making them go crazy and think irrationally 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Its a game of cat and mouse. He likes to chase them, almost like kids do on a playground, but he will never let them escape from within the castle's walls. Sometimes he even sends his pet panther LuLu after them to ~play~ a little bit. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he ordered Lulu to attack. He doesnt quite remember what they did to hurt him this bad, because he already forgave them for it, but he does remember seeing red and sending his panther after them. They needed stitches and to be hospitalized for a short period. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Oh they will rule together of course. The Kingdom already loves their future King and Queen/King. Of course, they're also expected to keep the blood line going and believe me when I say that he's been working on that. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Doesnt get jealous; he gets sad. Theres no one better than him right? They wouldnt leave him, right? Because if they did, they will never see the outside world ever again. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Like a cat. Sly, calculated, but still affectionate at times. He tries to keep the peace between his darling and him as much as possible but sometimes his claws come out and puts them back in their place. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Much like Ren, he would charm his way into their heart and present himself as the most best possible choice in a partner. He has everything from looks to fame to wealth, and they wouldn't want that? Let him make them believe that that's what they NEED. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He does a whole 180°. His usual soft caring attitude turns into that of a killer. He knows everything about them and more. Has taps on his darling at all times and is known to act out violently at times. But who is to defy the future king? 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Torture. Remember how I said dont go into the lower parts of the castle? Yeah not only does he torture people there that treated/looked at his darling wrong, but he brings his darling there to emotionally and physically torture them himself as well. Theres no escaping him. He's everywhere. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
A lot. See it as a traditional "wife obeys husbands every wish" kind of scenario. What he says goes and his darling has absolutely no say in it whatsoever.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Again, he tries to reason with himself that its hormones acting up or the new environment, but he knows that that's not it and his patience tends to run thin. They might be the future Queen/King of the country but beside him, theyre just another pretty face that needs to be quiet in the public eye. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
They cant escape. Not only is the castle on full lockdown at all times, but they are also escorted everywhere they go by several guards. If his darling died, he would absolutely break. He'd lash out at anyone and anything, maybe even going as far as killing part of his Kingdom, maybe even himself. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He becomes extremely obsessive with them and sees them as THE perfect mate. Nothing could replace them and nothing can take them away. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
As a child, he always had everything, and that followed him into adulthood. The traditions his country kept over the years taught him that HE is the sole ruler and HE calls the shots. It's about control and obsession more than it is about love. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If his darling retreated from him or cried, he'd see it as one of their temper tantrums and let them be. He would try to make them feel better with little gifts and such, but if they retreat for too long, he just forces them back into his bubble.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Well he didn't just abduct them, he literally took them outside the country meaning that Japanese laws dont apply. In my opinion, he took it a step further by making a smart move. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
None. He's quite literally, always on his guard, and has guards around him. They cant get to him. At all. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes and hes done it before. He will admit that sending a wild animal after his darling was a bit harsh, but the torture is still going on. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Again, he has a whole shrine dedicated to them and adds pictures of them and him all the time. He proudly displays it to his darling and acts fake hurt if his darling calls him out, successfully making them feel guilty and comfort him. Emotional manipulation is a big part of his. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He takes a while. Mainly because he has background checks done on them just to ensure that they are the perfect darling for him. He finds out everything and stalks them like prey for months, maybe even years. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. Thats his ultimate goal. To have a quiet, non-opinionated pretty face by his side that bends to his every will and desire. 
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
I should have clarified but this is mainly about harassment and threats people do know about, stuff that has been told to people and have been talked about, things people know about and have known about for a while now and barley acknowledge if at all. This isn't something im suddenly bringing up because of current harassment but I've been talking to people and sending asks about for a while now but I usually get ignored, ostracized, and if acknowledged barley at all. And after seeing some of
(2) the reactions to this and other criticisms on how people handle the harassment of others in this fandom I don't feel safe at all openly talking about it even around people aho are seemingly here to "help". Im not trying to ignore anyone's struggles or harassment or even dismiss is when bring to light more examples of harassment and bigotry people in this fandom have faced ot just people who certain price associate with. Im sorry for bothering you or anyone im not trying to hurt people..
you are not bothering me i just do not think i can give you what you want here because again i know only what is given to me if there is in house drama i am not really a part of it i cant even really engage in anything off tumblr
i cant call people out for things i dont know about and i cant figure out what people are talking about when theyre being vague
and i will admit there are a few things that i do not engage with for example i try to keep any interactions with minors short and professional since im an adult and I don’t talk to minor beetlebabe shippers period you all saw that one dude right the one i called out for commenting on my stuff i tend to leave minors alone if they aren’t on my side so if youve been bullied by a fellow minor im pretty powerless since any criticism i may have for a minor may easily be mistaken for harassment or grooming which is something i heard about but wasn’t actively a part of
anyway what im getting you dont have to sugarcoat things with me it just wastes time
ive been engaging in discourse for around two months now and i feel like i have hit most of the major scandals and controversies but anything from before june i was a far-away bystander with very few opinions it was only after i sent an ask to a beetlebabe shippers and the response i got made me so angry that i decided to fight back
im not super fond of having to defend myself obviously i am clearly agitated
if you honestly feel like your needs aren’t being met talk to me or consider trying to talk things out with people involved but also keep in mind that sometimes there isnt a solution for something other than an apology and you have to choose to accept it and move on and continue to have a relationship or not and theres nothing wrong with stepping out and theres nothing wrong with talking about what troubles you
i know confrontation sucks but you get nowhere in life without it
im not a superhero im a troll blog who calls people out when im asked to or when I see something that makes me mad and if something happened to you that I didn’t see i am very sorry and i am willing to talk about it
but anon and vague isnt the way to do that im sorry I cant form an opinion on what i dont know about
sorry again for being snippy
sleep well when you get to it
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solidburnreturned · 6 years
by popular demand, here is my oc chatter regarding stuff like relationships n random character traits. its rly long oops but i divided it by character at least lmao,, these are all things that i think id also wanna use if i ever use these characters as humans (which i def will at some point honestly)
- i thinkkkk i want toad and pike to date. toad would come across pike in their lagoon one day while hes wandering around on another wonked exploration and pike is like hey lol :B with their pointy teeth and long ass hair and toad is like :0 he just sits and talks with pike for hours and comes by a few times a week to hang out with them. they fall in LOVE
- fred and lani are def gonna date too. two butches who use he/him pronouns fuck yeah? they have a powerful relationship. mega BDE. power couple. not a lot of pda but alone together theyre both very loving and tender, its a vulnerability thing for both of them. like lani is very cool and can be either stoic or borderline obnoxious while fred is punkish. fred is very head over heels for lani tho 
- mardi n berg.....complicated....i gotta figure out how they actually end up together. berg is a jogger and mardi is a piercer/tattoo artist so that doesnt....make them line up very much in that department. ill think about it more and figure something out. itll probably have something to do with berg’s nose stripes and eye rings
- also side note on mardi......i want his backstory to include a grey period set off by his brother being eaten when they were both young at the troll tree. like he becomes angry and depressed, sorta like branch, his tattoos that he gives himself the only color on his body, until he learns to let go and his colors come back (high key this was inspired by 21 savage, mardi’s voice claim, and the line in his new song A Lot “my brother lost his life and it turned me to a beast”). ill develop this idea further but i just wanted to get it written down
- bismuth.......unsure. they had a crush on pepper and kept trying to ask her out until she came out to them as a lesbian, then they were like :’) but theyre ride or die theyre not gonna be an ass to her because they cant date her. they just care a lot about her. its like icarly
- gazpacho and jupiter CUTE two small trans trolls in That Love. i need to develop them more but. theyre just cute 
- talia is still a little too new for me to develop her......but im thinkin about it...
- kinda same with ernie and olive. they kinda mostly just exist as cute babby characters right now? if anything olive is a trouble maker and ernie is a chatterbox
- clem and thursday also fuckin cute as hell......clem was a nervous wreck asking thursday out but theyve been together like ever since, which is more than a few years. they have a rly cute gentle lovey dovey relationship. thursday is usually hanging around up on her gf’s shoulder giving her kisses on the cheek
- bea and crystal.......adorabl relationship......crystal is another character thats kinda nervous but bea is so chill n confident is helps calm her down. theyre both trans and love the hell out of each other. rly slow n steady relationship, bea is very patient
- pj and marcus!!!! dumb mlm rep relationship. pj is so so gay for marcus he can barely comprehend it. its a dumb ego boost for marcus but hes also very in love with pj, he just expresses it in a weird cocky way idk marcus is a nerd. i need to make more content for them i think about these two way more than it seems
- dwight!! he has a boat. he lives on the boat.....ive thought about maybe pairing him with toad and pike. deciding on his voice claim has been the most difficult thing ever
- kass and current HELL yeah buff gf and tol gf......they spar with swords and wrestle for fun and hang out at the beach a lot. kass fuckin loves the gem on current’s back. i gotta make more content for them 
- celia......i wanna do more with celia. friends with berg probs theyre both sporty. shes just a sweet giant troll who loves mushrooms. i gotta pair her with someone whose palette goes nicely with her pastels 
- carrot and harriet are literally cricket and tilly from big city greens just older. yeehaw siblings. havent thought about relationship stuff with harriet yet.....i think she also needs ANOTHER redesign her colors are just too heavy still. maybe if i can make her colors compliment celia’s that could work as a pairing? hm hm.....carrot tho is dating ford’s oc rye theyre gentle country gays
- rainer. hm. i dont think theyre rly the dating type......theyre just chill with being them. they just wanna swim and be funny
- hammond and andromeda are probs two of my least developed characters.....hammond still needs a redesign. he might be cute to pair with walter, theyre around the same age. andromeda tho i have no idea. she might be a nice pairing with eve? if i ever feel like pairing her with someone...who knows. eve is very carefree and might find andromeda’s energy too intense
- radish i wanna make more content for!! i rly like her a lot....i think shes another troll who isnt interested in dating. shes very focused on being a chef instead. loves her friends a lot!
- mack and pepper 2gether 4ever obvs......they have a relationship that gets richer with age for sure
- im just gonna ramble about mack. i thinkkkkkkk i wanna make her half latina? columbian specifically. she doesnt quite read as white and i didnt make her with the intention of making her white. anyway i love mack a whole lot and should really develop her backstory more. its not rly as like...””tragic”” or whatever as pepper’s i know that but she def has layers. i wanna give her whole family more depth. she has a very complicated relationship with her own feelings and motivations that i need to think about more fully. my powerful femme tho i lov her
- mack’s parents, robin and champagne, i need to like....think about them more. they have kinda a comedic relationship thats sorta inspired by roger rabbit and jessica rabbit. robin is a very caring, gentle troll who’s very smart and cares a lot about his nursing responsibilities in the village. champagne is very relaxed and the “voice of reason” character of the family. she loves a good party and has her party planning down to a science. both are very successful power parents. kickass family
- i already talked about topaz and marney in a separate post but i still love them both so much. big wesbiabs
- pepper....pebber. im gonna talk about her the most obviously gfhjdkrs i wanna talk about her mental health i feel like i think about it a lot but i never write about it explicitly? this is gonna be long oops hgjfksd she has depression and ptsd stemming from the trauma of her crash...im thinking she also has adhd and thats just something shes always had. her depression rly got heavy during her recovery and right after like...she hated being bed/housebound and felt rly powerless to her situation and just let it eat at her until her personality had actually changed considerably. like extroverted wild child rebel to introverted, soft-spoken sulker. this got better with time but she still is pretty introverted, just turned her moodiness into chill energy. 
- she has bad depression habits like letting dishes, old food, laundry, or just stuff pile up in her room until it gets overwhelming and she spends like two days just manically cleaning; or staying in bed for way longer than she should and messing with her hygiene; or eating way more or way less than she should eat in a day. just stuff thats hard to completely break out of when youre recovering. her color is pretty consistently the dark red but if shes having a particularly rough day she might look a little paler, or like a muddy brick color at her worst. thats kinda rare tho
- her ptsd is the thing she hates the most. for a while it made her feel very weak and she’d beat herself up over being traumatized by the crash which was obviously not helpful to her mental state but she was really all over the place during her bodily recovery. its part of the reason why she started working out, she wanted to reclaim some sort of feeling of strength and power that she felt she’d lost completely. she still gets really frustrated with this feeling of loss but she gets a lot of support from loved ones which has helped her not self-blame so much. her ptsd manifests mostly as nightmares/insomnia, chronic headaches/stomachaches, intrusive thoughts and sometimes flashbacks. the nightmares are what rly get to her, she really doesnt get a lot of good sleep and it can get to the point where she just doesnt want to sleep sometimes and she’ll stay awake until she crashes hard
- her scars used to be a big trigger for her ptsd, which is why she has her bangs covering the one on her face and wears long pants (her knee braces are too bulky for pants and would force her to wear shorts which would force her to expose her scars). she just. really really hates them. this is something she struggles with for a majority of her life
- once she and mack start going steady with their dating and start consistently sleeping in the same bed, pepper starts to sleep better. she still has nightmares that wake her up at least weekly, but having mack there to comfort her (whether she wakes mack up accidentally or if mack is already awake) helps a TON with getting her back to sleep soundly. it also just helps her sleep in general to have that comforting, loving presence in her bed snuggled up to her ;w; mack is a big help in general with pepper’s mental health, pushing pepper to make better, healthier choices and get out in the village more and have fun. mack for sure does not “”cure”” pepper of anything but shes a very positive light in pepper’s life that helps her pull thru tough times!
- i love all my goofy trolls so much. its so fun to just chill and blab about them to relax between working on big projects ;o; ty if u cared enough to read this whole thing ur so rad
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sorikkung · 7 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
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janiedean · 7 years
(part 1) ur gonna roast me for this but im legit curious why mafia AUs are so bad? im asking in a non confrontational way, i get it romanticizing mafia is wrong, but i also believe that 1)most mafia AUs are a really toned down type of mafia;2)they do make for some interesting kinds of dynamics with fanart and with fics; 3)in a fic specifically u can create your own world and call something mafia and still make it so they don't kill innocent people but only idk members of other gangs or sth
(part 2) plus theyre a way to put ur charas in a completely diff context and see what theyll do. i mean i dont believe that writing ships in a certain context (like mafia) equals romanticizing that context. mafia AUs arent even my fav things to read (in fact i almost never do), im sure many ppl romanticize it and i obvs dont agree with that but im just trying to udnerstand bc i believe fandoms are a way to explore things that we normally wouldnt.
I’m not gonna roast you don’t worry xD okay wait let me check if I replied to this already if yes I’m gonna c/p because it’s half past midnight otherwise I’ll just go at it again wait *checks tags* fff obviously I don’t have a general post but anyway pls read this after you’ve done with my post and then this which is also choke-full of links. plus for a (not nice) laugh: here. AH WAIT I FOUND THE POST.
okay, so, let’s have it out of the way: I have nothing against mob aus or crime aus. I have a problem against calling them mafia AUs because in the US mafia = organized crime at large, in Italy mafia = ACTUAL EXISTING ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE ACTIVELY HARMFUL. now that I introduced the topic I’ll c/p you the reply I gave to another anon who while discussing the issue pointed out that most writers don’t even know Italian mafia is a thing, which is pretty much on the same discourse so...
*The thing is - in the US it might not be enough of a deal anymore and I honestly do get why people make the mafia = regular mobsters, since the mafia was the first foreign organized crime being exported to the US via italian immigrants (sorry if this sounds horrible in English but I just woke up and I still didn’t have coffee) so I understand that mafia became the umbrella term.But the thing is that - as you said, these people don’t even know that there’s a mafia in Italy anymore or where the word comes from.
 I’m going to link to italiansreclaimingitaly’s tag about the mafia and its perception outside Italy because they posted about this extensively and it’s an excellent resource, but meanwhile I’m gonna do a very short bullet point list and about the topic:
Mafia might not be a big deal in the US, but it still is here. We have the beauty of four different mafias (Cosa Nostra - the Sicilian one, camorra which is the one in Campania but has tendrils spread everywhere, the 'ndrangheta which is in Calabria and the Sacra Corona Unita in Puglia) which are all active [especially camorra and 'ndrangheta] and whose actions have direct impact (negative) on our economy and on our society. Actually mafias are one of the main reasons we’re currently economically fucked up, and if I start talking about how mafia culture keeps some areas literally backwards I could talk about it for three months.
There are still people who are killed for standing up against them. These days the most prominent personality is Roberto Saviano who is a writer who dared to put together a book documenting minutely the way camorra works and he’s been living under protection for years by this point. Like, they want him dead because he wrote a book. And I’m sorta sure that he was talking about leaving Italy and going to the US after years of sticking with it here because he can’t take it anymore but I don’t know if it was a taken decision or if it’s still debating it.
It wasn’t even thirty years ago that we had the stragi di mafia - in english it’d be something like the mafia slaughters, basically around the beginning of the nineties there were a number of bombs planted by the mafia targeting people who were trying to oppose it including judges Falcone and Borsellino, actually the anniversary of Falcone’s death is like... tomorrow. And they’ve killed people for way longer than that. Here is a list of only Cosa Nostra victims including the ones from the eighties/nineties. And people are still dying because of it. The slaughters I’m referring to are just the ones in the nineties which are enough of a number.
They also perpetuate a culture where if you testify against your mafia-employed relatives you’ll be shunned forever. There are women who testified against their families and couldn’t see their children anymore never mind that they weren’t automatically considered a relative anymore the moment they sided against the mafia. Some people have committed suicide after becoming witnesses also because our police force/justice system can be terribly non-supportive in this kind of situation so they got left on their own. Never mind that back in the day - it was the beginning of the nineties? - I recall at least a particular story of - I think, correct me if I remember wrong but I can’t remember the names for the life of me - where this guy testified against the local mafia when he either used to work for them or was forced to pay them the pizzo and in retaliation his six-year old (or five? Anyway he had a son younger than ten for sure) got kidnapped, killed and thrown into acid to dispose of the body. That happened in what, 1993? 1994? It’s pretty much yesterday. And now the camorra is doing the same - there’s a list here of camorra victims among which accidental passerbys that got killed because they were in the way which I can tell just by glancing is not complete. And I’m not even going into the 'ndrangheta. That is to say, here mafia still kills people and cripples our country.
Now, I get that it’s a word, but the point was: let’s say that instead of the Italians the Japanese came to the US first and the umbrella word for organized crime was yakuza rather than mafia and let’s say yakuza was still what it was originally in Japan while in the US it stopped being a big deal and people write yakuza!AU instead of mafia AU. Let’s say someone Japanese gets angry at that and goes like 'listen the yakuza is a real deal it does this this this and that and it’s a plague in our country so can you please at least look it up before writing your fanfic’, which is what had happened way back then when this whole mafia and fanfic thing blew up. A bunch of people told us to get over it because it’s just a word and if it’s a problem in Italy it’s not in the US so why should they care? Now, if we had been Japanese (or Chinese or Russian or Mexican) would they have said the same thing? Considering the general tumblr attitude I’m pretty sure they would have received either an apology or 'this is an important deal let’s keep that in mind’ with signal boost reblogs and stuff. 
It’s the fact that we should get over people not knowing that it’s still a real problem for us and that they can’t take five seconds to google it that is the problem imo. Especially when instead of mafia au you can just say mobsters au or tag it as organized crime and everyone is a lot happier, mostly because as the tag above explains romanticising the mafia is a good thing for them because it means they can act outside Italy with less stigma because everyone thinks that the mafia is dead or not relevant anymore, if I’m explaining myself. (And it’s active outside Italy - like, there was a mafia kill in Germany in 2007 where six people died (sorry the link is in Italian but there isn’t an English wiki page, if you look the city up you’ll find something probably) and it was because of the 'ndrangheta.
I’d really like to not get worked over it because it meant it was a thing of the past y'know, but the problem is that it isn’t and I’d rather spread some awareness in hope some of these writers look it up (because it’s a good thing that people know what mafia is since as stated they have tendrils everywhere - if you read Saviano’s book the entire first chapter is about how camorra regularly deals with Chinese import/export in Italy for one) than shrug and figure that since they’ll think everything is good for fanfic then it’s not even worth my time.*
Now, ^^^ that was the c/p-ed reply that should answer most of your doubts. What I didn’t address was:
im sure many ppl romanticize it and i obvs dont agree with that but im just trying to udnerstand bc i believe fandoms are a way to explore things that we normally wouldnt.
aaaand as we say here in Italy, this is where the donkey falls (sorry we have weird sayings), because in theory there’s nothing wrong with that... except that in 99% of the mafia aus I’ve seen around the thing is that they’re supposed to be cute.
like, I see a lot of shit with TINY MAFIA BOSS STEVE ROGERS with RUSSIAN ENFORCER BUCKY (????? bucky isn’t even russian???) and the yoi thing I saw before had the japanese character being the leader of a russian mafia gang which is... like... guys it doesn’t happen it really doesn’t, and a lot of them re-use wrongly terminology taken from the godfather without context or knowing what the hell it means, and it’s always from the criminals’ pov and they’re somehow seen as criminals doing justice where the police can’t (???) and like... no. mafia bosses/enforcers/employees are bad people period, and at least here if you try to leave or repent they kill your family in retribution. like, not even ten years ago there’s been a woman who used to belong to a mafia family (or one colluded with the mafia) who testified and her entire town/family shunned her and she couldn’t take it anymore and... killed herself drinking acid if I don’t recall wrong. it’s not even special cases. this shit is not funny, it’s not cute, it’s not adorable and it’s not good fodder for your imagine your otp scenario (srsly I saw one like.. let me find it,
LIKE. just look at this shit. in a regular context, the enforcer goes to the show owner to force them to pay a monthly sum to their boss lest they destroy their shop and their lives and their family’s life never mind that mafia culture is deeply homophobic so the mafia enforcer flirting with the shopkeeper is like completely fucking out of the question. I mean, people here like to shit on the sopranos but that show was actually excellent representation of Horrid Criminals Who Were Never Supposed To Be Good People and the small arc that happened when one of tony’s friends turned out to be gay (closeted) was REALLY well done. btw, it ended that when they found out he was gay most of the crowd rejected him and thought badly of him until I think they killed him also for other reasons, but that spiraled from finding out he liked dick. and that’s american mafia that they actually based on well-done research of the culture in Italy it came from, I assure you that here it doesn’t work that differently. like. the shit above is so inaccurate and frankly offensive, it’s like... I get people romanticizing problematic stuff but the thing is that when you tell them that it’s actually offensive you get brushed off as ‘ah well you’re being too sensitive it’s just a word u__u’. now, I’m all for exploring shit we wouldn’t be into, but not like THAT, because that’s like mafia romantic comedy and that’s not how it works. now, you wanna do a fic where the mafia characters are deeply flawed and bad people and the police tries to catch them? fine, great, go ahead. you wanna do a fic where the enforcer above deals with dunno an entire life of internalized homophobia when he finds the shopkeeper attractive and feels conflicted over having to con money out of him and doing horrible shit for a living and maybe understanding that crime isn’t worth it and then he actually collaborates with the police and gets shit from about everyone he knows and loves for that? okay, awesome, go ahead. nothing bad in that.
but the shit above is not exploring things we wouldn’t/writing darkfic, it’s THINKING THAT A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION WHICH IS STILL A THING IN OUR PART OF THE WORLD IS CUTE AND ADORABLE. and that only plays in their favor because it takes the bad aura out of the word and we really should not let that happen. like. that is what is bad about mafia aus and mafia discourse, that people don’t realize the mafia is alive and well and thriving and not a thing that doesn’t exist or a generic word for organized crime.
you wanna write the shit above? okay, CALL IT CRIME AU or mob au, not mafia au.
btw, add-on: idk if I mentioned it in the above post or not, but in case I didn’t, I said that people would balk at the idea of a mexican cartel au. sadly since then I’ve found out a fandom where not only there is one but it’s also extra cutesy and people apparently love it and it has a bunch of kudos/comments and idek I’m not even touching that with a ten foot pole but like... I’ve avoided it and everything that author wrote because to me it’s just... nope. like, nope. if you do mafia aus don’t make them fucking cute. (also: in the same fandom I had to mute a v. famous fanartist whose art I actually liked but did cutesy mafia aus and.. like... haahahhaahahahahaha nah sorry. can’t go there. nope.)
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adelaideattractions · 5 years
MAFS couples' infuriating final decisions
Despite countless warnings and protests, Married At First Sights cheating couple has shocked and irritated us all with their decision at a big fancy final commitment ceremony in foggy woodlands while in another patch of foggy woodlands across town, the shows annoyingly content couple has also irritated us with a gushy proposal and sponsorship jewellery. Sunday nights episode has two happy endings and this is clearly Nines attempt at making the show look more wholesome than the X-rated filth-fest weve witnessed over the past two months. Can those people who started that weird online petition against Mel Schilling start another petition banning Dan and Jessika from spending the rest of their lives together? Its not entirely clear if online petitions are prohibited from controlling peoples personal lives, but this is the internet and we make the rules up as we go. What a whirlwind! I never expected the twists and turns this experiment has brought! Jessika splutters to us on the sofa with her hair pulled up into a messy topknot, totally unaware she is personally responsible for all the the twists and turns. Last time we saw Dan, he was sickened by Jessikas drunken mean girl antics at the dinner party. He told us he saw a side of her that appalled him. The disgusting scenes were making him rethink his entire relationship. We rejoiced. Finally, he has seen the light! But he was lying through his veneers. Just minutes after Dan made those threatening comments, they had more window sex. We find them tangled in their rank sheets the morning after.
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media_cameraOh Dan. I feel yucky after last night, Jessika splats. Its unclear if its the group fight she initiated thats making her feel yucky, or the nine carafes of house wine she ingested. Ah well. As long as you still love me, she splats at Dan while writhing around in their sweaty sheets. She stares at him. He stares back. Yeah, do you still love her, Dan? we splut, appearing in their doorway while eating fist-fulls of Froot Loops from the box. Remember how Jessika told Dan she loved him and then bullied him into saying he loved her in front of the entire group? Well, to use Jessikas language, hes now feeling yucky. They pack up their apartment and prepare to spend one week apart before reuniting at a private commitment ceremony where they will deliver their ultimate decision. Ill be moving to the Gold Coast with you, Jessika splats cheerily as she chucks all her crap in a suitcase. She hasnt actually asked Dan once if its OK to move into his house with his five-year-old son, and now its too complicated for Dan to bring it up. Weve only been together for a short period and shes already talking about moving to the Gold Coast, Dan whispers to us in a panic. Yeah, its hilarious you should move and not tell her, we giggle, while spitting Froot Loop remnants in his face.
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media_cameraWhy so frustrated, Daniel? Meanwhile, Jules and Cam are being annoyingly content and we honestly couldnt be bothered. On the good side of the Harbour Bridge, Jules freaks out that Cam wont propose and, on the boring side of the bridge, Cam stresses about whether he should propose. Its #BoringContentPeopleProblems and we just cant relate. In an ideal world, Cam would propose and Jules would say no but since everyone started making online petitions about this show, producers dont wanna do anything fun anymore. Lets check back in with Jessika and Dan, who are back in their home environments and trying to find really polite ways of telling their families that theyre dirty cheaters. Im moving to the Gold Coast to be with him and Im really looking forward to it! Jessika spluts to anyone who will listen. Dan has a different take. Its moving bloody fast, he shivers, curled up in the corner of his Gold Coast rental. He heads over to his judgy mums house and, as expected, she judges. She judges her son for cheating. She judges him for hurting Tamara even though she hates her and judged her too. But its the announcement that Jessika will relocate from Perth and move in with Dan that his mum judges the most. She freaks out. Somewhere throughout Dans explanation, his mum has decided that Jessika is some kind of hobo who wants to take advantage of free food and shelter. Im concerned with her wanting to come to the Gold Coast, Dans mum tells us sternly. That she just wants somewhere to live and shes gonna take advantage of him. To live with him in his house and his son. Im a little bit worried about it actually. To summarise, Dans mum thinks Jessika is Joanne The Scammer.
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media_cameraYoure sharp as a tack, Dans mum. Due to lack of other storylines this evening, we cross back to Jules and Cam. Hes in the woods. Its oddly foggy and Im pretty sure its machine-produced. She walks out of a fern and into the clearing, looking annoyingly content. She says lots of gushy stuff. He says lots of gushy stuff. All the woodland creatures that surround them roll their eyes. You make me so happy Jules. Will you marry me? he gushes. Yes! Of course I will! Jules gushes back. Ugh, original, a bitchy rabbit groans to a deer while Cam gives Jules some cruddy sponsorship jewellery. In a bush clearing across town, Dan waits for Jessika. Suddenly, her limo runs over a bitchy rabbit and pulls to a stop. I am so wholeheartedly, head over heels, unconditionally in love with you, she spluts to Dan. I will always be blessed so long as I have you in my life. Its the perfect set-up for a dramatic ending. We hope Dans judgy mums concerns about Jessika being a catfisher have freaked him out enough for him to dump her right here in the random jungle. Then, while Jess is crying, Dan can steal her limo and leave her stranded.
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media_cameraMake ya mum proud, Daniel. Despite my feelings for you, I was really struggling with the lie we were living and the betrayal we were carrying out, he murmurs to her. Yeah, youre both terrible people! we yell down from a gum tree. It echoes throughout the forest. In the last few days Ive had a chance to think about our relationship and the impact it has had on other people. And also the impact it has had on me, Dan continues to grunt. There were moments I was broken and completely shattered at the pain we were causing certainly not how I wanted to start a relationship. It made me question if we could last as a couple He pauses and exhales.
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media_cameraBrace yaself, Jeffika. Lifes too short to hide how you feel. I came here to fall in love and hope to have someone to take home and introduce to my son as my girl. I found that girl in you, he mutters. We did not see this coming, another bitchy rabbit eye-rolls. Dan makes out like hes going to propose to Jessika, but he stops short of saying the words and instead gives her a symbol of commitment. To clarify, its just another cruddy ring from the sponsorship jeweller. Dan was bullied into saying he loves Jess even though he doesnt. Then he was bullied into funding her cross-country relocation and allowing her to move in with him, even though he doesnt want that. And now he has been bullied into fake-proposing to her. Hes whipped. Lets hope Ning does something more interesting, that bitchy rabbit mutters. Yeah. Lets. For more observations on cruddy sponsorship jewellery and bitchy rabbits, follow me on Twitter and Facebook: @hellojamesweir Originally published as MAFS couples infuriating final decisions https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/entertainment/television/james-weir-recaps-married-at-first-sight-2019-episode-37/news-story/dfa03c9656adedb43e8f2aa64305130d?from=htc_rss
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commiemoth · 7 years
bbbb all of the adorable asks are so cute >////
Bbbbb im happy i answer!! >\
2- my favorite color use to be purple definitively but now i cant choose unless its color combinations, my current favorites are: cyan + red, bronze + patina-green, silver + deep blue, black + cyan or neon blue, black + gold, white + goldIf i Really Really had to choose only one tho i think it would depend on my mood? Blue for sad, deep blue for calm, gold for energetic/confident, cyan for floaty, silver for dissociating?
3- no but!!!! I really want to! As soon as im out of my parents house im gonna do eyeshadow all the time as soon as i learn how! (Hopefully ollie can teach me because their eyeshadow looks are fucking #Iconic)
4- Yes yes yes!!!! In love right now and its better than ever before!!
5- ive been hesitant about this because last time i thought this it ended b a d l y but!! This time feels really different! I feel the connection and honestly i think yes!!
6- i think when im by myself im incredibly pessimistic and realist and accepting of it but with most other people im very optimistic for them i think? Even if im not for myself :/
7- ive had my first kiss already unfortunately :/but! First kiss with someone who actually cares and loves and respects u is completely different!! So my ideal first kiss would probably be leik after a moment of really spontaneous and overwhelming happiness between us? I think it would feel natural and comftorable and nice even if we’d both be awkward blushy babies about it >\\
24- ive gotten my nails painted before it was really nice! Im going to start doing it regularly once im out of the house and i hope ill eventually be gud enough to paint little designs on them!
25- idk wat this is asking leik, confessed wat? Id think yes and leik if confessed just as in telling something they wouldnt tell anyone else then yes, im honored that someone places that much trust in me when they do and i try to protect the secret/confession with my life
26- gggggg i used to lie so much all the time leik little lies to make myself more interesting/cooler but i dont do that anymore thank gosh, i only lie now to protect someone’s safety/identity , protect my own safety, or when talking to adults because i dont trust them, when its morally justifiable, or when ive been asked too by a confidant
27- ollie!!! (Everything about them) and also songs that are really energetic and (happily) nostalgic for me, and also cute animals! Or hanging out and havin a gud laugh with friends, im more likely to smile in stress free environments!
28- ggggg gosh i cry all the time in books and movies, i cried at finding dory, and at guardians of the galaxy vol 2, and at swiss army man, and at steven universe a lot, and at attack on titan sometimes when i used to watch it (not anymore) anything i read that has a major character death makes me cry, i cried at the Dragons overwatch short for hanzo and genji, im big baby :/
29- i think i had a crush on a girl in elementary school when i was still straight and she was the most popular pretty girl in school, boring het stuff :/
30- marriage sounds really nice! Not that important tho it just seems leik part of the whole big thing of the different levels of “making it official” but it would be nice and fun!!! Kids are scary! Too much responsibilty and i, kinda dont leik them :/
31- im very superstitious sometimes, a couple years ago i saw the picture of the russian sleep experiment creepy pasta and its haunted me and my halfasleep mind until a few months ago last year thats not really superstitious i guess but im always very irrational about things leik that, leik if a noise happens at night then my brain goes: “its the [a creepy picture i saw that day] monster here to get you” and it really sucks sometimes but ive been a little bette with it lately! (Ps, Do Not look up the russian sleep experiment, it might not be the same for you but it was terrifying for me and had a lasting effect)
32- my 3am thoughts are ollie!! Its much better thinking about cuddling them instead of thinking about if everyone i know hates me secretly or wat went wrong on that particular day (although ive been doing better on that too)
33- i leik candy a lot!! My favorites are snickers, swedish fish, cinnamon gumdrops, chocolate (either chili or caramel), jolly ranchers, skittles, and sometimes airheads, i used to l o v e poprocks but i dont see then around anymore :l
34- halloween!!! Its my favorite time because its not too cold to have to stay inside and still cold enough for cool fashion options and also halloween itself!! Its fun! :D
35- my favorite season is winter!! It lets me stay inside and watch the pretty snow while i drink hot cocoa and play video games :3 fall is a close second!! Most of fall is cool enough to still be outside and the cold weather suits me even if its sometimes gives me colds!
36- i feel leik a dog would help me be happier because they generally more energetic? But a cat suits my personality much better and i feel leik we might get along a little easier , both are gud and no preference tho!!!
37- im really quiet i think!! I try not to talk at all unless its with people i already know, but the more comftorable i am with someone the louder i am with them!!
38- my favorite time period is medeival or far-future! Medieval only when in fantasy with dragons and magic and stuff because Real medieval times kinda sucked but: the knights! The samurai! And far future because space travel and sightseeing on distant planets!!
39- bowties? There still kind of around tho i guess, cloaks and swords or also full plate armor (bring! Them! Back!)
40- hhhhh i never remember my dreams but the worst nightmares are where i wake up and cant breathe leik sleep paralysis im pretty sure (that combined with russian sleep experiment is h e l l but thankfully that doesnt really happen anymore) and the best dreams ive had are when ollie is in them!!
41- i used to be really afraid the dark but im still sometimes just as afraid so i guess that doesnt count? I used to have dreams where the little one eyed dudes id make out of my erasers would turn evil and stand on my chest and id wake up with sleep paralisys so? Thats something i guess :/
42-43 are skipped in the list?
44- i try my best!! Ollie knows :> im [Incapable] of flirting with anyone if they dont also flirt with me and i know that they leik me too tho so i havent been flirting much the past couple years till now :l
45- my style currently is kinda blandish i think? Dark or cool colors with a graphic teeshirt (sometimes of things that i dont even leik anymore) and black or blue skinny jeans (sometimes a bleached white pair, theyre my favorite) and some matching color of converse, sometimes i wear flannels or button ups and sometimes bowties too! But not as often
Ideal style: crop top, flannel, sunglasses, short short jean shorts, cool socks that go past my knees, matching converse!
46- hell yeah i blush!!!!!!!!! Sometimes i blush when people are really nice to me but most times its from romantic stuff because i get flustered and blushy So Easily!!
47- every once in a while my depression comes back and most of the time it doesnt stay for lomg but while its here i feel everything at once while wanting to feel nothing and its so overwhelming or i feel nothing at all while wanting to feel at least one thing and it makes my heart hurt, most of the time tho i lean more on the side of feeling everything! Feelings are gud and i leik them!!!
48- im definently a crier! Cried basically for 3 years straight, but ive only cried happy crying a couple times, definitely a few tho, i smile a lot! I think! I try to, i think smiles are really nice and there needs to be more of them in the world, ive been smiling a lot more the past couple months for sure :3Thanks for askin and!! @got to answer the same asks! Not all if u dont want to but just the ones u want :>
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