#and the things that will ✨nourish✨ you
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pinktulipgirly · 3 years ago
join me in an sunday reset! let’s get our lives back on track! 🌷
space 🕯
put on a playlist that motivates you!
clear your floor of all clutter and mess
clear off all the surfaces of things that don’t belong there (desk, dresser, nightstand countertops, etc) and give them a good dusting and wipe down
catch up on laundry and fold it all immediately!
change your sheets and make your bed
vacuum and sweep
clean your bathroom really well! don’t forget to mop
remove all the out of date food from your fridge and pantry
do your dishes and clean your sink
reorganize things that tend to get messy during the week - make your space work for you! 💕
body 🌱
put on a cute set and do some movement! a whole work out, a hot girl walk, a dance party, some light yoga from bed - whatever works best for you and your body <3
drink a ton of water! hydrated girlies are happy girlies
have a nourishing meal with loads of fruits, veggies, and protein
get some sunlight
take an everything shower - shave and exfoliate, and don’t forget to moisturize!
do a hair mask
do your full skincare routine and a gentle face mask
do your nails or go get them done
mind ☁️
put your phone away and have some quiet time - maybe read a book, doodle, or meditate! just give your brain a rest from the noisy workweek
set some goals for the upcoming week and think about how you can actually achieve them
organize all your assignments / tasks for the week in a planner - everything will seem less overwhelming when you write it all down!
spend some time with friends or family
do something you love to do!
and finally, go to bed early tonight! you got this, angel! ✨🌸
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crystalsenergy · 2 years ago
MOON Placements - achieving emotional self-satisfaction ✨🌱
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Moon in Aries - Emotional autonomy for you is something very important. Independence helps you emotionally, so always practice doing certain things independently, your emotional satisfaction will increase. Spend time alone to understand your inner issues. Don't try to dominate your emotions, let them flow, but deal with any emotional issue in a healthy way, don't let emotions dominate you, and don't dominate them either. No one needs to dominate anyone.
Moon in Taurus - Take care of yourself, pamper yourself, feel good when planning something for yourself. Tips: do something for yourself, like buying something, make inner pleasure possible, plan something that involves the idea of stability, even in the future.
Moon in Gemini - Emotional self-knowledge helps a lot. The "exit" for your emotions will be through the mind. Seek to understand what you feel on a mental level, practicing self-awareness, then verbalize what you feel. It can be difficult to organize your feelings on a mental level, but going through the knowledge path can help you not to over-intellect your emotions, validating them, and at the same time, understanding them mentally.
Moon in Cancer - Embrace your emotions and "stay" with them for a while. Feeling is extremely important to you, value your emotional and understand it. At the same time, take care of emotions, nourish yourself with caring gestures. What would you like to be done for you when you are down? Do it for yourself.
Moon in Leo - practice expressing your emotional side (where can people be positively influenced by you?), practice self-worth, start by valuing yourself in a healthy way. Use your creativity and willingness to change your emotional landscape.
Moon in Virgo - Practice emotional cleansing! What feelings no longer serve you? What patterns of feeling are no longer good for you? Clean your surroundings, especially a place of intimacy and inner contact (bedroom, for example), cleaning intimate places can bring emotional satisfaction. Beware of exterior mess, it can affect the interior life.
Moon in Libra - Be in harmony, seek something that brings you such harmony. Practice expression, externalize your emotions in something that involves the other (where people can listen you? remembering that it is important to look for others, but without cultivating dependence, ok?). Practice artistic expression (through body, for example). Reflect: What brings you the feeling that you are in balance?
Moon in Scorpio - Practice deeper inner contact, don't run away from your emotions, embrace them. Seek to understand the deepest reasons why you feel what you feel. Connect with your spirituality side. Understand how deep things work. Don't control your emotional, but know it. Don't let them control you, but get to know others. Seek the depth within you. Practice writing what you feel, look for ways to validate your feelings, recognizing that your depth is part of who you are, but always taking care not to fall into the extremes of feelings.
Moon in Sagittarius - As you have a great tendency to want satisfaction through expansion, perhaps seeking meaning in your emotions will help you, understanding why you feel what you feel within a larger context. Does that make sense? How can you use this "sense" for the greater good (yours or others)? In addition, certainly seek to go out, expand through fun, as long as it is healthy, it can help a lot.
Moon in Capricorn - To feel emotional satisfaction, plan for the future by thinking about an inner problem. Look at what can be done within your current moment, but aiming for the future. Can the current feeling of dissatisfaction be remedied by planning something? Plan to leave an environment to feel good, even in the future. And within this planning, think: "what should I do to reach this final objective?". Strive to change certain inner realities, which will certainly exist, through planning. Plan something to lessen a discomfort, pain, or simply to increase your inner satisfaction, your inner happiness.
Moon in Aquarius - Practice understanding your emotions through open reflection, without pruning the sentimental believing that it is something ugly or useless. Openly reflect on why you feel what you feel, for everything has a reason. Not denying feelings is ideal, and for inner satisfaction to arrive, you must reflect, use your mind to understand your emotional states. Criticize, reflect: "Does this feeling make sense?" "having or not having meaning, can I validate its existence?". Remembering that as a Moon in Aquarius, dealing with your emotions can be somewhat difficult for you, but it is not an impossible task. Your emotional is ruled by Uranus, which has everything to do with unpredictability, sudden changes, transformations that are unexpected, and it is also ruled by Saturn, which has everything to do with structure, stability, seriousness. You may have difficulty dealing with emotions as they will change as life flows, and at the same time that you want to transform, you want to structure. The issue is finding the balance.
Moon in Pisces - Practice transmuting your negative feelings through music, writing or art in general. Listen to something that resembles what you feel, connect with it. It is important to know how to get in touch with environments and people who vibrate in harmony with good things, with empathy. When you're feeling down, make use mainly of music to feel that you are understood by someone. Use your feelings as a way to gain knowledge about human emotions. Seek knowledge about human mind and emotions.
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apricot-tarot · 2 years ago
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Click on the ‘KEEP READING’ to go to your pile.
I did a pastry-themed pick-a-card. Now, it’s time for me to do an Italian food one cause I am craving some. I don’t know if I am extremely inspired or extremely hungry.
DISCLAIMER- Tarot is not a substitution for medical, financial or legal advice.
Enjoy ✨
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Pile 1 - Bruschetta
The Sun, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands
For this pile I got a short and simple answer. New beginnings!!! That would nourish your soul. You need something new and exciting that you know will bring you joy. An idea put to action. It is for sure something creative. Even if it is just a hobby, just do it. It will be good for you. You have it in looming in your mind so you probably know what it is. For others, who might not have an idea what it is just try to do stuff that end up giving you joy. This pile is all about trying new things. If you get excited with the idea of something, try it and put it action. Don’t just daydream. JUST DO IT!!!!! You know that meme lol. So, you just need to start somewhere. Baby steps. Take your time and nourish your soul.
I also wanted to add that if you had a passion before or maybe you are working in the field you have always been passionate about...this might be about finding that back. Rediscovering what brings you joy by taking a new and a fresh approach. Explore your spur of the moment ideas and bring life to them in a way or another. It doesn’t have to be big, just a little thing or aspect that you like or feel like doing. Since, this is a general reading, I had to add this paragraph. 
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Pile 2 - Tortellini
The Fool, Page of Pentacles, King of Pentacles (RX)
You want to literally be a fool, not think too much and just start a journey. The way you want to be a fool is by not worrying about money. I think everyone who does this PAC might pick this pile lol especially during these trying times. Anyway, you have this innate desire to just do stuff without worrying about all the outcome or all the circumstances. I think that most of the people who chose this pile are known to be responsible and reliable, and you want to just get out of that energy. You want to be reckless, whatever reckless means in your book. You want to go back to studying or you want to start some kind of business. Even something like changing your looks. It would be nourishing for you to try things and not worry about what it might mean in the grand scheme of things, or how they might turn out. To sum it up, just don’t want to care about all the consequences that your actions might have. It would also feel good to you if you were selfish. You want to be selfish. If you have found yourself to be a provider for others, this King of Pentacles (RX) is about being tired of that and wanting to be free of responsibility. Anyway, you want to start something new and fresh even though you don’t have it all figured out. It’s about the idea and the journey. 
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Pile 3 - Pizza Capriccioso 
First of all, I had to google how to spell this one lol
The High Priestess, 9 of Cups, 3 of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
This pile and pile 4 both got four cards, even though my intention was to pull three cards for each.
Anyway, onto the actual reading and interpretations. With the High Priestess being the first card to show, this is a ‘following your gut’ kind of theme. In a way, you need to follow your gut when it comes to what would be nourishing and fulfilling for you. Think of it like this. Try a little exercise lol and close your eyes after you read this pile and kind of meditate on what do you wish for. Where is your mind bringing you? You need to let your intuition tell what each scenario makes you feel fulfilled. Imagine them, envision as much as you can and remember the feeling they invoke in you. I think this would be very helpful to this pile.
From the cards that I got (especially three of cups and the ace of pentacles), most of you want to be part of a group and start some sort of business endeavor. Maybe you want this group to be made up of new people and some others might want their existing friend group. This depends. But, what would be nourishing to your soul is finding abundance with your people (whoever your people are) and sharing that abundance. Watching your dreams and wishes come true. You don’t express this to others, it’s almost dormant in you. But, most of the people that choose this pile were the type of kids that imagined their friends and themselves saving the city from the villain, kind of like Winx Club. You know the feeling of doing something with the people you care and just that bond. Deep down you have this desire to be part of a genuine and fruitful bond. 
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Pile 4 - Focaccia 
Ten of Swords, Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, 3 of Swords
This is the romantic pile. A confession, someone who pursues you and offers their love to you. It would make you forget of painful endings. For this pile, I think you are tired of endings and heartbreaks but those ones weren’t the romantic kind. Or, for the few of you that it was, that relationship wasn’t even worth to suffer for. Which is why, the cards here are indicating a type of ‘suitor’ or ‘lover’ that is worth it. Even if it ends in a breakup, it would be damn worth it. A straightforward kind of love. Someone who is offering what you want and with very clear intentions. Also, something unexpected. Your soul also wants to be surprised by what love can offer. This is moving forward in life through love. If you were to experience a heartbreak, you would want one from love and one that is worth it. You aren’t particularly scared of romance or the pain that can come from it, you actually see it as something healing. Or, it’s like you think like you have gone through worse lol. Anyway, your soul would get nourished by moving on from bitter endings with the help of romance, even if it might bring pain eventually. Deep down you don’t fear that part.
For some others, this is also about craving to meet a partner that has gone through some type of pain and sorrow and you kind of meet in the middle. There is this mirroring. A healing journey together as a couple. Nonetheless, this is also about forgetting about what has been and closing that chapter of your life once and for all. Your soul craves other things now. 
If you chose this pile, I would be very curious to know what resonated. Don’t hesitate to tell me.
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nikasholistic · 2 years ago
Working on your mindset and belief system should always be a priority in your life. Your belief system is the foundation of your life. Your entire reality mirrors your dominant set of beliefs. That’s why it’s so important to nourish your mind with the beliefs that serve you. 
You can reprogram your subconscious mind. You can establish a program that serves you. Start affirming your desired reality. Think and speak it into existence. Sometimes we become so wrapped up in our limiting beliefs that we forget we have the power to change our thoughts. And when you change your thoughts, you align with new, more harmonious things.
✨IG: nikasholistic✨
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luxuryandbrown · 3 years ago
Main Character Energy
what is it and how to exude it
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Main character energy (MCE) is often confused with being narcissistic or selfish. But it’s simply the idea of putting yourself first. It’s a term, commonly referenced by women, used to describe focusing on what YOU want in life and going for it — regardless of how it may affect others. How could anyone assume something as positive and inspiring as this selfish? Well it’s because society is used to women playing the supporting role not the main character — literally & in mainstream media.
Whats a supporting character?
Being a supporting character in your own life looks like you always saying yes to obligations you truly don’t want to attend. It’s you going after careers someone else has chosen for you. It’s you taking on hobbies to please others. It’s you consistently putting your needs and desires on the shelf to accommodate other people. This may seem like a beautiful, selfless trait but it’s actually one of the worst things you can do to yourself. This behavior is lowering your self esteem and self confidence and shows the people around you that they can walk all over you.
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The hard truth
In this life, no one will put you first except YOU. No one will make your happiness a priority. No one will go to great lengths to make your dream life a reality, except you. This isn’t because no one else cares about you, but because they have their own lives to focus on. It’s why Main Character Energy, shouldn’t just be a trend but a way of living. You have to treat yourself like the main character in your life because no one else is fully capable of doing that for you, except you. You can be a main character and still care for your loved ones. You can be a main character and still be compassionate. You can be a main character and still support those around you.
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How to exude main character energy
Being a main character in your life means you put yourself first. It’s only saying yes to things that energetically serve you. It’s only surrounding yourself around people that have the best intentions for you. Its considering your emotional and mental well being. It’s keeping your goals and priorities at the top of your mind. Its eating foods that nourish you. It’s limiting the toxic drinks & foods you consume. It’s taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally & physically above all else.
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Side affects of main character energy
When you’re the main character, your self esteem and self confidence increases drastically. You stop viewing yourself as just another girl, but as THE girl. You put yourself on a pedestal and think so highly of yourself that those around you have no choice but to do the same. When you have a high regard for yourself, you tend to attract people in your life that feel the same way about you. Exude that main character energy, apologetically. ✨
X, @luxuryandbrown
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hallucie · 2 years ago
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✨Aries Mars✨ Okay, their anger is rational, but they often times over accelerate their force. They can be so calm and collected one moment and the next they’re beating your face in. They have such quick instincts it’s incredible. I notice they only get upset when they feel threatened or they want something to go their way. It’s not that they’re controlling, it’s that they don’t take the time to be persuaded (their instincts just kick in, they take action immediately). So to other people it seems like they’re controlling but really they just don’t have patience. These people NEED daily exercise. They have more energy than the average person.
✨Taurus Mars✨ When they want something they get it. Completely irrational but only when they’re after something. For the most part they’re very passive in the sense where they don’t care for drama so they don’t put themselves in it. Rarely ever having to show their force or assertion, unless there’s something in it for them BUT it has to be something of good value. Taurus Mars stick up for others very sternly but they know people make their own decisions so they’re passive in the way where they put their foot down and if someone crosses that line Taurus Mars just asserts their zero tolerance for bullshit. Taurus Mars have a consistent stamina, once they start going it’s hard for them to stop. Will give the silent treatment to avoid drama, they simply don’t care. They’re so secure within themselves.
✨Gemini Mars✨ Either gives the silent treatment or completely destroys someone with their words, but not in a ruthful way. It’s more of an observation they make & once they have all of the puzzle pieces together they just spit out so much information against the person they’re mad at. It’s like they notice small slights or minor tense moments that someone has towards them, but Gemini Mars are so passive they don’t take offense until they’ve truly had enough. Once they’ve taken enough stabs, then they just UNLOAD everything that’s ever rubbed them the wrong way about the person they’re upset with. The crazy thing is that once the tension has died down, it’s like nothing ever happened. They can go back to having a normal, silly, conversation. I think they do it to avoid conflict. Gemini Mars don’t like being mad. These people have A LOT of energy but it comes in spurts. They rest for a moment then they go, then rest, then go. Their instincts are quick witted and sly, every action has already been thought of and they act on which is best. They also ask other people for their opinions to take into consideration when making their decision to act.
✨Cancer Mars✨ They want to be passive so badly, but they do a bad job at hiding it. They often get mad at people for not having good morals. They’re the type of people to get mad at someone for being openly rude or being a bully. Their argument is being rational about how they feel and/or how it makes others feel— “You did this to me and it hurt my feelings, I’m not going to be around you if you keep this up.” Sometimes this can be seen as sensitive but honestly Cancer Mars are such good friends to have, they look out for the ‘little guy’. Their energy level is consistent, never off beat. They take time to nourish themselves when they’re tired so they can get up and keep going. I notice these people are so clean and tidy.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years ago
♥️Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder♥️
🦋I always loved their relationship and they were really a beautiful couple & It’s sad that they're not together anymore.
🎸Ian is Sagitarius sun & Nina has Sagittarius rising. The connection between the sun and the rising sign is always beautiful, because you fall in love with the person immediately. So they probably got along well from the beginning. Ian has moon in Aries in 6 degrees and Nina has moon in Aquarius in 6 degrees. These two moons catch on nicely because they both have independent energy. They were both funny with each other and had fun together. The same degrees (Virgo degrees) indicate that both of them were somehow stable with their emotions and knew how to satisfy each other's emotional needs.
🌙His moon falls in her 1st house which means that he was emotionally very open when he was with her and showed his emotional side without a problem. He can also see her as a person who is emotional, caring and who gives a feeling of home. This also creates a safe environment in relationship for the sharing of each other’s feelings. I think that even when they were playing, his feelings for her were clearly noticed. And also her moon falls into his 1st house so the energy between them was equal. In this case it's hard to hide your feelings for someone, so when they went apart it was hard for both of them to play together. Her moon sextile His moon- This relationship is characterised by a harmonious emotional life. Both partners understand each other's feelings. It is also good aspect for long-term relationship or marriage.
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🐚Her Mercury falls into his 1st house & His Mercury falls into her 9th house -She was always honest with him and told him how she felt, and the communication between them was also open. She also easily understood his energy. He understood the things she said as well as her unspoken intentions. As if she would say something and he would know what she was thinking. So he was also open and direct with her, he may also have admired her mind and the openness she has. He was drawn to how intelligent she was and how non-judgmental she was. He felt that he could talk about many different things with her and open up a debate. He could also learn a lot from her. He admired her outlook on life.
✨Also both of them have mercury in earth house - Nina has in her 2nd house & Ian in his 10th house which means that both of them were thinking more seriously and stubbornly but also in a funny and optimisic way because he has mercury in Sagittarius & she has in Aquarius. Her moon sextile his mecury& his mercury sextile her moon- this create easy communication in the relationship. The Mercury person enjoys the care and emotional nourishment of the Moon person. Her mercury sextile his mercury- This create a romantic relationship where you each respect and appreciate your partners intellectual ability, thoughts, viewpoints, and can cooperate reaching agreement on romantic and partnership issues.
♥️His Venus & Pluto falls into her 8th house
He felt his love for her intensely, deeply, passionately. He also found her very sexually attractive. Relationship in this house is highly sexual, and a sexual tension will be noticeable. Venus here is emotionally deep and affects both of you on a subconscious level. Being the 8th house, their mutual involvement has changed both of them. The process of transformation can be extremely painful, but it creates a new and improved you. This is a love that you don't want to let go of, even if you want it, because everything related to the 8th house is deeply rooted. The person feels like they understand your depth and it's harder for you to let them go. On the other hand, I think that his love strongly influenced her and vice versa. Pluto brings together people who share a passion for spiritual and religious teachings. He was able to make a strong impression on her life and even as a couple they had a strong sexual energy. They were very emotionally connected and had a special energy. This relationship was a transformation from which they both learned something. I also think that it was difficult for them to leave it behind all the love which they shared ,just that they didn't show it outwardly because the 8th house is a hidden house after all.
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♥️Her Venus falls into his 10th house
They have common interests and both like to do the same things for pleasure. This is a public house people saw them as a beautiful, romantic couple, and their end of the relationship was not dramatic either. This also suggests that they both hung out and shared the same social circles (vampire diaries people) and that they both got along well with them. She was very open when it comes to love with him and both of themthey shared love outwardly. She expressed her feelings for him easily and she liked his optimistic and funny way of doing things. Her venus in 10th house conjunction his mars in 11th house- He has a hypnotic energy that she finds attractive on him. She finds him attractive regardless of whether they are together or not (this is physical attraction). This is aspect that even if you go your separate ways, it is likely that both of you will always remember each other for the passion you once enjoyed. They broke up in a friendly way.
🫀He has mars in agittarius& she has mars in aries
They both have fire signs that react immediately to everything, so neither of them felt like the energy was weird. Both react passionately to things and do them with passion. And the reactions of both can be impulsive. Her mars trine his mars- both can retain their unique independence while they are interacting with each other. Both people are very naturally attracted to each other, and this sexual chemistry is not something that dies out of the relationship as it progresses. This aspect when couples fight, these fights actually bring the two closer together rather than pulling them apart.
🧸Her Jupiter falls into his 4th house & his jupiter falls into her 6th house
Jupiter creates a pleasant atmosphere and she felt happy around him. Also can bring good fortune due to the large amount of wealth they will likely inherit. She could also inspire him to change something in his home. She was also well received in his family and got along well with them. She was also able to help him with his childhood dreams. He was charming and confident and helped inspire her larger dreams for success. Their routine could contain a lot of action, interesting things, joy (this also means that they played together and there was always something new happening). He met her at work when they started playing together. Her Jupiter trine his Ascendant-work together on projects or do something together. In this case is vampire diaries.
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🍂His Saturn falls into her 7th house
He looked at the relationship with her seriously and responsibly. Maybe their relationship involved too many obligations and work was too much in the foreground. Sometimes the relationship itself may not have involved so many emotions and he may have found it too distant.
💖Her sun,neptune & saturn falls into his 12th house
Sun in his 12th house creates an atmosphere of mystery in relationship. She saw him as an exotic, fascinating and even otherworldly or strange person. But she felt that she could be who she is with him. With him she also felt that he understood her in a different way. Neptune this couple may bond around shared interests in psychic development, spirituality and metaphysical topics. Both of them have a vivid imagination as they are together and create some illusion out of things. That's why even when they played together, they knew how to react, what to do and got into their roles. But with saturn here couples will feel emotionally distant from each other. Saturn here can hide the ugly truth about how you view a person. It is possible that her idea of ​​him was not what she expected. Saturn in synastry usually reflects patterns that are hard to break, and can even be harder to change.
🧚🏼‍♀️Her Neptune sextile his Venus - they show each other the magical side of life. They enjoy art together, have fun conversations, listen to similar music, watch similar movies. Create dreamy connection.
🍁Her Saturn sextile his Venus- makes love strong, stable. This shows where each partner outgrows their childhood patterns to understand realization and personal development. It helps people grow together. This aspect often illustrates something that is strong but does not necessarily remain.
🦋Her pluto falls into his 9th house- this is a powerful synastry aspect that can create an intense and deep relationship. This is also how the world saw the two of them -So the world also saw them as people who have a strong and attractive energy, but at the same time mysterious. She was transformed through the period of time that she had with him.
🦋Her Pluto conjunction his Venus- There was a strong attraction and a magnetic pull that was physical, charming. Maybe she could feel controlling towards him. This aspect can even indicate unrequited feelings. In the case that both people’s feelings are returned, they will find that there is a still an imbalance in the relationship, in some way.
🐚Her Pluto conjunction his MC- which also means that their relationship was not so public and they did not want to share it publicly. Because when they broke up, many things were not clear. And they wanted to keep it private.
🌉Her north node falls into his 1st house & His falls into her 7th house
She saw a certain comfort with him, an energy that showed itself on the outside. It also means that she felt something for him as soon as she met him. It can feel like fate or something you have never experienced before. You feel like coming home after a hard day, it feels like the person understands who you are. She could trust him without hesitation and have confidence in him. She could feel like she had found someone like her. He felt that he had found someone ideal for him, the person he was looking for. This is also an aspect for marriage, maybe he wanted to marry her and start something serious. Ultimately, this connection between them opened the way to a world of opportunities for both of them, allowing them to grow as people, partners and professionals. Her vertex falls into his 8th house & her vertex falls into his 7th house- this made their relationship attractive and harmonious
Her sun & jupiter trine his north node- She could feel their relationship was destined or meant to be, especially when they first meet. This relationship had some potential and both of them learned something from this relationship and of course also grew together career-wise. Both gained something from fame. This also indicate past life. Her venus square his north node -which indicate differences between her and him goals in a relationship. Also possibly different views on the future.
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phae-undergrove · 3 years ago
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It assists in awakening the heart to its purest loving potential allowing one to find love for themselves and others.
This awakening of the heart also provides deep feelings of personal fulfillment and contentment.
assists with spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine which allows one to deeply link their own heart to the hearts of others.
promotes the release of tension and stress, dissolution of anger and resentment, and dispelling of fear and suspicion, providing a rebirth of hope and faith.
aids in healing from physical heart disease and trauma.
This stone’s vibrations cleanse the emotions and the entire auric field, healing the heart of its wounds.
Rose Quartz carries a feminine energy that encourages compassion, peace, tenderness and healing which brings forth feelings of nourishment and comfort.
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meditating with Rose Quartz one can often feel the immediate connection it has to the heart as the soothing energies envelope and rejuvenate it. The energy can then expand from the heart, throughout the body and to all chakras bringing them to a perfect harmonious balance with the will of the pure heart.
holding or wearing Rose Quartz near the heart, a pulsation of the stone’s energies can be felt around it. When carrying this stone it can make one more aware of the presence of negative energies. It excels in attracting new love, romance, and intimacy and can be used to develop closer bonds with family and friends.
Working with Rose Quartz also inspires the love of beauty in all things, especially things that stimulate the imagination, such as art of all forms.
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Calming and Patience
Love & Relationships
Physical Healing
Anxiety Relief
I hope you enjoyed this breakdown, If you’d like to check out the crystal master post click HERE merry meet! And don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! - B
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youthnighttarot · 3 years ago
How do you dreams reflect your Reality…?
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Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: Chariot, The fool rv
Firstly when you enter the dream world you are in control. You basically drive the dream in a sense. That’s what you will begin to do in reality. You started to or have already begun to be, driven about things that bring you and only you. Just as you drive how your dream goes you will control your reality. You begin to be balanced. (Something in the city and something with the cycles of the moon) You are my creative pile…the cycles of the moon may have something to do with what’s driving your goals and, you might not consciously see or realize it. However your subconscious is well aware of it. Which is why it makes an appearance in your dreams and, how you are able to create the dream or lead the dream in some way. For some of you, you may even see a moon in your dreams sometimes. Or even something that represents the moon…I’m not sure. Whatever may be you are in control of your journey and really your destiny. You might also be finding balance and control between your emotions…allowing you to properly focus or your goals. I cannot stress enough that, just as you drive your dreams is the same why you drive your destiny. Continue on this path pile one, it will bring great joy and abundance. What’s happening in the dream world is guiding you and leading you to your true path…almost aluminate your path like the moon. Maybe in your past you got into reckless behavior. And even if they weren’t reckless they just weren’t serving you and your true purpose. You may have walked around pretending to be ok and saying everything was ok…when in reality it wasn’t. Whatever it may be it caused you to stray from your path and feel great pain. You hide your pain very well pile one…but you do this for control. You don’t want to suffer alone or in silence but, you feel you have to. I want you to know you don’t have to suffer through it alone. You have people who do want to help…even if they aren’t in your immediate circle. Your dreams reflect a darkness inside of you or you may have overcome that you are now seeing. You are beginning to see the direction of you path…you may have been unfocused which could have also caused you to stray from your path. You seemed at this time or maybe still…unsure of yourself and your abilities…yet you still walked around like you were completely confident and/or comfortable in your self. You dreams reflect that you need to address this now…or reflecting how much you have grown from that mindset….and we’re you are know. In your dreams you may see yourself on a beach or island…we’re you walk along the sand. (There was also this cliff on the cool card) This may represent that you are right there or your just about to make it to your goal or even you freedom…but it seems to be an ocean away. There’s something blocking you from getting on track and that’s what your dreams reflect. To reflect on pain and how that has affected you and where you are now. You may find that now or in the future you will be very focused in the workplace because of your soul realigning with your divine purpose. You may put in more hours towards your job, project, or even your artistry…I felt like this was definitely my creative pile. So you may very well put in more time to something you have created or will create. You trying to put in more effort because you may have previously been discouraged to do so…and this may have come from you being unsure of yourself and what you are capable of. You are truly understanding what’s feeding you and not feeding you. What traits about yourself that you need to keep and nourish. As well as expelling the toxic or bad one’s. You may be very loyal…the dog on the fools card is standing out to me…you could have felt like you went on the fools journey with someone…and they have in turn shown you disloyalty. I’m not sure…take it as it resonates. Pile 1. I also pulled a card for a song that will give you further messages. The song I pulled is Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. The lyrics that may resonate “You got to hold on to what we got…It doesn’t make a difference if we make or not…we got each other and that’s enough for love.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: AoW, 8oS
(You may resonate with pile 1) Straight away I’m getting that dreams reflect something you’re extremely passionate about. Like your really really passionate about this. You feel like so many opportunities can come from this but you don’t believe in yourself. You are similar to pile one but differ because you know exactly what you want how to get it. You trying to keep control while pile one has it. You just don’t believe you can or you may believe you will ultimately fail…and have wasted your time. You may be in the mindset that it won’t work out, it won’t happen, I’m not gonna get what I hoped for, or get a return on my deposit. You can’t see the unknown pile 2…I know you may want to but you simply can’t. You need to just take that chance. Take that leap of faith pile 2!…and see how much abundance you receive from it. You have the strength…in fact you have EVERYTHING inside of you to build that company, to apply for that job, get that degree. You have every opportunity and ability to do so…as well as skill just believe in yourself.  Stop allowing yourself to get stuck in your head and your thoughts….and then proceed to mope or sit around pouting because you feel wronged by the world when you never tried to begin with. You have so much potential behind what your are trying to achieve and yet you still find yourself scared of the unforeseen things….you can’t control what happens in the future but you can control the now and how you go about entering the future. Get that strength and power back pile 2 you can definitely do this. I feeling from the 8oS you may find yourself being in a victim state or mentality…or maybe just putting yourself or your situation. What ever it may be stop allowing it to put you in a negative mindset…you are passionate about this for a reason…but you are being your own enemy…your dreams are showing you what your thoughts are not telling you. Your mind is telling you these negative thoughts but your soul reflects the truth. For some reason pile 2 I began to think about merchants and how they would come to different city during like Silk Road era…but they would come and sell their items and how ready people were to buy from them. They would receive a lot of abundance especially in wealth. At first I was like that’s kinda random…but I began to think that perhaps you may go to a city or a new land or even a new land with a city…and there your creation or skills will be put to use…people will love it or you and want to bless you with money. Your dreams are showing you what your thoughts are trying to block from you…you can do it! I’m getting maybe something didn’t work out the way you wanted and that discouraged you in some way. Putting you in to that negative mindset of it will never happen for me. Your dreams are trying to reveal to you is that you have the ability to do it. Only you can do it. There may be other people who may have put this into your head as well…I’m seeing third party energies…and whatever they are doing is causing you to question yourself or it may just be you doing this to yourself. Your dreams are reminding you who you truly are. I don’t understand the song channeling but see if you find some messages. 
The song channeled is Come Thru by Jaques. 
Lyrics: My ex girlfriend can’t stand her…cuz her new man hit her with that Jolly Rancher
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: Judgment rv, Emperor
Before I was able to even draw cards…I channeled you may feel like your in a void state. Like when your dreaming that could reflect this feeling. For example, you may have really dark dreams or dreams where there’s not a lot going on or movement. Yea it feels as though you are in a void state somehow physically or mentally. And you may not be dreaming right now which explains the pitch blackness. And once I pulled some cards I was given confirmation with the judgement card in rv. There is definitely some stagnation going on which is why I was getting not much movement or you having no dreams. You may physically be going through this which is why it’s translated to the dream world for you. Your dreams seem void of anything, which might  reflect how you feel internally…like there’s not a whole lot going on, or progress in some way. You may feel like by this point in your life you should already be at a certain point or at a certain status in life. This may be related to a father figure or someone who played and authoritative role in your life…they made you feel this way in the past or even may still make you you feel this way. This could be causing you stagnation because, you’re heavily thinking about how this persons treated you or made you feel towards what success should look like for you. You may be trying to get yourself back on track and move away from this thought process/mindset, that has been ingrained into you. You are in a void state right now because you know and see you are destined for greater. Maybe someone has said this to you I’m not sure but I hearing a “foggy road that will soon clear”. Whether it be an authoritative figure or just a rigid energy you may be having because you want to move from this spot of stillness. Though I’m getting there is some type of authority figure that is causing you to stagnate in some way.  Like they are inhibiting you from being open and expressing yourself…maybe even verbally.  This person is holding your rogue in some way? Like causing you to be weary about what comes out of your mouth for fear of judgment. Despite this pile 3 you are trying to get a move on from either this person on this energy. Your dreams again could be void and are telling you to get going…if you aren’t already.  Take control of that authority figure inside of you inside of letting others take control of you. You may have had an authority/father figure use you in some way…perhaps monetarily. Wow I’m sorry pile 3 that’s awful. They may have stolen money or took advantage of your emotions. Like maybe using things you’ve emotionally been through to guilt trip you in some way. Very gross this person can burn in hell. They may have done this to trick you and play with your emotions. They may have wronged you or never admits to you that they are wrong. For the sake of yourself let them go…it’s up to you if you want to forgive them later but remove them if they cause you pain and insecurities. Don’t let them dictate what, who, or how you should be it’s your life. Spirit is saying you need to move on or you need to get a move on because, you are destined for greatness believe it or not pile 3. Heal yourself and ground yourself. You have way too much to do you are destined for greatness. Again I can’t make this stuff up one of my oracle cards “Dream Catcher” popped out and the message I was most pulled to was “bright future you ahead of you for sure”. Like I said you are destined for greatness pile 3 I can’t stress that enough. Let whatever is going you stagnant go to that you can achieve this. Only be around what bring you joy.
Song/Lyrics: Unpretty by TLC
You can buy your hair if it won’t grow…you can fix your nose if you say so…you can buy all the make up that Mac can make…but if you
can’t look inside you find out who am I too….be in a position to make me feel so damn unpretty to
One final message this person may have made you feel insecure about yourself…you are a gorgeous human being inside and out pile 3…don’t forget it
Thank you for reading...!!!!
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Follow me: @youthnighttarot
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astrologylunarfish · 2 years ago
New Moon in Pisces ✨🌑🌊
The new moon occurs on 2/20/23 at 12:05am mst at 1 degree pisces. Pisces is very intuitive and finds things without looking where you might normally look. It’s going within and seeing things, searching and seeking and finding answers that will heal and grow and nourish your deeper soul. It’s in the in between. The blending or worlds. The spiritual and physical world. Saturn is creating a out of sign conjunct as well. So it is a good time for new beginnings in relation to healing and growth and what you want to build for your future. Releasing old karmic debts holding you back. Pay attention to your dreams, pay attention to your gut and your intuition. They will give you signs and point you in the right direction. Just have to have a little faith and compassion for yourself. And know that we are all connected, even in the dark of the moon. ✨✨
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izbelross · 2 years ago
Por la vida que soy libre
A/N: Welcome back my fellow strangers :D Yesterday I had a hell of a ride on this planet called Earth in a big place called Mexico. It. Was. Awesome. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this second chapter, that is actually the third part of this hopefully ten chapter series. Leave a comment, I'm always wanting to read what you think.
Warnings: violence (kinda explicit) / angst / triple pinning / Fratt being Fratt / fluffishness / panic attacks / swearing / bad words, really, really bad words ;) / reader being a lil' piece of shit (do not mind me, just putting my issues here)
Synopsis: everyone is born with a soulmate (a/n: wouldn't that be mental?) Soulmates can hear their thoughts since childhood, some others up until they're older. This connection only becomes stable when soulmates meet, but as it can be nourished to bloom into something solid it can also be stopped. Soulmates come with a free choice, you don't die without them, you can learn to live with the one of your choice, free will no matter what. Although those who chose their destined ones can coincide in one thing: "You could never regret it". But when you are raised like a puppet of violence, your free will in every aspect of your life seems to have never existed. Along with your chance of meeting the ones destined for you.
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
✨Taglist: @scoliobean @dusstory
Chapter 2
"Solo llorar no es bueno"
"Remember? We were so young back then, no worries, just you and me, me your ignorance that made everything else meaningless. Now look at us, you have gotten older, meanwhile I am here, the same as always, just not for you, baby."
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·
"Frank! Where are you!"
His lungs where burning with every jump and landing he made all around Hell's Kitchen, his eyes trying to focus, to gain a little more time to talk to Castle, hear him again wherever he was. "Frank!" Matt was a man that never really thought things thorough, half his choices were done in an instant, which gave him repercussions with time, losing friendships, losing lovers, losing support. All of those time he always felt the right choice was being made. The only truth was his and his only, no other way, no other options.
But we have already talked about destiny, remember?
After bolting out of the firm, with the nagging feeling on his head coming from Frank's mind, he almost goes mad with the amount of fear that blinded him. Castle was far, far away, and the obvious sound of water was the last sound that he received from the other man.
Daredevil came out then, for it wasn't enough for Matthew Murdock to handle losing someone else he cared for, someone he hasn't even had the chance to-
"Matt" Frank whisper almost making him drop to his knees in the middle of a landing, he had to stop himself to breath once, exhale, breath another time and exhale. His constricted lungs making the air travel up to his fogged mind. "Castle, where the fuck are you? What happened?"
"I got- someone attacked me, got rid of'em, so, it's 'kay."
Matt got up again and started running, Frank's voice only a whispered carried by the wind, but strong enough to tell him where his soulmate was. "I'm coming, stay there." Frank's short growling was his only response.
You forgot very soon about the weird lawyer and the strange feeling on your chest right after he bolted out the room, and apparently out of the rest of city. "How long?" You have asked Nelson "We will have to continue without him." He answered, and so, you signed the papers without Murdock and continued with your life like nothing had happened.
There was so much that could be done for the next part, with you searching for Erik and trying to reach contact with Charles without really getting anywhere near Canada, where you had a penalty of dead if ever set foot there again. Yelena had almost disappeared, no one of you knew why or where, but you really hoped she was okay.
Sharon was the only one that still held contact with you, from a biper without register on the internet data and the geolocalization from government trackers.
Seating cross ledge on the open field, your closed eyes moved behind your eyelids. You had been meditating for almost an entire week, four to six hours a day without breaks, it was the first safest option to try to speak with Charles.
So far it was being useless.
Back in your mind though you felt it again, a strange impulse to see, not with your eyes, but with that deep hidden part of you that knew you were needed somewhere. "Castle" you heard a murmur and in your state of catharsis the voice became clearer.
"... metal bender or some shit. On the first and second street, near the dumpster, he made the deal to give me his location."
"You can't go on this condition, we don't know what he's capable of and-"
"Red, I honestly don't give two shits about it! I've been hunting these assholes for a long time and I'm not gonna stop now!"
The loud voices made your skin turn warm, they weren't as near threatening but more a sad plea of help and understanding. A pain that got under every fiver and made your hands twitch, wanting to hold to whoever this was and embrace him forever.
"I know! You think I don't give a fuck about it! I care too! You are my soulmate too! I can feel your pain too! And I-" the sound of a groan came out of this softer voice. "I can't lose you, not like this. I know how much pain it gives you, but you can't keep doing this to yourself. I told you I'll help you hunt them down and that's what I'm doing-"
"You listen here right now! Me helping you with them doesn't mean I'll just sit there and watch you rip yourself apart o let other do it! Do not ask that of me Castle, you know damn well I wouldn't and if it were you in my place, mhpff-"
The muffled sound of a moan flew to you, a private thing that your ears were witnessing and for some reason, it felt like the reason you were listening was because you had to be in this exact moment. And even more, you should be there, seeing with your eyes, your own ears, feeling their warmth that even only their voices could give you.
It felt like a dream, until like every other you woke up like a punch in your gut, the next words freezing your longing.
"Erik Lensherr is the last one of 'em, Red. I'll end him and then all'll be over."
Your eyes flew open. Concentration lost for a solid minute and even when you closed them again, trying with all your might to reach them, it was futile.
"Shit, shit, SHIT!"
Scrambling to your feet, you ran to the hotel you were staying it, the pressure of a really bad thing climbing to your bones.
"So now we're hunting a Castle and a Red?" Bucky asked while you waited for said men to appear, you didn't know when they were going to be here, or how much of a threat they were capable of, but the way Castle talked about the mutant told you enough to know he wasn't one. So instead of trying to dig for more info, like Sharon at right suggested, you took all your lest heavy weapons, took Bucky and Sharon, sending Sam as a snipper into one of the buildings and camped in the dumpster. After three days and two nights, Bucky was starting to get on your nerves.
"For the twenty fifth time, Barnes, yes, now shut up, please" Sharon answered. Looking through night-goggles. After a few seconds of silence with Bucky cleaning his weapon, she murmured your name softly. "I see two figures coming," you quickly took your own, focusing on the both silhouettes, one was barely lit by the moonlight, he was all clad in red, Red, and the other was bulkier and taller, Castle. "The red one stopped walking."
You didn't dare speak "Shit, that's Daredevil and The Punisher." Said Sam through the comms.
"You've worked with them before?" Sharon spoke, getting her ammo checked and unlocking her three guns. Bucky nodded, "Once, it was enough to know the man is a psycho and the other is no better." You gulped, you knew the reason why you have heard them, still you didn't acknowledge it, you didn't want to. If they were here for one of the most important people in your life, then it would only bring you pain. "They're close tho, they wanna hide it but, i think it's pretty obvious." He moved his chin, like signalling at them and there they were, moving like a unity, Castle kept his gun pointed slightly down, ready to shoot in a movement, and Daredevil kept a steady a few steps behind.
"They probably know we're here, you should go out." Sharon and you shared a look at Sam suggestion. "Daredevil has super hearing or somethin'"
"He's a mutant?"
"Nah, only an enhanced. That's what they told us at least."
"Let's go then." Murmured your blonde friend. You still didn't dare speak and instead opted to put on your mask and yellow goggles. "Why are you-?" You cut in before she could finish.
"Caution." The metallic voice coming through the vents of your mask would suffice. If the man used a mask, he could be any one, he would naturally detect your voice if you ever had had contact. And you weren't risking your privacy, didn't matter if they were your- your- "Ugh, let's go."
"Gentlemen, good night." Greeted Sharon, while coming two steps in front of Bucky and you, her hands relaxed at her side, close enough to grab at her guns, and you and the Soldier fanned behind her slowly, setting a perimeter to reach them as well.
The Punisher and Daredevil were defensive, muscles waiting at the least threat to set into attack mode. When the Devil talked you immediately recognised his voice. Matthew Murdock.
"Splendid time for a walk it seems." The phrase made for setting the contact with Frank's intel flew over all your heads.
"Not so much, sadly." Answered Bucky and in one blink of an eye The Punisher's guns, each in one hand was pointed towards Sharon and Bucky, a little insulting if you admit it, but it was an obvious reaction, they were the only ones with fire guns, yours were just a little less visible.
In automatic, Sharon and Bucky pointed to them as well and the little red dot from somewhere in the far buildings behind, found home at Castle's head. "You'll probably want to put that down, Castle." You spoke and if he or the Devil were surprised with you saying his name or whatever, they didn't show. "If they are already here," Frank thought, "it's probably obvious they know about our names as well."
"A pretty logic thinking, but that could back fire at us if we give away too much info." Whispered Matt to his soulmate's mind.
You looked at the way they stood there, unmoving, without answering. They are talking to each other. And so you decided to play a little, after all, you were trained by the beat liars in the world: If you want to lie, then you have to believe your own lies, they aren't as much but truths, truths you aren't trying to make believe but truths your are informing.
"What would they think of you if they saw you with him, Red?" You spoke and he turned his head a little, Frank's eyes glancing so fast to his partner that you would have missed it, but Sharon and yourself were pretty focused on every inch of reaction. She knew exactly what you were doing. "I don't think Page and Nelson would be so happy about you running around with a murderer."
Aaaand... there it was. Murdock's body stiffen and Castle's head turned to look at him directly.
"What are you doing here?" A smirk played in your lips, he didn't bite.
"Perhaps you don't care too much because, option one: You don't care about them, their reactions." Bucky didn't move at your side, he was probably hearing Sam's breathing, steady and grounding. "Which I doubt from what I've seen." Sharon's multitasking was perfect, pointing her guns at both men, following the chit chat, listening for threats. "Number two: They already know and don't give a shit because they love you." No reaction. "Number three: they've come with you."
Matt Murdock was an impulsive man, as we already know. So it was no surprise that his other face of the coin, the Devil, sometimes took his place to make things, no, not better. Actually worst. That's why he reacted the most stupid way he did.
Frank barely registered when his other stupid half ran straight towards Sharon, who didn't give two shits and shoot to his leg, leaving him screaming on the floor. Frank shoot her but didn't have in mind that you all had more technology from Tony –blessed Tony Stark wherever he is now– and as soon the bullets touched the invisible shield surrounding you, they flew backwards in every other direction.
Surprised filled Frank and terror soon stroked next, when Bucky shifted and shot him straight to his calf, bullet coming out, just like Sharon's bullet to Daredevil.
"Don't you dare touch him!" Screamed Murdock when you approached Frank. You stoped in your tracks and sent him an annoyed glare. "I'm not stupid, double D, calm your nipples."
You crouched down, away from Frank's trembling form and were met by his eyes trying to kill you. "Why are you here?"
"Tha's non of y'business." He answered, barely containing his pained groans.
"It is my business when someone wants to reach my boss." You said, firm pulse containing the lie. He only stared at you for a second but his gaze snapped towards Matt when he tried to move away from an approaching Bucky.
"I have to apply pressure in that leg. Or you'll bleed out." Bucky got closer to Murdock, with Sharon following behind every move. Still Matt didn't dare to speak and for what you could see, Castle was about to scream some more, this time at the soldier.
Murdock nodded one time and Bucky got into action, cleaning the affected area as fast as possible without doing more damage and applying the drying spry for the wound. "And who are they?" Asked the man in red, pointing to you and Sharon with his chin. Sharon didn't waver in pointing at Daredevil nor Castle, not even when Bucky send her a pointed look.
"We're the ones that will end you if you don't answer our questions, man." Replied Sharon.
"Sorry before hand, blonde." Said Murdock.
"Sorry about what?" Before any of you could say something else, Frank screamed "Cristianismo!" Leaving you all weirded out for a few seconds, until Sam spoke through the comms telling you that there were red dots on your backs.
"Well shit." You whispered.
In front of you, Bucky stood still, and you did the same when the voices of unknown people were heard from speakers all around the place.
For a moment Frank knew they were saved, this wasn't the first time someone had shoot them in what seemed a pretty civilised environment, he never imagined that people that used to be part of the avengers would ever wield a gun against someone, not even someone like them. He looked at you, like an unknown force that dare him to lay his eyes on you once, and then twice.
Your mask and yellow goggles didn't let him known for sure your features, not even your hair was visible, but the way you moved, the way you spoke, that was something that got his eye. However, the moment was lost when the voice he was expecting with such conviction, wasn't exactly the one he hoped to hear.
"Well, well, well... look what the fuck we got here."
Soon more red dots appeared in the heads of Castle and Matt, and yours and your friends. And so, a collective "Shit" was heard, it would have been comical, and if Wade was here for sure he would have laughed.
"When I told you to bring the party, Mr. Castle. This wasn't what I meant." A laugh was heard through the speakers and the "meow" of a cat. "Shh, darling, daddy's working. What was I saying? Ah! Yes, yes... yes..." Bucky and Sharon shared a look. In front of them, the injured men didn't move. "Bring my friends to me. Kill the others. Good bye, little flowers!"
"You fuckheads!"
Before the shots could be heard, Sam let go the eon bomb, stopping any kind of energy to run, so the comms turn off, the guns stopped working and the entire lights stopped working. Like about twenty people got out of seemingly nowhere, annoyed as hell, and Matt was the only one that could take notice of their exact spot.
"They are coming from all around us! You all need to leave!" He screamed at your team.
Bucky shared a short conversation with his soulmate, that soon turned into a rippled scream that told you and Sharon enough about what was going on in that building, away from all of you. "I need to go! I need to...!" He didn't even finished his sentence when you and Sharon started to run alongside him, leaving the men laying on the floor who were soon surrounded by their new "friend" and the hanging feeling on your chest that you did something very, very wrong.
But you ignored it, again, and followed your friends to help Sam.
The lights came back as you all were in the building, climbing the first fly of stairs. Outside of there, you couldn't pick a single sound, your forceful puffs of air while trying to get there on time not letting your ears get anything else but the thrumming of your head or the burning in your lungs.
"Sam!" Bucky threw himself through the door, watching his soulmate fighting five people on his own, without a second thought hi got into action and not even Sharon or you, that got there ten seconds after, were fast enough to help. Poor Sam was left standing there right about to punch another fellow that was grabbed by the neck and thrown across the room, the force cracking his skull on the wall and ending him just as fast.
"Wow." Whispered Sharon and you couldn't do anything else but nod with big doe eyes. So powerful was the love, that the heavy feeling from moments ago started to tug to you, like commanding you to go back outside, to help the men that surely were being drag now into a trap.
You were going mad, probably, you weren't a hundred percent sure, but when you realised the "I need to follow them" phrase came out of your mouth and stumbled through the door running down the stairs and jumping three at a time, you were already helping Castle and Murdock kick the shit out of the ten people left in there.
Both of them saw you running to help. But in very different ways. Frank was there, watching over the shoulder of the man he was literally kicking to death, you sprinting towards another that was pointing directly at Matt and how in one flying kick you broke his spine. The bullet flying in the opposite direction. You turned to look at him and Frank send you a nod, which you reciprocated.
Matthew was another story. He first heard you with clarity, like his ability to identify Frank's footsteps had suddenly expanded towards yours, with only meeting. Although he knew, he wasn't completely sure, but he had the suspicion that he had already heard the compass of your walking. After spotting you around them, he could smell your adrenaline, the sweat that clung to your body and the aroma that told him exactly who you were, and, for his own shame, his foot almost slipped with the revelation.
Like transported for a mili second, he was back on the day you were on his firm with the Soldiers. It was definitely you, and now he knew, he fucking knew for sure, Barnes and Wilson were two assholes that deserved to have a good ass kicking for shooting them both. And you for acting all so incapable of harming someone. Not like he wasn't doing the exact same thing but, you get the point.
"Castle! At your left!" The man followed your warning, dodging a punch with a metal bar that opened his chances to strike at his attacker and left him unconscious.
A couple more minutes after. The fight was over, leaving you three gasping for air and hurting in many places.
The mental fight began between Frank and Matt. Like always, there was the pull that dared them get closer. To get to help each other, care for each of their wounds in the gentle manner and un-judging way a soulmate can. First assessing in mentality, asking themselves if the were damaged beyond scraped, cuts or punches. But when their closed banter was starting, your voice shut them up inmeadiatly, lulling them instead into paying you close attention. Like dogs who are in the middle of being defensive and wanting to trust.
"You two look like shit." They didn't answer and you took that as a good sign. What are you doing down there, Y/N? You ignored Sam's voice through the comms. "I have medical supplies that can help you but first we need to get out of here."
"I assume you have more questions at hand, don't ya' sweetheart?" Frank took a step closer to you, at his side, the other man was a little unsure.
"Y/N?" Looking at Murdock you could only nod, Castle didn't look surprised. "Why? I mean-" he licked his lips, a question hanging heavy between you three. "I can tell you whatever you want to know if, only if you come with me. After all," your eyes settled in Castle's with a heaviness to them that his breath got stuck on his throat. "I have questions of my own, darling." His adan apple bobbed and you knew you had him right where you wanted.
You eyes twinkle with the knowledge that these men here, right there in front of you were probably trying to hunt down the most important man in your life, you were going to do whatever the shit was needed to stop them, even if you had to fight them, kill them and die trying.
But then... then you heard it.
"I don't like this, Red. They just shot us!" You could swear that the big man lips didn't move and you could swear that....
"HOLY SHIT!" You and Matthew flinched at the same time when he screamed, his almost always controlled voice getting louder and louder, both in your heads and in the outside.
"Did you just speak in my head!" Joining to his string of curses he took a step closer to you and even if he kept on murmuring obscenities no one could deny the look of amazement on his irises. "You are- are there, right there- here."
It felt weird. Not like finding something you have been searching for, not quite like it but close enough.
You were your entire everything before this moment. Like there was no other someone that was waiting for you or you were waiting for. The parts of you that were full, didn't suddenly got to make space for two split souls you just encounter, no, no. On the contrary, it's like you expanded, like the world you lived in, your little you suddenly decided that here, tight now, those two men right there were an extension of you.
A void that has never been a void. A void that is still a void ob blackness that is you, a darkness so deep that makes you what you are because it can mold, it can reflect the light that wants come inside it and make it its own and now, now there were two more voids that were, that are, to make you company.
"I can feel your head spiralling." Chuckled Murdock, just not out loud, and it was a different voice, something softer, something like silk that ran through your sensitive fibres, making your last cell purr in pure extasis. "Dear mother of fucking christ." Frank let out a loud laugh with your mumble that made an echo inside of you, waves that slowly formed with the deep sound of one of your soulmates.
"Welcome to the club."
For seconds that got longer and longer you three stood there, not knowing what to do but more so hearing each others rush of thoughts. The "And now what?" "What do we do?" "This is soooo fucked up."
Honestly you couldn't blame them, your own mind made you believe that you were dreaming, like your body was there but you were watching everything from the outside.
"I-" Murdock got interrupted by the sounds of many screeching cars near the place, the reality of the situation came crashing down again in all of you.
This wasn't the most preferably moment to have an encounter. "We have to move" whispered Frank on his head and there you went. The comms going off with the soft bump of someone crashing them and fear started to creep to you. You could hear both of the men in your head, telling you to keep running, even if you were ahead of them and they could barely stand on their not so healed legs.
Still, you didn't let on your speed, jumping over the fence even with the sudden gunshots going off all around you, lights that didn't quite reach any of you but that surely would have had if only you were slower.
You didn't went back to the point of encounter with your team, not daring to bring back more danger than was already ahead of them. Letting your chaser follow you to the deep forest far north of the place. "Cheers for American random forests" you thought. "Not time for joking, kid." Frank's mind answered to you.
You only kept running, to the thickest of the forest.
Looking to Frank getting a car engine started you thought in all the ways he could do the work faster. How he was making it all the more complicated way and how you knew different tactics for that, Castle only spared few quick glances at you, grunting low every now and then.
Matthew was far away, doing his god knows what, but for the newly connection his string of curses to the paperless toilet was pretty clear.
"Got it." The man in black finally got the engine purring steadily, "Hurry up before we leave you here, Red."
Not you nor him dare to glance at each other, he kept his gaze looking through the front glass and you through the copilot window.
You didn't know what you were doing. Going along with them and helping them buy stuff from the pharmacy was like playing to the fucking doll house. Many questions hanged from your mind, they were there and they could read them. Each one of them and yet, they all went ignored. Castle only looked at you in few occasions, not daring to share, not daring to ask.
Murdock just stood into his playful self of pure Daredevil. Joking once in a while and sassing you and Frank with every step you took. But behind all that you could sense that this wasn't new for them. Being defensive. Unattached.
It was a match were even if you happened to be a new player, knew the rules very well and followed them to the letter. After all, Yelena and Natasha and yourself used to be like this. Unapproachable but making believe the world mattered when in reality it was far from it.
And now this two men were like you were years ago. Before meeting and joining the Avengers. Emotionally constipated.
"What the fuck does that even mean?" Castle looked at you through the mirror, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Just speaking my mind, man. Can't even do that?" Snorting he looked away to an approaching Matt.
There was no point in stoping the conversation when Murdock entered the back seat, so you didn't dare not answer when Frank continued talking, "Your sisters?" A lump formed in your throat and he glanced at you briefly, an intensity heavy of understanding, even if it were only few seconds, for your damaged soul it was warm enough to lit a fire your years. "Yes"
That was the only thing you answered. Frank nodded and a quiet pat on your shoulder was given by Matt.
For the next half an hour no more words were exchanged, just images that flew past from them to you and vice versa.
"I thought we lost them!" You wheezed, Murdock hanging for dear life to the edge of a cliff, Frank panting at your side and like you grabbing the terrified hanging man from one arm to pull it towards yourselves.
Far away the crashing sound of the car still echoed all around the hills, a coming explosion throwing black smoke that would take time to evaporate away.
Matt was clutching your and Frank's hand, his eyes blinking, moving one side to another trying to make out your faces in all of the infernal world he was able to see. Your right hand clutched his t-shirt from the back and your forehead rested on his cheek, sending images of the ocean, the sound of the waves, the smell of the refreshing salty weather.
Frank's hand didn't let go of Murdock's but he didn't got close either, preferring to observe you both, a coming and going of soft reassurances and quiet terrified exhales. He had never been this touchy –if you could call that to holding the wrist of someone so hard to almost leave imprints– with anyone, not after Maria and more strange even, with Red. Knowing that you could someone, that the mere chance of it was about to happen a few seconds ago was enough to not let go of his hand and in exchange Matt gripped his even harder.
You could feel his eyes on you, so you took a peak over Matt's shoulder and there, Frank's little smile, without hesitancies, without awkward feelings.
A tenderness washed over you, this men were just as troubled, just as confused even after years of having each other. But you, you had that question still in you, that nagging part that didn't let your open perspective go over all the details, the changes that were already blooming.
You let yourself enjoy, just for a little bit more. A bittersweet memory of Matt's shaking figure and Frank's frantic eyes, the warmth enveloping your bones.
"Why were you searching for Erik Lensherr?"
The travel by car had come to a stop with said car falling of a cliff and exploding at the bottom. There was nothing left of the supplies, you could fantasise that you made it out of the way from the "secret friend" of Castle, the stupid prick of a soulmate that was now hanging from a post, his hands over his head, prickling from lost of blood.
It wasn't surprising that after trying to fight the men that got you against the edge of the mountain you wouldn't be able to over power them. Fighting five each and being to tired to go against the rest of them, almost like twenty more. More and more you try to grab sand in your fist, the more it slips between your fingers until everything went dark.
So here you were now, hanging from a post, the same way as Murdock and Castle, hands over head tied together and aching ribs.
They didn't need to look to deep into your mind to see the memories barely contained of your days with Erik, the good ones and some dark ones that you let slip. It was hard trying to block them out, but you were a fast learner.
Matt took a long breath and sighed tiredly, this wasn't going to end well. "I have very strong suspicions that your beloved Magneto helped in murdering my family." Frank locked eyes with you, a strong feeling behind them, something you knew very, very well.
But you couldn't believe such a thing, maybe a little, Erik after all used to have many enemies, and getting rid of them was a speciality of his but, you were there looking at Frank giving you the bomb of information that some stranger gave him. "How you know this friend of your isn't lying?"
Matt grumbled a little, his tied extremities starting to get itchy. "Probably should talk some other time." Nor you or Castle spared him a glance.
"I trust him, he had some pretty logical reasons." Even with five meters separating you from each other and the barely lit room you could see his eyes setting on stone, getting defensive. Squinting your eyes you didn't dare think about something else but what you were about to ask. "And that's it? You think that because someone know simple things about you that make them trust worth it?"
"They aren't simple things," Frank seethed through greeted teeth "And no one-" he looked at you, Lensherr was someone you cared about, someone you were right now defending, you. He didn't know you, he had never hoped but for life to give him a glimpse, a single second of being with his other soulmate even if it was just a glimpse through a crowd street and no more. Right now tho? He was starting to regret it, mainly because his soulmate was talking back at him in pos of one of the murderers of his family, his children, his wife.
Matt inclined his head, his brain starting to pound with the mental battle, the conclusions so fast running from one mind to another. The mask off his face only made it better for you and Frank to watch the worried barely contained expression, but it's not like any of you two would lose the staring battle.
"Are you defending him?" The words were spitted out his mouth, and it would have made you flinch, the anger behind them and the promise of something that probably would never get fixed. His heart got into a steady rhythm on his chest, like when he was calculating the perfect angle for shooting. You with your vulnerable position just like him and a lot of alone time but not enough time all in the same moment, just closed your mind, he didn't care. "What if I am?"
There it was.
Frank Castle rejoiced a few hours ago, when your connection got stable, when Red and him woke up first than you and he was able to look at your face ridden of that mask and glasses. A gorgeous sight even in the fucking cell they were. His chest wanted to have you close, the longing was there and he knew with a little more time, just like what happened with Red and him, you three would find a peace in your daily lives.
But he had forgotten about Erik Lensherr and the way you had pronounced his name, with a voice that had behind curiosity, caution, even fondness, and then the world was clear from the high of being reunited.
He shook his head, not believing, not wanting to believe, "You're not better than him."
Pain crushed your mind, a feeling not so foreign for you. Many times back in the red room they had tried to cut your connection, prolonging the mental pain and allowing the suffering to clean you from the bond that hadn't bloom at that time. It would have surprised you that he wouldn't dare to break the connection "Castle, stop right now, don't you fucking dare!" Matt revolved against the chains, his body wanting to get closer to his soulmate crying soul, both of you were lashing against each other and he wasn't sure if he agreed with you or him, he just couldn't .
Frank's lost had been –and still was– a wound that wouldn't close, it wasn't bleeding or infected. The pus had been cleaned and patched but the stitches would reopen every now and then, right after the anniversary of their deaths or when they encounter people left that knew about the most minimal detail, no matter how insignificant it was.
Now tho, he could feel again the blood going straight to his head not allowing him to think of anything beyond the rage, the misery and so before any of you could speak the door opened reviling him.
"What is this my eyes see? A hound? A wolf?" He looked at you, the incredulity shining in your eyes. For more than ten years you- you believed that- "A little kitten perhaps?" His white teeth were left in sight when he smiled, a face you recognised so well from the memories, from nightmares.
"(Y/n), look at me, look at me." The man in front of you continued talking, Frank's voice reaching your ears as well, his menacing tone but not quite understanding anything beyond this monster getting near you and the feeling of his cold hands on your face. "Focus on me, sweetheart, please, focus on my voice. I need you to breath." Matt was pleading, your memories going in all directions for him and Castle, the man still talking to him, to them, touching your face like a lover would and you there just unmoving, with the edge in your mind that got their ears with a numb noise, just like years before, when they knew about your existence.
It was maddening, seeing you there so close again, and they were unable to do anything.
Frank's rage went below the surface, his own pain coming back, the guilt of not being capable of helping in the right time. "Do not fucking touch them! I swear I would end your fucking life!"
Matt's hands buckled against the restrains, his wrists going lax and slowly trying on disarticulating his union with the thumb.
"Erik Lensherr!" Screamed Frank at the man in front of them and Matt stoped his movements looking at Frank like he had grown a second hand. "I am talking to you stupid fucker! Look at me!"
The man caressing your trembling form chuckled without no care he looked back at them. "What do you mean Erik Lensherr?" Asked Matt, not knowing the fuck was going on "Frank, that's not Erik Lensherr."
"Look at him! What do you mean-?" A piece of metal wrapped around his throat, or at least, that's what Frank felt, shutting up inmeadiatly and stretching his neck.
"This is a vision" screamed Matt, your head trying to comprehend and trying to even your breath "He's not real!"
"Dear Matty," an old voice that made his blood run cold came out of the man, Matt couldn't distinguish him, the unusual movement around him, the cackling fire not settling but forming a mass of savage oranges and furious reds. "You're still weak, caring too much, hanging onto useless feelings, kid."
"Well shit." You whispered, the spell of a nightmare going right against Murdock and Frank letting you breath and your mind to clean. "What are you?" You asked. Frank looked at you, too stunned to speak with the flow of memories from Red, you were barely resisting the urge to scream at the thing in front of you. "What are you?" You asked.
"Stick is dead, he is dead, he is dead." said Matt like a mantra, repeating it over and over until he could believe it, until the voice of the old man was lost to his ears and he focused instead on your voice, your questions, the fast beatings of Frank's heart. One of his hands was still on the tight grip of the handcuffs, the other aching and gripping hard to his still trapped wrist, he focused on that pain as well, better than the rage he felt for the last man he almost got to consider family and all the complicated relationship he build around them.
"I am simply a friend of yours that offers an answer for your questions." He spoke to Frank this time and again you couldn't believe that he was trusting this... this thing. "You wanted to know something, I happen to know what you seek for, but every knowledge has a price, what would you give me in return?"
"Don't you dare, Punisher, don't you fu-" your throat got caught by an imaginary metal as well, not that you were able to discern between them, for it felt to real.
Castle looked at you, both between the sword and wall and your warnings ringing high on his head, your whispered angry warnings on his mind "What do you want?" Matt's head moved in his direction and the bubbling anger just got deeper in you.
"I want... I want..." The copy of Erik sing sang, prolonging the vocals and getting nearer to Castle. "You'll have to give me something powerful and old, something strong, yes, yes..." taking a knife out his pocket, you and Matt bristled and screamed when he cut the vest covering Frank's chest. He didn't even care, only looking at the image of Erik in front of him, he didn't care when the bullet proof vest fell to the floor, or when the knife cut through his black clothing, showing his chest. "When you find it, when you take it. You'll bring it to me and your debt will be payed."
A heartbeat pass between your eyes boring into Frank's skull, his closed mind to you not letting the very furious words reach him and Matt's pleas for Frank to don't do it, not accept.
But even if he glanced at both of you he didn't dare refuse "Agreed." The monster in front of your eyes smiled at Frank while rapidly cutting an 'x' on his left pectoral, a hissing came out his mouth and suddenly the cuffs on his wrists and ankles weren't there anymore, letting him to fall to the floor clutching his newly mark chest and that monster disappeared between yours and Matt's swearings and worried screams.
Both of you fell hard to the floor, the room around you disappearing, the poles were no where in sight, the place turned into greens, and mountains and the smell of burning gas and you were again at the edge of the cliff, the car far below you and the sound of cars getting far away from you, through the forest road started to ground you.
For two minutes Matt and you were dumbfounded, "Son of a bitch!" You screamed. "It was an illusion" Murdock scrambled on his knees to you and took your face into his hands, it was rough, the movement of his fingers checking the places the monster touched you. Looking at him, you took his hands away from your face and both got up, running to Castle's whining form on the dirt.
His vest was on him, as well as his shirt but still he clutched his chest, sobbing in a terrible burn that was slowly fading.
With desperation he but tear away his vest and pull down the neckline of the black clothe.
You all sat there, flabbergasted racing hearts that didn't stop you from reaching out and roaming your fingers over the scar in form of an 'x', Frank looked at your hand, tracing the lines that should be hurting, following your arm with his eyes and finding your neck he checked from his spot that your neck wasn't hurt.
Then he looked at Matt, that had a hand on his right shoulder, wandering eyes focusing between him and you. "That was- it all..." his voice barely heard with the wind of the small mountain.
"Yeah." Matt answered.
The sound of an alarm startled you, your minds too tired to take precautions just turned at the forest behind your back and Frank's.
There sat like it was normal a smartphone. Left with the distinguishable tone of an alarm.
Matt got up and offered his hand to you, helping you on your feet while Frank ignored you two and walked to the device waiting for him.
Picking it up and turning off the alarm the screen had a text for image, "We have a deal, check notes, check documents."
"You are so fucked, Castle. I swear..." you murmured.
He was too occupied reading the notes with the date of delivering of what he promised and the place. And then documents with the next stop of Erik Lensherr, his weaknesses, his contacts, his past and his friends.
Frank looked at you, then at Matt a few steps ahead, poetically between you, "I'm not gonna stop 'til s'dead," you knew that, of course you knew, not even a few hours ago you met but his entire life wasn't going to change only because he had you or Matt. You looked at the man between you. His body stiff and surprisingly you heard Frank in your mind as well, reading as fast as he could, generally, through the pages and pages, photos.
"I can't let you hurt him."
" I know." He put the phone on his back pocket and walked to his vest on the floor, picking it up.
"I'll help you find him." You said while watching how he strapped it to his chest and how his hands trembled with your words.
Matt had a sense of deja vu, having being in your place a few weeks ago and for the fleeting cloud of uneasiness at Frank's mind, he knew he wasn't the only one.
Frank Castle stood on all his height, arms limp on each side of his body, rigid shoulders but with strangely soft eyes. "When I find him, I'm gonna kill'm"
You took a step forward, Murdock trying to keep a level headed thinking, not focusing on the many possibilities where you trying to save Lensherr leaded to Frank having to hurt you, or worst.
"I know."
107 notes · View notes
alchemie-tarot · 2 years ago
Mini Blessings: Full Moon in Cancer
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Feel free to choose the pile/s that call out to you. Some details may not resonate with you since this is a general reading. As always, nothing is set in stone, so please don’t take it too seriously. ✨
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Card 1 - The Star
Renewed hope and healing. A refreshing new outlook in life. Nourishment of the body and soul. Finding time to do both. Prioritizing rest and play. Shining aura in a room full of people. Overflowing creativity. All of it came from you, and you emerged from the darkness brighter than ever.
= = = = = = = = =
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Card 2 - Queen of Swords
“I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time.” Rolling with the punches with a can-do attitude. Boundaries. Seeing the silver lining in every situation. Information that would greatly benefit you. Being able to read between the lines. Gracefulness in the face of criticism and judgment. Recognition from your superiors.
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Card 3 - Knight of Swords
Carpe diem. A great, inspired action that will have a domino effect. Coming up with solutions to problems left and right. Getting that job done– no ifs, no buts. Intellectual stimulation. Tunnel vision towards your goals. Pushing through even on the slow days. Ride or die. Facing your fears head-on.
= = = = = = = = =
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Card 4 - The Hierophant
Keeping your standards. Something has been endowed to you from your family tree. Fitting in, right where you belong. A rite of passage. Mastering yourself at all levels. Unconditional protection, wherever you go. An epiphany related to something only you can offer to this world.
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Card 5 - 5 of Pentacles
Overcoming lack and the mindset that something will always be standing in the way. For every loss, there is a gain. The only way to go from rock bottom is up. More opportunities to be grateful about. Foresight for future challenges. Redirection. Blessings in disguise. Light at the end of the tunnel. Answered questions. Waking up and seeing all the help and support that surrounds you.
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Card 6 - King of Pentacles
Flourishing craft or business. Laying solid foundations. Making the most out of what you have and achieving results beyond your expectations. Being seen and established within your community. Material comforts. Boss energy. Hall of fame elevation. Like attracts like. Everything you touch turns to gold. 
= = = = = = = = =
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Card 7 - 5 of Swords
Humility and acceptance. Picking your battles. Understanding of your blind spots and cutting ties with weak links. Focus on the bigger picture. Getting unfinished business over with. Being able to lay all your cards on the table. An important compromise.
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Card 8 - 6 of Swords
The calm after a storm. A big sigh of relief. Leaving unwanted things of the past behind. Walking away for good from what no longer serves you. Knowing when to quit for your greater and long term benefit. An opportunity to start anew. Healing in quiet and solitude.
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Card 9 - 10 of Swords
The dawn that comes after the darkest hour. Nothing has been done in vain. Coming to terms with the inevitable courses of life. Emotional and spiritual purging. Someone close to you may not have your best interests in mind. Forgiveness for yourself. The worst has passed and it only gets better from here.
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As always, thank you for taking the time to go through this reading. Feel free to let me know how you found it, if it resonated in any form or not. I’m always open to hear feedback and comments you feel like sharing!
Take it easy, everyone. Take care! ✨
68 notes · View notes
apricot-tarot · 3 years ago
Pick-A-Card Reading: Letter from your Future Lover
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Click on the ‘KEEP READING’ to go to your pile.
I don’t know how I even decided to do this reading. I never considered doing channeled messages but here I am. I am following my gut so let’s see. You can do future spouse too, but this would be a letter from when you are still dating or haven’t tied the knot yet. Feedback is very welcomed and appreciated. 
Disclaimer: Tarot is not a substitution for legal, medical or financial advice. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Image Credits: Images were generated via Wombo.art.
For the little text dividers, credits go to @neptunight. The chunky ones are from Canva. ​
Enjoy ✨
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The Sun, 6 of cups - 6 of Wands, Knight Of Wands- The Star, Temperance
My dearest,
You are everything I have dreamt and wished for since I was a little kid believing in fairytales. Yes, I was the type of kid to daydream of fairytale romances and I wholeheartedly believed in Santa. I grew up from those silly beliefs, but I always remained a romantic. Deep down I always wanted that “true love” I heard so much of, a real connection that will bring me to cloud nine. I grew up and understood that was a bit unrealistic. I kind of lost that little hopeless romantic in me but I still wanted a safe and warm type of love. One that would be nourishing and healing.
I did not know I yearned so much for such love till you appeared in my life. We just fell right into each other’s path and I just wanted to be with you. I feel like I have won and I am finally on that cloud nine that I only believed as a kid. You know, I think I have always ached for you. Now that you are here it is like I can finally breathe. You bring me joy and pride. 
Being with you is so...It’s as if I have fallen in a “pudding” of love and it has overwhelmed my senses. In a good way...in a heavenly way. I know I want to move fast but I cannot not help it. You are a bit more cautious and want to take things slower. I understand that but I don’t know what compels me to move so fast with you. I think it’s because I feel like this is it. I am not being irresponsible, or maybe I am? I don’t know but let’s just be together. We will be able to do everything but right now let’s just be. 
What we have makes me hopeful about our future, about the life that we will build. You bring me peace and comfort. We will have stability and steadiness and a lot of love. You make me optimistic, the more I look at you the more I know that this is it. I hope it is the same thing for you. I am so grateful for what we have. I feel like we just belong. No one brings calmness to my soul like you do, like your love does. 
I am so grateful to you, my love.
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Song(s) - Oh My God by Adele and Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens. Maybe take a listen. No shufflemancy used but these songs came to mind:
Note: guys all the cards practically fell out at once. Was it cringe 🙈 honestly this took a certain classic romantic turn and I had to write it all. Now, please give me some feedback lol
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10 of Swords; 7 of Wands - The Magician; 3 of Wands - 3 of Cups; 2 of Cups
Love of mine, 
You know my pain and what I have gone through. I have been betrayed, I have been backstabbed and there was a lot of fighting. I felt attacked and I was in so much pain. It was a lot and it was tiring. I did not want to be like that but I had to protect myself, my dignity. It was hard. It affected us too, I was still on that self-defense mode. You witnessed it too, that side of me. I am sorry. I never meant to push you out but it was just that I was still in so much pain. I was hurt.
Even though, that situation made me realize what I want and what I need. Somehow, I was able to manifest you in my life. You are my person. Sometimes, I feel like you materialized out of thin air but you are real and you are here. With you by my side, I feel assured. You give me the security that I need. I look forward to the future and what it has in store for us. I think we are good to go. We know what we have to do and we will do it. We have planted the seed and now we have to just see it bloom. I will make sure that everything goes right. Together we can build what we dream of. Those dreams and wishes will not only be whispers between us but they will be our reality. I know what to do, you have to trust me. Trust our love and what we have.
What I really want to do is just celebrate. Celebrate our love. Let’s just get married. We should probably do the engagement first. We should do things, step by step. That’s better. We should celebrate our engagement too, of course. Let’s get everyone together and let’s be official. I want our union to be celebrated by us and by all our loved ones. We can go out and get drunk with our friends and then tell them of our plans. It would be fun. I know that no one will be surprised. I feel like everyone knew from the beginning. I think we knew too. 
It’s time for us to become one. Let’s start our life together.
Yours, always
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Song - Dandelions by Ruth B. Honestly, I had never listened to the full song but since I was feeling like putting it here, I thought I should take a good listen. I was like no, it kind of does not fit and then the lyric “...love of mine...” came on and omg. So, yeah I had to include it. If you have not noticed that is how I started the letter (no shufflemancy used)
Note: can you say love of mine (?). Is it a thing? I don’t know but it felt the right thing to write. “Love” or “My love” wasn’t IT. Anyway, this was not a reading about Future Spouse but it might as well be. Still, this is a letter from the time you aren’t married yet and it seems that it is just when you are about to take that next step.
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9 of Swords; 10 of Cups - Page of Cups; 7 of Cups - 2 of Swords
My precious,
I can’t sleep, I am stressed. I am overthinking things. I have this chance to be with you, to be in this relationship. I want to commit and I want this to be a long-lasting relationship with a strong foundation. I want us to be a family. However, I can’t help the agony that seeps in me. I don’t want anything to ruin our happiness, our home. 
I feel like I am being too much of a dreamer. It feels too good to be true. There is so much happening around me and it feels like I am going to ruin this. What do I do first? I don’t know. I have everything laid in front of me and I am hesitant to take it. Sometimes, I think to myself “Whatever I can do this, it’s okay. I am ready.” But, then I think of you and I don’t want what I am offering to you just be empty words. I believe in it but I don’t want it to be wishful thinking. My gut tells me to just go and I am dying to do so but I want to take safe and steady steps.
Honestly, it feels like a dream. It’s like I have fallen into a deep slumber and I am dreaming. This is how it feels. But it is real life and this is why I can’t be immature. Sometimes, I just want to get away with you. Just go on one of our dates and have a day to ourselves. Elope. I love those days, they make me forget about what keeps me up at night. Being with you feels so dreamy and I feel inspired. I feel like I can do and achieve anything. However, I still worry about everything. It’s just that you are such a wish come true..God I just can’t believe that you are real. 
But, I have a choice to make, I don’t know what to do. I am scared of doing the wrong thing. I am scared of wronging you, hurting you. I am at a standstill. I need time. I am here, I am not going anywhere but I need time to figure this out and I am scared... 
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Song - Diamonds by Rihanna, but listen to the slowed & reverbed version. No shufflemancy used.
Note: Plan was 6 cards for each pile, but for you pile 3 there was no “6th card” and with the 2 of Swords as the closing statement, it made sense so I did not push it. The energy is very honest and kind but there is this stress and uncertainty about moving forward. 
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8 of Cups; 5 of Pentacles - King of Cups; Wheel of Fortune - The Hermit; 3 of Wands
Mon Ange, 
It was hard to go through what we went through. Sometimes, I wonder if we would have made each other’s life slightly easier if we had met earlier. It does not really matter now but my mind sometimes wanders. Life was not kind to us. I was exhausted and just trying to survive. I walked away, left it behind but that did not make it easier. I still had to adapt and figure it out. I had to carry on but it wore out my soul. You understand this. You went through the same thing. It kills me to know that you were suffering. How I wish that I could have been there for you.
Honestly, I did not expect you. I don’t think you expected someone like me either. It kind of felt destined. As if it wasn’t just a mere coincidence. You fell first but I fell harder. I know you liked me since the first time you saw me. I still like to make you blush like I did back then. It is so endearing. I want to give you everything. I want to be a good omen in your life. You have no idea how much you mean to me. With me you are safe. This is going to be an emotionally stable relationship, just like you have always wanted. We will approach everything with maturity. Things are going to change and we will have to adjust but have faith. It will be for the best. 
I know where I am and where I want to go. I know where I want to be in the future. We both know. You need to take a leap of faith, I will be by your side. I will not let you go. I think we both have taken enough time to ourselves. We are self-sufficient now and we know ourselves. It’s time for us to start a new chapter. We will be together so it will be fine. No matter what lies ahead it will bring us better days than the ones we left behind. Those hard days are long gone. 
I need you to remember that you don’t have to go through everything by yourself. You have me now. We have each other. 
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Song - Angel by The Weeknd and Angel Baby by Troye Sivan. No shufflemancy used.
Note: I don’t know what it is with “angel” and this pile. It did not feel right to omit any of it from the reading though..
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nikasholistic · 3 years ago
You can be a good person and still create boundaries. You can be a compassionate person and still create boundaries. You can be an understanding person and still create boundaries. Stop being a people pleaser. Stop always fulfilling other people’s wishes. You don’t have to.
It's so easy to fall into this people-pleasing trap, especially if you're an empath. But your happiness and well-being are always the most important thing. No, it’s not selfish. You simply can’t be of service to others if you won’t fill your own cup first. Recharge yourself first, make yourself happy first. Realize that by becoming a happier person, you naturally make everyone around you happy. It's energy. It’s a vibration. They can feel it. They can pick up on it.
Don’t feel bad about prioritizing yourself. Caring about others is super important, but so is nourishing your soul. Find a balance between those two. Create time for yourself, create time for the things that make you happy and set your soul on fire, but also, don't forget about others.
✨IG: nikasholistic✨
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bitsybunbun · 2 years ago
CG ask #3: What do you enjoy most about being a cg?
While I have gotten to play mommy a few times as a professional domme, I've had very few chances to be a cg in my personal life. I do like to be a nurturing partner even outside of a cg/l dynamic however! Here's some things I've enjoyed about caregiving:
✨Baking! I love to cook for partners and make sure they're nourished and happy
✨Nursing! I don't lactate, but it's fun to pretend (and fantasize)!
✨Dress up! I love dressing up a sub and making them look and feel like the cutest lil thing that ever there was!
✨Story time! I absolutely love reading to people, silly voices and all
✨Embarrassment! Making little ones blush makes my heart so happy, whether it's through tickles, taking away grown-up privileges, or teasing
🎀Bonus things I want to do but haven't yet: give diaper changes, give regression hypnosis in person, language domme, sew embarrassing outfits for a sub, get a drawing from a little one 🥺
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dungeon-strugglers · 3 years ago
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✨New item!✨ Fiddlehead of Frondescence Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and choose an unoccupied space on the ground within 60 feet of you. Roll a d8 and consult the following table to discover what happens. A plant or fungus produced by this wand withers away after 8 hours.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into dust and is destroyed.
A beautiful flower grows from the ground. The flower has 4 petals. As an action, you can pluck a petal and force a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see to make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, roll a d4. If you roll an even number, the target is charmed by you for 1 minute. While the creature is charmed in this way, it believes itself to be infatuated with you. If you roll an odd number, the target becomes hostile to you for 1 minute. A creature prone to violence might attack you. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
A bulbous melon, 5 feet in diameter and weighing 100 lb., emerges from the ground. The sweet, juicy flesh of the melon provides no nourishment but contains 10 gallons of fresh water.
A tiny weed springs from the ground. 1d4 + 1 goodberries dangle from its stalk.
A puffball, 3 inches in diameter, sprouts from the ground. You can use an action to throw the puffball up to 60 feet. The puffball explodes on impact and creates a 20-foot-radius cloud of dense black spores. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. The cloud lingers in the air for 1 minute, or until a strong wind disperses it.
A cluster of 1d4 + 1 dandelion puffs pop up from the ground. While holding a dandelion puff, you fall at a safe speed, as if under the effect of the feather fall spell. Each puff can slow your fall for 1 minute before dissipating. A strong wind instantly destroys a dandelion puff.
An awakened shrub grows from the ground. It is friendly to you and your companions and it will obey your commands. (There is a 10% chance that a hostile awakened tree will appear instead).
A bioluminescent mushroom emerges from the ground, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
A small hole appears in the ground, just wide enough for you to put your hand into. The hole is too dark to see into, and it cannot be illuminated. Reaching into the hole as an action will reveal one of the following things (roll a d8):
The hole closes suddenly, severing your hand. You take 2d10 psychic damage and cannot use that hand for 1 hour, after which you realize it was an illusion. Nobody can convince you otherwise until the illusion passes.
Your hand is stung by an unseen venomous creature, you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, you cannot regain hit points.
Your hand is submerged into a viscous, numbing goo. You cannot feel that hand for 1 hour and any attack rolls using it have disadvantage.
Your hand is submerged into honey. A creature that licks the honey off of your hand as an action regains all lost hit points. The honey will attract an angry swarm of wasps every minute until it is gone.
You retrieve a Percussive Pinecone.
You retrieve a Scryer Beetle.
You grasp hair and pull. The head of a pleasant, but filthy, man is revealed. He seems to be submerged up to his neck, but unbothered. By talking to him for 1 minute, he remarks upon your plans and grants you an omen, as if you’ve cast the augury spell. Then he is sucked back into the hole and it closes.
You retrieve a leafy satchel filled with various gems worth 1d10 x 10 gp.
The hole closes after you remove your hand. Items retrieved from this hole don’t wither away after 8 hours like the other effects produced by this wand.
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