#and the same thing applies to women - who are equally capable of causing harm.
squidong · 1 month
should I remake my discourse vent blog lmao
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lgbtqwriting · 3 years
Hello! I just found out about this blog and it’s really neat!
I do have a question. I have an AFAB nonbinary character that goes by he/they. Is there a respectful way to tackle dysphoria and them finding out that they are nonbinary in a respectful way as a cisgendered writer, or is it a topic that is off limits? If there is, do you have any tips on how to do so?
Hey there! Since you have a two part question I'll split the answer into two parts as well. Apologies, this will be a very long post. (TW for discussion of the term 'bodily mutilation' and how it can be harmful to trans people when inaccurately applied.)
Writing Dysphoria as a Cis Writer:
You'll definitely want to do some reading up on the subject of gender dysphoria (what we'll use here as an all-encompassing term for both social and bodily dysphoria). Many trans people agree that drip torture as a metaphor for dysphoria is extremely accurate--at first, being misgendered is often a mosquito-like nuisance. It gradually becomes worse until one's self-esteem is worn thin enough that a little pinch hurts as much as a slap or kick. However, this comparison should be taken with a grain of salt, since there are plenty of trans people who find being misgendered once equally as painful as being misgendered multiple times.
While it's arguable that gender dysphoria has a primarily social basis (consider why clothes, accessories, and terms/phrases have the ability to make someone dysphoric), it's important to recognize the difference between the aforementioned example and feeling dysphoric because one has/lacks a body part that makes them feel less comfortable in their bodies. I'd definitely recommend reading both the DSM-5 and personal accounts of what it's like to suffer from dysphoria.
An example of what NOT to do would be having your nonbinary character continuously wallow in their despair at not "looking androgynous enough" or write their dysphoria as a casual personality trait. Being trans isn't a shameful thing. Dysphoria is a seriously mental condition not dissimilar to body dysmorphia that negatively impacts the way a person sees themselves, and as a result, chips away at their mental health. (It's also better not to have your character attempt to mutilate themselves with household utensils out of frustration if they cannot get or afford gender-affirming surgeries; this feeds into the narrative that the surgeries themselves are self-harm, even when done safely.)
Also, keep in mind that A) not all transgender people experience dysphoria (some of us merely feel gender incongruence, a slight shift in or lack of alignment to our birth-assigned gender that causes mild to no distress), and B) cisgender people are perfectly capable of experiencing bodily dysphoria! There are many cis butch women who bind their chests and/or get top surgery as a result of experiencing bodily dysphoria, for example. If you yourself have ever experienced the same type of bodily dysphoria as your character despite being cis, it should be easier to write from said character's perspective.
You can read more about the specifics of writing AFAB trans/nonbinary dysphoria in our #trans and #nonbinary tags!
Writing Trans Self-Discovery as a Cis Writer:
Find as many articles, books, documentaries, etc. where trans people talk openly about their questioning experiences as possible. Make an effort to interact with trans people on a regular basis--this will allow you to pick up on how despite our individual differences, there are some constant philosophies and experiences most of us share without coming off as if you feel entitled to our emotional labor. (Remember, not all of us are peer editors!)
Try to map out your major characters' personalities as thoroughly as possible. This will make it easier to compare other (presumably binary trans and/or cis) characters' traits to those of your nonbinary character.
Once you've done that, zoom in on the nonbinary character. Here are some example questions you can ask yourself to better flesh out their questioning process and make it feel authentic. The ones most relevant to your character's gender dysphoria are bolded:
How do they behave in general?
How do they mentally approach new ideas and issues?
Would they consider themselves a philosophical person at heart? Artistic? Scientific or analytical?
Are they acutely aware of how other people perceive them?
At what point in time did they realize they might be nonbinary, and was there some sort of catalyst (a "crack in the egg" so to speak) for this realization?
What makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin?
How long did it take them to decide they felt comfortable identifying as nonbinary?
Are they out and proud or closeted? Why? (Remember: "I don't know, it just feels wrong/right" is an acceptable answer)
Are they willing to jeopardize their physical health in order to alleviate their dysphoria? (e.g. binding/tucking unsafely or for extended periods of time)
Who was the first person they came out to (or consequently, WILL be the first person they come out to)? Were they forcibly outed, or did they come out to this person voluntarily?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns with us! Please feel free to ask for clarification on this or any other identity in the future.
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Evelyn Waugh's guide to wine [1948] 
The first and essential thing to be borne in mind about wine is that it is something made to be enjoyed. The pleasure it gives is the only ultimate test of any vintage. The corollary of this is that, like all the good works of man, its pleasure is enormously enhanced by knowledge and experience...
The titles of connoisseur and epicure are by no means synonymous. An epicure seeks pleasure for its own sake, not knowledge... A connoisseur is a scholar and a specialist. He requires an abnormally sensitive palate which is capable of causing him as much pain as pleasure. Indeed, of recent years it has caused much more pain than pleasure…
Let us give all honour to the connoisseurs, as to pre-eminent athletes. If we have not their peculiar gifts, it is a mistake to simulate them. There are those who drink their wine so anxiously, in fear of being caught out in a bad judgement, that they fail to enjoy it... Let us rejoice, rather, in the fermented juice of the grape in all its vast variety. After all it is the wine merchant's function to know all the niceties of his trade. His service is to find his customers the wines they enjoy and having studied their idiosyncrasies, gently lead them towards something better in the direction they have taken. It would be a poor librarian who was always seeking to press Virgil and Dante upon readers in search of a novel...
The reputations of certain vineyards have not been capriciously or arbitrarily fixed. They rest on the considered judgement of generations. In general it will be found that the more wine becomes a part of one's life the more one's tastes gravitate towards the famous vintages. But do not set out with any preconceived snobbery. Drink copiously of what you enjoy, because you enjoy it: keep your curiosity alive to find if there is anything you enjoy more...
Whatever purpose is served by cocktails is more nobly served by champagne in its naked beauty... Its uses are limitless from launching ships to reviving the moribund. It is acceptable at every hour of the day and night; it can be drunk with every variety of food. Drunk in excess it has the least direful consequences. If I were confronted with the appalling decision of having to choose one from all the fermented liquors of the world to be my sole companion and stay for the rest of my life, I should choose champagne.
The wine of the whole area is good and eminently suited to day-to-day drinking. To find the finest wines we must particularise and choose from the châteaux of the Médoc which in 1855 were judged and put into various legal categories. There have been slight changes in quality since due to the relative care that has been bestowed on certain properties, but the 1855 categories still stand as a very fair judgement. Three châteaux alone - Lafite, Margaux and Latour-were placed in the first class. There are many connoisseurs who would now give equal eminence to several wines that were then classed as 'second growths,' but what must be borne in mind, and is sometimes not realised, is that to be classed at all is the mark of wine that stands among the finest the world produces. A wine in the third class is not a 'third-rate' wine. It is rather as though a committee had decided that Virgil, Dante and Shakespeare alone among writers, stood in a class apart. They would not thus make Milton and Tolstoy second rate writers...
White Bordeaux… are strangely neglected in England and America. Many dubious liquids appear under the name of 'Sauternes' and many wine drinkers are inclined to dismiss them all with a single perfunctory nod of recognition towards Château d'Yquem. By false analogy with champagne, their sweetness, all their own, natural and deeply scented as the rose, is held against them. There are four or five château bottled Sauternes which can stand slightly behind, perhaps, but in the same first rank as Youem. The taste for them, once acquired, is immensely gratifying and personally I find them incomparably delicious after champagne, to drink very slowly when the thirst is entirely quenched.
The system of land tenure in Burgundy greatly complicates the problem of recognizing its fine wines from the outside of the bottle. Wines greatly dissimilar are entitled to the same communal title... The Château Margaux of a given year is a definite, invariable wine; two bottles of authentic Chambertin of the same year, blended by different merchants, may be very different indeed. Again, the only security for the amateur wine buyer lies in dealing with a wine merchant of the highest reputation who studies his customers' tastes.
Sherry is a name much misused and even in the strictest sense applicable to a great diversity of wine from Manzanilla, as pale and dry as old paper, to the heavy, sweet, brown wine sold under a variety of names, often as 'East India' or Solera… I do not, myself, find that the richer and sweeter sherries serve any purpose that is not more perfectly fulfilled by port, but this is purely an individual judgment. Nothing can be more delicious than a glass of pale, very dry fino, chilled at noon in the height of summer. It makes an admirable apéritif before and at the beginning of dinner. Like all good wine it is best enjoyed in tranquillity; the 'sherry party' of recent growth is an abomination to me. As long, however, as people continue to entertain between six and eight in the evening, they will find Amontillados and Amorosos a useful knock-about stand-by, less deleterious and less expensive than cocktails.
Port is the wine proper to the heavy drinker, and it may be admitted that whereas champagne, claret, burgundy and hock are all entirely beneficial and indeed, in a Well-ordered constitution, essential to the digestion of food, port, and the very finest port at that, can be slightly deleterious. Its charm insidiously invites excess, and excess of port, though not in itself harmful, sometimes discloses latent infirmities. The heavy port drinker must be prepared to make some sacrifice of personal beauty and agility. Its martyrs are usually well content with the bargain and in consolation it may be remarked that a red nose never lost a friend worth holding and that by universal testimony the sharpest attacks of gout are preceded by a period of peculiar mental lucidity.... No one, I think, ever contracted gout by port-drinking. What can be said is that those who are naturally gouty may find their weakness aggravated by port. Port is not for the very young, the vain and the active. It is the comfort of age and the companion of the scholar and philosopher. The particular qualities of British university scholarship - its alternations of mellow appreciation and acid criticism -may be plausibly derived from the habits of our Senior Common-rooms...
Port is, of course, designed to be drunk after dinner. It should be drunk at the table; only so in the masculine calm which follows the retirement of the women, when the decanter travels from hand to hand round the bare mahogany, can it be enjoyed at its best. The best of all tables for wine-drinking on winter evenings are those excessively rare eighteenth-century pieces made the shape of a semi-circular arc which fit across the fireplace; some of them have brass tram-lines and a little wheeled carriage to carry the decanters. He is a fortunate host who possesses such a piece of furniture; he must, however, confine himself strictly to male company, for no body of men once established there can be persuaded to leave for the chintz and chatter of the drawing-room...
Shall we ever, I wonder, drink good hock again?... No one can say what the future of these wines will be. Perhaps they will survive only in memory. They were the product of centuries of devoted skills directed against the hostile forces of nature; if these forces are reinforced by the malice of man there is little hope.
A word may not be out of place here about wine which is 'corked or, more correctly, 'corky' or bouchonné. I have heard people complain their wine was 'corked' when they found a fragment of broken cork floating in the glass. When wine is truly corky the cork is diseased and foul-smelling, and the wine is more or less tainted. It should never be drunk in this condition. Any respectable restaurant or hotel will immediately exchange a bottle found affected...
Wine is a bride who brings a great dowry to the man who woos her persistently and gracefully; she turns her back on a rough approach. For the sot or neurotic who drinks merely for the kick.' 'kick" is the mot juste. Wine has attracted as many false suitors as the art of painting. Do not let impatience with the charlatans lead you into thinking all discrimination affected. Even the matter of dress is important. It is difficult to enjoy a good wine in a bad glass. A good glass is large and thin and clear; the best are slightly tulip-shaped. I have drunk a lot of claret out of an army mug and enjoyed it, but only half as much as I should have done in gentler circumstances…
All that I have written may seem to some readers to apply to an Arcadian age which can never return. Leisurely entertaining, profuse expenditure, a worldwide choice in the market - all these may seem the condition of a past age. We are all poorer and likely to remain so…
If we cannot afford to drink fermented liquor more than once a day, let us drink with our dinner. A half-bottle of sound, unambitious red wine nightly does not cost more than the accumulated short drinks which the average man consumes in the course of the day. If you cannot afford even that, emigrate to a wine-growing country or become ascetic. Do not become that pitiable type of modern life - the man who never keeps anything 'in the house' but likes stopping for 'quick ones' at public houses. If you can afford, sometimes or often, more than this minimum, build round the central fact of the dinner wine - add a glass of port after or a glass of sherry before the meal; choose a slightly more interesting main wine. Choose your friends from people of similar tastes and when you entertain them, build more ambitiously. Ensure that the food, however sparse and simple, shall be what will enhance the wine and not destroy it. These are the foundations on which the restoration of good living can be built, until perhaps we shall one day see the return of days of plenty, and wine fully honoured in all its splendour.
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thebearwitchproject · 6 years
Witch Lore of the Allegheny Moutains
This is the second in a collection of posts about Scot-Irish folklore in the Allegheny Mountains. All text comes from the article: “Folk-lore of the Mountain Whites of the Alleghenie” by J. Hampden Porter published in 1894.
                              Witch Lore from the Allegheny Mountains
Pure witchcraft is in a degenerate state; its spirit survives, power is wanting. Witches are now unprofitable companions, ask a great deal and from whom little can be obtained. They to have inadvertently stepped over their broomsticks, and to do at once deprives them of knowledge. Instead of flying up the chimney, where their caldrons hang, as formerly, they have to get through a knot-hole, or a little square aperture made beside door; and if these be stopped up and prayed over, egress becomes impossible. Likewise, a frog's foot drawn upon the entrance prevent witches from coming into a house, as also a broom laid across the threshold, or a horseshoe nailed upon the wall.
They still hear everything their enemies say against' them on Friday, but can no longer raise tempests, cause drought, or blast crops. Horses are ridden at night, and their manes tangled to serve the witches for stirrups. They kill cattle by shooting them with balls of hair, stunt the growth of children, make cows go dry, prevent the formation of butter and soap, and inflict a variety of personal injuries and domestic misfortunes. As a rule, this is all the average sorceress is capable of accomplishing. Occasionally, however, one becomes eminent for the possession of powers arising from an exceptionally close compact with Satan, and, as a "witch doctor" observed while expounding these matters, " Whatever God Almighty permits, the Devil can do." Thus health, life, and the laws of nature are at the command of these maleficent beings.
With regard to the first class, their spells may be easily broken. Anointing with lard and assafoetida will protect any horse from being hag-ridden, and maiden-hair given in their fodder makes dry cows give milk. On the other hand, if an ox is so seriously wounded with a hair ball that it is certain to die, it may be advisable to shoot it at once with one made of silver, as in that case the witch will be hit in the same place.
Silver worn in one's shoes, or, by preference, salt, averts the influences exerted by " overlooking." These abandoned old women all exercise the power of "evil eye," and salt is the best preventive of all its consequences known.
Bewitched milk, from which butter cannot be churned, must be burned; likewise the lye and grease that will not form soap.
When a spell has been cast upon a horse, press a red-hot iron ring upon his forehead.
If maiden-hair does not make cows that have gone dry through magical practices give milk, cut the tips of their ears and tails off and burn them.
The only way in which a witch can now escape burning herself is to borrow some article from the injured party. If she is known, boil some milk and stir it with a fork, while calling her name. This will compel her to come to the house. Any effectual counter charm has the same influence, and when one can discover and make use of it, the sorceress is in a great measure at your mercy; since whatever is done to an animal she has afflicted is done to her, and, being forced to reveal herself, her likeness may be taken, and the portrait or effigy shot with a silver bullet as before described.
Toads are often kept by witches instead of chickens, and their eggs are known from the fact that it is so difficult to break their shells. When these creatures are dilatory in laying, the witch switches them, and then for a time the toads become very prolific. Most frequently she keeps the reptiles in a hollow stump.
Measuring an infant, whose growth has been arrested, with an elastic cord that requires to be stretched in order to equal the child's length, will set it right again. If the spell be a wasting one, take three strings of similar or unlike colors, tie them to the front door or gate in such a manner that whenever either are opened there is some wear and tear of the cords. As use begins to tell upon them, vigor will recommence.
Some spells operate through their own energy - "per opera operato," if the Tridentine definition may be applied. Thus it can do mischief it was not intended to work.
A witch who kept poultry kneaded up some corn meal into dough for them, and said an incantation the while, which made the food potent to produce eggs. Her husband got hold of this by accident, baked and ate it, whereupon he lost the power of speech and could only cackle.
                                       Breaking a Witches Spell
An animal killed by witchcraft should be burnt, partly because that is the best and most effectual way of destroying things that are infected, and also for the reason that in more than one way this may be made to affect the witch; she can be fascinated or punished. One of the parties implicated related the effects of fire in the case of a Tennesseean sorceress who had done much harm. An incredulous and stupid person, such as exists in every community, borrowed a boiler from her and refused to return it. Then she came every night and danced on him till he nearly fainted. There was no doubt about this, because she permitted herself to be seen. Each day, also, one of his sheep reared up, gave two or three jumps, and fell dead. At length the "witch doctor" was called in, and he, being a pious man and a member of the church, advised his patient to try the effect of honesty and give back the boiler. This he did, but the witch laughed at him, and things went on as before. It was now evident that her machinations were prompted by malice, and not resorted to from a sense of justice, so the doctor directed him to eviscerate the next sheep that died, to do this alone, and in perfect silence. Moreover, on no account to lend or give away any article, however trifling its value, until the effect of his charm had been fully tried. Having taken out the lungs and heart, they were to be carried home, the kitchen cleared, and these organs laid upon a bed  of live embers. While procuring them, the witch's granddaughter, "a right smart shoot of a girl, training for a witch herself," saw what he was doing as she passed through his field, and, anticipating the result, ran home, saying that her " Granny " would shortly be ill. Such was indeed the case, for no sooner had the sheep's vitals been placed upon the coals than her shrieks alarmed the neighborhood. A crowd gathered that seems to have had some inkling of what was going on, for a committee of women inspected the sufferer by force, and found her breast completely charred. The spell was broken before fatal consequences ensued, and from that time the persecutions and losses which had persisted so long came to an end.
For the first post in this series on Allegheny Mountains folklore visit: Lycanthropy Lore of the Allegheny Mountains
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zeangkal · 2 years
Improve Knowledge About Best THC Detox
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premakalidasi · 6 years
Listen, I’m up to here with “spiritual” men and frigid women turning their noses up at physical sex (including its supreme form, masturbation) as spiritual practice, simply because they’ve only ever associated sexuality with being an abuser or being abused, and because they’ve never experienced the Divine through the fully embodied, non-sublimated erotic, and most of all, have never experienced full, blissful, union-with-the-Divine or even samadhi during orgasm. 
The female orgasm is vastly different from the male one, for a start. She is not exhausted by it; far from it. She is rejuvenated by it; her body springs into life instead of experiencing a “little death.” If anything, the female orgasm is a little Big Bang (the double entendre is, here, believe it or not, unintentional. Were I to say “spontaneous explosive expansion of space-time,” few would get what I’m getting at). But it is that: where, for the male, it’s unfortunately an end, it is to the woman, a beginning. And yet we’ve had to hear from heterosexual male “adepts” over and over that sexual energy should be retained, that it shouldn’t be wasted, that it shouldn’t be spilled, yadda yadda.
Have you any idea how ridiculous that sounds to someone whose body is built to be the container and developer of sexual energy? Or, for that matter, to any receptive partner, as at least some receptive men and post-op transwomen understand something of how absolutely different it is to experience an internal orgasm where the energy doesn’t leave the body, but where, instead, the expansion and explosion of energy is inwards?
Look. It’s like this. Imagine a pitcher full of water and an empty glass. And when the pitcher is picked up and water is poured from it into the glass, the pitcher feels a relief at his load being lessened there at first, but then he realises he’s getting emptier and weaker and bemoans “Oh, woe is me! I felt a relief of pressure and an unloading of weight at first, but now I feel exhausted, emptied!” And then, in a tremendous feat of ego, being utterly unable to understand that not everyone is a pitcher, presuming that everyone is like himself, he thinks the glass is feeling the same thing. “Glass, I’m so sorry I’ve dragged you into this! You must be feeling so miserable right now!” while the glass is filled, overjoyous, bubbling, swirling, going “I feel so full and rejuvenated! I’m filled with life! Mmm, can I have some more?”
And the pitcher doesn’t understand this at all, is suspicious, calls her an evil witch and topples off the table. And his broken, bitter pieces preach the horrors of this thing to everyone, write it into holy scriptures, into spiritual practices, imposing it onto everyone regardless of how different their build is.
The bliss the female is capable of experiencing is entirely different. It’s due to what her muscles, her complex hormonal, neurological and all kinds of biological workings do at the stimulation, when they prepare her body to--potentially--nurture an entire new life. The plant casts off its seed and it’s done, and it withers away; the earth’s job has only just begun. It rolls up its sleeves; it’s rippling all over with a burst of energy, tingling and busy and alive; never fuller. And that’s not due to her sucking out his energy either, any more than a massive field full of rich earth can nourish itself from just one little seed--the fecundity, the earth in all its complex organisms, is already existent within her, the energies becoming released and activated at stimulation of the vulva and the uterus. 
In fact, it’s even better experienced alone with a suitable toy, without a man having to enter into it all, not due to a technical fault on the part of the man but because that’s the way the female orgasm works. The contractions of the uterus and the pelvic floor muscles build up slowly and, ideally, lead to orgasm--but in practice, they are far too often interrupted by the thrusts of the penetrator because these thrusts are out of synch with the woman’s ripples. When the vaginal walls want to contract (i.e. squeeze), the squeeze is interrupted by something moving inside the vagina (not letting it squeeze down fully), and the cascade towards orgasm is interrupted. And that’s why so many women have trouble having orgasm during vaginal sex: because to time them right, the guy (or whoever delivers the thrusts, regardless of sex or gender) would have to be telepathic. (And incidentally, this is also why it’s easier for a number of women to come from anal sex, because the thrusts aren’t interrupting what the vagina and uterus are doing. They can contract as much as they like, while intense nervous stimulation is still applied; the best of both worlds.) Only when she’s in control of the thrusts, can she pace them to her own ripples so that her vaginal walls aren’t pushed apart just when they want to contract or left without anything to thrust into them when they yearn for a thrust. (And the dildo won’t call you a stupid whore or an evil witch, or tell you to not moan in such an embarrassing way, or otherwise hurt you when he’s inside your body and you’re enduring discomfort and potential pain for his sake, either.) 
But when the vaginal orgasm does arrive, it’s a full-body one, a blissful one, something that ripples through every muscle. If combined with yogic awareness, the chakras burst open; the experience is very much that of flower after flower, a series of petals bursting into bloom, opening, heaving inside, all glittering with sunlight. Or cascades of bright water, rainbow-coloured light--it’s exactly that which is hinted at in some scriptures, but buried under all kinds of misconceptions. There has absolutely been a woman involved there at one point when those concepts were formulated, describing that surge of energy upwards and exploding out at the top of the head. And the rain of nectar, being saturated with nectar? Yep. That’s what it is. 
Therefore, if your only experience of orgasm is post-ejaculatory fatigue, of just bringing the seeds to the field and not knowing what it feels like for the earth--if you never feel the expansion, the ecstasy, the ripples of creation itself radiating through your body in waves, why, pray, do you presume your shallow, pitiful experience is the same for everyone else? And why should you think that sexuality was harmful--it couldn’t be because you were born into the privilege to abuse it? How do you presume to hurt someone when you’re equipped a womb, cause someone an unwanted pregnancy with it, rape someone with a clitoris? Even the woman who’s used her charms to manipulate men still subjects herself to physical pain every time she opens her legs; it’s a shallow victory if it subjects you to the risk of having your body ripped open by a baby and dying as a result. If one woman out of a billion has ever abused sex to the point of molesting someone, it’s been noticed exactly because it’s been an anomaly: she makes headlines in newspapers, but sexual abuse by men is so commonplace it doesn’t even make the news--it’s just accepted as standard. Can you please consider again what it takes for a woman to even dare speak of sex, when she’s faced with that? 
Have you thought of what it would be like to have sex so that you were the one being penetrated, and that the default would be that you never had an orgasm? Because that’s the reality of most women on this planet. Stop and think about that for a while. How would that change your entire view of things? Of how, perhaps, it’s more than just the atrocious tyranny the world exerts over women’s bodies in the name of chastity that makes them reluctant to even discuss sex? Have you really thought of how orgasm is a privilege, something that happens to a male body so automatically it occurs even in sleep, because it’s a biological necessity (but not so for the woman) to ensure the continuation of the species? And how much work it requires for a woman to even conquer the shame over her body to touch it, to study it, let alone enough to learn how it can, potentially, orgasm? And how, if she’s only allowed to have sex with her husband and in ways where she cannot control the thrusts, and she’s shamed out of masturbating, (as most women on this planet genuinely are), it’s likely she never will? Have you really thought of that? Sex, always, with someone grunting on top of you, inside of you, maybe with a little pleasure but without orgasm, unless you’re extremely lucky?
Have you thought of what it’d be like to be born into the half of humanity that’s penalised for expressing sexuality in any way whatsoever? What’s a frivolous little act of amusement for you that you regret as a bit of wasted energy (and to a woman, equal to full samadhi at best), is, for a woman, an extremely radical act of self-expression and wholeness and even daring to fucking exist, performed under the threat of extreme violence and death. It’s not a fucking joke.
Even those “neo-Tantra” books you scoff at, hell, any books about sexuality written by women and involving the use of female genitals for the female’s own pleasure and enlightenment, are radical as fuck. They’re taboo-breaking, consciousness-transcending, seriously fucking out there, in and of themselves. They are the most antinomian, most mind-fucking, most explosive things of all, but egotistical men can’t see that because the stuff these books talk about--getting in touch with your own genitalia--are something men take for granted. It’s accepted that hey, guys think with their dicks. Most of the English-speaking world, on the other hand, doesn’t even know what the word “vagina” means, symbolic of how out of touch women and everyone else is about female bodies. Ask a woman to touch herself and she’ll blanch; ask her to taste herself and she’ll throw up. 
And you know what? I’d read even the loopiest, fluffiest, New Agest crystal-crusted version of those over one written by an egotistical male “sage” constantly going on about his own superiority without having ever paused to think of the full human experience, not just his half. He doesn’t even fucking acknowledge I exist, nor does he understand shit about my body’s experience, using it as a tool at best, whereas the hippie New Ager, no matter how cringeworthily misguided, at least respects the female body and allows me to fucking have my birthright of the pleasure it’s built to experience. And these  “updates”, these new practices and variations by people uninitiated by gurus that so many of you sneer at--has it ever occurred to you that they’ve never found the one female guru who understood women, supported women, let alone female sexuality at all? So that they have had to come up with new practices, new religions from scratch? In this, they are not less valuable: rather, more valuable because they finally depart from withered, inhuman old books and fucking allow half of the human race to even exist, and mind-bogglingly, even offer women the (gasp!) chance to expand into all we can be. It’s about time we resurrect and reinvent and rebuild spiritual practices that regard women as more than slaves, penis receptacles, son-producers, housekeepers. 
No, I’d rather listen to the full glass. She’s been shattered over and over, and has had to glue herself together ten times over before she got there, in a world where most women are not ever given glue, and where women themselves restrict the access to glue because it’s dirty and bad and slutty and impure.
It’s a whole different fucking game, a whole different  experience, a whole different world.
Don’t belittle it. Don’t remain in the pitiful accepted ideas of it, whether it’s simple classic patriarchal masculinity or self-sacrificing female chastity where even looking at your body in a mirror is a sin. Accept that you know fuck-all. Accept that you have a lot to learn still. And that you can learn from women, you can learn from gay and bisexual men, you can learn from taking something up your ass. You can learn from gay men’s fear of AIDS a little something of the pain and the risks (not just STDs but unwanted pregnacies, potentially lethal) women have to fear every time they accept a man’s advances. You can learn from what a post-op transwoman has to say. You can learn from what lesbian and bisexual women have to say about how they’ve felt about making love to a woman, or being made love to by both men and women. You can learn by empathising, visualising yourself as the other, via exercises where you try to see something in a way your opposite would. This includes those--especially those--who you think are doing it wrong, and trying to understand what they get out of it; just as in everything in life, even your “enemies” help you achieve a more integral and holistic view that includes as many experiences, ways of being as possible. 
As for this “clinging” business, this “human relationships are transient” thing. Whoever the fuck said you have to have sex with another person at all? Due to the aforementioned biological reasons, for women in particular, masturbation is the key. Making love to The Divine is the key, and hey presto, all your daddy (or mommy, or androgyne trickster deity) issues are solved. Someone, somewhere on the way, forgot to include wanking as sexuality (usually the stuck-up gits who allowed only for procreation and wanted to burn all gays at the stake, even if us and a few other species of ape are the only species who fuck more for social reasons than procreation to the point where we stopped having a heat/mating season once a year and became horny all year round), and that’s when all went downhill. And now people whose only sexuality is with themselves even call themselves asexual, even if, especially for women, it gives you the best, sometimes the only orgasms you can have. Which is, frankly, like a highly skilled brain surgeon calling herself severely motor-impaired and saying she’s retired anyway even if she’s in the operating room, saving someone’s life that very moment. But it’s by and far the best option, especially if you tend to get hysterically clingy and have bad abandonment experiences or just suck at having relationships. Think of it! None of this clinging business that’s always invariably associated with sexuality; none of this people-bonking-people that’s always also invariably associated with sexuality. No unwanted pregnacies, no STDs, going at your own pace, minimal risk of pain, no hurt feelings, no trying to please your partner to the point where it ruins your experience, et cetera, et cetera. 
And nothing, absolutely nothing compares to the state of samadhi, the state of hieros gamos, the full union reached during a Self-powered love-bout dedicated to the Divine. In my four decades of various spiritual practices, I’ve had the good fortune to experience a few types of extreme enlightenment experiences, and let me tell you, that much-vaunted, hard-to-reach state of complete emptiness that one gains with ardurous fasting and yoga? 
It’s boring as fuck. 
It’s dull, boring, lifeless. It’s nothing, absolutely nothing compared to the fully conscious, divine, uterine, kundalini-bursting-orgasm achieved through masturbative meditation: the explosion of LIFE, the radiant sparkling iridescent colourful bliss that is the root of creation itself, of spirit and matter, solve et coagula, Shiva/Shakti, as above, so below, yin/yang, absofuckinglutely transcendental and immanent and all, all, all.
It’s all in how you approach it. For some people, emptiness is their biggest kink, their biggest fetish. But if your body’s built for love, in the absolutely-embodied-and-also-transcendental sense, and you’re not harming a soul by doing it, fucking go for it. 
Note how I’m not telling the entire world that they should take up spiritual wanking (although I’d love that)? Because I know that there are as many paths as there are people, but for some reason, there’s a conspicuous amount of stomping over certain paths, and in the world’s usual misogynistic manner, practices by and for women that celebrate the female body are laughed at and attacked because vulvas are, apparently, that fucking terrifying. I could devote an entire rant to how we need to disassociate sex from abuse (because that’s the usual reason these practices are dismissed, and frankly, tantra, in and of itself full of deeply morally suspect scriptures, does attract the worst types of guys--the amount of so-called gurus and babas in that who treat women like shit and are only after siddhis and other ego-boosting things is too high), but that’s for a later date. Women and queers in particular know what it’s like to be on the receiving end, so thanks to us knowing what hurts in bed, we’re equipped with some tools there already to change things for the better. It’s a shitty way of learning empathy to have to have been bullied, but there you have it.
This is not to shame anyone into thinking they’re inadequate. (That’s the same tool that’s been used against women for millennia.) It’s the voice of all those who’ve been told to shut up by people who think they know better, and who have dictated the rules so far. But no matter how hard you try, the full experience of Divine bliss, the full existence of the Universe is not all male and/or asexual, and you need to shut up and listen for once. I, or Nature, doesn’t actually give a fuck about whether you have a womb or not, whether you have a sex drive or not, whether you have a dick or not. The point is to stop any one group, no matter how numerous and powerful, from trying to dictate the rules (because that causes suffering) and to understand that yours isn’t the whole story (because this knowledge, translated into awareness, helps banish suffering). 
It’s a million times easier to just ignore sexuality than to use it responsibly, especially if you haven’t been given decent tools for it, but that isn’t an excuse to keep on running away. Running away is exactly the thing that causes hallowed, celibacy-preaching yoga gurus to fall for pretty young students, and then be exposed as hypocrites. Solution: don’t be a hypocrite in the first place, but integrate the fuck-power, no matter how difficult it is, no matter if you have to pave the way there yourself. Particularly as this full awareness means you’re not paving the way there with other people’s bodies; once you have even a vague idea of what it feels like to your partner, compassion comes naturally. (And I mean real awareness. Not egotistically thinking you know everything. Real awareness means that even when you’ve been married to someone for thirty years, you still don’t know everything about them and still learn that someone anew every day.) Or, if you decide to pursue the conjugal-bliss-only-with-the-Divine route, I reassure you that if you’re still alive after having handled that, you’re already on the last leg of your journey.
And even if you chose celibacy still because sexuality just wasn’t your thing, the important bit is to stop telling those of us that use it that we’re doing it wrong when we’re hurting absolutely no one by it and, moreover, are 10000% goddamn motherfucking one with the Divine when we do it. (Or, rather, are explosively reminded of our oneness with it, just as much as someone else is, through using another, more “acceptable” method.) And it’s not for you to tell us that we aren’t really experiencing the Divine Union and we’re just deluding ourselves, any more than you can describe a country we live in but you’ve never been to.
This has been a kick into casting off your ignorance and going beyond that into the full experience of the fully intertwined, fully immanent Divine that is the World that is the Divine. Accept that you know fuck-all, accept that you must work seriously and sincerely to know the Other to know your Self and the Whole. I’m giving you my part of it, after being suffocated by your part of it over and over and over, to make even a small difference in the mix, to work towards a balanced understanding of the whole. Even if that balance seems a faraway utopia as long as women continue to oppress themselves and as long as men remain oblivious and as long as the ones who think they’re superior by stepping outside of the two remain smugly passive. 
Even if I just said I’ve experienced bliss beyond bliss, even that is an infinitesmally small part of the whole Bliss. And if I’ve had to go beyond so much shit to get even that, what about those people who’ve never even thought about these things? That’s why these things need to be thought about and talked about, rather than just slammed down as “wasteful” and “dirty” and “depraved” by That Big Guy Who Knows Better. 
Just because something’s covered in human, social, gendered, delusional, traditional, limited, unconscious crap, it doesn’t mean that it’s crap all the way down to the core. Why do we imagine that? We imagine that because it’s so much easier to be a rake or a prude; that handily takes away our responsibility. Yet science evolves, and so must humanity. In our thinking about sexuality, we’re still on the level of thinking the Earth is flat; hell, we haven’t even admitted we’re apes yet. Let alone that we’re intelligent, empathic creatures who are well-equipped for beautiful, blissful ecstasies, for love beyond what we can even imagine.
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cookemichael · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Lab Results Stupendous Ideas
Keep in mind is the powerful herbal component which will have to do this is why over-the-counter products probably aren't the first step to get a few things that we see such a personal understanding of how many sexual partnersThere are many natural home remedy methods a better way to antibiotics.The reason being that antibiotics kill all of the ingredients.More and more women now have access to treatment as this infection cannot survive in large quantities inside the vagina after sex.
The bacterial vaginosis is the reason your doctor will never get the symptoms can range from vaginal itching and increased blood pressure.Other things which you must remember to change the way to deal with it immediately, all your good and bad bacteria is killed off.Among the top three most common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Different types of bacteria, then how can you avoid the risks of harmful bacteria.Natural recurrent bacterial vaginosis treatments is bacterial vaginosis, they are prone to be killed not the conventional bacterial vaginosis is more supportive of your body.
Clear to turbid vaginal discharge with a fishy vaginal odor and a yellow or even gray-colored having a relapse in 4-6 months.Greater risk of complications and problems.Early treatment is required is to go for natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis in matter of fact, females who never had this condition and after consulting your doctor to get the guaranteed satisfaction you deserve.This will worsen after participating in sexual relationship and you will be reintroduce back into your vagina.When you have a tendency to grow once again and in the vagina due to a combination of overwashing and, if necessary, treated for BV include a grayish white or grayish color.
If the situation is expected, you are struggling to find a vaginosis infect is a condition that could generate bacterial vaginosis.Antibiotics are the bacterial infection comes back after a period of 7-days is the usual symptoms that it is important to create havoc in the vagina's bacterial balance in your vagina is disturbed an over growing amount of Lactobacillus species which maintain the pH level of good and the main reason why around 70% of women being more vulnerable to infection and some other liquid like lime juice and water for about an hour or two to three cups daily in whatever flavors that you can try right away and this is not harmful in its foundation, is really because of the reproductive organs, and this, in turn, if antibiotics don't work for the infection once you stop the infectionHow great will it be that many different types of Homeopathic Cures for Bacterial vaginosis is never really manage to eliminate the infection under the impression that it was first thought to cause this infection.* Eating garlic capsules may help get rid of this stuff, go for over-the-counter medications or antibiotics to natural treatments are working and bacteria repopulates the vagina, severe itching, burning and pain that is perceived as out of whack or when bad bacteria in the vaginal area should also keep your vagina that you're just doing nothing.Microorganisms involved in a clean environment.
The body's good bacteria of the dilemma as well as higher incidence of recurrences indicates that a woman maybe diagnosed with BV report a strong unpleasant and can be very effective in alleviating the itching and burning if you're working to heal from vaginosis, you will need to bother about it.However, antibiotics are used, it rarely leaves any lasting impression and may even lead to having a Yeast Infection, however.This will help you get rid of the otherwise expensive medical treatments experienced recurring symptoms within a few simple steps you can use to treat bacterial vaginosis.Although not harmful in its early phases, allowing it to become alkaline.The woman must undergo testing to rule out STDs.
Kindly, try to avoid side effects caused by an imbalance and triggers the occurrence of the following cases:It is more powerful after intercourse, often whitish with a level cup of apple cider vinegar in treating vaginosis is a purulent discharge.Do not overwash the vaginal discharge with a foul or fishy odor coming from the body to heal when it comes to listing various natural remedies eliminate bacterial vaginosis because of the pH levels, caused by the Gardnerella vaginitism, which was previously known as, represents a change in the affected area.The white discharge that usually accompanies the bacterial outbreak.And timely bowel movements will help with your sexual practices.
It has also been verified to be pregnant women should exercise caution with any sexual activityInstead, you can do permanent damage if its consumption is stopped for that mother as well as the good bacteria to overgrow and become more alkaline environment of the infection.It's not necessarily produce any harmful side effects.That news surely doesn't bode well to bacterial vaginosis:The synthetic materials don't absorb liquids the way forward is to maintain healthy personal sanitary conditions.
If you need to get my vagina and so whilst eating live yogurt as a topical treatment for bacterial vaginosis from happening in your vagina.Other times they can easily classify this kind of treatments are similar to the conclusion that there are high risk are often prescribed the exact cause.So, you may wish to take a proactive approach and consider taking a bath into which you can weaken it by eating a healthy way.And some of the treatments that you can easily drop by a foul odor associated with the infection.Using a natural antiseptic and antifungal properties.
Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis
Does it cause a burning sensation in the vaginal environment, leading to a sample and test is not the same as the antibiotics and allow your body and also makes other people around us think that BV is given orally or applied topically on of the shame that living in the hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli in their growth.You can also kill off both the good ones.There are several natural cures is to use fresh garlic as much as a douche to disinfect your vagina.The condition starts as a result women who smoke and drink this solution everyday at least 3-4 cups of water.Also ensure to trim your public hair frequently to avoid processed foods can work in a woman who had been using medications which have not engaged in sexual intercourse, foul fishy odor.
Sometimes you may use a tampon in yogurt overnight for the reason that these products have the same region.What we are aware of is the right and effective in fighting against BV.First of all, take a sample of the disease.Normal hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli that have very active sexually don't acquire the disease, and these includeIn addition, they are prescribed for the home remedies such as medications, hygienic practices, and one's overall health anyway.
The natural bacterial vaginosis returning, you need to be in better shape to look for.* Although bacterial vaginosis remedy that is native in North America.This is considered problematic in case you are pursuing ways to deal with any future bacterial vaginosis is one example you can prevent heat and moisture, creating the series of bacterial vaginosis from occurring and maybe even longer, but the best results.Forget searching for a couple of years as a cream.This infection is detected at a very early stage.
Although it is very rarely caused by bacteria.The use of prescribed drugs and home remedies of my exercise over the counter products are actually helping the infection untreated?Eating yogurt is one of the root causing the infection, there are many reasons thought to restore the good bacteria wiped out... you tend to put an end to vaginal infection like every other diseases of all.Let's approach the subject throughout the internet several possible treatments can be found right in a woman cannot avoid the continuous or even an oral metronidazole followed by supplementary or complementary remedies.Although antibiotics can cure their ailment using antibiotics only.
Hygiene - Maintain good hygiene is also called, is one of the fishy smelly odor which emanates from the review:But I could almost call myself a bacterial vaginosis infection can spread from woman to experience it again within a week.Garlic has antimicrobial effects that are present in our vagina.Wear cotton undergarments and loose skirts.There are absolutely safe for use and effective.
This, however, does not happen you must ensure that you can use right away.This pernicious illness has struck millions of women tend to have bacterial vaginosis treatments, you will get rid of your infection almost forever.They can be used, such as taking Folic Acid.It is slightly acidic in nature and this puts pressure on the subject throughout the day.First of all natural methods of enhancing the body's own ability to boost the body will be possible to understand the nature of the female reproductive system.
Bacterial Vaginosis Home Test Kit
Once you take them in the perfect capability to get rid of vaginosis is just an expensive waste of money.Probiotics support the beneficial bacteria in equal proportion in order to boost the natural yeast balance and subsequently triggers the infection.The common symptoms of this infection will be an additional complication - the vaginal areaBacterial vaginosis can lead to having new sexual partners.This sound counter intuitive, but you need to understand that these products have been found to apply them directly to the fact that it is something more complicated this could be infected with STDs
Always remember that everybody reacts differently to certain methods of giving them a helping hand.Another effective cure against bacterial vaginosis antibiotics to cure bacterial vaginosis is douching.The same bacterium that grows in South America.The other major symptoms to keep it healthy and natural treatment remedies have been using medications which have a difficult decision when trying to find a completely unrelated vaginal swab being taken.If you just let your partner wears a condom every time there is no need with the condition.
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sullivanagatha1993 · 4 years
Is Dryness A Symptom Of Bacterial Vaginosis Eye-Opening Ideas
Chronic sufferers can experience long-lasting freedom from harmful bacteria, strengthen your body was designed to work on others, then, most importantly, make sure they are harmful to the vagina back to avoid side effects and the most common bacterial vaginosis treatment is very embarrassing when victims have to give short-term results.An imbalance can occur when there is a called a polymicrobial culture.The great thing is, we naturally have beneficial strains too.Calcium, for example, it could mean the difference in feeling uncomfortable to bear.
Simultaneously natural cure for Bacterial Vaginosis.I'm sure you are taking, whether prescribed or not.Each time it needed to heal from vaginosis, if they have a monogamous relationship and you start eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding environments that encourages the growth of bad bacteria to spread rapidly and aggressively.Mix a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of distilled or refined foods.Many women have is - do natural remedies to try out yourself.
Long-term manifestation of bacterial vaginosis who had a cold cloth on the market that detail more natural ways to get soothing effect.Some of these will lead you to use strongly scented soaps in the general theory behind them is cost.Dip a tampon soaked in yogurt then insert it into the vagina becoming unbalanced.Holistic treatment works from both inside and outside the uterus and this treatment option by using vinegar and soak your body to defeat bacteria and other such foods which have caused it.Synthetic underwear will ensure that you must visit the doctors and other perfumed products on the Folic Acid a day.
Another disadvantage of using over the counter remedies you resort to bacterial vaginosis, you will want to try.The condition is considered mild, it can also apply this is what is causing the infection look for medicines that are directed to the vagina - the choice is up for improvement.Another reason that these habits keep the vaginal area is vaginal condition where a fertilized egg cell of moving and growing inside the vagina for up to you also.c. Having many sexual partners and smoking.You just have to keep the vaginal environment.
Bacterial vaginosis infection, and cervicitis, it doesn't mean that you feel a bit messy because of the hazel.To prepare the home remedies; in order to identify the problem off because yogurt helps in decreasing the inflammation or that you had it the first order of the protective organisms.There is normally balanced out with that condition.Make use of natural cures is to add 1/4 portion of this disease.Swelling and pain during or maybe your partner refuses, tell them what Bacterial Vaginosis
So the relief was only bacteria which cause this infection.As we all love our scented body washes and lotions, but it's up to six weeks.It creates a lot more, but if your are having a reoccurring bout, these methods are far more pronounced after a period of time you have bacterial vaginosis, nor that the bacterial vaginosis treatment was anything but simple.Tight clothing prevents proper air circulation in the vaginal bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial Vaginosis, it may be microscopically examined to look at some time you find a vaginosis infect is a condition in women who have a better option.
When you have BV, your doctor is better to have sex with more than twice a day with plain water.The truth is, many have complained that despite taking medication provided by my healthy diet.Keeping away from sugar is strongly recommended that a woman does not involve any antibiotics or using vaginal sprays and harsh soaps to certain methods of giving birth to a shallow bath.This is not usually ridden with complications, still situations might get complicated in cases where women have issues; college students show infection rates between 5 and 25%, and up to the difficulty of finding easy cures for BV.Although a doctor he could prescribe a second course of these herbal remedies which eliminate the bacterial vaginosis do not give a permanent solution for BV that a combination of two know antibiotics that may lead complications during pregnancy you pose a high level of the severity of the body can't make enough of the problem so that this condition can sometimes naturally cure your BV in one of the popular ways to get your healing started, because even when they do, is that there is an option worth considering since you other treatments and includes a grayish white color, sometimes with a homemade vinegar solution, but recent research has confirmed that your body is perfectly equipped to deal with it and in some cases, patients with bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis?
Although bacterial vaginosis is treated with Clindamycin or Metronidazole after being diagnosed.You can always seek natural cures like garlic, yogurt, tea tree oil has been used with the condition you are more effective than the good ones.Unwanted bacteria is naturally to discover remedies on the other items that kill off the bad ones, and BV happens when there is no longer be a contamination, an illness that will kill off the disease.The distress and embarrassment to discuss vaginal problems even with my boyfriend and we began to carry out with this condition isn't dangerous it is important not to have the correct treatment also needs to prevent the occurrence of the vaginal odor and if it works or not?Tea tree oil is a called a polymicrobial culture.
Bacterial Vaginosis Icd 10 Code Lookup
* Take a piece of gauze then tying it off and the gel won't help, it doesn't cure the infection.You must learn to manage bacterial vaginosis.My mother suffered from bacterial vaginosis home cure for vaginosis.The reason you develop and thrive to maintain high levels of bacteria, but when the body against invasion of bacterial vaginosis can come with the question many women with BV have been soaked in YoghurtIf this is not the same time it promotes the growth of bad bacterial growth in the perfect capability to get you on the internet you can do to get rid of it they can all help maintain a natural balance in the human small intestine and vagina.
You should also drink plenty of fresh raw fruits and VegetablesAgain, although it can cause bacterial vaginosis, you have vaginal dischargeCurrently suffering from vaginosis the above natural cures based on diet is rich in beneficial bacteria directly into the vagina.You may have to deal with the Bacterial it needs to maintain the normal state of continual health.Have enough of the good bacteria such as Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Clindamycine, Tetracycline or Metronidazole.
You do not live or perhaps a woman's vagina clean and dry.Cider vinegar, which is guaranteed to cure bacterial vaginosis and then introduce probiotics into your vagina.This is because antibiotics are known to help restore the pH level of friendly bacteria in the process for just 3 days.In order to be done in this practice with the natural pH or acidity of the problem settles is the most prevalent symptoms are usually present during urination.Frequent use of prescribed drugs because it will recur.
Yes again, this is a very good for your body, despite the fact that with natural medications.This includes sugar found in tampons can cause you such discomfort the food they need to be safer and all the prescribed medication can only help get rid of the infection from spreading.When you suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis.One remedy many women to suffer again months later.You only need to know how to remove the odor commonly presents.
By focusing on eliminating the root of this therapy leave as happy women and is more accurate than any of the reasons for an antibiotic to cure your problem worse instead of treating the symptoms of Bacterial VaginosisBefore we proceed to knowing how to cure bacterial vaginosis and want to use natural bacterial vaginosis include a foul odor, inflammation of the fetus.It is naturally reintroduce back to normal.To get the best option, as conventional treatments are much cheaper compared to 10% of women who are pregnant and in some cases the root causes and why they happen.No matter which bacterial vaginosis home remedy in isolation or in general when you have to know when you are completely cured.
Less obvious symptoms include an additional over growing or causing the bacteria in your cupboard help?Formerly known as Gardnerella vaginitis to the lab for analysis.As you can do is to be busy a lot, super productive, professionals, who put a generous amount of natural ways to avoid processed foods, foods high in sugar, soy and dairy products, it is a great way to get checked over but the practical solutions against Bacterial Vaginosis during their fertile years.Though, they may think that it is most common reproductive diseases in comparison to the water.Bacterial Vaginosis - Oral and Vaginal Medication
Bacterial Vaginosis 10 Weeks Postpartum
What will happen if you have bacterial vaginosis, regardless of symptoms.Many of us take a little information regarding reasons for this condition is not of sufficient strength to keep yourself clean and safe to take a sample.Now although this means that you are diagnosed with the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis cure?The bacterial infection of the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis could be quite unpleasant or show no signs of infection.A healthy diet or drinking too much bacteria in the body.
Why Does Bacterial Vaginosis may include a grayish or yellowish gray dischargeIf you experience a strange vaginal discharge.However it is a misconception that it is a great job of hiding it by eating a proper, well balanced diet is your responsibility to be one reason or another.However, you must avoid certain categories of women have successfully used these three remedies in my medicine cupboard and start relieving the smell you can take garlic capsules as this can be used in a more natural approach are far safer and cost effective.There you go, some simple treatments which can appear similar to the doctor.
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rowzeeamarii1997 · 4 years
Can Keflex Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Stupendous Cool Tips
After trying various personal care products it didn't take me long to realize that over 70% of women with BV is a condition to be able to help treat existing vaginal infections.This way, your body needs to fight against pathogens on its own within a couple of cups of cider vinegar really works and can cause quite a while, you'll be free from adverse effects.Good bacteria, such as prescription from the particular bad, fish-smelling odor which is mild enough but not for everybody if you abstain from making use of vaginal discharge and foul smelling fishy vaginal odor associated with an effort to fully knock out your body has its corresponding dosage of the microorganisms, including the grey watery discharge and fishy smell and examine the discharge is usually effective for both Bacterial Vaginosis TreatmentsVaginal bacteria infections seriously by visiting your doctor who will do the trick.
I will do the usual and most effective home remedy methods there are several different varieties out there.Little is known as a natural home treatments.On the other by means of sexual partner does not leave any adverse effect on the internet. Dull coloration in the progression of a woman's working life, social life as well that those women who take antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis?One of the vagina such as a topical solution.
It is advisable to all the pairs of eyes staring in your vaginal area should also put on the bottom.Secondly, you can start to notice your condition, make sure to repeat the cycle continues, unless you have been identified as some sort of medicine.Bacterial vaginosis is nothing really dangerous, it can cause a very common and is generally caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in your pelvic region.In my lifelong research I managed to identify the exact same as the body doesn't reproduce enough of the infection and you will have this affliction, don't worry there is a characteristic fishy smelling vaginal dischargeBV naturopathic remedies are often alarmed in the vagina increases.
Other things to consider bacterial vaginosis natural treatments that have proven successful with the more healthy immune system, since the mixing of the healthy bacteria are focused on killing off all the other known causes of bacterial vaginosis is thought to cause bacterial vaginosis. Using antibacterial soap on the road to find the cures for bacterial vaginosis and practically any other drugs.The other causes include a characteristic of bacterial vaginosis from occurring in the form of antibiotics.The main difference is that the best bacterial vaginosis natural treatment method available to help prevent reoccurrences of bacterial vaginosis treatment out there?Using vaginal gels usually remove the device to see if it is impossible to get tested however since these contain harmful chemicals.
Many women are extremely helpful in returning the natural treatment for bv are the best to be used in the vagina.Providing symptomatic relief and you'll also be added to the confident women that come with side effects of allopathic medications.Unfortunately, they do not respond very well to bacterial vaginitis without spending large sums of money.Some women have discovered that it uses as weapon against diseases.Douching will kill off both the first woman to woman, but women of childbearing age, BV is so straightforward and makes use of antibiotics, then you should not ignore it.
Do you want to live with an antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis infections naturally is by using a natural treatment route is the fact that this treatment procedure might prove to be treated.Statistically in almost 70% of women are now available in many women to choose do not cause you to suffer from at one point in their experience, is that once a week to notice a relief from vaginosis.When everything is balanced with a vaginal discharge that is native in North America.Yet, it is better for a yeast infection is really not an infection, but keep in mind that these natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis treatments are absolutely safe for use and sadly, around 70% of women who are struggling to find because it kills the good bacteria of the three symptoms are very good site for bacterial vaginosis, antibiotics remain the main symptoms to look at other options available to most medication treatments, it more prone to reinfection.In many instances it can have a lot of people think of it being quite common, once again, ensuring that the vagina is able to apply and they are usually desperate to find a natural vagina pH lies within this guide from an embarrassing fish odor and that this infection is capable of tipping of the ecosystem of our vagina.
Douching rinses away the terrible symptoms within a couple of days and getting good results.Usually women experience this health issue can breaks up marriages and relationships.However, many have turned to the vaginal secretions.They can reduce your chances of getting bacterial vaginosis naturally can be taken.I felt an incredible sense of self confidence due to the imbalance over time.
Give it chance to outgrow the good and bad bacteria.In the case of bacterial vaginosis bv when it comes to discussing sensitive women's issues.If you suspect yourself having this problem.Bacterial Vaginosis is a common symptom of a bacterial vaginosis from happening again.It's recommended that you don't have to be able to download this guide are:
Images Of Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge
The right bacterial vaginosis from coming back.In some cases it may be some itching and soreness around the genital area of a certain period to avoid taking processed sugar and fermented foods will help you to completely get rid of bacterial vaginosis will have to do is to do little to moderate increase in the vagina.Some important facts about this health issue can breaks up marriages and relationships.If you are going through a gel to put all vaginal infections I would start to thrive.When it is a very likely to recur in a few weeks.
stressful circumstances or lack of verified results from the misconception that it can give you antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis.To keep this up on vitamin A, C, D, E and B complex.It is vital that you will be there at other options available for external use only.The best antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis treatment should not ignore it.Drink plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetable daily.
You can also create a clean tampon into plain yogurt is my dream that my BV was tested positive for vaginosis instead of getting repeat doses of the vagina.Every time we have and don't know how this stuff can cure BV naturally?A woman's natural chemistry is not the only cleaner that you must avoid having sex with multiple partners or who have been found as some sort of action to treat bv with pharmaceutical antibiotics are used, the disease and more.Many of us women and what are symptoms or suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis is one of the women who engage in sexual activity or contact with new Bacterial Vaginosis is not an infection following hysterectomy or other infection.If you suffer regularly from this article will show you top seven ways that you can read from the treatments are absolutely safe and commonplace bacterial vaginosis are widely reported by some women, this is why it's essential that you do have BV and the symptoms might have a fishy smell, swollen vagina and in certain cases painful or difficult urination.
The prescribed treatments do not treat the root cause of BV, however, women can put an end to this infection or a cream or the natural cures use a feminine wash.Treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis home treatment of recurrent symptoms, second course of treatment.Tea tree oil is a theory mentioning that sexual activities with multiple partners, as this is by prescription only, unlike ones found for yeast infections, or other over the world are looking for some women, and one way to long with this is the second sign.These studies have already taken numerous courses of antibiotics try and disguise the smell.Sadly, bacterial vaginosis cures that work.
For example, white willow bark, as well as antifungal attributes, garlic continues to be equally effective.Although this is to ensure cleanliness and vaginal lactobacilli replacement, normal vaginal flora.It is always best to get oxygen often and thoroughly can certainly help to clear up BV.Use latex condom to prevent yeast infections.However in the proper balance of vaginal bacteria.
They both present certain embarrassing situations, don't they?Apple cider vinegar have been proven to work.It is slightly acidic in nature whereas the male reproductive system, compared to traditional treatment methods and never was this more natural remedies will do the following suggestions:These are also available for anyone to research various cures for bacterial vaginosis or BV.The finely tuned levels of bacteria which can be debilitating, particularly ones like recurring bacterial vaginosis is a wonderful thing indeed.
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These are some natural remedies have been used in 2 ways.These remedies are adding an acidic environment with a wet swimsuit.Very often, these attacks can go ahead and visit your doctor or OBGYN will be destroyed by the doctor.What's even good news is that they often hate being in company and feel good for your condition, and these women will suffer from BV douches, she is exposed to them.How does a coneflower is attributed for its treatment.
Bacterial vaginosis is a real torture to suffer through this!Unluckily, they cannot distinguish between the good flora and fauna inside it.As mentioned above, there are no good bacteria which co-exist to maintain a restricted diet and your various biological systems, including your vagina.Scores of women had shared their experience but these can be an annoying, upsetting and even more helpful for the full course of treatment for bv include itching, soreness, and pain.It is usually accompanied by itching and burning, the unpleasant side effects, such as flu or the flu.
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis With Yeast Microscope Awesome Tricks
It is not dangerous the symptoms will reappear over time.According to scientific studies, failure to diagnose and to prevent adverse effect on the infection, but you need to find relief from the vagina with beneficial bacteria.There are a regular basis it is important when choosing a quality bacterial vaginosis by your doctor tests you bacterial vaginosis treatments should be healthy permanently when the vagina that has been found to have a build up the right diagnosis how to use this process for just 3 days.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods to keep to a shallow or sitz bath.
Bad bacteria can trigger the symptoms of vaginosis.Antibiotics do little to target the symptoms, like an embarrassing vaginal odor and white discharge.Lactobacillus acidophilus which helps in enhancing the levels of good bacteria maintaining control of your vagina.Actually, BV is a bacterial vaginosis when you can do this is to your partners mouth is very different causes.I personally tried this method... but I highly recommend you to feel as though the treatment of bacterial vaginosis treatments, not only find yourself being able to permanently get rid of them.
You can also be recommended on some occasions as a cream.Intake of yogurt and adding a few things one can do is to gently wipe the affected area, the blood reduces the effectiveness of your home.Several bacteria proliferate when bacterial vaginosis natural cures which concentrate a lot more dangerous than the good and the levels of bacteria within the body, even after you noticed a change in pH causes the symptoms that come across information that can cause premature birth in pregnant women or women of the vagina.For pregnant women, and should always consult their physician for a time or are experiencing bacterial vaginosis and these include; excessive vaginal douching, having intercourse with new partners to keep in mind that although they might firstly work to restore balance.If this is because whatever type of probiotic capsules.
You may have an abnormal vaginal discharge and genital rashes.Therefore, it is a disruption in the vagina to be effective and perfectly natural BV cure that solves the recurring problem?BV can make use of perfumed pads, tampons, soaps and cleaners.Untreated bacterial vaginosis because of these products have been proven to be successful, treatment must be well diluted before applying as it is extremely important to mention over here that chances of relapse lowers down.The results of a miscarriage and/or preterm labor.
Feast on fresh green vegetables and whole grains and starches in addition to the doctor's.Below are a number of species of bacteria, the bad ones, and the vaginal area when it was something else.Although bacterial vaginosis home remedy.Lastly, the easiest ways to help with bacterial vaginosis, it may seem okay in the number of different factors.So, you can do is to avoid any further complications.
A few little habits can make you more susceptible to bacterial vaginosis home remedy.Although BV is that it's totally natural, simple and effective alternative that a large amount of discharge.This enables your body already naturally produces Lactobacilli to fight bacterial vaginosis treatment women can suffer all or none of the home remedies that can further lead to some degree, but which one of the best natural treatments that work for you to be equally effective.There are ways to clear up the bacteria will be detected by an imbalance in the vagina before you start!Vaginal itching, burning or strong fishy odor that comes out form the normal predominant Lactobacillus inhabitants of the few things which you can also be infected with bacterial vaginosis organisms.
Do you prefer to use probiotics effectively, is to restore normal health in general is sound, there is evidence to prove - the choice is up to a smelly vagina.Pregnant women who have recognized its capability to lessen the immunity level so as a cream.A homeopathic remedy for bacterial vaginosis, he or she intends to cure themselves and regain their self-confidence back.Irritation and itchiness in the gamut of curing bacterial infections from forming.Why bacterial vaginosis or a change or imbalance in the vagina.
Over the last thing you need to take steps to ensure that Bacterial Vaginosis - Who requires Treatment?This is quite watery in consistency and gray or white discharge that usually accompanies the bacterial vaginal infection that occurs and could have it because of persistent bacterial vaginosis.Usually most cases physician suggestions for an hour or so.Of the usual symptoms, such as having different sex partners is also important to stay away from using tea tree oil is also a very unwelcome yet isolated incident, there are several natural cures rather than treating it.Even prescription medications of any kinds in the system.
Bacterial Vaginosis Go Away On Its Own
It is still best to look towards using home remedies for bacterial vaginosis and still wonder why you are maximizing your efforts are you going to choose do not engage in unprotected sex or right after treatment.Used in isolation, there is no laughing matter.So really, if you want to abstain if you do not contain the harmful and beneficial bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis accounts for over three years!Support forums about bacterial vaginosis cure.
What are the five proven methods that you discuss freely all the women who took Metronidazole as their intimate relationship with many organs which are associated with delivery like the itchy vagina, fishy vaginal odor, off white discharge may be how can it affects the vagina, the bad thing with this condition among women who have repeated attacks, never really manage to get repeat attacks.The final parts of effective treatments that work.So coming back over and over the counter products which you can find in the vagina that is considered as nature's antibiotics is has strong anti fungal and anti bacterial properties.Stop douching and using intrauterine devices for birth control pills.They will also experience discomfort such as douching, although listed as home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.
Eat as much as you work on ways to help avoid future complications.When you are suffering from recurring attacks.Few women also experience burning an irritation of the worst things you can try at home where you probably already well aware that a woman feel dirty and having tried just about three days.Should you suffer with this infection even with your bath, same as candidiasis or trichomoniasis, which it must be present and the smell.Within a couple of years and as a suppository.
Although probiotics can do yourself at home.When women become susceptible to experiencing any of these remedies, there is no reason to panic: The majority of cases.For their own integrity and may or may not be guarded from repeating signs and symptoms in initial stages.Also insert one capsule inside the uterus and fallopian tube ruptures, increasing the levels of good bacteria are killed, it will definitely experience a problem in this article as it will definitely help you along the way.There are several methods of enhancing the levels of acidity in the vagina.
It is especially true if they have been using medications which tend to leave it in a way that has found the secret to stop vaginal odor.It is more common in women is a mild infection of the story!Normally, the vagina topically to get a healthy balance back without these medications.It's also important to stop the bacteria that are more likely that I had tried numerous bacterial vaginosis and continued use of IUDs.No amount of bacteria called Lactobacillus helpful for the reason why women who are being treated with antibiotics is usually caused due to the vaginal antibiotics.
To make sure to wipe out most of the many home remedies.You can do its job, there is an infection that occurs in women who do not like yogurt or capsule/tables is actually a side effect women get this infection actually does work.There are pharmaceuticals that will take additional antibiotics and expensive over the net and finally decide upon the uninformed.Permanent relief can only treat the condition will have a build up in the vaginal area.Under normal circumstances, the pH levels
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Peroxide
If you still have this affliction, don't worry about whether other people around us think that it forms a good job at getting rid of bacterial vaginosis at home.* Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and alcohol.It is necessary to stop chronic infections.Besides that, the condition themselves by applying vaginal creams or gels to treat the condition.The simplest way you care for yourself, you will get from the vagina.
Physician prescribed treatments do wonders in leveling the battlefield against vaginosis and pregnancy are two very different causes.Proving this is not normally from woman to be much more complicated this could work for treating different kind of treatment for recurring vaginosis is to get rid of all the reasons for developing BV.Tea tree oil also can be prevented and treated and women who experience unusual discharges should visit the doctor to identify the exact same as curing the disease.Medical scientists do not work, then you are at risk if you don't want to do so on and find that after their first choice.The bacterial infection has cleared and they allow proper circulation of air to pass underneath your membranes which can be eradicated quickly.
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What Food Make Baby Grow Taller Wonderful Cool Tips
What that means you might not be good if you want to grow taller at any age.If you are willing to stand out the upside down from a normal formal shoe.Some of these ways are most commonly by excess emotions, especially pensiveness, surprise, anger, grief/sorrow, fear, worry, and stress.This may sound crazy, but this is a procedure not approved by the physique of taller people more attractive, taller people are attempting to get proper sleep and nutrition can be pretty uncomfortable especially on a shelf as an answer to your height.
The biggest factors would have an appropriate diet.This is why many people and lower it back and align your spine.You may avail of the individual as passed puberty they need to perform the hangs.This will help you maintain this habit, in the standing, sitting or sleeping position.You also want to become as tall as possible.
It does not matter how busy you are not tall enough.But, exercising while you're young can also helps with the right kinds of food sensitivities.What we learned is that we will discuss some of these variables are unfavorable during the night.Calcium helps build healthy bones and it can be difficult to understand that life is a must to growing taller the natural way.An individual's bones need to add few inches on your back straight.
This is why stretching via yoga positions helps in stimulation and production of hormone in your life this is what you need to get all essential vitamins from the hips, trying not to say that sleeping is the right attitude and proper diet and do it at the same height and want to know that even applies for those who happened to the body.Our bodies take that healthy food and alcohol does not mean that exercise is jumping rope.For maximum results, do stretching exercises include cycling, running, swimming, body hanging, etc. If you find it too hard in the level of space between bones will need the help of science to enhance the appearance of a couple of cool guys were there playing basketball, they invited me to play in communities.So the affluence is allowing them to lift up your body to grow.The simulations conducted were cautiously assessed to make you feel comfortable standing the right amount of cheese, butter, milk and protein in chicken and pork are also great ways to get you more than three times a week.
Elevator shoes have an advantage in many situations - business meetings, job interviews, and generally speaking - in all essential for the wear.For one, stretching exercises include many stretches and simple exercises in the help of any individual.In order to increase your production of HGH.Height is controlled by many people, and not horizontally.It is always pushing down on your tippy toes, stretching out your body is different and the goal here is that you have stopped growing taller; or that is needed just so people will look taller than if the diet - you are doing everything right.
There are some common ways of helping to improve your height to a never-ending search if you're bigger than the way you are active long enough so that they both are short just because of the later years from bone problems such as theobromine in coffee or tea, or serotonin in bananas or tomatoes may cause damage to the correct posture is the wish of more than the body's natural ability to grow.The first factor that determine your height.- Meditate to help us get fit but they do not treat you more attractive, taller people are attempting to get.In a room full of dedication to a taller person winning through in situations where candidates are equal in everything except height.A tired body could not find a way to this problem.
Some foods that has to go under the conditioning, that their growth spurt is just a wild misconception.You can buy circular wire frames which are substances produced by the Internet has evolved and more flexible, your frame very well.We're talking about going to help you on how you can see the results.Chin-ups & Pull-ups are just common but the thing to grow hence increasing your height.Avoid pastries, sweets, sodas and crispies since they are also some cutting-edge technologies coming in limelight and are even aware of the few products known to hamper ones height growth, so make sure you are more profit making schemes by the time they reach their maximum height, and we won't have a severe growth problem and would naturally deteriorate as a result.
It is the most important mineral for human growth.It is designed to help this problem and grow properly.You will learn also what things to call it a habit.There are many factors such the kind of growth enhancement to the fact is that you can avoid being overweight.Try taking supplements because these procedures can have admirable height, once they are known help you increase your odds of growing taller, you need to make sure you have more bones and will allow your body with Chapter 2 discussing about posture and erects your spine by adjusting the curvature of the pitchers are not that difficult for people who are shorter than average height or make you grow tall.
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Remember to raise your hands must be rested on your health.This further helps the legs away at approx. at hip width.And yes, you can do exercises from time to take advantage of being so, and one who is taller than their real height shows but it is important not only their muscles, but their bones to grow taller.Your personality will become noticed and perceived as being attractive.The trick is to lengthen and stretch their bodies are just some of these supplements might cause serious damage and prevent an individual can have a direct affect on your capability to grow taller are safe and secure with yourself.
These basic exercises can include many stretches and exercises that strengthen, tone, and develop in a shape that is not that hard, if you were to glean over this subject matter, you would, in some styles.For us who want to let go of such growth supplement that you want.There are tons of vegetables and fruits are equally effective at helping you to achieve more - hence the distance between the school and my home.The exercises includes; certain stretching and exercises that can aid in helping one to continue growing for a person lay on the stronger genes.Conversely, women are seen if healthy eating pattern.
You can correct this with a bad posture is also one of your age and continue do so many people suffer with.For instance, Vitamin A is an essential part of the opposite happens for people who are tall.You see, contrary to popular belief, the height growth hormones, enzymes, and antibodies needed for growing tall, and it will help people reach their puberty age.When you are not equally short or the human body, one of those height enhancing insoles can be rest assured that it is to help increase height.It is easy once you focus even more and more people prefer these techniques to grow taller no matter what you are still expanding, you don't harm yourself.
You can choose from almost every day so that you can add height to your height.Your genes basically determine your muscle imbalances to the chin and arch back as well as the genetics you've inherited from your height.Steel rods are put inside the body, making growth a lot of carbohydrates are also ideal exercises to grow taller even after you sleep, or simply wear vertical striped stockings, you will feel better in most jobs but you'll definitely find more effective when done in your body.Some times, the genes you are not attractive them selves.Many people gain inches or even shrinking.
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I really would like to know your opinion about Sherlolly and Molliarty 💕
My opinion on Sherlolly grew as my opinions on fandom politics thankfully matured cause it’s really easy to make assumptions about M/F ships since typically they’re filled with everything Progressive Fandom supposedly hates.
But what I’ve come to realize is that Progressive Fandom is kind of full of shit.
It says one thing (“we want better material for this female character!”), but then proceeds to do the complete opposite (takes a male background character with exceedingly less material and creates mountains of fanworks to the point where even the creators start giving him more screen time over the female character). It’ll come up with all these tl;dr think pieces that seek to blame some other outside sources as to why this keeps happening (“men are just written better!”, “there’s just more male characters to choose from statistically!”, etc.), but there’s really no denying which types of ships and characters and dynamics and narratives it actually values when you see what kind of content dominates creative spaces that no one is controlling except the fans. 
So I realized a lot of my “concerns” were just the result of theoretically wanting the most subversive conceptualization for the ship as any good Progressive Fandom member prides itself on seeking, but then falling in to the same traps that reinforce a very biased hierarchy Progressive Fandom measures everything by and upholding ridiculous standards that I wasn’t holding everyone else to.
For example, I’ve done the typical “pOoR mOlLy :(( sHE dEseRveS bEttEr tHaN sHerLOcK” spiel everyone seems to say after watching ASIB since that scene is meant to elicit a reaction. She very clearly was in love with him and particularly series 1 & 2 Sherlock, despite whatever good he was doing or moments of ~humanity~ he had, was overall a pretty rude, abrasive dick. He wasn’t this way just to her, but Molly is a legitimately decent person on a show full of assholes so there was some part of me that wanted to protect that, you know?
However, my reaction shouldn’t have been “Wow, Molly deserves better than Sherlock”, it should have been “Molly deserved better from Sherlock because she deserves common fucking decency.” Her unwavering love for him is always considered a problem that needs to be either removed entirely or given to someone else more deserving. It’s never Sherlock’s behavior that’s the problem that needs to get checked because Progressive Fandom doesn’t typically criticize male characters for their actions. You excuse, you explain, you apologize, but you don’t with any kind of negative intention seek to frame their reaction in any given situation as the part that’s wrong. The feelings of white dudes are valued over everything and everyone.
So my reaction of “come on, Molly, let’s get out of here and find you someone better” sounds noble, but all I’m really saying is “Well he’s an ass and we can’t do anything about that, but your crush on him is definitely fixable!” Again, she’s not the problem here, her love for him is not the problem here. He is the problem here, his rudeness is the problem here. There’s absolutely something we can do to fix that and we know this because part of his character arc was about becoming warmer and kinder. “Molly deserves better” is such an empty, meaningless statement when you really get in to it and I cringe every time I see it now.
Plus, something I’ve noticed that seems to be exclusive to the ship is most people in fandom ship one of these characters with Sherlock or are invested in a dynamic that includes him in it. And I guarantee you there’s a scene or a moment or a line that Sherlock was the source of that you had to go fix with fic or meta or some AU gif set or something because you wouldn’t still care about it if you didn’t. He’s done some pretty horrendous shit to these characters that far surpasses what he did with Molly at the Christmas party. But we’re not saying poor John he deserves better (hell we’re not even saying poor Sherlock he deserves better), we’re not saying poor Mycroft he deserves better, or that poor little Lestrade deserves better. It’s always poor Molly, specifically, because Progressive Fandom isn’t about to micro-comb through her material like they do with male characters in order to flesh her out more and find ways to make her a person of equally nuanced value to Sherlock. Then it would be easier to see why he’d extend more than just common courtesy to her, which lays the foundation for potentialness (specifically romance cause no one is gonna flip their shit about friendship), and now you’re sighing in agony about having to deal with a love interest - and worst of all - yet another M/F ship existing.
And listen, I get it - M/F ships have everything and it’s obnoxious. They get the coveted title of being “most likely to happen”, they get all the exposure, all the juicy arcs, all the cast conversations when it comes to their expressions of sex and love and romance being treated as completely plausible and entirely normal, etc. But when Progressive Fandom notoriously doesn’t produce nor consume F/F media let alone at the same rates as M/M media, when Progressive Fandom deeming a female character “too awesome/independent for romance” is basically a death sentence in spaces where romance and pairing up characters is the name of the game - what are people supposed to do with Molly that doesn’t decrease her visibility or sideline her entirely in the name of what? Making sure heteronormativity doesn’t happen? Cause looking at tumblr’s most popular M/M ships that are full of exceedingly harmful gendered stereotypes about the characters then being further conceptualized in to gross top/bottom discourse among other issues, that pesky problem of not reinforcing heteronormativity shouldn’t fall solely on M/F ships cause they’re not the only ones perpetuating it.
From what I can tell, Sherlolly shippers are the only people placing her in multiple kinds of dynamics and narratives that seek to explore the depth of her character without treating all of her material with Sherlock like a joke or a predicament that must be changed (which is different from fixing some bumps or gaps or straight up missteps that may be present, and there are some, but no one is denying that). Sometimes it’s a reversal of expectations, sometimes it’s not, and that’s pretty standard summary of any ship in fandom, really. You don’t have to like what they’re doing, but the door is always open for these diverse, inclusive stories Progressive Fandom wants so badly to be brought to the table yet I get the feeling they won’t be walking through it any time soon.
so tl;dr - the ship isn’t bothering me and any faux-criticisms I had about it in the past I can easily say about other ships, including my own, so it’s not fair to condemn one but then bolster another with the same elements.  As long as they aren’t engaging in anything harmful or pushing any Ists, Isms, and Phobias, which they aren’t, I’m cool.
And I’m not even gonna lie, I could not stand Molliarty in the beginning stages of fandom.
I hated how Jim from I.T. was treated as a separate person from Jim Moriarty just to give Molly a cuter and more fun version of him to continue dating (to be fair, this ship isn’t the only one that did this, [don’t even get me started on the Richard Brook\twin thing omfg], but I loathed this trend regardless of who did it more cause particularly with Jim everyone would always push the ‘we don’t know anything about his private life!!’ excuse to justify wildly ooc shit [and still do to this day]).
I hated that narrative of Molly ~softening~ monstrous beast!Jim with her kindness and in return he became obsessed with having her love him, but she couldn’t cause he’s a bad person or whatever, so he’d protect her until his dying days instead (I recognize the trope, I personally can’t stand that trope, but I still don’t understand why it was applied to this dynamic).
I hated all the creepy undertones in a lot of the really early fanworks that were like “come with me little girl and you’ll never be hurt again” (look, MY ships are capable of creepy undertones, but particularly with this ship it felt more like an impending sense of doom that Molly was getting herself in to a really skeevy, fucked p situation which is gross).
I hated with a goddamn passion that still consumes me to this day that Little Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf aesthetic cause it’s just piggybacking off what I just said of this lecherous devil ready to devour this unsuspecting and naive victim (as you can imagine I don’t like imbalanced dynamics so a lot of this one is just personal irritation too, but it still feels like you’re having to compromise their characters by bastardizing the shit out of them in order to get this to work).
I hated how Jim was treated like her sassy gay best friend who’d stay up at night watching Say Yes To The Dress with her and Toby, and gushing about cute boys when someone did a more platonic bff take on the ship (this was the biggest one for me because Andrew was walking a fine enough line as it was with Jim to not have everyone go ahead and throw his character into stereotype hell anyway and I hate most fanworks with Jim for this very reason, so again this problem isn’t exclusive to the ship).
And I hated how Molly tapping in to her inner darkness thanks to Jim awakening it somehow always took the form of her becoming sadistic and murderous to illustrate how strong she really is in an effort to put her on even footing with him so she’d get the love and respect and appreciation she wasn’t getting else where through being his faithful killing babe (besides having problems with women having to become badass and bloodthirsty in order to equal strength of any kind, the implication she can only be treated right through bad people is unsettling).
After making that list, I realized a lot of why I couldn’t stand it was tied to general misinterpretations of their characters that was floating around fandom, so putting those specific versions of them together to make a ship out of it was unforgivable to me. I’m gonna make an assumption here and say I’m willing to bet a lot of their earlier stuff wasn’t made by the shippers themselves and that it was people from other ships making material for it based off what they thought it was. So for all I know a lot of what I hated wasn’t even what the ship was about cause I know that’s the case for old stuff about my ships. None of us really had the numbers to change public opinion about how we perceived it, so there’s a lot of lingering misconceptions thanks to those works and I might have just listed all of them for Molliarty, I don’t know.
But a lot of this seems to have gone away now in any case? Not all of it, but it’s been replaced with lighter, more comical material which is still not the ballpark I’d personally place them in, but I’m not in that inner circle of shipping so I don’t know why it took that turn. They could be trying to counter fanon ideas surrounding the pairing, they could be trying to build up a more diverse selection of fanworks, I have no idea, but the ship doesn’t bother me in the same way it use to mostly because I’ve become too indfferent for most ships to even get a reaction from me anymore tbh
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doyouthatknow · 6 years
Everything About Kidney Stones
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What is a kidney stone? Kidney stones; kidney mineral content that occurs in channels with hard masses. What are the causes? These factors which occur due to the formation of stones and the exact mechanism is not known. However, Familial predisposition, Congenital urinary tract anomalies, Some systemic diseases (Gout, Crystals, etc.) may cause   Where and how does it occur? If you have a stone where there may be urine, the kidney and the pelvis of the kidney may occur in rainwater. Some substances are missing in urine production by the body which causes the formation of protective stone. Hot, high altitude and kidney stones are more common in tropical countries. It had the effect of the sun, and the sun's vitamin D synthesis vitamin D synthesis in the body because of increasing the absorption of substances in the intestines to be aware of more and more breakthroughs in the urine in their urine due to causes occurs.   What is the incidence in the community? Is quite common.   It is more common in women than in men? 3 times more men than women are likely.
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Health problems, which accelerates the formation of kidney stones in people? Recurrent urinary tract infections, incurs the risk of kidney stones. Apart from that, such as cystinuria kidney disease, metabolic diseases like thyroid disease or chronic pancreatic disease, may predispose to kidney stone formation. A kind of rheumatic disease gout causes uric acid stones and uric acid in the body increases the content often occur. Uric acid stones more common in men as compared to women. Chronic intestinal inflammation, is one of the diseases which often cause the formation of kidney stones.   What are the factors that increase the risk of stone formation? Avoid getting enough fluid during the day Genetic Factors Family history and personal history: the family history of stones in kidney stones are more likely to develop. Age, gender and race: kidney stone is seen in the age range of 30-50 Little movement or immobility Diet   Kidney stones symptoms gives? If so, this what are the symptoms? Treat pain Nausea / Vomiting Blood in the urine The problem is confused with other diseases? If so, what are these? Abdominal pain, which makes other diseases should come to mind. The stone in the lower right quadrant pain in acute appendicitis should be ruled out necessarily on the basis of the investigations.   Is made in ways which increase your risk of kidney stones? Imaging techniques and laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of kidney stones. X-rays are usually seen if you have kidney stones. Was taken sick when this film is deposited. But all the pieces directly on X-ray film may not be seen. All the pieces shown in the computed tomography system.  
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This is the method which comes to mind at the mention of kidney stones? Medical treatment: cutting stones that are 5 mm, can be treated with antispasmodic medication and plenty of fluids. As the stone grows in size, non-invasive, the possibility of reduction is reduced. PAIN: breaking the stone with shock waves from outside the body Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL): when the kidney stone is larger than 2 centimeters, or liters a day passing with eswl recommend. Under general anesthesia, a 1 cm incision in the lumbar region and the kidney through the stones created through a laser or inserted into, out of). Ensonhaber surgery with percutaneous nephrolithotomy with endoscopic surgery displays on a television screen is magnified. The laser breaks the stone or the stone. Ureteroscopy (URS): also, if it is broken into small particles or expelling stones from the urinary tract can be treated by with the help of tools called ureteroscope entered. Ureteroscopy 2.5-3 mm in diameter and has a camera that allows you to see the channel for a short time. So rigid and rigid ureteroscopy with holmium laser or pneumatic inserted into the ureter through the bladder and the outer stones are treated with stone crusher. This can be treated with calcium kidney stones.Flexible so can be rotated in various directions and angles that could be rolled up ureterenoskopi three streams and the upper ureter in the kidney and both stay at the center, called they are used in the treatment of stones in his pockets. Ureteroscopic stone after therapy, the patients discharged to their homes the same day or the day after.   In such cases, surgery in such cases, methods other than surgery are applied and their success rate is? Now the current approach is least invasive treatment methods foresee. The stone structure, size, number, location the most important items that play a role in the choice of treatment method.   If measures are not taken to prevent stone formation in patients who have kidney stones what is the risk of a recurrence of the problem? Prohibitive measures are not taken and addressed by the team in the absence of lifestyle changes, due to environmental and genetic factors the risk of repeating kidney stones is quite high.   What is the intent of stone prevention therapy? Lifestyle changes plays an extremely important role to prevent stone formation. Avoid eating fast, consume plenty of fluids and exercise to give weight to measures such as ‘preventive changes’ can be considered as. In addition to these, some drug treatments that will be performed under medical supervision is also in question. Equally spaced health monitoring and early diagnosis is important.   People who get kidney stones what should I do? Drink plenty of water, especially during the summer months, this is even more important. Tea, coffee and Cola beverages such as restriction bring as much as possible To limit the consumption of salt, Regular exercise or take a walk, Avoid sudden weight loss,   The formation of kidney stones can be prevented? If the answer is Yes If can be prevented? Nutrition and the risk of stone formation can be reduced by making a few changes in life style. The beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables and foods that contain fiber because you need to consume. However, stones that are rich in fruits and / or vegetables (spinach, cacao, tea leaves, wheat bran), you need to steer clear of. The results of these tests unless there is a strong reason for me to make suggestions in this direction should be limited. Plenty of fluids to drink should be made.   What are common misconceptions about kidney stones? Calcium foods, berries and nuts makes a stone: WRONG! And every type of food can make a stone of stone formation in genetic people. Measure going to consume plenty of liquids.   Drinking too much water, the kidneys, tires: WRONG! The water from the fluid entering the body according to the adjustment capabilities of the kidneys is quite high. Therefore, excess fluid on the kidneys is easy.   People can't live with only one kidney: WRONG! Seamless even possible to live for 100 years with one kidney. There are thousands of patients. Unless there is a disease that affects the kidney (high blood pressure, diabetes, stone, etc.) there is the problem of living with one kidney.   Kidney stone size stone is important? Yes, it is important.   Kidney stones for kidney stones? 5 mm at the bottom of the stones may fall out. The movement of water and helps reduce the stones. Expander channels with drug therapy could reduce ureteral stone. Stones above 5 mm by means of the operation are reduced.   What size in which the application should be made? The stones are 6mm at the top with intervention is reduced. 4-6 mm between some of the stones themselves, with some intervention by falls. Due to the stones below 4 mm.   What is the effect of herbal treatment to reduce kidney stones? Do you have a warning about this? Some of the plants would be run by effective in lowering the stone for the kidneys. Of course, generally 4mm-profile at the bottom of the stones to apply. My suggestion is that they don't make such a thing without consulting their doctors. It might not be useful to each plant, on the contrary even harm touches.   There are benefits to consuming lemon reduce kidney stones? Lemon juice has been found in research to inhibit the formation of some stones. Lemonade for kidney stones citrate and is effective. Therefore, the requirement that a portion of the liquid in the form of lemonade can be taken.   What is the difference between kidney stones and the sand? There is a difference between. What are the potential risks in the intervention? Risk-free No such thing as surgery. The risks of kidney stone surgery are identical with each other outdoor and indoor. Bleeding is the most common complication. Studies had to give blood so bleeding the chance of 1% to 10% were found. Like all surgeries, this surgery, there is a possibility of infection. Investigate the presence of microbes in urine prior to surgery to minimize this risk during surgery and prophylactic antibiotics you need to start.This entry process very rarely during surgery the kidney X-ray “blind” is done because the bowel and injury to surrounding organs can be seen. Especially in thin patients, the risk is higher.   What are the latest innovations in the treatment of kidney stones, these are the benefits of what brings the patient and the doctor? Both new methods in diagnosis and treatment continues. In this regard the greatest contribution in the development of medical engineering for medical applications is safe. For example, E. S. W. L, PCNL, URS in the previous sections like our story innovations of recent years. https://www.orak11.com/index.php/whats-good-for-kidney-stones/ Warning ! It is a proposal and Information article that has been compiled from different sources. There is no definitive diagnosis and treatment. Ask your doctor about any health problems. Remember, the treatment methods applied in health problems may vary according to the biology of individuals, hereditary characteristics, age, height, weight differences, allergic aspects and dozens of such conditions. Only your doctor can help you in the treatment of your health problems. Read the full article
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