#and the ones who want to adopt all the tiefling kids
rohange · 3 months
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i had this very old wip that i was proud of, but it was very much abandoned. But i made myself finish it last night and i am very proud :,)
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hellothisisangle · 11 days
Cae is stunning! What is his backstory?
It’s been on my mind for a while! Just never wrote anything down.
The bhaalspawn baby appeared outside Baldur’s gate and was found by some farmhands who took him in. Bhaal must have missed the mark a bit when he was sired.
He toiled on the farm like their many other children (more kids=more labor), but he was out of place and bullied for being a tiefling among all humans. The urges then began showing from time to time and Scelaritas appeared before him, trying to coax the young bhaal spawn. Caelum, child that he was, didn’t understand. He told his adoptives, but they said to him that it was an evil fey creature and to stay away from it.
He would sometimes sneak to the city, stealing resplendent things he could get his hands on, then be harassed by the fellow children or beat by their parents if they caught him with anything good. His aptitude for music began showing itself around this time as well, as he would sing or make makeshift instruments. Only after a particular incident, where he killed (accidentally or otherwise) one of the children’s pet rabbits, did they decide to sell him off to a slave trader, thinking he really was a devil child all along.
The trader recognized Caelum’s talent and potential, dressed him up and presented him to well-off enough families. One of them accepted him in as something like an exotic bird. Caelum began to realize his issue with the urges, how wrong they were, and he did his best to suppress them as he knew that the position he was in now was his best chance at living a decent life. They didn’t love him but he got pretty much everything else he wanted. He just had to not think about the darker thoughts that creeped in… or hide the evidence better. Scelaritas again attempted to appear before him, but Caelum would completely ignore him, thinking no good could come from indulging him.
As he grew older he was sent to college. He was fairly popular and wildly charasmatic, thus certain odd behaviors were excused. But the urges grew ever stronger. To talk his classmates into meeting him at secluded places, to do unspeakable things to anyone who trusted him. He satiated the cravings with his own flesh, gaining his fascination with self harm. He knew he couldn’t continue like this. The next time Scelaritas appeared, he gave in, and was swept away to the cult beneath the city.
Everything from then on felt exceptionally “right”. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted, free to be who he thought he really was. Because it always felt like an inevitability. He thought he finally, actually had a family who understood him, and he devoted himself completely to it. He was around 20 here, and Orin was a child. They got along pretty well, her always insisting they had a sibling rivalry but Caelum never took her seriously. In between this time he rose up in the ranks of the cult and grew close to Gortash. A decade passed before Orin betrayed him and that’s where the start of the game begins. (and that fic I wrote)
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forgeofthenine · 8 months
If you're still interested in requests (feel free to ignore, since you've got a lot of 'em!)
How would everyone's favorite tieflings react to their Tav *not* being at the tiefling party, because they've ended up spending the night keeping the tiefling kids entertained in Mol's hideout? Celebrating with them, having fun and goofing off with the kids (and making sure Mol isn't trying to exhtort who she can, by selling firewine around the camp by doing so)
Bonus points if s/o is a bard class~
(2) Asfgghkkkl I was the ask for the s/o/Tav who spent the tiefling party just playing with the kids - I (maybe) forgot to mention that I had the idea of them doing it secretly, or like, getting stuck escorting Mol back because the kids!!! Want to see the hero too!!!
Hi Anon, thank you for the great request! This one was a blast to write and I really enjoyed it, I hope it's what you were after :)
For anyone wondering, this was the WIP referred to as 'adopting all the kids'
The bachelors finding you in the kids cave at the grove instead of at the party
The party was just starting to ramp up, making your rounds and catching up with everyone when you see it from the corner of your eye
A small tiefling with a cunning grin and an eye patch sitting on a rock at the edge of the clearing
Sneaking off to the edge of the firelight, with only a sideways glance from Halsin, you finally reach Mol
It really didn't take long for the girl to convince you to leave the party, her threat of upselling stolen firewine was almost enough convincing on its own
The two of you make your way back to the familiar cave that the children like to hide in, cheers being the first thing that meet your ears as Arabella and Mirkon happily rush up to you
The other children stay back but look excited in their own ways, Silfy peeking out behind a blanket wrapped around her, Mattis turning his attention towards you, and Doni letting out a small grunt in greeting
With some light begging from some of the kids (and some egging on from Mol and Mattis) it's not long before you pull out your instrument of choice and start your own party for the group of children
It might've been minutes or hours you were there, you're not sure until you're interrupted
Dammon had no intent on going to the party, not only is he not a particularly social person but he also has an entire makeshift forge to pack down
It's when he's stuffing his things into a pack that he sees you and Mol sneaking back through the grove and into your hidey hole
At first he chalks it up to the kids shenanigans but he grows curious at the sound of music emanating from the crack in the wall
Dammon is actually pretty quiet when he starts to make his way down the very tight, very craggy tunnel
That is until he slips and slides the rest of the way down, tumbling out covered in dust and letting out a small cough
The silence is absolutely deafening
"So this is where the real party is? Hope you don't mind me... Dropping in-"
The pun was bad enough for Mol and Mattis to want to kick the blacksmith out but you're quite happy to defend him
Soon he's joined your little group of rascals and you've scrounged him up a drum and the two of you are serenading the kids with a very one of a kind concert
It's only once all of the kids have finally fallen asleep that the two of you clamber your way back out of the cave, Dammon helping to dust you off afterwards
Dammon himself is stuck thinking about how good you were with the kids and how unexpectedly nice the night was, but he knows tomorrow they all get back on the road and he might never see you again
Zevlor, to no one's surprise, had been standing off to the side near Halsin when you left
Ever the wallflower in social situations, he'd seen you sneaking off with Mol
Knowing how much of a handful those kids are, Zevlor decides to go find you both soon after
He's spent this whole time letting the children believe he had absolutely no idea of their secret hiding place, but Zevlor isn't blind
Zevlors careful with making his way down the rocky tunnel, listening to the music that slowly fills the air
The paladin is so quiet in his descent that no one actually realises he's there until he claps at the end of your performance
The kids are all quick to scurry away, except for Mol and Mattis, and it's up to you to try and convince them to let Zevlor stay
It takes a fair bit of convincing but it ends with the two of you regaling the kids with stories of wild adventures
Those stories include musical interludes too at the kids instance
Once all the kids have fallen asleep, curled up around each other or lying on large stones, you and Zevlor make the rounds covering them all with blankets
It's when Zevlor is helping pull you back out of the cave afterwards, feeling the warmth of your hand against his, that he realises how alive you make him feel and how effortless it is to be around you
Rolan had spent most of the night drinking and putting on magic shows for his siblings
At some point in the night you'd come and given him applause but the next time he went to look for you, you'd already disappeared
It was Lia that pointed him in the right direction, mentioning you'd gone back to the grove
And so a tipsy, affection-starved wizard decides to stumble his way back to the grove to find you
It's both the sounds of music and the light bleeding through the cracks in the stone that draws him in
And if you think Dammons entrance was grand, Rolans is grander
Accidentally sliding down the last part like a surfer before quickly using his magic to make sure he doesn't fall flat on his face
Of the three bachelors, Rolan is the only one able to convince the kids to let him stay by himself
Showing off a little extra magic helped somewhat
It's then that the kids insist you both entertain them, putting on a join concert/magic show
For Rolan it was like Cal and Lia were little kids again, looking out at the little tiefling faces that are 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing at the magic firework displays
"Ah, my adoring crowd, if you think that was good then behold this-"
You two made a good duo, bantering between yourselves and some of the kids, and putting on a good show till the early hours of the morning
It's only when the two of you make your way back out of the cave, hauling Mols smuggled wine she was planning on upselling, that you sit at the beach and indulge in a shared bottle
It's then that Rolan looks in your eyes, smiling and fatigued, that he realises how much he wants to kiss you
Whether or not he does is something neither of you can remember in the morning
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
What about a literal kid, 10-ish or something YO, Tav(or Durge) that is really really strong?. Obviusly not the leader of the group. What would the gang reaction to meeting them.
Maybe a sorcerer, a warlock or a rogue?
Absolutely love this ask thank you for giving me the ability to terrorize the BG3 cast
Ankle Biter Durge 100000000% my friend, I am going the redemption route and rouge for this little shit. Reminds me of my Chucky Durge I made, but baby-sized and a chance at redemption
Warning: Cursing, blood, violent little Chucky child, killing the goblin kids, A little fluff
Astarion: Waking up from his meditation/sleep to go feast he blinked, rubbing his eyes. There in front of him stood the small child Durge that they had adopted, covered in blood, holding out a dead rabbit to him. “I saw you like blood too mister Astarion.” The child spoke to him with the innocence of a child but their face held the smile of a mad man. “O-Oh… Thank you, Darling…” He said slowly taking the rabbit in a pinch hold. “Good night Mister Astarion.” Astarion sighed and got up. “Let's get you cleaned first, you… little killer you.” He said with a soft chuckle remembering he was traveling with a pack of weirdos. After helping the child clean off and tucking them into their bed roll ensuring they fell asleep. Astarion snuck off into the night, only one thought in his mind: this had to be normal… Right?
Gale: The group had been ambushed by Gnolls, Gale guarding Durge with himself as they stood back. As a Gnoll approached them Gale cast a fog cloud so he could get the child out of the fight safely. Turning to grab the child and run, he gasped seeing they were gone, they had been right there! They were holding his robes! Hearing the Gnoll right behind him he turned knowing it was too close for him to defend, bracing for the attack. Crazed giggles started to ring out over the Gnoll’s growls, yelps, howls, and screams of pain rang out from the fog. Gale dropped concentration on the cloud, gasping as he saw the tiny Durge making minced meat of the Gnoll, the manic giggles had come from the child. “Durge, Durge!” Gale yelled pulling the child back from the corpse. “He almost got you Mister Wizard!” Gale was touched the child wanted to save him, but looking at the mangled Gnoll he couldn't help but feel fear.
Halsin: He loved every child he did, but the Child who came with the Adventuring Party…. That wasnt a child. He was shocked to see a child walk into the cells with the adults at first pitying the child for being dragged into such a dangerous place by so many irresponsible adults. When the child started crying about the Goblins “Hurting the Fuzzy Bear.” He couldn't stand it anymore, breaking out of his cell so he could take the child back to the grove where they would be safe. As he fought he saw from the corner of his eye, that the children goblins were running away screaming for help, but Durge followed them. His eyes widened as Durge jumped on one child's back slitting their throat before jumping to the other and tackling them to the ground. He had to turn back to his fight at hand, but after the smoke cleared he held his mouth looking at the butchered bodies of the two goblin children. “They almost got away!” The giggles he heard made his blood run ice cold, no, that wasnt a child at all.
Karlach: Sighing a sigh of relive able to make “The Blade of Frontiers” Wyll to see she wasnt a demon, just a tiefling. She looked at the rest of the group her eyes landing on a small child hidden behind Wyll. “Well hello, their little one.” She said smiling and waving at the child. “Hey, there are Paladins of Tyr nearby, they are hunting me.” She said looking down at the kid. “I don't want them getting hurt.” She was confused when the group didn't seem to hold the same worries. She learned fast though, yelling at Anders no one had noticed the child climb to the loft watching the arguing from above. When it started to get heated Karlach was shocked when the little Durge dropped down attaching themselves to Ander's head and stabbing him over and over squealing like they were playing a child's game. After the fight and blowing off some steam, she looked over chuckling watching the child running the dead's pockets. She couldn't help but see a memory of her boss from when she was young, the way he would kill them and only take the valuables. It sent a shiver down her spine, but Gortash was the past, no need to sit on that right.
Lae’zel: Looking out from her hiding spot she viewed the surroundings before looking back to Durge. “You can do this, you are a warrior.” She said firmly and pointed out to the sleeping Bugbear. “He is asleep, slit his throat.” She said and watched as the child tiptoed out from their box shield. She watched a feeling of pride washing over her as she remembered her training as a child, and how she was able to train a little warrior of her own, like the general she was meant to be. “Htak'a” She whispered under her breath watching the child raise their blade above their head, smiling as the blade came whistling down slitting the large creature's throat and plunging into his heart, she couldn't be more proud. “Kith'rak! Kith'rak! I did it!” Durge yelled out happily running back to Lae’zel with open arms, stopping the child she patted their head smiling at them. “You did good yank.” She said standing up and pulling her sword out to attack the Goblins that Durge had attracted with their yelling.
Shadowheart: Glaring at the shopkeep she huffed giving up on her haggling. “Ya know what, who wants this stupid armor anyway.” She retorted at the shop-keep grabbing Durges hand and walking away. “Miss Shadow Lady, didn't you want that?” The child asked looking up at Shadowheart with a confused look on their face. “Not for that price in silver.” She said sighing running a few more errands the camp needed to be done before returning to Camp. Waking up she blinked seeing the armor she wanted, a little blood-stained, but sitting next to her bed roll. The whole camp had gotten new armor or weapons like someone cleared out that shop-keeps store. Returning to town a day later, Shadowheart heard that the shopkeep she was haggling with had been robbed and killed in the middle of the night. She couldn't help but notice the little coy smirk placed on the Durge's face, their eyes turning large and puppy-like, their lip jutting out into a pout when they caught Shadowheart looking at them.
Wyll: Hearing his father could be in Waukeen’s rest he helped break down the door and charged inside, leaving Durge with a flaming first outside. Saving Counsellor Florrick he tried to figure out how to get to the man he saw trapped under a large beam. Feeling something bump into him he looked down gasping trying to grab the legs of Durge as they slipped into a hole he couldn't fit in. “Durge! No, get back here!” He called scared to break the door open knowing it would engulf the room in flames. He watched yelling at Durge to come back that it was too dangerous, He groaned as the child ignored him, but was shocked to see the child was able to free the man, using their slingshot to break the other door and escape safely. Running out of the burning building he rushed past the Flaming Fist who was bitching about Wyll’s child biting them and running away. He ran to Durge and picked them up looking them over. “Never do that again!” He scolded them hugging them close. “But I got him out!” Hearing the child whine he chuckled looking at them, not able to argue that they had saved a life today. “Yes you did, you saved someone Durge.”
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papastarion · 1 year
Papastarion Headcanons
Because I have been plagued by visions of Astarion with a dhampiric horde of children for the past few weeks, and now I must inflict it on others. (These are based in my own personal canon for the postgame, so Thea = Tav.)
He’s initially terrified of the idea of having a child, but he plays it cool, because of course he would. Dhampirs are uncommon, and he worries about losing the love of his life if something happens. Having someone else to lose now, too, doesn’t make it any easier to turn his mind back to rational thinking.
Once the idea settles, gods help everyone. He’s proud as a peacock, and cautiously optimistic about this new part of his future. It helps that he’s known how badly Thea has wanted a family for almost as long as he’s known her. He just never thought he would be able to give it to her, and he can’t quite put into words how grateful he is that she didn’t have to give it up for him, after all.
It also helps that they’ve been functional coparents to their adopted daughter (my friend’s Tav) since they met the girl post-nautiloid. As far as he and Thea are concerned, she’s just as much theirs as this one is.
She’s not their only adopted child, either. While Thea is pregnant with their first biological child, they also end up adopting a newborn Mephistopheles tiefling they name Mina. She’s the biological daughter of Thea’s ex-husband, in fact. When Thea finds out said ex plans on doing away with his newborn child to hide the fact that his family has made deals with devils, she and Astarion jump in to take the girl.
Dalyria is also a major help. Research on dhampirs is limited, so not only does she get to add to the woefully limited information with her own observations, but she also gets to be there for her brother and Thea, who she’s become good friends with. As a druid, Thea likes to discuss medical herbology with Dalyria while Dalyria likes to teach her more complex medical skills. Dalyria is also the one who delivers all of their children. Thea and Astarion don’t trust anyone else like they trust her when the time comes.
If Astarion thought Thea was the most beautiful person in the world before, then there’s no word for what he thinks of her over the course of her pregnancy, and after.
The first time he holds their firstborn, a boy they name Nero, he’s smitten. As far as Astarion is concerned, he’s perfect. He never wants to let him go. It takes him a while to reconcile the fact that he could have had any part in making someone so innocent.
He loves taking catnaps with his kids, especially while they’re still really small. They’re so warm and the feeling of them tucked against his chest, completely trusting of him, never gets old.
He was never one to give much thought to children before Thea. He never really considered having his own, especially not after Cazador. But he’s the type to think his kids are perfect and everyone one else’s should be like them. Very proud dad.
He’s very protective, too. Nothing could stand between him and protecting his family. He’d tear down Faerûn if it would keep them safe. However, he doesn’t keep them out of all trouble. He can be quite the partner in crime when it comes to pranks.
I refuse to believe they don’t find a way for him to walk in the sun again. He loves traveling as a family. They definitely have their place they call home, but there’s too much world to stay in one place, and he wants their children to see it all, too.
Dhampir teething is a nightmare. They’re already miserable about the whole ordeal, but it gets worse once their fangs start to come in, too. He tries to make sure if they’re going to bite, they’re biting him, not Thea or one of their siblings.
He tells the best bedtime stories, hands down. It’s because his voice is so animated.
He and Thea have a total of seven children to their name - their two adopted daughters and five biological children. He’s never less awestruck about how his life has turned out, not by Thea or by their children. The irony of the total coming out to seven is not lost on him.
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spacebarbarianweird · 2 months
I'm honestly very proud how Alethaine (Astarion's daughter) and Elren (her husband-to-be) turned out.
Alethaine looks like a dark witch. She wears black, ressurects the dead, knows a lot dark spells, also can rip your throat.
But on the inside...
She is cute and soft.
Alethaine is literally this meme. Everyone thinks she is Wednesday but on the inside... she's def Enid.
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She likes sweet things. She prefers the life of comfort. Plus, she is smart - reads a lot, knows a few languages. Alethaine is an introvert, the only time you can see her in a tavern is when she looks for a job.
Also, Alethaine is demisexual to the point of asexual. She literally never slept with anyone before she turned 300 just because it hadn't been interesting enough for her.
At the same Alethaine often makes close friends. She treats Theris (her tiefling dhampir friend) and Mierni (Gale's adopted dhampir son) as her brothers and cares about them.
She likes kids and can care about them even if they have special needs.
But she is also selfish (she enlisted for the "saving the world" quest only because she was going to be paid dearly). Cruel - kills without mercy. Barely cares about anything and anyone unless they gain her trust.
Alethaine stuck between three worlds: the world of mortals, the world of undead and the world of elves never truly belonging to any of them. But over the course of her life she learns to enjoy what life has to offer.
Elren Goldenroot has a few layers as a character. The first impression of him is that typical elven hero who saves the less fortunate fighting with his family sword.
But he doesn't just fight monsters or villains. He hunts the demons straight from the Abyss. And he knows everything about those lovecraftian creatures. When Alethaine asks him to bring her a shovel to intorogata a corpse, he doesn't ask 'why', he asks 'when'.
He is tolerant to anyone and anything - maybe one the reasons Astarion adores his son-in-law.
He has a lot of friends. He literally has a friend in every village or a town he visits. But at the same there is a great sorrow - he believes he witnesses the dawn of his race. But the moment he realizes there is still hope for elves, he invests himself in the battle against the demons and pledges allegiance to the king of elves, the promised saviour. But when the savior dies... He makes a decision to take his place. Not because he wants, but because he believes his people need a leader.
At the same time... Elren is extremely vulnerable. He feels himself a ragged doll stitched of different pieces. His father was a Wood Elf and he'd died before Elren was born. His mother was half a Sun Elf, half a Moon Elf (from her he'd inherited golden hair and pale skin). She suffered from post-partum depression and died when Elren was only two. He was raised by her secon cousin, a half-elf, and his human family. Elren overlived them all - and had to take care of his third cousins when they grew old (meanwhile they were younger). Elren learned Elven only when grew up and it was his second tongue for many decades.
His identity makes no sense to any elf - it's a mix of different cultures plus learned languae. He spent all his youth trying to shape himself from reading about elves and talking to the few he met.
Also, he is a CSA victim. Repeatedly raped by a human cleric in his teens, he carries a deep sense of embarassment about what happend. His memories were so messed up his testimony sounded implausible (he couldn't say how many times it had happened, on what days etc) and people decided his family just wanted to frame 'an honet man'. Elren's uncle had to sell his farm and meanwhile none of his family tried to blame Elren, he considered himself guilty.
By the time Elren and Alethaine meet they have 300 years of life experience. Both have their own sorrows and regrets and very little hope to the better future. But together they will have to make decisions that will lead them to become the first Queen and King of Elves in millenia.
Thank you for reading the rant. I just love my OCs
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silvertonguedtiefling · 7 months
thinking about Gwyndiira, and her life in Waterdeep with Gale
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- she joins the Harpers, determined to make a difference in the city.
- she obviously marries Gale, who’s a professor at Blackstaff Academy.
- she writes regularly to their friends, and visits Shadowheart, Jaheria, and Halsin as often as she’s able.
- Jaheria becomes somewhat of a parental figure. They talk mostly about their respective work as Harpers, but there’s affection there.
- her and Gale want children, desperately, but decide against having them biologically. It’s best that Bhaal’s line ends with Gwyn. But when on a mission for the Harpers to investigate a string of murders that the city guard are keeping hushed up, Gwyn finds a newborn Tiefling girl abandoned at one of the crime scenes, her parents victims. They take her in immediately, and name her Edana.
- a few years later they adopt half-drow twins, a boy and a girl, naming them Atlas and Alma.
- Gwyndiira makes her mission to find a cure/work around for Astarion, and they keep correspondence about potential artefacts or spells that may work. She might just go on a heist with him to loot such an object.
- summer holidays with the kids to Halsin’s community, convincing the old gang to get back together and take over Last Light for a couple of weeks.
- between the Harpers and her children, her life is full. And best of all, she gets to do it with her soulmate.
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
it’s very important to me that, in the years following campaign two, jester’s two families slowly become combined as marion unofficially adopts more and more of the nein.
it starts with fjord, for obvious reasons. he was already going to be her son in law anyway, but once she finds out he doesn’t have parents of his own, she fully absorbs him into the family, insisting he needs to eat more and adjusting his clothes before he leaves and playfully scolding him for not keeping in touch often enough. fjord doesn’t really realize what’s happening until he and jester come to visit her one afternoon and she calls them “her babies.”
caleb is a close second. she’s had her eye on him since the night they all spent at ryn’s place in the fire plane, and it doesn’t take long for her to put together why he looks at her and jester spending time together the way he does. caleb, like fjord, doesn’t realize what’s going on for some time — not until he accepts a teaching position at the academy, she gives him a tight hug and tells him how proud she is, and he can’t help but think about how much it reminds him of his mother’s reaction on the day he was accepted into the academy.
next is kingsley, who (though he would never admit it) frankly needs all the surrogate parents he can get to give him a crash course in how the hell to be a person. anyone watching them would have no problem believing they’re family — not just because they’re both tieflings, but because they exude the energy of a mom very insistently loving a teenager who acts annoyed but secretly likes it — and kingsley is the first to actually start calling her mom.
from there, the family just keeps growing until it encompasses basically all of the nein — even essek and, some time later, astrid and eadwulf are taken in. caduceus and veth never fully get the same parenting treatment (caduceus has a perfectly loving family of his own and veth is more like the family’s wine aunt that marion hangs out with when they get together), but their families essentially become like lavorre extended family and they still get included by default when she yells to babenon that “the kids are here!”
and speaking of babenon, he has absolutely no intention of getting wrapped up in any of this. he wasn’t even planning on being the father to one child, and sure, that didn’t go to plan, but it stops there. one (ridiculously charming and nigh impossible to resist) child is more than enough. marion can be a mother to the rest all she wants, but he’ll have no part in it. his family is just her and jester...
...and that lasts for all of a few months before it starts to fall apart. the more he commits to doing the dad thing with jester, the more it starts to spread to the others when they’re with her. and who could blame him? it’s impossible not to start seeing them that way when marion won’t stop calling them “the kids” or “our babies” (or, when they’ve done something particularly stupid, “your children”). if there’s one force in the universe that can match the power of jester’s cuteness, it’s marion’s love for her kids; his will is simply no match for the two forces combined.
sometimes a family is a famous courtesan, her long lost love who runs a massive organized crime operation, the child they secretly had together, that child’s adventuring party, two party members’ pre-existing families, and the formerly evil strays the party took in.
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we-are-inevitable · 1 month
vivid picture in my head of jack looking at davey all pleading because his character is one death saving throw fail away from being full dead and their party doesn't have revivify because nobody wanted to play support and davey refusing to bend the rules to save jack's character when he rolls another fail. also jack's character had a normal person name like. mike. and years later whenever they're bickering for fun jack will say "well you killed mike my best friend mike!" and davey just has to take it because he did kill mike. nobody else knows what's going on
YES. all of this. oh my god im using this as an opportunity to rant for a second. rest in peace mike
jack is such a dramatic player and he really loves jokingly lying to davey while they’re playing. like
“Let’s see… Uh, Jack.”
“Does a 25 hit?”
“Really? Huh. I’m pretty sure it hits.”
“Nah. Nope. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.”
and it’s that playful bickering that really gets them going bc what’s the point of d&d if you don’t have fun with your boyfriend ???
also i feel like jack kelly as a character is a tiefling rogue. but i feel like jack kelly as a Player would really love playing as magic casters, primarily a sorcerer- and i think that wild magic fits him so well
jack takes his characters so seriously. even his joke ones. i can see jack being a middle school anime kid who made OCs and looked up deviantart adoptables on pinterest and was constantly drawing his own little people in his sketchbooks (even though he takes that to the grave) and that weird kid never left- he was just dormant until davey put a character sheet in front of him
davey is the same with his NPCs though lets be real. the day jack draws davey’s favorite NPC is the day davey considers proposing
i don’t think that jack would ever DM but charlie probably would, and jack and davey are menaces when they’re both players. their characters always end up sleeping together and falling in love. it’s inevitable (hah)
anyway yeah jack gets really invested in his little gay people in a way neither himself nor davey expected and it’s a great time for the both of them
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amorgansgal · 4 months
So it's been a while since I've written any fanfiction (sorry RDR2 lot) but I've definitely been captured body and soul by Baldur's Gate 3 and I bashed this out this morning. I appreciate fully not many might read this as it does concern my own named tav, Vanya, and I just fancied doing a little creative writing. But if anyone does, hope you enjoy. It's from Astarion's perspective.
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Gods, she was annoying
Gods she was annoying. Astarion gritted his teeth as somehow, despite the exhausting fight they had just been through and long day of walking, Vanya babbled on! Gale walked by her side, smiling at her observations on nature, the dinner they had last night, the gnolls they had just fought, her thoughts on whether she would keep her long plait or do something different with her hair tomorrow. Astarion had assumed that all elves were some form of stoicism or stillness, he and Halsin certainly were, but Vanya seemed all too keen to prove the opposite was true!
She scurried around camp, a giddy smile on her lips, greeting people as she went and they would infuriatingly beam back at her, which he was sure just encouraged her. It had taken them goodness knows how long to get out of the druid’s enclave because Vanya had stopped to chat with anyone and everyone, even the bloody animals! She’d almost been pickpocketed by one of the tiefling’s kids to boot because she had to stop to speak to the lad’s sister and Astarion managed to grab hold of the child’s arm before he could wriggle something out of Vanya’s pocket.
‘Really? I didn’t know there were many coastal druids,’ Gale’s comment to Vanya interrupted Astarion’s musings. 
‘Oh no, not many. It’s a bit of a strange calling, most elves like the forests or freshwater lakes or rivers, but we’re there! But I do like the forests too, there aren’t so many animals you can really adopt from the sea, I can’t keep a pet fish on my travels, though I did have a crab. He was very sweet, if a bit nippy.’
Gale’s laugh made Astarion clench his teeth. The greater annoyance Astarion had was somehow, for some unfathomable reason, he was beginning to like Vanya. She did everything seemingly to irritate him, launching herself into fights without so much as a by-your-leave, chaotically flinging around firebolts and laughing joyously as she did! She evidently, rarely ever thought a little tact, decorum and deception would go a long way to avoid a battle, but such things were impossible for Vanya if she thought someone was being wronged or hurt. 
And yet, despite all of her many faults and flaws, she was winning him over and he wasn’t even sure how or when she had begun to do so. Well, he knew what had triggered it, him telling her he wouldn’t sleep with her the night of the tieflings’ party. But the fact he didn’t find her desirable didn’t seem to bother her - she had gone round the entire camp flirting with anyone and everyone, leaving Gale flushed and Shadowheart wryly smiling and Halsin’s eyes following after her and even godsdamn Lae’zel looking at her differently. For him, she was too soft and round for his tastes. Round moon like face, messy red hair that swung behind her in its usual braid, freckles on her cheeks that put him in mind of someone splattering paint over a canvas, she did have beautiful blue eyes, he’d grant her that. And a fine neck. And he supposed that her body was… pleasing to most, but he wasn’t fussed by it. But in any case, it wasn’t finding her attractive that seemed to bother her, what seemed to niggle at her was him just not liking her. No one had to sleep with her, but she wanted everyone under the sun to like her. 
He thought she might learn what he liked, someone who bit back, who could be playful and sharp and acerbic, who might spar with him. But she didn’t, she just was… sweet and nice and kind and it was sickening. She’d rifle through an abandoned box or bag in the old goblin camp and find him a dagger or a lockpicking kit and exclaimed excitedly, ‘Oh, Astarion! This is perfect for you, here you go!’ She happily passed him a book on necromancy, though even that made Gale and Wyll sigh with exasperation. Astarion found himself talking to her about Cazador, admitting to things that he hadn’t told anyone else and- How in the gods’ holy arses had she done it? She’d just been her usual self and slowly worn him down. Was this how she did it with everyone else? Did everyone, who didn’t like her initially, get a concerted effort from her in winning them over? There must be someone who it hadn’t worked on, someone who still didn’t like her however much of a joyful, excitable pup she was. Astarion was tempted to hunt them down and demand they tell him how they resisted.
‘How is it Vanya that you have gone through life, adventuring and fighting, without someone taking advantage of your good nature and naivete?’ Astarion asked pointedly, making Gale and Vanya look around at him. Gale gave him a look and Astarion smirked back at him. Yes, your precious little druid is foolish and overly familiar and one day she’s going to get herself into a mess because she can’t keep her mouth shut or diving head first into situations where she isn’t wholly sure on what’s going on, Astarion thought to himself.
‘Hmm,’ Vanya said, because gods forbid she couldn’t even think quietly! ‘I don’t know.’
Astarion scowled. ‘You don’t know, what do you mean you don’t know?’
‘Do we really have to squabble before getting back to camp?’ Shadowheart asked. Astarion clicked his tongue with irritation. He would’ve thought that even Shadowheart would remain a little contemptuous and irritated by Vanya too, but somehow the druid had worked her charm spell on everyone and Shadowheart had long given up on being cool and sharp with her, except on rare occasions. Too rare for his liking. Only Lae’zel was left, his remaining ally, who would deride Vanya’s softer side. And even then, the githyanki seemingly enjoyed Vanya’s wild attitude when it came to fights. 
‘I guess people like me enough not to take advantage of me and the rest of the time it’s luck!’ Vanya said, turning back round to continue her conversation with Gale.
Astarion sputtered - which was the first time he had done such a thing, but how on earth could the woman be flippant about that too? ‘It’s just luck! No one has ever double-crossed you or used your good nature against you?’
Vanya pursed her lips in thought, then gave him a bright smile. ‘No, not yet. At least, not as far as I know, maybe they did and I just didn’t know about it!’
Gale burst out laughing and Vanya quickly joined him, though Astarion was sure she didn’t quite fully grasp on why such a thing was funny. Astarion glared at their backs and then at the ground. Godsdamn stupid druid with her stupid smile and stupid laugh and careless, thoughtless attitude and everyone in camp encouraging her.
‘You wouldn’t know half the time you had a parasite in your head from the way you take absolutely nothing seriously and waste time gadding about!’ he snapped. The laughter died immediately and while he kept his eyes fixed on Vanya, a tiny flicker of guilt crept into his stomach when he saw the small amount of reproach in her expression. 
‘I do take things seriously,’ she said, her voice suddenly even tempered and cool and measured. It had been what he wanted for weeks, but the tone of it felt wrong and so unlike her that he felt compelled to look away from her unfaltering gaze. ‘I’m worried about the tadpoles, i’m worried about all of you. It would kill me if anything were to happen to anyone here. But I spent a lot of my life not being able to laugh or find joy in things or meeting anyone new and getting to know them, and it’s no way to live, Astarion. So if I seem foolish or irreverent, it’s only because I don’t wish to wallow. I don’t wish to be serious and unable to crack a joke and make people laugh. And what is the good of being stoic and serious all the time? We are infected and there’s not much we can do to change that until we get to Moonrise towers. So I’m not going to sit in camp, feeling sorry for myself, languishing and getting upset when I can’t do anything about it. I may as well find joy where I can.’
‘Hear, hear,’ Gale said, and Astarion could have ripped his head off, but more because he felt… bad… for making Vanya feel bad. When she had spoken about not being able to laugh or meet new people, it didn’t sound like something she had chosen for herself or a malady affecting her in that way, it sounded like she was… coerced, controlled, ordered and he knew all too well the pain of that. Maybe she hadn’t suffered quite like him, but it sounded like whoever had done that had tried to crush her. 
The serious, sorrowful look on her face rapidly shifted and she smiled at him once more, though it looked a little forced and tired for once, and the guilt in his chest blazed hotter, tightening around his heart and throat. He was grateful they were so near camp and Vanya whipped round as Scratch (one of her blasted pets she had picked up) barked and came running up to greet them.
‘Scratch!’ Vanya cried happily and charged off, ruffling his fur and laughing as the dog licked her face and playfully bounced around. ‘I missed you! I missed you so much, how’s my good boy, my goodest of boys? You want to play? Come on, let’s go play! I left your ball in the chest, come on!’ The dog eagerly bounded after her.
Shadowheart left them to take off her armour and to wash, so Gale and Astarion were the only two left of the party who were still watching Vanya hunt through the travellers’ chest for Scratch’s ball. Astarion was about to make his way to his own tent when Gale caught hold of his sleeve.
‘Look, I know you don’t like her,’ Gale began.
‘I never said that,’ Astarion muttered, because the frustrating truth was he did like her.
‘But don’t hurt her in order to bring her down. She might handle things differently and sometimes her relentless optimism can be… a little much, but we need a cheery sort around camp. I think we’re all too serious sometimes. And I get it, someone will hurt her eventually and it might sour her and make her less willing to laugh and trust others, but I like her the way she is. So leave her be.’
And before Astarion could say anything in reply, Gale had already began walking over to join Wyll and Halsin by the fire, and Astarion didn’t know how to explain that he both couldn’t stand Vanya, but also liked her far too much.
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cinnasalmon · 5 days
Zevlor probably wants children, has always dreamt of a family but during hellrider times there was no way. Now post-netherbrain, he found someone who he really loves and they love him too, but one day they sit down, and she tells him she unfortunately is infertile. Any thoughts?
• Obviously, this man loves her no less than before the confession. This man is going nowhere. They will work through this together.
• They are valid in their sad feelings, as it may be 'different when it's your own', a child is a child, and every one of them deserves a family even if they're not "their own."
• (Un)fortunately, there are a plethora of parentless children out there.
• Both grow to become excited for this journey, of giving a chance of a new and worthy life for a child.
• Whether they adopt a tiefling kid from the Elturel refugees or otherwise, Zevlor's long suppressed thoughts all come rushing out and he can't handle the Big Feelings of ever being a father once the kid calls him as such.
Get this man a mug that says "World's Best Dad" at once 😤
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psyoni · 6 months
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2 my OC's from Baldur's Gate 3
Commissions are open!
I play them in turns, but let's imagine that they travel together. Krampus (or Malfias - the name given to him at birth) was born in the suburbs of Calimport. His father was a soldier and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and often trained with his son. Mom was a herbalist and healer. One day, returning from one of the tasks in the ruins of Dark Calimport, the father brought a screaming package - it was a tiefling baby. He said that their detachment had recaptured it from several ifrits! Where and why they were taking her, he never found out. The little girl is completely red. And her skin glowed with a strange reddish light. Later this glow disappeared. The girl was named Orianna, and she became Malfias's adoptive sister. From early childhood she was smart beyond her years, learned to read and write from her mother, knew the names of almost all herbs and stones, and seemed to find a common language with animals. Malfias became better and better at wielding weapons. The children grew up and practically did not feel that they were not relatives to each other. When Malfias turned 16 and Orianna turned 9, it was a very hungry year. My father left and didn’t come home for days. One day, in the middle of the night, people in dark clothes broke into their house. Malfias, who rushed to defend his parents, was hit on the head with all force, he flew against the wall and lost consciousness. Little Orianna saw all this from under the bed, where she managed to hide. The parents were taken away. Later, the brother and sister learned that their father had hidden some of the money in order to at least feed the family. But one man from the detachment pawned it to Pasha. No one knew what happened to the parents next. When the children ran out of tears, they had no choice but to go and hire themselves into the service of Khemed Pashar, a rather ambitious and greedy Pasha, one of those who picked up ragamuffins on the streets and used them for his dirty criminal deeds. Orianna and Malfias grew up carrying out dangerous assignments. Then their new nicknames stuck to them - Krampus and Lynx. One was Strength, Optimism and Courage, the other was Wisdom, Cunning and Dexterity. One day they were sent on a mission. On site, it turned out to be a shelter for tiefling orphans. Several kids became unwitting witnesses to the robbery. Orianna and Malfias had to kill the rest of their squad - they chased the children! That same night, brother and sister left the city, miraculously escaping from Pasha’s people. When the danger was over, they set off on a journey to Baldur's Gate…
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princelokifanblog · 8 months
Did you create a self insert oc ?
i don't know if she's a self insert but i do have a duck game oc!!!
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her name is larriet, she's a changeling tiefling (they're really rare). she's sevyn's secret cousin that they don't know about and her parents died because knick knack ate them so she HATES knick knack. after her parents died vaellus saw that she was alone and kind of adopted her (he was with eliana so she's kind of her mom now too) and she was really happy to have a good family again. vaellus also gave her magic but not like he did for fig because he found out fig was sad about being a warlock so he made larriet a super powerful sorcerer instead (like minke's magic but double). one day she realized that her new parents were actually sad and when she asked why they said that her mom had a son on the material plane and they didn't know how he was doing and they missed him so larriet offered to go check on him for them. she went to the pmp and started to look for him but had some trouble so she got lost. she found a place where some gnomes lived and met a girl named ermine and they became best friends forever and they are still pen pals. larriet kept looking but got into trouble and then aradenn saved her and she had a little crush on aradenn but never told anyone about it because she was very afraid. one day she finally found the kid (fig) but she couldn't actually tell him why she was there so she just tried to be his friend but he was sad because his mom was gone so he wasn't fun to hang out with. she tried to cheer him up but it didn't work. when the party all got arrested, larriet snuck into the jail cell with them (she can turn invisible if she blinks really hard) and then she saw knick knack in there and knew she had to protect them from him. she was going to fight him but they got teleported before she could do that. she stayed invisible during the trials but before the trial of sacrifice when knick knack brought them breakfast he saw her and teleported her out of there and she tried to fight him (she would've won but she realized the party was doing the trial of sacrifice and she had to save them). she didn't end up seeing them until the end of the trials, where she stayed invisible because they were all going through trauma and she didn't want them to get shocked. also when she turns invisible not even true sight can see her. she talked to vaellus after the trials and he thanked her for keeping an eye on fig and said she should show him who she is and tell him what she was doing. sevyn joins the party and larriet recognizes them right away and tells them everything about their past (because she uses a spell his mind doesn't explode) and sevyn is so happy. larriet tells fig about everything and he's happy that his parents care about him and also larriet has a crush on him now. larriet recognizes minke and talks to him about ermine and he doesn't remember so she just tells him everything because ermine told her all that stuff because they were pen pals. larriet also thinks aradenn is so cool. larriet makes sure the party trusts vaellus and tells them how knick knack ate her parents and everyone hates him now.
that's all i have so far let me know any suggestions.
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baldursgrave69 · 8 months
Faerûnian 29-day Writing Challenge: Day 7
Here is my next work for #BG3FicFeb !
I went with SFW prompt #6: teaching each other how to do something
Summary: Gale teaches Ozzy how to cook and Ozzy tells him about their past
Pairing: Gale & nonbinary!tav (named) 
Word count: 611
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“It’s quite simple, really,” Gale said, tying his apron around his waist.
“You and I have different definitions of simple, magic man,” Ozzy huffed, surveying the ingredients laid out before them. Up until this point, Ozzy had gotten away with not helping Gale with dinner. They always had an excuse for why they couldn’t help.
It wasn’t that Ozzy didn’t WANT to help Gale. He was their best friend, Ozzy loved spending time with the wizard. Ozzy was just embarrassed. They had never learned to cook. The rogue spent their whole adult life scrounging and stealing to feed themselves. They hadn’t even had access to ingredients most of the time, let alone tools or a place to cook something with.
“Let’s just begin by chopping some vegetables, shall we?” Gale said with a smile, handing Ozzy a knife.
Ozzy stood awkwardly with the knife in hand, looking down at the carrots and potato in front of them, then back at Gale.
“I don’t know about this, Gale,” Ozzy huffed, holding the knife awkwardly by the hilt.
“Ozzy, you’re a rogue. You know how to hold a knife,” Gale chuckled, helping them adjust their grip. “Watch me,” he added, pulling out a second knife and swiftly chipping one of the carrots into small pieces.
“Now you,” he said, placing the second carrot in front of Ozzy. The tiefling took a deep breath before carefully beginning to chop the carrot. They held their breath as they tried their hardest to follow the motions Gale had shown them.
“Well done!” Gale said excitedly as he watched Ozzy chop the vegetable. The tiefling’s tail wagged excitedly as they finished up chopping the carrot.
“That was… not that hard,” Ozzy admitted with a deep breath.
Gale continued to show Ozzy how to chop and peel different ingredients for the stew he was preparing. Ozzy watched intently, trying their best to remember all of the tips Gale was telling them.
“You’ve really never cooked… anything?” Gale asked as the pair watched over their simmering stew.
“Never had the chance,” Ozzy said, awkwardly rubbing their shoulder. “I left home when I was 17. Up until you became my personal chef I lived off of anything I could scrounge up or steal,” they said with a shrug.
“And before that?” Gale asked, watching the rogue. Ozzy had never talked about their family before, or even mentioned what their life prior to the tadpole had been like.
“Before that I had private cooks who made my meals. I grew up in the Upper City with everything a kid could ask for, frankly. Private school, tutors, nannies,” they sighed, leaning up against a rock behind them. “Being a tiefling in a family of elves was… difficult. They saw me as some kind of creature they were ‘reeducating’. Like I was an experiment. If I knocked something over with my tail or bumped into something with my horns I was punished,”
Gale watched Ozzy as they told their story, his expression sad. He had no idea what they had gone through, their demeanor was always so bubbly.
“When I was 17 my adoptive father and I got into an awful fight. He attacked me across the dinner table with a knife, that’s how I got this gnarly thing,” Ozzy said, pointing to the scar that trailed down their cheek and across their neck. “After that I took off and lived on my own until I was kidnapped,”
“Ozzy, I-“ Gale started, but Ozzy cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to say anything, it’s okay,” Ozzy said with a smile. “Now, how is our stew looking?”
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diamondzoey · 3 months
More questions/scenarios for the knight squad
1. All of the knights were heading to the portal with the urn and talking with each other and one of them notices one of the bags on William’s horse was moving and when they enter the portal and comes to a stop one of the knights opens the bag and pops out a little head
Charlotte who has a smile on her face: Hello!
One of knights: charlotte what are you doing here
Charlotte: well I wanted to follow big brother and see the princess *Smiles*
One of the knights: charlotte you can’t be here
Charlotte: *Pouts and crosses her arms* “why not?”
2. Crossover with the bug army
William: hey guys guess what I’m uncle now *Holds up Sammy*
All of the another knights: what
William: well you remember jemma that girl I adopted as my little sister figure well she and her partner adopted this kid which makes me a uncle
One of the knights:… Will I don’t think how that works
3. Least favorite fruit and why?
4. A habit that they don’t notice they do?
5. Skills that they have?
6. Favorite and least favorite dessert or pastry and why?
A/n: I hope you enjoy and if I forgot anyone let me know and I hope you have a good day bye! ^^
@rozeliyawashereyall @astralbulldragon13 @aspenm00n @littlesiren79 @lightdragon789 @not-5-rats @wilderrorcard @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @tiefling-chaos @ccstiles
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silversiren1101 · 7 months
so i understand if you don't want to answer all (or any) of these, especially since I'm pretty sure at least some of it will be covered in the fic you're working on, but I really wanted to know....
What were Mino's foundling's like? And later on, since Mino sees as her kids, I assume she also sees them as Jess's older siblings? Does she ever tell Jess about them, and if so, how much does she tell her? If Jess finds out about them, how does she feel about these older siblings she'll never meet?
Wah! Thank you for sending in an ask! And giving me a chance to talk about Mino's foundlings. I'm still workshopping their names but there is one that is concrete, and you'll understand.
Minovae found them right at the end of the civil war, during restoration efforts when doing search and rescue (and 'cleaning' *cough cough killing undead and monsters and bandits) in the district of Westcrown she both grew up in and had a part in its total destruction: Rego Plea, though it was already starting to be referred to as Rego Cader. She heard screaming and sounds of trouble, and arrived into a ruined part of the subterranean aqueducts there just in time to save the three tiefling brothers she'd take in as her adopted wards from a otyugh. Starving, sick, and terrified, they'd lost their parents and just been trying to survive, and even though she'd saved them from a horrible monster, the sight of her Hellknight armor actually led to the oldest (only 12 at the time!) to try and stab her with a broken dagger he'd been using to protect his younger siblings.
She only gently disarmed him, tried to wipe his cheeks clean, and asked who he was and why they were here and alone. It took some gentle but firm prying for her to get their story, and the minute she did she knew she couldn't turn them over to any orphanage--not with her own childhood experience. Who would take in three obviously devil-blooded kids, with their bright red skin and pointed horns and black-yellow eyes? She declared she would see them cared for by invoking the title of Foundling, and that with nearly every city overflowing with orphans and resources low, the Order of the Scourge wouldn't contest her claim as they could actually afford to take them in.
The three of them are:
Finley (Age 12): Oldest of the three. Fiercely protective and independent. First instinct is to turn down help and do everything himself. Also loves to help when he is specifically asked for it - Mino recognizes the same need she has in him to be deemed useful and needed for protection's sake. He's also secretly generous and giving, as he's been caught sharing food with the resident stray cats and taking care of them.
Aver (Age 9): The middle brother is the most quiet and withdrawn, and also the most likely to flinch. One of his horns being broken and signs of a long broken cheekbone told Mino all she needed to know, especially as both his brothers tend to swarm protectively over him. He comes out of his shell when engaged through art or books (the signifers teach them all to read but he really latches onto it), especially when the subject matter is knights and heroic figures.
Morgeth (Age 8): Youngest. Tries hardest to be strong, since that's the last thing he remembers of their parents "Stay strong for your brothers" (he used to be a crybaby). Rejects things he says "are for babies" even when really wanting them. Mino usually has to trick him in some way for him to accept gifts or treats.
The three of them come with her to Citadel Demain (a bit far from Westcrown but it's nicer than Citadel Rivad, the Scourge's new home, and actively under reconstruction) where they begin a new life of structure: regular meals, regular chores, regular education. Foundlings are overwhelmingly raised by Signifers in the Orders, and it's no exception for these three, though Mino spends a lot of time with them, dotes on them, and starts saving up money for when they age out. She absolutely begins to consider them hers. There's a lot of chafing at first, but who can blame three tiefling orphans not even in their teens yet for it? Being surrounded by Hellknights is terrifying at first, especially the masked signifers who aren't as soft as their savior (though not cruel to them in the slightest, just a bit chilly). The three learn to read and write, begin to learn history, and Aver even begins some basic magical training as a sorcerer's spark reveals itself in him.
[Spoilered for the next bit - since it concerns child death.]
The next four-ish years are among the happiest of her life by then, as she works in Egorian and gets to see her 'sons' whenever she returns to Citadel Demain - watching them grow healthy and strong and happy and cared for.
Their loss is... it's the worst moment of her entire life. Finley turned 16 and didn't want to enlist. She knew he wouldn't and it was never expected of him, but he did not take the prospect of being separated from his younger brothers well. Mino tried to reason with him, produced all the money she'd saved up to get him a home and settle him someplace close by, where she would bring Aver and Morgeth to visit whenever she could. The younger two also didn't like Finley having to leave now that he'd aged-out, and try as she might, she could not get them to accept it would only be for a few more years until they also became 16 and could live together.
They boys waited until she left Demain to leave with Finley - sending her a letter that thanked her for everything and that they loved her, but they couldn't be separated.
It took her weeks to find them. The fact it was related to a spread of missing persons cases she'd been working on for months broke her. A lesser Thrune had been trying to gain power by taking those that "wouldn't be missed" off the streets and from slums, ritually sacrificing them to some devil they'd formed a pact with. Finley was still alive when she arrived, but it was only a matter of time. There was no saving him. She ended his suffering as gently as she could and even to this day can barely remember the whirlwind of rage and slaughter that happened afterward at the complex. The cultist death count from her grief was over twenty before she was subdued by the Order of the Glyph and dragged a bleeding chained mess to Abrogail Is feet for interrogation and torture (since she learned some things about the Thrune's contract with Hell).
Decades later, nearly a century even, Minovae is still like to have to fight off a tear when something reminds her of her lost sons, even though they were only a part of her life for barely four years. Finding Finnean was a strange experience, his name similar enough to Finley's that even with her memories gone, she found a few tears rolling down her cheeks when the errant pathfinder had introduced himself to her, not knowing why.
In post-game canon, she holds their memories close to her heart, and even closer after she has her biological daughter, Jesyll. She waits a few years to tell her about them, and points to the Foundlings about Citadel Darvhage, explaining she'd had three of her own (the Order of the Vice continues the practice of course). She tells Jess gradually more as she gets older, at first only explaining that they died in a tragic accident, then telling her truth once Jesyll fully comes to understand the threat of House Thrune and what her parents have been working towards for years now: their total destruction and usurpation.
Jess' relation with them is complicated, of course. When she's younger, she's sad she had brothers she'll never meet. She's sad that mom fights back tears whens he talks about them, and how happy she seems when she talks about the brighter memories with them. Coming to learn the truth, and at that point Thrune has already blatantly tried to kill her and her family at least twice... well let's just say she inherits her mother's strong sense of justice. It's not difficult for her to infer just how many other cases there have been like this in this damned country, and her outrage only feeds into her revolutionist spirit.
I like to think as an adult she also has a habit of charity and caring for orphans displaced by tragedy, seeing it as carrying on a family tradition.
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