#and the most accepted version of your death is after you fell off the most necessary component of said country's combat? 🔍👀👀
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ardenrosegarden · 1 year ago
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Kathy Carter, Arthur I, Duke of Brittany, in History and Literature Julia Smith, Province and Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians Jean Markale, Celtic Civilization Bernard S. Bachrach, The Origin of Armorican Chivalry dir. Anthony Harvey, The Lion in Winter Euripides tr. David Rudkin, Hippolytus CĂ©line Fallet, Arthur de Bretagne Gwenno Piette, Brittany: A Concise History Tri Yann, Arthur Plantagenest
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years ago
Favorite crime. Part 2 (miles morales x reader)
Miles was ghosting Y/n and he didn’t even notice. Y/n cried for hours walking home thinking about everything. Miles laid in his bed thinking about the argument. Was he wrong? Yes. Was he going to say sorry? Not..yet? He just didn’t know how to, this never happened. In other words, miles didn’t understand how to deal with it, with her.
It was eating him up, Y/n tried so hard to hold in her cry. She was all he had beside him..but it was Gwen’s arms that he needed this time. Y/n was doing so well, and she was so understanding. Miles knew she was good to him no matter what, in any universe or world he knew Y/n would be supporting him. After all Y/n was his partner in crime.
It was buried deep in Y/n’s head that miles wished it was Gwen there instead. Maybe in another universe
he’d love her back. For now, Miles can continue to say nothing happened between them but it was Y/n’s sweetest memories.
That night Miles just couldn’t help but think about the last time they hung out before this time
he was slightly bored with her that night but forcing her to sing was something that brought him back to her
even for a little.
The two teens were walking back home, after a night of Y/n singing on an open mic in front of a small crowd in a cafe.
She wasn’t going to do it until Miles pushed her into it, he loved her voice and the way she showed exactly how she was feeling with it.
Y/n sang ‘no me queda mas’, a song she knew so very well and held close to her heart. Unrequited love was going to be the death of Y/n.
She stared at miles for the most heart breaking lines, if he knew better and understood
he knew it was about him.
“That was so fun
There was silence between them but it was comfortable.
“When I was on that stage, it was like something I never felt before. I’m just glad they liked it!”
“I know why they all love you so much”
“Oh yea why?”
Y/n giggled at his statement until he paused them.
“Because I love you. You’re the best friend that I’ve ever had, I can talk to you about anything and you always understand.”
Y/n heart was warmed but still hurt at the thought of him still calling her, ‘friend’
“Oh miles..I love you too.”
“Let’s get you home before someone starts screaming for your autograph since your a singer now and all”
Laughter erupted between them at the delusions they were setting. They walked side by side calmly and Y/n was happy in being with him and even if it was only two hours.
The next couple of weeks, they never spoke but something changed in Y/n
she was bit by a spider. She would’ve never been at the park by herself sitting in the cold on a chair if she hadn’t been missing miles. She was terrified of her own body, although
it didn’t mean she was tied down to this universe ..no..no something was different with her. Y/n never had a clear home and when she did it was miles
she had nothing to love here except miles and his family. Her parents never cared for her or loved her the way she was supposed to be loved. Y/n wanted so badly to run from herself. She didn’t want the weight of saving the world to stand on her shoulders and she had zero clue on how to handle it.
She wanted to run to Miles though, ask him how to handle it
but she just couldn’t. Rio missed Y/n coming around more then one time a week and every time she asked miles what was going on with them he just brushed it off. Their Sunday’s was now just Rio, Jeff and Y/n all of them shake their heads at the empty chair next to Y/n that was once Miles chair but no one brought it up.
For the first time that night Y/n decided to just accept her powers, Y/n loved it. She fell in love again with herself and her world
she was the calmest she ever was in weeks! Swinging across the city never catching a breath, astonished at the beautiful views. Y/n blended in with the night wearing all black and a face covering, but she was being watched.
miles. He saw her, but he didn’t know it was Y/n so, when he saw her settle on a rofftop after swinging, he approached her.
“Hello! I saw you swinging over there! It’s awesome to see someone with powers again, did you just get them? Or are you not from here?”
Miles couldn’t see the surprised expression under the mask, Y/n coughed before changing her voice.
“I am from here! I-uhh I just got my powers
see you around.”
His eyes widened at the sudden goodbye, and once he heard her nervousness in her voice he knew it wasn’t her fault.
“Hey! Don’t worry I’m not gonna tell no one! I just..I want to know someone like me again.”
Y/n turned around, her sweet heart couldn’t let herself deny miles
ok only for five minutes
that’s what her mind said. Looking from a far you could see how similar they were, Y/n was wearing all black but her outfit fitted perfectly with her body, just like miles
He couldn’t deny that something drew him to her.
“I can only stay for a little
wanna go for a swing?”
Miles gladly accepted and they had fun for a little time. He admired the way she did everything so effortlessly even after he just learned this was only her first night, she was just scared to accept her powers.
Y/n didn’t know that miles would once again drag her into his issues. When they said their goodbyes Y/n meant it. Sure she enjoyed talking to miles but it hurt to be around him and it felt horrible knowing she was talking to him behind a mask. Miles said goodbye for now, not goodbye forever.
The next day Y/n gently did her hair and light makeup, putting on a beautiful long fitted black dress and fur sweater. She didn’t have much money, but Y/n knew the in’s and out and never failed at dressing herself perfectly. Underneath the dress was a perfectly sewn outfit fitted and black, with a black mask connected, thin enough that she can see better but not enough for you to see her face. Nerves ran through her body at the thought of seeing Miles again without the masks.
She walked her way to the roof where Mr.Mórales’s promotion was. It had been hours of no eating so Y/n grabbed a plate and served herself quickly biting into at piece of chicken. Rio was the first one to greet Y/n, taking her by surprise.
“Don’t eat to fast honey! How are you? You don’t come over that much anymore.”
Y/n looked up in surprised and embarrassment covering her mouth before speaking.
“Hola Mrs.Mórales! No te preocupes, estoy bien! (Don’t worry, I’m fine) 
.I just stayed up late studying for a big test for a class. I’m sorry about not coming around-“
Y/n was cut off with the door opening and a rushed miles announcing his arrival with cake and all she could do was sigh in relief at not having to lie to Rio about why she hadn’t been coming over. The conversation ended as Rio rushed to miles with the most motherly walk ever, visibly upset. Y/n turned away from the three of them, creating distance enough that miles wouldn’t see her. She could hear the entire argument
I mean everyone kinda did..her heart never failed to ache for him though, it was so visible to her that he was just stressed.
When the argument was over a couple moments later Rio walked back to Y/n who was silently sitting by herself staring at the view.
i know you heard everything. If you could just come down with us..to speak to him, maybe hearing from you is all he needs.”
There was desperation in her voice and right then and there Y/n wanted to cry and admit to Rio that she no longer is the one who can comfort Miles and make him feel better
but once again Y/n just couldn’t say no. She nodded her head quietly following both parents to miles room.
Both parents tried telling miles they just wanted to talk but Y/n just got silent as she saw the empty room, she only had the door opened enough for her to see it. When Rio pushed it open more she was filled with anger, staring at the jacket of a girl
Y/n never noticed it but now that she did it hurt her even more. She was far too busy taking in his drawings and room, missing the familiar homey feeling of it.
The three of them walked up back to the party, catching miles talking to a girl on the roof
Gwen. The scene was far too sensitive for Y/n to keep looking so she just stared at the floor trying to keep tears from falling.
i know you-..”
Rio hesitated on her words, for the first time scared to confront the girl who’s barley hanging on watching her son talk to someone she knows has his heart.
“I know you love him..just, remember to take care of yourself too mija..”
Y/n looked up with a gentle smile and watered eyes.
“I’ll be ok
I have to go though..enjoy your party!”
Rio’s emotions were so mixed seeing her two favorite pair tear from each other. Jeff and her smiled to Y/n sweet goodbyes as they focused on approaching Miles and the girl.
The awkward interaction between Gwen, miles and his parents continued, while y/n changed out her dress and into her suit, ready to go for another swing.
10 minutes into the adventure Y/n could feel something was wrong, she trusted her senses to lead her. It followed her right to miles and Gwen. Y/n followed Gwen into the dimension, she saw the way Gwen was slightly torn on leaving miles and his universe
it just bothered Y/n that she got in between the two. She was never apart of this universe..how much did she really love miles if she was able to jump back and forth between universes and never visited him.
When y/n made it, following Gwen and Miles and showing up right beside the group, all of them stared at her confused. All she could do was chuckle awkwardly.
“Ha..i just sensed something bad and followed. Sorry-“
Miles could tell the girl was nervous without seeing her face, it was just the way she acted and gestured he knew those were acts of anxiousness, he’s seen it on Y/n..but he was too stupid to put two and two together.
“It’s fine! Guys, this is
spider-women for now.! She doesn’t have a name, or she hasn’t told me! We met last night! She’s new to all this-“
Miles rubbed his shoulder against her to get her to lighten up, it was things like that
the small things provided her comfort.
“Welcome newbie. We should get to fighting, meetings aren’t important right now.” Gwen made it blunt and short for Y/n and Miles to understand.
When it was time to go, Y/n walked beside hobie, Gwen and Miles fascinated at the area full of other versions of them.
“You can take your mask off
no one is gonna care or know.”
Y/n turned around to miles, panicked at the request.
“I don’t know, not too sure I’m comfortable..”
Y/n walked forward beside hobie as he made a joke in order to get the girl to finally open up.
Miles head turned to the familiar laugh, it sounded all too much like Y/n’s. Filled with joy and excitement for everyone to hear
he missed her, but she wasn’t gone. For all he knew she was with his parents having Sunday dinner
Miles wishes right now that everything was perfect and he was at home with everyone, at least he had Gwen and his friends for now..?
Y/n watched at Miguel scolded everyone but she didn’t expect for him to actually point at her.
“And you! Your whole story just- I can’t. You both ruined your universe, your lucky nothing happened when you got bit.”
Miguel’s words hurt, but they didn’t dig deep enough for her to not talk back.
“Excuse me? I didn’t even do anything wrong. I don’t even know you so don’t tell me what I-“
“But i know you! You’re Y/n and Miles stupidly changed your path. You aren’t even supposed to be here, you followed him. Again!”
Miles froze hearing her name.
The young girl stumbled back not responding while Miguel went on about how both of them weren’t supposed to be there, he was more enraged at Miles for causing it. When Y/n heard that Jeff, Mr.Morales was going to die, she escaped with miles fighting off everyone. Following him once again

requests are very much open, feel free to send and I’ll decided if I can do them or come up with something
You know I had to use the two most heartbreaking songs both Spanish and English because phew. Those tears fell. Notice how Y/n stayed beside him while everyone else betrayed him
yea. Loyal.
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff
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verdantglow · 1 year ago
Hiiii, hellooooo, I saw your Homestuck au and I love it. Love your art !!! I wanna eat everysingle one of them they are so-
Ok so, I had a few questions if you don't mind like, how did Scar and Grian met? Like- how they become moirals? Aaaand what would be the quadrants between Mumbo, Scar and Grian
Aaah hi! & thank you so much! (I’ve never had someone say they wanted to eat my art, that’s such a high compliment, omg
So Scar & Griann. They met while playing the VR version of Flarp around mid adolescence!
Actually, the VR edition of Flarp is how all the various groups of characters know each other. When they were around 7-8 sweeps old, they all signed up for & played a VR Flarp called Third Life. After the campaign ended, they stayed in touch & over the years they’ve played four more campaigns over VR, occasionally adding in more players. (This is very odd for Flarpers & really just for trolls in general. Maintaining relationships outside of your quadrants once you’re an adult & off planet is exceedingly rare, but this group is now around 12-14 sweeps & just finished playing the Secret Life module together.) (
There might be something to be said about the complex shipping chart that has developed holding them together in some ways.) (But mostly they’re just all friends, for whatever shade & value of friendship is possible as an adult troll.)
Anyway! Back to Scar & Griann! Griann ‘accidentally’ (no one is sure how accurate that word is) led to Scar’s first death in the Third Life campaign. We can guess that either Griann really thought Scar wouldn’t die or he just is piss poor at thinking things through, ‘cause killing a sea dweller, even in a game, when you were not supposed to
 Well let’s just say that Griann vowed his first life to Scar & Scar, whether by dint of being the friendliest sea dweller you’ve ever met or because he was genuinely placated by the vow, didn’t pursue revenge IRL as he was entitled to by troll custom.
(It’s important to remember here that 1. Griann is a mutant candy red blood & 2. everyone was around the age where blood colour starts showing in your eyes, making it harder to hide your hemostatus. Given Griann wasn’t a full adult, so there was just a tint of red to his irises, during the Third Life campaign most of them assumed Griann was a rustblood. & a such a low blood killing fucking royalty out of turn, frankly most of them were pretty damn shocked that Scar accepted the vow instead of killing Griann on the spot, at least in game. It was very much a defining moment for everyone’s thoughts of Scar.)
So Griann & Scar teamed up & feelings
 happened. Most of the rest of the crew saw their relationship as a somewhat forced moiraillegence, Griann placating Scar for his own safety as well as that of others while voicing his desire to leave the partnership to almost anyone who’d listen. By the end of the campaign, the forced part fell off people’s estimations, as Grian obviously became closer & closer to Scar. But it still seemed like a pretty cut & dry moiraillegence, albeit a kinda dysfunctional one, given how much death & destruction Scar still enacted on everyone.
When they were asked about their fresh moiraillegence after the campaign, they both just kinda smiled & nodded, trying not to think about all the confusing vacillating make outs that happened on Monopoly Mountain. & they’ve been living in ??? ever since.
Now, Mummbo Jummbo. My favorite jade blood. (My only jade blood lol.) He & Griann have known each other since they were grubs & have always been pretty much inseparable, despite Mummbo not picking up VR Flarp until the group’s second campaign.
No one knows what the heck is going on between Griann & Mummbo. They are utterly, helplessly devoted to each other in a way that everyone speculates whether they flushed or maybe ashen or ??? Like. Scar & Griann, while they keep up the image of them being moirails, anyone who really knows them can see quadrant vacillation clear as day. That’s not too out of the ordinary. But Mummbo & Griann? Extremely odd by troll standards, particularly adult troll standards. They seem to swing between pity friends & hate friends, as many troll friends do; they just do it at an intensity & velocity that most trolls find baffling outside of quadrants.
(The truth is Mummbo’s quadrants are completely empty & he prefers it that way. Aroace king right here. If you ask if, he’ll just say that quadrants are too much fuss & confusion for him. Though it is worth noting that Mummbo’s main point of reference for what quadrants look like for a long time was whatever the fuck Griann & Scar have going on, which, is, uh, not particularly stable & frequently somewhat unhealthy. Love them though.)
Mummbo & Scar become good pity friends after being introduced by Griann post-Third Life campaign, though they also have their hate friend days. Heck there have even been a few times that others have suspected Mummbo was pitch flirting with Scar (like during the Secret Life campaign when Mummbo said, rather loudly, in public, something to the effect of ‘get good.’). But really it’s a case of the hate friendship aspect of their relationship flaring & Mummbo being utterly clueless to flirting of any kind, even when he seemingly is the one doing it.
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pennys-fic-reviews · 9 months ago
For today's fic, we have an absolutely amazing one called Meet Again by @northpen.
I got introduced to this one by some gorgeous fanart by @teircetea. (Reblogged after this post on my blog). They're a wonderful artist and the way they use colours is the Thing that made me want to read this fic. If someone with such fabulous art read and loved this fic, then it must be a good fic.
And it was MORE than good by a long shot. It was so fun to meet all the new versions and learn about them. The world building in this was so good. It tackled mental health so well. I loved the characters and how they interacted and how they viewed the world.
(more under the cut)
I think the one thing that stuck with me was Nya's struggle with chronic pain. It made me have to put down my phone and breathe a few times. I had to take breaks and dry the tears from my eyes.
Personally, I have my own chronic pain struggles and permanent nerve and bone damage in my right ankle. And seeing Nya struggle to do the things she loves, to be scared to do the things she loves, because of her knee injury hit me. I understood. I know what it's like to be frustrated because you can barely walk. I know what it's like to feel incapable because of your pain. This fic had one of the most impactful depictions of chronic pain I've seen in a long time. Amazing job.
ANYWAYS BLAH BLAH BLAH who cares about the feely emotional stuff. What really matters is Kai's whole character. Oh my god I literally can't even get over how much growth he went through. Getting to see his character start off as a rebellious teenager who matures into a father figure and emotionally mature adult who cares about people was so cool. It happened gradually and didn't feel forced. He felt like a real human being.
Amazing job to the author for writing the characters so well. I absolutely fell in love with every single one of them.
The storytelling in this was so good. The villains felt more natural than even some of the canon villains. The plot made sense but the plot twists were still shocking. It wasn't predictable, but it also wasn't bizarre. It was a perfect balance.
Anyways. Overall. This fic was absolutely heartbreaking but also so funny and humorous. It has an angst sandwich with angst sprinkled in, but most of the filling is fluff and humor. It was an amazing and natural piece of writing on life and death and how to cope with all of it. It appreciates grief and understands it comes in all shapes and forms and knows it's unavoidable, but it accepts it and shows you that you can ease your grief with a lot of healing. It was beautiful. Had many moments that made me pause and giggle and kick my feet or cry or laugh or stare in shock or reminisce or just feel and focus on the writing.
Beautiful fic, would definitely recommend to anyone who's looking for a fantastic longfic with many different feels and a connection to the characters. Don't let the lack of tagging scare you lol 😂
Amazing fic, 10/10, thank you for birthing it into the world, author.
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
I have a couple of older asks that need longer replies, and I’ll try to answer at least one of them tomorrow
 but today we have a bunch of shorter ones!
furubatsu asked:
In an ask you answered ages ago, you mentioned how Malleus threw off your Top/Bottom radars at first and I was curious, are there any other characters that made you go "their x! No, wait, y!"
Ooh, good question! The only other character I can think of is Lilia, but he wasn’t as confusing as Malleus: his design threw us off, but the moment Lilia opened his mouth, we figured him out lol
We really very rarely have problems with that, because it’s more about feeling the vibe of a character than anything else.
But Malleus really did confuse us for quite some time

Anonymous asked:
are you two aware of league of legends? maybe the jhin x hwei dynamic would be interesting

We know of it, but we aren’t even remotely closely familiar with the lore and stuff, but we actually went and read a bit about Jhin and Hwei after receiving your ask and YEP WE GET IT LOL to be honest we’re flattered that you thought that we might like them
 they really do have an interesting dynamic, and the fact that it’s rooted in deep feelings about art and has some much despair and inner and outer conflict honestly makes it very spicy.
And Hwei’s design 👌💖💖💖 instantly love him.
Anonymous asked:
Even though Regina George isn't really fitting for Vil, I bet the in universe rps/rpf community loves casting him as her in Mean Girls AUs and frequently make comments about how Vil should've been cast as her in the musical version and/or remake.
Anon, I 100% agree that the in-universe fandom fancasts him as Regina all the time. He should start asking Mira who is the most “he should’ve played Regina in the musical omg” person in the world lol
But at the same time I feel like this is the reason why Vil doesn’t read comments under his posts sometimes

Anonymous asked:
One of my favorite 'Kalim Overblots' I've read, we don't even get to see him Overblot.
He overblots after an enemy tricks him into thinking he murdered a comatose Jamil right in front of him, leading him to attacking the 'culprit' in a rage with Oasis Maker and then-
Cut to the aftermath.
There you go, another interesting way to make Kalim overblot! I like how it’s still related to him feeling responsibility + despair because of Jamil’s death, it seems like this is the main trigger for Kalim to get an emotional reaction of this magnitude.
Anonymous asked:
Najma and Jamil are basically siblings who like to mess each other but still love each other. I mean Jamil has a better family relationship to her than his parents. That doesn't mean he doesn't like how she often annoyed him.
Azul will likely try to win Najma over for her to accept her brother's relationship to her. I mean having inlaws together is worst.
Aw this is very sweet. I’m glad Jamil has a sister like that.
God I didn’t even think about the Azul-being-into-Jamil aspect of all of it, oh god this guy is going to annoy Najma too, although for some reason I get the feeling that she’s only going to be nice to Azul to annoy Jamil.
But then again, I can’t say anything concrete about her – haven’t met the girl yet.
Anonymous asked:
IDK why but I really like the idea of Ruggie unintentionally 'stealing' Azul's 'boyfriends'. Like Azul is already upset that Jamil prefers Ruggie over him and then finds Ruggie on top of Idia when he arrives at the Board Game Club room (in reality they fell over and accidentally landed in a compromising position).
Poor Azul, this is going to make him overblot again lol  I like how this is turning into a weird romcom, although with how petty Azul is, it could end up turning into an entirely different kind of anime.
Anonymous asked:
when i was starting twst i thought neige was the name of jamils sister
Jamil and his randomly French sister

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gristlegrinder · 8 months ago
Hm... For the OC asks: how about Fear, Ghost, and Mistake for the GW2 OC you most recently played in-game?
not-so-nice oc ask meme
hello anon! unfortunately the answer to that question is almost always siya. i play them too much.
content warnings for discussions of trauma, near death experiences, and death. this one got heavy in my drafts. sorry, it’s a long one!
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
there’s a joke here about siya having a shitty ex-boyfriend literally named ghost. anyways.
siya ran to lion’s arch to get away from the grove, and quickly adopted it as their home with a sense of pride. i really cannot emphasize enough how much of their early sense of identity hinged on belonging to a city of pirates and scoundrels. they fell in with all the other misfits that had called it home, and reveled in late nights, bad decisions, and having the future laid out in front of them, as unending as the ocean.
scarlet briar destroyed it without warning.
they never said goodbye. their tenement was burning rubble before they even woke up among the survivors. there are friends and neighbors and regulars at their bars that they never heard from again, that they’re reasonably sure are still alive but don’t have the means (or true desire) to get back in touch with. when they close their eyes, they can retrace footpaths in alleyways that don’t exist anymore. gendarran apples dipped in dark chocolate, notches in their usual booth’s tabletop made with sif’s pocketknife, the stench of fish being unloaded at the docks at four in the morning, their face against the cool tile of moldy bathroom floors.
it aches. and they never went back— they still haven’t. they’ve been avoiding it for years, taking the long ways around travel routes to avoid the asura gate hub and the ports. too much has changed, in really painful ways, and they don’t want the memories they have of the place to be “spoiled” by plaster-and-stained-glass pavilions sponsored by the captain’s council. they want the shadows, and the shiplap, and the sense of self-discovery that sent them there in the first place. even if those memories aren’t particularly good, anything else feels wrong, and bad.
whether or not that preservation would actually make a difference (they can’t go back to that version of lion’s arch either way) doesn’t matter; there’s a finality to accepting that things are gone that they’ve been putting off for the last decade of their life, mostly in the form of never thinking about it ever and avoiding all reminders of it forever, reinventing themself as who they are today in the process.
FEAR: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
okay, so i think there are two ways i could take this question— first is a very tangible fear, in the sense that they very clearly have PTSD from what happened in lion’s arch. siya was there when the first bombs dropped and the miasma had a coin-flip chance of killing you. their actual memories of what happened are spotty, on account of the blast, but their unconscious body was pulled from the wreckage after the initial chaos, and it was deemed a miracle that they had survived.
for a long while, that lingering panic manifests as a twitch in their hands when the air gets too thick; tensing up at sudden loud noises and drawing exit strategies for any enclosed space and fighting any situation where medical personnel want to put their hands on them.
(siya finds refuge in the canopies of the maguuma jungle for a time, living in the wyvern cliffs with a friend. mordremoth sends the pact fleet crashing down into the trees and it startles them more than the dragon’s call itself ever could. afterwards, they flinch at the slightest provocation and spit that they’re going to personally shoot the killing bullet into mordremoth’s skull, when they remember how to feel anything at all. that’s the first time they realize there might be a problem.)
it’s hard not to be honest about it all when it’s visible on them (the hacking cough, the scarring on their face, the bad knee) so they don’t bother trying to hide that something’s fucked them up. if anything, it doesn’t matter that you know— they just don’t want you to stop taking them seriously. they can hold their own in a fight, they can handle themself.
and while that fear hasn’t ever gone away, it’s stabilized; helped by years of distance, self-soothing rituals, and lithium salts. the love of their life is a volcanic eruption, and they’ve grown to find comfort in heavy, warm pressure blanketing them.
what they’re really afraid of, underneath that, is death. the lights being snuffed out for good. rolling bad dice, finally, and getting unlucky. not knowing what’s gonna happen afterwards (do they get the gold chariot? do they float through the ceiling?). not wanting to lose the few good things they’ve got. braham’s prophecy starts unfurling and they spend months picking their wounds and watching him like a hawk when they can’t sleep at night, in case he’s the one that doesn’t make it.
that one, they don’t talk about. they can’t.
MISTAKE: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
siya has never made any mistakes in their life, ever.
okay, that’s a lie— but most of their mistakes feel petty in the grand scheme of the world. shooting themself in the foot (metaphorically) by reading situations wrong, talking a bit too much and slighting somebody, fumbling a good thing by being a little too much or pushing somebody away before anything can start. that’s just being neurodivergent. none of those are life-ruining on their own.
likewise, there are things they would consider to be significant mistakes of theirs that i don’t personally agree with their judgment on. lying in the grass underneath a friend they’ve already lost to the nightmare court. locking eyes with ghost across the room in a dive bar that was never up to code. staying home with garm and a migraine when braham gets invited to the all-legions rally.
(okay, that last one hurts more, but they can’t get too caught up in it for the same reasons they don’t let braham get caught up in his own what-ifs.)
not taking the lionguard suggestion to re-enter the city when able to do so, in order to retrieve the rest of their belongings, probably ranks up there. they took whatever they were rescued with, shoved away every worried medic trying to stabilize them, and followed their gut instinct to get as far away from the burning wreckage as possible. it was an irrational, anxious impulse, and they do really regret not getting to say goodbye before that became insurmountable.
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mcfiddlestan · 1 year ago
Ship it/Don't ship it Ask Game:
Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff
Don't Ship It
I like them as besties, and I know they're canonically romantically involved, but I have a very weird reason for not shipping it. I blame being a Scorpio because Scorpios have notorious jealous streaks. LOL. I wasn't jealous of Natasha! It's just that I really dislike her portrayal by ScarJo (plus I downright don't like ScarJo for a myriad of reasons) but I had a partner that RP'd Bucky and liked having multiverse versions of him and he was often romantically involved with a different person in each one. I RP'd a Loki in one of those verses, but I had a hard time dealing with the other versions, especially the Natasha one. Probably because that RP was super important to me; we literally fell in love while writing Bucky and Loki falling in love. So I was kind of possessive of him. My partner didn't feel the same and was very verbally affectionate with their other writing partners. And even after I shared that I didn't particularly like that ship, they continued to kind of shove it in my face. So I grew to kind of hate the ship. I don't hate it now, but I still don't ship it.
What would have made you like it?
I'd probably enjoy it if it was a different actress in the role of Natasha. Bc I have seen some of the comic panels and I do like some of the SLs they had going on in the comics.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Despite not shipping it, I've still inserted it into some of my fics. Well, two of them. In Don't Think I Don't Think About It, Loki and Tony rekindle their romance at Bucky and Natasha's wedding. I needed to write a couple getting married and I didn't want to use Steve and Peggy or Thor and Jane/Sif again. So I used Bucky and Natasha. In another, Black Light Special, I had them as a past relationship, making it hard for Clint to accept Steve's request that Bucky move into the Tower. I guess I don't mind thinking of them as exes. I just prefer Natasha with Clint (and in one WIP with Sam...for a while) and I prefer Bucky with Loki, Steve, or Tony.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Same as most of the ships I ship -- RP'ing. My ex-partner and I Rp'd a lot lol. But we did alternative versions. I don't remember who they had as Bucky (but it wasn't Sebastian) but I had Jared Leto as my Tony. There's just so much to explore with them emotionally and, if you're doing basic canon, their intertwined backgrounds. I mean, can you imagine being in love with the man responsible for making you an orphan?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Similar reasons I love Frostiron probably, i.e. sarcasm and smarts. But also, there's a bond there over shared trauma. They were both forced to endure body mutilation they didn't consent to -- Bucky's arm, Tony's reactor. Guilt over the number of lives destroyed by their hand -- Bucky as the Winter Soldier, Tony as the "Merchant of Death." They both suffer from PTSD, but they also both keep trying to redeem themselves and put themselves on the line to get that redemption. Both joined the fight in Infinity War even though they'd found some semblance of peace.
On the more positive side, they're both science nerds. I've always thought Bucky had a bit of the amateur mechanic in him with a love of cars -- especially the beauties from the 1930s and 40s -- and Tony would be eager to show off his collection and maybe fix up a car or two with Bucky. Plus, there would be time spent nerding out over Bucky's arm, in Tony's case anyway.
I just think there's a lot there to provide both angst and feels.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Mmm...I don't think so.
Thanks for asking!
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zazzander · 3 years ago
Will Solace & Octavian
So I want to do a post about Will and Octavian, because Will is one of the characters involved in the finale of Blood of Olympus. He tries to talk Octavian down – even as Nico and Mike are set on allowing Octavian to die.
The two of them are often constrasted, both by POV characters and the story as a whole.
Will depicted as the ideal child of Apollo. He’s a healer. He is calm and composed. He’s a cat in the sun. These traits are very much opposed with Octavian’s characterisation. Octavian foresees death. He leads demigods into war. He never calm and rarely composed.
In terms of descriptions, Nico calls him a “washed out” version of Will. The physical description drives home that Octavian is the opposite of an ideal child descedant of Apollo.
All this inspired me to look into their interactions. And while I’m not expert on Will’s character, I did want to try and tease out some kind of story. And I've come to come conclusions. Unfortunately the entire Will-Octavian-Apollo dynamic is never really resolved, so this post doesn’t really have a resolution either.
Will’s attitude towards Octavian has three distinct stages. Initially, he’s antagonistic towards Octavian. It’s only halfway through their confrontation this seems to change. At that point he shows sympathy towards Octavian and tries to reason with him. Finally, after Octavian’s death, he seemed to take on a forced apathy about the situation. He doesn’t address it, not with Nico, not with Apollo. In fact, he purposefully diverts away from even the possibility of Octavian being up for discussion. Much like Apollo.
Will’s Antagonism
That fact that Will doesn’t like Octavian for most of Blood of Olympus is pretty fair. Octavian is the leader of the enemy army. There has been at least two interactions between the Greeks and the legion. The first we see on the page: the parley at Nero’s Tower. The second who can assume happened at some point based on both Will’s and Jake Mason’s comments regarding Octavian.
So as a baseline, going into the battle, this is Will’s opinion:
“Octavian – what’s his name. If I was Apollo and my descendant was acting this way, I’d go into hiding out of shame.” | “I agree,” Will said. “I wish I was a better archer
 I wouldn’t mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father’s gifts to stop this war.”
Will contrasts Octavian’s doggedness towards the war with his own desire to stop it. Not only that but we see Will has a full formed opinion on Octavian: he’s arrogant and he doesn’t have Apollo’s support despite saying he does.
For me that implies the two of them have actually spoken, which isn’t unreasonable because Octavian does plant his encampment very close to Camp Half-Blood with the intent of drawing the Greeks into battle. More than likely, such an interaction is what has everyone riled up (Octavian is very good at pissing people off, ngl).
Fast forward to the battle, Will follows up on his comments. He uses his powers to stay off violence.
Will let out a piercing taxicab whistle. All six dog-men dropped their weapons, grabbed their ears and fell down in agony.
Will isn’t here to fight a battle, he’s here to bring peace. That might also explain why he’s on the sabotage mission at all – since it doesn’t make sense to bring your primary medic on the mission. Unless, Will has is trying a last-ditch effort to resolve this without a fight.
Now, Nico doesn’t recognise Will’s intent because he immediately uses the opportunity to take down all of these monsters. Following this, Nico and Octavian face off. Neither of them are here to take prisoners.
Nico is fully prepared to murder Octavian.
And Octavian, for his part, goes for his main skill: persuasion.
“Tell me, son of Pluto,” the augur hissed, “why are you helping the Greeks? What have they ever done for you?”
Now, Will accepts Nico taking down the monsters without comment. After all, monsters are monsters (except when they aren’t). But then Nico says he is helping both camps. That no one has offered him anything. And once the fight is over, he will leave.  
Will Solace made a sound like he’d been punched. “Why would you do that?” Nico scowled. “It’s none of your business, but I don’t belong. That’s obvious. No one wants me.”
Now, this interaction givens Octavian more than enough insight to start needling at Nico’s insecurities. He offers Nico a place to stay at the end of the war. And more – he lets Nico continue to play ‘neutral’ but in a different way:
] All you have to do is step aside and allow the Romans to win.”
Since we know from Will’s reaction earlier that he assumed Nico would be joining Camp Half-Blood after this fight, the idea that Nico would enter the legion – or choose to be neutral isn’t something he’s happy about.
Octavian is firmly in ‘bad guy’ territory when it comes to Will’s opinion of him. We can see this here:
“The god Apollo has shown me the future–” “No!” Will Solace shoved Nico out of the way and got in Octavian’s face. “I am a son of Apollo, you anaemic loser. My father hasn’t shown anyone the future because the power of prophecy isn’t working. But this–” He waved loosely at the assembled legion; the hordes of monstrous armies spread across the hillside. “This is not what Apollo would want!”
So Will insults Octavian. He pulls rank on Octavian (being a son is better than being a priest, apparently). And calls Octavian a liar.
The thing about Will’s point: “My father hasn’t shown anyone the future because the power of prophecy isn’t working” is that the loss of prophecies is very recent in the grand scheme of the war. Octavian was still able to see the future when this war started. It is only later that Python took over Delphi.
Maybe Will realises this too – because he presses the point in another way: “This is not what Apollo would want!”
To be fair on Will, it is very hard to tell what Apollo wanted in Heroes of Olympus. More than likely, it was ever-changing. But what we do know, is that from Octavian’s perspective, Apollo was supportive. In The Hidden Oracle, Apollo let’s slip that he did support Octavian’s war. Furthermore, the Twins (Apollo and Artemis) are actually pretty aware of Octavian’s plans. Even Artemis knows what’s up:
Hazel rolled her eyes. “Leo, this is serious. If Artemis is right, six of these machines will be rolling into Long Island tomorrow night. That’s what Octavian has been waiting for. At dawn on August first, he’ll have enough firepower to completely destroy Camp Half-Blood without a single Roman casualty. He thinks that’ll make him a hero.”
Ultimately, Will’s opinion of Apollo means this possibility never occurs to him. And fair enough. Why would his dad support a war that could kill him and his siblings?
(This might be why Apollo was dressed as member of Camp Half-Blood when he was attacked by Zeus. Maybe he planned to rescue his kids before the onagers hit. Maybe he would save everyone, who knows? Zeus interfers on whatever Apollo had planned).
Regardless, Will is of the opinion that Octavian is acting without Apollo’s permission or knowing, basically just slapping the god’s name on his own actions to lend them credibility. He’s not aware that Apollo isn’t a well respected god in the legion. Nor that Apollo has sided with Octavian.
And Octavian rebuts this with:
Octavian lips curled. “You lie. The god told me personally that I would be remembered as the saviour of Rome. I will lead the legion to victory.”
I want to focus on the start of this reply. Because as far as I can tell – this is Will’s turning point. Prior to this, Will has been against Octavian. He’s convinced that Octavian is in the wrong – an arrogant guy who’s lying constantly for his own selfish gain.
But when Will tries to tell him that Apollo wouldn’t support the war, Octavian’s lips curl: either he’s smiling - like a ‘you are such an idiot’ kind of smile OR he’s frowning - like ‘what Apollo didn’t tell them the plan?’.
And that immediately leads into Octavian saying, “You lie”.
It should be, “You’re wrong”.
Because to lie means that Will knows the truth and isn’t telling it.
This is the only possible moment that could reframe Will’s opinion on Octavian. Because Will changes his tune after this point. He goes from insulting Octavian to trying to reason with him.  
That’s despite what Octavian does next, namely: fire on the camp.
The onagers miss – of course. But it’s clear from Octavian’s reaction that wasn’t part of the plan.
In the moment follow this, Octavian is losing the loyalty of his people. And what does Will do? Not insult. Not stand back and let it happen. He gives Octavian advice.
Will Solace shook his head, “Don’t do this, Octavian. Don’t force your people to choose. This is your last chance.”
Unfortunately, at about this time, Clarisse shows up and its back to battle. Octavian refocuses on the fight, using the chance to bring the legionnaires back under his control. Only for Will to jump in again with his disarming whistle. The fighting pauses long enough for the Athena Parthenos to land and Reyna to give her speech.
Then Gaia wakes up and Octavian freaks out. Everyone else seems to believe that he’s run away like a coward – no longer a problem. But Will keeps a track of him. It’s Will who notices that Octavian has gone to the onager.
He chooses to bring Nico. And these are the reasons I can come with you for that choice:
Nico and Octavian have a tense repour (Octavian was trying to recruit him to the legion, after all)
Will likes Nico (more bonding time!)
Will doesn’t know that Nico plans to kill Octavian (Nico hesitated before)
Then, at the base of the onager, Will tries three times to talk Octavian down. It’s like he’s a completely different person. Before he was arguing with Octavian, insulting him, and undermining him. Now?
Will raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Octavian, get away from the onager. That isn’t safe.”
“Listen to me,” Will tried again. “This is not what Apollo would want. Besides, your robes are–”
“Octavian, don’t,” Will pleaded. “We can’t allow you–”
To this, Octavian calls Will a fool. He repeats the prediction he was given over and over again. He tries to tell Will what’s going on, that he's fully aware of what's happening. Far more than Will himself. But Will doesn’t – cannot – accept that.
We see the direct rebuttals:
“That isn’t safe.” | “Of course it’s not!”
"That’s not what Apollo would want.” | “You know nothing, Graecus!”
Now, Will isn’t the only person in the scene. We also have Mike and Nico.
Mike seems to pick up Octavian’s intent almost immediately, though he does double check. Are you certain? Yes! Are you absolutely certain? Yes, you fool!
Meanwhile, Nico also seems to pick up what’s going on. Though he’s realisation is not so clear cut.
Nico remembered his father’s word in the Chapel of Bones: Some deaths cannot be prevented.
What is going on? Well, Octavian has been prophesied to die. To be ‘remembered as the saviour’ is not the able as ‘celebrated as a saviour’ or ‘known as the saviour’.
All in all, Will is the last person to realise this:
“Will,” Nico said, “we can’t stop him.” Solace stared at him in disbelief.
Will does nothing more in this scene. Sure, he might be surprised at Nico’s callousness, but I don’t think so. I think Will finally realised what was happening. That he’s watching fate unfold. There is no fighting it.
Besides, Will probably blames Nico for what happened to Octavian. Why wouldn’t he? Nico had basically permitted
 whatever that was. Murder by consensus. A gruesome suicide.
Despite Nico’s fears Will doesn’t blame Nico for Octavian’s death. Because Nico was simply a bystander. He wasn’t his fault. If Nico had killed Octavian, it might have been a different story. It’s curious that Nico never makes the connection between prophecy = death that cannot be prevented. But I suspect that’s the survivor’s guilt. He believes he could have done more.
With all this in mind, let’s fast forward to The Hidden Oracle where we seen more of Will's forced apathy. His insistence on not discussing Octavian's death (or anything that could be related to Apollo's actions in Heroes of Olympus).
Prior to Apollo showing up as mortal, Will could have assumed that Gaia was pretending to be Apollo to influence Octavian. That’s what everyone else assumes! And from the outside perspective, it makes a reasonable amount of sense.
Yet here is Apollo. Weak and mortal.
The situation implies a lot.
You’d think Will would want to ask Apollo exactly what went down with Octavian. Was there a prophecy? Did Apollo really support Octavian’s war? Or was Octavian simply lying? All of this really stemming from the big question: Why has Apollo been cast down from Olympus?
Except not only does Will never ask he actively avoids the conversation. Whenever it’s even close to being brought up in his presence, Will changes the subject.
“There is no fixing this,” I said miserably. “I am cast out of Olympus. My fate is tied to a girl named Meg. It could not be worse!” Will laughed, which I thought took a great deal of gall. “Meg seems cool.”
Cast out of Olympus? Surely that’s ringing alarm bells. Instead Will chooses to brush passed that admission and focuses on Meg – hiding behind a laugh. Just before that he stated that he’s using humour to hide his anxieties: “Well, it’s either find this funny or freak out.”
If it was just this moment, we could excuse this as Will not being in the headspace to really talk about his father’s situation. But later in the book, he does the same thing.
As Apollo bemoans his mortality, Austin and Kayla are quick to offer assistance but Will, notably does not. Instead, Will changes the subject.
” Will patted my shoulder. “It’s not so bad. At least with everybody being on high alert, we might not have to do Harley’s obstacle course tomorrow.”
Once again – Will moves the conversation away from the elephant in the room. Austin and Kayla are willing to help Apollo get stronger, but Will? He’s
 hesitant. Like he doesn’t hate Apollo or anything. But he is purposefully avoiding the important questions.
Then the plot get moving and Will isn’t really featured for the rest of the book. And by the time we get to Tower of Nero, it’s too late to have this conversation. Both for the characters and for the narrative.
Octavian’s death lays in the past. A stone purposefully unturned. Both by Will and by Apollo.
I’ll leave on this quote:
Their former augur, my descendant Octavian, had died in the battle against Gaia. (Which I had a hard time feeling sad about, but that's another story.)
So maybe there’s hope that the Will-Octavian relationship will get resolved in the Solangelo book. After all, Octavian was a major character in their first scene together. It might be that he is a major character their ‘last’.
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keigosbirdie · 4 years ago
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Of all Hawks’ secrets, you are the most well-kept.
Version: Female Reader version | Male Reader Version Links: Gifset (art only) | Mood Music
NIGHTHAWK Rating: Explicit   |   Word Count: 13k  | Art: 14 animations, 2 stills (Technically no spoilers, but if you aren’t caught up on the events of the manga you’ll be missing important context. The fic takes place after Hawks’ meeting with the commission.) Synopsis: Casual was the word you used when you first agreed to sleep together. As weeks turned into months turned into a year, those quick and dirty nights blossomed into private moments that earned him little pieces of you. Warnings: Dom!Hawks, Nurse!Reader, animalistic behavior, rough sex, quirk/feather play, light bondage, biting, praise kink, hurt/comfort, secret relationship, talk of past lovers, mentions of death, panic attacks, PTSD, mention of a past, non-canon event. Spicy, then bitter, then sweet.
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There was nothing exceptional about your life from an outsider’s perspective. You lived in an apartment on the outskirts of Jaku City, unmarried and childless. During the day you attended medical school where you studied for your doctorate. During the evening you worked as a nurse in the intensive care unit. Then, when you were home, you sat alone for dinner at a kitchen table meant for two.
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
For the past year, however, an occasional tap at your sixteenth-story window would break up the lonely monotony. The tap was quite a scandalous secret, not that anyone would believe you if you let it slip. Even you still had a hard time accepting the bizarre reality of the situation; but it was real. Just as real his voice, which you could hear echoing faintly through your apartment.
You glanced up from your lukewarm dinner and dropped your fork. For a long moment, you sat in silence, listening intently until you heard it again. It was him; it was his voice. Your heart pounded against your ribs as you shoved out of your chair and jogged to the window. The part between your curtains opened, but when you peeked through you saw only the glow of city lights below a blanket of darkness.
A frown found your face, and a sigh spilled past your lips. You heard his voice; you would never mistake it for another. It echoed casually against your dim walls again, and you turned your head towards the sweet sound. The television was on in the living room. Your heart dropped at the realization. The little square thing sat on your end table and taunted you with his image. 
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There he was. Hawks, the winged hero, being interviewed by a woman in a pantsuit. It wasn’t often he did interviews, so you left your dinner to go cold in favor of watching the program.
He was dressed in his hero costume, his visor lifted to rest atop his blond, wind-whipped hair, and his scarlet wings folded politely against his back. A wide grin graced his face as he exchanged charming banter with the woman. She seemed enamored with his expression, but she didn't know him like you knew him. He was smiling, yes, but the edges of his eyes were crinkled with tension. When he chuckled, his wings folded a little harder against his back. His beats of laughter were calculated. Uncomfortable, that's what he was.
He’d been that way a lot lately.
"So, I'm sorry, I have to ask- Every bachelorette in the country is wondering, is there any special lady in your life?" the interviewer asked. It was airy and friendly in intent, but your lip twitched with faint annoyance anyway. Your face fell slack and you leaned back into your chair. 
"Well, I don't know about every bachelorette," he quipped. His face was a little grainy on your old TV screen, but you could see the slight pink in his cheeks. He was cute. So, very cute. It made you miss him that much more. "But my personal life, well, how alluring would I be if I didn't keep a few things a mystery?"
And a mystery it was, to everyone but you.
Thankfully, the woman interviewing him had enough tact to know when to move on. Their conversation mercifully veered away from his sex life—your sex life—and towards his agency. The television was a wondrous thing. His voice rang through your home despite his absence. It brought sadness, but also a bittersweet comfort. Viewing him live stung your soul. You watched until his interview ended with a commercial break, and then decided not to wait up for him again. That would only lead to another sleepless night. 
Still, the window remained unlocked for him as you called it a night. The yellow glow of your desk lamp died with a click, and you climbed into your bed. Sleep was always difficult. Many nights you laid awake as you thought about your ICU patients. The things you saw in the ward were enough to scar anyone. But if it wasn’t work that plagued your mind, it was him.
Casual was the word you’d used when you’d first agreed to sleep together. It was easy to swallow when he only snuck into your apartment at night for sex. For the first few months, that was it. He’d steal into your home through the cover of darkness and you’d share a violently passionate night. Then, he would vanish out your window until he craved you again. Which, thankfully, was often.
As weeks turned into months turned into a year, however, those quick and dirty nights blossomed into private moments that earned him little pieces of you. You realized you were in too deep when it became difficult to be unbothered by the casual daydreaming of others. His face was clipped to girls’ backpacks long before you knew him, but others, covered so openly in his merchandise, began to make you a touch bitter. His sex life had been speculated about in tabloids since his debut, but to keep your mouth shut while your friends contemplated the size of his penis became hurtful and emotionally taxing.
The only one you could confide those pains in was the man who unintentionally caused them, but Hawks was too sweet. If he knew just how much it tore you up, he’d surely break things off to spare you the misery.
You cursed yourself for getting lost in thoughts of him. Bemoaning the casual chatter of others as he gracefully balanced the weight of the world on his shoulders made you feel weak. You allowed your eyes to close, your breathing slowed, and your body relaxed into your mattress. By the mercy of whatever god watched over you, sleep slowly overtook all your other thoughts.
At least until a shuffle and a squeak made you toss in your sheets. A faint light spilled into your room from the window, and a coolness settled into your bed. You shivered. It was the fresh winter air from outside. The cold wasn't the only intruder. It was him. 
The light was dim, but a dark silhouette of flared wings blocked out the moonbeams. Your heart lurched in your chest at the dominant display. It was a habit of the bird in him to fluff up when his blood was hot. His predatory energy kept you submissively silent rather than greet him.
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Floorboards creaked beneath his shoes. The pulls of their zippers clicked with the movement. His breath was heavy as he moved to your bed. You caught a vision of your lover’s face. Little flecks of snow followed in. They danced around the brilliance of his wings and settled into his hair. In the blue light of winter’s night, his gold eyes looked dazzling. They also harbored a glint of violence akin to the blown-out eyes of a predator in pursuit of prey.
It was a familiar look from the strange animal. He’d seemed so open and friendly when he’d first snuck into your hospital room to talk, but he shrugged away at hugs and only laughed awkwardly when you told him he was your best friend. He didn't understand that kind of closeness.
You’d learned how deep his discomfort ran through him when the relationship became sexual. His inept understanding of touch translated to violence in the bedroom. Sex was most comfortable for him when he thought of it as a battle. He'd hold you down and force you open. You'd dig teeth into his arms and rip out feathers with your fists. To submit to his pounding was capture, but to overstimulate him until he was too weak to hold you down was victory. Extreme? Perhaps to those who didn’t understand your trust in one another.
He'd at least offer a sappy hello before he pulled his dick out, though. Not tonight. He eyed you as if expecting you to run, as if he'd give chase if you decided to. Fuck, it caused the warmest tingle between your thighs. You’d missed him too badly to try to put up a fight.
He left his jacket abandoned on the floor, which offered a much better view of his slim body wrapped in his black bodysuit. His canines dug into the leather of his glove before he yanked his hand free with his teeth. You laid silent and already breathless. It'd been far too long since you last felt him. Your body was hot with need at the sight of his rigid wings alone. His eyes swept over you as he toyed with the front of his tan jeans. He didn't come very often in uniform. To watch him fondle himself through his costume was- god, was there a stronger word than ecstasy?
“I want you,” he said from your bedside.
"You can have me..." You breathed out. It was intended to sound sultry, but your tone was more akin to a pleading whisper. Your body ached for him before your heart did, after all. Old habits were hard to break.
"You've been waiting for me, like a good girl, haven’t you?" he cooed. Cooed, quite literally. A low and rumbling song reverberated from somewhere deep in his throat. Not a bit of you was avian, but your body reacted instinctively when you heard your mate's call.
"I should reward you."
His visor glinted in the dim light as he pulled it off his face and let it land on the floor. His earmuffs, too.
You bit down your grin as the weight of your mattress shifted under his knee. His ungloved hand neglected the bulge in his jeans to tend to you instead. Warm fingertips slipped beneath your covers and found the skin of your thigh. A small sigh spilled from his lips, and your body trembled.
"You missed my hands on you, didn't you?"
You only managed a nod as his fingers slid up and beneath your pajama top.
Your body sank deeper into your covers when he moved over you. One knee landed on either side of your hips. His bare hand played with your breast while the still gloved one ran through your hair. The leather of the glove was frigid from the cold, but his body radiated warmth. The sweetness of his cologne mingled with the harsh musk of sweat. The smell of him fogged your mind.
The pads of his fingers pinched and tugged at the pink bud he discovered on your chest, which earned him a harsh gasp.
"That's it. I love it when you sing like that," he chimed. His hot breath ghosted over the shell of your ear. Wefts of his hair brushed against your face as his teeth nibbled at your throat. You were trapped beneath the cage his body made. 
"These cute little tits of yours- god."
He wasn't usually so chatty when he was about to mount you, but every grumble that reverberated in his throat added to the tingle between your thighs. He could devour you whole and you would thank him for the honor.
Your hands slid up the sides of his tight bodysuit. The inky black fabric was harsh beneath your fingertips. You traced the patterns of its gold accents around to his back and up towards his wings. He stiffened when he felt you slide nearer to them. Between the plush feathers at the base of a wing, you wiggled a finger until you found the skin beneath. Then you gave the joint a brutal squeeze.
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Instinctively, that glorious wing of his outstretched and shivered. The stems of his plumes flexed against your hand as they puffed twice their usual size. The longest of them brushed against the ceiling of your room, dwarfing your bodies beneath it.
You were always in awe of the sheer size and beauty of them.
"F-fuck. Not fair," he growled, and then his teeth sunk hard into your neck in vengeance. The harsh bite only made you desperate for more, so you fisted his feathers in your hand and gave a sharp yank. He gasped a hot breath into the nape of your neck. Fuck. You couldn't take the teasing anymore. 
Your hands relieved him of their cruelty to pull off your shirt. He faltered when your bare breasts were exposed. His golden irises became thin rings as the darkness of his pupils devoured them. The tip of his glistening tongue wetted his lips.
It was your turn to stare with sharp desire as you heard the click of his belt, then the pull of a zipper. You pushed yourself up to get a good view of him working his dick out of his bodysuit. The throbbing muscle hit him in the stomach. The sensation made him hiss between his teeth, and you whimpered in reply. 
"Hhm, you must be really hungry, the way you're staring at it," he mused before he spat into his palm and ran the wetness along the shaft. He quivered at the sensation. You quivered, too.
"Please." Your cheeks were flushed, and your chest quaked with desire. "I want to feel it, please." 
"Oh, don't worry. You’re gonna have all of this. Gotta get that pretty little pussy ready for my cock, though, don't we?" he hummed.
He reached into his plumage and pulled out a long, red feather. The thing wriggled between his pinched fingers as he presented it to you. The way it moved was unnatural, but you timidly took it in your grasp. The look on your face must have been telling of your confusion because he chuckled at your expression. He gave no direction. Instead, he watched with a mischievous curiosity as you turned it in your palm. The barbs vibrated independently of one another against your skin.
Your breath heaved when you realized why he had given it to you. His hands slid down your stomach as a pair of red feathers brushed against your sides. They dipped into the hem of your shorts, then pulled the fabric, sliding them down your legs until you were deprived of them. The cold from the open window seeped into your most sensitive places as his hands caressed your hips.
His fingertips stopped over a series of divots and deformities in your flesh. They were painful mementos of the night you met, and reminders of the sacrifice you had made for him a couple of years prior. He was a stranger when you chose to forgo your own survival to shield him from death. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he relived the agony with you, but placed kisses all over the scars. It felt like a plea for forgiveness, so you ran a loving hand through his hair.
A soft sound spilled from him, and then his head dipped down to drink in the sight of your bare body. You were naked beneath your shorts, so he hummed through gritted teeth when he teased your legs apart. He'd seen it all many, many times before, but the sight of your glistening pink sex brought about his cooing again. The sound was a deep and beautiful melody unlike anything you'd ever heard, but also purely sexual. It was his body's call to yours. It beckoned you like a siren.
“No panties, huh?” he murmured. His breath hitched and vibrated with his lustful song. “You’re already so wet, my god
 how about you put that feather of mine to use?”
He sat back on his haunches. Those narrow eyes bore holes into your exposed body as he spat another thick glob of saliva onto his palm. His hand found his cock. His eyelids fluttered at the contact and he groaned softly as he pumped around it. His eyes drank your every movement. 
You spread your legs for his gaze and then brought the pulsing feather between your thighs. He could feel through them, in a sense. The thought alone caused you to exhale a soft moan, but it was anything but soft when the vibration teased your sex. He groaned, too, at the contact. 
Your body flexed and wiggled when you pressed it hard against your clit. The sensation made your eyes roll back. Your slickness dampened its vanes despite its semi-hard state, and your hips ground into the pleasure. He observed. His hand pumped faster with each desperate whimper his feather worked out of you. 
It wasn't long before he couldn't take simply watching anymore. 
The roughness of his stubble dragged along your breast as he closed his teeth around one of your pink buds. He suckled, and your fingers tangled in his hair as his feather jolted from your grasp. It worked your clit without your help, and hot air blew from his nose as he jerked himself off. You used the distraction to sneak a hand between your bodies. You wanted the hot skin of his cock against you. You wanted to touch and play; to taste and feel. A thick whimper spilled out of him when you ensnared his throbbing dick in your palm and squeezed.
His feather stopped pleasing you.
"I didn’t give you permission to touch, did I?" His wings flexed. The feathered limbs grew massive as their quills stood on end in a frightening display. They were beautiful and plush, but deadly weapons all the same. “Testing me, huh? You're that desperate for my cock?”
Yes, fuck yes you were. You opened your mouth to reply, but your voice cut out when he grabbed you by the wrist. He jerked your hand away from his sex, and you whined. Usually, you were a bit of a hardass. It wasn’t easy to make you crumble, so he looked so devilishly proud of himself when you’d submit beneath the weight of him.
His teeth bared in a deliciously appealing smirk. "I’m gonna have to do something with these hands of yours if you’re gonna grab at shit without permission, yeah?"
You nodded a little too eagerly. His voice was heavy and deep with a depraved need to dominate you. To sully your skin with his desire. You weren’t going to stop him.
A cluster of feathers gathered in the air around you. You had nothing to fear, but watching them circle like small predators overhead made your heart pound against your ribs like a drum. They swarmed you and ensnared your wrists. The strength of his quirk easily had you overpowered. Your hands slammed into the headboard, pinned down by his feathers which trembled with excitement. You were now at his mercy.
“You’ll get your hands back when you’ve earned them,” he informed you through gritted teeth, but you were so mesmerized by the features of his face you hardly heard his words. Beautiful, that's what he was. You'd never told him how his appearance left you breathless. It could scare him away if you said such sweet things too often, but you’d held your heart back for so long it only felt fair to let it beat this once. 
“You’re so gorgeous,” you whispered.
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He trembled. His eyes widened in startled confusion, and then his cheeks dusted the faintest shade of red. God, that only made your heart thump harder. His did, too; you could feel it rattle through his chest and against your stomach.
"What was that?"
You bit your lip, embarrassed, but echoed the statement a bit more sheepishly. "I said
 you're gorgeous."
Your mattress groaned as he folded back onto his knees. The flaming red limbs on his back lowered until they rested against your sheets. Something about that sweet little compliment tore into him like nothing you had ever said before. That desire that flickered behind his eyes blazed out of control. His kisses landed on your knees before he placed a gentle caress of his lips on the innermost part of your thigh. So close to your pussy that the heat of his breath made you slick.
His other glove was abandoned somewhere on the floor, which rendered both his hands bare. A low groan spilled from him as he pressed his thumbs into either side of your heat. His jaw went slack and his breath erratic as he spread you open.
"So are you," he said, but it was muttered so softly you almost didn't hear.
His head dipped down. The tendrils that framed his forehead fell over your midriff as his tongue caressed your twitching flesh. The hot, wet muscle lapped hungrily between your folds. It flicked at your clit, and your legs trembled on either side of his head. His mouth working you open like that was enough to fog your mind entirely.
“You like that?” he cooed between the slurps of his mouth against you. "Oh, I bet you fucking do."
You replied with only a strangled whimper as you tugged uselessly at the feathers that bound you. You were desperate to comb your fingers through his downy hair, to fist it in your hands and press his face hard into you. A low chuckle flowed from his open mouth and tickled your flinching flesh. Another cry tore from your throat.
“My poor baby, so desperate,” he sighed after placing a kiss against your clit.
His poor baby. He hummed that phrase with such possessive intensity. He was right. Even if it was unspoken, you and your body belonged to him and him alone.
The warmth of his palms traveled back up your stomach and squeezed your breasts roughly. “Forcing you to wait so long for me, did I neglect my sweet little Chickpea? Hmm, I better make up for it, huh?"
God, the way his husky voice reverberated against your flesh was the most delicious form of torture. You bit your lip and nodded, and he rewarded you with a finger. It slid carefully into you, and his hand caressed your insides. You cried a loud, indecipherable string of mangled words. All grasp on language left you as he curled his fingers up and flicked his wrist.
“Aw, what are you trying to say, Sweetheart?” he huffed. All the little nicknames only pushed you further into your need for him. “You wanna feel my fat cock push into that pretty little pussy?”
A sharp inhale burned your throat.
“P-please!” you choked. Your voice was cracked and pitiful when it finally tore from you, and a wonderfully wonton sound fell from him.
“Please what, huh? Please what?” he gasped.
“Fuck me! I want it- I want your cock- PLEASE.”
“Ohhhhh, that sounds so pretty comin’ outta your mouth,” came his long, low growl. As a reward for your begging, he dragged the wetness of his tongue along the length of your little pink slit.
The rough material of his jeans slid down your inner thighs as he mounted you. The shaft of his hot, bare cock pressed flush against your sex. Clusters of his feathers bunched behind the bends in your knees and forced them back, which splayed you helplessly open. You watched as he bit into his lip and rubbed himself against your wetness. You couldn't look away as the most intimate part of his body sheathed itself in yours. 
The most delicious pressure overwhelmed your aching senses. Fuck. FUCK.  He moved slowly. It may have been meant as mercy, but to your sex-starved body, it felt torturous. The ridges of his dick caught at your swollen walls before the tip of it pressed agonizingly slow into the bottom of you. 
“Hawks! Oh my god, I can’t fucking take this!” your throat jerked and trembled just like your aching thighs. Your hips pumped in desperation for friction where your bodies connected. “Give it to me, give it- I swear to god- FUCK!”
Once you gave him control of your body, he lost control of his own. The mattress groaned when he slammed into you. His teeth dug into your throat, laying his claim on you as he panted for breath. His loose belt buckle beat at your outer thighs, and your bed frame groaned in protest with each merciless thrust. His hands dug into your flesh and locked you into his jarring pumps. He pinned you down as if he expected you to play the fighting game, but you didn't resist his cock this time. You didn't want a battle. You wanted your lover. Your moaning whimpers broke and cracked as his jerking hips rocked the wind from you.
He pounded into you too fast for your mind to keep up. Your scarred body buckled and stung under his animalistic need, but the shockwaves of pleasure that rolled through your core kept you begging him for more. More. More. 
His mind was so fogged that he lost his focus on his feathers. The clusters binding you down came loose without his influence, and you easily pulled out of them to throw your arms around his neck. His wings spread out and bristled until they were pressed against the walls, puffed and massive. His forehead was against yours. His hot breath puffed in your face, and his beautiful body was pleasured with yours. 
"Fuck, fuck! Please- Let me come inside you," he pleaded. His eyes were hazy and fogged, his mouth was slack and face a deep red. His body’s cooing song was so loud you could feel it in your own chest. The familiar smell of his cologne intermingled with the musk of sex and blurred your mind. You wanted every piece of him he'd give you.
"Y-yes, please, please," you begged between the hard smacks of his skin against yours. 
Your eyes shot open as his pace quickened. His wings
 they were falling apart. Those beautiful eyes of his lulled further into the back of his head with each bone shivering slap of flesh. His teeth bared and his lips twitched as he pressed your bodies roughly together. Shivers rolled through his muscles, and those fierce wings of his were reduced to twitching little nubs on his back as he came.
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You ran your hands between his shoulder blades as you marveled at his feathers. They littered the air as they weaved feverishly around one another. The gentle touch of your hands brought Hawks down from his high, and his feathers slowed until they lazily spun like autumn leaves. You pulled him down into a tight embrace and buried your face into his hair. He heaved into your chest, and you watched all the little pieces of him flutter around your room in the light of the moon.
He often lost control of his wings when you made love. They'd fluff up and flap wildly when he came, which often knocked shelves from your walls and your lamp from your bedside table. That was the first time he shed his feathers, and you were in awe.
"Are you okay?" he asked. His voice was gravely and shuttered between labored breaths.
“Yeah, I’m just... admiring," you said as you stared over his shoulder. He glanced behind him, and his cheeks tinted the faintest shade of pink when he realized the pitiful state of his wings. The little red feathers spread all around your room stilled in the air and swarmed to his back, returning his iconic limbs to their full glory.
“Er, you managed to pluck me. How embarrassing,” he quipped. You were so sore and exhausted from his sex all you could manage was a little laugh. You were a gasping mess, though, when he finally pulled out of you. The loss of pressure was a relief, but it also left you feeling empty. You laid quiet and trembling as he leaned back to marvel over the mess he made of you. His thumbs spread you open again, and he let out a breathless moan as you felt his come leak from you. His head dipped between your thighs. That beautiful tongue of his flicked out and lapped at the mess on your pussy. The warm wriggling of the muscle shocked your swollen clit and made you cry out, but you couldn't bear to ask him to stop. It satisfied something in you to watch as he licked you clean of your slick and his own come.
When he was content that he'd cleaned you thoroughly, he laid his body carefully beside you in your bed. His fingers tangled in your hair as he locked you into a kiss. You could taste the sex he licked from you on his tongue. 
The sex was always feverish and ravishing, but the afterglow was your addiction. In the beginning, it was rare. To kiss and caress crossed the line into his discomfort, but the more he learned to trust you the more of his affection you earned. The man who feared human touch began to ask for hugs every visit. Kisses became frequent and pleasant the more he let you do it. Then came sex that felt less like vicious wars and more like making love. Yes, after everything you did to earn his intimacy, nothing felt as lovely as lying naked beneath his plush plumage. 
His feathers caressed every inch of your aching body. His warm mouth, still wet from the sex, pressed gentle kisses onto your face. Your head rested against his arm as your breath slowly steadied. His wing flexed and rested on your shoulder as if tucking you in beneath a plush comforter.
“Mm. You like that?” he pondered breathlessly. His fingers trailed up your scarred side until they combed through your hair. There was a ginger softness to the touch that made your heart quiver. He smiled at you, those yellow eyes pierced through the dim light and into your soul. as you reached your hand out to run your fingers under his jaw. 
“Do you need to ask?” you hummed. Your cheeks were still red and your chest quaked as you slowly came down from the high. 
He laughed. What a lovely, airy sound. You hummed in the glory of the moment. And, for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, you could breathe again. Typically, he’d spend his days off kicked back on your living room couch with a tall bottle of something hard in his hand. You’d go a week or so without seeing him when things got tense in the hero world, of course, but in the last two months, you’d had him for only a handful of nights. It was concerning, but you knew better than to ask. No matter how close the two of you had become he would never talk to you about work.
“It's been a while since you last flew in,” you noted as you got comfortable beneath his plumage. His body beside yours was the definition of comfort. Your mind could only be at peace when he was safe in your bed. “It’s nice to see you again, I was worried.”
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“I know, it’s been too long. No need to worry, though, Chickpea, I’m right here,” he replied. His slow exhale tangled in your hair, and his hand's gentle touch found your cheek. He offered no explanation for his lengthy absences, but he and his crimson wing caressed you with apologies. 
You relaxed to the sound of his steady breath through the dim blue light of your bedroom. The wing he draped over you was so plush and warm you could easily fall asleep. You might have, if not for the fear of waking up without him. You scooted closer to wind your arms around his chest and bury your face in his neck. 
"I really wish you could stay," you whispered. 
To let your love get in his way was the last thing you wanted, but it was the utterance of a moment of weakness. It was uncharacteristic of you, the pathetic way it sounded, and you felt him stiffen under your arm as he soaked in your request. While there was never a confession of love, you'd tamed the wild bird with years of patience and earnest affection. He was loyal to you. It was cruel of you to ask for something you knew he couldn't give.
 I would if I could help it, you know that,” he sighed into your forehead, “but I can try to stay until morning.”
“Please. I’d like that.” It came out like the voice of a frightened child, but it was difficult to hide your need for him anymore. 
If you dwelled any further on the possibility of him vanishing, your emotions were going to get the better of you. You played with the feathers draped over your shoulder to calm yourself. A small one by your face was pinched between your fingers as you rolled the barbs around.
"Your wings are filthy," you mused. Dirt particles littered the poor things. You were sure, with some rooting, you'd find a few bugs he’d picked up in the air, too. "Actually, all of you is filthy. You got dirt all in my sheets, bird brain."
"Oh. Shit, my bad," he murmured as he sat upright. You shivered when the warmth of his wing left you.
"Hm, it's fine. Throw your clothes in the wash and I'll get a shower ready for you, sound good?"
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“Sounds good.”
The bed creaked in relief when he stood. His frame was slender and small, but his wings at least doubled the weight of him. That was evident with how smothering being beneath him could feel. He kicked off his pants, though his body was still covered by the black and gold bodysuit he wore beneath them. It warmed your heart to see him carry his uniform out of your room and hear him tinker with the washer on the other side of the wall. The sound of the cloth being tossed inside followed by the creak of an opening cabinet seeped through the drywall, followed by the pop of the detergent lid coming off.
He was intimately familiar with your tiny abode. You’d made sure things stayed in the same place so he'd know where everything was the next time he'd visit. You'd been especially anal about it since he'd often be gone for such long periods at a time. When he returned, you wanted your home to feel like it belonged to him, too.
A sensation overcame you as you laid alone in your bed. The sheets were warm from the love you’d just made. Despite his tongue cleaning you off, you could still feel the faint warmth of him inside of you. His contented sigh found you through the wall and your heart burst.
To the rest of the world, he was a hero, but he was so much more to you. You'd give anything to have him completely. For his voice to echo, groggy and sheepish, against your walls every morning. To get to kiss him goodbye before the sun rose, and to welcome him home every afternoon with a warm embrace. For a ring on your finger; a crib in the bedroom. That wasn’t the kind of life that was meant for him, though. As long as he was afraid of you being hurt, those secret nights were all you’d ever have. It made sense. He had enemies, and you could only imagine how your quiet life would turn upside down if you ended up in the pages of a tabloid.
You only spent time together in the privacy of your apartment. Even after two years of being close to him, there was so little you knew about his life separate from you. What little you did know only made you frustrated on his behalf. You held out hope that it could eventually change, for your sake and his.
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Preening Hawks was your favorite thing to do with him. There was something special about being across from one another in the shower, naked, warm water rushing over your bodies as your fingers smoothed and placed his dampened feathers. It took the first year of your friendship for him to allow you to touch them at all, so it was an obvious display of his trust in you. Which was understandable. His wings were an integral part of his identity. You watched as he ran his hands over his face and into his hair. His expression was in a relaxed state of bliss as your fingers picked through his plumage.
With his massive wings on either side of you like plush, padded walls, it felt like nothing in the world could get you. His laughter echoed around the small room as he told jokes and stories. It was okay if you didn't have anything to say, or if you just wanted to listen. He would talk for you when you fell short, and that's usually what got you laughing. 
Through the gentle moment, though, you couldn't help but let your emotions get the better of you. During times like those, when his visits were few and far between, your mind danced around the question of why. The possibilities bounced between him either being in danger or losing interest in you. Both were scary thoughts since he had become such an integral part of your life.
"Would you mind if I ask something?" you pondered, which accidentally interrupted a story he'd been telling about an intern of his.
"Depends what it is.”
 there are a million girls out there who'd gladly do this with you," you mused, and it was true, even if it stung a little to remember. "Did you decide to do this with me because it was convenient?" 
That had been your reason, initially. Hawks spent a lot of time hanging around your apartment and he just happened to be wildly attractive. There were no feelings when he’d first asked if he could fuck you. That didn't come until later.
He laughed, and you glared at him.
“Self-doubt, huh? That isn’t like you. Me being away a lot’s really shaken you up, huh?” 
"It's not self-doubt, I'm just genuinely curious," you quipped as you pulled a feather from his wing. They'd moult if they hung around too long, so pulling out the loose ones was a help to him.
 what we have going on is far from convenient," he said. "If that's what I was going for, I'd go after a pro that could keep a secret. It ain't easy to sneak away like this, you know."
So even a pro hero would have to be a secret for him? Did Hawks have any chance at all for a normal life?
“I wanted you, and if I want something, I go for it.”
You swallowed down a breath you’d been holding, but you didn’t say anything else as you watched his eyes dance around the bathroom in thought. 
"And I wanted you because
 well, there were a lot of reasons. The night we met was a big one, I guess.”
You looked away. That night felt taboo to mention, considering all the guilt you knew he harbored. Your scars weren’t his fault. Several villains were on a rampage, and your hospital was in the destructive path. You were just another civilian, caught in the crossfire. His feathers tried, but they couldn’t get you out of the building. You’d been partially crushed beneath the rubble. 
“I was sure it was the end of the road for me. It would have been if you and your quirk hadn’t been trapped inside with me. You have a forcefield. You could have used it to protect yourself, but you bubbled me instead. You were gonna die. I was so sure you were gonna die and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.”
Still, your lips wouldn’t move. You’d spent ten months in an ICU after you were crushed beneath the weight of two stories of concrete. If not for the healing quirks of EMTs, you wouldn’t have survived at all. If not for your sacrifice, Hawks wouldn’t have, either. Still, it wasn’t his fault.
 “Still hurts to know I couldn’t help you when you needed me most, but when I looked in your eyes, there wasn't a hint of fear. All I saw was determination. I never met someone who was so sure of their choices, even in the face of death," he recalled. Your emotions skirted between sadness and flattery as you heard his thoughts. If only you could live up to that selfless picture of you, now. “I know a lot of pros who could only hope to have that kind of resolve.”
“Damn, when you tell it you make me sound like a badass,” you quipped, and your laughter bounced around the shower stall.
“I mean, what are the requirements to be donned with the title of badass? I’m sure you’re overqualified. Either that or you’re fucking crazy, which is also a possibility.”
You snorted.
“I'm not crazy. My job is to help people after they've been hurt. If I bubbled you instead, I’d be saving every person you’d live to protect. Before they would need a nurse like me. It’s just what made sense.”
He was silent for a moment as he absorbed your reasoning. You tended to be rational, even in the most emotional of situations. But that borderline-robotic way of thinking was a by-product of your own miseries.
You were a nurse in a world overcome by demigods and treachery. Some of the things you'd seen in the OR would haunt you for the rest of your life. And, sometimes, those ghosts came to torment you in your dreams. That made it hard the first time Hawks slept in your bed. You would sometimes wake with tears in your eyes as your voice quivered out sobs. Your past lovers didn't understand that part of you. The broken part. The part that had been poisoned by the darker side of this superpowered world. 
That's what fostered your love for Hawks. When he had awoken early that morning to you crying beside him, he’d only reacted with a patient embrace. He adored the bright parts of you, but he also had a solemn understanding and respect for your darkness. Having that connection through your mutual suffering was a kind of bond you’d never had before him. And now that you had it, you couldn't imagine life without. 
You went back to preening. You pressed up on your knees to reach a bit higher on his wing, and he watched intently. His voice died into silence as his gaze swept over your naked form, which dripped from the steam of the shower. It wasn't a surprise. Often, he would get lost in himself as he observed you, like a curious bird. It felt like a wordless compliment, so you silently allowed his eyes to explore you. Not that his hands and mouth and cock hadn't already drawn a map of you in his mind.
"Whatcha thinking about?" you teased playfully, and he hummed in response.
"How you look at my wings
 I like it."
"Everybody looks at your wings," you said dismissively. A half-smile graced your face.
"You’re right. They do. People admire me because of what they’re capable of. It's what people think of first when they think of me, and rightfully so. They're hard to ignore. But when you look at me, you look at my face first, my wings second. It's like you admire them because they're a part of me, not because of what they can do. I appreciate that." 
Your fingers in said feathers slowed to a stop as he spoke. You smiled a little to yourself as you brushed them against a feather. He shivered. "Your quirk is a part of who you are. That's why I like cleaning them for you. It feels like I get to give you something special, but wings or not, I'd still want you."
Falling in love with Hawks was the best and worst thing you’d ever experienced. The pleasure of those beautiful moments seeped into your soul like a warm cup of tea. But the anguish that followed after he flew out your window
 there wasn't a simile that could correctly describe the immeasurable pain. 
Your response must have triggered a long series of difficult thoughts for the bird. His head tilted slightly, his eyes hardened in expression and his brows furrowed as he soaked in your confession.
"In the year we've been doing this
 has there ever been another man?" he pondered. The question jarred you. Occasionally, he'd get a touch possessive of his time with you. He’d asked a time or two who you were texting. You knew him well enough to pick up the hint of jealousy despite his light tone, but he never asked anything so outright.
“Well, look who's got self-doubt now. You sure are eager for a lot of questions and confessions tonight. What’s gotten into you?” you asked.
He shrugged. “You asked a question, so it's my turn now. Besides, we’ve been close for a couple of years. We've been intimate for half of that. just seems a little silly to keep up the fuck buddies act. Or is it just me?”
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Fuck buddies act? You bit your lip. Hard. When he was with you he was so relaxed. This seriousness was unusual, and it made your wet skin rough with goosebumps.
"It's not just you," you confessed. 
For a short while, the bathroom was filled with only the sound of the running shower as you collected your confession. 
"There hasn't been another man since you. I mean
 I've gone on dates a few times, but it never got that far," you replied. The moment another man kissed you
 Well, kisses felt dirty if they were with anyone other than Hawks. "I know this thing you and I have going on was meant to be a no strings attached kind of affair, but
 Well, if I’m being honest with you, it feels wrong trying to sleep with anyone but you. I like what we have, and I've always got the impression that you really do, too."
He didn't say anything. You weren't sure whether or not that was what he wanted to hear.
"Have you?" you asked. "Been with anyone else?"
You’d never asked before. At first, it was because it didn't feel like your business. Then, when the thought eventually made your heart ache, you didn't ask because you didn't want to know. But now that you had come clean, it only felt fair that he did, too.
Air left his nose and his head bobbed back until his wet hair pressed against the shower stall.
"Once,” he confessed, and he sounded ashamed now that he knew you never did. “I used to have this on again, off again thing, before I knew you. I messed with her a few weeks after you and I first
 well, you know. But only once, then never again.”
You’d thought it would crush you to learn he’d been with someone else, but it didn’t sting like you thought it would. Probably because you didn't know specifics. If you knew what woman had her hands on him, if you could see it, it probably would destroy you. But the apologetic way he said it put your heart at ease. He mumbled like he knew it would hurt you, and he didn’t want it to. But you weren’t wounded, and your feelings weren’t perturbed. He never promised you anything, just as you’d never made promises to him.
“Why’d you stop seeing her?” you asked as you scooted closer to smooth shampoo suds down in his hair. He only shrugged at first, then sighed in contemplation when your fingers combed along his scalp.
“I’ve never had a place I could go to, you know?” he said. “I’ve never had somewhere like this, where I can lay my head for a little while and just be
“Pampered?” you suggested as your hands moved to massage his shoulder blades between his wings.
He breathed out a little laugh, but shook his head. “Yeah, but that’s not what I was thinkin’.”
“Out with it then,” you teased.
 I’ve never had somewhere I’ve felt safe and... cared about?” he said, though his eyes were distant and lost when he said it, as if he wasn’t sure he should have.
“I gotta always be looking over my shoulder. Gotta always have a mask on and hope no one ever sees through it. But here, everything’s relaxed. You couldn’t care less what my ranking on some chart is or how much money is in my pocket. You don't give a shit about heroing or the tabloids. You’re the only person in my life who asks for nothing other than my company. I feel human here. I didn’t want to jeopardize that, or what I had with you. That’s why I stopped seeing her.”
Your mouth went dry. While your nights were long and passionate, you’d never whispered sweet nothings. You’d never told him how much he and his company meant to you because you felt he wouldn’t want to hear it, but he kept coming back. For a year he had clung wordlessly to what little affection you gave him. If he’d told you this a year prior, you would have given him so much more love.
“So you do have deeper feelings for me. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He was silent, as you’d expected him to be. He both craved and feared the closeness he’d formed with you. At times he’d drown you in sweet little bits of affection, but, when things got too deep, he would shut down. Through the last couple of years, you’d broken through a lot of his walls, but the cold influence of the commission would always be with him. Even if he was in love with you, he’d never understand how to tell you.
"Because of who I am when I fly out your window,” he began. The reverb of his voice against the shower stall took you off guard. You didn’t expect him to answer. "There are things I know you want from me
 things that I can’t give you right now, and you deserve more than that. That’s why I never planned on telling you
 Fuck. It was never supposed to be like this
He spoke more to himself than he did to you at that moment. There was an internal battle going on in his mind; one you'd never really be able to understand, but you wanted to try. 
"You mean you never meant to get attached?"
His silence was telling.
"It's okay," you said. "We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to." You took a hold of his hand, but he flinched away from you. He was regressing back into old habits. It had been months since he’d last recoiled to your affection. Something was terribly wrong. The recoil was fine. It was okay. Whatever he needed to feel comfortable. "I'm sorry-" 
"No, I'm sorry," he interrupted. He rubbed the wrist you had touched as if you'd burned him. His brow was knit and his mouth became a harsh line. "Sometimes it feels easy and other times it doesn't, but I'm trying."
"I know you are. Like I said, we don't have to talk about feelings." 
He stared at you, and the longer his gaze rested on your face, the softer it became, "I want to try." 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around your naked knees. The shower had been turned off long ago by a cluster of his feathers, but the soothing steam still lingered around you. 
“It's just
 this is difficult. One day someone may shoot me out of the sky. The thought of you still being right here, waiting for me, when I can never come back
 It... kills me." He paused, his eyes hazed over as he swallowed his emotion down. The rawness in his voice struck such an unpleasant chord that your own eyes pricked with bitter water. "That's why I didn’t want attachments like this. But I didn't mean for all this between you and me. You snuck into me slowly, I didn't even notice until it was too late."
"Is this supposed to be flattering? It sounds like you're likening me to a parasite or something- heartworm," you quipped in an effort to dispel the heavy tension. He smiled, but only for a moment before he rolled his eyes at you. 
 listen to me," he said, and your eyes trained on his as your mouth closed. "If that ever happens
 If there comes a day you've been waiting for me, only to find out I'm never coming back, please know that I cared for you."
He didn't use the word love, but that's very much what he was trying to convey. In a way, you’d kind of always knew. It was why he’d said it, how he’d said it, that made your eyes prick with tears at their corners. The thought of what he was implying petrified you. Hawks was so skilled, so powerful, so almighty. Despite all his power, though, he was human, just like you. The night you’d met proved how possible death was for him. Nothing could keep him safe forever, not even your forcefields.
But he’d never talked like this before. He was always so light-hearted and relaxed. His work and the dangers associated with it was off the menu of conversion topics. What had happened to bring all this darkness up now?
"You talk like you’re preparing for death." 
Again, he didn’t reply. His silence was more terrifying than anything he could have said, but trying to pry him open would only break him, it seemed. So you didn’t.
“May I kiss you?” you asked instead. 
He nodded.
You leaned forward and breathed into his ear. He shivered when you placed a gentle kiss on the shell of it. His earring pressed against your lip was a gentle and familiar feeling, but after you heard all he had to say it also felt fleeting. He always had some ulterior motive or hidden reason for every little thing he did. It's as if he said all this because tomorrow would be the day he was gone.
“I’m not preparing to die.” Your kiss gave him the courage to speak. "I have too much to live for. It’s just always a possibility- for anybody, really. But heroes especially. I just wanted it off my chest is all."
He smiled at you, but you’d seen every smile in his repertoire, and this one was faker than your stick-on-backsplash. The air never felt so tense between you. Not even the night you met, dying feet away from each other. It all felt so
 heavy. The weight of it pressed hard into your chest.
“Er, this reminds me, while we're on topic, I got some things going on at the agency. I hate to say it, but you won't see me again for a little while. I don’t know how long. It could be a couple of months.” His disposition remained fake casual. His shoulders and face were relaxed as he enjoyed the steam of the shower, but his wings tensed. You felt it in your palms as you preened him.
"You're in trouble," you said. Your mouth went dry as the realization drained the color from your face. 
"Trouble? Me? Nah. Just work stuff."
He spoke with a relaxed air about him, but he couldn’t lie to you. 
"No. You've been acting off all night. You’ve been making all these confessions. Talking about death, telling me you're going away for a while. I know you better than you think I do; something big happened and you're trying to tie up loose ends in case you don't get out of it okay," you rambled, and the more you talked the higher your voice became. It trembled and wavered with building fear. 
He stared at you. That silly face of his melted into a thin line and sharp, angular eyes. Those tricks worked when no one was close enough to see through them, but you knew his genuine smile like the back of your hand. You saw right through his facade, and he was annoyed by the very determination he just prided you for. 
"Can't get anything past you, can I?" 
You didn't whimper, but your eyes became glossy with emotion. It was a strange mixture of panic, sorrow, and rage. You had no idea what he'd gotten into, but you also knew he would never tell. He placed preserving missions above all else, which made sense but was frustrating.
"I don't know what's going on, but you need to get out of it if you're thinking it's something you may not come back from." 
"Things aren't that simple. I chose this life, I gotta follow through."
"No, I chose to be a nurse when I was sixteen and understood the implications of what I'd have to go through. You were fucking six when the commission took you, and they spent all that time gaslighting and taking advantage of you-"
"We aren’t talking about that right now, don't use it against me.” 
"Use it- what? I'm not using anything against you! You’re the one alluding to death! There’s nothing wrong at the agency, there’s something else- something terrible-" 
"Drop it.”
“How can I?!”
"Because I said so." His eyes were narrow and mouth a tight, thin line. You could read him so well. He was regretting this. All of this, because now you were onto whatever suicide mission he was embarking on. But, as his lover, how could you just sit back and silently watch him throw himself into a danger that had even him shaken?
You got louder, and he got louder. You tossed bitter, confused words back and forth until he was screaming. Until you were screaming back at him. Your calm, laid back demeanor slipped through your fingers the moment you realized he could be in over his head. That, if you let him leave, this could be the last night you’d ever spend with him. Your anger was driven by your fear for his life, and his was driven by your inability to let it go. 
He was still screaming. You were still screaming. You were fighting him. He just told you you were the most important person in his life, and you were spitting venom. 
You stopped.
He stopped.
Your hand came to your bare chest as it heaved in an attempt to steady your breath. The other came up to wipe the tears budding in your eyes. He looked away from you, his brow tugged heavily downward, his jaw clenched together in shame.
"Let’s just breathe, okay?" you pleaded.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," you whimpered into your hand. "Out of everyone in the world, you're the last who needs to say sorry, so don't. It's just- it's not right, okay? You're too
 I don't know, selfless? I watch all the time as that gets taken advantage of. Doesn’t it get tiring? Even your name is some dirty secret. I've been sleeping with you for a year and I don't even know what it is-"
"Yes, you do," he argued, his lip wavered with weakness for one vulnerable moment. "You know me- you know my name."
Desperation laced between his words and strung the sentence together. It wasn't easy to see your lover look at you that way, just begging for you to let pieces of him go. It was hard to accept it, but whatever name he went by prior to heroism didn't exist anymore. Neither did the once innocent child it belonged to. You tried to respect that, but it was unfair he was denied a basic human right: to have a name. 
"You're Hawks, I know, I'm sorry
 it's just
 how much is left of yourself that actually belongs to you? How long until there’s nothing left to give? People have taken so much from you that you’ve become numb to it; do you even know what you're missing out on? Do you even know how lonely you are? When’s the last time anybody even asked if you were okay?"
He realized, then, that you weren't angry at him.
You were angry for him.
His eyes shifted to yours, and he nibbled at his bottom lip before he muttered with the quirk of his mouth: “Well, you ask me that pretty much every time you see me.”
There it was. The crack in your voice. The crinkle of your nose and the tremble of your lip. You cried, and he sat there across from you, still bare as his wings lowered to either side of you. His expression didn't change, and, for once, you couldn't read it. You didn't want to be so upset, but knowing he was in some kind of dangerous trouble that shook even him was too much for you to bear.
"I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. It’s just
 Do you have any idea how many heroes I've wheeled into the morgue? People die on my table all of the time. Every time is just as hard as the last, but the heroes- those are the ones that destroy me. Because every time someone in a cape lands on the table I know their families are waiting for them at home, just like I wait here for you.
"I saved you once, but you're so far away from me, too far for my forcefields to reach you. Hearing you say you’re going away- all I can think of is coming into work one day and finding you c-... covered in a sheet."
His wings moved up from the shower floor. The feathers were dark with dampness as their joints pressed into your back. You sat there like that as he let you cry. Really, what else could he have done? What else could you have done? Of course you were angry. You would be for the rest of your life over how his panned out. His childhood was taken from him, his understanding of human affection was still stunted, even after all the time you spent gently undoing what damage had been done. Now he talked like one wrong move would end it all.
 difficult," he began, though he couldn't make eye contact with you. He usually couldn't when you had discussions like this. "Being a hero isn’t what I imagined I would be when I was a kid. And sometimes I do ask myself: 'what is this all for? There's always going to be a new bad guy. Why does it matter?' And then I think about you
He went silent for a moment; you could see the little battle behind his eyes. The battle between his affection deprived confusion and his need to be closer to you. To explain himself. 
"I think about you and it reminds me there are good people who are worth fighting for. As long as you are here and there are bad people out there that could hurt you, I have to be out there, too. And, yeah, sometimes I get afraid. But as long as I have these wings, I'm going to use them to keep this world safe for you."
He’d never felt so close to you, and yet so far away. He thought even more of you than you anticipated. A part of you felt touched you'd become a cornerstone for his sanity in such a hostile world, but the other part felt sick. If he wanted to fight for you, that was fine.
But to die for you; that would be unforgivable.
The urge to argue the worth of his life weighed heavy on your heart. If you did, he would call you hypocritical, considering your own history of self-sacrifice. It wasn’t the same, though. His self-worth depended on his usefulness to others and little else, and you feared the day that usefulness ran out. What would Hawks be, if not a hero? It should have such a simple answer, like what you would be if not a nurse. But it didn't. It never would.
You leaned forward to pull him into a tight hug. Perhaps when he was anywhere else you were unable to protect him, but right there, in your arms, you'd use whatever you could to keep him safe. Your bubbles, your kind words, anything. 
"I understand," you said, because you knew there were no words that could keep him away from the hero path. It wasn't just a part of his identity; it was all he'd ever known. "Just
 don't forget when the heroing is said and done, you'll always have a place here if you need it."
He hummed a small, contented coo at your kindness. Of course, you didn't have to tell him that. He already knew. Why else would he spend so much of his precious little free time cuddled up to you? 
"I'll remember," he promised as his arms and damp wings curled in to squeeze you against him. 
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You and Hawks bathed in the comforting darkness of your bedroom. Your window was frosted from the bitter cold outside, but his body heat kept you warm in the safety of your bed. Or nest, rather, as Hawks tended to construct mounds of tangled comforters and wadded up bedsheets to hide in as he got comfortable. You were buried beneath the mass of cloth and the cocoon of his wings as you tried to fall asleep. It was a difficult undertaking since you didn’t know when you’d see him again. You were so tired, but you wanted to be awake to hold him for what little time you had left. 
You wouldn’t have gotten any sleep, anyway.
Often when Hawks slept in your bed you'd awaken at strange hours. Sometimes this was due to your own nightmares. The subject bounced between the traumatic things you’d seen at the hospital and the night you’d met. You'd wake to find that you’d encased your bed in your protective bubble during your sleep, and Hawks' wings squeezed you gently against his chest. Other nights, it was Hawks' anxiety that would keep you awake.
During the day, his guard was discreetly up. He carried carefree conversations as if unbothered, but those well-trained feathers of his were on constant guard. Really, he never had a moment to breathe. This was something you never would have understood the depths of if you weren't woken by his anxiety in the midst of the night. The anxiety he kept bottled during the day often let itself out in the form of night terrors. He'd mumble. Roll. His wings would twitch over you. His face would morph into an agonized expression, and he chirped in distress. A good, gentle shake was usually all it took to pull him out of the bad dream. 
That night his nerves reared their head, though in an unorthodox way. Apparently, you did fall asleep, because you awoke with a small grumble when you felt the mattress groan, followed by a heavy weight draping over your body. You let out a long whine of displeasure, but the weight just got heavier. You turned your head and opened your eyes to find Hawks, but he wasn't gasping in his sleep. He laid over you, wings puffed but flat on either side of your bed as he stared at the bedroom door.
"Hawks? You're squishing me." 
He didn't answer or turn to look at you. Those sharp eyes of his danced around in panic, his feathers raised as they sensed every small movement in your apartment. You dropped your head back onto your pillow with a sigh. 
"What's the matter?" you pondered.
"Shh," he hummed. "I felt something
You laid and listened for a short while, but all you could hear was the lady in the apartment above you walking across her floor.
"It's my neighbor."
"What if it's not?" 
Whether the display was the primal instruction from the bird in him to protect his mate or if it was a by-product of the harsh reality of the life he lived, you weren't sure. Either way, his calm and almost lazy facade cracked. When the world was quiet and his feathers could sense every mundane movement in your apartment, his anxiety that those small bumps in the night might be something that could hurt you overwhelmed him.
The little display was an annoyance to your sleep-deprived brain, but his first thought in the midst of his worry was to protect you. That spared him from your groggy wrath. 
"Lay down, McNugget. There's no one there," you grumbled, but he didn't turn his head away from the door. 
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Feeling your hand on his face seemed to snap him back into the moment, even if just a little. He leaned into you and encased you in his wings. It felt like a protective gesture, but the warmth you found beneath them made you hum pleasantly. The fluffy white cloth of his hoodie rubbed your cheeks as he cuddled into you. Well, actually, it was your hoodie. 
At one time it was just some old thing you'd snagged from a thrift store on a chilly day. It was much too large for you, though. When Hawks came into your life later on, you'd cut holes out of the back and hemmed it up. That way he'd have a little something to throw on when it got chilly at your place. He never said it out loud, but he loved the thing. He'd go looking for it if you didn't leave it laying out in the living room. 
"I know you usually have a lot to be afraid of, but you don't have to worry about protecting me. I'm a badass, remember?" you whispered into the shell of his ear. His shoulders relaxed just a bit, and he puffed out a little chuckle. 
"Yeah, I know. I just
 I want you to be safe. That's all." 
Your gaze softened, though he couldn't see it in the darkness. You didn't need Hawks to protect you. You didn't need a hero. You needed a best friend; a lover. Between the both of you, he was the one in most need of saving.
"Shh," you hummed gently. Your hair lifted from your pillow and danced slowly around your face as if gravity was lost to you. He scrunched his nose as your locks brushed his cheeks, and his wings settled flat as a ring rose from the floor around your bed. The translucent wall came together above your bodies to form a hard, bubble shell.
"You've been the hero long enough. Let me be the protector tonight,” you said. His throat bobbed against your shoulder as his arms wound around you. He settled, but you still felt his unease.
“What’s got your feathers ruffled?”
“You shouldn’t have to protect me,” he said. His voice was muffled since his mouth was pressed into your skin, but you still heard the sadness in it. “I should be taking care of you.”
You blinked as you soaked in his words. For a year you pined for such romantic things to come out of his mouth. Of course he’d wait for a night like that night to say such sickeningly sweet things. The future that used to feel so full of mystery and excitement had become dangerous, uncertain, and disappointing.
“You don’t have to be the hero every time,” you replied.
“But if I’m not a hero, what am I?”
His question was an echo of your fears. The ambient light from your window filtered dimly into your forcefield, but your eyes couldn’t adjust with tears in them.
“I don't know if I have the answer you're looking for, but... Do you remember when I was in the hospital?" you asked. "When you first came to see me you brought a twenty-piece box of chicken nuggets, and while I was trying to eat one you laughed until you were crying because it looked vaguely like a penis.”
“Vaguely? It had balls and everything,” he recalled, and you rolled your watering eyes.
“Whatever. It was stupid, but it was the first time I laughed since I was trapped in that hospital. And, well
 when they said I’d never walk again you helped me out of bed. I cried myself to sleep some nights, but you were there, still trying to save me. You were trying to be a hero then, too, but you became my best friend. If nothing else, that's what you’ll always be to me.”
A sound came out of him akin to laughter. You shot him a look, then hooked your finger under his chin. You wanted to see his dumb grin when you berated him for poking fun at you. When his eyes met yours, though, they weren’t crinkled with laughter. They were red and watering.
“Oh, Hawks,” you breathed, and he tucked his face back into your arm to hide his vulnerability. He never cried before. At least not in front of you. He was always the immovable one, virtuous and strong. Moments like this reminded you just how human he was beneath it all.
“I’m right here. I’ve got you,” you assured him in a whisper. Gentle promises spilled from your lips like lullabies, and he clung to every word with heart-breaking desperation. You whispered every sweet nothing you could think of to ease his pain, but you didn’t have that kind of power. 
You had no power at all.
His world always seemed scary to you. You feared for his life every day, but the thought of him being ripped from your arms overwhelmed you that night more than it ever had before. The protective bubble that encased your bed would keep him safe for as long as you could fight sleep, but what of the morning? You’d be safe at home, and he’d be lost somewhere in the dangerous fray of his duties. Far away from your warmth and the apartment he found so much comfort in. 
This would not be the last time you held him. You had to believe that, but what if it was? What if this sleepless night was your last together? 
Tell him you love him, you thought to yourself. Tell him before you never get the chance again. 
You bit your lip as you felt his trembling breaths on your collar. You prepared your lips for the taste of the confession, but he was so vulnerable, more so than he may have ever been before. He didn’t need you to tell him about your affections, he needed you to use them.
You placed a reassuring crown of kisses along his forehead, and he gripped you so hard his knuckles were surely white. 
When you’d cried as a child, your mother would lay in your bed and sing lullabies until you fell asleep. Your voice was untrained and awkward compared to hers, but you tried your best to use it. Your off-key tune echoed back to you in the dome of your forcefield, and your cheeks pinkened with how childlike it sounded. Your embarrassment interrupted your lullaby. He stirred against your chest.
“Don’t stop,” he said. “Please, sing to me.”
You cleared your throat as you gathered the courage to start again. His eyes fell closed as your song settled into the safety of your shield. His feathers relaxed, and his face went slack as sleep slowly overtook him. You sang until his tears stopped flowing. You sang until he was asleep in your arms. For as long as you could, you laid awake. If you succumbed to sleep, so would your forcefield. So would your promise to keep him protected through the night. As time moved slowly forward, sleep inevitably began to settle into you, too. It was as terrifying and as peaceful as death.
“I love you,” you whimpered as you felt your eyes grow too heavy to fight back open. “Please
 stay safe.”
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A massive thank you to my wonderful friend and editor, @fuwafuwagem​! If you thought the fic looked especially polished, it’s thanks to her efforts!
Also a big thank you to my buddies and beta readers: @dendriticheep​ and @narcolepticroses​! Thanks you guys for being such sweet friends to me ;u;
And a huge thanks to YOU, for reading !
Authors Note:
I’d love to do a lot more fanfictions like these! If you have any suggestions or requests for animations or animated stories like this one feel free to submit it to me!
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bucky-hues · 4 years ago
bucky barnes fic recs
here are some bucky fics i loved reading!
many of these are 18+ and there are some dark fics in here, so please read the warnings for each fic! if any of the writers i’ve included want anything removed/edited, please let me know!
one shots
jack pendleton | @roger-that-cap
author!bucky x reader
moving into an apartment to get away from your last relationship was fun all fun and games until you met your extremely attractive across-the-hall neighbor, who makes awesome cookies and even better novels.
grip | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x reader
You knew Bucky didn’t like his arm. You just didn’t know how much until he accidentally hurt you with it.
voicemails to an unmanned inbox | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x reader
When Bucky takes an argument a little too far, you take off. All he wants is for you to come back home.
can’t get the words out | @pellucid-constellations
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky’s been awfully distant lately. You don’t think your heart can take what you know he’s about to say.
his everything | @likeahorribledream
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky has trouble talking about his feelings and he ends up pushing away the one person he needs the most.
eavesdrop | @bestofbucky
bucky x avenger!reader
things spies don't notice | @starrysebastians
bucky x avenger!reader
don't you worry (your pretty little head) | @babyboibucky
guitarist!bucky x reader
You agree to spend twelve hours with Bucky whom you just met.
suburbia | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader
Posing as husband and wife, you and Bucky infiltrate a quaint suburban neighborhood in search of a Hydra hacker. Perhaps if you weren’t so in love with him and he hadn’t broken your heart, the act of pretending wouldn’t hurt so much.
sparklin' eyes | @19ana45
roommate!bucky x reader
Prompt: Character A’s current boyfriend/girlfriend/partner mocks Character B for their crush on their best friend, [A]. [B], feeling humiliated, withdraws from the friendship with [A], who is completely oblivious [B] has feelings for them.
reoccurring face | @swtbbybarnes
bucky x reader
he’s been around a lot lately, sometimes multiple times a day, and you’re starting to wonder how much coffee one man can actually drink.
falling for you | @comfortbucky
moving on | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x reader
After Bucky had been missing for a year, you had presumed him dead. Time passed, yet you seemed unable to move on from his death. That was until a familiar face came to your doorstep one winter night.
bucky bitchass barnes to the rescue | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x avenger!reader
In an attempt to escape from hectic life as an Avenger, you decided to go out on a date. Unfortunately, you got stood up. While Bucky hates you, he hates seeing you embarrassed more and decides to fill in for your M.I.A. date.
pansies, pain, and other things about bucky | @bucky-bucket-barnes
bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky are begrudgingly paired on a mission together. This is less than ideal considering neither of you are too keen on the other tagging along. All goes as normal until a surprise attack severely hurts both of you. Feeling incredibly guilty, Bucky helps you tend to your wounds. He has trouble admitting it, but he wants to make sure you’re safe.
the lost converse | @firefly-in-darkness
bucky x reader
Last nights party was a bit of a mad one, what do you do when you wake up in someone else’s bed?
nervous | @dailyreverie
bucky x reader
A nervous Bucky introduces you to his fellow Avengers during game night
fever | @dailyreverie
bucky x reader
a little old fashioned | @gogolucky13
bucky x reader
Bucky is a bit subtle in telling you he likes you.
sweetart | @onlyjamesbarnes
soft!bucky x baker!reader
your best friend bucky tries to stay platonic with you, letting you live out your dreams, but his instincts soon get the better of him.
the things you've done | @divine-mistake
bucky x reader
what if the world ended tomorrow and all he did was spend his last day with you thinking about how you never hold his metal hand and you never walk on his left side and you constantly reach out for his right arm?
do you still love me? | @thatfangirl42
bucky x reader
2:00am | @thatfangirl42
bucky x avenger!reader
miscommunications | @empyreanwritings
bucky x avenger!reader
cookies, kisses, and such | @sweetbucky
pretending | @multifandomwriter
bucky x reader
Bucky notices you at a party and is instantly attracted to you. Steve instantly notices the lovestruck look in his eyes, but also his nerves that are stopping him from talking to you. So Steve plays on Bucky’s jealousy to get him to make a move.
good together | @irndad
bucky barnes x avenger!reader
bucky and his girlfriend are in secret, and they think they are absolutely perfect for each other. literally everyone else in the compound thinks bucky and nat are made for each other.
l-o-v-e | @irndad
college!bucky x reader
college!bucky meets reader in a library and it’s all downhill from there. He’s desperately in love and pining and it’s all ridiculous and he doesn’t think she could like him back.
tell me the truth | @bwhitewolfbarnes 
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky finds himself overhearing your conversation with his younger self, and he hates the way it makes him ache. He needs to know what is real.
the staring contest | @jobean12-blog
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky has a staring/glaring problem and you can’t figure out why!
lavender | @wkemeup
bucky x reader
Not every nightmare is the same and Bucky doesn’t always wake up as the man you know.
little lion man | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader 
Sent on an assignment back to 1943, you encounter a drastically different version of the man you know
purgatory | @wkemeup
bucky x avenger!reader
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
i love you, you idiot | @chrisevansjellybeans 
bucky x reader
all the good things | @houseravenclaws 
bucky x avenger!reader
bucky’s been more than a little happy recently. sam thinks it has something to do with the pretty girl on the team.
tap | @houseravenclaws
bucky x avenger!reader
bucky never talked much. he fell in love anyway.
shaking | @clintbartonswife
bucky x avengers!reader
after you get injured on a mission, the usually stoic Bucky breaks, and you see a side to him that he’s kept hidden ever since his acceptance into the Avengers.
deserving | @hanoella 
bucky x healer!reader
When someone bad mouths Bucky in your presence, you set things straight.
keep me cool | @chouettedubois
bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky are on your third undercover mission acting as a couple. Things go awry when you fall ill. Cue caretaker!Bucky to the rescue.
on, off and repeat | @avasparks
neighbour!bucky x reader
i wished on the moon for you | @sunmoonandbucky 
bucky x reader
After losing Bucky, you were devastated. So when Howard Stark asks for volunteers for an experiment, you’re the first in line.
the hottest avenger | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x avenger!reader
Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
hey daddy | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x avenger!reader
You join Peter and his friends for a game of Truth Or Dare but you wish you stayed in your room when MJ challenges you to do a task that will definitely out your secret relationship with Bucky.
crash course | @watchmegetobsessed
bucky x reader
Bucky is a regular at the café where you work at and seeing him struggling with technology, you offer to help him, teaching him the basics while you are both thinking about taking it a little further than just a crash course.
little things | @watchmegetobsessed 
bucky x avenger!reader
missed chances | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky is about to ask out the reader, but right before she could answer him her ex calls her up and she answers happily as she always wanted a second chance with said ex
truth or dare? | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x avenger!reader
the experiment | @soap-bubble-nebula 
bucky x reader
make believe on christmas eve | @green-eyeddragonfanfiction 
bucky x reader
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over.
sick day | @nastybuckybarnes
bucky x avenger!reader
you tell a little white lie to escape Avenging for a day, and Bucky finds out. He’s hurt and upset, until he finds out your reason why.
spies and secrets | @barnesandco 
bucky x reader
Bucky buys a new jacket that is
 uncharacteristically bright. Sam ribs him for it, and you- you don’t know what to do with yourself.
the bar rules | @buckyhoney (18+)
bartender!bucky x reader
the family lunch |  @buckyhoney​ (18+)
dad'sbestfriend!bucky x reader
forbidden fruit | @bucksfucks (18+)
dad'sbestfriend!bucky x reader
you attempt to set your ex’s things on fire. bucky has a better idea.
mr. brightside | @bucksfucks (18+)
ex'sdad!bucky x reader
the one where you fuck your ex's dad
left gasping for air | @bucksfucks (18+)
bucky x reader
doused with sex pollen, you & bucky are met with a difficult decision.
love me harder | @celestialbarnes (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
you and bucky have been flirting and screwing around for months now, after seeing him getting frisky with someone else, you decide to do the same and bucky’s just about had enough.
sweeter than sugar | @angrythingstarlight (18+)
chubbybaker!bucky x reader
look my way | @sableseb (18+)
neighbour!bucky x reader
boyfriend upgrade | @multifandomwriter (18+)
roommate!bucky x reader
You have always been close with your roommate, Bucky, but tensions start to rise when your boyfriend begins to stay over at your apartment. You feel like you’re drifting apart until Bucky accidentally sees you almost naked.
lure | @bccky (18+) dark
bucky x reader
it’s all about the perfect lure
plan | @sergeantxrogers (18+)
bucky x reader
“I was supposed to forget about you, and you were supposed to forget about me, but damn it if I could ever forget about you because since the day I saw you, you never left my mind and you were all I thought about,” he rambled, focusing on anything his eyes could land on that wasn’t you. “You’re
 you’re still all I think about,” he whispered, voice tired and beaten, like the very sentence had been waiting in his throat for years just to get a chance to come out into the open.
play pretend | @wkemeup (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
When Bucky is injected with a substance that leaves him desperate for release, you offer your help.
you’re mine | @marveicinematics (18+)
bucky x reader
Having a secret relationship with a man as insecure and complex as James Buchanan Barnes may not have been the best idea you had, but one thing was certain: you knew how to make him feel better about the things that bothered him.
white lies and truth serum | @mariessecretfantasies (18+) dark
dark!bucky x avenger!reader
You and Bucky share a dance, a few too many drinks, and a night in bed together. Unfortunately, he neglects to tell you that he can’t get drunk.
bitter fruit | @divine-mistake (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
“The mission was already a success!” you say and you can feel tears burning the back of your eyes. You will yourself to blink them back. “You had the files, the base was set to detonate, I don’t understand why you didn’t just stay on the fucking jet.”
“Because you were going to die.”
always here | @simsadventures (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
You have an obvious crush on Bucky, and kind of hope he feels the same. But when you overhear agents talking about you, and then even Bucky, you realise there is no hope for you. At least you think there isn’t.
your captain | @onlyjamesbarnes (18+)
dark!bucky x reader, husband!steve x reader
a perfect anniversary night gets interrupted by his best friend, who happens to be your boss.
graveyard , sacrifice | @wkemeup
bucky x healer!reader
As the unofficial healer for the Avengers, you pride yourself on the ability to mend heroes with the touch of your hand. Only, your gift comes at a heavy price — one you keep secret from your friends —and when Bucky asks you to do the impossible, they’ll discover why your gift is called a sacrifice, too.
sunrise | @wkemeup​ (18+)
veteran!bucky x librarian!reader
After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is discharged from active duty and sent back to civilian life. Left with a storm of unchecked guilt, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you.
TiMER | @xbuchananbarnes (ongoing) (18+)
bartender!bucky x reader (soulmate au)
“If a clock could count down to the exact moment you’ll meet your soulmate, would you want to know?”
the match | @babyboibucky (ongoing) (18+)
ceo!bucky x reader
You come across your boss’ Tinder profile.
the holiday hack | @gogolucky13 
bucky x reader (modern au)
You ask Bucky to be your stand-in boyfriend for your family’s Christmas party.
sexual healing , medicine | @gogolucky13 (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
You ask a touch-starved Bucky if he wants to try something new in an attempt to take your minds off work.
vacant mirrors | @whirlybirbs (18+)
bucky x reader
shit's been rough. shit was rough even before the blip. dr. hart shares an office with dr. raynor, and you share with waiting room with bucky barnes. set before tfatws; a friends-to-lovers, slowburn, eventual smut.
salvatore | @nsfwsebbie (18+) dark
dark!bucky x reader
Bucky Barnes doesn’t believe in love anymore. Especially after the tragic, unknown death of his wife, Natasha. He thinks it’s stupid and a waste of time and- oh my. Hello there, you. There you were, with your notebooks and your novels, writing your heart away. He’s hellbent on saving you from this nasty world, his elusive neighbor that has him under the stupid spell of love. You soon find yourself trapped in a tragic love story with Bluebeard, not Prince Charming.
polyonymous | @bubblebuckys
bucky x reader (social media au)
You met James on Twitter three months ago, and you’ve talked everyday since. You really like him, and you don’t think you’ve met anyone like him. That is, until the fateful night that brings the Avengers to you. You meet Bucky Barnes, and then you’re stuck choosing between two guys so alike you find yourself asking why they couldn’t be the same person.
going live , offline | @ritesofreverie (18+)
camboy!bucky x reader
your new neighbour looks so familiar, where had you seen him before?
heavy metal lover | @mypoisonedvine (ongoing) (18+)
sub!bucky x dominatrix!reader
working as a dominatrix is never exactly easy, but a new client brings challenges you never expected.
fake boyfriend real orgasms | @bucksfucks (ongoing) (18+)
roommate!bucky x reader
when bucky needs a date to sam’s wedding, he makes a deal with you. when it starts to turn into something a little more real, you realize how deep you’re in.
almost had me believing it | @tuiccim (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
it's brooklyn, baby | @my-divine-death (ongoing) (18+)
college!bucky x reader
hush 1 2 | @starbuckie (ongoing)
bucky x reader
in quiet corners and selfish moments, y/n and bucky have kept their relationship a secret, one love that was pure and untouched by the darkness that surrounded them. but after bucky is able to walk the streets a free man once again, will their love be able to survive?
misconceptions | @firefly-in-darkness (18+)
bucky x avenger!reader
Bucky Barnes overhears a conversation that he shouldn’t have

what a night | @jurassicbarnes
bucky x reader
Bucky Barnes is out in the new world, navigating through everyday life and it’s trials and tribulations. His therapist insists he tries new things. He has collected a few new hobbies. But when it comes to making new acquaintances, what’s a better way to meet new people than a little dating site called Tinder.
hey, professor | @balenciagabucky (ongoing) (18+) dark
professor!bucky x reader
professor barnes always had his eye on you, you noticed it, your girlfriend noticed it, even his friends and after one raunchy photo sent to him, a joke, nothing more, in his world you become more than just a student
missing piece 1 2 3 4 | @likeahorribledream
bucky x avenger!reader
seeing red | @mypoisonedvine (18+)
bodyguard!bucky x actress!reader
bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
flight risk , no control | @wkemeup
bucky barnes x avenger!reader
Bucky becomes a flight risk after a failed mission and is put in lockup under Steve’s orders. Even though Bucky won’t say a word of what happened, you camp outside the door to his cell so he knows he isn’t alone.
bad match | @justreadingfics (18+)
bucky x reader
Bucky and the Reader are set up on a date, but things don’t go as well as expected.  
unbroken | @constantwriter85 (18+)
bucky x hacker!reader
Bucky isn’t happy about being paired with a snarky, untested hacker on a stealth mission to infiltrate Hammer Industries. But when the mission spirals out of control and they’re both captured, he finds out just how much heart his hacker has–and how far she’s willing to go to protect the lives of others.
if i only had a heart 1 2 | @chouettedubois​ (18+)
bucky x reader
Team Cap is back at the compound after being pardoned. Bucky is suffering from the shoddy work HYDRA did with his prosthetic. Tony brings reader in to fix it—and maybe help him find his heart in the process.
text me | @soap-bubble-nebula​ 
bucky x reader
Tony and the other’s are off on a mission, and it’s up to you to help Bucky get comfortable and assimilate into normal life. He texts you because Tony told him he could.
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sekceesimps · 4 years ago
The Adeptus’s Temptation (Xiao x reader oneshot)
summary: Xiao watches and reacts to his darling being flirted with by a certain Geo Archon.  angst (kinda) but ends with fluff.  
a/n Hey anon, I loved your requests so I decided to do both of them
 hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the love and feel free to leave another request (that goes for all of you!) 
This is sort of a more in depth version of the Xiao part in the Genshin Jealousy HCs
Also sorry for the delays between publishing, Tea and I have been busy with our personal lives, but we’re trying to write more! 
Keep liking and following us, it genuinely motivates me to write. 
 Sincerely Coffee  
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Who would have ever thought that the Conqueror of Demons, the Vigilant Yaksha, the great adeptus Xiao would ever have a significant other that was human. Certainly not you and definitely not him. 
Xiao is not someone who is easy to open up and be kind, but you managed to break through his cold and harsh demeanor. A surprise to the adeptus who had resigned himself to living his life alone and far from others. You are someone special to him in a world filled with incompetent and useless humans. 
It took some time for him to allow you to spend more days with him and even allow you to initiate physical affection. At first, it came as a relief when you were out doing commissions or just going out to work, he needed his space after all. He was worried about how fast he was falling for you and clung onto the hope that the space he left would allow him to protect himself. 
As your warmth and presence grew on him more, a part of him yearned to be at your side and let you closer to his heart. He had put up his icy walls to combat the heartbreak that comes after losing friend after friend, he was distraught with how quickly you broke through to him. He grumbled at your hand holding, but leaning into your touch nonetheless. 
Your dangerous commissions started to lessen as he refused to let you take on the most harmful of enemies without him. After all, he had no idea what he would do if he lost you. 
Xiao’s favorite thing to do with you is sit at the top of Wangshu Inn or even just the cliff sides of Liyue and bask in your attention and presence. He practically glowed under your loving gaze and from the light brushes of your hand against his. He had known the land for thousands of years and he had seen the most beautiful of landscapes in his time guarding it. He thought that he had seen every stunning thing in this world, that was at least until he met you. 
Your bravery, resilience, and overwhelming beauty had completely captured him, and as time went on he fell further and further for you. The life he envisioned the two of you to live together was a calm and peaceful one. He knew it probably wouldn’t be possible with the nature of both of your responsibilities and his own life span, but an adeptus could still dream.  
Now as much as Xiao wants to protect you, he can’t really leave Liyue. He’s able to help you when you’re here with him, but he’s essentially powerless when you go to Mondstadt. Of course, he’s entertained the thought of just leaving for a bit and staying by your side to protect you. In the end, he always lets you leave for work with a light kiss to your forehead and a heavy feeling in his heart. 
You had accustomed him to your soft affections and gentle mannerisms. He was always reluctant in letting you leave, but he trusted your abilities and simply had to stew in his reluctance when you were gone. He often told you to simply call out his name if you were in trouble and he’d be there in a moment. To this you would simply smile and reassure him with soft kisses to the top of his head. It was a miracle when he had managed to convince you to take on more commissions and bounties in the Liyue area. It made it easier for him to come to your side for aid and also to watch over you. It also allowed for more frequent dates, which made both of you incredibly happy. 
You always had the most interesting stories from your time adventuring. When you two were relaxing on loving moonlight nights, he looked forward to the smile on your face when you spoke in detail about your commissions. He was silent and let you speak, paying full attention to you. Xiao loved the silence and peace. He hated when humans would talk for hours on end, it was unnecessary and wasted his time. However, this sentiment didn’t carry on with you. 
He often urged you to talk about your day and the people you met. Xiao does everything he can to coax more of your sweet voice out. Your voice had always been like music to his ears. For you, he could bear not being alone. For you, he was carving out hours of his day to cuddle and listen to you speak. 
That was until everything changed with your adventuring routes. Previously, right after you switched from Mondstadt routes, the Guild had kept you near the Wangshu Inn and around the Qingce Village area. However, due to increased demand for your services, you had been moved South towards Liyue Harbor. The adventures you went on now were much simpler, but much more boring. You’d complain to your boyfriend about how you had to talk to too many people and how exhausting it was for you. Xiao would listen intently and offer a comforting embrace, silently happy that at least you weren’t out risking your life every day.  
His concern began when you moved on from random requests and commissions with different people to a more stable and consistent job. You had accepted a job from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor as a one time thing, but your skill and agreeability had earned you a more permanent position there. 
Your day to day job was to just assist and protect different members with finding and restoring relics across Liyue. However, it allowed you to move around more and actually engage in combat, a welcome change from before. You had helped the director herself, but your favourite employee to work with was Mr. Zhongli.  He was a tall and serious man, but he was powerful and amusing to talk to. 
The first adventure you had gone on with him, you couldn’t stop talking about it with Xiao when you came home that night. One adventure turned into ten quite quickly as the two of you made a habit of engaging in all your commissions with the parlor together. Zhongli as your companion in travel gave you a sense of stability and a feeling of safety when you were out in dangerous situations again. 
Every night you came back, you told Xiao about the mysterious and strong man’s aid to you. The passion you spoke of his power and of his intelligence in the culture of Liyue surprised him at first. As you kept talking about Zhongli, Xiao started to feel different. He was no longer eager to hear of your adventures because he felt something very strange now. 
Xiao has never felt afraid. At least, not truly. He is not afraid of death as he had accepted it long ago. Yet now you had given him something to live for and losing you would leave him back into a pit of despair, suffering, longing, and emptiness. Seeing you gush over the assistant to the funeral director filled him with a new unpleasant feeling. Heart numbing fear. 
He was careful to not let you know how he felt. He was nervous that you would view him as pitiful for what he truly felt in his heart. Bile would fill up in his throat when you talked about that man as he held your full attention. In response, Xiao would start to capture your mouth with a kiss if he sensed that you’d talk about Zhongli on your dates. It got you to shut up and restored his happiness for a moment. 
He felt guilty for interrupting you of course. Yet, he couldn’t muster up the courage to confront his own feelings of insecurity. The best he could do was try to prove to you how much he could offer. As his kisses began to get more heated, he found it fit to use his strength to carry you back to your shared bedroom. 
Out of curiosity, Xiao decided to actually look at this Mr. Zhongli one day. If he was feeling insecure before, oh man, any self confidence he had was now wrecked. The man was absolutely perfect with you. 
You were smiling and walking through the harbor-city side by side with the sharply dressed golden eyed man. The walk that the two of you had was powerful. The men and women of Liyue whispered behind you two about how cute the both of you were. Xiao silently watched as you two sat at the tea house and drank tea in silence. Zhongli had never taken his loving and intent gaze off of you. The Yaksha took in more of the man’s appearance. He was much taller than Xiao was and carried himself with a royal sort of dignity. As the two of you finished your tea, the man made a move to pay for your tea by charging it to the funeral parlor. He’s rich too, Xiao thinks sourly. What doesn’t he have? He has enough when Zhongli’s resoundingly deep voice tells you how well you fought today. If Xiao sounded like that he would never want to shut up.  
He goes back into his bad habits of distancing himself and retreating back into his own silence. His awful self loathing that you worked hard to remove has manifested itself again and begun lashing out on you. Brushing you off, short snappy responses, and hardly responding to anything. This results in you thinking you did something wrong. 
Oh how the adeptus breaks when he sees you try to make him Almond Tofu and various other small gifts to please him. He knows you didn’t do anything, but all he wants is you to free yourself from him and spend your life with someone who could provide so much more than he could. 
In your shared bedroom, he would be physically present, but he was silent and hardly even looked at you. He could hear your muffled tears at night when you thought he was asleep. It took everything within him to not turn to you and let you lay your head in his chest and leave kisses across your face after he dried away your tears. It hurt him again when he heard you asking Verr Goldet if she could help you plan a nice surprise for him. As he stayed to listen, he had to listen to the innkeeper give you kind words as you broke down explaining what it was for.
All your advances towards his forgiveness and love go rejected. He decides that it would be better for you in the long run if it was like this. He stays cold, at least until he sees something that pushes him back to your side. 
His pity party and moping is interrupted by the strangest feeling in his heart. Something painful crackles and burns inside of him. He’s not sure how he knows, but he feels that something is very wrong with you. 
Xiao was not called the adeptus of speed for no reason. The speed in which he reached you was one he had not used for hundreds of years. 
You weren’t in any life threatening danger, but the bond that you two shared was. He could see Zhongli gently move a strand of your hair behind your ear. You had a more nervous smile on your face. 
“How fascinating, Y/N” his voice breaks the silence, “Your abilities seem to get stronger every day,” he continues praising you.
Your face flushes a light pink and you look down, breaking the gaze between you two. “You’re too kind, Mr. Zhongli, but I wouldn’t have been able to grow so much without your guidance,”
The golden eyed man smiles at this as he leans in slightly closer to you, “In that case, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” 
Xiao clears his throat as he steps out from the bushes and stalks towards you with a glower on his face. You look at your lover in surprise, not seeing or hearing his voice in quite some time. 
“Actually, she’s already taken so you can take your leave now,” his words filled with venom. He doesn’t even try to be subtle as he holds his emerald spear by his side in warning to the man who tried to make a move on you. 
Zhongli nods, “I understand, sorry for intruding,” as he leaves. Xiao’s watchful gaze not leaving him until he’s far out of sight. Your adeptus moves to your side and engulfs you in a warm hug that he wishes to convey all of his feelings of love into. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, it was unnecessary and you didn’t even do anything wrong. Give me a chance,” he seldom begs, “please,” he adds. His golden eyes piercing into your soul and displaying such regret. 
You don’t respond, but you lean closer to him and press your lips softly against his. He forgot how much he missed this. 
Oh how stupid he was for not letting you know how much he adored you known more. Well, now he had the time to make it up to you. He brings you towards the cliffside and the two of you sit down together once more, the bond shared between you too also renewed. 
As you look at him, he lets you lean on his shoulder and look at the sun’s light beginning to wane as the sky was touched with beautiful pastel pinks and purples. 
“I love you, Y/N” he whispers softly as he nuzzles his face into your H/C hair. 
“Hmm, I love you too, Xiao,” you respond sweetly and relax under his presence.
The brown haired Archon chuckled lightly as he watched his Adeptus gently place his arm around your waist. He was happy that the cold guardian had finally found someone to love and someone to take care of him in return. When the time was necessary, Morax was ready to bring a contract to let the two of you spend the rest of eternity together, as two soulmates should. 
a/n Hope you enjoyed it! Leave a like and some feedback, please.
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choptop-sawyer · 4 years ago
Ok, honestly and without romanticising, how do you think would it go if one lf the Sawyer boys fell in love with a victim? Like, would they kidnap them but convince the rest of the family not to kill them? How would the others react, would we get more of " ____'s got a girl/boyfriend"? It's just a question that has been bugging me for quite a while, as most of them don't really encounter any people outside the family, with the exception of victims.
Sincerely, the anon who thirsted over your icon
Hello icon thirst anon!!! Ohhhh... this ask has so much potential. I love digging into more realistic interpretations of the Sawyers. Of course, there's always going to be an element of unreality with scenarios where you end up with one of them. But close as possible to the source material, I mean.
But what source material? TCM 1 and 2 are obviously the superior movies (for me) and the best of the Sawyers are in them. No extended family or some shit, I can stomach a twin of Nubbins, especially since he's so fun. But they both have extremely different vibes, and different characterizations of the Sawyers. (Except Nubbins. RIP man).
It also, obviously, depends on the Sawyer.
Um... anyway. Sorry for going on too long. Under the cut.
TW: Canon Typical mentions of violence, kidnapping, unhealthy relationships
With Bubba, if we're going TCM 1 wise, I hope you're good at running. The only likely way he's going to meet you is as a victim, and if he meets you on your own at first? He's going to do his job, no matter how attractive you might be to him. Leatherface won't even acknowledge you as more than meat if you're in his sights. Run. And run fast. There's almost no chance Bubba would fall for you with the saw in his hands.
Now, if you were brought back as a VICTIM by another brother, then you have a chance. Bubba has time to see you as a "guest" for a while rather than simply meat. But your time window is limited. Once the others get tired of you, you're meat again. Most likely, Bubba would be attracted to your appearance right away. But that wouldn't be enough to save you, you could easily be another mask. The key is, the thing that would give you the highest chance of survival and a relationship, is to not scream. To not flinch away from his touch when he pets your head. Maybe even say some nice words to him.
Then, there's something that would be gone if you were butchered. That's how you get Bubba invested.
If we're going with the most non romanticized version, you'd still die. Bubba's desires never mattered much anyway to the rest, because he really never expresses it out of subservience. But... if there is something worked out, you'd be his pet of sorts. Drayton would be completely disinterested unless it affects him or the finances. Nubbins might poke at you for a while, then leave you alone once you become a normal thing. What business of it is theirs?
Bubba is the one who tries the most to love you. It might not even be love, at the beginning. More a fascination. But I do believe that he'd care the most. Being with him, I think, would feel the... most gentle? Idk. He wouldn't try to hurt you on purpose if you're in that situation.
Nubbins is hard to nail down, character wise. All of the Sawyers are pretty mysterious, but he's really up there in mysteriousness to the viewer. Franklin thought him an omen, the others thought him a freak, and the audience sees what the audience sees, but no one really knows for sure.
I imagine it would be like a mirage, meeting him. He definitely meets at least a few strangers, with his hitchhiking. You'd either be kind (or foolish enough) to pick him up, or if you were a local, you'd meet him in the endless expanses, terrible and shimmering in the heat. Maybe he'd be quiet at first, stammering out answers with a small smile, like he's trying to remember his lines, but if you excite him in some way, you're in for it.
It would probably just strike him out of the blue that he likes you, and he wouldn't waste any time. He's not really scheming and mischievous, despite his impression. He rolls with whatever he feels. Extremely realistically, you'd get hurt in some way. Possibly really badly. But if you were to be his S/O, it's gonna be a kidnapping. (You might be able to overpower him though. Twig.)
He wouldn't keep you in the house. He might not even think to introduce you to Drayton, because Drayton would be very displeased. But luckily, there's quite a few secret places he's found in his explorations. He might take you there.
It would be very odd. Once the initial terror wears down, you'd realize that Nubbins is a raw and open wound. Repulsive, but honest. He doesn't quite belong anywhere. You think he hoped you'd belong to him, and him to you. The only way out is to be locked in a death grip. I don't think it'd last very long.
The second movie' wacky atmosphere fits Chop Top very well, but we still don't know much about the details of his life. We know the backstory, that he listens to the radio every night, and that he has a love for music and smashing skulls. You could meet him anywhere, as long as you aren't looking for him. He seems to be the kind of guy who was everywhere wherever he was, at least once. If he invites you back to his place after some flirtations traded, don't accept. That would probably mean death for you, not at the hands of a regal and somber grim reaper, but the kind of death that not many wish to think about. He'll come back to the same place to see you again, if he likes you enough. And maybe, he'll even ask you out for real. Chop Top likes the idea of being in a relationship, because all the songs on the radio were written about it. He wants to live them. And you... you're perfect.
If he really cares for you, he'd keep you a secret from his family. There's two lives he leads, the one formed by radio and wild living, and the other formed by the tight, insular environment of his childhood. Chop Top might whisper about you to corpse Nubbins, giggling as he recounts how good-looking you are, and ain't he lucky? But that's it, unless you're foolish. If you get to curious well... he'll invite you to dinner. It's sink or swim then. Good luck.
Drayton is the least likely to find someone he cares enough about not to kill. He's thinking of self-preservation above all, and an S/O complicates too many things. But you'd have to be a local, he doesn't trust strangers. He's loathe to introduce you to his family though. As important as they are in how much they define his very life, they would throw off too many red flags.
He might try to deny his attraction to you at first, as a consequence. But if you won him over, he'd hide the Sawyer's "special diet" as well as he could. Drayton is used to painting over everything, throwing a rug over the mess. When you go to the house? Bone furniture has to be stashed away, hide the meat hooks, hide the horrors, hide away the brothers.
The twins would probably find out somehow, and mercilessly tease him. He feels shameful, somehow, when they do, and that makes him angry. He feels, deep down, that he's betraying the way of life. Don't expect much.
(Sorry if this was rambly)
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noaltbruh · 4 years ago
I hope this follows the rules! But is it okay if I request a scenario where Giorno has a nightmare of turning into Diavolo and S/O comforts him when he wakes up?
My first request in so long, what an honor!
You're surely a fan of this scenario, I've seen you requesting it quite a lot of times.
Either way, let's get into it!
Esci dalla mia testa
Midnight had just struck, it had already been three years.
Three years since Giovanna had become the new Don of Passione, and since the former had been punished for his actions.
But in reality, time had lost meaning to the young boy years ago. Everything he did, it felt so...Mechanic, so frivolous, simply keeping track of the days in order not to forget an important reunion.
He buried himself under thousands of piles of work, which only seemed to grow bigger and bigger with every day that passed. This was supposed to be his dream, his greatest goal, and he had reached it at such a young age.
But then...Why did he feel so empty?
He was supposed to be happy, after all the sacrifices that had been made to arrive so far, he had to be grateful for everything that's been given to him.
But he couldn't be, because those sacrifices were not his own, because innocent lives had been taken away, because he had come.
He truly was no different than the man whom he had condemned to suffer for all eternity. But he had to clinch his teeth, and keep on going with his head high, for the few people that were still by his side. Most importantly, for his partner.
As everyone around him had found a significant other, pressured by his best friend, he had decided to reluctantly indulge in this so called 'romance'.
And when you two finally met, he felt like a tiny fickle of faith had risen inside of his heart again.
You listened to him, to his struggles, to his doubts, to each one of his complaints like the were the only worries in the world. He failed to express how much you meant to him, after those...'Accidents', he had become even more close-up about his feelings.
You were very well aware of his workaholic tendencies, as most nights, you were the one to ask him to put down all the documents and get some rest
And this...Was one of those.
As you rapidly fell into a deep sleep, exhausted from your own day, you felt a soft hand gently caressing your forehead. You were so warm and comforting, like a puppy, the only one able to give him hope in this twisted world.
But sadly, your presence could not magically make all his guilt and insecurities go away, and he had accepted that.
After contemplating your dreaming figure for a minute, he slowly closed his eyes, wishing to escape, just for a short while, from all those crushing responsibilities and expectations.
His consciousness started to slip away, he felt ready to conclude another day. Until, he heard whispering. Weak, confused, peculiar sounds, he could not understand a word of what those voices were trying to tell him, they were too far from the boy.
But they wouldn't stop. Delicate, constant and unbearable like the sound of a drip of water falling into a sink. They were playing with the Don's patience, a sleeping lion that should not disturbed, unless you wanted to be torn to pieces.
His mind immediately connected the situation to a possible Stand attack, nothing out of his normality, per se, but he was not concerned for himself. You were still peacefully resting, clinging to your sheets, it was a quite cold night. He wouldn't have let a single soul cause any harm to his darling, she was his only true happiness, his sunshine.
In the moment he stepped outside of the bedroom, what he was faced with sent a frozen shiver down his spine, as he brought his hand to his chest, to control his heartbeat.
There were four doors, floating in absolute darkness. A weak stream of light, that seemed to be originated from nothingness, illuminated each one of them singularly.
The whispering got louder and louder, faint giggles could occasionally be heard. The young one turned around to look at the entrance of this cursed place, the one he had just walked through.
But there was nothing there.
And so, like a captured prey that had nothing left to lose, he ventured himself into the first door, only to be met with a monochromatic version of Fugo. He was breathing heavily, desperately sobbing and all curled up on himself, on the shore of the same place where the rest of the gang had decided to betray Passione.
Giorno was standing on top of the water, unable to move a single inch of his body.
"Look at what you did"
A deep voice murmured in his ear. One he hadn't heard in a long time, one he wished he could have erased from his memories, that infected his mind and was more deadly than the sobbing boy's stand.
"Me? Fugo chose not to leave, it was his own fault if-"
"If he was abandoned by everyone he loved? Do you have any idea of how selfish it sounds?"
The boy hesitated for a brief moment, staring at those warm tears falling into the canal.
"It was just...A temporary matter, he rejoined Passione, he's doing better now"
"My, it must have surely been fun to prove your loyalty to someone who caused the death of half of the people you cared about, after refusing to participate in his little suicide mission"
The blond's legs started to tremble, mantainig his composure was starting to look impossible.
"They...They didn't die because of me, they sacrificed themselves for a noble cause, for making Italy a better place, they wished it as much as I did"
The man contained his laughter, then he continued.
"Is that so? Why don't say that in their faces then?"
The image of the lonely boy disappeared, together with everything in the room. Giorno was back to that black space, but the door was now missing.
And the next one...Had nothing better reserved for him.
He found himself in the island of Sardegna, the only sound that could be heard were the small waves that met with the coast.
He knew perfectly why he was here. He took a closer look at the seaside, there were some footsteps printed on it. He felt a knot in his stomach at the thought of where they would have brought him.
Abbacchio's lifeless body was laying on top of a rock, surrounded by dead flowers. His entire torso had been torn apart, and yet... His corpse was smiling. A tiny, melancholic smile on his purple lips.
"Do you still have the courage to repeat what you said?"
Diavolo began, in a mocking tone.
"When he became part of the Organization, he was at his lowest, he had nowhere else to go, every path he took brought him nothing but sorrow and disappointment. The only thing that gave him comfort was following Bucciarati...And so, with that excuse, I transformed him in one of minions"
The thought of calling out Gold Experience hit Giorno's mind, but he knew that there was no point of lying to himself. The albino was gone, his soul had left his body long ago.
"I don't need you to tell me just how disgusting you are"
He said, his voice was filled with a suffocated rage, as he knelt over to look closer at his former companion.
"Abbacchio couldn't have cared less about killing me, he came with you because Bucciarati did, because he so desperately wanted to follow him, he felt like scum at the thought of no longer having him in his life"
The boy with emerald eyes felt an hand touching him on his shoulder, but there was no one there, except for himself.
"You exploited his dependence from the man, and used at your advantage, just as I did"
He stopped for a brief moment, enjoying the desperation in the other's eyes.
"But at least, he didn't die under my guidance
And with that, the second room disappeared as well. The boy contemplated whether to remain in that hellish void or to move forward, the image of what was waiting on the other side hurt way too much, his juvenile soul was starting to crush.
But he couldn't remain there, it would have meant giving up to Diavolo's twisted games, seeing him break down was exactly what he was waiting for.
He turned the doorknob, when he felt something humid staining his clothes: there was fresh blood streaming from his lady bug pins. The trail that it formed on the ground invited him to follow its path. He knew he couldn't decline, none of what he wanted seemed to matter in this place.
A metallic railing stood in front of him, his entire pins bled so much to the point of consuming themselves. An horrific scream coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time echoed through the room, as he directed his gaze to the top of the grey construction.
"What a shame...Oh well, he was the most disposable member of the team anyway"
Narancia's corpse was resting among dozens of spikes, his faded orange bandage slipped from his dark hair, landing right next to Giorno's feet.
"Oh Narancia...So young, so naive, just another victim of this unfair world. That's what you're thinking, isn't that right, Giovanna?"
"This is why people like him should not be involved in this business..."
"Mh? And why is that? Childish minds are the easiest to manipulate"
Ignoring his last statement, the other leaned down to pick up the bandage, but his hand went through it. His body was starting to feel dizzy, like it belonged to somebody else.
"Not answering won't make me go away, the damage has already been done, after all"
"Narancia should have NEVER joined Passione in the first place. He could have gone to school...Have a normal life, but-"
"But he died for your cause before he could. What he said before I activated King Crimson melted my heart a little, how cute...He really trusted you that much to the point of thinking that he would have come out of it alive"
The railing emanated a cracking sound. For a second, he was afraid it would have fallen off, causing him to get impaled as well.
"I took away his chance of living an happy, standard life when he decided to work for me, and you did the same, allowing him to come along with the rest of your team"
The small boy suddenly faded away, together with the rest.
"But at least, he didn't die under my guidance"
At last, there it was: only one room left. Despite how deeply he cared about each one of his former team members, the premonition of what would have come next was more painful than everything he's seen so far altogether.
He sat down, staring at the door from a distance, his eyes emptier than the ones of his old allies. They say that eyes are the window of the soul, and nothing else could have been used to describe his inner turmoil. Nothing but a faded, dull green, testimony of all his battle scars and the survivor guilt that he tried so much to repress.
Perhaps his eternal punishment had arrived: having the chance to confront his inner demons, to move on, to show how fearless he was.
...But never truly grasping the idea of freedom, never facing and accepting what really happened, he was never given the time to. So much had oppressed him all at once, he couldn't keep up with it.
He was a child, a child that had to grow too fast.
But then, someone came out of the door. A bittersweet figment of his imagination, that made his heart stop beating for a second.
The one he hadn't seen in years, the one he had tried to subdue the most, the one that showed him for the first time in his life what love was, stood in front of him. There was no hole in his chest, no sign of blood or wounds, a reassuring smile accompanied his face, as he held out his hand to the grieving kid.
"What are you doing all alone in here? The others are worried for you. Let's not make them wait any longer, shall we?"
Giorno ignored his help, his gaze was stuck on that endless floor. He didn't have the courage to look at the other, his presence alone felt like a sadistic joke.
He didn't look sad, depressed, miserable... He was just...Tired.
He wanted to cry those tears that he had denied in the last three years, he wanted to yell at that illusion to leave him alone, that wasn't the real Bruno, it couldn't be.
But, as he impeded any of this from coming out, something he didn't think he would have felt in a thousand of years struck him.
Bucciarati hugged him.
A tight, comforting hug like one of a mother, that he was waiting for his child to reciprocate. The latter's breathing became heavier and heavier with every moment that passed, as weak laments rapidly turned into audible sobs.
"There's no reason to be sad now, I'm real, you can feel it, can't you?"
"Y-You...You're here...But h-how is it p-possible?"
The brunette chuckled, the sound of his laughter was more comforting than an angel's voice.
"It isn't"
Giovanna's stand penetrated the man's torso, but its arm...It was not Gold Experience's. It had a checkered red and white pattern that extended in its entirety, and it possessed an amount of physical strength which was out of any possible expectations for the creature able to give life.
"Foolish child, I thought you were better than this, I'd lie if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed"
The sound of Bruno's corpse falling to the ground resonated through that empty space, as the last door vanished. A puddle of blood originated from his horrible injury, it was big enough for the boy to see his reflection in.
"You are no better than me under any point of view. We took advantage of his kindness, we used him as a simple pawn for our own gain. The only difference between us, is that I was not manipulating enough to convince him to join my side voluntarily. He was a tool to the both of us, but you were the one who caused his demise"
The mirror that had been created showed two people, but the transparent figure of Diavolo immediately ceased to be visible. The only one left was Giorno, though his reflection seemed to mutate with every second that passed.
His blond curls started to change shape, turning into a fuchsia mess, with dirty green stains on it. His eyes had a killer, maniacal look inside of them, his pupils got smaller in horror. His entire body structure was different. He looked older, more muscular, his clothes, too, were no longer his own.
"Mista loved him, and you killed him"
"Fugo loved him, and you killed him"
"Trish loved him, and you killed him"
"Narancia loved him, and you killed him"
"Abbacchio loved him, and you killed him"
"You loved him, and you killed him"
"Giorno? Giorno please, wake up!"
You screamed, your sleep was interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend hyperventilating, as he desperately held you to himself, still trapped in that horrible dream.
You sighed in relief when he abruptly opened his eyes, so swollen and red from all the tears he's shed.
"Another nightmare, uh?"
You asked, gently caressing his back to try and calm him down, he was as vulnerable as a baby that runs to his parents after having a bad dream. Waking up in the middle of the night to comfort him is something you had grown accustomed to, but you had never seen him this shaken up.
He slightly nodded in response, grabbing the top of your pajamas. You put an hand behind his head, making him rest on your chest, and kissed him softly on his forehead.
You could hear him murmuring something, you couldn't tell wherever he was talking to you, or to himself.
"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm s-so sorry..."
He repeated like a broken record, you could barely make out what he was trying to say.
"Tesoro, you've done nothing wrong, there's no one you owe your apologizes to"
The boy raised his head slightly, intertwining your fingers with his, he needed to feel sure that this was not another tremendous trick of his mind.
"See? I'm here, you don't have to be afraid. I know that you feel unworthy of my feelings, but there is no one out there that deserves love more than you do. Nobody is perfect, Giorno, you did everything that was in your power to help them"
"But I...I was the one w-who put them in danger in the first place"
"No, you were not. You all shared the same ideals, you saved them from the oppression they were put in"
As you swept those remaining drops away from his face, you could still feel his entire body shaking like a dried leaf in a windy day of autumn.
"N-None of this would have happened if I didn't come along..."
"Exactly, none of them would have known what it meant to be free. I...Understand that the sacrifices that were made are not easy to forget, but blaming yourself like this...Do you really think that's what they would have wanted?"
Not receiving an answer, you laid down once again, still holding him in your arms. You forced a tiny smile, kissing him delicately on his lips, and whispered in his ear that everything would have been okay.
But, in reality...You felt you were trying to reassure yourself as well. This was not something you could have solely resolved through staying by his side, healing from this would have taken a lot of time, but...At least, you could offer some temporary safety, and it seemed to be enough for the time being.
In fact, after some minutes, everything seemed to cease. The boy fell asleep once again, this time with the knowledge that you were there to protect him.
You sighed, praying for your darling to finally find some peace.
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oliviayamaoka · 4 years ago
The Distraction Continuation (Ghostface / Jed Olsen / Danny Johnson x Reader)
As requested, this is a continuation of the Distraction fic I made. Check out the first fic if you haven’t already. Enjoy! :)
You sighed deeply as you crossed your arms, shutting your eyes in slight annoyance at what was to come. Another trial. You hadn’t been in one for a while but your break was rather short-lived. There were three others that stood by your side. Ace Visconti, David King, and Yui Kimura. You respected them and actually enjoyed their company. Ace was funny, David taught you a couple of things, and Yui was always nice to you, encouraging you.
“Where do you think we’ll go this time?” Yui asked you, nudging your elbow with her own. You instantly lit up. Human interaction was comforting.
“Haven’t been to Hawkins or Glenvale in a bit.” Y/N replied with a slight shrug.
“My bet is the asylum.” Ace interrupted, pointing finger guns with that stupid smirk of his. Yui rolled her eyes, she didn’t seem to like Ace very much. Not since he flirted with her one time, even if it was jokingly.
“We might actually be there if Ace himself says so.” David said as the familiar gust of air surrounded the four of you.
You shut your eyes tightly, getting chills from the cold fog and air. The smell of fire and spring overcame you. Y/N opened their eyes, realizing that Ace’s bet was right. As always. A small laugh escaped your lips, a feeling of enjoyment before all hell could break loose again. 
Your gaze averted to the familiar structure of the Crotus Prenn Asylum. A sound played in your head, the screech of the Nurse. You were always curious about her but never got the chance to even talk to her unlike... no, it was one time. You weren’t gonna go around and try talk to killers like you did with him.
You put your palm to your forehead, cringing at the memory. Not in a bad way but maybe you could’ve done something differently. No, not really. Jed was a psychopath, a murderer. He was charming in a fucked up sort of way. You sighed as you walked towards a generator behind the grey brick walls.
There wasn’t any indication that it was the Pig or Freddy, thankfully. You began to work on the generator. Your thoughts turned to the fear of being hooked, stabbed, and hurt. You shuddered at the thought of it, the feeling of the hook would probably never leave you. Death was forever here, unfortunately. Elodie and Felix’s conversation had given you hope, maybe there was a way out of here.
“Shit.” You mumble as you shielded your eyes from the small explosion. 
Y/N huffed. You felt slightly disappointed in yourself and began again. Your head perked up as you heard stomping. It wasn’t loud enough to be the Oni or Trapper.
You kept a head on the generator as you noticed a dark figure stomping towards you. You needed a moment to process the situation. It was Ghostface? Oh shit, it was him, you thought. Flashbacks of your last encounter played in your head, he was definitely pissed off and you couldn’t blame it at this point.
“Don’t fucking try it.” He muttered in reference to you breaking into a sprint.
You felt panic wash over you as you quickly observed your surroundings. There weren’t any nearby pallets or vaults, it was a random open area near a hill with a chest and hook. Perfect, just perfect. Ghostface was quicker than usual, he grabbed you by the waist aggressively to tackle you down.
Ghostface held a knife to the back of your head once you hit the ground. You grunted as he put down all his weight onto you and assured that you wouldn’t be able to escape. The ground felt so uncomfortable, especially against your face. There was a few moments of you struggling beneath him to escape but it became no use. You stopped struggling after he pressed the blade against your skin.
“Didn’t bring a toolbox this time, Y/N?” He asked mockingly, pressing his gloved finger over the small slit. You winced at the stinging sensation but it was nothing you couldn’t handle.
“You know how to hold a grudge, Jed.” You replied. You were utterly terrified yet you always felt the need to reply to his stupid remarks.
“Indeed I do.” He replied, grabbing you and making you stand up. He held the knife to your back and pressed it slightly.
Ghostface was actually angry. He didn’t seem to mind actually hurting you or pressing the knife into your skin. You gasped at the painful sensation as he looked around, he saw the killer shack. He held a tight grip on your shoulder as he forced you to walk that way.
You instantly knew where he wanted to go. You just hoped the basement wasn’t there. Of course, you had known that this day would eventually come. But, why now? It was such awful timing, especially with the blue mood you had. Once the two of you reached the shack, he shoved you onto the ground aggressively.
“You’re pathetic... talking and talking last time we met. Now, you’re just a shitty excuse for a survivor.” He said to you. You scoffed.
“If it helps, Jed, I’m sorry.” Y/N replied. Your hand reached to the back of your neck where he had cut you. There wasn’t much blood but it still hurt. You stared at your bloodied fingertips as the man got more infuriated.
“You don’t get to call me that. And why the fuck are you apologizing?” He questioned you. His tone was venomous, this terrified you but him killing you was inevitable and well... you wanted to see him, anyways.
“If you didn’t care, you’d have hooked me now. I must’ve really hurt your feelings, huh?” You said, half-jokingly but you were also genuine.
“I don’t care.” He replied to you almost instantly. You knew that was a lie.
“Then why won’t you hook me? You could’ve slashed my back open but instead you pinned me to the ground... weirdo.” You mumbled.
He fell silent for a second. Ghostface was a bit baffled by you. Why weren’t you begging for your life? The version he remembered of you was different, or maybe he killed too many survivors that would beg. Not only that but he planned this out thoroughly. He was practically counting on you to scream and beg for your life. Ghostface had even made an offering for this realm because he researched it extensively, as he did with most of his previous murders.
Despite what he may have thought, Y/N was absolutely terrified. However, there was a strange feeling of attraction to him. Not necessarily a crush just yet but there was also a rivalry in which you felt comfortable talking to him. He felt like a real person. Well, of course he was a real person but you had no trouble making shitty remarks to him.
“I want this to last because you were being a little bitch last time. I’ve been dying to slice you open and make you regret that stupid little stunt you pulled.” He said to you.
You sat up, bringing one knee to your chest casually. There was a feeling of bravery that washed over you like last time. Y/N sighed deeply and looked around the shack. It was a basic shake. No totem, no gen.
“Yeah, sure... then do it.” You said to him.
“You’re not making this any easier.” He replied, more annoyed with you.
“Nothing you do is gonna make me regret what I did. Even if you do kill me and make me suffer, I’m still gonna come back alive. I’ve been puked on, trapped, and even had some weird ass trap put onto my head.” You said, standing up and pointing your finger to his chest.
“But you, Danny, only have a knife. I know the Legion or whatever their names are can use that better than you. You’re just a weirdo with a mask.” Y/N finished.
Ghostface seemed rather stunned, yet offended. Mainly because he couldn’t doubt anything you said. It became known that the Legion studied the human anatomy extensively, more than Danny ever cared to do. His area of expertise was stalking and memorizing a person’s schedule. But still. his ego was always bigger than any logic. The cloaked man grabbed your wrist. He oddly didn’t grab it too tight, he lifted your arm over your head.
“And what does that make you? I’m still better than you to some degree. You’re trapped here because the Entity thinks you deserve it and I get to kill anybody I desire.” He said, the tip of his blade poking your stomach.
“I guess we’re both shitty people.” You shrugged as his grip somewhat loosened. He sighed deeply before throwing you towards the generator.
“I had hoped killing you would be satisfying.” He muttered, bitter that your reaction wasn’t what he imagined. You fixed your shirt slightly and leaned against the generator. A part of slowly began to accept the growing crush you developed on the strange murderer, you didn’t care at this point since you were damned to an eternity of trials. 
“It probably would’ve been if you weren’t so easy to talk to.” You said to him as he snapped his head towards you, confused for a moment. Easy to talk to? He scoffed in response.
“Easy? You’re the fucking weirdo here.” He said, with a bit of a defeated tone.
“You’re no ladykiller, Danny, but... I’m charmed. I guess it’s something killers like you do though.” You said to him.
“I don’t charm or seduce people. I watch them.” He corrected you.
“Explains a lot.” You said, looking at your nails. Ghostface was quick to give into his ego and crossed his arms in a very stubborn manner.
“Actually, I did. As Jed Olsen, anyways. People were so trusting of him and neglected to suspect the new guy in town. It made it easy to watch people and I had a lot of excuses to spend hours doing so.” He said to you.
“Jed sounds nice.” Y/N shrugged.
“Well, Jed isn’t real, babe. He’s a shitty facade of what people like in a person. Made it so much easier for myself.” Ghostface said.
“Okay then,.. what did you do? As a career?” You asked him.
“I was a journalist and wrote for the Roseville Gazette. They made me cover my own killings and I did a good job doing so. Nobody could really understand my work though, no matter how much I tried to when I was Jed.” He said, a proud tone in his voice as he spoke. You were weirded out and cautious but you wanted to try and understand him.
“So, is that why you do it? For art?” You asked him as his head perked.
“That’s exactly why! There’s something very beautiful about the redness unique to somebody pouring out of them, even mixing with others. Not only that but just toying around and seeing how loud one can scream. Each scream is so unique and different. And just like art, you can fix your mistakes if it isn’t done right.” He explained, he seemed more relaxed. 
“Fix? But wouldn’t they be dead?” You asked him, genuinely confused. 
“You have to be an expert craftsman to fix it. A scream is a delicacy, something I choose not to indulge myself in often. Y’know, don’t want anybody hearing what goes on. When I do want to hear the screaming, it’s usually when my target has piqued my interest or mildly annoyed me. It feels rewarding after going through all the effort to memorize their lifestyle.” He said.
“A weird but cool way of looking at it, I suppose.” Y/N said. 
You didn’t really care about morality at this point. Such things as the Entity exist, anyways, You weren’t sure what you did to deserve being stranded here. Even if you did have a weird romantic interest in him, so what? Why would the Entity care? Why would any Gods care? And even then, you seemed to have an interest in his hobby. Blood and killing didn’t faze you anymore.
“You think so?” He asked you. 
“Depends on the person, I guess. I’d only do it to bad people.” You said.
“But, you’d do what I do?” He asked you.
“Yeah...?” You responded. Danny seemed a bit giddy.
“How would you do it?” Ghostface asked, he seemed way too excited to hear about your non-existent methods of killing.
“I don’t know...” Y/N replied, feeling somewhat flustered by how close he was to you. It was a different type of feeling when he wasn’t trying to stab you. 
“If you want, I could show you some pictures and give you tips.” He said.
“And kill who? We’re stuck in this hellhole.” You reminded him.
“What about the other survivors? They can’t all be innocent.” Ghostface said to you. He had some appreciation for you since you listened. It was crazy how much this strange man can switch up.
“No, never. I’m not that crazy.” You said as the loud horn of the exit gates blared. You looked around, really surprised. He seemed just as surprised.
“That long?” He questioned. 
“Guess I’m just that good of a distraction.” You said to him as he silently sighed in frustration but didn’t seem to care. A part of him enjoyed your talk.
“Guess you’re gonna be my one kill.” He said, shifting towards you and pushing you against the wall. You were taken aback by his swift movement.
You squirmed against his body, somewhat sliding downwards so kicking was pretty much useless unless you wanted to completely fall. The two of you grunted quietly as he turned you around, shoving your face against the hard wall. It was uncomfortable but he wasn’t being as rough as he usually was. At this point, you were scared of his knife so you tried pulling his hands away from you in the awkward position. Ghostface tightly pinned one of your arms on your back, you winced as he tugged on your hair.
He leaned inwards, poking his head towards your neck and hair. Ghostface took a moment to memorize your scent and what your hair texture might have felt like. For some strange reason, he seemed to want to learn everything about you. It might have been a bad idea for you to have opened him up about his art.
“Get off of me.” You demanded in a stern voice.
“You’re scaring me, Y/N.” He replied sarcastically. 
You froze up when he slid his hand under your shirt, his fingertips trailing on your back. It wasn’t the motion itself but rather the feeling of his ungloved hand. You felt yourself go into a rather catatonic state, not in fear but you were quick to wonder why he would take his glove off. A thousand thoughts and scenarios played in your mind. His touch was soft but still managed to leave you with chills. 
Ghostface, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself. He made notes of how soft your skin felt, his hand curiously wandered upwards. It wasn’t long before his hand wandered to your more sensitive areas. A gasp escaped your mouth as kept you pinned with his knees, his hands groping you a bit more roughly. Your face heated up when he squeezed you, you didn’t seem to struggle either. 
“Fuck...” You whispered.
“If only we had the time.” He mumbled, sticking three of his gloved fingers into your mouth. Your eyes rested as you stared upwards, allowing him to continue touching you. 
“I bet you’re getting all excited over this... if only I could capture the look on your face right now. How does it feel? Having somebody like me have their way?” He asked you. You felt aroused yet ashamed to oblige him.
“It feels good...” You managed to say, his fingers still in your mouth.
You felt the bulge in his crotch grow hard but this wasn’t the time or place. As much as he wanted to fuck you then and there, he needed to have some control over himself. He pulled his hands away and slid his glove back on. You let out a sigh of relief but also a whine. You knew just as much as he did that it just wasn’t the right time. You wiped the saliva from your lips and slowly stood up.
He pulled you backwards by your waist. You felt him rub his knife near your crotch, gliding it teasingly. His other hand wrapped around your neck. You heard him chuckle rather darkly. At this point, you seemed more hot and bothered than he was. Ghostface squeezed your neck a little harder, wanting to get one last sound of of you before he let you go. He didn’t care whether or not the Entity would be displeased or not.
“Guess you’ll have to be a whore some other time.” He said, cutting you on the arm slightly. You pulled your arm away quickly.
“Whatever.” You replied, flustered by his comment. Did that just happen?
“Better go before the Entity kills you itself.” He said to you.
“Right, right... see you around, Danny.” You said before quickly walking away and then running towards the exit gates. 
His head tilted curiously. Ghostface wasn’t sure if he had feelings or not. He admired you for listening to him and asking some questions though. But, now that he knew you’d do things with him willingly, he had some ideas. A wide smile grew behind his mask as he began to fantasize about the photos he would eventually take. 
You would probably come to regret your actions, seeing as his obsession with you would grow. Danny needed to know everything about you and even felt a bit possessive now. It didn’t matter, there was many possibilities within the Fog. Pray that you’ll be ready for your next meeting.
NOTE: Currently writing a full fledged Danny fic with a different plot but have the sequel to the Distraction. Ty for reading!
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g0r3rat · 3 years ago
Hit and run (RZ Michael)
h[Michael’s s/o get’s cocky and gets him with the ol’ pillow attack]
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!!Gender-neutral pronouns are used in this scenario. If you would like a different version, send me an ask <3!!
>>You seriously think it’s a smart move to hit the Michael Myers; Haddonfields boogeyman? wow. You really must have a death wish.
>>Everything was planned out. You would hide just before Michael returns home, though it’s uncertain when he’ll come back. Sometimes he just randomly disappears for days at a time; returning home soaked in crimson, smelling like a dumpster fire. What a party animal.
>>Hiding behind a small Coraline door in the foyer. Unlike the movie, this door didn’t lead to some magical world; it instead was a mere crawl space that you dedicated to all of Michael’s cherished masks. You see, when you both chose to stick here, Michael brought his crafty demeanor with him. Which is lovely! but good god this man literally sits and makes masks all day. Gotta store his favorites somewhere safe.
>>Speaking of making masks, Michael actually dedicated a few to you, though don’t kill yourself trying to get him to admit it. He won’t. One time you both attempted to make masks together!! Obviously, Michael’s turned out perfect as usual; yours on the other hand.. yikes. Someone didn’t get locked in a mental ward for their whole life and spent time learning arts and crafts did they? for shame. No worries! Michael made it clear that yours sucked, so he fixed the shaping. Surely you can do a design. Michael made a clown one just for you, maybe it’s because he thinks you’re a complete clown and you need to accept it. Anyways.
-- Short fic below --
The clock ticked, and ticked... and fucking ticked. After awhile you grew tired. Eyes slowly growing heavy, the pillow you tucked against your chest didn’t aid your attention. Suddenly, the door swung open, heavy boots creaking the old cabin floors. “Shit..” you mumbled, eyes caked in sleep. Your evil, sinister, plan came to the forefront of your mind, shaking the tired itch from your shoulders. Gently, you pressed your ear against the thin door, hearing the soft grunt and pacing around the quaint cabin. Poor Michael was confused, but most importantly worried; he may be a dangerous man with almost no remorse for any living creature, but you’re the only thing that he couldn’t bring himself to hurt. What have you done to him? Crimson soaked fists clenched at his sides. You were fucking with him; he could smell your perfume.. the body wash you use every night. He definitely doesn’t use it. pfft.  His body remained still, expanding his senses. thump.. thump. While mister skilled, master, hunter was busy being super cocky, you managed to sneak out of the crawl space, tip toeing behind the large man. Raising your arms high above your head, you swung; coincidentally, Michael happened to turn at that exact moment; The pillow made contact with his exposed neck. You’re very lucky he didn’t have his prized jack-o-lantern mask on. I mean, you’re still fucked, but now less fucked. With wide eyes, you stared up at the man, mouth slightly ajar. You resembled a deer caught in head lights. Michael stood motionless, blue eyes peering down; the room became heavy. Almost too thick to breathe in. In a second split, the limp pillow was tore from your hands. Michael wasn’t mad, per say, but he definitely wasn’t amused. He could practically hear your heart pick up panicked rhythm; like when the prey acknowledges their fate against the big bad predator. Just like that, you were off. Running as far away from the giant as possible; golly, you’re quiet fast, but hun, Michael is much faster. He doesn’t run, oh no, he simply walks. Slowly calculating your every move. You attempted to duck behind the kitchen door, but you tripped your own feet. The cabin fell silent; the wind howled against the old cabin; windows whistling. Evening your breath, you listened closely. Where is he? After a few moments, you emerged from behind your hiding spot, quietly walking into the living area. He must have gotten bored. Your relief was short lived as the devil himself appeared from behind a corner, swinging the pillow with a fraction of his might; he wanted to get back at you, not kill you. Despite him going ‘easy’ on you, the hit threw your small frame back onto your ass harshly. “Ow! Michael.. I didn’t hit you that hard,” You whined, rubbing your ribs where the pillow made contact.
>>Michael didn’t apologize, of course. This man would rather shave his head than apologize. He’s stubborn. But he did feel a little guilty for hurting you.
>>As a way to make it up to you, he allowed you to have a piggy back ride through the woods on your daily walks. He even let you pull his hair back and brush it. Honestly, he just doesn’t want to hear you complain and whine about how he was too rough with the pillow. Secretly, he enjoys it. Yes, brush his hair more and mess with it. 
>>Even weeks later, he still crouches down to offer a piggy ride when you’re feeling down. Sometimes memories from the past bring you down, so he’ll offer any distraction to bring your smile back. You’re his entire focus when he isn’t terrorizing the village. 
>>Moral of this experience, don’t hit the boogeyman with a pillow or you’ll get your ass handed to you. But also, you gained piggy rides and the passage to spoil his glorious mane.
//Hope this was good!! I had this concept on my brain and this was really fun to write//
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gates-keeper · 4 years ago
Part 1: “Words of Affirmation” Destiel Quotes & Parallels
I’m sure someone’s done this before me and done it better, but I’m compiling a huge Destiel evidence docket for no reason. Anyone got any quotes to add?
Comments From Outside Characters
To Dean
Uriel: “He has this weakness. He likes you.” (4x10)
Balthazar: “You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you.” (6x17)
Hester: “The first time Castiel laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost.” (7x21)
Meg: “He was your boyfriend first.” (7x23)
Charlie: “What about Castiel? He seems helpful. And dreamy.” (8x20)
Marie: “Although we do explore the nature of Destiel in Act 2.” (10x5)
Sam: “Shouldn’t it be Deastiel?” He then goes on to tease Dean with “Sastiel” which Dean takes negatively. (10x5)
Dean: “This Cas is looking at me weird.” Sam: “So like the real Cas then.” (15x14) 
To Castiel
Hannah: “We gave you our trust. Don’t lose it over one man.” (9x22)
Metatron: “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love
with humanity.” (9x22)
Metatron: “Oh, that’s right. To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but, ultimately, it was about saving one human, right?” (9x23)
Ishim: “I’m going to cure you of your human weakness [i.e. Dean]” (12x10)
The Empty: “I have tiptoed through all your little tulips. Your memories, your little feelings, yes. I know what you hate. I know who you love
There is nothing for you back there.” (13x4)
Demon: “I thought you were joined at the
 (looks down) everything.” (14x01)
There are also several instances where other characters try to poke at insecurities regarding their relationship.
Naomi: “You're hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way.” (8x19)
Casifer: “There comes a time when every relationship has run its course.” (11x18)
Michael!Dean: “You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he ‘gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.’ Or whatever.” (14x10)
Comments From Dean
To Cas
“There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. And two, you are not going to die a virgin.” (5x03) 
“So what? I’m Thelma and you’re Louise and we’re just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together?” (5x03)
“You know what? Blow me, Cas.” (5x18)
“Cas, not for nothing, but the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.” (5x18)
“Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don’t need it!” (8x07)
“We need you. I need you.” 
For more on this quote see the “We vs. I” section.
To Other Characters
Bobby: “I think maybe it’s time you made a call.” Dean: “Why does it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy.” (Cas appears) Dean: “Get out of my ass.” Cas: “I was never in your
 (head tilt)” (6x19)
“On my car
. He showed up naked
 covered in bees.” (7x23)
While Cas suffered from some mental issues at the time, it seems somewhat significant that he sought Dean out under the circumstances, not Sam, etc.
“There’s things
 feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.” (10x16)
“My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here” (12x12)
“He came into my room and he played me.” (12x19)
“Let’s see. Crowley’s dead, Kelly’s dead, Cas is—Mom’s gone.” (13x01)
Dean’s inability to list Cas’s death singles him out as the most devastating of the losses.
“We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back.” (13x01)
While some people have heard this as “bring ‘em back”, the Netflix captions and transcripts I have been able to find say “him.”
“And Cas bought it. And you know what it got him? It got him dead! Now you may be able to forget about that, but I can't!” (13x03)
“I have a family.” (In response to John Winchester lamenting Dean doesn’t have a wife and kids) (14x13)
Comments From Cas
To Dean
“I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt.” (4x16)
“I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it—all of it—for you.” (5x02)
“I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me.” (5x18)
“I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call.” (6x21)
“So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord.” (6x22)
Before taking on the role of God, Cas seemed very concerned with Dean’s forgiveness/acceptance/love. It is interesting that, as God, that was the first thing he asked for, turning from Sam (who had just stabbed him) to Dean to ask for love.
“Sam, and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me.” (10x22)
“I love you. I love all of you.” (Arguably to the group, but the first “I love you” can be seen as Dean-specific, especially since it cuts to Dean after being said.) (12x12)
“You mean too much to me. To everything.” (12x9) (To Mary, Sam, and Dean. However, the camera immediately cuts to Dean specifically, even though he is in the back of the group).
“I’m your Huckleberry.” (13x06)
Cas love confession (15x18)
To Other Characters
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond.” (6x03)
“I won’t hurt Dean.” (8x17)
This is said as Castiel is breaking away from Naomi’s mind control—mind control she fostered specifically by having Cas kill a thousand versions of Dean. This implies she knows that Cas’s strongest loyalty is to Dean, not Sam, or humans in general.
“The point is that they [Dean & Sam] were here at all and you got to know them, you -- When they're gone, it will hurt, but that hurt will remind you of how much you loved them.” (14x14)
“You know, Dean, he... he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known.” (15x13)
Other Comments
Reaper: “How do I start looking for this... Castiel?” Bartholomew: “I got one word for you. Winchester.”
Rowena: “An Angel of the Lord, shattered at the altar of Winchester.”
Use of We vs. I
In the crypt scene in Season 8, Dean tells Cas, “We need you.” This is not enough to stop Cas’s actions. When the language switches to “I need you,” Cas drops the angel blade.
We can clearly see that Dean tries to put up barriers about how he really feels about Cas in his use of “We.” For example, after showing the audience many scenes of Dean, not Sam, frantically trying to call Cas, we get the following lines:
“So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us?”
“With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay.”
It’s clear that these “we’s” are really “I’s”
In the alternate future presented in 15x9, Sam asks Dean, “What’s happened to you Dean
 ever since
?” to which Dean responds, “Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we’ve ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy and I had to bury him in a Malak box
 ever since then?” While he acknowledges Sam’s losses as well, his switch to “I” in reference to Cas implies that Cas’s loss belongs especially to him.
(Mostly) Verbal Parallels to Other Couples
In 1x01 (start at 2:27), Dean pulls Sam away from a dead Jess in a direct parallel to how Sam pulls Dean away from Cas in 12x23
Following Jessica’s death, Sam keeps seeing glimpses of her as he and Dean travel around in the Impala. Dean does the same in Season 8 following his return from Purgatory without Cas.
David from “Bloodlines” (9x20) tells his love interest, “I was there. Where were you?” which is the same thing Dean says to Cas in “The Man Who Would Be King” (6x20)
When asking Dean whether he’s in love with Cassie, Dean gives a similar response to what he will say in 10x5 when asked about Destiel.
Destiel is paralleled with their counterparts from the Supernatural play who are “a couple in real life” (10x5)
Cain compares himself to Dean in Season 10. He describes the significant kills of his life (The Knights of Hell, his wife Collette, and his brother Abel) and tells Dean that he will follow his same pattern by killing the King of Hell Crowley, Castiel, then Sam. It is also mentioned that all Collette asked of Cain was “to stop,” which is the same language Cas uses with Dean in 10x22.
Dean explains how his parents fell in love to prove his identity to Mary in 12x1, “He was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed.” Later in this same season (12x19), Dean gives Cas a homemade mixtape of his favorite Zeppelin songs.
Ishim fell in love with a human named Lily Sunder who ultimately left him for someone else. When trying to recruit Castiel, he compares Dean to her.
Dean questions how much of their life has been controlled by God. Cas states, “You asked, ‘What about all of this is real?’ We are.” (15x02) Later, they find out that God has been using Eileen to spy on the Winchesters. She says, “After what happened, I don’t know what’s real anymore.” Sam kisses her, stating “I know that was real.” (15x09)
PART 2 “Physical Touch” Now Finished
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