#and the mental impact is so often overlooked
annieisyourfavourite · 4 months
guys if i'm being so real. being diabetic IS having an eating disorder. like, there is no way of being diabetic that does not include disordered eating. and that's not even counting the diabetes-specific eating disorders that we have names for, like diabetic bulimia. like i feel like there should be a name for the relationship between the diabetic, the food that they eat, and the body they put it in. but right now we just call it "diabetes" and it's just a washed over part of the process of being alive with this shit
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Dmitri Shostakovich at Sergei Prokofiev's funeral, 1953.
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For context, Prokofiev and Stalin died on the same day- March 5, 1953. Because Stalin's funeral was such a major event in the Soviet Union, Prokofiev's was largely overlooked, despite the fact he was one of the leading Soviet composers of his day. Relatively few people attended his funeral, Shostakovich among them.
Shostakovich and Prokofiev were not particularly close, and had a thorny professional relationship- much of the correspondence between them that I've been able to find appears to be formal criticism of each other's works. As Prokofiev was from an older generation- he was born in 1891, while Shostakovich was born in 1906- they did not always see eye-to-eye musically; Shostakovich experimented with the avant-garde when possible, perhaps in part due to his musical maturation during the socially-liberal NEP era, while Prokofiev's style tended to be more conservative and neoclassical- picking up more influence from Imperial-age composers and fellow emigres to the west (he lived in France and the United States before returning to the Soviet Union in 1936). Their generational difference also partially accounted for how they responded to harsh government criticism- Shostakovich was impacted by the consequences of his 1936 denunciation all his life and, while he suffered greatly during his second denunciation in 1948, was able to develop public and private personas, in both the musical and ideological spheres, to preserve himself and his artistry. However devastating as it was for Shostakovich, the 1948 denunciations took a greater toll on many other composers, Prokofiev included. As Prokofiev did not believe he would be harshly denounced as Shostakovich had been in 1936, he was far less prepared for the censorship and attacks he faced in 1948. As a result of the denunciations, combined with his declining health, his artistic productivity decreased, and he largely regulated himself to writing basic ideological works towards the end of his life.
This is a letter Shostakovich wrote to Prokofiev on the subject of his Seventh (and last) Symphony:
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There's speculation as to whether or not Shostakovich was actually impressed by Prokofiev's Seventh Symphony. As Prokofiev was in decline at the time of writing it, the symphony has been criticized for being banal and not being particularly innovative; Rostropovich even claimed that Prokofiev added in its final flourish not for artistic purposes, but to have the piece nominated for a Stalin Prize, which would have meant money and a boost to his reputation after it suffered in 1948. (The Stalin Prize has its own complicated history in its role in Soviet music, and although it was the highest award a Soviet composer could earn, it could sometimes be awarded as a sort of backhanded punishment- an encouragement for composers to write the "right" sort of music, especially after they had been criticized for "formalism." Nonetheless, winning it after suffering a denunciation could mean financial and political security.) Did Shostakovich- who had often traded criticisms with Prokofiev over music- actually like this piece, or was this an effort to encourage a fellow artist to keep composing after suffering mental and physical ailments? This was a private letter and not a public statement, and Shostakovich was typically very straightforward about critiques, so if the entirely positive sentiment for the piece wasn't genuine (the only critique here is that Shostakovich says he wishes the entire symphony was encored!), the letter may have come from a place of concern.
Perhaps the most striking thing about this letter is the line, "I wish you another hundred years to live and create. Listening to such works as your Seventh Symphony makes it much easier and more joyful to live." Maybe by telling Prokofiev that he wished him another hundred years to live and create, Shostakovich was not simply praising the symphony, but encouraging Prokofiev- a composer whom he was often on icy terms with- that he needed to keep living and creating, during a time when it was becoming more and more difficult for him to do so.
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🀄️reflecting on richonne
Seeing there’s a TOWL teaser next week has me real excited. And since it’s always missing-them hours, I just wanted to come on here right quick to revel in some Richonne.
I’ve often said you can’t have Rick without Michonne and vice versa because of how pivotal they are to each others’ journey - and I just had to break down how true this is. See to me, if you love the incredible protagonist of Rick Grimes you really can’t overlook or downplay “Richonne,” because Michonne is so influential to almost every major choice and character development of Rick from Season 3 forward.
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Season 3: One of Rick’s big character turning points in season 3 is realizing it does in fact need to be a democracy again. And it’s nearly giving up Michonne and then instantly regretting it that really helps open his eyes and leads to this major character growth in him
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Season 4: Rick’s monumental character development this season is transitioning from Farmer Rick to peak Savage Rick. And he officially says goodbye to Farmer Rick during the unforgettable jugular bite against Joe and the Claimers, a moment experienced only by Rick and three others from TF, his closest people Michonne, Carl, and Daryl. And of course, protecting Carl is Rick’s biggest motivation here but knowing those Claimers had horrible plans for Michonne too…None of that was happening on Rick’s watch. Farmer Rick had to go to save Michonne, Carl, and Daryl and thus the feral Savage Rick era was born
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Season 5: As one of the seasons with the most fascinating character study of Rick Grimes, this season is all about Rick being on edge and unsure who to trust. But even amidst his mental spiral, he always finds himself trusting Michonne. Rick makes two huge decisions this season - to bring the group to Washington and then to bring the group to Alexandria which greatly impacts the plot going forward. And both times his willingness to take the leap is completely due to Michonne. When she’s vulnerable with him and expresses what she thinks is best, Rick is a real one who trusts her gut even over his own. The two operate as true partners and he lets her lead him and everyone toward what ends up being tf's home for the rest of the series.
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Season 6: Rick has two impactful character shifts that occur in 6A & 6B. In the first half, Rick’s journey is about finally embracing the Alexandrians as his own people, and who most helps him see that? Michonne. Especially in that scene on the porch where he looks at her like she’s just pure mesmerizing. It shows Michonne is instrumental in helping Rick understand that they’re catching their breath in here and anything else is excuses. (And Rick's next scene is him helping Tobin, showing he’s listening to her) Then in Rick’s words to Carl at the end of No Way Out, impeccably acted by Andy, his 6A arc concludes with him turning a new leaf as a character and realizing the people of that town really can make it.
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And now in 6B, we get a very confident Rick...And you can’t tell me that him finally having the Baddest Chick in the Game isn’t one of the reasons why he’s feeling himself. 😌 Like he is on top of the world once Richonne becomes official. But that confidence turns into a bit of hubris and devastating series-shifting consequences ensue in the finale.
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Season 7/8: Andy said it perfectly himself when he referred to Michonne as key in season 7. At the group's lowest point, it’s Michonne, in a flawlessly acted monologue from Danai, who helps Rick fully accept that it’s finally time to fight back against the Saviors, a choice that impacts the whole next half of the season and season 8. And when Rick’s character undergoes a massive turning point as he and Michonne experience the worst pain of losing Carl in S8, Rick slowly but surely comes back to himself after diving off the deep end largely thanks to Michonne’s love and support.
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Season 9: Rick’s whole state of mind in season 9 is genuinely hopeful and content as he seems to be in the process of learning to honor the memory of Carl while optimistically building for the future. He believes in the bridge, he believes all the people will come around (because he and Michonne did), and he believes the world can be stable enough for him to have a child with the love of his life. So much of this impactful character development from Rick is a testament to his relationship with Michonne and their ability to help each other heal.
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So all that to say, Richonne is so much more than some side love story to the main plot, it’s unequivocally vital, foundational, and influential to the whole TWD series & Michonne is indispensable to Rick’s journey and character growth. Rick Grimes is of course a goated protagonist all on his own…but he didn’t want it to be just him being a boss on his own. He made it clear he wanted Michonne by his side through it all. Because Rick knew what we know - which is that Richonne is absolutely key. 💜
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ovwechoes · 1 month
Talon & Secret Talents (Headcanons) Super indulgent, but these are what I think the members of Talon would have their secret talent as. My asks are open and requests are welcome, enjoy (they're under the cut c:)
Akande Ogundimu / Doomfist: I can honestly imagine Akande being incredibly good at Luthiery, which is crafting and repairing string instruments like guitars and violins. He taught himself years ago, and has continued honing his skills, modifying instruments and making them out of unconventional materials just to prove to himself he can do it. It's something Akande takes great pride in, serving as a way for him to relax with something mindless and meticulous.
Gabriel Reyes / Reaper: Gabriel has a secret talent for wine and beer making, often spending months at a time making some for his wife, or his colleagues for their birthday. He'll never tell them that he made it, just that it was the cheapest in the store to throw them off his track. Gabriel was taught by his dad how to, and has since loved making it out of ingredients that you wouldn't expect, like sugary sweets or caffeinated drinks. He enjoys the time spent carefully watching it brew, spending weeks to months focused on making sure it tastes divine.
Moira O'Deorian: Honestly I like to think that Moira's good at embroidery, especially cross stitching. She was taught how to do it by her mother, who was taught by their mother and so on. It's a family gift, and she values the time spent carefully making beautifully woven creations. She used to fabric dye too, taking her time with an airbrush to make the most beautiful Ada for people to buy from her. It's her secret hobby, and it helps her to unwind especially if she can't sleep that night.
Siebren de Kuiper / Sigma: Siebren's always enjoyed writing, finding it to be the best way to express his thoughts and feelings. Over time, his writing has become more erratic, scattered, and incoherent. It's something that weighs on his mind from time to time, but he enjoys reading back his older works, like diary entries or poetry he's written. It fills him with a hope of returning to that mental state, and writing in and of itself helps him to clear the echoing thoughts that linger each day. 
Amelie Lacroix / Widowmaker: Amelie has always loved dressmaking, and considers herself to be a talented seamstress. She's always enjoyed it, and it's something even Talon wouldn't be able to pry from her hands. Amelie made her wedding dress, cocktail dresses for parties, and likes to make new patterns for future designs as often as possible. It's something meticulous, and helps to focus her mind on something that won't impact her negatively. Often, Moira and Olivia will ask Amelie to make them designs that she thinks would compliment them, but wouldn't expect her to make the dress completely for them, often tailoring it to be absolutely perfect on them. It's not as much of a secret talent as she'd like it to be, with Moira and Olivia being the only people that know about it. However, she values their opinions on her work, and appreciates the way they express their gratitude over the dresses she makes for them. It makes her feel as though she has a purpose again; one that doesn't have a road of dead bodies following her.
Olivia Colomar / Sombra: Olivia's scarily gifted at photography and photo editing. She has a secret blog and secret twitter to share her creations, to conceal her identity and prevent anyone finding them. Her works are based on her traumas, and the things going on in Dorado that she can't prevent. They're often thought provoking, bringing light to the things that people often overlook. She likes to add an element of hope into the images, and likes to add a line that adds to the work to each post. They're not popular by any means, with rarely anyone interacting with them, but she doesn't care - as long as someone's documenting the way her home is being destroyed by the violence, she's content. It's something she intends to keep private, and she doesn't want to attach her face or name to the images she's creating.
Maugaloa Malosi: Maugaloa has a talent for memorising and recalling information - even when he was a child, he was applauded for his ability to recall exact details of the smallest things from months ago. It's something he prides himself on, but doesn't talk about often enough, wanting to utilise this skill when it'll suit him the most. He enjoys the ability to memorise things, often seeing it as a weapon ready to be used whenever he needs/wants.
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outfitqueer · 28 days
20 Things We as Trans Wish We Knew Before Transitioning
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
Did you know that the journey of transitioning often reveals lessons that only become clear in hindsight?
When I reached out to fellow trans individuals and asked them what they wished they had known before their transition, here’s what they told me:
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I wish I had known that self-acceptance takes time. It’s a process that unfolds gradually. It wasn’t something that happened instantly for me.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I wish I had understood that support comes in many forms. You might not find it where you expect, but new sources of support will appear in unexpected places.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I never anticipated that my identity would continue to evolve. I thought transitioning would be the end of my self-discovery, but it turned out to be just the beginning.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“If only I had realized that the process isn’t linear. There were so many twists and turns along the way. It’s normal to feel like you’re moving backwards sometimes.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I wish I had paid more attention to self-care. I didn’t fully grasp how important it was to nurture my mental and emotional health throughout the transition.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Finding a supportive community earlier would have made a huge difference. I didn’t know how invaluable it would be to connect with others who truly understood me.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I was caught off guard by how many people wouldn’t understand. If I could do it over, I’d prepare myself for the ignorance and work on being patient and educating others.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Patience would have been a great ally. Transitioning and gaining acceptance took much longer than I expected. I wish I’d been more patient with myself and others.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I didn’t expect the emotional highs and lows to be so intense. Recognizing and accepting these fluctuations would have helped me cope better.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Finding my voice and learning to advocate for myself was crucial. I wish I had realized sooner how empowering it would be to speak up for my needs and experiences.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I didn’t fully grasp how much transitioning would impact my relationships. If I could go back, I’d be more prepared for these changes and how to navigate them.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Self-compassion was something I struggled with. I wish I had been kinder to myself during the tough times. It’s important to remember that setbacks are part of the journey.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Celebrating small victories was something I overlooked. I wish I had focused more on acknowledging and enjoying my achievements along the way.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Navigating public spaces was more challenging than I had anticipated. I wish I had been better prepared for the complexities and how to handle them.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Building resilience was essential. I learned that developing inner strength helps in facing challenges and setbacks. I wish I had understood its importance earlier.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Embracing my unique path was something I had to learn. Comparing my journey to others was unhelpful. I wish I had focused more on my own experience.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“The journey didn’t end with transitioning. Personal growth and self-discovery continued beyond that. I wish I’d known that there’s always more to learn and explore.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“Financial planning is something I wish I’d focused on more. Transitioning came with significant costs, and better budgeting would have eased some of the stress.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I should have sought out comprehensive legal and medical advice earlier. Having a better understanding from the start would have made many decisions easier.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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“I found that documenting my journey helped me a lot. Keeping a journal or recording my experiences provided a way to process the emotional ups and downs.”
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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eversincedeath · 1 year
Being transgender and transitioning from one gender to another is one of the worst things an individual can do to their body. Not only are the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and surgery extremely dangerous, but the psychological effects of this process should never be overlooked.
It is important to note that individuals who transition may experience confusion and distress due to potential identity and self-worth issues. Additionally, by transitioning one’s body, the individual is making a drastic, permanent change to their body which could lead to regret or further mental health concerns if they later decide transitioning was not the best decision.
The physical risks associated with transitioning can be major. Once an individual begins hormone replacement therapy, they are exposed to a range of medical treatments, which are often not without serious side-effects. Hormone therapy creates physical changes which often cannot be reversed. The injection of powerful hormones can directly impact the brain’s chemistry, which can have a serious impact on mental health and can create long-term medical issues.
Furthermore, the physical and psychological costs associated with this kind of transition can impact the individual’s children, too. There are many ways a child can be negatively affected depending on the type of transition the parent undergoes, the magnitude of the transition, and the subsequent environment that the child is raised in. Children of gender transitioning parents may face issues such as identity issues, social stigma, and confusion over their own gender roles. Furthermore, the new parental figure or mentor in the child’s life may not have the knowledge or capacity to provide the appropriate psychological guidance to the child which could result in further psychological issues for the child.
Transgenderism is a disorder, not an identity, and needs to be treated as such. Transitioning in adolescence has a negative impact on our growing children, with medically unnecessary hormonal treatments changing their bodies irrevocably. What seems like “binding,” “tucking,” and “dressing in drag” in “play” are damaging acts that put these children’s bodies in danger. These hormones can stunt and/or stop vital development, as well as permanently alter the body in an unnatural way. We are teaching our young people to disrespect their inherent biology and succumb to the pressures of trying to fit into a perceived “norm.”
Transitioning is not the answer. Transitioning does not help someone feel accepted, nor make them part of the “norm.” Transitioning is a journey of disfiguring one’s body, not just physically but mentally as well. It causes depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and can lead to further health problems.
Advertising a “treatment” such as transitioning as a solution to validation and acceptance in society is a dangerous practice and doing so is inherently wrong. Young minds should not be subjected to the idea of body modifications and medical procedures that affect development and health. We need to start teaching our children to respect and accept their own bodies, regardless of popular opinion or personal preferences. Not only for psychological reasons, but for the physical safety of this young generation as well.
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alwerakoo · 9 months
One aspect of rise!Mikey that I feel like gets often overlooked (and that I love elaborating on in my series) is that he seems to have the type of personality one chooses to develop by themselves.
What I mean by that is that yes - he is the most emotionally mature of his brothers and yes - he's most likely an empath by nature, but there are some moments in the series that would feel 'out of character' for a typical sunshine/heart of the group kind of character.
Probably most memorably in "Pizza Pit", where he goes on full on feral, to the point where Raph as to actively hold him down (noteworthy for this take is that he says "I'm usually a peaceful turtle"). And he does his iconic "evil" laugh. And while Donnie and Leo say: "Should we be worried about him?" "... Probably.", Raph doesn't seem at all bothered by his behavior, which leads me to think that this has happened before, perhaps while Mikey was in a not-so-good mental state, like im this episode.
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There's also "Doctor Delicate Touch" and "Doctor Feelings" (both of which I'm going to over interprete because fuck it, I AM making it THAT DEEP). What's interesting about these characters is that, while Doctor Feelings feels like something a kid would come up with to get through his emotionally constipated brothers (and seems to be a relatively new thing, since Donnie didn't recognize him like he does Dr DT), Dr Delicate Touch is more interesting. He's loud and blunt, mean, but all for the sake of accomplishing a certain goal, and as Mikey put it: "he feels nothing". He usually comes up when they run out of other resolutions to a problem, or in deeply frustrating moments. To me, this feels like a way for Mikey to vent out his emotions/resolve a problem in a way he would naturally lean towards, without the outburst impacting his role in the family or the way his brothers view him.
In short words - Dr Delicate Touch is Mikey's natural personality.
All of this leads me to believe that by nature, he leans more towards chaotic neutral rather than the chaotic good usually associated with him, and his personally would reflect that more if he grew up an only child.
To be clear - I don't think actively 'choosing' your personality or reshaping it a certain way makes it any less real, or that he's pretending in any way. This is just something some people do while growing up.
So what I'm saying is that while, for example, Raph seems to have just naturally fall into the role of a leader because of the type of person he is(as basically canonically confirmed), to me Mikey feels like he deliberately choose to be the sort of emotional support/glue to his family on purpose, and reshaped his personality to fit after.
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russellius · 8 months
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ATHLETES FOR PURPOSE: Meet the Athletes Using Instagram For Good
The Race for Mental Health Awareness
In the fast-paced world of Formula 1, there’s another race that George Russell is also focusing on - the race for mental health awareness. "I wanted to go on a bit of a journey to find how mental health can affect us and those around us," George explains. "It's something that affects us all, including myself, and there have been times when I didn't have the courage to speak up about it and talk to someone."
"At the start of the year, I saw it as an opportunity to make a fresh start," he reflects. "But making that step isn't always easy. While many of us focus on our physical health, our mental well-being can often be overlooked. That's why last year I promised to educate myself more on the subject."
Despite a busy racing schedule, George made time to meet with industry professionals to discuss the importance of mental well-being, sharing these meetings with his followers on Instagram. "During the year, I've spoken to people who volunteer their time to help those who are struggling, with the aim of raising awareness of the resources available. I hope people take away from it the courage to speak up if they are struggling with anything." One highlight was his visit to Self Space in London, the UK's first mental health drop-in center on the high street. George describes it as one of the most enlightening and humbling experiences that he can remember. "Visiting Self Space was really special, and I learned so much that day." His biggest takeaway? "The importance of speaking up in the early stages if you're struggling. So many people leave it very late to seek help, particularly men, but by removing the stigma around how mental health is perceived, we can enable others to get the support they need."
George also sat down with footballer Harry Kane, England's captain and record goalscorer, to discuss their experiences so far. They also discussed what more can be done by those in the public eye to raise further awareness about mental wellbeing. "I hugely admire Harry as an athlete and as an individual. It was a special experience, speaking with Harry so candidly about our perspectives on mental health and wellness." Sharing these conversations and being so open has garnered a hugely positive reaction from fans, fellow athletes and from those close to him. "The reaction has been very positive." he notes "It’s such an important topic and I’m really pleased to see what we’re doing having a positive impact in enabling many people, including myself, to better educate themselves."
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targaryensluttt · 2 years
a muse on fire
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pairing: aemond targaryen x fem! reader
warnings: none for this chapter, will eventually contain dirty nasty passionate smut (lol)
notes: this is my first fanfic, so feedback is appreciated! I'll continue this if I feel like anyone cares, lol. Still deciding on a lot of things, hence the switching between perspectives. Also the title will most likely be changed I couldn't think of a good one. I also have not decided whether to fill in readers name with Y/N or ___.
dōna run = sweet thing 
Gevie = beautiful
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
Third Person
“Of course, we want him looking well. Strong for the realm.” The Queen impressed upon her .”I will portray The King as strong as his soul remains, Your Grace. It will not be an issue.” She had been given-no, rather, fought for- the opportunity to be court painter. It had taken time and countless of her works overlooked in favor of higherborn, silly lords who could barely hold a paintbrush. And now, it was time for a new Targaryen family portrait, the first one to be done by her. The Princess Helaena, a dear friend of hers, had just given birth to her twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, and an updated piece was required. Bless her soul, she suggested ___. The Princess suffered mentally, although she was blessed with great gifts, they cost her much. As one of her former ladies, ___ had become one of her greatest confidantes through the years. Since marrying the Prince Aegon (whom ___’s opinion of was not high at all) she had become more drawn into herself. Since the birth of her children, though, ___ felt her spirit bloom again, and she was so very happy for her dear friend. As a woman artist, one who also felt things very deeply and passionately, she also had trouble containing her thoughts and emotions. As children, both of them were prone to episodes, and as adults, they both would suffer still, mostly in silence. She supposed that is why her and Helaena had bonded at a young age, and she was chosen as one of the Princess’s ladies.
Y/N perspective 
My whole life, art has been my purpose, my reason for ticking. Court did not thrill me, no, but the things I was afforded to see as one of the Princess’s companions made all of the bullshit palatable. As an artist, I am an observer. The lush gardens, beautiful (and some not, inside or out, however they may try to hide it) people, exotic animals, architecture, and other finery were often my subjects in my sketches and paintings. My tendency to drift off, as I was doing then, was interrupted by the Queen finishing her walk around the room to tell her various servants how to set up for the portrait I would be creating. “Your Grace” I said, and bowed my head with a slight courtesy as she went to the door. “Helaena, will you be staying with Lady __, or would you like to take tea with me before my council meeting?” she inquired. “No, mother.” Healena said. “Me and __ are planning on doing some sketch work in the gardens!” Healena loved to sketch too. In previous years, she saw how it would calm me when I was working. She had so much going on in her head, and drawing could help her stress greatly, although her tastes were limited to the insect variety when studying things to draw. It did not bother me one bit, though. Seeing my friend in a state of peace was worth any proximity to bugs. Some of them were rather beautiful too, I thought. I had even started a few sketches of my own of the creepy crawly variety. 
With that in mind, we made for the gardens. The halls of the Red Keep were extra quiet and dull today, no doubt the bright sun having an impact on the noble’s spirits, driving them to the main lawn to laze about and enjoy the afternoon. Upon arriving, I was thinking about how I was grateful that we were headed for the private gardens, in a more secluded part of the castle. I had no desire to witness the bubble-headed people in court go about their business. As subjects, they grew tiring to study fast. While the lawn spread around the caste and had their own enormous garden, Helaena and I’s destination was to the center of the castle, a much more secluded area of gardens mainly reserved for the royal family and their favorites. I had requested the servants set up a cozy area for her and I to spend our afternoon. Sitting down on the delicately embroidered cushions, I took a moment to look up at the sky and breathe in the fresh air. As Helaena settled, I asked her, “What will you be drawing today?” , though I already knew the answer. She smiled widely, and had her personal staff bring forth a tiny golden cage and she gently popped it open, which her newest interest, an orchid mantis she had found resting on the edge of a tulip  last week, came forth. “I’ve named her Ellaira” she said, giving the bug a gentle pet while setting up a branch for him to stand on while she worked. This specimen she had found was a rather interesting and delicate one, I thought. I decided I’d sketch it too.
Third Person
As time passed, both of you engrossed in your work, neither of you at first heard the footsteps approaching. With the serving staff walking about, attending to both your needs through the afternoon, you figured it was one of them. But as the footsteps grew closer, something drew you to look up from your favorite pastime, despite being deep in concentration. Upon seeing him approach, (unfortunately with his brother slightly tailing behind him, scuffing his feet along the way, )you thought about how regal he looked next to Aegon. As if the universe was sending a signal to the people he walked amongst that their roles should be reversed. How threatening, how dangerous he must look to the untrained eyes who knew him not as you did. But the truth was, he was dangerous. Very dangerous to most. Around court, he adopted a stiff stride, quick, as if he always knew exactly where he was intending on going. This was in sharp contrast to his elder brother, Aegon, who had developed a kind of slouchy, dragging walk, who tended to go wherever he deemed would provide him the most pleasure at the moment, and was easily changeable. But today, the younger brother seemed more relaxed, more loose. His strides were longer and quieter, and from across the courtyard, he made eye contact with you, and you smiled immediately.  He slowed to a halt in front of you two. “Sister, how fare you today?” He asks, although never breaking the eye contact between you two. As Aegon stood back and kicked the dirt around his feet, the younger Targaryen even went to sit on a spare cushion facing opposite you two. The sun must have had a calming effect on him today too, you thought. The relaxed mood seemed to suit him well. “Brother,” Helaena says, “Although I am flattered by the inquiry, I wonder if your intention is truly to ask me.” she said, and giggled. Helaena was never one for subtly when it came to embarrassing her brothers. At this, his eye flickered back to his sister, as if he was just remembering to match his face with his words.  
 “Aemond, hello, my Prince.” you said, as he grabbed your hand not holding your pencil, and brought it to his delicate and full lips, laying a chaste kiss on top of it, although you could feel the extra unnecessary second he spent dragging his lips across it and inhaling your scent. At this, you felt your hand grasp his tighter, and shivered slightly, telling yourself it must have been the breeze that entered the courtyard that gave you the chill. He smirked, and let go, lingering by taking his time to remove his fingers from yours. Although the silent exchange was over in a few seconds, it did not go unnoticed by Helaena. She was far too perceptive. She smiled softly but said nothing though, mercifully, (as you already felt the blush spreading from your cheeks to your neck and beginning to bloom on your chest) and went back to observing her mantis crawl across her fingers. “Lady ___, what has been occupying yours and my dear sister’s afternoon?” You explained of his sister’s new mantis, and that was what you two were sketching this afternoon. Endlessly curious of him, you then asked him how he had spent his time. “I have been reading in the lawn, soaking up some warmth, he explained, and then added- and now am escorting this oaf masquerading as my brother to do some sword training. It is a lazy day and I could use some easy practice.” He says, while scowling at Aegon. Turning his attention back to you, he continued softly, “Although, if I had known you were in here, hiding away, I would have much rather come to seek you out earlier.”  “I do so love to be read to.” you shyly said, smiling, remembering the times he had when you were but children, and then feeling as if you should include Helaena as an attempt to dispel the mist of intimacy that had settled between you and Aemond, you lamely added, “and so does she!” But Helaena had not looked up. She held Ellaria so close to her face, and was watching intently. “What came from your pencil and mind today, dōna run?” Aemond asked, and gently reached for your sketchbook, giving you time to push his hand away if you wished. With others, you only let them see the finished piece. The facade of perfection and high standard you held for yourself and your work mattered most. Those who realized the truth of you could surely hurt you and wield it against you. But Aemond was allowed to look, allowed to take, as you had secretly trusted him more than anyone, although at this time you could not explain why. You just knew you couldn’t shake the safe feeling that bloomed within you when he was near. Taking the sketchbook from your hands, you felt his palm lightly brush the back of your hand holding the book. Taking his time to  look at your work, he gently smiled, looked up at you, and said “Gevie.” The blush that threatened to overtake you was turning into a promise, with your cheeks becoming deeper and deeper shades of red quickly. You felt too exposed for this public crowd. A loud “UGGGHH” from Aegon behind you broke the flow of conversation between you and Aemond, and you were almost grateful. Revealing yourself so fully in front of others was not yet something you were comfortable with, and the prospect of looking like a pathetic love stricken maiden in front of everyone made you want to gag. “Brother. Now. I grow impatient of ladies’ tales and doings.” Aegon moped, urging Aemond on. Unable to hold in your eye roll, you pretended to glance up to the side and let it fly. Aemond noticed though, and grinned while he rose to his feet. “Sister, ____, I have to tend to this rat, but I will see you both soon, I am sure.” Pushing Aegon forward and beginning to exit, he briefly stole a second  to look back at you and smile. In that moment, the sun shining through the courtyard roof hit his silver hair perfectly, and illuminated his features, including his exposed eye and high, proud cheekbones. In that moment, he was all you could see. He looked like a young God. He is beautiful. You could have dropped to your knees, prayed to him, and worshiped him. And oh, how you wished to. 
dōna run = sweet thing 
Gevie = beautiful
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radbandkid · 2 months
what i love about sally bowles is how human she is.
so often times in theatre, but generally in any storytelling medium, is the notion for the main character to be morally superior.
when a character makes mistakes, or is clearly in the wrong, the audience overlooks the meaning behind writing those errors and chalks it up to the author being evil.
i love cabaret because you’re conflicted with empathizing with the characters, but also wanting to yell at them to look around the chaos they’re abiding by.
i see this more clearly in dear evan hansen. those ive discussed with who dont like the musical usually explain it’s because evan is manipulative and has an inferiority complex.
but that’s what’s beautiful about dear evan hansen. he’s so representative of how mental illness can destroy not just our will to live, but our moral compass as well. evan is the literal definition of “hurt people hurt people.”
in summation, i believe a story where the audience is forced to reckon with the cruel natures of a narrator is so beautifully complex, and more impactful.
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biff-adventurer · 2 months
unpopular opinion and dt spoilers
regarding that reddit thread, i don't think it ultimately matters how the soul, memories and life force are different. i'm not big on concrete lore in general, but that's because my experience with people obsessing over concepts in lore often encourages people to behave as though there are objective truths that are unbendable/ unbreakable/ unadaptable.
also, the perspective of this original poster disagreeing with one of the commenters on the ethos of alexandria as it's laid out in the story... their argument reeks of cultural blindness and bias. it's not that their clarification isn't adding something, but rather that they prioritize the hard lore of an imaginary world over the way that world is connected to concepts in the real world. this is a mentality i have commonly encountered over the last seven years, that lulls people back into a dream to forget reality altogether.
i love it when people use lore for interesting concepts in their own stories, and when they interpret between the lines and when they exploit new possibilities from subtle details that are often overlooked. the creativity behind this involves a lot of thinking, which is beautiful to witness and exciting to explore.
the other thing is... the alexandrians are an invading force. that doesn't mean they aren't human. it means they're both. we must always remember that people can do bad things for reasons they deem acceptable. we can empathize with them, but it isn't the same as forgetting their actions and completely absolving them of their mistakes. forgiveness is the willingness to help someone who wants to change, without holding their past against them irrationally. when their behaviors begin to show a lack of remorse and reflection, that is when trepidation toward the person is rational.
and these are very broad ideas to describe a very specific kind of situation. i realize that. but what's worse to me is that people might use the specifics of this lore to completely absolve sphene and her subjects who created the system. sphene was a lovely person and i found myself weeping for her through the alexandria dungeon. i still do. but we can't forget that her choices were incredibly flawed. the same applies for the japanese empire, and how its impact echoes into society today.
my wife made some good points:
"Also yeah it doesn’t matter because the point is, their own society doesn’t have enough energy to sustain them. So they’re killing other people to perpetuate their system. Seimei ryoku is gone once it’s used to sustain the Endless. It’s easier to think of this as all these things make up a human, but the fact of the matter is these things that make up who an individual is, is nothing more than a resource to the Alexandrians. They rationalize it by people’s memories are uploaded to the cloud so they never die, truly, so you can use their parts and you’re not REALLY doing anything bad. But the thing is this kioku isn’t real. It’s not the true, spiritual memory of the person, it’s an artificial memory of that person. The real kioku is being stripped away and erased. "Honestly, I think people are getting too caught up in the semantics and the big picture is that the Alexandrian system is a place where people have culturally accepted the monetization of humanity itself."
i know it is difficult to sit in the middle between love and anger. it is a painful way to live. but it's what life is, and what being a responsible person is about. accepting the good and sifting out the bad doesn't mean something is hateable. it does mean we should encourage people to resist and deny harmful practices, even if they are culturally ingrained and therefore historically validated in the minds of the people.
people in remote parts of india believe in child marriage and in abandoning or killing infant girls because they believe girls only bring bad luck, that to do well in the future, you must rely on boys. this is what i saw in mamook during the rite of brotherhood questline. of course, they never spelled out how the villagers explicitly suffered when it came to the stillborn children, except that it produced streams of guilt and grief, and a giant burden for the survivors. but it's hard not to see them as parallels.
i truly believe this is how we're meant to see the alexandrians. they have accepted this way of life because they believe it maximizes the joys they experience by living. the writing implies it is a cultural issue. even so, as the cornservant quest in solution nine shows, they are losing important aspects of life that allow us to truly enjoy it.
so, you know... i enjoy clarity on the lore. but it hurts my heart when people use it to close their eyes to unfortunate truths.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
*knocks on door*
Your writing is BEAUTIFUL and I just want you to know this 。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。 You have no idea how much you just twisted my heart with only three paragraphs abt such a wonderful perspective we never get on Angeal shshshhsh- like seriously!! So much that I had to invade your inbox xDD (I do selfishly hope that WIP is continued buuttt that’s just me 🤣❤️) Keep staying awesome, Pumpkin!!
asdfghjk thank you <3 I have too many thoughts about Angeal that I choose to keep to myself because I don't think anyone else will care. He's a very tragic character whose narrative in Crisis Core often gets overlooked in favor of Sephiroth's, Zack's, and Genesis', even though his story is equally as tragic.
I think a lot about how Sephiroth had Hojo, Genesis had Hollander, but Angeal had his mother, the woman who raised him, loved him, and chose to keep the truth from him. She let him find out on his own about everything that was done to him and that she was complicit in. He found out that his own mother had a hand in what was happening to him and Genesis, that he was nothing but a science experiment to her, and then when Angeal confronted her about it, she killed herself. Zack walks into Gillian's house and sees her dead, with Angeal watching her lifeless body. His only response after Zack thought he killed her was "My mother did not deserve to live, and neither does her son" like THE IMPACT that statement has oof.
If I ever turn that WIP into something, it would focus on Angeal's childhood, how it shaped him as a person, his mental health before the crisis and during it (because I'm of the hc that he was depressed wayyy before the crisis).
SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE that probably makes no sense because my brain is running on empty right now lmao
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
I have a what-if question: what would have happened if Lestat didn't turn Claudia that night? If he told Louis he can't make vampire out of child no matter what?
I know Claudia was band aid for their marriage and we could clearly see wheels turning in Lestat's head when Louis was begging, he knew with a child Louis would be reluctant to leave, but what if common sense won that night and Lestat said that it's against vampiric law?
How do you think Loustat relationship would go after that? Because just before coming back with Claudia, Louis basically left Lestat (Was he intending to break up permanently? ). Logically, Lestat not helping Louis redeem himself (in his head) would drive him away further.
But Claudia was also their greatest mistake. While she definitely helped Louis with his depression, repaired some damage in their marriage, all of it went downhill because she was too young. And the way she mended Loustat, she broke them within once she aged and horror of her situation sank in (not blaming her! Loustat were incredibly selfish bargaining with poor orphaned burned girl and then trapping her in miserable life for what they thought would be eternity)
Do you think if Loustat somehow came together without Claudia their life together would go better? Do you think there was even a chance for them to repair their marriage on their own (I mean without separating for decades)? And also how much Claudia dying on Louis from burns would impacted his mental health? Would he get fully depressed? She was supposed to be his redemption in his mind and her dying would definitely affect him even though he didn't love her then.
Thank you!
Hey! So... it is important to remember that Lestat lets people go if they really want to.
I firmly believe that he would have let Louis go then, too, if he had really wanted to. I also believe that he would have watched over Louis from afar then, because he knew Louis was a comparatively weak vampire, stuck right in the rite of passage.
But... Louis didn't really want to leave. He came back with Claudia, after running off, and Claudia was an offering, an excuse. That excuse would be missing then... but Louis would have come back sooner or later anyways, because this was the home he shared with Lestat, and this was NOLA, where he accomplished so much. And because Louis loves Lestat. And the problems they have... are not from a lack of attraction or love.
I can see them enter a similar relationship to the one Armand and Louis share, later. Love and despair, and numbness, side by side, for a while. Because without Claudia as a "band aid" the focus would have been heavily on the actual issues, and even though these issues would have been hard to stomach they probably would have been resolved sooner. And as per depression - Lestat can do depression, too (does in the show, which seems often overlooked, and it is a big thing in the books). I bet he and Louis would have spent very gloomy times together, like the "laying low" in episode 5.
I could see Louis travel, alone or with Lestat as his protective shadow, and then encountering the others, the vagabonds, the revenants, the covens.
Sooner or later Louis would have come to the same realization season 2+ will bring him to, namely that Lestat is actually not the Big Bad™ out there. He would have needed to face the realizations coming with the rite of passage, and the realities of the vampires in this universe, that this is his life now, and the consequences that come with that.
He would have needed to accept himself, eventually. And by accepting himself he would have been ready to accept the love (and thereby Lestat), too.
It would have been a vastly different story, true... but I think the outcome might have been similar. In the end, at least.
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crisiscutie · 10 months
People just don't get that redemption isn't for everyone
Yes people can do it but sometimes it's best to say it's irredeemable
Sephiroth has been through so many tragedies to the point,it feels like redemption is one big joke to him,cuz he already reached the point of no return
Personally I feel like the trope of "everything is forgivable" is overused or overlooked way too often,there are things in the world that can't forgive and sometimes punishment is better than forgiveness
In Sephiroth's case, I don't think forgiveness will change anything,rather it's impossible,no one who knows him is willing to forgive him,hence some may say he has no faults at all like Hojo cuz that guy is messed up AF
Take it like this: If a guy who commits an unforgivable crime and someone says he should be forgiven based only on the fact that he was abused or insane or he went through some traumatic shit etc,it would not only feel ridiculous, it's outright selfish
Should Sephiroth be forgiven for the Nibelheim Incident just bcuz it was a crime of passion or he was mentally unstable and should get off free of guilt? No,cuz he did something terrible to others and that should be accepted
I've seen too many cases of normalisation or glorification or defence of characters' faults and apparently "you're a bitch for pointing out others' faults" these days and "it's not nice to have criticisms"
I saw some deep toxic shit about normalised toxicity in fiction lately
I mean I love Seph,but god I'm heavily aware he's evil as hell
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Yup. Sephiroth's path is set in his mind. For what reason would he deviate from his path? He decided to continue the cycle of pain. And Cloud could've continued that cycle after him if it wasn't for Tifa.
I want to state this: I'm against Sephiroth being redeemed. One reason is that no character ever deserves redemption. Redemption is a complex, grueling process that involves self-reflection, remorse, and a genuine desire to change. It requires a willingness to confront your actions and the consequences you inflicted upon others. Sephiroth, so far, has done none of this. He felt justified in his actions. And the few times when he does acknowledge what he has done? He rubs it in Cloud's face, for goodness' sake. He did this in Advent Children, 7R and even the original FF7, especially during that one iconic scene that shall not be named. Sephiroth has displayed constant cruelty to Cloud, his party and the planet. What on earth justifies him deserving redemption? Because of his awful and traumatic past?
Let me say this: the events leading up to and following Sephiroth's birth and childhood were undeniably tragic, and he cannot be blamed for them in any way. However, as an adult with the ability to choose his own path, he made the decision to inflict harm upon others, especially those who had no involvement in his suffering. As I mentioned in another post, introducing a potential redemption arc for Sephiroth would actually undermine Cloud's own arc and diminish its impact. Sephiroth serves as a warning to Cloud, acting as his dark mirror and representing the dark side of what a "hero" could become.
I would also like to mention Aerith, who, like Cloud, serves as another mirror to Sephiroth and had a deeply traumatic past. However, instead of succumbing to darkness like Sephiroth, she remained kind and hopeful. Sephiroth's redemption may also conflict with her story and role as well.
To sum it up, Redemption would require Sephiroth to question his beliefs and recognize the pain and suffering he has caused. He's not going to do that. He believes himself to be in the right, and the pain he caused to be "justice" in his mind.
And as you mentioned, it's clear that forgiveness is out of the question for him now. Cloud and Tifa, in particular, hold a deep hatred towards him and are determined to put an end to him. Tifa's grudge with Sephiroth has been largely overlooked, both by the fandom and CANON (seriously, what were the writers thinking...). But let's not forget the sheer terror poor Tifa had in 7R when she saw Sephiroth in front of Jenova's pod.
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Both she and Cloud had been scarred (literally and figuratively) by this man for the rest of their LIVES. They deserve every blow they can get on Sephiroth...
Anyways, rant over. Please stop trying to make Sephiroth "work". He was a sweet baby that became an evil bastard. Let's appreciate the good and bad of the Crisis Cutie!
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koskela-knights · 5 months
Ilmo's Arc + Ending
I might've already talked about this a bit, but @zephyrone01 and I often talked about how Ilmo's character arc/story was just... dropped at the end of the game. And in extension, the whole Cult of the Tree part up to the FBC's intervention and Ilmo's arrest.
It's sad because he is literally one of the leaders of the Cult, the mysterious group you spent a large part of the game, figuring out if they're really bad and what their motives might be. But in the end it no longer seems to have an impact on the story.
You probably have watched this silly guy in the funny commercials and, if you didn't have any suspicions, get surprised that he isn't only in the Cult, he is a main member. But in the jail scene, things are dire so you don't have any time to profile or talk to him because it quickly cuts to a cutscene which then leads to you getting chased by Scratch.
His dialogue with Saga after Jaakko's death is purely optional despite him granting the player crucial information about the Cult and it seems many people overlook him or don't know he's still there. When I watched John Wolfe's LP, he even thought Ilmo had also died until he, by accident, bumped into him. Apparently there are also glitches if you reload the chapter, he just doesn't spawn.
So let's say, the jail cutscene is the last time you see Ilmo and then suddenly he reappears at the eternal Deerfest. Feels kinda odd, to give him a whole scene in that jail together with Jaakko and Scratch/Alan and then he's never seen again.
Now, if you do talk to him after the jail sequence, he will reveal the truth about the Cult: that they were trying to protect their town and BF from the Taken. Ilmo says he will try to round up the Cult or what's left of them and then again, you don't see him until you're playing as Alan in the altered BF. He just stands there because his dialogue and animations aren't triggered properly. He actually talks about the last Return book, hinting to the player where to get the book. Here's Zephyrone01's video showing him talking and gesturing.
What I might've added to give his story a bit more closure than what we got:
Make talking to him after Jaakko's death mandatory. Unskippable. It's literally a narrative piece Saga was trying to stitch together all this time. Why is it optional???
Involve him in the Dark Ocean Summoning fight. He can be support, similar to Estevez and Casey. Honestly, his mental state aside, he was in the best physical position to actually help out, given the fact Casey and Estevez were injured. (Also, I would've loved to see Ilmo's reaction to that stage fight. His barks would've been great.) It would've helped to 'redeem' him, from being the assumed bad Cultist to helping Saga in her fight.
Maybe mid-fight, he gets a call from the other Cultists to help out in BF which explains why he got absorbed into the changed reality.
If he doesn't get involved in the fight, we could've at least gotten a brief cutscene where he and the remaining Cultists head to BF to continue protecting it or something. Again, this would help portray Ilmo in a positive light.
TLDR: Ilmo's story arc got cut short after his arrest, revealing the truth about the Cult should've been mandatory and not optional and there should've been at least a small cutscene of Ilmo going to BF to protect it before getting absorbed in the changed reality.
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brasiliangp · 8 months
The Race for Mental Health Awareness
In the fast-paced world of Formula 1, there's another race that George Russell is also focusing on - the race for mental health awareness. "I wanted to go on a bit of a journey to find how mental health can affect us and those around us," George explains. "It's something that affects us all, including myself, and there have been times when I didn't have the courage to speak up about it and talk to someone."
"At the start of the year, I saw it as an opportunity to make a fresh start," he reflects. "But making that step isn't always easy. While many of us focus on our physical health, our mental well-being can often be overlooked. That's why last year I promised to educate myself more on the subject."
Despite a busy racing schedule, George made time to meet with industry professionals to discuss the importance of mental well-being, sharing these meetings with his followers on Instagram. "During the year, I've spoken to people who volunteer their time to help those who are struggling, with the aim of raising awareness of the resources available. I hope people take away from it the courage to speak up if they are struggling with anything." One highlight was his visit to Self Space in London, the UK's first mental health drop-in center on the high street.
George describes it as one of the most enlightening and humbling experiences that he can remember. "Visiting Self Space was really special, and I learned so much that day." His biggest takeaway? "The importance of speaking up in the early stages if you're struggling. So many people leave it very late to seek help, particularly men, but by removing the stigma around how mental health is perceived, we can enable others to get the support they need."
George also sat down with footballer Harry Kane, England's captain and record goalscorer, to discuss their experiences so far. They also discussed what more can be done by those in the public eye to raise further awareness about mental wellbeing.
"I hugely admire Harry as an athlete and as an individual. It was a special experience, speaking with Harry so candidly about our perspectives on mental health and wellness."
Sharing these conversations and being so open has garnered a hugely positive reaction from fans, fellow athletes and from those close to him. "The reaction has been very positive." he notes "It's such an important topic and I'm really pleased to see what we're doing having a positive impact in enabling many people, including myself, to better educate themselves.
"Purpose is a term that is being used more and more recently. How important are each of these causes to you personally?
George - I think for some people, speaking up on mental health is seen as a weakness.
I don't think it matters what you do, who you are, or what walk of life you come from, everyone is going to have struggles at some point. I think finding ways to deal with these emotions is so important, you can't let it stay inside and let that pressure build up. That's why I encourage people to speak up and seek help when it's needed. Even having conversations like this help me.
How important has Instagram been in supporting you this year?
George- It's been great working with the Instagram team throughout the year. When we first discussed things at the start of the year, I saw it as an opportunity to educate myself on a subject that meant a lot to me.
It's proven to be just that - a real learning experience, one that has helped me understand much more than I did before, but also shown how much I still have to learn. Having this relationship with Instagram has given me a lot of opportunities, and I hope that, together, we've used them well to have a positive impact on other users.
What has the reaction been like to your content throughout the year?
George- Incredible. I've had family, friends and teammates sending me messages after each piece of work with Instagram, saying how much it means that I am speaking up about mental health. I'm pleased to see what we're doing having a positive impact in enabling many people, including myself, to better educate themselves. I've had comments from fans around the world who are now discovering more about their own mental health, which means the world to me.
What advice would you give to others based on your own experiences and what have you learned this year?
George- The one bit of advice I would give someone who may be struggling with their mental health is not to be ashamed of speaking up. Whether it's a friend, family member, a colleague, or even a professional. We all have our moments of feeling low, but it doesn't need to just be in those moments that we seek help. Mental maintenance and keeping things in that positive space is so important. Opening up is only a good thing, I'd recommend everyone to reach out for help.
You've each used your Instagram presence this year as a key way to raise awareness for each of these causes - is this something that you'll continue to do in the future?
George - Definitely. Maintaining good mental health is so important at all stages of life and I intend to continue educating myself over the years, sharing the lessons as I go. I enjoy sharing the ups and downs of life, both on and off the track, and bringing fans on the journey with me.
Mental health and wellness will always be something that I speak up about as part of that journey.
Finally, how important is it that more athletes use their social platforms to speak up on causes that they care about?
George - Very important. As professional athletes, the amount of people that see and engage with our posts is something we mustn't take for granted. There are quite a few other athletes speaking up in recent times. I really admire their courage and I'm always keeping an eye on Instagram to see what others are saying and joining in the conversations when I can.
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