#and the entire verse before that !!
valtsv · 17 days
an element of horror that the silt verses does really really really well is establishing how utterly normalised and accepted human sacrifice is in both "civilised" society and counterculture communities. "a god must feed, a god must be fed" is taken as common sense; the idea of questioning it is laughable to most people. animal sacrifice is seen as at best a temporary substitute for the real thing, and not cost-effective enough to maintain. whether lured into traps and staked to posts as offerings to predatory gods, or coerced into signing contracts that forfeit your life to the state by predators in suits and ties and butchered for parts in sterile white rooms where no one will hear you beg and scream for help, sacrifices are treated like animals, seen as less than human. prayer marks to hallow someone into a saint are branded onto the body like those of livestock. a character who will go on to become one of the most progressive actors for change in the show is introduced to us thanking a saint for their suffering (which powers the train which she takes to commute to work every day) because she sincerely believes that offering a meaningless platitude in order to lessen her guilt at her own complicity is all that she can do. not a single character is introduced to us believing in any system but the one that they've always known. the abuses and exploitation that the entire societal structure relies on are baked into the foundations so completely that imagining anything different outside of it terrifies them at first. it's bone-chillingly brilliant worldbuilding.
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lunacias · 3 months
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She's feeling a swell of an emotion at confessing all of this. She works to get it under control. /// Although he can't understand her, HAYWARD, too, is choking up a little at the sound of PAIGE's voice.
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scandals-r-us · 1 year
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You know how it is with sandia
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novella-november · 8 days
Is this fanfic friendly? I feel like an outlier.
I guess this is my sign it's time to throw together a FAQ post to link to lol.
Yes, every event for this blog is fanfic friendly :D
Though as I mentioned on my Ominous October post, for events that include multiple short stories, I encourage everyone to flex their creativity and take one of their planned short story fanfics, and at least *attempt* to turn one of them into something entirely original; rebuilding a character and story from the ground up to stand on its own two legs is no easy feat, and that is what makes it so fun!
It really gets your creative gears turning, to make an "au of an existing material" to be something entirely original, and you can be pleasantly surprised about the things you come up with!
As a few people say, its not just a matter of "filing the serial numbers off" -- you have to add in just as much *or more* as what you take out when you are turning a fanfiction into something that is original and completely divorced from its original source material / inspiration, and that is a hard, but very rewarding challenge!
Obviously, this is not a requirement (there's no hard requirements for any of the challenges, other than no cheating, including no using AI),
but if you would like an extra challenge for the short story events and you're planning on doing entirely fan-fiction, I highly recommend trying it out at least once, and seeing where it leads you--
you may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you find down that rabbit hole!
#replies#novella november#long rambly tags to follow lol#including anti royalist / anti billionaire shit#ominous october#this is what my novella november is going to be#something that WAS a huge earth-shattering fanfic AU#but before I even got past a WIP Oneshot I'd already realized that what I was planning was going to turn canon so far on its head it would#be unrecognizable and it would be much better off and more coherent if I made it entirely original#so now it is!#not only does this involve changing every single characters name#everyone is now a completely different species other than human because thats always fun#and of course we're also tackling all the issues that had annoyed me in omega verse fics since I was like 14 and liked the#creature aspects but hated the biological essentialism and misogny / caste systems#if your fantasy people have an enforced caste system you gotta actually treat that like the horror and systemic oppression it is#not just say 'biological = right' like dude what do you think people have been saying about real women this whole time????#people literally insist women are biologically inferior to men do you really think supporting that idea is going to make you sound#progressive just because your main character is a tomboy independant woman?#also like she lost all her independence as soon as she found a man to marry so uhhhhh#what happened to being ready and willing to hit the bricks if people kept talking down to you and condescending you for being a woman????#why did you go from independant badass tomboy to fainting damsel who spends all her time worrying about failing to produce an heir#so her husband can take power#instead of just straight up telling your husband#'hey I don't want to deal with the bullshit from your father how about we do the-#- socially acceptable thing and just go off to make our own independant settlement with some of the villagers who are on your side'#like your husband would literally be escstatic about this idea of finally getting out from under his dad's tyrannical thumb#and its more like way more than half the villagers would go with you not just a handful#theyve been sick of the kings shit for years and only your husband's potential rise to rule kept them in check#cus he actually cares about the villagers and goes among them#while still clearly having some biases to work through when it comes to class and gender equality
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Do y’all think Three dined out often on Earth during his exile? Like I just remember Jo’s comment about him “carrying on like the one man cheese and wine society” in Day of the Daleks and how much he was enjoying that food and I have to wonder if he ever indulged himself at local restaurants simply because he had all the time in the world now to do so.
Like at first I was thinking like, nicer sit-down establishments he might have visited with the Brig or even Liz. And then I imagine Jo would have taken him somewhere like a good burger joint, shown him a real greasy burger and I personally think the Doctor would have enjoyed that.
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Look I promise today's prompt was going to be cute, I swear to high hell it was. And no, this isn't going to be anything like canon, and yes, I don't care fix is for silly ideas and aus and dreaming.
So anyway today, instead of nosebleed, I'm writing alt prompt: begging. Spoilers for 22/12/23 streams~
TW: temporary major character death, possession, grief, suicidal thinking as a result of said grief, self harm
(Read all the way to the end for a happy ending still)
"Please!" Philza screams. "Please, give him back!"
The others at Spawn look nervously between them. Their weapons are still raised, their tempers sharp, unable to quite process that whatever is controlling Forever will not use his totems.
Philza pays them no Mind, gives no quarter to their words. Ugly sobs tear through his voice, tears dropping onto the moss and cobble that makes up Spawn. He cradles Forever's head in his lap, shields him with his body even as he runs fingers through white hair and begs a miracle from the sky.
Forever - the parasite within Forever - laughs, his whole body shaking as black blood spills from his lips and from the gaping wound in his chest.
"How quaint," the monster laughs. "Even now you still can't accept what's been done."
"Fuck off!" Philza turns down to look at the monster corrupting his dear friend's skin, snarling even as tears continue to pour. "Fuck the fuck off and give me my fucking friend back!"
"Ah but little bird," Forever's chest strains in a cough and corrupted blood splatters over Philza's cheeks. "Can't you see he's already dead?"
Philza leans further down, pulling his hands from white hair to press against the wound. There's only more gasping, cackling laughter as he bows his head and let's a few sobs pass. "No, no..."
"Let him go, Phil," a gentle hand hovers near his shoulder. "He might respawn yet - just let him go."
If Forever wasn't allowed to use a totem, Philza doubts he'll be allowed to respawn; he slaps the hand away and turns his eyes back to the heavens.
"Rose!" He screams. "Rose! Help me! Please!"
She's only promised to aid him and his children, though - Philza knows this, knows that so far across the worlds she must be weak.
"Please," he sobs again, quieter now. "Please, I can't loose him... I can't..."
The tears are no longer sobs, now just silent torrents dripping from his face. The hand comes back, resting on his shoulder as he cradles Forever's possessed, dying form, and rocks himself.
Someone strokes Philza's wings, and he almost - almost relaxes. But then there's hands on Forever- hands trying to pull him away - and he screams again; he throws himself forwards, clawing at whatever would try steal his friend.
The monster in Forever's skin laughs, but laughs as though it can no longer breathe.
"She'll help!" He begs the people around him to understand. "She- She promised... She'll help..."
Because no matter what, if he loses Forever, Philza doesn't think there'll be anything left of himself for Rose to save.
---leave off here for ambigious ending. Continue for things getting worse, and then better---
The laughter beneath Philza's chest ceases, Forever's corrupted body falling still. The form that had been taunting him goes slack, tension against pain falling limp.
Philza is intimately familiar with what that means.
Philza knows death in all its forms.
Philza turns to the heavens, and screams.
It is not the screams of before, not a begging, not a plea, not a blind hope within the world. It is a scream born of anguish, of a splintering mind, of something once great and terrible carved open and laid bare. The abyss yawns before him, the void open and wide. Once he'd skim its surface, dancing and laughing and free - now he seeks only it's embrace, the oblivion which it promises as a final, lonely embrace.
The spectators turn away, or watch, Philza doesn't know - he just screams and screams and screams, helpless to what is happening, helpless against the shattering of an already fractured mind. He thinks he might see Rose's frowning in the grass around his knees - too late, too late, too late, and he would curse them if he had the throat left to form words at all.
But he doesn't, and so he screams.
The darkness fades from Forever's body only now, only too late. It trickles into the earth, corrupting instead the concrete beneath Forever.
The moss beneath the pair of them remains pristine.
Someone tries to pull Philza away - he hears Etoiles say something about an explosion - but he refuses. He refuses, he refuses, you will carve him from Forever or you will not seperate them at all. Bury him in the grave beside his confident, burn him on the pyre with his friend, leave their bodies entangled and deep and dark their remains.
Tubbo and Fit will look after his children - they don't need a broken husk for a father, after all.
He bends all the way down, now, pressing his face to Forever's chest. The blood there is red, red, red - still trickling from his back, but only as gravity pulls it away. Philza pays it no heed as he presses himself as close as he can.
Distantly he is aware of people being shepherded away, of whispers around him - it's a curse, it's a curse that even now his mind notices the movements, the threats, keeps plotting to keep him alive.
He doesn't want to live, not in a world without the sun.
He doesn't want to live, but his chest keeps on heaving anyway.
He doesn't want to live, but suspects he might be forced to anyway; hands peel him from Forever and force him against a solid chest, and this time he is powerless to stop them.
They let him keep Forever in his lap, at least, now cropped blonde hair bloody and draped across his thighs. His own black hair is stroked, and what can he do but continue his sobbing against Fit's chest as the world caves in?
The world remains suspended in time, a frozen mess only beating by Philza's sobs and tears. It drags and it shifts, and he is too far gone to recognise the vines which reach up, entwining around his limbs.
It's only when he hears the waystone that he looks up.
Blue eyes meet brown, and Philza throws himself at Forever.
Even after a respawn fuck only knows where Forever is weak, so weak. They both tumble to the floor, Philza's quick twist putting himself below the only thing saving Forever's head from the grown.
"You bastard!" His throat is too raw to scream, his sobbing back with full force and distorting everything he says. "You fucking dumbass! You- You- You fucking idiot why did you tell me you were okay?!"
"Hi Philza," Forever's words are rote and his smile is confused.
There's footsteps, heavy footsteps, and a potato canon pointed at the pair.
Philza twists again, shoving Forever behind himself, protecting him come what may.
"Sorry, Forever, but just need to check. Clothes off, and we need to see you bleed."
"Fit!" Forever struggles the full laughter or fake scandal, seemingly too weak to do more than lean against Philza's back. "I didn't know you were into that!"
Philza hates the option, he hates it so much, but Fit's right, Fit's absolutely right - they need to know.
"It's okay," Philza keeps his body between his friends, tears still quietly pouring as he cups Forever's cheek again. "I'll help you."
The "and all I needed to do was die" isn't nearly as obnoxious as either of them want it to be.
Gently Philza helps Forever strip. It's cold, and he shivers, and there's ugly burns on one shoulder and and ugly death-scar on his chest, but not a hint of the black infection from before.
The buttons on Forever's clothes are too complicated to easily redress him. Philza slips off his haori, and wraps it gently around him. Tucks the belt in an approximation of tied, and pulls Forever properly into his arms.
"Blood too," Fit says. "I'm sorry, but..."
"No, no, I understand," Forever whispers, even as Philza hisses.
He scrapes his hand through filthy gravel, tearing the skin in an absolute mess; Forever bleeds red, and Philza grabs his hand, already pouring a splash potion on it and picking out the gravel.
He can do this, he can do this, even if it's all he can do.
Behind them, Fit takes photos, a d relaxes.
"I'll let the others know," he promises. "Why don't you two get somewhere warm, eh?"
"I don't-" Forever begins.
"Let me show you somewhere special," Philza says. "I think you'll like it."
Even in the depths of hating himself for things he cannot help, Forever has never been able to say no to that.
The children are asleep in Rose's Garden. Philza won't wake them now, and especially not with Forever in tow. Now yet - reintroductions... they'll get there, they'll get there, just not today.
But the children are in Rose's Garden, and so the nest is free.
It's a little exposed, but the hay is warm and the blankets and pillows and clothes that make it up... And it's so far away from anywhere, so far from anyone who might panic and hurt Forever before there's been time to spread the news.
It's also home.
Philza will have to put Forever back on the bunker's allow lists, but in his heart he knows Forever will always be welcome in his home.
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calebs-hangout-corner · 2 months
Legend of Shadow High I love you so much but you have so many plotholes <3<3<3
#no 1: confirming that the book and tv show happen in the same universe when that makes no sense but to choose a specific example:#Brooke and Maddie meet in this book for the first time but in the tv show they met way earlier and since this book refers to events that#happen later in the show this cannot be a case of 'this book takes place at a different point in the timeline than what we thought'#also tv show Maddie only refers to her as the new or young narrator and recognizes her as such#in the book she doesn't recognize her at all saying only she sounds like a girl indicating they hadn't met before#brooke also says that this is her first time narrating solo which contradicts way too wonderland#no 2: Monster High#we know from cupid and other mh media that eah connects to g1 mh but this one connects to g2#so either one eah can connect to multiple versions of mh (which makes sense to me and is what I believe) or the cupid from these books is#either from the mh g2 verse or not from mh at all#no 3: the books until now had only one known narrator while Brooke and Maddie claim there are multiple despite this not being the case#since Maddie always always recognizes the narrator in the books and the narrator appears to always be the same one#in reference to no 2: the point about cupid being from a different mh contradicts no 1#the only way the entirety of this book makes sense is by believing that the entire book simply plays in an alternate universe where both the#events of the show and books happened with minor differences#anyway shadow high is my favorite book and I think that despite all of this it's still enjoyable and most importantly REALLY fun#ultimately these plot holes and such don't matter#ever after high#eah#burtle screms#i like ignoring plot holes for enjoyability <3
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I usually don't like having a solid theory on a piece of media before it's finished because I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but at this point I can't ignore this.
More and more people are pointing out and realising that Miguel broke the dimension he was in because he purposely infiltrated a dimension he doesn't belong in and took the place of another version of him, thus fucking up the place and being the real anomaly. His presence there was what caused the dimension to implode.
The real lesson is: Don't fuck around in other people's dimension, NOT 'Don't mess up the 'canon' in your own dimension' but he doesn't realise this (whether purposely cus guilt or he truly doesn't realise it). You can't mess up your own dimension by going against canon. If that was the case, Miles' dimension would've imploded a long time ago if he 'wasn't supposed to be Spiderman' (and if he isn't supposed to be spiderman, then doesn't that mean he HAS no canon to even follow in the first place??). But it hasn't. Miles' dimension is perfectly fine before the Spot came in.
Obviously I have no idea how the next movie is gonna go, nor do they have to follow what a random person on the internet is saying, but this theory makes so much sense. I sincerely hope this will be revealed in Beyond The Spiderverse as the big plot realisation and I hope it will be mind blowing.
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ahagisborn · 6 months
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ancicntforged · 7 months
The Imaginary Tree explained
The Imaginary Tree is the essence of omnipresent existence, the cosmic structure that gave birth to the many worlds in the Hoyoverse. Time flows in its trunk and branches into infinite worlds, & each of its branches is a form of civilization & each of its buds is the Past & Present.
The 'Time' in the Imaginary Tree is very different from the 'Real World' on a Conceptual Level and has different Law of Cause & Effect.
Time flows in the trunk of the Imaginary Tree. This means the Imaginary Tree is the root that gave birth to the Primitive Concept of Time and is considered the beginning and end itself.
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Here Nagamitsu gives a simple analogy about the Imaginary Tree. A server that holds all game data, has all kinds of mechanism tools to generate and create. And according to herself, there are Countless Worlds in the server and Nagamitsu is one of the characters in that game world.
According to Nagamitsu, the data that's already stored on the server cannot be changed. As for the server itself, she said there is no limit. The game server called Imaginary Tree can use its saved files at any time to generate new Parallel Universes. Just like servers in online games, universes can be opened, closed or even merged.
Nagamitsu Conversation
Imaginary Space
Imaginary Space is a space in-between real numbers & real space, where Honkai entities and Herrschers powers to defy physics directly come from, it's also the cause of supernatural influences that leak from the imaginary space into reality, causing honkai ranged activity across the world.
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Honkai originally belongs to the Imaginary Space, and when a collapse occurs, the Honkai Energy and Honkai Beast leaks out from the Imaginary Space to the Real Space, and the increase in energy causes catastrophic damage such as Honkai Eruption.
It is due to the nature of Honkai in Imaginary Space that the laws of physics in Real Space fail to follow, which is why the supernatural powers of the high-level Honkai Beasts and the Herrschers are able to defy the laws of physics.
It is due to the nature of Honkai in Imaginary Space that the laws of physics in Real Space fail to follow, which is why the supernatural powers of the high-level Honkai Beasts and the Herrschers are able to defy the laws of physics.
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Imaginary Space
Firstly, an explanation on what an Imaginary Space is.
If this four dimensional space (space + time) is seen as a single "World Bubble", then all the space outside of this sphere would be Imaginary Space. Imaginary Spaces can exist in infinte amounts.
As the capability of Sirin is to connect the bond between spaces of real and imaginary numbers, she reflects what exists within the space of imaginary numbers into that of real numbers, in that manner transforming them into tangible objects. That is also why Judah was easily pierced by a Subspace Lance, as it was an intangible object prior to the transformation into a Subspace Lance, and as such could not interfere with objects existing within the space of real numbers. It is only as Sirin uses it that it acquires the various properties of tangible objects. As such Theresa is heavily harmed, as in that moment the Subspace Lance was completely reflected as a tangible, existing object.
Also, Imaginary Space is a place The Rule above all other existing Rules & the place where essence and roots were formed. Backed up again by Otto: Imaginary Space is "The place of the root of the universe, the place where the laws meet" the beginning of the place where the Universe was born & where the law met. The Imaginary Numbers framework / Space cannot be conceptualized by human logic or defined by physics.
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More detailed explanation about Imaginary Space according to Durandal.
Durandal also says something about Transcending Reality. Is this a metaphorical sentence? No, we can back it up in the Pre-Revelation story where Otto managed to save Kallen by creating a new reality/Posiblites in one of the stems in the Imaginary Tree.
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That is to say… In order to reshape the world five hundred years ago, you must transcend reality, become part of the imaginary space, and become a "slave" of the imaginary tree…
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In that miraculous moment, I was able to bring the power beyond reality from the "Tree of Imaginary Numbers" to the "Wedge of the World".
Suppose there is a room and in that space there is a large tree along with a vast ocean that has no end / endless.
We call this room = Imaginary Space
The tree we call = Tree of Life / Imaginary Tree
The oceans we call = Sea Of Quanta are oceans that contain dead Multiverse / Fallen worlds.
Imaginary Space encompasses a higher dimensional structure "Imaginary Tree & Sea of ​​Quanta", this is enough to prove that Imaginary Space is also the same" as a "Higher Dimensional Object" where one of the criteria for obtaining a "Higher Dimensional Structure" is by the higher dimensional way is in the form of a large extra dimensional space that encompasses the lower plane and so on, simply put the Higher Dimensional Space exists as a hyperspace in the sense that it is a larger extradimensional space, and encompasses a lower dimensional framework.
For IMG Tree & SoQ, simply put The Imaginary Tree houses the Multiverses that are still alive (Living Worlds) / time is still running, Sea of Quanta Accommodates dead Multiverses (Fallen worlds) the time there has stopped, the world there has been cut off from history, the events there will also continue to repeat "/ stuck in an endless loop.
Imaginary Space does not fit into the "true nothing" criteria, from the context mentioned by Durandal only leads to "Empty Space" and nothing more, and the name alone can be a clue as to why Imaginary "Space". Which means Space still exists there.
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Each leaf containing an uncountable infinite number of 11-D universes.
The Quantum Sea is described as an 11-dimensional "ether bathtub" which is defined by Manifolds and Euclidian Geometry, and sits above the mathematical framework of fourth dimensional space.
The difference between a higher dimension and a lower one is compared to the difference between a reader and a novel
I'll follow thos up later with another Cosmology post on the Sea of Quanta too.
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randomnameless · 6 months
Typing about the best wildlife scholar made me realise something -
We know Dheginsea's extremist isolationist and non-interventionist policies were motivated by his wish to stop the propagation of wars, or at least, not to create a situation where the entire continent would be engulfed in War, else Ashera would wake up and erase the population.
Which is what he ultimately believes happened - that's why we fight against him in FE10, because the plot is stupid and cannot have Yune tell him "hi! We were woken by Galdr, Ashera mistakingly believes the inverse!" before his ultimate defeat.
But thinking more about it -
The Three Heroes (tfw Lehran's not part of the gang) made a pact with the Goddesses : they had to ensure 1k years of peace else they would stone Humanity. If they wake up in 1k years and the world is in chaos, they would stone it. If not, then kumbaya.
If they wake up before those 1k years due to war, the world is stone. If they are awoken by Galdr, they should, uh, talk to each other to decide what to do.
To Dheginsea, the only person who could sing the Galdr of Release, Lehran, lost the power to do so when he lost his abilities as a Laguz : ergo, without any possibility to wake the Goddesses up with Galdr, the only way to avoid Ashera's judgment was to avoid wars for 1000 years, even if it means... well, ignoring people suffering and letting them die at your doorstep.
So, Dheginsea, if he revealed the truth about Lehran, would have started a war against Beorcs (there's no way Laguz who know the truth will accept the status quo that if they live too closely with Beorcs they die), and without Galdr : Ashera wakes up "with war" and stones everyone.
If he intervened like Lehran wanted, and had Goldoa stomp Begnion/Beorcs who enslaves Laguz? Ashera wakes up "with war" and stones everyone, since she can't be waken up with Galdr anymore.
Hell, if Dheginsea terminated Ashnard and Daein as he planned too after losing Rajaion and Almedha (what FE10 tells us... but can we seriously believe this when in FE9 he dgaf about the situation?), again we have the same situation : Ashera wakes up due to war and stones everyone.
The only reason why the cast "won" and Tellius isn't stoned anymore is because unbestknown to Lehran, Dheginsea and well, everyone in Tellius, Lehran's branded descendants (who conveniently weren't all wiped out!) can actually sing the Galdr of Release and release Yune, who can circumvent the "Ashera wakes up with war and stone everyone".
-> When Lehran lost his powers and couldn't act as an alarm anymore, the only way to "wake the goddesses before 1k years happen" is with war and their judgment would be to kill everyone.
So Dheginsea had to grit his teeth and accept every fucked up thing that happened in Tellius because Lehran - due to this world's crappy mechanics - cannot "wake up the Goddesses" earlier and ask them to withold their judgment : if there is a war they will kill everyone - they must endure for 1k years, else Tellius is doomed.
Tl;Dr : TFW "make love not war" backfired in Lehran's case, and completely fucked up the covenant they had with the goddesses and if Miccy chocked on a pretzel, Lehran's love for Altina (aka him losing his powers) would have led to Tellius being wiped out even without his own participation.
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It's wild watching Orpheus (KAOS) be the way that he is while having Talk Hozier playing full volume in my head because my brain cannot not play it whenever Orpheus and/or Riddy are on screen
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Thinking about timelines again:
Going by actual numbers/calendar, spider noir is a teenager(HS age) in 1933.
Going by an events timeline, spider noir is mid-late 20s at the beginning of the comics spiderverse event.
The ITSV movie says he’s from 1933. But they could(and have) swapped ages/timelines for characters to have them fit comic spiderverse(ish). The only way dude could be past his 20s/early 30s in ITSV is if they scrap his comcis all together, which is sad. Boooo tomato tomato tomato 🍅
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hannukahmatata · 28 days
There is nothing more fun than building a shared nonsense verse with your mutuals where your OCs are not only friends bonded through time and space, but also use that bond to absolutely roast each other
Enjoy the pantry with Luc.anis, @atohii
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abyssembraced · 1 month
Where did Ghost really go before returning to Hallownest ?
Frankly, the question that was asked of them was one that Ghost wouldn't mind knowing the answer to themself.
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Their memories... Even their early ones from when they first returned to Hallownest were hazy and fragmented. The more challenging fights they'd faced in the Crossroads and their first encounters with the bugs they'd come to call their friends still existed in their mind, yet lay scattered and untethered from each other with unknowable gaps in between, with no certainties as to even the order in which any of the events occurred.
Before that? They knew hardly anything of their past.
What did they do in the vast, endless wasteland outside Hallownest? What caused them to return to the fallen kingdom? Why did they even leave it in the first place?
They didn't know.
They typically didn't care to think on those questions much, either—it made more sense to focus on the present, and the things they knew now, rather than dwell on an unrecoverable past. Yet, here they were, being asked to recount those lost memories.
They... Could at least make an attempt?
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Grasping at those memories was hard. Though they knew for a fact that they had spent much of their life outside the kingdom's bounds, it was as though the memories of that time had never existed in the first place.
But... They could fight. Even before coming back to Hallownest, they already knew how to wield a nail. So, then... They must have met someone out there. Travellers, perhaps. Someone who taught them how to fight—or at least the basics of it, anyway. Perhaps they were even the one to gift them the nail that had since carried them through many battles, or maybe that was a different Someone.
But who? Ghost couldn't picture them. They didn't even know for sure that such a person had even existed, but it only made sense, right?
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There was only one time that they had ever managed to recover a long thought lost memory, and that was with the Dream Nail. If they were to enter their own dream once more, unlock the hidden secrets within their own mind... Would that give them answers? Would it do anything at all?
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Although... Did it even matter? The stranger's curiosities aside, they... Didn't particularly care about discovering their past. It wasn't as though whatever it was that had happened back then could be changed. Nor did they think that learning anything new about it would affect their present life. They were happy where they were right now, with their family and friends in the recovering Hallownest.
They didn't remember what they did before their return to Hallownest, but that was okay.
#ask#.🪲#🪲 ghost ic#🪲 headcanon | ghost#distrxst#🪲 verse | post dream no more#((trading a backstory ask for a backstory ask are we? dhdgshf))#((except that ghost doesn't remember Anything about their time before returning to hallownest rip dgshf))#((they weren't conscious enough to actually form memories at that point))#((even the abyss cutscene was something they only remembered In That Moment thanks to the dream nail))#((and i'm inclined to say that that memory was a special exception. perhaps due to the high quantities of void in the abyss))#((and my ooc answer honestly isn't super interesting! hence why i wrote a little ic thing instead <3))#((i think ghost just kinda. wandered around aimlessly in the wastes for several years.))#((they did meet various people! including someone who taught them to fight like they speculated))#((whether or not it was the same person who gave them their nail is something i haven't decided and probably never will))#((there was also someone who taught them sign language and how to read and write!))#((ghost didn't bring that up in their musing because they haven't realized that those are things that actually need to be taught))#((they think it's just kinda. something they've always inherently had? like their ability to understand hallownest's spoken language))#((though to be fair. at least *some* of it probably *is* an inherent ability/knowledge for them due to being a deity))#((they may have hung around various campsites and such at others' requests for a bit but they never had a permanent 'home'))#((even if people *wanted* them to stay. they'd always eventually end up wandering off on a hunt and then were never seen again))#((they never ended up wandering into any living kingdoms like pharloom either. they just stuck to the wastes))#((and they were able to gather enough soul from the lesser creatures out there for their body to stay alive. but not much else))#((they never gained enough nutrients out there to ever be able to molt for example))#((and then in hallownest where soul *is* more plentiful they uh. became entirely void biologically. and thus lost the ability to molt))#((which is why they still look like a child vessel physically))
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harveylembecks · 2 months
when the song is so annoying frank hires a chorus to sing 1/3 of the song
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