#and the anxieties of recompense
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l0vefreak · 2 months ago
In all seriousness nosferatu shouldn’t get any flowers for its depiction of the roma. The vampire as a literary genre is heavily influenced by British xenophobia and the small and stereotyped role of Roma in that literature is perhaps one of the most period consistent aesthetics of the 2024 movie. It is also something that is intrinsic to the fearmongering of the other that popularized and relied on depictions of the type in this film to instill horror in its repressed English audience. That mode sees continued use in this movie.
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sandy-writing · 6 months ago
"capitalism breeds innovation"
actually capitalism breeds a dystopian nightmare you all pretend is normal
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bamsywrites · 3 months ago
Recompense: Prologue
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Pairing: Adar x Reader
Words: 1.4k
Summary: There's a fire in your that Adar is not willing to extinguish
Tags: blood, wounds, being dragged by hair, mentions of death, mentions of slavery, orcs doing orc things.
Notes: this is more like a teaser, I guess, than a prologue, I just wanna gauge interest. Another part of And Comes Dawn will be up soon. Let me know what you think.
“Go! Go now with haste,” you hoisted the last of the small ones onto a horse. You tightened the satchel around the horse and made sure it was in place. In it was water and bread and dried food, just enough for a day's ride.
The fire from your village burning and the stars above were all the light that you had. Every horse from the stables had a rider. Most had two. It was the only hope the children had for survival. Child slaves would be no use for the labor the Orcs had planned once the people were marched to Mordor. Already, the ones who resisted were killed.
“Where should we go,” one of the older boys asked you. “What if they…”
“They will not. Dawn comes soon, and they can not travel in sunlight. Chase the sun. As fast as you can. Do not stray from that path. You will come to an elven city in a day's time. Now go!” You insisted, giving him a look that signaled he best not argue. You watched for a moment as they rode away, turning back to your village. You saw your home burning, the cruel laughs of the orcs as they rounded your people up. You had half a mind to run away, but your feet would only take you so far.
As if reading your mind, an enemy arrow sored through the sky and pierced your thigh, causing you to cry out in pain. The searing pain spread through your body like fire, and you could see spots in your vision. In moments, you were being dragged to the others by your arm, the orc grunting something to his companions in a language you didn't understand. Your teeth dug into your lips so hard that blood ran down your chin. The pain was unbearable, but you didn't need them to have the satisfaction of knowing the pain you were in.
You were shackled and chained to the others from your village, your eyes looking around for the familiar faces of your family and friends, feeling relieved that you could account for them all but anxiety gripped your chest as you realized where you would be going and what that meant for your people.
A lifetime of slavery.
For you, it was a death sentence unless you could get care for this wound.
The trek was grueling. Your leg getting weaker and weaker as you walked, you had broken off the long stem of the arrow as it was incredibly painful anytime it brushed against something, the dried blood from the wound caked and cracked on your skin. It would soon be infected if not treated quickly, which was an unlikely scenario.
You were starting to accept your fate. Maybe you'd be able to talk with the people you cared for one more time before dying. Perhaps death was better than slavery.
As you entered Mordor, the smoke filled your nose and choked your lungs. It took your eyes a while to adjust, the ash making them itch. There were pockets of men and women working, but you knew there were many more scattered amongst the southlands. They were just beginning. Soon, you were positive all of the Southlands would be here, toiling away until they were of no use to the orcs.
“Where are the children?” A rough voice bellowed from somewhere in the swarm of orcs. “Where are the fucking children?!”
Some of those around you flinched, and others eyed you, but your eyes stayed focused on the ground. The pain consuming your thoughts only lessened by the knowledge the little ones had got away. If they had not been found by now, they would have made it to safety. You could only hope.
“There were none,” answered one of the orcs.
“No children? I see men, I see women. Are you telling me not a single one of them fucked?”
Before there was an answer, the orc grabbed his brother by the throat and pushed him to the side. “You are useless.”
Red eyes scanned the crowd, a tense silence falling over it. Red eyes landed on the blacksmiths son. He was lanky and notoriously cowardly, altogether unpleasant. “You, where are they?”
Instantly, his eyes darted to you, and there were rough fingers digging into your cheeks and forcing you to look at him. “Tell me and tell me now.”
You looked the orc in his eyes, surely if you were going to die, why not make it fun? Besides, these creatures had stolen your home, your people, your freedom. You were tired of living under boots, tired of having no say, tired of being treated as lesser.
When you didn't speak quickly enough, the orc's fingers dug harder into your cheeks, “Speak, girl.”
“It is quite hard to gather one's thoughts when orcs smell so atrocious.”
In a flurry of movement, the orc had a knife blade pressed into your cheek and twisted it until blood poured down past your lips and onto your chin. “I would watch your words and tell me what I want if you wish to keep your tongue.”
“We take celibacy very seriously,” your voice was hoarse as you spoke. “Ever since the blacksmith had a son that was such an affront to basic decency, we have all sworn off intimacy as to not risk making more like him.”
The orc pressed his blade harder into your cheek until more blood poured, “You think you're so funny now, let us see what Adar has to say.”
He released your face, throwing you to the ground and grabbing your hair as he dragged you away. Your feet desperately tried to find footing underneath your body, but the pain from the arrow made it impossible, along with the muddy ground, causing your feet to slip. Rocks and branches nicked your skin as you were dragged along until your body was covered in bruises and scratches and blood mixed with mud on your skin. The time was achingly slow, filled with agony, but it only fueled the anger in your belly more.
Soon, you were taken into a tent and thrown across the floor. You tried to stand, but your leg gave out, your eyes darting around the tent. Many more orcs stood there and at the center was what looked like an elf but burns and scarring and the tone of his skin made your suspect he was something darker than an elf.
“What is this pathetic little thing?” The not elfs voice was low and deep as he eyed your form.
“A villager, Lord Father, there were no children with them, and she knows where they are. I feel she needs to be taught respect”
You looked up at the orc, “You brought me to your father for him to reprimand me for being unkind to you?”
The orcs darted from you, and then to Adar, you were intrigued by this display of restraint.
“She's got quite a tongue on her,” Adar spoke, his armor clacking as he made his way to you, “Perhaps we should remove it.”
He kneeled down before you, his fingers dancing over what was left off the arrow. Even the small movement caused immense pain to shoot through your body.
“Where are they?” He asked as he twisted the wood, causing you to cry out in pain.
“I will not tell you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
You spit at his feet. “I will not allow the children of my village to butchered.”
Adar stopped, “You think us too cruel. Our interest is not for bloodshed. Small fingers make easy work for finding small ores for our armor.”
You stared at him with narrowed eyes, “Slavery is little better than death.”
“Is that why you taunt my children? You fear slavery more than death.”
You didn't speak, simply looking into his eyes with contempt. He looked back, contemplating you. It was as if he was looking into the eyes of someone he knew but had long forgotten, something he knew everything about yet nothing all at once.
“Leave us.” He stood, his attention turning towards his ‘children’, all of whom followed his command.
The room was quiet for a few moments before you broke the silence.”I suppose you are going to kill me now.”
“No, I'm going to heal you now.”
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ally1uvsu · 26 days ago
Someday I’ll get it. | Choi Su-bong (Thanos) x Nam-gyu
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⨉⠀⠀─⠀⠀Series .⠀›⠀Trans Namgyu Week 2025⠀‎ꪆৎ day 4; pregnancy — Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3
·⠀warnings info⠀· NSFW — . wc; ?k
summary; It was something Nam-gyu didn’t understand- he didn’t get why this was happening to him. He already felt super conscious over his body and gender and now.. this? It had been a long time since the games ended, and Nam-gyu only slept with one single person inside that hellhole. A certain purple haired man he hadn’t seen ever since the police found the so called mysterious island.
info; Trans pregnancy, anxiety, set as NSFW because mentions of drugs, thoughts about abortion, anxiety, and etc. Reuniting, crying, initial angst, happy ending yay!!, they get kicked outta the library lmfao, fighting, Nam-gyu fighting someone while pregnant.. they’re both soft as hell in here, anxious Nam-gyu, this is like tooth rotting fluff near the end so yay
notes; NGL I WAS REAL HESITANT WRITING THIS CUZ IDK WHAT Y’ALL’S OPINION WOULD BE!… but in req of one of my friends and a huge amount of begging, here I am to post it… ALSO SO SORRY FOR THE BURNT OUT PHASE AAAAAA 😭😭😭 I’ll post the rest of the week soon I promise pls
Nam-gyu's life felt like a perfect heaven ever since leaving the games, despite for some factors. Losing contact with someone he held dear up until now, Thanos. But even as it made him sad and upset, Nam-gyu didn't let it drag him down.
Life went smoother ever since he got a good amount of money for surviving the games when that island was found, all the alive players were recompensed and escorted back safely, but during the hassle of people, Nam-gyu lost Thanos and never really saw him again.
He quit his joh as a club promoter, rather sticking to something he'd actually like to do rather than staying up most of the nights up, he opened a bookstore nearby the house he lived. It wasn't the most crowded but it became a comfortable ambient. And with the money he still had, he managed to live pretty comfortably.
But not all happiness could last forever, could it?
A month later or so after the games ended, he began getting sick. It was weird, Nam-gyu had a strong immune system and had a good diet, so he didn't understand why he was sick.
Assuming it was just a cold, he went on for the first couple of weeks throwing up and just feeling like his hormones were all over the place. 
The last thread for him was when he missed his period. He had a hundred things running through his mind but none of that indicated the source of the problem.
Now, sitting down in the mattress of a hospital room after a few exams, Nam-gyu was waiting for his results. Sure, he could treat whatever he had with money, but what if it was something that couldn't be cured? Hell, he'd be screwed. Not because of the money but because he considered himself a pretty active person.
His thoughts were brought back to reality as he heard the door softly clicking open and a few footsteps walking inside the room, causing him to lift his head up to meet the warm eyes of a nurse. She looked.. oddly cheerful, so maybe Nam-gyu wasn't sick? Or.. something else? She looked a bit too happy for his own liking.
"Mr.Roh?" She called out gently, making his stomach churn with unease. But nevertheless, he gave her a brief nod. "Yeah, yeah that's me." His heart was beating so fast- he swore he could feel it all the way up in his throat. Swallowing hard. The seconds seemed to go by so slowly, and then finally, she spoke up. "Congrats, Mr. Roh Nam-gyu. It seems like you're going to be a father." 
A what.
Nam-gyu froze, his heart that was once thumping so loudly in his ears seemed to stop all of a sudden.
A baby? Being a father as in.. he's pregnant?
He swore he could throw up all over again, he wanted to scream but also cry in the same moment- but nothing came out of him. He sat there, frozen, staring at the nurse who was once  ecstatic but now was eyeing him worriedly.
"Mr.Roh? Are you okay?" She asked tentatively, walking towards him gently and setting the clipboard aside, holding his arms in her hands. As if on clue, Nam-gyu snapped back to reality. Nodding and forcing out a smile. "Yeah, yeah. That's uh, wonderful news." The man said, swallowing every urge to let out everything he felt in the moment. "I'll get going now."
Nam-gyu then grabbed whatever papers he needed to take, plus the sonography. "Mr.Roh, wait—"
But Nam-gyu was already fast walking out of the door, running, even. He stopped by his car, head a mess. Who the fuck was the father then?
Getting inside the car, Nam-gyu buckled himself in and turned the gear on, resting his hands firmly on the steering wheel.
"Pregnant." He uttered, the words ringing inside his head. Nam-gyu tried to recall who could he have possibly slept with, he has been careful ever since leaving the games and..
Oh shit, of course! The fucking games.
Thanos, he remembered having sex with him during lights out without even thinking about protection, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Nam-gyu had a whole fucking kid inside of him and the father of the baby was nowhere to be found, at least by Nam-gyu. Thanos had a kid and he didn't even know that he was going to be a father.
He could abort it, right?
He bit his lip, for some stupid fucking reason, Nam-gyu couldn't bring himself to fully accept it. He wasn't sure why, really. But he just couldn't fully accept ‘killing’ this.. thing inside of him.
A frustrated groan left his lips, banging his head against the steering wheel and causing it to accidentally honk. He immediately looked up to see some startled pedestrian giving him the nasty look, and Nam-gyu just did it back.
He sighed, thinking about it out in the streets wouldn't do it. So instead, he just began driving back towards his house, maybe he'd think it out better over there.
The drive felt longer than it usually did, maybe it was because of the mess going through his head. He couldn't exactly record getting to his bedroom, but here he was, changing into pajamas and staring at himself in the mirror, a tentative finger poking his belly.
He cringed at it, pregnant. What the hell would he do? Sure, he had the money, but he didn't have people around, family, friends, hell he basically had no one. Money wasn't a problem, it wouldn't be but.. there was also dysphoria, the fact that Thanos wasn't here. Thanos didn't know he was going to have a kid, fuck this kid wouldn't have another parent.
It was around one in the afternoon, but Nam-gyu felt utterly drained. He just.. got under the blankets, staring blandly at the wall. He gripped the sheets, not sure how to feel about it. He felt mad, angry, sad, he just didn't get it.
Despite the fact he stayed in bed for the rest of the whole day, Nam-gyu didn't get a wink of sleep. Even if he knew that sleeping would do good for his thoughts, it wasn't that easy when your mind was having a huhdred thoughts to think under an hour.
Maybe he could take a walk, hell, if he was in any condition to he'd probably go to a club and get high.
And then it hit him, right! A club, if there was any place Thanos would be, it'd be a stupid club. More specifically the club he used to work at.
Getting out of the warm comfort of the bedsheets, Nam-gyu tiredly changed into something somewhat more proper for getting out, not overdoing it. This time, he had decided not to drive, maybe taking a walk would do him some good.
The breeze felt soft outside, caressing his hair. The faint smell of something he couldn't quite explain brought him a sense of nostalgia for no reason, and his chest felt like it was being squeezed with every step.
He wasn't sure why he was reacting like this, maybe he was just overwhelmed? A whole baby growing inside of you.. already nearly three months old wasn't something to take lightly.
He wasn't sure if Thanos actually would be there, but not going was better than nothing, right? 
He eyed people all around, some were laughing, some were together walking in silence. So many people could be going through this but no, the universe chose him.
Quickening his step, Nam-gyu followed the all too familiar pathway towards the Pentagon club, a shuddering sigh leaving his lips when he spotted it not too far from him.
It felt weird to be back after such a long time, for some reason, his stomach churned with anxiety. It was still a tad early, so he gave the bouncer his ID and paid for whatever he had to pay for, also allowing a wristband to be put around it.
His eyes scanned the people who were already inside, biting his lip as he moved to get through the crowding space. And then, finally, he spotted Thanos sitting there, drinking.
All of a sudden, the feeling that Thanks should know about this kid completely fucking vanished. It was as if his feet were rooted to the spot just by the familiar sight of that purple hair— what was he thinking? It had been months ever since they saw each other, why would Thanos want anything to do with him?
His gaze practically burned the back of Thanos' head, and yet, Nam-gyu couldn't look away, hell he could barely move.
So, rather than just standing there when he finally came back to it, he decided to maybe just drop it. Turning around quickly, Nam-gyu rushed out of there as quickly as he possibly could, not looking back.
With his breath ragged, Nam-gyu barely looked at whatever was going on in front of him, by accident, bumping into someone and causing them to spill their drink. "Man, are you fucking kidding me?! What is wrong with you?!" The guy asked, and Nam-gyu snapped out of it, scrunching his nose in disgust at the smell of the strong drink.
Normally, he'd be used to these kind of smells, but maybe things really do change when you're pregnant. A snort left his lips without him really being able to stop it. "Bitch, who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" Well, maybe his hormones did make it a bit harder to control his temper.
Maybe it was because of how used he was to fighting people, but Nam-gyu completely forgot that things like this could harm the baby. Instead, just focusing on the moment. "You fucking spilled my drink and you expect me to not be pissed?!" The guy yelled through the loud booming music, and hell if it didn't piss Nam-gyu off.
In matter of seconds they were onto each other, kicking, throwing punches, and by that point the people around began forming a circle just to watch what was going on. Some were recording, others were just egging them both on.
Nam-gyu ended up with a split lip and a bleeding nose, but he still had the advantage. Swapping their positions until he was on top of the man, his knuckles making contact with his face fiercely and unwavering, it felt strangely good.
It felt so fucking good to let everything he has been feeling out, so good to finally express his emotions through fights— he would have kept it up longer, in his opinion. But the second he heard a very familiar "Nam-su!" He immediately stopped.
He let go of the shirt he was holding, a fistful in his hands as the guy collapsed back with a bloody face. Nam-gyu cursed himself mentally, of course a fight would bring this idiot's attention considering how chaotic he is.
"My boy Nam-su! Is that you?!" Thanos said cheerfully, but before the other man even managed to do anything, Nam-gyu began running away from the scene.
That of course confused Thanos, did Nam-gyu not want to be his friend anymore? Did the money make him forget about their moments together?
It had been so long.. so after a few seconds of thinking, Thanos decided to take the shot of running after Nam-gyu.
Running out of the club without thinking twice, Thanos looked to both sides to where Nam-gyu could possibly have gone to, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he began asking a few people passing by.
"Have you seen a man a bit shorter than me? With a bob and running as fast as he can?" Was what he asked around five people when he managed to catch their attention. Without much luck, Thanos sighed, running a hand through his hair. Did Nam-gyu forget about him or he just didn't want to talk to him?
And yet, as he was about to give up, he felt a hand tap his shoulder, meeting the face of a young woman. "Hi.. I think the person you're looking for went in there."
Thanos nodded, a smile suddenly sprouting in his face as he thanked her, immediately rushing inside what looked like a library. Smart idea, libraries were normally big.
He stepped into the library and took a look around before he actually began walking around, he guessed he might just be unlucky considering he couldn't spot Nam-gyu's familiar face anywhere.
Maybe he might as well leave the other alone if he really had been avoiding him like the plague? It was as if nothing ever happened between them.. and it kind of stung.
And then, by that point he just decided to take a walk through sections, chrck out a few books. Thanos wasn't really one for books, so maybe this could be somewhat of a new experience.
And just like that, he began plucking a few books from a couple of shelves. Carding through the pages and reading the story summary. On a specific book he pulled, though, he was met with all too familiar eyes across that bookshelf.
"My boy! Nam-su! It's really you?!" Well, wasn't that great. Maybe the universe just really wanted them to meet up again, didn't it?
Nam-gyu didn't really have somewhere to run, so he just stood there with his stomach churning as he heard Thanos' quick footsteps padding against the floor towards him, shit. "Nam-su, my boy!" Thanos said as he threw his arms around Nam-gyu before pulling back to hold him by the shoulders. "I missed you so much, bro! How have you been?" He said with a bright smile. 
Normally, Nam-gyu loved that smile but this was a whole different occasion.. he swallowed hard, not replying. "Why have you been avoiding me? Do you not wanna be seen with me anymore? Shit, do you not like me because of the drugs anymore? Is it because I don't give them to you anymore or have the—"
Nam-gyu felt his head throb, his throat tightening as he remembered why he hasn't been talking to Thanos and avoiding him. Maybe it was how his hormones were all over the place but he really, really felt like crying. And when Thanos mentioned not wanting to be seen with him anymore and all the drugs they'd take inside that place— it just broke.
He felt those tears come up his throat, choking him alive as he tried to speak. Even as he did, his voice was cracking as if he was about to have a whole breakdown. "I—" he choked out, feeling something warm and wet slide down his cheek, biting his lip, he ducked his head down with a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." He finally managed out, feeling half of the weight come off his shoulders.
Thanos in the other hand, stood frozen. He stared at Nam-gyu and then he looked mad— for a second Nam-gyu would think Thanos was going to lash out. "Wait, you're pregnant? Why you cryin'? Did the asshole abandon you or something? You can abort it, right?" Thanos said with a angry gleam in his eye, it was the first time Nam-gyu saw him like that. "I swear if I see him around—"
"Thanos, it's yours." And Thanos' world fell, Nam-gyu was pregnant and.. it was his? He stopped speaking, mouth agape as he stared at Nam-gyu's tear streaked face. "Holy shit." He said, unsure of whether to laugh or cry. "I'm a dad?"
Nam-gyu nodded, sniffling. Okay, Thanos didn't take it that hardly. "Wait, if you're keeping it— I'm a dad?" He said again, nearly not believing the sheer insanity of it all. 
Nam-gyu nodded, letting out a relieved chuckle. His chest wasn't as heavy, even if he was crying, it wasn't out of anxiety or fear anymore. "I'm keeping it, yeah." He nodded, and Thanos let out a loud cheer, catching the attention of some people.. and the librarian. "Hey, keep the noise down. You're in a library." She scolded sternly.
"Can't you see we're having a moment here?" Thanos said, a tad annoyed the moment got interrupted. "Well, then you can both enjoy your moment outside."
They did get kicked out in the end, after all. But even then, he was practically beaming. Once they got outside and walked towards an empty park, both too lazy to walk towards their houses, they sat down.
Well, at least Nam-gyu did. Thanos was right on his knees in front of him, which confused Nam-gyu, because why wouldn't he sit down next to him?
But then, Thanos pushed his thighs apart and leaned his ear into his belly, even though it was barely really prominent, he insisted on doing it. The moment felt rather peaceful, quiet and silent until Nam-gyu spoke up. "I thought you'd be upset, that's why I avoided you." And Thanos scoffed, shaking his head. "I wasn't lying when I said I loved you back in the games, Nam-gyu." And Nam-gyu swore his heart skipped a beat.
"You're such a sap."
"You love me, though." Thanos gave Nam-gyu that stupid smirk of his, but nevertheless, Nam-gyu nodded. "Yeah, yes I do." He paused, a sigh of relief leaving his lips. "And so does this kid, I guess."
Maybe this was something Nam-gyu wouldn't get now, why it happened and why him, but maybe.. someday he would get it. He wasn't alone with this baby anymore now, and that was enough for the moment.
Everything else could simply be figured out later.
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bokettochild · 1 year ago
Bit of a weird question, but how do you think Legend (or any of the Links, really) would handle getting separated once the quest is over?
I'm personally of the opinion that he and Warriors would be the ones to figure out a way to visit afterwards, but that's mostly because I hate found families breaking apart to go home after the plot ends. I also like seeing takes where one of them doesn't return to their original time for one reason or another.
Time is used to this sort of thing; losing everyone after it's all over and not able to go back. If anything, I think he drifts into a short depression but eventually moves on. He doesn't try to get back to them because none of his efforts with similar incidents ever did any good, so he really doesn't see the point in trying this time. Instead, he tries to make sure to take care of the world he has to pass to them.
I think Four would be a bit broken up about it, but he's also used to saying goodbye to brothers once the adventure ends. He might dabble a bit with trying to find a way back to them, but he;s very cautious for fear of bringing back anything else, so eventually gives up and/or get's distracted with a way to bring back Shadow instead.
I think Sky would probably consider trying to use the time gates to visit the others, maybe he succeeds, maybe he get's lost for a bit and Zelda has to pull him back to their time so they can fix the gates to do what they want, maybe it works. I think he'd try though.
I think Wind and Hyrule would be broken up about losing their brothers, but they have too many responsibilities in their worlds (rebuilding their Hyrules) to really get to dabble with ways to meet the others again. I think they'd handle the loss well though, as they're bright souls and still young enough that change isn't as shattering for them. Not knowing any horrible future fates also makes letting go of the others easier, and they help themselves process it by trying to remind themselves that the others can now be at rest and at home.
Twilight and Legend would take the loss terribly. The vet keeps losing people so I think it'll really break him, and Twilight's fear for Time, for Wild, for all his brothers who he can no longer protect 100% gives him constant anxiety. Depression and a need to find a way back to the others probably take them over until either they do make it back to see the others again or they give up in despair (hence why Twilight's spirit lingers beside Wild as the Old Wolf)
Wild, obviously, is so busy rebuilding Hyrule and going through TotK that he doesn't really have much chance to do much more than miss his brothers. Post TotK though, he and Zelda probably do look into time traveling around if/when they find out Zelda's time powers.
Warriors though, Warriors probably confronts Cia and demands visitation rights as recompense for the war, Zelda backs him up. Cia is willing and the heroes get established visiting times so they ca keep up with each other. I will take no discussion on this, Warriors refuses to leave his brothers alone and sad, he will visit them even if he has to beg Cia for it.
(And if Cia doesn't agree, Nayru sort of owes Legend her life, and she's definitely got a soft spot for him, so I can see her allowing him to visit his brothers as long as he promises to not screw up the timeline.)
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incomingalbatross · 4 months ago
Well. Here is SOMETHING for the @inklings-challenge. Thank you as always for the challenge! I had some trouble with this one, and am not sure how it ultimately came out in terms of completeness, but I am attached to it and glad that it's written.
Team: Tolkien (time travel)
Theme: Instruct the ignorant
The thing of it was, when a person washes up on your beach, it’s presumably your responsibility to take some kind of care of him. This goes double for unfortunate teenagers who have already taken on other extraordinary responsibilities, like “battling the forces of chaos and darkness;” as has been said more eloquently elsewhere, somehow the consequence of stepping up for hard jobs is that you turn more and more into The Person Who Does The Hard Jobs.
Which meant that, in between maintaining their equipment for sealing up cracks in reality, trying to figure out where the cause of said cracks would strike next, and looking over potential colleges for next year, Kathleen was sitting by a Mysterious Stranger’s bedside and wondering what they’d do with him when he woke up.
“What if he’s dangerous?” she observed — half to be contrary, but not without genuine anxiety — to her brother.
Brian shrugged. “He didn’t seem like it when I found him.” Maybe because he’d been the one to find the young man lying in the surf, or because he was the only one so far who’d seen him with his eyes open, Brian’s eyes held much more concern than wariness. “Seemed scared.”
“Which doesn’t contradict ‘dangerous.’”
“No, but we definitely shouldn’t start by giving him more reasons to be scared.”
Kathleen was about to answer, when something caught her eye. She could swear the man’s eyebrow had twitched, which was an odd movement for an unconscious person…
She narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing his face and breathing.
“He’s faking,” she said accusatorily.
Brian followed her gaze. “He is?”
For a second, they both just watched the man. He remained very still.
Then he groaned and opened his eyes.
“Oh no,” he said in a monotone, looking from one ot the other of them. “Two teenagers are holding me captive. I’m so scared.”
And that was the first thing Kathleen learned about Brian’s mystery beach rescue; he was sarcastic, proud, and, if he didn’t get over those traits, likely to be killed by his own ego.
The second thing she and Brian learned was that (in keeping with her first impression) he was astoundingly uncooperative.
"Where am I?" he demanded, and then blinked at their answer (Nantucket) as if he wasn't sure it actually meant anything. "What day is it?" and "How did I get here?" also got polite responses, and no clear reactions from him. When they started asking questions, though, he apparently had never heard of fair recompense -- he clammed right up.
“What’s your name?” Hostile glare.
“Where are you from?” Silence.
“Do your remember how you ended up on the beach?” Defensively hunched shoulders, and an even more hostile glare.
Brian stood up and stretched. “Are you hungry?”
“…I suppose.”
Finally. Things their mystery guest would respond to, apparently: 1) a chance for him to make a snarky response and 2) offers of food.
Unfortunately, this was not a breakthrough. The evening continued in a frustrating vein, as their guest unbent enough for sarcasm but not for information. He seemed to be judging them on one level or another at every moment -- he was baffled by their food choices, observed dinner prep with silent scrutiny, and glared fiercely at Kathleen's phone. After dinner, he requested paper and a pen, and then huddled in a corner with the notebook Brian found for him and began scribbling away at it.
“Shouldn’t we decide what to do with him, now that he’s awake?” Kathleen urged Brian. “We should at least make him explain something.”
Brian, stubborn as always, shook his head. “There’s a ot we haven’t explained to him yet,” he answered, “and he’s a lot more disoriented than we are. I say let him think some stuff through, and then wait for a good chance to break the ice again.”
“A chance?” she repeated. “And what kind of chance is that going to be--”
The household siren went off.
“This might be it!” Brian leapt up. Kathleen hurried after him, stopping in the entryway to grab their equipment before running outside.
Evil never rests, and neither did the aforementioned forces of darkness and chaos. It had been a while since one showed up directly in front of the house, though.
Behind them, their guest -- apparently also capable of being moved by curiosity, or at leas sirens -- stumbled to a halt at the sight of the rip in the evening air. Strange lights twisted through it, like sun glittering off of waves, or snowflakes spinning in the wind, and discordant sounds came through.
Kathleen pulled a sheaf of papers out of her pack, handed one copy to Brian, and unfolded her own. “If you want to help, read over our shoulders,” she said to the guest. Then she took a deep breath…
And began, as usual in these situations, to sing the Psalms with Brian.
It didn’t have to be psalms; they’d gotten good results with anything they really knew well, sacred or secular, and sometimes you needed something you knew all the words to. But chanting the Office wasn’t hard, as long as you paid attention, and you never really ran out of material. The even, measured progression of verses worked just as well as modern music’s strict meter, if not a little better.
By the time they wrapped up the final Gloria Patri, the rip had closed itself, knitting back together into plain air without anything coming through.
Kathleen sighed in relief.
“Did you just sing that shut?” their guest demanded.
All right, so maybe it was an ice-breaker. Kathleen looked at his wild eyes, and decided to take pity on him.
“Sort of,” she explained. “We don’t know exactly what these are, but they… they destabilize things, left untreated. They mess with… order. Reality. It’s messy.”
“So we treat them with order,” Brian added. “Order and harmony and stability. Reciting poetry can work too, if you really concentrate, but singing is the best defense. It usually works as long as we catch them soon enough!”
“I know it’s freaky --“ Kathleen began.
But the man cut her off. “Singing,” he repeated incredulously. “That’s -- it’s so primitive --”
Kathleen’s eyebrows climbed toward her scalp. “Do you have a better suggestion?” she asked. “Any input on our local threat to reality that we’ve been trying to figure out for five months?”
If anything, this made him look more furiously stunned. “I -- that --”
He looked between them, as if searching for a sign. Then, abruptly, he thrust forward the notebook Brian had given him.
Kathleen took it, Brian crowding next to her, and looked down at the page.
October 25th, 2022?
Once upon a time, there was a man who had grown up in a place of darkness and dangers.
"The world is splintering," someone (who?) told him, when he was small. "All we can do is try to stop the cracks."
He believed this, solemnly, and he grew up training himself to fight. The darkness and the dangers were not natural things -- or not wholly, anyway -- there were people who encouraged them, made them worse (why? why would anyone?). Seeing the results, the instabilities of the world in their wake, filled him with horror from his youth. There were other people, of course, who thought and planned and built to repair those instabilities -- but he was a fighter to his core.
(Who did he fight?)
One day, there came a day when he was on an expedition with other fighters, and those they protected, striking out from their stronghold to stop another danger to the world. When they found the wicked people, the man took the lead in the fight. Alone at the front, the enemy surrounded him. There was a moment when he understood, fully and darkly, that he had fallen into their power.
Then all was dark.
(Who was he? What was the enemy? Who were his comrades? Where did he live? What were the dangers? What was his name?
What is my name?)
“...Oh,” Kathleen said, looking back at their mystery guest. A mystery, apparently, to himself as well.
“I recognize the disturbances,” he said, looking not at them but at where the rip had been. His fists were clenched. “Nothing else. This -- what I wrote is all I have. Just an outline, like a story in my head. Everything since waking up here has been strange to me, and what I can remember is blurred.”
Kathleen looked at Brian in silent consultation. They’d been dealing with these disturbances for months, but he’d been fighting them all his life. What he’d written sounded remote, not just in form but in content, and if his memories were true…
“There’s something else that might help,” Brian said quietly. “We think… we think the rips might be openings between worlds. Or between times.”
Their guest closed his eyes, but then nodded. Somehow, he looked steadier than he had all day. "Well," he said, straightening, "I suppose even knowing that is something."
And Kathleen realized, with a sudden twinge of empathy, that sometimes the Hard Job they had to do was, in fact, just giving the news of a new job description to someone else. Like every other Hard Job, this one promised to be more work down the road... but at least neither they nor the castaway was figuring it out alone, she supposed.
"You tell us about the rips," she said, handing back his journal, "and we'll explain frozen pizza."
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acevid · 4 months ago
AREI: Person E, I want a bedtime story! 
WHIT: I’m busy, Arei. I’ll tell you one tomorrow. 
AREI: If you don’t tell me a story, I won’t go to bed! 
WHIT: Once upon a time, there was a person named Arei, who always wanted things their way. One day, their friends got sick of it and locked them in the basement for the rest of their life. Everyone else lived happily ever after. The end. 
AREI: I don’t like these stories with morals.
DAVID: What do you do for a living? 
TERUKO: I exist against my will.
XANDER: Oh, hey, I didn’t see you come in! You should have come by and said hello! 
CHARLES: Oh! Yeah, I uh... 
CHARLES: Didn’t want to bother you. 
CHARLES: Or talk to or listen to or be around you.
VERONIKA: What are you eating? 
J: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. 
VERONIKA: I like you, don't I?
ACE: I am strong! I beat David at arm wrestling! 
TERUKO: Anyone can beat David at arm wrestling.
*Everyone is giving advice to David* 
ROSE: It's okay to ask for help. 
HU: You're not a burden. 
NICO: Murder is okay. 
XANDER: Your feelings matter.
EDEN: Can you PLEASE peer pressure me into doing my project? 
CHARLES: Do it or you're straight. 
EDEN: I said peer pressure, NOT THREATEN!
CHARLES: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Whit.
WHIT: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
XANDER: Levi is off at an appointment, so while they’re gone, I’m going to cut the sleeves off all of my shirts. 
HU: Why? 
XANDER: They’re like 90% of my impulse control.
CHARLES: Do you take constructive criticism? 
EDEN: Not without crying
NICO: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you. 
NICO: Ask me to kill for you. 
ACE: ...First of all, calm down the fuck down—
MONOTV: I give you a cursed amulet! 
VERONIKA: Cool! It’ll make me look cute, and the shadow that follows me will make me more active, I’ll get out more!
ACE: David, I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee! 
DAVID: Rebuke? Is that a word? 
ACE: You have all invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions! 
LEVI: Do you have a word-a-day calendar too?
DAVID: What do you mean too??
ROSE: So, Person E, do you have a crush on anyone? 
NICO: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
DAVID: We’re having a moment, aren’t we? 
TERUKO: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.
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illarian-rambling · 1 month ago
Thanks for the tags @the-golden-comet and @willtheweaver!
Range of Emotions Tag
Rules: Choose one OC at a time, search any of your writing featuring that OC, and share passages where that character expresses each emotion in this list: joy - anger - sadness - anxiety - fear - disgust - embarrassment. Bonus points if the emotion is implied but not listed in the text by name. If there’s a reason the character does not ever express one of those emotions, feel free to share that reasoning instead.
I'm listening to their playlist right now, so let's go with Avymere!
Joy: (When I tell you this was hard to find)
Avymere looked up at the stars and took a deep breath. The faintest of tears glimmered in their eyes and Elsind imagined perhaps they were searching for someone up among that shining trove of heavenly treasure.
“I forgive you,” they finally said. “My father wronged you and yours terribly. I love him and will miss him every day of my life, but I can see now how murderous some of his actions were, even if he didn’t intend for such things to happen. Ignorance is cold comfort to the dead and dying.”
You’ll kill that eikodoro beast just like she killed your father—in front of a godsdamned cheering crowd.
Cold settled like a heavy mantle over Avymere’s shoulders, or like a frigid crown upon their brow. It was enough to drive back the desert heat. Enough to cause them to clench their teeth against chattering—though perhaps that was from a different chill. The kind with silver plating and blood-spattered fists that lurked like a stubborn nightmare, rather than the frigid weight of promised recompense.
It was easy for the Duchon to put one foot in front of the other by the time the caravan started moving, despite the omnipresent ache that came with every breath. Everything was easy if you had a purpose.
Up ahead, the caravan traveled at a fair pace, horses clopping on their merry way. Avymere stared at a pair of lizardfolk laughing riotously as they rode atop one of the wagons. Not longingly, of course. That was far too undignified for the Duchon—Archduchon now—of Salis. However, whatever emotion they did feel was exquisitely close to such.
Avymere shifted their weight uncertainly. How to go about this…. How do I comfort him? Have I ever comforted someone? Normally, I have people to take care of that sort of thing for me. Think now; how did I keep Father on track when he was worried about something? But they aren’t the same whatsoever! Bright gods….
For several breathless moments, the Duchon waited to hear the sound of gunshots from behind. It never came, though. The pounding of armored feet passed, heading resolutely after the false trail.
It was only then that their lungs gave out. Avymere put their back to the wall, knees threatening to buckle, shaking as they gasped desperately for air. As much as their arms ached, they didn’t set Elsind down. They didn’t dare. When their breathing finally calmed, words spilled like tears from their lips.
“Oh gods…. Oh gods, what am I going to do?”
Elsind’s face gave a slight ripple that Avymere took to interpret as a slow blink. “Avy, I need you to understand this: you just broke the biggest bone in your body and had surgery to fix it, not to mention your ribs are about two steps up from gravel. No one will mind if you go out in your pajamas. Also, crutches? Yeah, no, there’s a wheelchair folded up under your bed that they brought you here in. You’re gonna be stuck in that several weeks, if not months.”
Avymere frowned at both of those statements, though the first had them somewhat baffled. What do they mean ‘go out in’ my pajamas? Is that… a thing people do? How desperate does one have to be to sink that low?
Still facing away, Avymere tried to curl in on themself, only to wince as a line of agony shot up their leg and chest. Part of them wanted to push Elsind back. Their friend’s presence was like sand on the wound in their mind. If they could just be left alone, no one else would have to be subjected to their pitiable weakness.
“Everything feels so heavy,” they mumbled instead. “I…. I can’t bear to face it. I just can’t.”
“Oh, Avy….” Elsind sighed sadly. They got up and, from the sounds of things, began to put together a small tray of food.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Avyemere choked out. Even talking brought pain to their leg, as well as leaving them out of breath. “I should be strong enough. I’m meant to be. My people deserve better.”
Lots of emotions there, for such a stoic fellow. Just not a lot of happy ones. I'll tag @mk-writes-stuff @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @nczaversnick @astor-and-the-endless-ink @sergeantnarwhalwrites and anyone else who wants in :)
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astroyongie · 9 months ago
Why Do I Behave This Way ? - Psychology Answers
Note: we are finally to start another topic, this time with why do I behave this way. for this section we will go through the following questions: “Why Can't I Focus?”, “I Am Getting Old, Why Do I Keep Wanting Things?” “Usually I Am Well Behaved.. So Why Did I Lost My Temper?” “Why Do I Lie To People When They Ask Me Something?” “I Have Phobias: wWhat Can I Do?” “Last Week I Did Something Dangerous.. Why?” “Why Do I Keep Watching The Same Shows’” “Why Do I Embarrass Myself In Front Of Important People?"
“Why Can't I Focus?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
Everyone knows what attention is but few really knows how it works
In psychology, attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on a discrete aspect of information, whether considered subjective or objective, while ignoring other perceivable information.
There’s several types of attention such as: sustained, selective, divided and alternating. 
The information received from our senses passes through the brain's processing system, but is weakened so that it can pass through the system at an unconscious level
Which is the reason we are able to do things without fully paying attention to it or through mechanical actions. Yet our subconscious is still able to visualize the entire information, it just processes it to keep the most important information. 
For example in some cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder, their brain/subconscious is unable to filter the information which makes them sensitive to stimulus and more aware of their environment. 
To resume it all, our attention is a dynamic and competitive system. During the processing of information, our attention amplifies some information while inhibiting others. 
To the question, why can't I focus, can have several answers. Anxiety and other psychological disorders or symptoms can have an impact on the brain processing system,  but the most common known impact is screen time 
The problem with screen time, such as phones or laptops or tv, it's the fact that they put all the things that attract attention together in a practical package, and add some addictive brain chemicals for fun.
One can be more sensitive when looking through a phone. you are receiving a text and your brain’s attention focuses on that.  After the text, you will see other notifications and this process is proven to have the same effect than opiates drugs have. 
Of course the process of focusing can also have other origins and will depend on your health and your environmental factors around you. 
If you are interested in more of these topics you can check the works of Broadbent, Cherry, Skinner, Treisman and Helmholtz as they have the best insight on attention and perception theories in psychology and neurology.
So what can we do?
The first thing we can do is try to understand why it is causing us to lose focus. Is it the screen time? Is it an underlying medical condition? Is it your emotions? are there any other bio-environmental factors? by pointing out what is causing the trouble, we can start working on it
We humans, we possess a limited quantity of attention and thus it's important to try and care for it the best we can
Some solutions can be used to try and regain focus on your everyday tasks such as: limiting screen time, using a reward recompense system with your causes of losing focus, setting boundaries and limits to when and where to use screen time, helo through medication and/or therapy depending on each one case 
You can also re-learn to stay focus. For that you can start doing simple activities like: studying (without screen time), reading, practicing yoga or meditation, playing board games or doing cognitive exercises specialized in attention. 
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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mcginnlawfirm · 11 days ago
What type of damages can I expect to recover?
Every cloud has a silver lining, but when you're an accident victim, that lining may be the damages you're entitled to in a personal injury lawsuit. Understanding your legal rights after an injury isn't just about justice; ensuring your recovery is financially secure is crucial. Shaped by legal precedents and statutes, the landscape of personal injury law is complex and frequently misunderstood.
A labyrinthine array of damages awaits those who navigate the personal injury claims process, from compensatory to punitive, and understanding them is crucial to your lawsuit's success. Whether it's the medical bills piling up today or the nebulous calculation of pain and suffering, each category plays a pivotal role in rectifying the harm suffered. With various damage types ranging from concrete to abstract, grasping their nature is the first step toward full recompense.
In the following article, we dissect the assorted damages potentially recoverable in a personal injury lawsuit, shed light on their nuances, and offer insights into the multifaceted interplay with insurance companies. Prepare to dive deep into the distinctions between compensatory and punitive damages, unravel the threads of economic loss, and empathize with the less tangible yet equally significant, non-economic impacts of personal trauma.
At McGinn Law Firm, we've helped countless clients navigate the complexities of personal injury law and secure the compensation they deserve. Let us guide you through the maze of damages and help you understand your options.
Contact Shawn McCann today for a free initial consultation at 712-328-1566. Let's work together to build a strong case and secure the compensation you deserve.
Types of Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
In a personal injury lawsuit, damages refer to the monetary compensation sought by the injured party (plaintiff) for losses due to another's (defendant's) negligence or intentional conduct. These damages are intended to restore the injured person to the position they would have been in had the injury not occurred. They can generally be divided into two main categories: compensatory and punitive damages, each designed to address different aspects of the harm caused.
Compensatory Damages
Compensatory damages are the most common form of financial restitution in personal injury cases. This monetary compensation is intended to cover the injured party's tangible and intangible losses. Compensatory damages can be further subdivided into economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages, also known as special damages, are designed to cover quantifiable financial losses directly attributable to the injury. These typically include:
Medical expenses include the costs of medical treatment, hospital stays, medications, physical therapy, and any future medical care related to the injury.
Lost wages: compensation for the income the injured party lost due to time taken off work for recovery.
Future earnings: projected losses in income if the injury leads to long-term or permanent disabilities that affect the ability to work.
Property damages: costs to repair or replace personal property damaged due to the accident.
Out-of-pocket expenses are any other monetary losses, such as travel expenses to medical appointments.
Non-economic damages, often called general damages, aim to compensate for an injury's subjective, non-monetary costs. These are equally important and not as easy to quantify as economic damages. Examples include:
Physical pain and suffering: the discomfort and distress caused by the injury.
Emotional distress: compensation for psychological impact such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.
Loss of enjoyment of life: for the decrease in the quality of life due to the injury.
Loss of consortium: awarded to the spouse or family of the injured party for the loss of companionship and the impact on the relationship.
Punitive Damages
Unlike compensatory damages, punitive damages are not designed to cover the injured party's losses but are intended to punish the defendant and deter similar conduct in the future. These damages are only awarded in cases where the defendant's behavior was particularly harmful, showing willful disregard for the safety of others, malice, fraud, or gross negligence. Punitive damages go beyond the actual harm caused and are determined by the severity of the wrongdoing rather than the extent of the injury. It's important to know that punitive damages are not available in all cases and are typically subject to statutory limits depending upon the jurisdiction.
When considering a personal injury claim, consulting with an experienced lawyer can help clarify which damages might be relevant to your case and assist in accurately calculating the full extent of compensation required for your recovery.
Medical Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Medical damages represent a significant portion of recovery in personal injury lawsuits. These expenses arise from the need for medical care following an accident or injury caused by another party’s negligence. Covering the full spectrum from immediate treatment to ongoing care, medical damages are quantifiable costs essential for ensuring that an injured party receives adequate compensation to address their physical health.
Medical Bills and Expenses
After sustaining an injury, the accumulation of medical bills can be immediate and overwhelming. Compensation for medical bills covers all forms of necessary treatment:
Emergency room visits
Hospital stays and surgeries
Diagnostic tests (X-rays, MRIs, etc.)
Physician and specialist appointments
Medical equipment and prescription medications
Healthcare providers typically document these expenses thoroughly, which helps personal injury lawyers accurately calculate and substantiate these financial claims.
Future Medical Expenses
Some injuries require long-term or even lifelong medical attention. Future medical expenses account for the projected cost of continuous medical care, including:
Follow-up surgeries or procedures
Long-term medication
Future doctor visits
Necessary medical equipment adjustments (like prosthetic updates)
A detailed prognosis from medical professionals can help predict these costs, ensuring the injured party is compensated for current and potential future medical needs.
Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity
Injuries can impede an individual’s capacity to work temporarily or permanently. This section of damages compensates for:
Current lost wages due to missed work
Potential future lost wages
Loss of earning capacity if the injury prevents the injured party from returning to their former employment or from obtaining gainful employment at all
Calculations for lost wages consider previous earnings, and estimations for loss of earning capacity may involve economic and occupational experts.
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Costs
In addition to immediate medical treatment, recovery often necessitates rehabilitation and physical therapy. These costs include:
Physical therapy sessions
Occupational therapy
Counseling or psychological services for emotional adjustment
Any specialized rehabilitation programs
Given the recurring nature of these services, the cost can contribute substantially to the overall financial burden of recovery.
Cost of In-Home Care or Assisted Living
Severe injuries may result in the injured party needing assistance with daily activities for a limited time or indefinitely. Compensation may cover:
In-home nursing or caretaker services
Assisted living facilities
Modifications to home or vehicle for accessibility
Understanding the injured party’s need for in-home or long-term care services is crucial for accurate compensation and can be ascertained with the help of medical experts and life care planners.
By clearly itemizing and anticipating the various financial impacts of an injury, personal injury lawyers can comprehensively argue for their client's needs, engaging with insurance companies or through litigation to secure just recompense for the full extent of medical damages.
Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Alongside economic damages, non-economic damages are critical in personal injury lawsuits. Though intangible and more difficult to quantify, these damages are essential for compensating accident victims for their suffering and loss's subjective, non-monetary aspects. Non-economic damages include physical pain and discomfort, emotional distress, reduced quality of life, loss of enjoyment of activities, and loss of consortium. Because they aim to compensate for non-financial impacts, the valuation of these damages often requires the insights of a personal injury lawyer. It may involve expert testimonies about the injured party's quality of life and well-being.
Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering refer to the physical discomfort and emotional anguish an injured party endures due to their injuries. This can encompass the immediate physical pain from the injury and any ongoing discomfort experienced during recovery or due to permanent disabilities. The calculation often considers the severity of the pain, its duration, and its potential chronic nature. Because pain is highly subjective, personal injury lawyers commonly use various methods to argue for a fair estimation of these damages so that their clients receive the monetary compensation they deserve.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life
Loss of enjoyment of life occurs when the injured party's injuries prevent them from engaging in hobbies, sports, and other recreational activities they once found pleasurable. This aspect of non-economic damages recognizes that life’s value is not merely in being alive but also in the ability to enjoy living. Whether it's due to temporary immobility or long-term restrictions, such a loss profoundly impacts an individual's happiness and overall contentment.
Emotional Distress
Emotional distress includes psychological effects an injury can have on a person, such as anxiety, depression, fear, and insomnia. Unlike physical pain that is easily documented with medical records, emotional distress might require the testimony of mental health professionals. Courts will often consider how these emotional ailments have affected the individual's day-to-day life and relationships.
Loss of Consortium
Loss of consortium is claimed by the spouse or close family member of an injured party and addresses the loss of companionship, affection, and partnership resulting from the injury. It recognizes that the effects of an injury extend beyond the individual to their loved ones. This damage type can include the loss of support, both emotional and physical, and the strain on marital and familial relationships.
Loss of Quality of Life
When injuries lead to long-term disabilities or permanent impairment, the loss of quality of life becomes a significant component of non-economic damages. This includes the individual’s inability to perform daily activities and tasks they had once completed without challenge. Factors such as the individual's independence, the need for assistive devices, or modifications to home and transportation can all underscore a reduction in quality of life that warrants compensatory damages.
A personal injury lawyer aspires to ensure that monetary compensation reflects the tangible and intangible aspects of the aggrieved party's suffering by addressing these non-economic damage types. This holistic approach to restitution underscores a commitment to the full spectrum of justice for accident victims.
Special Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Special Damages, also known as economic damages, are quantifiable and typically cover losses with a specific monetary value. They are out-of-pocket costs incurred directly from the injury or accident. Special damages differ from non-economic damages in that they can be documented and calculated through bills, receipts, and financial statements. They include medical expenses, property damages, lost wages, and other measurable financial losses. A personal injury lawyer will gather evidence such as invoices, pay stubs, and repair estimates to establish the injured party's economic losses and argue for compensation.
Property Damages
Property damages in a personal injury claim stem from physical damage to the claimant's possessions, such as a vehicle, home, or personal effects. The aim is to provide the injured party with monetary damages equivalent to the cost of repair or replacement. Property damage calculations are generally straightforward, relying on appraisals, repair bills, and current market value assessments. When determining compensation, an insurance company or court will look at the property's condition before the accident compared to after, factoring in depreciation for items that cannot be completely restored.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Out-of-pocket expenses are costs paid directly by the injured party due to the incident. These can include medical bills not covered by insurance, prescription drug costs, travel expenses for medical appointments, and purchases of medical equipment or modifications needed for recovery or disability accommodation. Documenting these outlays is crucial, and accident victims should retain all relevant receipts and records to ensure they are reimbursed for every expense.
Loss of Services
Loss of services refers to the inability to perform household or other services because of injuries. If an injured party cannot manage tasks such as childcare, home maintenance, or other domestic services they usually would handle, they may claim compensation for the cost of hiring others to perform these services. In these instances, estimates and invoices from service providers are used to document the value of these lost services.
Loss of Future Earnings
When injuries are severe enough to temporarily or permanently impair an individual’s ability to work, loss of future earnings can be claimed. This monetary compensation addresses wages, salary, commissions, or bonuses the injured party would have reasonably earned had the injury not occurred. Calculating these damages may require economic expertise to project earnings over time, considering factors like inflation, career progression, and the individual's work-life expectancy.
Loss of Business Opportunities
Loss of business opportunities damage is relevant for business owners or individuals poised to advance their careers or businesses. When an accident or injury causes a foreseeable business deal or growth opportunity to fall through, the injured party may be entitled to compensation for these unrealized profits. Proof of such losses can be complex, often necessitating financial records, contracts, and expert testimony to substantiate the claim.
Ensuring total compensation for personal injury damages, including all relevant types of special damages, necessitates a comprehensive understanding of current and potential future losses. Whether through negotiation with an insurance company or litigation, the assistance of a dedicated personal injury lawyer can be invaluable in articulating and proving the extent of these damages.
Determining Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Determining the appropriate level of damages in a personal injury lawsuit is crucial. This determination involves calculating economic and non-economic losses suffered by the injured party. Economic losses are the measurable financial aspects of harm, often called special damages, that include medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. Non-economic losses, or general damages, encapsulate the more abstract components such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. A personal injury lawyer may collaborate with medical professionals, economic experts, and actuaries to ensure a comprehensive damages tally. These professionals can help predict the future impacts of an injury, providing a more robust projection of both immediate and long-term needs for monetary compensation.
Documenting Medical Treatment and Expenses
Medical documentation is the cornerstone of substantiating a claim for personal injury damages. All medical expenses, from emergency room visits and surgeries to physical therapy and rehabilitation costs, must be meticulously recorded and presented. To fully capture these medical expenses, injured parties should compile:
Detailed invoices from healthcare providers
Receipts for both over-the-counter and prescription medications
Costs associated with medical devices and assistive equipment
Proof of payment for related travel expenses
Insurance company reports and expert testimony might also supplement these records, anchoring the claim to solid evidence and establishing a basis for requesting reimbursement or awarding damages.
Gathering Evidence for Pain and Suffering
Evidence for non-economic damages like pain and suffering is more subjective but equally important. To document the depth of these experiences, several types of evidence are gathered, including:
Personal journals documenting daily pain levels and emotional well-being
Testimony from family, friends, and employers detailing observed impacts
Psychological evaluations that can confirm emotional and mental distress
This evidence supports the assertion that the injury has negatively affected the injured party's quality of life, justifying compensation for pain and suffering.
Consulting with Experts to Determine Long-Term Impact
Determining the long-term implications of an injury often requires expert input. Medical experts can offer opinions about the necessity and duration of future medical care, while economic experts project losses like:
Future earning capacity
Career progression
Additional education or training needs due to injury
These projections can help calculate fair compensation for the injured party, encompassing potential future scenarios resulting from the injury.
Assessing the Impact on Daily Life and Relationships
Finally, assessing the injury's impact on daily life and personal relationships is vital. This evaluation can include the effects of:
Loss of consortium (impact on the relationship with a spouse)
Reduced ability to engage in social activities or hobbies
Increased dependency on others for basic needs
A structured settlement or lump-sum award may factor in these qualitative aspects of personal injury damages, recognizing that monetary compensation can only partially redress such profound personal losses.
In managing a personal injury claim, a victim's advocate—the personal injury lawyer—will shape the narrative that encapsulates all damages, working to secure an equitable resolution that reflects the full spectrum of the injured party's experiences.
The Role of Insurance in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
An essential player in a personal injury lawsuit is the insurance company. Often, these companies are responsible for compensating for damages to the injured party. When negotiating with insurers, an experienced personal injury lawyer becomes crucial. The lawyer's expertise helps in navigating the complex process, which often involves:
Initial Claim: The process starts when the injured party or their representative formally notifies the insurance company of the claim.
Communication: Regular and meticulous communication with the adjusters is essential to advocate for fair compensation.
Documentation Submission: The injured party must provide all necessary documentation of their damages, including medical bills and evidence of loss of income.
Settlement Negotiation: Based on the evidence presented, the lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company to reach an agreement that covers their client's damages.
In these negotiations, insurance adjusters may attempt to minimize the amount paid out by disputing the extent of injuries or the necessity of specific medical treatments. A lawyer counters these tactics with evidence and expert testimony, aiming for the best possible outcome for their client.
Understanding Insurance Coverage Limits
Insurance coverage limits play a critical role in personal injury lawsuits. The maximum amount the insurance company must pay under a policy is these limits. It's essential to understand how these limits can affect the compensation the injured party receives. The main points to be aware of include:
Policy Limit: Each policy has a stated maximum for payouts, which can limit the monetary compensation available.
Multiple Policies: In some cases, more than one policy may be applicable (such as the defendant's personal liability insurance and business insurance if the injury occurred at their workplace).
Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage: The injured party's coverage may kick in if the at-fault party's limits are too low or lacks insurance altogether.
An adept personal injury lawyer will thoroughly review all applicable insurance policies to identify all possible sources of compensation and understand the limits of each, ensuring their client receives the maximum available within the insurance coverage framework. Where insurance cannot cover the damages, the lawyer may seek the balance through a lawsuit against the at-fault party directly.
Insurance Aspect
Policy Limit
The maximum payout allowed under an insurance policy.
Multiple Policies
Additional policies may provide further coverage.
The amount the policyholder must pay before insurance coverage kicks in.
Coverage Exclusions
Specific conditions or incidents that are not covered by the insurance policy.
Subrogation Rights
The right of the insurance company to pursue recovery from the at-fault party.
Navigating the intricacies of insurance in a personal injury lawsuit can be complex, but understanding the role of insurance and the coverage limits is essential for the injured party to recover the most comprehensive compensation possible for their losses.
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year ago
Letter to Eugène, February 1810
After Napoleon had given Josephine the boot in December 1809, Eugène had wanted to return to Milan as soon as possible, once the legal procedures were settled and Josephine had gotten over her first shock. But, as things always go when Napoleon is involved, plans changed, and while he had wanted to leave Paris immediately after the New Year's celebration, Eugène found himself still in Paris by February. Ample occasion for more correspondence between viceroy and vicequeen.
Auguste to Eugène, Milan, 7 February 1810 Fenaroli returned last night, the King of Naples took another route, despite having announced himself... I hope he will know that everything had been prepared to receive him as king.
Is it me or does somebody sound slightly piqued here? This must refer to Joachim Murat returning home to Naples after Napoleon's "divorce" from Josephine. With relations between Murat and Eugène being rather strained and Murat having to pass through the Kingdom of Italy on his way to Naples, they obviously had not wanted to add fuel to the fire, and Auguste had been ready to welcome Murat with all royal honours.
And then the guy doesn't even show up. Typical.
I flatter myself, my friend, that you will not follow his example and that you will take the shortest route to get here. Besides, you must know what a delight your arrival will be to me and to the whole kingdom, whose anxiety grew the longer you were away. I have therefore been careful not to mention the Grand Duchy, as this would cause widespread alarm.
The Grand-Duchy in question being that of Francfort, that Napoleon had promised to Eugène in recompensation for the Kingdom of Italy. And Eugène likely loosing the Italian crown is also the reason for the anxiety in the kingdom that Auguste speaks of. The Italians were not stupid and probably already suspected that their viceroy would not return to them at all. Which might not have concerned them all so much because of him, but because they saw their viceroy as the one thing that stood between them and being annexed to France.
Though Auguste does see some personal attachement, too:
On this latest occasion, we were clearly shown how much people love us. The Emperor can't be angry about it, because we don't intrigue for that, and our way of thinking has always been and always will be the same. 
Interesting that Auguste even assumes Napoleon would be angry about the vice-regal couple being well-liked in their Italian domain. As she has not met Napoleon since her wedding in Munich.
To tell you the truth, I don't believe in this new destination that we are supposed to receive, but our good conscience must compensate us for an oblivion that would otherwise be very painful, and that would only afflict you because of me, I know; but don't you know me, my sweet husband, and don't you know that with you and my children I will always be happy? I am young, but events have taught me to appreciate grand things as they ought to be seen; so don't torment yourself because of me, and think only of the happiness I shall soon feel when I embrace you and tell you in person that I love nothing in this world like my Eugène; this feeling will last at least as long as life itself.
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sliceroftpeirweirisles · 1 year ago
Whumpuary 2024 Day 2
2. (Jan 03-04) "Get away from me" / Collapse / Choking
Lup doesn’t realize what Cyrus Rockseeker has truly done until she finally seals him into the vault. She leans heavily against the sealed door, panting from the pain burning between her shoulder blades. Her duties are over and the grand relic she had created is finally out of anyone’s reach. She should be relieved…
Lup’s breathing remained labored as she walked away from the door. She had to get home. Barry and Taako were waiting, and she’d already been gone far too long. Barry was probably overworking himself with the anxiety of being alone. And Taako… he was more than likely inconsolable. Taako never really handled being alone well. It wasn’t until she realized she couldn’t take a deep breath that she understood the gravity of what was happening.
She recognized the signs of dying. 
Her hands started to feel like ice as Lup looked at them with curiosity. Silverpoint. The poison in her bloodstream was quickly staining her blood vessels. She knew she didn’t have long.
This was always the uncomfortable part. Dying quickly and painlessly was always a good way to go, but the slow ones were always the worst for her. She didn’t have the luxury of comfort from her friends as she collapsed against the cave wall. Lup rarely cried during these times either. She never really did cry unless something traumatic was happening, or if Taako was there to witness her dying. This time though, she felt like crying. The pain of being poisoned was an intense pain she wasn't prepared for.
This cycle was supposed to be the one that stuck. She wasn’t supposed to waste her physical form this early. Perhaps this was for the best. Recompense for starting a war they should have never started to begin with. 
Lup noted the slow sensation of the pain releasing from her body, but she couldn’t catch her breath no matter how hard she tried. It felt like drowning with no water in sight. She couldn’t even cough. So she just closed her eyes and waited as the sounds of her own choking reverberated off the walls.
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makibeni · 2 years ago
Ch. 41- My Jealous Little Monster
Himeno jostled the lock on her apartment door, turning the key with an exhausted frustration. A day of stress and anxiety finally nearing it's sundown. The satisfying click of the pins falling into place finally rang out and she managed to get it open, haphazardly tossing her coat in the general direction of the rack while loosening her tie after barely taking a step through the door. By the time she noticed the lights were off she'd already walked too far to bother turning back, stumbling her way towards the fridge. She noted the uncharacteristic quiet that filled the room, opting not to question the momentary peace she'd been granted. She opened the fridge, a refreshing mist of cold air wafting over her as the buzzing light brightened her view. She reached for a can of cheep beer, cracking it open with a satisfying hiss before closing the door, turning her head and locking eyes with her little devil.
"Where have you been all day?"
Power glared at her with an accusatory stance, her arms crossed with a scowl across her face.
Normally Himeno would have brushed it off, the bratty little devil starved for attention, throwing her a bone meant little more than a smile and some words with an apology dinner dangled in front of her face 'till she relented, but something didn't sit right with her. It was Power's tone, spat at her when she barely had the energy left to take it, she spat back in a reflexive urge to express her discontent.
"You promised to take ME out today!"
Power didn't relent, too many broken promises in too short a span of time had simmered her feelings of discontent. She wanted an apology, sincere recompense, and she wanted it now.
"Look I was busy, okay? Kobe-"
Himeno had little energy left to placate her outbursts, wanting nothing more than to throw herself down on the couch and laze about 'till she slept.
She barked with a wounded anger, spitting out words that had clearly been lodged in her throat for some time now.
"Am I not good enough??"
Power mumbled, wanting to be heard but not wanting to admit it, for Himeno to understand her pain that she didn't know how better to convey.
"Powy are you... jealous?"
The words slipped from her mouth with a giggle she couldn't suppress.
Before she could clear up the lighthearted misunderstanding Power's face had grown red as she growled angry rebukes of the accusation. She ran to the first room she could find, slamming the door behind her and locking it shut. Himeno let out a discontent sigh and walked over.
"Powy~ come on... come out so we can talk"
Her words fell on deaf ears, not so much as a grunt from the other end, furthering her annoyance.
"You wanna hear about my day...?"
She knelt down by the door, thinking to explain herself. If Power was at least listening on the other side she may as well take the opportunity, assured that the little devil couldn't maintain her petty tantrum all night.
"I was in the hospital you know..."
She paused, enough to give the girl time to respond if she wished to express her concern. After a few seconds of fruitless awkward silence she noted Power seemed to lack such inclinations.
"Had to carry Kobeni there after she got jumped by a pack of devils"
Again she waited, this time prompted by what she thought was a sound coming from the room, but Power didn't say anything more.
"Anyway... I stayed over till she woke up, y'know? Make sure she's safe and all that. Makima was there too so, when she woke up I came straight home, I didn't even stop at the bar or anything, promise!"
She wrapped up her little story, figuring the little devil seemed disinterested with this approach.
"Come oooon, 'ya gonna be mad at me all night?"
One last attempt at baiting her out with words, hopeful she wouldn't have to resort to something that took any more effort tonight but to no avail.
"Well, nothing to it i suppose, guess I'll just have to wait here till 'ya feel like coming out..."
She pulled the crumpled pack of cigarettes from her pocket, tapping it on her knee and forcing one out. The sound finally provoked the little devil on the other end and the lock began to turn.
"Finally ready to talk?"
The devil puffed her face up in a bout of frustration as all her pent up feelings finally reached a boiling point. No longer able to contain herself, she lunged for the first thing in sight and ripped Himeno's cigarette from her hand, stuffing it inside her maw with a look of irritated defiance and awaiting the woman's response.
The last remnants of Himeno's playful expression finally crumbled away, the day's worth of stress and exertion had robbed her of any desire to maintain her composure. She stuck her thumb in the little devil's mouth, sliding it past her sharpened teeth to the back of her jaw and using it as a wedge to pry her mouth open as she slipped her other hand in to retrieve her cigarette. She gave it an apathetic shake to get some of the saliva off before placing it between her lips and digging out a lighter from her back pocket. Her other hand still firmly planted in Power's muzzle, though she had put up little resistance as of yet.
Himeno struck a spark then held the flame up to her cigarette, taking a long, barely satisfying drag before blowing the smoke in Power's face, finally pulling her hand away as she started to cough. The little devil turned, words filling in her chest as the ashy burn stained her throat.
She grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her along, Power anxiously following behind. She'd managed to provoke Himeno before, gotten on her nerves, sure, but this was a side of her she hadn't seen before, one that scared her. The woman dragged her over to the couch and shoved her down before getting on top of her. She felt herself pinned, unable to wriggle her way free.
"Don't struggle."
Himeno put a finger up to Power's face, holding it up as she finished off the beer can in a single laborious action before crumpling the can in her hand and throwing it across the room.
"Just how long have you been simmering this Jealousy? Huh?"
She spoke with a hazy smirk on her face, not the usual mischievous grin she sported, but something more sinister.
"Don't worry Powy~, I wouldn't do this to anyone else but you..."
Himeno took another long drag of her cigarette, holding the smoke in as she leaned down to the helpless devil, sliding her fingers through her hair and pulling her head up from below, kissing her and pouring the ashy vapor into the girl's mouth. She held her still as the girl writhed in her embrace until tears started to well in her eyes from the burning in her lungs. Himeno released her grip.
"This is what you wanted, isn't it? My full, undivided attention?"
She leaned in as the teary eyed devil tried to hack up the taste and whispered.
"Is it everything you'd hoped for my little Powy~?"
Power had finally reached her limit, beginning a panicked flailing like a cornered animal. Himeno managed to get a hold of her wrists but the little devil was too focused on getting free to calm down and lunged. She burred her teeth into Himeno's hand, incisors piercing the flesh, deep enough to draw blood, but the woman's grip was relentless. The anxious scrambled thoughts in her head now tainted by the crimson liquid that stained her lips drowned her in a haze of fear and desire, a want to run and a need for more. Power's breathing slowed and grew heavy as her tongue lapped up the pooling blood, a quiver shooting through her body as it slid down her throat. Then she felt the tightness around her neck. She sobered just enough to notice Himeno's other hand wrapped around her throat, squeezing, trying to pry her off. She didn't struggle against it, instead sinking her fangs deeper, goading the woman to press her luck. Himeno returned a cloying smile and released her grip.
"Alright then Powy~... if that's how my greedy little devil wants to be... how about I give you something more fun to bite down on?"
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polar-jake778 · 1 year ago
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Each and every day I am confronted by a tidal wave of expectations amassed by those dear, and people externally drear. I am to understand what I must do for them to actually like me. In reality, I am supposed to know this when even they themselves are ignorant of what they want from me.
Then the impact of said tidal hits me. The powerlessness proposed through failure to prevail for them. I should have been better. I should have been extroverted, funnier, less intelligent, less adult minded. I need to be this man who is really, not even a man. I have to be this omnipotent being that is there for everyone, excluding oneself. Every time I wake up and find myself faced by those expectations, I am submerged in the failures of yesterday, so the day to come is already heavier. And as days go on, they get heavier and heavier. The weight of the world and all expectation. What is a man to do but drown in name of those he loves and feels like he must fight to know?
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There is a declaration of independence, we so wildly recall. And from its dust gathering degradedness, I bring forth a quote.
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Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I have ostracised myself beyond the point of knowing who I even am. The price for withstanding the tide each day was not the life of many, but of the most personal; Myself.
Within the dark and its whispering melancholy, I was taunted by a man that was happy. Not because he rejected modernity, nor those of forward thinking capacity. I saw a man that spoke with a glee that filled my room as he uttered stories of the world. He told me what it means to live.
Learning new things.
Meeting new people.
Doing the things I want to do.
being content with the soul i have, knowing it may forever grow.
And lastly, no longer fighting to kill oneself in favour of another.
a friendship and bond built upon a body that has no soul is nothing. And that is my truth. I, at the cost of retaining relations with many, have lost myself and became nothing.
Disregarding the mere simplicity of man, I must define myself, not by the expectations of others, or by culture as a whole.
To be a man is not one thing.
To be a man is a personal endeavour each person would come to face. Even those of differing chromosomes will come to walk a similar path. Perhaps under a different title, but that solely depends on preference. We will all journey to become the person we in ourselves are free to express, and feel a certain prowess over.
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If the expectations exerted by those around you are dictating who you are, then it is time to halt, breathe, and regain control. Go to the person that looks back in reflection, and spring forth those ambitions long dead, back to life. Understand yourself again.
Do so through time alone, even if that means to simply find a place for your true self to be free. For me, the freedom of my mind is in isolation. But on occasion, it has shone through the anxieties present within the masses. Piece by piece, we shall free ourselves from the rubble. From the fear of being alone, hated for being true, we can now find prosperity in future relations. Confidence in knowing that those we are soon to meet, will meet us for who we truly are. No longer will the expectation that we think they have of us, or voiced, control us.
I applaud your dedication to reading this hunk of text. It is greatly appreciated, and to prove it so. Here are some cool looking polar bears in recompense.
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fordecree7 · 2 months ago
Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” Isaiah 35:4  Diane Beauford
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adversarialharrow · 4 months ago
Wandering Mind Wandering Mount Wilmington
High atop Mount Wilmington lived Flammy, a sorcerer unlike any other. Dressed in a teapot-shaped hat that whistled on windy days, he was more a wizard than anything.
One day, a bald adventurer named Lonous climbed the mountain. Dejected with his mystery and unease with his mistress torment, he began to suffer. He detriments the pain of the causes of suffering like stones in his shoes although unlike the stones in his shoes so he couldn’t get rid of these pains of his suffering.
So you have to wonder whether you want love or mischief and if you want love then where are you getting it from and if you’re getting it from mischief then you need to care about it and you need to get in contact with the federal investigative bureau in your country and you need to get in touch with Salaam Ismael because he’s got your ass he’s got your number he’s got your address he’s got your parents he’s got your parents address And I don’t need to know you didn’t care what can happen when Salaam‘s men get their hands on you.
If you got a surmise that Clay "Aiken" is a good role model for a boyfriend and a lover for a Renee then you got to see that Salaam Ismael is a slick and slithering demon capable of desecrations that bend reality and the limits of the imagination and sorrow.
“I don’t want to reach the top of the mountain if it’s going to be a disgrace to my life.” Lonous thought to himself and anger and envy for the antics of his capturers squared with his own virtue of love and remorse for sorrow for an anxiety and capture that ruined and from which ensued further defeats and suffering in continuity succession. 'What the f-ck' he thought. 'Respectful remorse for a self dork coming from me.' He sighed and like flung his wrist.
Upon reaching Elgin’s lair, Lonous encountered a world of oddities: a tinkle river of container of lemonade flowed nearby.
It was sickrespect with remorse for a sordid corger and a liberty to desecration of environment and civil society.
“I don’t need to see a river of piss lemonade” Lonous said as he reached for his button device.
Inside, the air was thick as Flammy prepared his infamous Giggle Juice.
“Lonous you are a loner a prostitute a sorcerer a reject stoner who has no counter fortitude to care about his mother or father.”
Lonous replied “I decide I need to know about your income.”
“Just a pinch of laughter and a dash of sorger!” Flammy exclaimed, grinning widely. Flammy laughed. Flammy's eyes and mouth grew wide in a stare-y expression as if to shout Lonous as cunning and naive. “A little ff ffimmer will send it sim ss sim simmering!” He handed a cup to Lonous they both raise their cups and drank.
Lonous had to do a little better at thinking a few steps ahead of his opponent and said “Cool I don’t need a libation I need to suffer Salaam Ismael on my ass and mouth for all eternity because I can’t get an income or a good job under a magic spell.”
Flammy replied “I think you need a doctor or a lawyer to end your suffering.”
Lonous fell from the poison he drank in the cup and shattered into 1 million pieces as his custom for the enemies of the libation and sormer.
Yeah the disrespect is eternity through and through because he couldn’t get a job because he couldn’t get a certificate for his suffering. What kind of a recompense is that? Flammy it seems just makes p-ss all day while Lonous wonder what the hell did everything just pass by and take off.
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