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Why are Muslims more anxious and depressed than ever?
It’s by design:
• No Qur’ān, no solace.
• No prayers, no connection.
• Music floods the soul, drowning peace.
• Fake personas mask authentic selves.
• No purpose, just endless distractions.
• Processed food harms the body.
• Delayed marriages disrupt the Sunnah.
• 8 hours in a cubicle drains the spirit.
• Lost traditional roles weaken our identity.
• Fewer righteous friends leave us isolated.
• Success measured in dollars, not deeds.
• A weak connection to Allah.
It’s a recipe for spiritual decline. But the cure is clear:
Return to Allah, rediscover your purpose, and heal the soul.
#islampost#islamdaily#islamicreminders#muslim#halal#islam#islamic#quran#islamiyet#allahuakbar#tawbah#taqwa#deenbot#deenoverdunya#deenislam#islam help#islamislove#prayer#duaa#alhamdulillah#allahummabarik#sunnah#quranandsunnah#quranquotes#quran ayah#quran kareem
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What we feel so often deep in our hearts is not sadness but rather nostalgia. We go back and seek truth, divine clarity and wisdomful knowledge. We know that deep down we can never truly find peace in this world. Anything we gain out of it, will always undoubtedly lose its novelty. We seek security and certainty amidst the chaos of life seems to bring. Life is unpredictable and all it ever gives us are worries and anxiety. But Taqwa; the remembrance of our most Divine and where our soul belongs to, is what the soul needs for utter spiritual harmony.
— mindofserenity
#taqwa#remembering#forebearance#mindofserenity#it has been a while since I have posted#i have missed you#islamic reminders#myreminders#sabr#islam help#welcome to islam#mine#islamic post#writing#quoteoftheday#muslim#islamictreasures#the heart of islam#islamdaily#islamicreminder#islamicquotes#quote#life quotes
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Orang kagak pernah ibadah, kagak pernah ngaji pas kena musibah bilangnya "lagi di uji"
Agak laen sih orang kayak gini ...
Masa Tiba2 ujian, padahal sekolah aja kagak? Ujian itu buat orang2 yang sekolah, yang belajar kenal tuhannya, belajar taat, belajar hakikat kehidupan ..., yang ga pernah belajar mah bisa jadi namanya azab.
(Ustadz Subhan Bawazier Hafidzahullah)
#selfreminder#islamic quotes#sabar#syukur#inspiration#ikhlas#islamic reminders#neraka#surga#tawakal#ujian#istiqomah#tawadhu#taqwa#cinta#hijrah#kasih sayang#riba#maksiat#taubat#dosa#jodoh#maut#kematian#rezeki
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Sabr and Taqwā go hand in hand. Without Taqwā, there will be no Sabr.
(Sabr - patience, perseverance)
(Taqwā - consciousness of Allāh)
#allah#hadith#islam#muslim#patience#quran#sabr#nabi saw#quote#barakah#dawat e tabligh#dawah#taqwa#islamic#islamdaily
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tawakkul 🤍 تَوَكُّل
“what is meant for you will reach you, even if it is between two mountains.” There’s no need to rush nor feel anxious for the future because what’s yours will be yours. So tie your camel and have تَوَكُّل, for الله knows the best & He is the best planner.
- qahwahthoughts on twitter
#qahwahthoughts#islamic reminders#what is meant for you will find you#islam#muslim#islamic#tawakkul#muslim reminder#what’s yours will be yours#convert to islam#islamdaily#revert islam#islampost#islamic post#islamic poetry#hadith#muslim reader#muslimah#quoteoftheday#quotes#islamic quotes#muslim quotes#sabr#taqwa#tawheed#tawhid#allah#quran#holy quran#sunnah
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You who strive for TAHAJJUD despite the great need of sleep in this cold weather, you are truly loved by Allah. Do you think Allah will abandon you just like that?! Well, let me tell you something, Allah has great treasures for you in both worlds!
#tahajud#tawakkul#forallah#toallah#allah is kabir#allah#allahisthemostmerciful#allahisone#merciful#cold weather#cold nights#winter nights#taqwa#patience#writeblr#english#islamicquotes#islamic life#muslimquotes#muslim#believe#innerpeace#satisfaction#allahswt#note to self#reminder#hadith#trust in allah#spilled thoughts#trust god
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اللهم ارزقنا قلبا تقيا نقيا
#Alhamdulillah#islam#muslims#deen#dawah#dua#ibn taymiyyah#reminders#quran#taqwa#اسلاميات#اسلام#دعوة#عربي#دين#مسلم#تذكير#قران#ايات#ابن تيمية#شيخ الاسلام#الحمدلله#تقوى
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And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 3
#quranverse#quranverses#quran ayah#quran#muslim#allahﷻ#allahuakbar#believeinallah#allahplans#allah#islam#muhammadﷺ#tawakkul#taqwa#islamdaily#islamicreminders#islamicquotes#islamic#islam4 life#islamicpost#islampost#reminder#deenemaan
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Allah exposing and rebuking the hypocrites in Madinah, the weak at heart, and the cowardly elements.
Allah is never shy nor hesitant to utterly expose the hearts of the Munafiqeen.
He is Allah.
These verses instil a sense of bravery when read with a heart of Taqwa.
#islam#allahswt#sunnah#allahuakbar#hadith#allahﷻ#islamdaily#islamic#islampost#allah#taqwa#tahajjud#prophet#taqwacore#welcome to islam#islamiyet#quran ayah#quranic#quran kareem#arabic
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#islamicpost#islampost#islamdaily#muslim ummah#taqwa#tawakkul#tawheed#tumblrpost#life quote#beautiful words
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The fear of delaying salaah, fear of not observing proper hijaab, fear of excessive speech that would transgress to gheebah, and so forth are actually acts of worship in the sight of Allah.
So do not be embarrassed with our family, friends, and society about worrying regarding these spiritual matters. Sheikh Sa'ad ibn Nasir al-Shithri hafidhahullah said the following (abbreviated):
Amongst the crucial ‘ibaadat of the heart is the feeling of {khawf | fear} of [disobeying] Allah. There are many aayat that focus on its discussion [and one of them is]:
🌺 ❛But for him who {khawf | fears} the standing before his Rabb, there will be two Gardens [in Jannah].❜ 【Surah Ar-Rahman 55:46】
However in reality, we’re more fearful of Allah’s creatures [than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala]. Whereas, [the one who] fears Allah [will attain] a high station and a great reward. Allah says:
🌺 ❛Their reward with their Rabb is Eden Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, They will abide therein forever, Allah will be pleased with them, and they with Him…❜ 【Surah al-Bayyinah 98:8】
For whom is the reward?
🌺 ❛…That is for him who fears his Rabb.❜ 【Surah al-Bayyinah 98:8】
(Translated from ShahihFiqih)
May Allah make us among those who fear to disobey Him in public and in private, and who prioritize in chasing after the rida of The Creator than the praises of His creations.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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Layaknya Bulan, Bumi, Matahari. Jiwa memiliki orbit..
Jika Bulan ,Bumi, Matahari keluar 2mm saja dari orbitnya maka semua akan hancur
Demikian juga jiwa manusia pun akan hancur jika keluar dari orbitnya (Al-Quran dan As- Sunnah)
Agama kita Bukan hanya menata hukum fisika dan kimia. Tak dapat diubah jalan kebenaran itu sesuka hati kita, sebagaimana Rasul dalam salah satu sabdanya menunjukan bahwa jalan menuju Allah itu ada pada satu garis lurus, namun sedikit manusia yg menyadarinya.
#selfreminder#sabar#islamic quotes#syukur#inspiration#ikhlas#islamic reminders#surga#neraka#tawakal#alquran#sunnah#bahagia#keluarga#pernikahan#jodoh#rezeki#maut#kematian#hijrah#doa#taubat#taqwa
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The body's weakness comes from illnesses while the heart's weakness comes from sins. Just as the body does not taste the delight of food when it is ill, the heart does not taste the delight of 'Ibaadah when it is sinful.
#allah#islam#muslim#quran#hadith#nabi saw#sabr#quote#barakah#illness#heart#sins#patience#tawakkul#taqwa#dawat e tabligh#dawah
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يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
"O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful (of Allah)." (2:183)
Ramadan is finally upon us, Alhamdulilah 🌙
May Allah accept our fasts and grant us good health, and allow us to get closer to Him during this blessed month, ameen. Just a gentle reminder that Ramadan isn’t only about abstaining from food and drinks, but is also an opportunity for personal reformation. To set good habits & eliminate bad ones, and to focus on ibaadah, increasing our good deeds, and instilling taqwa in our lives. We have 30 days filled with blessings, let us not waste them, inshallah.
Let us also remember the less fortunate and the oppressed throughout this month. Especially the Palestinians right now. isr*eli violence against them always increases during Ramadan, and unfortunately this year will the same, if not worse. May Allah protect the Palestinians, facilitate their return, and humiliate their oppressors. Ameen 🤲🏼🇵🇸
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 رمضان مبارك
via qahwahthoughts on ig
#qahwahthoughts#ramadan#muslim#islam#ramadan mubarak#ramadan kareem#ramadan 2024#alhamdulillah#muslim reminder#islamic reminders#palestine#dua#free palestine#holy month#blessed month#taqwa#sabr#shukr#tawakkul#islamic
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Two raka’at when you need something and Two raka’at thanking Allah when you get it.
“It will change your life.”
#sajdah#sajda#namaz#prayer#taqwa#hadith#salah#blessing#fav#txt post#txt#my txt#english#islamicquotes#islamic#islam#muslimquotes#muslim#jummahkareem#jummahfriday#jumma mubarik#jummah#friday#kun faya kun#allah#allahﷻ#allah is kabir#allahisone#inner peace#peace
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