#and that's literally what you're SUPPOSED to feel when he's on screen. So. Yeah no I don't hate him with a burning passion-
I just wanna go on record and say that I don't hate Valentino as a character. I don't love him or anything, but he does his job in the story well, he's funny and he doesn't annoy me at all, so I don't hate him. Just thought I should make my oppinion known because the WAY I talk about him probably makes it seem like I hate him, but I just. Don't feel strongly about him at all. I honestly view him as more of a plot device then anything else, at least at this point in the series- I feel strongly about his RELATIONSHIPS and his ACTIONS, just not him as a character. Because hating a fictional character for doing morally bad things is pointless because they are not real people.
Also only vaguely related but hot take: if Alastor(or any of the overlords tbh but I'm singling out Alastor because he's the most popular) is your favorite character, you aren't allowed to make moral judgements on people who like Valentino. Like, no hate to any of y'all, Al is a good character and I honestly really like him, but he's also a fucking TERRIBLE PERSON who's treatment of Husk has been equated to Val's treatment of Angel SEVERAL times. As long as they aren't actively hurting people, you should just let Val fans do their thing.
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luveline · 1 year
hello miss jade ily! since you’re feeling the marauders right now, may i request something with any of the boys, pre-relationship and too lovestruck to speak? reader has done something innocuous, or she’s literally just standing there, and he can’t not break and smother her?
hello lovely, thank you for your request! ♡ fem, 1k
modern au 
You let yourself in quietly. Remus can tell without raising his eyes from his laptop that it's you. James would shout hello, Sirius would beeline for the downstairs bathroom. You close the door with care and leave your shoes under the stairs; Remus can picture you turning your head to one side gently, listening for signs of life. 
"James?" you ask.
"Just me," Remus says. 
You come around the doorway, beaming at him like he's the one you were looking for the whole time. "Hey, Remus. Don't suppose you know when James is back? He's going to take me to the garage so they don't rip me off." 
"Uh, no, but– but I could go with you?" he suggests. Remus isn't your boyfriend, but he wishes desperately that he was and he thinks that's a boyfriend's duty to perform, right? "I'd be happy to." 
Your phone dings. You pull it out with a smile. "Oh, it's James," you say, "he's still coming, but he's late. That's fine, I didn't have an appointment or anything. I'd love for you to come if you want, though, baby." 
Remus chokes on nothing, clearing his throat and sitting up to not seem so pathetic. "I'll come." Because baby? Baby?!
"Brilliant. How's you writing?" 
"Uh, it's, you know, happening. Slowly." 
Remus is admittedly much more collected regularly, but your sudden arrival, your smiling, and now your pet name, you've thrown him for a loop. He's doubly thrown when you sit down on the sofa beside him, no polite space, thigh to thigh and close enough to smell the oils in your hair. 
"I'm not looking, I promise," you say. 
Writing is a raw process. Knowing someone else's eyes are on it magnifies the flaws, but he realises with certainty that he doesn't care if you see it, flaws and all. "That's fine. I don't mind so long as it's you." 
"Lucky me," you say. 
You take your phone out. Remus doesn't mean to pry but you're right there, and your phone screen brightness is high. The text thread between you and James is open, your thumbs penning a quick response. 
Hey James, are we still meeting at the house? I'm omw. 2:17PM
yeah of course, remus is there so go have a cup of tea ill be there soon 2:30PM
ok 2:31PM
sorry running late !! Promise I'll be there, have remus make you a scone :) 2:40PM
I like him too much to have him act like my serf, you can buy us both big salted pretzels on the way home to say sorry for wasting his time 2:45PM
I'm sure he's just gutted to spend time with you 2:46PM
Nice one, James, Remus thinks incredulously. That's exactly what Remus needs, more evidence that he fancies you. You don't seem to have noticed either way, swinging a leg over your knee and finishing another text to James. 
I hope not, I love spending time with him 2:48PM
Remus turns to his computer screen, elated and guilty at once. He was not supposed to see that, surely. 
"Your word count is really climbing," you say, tucking your phone away. "A hundred and fifty thousand. I can't imagine writing so much… will you have to cut that down?" 
"Yep. Much more chance of being published if I fit their standard count. It'll need at least forty thousand words shaved off." 
You shake your head. "I can't imagine putting in all that work and then having to put in more work to get rid of it." 
"Think of it like refining, instead," he suggests, his fingertip sliding across the laptop's space bar. "I'm making sure nothing is boring." 
"I doubt it's boring if you're the one writing it." You stand to his surprise and stretch, a slice of your waist appearing as you twist away from him, an audible click emitting from your back as you roll your shoulders. "Can I make a cup of tea, please?" 
You've had a hundred cups of tea in this house. 
"You know you don't have to ask," Remus says. 
"But it's always nice to ask first," you say as you leave. 
He suspects you were talking more to yourself than him as you occasionally do, and he pays little mind to your movements in the kitchen. He has a lot of work to do and not nearly enough time to do it, and editing isn't as simple as cutting away. It's not obvious what needs to go. Remus has to have a deep think. 
He gets distracted. When you return he barely notices, busy rewriting a clunky sentence. It's not until your pinky finger brushes his arm that Remus remembers you're here, emphasis on you, and that he's besotted. 
When he looks up, he doesn't suppose he'll ever forget again. 
You're at his side neatening a plate of biscuits and toasted scones, the very tip of your tongue peaking between your lips in concentration. It's a simple thing, some might even find it unattractive, but you're totally focused on the plate of biscuits, your lovely eyebrows tightly pinched. 
You seem upset, for a moment. 
Then you meet his eye and any trace of unhappiness vanishes. You're smiling again, eyes alight with something he can't name. "I got you a couple of biscuits and stuff, hope that wasn't too forward. You never remember to eat when you're writing." 
"Oh, sweetheart," he says unbidden to himself, hands paused at his laptop, "that's not too forward." 
He sets his laptop aside and stands. There's nothing for it, no hold to bar —Remus steps forward to kiss your cheek and squeeze the top of your arm, the kiss swift and the squeeze less so. 
"Don't set up around me," he continues fondly, "we'll go have tea in the kitchen with the window open. You can tell me about your day, please. I should've asked you earlier." 
"Don't worry, there's nothing important to share," you say, and to Remus' delight, you've visibly flustered. 
His hand slides down the length of your arm to your hand, where he holds your fingers in his palm. "If it's about you, it's important. Mm?" 
You stare down at his chest and laugh softly. "Okay." 
It's a credit to his self restraint that he doesn't kiss you then and there. 
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reeniecon · 2 months
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- YOU'RE A GIRL??! -
Riddle roseheart, Trey clover, cater diamond, ace trappola , deuce spade.
😮‍💨‼️ : fem reader, imperfect grammar
A/n: this is a remake/rewrite from my OLD OLD Fanfic in my old blog ( I hate that writing so much I want to puke)
My other fanfic
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Riddle roseheart
" [Name] I beg of you to do not ignore rule 534, you've broken that rule 2 times already... I won't be easy on you for the 3rd time " Riddle remained you gently (passive-aggressive actually)
" As I read the rule book and searched about rule 534 it writes here that a woman is an exception in this rule!! So yeah~ "
But you're not a-
How this is a boy's boarding school how did you get here???!!
Not only that you're a magicless student but also a woman? ( in all-boys schools)
Ah, you must have felt so uncomfortable...
Ugh, what did the magic mirror do...
After that day riddle pays closer attention to you
He wants you to be comfortable at least he can assure you that in his own dormitory
Ah did Ace and Deuce know about this already??
Are they being mean to you??
Ugh, are you okay with this???
" [Name] let me know if there is something that bothering you... Uh- I hope you can feel the most comfortable in heartslabyul with me... "
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Cater diamond
" Awww.. C'mon why did the sky choose to rain now ~ we might missed our movie! " Cater complaining
" Not only missed the movie we might also have to watch the movie drenched, look cater look how drenched we are "
This is supposed to be one of the happiest nights you and Cater have!!
You and he got a free ticket for Vil's new movie!!
The movie was literally trending EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET
It's really impossible to get the ticket right now!! But Vil being the awesome friend he was gifted the tickets
And now here we are drenched in front of the mall with cater
Cool, cool so awesome!!
" This is so unfortunate isn't it but surely this would be such an unforgettable memory right [name ] " He said with the usual smile on his face " Why don't we take a picture together this would be an awesome post don't you think " He Suggested
* click* * click*
" #vilnewmovie #badday #icannotbeliveit #catty #whatshouldwedo? And lastly- " Huh.. What's that? He zoomed in on your side of the pic
" What's wrong cater? Are you going to post it? " U asked him " Ah no, hahaha I'm going to post it later ig. Because you know uh.. The the uh THE INTERNET yeah the internet is so sloww~~ I will post it when we go back~~"
When your... Uh- tops? Tops holder? Shown faintly....
did everyone know this already?? Are he the only one who doesn't know yet?? How how how how how
And more questions coming to cater head one hundred by one hundred
What should he do now...
He drapes his coat around you.
" Here use this you might catch a cold~ haha... Ha... Ha. Be careful okay... " He awkwardly says with that flushed face he tries to cover
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Trey clover
He knows from the start
Trey is the mom of the group, and he is a really careful man, to begin with
We will OBSERVE you even before you start to hang out with other heartslabyul members
So yep, he knows!!
How did he know you ask?
He eavesdropping on Crowley (accidentally ofc he's a good boy!!)
I felt like he would "accidentally" heard you ranting to Crowley about being the only girls there
I don't think anyone would not be surprised at this situation tbh
But he is the most sweetest guy you've ever met in NRC
I can feel his girl's dad's aura through the screen tbh
He would bake you your favorite cake, teach you how to bake things if you ask him to~
Totally the most helpful guy in the heartslabyul dormitory even in NRC!!
Please marry us Trey we want you TwT
" Hm? Pardon me [mame] I didn't quite catch you...Can you please repeat it? Ah- you want to bake together? Ofc I'll teach you okay <3 "
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Ace trappola
" ah... Now What. What is this soap opera plot... My best friend who I've known for YEARS ( you only know her at least only for 6 months you dramatic ass) is a girl??? Why can't you tell me sooner..." He rolls his eyes, not facing you at all, you cannot help but sigh at the situation " Cannot help it yk Crowley told me to keep it a secret it's for my safety too" You explained while trying to face him " Is gender really that life-changing to you ace in our friendship? " You asked him while your head hanging low
He went on an identity crisis on this
ahh... How can you do this to him...
'Did Deuce already know this too? AGRH SO ANNOYING I want to punch him... '
"No no no no you don't get it [name] uh... Your gender didn't mean anything in our friendship but it matters in our other relationship... " He says his voice cracking on the last sentence hiding his redness
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Deuce spade
" No deuce we cannot go to the hot springs together, you go with ace okay"
" Huh, why not it's not fun [name] if we're not together !! " His eyes wide open smiling all over the place " YOU STUPID, ofc she cannot go with us??? " Ace interfering with the conversation
Why did Ace use she?
[Name] is a boy so wh-
No way
" I'M SO SORRY I DON'T KNOW [NAME] PLEASE FORGIVE ME, DID UH- DID I MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE??? in a uh jn any way??? " He bowed down his forehead and touched the cold hot spring wood. " HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING DEUCE GET UP FAST YOU'RE EMBARRASSING US " Ace Hurriedly tried to get Deuce off the floor but Deuce seemed like he was glued to it...
" I'm sorry I'm so sorry, I just make a unforgivable mistake [name] forgive me!! " Still half bowed
" Deuce!! Get up !! "
A/N: my old fanfic is batshit crazy, 0 to work with no plot, you must read the old one tbh it's really cheesy, it's either involves water and water same plot over and over again, and I really hate it tbh, I wrote that fanfic when I was in... 8th grade??? Now I'm in 12th grade kekw so cringed.
Old fanfic
A/N 2.0: sorry for the incostistent writing length for each of the characters!! I cannot take it anymore with this prompt tbh- it's kinda cute in some way but- it get me the ick everytime when I try to reference my old fic TwT
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gguk-n · 1 month
Chapter 4- Heartbreak and Understanding
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen X Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N decides to forgive Max. Max wins his home race. She meets Max's girlfriend who doesn't seem to like her very much. Did I tell you Y/N watched Max win his home race?
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{Reader's POV}
Falling in love with your friend is a bad idea. Falling in love with your internet friend who has a girlfriend was an even worse idea. Falling in love with Max Emilian Verstappen was the worst idea. He's all over my screen after I searched him on every social media ever. I cannot escape him when I'm trying to get over him.
It's been a few months since the either of us have spoken to each other. After I asked for time, Max respected my wishes. After our call, I received a message from him saying that he would always be there for me no matter what and that he would like to clear up the misunderstanding one day. I knew I would talk to him, however I hoped that it would be when I was over him. Doesn't look like that's about to happen any time soon since this man is everywhere and anywhere I look.
Summer break was here, so I was having a girl's night with my friend Riley when I decided to ask for her opinion on this whole debacle. "Sooooo, Riley" I began. "You're about to unload some shit you did aren't you. Who fucked you up?" she interrupted me. "What?" I questioned. "I've known you for 6 years, I know you too well. Tell me who do I have to beat up." she said. I began to laugh. "No one" I said in between laughter. I wiped a tear away from the side of my eye, "I haven't laughed like this in a while." I muttered. "Go on, love" Riley prodded. "Yeah, so I have this internet friend, we've been friends since 2013. He's nice, kind, funny, handsome, blonde, blue eyes" I was talking when she cut me off; "exactly your type" I nodded along. "It's all nice and all. I didn't know what he did for a living. I recently found out that he is famous" I mumbled. She looked at me shocked. "Who?" was all she said. "Max Verstappen, Formula One driver for Redbull Racing" I said. "Damn, I mean he's like cute for a white boy. I think he's cool and shit for driving in fast cars, I appreciate him as an athlete for sure; as my bestie's potential love interest, questionable at best" she replied. "why, I mean I didn't say I was interested in him?" I asked defensively. "Bro, he is literally exactly your type, I've seen the men you date or hook up with, on the other hand, he has a girlfriend" she pointed out. "Ok, I know and you scare me sometimes" I lamented. "so, my real question is, I didn't know he was Max Verstappen. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I was hurt when I found out and stopped talking to him, had a confrontation and then I said I need time before I am ready" I explained. "Understandable" she nodded along. "what do I do?" I asked. "what do you want to do?" she questioned back.
I love Max and I would like to be a part of his life even if it meant only as friends because I cherished the time we've had together. Also, I feel like I didn't let him explain himself the last time we spoke. I want to mend our ways. I would love to have him forever, even if only as a friend. "I want to still have him in my life even if it meant only as friends." I said cautiously. "Then there's your answer." she pointed out. "Talk to him, clear stuff out. If his explanation seems legit then continue to be friends." she suggested. "great idea. Thanks Riley" I said. "Don't mention it. Now can we un-pause the movie." she asked. "yes" I said while un-pausing the movie.
A few days after the heart to heart with Riley I texted Max. I knew he was supposed to be back next weekend for the race and was currently at home. I kind of confirmed that by watching his streams where he did SimRacing. I don't think I'll be telling this to anyone, honestly. He was on stream when my text went through, I saw him check his phone and ask to leave the stream early since he needed to do something; that something being to call me because within seconds my phone was ringing with the familiar name cropping up on the screen. I answered the call, Max staring back at me, a tentative smile played on his lips. He waited for me to start talking.
Y/N- Hi Max. Max- Hi Y/N, how've been? Y/N- Good, you? Max- Yeah, OK. Y/N- I'm sorry for lashing out the last time we spoke. Max- No, no, don't be sorry. I was at fault for hiding such important information from you. Can you ever forgive me? Y/N- Depends... Max- What do I have to do to get you to forgive me? Y/N- Why didn't you tell me? About everything; your girlfriend, your career? Max- I...When we started talking I just enjoyed being a regular teenager, where we talked about school and random stuff. I got to be Max the teenager not Max the youngest Formula One driver. I enjoyed the disconnect I got with you. I got to be myself and forget about racing for a minute. You made me feel like a regular guy. Y/N- I wish you had told me because when I found out about your championships, I felt like I missed out on celebrating such a huge and momentous occasion with you. That hurt. Max- I'm sorry for that. I didn't know how to tell you since it had been so long, I did want to tell you, I really did want to share my happiness with you; I just didn't know how to. You made me feel normal. Y/N- I'm glad I could be of some help. Max- You were of so much help. You calmed me down before many races and reading your messages or hearing your voice was like a comfortable constant. Thank you. Y/N- Fine, I get it some times famous people want to live regular lives, what about your girlfriend. Why didn't you tell me about her? Max- I....am not really sure. We started dating 2 years ago, it just happened. We'd known each other for a while. It just happened. Y/n- Hmmm....doesn't she mind that we talk so much? Max- No, she's chill about it. (He laughed awkwardly) Y/N- I hope we won't have anymore lies between us Max- No not at all. I cherish our friendship too much Y/N- me too. Max- This weekend is my home race. Y/N- I saw Max- You did? Y/N- I might like watching my best friend win... Max- That's great, then you can watch me win in person next week. Y/N- Sweetheart, Maxie, You might be a millionaire; your friend here is broke as fuck. I can't fly out so suddenly. Max- You don't have to worry about anything. I'll get you the tickets and stuff. Just say yes. Y/N- I mean, I would love to meet you in person.... Max- Then, that's final. You're coming to the Dutch GP next week. I'll pick you up at the airport. You should come early and leave a little later. I'll show you around. Max looked and sounded excited. Y/N- Ok (I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement)
As soon as I ended the call, I got plane tickets to the race. He said he would come pick me. I couldn't wait to meet him. I'm sure nothing bad will happen; from meeting my long time friend.
I thought maybe I should show Max some support and buy his merchandise or something; no one told me it was this expensive. I decided against it. The race was on the 27th; I was flying in on the 24th. The flight there was nerve wrecking. I've seen him although not in person. I got a text from Max telling me to go to a certain gate in the parking area where he would be waiting. I found him rather quickly; he had his hand sticking out of the car. I tapped on the window with a big smile plastered on my face. "Hi Maxie!" I greeted. "hey, schat. Get in, I don't wanna get caught." he said pointed at the door. "By who?" I quizzed. "I feel like you forgot what I did for a living and where we were." he chided. I laughed before walking to the opposite side and getting in.
Initially, things felt a little awkward but the atmosphere turned friendly quite quickly. We reached the hotel I would be staying at; Max had planned the entire week of my stay out. I was going to just rest today while Max attended to media stuff and then we would have dinner together tonight. He would take me along to the paddock for all the 3 days. And after the race weekend, he would take me to all his favourite place; my personal tour guide.
I crashed for the day after a shower and having food. I only woke up when Max called me to let him in. It took me a while to realise where I was. I apologised for not being ready to leave when that was the plan initially. Max didn't mind and offered to wait till I got dressed. He told me we were going somewhere fancy so I pulled out my black satin dress I kept for special occasions. This was a special occasion, right, I thought. Max was a lot more patient compared to all my exes who would start getting antsy; he even helped me decide on the jewellery and shoes I should pair with my outfit. Why are all the good men taken, God?
We had authentic dutch food in a fancy restaurant as a three course meal. I loved the Apple tart. I almost moaned as I placed a spoon of it in my mouth; "Max, this is so good" I groaned. Max smiled, "I'm happy you like it." "I love desserts Max, but this is almost up there with my favourites" I said with a mouth full of apple tart. "What are your favourites?" Max asked. "I love tres leches, tiramisu and cheese cakes" I mumbled. After finishing the food, we decided to walk around for a while; it was kind of dark and Max would probably not get recognised was the thought. "Thanks for the food. Maximilian" I said. He just nodded along. "It's an atrocious name Maxie, no offence but Emilian as a middle name; who ever named you, hates you" I said shaking my head. Max laughed it off; "I would've thought you were fucking with me, if you told me that was your middle name" I said patting his back. "I'm sorry" he said. "Don't apologise for your name, you had no control" I said now facing him. "No, I mean I'm sorry for lying and hiding things from you. I never felt good doing that. I wish I had told you sooner. I wish you had found out about it through me." he said regretfully. "It's ok Max, the past is in the past. I hope we'll be more honest in this friendship" I said enveloping him in a hug for the first time. His head found it's way in the crook of my neck, a woody scent wafted into my nose while Max clutched on to my waist. I felt warm tears drip down my shoulder. "Max, are you crying?" I asked, trying to pull away. He tightened the grip on my waist and buried his head deeper, if it was possible, "No" he replied, making my skin on the shoulder vibrate. "It's ok Maxie, let it all out. I'm always there for you." I said patting his back to console him. "I thought I lost you, I thought you'd never speak to me again, I thought you hated me." he muttered softly. "I could never hate you, I might've been angry but I knew I didn't want to lose you either. You are a very important friend to me" I said. "I don't ever want to lose you" he said, finally deciding to look at me with his tear streaked face. I wiped away the tears. "Me neither, now let's go, you have a race tomorrow" I said pulling him along.
The conversation kept me up at night. It was giving me mixed signals. I didn't know what to make of it. He has a girlfriend, granted I haven't met her yet. There was desperation in Max's eyes and his words. They felt heavy and part of me wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with this. Was I thinking too much into it? What was Max's deal?
I got to meet Max's girlfriend the next day. She didn't seem too pleased with me; I mean I don't think anyone could welcome a random women your boyfriend said was his childhood friend suddenly. I didn't hold it against her. I got to meet Max's teammate and the other drivers. All of them were very kind and welcoming. I got to learn a lot about Max while I waited for him to get done with interviews after free practise. I was talking to Lando while he waited his turn after Max. Max returned which made Lando leave. "You didn't tell me you had such cute friends. I would've asked you you set me up with him sooner" I said while we walked back to Redbull. "No" he stated. "You're patronising with the enemy" he continued. "Your enemy, my future boyfriend." I joked. "He's not your type" Max interjected. "And you know what my type is?" I asked. Before he could say anything, his girlfriend whisked him away.
I ended up talking to Checo who was surprised to know me and Max had been friends for so long. Almost everyone in the garage was shocked about our friendship. Checo told me it's because Max had never told them about me. Max and his girlfriend came back who looked visibly annoyed; I tried asking Max what was up but he brushed me off. I spent the rest of the day being dragged around by Max who couldn't stop talking about anything and everything.
I spent Saturday with a lot of the mechanics and engineers who had so much good stuff to talk about. It would probably help me in editing that author. She was almost done with the book; but a few more additions won't hurt. Max qualified pole, he was so excited. He dropped me back at my room when I told him he should rest up before the race when he offered to watch a movie with me. He couldn't care less, he promised to win the race for me even with a little sleep. We ended up watching some movie. His girlfriend's annoyed face was etched in my brain through out the movie, so I decided to ask him about that. "Max, I'm sure your girlfriend minds you spending so much time with me" I suggested. "No, I told her I'm meeting you for the first time. She shouldn't care." he said. "I'm sure she does, she doesn't look very happy to me" I commented. "Don't think about it too much" Max said handing me the can of cold drink. I wasn't very satisfied, but there's only so much I could do.
The race was crazy, it got my heart beating really fast watching all of them zip past at such a high speed. Max did so well, he finished the race in P1 just like how he started it. Everyone rejoiced and headed to where Max was. GP took me with him. Max got out of the car and took his helmet off, his eyes were scanning the area. As soon as our eyes met he strode towards me. His girlfriend was a couple of steps away, before I knew it Max hugged me. "I won, just like I told you I would" he whispered. "Congratulations Max." I said while turning my head towards his girlfriend who looked visibly annoyed and quickly turned on her heels and left. "You shouldn't have done that" I told Max while pulling away. "Done what?" he questioned. "You should've gone to your girlfriend after winning your home race." I said. "She's here for so many of my races, you're not" he stated. I face palmed myself, "Doesn't matter Max, she probably hates me" I said. Max just shrugged his shoulders and went to get weighed.
After all the formality and interviews Max was on the top step of the podium. I was very proud of him and you could see it on my face. I couldn't find his girlfriend anywhere around. Max got down from the podium drenched in champagne trying to hug me while I pushed him away. "No, you'll get me all sticky" I shouted while running away from him.
[ Winning his home race felt special to Max because Y/N was watching. He walked right up to her the moment his eyes landed on her. He couldn't help but wrap himself around her. After the race, they were going out to celebrate his win because Y/N wanted to go out with the other drivers and so he agreed. After reaching his room to quickly shower and leave, he was met with his girlfriend who was sat on the edge of the bed. She didn't look happy and after a bit of back and forth; Max said it. The words that had been floating around in his head for a while now; he didn't know why he didn't say it sooner. He broke up with his girlfriend. He wasn't sad but rather relieved. He walked into the shower while his girlfriend packed everything up to leave]
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reveriebae · 16 days
How it taste like
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pairing(s) : Roommate! Song Mingi x Fic writer! reader
word count : 2912
genre : smut
synopsis : when your roommate wanna check what's make you stressed out from writing end up to an unexpected tasting experience.
warning(s) : afab! reader, oral (m & f receiving), fingering (f receiving), no protection (please use in rl!), cumplay. Lmk if I missed something.
Minors do not interact, 21+ only!!
🪐smut under the cut🪐
A loud sigh escaping from your lips, your room is dark but the screen from the laptop in front of you lights up your face and some spot behind you which is the headboard of your bed.
"Fuck this is so hard, what the hell am I gonna type" you muttered.
Being a writer is fun, actually really fun, but there's a time where you can't think any word and stressed out when people who read your fics give you a bunch of requests but they doesn't give you any plot idea or something that could boost your writing mood, especially when it comes to something you never even experience but you really want to write about that thing. You don't have to be a full experienced person to write stories, but sometimes to make your story feels alive and entertaining you gotta know the details about the thing that will be the main 'thing' for the whole story.
It's about blowjob in this case, as a smut fanfic writer it's really stressed you out when you realized how powerful and amazing your imagination are but the lack of experience you have is sometimes become a barricade for you to explain every detail of it, it's making you feel exhausted and confused and of course losing your interest to write, but the image of finish your writing that satisfied your imagination feels so so good.
"Hey, Y/N are you still awake?" Your roommate said after knock your bedroom door.
"Yeah, why?" The door cracks open, showing Mingi on the door frame peeks inside your room while all he could see is just a dark room with a small light from the laptop screen.
"Are you serious? Still writing at this fucking hour? Y/N please look at the time..you gotta rest, you gotta work, you have a class tomorrow and you gonna blind yourself if you keep writing in the dark dumbass".
"Shut the fuck up, you always say that I have to find some hobby to not stressed out from my-".
"Hobby do not supposed to make you feel stressed Y/N.. don't get me wrong, can I go in?" you nod and he turn on the light switch of your bedroom, he sits beside you on the bed.
You hurried to close the laptop cause everyone knew you are a writer but no one knows what in the hell your writings are about. Mingi frowns and his face is all confused.
"I was about to help Y/N, don't be such an ass".
"No no, you don't have to Mingi, I... I feel tired, I'm gonna slee-" he grab your laptop in one hand and his other hand grips both of your hand, you gasp as you tried to get off of his hand but you can't match his power.
"Nah you're not gonna fool me this time, come on let me help. You gotta remember your family is not even here, if you sick I'm gonna be the one who got to and will to take care of you".
"But Mingi, that's not the problem..".
"Just tell me what story are you writing right now? Is it romance?" You shook you head.
"Fantasy?action?" Nuh-uh.
"You do horror??".
"No you dumb, I am a smut writer" your face flushed it's now all red and hot from the embarrassment, but his face remained still.
"What is smut? A killer documentary? World secret? Conspiracy theory?" You stare at him in disbelief.
"It's.. it's some kind of... Porn" You stutter as he still grips you hand and your laptop is on his lap. Your faced get hotter when he just laughed in front of your face.
"You? Write a porn? That's amazing actually, despite you interact with guy is a rare view that so cool that you could write that such a thing, so what makes you stressed lately?" He lets out your hand to give you a small clap with smile that you want to wipe of his face, cause you're literally suffering while he unexpectedly support you when he knew you wrote filth all this time.
"You won't help me at all Mingi, just go.." you let out a deep breath, can't seem to look at his eyes.
"You're just unsure of the things that you want to write, because I know you are inexperienced. Now tell me, what makes you stressed?" He ends up rubbing your knuckles softly, wants to make you sure that you're safe with him, wants to make you sure that he cares about you in every way.
"Shut the fuck up Mingi, I said you won't help me".
"You are the one who's gonna shut the fuck up and tell me now" he grumbled he lets your hand then lift up your chin to make you look at his eyes.
"Blowjob, it's blowjob!" Your face might be directed to him but you shut your eyes closed.
"Wasn't so hard was it? Tell me more of your curiosity about blowjob".
You have no choice but to explain to him, it's overshoot. "I- I know blowjob is sucking- you know..dick, I have read those blowjobs scene from a lot of different writers but I'm not sure if I can write about that cause I don't know what to write for the details, I always thought of 'what if I make a mistake?' 'what if my readers mock me because of my writings?' 'what if they call me an inexperienced smut writer?' I got so many 'what if' in my head Mingi and I know you could barely help me, beside this is so embarrassing to talk about this with you cause you're literally a dude".
"That's the point, I'm a dude and that's why I said let me help you. All you gotta do is just ask" Your mind wandered into something you shouldn't thought about, the word 'All you gotta do is just ask' is so ambiguous, is he telling you to ask a question or ask him to do something? You decided to give up and receive the help Mingi gave you.
"So..how a cum tastes like?" You ask bluntly makes him chuckles under his breath.
"I never taste my own cum Y/N" you frown and slap his shoulder make him hissed.
"Fuck off Mingi, you told me you gonna help me!".
"I was Y/N, but I really never taste my own cum so I really don't know" he laughed while blocking your hands that's about to puch his chest. "But you can taste it yourself, if you want to" he smirks after finish his laughter.
"Mingi..you did not..".
"I'm just tryna help, if you want to let's do it..the blowjob, once again if you want to. But if you don't I'll be back to my room right now " You thought he's just playing with you but when you gather your courage to look at his face, he's serious about it.
"But that would be so weird.." he shakes his head at your words "isn't it?".
"No if you would trust me as much as I trusted you, you gotta remember that you are the one who need this Y/N, I'm just trying to help" His hands wraps around your shoulders, make you hold a shiver that could run down your body. "Do you want to?" His eyes drilling holes into your soul, you could only nod at him and smile plastered his face.
"So..w-what should I do?" You look back at your lap, you're so embarrassed right now you can't even think straight.
"My eyes are right here love, now help me to remove my pants" he lifts your chin up again, and now your hands begin trailing his sweatpants as he move his hips up to make you remove the pants easier.
Now he's half naked, in front of you, on your bed and the night dress you are wearing is slutty enough for the man's view.
"Show me what you learned from those smuts you read love" You start to touch his dick, hold and experimentally stroke his dick. You could hear his breath hitched, it gains confident in you so you stroke it a bit faster makes him lets out a moan, you could feel yourself started getting wet.
"Good love, now try to use your mouth" You wet your lips then stick your tongue to lick on his shaft then roll your tongue on the head. A salty liquid appears you guess that is what's called a precum, you open your mouth and try to take his cock inside, take a look at Mingi make you moan at how good he looks right now. His head falls back to the headboard while his mouth wide open, the sweats rising on his forehead and chest going up and down at how hard he is breathing, when you taste the salty precum of his your moan send a vibration right into his dick then his right hand suddenly have a nice grip on your hair as he starts moving your head up and down his cock.
The more he moves your head the faster it become and deeper it gets down your throat, when you swallow your saliva that collected inside your mouth, his moan became louder then you do it repeatedly. His not gonna last and you know it, you could feel his cock pulsing against your lips then you could taste a really bitter liquid spurts out of his dick, he calls your name on repeat then you bob your head on his dick for about 4 times before you pull out.
When you watch porn or read smut, it looks so easy to swallow the cum but you can't seem to swallow it, Mingi noticed your panicked expression then quickly open your drawer to take 2 sheets of tissues then hold the tissue on his hand and put it near your lips "Sorry love, spit it out don't worry" instead of spit his cum out of your mouth, you stick out your tongue while look at him to give him a nice view of his cum trickle down your tongue and land on the tissue on his hands.
"Fuck you look so beautiful doing that, so pretty for me, so messy with my cum like that love" when his cum is all out of your mouth Mingi throw the tissue to the trash bin and hand you a glass of water. "Your throat might feel a bit rough, you gotta drink a lot " you nod as you do what he tells, you could still feel the taste of his cum washed by the water and crashing down your throat.
"Mingi..uhm, I think you caused me another problem" you cleared your throat then Mingi eyes went wide he thought he hurted you or something.
"What? Are you okay? Am I hurting your throat? Too big for your lips it hurts?" He ramble then you close his mouth with your index finger to shut him up.
"No, it's just.. I need you to..".
"To what? You want another glass of water? Or do you want a candy? Yeah? I have some in my room wait a seco-".
"I need to you fuck me Mingi! You moaned a lot when I suck you, you..make me kinda wet".
"Oh..you sure?" Mingi blinks multiple times when you finally stand up and kissed him, the kiss is slow and passionate, his hands begins to roams all over your body as you gasp onto his mouth.He lays you in your bed, pull up your night dress to reveal you are not wearing anything but only your panties inside the dress. "So beautiful for me love, bet you gonna touch yourself while imagine about me tonight if we don't fuck" he lowers himself until he's between your legs then he removes your panties in no time.
"I actually did, sometimes" he looks at your face at the words, he grips your thighs so hard you let out a hiss.
"You are really driving me insane my love, do you also write smut about me?" He opens your legs wide and place his face right in front of your bare pussy then blow on it, the action make you whimper above him. "I hope you could take a look at how wet you are love, eager for me to ruin your pretty little pussy, don't you?" He trails kisses on you inner thigh.
"Please Mingi..don't keep me waiting" you mewl then smile to him when he looks at your face, pushing his middle finger into your wet cunt make you gasp as he trusts it slowly inside you.
"You're not ready to take me yet my love, I gotta prepare you first" he trusts his finger faster and when you start to moan loudly he pull his finger out of you and lick them clean. "So sweet for me" you whimper at his action.
"Don't you wanna eat me out Mingi? Please do" smirk plastered on his face when you say the word, he lifts your legs until they touched your chest then he devour you immediately. Your eyes rolling back and your hand automatically get a grip on Mingi's hair as he growls into your pussy. He inserts his middle and ring fingers into your cunt then curling it up while his tongue doing a kitten lick on your clit, a fast kitten lick on your clit. "Fuck Mingi.. don't stop-mmh gonna..gonna cum" His index finger joins the other two fingers and he suck your clit make you scream as you cum so hard your body spasming and Mingi holds your hips down.
"Just like that love, let it out for me" he trails kisses on you cheeks and jawline until you stop shaking under him.He peels off his shirt then rubbing his cock on your clit, you let out whimpers because of the sensitivity "And from now on..fuck with me will be your new hobby, my dick is gonna be your fucking hobby" with that he enters himself inside you in one hard trust make you scream so loud. "Oh shoot, it hurts? Sorry, I'll pull it ou-".
"No please, just keep going" you breathed while holding into his arms, he nods at you then starts to move slowly. When your moans become louder he sped up his movement, "ah- fuck you feel so good Mingi, so big.." you moan uncontrollably.
"Yeah, you take me really well Y/N my love" his words sounds so sweet with the soft deep voice he lets out, but his grip on your waist and the way he's pistoning his hips so hard your tears start to gather at the corner of your eyes.
"Faster Mingi! Please make me cum please please fuckkk" Your eyes closed, whimpers and rambling flow out of your lips. You can hear his whisper, definitely sounds like he's begging you to cum. His movement become faster and faster, you lose it when he moves one of his hand and rubs your clit with two fingers that you assume it's his index and middle finger.
"Yes love..yes, fuck you are so so tight, so good for me, you are amazing baby" you cum for the second time, your legs feels like giving up but Mingi still thrust himself into you. "God.. I'll fucking give you what you want, I'll make you taste what you wanna fucking taste" it doesn't take him so long to cum inside you with sharp thrust that make you let out a choked moan. He pulled out make you whimper then go down on you to suck his cum out of your cunt.
"W-wait Mingi! What are you doing?!" You look down but he pays you no mind, when he finishes whatever he's doing he hovers over you and then give you an open mouthed kiss, your eyes open wide when you could taste a salty liquid over your tongue, when Mingi fills your mouth with all his cum he pulls off from the kiss then spit right into your tongue, he is doing a fucking cumplay and you know that.
"Now swallow it love, I know you can do it" You don't wanna swallow it, but the moment when Mingi spit into your mouth and the fact that your cum, his cum, your spit and his spit are mixed together make your head dizzy in a good way then you swallow it unwittingly and without hesitation, you show your tongue to him to proof that you have swallow all of it, his smirk grows. "You do really good for me love" he's keeping you in his embrace for a good half an hour. When he feels you dozed off, he give a light pat on your cheek you wake you up. "Don't sleep yet my love, we gotta clean you up first".
"I'm feel so tired Mingi, let me sleep" He lifts you up into his arms instead, but it's not like you're complaining tho. He takes you to your bathroom then put you inside the tub after he fills it with warm water.
He stokes your hair make you dozed off again, he giggles at the sight.
"What are you going to do without me, my love".
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visionofhope04 · 10 months
Here for the angst of neglected batsis, imagine or hc them of moving out if the house when they are 18 and let's say they meet some spirit and they have their memory wiped and transfer to the marvel universe to restart their life and more happy, then the dc/marvel merge together because of a big threat and batfam sees batsis is heavily pregnant and married to our favorite deadpool charater Colossus?
How would they reached if batsis just can't remember them and keeps on telling them they have the wrong person?
I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK. Guess who's back!! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, I haven't had the motivation to write until recently. Also OOC warning bc I don't really know him well besides the Deadpool movies. I almost freaked out bc I haven't used the tumblr website in so long and it got updated so I thought I lost all my drafts. So glad they're still here, whew. Not beta read so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes!
It's been a year since moving into your apartment and you couldn't be happier. College was going well and you were taking classes you enjoyed. However, you haven't made any friends yet which led you to spend your free time reading or surfing the web. Jason didn't come by much due to having his own life and vigilante things, which you understood. It didn't mean you couldn't be a little bit sad about it though.
Even though you were enjoying your life, you still felt as if there was something missing. You'd been trying to figure out why you had felt this way but nothing came to mind. Any time you tried to brush off the feeling, it came back stronger. You did your best to ignore it and continue on with life, but it was always there, nagging you.
It had been a long day. College was so stressful. Your professors kept hurling projects at you that had deadlines that were practically impossible to meet. You just wanted it to end already and be on summer break. Then, you’d be able to sleep how long you wanted to without the fear of being late for class or forgetting to complete an assignment.
You sat down at your desk and pulled out your laptop, preparing to continue an essay that was due in three days. Suddenly, you began to feel nauseous. Confused, you attempted to ignore the feeling in favor of completing the essay. A few seconds after trying to focus on your laptop screen, you saw a bright light.
"My child, you will be saved from this life." A strangely comforting voice said.
Then everything faded to black.
A voice. A voice? But you live alone and no one has the spare key to your apartment. You slowly opened your eyes, groaning and quickly shutting them again once a bright light blinded you.
"Oh you're alive, thank God. Can you speak?" Whoever this was seemed to have been panicking before, slightly less though now that you had indicated you were alive. You groan as you push yourself up off of what seems to be concrete. Concrete? You're definitely not in your apartment. You crack your eyes open again, this time with less difficulty, and come face to face with white lenses of a mask. Blinking again, you register that the lenses are attached to a red material with black lines.
"AH!" The figure yells and jumps back, startled by your sudden surprise.
"What the hell are you supposed to be?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to the side.
"What do you mean? I'm Spiderman." His voice was a bit high pitched, he sounded like a teen at most.
"Spiderman? You've got to be joking. There is no Spiderman. Go home kid, crime fighting isn't a game." Sure, you may be a hypocrite, seeing as you are an ex-assassin who began learning how to kill at around 5, but at least you had training. What did this Spiderman have? From how startled he was, you assumed he had barely been trained, if at all.
“What? I'm literally Spiderman! I'm Queens' hero!"
"Queens, New York?" You thought you'd still be in New Jersey at least.
"Uh yeah. I don't think there are any other places called Queens that have a Spiderman."
"Again, Spiderman? Seriously? You couldn't think of a better name at least?"
"Hey! There's nothing wrong with Spiderman!"
"Sure kid, keep telling yourself that."
He was about to protest when suddenly, someone else dropped into the alley.
"Hey Spidey, who's this lovely lady?" A person in an all red with black suit with two swords on his back and guns strapped to his waist called out. The person seemed to be a male, around 30 years old.
"This 'lovely lady' is very confused. Who are you?" They keep multiplying, and you'd never seen this person either.
"Did you hit your head or something? You've never heard of or seen Deadpool? The most handsomest, most awesomest, funniest, killer crime fighter?"
"Uh nope. Also, I'm from Jersey, how did I end up here?"
"Good question. What's your name?"
"Oh, it's-" You stopped in confusion. "I actually don't remember. It was just at the tip of my tongue but I don't remember."
"Oh great! Amnesia! Just what we need. I'll let you handle her Spidey and I'll go stop some bad guys, 'kay?"
"What! No, don't leave me here!" Deadpool was already sprinting away.
"Let's get you to the base. Colossus and the others will know what to do."
They did not, in fact, know what to do. Colossus sent Negasonic and Yukio to contact Professor X, while Spiderman went to contact Tony Stark (I'm still emotionally scarred from Endgame so no, he won't be dead, this is my fanfic and I can keep him alive if I want to) and Deadpool went back out to patrol. You were left alone with Colossus.
Uncomfortable silence sat between you. Just as you were beginning to get antsy, Colossus broke it first.
"Do you remember anything at all?"
"I'm... a college student. I live alone in an apartment in New Jersey, I think. I used to fight crime until... I don't know, it's fuzzy. I'm an ex-assassin who has been training since I was 5. That's all I remember."
"You can remember that but not your name?"
"Look, I don't know okay? I don't know what's happening or why I can't remember anything else. I want to remember who I am, but I can't. And it's so... so frustrating! Your suspicion is understandable, but it is not helping."
"I apologize. This is a stressful situation for you. I will be more considerate."
"Thank you."
They could not figure out what happened to you or why you suddenly appeared in Queens one day. Your memory remained fuzzy, so you were stuck. As time passed, you and Colossus grew closer. You became so close that he told you his real name, you became a couple, and you got married. Seven years passed, you were 25 and you'd been trying for a baby. You both felt the time was right and that you'd be able to handle parenting.
Colossus came home from work one day, spent and tired. There you were, waiting for him at the door as usual.
"Hi my love, long day?" You fiddled with the positive pregnancy test behind your back.
"Yes darling, when is it not?"
"Well, we're going to have to figure something out, because there's no way I'll wake up every night to take care of our baby."
He looked confused, then realization hit. "You're..?" He looked so happy and hopeful, you couldn't contain your happiness. A huge smile lit up your face.
"Yes, we're finally going to be parents!" You pulled out the pregnancy test and held it up to him.
He laughed a joyful laugh, tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes as he embraced you. It must've been infectious because you began to tear up too. You remained in each other's embrace for a while, just existing in the moment. Time felt irrelevant as you basked in your shared delight.
8 months later, your belly had swollen and grown. Everyone was happy for the both of you. You and Colossus were both eager for your little one to arrive. You'd both decided to wait for birth to find out the gender. It didn't matter to you whether it was a boy or girl, just that they were healthy (gender's a construct anyway). The pregnancy had been going great so far, but this time of easy-going was about to get ruined by your husband's job.
Your world had merged with another because of some cosmic threat. Great! Your husband would be preoccupied trying to fix the situation, which meant that you'd be alone. Selfishly, you wished that they could let your husband stay with you so close to your due date, but you knew he had a role to play in saving two worlds.
Seeing your loneliness, Colossus decided to bring you with him to the Avengers' base. He hoped you'd be able to befriend some of the people there. You entered the compound and your eyes were drawn to some men standing beside a set of double doors. They all had suits on, black hair (one guy had two white streaks in his hair) and most had blue eyes, except for one man who had green eyes. He was also noticeably the darkest of the group. They felt familiar to you, especially the man with green eyes. Have you met them before? Who were they?
As your husband was discussing some details about the meeting, you couldn't help but watch the group of men. Not knowing why you thought you knew them annoyed you. As if they could feel your eyes on them (they could), they turned around in sync and locked eyes with you.
Their eyes widened and they all exclaimed your name in various degrees of disbelief. They rushed over to you and your husband protectively stepped in front of you
"How do you know my wife?"
"Wife?!" Some of them shouted. They were beginning to cause a scene.
"You're pregnant." The one with green eyes observed. He seemed to be having some sort of crisis.
All their eyes darted to your belly, making you uncomfortable. You placed your hand over your stomach and attempted to discretely hide behind your husband. This did not go unnoticed by them.
"You don't remember us?" The shortest of them questioned.
"No, I've never met you guys." You were very confused.
The man who appeared to be the oldest said your name. You stared at him as he studied your eyes, presumably to see if you were lying. It made you feel vulnerable and unsettled, couldn't they leave you alone?
"We're your family."
The guy with the white streaks in his hair scoffed. "You didn't treat her like she was family. I was the only one who cared for her when she was younger while you all ignored her and let her suffer. I'm glad she doesn't remember what you all did to her. She's clearly living a much better life without you lot in it."
This was getting more confusing by the second, although you felt there was truth to his words. Did you forget these people? They seemed very convincing if they were lying.
"I'm sorry but I really don't remember you guys. Maybe you have the wrong person?"
"No we don't! You disappeared one day and now that we've finally found you, you're saying you forgot everything!"
"That is enough. Please leave my wife alone, she does not know you, and she does not need the unnecessary stress of trying to remember people she's never met. Do not approach her anymore." Colossus guided you away from the men, who stared longingly at you. The heartbroken expressions they had after your husband's speech would follow you often. Were you sure you'd never met them before?
Words: 1,847
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cbrownjc · 3 months
My thoughts about Devil's Minion right now after Rolin Jones' comments (spoilers):
A meta so thorough, that I first wrote in a post/reply elsewhere, I'm putting it into a separate post, (with some more added to it), just because. And especially since I know I've gotten a lot of followers over the course of Season 2 because of my Devil's Minion posts as well, and I want this all in a separate, individual post for quick reference, just in case.
Fair warning: if you are totally happy and fine about what happened -- i.e. how Armand turned Daniel -- then yeah, what I am going to say here isn't for you. I'm not trying to harsh anyone's vibe, especially if you are just happy that Daniel is a vampire now, okay? This is just about how I feel and see things about it at the moment (particularly regarding RJs comments about it). So if you're not up for criticism, critique, as well as speculation about Devil's Minion right now, then yeah. IMO, just skip this post, please.
Okay. So. Rolin Jones just gave an interview with The Hollywood Reporter and this is what he said about Daniel's turning by Armand:
Jones confirms that, just like in Rice’s books, Armand is the one who turns Daniel into a vampire. “Will we see that moment of turning? No, but Armand finally made a vampire and clearly made him out of spite,” he says with a laugh. “It looks like it was really not a great moment [between him and Daniel], but that connects those two characters. They will have scenes going forward, obviously.”
-- Rolin Jones, Hollywood Reporter, 06/30/24
Okay so, to start. For me, someone who has been waiting since 1995 (when I was 17) for Devil's Minion, for Armand and Daniel's relationship to finally be adapted in some way, I'll be honest. There are only two ways this can go now that I can see at the moment: either Rolin is lying/trolling to hide the truth about all of this, or he is telling the truth and this is truly the way they are going with this.
If Rolin is lying/trolling to hide something about all of this, then I'll forgive that lying/trolling instantly once it's revealed that he was. (Put a pin in this.) Having to flat-out lie or troll is sometimes par for the course when it comes to running a show and not wanting to spoil anything about what might be coming up in it. So honestly, if that's what's going on with what he said here? Meh. No skin off my nose.
If he is telling the truth, however? Then I'll have zero desire to watch the show anymore, once I see it 100% confirmed in some way with my own two eyes in some way on screen somehow. (Again, pin in this.) Because I have very much learned my lesson when it comes to TV shows and lazy writing/bad adaptations after Game of Thrones.
Because Armand turning Daniel out of spite is the antithesis of what Devil's Minion is supposed to be for both characters. It is an utter and complete misunderstanding of both characters and their relationship together. It's an utter downgrade of their relationship from the books, and I am not here for it. I literally do not care what "romance" they might later have planned for them if this is how Daniel was turned.
Look. If you are someone who only ever cared about Daniel just being a vampire, then this is all likely fine for you, and that's okay. But not me. Because Daniel being a vampire never was, or has been, the important part of Armand and Daniel's relationship. Not in my eyes and, frankly, not when it comes to the original story. Daniel becoming a vampire is not the important part of the Devil's Minion story. The actual love and romance before Daniel is turned is because it is during that part of it that the actual character development and growth both of them go through from it takes place. Especially for Armand's character.
And that only has any depth when Daniel is human and Armand is forever refusing to turn him because of his hangups about making another vampire.
And Armand finally turning Daniel out of love was a huge step that showed Armand beginning to move forward and heal -- from not only his time in the Children of Darkness cult, but begin his healing when it comes to his Marius issues as well.
Armand turning Daniel out of spite undercuts all of that. It undercuts the whole story. And flat-out guts some of the major depth of the relationship and Armand's character development overall.
Not to mention it makes Daniel no better than someone like Claudia wrt Armand turning him now. Maybe even less than her since at least Claudia got turned out of Lestat's love for someone else. Daniel doesn't even get that? The person who is supposed to be his eternal companion doesn't even get turned by him out of love, an important point to the bond between such Maker and Fledgling eternal companions, but out of hate and spite instead?
Yeah, no thank you.
This is not what I've waited since 1995 to see with these two and the fact their relationship may have gotten treated like this -- if this is true -- utterly astounds me how this show could get Loustat so right (and even upgrade them so beautifully in so many ways such as with Louis' turning) and utterly fail Devil's Minion so badly. Because yes, it's failing them. It's a terrible and, moreover, just a shallow adaptation of Devil's Minion if this is how it really all goes down.
Because there is way more to Armand and Daniel than them just Daniel being a vampire and them finally "getting together." Or at least there is supposed to be. And this ain't it.
(Pin!) Now, with that all said? The fact that Rolin flat out says that we'll never see Armand turning Daniel? Yeah okay, I'm sus on that one. Because really. The only reason not to show Armand turning Daniel next season -- and visually confirm that Armand did it -- is if because . . . Armand never actually turned Daniel in the first damn place.
Or, if he did, it maybe was not fully Daniel.
I mean, you're not going to ever actually show Armand turning his first-ever fledgling (who he's supposed to go on to have a romantic relationship with at some point) after making a big ass deal out of the fact that Armand has never turned anyone before? Ever?
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See I know damn well that Armand is being framed as a villain right now. He very much has to be given how the end of the book IWTV and how the upcoming book The Vampire Lestat, goes. Armand is the main villain/antagonist in it. Even in the present day, it is clear Armand hasn't gone yet gone through all of the growth that he does from Queen of the Damned on. So he's still back in his villain-era mode right now. And his post-breakup with Louis mode in the present day. Which is fine, it's how his story -- and the story where it is right now -- goes. I am thoroughly okay with that.
And the very idea that Armand turned Daniel out of spite? Very much plays into that framing-him-as-a-villian state where Armand's character is right now. And will be for the majority of Season 3, which I've already before now suspected and said.
So here is where the speculation on my end of things comes in. Because yeah, not only can I not help myself but because -- until I see this play out with my own eyes -- I'm willing to be reasonable and look at the various ways this all could still play out that doesn't completely gut out the very heart of Armand and Daniel -- as characters and their relationship together. (Or at least not have it be so damn shallow by the end when they inevitably get and stay together.)
So as @nalyra-dreaming can confirm, I gave her a few scenarios that could be behind Daniel's turning weeks ago, when I first suspected it was going to happen (before the screener leaks about it started). In one of the scenarios, I said that if Daniel's vampire eyes are any color other than violet, then that is NOT Daniel's spirit/soul/consciousness in Daniel's body that has been made a vampire.
As the saying goes, "The eyes are the window into the soul." And am I really supposed to think this show got Lestat and Louis' eye color dead on correct but just missed Daniel's iconic eye color? Really? (Because no, I do not find it romantic that Daniel has his Maker's eye color, or whatever. Besides, vampire eye color doesn't even work like that -- the show didn't even do that with Louis and Lestat who are the main, grand romantic couple of the damn show.)
As I said here in this reblog, I stand by my opinion/theory that no way this show gets Daniel's iconic violet eye color wrong, even on accident. I said so weeks ago, before even seeing Daniel's eyes in that final shot in the season finale, and just predicting that he was going to get turned.
No way this show got Daniel's iconic eye color wrong when he became a vampire, not when they went to all the damn trouble creating those vampire contacts and gave Jacob's Louis green eyes to match book-Louis.
And yes I damn well know they could just have Daniel pop up with violet vampire eyes in the Season 3 premiere and there goes all of that, and it really was all just laziness, incompetence, and a mistake when it came to the color of Daniel's eyes in the finale. But right now? I'm treating Daniel's eye color as the equivalent of Rolin saying "Lelio is so boring!" as to the question of why Sam's Lestat was playing Harlequin and not Lelio in the Season 2 theater flashbacks. Something the show changed on purpose and for a reason.
Because we all damn well know that we are going to see Sam's Lestat as Lelio in Season 3, correct? Because we are.
And yes. I know some people really hate the idea of a body swap scenario regarding Daniel, but I'm sorry. At this point, it really is the only scenario out of this whole storyline that I can see right now, that will keep it anywhere close to retaining the heart of the Devil's Minion storyline, especially if Armand really did turn Daniel out of spite here (even though, again, we'll apparently never see that turning to confirm that in full. Uh-huh, okay.).
And two things that I think do set up the possibility are:
1.) Louis says Daniel was turned after he left Armand alone with him. But Louis actually wouldn't know something like that unless he was told since he wasn't there. All we can really assume at the moment is that Daniel told Louis what happened after Louis left the room. And as RJ and Assad said, we'll never see the actual turning. So who knows when the hell it happened.
2.) Raglan James, via those direct messages asking Daniel for "reciprocation" for getting him a copy of the script, with Armand's handwritten notes, of the trial-play. Between that request and the Talamasca publishing Daniel's book, that loops Daniel into the James orbit very much. And ties Daniel very close to any Talamasca going on even more.
And, quite frankly, I've thought since Season 1 that David Talbot's character was out and would be merged with both Louis and Daniel on the show. And Sam pretty much confirmed in his interview with Autumn Brown that some characters from the books will be merged together with others in the show. So, yeah. David's character is very much a character I always thought they were doing that with, and I know I'm not the only one who's thought it before now as well.
And honestly, I can much better deal with some type of scenario in which Armand maybe ends up turning two versions of "Daniel" -- and therefore technically having two fledglings, even though they are kind of the same person -- over what is being put forth about this right now. One turning -- in spite -- of Daniel's body without his true spirit/soul/consciousness in it, and the other turning -- out of love -- of Daniel's spirit/soul/consciousness inside a different body of some kind. (Which I won't go into now, as that is a whole separate long meta if I did.)
Because at least with that scenario then, in a weird way, Daniel being Armand's only fledgling would still hold. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Along with a few other things that can happen regarding Armand's character growth in between each turning.
But that is it. Because there is no way they can have Armand turn Daniel (as fully Daniel) out of spite -- as Rolin directly says he does in this interview -- and actually keep the heart of the Devil's Minion story and romance now. Not even if the Devil's Minion chase and parts of the relationship happened in the past IMO . . . another thing they are clearly avoiding talking about, btw. Which, at least right now, just tells me that, if we're lucky, we'll only -- once again -- get one episode that flashes back to that time in Season 3. Can't really be helped, since Season 3's primary focus will be regarding Lestat and Lestat's backstory. (As I've said before Daniel isn't even in that book. So whatever we get with him in Season 3 really will just be extra, added stuff.)
Oh, and something else I very much recognize is that Loustat shippers -- particularly book ones -- have gone through it these past two seasons, but now seem to be coming out of that darkness. Maybe now it's time for Devil's Minion shippers like me and others to face the same damn thing now. Because of something Assad let slip a few weeks ago about not getting Armand's full story until Season 4, I think that is how long we're going to have to wait to see the full of this play out.
But I advise right now that if some of you think you can't handle that and would just rather quit the show and binge things later, I totally get it. Waiting two seasons -- basically 4 years minimum -- is going to be a pain in the ass. I already know right now that there are some things I'm not going to have the patience for during the hiatus times in between, particularly this one. (One thing I can already say, at least right now, is that I'm not inspired to write any show-based Devil's Minion fanfic this hiatus like I did during the last hiatus).
But quitting the show altogether? No, I'm not there yet. Because yes Rolin does like to troll. Plus Hannah's tweet. Plus what was said about Devil's Minion at ATX Festival. Plus my thinking, long before now, that David Talbot was always out wrt the show, and the fact that Raglan James is here and Daniel's character has been heavily tied into The Talamasca plotline of the show.
And given everything I've seen this show do wrt it's writing up until now, I just can't fully believe they would really make Devil's Minion this damn shallow and devoid of its depth and heart. And just have Armand turn his one and only canon fledgling and immortal companion out of nothing but spite. When Armand loving Daniel and finally having to trust in Daniel's love for him, as well as his own love for Daniel over his own fear was a major point and culmination of the Devil's Minion storyline.
After everything I've seen these first two seasons wrt this show, I can't think these writers would miss such an important heart and point of the Devil's Minion storyline and romance so completely.
Not yet at any rate.
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chanelles-world · 10 months
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STORMY NIGHT (chris smut) ! i need him
this has a slow start… but trust i promise it gets better !
"fuck... you know what i'm gonna do? i'm gonna fuck this pussy so fucking hard, and ill make sure you won't be able to walk the next morning.." chris growls in my ear. my heart racing fast at the thought of that.
it was a stormy saturday night and i was laying down in my bedroom on my phone while the tv was on playing in the background. my lights were off and the only glow was from my tv and the little lamp that was on my night stand near my bed.
i could hear the wind whistling and thunder clapping as rain fell from the sky. i always loved the sound of storms so it was nice and calming.
i was scrolling through instagram when i heard a quiet knock from the outside of my window. i quickly jump and look over at the door to my balcony. there was a shadow of what looked like a person. "what the hell" i whisper not wanting to get out from my  spot on the bed.
knock knock. you hear that same knock again, my eyes were fixated on the door that i didn't realize texts were coming thru to my  phone. "ding!" there went another text. i got so scared  i almost thru my phone but realized it was texts from chris. "what the fuck does he want at this ungodly hour??"  i think to myself.
i open the texts quickly and see he was texting me to open up the door. i raised my eyebrow confused. "what do you mean open up the door" i text back. "i'm standing outside, open up your balcony door, dumbass" i roll my eyes as i read the text that flooded my screen.
i get up quickly and quietly from my bed and walk to my balcony door sliding it open which led to reveal chris. there chris was outside my room soaking wet from standing in the storm.
"what the fuck chris?!" i yell whisper while motioning to his soaking body. he shrugs as he lets himself in. "you're gonna get yourself sick... what were you thinking coming over here in this weather and at this time??" i say concerned but also confused because what did he want that couldn't wait until the morning.
"i don't know i was bored and knew you were awake so i decided to head over here.. matt and nick were already asleep."
i sigh closing the glass door before walking to the bathroom to get chris a towel. i walk over to where he was still standing and hand it to him. "well what do you think i'm gonna want to do at this time?" i asked raising my eyebrow. chris shrugs his shoulders clearly not thinking before he made his way over to my house. "chris do you even know what time it is?"
he nods his head "yeah like 10pm.." he says unsure as i look at him with an amused face. "wrong, it's literally 12am" i say shaking my head before walking back to my bed.
"well i'm here now so what do we want to do?" he asks as he starts drying himself off, starting with his hair.
i took in the sight that was in front of me. there chris was with a white fit shirt and his gray sweatpants. his clothes hung to his body perfectly as they had gotten wet from the rain. you could see his biceps and chest thru his shirt as it went see thru.
my  eyes move south down his body and see his man hood poking thru from his sweat pants. god damn. he was big. wait what i thought trying to shake the thought out of my head. i know
i'm not supposed to be thinking these thoughts but i couldn't help it. my mind begins thinking of all the dirty things that i could imagine. my eyes travel back up north and before i could look back up at chris before he saw me staring, i was too late.
"you like what you see?" he asks as a smirk plays on his lips. i could feel my heart racing and cheeks burning as i quickly look away. i couldn't manage to look at his face. i felt so embarrassed.
"no need to be embarrassed.." chris says quitely as he takes a step towards me. i could feel my heart racing. oh shit. i could see chris slowly making his way towards me. i was sitting on the bed so there wasn't really anywhere to go.
before chris could get any closer, i quickly get up and fast walk to the opposite side of the room near the bathroom. i don't know what made
me think to do that, but i did it anyways.
chris doesn't turn around instead he slowly grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it up and over his head. my brain fogs up as i take in his back muscles. he was so fine. i start to internally freak out because i barely thought of him like that. why now the change? chris turns around in my direction, my breathing hitched as i thought he was walking over to me but instead he makes his way to the bathroom, where he hung up his shirt.
"why are you standing there?" he asks amused
you blink at him a few times. "erm.. i i don't know.." you say speechless. "well cmon let's watch something." chris says excitedly before grabbing the remote to change the channel.
it's like the whole mood completely changed in just a few seconds.
i nod my head and walk quietly over to my bed sitting down on my mattress.
"um before i sit down, are you okay with me taking off my sweats? they're all wet and i don't want your bed getting wet either..." chris asks hesitantly. i gulp, taking his question by surprise.
i think about it for a few seconds. "um yeah sure.." i say nodding my head. i turn my head towards the tv looking straight forward.
out of the corner of my eye i could see chris watching my every move.
i swear i heard a sigh as he slid out of his sweat pants really quickly. i try my hardest not to look over at him as he standing there in only his ethika's. i chew on my lips as i wait for him to sit down on my bed.
chris places his sweats beside my bed and sits before laying down on my bed. he places his arms behind his head which was laying against the head rest.
"okay what do you want to watch?" chris asks calmly before grabbing the remote and scrolling through the channels like nothing had just happened. i know it wasn't like a huge deal but still.
"it doesn't matter.." i say quietly.
chris nods his head in acknowledgement and clicks on a random show. we both have been sitting there for quite some time fixated on the show before i start shivering. mind you it was still storming outside and so it was pretty cold.
"c'mere" chris says motioning me  to come lay next to him as he notices me shivering. i hesitate before moving towards him on the bed. i situate myself against his chest as he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer. i tense up just thinking about being this close to him when i remember he isn't wearing anything but his ethika's.
"why are you so tense?" he whispers into my ear. i shiver at just hearing his voice. why does he sound so hot? "loosen up i'm not gonna bite" he says again. i loosen up just a little bit. a few seconds later chris pokes my side which makes me squirm. "stop it" i say quietly as i let out a giggle. chris does it again, but this time i let out a laugh which ended up with me in a laughing fit.
i squirm every where trying to set free but in the mix of it all he had grabbed my hands with putting them above my head. which made it hard for me to break free. i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe to the point where i started kicking my feet. i didn't mean to but the next thing i knew i had kneed chris in his no zone area. "FUCK" chris moaned out in pain as he let go of my hands to grab his dick while sitting up. "oh my gosh i'm so sorry." i say quickly sitting up also. "mm" chris audibly groans out.
i cover my mouth with my hand feeling really bad. "shit i'm so sorry, that was a complete accident." i apologize again.
"it's not your fault technically, it was mine" chris says finally able to talk. "but damn girl you are strong." he says looking over at me. i blush and look at something else that wasn't his face.
"why do you keep looking away?" chris asks confused as he felt better. "i don't know." i say still not looking at his face.
"really?" chris questions not convinced. i nod my head because i couldn't find the words to speak.
"look at me." chris demands. i don't look at him.
"look at me" chris says again before reaching over and gently moving my face to look at him. we both make eye contact and stare at each other for what felt like an eternity. his eyes were so blue, they were so pretty. he was staring all over my face, first my eyes, nose, and lips then back to my face. i wanted to break the eye contact so bad but his hand was still holding my face in place.
"let me ask again, why do you keep turning away?" chris asks after a few minutes. it's like chris read my mind "and don't say you don't know." he says narrowing his eyes at me. "honest, i- i don't know.." i say whispering looking down at his chest.
"i know damn well you know.." chris says whispering as he moved closer to me. he moves his head back to look at my face, then glances at my lips then back at me once again. the way my stomach did summersaults. i know now that i wanted it just as bad as he did but i don't know what was stopping me.
"i'm gonna kiss you okay?" chris says in a audible whisper as his lips were inches away from mine as he moved his hand to my chin. my brain fogged up and i couldn't think anymore. i slightly nod my head and before i could think about what i said yes to, i felt his lips on mine. i wasn't gonna lie, this kiss felt so good and his lips were so soft. don't even get me started.
chris was about to pull away but before he could i don't know what got over me but i quickly deepen the kiss. my hands make their way to either side of his face as my body moves closer to him not breaking the kiss. i was basically on his lap before one hand moved to his hair.
when it was time to get some air both of us pulled apart breathing heavily. i stare at him and his eyes were filled with lust and love. i could say the same with mine. i don't hesitate to kiss him again. my lips found his as i started playing with his hair. i could feel his tongue caresses my lips asking for an entrance. i oblige and our tongues start battling for dominance. i couldn't take it any longer, a deep moan escaped from my mouth as we continued to make out.
when it was time to catch our breath for the second time, chris motions me to stand up. he stands up after me. he turns me around with my back facing the bed and gently pushes me back making me land on the bed. chris crawls on the bed and hovers on top of me. he pushes my hair out of my face and behind my ear before latching his lip onto my neck. chris started kissing all over neck until he found my sweet spot.
"oh gosh.." i moan quietly. chris gently bites at my neck leaving a hickey in that spot. it didn't matter at that moment if i was left with a thousand hickeys, this felt too good. chris moves back to my lips and gently places kiss before staring at me.
his eyes were glazing over mine. i could tell that he wanted more, and if you couldn't tell by his face you could tell by his member that was poking my leg. it felt so hard making my insides tingle. i couldn't deny the fact that i wanted more. no scratch that. i needed more.
we stare at each other for a moment longer. "what.." i say in a low whisper. "you're just so beautiful.." chris says in a raspy tone. oh shit that was hot as fuck. my insides were burning even more.
"oh shut up.." i say with a blush forming on my cheeks . "no joke.. you're so fucking beautiful it's not even funny." chris says with a serious tone.
"well um thanks.." i say breaking the eye contact. chris grabs my chin moving my head, making me look at him.
"gosh you're killing me. like you have no idea what you do to me." he stares deep into my eyes. i swallow hard. his intense stare was making me crazy.
"that's not true.. i can name a few things.." i whisper boldly. "oh really?" chris whispers. i nod my head. "tell me then.." chris says in my ear. without thinking my hand makes its way down south and palms his dick. "oh fuck!" chris says as his hips flinch to my touch. i smirk knowing that i was able to make him this hard while still clothed and make him feel this good with just one touch.
chris ducks his head in between my neck as i continue palming his crotch. without any warning i quickly place my hand inside his ethika's and grab ahold of his dick. it was so warm against my palm.
"urgh" chris groans in pleasure. with my other hand i slide down his boxers, revealing his cock in my hand. i look down as my eyes bulge as i realized how big he was. damn. i start stroking his dick slowly as i could feel his hot breath against my neck. "oh fuck!" chris moans loudly.
i take that as a sign and apply pressure. "oh god yeah.." chris groans to my movements. i start feeling kisses being planted against my neck again as i continue pleasuring him.
"oh shit, f-faster" chris pleads. i obey his command and stroke his dick faster. "oh yeah, oh fuck!" i stroke his member as fast as possible. chris drops his head in my neck, breathing fast. i could tell he was about to release.
"oh shit, im about to cuum! oh fuck" he groans as his hips buckles towards my cooch. i still have a hand on his dick as he releases spitting cum around my hand and stomach as my tank had slid up during this ideal.
chris's head was still dropped on my shoulder as i remove my hand from his dick.
"oh god, that was too good.." chris moans in bliss as he goes to stand up. he first finishes removing his boxers from his feet before walking over to the bathroom to return with a cloth. I watch every step he takes. before he could hand it to me, i took him by surprise and slowly start licking up the cum that was on my hand while staring straight at him.
chris opened his mouth to speak but was in shock. i continue to lick up the semen until it was all gone. "holy shit, that was fucking hot" chris says finding his words.
i smirk at him. "you know what else would be hot?" I ask purring. at this time i stood up and stand right in front of him with my hands on his chest while biting my lip.
"w-what?" chris asks whispering. my hands slowly massage around his chest and make their way to his neck, leaving them there.
"hm your fingers... all up... in my pussy, maybe finger fucking me raw with your tongue on my clit until i squirt and you hearing me scream your name...." i whisper quietly in his ear.
"what the hell has happened to the shy girl i once knew.." chris asks shocked. "she's still there, she just wants what she wants and. that. is. you..." i whisper before placing my lips against his.
before he could react and kiss me back, i quickly break the kiss and let go of him. "watch and don't touch till I tell you to.. understood?" I say with lust.  my hands slowly travel to the hem of my tank top as i slowly start pulling it off. once it was off I throw it across my room. I unclasp my bra soon after exposing my tits. my nipples harden at the cool air.
"oh god... you're so beautiful" chris breaths . I smirk and continue stripping off my clothes, next with my spandex's. my fingers lace around my spandex slowly pulling them down with my thong while making eye contact with him. I let my underwear drop, making my pussy exposed. I step out of them and kick it out of the way. all the time I was staring at his deep blue eyes, making me almost fold, but I needed to stay strong.
I move closer to him with my naked body against his. I place my lips against his kissing him hungrily. chris snakes his arms around my body cupping my ass, pulling me closer. I let out a soft moan as he then grabs my waist throwing me on the bed aggressively.
he quickly gets on top of me and fondles my tits in one hand as his other hand slowly makes it's way down south towards my soaking pussy. chris starts kissing my neck finding, my sweet spot once more.
I squirm as I fiend for his touch. his fingers moves like magic as he pinches my clit— rubbing it in the process m. I let out a deep moan as he  bites down on my neck and glides his pointer finger through my wet folds.
"oh my gosh.." I say whimpering. I needed more. "you like that baby? chris purrs. I moan in response. "yes, oh shit.." i say needing his fingers in me.
"tell me what you want.." chris whispers in my ear. i groan in frustration. "you already know.."
i feel chris's smirk as my eyes clench shut from the need of his fingers penetrating my pussy.
"fuck chris, please.." i whimper. he continues teasing my folds. my hips buckle upwards feeling his finger slid into my heat. i moan but before i could get far he removes his finger.
"fuck you" i say annoyed. i move my hand through his hair holding onto it tight.
chris chuckles before finally obliging to my needs. his long finger slides through my pussy making me shiver. it felt so good.
"mmm oh yeah.." i moan in pleasure. chris moves his finger in and out while playing with my clit. "that feels so good oh.. faster" i breath out.
chris adds another finger and moves faster as he stares at me. i stare back at him with pleasure filling my eyes. my pussy tingling and clenching together as i could imagine my high. i was so close.
"oh shit! fuck! faster oh" i groan. chris scrapes his fingers on the inside of my pussy walls making my eyes roll to the back of my head. i feel my body start to shudder at the reaction that i was gonna cum any second.
"chris, im so close" i moan but before i could ride my high, chris pulls his fingers out. i shoot open my eyes which were filled with annoyance but also lust.
"what the fuck chris! i was so close" i groan out my frustrations. "i don't want you cumming just yet... i'm not finished with you yet." he whispers before guiding his dick down to my entrance— letting his dick rub my folds.
in the process of getting finger fucked, chris's dick got hard again just thinking about the fact that he was about to fuck her raw.
"mm" i say in response to feeling his hard cock rubbing up and down my pussy. my pussy was so fucking wet his dick could slip in at any moment.
"oh god you're so wet.. huh?" chris moans loudly before slowly settling his dick in the depression of my pussy. i nod in agreement and  as i urge for him to continue.
chris slowly pushes into my vagina, i gave an intake of breath as his cock parted my pussy gently. he slid inside of me, inch by inch.
god that feels so good but also big at the same time. chris pushes in a little bit more — a moan escaping his mouth. a few more inches in and i felt a slight resistance. i winced when chris tried to push further. he was so big.
chris noticed this and dropped a hand down to play with my clit. i moaned. chris captured my lips, mid moan chris took that as an opportunity to give a hard thrust into my pussy. his cock drowned in my pussy. past the resistance i groaned a little at the feel of it all. chris quickly pulled back.
"shit, are you okay?" he asks concerned. i nod my head in confirmation for him to continue. chris lands me a kiss and moves one hand to fondle my tits making me moan. i began to move underneath him, creating friction onto his dick — which made him move inside me.
chris began moving his hips, finding a good pace which started matching my movements. slowly he increased the speed of his thrusts. my breathing got choppier by the moment.
"oh shit y/n, you are so fucking tight..." chris moans as he pushes in and out of me. my pussy hugging at his dick as it felt really good.
"fuck, this feels so good!" i moan in pleasure, encouraging chris to go even faster.
at this point chris was pounding into my pussy. our bodies were mended together as i could feel my pussy walls tighten. this was literally the best feeling in the world.
chris places kisses all over my face as he continues pounding this pussy of mine. his hips thrusting at mine.
"chris oh fuck, harder!" i cry out. but instead of going harder chris pulls out quickly to lift my legs backwards towards my head. he puts his hand on either side of my thighs and motions me to hold them there as he wraps his hand around his dick — making sure to rub my pussy folds before pushing back in but this time a lot harder and faster.
chris replaces my hands with his that were on either side of my legs as he pounds his dick into me. "oh fuck! you feel so good baby" chris groans. his eyes travel and find mine making contact as he fucks me.
i start moaning uncontrollably as my pussy once again clenched around his cock. i was so close.
"fuck! shit! chris! oh god!" i sputter out different words. in my entire time of living i've never felt this good. my eyes shut close as my body shudders underneath of him.
"no! keep your eye's open.. i want you to continue watching me pound into your pussy.." chris breaths as he pounds even harder.. i open my eyes and do as he says. chris moves his hand down to my clit to pinch and rub back and forth.
"mm oh fuck yeah! baby your pussy feels so good" chris grunts leaning his head back clenching his eyes shut.
i whimper at the closeness of my release.
"shittt i'm so close.." chris moans. "me too, oh fuck.." i say moaning.
with that, any semblance that chris had left was gone. he quickly slowed down but before i could catch a breath, he rolled us to the side with his dick still in me. my back was against his chest and one leg was lifted, as he pulled his cock out but only for a second before he placed it near my entrance once again.
"fuck... you know what i'm gonna do? i'm gonna fuck this pussy so fucking hard, and ill make sure you won't be able to walk the next morning.." chris growls in my ear. my heart racing fast at the thought of that.
before i could say a word, chris started pounding into me. i gasped feeling the pressure implode against the inside of my walls.
"oh my god, yeah" i whisper in pleasure. chris let out a guttural moan as he pulled my hair, fucking me even harder and faster. i couldn't stop moaning as his cock slammed into me again and again. he grabbed my hand, motioning for me to hold my leg up as that hand went to my neck. placing me in a chokehold. oh fuck.
the feeling of chris's nine inches pounding into my pussy cavern, while pulling my hair and grabbing my neck was something i never thought i'd experience. but gosh did it feel amazing.
my moans did not stop whatsoever. his balls were slapping my ass, as chris continued pounding into me. i felt like i was going to explode. my eyes rolled to the back of my head as the feeling was getting too strong. chris bit my neck, squeezing his eyes shut. the pressure was building up.
"oh fuck, i'm gonna cum!" chris moans loudly. my body begins shaking as i couldn't contain my high. i was gonna cum at any second. "oh fuck!, cum inside me!.." i screamed in pleasure as i clench my pussy hard around his dick. "fill me up chris!.."
chris pounded into me one more time, so hard that i saw stars. "FUCK!" chris screamed pulling my hair and squeezing my tit at the same time.
"OH SHIT!" i moan so hard as i felt cum thrust into my pussy thrust after thrust creating a sensation that erupted my body into a deep state. i cummed so hard onto his dick.
i could feel the streams of semen inside my body. it felt so good that it almost hurt. chris didn't stop his movements. he thrusted into me hard, cum shooting in my pussy with each thrust. chris's moans turn into desperate pleasures.
our high's slowly came to an end, as our breathing began evening out. chris's hand wraps slowly around my stomach pulling me into his back. his dick  inside my vagina.
"holy... fuck.." chris whispers. a small smile plays out on my lips. i nod knowingly at what he was trying to say.
"are.. are you.. okay.." chris asks nervously.. i sigh. "i'm definitely more than okay.." i whisper.
chris kisses my cheek before slowly wrapping both his arms around my waist rolling me softly onto my back as he was on top of me.
chris pulls himself off of my body still from on top of me and lifts my chin to look at him. he bends his head down to give me a kiss. he lingers there for a few seconds before lifting his head again. this time he slowly glides his softening dick out of my pussy. i moan quietly as that felt good.
as he removes his dick from my pussy.. there pouring out of my vagina was cum. lots of cum.
chris looks down to see a puddle of it. "oh damn.." he blushes. "what?" i say moving my hand down to touch the area that was now wet for a different reason.. i felt the puddle of what my guess was cum. "damn chris!" i say surprised. "is it always this much?" i ask curiously as i look at the cum that i scooped up.
chris shakes his head.. "not really.." he says blushing even more before getting off the bed to grab the cloth he brought over earlier.
i lick some of the cum off my fingers as my curiosity takes over. out of the corner of my eye i notice chris staring at me. i lick the remaining cum off my hand and swallow it.
"fuck this shit, don't do that!" chris moans shaking his head. i smirk knowing exactly why.
chris gets back on the bed and using the washcloth to quickly clean both of us up before throwing it across the room and wrapping his arms around me pulling him to his chest with the blanket over us.
chris plants a kiss on my forehead before we both fall into a deep sleep.
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haesunflower · 1 year
zb1 to you being cute when they’re mad at you .....₊˚⊹♡
genre: fluff/comedy
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x zerobaseone
slight suggestive for jiwoong :D i can't help it sorry, yujin written in the context of friendship only
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⠀⠀♡ kim jiwoong ♡ ⠀⠀
when he's mad he's not really vocal, rather he just sighs really loudly and walks with heavy footsteps
he's alone in the living room couch minding his business, really not in the mood to deal the problem rn
but you plop yourself on his lap, facing him as your hands snakes itself to rest on his chest, then to his neck
Is not making eye contact with you, he knows he’ll break. he’s supposed to be mad over the scratch on his car (!!)
true enough, he breaks after you lean down and whisper “sorry babe, you know i didn’t mean to. let me make it up to you, hmmm?”
and then you’re kissing his neck and jaw
long story short, he’s no longer mad
the lesson here is that seducing him works 😭
⠀⠀ ♡ zhang hao ♡ ⠀⠀
he’s giving you the (virtual) silent treatment after you said you weren’t able to watch the first zb1 live
you texted him saying you missed it because you couldn't get out of work, but he's not responding
you call him and he picks it up to let you explain, but doesn't say a word (yeah he's THAT petty he can give you the silent treatment in phone call format)
you've said sorry so so so many times and he eventually texts that he just needs time and space before talking to you again
and you're like "okay love, i'll just be waiting at home"
when he gets home he sees you cooked him dinner and prepped his favorite movie on the TV screen and gets so soft
he feels kinda bad that you felt the need to overcompensate for something you couldn't control (your terrible boss)
wraps his arms around you the moment you get home and you're so relieved
the stress from the day leaves his shoulders as he nuzzles his face into your hair and basks in your scent
⠀⠀ ♡ sung hanbin ♡ ⠀⠀
you guys got into an argument while you were on date, which is so rare
you decide to leave the cafe and just drive for a change in scenery
he's so serious, brows furrowed and hands gripping the wheel, he's also mumbling something to himself but you can't quite make out what he's saying
fed up, you go over to him and plant a quick kiss on his cheek
surprised by this, he 😳 and turns really red
he has to pull over because he can't focus anymore
"you can't just do that when i'm driving!" nags at you cutely, dimples showing and all
"you're not mad at me anymore, hanbin?"
"mad at you? i thought you were mad at me?"
you're both giggling because of the misunderstanding
in the end, you enjoy the sunset together by the hood of his car
⠀⠀ ♡ seok matthew ♡ ⠀⠀
for lack of better term, matthew is so "good" at staying mad at you
like internally, he's not mad anymore
externally, he will still keep up with the mad act
it's because he loves how you get so much cuter and lovelier around him in an attempt to gain his forgiveness
he sighs loudly, drags his footsteps, and leaves the room everytime you enter – he's making it known that he's still annoyed with you
but you kept following him around the house, trying to get him to talk to you "matt please can you just talk to me?"
he needed a dish washed? you got it. he needed his phone charger? you fetched it from the other room.
you’re literally clinging on to his arm now repeating things like “babe I’m so sorry” and “I’ll do anything you wantttt”
you’re swinging his arm back and forth, on the verge of tears when matthew decides to quit the act
he laughs and presses a kiss to your lips “you’re so cute sweetie”
⠀⠀ ♡ kim taerae ♡ ⠀⠀
the biggest difference is his demeanor towards you
usually a simp, but there's no more sweetness in his voice when he talks to you – even calls you by your government name when he needs to speak to you "y/n it's cold, turn the heat up"
is so deadpan with you it's...almost scary
you do everything he asks with no complaints whatsoever because it is YOUR fault
it's evening now, and the rain is getting louder, you're curled up with the duvet wrapped around you
when he reaches the bed, you ask "i know you're still mad but can i still sleep with you here tonight, i'm scared of the thunder" with the biggest doe eyes ever 🥺
and he's like?? why are you asking if you can sleep in your own bed?? it's yours??
even if he's "mad" he still wants to sleep next to you no matter what
feels kinda bad that you felt the need to ask him that question
"i'm not mad anymore angel" and envelopes you in a hug
⠀⠀♡ ricky ♡ ⠀⠀
this boy CAN and WILL be able to stay mad at you if he wants to
when Ricky starts acting cold, you genuinely do not know the reason why
since he wasn’t speaking to you :( talking to him was of no use :(
so you made a cute little “I’m sorry” card and you even decorated it with pink glitter and strawberry stickers
you slipped it under the bedroom door, where Ricky was icing you out
Ricky thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
he comes out of the room to find you in the kitchen, cleaning up all the mess you made to make his card
he doesn’t say anything, instead, helps you pack up (especially the pesky pink glitter)
when he’s done he tells you he liked it and that you’re forgiven
you jump at him and he catches you by your legs, hoisting you up as you’re kissing him mwah
⠀⠀♡ kim gyuvin ♡ ⠀⠀
I don’t even think he wants to be mad at you right now
he got over it in two seconds but likes to play fight with you...for fun
so when you attempt to cuddle up to him on the couch asking for forgiveness for forgetting to walk eumppappa he shields himself with the couch pillow
he places the barrier between you two and karate chops the air so you don't touch him (what a nerd...help)
so you just sit there and pout
and he looks at you pouting back
it's a pouting contest now
he gives up because you're so damn cute!!! next thing you know he's squishing your cheeks and doting on you about how cute his partner is
"i can never stay mad at this face, you're too cute baby!"
⠀⠀♡ park gunwook ♡ ⠀⠀
when you get into an argument (which you're both very good at btw) the both of you tend to have a hard time backing down
but it was a particularly long day for you and you didn't wanna argue at all so you just said "yeah yeah you're right, i'm wrong, so i'm sorry"
but gunwook isn't fully satisfied because you didn't even get to talk about the issue, just threw in the towel so quick for the sake of ending the discussion
he's about to say something
when he hears your restrained sniffles and sobs and he's thinking like 😧 why is my baby crying
a fun fact about gunwook: his weakness is your tears
"sorry wook, can we talk tomorrow please i'm too tired"
he looks at your red nose and tear filled eyes and thinks you look cute when you cry so he just cups your hands and kisses your nose fondly
"okay baby, we can talk tomorrow"
⠀⠀♡ han yujin ♡ ⠀⠀ (friendship)
zhang hao's son because like him, does not speak to you
when you show up to school with his BROKEN speaker he just takes it from your hands and walks away
literally doesn't speak to you the whole damn day
you show up to school the next day and place a milk carton and snacks on his table with a little note saying "sorry, yujin i'll be careful next time!!"
sits next to you at lunch and shares the snacks you got him
then pretends everything is normal
later that day, you found out from gunwook that the speaker was totally fixable and working again, so yujin just pretended to be mad to get some forgiveness snacks -_-
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A/N: after 2 weeks...i'm back? haha
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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talesofesther · 10 months
tangle me in all your broken pieces (and watch me stay) | ch 1
Loki x Reader
Summary: An Asgardian god has just threatened your planet and you were called in to provide a little help. What you didn't expect was to develop a strange soft spot for said god, who hid more pain behind his cold facade than you thought possible.
A/N: Yes, this is chapter one. Yes, there are going to be more chapters. But one important thing to keep in mind with this particular series, is that the updates will not have a fixed schedule. This is a story I will update whenever I have time to write in between my other projects. Anyhow, I do hope you enjoy this random idea I had. <3
Word count: 4,2k
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Fury came looking for you as a fail-safe. That was the simple way of putting it.
One of S.H.I.E.L.D's facilities had recently been attacked by someone who came from outside of your world; he'd taken what Fury called the Tesseract, twisted the minds of Agent Barton and Doctor Selvig, and worst of all, threatened to take over Earth. So when Fury came knocking on your door, on a rainy Saturday, you didn't have many options other than agreeing.
Rain pattered on the windows of your small apartment, the weather was rather cold today. You picked up two mugs from the cabinet, placed a bag of tea on each, and added hot water.
"I need you with me," Fury told you, taking the mug you handed to him.
You sighed, taking a seat on the armchair of your living room, "you're putting together a group of heroes. I'm not a fighter, uncle Fury, you know that."
"And I'm not asking you to be," he shook his head softly, leaning forward to place his mug on the coffee table after he took a sip, "if anything, I'll make sure to keep you away from any fights." He looked at you for a beat, and then; "but Loki has messed with the mind of one of my best agents, I cannot take that risk again, and you're the only one who can make sure it doesn't happen. Or fix it, if it does."
With that, you couldn't argue.
Your powers were something you had never asked for, never wanted, they simply happened. Your fourteen-year-old self woke up one day being able to pry into people's minds at will. You could feel their feelings if you wanted to, search recent memories if you focused long enough, and occasionally, do or fix much heavier damage. The full extent of what you could do was still somewhat of a mystery, now and then you caught yourself doing or feeling something new; just like that day when a stray cat had scared the shit out of you and you ended up exploding the can of soda on your hand.
After that incident a couple of years back, you had agreed to let S.H.I.E.L.D. study you just long enough to find out you had something along the lines of psychokinetic and telepathic abilities. Fury then had also told you that your big heart had given you empathic abilities as well; it was intended as a lighthearted joke, but you weren't so sure it was a joke anymore.
Because right now, you could feel hints of Fury's desperation just by looking at him. You nodded, "Yeah, alright. Give me a few minutes to pack."
─── ·❆· ───
S.H.I.E.L.D's Helicarrier was impressive, to say the least. It was an enormous aircraft that could literally disappear in a matter of seconds. Your nerves were still high even though you'd been aboard for a few days.
The main control room was the heart of the hive, so to speak. The place where most agents walked back and forth between the rows of computers, all overlooking the massive glass windows at the front of the aircraft. You stood just behind Fury's main control panels, leaning back on the big glass table. "Will Tony be coming too?" Your eyes roamed over the hustle and bustle of agents around you.
"He will," Fury didn't take his eyes off of the screens as he spoke, "was supposed to arrive with agent Romanoff, but we all know he likes his entrances."
A fond chuckle escaped you. Tony was a friend, you'd met him a few times because of Fury, he'd been a great help in figuring out your… condition, and you kept close contact with him ever since.
Out of the big windows in front of you, you watched as the ocean slowly drifted from view the higher you went into the sky. You could feel the familiar tingle in your stomach as you gained altitude fast. Maria Hill approached Fury not long after, informing him you were high enough to disappear, and so you did.
The sound of footsteps caught your attention and you turned around to see Natasha, Steve, and Doctor Banner walking in. A small frown appeared on your features when Steve handed ten dollars to Fury, but you didn't comment on it.
"Doctor Banner," Fury walked up and extended his hand for Bruce to shake, "thank you for coming."
The scientist looked around with the eyes of someone who hadn't known real peace in a while. You could feel a heavy wave of apprehension and uncertainty coming from him. "Thanks for asking nicely," he answered.
As they spoke, you walked over to Natasha, a small smile coming to your lips, "hey Nat."
Her green eyes lit up as soon as they caught sight of you, she was already opening her arms to pull you into a hug. "Hey, how have you been?"
You hugged her back just as tight, swinging gently from one side to the other. "Alright, you?"
"Well enough," she pulled away with a smirk already on her features and bumped your shoulder with her fist. "It's nice to have you around for a change, even if it's because the world is at risk."
You raised your hands in a half-hearted gesture of surrender while biting back a chuckle, "Point taken, I promise to visit more."
Fury called for your name and you turned to him, "I don't think you've been properly introduced to Doctor Banner." He gestured to his side and you reached out to shake Bruce's hand with a polite smile. "Banner, this is my niece."
Still holding onto your hand, he raised his eyebrows in a mix of excitement and surprise. "The telepath?" He looked from you to Fury.
You pursed your lips, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. "That's me." You wondered if the people here saw you as one of the heroes too, which of course, you were not.
"I've read your file, the range of your abilities is remarkable."
Fury placed a hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. "Why don't you show Doctor Banner the lab he'll be working on? You can entertain his curiosity then."
"Of course," you buried your hands in your pockets as you tilted your head towards the door, "follow me, Doc."
The laboratory was like a playground for scientists. Filled with all the kinds of machines and computers one could hope for, surrounded by bright white walls and even brighter artificial lights that made your eyes hurt.
As the night stretched on you ended up hanging back with Bruce in his lab. His interest in your abilities didn't die down, but you found that speaking with him about it turned out to be quite easy. He was very smart, there was no doubt about that, having extensive knowledge in areas you didn't even know existed. But he was also kind.
It didn't take long for Fury to come to inform you that they had gotten a hit on Loki's location, Germany. You shared a look with Bruce then, knowing that all there was to do now, was wait.
─── ·❆· ───
"So you can just tell what everyone is feeling all the time, and manipulate those very feelings if you want?" Bruce leaned back on one of the workstations, a look of pure bewilderment in his eyes.
You chuckled, pushing yourself up and sitting on top of one of the desks. "Well, kind of. I can feel emotions if I want to, yes. Memories even, if I can focus on the person long enough. But the manipulating part is trickier," you tried to explain to the best of your abilities, fumbling with the sleeves of your black cardigan. "I can't… take away people's emotions, feelings, but I can ease them. Dull anger, or sadness, for example. But Fury believes that if there's something else intruding on someone's mind, I'd be able to counter it. That's why I'm here."
"That's fascinating," Bruce scratched his chin in thought, "it's almost like a mix of telepathy and empathy."
You hummed, "That's been my experience, yeah."
"What about the…" Bruce gestured around, and somehow you knew exactly what he was talking about.
A smirk came to your lips. You lifted your hand, and tiny white sparks danced between your fingertips, they were barely there, looking almost like a trick of the light. Suddenly the glasses that had been resting on top of Bruce's head flew to your grasp.
A genuine laugh escaped him while he muttered; "remarkable". You couldn't help but join him as you handed him back his glasses. It felt… nice, to have someone genuinely, innocently appreciating what you could do.
Suddenly, the sight of several guards walking past the laboratory's windows caught both of your attention. In the middle of them walked a man with slick black hair, wearing some sort of armor in black, green, and golden, and a devilish smirk on his lips as he looked at you.
Your gaze locked with his for a mere second, and a gasp fell past your lips as you took half a step back. Your heart was in your throat, because even through the glass windows, you could feel an immense pain squeezing your chest and suffocating your lungs. There was raw anger there too, desperation, loss. But the pain overpowered them all. And they came from him. Loki.
You gulped, forcing your gaze away so you had a chance to breathe. "They caught him," you mumbled, still feeling lightheaded from the punch he'd just dealt to your soul.
"Yeah, they did." Bruce's voice sounded far away still.
─── ·❆· ───
Loki wasn't the only new arrival, his brother Thor was also here.
You decided to hang back while everyone discussed how to proceed, leaning against the wall of the main control room as they sat around the glass table. From the camera images displayed on the screens, you could see Loki speaking with Fury, from inside the glass cage that wasn't quite built for him; he spoke with a tone of superiority that sounded like a defense.
Thor explained something about Loki having an alien army he would bring to Earth, and that he was trying to build another portal with the help of Doctor Selvig. You heard bits and pieces, after all, you weren't here to strategize attacks. Instead, your mind drifted to what you'd felt when you briefly locked gazes with Loki. His mind seemed… messy; as if he wasn't quite the only one there.
"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki." You heard Banner say. "That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him."
"Have care how you speak." Thor spoke up, "Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother."
"You mean he's never been like this before?" You finally spoke up, pushing yourself away from the wall and taking a few steps towards Thor. Your voice drew the eyes of everyone in the room for an instant. "That he's not himself?"
"Yes, Loki has always been one for mischief but never like this. My brother is not evil." The god explained.
"He killed eighty people in two days," Natasha added, raising an eyebrow at Thor.
"He's… adopted."
"I think you might be right, about him being beyond reason," you walked up to stay beside Thor, "when they brought him in I could briefly connect with his mind and… I don't know, it wasn't right."
"You mean to say he's been enchanted?" Thor looked down at you, sparks of hope dancing around him.
You could feel everyone's unwavering gaze on you as well. Your eyebrows scrunched in thought and you fumbled with your sleeves to ease the nervousness. "Kind of, yes. I felt as if he wasn't the only one in his own mind, there was something else there, twisting his thoughts and drive." You glanced up at Thor and then at your teammates around the table, "I may be able to fix it."
A rather loud call of your name captured your attention then. You turned around to see Tony Stark walking in, along with Phil Coulson.
"You always did have a heart of gold, picking up strays and insisting on fixing broken things," the billionaire said with a smile, walking up to you in that smug way only he could pull off, as he already opened his arms.
You mimicked his smile, naturally falling into his hug.
"How have you been, kid?" Tony asked while rubbing your back. He pulled away and kept a hand on your shoulder.
"Pretty good, considering an Asgardian god decided to invade my planet." You smirked back at him, stuffing your hands in your pockets.
"And now you're playing the I can fix him card, is that what I'm gathering here?" Tony pointed a finger at you, comically narrowing his eyes.
You sighed, averting his gaze, "I'm serious, Tony. If there's something invading his mind, don't you think I'd be able to counter it? That's- that's the whole reason why I'm even here."
"I think," Tony began, "you'd be able to do that, and much more. If you actually trained your abilities like I suggested-"
A groan escaped you.
"But you haven't done that, so it's a shot in the dark." He shrugged.
"If there is a chance to help my brother, I would take it," Thor spoke up, looking around to gauge everyone's reactions.
"And what if there isn't?" Steve asked, gesturing with his hands, "You said it yourself, you can't be sure. Is this a risk we're willing to take?"
"We won't be taking risks," you were quick to reassure him, taking a step forward so you were able to lean your hands on the glass table. "All I want is a chance to speak with him, nothing more for now."
"Absolutely not." Fury walked in, his steps large and meaningful as he walked up to stand before you. "You are not getting anywhere near that lunatic."
"I can accompany her to assure her safety," Thor offered.
"Thank you, Thor, but I need to go alone." You said, then turned to look up at Fury. "You called me here to help. Let me help."
Fury tilted his head, an annoyed frown coming to his lips. You knew you'd won.
"He's in pain. So much that I could feel it through the glass windows of the lab, uncle. He's not alone in his own mind. I just wanna talk to him." You pleaded. Why you suddenly cared so much about the very person who was threatening your home, you didn't know. Maybe you did have a heart that was too big for your own good.
Fury stole a single glance towards Stark, and after the latter nodded, he turned back to you. "Five minutes," he leaned just a tad closer, looking you straight in the eyes, "nothing more."
─── ·❆· ───
You closed your eyes, took in a deep breath, held it in your lungs, and then exhaled. You stared at the door that led to Loki's cell, giving yourself yet another pep talk. And then you pushed it open.
The round, glass cage was somewhat intimidating to look at. Built to contain and to kill, if needed. The artificial lights inside were bright, a contrast to the metal walls of the outside. There was a single bench in the back of the cage, but other than that, it was bare.
Loki had his back turned to you as he paced from one side to the other, hands clasped behind his back, as if waiting for something. His black and green attire stood out under the blinding lights.
Your steps were slow and quiet, you couldn't deny the racing of your heart, punching against your ribs in fear and anticipation—yet you kept an emotionless facade.
You could tell the exact moment that Loki felt your presence. He stopped pacing, waiting for a beat until, ever so slowly, he turned around to face you. His eyes were ice cold, a pale blue that made you shiver; his smirk was nothing short of devilish, worthy of a person who knew held all the cards in his hands. Loki looked at you up and down, and took a few steps forward so he stood right against the glass, as close as he could be to you. His gaze never once wavered.
"And who would you be?"
Silent. You kept silent for several moments. The nails you previously had piercing the skin of your palm in nervousness loosened their grip, a soft breath went past your lips, and your shoulders relaxed.
No, there was no reason for you to be afraid of him. Well, that would be an understatement. After all, you could easily sense the raw power and magic flowing through his veins. But that didn't instill fear in you, and neither did his empty threats. Because right now, as you finally looked him straight in the eyes, you easily slipped into his mind, his subconscious, his memories, and feelings.
More than anything, he was hurt; had been bleeding for long. But you were glad to confirm your suspicions, he was not alone in his mind; there was a plague in him, twisting and piercing into old wounds, worsening what was already there; it drove his anger and instilled fear and desperation in him for what would happen if he failed.
Looking into his eyes, you didn't feel fear. You felt sympathy.
At last, when Loki had started to look at you with a deep frown, you told him your name.
"Agent Barton hasn't told me about you." Loki's eyes roamed your features, undoubtedly determining if you were harmless or not.
"I'm afraid we aren't that close," you told him simply, keeping your voice gentle.
A low chuckle escaped Loki's lips then, "Did you come here simply by imprudent curiosity then?" He raised his chin higher. "Have you any idea who stands before you?"
You pursed your lips and took a step closer to him. His words sounded a little muffled to your ears as you struggled to focus. There was a faint burning sensation behind your eyes, a pressure in your head that spread to your entire body until it reached your fingertips. It was both familiar and unfamiliar. You'd never used your powers to this extent.
Loki had a strong mind, there was no doubt about that. Yet briefly, you could catch glimpses, a blurred array of memories even Loki tried to push away. You watched his fall from Asgard. His descent to what he thought, hoped would be the end. Until he was found. And then there were screams of pain and cries for help that nobody answered until he was forced to give up. Nothing was clear, everything twisted and scrambled, but enough to snatch your breath away and hold your heart in a vice grip.
He felt it, you know he did. The gentle whispers of you in his mind. You could tell the exact moment. All emotion and color drained from Loki's face, he took several steps back and away from you. For the first time, he wore an expression other than smug and confident. His bright eyes were wide and glimmering under the artificial lights, lips hovering open and quivering. It was a blink, a fraction of a second and then he was back in control.
"How dare you?!" He all but growled, fists closed tightly on either side of his body as erratic breaths went past his lips and nostrils. "Who do you think you are to try and pry into my mind?"
You felt as if there were cotton balls in your throat as you gulped, your vision went a little blurry. You shouldn't be feeling this way for someone who had literally threatened your home, but all you could hear right now was that same voice of his, begging for mercy.
Without a physical connection, Loki was able to keep you out of his mind pretty easily.
You sighed heavily, closing your eyes for a beat to recompose. You looked up at him then, unable to help the softness of your features. "What happened to you?"
Loki hesitated, even though he tried to hide it. He blinked, stumbling over his words; "I think you should be more worried about what I will do to you and everyone you've ever loved, you insolent, pathetic mortal."
His threats were emptier than you thought they would be. He felt exposed and was desperately trying to defend himself.
You shifted your gaze to the cameras around the room, biting into your cheek while you considered just how stupid and reckless it was what you were about to do. With your mind, you turned the lock on the door you'd just come from. In one swift stride forward, you were able to flatten your palm against the glass walls that held Loki; and with just a bit of struggle, you had him pushed and pinned against the bench on the far side of the cage.
"What do you think you're doing?" Loki snapped, he fought against the invisible force holding him, trying to get up and lift his hands, but to no avail. "Release me this instant."
"Sorry," you walked backward, keeping your eyes on him until you reached the control panel and pushed the button that opened the glass cage, "can't do that."
"If you think for one minute that your sorry excuse of magic can hold me down-"
"I know I can't." You told him as you carefully walked inside with him. He was strong, much stronger than you, and sooner or later he'd overpower you. "Not for long at least." You stood in front of him, looking down at his enraged form sitting down on the bench. "But maybe just long enough."
Right now, as Loki looked up at you with nothing but anger in his cold eyes, his lips in a thin line, and his eyebrows pulled together; you could say you felt a little scared.
Slowly, you raised both hands. Your fingers shook as you halted your movements just short of touching him. "I promise I just want to help you," you told him quietly, your eyes never leaving his.
"I will make you regret ever walking into this room," Loki spoke through gritted teeth, the muscles on his neck straining as he tried to break free.
"Maybe," you breathed, struggling to keep him in place, before unceremoniously cupping both his cheeks with your hands.
Loki opened his lips to, most likely, throw another insult at you, yet his words died in his mouth.
With your skin touching his, your soul entangling with his, you were finally able to enter his mind freely. You closed your eyes and made quick work of dissipating the plague infesting his brain, severing the connection he had with the creature that had tortured him, and freeing his subconscious from its influence and enchantment. It was harder than you wished and easier than you expected, pulling at the strings of your heart while you worked your power through him, but it was done. Loki's body was still healing from what they'd done to him, and now his mind would follow.
You also couldn't hold yourself back from dulling his pain and anger while you were at it. Trying to offer just a bit of peace to his troubled soul.
You opened your eyes again with a heavy gasp escaping your lips. Your lungs lacked air and you could taste copper on your lips. Blinking several times, you took a single glimpse at your faded reflection on the glass walls and noticed that a steady line of blood was trickling down your nose. You'd nearly gone past your limits.
With your hands still holding onto Loki, you risked a look down at him.
It was like a wave washing to shore, soft and calm after a heavy storm. His eyes slowly faded from a pale blue to a gentle green, glistening under the light, pupils blown wide as he kept his gaze fixed on you. A soft breath went past his lips and his eyebrows softened, it was as if for a brief moment he forgot where he was, and simply basked in the absolute relief of having his mind finally free. He stood bare before you.
A single tear trickled down his cheek and landed on your thumb. You brushed it away tenderly, and you thought he almost leaned into your touch. He blinked lazily then, and you saw his walls gradually coming back up.
You felt lightheaded, and with Loki coming back to himself, you took it as your cue to leave him.
Stumbling on your feet, you made your way out. You pushed the button and closed the glass door again.
Loki hadn't moved, even though you were not holding him in place anymore. He stayed seated, knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the bench and kept his gaze ahead, unfocused.
Once again, you touched the glass wall with your fingertips. It was indeed pathetic, that you felt a surge of protectiveness, of worry even, for the god who had threatened your planet.
"For what it's worth," you began quietly.
Loki's eyes drifted up to your face. His expression unreadable.
"I'm sorry for what you've been through." With that, you gave him a tight-lipped smile, and left.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 2 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist: @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @justaproudslytherpuff @justanotherkpopstanlol @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism @arunabrak @athenasproverbs @h-l-vlovesvintage @princess-ofthe-pages @daisy-the-quake @talesofadragon @rainbowsocks @alexandra-001 @mary-jinx @stevenknightmarc @falconxsoldier @ladymercury8 @shirukitsune
@ladymischief11 @starkzdaughter @navs-bhat @creat0r-cat @cinnamonbambii @anundyingfidelity @creationcitystreet-em @or-was-it-just-a-dream @agustdpeach @oreo-cream @jollydeckk @agent-tempest @spidermantaylorsversion @127djarin @imthedoctorlove @duckwithsunglasses @lokidokieokie @cookieeecutter @anuncalledbridge
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anothersugarbabb · 1 year
Alpha! Izuku x Omega! Male reader
Part one
⚠️ this is contains violence but not a clear description of it. And descriptions of sex, but it's pretty brief
I don't really care if you're fem aligned and you choose to read this, just don't interact pls
A/n: I literally deleted the entirety of the last one and that might be my 13th reason. Also, this isn't proofread, do don't @ me for any mistakes, I apologize 😔
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Izuku was pushed up against the wall by someone he considered to be a "friend".
Katsuki was seething with anger, his face red and his jaw clenched.
"What's wrong? Are you mad?" Izuku said in an almost mocking tone.
Izuku closed his eyes and smiled, "No, no, no. I knew you would eventually. But I wanted to speed up the process."
Almost on cue, everyone in the class got a notification on their phones. And not even three seconds later, there was a wave of shocked gasps and loud moans coming from someone's phone.
Katsuki whipped his head around, "TURN THAT SHIT OFF-"
"Why don't you see it, hm?" Izuku asked from below him.
Katsuki turned to him and saw his brother, on his screen, naked, bruised, and bent over what he assumed to be his desk, moaning. A single glance and everything was red. He started punching and punching and punching. At some point he didn't even know what it was.
Soon he was lifted and as he thrashed around, Izuku laughed and laughed. He laughed at his fury, he laughed at his brother and the embarrassment he brought upon him.
After, they were both removed from the classroom, Izuku going to the nurse and Katsuki going to the principal's office.
Katsuki felt numb, so numb that he didn't even notice his now frail little brother wrapping his arms around him and rocked the two of them back and forth.
Soon enough though he came back to his senses and looked at (m/n) sorrowfully. He looked at his stomach and thought about how his future of being a hero alongside his big brother was over.
All because of that damn Deku.
"I heard about what happened.." (m/n) finally spoke up.
"Yeah... I'm sorry"
They stayed in silence for a few more minutes.
"I didn't know that's what he was doing behind me, I'm so sorry.."
Katsuki heard his brother's voice and crack and it nearly broke his heart. He held (m/n) close as he cried into his chest for what felt like hours but was in reality, about five minutes.
Their moment was interrupted when they heard a knock on the door.
And who stood in the doorway?
None other than, Izuku.
(m/n) turned his head away from him and didn't even try to look up, his breathing quickened, but he was soothed when his older brother rubbed small heated circles onto his back.
"Are you proud of what you've done to my brother?" Katsuki questioned. He didn't know what kind of an answer to expect, a snarky one? A nonchalant one?
Not this one though.
"No I don't know, but I wanted to apologize to (m/n). I-"
"I refuse to leave you in the same room as my little brother. Not after what you've done to him."
Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "How am I supposed to know what I did if you won't even let me talk to him? I can't read minds you know. So, please, let me talk to him."
Just as Katsuki was about to say something, he felt (m/n) push off of him and sit himself upright in his chair.
"If y-you want to t-talk, then l-let's talk."
A/n: Another cliff hangerrrrrr sorry. I deadass almost didn't make this, literally because I lost the entirety of the first one and that dove deeper into what happened in the classroom before Katsuki threw hands. And I'm sorry this was short
Anyways, yuh, I hope you enjoyed! I am taking requests so you can send some in, I don't have a rules page up, but for rn, anything goes and anyone (from mha, jjk, csm, and genshin) goes. I don't feel like making a rules page rn, sorry
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graneymar · 2 years
HII can you do a jealous neymar? Thank you!
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SUMMARY: Neymar is getting jealous because one of his friends seems to like you a little too much
PAIRING: Neymar x fem!reader
"Oh God, that guy, Gabriel Medina, he’s literally so hot! Have you already met him?", Nessa, my best friend, asked and held up her phone, a picture of Gabriel on her screen. "Yeah, last time we were in Brasil I've met him a few times. He's really nice", I told her as I prepared Neymars favorite salad for him. He would be home from training soon. "I am having the biggest crush on him, literally. Next time you're going to Brasil and get to meet him you gotta take me with you", she insisted, "Why have you never talked about him before? I usually know when you're hanging out with Neys friends." The moment she finished her sentence, my phone lit up. An instagram notification. Speak of the devil and he appears. Gabriel replied to my insta story.
"The weather in Paris looks shit, you better move your ass to São Paulo soon 😏 jk. Tell me when you're here again tho!"
I never really knew how to react to Gabriel acting this way. Was he actually flirting or just trying to be nice and funny? I knew most of Neymars friends and none of them acted like this, at least not around me. I glanced up at Nessa and handed her my phone, "That’s why I prefer not to talk about him - at all." Nessas mouth fell open as she read the message. "Y/N, he obviously laid his eyes on you! Does Ney know about it?" I shook my head from left to right quickly. We were together for nine months now, but I still didn't feel good about talking negatively about one of his closest friends. Plus, Gabriel meant a lot to him, I didn't want to be the reason their friendship would come to an end. "Neymar doesn’t know anything about it and I don't want him to know, at least not yet", I answered her question and heard something drop onto the ground. I slightly turned my head to find Neymar standing in the door frame, his training bag on the floor next to him. His eyes said more than a thousand words. He must’ve heard us. "Hi babe, how was training?", I rapidly put on a fake smile to hide my shock. No reaction from his side. "Uhm, I made you your favorite salad! Are you hungry?" He watched me for a few seconds, my nervousness rising, before he finally spoke up. "I don’t know about what? What is it that you don’t want me to know?" I gulped, my heartbeat skipped a beat. Nessas eyes kept on wandering between us until she decided to get up from her seat. "I'll just leave you two alone", she shyly said, "Have a nice day!" And with that, the front door was closed behind her. Neymar still stood in the door frame, his eyes literally looking right through me, the silence in the room was unbearable. "Are you going to tell me what you’ve been talking about now or do I have to find out another way?", he said, his voice calm yet mad. I bit the side of my cheek, not sure what I was supposed to do. I unlocked my phone and went on instagram in order to show him mine and Gabriels chat, but I got cut off in the middle of doing so. "Seriously? You're going on fucking instagram now?", Neymar raised his angry voice. My body twitched at his tone. I put my phone onto the kitchen counter and pushed it to Neymar, Gabriels message already visible. I followed his eyes reading every word, but I wasn’t able to read his facial expression. He then took my phone and scrolled through the chat, reading about how Gabriel called me beautiful, saying I should come back to São Paulo, sending me songs and a lot of - mostly shirtless - photos of himself. "Block him", he suddenly said. I looked at him in disbelief. "Ney, he’s one of your best friends. Don’t you think it’ll be awkward when I see him again after I blocked him?" He handed me back my phone and looked me straight in the eyes. "Who says you’ll see him again? I won’t let that bastard get near you." I shook my head from left to right, "Don't talk about him like that, he’s still one of the closest people to you."
"You really think I'll act like everything is alright after this son of a bitch tried to get to my woman? He better pray to God I won't see him next time I'm in Brasil. He really thinks he can pull whoever he wants with his sparkly eyes, adorable smile and bodybuilder body. Always acting like Mister Charming and being oh so funny. You can try to pull whoever you want, but not my girl." I tried to hold it back, but couldn’t stop myself from quietly giggling. He looked at me all confused. "What’s so funny?"
"Is someone getting jealous?", I playfully raised my brows at him. "Me? Jealous? Of who?", he replied, trying to deny what was obvious. "I quote: his sparkly eyes, adorable smile, bodybuilder body." Neymar shrugged. "So what? I'm still better. He doesn’t even come close to me." His lips were pouted and his eyes wandered to the ground as he was speaking. "Aw babe", I started, positioning myself right in front of him and wrapping my hands around his neck, "You are the most attractive, truly the most handsome man I've met in my whole life. No one makes me laugh like you do. You make me the happiest and I couldn't imagine a better boyfriend than you." I smiled and kissed his lips gently. His facial expression softened as he placed his hands onto my waist. "Just block him, ok?"
"Your wish is my command", I nodded before pecking his lips once more.
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
kim sunwoo x gn!reader
0.8k words, fluff, one swear word?
a/n: jesus take the wheel omg pls go into tags
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Eric yawned as he stepped out of his room and into the main living space of his and Kim Sunwoo's shared apartment. He stopped short, eyes blinking away sleep, as his vision cleared to see you seated on the couch, nose buried in a book. Seeing you in the apartment was not a strange case since you were Sunwoo's partner, but the strange thing was what you were wearing. Eric noticed it immediately as Sunwoo's prized gray hoodie, the material practically swallowing you up.
Eric's eyes widened, even as he stepped into the room in a confused daze.
You sensed his presence and glanced up. "'Sup Eric."
He mumbled a greeting, "Hey…" He slowly made his way over to the single armchair adjacent to you, head cocked and eyes still pinned to the sweatshirt. It was just so…
"Uhm Eric?"
You chuckled, marking your book and letting it lay in your lap. "Is there something wrong?"
Eric shook his head, sitting up properly. "Oh," he stammered, "nothing, just… is that Sunwoo's hoodie?"
You pinched the material in your hands and snapped it against you. "This? Yeah, he just kind of threw it at my face on his way out to get stuff from the store."
Eric's eyes shot wide open again. "He just—gave it to you?"
"Yeah, is that supposed to be weird, dude?"
"Dude." He rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air, his palms slapping against his thighs as they came back down. "He gave you his hoodie. That's practically a proposal in Sunwoo's language."
His comment made you flush and you shrunk down beneath the collar of the hoodie like you were hiding the smile crawling onto your face. "You're being dramatic; it's not that deep," you said, even though your heart had skipped a beat at the thought of Sunwoo feeling so strongly about you. You'd known that his hoodie was a prized possession, but you hadn't wanted to over think it earlier when he literally just chucked it at you and said to "wear it if you want".
Of course you were gonna wear it. What kind of fool would you be if you didn't take the opportunity?
Eric huffed. He stood up from his seat to head into the kitchen to no doubt make himself ramen. "Fine, okay! If you don't trust me, just ask him yourself."
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It was a little less than half an hour later that the front door to the apartment opened, revealing Sunwoo and his couple bags of groceries. Eric had retreated back into his room by now, but you had resumed reading your book in the comfort of Sunwoo's hoodie. (Because it wasn't as big a deal as Eric was making it, right? Right. Totally.)
His dark hair, slightly wavy from his last perm a while ago, hung in his eyes, his pink lips pouty as he dragged the bags into the kitchen and onto the counter. "Baaaaabe! Yn-ie, are you still here?"
You snorted. "Why would I be gone, dumbass?"
He came in with his head ducked, checking his phone, slippers shuffling against the floor. "Dunno. Maybe you forgot you had work or something."
"You didn't see my shoes by the door?" You asked, a smirk curling at your lips.
Sunwoo's mouth broke into a smile, then he finally glanced up.
Sometimes, he wondered how you could look so perfect just sitting there like that in his clothes. For a second, he let himself snap about five hundred mental screenshots of you in his hoodie—but just for good measure...
"Did you just take a picture of me?"
Click! Click! Click—! (He really should've had his volume off, huh.)
Sunwoo pursed his lips with a sheepish laugh as he walked over and crashed onto the cushion next to you. "No, I took like, ten."
You feigned a gasp, diving for his phone. "Aye! I better look good in those or you're trashing all of them!"
He yelled when your fingers grazed over the screen, and he stretched his arm out as far away as possible, even as you climbed over him to grab it. "Yah! No, they're mine now! You can't take them away from me!"
"They are literally my face, Kim Sunwoo!"
Sunwoo wrapped his arms around you and hugged you firmly to him to stop you from squirming anymore. "You look good; I promise," he lamented. You were now positioned sideways on his lap, loosely hugging his upper body while he snuggled into your lower half. "I couldn't help myself seeing you wear this."
You let out a breathy little laugh, cheek pressed against the top of his head and your fingers playing with his hair. "You gave it to me."
"I know."
"Eric said it's important to you."
"You're important to me."
Your heart stuttered at that comment and you couldn't quite find the right words to say, all of a sudden. "Well," you said softly, quietly. "You're very important to me, too, Sunwoo."
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tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @ethereal-engene
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moni-logues · 2 years
The Fifth Date
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: friends/idiots-to-lovers
Summary: Yoongi finally realises his feelings for you... But you're on a fifth date with someone else.
Word count:
Content: literally no warnings necessary for this one except Yoongi being a moron
A/N: Happy birthday to my future husband, Min Yoongi! As I said in a post a couple of days ago, this one has had a real edit; it's fundamentally the same, but just (I hope) better.
‘A date. A date. It’s just a date. Why do I care so much? I don’t care. I don’t. It’s fine. She can do what she wants. Obviously. I'm not her keeper. She's a grown woman—an adult. I don't control her. I'm not trying to. It's fine. It's just a date…
'Well, it’s a fifth date. Five is quite a lot- it’s not; it’s not really a lot but it’s different from a first date. A fifth date definitely mean-‘
Yoongi jumps, startled back to the present. He’s supposed to be helping Jungkook finish his song, but he can’t focus.
“Ah, sorry, sorry, ok,” he replies and turns his attention to the screen, adjusting levels and playing the track again.
Music is where he always goes to relax, switch off, zone out, feel better. Music is where Yoongi is in control; he knows what he’s doing; he can feel the music; he can hear it before it even exists and he knows how to create it. He’s comfortable with music; the studio is his home, his retreat. It’s his happy place. This is what he does. This is who he is. He comes to the studio and the world outside its four walls disappears, doesn’t matter. Time passes unacknowledged, one hour, ten, who knows? Who cares? Music production is a flow state that Yoongi slips into whenever he can. Music is simple to him, pure.
But you’re on a fifth date.
Jungkook sighs, seeing Yoongi’s stare go blank once more.
“Yoongi, are you ok? You really can’t focus today.”
“I’m sorry, JK, I will do better. It’s fine. I can focus. Let's do it.”
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods.
“Because I know someone is on a date right now-“
“So what? What does that have to do with anything?” Yoongi asks, suddenly defensive.
Jungkook almost pulls a muscle refraining from rolling his eyes. Everyone knows Yoongi has feelings for you; everyone knows you have feelings for him. You’re honest about it, at least. Yoongi refuses to be. They’re not even sure if he’s being honest with himself, despite how obvious it is to everyone else. The two of you together is a no-brainer.
“And they’ve got no brains!” is Jin’s constant rejoinder.
It’s a very good point.
They know he’s just trying to protect himself. He’s been hurt before. But haven’t we all? And you can’t stop yourself being hurt from hiding away. Loneliness is hurt, too; pining is hurt, too. But Yoongi will not be told.
You look at your date across the table and smile. You’re having a nice time. The food is good. The company is enjoyable. You’re trying hard to focus on him: what’s likable about him, what makes him a good match for you—the very fact that he asked you out was a start; you have interests in common; he’s not unattractive; but he’s not Yoongi. Your brain knows that you have to let go of the Yoongi thing, but your heart hasn’t got the message yet.
Practice makes perfect, you remind yourself. You laugh at your date’s joke and take a sip of your drink. If he asks for a sixth date? Yeah, you’ll go. If he asks you back to his tonight? Yeah, you’ll go. Because Yoongi’s not asking. And you’ve given up waiting.
Not waiting as such. You aren’t waiting—you never were waiting. Because you know it won’t happen, have always known. He just doesn’t see you like that. You’re friends. Just friends. You did once think, maybe, that he might be showing interest in you, the way he softened and warmed up to you, the way he became almost doting, indulgent, always, always there when you needed. Then you realised that that was just him, really him, truly him, not the cool, shy exterior he had first presented to you. That made it all the harder, truth be told. You had liked him anyway: his shy little laugh, shoulders shaking, eyes closed; his knowledge on any and every random topic you could imagine; his thick dark hair and feline eyes; his obnoxious drinking habits that you nevertheless found endearing. He slipped into your heart and set up camp. It’s just what he is like. He dotes on his loved ones: you and all the others. You realised he didn’t have romantic feelings for you, but familial ones.
It isn’t exactly what you want, being his friend, being family to him, but you’ll take it. Rather that than nothing. Rather that than daring to tread where you might not be wanted—weren’t wanted—and being rebuffed, rejected. So, you date. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, right? Worth a shot! It isn’t exactly working but a girl’s gotta eat.
The studio session does not go well. It ends prematurely. Jungkook has to pretend to have had enough, to be too tired, to need to rest, anything to put an end to the torturously slow progress he and Yoongi are making. Yoongi is distracted and needs to let loose, he says. He sends a message to the group chat asking them to have drinks so they meet at the dorms and get some bottles out. Yoongi relaxes and forgets about you for a little while, distracted but this time it’s from you, not by you. He forgets, briefly, that you’re on a fifth date with someone else, smiling, laughing, drinking, not with him. He has fun. He gets a little bit tipsy, drinks more than he planned.
Then Hoseok turns in for the night and Yoongi checks the time. It’s late. He’d have expected you to have sent him a message by now, telling him how the date went. You always message. Always. Even when it goes well. Even when it goes badly. But it’s late and he hasn’t heard from you. A thought washes over him like cold water poured down his back: maybe you’re still on the date. It’s not like it’s not allowed; it’s not like you haven’t slept with other people in the time you’ve known each other. He knows you have. He’s fine with that. Of course, he’s fine with it; you’re just friends. But you are still on a fifth date and his stomach flips over unhappily.
He stares hard at his phone, willing it to do something, although he’s not entirely sure what.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that a watched phone never boils?” Namjoon asks him.
Yoongi slowly puts down his phone and pushes it to one side.
“Waiting for a message from anyone in particular?”
“No,” he answers simply.
They know he’s lying.
“Have you met the guy she’s on a date with? He works at the company, right?” Jimin asks, his eyes all innocent and shining.
Yoongi nods.
“Yeah, he does. I haven’t met him.”
He doesn’t really ever want to. He’s not interested in who you’re dating; it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy. If you say he’s good enough, he’s good enough; Yoongi doesn’t need to vet him, interrogate him. He trusts your judgement. He doesn’t have to meet him. Ever. Well, he’ll probably have to at some point, but he doesn’t want to. Why would he? He’s just some guy.
The other members look at each other. They know this is your fifth date and there is a real possibility of more dates; they feel they have to do something to make Yoongi wake up and realise what he’s missing. They just aren’t sure how. They’ve tried everything they can think of. Yoongi is just too hard-headed. They’ve tried with you, too, egging you on, promising success, trying bribes at one point. You are hard-headed, too.
They talk amongst themselves about this guy – whom none of them know, but some have seen around the building; they talk about you and how they might see less of you now if you’re going to have a boyfriend. They wonder aloud if your boyfriend will have a problem with you hanging out with them, seven men, by yourself. A cold fist grips Yoongi’s heart at this – not seeing you? He hadn’t considered that but it’s true; the more time you spend with this guy, the less you can spend with him. He hadn’t realised before that this could actually mean losing you. How many married women does he know who hang out with seven men on a regular basis? (How many married women he knows at his age full stop—a solid zero—does not enter into his equation). Possessed by a forceful energy, he stands up and the others all look at him.
“I,” he starts, not really sure what he’s going to say, “have to go,” he says simply and leaves the dorms.
The others look at each other with trepidation and then shrug; what will be will be and they’ll be there to pick up whatever pieces there are later.
Yoongi leaves the building and starts walking. It’s far too far to walk to your apartment from the dorm, but he needs to burn off a little of his sudden energy. His mind is whirring, an overpowered carousel, an endlessly streaming slideshow of his relationship with you. He shakes his head and frowns deeply, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. He knows he’s coming to you but he doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He sees you, in his mind, on your date, laughing at some man, this company guy, holding hands, kissing goodnight. He shudders.  
He can’t tell you to stop dating other people, not if he’s not going to ask you to date him. But is he going to ask you? It seems insane. Impossible. The thought of asking you out is impossible. But the thought of dating you seems somehow… less impossible. Doable. Real. The thought of it being him walking you home. The thought of it being him who kisses you goodnight.
He laughs to himself. What is going on? What has been going on? He can’t have been this blind. Everyone else can’t have been right. He’s excited and terrified in equal measure. He wonders what you feel. If everyone was right that he has feelings, are they right about you, too? If it has taken him this long to realise, maybe you haven’t realised either. He might be walking into disaster. But he can’t stop. He’ll crash that fifth date if he has to.
After a couple of miles, he orders a car to take him the rest of the way. He stands for a moment outside your building; his limbs feel fizzy, his head feels light, and his stomach feels wobbly, but he pushes the intercom button anyway.
“Yoongi!” your voice comes through the speaker, quiet and grainy.
“Can I come up? I won’t be long.”
The buzzer sounds in reply and Yoongi opens the door and runs up the stairs. He has to assume this is a good sign. You’re in your apartment. You’re letting him come up. Your date is not—probably—not there, too. He breathes heavily outside your door, catching his breath, waiting for his heart to slow down a little.
It doesn’t. Not even when his breathing is even and he’s stopped sweating. So, he knocks anyway. When you open the door, you’re already ready for bed: make-up off, hair down, pyjamas on. He has to assume that this is a really good sign.
“What’s up?” you ask as you welcome him in. “Do you want a drink?”
“No, thank you,” he answers, sitting down. “I just needed to talk to you about something. How was your date?”
You sit next to him on the sofa and consider your answer.
“It was good! He’s a nice guy. I think we’re going to go out again next week, maybe.”
You don’t want to overegg the pudding but you’re not sure how to play it, how much to give away, how honest to be. Keep it vague, keep it simple. He will already know it can’t have gone that well if you’re here, all undone, ready for bed.
Yoongi nods, looking serious. Then he stands. Then he asks you to stand, too. Perplexed, you rise and stand in front of him, your expression questioning.
“I’ve been stupid,” he states. “I’ve been really stupid. I have to apologise to you for that. I don’t want to complicate things for you but you have to know this. I like you. I don’t want you to date that other man. I want you to date me.”
“Date you?” you ask, incredulous.
“Yes. That is what I want and I’ve wanted it for a long time; I just didn’t realise it until now. If you want to date that guy, that’s ok, but if you want to date me, well, I want that, too.”
He sounds so sure, so confident, but he doesn’t feel it. His hands clench and unclench at his sides; his ribs are taking a beating from his heart; sweat pricks in his scalp. He can’t say any more. His mouth has dried up. He can only stand and wait for your response. Whatever it may be.
You look surprised then confused, your brows pulling together over your eyes, your lip sucked into your mouth, chewed on.
“I guess—well, no, I know: I also want to date you.”
That’s definitely got to be a good sign. He nods sharply.
“Ok. Good. Fine. Good. That’s all I wanted to say.” A pause. “Sorry for barging in here. It’s late. I’ll let you go to bed.”
He turns to leave and you’re laughing, more incredulous now than before.
“Where the fuck are you going?” you cry, stepping forward and grabbing his arm, turning him around so he’s facing you again. “What are you doing?”
He looks like a deer caught in headlights, a little shocked, a little dazed, like he can’t believe where he is, what’s just happened. And he can’t. Doesn’t seem real. None of it does.
“Oh, I, uh,” he stutters, not sure himself what he was doing, what he’s going to do now.
“You can’t just come in here and tell me you want to date me and then leave! Are you even going to ask me out?”
He blinks and you hear the clock tick like the cogs in his brain turning.
“Do you want me to ask you out?”
“Oh my god!”
You turn, bewildered, really feeling that extra glass of wine you had at dinner. You rub your hands over your face and turn back to him with a smile.
“What are you doing on Friday?”
“Studio, probably.”
You roll your eyes and take a deep breath.
“No, what are you doing on Friday?”
You stare at him insistently, willing him to see the breadcrumbs you’re laying out for him, to take a fucking hint for once in his life.
“I’- oh. Oh. Uh, do you want to go out with me on Friday?”
“I mean, I was going to ask you out, but yes, yes I do!”
“Oh… Good.”
“Stop saying that!”
“I don’t know what else to say!”
You feel a little drunk, feel a tiny bit like maybe you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa and are just dreaming this. Because it’s come out of nowhere and Yoongi’s standing in your living room asking you out on a date and it’s everything you’ve wanted for all this time and it can’t just suddenly be happening. Just like that. So easy.
He’s blushing and so embarrassed, squirming a little as he stands in front of you, feeling so silly that he showed up so unprepared. Unprepared for any of this. He would have sworn up and down just a few hours ago that you were his friend and nothing more, but now he’s giddy, a little dizzy, feels like he’s actually drunk even though he sobered up on the walk. He feels like he’s dreaming, passed out on the dorm sofa, imagining all of this.
You both feel weird, exposed. You’re crossing that line, however inelegantly, and neither of you is sure how to do it. You laugh, awkwardly, nervous now in front of him. He laughs, too, rubbing a hand at the back of his head self-consciously, looking down at the floor.
“You can stay,” you offer, quietly, a little timid, not quite meeting his eye.
“Here, tonight. If you want.”
“Do you want?”
“You think I’d have offered if I didn’t?”
You take whatever Dutch courage you have left and close the gap between you, your feet neatly together between his, your fingers toying with the edge of his jumper. You look up at him through your lashes and he’s looking down at you, blinking hard, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides again. You tip your head up to him, willing him to take a step, to take his turn, to not make you have to do all the work.
It's a little much, Yoongi thinks, as he looks down at you. It feels fast, sudden, and he’s so hot, flushing all over as your little fingers pull gently at the hem of his jumper. For a second, he considers backing out, shuffling back just a little—and then he catches himself. It’s not sudden—because he’s known you for months now, he’s felt this for months even if he hid it from himself; it’s not fast, it’s slow. It’s been slow—he’s been slow. Everyone has been telling him, everyone has been saying it and he hadn’t realised, hadn’t got the message, but now he has, so why wait? Why pause? You’re right there in front of him, looking up at him with those enormous eyes, a little shy, a little spark of mischief there.
He unclenches his fists and places his hands on your waist as he dips his head and presses his mouth to yours.
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rose-petal123 · 3 months
If anyone wants more isat cyberpunk au content I wrote this short little thing with Isabeau and Siffrin if ur interested... It's literally just them talking about stars within the au. Fanfiction. Giveth thee. Note: this is my first time writing in a LONG time there might be mistakes etc.
There's a slight breeze in the air this late evening. You find yourself walking in one of the darker parts of the city your party was passing through. Why? To look up at the bright dots in the sky. You knew them to be called stars… even if they were a hologram projected at the sky, it was nice to look at. You'd rather have the real thing though.
You adjust your hat and sit down on a bench away from any street lights. Blinding light pollution. You didn't enjoy how overwhelmingly bright city lights were.
“Hey Sif!” You turn your head to see Isabeau, Isa, walking over to you. It's surprising he found you… you were sure you wandered pretty far from the inn. Isa sits down next to you, “What are you doing all the way over here?”
You slowly look back up at the sky. “Stargazing.”
Isabeau follows your gaze. “Huh! Pretty impressive they got it to look like that. Right?”
…Wrong. You know some of the stars don't look right. You don't remember how exactly you know this but you can just feel it. You shake your head in response.
Isa’s smile fades a little. “Why's that?”
“The…patterns are wrong.” you answer.
“The um… umm con- const-” you snap your fingers a few times, trying to jog your memory. “Constellations!” You manage, smiling when you remember the word.
Isabeau simply blinks. He doesn't seem to completely understand what you're talking about. So you decide to elaborate.
“Constellations are like… stars that form shapes in the sky.” You point upwards. “The projection. Some of them are out of place… or just missing entirely.”
“Ohhhh…” Isabeau tilts his head back up at the sky. You can't tell what he's thinking. Oh stars, what if he thinks you're weird for being so particular about it- “Cool!” What.
Isa looks at you with a warm smile. “That's pretty impressive, Sif! That you can remember what it's supposed to look like!”
You feel your cheeks turn a shade darker. “I-Impressive…?”
“Yeah!” His eyes sparkle with excitement. “It would be really nice to see the real thing someday.”
You frantically nod. You'd kill to see any stars that aren't a hologram pointed at the sky. Be away from the bright electronic city lights.
Isabeau crosses his arms, fingers tapping on his metal arm in thought. “Someday. Maybe- if you'd like to, I mean-” he pauses, waving one of his hands as he continues. “Maybe if we get the chance to, we should do that.”
Your eye lights up. “See the real thing?”
Isa nodded, “Yup! I'd love to know what those uh- con…?”
“Constellations! I'd love to see what they're supposed to look like.” Isa smiles.
You fidget with the little gems hanging off your currently deactivated weapon. That sounds like such a nice idea. You'd love to sit under the stars with Isabeau, or even your whole party if possible. A real sky. With real gorgeous stars shining brightly.
You slowly speak up again. “If… if we get the chance, I'd like that.”
Isabeau beams, “Alright! It's decided then! We'll definitely go stargazing with a real sky if we can in the future.”
You smile, “Yeah…” pause. “Guess we'll have to…plan-et out.” you smirk.
Isabeau laughs, “Good one, Sif!” You love when he laughs! He has such a nice laugh!
“Thanks.” You sit up proudly.
Isabeau taps the screen on his forearm, seemingly checking the time. “Oh crab! It's pretty late-” he looks at you. “We should probably head back.”
You nod. “Right.” You had wanted to sit and stare at the fake stars for a while longer…but it's okay.
The two of you stand up and head back to the inn. You're glad you got to talk to Isabeau about the night sky.
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I watched a single HH episode out of curiosity and I hate Charlie so much. People who love her wonder why anyone could hate her and speculate it's the "toxic positivity" but not for me.
She made me genuinely question if she's an adult and not just an overgrown spoiled toddler. I was actually wondering, anytime she was on screen, if she was not actually intended for a pre schooler cartoon.
Like when Angel insisted on leaving "for work" and she couldn't stop him she sat down on the ground "Why is this so haarrd :(((" and kicked her feet as if Angel missing a single good person exercise was the worst thing to have happened to her. Girl has been running her shitty hotel since like 2 weeks or so and is upset Angel missed a lesson even though, you know... no one even knows if redemption is possible at all?
And when she set the studio on fire and got forced to leave?? She cried?? You're the reason Angel just got into serious trouble even though he told several times to leave and I'm supposed to feel BAD for you?? This is her own fault, all alone and she doesn't even own up to it.
And by the end she just cries again and doesn't stop and the fact that Vaggie asks her if she's tired or something and brings her to bed?? In what world is that not toddler behavior? Literally getting put to bed because of a temper tantrum.
Don't even get me started about the ending of seasons 1 where she apologized to the exterminators who were trying to kill her. Or how she just didn't do anything at all about Angels situation because else she'd be "Mean :(((((" Or why she allows Alastor, literally one of the most evil fucks around, stay at her hotel entirely disregarding any danger or threat he could pose. What if he'd just start murdering people bc he is a massive edgelord, would she just tell him politely and nicely to stop and proceed to do nothing if he doesn't??
She puts Steven Universe to shame in regards to being a hyper pacifist. Frikkin Twilight Sparkle even knew when to give people space and when to use violence.
Yeah, she's so infantalized it's annoying.
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