#and so many of them are so hostile and puritanical like WHAT ?????
umemiyan · 2 months
if you hate my fics because i say “cum” then BYE !!!!
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crienselt · 7 months
So a few days ago I saw someone (elsewhere) questioning Zutara fans’ excitement about the scarf scene. It wasn't a mean comment, more general curiosity. And well, I didn't have time to get my thoughts out then. But they haven't gone away, so I'm getting them out here:
Here’s what everyone need to understand about Zutara shippers. We were baited baaaad during the initial run of the show–from the magazines to the shorts to the trailers and how they were cut. And Zuko and Katara’s relationship on the show certainly underwent a lot of development and featured objectively emotional–if not overtly romantic–moments between the two. We were well fed, and we had reason to hope. Right up to the end, we had reason to hope.
The shipping wars were the shipping wars, of course, with all the usual tensions; there are always going to be overzealous fans of each (and any) pairing willing to get toxic. Generally, I think Kataang fans were always jealous of Zutara’s popularity and Zutara fans, post finale, were jealous of Kataang’s, well, canon status. But really it operated much the same as any other large fandom’s shipping wars.
And then came Bryke and the panel where they showed and mocked Zutara fan art, some of which had been created by teens if not straight up children. Then came their, “Come on, kids! It was never going to work. Zutara is just dark and intriguing.”* And the pièce de résistance, their telling Zutara shippers (specifically girls/women) that they were doomed to have failed romantic relationships. Like, what? The thing with the art was arguably cruel, and the rest of it was oh, so condescending. Just all around not well done. 
The after effect was that Zutara went from being simply a fanon pairing to a wrong pairing. The ATLA fandom at large became a far more hostile place for Zutara fans, who were now more commonly deemed delusional and viewed as lesser fans. The vitriol only got worse when the show came to Netfilx and the next wave of antis rolled up with their co-opting of legitimate socio-political terms to paint Zutara not just as wrong but morally corrupt if not evil. It’s all very puritanical.**
So Zutara fans need to be reminded that we weren’t delusional, and we aren’t alone. It’s why it means so much to know that Dante Basco and Mae Whitman shipped their characters. And that so many other VAs came out as Zutara supporters too: Jack De Sena, Michaela Jill Murphy, Grey DeLisle, Janet Varney--even the cabbage man. For it to be revealed that it was discussed in the writers room; that the writers fought over it; that it WAS a canon possibility. (And that writers Joshua Hamilton and John O’Bryan are perfectly comfortable admitting their preference for Zutara.) To know that the Elizabeth Welch Ehasz described Zuko and Katara as an “Avatar-style Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” in the script for The Southern Raiders, and used the phrase “Zutara-feuling synchronicity and cooperation” to describe their action sequences. To see Giancarlo Volpe, a Kataanger, admit Zutara might been the better pairing in retrospect and choose a quiet scene between them (to see their “chemistry”) as what he’d most look forward to in the live action adaptation. It’s why we cling to the artwork done by Korean animation director. We aren’t delusional. We aren’t alone.
But try telling that to the general fandom, right? Most are ignorant of a lot of this, particularly Hamilton and O’Bryan’s revelations re: the writers room. A lot of Zutara fans don't even seem to know. But being baited by Netflix on their official accounts? Oh, people see that. And we are reminded in a big way that we aren't delusional and we aren't alone. And everyone else has to remember it too.
So, of course, we're having fun clowning over the scarf scene. And I think most Zutara fans know we are clowning. I don't think most expect to get canon Zutara in live action because of one little scene or the fact that their Netflix icons are facing each other. (I headcanon that that was totally the doing of Zutara shipper on staff, though, lol. Because there are a lot of us, and we are everywhere.)
And this is okay. Zutara has been doing just fine as a fanon ship. Meanwhile, NATLA might actually do Kataang justice. It always worked better as a future ship. (Really all the pairings do. But I especially don't ever need to see another 12 year old kissing let alone making out, in animation or live action, ever again.) There's a reason Padme and Anakin don't get together in Phantom Menace, after all. Also, there's always the chance they could give us Dante's or Mae's headcanon of them basically suppressing their feelings and choosing duty over love/right person-wrong time. And the odds of getting some more moments to clown over are high enough. 
Anyway, TLDR: Zutara has been made to feel like an out-of-nowhere crack ship and the live action crumbs remind us that it is not. And this is at least partially why we are enjoying it. (Because, also, it's just fun!)
*Side tangent: I’ve never gotten this dark and intriguing comment. Even during Season 1, the height of the capture fic era, Zutara was always a ship fundamentally about hope, predicated on Zuko's redemption. (Back in the day, there were also plenty of antis arguing that there was no way Zuko would ever be one of the gaang.) And they say “intriguing” like it’s a bad thing? Are we not supposed to be interested in the relationships of their characters???
**There have been some very good think pieces written lately on late stage capitalism and consumption as morality. Worth googling.
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star-anise · 2 years
So I've been watching this series of videos where a research-focused psychologist goes through Jordan Peterson's work to see which of his ideas and arguments are based on solid empirical evidence. I love it, even though she does mistakenly say his background is in counselling psychology (my field) when he's actually a clinical psychologist.
Anyway, that's got me thinking about Jordan Peterson, and how his response to criticism is, "People have been after me for a long time because I’ve been speaking to disaffected young men — what a terrible thing to do, that is. [...] I thought the marginalized were supposed to have a voice.”
So, here's my theory: Young men of the 21st century have grown up in a culture that is specifically hostile and punitive towards them. However, I think that while girls and women can participate in this culture, it is as much or more the work of boys and men. And I think that the problem with Peterson is that he's not particularly good at helping his audience escape the maze they are trapped in--and he's absolutely opposed to any attempt to dismantle a maze that is actually of fairly recent manufacture.
Case in point: The metrosexual.
The word "metrosexual" was coined in 1994 by Mark Simpson, a gay writer whose settings seem to be perpetually fixed at "critique the shit out of it".
"Metrosexual" describes heterosexual men who might be mistaken as gay, because they are interested in things very common among gay men, including: Caring about whether they're attractive; caring about how their hair is cut and what products they use in it; caring about what clothes they wear; working out to make their bodies look better; frequenting nightclubs. To be "metrosexual" was, in some people's opinions, to be a "man-boy" searching for his "inner girl".
To be metrosexual was, in some ways, to be called someone who looked gay.
The term didn't really catch on until the early 2000s, when media became briefly obsessed with talking about which celebrities were "metrosexual" or not. In that era of hotly divided opinions over the acceptability of homosexuality and queerness, it was implicitly asking, "Who looks gay? Is he gay? Tell me, fellow broadcaster: How gay does this guy look to you?"
(They got to have their cake and eat it too. A liberal audience, desperate to gather as many LGBTQ+ people and allies as possible in their race for 50% acceptance of gay marriage, cherished any signs that people with social clout might be on their side. And a conservative one, watching the same discussion, would heartily enjoy seeing a rogues' gallery of degenerate Hollywood types paraded before them, their every effeminacy pointed out in loving detail.)
Which of course got us: The Retrosexual!
When everybody's helpfully compiling lists of all the things a man can do that look gay or unmanly, dudes who don't want to get the shit kicked out of them by homophobes know all the things not to do!
Therefore, being "manly" became strictly defined by what was off-limits. To be a Real Man meant you shouldn't care about whether you're attractive, or what soap you use, or how your hair is styled. You shouldn't enjoy dancing or get too enthusiastic about music. A Real Man cares about sports and beer and being on top! Dominant!! A WINNER!!!
And, so like, here's a secret: In Anglophone culture, we are very affected by the Puritan legacy that says pleasure is inherently sinful. Vanity and pride--caring about how you look and whether you're attractive--are literal gateways to the Devil. Gluttony, and therefore seeking pleasure at all, is another such. And in Puritan religious theology, women are inherently more sinful. Yes, it goes back to Adam and Eve, and how Eve was tempted into sin first. Long story short, things associated with women became associated with sinfulness, and sinfulness became associated with effeminacy. And for centuries, you haven't even needed to be religious to drink these attitudes from the groundwater.
Okay, that's not the secret, this is the secret: Pleasure is not inherently sinful.
And liking how you look and feeling attractive and paying attention to your sensuality and your emotional life and connecting with art in a real and vulnerable way can feel really good, if you're able to handle it well.
Being raised to be a Real Man in a world where masculinity is perceived to be actively under threat is so uniquely painful, I believe, because every attempt to define yourself as "not gay" means denying yourself one of life's pleasures, and telling yourself you never even wanted it in the first place.
And then those desperate to be Real Men found a way to take some of those things back in what is surely the most painful context possible: They are allowed strictly as tools of your heterosexuality and masculine need for dominance. You are allowed to care about grooming and dancing, etc, purely as a strategy in playing a game called "Getting Girls", where you either score or you don't, where not scoring means you're worthless and unlovable, and scoring is often... strangely unfulfilling and certainly not enough to fill the aching void inside of you.
The mistake both Peterson and his fanbase make is that they get to this point, and then think: The reason I feel so empty inside is... I just haven't gotten enough girls!
Maybe some guys get out of the maze by finding a woman who is allowed to care about things like affection and love and dancing and looking nice, and their connection with her lets them express all the other parts of their souls that didn't fit in the Real Man box, but can come out in roles like Boyfriend or Father.
But humans aren't telepathic, so relationships can only "fix" you so much as you're willing to do the work of nurturing your own soul in a safe environment, so for a lot of men the maze never ends, and sometimes they don't even get the fleeting joys of relationships or sex, since they're so fucked up about them!
At this point, I as a queer woman am like, "Solution's obvious! Dismantle the maze."
And Peterson, who has worked his whole life to achieve the status of Best Maze-Runner in All of Christendom, is clinging to it like, "NO! DOWN, YOU DARK CHAOTIC MOTHER! THIS MAZE GIVES MY LIFE MEANING! THIS MAZE CONNECTS ME TO MY FOREFATHERS! I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT THIS MAZE!"
At which point, like... what can you do but just leave him there?
At least he's not in my area of specialization. The world would be too unkind if I had to deal with him in any professional capacity. I wish Clinical Psychology all their continued joy of him.
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sepublic · 3 months
I have to wonder about Camila's life and backstory, leading her to the beginning of The Owl House; For example, was she the (grand)daughter of immigrants, or an immigrant herself? For what reasons did she come to the U.S.; Was there a promise of adventure and freedom that didn't entirely pan out? I could see there being additional parallels between Camila and Luz, if they both came to another 'world' and met someone who really made them feel at home, with Camila's person being Manny.
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It isn't exactly canon, being revealed in a unreleased episode that no longer fits with established lore, but Homesick (which seems to have been originally written as a Season 1B episode) reveals that Manny was a hospital driver. Now this is also mentioned alongside Camila being a nurse, when we know now that she's a veterinarian.
But the idea could still be repurposed into HC territory; Camila met Manny, as someone who also shared in the same career. Given her compassion towards animals, it seems Camila chose being a vet because she genuinely enjoys and believes in that work, so it makes me think of how Luz wanted to become a witch, and then found belonging in fellow witches like Eda or Amity, who helped to validate that choice for her by participating in it with Luz. Maybe Manny did the same for Camila, as someone who was also compassionate in helping transport people to medical assistance, and I assume ambulance drivers must also be knowledgeable themselves too!
Looking at it from one perspective, you could say Manny was Camila's Eda, as someone more confident who helped encourage Camila into being her fullest self, making her feel at home as a fellow weirdo, etc. And by extension, Luz is her King; Someone younger that she helps guide and look after, a kid with lots of big fantasies they want to play out. And on Manny’s end, he could be Luz, while Camila is his Amity, as someone less confident about embracing herself, only to find that courage upon meeting Manny. He too would share in the immigrant experience of coming to a new world, and maybe he did so with reckless enthusiasm, like his daughter did?
And if Camila's an immigrant, I wonder what sorts of mixed feelings she might have about Gravesfield, and the U.S. as a whole. How does she feel about the Dominican Republic, if she's ever been there? Thinking of those Mother-Daughter parallels, this new home isn't exactly the nicest, and it has many of its downsides; Like the Boiling Isles for Luz, it suffers from the influence of racist Puritan white guys, which exacerbates a hostility to outsiders. But as I've mentioned with Manny, there are still people to find there, and the existence of kids like Masha further cements that because even if viewers can't find a Boiling Isles, they'll rest assured knowing there's still others like them in this world particularly.
Not to mention, Vee! Adopting Vee, who much prefers the human world, could help Camila appreciate her own home by looking at it from that angle, and relate to her new daughter as a fellow immigrant to Gravesfield. Camila still seems somewhat beholden to the human world, since she and Luz still live there; A part of this could probably be attributed to Vee, but I wonder if there are other ties as well, such as Luz and Camila's Dominican heritage?
Do they have other relatives that they're still in contact with, and how do they feel about them? I don't think they're necessarily on bad terms, seeing as how Luz herself struggled with being a loner while still having loving and supportive parents, and her feeling complete with her found family doesn't negate those pre-existing relationships at all; People simply need as many friends as they can get.
Plus, Camila might still enjoy other aspects of the human world nevertheless, such as her Cosmic Frontier novels, or even something as simple as her latin music. Maybe she isn't entirely comfortable with the isles either, given how four years later she's still a bit grossed out by certain aspects of Luz's new Quincenera, but Camila's still open-minded enough to be accommodating and respectful.
And again, that makes me think about how the Boiling Isles has its ups and downs, as well as locals who are cruel without needing the influence of outsiders. This is part of Luz's arc in Witches before Wizards, acknowledging that, while still being able to love it, warts and all. And I wonder if Camila feels similarly about the world she moved to (while also sharing an unambiguous distaste for the government), if there's a lot to Gravesfield and the U.S. as a whole that she doesn't like.
But there are still good parts and good people, hence Vee's friends, her own relatives, and of course Manny. Vee herself likes it, fellow migrants have a lot in common! So there’s an almost begrudging love, like Eda and King talking about their home at the end of WBW. Maybe like Luz, Camila realized the (American) dream she wanted when she came to this new place wasn't going to play out exactly as she expected... But in many ways, it still did, especially because of people who made it feel complete.
So Camila really is like her daughter; A weirdo who felt the need to suppress herself, only to find people who gave her the encouragement she needed. Someone who moved to another place that wasn't exactly perfect, but there was so much to still appreciate, and it's how she met someone who also moved and loved it there, like the Collector for Luz, or Vee for Camila. Two outsiders wandering and looking for a home, and when Luz found hers, she really cemented Camila rediscovering that belonging when she felt emboldened enough to continue where Manny left off, without him.
It'd have been so easy to just have Luz and Camila both renounce the human world, but that would be cultural whitewashing, and keep in mind the antagonist of the series is colonialism. There’s a lot more nuance in them having connections in both worlds that they want to maintain. And I think Vee helps to cement this for Luz and Camila; The latter would otherwise sacrifice staying in her human home for Luz if she had to, but Vee can function as family in the human world to stay in touch with AND a parallel for Luz to reflect on her choices, etc. Mother and daughter navigating two different worlds that they feel beholden to is the immigrant experience; They're still allowed to hold onto their heritage that way, just as in real life they would be considered both Dominican AND American. That's part of the larger theme of not having to choose nor settle for strict binaries, while maintaining your own identity as you explore entering another community.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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There are no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt.
—Audre Lorde[1]
People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints—such people have a corpse in their mouth.
—Raoul Vaneigem[2]
Do not think that one has to be sad in order to be a militant, even though the thing one is fighting is abominable.
—Michel Foucault[3]
This book is an attempt to amplify some quiet conversations that have been happening for a long time, about the connections between resisting and thriving, about how we relate to each other in radical movements today, and about some of the barriers to collective transformation.
There is something that circulates in many radical movements and spaces, draining away their transformative potential. Anyone who has frequented these spaces has felt it. Many (including us) have actively participated in it, spread it, and been hurt by it. It nurtures rigidity, mistrust, and anxiety precisely where we are supposed to feel most alive. It compels us to search ourselves and others ruthlessly for flaws and inconsistencies. It crushes experimentation and curiosity. It is hostile to difference, complexity, and nuance. Or it is the most complex, the most nuanced, and everyone else is simplistic and stupid. Radicalism becomes an ideal and everyone becomes deficient in comparison.
The anxious posturing, the vigilant search for mistakes and limitations, the hostility that crushes a hesitant new idea, the way that critique becomes a reflex, the sense that things are urgent yet pointless, the circulation of the latest article tearing apart bad habits and behaviors, the way shaming others becomes comfortable, the ceaseless generation of necessities and duties, the sense of feeling guilty about one’s own fear and loneliness, the clash of political views that requires a winner and a loser, the performance of anti-oppressive language, the way that some stare at the floor or look at the door. We know these tendencies, intimately. We have seen them circulating, and felt them pass through us.
When we began talking with friends about this, there were immediate head nods, and sometimes excited eruptions—“YES! Finally someone is going to talk about this publicly!” No one knew exactly what it was or where it came from, but many knew exactly what we were talking about. Like us, they had felt it and participated in it. They had discussed it quietly and carefully with people they trusted. But it was hard to unpack, for a whole bunch of reasons. To complain or criticize it came with the risk of being attacked, shamed, or cast out. This phenomenon is difficult to talk about because it presents itself as the most radical, the most anti-oppressive, the most militant. It shape-shifts and multiplies itself: sometimes it appears as one rigid line, at other times as a proliferation of positions, arrayed against each other. How is it that explicitly radical, anti-oppressive, or anti-authoritarian spaces—the places where people should feel most alive and powerful—can sometimes feel cold, stifling, and rigid? What contributes to a climate in which one is never radical enough, where we have to continually prove our radicalness to others? What makes insecurity, distrust, anxiety, guilt, and shame so pervasive? Where does all this come from? What is this thing? Is it one thing, or many? What activates it, stokes it, and how can it be warded off?
We are not the first to try to get ahold of this phenomenon. It has gone by many names—sad militancy, grumpywarriorcool, manarchism, puritanism—each of which emphasizes different elements and sources. In this book, we call it rigid radicalism. Our research and experience lead us to think that its origins are as diverse as the phenomenon itself. Some say rigid radicalism comes from the way heteropatriarchy poisons intimacy with trauma and violence, while separating politics from everyday life. Others point to origins in the narcissistic and guilt-ridden individualism nurtured by whiteness. Or it is the way schooling replaces creativity and curiosity with conformity and evaluation. Or the humiliation of a life organized by capitalism, in which we are all pitted in petty competitions with each other. Or the way cynicism evolves from attempts to avoid pain and failure. Or it is identity politics fused with neoliberalism. And the terror and anxiety of a world in crisis. And the weakening of movements and a decline in militancy. Or it is the existence of radical milieus as such. And the deep insecurity nurtured by social media and its injunction to public performance. Or it is morality, or ideology, or the Left, or the Maoists, or the nihilists, or the moralists, or the ghost of Lenin. Probably there is some truth to all of these: it is definitely a tangled web.
It is important to say, from the outset, that we do not think the problem is simply anger, conflict, or difference. Whenever people name and challenge oppression and violence, there are almost always reactionaries telling them they are doing it wrong, that they need to be polite, nice, reasonable, peaceful, or patient. We want nothing to do with attempts to regulate resistance.
For this reason, we do not believe rigid radicalism can be countered by inventing a new set of norms for how to behave, or setting out a new ideal of what radicalism should be. There can be no instructions. This would just create a new ideal to measure ourselves against. It would just add to a long list of shoulds, dos, and don’ts that reactivates the problem. We hope to help undo tendencies towards regulation and policing, rather than playing into them.
Maybe we are stoking rigid radicalism right now, in writing about it. Searching out its roots and inner workings can recreate a stifling atmosphere where we feel like we are stuck, always lacking, always messing up, with no escape. Pointing to shame, rigidity, guilt, competition, or anxiety does not make them go away, and might make things worse. It is not a question of revealing the fact that we don’t treat each other well sometimes, or that movements can turn in on themselves; we know this already. These tendencies are a public secret: widely known, but difficult to talk about.[4] Tracing origins might not tell us much about what to do here and now. It is not about a few bad apples, or a few bad behaviors. For us at least, it cannot be reduced to those people over there, because we feel it arise in ourselves as well. There is no way to purify our movements of these tendencies, because the desire for purity is part of the problem.
So our project is not about being against rigid radicalism. We have become convinced that rigid radicalism cannot be countered by critique alone. Our critique and interrogation are a way of asking: how can we be otherwise? What makes it possible to activate something different? How to protect the something different once it gains traction? How to share experiences of places and spaces where something different is already taking place—where people feel more alive and capable?
The first step, for us, has been to affirm that we are already otherwise: we all have parts of ourselves that are drawn towards other ways of being. Everyone has glimmers, at least, of the ways that fierceness can be intertwined with kindness, and curiosity with transformation. Every space is a complex ecology of different tendencies. Rigid radicalism is always only one tendency among others. There are—and always have been—many places and spaces where alternatives are in full bloom. Beyond merely diagnosing or combating rigid radicalism, we seek to affirm the multiplicity of ways that spaces can be otherwise.
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just-antithings · 2 years
Sometimes I really do think the years of which people were born play an impact on their views of fiction and their beliefs regarding them.
I was born in 2002, and let me tell you, the world and the internet was not like this back then. When I started venturing into more public sites when I was an older child and actually talking to people and making friends, there was none of this. No ship wars, no raging at people who have ships you don't like, no screeching and demanding purity, nothing. My early days on fandom Wikias, Wattpad, DeviantART, there was nothing like this. There was nobody breathing down your neck, nobody wishing death threats, nobody saying you deserved your abuse, no buzzwords getting thrown around and phrases that used to hold serious meaning being watered down to the point of being damn near almost laughable when you hear someone accused of being it.
I noticed things going downhill around 2016, but I've heard people say it's been a downhill spiral as far back as 2012, a goddamn decade ago. I cannot, for the love of god, fathom how things have gotten this bad. I don't understand it, I just don't! How did we go from Warrior Cat RPs and Saturday morning Cartoon Network to sending gore and wishing harm to people just because they like a different character? What in fuck's name happened to the world?
Maybe it's because I was born into late 90s and early 2000s culture where people just didn't care and were far more sensible and logical. Kids nowadays are coming onto the internet for the first time and seeing all this seething, vile hatred and hostility and thinking it's normal and getting all the wrong ideas instilled into them by the more than borderline cultlike and fear mongering behaviour from antis.
Then again, I've seen antis my age and older, so who knows if the generation you were born into plays any part in it at all.
I just can't understand how it's gotten this bad. And I hate knowing that it's most likely only going to continue getting worse, and that there's innocent children out there, being warped by these people's twisted puritanical black and white beliefs that, essentially, common sense = bad, fiction = real, and that sharing all your personal information online is the only way that people will know you're "good" like them, among so, so, so many other equally as horrible things.
Where did we, as a human race, go wrong? What irreversible tragedy has to happen before people finally get it and do something? Who else has to be hurt? When will enough be enough?
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kunstmull · 1 year
Shippuu no Blixa
Odd memory: many many years ago, I exchanged a number of messages with someone in the Neubauten fandom who initially seemed quite friendly, until the subject of "shipping" came up, at which point they became intensely hostile, and ultimately blocked me when I wouldn't take it seriously.
At the time, I had no idea what was going on, and chalked it up to "people are weird on the internet".
Shipping, to me, was an inherent part of fanfic and the other aspects of transformative fandom that I deeply loved. The term (much like its close relative, "slashing") originated in fanfic revolving around fictional characters and stories, and was carried along as part of the package when fanfic expanded to encompass RPF.
Although it seems wild to me, there are people who object to all RPF on principle. The idea that fantasising or writing fiction about pop stars or actors, or other folks who act as a silver screen embodying emotions and experiences (including sexual desire) for a living is somehow... insulting to them? That, to me, is deeply strange, and puritanical. Inspiring desire in fans is part of the job.
So I will always defend Fan Fiction - even the sometimes problematic areas like slash or shipping. (Someone writes a good piece on this every few years; here's the lastest in a long line)
And it was actually me that asked Blixa, during one of the Q&A sessions, about what his feelings about fanfic were - to which he replied (and confirmed I could share this information) he was OK with it. Other people have inspired him in his creativy; he accepts that he will inspire other people in their creativity.
But that comes with two important caveats:
CHAPTER 1 - Do not cross the streams.
Unless an idol has explicitly said they are interested in fanfic, do not force your fantasies on them. This is just basic fandom manners 101. It's such a talk-show-host dick move, to confront idols with this sort of thing - "did you know people on the internet imagine SMUT about you?!?!?" You have a right to your fantasies; they have the right not to have your fantasies in their face. Fanfic runs on the maxim "don't like; don't read". The people it's about enjoy those rights, too.
No, you do not have any right to talk to your fave about your theories on who you think they are secretly boffing. You are a stranger to them. That's deeply creepy and weird. Trust me, most artists with a large public profile have a team of people working to filter out this kind of behaviour long before it reaches them, because it is so stalker.
CHAPTER 2 - Fanfic is FICTION.
This is the big one. And the one I'm now realising was probably the source of the hostility from that person all those years ago. Shipping as a concept comes from Fiction. It involves reading Kirk & Spock or Mulder & Scully or Aziraphale & Crowley as being in a relationship. It's a beautiful thing, that involves creative transference of the fan's relationship with the media. (It's also a horrible thing, because who here doesn't bear the scars of some ship war or other. People get immensely invested, and intensely protective of their ships precisely because of that process of transference.) With fictional characters, there is no right or wrong as to how to read them. (And because fictional characters have authors, rather than lives of their own, sometimes it's amazing when something you have read becomes canon.)
Here's the one place where RPF is different from other fanfic. You have no right to dictate the ultimate truth of other human beings' relationships or lives.
You have every right to fantasise. You have every right to play. You have every right to project your own desires into fiction, and if you are queer, you have every right to read your own queerness into the pieces of media that you consume. Fiction is fiction; fantasy is fantasy. You have every right to whatever goes on in your own brain.
To me, that's what "shipping" is - an act of fantasy and projection that clearly owns that it is fiction, while delighting in the joy and friction of possibility and "what if?" Did I spend my entire teenage years rewinding the bits of the Bauhaus videos where Peter Murphy and Daniel Ash frotted one another over a 12-string? OF COURSE I DID. Do I now watch Buck-Tick videos, screaming "Just kiss!!!" at Acchan and Imai, until they do their fan service routine, and they make out? OF COURSE I DO!!! Do I think that gives me any insight into the actual relationship between the human beings that play those roles onstage? NO. NO, I DO NOT. Therein lies the rub.
But it turns out there's another kind of "Shipping".
And it is deeply delusional, and arrogant, and full of the worst kind of fan entitlement.
You do not have the right to insist that your own personal fantasies are The Ultimate Truth about another person's life. That is grotesque. But unfortunately, if there's one thing I've learned on Tumblr, it is that there are a lot of delusional people on the internet, who cannot keep firm boundaries between their own desires and the lives of other people.
Don't be one of them.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Barangaroo 10 years later: Development is good
loading In an interview with Announces This week, Moore said Barangaroo should offer more “for ordinary people who don’t have a bank card, and people who want to play sports who work and live in the city.” But the last time I checked, regular people had bank cards and, in my experience, like to use them. They may not be able to dine out at Woodcut every week, but maybe on a special occasion. I don’t envy them that experience. And while it’s great that CBD residents have more seating, I’m not sure it should be priority number one. They chose to live in the Central Business District, after all. They will find a way to exercise. By contrast, the city of Sydney likes to point to Green Square and its surroundings as a model of urban renewal. It’s a vast area, set to house 60,000 people by 2030, and there’s still a lot of work to do. So far, so good. But let’s not go crazy. It’s still a little clinical, a bit dormitory-like. It’s not a dining destination – Green Square’s biggest drawing card is Taco Bell. The planned density will probably be reduced, if any – you can double it without too much trouble. Manhattan is not. “Manhattan is not.” The city of Sydney likes to point to Green Square and its surroundings as a model of urban renewal.attributed to him:Kate Geraghty What Green Square and the surrounding areas do so well is provide a decent place to live (for Sydney) at affordable prices. Barangaroo does not do this, and never will. For the most part, it’s meant to be a destination – and if you don’t like the concept, you won’t love Barangaroo. Which explains why there are so many architects and others Announces I spoke to them on this series and found it impossible to separate their hostility toward the project and its history from the outcome. Some admitted it openly: they simply could not get over their distaste for the casino. But I think that kind of elite opinion – and elitism – is probably overt in the minority. Most of us are just happy to get away from the old seashore, glad to have a nice place to take Bill and Rhonda for lunch when they visit from the US, and proud to have a park overlooking the most beautiful harbor in the world. Diners at Rekodo Restaurant in Barangaroo. “There is a strange, almost puritanical assertion that because cafes, restaurants, and retail stores are private operations, they do not provide a ‘public good’.”attributed to him:James Brickwood Moreover, we must not fall back into the stereotype by complaining about everything that is thrown or demolished in this city. Same goes for the nightlife (it’s getting better), public transportation (it’s pretty good most of the time) and even the weather (it can’t go on forever, can it?) Many people think that Barangaroo is a cautionary tale that explains why we can’t have nice things. I’m more inclined to see it in reverse: even when we get nice things, we’re reluctant to appreciate it. The Opinion newsletter is a weekly summary of perspectives that will challenge, endorse, and inform you of your views. Register here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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nix-that-rad-lass · 3 years
Hot take, but I think radblr needs to hear it:
There shouldn’t be so much shame in re-identifying your sexuality after you have done some serious questioning.
There have been a few handfuls of women on here who identified as lesbian and later came out as bi, or vice versa.
I understand how, outside of the lesbian and bisexual communities, that’s harmful, but we are in this together and frankly the women who go through this get too much hate.
Yes, it’s irritating. Yes, it can paint a bad picture of us. But I’d think female solidarity comes before this.
The women who do this soul searching, who rip themselves apart, go over their past, relive their trauma, only to feel fear at living, speaking, and identifying properly because a bunch of so-called radfems get pissy that, oh no, people change! People sometimes don’t know who or what they are! People can have trauma that causes them to identify a certain way!
You accept detransitioned women, acknowledging many transitioned to escape oppression or trauma, but you can’t do the same to just... not be a shithead to women who had difficulty with understanding and labeling their sexuality?
In light of the stuff regarding badfem, too, you can say “yeah I figured that much...” and sure that’s rude but good fucking god y’all went insane. Unhinged. The cruelty towards her was insane. It makes you no better than her at her worst.
The way you all treat women who reidentify their sexuality after coming to a better understanding of themselves is fucking disgusting. How dare you call yourself a feminist only to turn around and be so unimaginably cruel to other women?
I’m not saying someone who deliberately ID’d as the wrong sexuality go gain access to their spaces is a good person, but for fucks sake it’s not that hard to not be a shitty asshole. It’s not that hard to say “hey this really could hurt our community so please be aware of that, but I appreciate you being truthful and no longer pretending to be something you’re not”
You can say you dislike someone’s actions without throwing away your humanity for a few wokie or rudefem points.
Not to mention the sheer amount of young radfems- those under 25- who don’t have a ton of life experience, who have grown up in a neoliberal vs conservative environment, who were often part of the trans cult, who have faced more trauma from male peers, have been groomed by society, forced to adapt to pornified world... it’s not surprising that so many young women mis-identify themselves because the lines have been terribly blurred, women on all sides of the political spectrum are facing oppression and cruelty, that so many women are trying desperately to escape their innate or true sexuality.
Straight women face abuse from radfems on here, called fuck cattle, dick worshipers, and handmaidens. Add to this porns sexualizing effect on bisexuality/lesbianism, and yeah, you’ll get a handful of straight women identifying as Bi. The answer is not to make radical feminism more hostile to straight women!
Bi women face shit from literally everyone on here, but most notably lesbians on radblr. The attempt to discard their attraction to men, coupled with the cruelty towards bi women, yeah a lot of them are gonna ID as lesbian to escape that! The answer is not to be more hostile to bisexual women and febfems
There are NGS lesbians, who have often already faced trauma, who have already hated themselves, and felt that disgust, have ID’d as bi or straight, and yet gold star puritans come out of the woodwork to be assholes to them. Yet again, the solution is not to make this community more hostile towards them!
If you want to stop women from falsely identifying as an inaccurate sexuality, the answer is to be accepting and supportive of women taking the time to understand themselves and/or potentially experiment. The answer is NOT to fucking shame and silence women who are struggling to properly identify themselves because of shitholes like you, not to mention the nightmare that is queer and trans politics, AND conservative and right wing bigotry.
Radical feminism is supposed to be a haven for women to find safety and community in a quest for female liberation. It’s not supposed to be a circle jerk of some women thinking they’re better than others for something out of their control!
For fucks sake, it is not that hard to grasp!
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
Peter Hale fans are perfectly entitled to like Peter and publish their Peter centric stories on ao3. Because, contrary to your and Posey's belief, there are no wrong or right ways to enjoy a show or a fictional character. The real question is: why do YOU keep reading and clicking on non Scott centric fics if you hate them so much? Also, cut your puritan "think of the children" clownery please. Everyone knows you think every single non Scott centric fic is "racist" and "problematic", Pew
You know what? You're a freaking racist. Peter Hale fans tend to be freaking racist. This whole fandom is freaking racist. I love that you don't even bother to answer my questions from the post that triggered this but still feel the need. Nowhere did I say that Peter Hale fans couldn't publish their fiction. I simply pointed out that they are mostly racist. And they are.
I don't care about the children. Well, I do care about children, but I don't care about them in this context, because it's not the children that we're dealing with here. It's an entire fandom that is so desperate to pretend that their experience with the fandom isn't shaped by racism that they'll make any excuse to back it up.
Here's a point of order: you don't need to be racist to like Peter Hale. You don't. But the Peter Hale fans in the Teen Wolf fandom are racist. And here's why.
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I actually like this ship. You see, I actually like Peter Hale stories, but even my liking Peter Hale stories doesn't obscure the fact that the fandom really, really likes Peter Hale but only because he's white.
Let's add a little ephebophilia to this, and add how many ship Peter and Chris with the teenager they've both attacked and hurt. (Eww.)
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Now, with this floating around, let's look at another story count.
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That's why the fandom is freaking racist, not because they like Peter, but because they only like Peter in terms of him being white. You see, they'll love Peter getting with the white man who literally hunted him for a season, they'll love Peter getting with the white man from whom he ran away in fear, but they can't possibly imagine Peter getting with a black man with whom he had a mildly antagonistic relationship.
There's no chemistry argument to make here. Peter and Chris never had a conversation on the screen. The only two episodes they were on the screen together at the same time was Code Breaker where Peter knocked Chris out as the first step in his rampage and in Master Plan where Peter hid in the shadows while Chris confronted his father. They never even said a single word to each other.
There's no 'enemies to lovers' argument to make here, because every single statement you could make about that trope applies to Deaton and Peter just as much as to Chris and Peter. There's no hostility argument to make here, because if you want to argue that Deaton didn't do anything to save Peter's family goes double for Chris, who stood by while his family burned Peter's family alive.
There's no 'he helped Scott usurp the Hales' because Chris was just as much there for Scott as Deaton was, but Peter fandom never even bothers with this. They just write Chris as hating Scott just as much as Peter does? Why? Because it's no stretch of an imagination to see a white man siding with other white men.
What other argument do you want to make? That you don't find Alan Deaton attractive? That you don't find him sexually appealing? There are much better writers than me who can list example after example of black male characters being desexualized to make white audiences feel good about themselves.
And for your information, I can read anything that gets posted on AO3, because I actually like stories about Peter Hale. I write stories about Peter Hale. I think about Peter Hale. If you want to defend the writing of people who get their jollies murdering minority characters, you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to telling me I can't enjoy Peter the way I want to.
Everyone can see what you're trying to do. You want to indulge in your racism without anyone saying anything about it, so you resort to bullshit arguments like don't like, don't read -- because you don't have any other argument in your defense. You know that the fandom is ridiculously tilted toward the white characters. You know that the fandom hates and neglects characters of color.
I love the show a lot and I want to participate in the fandom, and you can't stop me. If you don't like my points of view, why do you follow my blog? Because you know that fandom's infatuation with these shitty white men is racist, and you can't stand that someone is calling you out. The only you can feel good about your white-worshipping nonsense is by making the argument about my behavior.
I'm a white man and this is infuriating. I can't even imagine how this fandom's behavior makes minority participants feel. You're not going to get me to shut up, you racist ass. It's the least I can do to speak out against it.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 05 (second part)
(Masterpost) (Continued from Episode 05 first part, over here)
Breaking News: Zewu-Jun Continues to be Handsome
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Just. Look at that man. 
Water Ghost Field Trip
Lans Xichen and Wangji are going ghost hunting and the Yunmeng boys want in. For a simple "can we come?" conversation, a whole lot happens here. Lan Wangji uses his mouth to say he definitely does not want these boys to come while using the rest of his face to secretly beg his brother to invite them.
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Corporate recruiter Wei Wuxian advocates for Wen Qing, talking up her skills, and then does the same for Wen Ning.  He pays careful attention to what everyone is good at, and advocates specifically based on their abilities. While Wen Ning makes heart eyes at him.  
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That’s my future dark master
Wei Wuxian also promises to protect Wen Ning, which he ultimately does for the rest of his first life. Wen Qing gives both Jiang boys a genuine sweet smile, and dismantles another anti-WWX ward or two, while still being very protective of her brother's secret.
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Lan Xichen says yes to everybody. Lan Xichen is that indulgent elder sibling who's just a bit too old to play with you after school, but will take you to the park when he isn't too busy with varsity and debate club. [OP mentally hugs her third older brother]
Back at the Inn
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Fastidious local boy dislikes dust; plans to build house on corpse pile
They get to town and Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian check into a room together. LAN XICHEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Each of these boys came to this town with his own brother, but they are rooming together, how did this even happen?
(more after the cut)
Does this mean Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng are rooming together? and if so are they going to have a hot but ultimately meaningless one-night stand while each pines for the person they truly desire? 
Wen Qing is rooming with her own brother, and the other hot girl cultivators stayed back in Gusu. Wen Qing never catches a break.
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The innkeeper tells the Hardy Boys cultivators that there’s a shark ghosts in the lake and they’re going to have to close the beaches in the middle of July, oh dear. 
Lan Wangji takes a lingering look at one of the beds and then goes to sit at the desk. Wei Wuxian tries to chat with him, fails, and goes and lies down on the bed.  They’re not quite getting along yet but they’re moving in that direction, like when you bring a shelter cat home and introduce it to your established cat. Wei Wuxian is obviously the stray tabby in this metaphor, while Lan Wangji is one of those stuck-up Blue Russians. 
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Physically they are setting the template for many of their future domestic interactions, in which in which Lan Wangji meditates or plays guqin at his desk while Wei Wuxian lays in bed recovering from his latest physical or spiritual injury. 
Walk from Dock to Dock
Instead of taking a boat from the dock directly outside the inn, the cultivators walk through a bunch of random countryside.  How does anyone around here sell their fish, if the lake isn’t next to the town?
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Wei Wuxian chats with Lan Xichen, laying out his case for why all the recent weirdness is connected. Lan Wangji, who has been shut out of his brother’s thinking on all of this, listens super carefully. Lan Xichen straight up lies and says “nuh-uh” and then walks faster to get away, so Wei Wuxian tries grilling Lan Wangji instead.
At this point WWX reveals that he, terrifyingly, shares Lan Xichen’s ability to tell what Lan Wangji is thinking by looking at his face.
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Lan Wangji distracts him by pouring out his wine. This isn't LWJ being puritanical; he's escaping from the conversation by using the power of pettiness.
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This works perfectly, getting Wei Wuxian to completely drop the subject and allowing Lan Wangji to make a run for it.
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Note: Lan Wangji may have just now made up the “No Liquor on Night Hunts” rule, because Wei Wuxian asks him “why don’t I know that?” and if anyone knows Lan Clan rules at this point, it’s Wei Wuxian. 
R-A-G-G M-O-P-P Rag Mop
They take a bunch of boats and all stand in the middles of the boats while they use magic, presumably, to move the boats and also to keep from falling the fuck over because you're not supposed to stand up in a boat, assholes.
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Cue JAWS music.
Wei Wuxian cleverly spots a rag mop on Lan Wangji’s boat. I would like to know where the Department of Dubious Effects sources their goddamn nerve, because we are in Classic Doctor Who territory with these mop monsters.
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Wei Wuxian is out here being impressive, and Lan Wangji is doing his good goddamnest to not be impressed, and to be a sulky bitch while he's at it. He rejects Wei Wuxian’s explanation for why he splashed water on his boat, and rejects this friendly shoulder bump, telling Wei Wuxian to stay away from him.
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Look at how Wei Wuxian reacts to that. He is dangerously close to being done with Lan Wangji’s bullshit.
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He is opening the fight playbook here. He takes a big ol’ step over the boundary that Lan Wangji just set, which means the first phase has begun.
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Let’s take a moment to appreciate the not-at-all suggestive framing and prop placement in that shot.
Lan Xichen is amused at these two extremely deadly extremely horny youngsters getting ready to kill and/or make out with each other.
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Before this can turn into a fight, the water mops start attacking and Wei Wuxian gets to show off his sword skills. 
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Wei Wuxian’s crazy high level of cultivation always makes Lan Wangji weak in the knees, which is part of why it’s so distressing for LWJ when WWX gives up the sword during the Sunshot campaign.  Cultivation is the heart of their romance, and while Dark Wei Ying is also a high-level cultivator, Lan Wangji isn’t ready to share his narrow path until much later. 
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Lan Wangji is impressed enough to ask Wei Wuxian about his sword, and is rewarded with the most Wei Wuxian answer ever, as he explains why he named his sword “Whatever.” 
The important relationship being shown in this moment is not Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, but Wei Wuxian and Suibian. You can see how he loves it and it's like he's talking about his pet. 
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And it loves him back, as we later learn. This comfortable symbiosis is part of what he gives up when he sacrifices his core.
Jiang Cheng gets injured by a seaweed mop and Dr. Wen hops over to help him and look at his leg, leaving Wen Ning alone in his boat. This doesn't actually cause a problem for Wen Ning because he's a very strong cultivator. 
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Later, as the Ghost General, he's more formidable than any other fierce corpse out there, and he is harder for Xue Yang to control than Song Lan is. Which means he’s right now he’s probably one of the more powerful cultivators of his generation in spite of his youth and his wandering-soul problem. 
Dance of the Water Ghosts
Now things start to get dicey. Wen Ning notices the color of the water is wrong and Lan Wangji correctly deduces what the water ghosts are doing. Then Wei Wuxian correctly identifies the water demon. As a corporate teambuilding exercise this is going very well, but as a night hunt it is maybe a little more dangerous than expected. 
Lan Wangji says everyone needs to ride their swords and all of the actors fling their arms out in a T and pretend they’re not just standing there in front of the camera. It’s so fucking ridiculous I can’t even.
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However, it’s even worse when they show them standing on the swords. It’s SO MUCH WORSE when they show them standing on the swords.
Back to Corporate Strengths Finder 2.0: Su She has no strengths, just weaknesses. Instead of riding his sword he wants to take one last swipe at a rag mop. He sends his sword into the water and it loses its bluetooth connection and he can't get it to come back out.
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The entire group of Lan clan disciples hop up into the air on their swords and not one of them tries to help Su She, which is hilarious.  
Sweet baby Wen Ning, however, being a good lad, does go help him, and gets possessed, oops. 
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Wei Wuxian grabs Wen Ning and flinches when he sees his white eyes, but hangs on to him. 
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When Lan Wangji sees that Wei Wuxian is in danger he makes this face and goes and grabs him and Su She.
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A hilarious midair conversation ensues, along with some relationship negotiation. Wangji is touch starved and aims to keep it that way. At least in public.
Lan Xichen fires up the battle flute and seals the water demon and oh my god how is he so elegant and beautiful?
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What’s Wrong With The Baby
Wei Wuxian back at the Inn is checking on Wen Ning in a genuinely concerned way, having basically signed on as a co-elder sibling at this point, sensing that Wen Ning is broken. Wei Wuxian is friendly with everybody but he's particularly protective of anyone who's hurt.
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Wen Qing shows up and tells him quite directly to get the fuck out, but he surprises her by understanding what's up with Wen Ning and making it clear that he's on her side as far as care for Wen Ning goes, while he still knows that she's up to something.
Giving Gifts to Girls, Yunmeng Brothers Style
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Wei Wuxian: I deduced that your beloved brother has no personal firewall and can be possessed easily in spite of his high cultivation level, so I used my expertise to make a special talisman that can protect him from invasion by hostile entities. Here, even if you and I are sorta enemies I want him to have this. Also I’m going to throw in a casual acknowledgement of your professional expertise.
Jiang Cheng: I bought you a comb
Squeeze This
Wei Wuxian tosses an approximately testicle-sized loquat fruit to Lan Wangji and Lan Wangji catches it without looking, and an ENORMOUS romantic music cue swells up. 
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Then he rejects it and throws it back. He doesn't, of course, just avoid catching it in the first place because that wouldn’t be elegant and pointed enough. In a later episode, when they begin travelling together, Wei Wuxian will announce his presence in this same way, throwing a loquat fruit at to Lan Wangji, who will catch it and keep it.
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Wei Wuxian tosses the rejected loquat over to Jiang Cheng, who catches it, not realizing he is going to be Wei Wuxian’s second choice man in every instance from this point onward. 
Jaws music obvs
WuJi aka Wanxian which is playing constantly when they are in the library, presumably this is the sound in LWJ’s head
Lookin’ Out My Back Door by CCR
Nothing, from A Chorus Line
Rag Mop by the Ames Brothers (warning before you google it: this will give you a permanent earworm)
Writing prompt: Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng explore Gusu while WWX is stuck in the library  
Restless Rewatch Episode 06 is here!
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deunan403 · 2 years
Just a heads up
SO, I've been considering this for a while, but I may move my main activity somewhere else like Instagram or Twitter (ugh). It's just been so incredibly difficult to try and catch a wave here when you're not already popular, and part of that is my fault. I'm really bad at producing for fandoms that are trending and instead bask in older burns that have been around a while but people don't hunt for much anymore. Also, people on this site are notoriously bad at liking posts rather than spreading them, lol.
ANYWAY, it seems like most artists have migrated to one of the two I mentioned above, for good reason. I would really like to be a more active creator for the things I love, and have been juggling the idea of commissions and selling merch and such to get my motivation up for years now, but I don't really feel seen here? And tho a big reason for that is admittedly my long hiatuses, I think maybe it's also partly because I'm proship and some people may be afraid to be seen supporting me lmao, idk. This whole puritan fan movement is pretty toxic and ruining creativity imo, but whatever. Still a firm believer of people not getting harassed for the things they like or being ashamed enough to hide said things (which is why I vehemently refuse to make a second blog for those kinds of interests and instead tag things as best I can so followers can blacklist). Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see all this baseless hostility over trivial shit. Sorry, I'm ranting about something completely different now.
But yeah, not saying this officially or anything. More of a heads up in case that were to happen since I'm just feeling it out rn. I do very much appreciate everyone who has ever supported me here and most everyone here has been incredibly kind. If you have ever reblogged my work (as well as any other struggling artist's), you are an MVP and doing god's work. And even if I moved, I would still absolutely post shit here, it would just be secondary to wherever I decide to move. It's unfortunate because I feel like tumblr's tagging system is by and large the most flexible/filterable archive for creator content and nothing else really compares. Just wish management hadn't made so many terrible decisions because the site as a whole really is a gift despite its buggy-ness.
If you've read this far, that warms my kokoro knowing you care enough lmao. Please don't hesitate to hmu just to chat. Or if you're interested in hearing more about commissions/merch that I really really wanna start doing for fandoms like SNK, OSMT, HS, and more such as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss and Persona 5. I got a lot of interests that I just never get around to contributing to lolrip, and would like to start working on my HS fic again. Anywho, no matter what happens, you guys are great and I hope the world starts sucking a little less for you because recent years have been... hahahahaha. They were sure a thing, I guess.
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aquamotto · 4 years
Polish School of Magic or what Rowling gets wrong about Poland
In short: many things. 
The only mentions of polish wizards come from two instances - some Quidditch team  (Grodzisk Goblins) and Hagrid’s visit to Europe (with some goblin mention, again). 
Why goblins, anyway? There is no such creature in real polish mythology. Instead, there are much more Harry Potter-esque things such as: Beast of Krakow, Dragon of the Wawel Hill who is the most famous and ferocious creature in all Eastern Europe. The majestic power of this beast can only be matched with majestic power of its city of dwelling - Krakow, to put it simply, is the city of Polish kings.
Below: Krakow, the city of “goblins”, according to JKR:
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But let me guess - goblin invokes this image of rudeness and primitivity that probably comes from british understanding of poles as construction workers and such. It is curious that nuanced portrayal of poor people that is reserved for characters like Snape is not allowed to poles. They are “goblins” but Snape is a “working class hero”.  
 What I will describe below, is my headcanon based on what I imagine Wizarding Poland to really be like, sans goblins and other imperialist fantasies but based on my own observation of Poland as both pole and outsider (because, unfortunately, I am both).
Personality,  culture
Quidditch champion image as rude and loud lads couldn’t be farther from the truth. Polish wizards, much like their friends in neighboring Czech Republic, are wise, eccentric, philosophical and brave people. They have been blessed and cursed with difficult history (Such as Partition of Poland and German and Soviet Invasion) and know very well how to operate in secrecy. In fact, they are the most secretive of all european wizards and if muggle were to accuse them of witchcraft, they would deny the fact to their last breath. In the same time, polish wizards love magic and often risk everything to pursue their next magical experiment. They are prone to be idealistic and live with their head in the clouds, sometimes literally, which can lead to both troubles and brilliant inventions.
Some believe that Nicolaus Copernicus, the genius astronomer who placed the Sun at the center of the Universe, was a polish wizard (painting by polish artist Jan Matejko):
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This image of genius, sudden discoveries and epiphanies is valued in Poland to the point that students of Polish School of Magic wear stars indicating their year on their uniforms - to honor Copernicus. 
However, poles aren’t Ravenclaws in disguise - they are traditional, obedient and lawful people at the core and no polish wizard, even the smallest first year, would dare to cheek their headmaster or teacher the way Harry and co. do. 
Teacher - student relationship is sacred in Poland and it’s almost like your second parent -  someone to be treated with utmost respect. This can lead to quite harsh hierarchies in Wizarding Poland. 
Polish wizards dress modestly, colorful suits Weasley Twins style are not for them. They can sometimes even look monk-like (or medieval knight-like) in appearance. Since Poland is filled with minor aristocracy called szlachta (and I am proud to belong to it, too*) many polish wizards openly wear their coat of arms on their clothes. (*If you are wondering whether I have a coat of arms - yes, I do).
Polish School of Magic uses dark red monk-like hoods with more normal suit under as an unifroms.  Since they want to be the guardians of well respected traditions, it fits them. 
This doesn’t mean that poles are somber, though. They can be playful but in their distinct, “I challenge you” way. They can be competitive and fiery to the highest degree, especially when their honor or honor of their school is involved. They are indeed the most patriotic of all wizards, thinking of themselves as separated not only from muggles but from foreigners too.
Relationship with muggles
Polish wizards do not like muggles very much but unlike Britain, it rarely comes in a form of hostility but rather patronizing and light mockery. Rather than valuing pure blood,poles just think of themselves as superior to muggles in intelligence.They are especially suspicious of muggle disrespect of culture and the past which leads to wizards thinking that muggles are morally and spiritually, rather than genetically, impure. However, there was never an attempt to deny muggleborns education - in fact, they are welcomed with open arms and often even relief - “Finally, another one of us!”. This makes them a bit closer to Grindelwald’s idea of superiority than Voldemort’s one.
Anyone knows Chopin, the great french-polish composer and indeed, poles adore music. To the point that Polish School of Magic considers participation in a school choir mandatory. But highest praise is reserved for those who dare and pick up an instrument (be it violin, cello, horn, piano or something else) to join the School Orchestra. If Triwizard Tournament accepted Poland, they would arrive in most curious way possible - operating the giant musical machine which would look like a church organ mixed with piano and other instruments. The headmaster would play it and the students (dressed in cloaks) would accompany him with some strange melody to make the grandest entrance ever. 
Polish School of Magic
Pictured below: Frombork
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Thanks to Copernicus, magical astronomy and astrology are best subjects to learn in Polish School of Magic. Unlike their colleagues in Prague who are obsessed with alchemy, potions and dark arts, poles are more interested in the spiritual so they also value divination in any forms and defense against the dark arts. Since living in a country as difficult as Poland forces you to  always be on your toes, teachers consider it important to teach their students nonverbal magic as soon as possible. They also encourage wandless magic and actually had a lot of luck with it (unlike other european schools). Thanks to a certain WW2 incident, they also offer a superior course of arithmancy (If you know what I am hinting at, well done!) 
Pictured: Frombork Cathedral Bell Tower
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Since poles are not very practical people, they don’t teach their students about Magical Creatures at all (aside from a side course on dangerous creatures such as dragons in DADA). This just doesn’t fit their heady aesthetics. Being honest and reliable people, they also dislike transfiguration - something about turning things into animals and other things strikes them as unnecessary cruel and even devilish. Being pious at the core, poles want magic to always come from the source of respect and light. That’s why almost all students leave the school with full patronuses - most common of which is a white eagle, of course - the symbol of Poland. Poles are often so patriotic that even their best memories are linked to their national identity!
Poles are also good at charms and make superb magical duellists. In fact, not many nations can best them in this regard, if any. It is thanks to their wandless magic, wordless spells,  quickness of reaction and harsh discipline (almost military-like) instilled in them in their school. 
Talking about discipline... Polish School of Magic’s discipline is indeed very strict. The school grounds are usually quiet, students know best not to laugh too loud, not to pull pranks or fool around needlessly. Spontanous duels are forbidden. Teachers love their work and always keep an eye on misbehaving individuals. Lazy, incompetent or misanthopic teachers don’t exist in Polish School of Magic. Instead they can be overly strict, demanding, mocking, conservative and overly eccentric. (This one is based on real life experience, everyone.)
Below: Ksiaz castle
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 Teachers in Polish School of Magic lean old and getting a place there is very difficult and demands tons of connections. They also lean male but not just because of prejudice (although, unfortunately, such prejudice exists - Poland is a country of soldiers in many ways), because DADA course there is especially harsh and physically exhausting. (Some say it’s because they want to best Durmstrang and it comes with knowing your enemy).
Despite the notes of traditionalist gender roles, female teachers are usually well-respected, even more than male ones. And that’s why many female teachers are quite haughty and have queen-like demeanor.
Below: Ksiaz castle room
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But when do poles rest from all their strict training? The answer: when holidays come. Holidays are sacred for poles and many missteps are forgiven during them, rules become slightly more relaxed. 
One of the curiously LESS regulated things in Polish School of Magic is love. While british and american wizards such as Snape may get into a puritanical rage seeing two students kissing passionately, polish teachers would just smile sweetly at them and leave them alone. Girls sending boys postcards is not considered cringeworthy as it is in Hogwarts (I am looking at you, Harry) but natural and enviable. In fact, teachers encourage students to dance together and on holidays such as Christmas, they even overlook duels related to love triangles (a rare case of them approving non-DADA duels). Poles can dance well and you can often find them waltzing in the school balroom in their festive robes. They also flirt well and all this combined with the fact how good they are at duelling, makes them formidable rivals in love for students from any other school, including Beauxbatons, especially considering that Beauxbatons boys lean narcissistic rather than chivalrous.
In the end, if Poland did participate in Triwizard Tournament, I think it would charm everyone with their quick wit, intelligence, modesty, good manners and passionate spirit. 
Quite far from the “Goblin” stuff, isn’t it?
Below: various beautiful views from Poland
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rigginsstreet · 4 years
gladys/alice + 53
53. Take off your shirt. (apologies in advance to any hal fans reading this lmfao i feel like i did him kinda dirty my bad. but hal haters are not allowed to clown on this post. also this did not turn out sexy just sad lmfao sorry)
read on ao3
She knew tonight would be a shit show. Didn’t matter that she had spent two weeks saving up money to actually buy a respectable enough outfit for dinner with the Coopers when she could have just stolen one. Because she wanted to fit in. Wanted them to like her. Didn’t want to feel like even more of an outcast in clothes she swiped from the local department store. 
Turns out, you can take the girl out of the South Side, but you can’t take the South Side out of the girl. Not according to Prudence Cooper and the giant stick he has lodged up her ass, anyway. 
Alice had been on her best behavior from the second she stepped foot on Elm Street. Had smiled and said all the right things. Had gone so far as to make Hal teach her proper dinner etiquette because she wanted to get everything perfectly right. And none of it mattered. Because all Prudence Cooper had done the whole night was look down her nose at her. Did that shit that all those bored, stuffy, suburban housewives do where they make these cryptic little jabs at you with a smile on their face so you have to think twice about if you’ve just been insulted. Because God forbid they say what they really feel. That’s too tacky, apparently. But playing mind games with a teenager is acceptable. 
By the time dinner was over Alice’s palms were bleeding from her nails digging into them so hard. Because, for as much as she wanted to jump over the table and deck Prudence Cooper in her little Puritan face, she knew better. Because, in spite of his nutjob mother, Alice still loved Hal. Even though she was questioning that allegiance now. 
Not once during that dinner from hell did he pipe his big mouth up to say anything in her defense. He’s her boyfriend. That’s supposed to mean something. All the shit she gets from everyone for dating a North Sider, a Cooper, no less, and she always defends him. And he can’t say one thing to his mother.
So now here she was, at some house party drowning her sorrows, her anger. She’d come here with Hal, she remembers that much. But the minute she stepped inside she made it her mission to stay away from him the rest of the night. She wanted to wipe all memory of Hal and the Coopers from her mind, and she was doing a pretty damn good job of it, if she said so herself. 
There was some blue concoction in a giant bowl in the kitchen that kind of tasted like ass, if she was honest. But, fortunately, it had lost all flavor by her third cup, so she kept going back for more.
She’s lost count by now of how many times she’s sent some freshman to fetch her a refill while she hides out in any other corner of the house that isn’t the kitchen because Hal gave up trying to chase her only for her to dodge him. Thought he was being smart parking it in the kitchen to wait for her to come back for another drink. Like she wouldn’t figure out a way around that one.
But apparently Hal’s wizened up to that plan, too. She can see him moving through the crowd of partygoers, obviously looking for her. She’s got the advantage, though, crouched down on the floor out of view. Time to move, though. Can’t risk Hal finding her and turning this night into an even worse fiasco.
Getting up proves to be a little more difficult than anticipated. The room immediately starts spinning, and she has to reach her hand out to the nearest wall to steady herself. Stands still, takes a couple of deep breaths, then she’s good to go. 
Except she’s not. Barely a step forward and she’s falling sideways into the wall. 
“Fuck,” she says on impact before falling into a fit of giggles. The wall suddenly feels like exactly where she needs to be. It’s nice. Soft. Safe...
“Jesus, Al, how much have you had tonight?”
There’s arms around her suddenly. Strong, but skinny. Not Hal’s. And that voice... definitely not Hal’s. Too feminine, even with the grit it possesses. Something oddly familiar she can’t quite place.
“‘m fine,” she says, trying to push out of whoever’s hold she’s in. The room’s so dark around her. Can’t see shit in front her, but that doesn’t matter. She’s just gotta move forward.
“Like hell you are. C’mon, where’s that boytoy of yours?”
Alice’s eyes flutter open at that. Suddenly the room’s not so dark anymore. Gladys Cohen is the one holding her up, she sees now. Because this night just had to get worse for her.
“Don’t wanna see him.” The words slur coming out of her mouth. 
Gladys huffs beside her. “Fine. Whatever. But I’m cutting you off.”
She reaches for the cup just as Alice is bringing it to her lips. The reaction is slow, but once Alice is keyed in to what Gladys is doing, she jerks her hand away out of reach. “Fuck off.”
“Don’t be a brat.” 
Gladys reaches over again for the cup, this time successfully getting ahold of it. Only serves to make Alice pull back, an anger flaring up inside her. 
“Get off me!”
“I’m not letting you get alcohol poisoning over a fight with your boyfriend, that’s so fucking cliche, Al!”
“It’s none of your business!”
Alice swings her arm back towards her in full force, and she feels it instantly. The warm liquid spilling down her shirt, pressing it to her skin. She looks down and sees nothing but a big purple splotch, the blue drink mixing in with the soft pink of her satin blouse. 
The blouse she spent weeks saving for. The blouse that was supposed to solve all her problems. The blouse that couldn’t save her from making a bad impression on Hal’s mother. 
A dam breaks. Tears free flow down her face and there’s a whine coming from the back of her throat, high and shrill and she doesn’t even care.
“Aw, shit. Al-”
“Everything’s ruined!” She yells with everything she has in her. Pounds both her fists into Gladys’ chest, hard enough that she stumbles back a step, before running off to the nearest bathroom.
She slams the door shut as soon as she gets inside. Grabs the nearest hand towel and places under the water and furiously starts scrubbing away at the stain. Some color rubs off onto the towel but it’s doing nothing to remove it from her shirt. 
Vision blurry with tears, Alice gives up, throwing the towel down with a growl before gripping the countertop in front of her. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears, but it does nothing. She should’ve known better. Playing dress-up for one night doesn’t change anything. She’ll always be South Side trash, and the universe won’t let her forget it. 
There’s a soft tapping at the door. Alice rubs her sleeve under nose before answering. “Go away.” But it’s half-hearted.
The door slowly opens. Gladys peaks her head through, like she’s making sure it won’t get bitten off. When she deems it safe enough she lets herself fully in, closing the door behind her. “You okay?”
Alice sniffles. “Do I look okay?”
“Maybe not your finest hour, but I’ve got no complaints.”
Alice rolls her eyes.
“Take off your shirt,” Gladys commands, jutting her chin out at her.
“I’m not in the mood, G-”
Gladys laughs. “And I’m not trying to fuck the drunk girl. Take off your shirt.” She sets a jug of detergent she must’ve gotten from the laundry room down onto the counter before sliding her jacket off. 
Alice gets the hint, then, and starts unbuttoning her blouse. Gladys is removing her own shirt - some old and hand-me-down Runaways tee - and handing it over. Stands there in nothing but her bra and ripped jeans.
With a tentative hand, Alice takes it, tries her best to avoid looking. Their fingers brushing for the briefest second before Gladys is reaching for the stained blouse. Gets to work on making it look new again.
Alice slips the old shirt on. Can smell the brand of cigarettes Gladys smokes on it. The ones they used to share under the bleachers between periods and behind the Wyrm before Alice decided to quite. There’s an undercurrent of something pleasant there, too. Cinnamon and cloves. A mix that is so distantly Gladys. It makes her head spin, but she’ll blame that on her drunken state.
It makes the tears start falling again.
“Woah, hey.” Gladys abandons the shirt in the sink and turns to pull Alice into her arms. “What’s got you all worked up, blondie?”
Sometimes Alice feels like she made a mistake. That she chose wrong. And she hates to admit because, because she loves Hal. But. She misses her old life, too. And right now... everything feels too familiar. In Gladys’ shirt, in Gladys’ arms. The way Gladys is petting her hair and making her feel okay when everything’s not okay. 
She pulls back enough to look Gladys in the eyes. Gladys traces a fingertip softly at her temple, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear and in that split second Alice makes the decision to lean forward, press their lips together.
It’s wrong. She knows. Hal’s outside looking for her, worried about her. And here she is hiding away, kissing her ex girlfriend. 
Gladys’ mouth opens in a gasp, and Alice takes it as an invitation. Except. 
Gladys presses the palm of her hand to Alice’s chest, pushing her back gently. “I’m not doing this, Al,” she says. There’s no anger in her voice. No hostility, surprisingly. Just... a rational calm that Alice feels so far away from.
“Why not?” Alice pouts.
Gladys smiles, but it seems sad. “Because your boyfriend’s outside.”
“You don’t even like Hal.” She goes in for another kiss, but is stopped short with Gladys’ hand to her chest again.
“But you do. You’re drunk, and upset, and I’m not interested in taking advantage.”
Gladys slips her leather back on. Zips it up to just her navel before turning to open the door. She pauses, turns to nod at the shirt in the sink. “Be gentle with that but keep scrubbing. Should come out just fine. Then go make up with your boyfriend.”
She turns to leave for good this time, but the moment doesn’t feel finished. Things never really feel finished when it comes to them.
She’s chewing on her bottom lip when she turns to face Alice again. Eyebrows raised in expectancy. 
But there’s no words coming to Alice. Nothing feels significant enough to encapsulate the moment, everything she’s feeling. Hell if she even knows what she’s feeling. Longing? Regret? Apologetic? All of it all at once.
The silence hangs heavy between them, but Gladys must feel it, too. She gives Alice a final nod before leaving, shutting the door behind her. And Alice is left alone, wiping a tear from her eye.
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teacherintransition · 3 years
The Ugly American...who? Me?
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My wife an I have become avid travelers and the closing of countries due to Covid-19 has hit us in the heart...
The time at home has given me chance to read about travel and given me pause to re-evaluate my behavior while abroad in the past and for the future...
The Ugly American, a novel written in the late 1950’s and which was a The New York Times Best Seller, was written by political scientist Eugene Burdick and writer and former U.S. Navy captain William Lederer. The book took a much needed look at the behavior of Americans traveling abroad; from the rugged backpacker hiking India to the field State Department personnel actually presenting the “official face” of our country in the international community. Prior to World War 1, most international travel by Americans was done by the wealthy elite among society. The “common” man through the tribulations of war, was given the opportunity to experience European culture and a yearning for seeing the world was fostered. If fact, there was a saying after WWI, “how you gonna keep Johnny on the farm after he’s seen Paree (Paris)?” The travel bug... wanderlust was born in the hearts of the middle class and gave rise to this phenomenon in film and in books written by Jack Kerouac, Cheryl Strayed, Ernest Hemingway up to contemporary writers like Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Sean Greer and Elizabeth Gilbert. Even Rick Steves who has become a knowledgeable source of traveling information with his travel guide series, has presented an informative open minded view of travel abroad.
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All of these written treasures of traveling the world unveils to readers the magic that is to be found by stepping out your front door. The Ugly American presents a scathing look at how the “American” while overseas, displays an arrogant , intolerant, dismissive view of cultures far older and in many cases, more refined than ours. Burdick and Lederer’s book is set within the intrigues of international diplomacy and how that uniquely American view creates failure in the establishment of effective foreign policy. The authors listed and many more besides, instruct their readers to varying degrees to take more note of the intricate nuances a traveler should pay attention to and to show respect and admiration for the centuries of history and culture that exists all around us and that is not American. There is a common thread throughout all their works about what is missed when we stand outside and dismiss the uniqueness of every nation we might visit, instead of immersing oneself and appreciating it in a culture not our own. The “ugly American” has become a mythos of how Americans respond critically to anything that is not “MURICAN!”
Several other factors besides short sighted American foreign policy have contributed to the yoke placed on Americans traveling: cutthroat business practices while dealing with European, Asian and African countries; missionaries whose demonstrate a dismissive view of spiritual practices that have existed for millennia and, quite honestly, the behavior of tourists while abroad. Many experienced travelers draw a clear distinction between the tourist and the traveler. Kathryn Walsh differentiates the two in the following way:
It's usually easy for locals to spot a tourist among them. A tourist may carry a camera, guidebook and map at all times and wear the same clothing he'd wear at home. Tourists tend to stay in their comfort zones a bit; they may speak only English instead of trying to learn phrases in the local language; stick to major cities instead of venturing to smaller towns or off-the-beaten-path locales; and stay in areas where the amenities are similar to what they have at home.
Generally speaking, someone who considers himself a traveler will try to immerse himself in the local culture rather than standing out. If you're a traveler, you may try to explore the less-traveled areas and explore locations where tourism doesn't drive the economy. You'll interact with locals. Your goals for a trip will be to learn and experience new things, rather than to take a relaxing break from everyday life. A traveler may consider a trip a journey rather than a vacation.
The traveler presents a deferential, respectful and admiring view of the nations they are visiting and adopt the wise phrase from antiquity: “when in Rome do as the Romans.”
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There is nothing wrong with being a tourist, often it is the less expensive approach to travel, unless you become the arrogant American tourist then perhaps you need to reassess. Travel is a big part of my retirement plans and goals, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. Two highly anticipated trips with two years involved in planning were rescheduled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a disappointment we shared with thousands of tourists and travelers alike; and further postponements may continue to confront us. Perspective is needed in such a situation as being denied travel is far below other struggles this event has presented all of us. That being said, it has been a terrible disappointment down to my bones. We’ve missed much needed fellowship time with great friends, the excitement of seeing new places, the immersion in the culture and history of the locales, and, for me personally, our yearly travels have been my muse and inspiration for so much of my art. It’s akin to being very thirsty and having only a few drops to suffice. Introspection is the course of action when hopefully contemplating the possibility of the trips occurring.
To satiate the urge, we’ve read and watched travel programs in the interim and have evaluated our connection to the Ugly American concept? Are we ...them? In our past travels, have we appeared at all dismissive of the people and practices of the places we’ve visited? My wife and I have always been in awe of our travel destinations, so I feel fairly confident that we have not displayed the aforementioned arrogance of many American travelers. The thought that then arises is how much we have not allowed ourselves to be immersed in the culture; which, in the long run, is a detriment to us more than anyone. Our minds are open and willing to become part of the places we visit, but if we eliminate the brusque nature of so many Americans while overseas, what is the stumbling block that draws such distinctions when traveling? I fully concede that most Americans feel they have little to learn from many places on this planet, more is the pity, and there is much flawed thinking that goes into this mindset; but what fundamental differences exist between the cultures? I came across a very enlightening blog article written by Alain Veilell that was spot on in identifying the differences. Veilell simply observed that we run on different clocks. Not literal clocks but a “clock” obsessed with structure and deadline.... hello Americans! Veilell notes that Europeans start late and end late, while American and many Asian cultures start early and end early. Americans tend to view the un-regimented approach as being akin to laziness. I coached soccer and baseball for many years and many of my Latino players would not be as punctual as my other players. They were as talented and competitive, but their homes weren’t ruled by the seconds on a clock. Dinner started later, lasted longer, the dishes could wait... the priority was the quality of interaction with the people your with... ah, there it is ... sort of.
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The average American meal last twenty minutes, while the average meal in Spain, for example, lasts two hours. They certainly don’t eat as much as Americans so why all the extra time? Why should time even be a factor so often? It’s the conversation and fellowship that is the priority not timing. While without question, the structured regimentation is a contributing factor to the American commitment to financial success, it also contributes to hypertension, stress, anxiety, depression and conflict that might be avoided with having an extra glass of wine and talking and not worrying if dinner is on schedule. Taking a little more time, enjoying the moment, letting serendipity reign may not be part and parcel of the Puritan work ethic; but it plays a helluva big part in realizing “La Dolce Vita.” This perception of time throws the rhythm off for many American tourists and makes us the ones to call the front desk complaining that the folks in room 210 are just too loud at 9:30 pm. The local population may just be getting ready to start dinner at that time. Remember, “when in Rome do as the Romans?”
While traveling, often American tourists view differences as a personal affront. “ I have to ask for ice?’ “What, no air conditioner?’ “They call the restroom the toilet?’ “Ugh how vulgar ... and a bidet? You must be kidding?” Truth to tell, Americans also suffer from mischaracterization from travelers from abroad as well. If I had a nickel for ever foreign exchange student who thought that all of Texas was a giant ranch with everyone riding horses and wearing cowboy hats. I think though that visitors to our country more often than not allow themselves to be pleasantly surprised than to have their feathers ruffled. It seems that we allow the “ours is better than yours” mentality to outweigh the magic of the unknown and the different. Every spiritual guiding ethos advocates living in the moment, treasure what is happening right now, greet the unknown with hope not hostility. The ugly American leaves no room for such an upbeat approach. Superiority mentality leave very little to treasure in this magnificent world other than what is yours and that limits learning, excitement, growth and just the pure joy that comes from trekking this world.
Is this assessment of mine a blanket judgement? No, not at all but there is some truth to it and there is something to be learned. As I self analyze, I found that I may harbor some of these traits and it’s good that I have time to stand back and look ...to learn. The worthy goal of being an affirming member of this global community is a purpose that I seek; and the rewards are far beyond just being intrinsic but rewards the cultures you visit with an admiration and respect they deserve. As these thoughts have been put down, it reignites the hopes that the planned journeys come to realization with the anticipation of more to follow. No more ugly Americans, British, Japanese or what have you, just eager travelers wanting to see and experience all that this world has to offer. Happy travels my friends.
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Burdick, Eugene Lederer, William; The Ugly American ; Norton Publications; 1958
Veilel, Alain; “Why don’t Europeans Travel to Cancun?;” Quora; October 8, 2020
Walsh, Kathryn. "Differences Between a Tourist and a Traveller" traveltips.usatoday.com, https://traveltips.usatoday.com/differences-between-tourist-traveller-103756.html. 5 April 2021.
Photo from https://www.myheritage.com/
Photo from https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL13640A/Ernest_Hemingway
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arcanenrok · 4 years
OC stuff: Kalohrans again
This time, a focus on their cosmology/theology
The Kalohrans’ perception of the world is a very grim one. They believe the world itself is hostile to living creatures. They believe that their existence was engineered by a sadistic entity with the express purpose of causing misery.
Originating in caves, with stalagmites and stalactites adorning their confined living space, it is not hard to imagine that they’d picture the very world they lived in as a sharp toothed creature. “Vaten”, the word Kalohrans use for “World”, is the name given to the entity that shaped the world. It is often described as tongueless mass of serpents. It has no tongue, as it does not savor the lives it consumes, and does not speak any words, let alone words of comfort. All it does is rend and tear and cause pain.
The Kalohrans believed every aspect of natural life was intended to cause intelligent creatures to be miserable. They cite the fact that all living things must either kill others or otherwise compete with others to survive, be it animals eating other animals or plants, or plants crowding and starving each other out.
Kalohrans believe that it is the nature of living things to be kind. However, they believe this was given to them by Vaten as well, because putting creatures into a cruel world that required them to hurt each other would be that much more abysmal if those creatures only wanted to love each other.
Reproduction is even believed to be an invention of Vaten. Some Kalohran theologians theorized that Vaten used to be in the company of other powerful creatures, but in it’s cruelty, it had destroyed them all until it was the last one left. In order to make sure there would always be more creatures to torture, Vaten made creatures that would self reproduce. That way, they would know the miseries of death, but there would always be more lives to make suffer.
However, as bleak of a world view this seems to be, Kalohrans are actually quite optimistic. Unlike in human christian theology, they do not believe the creator of the universe to be perfectly wise or insurmountably powerful. They believe that in its desire for cruelty, Vaten made careless mistakes. They believe that many of the things that Vaten gave them that were meant to be curses could be hijacked into blessings, principle of them all being kindness.
By introducing cooperation into the natural order of competition, the Kalohrans stacked the odds in their favor. They discovered how looking out for the well being of others resulted in rewards. Instead of letting their bonds to their fellow man be sources of heartbreak, they made them sources of hope and joy.
Reproduction became a big deal. Whenever the Kalohrans decided to have children, it was a delibrate choice made when they believed they could guarantee the child a happy life. They refrained from recklessly copulating, however, they did not hold back from deriving pleasure from sexual practices that would not risk unplanned childbirth.
They even found ways to turn the world against itself. When they figured out how to shape the world’s natural resources into tools that helped prolong the life and happiness of people, it became of utmost importance to learn how to further exploit nature.
Things such as science and engineering became sacred to them. Pieces of knowledge, things that would seem mundane as the acceleration of gravity, chemical formulas, mechanism blueprints, and any piece of knowledge that could save lives and bring happiness were scripture to them.
However, technological advancement can also bring opportunities to be cruel to one another. To the Kalohrans, to use technology for this purpose was the most obscene blasphemy. Innovation is the very tool that was meant to fight against Vaten, but those who would use it to aid Vaten were the most dangerous and perverse.
The overall ideology with regards to morality for the Kalohrans is based on what opposes Vaten. To oppose Vaten is to cause living creatures to feel joy and pleasure, and to aid Vaten is to cause living creatures misery and pain. To this end, the Kalohrans would likely balk at human ideas such as ascetism and traditionalism, seeing them as pointless and arbitrary restaints on human enjoyment and technological progress. They would especially hate the puritan ideas that conflate human pleasure with sin. They would go as far to call such ideas perverse.
Likewise, humans might balk at their apparently hedonistic lifestyles. They find great pleasure in tasting food, resting comfortably, consuming entertainment, and although they show restraint when it comes to copulation, they have no shame whatsoever regarding sexual desires. There would no doubt be humans that see such lives and call them “degenerate”. Not only that, but given the Kalohran’s belief that the world itself is cruel, they hold very little reverence to nature. It would also clash with most religious schools of though on Earth. Even religions on Earth that don’t have an explicit “God” entity run on some idea that the universe favors good and punishes evil. The Kalohrans believe that justice is absent in the universe, and that it is entirely up to living beings to set things right.
However, there are many ideals that humans and Kalohrans would likely both share. The Kalohrans, hedonistic as they are, list “giving gifts”, “making people smile”, “consoling the heartbroken”, “rescuing those in need”, etc, as life’s pleasures. They believe that they need to work together to defeat Vaten, and so the well being of everyone is important to all of them. Selflessness is a typically revered trait on Earth.
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