#and sirius would absolutely not said he would 'grow up and come find him'
zazzander · 2 months
Peter belongs to Peter Pettigrew. Not Regulus and Sirius, like what, no. Sybill waited. She never married, even when it was offered. She waited and he never came. He was lost to the lost boys chapter of his life. Let Peter have this one y'all.
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clubforfrogs · 6 months
Slip Ups (Pt.1?) Poly Marauders x reader
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Authors Note: Hey! This is my first ever fic so it might not be the best. The reader is Gryffindor, and the Marauders are already in a relationship. Lmk if you want a part two!
It was no secret that the marauders were fond of their pranks. Magical slime that only they knew the spell to remove, changing the color of the Slytherins robes to a deep red and gold instead of the usual silver and green, it was all commonplace at Hogwarts. But what you couldn’t figure out was why their favorite pranks were the ones they pulled on you. 
Now their pranks towards you were never cruel. They were always small things like staring water balloon fights with you and your friends during the warmer months or them charming your shoes so that they grow one size bigger every time you jump (it had taken you a while to figure that one out). Even though their pranks were almost pitifully small, something about them just irked you. You weren’t particularly close, and you certainly hadn’t made enemies with them. You would have had to talk to them to do that! On top of all of this, the flirting was incessant.
You couldn’t make it through a single class without a “Is that a new perfume? You smell delicious,” (James) or a “Has anyone told you that you look absolutely ravishing today?” (Sirius)
It was certainly flattering, but it was also public. Didn’t they have any shame? You braced yourself as you walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. As was to be expected you saw James, Sirius, and Remus talking loudly amongst themselves, stopping when you walked into the classroom. You made your way over to your regular seat, coincidentally right behind where they were standing.
Sirius grinned , “Did you somehow get even more gorgeous overnight? Give my poor heart a break L/n.” Remus and James both looked amused at Sirius’ remark. Remus replied to Sirius with a shocked expression, “You’re right,” he clutched his chest, “James catch me,” he said dramatically as he fell into James’ outstretched arms. You shook your head as a blush started to creep up your face. Luckily, the professor cleared his throat everyone took their seats as he began his lesson.
There was an open seat next to you, so James took it eagerly as Sirius and Remus sat in front of you. James leaned over and whispered in your ear, “We’re planning on sneaking around Hogwarts tonight, you wanna come?”
You turned to him with surprised look on your face. This was the first time any of them had ever invited you to break the rules with them, and you weren’t sure if that sounded like the smartest thing to do. You picked at your nails as you though about your answer. James, seeing the indecision on your face, spoke again, “C’mon… you’ll have a good time. We’d really like for you to join us.”
You studied James’ features. His sweet brown eyes showed nothing but sincerity, and to be truthful, you had made up your mind as soon as he offered. “Yeah, I suppose that could be fun,” you sighed out. James’ face immediately brightened and you couldn’t help but flush as you looked at him. Sirius had said you looked good today, but James. His smile was blindingly perfect. His dark curls laid on his head just messily enough for you to want to reach out and fix them. Or maybe you just wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
You had also noticed how good Remus and Sirius looked today. Remus with his sandy hair that laid considerably neater then James’, and eyes that you seemed to melt into entirely. Sirius had long, wavy black hair that made him look like a muggle rockstar. You were so lost in your thoughts about the boys around you that you didn’t realize you had been staring at James this entire time zoned out. He pushed your shoulder gently and whispered, “Where’d you go there?” “I was just,” you tried to find the right words, “lost in thought.” James looked at you teasingly, “Oh yeah? Because it looked an awful lot like you were checking us out.” His words made your eyes widen because of how close to the truth they were. You heard James chuckle as you turned away from him and started to scribble notes furiously as a distraction.
Once class ended, you decided to head off to the library. You had a free period, then lunch, so you knew you’d be able to study for the History of Magic exam you had to take tomorrow. You also knew, from overhearing the Marauder’s conversation, that Sirius and James planned on doing the same thing, while Remus had Herbology next. Not that you cared or anything…
Once you arrived at the library, you quickly found a quiet spot to do your work at. You were both annoyed and oddly pleased when you heard the loud voices of James and Sirius walk in not long after. They were loudly shushed by the librarian, causing them to quiet down. 
A few minutes later, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and the faces of James and Sirius popped into your vision. “Hey there gorgeous, you mind if we work over here with you?” Sirius asked while already haphazardly throwing a piece of parchment and a few quills onto the table. You rolled your eyes with a smile, “Yeah that’s fine. You guys studying for History of Magic too?”
James nodded his head. “Yeah, we wouldn’t usually do this until the class before but Remus said that he’d help us with the Potions essay if we did.” You hummed in acknowledgment as you opened up your textbook and began reviewing the material. Unfortunately for you, James and Sirius quickly grew bored of their textbooks and decided that you were far more interesting.
“Y/nnnn,” Sirius dragged your name out. You turned towards him and were met with the desperate eyes of both him and James. “Will you help us? We’re confused and you’re just so smart and beautiful and intelligent and kind and-“ 
You cut Sirius off, “Ok, ok. I’ll help you whiners out.” James pouted at your words which you ignored in favor of turning your book a few pages back. 
“Let’s start with chapter 4, it’s probably the easiest material so we can work our way up to chapters 5 and 6 after this. Are there any parts in particular you don’t get?” James perked up, “Yeah, in the part about The Goblin Rebellion of 1832, it says that the Goblins refused to work for wizards until wizards treated them better. But in the next paragraph, it says the rebelled because it’s ‘simply in their nature.’ Doesn’t that kind of conflict?” 
You were surprised at how into studying James was, but welcomed it openly. “I had to look into that to. Turns out, this book was cowritten. One of the authors is an absolute twat who thinks goblins are some kind of wild beasts, and the other’s a bit more rational. Just ignore anything that seems super anti-goblin.” “That makes sense, thank you,” James smiled widely at you, making your breath catch for a second. You mumbled  a “No problem,” and continued working. You could see James and Sirius exchanging a smug look at that.
More time passed, around an half an hour if you had to guess. The two boys worked relatively hard, and made a lot of progress. But now seemed as if they had reached their limit. You felt a finger poke you in the ribs. You jump back. “Oi, what’s your problem?” You ask a startled looking Sirius. He quickly regains his composure and looks at you. “Can we take a break? It’s been sooo long.” You give him and incredulous look, “It hasn’t been an hour yet, let’s just work a little longer.” The boys look at you with equally begging looks. “Please, Y/n? We just need a little study break.�� James whined. “Nope,” you said, popping the ‘P’. 
In response to your refusal, James and Sirius decided it’d be most effective to start alternating saying your name in increasing annoying voices. It didn’t take long for this to make your head pound, so you drew your wand and cast a quick muffliato spell on yourself, effectively making it impossible for you to hear the boys. This didn’t help you for long, as they realized what happened, and moved to start lightly poking you. You shot each boy a dirty look before undoing the muffliato charm. You were about to give them an earful before you heard a voice from behind you, “You wankers leave Y/n alone.” Remus came into view and gently smacked James and Sirius on the backs of their heads. They both fake winced and rubbed their heads. You were grateful for Remus, but you realized something, “Remus, shouldn’t you be in Herbology still? It doesn’t get over for another 15 minutes at least.” It occurred to Remus that you had memorized a bit of his schedule. He was definitely saving that information for later. “Yeah, some Slytherins thought it’d be fun to mess around with a venomous tentacula. One of them had to be taken to Madame Pomfrey and Professor Sprout was so shaken that she just dismissed the rest of us.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “Yikes, I hope they’re alright.” “Serves that idiot right.” You and Sirius spoke at the same time. You gave him a scolding look and he just crossed his arms like an angry toddler. Remus chuckled at your guys’ antics. “Anyways, have you three managed to get any work done? Ya know, before you decided to start annoying Y/n,” Remus asked. James nodded, “That’s why we were ‘annoying’ her. We finished studying!” Remus raised an eyebrow at James. “Ok, what goblin business was the first to shut down as a result of the revolution?” James thought for a second before answering, “Gringotts!” Remus clapped quietly, “I’m impressed, Sirius, did you study just as hard?” “You know I did,” he winked at Remus. You saw a faint dusting of pink on Remus’ cheeks after the wink, causing Sirius to smirk. Remus was saved by the lunch bell.
All of the boys stood up, but you remained seated, ready to continue working on a paper assigned earlier in the week. “You coming to lunch, love?” You glanced over, realizing Remus’ words were directed at you. “Can’t, I’ve got to finish up my potions essay.” Sirius scoffed, “James and I already told you Remus was helping us with that. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you as well. Besides, it’s not due for another week!” You looked at them uncertainly. Before today, you had only spoken to them during class and when they pulled their occasional pranks on you. This was new territory. But you weren’t going to refuse the ever-growing attention they were paying to you, so you slowly stood up. “Yeah I suppose I’m in need of a break anyways.” James gave a cheer and slung his arm around your shoulder. None of the boys missed how you blushed as he did so.
When you arrived at the Great Hall, you went to sit over with your normal group of friends. Sure the Marauders had made sure you came to lunch, but you didn’t want to overstay your welcome but inviting yourself to sit with them. Before you could take more then a few steps however, a hand caught your wrist. You looked to see James holding your arm, “Aren’t you gonna come sit with us?” You were surprised to see both Sirius and Remus looking so intently at you, awaiting your next words. “Uh, are you sure? I’m really not trying to overstep my bounds.” Sirius shook his head as if you had said something utterly ridiculous. “Overstepping? Please,” he ushered you over to their usual spot and sat you down, James taking the spot to your left. Remus sat across from you, Sirius sitting to his right. 
You had absolutely no idea what to say. Before today, the only interaction you’d had with the marauders was their constant flirting, and the occasional trips to Hogsmeade, and those trips were always with a bigger group. Luckily, the boys didn’t have any awkwardness in starting a conversation. “Lads, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I think I may be a genius,” Sirius started. You and Remus shared a What is he on about? look as Sirius rambled about a new prank he wanted to pull on the Slytherins. 
“Ok, let me get this straight. You want to sneak into the snake pit, and charm their dormitory doors to open only if they say, ‘I’m a lousy, big footed git’?” You said in a disbelieving tone. “This seems a bit immature, even for you guys.” Sirius gave a mockingly offended look as James clutched his pearls and cried, “Not true!” You still believed the prank to be incredibly stupid, but also realized that Sirius’ silly rant had easily diffused any awkwardness you felt before. Merlin, Sirius was so good at easing your worries and breaking tension. And James made you laugh so easily. Remus made you comfortable and calmed you down and-
You suddenly felt a foot nudge you underneath the table. You looked up to see Remus giving you a confused glance. “Are you alright. You looked a bit lost in thought.” You nodded and played with the food on your plate to avoid any further questions. That, of course, didn’t work. “Were you thinking about someone special?” Sirius questioned while wiggling his eyebrows. James quickly perked up at that, “You did that during defense against the dark arts too!”
Shit. This was not how the hottest couple at Hogwarts was going to find out about your insane crush on all three of them. You didn’t think you could handle the embarrassment of being rejected not once, not twice, but three times in one day. In order to preserve your pride and avoid spilling your secret, you quickly stood up from the table while making some shitty excuse about how you suddenly weren’t feeling well. You rushed to the Gryffindor common room without so much as a glance back at their table. You made it to the portrait of the Fat Lady without hearing any footsteps behind you. Once inside the common room, you rushed into your dorm and decided that you would lay there for the rest of eternity, simple enough, right? Ok maybe that was a bit dramatic, but you really didn’t want to risk running into one of the boys and accidentally confessing, and ruining and chance of a friendship you had with them.
After what felt like hours of laying on your bed, you decided to risk going out to the common room and reading a book by the fire. It was dangerous of course, as the marauders could be lurking anywhere, but the prospect of being cozy while reading was simply to desirable to pass up. When you got the the couches, you quickly plopped down and made yourself comfortable. You opened your book, and started to read. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been reading for, but a long while later, you heard the oh so familiar voices of James, Sirius, and Remus walk down the stairs from their dormitory. You froze on the couch, hoping that they would simply waltz through the room and leave. They wouldn’t be able to see you if you stayed completely still right? You were positive your theory was going to be proven correct when something seemed to catch Remus’ attention. He turned and looked directly where you were sitting. “Y/n? What are you still doing up, we tried knocking on your dorm door just now, but we assumed you’d forgotten about our plans and fell asleep.” Oh no. You had forgotten James’ invitation to sneak around with them today. Now you were going to be with the boys all night. What could go wrong?
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sepulchralblues · 2 months
@jilymicrofics A My Lady Jane AU for Jily in august - elegant, bride, knight, royalty, soulmate
“I didn’t ask to be his bride, Petunia.” Lily wanted to tear her hair out its elegant crown-braid, half out of frustration, half to piss her sister off further. “Just because I’m going through with this doesn’t mean I want to be stuck in a loveless marriage with some doddering old fool I’ve never even met before.”
She stood before a large mirror, edges gilded a brown that once used to be gold, in a floor length wedding dress. If she held any care for the day itself, she’d notice the gown was rather stunning, a similar fashion to the royal wedding gown from last season. Instead, she was spending the morning of her wedding like any other day growing up with her darling dear sister – arguing.
“You could at least try to appreciate the effort Vernon’s parents put into securing this match for you,” Petunia returned with venom. “You’re nearly five and twenty summers old, Lily. You’re practically a spinster. After Mother died last year, you weren’t able to secure any prospects for yourself. Without Vernon stepping in, who knows what state you'd be in a year’s time from now.”
Anywhere but here sounded absolutely lovely to Lily at the moment, but she refrained from antagonizing Petunia anymore.
Lily sighed and turned away from the mirror. She waved off the handmaiden who stepped out of the shadows to help her down from the platform the tailor had her stand on for the final fitting of the gown. 
Stepping closer to her sister, Lily said softly, “Understand that I am only doing this for the sake of my inheritance. If this stupid clause had not been in the will, I would have taken the money and left for Paris the minute I could get my hands on it.”
Petunia smirked. “Would you have waited for a knight in shining armor to come along before you got married then? Someone who was, perhaps, your soulmate?”
Some childish part of Lily was stung, hearing the dreams she’d once whispered to Petunia under the covers of darkness in their childhood bedroom thrown back in her face so mockingly.
But her sister was not wrong. As stupid as it sounded, Lily had spent her entire life dreaming of a love that felt like an adventure, rather than one built and bred in the stuffy castles and manors they had grown up in. It was the dream that Paris had held, and the hope that had shattered the day their parents will was announced in full.
Neither child would gain access to their portion of the (significantly large) inheritance until after they were married. And they had to be married before the age of twenty-five.
Hence the stalemate the Lily found herself locked in – a marriage to one James Potter in return for her inheritance. She’d wait the minimum period out, call for a divorce, and finally – finally – leave this place for good.
The double doors at the far end of the room burst open before she could reply. It was the Butler.
“My ladies,” he bowed deep, “it is time. The ceremony will begin shortly, and your presence in required in the garden.”
“Well then,” Petunia said. “Off we go, before you change your mind and embarrass our family again.”
Clenching her jaw, Lily followed Petunia out of the room.
James ran a finger along his collar in an attempt to find respite from the sweltering heat of the garden. He failed remarkably, but it was yet to be seen whether it was really the summer heat or the prospect of what was to come that was making him sweat.
Sirius Black, his best man and best mate, heard his annoyed huff and chuckled. “Heat of the moment getting to you, Prongsie?”
James ignored the taunt and focused on straightening his cuff links.
While he’d always known the day was coming, he hadn’t quite let himself wonder what it would be like. He’s never been one for stage fright, but they don’t really prepare you to stand in front of a crowd of two hundred-odd nobles and minor royalty to say the most damning two words of your life.
And damning they were, because whoever this Lily Evans was, he doubted she was any match for the girl he’d been eyeing up at the pub last night when out celebrating the last of his bachelorhood with his mates. Or the girl from the week before, her raven hair spread like ink on his bedspread, her moans like ecstasy in his ears. Or even–
The band began its tune, and the guests shuffled to their feet. He shared a final glance with Sirius. It was time.
First came the sister (he thought it was the sister at least), in a gown of deep scarlet with her arm looped around Vernon’s.
Sirius coughed something that sounded like that slug beside him, and James could only agree.
It was when he saw the white gown brushing the navy carpet that James looked at his parents. His mother met his gaze, a grave look on her face.
They couldn’t screw this up, she was trying to say. This was the last chance they had to fix things, their last attempt to root the problem out before it came back to destroy his entire family.
Sirius inhaled sharply, causing James to finally look at his bride for the first time.
Except he’d seen her before. Nine hours before, to be precise, in a badly lit pub, with a glass of ale in his hands and the golden daze of drink highlighting the arch of her eyebrows, her delicate collarbones.
Lily Evans was, in fact, the very girl he’d been flirting with last night.
Judging by the shock that stole across her face and the slightest pause in her steps, his identity was news to her too.
Suddenly everything that had seemed too daunting and painful about this marriage didn’t seem as bleak.
Oh, thought Lily. Oh, fuck.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 7 - Imaginary
@wolfstarmicrofic June 7, word count 999
Previous part First part
Remus dusted himself off and handed the envelope to James to read. He kept his head low, not wanting to see the look on Sirius’s face. James opened the envelope and pulled the first clue out.
“I’m majestic, but I tumble. I crash to the ground in a forceful cascade. I bounce from rocks and make a beautiful sound. Behind my wall clue number two calls.” James screwed up his face. “What the hell does that mean?” 
Remus replayed the words in his head again a few times. Cascade was the word that triggered his memory. 
“It’s a waterfall. Is there a waterfall nearby?” He looked at James and Peter, ignoring Sirius. 
“Yes!” Peter cried excitedly. They started walking further into the forest. He stuck to Peters's side as they made their way to wherever the waterfall was. He doubted his dad would come to pick him up, especially after only one day. Perhaps there was room in one of the other cabins? 
“Here we are,” James bounded forward, pushing a low-hanging branch out of the way and revealing a small pool with a little waterfall flowing into it. “Who wants to get it?” 
“I’ll go,” Sirius volunteered. Remus flicked his eyes at him as he spoke and wished he hadn’t. Sirius was pulling off his t-shirt. Remus had to bite his tongue to stop the moan that wanted to escape at the sight of the muscled porcelain torso Sirius revealed. He accidentally met Sirius’s eyes and felt the hot flush spreading across his face and immediately dropped his head, so he was staring at the scuffed toes of his boots. 
Sirius waded across the shallow pool and plunged his hand behind the waterfall. He pulled it back, grasping an envelope in a plastic bag. 
Remus couldn’t help himself. He peeked again and Sirius was waiting for him. He had a soft smile on his face and he winked at him. Remus swallowed and looked away again. 
“Here,” Sirius passed the clue to James while he retrieved his t-shirt. He came to stand beside Remus as he pulled it over his head. He took Remus’s hand but ignored the way he tensed. 
Remus’s mind was spinning at a hundred miles an hour. But he had to block out all his thoughts as James read the second clue. 
“I grow from decay. I don’t need the sun. Fairies use me to make shapes in the grass. I am also popular in arts and crafts. Under my cap is clue number three. At the end, you'll soon be.”
“Gods who wrote these clues, they're terrible.” Sirius rolled his eyes. "It’s clearly a mushroom,” James’s eyes brightened as he figured out where they needed to go. 
“They have those wooden mushrooms over by the bug houses.” He grinned wildly and strode back to the path. 
“Come on then,” Sirius said, “We can talk later, okay?” His soft smile was back and Remus didn’t trust himself to talk, so he nodded and let Sirius lead him away. 
“They did this on purpose. Giving us all the grim places to find clues.” Peter grimaced at the towers of compost, filled with worms, the bee houses and little bug dens. Remus wasn’t a fan of bugs, and it appeared that neither were the others. 
“Sorry, Pete,” Sirius said solemnly.
“For what?” Peter asked, confused.
“This,” Sirius said with a sigh. He dropped Remus’s hand and pushed Peter into the bug-infested area.
“You absolute git!” Peter groused as he stomped over the mushrooms and ripped the envelope from beneath the middle one. “Here,” He thrust the envelope into James’s chest. “You owe me,” He glared at Sirius as he flicked imaginary centipedes from his trousers. 
“Anything you want, Pete,” Sirius agreed, slipping his hand into Remus’s again. 
“I’m grainy and gritty and just a little bit bitty. You use me to make castles. I am walked upon by many camels. You may track time with me, but I do not tick. To win you need to figure this out quick!” James read the final clue. 
“Castles and time?” Sirius was absentmindedly stroking Remus’s wrist again, as they all thought. It wasn’t helping Remus figure out the clue though. 
“Oh, Oh, Oh, I know what it is!” Peter yelped gleefully as he jumped up and down. “It’s sand! As in by the lake!” They took off at a run. 
They were the first ones there. 
“Split up, we can cover more ground that way,” James ordered. Sirius pulled a face and reluctantly released Remus’s hand. They ran along the sand looking for any signs of something that shouldn’t be there. 
Luckily, there wasn’t much accessible sand for them to search. 
“AHHHH!” Peter yelled. They all spun to look in his direction. Peter was sprawled face down in the sand. 
“Peter! What happened?!” James shouted as he rushed across the beach towards his fallen friend. 
“I tripped over something.” Peter groaned as he rolled over and sat up. James brushed the sand aside where Peter had tripped. He looked up grinning. 
“Peter, your clumsiness just won us the treasure hunt.” James brushed more sand away and revealed a small treasure chest. James pulled it from the sand as three other teams came pushing and shoving onto the sand at the edge of the lake. 
“Damn it, Gryffindor won.” One of the boys from the cabin with a snake on it huffed. “Typical,” 
“Congratulations Gryffindor cabin,” McGonagall congratulated, appearing from nowhere. “Please open the chest to claim your reward.” 
James passed the chest to Remus. 
“Go on, it’s your first time here.” Remus gingerly took the chest from James. He looked at Sirius and Peter for their consent. They both nodded at him. 
“Go on,” Sirius said gently to him. He opened it. It was filled with gold coins. He lifted a few and let them drop back into the box. 
“They’re chocolate!” He laughed loudly, picking one up he peeled off the gold-coloured foil and took a bite.
Next part
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saintsenara · 9 days
i think your take on percy is a lot more canonical than the uwu percy takes (which are fine everybody should play with the text however they want) but with your view, any thoughts on percy/hermione?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i think harry low-key shipped it, because the narrative perspective - which is, of course, his - is quite gagged in goblet of fire when hermione calls percy a little bitch for defending barty crouch sr.'s treatment of winky:
"Well, Mr. Crouch is quite right to get rid of an elf like that!" he said. "Running away when he’d expressly told her not to... embarrassing him in front of the whole Ministry... how would that have looked, if she’d been brought up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control - "   "She didn’t do anything - she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!" Hermione snapped at Percy, who looked very taken aback. Hermione had always got on fairly well with Percy - better, indeed, than any of the others.
and i think we have here the purest encapsulation of why this would be an absolute flop that makes everyone in a ten-mile radius want to hurl themselves down a well.
percy is someone who finds it very difficult to be wrong. so is hermione [even though, in this case, she's completely right - percy should grow the fuck up and stop defending slaveowners... as, to be honest, should a sizeable chunk of this fandom when it comes to sirius...].
but while hermione's need to be right is one part of a broader communication style focused on debate - she's someone who works through feelings and worries and so on by voicing them and testing them through debating [and, in many cases, bickering about] them with another person - percy's isn't accompanied by this fundamental enjoyment of argument. if he's pressed on something he's said, especially if the response is critical, he tends to shut down the conversation, to refuse to listen and/or to talk over the other person until they're forced into submission, and to disengage from the conversation by physically leaving it.
and so, while it's clear that hermione doesn't always love being pushed back against [hence her tendency to do her condescending "lofty" voice, resort to personal attacks, and/or to give the silent treatment when she's been backed into a corner in an argument], she is someone who fundamentally likes yapping, and who is happy to mutually bicker with those she values and who she feels value her in turn.
she's more comfortable with being told she's wrong by ron than anyone else in canon [although this does also turn up a little bit in her relationship with fred and george] because she feels that he respects her, and his willingness to accept her preferred way of communicating as it comes is one reason why. percy's way of handling any conversation in which he's not universally agreed to be correct is going to annoy and upset her, because it displays - as she sees it - a contempt for her, her views, and her intellect.
they would fight constantly, neither would enjoy it, and everyone they knew would be praying for the day it ended.
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Always There - Chapter Nine: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, not proofread, flashbacks
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1766
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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It was Christmas Eve which meant the night of the Yule Ball, the students were anxious however, excitement hung in the air. She watched as the champions danced with their dates first, couples joining in a few moments later. Severus held out his hand to her, silently inviting her to dance with him. She smiled at him, taking hold of his hand and following him into the center of the dance floor. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, my love,” He complimented.
“And you look absolutely dashing tonight, honey,” Y/N replied with a bright smile. The two of them waltzed around the floor, smiling like idiots and cracking jokes to one another.The couple got interrupted by a certain boy with a scar on his forehead.
“Sorry to interrupt, can I steal Aunt Y/N for a dance?” Harry asked the pair.
“Of course you can, my boy. I’ll be by Minerva waiting for you love,” Severus parted with a kiss to her forehead before standing off to the side with Minerva as he said.
“My darling boy, you look so handsome!” Y/N gushed at her nephew making his cheeks turn a bright red color.
“You look beautiful Aunt Y/N,” Harry complimented his aunt with a shy smile on his face. She smiled right back at him and kissed his cheek in thanks. They danced through the song, Y/N telling Harry a story about her and James learning how to dance before a formal family party when they were around his age. Harry soaking in everything she was telling him.
The Potters were holding a formal party for the families they were friends with. Euphemia insisted that Y/N and James learn how to ballroom dance, going as far as getting an instructor to come to the house to teach the pair. Little did the Potters know, that very same instructor would be walking out before the lessons were over.
“Mr. Potter, if you will. I will demonstrate with you, then Miss Potter and then you will practice together,” The instructor explained before taking James to teach him the steps first. After showing James, she moved onto Y/N, walking her through the steps before setting the siblings free to practice together in front of her. She still had another hour with the pair before she would be leaving. The second James and Y/N had begun, James was whispering jokes to his sister, trying to get her to crack.
She didn’t crack until James had said, “She’s got dragon’s breath, damn near knocked me on my arse.” Y/N busted out laughing, nearly falling over and messing up the dance. The instructor groaned, resetting the pair and restarting the music.
“She reminds me of a toad,” Y/N whispered to her brother which caused him to burst out laughing and in turn, mess up the dance. This continued until the instructor walked out in a fit of frustration. The pair continued laughing at the woman until they had fallen over and were literally rolling on the floor laughing. They continued to laugh even as their mother was scolding them.
“You guys were really close,” Harry pointed out.
“Jamie was my best friend, I told him everything and he told me everything. He was also terrible at keeping secrets but he knew I could so he told me everything. There was this one time where your mum did something super embarrassing in front of your dad and of course he had to tell me because he thought it was funny. I may have let it slip one night after a party that James had told me. I had never seen Lily so angry before, it was quite funny actually,” Y/N rambled to her nephew.
“What was so embarrassing that she didn’t want anyone to know about?” Harry questioned, curious about the new information he was given.
“They were on a date and James got them milkshakes but as Lily took a sip, James made her laugh so hard the milkshake came out of her nose, James had went to wipe her face and knocked over her butterbeer and it spilled all down the front of her pants so it looked like she had peed her pants,” She told him. The song had ended and the Weird Sisters took the place of the first band. “Go dance with your friends my love. I’ll be outside with Uncle Sev,” She told her nephew, kissing his cheek before going to Severus who was chatting with Minerva. 
“Would you like to get some fresh air?” Severus asked her.
“Yes, please, it’s quite hot in here.” Severus offered his arm to her, which she took gratefully and followed him out to the courtyard. The pair took that time outside to talk about her concerns for Harry and the tournament. She also pointed out to Severus how different Moody had been acting. Severus had noticed the difference in behavior in Moody, he too thought that something was off but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what. As the night came to a close, Igor had joined the pair outside, trying to get answers out of Severus although he knew just as much as Karkaroff did.
It was quickly approaching 2 in the morning when Y/N and Severus had gone to bed, promising to exchange gifts when they woke up rather than before going to bed. The next morning, Y/N and Severus did their gift exchange. Severus getting her a gorgeous emerald necklace as well as a mimbulus mimbletonia, seeing as she had been slightly jealous that Neville Longbottom had been given one. Y/N got him a new cloak, this one a dark green rather than black and she also got him an expensive cauldron as well as a new quill and more ink. He had mentioned to her that he was low on ink and that his good quill had broken so she thought to get him a new one.
The rest of their winter holiday was quite uneventful, the couple spending some much needed time together as well as with Harry. Now it was approaching the second task, Harry scrambling to figure out what he was going to do for the second task. She had given the boy gillyweed after Neville had mentioned it to him; she had hoped that it would last for the hour he needed it and that he would succeed in the task. She was nervous though, very nervous, he had to be under the water with merpeople and grindylows for an hour. 
The day of the task, she was once again a nervous wreck, Severus doing his best to keep her calm but that hadn’t worked out very well. She was on the edge of her seat as the rest of the champions had begun to resurface. She made her way from the top deck down to the bottom and waited for her nephew. He was the last to resurface, Ron and Fleur’s sister coming up before Harry did. When the boy had been launched onto the platform, she felt relieved but panicked again when she noticed the marks all around him.
The grindylows had gotten to him but he was able to make his way past them. She covered the boy in a blanket and pulled him in for a tight hug, hearing him wince as he hugged her back once again. Madam Pomphrey had to give him a sling for a few days until his arm got better which made his aunt baby him quite a bit.
Severus knew that this was her way of telling herself that Harry was safe, even if he didn’t need to be babied. Severus was there for her, he listened to all of her thoughts, all of her concerns, and all of her memories she held. She had been thinking a lot about her brother lately, the thoughts not stopping, even whilst she slept she dreamed about having her brother with her once again.
Maybe if her brother was here, she wouldn’t have a massive weight on her shoulders, maybe she wouldn’t feel the constant anxiety of having a nephew that dark wizards were after. Maybe she would feel happier, maybe she would’ve gotten Severus and James to finally get along. There were so many maybes and what ifs going through her mind, she felt like she was going crazy. She knew she would if another attack was targeted on her boy, she knew something big was coming. She believed that was why she was feeling this way, something was coming. Something sinister, something evil.
The term continued as normal, Harry having to do more mental prep for the next task rather than magical. The last task was a maze, said maze held the triwizard cup and whoever one said cup, also won 1,000 galleons, not that Harry or Cederic needed it, both boys being well off. Both the champions from Hogwarts were tied for first place which took stress away from Harry. It meant he got to go in the maze first with Cederic.
The last task was set for the next day, exams just having been finished, a majority of her students passing her class, a handful not doing very well. Y/N sat with her nephew the night before, Harry staying with her wanting her comfort before the last task. Severus also spent the night with the duo, giving comfort to the pair of them. Harry sleeping in the middle of his aunt and uncle, the couple having a protective hold on the boy ensuring he was safe in their arms. He may have been 14, but he needed to be held by his family sometimes.
The next morning, the boy was so anxious he could barely eat, having to force toast down. His anxiety worsened the closer he got to the time of the task, it was like he was a beacon of emotion because his aunt was feeling the same way. Her anxiety getting worse as the minutes pass. Once it was finally time for the last task, Y/N and Severus walked him onto the field where the entrance of the maze was. Dumbledore told the champions and the crowd what was to go down and gave them a warning. When Filch pulled the cannon, Y/N kissed her nephew on the forehead before watching him enter the maze. Moody pointing to the direction Harry should go.
She knew that something was about to change, she just couldn’t figure out exactly what but something was coming.
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morningshush · 5 months
Sirius Black would absolutely have a love-hate relationship with ABBA — they are literally singing about his life:
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The album ABBA was released April 21, 1976, when Sirius was in his fourth year and he
1) finally kissed Remus:
So I made up my mind
It must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don’t know how
But I suddenly lose control
There’s a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, whoa
Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
(Mamma Mia)
2) told Severus to go to the Whomping Willow during a full moon…
Where are those happy days
They seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good…
So, when you’re near me, darling, can’t you hear me
The love you gave me, nothing else can save me, S.O.S.
You seem so far away though you are standing near
You made me feel alive, but something died I fear
3) realised the he loved Remus and told him:
Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe me
I love you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
I can’t conceal it, don’t you see, can’t you feel it?
So come on, now let’s try it
I love you, can’t deny it
'Cause it's true
(I do, I do, I do, I do, I do)
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The album Arrival was released October 11, 1976, when Sirius was in his sixth year.
First of all, he’s the dancing queen:
Night is young and the music’s high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
(Dancing Queen)
Secondly, he’s run away from home and Regulus joined the Death Eaters:
I’ve seen it on your face
Tells me more than any worn-out old phrase
So now we’ll go separate ways
Never again we two
Never again, nothing I can do…
Like an image passing by
My love, my life
In the mirror of your eyes
My love, my life
I can see it all so clearly
Answer me sincerely
Was it a dream, a lie?
But I know I don’t possess you
So go away, God bless you
You are still my love and my life
Still my one and only
(My Love, My Life)
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The Album was released December 12, 1977.
About Sirius and Remus:
I was an impossible case
No one ever could reach me
I'm a bashful child beginning to grow
And you make me talk
And you make me feel
And you make me show
What I'm trying to conceal
If I trust in you
Would you let me down?
Would you laugh at me
If I said I care for you?
Your smile, and the sound of your voice
And the way you see through me
Got a feeling, you give me no choice
But it means a lot to me
(The Name of the Game)
Also I have no idea if there were karaoke-bars in England in 1977, but in my head the marauders go to a karaoke-bar and they encourage Lily to go up on stage and do a song, which she is reluctant to but then caves in and starts singing Thank You For The Music with the loveliest voice and most enticing eyes and James m e l t s
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Voulez-vous was released April 23, 1979, the year Regulus dies.
Remus to Sirius:
How I hate to see you like this
There is no way you can deny it
I can see that you're oh, so sad, so quiet
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you’ve broken a feather
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Super Trouper was released November 3, 1980.
About Sirius and Remus:
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, andante
Go slowly with me now
I'm your music, I’m your song
Play me time and time again and make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, andante
Oh, please don’t let me down
(Andante, Andante)
In the summer of 1981, Sirius got sick of the war and decided to take Remus with him for a weekend in Paris:
The summer air was soft and warm
The feeling right, the Paris night
Did its best to please us
And strolling down the Élysées
We had a drink in each café
And you, you talked of politics, philosophy and I smiled like Mona Lisa
We had our chance
It was a fine and true romance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain…
We made our way along the river
And we sat down in the grass
By the Eiffel tower
I was so happy we had met
We took the chance
Like we were dancing our last dance
I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand
Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day
Worries far away…
(Our Last Summer)
They toasted to many more summers like those, but it really was their last…
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The Visitors was released November 30, 1981. A month earlier, Lily and James were murdered, Peter disappeared and Sirius was imprisoned.
Sirius in Azkaban:
One of us is crying, one of us is lying
In her lonely bed
Staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead
One of us is shaking with a heart that’s breaking
One of us is lonely, one of us is only
Waiting for a call
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small
Wishing she had never left at all
(One of Us)
Do I really see what’s in her mind?
Each time I think I’m close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake, I let precious time go by
Then when she’s gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt I can’t deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go?
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Well, some of that we did, but most we didn’t
And why, I just don’t know
(Slipping Through My Fingers)
Knowing Me, Knowing You is Remus walking through Grimmauld Place after Sirius’s death:
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house
Tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye
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regulus-books · 10 months
Hero - 880 Words - @jegulus-microfic
James Potter is a great person. Regulus knows that, James knows that, everyone knows that. He does community service, babysits little kids, reads to the elderly and so on. But in his tight schedule there's not much time for his boyfriend, and that is something James doesn't recognize.
Today, he arrives home a half hour later than he said he'd be home, with bags under his eyes. He places all his items, keys, water bottle, etc. on the table, kisses Regulus' head and trudges up the stairs.
Regulus knows he's being sensitive, and selfish, but him and James have barely talked all week. Regulus stands from their couch, throwing his blanket back down on the cushion, following James up to their room. James is now on the bed, reading something from yesterday's paper. He smiles when Regulus enters the room.
"Hi, honey. I missed you today." He sets the paper down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Instead, Regulus sits across from him on the bedsheets.
"I miss you everyday," Regulus smiles back, taking one of James' hands on his own. "James, I need to talk to you about something, and you're not going to like it."
"I like everything you have to say." James traces his thumb over every little vein in Regulus' hand, smiling softly.
"You won't like this though."
"But I bet I really need to hear it. Go on, my love."
"James, lately I've felt..." Regulus tries to find a word that won't absolutely crush James, he never would want to hurt him. "lonely. I go to work, then I come home to an empty house. Besides the cats, but you're not here," James juts his lip out slightly, his eyes glistening. "and it's not your fault, and I know I'm selfish."
"I just... other people need me too." Regulus almost scoffs.
"Other people need you too? Other people... God I'm sorry James, I didn't know I was on the bottom of your priorities list." He knows he's getting worked up over nothing but how could he not? Other people need him too?
"That's not what I meant, you know that. You're being ridiculous, I like helping people, it's what I do."
"You don't always have to be the fucking hero! Those kids don't need you everyday for seven hours straight! Those kids don't clean the house everyday, cook every meal for you, feed the cats, send out the mail, tend to the plants, or anything else! Those kids aren't the person you are spending the rest of your life with James! I am! And I'm doing all of those things because I don't want you to feel stressed. I'm sorry you think I'm that ridiculous." Regulus stands from the bed and walks out of the room.
"Regulus, wait," James practically jumps out of bed following Regulus down the hall. "Where the hell are you going?"
"The guest bedroom." Regulus feels his eyes grow misty. Why would he bring it up, why couldn't he keep his mouth shut, why did James not reassure him, why isn't Sirius here to comfort him and come up with a solution, why is he being so fucking stupid?
"Come on, baby, I've barely seen you all week!"
"Yeah, not because of me. How the fuck do you think I feel James? Happy?"
"Please, I don't wanna fight. Come to bed with me." James takes Regulus' hand again, pleading with him.
"No, James, I can't just forget about how I feel," Regulus knows he won't win in the end, he'll always do what James wants, "I want you home. I need you home."
"What good am I doing at home?"
"Making me feel like I'm not alone. Making me feel loved, all the time. Just once I want to come home, and have you waiting on the sofa, maybe cuddled up with Trixie or Binx. I want you to be here for me. I don't want to have to call Remus and Sirius when I'm lonely, and I don't want them to pity me."
"I am here for you! I'm here for you right now, I'm standing right here!"
"I'm sorry I ruined your night, Jamie. I'm probably gonna go." Regulus places the palm of his hand against James' cheek and kisses him softly.
"What, why?" James holds Regulus' hand on his cheek.
"I love you, James. I need you to think about this for a little while. Im gonna go over to Pandora's and I'm going to think too. When your done, come over, I'll be there. Then you'll get to meet Luna too. Okay?" Regulus kisses James' cheek, pulling away he swipes away tears that have fallen from James' eyes.
"Are you breaking up with me?" James whimpers, his lip wobbling.
"No, baby, no. I just want you to think about the future. Think about me. I love you, I'm going to Dora's."
"I love you, Regulus. Why are you leaving me?" The last part slips out right after Regulus is out the door. What could James do without him? He wanders around the house, aimlessly. Binx follows him for a little while until he finally settles on the couch, falling asleep, looking at a picture of Regulus and him which resides on the TV stand
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
scientific method
Step One: Make an Observation
Recently, Remus had been noticing his boyfriend acting more dog-like than usual. 
Sure, Sirius had always shared certain traits with the canine species, but ever since becoming an animagus, those traits had been…amplified, so to speak. 
Step Two: Define a Question to Investigate
His observations had led him to one question: did becoming an animagus cause a person to develop behaviors common to their animal form?
Step Three: Form a Hypothesis
Because Remus did not know much about stags and was frankly a tad disgusted by rats despite growing up on a farm, he was left with only one test subject, thus the prediction: 
If Sirius were presented with the opportunity, he would act in a way similar to a large dog, specifically one bred for guarding and herding. 
Step Four: Test the Hypothesis
Of course, Remus had to experiment with his findings. 
The first trial took place on a lazy Sunday morning. Sirius had been jittery and restless, but for Remus, it was the perfect opportunity. 
“Hey, Pads, do you want to go for a walk?” Remus asked innocently. 
The effect was instant. The second Remus uttered the word walk, the black-haired boy’s head popped out from under the blankets where he had been sucking a line of hickeys up Remus’ abdomen. “Did you say walk?”
Remus bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah, baby, that’s exactly what I said.”
He jumped up and ran to the door. “Let’s go!”
So far so good. 
The second trial was less a trial and more an accidental observation. 
Remus and Lily were just entering Gryffindor Tower after prefect rounds when Sirius came crashing into him, practically squealing with joy. “You were gone so long! I missed you!”
Remus spit out a mouthful of wavy black hair. “We were barely gone an hour, Pads.”
Sirius just buried his head in his boyfriend’s neck. “I still missed you.”
Observations were positive. 
The third trial ended up being more a set of trials, but all were necessary. Absolutely necessary. 
It started when Remus’ wand fell out of his pocket three times in two minutes because of a small hole he hadn’t known about. Each time, Sirius bent down to pick it up, even when it rolled almost all the way down to Hagrid’s hut. As Sirius was a perfectly attentive boyfriend before he became an animagus, it wasn’t enough to prove anything, but it was enough for more thorough exploration. 
The second part took place in Potions when the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw fifth years were brewing Amortentia. 
“Shit, I’m out of pearl dust,” Remus muttered, moving to stand from his desk. 
Sirius put out a hand and rose to his feet. “I’ll get it for you.”
A minute later, the young Black walked back from Slughorn’s storeroom with enough pearl dust to power 300 love potions, and Remus was thrilled.
The third part, Remus purposefully instituted himself. 
The four marauders were sitting near the Great Lake relaxing on a Saturday afternoon when Remus picked up a stick and threw it about 10 meters away. Immediately, Sirius, who had been resting on Remus’ lap in human form, shifted to his dog self and took off like a shot toward the stick only to come back trotting with the little piece of wood clutched between his teeth. 
Next, Remus threw it about 30 meters away, and the same thing happened. 
Then, he threw it in the Great Lake. Sirius jumped in after it like a fish in its natural habitat. 
James and Peter didn’t even look up. 
Really, Remus could have called the experiment at this point, but he decided this trial wasn’t quite good enough for him. 
The fourth trial tested Sirius’ herding skills. 
Because Padfoot was so big and Remus had yet to determine what breed he was, the werewolf assumed there had to be some type of herding dog in there. 
Thus, trial number four. 
The fifth year Gryffindors were walking back from Hogsmeade when Peter and Mary started to lag behind, and, when Remus pointed this out, Sirius slowed down until they caught up to the group. 
Then, James and Marlene stopped to look at a strange beetle to determine if it was just a weird normal bug or a beefed up chunky magic bug, and Sirius circled back to hurry them along the path. 
Finally, and this part was the most important, when some third year Hufflepuffs asked for help getting back to the castle, Sirius pushed them into the main part of the group and made sure they didn’t get left behind. 
Interesting. Very interesting. 
The fifth trial took place over the course of months. 
This particular trait was especially present around the full moon when Remus was what they had come to call “moonsick”. 
Anytime he was sick or upset, Sirius would snuggle up to him and not let go unless Remus needed something. They would burrow into the blankets for hours and not move until Sirius was assured of Remus’ wellbeing. 
It didn’t count toward the experiment because it wasn’t out of character; Remus just thought it was worth noting. 
The final trial was the least fun. 
The two of them were making their way to the Great Hall after a grueling Ancient Runes test when they ran into Snape. 
“Well, well, look who it is. Loony Lupin and his pet,” Snape drawled., toying with his wand. “I can’t believe they let people like you walk around, much less attend a school with children.”
Before Remus could even open his mouth, Sirius was saying, “I can’t believe they let you walk around with your hair looking like that.” 
Snape’s eyes flickered to Remus. “You should really get him muzzled before he bites someone. Or do you like that?”
Remus didn’t have to look to know that Sirius was fuming next to him. “Fuck off, Snivellus.”
Remus tugged on his sleeve. “Let’s go, Sirius.”
They turned to leave, but Snape just had to get another word in. “That’s right. Run away. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll see you in the Hospital Wing after the next-Fuck!”
For while Snape had been threatening Remus’ entire life, Sirius had been preparing to punch Snape in the face. Which was exactly what he did. 
Thankfully, Sirius hadn’t gotten the boy in the nose, but from the looks of it, Snape would have a wicked black eye if he didn’t go see Madam Pomfrey. 
And, if Sirius wasn’t stopped, he would have much more than that. 
“Sirius!” Remus exclaimed. “Love, come on.”
Like an enchantment, Sirius flew to Remus’ side, but not without pointing to Snape and saying, “You tell anyone who did that and I’ll tell Dumbledore you threatened a student.”
With that, they left for the Great Hall, and Remus noted two things. 
One, Sirius’ guard dog instincts were on point, and, two, he had developed the skills to follow basic commands. 
Step Five: Results
All in all, Remus was very happy with the results of his experiment. Sirius seemed to be strongly exhibiting traits common to dogs such as herding, guarding, cuddling, and following commands. 
That’s right; results conclusive. The process of becoming an animagi can cause behavioral changes associated with the animal counterpart. 
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Crashing Waves
pairing: platonic!marauders x reader, lily evans x platonic!reader, wolfstar :)
Summary: a day at the beach with the marauders!
warnings: none that i can think of!
word count: 1k ish!
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Normally,you would absolutely hate the beach. You always used the excuse that you never had time-after all, being in your sixth year at Hogwarts and an honorary Marauder, you were always busy. Whether it be pranking the ever loving shit out of anyone in your way, hanging out with your best friends, or studying in the library with Lily, your schedule was busy all the time.
Unfortunately, it seemed your very best friend James had found a loophole. The minute he strutted in, you knew something was up. He had a shit-eating grin on his face which was rarely directed at you, so you didn't know what to expect.
"Guess what, Y/N?" He asked, smile growing wider.
"Oh Merlin. I don't think I want to know."
"Too bad, mate. I talked to Minnie, and since we're having Summer break in a few weeks, she's letting us take the weekend off over near Hawaii..? I think that's how you say it. I'm not sure." He rambled, excitement visible on his face.
You'd grown up in the United States, only finding out you were a witch when you moved to England after a family tragedy. You'd accepted the idea as best as you could, and on your first day you met the Marauders. They accepted you with open arms, being the people to clap the loudest when you were sorted into Gryffindor. They'd become your family. Even though it irked the boys when you spoke with words they didn't understand, the girls loved it. Lily, in particular, was quite fond of you.
"Are you insane? How the hell did you pull that off?" you asked, quite confused.
"Well, I may have asked Moony for some advice.." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. You immediately took off with a deadly look on your face.
"Moony! Run! Run for your life!" he bellowed, chasing after you.
"Remus John Lupin, get your ass back here right now! You son of a bitch!" you yelled, scrambling through the common room trying to find the offending Gryffindor.
Lily, sitting by the fire, couldn't help but giggle as she watched your antics. Yep, she thought, that's my best friend.
"You ready to go?" Remus asked the boys (you and Lils included, of course.) At the collective nods, he motioned for everyone to grab a hand . Seconds later, you were all at the coast. Everyone seemed awestruck at the view. The sea was absolutely gorgeous, the clear blue waves crashing against the shoreline constantly.
You honestly couldn't believe that this was all happening. It was a dream come true. You smiled and turned to the boys, watching as their faces lit up.
"Thanks for this, guys," you smiled.
"Of course, Y/N," James said, grinning widely.
"Anything for our favorite girl," Sirius added, wiggling his eyebrows at you. Lily promptly burst out laughing.
"You look like an idiot, Siri!" she said in between giggles, bending over with the force of her laughs. It wasn't too long before her laughter spread, Peter literally howling. It was about thirty minutes before everyone finally decided to sit down in the sand. You took a deep breath, smiling as the salty ocean air flooded your nose. Sirius sat right beside you, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
"Alright, Y/N?" he asked you, sensing you were deep in thought.
"Yeah. I'm just happy I could be here with my favorite people. You guys are genuinely the best, y'know?" you smiled.
"Oh yeah, we know," he said, with a huge grin on his face. Rolling your eyes, you leaned against him.
"You're a pretty good best friend, Pads." you whispered, soft smiles present on both of your faces.
"Y'not so bad yourself, love." he beamed.
Watching the boys run around on the soft white sand with Lils chasing them made you smile even more. It was easy to feel peace here, which is something everyone needed. These days weren't that common in the state of the wizarding world-you, Sirius, Lily and James knew that all too well.
"Wanna play a game?" James asked, sauntering over with everyone in tow.
"Sure. Why not?" you gave your permission.
"Truth or dare!" Peter exclaimed, raising his eyebrows.
"...Okay. Fine. Why not." you shrugged, slightly nervous. "I'll go first. Truth or dare, Pads?"
"I don't think there's any right answer to this. Dare?" he hesitated, a panicked look coming across his face as he saw the grin on yours.
"I dare you...to kiss the prettiest person in the room." You knew the reaction this was going to have in the group, teasing smiles breaking out on everyone's faces. You knew Siri had a thing for someone in the group-you just didn't know who.
Sirius leaned over, and, to everyone's surprise except yours, kissed Remus right on the mouth. The game was forgotten as all was silent for a second before all hell broke loose.
"Holy SHIT!"
"What the fuck just happened."
At the center of it all, Remus and Sirius sat smirking.
"Uh, Lils, why do you look pissed off?" you asked carefully, ready to lecture your best friend if you had to.
"I bet James five galleons this would happen in the common room." she mumbled, dramatically falling back in the sand.
"Oh thank god," you laughed, laying back with her.
"Well. Merry Christmas, you guys?"
"Siri, love, it's almost summer." Remus smiled, staring at his boyfriend with adoration in his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah."
You'd thought the day couldn't get any better until you found a cute little muggle beach shop. Since you were the only one who'd bothered to bring American money, you offered to pay for something for everyone.
You ended up buying everyone matching ocean-themed bracelets, vowing to never take them off.
Taking a few magically-charmed Polaroids, you completed the day watching the sun set over the waves. It was beautiful in every sense of the word. When everyone finally got home tomorrow morning, you felt a sense of peace that you hadn't felt in a long time. You felt at home.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Day 30 - Trust
written for @prongsfoot-microfic (angst!!!! reader beware!!! lil bit o’ death going on!!!)
“I trusted you.”
Remus’ heart breaks right in half at the past tense.
Such a small difference, but oh, how it changes things. How it changes everything.
“Remus,” James’ voice is simmering with rage and it’s unlike anything Remus has even seen from him. Of them all, he’s the mildest, the most even-tempered, quickest to bounce back. He’s never been one to…stew in his anger but now that he has, Remus doesn’t know where to go from here. What to do.
“I. Trusted. You.” James’ enunciated every word with painful clarity, digging the knife in deeper with each turn. “I thought, if I wasn’t there, then at least you would be to take care of Sirius. If not for him, then for me.”
“I tried, God, I swear I tried, Prongs—“ Remus begs, hands clasped in front of him as if praying. (Not entirely far from the reality—James was their deity, was he not? The centre of their universe, the source of their absolution)
“Don’t you dare lie to me, Remus, you’re already on thin fucking ice.” One shaking finger rises to poke him on the chest. It doesn’t hurt, he can barely feel it through his jumper but it pushes him back nonetheless, almost stumbling into the corner chair behind him. “I know you didn’t try.”
“I did—“ He tries again, though he’s coming to realise it’s futile. For James Potter, there’s no bigger crime than abandoning Sirius. It’s why he has a grudge against the entire Black family and now Remus is on the same list, with the dubious distinction of taking top spot.
“Ask me how I know?”
He stay silent, knowing he wouldn’t like the answer. But this is James Potter they’re talking about. He never gives up.
“Ask me how I fucking know, Remus.” James’ voice reverberates around the entire room, the echoes of his shout ringing in Remus’ ears. The only sound cutting across the deafening silence is heavy panting. Until Remus breaks it.
“How do you know?” His voice, in sharp contrast, is small, timid.
“Because he wouldn’t be dead right now if you did.”
Remus’ neck almost snaps clean in half at how quickly he looked up, both from what James just said and the utterly broken tone in which he did.
“Dead—?” he whispered, unable to believe what he’s hearing. There’s no way Sirius is—No. Just. It’s not possible.
James doesn’t give any more information, doesn’t say anything for a few minutes where they’re both staring—Remus at James, and James into nothingness. He’s never seen such a look of abject despair on anyone’s face, let alone his best friend, and it makes him wonder. How will James ever recover from this? Will he even?
“Do you know, Remus,” James says then, a jagged, sharp smile growing on his lips. It’s humourless, it’s empty, it’s spine-chilling. “Coming from back from the dead after a dozen years to find out your Sirius is locked up and dying, and then to see him take his last breath in front of you? I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.”
Remus gulps, because he can sense this isn’t the end, there’s more to come and when it does—that’s it. It’ll sever any ties they might’ve had between them at some point, will cut them off entirely.
“But you.” James finally looks at Remus. His eyes are red rimmed but hard as ice, lips twisted into an ugly sneer. “I wish you’d feel even a fraction of what I’m feeling right now. Maybe you’d realise what you did then.”
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
i'm sorry if i'm bothering you, it's just that i saw that you ship jegulily and i wanted to ask if you have any headcanons about them?
it'll never bother me to answer asks or talk about jegulily.
lily being a big doctor who fan and she introduces it to them and they all obsess over it together and will always laugh when remus wears something resembling one of the doctor's outfits (which he does a lot)
lily and regulus first bonded over classic literature and would read together in the library all the time, and one time james comes over with his friends and peeks at the book both of them are reading and comments "little women? ooh who's your favourite sister? mines definitely beth, made me cry" and lily swoons right there. regulus' swoon moment for james is when he sees regulus reading hamlet and recites the 'to be or not to be' monologue terribly.
james picked up a bit of french from sirius and flirts with regulus and lily in french, absolutely forgetting regulus is fluent however lily doesn't know any french so she asks regulus to tell her what james said and he'd lie and say an absolutely terrible pick up line making james panic and have to just say the truth
the day lily and james found out regulus has no clue who abba are. their souls died. and they introduced him to the band but he just could not like it. until he found out sirius pretends he doesn't like abba, so regulus decided to pretend he does just to annoy sirius but also as an excuse to dance with an extremely excited lily and james
i think this is a fairly unpopular jegulily opinion, but lily and regulus dating each other first. james has a crush on both of them and is friends with lily, not really friends with regulus. while lily and regulus have veen friends for a while, having a study group together with remus and they liked each other so lily asked him out and they started non-publically dating (only their friends knowing) and then both of them started growing feelings for james while together so they talked about it and went on separate dates with him then the second date all three together
angsty hc now, after finding out regulus joined the death eaters, lily immediately broke up with regulus and refused to talk to him again. james heard him out about why he joined, but felt he had to break up with regulus due to it. just before he died in the cave, regulus visited them and gave them a letter, making them promise not to open it till midnight. they listened and waited but after opening the letter where he said s last goodbye to them, they both regretted it so much and wish they broke the promise and opened it straight away.
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myst867 · 3 months
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NINE DAYS UNTIL @harmonysummertimemadness and it doesn't seem like I'm going to hit all my goals but nonethless I've got some good stuff to share! Quite a bit of updates to look forward to when I start promoting Harmony Summertime Madness Fest!
With that Draco’s hands rose in the air, one clenched around his wand. Green magic swirled from the dirt underneath his feet. “Revocor Sanguin! Ominus Malfoy!” The spells to lockdown his estate to only those witches or wizards in the direct Malfoy bloodline rolled outward from the Manor house like a magical tidal wave.
“Fuck.” Harry lunged to the side grabbing Hermione just as the magic exploded outward with a thunderous rush of wind, picking the three of them up and flinging them towards the gate of the estate.
“Arresto momentum!” Ron and Harry shouted in sync pointing their wands at each other and freezing each other about ten feet off the ground outside the Malfoy estate gates.
The three of them hung there for a moment in silence. “I don’t know if I like your cousin, Harry.” Hermione finally advised contemplatively from where she was held in his arms.
“Why do you think we messed with him so much as kids?” Ron asked. “He was always so dramatic about things.”
“I think it's a Slytherin thing.” Harry offered absently his mind already moving on.
Harry slowed as they approached the forest. Was there a better way to handle this? He felt like the urgency of the situation was making him act rashly, but there wasn’t much time to consider an alternative method. Did he trust a teacher to help him? To believe him?
He looked toward the quidditch pitch. The crowd was roaring and he could barely make out the Weasley beaters trying to keep up with him in the sky. Did he trust Hermione to stay out of danger if he sent her back? Perhaps even sent her to other him who was still playing quidditch? Would he still get injured then?
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked as their positions reversed and she was a step ahead of him.
“Maybe you shouldn’t come with me. Maybe you stay and tell yourself and Sirius what’s going on and we avoid all of that— and you can tell them what’s happening with Remus.”
“You are not leaving me behind Harry Potter.” She told him in a fiercely quiet voice stepping forward to pull him into the dark forest after her. Her momentum carried them several steps before she slowed down, the forest atmosphere closing around them darker and quieter than it had been just a few meters back.
“It’s so much darker in here.” Hermione admitted quietly to Harry as they moved side by side cautiously further and further into the interior. All the noises of the forest felt like needles pricking her skin with alarm. She knew what was coming as soon as the darkness became absolute.
Harry squeezed her hand reassuringly whispering to her. “We’ll just find where they are and leave, we’ll be out before the change happens.”
Hermione looked at him from the corner of her eye as they walked slowly and said quietly. “We don’t get out though. Remember?”
To be published fest fic:
The magic pulsed growing as their screams became hoarse. The room was bathed entirely in white from the magic streaming violently from the three wizards.
Unnoticed by the occupants locked in a life-and-death struggle a transparent veil appeared on the far wall and two figures stepped from it. The man and woman approached and knelt next to Harry before reaching out to brace his shoulders as he shuddered.
The bright white of the magic pulled at Harry dragging him down…down… down… until he heard and saw nothing.
“It’s okay, Harry.” A warm male voice whispered. “I’ve got you son.”
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silverhenderson · 1 year
Sirius Black is a Complete Idiot (Sirius Black x Marlene McKinnon)
Pairing: Marlene McKinnon x Sirius Black
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, and some suggestive material, Panic attack
Word Count: 4825 words
Summary: The day starts off relatively normal until a party causes two people to grow close but one mistake and a horrid rumor may cause this relationship to crumble to its knees
Notes: I don't love this one but it's alr enough, been working on it for like a week soo. Hope you enjoy it! P.S. Spelling was being a twat so sorry for any mistakes.
Marlene sat on the window sill, her window was open and she breathed out a stream of smoke. As she watched it fade into the sky, she ran her fingers through her long hair. It was about mid-November, so the grounds of Hogwarts had leaves littered all over it. The smell of the approaching winter made her smile. “Marly” She turned her head to see her best friend Lily smiling at her. “Hey Lils” she smiled back, adjusting her jacket. “Whatcha up to?” Lily asked, flopping down on her bed, her red hair spreading around her. “Nothing” Marlene responded quickly and adjusted her sitting position so Lily couldn't see the cigarette in her hand. As much as the two of them had been best friends since 1st year and agreed on most things (like how absolutely frustrating a certain group of boys were) Lily was firm on how horrid smoking was. “Alright…” Lily responded not entirely convinced. 
“How was your date?” Marlene eventually said Lily rolled her eyes. “Absolutely horrible” “Oooo” Marly said, putting out the cigarette and climbing over to her best friend. She laid down next to Lily and played with her hair. “Spill” Lily laughed, “well first,” she said adjusting herself so Marlene had better access to her ginger hair which she had curled for said date. “He first didn’t even save me a seat at the three broomsticks, I had to go grab one from a group of Ravenclaws” both girls grimaced. “Then he made ME pay for the meal, I mean I’m all for paying but I was under the impression that he would you know?” she looked up at her friend. Marlene nodded, “Understandable” Lily lay back down, “Once we finished eating which by the way the entire time he was chewing with his mouth open and not once used a napkin” Marlene gagged. Like most people she also tended to forget to not talk while she was eating, seeing as her mother had never been big on manners and growing up with two older brothers. But she knew to always use a napkin, always. 
“Then after” Lily continued, “he saw a group of his friends and left me standing alone for like 20 minutes, and when I went to go find him he was snogging some Slytherin!” Marlene rolled her eyes. “I can hex him for you love,” she said, completely serious. Lily laughed, “Nah it’s okay but thanks Marls” Marlene nodded. They sat on Lily’s bed for a bit in comfortable silence and listened to the birds singing down on the grounds. Suddenly the door slammed open, both girls shot up, and in walked their other doormates. Mary Mcdonald and Dorcus Meadowes, “Jesus fucking Christ Mary!” Marlene growled and laid back down. “Do you always have to slam that door open?” Mary rolled her eyes at her friend’s comment; “I don’t ALWAYS slam it open!”.
 “No just the past 50 times or so” Lily laughed and high-fived Marlene. Mary ignored her, “Listen I was just informed that there is gonna be a party in the common room” She smiled proudly as Dorcus passed her and sat down on her bed crossing her legs. “So?” Marlene retorted, “sooo this is our chance to meet some cute guys!” Mary said giddily, Marlene sat up. “Mary in the nicest way possible, I have met every guy in this damn castle, and not a single one of them has enough brain cells to even know what a girl is” She got up off the bed and went to close the window. “Oh come on Marly” Mary strode over to her friend and put her hands on her shoulders, “We know that’s not true” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Marlene said facing her. Dorcus giggled and looked at the book she had grabbed, Lily sat up suddenly intrigued by the conversation. “Well let’s just say I’ve noticed how flustered you get when Sirius Black is around” she smirked. 
Marlene studdered at the comment, “What?! I do not!” her face turned beet red. Lily laughed, “Sure Marls” “Oh yeah, and what about you and Potter?” that shut Lily up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lily looked away. “She’s blushing!” Dorcas said and Marlene laughed, “I rest my case” she turned back to Mary. “As for you, Mary do you want me to tell our lovely Dottie what you were muttering in your sleep last night?” Mary’s eyes went wide and she shook her head. “I didnt think so, Now if you’ll excuse me I have quidditch practice to get to.” she grabbed her broom and walked out of the dorm smiling to herself. As she walked down the stairs she ran into Professor Mcgonigal, “Professor!” she said quickly; “are you alright?” she asked quickly. “Fine Ms.Mckinnion,” she said. This was when Marlene noticed the girl standing next to her, she looked about the same age as her, her hair was cut in a bob and curled at the bottom. She held a Gryffindor robe and two bags, she wore a pine green pantsuit. “This is Ms.Brown,” the older woman said motioning to the new girl, Marlene nodded. Ms.Brown held out her hand, “Laurie” she said smiling, Marlene took her hand and shook it. Laurie’s hands were soft and her nails were painted navy blue. “She is new to Hogwarts, and is in Gryffindor house” Marlene nodded again, “well welcome,” Marlene said politely. Laurie smiled, “have you seen Ms.Evans? I would like to speak to her” Malene looked to her teacher, “She’s in our dorm ma’am” McGonigal nodded. “Thank you” She and Laurie walked past Marlene, Laurie waved goodbye as they went up the stairs. Marlene waved back, she glanced at her watch. “Shit” she swore and ran out of the common room.
Eventually, she made it down to the quidditch field where the rest of the team stood, “Look who decided to show up” Hamish said crossing his arms in annoyance. “Sorry Hamish I just lost track of time,” she said panting. He sighed, rubbing his face; “It’s fine just go get changed” She nodded and looked over to Sirius and James who were whispering about something and snickering. She ran to the locker rooms and quickly changed, when she returned back to the field the team had already started their practice. She sat on her broom and kicked off the ground launching herself into the air. 
Practice went relatively well, not much happened besides James breaking his nose on a bludger and Sirius dying of laughter from the look on his friend’s face. An hour and a half passed, and Hamish blew the whistle to signal the end of practice. Marlene and the others touched back down to the ground, “Alright everyone” Hamish clapped his hands, “Good job today, I’m confident we’ll beat Hufflepuff this weekend now everyone go get some rest and I’ll see you tonight” The team walked over chattering about god knows what. Marlene trailed a bit behind wrapped up in her own thoughts. “Alright, there McKinnon?” Sirius said jogging up to her, “Right as rain” She smiled at him, and he nodded. “Sooo,” he said clapping his hands together awkwardly, “whatcha doing later?” he asked trying to be smooth. She shrugged “Mary said there’s a party later so probably going to that” he nodded. “Why?” she asked looking up at him, he shrugged and pulled his hair out of the ponytail he had put it up for practice. Not much was said between the two on their walk. When they got to the locker rooms Sirius walked to the door for the men’s changing room, Marlene quickly grabbed him by the wrist and spun him around to face her. He looked down at her, “what’s up doll?” he said, smirking at her. “Bring some fire whisky tonight okay? You know I’m more fun when I’m drunk” she winked at him letting go. He smiled with his usually cocky smile, and he bowed; “as you wish”. She laughed and walked into the girl’s locker room.  
Around 7 the party was beginning, although Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas were still upstairs changing. “I don’t know how I feel about this dress Mary” Dorcas said; the dress she was referring to was a dark blue, short, and showed a lot of her chest. “Oh come on Dottie you look great!” Mary said walking over to her and adjusting the dress. She loomed over the taller girl, Dorcas blushing furiously at how close they both were. Marlene laughed at the two, “What?” Mary said, looking at her. “Nothing,” she said giggling Mary glared at her and walked away from Dorcas. Marlene brushed her hair as Lily walked into the room wearing a floral green dress, “Hi Evans!” Marlene said mocking James” Lily jumped at the name, realizing it was her friend she rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at the blonde girl, who laughed. “You scared me!” Marlene kept laughing and held onto the pillow. “Where have you been Lils?” Mary said from her bed flicking her wand to change her nail color. “Showing around the new 5th year” Lily replied sighing and falling onto her bed. “Difficult?” Dorcas asked looking in the mirror. “If what you mean by difficult is making sure she stays as far away from Potter and his gang then yes” the other three laughed at her comment. 
“Anyway, Her name is Laurie, and she’s quite nice”, Lily shrugged and looked up at the ceiling, “Oh I met her!” Marlene said sitting up. “On my way to practice, she seemed pelsent enough” She shrugged and fell back onto her bed.  “How interesting,” Mary said, the tone of her voice saying otherwise; she swiped her dark lipstick across her lips and spun around. “Alright! Let’s go!” she practically skipped over to the door, Lily got up and pulled Marlene up. “Ughhh I don’t want to” Marlene wined, “Come on Marly” Lily pulled her best friend up on her feet and practically dragged her out the door. Dorcas followed behind them and shut the door to their dorm. 
When the group got downstairs the party was in full swing. “See you a lot later!” Mary said excitedly and skipped off. The other three waved goodbye, “come Marly” Lily said pulling Marlene off while Dorcas walked away to go find her other friends. As the two weaved through the crowd of Gryffindors and a handful of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs; zero Slytherins. “Lily!” a voice called to them, she turned around. “Iris!” she said letting go of Marlene and hugging the Hufflepuff. “Oh look at you!” Lily said looking her up and down, Iris blushed. “Thanks, it’s Cissy’s!” she smiled. Marlene grimaced, “my bitchy cousin gave you that dress?” a rough voice said behind the group. Iris, Marlene, and Lily turned around to see none other than the Marauders, Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius. Lily made a face when she saw them, Marlene crossed her arms and smirked and Iris just smiled. 
“Yep!” Iris said spinning around the dress, the skirt flew up a tad to reveal a bit more than necessary. Remus blushed and looked away coughing awkwardly. “Oh, that’s why it’s so ugly” Sirius laughed and took a swig of fire whisky, Iris glared at him. “Watch it Black” Marlene shot. She didn’t particularly like Iris primaraly since her friends consisted of the questionable Slytherins, and her relationship with Regulus was just weird. But she respected the girl and Sirius Black is a twat so. Sirius’ head whipped around to her, “Woahhh, come on Marlene I thought we had gotten past the whole last name thing” he said taking another sip and shoving the bottle into Remus’ hand who rolled his eyes. Marlene continued to glare at him, “And I thought you were past being an absolute idiot but clearly you haven’t” he started walking towards her. She backed up until her back pressed against the wall. 
Sirius’ tall figure loomed over her, he smiled smugly down at her. She continued to glare up at him; the other 6 people looked at each other very uncomftouble. “This is quite awkward” Lily whispered, “we could always go somewhere else Evans” James winked at her. “Nope!” Lily said putting her hand up, she pulled out her wand and muttered something. Sirius moved out of the way and grabbed Marlene she pulled her away, and Iris followed. “See you later McKinnion” Sirius said laughing and taking his whisky back. 
About 3 hours passed, the party was not as extreme as when it first started but it was still pretty big. Marlene and Lily danced in the middle of the room on the makeshift dancefloor that had been charmed to glow different colors. Marlene closed her eyes and spun around smiling. She was so ingroced in her movements that she didn’t feel someone coming up behind her, she moved her hips; swaying back and forth. “Nice moves,” a male voice said behind her, he sounded out of breath. Keeping her eyes closed she backed up into the person, the mixture of weed and alcohol making her not have a care in the world. He put his hands on her hips and guided her. She leaned against his chest and heard a faint noise escape his lip. He pulled her closer to her, she opened her eyes and ran her fingers through his hair. 
She felt breathing on her, and softly he spoke again; “Why don’t we get out of here, Chaton?” she stopped. Only one person in the world called her that. She turned around to see that shit-eating grin of Sirius Black. She didnt know if it was because of anything that had happened but she didnt care. She grabbed him by the tie and slammed her lips onto his. He smiled and ran his fingers through her long hair, he deepened the kiss. Marlene pulled away, he made what sounded like a whimper; she smiled. “Meet me in my dorm in 10,” she said whispering in his ear. He nodded quickly and practically sprinted off. She smiled and turned to find Lily who had disappeared; she sighed. 7 minutes passed, and she went to her room and lay on her bed; waiting. She sat there for 8 minutes, sighed, and stood. She couldn’t help but feel something cold wash over her. He wasn’t going to come. And for the first time in 5 years; Marlene cried, yet again for Sirius Black.  
Marlene walked into the entrance hall; she hadn’t bothered to change and her hair was put up in a messy bun. Her lipstick and eyeliner were smudged. However, before she goes into the great hall someone grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. She expected it to be Sirius but surprisingly it was Bellatrix Black. “What do you want Bella?” she spat at the Slytherin. “You look even worse than usual” she cackled, Marlene went to walk away before she was stopped and pulled back by some unseen magical force. “As much as I hate you I think you should know that my cousin Sirius is horribly sorry about last night” She smiled, Marlene stood in confusion; “how do you-” “He was much too busy with the new girl, Laurie Brown; you know Iris’ cousin. Had a fun night in the astronomy tour last night. Or so that’s what he’s saying” she laughed again and walked off. Leaving Marlene there alone, it felt like a stab in her heart.
 Nothing mattered anymore. She had opened herself, allowed herself the hope of something ANYTHING between them and he not only didnt show up but he was off fucking some other girl. Why had no one told her?! Iris had to have known and so had the other Marauders; she knew for a fact Lily spent the night helping out Laurie get to know people when she had left for her dorm. She stared into the great hall, nothing seemed different. Everyone was laughing and chatting; her friends pretending nothing had happened. Marlene couldn’t care, she just needed to get away she walked out of the hall and out the main door. She didnt know where she was going she just needed air, her breathing getting more rapid as she began to subconsciously pick up her pace.
As she ran she heard nothing just voices in her head, saying word after word of horrid things. Images flooded her mind, she closed her eyes to try and shut everything out but she couldn’t. Suddenly she lurched forward over a root and rolled down a hill. When she finally landed a the bottom there was a shooting pain through her leg. She held back even more tears, the pain in her leg, however, was nothing compared to what was going on in her mind.
Marlene’s heart was racing, her breathing was quick and rapid and she was sweating like it was the middle of July. She held her head in her hands, she pulled at her head muttering word after word. Crying, screaming. She felt like was choking, as though the whole world’s supply of oxygen had suddenly disappeared. Marlene tried to take in deep breaths but nothing, why did this have to happen? Why now? She was a fucking idiot, she yelled at herself inside for allowing any of this to happen. She banged her head against the ground ripping at it, pulling at her hair. 
She didn’t hear the rapided approaching footsteps, she felt someone grab at her. Pulling her hands away from her head, she tried to fight back but whoever it was was much too strong. When they had finally restrained her she stopped fighting. Marlene went limp, they grabbed her and pulled her in. She didnt care who it was she just cried, they stroked her hair, and she sobbed into their lap. They shushed her, trying to calm her. Eventually, her breathing evened out. They sat there, Marlene choking on the air and them holding her. She looked up to see James, he looked down at her with so much concern in his eyes. “James?” she choked out “shhhh” he held her close to him, “how did you find me?” she whispered. He continued to hold her, “I saw you running, out of the hall after Bellatrix talked to you, I saw you were upset so I followed you” She looked up at him. “Thank you” she whispered, “how did you know?” she sat in front of him. “My mum used to get them growing up, she would go into full meltdowns and would have to go to Saint Mungo’s”. “James, I’m so sorry,” she said whipping her tears, “Don’t, she okay now, but Marlene how long have you had these?” she had never seen or heard him be so concerned. 
“Since my dad…” he nodded, “Listen” he lifted her head softly so they made eye contact; “you don’t need to go through this alone, and if this happens again you tell him. Marlene blinked at him, “what?” “you heard me, and I’m not taking no for an answer”. She nodded, James smiled softly. “You ready to head back? We don’t need to go back to the great hall, I can get you some breakfast.” she nodded, and he pulled her up and she flinched. He looked at her swelling foot, “where is your wand?” he asked and she shrugged. He pulled out his wand from his back pocket, “accio Marlene’s wand” they stood as there was a soft whooshing before her wand flew and landed in her hand. He smiled and said some spell she couldn’t make out and the pain from her leg numbed exponentially. 
Marlene lay on the couch in the common room her foot up against the armrest. James sat on the floor chewing on some toast, Marlene laughed at a comment and ate some of her eggs still on the plate in her lap. “I think that should work, but make sure you do it right after quidditch practice” he nodded and smiled. “You’re actually pretty fun Marlene” she smiled back, “you’re just figuring that out now?” the two of them laughed the portrait door opened and three people walked in. 
Remus, Peter, and Sirius. Marlene’s smile faded when they came into her view. “There you are, Potter! Bloody hell!” Sirius said, when he saw Marlene he turned red. “Marlene-” he started, she pulled herself up, almost falling in the process. James quickly ran over and helped her up, he shot Sirius a look to shut up and helped Marley upstairs. He helped lay her down she thanked him and he left. 
A couple of hours later Mary, Dorcas, and Lily walked in laughing. When they saw her Lily went to talk to her and she turned over so her back faced them. “Is everything okay Marls?” Lily said walking over to her, she stopped when Marlene made a grunting noise. She couldn’t tell but Lily, Mary, and Dorcas exchanged concerned looks. “Did it not go well last night?” Lily asked sitting down on the bed. She didn’t respond, “Marls?” Lily reached out to her friend. When her finger tips grazed Marlene’s side she pulled back. “Marlene stop being a moody bitch and tell us what happened” Mary scoffed and brushed some mascara onto her eyelashes. Marlene sat up, “Sirius stood me up!” she shouted; Mary looked at her in shock. She got out of bed ignoring the throbbing in her leg, “and he went and fucked Laurie Brown! And left me up here waiting!” she hobbled over to Mary. 
“Who?” Mary asked, “THE FUCKING NEW KID” Marlene yelled, “WHO BYE THE WAY” she whipped around to face Lily “IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIENDS COUSIN” they looked at her in silence and shock. Suprisiling calmly Lily started, “Marley can I talk to you outside?” she didn’t wait for her response and dragged her out. Marlene flinched from the pain she suddenly remembered. They got to an out of way era in the hall, “Marlene honey” she took her friend’s hands. “I know you’re upset, but you should’ve come talked to me before jumping to conclusions; you know I would’ve told you if I knew. But now I’m pissed as fuck at Sirius” Marlene looked down at her feet in embarrassment, mentally yelling at herself for acussing her best friend of being horrible. “And Marls?” Marlene looked up, “you are my best friend and always will be” she hugged Marly. The other girl smiled and hugged her back. 
Someone whistled behind them, they let go. Sirius stood smiling smuggly at them. “How did you even get up here?” Marlene asked intertwining her finger’s with Lily. “Magic, duh” Sirius said waving his wand around non shlauntly and though it was the most obviously thing in the world. “Sirius you should leave” Marlene muttered, “why you suddenly sick of me?” he asked with some concern in his voice. “She said leave Black” Lily said snaping at him. “Oh come on Evans” Sirius started, “LEAVE” she said annoyed shooting him a very pissed look.
Getting the hint Sirius walked back downstairs, “Thanks Lil” she smiled. “But my foot is really hurting and I need to get off it” “Shit sorry Marls!” Lily helped her back into their room.
About 3 weeks passed and a lot had changed. James as well as Remus had become quiet distant with Sirius after learning what he had done. Peter had no idea what was happening (like usual); Marlene had apologized to Mary and Dorcas and they had forgave her. No one really talked to Laurie besides her cousin and anyone who wasnt involved and Marlne and Sirius hadn’t said a word. He had tried to talk to her multiple times calling her by his nickname but she ignored him. 
Marly walked down a darker hallway by herself, Lily had gone to do some duieties for being head girl. And Dorcas and Mary were doing something else god knows where. She ran her fingers through her messy hair, as she went farther down the hall she noticed a figure leaning against the wall. A cigarette placed between his pointer finger and middle. She silently prayed that it was just some 7th year and not anyone she knew; partly cause she couldn’t deal with anymore ‘polite’ conversations today. As she approached she couldnt help but look at his appearance. Long brown curly hair down to his shoulders, his tie was placed loosely around his neck, black boots and a leather jacket. Great she thought, the one person she definitely didn’t want to see. She debated weather to turn around and go back from where she came or keep walking but the choice was made for her when he called her name. She stopped, in two strides he was right infront of you. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere Chaton” he said, “stop” she held up her hand. “I haven’t done anything” he said defensively putting his hands up, the cigarette still between his fingers.
 “Sirius I don’t want you to talk to me anymore” she said readjusting her books in her hands. “Why not?” he asked confused, he’d noticed she had been avoiding him for a while now but he had no idea why; and his friends were no help when he asked what the hell had happened, even Evans refused to tell Sirius anything or even acknowledge him.
“Why not? You seriously have no idea why I’m upset with you?!” ahhh so she was upset with him. He racked his brain trying to think of what he had done recently that could’ve pissed her off this much. “Is this because I didn’t pass to you at the match against Ravenclaw? Because if it is I told you I didn’t see you were open and it was pouring like hell” she groaned loudly at his stupidity. “Thats what you think this is about?” she snapped, her voice beginning to rise. Okay now he had really fucked up, Sirius stood there waiting for her to start cussing him out. “You stood me up!” she shouted. “And went and fucked some other girl!” 
What the hell is she talking about? Sirius thought and then he remembered. The party after practice back in November, she had said to meet him upstairs. He slapped his palm against his face. “Fuck Marlene,” he said, “I wasn’t shagging someone else,” he said calmly. He was a dick and he knew it but he wouldn’t just go fuck some girl after he said he would sleep with someone else. Especially if that someone else had been Marlene McKinnon, which it was. “Let me explain,” he said dropping the cigarette to the floor and stomping it out. She gave him a look that said: alright you idiot continue. He sighed, “When you had asked me to meet you upstairs I had a full intention too, mind you I was already pretty drunk. So I went to my dorm and I couldn’t find you know…” he coughed awkwardly. “Anyway I had known Remus was off doing who knows what with Iris so I went to go find him, but while I was looking in the hall I got tackled by some Slytherins and got shoved in a closet. No one found me until classes had already ended.” She looked at him trying to find some sort of indicator he was lying. None. “Alright, well why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, “I tried! But you were either avoiding me or your friends were telling me to fuck off”. He looked down at her, he could tell she was beating herself up inside for the whole situation. It wasn’t all her fault, he should’ve told her before he had gone looking for Remus or had left a note or SOMETHING. “So you weren’t shagging Laurie Brown?” she whispered. “No! I don’t even know who that is!” he said defensively. “The new girl, she's apparently Iris’ cousin” “I bet she's Lovely” Sirius said rolling his eyes. Marlene laughed, “I’m sorry Sirius,” she said looking up at him. “Can you forgive me?” he nodded, “Yes, but only if you make it up to me” he smiled at her. “How would I?” she questioned before it hit her and she laughed. “Do you always think with your dick?” she asked laughing, “only when my brain has checked out” he chuckled. He held his arm out to her and she linked it with his, the two walked together. “Hey I didn’t ask, why did you think I was shagging Laurie?” he looked down at her. “Your cousin said you had,” she said calmly, “Bella?” he said disgust dripping from his voice from the mere mention of her. She nodded, “oh I’m gonna hex her for this,” he said angrily. “Only if I can too” she smiled up at him, “deal”.
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 17 - Body
@jegulus-microfic March 17 Word count 964
Previous part First part
CW- Stabbing with a dagger and sword
With most of the day left, they thought they’d push their luck and try to talk to the Grey Lady. 
They apparated into caves on the outskirts of Hogsmeade that Sirius told them about. Eight people apparating into Hogsmeade at the same time when, more than half of them were either death eaters or associated with them. Plus, they couldn’t risk being seen with James, Sirius or Lily. 
“This is pretty cool,” Evan said in awe as he looked around the caves. “How did you find them?”
“Padfoot likes to wander off sometimes,” Sirius answered as he prepared to disapparate and get Pandora. Only he, James and Remus knew where the caves were to apparate into, so they had to side-along the others.
Regulus rolled his eyes. Of course, his brother was still a pain in his animagus form.
Once they were all gathered again, they cast disillusionment charms on themselves, apart from James, who had his invisibility cloak. They made their way into the village, muffling charms on their shoes in case anyone heard them. 
They quietly broke into Honeydukes and went through the hidden trapdoor. They probably could have arranged an easier way into the castle, but that would require too much delay with Dumbledore. This way was far easier. 
They walked quietly down the passageway, visible again, while no one could catch them. 
Regulus fiddled with the dagger still in his robes pocket. He’d always loved it. It was small yet insanely sharp, easy to slice into your enemy’s body without them ever seeing it coming. He cast a few charms on it as they walked, checking to see if anything had been imbued into the blade. It appeared to be a perfectly ordinary knife with no special enchantments or poisons. 
“Remus?” He asked as casually as possible. 
“Yeah, Regulus?” Remus dropped back to walk beside Regulus. 
“How are you with healing spells?” He asked, not looking at Remus.
“Capable. Madam Pomfrey showed me the basics growing up, and I’ve learnt a few more since. Why?’
“Hey, Sirius?” He called his brother over. Sirius bounced towards him. He was far too excitable for what they were on their way to do. 
No sooner was Sirius in front of him, walking backwards with a stupid grin on his face, did Regulus’s hand shoot out and jab him in the side with the dagger. Sirius stopped and looked down. 
“Regulus, what the shit?!” Remus rushed over and started casting disinfecting and healing charms on his boyfriend. He turned, his eyes glowing even in the low light. 
“Explain!” He growled, keeping Sirius behind him and away from Regulus. Sirius’s disgruntled face popped around Remus’s shoulder. 
“Is that Bella’s knife?” He asked, squinting in the low light. 
“She said I could have it as long as I promised to use it on you. I was just fulfilling that promise. I checked it was just a knife before I stabbed you.” Regulus shrugged. 
“Oh, and that makes it all better, does it?” Remus snarled. Regulus was seeing more and more of the wolf shining through. 
“Reg, you are such a dick.” Sirius rolled his eyes at him but grabbed Remus and carried on walking. 
“Regulus, why would you think that was okay?” James asked, sighing deeply at the situation.
“He gets it. I barely nicked him with it, and this way, I can tell Bella I got him with it, or she’ll know I’m lying. Plus, he stabbed me all the way through with a sword when he was 10. This is payback.” James had to stop. 
“What do you mean he stabbed you with a sword?!” 
“It was an accident. He set off a firework in the house, and it knocked over a suit of armour, and the sword sort of went through me.” 
“You’re both absolutely nuts! Once this war is over, you are both going to see a mind healer and lots of therapy! All the therapy!” James strode off after the others, shaking his head. 
The rest of their journey went off without any more mishaps. They disillusioned themselves again and headed towards the Ravenclaw Common room. 
The Grey Lady was strangely easy to find. She was gliding along the corridor outside the spiral staircase which led to the Common room. 
They had agreed that Pandora should be the one to talk to the ghost, as she’d spent the most amount of time around her as apparently she was shy. 
“Hello, Helena,” Pandora’s airy voice filled the corridor even though she wasn’t speaking loudly. The ghost paused and stared at the blonde woman. 
“You again?” Her voice faded in and out as she spoke. The others were shocked. They’d never heard the ghost talk before. Pandora beamed. 
“Yes, me again. We were wondering if we could ask you about your mother’s diadem?” A change came over the ghost so quickly that James, Remus and Evan pushed their respective boyfriends behind them. 
“Another asked about it, and he defiled it with dark magic!” She yelled, blasting through each of the people standing in the corridor. Regulus shivered with the chill from her passing. He stepped forward, watching her as she came to be still again.  
“Please,” He pleaded. “We want to destroy it. We want to erase what he did. Will you help us?” Helena Ravenclaw floated to Regulus and stared into his face, only inches between them. Regulus stayed still, letting his mask slip away from his face and hoping the determined good intentions showed through. 
She narrowed her eyes at him and moved closer, whispering in his ear, her cold breath freezing his ear slightly. 
“It is here. In the room that changes with the broken and lost things.” Remus’s head snapped to look at Sirius. He knew where it was.   
Next part
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spikybanana · 2 years
tpm 10 - masterlist
Coruscant was absolutely brilliant, Sirius decided. James didn’t lie when he said that the whole planet was one massive city. There were sharp, geometric lines cut into the planet’s metal plating, glowing into the darkness of space even as they approached on the ship. 
It’s exactly as it appeared in his dreams, and Sirius had never seen anything like it. Towering architecture cut up the skyline as they’re quickly swallowed into the permasteel jungle. A complex traffic threading crisscrossing files overhead, everything reflecting the sun with a robotic gleam, civilized, sterile, righteously bowing to order. 
They were at the Republic Senate, Lily had told him with a grave look on her face, for an only chance to bid for the fate of her people. 
“And you have to save your home by talking to these people here with funny accents?” It puzzled Sirius. But since he grew up in the Outer Rim, where there wasn’t a whiff of the Republic’s shadow, he probably wouldn’t understand.
“These people have the power to help us.” James frowned down at the cityscape that flew by below their transport, “If they will help us, that is. I hope they will.” 
“Who would that be? That funny man on the landing platform? What’s his name— Riddle?”
James sucked in a long-suffering breath. “Yes, yes. Senator Riddle. Can’t say I like the man, but he’s supposed to have the interest of our people at heart…”
Help, alas, was hard to find, and there would come a time when Sirius wondered, whether all that came after in Coruscant became unwittingly poisoned by this first impression, as the city that stayed cold and unmoving to pleas of help, either from the Queen whose planet is being invaded, or from Sirius, who only seeked to be part of a place where he’s finally free to grow, free to learn.
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