#and since i'm unlikely to pop up again here so soon as long as the pc is out...
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sisterdivinium · 4 months ago
Rich and arrogant and combative and blasphemous, Jillian Salvius would surely live in a den of iniquity where her girls would be tempted enough to abandon their mission — so Mother Superion thought.
But Jillian Salvius' table, however generous, was not one set for waste: gracious as a host, meals at her house were varied but not excessive, alcohol present but not overindulged in; if more kindly, her conduct was as correct as that of any strict Christian such as Superion herself.
And, through daily contact, sharing in that their deadly conflict, Mother Superion found that she could admire her — charmed.
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the-crows-typist · 6 months ago
Time to get back into things
(Hi everyone, it's me! And it's been a really long time since I've touched this place. Still, I hope to continue what I started even though 2 years had passed since. Without further ado, hope you all enjoy!)
Wordcount: 700
A Little Story For You
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Back then, Jamil didn't feel that it was likely he would wake up next to someone, yet here he was. His eyes scan the person before him, face half buried in the heavy blanket they shared and lashes long and curling naturally. The prefect of the once defunct Ramshackle dorm became an unlikely partner to Jamil, one he didn't expect to ever bear his heart to. His firm fingers reach out, tracing the skin of their cheek and near their eye. The prefect saw him at his worst, heard him at his lowest and felt him when he allowed the darkness of his heart to consume him. His thumb brushes their brow and he lets out a huff when they make a sound, stirring awake. 
“Good morning.” He whispers. 
Those hands of theirs, ones that never felt the hardships he did held onto him so tightly that he could still feel the marks of their nails on his palms. His gaze meets their moonstone eyes, opening blearily and searching for clarity. That gentle gaze held the desperate hope that pulled him out of his blot, the murmurs those lips screamed his name. 
“You may not value my life!” They screamed, their body dirtied by broken marble and powdered cement, hands pulling at him in a desperate attempt to pull him out of the sand that threatened to swallow him whole. The blot sticks to them like tar, tainting them with its heavy poison, entering their veins like snake's venom.
“But I still value yours!” Those words shook Jamil's core, how someone was able to be so compassionate despite the treatment they faced. Despite the betrayal, the wounds, and the fact he was willing to hurt them just because his heart yearned for freedom. 
He blinks, their eyes beginning to shine once they come to. He huffs a laugh, pressing his forehead against theirs and their hands cupping both of his cheeks. “Yeah, it's me.” He says and the prefect makes a contented hum. “Mmn. Today's your special day.” They say, curling into his touch. “I wanna spend it with you but…”
“Bed's too comfy.” They murmur. “Need more sleep.” 
“C'mon, spending all day in bed is boring.” He lightly collides their foreheads together but not in the way that it hurt. “But…sleeping in does sounds nice.” The prefect lets out a tired but victorious laugh and assumes their next sleeping position. “Hyu-hyu-! ‘Told ya so.” 
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Jamil was morning person, at least that's what his aching back was telling him. He sat by his mirror, twirling his magical pen to get his hair into a decent look. 
“Hey Jamil, Ortho from Ignihyde is here to see you.” Said one of his juniors, popping his head into his bedroom. Jamil pauses, thoughts searching.
“Ortho? Ah, right. Let him in.” 
Not soon after, the little android boy from Ignihyde floats all excitedly. “Jamil Viper, happy Birthday once again!" He says, moving towards him with a box in his hand. "Are you ready for part 2-Oh! did I come in at the wrong time?" He spies the prefect still sound asleep on Jamil's bed, their hand out peaking out of the blanket.
"No, it's fine. I'm just letting them be for now." He reaches out, intertwining his fingers with theirs and squeezing it. "You said something about a part 2?"
"Yes! I did some analysis and surveying and managed to pinpoint what you really wanted for your birthday! And it's specially made by my big brother." Ortho pounds his chest with pride. Jamil lets out a small, amused laugh and takes the box. It definitely was not a commercial grade refrigerator but he'll take what he can get.
"Thanks Ortho." Jamil says and opens up his gift. The small, compact 3-way mirror was exactly what he needed. "You've got good timing too. I needed something like this right about now."
"Hehe, I'm glad you found good use for it so quickly!"
The prefect stirs, their body moving as the noise rouses them from their sleep. Jamil smiles at them before looking back at Ortho. "We should move this to another room. But tell me, what else can your big brother do?"
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baileypie-writes · 1 year ago
💕🩷hello ! I wanted to ask if you could possibly do more velvet and venner with a younger sibling?
Ok so how will velvet and venner react to their younger sibling (who was born with actual talent of singing) being use by another famous singer just as they use the trolls to become famous, like, the singer is stealing the younger sibling's talent to have a beautiful voice and keep getting famous and the younger sibling is becoming pale and weak (just as Floyd was) and maybe velvet and venner getting along with the trolls to save their younger sibling.
Hope you could understand, sorry if I'm sending this in the wrong time. Take your time and hope you could do it, if not then it's completely ok!
A/N ~ Omg, I love this idea! I decided to make this into multiple parts, since one would be too long. Part 2 should be out pretty soon. Hope you enjoy!
~I Want to Break Free~
Velvet and Veneer + Younger Sibling!Reader
Part 2 here!
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Familial
Synopsis: Velvet and Veneer find out that your talent is being stolen by a famous singer. So they team up with the trolls to save their little sibling.
Warnings: Reader being tortured(not detailed/graphic), cringe
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Veneer noticed it first. You were pale, and seemed weaker. He told Velvet, and both were concerned. Of course they asked you what was wrong, but you just claimed that you were tired.
This wasn’t exactly a lie. You were very tired. But the reason why is what you couldn’t tell your siblings.
You were born with a natural singing talent, unlike Velvet and Veneer. You always viewed this skill as a blessing. But for the past week, you wish you didn’t have it.
It all started when you posted a video of yourself singing a song by your favorite artist, Lemon Pop, on the internet. You went viral, and even got noticed by her. You were lucky enough to meet her in real life, and you even thought you became friends. Unfortunately, you were very wrong.
Lemon Pop was a fraud, just like your siblings were. She was inspired by how they stole the talent of trolls, and wanted to do the same. But after using a troll, she decided that it wasn’t enough for her. So after she saw your video, she knew immediately that she wanted your talent. She lured you in with her friendly facade, and when she finally had you close, she let her real personality shine. She’s a rude, manipulative and straight up abusive person. Way worse than how Velvet was in her glory days.
She forces you to attend all her performances, and stealing your talent before going on stage. She always threatens to ruin your life if you refuse or tell anyone. So not knowing what else to do, you play the role as her friend.
It’s so painful when everyone calls you lucky. You’d think that being best friends with a pop star would be the greatest thing in the world. But after feeling your talent leave your body in a painful, exhausting process for what felt like the millionth time, you wish you’d never posted that video of you singing.
“Where’s (name)?” Veneer asked.
“They’re with that ‘Lemon Pop’ girl again.” Velvet responded. Almost like that summoned her, the channel that was playing on the TV started mentioning her.
“Once again, Lemon Pop’s song is at the top of the music charts!” The announcer stated. It went on to show a clip of Lemon Pop receiving an award. You were there in the background, but anyone who knew you could tell that you were not well.
“Did (name) dye their hair?” Veneer asked.
“Uh, I don’t think so. Why?” Velvet responded.
“Because there’s some white in it.”
Velvet turned to the TV, and saw that he was correct. But your hair wasn’t the only odd thing about you. You looked exhausted, way worse than you seemed before. And for some reason, you were wearing long sleeves, long pants and gloves. It was warm in Mount Rageous, so your outfit was strange. Even more so, because you were visibly sweating a lot.
Before Velvet and Veneer could question your state to each other, loud knocking could be heard from outside their window, followed by a familiar voice.
“Velvet! Veneer! It’s us, Brozone!”
They thought they’d never see those faces again. It was the trolls. The ones that ruined their careers, and sent them to prison. They were banging on the window frantically.
Velvet stomped over to them. “What the hell are you doing here? Come to ruin our lives again?” She spat.
“Ah, Velvet. That was our fault. We tortured some of them, remember?” Veneer placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down.
“I know I remember…” Floyd mumbled.
“Whatever! What do you want?” Velvet slapped her brother’s hand away.
A small, weak troll suddenly emerged from the group. Their hands and feet were sparkly and transparent, and they had a large ponytail of previously red hair, which was now mostly white. “It’s about your sibling, (name).”
Velvet and Veneer’s eyes softened, and their expressions changed to ones of worry. “What about them?” Asked Velvet, defensively.
“What you did to Floyd… they’re going through the same thing.” The troll said.
The twins looked at each other, then back at them. “What? What do you mean? Who even are you?” Velvet snapped.
The troll sighed. “I’m Rosetta. I used to be Lemon Pop’s prisoner. She stole my singing talent, just like you did to Floyd. But I wasn’t enough for her. So she tricked (name) into becoming friends, so she could steal their’s instead. I got Brozone to help me find you, and get you to help them.”
Velvet and Veneer were speechless. They looked back at the TV. You were still visible in the background. Now your appearance made sense. They looked at Lemon Pop, smiling and waving to all their fans. And even though they did the same thing she was doing, they couldn’t help but be pissed. You were their sibling, and she was torturing you.
They turned back to Rosetta, pure rage clear on their faces.
“Let’s go save them.”
(To be continued…)
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voparwave69 · 2 months ago
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good news everyone‼️ gamzee is pregnant AGAIN ‼️‼️‼️🫃🏿
While I'm here I might as well explain a little history of the Moldkara family...
Gamzee and I met at Spencers, where he was working at the time, and he helped me pick out beautiful penis jewelry and my badass Grim Reefer poster. Things moved along pretty quick until he one day proposed, popping out from a pile of weeds with a beautiful pot leaf ring. He kept working at Spencer's for the time being, bringing me home lots of free merchandise every single day.
We soon after met @livefromthegallows , who was our roommate when we were still living in the trailer we moved into after a tornado had ravaged a trailer park and left us with many tantalizing and free options. we dressed him up like a child to take to the movies to get discounts, and one day as we bought our good pal Spongebaby a very large lollipop and a propeller hat so that we could see Soul Plane at a cheap price, I saw Gamzee with a sneaky twinkle in his eye.
This of course caught my attention, and he let me know that all of this roleplaying as parents made him want to have children of our own!!!
Soon after, Gamzee was quickly pregnant, as his insect genes make him extremely fertile and his elastic clown hips make him very successful at giving birth, and additionally he has a second uterus in his chest. He had a very short pregnancy of only a couple of months as since it was his first pregnancy his womb had not yet learned how to not be poisonous, and our first born child @poutyrootveggie was born extremely small and shriveled. Dutiful Spongebaby of course was there to help and served as the midwife, but the mass amounts of purple slime might have been too much for him to handle, and we did not want to burden him any further. We ended up leaving our crumpled up trailer to him as well as several priceless vintage bongs as thanks, and we left to find a new home.
We came across a long road that seemed to go on forever and it was full of potholes. We drove down it for hours until we came across a beautiful wild swamp, and we immediately began building a new home out of saliva, sand, mud, twigs and cypress wood. I kept Salami in my pouch as we built and they even helped create the house's frame that is made partially out of weed, and soon our beautiful home was finished, but sadely the house and yard were filled with garbage instantly, though we do have a no lawn mowing rule that has helped the swamp plants all grow big and tall.
As Salami was just learning to crawl on the ceiling, Gamzee was soon pregnant again, this time with @kankri-and-the-altertits . Looking back, I do not think we ever named our second born, and so today I am designating him with the name Pizza, as today he helped me to make a medicinal bee larvae pizza for his post partum father.
Pizza has always been responsible and helped to enforce the Moldkara rules onto anyone that comes across our home, much like Salami has always helped raise and teach their siblings even if begrudgingly.
Pizza wanted a younger sibling, and since Gamzees poor uterus was deflating like a balloon at the time, I decided to become pregnant to give him a break. After all, I do have a very useful pouch. I had a normal pregnancy and gave birth to @soupygremlin in a lovely nest Gamzee assembled for me in our backyard, and this child I have named Grass, to remind me of the beautiful view of grass I had during my labor. Grass has never cared much for my pouch, unlike Salami who loved it, so I instead carried Grass by the scruff in my motherly mouth everywhere I went until they could walk. Grass has always been quite independent and likes to blow on dandelions and eat acorns.
A month or two later, Gamzee was pregnant yet again with our fourth child, @gamzees-bignaturals , this time in his chest. We didn't know he was pregnant until his breasts started growing to astronomical proportions, and sure enough, the test confirmed it all. He stayed pregnant for quite a while and was even worryingly two weeks overdue, but finally his water broke and he slipped and fell into it and passed out, which was a good thing since chest babies have to erupt from the skin like those fuckers in Alien, so he was asleep for the whole thing. As soon as I found him I took him to the marsh where the birthing grounds are, which we built as a new designated birth spot because his wretched purple fluids were burning holes into the house (yes, it is VERY acidic). We named this baby Nest, as it was born into a little nest I had assembled underneath Gamzee. I fear that there may be something horribly wrong with this child, and that staying in Gamzees chest womb for too long might have driven it insane.
But ultimately, this can be useful, and we can raise it to be a true enforcer of Moldkara law, a berserker that will annihilate all intruders to our swamp that refuse to assimilate.
And now, one day later, Gamzee is pregnant yet again with our fifth child, @gamzeestoefungez . I have great hopes for this child, and that they may become a true Prince of Clowns. Should we have more children, which will be very likely, I will carry the next one, as I fear Gamzee may die from his repeated pregnancies and lactation.
Yes we CAN also lay eggs but we prefer not to, because our clown instincts WILL drive us to juggle them and likely shatter them.
We currently have a new neighbor that has somehow found our swamp road, known as Horny Road (though I am hereby naming it to Miracle Road because we are a family household now), but I encourage them to reach out to me. It is dire that you assimilate, neighbor. The HOA that you summoned have been destroyed. We need a midwife and I think you will be excellent for this role.
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justworthlessreblogs · 7 days ago
the evolution of cure paradise and cure lune, 2017-2025
cure justice already got her own post but i wanted to share paradise and lune as well because They Are My Blorbo OCs Your Honor. just like justice, they've gone through a lot of changes (especially lune)
i'll start with paradise first:
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the very first image of cure paradise in existence, from the same day as cure justice, december 29 2017. i am SO sorry about the horrible photo quality this is a photo that was taken that same day, late at night, on a shitty iphone 5 and i don't have the sketchbook it's in with me right now to get a better one. she's had basically the same exact hairstyle since. her eyes look Like That because i was trying to copy the dokidoki style at the time (and had no idea how it worked)
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the first fullbody, and in color! this one is dated december 31 2017. for some reason cherry blossoms were a huge motif originally and i don't know why. i think i just really liked cherry blossoms (i still do)
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this one's from april 2018. there's a new costume variation up in the top left corner, but what's really interesting to me is that there's a baton like justice's (except with star toppers insteadof a fleur-de-lys) in this image even though i know for a fact she was planned to have a bow as her weapon from the start. maybe i thought about changing it and decided against it
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also from april 2018, her in the dolldivine sailor moon oc maker. same day as justice
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july 2018. this one features the most notable change to her hair, which i was trying to figure out in this image: should i keep the loops around the base of her pigtails or change them to a more star-like shape to go with her motif? i ended up going with the star shape. AND THEN CURE STAR TOOK THEM LESS THAN A YEAR LATER BUT I REFUSE TO CHANGE THEM ONCE AGAIN I WAS THERE FIRST TOEI!!!
this one also features the earliest (from what i can tell) appearance of her cropped jacket that resembles justice's except it's open. that's important too
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also from july 2018, her in the glitter cure maker! this yellow/gold/brown color scheme stuck around for a long time. i honestly kind of dig it i wouldn't mind using it for a yellow cure in the future
paradise also got a design in the style of the puzzlun sprites, but i sadly never took a photo and the sketchbook with it is at home. if i remember to take a photo next time i'm there and update this i will but no promises
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glitter cure maker v2, circa november 2018
since i hit a lull in precure art soon after this, there's more gaps. once again the only thing she got in 2020 was her as a funko pop
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the brown has become orange
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finally, in october 2022, we've reached her final design! she's got green now, since i felt that green made a lot of sense as a sub color for a cure with a very tropical name. there's actually a traditional art ref slightly older than this image but ONCE AGAIN I DIDN'T TAKE A PHOTO CURSE YOU PAST JUSTIE. anyways. i realized that now that i had a slightly more advanced program than ms paint (firealpaca) i could draw over memes now and could become unstoppable. so here she is with a bazooka because she deserves it
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finally, a more recent image - her as a precoord, from july 2024. after i got my first precoord i went on a precoord kick in my sketchbook designing hypothetical precoords for my cure ocs. i love precoords so much you guys they're one of my favorite pieces of merch ever
next up, lune!
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our first art of her, from december 31, 2017, and unlike the others she got color! the dress is uh. something, though i do like the boots. as you can see from the very start she was intended to be a bit of a grump
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from a few weeks later (january 20, 2018) we have this one. lune i am so sorry i am not sure what is going on here
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from april 2018, here she is in the sailor moon oc maker
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i found this in my photo album and i'm 99% sure it was intended to be yet another attempt at figuring out at least a basis of a design for her. it's dated may 2018. why are her eyes red now? i have no idea
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from july 2018, lune in glitter cure. this is the first time she's had her hair down and worn a bow, which would become a regular thing later on
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lune's v2 glitter cure, november 2018. i kind of like the red, though it unfortunately it didn't last
finally. in 2020. i found a design i liked. it originated when i was drawing the modpre girls as funko pops.
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i later sketched it out with normal proportions (and notes on what colors to use):
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after i was done i was like. wait shit. her hair looks like cure marine's. but i was so happy to finally have a design i was satisfied with i didn't care enough to change it
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digital lune! this was traced over a star twinkle precure screenshot in january 2023 (the blue cure in the background is cure borealis from my fanseason northern lights). i got really into tracing over precure screenshots my freshman year of college since i had time to kill, a computer mouse, and thought it was really fun seeing my cures in the precure art style. this is actually one half of a "cures as tumblr posts" thing, the other half was cure ghost from supernatural precure asking a question about mirror people
and here she is in july 2024 as a precoord
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as some bonuses, here's the five star dressup cards i drew for them in 2022 and 2023, as well as some of my favorite group pieces!
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justice's 5 star
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paradise's 5 star
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lune's 5 star
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moderation's weezer era, november 2023. and if you never saw the original post, yes that is cure black on the left. she got a new outfit
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a moderation soundtrack cover, november 2022
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and finally papepipu moderation, february 2023
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marshallpupfan · 6 months ago
Marshall Merchandise Update - Rescue Wheels Edition™
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Slowly but surely, the Rescue Wheels merchandise has been popping up in stores here in the USA. Naturally, I've been keeping an eye out for them, so it's time to show off what I've found so far!
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First off, I decided to put a background on my monitor again, just to spruce things up. I also attempted some better lighting by using a lamp instead of my camera's flash. Some pics still came out a bit iffy, so I apologize.
In any case, here's the first piece of Rescue Wheels merchandise I got! Nearly a whole month ago, in fact. I seen it listed on Amazon and figured why not go for it, since stores here in the USA were taking a long time to get them.
The vehicle, itself... it's not my favorite, I'll say that. It's just shaped a little too box-like, but the flame graphics are cool, even if they are just stickers. Strangely, the ladder water cannon on the back doesn't move at all. If anything, I do like the figurine. Not the best, but I still like it.
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Next, the usual plush doll, which we always seem to get upon each new subseries or movie. They decided to go back to the old style, which is kind of a shame, since I liked what we got for The Mighty Movie and Jungle Pups better. It just looked cuter, imo. Ah well.
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Now that's one cool-looking pup. Super cute! 😎
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Next, a new "Pup Squad Racer" vehicle! With not-so-good lighting that I didn't notice until I upload these pics. I probably should've put it on something to get more of that background in the shot. Also, ignore the dust under the monitor... I forgot to get rid of that. 😅
As you can see, this is yet another one of those smaller vehicles. I'm fully convinced these are indeed meant to be replacements for those True Metal vehicles... which is perhaps for the best, since the last few we got were kind of cheap. These are a nice alternative.
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Unlike the True Metal vehicles, the pup's head is a lot bigger, so it's a bit more detailed and nicer. I dare say it's pretty cute! And...
...Hey, wait a minute. Who's big tires are those? That doesn't look like Marshall's vehicle...
Is it...?
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That's right! Boomer, the villain pup of Rescue Wheels, got his own figurine and vehicle! I'll admit, that's quite rare, since PAW Patrol villains rarely ever get merchandise of any kind. It's only happened a few times in the past.
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If you remember that character spotlight post I made of Boomer, then you might also recall that I became quite a big fan of this pup after watching Rescue Wheels! Thus, when I heard he was getting his own toy, I knew I had to have it. Admittedly, I think his vehicle turned out a bit nicer than Marshall's. Don't tell anyone I said that.
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His figurine's also nice, if you ask me. Even as a toy, this pup looks quite cool... and cute! I'll certainly have to add this somewhere to my Marshall collection. He'll go nicely next to Claw. Two of my favorite villains, hanging out. We just need this in the cartoon now! lol
Oh, by the way, if anyone's interested in one of these, know that they're exclusive to Walmart (at least, here in the USA). They also made one for Roxi, which I believe is exclusive to Target. Just an FYI.
But wait... that's not all! Even more surprising than the vehicle...
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Boomer also got a plush doll! Wow, you really lucked out, Boomer! At this point, I'm hoping the kids asks their parents for these and his figurine & vehicle... that way, Spin Master will see him as popular and we'll see him again someday soon. Hey, let me dream. lol
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That is also one cool-looking pup! Boomer! Boomer! Boomer!!! 😁
Alright, that's all for now. And a good thing, too... after all these purchases, my poor wallet is probably screaming at me again. Too bad I'll likely make one or two more soon, since Rescue Wheels got its own batch of mini-figurines in mystery boxes, of course. Sadly, Boomer didn't get included in that, else Marshall wouldn't be the only one I'd be tracking down. It's still crazy to see him get what he did though! Man, if only Claw got his own plush doll instead of Sweetie...
So... what's next? I wonder how much longer until we start to see merchandise of Air Rescue? Then again, the USA hasn't even aired Rescue Wheels yet, so no doubt it won't be until next year. Good... that gives my wallet plenty of time to recover. lol
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melverie · 2 years ago
I think I've pretty much covered everything important now, but I'll probably still edit this entire thing from time to time. I'm linking this post back to itself so those of you that'd rather reblog can check for updates every once in a while (last updated: September 25th 2023)
-> guide for Obey Me Shall We Date? -> intimacy raising guide
Things discussed on here currently include:
card building
leveling vs Devil's Tree
skill level & Joker
Azuki-tan Wallet & Magical Score
basically, most of the stuff from the first game still applies
the smartest thing you can do is to actually focus on building the UR+ demon cards you get card pieces for in hard lessons and/or both memory and demon UR cards that are in the main summoning pool, since you'll always be able to raise those cards' skill level without having to use jokers, meaning you'll also have an easier time to max out the entire Devil's Tree completely
if possible, build at least one UR(+) demon card of each sin, I'd recommend two minimum tho
if you don't have any UR(+) demon cards for a specific sin, use SSRs
for early game, you can also use SR cards if you don't have anything better, but make sure to swap them out as soon as possible
get your UR(+) demon cards to level 70 minimum and your SSR ones to 60 minimum
check your cards secondary sin. For example the following card is a UR wrath card with lust as its secondary sin, meaning for lust stages, it'll act like an SSR card
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the above also holds true for memory cards
only build SSR or UR(+) memory cards; but again, for early game SR and even R memory cards are perfectly fine
get your memory cards to level 50 minimum and try having at least one memory card per sin
focus on your demon cards first and your memory cards second
unlike in the original, it doesn't matter much which characters you choose since sin-specific glow sticks don't exist in nightbringer. That being said, you should still level cards of multiple characters since you can only use one demon card of a specific character in battle
if you want to use them, prioritzie giving your Jokers to event cards instead of the ones from the regular summoning pool
max out you card's Devil's Tree asap. You don't need to get the last 'sin up's if you don't want to (though I'd definitely recommend getting them), but make sure to get the very last 'rank up'!
to unlock Max Level Caps, your cards need to have Skill Level 3 or higher
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DISCLAIMER: I'm probably not 100% correct on this but from how I understand it, this is the main difference between the two:
Leveling raises a card's strenght for ALL sins, which is more helpful for using that card in stages boosting a different sin than its own and is generally more useful in the long-run
Maxing out a card's Devil's Tree does also help in raising the card's strenght for all sins, but since it focuses mainly on the main and secondary sins, it's more useful for stages that correspond with their sin
Whichever one you decide to focus on first is up to you. Personally, I'd go with leveling tho
generally speaking, I'd advise you to focus on the cards you can get card pieces for in hard lessons, as well as the ones in Chapter A and M. Since you can get them anytime, you can raise their skill level more easily than that of an event card
Devil's Trees of certain UR(+) and SSR cards can give you Jokers, with UR(+) Devil's Trees giving you either one UR or one SSR Joker per tree (afaik) and SSR Devil's Trees only giving you one SSR Joker per tree (again, afaik), though they usually require skill level 3 or higher just to unlock that reward. If you happen to have a card that's already at that skill level and has a Joker as an unlockable reward more power to ya, but otherwise it just kind of defeats the purpose
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Pop Quiz rewards include a total of 5 UR Jokers, as well as 5 SSR ones. Out of them, f2p players will most likely only really get 1 UR and 2 SSR ones as long as they play every stage daily
The ranking prizes also include SSR and UR Jokers. Realistically speaking however, f2p players will unfortunately never place high enough to receive them unless they have done nothing but safe resources for several months
your To Do List also gives you SSR Jokers for reaching 100% in a certain amount of Devil's Trees. It might also give you UR and even UR+ Jokers later down the line, though I haven't done those yet so no guarantee. You can 100% the Devil's Tree of N cards if you want to go after those, but tbh I think there are better ways to spend your resources
this one's for VIP members only, but apparently the VIP-exclusive job has a chance of dropping two SSR Jokers per shift
lastly, you can get the ones from Akuzon once you have enough Ravens
there are five main ways to get Ravens (as far as I know, at least): daily surprise guest gifts, :D jobs, Devil's Trees, events & summoning. Let's go through them one by one
DAILY SURPRISE GUEST GIFTS You'll be able to get up to 2 Ravens a day from your surprise guests, which, yes, isn't a lot (it'd take you about 3.5 years to have enough Ravens to raise the skill level of one UR+ card just once), but you should definitely get them every day regardless since they're super easy to get
:D JOBS After finishing a shift at the Clock Tower, there's a chance you'll get 2 Ravens as a reward (up to 4 if you have two characters working). Item drop rates actually increase if you choose a prefered character, so make sure you always have a shift with two prefered workers running to maximize your chances
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DEVIL'S TREES Some cards actually have Ravens as an unlockable reward in their Devil's Tree. UR(+) and SSR cards give you 10 Ravens for 20k Grimm though they usually require skill level 2 and up. Meanwhile, SR, R and N cards give 2 Ravens for 6k and do not need a higher skill level Whether you want to use your Grimm and materials just for unlocking Ravens is up to you, though I'd advise against it
EVENTS For Pop Quiz events, you'll be able to receive 10 Ravens per part, meaning 50 in total. However, most f2p players will probably only get up to 20 Ravens as long as they clear all stages every day during the given time frame. Celestial Blessings can give you up to 63 Ravens, though how many you actually end up getting is entirely down to luck and your resources Either way, events are definitely useful for getting more Ravens, but they definitely shouldn't be your only method of getting them
SUMMONING If you pull a card that already has its skill level maxed out, the game gives you a Raven instead. The best way to go about this would be to summon a bunch in Chapter G since you only need Grimm there. It definitely is an incredibly hefty investment considering the number of cards in that pool, but totally worth it in the long run and most likely also the best way to farm for Ravens. I'd definitely start working on it as soon as possible, even if that means sidelining building your cards a little. You can also use the Azuki-tan Wallets to get more Grimm quicker and speed things up
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not 100% sure on this but fever time seems to run slightly faster. If you have trouble with the faster speed, you might consider not collecting the fever tokens in the first place. However, you'll also lose the combo by not collecting them. This has been a PSA
if you prefer, you can hit the little edit button right next to the skip/start button(s) and switch the controls to up/down. The advantage of up/down is that you can hit the actual items as they hit the line
personally I have it set to left/right with my fingers positioned as seen in the pic below, since it helps keep in mind which side does what + sometimes during a song my thumbs wander to the middle of the screen, meaning I'd mess up with up/right controls. It all comes down to personal preference, of course, but maybe tapping like that'll work best for you, too
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you can also dim the background and turn of the extra stuff that pops up once in a while if you find it too distracting
notes you have to hold actually end automatically and give you a 'perfect' if you keep your finger on the screen. Here's a video to demonstrate
if you have trouble with hitting the screen at the right time, mash the screen on both sides as seen here. You just need to pay attention to long notes and obstacles
something that helps me every once in a while is turning the sound of entirely. I also sometimes just put on an entirely different song. It certainly won't help everyone but it might be worth a try
you can still win battles even if your estimated rank is D. It depends a bit on how well you do in the rhythm game, so it's best to compare the estimate with your actual result and decide based on that. If you usually finish with a perfect combo and almost all hits as perfect, than it should look something like this
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if for whatever reason you want to restart a battle but don't want to lose your AP or items, you can fully close the game and start it back up again. If you used items you'll still be using them if you restart this way. Just make sure that you close the game before the loading symbol shows up, otherwise it'll save your result. The game starts loading shortly after the stage's boss disappears. If you did everything correctly, this screen should pop up after you tap the start button:
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if you're stuck because your cards are too weak, use the Flower Staffs. It's probably best to save them for later seasons tho, but I also used them to get to lesson 10 on day 1, so do what makes you happy
save your resources; don’t use the Blossom Flower Staff if you can win with a Bud one
buy the defeat flash sales if you need more Flower Staffs. It's also the cheapest option for getting more Blossom Flower Staffs. As long as you do your daily missions you'll be able to buy it almost every day. Keep in mind that you actually need to get a D-Rank for this flash sale to pop up! Depleting your health bar does not work!
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keep in mind that you can use both items when sweeping. You just need to hit the little 'Support' button before sweeping
the Azuki-tan Wallet is a GODSEND. Use it if you need Grimm; it'll give you about 15k per win in an S-Rank stage
the Magical Score is also a godsend. Only use it on lessons in hard mode that give you UR+ card pieces though! It'll give you 3 card pieces per sweep, making farming for new UR+ cards so much easier. You'll need 9 Magical Scores to get the card, 17 if you want to raise it to skill level 2 and a total of 54 if you want to bring it to skill level 5
keep in mind that you can use both items when sweeping. You just need to hit the little 'Support' button before sweeping
the Azuki-tan Wallet is a GODSEND. Use it if you need Grimm; it'll give you about 15k per win in an S-Rank stage
the Magical Score is also a godsend. Only use it on lessons in hard mode that give you UR+ card pieces though! It'll give you 1 to 3 card pieces per sweep, making farming for new UR+ cards so much easier
skip battles instead of sweeping. You'll level your cards and have a chance to meet with Surprise Guests. Every 50 times you use a character in battle or every 50 time you meet with a (specific) character, you'll get 50 AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which le--
Surprise Guest interactions seem to be the same as in the old game, except for Satan's for some reason? Anyway, here's all his interactions: - B to S-Rank - high five -> hair rub -> chest tap chest tap -> chest tap -> face tap - C-Rank and lower - arm tap -> arm tap -> chest tap - home screen - "I want to talk to you" chest rub -> face rub -> hair rub "*yawn* Time really flew by as..." chest rub -> hair rub -> hair rub "Did a cat come through here?" face tap -> face rub -> chest tap
send out friend requests! You can get up to 50 AP a day from friends, so always make sure that your friend list is full My main account's ID is 2342023493 if you'd like to send me a friend request! As long as my friend list isn't full, I'll accept! Just a fair warning though, I regularly check if the people in my friend list are still playing actively
Feel free to add more or ask questions in the comments or in asks (or shoot me a dm if you prefer)! Also if there's anything else about the game you'd like me to mention in this guide, let me know!
Also please tell me if any of the links shouldn't work
Best of luck to all of you!
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maochira · 2 years ago
Summer night (Jingo Raichi x reader)
Synopsis: Your boyfriend only wants to get some sleep, but even in the insane heat you insist on cuddles.
Tags: gn!reader x Jingo Raichi, established relationship, fluff, teasing and insulting as a love language, nonsexual nudity, Raichi puts his hand on reader's chest but without sexual intend, a bit of swearing
"You're gonna make me fucking overheat..." Raichi says as he somewhat roughly pushes you away from his body. But that doesn't last long because, in a matter of seconds, your arms are wrapped around your boyfriend once again.
Usually, he doesn't mind your clinginess - he actually adores it very much - but ever since the AC broke a few days ago and the temperatures have been staying high even at night, falling asleep has become hard for him. Especially because you seem to be unable to fall asleep without having Raichi in your arms.
For the past few days, he was able to deal with it. But tonight it's much hotter and even the window that's wide open doesn't help.
"I told you to get a new AC..." You say while nuzzling your face against his neck. "It's not my fault how hot it is here..."
"You know how expensive they are..." Raichi pushes you away again. He doesn't seem to be annoyed by you, he's just bothered by the heat in general.
"How am I supposed to..." Raichi mumbles as he turns away, facing his back towards you, "...sleep when I'm literally melting."
And once again, it doesn't take long until you're pulling your boyfriend in for another hug. "You'll manage..."
"You're fucking disgusting, by the way." Raichi mumbles, "Your shirt is soaked in your sweat." His tone is slightly teasing and even without seeing it, you know there's a grin on his face.
"It's not that bad." You finally let him go and move a bit to the side, but it's not making either of you sweat any less.
"How do you not feel uncomfortable in that shirt?" Raichi asks with the same hint of teasing in his voice.
"Shut up." You respond before sitting up to take your shirt off. Raichi doesn't notice that because his back is still turned towards you. Only when you hug him once more and he feels your naked chest against his back, he realized you took your shirt off.
This time, Raichi doesn't try to push you off and doesn't tell you to move away, either. He knows it'd only be a matter of seconds until he'd be back in your embrace. Also, he still enjoys being so close to you. Only the heat makes it hard to deal with.
"...At least the yucky sweaty shirt is gone now." Raichi turns around to face you again. He places a short kiss on your cheek before he continues talking. "Why didn't you take it off sooner anyways? I did before we even went to bed."
You actually feel a bit stupid fot that and don't have a good response, so the next best idea that pops into your mind is to insult your boyfriend - it's a love language between the teo of you anyways. "I'm not a whore like you."
Your insult catches Raichi off guard, and after he let it sit for a moment, he can't help but laugh. "Did you seriously just call me a whore?"
In response, you give him the most innocent look you can manage. "...Maybe."
To tease you back, Raichi puts one of his hands on your chest and waits for your response with a stupid grin on his face. You're actually about to react to it, but it's already so late at night and the heat has exhausted you to the point where you simply fall asleep in the matter of seconds.
As soon as he notices you just fell asleep, Raichi lets out a little sigh and stays in the same position with you. "...I think I'll get us a new AC tomorrow." He whispers and closes his eyes. But unlike you, he's still not able to fall asleep. You just look too cute to push away again, though.
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @gojosorrygeto @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @acacIa @futuristicxie @bluelock4life
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currently--hyperfixating · 4 days ago
Ben Linus (Lost) x Reader Part 8
word count: 2049
Part one is here
Part Two is here
Part Three is here
Part Four is here
Part Five is here
Part Six is here
Part Seven is here
summary: you're at the Dharma Initiative for an art residency in 1992 and develop feelings for Ben Linus. Twelve years later, you're back on the island as a survivor of Oceanic flight 815 with no memory of your time at the initiative, or Ben.
notes: picking up pretty fast here, we gotta jog your memory at some point right! (hopefully not too fast, though!) shorter but hoping to post a long update tomorrow hehe
tagging (let me know if you want to be added or want to be removed at any point) @darkwing-katy @spiltmiiilk @alienwithabox @wintersnails @storywriter12 @bootlmoth @liliana-von-k
Fall, 2004
You had been sitting in the office downstairs with Ben, picking up a brush to the paper shakily. It was less about your motor skill issues than it was about your nervousness, you soon realized. He had been staring at you intently the entire time, watching as you managed to get a few brush strokes down on paper with relative ease. It felt silly, you thought, focusing on trying to strengthen your motor skill ability to paint while members of your group lay hostage somewhere.
"You said you would tell me where we are," you reminded him, not looking up and breaking your focus on the paper in front of you.
You didn't look up to see him but Ben sat with a blank, contemplative look on his face. "We're on a smaller island off the shore of the island you crashed on," he said honestly, noting your lack of a reaction.
"Do you live here?" You asked, figuring they must not. The 'others' couldn't have had a way to go to and from the main island this frequently to terrorize your group, and Michael had seen their camp before.
He shuffled in his chair, keeping his eyes, too, on the paper in front of you and realizing that his idea seemed to be working. "No," he paused, wondering how much of the truth he was willing to tell you, "We have houses at the center of the Island."
You scoffed slightly, still keeping your gaze down. "Right," you started, "I have one at the beach, too, you should've come over for the housewarming last month. We built a wrap around fence for the dog."
He tried to keep himself from smiling, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as he spoke, "Do you believe anything I've told you so far?"
You looked up at him finally, "I'd say about 50/50." As you put paint down onto the paper, something familiar wash over you. You felt as if you had been in this situation before, with Ben sitting across from you as you painted. You tried to ignore the feeling of déjà vu, but every time you met his gaze and saw his lips twitch into a smile you were pulled right back into it. 
You had woken up the next day in a room of your own that was a bit smaller. You noticed a set of clothes by the door, presumably from Juliet. As you got out of bed and headed over to change into the shirt and pants she had left you, you thought about last night. You were confused as to why Ben wasn't treating you as a prisoner unlike Jack, Sawyer, and Kate- you hadn't really done much for him while he was a prisoner, so it couldn't have been that.
I'm always so confused you thought, frustrated about the reality that was being to envelope you. You had lost years of your life and memory to some accident and only had your friend's word to go off of, you had been confused about the island ever since getting there and Jack and Locke withheld the majority of new information from you.
Ben, now, who seemed to recognize you- at least enough to not shoot you and bring you back as a guest- feigned ignorance, trying to conceive some circumstance in which you believed he was just being nice to you. You were sick of being confused constantly. After you had gotten dressed and ready in the bathroom you sat back on the edge of the bed.
A knock came from outside of your door, and you saw Juliet pop her head in shyly again. "Good morning, y/n," she smiled at you.
"Hi Juliet," you sighed slightly, hoping she wouldn't leave you more confused today. "Can you tell me anything real? I feel like I'm being lied to over and over again."
She made a knowing face at you, "Welcome to life under Ben's leadership," she said, sitting next to you.
"It's not even just him," you admitted, looking over at her, "It's everyone since I got to this island- hell, even before that. I don't feel like I've understood anything in my life for years."
Juliet nodded at you, quietly beginning to consider. She couldn't implicate herself by telling you what she knew- and she didn't know the full story either. She had been chipping away at Jack the night before and this morning, following Ben's plan to get him to trust her. She, of course, was hoping to leverage it against Ben, having Jack help her kill him. She just wanted to go home- but something about you made her want to help you, too.
She felt sorry for you in many ways, worrying that Ben had already threaded together some new life for you that you had no say in. "I think I know who might be able to answer some questions for you," she said after a while, her smile dropping as she met your eyes.
Summer, 1992
The next afternoon, Ben leaned back on your couch, almost as if in a Freudian therapist’s office, staring at the ceiling. “He just seems to control every aspect of my life. I’m 27 years old and he expects me to make him dinner every night." He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. He had his coveralls on after working all morning, a watch adorning his wrist.
"If I leave the house when he doesn’t want me to, he complains that I’m not doing enough to take care of him.”
“I mean, I know he’s right there still but you can always stay here.” You looked over at him from your seat on the ottoman by the couch. He felt exasperated, closing his eyes. It wasn't that simple- he was promised a larger role on this island, a role that didn't involve his father, didn't involve the Dharma Initiative.
“He can’t hurt you, Ben.” You said, watching him shift to sit up as you said so. He considered what you said for a moment. But he already has hurt me, he thought, frowning to himself. What good was it if he stopped now, that wasn't enough to make up for his entire life up until this point. 
You kept your eyes on Ben, watching him as he appeared lost in thought. Something about his honesty and vulnerability with you made your stomach flip- you enjoyed the way he seemed to trust you. 
Since he had apologized and given you a bunny to take care of, he was near constantly by your side. He was having dinners with you, working with you, offering to drive you to new areas of the island you had never seen before and just sit with him in moments that you wished lasted forever. 
He was, in many ways, depriving you of your independence and your connections with other members of the initiative due to his jealousy and possessiveness, not that you would notice any of this from his behavior. To you, he was just being charming and sweet.
You moved to sit next to him on your couch, letting your legs touch each other’s as you continued to look at him silently. Ben noticed this, noticed your closeness.
He thought about how he had you on the hook now, giving him your full, undivided attention. You had forgiven him, and in turn he just gave you his care. It wasn't hard to show either, he did care about you.
He ignored the part of his brain telling him that this was a horrible idea, and that if he wanted to protect you- if he cared about you as he said he did- he needed to get you far away from this island. 
You placed your hand on his leg hesitantly, feeling the tension in the room as he stayed quiet for multiple minutes. “Are you okay?” You asked, genuinely concerned for him. You had been wanting to get his attention, and your touch seemed to work.
He looked at you finally, eyes boring into you with such genuine desire and yearning, and he kissed you. It was sudden, his hands grabbing your face and neck to pull you closer to him, but you leaned into it even as it startled you. Something about it felt so good- his lips pressed against you fervently.
Your entire body was overcome with warmth and you thought about the small acts of pining for him over the past two months, and how sure of your feelings for him you were now. You had already known you cared for his personality and his wit, and now you had clear confirmation that you were attracted to him. 
The kiss felt like it had been going on for minutes, your stupor letting more and more thoughts about how wonderful he felt pressed up against you pass through your head.
Ben had just kissed you, and you weren't sure where to go from this point. He looked at you as you sat, your hand still on his leg and face still close to him. You felt like you couldn't move, but found yourself starting to inch closer to his lips again, seeing him eye you intensely.
Then, there was a knock at your door. You supposed it made sense- it was the middle of the afternoon, and members of the initiative were going about their days still.
"You should probably get that," Ben said, still only inches away from your face with a smile on his lips.
You tried to steady your breathing and stand up, straightening yourself up as you did so. You made your way to the door, noticing Ben composing himself as well.
"Hello?" You answered, opening the door to see Horace in front of you.
"Hi y/n," He smiled at you, "I actually needed to see Ben for something, is he here?" Ben popped his head into Horace's line of sight, waving. "Ben, I need your help with a maintenance issue at the Flame, everyone else is out right now."
You looked over at Ben as he gave you something of a sympathetic look, walking towards the door. "I'll see you whenever I get done with this," he told you, giving you a polite smile as you both stood in front of Horace.
As the door closed, you felt your face redden, hoping Ben would come back soon so you could start up where you left off.
It had been several hours since Ben had been called out to deal with a security issue that was entrusted with due to his time at the initiative- communications had been interrupted, and seemingly everyone else was too busy to deal with it.
Ben had known that the 'hostiles' were employing smaller scale disruptions with the systems- it allowed them to start to make some progress on their plan, which was now 4 months away. It was, of course easy to fix, but he had been drawing it out and taking his time so Widmore and his group were able to clear the areas they needed to today without getting picked up.
With Horace standing over his shoulder and it now being dark outside, he suddenly 'fixed' the issue. "Thanks Ben, I'm sorry to take so much time out of your day."
Ben waved him off, "Whatever you need Horace, it's no problem."
Fall 2004
Some time later after Juliet had gone and you had gotten to eat something, your door opened abruptly without a knock. There was a much younger girl with long, black hair making her way in. She looked much more hurried, and you knew she was who Juliet had mentioned.
"Hey," you started, greeting her as she walked over to you frantically.
"You don't remember me, do you?" She asked, sincerity and sadness in her eyes as she said so.
You felt shocked for a moment, studying her face and trying to conjure up any recollection of her, "I'm sorry- I don't think so."
"I'm Alex," she said, tone slightly more desperate as she hoped to jog your memory. "I was twelve last time you saw me."
You stared at her, knowing that she was telling the truth but feeling unable to place her. "Where?"
"On this island."
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graveyardhorror · 2 months ago
𝔎𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢: 𝔐𝔲𝔰𝔢
🥀 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻: 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🥀
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"I want you to love me how I love you, I want you to see me how I see you"
Jisoo pov
I can't let them be with anyone else, but they wouldn't dare do that to me. Would they? Ever since Y/N entered my life I can't help but feel different. I thought that the things I'd done in the past were inconveniences placed in my way to bother me. Turns out these inconveniences were actually helping me get closer to meet my soulmate, who would've thought?
I'd been depressed for a long time, I guess? Ever since I was a child and I did the things that I did, I was placed under supervision and had to take medication. This medicine didn't feel like it was helping me, in fact it felt like it was slowly killing me from the inside. Killing my spark, destroying my identity. I could only see the world through what seemed like someone else's eyes, not mine. 
I couldn't stand it. This world preaches self expression and to love who we are, until they realize that we cannot be molded into who they want us to be. They couldn't change me for the better, because I already was. 
I remember everything like it was yesterday, a fond smile spreading on my face. This isn't my first love, but gosh I wish it were. My muse doesn't make me angry like they did. Y/N was put on this earth to be mine and mine alone, to bring me joy. Unlike that bloody mess, they don't deserve an ounce of my attention and won't ever get it again.
It makes me laugh if I'm being honest. Shouldn't it be common sense not to flirt with someone who's taken? Though I could care less about them now, a lesson is a lesson that must be learned. And I definitely won't make the same mistake twice, not this time.
Things would have be so much simpler had I met Y/N first...Loved them first.
Flashback - Jisoo pov
I love her so much, mother said that expressing your love for someone is all you need to have a happy relationship. But why did she reject me?
I can't believe she doesn't like me back. There's no way she's telling me the truth! She has to be lying to me, there's no other explanation.
"I know why!" I gasped to myself, alone in my bedroom. She's being forced into a relationship she doesn't want to be in. It's those stupid friends of hers.
I knew they were trouble from the start. They never liked me because they could see my love for them, they were jealous from the very beginning. Those pesky friends of yours never let us live. Always there to bother you with terrible excuses just to get you away from me.
It's time I do something about it. Not like last time, no. I made the mistake of letting one live, now I'm paying the price of leaving a survivor run. This time, no survivors. No obstacles in between us, so we can be together without interruptions.
Don't worry my love...Things will change for us, some change for the better will come soon, I promise.
Same pov- A few months later (still flashback)
Childhood friends to lovers. What a wonderful real life trope we have, my love. Wouldn't you say so? It's just as I thought it would be. Perfect and full of romance.
She laid there, motionless as can be on my basement floor. All I did was help us. Eliminating those useless parasites from her life so we could be together at last. I don't know why she won't speak to me. Maybe she's sulking? A grin slowly spread on my face, a thought popping into my head.
"Do you remember when we started dating?," I grinned remembering myself. She said nothing, continuing her silent treatment, refusing to look in my direction. "Come on, you remember right? I...poked that one boy who tried to take you away from me"
"I can't believe such delusional people exist, you know?"
"It's too bad they could never have what we do, right my love?" She looked up at me for the first time since we got here.
"This is the same thing," I said.
"I poked them with lucy, you know my trusty skinning knife," I winked at her with a sly smirk.
"I don't get why you won't say a single word to me, are you still upset?"
"I warned you last time, you knew what would happen if you went against my word and yet you still did"
With angry and swollen, red eyes, they glared at me. And when they finally opened their mouth to speak words weren't what came out from their lips. 
Bloody saliva came into contact with my face, huh.
Third pov- still flashback
Oh the blood. So much of it everywhere. Even though this wasn't the original crime, blood seemed to follow Jisoo everywhere. Bleeding and slowly fading away from this world laid Jisoo's obsession. Jisoo really did seem to go through phases where she viewed the world through a rose-colored lens, some might even say she had a warped perception of reality.
She never did understand boundaries, or right from wrong when it benefited her. When she was twelve years old she did stab another boy her age because he "confessed his feelings" to the girl Jisoo claimed was her girlfriend. Though not the case, Jisoo seemed to get what she wanted to all the time. Her parents encouraged certain actions but later in life realized it was too late to act the caring parents part. Jisoo was in charge wherever she went. She commanded attention and did what she wanted.
With this not being the first incident of Jisoo's violent nature surfacing, she really had no idea how far she had gone this time. Her original plan was meticulously planned out, the execution on the other hand was not done neatly. Her emotions got the best of her and she ended up killing more than she planned, and even hurt her proclaimed lover at the same time.
Jisoo was now in a different mindset, thinking that her lover was not sulking and wanting her attention. Her mind completely blocked out the bloody room and the bloody mess her "girlfriend" was now was.
Did Jisoo even know her name? Yes she did actually, Luna. She preferred pet names though. Luna didn't. Luna didn't like anything Jisoo did anymore. At first Jisoo was kind, clingy but kind. Once her behavior became more erratic and she demanded more and more from her, Luna couldn't help but feel afraid. Her future at stake made her worry at only ten years old. Why did nobody see Jisoo the way she did?, for who she really was. Jisoo was cold-blooded and truly insane. Luna was always afraid of speaking up against her, the power and money the Kims held was unfathomable. A life destroyed if she spoke up, a life equally as destroyed if she didn't.
Luna planned to run away at just sixteen, she had gotten a knack of getting small jobs since she was ten years old and had planned on saving money from those jobs to get far away from her childhood home.
Once, Jisoo took that dream away from her. She was stubborn and in her mind, Jisoo knew best and was always right. Luna was devastated. Her last moments spent in the arms of the one who took away everything from her. Her freedom, her ability to love someone, her life...
Luna's final thoughts remained the same as when she first realized who Jisoo was deep down.
"I-I'm...going to...kill you...Jisoo" she mumbled as her life slipped away and she exhaled her last breath.
Y/N pov (present day)
As I was walking out of my first class I bumped into somebody, I was looking down at the ground. Breaking my chain of thoughts I look up and see the most beautiful girl on campus. Kim Jisoo.
She looked up at me with the most adorable look in her doe-like eyes and spoke. I didn't hear her. She's really popular on campus, because of her unreal facial features and closed off demeanor. Rumors say that she's shy and reserved because she was bullied for being "too pretty" at her old town's school. I mean, she is so beautiful it makes me a bit irritated. How can someone like her exist-
"Are you okay?"
Huh? "I'm sorry, what?" I replied, dumbfounded.
She laughed, oh my god her laugh. I am so screwed.
"I asked if you were okay? I'm so sorry I bumped into you, I wasn't looking where I was going," she said with a small smile on her heart shaped lips.
"Yes," I replied breathlessly. God she's so pretty.
She laughed again, oh no-
"Thank you, I was just headed to the library, do you want to study together?"
"I...would like that," I replied, my face now feeling warm.
Without another word, she smiled at me and lead the way.
Jisoo pov
I can't believe I still got it. It took so much restraint to not do anything stupid, even with this stupid pill in my body.
Am I really that charming? Huh, this was a lot easier than I thought.
Am I really so beautiful that I could drag them off to my car, stuff them in my trunk, and drive off into the sunset with them without anyone stopping me?
Okay, now that might be harder to pull off. Even if I am "the prettiest girl on campus." What a bunch of idiots.
Step two is starting to look more manageable, except.
I still have to contain myself. Do it for them.
I have to do it for them, for us, our future is depending on my self control. Kind of hard when you have any to begin with, but it's a start.
I suppressed the urge to squeal in delight, grinning I thought to myself how much I can't wait for step three. It was always my favorite part after all.
At the same time - Luna pov
I have to make this end,
I can't let you do this again.
Not again
But don't worry...
I'll make it a happy ending this time,
By making sure that you,
hurt anyone again.
The same promise I made to you years ago, I'll fulfill very soon.
This time it's over Jisoo.
I did it all for love
I did it all of this on no drugs
I did all of this sober
Don't you know I did it all for us?
I just killed my ex
Not the best idea
Killed his girlfriend next
How'd I get here?
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𝖽𝗂𝗏𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖻𝗒 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗒
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gatormeister · 1 year ago
39 episodes into Gundam Wing. Still enjoying it, I would say that the second half of the show is a lot stronger than the first half, but it is very disappointing to have not one, but two whole recap episodes in here. Unfortunately they confirmed an opinion of mine that I'd been thinking over since my last post.
Gundam Wing actually does very well with story telling in the moment to moment, but zooming out and viewing the events of the show as a whole so far, feels very... off. So much has happened in the show, and yet it feels like very little has changed at the same time.
Plot beats have this odd disjointedness to them. Things just sort of happen to the Gundam pilots and Relena, they can't change anything from where they are now, and haven't really had the ability to do so since the Romefeller Foundation takes over the Earth. They come close when the Sanc Kingdom existed, but that doesn't last very long at all. They're all just being tossed around an unstable environment with nowhere to really go.
I suppose that's what sets Wing apart though. There is no place to go back to. No White Base, no Argama/Nahel Argama, no Tekkadan, no 08th MS Team, no Earth House, no Inglessa Militia. Sure Quatre has something like that, but they don't show up enough for them to be that for the show. The space colonies don't want them back and White Fang just wants the Gundams as a form of propaganda to rile people up, the Sanc Kingdom was destroyed, those scientists are all over the place, and the Gundam pilots barely even want to work with each other half the time.
Which isn't a bad thing mind you, at least not inherently. Interesting developments are happening all the time, but there is so much that it becomes easy to forget a character or plot beat exists until they suddenly get brought back up.
Part of why Zechs sticks out to me so much compared to the rest of the show is probably because unlike a lot of other characters and factions, he does feel like a constant in the show. Even if he doesn't have an appearance for a bit, you can always be sure he'll pop back up in some way soon, and his plot is very easy to keep track of because of that.
Anyway, I'm going to cut off the ramble for now. I look forward to Heero trying to kill Relena (again) when I get back to it. And I've also decided what I'll be watching in Gundam once I finish Endless Waltz. The current plan is to go through War in the Pocket, Stardust Memory, and Thunderbolt, and depending on the length of those three I might include the Igloo OVAs. Once those are finished, I intend to go for After War Gundam X or Reconguista in G, both of which I've had my eyes on for a bit now.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years ago
(reposting bc I fucked up formatting. Set in the same sire!Ranboo with fledgling!Techno AU I wrote here.)
The nest isn't very warm.
And Ranboo is freaking out because he doesn't know what to do about it. Turn on the heaters, obviously. But the buttons are all fiddly and Ranboo doesn't know how to connect the plug because Wilbur always keeps pulling it out again since he's scared one of the younger ones will give themself a burn messing with them and Ranboo should be figuring it out but he can't, he can't concentrate when his fledgling is shivering like that, curled up into a tight ball and making a low whining noise.
He's hurt, Ranboo's mind unhelpfully provides. As if it's not clear by the misery coming off the fledgling in waves, hitting right into the sensitive epicenter of Ranboo's brain that has been activated since he became a sire barely two hours ago.
Phil always said it could be a rather intense experience. He never warned Ranboo about this.
"I'm working on it, really, just... hold on, okay?" He doesn't think his words are reassuring to the fledgling. The man hasn't really been reacting to them at all. He's in no state to speak, he hasn't even been able to tell Ranboo his name.
Probably because Ranboo is a horrible sire who can't even succeed in the most basic task of giving his fledgling a safe nest.
How can he already be screwing things up this badly?
He gives up on the heaters then, partly because he doesn't want to wait a minute longer and partly because he knows the others will be back soon and they can just get them working. Ranboo can't waste anymore time.
His fledgling needs to be held. Ranboo needs to be a good sire.
"Come here," Ranboo tells him, rearranging pillows nervously.
The fledgling doesn't move.
Ranboo let his thrall die down a while ago, too young to keep it up that long. His fledgling hadn't tried to run away again and he had chosen to interpret that as a positive sign. But now he was refusing to get up from his spot on the floor.
"Look, it's- It's exactly as it should be, right?" Ranboo gestures at the bed. He almost sounds like he's questioning himself. As if this isn't the exact nest he'd spent consecutive weeks in when he was first turning. "It's very comfy and soft and I'm sure we can get it warmed up in no time. You'll feel better."
Still nothing.
Something settles deep in Ranboo's gut. It's unpleasant and painful, and he knows it's probably bad. But it eats at some uncertain part of him that clouds his mind. He's angry. Angry that his fledgling isn't listening.
Angry that he would deny Ranboo's care. Can't he see that Ranboo is trying to help?
But it's gone as soon as it pops up and Ranboo feels terrible because of course, of course this fledgling would not recognize a nest when he was kept in a cell. of course, Ranboo will have to show him.
The man flinches a little when Ranboo grabs his wrist. He tries to grab high enough that his fingers don't press into any bruises or scars.
"You need to rest."
The fledgling struggle against him. Ranboo shakes his head, patient. He's a lot stronger than his fledgling, especially in his current state, so it's not too hard to drag him over to where they need to be.
Just as Ranboo thought, his precious one does not know what's good for him.
When they're both in the nest, the struggling dies down quick enough. As if a flip has been switched in his brain. The man's pupils dilate again, not unlike what happened during thrall. But it's a different kind of instinct he's lost in now. His chest rises and falls rapidly with unneeded pseudo-breathes.
Ranboo holds his fledgling close to his chest, threading fingers into long pink hair gently and pretending he can’t feel the way he shivers at his touch. The fear inside his fledgling spikes, feeding through the bond until it has Ranboo cringing.
But he ignores it.
Soon this will be easier. Ranboo knows it will be.
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ask-dametagala · 2 years ago
Infiltrating the castle!
Dark Meta Knight knew he'd need a disguise at some point. Taking off his mask and scratching Meta Knight's emblem off his pauldron wasn't going to be a good long term solution to his little problem. Even though no one would recognize him, rumors would definitely start popping up all over the place about a caped stranger. Unlike the mirror world, Dreamland inhabitants are awfully noisy and just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. News travels fast and soon enough, Meta Knight will know of his presence. That was something he wished to avoid at all costs. He wasn't ready to see him again, not yet. Maybe covering his body with leaves? He could use mud as glue, it would still work. Then again, maybe being a bush monster wasn't exactly the brightest idea, that would still make him awfully suspicious.
........Oh….it's you. Hello, Galacta Knight…"
Out of nowhere, a familiar knight appeared from behind the trees, giving him the usual dumb smile on his face. This amused Dark Meta Knight, satisfied that the man he was looking for showed up right in front of him.
"Hello, Dark!"
"Well…you never told me your name! So I took the "Dark" out of "Dark Meta Knight" for convenience. Speaking of which, what IS your real na-?"
"Enough, I'll get straight to the point. I came here for you."
"I-....f-for me?"
(….why is he acting so bashful? No matter…)
"Yes, I wish to make acquaintances with you. Ever since we first met, I wanted to get to know you a little better. "
"Oh! I- I didn't expect this! I wanted to know more about you as well but I never thought you'd take the initiative…"
"I am not like my br-.....my brot-....my b-broth-.......Meta Knight. I am not like Meta Knight, I am usually more open with my feelings. Now, for what I came for."
He walks closer towards Galacta Knight and lets go of his cape.
"O-Oh! REALY?! I'm always happy to spend time with a new friend! Tell you what, the king of this star is holding a grand Necromas party where everyone is invited!"
"Huh, so we're still celebrating the birth of the man who literally tried to spread darkness throughout all of Popstar."
"....Dark...are you saying that...NECRODEUS IS A REAL PERSON?!"
"Yeah it's a long story. But for now, let's get out of here first, I want to show you something."
He extends a hand out to the knight, waiting patiently to see if he was okay with holding hands with him again. Galacta Knight must've noticed how strongly he pulled away from him the last time they held hands. Knowing this, Dark couldn't help but think of how ridiculously passionate Galacta Knight was. Wasn't he feared in the past? Feared to the point of being imprisoned in a crystal jail for eternity? That's what Meta Knight's memories seem to recall. It was certainly unusual for someone like him to suffer such a harsh fate. But nonetheless, what's in the past is in the past. He grabs ahold of Galacta Knight's hand and follows the warrior as they fly out of the forest.
Once they are out, Dark Meta Knight's cape immediately transforms into a pair of dark, torn wings. He lets go of the warrior's hand and flies on his own. Together, they scale the giant Necromas tree planted by the diligent waddle dees, passing through various decorations, handmade by each inhabitant of Dreamland. Despite only seeing glimpses of their appearances, the love and dedication to the craft of each ornament was impossible to be unseen. In mere seconds, they were already high above in the skies, hovering over the glowing tree, which was now considerably smaller due to how high up they were. Soon, they managed to find a good spot to land on, choosing a high mountain cliff just tall enough to see castle Dedede. Galacta Knight laughs as he spreads his arms out, enjoying the cold winter breeze while gazing upon the castle's festive lights. The dark knight follows suit and gently lands next to the galactic warrior.
"There! King Dedede's castle….ah it's shining so brightly. It might be a little hard to see it…."
"See what?"
"One of castle Dedede's towers has a wide rounded balcony, difficult to spot through all those lights for you. I can see it just fine, my eyesight is considered the greatest in the galaxy too!"
"Nonsense, just give me a few seconds……."
".....doooo you see it?"
"I will! You are making me lose my focus."
He chuckles in response to Dark's sudden fluster, it was oddly amusing to see him get so worked up. Galacta Knight smiles in excitement, anticipating what's about to come next.
"There, i see it."
"Oh! The one with the marble railing right?!"
"Yes, marble railing gilded in gold."
"That's the one!"
He springs up in joy and points towards it, happily flapping his wings. Dark slightly flinches away, being a bit taken off by his sudden excitement.
"I'll be waiting for you there once the party starts, only if you come of course!"
"I will. "
"Really? That's- that's GREAT! I- oh stars this makes it SO much easier to attend-! Phew…."
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Oh it's- it's nothing. I'm just letting out a little steam. The party will start in 3 hours and there's already so many guests. It's a huge event, you know? A bunch of fancy aristocrats will be there. King Dedede must be very renowned."
He plops down on the soft grass and lays back, feeling the grass against his wings. Dark notices this and sits down next to him, unconsciously touching his soft feathers.
"Ahh….I don't know what to wear. They'll be so many important people there. I could just wear my light armor, i'm sure it's fancy enough."
"Light armor?"
"Indeed! One of my different soul armours. It's adorned with shiny gold patterns! That should surely leave a good impression~☆"
"Interesting. Tell me more about this…soul armor."
"Hm? You don't know? Well alright….so…everyone has a soul, right? So imagine this….."
The dark knight finally made progress, Galacta Knight opened up more to him. They've got more than enough time to talk to each other, which means their relationship can finally advance. His hard work will finally be paid off! The other knight will start trusting him more and more…and soon….he will tell him all about the jamba hearts! Though…articial intelligence? Armor and weaponry from the soul? These were all…foreign concepts to him. The technology from Galacta Knight's era is truly outstanding, maybe a little more inquiries about them wouldn't hurt….
Two and a half hours had passed, Galacta Knight was already out of breath. This was his first time in forever that he got to talk so much! Their enthuastatic conversation made the warrior get up from laying down on the grass. He would eagerly talk about how his armor worked and answer all of the other knight's questions, even if he himself couldn't remember the correct answer. Dark Meta Knight couldn't remember the last time he had such a thrilling discussion. The way Galacta Knight presented his knowledge was rather clumsy and abit hard to follow, but his passion was made extremely clear to him. Had this astral ever got the chance to talk about these things to anyone else?
"Oh….I think we chatted for quite a while….…I should get going!"
"Mm, I….should find something to wear as well."
"Really? Have anything..... nice in mind?"
"I'm….not too sure. I have a very limited closet."
"I-I can understand that. Well, g-good luck!"
.......Hm? Why was Galacta Knight acting so flustered? Dark casts him a confused look.
"What's wrong?"
"Y-your hand…"
"What do you mea-"
He immediately pulls his hand away, clutching it tightly in his other. Unknowingly, his fingers were caressing Galacta Knight's fluffy feathers.
"How long was I-?!"
"You were doing it the entire time! Haha! Don't have to worry much about it! It's fine~!"
His wings immediately start flapping, quickly taking off into the sky. Once again, he left the temporal warrior without any warning. Galacta Knight sighs and stands up, waving to him.
"See you soon!!"
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imissjensi · 3 years ago
on this hellscape we call earth there are two things i am passionate about. dungeons and dragons, and kotlc. so why not combine the two in a dnd table to determine a special ability?
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the first question you probably have is: "gubbs. there are twenty abilities here, why didn't you just use a d20?" and my answer to that is that i'm insane and chose to try and break down the abilities based on the likelihood of manifesting them without any genetic influence, and since some abilities are rarer than others, i used a d100 instead to represent the different weights of abilities.
really in-depth info on how i broke down the abilities below, along with a TL;DR with just the percentages at the end :)
I omitted Teleportation, Inflicting and Descrying since those abilities likely won't pop up again for a very long time. Since Inflicting and Descrying both only had one reported elf each before Sophie, and both are Councillors, they won't be passing along their genetics anytime soon. And Sophie's Inflicting was a result of the Black Swan tweaking her genetics. Teleportation is also exclusively a horse girl thing so that one is out as well, since it doesn't occur in elves organically. I am also aware that the Talentless chance is far lower than it should be. I address that near the end.
Due to there being twenty abilities on this list, the baseline percent for each is 5%, as that's how it would be if all abilities had an equal chance of happening. I adjust the chances from there.
First, I separated the abilities into categories. The first one was the easiest, which was the rare abilities. I only put three in this category, those being Pyrokinetics and Enhancers at a 1% chance, and Telepaths at a 3% chance. Pyrokinetics was easy, since Marella says that there were only twelve of them when the ability got banned, so it's very unlikely to manifest it. Sophie is the only Enhancer we know of, but we do know that there are more, since Dex had heard about the ability when she manifested it. However, I assume it's rare, since Sophie manifesting it is the first we hear of it. I also made Enhancer a reroll ability, since I believe it mostly manifests in people who already have an ability. There is absolutely no canon support for this aside from Sophie, so take this with a grain of salt. We are constantly told Telepaths are rare, (even if there are so many of them in the story) so they're at a 3% chance. Rarer than most abilities, but not the rarest. In total, the three rare abilities have a 5% chance of manifesting.
The next category is elemental abilities. Due to the elves being in tune with nature and appreciating natural beauty, I bumped the baseline percent from 5% to 6%, which is the likelihood for Frosters, Chargers, Gusters, and Hydrokinetics. Flashers sit at an 8% chance due to the Lost Cities' focus on light. We are also introduced to far more Flashers than any other of the elements, leading me to believe it shows up more in elves. Shades were bumped down to a 4% chance, because if light is the foundation of the Lost Cities and manifests more in it's citizens as a result, then the distrust and shun of darkness would make the shadows manifest less. Elemental abilities have a 36% chance of manifesting.
I then put Empaths, Mesmers, Beguilers and Vociferators into the "affects others" category. Empaths don't quite fit that description, but it was the best place I could put them. Empaths are at a 6% chance of manifesting, just because there are a lot of Empath characters in the series, so manifesting as an Empath may be more likely than other abilities. The other three in this category are all at a 4% chance. This is because all three of them involve manipulating/harming people. Mesmers manipulate actions, Beguilers manipulate emotions, and Vociferators can harness their voice to incapacitate someone. I know that these abilities aren't the only ones that can be used to harm someone, but they are the only ones (apart from inflicting) where you can only use it on someone else. Since elves can't handle guilt, I believe that these three abilities manifest less frequently, as their genetic makeup probably pushes against manifesting as something that can easily be misused. Hopefully that makes sense. The abilities that affect others have an 18% chance at manifesting.
Next is the "affects self" group, which is Vanishers, Psionipaths and Phasers. Psionipaths can use forcefields on anything, but I assume the most common use is to protect the user from something, so I put them in this category. All three of these are at the baseline 5%, as I could not think of a reason for any of them to be more or less likely based on elvin psyche or nature.
Finally was the miscellaneous group, which was just the last three. Technopaths are at the baseline of 5%, since there was no reason for it to be anything else. Polyglots sit at a healthy 10%, and are also a reroll ability for hopefully what are obvious reasons. I made the likelihood so high because to me it seems like every other character we meet is a polyglot. It should probably be lower though. Speaking of abilities that should definitely be lower, I made Conjurers have a 10% chance of manifesting. I should not have done this. The flimsy reasoning I do have, is that it's incredibly practical. Just having the ability to summon anything to you from anywhere as long as you know where it is is so useful. I would love to be able to do that. I also thought there were far more Conjurers in the series than there actually is. But logically, it should be a lower chance, and I should have took the left over percents from Polyglots and Conjurers and put them into Talentless. I made it a 1% chance for an elf to not manifest an ability at all. Far more than 1% of the elvin population is Talentless, I think I can say that confidently. I would go back and adjust the table, but doing so would require me to adjust all the numbers, as well as edit this post. I have been working on this for two hours and don't want to do that. Maybe I'll reblog it later with an edit.
I plan on making more dnd keeper crossover content, so hopefully this finds it's target audience.
Pyrokinetic - 1% | Enhancer - 1% | Telepath - 3% | Charger - 6% | Flasher - 8% | Froster - 6% | Guster - 6% | Hydrokinetic - 6% | Shade - 4% | Empath - 6% | Beguiler - 4% | Mesmer - 4% | Vociferator - 4% | Vanisher - 5% | Psionipath - 5% | Phaser - 5% | Conjurer - 10% | Technopath - 5% | Polyglot - 10% | Talentless - 1% |
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jameui · 3 years ago
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PAIRING: Hwang Hyunjin x Manager!M!Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff
WARNING: Hyunjin being a jerk
SUMMARY: You boyfriend, Hyunjin took you out on a date to watch your favorite movie.
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You sighed in exhaustion and as if the world was trying to test you, a fast running bicycle came your way causing you to jump to the side, so fast that you forgot about the takeouts you had in your hands and at a blink of an eye the neatly boxed items fell to the ground, all the food now spilled on the floor with your eyes widening in fear. "Shit!" You yelled out and tried to get back to the restaurant again, but as soon as you got there the line was already long and it'd take you ages to get to the counter to order, again.
You were at your way to your work with your phone squeezed in between your shoulder and ear as you talked to your co-manager on the other line who seemed agitated for your tardiness, while you tried to balance the foods you were made to order. "Yes, sir. I'll make sure that won't happen again." You told the male before the call was cut short when he decided to hang up all of a sudden.
Looking around, you saw a chinese restaurant that had the smallest line, so you went there and bought the food there, even though the orders of the group was not exactly what they wanted for you to buy. You just couldn't go back empty handed.
After a few minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the venue of the fansign event and got there just in time before Stray Kids were called to the stage for their activity to be done, but the moment you got there you saw that the people present were already eating their food away. They noticed your presence entering the room whilst their head turned to look at you. "I... Good morning, everyone." You greeted them. 'Guess their manager got their food delivered.'
You didn't get a reply, except from the group who was more than happy to see that you had food on your hands. "Hyung! Thank God. I was starving." The group's youngest, Jeongin said as he helped you put the foods down on the table. "You're seriously a life saver."
You smiled at him giving him a muttered thanks that earned you a smile from Jeongin. Honestly speaking, Jeongin was the second best person you ever liked in the group, the first being Lee Felix since he was the only person to ever approach you on your first day since he was able to see how much you were so nervous. Felix was also one of the members who taught you korean, the other being Bang Chan. You had always knew the group back then, and now and you were damn thankful that you got the opportunity to be in their circle.
Knowing how young you were to be working for them, they treated you nicely, not because they needed to, rather cause it was in their nature to be caring. Well, at least except one person. You were the closest to Felix who treated you like his personal manager and a friend as well, going out on friendly dates with you to the park, dog cafés, just anywhere Felix would find interesting to visit.
Who's the person that seemed irritated whenever you were around you ask? Why, the one and only visual king, Hwang Hyunjin. He doesn't actually treat you bad, but the way his eyes would always turn dark or displeased when you show up in his line of sight made you feel so small and felt totally unwelcomed. That was then, apparently, since today the male looked a little too quiet and didn't even bother to look at you. Believe me or not that's actually the kindest thing he's done to you.
You would try to go to him to try and talk to him, worried by his silence. You just furrowed your brows and sighed completely aware that no matter how much you try to talk to him he won't even dare to acknowledge you being there for him.
"M/n, are you just gonna stand there? Come and eat." Chan told you, but you just politely declined his offer with the shake of your head before telling him that you had just taken your breakfast and that you were full, more and you feel like your stomach's gonna burst. "Hm, suit yourself, but I'll be leaving mine untouched, so you can eat it when you get hungry, yeah?"
"You're so kind, Chan." You gave him a smile that got Chan smiling also showing his deep dimples that you could just dive in it anytime soon.
"Hey, hey, hey! We've known each other the longest. Why do I still have to call you 'hyung' and M/n doesn't?" Jisung, one of the group's rapper, pouted with folded arms as Chan chuckled before ruffling the kid's hair that Jisung angrily shook off.
"Well, since he's not that spoiled, unlike you." Chan answered Jisung who gasped dramatically. "And he also gained my permission, so—"
"Whenever or not he's around, is he the only person that ever comes into your mind?" That all too familiar voice spoke out, all your heads turning towards the person. He scoffed and stood up with a smirk on his face, probably in disbelief that the whole group was talking to you and always thought about you. "I mean, come on. There's gotta be something else to talk about other than this... person." You felt his eyes look at you while your eyes stared at him with rising anger. "There's sports, other artists, songs, music, so many and you chose to pick him as the topic of your talk."
"Hyunjin, that is very disrespectful." Chan gritted out, but Hyunjin knew better than to listen or to even stop.
"I'm really not, hyung." Hyunjin's smirk grew wider eyeing you with a suspicious look on his eyes. An idea popped in his head as he opened his mouth to talk. "But, if you want to, I could show you how disrespectful I can get." Without any warning, he took the take-out container and bottled drink in his hand and gave you no second to react as he poured all of its contents onto your head with a loud gasp coming out of you. "There. I'll call it a masterpiece even."
"Hwang Hyunjin!" Bang Chan's voice boomed through the whole room a still smirking Hyunjin turning around to face the older male who was fuming with anger. "You—"
"Chan!" You called out to him before things got a little out of hand. For pete's sake their going to just fight because Hyunjin had made a mess of you? You were not even worth the fight. "No. I'm fine. I can just quickly change, that's all. I'll be right back and I better get no reports about you two fighting." You told the two, Chan rolling his eyes.
You got out of the room and ran as fast as you can to the nearest restroom, cleaning yourself as soon as you arrived. Times like this you would immediately bawl your eyes out, but with the constant behavior that Hyunjin showed to you, you grew used to it. Heck, you even sometimes feel that the other boys only act like they liked you being there and when you weren't, they'd stab you behind your back. "Goodness, why won't this get off."
"Need help?" A raspy voice came from the entrance of the restroom, turning your head around to see Felix leaning himself on the door frame with his arms crossed, then untangled them to let his hands rest inside his pockets and stepped inside as you smiled at him. "Do you need more tissue?"
You shook your head at him, your attention back on your stained favorite shirt wiping them clean with the tissues the place's restroom owned. "Nah, there's plenty here. Besides, I'm all dried up now." You said and showed yourself to him, Felix knitting his brows in worry.
He seeped air through his teeth and cocked his head to the side, unsure if you should be wearing that now dirty shirt when you'd be with them during the activity the whole time. "I don't think you should be wearing that."
"Why? It's my favorite sweater." You chuckled half-heartedly.
"Yeah, I know, M/n, but it's dirty. Plus, I think it gets pretty uncomfortable seeing that stain on your shirt and it gets sticky. Yeugh." Felix pretended to barf which got you laughing softly. Felix, though not trying to be funny, whatever he does it always seemed so funny to you.
"Fine, fine. I'll go change, the problem though is that I didn't bring an extra shirt with me today." You told Felix scratching your nape.
"Really? Well, I guess we have to borrow from one of the group's." Felix suggested, but your eyes grew sizes bigger upon hearing that and waved your hands.
"No way, Felix! I have already done enough damage, I can't afford to borrow a shirt from one of the members, or to you even." You told him, but it all fell on deaf ears as Felix refused to listen. "I'm just trouble, Felix. You don't have to worry about me."
Felix hummed with two fingers pinching his chin gently. "Yeah, I don't think so." He took your wrist and started to drag you back to the dressing room. "Come on, I know there's someone willing to let you borrow a shirt." You just sighed, knowing that Felix won't even dare to change his mind when he had already set them on something.
Alas, as you two got there, none of the members even had a spare shirt to let you borrow. They were very willing and even tried to look around if there was anything, but to no avail. Although, there was one last person you didn't ask. "Hyunjin. You were the cause of this mess, you let him borrow your shirt." Felix sternly told the older male who pilled his brows together.
"What?! No way! Are you telling me I'd offer to do something for that guy? No!" Hyunjin retorted making Felix growl.
Felix was so ready to throw punches at the male who didn't seem to be bothered by the situation, but you just put a hand on Felix's shoulder and assured him. "That's alright, Felix. My sweater was thick enough to not get my undershirt wet. Although, I'm grateful for your effort." You smiled at him and sighed.
Just in time, you heard a call from one of your co-manager that the group was already being requested to be at the stage right now. You gave them an encouraging smile as they all did the same. "Alright boys. It's time to go out there and meet millions of your fans."
The group all shouted, excluding Hyunjin, hurray and hurried out to get on stage, you following behind after you were able to discard your sweater, leaving you only on your black t-shirt. You shivered at the cold now that you were left with a thin clothing that wasn't appropriate for the type of weather you were having and not mention that the place was fully air-conditioned.
Your shaking was not too evident, but one of the members, Seungmin, was able to notice it. Feeling pity he made his way to Hyunjin and tried to convince him. "Jinnie, M/n's cold. Please lend him your jacket, at least. He'll get sick if he continues to get exposed to the cold."
"Better for him."
"Hyunjin, please... Besides, you're already wearing thick layers of clothes why not let M/n borrow." Seungmin reasoned out and solemnly knitted his brows to persuade the male, Hyunjin rolling his eyes at his bestfriend and huffed before taking his jacket off of him and handed it over to Seungmin who silently squeaked. "Thanks, Hyunjin." Hyunjin brushed it off with a 'whatever', the younger of the two jogging his way towards you and gave you the jacket he got from Hyunjin. "I noticed your shivering, so I want you to take this jacket and no, you can't say you can't accept it."
You nodded your head at him and took the jacket from his hands. "Thank you, Seungmin."
"My pleasure." He smiled at you with those puppy dog like smile. He skipped back to reunite with his group while you put on the jacket that Seungmin offered you. You were still in thought though how Seungmin was able to convince Hyunjin to let you borrow his jacket. You knew Hyunjin owned the jacket since he wouldn't let them go since the moment you arrived.
You noticed how the jacket was too big for you, since the sleeves of the piece of clothing only let your fingers peek out through the holes while the flaps reached further down your hips, but it totally felt cozy and smelled like... Hyunjin. How do you explain it? You don't even know where to begin. It was him. The reason why you wanted to work with Stray Kids. You didn't want to look like you were some type of stalker, but all you ever wanted was to befriend Hyunjin.
The befriending process didn't go the way you actually thought it would go. Everytime his eyes met yours or you heard his voice you'd get all flustered and so nervous that your tongue always gets tied, the words you want to tell him gets trapped inside your mouth. It all started to be just an admiration towards the slightly older male until your determination to become his friend gradually became an unknown feeling towards Hyunjin, until realizing later that you actually liked the group's rapper, despite all his bad treatment towards you.
Back to reality, you hugged yourself and took in the wonderful scent the artist gave off until one of your co-worker nudged you. "Hey, stop sniffing the clothes. You totally look like a sasaeng."
"W-what? I wasn't sniffing anything." You denied it earning an eye roll. Later, you heard the whole place bursted into shouts of joy and excitement as Stray Kids made their appearance on the stage greeting all their fans inside and outside of the place. They all took their turns taking the mic to express their happiness and gratefulness to their ocean of fans that filled up the whole place.
Soon, the group was seated at a long rectangular table that was a perfect fit letting all the members seat on their respective seats. There were chairs as well settled in front of the table with each settled across a specific member.
You were appointed to keep guard and stand behind Hyunjin, in any case of fans throwing shade at him or any forms of harm or hate towards the member who had just been caught up in a supposed bullying rumor.
The line started to form as people who were present inside the place took their turns to talk to each member and get a sign from them. So far, you could only wonder how paranoid the company was to keep you on guard of Hyunjin when all these people here are Stays and they wouldn't do such thing to throw hate to any members in the group. Right?
The line was still too long to be gone in just minutes making you sigh, hearing your tummy rumble hoping that no one heard that. You now finally regret not eating that noodles that Chan offered you, the hunger finally hitting your system as your tummy continued to grumble. You pursed your lips and forced your eyes closed while you brought your head down in embarrassment. 'Fuck... why now?'
After a short while, the line was starting to get shorter and shorter, you thanking the heavens for the fast passing by of the time. But, the moment you least expected to happen happened. You felt a harsh tap on your legs and another and another after it finally took your attention, getting a little shocked that the action was done by the person who hated you the worst. "Take it before I change my mind." He told you. You complied and bowed at him politely as he tuts his tongue. "Who would even think of going to work on an empty stomach?"
'You... poured it on me?' You thought then shrugging it off before you looked at the treat offered to you by Hyunjin. You wondered what type of bread it was and hesitated, although Hyunjin's back was facing you he was able to sense your hard time on trying to eat what he gave you.
"It's not poisoned, M/n." He whispered as he signed the album that had his photo on it, then looking up at the fan who would like to talk to him.
Their talk wasn't audible to you, but you opened the packaging of the nicely wrapped pastry and bit on it with your body facing the wall so your back was turned against the people to cover yourself while you ate. One of your co-manager did notice your unwanted behavior and stomped his way to you and took the baked good from your hands and threw it to the ground to step on it and crush it good. "What do you think you're doing, L/n?! You're being inappropriate right now." He gritted out to you with a small voice almost like a whisper so no one else would hear you two. You bowed your head subtly before a hand was placed right below your chin as you looked up at him confused. "Spit." He ordered, referring to the food you were chewing.
You nod your head and spit out the food that was in your mouth into his hand while he picked up the wasted food and left, then threw it all at a trash can. "Fuck." You sighed as you held your chest and slowly turned around to face the non-existent line, the group now interacting with their fans.
Just looking at them now, you were able to remember when you were the one who was there seated at the chairs shouting out the name of the person you would call as your bias, which is no other than Kim Seungmin. At least, when you still didn't take the job to be one of the group's manager. Usually, it would only take one manager to manage the group, but why did this group require another one? You questioned yourself. It was all unexplained to you, but all you gotta do was to just be glad that you get to be friends with the people you see as your role models.
"Hyunjin-ah! When did you start trading jackets with your manager?" The question came out as a shout that got everyone laughing, including the group. You were only able to chuckle knowing that it was Seungmin who convinced Hyunjin to let you borrow his jacket.
Hyunjin didn't get to answer the question, when another fan spoke from the crowd that got every fans' attention. "Are rumors true that you don't treat Manager L/n well?"
Chan furrowed his brows and picked up his microphone. "Where did you get this story?" He chuckled trying to make it sound that it wasn't true and just pure bluff. Chan looked at Hyunjin with the face that told Hyunjin that he should start treating you well if he didn't want the netizens to know about his treatment towards you. "Anyways, it's seriously not true."
A few minutes later and the event was finally finished and the group was bidding their goodbyes to their fans as they started to walk backstage. You waited for them at their waiting room with a handful of bottled waters for the boys to pick up once they get inside. The door soon opened revealing the group with a tense atmosphere following them that got you so confused. "Hey—"
"Hyunjin. If word gets out about your mistreatment to M/n, that would be a serious damage to our image and to M/n as well, 'cause he's obviously in pain because of you!" Chan yelled at the trouble causing male who only rolled his eyes paying no heed to his warning.
"Atleast, I never went too far as to really hurt him physically." Hyunjin deadpanned Chan growling at his response. Your eyes flickered to Hyunjin, then to Chan not knowing what to do in this situation.
"You are seriously being a jerk right now, Hyunjin." Chan fumed in anger while Hyunjin just continued to act deaf and played on his phone. Chan, giving up, sighed and plopped down on his seat. "Ayayay."
They took turns in getting your glances as you thought of a way to calm the atmosphere. You had already been their manager for a over a year now and this was the only time that Hyunjin ever spoke up to Chan and, to top it off, with sass and without the slightest feeling of being bothered. That was the moment you felt like you had enough. You've had enough with all these things. You were tired of yourself to even think that Hyunjin would finally soften up to you and be his friend. You were wrong to even apply for this kind of job. The group wouldn't be fighting if it hadn't been for you appearing in their lives all so suddenly. "Guys... let him do as he pleases. I'll be the one to take of whatever the netizens hear."
Chan raised his eyes up at you with furrowed brows. "What do you plan on doing? Whatever it is don't do it."
You smiled and nodded. "I won't, Chan." You held up the bottles in your hands and turned on a toothy smile. "Water? Anyone?" They all sighed in relief and got their turns in picking their own bottled water, the last one not being picked up by Hyunjin, so you decided to give it to him. You brought the cold drink to his face making him flinch as he looked up at you. "Thank you for the bread, by the way." You told him and giggled. "I've already packed your jacket in your bag." You informed him and patted his back.
The once crazily terrifying atmosphere now turned into a more comfortable one, the one you always would want to see. You didn't know what got you the courage to speak or blurt out whatever you had in your mind, but you looked at Hyunjin and said: "Hyunjin, can I talk to you privately?" Thankfully, their loud voices was able to distract themselves from hearing your request to Hyunjin who sighed and nodded his head. He stood up from his seat and started to move outside of the room. You followed behind closely, feeling intimidated by the month older's tall figure. "Hyunjin..."
"Cut to the chase, M/n. I don't have much time." He told you as you nod your head in understanding and fiddled with your fingers.
"I know, you'd probably like hearing this, but could I have the permission to quit as your group's manager?" You asked him, his forehead creasing that made him pull his brows together. "I was able to notice what the group had become the moment I became your manager—"
"And do you think quitting would change it?" Hyunjin asked you with a raised brow. "If anything, it'd probably—no, it would break their hearts to know that you quitted. If you do so, you're not only quitting as a manager, but as their friend as well."
"And you're able to say that after you purposely tried to have me fired or suspended from work by offering me that bread?" You sarcastically answered, Hyunjin clearing his throat.
"Well... that wasn't my intention. I didn't even know it'd get you fired." Hyunjin replied making you chuckle.
"Yeah..." You replied with a sad smile. "But, I don't wanna be the reason why you and Chan would always fight. Stray Kids is Stray Kids because they're fun and loving, caring. And I don't want to change that by being around the group." Hyunjin never replied anymore and you sighed. "I'm heading back now." You said and as you started to walk back inside, Hyunjin spoke.
"I wish you never entered our life, at all, M/n." He told you that got your heart broken into pieces. Sure, you admitted that he never liked you even just a bit, but him saying it so bluntly to you, it's like he does really mean it and could only care less. You were about to speak when Hyunjin beat you to it. "If so, I wouldn't be able to garner these undeniable feelings I have for you."
You froze. Were you hearing right? You just cleaned your ears this morning, well you do it everyday. Is your ear trying to play with you? "W-what?"
"DAMN! WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?!" You gasped with your mouth full of popcorn, your boyfriend, Hyunjin seated beside you at the movie theater. He smiled at you admiring how cute you looked with your shocked expression that was being illuminated by the big screen. "Jinnie! Look, they're gonna kiss! AH!!" As the two actors in the movie was about to kiss, one of the movie's cast bursted out of the door cutting the kiss and earned a few 'oh's and 'I hate you, Chan's. "Chan is such a cock blocker."
"Watch your mouth, babe." Hyunjin told you making you pout.
"It's true, though!" You retorted and Hyunjin could only laugh at your cuteness and honest opinions.
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shitty-marvel-fan732 · 4 years ago
Hi can I request a peter parker x barnes-Rogers reader (steve and Bucky's daughter) and me and Peter find out I'm pregnant with Peter's baby and we try to keep it a secret but everyone is suspicious of us cause I've been really poorly lately and Peter is being overprotective and one day Peter accidentally says "don't do that it could hurt the baby" or "and everyone freaks out and me, Peter and my dads have a long talk but everything is fine thanks xx
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Barnes-Rogers! Reader
Requested?: Yes!
Word count: Almost 7k
Warnings: Pregnancy, some angst but thats it I think?
Author's Note: Yessssss this was so fun to write! Very excited to be back to posting on this page again. Thank you so much for the request! Hope to start adding in more content soon, so if yall have any requests feel free to send them in! And if you have requests sent in already, know that I love you and I will be getting to clearing out my inbox here pretty soon 🥰
Taglist: @just-that-bi-girl , @winterfrostsarmy
In retrospect, the entire team should have realized what was going on with you a lot sooner. To their credit, most of them had noticed that something was different about you, but other than Nat and Wanda none of them had a guess as to what exactly that was. 
The men appeared completely clueless in respect to the cause of the recent changes in you. Even Clint, a married father of three, hadn't caught on even after he'd seen you leaving the bathroom having clearly just thrown up. Tony had been the closest to figuring it out of the all men, having noticed your odd mood swings and crying fits as they became more and more frequent. He noted the same behavioral pattern as he'd found himself stuck in after the Battle of New York, and secretly worried for your mental well-being. He hadn't felt comfortable enough to broach the topic with you just yet though, instead opting to watch you from a distance for the time being. 
The women, however, seemed to understand almost instantly what was going on. Nat had figured things out once she realized that you had been skipping training lately and noticed that you and Peter barely appeared to leave one another's sides for even a moment. Wanda based her guess almost solely upon the fact that she could just feel that something was different about you; your entire energy had changed in the last few weeks and she noted it even before Peter had. Both women had their suspicions, but had seemingly agreed to keep their thoughts to themselves until you were ready to tell the team what was going on. 
Your dads were a different story altogether. 
It took Steve and Bucky much longer to notice something had changed with their daughter, Steve longest of all. Either you'd done a great job of avoiding your Pops or he'd been incredibly unobservant (or more likely both), but he hadn't seen anything that he would've considered out of the ordinary for you. 
That is, until today. 
Steve was on his feet in an instant, sprinting into the kitchen at the sound of your enraged scream. He skidded to a stop and surveyed the room with a trained look for the source of danger, but found none. In fact, you and Sam were the only two in the space as far as he could tell. Sam's back was pressed snugly against the furthermore countertop as you practically cornered him, the older man clearly caught off guard by your sudden burst of rage. You flung your hands around wildly as you yelled, one gripping a box so tightly that your knuckles were beginning to turn a concerning shade of white.
Completely bewildered, Steve watched in stunned silence for moment as you fumed and screamed expletives at the slightly-terrified looking Sam, without any clear indication as to what had happened. 
"Y/N Barnes-Rodgers!" Steve scolded you finally, momentarily stopping your verbal assault. "What in God's name is going on here?" 
Your eyes turned to your Pops' briefly before flickering back to glare in Sam's direction. 
"Pigeon-brain ate the last of my oreos," you seethed, walking forward and jabbing an accusatory finger to Sam's chest, his hands instantly flying upwards in surrender.
 Steve felt his jaw drop in utter disbelief.
“What’s with all the commotion in here?” Bucky interrupted, striding into the kitchen much as Steve had moments ago and joining his husband's side with a confused look on his face. Steve crossed his arms and frowned at their daughter. 
“Apparently our daughter is screaming at Sam because he ate her cookies.” your Pops explained tersely.
“Not cookies, oreos,” you muttered, glare never wavering from Sam. You furiously threw the offending empty package roughly at his still bewildered face in lieu of another expletive. Sam was evidently so bewildered, in fact, that he didn't even flinch as the box hit his head and bounced pathetically to the floor. 
Bucky raised his eyebrow. 
“And that’s why you’ve been screaming like that?” he confirmed. You nodded, arms crossing your chest stubbornly. 
Bucky shrugged, looking towards his husband with a look of indifference. “Makes sense.”
“No, it absolutely does not make sense,” Steve lightly scolded, glancing at Bucky with a pointed look before returning his gaze to you. “Y/N you’re completely overreacting. Apologise to Sam right now.”
Your mouth dropped open, and you gaped at your dads with an expression that was equal parts betrayal and rage. 
“No?” Steve repeated incredulously. He stared at you with disbelief, looking between you and Bucky like he was hoping he’d somehow misheard you. You met his glance with an equally stubborn look as you planted your feet solidly beneath you and tightened the cross of your arms. “What do you mean, no?”
“You heard me,” you spat, unwavering. 
Sam merely looked confused as he watched the two of you argue, if albeit still a bit scared, but Bucky was sure his shock was evident on his face. You never back-sassed your Pops, not even when you were really angry, and Bucky only felt his disbelief grow at the prospect that your attitude was all due to a few cookies. 
"Y/N, you don't get to tell me no," Steve ground out carefully, voice stern with a rare sort of parental authority he seldom had to use with you. In fact, Bucky was pretty sure he hadn't actually heard him use this particular tone since way back when you were a toddler testing the limits of your dads' patience. But unlike your three-year-old self, you didn't back down at your Pops' disapproving tone; in fact, you met his intense stare with a flippant roll of your eyes, deepening your dad's shock at your abrupt behavioral shift. 
"He fucking knows what he did, everyone knows those oreos are mine," you snapped, eyes alight with a kind of fury the likes of which your dads had never seen from you before. 
"Language!" Steve gasped at his daughter, his authoritative tone giving way to a spluttering one of complete disbelief. 
"FUCK OFF!" you shouted instantly. 
Bucky had officially had enough. Irritation blossomed deep within his chest at the hurt he saw wash through his husband's eyes at your vulgar screech. Teenaged angst was one thing, but it was entirely another to blatantly disrespect Steve like you were. He still didn't know what was really causing you to act like this--because no way in hell could this be all over some oreos-- but he'd definitely passed the point where he even cared. 
"Doll, that’s enough. Clearly you're upset, but you cannot speak to your Pops like that," he practically growled. You turned your attention to your dad with the same kind of indignant irritation in your eyes, a flash of fresh anger rolling across your face at the sight of Bucky's equally irate expression. 
"You can fuck off too," you spat.
 Bucky's jaw clenched dangerously, the muscle in his cheek jumping and twitching as he took in his daughter's crass retort. Sam had long since left the scene, the nearly suffocating tension officially too much for him to take. Steve's eyes went wide for what felt like the millionth time since he'd first walked into the kitchen. If he hadn't known something was wrong before, he undoubtedly did now. 
You may not disobey him often, but you never snapped at Bucky. 
Steve had long since accepted that, though you loved the two of them the same, you'd always liked Bucky more. A daddy's girl from birth, you and Bucky had always been inseparable-- so for you to now scream and curse at him like this was like a flaming-red flag in Steve's mind. 
Something was definitely wrong. 
"Excuse me?" Bucky hissed. The two of you faced one another, arms crossed and expressions grim. You planted your feet even more solidly underneath you, staring your dad down with a fury so intense it was almost palpable. If it weren't for the overall tension of the situation, Steve might've teased the two of you for your near-mirrored positions. 
"Y/N? What's going on, I thought I heard yelling?" Peter asked as he practically skidded into the kitchen. He immediately joined you, face morphing into a look of utter concern at the sight of yours and Bucky's standoff. Steve braced himself, mentally apologizing to Peter for the verbal assault that was surely coming his way. 
But it never came. 
It was as if all the unwarranted anger was sucked from your body in a rush as soon as you caught sight of your boyfriend. Your face crumpled into an anguished expression, and Steve could see how the tears welled up in your eyes instantaneously. Peter clicked his tongue in pity and you thrust yourself instantly into his awaiting arms. He gripped you tightly, and you eagerly buried yourself further into his embrace. Face smashed tightly against his chest, you began to sob uncontrollably.
Your dads gaped at the scene, wide-eyed. 
"S-sam ate my oreos a-and now everyone's mad at me, and I j-just wanted my snack!" you all but wailed, voice muffled by Peter's body. 
Bucky blinked once as he turned to his husband, total confusion written all over his features. Steve just gaped in response, unable to formulate a semi-coherent thought, let alone words. 
"Oh angel, it's okay," Peter cooed softly into your hair, hands rubbing up and down your back soothingly as you continued to cry. "I can go and get you more oreos; don't cry Y/N/N, I'll just run down to the store right now to get you some."
Lifting your head from his chest, you seemed slightly placated and hopeful as you sniffled and looked up at him. 
"C-can I come with you?" you asked him shyly, tear-stained cheeks turning a slight shade of pink at your childish request. Peter smiled fondly down at you, clearly happy to see that you were feeling better. 
"Of course, it'll be nice to walk with you," he smiled sweetly at you and lightly kissed your nose. You giggled as you removed yourself from his embrace before walking over to your dads. 
"M'sorry I shouted daddys. Love you guys!" you apologized in a chipper voice before kissing both of the men's bewildered cheeks. 
The two supersoldiers both stood in stunned silence as they watched you leave hand in hand with Peter, who briefly shot them an apologetic look before the pair were gone. Steve thought he heard Peter mumbling something to Y/N as they left, but the only words he could pick out were "not good to get so worked up", which only confused him further. 
"What in the hell was that?" Bucky grumbled, face still crinkled with bewilderment. Steve simply shook his head. 
"I have absolutely no idea. I've never seen her behave like that, have you?"
"Nothing like that, but she was acting funny the other day too," he frowned, recalling the scene he'd walked in on just a few days prior. "She was full out sobbing on the couch a few days ago over a toilet paper commercial."
Steve gaped at his husband. 
"Doll have you seen your Pops? I can't find him any-"
Bucky's question died in his throat as soon as he hit the threshold of the TV room. You were curled up on the couch, arms wrapped around your knees as sobs racked through you. Peter sat next to you with his eyes crinkled in concern and hands rubbing gently at your shoulders as you cried. 
"Y/N what's wrong, why are you crying?" Bucky asked. Feeling his protective instincts kick in instantly,  he couldn't help but search the room with his eyes in search of any danger. Finding nothing, he narrowed his eyes at your boyfriend.
"Did he do something?" Bucky demanded. "Parker I swear to God if you hurt her I-" 
"What? N-no I didn't do anything Mr. Bucky I swear!" Peter spluttered, eyes widening in fear at the terrifying look in your dad's eyes. 
"Bullshit, then why's she crying like that? Of course you did someth-"
"N-no it's not P-peter dad!" you interrupted tearfully. "There was an ad on TV that just made me emotional okay? You know, the one with the boy crying in the bathroom and his dad offers him toilet paper for his tears?"
There was a beat of silence. 
"Doll, you really mean to tell me that you're sobbing over a toilet paper ad?" Bucky asked, brows furrowed in disbelief. You sniffled as you nodded, and fresh tears began to pick your eyes once more. 
"Yes! I mean it's just so inspiring," you blubbered. "I mean how often do you actually get to see a teenaged boy cry on TV? Never, cause toxic masculinity standards in this stupid patriarchal society we all live in say otherwise! And not only does the dad accept that his son is crying and is allowed to feel real emotions, he sits down to talk with him about them! I just got so happy thinking about all the little boys who will see this ad and feel the validation that they're normal for feeling sad every once in a while!"
Bucky just stared at his daughter with a blank look for a moment; he looked like he was unable to formulate a single response to the information he'd just been given. 
"Well that's...uh….that's great I gue-"
"I can't believe you would just assume that me crying just had to be because of something Peter did," you interrupted, angrily brushing the leftover tears from your face. "It's so unfair, you always blame him for everything!"
"I-uh," Bucky stammered, flustered by the sudden change in your emotions. You scoffed and stood quickly from your spot in Peter's embrace, crossing your arms petulantly. 
"It's true dad, you're always looking for something to yell at him for! It's so biased and unfair," you practically yelled. "Honestly it's such prejudiced bullshit. Some kind of outdated 'lock up your daughters' rhetoric that I can't believe yo…"
At some point during your impassioned speech you began stomping away from both your dad and Peter while still ranting. As your shouts became fainter and fainter Bucky found himself directing his dumbfounded expression at Peter instead. In a rare show of solidarity with your boyfriend, Bucky silently begged for an explanation as to what on earth had just happened. 
Despite the way his heart was hammering wildly in his chest Peter remained silent. He offered only a passive shrug to your dad before he clambered to his feet and began following after you. If Bucky hadn't been caught so off guard he surely would've been suspicious at the visible sweat that was beading on Peter's forehead and the way the young boy's hands trembled as he quickly left the room, the question of what was causing your mood swings laying thickly unanswered in the air. 
"What the fu-"
"She...a toilet paper ad? Really?"
"Yep, a friggin' toilet paper commercial," Bucky nodded solemnly. Steve blinked once, shaking his head. 
"So what did you do?" he asked incredulously. 
"Nothin'," Bucky shrugged. "She was so damned worked up that I figured she needed some space, and by the time I went to talk to her she'd already seemed completely fine. Thought it wasn't worth upsetting her all over again."
Steve snorted. 
"Yeah right, you were just too scared you would make her mad again," he chuckled. 
"Hell yeah I was," Bucky admitted freely, crossing his arms and shooting his husband a defiant expression. "You've seen her, you know how terrifying she can be when she's pissed!"
Steve chuckled once more, shaking his head fondly. 
"Mmmm, and I wonder where she got that from."
Bucky narrowed his eyes and scowled at the implication, a surly look overtaking his features. Steve couldn't help but laugh outright at the expression on his husband's face; it was the exact same face you always made when you were annoyed, right down to the little pout in your lip. 
"For the last time Stevie, she doesn't get that from me," he grumbled. 
"Sure Buck, whatever you say," Steve laughed. 
Though your odd behavior and mood swings were at least now on both your dads' radar, neither had any clue as to the actual reason for your sudden changes. The pair of them chalked up the incidents to little more than teenaged angst, however they had no idea how wrong they were nor just how soon they were about to find out what was really going on. 
"I don't understand Y/N," Steve stated carefully. "Why exactly don't you want to go with the team?"
You shifted your weight from foot to foot anxiously, huffing out a breath in mock annoyance and very real frustration. 
You'd been in the training room, lightly working out with Nat and Wanda when your Pops and Tony had walked in to announce that there was an urgent mission that apparently would require the entire team. Internally cursing your timing, you'd tried to sneak out of the room unnoticed, but as your luck would have it, your dad caught you. Now you were stuck arguing with your dads, the attention and curiosity of everyone in the gym directed at you. 
Your heart was thrumming wildly in your chest as you furiously racked your brain for some way, any way, out of this assignment and this conversation without an actual reason. 
Well, a reason you were actually willing to give, that is.
"Why does it even matter?" you snapped, hoping that no one clocked the tremor in your voice. "It's not like you guys even need me anyways."
"Doll, you always jump at the chance to come with us," your dad interjected. "So what's so different about today?"
"I just don't want to," you whined, lying through your teeth. "I'm tired and I don't feel good."
"But you were literally just training?" Sam pointed out. You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation bubbling under the surface of your anxiety at the contradiction. The older man shrank back a bit under your firey gaze, the previous incident in the kitchen clearly prominent in his mind as he stepped behind Wanda. 
Clint snorted. 
"If you could even call that training," he mumbled under his breath. Your jaw dropped. 
"What is this, gang up on Y/N day?!" you sassed as your arms flew to cross your chest defensively. Your Pops shook his head. 
"We're just worried Y/N/N," he reassured, brows furrowed with concern. "You've been behaving very strangely lately, and this is just one more thing."
"Yeah doll," Bucky nodded, agreeing with his husband. "So what gives?"
Your pulse sped up once more at the direct question, a sickening feeling rising in your throat like bile at the realization of just how suspicious your dads were. Unable to think clearly through your panic, you did the only thing you could think of. 
You scoffed in fake disbelief, rolled your eyes, and began stomping out of the room. 
"Y/N Barnes-Rodgers!" your dad shouted in an indignant and angered tone. "We are not done talking about this!" 
"What?!" you whirled around, stomping your foot like a child. "I just don't want to go this time okay?"
Bucky's face turned red at your open defiance, but Steve interrupted before he could even open his mouth to snap back at you. 
"No Y/N it's absolutely not okay," he scolded. You felt the burn of unshed tears prick your eyes as they searched desperately around the room, mind racing to think of an excuse that would get you out of this situation. 
"No, no buts Y/N," your dad barked, clearly having composed himself enough to speak once more. His arms were crossed as he glared at you, and the stubbornly annoyed look on his face was enough to make the tears in your eyes begin to fall. A feeling of utter entrapment and fear settled in your chest like a suffocating weight as you felt the hot, fresh tears stream down your cheeks. 
"Doll, are you crying?" your Pops questioned incredulously. "What on earth is going on with you?"
"Nothing! I just can't go today," you blubbered, past the point of being able to hold back your sobs. 
"You can't go, or you won't go?" Bucky asked pointedly, evidently not swayed by your tears. 
"It doesn't matter," you cried desperately. Your dad's eyes bored into yours directly as if he was searching your brain to find out what you were holding back from him. 
"It clearly does matter, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like this," he continued harshly. "I'm not sure what it is you aren't telling us, but I don't even care at this point. Stark said he needs everyone and your Pops told you to go, so you need to get yourself together and go and get ready."
The tears were now cascading down your face in giant streams and your face was growing warmer by the second. You darted your gaze back and forth between the other team members' faces, still searching for some kind of last minute way out of this situation. Finding only curious or concerned expressions, you turned back to your dads with wide eyes. You felt your mouth go dry as your lips open and closed wordlessly, the severity of your current predicament weighing you down more and more by the second. 
"No. I don't want to hear another word from you Y/N," your dad snapped. "Go and get ready for the mission now."
"But she can't go!"
Time stopped for a split second as the entire room's heads snapped towards the desperate shout.
Peter had only just entered the training room, wondering where everyone was, when he caught the tail end of your dad's order. He couldn't help but blurt the first thing that'd come to mind, the implication of which only dawned on him afterwards. As he rushed to your side he shot you a sheepish look, and you internally cringed a bit at his slip. 
Even though you were certain Peter's involvement would only further reduce your already slim chances of getting out of this mission without a full confession of what was really going on, you couldn't help but feel an inkling of relief as his eyes locked with yours. His hand immediately intertwined itself with yours once he'd reached you, and your belly fluttered with a warm tinge of comfort with the simple touch.
True, things were probably about to go sideways for the both of you, but at least Peter was here to go through it by your side. 
"Excuse me Parker?" your dad spat incredulously, eyes blazing with anger at your boyfriend's outburst. "I don't recall asking you for your opinion on my daughter or what she can or can't do."
Peter stood a little taller as he looked Bucky straight in the eyes with an unprecedented amount of determination. 
"She can't go." he practically growled, eyes stern and unyielding as he openly defied your dad. He was standing a half-step in front of you, tense back partially shielding you from the rest of the team as he spoke.
 Even with his face turned the opposite direction you could see from his profile the way his brows were furrowed and how dark his normally chocolate brown eyes had gotten. You felt a slight shiver run up your spine at the fiercely protective energy Peter was radiating, and your heart felt a bit lighter at the way he stood up to your dad on your behalf. You squeezed his hand in an effort to ground him, and he softened marginally as he glanced back at you.
Your dad however looked as if he might combust soon based on the way his eyes bulged out and his face turned a concerning shade of red. 
"What's that supposed to mean Peter?" Steve interjected carefully, his hand reaching up to rest comfortingly on his husband's shoulder. 
"It means exactly what we said," Peter said firmly. "Y/N cannot go on this mission today."
The team watched the interaction between you, Peter, and your dads with their heads bouncing back and forth between the four of you like they were watching a tennis match. Not a word had been uttered from a single one of them, and yet they stood completely transfixed as they waited patiently to see the outcome of the argument. 
"And why, pray tell, is that Parker?" your dad hissed, scowl etched across his features. 
Peter's eyes traveled to yours, irises swimming with a silent question. Realizing that there was no way out, you took a steadying breath as you nodded softly and squeezed his hand once more in reassurance. Peter smiled at you fondly before dropping his smile and turning back to your parents. 
"She can't go because...it could be bad for the baby."
You could've heard a pin drop in the training room. No one made a sound, no one even dared to breathe. The shock in the room was palpable, but you couldn't be bothered to even glance at anyone other than your dads, their reactions the only two that mattered to you in this moment. 
Though you'd expected a rather explosive reaction from your parents (especially from your dad), you were met instead with blank stares. Your dads were simply staring at you and Peter in stunned silence, and their lack of a response actually frightened you more than the screaming you'd been anticipating for weeks now. The beat of silence seemed to stretch on eternally, though in reality it was probably no more than thirty seconds. You watched nervously, your hand becoming sweaty in Peter's as you waited. Finally, your Pops blinked and opened his mouth cautiously. 
"Bad for the wha-"
Ahhh. There it was. 
Your dad had clearly broken through his frozen thoughts enough to respond, and you would've laughed if you weren't so terrified. He looked positively furious; his eyes were darker than you'd ever seen them and his face had darkened from red to an almost purple color that looked painful to say the least. His murderous gaze was hyper-fixated on Peter, and you couldn't help but step in front of your poor boyfriend in an effort to take some of the heat off him. 
Peter, evidently, was having none of that, and he frowned before pulling you backwards and tucking you into his side tightly. If you hadn't been so focused on your dad right now you might've rolled your eyes at his over-protectiveness. Instead you allowed yourself the comfort of his embrace as you took a steadying breath. 
"It's not," you responded as calmly as you could manage while your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your throat. "I'm pregnant."
Silence enveloped the room once more, and you could've sworn it was even more awkward than the first time. It must've been, because you could see Nat and Wanda ushering the rest of the team out of the gym out of the corner of your eye. You weren't quite sure if you were grateful for the privacy or more scared of how your dads would react now that you were alone.
Your dads stared at you and Peter with wildly different expressions. Steve was staring off into space and looking as if he was either going to throw up or pass out soon, and Bucky still looked as if he was about a half a second away from murdering Peter with his bare hands. To his credit, Peter was still standing by your side with the same look of determination as before despite this, but you could feel the way his pulse was hammering through his veins as he too carefully surveyed your dads' reactions.
You stood quietly, trying to be patient as you watched them, but the suspense and anticipation quickly became overwhelming and you couldn't help but blurt,
"Say something!"
Though both their gazes snapped up to your face with your plea, yet neither your dad nor you Pops said anything. You were suddenly overcome with the urge to explain yourself. 
"I know that you're probably in shock or angry or maybe both- and honestly that's completely fair!" You rambled breathlessly. "I know we're still only eighteen, but I really think everything's gonna be okay? Really, I do. And I'm so sorry about today, believe me this isn't how we planned on telling you at all bu-"
"You're not coming on the mission," Steve interrupted, his voice completely devoid of emotion. "Nor is Peter. Your dad and I will be back later, and we're all going to have a long discussion."
It felt like all the air was sucked out of your body as you watched your Pops pull your dad towards the training room exit. You hadn't been fully sure of just how you were going to tell them, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that it would come out like this. Tears once more welling up in your eyes, your heart sank as you realized just how disappointed and angry they were. 
"I love you," your voice cracked as you called to their retreating forms, unable to bear the sight of them leaving without reminding them. They both paused in the doorway, and without turning back both muttered that they loved you too before they were gone. 
As soon as they left you immediately twisted yourself and thrust your face into Peter's chest, the tears flowing steadily as you sobbed. He wrapped his arms tightly around your shaking form, lips finding the crown of your head and hands rubbing soothingly across your back. 
"Th-they hate me now," you whispered brokenly into Peter's soft hoodie in between sobs. "They hate me Pete, they're n-never going to forgive me for this!"
Peter shushed you quietly, gentle lips kissing your hair as he began to sway you back and forth slowly. 
"They don't hate you angel," he soothed. "They're just surprised. Disappointed in the timing maybe, but they'll get over it. I promise."
"I never wanted it to go like this," you cried as you pulled your head from his chest slightly. Peter's hands left your back for a moment to come and rest on either of your cheeks. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before retreating upwards to look deep into your eyes. 
"I know you didn't sweet girl, but it did," he said gently as he brushed away some of your tears with the pads of his thumbs. "It did and it's going to be okay. We'll talk to your dads when they get back and clear everything up. And no matter what, you and I are going to get through this together, okay?"
You sniffled softly, nodding sadly. Peter's eyes were swimming with guilt and dejection at the sight of the empty expression on your face. He didn't know how to comfort you in this situation, but it was like every molecule in his body was demanding he do so. He leaned down once more to press a loving kiss to your forehead, then your cheeks, your nose, and finally your lips. 
You sighed, head retreating back to his chest once your lips disconnected. Sadness was still swirling in your stomach and you just longed for the feeling that being in Peter's arms brought. He seemed to understand perfectly- as he always did- pressing his cheek to the top of your head and wrapping his arms tightly around you without a word. The two of you stood there for a while, bodies entangled as you continued lightly swaying back and forth. Peter's hands continued to roam up and down your spine and your tears began to slow and dry. 
Eventually you hummed, stepping back and up on your toes to press an appreciative kiss to Peter's face. He smiled as a faint pink tinted his cheeks at your display of affection. You giggled, slightly amazed that even after everything you two had done, something as simple as a peck on the cheek could still make him blush.
"Thank you," you said quietly, looking up into his eyes. He quirked an eyebrow at you in confusion. 
"For staying with me through all that. I mean it's you, so I wasn't really worried...but my dad can be really frightening. So thanks," you half joked. 
Peter chuckled lightly as he pulled you back into his arms once more. 
"Of course angel. Told you, I'm never going to leave you. Even if your dad is super scary. You two are stuck with me now. I'm never ever going to leave you or our baby," he vowed quietly into your hair as his hands reached down to rub the small but growing bump in your tummy lovingly. "We're gonna get through this all together, as a family."
You felt tears well up in your eyes once more, but this time out of sheer love and happiness.
 Damned hormones. 
"You're gonna be such a good daddy Peter," you whispered gratefully. Hearing the slight crack in your voice, Peter pulled you away from his chest gently to wipe your tear stained cheeks once more. 
"Hey now, no more tears today," he scolded playfully as he tugged you across the room. "When's the last time you ate something? We have the whole kitchen to ourselves now, and I bet my babies are hungry!"
You chuckled lightly as you allowed him to pull you along with him towards the kitchen. All the while, he chattered happily about the new article he'd just read about the specific nutritional needs pregnant women have, and your heart swelled at his thoughtfulness. You were still apprehensive about the upcoming conversation with your dads, but you were definitely feeling better. As much as their approval and involvement would mean to you, you'd come to the conclusion that as long as you had Peter by your side everything would work out alright. 
"Petey, are you sure you don't need any-"
"No! Nope. I've got this," your boyfriend interrupted stubbornly. You signed, hand absentmindedly rubbing across your swollen stomach as you watched him struggle with the latch on the new crib the two of you were setting up. 
Well, the crib that Peter was setting up. 
It'd been a few months since the team had found out about the newest upcoming addition to the Tower, and you'd decided that it was time to begin decorating the nursery. Tony, of course, had offered to have someone come in to do all the heavy lifting, but Peter was insistent that he be the one to set everything up. His protectiveness over you and the rapidly growing child you were carrying had only increased as the months went on, so much so that you were lucky now if he'd even let you stand for long enough to watch him put the baby's furniture together. It was endearing, really, how much he cared for the two of you, but you'd be lying if you said that you weren't becoming a little frustrated with how little you could do to help. 
"Really Peter, I can help," you grumbled, annoyed. "I'm pregnant, not disabled."
"Of course you could help angel, but I don't need help," he grunted, eyes never leaving the mass of parts around him. "You already have to do all the work of growing and housing our baby, the least I can do is build the crib!"
"Housing?" you teased, quirking an eyebrow.
"You know what I meant," he grumbled, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his growing frustration. 
Peter was clearly losing his grip just a bit as he struggled to make sense of the instructions that had been provided with the pieces. He sighed, throwing the pamphlet down on the ground before trudging over to where you stood, leaning against the changing table that he'd put together a few days ago. 
"I've engineered web-fluid from absolutely nothing, re-built computers from scratch and yet I can't even manage to put this stupid bed together," he whined as he dropped his head down onto your shoulder in defeat. "M'gonna be a terrible father."
"Ohhh bubs," you cooed sympathetically, smile falling quickly and heart lurching at the tone of pure dejection in his voice. 
You wrapped your arms around him, one snaking around his back and the other cradling his head. Your fingers began instantly carding through his chocolate-brown locks as he nuzzled his nose lightly into the junction of your neck and shoulder. His hands wound their way around your waist too- or as well as they could with your round tummy in the way- and his own hands began absentmindedly tracing patterns over your bump.
"Peter you have to know that isn't true," you soothed, kissing his cheek softly. "You're going to be an amazing dad."
He hummed non-commitally. 
"You think you're not?" you challenged, fingers halting their dance against his scalp. "Do the thing."
He raised his head from your shoulder, brows furrowed in confusion. 
"What does that have to do with-"
"Do the thing," you interrupted sternly. He sighed and knelt down, grumbling inaudible complaints as he went. Once he was face to face with your bump he placed his hands on either side, thumbs rubbing soft circles into your stretched-out skin.
"Hi baby, it's me, your daddy," he spoke softly into your stomach, lips so close that you shivered with each breath that ghosted over your clothed belly. "I love you so much."
The baby responded instantly at the sound of Peter's voice, feet jabbing out and kicking excitedly from within just underneath where his hands lay. You felt your heart skip a beat at both the feeling the movement in your belly and the sight of the dopey smile that lit up Peter's handsome face as he felt his child's kicks. You rubbed over his hands lovingly and smiled down at him.
"See bubs? He starts throwing a party in there every time you do that. He loves you so much already, that's not gonna change," you reassured him softly. Peter's smile dropped just a little. 
"But the crib-"
"Fuck the crib," you responded stubbornly. "You are the most caring, sweetest, and most thoughtful person I know Peter. You're going to be the world's best dad."
"Whoa whoa, believe we're the ones with the mugs that claim that title," a voice chuckled from the doorway. 
You smiled fondly, eyes darting to find the sight of your Pops leaning casually against the frame of the door with your dad standing just behind him. Both had amused smiles on their faces, and you grinned widely. Even Peter smiled as he rose to his feet and wrapped one of his arms around your back to pull you into his side. 
"Okay, third best dad in the world then," you amended, grinning. 
"That's better," your dad piped up, smiling. "Now what's this I hear about a faulty crib? Sam said he can hear Peter cursing all the way from his room."
Peter groaned, tilting his head backwards in exasperation as you laughed out loud. 
"It isn't faulty, I'm just an idiot," Peter grumbled. Everyone but him chuckled, and your dad walked further into the room. He clapped a hand on Peter's back as he grinned at the younger man. 
"Normally I'd agree with you, but I know if I do Steve will bring up how Y/N had to sleep in the bassinet for like 6 months because we couldn't figure out how to put her crib together."
"You mean you couldn't figure it out," your Pops snorted from his place in the doorway. "As I recall, I was not allowed to help with the furniture because you were determined to figure it out on your own."
Bucky shrugged, seemingly indifferent to his husband's insinuation. 
"Whatever. Point is, I wanted to see if you wanted some help putting it together. Thought I might be able to give you some tips," your dad continued. Peter's smile widened, and he nodded eagerly before your dad knelt down to help try and make sense of the directions.
The discussion after the incident in the training room had gone much better than you would've ever imagined. Both your dads had been relatively calm once they'd returned from their mission, and surprisingly there had been no screaming, no crying, and no threats towards Peter from Bucky like you'd been picturing. The four of you had sat down together and had a long, mature discussion of what your plans were in terms of raising and caring for your child, and by the end your dads had even seemed enthusiastic about the prospect of being grandparents. Their involvement and excitement had only grown in the following months to the point now that you felt silly for ever having been frightened to tell them. 
And now as you stood watching your boyfriend and dad work together to put your child's room together, tears began collecting in your eyes and you felt your chest warm with feelings of overwhelming love. Steve, noticing your tears, moved to wrap his arms around you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. Rubbing your belly lovingly, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over you for the men in your life and love for the little one that you'd all be meeting soon. 
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