#and since i'm the only one home and physically fine I'll be doing most of the spring cleaning again
permanentreverie · 1 year
I am working 6 days next week someone shoot me in the head
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fly-sky-high-09 · 1 year
I should maybe get to try design those slugcat adopts I've planned some time soon
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catchingdaydreams · 3 months
Beach Day!🏖️
Mithrun x Gardener Reader
Part 1 here to make sense of some stuff
Word count: idk 2000 ish.
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Begrudgingly the summers heat over the island became too burdensome to work along your orchids for the past couple of days. It was particularly a good season too for your plum trees but this blistering heat made up unable to harvest at this time. Furthermore, you were more afraid of your friend and helper, Mithrun of passing out from heatstroke....again. And you really didn't want to spend the hot summer afternoon playing hide and seek, looking for him among the many acres that were bestowed onto you.
Staying indoors wasn't very productive either. The times that you don't work, you spend having tea with Mithrun in your green house. He had picked up a bit of a bad habit from trying to slowly regain his desires again. See he became very picky, stubborn even , noting that he only would rest and have tea in the same spot. Before you got well accustomed to him, you immediately chased him out with your broom when you first invited him into your home only for him to call it as quote " a poor shack that even the rats won't nest in". At the moment he still won't even step inside your home, despite your friendship blooming. The last mention of it, he made a puzzlingly looking expression. For a brief second you saw his ears twitch from his hair, catching flushed redness. But that could have been just your imagination.
Nevertheless the green house was out of the question, for it was way too hot to endure as well. As you were thinking of a way you would be spending your time with Mithrun today and an excellent idea popped into your head.
"The beach?" Mithrun mimicked, confused at your sudden suggestion. "Yeah! Why not. It's too hot to do anything today and I thought, what's something I haven't done in a long time and can escape this awful weather by doing it". Mithrun hummed, looking in deep thought. One might think by looking at him that he seemed completely uninterested. But you knew him long enough to at least pick up a few signs. There was curiosity in his eyes for the most part but hesitation pooled in.
" I don't think Cithis would agree with this. I'm not allowed to go near large bodies of water". Mithrun stated. There were many things he still wasn't allowed to do on his own anymore, not since the time he became a lord of the dungeon. Most rules he followed were for his health, both mentally and physically. Pattadol even bestowed you the rights to cut his hair. You thought it was strange at first until she quickly filled in on his situation and his not so past history with sharp objects. The elves method that cutting others hair was a sacred thing among family and close friends, that I should feel honored to do it. In reality you only do it as Mithrun had stopped anyone else from touching his hair , proclaiming that you did a better job at evening it.
In the moment you laughed at his response.
You found his statement kinda ironic too as he didn't care at all what the Canaries thought now, especially when he was wandering off to see you while they had no clue where he was. Your laughter was interrupted as he spoke again.
"I cannot swim either" he stated, this time a bit meekly, almost embarrassed. " Not with the ocean's current." You understood what he meant. His body was still too weak for physical endurance. That's why he uses magic most of the time for travelling to see you.
"that's fine, you should be alright if you just stick to the shallows. And even if you get swept away I can come rescue you!" You reassured Mithrun, grabbing his hand and giving a light squeeze.
"so you be my knight in shining armor then?" Mithrun says his usual monotone voice, but smiles.
"mmm probably not the shining armor part, I think I'll just sink to the ocean floor before reaching you" You joke, acting it out dramatically, pulling Mithrun down with you ever so slightly as you kept holding his hand.
He smile grows.
"Maybe a siren would be more befitting with you, y/n. Considering your dragging me down with you already. How monstrous." You just gently shove him at his response.
You quickly collect yourself and make way into your home, gathering up all the necessary equipment before coming back out. Interlocking your arms with his you say your ready to teleport there. And in a flash your gone.
"um Mithrun?"
"this isn't the beach"
Looking around, Mithrun quickly took in that in fact this was not a beach but at the entrance of a dungeon.
"Oh, yeah I don't think this is the beach"
"Mithan, the beach this time".
Several teleports later the two of you eventually find yourself along a secluded beach. You stretch as you take in the sea air. Already the coolness of the oceans breeze was doing wonders for you.
You sigh as you plob down your towels in the nearest shade. You pat a spot for Mithrun to sit and he follows instantly. From your supplies you carried along a picnic basket.
"thought we might eat first before we go for a swim. It's not what we usually have, but this is more fitting for this setting" you say as you take out various fruits and cheese you got from the market, alongside some cracker's and bread.
Mithrun ponders over the options before noticing something was missing. "No tea?" His ears dropped as he could not find is favorite lemon tea packed along with everything else.
You snort. "Oh Mithrun, that's something a bit hard for me to make. I know you can make the water boil with your magic and such but I wanted you to try something else. You'll be the first one to taste it too.
That seems to cheer him up a bit. More curious if anything.
Reaching into the basket you pull out a small flask and two shot glasses. Pouring the clear liquid in both you hand it to Mithrun. He inspects before taking a small sip. Instantly he gags at the strong flavor, quickly picking up a few sliced apples to get rid of the taste.
"mmm might be too strong" you ponder, taking the shot in one go like it was nothing to you.
"Wha-what that?"Mithrun rasps.
"oh! It's Pálinka, it's an alcoholic drink made from some of the plums I was able to harvest. Thought you might like it but maybe a cherry base would have been better for you considering you like sour stuff more. Mmm sorry ."
"no, no it's.....nice" He lies, he couldn't even hide the disgusted look on his face.
"welp more for me", you take the shot glass from him and down the hatch it went.
"I can handle alcohol". He says.
"I'm sure you can". You don't fully believe him, certainly not after that reaction.
In the corner of your eye, you see Mithrun quickly tries to grab the flask out of your hands but you are faster. "You don't need to prove yourself, Mith, it's an acquired taste that not many tall man ourselves like." You say placing the beverage back into the basket. He just grumbles in response, nibbling on the crispy apples.
"Besides we came for the beach not to get drunk". You say picking on some fruits before getting up and taking your top off, reviling swimwear undergarments. As you were about to take your pants off you heard a Mithrun breath heavy, as if he was holding on to it before. You didn't bother to glace over as you were too preoccupied folding your clothes.
"nothing..." He quickly responds. It was in fact not nothing. He was lucky for you not to see his flushed shocked face as you stripped in front of him. He just managed to control his emotions in time as you turned around to place your clothes in the basket.
You just hummed at his response You didn't want to pressure him further on the matter. Besides you had other things to do Such as swimming.
You raced into the water, giggled at the relief it gave you from the summers heat. It was bliss. You call out to Mithrun stating the waters fine and to hop in with you.
He slowly gets up and trots to the waters edge. You know the whole beach thing was at the spare of the moment so Mithrun didn't have swim shorts with him so his pants would have to do. But as he entered the water you were quite puzzled as to why he didn't remove his long sleeved shirt.
"you're not taking your shirt off? It would be heavy to swim in it". The odds of him actually having trouble swimming would become higher if he kept it on. You went too fond of actually trying to save a drowning elf anytime soon.
Mithrun stopped, looking at you before quickly avoiding your gaze. A flash of emotion took his eyes. Pain, disgust and shame washed over.
"Im- you won't like it" he says, barely able to hear it.
"like what?" You say confused.
It took a few seconds before he spoke. As if unable to properly find the right words for what he was going to say next.
"My body. Isn't it right" it's a crit and vile tone as he spoke about himself.
You were still confused but concerned about how Mithrun was reacting. He took a glance at you and signed. He knew he didn't have to show it to you but he felt like he had no choice. Just let you see him and then you wouldn't bring it up again. You would be too disgusted anyway. He got over it and pulled his top partial up.
You didn't know what to expect. His stomach was adorned with warped skin that twists and pulls looking like it never truly healed properly. His lanky and frail form was littered in scar, some thick and asymmetrical, some thin, some repeated over and over in the same spot. It made your heart drop. Not how it looked but how awful Mithrun must feel.
Your lack of silence stung even more for Mithrun. He wanted to leave right then and there but was too frozen. He didn't even hear your voice call out to him. He was in a haze, about to shut down until you cupped his cheek, making him properly look at you. His glassy eye bore in shock as he looked directly in yours, searching for disgusted in any way shape or form. But there was none.
"You can keep your top on if you want to , if that's what makes you feel comfortable. But I just want to let you know I'm not disgusted nor I would look down on you for it. Never ever. You're still my friend Mithrun and Im here for you. All your scars, it shows you are a survivor, so strong and determined to continue on despite dealing the bad hand.... Oh I'm not good with these types of things when it comes to words but I hope that helps-ah!"
Mithrun pulls you into a tightly hug. He nests his face in on your shoulder, a feeling of dampness is on your skin. Your hands reach out to rub his back, soothing him as his cries in front of you for the first time. You let him continue letting it out, until cries become sniffles.
"...Thank you" he says meekly, still holding onto you with the same force, as if scared that you would disappear if he let's go.
"Do you still want to swim with me ?"
He just nods into your shoulder.
You're the one that breaks the hug but your hands move to his own and intertwine them as you guide him into the deeper water.
"wait". He says and you pause. He let go of your hand for a quick sec, to take off his top completely, chucking onto the sand. You smile as he grabs it again giving it a squeeze to confirm to continue.
The two of you spend most of your time in the water, cooling off and not drowning. As pleasant as it was you wanted to do other beach style activities with Mithrun. He in fact cannot build a sand castle. He was being too much of a perfectionist and would redo his castle again and again. It didn't help that the tide was coming in a swept away at one less imperfect castle he made. Shortly after you decided to look for seashells before arriving back on your towels and finishing whatever food was left.
Both of you lay down on the towel, taking in the warmth. Neither of you said a word to each other but there was no need to. Everything felt content. It was a pleasant day, you felt, spending it with your friend made you all the more content. And as you both further basked, the greater ease of sleep fell onto both of you till eventually you're snoozing together on this summer afternoon. Truly peaceful as if nothing could go wrong.....
You both got sunburnt.
"Oh my God, you look like a tomato!!" Fleki cackles as she slams her hands on the table, unable to control her fits of laughter as all the Canaries witness a very sunburnt Mithrun. She tired poking at his red skin but Pattadol swatted their hand away.
"Mmmm? He's not completely red though look there I think there are hand prints on his hips. Oh Mithrun you're not leaving much to the imagination are you. Quite Naughty~" Lycion giggled.
Mithrun shot him a glare.
"Well I think he's learnt his lesson. Next time please apply sunscreen." Pattadol stated as she applied aloa over his burnt back.
"I'm surprised he even took his shirt off, wasn't you with y/n? Usually you kick such a fuss about exposing your body even hiding your injuries from us. This is an odd change indeed" Otta says puzzled.
In the mist of all the chatting Mithrun turns his gaze to the only elf in the room who hasn't made some jab or snark comment about his appearance. Cithis smiles warmly at Mithrun, a sort of fondness like a mother has for a child. Deep down she knows something about Mithrun that he doesn't quite know himself yet.
"Did you have a fun day at the Beach, Mithrun?" She asks softly.
The group stops talking, all eyes are on him.
Mithrun ponders in deep thought. Recalling the events that took place today. The elves were shocked to see a cheshire cat like smile was plastered on his face as he gazed fondly into nothingness.
"Yeah, I think-no.... I know I did".
[Thanks for reading!]
This fic was just made up on the spot and was originally supposed to be a funny crack fic about Mithrun getting in all sorts of trouble at the beach in a comedic way. But as I kept writing I was like damn it's definitely not a crack fic. Anyway I am really happy with how this turned out.
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hyunjinners · 9 months
✧:・゚I Thought it Was Something Else → Hwang Hyunjin x reader ˚₊· ꒰☘️꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊Hyunjin's muscles were tense from the day's efforts, he deserved proper care.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊Hwang Hyunjin x fem!reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊established relationship, cute, soft, funny.
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊can be read with idol and non-idol, purposeful suggestive insinuation! It doesn't contain anything explicit, just humor and a cute moment between couples. ;)
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊1,05k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊I have a lot of chapter ideas in my head, but since most of them involve a bit of anguish, I decided to post some cute ones first. English is not my first language! Have a good read, I hope you enjoy <3 - reviews of my writing are welcome ;)
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A groan leaves Hyunjin's lips as he raises his arms, his right hand going against his left shoulder in an invalid attempt to ease his pain. His girlfriend watches him lie down on the living room couch while preparing snacks for them to watch movies together. She sighs displeased at the sight of her tired boyfriend.
It's been almost a month since Hyunjin has been coming home very late almost every day, busy with work that overwhelms him and keeps him busy until the early hours. Y/n admired the commitment he had to everything he did, always delivering the best results in his efforts. But when it started to affect him not only psychologically but also physically she had to talk to him.
He just explained with a tired gleam in his eyes that her hard work was paying off and that she didn't need to worry. Of course, she knew she would resist at first, but she couldn't help but worry about him and seeing him fidgeting on the living room couch on what was supposed to be their movie night, it made his bones ache and his heart squeeze in his chest.
Leaving what she was doing in the kitchen, Y/n cleaned the non-existent dirt from her hands by clapping them together before sitting down next to Hyunjin, He lifted her legs so she could settle next to him. "My love, do you want to go to sleep? You're tired and I promise I won't be upset-"
"No, no, no! Nothing like that, I finally arrived early this week and you already want to get rid of me?” His usual playful tone would make her laugh, but Y/n was more worried than anything else. Hyunjin gets up and wraps her in a hug, kissing the top of her head and speaking in a very low tone, his voice almost dragging in tiredness, "I promise I'm fine. I just want to spend time with the most beautiful girlfriend in the world." He laughs, kissing your cheek and then a simple kiss on your lips.
As if in a snap, an idea flashes in your head and a mischievous smile appears on your lips. Y/n quickly gets up, taking Hyunjin's hands as she pulls him towards the bedroom. Still laughing, Hyunjin looks at her confused and curious about where she wants to go. "Honey, what are you doing?" She lightly pushes him to sit on the bed while hovering over him with a loving, cheerful gaze. "Take off your shirt.”
Hyunjin's eyes widen as his voice catches in his throat. He watches her in surprise as Y/n walks towards the bathroom. "What?" He asks quietly, wondering if his tired mind made him hear wrong. "Take it off, I'll get the cream and be right back."
"What do you mean?" He stands up abruptly and feels pain in his back, making him lean lightly on the dresser next to him. His face started to heat up, his ears were red and he put his long blonde locks in front to cover them. His girlfriend enters the room with a smile and a slight expression of doubt as he is standing and clearly a little desperate. "What's wrong? Sit down. I'm sure you'll like it." She rests her hands on Hyunjin's shoulders, forcing him, albeit carefully, to sit on the bed again.
She snorts when she sees his resistance to taking off his shirt and walks around the bed, sitting behind him. She grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it up. Hyunjin bites his bottom lip, still nervous, but leaves Y/n in control of the awkward situation. After taking it off, the girl ties his hair into a messy bun so that it is not visible from behind.
Hesitantly, Hyunjin waits for what will happen not before he feels something cold on his back, giving him a shiver, soon after feeling small, light hands massaging the area of ​​his shoulders and neck, relief and embarrassment almost completely takes over him, not before being led to lie on his stomach so that he could facilitate the massage being distributed to his back.
He felt his muscles relax with the soft and sure touch of his girlfriend's hands, as if she knew the right spots where the pain presided in his limbs. Some time later, when his eyes were too heavy to keep open, he hears the soft sound of the lid of the jar of cream closing and a weight sinks beside him.
With his sleepy eyes already open, he finds his girlfriend looking at him affectionately with a relieved smile at finally seeing her boyfriend relaxed after days of tension and a lot of effort. He puts the shirt back on but not before pulling it up, where her head rests on his chest now covered by the thin fabric. She breathes in the scent of vanilla and medicinal cream that Hyunjin now exhales, closing her eyes as well, exhaustion finally hitting her.
"Did you like the massage?" She asks softly, hoping for a positive review from her boyfriend. With a low, sleepy laugh, Hyunjin kisses her on the forehead before speaking, "Thank you so much, I loved it. I really needed it, I think I feel a lot better now." He ponders for a moment before confessing quietly, "but I have to tell the truth, I thought it was something else. I'm sorry."
"Another thing? What do you mean" Y/n asks him, confused, but too tired to think about what it could be.
"Oh, my love… it's too embarrassing to say out loud."
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A/N - I hope you enjoyed! It was a different style of chapter that I decided to write. I'll try to post the maknae line from the stray kids Headcanons that I posted a while ago! You can access the first part here. Leave your feedback, I will be very grateful <3 like × reblog!¡ original by:: @hyunjinners ^-^
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wildlife4life · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @diazsdimples @thewolvesof1998 and @theotherbuckley Thank you so much! I'm super excited for all your upcoming works!
Going to be honest, the biggest reason I have been working on NFL Buck so much is because my favorite team (Kansas City Chiefs) has been doing very well in the playoffs. So fair warning, if they don't make it to the Super Bowl after this Sunday, writing for that fic will probably taper off and I'll switch to another. But until then, here is another snippet from NFL Buck and I'm hopping back to the end of the dosed arc. (All things NFL Buck can be found here)
Eddie gives him a nod of encouragement and Buck takes a deep breath, then releases it along with the majority of his nerves. He turns his full attention to Athena, her head still cocked with curiosity and her eyes gleaming with intrigue. Buck saw no hint of malice and with a squeeze to his hand from Eddie, his tongue finally loosened, "Eddie and I met when I was still in college. He was one of the paramedics on hand when I was knocked unconscious by a cheap shot from an Aggy. When I came to, Eddie was hovering above me and I literally thought he was an angle." Buck chuckles, remembering the moment his eyes opened and seeing the most beautiful man with the softest brown eyes surrounded by a halo of lights. "That was the concussion." Eddie snarks, but Buck can see the light blush on his boyfriend's cheeks from the corner of his vision. After all these years and Eddie still gets flustered by Buck's enamored compliments. "Well despite the head injury, I had a very hard time forgetting him and I tracked his fine ass down at our next home game. Asked him to dinner, and besides a few bumps along the way, here we are almost ten years later." Buck finishes and flashes a small smile towards Eddie, who returns it.
"And you've kept your relationship hidden all this time?" Athena questions sounding mildly impressed, but also a little sad. Buck deflates slightly, he always does when the whole secret part of his and Eddie's relationship is brought up. "We had to, or I had to. By the time Eddie came into my life, I had put in so much work and sacrifice to be where I was. I had dreamed of playing in the NFL since I was little and football was my greatest love at the time. But I also knew that the world I wanted to be apart of wasn't the most accepting of those who don't fit in the typical heteronormative box. Being an open bi-sexual man would lessen my opportunities and could have put my mental and physical health at risk. So I stayed closeted." "Yet you made the decision to pursue a same sex relationship." He gives the police sergeant a wistful smile, "The moment I met Eddie, I felt this amazing connection and then after our first non-date date, I knew I couldn't let him go, football career be damned." Buck looks over at the man who's held his heart since he walked though Red's door, "Eddie is the one person I know will always have my back and he knows I will always have his. He has never made me choose between my childhood dream and my future ones with him and Christopher." Eddie's warm brown eyes soften through Buck's declaration and the gleam of his adoration only brightens. The hand intertwined with Buck's squeezes three times and Buck squeezes back with the same iteration. Hidden I love you's that have no lesser value than visible one's. "I don't want Buck to lose one of the biggest parts of who he is because of bigots. And I don't see hiding our relationship as a sacrifice. Loving Buck isn't a hardship and part of that love is wanting to see him happy. Playing in the NFL makes him happy. Being with me and Christopher makes him happy. He makes me happy. A few lies and secretes aren't going to diminish that." Eddie states his gaze unwavering on Buck and his chest fills tender warmth at Eddie's proclamation.
Their relationship may be a secret but its real and true. Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @devirnis @jesuisici33 @aroeddiediaz @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @try-set-me-on-fire @fortheloveofbuddie @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @disasterbuckdiaz @bekkachaos @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @athenagranted @eddiescowboy @evanbegins @elvensorceress @malewifediaz @911onabc @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @thekristen999 @spagheddiediaz @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @honestlydarkprincess @bitchfacediaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @glorious-spoon @buddierights @prosperdemeter2 @lemonzestywrites @gayedmundodiaz @transboybuckley
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lemon-russ · 2 months
you've heard of walk of shame, now get ready for-
thunderhawk ride of shame. it's the same thing but now on a space ship.
I should think of a name for this whole thing but anything I think of makes me recoil into my own skin with cringe i'm terrible at this.
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Part 6/ ???
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 7.5 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Talks about sex, Cato being a bully (verbally)
Summary: Going home to the big ship in the sky (that makes it sound like they died they're ok it was literal)
word count: 2,050
A fresh thunderhawk met you a few miles away. With much less drama, you were able to get on and take off, leaving behind the angry rebels below.
You watch Cato talk on a vox device with Guilliman. “Yes- it was a trap, sir. Yes, she's- well fine is a stretch but physically mostly unharmed. …no, no real injuries, just scrapes and bruises, though I'd like her checked by apothecaries for head injury-” he glances away as Guilliman say something in his ear. “Ah- well, she was just, bumped around a lot, and there was a thunderhawk crash…” he glances back at you, brow scrunched as he eyes you up and down. Are his cheeks pink…? No, it must be the lighting.
“Yes, she… performed her job admirably, my lord.” He said, looking at his feet and pursuing his lips. You roll your eyes, smirking. of course he's embarrassed to praise you in front of you. Ass.
“Yes, the leader had it planned from the beginning, The Ambassador had no chance. It is my fault I did not see it coming faster, I'm sorry, my lord.” He said, sounding actually regretful. You hadn't actually seen much of Cato interacting with his genefather, and you're a little surprised in the change in his demeanor. He's never sounded so respectful, and you're even surprised to hear genuine remorse in his tone.
Cato turned away, listening to Guilliman again. “Very well, sir, we're on our way up now. Oh, permission to lead the charge, Lord Guilliman? Yes, I think it would clear my mind a bit to return with my company and cleanse this world and bring it into the Imperium that way. …excellent, thank you, my lord.” He says, smiling and ending the communications. He lets out a sigh and leans on the wall. “Thank the Emperor, something real to do…” he says, shoulders relaxing.
You roll your eyes a little. “Don't let this make you think diplomacy never works.” You say, “I've brought plenty of worlds into the Imperium safely and with minimal loss of lives through paperwork and cooperation.”
He raises a brow. “And how many of those rebel instead, like this one? Or rebel right after? I understand manpower is a luxury, but it just feels easier this way.” He says, rolling a shoulder and stretching his arms. “I can't wait to cut through those men. How dare they oppose the Imperium of man.” He huffs a bit. “And how dare they kick you around-” he frowns, interrupting himself. “-Us, how dare they kick us around…” he mumbles, looking away again. He walks to a window, looking down at the dark desert below them. “I'll teach them the Emperor's light through the most tried and true method.” He smiles, patting the hilt of the Talassarian Tempest Blade.
You sigh. You suppose they did kill those three men and take down your thunderhawk, it was hard to care much about it. You just prefer when things don't go sideways. “Well, I hope it helps you process your…” you wave a hand at him, “emotions.” You say tiredly. He frowns at you. “I have no such things.” He says with a small harrumph. “My only emotions are loyalty, service to the Imperium, and rage.” He grumbles.
You smirk a tiny bit. “And lust.” You add teasingly. He flusters and glares at you. “That- that was a momentary lapse in mental faculties. Leftovers from a time before I was reborn through geneseed. A hiccup.” He snapped quickly, looking, dare you say, embarrassed.
You quirk an eyebrow up. “Oh? And you haven't been repeatedly eyeing me since then? I'm imagining that?” You say, smiling at his increasing discomfort. He grimaces angrily at you, almost pouting. He takes his helmet off of his hip where it was maglocked, and makes a point of putting it on while staring at you, hiding his face. He turns back to the window, arms crossed, and stares out. By the throne, he is so dramatic. You can't help the chuckle that squeaks out at his indignant display.
He looks back at you over his shoulder, “What are laughing at now, cackling like a swamp hag?” He snaps. You try to stifle your giggling, “N-nothing, of course.” You snicker, “Just- you look like a toddler in time out right now. You are radiating grumpiness.” You giggle.
He huffs, and stomps off to the door to the helm, slamming the door close button behind him. What a petulant child he can be, all because you pointed out he obviously gets horny, literally an hour and a half after he fucked you in a dirty cave while being hunted by an army.
You chuckle to yourself a bit, then sigh and rest your head against the seat. You touched the straps on the seat holding you in. You're never going to forget to put these on again, that's for sure, it was lucky Cato strapped you in the first time before the mortars hit the thunderhawk.
You shiver at the memory, the sickening feeling of losing altitude making your stomach flip. This time, you got in the thunderhawk and he didn't even put you down, he walked you over to the chair and strapped you in immediately. You smile and eye the door he probably was just fuming on the other side of. How can a man be so stupid about his own feelings but so smart with combat and military tactics?
He obviously has feelings for you. He admitted he cared about you, he's been fretting over you like a mother hen even if he's an ass about it while he does, and obviously he finds you attractive. Your hand runs over the bruises and bite marks across your neck, and you use a dark window to check them. Holy Terra, Cato. you could kill him. You flush at how marked up your neck and shoulder are with love bites and hickies. Your gown is in tatters, the only thing on you is Cato's cape, tied around your shoulders like a blanket. How are you going to explain all this? You have to see Lord Guilliman when you get back. You flush redder and sink in your chair, sighing.
The rest of the trip back is uneventful, and Cato only returns to where you sit in the hold when the ship is nearly landing in the flagship. He has his helmet off again, and sits in the seat farthest from you, crossing his arms and staring ahead.
You raise a brow at him. “Why are you so pouty? You were all “Cato Sicarius is the best at all things” a bit ago.” You ask, crossing your own arms. He frowns, sparing you a sideways glance. “I have to go tell my Primarch his stupid ambassador almost got herself killed on my watch. Excuse me for my lack of enthusiasm.” He said gruffly.
You roll your eyes, “I didn't do anything though, I was just there and things happened to me.” you say, getting annoyed again. Why does he keep blaming you for this? You literally were just explaining contracts when you were shot at and then you spent the rest of the day being tossed around like a sack.
He huffs, looking away. “Walking around unarmored when you're so breakable means you are always trying to die.” He mumbles. You roll your eyes again. No use trying to fight insanity, he's going to blame you for being killable as the reason you almost die. This stupid, stubborn man. You shake your head and unbuckle.
He twitches, sitting up quickly and staring at you. “What are you doing?”
You frown. “We're almost landing? I'm unbuckling.” He glares at you, scooting to sit next to you and redoing your straps. “Stupid, vapid woman-” he grumbles. You sigh, giving up. First he doesn't feel “emotions”, but then he won't even let you unbuckle your seat before landing.
“Can you just make up your mind already?” You say with a little more acid than you intended. You're getting frustrated with his back and forth though, and it's starting to irritate you.
He scowls, looking up from the belts with hands still near your thigh. He meets your irritation with his own. “Can you pretend you can form sentient thoughts?” He retorts, sharply tightening the strap on your leg. You flinch and your expression hardens.
“You are insufferable. Which is it, you're a cold hearted killing machine, or you actually can feel and just don't want to admit you clearly like me, and I mean for more than angry cave sex.” You snap back, voice rising again.
He growls in his throat, putting his arms on either side of your legs, caging you in on the seat. “You-” he forced through clenched teeth, “Are the most infuriating creature I have ever met. Why can't you leave things alone? Why are you obsessed with what we did? Drop it and try a little harder not to die” he growled.
You wince, face heating up. This asshole- he wants you to drop it? Forget the whole thing? After he's the one who kissed you, after hes the one who confessed to caring about you-
You grit your teeth and snap back, “I don't like being yanked around!”
His expression falters as he sees your face getting emotional.
“I don't want to forget it- I want to know if you actually like me or not! You don't get to tell me all those things and act all worried over me and then tell me I mean nothing to you!” You shouted, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
He pales at your tears, face contorting with a little panic, “Hey, don't do that now-” he said, venom lost from his voice. He kneels in front of you so he's eye level. “I- I didn't say you mean nothing-” he stutters defensively, “I just said I don't feel those things- Astartes aren't supposed to feel those things, I…” he grimaces as he watches a tear roll down your cheek. “Ah, fuck- hey, don't- don't cry-” he stammers a bit, awkwardly patting your knee.
You bite your lip and look away from him, trying to hide your frustrated tears. You hate this, you hate him, you hate letting him see you cry-
He looks at you like you're ticking pipe bomb. “Oh, come on- ah fuck” he mumbles as more tears escaped. He lets out a long, tired sigh, “okay! Okay- fine- I probably feel something about you-” he admits, looking like he was being forced to stick his hand in fire.
You glower at him, lip quivering as you did your damnedest to hold back your emotions. You were failing, as more tears kept dripping off your face. He grimaces, then seemingly in a panic of not knowing what to do next, he leans over and hugs you.
You freeze in surprise, then feel your face slowly heat up. His massive frame dwarfs your body, but he very carefully unbuckles your straps so he can pull you against him. You weren't sure if this was exactly comforting, since he was still in full armor and it wasn't exactly cuddly, but he leaned his head down to the crook of your neck and your heart stuttered.
“Please don't cry” he grumbled, “throne I hate women crying…”
You blinked. He was so scared of you crying that he backtracked all his nonsense and hugged you. You chuckle a little at the absurdity. All the horrors in the galaxy Cato Sicarius has bested, and his weakness is women crying. You giggle a little harder, sniffling and laughing through tears, and he pulls back and looks at you, face etched with confused concern.
“Let's uh, get you that head scan at the medicae…” he says carefully, like he's talking down a feral animal. You laugh a little harder. He just looks so scared right now, even with the blood of enemies still dried on his armor.
“By the throne, you're impossible-” you chuckle out, wiping tears with the back of your hand before you pull him into a kiss, shocking him frozen.
Maybe you won't strangle him. Yet. You think you might be able to do something with this disaster of a man.
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cereusblue · 8 months
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Hi, all. So, I've had a day from hell and I'm too exhausted to re-explain on another platform. But here, I'll copy paste the story here. TLDR at the bottom. If you can't help, pass it on. Literally everything helps. Love you all.
Good day all, thank you for stopping your busy day to check my page.
Let me lay out the situation as best I can.
First off, some background for myself and my family. My fiancee and I only have(had) one functioning car between us when we took in a family member of his in an emergency CPS case. We are trying our hardest to take care of her and teach her how to be a person, but our schedules and only having one vehicle has made that a struggle. She has gotten a job just last week and is working hard to get on her feet. It's great and we are very proud of her! It's part time for the time being while she learns how to manage finances and how the world works.
However, since October things have started taking a turn for the worse. Between my fiancee and I, we both worked minimum wage and in October I bent over to put on a shoe and my back made a horrible crack noise. I went to the ER in immense pain and despite having insurance, I still got dumped with a hefty bill that to this day I am still trying to pay off. I have gone through physical therapy as requested by my doctor, since he didn't want to operate on someone of my age. However, it did nothing but agitate the problem. While I can now move around again, bending over and lifting anything past 15 pounds is strenuous. I'm in pain every single day and even sitting up is difficult most days. I can't stand up for long anymore before it becomes too much on my back. But things continue to happen, as they do. I was set to come back to see my surgeon this year but on Dec 29th in the last hour of the day, my job decided that an AI system could completely take over my job and laid me off. Getting unemployment as well as answers back from my previous work has been very difficult. My benefits were cut off with no chance to refill medications or see my surgeon. So, now my continued treatment to fix my back on top of my other health issues have all been put on pause. I've been working for almost two years now to get treatment and figure out what's wrong with my health, but I am now on a desperate search for a new job.
Which leads us to today. We are already strapped for money, and on a trip to an interview and my fiancee going to work, we got taken down a gravel road that looked deceptively fine. Driving across, the ice was far deeper than it appeared and it destroyed the grill, bumper, and wheel well (I believe that's what it's called) aka part of the frame that covers the front wheels broke and are hanging. That's not where it ends. So, I took the car to get it temporarily fixed so we could hopefully figure something out to get repairs done. The car got a temporary fix, and then I proceeded to take the car to pick up my fiancee from work. He and I began our drive back home, and as we were passing train tracks a doe jumped out into the road way too close to us. She only came into view as she appeared in the lights of the car, immediately getting bodied by the car. As you can see from the image, she destroyed the hood of the car and much more. I feel horrible for the poor thing and I hope she went quickly, noticing the fur and blood on the front bumper. We managed to get the car home, but the check engine light came on. This car is a Toyota prius. Anyone who knows anything about a prius knows they are basically tin cans. So, the worry is that the cooling system is busted now too. This will exponentially increase the amount we need to pay to repair the vehicle.
The worst part is, is that this is the only car we have to go to work and for me to go to interviews. I do have a car, but it's not in running condition right now. The poor thing is a 1999 and needs some parts replaced that we have not had the funds or availability to get a list of parts and have them replaced. The car also can't move anyway right now and would need towed. The prius is our only vehicle we have, and I don't have the funds to drop on fixing it. Insurance won't pay for it as far as we have been made aware by the body shop because of the type of insurance we have.
So, this is the current estimate we have to work with in regards to repairs. The entire front, hood, coolant system, and I know a few more pieces need replaced. The prius can run and be moved to a body shop at least, but paying for it will be a nightmare. If he can't get to work, we are in major trouble. My fiancee, his little sister, and I all rely on this car for work. While I'm still looking for work, I'm very limited because of my current physical state. We've spent a lot of money on my Healthcare already and every day are worried I'm going to reach for something and have my back crack again. While we are working on Medicaid, these things are proving a slow process. They also don't cover previous medical bills when I did have insurance. So, our only choice is to live off his income currently while I'm on a search for a new job every day. Our lives depend on this one car. Especially since we live out in the woods and work is 40 minutes away.
If you've read this far, I appreciate every single second of your time. Every single hand this gofundme goes through will be a huge help. If you can't help, that's okay, please don't stress your own financials if youre in a tough spot. If you can pass this along to anyone you can, that would be more than enough. Thank you again, and I wish you all better fortune this 2024.
For those who can't read the whole thing;
TLDR; Me and my family are already going through a lot of financial troubles with my health and being laid off, our only mode of transportation is severely damaged from an unmaintained roads massive pothole and hitting a deer in the same day. Three people rely on this one vehicle for all our jobs and interviews that are far from home. Donate if you can, if not, please share and thank you so very much.
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Also including another picture here for you all to see. Thank you all again, I wish you better fortune this year.
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det-loki · 1 year
I’ve always toyed with the idea of an x reader where you knew Loki in his youth, got split up for whatever reason, and found each other again because you both went into law enforcement :0 If that interests you I think you’d do a great job of fleshing it out :D
love this! thank you, and I'm sorry for the delay. hope you like it 🖤
tw: blood and panic attack mention
Children are born with an innocence, an ignorant imagination and concept of the world. sticky fingers dig through the mud, catching under their fingernails. Dark crescent moons of dirt signified a good day.
Now, the dirt caught under your nails made you physically ill. Hours ago, the frozen ground seemed to be your only life line as you heaved and gasped into the dirt, dried brown grass caressing your palms. Death was a violent lover. It clutched at you and held you until it swallowed you whole. Leaving only an imprint of what was.
You met him when you were a kid. Only innocence never got to be yours. At three years old, you went into foster care for the first time. Floated in and out since then. The facility you frequented the most was nestled right next to the Huntington Boys Home, a chain link fence the only divider. Conyers liked to advertise itself as a quiet community for the perfect family. The poor, lost souls of society were cornered away on the outskirts of town, unseen and unheard.
The year you turned thirteen changed everything for you. You met a boy along the fence line, dark hair overgrown and blue eyes piercing, he introduced himself as David. Parents were no good, he said. Lived with an uncle, didn't work out, he said. The boy smelled like cigarettes, blood long dried and caked over his bruised knuckles, his mouth tasted like whiskey and his eyes were stormy. And you loved it all.
Time changes things. At 18, you aged out of foster care and entered the world. Once unseen, unheard and unwanted, your soul burned with anger and spite. You were going to be seen, and they were going to hear you. You lost David at 16. One day, he just disappeared without a trace. You heard whisperings of assault charges, military school, and prison. But the story changed weekly. You had accepted his disappearance. He was just gone. And that was that.
You fell into the police academy haphazardly. An old social worker on your case had wormed her way into your head, telling you that you could help people the way you never were. Make a difference. Understand in a way most couldn't. Change things. Ten years later, you think she's full of shit.
Folders were piled high onto your desk, your badge digging into your skin as you were slumped over the paperwork. Eyes bleary and head pounding, David approaches from behind you. His hands tug at your office chair, the wheels screeching as he turns you to face him, "Go home."
"No. I'm busy." You try to turn back towards your desk but David's arms are caging you in, halting the chair from movement.
"You've been here since 4am. The only thing I've seen you eat is one granola bar, and you're doing that thing you used to do when we were kids."
You looked down to see your throbbing bloody thumb, an old habit you hadn't kicked. You picked and picked and picked until it was raw, bloody and infected. You noticed blood smudge on the corner of the papers at your desk and smeared into the fabric of your blouse. Shoving hands into the socket of your aching eyes, "Fine."
A glimmer of satisfaction washed over Loki's eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips, "I'll see you at home."
Home. After finishing the police academy, you were employed by the Conyers Police Department. A year on the job, and David reappeared. A police officer with cropped hair, a stony face, and the same stormy eyes. You two had been partnered together, Captain O’Malley unknowing of the history you two had shared. Not many words were spoken between you two until a close call that ended up with you in the hospital with a gunshot wound. David moved in that night after you were discharged from the hospital.
Years later, you two became the youngest detectives on the force. And the best. But you kept that quiet, the gnawing self doubt ate away at you, berating you constantly.
Unlocking the door to your home, you dropped the duffle bag at the door and toed off your boots. Making your way to the kitchen sink, you plunged your hands into too hot water and scrubbed away the dirt and blood until your skin was red. Your throat was scratchy from crying, your head pounding from exhaustion. The case you were working on was eating you alive. Two missing little girls. The latest lead had been a loss, a house full of scribbled mazes, a sink full of pigs blood and buried mannequins.
Showering did little to ease the tension in your body, the cheap beer and greasy pizza sprawled across the coffee table in front of you staved off the impending collapse another day longer. By the time David came home, your brain was fuzzy from the alcohol and you were falling into his embrace nestled into the couch.
The boy you met at thirteen was your savior, and 16 years later he still was. The world was crumbling around you, this case was consuming you, but David was with you. And tomorrow will always be there.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
No... I'm Newgate, Whitebeard! and I'll be your new father!
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Traumatic!child reader and Newgate, Whitebeard
Warning: Suicide mention, Physical abuse and Psychological abuse
Since whitebeard adopted YN, the life of the traumatic little girl changed forever, her family was abusive, both physically and psychologically, until one day, YN decided to run away from home, ran to the beach in search of something, some boat or something. so that she could run away, her condition at home was not good, there was no food, her mental and physical health were horrible, YN never knew what it was like to be hugged, she only lived with some animals in the region, like dogs and cats, at that time. the day YN ran away, she found herself hopeless because they found her, before they could do anything Something, something knocks them to the ground, yn approaches them, noticing they weren't moving, YN wasn't sure if they were dead, YN she was desperate because there were two bodies there, but relieved that it was them and not her, as much as she wanted suicide most of the time.
-be calm, kid- said a deep but low voice.
- what-what?- YN turned around, looking at a big man with blond hair and a huge mustache
- you got hurt, did they hurt you?- the man asks
- yes... you did that?- YN asked softly and still crying, unable to control her emotions
- let's say yes, now, you're fine, if you have nowhere to go, come with me - the big guy smiled
- no way! I don't even know you, I don't trust you, who are you, by the way?! You want to kill me? No! You are going! I know you will!- YN starts screaming, the big guy doesn't raise his voice, he just listens attentively to all the anguish of the traumatic child
- no... I'm Newgate, Whitebeard! and I'll be your new father!- Newgate smiles again, a wide and contagious smile
YN's eyes light up with tears, but she manages to hold them back
-What's is your name?- Newgate asked, the child wiped his reddened eyes.
- YN LN-
-I...I don't want to be alone, not again! I want to go with you! - YN screamed
Newgate approached your hand, in which YN held Littlefinger, they go to the ship and sit down.
- Alright... -Newgate hugs YN
- you can tell me all your problems, here and now - said Newgate, YN starts screaming with happiness, knowing that she had someone to tell her problems without being judged for being a child, YN repeatedly thanked Whitebeard for getting her out of that daily torture, screaming that she wanted to die but didn't have the courage, how much of a burden she was and that nobody liked her.
Newgate, responded by saying that YN was not a burden, and that a child should never think that way, and that those who hurt her would never see YN again.
- I'll protect you all the cost, it's okay...- Whitebeard said
- thank you...- YN thanked Whitebeard
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fannyrosie · 1 year
I've followed you for quite a while and I've always loved your style plus I lived vicariously through your life in Japan lol. I'm sorry if you've already posted this I couldn't find the post but I was wondering why you left Japan. It's my dream to live there one day and I was curious what it was like.
I have answered that in my Instagram Stories, but here is the long story version (TL;DR: I came back mainly because of my poor health):
I left Japan after 6 1/2 years for several reasons, but one the main reason is because of my health. I've never been the healthiest person, even before moving there (I was even dubbed "the sick one" at my old job because I often had to suddenly leave work in the afternoons). I was constantly tired and had really bad abdominal pains. I saw several doctors in Montreal, and all I managed to get was a diagnosis for IBS and anxiety. However, I was functional most days, and managed to work and live relatively normally, as long as I rested a lot and stuck to my FODMAP diet.
During the few first years of my life in Japan, my physical health remained that way, with some random very bad health periods, but overall, I was fine. I even started to workout regularly to improve my posture and muscles. However, from 2020 onwards, my health declined significantly. On top of my worsening IBS, I started having really bad spine pains, radiating to my head, chest and arms, and making me so tired I had to take several days of rest every time I went out. I started to catch every little virus I got in contact with, and had to avoid taking public transport the most I could. I was working from home, and walked a lot, so that was manageable, but it made me more isolated.
I saw several doctors, but even though they did blood tests and x-rays, they couldn't find anything and just assumed it was stress. After reading about EDS, I thought I might have that (since I am also hypermobile), and had to wait 7 months to get an appointment at Todai's hospital. However, on the day of my appointment, I got told that Todai only deals with EDS related to heart issues, and my tests were all normal, including my x-rays. That was in June 2022, and was the final straw, as it proved that even the most advanced hospital in Japan couldn't help me. By that time, I had to wear a back brace to do the most basic things, like laundry or going to the supermarket, and was taking painkillers every day. I had to stop working because I couldn't work on my computer for more than 2 hours a day. Obviously, no work=no money.
Coming back to Québec, I had to wait 3 months to get back on the public health system, and as of today (6 months after being back), I managed to get x-rays and MRI showing I have: discopathy (degenerative spine disk disease), osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), several herniated disks in my cervical region and pinched nerves due disks collapsing. Basically, I have the spine of a 70 year old. I have been referred to a physiatrist, but we all know that Québec's public health system is very slow. so God knows when I'll see one. Nevertheless, they found something, which is better than all the doctors in Japan who told me it was just stress. Japan sadly has a big culture of having to "endure" pain (mental or physical), and it shows in their medical system.
Due to the degenerative nature of the illnesses they found up to now, my health is constantly getting worse. I used to have good and bad health days, but now, I have more bad health days than good health days. I still take painkillers every day and wear my back brace to do normal tasks, but most days, these are not enough. I am trying to make the most of my "good" health days by dressing up and doing nice things, but I never know how I will be the next day (or hour).
I had to take two breaks writing this; hopefully it makes sense haha
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Billy's Camaro fic. Chapter 16
Ever since he started having all these vague feelings about Hargrove, Steve has never thought that it would lead anywhere. That they would actually end up kissing each other like two drunk teenagers in love, absolutely indecent and steamy, lost in lust, uncaring of the world spinning around them. He has also never imagined that their lips would fit so perfectly well, interlocked in the most natural way, just like they've found home on each other. Lock and key, turn, click, it's their place now.
Billy is kissing him, and the fast and savage has turned into slow and savouring, and it gets registered in his mush brain that they are both moaning, mmm fucking loving it, Hargrove's hand on Steve's crotch is burning his dick through the jeans, and Billy's applying just the right among of pressure, palming Steve, confidently, that smooth motherfucker, like he .. like he knows exactly what he is doing, and maybe .. okay maybe it's the dry spell, maybe it's the fact that Steve has been tiptoeing around dreaming of this moment for so long, or the fact that Steve was caught off guard with Billy showing up without a warning earlier today. Also, quite probably it's the undeniable truth that Hargrove is doing a damn good job kissing him and rolling that big hot palm, rubbing his dick in the way that makes Steve, well .. it's uh ..
It takes him only one minute to literally cream his pants.
His whole body jerks, pleasure waves knocking him over. He's slumping against the door, and Hargrove is still kissing him, no tongue, just kinda holding his lips on Steve's and smiling into the kiss.
Oh god, it is so embarrassing
He did not expect that
To be honest, he didn't expect anything just one hour ago
"Hey I'm .. " his voice is weak and unusually thin
"I think it was the fastest I've ever scored."
Steve's huffing out a nervous awkward laugh and Billy snorts. Steve's eyes are still closed and although the after feels great, he can't look Billy directly in those ice-blue eyes
"I uh .. I usually last longer than that."
"It's fine. We'll have time to explore how long you can hold out for."
No, it's fucking pathetic, and Steve just wants to sink through the floor right now, but Billy .. Billy's hand is now curled around his waist, and he's tickling Steve's ear with his hot breath, and .. he sounds like he means it, it's fine. There's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens. Even the snort wasn't mean.
Steve brings his hand to Hargrove's own visible bulge and tries to unzip the jeans, but Billy stops him mid-movement
"As much as I want it, pretty boy .. and I so want it .. but this stupid wound kinda hurts, and I'm just .. dead tired, I'll fall asleep on the rug here if I don't find a bed right this second."
"Oh of course .. of course!! I'm .. I'm so .. I'm sorry! Are you hungry? Do you want to take a shower? There's still your toothbrush and everything .."
"I'll just go straight to bed. It's tricky to take a shower with a bandage, I'm too tired for it now. And I am hungry, but I'm much more just .." - Billy's whole body is kinda laying on top of Steve, - "It was a long fucking drive. Where can I sleep?"
"Guest room? Or .. my bed? You can sleep in my bed?"
"Your bed."
Steve unglues himself from the door together with Hargrove on him. It feels wet and sticky in his underwear but it also feels amazing.
They go upstairs to Steve's room where Billy just takes off the jacket and jeans
and slides under the blanket in his t-shirt and underwear
"Fuuck, it's so good to finally be able to stretch like that."
He sighs contentedly and mumbles
"Night, Steve."
"Yeah .. good night."
It's six in the evening.
Billy's been on the road for thirty-three hours, did he actually stop? He couldn't have driven from California to Indiana without stopping, could he? It's physically impossible.
Steve's gonna ask all the questions tomorrow.
He goes to the shower and washes away his cum, still high on the ohmygodohmygod it's fucking real. Still bummed about the whole creaming his pants too fast incident. Dammit. Ugh.
Close to the morning Steve hears in his sleep like the mattress is shifting near him .. the bed becomes emptier .. he hears the distant sound of running water and then somewhere close to the time when his alarm usually goes off
There's heavy weight on the bed again, and someone's getting under the blanket and sliding his big hand all over Steve's side .. tenderly, slowly .. it is so gentle, but at the same time the hand is heavy, manly, it is so new .. there's the fresh smell of toothpaste and .. yeah it's coffee aroma in the air, and the hand is becoming more insistent, lifting Steve's t-shirt up, kneading his shoulder and back, dragging his underwear down and grabbing his ass cheek, stroking his thigh, down and up and .. oh god going for Steve's already hard dick - what was it, just a couple of seconds - and he's this hard ..? Again.
"I've started the coffee, pretty boy."
Billy's low voice
"Do you have to go to work today?"
"Mhmm .."
Steve's humming, eyes still closed, half asleep.
"It's so fucking hot that you're so easy for me. Look how hard you are already."
Billy is touching him, everywhere, tracing his fingers over Steve's balls and up his cock
"It's the hottest thing, you being so hard for me."
"So soft down there .."
Billy's palm is gently fondling his balls again
"And so hard up here .."
Slowly, torturously dragging the fingers up his dick
There's a wild thought flashing through Steve's still sleepy head that maybe it's all a dream. In this case, Steve doesn't want it to end
Billy's hand is again so sure - how can he be so unafraid ?? ..
It's all about these flesh-scorching sensations in Steve's feverish mind. Feather-like touches, finger taking precome from the slit and spreading it all over the head of his dick, same finger toying with the hem .. a little bit of squeezing, a little bit of loving, circling, circling with maddening consistency
Steve wants to sob in his pillow
"Stop teasing me, Hargrove."
"Do you have any lube?"
"I don't .. nngh .. I don't have any."
Billy spits in his palm and wraps it around him
"This will have to do then."
It feels so filthy, Steve loves it
He loves Hargrove's large hand around his dick
Billy's whispers and moans pour like molten iron in Steve's ear
"You're so hard for me, Harrington .. so fucking easy .."
Hargrove jerks Steve off, his own dick pressing on Steve's ass cheeks, he's humping his ass, breath heavy and sultry
It builds and it builds, and it grows, the pleasure in Steve's lower abdomen, in his balls, ready to explode and flood all his body with bliss
He's fucking into Billy's fist, messily
Until it rips through him, and he cums with a groan all over the bed and his belly and Billy's fist.
Just a couple of minutes later Billy follows
shooting his hot cum on Steve's back, panting sweatily into his neck, and oh my god, if it's not the hottest sensation he's ever felt
This time he did last more than one minute, at least.
Billy's body is relaxed against Steve's and Steve just wants to sleep more, just like that, together, covered in cum - why isn't it gross? Because it isn't, it feels so good
But at this moment his alarm clock goes off
"Damn it!"
He smashes it in frustration and whines
"Don't wanna get up."
When suddenly
Someone's pounding at the door downstairs. Steve's eyelids fly open
The fucker Hargrove chuckles
"Perfect timing hehee .. Who is it? Parents?"
Steve's lifting himself on his right elbow
"No, they uh .. they have a key, they don't need to .."
The pounding resumes
Billy's wiping himself and Steve with a sheet
"You're gonna open the door?"
"Steve ?? STEVE!!!"
That's .. Max's voice? Oh shit. Steve's looking at Billy who's not smiling anymore
"I don't think we have a choice."
Steve jumps out of bed and puts sweatpants on
He turns to face Billy who's still laying on the bed and only now sees that his torso is bandaged, all around
Fucking hell ..
"Hey, Steve !!"
The pounding intensifies
Steve runs downstairs
"Coming!! I'm coming, Jesus!"
He opens the door, and there's Max, eyes fiery, fists clenched
"Hey is Billy here? El told me .."
"Uh .. yeah. Uhm .."
Max pushes past Steve.
"Billy .. ??"
Turns to him.
"Where is he?"
'Well, he is sleeping, I guess. But uh .. you probably woke him up. Just a second, I'll go look."
There's no need, cause Billy is coming down the stairs, wearing Steve's other sweatpants and throwing on a t-shirt
Max sees the bandage though
"Oh my god, Billy? .. Billy, are you okay? Are you .. "
She's staring at him, eyes wide open
"You're alive? .."
She flings herself at Billy but he's wincing at the embrace, patting her shoulder with his right hand
"Easy, Max."
Is he not happy to see her ? - Steve thinks
"You're alive, asshole !! Why didn't you tell me?"
Billy's just standing there, like a stone statue.
Max steps back a little.
"Were you going to tell me ?? .."
"How did you know I'm here?"
"El called me yesterday and said that .. you were alive and coming to Hawkins. She was so happy, she said Hopper was back and she said .. family's important."
Max is clutching her backpack straps
"It was very late yesterday for me to go outside, mom .. mom doesn't let .. and doesn't like when I stay out late, so I had to wait till the morning but .. I couldn't sleep and .."
"Oh, how's Susan?"
"She's .." - Max's shoulders slouch a little
"She's okay but .."
She stops mid-sentence and suddenly glances at Steve as if looking for some information
"Does he ..? Do you know about your ..?"
"I know, Max. I know about Neil."
They both fall silent.
Somehow Steve decides that it is not the worst moment to cut in
"Hey guys? Does anyone want coffee? Let's go to the kitchen? Did you have breakfast, Max?"
"I couldn't eat much, but yeah .. yeah, I did, thanks Steve."
They're in the kitchen and Steve starts pouring himself a mug of coffee when Max looks at the clock
"I need to get to school. Can somebody .. can you drive me, Billy?"
She's nervous because
Because she knows Billy can be an asshole
Which is exactly what happens
"Listen, Max, I sort of .. just came back from the dead, and you're already piling up a brother's .. step-brother's responsibilities on me? Can't drive anybody anywhere. I'm injured. How did you get here?"
"I walked. Can't skate in winter."
"Well .. school's not that far."
Steve's giving them both a coffee each
"Don't be a jerk, Billy." He says
"Oh so now I'm the jerk?"
Max is on the verge of tears
"You're the biggest jerk there is! Why am I the last one to find out you're alive?"
"Well, why was I the last one to find out about the upside down shit, huh, sister?"
Billy's stubborn like a donkey, Steve kinda knows that about him already. Steve himself has never been good at this sibling shit, he grew up alone, so he's kinda lost here. He's trying his best though.
There are two trails of tears running down Max's face
"I'm sorry, Billy."
Billy's not showing any reaction
Yep, siblings' drama
"Guys! I'll drive you to school, Max, and you .." - glancing at Hargrove - "You wanted to go somewhere?"
"I actually wanted to have a quiet day today, Harrington! Just uh .. just need to go to hospital probably to have it looked at."
Billy's gesturing at his left side
He avoids looking at Max.
Most likely, Steve's got to be the adult here.
"Okay! Okay, don't fight!"
"No-one's fighting, Harrington." - Billy's rolling his eyes and Max is trying not to let a single sniffle out.
"Let's just .. let's just take it step by step. Max, you need to be at school, right ?"
Max's nodding
The two of them are looking at the clock
"Like .. in twenty minutes?"
"Right, school starts at 8.30 .." - Steve's addressing Hargrove now. - "I need to be at work at 9.00, can you drive yourself to the hospital?"
"Where would I get the car? Your beamer is near Family Video. Also, what about breakfast?"
"Uhm .. okay, I'm taking Max to school now, and then I'm picking you up from here and driving to Family Video where you can take one of the cars and go to the hospital? And we can stop and get bagels on the way. How's that for a plan?"
Billy's shrugging his broad shoulders like he doesn't care
"Yeah whatever."
"I'll just go change."
When Steve comes downstairs, he sees that Max is still waiting in the kitchen, but Billy's sitting on the couch in the living room
Having brothers or sisters is not the easiest thing, huh
"Let's go, Max?" Steve's grabbing the camaro keys.
"Bye, Billy." It comes out quiet and sad.
"See you around, Maxine." This comes out indifferent.
"I know you don't believe me but I'm glad you're back."
Hargrove isn't answering anything to that, and Steve and Max leave the house.
On the way Steve promises Max to tell her all about Billy's rescue later. He also says he'll talk to Billy about .. about what just happened between them.
"Just give him time, he's been through so much, and he actually has the right to be pissed about some things. You know like .. we kept him in the dark about this whole situation, and .. it almost cost him his life."
"Yeah, I know." Max is looking out of the window. "We should've told him about everything from .. from the beginning. We were stupid."
"Yeah .." - Steve pauses. - "How are things with your mom, by the way?"
"It's okay. It's difficult for her after Neil's death, but .. I hope she's going to be okay. We're moving soon. I don't know where yet, but this house is too big for us now."
Steve drops Max off at school
"If you need any help, call me, Max."
When he gets back, Billy's already dressed and waiting.
They get in the car. Steve can literally feel that the camaro is thrilled to see Billy, it makes all these excited sounds, the engine is singing.
First, they drive in silence but then
"Billy? I kinda felt sorry for Max, I mean .. weren't you happy to see her?"
"On cloud fucking nine, Harrington."
"That's uh .. listen, that's not my place to say anything but uh .. weren't you too harsh on her?"
"First of all, Harrington, stop with that "Oh it's not my place to say .." bullshit, okay? We're fucking, I'm staying at your house, you .. you saved me from that hellhole. And second, Max is .. yeah, she's a kid, bit it's not like she's a little fucking baby who didn't .. who doesn't understand anything!"
Steve's got a feeling Billy's talking about something else entirely, not just their earlier encounter
Steve again feels that tingling sensation at the back of his head.
We're fucking, I'm staying at your house ..
Billy's rubbing his eyes with both palms
"The thing is .. I know. I know, Steve, you're right. It's just that .. there's so much family shit involved like .. I never even wanted a sister, and my dad .. even if it was her fault, I'd get slapped around anyways so .. but I know. Give me a couple of days. I'll pick her up from school or something. We'll go get burgers. We'll talk. Or something. Can we just go get our bagels now, Steve, I'm starving, like .. really ?"
The bagels are freshly baked and delicious, or maybe Steve's just after-sex hungry and happy. The boys devour them like two young wolves.
They say their good-byes for the day in front of the video store.
"I'll take my car. We'll go for a drive. Where's that hospital?"
"It's close to Main Street. There's gonna be a huge sign, you won't miss it."
"Alright. See you after your work. Want me to make some dinner?"
"I uh .. I don't know." Steve wasn't ready for this question.
"Okay, I'll figure it out."
Hargrove gets in the camaro and the car honestly looks like the most delighted pup.
Steve doesn't know how they'll do it, make peace, Billy and the camaro. And whether they'll make peace at all. He's curious, but fuck his life, he's gotta be at work.
Billy goes to the hospital, where they put a new bandage on his wound. Drives around in the camaro a bit, all conversations they might be having remain a secret only two of them share. He goes to Harrington's later and sleeps through the day.
Dinner is tricky, cause Harrington doesn't seem to have much food in his cupboards. Maybe they'll just go to the diner. Or pasta it is.
He's there to pick Steve up from work, and Steve's cheeks burn hot when he sees Billy waiting for him outside Family Video. They drive back separately, taking both cars to Harrington's place.
"I'll race you there, pretty boy."
Steve just scoffs and shakes his head cause he knows his beamer doesn't stand a chance.
He's right.
Next chapter. I know this one was supposed to be last, but then Max popped out of nowhere. The boys are still in need of a decent conversation. Also, I'm all for Billy and Max bonding and becoming the brother and sister we want them to be. I just think it won' t happen overnight. They'll need so much time. There will be so much assholery and passive-aggressive bitching. They'll get there, but it won't be all sugary sweet
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Big-ass Netflix animation news drop yesterday, ahead of Annecy and the release of ULTRAMAN RISING... Netflix is on a lot of shit-lists for a variety of things, including their careless race towards making more animated features but expecting them to be cranked out like it's a factory process or something... But I will say, the feature line-up they revealed yesterday sounds like banger-central. Too bad most of them likely won't see a physical media release, though.
WALLACE & GROMIT feature #2, VENGEANCE MOST FOWL... Coming later this year, featuring Feathers McGraw from THE WRONG TROUSERS... The hype is real.
The last half of 2024 will also be when Netflix debuts Skydance Animation's SPELLBOUND, that long-gestating fantasy picture from SHREK director Vicky Jenson with new Alan Menken-Glen Slater songs... I guess LUCK nuked whatever partnership Skydance, John Lasseter's current studio, had with Apple, although their new show WONDLA is debuting on that platform.
Skydance looks to follow up SPELLBOUND with TANGLED director Nathan Greno's POOKOO, another fantasy tale with otherworldy critters. Only a matter of time when we find out RAY GUNN, Brad Bird's retrofuturistic sci-fi noir whose development history dates aaaaall the way back to the mid-'90s, comes out.
Also curiously, prior to these announcements, Disney Animation director Don Hall (WINNIE THE POOH, BIG HERO 6, RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, and STRANGE WORLD) has joined the ranks at Skydance. Another director who worked under Lasseter at either WDAS or Pixar, now working for him again. I'm guessing he didn't particularly enjoy directing his last two features at WDAS under Jennifer Lee's stewardship, thus - much like Nathan Greno and Rich Moore - went back to his old pervy boss. Skydance Animation undeniably has a lot of top talent there, and directors of past animation blockbusters, but it really just sucks that it's run by Lasseter. And apparently he's running it just like he did with Pixar and WDAS, just as toxic. He micromanages projects once more and buckles directors under his mandates, like Alessandro Carloni, who was supposed to direct LUCK... But these guys are his favorites, so I presume they'll do fine over there.
Next year sees the release of IN YOUR DREAMS, from directors Alex Woo and Erik Benson. Two total opposite brothers who go to dreamland and try to convince the Sandman to save their parents' failing marriage, sounds promising. We already knew about THE TWITS, and also THE IMAGINARY, which debuts in a few weeks. Three imaginary friends movies in one year, coincidentally the year FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS turns 20... I refuse to process that. I was so big on FOSTER'S back in the day, when I was 12 years old. Speaking of TV cartoons and adaptations of those, THE PLANKTON MOVIE is also on the boards for 2025, continuing the Netflix SpongeBob movie series running alongside the theatrical ones.
I'm also very happy to see that Sony Animation's wild-sounding K-POP: DEMON HUNTERS, from directors Maggie Kang and Chris Appelhans, is underway and will be debuting sometime next year. Sony Animation also revealed a new HOTEL, I mean... MOTEL TRANSYLVANIA series, and are still at work on the GHOSTBUSTERS animated series as well. Since this was all for Netflix-only projects, not a peep on the GHOSTBUSTERS animated movie that's also on the rails. I wish DEMON HUNTERS was heading to theaters, though, that's such a bonkers-looking film that would work great like that. Much like their MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, but that got re-routed because of COVID, so I get that.
Curiously, no word on THE SHRINKING OF TREEHORN, a book adaptation from director Ron Howard. First thought to be a 2023 release, Netflix picked up the picture in 2022 and didn't set a date... Maybe it's gone the way of EMBER and other canned Netflix animated movies? Or a new date will be inked eventually? If it's aiming for 2026, then that'll explain the absence.
I'll keep my eyes on these as they get closer, but my top picks are VENGEANCE MOST FOWL and K-POP: DEMON HUNTERS.
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impishtubist · 7 months
You’re so so right about the weather. I cannot stand heat, which truly makes hurricane season awful (aside from the obvious reasons of the danger and everything) because Florida + hurricanes = no power so the heat is so much fun to deal with when there is no AC. I think we got maybe 3 weeks total of cool days here this winter, which is an improvement of the winter of I believe last year that had zero cool days. To clarify, I’m using Florida standard for cold, meaning the high was 60-something and the low was in the 40s. We do not get anything like a New York winter.
Anon, you have all my sympathy. I could rant for DAYS about summer and the heat. I will also say that us summer haters have it far, far worse than winter haters. I do not care about your wintertime SAD. I do not care that you don't like the cold. I do not care that you don't like the dark. You only have to suck it up for daylight savings 4 months out of the year. You also get, what, three or four months of true winter weather now anywhere in the globe thanks to global warming? You're FINE. Especially since global warming is just going to make that time shrink in the coming years/decades. Plus, there are ways the average person can actually escape the cold, like layering up and making fires. When it's hot out, can you peel off your skin? Can you make ice by rubbing two sticks together? No, so sit down and shut the fuck up.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can be done to escape the heat. Air conditioning? Yeah, A/C units, if you're lucky enough to have one, can only effectively cool a house by 20 degrees. That was fine 50 years ago, but nowadays when summers are regularly 100+ degrees? Your A/C can only get you down to 80, which is still AWFUL indoors. Your only option is to burrow underground, really, which isn't exactly a fucking solution!
Also, heat is the natural disaster that causes the most deaths worldwide every year. This is what summer lovers cheer for every spring? Gross.
Sorry, I went and ranted anyway. I hate heat and I have no patience for people that like this weather. I'm a raging bitch from March-November and I'm not sorry about it. Fix the planet and maybe I'll stop being a bitch.
You have it much worse than I do down in the south, and I am so sorry, Anon. I wish there was something I could actually do for you, but feel free to vent anytime. Also, I'm dead serious when I say this: if you or anyone reading this has the means to do so, make a plan eventually to move north. It's only going to get worse down south in the coming decades. I'm making my own plan to get even farther north than where I am now. I realize this isn't feasible for most people. There are financial or familial or physical or health constraints, or you just don't plain want to leave your homes. I get it. But if you can, at least see if you can make a plan. Because climate change isn't stopping and it's only going to get worse.
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Hello! I gotta tell you that I read your recent Husk x reader fic and I AM IN LOVEEEE!!! I absolutely love it! I keep constantly going back to re-read it!! You’ve truly put your all in all in that fic!! So I’m here’s my question or questions lol. Can you write more based off that fic? IF NOT THATS FINE AS WELL!! I’m just curious, like would Husk and reader tell the everyone about their relationship? Would reader stay at the hotel even if she is an overlord? Would she involve herself in the fight now? UGHH I JUST HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS I CANT EVEN COMPREHEND THEM!!
(If you don’t feel comfortable with this ask/question PLS ignore me! 🙏 I’ll understand if you do lol [also this is my first ever ask on this app, I’m so nervous 😖])
Dont forget to take care of yourself first! Mentally, physically, emotionally, etc! 🫶
Hii! Thank you so much for all the kind words, you made me so happy!!! And I am beyond excited that you liked the story! <3
Secondly, don't be nervous to send asks, darling, you are very much welcome here, and I'm sure all creators are of the same mind <3
As to answer your question - I don't know if I'll write an actual part 2 for the fic (And if I do, I'll probably have to wait for at least Season 2 or so, to get more relevant plot)
However, I can answer your punctual question, and any other thing you'd like to ask about it! (In DMs also, if you feel more comfortable that way ^^)
So, to the question "Would Husk and Reade tell everyone about their relationship?" - They kinda already know.
Alastor brought Reader to the Hotel and was the one to tell her of Husk's existence and position as his vassal/Hazbin's bartender. Angeldust knows the story, and being Husk's friend, he'll easily realise the correlation between Reader having all characteristics mentioned, and Husk's sudden radiance and bliss. That, and Husk will trail around Reader's pretty dress 24/7.
Charlie and Veggie would realise immediately, as soon as Reader's hand is hooked to his arm, and she makes him laugh. They can spot a couple from a mile away, and though Charlie would most likely be the type to throw a celebration party, Vaggie would calm her down immediately and things are fine.
That only leaves Sir Pentious, who silently gushes over how cute they are, and would start asking them for advice, to court Cherry also (and succeed)... And Nifty is just Nifty haha.
Second question is - "Would reader stay at the hotel even if she is an overlord?" and the question is - Sometimes. Basically, she would stay where Husk wants to stay. She has her own pretty home, in a rather chill and safe neighbourhood, but the Hotel has Husk's friends, and socialising is important. However, she hates Heaven and doesn't want to ascend - In that regard, she's terrified Husk would become an Angel, and they'd be separated again. On another note, dates at Reader's home are the sweetest and most romantic~ <3
The Third and final question is - "Would she involve herself in the fight now?" and the answer is - HELL YES. She died a violent death, she is spiteful and bitter on life and on death, and most of all, she is angry at Heaven for denying her, over a measly thing as having a high self esteem and loving herself and life above the limits. If possible, if any being threatened her, her love, her new idyllic life and her friends, she will go livid. Though she hates how abominable she looks, like a monster - She would not hesitate, a single second, to rip their wings apart and bite their throats off. She almost hated how she enjoyed carnage like Alastor did - It must be that she got desensitised to the horrors of Hell, and how meaningless life is, since they can just respawn, but she is driven by love and hatred. Her only crutch, for a long time, was Rosie, who gently introduced her to the madness of Hell, and their new life; She taught her how to continue her human life fashion and elegance, while also protecting herself and navigating the machinations of deals and raising above all those lesser than her. Consequently, after Husk was kicked out of the Overlord seat, it was her who took his place, recommended by both Alastor and Rosie. Needless to say, most of the others were pleased to have someone mentally stable and with no vices that could ruin the meetings or deals.
I hope you had fun reading this, and that it answered your questions! I'm always open to answer more, or chat about it <3! Have a lovely day, dear!
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a-frog-in-a-bog · 10 months
I politely suggest you read it before you make the assumption that is aros and aces don't have problems to face.
If you don't believe us after reading the whole thing, fine, but remember that bigots don't care about our specific identities as to them we are all worth hurting; We all have the same face of hate against us, so whether you like it or not, we're fighting together
Just, give it a read; I promise it'll be worth it.
first i'd like to thank you for being polite and linking an actual source, it's the first time in all my years on tumblr that someone hasn't just plugged their ears and screamed "everyone is valid!!!" so genuinely, thank you. second, the point i was making was that aces and aros don't face systemic oppression, not that they don't have any problems. i'm gonna add and respond to some excerpts i found interesting for anyone who cares / doesn't have time to read the report themselves:
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i would've liked to see a further clarifying question on this study about what kind of negative reaction the respondents feared. the only examples given were the above and similar, but we don't know what kind of negative reactions LGBT people anticipated. was it also just intrusive questions, or did they consider negative reactions to be physical violence, being fired, being killed, or being kicked out of their home? would a lesbian respondent consider "so which one of you is the man?" to be a negative reaction or an ignorant one? we have no way of knowing if ace and LGBT respondents had the same criteria for what constitutes a negative reaction
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this is wildly unprofessional and would also make me (and i'm betting plenty other people) uncomfortable! not sure why this is presented as a micro-aggression against ace people when it's just inappropriate in general?
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another one i would've liked a follow-up question to. is this because ace people are uncomfortable coming out at work or because there just hasn't been a reason to bring up lack of sexual attraction at work?
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yeah! i agree! although i'm not sure why this is presented as what an ace-inclusive workplace would look like instead of what a... normal workplace should look like?
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this is literally just misogyny. the same shit happens to gay and straight women (also as an aside, pain during pap smears is entirely dependent on personal pain tolerance and anxiety, it's different for everyone and has nothing to do with whether or not you've had sex before. just like how tight or loose a vagina is has nothing to do with how much sex you have. not trying to discredit the woman here, just didn't want to spread misinformation)
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this is horrible, and obviously asexuality needs to be taught alongside hypoactive sexual desire disorder in med school so healthcare professionals can tell the difference between the two, as it seems most if not all of these examples stem from doctors and therapists either not knowing the difference or being confused about what asexuality is (since this study is from the UK i'm interested to know if ace people in other countries have had similar experiences, and if asexuality is taught in med school in other places)
again, thank you for sharing! it was very informative and i'll admit i wasn't aware that some ace people face medical discrimination, so i learned something new :) as i've said before, the LGBT and ace communities are a venn diagram, especially where LGBT ace folk are concerned. they're not completely overlapping but not completely separate. most marginalized communities overlap in some way. i know i said this at the start of my reply but it bears repeating-- while everything asexuals faced listed in this report ranged from mildly annoying to downright traumatizing, it's still not an organized legal attempt to criminalize, well, not feeling sexual attraction... and there weren't any hate crimes against aces... do you see what i'm getting at
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Secretary Soulmate - Indiana Jones X Female Reader
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Title: Secretary Soulmate
Indiana Jones X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Anyone other than Indy and the Reader are OCs
Soulmate AU (Soul Mark) / Childhood Friends AU
Requested by @groovy-lady (I hope you really like this one! Probably my favorite of Indy I've made XD Hope you're alright with a kind, sweet, and B.A. reader) And thank you for requesting again!)
WC: 3,307
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of killing, fake threats, teasing, blood mentioned, injuries mentioned, broken bones mentioned, friends to lovers kind of thing, nervousness, feelings realized, small bit of fighting (both physically and verbally), guns, pinning?, slight angst, and fluff
You rushed down the hall as fast as you could, weaving past other teachers, students, and so on. You held a pile of papers in your arms, your hair flying wildly as you tried to get to your destination. You worked at Marshall College in Connecticut as a secretary, and oh boy was it a lot of work. But the pay was good, so that was all that mattered. Besides, your childhood best friend, Indiana, worked there. It was a win-win in your book, minus all the times you had to rush from room to room. You suddenly bumped into something, or someone, the papers, and folders flying out of your hands and onto the floor. You frowned, looking down at the papers before you quickly dropped to your knees, picking them up.
"Sorry about that, Y/N." A voice spoke up, and your frown spread into a smile. Indiana got down on a knee, picking up the remaining papers before he helped you up. 
"It's fine, Indy. I wasn't paying attention." You breathed out as Indiana passed you the rest of the papers and folders.
Indiana pushed up the bridge of his glasses, a smile on his face, "I guess I wasn't either. So, agree to agree that we were both distracted?"
You nodded, letting out a small laugh, "Agreeing to agree about agreeing that we were both so distracted."
Indiana chuckled as he gestured to the paperwork, "I'll get out of your way, you have work to do." Only for you to shake your head.
"Actually," You began, trying to rearrange the papers neatly together, avoiding papercuts, "These are all for you. Most from Mrs. Brindlestaw." You finished, offering him the documents.
Indiana pursed his lips, furrowing his eyebrows, "All for me? What is it?" He asked curiously, flipping through some of the pages before he looked back down at you.
"Some paperwork you need to fill out about some class things. Plus some of the student council stuff from your last meeting, and last but not least, a student of yours passed me their essay for you." You answered in one breath, before letting out a sigh.
Indiana couldn't help but smile again, "Working you to the bone. You should take a break, go out and see the world. Actually, you know what? I'm taking you to Australia." He spoke quickly, not even letting you get a word in.
You gaped at him, like a fish out of water as you started up at him, "Indy, I can't let you do that-"
"No, Y/N/N, I'm not having it. Now, go on, you probably have somewhere else to be after me, right?" He asked and your eyes widened.
"I do, thank you, Indy." You said before you rushed off, missing the admiring look Indiana gave you as you left.
He'd known you since he was a "delinquent" kid finding treasure in his backyard. He had met you by chance, at the young age of eleven, he found you, ten, climbing on some giant rocks near his home. He was immediately taken with you, watching as you had your arms out, balancing the best you could from so high up. He mistakenly called out to you, watching in horror as you lost your balance and fell to the ground. Even though he technically broke your arm, that didn't stop you from becoming his friend... And climbing those rocks again. You were kind, sweet even; reminding Indiana of his mother's kindness towards him.
Throughout the years, you both went on with your lives; keeping in touch with letters. When Indiana joined the college years later, he was surprised to see you, working as some of the professor's secretaries. Indiana was beyond excited to see you again, it had been years. Years of traveling to different worlds, countries, lands... Years of being away from you. He missed you. He didn't know how much until he saw you. Until you saw him. Your eyes lit up like the fourth of July as you bolted down the hall and jumped into his arms. Indiana could still remember the smell of your perfume, the way you did your hair; the way you said his name. He would never forget that moment. 
Indiana was in love. 
But... There was one problem.
He doubted that you were his soulmate.
His hand subconsciously grazed his side over his shirt, where his soul mark lay, a peach-colored symbol with a black outline. He first got it when he turned eighteen. He could still remember the pain he felt, clutching his side. Feeling as if he was being stabbed over and over in that same area. It took a while for Indiana to find out what the symbol was. After almost two years of searching, he found it to be an Ingwaz Rune.
Indiana knew you didn't share his same soul mark. You were too perfect. Too perfect for him. He went on dangerous adventures, risking his life to bring back rare artifacts. While you went to work and read books on your weekends for fun. No, you lived inside an average house, wearing white clothes with red accents, reading on Sunday afternoons with your cat at your feet. 
So why did he feel so alone? Why did he feel like he was losing you? He didn't want to lose you. He wanted to take you in his arms, no matter his damned soul mark, and let you have him as yours. But, the other part of him, the unselfish part, told him to let you go. Let you go out and find your one true soulmate, get married, start a family, and live happily ever after. Indiana wished he could have that. He was married to his work when really... He wished he was married to you. Indiana accepted his fate, he wished for you. He longed for you. But, as they say... If you love someone, let them go. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He needed to focus on work. He needed to focus on grading his students' papers. 
.:. .:. .:.
"Are you sure I packed enough, Jonesy? You said two weeks, I feel like I didn't pack enough." You said, as Indiana just shook his head, taking your suitcase and carrying it out of your house.
"If you don't have enough, I'll buy you clothes there. But I know you Y/N, you always overpack. Remember Alabama, 1924?"
You nodded, giggling out a laugh, "Yes! I had enough clothes for a month!" You exclaimed as Indiana laughed.
"And it was only a two-day trip!" He added with a deep chuckle.
You calmed down slowly, the smile on your face never faltering. "Indy?" You then asked, turning over to look at him as he led you to his car. "Why are you taking me on this trip?"
Indiana gave you a side glance as he opened the passenger seat for you, you hopped in before he shut your door for you. You picked at the skin around your nails as you heard him open the trunk and put your suitcase inside. He walked around the side and got into the driver's seat. Buckling, he turned to you with an unknown expression on his face. "You deserve a break. While you are in Australia with me, you won't work. And I know you brought some of that paperwork back." He spoke accusatoryly before he turned and started the car.
"You know I like working. It calms me down. And don't think this is all one-sided, Indy. You deserve a break too. You're hardly at the college anymore." You pointed out, making Indiana frown as he drove down the road to the airport.
"You know I like working. It calms me down." He repeated your words, almost hauntingly. 
You gave him a deadpan look, "So you can't blame me for wanting to save up most of my vacation time. You know... It's better to save them and go on one big trip than to go on two or three ones. Also! How does your adventuring calm you down? You literally come back and tell me how you almost died or fell into a pit of snakes; which you hate. Or you get shot, stabbed, punched... Have I mentioned almost dying? Also, you bring other women with you. Do you know how dangerous that is? Glad no one sued you." You ended your rant, feeling your face and chest warm with annoyance and anger the more you spoke.
Indiana's eyes widened slightly as he gave you another side glance, "Are you jealous, Y/N/N?"
You turned to him, mouth slightly agape, "Are you serious? That's all you got from that? Jealous?" Your eyes were wide in disbelief, unable to comprehend the question. "Why would I be jealous? While you are out... Thrill-seeking! I'm at home, safe," You stated bluntly, raising your eyebrow.
Indiana stared at you at the red light, his jaw hanging open slightly, "Thrill-seeking puts bread on the table," He replied, in feigned offense.
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just drive, please." You mumbled, crossing your arms. It was quiet in the car, the tension between you both was strong, but it lessened and lessened the longer he drove.
"You know..." Indiana began softly, "You used to like going on adventures with me." He recalled, making you purse your lips. Indiana pulled up to the airport, parked, and turned off the engine. He then turned to you, a wrinkle in the middle of his brows. "What happened?"
You opened your mouth, feeling it become incredibly dry as you closed it and swallowed, "I grew up, Indiana." You answered faintly, unbuckling from your seat before placing your hand on the door handle, "I stopped going because I hated seeing you get hurt." You quickly opened the door, shutting it behind you as you headed to the trunk grabbing your bag. 
Indiana sat frozen in his seat, a painful knot in his throat. Indiana's hand traveled to his mark, it had been bothering him lately. Maybe something was wrong. Gulping, Indiana got out of the car and grabbed his suitcase from the truck; following you inside.
The long plane ride was agony as you sat beside Indiana, him letting you have the window seat; saying he'd already seen it so many times before. You rested your hand on your chin, resting your elbow on your armrest. You stared out the window, watching the plains turn into an ocean. Your mind kept replaying your conversation with Indiana in the car. You felt terrible for how you treated him. You just missed him. You hated when he went out on trips and got hurt. That was a given. But you missed him. You wished he'd stay, stay and spend time with you. Sure, you'd get a couple of weeks with him, but that was mostly at work. You only were really able to come over on weekends. You were so busy with your work to come over after school, and it was the same with Indy most of the time. 
You itched at your soul mark, your mind racing with so many wishes and dreams. You hoped that the person you were destined for was charming, intelligent, caring, funny... He would have to be a brunette, you loved those. Oh, maybe brown eyes. Chocolatey, like burnt caramel. Eyes you could fall right into, like a chocolate milk pool. He'd have to have a sweet smile and maybe even a cocky grin. He'd love you in ways no one else could. The picture you painted in your head was beautiful. It was perfect. Then your eyes widened. Your stomach churned as you held your breath. The person you pictured. The person you thought would be perfect...
Was your best friend, Indiana Jones. 
You were in love with your best friend. You were in love with Indiana Jones. Your Indy... Your Jonesy. You wondered what it would be like if you were loved by him... What kind of life would you have had if he was your soulmate? You bit your lip and leaned against the window. You watched as the clouds passed below. But he couldn't be. No. Indiana needed someone, someone who craved adventure like him. Someone that had that burning need for escapades to Italy, London, Scotland, or Egypt running through their veins. You wished you could enjoy adventures with Indiana again. But, that was no longer possible. You didn’t want to see him bleeding, bruised, hurt…
.:. .:. .:.
"Indy!" You yelled over the gunfire, sitting on the back of a moving van as you tried to escape some other artifact hunters. Somehow, Indiana forgot to mention that he was going to look for an artifact while you were there. You clutched onto Indiana's shirt as he kept an arm around you, shooting back with his own gun. "Oh, if we survive I'm going to kill you!" You exclaimed angrily, as Indiana chucked his gun to the corner of the van, ducking down with you.
"Might as well do it now before they beat you to it." He taunted as you stared up at him with a glare, hitting him hard on the arm.
"Don't freaking joke about that, Indiana Jones. They won't kill you, I will." You spoke, trying to keep your voice steady as your hands shook in fear. You saw a flash of pain in his eyes before he turned away. You followed his gaze, noticing the group of four men, each armed with guns, following you both in their own van. "Damnit, Indiana!" You cursed under your breath as you pushed yourself off of him, "You promised that this was going to be a normal, relaxing trip. No adventures, no dumb artifacts, and no near-death experiences!"
"Probably not a great time to fight right now, sweetheart. You know, with people shooting at us." Indiana mentioned, his tone coated with annoyance as you just huffed. Sliding over, you grabbed Indiana's empty gun, Indiana watching in confusion, fear, and interest as you peeked over the van's hatch. "What are you doing!?" Indiana exclaimed, watching as you pulled back, aimed, and threw the gun; hitting the driver's side windshield. The driver lost control of the vehicle, throwing his passengers off balance, causing several weapons to fly into the air, and the men to fall to the ground. Indy's eyes widened in surprise as he glanced down at you in amusement and awe. His heart rate rose and his body tensed as he gripped your waist, holding on tightly, preventing you from falling down as the van continued down the rocky terrain. "Wow, honey! That was amazing." You ignored him, turning to the driver in the front, and asking him to take you to the hotel. 
Back at the hotel, you sped-walked to your hotel room, Indiana following behind like a wounded puppy. You unlocked your door, turning to look at Indiana with a sharp glare before grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside. Shutting your door, you turned to Indiana, crossing your arms. "Indiana Jones." You growled, Indiana shutting his eyes, waiting for you to yell at him, but it never came.
Hesitantly, he opened his eyes, only for them to widen as he watched tears fall down your cheeks. Indiana went to reach out to you but you spoke, "Why do you always bring danger with you everywhere you go?" You cried softly, your arms dropping to your side. "Why did you have to bring me with you? You know I don't like seeing you hurt..." You whispered, your tears falling onto the carpet below your feet. "It scares me, Indy. I don't want to see you hurt." Your voice cracked slightly, your breathing becoming shaky as tears streamed down your face. "And I can't help it! I still think about you all the time when you're gone, I wonder where you are! If you're alive. If you are safe." You brought your hand up to wipe some of your tears away. "I just with you could see how much I-" You paused, your vision clearing a bit for you to see Indiana's shirt, a section slowly turning red. 
Your eyes widened as you froze, your body growing cold. "Indiana. You are hurt." You whispered, stepping forward to take a closer look as you brushed your tears away. "You got shot! Why didn’t you tell me?" You asked him, looking up at him as he stared down at you. 
"Kind of hard when we were getting shot at... And when you were saving us." He spoke, voice soft; his brown eyes softer. 
"Well, you are not dying on my watch. Take your shirt off. I'll get a first aid kit." You said, passing him as he chuckled.
"Take me to dinner first." He joked, you freezing mid-step, your face burning before you snapped out of it and continued to find a first aid kit.
You came out of the bathroom a couple of moments later, gulping when you saw Indiana sitting on your bed, shirtless; with a small gash on his side. You ignored the feeling of your cheeks warming as you sat in front of him. Opening the kit, Indiana watched as you grabbed the supplies you needed before going to his small wound and beginning to clean it.
"Ow." Indiana muttered, making you pause, looking up at him.
"Are you actually in pain or messing with me?" You asked and Indiana shrugged.
"Pain." He answered simply, making you purse your lips and get back to work. You gently patted the gash with the rag, cleaning it as best as you could. You tried not to let your eyes wander, but they did. Gazing across his abdomen, stopping when you saw something. Something familiar. You furrowed your eyebrows, your cleaning slowed. "Indy?" You spoke up, gaining his attention.
"Hmm," He replied back, as you leaned back, your eyes wide. Indiana furrowed his eyebrows, "Y/N, what's wrong?" Not receiving an answer from you, he began to laugh awkwardly, "Not dying, am I, Doc?"
"Henry." You spoke, Indiana's blood draining from his face as his eyes widened.
"Uh, am I in trouble? I promise I won't take you on any more adven-"
"You are my soulmate." You whispered, not believing what you were seeing, your fingers gently grazing over the mark on the opposite side of his gash. 
Indiana stared at you, not believing what he was hearing, "My... My what? My what?!"
"Soulmate. Mine." You told him, leaning forward again as he swallowed thickly.
"You mean... We've been... This whole time..." He trailed off. "This whole time we could've been together? Wait, show me." He commanded, watching intently as you raised your shirt up, showing him your matching mark. With shaky fingers, he traced it lightly. It was the same as his. The same peachy rune with a black outline. Indiana looked up at you, staring into your eyes as you stared right back. Without missing a beat, Indiana pulled you into a kiss, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back eagerly. Oh, how you had been wishing for this, dreaming of it. Finally, you two pulled apart.
"Might be a bit spontaneous... But marry me?" He asked you and you laughed quietly.
"No." You shook your head, making Indiana frown before pulling his head down for another kiss. "Not spontaneous at all." Indiana let out a sigh of relief, a smile blinding. "My answer is yes, Jonesy.” Indiana smiled, “But you are still in trouble. But I’ll forgive you once we get you cleaned up and we cuddle.”
“I can do both of those things.” Indiana smirked, “Fix away, honey. I think we need a nap.”
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