#and she pulled into a random parking lot to move everything into her trunk
modern-alebrije · 2 years
my roommate, who is so crime-paranoid that she brought the $2 candy bowl in from outside on halloween because she "didn't want anyone to steal it" despite us living in the most non-sketch area in the county, left the front door unlocked while she takes her online midterm in her room
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harrysddtittys · 3 years
Could you maybe write something where Harry is a single father to maybe a girl. And just write how he’d deal with her terrible twos. Like from morning to night or something like that? 🥺
wow i finally got a requestttt!!! here you go! I know nothing about young children, so i don’t even know if this is an accurate description of a 2 y/o lol. but i hope you like it <33
Warnings: fluffff, dadrry, most likely some typos :)
Masterlist ❣︎ Requests
Piece of work
“Oh my God, Lani.” Harry groaned, groggily, as he was pulled out of his sleep by his daughter sitting on his back and yelling “Daddy, wake up!” in an playful voice. As much as he tries to pretend to not to like being woken up so obnoxiously every morning, they both know he loves for the first thing he hears every day to be his little girl yelling in his ear.
He lays there for a couple more minutes, wanting to sleep for a little bit longer, but gives up when he realizes she’s not going to be quiet until he gets up. “Okay, okay. I’m awake. Calm down.”
When he says that, she immediately gets off his back so that he can sit up, sitting next to him. He looks over at her. She’s wearing a random shirt of her’s that she doesn’t really wear other than to sleep, and her pull-up that she wears to prevent wetting the bed at night, and she has a head full of curly, unruly hair. He just smiles, so in awe of the fact he helped create something so beautiful.
Fatherhood was by far the best thing that ever happened to Harry. The second he looked his little girl, Alani in the eyes, he instantly felt the connection. He loves her with his entire being. But she can definitely be a lot to handle
She turned two not even three months ago. Harry Honestly thought the “terrible two’s” stage was a myth. Boy, was he wrong. The tantrums hit like lightning. Not only is she in her terrible two’s, but she’s naturally very stubborn, and sassy. She definitely got that from him. He swears she’s a 13 year old in a 2 year olds body.
“G’morning, bug.” He says, sitting up slowly because of the stiff joints from not moving much all night. “Good morning, daddy!” She squeals excitedly. Once he’s fully sat up, Alani jumps on him, throwing her tiny arms around him, causing Harry to chuckle. She gets so excited when he wakes up for the day.
He wraps his arms around her and squeeze her lightly, but grunting as if he’s squeezing her as tight as he can, making her giggle. “Did you sleep good?” He questions, quietly. “Yeah.” She mumbles, feeling so content where she is, like in her dad’s arms is the best place in the world. “V’got some things to do today. Y’wanna go run some errands with daddy?” This causes her to pull away from him with with wide eyes, nodding eagerly. The biggest smile spreads across Harry’s features. “Yeah?” Which she responds to by nodding again.
“Then we gotta get ready, bub. Y’hungry?” He asks to which she responds with a simple “Yes.” “Alright let’s go eat.” When he says that, Alani gets down off the bed, before sprinting out of his room, and toward the kitchen full speed. “Stop running!” He slightly scolds, hearing her tiny feet padding down the hallway at a much slower speed than before.
He always gets so nervous when she’s running around, but especially when she’s running in the house. She’s so wild and crazy, yet so clumsy. Constantly falling, and running into things. She rarely actually gets hurt. Most of the time she moves on from it like nothing happened. But it scares the absolute shit out of Harry every time.
When he enters the kitchen, he sees Alani standing next to the counter. As soon as he’s in her line of vision she starts pointing to the box of cinnamon toast crunch. “Daddy, this?” with pleading eyes. Harry just laughs. He doesn’t let her eat those than often for breakfast, because of how sweet they are, choosing to fix something on the healthier side for them to eat instead. But today he figured it wouldn’t hurt to let her have a little bowl of it before the day starts.
He goes over to the little girl who is still aggressively pointing at the box of cereal, ending down to pick her up. “Alright, alright. Hold you’re horses, will you?” He coos softly. He gently sits her down on at the kitchen table before returning back over to the counter. He opens the cabinet, pulling out a small bowl. When he’s finished making her cereal, he grabs her one of her baby spoons before serving it to her. “Thank you!” she says loudly. “You’re welcome, princess.” he chuckles.
Harry doesn’t like cinnamon toast crunch, it’s way to sweet for him. He decides he’ll just pop a bagel in the toaster and call it a day.
* * *
Once they’ve finished breakfast, they got completely ready for the day, and we’re soon ready to head out. Harry turns around to look at his daughter. She’s dressed in a denim dress, with a white t-shirt underneath, and white tennis shoes. Her hair’s brushed up into two sleek pigtails, which he’d become a pro at over the past couple years. Harry decided on a white t-shirt with a gray pair of pants. “Y’ready t’go, love?” he asked, feeling around his pockets to make sure he had everything. “Mhm!”
once they’re out to the car, Harry straps Alani into her car seat in the back, peppering kisses all over her tiny face once she’s all buckled in. “Daddy!” She squeals. Giggling, he closes the door, and goes around to the drivers side, getting in and powering the car on. “Alright, let’s roll.” he sighs, turning around to back out of the driveway.
They needed to stop at the grocery store, just to stock up on some things they needed around the house. So that’s where they were headed to now.
“Daddy, look! Red!” Alani exclaimed, pointing at the red car that was next to them. “Yes, that is red, baby, good job!” Harry beams. “Y’so smart.”
They continue driving toward their local grocery. Harry looks into his rear view mirror to check in Alani, and catches her staring at him. She’s always staring at him. It seems to be her favorite thing to do. He pulls the silliest face he could think of, causing her to burst into laughter. Harry laughs right along with her. Her laugh is so contagious. “Do it again!” She giggles. Harry happily obliges, pulling the goofy face once more, causing her angelic little laugh to engulf his ears.
After a little while of driving, they finally reached their destination, pulling into the grocery store parking lot. Alani watches her dad get out of the car, patiently waiting for him to make his way around to her side to get her out of the car. Soon enough, he does, taking her out of her cars seat and carrying her on his hip as the go into the store.
* * *
“Daddy, Daddy! Can I have that?” Alani asks loudly, pointing to something. “Shhh, you have to use your inside voice, darling.” Harry reminds her gently. He looks over to where she was pointing and not to his surprise, he sees a doll on the shelf. He’s grown to hate telling her no, but they didn’t come for toys, and she has more than enough at home already. “No, my love. Not today.” Her face immediately dropped. “But… but please?” She whines, her lip quivering. Harry hates that she’s disappointed but he knows he can’t give in. “No, baby. You don’t have to cry. Just not today, okay?” he says gently.
That doesn’t help, considering her whimpers are quickly turning into loud wails, and he knows the meltdown is coming. “Lani, it’s okay. You have plenty of toys at home to play with.” he try’s to reason but it doesn’t stop the tears that are slowly rolling down her face, and the loud, attention drawing cries. People were starting to look, and Harry was starting to get frustrated, but she was only 2. He knew she was still learning how to deal with her emotions. But when your kid is having a complete meltdown, and screaming in the middle of a store over a doll, that’s definitely a bit annoying.
Harry leans down to be face to face with her in her, who’s seated in the cart. “Alani, I know you’re upset, but you’re not going to scream.” He says softly, but slightly sternly. She looks at her dad, still crying but visibly calming down. Harry waits for her whines to die down completely before asking her “Are we okay now? Can we keep shopping?” to which she responds to with a nod.
After picking up just a few more essentials, they’re in line, waiting to check out. Harry looks down at Alani, realizing she’s been pretty silent ever since she stopped crying. He sees her with the all too familiar scowl on her face, with a pout of her lips. “Why are you looking so evil, bub?” Harry asked, with a gentle shake of his head. She doesn’t respond, but she doesn’t need to because he already knows she’s mad at him for refusing to buy her a doll.
He just rolls his eyes and try’s not to laugh. She really is something else. But he knows that she’s genuinely mad at him and him not taking her seriously will set her off again.
Eventually, they make their way up to the front of the line to check out, and soon enough their heading back out to the car. Harry looks at her, as he’s loading all the groceries into the trunk of his car to see that she still has the same mean look on her face. “Y’gonna stay mad at daddy all day, huh?” He teases her solely for his own enjoyment, knowing she’s much to busy trying to have an attitude to laugh at anything he says. She nods silently, still refusing to speak to him. Harry can’t help but laugh at that, knowing that wasn’t true in the slightest. “Y’have to learn t’take ‘no’ for an answer, baby love.” He sighs.
When they’re in the car in the way home, Harry looks at her in the mirror, pulling some silly faces like he was doing earlier. She sees him, and while she was still trying to hold her angry face, he can see the smile tugging at her lips. He doesn’t stop until her scowl is completely replaced by a smile, her beautiful laugh ringing through his ears, making his heart flutter with joy.
“Ahhh, I thought you were mad!” Harry laughs, causing her to laugh along with him, knowing she failed her attempt at holding a grudge on him. “Are we gonna be friends again?” Harry asks jokingly. “Yeah, we’re friends again!” Alani states matter of factly, causing Harry to chuckle.
This child really was a little piece of work, but he loves her nonetheless.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
dance me to the end of love (iii)
word count: 4.3k
warnings: fem!oc, cursing, potential percy jackson & the olympians spoilers, alcohol consumption, motion sickness and vomiting
series masterpost: here
a/n: this took me a hot sec to finish but here it is! there's a dumb little latin joke in here but that's just because i'm a nerd lmao
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Ryan is certainly giving Bette a run for her money in the best friend department.
Magdalene has no intentions of usurping her best friend, but Ryan is quickly becoming the person she talks to most frequently. It started on social media but quickly moved to regular texting, both of them being twenty-five and capable of communicating through more normal channels. The text thread between them isn’t indicative of their newfound friendship – it looks like they’ve been friends since high school. At any given moment at least three conversations are going on, and Magdalene regularly sends him random updates throughout the day. Ryan likes hearing about any interesting artefacts she encounters at work so she keeps mental notes to tell him during their frequent phone calls.
Despite talking to him almost constantly, Magdalene hasn’t seen Ryan since they grabbed lunch at Barn Owl nearly two weeks ago. The lake house trip is a couple days out, and she’s been busy trying to get all her ducks in a row. At work, the current project is coming to an end and Magdalene will be sad to see it go – it’s the first thing she’s been on from start to finish. She’s got a neighbour coming to spend time with Caligula while she’s away so he doesn’t get too upset. Though the days are passing by in a haze as she tries to get ready, Magdalene is excited to get away for a little bit. It’s been a few years since she’s left Denver for more than a night, electing to skip on Bette’s previous vacation invites, and it will be nice to slow down. Life is moving at a comfortable pace, but having some time to pause and breathe will keep Magdalene from feeling too overwhelmed.
Halfway through her last day of work, Magdalene gets a text from Ryan that makes her nearly double over in laughter.
Julius Caesar walks into a bar and says to the bartender “I’ll have a Martinus please!” The bartender replies “Don’t you mean a Martini?” Caesar shakes his head and says “If I wanted double I would have said so.”
It takes her a minute to catch her breath, which piques June’s curiosity. Magdalene recites the joke and her boss rolls her eyes and shakes her head, but does let out a chuckle.
June didn’t think it was funny, but I did. Thank you for making today infinitely better. You riding with us tomorrow?
Magdalene tucks her phone back into her purse, determined to remain focused for the last few hours, and misses the reply telling her that Ryan won’t be riding with Bette, Tyson, and herself, but rather with Cale and his girlfriend to leave enough space for all the gear getting brought. She doesn’t see it until she’s walking across the parking lot to her car and it fills her with a sadness that doesn’t make much sense. He’ll be there for the entire week, so does it matter that he’ll be in a different car for the four hour drive? Magdalene has a sinking suspicion about why she’s upset, but she pushes it down. There’s no space in your life for a relationship right now, she reminds herself as she unlocks the door to her apartment. Caligula is waiting patiently at the door and distracts her thoughts from the handsome man with the kind smile that’s been all she can think about recently.
The cat is incredibly perceptive and knows the regular routine is going to change, making him particularly clingy. He follows Magdalene as she finishes packing, meowing and begging for pets, and she considers bailing on her friends. Caligula has mild separation anxiety and Magdalene doesn’t go away often partly because of it – though another reason is her homebody nature. Only the thought of seeing Ryan keeps her from hanging all her clothes back up.
“Don’t worry little boots,” she coos, “I won’t be gone long. Maria is going to check on you while I’m away, and I’ll be home before you know it.”
It seems ridiculous to speak to her pet as though it’s a child, but Magdalene knows Caligula comprehends what she’s saying. He’s always been smart, and the two of them share a bond that’s hard to explain. She picks him up, puts him in the pocket of her hoodie, and they spend the rest of the night packing and dancing along to the radio.
Bette forgot to mention that the road to the lake house is winding, and Magdalene spends the entire ride with her head between her knees. Motion sickness is something that unfortunately plagues her during journeys longer than a couple of hours and she wishes she would have thought to take anti-nausea medication before leaving the house. Tyson tries to crack a joke about her being a bad passenger, but his girlfriend swats his arm and passes her friend a water bottle with a concerned smile. The two of them speak in hushed tones, almost certainly for Magdalene's benefit, and she does her best not to throw up on the floor of Tyson’s car. After what feels like two decades the vehicle rolls to a stop at the end of a gravel path.
“Mags, we’re here,” Bette says softly, praying that her friend will begin to feel better after stretching her legs and feeling firm ground underneath her.
There’s an unintelligible groan from Magdalene, but she rises out of the car and stumbles into the house. Tyson and Bette insist that she rest and they’ll handle the unloading of the car, so she crawls into one of the empty beds and falls asleep as soon as her head touches the pillow. It’s a dreamless slumber, one fuelled by the pure exhaustion of battling illness while travelling, and when she awakes hours later Magdalene feels oddly refreshed. Her energy level is still relatively low, but she knows that intaking food won’t be an issue.
Padding down the stairs as quiet as possible in an effort to not break the peaceful atmosphere, Magdalene is met with a quiet house. She’s utterly confused – she didn’t sleep long enough to miss dinner and judging by the way the sun is low in the final car full of people should be arriving any minute. For a moment she thinks the group left her in the mountains alone, but then the sound of a trunk closing breaks the silence.
“I fucking told you bro, you should have let me drive!”
Ryan’s voice echoes in Magdalene's ears and her heart skips a beat. She didn’t realize how much she had missed him or how excited she is to see him. Despite everything inside of her saying she should run into his arms Magdalene stays put in the kitchen, running the tap to get a glass of water. She focuses on the mountain on the other end of the lake, framing the setting sun and creating a postcard ready photo. The camera app on her phone is open and angles for the best shot are found. Ryan tumbles through the door a second later, arms filled to the brim with luggage and bags of food.
He drops them the second he sees her, running up behind her and lifting her off the ground. “Mags! Cale almost hit a deer!”
The shock of Ryan’s onslaught of affection catches her off guard, and Magdalene shakes her hand, forcing the picture to turn out as nothing but a blur.
“No hello?” She laughs as Ryan lets her feet touch down on the wooden floor. “It’s the least you could give me after destroying my chance of getting a National Geographic worthy picture.”
He smiles but doesn’t let his hands drop from their perch on her waist. “There’s six more days for you to nail it. I’ll even help if you ask.”
Other bodies enter the house then, causing Magdalene to slink away from Ryan’s touch even though it was the last thing she wanted to do. They’re simply friends, and she doesn’t want Bette to get any ideas. The last thing Magdalene needs on her plate right now is her best friend forcing her to paint a custom denim jacket with Ryan’s number across the back. “I can’t believe you almost hit a deer,” Tyson sighs in disbelief.
“It wasn’t even close,” Cale grumbles, picking up his bags and stomping off to find a place to claim as his own the next couple of days. A petite redhead follows after him, giving a small wave to those in the kitchen before scurrying away. When she asks, Ryan tells Magdalene the girl’s name is Livy, and that she’s Cale’s girlfriend from back home.
Everyone shrugs at his moodiness and disperses. Bette and Tyson stay in the kitchen to make dinner, Ryan goes to claim the final room, and Magdalene slips outside to sit on the patio furniture. The sun has dropped drastically in the past five minutes, causing the air to chill. She wraps her arms tighter around her legs and watches a pair of birds fly over the lake below. It’s so peaceful, a complete one-eighty from the insanity of her life in Denver, and Magdalene thinks about never leaving. She knows it’s impossible, but as she closes her eyes and listens to the quiet laughter of her friends inside the idea seems like a pretty good one.
The sliding door creaks open and Ryan goes through as quietly as possible. He tosses a sweater in Magdalene’s direction as he walks over, plopping down beside her on the small couch.
“Thanks,” she mumbles, slipping the fabric over her head. “I didn’t realize how cold it had actually gotten.”
He smiles in response and shuffles his body a little closer to create extra warmth. Magdalene leans into him, trying to appear casual even though her heart is beating rapidly, and pulls on the strings of the sweater Ryan gave her.
“So, are you excited for this week?”
It’s more awkward than she thought it would be – seeing him in person again, especially since they’ve been texting almost constantly, and the words kind of stick in her throat.
“Honestly? Now that I’m here I am, but I was a little leery about taking time off,” Ryan explains, detailing how he’s trying to improve some aspects of his two-way play and is worried his progress will plateau. Magdalene understands and shares her own worries about taking time off work even if her boss encouraged it.
After catching up quickly and running out of things to say, the pair of them sit in silence watching the sun set until they’re called inside for dinner. It’s nice to just exist, especially with Ryan beside her, and Magdalene feels her heart sink as they separate and he goes to make sure Cale isn’t actually mad at him.
It storms the first two days at the lake house, forcing everyone to stay inside. Tyson complains about how he has less time to drive the boat that came with the property but the others take it in stride. Magdalene spends most of the time reading for pleasure, something she hasn’t been able to do much of the past few years, and Ryan joins her for large chunks of the time. It turns out that he too is an avid reader, and the two of them discuss their favourite novels and series while the other four play board games.
“So you’re telling me you wish Annabeth would have joined the Hunters of Artemis?” Magdalene shrieks in shock, almost knocking the wine out of her glass as her arms flail in disbelief.
“I think it made sense for her to,” Ryan defends.
“But she’s perfect for Percy!”
He sticks to his guns. “I’m not saying she isn’t. I just think that at the time the offer was presented it was the most logical choice. You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about what would have happened if she did.”
She ducks her head in defeat because she had imagined it, on many occasions in fact. When reading the series for the first time in middle school Magdalene had desperately hoped Annabeth would choose the Hunters over Camp Half-Blood, gaining the family she herself never was privy to. They return to reading quietly beside each other, occasionally knocking elbows when trying to turn a page.
Tuesday brings sunshine and clear skies, which means Tyson is trying to corral everyone into the boat as soon as they’re up. Magdalene tries her hardest to get out of it but her pleas fall on deaf ears.
“You’ll be fine, stop being such a wimp,” Cale jests. She knows that he’s just anxious to soak up some sun, but the words hurt more than Magdalene would have liked them to.
Livy swats her boyfriend across the chest. “Enough! If she doesn’t want to come she doesn’t have to.” The smaller girl sends her a kind smile before speaking low enough that only Magdalene can hear her. “I know your book is just getting good and you look like the kind of person who needs alone time to function properly. Enjoy yourself.”
Seemingly excused from the day’s festivities, Magdalene gives a sheepish wave before climbing the small hill to the house. Ryan meets her halfway and is appalled when he hears of her plans.
“Nope, I don’t think so. You’re not leaving me alone to be the ultimate third wheel!”
He has her off the ground and over his shoulder in a millisecond, jogging lightly to catch up with the rest of the group. Magdalene’s laugh bounces off the tree lined shore, and she’s too busy having fun shrieking at Ryan to complain about being forced to spend all day on a boat away from her book. Tyson peels away from the dock before she can regret tagging along, and Bette tugs Magdalene to the bow.
The two girls chat quietly, giggling and sipping on the mimosas they made earlier. Magdalene isn’t a huge day drinker, but Bette makes sure there’s more orange juice than champagne to make her feel less guilty. Livy joins them a while later after becoming sick of the boys and their shenanigans. It’s nice to hang out with a group of girls that aren’t competing for the top spot in a class, Magdalene decides, and she revels in the stories they tell of going to hockey games and babysitting the children of players so they can catch a break. Twinges of jealousy creep up at the wonderful family dynamic the Avalanche seem to have, but she stomachs them. She reminds herself that other people deserve to have support systems and excuses herself from the conversation.
Magdalene slides into the free space beside Ryan, and without thinking he wraps an arm around her shoulder. It feels so natural that she wonders if it’s how he greets all his friends, but the looks of shock and Tyson and Cale’s faces say otherwise. After a bit more cruising they find a small bay to anchor in for a while. The sun had climbed to the middle of the sky and is unbearably warm, leaving everyone no choice but to jump into the water to cool off. Magdalene does her best to float peacefully a short distance away from the group but is somehow brought into a splashing war because the teams aren’t equal.
Eventually the constant barrage of water chills her to the bone, and Magdalene swims back to the boat. She watches from the sidelines and cheers for her old teammates with a towel wrapped snugly around her. Ryan breaks from the group too, insisting it isn’t fair to have teams on unequal strength. Once dry, he picks up the baseball cap he brought and places it delicately on Magdalene’s head.
“Your cheeks are starting to go pink and I don’t want you to burn,” he explains, passing her a bottle of sunscreen as well.
“Thanks Ry.”
They muse about the idyllic beauty of the scene in front of them until everyone rejoins them. For reasons unbeknownst to Magdalene Tyson is in a rush to get back to the house, which leads to him driving very fast and a little erratically. The contents of her stomach threaten to come up but she holds them down, tightening her grip on the leather seat. A wave crests and Tyson hits it head on, causing the boat to lurch and rock. Magdalene knows it’s going to happen before it does and leans over the side to save a mess from being created. All the alcohol and food she’d consumed throughout the day is no longer in her body, and heat creeps up the back of her neck. She’s embarrassed – what twenty-five year old gets sea sick?
“Are you okay?” Ryan asked, not bothering to hide the concern in his voice.
She tries to smile but it comes out more like a grimace. “I just, uh, get motion sick really easily.” Bette passes her a water bottle and she drinks it quickly, eager to get the taste out of her mouth.
Ryan lets Magdalene curl into his side the rest of the way home, and rubs comforting circles on her back to ease her discomfort, doing his best to ignore the stares from his friends.
The trip comes to an end much more quickly than Magdalene would have liked. Tomorrow morning they’ll pack up and drive back to Denver, returning to their normal hectic schedules. Cale and Livy are heading back to Alberta for the rest of the summer, and Bette and Tyson will be going for a visit as well. She’s heard Ryan mention going home in passing, which most likely means he doesn’t have plans to stay. Magdalene will be all alone in Colorado, but she’s used to it. The only issue being friends with professional athletes is that they leave. She’s been dealing with the loss since Bette and Tyson got together years ago – having them around as her support system most of the year and then them disappearing for a couple of months.
Not wanting to think about how soon she’ll be alone, Magdalene heads outside and starts a campfire. It’s a skill she picked up as a kid and it has come in handy over the years. The newspaper crinkles under the flame from the lighter, and soon the kindling is burning well. Everyone else is still inside, cleaning up from dinner and preparing for one last night in paradise. She places a few blocks of wood in the fire pit once there’s a good enough flame and curls up in a chair, lost in thought about what comes next. There’s rustling from somewhere behind her but she pays it no mind, assuming it’s a small animal wandering through the forest.
“Can I offer you some company?” a voice says softly, waiting for a response. The movement wasn’t a raccoon but in fact Ryan, and Magdalene gestures at the chair beside her with a smile.
He passes her a glass of white wine, which she takes with an appreciative hum. They sit in silence for a moment, admiring the beauty of the setting sun. “I’m going to miss it,” Ryan sighs, leaning back in his chair and extending his legs.
She nods. “Me too. It’s so quiet up here. Denver gets too loud sometimes.”
“Tell me about it. I’m not just going to miss the lake though, it’s also lounging around and not having to worry about hockey. And you.”
The ending comes out rushed, and Magdalene isn’t sure she heard him correctly. “Me?”
Ryan looks at her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Yes you. Why wouldn’t I? You’re funny, smart, and catch all of my West Wing references. There’s no one who gets me quite like you, even back home.”
It takes her by surprise. They’ve only known each other for a few months, and only really started associating after the party at Bette and Tyson’s. There has to be somebody who knows him better than she does. When she voices her opinion Ryan just scoffs, saying that people treat him as one-dimensional because he plays hockey. Somehow the conversation shifts to Magdalene, and when she lets it slip she gets lonely in Denver without her friends, Ryan asks the question she’s been dreading.
“So why don’t you get a boyfriend?”
“I can’t just get a boyfriend because my friends are gone,” she laughs, but there’s an edge to it, like she’s unsure of where this will go and how to question the follow ups.
He rolls his eyes. “I know that, but like, I don’t know, wouldn’t it be nice to not be alone all the time?”
It would be, Magdalene thinks, but she just shrugs. “I guess I’m not looking for a relationship right now. I just finished school and for the first time in a long time I can focus on myself.” She leaves out the part where Ryan gives her butterflies and that if he asked she’d probably jump headfirst into a relationship with him.
The topic is dropped then because Tyson comes out of the house screaming about the night is going to be wild because it’s their last together for a while. Magdalene and Ryan share a look of mild panic, but both of them are itching to have fun with friends so they raise their glasses in salute before finishing them in one gulp.
Magdalene drinks more than she should and wakes in the morning with a killer hangover. It seems that no one else is better off though, all stumbling around looking for Advil and coffee like it’s going to be their last meal. Packing up takes a bit longer than expected, but they’re still out before the official checkout time. There’s a bit of discourse on who Magdalene will travel home with. Bette wants her in Tyson’s car, no doubt to talk about how close her and Ryan seem to be, but Cale offers to bring her with them. His reasoning is that Ryan is driving him and Livy directly to the airport, and having the front seat could be good for her motion sickness. It’s ultimately Magdalene’s choice and the idea of having more time with Ryan before he leaves is too enticing to pass up. She bids her other friends goodbye, promising to come over for dinner before they fly out, and climbs into the cab of Cale’s truck.
Once again she’s a less than ideal passenger, but this time it’s because she sleeps the entire way back to Denver. The drinking took it out of her and coupled with the queasiness in her stomach from the winding roads sleep is the only thing that makes sense. So much for extra time with Ryan she thinks as she wakes up in the airport parking lot.
“Sleeping beauty has risen!” Ryan chuckles, “Why don’t you get out and stretch your legs for a sec? We have the parking spot for another fifteen minutes.”
Magdalene does as suggested because truthfully her joints are a little stiff, and finds Cale and Livy grabbing their bags from the back. She hugs them goodbye and wishes them safe travels, which Cale returns with a warning not to get into too much trouble before heading for the entrance. Once both of them are safely inside the confines of the airport, Ryan and Magdalene get back in the vehicle and finish the last leg of the trip.
She directs Ryan to her apartment complex, and he mentions that he’s never been in this area of the city. “That’s because you have no need to be around a bunch of university kids,” she laughs. Once they pull into the parking lot, he offers to help her take up her bag. It’s only a small suitcase Magdalene could definitely handle herself, but she wants him to come up, to prolong her time with him.
Magdalene’s keys jingle in the lock as the door opens. Ryan follows her in and shuts the door carefully, not wanting to disrupt the aura of peace that permeates the space. From what he can tell, the average size apartment is the perfect reflection of Magdalene – packed full of books and plants and feels very put together despite the owner being only twenty-five. After their shoes find a home on the boot rack and the coats they brought for the drive home are hung in the closet she leads Ryan into the living room. There’s a soft purring by his feet, and Ryan looks down to see an animal. He never pegged Magdalene as someone to keep pets.
“Who’s this?” he asks, bending down to pet the small white cat.
“That’s Caligula.”
A puzzled look graces Ryan’s features. “Who?”
“Caligula,” Madalene giggles. “You can call him little boots if you’d like. He’ll respond.” She picks up the animal when it comes to her and scratches gently behind its ear.
“Why would you name your cat something dumb like Caligula, and why does it respond to little boots?”
It’s then the woman realizes that not everyone understands the reference. “Caligula was the third emperor of Rome,” she explains, “But his real name was Gaius. He gained the nickname Caligula as a child and it just stuck. It translates to little boots in Latin.”
Ryan is in awe of Magdalene for what feels like the millionth time. Of course someone as smart as her would have a crazy name for a pet and have the knowledge to back it up. He feels his chest tighten with affection but he wills it away. She isn’t looking for anything right now, he reminds himself. Magdalene’s self-professed inability to reciprocate his feelings is frustrating, but Ryan knows he’d wait forever for her.
additional notes: catch some extra content here!
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @ricohenrique @lovethepreds @cutiesara23 @hockeyallthetime @stlbluesbrat21 (add yourself to the taglist!)
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calsplaidpants · 3 years
strawberries & cigarrettes (Calum Hood)
pairings: calum hood x reader
summary: meeting 17 year old calum for the first time and it skips to a mini beach trip with the boys
au where he isn't famous :)
pairing: calum hood x reader
warnings: smoking
masterlist |||||| 5sos masterlist
remember when we first met, you said "light my cigarette?"
"light my cigarette?" a voice grumbled from next to me.
i pulled my earbud and looked at the now occupied seat. there was calum hood, one of the kids in my grade. i'd never spoken to him before.
i pulled my lighter out and lit his cigarette
"thanks" he mumbled.
i put my earbud back in and resumed smoking my cigarette.
i felt a nudge on my side, i turned and it was the guy speaking. i quickly pulled my earbuds out once again
"what cha listenin' to ?" he asked
"blink-182" i replied
"they're sick. i'm calum" he smiled at me
"i'm _______" i mumbled as he blew a smoke ring into the air.
"i've seen you around at school before" he said
"yeah, so what are you doing here? you don't just carry cigarette's and not carry a lighter" i laughed
"maybe i just wanted a cute girl to light mine" he smirked.
so i lied to my mom and dad, i jumped the fence and i ran
"come onnn, its not that hard to sneak out" calum whined over the phone
"i've never snuck out cal." i groaned
"just say you're sleeping over at a friend's house " he grinned
"fine" i sighed
"okay i'll be outside of your house in ten" he instructed and hung up.
i ran downstairs and my mom was watching tv
"hey mom" i asked
"yeah hun?" she replied
"can i go stay at Gen's house tonight?" i asked
"yeah sure do you want me to drop you off?" she smiled
"no its okay i was thinking of walking there since the sun is gonna set soon" i said
"okay text me when you get there" she said
i ran back upstairs and changed into some sweats and one of cals hoodies.in my duffle bag i shoved in random extra clothes.
i checked my phone and i had a text from cal.
i'm outside
i grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.
"bye mom"i said as i kissed her on cheek
"be careful" she said
i walked outside and there was cal in his black convertible, smoking a cigarette.
"hey cal" i yelled as i ran over to his car.
"i told ya it would work" he teased as i got in and threw my bag in the backseat
"oh shut up" i groaned as he started driving away.
"awe that's my hoodie too, looks cute on you" he smirked causing me to blush
" anyways where are we going" i questioned
"the beach" he smiled
"what the fuck cal why the beach? the suns gonna set soon. its gonna be all dark-" i rambled before cal cut me off
"relax it'll be fun." he laughed
"who else is going?" i asked
"ashton, mike, and luke are meeting us there" he smiled
"we're in charge of snacks so we're gonna stop at shop" he added as he pulled into the parking lot of the store.
i texted my mom that i had safely arrived at Gen's house.
we got out and walked in.
i grabbed a cart and calum jumped in
"seriously" i asked
"yes now take me to the snacks section" he laughed
"please" he added
i rolled my eyes and pushed him to the snack section where he proceeded to throw anything and everything that called his attention into the cart.
But we couldn't go very far cause you locked your keys in your car
"crap" calum mumbled as we arrived back to his car with the cart full of snacks.
"what" i asked
"i left my keys inside and the cars locked" he groaned
"shit what are we gonna do" i asked
"i'll just call Mali to bring my spare" he mumbled and started ringing her
"hey mali, uhm kinda left my car keys in the car do you mind bringing me my spare?" he asked
"pleaseeee" he mumbeled
"thank you see you in 15" he smiled and hung up
"she's coming" he announced
"here come sit" he smiled
"where" i asked as i walked over to him
"here" he said as he lifted me and sat me on the trunk of the car.
So you sat and stared at my lips And I could already feel your kiss
Calum was standing between my legs as we chatted and waited for Mali.
"did you text the boys that we're gonna be a bit late?" i asked as i looked up to him.
"nope i forgot" he laughed.
i barely realized how close we were, i took one more look at him and he looked so cute. his lips were so kissable. god i wish i could kiss them
"i'll text luke" i stammered as i snapped out of my trance
i pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly snapped a picture of cal
"hey what was that forrr" he whined
"i'm sending it to luke" i replied not looking up from my phone
i quickly texted luke saying
insert picture of calum
hey we're gonna be a bit late bc this dumbass left the keys in the car
i slipped my phone back into my pocket.
"done" i smiled.
i looked up and calum was just staring at me
"cal?" i asked and he just smiled
his hand came up to my cheek gently and he started leaning in.
with no hesitation i started leaning in
"CALUM ________" mali's voice interrupted our kiss causing calum and i to pull away from each other immediately and turn to look for mali.
mali's car was right next to us
"here you go lovebirds" mali teased as she held out the spare key
"thanks mali i owe you" he smiled and opened the car
"bye have fun"mali said and drove away
calum and i quickly loaded the snacks into the car and drove off to the beach.
Long nights, daydreams Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
by now it was probably midnight
ashton luke michael calum and i were still at the beach
sitting in front of the bonfire. ashton luke and michael were currently arguing over a soccer game they recently watched.
casually calum smoked a cigarette as i laid my head on his lap
i fiddled with the strawberry lollipop between my lips.
calum looked so relaxed and happy, i couldn't help but admire the little details on his face, how his eyes glowed when he laughed with the boys, or how concentrated he was on blowing smoke rings
"enjoying the view?" cal teased pulling the lollipop from my lips
"shut up" i groaned and playfully smacked him before pulling the cigarette from his fingertips.
"you know you love it" he smirked as he brought the lollipop to his lips
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Calum and i were the last ones left on the beach. Luke Ashton and michael had to go because Ashton's mom found out he snuck out.
calum and i were currently walking back to his car
"_______?" calum said as he stopped me by standing in front of me
"yeah?"i asked
next thing you know his lips are on mine. our lips move in perfect sync
he tastes exactly like strawberries & cigarettes
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we belong together - kylian mbappé and julian draxler fanfic
12| Never Forget You
a/n: slightly smutty
april 2024| paris
Molly woke up to the bright sun shining through her bedroom window. It had been two weeks since she had seen either of the boys, both were away on international duty with their teams. She didn't know when they were due back, but she hoped it was today and specifically Julian. She got butterflies every time she thought about the German; she loved how wide his smile would go when he saw her or how beautiful his brown eyes sparkled when he spoke about football.
She stared at her phone and read the several text messages she had received today; it would have been a lot, after all, it was her twenty-eighth birthday today. She concentrated on the messages Kylian had sent her.
08:00am – Happy birthday mon amour. I love you.
08:30am – I miss you.
10:00am – Can I see you soon? Please.
11:30am – I'll be back in Paris today, I hope you have a wonderful day Moll, you deserve it.
Molly sighed and sent a quick reply. She didn't know why, but she found it hard to stay away from the Frenchman. She pushed the thoughts out of her head and proceeded to get ready for the day; she had received a message from Julian stating he was on his way to pick her up. She dressed herself in black leggings and a cropped black jumper, it might have been sunny outside, but there was still a cold breeze.
Molly opened the door to Julian, delighted to see his face. "I've missed you," he whispered. He pulled her into a hug, wrapping one arm around her waist and using the other to stroke her hair. He cupped her cheek and pecked her lips. "You look beautiful, are you ready?"
"Ready for what?"
"You'll see," he smiled, intertwining their hands. He first collected a bag from his car, before shutting the trunk and grabbing her hand again. They strolled together around the streets of Paris, until they stopped at a random park. But it wasn't random. Molly instantly recognised their location; she turned to face Julian, who was staring back at her with a beaming smile. He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear. "Happy birthday Molly."
"How did you know where to find it?" she questioned. She remembered that day he was extremely lost, so finding the exact same park was not possible. Or was it? She eyed the German, who blushed and shrugged his shoulders. "Julian Draxler you little liar!" she teasingly poked his cheek. He chuckled, pulling out a blanket and placing it on the floor, patting the space next to him. She sat down and snuggled closer to him, he wrapped a protective arm around her waist. "Why did you bring me here?"
"I wanted to do something for your birthday that you'll remember," Julian softly spoke. "Do you remember the time we came here?" she rolled her eyes and nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. "That day will forever be etched on my mind."
"Why? Because you pretended to be lost and dragged me around nearly every street in Paris."
"No," he chuckled at her sudden burst of anger. He moved her body between his legs and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. "It's the first time I realised I had fallen in love with you."
april 2024| paris
"What are we doing here Kylian?"
"We are baby shopping."
"Then why are we in this expensive boutique!" Molly loudly whispered. Kylian wasn't lying; he had mentioned to Rosalie that he wanted to start buying things for their unborn child, she agreed and allowed him to invite Molly. What she didn't realise was the meaning for the random shopping trip he suddenly wanted to participate in. "I don't see any baby stuff in here."
He smirked and softly brushed his fingers against the brunette's hand. "Because," he started. He noticed her looking at a dress and picked it up, ignoring her protests. "I am buying you a dress for your birthday party," he beamed. He placed a finger over her mouth to stop her from replying. "No arguments, now pick some out."
Molly went around and picked a few different outfits up, Kylian sat on the couch and watched her stroll into the fitting rooms. She bit her lip and gazed into the mirror, trying to stop the smile forming on her lips. "You shouldn't be here," she breathed, watching as Kylian's white trainers appeared at the bottom of the stall.
"I'd like to see what I'm buying," he quietly spoke. "Open the door and let me in, otherwise I'll do it myself."
Molly opened the door and rolled her eyes. Kylian's jaw nearly fell from his mouth, as he gawked at the matching lingerie she was wearing that barely covered her body. He gulped and swiftly pushed her inside, closing the door shut. "Why are you teasing me?" he murmured. He kissed her bare shoulder and ran his fingers down her stomach. "You are so beautiful. When I'm not with you, I'm always thinking about you," he whispered. He brushed his lips against her ear, slowly slipping his fingers beneath her panties. She fluttered her eyes closed and breathed in.
No matter how hard she tried, Molly knew she couldn't resist Kylian. If he wanted her, he was bound to find a way to have her and that included during a shopping trip his fiancé knew they were on. "I thought you wanted to see the dresses?"
"Mon amour," he smirked. He began to brush his fingers against the wet folds between her thighs, listening to her whisper quiet moans. "We already know you look great in everything."
Molly could only respond with a yelp, as she felt Kylian lift her body in his arms and press her against the wall. "Kylian," she moaned as he quickly slid inside of her. He hastily connected their lips, trying to muffle the moans as he continued thrusting inside of her at a rapid pace. She rolled her eyes back as she reached her climax, resting her forehead on his shoulder.
Kylian pulled out of Molly and released himself onto her bare thigh. He helped clean her up and kissed her lips. "Don't worry about the dresses, we'll buy them all," he smiled. He watched as she covered her body back up, still looking breathtakingly beautiful. She rolled her eyes and faced the mirror. "Let's go."
"Wow Kylian," Molly sneered. "I can't wait till you tell Rosalie what we found today," she loudly chuckled. She fixed her hair in the mirror and turned to face the Frenchman. "Never mind something for the baby, which we actually were supposed to be looking for. But a great place to fuck your ex-girlfriend, I'm sure she'll be thrilled."
"She'll understand," he shrugged. She shot him a questioning look, raising her eyebrow at him. He softly grazed a finger over her cheek and pecked her lips. "She deserves it anyway, she fucked Adam."
"Excuse me?" Molly whisper shouted. People were bound to have heard them by now, let's hope nobody interesting actually heard us. They didn't need their actions being posted over the front cover of every magazine in France. "I thought they only kissed? When did this happen?"
Kylian smirked at the confused look on her face. "After you told him about your affair with Julian," he winked. "He was drunk in a bar and called Rose, she picked him up and they talked at his hotel. And then they fucked. So, what we just did, is allowed."
"Not it isn't Kylian," Molly spat. She ran a hand through her hair and picked up her bag, exiting the changing room. Kylian followed her and paid for the dresses, winking at the brunette as he passed her the bags. They left the shop and walked back to the car, driving to his home. She parked the car up and turned off the engine, she turned her head to face the footballer. "Remember you started it. This isn't healthy for your relationship."
"Don't blame all this on me missy," he mocked. He rolled his eyes and stepped out of the car, closing the door and walking around to Molly's door. She rolled the window down, Kylian moved his head closer to hers. "You say this is bad, but you can't stop fucking me either," he leaned his lips to her ear and kissed the skin, before quietly whispering to her. "I can't wait to see you in that dress, I'm sure I won't be able to keep my hands of you."
april 2024| paris
Julian paced around Molly's living room, his body was filled with rage. "I thought you stopped this," he spat. It was two days after Molly and Freddie's joint birthday party; the party in which she had spent all night secretly flirting with Kylian. Although, it didn't go unnoticed by the German, who watched with flared nostrils. "Do I mean fucking nothing to you?"
Molly flinched at his words, rubbing her hands over her face and groaning in frustration. "I don't know what to say," she muttered. A single tear fell down her cheek; Julian watched her and softened up, he knew he couldn't stay angry at her, she was his weakness and Kylian was hers. "I don't know why I do it. Believe me Julian, I am completely in love with you but something always draws me back to him."
"Please don't," he warned. Despite the love he felt for her, his anger surpassed it. "I don't know how much longer I can do this Moll," he sighed. "After everything he has done to you, you still pick him. Remember, he picked Rosalie over you. When he had a choice, he picked her. He didn't fight for you. He didn't run after you. He didn't contact you. He picked her, yet you still go back to him."
"You think I don't fucking know that!" Molly raised her voice and stood up. "I had to deal with my father dying and my boyfriend leaving me, I don't need you to keep reminding me of that."
The venom in her voice was evident, her sudden outburst had rendered Julian silent. "You keep saying you are there to help me, but what have you actually done bar fuck me?" she continued. "It doesn't matter anyway, because you can't fix me, nobody can."
He managed to calm himself down, ignoring the pure hatred of her words. He stood up and walked towards her, moving her to the couch and taking her hands in his. He rested his forehead on hers and listened to her breathing slow down, their lips drifting closer together. He placed a hand on the small of her back, instantly calming her down. His lips were so close to hers, they brushed against them when he spoke. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I should have done more. I don't want to control you, but I hate seeing you like this," he wiped a tear from her cheek, using his other hand to tilt her chin up. "You are the love of my life and I would do anything for you, if that means leaving you alone so you can get better then that's fine."
"I don't want you to leave me alone," Molly whimpered. She pressed her lips to Julian's, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her onto his lap. She gazed into his glossy eyes and kissed his jaw. "I shouldn't have said those things. You have helped me Julian, in more ways than you can imagine," she traced her fingers through his hair. "I lost myself, but you found me. You saved me from the person I was becoming. But I'm still recovering and that's why I need to be on my own for a bit. I'm continuing to hurt the people I love and I need to fix that. But I want you to know that my love for you won't change; when I'm better, if you'll have me, I'm all yours."
Julian didn't bother responding straight away. He pressed his lips to Molly's and moved her beneath him, continuing to kiss the skin on her shoulder. She moaned and pulled him closer to her. He rested his forehead on hers and tenderly stroked her cheek. He knew this wasn't goodbye, but it still felt like it was the last time he would be seeing her. "From the day, I saw you in the carpark, I've been yours. I will continue to be yours until the day I die. I love you will all my heart."
a/n: oh hey, it’s me again. the past few weeks have been SO busy. work is busy, my personal life if busy, BUT i now have time to post!!!
so... i have three (YES THREE) chapters left of this story, i can’t believe it’s coming to an end. hopefully i will let you know in the next coming days the schedule for the next chapters. 
as always, thank you for reading/liking/commenting, it means the world xxx
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 6
A/N Out in the open
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder so there will be graphic descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, possible domestic abuse (physical/verbal), crime/covering up a crime, shock/grief, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
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You may think you understand stress, dear reader, but I can assure you that you do not. You do not understand stress unless you have driven around the city in broad daylight with a body in the trunk of your car. There was only so much guilt that a hat and sunglasses could cover.
“We should stop by the bank…take out some cash before we leave the state.” I suggested, my hands tightening on the wheel slightly as I drove. 
Jonah nodded and reached into the backseat to pulled over his bag to shuffle through it. It was always full of random junk from snacks and a water bottle to notebooks and his wallet and phone charger. He carried his life in that bag. He pulled out said charger and helped himself to the port in my car to plug in his phone.
“Jo.” I said.
“Why aren’t you…freaked out?” I asked.
“I am.” Jonah answered as he dropped his bag in the backseat again. “My best friend called me out of the single most important studio session of our careers to get me involved in the murder of his wife. Who wouldn’t be freaked out? Why aren’t you freaked out?”
I shifted my hands on the wheel nervously, “I-I am freaked out. I just…I don’t know what happened at all and I think I’m just in shock.”
“Do you think you killed her?” Jonah asked quietly.
I could sense the nervousness in his voice as if he was scared of me too. I honestly didn’t know what to tell him…I didn’t know what to tell myself to reassure either of us. I loved Avalon. I loved her with almost everything in me. So what would be my motive to kill her? Would our argument about my job be enough to enrage my conscious to see nothing but red?
I could only answer my best friend truthfully. After all, he risked so much to come help me.
“I don’t know.”
Jonah nodded stiffly. He probably expected that reply from me. I had been saying it all morning.
“Well, we’ll go to the bank and check out this J person at the Lincoln motel and see where that takes us.”
Jonah and I were by no means celebrities, but our jobs certainly put us in the spotlight more often than we might have liked – especially in a situation as we found ourselves in with Avalon. Owning one of the top record companies in the country was not an easy feat and the publicity that came with it often made going out in public a bit of a hassle. I couldn’t tell you how many times Avalon and I were interrupted on a date for someone to want to talk to me, slide me a demo, or – for some reason – even get my autograph. Even Hollywood Fix seemed to have a soft spot for Jonah and me.
Avalon hated paparazzi. She hated paparazzi more than any other aspect of my job honestly. They made her nervous and claustrophobic and she always felt completely tense the entire night we were out if the paparazzi greeted us at the restaurant. Seemed like no matter the country they followed us everywhere. Even on our honeymoon we couldn’t catch a break.
“It’s just a few cameras.”
Avalon glanced out the tinted window of the rental car to the sidewalk that was swarming with paparazzi and their crew, waiting for us to step out.
“That’s hardly a few.” she mumbled.
“Just keep your head down and don’t say anything.”
“I can’t just ignore them.” she turned to me, “That’s rude.”
“Well what do you want me to say?” I sighed.
“I want to have a date with my husband that’s not riddled with strangers and their cameras.”
“Sorry to be such a burden in your life, honey.”
“Oh, Daniel, stop that.” she scoffed, shaking her head as she turned back out the window.
I stared at her a moment, her bottom lip held between her teeth and her arms crossed over the chest of the tight tropical dress she wore. I slid my hand over her thigh and gave it a squeeze to get her looking back at me. Her brown eyes were shimmering in anxious tears.
“I want to go back to the hotel.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I promise. I’ll be right beside you.” I assured her, capturing her chin in my hand to pull her lips onto mine for a quick kiss before reaching for the handle on the car door, “Come on.”
Thinking about these things only made me realize how much we actually argued. Maybe how dense I was to her feelings. Did that make me selfish? Well, I’m no perfect man. I can only push that fact on you so much, dear reader.
Jonah and I stared up at the brick bank building in front of us. The few steps to the ATM seemed like a mile. I took out my wallet from my jeans pocket and flicked through it to pull out my credit card with a sigh.
“5k?” Jonah suggested.
“Yeah, sounds about right.” I mumbled, adjusting the cap on my head as I scanned the curb we were parked in front of. “I’ll be quick.”
I stepped out of my car before I could psych myself up anymore and hopped up onto the sidewalk towards the ATM outside the building. I stood close to the machine, head down, and slid my credit card into the slot. I typed in my pin number with shaking hands and waited for my withdrawal request to go through while I tried not to think about what I was hiding in my car just behind me.
The sun beat down on the back of my neck as I hunched over the ATM, trying my best to keep myself in the shadows. It felt like ages had gone by until the machine slid out a stack of one-hundred-dollar bills and returned my card. I kept my head down as I turned on my heel and crashed right into a man walking towards the front doors of the bank.
He must have apologized – I remember him saying something to me – but the fear that our sudden collision injected into my veins had me bowing my head and rushing off to my car a few feet away without a word. I was breathless when I closed the door behind me as if I had just hiked up the Hills and back and I tried to play it off as I flicked through the bills in my hand.
I held out half the stack to Jonah so we could split the total just in-case anything happened to either of us, “Twenty-five-hundred for you. Twenty-five-hundred for me.”
“Great.” Jonah reached into the backseat and grabbed his wallet from his back to tuck the cash safely away and I slipped my half into the glove box of the car.
We had to keep moving so I pulled out of the bank parking lot back towards the main roads while Jonah brought up the address of the motel in the GPS and set the route navigation on. We drove in silence, not even bothering to put on any music, and he scrolled through his phone as we hit some traffic on the freeway.
“The place looks musty as hell.” Jonah said casually.
I glanced over to his phone screen to see him checking out the Expedia site.
“It’s like 1 out of 5 stars. Reviews say bed bugs, broken furniture, unfriendly staff. Why would Avalon want to go within five blocks of this place yet alone meet someone inside?” Jonah mumbled and he set his phone back down to charge.
“Yeah, well, I don’t think the interior design what she was particularly worried about.” I muttered as I switched lanes towards the exit for Pasadena. I couldn’t help but let the jealously come out through my tone of voice.
My phone rang through the Tesla speakers and I glanced at the screen to see Christian calling me for at least the third time since the night before. I declined it.
“Fuck. Why does he need to know where I am so badly?” I grumbled.
“Maybe you should just tell him you’re busy at work.” Jonah suggested.
“It’s none of his business where I am.”
“It’ll get him off your back.”
“It’ll get him asking questions. We really don’t need that.” I sighed tiredly.
Jonah kept quiet.
The Lincoln Motel was right off the freeway and was so closely built under the underpass that it could have passed as a troll under the bridge. Honestly, it sort of felt like that same sort of sense as I pulled into the cracked parking lot of the nearly crumbling orange stucco two-storey building. My white Tesla looked like a diamond in the rough beside the motel and I would have been worried about it being stolen if it wasn’t for the body in the trunk already depreciating the car.
I parked in the spot closest to the building and Jonah and I took a moment to prepare ourselves for not only the person we were going to meet uninvited but also to face the decrepit building firsthand. I leaned forward to see up to the second storey balcony – all the rooms being outdoor entry – and located number nineteen. This certainly was not what I had planned when I woke up that morning.
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @stuffofseaveyy​ @hopinglimelight​ @tempus-ut-luceant​ @br4nd1s​ @xkelsev​ @hiya-its-amber​ @sexyseavey15​
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eyeless-cunt · 4 years
Ej being w a sexual shy reader
prompt 9 (?)
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I mashed all of these prompts together into one— I thot they would fit 😳 (however it’s a lil different uwu)
also i listened to ego death by Mieke while writing this it goes with it WELL, so you should listen to it >:)) ON LOOP
Summary: Y/N is alone and not fine with it. Ej is alone but fine with it. They mix. Ej remembers that his love is not immortal like him.
Word count: 3.3k
NSFW: u h. yes. It’s pretty mild tho and very VERY soft
Warnings: mild depression, grief, loss of a loved one, EXTREME FLUFFY NSFW, mentions of eating humans, mentions of reader death, slight angst, very fluffy, ej loves reader very much
Tag List: @jouchann
Y/n was always shy. She grew up quiet, she lacked presence. She never raised her hand—nor her voice. She was talked over and trampled on. She grew up with loving yet quickly fading grandparents. They tried to give her attention but the life was draining out of them and quite frankly they wanted to spend their last years in the arms of their loving spouse. She didn’t mind, she figured she would rather spend all of her remaining time with her significant other as well. Although she had always figured that something like that was nowhere close to her in the near future. Or further future to be honest. She was too shy and small in character to make a lasting impact on anyone, after all.
Falling in love with an immortal demon wasn’t something shy girls did. Outgoing girls did that, spontaneous and loud and adventurous. Those were the type of girls to experience this. Confident and sure of themselves. Shy girls met someone in a library, in a coffee shop, maybe on a park bench. Not in the woods at four a.m. sobbing about their grandparents death.
It was cold and dark and wet. Her face was wet from tears and wet from rain, her fingertips and lips were red and freezing, ready to burst. She couldn’t go back inside. Not yet, not now. It had been a week since their death, her grandpa dying of simply old age, her grandmother fading one hour after digesting the news and coming to terms with it. Her heart was simply too broken. Instantaneous heart failure. They left her everything. The car, the house, the money, the cat— their belongings. She didn’t want any of it right now. She had no other family, no close friends. She was simply not the type to make a lasting impact on someone.
She didn’t want to go back to that house. She didn’t want to see their things laying around, now her things. They were all she had, how was she supposed to go on, being alone? She hated being alone and lonely and alone. If anything, the woods behind her house was almost comforting. The feeling of being watched, which usually would give someone chills and paranoia—helped. She wasn’t alone, she would walk into that house and her grandparents would wave hello at her, they would be holding hands from their separate but close recliners, watching whatever new show they found interesting at the moment.
Obviously, that wouldn’t happen. But she still thought it, hoped. Which was why she couldn’t go back inside. It would make it too real, they wouldn’t be there, she would be truly alone. As long as she didn’t go inside to see for herself, they might be still sitting inside, waiting for her. So she couldn’t go inside, or they wouldn’t be there anymore.
It was colder then before, even though the rain had stopped. The grass was starting to freeze, the sun had gone down more than two hours ago. She sat still against a tree trunk, holding her knees to her chest. She was tired, it was cold out here. She didn’t know if her fingers were still red or if they had turned blue. She didn’t have enough energy to check. Animals scurried around her, as if they knew she wouldn’t do them any harm. They knew she was incapable, so they ignored her and roamed around freely.
Her eyes were closing and opening, closing and opening, over and over and over again. Her head swayed, but she fought to stay up. Would her grandparents still be there if she fell asleep? She didn’t know, so she fought to stay awake. Her body won over her mind however, and soon her body slumped over as she hit the ground, her arms still curled into herself.
🔪Eyeless’s P.O.V🔪
I felt kinda bad. I mean, this girl was just sitting in my woods crying while it was raining. Watching her felt like an invasion of privacy...but then again she was in my woods. It was only fair that I watch her to make sure she didn’t get into any trouble. How did she even get in? It seems that tall prick needs to up his game.
I was patient. I had lived a very long time, I had an endless amount of time to do whatever I wanted. I knew that waiting for someone or something meant nothing. However I did worry about her time. How long had it been? I figured pretty long when she slumped over onto the icy grass, sound asleep. Humans felt temperature, didn’t they? She would get hypothermia if this continued. I had already eaten. I wasn’t hungry. Being feral every once in a while really made you full as hell for a few weeks. The thought of more food grossed me out considering I had eaten so much. She was safe, for now. If she ever came in my woods again however, I wouldn’t be too sure.
So in a moment of rare kindness for something like me, I dropped down from my tree and crouched to get a good look at her. Was she a run-away? She looked young but...I sifted through her pockets. An old tattered wallet. She had a driver’s license, not that much else. Then again I didn’t really look, just wanted to find an ID of some sort. She was an adult. So homeless? No. She didn’t look it. So just having a mental breakdown? probably. I picked her up, and felt the cold in her skin. It didn’t affect me but it certainly made me worried-ish for her.
I didn’t know where to take her. Where did she live, where did she come from? I couldn’t just take her with me, could I? No, definitely not. She would scream and argue and thrash as soon as she saw me. Well, I guess I could just say I was a cosplayer. Of some...random obscure villian or something. If she didn’t believe it and thrashed and screamed then I would just kill her. Easy. Take her home, warm her up, take her back to her home, done and easy. I hadn’t done something this kind for someone I considered my food in a very long time.
I adjusted her in my arms, trying not to press on her her or hold her too tight. Trying to hold back strength was not something I had done in an even longer time, and I was not used to it. I’m not sure how long it took to get there, but halfway I noticed the blue of her lips. I took off my sweatshirt and pulled it on over her head, not bothering to stick her arms through. She would retain more heat that way anyways. I’m not sure if i’m warm or cold, so it was a gamble to hold her closer to my chest. I did so anyways and started to jog, wanting to get there before she died.
When we got there I immediately turned on the heat. My house had many functions I didn’t use, although it seemed they finally had a use. I closed all the windows and doors, and grabbed a few blankets the previous (now long dead—like over 100 years dead) home owners had owned and kept in a spare closet. I laid her on the couch, although I wondered if my bed would work better for retaining heat. I figured there was no difference and kept her there, laying blankets on her. She would probably need a warm bath, but I figured she wouldn’t want me to stick her in there for fear of her wet clothes. I didn’t see an issue with undressing her but I vaguely recalled a moment when I walked in on Jane showering. I didn’t see an issue, she hit me with every bottle in there.
I wasn’t sure of what else I could do for her, so I ended up sitting in front of her on the couch. It was a few hours before she woke up, but I was patient. I have time. I wondered if I would have to kill her or not. I wouldn’t want to eat her, so it would be a waste.
🔪Third person P.O.V🌸
She had a short dream. Grey skin, navy blue, hot tar leaking out of holes in the wall, screaming. A lot of fire and singing. Then she didn’t dream at all. When she woke up, she was surprisingly comfortable. Her back hurt a little, and was a little cold, her hands were a bit numb, and she was sleeping on a soft yet bumpy surface. She liked being wrapped in these blankets, but she couldn’t seem to free her hands. They were trapped in something and she was far too weak to move them very much. He was surprisingly amused. She didn’t seem to know what was restricting her arms, and she didn’t seem all too panicked.
He thought her look of frustration was funny. They made eye contact. Kinda. They talked, although they don’t really remember what about. It took a long time, they weren’t sure how long, but eventually they entered a mutual relationship. Falling in love with immortal demons wasn’t something shy girls did.
Yet here she was. Her head in the lap of an immortal demon who she was in fact in love with. She never did end up going into that house, she tried. She tried and tried but the thought of her grandparents not being there when she walked in always stopped her. She always somehow found her way back to Jack’s house. Over and over and over and over again. Somehow she found her way into his lap. He absentmindedly played with her hair, not sure of what was happening on the Tv. He only installed it because she was always bored when he was gone. He didn’t mind the noise, as long as it wasn’t too loud.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had last gone ‘feral’. It seemed crude to call it that, but technically that’s what he did. He planned on never getting into that state as long as Y/N was alive. Or at least around him. He hadn’t eaten in a week. He grimaced, knowing his last helping shouldn’t even of lasted him this long. He needed to go. He needed to hunt. But she seemed so content in his lap, and he knew he wouldn’t turn for at least another week if this continued. He had time. He could let her stay like this. She yawned, and looked up at him, smiling sweetly. He was sure he could feel his chest warm up his entire body.
She sat up and turned to lift up his mask, pecking him lightly on the cheek and giving another sweet smile. He never thought of humans as sweet creatures. But the woman in his lap was very sweet. Sweeter than any human he’d ever killed and tasted. Sweeter than the sugar water BEN had forced down his throat once. She was soft and quiet, until she opened her mouth. She had a lot to say then. He had time. He could listen. He could be patient. He would always be patient with her.
He wasn’t so sure how patient he’d be if he went feral. But swiped that thought out of his head. He wouldn’t go feral. He would hunt tomorrow—that’s what he decided. Sure she’d be by herself for a day or two but she knew the drill. He’d feel a bit bad as she clung to him, hopping he wouldn’t leave. A little guilty as he walked away from her as she held back tears. But she knew the drill.
He sometimes forgot that she didn’t have as much time as him. Forgot that one day she would leave this world and her human body would rot and decay into nothingness. She wouldn’t be sweet anymore. She’d be bones that he’d bury under a tree or some shit. He would pass her grave in a thousand years and he might not remember her voice by then. That thought sent him spiraling.
She would die. She was human. One day her life would end. The thought of him forgetting her voice, the way her kisses taste so sweet, the feel of her hands in his hair as a tv he didn’t give two fucks about droned on in the background. He didn’t want to forget. He never wanted to forget how warm her body was, the only temperature he’d ever actually felt. The only thing he’d ever actually love.
He didn’t want to leave her anymore. He hated leaving her. He’s never loathed anything more than being apart from her and knowing that while he was away, she was aging. She would grow old. Her bones would become brittle, and her eyesight would leave her. He would lose her and have to bury her in the ground. Cover her in dirt while bugs chewed at her corpse.
But he had to go. Or he would lose her even earlier, to himself. That would be unbearable. He would never be able to live thousands of more years peacefully if that happened. He might get over it, after how long. That made him hate himself. He looked down at her, her eyes trained to the Tv ahead of them. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, and when he pulled back she pushed foreward and caught him by the mouth. He couldn’t help but think about how sweet she was.
She pushed him back even farther, and he let her. Her hands pulled him closer, as close as he could get. She would never get enough of him, of how soft he was. His skin was soft, and so was his mouth. She was sure he’d never picked at the skin there like she had. A bad habit that made her lips bleed and harden. It made her self conscious, but Jack never seemed to mind. She was glad. She wasn’t expecting him to pull away and pull off his shirt. Sure, they’d gotten showers together and all that, but that wasn’t an action with sexual intent behind it. They’d never gotten that far. She assumed he never wanted it, or that she wasn’t desirable. Or maybe demon-like creatures like him just weren’t into things like that.
Him pulling her into his lap seemed to tell her otherwise. She wasn’t sure what to do with her hands. Her mind was a mess. Were they about to have sex? Did he want it? Did she want it? Of couse she did. But did he? Her hands shook, so she gripped his arms, a bit embarrassingly. He probably noticed. He kissed her forehead, sweetly.
“Do you want to?”
She practically gulped. She was incredibly nervous, and her anxiety kept reaching new heights. She’d never even kissed someone before Jack came into her life. She had never been close enough to a person before. This went from 0-100 in minutes. She nodded anyways, but he didn’t seem to believe her.
“Are you sure? You look pale. We don’t have to. We can just go back to cuddling and watching Tv. Okay?”
“No, i’m just nervous. I’ve never done any of this.”
“That’s okay. I don’t think I have either.”
“You don’t think?”
“I don’t remember much of my human life. I might’ve, but who knows?”
That made her laugh a little, even though it was a bit sad. She felt better, but was still nervous. What if He didn’t like her body, or he was grossed out by it? When was even the last time she shaved literally anything on her body? Probably at least a week or two. She was sure he’d find that disgusting.
“We really don’t have to. Especially if you don’t want to.”
“I do want to. But I also haven’t shaved it a while.”
He wanted to laugh at that. That was her reason? He thought it was silly, but if it was serious for her then he’d try to take it seriously too.
“I don’t care about things like that.”
“I haven’t gotten a shower.”
“I don’t care about that either, but if getting a shower and whatever else would make you feel more comfortable then you can do that, obviously. But I really, really, don’t care about any of that stuff.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am positive. It seems a bit shallow to really care about something like that. And I honestly find you beautiful no matter what form to appear in. I would still love you just the same if you were covered in dog shit. I wouldn’t fuck you until you got a bath...but I would still love you.”
He felt like she needed just the right amount of love and validation from him to feel more confident, and he hoped he was making her feel better.
“I love you.”
He smiled at her and replied back with, “I love you too.”
He decided not to add ‘more’ or they would get into a full verbal war over who loved and missed who more. It was endearing to watch her fight over it so seriously, but tiring when it went on for more than thirty minutes.
He kissed her forehead again, waiting for her to make the next move. He wouldn’t do anything if she didn’t want him to something. He tried to be gentle and caring with her at all times, even if he didn’t know what he was doing. Even if it was the opposite of his nature.
She moved a bit cautiously, and he thought it was cute. Her mouth caught his, and he let her lead. He didn’t exactly know what he was doing anyways, so he figured he might as well go with it. She never sped up, so he didn’t either. She pulled off her clothes slowly, and still a bit nervously. He asked her again if she was sure. And she said yes, and kissed him harder.
He waited till she seemed more comfortable, then picked her up and carried her to the bed. The couch looked uncomfortable to her, and he didn’t want that to be a factor in her nervousness. She felt so soft, and he briefly wondered what he did to deserve this. This sweetness.
She held him closer to her, wrapping her legs against his waist. She had the quick thought that even his waist was perfect, and that that wasn’t really fair. His grey skin somehow made him even prettier, and she continued to think that through the whole night. He was gentle with her, even at the cost of his own pleasure. To him, it was worth everything and more to see her writhe under him, gripping onto him like there was no tomorrow. Her nails dug into his back, and she apologized profusely afterwards, even though he absolutely loved it.
He wanted to watch her move like that everyday for the rest of his never ending life. He only focused on her, and the faces she made. She would try to hide her face in his shoulder, or with a hand, but he always pulled it away so he could see. He kissed her everywhere, touched her everywhere, and she returned the favor, even though they really both had no idea what they were doing at first. It was endearing to watch her do her best for him, and Jack thought he’d never need anything else if only he could have her forever.
One day, she would turn to ash. But until then they would spend every moment they had together loving each other beyond comparison. He would spend his every waking moment living for her, until she would live no more.
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cherry3point14 · 4 years
The Wrong Winchester - One Year Later
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Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen Warnings: Cavity protection required. Word Count: 12,304. (WHY) Summary: One year after the fiasco that was Fourth of July, you’re back in  Kansas and back at the Winchesters. This time with their other son. A/N: A sequel for the trope fluff fest that was The Wrong Winchester. Somehow this is fluffier and more trope-y! Listen, I didn’t say it was good, just that it exists. Happy 4th July my bitches! (*sobs in the corner* this was supposed to be a timestamp)
Ao3 if you prefer.
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June has been cool this year, more so than normal, but then the heat of July hits like clockwork. Even though you enjoy airplanes, and the AC they provide, you’ve done the drive because Dean hates flying. It’s not even a compromise because the detour your journey takes means that it’s Thursday evening by the time you arrive in Lawrence. Sam and Eileen got there mid-morning. You’re hoping that the Winchesters are so distracted getting to know her that you can slip in like an old piece of furniture, unnoticed and ignored.
It’s when he turns the corner onto their street, and the family home looms in the distance, that it hits you. You’re here, again, and you’re doing this, again. And nobody would ever believe it but this is considerably worse because this time you love the guy sitting next to you.
Not that you’ve told him that yet. It’s been a slow year.
Loving Dean does complicate things though. It means that you care what the Winchesters think of you. Last year, pretending, was a walk in the park in comparison. You knew Sam was fake breaking up with you after you left. You could have cheated on Sam in front of him and it wouldn’t have mattered because it was all, well, fake.
Although you did kind of cheat on Sam in front of him. Boy, did you hope Sam hadn’t told them about that.
Now, the house you’re pulling up at makes your toes curl inside your shoes while hurried excuses start pouring out. “You’re positive you don’t want to stay in a hotel? Take the pressure off your mom having to entertain us and Sam and Eileen. That’s a lot of guests.” You nod to yourself convincingly while you stare at the front door.
He smiles at you like you’re adorable, which you don’t appreciate. “If you’re looking to make her hate you, then yeah, go ahead and tell my Mom you’re taking her firstborn to a hotel for the weekend.”
You huff and pout your lips so he knows exactly how frustrated you are, “I know you’re right, doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.”
“When are you ever?” He counters, smirking as he gets out of the car. You follow suit although you’re convinced that as your foot hits the stone driveway you can hear the ticking of a countdown. One small step for you, one giant leap to your doom.
Dean grabs your case and his duffel from the trunk, settling one on top of the other so that he has a free hand to wrap around your waist. It’s probably a picturesque image, him walking you to the house like that. You’re not sure if he’s being nice or making sure you don’t run away. Dean’s a smart man so it’s probably a little of both.
His hand reaches to open the door but even after the long drive from Chicago, your reactions are lightning-fast. You pull his arm back to stop him and answer the silent look on his dumb face, “shut up. We should knock.”
“Did you give Sammy this much trouble last year?”
His joke drags a smile out of you, not a laugh but a smile. He’s been trying to calm you down the whole journey. You don’t get nervous often, so seeing you this anxious has both worried and amused him. He’s settled for being supportive, he’s done everything he can to take your mind off of this moment. He told you exaggerated fake facts about Kansas to stop you complaining that the entire state was too damn hot. He distracted you with questions about the case you’re working on when you panicked about exactly how Sam had explained everything all those months ago. And most importantly he fed you. A few hours out he’d pulled into a drive-through and minutes later you’d found yourself pulled over on a random stretch of highway, legs crossed, and a brown paper bag in your lap. He’d wiped sauce from the corner of your mouth and watched you wolf down cheese fries.
Dean knew how to keep you happy for the hours you’ve spent in Baby. But now that you’re finally standing at the threshold he, apparently, thinks it’s time to throw you to the wolves, which he does, literally.
In one swift movement, the door is open before you can rap your knuckles against it and he uses his arm—the one that’s around your waist—to guide you inside. Except guiding you inside is more like a gentle push, which means you trip your way into the Winchester family home while Dean remains safely on the porch.
“What the f-?” The end of your sentence never makes it past your lips, thankfully, considering the gathering in the living room as you turn your head.  
Sam and Eileen are sitting opposite Mary and John, all of them holding a drink, clearly mid-conversation. They all stop. Four pairs of eyes are now trained on you. Even after a too-long second has passed none of them move as if your presence has frozen them in time. A perpetual state of being horrified by your existence.
“Dean!?” You don’t exactly shout but there’s a worried twang to your voice and still, none of them move. In fact, Sam doesn’t even attempt to help, which is a betrayal you won’t allow to pass unpunished or forgotten.
That’s for another day. Right now you’re about thirty seconds away from your first actual panic attack in years.
Dean slips in behind you, eventually. Even walking in with the bags he’s more graceful than you had been stumbling in. Not that you compliment him on that. You’re too preoccupied because you might have broken the Winchesters.
“Honey!” Mary beams with happiness at the sight of her eldest son and jumps up from her seat like a mannequin come to life. Whatever spell had been cast breaks so quickly that it might not have happened at all. Every single person takes a breath again and Mary walks over, wine forgotten on the coffee table, to hug Dean the way you’d seen her do a year ago.
“Mom!” He hugs her back, wrapping her up in his arms and lifting her from the floor an inch or two. You want to say he’s the cutest thing ever with that childlike smile on his face.
That’s what you want to say.
Unfortunately, the innocence doesn’t last as his expression morphs into a cocky smirk with a waving hand in your direction once he lets his mother go. “You remember Y/N, right?”
Is he freaking kidding?
Mary’s face steels, as if Dean had never entered the room. Your best friend and his girlfriend, who you know pretty well at this point, remain safely in their seats. And your boyfriend, your goddamn boyfriend who you love and trust, is standing there at an arm's length like this is an early fireworks display. The fuses have been lit and he is waiting for the explosives to go off.
The only person in the room who dares to make eye contact with you—outside of the matriarch—is John freaking Winchester. And he has the audacity to smile sweetly at you. Or as sweetly as John Winchester is capable of.
“Of course I remember Y/N.” Mary’s words are friendly but her tone does not mirror the sentiment. She taps her chin with one extended finger, thinking, “you were on Sam’s arm last year, if I remember rightly.”
You were going to murder Sam and thanks to your job you’d get away with it too. “I’m so sorry Mary, Sam told me he explained. It was all a misunderstanding, I was only…”
“Only jumping around between my boys? Or was the misunderstanding when we welcomed you into our home and you lied to us?”
You may have met your match. You could never admit this to the district attorney's office but Mary has found a way to silence you with a stare. Your lips snap shut without a good answer for her. You feel like a child being chastised for making a mess.
In fairness you had made a mess last year, however, you cleaned it up afterward.
Your eyes dart to the still-open front door before you rummage up an answer. “I don’t think jumping between them is very fair, Sam and I weren’t a real thing. I mean we’re still besties, even if he won’t call us that, but we were pretending. Which is still wrong but I defy any of you to say no to him when he does that dopey puppy face of his. Anyway I know he told you it was his idea, because it was, and I made sure he told you that because I don’t want you thinking that I came up with it and…”
“Great, you got her stuck in a loop, Mom.” Dean grumbles with a roll of his eyes.
“What?” You interrupt your own rambling to frown at him.
That’s when it happens. Mary breaks out into a grin so similar to Dean's that it’s frightening. If Sam got his smile from his mother then Dean inherited her devious smirk.
“It was your idea.” She answers your seemingly caring boyfriend.
You’re confused, as you should be. Hours. Days. Weeks of dreading this moment and this weekend. None of this makes any sense.
“I hate to sound like a broken record but, what?”
Mary turns her brightness on you, in the distance, John barks out a laugh and cracks his hand against his thigh as if this all went completely as planned.
“I’m sorry Y/N. We were only playing. It’s great to see you again.”
Then she hugs you, stiff as you may be from the complicated mix of annoyance and residual fear that you’re feeling. Her arms around you exude motherly warmth, something you’re unfamiliar with, until your muscles relax in her grip.
Over Mary’s shoulder, Dean is pressing his lips together to stop himself laughing and then finally your brain catches up. That bastard set you up. He sold you down the river. Still mid-hug you silently mouth to him, “I’m going to kill you.”
That sends Dean over the edge and a deep belly laugh escapes him. He doesn’t even attempt to apologize. He’s too caught up in how funny he thinks he is.
“So, you were all in on this? You too Sammy?” You splay your hand across your chest now that Mary has released you.
Mary links her arm with yours and leans in as if she didn’t rob you of ten years of your life, “if it helps Eileen told us we were being mean.”
You smile at Eileen, your now very good friend, as you take a seat next to her, “at least someone has my back.”
She shrugs nonchalantly, “well, Sam’s girlfriends need to stick together.”
And just like that. The final knife in your back sets them all off howling with laughter again. This was obviously going to be a long weekend.
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It's not even day one, that starts tomorrow. It's been a few hours at best and you're already in bed and staring a hole in the ceiling. Ordinarily, you might be questioning why there is a suspicious rectangle that is whiter than the rest. As if the patch of paint had seen less light than the rest of the room like a poster had been there or something.
“You gotta tell me.”
You scoff. He has done nothing to earn any answers from you so far. Looking after you during the journey must have been an act to lull you into a false sense of security because he jumped ship as soon as you arrived. Winchesters are a tight-knit bunch.
“Come on, please?”
It sucks that you love this idiot, it sucks that you haven’t told him, it’s even worse that you cannot resist him. You roll over to his whining voice and prop yourself up on your elbow. It was foolish to ever hope for a good night's sleep when he’s amped up to be in his childhood home again. You can’t say that you remember him being like this last year but, then again, last year you were avoiding him since you were pretending to date his brother. “Oh my god, if I tell you will you let me sleep already?”
Dean nods, using a finger to draw a cross over his chest. Even in the dark, you can see the crinkles of his eyes deepen playfully, “cross my heart. I’ll even help you get off to sleep, by way of apology.” His fingers toy with the waistband of your underwear to hint at his meaning, under his oversized Zeppelin shirt you’re sleeping in.
“Nice try Benedict Arnold, I haven’t forgotten what you did to me.”
He knows by the tone of your voice he won’t get anywhere right now, although it’s nothing to do with his betrayal. You’re still obsessed with somehow clawing back any semblance of a good impression. Sex in his childhood bed doesn’t strike you as the correct way to go about that. He doesn’t tease and try to change your mind with filthy words he knows you love. You think maybe Dean knows tonight isn't the night either. Maybe that’s why he’s asking questions instead.
His hand slides up over your waist and settles comfortingly around your middle—almost as if he knows he has some groveling to do. He asks again hoping to get one of the things he wants; answers. “C’mon. Just tell me. I’ll tell you mine.”
You haven’t spoken much about last year with Dean and you were absolutely fine with that. Last Fourth of July wasn’t exactly a Kodak moment for you. It almost cost you Sam and as much as you love Dean, Sam’s friendship is one of the very foundations of your adult life. Sure last year was the kind of thing you’ve joked about, but the nitty-gritty details had stayed where they should, in the past.
However, being back here, albeit in the next room over to the one you’d previously occupied, has apparently opened the topic up for conversation.
“Fine. You really want to know?”
“With all my heart.”
“God, you’re lucky you’re cute. At the airport. Okay?”
His smile widens until you can see his teeth shine. “You’re joking?”
You bury your face in the pillow, only coming up for air when necessary despite the way he pokes your sides to make you squirm. “No, I’m not joking. I wasn’t sleepy getting off the plane. I was trying to figure out if there was a way for me to make out with my fake boyfriend's hot older brother.”
“You were too good for your fake boyfriend anyway.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, “too good for me too.”
He shouldn’t be allowed to catch you off guard like that, it’s against the rules. Yet he does it all the time. The sweetest secrets whispered in your ear while you’re brushing your teeth or watching a movie. As if he needs to tell you as soon as the thought pops into his head. And it’s not fair because he deserved some silent treatment or something. You know he’ll be back to his tricks tomorrow, so he should pay tonight. But now instead of being annoyed at him, your lips are following his while you realize you were never really mad in the first place.
His wandering hand moves to wrap around your neck, his fingers are lost in your hair and his thumb traces over your jaw. This is the classic Dean trick. He thinks he’s so smooth and that one day he’ll manage to keep you attached to his mouth forever if he holds you there, just right.
As much as you want to appease him, it never lasts. Eventually, you always need air in your pesky, needy lungs. Tonight though it ends with your hand on his chest nudging him off of you. “No way. You owe me yours. Come on, when did you start like-liking me?” You finish the question in a sarcastically childish voice.
Dean is nothing if not fair, sometimes, and he would never break a promise. He leans back a little and adopts what you have dubbed his ‘thinking face’. It may be nighttime but you’d recognize that furrowed brow anywhere.
“When I found you in my bedroom.” He finally answers.
It takes a whole second to remember. “Really? You mean when I was trying to find the bathroom?”
“Yeah, I mean a guy comes back to his room and finds a pretty girl...”
It’s your turn to frown, “wait. Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re saying that your ‘moment’ was when you found me in your room, in my pajamas, with bed head and a full bladder?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. You were all cute an’ twitchy when I caught you, then suddenly you’re all fired up and telling me off for making fun of you. You were a little spitfire.”
You drop your forehead to his chest and let out a laugh. Trust Dean to like you because you busted his balls.
He presses a kiss to the top of your head, “good enough answer?”
You yawn, happily, and shimmy down into bed proper. “It was your game De. The question is are you happy with yours?”
He settles down next to you, close enough to hear the deep, “mm hmm” in his throat.
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Almost everything is different this year but one fact remains the same. You can take the running gear from Sam but you can’t stop Sam from going running.
He has emergency running shoes in his closet.
The new part is that you’re up as early as he is. You’re sitting on the sofa with your laptop propped up on your knees, with yet another witness statement that you were sure was made up. It was too perfect and a jury would never buy it.
By the time Sam, the sweat machine, returns you’re typing a passive-aggressive email to that effect.
“You had any coffee yet?” He asks with two mugs in his hands, passing one to you.
You take the mug without looking up from the screen and swallow a scalding sip, which you only half notice burns your tongue. “Obviously not. Your mom is in there and she still scares me.”
He laughs but doesn’t question it. He doesn’t need to. Dean may have dealt with you on the long drive and whenever he was in town but Sam deals with you every day. He has been privy to almost every one of your breakdowns in the last month. June felt longer than thirty days.
Sam sits down next to you and starts watching the news channel you’d been ignoring. It takes a minute but eventually, he grabs the remote to pause the screen, “ah, there’s my favorite celebrity lawyer.”
You don't need to look up to know that you are on the TV.
“I won’t be anyone’s lawyer if I don’t figure out why my client insists on lying to me and getting people to lie on his behalf.” Your fingers get dangerously close to pounding the plastic keyboard into smithereens. “Hasn’t he heard of attorney-client privilege?”
“Okay. I think you need a little break from that.” He says prying the laptop from you and closing it on the coffee table, so you can’t see the screen anymore.
You want to be mad at him but, of course, you can’t. You look up at him and his soft smile that’s all kinds of sympathetic to the workload you’ve been bearing of late. If you weren’t being driven insane by the biggest case of your career then maybe you’d be a little more rational when it came to this weekend.
Although, that’s unlikely. You were always going to go crazy about this particular get together.
“I swear sometimes I think he’s actually stupid. I’m trying to help him. Why did he even think he could escape arrest in the third most populated city in America?” You shuffle yourself so that you’re sitting sideways and facing him. Despite your insults about your client, the question is earnest.
“Probably figured it’s the only way he’d get to hire you.”
You roll your eyes, “sure, that’s why I’m co-counsel to fucking New York’s finest Marcus Delaney, who he trusts like a fucking brother.”
Sam widens his eyes at you in warning but you catch on too late; his mother is in the next room. You both hold your breath waiting for a reaction. When nothing happens you relax and he answers the least important part of your statement, “technically you’re a New York native too.”
“Objection, relevance?”
“Well, you mentioned…”
“Nah-uh. Enough about me. You took my laptop away so now we have to talk about you.” You smirk into your cup.
Sam knows where this is going. He told you his news two entire weeks ago, it worked like a charm and was also the biggest mistake of his life. Because two weeks ago Sam invited you to his office for lunch and told you over takeout that he was getting married.
He wanted to tell you because you’re his best friend. He’d told you before Dean and sworn you to secrecy until he’d called his brother later that day. Both of you knew the news was coming anyway, so it wasn’t really a race. Sam had been wringing his hands over how to ask the love of his life for weeks before he did it. You only found out about the ‘yes’ before Dean, because Sam had been trying to calm you down after another ‘4th of July freak-out’.
Sam had forgotten what happens if a seven-year-old gets their hands on too much sugar. Or, to be more precise, what happens when he gives a big, juicy, sensitive piece of information to you. Now he can't get you to shut up about it.
He sighs. He’s still facing the TV even though your eyes are on him. “I should have let you keep working, shouldn’t I?”
“Too late for that, Sammy. Have you decided when you’re telling everyone yet?”
He shifts to side-eye you, “oh, yeah. I was thinking, how about never?”
“You can’t bring your devoted fiance home for the weekend and not tell them!” You’re keeping your voice low but it’s insistent all the same.
“Ok. What about at the airport?”
“We’re dropping you back to the airport.”
“Right, before that then.”
You laugh, “why did you even come this weekend if you’re going to chicken out?”
“I’m not going to chicken out but, would it be so bad if I did? I brought you last year to avoid my Mom's crazy and now… I mean this will be like Defcon two.”
You wonder, briefly, what triggers Defcon one. Considering how quickly Mary had asked you if you were pregnant last year, you’d wager it’d be grandchildren.
In the pause where you both sip your morning caffeine again, neither of you notice the slight creak. The kind of creak where a door begins to open but never does.
“All I’m saying is, getting married is an amazing thing. It’s time to share the happy news. Hell, I’ll go wake Dean and we can do it now.”
“That’s easily the worst idea you’ve ever had. And I’m including the outfit you wore to the first office Christmas party.”
He’s walking right into your trap. “I dusted that number off for your brother over Christmas, you know.”
“Oh god. I don’t need to know about you and-and him-and a sexy Santa's helper costume.” He actually gets up, sweeps his mug with him, and sours his face.
“You brought it up, Sammy!” You're grinning all wide and evil, calling after him.
He pauses with his back leaning against the kitchen door, at the same time that Eileen walks in. “I hate you.”
You look up at her and sigh, “you see the way he talks to me when you’re not around?”
This is not the first time Eileen has been caught in the middle of you two, so she laughs and promises, “I’ll talk to him about that.”
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Sometimes Dean likes to yank your chain and sometimes you like to yank his. It’s what makes you kind of perfect for each other, any bruised egos or pouting lips are part of the game you play. An excellent example is the way he’d betrayed you already this weekend. You weren’t mad, well, maybe a little, but in the end, you forgave him because it’s him.
In all the jokes there’s one thing that Dean knows not to play around with, one thing that he wouldn’t dare mess with.
Winchester. Family. Baseball.
You had agreed to wear his dumb spare jersey the same as you’d done for Sam. Like Eileen was doing for Sam this year. Although you had to admit her shorts are a little more family-friendly.
You’d even made a sign. A big piece of poster board, some markers, glitter, and stickers that you had gone to Target to buy special. It said GO TEAM DEAN! With a heart to dot the exclamation point. The sign was a surprise. When you’d shown him before leaving for the game he’d called you a dork and smiled so wide you worried his face might break.
You were ready for the game because you were safe. The worst thing that you expect is the comments when you turn up with a ‘1’ on your shirt this year instead of a ‘2’. You’ve already dealt with this from Mary and John but you weren’t so blind to forget about the rest of the family.
Charlie laughs at you when she notices, straight away, and threateningly asks for the story later. Bobby simply says, “switched teams, huh?” Before walking off. Granted he doesn’t seem to judge you, merely stating the observation like an interesting factoid. And Gabe starts, “lookie here when do I-” but smartly stops. He’s too tongue in cheek to be offensive but the look on Deans’ face might have something to do with his change of heart.
All of that you could handle. Par for the course. You had been ready for it because—can’t stress this enough—you were safe. Today was going to be a fun day of cheering on your boyfriend at his weird family baseball game.
You’re so sure of yourself that you even helped Mary pack drinks and snacks, with Eileen as a buffer, because you knew you’d get to enjoy said food. As a spectator.
When John does his ‘gather round me for I am John Winchester’ bit to pick the teams you’re choosing your spot in the stands. A little area in the front row for you, Mary and Eileen where you’re putting the food. You don’t join said gathering because that’s how not relevant it was to your life. You’d find out the teams when they’re playing and you’re only fifteen feet away from them all. You can hear them barking out names fine.
Dean picks Micheal. Sam makes a comment like ‘big surprise’. Bickering ensues until John gets them to focus up.
You could write this stuff in your sleep. You don’t want to call them predictable, considering this was only your second year here, but sometimes the truth is right there in front of you. And the truth is Winchester family baseball is going exactly how you expect.
Actually it’s the one thing that is going how you expect this weekend. Frankly, you needed that, some stability. Something you could rely on.
Time slows down. In your head, you can hear that siren noise from Kill Bill and the world is suddenly devoid of color, except one. A red light flashes over your vision, as you turn in comically slow motion to find out which one of those idiots betrayed you.
Dean. Of course. The goddamn one you’re in love with.
He has the absolute gall to wave at you from where he’s standing. Smiling like, well, like it’s Fourth of July weekend and he innocently picked his girlfriend to play a game with him. That’s what it must look like to his family anyway.
To you? You feel like Lady Macbeth. Disappointed and betrayed by your significant other who can't do his one job. You’re not even asking him to kill the King of Scotland, all he had to do was not say your name.
Before you have an opportunity to write yourself out of this tragedy, he’s waving you over and your legs start walking. Apparently your body listens to him more than it listens to your own brain. Was nothing sacred anymore?
“There’s my girl.”
Those words would normally make you weak at the knees. Unfortunately for Dean, when it comes to baseball, you’re not melting that easy.
When you reach him you smile until you’re close enough to mutter dangerously, “I’m going to make you disappear and it'll look like an accident.”
You notice people dispersing which means your amazing boyfriend waited to call you till last. Not only did he screw you over but he made you the embarrassing last pick.
He leans in to kiss you and breathes against you, “you know you love playing with me.”
God, you do. You love playing with this dick, who apparently hates you, as well as his dick. Not baseball granted but other games.
“‘Sides,” he continues in your silence, “you don’t want to let all that practice go to waste.”
“All that practice? Practice?” You pull your head back, unable to resist showing him how offended you are, “you mean the time you forced me to go to the batting cages?”
He crosses his hands at your back and pulls you to him until your thighs are pressed against his. Were it not for his jeans then it would be incredibly inappropriate for a family baseball game. Actually, with the jeans, it might still be inappropriate.
“I seem to remember someone enjoying my arms wrapped around her while I taught her how to hit. I also seem to remember that someone forgot all about me in a damn second once she could do it on her own.”
“It was very stress relieving, I kept pretending the ball was the dummy who took me to the batting cages.”
A laugh rumbles through him, his body is so close to yours that you feel it in your stomach.
“Come on, this will be fun. You need more fun.”
You poke a finger into his chest, an inch above the collar of his jersey, “don't pretend you're doing me a favor. if I remember the rules, I don’t have a choice. But don’t you worry, I won’t forget this.”
He grins in that ‘brighter than the sun’ Dean way, “I know baby. I know.”
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You’d made it home four times, an impressive three more than last year. None of them were from hitting a home run or anything preposterous. You do hit the ball almost every time though. You still couldn’t catch, throw or run--all three skills are apparently super essential in baseball. You can connect the bat with the ball though. Everyone seems pretty impressed every time it happens, if only they knew how impressed you were every time you manage it.
Your lack of skills aside, when Dean wins, he leans you over his arm and kisses you rightly. As if it’s V-J day and he single-handedly stopped WWII. Eileen sneaks up on Sam, from where she’d been watching in the stands. Although your ASL is not perfect, you’re at least 80% sure that her hand's sign “sucks to be you,” as she walks to him. You might love her a little more than you did ten minutes ago and Sam laughs a little harder too.
Dean chooses a steakhouse. The place is all wood paneling and soft lighting. The ambiance reminds you of your first real date in Chicago, although there will probably be less sticky fingers. From the ribs, obviously.
Mary and John drive ahead and they’re waiting outside when you all arrive. You’ve told Eileen to be prepared, told her to have her wits about her, promised her you’ll jump in if necessary. She’d told you not to worry.
Oh, you hate to see it happen.
As soon as you’re inside you volunteer to sit next to John, it’s the smallest kindness you can do for your friend. She should sit between the safety of Sam and Dean for what is to come.
It starts as you expect and it’s strange being on the other side of the interrogation. Nobody gives a flying crap about what drink or food you order but Eileen? She gets the same treatment you had last year. Silence and an entire table waiting to hear what she has to say. She’s the shiny, new thing everyone is interested in. You’re both glad and sorry. Glad the heat is taken off of you and sorry that it’s Eileen bearing the brunt of it.
Although—and it’s not your imagination—they are a hell of a lot easier on her than John had been on you. It presumably helps that Eileen is a Librarian. Her stories are all child reading groups and teaching elderly people how to use email in the computer room. Even you find yourself a bit smitten and you already knew her.
You’re trying not to focus on her too much though. Let her charm Mary and John, she doesn’t need another face watching her while she talks. Instead, you concentrate on your appetizer, one of those deep-fried onion things you’re sharing with Dean. The unspoken agreement is if you eat smelly food then you do it together.
He shakes his head, making eye contact with you as he takes a particularly over the top bite, when you’re pulled back into the main conversation.
“Y/N, where did you spend Christmas last year?”
“I’m sorry?” You ask somewhat dazed by being called on so soon.
Mary smiles kindly, “Eileen mentioned her parent's cabin, which I know is where they spent Christmas. I realized I had no idea where you spent the holidays?”
“Sure. I-erm, I stayed in Chicago.” Dean's hand under the table surprises you when you feel the weight of him on your knee.
“Oh, funnily enough, I remember Dean saying he was in Chicago too and I thought to myself how strange that was with Sam being gone.”
Everyone laughs at her joke, even your boyfriend while he moves his hand up your thigh.
“Didn’t want to head to New York and see your parents?” She continues her line of inquiry.
You have no idea where she’s going with it, why you’re the one in the hot seat, or why Dean is driving you crazy with his thumb rubbing those incessant circles in your skin. You answer anyway.
“N-No. They go to Europe every other Christmas so they’ll be home this year.”
Mary takes a bite of whatever-the-hell is on her plate. “The boys are coming to us this year too, I guess we’ll have to get better about syncing these things up, huh?”
His hand alone wouldn’t normally drive you as crazy as it is right now. He’s only tapping a slow, teasing rhythm into your thigh for crying out loud. But it’s been a few days and before that a few weeks, and you’d been resolved to not sully this wholesome family weekend. So, your breath is just a touch shorter than normal when he squeezes, and you can only hide it by talking.
“Yeah, yeah. I guess we will.” You agree easily.
“I’m looking forward to meeting your parents, yours too Eileen. Do you think we’ll be meeting yours before Christmas Y/N? Any other big events coming up?”
Were you not focusing on the heat of his hand under your skirt then you might be suspicious of the way she asks that. As it is Dean chooses then to wink at you because he thinks it's hilarious how preoccupied you are.
“Erm, Thanksgiving?”
“Right, right. Thanksgiving.” She smirks like she has a secret.
You stand up suddenly, needing to get away from your teasing boyfriend, “sorry. I’m going to go use the restroom.”
“Hurry back.” Dean’s mocking tone follows you.
Were his parents not at the table you'd tell him to go to hell.
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Saturday morning comes faster than you expected. You did have a jump on the long weekend because you’d all taken a day off work this year but Saturday still seemed to have jumped from a cupboard to surprise you.
You wake up as you often do when you share Dean’s bed. One of you, today it’s him, has the other one, you, in what can only be described as an inescapable hold. He’s got one arm wrapped around you, fingers hanging loose over your stomach where you’re laying on your side. His other arm is encroaching on your pillow to surround you and his head is curled in your neck. His breath is slow and hot over your skin. You never imagined that you’d enjoy waking up like this, so incredibly close to someone. And then you met Dean. Sometimes you wrap him up in your sleep, your fingers in his hair, and one leg thrown over his. Either way one always claims the other and you wouldn’t want anything different.
Except at this very second.
Dean is a light sleeper. A bit of a contradictory trait for someone who likes to sleep as much as he does—yours is not to question why—but you never want to willingly wake him if you can avoid it. You’re more than happy to let sleeping Dean’s lie. When you don’t need the bathroom that is.
Even though this isn’t your first time trying you still give it your best shot to slip out without disturbing him.
You think you’re getting there. You’ve managed to roll onto your back for an easier way out, his face is now smashed into his pillow instead of your back, you’ve slipped down the bed a little to get away from his hand on your pillow. It’s only that arm across you that you need to get free from. Today is the day that you’ll finally manage to pee without waking him up. The trick, you think, is not to touch him. You’ve been burned before by trying to lift his arm off of you when you only need to slip out from under it.
“Come on, five more minutes.” He mumbles, fingers come to life to hold you tighter and you swear you see his lip curl because you’ve failed to sneak away again.
“I need to pee.” Who says romance is dead?
He huffs, you’ve hit on what he deems an acceptable reason to let go of you. Barely.
Not that he eases up. You have to wiggle from his hold which makes you crack your first smile of the day. Despite your need to hurry you bend over him and press a kiss to his cheek. “How about I get some coffee while I’m up, see if I can get you to forgive me?”
“You can try.” He mutters in his half-sleep state.
The house is quiet when you leave the bathroom, ridiculously quiet for how full of people it will be later. The calm tricks you into feeling invincible, where nobody else exists save for you and the man you left in bed.
“Morning Y/N.” Mary is sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, and not doing much else.
“Oh my god!” You recoil with your whole body, arms bent into your chest like you’re trying to stave off a heart attack. You can be a little dramatic at times but the way she’s sitting in silence, illuminated only by the early morning light from the backyard, almost gives the illusion of her appearing out of thin air. “Sorry, Mary. I must be easy to scare first thing in the morning.”
A slow smile spreads over her face, “no I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I like a few minutes of peace before the boys are up is all.”
You grab two mugs, a pretty clear indication you plan to take coffee back to Dean, but before you can fill both she makes you an offer you can’t refuse. “You and I both know he is already back to sleep, he’ll keep for a few minutes. Sit with me.”
Dean's empty mug, your excuse to leave, gets left on the counter with most of your hopes and dreams. The only thing you try to cling to is that Mary wants to carry on sitting in silence, only, together.
“Y/N, we haven’t had a chance to talk, just you and me. Not since last year.”
Or maybe, just maybe, she’d been waiting for you all along.
“I guess we haven’t. I-eh, I really did mean what I said when I got here Mary. I’m sorry about everything.”
“I’m not trying to rake you over the coals here, and I’m not looking for another apology. I know what my sons think of me, Sam thinks I’m crazy. You were being a good friend.” She shrugs like it's that simple.
It’s kind of ridiculous how quickly you relax, and how quickly you start spilling your guts, “The lying though. I don’t feel good about that.”
Mary is quick. She leans over the table and wraps her hand around yours, “I don’t remember that much lying. I could tell you loved Sam last year and if that’s like a brother, I’m still glad he has you.”
She’s right. You do love Sam like a brother, the one you never had. He’s been more your family than your own. The first family you’d chose and only real family you had, which is why you’d been so scared at first. It’s why you’d been so quick to run from Dean at the risk of losing Sam. Hell, sometimes you wonder if it’s one of the many reasons you love Dean—because he’s the only other person on the planet who loves Sam as much as you do.
Your fingers twitch under her hand, unsure of the loving way she holds you. Unsure if you deserve it or why she offers it so easily. Whatever the answer is, she has your guard down.
“What about Dean?” It’s a loaded question. You need someone else to see what’s there before you can admit it to him. You're looking for confidence because you are unsure of his feelings. Who better to judge than his own mother?
She squeezes enough to tell you that you’re looking down at your coffee instead of looking at her, before she pulls back to lift her mug to her lips again. “That’s obvious Y/N.” She almost sounds bored at such an easy question, ”I knew I was right all along.”
"Right about what?”
Not even a pause. If she was indeed waiting for you this morning then she was waiting for you to ask this question.
“That you are going to be a Winchester someday.”
“No-I, no…” You trail off to nothing and it’s not because of the way Mary is still grinning despite your protests. It’s not her raised eyebrows over the rim of her cup. It’s not even the little hum like noise she lets out in affirmation that yes, you would wear the big 'W' as your last name.
It’s that you can see it. You’ve had a year of long-distance with Dean; scheduled weekends and facetime dates. You’ve been itching to tell him how you feel but terrified of scaring him away, scared of moving too quickly with the guy you don’t see enough, scared he doesn’t feel the same. And yet in the back of your mind, the vision is forming, pushing its way to the front without permission. Dean on one knee. You in a white dress. The moment you both say ‘I do’.
Is this what becoming a hopeless romantic feels like? Or were you always this much of a total sap?
“Don’t worry, I know.” She reiterates again.
Mary has a reputation, she’s pushy enough, so you assume that’s what this is. You assume she’s making a premonition, not looking for confirmation of something she thinks she already knows. So, you look to escape what you think is the awkwardness that you can’t answer.
“I’m going to get Dean his coffee or-or we’ll never get him out of bed.”
She nods you to leave but disagrees with your evaluation, “I think you underestimate how much my son loves fireworks.”
You smile wide, remembering how his face lit up in the dark the year before, “You’re right. Still, I should go get him up.”
Then you pour more coffee, including Deans, and run. If anyone else caught wind of this conversation they would never believe you were a defense lawyer, let alone the lawyer who’s been plastered over the news defending a celebrity on a murder case.
Dean has, predictably, gone back to sleep since you left. Although the light sleeper that he is, he is roused by the door opening and the smell of coffee.
That’s all it takes to make you forget the conversation with Mary ever happened. You can’t help but laugh at his sleepy voice as you slip in next to him, careful not to spill anything while he fidgets awake, “who else would wake you up like this?”
He rubs at his eyes, “oh, y’know, my other girlfriend.”
“You’ll have to introduce us one day, we can compare notes.”
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You’re still not used to the Winchester’s if you’re being completely honest. To you, barbecue has always been a type of food, and not necessarily one your parents approved of. It was never a place, a home. That’s what today is. Saturday afternoon and the sun is high, there's a faint twang of country music coming from somewhere. Not loud enough to hear the lyrics but loud enough to identify the genre, loud enough to wish you were wearing a cowboy hat. Everyone has a beer or a burger, or both. And it’s not all dopey eyed niceties. There are teenagers, Claire and Alex, hating everyone from the other end of the yard. Occasionally there’s a “screw you” or a “you idjit” shouted from the many random conversations happening. But it’s still somehow perfect in the imperfections. It’s cozy and homely. It’s a family. Love.
It would be easy to feel overwhelmed and convince yourself that you don’t belong. It’s lucky that you have your boyfriend. And since he has disappeared on you, Sam and Eileen. Although she is doing a much better job than you at fitting in.
“She’s going to make me look bad,” you tell Sam while you both watch Eileen animatedly tell Uncle Bobby something that makes him howl. Even his stoic expressions are hidden behind his beard but Eileen is a stand-up comedian, apparently
“That’s not hard is it?” He teases.
“That might hurt if you hadn’t picked me to bring last year, to protect her from all this.” You use the neck of your bottle to draw a circle in the air around the whole motley crew of his family.
Before you register his movement he has an arm around your shoulders, you’re expecting a headlock so you’re pleasantly surprised when he pulls you into a side hug. “That’s the first time you’ve joked about it since… since last year. I’m glad. Everyone else is over it, you’re the only one hanging on Y/N/N.”
You don’t want to choke up in the middle of their backyard but sometimes Sam’s big brother moments hit you like that. “I never said I was very good at letting things go.”
He huffs. “You’re too tough sometimes. That’s why I picked you to help me.” He sucks in a slow breath, “you have to get out of your head... and maybe stop being so annoying.”
You shove him back so he can’t lean on you but now you’re out of his hold he’s looking down at you with those damn puppy dog eyes. He hasn’t asked for something which means he’s trying to use them to make you feel better. You hadn’t realized you’d needed to feel better, was your face sad enough to warrant a Sam pep talk
“I’m fine,” you wave away his concern. “Have you decided yet?”
“And there I was hoping you’d forget.”
“Is Eileen happy to let you forget?” You counter him with an expectant look. “She wants to tell them but she’s happy to let me make the decision since it’s my family.” He says in a pointed, not pointed way.
You shake your head, “she’s going too easy on you. Good thing you have me to put you in line.”
“I thought I was the line?” It takes you a beat, you’re actually surprised he remembered you saying that to John.
“No, that was what I had to say when I was being paid to make you look good.” His face turns somber, “I never paid you.”
“Tomayto, tomahto Sammy.” You finish the beer in your hand, “you know I’m not pushing you, right? If you don’t do it, there’s always Christmas, or send a save the date.”
He shoves at you this time and the air returns to its normal lightness. “I know. You only want me to put on my big boy pants.”
“I could care less about your pants. I want you to take the heat off me, obviously.” You hold up your bottle to him, “I’m out. You need another one?”
He chuckles, ducks his head, and looks at his fiance again. “Yeah, dutch courage might help.”
“Dare to dream.” You sympathize, patting him on his shoulder.
Sam might tell them today, he might not. You wouldn’t judge him either way. He knows you aren’t judging him. You’re nudging him, not so gently. You’re being for him what he is for you. A good friend. Sam has a tendency to drag his heels sometimes and his relationship with Eileen is one of the few things you’ve seen him jump into wholeheartedly. He is, after all, engaged in under a year. You’re beyond pleased because you’ve never seen him so happy, all you want is for Sam’s family to enjoy seeing that too. If you elbow him in the right direction it’s only because you know he’ll regret it down the road.
Besides, it’s not like Mary can scare Eileen away. She already said yes.
So, Dutch courage it is. You don’t condone drinking to excess in front of his parents but a few more beers wouldn’t hurt. They’d only loosen his lips.
The cooler is by the door to the kitchen, for easy refills whether that’s ice or beer. It’s out of the way. Most people stay close to the grill or their seat if they have managed to command one.
You assume your trip will be short and sweet. There’s no one else standing by the plastic box, which means no awkward cooler small talk to get trapped in. It’s half-empty but there are enough bottles that you won’t have to top it up even taking one for you and Sam. Then you stand up with a bottle in each hand, about to turn tail when at the edge of your peripheral you register Dean and Mary in the kitchen.
The window to the kitchen is wide and open and you should walk away. You almost walk away. Then Mary speaks and you can hear them so clearly that you have no choice. You duck down and sit precariously on top of the cooler.
“I know I’m not supposed to rush you but Dean, honey, I can’t stand it any longer. When are you going to announce it? I’m dying!”
Your interest is piqued. Unfortunately. It’s wrong, completely and utterly. Dean should be allowed his secrets whatever they are. Still, it’s not your fault that he chose to have this conversation, with his mother, in the kitchen. Where anyone could walk in or overhear them.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Although to be fair Dean doesn’t sound like a willing participant in this conversation, so maybe he doesn’t have a secret you have to worry about.
You don’t dare get up and peak through the glass since they sound quite close, but you hear Mary sigh.
“I heard her talking to Sam about it. How she wants to tell everyone and-and if it was up to her she’d have told us all already.”
The sound of the fridge opening and closing before he answers. “Still not following, Mom?”
“The proposal Dean. You asked her to marry you. She all but admitted it to me this morning and I’m so, so happy for you. I did think you’d talk to me first but… When am I getting my big announcement so we can celebrate?”
You suck in a breath and hope that it didn’t make a sound. If you can hear them it stands to reason they might hear you. Neither of them seems to. Or they’re distracted. Dean is silent for a too long beat, Mary is clearly confused, and she’s thrown you under the bus along with her, for good measure.
“You’ve got it all wrong. I don’t know what you think you heard…”
A pit forms in the bottom of your stomach at his tone, how against the idea he sounds. It’s fine, you try convincing yourself, he’s defending Sam’s secret.
“Don’t lie to me, Dean. I know you and your brother think I’m nuts but I want you both to be happy. That's all.”
There’s a part of you that knows you should stop this. Come to Dean's rescue and clarify. You could fix this in thirty seconds or less. That’s what you would do if you weren’t stuck like your feet are made of cement.
“You've gotta cool it with that, ok? Y/N is just a girl I’m dating, that’s it, and I don’t want her getting the wrong idea. You breathing down her neck won’t help anything.”
You have to remind yourself that you’d wanted to know his secret. But maybe you’d only wanted to know because you hoped, assumed, that he felt the same as you.
You’d never actually expected a proposal. Not for years. You’d have been happy with not getting one ever as long as you got Dean. He was your prize, not some ring. But his tone says you don’t have him in any way that you want, you’re just a girl he’s dating. Just a date. He didn’t even say girlfriend. He didn’t even say he likes you.
“Oh, well. I’m sorry. I must have had my wires crossed. I’ll leave it alone.” Mary sounds deflated and disappointed. About a tenth of the hurt you’re spiraling into.
She also sounds like her footsteps are getting closer.
You need to move this time. Because the only thing worse than hearing this conversation is one of them knowing you’d heard this conversation.
The beers get left on the decking next to the cooler you’re still balancing your weight on. You stay low, curled over, as you take long steps along the side of the house. Your immediate plan is to get out of the way while Mary re-enters the backyard but it’s a mere thirty seconds before Dean comes striding out after her. He looks around, maybe for you, maybe for anyone else, it doesn’t really seem like it matters.
You’ve been worrying if Dean loves you, if you would scare him off by telling him you do. You’d never considered that he’s not anywhere close to that. He might never be. 
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Your mistake had been to immediately take solace in his room. It’s so his. It smells like him, every single thing reminds you of him. It’s the inanimate object version of going to cry in his arms.
It only made everything so much worse.
Though Dean’s room doesn’t contain a small library like Sam’s, there’s still a desk and a padded desk chair. The desk is covered in random things; a picture of him and Sam while Sam graduates Stanford, some sunglasses and amongst other things a small model car. A model of the impala that you’d toyed with while you were sneaking in some emails last night. He’d told you his dad gave it to him as a kid because his obsession with the car had begun early. However currently the chair is not where it is supposed to be. It’s wedged under his door handle because neither brother has a lock on their door.
You’ve spread out since you’ve been here. Your laptop is in the only free spot on his desk, your case is open on the floor where you’ve been living from it for two days now. Not to mention your things everywhere, a mascara here, or a lipstick there. At home, you only manage to stay any semblance of tidy because everything has its place but this is Dean’s space. It’s not even his, it’s his teenage space, somewhere he outgrew but visits every once in a while. Not even he completely fits in here anymore.
The point is you clearly don’t belong. Not even an inch. Dean liked you but that was it. As painful as it is to admit that’s not enough anymore. You’ve outgrown dates and sex, well, you’ve outgrown only having those things. For the first time in your life, you want the next step and Dean doesn’t. That’s the risk you take when you care about someone, getting hurt is always a possibility.
The only problem is you promised yourself no more pretending. Last year was enough for a lifetime. So, you can’t skip back downstairs and pretend you hadn’t heard what you did. You can’t sit next to him and watch fireworks and not be heartbroken.
“Y/N? Sweetheart?” There’s a knock at the door that spooks the makeup you’d been collecting out of your hands. You don’t answer him instead, you scramble for the things you’ve dropped and scoop them up faster.
He twists the doorknob and you carry on your task because the chair will protect you.
Then the door starts moving. You expect to hear resistance after a second but the room is filled with the squeak of plastic wheels.
You’d forgotten that the damn chair is on wheels.
The makeup is dropped again, spilling out over the floor once more as you fall to your ass and slide across the carpet. You’d never managed anything close to a slide in baseball, never ever needed to learn one. Now you perfect it in all of two feet. Your feet plant either side of the chair and your hands wrap around the seat pushing it back until the door closes again. This was a mistake, the chair is only making it harder to push back, you should have moved it and shoved yourself against the door, it’s just too late for a redo.
“Hey, hey. Open the door.” It’s hard to tell if he’s angry, he mostly sounds urgent.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest, still, it’s impossible to find the words to answer him. You don’t want to say something you’ll regret, or can’t take back, even if you’re hurt. In your silence, he keeps pushing, literally and figuratively.
He twists the handle again but this time there’s a little weight on his side. The weight pushes against the chair and by extension you. It’s not his full weight, he’s bigger than you though so even his half weight is starting to force you backward. You scramble to gain some traction, planting your feet better, shoving some more. The carpet gives you some friction but not enough to help against the force of Dean Winchester. You keep moving.
After a minute things are about a hundred miles south of ridiculous. You love ridiculous, when you’re not trying to run away that is.
Dean is one foot in the room, thick fingers wrapped around the door and his head pushed in looking at you. There’s a confused knot in his forehead while he takes in exactly what he’s forced his way to look at.
You straddling the bottom part of his desk chair, shoved against the door, and looking up at him wildly.
“Really, sweetheart?” He asks with a mix of frustration in his eyes and a curl on his lips, “what the hell?”
That’s enough to snap you out of it and jump up from the floor. Your hands smooth over the wrinkles in your jeans as if nothing happened. “Hi, Dean. Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
You may be hurting, sure, but if your parents taught you anything it’s how to cover any emotion with pragmatic denial.
He steps all the way into the room now without you in the way. “Someone else? Comin’ into my room, looking for you?”
“Could have been anyone,” you shrug. Careful to keep your voice steady and neutral while you go back to collecting your twice dropped makeup from the floor. “Wouldn’t want any of your cousins to wander in here.”
“Right. Because they’re leaving the yard while there’s food on the grill, come on it’s like-”
“I heard what you said to your Mom.” The last thing you wanted to say makes it to the tip of your tongue anyway, as you dispense the collected make up into your case like a dump truck.
He parts those lips of his, which means he’s worried about something and then he smiles. He smiles at you while you’re doing everything not to cry.
There’s a quiver in your voice despite yourself, “it’s fine I get it. I wish you’d told me yourself but I can’t do anything about that. And I know I shouldn’t have been listening in and I’m sorry. Can you give me a few minutes to get sorted please?”
Dean cocks his head, takes a step closer to you, and then stops when you grimace, “what?”
“You said you-that we-I’m not expecting anything but I thought I was more than ‘just another girl’ you’re dating.” You shake your head, trying to stop those tears now you’ve said it out loud. Feeling your vision blur and wobble anyway. “Like I said it’s fine. I’m getting out of here though. I found a flight home, there’s no point in you driving me home eleven hours when it’s four to St Louis.”
Not to mention the fact that you couldn’t stand to sit in the car with him that long while you’re feeling like this.
“Woah, Woah, Woah baby.” He doesn’t pause this time. He doesn’t care about your frown as he approaches you, he’s more concerned about fixing whatever you have gotten in your head. He’s on you in an instant. One warm hand on your shoulders and one at your chin, lifting your face to his and taking in all your sadness. You hate that he’s making you stare into his eyes like this. Those green, soulful eyes had been one of the first things you noticed on his beautiful dumb face and now this feels like a goodbye. Of course, it's not a goodbye. He’s trying to tell you just by looking at you that you’re a goddamn idiot. “Have you met my mom? Remember when she asked if you were pregnant when you’d been dating Sam like a month?”
“Fake dating. Why does everyone forget I was fake dating him?”
He chuckles, “‘course. Faking. Well, you heard her, right? She thinks we’re the ones getting hitched. Imagine if I’d thrown fuel on the fire and told her that you’re my girl, I love you and that you’re it for me.”
There’s a big, huge lump in your throat stopping you breathing. Too gigantic to swallow down. Tears still want to rain over your face, again, but you refuse to be the girl that cries because her boyfriend, who she loves, finally told her what she’s been waiting to hear.
Wait, you need to say something back.
“I love you too.”
His smile is slow and lazy but it’s perfectly timed with how gently his body leans in to kiss you. His shoulders drop while you’re sighing into his mouth like every romantic comedy heroine. His hands still on your shoulders relax their hold a little and you realize, he might have been doubting how you felt too.
“That’s good to know.” He breathes. “But see if I’d have told my mom all that, with the whole family here, she’d have us shotgun married before I got the chance to actually ask you.”
Your eyes widen, “no. You’re not?”
“Nah, planning on knocking those socks off when I do. Fair warning though, that’s coming.”
A strangled laugh comes out of you because you are, and have always been, the stupidest person alive. Dean loves you. He loves you and you love him. And why have you waited so long to say it?
“Move in with me?” It seems like the next best thing to every sweet thing he just said. It’s not enough but for once you’re happy to be second best in a conversation. You’ve been thinking about it long enough, hating the distance and the weekends you’ve spent apart. It’s so obvious that you should have worked it out months ago.
“What?” He gives you the pleasure of seeing his goofy confused face while your finger traces the curve of his bottom lip. In case you ever forget.
“Move in with me. Move to Chicago to be with me. Benny can manage in St. Louis and you can open a second location... or be chief of police or a fireman or just eat deep dish all the day long, whatever you want. Be with me in Chicago? Everyday? Sam’s there too. How can you be his best man from three hundred miles away?”
Another kiss and a bigger grin that comes from his chest, not even you expected it to be this easy. Which is more of that stupidity because with Dean it’s always easy. You can only imagine how rosy your cheeks are as he answers, “you had me at pizza.”
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You get to the foot of the stairs when Sam pops out of the living room. You’ve schooled your beaming grin into something more subdued because you don’t want to draw focus but Sam’s probably still just waiting for his beer. He tilts his head down and asks, “you good?”
Before you can tell him that you have never been better, Dean saunters down the steps behind you without any concern for drawing attention. “Sammy, how many times have I told you, you can’t have her back. She’s mine now.”
Sam purses his lips at his brother, which is still funny to you, and you press a hand to his chest to distract him from their brother games. “We’re all good Sam, I’ll fill you in later. The important thing is are you ready to go? Weekend is nearly over.”
He smiles at you, “couldn’t do it without my legal eagle.”
Finally, he gets it. “Legal eagles for life, Sam.”
“You two are a pair of dorks.” Dean slumps an arm over both of your shoulders, “I can’t believe I love a dork even dorkier than my dork brother.”
If Sam notices any difference or the massive L-word Dean dropped, he keeps his reaction in check. Besides he’s engrossed in something else, he kind of has something huge to announce to his whole family right now. Something you’ve been dying to witness since he told you.
You turn in Dean’s arm to threaten him, “he can still drop you and make me best man, you know that, right?”
Dean feigns anger, “he would never.”
“Keep talking pretty boy and see how fast I’m planning the bachelor party.”
“She thinks I’m pretty.” Dean turns his head to smile at Sam and involve him in your sparring match, you know since best man is his decision, but Sam is now bitch facing the pair of you.
He doesn’t say anything, just swings an arm out towards the kitchen and beyond that the backyard. An annoyed invitation to join him and his fiance for the big moment you’ve all been waiting for.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on De. Let’s go let Sammy-boo and Leney-bear be as disgusting as we are.”
You’re already in the kitchen when Sam shouts after you, “I told you not to call us that!”
“Eileen said she didn’t mind!”
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Weirdly, the party in the backyard is exactly how you left it and yet you feel like everything changed, for the better, in the last twenty minutes.
Eileen sees all three of you step out of the house and senses that its time. Or Sam had already told her it was before he went looking for you. Either way, she walks over to Sam who magically ends up in the middle of the yard.
You can feel the excitement buzzing from Dean where he’s standing next to you, you bet he’s feeling that from you too.
“Hey everyone, I kind of have an announcement,” Sam calls out.
Most of them look around but nobody moves and he hasn’t captured everyone's attention in the way John does at the baseball game. For some reason that line from Highlander pops into your head, there can only be one. It’s a concerted effort not to snort at your own joke.
John is, however, one of the people that heard Sam so he hollers, “cut it out, Sammy’s got something to say.”
That’ll do it. The music shuts off and everyone gathers in a circle around Sam and Eileen. You notice then that Eileen’s ring has appeared back on her finger. You know she had it on a necklace until this announcement but the sleight of hand to make it happen is impressive.
“Thanks, Dad. I’ll keep this short and sweet because I know you’re all waiting on more food but while we had everyone here we thought we should tell you all.”
Somehow, you hear Mary’s heart stop from twenty feet away.
“As most of you know Eileen and I met just over a year ago,” a few people who haven't been briefed share looks since he’d been ‘dating’ you last year. “And well, I’ve never been happier or more in love with someone in my life. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and a few weeks ago I got my act together and asked her to marry me.”
Eileen holds up her hand then, beaming, ‘and I said yes!”
They had to have rehearsed that on the flight.
Chaos ensues. Everyone claps and cheers and people try to move in to congratulate them. Above all of that Mary screams like she’s being murdered. She rushes forward letting every thought in her head fall out of her mouth, “But I thought Dean and Y/N… so you’re telling me it was you all along? Oh Sammy, sweetie, I am so, so happy for you. Oh god, I’m so proud of you.” She wraps her arms around him and crushes him. “And I’m so happy you’re going to be part of the family!” She lets go of her son to give Eileen the same bruising hug.
“Well done, son.” John claps Sam on the back with, you think, the faintest hint of proud tears in his eyes.
Dean wraps his arm around you then like he'd been unable to do it until everything with Sam was ok. You lean into his chest and whisper only loud enough for him, "he's going to be so excited about you being in the city with us."
"You think?"
"I know it. Granted not as excited as me."
He rests his chin on the top of your head, slotting you into him like a puzzle piece.
In the background, it goes on and on until everyone has said something to the happy couple. Even Bobby gets this choked noise caught in his throat. The whole display is actually very touching.
When they finish the mayhem John proposes a toast in which everyone raises their drinks. Then the drinking and eating continue, with much more vigor than before. The whole thing goes from a Fourth of July celebration to a party. The music is a little more upbeat, the hard liquor is brought out early and the hum of everyone feels excited.
Sam—who has been hugged, pinched and shoved playfully enough to last him till the end of days—wanders over to you and Dean with his fiance in tow. “Are you happy now?” He directs the question at you specifically.
You reach up to grab his face with both hands and jiggle his head while you baby-talk to him, “my little Sammy, I’m so proud of you.”
Dean and Eileen both laugh and it's one of those perfect moments you only expect to see in the movies. You realize then that with these three people around you could actually look forward to the Fourth of July with the Winchesters for years to come.
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5eva tags: @divadinag @darthdeziewok @fluentinfiction @witch-of-letters @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @magnitude101999 @alexwinchester23 Dean babes: @thewinchesterchronicles @akshi8278 @bloodydaydreamer​
236 notes · View notes
Tied Together (Sharja One Shot)
A collab between me and @your-local-metal-lesbian 😊
It was a sunny day in Vizovice, Czech Republic. The perfect festival weather, Sharon thought. But it wasn't just the weather that made that day perfect. It was something else. Someone else, actually. Tarja Turunen, her old friend, who made her feel emotions that she didn’t even know she had. She first noticed it during the video shoot of Paradise. She instantly felt this strange, but beautiful kind of connection. She felt like that woman knew her better than she did. Also, she was breathtakingly beautiful. Sharon had a hard time trying to not look at her constantly.
Every time they met, Sharon thought her feelings might change, that maybe her heart wouldn’t go into overdrive when she saw her, that she wouldn’t go weak in the knees at the sound of her sweet laugh. But instead, they only seemed to get more intense.
And now, she was sitting right next to her, a glass of wine in her hand, on the balcony of Sharon’s hotel room. They had a view of the little town and the rolling green hills beyond. The setting sun was reflecting from Tarja’s black hair and made her pale skin shine. Sharon thought that she looked more beautiful than ever and not just one forbidden thought was on her mind.
“I’m so glad we got to do this.”
Sharon was pulled from her thoughts by the voice of her friend.
“Me too,” she said, smiling. “Let’s not wait two years to perform together again, okay?”
“Deal.” Tarja raised her glass, and Sharon tapped it with her own.
“So, what are your plans for the rest of the year?” Tarja asked once she had swallowed her sip of wine.
“Well, we’ll be performing at festivals for the rest of the summer still, and then preparing for our tour with Evanescence next year.”
“I heard about that! That will be so cool, and I’m sure the fans will love it.”
Sharon nodded. “Yeah, we’re really excited. And you’re going to be on the road for a while, right?”
Tarja nodded. “Yes, I have a couple more festival shows in the summer, and then I’ll be touring in Russia for most of the fall. And then it will be time for the Christmas concerts!”
By that time, both of their glasses were empty.
“Want some more?’’ Sharon asked. 
“Oh, yeah, definitely.’’
She poured some more of the wine in the glasses and gave Tarja a light smile.
“You look really cute today, by the way,’’ the younger singer said. “Well, you actually look cute everyday.’’
“Oh, thanks sweetie, so do you, but you know that, right?’’ Sharon responded with a smile. Tarja smiled back, without making eye contact, and took a large sip of wine. She was definitely going to need it. Sharon, her secret crush, was flirting with her. Or was she? Tarja couldn’t tell. She finished the glass and got herself even more.
“Looks like we’re gonna be drunk even before it gets dark.’’ Sharon laughed before she chugged her entire glass to keep up with Tarja.
At this point, she could feel the wine doing its magic.
“What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you onstage?’’ Sharon asked.
“Oh, god, don’t even ask…’’ the other singer said, rolling her eyes.
A mischievous grin formed on Sharon’s lips. “Great, now you made me even more interested in it.’’ 
“Nope, that's just too… You know.’’ 
“Come on, tell me.’’
“No, I'm so not telling you.’’ Tarja started laughing at the memory.
“Please, tell me, or…’’ 
An idea formed in Sharon’s mind.
“Or?’’ Tarja asked and raised her eyebrows slightly.
“Or I'm gonna find a spider. You don't want that, right?’’
“So are you gonna tell me?’’
“Come on, what if I get us another bottle if you tell me?’’
“Deal,’’ she said.
“So, what happened?’’
“My pants broke on stage and I had yellow underpants.’’ 
Sharon started laughing, a lot. “Oh my god, that's horrible. What did you do about it?’’
“Well, I went backstage and changed during the guitar solo,’’ Tarja responded, giggling. 
“You handled it well. Now let's get us a new bottle, shall we?’’
They walked to the store, hand in hand, laughing to everything the other one said. They suddenly felt like their worlds were complete. Tarja picked a random wine bottle from the liquor section, and they walked up to the cash register. Sharon had to let go of their linked hands when she pulled her card out of her wallet, but as soon as she had paid, Tarja reached for her hand again, and her heart somersaulted in her chest.
“What are we gonna do now? We can go back, or we can walk around a bit,’’ Sharon asked her.
“Yeah, let’s take a walk. I think there's a nice park nearby,’’ the other woman answered. “By the way, what is the worst thing that happened to you onstage?’’ Tarja continued.
“Oh, I don't know, probably when I confused languages and started speaking German in France.’’ She winced slightly at the memory.
“That's pretty funny as well.’’ Tarja smiled.
“Well, it wasn't at the moment,’’ Sharon said and giggled.
“Yeah, that's understandable.”
They had turned the corner from the paved street and onto a gravel path that led into the park. It was dark outside now, but the light blooming from the streetlights lining the path was enough for them to see by. 
 “Look, there's a really cool tree!” Tarja said, pointing to a large oak with low-hanging branches up the path a bit to their left. “How great would it be if we drank the wine under it?’’
“Yes, it's pretty cool. Not cooler than me though,” Sharon said, and they both laughed.
They sat under it, opened the wine and shared some more funny stories. Soon, the bottle was almost empty, and Sharon felt warm and content.
“Hey, I have an idea,” Tarja said, giggling.
“We should climb the tree. Don’t you think this would be more fun if we were up in the branches?”
In her intoxicated state, this sounded like the best idea in the world. “Yes,” Sharon agreed. “We absolutely should.”
Still giggling, Tarja hooked her arm over one of the lowest branches and tried to pull herself up. “Can you help me?”
Sharon gave her a gentle push until she was able to get herself on the branch.
“Now you,” Tarja said, holding out her hand. 
Sharon grasped onto it and pushed against the tree trunk with her feet until she was able to get the leverage she needed to make it up to the branch as well.
“Yay, we did it!” Tarja clapped her hands and almost lost her balance, but Sharon quickly reached out with one arm to steady her while keeping the other hand firmly on the branch.
“That’s the perfect spot,” Tarja said, pointing up the tree a ways to a divet in the branches that would have enough space for both of them to lean against the trunk.
It was easy enough to climb to it, and it was a tight squeeze, but Sharon didn’t mind that Tarja had to be half on her lap. The younger woman rested her head on Sharon’s shoulder. “This is perfect,” she whispered.
“Yes, it is.” Sharon looked down at her friend and couldn’t resist running her fingers through her silky hair. 
They stayed like this for a few moments until Tarja looked up suddenly. “Where’s the wine?”
“I think we left it at the bottom,” Sharon said.
“No! We need the wine.” Tarja looked alarmed, and she started to climb back down. Sharon reluctantly followed her, even though she would have been happy to stay in that spot all night.
When she reached the base of the trunk again, Tarja was looking inside the wine bottle with a disappointed expression on her face.
“It’s almost gone,” she said. She held it out to Sharon. “You can have it.”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”
“We can split it then,” Tarja said, and raised the bottle to her lips.
Sharon watched the muscles in the other woman’s neck contract as she swallowed, and she felt her throat go dry.
“Here.” Tarja held out the bottle to her, and she drank the last tiny sip.
When Sharon set the bottle down, Tarja was gazing up at the tree. “I don’t think I have the energy to go back up there.”
“Me either,” Sharon said. “Let’s just stay here.”
“Sounds good to me,” Tarja said and sighed happily, snuggling closer to her friend once more.
Sharon put her arms around her and leaned against the base of the trunk. Within moments, she felt Tarja’s breathing settle into a slow rhythm. She knew they had to get back to the hotel soon, but she was sleepy and didn’t want to disturb the woman in her arms. Without meaning to, she let her eyes close and rested her head on Tarja’s.
Ruud watched with dismay from behind a nearby tree as Sharon and Tarja fell asleep. He had watched his best friend stare after the Finnish singer with puppy-dog eyes for the past six years and had watched Tarja give her the same longing looks when she wasn’t aware. He had hoped that tonight, when he had seen them leave the hotel holding hands and skipping down the street to the grocery store, that one of them would admit their feelings with the influence of the alcohol that they were clearly under. But it hadn’t happened.
“Idiots,” Stefan mumbled, voicing his thoughts, and he looked over to see his friend shaking his head.
“We need to do something,” Jeroen said.
“Like what?”
A mischievous glint sparked in Stefan’s eye. “We should play a prank on them.”
Ruud smiled.
“What would we do? Draw on their faces or something?” Jeroen asked.
“Hmm,” said Stefan. “I think we can do better than that.”
A moment later, Ruud held up his hand. “I’ve got it.”
After he explained the idea to his bandmates, they tiptoed across the path to where the two singers lay fast asleep. The knelt down and began carefully untying their shoelaces. They froze when Tarja stirred, but she just draped her arm across Sharon’s shoulder and made a soft noise before seeming to fall asleep again.
They glanced at each other again before continuing their work. Once the laces were untied, they began tying the laces of their shoes together, one from each foot. They had to move Sharon’s legs slightly closer, but luckily she didn’t seem disturbed. Once they had the laces of each of their shoes together, they tied them multiple, tight knots.
Ruud glanced to his right to see Stefan trying to stifle laughter, and he had to contain his own as well. 
Once they were satisfied with their handiwork, they got up and dusted off their hands, giving each other silent high-fives before returning to the hotel.
Tarja woke up very confused. Her head was hurting and she had no idea where she was. This definitely didn’t feel like her hotel room. It kind of felt like she was outside. And there was someone with her. She opened her eyes and saw her friend sleeping next to her. It was still dark and there was an empty wine bottle laying near them.
Her friend wiggled a bit next to her. “Yes, sweetie?’’.
 Tarja couldn't believe her ears. She called her sweetie. That could mean something. Or perhaps she was still drunk.
“Where are we?’’ Tarja asked in a sleepy voice.
“I don't know, somewhere in Czech Republic,’’ Sharon answered, her eyes still closed. Tarja quickly looked around. She could see a high building with the word “hotel’’ written on it. Could this be their hotel? It was a small city, this could be the only hotel there. She got up to look around a bit more, but she fell on the ground immediately.
“Damn it, Tarja, what are you doing?’’ Sharon asked.
“Looks like some idiot tied our shoelaces together. Do you have all your stuff, or did they rob us as well?’’
Sharon checked all her pockets and sighed in relief.
“I seem to have everything. You?’’
“Me too.’’
“Good. Now, do you think you could try to untie the laces?’’
 And Tarja was trying, unfortunately without a great outcome.
“Holy shit, that person really did a great job,’’  Tarja hissed angrily.
“Let me try it,’’ Sharon said with a little smile. “Oh crap, you were right’’
“I guess we're gonna have to walk back like this.’’
“It could be worse.’’ Sharon smiled and Tarja helped her get up. She hugged her tightly.
“We can do this,’’ she whispered in her ear.
They were slowly moving towards the hotel, just a few inches apart, both of them enjoying the closeness.
“See, it's not that bad.’’ Tarja smiled and placed a small peck on her friend's cheek. Sharon pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.
After a few minutes, they entered the hotel.
“Is this even the right hotel?’’ Sharon asked, laughing. The receptionist gave them a strange look, but neither of them really cared.
“Yeah, don’t worry, I can remember it,’’ Tarja assured her.
“Can I help you, ladies?’’ the receptionist asked them, looking even more confused.
“No, you can’t. Unless you want to untie our shoelaces of course. Some jerk tied them together.’’
 The receptionist rolled her eyes. Tarja pulled her keys out of her pocket and looked at them.
“Room 317. That’s probably the third floor.’’
They got on the elevator and Sharon pressed the button. The door closed.
“Did you see the look on her face? What the heck is wrong with her?’’ They both burst into loud laughter.
“I know, right, has she, like, never seen two people with shoelaces tied together before?’’ Tarja said, laughing again.
She unlocked the door and they both walked in. 
“I'm still really tired… How about going straight to the bed?’’ Tarja asked.
“Oh, yes, sounds nice. Wait. I'm not going straight to the bed. Lets go gay to the bed.’’ Sharon said and buried her face in Tarja’s shoulder. She couldn’t believe that she actually said that.
“Yeah, definitely.’’ Tarja jumped on the bed and took Sharon with her. They were both laying on their side, face to face, just looking at each other, admiring each other’s beauty.
“You're so goddamn beautiful,’’ Tarja said after a minute or so of silence.
“Shut up, just look at you, do you ever look in the mirror? Don't you see it?’’ 
“Oh, honey…’’ Tarja said and leaned in for a kiss. They joined their lips, looking deep in each other’s eyes. After a couple wonderful seconds, Sharon leaned back with a large smile on her face.
“Oh, gay indeed,” she said.
“I love you,” Tarja whispered. “And not just when I'm drunk, I love you all the time, wherever we are.’’
“I love you too,”  Sharon confessed quietly.
“Like, in the, you know, gay way?’’ Tarja wanted to be sure. She still couldn't believe how many good things had happened to them in the past few hours.
“Oh, yes, sweetie. In the gayest way possible,” she assured her.
“Oh my god, the guys are gonna freak out when they'll see us as a couple.” Tarja laughed.
“Yeah, totally. We gotta film it when we tell them. I can already imagine their faces,” Sharon agreed.
Tarja giggled and then rested her head on Sharon’s shoulder. Sharon gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her once more.
After a couple of minutes, they were already asleep.
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set-spike-and-win · 3 years
Episode II
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“So, what are your plans for today?” My father asked when I sat beside him on the couch.
I looked over to him with a smile before I answered, “I’m gonna get ready to pick up Soyeon in a few minutes and after that I’m going to the park with Chaeyoung.”
“Seems like you have a lot on your plate today,” he chuckled, “but haven’t you been out with Chaeyoung yesterday?”
“Yeah but that was with the team, today it’s just the two of us,” I explained, taking a sip from my coffee which stood on the table before I continued the conversation.
My alarm clock rang, reminding me that I had to start driving now. I said goodbye to my parents and told them that I’d be back late today since I didn’t know how long I’d be out today.
My mother gave me my car keys and told me to enjoy my day before I headed to the car.
The ride took about 45 minutes and I was lucky that there wasn’t any bad traffic. It was quiet in the car until my phone rang, I put on speaker to focus on the road before me.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“I just wanted to ask if we’re still going to the park today,” Chaeyoung explained, the noise in the background letting me know that she was at home.
“Of course, why’d you ask?”
I could hear her sigh before she replied, “Jennie told me that you’re picking up Soyeon for the tournament, I thought you’d rather do something with her.”
“I’m picking up Soyeon because she wants to visit her grandparents who live here,” I explained, “I would’ve told you if I couldn’t go.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you later,” Chaeyoung said goodbye.
“I’ll see you,” I answered before I hung up the phone.
I arrived about 5 minutes later and stopped the car for Soyeon to get in. It took her a while to get her things in the trunk of my car which slightly annoyed me because I knew that she was doing this to tease me.
“Finally done shortie?” I smirked when she sat next to me in the passenger seat.
“Yeah, finally done,” she answered, choosing to ignore my nickname.
The first ten minutes of the ride were quiet as I was focused on the road before me and Soyeon was lost in her thoughts while she looked out of the window.
I saw her shifting in her seat from the corner of my eyes before she spoke up, “You know Y/n…”
“What is it?” I asked, my eyes not leaving the road.
“I saw the video of the qualification finals,” Soyeon started, making me raise my eyebrows.
“You and the setter, what is her name?” She questioned.
“Chaeyoung, why?” I replied when we rounded a corner.
“You two seem pretty close,” Soyeon muttered and turned away from me.
“We get along well and I love the way she sets which I guess makes us a great team,” I explained.
Soyeon huffed in response which confused me if I’m being honest but I chose not to ask her about it.
We arrived about half an hour later and I dropped Soyeon off at her grandparents house.
“Have fun,” I said, giving her a smile.
“Thanks,” she chuckled as she disappeared in the door.
I drove to Chaeyoung’s house. Without Soyeon in it, there was only the music in the background that was making a bit noise.
“Hey Chae,” I greeted when I knocked on her door.
She gave me a warm smile before she hugged me, “Hey, I’m so happy we get to do something alone now,” she said.
“Me too, should we go?” I replied before we started to walk down the street.
There was this new tension between me and Chaeyoung, it wasn’t uncomfortable or anything but I wasn’t used this warm feeling I got when she laughed or even just smiled.
“Y/n?” I heard her voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“What’s wrong?” I answered, looking down to meet her eyes.
“It’s quite cold outside, don’t you think?” She asked.
“You think so? I think it’s pretty warm,” I smiled before I gave her my jacket, “Take this.”
Chaeyoung put on my jacket before we continued to walk towards one of the bridges in the park.
“It’s so beautiful here,” She smiled, her eyes sparkling, something I only saw when she really got into one of our games like she did three days ago.
“Indeed,” I agreed, stepping closer to her.
Chaeyoung looked up to me before asking, “Are you excited about the next game as well?”
“I definitely am, I mean, we still have four days to prepare but I can feel my fingers tingling at the thought,” I answered.
We decided to warch the water flowing unser us, a comfortable silence surrounding us.
Sun had already started to set when we continued to wander through the park for a good two hours.
It must’ve been around 12 am when we walked the streets back to her house, just enjoying each other’s presence as we talked about the evening.
I said goodbye when we reached her door, giving Chaeyoung a hug before I walked down the steps towards the car.
“Y/n wait!” She called out when I was about to get in.
“Your jacket,” Chaeyoung clarified when I raised an eyebrow.
“Keep it,” I smiled, “It looks better on you.”
She nodded and went back into the house as I drove out of the driveway.
I saw Soyeon walking down the street not too far from my house. I rolled down the window before I gave her a smirk when she noticed me.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were with your grandparents,” I asked.
“I wanted to practice my setting at the beach,” she answered while she kept walking beside the car.
“Get in, I’m sure you need a spiker,” I smiled, opening the door for her.
“I’m not allowed to go with strangers,” she smirked before she got in anyway.
“Wow, good girl listened to her parents,” I laughed, the faint blush on her cheeks going unnoticed by me.
“Shut up and drive,” she commanded as I started the engine.
I laughed and did as she said, driving down the street. The beach was the perfect place to practice especially at night when nearly nobody was there. Luckily, it didn’t take long to get there with the nearly empty streets and the fact that I knew a shortcut to a hidden part of the beach. It was surrounded by trees and the wind wasn’t strong, perfect to play volleyball.
“There we are,” I announced as I got out, the smell of the ocean already filling my nose.
“How did you know about this place?” Soyeon asked as she came up behind me.
“I lived here for years, genius,” I smirked as I took the ball from her hands.
“Hey, give that back!” She called out before she started to chase me around in the sand.
Laughter filled the air as we ran around, trying to avoid running into each other’s arms. Even though she was significantly smaller than me, she caught up fairly fast, catching the ball to finally start practicing. Time seemed to fly as we tried out different attacks we learned over the years. Some of them worked perfectly as we performed them a lot when we had the time to do so, some other didn’t work as good but that didn’t stop us in the moment. The moon stood high over the quiet ocean when we finished the game and decided to sit down in the warm sand and talked over the most random things.
We played in the same team during middle school before my parents decided to move for my mother’s new job. At first, I hated everything, new people, new school and the new volleyball club but the thing that disturbed me the most was the fact that I couldn’t play with Soyeon anymore which could easily be seen in the way I played. All of that changed when I met Chaeyoung though, we were clicking instantly and soon played together like we did for years.
“You know,” Soyeon mumbled as she leaned her head against my shoulder. “I still miss you. I mean, my teammates are great but it isn’t the same without you, it hasn’t been ever since you left,” she admitted.
I smiled as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, “You don’t think I miss you like crazy?” I chuckled, “You were the reason I decided to continue to play volleyball and I really don’t think you’ll ever know how thankful I am for that,” I said.
It was true, I always had a talent for volleyball, from my parents point of view but Soyeon was the one who awoke my passion for it.
“That was the nicest thing you ever said to me,” Soyeon smiled before she pulled me up with her.
“Where are we going?” I asked when I followed her.
“Home, I wanna make sure my grandparents don’t call the police and tell them that I’m missing,” she joked, making me laugh.
“Alright, I’ll drop you off,” I smiled before I got into the car with her.
Next Game: In four days
——> Previous <> Next, Masterlist
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parkersbliss · 4 years
The List | H. Osterfield
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield X Female Reader
Warnings: no-no words, sexual innuendo, none of this is accurate and tbh it’s a bit choppy
Wc; 4.5K
Synopsis: 24 hours to do 24 things before Harrison turns 24, will you make it?
a/n: a very happy birthday to a very special guy, in honor of Harrison’s birthday! <3
Masterlist | Prompt list | Taglist
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Your alarm rang out through your dark room. Usually, you would have pressed snooze and slept it off, but not today. Instead, you throw the duvet off your bed, grabbed your backpack full of everything you needed, and headed straight down the hall to his room. You didn't bother knocking, knowing he was still peacefully asleep, no, instead, you burst down the door and jumped on the bed.
"Wake up, Haz! It's time to go!"
He groans, and you roll your eyes, grabbing his arm and yanking him out anyway. Harrison stumbled a bit, not used to being awake at this hour, but he grabs his backpack full of supplies and follows you out the door. He was starting to regret this idea even though it had just begun. You both got in the car, Harrison yawning as he starts up the car.
"Okay, first one, road trip!" You said, reading off the paper in your hand. Harrison leans over to read some of the things, all written with your colorful and bright handwriting. His eyes scan the list, landing on number 24 where you hand covered it up.
"How come I can't see that one?" He asked.
"Because it's a surprise," You replied. The date was July 3rd, the day before Harrison's birthday. In the coming week, you had put together a list of 24 random activities to do in 24 hours before he turned 24. Granted, Tom and the rest of Harrison's friends were helping along the way, but right now, it was just you and him.
Harrison said nothing more, too tired to argue with you, "Please tell me you have coffee."
Your reply was to pull two thermoses from your backpack, setting them in the car's cup holders. Harrison nods, grabbing the cup and taking a long sip, the warm liquid sliding down his throat and making him feel more awake with each passing second.
"Alright then, where to love?"
Harrison pulled into the parking lot, turning the keys and shutting off the car. You grabbed a pen from your backpack, crossing off the second item on the list.
Road Trip
The sun had just started to rise, and you looked at your phone, checking the time. Eight in the morning. Your pushed open your car door, leaving your backpack in your seat and grabbing only your phone and wallet. Harrison walked around the car, placing a hand on the small of your back as he glances at you, "what are we here for?"
"Three things," You said, "number six on the list, go to a farmers market, number one, eat watermelon and number 23, ice cream!" You listed them all on your fingers, bouncing on your feet at the mention of the ice cream.
"Ice cream?" Harrison questions, "it's eight am, love."
You scoff, "never too early, plus we could use the sugar. We have a long day ahead of us, pretty boy," You taunt, mocking his use of 'love' earlier. It wasn't uncommon for you to call each other names, that was simply the way of your friendship. It wasn't an unspoken thing, you never did speak about it, but you planned on changing that later tonight.
Harrison chuckles, shaking his head, "lead the way."
You grin, slipping your hand in his and taking off toward the market. You both wandered between all the different stalls, gawking at the variety of fresh fruit amongst other things. Harrison stops in front of a stand, tugging at your hand, and you spin around. He points toward the melons gathered in baskets, and you clap your hands. The owner comes over, holding a knife, "would you like to try some?" He offers using his hand to motion to all the different melons. There was cantaloupe, honeydew, seedless red watermelon, and yellow watermelon.
You nod eagerly, "can I try the yellow, please?" The farmer nods, cutting a slice and handing it over. There's no hesitation as you bite into the melon, it tastes just like regular watermelon, just a tad bit sweeter. Juice drips down your chin, and you use the back of your hand to wipe it off, grinning widely. You offer the piece to Harrison, "want a bite?"
He leans down, biting the rest of it off as you let out a gasp, snatching your hand away, "I said a bite."
Harrison shrugs, laughing through his mouthful of stolen melon, "not sorry."
You smack his arm, resulting in him giggling more. The farmer smiles at the two of you, "I assume you'll be buying?"
Harrison nods, swallowing the rest of the melon, "I think (Y/N) would about murder me if I didn't."
You ignore his comment, "One yellow and one red, please."
The farmer hands you the two melons, and you thank him, handing over the money.
"Think you can handle both?" You tease.
"Easy," Harrison smirked, picking one up in each arm. You follow behind him, keeping a close eye on the melons, making sure he didn't drop them. Harrison pops open the trunk and rests the watermelons inside, before slamming it shut. He crosses his arms, leaning against the trunk of the car, "ice cream, you say?"
You snicker, "I thought you said it was too early?"
"Now I know the heat is getting to you, that's an absurd thought."
He grabs your hand again and pulls you back into the market, searching for the ice cream stand. Harrison weaves in and out of the crowd, leaving you to apologize for his atrocious behavior.
"Harrison, slow down!" You exclaim, tugging on his arm as a warning. He obeys, slowing the pace to a jog as he pulls you out of the crowd and into his side. It's a few more minutes of pushing and pulling until you arrive at the ice cream truck. Harrison orders for you two and hands you the cone while he pays.
"I told you this was a good idea," You said in between licks of your ice cream.
Harrison nods his head, eagerly eating his breakfast. You both move to a seat under the shade, your ice cream rapidly melting in your hands.
"What flavor did you get?" You ask.
"Caramel cone," He replied, licking up the side of his cone to catch a drop, "You?"
"White chocolate raspberry truffle."
"Oh, give me a bite!" Harrison said, leaning over.
You scoff, "No way! After what you did to my watermelon, I don't think so."
"Please, love? You can have the rest of mine," He bargains, a pout on his lips. As soon as Harrison pulls the pouty face, you know you're a goner.
"you know I hate it when you do that," you grumble, handing him your cone. He laughs at that, taking a small bite of your ice cream, "I know that's why I did it. You can't resist me."
Oh if he only knew
You roll your eyes, grabbing his hand with his ice cream in it and taking a bite yourself. You hum at the sweet taste of caramel and take another nibble. Harrison lets you, holding up his earlier bargain and figuring this was payback for the watermelon.
"I'm going to eat this all if you don't take it away from me," you joked, pushing it back, a few drops of the treat making their way down your chin. Without thinking, Harrison reaches out to brush them away, his thumb just grazing your lower lip. There's a moment where you both pause in realization, but it ends as quickly as it started, and he wipes his thumb on a napkin while you mumble thanks, cheeks on fire.
Watermelon, farmers market, ice cream
Sweat dripped down your brow as you let out a huff, "Harrison!"
He spins around, hands on his hips as he takes in your exhausted form, "Yes, love?"
"How much further?" You whine. It felt like you'd been hiking for ages. You were covered in sweat, legs burning, probably sunburnt and hungry. Turns out, ice cream is not the best choice for breakfast. As each second passed, you wondered what demon possessed you to put go on a hike on your list. Anything else would've been better, and yet, you put that down.
"Half a mile, give or take," Harrison replied, squinting as he tried to spot the lake in the distance. You groan, throwing your head back, "this was a horrible decision."
Harrison laughs at you, and you glare at him, of course, he wasn't exhausted. He was your all-around athletic guy that could do anything. It seemed like every time you went out, he surprises you with another activity he could perform with ease. Although, you stopped being surprised a long time ago, accepting the fact that Harrison was just perfect in everything he did.
"Get on," Harrison said. He was crouching in front of you, arms extended, waiting for you to hop on.
"C'mon, love, I don't mind. It's only half a mile."
You can hear the smirk in his voice when he says that. You roll your eyes - not that he can see - and jump on his back. Your arms weave their way around his neck as his hand grab the back of your legs, keeping you flush against him. He stands up slowly, pushing you up a bit further as you cross your ankles.
"good?" He asked.
You nod your head, dipping it into his neck, "great."
Harrison carries you the rest of the way there; your head nuzzled into his neck as your body gets the sweet relief it deserves. You close your eyes at some point, listening to the sound of Harrison's breathing and the birds chirping in the trees. Very faintly, you catch the sound of running water, letting you know you were close to your destination. Harrison turns his head, forehead pressed against the side of yours so he can whisper in your ear, "we're here."
Your eyes flutter open as he gently lowers you to the ground, feet landing in the sand surrounding the lake. The sun sits high in the sky, reflecting into the clear pool of water. Tall dark pine trees surround the lake and a few rocky areas around the coast. The water sparkles under the sun, moving in small waves.
"Holy shit," Harrison breathes out, taking in the view.
"Yeah, wow," You agree, still trying to take it all in. A small family of ducks swims across the lake, and you watch as one of the ducklings swims away from her mom, diving under to catch some fish. By the time its head breaks the surface, she's gone. You don't hesitate to rush down to the lake and scoop the duckling into your hand.
"(Y/N), love..." Harrison stared, eyeing the duckling.
"It's number 20 on the list, no argument, pretty boy!" You said, cooing at the small creature in your hand, "plus, look how cute she is! Let's call her Daisy."
The duckling chirps happily in your hands, and you smile at Harrison, "I think she likes us."
Harrison leans over your shoulder, and Daisy quacks.
"If you say so. What was the other thing on your list?"
"Oh!" you pass Daisy to Harrison, who despite himself, cups her softly and fawns over her.
"Carve our names!" You announced proudly, pulling the knife from your bag.
"Woah, be careful with that thing!" Harrison said. He passes Daisy back to you and gently takes the knife out of your hands, "I think I'll be doing the carving part."
You place Daisy in the pocket of your shorts as you and Harrison scan the area for the perfect tree. You eventually find a tall pine near the water, and Harrison gets to carving. The knife drags against the wood as he engraves two names into the bark.
Harrison + (Y/N)
July 3rd, 2020.
He tops it off with a heart surrounding it, before brushing the wood chips off his hand, "there."
"it's perfect," You grin, clasping his hand in yours.
"Yeah," Harrison mumbles, his gaze wavering over you. "perfect."
go on a hike, adopt a duckling, carve our names
"This one?"
"Okay, what about this?"
"No way."
"Are you crazy?"
"Love," Harrison chuckled, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you to his chest, "you're kidding, right?"
You push away from his chest, "I think the pineapples would look great on you."
Harrison groans, still holding you in his arms, but neither of you had noticed, "Please, anything but the pineapple one."
"Okay okay fine, what about the hibiscus one?"
Harrison's face drops, and you laugh, grabbing onto his arm to support you.
"This is London, not freaking Hawaii, (Y/N)."
You scoff, "Yes, but we're going to a beach party, so I think you should at least wear something tropical."
"What about a dolphin tie?"
"And just when I thought your idea couldn't get any worse."
"wait, wait, hear me out, pineapple shirt, pineapple tie, and yellow shorts."
"That's it we're leaving," Harrison said, gripping your hand in an attempt to drag you out of the store.
You whine, trying to pull him back, "Hazzy, wait, okay, I'll be serious now!"
Harrison stops and crosses his arms, "go on then. What should I wear?"
"I think you should wear the pineapple shirt," You mumble.
"what's that, love?" Harrison asks, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest so he could whisper in your ear. You turn around in his arms, poking him in the chest, "I think you should wear the pineapple shirt."
"Hear me out: You can wear it unbuttoned with a tank top and jean shorts."
Harrison thinks about it, and you watch the conflict across his fast. You wrap your arms around his waist and peer up at him, pout adorning your lips, "please?"
Harrison doesn't miss a beat. "Sounds perfect."
"Yes!" you cheer, leaning up to kiss his cheek before you can even think about it, "Tom's going to love this."
You pay for his outfit and drag him out of the store, and back into the sun, Harrison immediately shielded his eyes.
"What's next?" He asked, nearly missing getting hit by someone as you haul him through the mobs of people.
"Just wait," You shout, turning back to smile at him as you make your way to a clearing. A small fountain stands in the center, a few people surrounding it. A lady stands in the middle, arms, and legs rippling with muscles as she smiles kindly at everyone.
"Welcome to African Zumba!"
"Oh no," Harrison whispered under his breath, turning to walk away, but you grab onto and give him a pleading look.
"It'll be fun. I promise it's only half an hour."
Harrison sighs, mumbling something under his breath but coming to stand next to you.
The dance instructor introduces herself as Maya, giving a bit of History on Zumba and her culture.
"Now, we start!" She exclaims, pressing play on her phone as the music starts floating through the air. "Just copy me."
And Harrison tried.
Oh, how he tried, but it seemed you finally found the one thing Harrison couldn't do. The poor boy tripped over his feet and often crashing into you, mumbling an apology as he continued to try and copy Maya. Half an hour later and Harrison swears he's never sweated so much in his life.
"Are we done?" He asked between pants, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
You laugh, a bit breathless yourself, "yes, you big baby. We're going to go home and get ready for your party later."
"Thank god," He mumbled, brushing his hands off on his shirt as he stands up, blonde locks falling in his eyes.
"c'mon, it wasn't that bad," You tease, bumping shoulder with him.
"I think the fifty bruises on me say otherwise."
You snort, picking up your bags and grabbing onto his hand, "Yeah, yeah, whatever, we're going home so you can change into your outfit."
"don't remind me."
"you'll look so handsome."
"I think you mean ridiculous."
"Same thing for you."
Harrison scoffs, stopping in his tracks, causing you to almost trip. He pulls you to his chest, arms wrapping around your waist, "wouldn't you know."
A moment of silence passes as you gaze into each other's eyes, your lips brush against each other, and you wonder if maybe this is it, but then he pulls away, and you push yourself out of his arms.
"Those macaroons aren't going to make themselves."
Bake Macaroons, make lemonade, learn to dance, shopping
By the time you got to the beach, the sun had started to set, but that was perfect. You guys planned on being here all night as Harrison's birthday was tomorrow.
"Close your eyes," You said, holding both of Harrison's hand in yours and leading him down the boardwalk to the beach. Your feet dig into the warm sand, the sound of waves crashing onto the shore much more prominent now. Tom stands to the side with the rest of Harrison's friends. He gives you a knowing wink as you roll your eyes at him, leading Harrison to the center of the celebration. The tables were placed a few feet away from the ocean; all of them covered in food and confetti. There was a fire pit in the middle, a few chairs, and towels surrounding it. Some umbrellas were still propped up, the sun only just making it's decent.
"and open!" You squealed, letting go of Harrison's hands as his eyes roamed the space set up for his birthday.
"Happy almost birthday!" His friends cheered, raising their beers to the sky.
Harrison grins, cheeks flushed, "thank you, guys. This is awesome, but enough about me. I won't be 24 for another six hours, so lets party!"
Tom and Harry jog up to you, Tom landing a hit on Harrison's ass as you giggle.
"hey birthday boy," Tom said, nodding to Harrison, "how many more activities do you have left on the list?"
All three boys turn their attention toward you, and you pull the slip of paper out of the pocket of your shorts. "Pull- an all-nighter, get drunk, catch fireflies, karaoke, water gun fight, photoshoot, bonfire, make smores, midnight swimming, stargazing and number twenty-four."
The two Holland exchange knowing glances at the mention of the magical number.
"Do you tow divs know what it is? C'mon then, spill it!" Harrison urges.
Both shake their heads, "nope, we were sworn to secrecy by miss (Y/N) here."
You shrug, giving Harrison an innocent smile, "you'll find out soon enough."
Tuwaine appears behind you, holding four bottles of beer in his hands, "I heard getting drunk was on the list?"
You nod eagerly, everyone grabbing a beer and popping off the lid, clicking them together before taking a large swig.
"Hey, divs!" Sam calls out from a microphone, "whos' up for karaoke?"
"Tom!" You scream, aiming your gun at him and rapidly firing. He laughs, knowing full well your aim sucked. The war rages on as you both continue squirting water at each other. You watch as Harrison comes up behind Tom, giving you a thumbs-up as he begins soaking him.
"mate, what the hell?" Tom exclaims, turning around to see Harrison grinning as he continues to fire at Tom, "traitor!" Tom shouts, directing his water gun to the birthday boy. With Tom distracted, you sneak over to the bucket of water balloons, grabbing as many as you could in your hand before Harry toses one at you, hitting you in the stomach. His laughter rings out as you chase him in hot pursuit, landing a few hits on his back and hair. You feel spurts of water on your exposed back, and you turn around to see both Tuwaine and Sam firing at you.
"Harrison, help me!" You squeal, getting soaked in water as all three boys began dousing you.
"Harrison, you div, get over here, or I'll come after you!" You shout, using your hands to shield your face from the water. The boys eventually stop their torment when they find themselves out of water, and you soaked. Your hair is matted to your forehead as you pick up your water gun, "where's the birthday boy?"
Harry, Sam, and Tuwaine smirk knowing what was about to happen, "he's over them with Tom," Tuwaine answers motioning to them.
"He's so going to get it," You said, breaking into a run. You race past the water balloon station, picking up a few.
Harry grabs his camera, previously sitting on a chair, and brings it to his wet face, ready to capture the moment.
"Harrison!" You roar, cocking your gun at him and dousing him in water.
"Wait, (Y/N), love- don't do this!" He begs, firing between both you and Tom. He turns his attention to Tom, who's laughing like a manic, and you take the chance to hop on Harrison's back, he doesn't falter once.
"This is for letting me get soaked!" You said triumphantly, popping a water balloon over his head.
Harrison gasps as the cold water rushes down his face and soaks through his hair, "babe!"
You throw your head back laughing, arms snaking around his neck to keep yourself in place. Water drips down both of you, but your faces are adorned with stupid grins.
"well?" Sam asked, leaning over Harry's shoulder. Harry moves the camera back to admire the shots he got of you two.
"I like that one," Tuwaine said, pointing to a shot where you're laughing as Harrison looks over his shoulder, grinning at you.
"Yeah." Sam muses, "it'll be great to embarrass them with later after they're together."
"and they say they're just friends," Tuwaine huffs, "such bullshit."
The Holland twins murmur their agreement as they turn their attention back to Harrison, spinning you around as you squeal, holding onto him tighter. Tom stepped away, letting you have your moment and finding a towel to wrap himself in as he approaches the other boys, "Shall we start the bonfire?"
You were wrapped in a towel, pressed against Harrison as you held a s'more in your hand, laughing at some embarrassing story Tom was telling about Harrison.
"Shut up, mate! It was a bloody accident," Harrison said.
"Accident or not it's still hilarious," Tom laughs as Harrison rolls his eyes.
"I've got one from today!" you spoke up, Harrison instantly tenses beside you already knowing where this was going.
"so we did African Zumba today," You start, a fit of giggles overcoming you as Harrison groans beside you.
Harry and Sam burst into laughter. Everyone already a bit drunk, "no way!"
"He was horrible!" You said, laughing with everyone else as Harrison blushes, "It was hard!"
"I can think of something else that's hard," Tom said suggestively.
That sends Sam and Harry back into a fit of laughter, both clutching onto their stomachs as they lean forward. Tuwaine raises his eyebrows at Harrison, receiving a glare in return.
"Wouldn't you like to know," He mumbles.
"No, but I think (Y/N)-"
You grab a marshmallow from the bag and chuck it at Tom's forehead, "Don't finish the sentence."
He shrugs, shoving the marshmallow in his mouth and winking at the two of you. Harrison opens his mouth to say something else, most likely a sarcastic retort when Sam interrupts him, "Hey guys, look at the stars." Everyone's attention is directed toward the sky. The star glimmer in the dark atmosphere, winking at you as they bathe in the darkness. Harrison's arm drops down to your waist, pulling you against him as you stare at the stars. Your head falls on his shoulder as he wraps the towel a bit tighter around you two.
"five minutes," Harry broke the silence. "Thirty minutes until you're 24 Hazzah."
"did you get everything on the list?" Tuwaine asked, looking to you cuddled up against Harrison.
"do you consider us drunk?" You inquire. As if to prove your point, Sam lets out a laugh. "Us drunk? Never."
Tom turns toward you, "yes," He deadpans.
"Then there's only two things left."
"Well, get on with it," Tuwaine urges.
"what are they, love?" Harrison asked.
"midnight swimming and number 24."
Harrison throws the towel off of you two and grabs your hand, "midnight swimming it is."
He drags you to the ocean, and the colds water laps at your bare feet, making you shiver, "this was a bad idea. The water is freezing!" You whine, trying to back away.
"Oh no, babe, we're in this together." Harrison grabs onto your waist, throwing you over his shoulder as you scream, pounding onto his back.
"No, please, Hazzy, pretty boy, it's going to be cold!"
Harrison ignores your pleas and walks further into the ocean, water lapping at his waist. He turns around to see his friends trying to push each other into the water as well, Harry shouting at Sam as he almost tips back.
"Harrison, please," You plead, "don't do this."
As usual, he ignores you and drops you into the freezing ocean. Your head breaks the surface as you stand up, shivering a bit, "asshole."
Tom cheers from the shore, having knocked Harry in as well, but mostly focus on you two, "He did it! He actually dropped her!"
You give the boys the middle finger, all laughing in reply.
"Midnight swimming, check," Harrison smirks, standing before you, shirtless and blonde locks pushed back, "what's number twenty-four?"
Your heart pounds in your chest at the mention of the last item on your list, after all this time, and it seemed you were still scared. A light catches your eye, and you see Tuwaine waving his phone, and Tom yelling, "ten."
You furrow your eyebrows at him, and he taps his wrist, signaling the time.
Ten seconds left
"Well?" Harrison asked again, his hands finding your arms.
Tuwaine's hand shot up, all five fingers showing.
Screw it
You grab the back of Harrison's neck and crash your lips onto his. Your eyes flutter close, savoring the feeling of his velvet lips on yours. It takes you a minute to realize he's also kissing you back, but when you do you smile against his lips. The ocean laps at you, bringing the cold with it, but you pay no attention to it when Harrison pulls you to his chest, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. He tastes faintly of chocolate from the smores earlier, but if anything, it makes you want to kiss him longer.
Reluctantly you pull away first, "number 24," you whisper, pressing your forehead to his, "kiss him."
"We could've done that a lot sooner," Harrison quips.
You shrug, "doesn't matter, I still did it."
The cold finally catches up with you, and you shiver in Harrison's embrace. He takes notice and scoops you up again, wading his way back to the shore where his friends await him.
"so, lovebirds, what's the verdict?" Tom asked.
"We can talk about that later, right now, my girlfriends freezing."
Your heart swells at the mention of being Harrison's girlfriend. He was really yours now.
Harrison sits you down, draping a towel over your bare shoulders and leaving to grab some food, but you tug at his hand, bringing his lips back toward yours.
"Happy birthday, baby."
— END —
🏷 Harrison Osterfield Taglist: @cams-lynn @runway-to-my-aid @yoinkyourheart @t-monosapiens-h @hollandsamor @riz-holland-osterfield @imanativeofswlondondahling @duskholland @mendes-marvel @unsaidholland @parker-potters @marshxx @viagracex @joyleenl @liberty-barnes @ellyseveronica @notsosmexy @36musicalkeys
🏷 Permanent taglist: @yansi1923 @sleepybesson @fallinfortom @averyfosterthoughts
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sigillaria-svt · 4 years
Elevator Meetings (Part Three) - Reader POV (Final)
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Pairing: Musical Actor!Lee Seokmin/DK x Academic!Reader
Word Count: 4,984
Warning: Alcohol (nothing bad happened, stay safe ya’ll)
Genres: fluff, slice of life, neighbors, appearances of other Seventeen Members
Part One (Reader POV): [Part One]
Part Two (Seokmin): [Part Two]
Synopsis: It’s been around a month since you’ve moved into your apartment along with your other roommates. You’ve managed to become friends with Seokmin, your neighbors that live a few floors up. Although you’ve been trying to think of it as something purely friendly, you can’t help but feel great comfort in his company. All was going well until problems start popping up at your workplace and you are left with no choice but to pull several all-nighters until you were burnt out. However, after a certain turn of events, you fell sick and Seokmin was more than eager to help you out.
The past few weeks have been a bit more hectic than it usually was. A coworker had to take a family leave for her pregnancy, and you had to help out in filling in for some of her classes. What’s more, the research team you were working with had to redo sets of measurements because of some malfunctioning equipment. Everything just seemed to happen all at once. It didn’t help that you were starting to get irritated at every little inconvenience that comes your way. May it be a jar that refuses to open, a pen that ran out of ink while you were writing, or your earphones that just won’t untangle. You know that getting frustrated wouldn’t help anything, but you didn’t know what to do with all the pent up emotions that were accumulating.
On some days, you had to sleep over at the laboratory to continue working the moment you woke up. On certain days, you went into lectures without a single minute of sleep, leading to messy notes and even messier presentations.
You thought that it would all get better after a few days, that this is just another hell week that happens every once in a while. But as several weeks pass by, you start to realize that may not end until the end of the semester.
One of the few things that have helped you get through the grind was Seokmin’s occasional messages. As he performs even more shows for his recent musical, he has become busier and has had less time to rest, but he always checks in every couple of days. It starts as a simple text message that ends up becoming a 30-minute call about whatever both your days were about. It feels a bit silly to hold on so much to the small messages that you two share, but it makes you happy to hear how he has been.
But suddenly, all the texts stop.
For a whole week, you send out texts, and you don't get a single reply. You start to get worried, but you push the feeling of dread out of your head. You wouldn't want him to think that you were trying too hard, seeing as the both of you are friends that have just known each other for a month or two.
You take a deep breath in and stand up as the bus stops at the commercial area near your neighborhood. You walk along the sidewalk, window shopping at various stores that you pass by on your way home. Tonight was going to be your first free night for the first time in a few weeks, and you wanted to meet him, somehow. You take out your phone, pondering if you should text him or not. If he really is busy, you wouldn’t want to disturb him by sending another text.
You hear your name being called from a distance and you turn around to see the familiar faces of Mingyu and Minghao. The taller of the two gives you a big wave, while the other gives you a nod.
“Hey, how have you been? It’s been a while since I last saw you.” Mingyu says as the pair approaches you. “And you look... tired.”
You give him a forced smile. “Well, work hasn’t been the best place to be in the past few months.” You look around, trying to see for any sign of Seokmin among his friends. “What are you guys up to?”
“We’re on our way to the grocery store to pick up some supplies," He says as he pulls out his phone. "We need to get like food for thirteen people, fourteen if you want to come along.”
“Come along for what?”
“A celebratory dinner for Seokmin at home. Tonight is his last show for his musical. He said he’d rather have a fun meal at home so that he can snooze off right away after he eats.”
Your heart skips hearing about Seokmin. Without a moment’s delay, you accept the request to join them.
You and Minghao follow behind Mingyu as he grabs items from the shelf, occasionally glancing at the list on his phone. For most of the time, Minghao is quiet, save for the few moments when Mingyu would ask for his opinion on which brand of ingredient he should buy.
Along the drink aisle, you try to come up with a conversation.
“So, Minghao, how has Seokmin been doing lately?” You ask, glancing over at the soda bottles to act casual.
“Hm? He’s doing alright as far as I know. Just a couple of busy days at work since he’s been traveling to other parts of the country to perform his last few shows.” He replies, looking over at you. “He’s been out of time for a little over a week, I think.”
A wave of realization hits you, followed by a quick flash of anxiety. Perhaps he had been busy as he traveled, or perhaps there wasn’t a good signal where he was, which is why he wasn’t able to reply to your messages. However, the thought of him overworking worries you, even though you have been working until the last drop for the past few weeks.
“Is that so? No wonder he’s been unresponsive lately.”
“He’s always been like that whenever he has to travel for his shows,” Minghao says, unfazed. “When we really do need to contact him, we have to contact the company manager.”
“One time, we almost got into a fight with the company manager between the both of us. It’s hard to settle problems like that when I’m here in the city while he’s over at the other side of the country.” Mingyu said from down the aisle, bending down to check if he had all the things in his cart. “Looks like we’ve got everything, let’s head over to the counter.”
Your eyes widen at the amount they paid for everything they bought. As guys, you normally expected them to eat a lot, but you didn’t expect them to eat this much. With one swipe of a card, Mingyu pays for the groceries and you help them carry the 10 or so paper bags filled with food, drinks, and somehow a box of detergent that Mingyu got as a freebie. Filling the trunk, the three of you head off to the apartment building. Mingyu asks random questions about work to pass the few minutes it takes to get back to the apartment.
“I’ll drop my things off at my apartment first, I’ll catch up with the both of you afterward.” You say as Mingyu neatly parks his car in the basement of the apartment.
“Alright. We’ll be in room 10-14. If you’ve got some extra glasses, bring them along because I don’t think we’ll have enough for all of us.” Mingyu replies as he turns off the engine.
When you get to your apartment, you drop all your bags in your room and panic for a few seconds. “I’m going to see him today, what do I wear? Wait, do I even have time to prepare to look good?” You put your hands over your head as you walk in circles around your room. “It’s not supposed to matter, we’re neighbors. He’s already seen me in the drab that I wear when I’m at home.”
One of your roommates looks at you through your open door. “Hey, everything alright, y/n?”
“If you were to meet up with a guy you like after a month of not meeting him after he’s been traveling around the country, what would you wear?” You reply in a flash.
“Well, that’s... very specific. What’s the event?”
“We’re having dinner with all of his friends over at his apartment. He doesn’t know I’m coming, one of his friends invited me when we met in the street.” You say, opening your cabinet for what could look good, but not too flashy. “I mean, we’re just going to an apartment that’s in the same building, how does a dress sound?”
She walks into the room, taking a peek at your closet. “You’re going to eat a lot so wear something comfy, something that won’t show him how much of a glutton you really are.”
Ignoring the comment, she pulls out a large sweater and some leggings. “We all know you’re not the type to wear dresses unless you absolutely have to a formal event. Go for something that looks cute, but still looks like something you wear every day.”
“But what would his friends think of me?”
“Does it matter? Just trust me, you’ll be fine. Go eat a lot, make some memories, and drink your stress away.” She says, quickly bringing you back from the mess of your thoughts.
“Alright, okay, I got it.” You say firmly.
You end up wearing the oversized sweater and some leggings, bringing nothing else but your phone and three drinking glasses. You tap your key card on the elevator and head up to the 10th floor. It takes you a few missteps into the other hallway, but you eventually find yourself in front of room 10-14.
With a deep breath, you knock on the door.
A few moments later, it is opened by a tall and slender man who looks like he just popped out of a comic book.
“Hello, Mingyu invite me to come around.” You say nervously, fazed by the unfamiliar man. “My name is y/n.”
“Ahhhh, y/n.” He says, nodding in recognition. “Come in, Mingyu was just talking about you a while ago. My name is Jeonghan.”
He leads you into the apartment, which looks similar to yours but is way larger and far messier. A bunch of guys are sitting around a TV screen, watching a variety show. Meanwhile, you see Mingyu and another guy working in the kitchen.
“Oh, y/n, you’re here. Did you bring some glasses?” He said, looking up from his chopping board. His eyes drop to the three glasses on your hands, expression perking up. “Great! We needed three more glasses for all fourteen of us.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You ask as you put down the glasses at the marbled counter. “I’m not really good at cooking, but I can chop stuff up for you.”
“Really? That would be good.” Mingyu opens a few drawers and hands you a knife and a chopping board. “The vegetables are over at that paper bag over there. They’re not yet washed, so make sure to wash them first.”
With that, you work as you eagerly wait for Seokmin. Although it feels weird to be chopping vegetables on your first visit to his house, it felt much better for you to be in the quiet kitchen with Mingyu than to sit with people that you don’t know yet. At least, you would have something to do rather than worrying about Seokmin while you wait.
The group of guys erupts in a fit of laughter, filling the room so much that you could almost feel the counter vibrating. Mingyu smiles at your expression.
“I know, it’s a bit shocking when you’re not used to it.” He says. “Whenever all of us are in one place together, it always gets this loud, especially when Seokmin is around.”
You hear the door open and the rest of the guys then erupt in a joyful shout. This time, you turn around to see a wide-smiled Seokmin walk into the room with a carrier in hand. A few of the guys run over to him, congratulating him for a job well done.
“See what I mean?” Mingyu says, laughing at the energy of his friends.
“The one and only! Crowned as the Rising Musical Actor of 2020! Selling out tickets one show after another, Lee Seokmin!” Announces one of the guys with sharp eyes and chubby cheeks. “Welcome home!”
The rest of the guys match his energy with their own claps and calls. You can’t help but smile as you watch them from the other side of the room. It’s been a while since you’ve been in a place with so much energy and joy. Since your roommates are almost always out, your apartment is usually quiet. The last time you remember being like this was when you were with your family around half a year ago.
The group slowly calms down as Seokmin moves to his room to settle his things before the party starts. On his way, he sees you, knife in hand with a bunch of chopped up vegetables. He looks at you with a mixture of surprise and joy.
“Woah, y/n, I didn’t know you would be here.” He looks down at the chopping, realizing that you had been chopping them all this time. “You’re the guest, why are chopping vegetables? Let me put my stuff in my room, and I’ll take over.”
You hold your knife up closer to you. “What? No way. This is your party. Mingyu didn’t let me pay a single penny, so the least I could do is help out with the preparations.”
“You went grocery shopping together?” Seokmin asks Mingyu, smile slightly dropping from his face.
“Yeah, we ran across each other in the street.” Mingyu gave him a look, exchanging a message that only the two of them understood.
“Well... alright.” Seokmin then turns back to you. “Anyway, after the vegetables, don’t you dare chop up anything else! Why didn’t you guys just get food delivered anyway?”
“Come on, you know that it wouldn’t be any fun that way.” Mingyu puts his hands on Seokmin’s shoulder and turns him around. “Go drop your things off in your room, and we’ll start the party soon.”
Seokmin turns his head one last time before he disappears behind one of the doors. When he’s gone, you feel your heart sink for a bit, and Mingyu notices it immediately.
“Don’t worry about it.” He says, nudging you gently with his elbow. “It’s just his way of saying that he wants you to enjoy the night.”
The rest of the preparation goes by smoothly. You were able to finish chopping everything up just as Seokmin gets out of his room. Mingyu, on the other hand, was able to finish one of the dishes before proceeding to the next one. Seokmin took you to sit with the other members in the living room as two other guys went to the kitchen to help out.
Although you aren’t necessarily a quiet person when you’re around other people, you’ve always been silent when it comes to meeting people for the first time. However, that kind of awkwardness didn’t really matter when you’re with ten or so guys with the energy of five-year-old children. Moments later, Seokmin takes out the small karaoke machine they had in one of the cabinets and everyone starts picking out their songs.
“Aren’t the neighbors going to complain about this?” You ask Minghao, who sits silently right next to you.
“What do you mean? We are the neighbors. Everyone else here lives in the rooms next door, so we’re good.” Minghao replies.
“We’ve told them that we’d be having a party anyway, so they already know what we’re going to be loud at this hour.” One of the guys, who introduced himself as Seungkwan a while ago, adds. “If you want to sing anything, don’t be afraid to take the remote and put in whatever song you want.”
You nod, but you know deep inside that you’ll never really have the guts to sing in front of people you barely know. At least, that’s what you initially thought before they brought out the drinks.
Several bottles later, the entire group becomes louder and louder. Since you don’t drink often, you don’t really know how tolerant you were of alcohol, but you know that you might have drunk a bit too much this time. When Mingyu brings all the food in, you were already starting to get a bit dizzy, but you end up eating a lot anyway. Influenced by the energy of the crowd, you continue to take a few shots as the music plays loudly around you.
Seokmin takes the mic and belts out in a duet with another member. Although you’ve seen him sing and perform on stage before, it was your first time seeing him sing casually and just having fun while doing it. With fun dances and weird expressions, he hypes up the crowd just as much as he does at a theatre stage. No matter what disposition is he in, he is always one to bring energy to a crowd.
Despite your excitement, you feel dizzier than before. Although you can hear the music and distinguish the faces around you, everything is becoming a bit more blurred and muffled. You don’t remember the rest of what happened that night, except that it lasted way past midnight and involved more drinks than you initially thought you could handle. The last thing you see before blacking out is Seokmin turning around to look at you with a microphone in his hand. He’s saying something, but you can no longer make out what he was saying.
You close your eyes and somehow wake up the next day on your bed with a devastating headache.
For nearly an hour, you lay there with your eyes to the ceiling, aware that you are more than late for the lectures you need to attend. You want to get up and move, but your body won’t allow it. Every time you turn your head, the pain in your head gets even worse. For some reason, even though you were under a heavy blanket, you felt extremely cold. You wanted to think that it was a simple hangover, but you had this feeling that it was way worse than you think.
With all the power that’s in you, you prop yourself up. You look over at the clock on your wall and see that it’s already 1 p.m. You quickly check your phone and see that you have five missed calls from your coworkers.
You immediately regret not holding yourself back the previous night.
You call one of your coworkers and tell them that you weren’t going to make it today because you were sick and just woke up. Since it was a Saturday, you told them that you’d be back on Monday.
“Are you sure you’re not just hungover?” Your coworker says from the other side of the line.
You ponder for a moment before replying. “I think it’s more than that. I’ll call you later if I feel better.”
With that, you drop the call and swing your legs over your bed. You try to get up, but when you do, it feels like the entire world is spinning. You crash back down on your bed and decide that breakfast could wait until later.
You grab your phone and check your other messages. Most of them are from your coworkers asking you about where you are. Some are from your students asking about an assignment that they had to pass for next week. Luckily, you didn’t have any classes to teach for the day. One message was from an unregistered number that was sent at 10:52 in the morning.
This is Minghao, I got your number from Seokmin. Please let him know when you’re awake and well. Thanks.
You move your arm to text him back. “Good morning. I’m awake, but not very well. Thank you for checking in.”
In a few moments, your phone buzzes as a call from Minghao comes in. However, when you pick it up, a different voice greets you.
“Hello? Y/n? How are you doing? What happened, are you alright? We made sure that you got to your apartment safely last night, I hope your roommates aren’t too upset about it.” He says in a rapid-fire manner.
“Good morning, Seokmin.” You reply groggily. “I don’t know, I don’t feel so good.”
“Are any of your roommates around?”
“I don’t think so. They’re probably at work around this time.”
“Alright, wait for me.”
“Wait no, it's fine--”
Before you could protest, he drops the call. You bury your face in your pillow. If he really was on his way, you wouldn’t want him to see the mess you were in right now. You try to get back up once more and dizzily walk yourself to your mirror. With one hand on the wall, you look at your reflection--messy hair with heavy bags under your eyes, lips pale and cracking.
“Lookin’ pretty fly, y/n.” You say to yourself sarcastically.
You push yourself forward and head toward the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You open your fridge and grab the last bottle of water, deciding to drink straight from it. Despite finishing all of it, you still feel thirsty. You lean your forehead on the door of the fridge, wondering if you should attempt to buy supplies from the convenience store downstairs or just sleep it off until you get better.
You hear a knock on the door and pull your head back with a sigh. It takes you a few heavy steps to get to the door. When you open it, Seokmin stands there wearing a large white hoodie and a beanie over his head.
“Woah, you look...”
“Horrible, yeah, I know. My fault for drinking too much.” You reply. “Is there anything that you need?”
“Well, I’m here to help. I’ve seen my friends hungover before, and I know that it’s going to be hard to deal with it alone.” He purses his lips. “May I come in?”
You step aside, motioning for him to come in. He puts his hand on your neck but quickly pulls back.
“You’re burning up!” He puts his hand on your forehead this time. “Have you checked your temperature yet?”
“No, I just literally woke up.” You reply, a bit out of irritation at his loudness.
“I’m sorry.” He says, quickly covering up his mouth. The volume of his voice decreases, but he only speeds up in return. “You haven’t eaten anything yet, have you? I’ll order something for you real quick. You’ve got a bad hangover and a fever.”
“No, it’s fine, really. I’ll just take a break and--”
“Wait, we’ve got some hangover meds back at our apartment. If you could give me a moment, I could get some for you.” He ponders for a moment before taking out his phone. “Wait, no. I’ll tell Mingyu to come over, I can’t leave you here alone. Perhaps we could--”
“Seokmin.” You put a hand on his shoulder, and he immediately quiets down.
“Yes?” He says quietly.
“Thank you, but can you slow down? I’m not feeling well, but I’m not dying either. Please take a seat, I’ll go and check my temperature for a bit.”
Seokmin reluctantly nods and takes a seat on one of the dining chairs. You take out the digital thermometer from one of the cabinets and take your temperature.
“Well would you look at that, I’m at 38.7 degrees Celsius.” You put the thermometer back in its place. From your peripheral view, you can see worry painted all over Seokmin’s face. “Before you freak out, I just want to ask something.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
“What happened last night? The last thing I remember was you saying something, but I don’t remember what it was.” You look over to him, who now has his hands together on top of the table.
“Oh, you don’t remember that?” He says, disheartened. “Well, I mean, It’s not something important. I can tell you about it some other time, so let’s get some food first. What would you like?”
You take a seat across him at the dining table. “Don’t tell me you’re going to pay for me again.”
“Why not?”
You think about it before you blurt it out. Normally, you’d try to find some excuse, but something inside you is telling you to express what you really feel. Maybe it’s because of the fatigue and hangover culminating to give you a surge of emotion. You weren’t sure how he was going to respond if you say it, after all.
“It’s just...” You jumble the words in your head to try and find the most appropriate words to say, but you end up blurting it whatever came to mind first. “When you keep on doing things like that, it makes me question why you would do that in the first place.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, pure confusion written over his face. You weren’t sure if he really was just that innocent, or if he really just didn’t get it at all.
You really didn’t want to say this--not because it was hurtful, but because it was embarrassing for you.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way, alright?” You say, fidgeting with your fingers below the table. “It really makes me think that there’s something else going on. I don’t want to think like that if there really isn’t anything.”
“Do you really not remember what I said last night?”
“I’m sorry, I really don’t.”
“Hmmm, well I don’t blame you. It was late into the night, and everyone was already either drunk or tipsy when it happened.” Seokmin rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “To be honest, I didn’t expect that I would have the guts to say it. I mean, it’s not really that big of a secret, and I have been very open about it.”
You begin to feel your heart beat rapidly. If not for the fever that you already have, the blush on your face would have been so obvious to him. “So what you’re saying is..?”
“I’m saying that you make me comfortable with who I am.”
The two of you look at each other for a while before he continues. You stare into his eyes, trying to look for any trace of deceit, any trace of insincerity, but you could find nothing. He’s being true to his every word.
“I know I’ve only known you for a short time. Minghao and Jeonghan have told me that maybe I’m just getting caught up with the rush of things. That’s what I thought at first too, but after thinking about it, I knew that it wasn’t the case.” He bites his upper lip nervously. “If I could, I wanted to keep you by my side whenever I could. Even when both of us got busy with work, I wanted to make sure you were alright. I thought about it over and over for the past two months, and now I’m sure of it.”
You look at him intently. Although you wanted to get his answer, you weren’t expecting him to drop it all at once like this. You keep yourself silent as you wait for him to finish. You wanted him to tell you everything before you give your response.
“I’m not sure yet if I can call it love, but I really do like you. You’ve helped me to believe in myself more, and to stop thinking so much about... well everything.” You can hear him starting to get nervous as he continues to speak. “I’ve messed up a lot with the people I’ve been interested in before by not making a move, so I didn’t want to mess up this time.”
After a few moments of silence, you nod. “So you’ve been worried that I might leave all this time?”
“Well, yes. Does that sound weird?”
You shake your head gently. “No, it doesn’t. In fact, I’m kind of flattered that you feel that way. I’ve been thinking about it for the past few months as well. You have always extended kindness to me ever since we met. You kept me company when I was alone in the city and away from my family. You always took time for me even when you were tired and busy.”
You give him a nervous laugh. “I wouldn’t want to call it love just yet, but for sure, I’m starting to think of you as more than just a friend, ever since you invited me to your musical play.”
As of the moment, you still don’t know where the both of you stood. For sure, you two were more than just friends, but far from being lovers. It would take much more time for the both of you to fully grow the feelings that you had for each other.
Seokmin stares at you, unsure how to respond, before bursting out in a fit of giggles. Unconsciously, you laugh along with him.
“I’m sorry, it’s just. Well, I didn’t know you felt like that too. It just...” Seokmin brings his arms together. “It makes me happy to hear that.”
Seokmin brings one of his hands up and sticks out his pinky finger. “Promise me something?”
“That you won’t leave even when I get annoying and sing you random songs?” He says innocently. It amuses you to hear that this is what he wanted, out of all the promises that he could ask for.
You raise your hand up and link your pinky with his, seeing just how small your hand is next to his. “Only if you promise to let me cut the vegetables and pay for your meal every once in a while.”
He shifts his hand to link the rest of your fingers together with his. “Alright. It’s a deal. So, what would you like to eat?”
-- END --
Author’s Note:
Hey! It’s been a while since I last wrote something like this (maybe 6 or 7 years?). I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any scenarios or characters you want me to write about, send me a message!
20 notes · View notes
duchessfics · 4 years
A Lasting Mark Part 4
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Billie x Fem!Reader x Audrey
Requested by @shineestark: I’m not saying we need a bit of Billie x reader x Audrey angst, but that’s exactly what I’m saying. reader seeing some random hate comments about her when she’s seen out with Audrey and/or Billie? reader and Billie and Audrey missing each other when they have to travel for filming? them fighting? SO MUCH POTENTIAL.
Warning(s): Angst, Relationship tension (I don’t know if that’s a warning, but just in case), use of cigarettes, cursing 
Summary: You told Billie and Audrey that you didn’t mind them going on vacation without you, but as time progresses you begin to question that decision and your value in the relationship.
Word Count: 10,650
A/n: Vivi I hope I did this justice. I’m working on my angst, I promise. Although this ends resolved so... 😅 For some context Since this is in “The Lasting Mark Series” the reader is a stunt double and she has three older brothers with the oldest being a stunt double as well. I mentioned that in the first part, but if you’re confused that’s where the concept is from.
Here’s part 1, part 2 [NSFW], and part 3 [NSFW]
You watch Audrey and Billie rushing around your shared bedroom, throwing last minute items into their suitcases. However when you see the time on your phone you know that you need to go. So you hesitantly tell them, “We should have left five minutes ago…”
You hear Audrey curse in the bathroom, and something falls onto the floor. Meanwhile Billie throws the remaining clothes into their suitcases, no longer taking the time to neatly fold them. Then the actress dashes out with two stuffed toiletry bags and stuffs them in one of their checked bags. Both women zip up their respective suitcases as Audrey assures you, “That’s the last of it.”
So you take their two suitcases that are going to be checked and your girlfriends roll their carry-on suitcases in addition to their purses. It’s a good thing you’ve been weight training because both of these pieces of luggage have to be at least 60 pounds. 
While walking out to the car you go over their checklist asking: 
“You’ve got toothbrushes? Extra contacts? Sunglasses? Sunscreen? Chargers? Swimsuit?” 
They answer yes to each one and you hope they’re right. That being so, you load everything into the trunk and get in the driver’s side to take them to the airport.
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On the way there, Billie puts down the passenger’s window and lights a cigarette, making sure the ashes go outside. In response you hear a groan from the backseat.
“Bill, do you really have to do that now? I’m right behind you.”
The medium smirks and lets out a puff of smoke, resting her arm on the window’s ledge so most of the smoke blows out of the car. Then she adjusts her oversized designer sunglasses and purrs, “Honey, this is my last one before our vacation. I just need a couple minutes. Once we're there, I’ll be able to occupy myself with other…how do I put this…activities.”
You bite your lower lip in an attempt to conceal your smile when Audrey huffs, “Honestly.” Before moving to sit behind you. Billie just chuckles before teasing, “You know you love me, baby.” 
The actress doesn’t respond, however when you take a glance in the rearview mirror, you see her cheeks have a pink flush to them that wasn’t there before.
Fortunately, you make up for running late by speeding along and you’re on time when you pull up to the drop off at the airport. Once you’ve parked the car you help Billie and Audrey unload all of their luggage. 
After you check the trunk to make sure it’s empty Billie comes close to peck your lips and murmurs, “Goodbye, babygirl.” Then Audrey pecks your lips before reassuring you, “We’ll be back before you know it and the next time we go on vacation it will certainly be all three of us.”
The thought makes you smile and you nod before telling them, “Love you both.” Your girlfriends smile back and simultaneously reply, “Love you too.” Then you watch them walk into the airport until you can’t see them anymore and drive home.
By the time you get back to the house it’s just past noon. So you eat a light lunch of leftovers and put on some workout clothes. Once you’re dressed you head to their personal gym and workout in preparation for your stunt gig tomorrow. 
Your training session ends up being a couple hours long and by the time you’re finished, both your body and your clothes are soaked with sweat. So you go to your bathroom to take a long shower.
At first, you turn the water cold to cool yourself down from all of the activity you did. After about 15 minutes, you warm up the water and finish washing yourself. The warmth soothes your sore muscles and your body feels jelly-like when you step out of the shower. It’s at that moment that your exhaustion catches up with you and since you have no other place to go, you throw on some sweatpants and a loose tee to lounge in.
Once you’re dressed you step out to the living room and lay out on the couch, halfway watching the tv show that’s on while checking your messages and Instagram to see if there’s anything from either of your girlfriends. But for the moment there’s nothing. They weren’t supposed to land in Hawaii until 7:00 your time and that’s just over an hour from now. So you continue to listen to your favorite tv show that you have seen plenty of times before while you cook dinner and meal prep for the coming week.
In the midst of cooking, your phone goes off and you see it’s your group text between you, Billie, and Audrey. After wiping your hands clean, you unlock your phone to see it’s a picture of Audrey laughing at a candlelit dinner. You can practically hear her giggles and smile at the fact that she isn’t worried about preventing her eyes from crinkling or the hint of a wrinkle on her forehead creasing. She looks truly happy and worry-free which is rare for her.
Then another photo appears and it’s at the same dinner. But this one is a selfie and Audrey looks at the camera with a grin and rosy cheeks while Billie’s face is turned to kiss Audrey’s cheek. Even though the medium doesn’t face the camera directly, you see the corner of her luscious lips curved up into a mischievous smirk. They look so happy together.
Like how they were before you came along…
But you stop yourself from going down that road. 
They set this up before you came along. And you have to work anyway. That will keep you occupied. Next time you’ll be there.
You’re able to talk yourself down and text back, 
You both look beautiful. ❤️ Was the flight ok?
Right away your message says read and Billie replies, 
Thank you, sweetie. We made it here without a hitch. Audrey wants me to tell you she is sure you look beautiful too. 😘 We both hope your work goes well this week. 
You text with them for a little longer and they tell you what it’s like there while you share some details about the job you have. After going back and forth for a half an hour, you tell them goodnight and go to bed soon after, feeling better than before texting them…
The next morning you are up before the sun rises and drive to the set for some action film. You know it involves spies and you’re standing in for one of the secondary characters to do some of the more intense fight scenes and stunts. But it’s nothing too strenuous compared to your usual gigs.
After checking in you head to the hair and makeup trailer to get in the same attire as the character. The sun is nearly rising when you step out and as you walk to the first set you’re filming at you hear a familiar voice from behind you say, 
“Hey squirt.”
That makes you whip around to see your oldest brother standing there. Your grin mirrors his and you run up, giving him a hug. In response he chuckles and warns, “Don’t mess up your makeup, y/n.” 
The reminder makes you backup and you give a soft apology, walking over to the filming area next to him. While walking, you ask, “How have you been? I feel like we haven’t seen each other in forever. Have you talked to Mom and Dad at all? I haven’t gotten a chance to. How are Michael and Jared?”
Your brother ends your questions with a laugh and says, “Woah, one question at a time, kid.” You roll your eyes at the nickname, however the stunt director calls you both over ending any further conversation. 
You and Asher focus on your work because even a small mishap can be detrimental. It turns out that the character your brother is stepping in for is the antagonist and since you’re stepping in for the sidekick of the main character quite a few of your scenes are together.
Today consists of learning, rehearsing, and filming combat scenes multiple times with multiple shots to make sure the movement and technique doesn’t look sloppy. By the time you’re finished working, the sun is setting and you feel exhausted. The number of times your brother body-slammed you and yanked you into a harsh chokehold leaves you sore. Of course you beat him up too, but he effortlessly shakes it off. Both of you walk to the makeup and hair trailer after changing into your normal clothes and Asher comments,
“You seem quiet. You tired, squirt?”
You look to him and nod with slumped shoulders. Then you ask, “You?” 
He smiles and replies, “Of course. And there was this one stunt double, I think she played the sidekick,” You giggle at his teasing and he continues, “I don’t know her name, but I’ll tell you what she beat my ass today. I’m gonna need to recover a little.”
You shove him with your shoulder, both of you laughing as you say, “Shut up.” He opens the trailer door for you while saying, “Really though. You’ve gotten stronger. I knew you could beat up Jared, but now I bet you could whoop him and Michael.” 
Your brother is not one to just give compliments out, so it means a lot that he actually told you that. Being 14 years younger made it hard to connect with him as a kid, but when you work like this it feels much more natural to interact with each other, adult to adult.
“Thanks. I've been working out more the past couple months and I’m glad that my efforts are paying off.” You respond. 
Asher sits in one chair and you grab your phone from your bag before sitting down next to him. It’s only then that you see the 30 text messages from your group chat with your girlfriends.
While you get your makeup and wig removed you begin to read through their texts starting from the first one this morning. First is a selfie of Audrey on what looks to be a balcony in the morning light. And the words she sends with the image are 
Good morning, sweetheart. ❤️ 
The next text is Billie replying, 
Morning beautiful. 😘
 Then Audrey responds,
Did you seriously text me in the same room?
 to which Billie teases, 
Did you seriously do the same thing? 😉😘
Their banter over texts makes you let out a soft laugh and your brother leans towards you while asking, “What’s so funny?” 
Immediately you close your phone and clutch it to your chest, squeaking, “Nothing.” Your cheeks burn as he teases with a grin, “Doesn’t seem like ‘nothing.’” Then his eyes widen in realization and he says in a more serious tone, “Oh my god, do you have a boyfriend?”
That completely throws you off and your ears begin to warm up when you sputter, “What? No Ash. I—”
But he cuts you off with a deep laugh and says, “Oh you definitely do. Is that why you haven’t talked to Mom and Dad in the past couple months?” Your mind races to answer and to make matters worse, your phone buzzes and lights up with a text notification. He stands up barefaced and you try to explain, “It’s not what you think—”
“Sure, y/n. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He taunts with a grin. Then he grabs his duffle bag and slings it over his shoulder before saying, “I’ll see you tomorrow, kid.” He walks out and you let out a huff of annoyance at the misunderstanding. The makeup artist shoots you a sympathetic glance and assures you, “If it helps, I have brothers just like that.” The reassurance helps you to shrug it off and less than fifteen minutes later you’re finished and heading home.
When you enter the house, the oven’s clock shows it’s nearly 10:30. So you eat a light dinner while reading through the rest of their texts and photos. Once you’ve reached their most recent texts, you type your own, saying, 
Sorry I haven’t responded at all today. I was busy working, but I’m glad you’re having a good time. ☺️ You both deserve that and more. Goodnight. 
Your body aches as you climb into bed and within seconds, you’re out cold, completely spent from the day’s activities…
The next day begins the same way, waking up before the sun rises, driving to set and getting ready to shoot. However, as the makeup artist and hairstylist fix you up you watch Audrey and Billie’s Instagram stories.
Audrey’s first picture is the selfie she sent you with her hair tousled from sleep. Next is a boomerang of her clinking a glass of mimosa with another and you can tell it’s Billie just from the glimpse of her acrylic nails. She chose a bold coral color in honor of their vacation.
Finally, it’s a video showing Audrey’s legs on a lounge chair that’s partially in the water on the sun shelf of the infinity pool with the perfect view of the beach. Billie stands towards the edge and the sun beams down on them both.
Then the actress calls out Billie’s name, making her twist to face Audrey. She looks gorgeous wearing a designer, floppy hat with a brim that’s wide enough to shade her upper half and looks to be made with straw. And even though she chose a classic black one piece, there’s a deep V-neck cut that nearly reaches her navel exposing a generous amount of her skin. Only she could pull it off so effortlessly. As per usual, her oversized designer glasses are on and she gives Audrey a smile before blowing a kiss.
Billie’s story starts off with the same boomerang of their mimosas. Next is a video that begins with a view of the private beach. She slowly turns around and you see Audrey lounging on the same partially submerged chair in the sun shelf section of the pool. Their private villa stands proudly in the background and looks perfect. Then you hear her purr from behind the camera, “Hey sugar.”
Audrey wears a maroon-colored bikini that you and Billie convinced her to get shortly after you first met them. The actress was nervous that it would reveal any signs of aging she has, but both of you assured her she would look beautiful and Audrey does. She definitely looks like a stunning model. The only other thing she wears is her own designer sunglasses with a cat-eye shape to them. 
She giggles at Billie’s words and playfully makes a small splash with her foot towards the woman filming. You hear Billie’s rich chuckle in the background and the next part of her story is a link to an Instagram post.
So you click on it and see it’s a photo of them kissing each other, perfectly lit by the sunset. Then you read the lengthy description alongside it:
“I’m not one to get too sentimental, but this lovely woman deserves this and more. So here you go, sweetheart: The first time we met I instantly knew you were special and ever since then I’ve realized how extraordinary you really are. You’ve been my rock, my number 1 cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, and the best partner I’ve ever had. I love you to the moon and back and then some. I’m so glad we finally have the time to take a true vacation together. I am yours completely until the end of time.”
Your eyes smart with tears, causing the makeup artist to ask, “Is something irritating your eyes? I can remove it and start over.” You come back to reality and clear your throat before replying, “No, it’s just my allergies being difficult today. But thank you.” 
Honestly you wish you could have a moment to let out your emotions. But you have work to do. So you focus on channeling those emotions into your stunts.
However, when rehearsing one of your fights with your brother, you slam him down on the mat hard enough to knock the wind out of him. 
Right away you gasp and say, “I’m so sorry Asher. Are you ok?” He takes your extended hand and you help him up while he replies, “I’m good. But you may want to lighten up your Hulk smashes.”
Normally you would laugh or even smile at his teasing, but your eyes glaze over and you feel your bottom lip quivering to keep your emotions in check. That reaction makes him get serious and he asks in a lower voice, “Hey, what’s wrong, squirt?” You sniff back your tears and shake your head while replying, “It’s nothing.” He goes to say more, however the stunt director calls you back to your places.
Fortunately, you wrap up earlier than yesterday, but you feel even more worn down from both your physical activity and keeping your emotions in check. And to make matters worse, you see Billie texts you about calling tonight. 
The notification goes off at the same time you and your brother are walking out to your cars and he playfully nudges you while teasing, “Your boyfriend texting you?”
Normally you would tease back, but in your aggravation, you shove him back and snap, “Will you just leave that alone?!”
He holds up his hands and cautiously replies, “My bad.” Then he keeps a little further away from you. Right away you feel horrible and when he moves to go to his car you plead, “Wait.” 
He pauses, looking to you and you say with a thick voice, “I’m sorry, Ash. Today just hasn’t been the best for me. But I didn’t mean to snap at you.” He gives you a small smile and responds, “Hey, we all have shitty days. I just figured you were upset at everything and everyone.”
Then his smile widens, and he jokes, “Also I didn’t want to get my ass handed to me again.” That makes you giggle, and he joins in before telling you, “I’ll see you tomorrow, squirt.” You tell him goodbye and walk over to your own car.
Once you’re inside and seated in the driver’s seat you text Billie that you’re free to call. Less than a minute later you see her caller ID. So you take a deep breath to center yourself and answer, saying, “Hello?”
Billie’s warm voice responds, “Hey, babygirl. How are you holding up?”
Should you tell the truth? No. You don’t want to ruin their vacation. You said you would be fine and you’re going to sound fine. They deserve to have a break from the world and you’re going to grant them that.
“Darling?” Audrey says, drawing your attention. You clear your throat and reply, “Sorry. I’m just a little tired from work. But I’m doing alright. How is Hawaii? It looks beautiful from the pictures I’ve seen.”
Audrey is the first one to respond, chirping, “Oh it is beautiful. I mean, I don’t think it gets better than this. The weather is perfect, the villa is gorgeous, and the food—oh my god, It’s the best I’ve ever ate—”
Billie cuts in and says, “We would love to take you here sometime, honey.” Then the actress pipes up, “Oh yes! And we could show you the best restaurants, the cutest shops, and more. Everything's amazing.”
While you want to be the supportive girlfriend, tears sting at your eyes once again. So, you swallow the lump of emotions in your throat and try to say in a neutral voice, “I’m so happy for you both. You definitely deserve this vacation.”
Right away both women hear the tremor in your voice, but Billie shakes her head when Audrey silently gestures if she should ask about it. 
Then the medium tests the waters by asking, “Besides working, do you have any other plans, sweetheart?” You try to shove the tears that spill out back into your eyes with your fists while you answer, “Honestly I’ll need a day or two to recover from this job. Otherwise I’ll probably do stuff around the house.”
By now, you’ve got yourself composed enough to joke, “So if you have a honey-do list I’ll have time to take care of it.” But it doesn’t sound like your normal voice even to you. Audrey leans closer to the phone as if desiring to give you a hug and encourages, “Well make sure to take care of yourself, darling. Don’t push yourself too much.”
You wipe your nose with a leftover napkin from a fast food run you made at some point trying to not make a sound. Then you ask, “What about you both? What are your plans?” 
Both women make eye contact and hesitate for a moment. However, Billie slowly answers, “Tomorrow we’re taking a boat ride around the area. My friend owns a yacht and offered to take us. And the next day we’re planning to spend part of the day looking around at the local marketplace. The last two days are open to either just relax at the villa or go out and do something.”
You hold your head in your hand that doesn’t hold the phone and remind yourself that this week isn’t about you. 
You need to be supportive. 
Your forehead feels heavy against your palm as you tell them, “It sounds like a great time. I’m sure you’ll have so much fun. I-I think I’m going to say goodnight. I’ve had this massive headache all day and it’s flaring up right now. Sorry.” 
Immediately Audrey gasps and asks, “It’s not from the stunts, is it? Did you hurt yourself at all? Should you go to the doctor?”
You can’t help but smile at her concern for you and you realize you feel envious, but also you just miss having your girlfriends around. 
“No, I didn’t get hurt. I think it’s a caffeine headache or I’ve probably had too much sugar. But I just took medicine so I should be alright in an hour or so.”
Billie soothes, “Well we hope you get feeling better soon, babygirl. We’ll talk to you later.” You collect yourself enough to reply in your usual voice, “Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.” Then Audrey quickly says, “We love you, y/n.” That feels like a punch to your gut and you wonder how you can be so selfish. You quickly reply, “Love you too.” Hanging up before you start crying…
Audrey lets out a sigh and asks, “Did we do something wrong?” Billie looks to her phone as if hoping it will give her the answer before responding, “No…I think she’s just feeling a little lonely. I mean, if her and I took a vacation while you worked or if I was the one working it wouldn’t exactly be easy.” 
The actress runs her fingers through her short hair before muttering, “Shit. But what should we say? I mean we have been working hard and this was set up before we even met y/n—”
Billie comes over to sit beside Audrey and cuts her off with a kiss. She reflexively responds to the medium, melting against her chest and opening herself up completely. 
After a moment, Billie breaks the kiss and leans her forehead against Audrey’s before murmuring, “We’ll just give it some time. She’s tired from work. But I’m sure she’s doing alright.” Audrey softly replies, “Ok.” Then they get ready for their evening swim, electing to skip on wearing swimsuits…
After getting so emotional the day before, you choose to turn your phone off for your last day on set. Honestly you need to keep your full attention on the stunts today. 
Your first one is to jump off the top of a 15-story building while pulling a gun out of the holster on your hip to shoot up at the people on the roof. Between coordinating the jump, the fall, and you pulling out the gun, it takes at least 5 times of you doing the stunt.
Next you are shooting at people behind you as you run and jump off of the edge of the building to grab onto one of the landing skids of a helicopter before climbing into it. 
That’s a complicated maneuver in itself, but you also have to do the whole thing while people are shooting at you. You don’t keep track of how many times you do that one, but it’s enough to drain nearly all your energy. And you still have one stunt left.
For this one you have to climb out of the passenger side window to get to the dash of the car. Then you hop onto the back of the car in front of you. That’s not too difficult, but you have to do all of this while the cars are moving at 70 mph. And the car you were on explodes behind you so you need to have a good grip on the car’s roof. 
But you love every minute of doing these stunts. The challenge and adrenaline rush are incomparable to anything else you’ve experienced.
When the director calls a wrap for the day, both you and your brother stagger over to hair and makeup. Even though he wasn’t in every scene you were, he did some additional scenes that you weren’t in. So both of you let out a groan when you sit in the chairs making you laugh, but also groan at your sides being sore and you laugh even more at how pathetic you sound.
After recovering, your brother asks, “You got any plans for tomorrow? Maybe we can catch up without fighting each other or filming life-threatening stunts?” You let out another chuckle, but hiss at your soreness before answering, “I’m available” So you decide where to meet for lunch and say goodbye for the night…
That evening while you take an ice bath you look over the texts you missed from Billie and Audrey as well as their Instagram stories to distract you from the biting cold. 
You know it will help in the long run, but ice baths are the worst.
Both of them show off the private yacht with different selfies and videos on their stories. And one of the pictures shows them both standing next to the railing so you can see the beautiful scenery behind them. Audrey is tucked so perfectly into Billie’s side, resting a hand on the arm that isn’t wrapped around her waist to keep her close to the medium.
Billie faces Audrey and dips her head so the tips of their noses touch and both women unabashedly smile at each other. 
While your chest pangs because you’ve never seen them look that happy with you around, you’re still emotionally spent from the day before and you feel too sore to overthink it. 
They send you a text telling you goodnight and you tell them goodnight, but that’s basically all of the interaction you have. And you feel guilty for being relieved that more wasn’t said. And yet, you desire so much more…
When you see your brother dressed in casual clothes and cleaned up, he looks quite different. He must think the same thing because he teases, “Well, you clean up pretty nice, kid.” You roll your eyes and playfully retort, “You look…acceptable.” 
At that time the waiter comes to get your orders and after they’re gone, you decide to not beat around the bush, asking, 
“Ok…how upset is Mom about me not calling?” 
He grins and jokes, “On a scale of one to ten, you almost at Michael’s level.” That makes you snort and reply with a dramatically innocent tone, “No way. I’m her favorite.” 
This time he snorts and banters, “Yeah. Her favorite girl.” You mockingly laugh before sticking out your tongue.
After taking a sip of water, Asher says, “But really, I would call them. They’re used to Michael ignoring them. But you’ve never been this disconnected before.” 
You do feel guilty about neglecting your parents. But the past couple months you’ve spent every waking moment getting to know Billie and Audrey. Well…that and you didn’t know how to explain your relationship without causing panic.
You nod in understanding and assure him, “I’ll call them.” Then you smile a little as you inquire, “Speaking of Mike, have you heard anything from him? Is he still in law school?” 
Your brother lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose when he replies, “As far as I know. But I haven’t spoken with him for, hell, six months. So who knows”
The both of you continue to talk about Michael attending law school and Jared getting a master’s degree in business. At one point, your food comes, and you continue to converse about family and future gigs as you eat. However, when you finish off your meal, Asher says, “Don’t kill me, but do you really have a boyfriend? I won’t get upset or anything. I’m just curious.”
You would rather be truthful with him now than have him tell his assumptions to your parents. So you take a deep breath and reply, “I don’t have a boyfriend,” then you avert your eyes, wringing your hands under the table as you continue, 
“But I…I have a girlfriend. Well…technically two girlfriends.”
Your whole-body burns, and you keep quiet, bracing yourself for the worst. However, he calmly says, “Hey squirt,” You look up to see him smiling and he soothes, “I’m not mad at you. That’s not something that I would necessarily do. But it’s your life and as long as no one’s getting hurt you can do whatever the hell you want.” 
You’re both shocked and grateful he doesn’t harshly judge your decision and you let out a breath of relief before saying, “Oh thank god.” But you grow serious and plead, “Please don’t tell Mom and Dad—”
He chuckles and assures you, “My lips are sealed.” And you let yourself relax back into the chair, feeling like a weight is lifted off of your chest. Meanwhile your brother finishes off his water before asking, “What’s their names? I may know them.” 
You bite your lip, but slowly answer, “It’s Billie Dean Howard and Audrey Tindall.” His eyes widen and he asks, “Like…the celebrities Billie Dean Howard and Audrey Tindall?” 
You stiffen up again and slowly nod, nervous about where he’s going with this.
His next question is, “Weren’t they a couple already?” 
You look down to your fidgeting hands and defend, “But they’ve welcomed me in.” When you do look back up, your brother frowns and his eyes look like your mother’s when she is about to cry. Then he says in a softer tone, “Y/n. That’s a publicity stunt.”
Your heart drops to your stomach and you recoil away from him while saying, “No. They—They’ve said they love me. And they even let me move into their home.” His eyes soften even more, and he gently speaks as if not wanting to startle a feral animal, 
“When does their tv special premier with Audrey starring and Billie being the inspiration?” 
Your eyes well up with tears and you whimper, “Next week.”
He pauses a moment before saying, “Having you around will draw attention. And in Hollywood, any publicity is good publicity.” Tears being to slip down your cheeks as you shake your head and deny, “No Asher. You don’t understand. They’ve been so loving and supportive. They wouldn’t do that to me.” 
He holds out his hand and asks, “Aren’t they in Hawaii right now?”
You nod and say, “They had this planned 6 months ago before I met them. And I had work anyways.” He gestures for you to take his hand and your trembling hand does take his. 
Then he gives it a small squeeze and murmurs, “Both women have millions of dollars to their name and you’re telling me there’s no way they could find a way for you to join them? Y/n, they managed to convince their old friend that’s more like an acquaintance to take them out on her private yacht.”
You want to cry and scream along with a whole range of other emotions at one time. Your tears begin to fall faster when you whimper, “But they told me they love me. They’ve told me things they haven’t told anyone else. They’ve always treated me well.”
You brother gently shushes you and lets go of your hand to give you a napkin to wipe your eyes with. Then he soothes, “I could be wrong. But this kind of thing happens all the time. It’s nothing personal and they probably did enjoy your company.”
 A hiccup of a sob escapes you and you feel like you’re going to throw up as you can’t help but wonder if he really is right. You settle yourself before making too much of a scene in the restaurant and he murmurs, “I’m sorry, squirt. I didn’t mean to upset you like that. Maybe you should go to the source and ask.”
By now you’re filled with numbness and rejection as you dumbly nod. 
Your brother pays the bill and when you get to your cars, he pulls you into a bearhug, murmuring, “I’m sorry, kid. But if you need anything at all and I mean anything, I’m just a text or phone call away.” 
By now you feel on autopilot from shock and flatly answer, “Thanks.” Then you head to their home and the whole car ride you feel unnaturally calm as everything begins to make sense now.
You know you shouldn’t, but you do look at their Instagram stories partially out of curiosity and partially to hate-watch when you get home. 
Billie’s comes up first and it’s a picture of Audrey asleep and cuddled under the covers. The medium added the text “My sleeping beauty” and Audrey does look beautiful with her hair tousled just right and her face perfectly relaxed.
The next segment is a boomerang showing the busyness of the marketplace. 
Then she has a video that begins with her front facing camera as she takes a sip from a colorful cocktail. After she flips the camera so you can see Audrey sitting across from her. Billie slides the drink towards the middle of the table while saying, “Try this.”
Audrey’s eyes narrow a little, but she slowly slides the drink towards her and takes a cautious sip. Right away her eyes widen, and she takes another sip before saying, “This is delicious!” making Billie laugh. 
The last thing in her story is a picture of their hands intertwined with each other on the beach.
Audrey’s story is next and begins with a video of her in front of a large mirror. You can see Billie’s reflection in the mirror as she finishes applying her lipstick. And when she straightens up Audrey looks to her and they share a brief kiss. The text with the video says, “A makeup tutorial for that freshly kissed look on your lips.”
The second thing is a photo of Audrey holding Billie’s hand from behind as the medium guides her through the bustling market. 
Finally, there is a boomerang of her kissing Billie’s cheek while Billie’s designer sunglasses reflect the gorgeous sunset and her lips sport a proud smirk.
Your heart aches at seeing them so happy without you. And you get mad at yourself for taking some pleasure in seeing their faces. That’s when you see Audrey posted a photo.
The pair stands in front of the same mirror as the one in her video. But in this one, Audrey stands in the center and Billie is behind her, wrapping both of her arms around the actress’s waist to land on her middle. Audrey grins at their reflection while Billie looks to where she places a kiss in the crook of Audrey’s neck.
You look to the photo’s caption and read,
“After my darling girlfriend posted something so nice and thoughtful, I figured I would return the favor. Billie I’ve never met someone like you. I knew the moment we talked that we shared a special connection. And we still do. I’m so honored to portray you in your upcoming tv special. You’ve made me a better person and the connection we have is unmatched. I love you more than words can express, but I thought I would try to give you a glimpse of my adoration with these words. I love you, Billie Dean Howard.”
She’s never met someone like Billie…their connection is unmatched…oh god Asher was right. You are just a pawn in their game of chess to use when it’s convenient. You’re expendable.
A broken sob escapes your throat and you crumble to the kitchen floor wondering how you could be so stupid. Your phone lights up in your hand, so you pick it up and see in between tears it’s a text from Audrey. Just seeing her name makes you cry harder while also getting infuriated at being so used.
You open your messages to see she texted, 
How’s LA holding up? Still smoggy? The sky is so clear here I swear we can see every star out there. It’s crazy to think we’re both under the same stars. 💖 
You laugh as you continue to weep, thinking about Audrey texting you about the stars while you’re leaning against cabinet doors as support while you break down on the kitchen floor. Then you text back, 
That is crazy. LA is still standing and covered in smog as usual.
After sending that you lean back against the cabinet doors, overwhelmed with small sobs and hiccups as the implications of their “love” settle over you.
Where would you even go? Your brother could help, but still. And what if they’re upset when you end things? They could ruin your career before it even begins. 
Your fists roughly rub your eyes while you angrily mutter, “How could I be so stupid? I’m such an idiot. Two A-list celebrities interested in me? Get real.”
Your tearful monologue that’s broken up by sporadic sobs is interrupted by your phone lighting up. Against your better judgement you unlock your phone to see Billie texted this time asking, 
Have you been keeping up with us on Instagram? There’s some pictures on there we didn’t text you.
This time your choked laugh turns into an anguished cry. You’re beyond words so you yell at the world, banging your fist into the cabinet door while you cry. But all that does is make your hand hurt and your throat sore. So you take a shuddering breath and shakily text back, 
Of course. 😘  I’m glad to see you two so happy. It makes my heart happy. ❤️
By now you’ve made it back down to small hiccups and see Billie’s texted back, 
You’re always so supportive. 🥰 We were talking about going out sometime next week to wherever you want. There may be paparazzi, but we’ll make sure to have security.
You can’t help but chuckle at how accurate your brother’s prediction really was. Then you mindlessly text back, 
Sounds good. I hope you have a good rest of your vacation.
Audrey is the one who replies this time with 
Thank you, darling. We’ll wish you a goodnight. Love you. 💕
You recoil at those last two words and your emotions rush back to the surface. So you quickly text back, 
Love you too.
Even if it will compromise your future career you need to get out of here. 
So you call your one life-line. Your brother answers in a groggy voice, “Hello?” You whimper, “Sorry for waking you up Ash. But I wondered if—”
However, your throat catches and you start to cry. You say between sniffs, “You were right about them. C-Could I stay with you for a couple nights?” 
Your crying wakes him up and he calmly replies, “Of course. Y/n take a couple deep breaths. You’re hyperventilating.” It’s only then that you realize it. You take a couple deep,shuddering breaths and he says, “How about you pack up what you can and come over tonight?” You sniff and answer, “O-ok.” So he says he’ll see you in a little bit.
After saying goodbye, you pull out your suitcase and stuff your clothes and knickknacks scattered throughout the house. Then you put any remaining items into your duffle bag and backpack. 
As you pass through the house and take specific clothing items of theirs out of your own wardrobe, you continue to cry and feel like your heart is being ripped apart. 
Walking out of the door makes you feel a painful finality, but you don’t go back, loading up your car with all of your belongings and driving to your brother’s apartment…
You manage to bring everything in one trip and when you knock on the door, your brother opens to see your eyes that are swollen from crying and broken expression. Immediately he says, “Oh, y/n.” and you crumble into his outstretched arms, whimpering into his shirt, “I’m such an idiot.” 
Asher rubs your back and soothes, “You’re not an idiot. I’ve made mistakes too. How about we get your stuff in here.”
Your brother helps you carry your stuff into the darkened apartment before leading you to sit on the couch. You were nervous that your brother would reprimand you or chastise you for acting so rash. But he holds you in his familiar bear hug and soothes, “It’s ok, kid. This isn’t your fault.” By the time you’re settled to small sniffles, you can’t hardly keep your eyes open.
He seems to notice and says, “I’ll tuck you in and we can talk about it later.” You’re shocked at his kindness once again as he pulls a blanket over you. Then he murmurs a soft goodnight and you fall asleep within seconds, too exhausted to care anymore about everything that’s happened…
The next day you’re awakened by the door shutting and your eyes feel raw and sensitive from yesterday when you open them to see it’s daylight out. The beaming sun makes you sit up to see your brother kicking off his shoes with a couple grocery bags and a case of your favorite soda. 
When he turns to see you up, he gives you a smile and says, “Morning, squirt.” Your voice is hoarse from crying when you ask, “What time is it?”
He slides the case of soda into the fridge while answering, “Just past 11:00.” That makes your eyes widen and you admonish, “Why didn’t you wake me up?” Your brother closes the fridge and looks at you from the kitchen answering, “Y/n, you called me at 12 in the morning and by the time you actually were laid out on the couch it was nearly 2. And who knows how long you had been crying.”
Then he walks over with the grocery bags and tells you, “I got your favorite chips and cookies. Also, I thought I remembered you liking this candy and homemade popcorn.” As he sets the items down, your lip trembles so you bite down on it, overwhelmed at his kindness. 
After calming down enough to speak you rasp, “Why are you doing all of this? I wouldn’t be upset if you left me alone. You don’t have to pamper me.”
He sits next to you and drapes and arm over your shoulders before tugging you close so your head leans on his shoulder as he replies, “Because you’re my little sis and you just had your heart broken.” 
Then he pauses for a beat before teasing, “Also it was this or killing them and I can’t afford the plane ticket.”
That makes you exclaim his name and shrug his arm off of you before giving it a punch. Your brother holds up his hands in mock surrender and defends, “Kidding!” Then he rubs the place you punched him while grumbling, “You didn’t have to go all beast mode on me, Hulk. I’m still recovering from being practically body slammed into another dimension.”
You smirk in satisfaction but get distracted by the throbbing in your hand and look down to see your knuckles are swollen and have gnarly darkened bruises covering them. Asher looks too and comments, “Now I know that didn’t come from one punch. What did you do, Beat someone up?” 
Your face burns at the memory and you mumble, “No. Last night, when I was crying…I punched a cabinet door…multiple times.”
Your brother tries to stifle his laughter but fails miserably and jokes, “If your hand looks this rough, I’d hate to see how beat up the door is.” You turn away to hide your grin and retort, “Shut up.” He continues to laugh when he stands up and tells you, “I’ll get an icepack. You pick out something to watch.”
While he’s rummaging around in the kitchen you turn on the tv and scroll through one of his streaming subscriptions. However, your search halts when you see your phone light up.
Before you can think your phone is in your hand and you see your group chat has 15 messages. So you open it to see they sent you some pictures before asking about you. 
Maybe…Maybe they do ca—
Your brother cuts off your thoughts, asking, “Is that them?” You whip around in surprise and admit, “Yeah. They asked about my day.” 
He comes around to the front of the couch and hands you the ice pack before sitting beside you and advising, “I wouldn’t respond.”
You must look skeptical because he explains, “Breakups are kind of like taking off band aids. While it’s painful to just rip it off in one go, the pain is gone much faster than trying to slowly peel it off.” It breaks your heart, but you know it’s the truth. So you set your phone to the side and pick out a movie, icing your hand while eating your favorite snacks…
“Billie, she still hasn’t answered any of our texts or calls.” 
If the medium had a cigarette she would be smoking it. Hell, she’d probably be through most of the pack by now. Instead she chomps on multiple pieces of mint flavored gum while pacing the room. 
Audrey’s words make her pause and she theorizes, “Maybe she’s just really busy.” The actress half-heartedly agrees, but both women don’t believe that’s the case.
As a last-ditch effort, Audrey picks up her phone and says, “I’ll call her one more time.” As expected, it goes to your voicemail so she pleads, “Y/n, darling, if you could give us a call, we would appreciate it. Billie and I are worried about you not responding. So, if you could call or text either one of us that would be great. Love you.”
Those last words make you whimper when you hear them on your voicemail. Asher had gone to bed an hour ago and while you had promised you would ignore their call, you made the mistake of listening to their voicemails. 
After listening to Audrey’s, you tap on Billie’s voicemail from earlier and hear her say, “Babygirl, I don’t know if you’ve been busy, but Audrey and I are concerned about you. If you get a chance to call us that would put our minds at ease. We love you and miss you so much.”
Maybe you were wrong…Your heart feels torn between your girlfriends’ words and your brother’s words. You just need some time to think. You’re already moved out anyways.
The next day your brother convinces you to spend the afternoon at Venice Beach for a little distraction. So you eat a late lunch and casually browse the local shops before ending up at the beach to watch the sunset.
On the other hand, Billie and Audrey have to take a taxi from the airport to their home and feel flabbergasted at your behavior. You seemed so happy earlier this week. Now it’s like you’ve dropped off the face of the world. 
But the women go into a full-blown panic when they don’t see you or any of your personal items. This time Billie does have a cigarette to smoke and Audrey weeps while texting you, 
Y/n please text us. All of your stuff is gone, and we have no idea why. We just want to talk so we can understand what changed.
You read the message to your brother and he admits, “I mean, it is true. But do you feel in a healthy place to talk to them?” You know you probably shouldn’t, but in your heart, you do want to talk to them. 
So you nod and mutter, “I’m sorry.” Asher shakes his head and assures you, “Don’t be, squirt. This may bring more closure to the whole thing.” So you take a deep breath before texting back, “Ok. What time should I come over?”
Audrey lets out a sob of relief and exclaims, “Bill! She said she’ll come over!” The medium rushes over to read the text to confirm it’s real and not just a figment of their desperation. Then she takes the cigarette out of her mouth and suggests, “Say noon and we can have lunch together.” 
So they ask you over for lunch and you agree, feeling a little excited to see them. At the same time, you feel nervous about confronting them, but you know they deserve an explanation…
The next morning you fix your hair in the mirror, trying to conceal your trembling hands from your brother. Fortunately, he’s occupied with the video game he plays. So you pick up your purse while stating, “I’m heading out.” 
That makes him pause the game and he looks over to you when he encourages, “You’ve got this, y/n. And if you need me, I’m a phone call away.” You thank him with a small smile and walk to your car, getting in and starting to drive before you talk yourself out of going.
By the time you pull into their driveway, you feel physically ill. There is no way you can eat anything. Your whole-body trembles as you walk up to the door and you want to run away more than anything. But you press the doorbell and know you need to deal with this in order to move on.
Billie is the one to answer and if there is a perfect type of suntan, Billie has it in addition to the natural highlights in her hair from vacation. She gives you a polite smile and says, “Hello, honey.”
Right away you want to fall to your knees and beg for forgiveness. But you make yourself keep standing and stutter, “H-hi.” 
The medium lets you in and murmurs, “Audrey’s in the kitchen.” You cross your arms over your chest, feeling like the space you had gotten used to living in is foreign. Billie leads you to the kitchen where you see Audrey sitting at the table.
The actress is decent enough to give you a half smile, but the tension in the room is thick enough to cut with a knife. You try to be amiable and say, “Hello.” 
Her eyes are shadowed when she replies, “Hi.” In the higher tone she uses when she’s annoyed but has to keep face.
You flinch at the tone and look to the floor, your shoulders slumping forward and you cross your arms even tighter. Billie attempts to smooth things over when suggesting, “Well lunch is ready to eat—”
But you cut her off by saying, “Can we talk? I mean…I don’t think I can make myself eat right now and I-I think I should explain things.”
Audrey scoffs and Billie walks over to her while gently warning, “Audrey,”
But the actress looks at you with her bottom lip trembling as she says, “Maybe you could enlighten us as to why you just stopped responding to our texts and calls. Or how you left us stranded at the airport. Do you even realize how much we care about you? The whole time we were worried if something happened to you. And you couldn’t just respond to us once?”
By now your fists are clenched by your sides and your nostrils flare as you fire back, “Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t at your beck and call us usual. Maybe I realized what I really am to you both.”
Billie’s brows furrow and she asks, “What are you talking about?”
That makes your body steam with anger and you let out a humorless laugh before retorting, “You don’t need to keep up the act anymore. My brother told me all about what this is. All I am is some publicity stunt to promote your own careers and I was stupid enough to fall for it hook, line, and sinker!”
Audrey goes to speak, but now you are heated, and tears begin to fall out of your eyes as you yell, “I loved you! I trusted you and gave my heart to you entirely! And what do I get? Seeing my girlfriends living it up on some private beach. I saw your Instagram posts. Every single one.”
Then you look to Billie and continue, “I saw your post about Audrey being the best partner you’ve ever had!” 
Then you look to Audrey and have to lower your voice so it’s less hoarse, but keep aggressive when you say, “I saw your post too. Including the description of your connection being unmatched. I saw every fucking thing.”
“I wanted to be the chill girlfriend who couldn’t be bothered. But it turns out I’m a dumb ass who would never even have a chance to be your girlfriend in the first place!”
The room goes quiet except for Audrey’s sniffing and your own from crying. Billie wipes away a stray tear with her thumb as the actress whimpers, “Y/n, others may do different things for publicity. But I swear on everything that’s not what you are to us. We love you so much.” 
Then Billie says, “We regret not bringing you with us. That was unfair to put you in that position and I’m sorry your brother saw the problem with that before we did. Audrey is right though. We love you so much. If you could give us a second chance, I know we could learn from this and have an even closer relationship. But if you don’t want to, we’ll understand too.”
You have never, ever seen them this emotional and there’s no way this reaction could be ingenuine. You may not know all about them, but you do know those are expressions of heartbreak. And if this really was a publicity stunt, surely they would have let you walk out by now. But you need to make sure. 
Your eyes brim with tears and you rasp, “Y-you promise this isn’t a publicity thing? I’m not being used?”
Immediately Audrey shakes her head and assures you, “No. We would never ever do that to you, y/n. Everything we have said or done with you is always genuine.” Your lips tremble as you look between them and you pause for a moment. 
But you know what your heart wants. So you run over to them.
Immediately both women wrap their arms around you to hug you close and you cry, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
Both women shush your apologies and one of them presses a comforting kiss to your temple while the other keeps you from collapsing in their arms. Then Billie soothes, “You don’t need to apologize, babygirl.” 
Just being in their embrace provides a comfort that you have pined for since they left. The sense of safety and comfort flows through their touch and permeates to your core.
They hold you close and murmur soothing words of their own apologies while you calm back down. After waiting a couple minutes from the time you only make small sniffles, Audrey slowly asks, “Does this mean we can have a group cuddle session on the couch now?” 
Her suggestion makes you smile against Billie’s blouse which feels wonderfully smooth against your face and you nod in agreement. So each woman moves to take one of your hands and you walk to the living room.
Once there, Billie pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Audrey gives her a look, but Billie puts one in her mouth, so she sounds funny keeping the cigarette in between her teeth while saying, “Listen. I’ve earned this cigarette.”
The actress can’t deny that, so she keeps quiet as Billie lights up the cigarette.
After taking a long drag, the medium lets out a sigh and visibly relaxes, rolling her shoulders back and stretching her neck. Then she brings over an ashtray and places it on the side table closest to her. Meanwhile Audrey sits towards the middle of the couch.
You sit next to her and Billie sits on your other side and the end of the couch. Once all 3 of you are seated, Billie takes the cigarette out of her mouth and purrs with a warm smile, “Come here you two.” 
You snuggle up into her side so you practically sit on her lap, not bothered by the smoky scent. Then Audrey scoots close to you and wraps her arms around your middle to get even closer before burying her nose into the soft juncture between your head and shoulder to inhale your distinct scent. 
The medium chuckles at how close you are when you have a whole couch to spread out on while letting out a puff of smoke. But she loves it, asking, “Feel cozy, darling?” 
You nod and answer, “Yeah.” Honestly you forgot how nice this is, but your body has the muscle memory and like riding a bike you easily adjust and melt into them.
After a moment, Audrey cautiously asks, “Would you be upset if we watched some tv, love?” 
It sounds nice to be distracted from your rollercoaster of emotions for a little bit, so you tell her it’s okay and she turns it to some home improvement show. Before long, she’s providing a running commentary about the design choices and things begin to feel like before.
You didn’t know this was possible, but you manage to melt into them even more, practically purring at being so cozy between their warm, inviting bodies. After she finishes off her cigarette, Billie uses her free hand to gently scratch the base of your neck, taking care to not get her fingers tangled in your hair. The sensation makes you feel all warm and tingly and you look to the medium’s honey eyes, hoping she can see how good you feel.
The medium gives you a knowing smile and softly asks, “Do you feel better, sweetheart?” You nod, looking down to conceal your demure smile while Audrey scoffs and mutters, “I can’t believe they went with a galley kitchen when they have plenty of room for an open concept. That would have looked so much better.” 
Billie shares a smile with you about Audrey’s reactions. Meanwhile the actress has her feet propped up on the plush ottoman in front of the couch and leans against you, mindlessly brushing her fingers up and down the top of your thigh.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, so you move to pull it out to see it’s your brother. His text message says, “You ok, squirt?” 
Billie takes the opportunity to lightly nibble on your earlobe. You let out a giggle at the feeling and duck away, but don’t go too far. The medium chuckles and asks, “Do you feel ok, babygirl?” You look over her face and don’t feel any of the earlier insecurities you had earlier. So you answer, “I do.”
Then you bite your lip unsure how to phrase it. But you try to, starting, “I want to apologize about earlier. I was being insecure and didn’t consider you both—”
��If you start apologizing one more time, I will give you something to occupy your mouth.” Audrey warns, cutting you off. That makes you turn to see the actress’s attempt at a serious expression although her lips twitch in an attempt to keep from smiling. 
You decide to play along, raising your eyebrows when you tease, “You honestly think you could top me again?”
That makes her eyes widen and she replies more as a question, “Yes?” 
Billie chuckles from the other side and murmurs, “Oh Audrey, I think we’ve got ourselves a switch.” Her cheeks turn bright red and she bites her lip.
You grin and look down to your phone, texting back, “I’m good. We talked and worked things out. I’ll come over tomorrow to explain. Thank you for everything.” Then you tuck your phone back into your pocket and look to Audrey again. 
Once you look down at her face you joke, “It’s ok, honey. You’ll only have to submit to both of us sometimes.”
Her mouth gapes while Billie laughs and murmurs, “I like this idea. What about you, Audrey? You think you can handle submitting to 2 women?” The actress lets out a small whimper and nods, clearly turned on by the idea. You smile at her reaction while Billie purrs, “I missed you so much, babygirl. And I think these next couple weeks will be a good time for us to become…reacquainted.”
Now your cheeks warm and you can’t help but smile when you look between their beaming faces. Then Audrey says, “Listen, I hate to ruin the mood, but I am absolutely famished. So could we order some pizza? I desperately need some greasy, American comfort food.”
The comment causes you to snort while the medium assures her, “I’ll order some pizza.” Before you can even think about it, you blurt out, 
“I love you both.”
For a moment, all 3 of you go quiet and you wonder if you made a mistake. However, Audrey comes up to your face and gives you a kiss before murmuring, “I love you too, darling.” 
Then Billie places one of her fingers under your chin to guide you to face her so she can kiss you. After lingering for a couple seconds, Billie parts and whispers, “I love you too. We love you so much, y/n.”
You bite your lower lip and it is nice to feel your cheeks tight from smiling instead of so many shed tears. The medium shifts so she can see both you and Audrey when she tells you, “Just give me a minute and I’ll have two pizzas on the way with your favorite toppings for my special girls.”
Without planning it, you and Audrey say thank you at the same time, making you both laugh. Billie lets out a sound of amusement while she scrolls through her phone. Once she finds the number, the medium stands up and says, “I’ll be back.” Then she steps into the kitchen to call for the pizza. 
You hear her talking smoothly to the person taking your order. However after she hangs up, Billie peeks her head out and asks, “Hypothetically of course…if salad was left out for, say, nearly 5 hours would that still be good?”
You both laugh, only now remembering the intention to eat lunch and you reply, “Unfortunately, the salad is at the point of no return. Hypothetically of course.” 
Billie grins and says, “Well the pizza is on the way, so we won’t be without food.” Then she disappears and you hear something being thrown away. Audrey giggles next to you, making you grin and while things aren’t perfect, there is no other place you would rather be.
Tagged: @marilynroselleprentiss, @saviorinsilk, @chokemepaulson, @versonstar, @find-me-a-constellation, @cordwliagoode, @psychobitchtess, @midnight-lestrange, @mysweetdelia, @venablesbitch, @peachesandlesbians, @nerdaroo, @cordeliafoxxe, @leskaksel, @lovelymspaulson, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly
Let me know if you would like to be tagged in later works!
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sams-sass · 4 years
The Others pt. 2
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Hi!! Here is part two to this series! So happy you guys are liking this. Thanks for all the love. 
Read Part One, Three, Four, and FiveHere:
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Summary: You, Sam, and Dean look for your friend. Things begin to heat up between you and Sam
Characters: You, Sam, Dean
Pairings: Sam x Psychic!Reader
Warnings: angst, discussions of death, injury, fluff
Sam and Dean busted through the door, guns out and ready for a fight. You were still standing in the same spot, your phone still in your hand. Your eyes were wide but unseeing as shock and fear settled deep within your gut. Sam touched your shoulder, allowing you to breathe. Dean took off, searching your apartment with precision.
“Did she say anything?” Sam asked you, his eye brows coming together and shoulders hunching. You shook your head as the tears filled your eyes. “Could she be anywhere else?” He was trying hard to sound as calm and relaxed as possible so he didn’t freak you out anymore then you already were. You blinked and closed your eyes trying to think of Jenny’s schedule. You knew she didn’t have class and all activities had been cancelled. You looked up at Sam, finding peace in his eyes.
“No, she should be here.” Your voice was just above a whisper. You walked away and into her room, looking around for a clue. Her cellphone sat on her bed, your blood froze in your veins. You picked it up and a vision almost knocked you off your feet.
Jenny sat on her bed flipping through a magazine, music playing in the background. She was laughing when she heard a noise from the living room, her head shot up. She called out your name while holding her breath. No one answered. Her door creaked open and she let out a scream.
“Where is she? Where is Y/N?” Brandon asked, his lip curling with anger.
“I don’t know, please.” Jenny was sobbing, her face contorting in sorrow and confusion. He didn’t answer, just gave her a wicked smile before charging at Jenny and effortlessly taking her with him.
You blinked back into the present and dropped her phone, covering your mouth and falling to your knees. Sam and Dean were in the doorway, confusion and fear on their faces.
“He’s got her. I saw him. He took her. He took her.” You were shaking, your voice was high pitched and frantic in the quiet apartment. You started to cry and your wails bounced off the walls of Jenny’s empty room.
“Who has her?” Sam asked you, he walked over to you and knelt in front of you, taking your shoulders in his large hands.
“Brandon. I don’t know his last name, but he’s in one of my classes. I hate the way I feel when I’m near him, there is so much evil in him.” Your hands were in your hair, holding your head up as your elbows rested on your knees.
“Ok, ok. Brandon, we will find him and get Jenny back.” Sam was staring at you, everything in you wanted to bury yourself in his chest. Let him hold you until the sun came up. Instead you stood up, letting Sam help.
“No you don’t understand. He wanted me, he came here with the intention to take me but he found Jenny instead. This is all my fault. He wants me.” You placed your hand on your stomach, feeling sick and uneasy. Sam and Dean exchanged a look. Sam touched your back and gave you a soft smile.
“Y/N, is there anyone you can stay with? We can take you home?” He asked you, bending down slightly to look into your face.
“No, no. I can’t leave without knowing Jenny is ok. No one here knows about my gifts, I don’t have anywhere to go.” You were devastated. You wanted so badly to wake up from this nightmare.
“This is going to sound crazy, but you can stay with us until we find Jenny and figure all this out.” Sam gave you an awkward look, trying hard to not sound creepy. You looked at him and then back at Dean who gave you a little half smile, you weighed your options. You couldn’t stay here and you couldn’t go to your parents. You didn’t know why you trusted Sam so much, but you did. Everything about him seemed trustworthy, like you could fully rely on him.
“Yeah, ok.” You nodded and walked into your room and began throwing things into a bag. You were shaking and scared, everything you knew was crumpling around you. Your roommate and best friend was missing, a guy who terrified you was looking for you, and the only people you could trust were two strangers. They lead you back to their car and you all drove to the motel again, the ride was quiet and tense. Both boys offered for you to get your own room, but you really didn’t want to be alone. You took a top sheet off the bed and laid it over the couch, scattering it with your blankets in order to make your own bed. You then sat down on one of the beds and folded into yourself, feeling exposed and vulnerable in your new surroundings. Sam sat next to you and Dean across from you on the other bed.
“So, tell us about this Brandon guy. You said he is in one of your classes.” Dean leaned forward and focused his eyes on you.
“Yeah, he would sit near me a lot in class. He always kind of freaked me out, to be honest. Two days after the first girl went missing he asked me for a pen, nothing crazy. When our fingers touched I had a vision of him drugging my drink and sitting next to me on a couch. It’s really weird though because I would never hang out with him. Like I said, there was something I really didn’t like about him. The way he looked at me, like he was waiting for me almost. He followed me out of class and asked me to go with him, it was really weird and sudden. I said that I was busy and practically ran away from him. He seemed so evil, there was something swirling inside of him. This dark and hateful force that seeped out of every pore in his body. When he turned his head, I swear I…its stupid.” You let your voice trail off, knowing that it was a tiny and dumb detail.
“What is it? I’m sure we have heard crazier.” Sam smiled at you, asking you to tell them.
“Well, I thought I smelt sulfur.” You said, shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders. Sam’s lips parted and a quiet expletive left his mouth. “What? What is it?” His reaction made you nervous.
“The smell of sulfur signifies a demon. Brandon is probably possessed by a demon.” Dean answered, straightening his back and looking right at you. Your brow furrowed and you let a small and shocked laugh out, looking between the two boys. Neither of their faces changed, you realized they were serious and your heart dropped to the floor. “Oh my god, you’re not kidding.” You closed your eyes and pressed your hands to your face, feeling the fear slide up your spine. A demon! How the hell were you going to save Jenny from a demon.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, this is a lot to take in.” Sam seemed genuinely sorry, like he would do anything to take you out of this situation.
“Thanks, yeah it is a lot to absorb. I just wanna help my friend.” You bit your lip and curled into yourself even further.
Dean ordered food and the three of you sat down at the table to eat. You were so upset that you really just moved your food around and asked them a series of questions about demons and what they might want. Both boys couldn’t come up with an answer. It didn’t make any sense to any of you, why would a demon go to a random college and start killing girls? What would they gain from that?
“So, what is our next step?” You asked, you found your eyes drifting to Sam again.
“Well, we have to find where he is keeping them, my guess is its not a dorm room.” Sam took a swig of beer, leaving a sheen over his lips. You nodded and narrowed your eyes in thought. Where would he be keeping them? Everywhere on campus was used and someone would hear if he was in an off campus apartment. You licked your bottom lip and let it catch between your teeth. Your eyes moved around and then you looked up. You had an idea.
“I think I might know a place.” You stood up, pacing. “This is an old college, like one of the first around. When tuberculosis hit they shut down the college and made it into an sanitarium for a while. When it became a college again, that sanitarium became the main dorm building. About ten years ago they renovated a lot of buildings, but they also abandoned some and built all new ones. I guess they were condemned unlivable because there was so much asbestos in them or something. Those buildings still exist and the main dorm building, the sanitarium is one of them that is completely abandoned.” You were talking with your hands, excitement at finding Jenny coursed through you. Dean and Sam didn’t say a word as they both stood up from the table, grabbing their jackets. You raced to the impala and Dean fishtailed out of the parking lot. You directed from the backseat to where the buildings were. You didn’t know how you were going to pull this off, there were cops all over campus and they frequently drove into this area, searching for people. Dean parked on the street a little bit away from the buildings and opened the trunk. Your eyes went wide with the array of weapons and random things within the trunk. Dean turned to you, giving you a hard look.
“What?” You said, cocking an eyebrow.
“You’re not going in there.” His face was serious, eyes narrowed at you. You stared back with anger in your face, blood rushing to your cheeks. How could he tell you that you weren’t allowed in there? It was your roommate. Your best friend. Jenny meant a hell of a lot more to you than she did to him. It was your fault she was even caught up in this mess anyway.
“The hell I’m not. That’s my best friend in there! My best friend who was kidnapped by a demon because of me! Get out of my way Dean because I am going in there.” You tried to walk past him, but he grabbed your arm and spun you around to look at him again. Sam stepped forward and took his brothers hand off your arm gently. He faced you and let out a breath before speaking.
“Y/N, we have no idea what we are walking into here, we are just trying to keep you from getting hurt.” Sam said things more gently, his eyes were sincere and his shoulders were hunched slightly. You took large breaths into your lungs and tried to see where they were coming from. Just then a scream rung out through the dark, piercing the night sky. Your head turned and you took off towards the building. Sam and Dean were behind you, running with you, too caught up in everything to argue with you anymore. You all busted through the door and the scream sounded again, you immediately ran in the direction of the scream through large double doors. There was another scream from the other side of the building, you all turned and Sam and Dean took off. The doors in front of you slammed right behind Deans back. You were trapped. Trapped in an abandoned sanitarium. They all came out then. All the abandoned spirits in this abandoned building. You could hear Sam slamming his body against the door. Hear his screams laced with anger and fear. Your breathing became quick and your heart rate picked up. Sam’s screams were soon drowned out by the voices of all the others around you. Your whole body was covered in sweat and goosebumps. You covered your ears as the yelling got louder inside your head. You fell to your knees as your face contorted in pain. You let out a scream of your own. It felt like the walls were closing around you, your vision became blurry and your chest felt like it was on fire. Your lungs couldn’t pull in enough air anymore and you crumpled to the floor.
Sam heard another scream at the end of the building and ran through the threshold of the doorway. He heard the door slam. He turned his head and saw that you were trapped behind the door. He rammed his whole body into the door repeatedly. Dean on the other side of him. He was calling your name, screaming for you to answer him. He heard your screams now too and his heart rate sky rocketed. His chest was rising and falling in large heavy breaths. Suddenly the door gave way and Sam almost lost his balance falling through. You were laying in the middle of the floor. You were bleeding from your nose and ears. Your hair was scattered around, covering your face slightly. Sam ran to you, there was something about you. He felt this connection to you deep within his bones. He could barely control himself around you. You were beautiful and smart. You charged in here without a fear in the world to save someone you cared about. He gathered you into his arms, your eyes fluttered open slightly and your face fell into one of shock and exhaustion. He pulled you tight against his chest, holding you bridal style as he made his way back to the car with you. He sat in the backseat with you, your back against his chest as Dean searched the rest of the building. Dean came out with nothing but a tape recorder. The only thing on it was a recording of the scream they had heard all night.
“What the hell is going on man?” Sam asked in a whisper, trying not to wake you.
“I don’t know, but we gotta take care of that girl.” Dean answered, nodding his head at you before he turned around and drove back to the motel. Sam placed you on the couch and pulled blankets around you. He got a washcloth, putting some warm water on it to clean up your bloody nose and ears. You stirred slightly and then sat up with a loud gasping breath filling your lungs. You grabbed your chest and closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself. Sam touched your shoulder, helping you gather yourself into the present.
“There were so many.” You said, your voice cracking with emotion.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked you, his kind eyes finding yours.
“Spirits. There were so many of them, I couldn’t sort them out. They were all screaming at me in my head. They are all there still there, none of them found rest.” You ran your hands through your hair and closed your eyes trying to breathe through your nose and calm down. Dean came over and sat next to his brother.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” Sam gave you a little smile.
“I’m sorry too, Y/N, look we uh we found something. We found this tape recorder.” Dean pulled it out of his pocket and hit play. The scream sounded throughout the small motel room, making your ears ring. You jumped slightly and your skin began to crawl with realization.
“Oh my, God. It was a trap. He wanted me there.” You looked between the two of them. “I need a drink.” Your head fell forward slightly from the complexity of the whole thing.
“My kinda woman.” Dean stood and poured three glasses of whiskey. You took yours and sipped, crinkling your nose against the harsh burn.
“Now we know that we just have to be more careful moving ahead.” Sam nodded at you, his eyes searching your face.
You all drank for about an hour and then Dean passed out on the bed, falling into it face first. You took a shower and let the water relax your muscles and mind. Then you went out and sat on the couch with Sam for a while. You pulled your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around them, making yourself small. Sam played with his glass, it looked ridiculously small in his large hands. The amber liquid swirled at the bottom as you stared at Sam’s side profile. He looked like there was something on his mind, something he wanted to talk about.
“Sam.” You spoke, he jumped a little and then looked at you with an open face.
“Yeah?” He was staring at you, there was an electric energy between the two of you and it was making your skin buzz.
“I feel like you want to ask me something.” You licked your bottom lip and let it catch between your teeth, raising one eyebrow.
“When did you know?” He asked you, his chest turning towards you, one leg coming up on the couch.
“I was six years old, it was the middle of the night and I got this tingle up my spine. The air felt heavy and thick around me, like it was charged with energy. I saw my breath and when I looked up, I saw a man. He looked weird though, pale and cold. He touched my shoulder and called me ‘button’. I screamed and my parents ran in my room. I told them what happened and they told me it was a bad dream, like most parents would. I was so little that I just went back to bed and didn’t think about it much more. A few days later, my mom was looking through photo albums when I saw him. I asked who it was and my mom told me it was my grandpa. I said that he was in my room the other night and that he called me button. My moms face fell and she started to cry. She grabbed my shoulders and was screaming asking me how I knew that he called her button. They still didn’t believe because why would they. I kept seeing people though and my parents could easily find their obituaries. Eventually, my mom took me to see a psychic and she told my mom that I had gifts. It was like that for a long time and then as I got older, I started to do research on my own. It was then that I found the term “psychic medium” and I knew that’s what I was.” You raised the glass to your lips and polished off the rest of your whiskey.
“That’s amazing.” He said with a small smile, his dimples showing on his handsome face. You looked up at him from under your lashes, amazed yourself. This was the first time that you had told anyone about your gifts, your story. You were astounded and shocked that Sam didn’t jump up and call you a freak before storming away. He trusted you and you him.
“What about yours?” You asked him, leaning forward slightly.
“Right, well about a year ago I started having these visions of my girlfriend dying. I freaked out and tried to ignore them as best I could, and then it happened. Jess, she died in a fire that I saw happen night after night. I didn’t know what to do and I hated myself, I couldn’t look at myself. It was all my fault. Then I started having these visions about these other people and how they were in danger. Or in some cases, how they were causing danger. I still don’t fully understand it and why it started when it did, but it has helped me save some people.” He was once again swirling the whiskey at the bottom of his glass, not looking at you.
“I have a feeling you have saved your share of people, Sam.” You smiled at him, looking into his hazel eyes.
“I wish it didn’t make me feel like such a freak. Or make Dean look at me like I’m such a freak.” Sam shook his head in frustration.
“Do you think I’m a freak?” You asked him, tilting your head towards him.
“What? No, of course not.” He looked astonished, like he couldn’t understand why you would ask him that.
“Then why would you be a freak?” You placed your hand on his, sending him a smile and a small chuckle. He looked at you, he looked relived and almost happy.
“I’m going to do whatever I can to help you find your friend.” Sam leaned forward, his fingers still intertwined in yours.
“I know, I’m psychic remember.” You were both smiling at each other now. You didn’t know this man, but you trusted him and that was literally all you had right now.
Tags: @that-one-gay-girl​
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calypsoff · 3 years
Seventy Eight.
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Robyn and these bright ideas, not in a bad way but she starts something, and it never ends. So she has been complaining about Rylee having too many clothes which to me, it doesn’t bother me that she has but it’s getting under her feet and there is too many boxes around the house and I must admit she has a lot of things. Double of everything, and I mean everything. So Tina is here, Yusuf and Myla are here I think her name is. So what has happened is Tina found a place we can donate too, which is nice, but Tina said it would be nice if we go there and deliver it ourselves. Robyn said yes so now I am loading up the boxes in the van, a whole van of stuff but Robyn ended up paying out for more things. She’s bought diapers and wipes and things like that. Added more things because she said it’s hard for new mothers, so Rich and I have been loading up the van and Robyn is getting ready to go to the place, which is nice of her, I think Robyn has been dying to go out, she’s been hating being at home every day so she’s excited and we are taking Rylee with us so we got Rich and Frank here as protection and we are spending time there. I felt bad and ended up buying baby food also, I wanted to give because it is hard out there and I’m gonna get sad seeing some of these kids and families that do struggle, I have been blessed in so many ways so I do want to give back in that sense because it’s only right “your daughter is popular” Rich said, I chuckled jumping out of the van “I can’t believe we found three more strollers for nothing, I mean it’s nice that she got a lot but Robyn is right, clogging up the home a little” sighing out, sitting on the edge of the van sighing out again because shit is hard work, I have been at it because Robyn can’t do all this.
I am sweating “so how is it going to work now since there is a baby with us? Who you going to protect?” It’s a little different now “not going to be around your big headed self” he laughed “I am joking so Robyn said that Rylee will be in her stroller and that you’re going to be more with her, but here and there Frank will be with you. And to make sure nobody takes a picture of her inside that stroller, but yeah. I think you’re going to be the protector Chris” I chuckled “cool, I was thinking that. It’s hard now, but my daughter will be the main person I watch over. I am shocked she even said let’s take her, this sounds more like a Jay Brown plan to me” I pointed “you could be right you know but it’s different now, having a baby around. I will be even more stressed out, watching Robyn then Rylee, pushing you to the side. Joking but yeah, it’s a blessing and she is so beautiful Chris, she’s really going to have the world at their knees. It’s a big thing because everyone wants that picture, but it should be a peaceful setting” squinting my eyes “hey neighbours!” Justin Bieber said as he rode his bike towards me “oh shit, hey” jumping off the van edge, he stopped his bike at the side of “you ok brother?” Dapping him “I am good, thank you so much for the gifts. The Justin gear too?” We both laughed “got to start the fandom young but I was thinking, and I was like she would appreciate some custom Drew pieces, but come down some time, we could go and ride some bikes or whatever” nodding my head in agreement “I got you bro” he is a good guy “like I got a party soon, so come to that neighbour” I laughed out “neighbourly love bro, appreciate it” dapping him again.
Making my way up the stairs, see what the ladies are doing. Including Yusuf of course, he deserves that. Clearly my throat as I got to the top and made my way to our bedroom that is fully of people of course, this is how Robyn likes it “you stealing Rylee now?” Tina is here just stealing my daughter silently too, looking down at my daughter she is awake “I heard her whining so I thought I would get her for Robyn” my daughter looks content someone has picked her up “cool, is Robyn ok?” I asked, not spoken to her since I had to load all those parcels in “she is, she feels weird that she is getting ready and stuff, but she will be ok. She wore a dress but then realised her boobs were leaking so we decided that we wear something less revealing and thin” letting out an oh, she might feel sensitive about that now “she’s here, I adore her so much already Rih!” Tina spat, walking in behind Tina, Robyn is wearing white sweatpants and sweatshirt with some off white Jordan’s “you all good?” I asked Robyn “I like your hair baby; you got some bundles in? I like when your hair is all out and straight like that” Robyn put her head down smiling “first time she has smiled” Yusuf said “she looks beautiful, of course. So I did it, I loaded the van with everything so we ready to go” I grinned at Robyn, she looks nice with her hair out, I like it but she seems very unsure.
Shifting around my clothes trying to pick out a nice tee to go with the cut-off jeans that I got but I can’t decide at all; I’ve been very careful with how I get my clothes out because Robyn can’t be tidying up after me now “hey” looking behind me “you been watching me all that time?” I laughed grabbing the Bape tee “I will just wear this, I guess” it will go well anyways, it like this Bape tee “ain’t you supposed to be feeding Rylee” looking up at Robyn “hey, what’s wrong?” She’s all emotional, what the hell and who the hell upset her “twin, hey” placing my tee on the middle aisle and made my way to her “please stop crying, hey” wrapping my arm around her “I feel so embarrassed Chris, like the old me would get changed in front of them and just be free, I have those badges on my scar still and then when I had my dress on it was wet on my boobs because it was leaking, I don’t like it Chris, I don’t feel like me” I hate this for her “Robyn, you are literally still a new mother, Rylee is barely a month and you’re out. Things like this can happen but you look so good, I am super proud of what you are doing for the charity. This is what it is for but honestly Robyn when I saw you I had to compliment you and you knew that I said straight away. You look fine, don’t feel that way at all ok? You’re being so sensitive” turning to Robyn as I held her close, Robyn wrapped her arms around my torso, she is just feeling emotional “you really think I do look good?” she asked “you do Robyn, if you didn’t look good I would have said it to you, trust me” she is so sweet “thank you poppa, I love you” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “and you” she is so sweet.
Random but I just went on Instagram live, well actually I went onto Tyga’ to say hi and then I had these Rihanna fans just say it so I thought fuck it, let me do it. I got like five thousand people in this thing which is crazy. It does keep on getting higher too, but I am in the office so it’s like they can see nobody. Squinting my eyes staring at the comments “my throat is ready, wow” I laughed moving my face back “so is Robyn’ ma, I am good on that” bringing the phone back into my view, there is a lot of questions in this thing “how is Rihanna, she is good. Healing, Rylee and Robyn. They are both good, thank you. What is my beat feature? On my face or what?” furrowing my eyebrows, I am unsure of that or what they even meant “I am just waiting on Robyn currently, oh my face. Erm, I don’t have one. I ain’t that kind of nigga, you can ignore Tyga, he is lying out in these streets and it’s twin, I like to call her twin because she is my twin, she is my other half you know. Like you have your soul partner, she is your other half, so she is your twin, so that is my twin. Can you see Rylee, no. I mean there is nothing wrong with her, but we are just trying to spend time with her, you know” getting up from the seat “Robyn and I currently” opening the office door “we are just gathering some gear, Rylee has been so spoilt by everyone, we just appreciate it but we are giving things we don’t need or that Rylee will grow out of, just a little something. Giving back” making my way to the kitchen to get a drink “where do you keep the baby bottles?” Tina asked, I don’t even know “Oh, they are all upstairs washed” Tina rolled her eyes “she said pack the bag, I don’t even know” Tina walked off, opening the fridge door “but that is what we doing right now, it’s hard. If anyone say that having a baby is easy, trust me it isn’t” I smiled kicking the fridge close, leaning over the counter staring at my phone “besides Rihanna music who do I like, I erm, I would say Drake. Not being biased but he good, I love your clothing line, thank you ma. Appreciate the love” this little live thing is actually rather dope; I like it because you get to interact with the people.
Parking up outside the building with the van just behind me with Rich and Frank inside “what you think to my driving Tina?” looking over at the front seat, she is riding in the front seat with me because Robyn is sat in the back with our baby of course. Unbuckling my seatbelt as I got out of the car “I love the car Chris, I really do” she complimented, opening Robyn’ car door “beautiful momma” I said smiling “stop it” she mumbled, walking off to open the trunk to get the stroller out. It’s a lot to do now you have baby, grabbing the stroller out of the trunk. Pulling the tabs and popped it open, that was easy now “get her out” I said to Robyn as she walked around the car “least shit is quiet here” Rich said, he is right. I am glad that it is, I didn’t want our first outing with Rylee to be a mess “I can’t believe how much hair she has, like how she gets so much of it it’s so cute. Her hair is light brown too” Tina is saying “get the car seat out for me actually” Robyn said to Tina “y’all want me to do it?” I asked, these women be passing the book on “I can do it, oh wait. You know what, let Chris do it” I knew that would have happened, shaking my head laughing as I made my way to the car to take out the car seat. Rylee is asleep still, I think she likes car journeys “it just clicks out from the sides, it’s pretty straight forward but I will do it” picking it out of the car and walking to the stroller with it “and then it clicks into here” hearing the click “just like that” I grinned “see, he knows how to do all that. I am going to be speaking to the people here Chris, your jobs is Rylee. Nobody goes near that stroller, besides us. Keep the blanket draped over at all times” Robyn did her little speech, I just nodded my head agreeing,
Pushing the stroller inside, they have a videographer here, didn’t know they would but Robyn didn’t say anything so she knew of it “it is such a pleasure meeting you Rihanna, I am Norah and this is Kelly” the two ladies shook Robyn’ hand “hi, I would introduce myself but I am sure you know” Norah laughed “when I got the phone call I was so shocked, then I saw the van pull up. The team is helping bring it into the place, we actually have single mothers living here, we have some mothers that come just to pick things up. We have kids up to the age of five here because we are also a dayc care for mothers that need to work, donations play a big role in the place and to hear this, Kelly would have even agree with me, I shed a tear. It’s hard, and we have just got a new influx of new mothers, and we want to congratulate you on being a new mother yourself, how are you all doing?” she asked “ok thank you, I think the hard part for me is staying in one place. I am so used to travelling, being free and doing what I please and I am used to that. Just being indoors is different but it’s tiring, like between my husband and I we take it in turns, we aren’t just splashing on a nanny, that is not us, so I know how hard it is, on top of the clothing and gear my husband and I have bough diapers, wipes, more toys to put towards this, being a mother myself now you know how to feels and to be helpless is even worse” I can tell Robyn does feel for them, even when she said buy bulk diapers, she meant it.
There is a lot of teenage new mothers here, it’s crazy just seeing it all. Following behind them and into the hall that is now filled with everything we bought “can we have a picture of yourself and your husband please” looking at Tina “here” moving away from the stroller, she took over the stroller and now she better not move away from that stroller at all “we just want to thank you so much, to the both of you. This has been more then enough for the people that come here” walking behind Robyn to stand in front of the stuff with her, turning around and shuffle closer to Robyn “awwww Chris, look at the kids” seeing little kids being bought out, poking my bottom lip out. They look so shy “that is Rihanna, my mommy loves Rihanna” oh these kids are cute “can you both look at the camera for me” Norah said, looking at the camera smiling. I am excited to see these kids, they are just so excited to see Robyn more then anything “thank you, we thought it would be nice if you meet the kids we have here, come on” the little girl that said about her mommy loving Rihanna was the first to come, she is not shy at all.
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jawritter · 5 years
The Fool
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A/N: No real warnings here. Maybe a little angst, some fluff if you squint. I've never done a writing style like this one. I heard this song in my sister's care the other day though and it just stuck with me.
Song: The Fool 
By: Lee Ann Womack
A/N: Again feedback is appreciated!! All mistakes are mine!! If you want to be added to the tag list let me know!!
..... You don't know me, but I know who you are; mind if I sit down.
You see her. Sitting across the bar at a booth leaning on a man that looked to be wealthy, judging by the way he was dressed. Laughing at something that he said. "It probably wasn't even that funny."
You watch as her date gets up and excuses himself, giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking toward the door. You look across the bar before you make your move, making sure Dean didn't see you at all. So far he hadn't seen her, and you intended to keep it that way. At least until you were done anyway.
Dean was oblivious to you or to Lisa even being in the building. He and Sam where hustling pool in the far corner of the dark roadhouse looking bar. This place was contradictory to what you thought Lisa would frequent, but this was a small town, not very many places to hang out; her options were probably limited as it was.
You made your way over to the corner both she was sitting at digging through her purse, looking for her phone as you sat down in the seat across from her. She froze when she saw you, looking at you like she'd seen a ghost.
Do I look familiar if I don't well I should? I'm sure you've seen me around.
"Y/n, " she said, still frozen with her hand in her purse, fear starting to creep its way into her perfectly tanned features. 
I know you've probably heard my name, though we've not been introduced... I'm the fool in love with the fool. Who's still in love with you...
"Lisa," you say, staring at the woman as she slowly removes her hand from her purse. She was looking you over like she was sure she was hallucinating you like you weren't really there, she'd just had a little too much to drink. You were real though. Very real. 
"Don't worry Lisa, I'm not here to fight. I just thought it was about time you and I meet, I promise I won't take much of your time," you tell her and she relaxes a little. 
"So your Dean's new girlfriend," she says through tight lips, taking in your every movement as you bring your beer up closer to your lips and take a deep swig. You were seriously fighting the losing battle of trying to control the urge to gut her right here in this backwoods bar she was dumb enough to walk into.
You snicker in response to keep from saying something to smart ass.
... If you've got a minute I'll buy you a drink. I've got something to say...
"Can I buy you a drink, Lisa?" you say, finishing yours off in one pull and sit it down on the table. Again she still watching you, afraid you might pounce on her if she moved too quickly. Almost like she was dealing with a rabid dog.
"What do you want Y/N? You've never contacted me before. I haven't contacted Dean. We haven't spoken in years...." 
You held up your hand to stop her little spill. You didn't have time to hear her excuses. To be honest you didn't really care. 
You'd be lying to say she wasn't beautiful because she was. You could see why Dean still loved her so much. Why he never could quite let her go...
"I'm not accusing you of anything Lisa. I know you haven't tried to contact Dean. Hell, he doesn't even know you’re here right now. I just wanted to finally get a good look at the woman he's really still in love with."
It might sound crazy, but last night in his sleep I heard him call out your name. This ain't the first time he's done it before, and it's hard to face the truth. I'm the fool in love with the fool who's still in love with you.
"What do you mean he's still in love with me? Dean and I haven't spoken since he left the hospital, he tried to have an angle erase my memory, but when we moved back down here, when I was packing I came across his shirt, it still smelt like him. It triggered all those memories that the man in the trench coat had told me were going to go away....." 
You sat there listening to her. Mentally kicking Cas's ass for not making sure he'd gotten everything. 
"I swear to you though, I'd never contact Dean. Not after what happened to me," she said, fidgeting with her hands nervously. "He literally walked out on my son and me, what the hell makes you say that Dean still is in love with me.."
Taking a swig of the fresh beer the waitress sat down in between the two of you, you looked over across the room and watched Dean laughing with his head thrown back leaning on a pool stick, clinking his beer with some random dude he'd been trying to get drunk enough to kick his ass in pool. Not that he needed to get the guy drunk, he was probably just doing it for kicks at this point. You couldn't help the small smile that spread over your face watching him. 
Even though he didn't believe you, he was beautiful. 
"He's called your name out in his sleep before. He still dreams of you. He still has Ben's Halloween costume in his trunk, and he still carries your picture in his wallet. I've caught him looking at it more than once." you say, letting your words trail off as you watched the man that you loved more than your own life. 
Lisa sat silently watching you watch him.
I know love is a fragile thing, and I'm trying hard to make it last. But It ain't easy holding on to my dream when he's holding on to the past...
"Y/N he loves you, he doesn't love me. He made his choice. I'm nothing but a memory," she said, watching you closely as she tightened the grip on her purse. She was clearly still afraid that you might decide to shoot her where she sat. Honestly, you'd thought about it...
"That's the thing, Lisa, Dean always had trouble letting go of the past.."
Just one more thing before I go, I'm not here to put you down. You don't love him and that's a fact, girl I've seen you around. 
"Lisa, I'm not here to fight with you, or hurt you. I just wanted to see what Dean sees. See I kill monsters for a living, but you know hat's easy to kill. It's easy to destroy something that you can get your hands on, but fighting a memory... Getting to destroy that... There are no bones to salt and burn for memory... I'm not talking about you either, I know you don't want Dean. I've seen you more than once in here with your flavor of the week. I'm talking about Dean's memory, the false impersonation of the person he THINKS you are. When really, you were nothing but an unsupportive whore."
But you hold his heart in the palm of your hand, and it's breaking mine in two. 'Cause I'm the fool in love with the fool, who's still in love with you.
Standing up you throw some money down on the table to pay for the drinks. Lisa sits quietly watching your every move. 
"I can't control the way he feels about you. I'll always fight for him, I'll tell you this though, you ever try and walk back into his life, and I will kill you... That's the only warning I'll give you. Next time you won't see me coming." 
You get up and turn your back on her, and she makes a bolt for the back door. You can hear her boots hitting the hardwood floor as she runs for the back exit. You couldn't help but smirk at the fact that she was afraid of you. 
"Who where you talking to sweetheart?" Dean says, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you close to him, his lips making their way down your neck. The alcohol always did make Dean a little frisky. 
"No one important. Let's me and you get out of here, leave this place, and this fucking town. Make new memories somewhere else..." 
"Okay," he says, looking at you a little concerned now. He motions for Sammy as the two of you make your way to baby waiting out in the parking lot. His arm wrapped tightly around your waist. 
He didn't see her, but she watched from the safety of her own car as he opened the door for you, and made his way to the driver's side of Baby. Her mind going a thousand miles a second.
"Dean still loves me," she whispered as she watched the tail lights of the impala that has haunted her dreams drive away into the night.
I'm the fool in love with the fool, who's still in love with you.......
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